#why does my parents gives birth to the worst people ever
scoptartz · 2 years
I freaking hate this girl so much it's not funny. she's about to become the next top 3 person i despise. istg this lady gets on my nerves she's 30 and lives with her parents and AND says the hard R!!!! don't act like you're fucking better than me when you don't have a job, you're racist, 30 no home, and u get zero bitches!!!
I can tell you how many times my sister and other people complain about you. so stop acting like I'm on everyone's nerves when you are also on everyone's nerves too and I have proof.
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scientia-rex · 3 months
I feel like disappointment in Biden is baffling to me because he was always a disappointment. He was the asshole who got to ride to power on the coattails of a better man. He told bizarre and repeated lies (despite getting caught at it and his team telling him not to) about having a Welsh coal miner dad when he did not and he stole that story from actual Welsh people. I read a profile of him years back that pointed this out and told the story of the time he straight up ignored good advice from an expert not to plant a certain kind of tree too close together and flew a bunch of them out to plant, at night because he was just too fucking excited about it, and they all died. He’s not a smart man! He’s charismatic ish and lacks principles and as far as I can tell doesn’t really care about abortion rights or a lot of things we’d consider pretty critical to preserving freedom. I sincerely thought he couldn’t become President because there were so many obviously better candidates in the pool. I underestimated the sexism and antisemitism in American politics, and when he became the candidate in 2020 I gritted my teeth and voted for him because the alternative was a man who is not only an idiot but also profoundly dangerous. Trump is not ha-ha crazy, he’s Mussolini crazy. He is not dangerous because he’s stupid, although that doesn’t help; he’s dangerous because he does not care about anyone except himself under any circumstances and if that means he lets the far right push us straight into forced birth for white women and sterilization for women of color he’s going to do that. If that means conversion therapy for queers and death penalty for homosexual acts he’s going to do that. He has literally no limits. If he gets back into power, a whole lot of people are going to die, again. It’s not a hypothetical because it happened the first time and he’s only going to get worse.
I am not, never have been, and never will be a fan of Biden. To pretend that he and Trump are in any way equivalent is wrong at best and another goddamn Russian psy-op at worst. To pretend that a third party candidacy is viable in the US is to completely ignore every election of your lifetime and your parents’ lifetimes, and to further ignore the lesson of Ross Perot.
You cannot save Palestinians by not voting for Biden in November; the best you can do is chip away at his margin, and the worst you can do is see Trump elected so he can decide to do the worst possible thing in ever circumstance. Biden has Palestinian blood on his hands and watching this when we could have had Bernie or Elizabeth Warren instead is maddening. (I would have preferred Hillary to Trump, but I don’t think she’d be any different than Biden here. They’re both old-school politicians.)
I hate everything about this, and I hate that saying “maybe don’t put the man who literally said he would kill his political enemies in power” is seen as supporting genocide. It’s acknowledging reality. Joe Biden as a person can eat rocks for all I care. I was kind of hoping he’d die sooner in his term so we’d have time to get used to and then vote for President Harris. (Remember when the line was “she’s a cop, don’t vote for her”? Funny how there’s always a reason not to vote for a woman or a person of color or someone you just “don’t like” and can’t put a finger on why except she “seems angry.” Oh does she. How would she not? When Michelle fucking Obama, the picture of grace , STILL got called angry for having the nerve to be a Black woman with an opinion? When Hillary Clinton lost to a man with no political experience to her decades and who openly discussed sexually assaulting women? Would you have voted for President Harris? Or would you let Trump win again because you don’t LIKE her personally and she’s made decisions and statements you disagree with?)
Biden has both less power than his critics give him credit for and more power than his fans give him credit for. He needs to do more to pressure Israel and although it’s a delicate diplomatic situation I’d rather see us fuck up our diplomatic relationship with Israel than watch more Palestinians get murdered for things like “wanting to eat” and “existing.” The line has been crossed, and he doesn’t see it. Because he wasn’t the best person for the job. Because they didn’t get elected, because of sexism/antisemitism/racism. Hell, I have no idea what bootlicker Pete Buttegieg would have done here, but I’d have given him a try. But no. We got Biden and we’re stuck with this reality where you can be as leftist as you want and still have to look at the situation and decide whether you’re comfortable contributing to a Trump victory through inaction. I want socialism—I want every single person on Earth to have clean drinking water, enough safe food, shelter, medical care, and education—and I’m going to vote for Biden, pissy as it makes me, because the only actual alternative is so, so much worse, for me personally as both a woman and a queer, and for everyone in America and the rest of the world who Trump would find reasons to hurt. What do you think the man who openly and repeatedly praises dictators is going to do when those dictators massacre their own people? Yes, we need to care about this genocide now. We also need to care about all of the other people who are at real risk, both at home and abroad. Would a Trump government agree to fund military intervention in Haiti without insisting on it being a colonial exercise in power? Would a Trump government roll back the restrictions on discriminating against transgender patients in healthcare? How would Trump respond if Orban started dragging people into the streets and shooting them en masse? How would Trump respond if China finally went for it and invaded Taiwan? There are more lives at stake here than mine or yours or even those of the Palestinians, who have deserved better for literally decades and are being mass killed in ways that should result in immediate sanctions, a war crimes trial, and the execution of Netanyahu.
The world deserves better from you than complicity in a Trump victory.
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fallenflowersfromgrace · 10 months
Alright the word vomit that is subject to change off my "Pericles and Jones gain braincells and realize that they are not going to give into the curse and don't blackmail the og Mystery Inc gang" au. I have a summary for that here.
This ended up being really long but it's the whole word vomit of the au of what I got so far.
So let's start with the basics: Why Pericles nopes out of the curse.
Simple. Realized he was being manipulated into joining those who came before him, and saw it as an insult to his intelligence to be manipulated by something smarter than him and refused to play the game. Plus, put his friends over his selfish desires because he realized they were all in danger in a way he didn't want them to be. Which in turn also helps Jones nope out because if the smart parrot of all things is telling you to not go after the curse after the massive amount of disappearances and the way mystery groups were targeted and how nothing good has ever come from people being involved in the curse, it would be a good idea to listen.
What does that mean for the OG Mystery Inc?
Pericles and Jones sat them down, told them for the love of all things under the sun DO NOT go looking into this because it's a curse and you're probably going to end up dead or something much worse. Divine intervention actually got them to listen...might have also been the fact Jones, an adult, and Pericles, someone they trusted, told them for their own safety not to look into it and Pericles even brought the history to the table to prove it. So they pretty much got to continue on with their lives and completely dodge a cursed bullet that would have shot them all at different times in the future. Nobody got black mailed and everyone is okay! ...sorta.
Brad and Judy and the accidental birth of Fred
(Just for context, the OG Gang always struck me as like second year high school when they got blackmailed into leaving so they're like, at this point, in their senior year) I see the OG Gang, at least Brad and Judy, keeping a positive relationship with Jones as he had access to the town's archives and would aid them on mysteries plus Jones may have become like an older brother figure to Brad. And I'll just share this piece from the current wip I am working on to explain what happens. "Brad and Judy had always had good heads on their shoulders. They were both smart and resourceful. They were in a healthy relationship that was seemingly going to follow them out of high school as well. But they were still kids despite both being eighteen but barely seniors. They were young. Really young when Brad had frantically showed up at Jones’ apartment." Aka Judy ended up accidentally pregnant during her final year of high school. Jones finds out first, and is the only one to know for sometime before Cassidy is helping Judy hold her hair back while she's puking out her guts on a near daily basis. Which in turn leads to the rest of the group knowing. Judy and Brad are completely underestimating what having a kid will mean. They are under the delusion that life will resume as normal after the birth of their unborn kid but also certain that they will be able to take care of him despite both of them still being in high school with plans to go into med school right after they graduate. And so, mystery solving is put on the back burner cuz no one wants to risk Judy's (and the baby's) safety. Brad and Judy hang out with Jones a lot more often since they don't have a lot of people in the know about Judy's pregnancy, and besides, Ricky and Cassidy are FINALLY working things out (more on that later) Jones is there when Judy has the baby. Both her and Brad realize at the worst possible time that they are not suitable to be parents, as both of them are still in school, they cannot afford to take care of him, and Judy fears that if they make him stay, he'll hate them in the future because they were too stubborn and too selfish to give him a better chance. Something out there intervenes again. Another wip to explain. “Was there ever a name in mind for him?” Jones wasn’t sure why he asked. Judy and Brad shared a look before Judy let out a soft laugh.  “We were going to name him Fred,” Brad explained.  “After you,” Judy clarified. And of course, Jones cannot just let these two kids he sees as younger siblings/close friends, just give their kid up to some stranger where his fate is uncertain after they told him they were going to name the baby after him. So Brad and Judy hand custody over to Jones, Jones keeps Fred's name as is because how could he not, and Fred Jones Jr is alive and well in the world. Brad and Judy are noted to be his uncle and aunt and try to be involved as they can (more on that later)
Ricky, Cassidy, and Pericles
Alright. I mentioned earlier that Ricky and Cassidy were starting to figure things out while Brad and Judy had the baby drama going on. the TLDR, without monsters chasing them on a weekly basis, and not having to hang out with the group as a whole as often, they hung out a lot more and got comfortable with each other because of it. Not to say they weren't comfortable before, but in a more "we can exist in each other's space and it isn't so incredibly awkward cuz we're both crushing on each other." Like both of them vibing to Ricky playing his keytar and just doing quality time together. Pericles is noted to have been canonically jealous of Cassidy. Well, since he's not being a selfish terrifying jerkward, he realizes that Ricky is growing up, and he actually has a chance to live now that he might not have had if they continued digging into the curse. Pericles realizes that Cassidy isn't the absolute worse because one, Cassidy makes Ricky happy. And two, if Ricky has to date anyone, Pericles rather it be Cassidy because that is the only person he is willing to share Ricky with.
So What Happens After?
Well, OG Gang grow up. They go to prom. Brad proposes to Judy. She says yes. They graduate. Cassidy is valedictorian. Brad and Judy get married in the summer before Mystery Inc finally comes to an end. As much as they loved Crystal Cove and all its unanswered questions, the young adults had to ask themselves who they were without it and wanted to find out. Brad and Judy go out of state to go to med school and study to become doctors. And may nor may not create a trap hustle on the side due to their coping methods of stress which is to build traps. Cassidy was prompted by Pericles to go into engineering, she refused and perused her passions now that she had the freedom to do so. And it is terrifying but incredibly badass. Ricky was going to go in as a journalist, changed majors and went into business. Ricky and Cassidy are not married yet. They talked about it, and had made off hand comments but they're fine where they're at. Timing is an issue again. Besides, they're happy and married in all the other ways but legally. (Maybe also cuz I wanted to get the Scooby Gang involved in the wedding party lol) Pericles, who has tagged along with Ricky and Cassidy to keep an eye on them, is glad that everyone left because that means the curse has less of reach to corrupt his friends. Fred grows up with Jones. But also an extended family in the form of the OG Gang. They try and visit for every winter break and birthday. Brad and Judy call every weekend. Cassidy and Ricky send him gifts in the mail. And Pericles be sending picture books. Fred end ups not having a lot of friends his first few years of school. He talks too much about traps and that's because when he was five, Brand and Judy had brought home a prototype net launcher that Fred found so cool he wanted to replicate it and that spawned his love of traps. It isn't until he's seven do Ricky and Cassidy move back home, with Ricky getting ownership of Destroido (it's debatable if he'll try and push for clean energy but considering the entity is still sorta alive and kicking, probably not) and Cassidy getting the K-Ghoul radio station, Brad and Judy confess that they're his parents, and he meet and befriends Shaggy and Velma, but Velma is more of his bestie in his early elem days since she's the only one who sorta understand trap talk and he understands part of her science talks since if it falls under physics, they're speaking similar languages in different fonts.
The rest of WIP that is subject to change
Brad and Judy move back when Fred is nine (they live near the high school and Fred splits his time between their house and Jones' but is usually more with Jones since his parents are usually busy and they don't want to neglect him) and Pericles is rightfully paranoid because his friends are all back in a place where something very evil and cursed is trying to get to them so he is on high alert. But, Pericles was somewhat cautious upon meeting Velma (when Fred was seven) because if Fred is the Brad/Judy spawn, Velma is the really smart friend in a sense that reminds him a little too much of Cassidy, and he's starting to worry about the curse slowly coming around the bend. But stuff should be fine...hopefully. Fred ends up having Daphne in his class when he's ten and she befriends him and he introduces her to Velma and Shaggy. And fifth grade is when Pericles nearly has a heart attack. Because now that Fred is older, he brings his friends around a lot more since Velma's mom is used to her always being at Fred's house (or the radio station when Jones can't watch them even tho Brad and Judy live nearby, they are still busy with med school), Shaggy is often forgotten to be picked up by his parents and catches a ride with Fred's dad (or sometimes Cassidy (who has become an established figure in the kid's lives as has Ricky and Pericles since they're always around Fred)) and Daphne doesn't have enough attention on her at home and hates being in the house when her parents are always so focused on her perfect sisters and here she can just be herself with her friends. Pericles is seeing the dots connect and he is paranoid. The Brad, Fred. The Judy, Daphne. The Cassidy, Velma. And the Ricky, Shaggy. He's pointed this out to his friends and they all do take notice but hope that it goes away. But it's fine. It is all totally fine. Even if the kids talk about Shaggy's dog, Scooby, that has an appetite as big as he does and likes watching movies and that they all really want to meet Scooby. But kids are full of imagination. Pericles has seen them turn a couch into a pirate ship. Has witnessed them saying that the animal heads on the wall were fantasy creatures that were going to kill them in their sleep. Made up a rumor about the forest around K-Ghoul was haunted and snatches children in the middle of the night. So he takes it all with a grain of salt when they mention things of Scooby talking. Until one day Shaggy delays the group on their way to Jone's house since he asked if he could bring his dog along since his parents don't want to be taking care of his dog when he isn't home. Pericles finds out three interesting things. One, Scooby talks. Two, the kids were not lying. Three, there are four kids, a talking animal, and that means that the curse is trying to take effect. It all hits the fan when the kids end up solving their first mystery fresh into middle school.
There's like a lot more mini details but this is like the basics lol
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helpfandom · 9 months
ELLO ITS ME @yandere-plague
OK so like I've had this idea for a story for so long and-
Okay so handsome dad is your dad and Nisha is your mom.
BUT Nisha, realising she's pregnant she ditches you somewhere on Pandora.
Another BUT some people from Lynchwood take you in.
So you grow up in Lynchwood and for plot reasons Nisha recognises you. She doesn't kill you but you know she hates you (you have no idea who your parents are)
Randomly you wake up on Helios. Then the fucking hyperion ceo walks in with some doctor and there're like. "Yup they are your kid"
You and Jack just stare at eachother in shock (and horror)
You are obviously scared shitless because you know he will throw you out of an airlock if you do so much as breathe wrong.
But then surprisingly he acts like such a nice dad to you even though you are literally having a panic attack just seeing him in person.
Idk if you want to write for this or something but 🤷‍♀️
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I'm so happy I spent like 3 minutes stimming and jumping because it's you! I love your writing, and to have one of my favourite people ask me, ME? for something?
Fun Fact! My longest post in Borderlands is Zane Flynt. Something I wrote as a tribute. To YOU [with 1,049 words] Anyway-
Ask, and ye shall receive.
TW: for Handsome Jack shenanigans, mentions of S3X, Handsome Jack, Perhaps a OOC Nisha, because I didn't play Nisha in Presequel, nor did I know she was in BL2. Allusions to abortion or miscarriage.
It had been a great night between the two that, to be quite honest, they both enjoyed, but unfortunately, Jack happened to have gotten her pregnant.
She was quite disappointed, especially since she got herself roped into giving birth to you rather than trying other methods. So, she gave birth, and then promptly left you in the middle of the road, hoping perhaps a skag wouldn't go hungry that night, or maybe someone who could actually care for you would show up before the animals arrived.
And with that out of the way, onto the real headcanons.
There had been some rumblings of a bandit finding something of importance, something that could help, something they could train. Perhaps it was a new animal for Nisha to hunt, or maybe- She pauses, looking at you, you who had tears in your eyes, clearly scared out of your mind, and yet she still couldn't muster up enough sympathy to care for you. Not when she tried to get rid of you.
So you spend most of your life being trained by psychos and bandits and always wondering why Nisha hated you, why she would glare at you every time you dared to be around her, even with all that you put into being the best there is, the best in Lynchwood, maybe even the best shooter that you could possibly be, and yet the only reaction she will ever have to you is just anger, and disdain.
As you get older, you begin to notice that the worst tasks, the deadliest tasks are sent to you first. Is this because she wants to test you, or because she wants to kill you? You can see in her face the hatred she has at you coming back that it clearly wasn't to test you.
At some point in your teenager years, you begin to stop caring about what she wants from you, what you think she desires from you in order to be seen as something more.
And eventually, she just sells you off to Handsome Jack in order to have him postpone his attack on Lynchwood ever so slightly by giving up the best bandit they have.
So as you sit in a car, wondering where Nisha is sending you off when you arrive at a place with the name Hyperion? Does Nisha want you to take them down from the inside, perhaps?
And yet as you're escorted to a room with a doctor and someone- IS THAT THE REAL HANDSOME JACK? The doctor mumbles something to THE REAL HANDSOME JACK-HOLYSHITHOLYSHIT AM I GOING TO DIE HERE? He turns and faces you, looking at you head on, and then walking towards you with open arms, clearly he must mean to attack, right? He HUGS you?
All the while Nisha hates that she misses you, hates the fact that she kind of liked you? Even though you're a reminder of all that she hates in life, she likes the fact that you tried so hard.
Handsome Jack doesn't care about you at first, only thinking of how this could make him look better or how to use this against his Exes. He could gloat to Moxxi how he can take better care of his child[ren] or how much better it is with him to Nisha. All in all, he doesn't truly care about you till later.
As he notices that you flinch at every little thing, he finds it annoying, he wouldn't hit you unless you need it, and you're his kid, so why do you expect him to hurt you?
That's when he realizes that you don't know about Jack nor Nisha being your parent, so all that you've seen is the one person you look up to hate you, and his own reputation coming back to bite him in the ass.
So he drops the ball onto you.
Of course, this is such a surprising revelation that makes everything make sense, but you can't believe it, after all, would you really go as far as trying to kill your own child?
Yes. They both would.
Besides the fact, you then spend most of your days following the revelation staying alone, processing all that happened, becoming your own kind of therapist in a sense.
And because Jack wants to use you just as Nisha did, he drags you out, slowly becoming attached to you, because who wouldn't become attached to a hobby?
Needless to say, they both intend to use you for what they can, then drop you, but end up becoming attached to you.
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sokkastyles · 3 months
The comics are shit so don’t ever try to mention them to me again, also if there was somehow a “canon” story about about Aang murdering people with a Glock, you’d probably defend it with your life
I’m pretty sure Iroh just grabbed a doll from a store he burned down and then gave it to Azula because he wanted her to act like a “proper woman”, both of his gifts were wrong to give, thank god Zuko gave it back to a rightful owner, Azula was an 8 year old with fire in her blood, and it’s not like Zuko or Ursa or Iroh (who was busy trying to commit genocide) really cared all that much, people have been calling other people fat for ages, it’s only you woke snowflakes that are afraid of it, and Azula called him fat 6 years after the gift 
This is Iroh’s face when Azula shows up, before she even got to her point 
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That is the face of utter contempt and hatred 
What would you do if you were surrounded by 6 dangerous people? You don’t understand what “war” and “battle” mean
The worst things that Iroh says about Ozai to Zuko is that he isn’t very understanding and that he doesn’t tend to regret his actions. He also encouraged Zuko to keep trying to capture the Avatar, so he can go home to his abusive father, while also am saying that getting captured by Azula is a fate worse than death, and that she’s mentally insane 
Iroh and The White Lotus conquering Ba Sing Se does not change anything in the finale, you can cut it out and nothing changes, Ba Sing Se could have been taken back on any other day before the comet, Iroh should have changed his plans to help with the defeating the airships which would kill everyone (or whatever Ozai’s stupid plan was) but instead he sends 3 children (only 1 of whom could bend) to do it and they almost fucking die, he wants to conquer Ba Sing Se because he it was his “Destiny since birth”, and also because he wants to relax in his tea shop instead of helping the world, and he wants to use the comet to cause more destruction, achieving his goal in a way before he “changed” and its not like the city’s suffering more than when Long Feng controlled it.
Leaving your traumatized 16 year old nephew to become the ruler of a county, while also going to another continent to rest in a tea shop in a city you tried to burn down, is the definition of abandonment, Iroh easily could have opened the tea shop in The Fire Nation
Azula is far from selfish, she cares deeply about Ozai, Zuko, Ty Lee, Mai, and Ursa, and she is a dedicated patriot who does things all in name of The Fire Nation 
I think Ursa SHOULD help Azula, AFTER she rejects Fire imperialism and admits she wasn’t the best parent, I think Ursa had good intentions, but was too harsh on Azula. 
That's all this is, just the completely ridiculous ramblings of someone who overidentifies with a violent bully because it feeds your own white woman Karen victim complex.
Again, this is why the Zuko fandom can't have nice things, and that I can’t ignore your incorrect opinions. 
Or you could just get out of my inbox, you troglodyte. I didn't read past the first sentence, but it's funny how the comics don't exist unless you want to (badly) try to use them to make a (nonexistent) point.
Iroh's face in that screenshot is my face right now. Because bullies who show up to harass others deserve contempt. Keep proving that this is what you and your ilk deserve, because I don't have as much patience as Iroh does.
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caes-funnyarc · 5 months
oc ask game answers!! (please let me know who posted these originally, as i can't find it ! i will edit and add credit :3)
tw for parental issues / abuse in later questions
- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
🌸Dominic Dotty was inspired because I wanted Dotty to be his name at some point (as he’s covered in freckles) but I eventually figured that it would work better as a last name. I wanted some alliteration, so then I introduced the first name “Dominic” as I think it’s rather silly :]
- How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
🌸He’s about 19 ! He’s one of the youngest on the show, according to my headcanons. :]
- Do they have any love interest(s)?
🌸*cough* shop *cough* keeper *cough cough cough*
 - What is their favorite food?
🌸Rocks. :] Shiny ones.
- What do they do for a living?
🌸Dominic runs a local library! He does it for jokes and favors, similar to Howdy.
- Do they have any hobbies?
🌸He plays a few instruments (cello, piano, electric and bass guitar) and enjoys gardening !
-What do they do best?
🌸Play cello! He’s rather good at it.
-What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
🌸Dominic loves to talk to people he’s comfortable with. He also hates meeting new people who are overly personal with him from the get go! He has issues with certain textures and loud noises, especially piercing ones. Noises that come from scratchy or dry sources especially irritate him.
- What is one of your OC’s best memories?
🌸One of his best memories is when his adoptive father taught him to garden. It’s been a passion for a long time because of it.
- What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
(tw for abuse)
🌸Dominic’s birth parents were the first people to teach him the phrase “Blood is thicker than water.” They were mentally abusive to the point where he no longer felt comfortable being around them. Eventually, when he was six years old, his parents dropped him off in the woods to fend for himself. He was eventually found in critical condition by a hiker and his wife. 
- Is their current design the first one?
🌸Yes and no. His original design had certain patches, but they change per episode. This isn’t exactly super different, but it still pertains to the question.
- What originally inspired the OC?
🌸I wanted a way to channel some feelings I was having, and I also have a Welcome Home hyperfix. You’re welcome. /j
- What genre do they belong in?
🌸In media, video games (like a bad spinoff that has side characters and he’s just a funny joke) and TV (because WH was a show for television lol). In actual literary genre, usually psychological horror, though he has been in comedic pieces too.
- What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
🌸Dominic is FTM trans, demiromantic, and pansexual! 
- How many sibling does your OC have?
🌸 He isn’t sure ! He’s the only child his adopted parents have, and he hasn’t spoken to his biological parents since the incident.
- What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
🌸He loves his adoptive parents to death, and so their relationship is incredible. And of course, his relationship with his biological parents is not good at all.
- What do you like most about the OC?
🌸I love that he gave me an opportunity to channel some hurtful emotions into a character that can heal through my hyperfix. I’m also excited because he’s my first ever arospec character!
- How often do you draw/write about the OC?
🌸I doodle him rather often. Little silly <3
- Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
🌸Only in an AU angst. My little baby man :[[
- Does your OC have any phobias?
🌸He’s terribly afraid of the dark and being alone in the woods. I’ll give you three guesses as to why. (He’s also weirdly afraid of boomboxes. What’s his deal?)
-Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
🌸 The man in the mirror that he sees. He looks just like him, but broader and taller. He looks like a memory. (Three guesses as to who that is, too.)
- How long have you had the OC?
🌸A couple months !! He’s relatively new, but I’m rather fond of him.
again, if anyone knows who originally posted these questions, tag them in replies so that i can edit and tag them as well !! <33
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missywritesfor7 · 10 months
🌙Moon’s Light | JJK🌙
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Synopsis: Luna is a young paralegal trying to maintain her new found independence and enjoy life. Too bad her job sucks and her boss is the worst. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she encounters a vampire named Jungkook who changes her life in more ways than one.
Jungkook is a shield and protector of the vampire kingdom of Korealis. He’s trained his entire life to block out any and all distractions and focus solely on becoming the strongest. While investigating a potential threat to the kingdom, he encounters Luna who turns out to be more than he could have ever imagined. It becomes his job to protect her, but he can’t tell if what he’s feeling is his devotion to the job or perhaps something deeper.
Secrets are uncovered. Lives are on the line. Hearts are tested.
Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Fem!OC
Warnings: Violence, character death, eventual smut, tragedy, some angst, strong language, MINORS DNI
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|| Ch. 12: Revisited ||
Luna didn’t realize she had fallen asleep again until a knock at the door pulled her out of her short nap. Jungkook is still sleeping so she decides to get up and get the door hoping it’s one of the guys and not someone who doesn’t know about her being there. Thankfully it’s Hoseok once again checking in on the two of them.
“Hey,” Hoseok says entering the room. “Where’s Jungkook?”
“Sleeping,” Luna says pointing to the fur ball resting in the bed.
“Oh. I see. Did he at least apologize to you first before hiding?”
“Yeah,” she chuckles. “So you’re familiar with this practice?”
“Of course,” he chuckles. “He does it more than you may think. He just doesn’t like people to see him cry.”
“I’m starting to realize that. There’s nothing wrong with crying though, why hasn’t he learned that in all of these years?”
“He’ll figure it out eventually,” Hoseok shrugs. “He has a soft heart but a hard head.”
“A hard head indeed,” she laughs.
“One of the side effects of being shield I guess. He puts up a strong wall, but you could probably break it down.”
“What makes you think that?”
“I don’t know,” Hoseok shrugs. Then he gets closer to her and begins whispering. “I think he may have a soft spot for you.”
“If you need anything let me know,” he says quickly turning and leaving the room.
Luna looks back at Jungkook still sleeping in a ball on the bed. She walks over to him and lays back down next to him.
“So you’re a baby trying to be a hard ass?” She whispers. “That’s cute.”
She runs her fingers through his fur as he continues sleeping soundly.
“Thanks again for saving me. I know you think you don’t deserve thanks, but you do. My family was taken away from me as soon as I was born, then my family was taken away again. It’s all because of vampires. I want to hate every one of you. I want to tell you how much you people have ruined my entire life. But you saved me and proved that maybe all vampires aren’t bad. I wish you would make it easier to talk to you. I could tell you all of this to your face, but it’s hard to do that when you’re always being a cheeky little shit.”
Jungkook remains unmoved. His eyes are closed still but he had actually woken up when Hoseok came to the door. He heard everything, and as much as he would like to transform back and talk to her the way he knows he should, he can’t bring himself to do it. Hiding is a habit he simply can’t get out of right now.
A few days pass giving Luna time to grieve, Jungkook time to stop hiding, and the rest of the guys time to plan their next move. Luna knows she could be killed or at least kidnapped if she goes back home, but there’s a lot of questions that remain unanswered.
If she spent her entire life hearing stories about her mom’s best friend, Luna, who she shares her name with, and seeing wedding photos with her dad’s cousin, then there has to be more answers in the house. Her parents made sure she knew who her birth parents were, even if she had no idea they were her birth parents. It was all sitting under her nose and she’s convinced there’s more to be found.
Convincing Jungkook or anyone else to take her back is nearly impossible. That is until Luna learned the secret they had been keeping from her.
When they finally explored the unofficial portal that SV uses to get to the human world they discovered it leads right to Luna’s workplace. They chose not to mention this around her because they didn’t want to give her any ideas about going home when they go back to explore the area. Too bad she overhead them talking at one point and she’s now planning a way to convince them to take her along.
“Hell no! Are you crazy?!” Jungkook argues. “No fucking way are you going back after what happened!”
“Please! I just need to go through the house, I need answers,” Luna pleads to him and the rest of the brotherhood in the sparring room.
“Not only is it a reckless and stupid idea, but if no one has been in that house since….LuLu, you can’t.”
“I can handle it! I have to, Jungkookie please,” she begs. “Plus, there’s more of you going so there will be more protection.”
“You….” Jungkook struggles to push back. It’s the Jungkookie. Why is it always when she calls him that?
“I’ll take you,” Jimin offers.
Everyone else looks at him surprised. It’s not going to be a simple escort task, he’ll likely need to fight if Luna is tracked again, and while he can certainly hold his own in battle, he’s no master marksman with the Vampire Slayer at his disposal.
“No you won’t,” Jungkook says defensively.
“If you won’t take me then why not?” Luna asks. “I’ll go with Jimin and the rest of you can do whatever you need to do.”
“First of all,” Jungkook fires back. “No. And second, NO!”
“You’re not my dad!”
Jungkook is stopped before he can say any more by a strong gust of wind. Namjoon raises his hand and hits Jungkook with another slap of wind. Namjoon is always afraid of hurting his brothers too much if he hits them with his hands, so he uses his ability to let the elements do the work for him. He doesn’t want to hurt them when he does it, he just wants them to shut up.
“Jungkook,” Namjoon says standing from the couch. “Maybe we could compromise to make everyone happy. We’re all going, so it won’t be too bad to have her under our protection. But,” he says turning to Luna. “We will have very strict rules that you’ll have to agree to.”
“Deal,” Luna says nodding. “What are the rules?”
“They’re simple. Don’t wander off without us. Don’t blow our cover. We reserve the right to bring you back here at any time for any reason, please cooperate when we do, we just want to keep you alive. And lastly, if there’s anything you need to take with you then do it. You won’t be going back for a long time.”
“How long is a long time?” She asks nervously.
“Whenever we feel you’re not at risk of death anymore.”
“Oh.” She ponders a moment thinking of the rules laid out for her.
She was fine with everything else, but the idea of not being able to go home for who knows how long is hard to fathom. How could she just disappear with no one knowing? What if she’s reported missing? It’s already been a few days, what if she’s already been reported missing? But right now what other option does she have? She’s dying to look for more answers.
“Ok,” she nods. “That’s fine.”
“Are you sure?” He asks giving her one last chance to back out.
“Yes, I’m sure.”
Jungkook looks less than pleased about her going with them. He wanted to protest further, but the second Jimin agreed to the idea and offered to stay by Luna’s side the entire time, Jungkook had to jump in and make sure it was clear that he’s the one that was tasked with keeping an eye on Luna.
They all devise their plan and assign everyone their roles and responsibilities. They’ll take Luna to her parents house first where Jin, Jungkook, and Yoongi will accompany her inside while the rest of the guys stand watch around the outside of the house. When Luna is done there Jungkook will take her back to the kingdom while the rest of the guys continue on their mission.
Once everyone is prepared they make their way to the portal and transport to the human world. When they arrive they waste no time getting started. It’s evening so the night sky provides the perfect conditions for them to move around comfortably. They start by following Luna and Jungkook to her parents house.
Luna is overcome with emotion as she walks up to the front door with a backpack in tow which she plans to fill with whatever she can. She knows there’s a very good chance that no one has been by since that tragic night, which means she’ll have to face that scene again. Jungkook notices her hesitation and offers to go in first and let her know the condition the place is in.
When he steps inside it’s just as they feared, nothing had changed. The bodies of her parents lay in the same spot as they were when he carried Luna out of there. It’s a hard sight to take in and he’s not sure she can handle it. He steps back outside and looks at her with a worried face.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” he says softly. “I know you said you could handle it, but I don’t know if you truly can.”
“Watch me,” she says knowing he’s probably right, but she’s not turning back now.
She tries walking past him but he stops her with a soft hand on her waist. He looks in her eyes knowing full well how much going in there will hurt her.
“I’m trying to tell you-“
“And I’m telling you,” she says not letting him finish. “If this is the only time you’ll bring me here then I can handle it. I have to.”
Reluctantly he steps aside letting her step into the house. She slowly enters and is instantly hit with the smell of death and decay. The moment she looks across the room to see her mom still pinned to the wall, she’s hit with the strong wave of emotion. She chokes back a sob and continues on with Jungkook, Jin, and Yoongi right behind her.
She doesn’t even know where to begin, but she can’t stay in the living room. She makes her way down the hall and enters her parents’ room. She starts her search in the closet where she knows they kept a lot of things from medical records to the deed to the house.
While sifting through clothes and shoes she finds a box labeled “Luna” on the shelf. She opens it hoping it has some answers about her birth parents and her life in general. There’s a number of pictures in the box, some she’s seen but many she hasn’t. As she’s looking she realizes these aren’t things related to her, but to her birth mom. Even a death certificate listing her cause of death as “unknown”, if only anyone had really known.
There’s a baby book where her birth parents were preparing for Luna’s arrival. The book was meant to be filled with pregnancy updates, then baby milestones going as far as her first birthday. As Luna flips through the book she notices a gap in entries. The section for her birth mother’s third trimester is only half filled out, there’s no other entry until 7 months after Luna was born. She can tell the difference in handwriting and the first comment on the page at 7 months is one that doesn’t necessarily mention a baby milestone, but perhaps for them a big milestone nonetheless.
7 mos - We finally found a permanent home to live. Luna will be able to grow up in a safe place.
From there all of the entries seem normal. For now she closes the book and puts it in her backpack. She carries on looking through the box putting photo after photo in her backpack. Then she finds another book in the box, this time a diary. She opens it to see it’s her birth mom’s diary starting as far back as 2 years before Luna was born. She wants to take time to look through it more but she knows she’s limited so she stuffs it in her backpack to look through later.
After searching her parents room she moves on to her room. The room she grew up in that holds many childhood memories. When she moved out on her own she took a lot of things with her, but they kept the room neat and ready in case she needed to stay the night there. She never thought of why they made it seem like she would need to stay there someday as if for refuge, but now it seems to make sense.
There isn’t much to find in her room since she already knows everything in there. Nothing hidden in her closet or under her bed. Just memories that she replays in her mind as she sits on her bed in a trance.
“What’s this?” Jungkook asks picking up a trophy on her shelf. “You played sports?”
“Why do you sound surprised?” Luna asks playfully offended. “I was one of the best softball players on my team.”
“Really?” He asks inspecting the trophy closer. “Is that why this is for 3rd place?”
“Are you trying to be funny?”
“I’m just asking,” he giggles.
“Get your paws off of my trophy,” she says snatching it from him and putting it back on the shelf.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset the best third place softball player,” he laughs.
“Can you switch with someone outside? Where’s Jimin?”
“No,” he says quickly. “You’re stuck with me.”
“Time is ticking!” Yoongi yells from the living room. “Stop bickering and come on if you’re done.”
“Did you need to look at anything else?” Jin asks walking into the room.
“Well,” Luna sighs. “I guess I won’t really have time to look over everything, but for now I think I have what I need.”
She doesn’t, actually, but right now she can’t bring herself to search through the living room. Not with her parents bodies still there.
Suddenly Luna can feel a wave of goosebumps. The feeling she gets when someone is going through the portal in her. A feeling that scares her tremendously knowing that this could bring her that much closer to death. That also means this could turn into a battle with all seven of the guys surrounding the entire property.
“Kookie,” she says without thinking.
“What?” He asks almost completely paralyzed at her calling him Kookie. Yes that’s what she introduced him as to her parents while he was in bunny form, but she’s never addressed him as that.
“I can feel…” she trails off and suddenly a vampire appears in her room.
“Guys!” Jin yells getting in fighting position.
Yoongi comes running from the living room with the rest of the guys quickly following after. The vampire looks around confused, he clearly had no idea he would wind up there.
“Who are you?” Jungkook asks pointing his gun at the intruder.
“Where am I?” The guy asks starting to notice the 8 people surrounding him.
“Tell me who you are before I put a bullet in your head,” Jungkook threatens.
“Wow.” The guy looks around then notices Luna. “So you’re the one?”
“She’s nothing to you if you don’t tell me who you are!” Jungkook demands again.
“Who I am isn’t important. It’s her that I need.” He tries taking a step towards Luna but she’s pushed back by Jungkook.
“You’re surrounded. I’ll give you one more chance to tell me who you are and what you’re doing here.”
“Look, I just got a little lost, that’s all. My way home was cut off so I’ve been searching for days for another way and I finally found it.”
“Where did you come from?”
“I think you already know where I came from,” he smirks. “Now if you don’t mind, I need to take her with me.”
“Are you stupid?” Jungkook scoffs. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“You look scared, sweetie,” the guy says taking a step towards Luna.
Luna is frozen in fear. Even with 7 other guys at the ready, all she can see is the evil emitting from this vampire’s soul and she’s terrified. Not only is she afraid, but she’s angry. The sight of this evil creature burns her within knowing that the very organization he works with is responsible for the death of her parents who lay lifeless in the living room.
“I won’t hurt you,” the guy smirks. “I just want to talk to you, babe.”
“Don’t call me babe!” Luna shouts feeling her heart rate increase tremendously.
“Look, I don’t have a lot of time. Tell your friends to stand down and I won’t have to shank you like your mom in there.”
“NO!” Luna shouts sending the vampire flying backwards into the wall.
Jungkook is used to this, but the rest of the guys are a little startled by the power that just came from her. Luna is overflowing with strong emotions and the mention of her mom only pissed her off more.
“That was cute,” the guy says barely phased by being tossed backwards. He begins walking towards her again but Namjoon binds his arms and legs with lightning.
“You have two options,” Namjoon says. “Come with us, or die. Your choice.”
“How about you just let me go, I take this precious sunflower, and we won’t have to see each other again,” the guy says unbothered by the lightning holding him in place.
“I said NO!” Luna yells. “My entire life was taken away from me before I ever even had a chance. I lost my parents because of you mother fuckers. I lost my adopted parents because of you. And now I could fucking die because of you! Fuck you!” Her rage sends another wave of force towards the guy, but it does little with Namjoon’s lightning holding him firmly in place. The rest of the guys are moving in closer ready to bombard him the moment he tries to do something.
“Still cute,” he says. “But I’m done playing.”
He manages to break free of Namjoon’s lightning, making him stumble backwards a bit. The rest of the guys quickly move to take the evil vampire down, but before they can get to him Luna lets out a loud shrill cry sending everyone around her backwards.
Jungkook quickly realizes that each wave coming from her is getting much stronger. While he’s a bit impressed, he also knows that things could turn bad very quickly because she still doesn’t know how to control her power. If she keeps it up she could level the entire house without even realizing what she’s doing.
“Get back!” Jungkook shouts at Luna.
“No!” She shouts back sending another wave towards the menacing vampire who continues to inch towards her. “He needs to pay!” She forces him back again. “Pay for what he’s done!” He’s hit with another powerful force that now has him against the wall. “Pay for what his organization has done to me and my entire family!”
“FUCK OFF!” She hits the Saakhan vampire with the most powerful wave hitting him right in the chest and killing him instantly.
Just as his body hits the ground and begins to fade to ash, Luna feels her entire body go limp and her world go black. She suddenly finds herself suspended in nothingness.
“LUNA!” Jungkook shouts as they all crowd around her.
“Take her back now!” Jin yells.
Jungkook grabs Luna’s limp body and rushes out of the house as fast as he can. He doesn’t care who may see him, he runs as fast as he can back to the portal and quickly transports back to Korealis. He jumps roof to roof until he’s back home where he lays her down on the bed.
“Please wake up,” he says inspecting her head to toe. “Please!”
Her heart is beating and she’s breathing, but she’s not moving or responding at all. Jungkook has no idea what happened. He can only think that maybe she used more power than she could handle and exhausted herself. But why isn’t she waking up?
Luna’s world is dark and silent. She can’t feel a thing but somehow she’s still maintaining a level of consciousness. She can feel her thoughts, but it’s as if that’s all there is. Just her and her thoughts.
“Dammit!” Jungkook shouts shaking her more to no avail.
He grabs a bottle of blood from his stash near the couch and runs back to her side. It’s the only thing he can think of that can give her strength, he just hopes the human side of her doesn’t try to reject it.
“You’re about to hate me,” he says opening the bottle. “More than you already do I guess.”
He gently lifts her head a bit and opens her mouth just enough to pour a small bit of blood in. He waits a short moment then pours more into her mouth.
“Please swallow it,” he whispers.
The blood trickles down her throat. She’s not swallowing, but it’s at least going into her system. He hopes that’s good enough for now. He pours a bit more in her mouth then decides to wait to see if she wakes up. She hasn’t moved or made a single sound since she collapsed. Whatever state she’s in he can tell she’s not comfortable judging by the way her face has been stuck in an expression of discomfort.
“Please wake up,” he repeats again while softly stroking her cheek. “If you can hear me, please wake up.”
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charmixpower · 2 years
Any Aisha/Layla headcannons?
Yeah yeah! Aisha is always hard for her because the timeline of events, and what Aisha would of realistically able to learn with the way her parents are don't match what we see she's capable of. Every day she makes my head spin XD
The comics fucked so hard with the idea that Aisha was on Magix when it was attacked helping the pixies. I imagine she helped redirect the army of decay to keep the Trix from actually paying attention to Pixie village
The idea that Aisha was there, fighting off the army of decay just like the Winx, and barely missed them sings to me. They missed eachother by a hair! It's fate that they're both there! Idk it's so much fun
Aisha isn't her birth name, when running away she used a new name so no one would connect her to the currently lost princess. Layla is her birth name. I thought it would be cute to add both of her names in there
Aisha will try just about anything once. She has the worst case of FOMO, and hates not experiencing things
Aisha is very close to Tressa, and would often run off into the ocean to talk to her as a child. Tressa doesn't understand any of Aisha's parents actions, and often encourage Aisha's to mischief and to follow her dreams a lot like Anne did. Aisha only started talking to her because of Anne, and they're pretty similar all things considered
Aisha gets pretty close to Francis, the fairy of laughter, during her first year. They have a lot of the same classes, and Francis's laid back joyful nature does wonders to chill the anxious and stressy Aisha during her adjustment period
Aisha hates worrying about her public image and what people think of her with a passion. I can't imagine her ever taking the throne, because just thinking about the pr would give her a migraine. Once she and the Winx become the new company of light, she shuts down all her socials and starts wearing more sunglasses and such to avoid the paparazzi
Aisha tries to come off as cool and confident but she has like zero interpersonal skills because she's had like two friends before the Winx. What I'm saying is that the early part of her and Nabu's relationship involved a lot of blushing and awkwardness. Neither of them had actually ever been on a real date before and anyone could tell from a mile away
On that note, no one can convince me that Aisha has had a male friend, or even had a real conversation with a guy she wasn't related to before s2. It simply never happened
Out of all of the Winx, Aisha takes her job as Guardian Fairy the most seriously. Everyone else has a second, primary job, on top of being a guardian (Stella with her fashion, Musa with her music, Tecna is making stuff, I like to imagine Bloom doin stuff that's art related, and Flora probably becomes a magicbio scientist) except for Aisha. She's the only one who treats being a guardian as a main job, and anything else as secondary. The Winx usually let the lower, weaker, guardian Faries handle most things that don't require someone as powerful as them, but Aisha handles just about everything on Andros. She really enjoys it too, be finds the work of helping people very fulling and understands why the boys wanted to become specialists
(unsurprisingly if Aisha wasn't a fairy she would of become a specialist, like Anne wanted to)
Due to this Aisha is one of the most active in the practicalities and day to day function of protection a planet and works the closest with her planet's military to deal with things like magical monsters. I can imagine her mentoring younger faries who want to do a job like hers
On that note Aisha is fiercely dedicated to Andros. Like, everyone else cares about their planets, but Aisha takes it to the highest level. The Andro's people took her in when she ran away and taught her wave spells, rain dances, and all sorts of things she couldn't even imagine at home. She loves her people and community so dearly she can't put it into words, so working to keep that community safe and happy as a public servant is the job I think would make Aisha the happiest. She'd be ecstatic to be able to give back
(I like the idea that Aisha was knighted after standing up against Valtor and doing everything she could to save Andros, and I wonder if that would be a proper position in anything? Like there's likely different classes of Guardian Fairy, Aisha is more of the deals with physical threats and natural disasters kind, but I wonder if that gives her rank in other institutions)
Aisha totally gets a squire at one point. Please. I think it would be really funny. They're just a younger fairy trying to get the hang of this whole Powerful Fairy thing, but Aisha takes her role so seriously. I think it would be even funnier if this was her later seasons love interest. Why is this guy apart of the friend group when Nabu is still alive, bc he's Aisha's baby. She's teaching him about fairy stuff. I don't know enough about this Nex guy or his plot lines to say anything except I think this would be really funny
Aisha is so competitive that she's terrible at group sports. She takes them way too seriously, constantly get upset at her teammates, and should not be allowed to play them. Based on the fact that my mother banned me from team sports as a child for the same reason...some people just aren't built for competing with other people. In my defense I was like 8
I think she'd ask all the guys to teach her a little bit about each of their weapons. She thinks Stella's focus weapon is really really cool and wants one for herself but doesn't know what style she wants to go for
I feel like Aisha would by the most down for sparring, along with Bloom. Idk, something about those two. I imagine they'd spar a good bit to keep their skills sharp, and a little for fun
She seems like the kind of person who loves horror but is beyond easily shaken up. Drags Riven or Tecna to see a horror movie with her and neither of them understand why she keeps doing this to herself. Piff is annoyed with her
Speaking of Piff, faries usually go to "get" a pixie when they're struggling with someone. For example, Roxy is gonna probably get a pixie to deal with the fact that her magic developed faster than her body could handle (one transformation per year is the fastest you can go without consequences, and Roxy did their two or three) so she went to see if there was a pixie that could help relegate her magic. Aisha's parents did the same for her, under advisement form Teboc. Piff has been with Aisha since Anne left, and they're really close. Most pixie fairy relationships are kinda friendly but not super close, ie they usually go their separate ways after they get what they want, but even if Aisha over comes her chronic night terrors Piff and Aisha wouldn't leave eachother
I think because Aisha is based off of Beyonce she should have an amazing singing voice. She'd never do anything with it, as the stage fright would actually kill her, but sometimes she provides backing vocals for Musa
It's a personal hc of mine that Aisha and Diaspro know eachother. I just think it would be a good influence in Diaspro to see someone who already broke away from the stifling requirements of royalty and decided to become her own person, while it would provide more motivation for Aisha to get away as she watches Diaspro lose all personality and hobbies outside of what is deemed acceptable
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Transphobia
I just ... I don’t get it. I don’t. Why the fuck does other people’s gender matter so much to people in all the wrong ways? What is this obsession with other people’s genitals, and why does this not translate into when people are forcing said genitals upon the unwilling in any form? They talk-talk-talk about how they’re protecting women and children from the unwanted penises of trans women, who they don’t acknowledge as women, but they’re apparently just fine with actual sexual assault by people with penises who identify as men.
I swear, I feel like half the reason I identify as non-binary now is because I am just so sick of it. There’s all these rules that society sets up about what you’re supposed to do and say and think and wear and all that other bullshit when it comes to gender identity, and society just seems to crack down on it harder and harder every year. And I grew up in the fucking 80s, when half the shows pointed at my age group were glorified toy commercials and the age-old standard of marketing people of “gender-focused toys and advertising for same” made it a half-and-half of pink glitter and BIG STRONG MEN. And there was me, with my Barbies and my Matchbox cars and my Strawberry Shortcake dolls and my GI Joes and having Luke Skywalker riding the Cotton Candy My Little Pony into battle and honestly FUCK ALL OF IT.
Gender roles are bullshit and I’ve known that since I was a kid, because there was my mother climbing the corporate ladder in a way that we just can’t do anymore, and there was my dad, way over there after the divorce, sticking with a blue-collar job. I may have grown up learning two languages that give a gender to basically every fucking noun in the world, but maybe that’s another reason I got fed up with it because why the fuck does cheese have a gender? It felt arbitrary. To me, gender is fucking arbitrary. But everyone wants to link it to what’s between people’s legs and it’s just stupid. Cheese has no genitals, but it has gender in French and Spanish and probably other similar languages, so how do genitals have any bearing on your gender? In short, why the fuck am I even bothering?
So here’s me, with an 80s childhood where I looked at the various gender assigned stuff and went, “Hang on - this is bullshit”. I don’t actually fit in anyplace with any of the assigned gender bullshit, so again, why the fuck am I bothering? Well, because half the fucking planet insists that I define myself by my genitalia, that’s why. It’s fucking gross, is what it is. I want people to get their minds out of other people’s pants for, like, ever, unless they’ve had a clear invitation to partake of what’s in there. But no. No, apparently this bunch of gross yahoos feel like they should be the Gender Police, making sure that no one identifies with anything but “penis = man / vulva = woman”. I AM NOT DEFINED BY THE CONTENTS OF MY KNICKERS SO STOP THINKING ABOUT SAID CONTENTS, YOU PERVERTS.
And then they use that to punish people who go against the kinds of stupid-ass rules they apparently learned when their parents gave them the birds-and-bees talk as children. It’s apparently so fucking important that people live according to this bullshit gender identity structure that the ones who don’t have to have their lives made a fucking misery, or just ended. It’s fucking ridiculous. Even if for some dumb-ass reason you believe that trans and nonbinary people are in some way mentally disturbed ... they’re not hurting you. That’s the worst part of this - IT IS NOT HURTING ANYONE. The only people who get hurt when they come out as trans are the trans people, because people hurt them for it. So someone assigned female at birth wants to get some top surgery and go by James and he/him pronouns; so what? How does that actually hurt anyone?
I think the dumbest part of all of it is that the transphobes of the world do feel like they’re being hurt by this. Their simple worldview gets so unbearably shaken by the existence of people who don’t want to fit in the gender-specific moulds of the society they grew up in, and suddenly they feel under attack, because they can’t understand the world anymore somehow. So instead of putting on their big person undergarments and learning to cope with a changing world, they beat the people who don’t conform back into a corner ... or just to death, whichever seems easier to them at the time. And they call us “delicate snowflakes” when all we’re asking for is to not be belittled, insulted, hated just for existing, or outright killed. Apparently just not wanting to die is being ‘delicate’ when they’re clutching their metaphorical pearls over what we want to call ourselves.
It’s the same with sexuality. I personally do not see how gay people just existing is a problem. What they do with their genitals is their own business unless they’re forcing said genitals on someone else without consent. Few to none of them are doing that (there are always outliers). What people do with their genitals in the privacy of their homes is their own business, and anything public? Look, kissing someone or holding someone’s hand is not that sexual, okay? How some people get more up in arms about a man kissing another man on the cheek and holding his hand than they do about a man French-kissing a woman with his hand halfway up her skirt in terms of “public display of affection” is beyond me. Yet it happens, all the time. As to that whole ‘sexualising children’ bullshit - I’m sorry, it’s mostly the straight people doing that. You get a little boy running around the playground with a little girl and immediately get, “Oh, is that your little girlfriend?” and all that sort of bullshit. Most LGBTQ+ people just want to give kids something that they themselves never had - the freedom to choose what they want and who they are without societal expectations. But that’s wrong while shoving little boys and little girls together with not-really-jokes about them getting married someday is apparently fine.
I know it’s all about control. I know it’s all about shaping the world into what these people want and need it to be. I know that they’re the ones who are the delicate snowflakes who wither and die at the idea that the world is changing and they might have to change with it if they don’t fight it by stamping down the ‘deviants’. Intellectually I know all of this. But in my heart, I rage at all of it. In the end, it’s all down to policing people’s genitals and it’s ridiculous and I need it to stop. Everyone needs it to stop. Even the people who’re making others’ lives miserable over it need it to stop, though they won’t admit it. It must be exhausting, hating on people because of what is or isn’t in their knickers and whether that correlates to the gender by which they identify. Everybody needs it to stop, and it feels like it’s never going to, and I am tired and angry and fed up with all of it.
Dear everyone who’s bigoted in the gender and sexuality spectrums: STOP OBSESSING ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE’S GENITALS AND WHAT THEY DO WITH THEM. It’s gross, and you are the perverts you accuse others of being. You want to beat on someone for what they’re doing with their genitals? Go beat on a rapist instead of excusing their behaviour with “men have urges” and all that other bullshit that’s been used to excuse sexual assault since the dawn of fucking time. But if someone isn’t hurting people? Leave the contents of their pants alone.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
No because Tim being catatonic while pregnant reminds me of a fic I read about Dick being Talon and kidnapping a sleeping beauty!Tim and getting him pregnant and the author implying that Tim only wakes up when he gives birth because of the pain of childbirth. Now imagine that with red kryptonite Tim being completely catatonic until he is giving birth (maybe to twins) and screaming because he has no recollection of what happened to him beyond vague awareness of his time in captivity. Maybe holding on to Dick while he gives birth crying that he doesn’t understand because Dick had tried to protect him before and so would be his go to person. If Bruce is out would he even be allowed to interact with the babies? Or would it be like a Jason relationship in one of your past works? Because I could see Bruce trying to manipulate a vulnerable Tim who is dealing with his rape trauma and suden motherhood. Like how furious would the family be seeing Bruce trying to manipulate Tim when they find out. Lmao this is how you know I love Tim I like it when my favorite character are broken down
i know that fic!!! it took a bit of the day to track down because i know i read it!! i'm almost certain it's this one.
but yes i love that idea!!! i've been knocking around the sleeping beauty idea around too but they were only ever vague ideas but the one thing i really liked is your mention of twins because in the original sleeping beauty she did give birth to twins (and they were her father's children too bc he took advantage of his daughter while she was like that so that too fits so well).
for the red kryptonite au what i think occurs afterward depends almost entirely on bruce. now bruce here isn't so much 'evil' so much as he is a man that is mostly a slave to his desires. he's felt an attraction to tim for years. part of him shoved it down deep and hid it behind mostly hostile treatment so that he didn't have to acknowledge he felt this way- not only because it was inappropriate and went against everything he fought but also because it was unexplored territory and bruce doesn't like things he can't control. and what he couldn't control was how strong his attraction to tim was. but now bruce is in a unique situaiton.
his attraction is known and acknowledged, he's already acted on it in the worst way possible but also in a way where he does not carry any of the blame. no logical person could truly blame him because if he'd been himself he would've never acted on those feelings. YES he felt them and that was wrong, he knew that was wrong that's why he never did anything about them.
bruce knows how good it feels, knows he wants to feel it again but knows that his every move will be watched now because people are under no illusions about him and his continuing desire now.
add to the fact that tim is pregnant now. with his child. an opportunity that bruce has never had before and bruce has an incredibly strong devotion to family (his parents are prime examples of this). and while he may not recognize this or choose to ignore it, it's also opportunity a way to control tim from a distance because now they share something, something that ties them together.
even though he's pregnant and they know it was under horrible circumstances i don't think the family would elect to have an abortion performed on tim while he's catatonic because 1. tim's already had his bodily autonomy violated and while it pains them to let it proceed they kind of have to. 2. tim is not utterly incapable of making decisions nor is his catatonic state likely permanent so they can't make medical decisions for him. if he was in a coma? if he'd been left with damage to his brain enough that he could no longer make decisions regarding his health?
they just have to wait and hope that tim pulls through before the babies arrive.
bruce having both an obligation and duty to take responsibility for his actions (despite them not being wholly his own) are what essentially push tim into a space with him even if bruce isn't physically present.
tim's feeling on the other hand- he feels betrayed. he knows that bruce wasn't behind those actions but he also can't ignore how he was made to endure those events as a result of bruce's genuine feelings. if bruce wasn't...attracted to him in the first place none of this would've happened.
but them tim feels guilty for thinking that because it's not like it was obvious to him or anyone that bruce was harboring this secret. (but that's not true. not really because everyone knew bruce treated tim differently only now they know the reason behind it).
tim feels frustrated, lonely, agitated, and hurt because he feels like he is to blame for all of this (even though it's not true and dick or anyone would tell him that as well).
tim waking up out his fugue during childbirth would be traumatizing because he's hit with the overwhelming weight of everything all at once and now he's responsible for children he didn't ask for and who also didn't ask to be here. so tim is sort of..distant from them.
when he pulls himself together, enough to try and go see them he realizes that everyone else also feels awkward with the babies. they don't blame them necessarily and they don't hate them. but it's hard to ignore their origins.
come to find out bruce has been taking care of the babies this entire time. feeding them, washing them, changing them, playing with them, reading to them and tim just...
breaks down a little more because he's been unable to shake the bad thoughts about bruce but yet here he was taking care of tim's kids when he couldn't and...
tim's mind broken a little. there's little cracks in him and bruce...bruce isn't the greatest person in the world and he can see that maybe..just maybe he can make this easier on them both.
tim clearly needs support, he needs help and normally bruce wouldn't be the best option but no one else is really present to prevent it given they're trying to avoid his and tim's babies.
so bruce gets him. he gets him by showing him how to rock their children, how to hold them, how to kiss their full cheeks. how to love these beautfiul little things that they made together, created together.
tim latches onto bruce to keep his head above water, to teach him how to love these babies. and bruce does. and they grow closer and tim is maybe growing far too dependent on bruce given the circumstnaces.
and maybe eventually tim starts coming to bruce for company when he can't sleep. and they start talking and leaning on each other and bruce gets tim used to his touch, his hands, the sound of his voice.
and when they fuck again it's after three days of no sleep because both their children have colic and two people are just not enough.
they're echausted, they're drowsy. they can't fall asleep. bruce is going to go to the bathroom because jacking off sometimes help but tim doesn't want him to because bruce is so warm and its helping him relax and so to kepe him close tim just...parts his legs. lets his robe slip open grabs bruce's cock to line it up with his seam. tim has hardly touched himself, can't remember the last time he masturbated and as bruce fucks deep strokes into him tim can't even find himself to care about how wrong he should feel this is.
tim's already been fucked by his father so what did it matter. he was a person who got fucked by their dad and the whole family and some of the league knew it. but tim got to keep warm, bruce's thrusts rocked him to sleep and as hot cum filled him all he did was wiggle closer and murmur something about it being warm.
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indigo-rants · 18 days
So my papa (grandpa) is doing alright, the hospital staff are hopeful. He's doing great, I sent him a voice-mail since I couldn't seem to reach him before, he apparently heard it today (good) and was happy to hear from me I guess...
My grandmother was the only person I was able to reach today. Tried calling her to reach papa but she wasn't with him. Convo started off fine with her explaining papa's condition, then devolved as she started asking me about how I've been, like if I'm working and/or still living with my mother (I can't live on my own due to my physical and mental health). I explain I don't work nor will I ever be able to (a fact we've all known since I was like 12) and she starts saying "oh things really have changed since we last talked" or something like that.
Apparently!! I'm not "allowed" to be incapable of working as an adult with scoliosis cause... well she didn't really give a reason except that I'd been "better in the past" which... last time we talked? I was in college. I'm a college drop out, that was my one and only year.
She then immediately segwayd into talking about my mom and how she's "caused the divide between all of us" (her, me, my dad/her son, and anyone else in the family she feels like counting). She talked about how my mom has "brainwashed me" into believing they're terrible people and how she's always been a liar and that she only ever wants money from them and how she still remembers the one, count it ONE, time mom asked her for money and how "she knows it was going to be used on her" (mom asked for her credit card/debit card info ONCE cause we needed help getting a hotel set up, she wouldn't have had to pay the hotel just wanted an active card number and name for the hotel room, mom was planning to pay in cash when we got there, also the hotel stay was due to me having surgery 3 days after we'd get there). It's been legit 10 years since the card info issue... TEN YEARS and this woman is throwing it at us like some gotcha.
She also started all the dissing my mom stuff with a "I don't have time for you guys, I have a husband in the hospital I need to take care of" and its like... okay, that's why I've been calling you? To see how he's doing... why bring up petty shit that 1. Doesn't matter and 2. Is just you listening to your shit ass son instead of the people who LIVED THEIR LIVES ALONE DOING ALL THAT. Like she believes her shitty son who shmooses everyone to get money, attention, free shit (houses, cars, jobs he doesn't deserve, got her to help him drop all the child support he owed/over owed).
Like Jesus christ she really does just want to see the worst in us instead of herself or her "precious son" (the man is in his forties).
Shes holding onto the fact mom asked money from her ONCE against us and swears last time we spoke I "called her every bad name in the book" (to note, last time we talked she bad mouthed my mother and I cried and broke down instantly due to the amount of hate for my MOTHER the parent who has cared for me SINCE BIRTH and the fact I was very unwell mentally, I barely would've managed to say "fuck you" or "shut up" much less any actual rude words directed at her person). She's so convinced that my disposition with her is due to my mom when mom is the only reason they've had ANY contact with me, from being able to send me letters, to the fact papa has the ability to "text me" anytime (he has mom's number not mine, but any and every text he sends she shows me).
Also after our little chat (which was maybe 10 minutes mind you) my mom called my birth father. According to her he believes she "coaches me into being disabled" like they apparently believe I'm only this disabled cause she taught me to be??? I was born with scoliosis, have had it my ENTIRE life, I also have a bone degenerative disease (osteoporosis kinda, but mom says she doesn't know if it's that one or a diff one), my bones are literally falling apart slowly. I reached a height of 5'6" and am now 5'3.5" which happened in the span of roughly 10 years (I reached 5'6 after my final back surgery in 2014 and was 5'5 for a while, like til roughly 2021 then I got to the 5'4.5" range til this year being 5'3.5") and yeah that's roughly 3 inches lost.... but it's still slightly concerning. The thing is, they don't know this (assumingly) cause we haven't seen each other since I was 13 or below (13 for father and... well lemme think...I think I was about 12? I can't be too sure, but I know I wasn't a teen)
Also just for the record my birth father in 2013/2014 when I was that age (born 2000) was upset with me for choosing to stay home and go to summer school (he lived across the US from us, we had to drive half way to meet up at this time) and he was so upset with me standing with my decision to spend my first summer away from them (him, step siblings, half sister, and step mom) that he pretended the stress my mom and I were causing him caused him to have a heart attack that put him in the ER (for months he'd talk on the phone with us as if he were weakened from it and was actually in pain). Before you ask, we found out in 2020 that he'd been lying from step mom (well technically ex step mom, they separated in like 2015/2016 so yeah) she was confused when mom mentioned the heart attack and told her "no he didn't have anything going on then" he told his ex wife and 14ish yr old child that WE had caused him to have a heart attack that caused him to be in the hospital's care for a while (currently my memory of that year is rather blank, which is "fun"). And then later on when we were in and out the hospital discussing another scoliosis surgery (the final one) we had called him every appointment, he discussed what was happening with the doctors DIRECTLY, but told his mother when asked "I don't know what she's talking about, I haven't been told about any surgeries".
And they wonder why I haven't talked with or visited either of them in 10 years....
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megan-loves-surveys · 2 months
Have you ever wished you had been born the opposite sex? No.
Have you ever been insulted or called names by a significant other? Not seriously, no. But my boyfriend calls me names when we have sex as part of dirty talk xD
Do you drink more frequently than once a week? I don't even drink once a week, lol.
Do you have any step-grandparents? Not anymore.
Have you ever been to a same-sex wedding? No.
Have you ever attempted to pick a lock? Did you succeed? No.
Do you like sour candy? Love it!
Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? I don't want to get married.
Is there anybody you’re not ashamed to tell anything to? Yes.
Are you disrespectful to a lot of people? Definitely not.
Do you like the colour pink? It's my least favourite colour lol.
Ever kissed someone your parents hated? Definitely.
Are you drifting away from your best friend? Not at all.
Would you feel hurt if your last ex was in a relationship? I don't care what he does.
Is there anyone who seems to always be under the influence of something when you see them or talk to them? Does it bug you? No.
Do you and your boyfriend or girlfriend fight a lot? We barely even argue lol.
Have you ever cleaned up someone else’s vomit? Nooooooo.
Does your boyfriend or girlfriend get mad/jealous when you talk about the opposite sex? He sometimes does.
The last time you burned your tongue or mouth, what were you eating? Just something that was too hot.
Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No.
What’s your favorite flavor of Doritos? Sweet chili.
Do you feel free to post how you feel on Facebook? Yes. I mostly post about wrestling, food and random shit.
Do you read Reddit? If so, how often and what subreddits do you like? Yes, I mostly lurk on wrestling, music and drama subreddits.
Do you know anyone who’s had a baby recently? No.
Do you listen to any podcasts? How do you listen to them? No.
Why did you leave your last job? It was only a temp job so it ended.
Do you know anyone who has been through a divorce? My parents for one lol.
Would someone being either a cat or dog person affect you dating them? Nah, unless they really hate cats.
When was the last time you had a PopTart? No idea, years ago.
Would you ever jump into a fire to save your best friend? She wouldn't want me to.
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done? Hmm.
Do you think walruses are cute? Yes.
Do you know anyone named Trey? No.
What was the name of your last or current math teacher? No fucking clue.
Do you know anyone with a lip piercing? Yes.
Do you own any hair ribbons? No.
Have you ever given birth? No.
Do you enjoy making out? Definitely.
What’s your favorite class you’ve ever had? Legal Studies or Computers/IT.
Would you rather get [another] tattoo or piercing? I don't have any of either.
Do you prefer cold or room temperature drinking water? It depends - in the summer or at the gym, I far prefer super cold water, but in the winter, room temperature is fine.
When you read a book, do you use a bookmark or simply dog ear/fold the top of the page? I just use whatever piece of paper is closest to me as a bookmark, right now I'm using a random receipt lol.
Do you know anyone who owns a gun? Yes, my boyfriend owns one, it's legal, he has a license for it.
Have you ever seen a panda in real life? Where was it? I don't know.
Have you ever had Covid? What was your experience like? Yep, at least twice - in 2022 and 2023. 2022 was bad, I suffered for weeks afterwards, feeling dizzy and super tired.
Has a romantic partner ever given you a pet as a gift? No.
Have you ever been bitten by a spider? O_O No, thank fuck.
Tell us something that made you happy yesterday: I had lunch with my Mum, it was really good.
How many people have you been really in love with? 1.
Are you a seafood fan? Some of it is good.
Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means. Um.
Would you prefer a pet rat, mouse, snake, lizard or spider? Rat or mouse, they're so damned cute, I've always wanted one but my Mum is scared of them so no go.
Can you keep a pokerface and not show your emotions easily? Depends.
Do you think rainbows are pretty or overrated? Pretty!
Do you like carrot cake? No.
What’s the grossest/worst thing you’ve ever seen in a public restroom? Ugh, just blood everywhere.
What’s the worst relationship advice you’ve ever seen? Dunno.
Have you ever volunteered in a hospital? If not, would you ever want to? No.
Have you ever had a disappointing Christmas, or any disappointing holiday if you don’t celebrate Christmas? Not that I can think of.
Have you ever had to give a pet away? No.
What’s the junkiest junk food you’ve ever eaten? Hmm.
Did you play pretend a lot as a child? Were there any recurring plots or themes? For sure, we always used to pretend to be the Spice Girls xD I was always Emma, cos I was the only blonde in our friend group.
How do you feel about runny egg yolks? I love them soooo much, I had poached eggs yesterday and they had so much yolk in them <3
Have you ever hidden a relationship from your family? Yes.
Have you ever used a view-master? Yes.
Do you know any sex workers? If so, how do they feel about their job? Not personally.
What kind of wild animals do you see most frequently where you live? Uh... not many.
Do you and your parents share any of the same hobbies? My Mum and I both love wrestling, she introduced it to me. My Dad and I love video games and technology.
Who was the worst friend you ever had? A friend who tried to turn us all against each other.
Do your parents and grandparents get along with each other? My grandparents have all passed away.
Do you typically eat breakfast or skip it? Skip it, except for Sundays where I always eat it.
What was the last thing you took a picture of? My poached eggs from lunch yesterday xD
Do you have a collection of anything? Yep - wrestling t-shirts, action figures and Converse.
How did you discover your favourite band? I don't remember, it was in 1997 xD
What was the last big decision you made? Not sure.
When was the last time you performed in front of a group of people? Years ago.
Did you ever used to make cookies, cakes or pie with your grandma? No.
Do you burn incense? Incense gives me headaches, I HATE it when our neighbours burn it and the smell seeps into my room.
Do you smoke weed? No.
Have you actually been through a devastating natural disaster before? I dunno about devastating, but last year my city had insane flooding and then a week later we had a tornado.
What fast food place, in your opinion, has the best french fries? KFC.
Do you believe one day aliens might take over Planet Earth? No.
Do you like soda pop? If so, which is your favorite and least favorite? Sure, but I don't drink it much. My fave is Coke Zero Sugar and my least fave is regular Coke, it's too sweet.
Does it bother you when people burp around you or do you do it too? Haha, nah it doesn't bother me, my Mum burps constantly xD
Ever had a friend named Alex or John? Yes.
What kind of stuff do you like on your hot dogs? I don't like hot dogs.
Where did you kiss the last person you kissed? On his doorstep before I walked home.
Do you think it’s right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced? Sure.
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? No.
Would you ever donate blood? Maybe.
Describe the main problem with your last relationship? He kept his feelings to himself and never told me when he was upset.
Do you have any pictures of celebs saved to your computer? I have an entire folder of Shield and Mox stuff, I think it has thousands of pics and gifs.
Do you find hands attractive? Oh yes, big hands are soooo hot.
Do you think it is silly to give names to vehicles, or other inanimate objects? Hell no, I name loads of stuff lol.
Is there a hair color/style you really like but don’t think you could pull off? Green! LOL.
Out of all the Disney/Pixar animal “sidekicks”, which one is your favorite? Dunno.
If your mom was a teacher, would you want to be in her class? Haha prob not.
As a kid, did you love playing on Neopets? Yes!
Would you ever get a pet turtle? Why or why not? Maybe.
What shop/store/brand would you model for, if given the choice? Anything haha.
If I search your room will I find birth control? No, I have an IUD lol.
Have you ever been told you were a good writer? Yes.
What is the most outrageous thing you’ve done for God? Nothing.
The last piece of roadkill you saw, what kind of animal was it? No idea.
Has anyone ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend with you? Yes, but I didn't know they had one.
List 5 things that have happened in the last 7 days. (They can be anything at all, anything that’s happened involving you, or your family, friends, partner) 1) I watched Jon Moxley win the IWGP title! 2) I switched days at work and worked Friday instead of Monday 3) I hurt my wrist somehow 4) I talked to my BFF who is in Japan and got jealous of her haha :P 5) I ate at a cafe and had poached eggs
Random fact about the person you love/like? He has two sons - one is only 4 years younger than me, the other one is 8 years younger. One of them lives near us, the other lives in the UK so I've not met him.
How many pets do you want? And of what? I just want a cat.
Have you ever asked someone out? Yes.
Is the last person you kissed a virgin? No.
Who makes you the happiest? Lots of people, I can't pick just one.
What are your views on spontaneous human combustion? It's so scary, I was terrified of it as a kid lol.
What was the last zoo/aquarium you went to? I think it was one in the USA of some sort.
What does the last message in your Facebook inbox concern? It's from my boyfriend, we were talking about what I was watching on YouTube.
How did you meet the person you fell hardest for? I was jogging and stopped outside his house to catch my breath while he was out there, he said hello and we got to chatting.
What was your favourite thing about the person you fell hardest for? I can't pick just one thing.
Are you a strong swimmer? No, I absolutely suck.
What was your worst fear as a child? Have you overcome that fear? Just being kidnapped or something lol.
What kind of music do you listen to the most? Pop.
Have you ever tried veggie burgers? No.
Would you rather have another job? No, I like my job.
Did you ever live in a house with more than one story? I currently do!
Do you own any clothes you wouldn’t wear in front of your mother? Haha nah, she's seen all my clothes.
Do you have your national flag hanging up anywhere outside your house? No.
Do you look older or younger than you actually are? Younger, I've been mistaken for 21 - 22.
What was the last show that you watched a full episode of? Big Bang Theory.
Do you have any significantly older siblings? I have stepsiblings if they count, they're much older than me to the point that their kids are adults lol.
Which parent do you feel the most affection for? Both equally.
Do you know anyone who hates/dislikes chocolate? Well, my Mum isn't a big fan. She doesn't hate it, but she rarely eats it.
Have you ever hated yourself? No.
Did your parents ever ground you? No.
Do you like your smile? Sure.
Were you/are you popular in high school? Kinda?
Who is your female celeb crush? (If applicable) Cheryl Cole, always and forever.
Who is your male celeb crush? (If applicable) Jon Moxley, always and forever.
Do you have a favorite Marvel character? No.
Favorite DC character? None.
Do you read comic books? No.
Name a few historical figures you find interesting. Why? I dunno.
What is your favorite historical film and why? I'm not a fan.
Are you currently in love? I am <3
Are you afraid of stink bugs? I don't know lol, I don't think we have those here.
What is the one room in your house you spend the most time in? My room.
What do you think of your current president? We don't have presidents, only prime ministers. The PM sucks, I didn't vote for him or his party.
Is there one website you visit regularly, but would never admit to? No.
Do you own any pets? No.
Would you rather have no legs or have no arms? No legs. It would be irritating, but no arms would be way worse.
Are you afraid of the dentist? Not afraid, but I really don't like it.
Have you ever done anything illegal? Probably.
Do you like McDonald’s sweet tea? Never had it cos it's not a thing in NZ.
Do documentaries bore you? Depends what they're about.
Are you usually happy or sad most of the time? Happy, but it depends.
Does money make you happy? Yes.
Have you ever had a storage locker? If so, what is/was stored in it? The closest we got was storing our furniture when we had no house lol.
How far away is the nearest capital city? About an hour flight or many hours driving xD
What was the last movie trailer you watched? No clue.
Are you expecting anything in the mail? Not at the moment.
Have you ever broken any bones in your feet or hands? I broke some fingers when I got hit by the car - one of them was never the same again, it still looks weird to this day.
Do you remember the first house you lived in? Yes, I lived there for 17 years, it's pretty memorable.
Have you stayed up past 3 in the morning this week? No.
Is there anyone you know by the name of Frank? Probably.
Are you currently in a smoking environment? No.
Do you ever not speak to someone because you’re afraid you’ll annoy them? No.
Have you ever known a guy who caused a lot of drama? Yes.
Is there anything you’re saving up for? Travel, I guess.
Have you ever punched someone and broke their nose? No.
One word to describe your most recent ex? Meh.
Do you like snow? I don't really have an opinion of it cos it doesn't snow where I live so I've not seen it much haha.
Can you tie balloons? No.
When was the last time you were at a pet store? Oh ages ago.
Do you know anyone who is terrified of dogs? Yep. My Mum!
What’s your favorite horror movie? The Ring.
What cover do you think is better than the original song? Oh, loads. Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is High just for one.
What’s a TV show you have gotten into recently? None that I can think of.
What is a food you think is nasty that most people enjoy? Onions.
Was the last person you hung out with single? No, he's in a relationship... with me. LOL. Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? No.
Do you like drinking diet sodas? Yes.
Who was the last person that cried in your presence? Hmm, not sure.
What was the last thing someone gave you? My boyfriend gave me chocolate xD
Who is the person you often go to for venting? Depends what I need to vent about.
Was the last person you kissed male or female? Male.
Who were you with the last time you went swimming? I think... Ngawari?
Do you say “I love you” even when you don’t mean it? No.
Is it hard for you to be “just friends” with the opposite sex? Not at all, I have loads of male friends.
Do you prefer wheat or white bread? Wheat.
What’s your opinion on fast food? I love it, but I don't eat it THAT much.
Have you ever dated anyone while they were in jail? No lol.
If you’ve ever babysat, do you like it? Never done it.
Do you get a lot of spiders in your house? No, thank fuck.
Name two of your favorite things as a child. Spice Girls & dinosaurs.
Do you own a pillow pet? No.
Have either of your parents gone to jail? No haha.
Do you have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)? Not that I know of, but I do have my moments of being obsessive over things.
Do you know a hoarder? No.
Do you think homosexuality (anything besides heterosexual) is a choice? No.
Do you have any interesting scar stories? I have a big one on my shoulder from surgery when I broke it. It broke in 5 places so they had to insert a plate and screws.
What’s a reasonable amount of time before two people get engaged? That really depends, maybe a few years?
Do you hate the texture of meatballs? I'm not a fan.
Do you get migraines? Yep. I've suffered from them since I was 13.
0 notes
mbat · 6 months
no im thinking about pregnancy again, as in, how awful i think it is and how people act about it
i guess i have to start with hey! this is just my opinion! if you feel different, hell yeah! im not shit talking you or telling you to feel different! this is literally just me talking about my personal feelings on pregnancy and i dont expect anyone to actually read it and i dont really care if anyone does
anyway i hate how people act like pregnancy is one size fits all. i hate how people act like if you have a vagina and a uterus and whatever that you HAVE to get pregnant one day, that youre going to want to get pregnant eventually even if you very much dont right now. hell, that if youre a "woman" at all, they think youre going to want to be a mother in general.
it really does just go hand in hand with gender role bullshit and how people think that you HAVE to be and do and love whatever youre born with and if you step outside of that that youre the weirdo and youre the one in the wrong, and not that theyre the weird ones for trying to force this stuff on you.
pregnancy, like anything, is for the individual to decide. but god forbid you decide it isnt for you.
pregnancy to me is the worst thing that could ever happen to me. im terrified of it, im disgusted by it, it sounds straight out of a horror movie to me, ive been around it twice irl and it... it just doesnt feel natural to me even though its apparently one of the most natural things we can do as humans. its like looking at the uncanny valley and being told nothing is wrong but theres that pull at the back of your mind telling you to look away, something is wrong, something is so very wrong.
i had a dream many months ago that i got pregnant, and i was near the end of the pregnancy, i had somehow missed the window to get an abortion. i was in a living room surrounded by people, they were all so happy for me. i remember looking down at my stomach and feeling the worst dread. i was too late to stop it, to prevent it, to end it. my options were very few, and all of them were horrible to me.
and of course i havent even mentioned children. i dont want kids! again, its not one size fits all, its the individuals choice! i dont think id be a good father, and i dont want to be one anyway, i want my freedom, my time, my money, my life! why would i want to bring a child into this fucked up world anyway, just to fuck them up more because i really wouldnt be a good parent.
i dont even want to think about the actual birth part. endless hours of pain and disgusting things happening and emotions and... i could never. i could never i could never i NEVER will. i hate disgusting things happening and i hate pain
all of pregnancy is gross though. you are out of control of your own body. its like a parasite to me. something that isnt you is inside of you, and its changing your body and controlling it whether it even means to or not, and you cant just take it out, and its growing and
thats not even mentioning that you can feel it moving around. what. the. fuck.
i hate that people expect this of me. hell, not even just expect, but want this of me. my dad clings to the idea that one day ill give up all my 'i dont want kids' talk and finally be "normal" and want kids and whatever, because hey he wants grandkids :(. you have grandkids!!!! you have 3!!! its not my fault that only one of them is biologically related to you, maybe you should get over your weird attachment to things being biological and just learn to love regardless! i love my nephews and niece, theyre amazing and i love seeing them! i dont hate kids, by the way! i just dont want them for myself!
but honestly the whole reason i even thought about any of this is because, well tmi i guess, i think im starting a period and i just get so distressed about it. i hate that my body does this, i hate that its something i cant control and its disgusting and horrible. i just wish i could take my reproductive system out of me. and so i was like, i wish i could just pay a doctor to get it out of me! but then i remembered that theyd never do that because theyd be like OH BUT WHAT IF YOU MARRY A MAN AND HE WANTS KIDS. YOU NEED TO HAVE AT LEAST 2 KIDS BEFORE WE EVEN CONSIDER IT. and how if someone said that to me i dont think id be able to hold back from telling them that if i ever got pregnant and couldnt get rid of it that i would seriously consider offing myself. if i ever changed my mind about having kids (why would i) i would just adopt anyway.
i hate that my body is expected to belong to someone else, that my choices and my wants dont matter and im just a silly little girl and what i want will change anyway. im a person. im a full on person, and this is my body. i havent even mentioned how being trans factors into this because what more is there to say than 'im a man and that affects how i feel about this thing that people see as feminine'? or my pcos, which i have even less to say about because like, what is there to say ??
i hate that people dont care what i have to say about my own body, and my own future. i hate that my dad wants me to change how i feel about who i am and what i want, i hate that people i dont know that i havent even met expect me to do this thing that changes everything. i hate that people care more about hypothetical people than me. i hate that people think they know better than me about my own body and wants.
i never want to get pregnant. i never want to have kids. that is my choice as an individual, just like its someone elses choice to get pregnant and have kids. theres already enough people doing that in the world, there wont exactly be a shortage because i decide not to. its not my fault that other people see my choice as abnormal and the other as normal, that sounds like a them problem.
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rynsanriorckstr · 1 year
diaryn #2
i actually just learned this month that you can’t feed babies water..
ill be honest i kinda wanna be a mom, but i also dont want to be a mom. the idea of being mom sounds lovely, except giving birth thats terrifying, but im so scared i’ll end up as the worst of my parents.. like they’re really great! but sometimes there are days that i wish they didn’t have me and maybe they’d be happy. and also, the idea of being trapped in a loveless marriage, that terrifies me. my mom has always joked about how i should marry a man that’s rich and doesn’t get angry fast, which are obvious cries for help, but when i mention how i dont want to risk it and get married she is always shocked. like who gave me the idea of the scary life of marriage!!!!! i don’t want to marry someone who won’t love me forever. i don’t want to waste my years away in the house, i’d make a terrible traditional wife. i don’t think i’d ever date rn or in college. and also finding someone who loves me would also be impossible!! i want to be rich, so i can take my mother around the world. but right now, i’m scared i won’t be able to achieve that. i don’t wanna be that sibling that always has to ask for money because she can’t afford rent. why does my highschool life have to reflect my future its so scary! im also so lonely in class i don’t have any close friends it sucks. whenever there’s a pair work the guy who doesn’t do a single thing  always looks at me then i’d be forced to pair with him ugh. well atleast two girl ( who are just absolutely pretty and kind and smart) offered me to group with them next time ugh kind people are treasures in this world
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phenomenalgirl9 · 1 year
I'm so tired, I'm so tired of holding on. Showing that it is fine when it's not. I'm so tired of waiting for people, things, opportunities, everything. I'm so tired of this domestic chaos.
I don't know why parents bother to give birth if they can't even provide the basic peace to their children. Growing up with an abusive father for 21 years was enough, i didn't let my sister face the same thing. I tried my best, I thought with my father almost out of the picture things would be peaceful. Lmao, life said. All I have is chaos. My mom was mistreated by her parents as a child, and she turns around and does it to us, with her words and actions. She knows about my mental health, but does she give a fuck no. It's just become a note that she flaunts in the court to win the case against my father. Mean while he would never back down, No.
I'm so tired of facing this, nobody gives a fuck. All I can do is cry. The only friends I had left me. All that I am left with are like 2 to 3 people and I don't wanna burden them. Ever since I was a child I was always made to feel like handling/dealing with me is too much, like I am a burden so naturally I feel that way. I've been dropped so many times that I am scared of the few people left would leave me too. I have been called "crazy" by my own father for having ADHD, it's severe and I had to take medicines to even concentrate (something everyone can do naturally). I have been mistreated, discriminated against, ignored, never given importance, yet I stuck with them my own mother. The same mother who once told me "Why did I have a child like you? I wish I killed you as soon as you were born. Why won't you die? You are my life's worst omen"
I hate these daily chaos and quarrels. I wanna be free of it. Set me free please. Please save me.
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acutallyaginger · 2 years
What if’s 🤔
You’re at a bar when the one person you don’t want to see walks in. Who are they? How do you react? I ignore them. I don't have time to hash out old fueds. They can fuck off for all I care.
How would you react if you were catcalled? I would flip them the bird. Don't have time for that shit.
How would you react if you saw a friend who owes you money spending frivolously? I would shut that shit down. I just got out of jail. I'm not afraid to go back.
Your friends are speaking unfairly about a mutual friend. Do you speak up? Ignore it. Not my fight. Fuck that shit.
How would you react if you witnessed a victimless crime? Run the other way. Fuck the popo
What would you do if someone brought up your biggest insecurity in front of a crowd of strangers? My biggest insecurity was being gay. But I came out a few years ago.
How would you respond to an apology from somebody you still can’t forgive? I'll flip them the bird and say that I can forgive but I don't forget.
How would you break up with someone? Beat the shit out of them. Just ask my exes.
If you won the lottery, how would it change your life? Truthfully it probably won't because I never had money so I really don't want it nor need it.
Would you trade ten years of your life to be richer? Hell the fuck no.
How about to be more beautiful? I'm an ugly fucker and I'm proud of it.
More intelligent? Nah.
Reflecting on the past ⏳
What childhood memory still makes your toes curl? My father beating the shit out of me when he walked in on me and my first boyfriend fucking in the shower.
What memory makes you swell with pride? Marrying Thaddeus and him adopting Amelia as his own. Amelia is a story for another day.
If you could relive one day of your life without changing anything that happened, which day would you choose. How I met Thaddeus. That is a day that I will always remember.
What about if you could change the course of events? Nope, I would never even with my father beating me.
Who were you closest to as a child? My older brother Christopher.
What’s something you quit, that you now regret giving up on? Cigarettes. They kept me calm but when Amelia was born I was done.
What was the best party you ever went to? Probably the surprise party I threw for Thaddeus.
Relationships 💞
Who was the first person to break your heart? Chloe, and not because I was in love with her, but because she died during child birth. I miss her. She was my best friend.
Who was the last? Thaddeus.
How well would you handle a long-distance relationship? I mean I did it when I was in jail so fine.
How would you feel after a one-night stand? Had many of them. Don't care.
Have you ever kept someone in your life who you didn’t get along with — for example, a friend you disliked or argued with? Why did you avoid saying goodbye? Yeah, my cousin. She was the only one in the family who didn't care I was gay, but she was always trying to steal my boyfriend's.
How would your best friend describe you? Oh Eden would call me a douchebottle. And I'm proud of it.
How would your romantic partner describe you? See the above, the same way.
How would your boss describe you? That I'm the perfect worker but that's a lie.
How would your parents describe you? They disowned me so they probably would call me the devil.
How would your worst enemy describe you? He's dead so he wouldn't.
Habits and routines ✔️
What do you think about in the shower? The many positions I could fuck Thaddeus in.
Do you stay up late or wake up early? Stay up late. Fucking hate the morning.
What do you do if you can’t sleep? Watch Thaddeus or Amelia sleep.
Who or what do you turn to when you’re upset? My daughter.
Are you more of a text person or a phone call person? Why? Text. I fucking hate talking to people.
What does your morning routine look like? Get up, shit, shower, shave and brush my teeth.
The good, the bad, the ugly… 💀
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever wished on somebody (and who was it)? That scorpions would crawl up their asshole and die. And it was my father.
When was the last time you lied? What made you do it? I like all of the time to keep my family safe.
Is there somebody you haven’t been able to forgive? What did they do? Do you want to forgive them? My mom and dad for disowning me for being gay.
Can you lie easily? Duh.
Do you handle rejection well? Eh, sometimes.
Have you ever done something illegal? Ha. You are kidding right?
Are you more likely to ask for permission or forgiveness? Forgiveness.
What terrible thing have you done that you never thought you would do? Kill someone during the job.
What criticism would your worst enemy would make of you, that you secretly agree with? That I am a narcissist
If you could erase one movie from existence, what would it be? Paper Towns it was fucking horrible.
What’s the weirdest job you would be willing to do? I've cleaned the shitters in jail so
What’s a job you would never consider, no matter how good the pay? Mayor. Hate politics.
How do you feel in large groups versus small ones? I'd rather be in a large group.
Who was the last person you obsessively stalked on social media? Jeffery Dean Morgan.
What was the last book you read? Did you like it? Why or why not? The girl who loved Tom Gordon. Love me some Steven King.
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