#wilful ignorance
dougielombax · 3 months
“ThEre’s nO EConoMic rEaSoN tO LEArn iRIsH¡”
Oh my GOD!
Why does EVERYTHING have to come down to profit incentive and economic factors with these STUPID beasts!
It’s like capitalism-induced brainrot!
Fucking morons!
They’re completely allergic to the idea of preservation of learning for its own sake!
Stupid creatures!
Brainless fodderbeasts!
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asoiafreadthru · 5 months
A Game of Thrones, Eddard IV
“Most likely the king did not know,” Littlefinger said.
“It would not be the first time. Our good Robert is practiced at closing his eyes to things he would rather not see.”
Ned had no reply for that. The face of the butcher’s boy swam up before his eyes, cloven almost in two, and afterward the king had said not a word.
His head was pounding.
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ossie50 · 9 months
Wilful ignorance, discomfort & guilt avoidance
It’s that time of the year when possibly millions of people in the USA will be sitting down to watch the annual replay of Ebenezer Scrooge in the 1950’s movie version of Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol”. Scrooge was what you might label as being wilfully ignorant. In other words, blocking what he did not want to see and believe in spite of the potential consequences. This deliberate choice…
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ramonswriting · 2 years
It seems ignorance is a muscle that has been flexed for the time being. And those whom fight against such ignorance and maintain to educate others, hope to make the muscle move eccentrically, away from the concentric force, which amplifies the structure and fabric of ignorance itself.
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enbycrip · 6 months
The Cass Report demonstrates a truly ridiculous ignorance of literally *anything* to do with not only trans lives, but basic medical treatment protocols.
You *cannot* do double-blind tests where an intervention very clearly has distinct observable effects. Medicine also frequently does not do double-blind tests when doing so would be a) basically impossible, and b) inhumane. It’s particularly common to measure efficacy of an intervention by follow-up and statistical analysis where children and young people are concerned because experimenting on kids is so fucking unethical.
The report is treating reports following established medical protocols as though they are some kind of pseudoscience. Literally the only reasons for this are either a) an ignorance of basic medical and research procedures so profound as to show an utter unsuitability to be involved in reporting on anything to do with healthcare or b) blatant disingenuousness to find an excuse to discard the results they don’t want to acknowledge. Which also renders them deeply unsuitable to report on anything to do with healthcare.
They have used to existence of nonbinary people as an excuse to deny under-25s transition care, treating our entire identity as some sort of adolescent identity crisis. As a 40-year old nonbinary person, I can only say how *utterly* this betrays a profound ignorance of trans culture and identity and/or a commitment to patriarchal and colonial gender norms so profound they are utterly unwilling to dive into the easily-available evidence of adults all over the world with nonbibary identities today, and the anthropological and historical evidence of cultures all over the world with an understanding of gender outside the binary.
And the recommendation that transition should be forbidden to people with mental illness or neurodivergence only betrays how deeply and profoundly transphobia is entwined with disableism. There is a line which literally says “transition did not affect manifestation of symptoms of autism spectrum disorder”. As if this was remotely relevant to anything other than pathologising both transness and neurodivergence.
It of course also attempts to ignore the reality that millions of British adults are seeking neurodivergence diagnoses through the NHS and being turned down or stuck on waiting lists that can easily be *seven* years long.
I am sick with fury and fear, and trying to mute my own reactions because I have a dissertation draft due in tomorrow I *need* to work on.
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thelongestwalk · 6 months
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see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
(thinking about alice dyer)
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fenteii · 4 months
gonna post any c!wil fanart with a fck wilbur tag
anyway! unfinished collab from a bit ago :) the imagine has a transparent background so.. feel free to put her anywhere you want?
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samble-movedd · 3 months
3am thinking about what if homura starts to think of past "versions" of herself with jealousy. not before she was a magical girl, really, but more like.
she's in a time loop. the memories of her friends only last the length of the loop (if all survive) for, what, a month? then she starts over, and all those memories are gone. no one remembers what happened or recognizes her.
what if she thinks of past versions of herself in these timelines as "other homuras" to disconnect from them? for better or worse. like. "i didn't kill mami, it was past me who did it" "i didn't go on that date with madoka, that was timeline six homura" etc. those things didn't happen this time line, so they might as well have not happened at all. and maybe it's silly, maybe it's stupid, but she's jealous of past homuras who were ever happy. because the time line from which those memories are no longer exists.
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juregim · 2 years
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Chainsaw Man by Tatsuki Fujimoto
Take me to Church - Hozier // Heather Havrilesky // Nightfall - Penelope Douglas // Ptolemaea - Ethel Cain // Judas’ Gift - Adam Phillips // Daddy’s L’il Girl - Bikini Kill // Come the Slumberless To the Land of Nod - Traci Brimhall // Angel of Small Death & the Codeine Scene - Hozier // Fuchsia - Mahtem Shiferraw // Sue Zhao // Dear Forgiveness, Again - Sam M. //
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stopper-my-heart · 1 month
Have you considered the shenanigans happening in between episodes 4 and 5 of season 1 of Heartstopper?
This was Nick and Charlie at the end of episode 4:
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Charlie had been panicking that he was behaving in ways that would reveal the secret romantic aspect of their relationship to others and that that would be upsetting to Nick. Nick was beginning to reassure Charlie, or at least to take on the blame for their predicament for himself ("I'm the one who should be saying sorry..."), when Isaac abruptly entered. Isaac then left, but it was too late: Nick beat a hasty retreat and Nick and Charlie's respective guilt was left unresolved.
Jump to where we pick up with Nick and Charlie at the beginning of episode 5:
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We have Charlie between-the-lines inviting Nick to his birthday party ("Me and my friends are going bowling, and I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come, but I know you don't really know them so you don't have to."), and Nick enthusiastically accepting almost before Charlie has finished speaking. There are smiles and small touches (and arms pressed together) and fond looks...All seems well in Nick-and-Charlie land.
But why? Or, maybe, how? What happened between that...I don't want to say "catastrophic" but surely unfortunate lack of discussion or closure between them in the infirmary and the cosy happy times in their form group?
This is why I call shenanigans.
Except I think there weren't shenanigans.
Potentially even worse, I think there was wilful ignoring and wishful thinking.
I think both Nick and Charlie are choosing to ignore their issues and act like things are okay, and since the other's acting like things are okay, well, everything's okay then, right?
For Charlie's side, I expect Nick's cut-off apology in the infirmary has left him trying to keep in mind that Nick isn't blaming him but probably otherwise very unsteady and out of the loop.
From Nick's point of view, he's likely not yet ready to make any promises to change things, so what good would randomly bringing up his conflicted and difficult feelings do? Besides, maybe Charlie understood what he was trying to get at (Nick can hope).
Not only is this relationship pretty new and feeling tenuous, but relationships in general are new to Nick, and a relationship with someone who cares about him is new to Charlie. They're both insecure and uncertain about how the other feels and what they want (while feeling and wanting a lot themselves, making it extra scary). It's easier not to rock the boat, especially if the other is acting like things are okay.
So where does that leave them? Not in a bad place, but certainly in an unresolved one. Episode 5 shows us more of that and finally brings us some resolution. (Not all, mind you, but some.)
Note that the resolution that episode 5 brings is some of the resolution missing from all the way back at the beginning of episode 4 rather than just at the end of it. Although the kiss in the rain under the umbrella went towards affirming their relationship, it seems like Nick and Charlie never had a conversation about what 'they' are, just that they're keeping 'them' a secret.
(It's reasonable to point out that the infirmary (sort-of) conversation likely happened on a Saturday and the birthday (sort-of) invitation likely happened on the Monday right afterwards, plus for the latter they're in school, so having any sort of bigger discussion in between these events would be challenging.
That said, Nick and Charlie also don't seem to have a bigger conversation during the week between Nick agreeing to go to Charlie's birthday party and the party itself, and they probably could have found time at some point if they'd really wanted to.)
More on episode 5 to come. In the meantime, want a refresher on the infirmary scene?
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stromuprisahat · 1 month
... When the fighting had ended and the dust had settled, King Nikolai had been anxious to get the few remaining Grisha soldiers trained and in the field, so Nina had spent only six months in advanced classes before she’d been sent out on her first mission. At the time, she’d been thrilled. Now she would have been grateful for even another week of school.
Six of Crows- Chapter 14 (Leigh Bardugo)
What the fuck?!
Just the fact Grisha are perceived by their benevolent new King as just that- soldiers... to the point of sending them in the field untrained properly.
But MU, he didn't have enough soldiers to defend his collapsing country!
Yeah, and whose fault is that?! Who ignored slaughters of Second Army only to proceed with more, when the majority of remaining Grisha dared to join their only defender? Who bombed supply lines to force more Grisha to cross the Fold?!
For someone, who protested against lowering the draft age for otkazat'sya, arguing they'd keep deserting, he doesn't seems to mind doing the equivalent of that to Grisha. Perhaps because they have nowhere to run to? They're the Crown's property in Ravka and hunted outside of it?
"Brother, sending them out younger won’t stop them from deserting, but the reality of the outside world will."
... and with the proper indoctrination, they'll be all too happy to help.
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dougielombax · 5 months
Speaking of history.
This goes without saying but it has to be mentioned in light of recent developments either way.
You can’t acknowledge one atrocity and DENY another.
You HAVE to acknowledge them all. This isn’t up for discussion or a debate.
Anyone who says otherwise is a dangerous idiot and/or a revisionist with some sort of putrid agenda in mind.
This applies universally to any and all such atrocities.
I know that sounds a bit obvious to say but you’d be surprised at the amount of people who fail to realise this.
It’s deeply troubling.
To do otherwise sets an extremely dangerous precedent.
I’ll leave an extract from a quote here by Menachem Z. Rosensaft (attorney and founder of the International Network of Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors) concerning such attitudes:
(The context of this quote concerns denial of the Bosnian genocide)
“I cannot in good conscience condemn the perpetrators of the genocide in which my brother and my grandparents perished unless I also condemn the perpetrators of all other acts of genocide, including the genocide that took place at Srebrenica.
I cannot in good conscience mourn my brother as a victim of genocide unless I similarly mourn all other victims of genocide, including the victims at Srebrenica.”
His words sum it up rather aptly I think.
Just saying.
Edit: I mean ALL atrocities! Just in case it wasn’t clear.
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w1lmuttart · 2 months
Oc sketch and rant incoming
Also trigger warning for blood and death
You know, I have always thought one thing was kinda odd whenever there's a story of characters from a modern setting having to battle supernatural beings. Whether it's isekai, urban fantasy etc. It's like the one thing that I don't question as much when it's a fantasy setting cuz i can imagine it being something that's part of the characters' lived experiences/lifestyles. That thing is: how come characters don't feel like using weapons to kill living beings viscerally uncomfortable? And I don't mean it in a "oh no I just killed, I'm a murderer now :(((" type of way but like,,, the sensation of it especially if the character is using a sword or other melee weapon. Unless you are working at a butchers, have dissected a frog in biology class or work as a doctor of any kind, you're not really getting to deal with this kind of sensation on a daily basis. Idk I feel like it's a bit of a missed opportunity to develop your character. With that being said
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This guy is part of an isekai story/parody thing I've been wanting to make, where I take both the "bland overpowered harem guy who thrives on this world" protagonist and "edgy survival game guy who will take any action to get home" protagonist and put them in another world together. This guy is the latter, and I wanted to explore his journey into becoming a lethal swordsman by having him train to get used to handling it by using small monsters as practice.
So uh ye tldr I feel like there's a little number of people in our current day who would be able to handle weapons against monsters and such without struggles, and I'm tired that stories (especially anime) pretend it isn't 👍
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”why don’t you ever post about x?” i literally cannot remember it. “but it’s important!” yeah but that doesn’t stop me from being disabled. i really Am trying to spread awareness about important topics when i remember they exist but when i'm waking up confused to where i am what’s going on or if i'm even real my brain is Also going to forget about Other important things
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lorstone · 1 year
I am genuinely baffled that anyone could possibly think that Extraordinary Things is about anyone other than Geralt.
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