#why is common courtesy something to make fun of
sadderrall · 2 months
I used to hang out with a group of 20 year olds and my first red flag to them being shitty people should've been when they laughed at me every time I refilled their britta when I got water
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ayaboba · 1 year
where flowers bloom and sunshine glows —
summary: dates with them! spring edition.
chars: childe, kazuha, tighnari, kaeya, kaveh, alhaitham, zhongli, baizhu, wanderer, xiao, ayato, itto, heizou, albedo, diluc, thoma, cyno.
cw: gn! reader, tell me if I used any gendered pronouns, not proofread, established relationship, they practically fit all of them, fluff.
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cute lil picnics in the most ethereal places - childe, kazuha, tighnari, kaeya, kaveh
dates with them are extremely common. they’ll always make time for you, no matter occupied they are. it’s always a surprise on what they choose as their little rendezvous. sometimes its something extravagant, sometimes its more intimate. they love them all, but if you both had to a pick a favorite, it would simply be a picnic.
it can be romantic, fun, or a mix of both, that’s why they love it so much. it’s a go-with-the-flow choice that really can’t go wrong. your favorite foods, a comforting atmosphere, as well as a breathtaking view, courtesy of them, it never ceases to surprise you. you wonder yourself an eternity of how they always find such idyllic sights.
cafe downtown - alhaitham, zhongli, baizhu.
they prefer more quiet ways to spend their time with you, treasuring your moments together. cafe dates with them are nothing short of enjoyable. they know all your preferences by heart, including your mood. would you feel like airy and bright atmosphere today? or a cozier one instead? do you want just a drink? or maybe a meal afterwards? little details like this whirl in they’re mind 24/7, because your happiness = their happiness.
flower festivals (or any festivals in general)- wanderer, xiao, ayato, itto, heizou
they either love festivals or have a dislike towards them, but they don’t hate them. if you ever wanted to go to one with them, festival-hater or not, they WILL go. they enjoyed it so much that they set up a whole date at one !! with that singular decision, it had given them one of their most happiest and favorite memories with you. theyre absolute tryhards at the minigames stalls and will not stop until they win. which is why you both ended up having grumbling stomachs because they spent all their money trying to win a giant teddy bear.
baking !! - albedo, diluc, thoma, cyno
the chill ones that are a big romantics at heart. sucker for anything that includes you, basically. their dates tend to be small and sweet, always comforting and affectionate. 
now. baking.
they’re very good at it, and so humble about it too. despite their creation looking like it came from some high-end bakery, they insist that yours is much better than theirs. of course, they will gladly teach you, but there has to be some sort of exchange, right?
they aren’t picky, but they’d really appreciate a few kisses here and there…
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© ayaboba. do not copy, modify or translate in any way.
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ausfortheheart · 9 months
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lust life - SIRIUS BLACK
(sirius black x female!reader)
summary: you've been hooking up with james potter over the summer, but when you return to hogwarts you find yourself drawn to his best friend. you've adamantly hated sirius black throughout your school years, and you're sure the feeling's mutual... or you were
warnings: sexual references, strong & suggestive language, description of injuries including blood, cuts and bruises, 14+
other parts:
PART 3 (current)
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The bold red and gold letters were unbearably obnoxious- something like this had Gryffindor written all over it. The bright colours were in stark contrast with the dark greens and black tones of the Slytherin common room. You didn't even have to walk up to the noticeboard to read the massive words plastered across.
WHERE : gryffindor common room
WHEN : friday
TIME : 10 PM
(any snitches will be hexed- courtesy of Sirius Black)
You scoffed at the last part, looking around. no-one seemed to be particularly interested and neither were you.
Upon closer look, you saw rips and tears on the sides of the poster. Whoever had placed it there must have used a permanent sticking charm to prevent anyone from taking it down.
You left the room, rolling your eyes.
On the way to detention you stared aimlessly at your feet whilst you walked, completely submerged in your thoughts. A certain gryffindor boy weaseled his way into your mind. Sirius Black- the reason that you were currently headed to Filch's office on a day when you could be doing Charms homework, or spending time with your friends instead.
So when you felt a hand on your shoulder you spun around so suddenly you almost tripped over your feet. Two strong arms held you steady, as you met a familiar pair of green eyes.
"James?" You asked quizzically, glancing around to see if anyone was looking, "What happened to making sure no one saw us together?"
Still chuckling at how startled you had been, he quickly ushered you into a broom cupboard. You were fairly certain a second year had witnessed the two of you do so.
After the amused look on his face had finally faded away, the both of you just stared at eachother awkwardly. Just as you were about to ask why he was making you late to detention, James took a deep breath.
"I have feelings for Lily." He blurted out.
You weren't sure what you'd been expecting him to say, but it definitely wasn't that. You stared at him for a second, confused about the momentary wave of relief that washed over you.
James looked at you uncertainly, unsure of how you'd react. You'd suspected for a while. A long time, actually. And James' feelings for Lily Evans simply didn't bother you. Perhaps because you had known your time together was coming to an end anyway; the passion the two of you used to have was gradually ebbing away. The boy opposite you jumped as you began to speak, knocking the dusty cleansweep by his arm onto the floor with a loud clatter.
"Cool." You shrugged, "It was fun while it lasted Potter." And you left, leaving James in the dark with a pleasantly surprised look on his face.
It contorted into one of shock as Remus slipped in not even seconds after you'd left.
He looked sickly pale. His footsteps were small, and he moved slowly.
"Erm.." James sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "Shouldn't you be resting, Moony?"
But Remus ignored him, "(Y/n)? Really? Out of all people- the one person your best friend despises?" Despite his weakened state, Remus defiantly crossed his arms, "Don't you think he deserves to know?" But James had already stepped out of the cupboard, and was lingering by the open door.
He gestured to his friend's frail figure, "You need to be resting, it isn't healthy for you to be up, especially not when it's almost time." He paused, "And anyways, it's over." James shrugged, "It was just a fling, and now we're going our separate ways."
"Are you sure Sirius will see it that way?" Remus inquired knowingly, but James had already left.
"Your wand, (L/n)." Filch snapped, snatching it the second you pulled it out of your robes. You raised a hand towards the doorknob hesitantly, the grime on it so thick that what you imagined had used to be a shimmering gold, was now a dull grey.
Filch glared, "What're you waiting for then?"
The caretaker's threatening glare encouraged you to open the door and enter. Filch immediately closed the door behind you. As you grudgingly looked around the room, it became clear that it must've been used for storage. Boxes were stacked up the walls, the air was stale, and the only source of light came from the full-moon which illuminatined the room through a large, floor length window opposite.
You groaned, checking the likely broken clock on the wall. Black was late, which wasn't suprising, but you knew that to clean this place without magic you'd need an extra pair of hands.
Heading to the moudly cardboard box closest to the door, you opened it up, coughing as dust billowed in your face. The contents seemed to be random trinkets that didn't have any practical function. Great, you thought to yourself, setting to work.
An hour passed. 9 pm. Black still hadn't turned up.
As time slipped by, not only had you finally realised that Black wasn't going to come, but also that Filch had locked you in.
The room was pitch black by the time Filch opened the door. Mrs Norris stalked inside as Filch took a look around, candle held high. Once he was satisfied with the cleanliness of the room he gestured for you to leave, reluctantly handing back your wand as you did so.
The hallways were dark and quiet. Even the portraits' inhabitants were asleep as you headed back to the Slytherin common room. You were exhausted, covered in dust and grime with aching limbs, but only one thing was on your mind.
The fact that Black had bunked that definition made you almost shake in anger. It was now midnight. You had spent four hours cleaning that room, and the person who had gotten you into the situation couldn't even be bothered to show up. Engulfed in spite and bitterness, you didn't notice the person ahead until you crashed into them.
"Sorry." You grumbled, prepared to walk past when you suddenly realised who it was.
"(L/n)?" Sirius Black stuttered in shock, as your wide eyes took in his appearance.
His hair was matted, and stuck to the sweat beaded on his forehead. A deep gash was just above his cheekbone; red glittered his face.
You stumbled backwards, hand shakily rising to your mouth, "Oh-- oh my god--"
Black looked at a loss for words, "I-- uh--"
"We've got to take you to Madam Pomfrey," you stated urgently, all previous anger dissipated in an instant, "you stay here, I'll go get--"
"No!" Black snapped, causing you to jump. His eyes were bloodshot, and were full of such a desperation that you had never seen before. Then, in a much more subdued and pleading tone, "She can't--" He rubbed his forehead, and you noticed his hands were coated in blood, "--no one can know."
You hesitated.
"No one." He emphasised, still tense, unsure whether you'd make a run for it or not.
Shaking your head in disbelief, your mind snapped into action, "Fine. Come with me."
Taking his elbow, you began to lead him away.
"(L/n) I don't have the time--"
You stopped so abruptly that Black crashed into your back.
"Listen to me," You faced him, eyes practically blazing, "You are going to come with me, and I am going to help you because I swear to god I refuse to be the one responsible if you're discovered tomorrow morning dead." Your breathing was heavy with adrenaline as he stared back at you silently.
"Okay?!" You snapped without meeting his eyes, immediately beginning to tug him again.
"Okay!" He said exasperatedly, "but it won't help if you tear my bloody arm off!"
"I ought to do just that after you left me in a four hour detention to clean up some disgusting room by myself." Ignoring his protests and unsympathetic apologies, you pulled him inside a room you often frequented, but with a different boy.
"Is this the prefect's bathroom?" Black raised an eyebrow as you pushed him down onto the toilet seat. Ever since you and James started having regular meet-ups, he had given you the password to enter the Prefect's Bathrooms. Apparently it hadn't been changed yet.
You nodded, quickly wetting a tissue and wiping off the blood from his face before taking out your wand. Black sank into silence as you worked, but his pained expression and sharp intakes of breath whenever you dabbed at a cut didn't escape your notice.
Brushing aside a few strands of hair stuck to his forehead, you murmured "Episkey!"
And the gash on his cheekbone quickly closed up.
"Where'd you learn that?" Black asked in awe, absentmindedly running a hair through his thick hair.
"Just because you don't pay attention during Charms doesn't mean everyone else doesn't." You stated, looking up briefly from rolling up his trouser. He had leaned back with a wolfish grin on his face, and you briefly revelled in how someone could look so handsome so effortlessly, before snapping back to your senses.
"Immature prick." You sighed, moving your hands down to the bottom of his shirt. It was soaked in blood. Peeling it up cautiously, you bit the inside of your cheek as you saw the wounds littering his abdomen.
"Didn't realise you were so eager to undress me," He smirked, as you instantly withdrew your hands in disgust.
"Can you not give it a rest for one second ?!" You snapped.
From then on he stayed silent, opting instead to rest his head against the cold wall and close his eyes. You began to murmur charms, working on each open wound until most of them were gone. The deeper ones would inevitably scar. His smooth skin felt warm against your fingers, and you observed how his muscles tensed whenever you accidentally brushed against them.
You began to wish you hadn't said anything.
After a few more anxious minutes, you sat back. There would definitely be some bruises the next day, but without a professional healer there was really nothing that could be done.
The silence was so prominent between the two of you, and your thoughts so loud, that you began to wonder whether he in fact could hear them. But Black made no semblance of opening his eyes or moving, and you wondered whether he really had fallen asleep. You cleared your throat to let him know you'd finished.
His dark eyes fluttered open, and you stared at the bruises forming under his eyes. Without much thought, you lifted your fingertips and brushed his right eyelid. Whatever had happened, it was no normal courtyard fight. These injuries had to be supernatural.
"I'm sorry." You whispered finally, fingers dropping as you began to tap them against the cold tiles on the floor.
He stared intensely, and you struggled not to squirm.
"I don't mind it when you touch me." He said bluntly, causing you to get flustered.
"No-- I meant--"
Sirius Black looked as though he could laugh, causing you to descend into an ashamed silence as he spoke, "Oh about yesterday? I deserved it I--"
"--about what happened at the Malfoy's." You interrupted, finally making eye contact, "I didn't know."
He stayed silent, but Sirius' grey eyes resembled a storm, the emotion so prevalent you found yourself lost in in them. His eyes bore into yours as you sat there, with bated breath, unsure whether he understood to what you were referring.
"I judged you. Unfairly. Just like Elizabeth did to Darcy..." You trailed off, cringing at what you had just said- internal monologue was internal for a reason.
Besides, he had likely forgotten and was probably wondering if you'd had too much pumpkin juice to drink during lunch.
You attempted to salvage your apology, "At the Chrismas ball, in the--""
"--in the broom cupboard." He almost smiled, eyes twinkling as he remembered your first proper encounter. As though it was a happy memory shared between two childhood friends.
"I'm sorry." You repeated, and he smiled so broadly, radiantly, that you couldn't help but blush, cheeks aching as you both began to laugh.
Everything seemed to shift. Much to the majority of Hogwarts' students' shock, you and Sirius began to be civil to one another. You exchanged smiles when passing in the corridor, you laughed when he pulled a prank in class, you even walked to Potions with him at the beginning of third period the following day. People couldn't seem to believe that a Gryffindor and a Slytherin who had despised eachother for years had suddenly begun to exchange niceties.
When Friday finally came around, Serafina couldn't contain her suspicions. Fully aware of what the gossips in Hogwarts could be like, she hadn't wanted to offend you by believing the talk of the school. You hadn't yet told her about what had happened that day - only about you and James breaking it off - and so she was desperate to know what had changed between you and Sirius.
Eyes practically shining as the two of you sat underneath the large oak tree in the courtyard, you started to explain everything that had happened when Sera cleared her throat. Her eyes were focused curiously on something behind you.
Turning around, you grinned as you saw Sirius nearing you.
You waved as he stopped roughly a metre away from you. He didn't return it.
Lowering your hand slowly, you noticed something had changed in his demeanour.
All of a sudden James was at his side, out of breath as though he had been running, eyes wide in...
"Don't do this mate," He began to beg uselessly, as you glanced around in confusion, students had begun to gather around, "She didn't--"
"Tell me." He began in a low voice, as James looked at anywhere but you, "for how long exactly you've been fucking my best friend."
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hi loves!
i had so much fun writing this chapter! hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i did writing<33
as always, i'd love to hear your thoughts<3
- L
taglist ;
@cumslutforaemond @blackst0nes7077 @s0vval @starsval @ttulipwritezz @xreaderbooksreads @thewiselionessfantasy @willows-lane @kieyriez
these works are the property of ausfortheheart
all written content is mine, do not steal, plagiarise, or publish any of my works without my permission
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wickjump · 2 months
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My name is Wick (she/they), also known as Wickskip (TikTok), Wickjump (Tumblr), or Hopwick (AO3*).
On all platforms my content centers around Undertale and the Undertale Multiverse, however I’ll also sometimes reblog/post about a few other fandoms.
What I post and reblog can contain themes of violence, mental illness, suicide/self harm, suggestive themes, or more. For those reasons, this blog is intended for audiences 16+ in age.
information zone /ᐠ - ˕-マ。˚ᶻ 𝗓
[⁉️] byf/dni:
dni: pro/com/darkshippers (i do not support harassment or doxxing), TERFs, zionists/pro-isreal, anti-semitics, basic dni criteria (bigots). xvials.
byf: i will sometimes post/reblog things of a suggestive nature, but none of said posts will be graphic nudity. i am not an nsfw account, and will not reblog or post nsfw content, but it may be briefly mentioned or discussed. any suggestive posts will be tagged as such so you’re able to block the tag and not see that kind of content.
*my ao3 account is not intended for children.
[⚠️] boundaries:
pls no asks referring to alcoholism, substance abuse, or proship content.
do not tag me in posts containing themes that apply to my dnis or general discomforts. that includes grooming, pedophilia, incest, proship content, bigotry, xvials, etc.
also do not tag me in posts that are centered around the harassment of another individual.
don’t flirt with me or make sexual comments towards me, regardless of age or relationship status, including jokes!!!! conversations with graphic sexual themes are generally uncomfortable for me and i’d prefer not to have them.
don’t drag me into fights/start them under my posts!!!!!!!
sometimes i can be wrong about things. if i am wrong about things, tell me so i can improve!! i never mean to make anyone upset because of something i said.
please pay attention and follow my dnis, they’re there for a reason even if you disagree.
[⭐️] faves:
aus: xtale, handplates, dusttale, reapertale, aftertale
au sanses: cross, reaper, lust, dream, dust, error, sci and fresh
canon ut characters: chara, frisk, asriel, toriel, alphys
other au characters: xtale alphys, xchara, xtale toriel, uf!toriel, uf!flowey, reapertale chara, handplates gaster, starlo (ut:y), outertale grillby, core frisk
ships: lustblue, kross, hypersomnia, afterdeath, bad sans poly, errorink qpr, and drinkberry. im not a picky shipper though :))
tropes: devotion, childhood friends -> lovers, hurt/comfort, opposites attract
color, animal, movie, book: pink/red/yellow, cat, the little prince (1974)/the last unicorn, fading echoes/the forgotten warrior (wc)
coffee order: 60-120k word slow burn rivals/strangers/friends to lovers modern au (possibly with a fantastical twist)
[🕯] other assorted info:
no twitter, discord, or insta :(
i have another name btw it’s winnie :3
every time i talk about ink in a relationship it is always queerplatonic on his part, even if i don’t clarify!! i personally don’t like shipping him romantically.
i have diagnosed autism, adhd, anxiety, and some others but that’s my personal biz. if i come off as awkward, ‘trying too hard’, unable to realize when a joke’s ended, or just weird/unlikable, that’s why. i’m seriously bad with that stuff but i’m trying my best!!
i’m an ace lesbian (i love women) and fem non-binary
i am squirrelstar, nightcloud, and mapleshade’s biggest fans and defenders ever!!!!!!!!!!! it’s fine if you don’t like them, just please don’t hate on them in reblogs of my posts or my askbox. common courtesy you know?
pls stop telling me to block people bc they draw gore art i don’t care as long as they’re not sexualizing it or endorsing the actions, it’s a genre of horror u cannot watch saw for fun and then get made at sans fangirl 172838373 for drawing sans undertale being crushed alive. this is the same for most* other dark themes.
*please google the definition of most. i do not mean all. there are some themes i personally wouldn’t want to interact with.
[🐇] links to my projects
Undertrap Sans/Milkbone Sans
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(warrior cats divider by skelos-cath)
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acesandwords · 2 years
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So you've joined Tumblr with a brand new blank blog! And then you end up getting blocked by everyone you follow, why is that?
Tumblr has a bot problem - blank blogs look like bot accounts and most bots are porn bots that post malicious links and images or videos. I've seen some truly horrendous content because of these kinds of accounts as have most other users here.
How do you show that you're a person and not a bot? Pretty simple - find something you like and reblog it! Something you find funny, a piece of fan art, a nicely made gif set, whatever you want. Tumblr doesn't have an algorithm, you've got to look for content yourself. Upload a pfp and a banner image as well!
This is not tiktok. You should not be censoring yourself if you make your own post, tumblr isn't going to shadowban you for cursing.
Reblogging is not reposting - a reblog is always attached to the original account it was from I promise you are not stealing it. reblogging is the only way a post gets seen! It's similar to a retweet.
You can add to someone's reblog as well, maybe someone made a joke and you think of a pun to go with it. Or maybe they're sharing some cool facts and you happen to know some more related cool facts. Or maybe it's a wholesome post - someone said they're sad and asked to see people's pets, then it'll be a huge reblog chain of cute animals.
Liking posts - does nothing to elevate the post, it's not like Instagram or tiktok or youtube. Think of a like as a bookmark you can come back to later. It's still a kind thing to do, to say "hey this is a good post!" but it's not going to help someone looking to advertise their art or attempting to boost a gofundme.
Tagging - this one is a bit more complex in some ways. But for the basic common courtesy, use tags that relate to the posts' content. let's say it's from a specific fandom, you could tag the show name, the characters, a ship name, and so on. Another example, if you make a piece of artwork that contains depictions of blood/gore it's good to tag "blood tw" and "gore tw" (tw stands for trigger warning). Ultimately though? You can also just reblog without tagging, that's also fine it's up to you!
for a lot of us, it's used as a form of non-permanent commentary. It's kind of like a whisper. and sometimes if that whisper is funny or makes a good point people will screenshot it and add it to a reblog.
This website is a blogging platform that you can use however you want to with the exception of posting explicit content (This is potentially getting changed but we don't know yet). You could curate a blog with one specific thing or you can just reblog whatever the hell you want. Follower count doesn't matter here and cannot be seen by anyone but you so don't feel like you have to meet some weird criteria and maintain an audience.
Have fun and start reblogging!
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amyispxnk · 8 months
Well you may not like it, but you better learn how.
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A/N: Something small and random I came up with because Not Allowed started playing. Loosely inspired by it, but I don’t think this really aligns with the meaning behind the song after looking it up.
Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: 1661
Warnings: blowjob that lasts about 3 sentences, angst, mentions of blood and injuries, reader has bad thoughts, one pet name (sweetheart), low-key manipulativeness from joel
He groaned from above you, head tipping back as his hips bucked, pushing his length further down your throat.
“Just like that, fuck, keep doin’ that and I’m gonna come down your throat.”
You wanted him to. And he did, coming with a low growl of your name before he pulled out of your mouth with a pop.
You had looked up at him, hoping for something. Anything.
You got nothing.
He pulled you up after zipping up his jeans, murmuring a goodbye before walking out of the dingy room you called yours in the QZ.
No matter how much you tried, nothing changed. Joel was a harsh man, with a cold gaze and an even colder heart. Being on the receiving end of the latter was difficult to go through, or it was for you at least.
If you were stronger, maybe it wouldn’t affect you as much. If you were tougher, if you didn’t care as much, if you were better, maybe it wouldn’t affect you. 
If you were better, maybe he’d like you.
So that’s what you strived to be. Every time he came over, you’d just do more and more, put more and more effort in, make yourself more and more uncomfortable. He didn’t even want to make you uncomfortable, he had that much courtesy, but you just did whatever he wanted by that point in your attempts to get something more from this relationship between the two of you. He never cracked though. The walls he had built up wouldn’t come tumbling down for you, you were just some girl. Another dumb girl who fucked him and let yourself fall for him too.
When this whole thing started you were just in it for the fun too. He was hot and was always down to fuck and he was trustworthy. That was the biggest part of it. You wanted someone you could trust, trust with your body and trust with your mind.
He had strictly stated that there would be ‘no feelings attached’ and you had agreed, not knowing how badly you’d fall for him so quickly.
Joel was a good enough guy, he listened when you felt shitty enough to ask him to, was gentle when you wanted him to be, and had common decency with you, but that was about it. He didn’t spend the night, gave you a rag or something at most to clean yourself up with before leaving, had not kissed you once, and didn’t talk about himself at all.
He probably didn’t care about you at all. He probably had a dozen other girls he would fuck. Maybe you were his worst one. Maybe he came to you when they were all too busy for him and only then. Maybe-
A knock on the door interrupted your thoughts. 3 quick knocks. That meant one thing- Joel.
You exhaled deeply before walking up to the door, opening it to be greeted with the sight of Joel, panting and covered in blood. Covered in blood.
“Joel, what the fuck?” You gasped at the sight of him.
“Let me in.” He demanded in a gruff tone. You stepped aside, shutting the door behind him as he sat down on the couch.
“Care to explain what the hell this is?” You said in a raised voice, mind racing as anxiety bubbled up to the surface, gesturing to the blood and cuts on his hands and face.
“‘s a fight. Jus’ needed some stuff from ya.” He responded, as if this was something that happened on the regular.
Firstly, you weren’t the kind of person to get into scraps and bar fights, barely leaving the QZ so you didn’t encounter infected either; secondly, Joel never came over unless it was to fuck. Never. Ever. So no, it wasn’t very regular to you.
“I- okay.” You wanted to ask him why he came to you at all, instead of just going back to his place, but maybe he actually wanted to see you? Wanted you to help bandage him up instead of him going back to his apartment and doing it himself? 
You settled in front of him and started dabbing the cuts on his knuckles, still pondering the situation in your head. It was kind of a tender thing, something partners would do for eachother. Couples, even. The proximity was close and you could feel his stare burning through you as you tended to his wounds, wrapping his hand in a gauze before turning and reaching for some more supplies, then moving up to his face. You tilted his jaw to the side slightly and began to dab at the cut on the apple of his right cheek, wiping away the blood and covering it up with a bandaid. After you finished, you let your gaze linger on his features for a moment - patchy stubble dotted with bits of grey along his jaw, a hooked nose that had trailed down your body in moments of lust so many times, and soft, plump lips that you ached to kiss so badly it made your heart hurt.
He didn’t move, didn’t back away or anything- but he only didn’t because he didn’t realise you were finished. He was lost in thought, not about you, but about one of the many other things that plagued his mind. He didn’t even notice your face getting closer until your lips brushed against his, moving to seal the gap between them completely until he rose from the couch abruptly, nearly knocking you over in the process.
“The fuck are you doin’?” He spat, the tone of his voice making you wince. Had you interpreted the situation wrongly? Obviously, you had. You thought he was finally warming up to you, coming to you for aid, that he was finally ready to let you in. You really believed it when he let you get that close to him, let you get that close to his lips.
“I- I thought that you-”
“Whatever you thought, you thought wrong.” He cut you off, running a hand through his hair and looking away for a moment. “Jesus, woman, what the fuck are you thinking?” He snapped his head back towards you, your eyes now glossed over with tears waiting to burst forth.
But you didn’t get upset, you got angry. 
You rose to your feet and threw the rag to the side.
“I thought that you might finally fucking like me, Joel!” You shouted.
He was still for a moment, before he let out a bitter laugh.
“Like you?” He repeated, in a tone he had never used with you before. It was bleeding with toxicity and maliciousness and it made your brows furrow even harder in pain.
“You are such a piece of- of shit! You come over all the damn time, and no matter what I do it’s always the same thing. You just leave without anything, you treat me like I’m worth nothing to you - and maybe I am, but this is just bullshit at this point. I know I’m not worth much, but I’ve come to realise that my standards are higher. I don’t want this, Joel. I don’t like whatever our relationship is, and if things don’t change, I’m fucking done.” 
You were panting by the end of your little speech, pent-up emotions finally spilling out of you and he just watched. Watched you pour your heart out to him and reveal your true emotions to him, and he just watched.
Then he spoke.
“Listen to me, I don’t know if you think you’re some perfect angel on Earth or somethin’ who deserves only the best, but the truth is, you’re lucky to have me. You know how many bitches would get down on their knees for me like that?” He said with a snap of his fingers. “But I keep comin’ back to you. I could easily just go to one of them and leave you behind here. And maybe I will, after whatever the hell you just pulled.”
His words were the final blow, ripping your heart apart and throwing it on the ground, crushing it under its boot and practically fucking setting it ablaze.
You let out a slight sob before you could stop yourself.
“You’d leave me?” You whispered meekly.
His jaw clenched at the sight of you. Pathetic. That’s what he thought. Pathetic and pitiful. For him. You cared so much about him, but he wasn’t gonna let that happen. He did care about you, because you deserved care. That’s why he only fucked around with you, only really talked to you about things other than work, only did a lot of stuff with you. But he didn’t deserve care, he didn’t deserve love, and that’s why he got scared when things got too real. When you, a normal human being with emotion, started to like him, a monster of a person. You were too good for him and he didn’t want to mess around with love. Despite these somewhat softer thoughts, he didn’t crack, didn’t show you kindness or affection in this situation.
“Maybe I would.” He muttered, before stepping closer to you and tilting your jaw upwards to face him.
“If you don’t like our relationship, I’ll gladly fuck off. But I think- I think it’s best you learn how to, sweetheart, because I’m the best you’ll ever get.”
You took in his words. And he was probably right. You would never get anything better, you’d probably never get anything at all if he left you.
So you nodded slowly, apologising to him for spilling your emotions and reading into it too much, apologised for trying to kiss him and for thinking he liked you.
“I’ll see you.” Was all he said before he left, no words of reassurance or an ‘it’s okay’ at all. But that was okay. That’s how it was and how it would always be for the two of you.
Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it!! Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated and requests are open! 💞
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answrs · 1 year
Readmores And You - A Really Great Tumblr Feature!
(this is technically directed at stuff I've seen in a specific tag because of the content of said tag makes it more likely to spoiler things, but it applies to anyone likely learning the ins and outs of a new site. speaking of which, hello! welcome to tumblr!) (this got. longer than anticipated. apologies, I get bogged down in trying to make things as clear as possible. ^^")
I've seen this a lot recently in the VC tags especially, where the post goes something to the effect of "tw bloody animal!" then like six periods and the images of whatever dead thing the post is about.
I recognize this is probably being carried over from some other website (...reddit probably? maybe insta?) but please. I appreciate y'all so much for trying to do what you're doing. but this method of hiding pictures isn't effective on tumblr, but there is an infinitely better option!
"but why? it works fine on other sites?" firstly, a few extra lines typically don't even take up enough space on mobile (let alone desktop) to hide your pics, so even at a glance anyone is likely still seeing at least the top half of whichever picture you posted before even noticing the trigger warning on top. second, because you have to scroll all the way past the images at the bottom of your post anyway to get to the next one on your dash/in the tag/etc. so if someone comes across your post and the trigger warning is applicable as something they want to avoid, unless they have access to a keyboard to use a keybind shortcut that ive been here 12 years and still cant remember, they can't see any other posts after it without either having to scroll through the pics or outright block you. which is... not the most ideal of options I would say.
"but what else am I supposed to do then!?" I hear you ask.
tumblr has a wonderful feature known as a "readmore" that's built into the site! it creates a break in your post, which hides any content - be it words, images, whatever - that you place underneath it, not showing it unless the person viewing it clicks on the words "keep reading" (formerly "read more" - hence the name :D).
Cool, how do I do that?
on mobile you can place one by tapping an empty line and clicking the grey squiggle icon from the selection that allow you to insert an image/vid/link
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which will place a squiggly line into the post you're making:
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(desktop uses the same icon, it's just in a more compact row of icons.)
you can drag it around after placing it too, just like photos. (note: mobile can get finicky with this and it's usually just easier to remove it -click the big red X- and add it in the new place you want it.)
EDIT: some of the versions of mobile editor are broken and don't show the icons. to add it in manually type ":readmore:" (with the colons, but not the quotation marks) on its own line. Thank you for the reminder, LovingTogetic!
this is also a nice way to keep your blog tidy and not swamped in long and/or spoilery posts (say if you're posting 5k word fics, or extensive meta, or gushing over the ending of the latest game or TV show most people probably haven't seen yet)! it's not required, obviously, but it's generally considered a common courtesy for others that will be seeing your post cross their dashboard.
finally, an example of the readmore in action:
have fun out there y'all, I hope this is helpful ^^
as an aside (I wasn't sure where to put this but under the break seemed appropriate), you may also see a lot of personal/vent posts be fully under readmores as well, even if the post is only a sentence or two long. this is mostly so followers don't necessarily see it unless they specifically click, but there's a more frustrating history to it becoming a thing: when a post is reblogged, any content above the break is permanently frozen as it existed at the time, but anything under it will reflect edits made to the post. while not common, a certain type of user sometimes browse the various "do not rb" tags and will purposefully reblog personal posts in order to upset and distress the users. putting those things under a readmore make it so even if that happens, the text can be deleted from all iterations of the post. recently the site rolled out an option to lock a post to reblogs, but you gotta mess with the settings and it's mostly a habit after a decade here dealing with the nonsense.
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stackthedeck · 7 months
i need someone who understands to commiserate with me.
WHY are people marking spider-man - all media types when they mean "twinky tiny teeny baby tom holland and papá stark and ooh sometimes big hulking predatory gay teen fucker deadpool (i think thats his name ive never read a comic but i know he hears voices oooOohooH)" thats NOT ALL MEDIA TYPES THATS THE FUCKING TOM HOLLAND MOVIES
they can like that! i dont CARE. what i care about is intentionally obfuscating your fic premise, thereby making ME read it 😭😭😭
i know spideytorch is your fav flame but at least many torch knowers know about smth besides the movies 😔😔
(have a good day, i needed to bitch and i was like. he is the only one who will truly understand 💛)
Anon I feel you I bitch about this every day lmao the exclude mcu button on ao3 is my best friend! Like listen mcu fans can do whatever they want but like fandom etiquette dictates that if I don’t like I shouldn’t read so it’s common courtesy for them to say exactly what the fic is so I can know that I’m the type of fan who doesn’t like it so I won’t read it. Like I’ve been 5k words into pretty alright Spider-Man fic and then I’m hit with the “mr.stark” and I’m like god where’s my Spider-Man that doesn’t respect billionaires it’s crushing every time. And like hey mcu fans, y’all are the majority here if people want Tom Holland Spider-Man they’re searching that fandom tag so use it so more of your intended audience can read your fic!
I’ll be honest with you anon the reason I’m so into spidey torch is because 1 it’s a semi popular ship and 2 spidey torch fans tend to be obsessed with the comics sometimes for both the boys but they’re a super fan of at least one. The fantastic four have had nothing but shitty adaptations so their comic fandom is bigger than their movie fandoms it’s wonderful. I don’t really ship Johnny with Peter beyond like oh they probably were a friends with benefits situation or a Johnny is way more hopelessly in love situation. Nah the real goat of Johnny Storm ships is Johnny and Wyatt Wingfoot that is a power couple that can stand the test of time. But unfortunately it’s a very small tag and there’s quite a few writers who don’t know how to be normal about Native Americans. But my diehard spidey ship is parksborn and that tag is such a mixed bag! Sometimes it’s like the perfect replication of the comic dynamic, sometimes it’s the Raimi movies (functionally two different characters but also fun), something to do with the cartoons (not my thing because they’re kids doing high school drama), whatever the fuck Andrew Garfield had going with that dying Victorian orphan, or Harry is the evil ex but like evil the same way Norman was like fuck off!
Anyway spidey torch is the only spidey dude slash ship that has like consistently good fics but all the other ships you’ve gotta sift through a lot of bull shit but it’d be so much easier to find what I want if people would just tag their shit correctly!
Anyway thank you for bitching with me anon. Reminder: fuck the mcu until Sabra is removed from captain America 4, pirate your movies and comics and don’t buy shit from them. Pirate spectacular Spider-Man comics and every single Wyatt Wingfoot appearance
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thevelaryons · 4 months
What do you think of the relationship between Corlys and Daemon?
They were political rivals:
Reports had reached the court that Corlys Velaryon was massing ships and men on Driftmark to “defend the rights” of his son, Laenor, whilst Daemon Targaryen, a hot-tempered and quarrelsome young man of twenty, had gathered his own band of sworn swords in support of his brother, Viserys.
— Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon
Then they became something like friends:
Flying back to the Stepstones afterward, Prince Daemon landed at Driftmark to make a courtesy call upon his erstwhile partner in conquest, the Sea Snake, and his wife, the Princess Rhaenys. High Tide was one of the few places in the Seven Kingdoms where the king’s brother could be confident he would not be turned away.
— Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon
Though I think they would clash in terms of the morality of actions taken during the war. It’s shown repeatedly that they give opposing advices to Rhaenyra when she seeks their council. That being said, they do share a common interest in resolving the war through diplomacy first before violence. Daemon just differs from Corlys in the sense that he won’t shy away from using violence to achieve his means whereas Corlys sees violence as more of a last resort thing. If Daemon represents chaotic upheaval then Corlys is traditional order.
There’s an interesting detail in the pre-ASOIAF material stating that house Velaryon abandoned Rhaenyra due to Daemon’s death. In The Princess and the Queen (2013), Addam is the reason for why house Velaryon turned against Rhaenyra. But The World of Ice and Fire (2014) puts forth the possibility that Daemon’s death played a part in house Velaryon turning against her too. So this might imply he was part of the reason Corlys originally supported Rhaenyra’s claim. It might be retconned though since the current canon material in Fire & Blood (2018) shows that the fallout from Rhaenyra declaring Addam a traitor is what leads to house Velaryon abandoning her. I’m referring to this passage specifically:
When her husband Prince Daemon fell, House Velaryon turned against her.
— The World of Ice & Fire, Aegon II
But like I said, this seems to have been retconned. Daemon’s role in being the reason house Velaryon turned against Rhaenyra was given back to Addam.
Fun fact: Daemon & Addam have parallel roles. (Show!Daemon in ep10 also has a scene where he’s getting men to swear their loyalty to Rhaenyra and this is very obviously lifted from book!Addam’s ‘dragon in the courtyard’ moment at Riverrun. If the showrunners didn’t think people would notice…well I noticed it!!!)
And I do believe Corlys might’ve viewed Daemon as sorta kinda like a son.
Fun fact #2: Corlys had a habit of giving crowns to Daemon. (With the Daemon/Laena match, I wonder if Corlys was considering a third crown for him as well.)
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asteria-argo · 2 months
I'm mad so I'm gonna rant for bit. I don't know why this has fallen out of common sense or decency all of a sudden, but authors are still people. They're allowed to have boundaries, especially on works that they are writing for fun and sharing for free. You have absolutely no moral high ground or right to insist that someone who is literally just a fan of something that you are also a fan of has to put up with behaviours that make them uncomfortable. I don't like shipping comments on works I have correctly tagged as gen, I don't like character bashing in my comments because I am not writing fics for that purpose, and for someone to have the audacity to claim that it is "presumptious" of me to want people to treat me and my work with respect is absolutely disgusting.
I'm not writing a professionally published story, I'm not reading professional critic reviews, and I do not have to put up with the bullshit temper tantrums of strangers on the internet. This is just a hobby we are all engaging in and I absolutely do have a say in how people are allowed to treat me and my work. I do not relinquish my rights to courtesy and respect just because I am sharing my work on the internet and you do not suddenly have permission to speak to or about me whatever way you wish just because I am sharing it.
Comment sections on ao3 are a direct conversation with the author, they do not get sent off into a void or screened by anyone, we see all of them ourselves and if there certain kinds of comments we don't want to receive for whatever reason that may be we have absolutely every right to ask people to be respectful of that, and enforce boundaries when they aren't. If you think otherwise, respectfully, go fuck yourself.
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a-dragons-journal · 2 years
A handful of things I just want to say and forgive me if it sounds like I’m vagueposting anyone in specific I’ve just seen these things said in a number of places by a number of different people today and I honestly cannot find a good singular post to respond to with all of them in one place:
1) If your response to people not liking “kinning for fun” is “stop policing how other people understand their identity,” you have fundamentally misunderstood the problem. The entire problem is that it’s NOT their identity, and they’re explicitly stating that. Policing how other people understand their identity would be telling them that if they have more than [x] number of kintypes they’re not serious about it, or if they “don’t take it seriously enough” they’re not ~really~ ‘kin, not “hey if you’re explicitly saying you don’t actually identify as the thing in any way, why are you using the word that means you identify as the thing in some way”. (And don’t get me wrong - the former definitely exists, but it’s not what the KFF argument is about. That’s a separate argument entirely (and it is shitty and gatekeepy to arbitrarily decide that someone who is telling you they actually do identify as something actually doesn’t do it seriously enough for you) and I am a little tired of people conflating the two, honestly.)
2) “people find out they’re otherkin through roleplay a lot, so “kinning for fun” in that sense is okay and valid” - the former statement is true, but it doesn’t actually support the latter imo. Roleplay is great, and people absolutely explore identity using it a lot - but that doesn’t mean it’s the same thing as identity. Someone playing a character of a different gender in D&D might be a step in them figuring out they’re trans, and it may even be a sign that they’re trans, but it doesn’t inherently make them trans and it would be kind of insulting (and just. objectively incorrect) to call it “transing”, y’feel?
3) One of the biggest differences between, like, queer exclusionism and syscourse versus this whole thing (since I keep seeing this comparison occasionally), even ignoring the whole “nowhere is anyone telling KFF they’re wrong about their own experiences, just that the actual word they’re using is Not It” aspect, is that exclusionism is driving people out of spaces and communities they’ve historically been a part of. As far as I am aware, and please correct me if I am wrong here, otherkinity has always and exclusively been about being your kintype - people who just relate to a thing have, as far as I have ever seen in all my reading, never been a part of it. It’s not people suddenly being shoved out of a community they’ve historically been a part of, it’s outsiders trying to shoehorn themselves into words that were never meant to describe their experiences and getting mad when they’re told “hey, that’s not what that actually means.” (At risk of a controversial comparison here, it’s not m-spec lesbians suddenly being pushed out of the word “lesbian” because they don’t fit an increasingly narrowing label even though they were historically a part of it, it’s white people trying to insist that they’re “smudging” and that the spirits they’re interacting with are their “totem animals” even when they’re being repeatedly told by Native people that no, you have misunderstood what those words mean, stop misusing them that way, please use these other words that actually mean what you are describing instead. Obviously with a little less weight courtesy of the history tied in with cultural appropriation, but like - you get my point.)
There has to be a point at which a community is allowed to go “hey, you’re not allowed to try and force the word we created to describe a specific phenomenon to include a hundred other things that have very little in common with that specific phenomenon, or it becomes impossible for us to actually talk about our own experiences clearly because suddenly words mean borderline nothing.” I am all about inclusion, but words have to mean something or why do we have them at all? There are at this point literally dozens of other words for the things “kinning for fun” is supposed to mean - there are not other words for actually being nonhuman, which is the entire reason we created these words to begin with. If you want an umbrella term to cover all these things, that’s what “alterhuman” is for - we seriously do not need to be trying to force “otherkin” to be the umbrella term “alterhuman” was always supposed to be.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
(I’m always so scared to send in requests but I have so many ideas😭) but how about sigma x (insecure/or not) chubbyish reader?
Please don't be scared love!! I promise I'm friendly and I accept all kinds of ideas :) I was so glad to see this one as a chubby person myself! Plus Sigma is always a winner hehe
The Other Perspective
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♡ pairing: Sigma x chubby!fem!Reader
♡ synopsis: You're insecure about your weight as you try on a new dress, but Sigma is having none of it.
♡ wc: 1.3k
♡ cw: Reader is chubby and they are insecure about this, and have negative thoughts about their weight. Reader has feminine titles like 'girlfriend' and 'woman' (also anon I'm so so sorry if you're not afab/female/use she/her pronouns; that is absolutely my bad. I just wrote it that way based on my own experience I'm sorry I love you sm T-T I can write something else for you if you want me to lovely <3)
note: With the parts where reader criticises her weight; I don't think that weight makes someone ugly or unworthy of respect at all! I just personally have self-esteem issues to do with my own body (got bullied for it a lot), as well as a ton of other problems with self-loathing. I do not condone unhealthy activities related to weight loss nor do I condone bullying someone (including yourself!!) because of their weight. I understand that this message might seem insincere because it's so common, but I truly mean it. I love you all, big and small and everywhere in between. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy. (sorry this was long lol i'm PASSIONATE)
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"Ah..." you sighed, turning to your left and scrutinising your side profile. Your hands wandered down to your stomach, where you instinctively sucked in. You didn't know why you still did so after all these years; it always, always yielded the same result. You couldn't wear this- you would look ridiculous, especially next to Sigma.
That was a shame, especially since Sigma had bought it just for you. You presumed that he would be able to find a more suitable dress with ease, but you still felt bad. With the dress being nice, and the buyer of said dress being Sigma, it had to have been pricey. He always seemed to splurge just a tad when it came to you. You took a seat at your vanity, burying your face in your hands as you let out a hopeless sigh.
You liked visiting the casino area of the Sky Casino acting as a guest- or a VIP, technically- and gambling every once in a while. It was especially fun to do with your partner, partially due to the fact that he was the casino manager. You always wanted to look the part, as the Sky Casino was a rather luxurious establishment, and most of the time that was achieved courtesy of Sigma himself. He ran the place- he could get you anything you dreamed of if you just asked. Most of the time you didn't have to.
He had bought you yet another article of clothing- a wine red fitted gown that trailed behind you. You felt that if anyone else wore it they would have looked fantastic. Not you, though. You thought you looked hideous. You also wondered what went through Sigma's head when he chose this. Did he think it would look good?
You were riding this train of thought when you heard a knock on your room's door. You turned to it, in surprise, before calling out to whoever it was to come inside. The door creaked open and around the corner popped a head of white and lilac hair. Sigma stepped into the room as you stood up, and he quickly paused to stare at you in your dress. You felt a little embarrassed all of a sudden.
"Y/N...!" Sigma spread his arms as he approached you and didn't hesitate to immediately wrap them around your waist. "You look just gorgeous." 
"Sigma..." You began, trying to hide the very obvious redness that had appeared on your cheeks. "This is lovely, and I appreciate it, but I can't wear it." 
"Why not?" His face contorted into one of concern, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. "Do you not like it?" 
"No, it's not that..." You glanced towards the mirror once more, solemnly eyeing your reflection. "It's just- it doesn't look good on me specifically." Sigma's eyebrows furrowed and he directed his gaze to the mirror also, surveying you in your new red dress still with the tag hanging out the back of it. 
"What do you mean? You look lovely." 
"I..." You never knew what to say in times like these, since Sigma would never want to hear you self-deprecate. But you couldn't deny the way you felt, both in the dress and your shame. "...I feel insecure in this dress." 
"Because it makes my stomach and thighs look massive?" You turned back to Sigma and placed your hands on his cheeks, pressing a peck to your partner's lips. "I love it, and I'm very grateful for it, but I don't feel comfortable in it. It's too tight, I think." 
Sigma let out a sigh, placing his hands over yours. This wasn't actually the first time you two had shared such a conversation. One of the first things you told Sigma around the time you began dating was that you didn't like your weight, and every so often it came up on days that you were feeling down.
Sigma really couldn't care any less about your size, your stretch marks or anything of the sort. On the contrary, he thought it was all rather attractive, and he secretly enjoyed showing you off in the casino. He often berated himself for not being able to get that message across in a way that would make you truly believe him, but he always continued to try. He wished that you could see yourself the way that he did; like a source of comfort, a home. And a stunning one at that.
"Y/N...hey. You always listen to my thoughts and opinions, don't you? You're very thoughtful and considerate."
"...I guess so, yeah," you nodded, still dejected.
"Then you need to listen to my opinion right now, which is that you're beautiful regardless of your weight." Sigma put his hands on your shoulders. "It doesn't matter how much you weigh to me. I know I don't care, but you do, and I respect that. I get having self-esteem issues- I have them too, but you've always been there to help me with mine. I wanna be able to do the same for you, too."
"Personally? I think you're adorable just the way you are now. I want you to know that no matter how you look, I'll always love you. Alright?"
"...alright," you nodded slowly, your face breaking out into a smile when Sigma pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"That being said, you do look very beautiful, but if you want another dress I can get one for you." As if he knew that you were about to protest, he held up a finger and pressed it against your lips. "It's fine, honey. It's no issue for me."
"You do too much for me, Sigma," you told him with a small blush spread across your face.
"You're my girlfriend. What kind of partner would I be if I didn't?" He replied, sincerely.
"...do you think maybe we could choose one together, then?" You slowly asked, wrapping your arms around his neck. Sigma grinned, before pulling you in for another kiss.
"That's a good idea, my love. All I want is for you to be comfortable, and to feel as beautiful as you look."
"Pfft, alright," you scoffed, meekly. "How corny of you." Sigma just continued smiling.
"I mean it, you know. You're always turning heads in the casino."
"That can't be true..."
"It is, honestly. I see jealous guests looking at me all the time, and it makes me feel even luckier than I think I am already." Sigma's palms pressed into the sides of your waist. He knew you were a bit of a sucker for praise and was trying to use it to make you feel better. And, of course, it was working like a charm. You pressed against him, leaning your head on his shoulder.
"That's so cute of you, Sigma. I wouldn't want you getting into any trouble for my sake, though."
"I'm willing to risk it," he chuckled, before taking a breath. "...I really do think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met- not that that's the only reason I love you...! Just that it's kind of a bonus on top of everything else I love about you."
"Yeah, I know. I appreciate it, sweetheart," you replied, peacefully.
Sigma wondered if you actually got it that time, or if you were just telling a white lie to humour him. He did hope so, but if not he'd just have to keep trying. He was more than happy to. For you.
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sugar daddy sigma. sugar daddy sigma. sugar daddy sigma. also fun fact! i refer to myself as a 'human pillow' because of my weight actually! it began when i was hugging some kids i'd worked on a school play with and they told me i felt like a pillow. it made me feel better about my size so i stuck with it. i also love giving people hugs ^-^ and pillows are just the best. so :)
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echantedtoon · 3 months
Love Is Blind Ch6 It's Not Easy To Fall In Love P2
(Warnings: Kagaya n Muzan argue and Y/n is peer pressured at the end.
This also takes place over a span of a few months. Plus this chapter is like really short as it's just a filler for the more important next chapter.)
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"Are you alright, Y/n?"
After Kotoya had interrupted the two cousins and scolded Muzan before making him follow the old man down the hall, Kagaya had pulled you aside and gave you a concerned look. His face etched in worry as he gently held you by the upper arms. He leaned close making you blink as he did so.
"He didn't hurt you did he? Or threaten you or try to scare you off in anyway?"
You stared at his close face. Before your face burnt a pink- BU-BUMP- A hand clasped over your chest. Uh oh. ....Oh dear. There was the signs. You weren't sure how you felt about that bit. When you didn't answer he grew more concerned and leaned closer.
"I-I'm fine!," you squeaked out and leaned back flustered. Gulping to make yourself sound normal. "I-Im fine! He only tried to kiss my hand."
His eyes narrowed. "Are you sure?"
After a moment of continuing to stare at you, he sighed in relief before leaning back up. "That's a relief. I was worried he might've tried something else."
"Why? Who is he?"
"You'll learn soon enough. Come. We might as well see why he's here."
You weren't sure what you were expecting to find but you didn't argue with him and only helped him walk to the dining room where you now sat awkwardly. Kagaya was sat at the head of the table showing his status as the Master of the home. To his left right next to him was Mr. Kotoya and you sat right across from the old man to Kagaya's right. Muzan sat at the very far left end of the table by order of Kagaya making sure to keep him far from you as physically possible. A big hotpot sat in the middle of the table for everyone to enjoy but however Muzan had no problems making himself at home. He had no problem with just grabbing a plate and a pair of chopsticks the servants placed down in front of each one of you before leaving, and then just helping himself to cooked beef and mushrooms and eggs and whatever else was in the pot. You stared stunned before looking at Kagaya again.
He hadn't gotten anything. The head of house hadn't gotten anything! 
Everyone knew you didn't eat until the Master of the house had gotten his plate first! Especially if you were a guest! It was common sense and courtesy! Glancing around you double checked and definitely made sure no one else was eating anything before looking back at Muzan happily and snugly eating away at his meal. The audacity of this man to do that and not bat an eye. That act alone just didn't sit right with you.
"Mmmm. This is delicious. I'm half tempted to steal away your cook." Muzan taunted holding up a peeled perfectly cooked egg and smiled. "But of course...I wouldn't have to do that for your cook to be mine one day."
You glanced at the two men next to you. Kotoya only stared at Muzan calmly. Kagaya stared directly down at Muzan with the blankest expression you've ever seen on his face. He hadn't uttered a single word since he walked in and sat down about twenty minutes ago now. Muzan's smile only widened before popping the egg into his mouth.
"....Let us get to the point." You jumped finally hearing Kagaya speak in a monotone voice. "Why are you here, Muzan? What business do you have here?"
Muzan took his sweet time chewing before giving his answer. "I was curious if I'm being completely honest with you." He then shrugged casually as if being there wasn't a big deal despite the very tense aura between the cousins. "I heard that my dear cousin had finally found his soulmate and of course with us being family I just had to come and give my regards. It's only proper."
"You could have easily filled that obligation by just sending a letter."
"Oh but where's the fun in that?~ I think it's only proper your beautiful bride meets your family. Don't you?" He raised a hand placing his Head in the other. 
"If that's the case then why didn't you bring your wife and child? Aren't they family?"
"Rei is away on business at the moment and I don't think our daughter should travel without her mother present. But my wife sends you her regards." His blood red eyes turned onto you making you paused under them. Like a cat staring down a mouse. "And I'm glad I did come to visit. It's very nice to meet my future in-law Miss ..Oh. Pardon me. I didn't catch your full name."
You glanced at Kagaya but again he said nothing as you looked back to Muzan and bowed out of politeness. "My name is Y/n L/n. It's nice to meet another member of the Ubuyashiki family."
He cooed at you but in a taunting way looking back to his cousin. Behind him the door slide open silently as a random maid walked in with cups and a kettle of tea. She of course served the silent Kagaya first pouring his cup before serving the other three, bowing, and then leaving the room again without another word.  Muzan picked up his cup again despite Kagaya still not touching any food and took a rude sip of it.
"I do have to give it to you, Kagaya. Your bride to be is truly wide material. She's polite and by how silent she is, knows her place in your household." 
You frowned at him and glanced at Kagaya. He remained silent and unmoving but you thought you saw his eyelid twitch. Should you say something? Or just let him handle this? Was this how he was with his cousin all the time? 
"And she sure is very beautiful." You looked back to Muzan but he only smugly smirked at Kagaya still. "Beautiful skin. Bright eyes. And such a rare hair color. The gods certainly blessed you with a girl of utter beauty. You should see-...Oh. I forget." His smile got wider. "You can't even see her can you? Unfortunate. Truly unfortunate." Then to your surprise Muzan turned to you with a 'pitiful' frown. "You have my deepest condolences. It can't be easy to have a soulmate who can't even give you a proper compliment."
You flinched. Not because it had hurt...but because he was RIGHT. 
"That's enough, Muzan!," Kotoya almost shouted scowling at him. "It's not your place to make comments on their relationship!"
"What relationship? I thought they were only courting right now. Smart choice. To jump straight into a marriage is foolish." Another sip was taken from his cup. "Especially one that comes with so much restrictions to her freedom-"
"Silence!! You're only saying those things to try and scare her!"
"Me?" He pressed a hand to his chest. "I'm only merely concerned about her. By the looks of it she isn't even allowed to drink-"
"Y/n may eat and drink if she wishes." Kagaya interrupted him. "She doesn't need my permission to do so."
Usually you wouldn't...but to keep things less awkward and hopefully to keep this attention off you, you reached out to grab your drink. 
"I see." Again Muzan shrugged. "That's good I guess. Miss Y/n." You paused before you could drink anything. "How are you liking your stay here? Surely the sights are pleasing."
"Oh..Y-Yes. It's very beautiful." You quickly turned back to your drink to avoid anymore talking.
"That's wonderful. It'll be a good place to raise your children.~"
Muzan smiled pleased as any liquid was spat out of your mouth just as a coughing fit erupted from your throat. Kotoya gave an indignant yelp as he took the brunt of most of the liquid you coughed out and continued to cough up as Kagaya was quick to reach out a shaking hand to pat your back with a sudden worried expression. You coughed and hacked a hand pounding your chest in vain. 
"Oh. Did I say something wrong? She was aware of how important it was to birth an heir for the Ubuyashiki family wasn't she-"
Silence filled the room other than the forced coughs your body was still making you do but even you jumped as Kagaya's fist suddenly slammed down on the table. It was enough to shut up Muzan who genuinely looked surprised as you. It was something no one expected and it was the first aggressive action you had ever seen from Kagaya as the blind man scowled at his cousin.
"Get out." 
Muzan blinked at him. "What?"
Muzan jumped in more shock as Kagaya stood up at once knocking over his own cup and spilling food and drink across the table as he bumped it with force that you didn't know he possessed making you gasp and scramble away to avoid the pot of soul spilling on you. Mr. Kotoya wasn't so lucky as he cursed from his own hot tea spilled into his lap. 
"GET!! OUT!!" Kagaya pointed at the door with the harshest scowl you've ever seen on his face. "I will NOT repeat myself for a third time! You get out of my home and you don't return without permission!! My tolerance for you has waned more than the moon itself!" 
No one moved but Kagaya stood firm until his bottom jaw trembled...and he couldn't hold stop his body from doubling over as a new coughing fit wracked his lungs and throat. His grandfather was quick to grab onto his form as he doubled over and nearly fell. Shooting a glare at Muzan. Repeating Kagaya's demands to get out until Muzan stood up calmer than you thought he'd be. 
"I know when Im not wanted. I thank you for the hospitality and the entertainment you provided me this evening. I look forward to seeing more of this in the future."
Then he left. Just like that. Without another word he just turned and walked right out of the door just after two other maids came rushing in only to stop shocked at the mess in front of them. 
"Take him!" Kotoya ordered the two girls pulling Kagaya towards them. "Take him to his room and get someone to clean this mess immediately."
You slowly stood up still shocked at what happened as the two girls were quick to grab either side of Kagaya before ushering him towards the door as he still coughed and gasped for breath. Kotoya glaring at nothing before scowling hard at the mess all over his yukata and then the floor.
"Perfect. Just perfect. This is just what we needed right now."
You stared at everything before you trying to comprehend everything. "...What just happened?"
"Kibutsuji's what happened!"
"....What is his deal?"
"He's a greedy man who can't wait to get his hands on the estate."
You looked back to Kotoya. "What?"
"Isn't it obvious? Kagaya has always been weakly and sick, if he's not careful then he might have an early death." He glared at the spilt tea on himself. "If he dies without any heirs then the estate will go to the next able man in the family, which is that smug ungrateful brat!" ...You jumped when his hard scowl was suddenly snapped to you before he pointed. "Which is why it's your duty to marry him and produce an heir for him! Do not forget your obligations to him as his destined wife! You are to marry him and give him what he needs to secure his legacy! The gods have you that purpose for a reason!"
Then he too stomped off leaving you standing there and staring after him.... Leaving you alone in the middle of a messy room. ...You just looked down at your feet..
"I want to go home."
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mcflymemes · 1 year
AS SAID BY VIVIENNE *  assorted dialogue from dragon age: inquisition
what a clever device. let’s find out what it unlocks.
you always find such lovely places to explore.
the sooner we’re done here, the better.
i believe our work is done.
this can’t be all of them. there must be more further in.
the entire country reeks of wet dog. how charming.
i can’t do this alone!
don’t be stoic at the expensive of your health.
that would be foolish, wouldn’t it?
a bit late for that now.
there’s something strange about this place.
the cost of this war is staggering.
the deeper we go, the more oppressive it gets.
you really must stop assuming everything is about you.
hm. cover it in gold leaf and it wouldn’t be terrible.
this weather is not ideal for travel in the mountains.
do you expect cleanliness from a group of thugs?
if it crumbles beneath you, be ready to jump.
i’m overwhelmed!
i was just wondering how you imagined your future.
oh, aren’t you precious.
you must not blame yourself. you have done all you could and more.
just keep hitting things, my dear. don’t worry your little head about the rest.
will you put your shiel down? the light glinting off it pierces my eyes.
do make sure you’re still standing when the dust clears.
you have my condolences.
someone’s been busy.
you wouldn’t stand a chance against me.
so much is at stake. why would i leave any of it to someone else?
generous you, giving him a chance at redemption.
you’re a fetching couple, you know.
well, you two seem to make each other happy.
he does have a great sense of fashion, i’ll give him that.
let’s find them.
it’s just mud. mud bothers me as much as your clumsy mockery, which is to say, not at all.
there’s no need to tiptoe.
you presume to know my feelings?
it’s not as simple as you think.
i was concerned about you.
i shall try to suppress my shock.
i find that... peculiar, don’t you?
bathing shows common courtesy to one’s traveling companions.
it is so dry, my fingertips are peeling.
whatever magic rests here, it was drawn straight to you. it’s left you unharmed.
are you still talking?
one does not throw away a tool because it was misused.
it’s disappointing. but perhaps some battles should be left to those more suited.
you are very kind, but you needn’t concern yourself.
don’t be ridiculous.
we should find some way to slow it down.
you are naive and arrogant.
that which makes you different can be a burden or a source of strength. which is up to you.
you visit the most fascinating places.
we are having a perfectly civil conversation.
shall we go? this is a good place to be ambushed.
i hope you brought provisions.
we should proceed with caution.
i am not so quick to judge. see that you give me no reason to feel otherwise.
such snapping for a fish without teeth.
did you clean your weapon after the last fight?
look at all of this! what a pity.
you cannot go shirtless.
more questions. my, aren’t we curious today.
the game is played to the death. like it or not, you are part of it.
far as i’m concerned, my life began there.
one must never be too charming or people lose respect.
you’ve done a fine job thus far, but you could stand to be... slightly more amiable.
i should have brought my fur coat.
you sound as though you pity them.
the water was utterly dreadful, and the lighting was dreary.
every woman will want you. every man will want to be you.
i received a letter the other day.
why are we here again, exactly?
the bandits should thank you.
the trees are actually quite lovely.
it used to be beautiful here.
i assure you there are few pleasures comparable to restoring order with one’s own hand.
i was pleased to have even a small part in the endeavor.
you thought incorrectly.
take your victories where you can.
you really ought to have more fun.
this place has been corrupted. stay alert.
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demonslayedher · 1 year
Hello!! It’s such an honor to find myself in your ask box. Your work actually helped inspire me to make my own tumblr and AO3! Thanks for giving us such wonderful content! :D <3
My question today: How did Akaza retain his spot as an upper moon when he has such a low appetite? Muzan, Douma, and pretty much everyone else keep insisting that eating lots of humans is essential to building strength. Poor Kyogai even got booted from the ranks once he couldn’t bear to eat any more. But despite Akaza’s apparent inability to eat nutritious women and his preference to gain power through training, he was allowed to keep his spot and even given a special pardon from Muzan. Why do you think this is? Is the whole gaining-strength-mainly-through-training thing an ability that is special to Akaza? Could that be interesting enough to Muzan for him to forgive Akaza for having a weak stomach? Or is this just straight up favoritism because he’s loyal and does good work? I’ve always been confused at how he was able (and allowed!) to keep up with his fellow Moons, because they certainly all eat plenty.
Keep up the good work we appreciate you lots!! :D
Tumblr and AO3?? That is an honor! Thank you for joining the rocks I live under on the fandom internet, I hope you have fun! And thank you for your interesting posts thus far!
As for our favorite gym bro Akaza keeping his spot among the Upper Moons, he perhaps started with way, way, way more Muzan Juice than someone like Kyogai did. Akaza's always had such a focus on training as a means of getting stronger than I think it really does have as powerful an affect as Nezuko's sleeping, for as Daki noted, Nezuko's regenerative abilities were on par with or even faster than Upper Moons. However, we don't know that Akaza lacks an appetite in the first place. Unlike Nezuko he's never had a reason to hold back from eating someone who looks appetizing, and especially in his early days, I'll bet he ate plenty. However, overtime, Akaza has put more faith in his own strength and training, and sets his sights on someone else with a similar attitude, Kokushibo. Kokushibo likes this spirit in Akaza and let him live after he lost their battles (instead of absorbing him like he did with other loser demons), like professional courtesy between martial artists. Kokushibo's problems with Akaza are in his professionalism, not with his lack of eating humans. He's recognized Akaza as having potential as a worthy opponent, whether or not Akaza eats a lot of humans, because by this point, Akaza just doesn't need to. He's not like some lowly Lower Moon who needs to try to do something as crazy as eat over 200 people at once before he's even got a chance of challenging an Upper Moon.
Douma is more like our resident health supplement salesman and I'll bet he's never touched a dumbbell. Although Douma wholeheartedly believes that women are more nutritious because their bodies can support the growth of other human beings, that doesn't necessarily mean he's right. Also, what's most nutritious and beneficial to one demon might not necessarily be the sort of nutrition good for another demon's needs, like who knows, maybe the Snake Demon didn't just enjoy the flesh of babies, but they were easily for her to digest or something. The one common rule is that the stronger and healthier your food the stronger and healthier it'll probably make you, and if you're a strong enough demon to catch and eat a Pillar, that'll probably make for a really good protein shake.
See here for much, much more thought on how eating humans actually works and benefits demons, but even though this is the normal pattern of how demons get stronger, I don't think Muzan cares if Akaza isn't eating humans so long as he's strong anyway. It's annoying that Akaza is such a sissy when it comes to women, but like you said, it probably is straight up favoritism because he’s loyal and does good work. You know, except for that lack of blue spider lily results. Akaza's still an easier underling to have around than Douma, even if Douma is technically stronger.
Could Akaza overtake Douma, and perhaps even Kokushibo if he chowed down more on people, like the Pillars he's killed? While this could certainly help, by this point he's developed his own constitution to be so oriented toward physical training that perhaps digestion isn't even his strong suit (unlike Douma, that show-off who doesn't even need to use his mouth). It make not be that he can't eat, like how Kyogai found his limits, but it just takes more energy than its worth when he could better spend that on training. As for Akaza's eating preferences, he know he likely avoids eating women, and I could see him punching the head off some guy abusing his wife and then nonchalantly eating that guy while the wife runs off screaming, but what I truly wonder if he would had eaten Kyojuro is given the chance. It may be that he'd have seen this as a way for strong people he knew to live on, like mementos of their fights (but this feels like a very Douma style of looking at it), but on the other hand, he may have had too much respect for them and professional courtesy to have found them appetizing. Tanjiro, though, yeah, he'd probably had taken a big bite out of his brains just 'cause he hated him. Not that he'd gain much from eating a weakling like that, though! Eating people of that caliber is probably just like staying hydrated, not a proper meal. But again, this is all guesswork on his actual eating habits!
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blue-sky-and-sunny-day · 11 months
I have a small request for my mutuals and people i follow. I hope u will understand. I request u all to tag posts related to the new n*clear b*mb movie as *ab*
I am now going to tell u why . Before I say anything I want to say i think making and using that weapon of mass destruction is the most heinous crime against humanity and nature.
Couple of days back I was bored to oblivion and tried to look at the world news headlines. I found a post about the movie that said Hindus r upset over a certain scene. I read the details and immediately regretted. It was beyond shocking for someone who grew up in a home with The Holy Bible , The Vedas and The Koran in the same book shelf and a sub-continent with numerous religious communities, people of all shades of skin color and learned at home and school to respect them all while respecting the religion and culture I was born and brought up into.
I am sure C* topher N*lan and the writers/ whoever is responsible for putting that scene in the movie are some of of the most awful, ugly, filthiest minded creatures ever (like rotting sewerage ). HOW DARE they insult Hinduism and Religious Hindus like that ? HOW DARE THEY INSULT HINDUISM IN THE GROSSEST POSSIBLE WAY IMAGINABLE ? WOULD THEY DARE DOING THE SAME TO ANY OTHER MAJOR RELIGION IN THE WORLD ? NO ,THEY WONT . THEY WOULD BE TERRIFIED OF DOING THAT. THEN WHY HINDUISM ?
Hollywood seems to have a free license to insult and make fun of Hindus and Hinduism in numerous movies and shows . The fashion industry did that too. Pictures of our deities and most sacred religious symbols everywhere on clothes including shorts and shoes . DO THEY EVEN KNOW THE FIRST THING ABOUT HINDUISM ,ITS SCRIPTURES, DEITIES ,THE GITA AND MONOTHEISM ( AS CLEARLY STATED IN THE GITA) ?
I have no problem with atheism . I understand it and I have nothing against people who are atheists. This is not about that . I want to make this clear.
I liked the actors in the movie before reading this news. They do not want/ respect/ care for religious Hindu fans . Okay . Understood. ( This my opinion only)
The Foreign version of the news also stated Indians watched and ' enjoyed' the movie . I have nothing against those people if that really happened. Maybe they are non religious and don't know anything or care about Hinduism or scriptures or Gita . In my extended family there r some people like that . But that is okay . Religion for me is not something that should be forced to learn or practice . As I know and understand there are different ways of practicing Hinduism .
My question is , how difficult is it for people to respect other people's religious beliefs? My family and plenty of people I know personally and millions I do not know are doing it with ease all their lives . Can tolerant Hindus living all over the world not expect this common civility and simple courtesy extended to them ?
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