#will never get over Zach's face when Clay agrees with him for once
13-reasons-ideas · 4 years
Can’t Go Back Part 16
A/N: This chapter is very Justin-centric. I felt like Addy and Justy needed a day where they didn't need to worry about boys or moms. Just a day to be kids. It’s kind of filler but I like it. It’s a light chapter. As always, feedback is always nice and much love. - Em 
Things were awkward between us for the next week. We had agreed to table the discussion about his dad and had come to a tentative understanding about Justin. We had never had a fight like that before so, we weren’t really sure where the lines were yet. I learned that his dad was a line you don’t cross unless invited. He learned that Justin was a line that was going to run parallel to our relationship, whether he liked it or not. Monty’s behaviour at school was different too. He was a little nicer for people to be around. Not Tyler Down, but I couldn’t really blame him. The kid was fucking creepy. Monty was even sort of polite to Justin.
By the following Monday, things had gone back to normal. Our texts were longer and less to the point. He was… well he was more Monty at school than he was for a few days. His friends didn’t seem to pick up on the change. But I did. He’s trying. I got dressed in in my comfy light wash jeans, because Justin and I were going to the mall after school and paired it with a light pink tank top with an old red and black flannel. The flannel had been sitting at the back of my closet for quite a while. I found it while I was going through and cleaning it out for donations. “Morning Dad.” I called as I heard him pass my room. He cleared his throat and grunted in response. He must have just woken up.
Downstairs, dad was making a cup of coffee while he read the paper. “Morning Addy.” He nodded when he heard me. Definitely just woke up. Grabbing a granola bar for breakfast, I went through and gathered up my books for school. Once they were neatly arranged in my backpack, I set it by the door. My book from last night was still sitting on the island. I took it and flipped it open to my last page since I had a little time to kill before leaving for school. Deciding I would get too lost in the book, I rethought and took it over to my bag to take to school.
“Justin and I are going to the mall after school. He needs help shoe shopping. And I need to grab a few replacement shirts. I had to throw some out that were too old.”
“Have fun. Don’t forget to grab your mom’s prescription on the way home.”
“I won’t. Do we need anything else while we are out?”
“No, we should be okay. I’ll text you if I think of anything today. Your mom will be late today too. One of her students needed to schedule an afterhours meeting.”
“Okay. See you later dad.”
Justin was early today, which surprised me. At least until I noticed his duffel bag. He must have spent the night at Bryce’s last night. He was mingling with his friends. I waved as I passed them to my locker, not paying anyone much mind. I watched them a bit from across the hall. They were goofing off as usual. Justin’s smile seemed a little forced. I’ll talk to him after school. My eyes scanned the group. When they landed on Monty, I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. And I will admit I may have possibly spent more time than strictly required, simply checking him out. It was during my perusal of his body that I noticed something familiar. A little too familiar. My eyes widened and I looked down. That… that’s… we are wearing the same shirt. Spinning around and opening my locker again, I ripped off the flannel and shoved it in my locker.
Casually making my way over to the group of boys, I made sure to rub my arms like I was cold. “Morning Justin. Morning Boys.” I shivered.
“Morning Addy.” Justin said, as he leaned in to hug me gently.
“Where’s my morning Addy?” Bryce smirked.
“Oh, I’m sorry Bryce. I must have forgotten we say morning to each other. Morning Walker.”
“Morning Addy. Are you cold or are you finally going to tell us all what your secret to doing well in school is?”
“I’m cold. And I’ve shared my secret with you before. It’s called actually opening the books they rent to us and reading them. Hey Justin, do you have an extra sweater? I spilled water on my other shirt like right after I left the house.”
“Yeah, I have one in my locker. Go ahead and grab it.”
“Thanks. Have I told you you’re the best lately?”
“Nope.” He laughed.
“Well, now I have.”
I was in a good mood when lunch rolled around. I nodded to Courtney in the hall on my way to the cafeteria. She was talking to Marcus about one thing or another. Tyler was watching Hannah in a way that had it been anyone else, wouldn’t have been weird. Clay was watching her too. I smiled and waved at him. He nodded back. “Hey Addison.” Tyler called. I turned around and he waved his camera at me. I waved my book in the air like I was busy but stopped for the student life photographer anyway. He snapped his photo and I continued on.
Since I was in a good mood, I didn’t even think twice about sitting with Justin and his friends. “Are we eating at the mall?” Justin asked when I sat down.
“I don’t see why not. I’ll have to stop at Baker Drugs on my way home though. Mum has a refill waiting.”
“Okay.” He nodded and bit into his sandwich. Jeff bounded over to the table.
“Guess who got above a C?” He asked, proudly.
“You?” Anders asked in response.
“Yup. Now I can finally make Clay make a move.”
“He’s going to hate it Jeff.” I said.
“I know. But he needs to put himself out there.”
“Make a move on who?” Monty asked.
“Hannah Baker.” Jeff replied. “Everyone knows he likes her.”
“I don’t really pay attention to the Jensen kid.” He shrugged.
“He hates dances.”
“I know. But a deal is a deal. I get above a C he goes to the dance. Are you going Addy?”
“Wasn’t planning on it, no.”
“Why not?” Bryce asked. I rolled my eyes.
“I hate school dances. The only not crappy part is that Tony is DJing.”
“You have to go. I’m going.” Justin begged with his mouth full.
I shook my head. What is it with boys not chewing their food? “I went to the last one. It’s Bryce’s turn to babysit you.”
“I babysat last time.”
“No, you didn’t. You were sneaking off behind the bleachers with your date. I babysat. Plus, I can’t tie a tie. And neither can Justin. Ergo, your turn.”
“Yes you-.” Justin started. I kicked him under the table.
“I’m not going to the stupid dance. Besides, I have homework.”
“Addison. The dance isn’t for like three weeks.” Jeff complained.
“I know Jeff. But I am not Clay Jensen. I have friends. I have a life.”
“Aren’t you friends with Clay?” Scott asked.
“Yes. So, I know he keeps to himself. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to the dance.”
“You’re not going to the dance yet.” Justin smiled devilishly. I rolled my eyes.
“Did you finish your English paper?”
“I’ll take that as a no.”
“Did you?” He challenged. Monty choked on a laugh. Smooth. Bryce quirked his brow.
“Did you just ask her if she finished a homework assignment?”
“Yeah.” He shrugged.
“Yes, I did. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious. Since you’re on me about my homework.”
“Justin. The last time she handed something in late, was like seventh grade because she was out of school the day it was due.” Monty added.
“I remember. She had a stress rash because of it. How do you remember?”
He shrugged. “It had never happened before.” He noticed that? And thought it was important enough to remember? Thankfully before any more questions could be raised, the bell rang.
“I’ll meet you at my locker after school Justin.” He gave me a thumbs up before walking away, already in conversation with Zach about something.
Justin and I drove to the mall, singing along to whatever was on a Spotify artist radio. “Do we want a pretzel now or later?” I asked as I pulled my purse out of my backpack in the car. I had changed back into the flannel from this morning while I waited for my best friend at my locker.
“Now.” We said in unison.
Pretzels in hand, we wandered around the mall for a while. “I need some new shirts. I had to throw a bunch out because they were really old and not able to be donated.”
“You want opinions?”
“Of course.”
“Shoes first?”
“DSW?” He shrugged and nodded. At the store, we headed straight for the men’s section. I pointed out a few pairs that seemed like they were his style. He made a face at the first couple of pairs and shook his head. Shrugging, I pointed out a pair of Nikes that were on sale. He gave me his best seriously look and I laughed. “They could be nice.”
“Yeah. If I want to look like my feet are three sizes bigger than they are.”
“You know what they say about guys with big feet though Justin.” He flipped me off. “What about these?” This time, he actually tried them on. They were not the right ones.
After a few more busts, we decided it was time to try a different store. Famous Footwear was having a sale. We stopped in there. Once again, we headed straight for the men’s sneakers. He tried a couple of pairs of Converse. Neither of us were very big fans. “White?” I asked, pointing out a pair of Pumas.
“No.” He shot down. I nodded and we kept looking. He picked up a pair of grey and white Nikes. “These are nice.”
“They are.” We found his size and he tried them on. “How do they feel?”
“Good.” He flexed his foot a few times before trying them out to walk. “Yeah, these feel good.” I smiled and we placed them back in the box to go pay.
Shoes in hand, we made a quick pitstop for coffee. Justin brought up the topic of the Winter Formal again while we walked around trying to find some shirts for me. “Are you really not going to go Addy?”
“No Justin. I don’t want to go. And besides, I have no one to go with.” At least, no one I can go to a school dance with.
“You can go with us.”
“Go with you and Bryce. And Bryce’s boys?” I quirked my brow, sharply.
“Yeah. We don’t bite. We are fun.”
“Fun. Sure.” I muttered.
“You could see Clay try to talk to Hannah.”
“Or I could sit at home and binge watch Pretty Little Liars.”
“I thought you said you had homework Addy.”
“You know that was just so Jeff would let my excuse slide. For now, at least.”
“Come on. It’ll be fun.”
“If I say I’ll think about it, will you drop it?”
“Yes.” He nodded.
“Then I will think about it.” He made a fist pumping motion and I burst out laughing. “You are such a freaking dork.”
We stopped at Target and looked around the clothes-he wasn’t going to let me look at anything else-for a while. But nothing really felt like me when I looked at it or tried it on. American Eagle was a little better. I was able to at least find things I liked on the hanger and on me. “This?” I asked Justin when I came out of the dressing room in a soft purple shirt.
“It’s nice. Makes your boobs look good.”
��That’s always a plus.” I added it to the small yes pile. A blue one was next. He shook his head.
“Not your colour.”
“Didn’t think so.” A couple more noes were added to the pile before we checked out. Aritzia and Zara were close by, but I didn’t like anything on the rack enough to try it on. We made a quick stop at Madewell and I got a couple of plain white t-shirts.
“Can we make a Sephora stop? I need to replace my foundation.”
“We can if you give me your wallet, so you don’t spend all of your money.”
“I won’t spend it all. I literally only need a new bottle of foundation.”
“Alright. You have ten minutes to get in line tops.”
“Yes Dad.” I shook my head. Justin scoffed jovially. He followed close behind me in the store to make sure I stayed true to my word. They were out of my shade in my usual formula. I grabbed a bottle of my backup formula instead. By the time we were done, I didn’t even have the energy to make a stop at the bookstore. We decided to grab a slice of pizza to go instead of sitting in the food court.
Back in town, we stopped at Baker Drugs and got my mom’s prescription. I grabbed a box of gobstoppers for good measure and grinned at Justin. “Are you spending the night? We can do movies before bed as long as you aren’t a pain in my ass in the morning.”
“Sure. I’ll let my mom know.”
At home, I texted Monty while Justin was in the bathroom. Hey, Justin is spending the night for movie night.
Okay. How was shopping?
Good. I got some stuff.
Awesome. Enjoy your movies babe. Justin came back before I could reply. “Who you texting?”
“Just Zach about our Government assignment. Do we want snacks?”
“Of course, we want snacks.” Together, the two of us went downstairs and raided the cabinets.
“Hi Justin. Hi Addison.” Mum greeted as she came in the door.
“Hi Margot.” Justin replied.
“Hi Mum.”
“Make sure you don’t eat too much candy you two.” She chuckled when she saw us trying to stuff a box of Swedish berries in Justin’s sweater.
“We won’t Mum.”
“Yes Mom.”
I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave. Justin and I ran upstairs with our contraband. We both changed into comfy clothes and arranged our candy on my bed. When the microwave beeped, I ran back down to get it. Mum pretended not to notice me grabbing an extra chocolate bar. I heard her laughing with dad about it though.
“They really are quite cute together.”
“I suppose. Thankfully we don’t need to worry about them being another kind of cute.” Dad said. No, you really don’t.
Justin had Netflix pulled up when I got back to my room and shut the door. He was scrolling aimlessly. “I put butter on in the middle and the top.”
“Wonderful.” He grinned. “What mood are we in?”
“Addison! That is an R rated movie.” He exclaimed, scandalously.
“But it’s funny.”
“Superbad it is.” We got settled and hit play. After it was done, we scrolled through and picked The Social Network. Finally, just for fun to end the night… er, morning, we decided to watch the 2011 Footloose. Between the three films, we ate so much candy we knew we would wake up with stomach aches on Tuesday.
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hi love! you don’t have to but could you write a zalex fic during the camping trip where after everyone finds out about winston and alex zach checks on him and they have this super cute moment where they’re like just looking at the stats/moon? kinda like the clannah scene in s1
The Same Person That I Need is The One I'm Running From
    The woods were still, they were quiet except for the occasional who-ing of owls, the rustles of the leaves, the movement of fabric as people moved in their sleep. Alex had been lying awake, he was freezing and heartbroken. Alex had his big yellow jacket on as well as being wrapped up like a burrito in his sleeping bag. He sighed, he felt so fucking betrayed and used and disgusting. He can’t believe he was played and lied to like that, he ran a hand down his face and That’s when he heard the crack of a stick right next to his tent. He saw the shadow of someone right next to his tent, his heartbeat quickened, what if it was a murderer. Alex decided he had faced scarier in his short 17-years of living and took a deep breath, waiting for the figure to go away, slowly the shadow moved towards the front of Alex and his father’s tent, then he heard a small “Alex,” He knew exactly who it was when he heard the voice, he rolled his eyes at the antics of the boy. He unzipped his sleeping bag quietly before crawling towards the front of the tent, unzipping the zippered up entrance. Seeing a familiar goofy and lopsided smile, Zach Dempsey, worlds resident sweetheart, Alex’s best friend. 
    “What do you want?” Alex said peeking his head through the entrance, he realized how close he was to Zach’s face, Alex flushed backing up from the entrance. 
    “Come out here with me,” He smiled. Alex nodded, wearily. He never needed much of reason to go with Zach, he would follow him into a void if he smiled at him like that. He zipped the tent back up before turning around and facing the boy who dragged him out of his deep and heavy thoughts. “Okay, I’m out here what do you want Dempsey?” Alex said folded his arms across his chest, his eyebrows raised.
    “Can’t a man tell his best friend to wake up without wanting anything?” Alex rolled his eyes, looking at him expectedly. A small paused, Zach, said more carefully, “I heard what happened…” 
    Alex sighed walking away from Zach and the campsite, it was no one’s business. He was furious with the way news of the two of them had got around not only was he furious about that it had gotten around but that it had reached Zach, the one person he deliberately didn’t want to know. Zach had followed him wordlessly. 
    “I’m okay, you know…”
    “I can’t believe that when the last time you said-” Zach inched closer to the boy in front of him with a frown painted on his lips.
    “I know…” Alex whispered. He let out a loud exhale, “I really am okay, Zach,” He said turning away from Zach, he knew he’d see the lie in his face if he saw it. 
    “I can tell you’re not…” He said crossing his arms, “You think I can’t hear it in your voice?”
    “Well, what about you huh?!” Alex’s voice crack, he felt like crying. He turned sharply in the direction of Zach.
    “What about me?” 
    “You obviously aren’t okay,” Alex ran looked down at his shoes, “Stop caring about other people and care about yourself for once, asshole!” He rolled his eyes, looking away from Zach.
    “I want to show you something,” Alex squinted his eyes a little taken back by the boy’s words, wordlessly, he nodded, Zach took the lead, the walk was awkward and uncomfortable. It was filled with the boys breathing, and the sound of twigs snapping underneath their weight. They came to a cliff, that overlooked the lake, the stars were brighter than Alex had ever seen. The small waves crashed on the shore, Alex thought it was rather peaceful. 
    Zach wordless walked towards the edge which caused Alex’s heart rate to speed up, although Zach didn’t completely sit at the edge, he sat closer to where the two were standing. Zach patted the hard ground next to him as a signal for him to come and sit next to him, Alex hesitantly took the gesture sitting down next to him with a groan. Zach looked up at the sky, then back at Alex. “I care about you, man,” Zach said in a small voice, “I’m sorry he used you,” Alex shifted uncomfortably looking out at the lake. 
    Alex furrowed his brows together, “I just…” Alex had a lot of frustration bubbling inside him. He was so hurt that people continue to use him, first Jessica, then Winston when does he get a fucking break. He let out a loud exhale, “Why do people do this me?” He said sadness and confusion filled his voice as he tucked his knees into his chest, he started to shake as the tears he’s held in almost all day were released. Zach hesitantly put a hand on his smaller counterparts shoulder, making the boy jump as a reaction, Zach felt him ease up underneath his touch. He sniffed loudly, before looking up wiping his tears on the sleeve of the yellow jacket. He laughed although, it was bitter and cold, completely void of humor. “Why am I not good enough for anyone, Zach?” He had his head on his arms that were on top of his knees, he moved it to look at Zach. His face was red, not in anger or embarrassment may be from the cold or the crying Zach couldn’t tell but all he wanted to do at that moment was make sure he was safe.
    Zach sighed, looking up at the stars twinkling back at him, “They fucked up,” He shook his head, “You don’t deserve that… No one deserves this, especially not you,” 
    “It happens so many fucking times why wouldn’t I deserve this I fucking killed a man!” 
    Zach was stunned into silence all he could do was look at the stars. “Do you believe in fate?”
    “That’s for dumbasses of course not,” 
    “Gee thanks,” Zach chuckled bumping their shoulders together. Alex just rolled his eyes and continued to look at the water crashing up against the shoreline. “I do…” 
    “Hence it being for dumbasses,” 
    “Fuck off, Standall,” Zach’s goofy grin. Alex thinks it may be his favorite smile he’s ever seen but he doesn’t dwell on the thought for very long, he already knows loud and fucking clear how Zach feels. 
    “Why’d you ask if I believed in fate?” Zach was silent again, he was silent for almost two minutes before he took a good look at Alex, then back at the stars. 
    “Do you think if we wouldn’t have killed him someone else would have? I think about it sometimes like maybe… If he didn’t die at the hands of us it was fate for him to die that night?” 
    Alex pondered the question, he didn’t like thinking about Bryce. It made him physically ill- he had blood on his hands that no matter how hard he scrubbed, no matter how many times he’s washed his hands- they are stained with the blood of Bryce Walker. “Isn’t that taking the easy way out?”
    “I guess so,” Zach stretched back putting his hands behind him as he watches the stars, he loved how beautiful and collected they were, he was envious of flaming balls of gas. “But still… You know, we aren’t the only ones who wanted to kill him I mean there was like a hundred suspects before they narrowed it down to us.” 
    Alex mulled that thought over, “I mean I guess you aren’t wrong, he was a piece of shit.” Zach nodded. A thick blanket of silence and tension fell over them. “How’d you know?”
    “About you and Winston?” Alex nodded slowly, “Ani and Clay told us about Winston Jessica told me that you guys were you know…” 
    “Making out?” Alex deadpanned, “Truth be told,” Alex said getting into the same position as Zach, “I never hooked up with him,”
    “Why?” Zach blurted out before he could keep his big dumb mouth shut, “I-I mean…”
    “I don’t want to have sex with people who I’m unsure of…” 
    “When did you become such a sap,” 
    Alex just rolled his eyes looked away from him, “Shut up, it doesn’t even matter he didn’t even like me anyway,” Alex said rather bitterly yet he was still playful. He felt a pinky brush his own he knew it was Zach’s- neither of them made an effort to move their hands so they kept their pinkies overlap.
    “He’s a fool,” Zach shrugged, now at this point, Zach’s hand was on top of Alex’s smaller one neither cared to move it. Reason three billion and four why Alex thought Zach liked him- the two of them could be hanging out and Zach and he would basically be holding the hands of each other and not say a single word and leave their hands there. “You are an amazing person, Alex,” 
    Alex just nodded, the two savored the silence as they looked at the sky. The night sky wasn’t completely clear it had small clouds moving passed the stars, quickly. Alex loved to watch the sky so intently he’d be able to see the world spin. Alex laid his head on Zach’s shoulder, “I’m obviously fucking not Zach…  I have a hole in my head, I have this dumbass limp, I mean look at me I’m so fucking ugly it’s no wonder why people leave…” He was just ranting out loud, but what he had said had hurt Zach’s own feelings. 
    His brows scrunched together, “I don-”
    “Zach, you opinion doesn’t matter you’re my best friend you’re supposed to say these things.”
    “No, I’m not I could agree with you but they aren’t true, I mean sure yeah you shot yourself so? You’re still just as beautiful as before if not more so, there is beauty in pain you know,” 
`    Alex sighed. He had no idea why Zach insisted on saying these things about him. He felt hurt in a way that he is allowed to say these things and also not reciprocate the feelings Alex has. He couldn’t wrap his head around why Zach did things like this. “We should head back,”
    Zach shook his head, “No one is calling us, let’s just enjoy the stars.”
    “Are you some sort of astrologist?” 
    “No, but sometimes- like right now, it’s peaceful… Like it’s just eh two of us,” 
    “Would you like that?” Zach looked away, Alex, didn’t take back his words nor his hand. 
    “I would, yeah.” 
    Yet, another thing to add on Alex’s running tally of reasons why he loves Zach, “Me too,” 
    Zach nodded as he hesitantly intertwined the two’s fingers neither one of them pulled away, they just stared at the stars in comfortable silence, just the two of them. 
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Inevitable, Ch 3
Y’all, same disclaimers. In addition to all the warnings we’ll include some explicit drug use today, ‘k? Don’t do drugs kids.
Monty held the letter, his hands trembling as he stood rooted in time. He was still licking his wounds from the traitorous blow Charlie had dealt him. They were brothers, Monty had taken the younger boy under his wing from day one and defended him, fought for him, fought beside him... and he had helped Clay Jensen send him to jail. Yes, some part of him was aware that he was booked initially for messing with Tyler, and the murder charges were tacked on after. But it seemed awfully convenient that Tyler chose the moment that Clay was the one facing jail time to report what he had done.
And, clearly, they had gotten to Charlie. And Charlie gave them the keys they needed to clear Clay's name and fucking sell him out for a crime he didn't commit.
So what could Charlie possibly want with him now. His fist crumpled the envelope.
"Wooooooo!" He bellowed, tapping the keg. "We are getting FUCKED UP TONIGHT!"
Charlie laughed, bringing two trays out of his pantry. His dad was out town for the weekend and although they had lost their game that night spectacularly they were going full steam ahead with Charlie's first party.
"I made brownies." He declared, delighted. Monty stared at him, slightly taken aback. One of the other guys snorted, shaking his head.
"Fuck you," Monty said, rounding on him and grabbing a brownie off of the tray, "Charlie boy made brownies and we're all fucking having one." He took a bite, his eyes crossing momentarily as he groaned. "That's delicious."
"Still talking with your mouth full?" Justin teased, shaking his head as he grabbed a brownie.
"Shut up, I'm enjoying my foodgasm." He grumbled through a full mouth pointedly.
"Fuck, these are actually really good. Good job Charlie." Justin said, passing one to Zack.
"Everyone have a fucking brownie. Charlie made brownies." Zach yelled. And, well, Zach was the captain.
It didn't take long before the cheerleaders, the other girlfriends, students from other schools and students from Liberty who definitely weren't invited trickled in. The party spilled through the house and into the front yard and the back yard like a fountain of youth. The music reverberated through the walls like a united heartbeat. Booze was strewn throughout the kitchen, any poison was yours to pick.
Monty found himself in the backyard, nonchalantly rubbing the leaves on the shrubs along the fence. He couldn't understand it...but they just felt so amazing.. Zach staggered up to him, leaning heavily on his shoulder as he stumbled with his crutches.
"Buddy," he slurred, "Look, I wouldn't generally be talking to you right now. But its my brotherly duty to inform you that somebody is attempting to beat your record at Edward 40hands."
Monty gasped incredulously, dropping the leaf and putting his hand to his mouth.
"Noooo way, that's FUCKING SACRILEGE!"
Zach nodded solemnly.
"It is absolutely." He agreed, running his hand over Monty's flannel. "Damn buddy, this is soft."
"Walmart man, walmart."
"Ew." Zach sneered, pushing off of him and staggering off in a zig-zag. "Time to defend your title."
Monty followed him, shuffling his feet along the dewy grass. It was like a gigantic shag carpet that covered like the entire earth. Mind blowing.
"This is some bull SHIT!" He declared, grabbing two bottles of the malted beer. Zach taped them to his hands and opened them. The other boy, who was from another school, laughed.
"I am going to beat you, de la Cruz."
"That's what your dad said last night after I fucked your mom." Monty countered, letting out a delighted giggle.
"What are you, 8?" Foley said, shaking his head. Monty just laughed harder, he never seemed to mind when he was the only one laughing at his jokes.
"3... 2....1!" Zach yelled. "CHUG!"
Monty snapped to attention and began to chug, feeling the weirdly soy sauce tasting beer froth heavily in his gut. He managed to finish one in 4 seconds. The other guy was hot on his tail with about a quarter left. He felt like a marionette on tangled strings that  toddler had decided to hold in the air and spin.
He staggered and belched, grateful he didn't vomit, yet. It was wet and close.
"Hoooooo!" He crowed, seeing the other guy finish his first one. He pounded his second one back, tilting his head back and staggering until he was standing on only one foot.
"Monty's gonna barf. He always does, eventually. Usually after breaking a bunch of shit and one or two faces." Justin warned Charlie. Charlie shrugged.
"That's fucking masterful." The taller boy said in awe. Monty finished the second one even faster. He pumped his fist in the air with the bottle still on it and yelled a battle cry into the night sky.
"I AM THE FUCKING CHAMPIOOOOOOOONNNNNNN!" He crowed, tripping over his own feet. He felt the air rush passed his face and he started to giggle once more. It tickled.
"Oops, careful." Charlie muttered in his ear, arms looped under Monty's left bicep while Zach held on to his right, laughing.
"The champion of knocking yourself out." He jested, cutting the tape off of his hands.
"Are you sober enough to be handling scissors right now, Zachy?"
"Absolutely not."
"Please don't do a Hannah on my wrists."
"That's not funny asshole."
"Its kind of funny."
"Fuck you Monty."
Monty laughed. "Is that all you fuckers have to say to me now? Fuck me?"
"Yes." Justin interjected, helping Zach and Charlie haul Monty to his feet. Monty held on to Justin for a moment to steady himself before he staggered into the house again, tripping over the lip of the patio door and almost taking out a weird, expensive looking bust statue of some old dude.
"Excuse me sir, I don't want to dance with you." He muttered, "I want 'nother brownie." He slurred.
Charlie gripped on to his arm once more, guiding him into the kitchen. "Ah, probaaaaably not a great idea." Charlie giggled.
"But they're deliiiiicious." Monty cooed, pulling his best puppydog face. He tried to imagine he was Justin. He wasn't sure it worked.
"Aww." Charlie muttered, an untraceable but vaguely familiar softness to his eyes and his hands as he held on to Monty, "The thing is, there's just so much MDMA in the brownies."
Monty snorted, shaking his head.
"In the brownies. I drugged the brownies."
Monty stared at him, incredulous as he felt his skin quivering as though it was its own entity.
"And here I thought you were just this beautiful, innocent ray of sunshine waiting to be corrupted...and Jesus Christ I am so fucking high right now." He lamented as the reality of it all dawned on him.
"Oh ya. You should see your eyes. You've got like, no irises left. Its kind of scary. Like Dean Winchester in Supernatural season 10."
Monty blinked. "I didn't understand a word of that. But I am HIIIIIIGH." He started to jump around to the erratic cadence of his heartbeat. Charlie quickly joined in. It didn't take long for them to start a miniature mosh pit of football players jumping and slamming into each other in the kitchen.
The air was electric, it had a current, and Monty swore he could feel it caressing him. It took a little while before he noticed Justin wasn't joining in on the fun. He found his teammate sitting on the floor in the library.
The goddamned house had a fucking library.
He was caressing the carpet slowly, but his expression was unbelievably pouty.
"FOLEY!" Monty hollered, making the other boy jump within an inch of his life.
"Fucking hell Monty." He griped, "My heart is racing already as it is." Monty flopped down beside him.
"What's up."
"You're the last asshole here that I want to talk to."
Monty groaned and sighed.
"Don't be a downer. You can pretend not to hate me for one night. We were brothers once, we still are."
"No we aren't. Not anymore."
"What's the matter." Monty shoved his shoulder into Justin's gently, the connection sending fireworks radiating through his body.
"I'm thinking about Jess and how I fucked everything up." Justin said brokenly, "I love her, man, I really love her...and my heart is racing and I can't calm down."
"Woah woah. Take a breath." Monty said calmly. Justin looked at him with that broken, puppy dog eyed face.
"I can't."
"You can. Breathe with me." He took a deep breath, feeling himself melt into the carpet like butter, but sparkle...y... as he closed his eyes. He exhaled and glanced at Justin who seemed to be slowly calming down.
"My heart is still racing."
"That would be because Charlie drugged the brownies."
Justin did a double take. "He what?!"
"He put Molly in the brownies." Monty laughed, "And I thought I was corrupting him. I was so wrong. Holy shit. That boy has an angel's face but-"
Justin stared at him, unimpressed. "Right, that has nothing to do with your influence."
"When have I ever cooked for you? I'd have to do that in order to like, even ever secretly drug anybody which I have never done and oh my god this carpet feels so good."
He ran his fingers over it and stared at Justin imploringly.
"Its like, as good as sex." He insisted. Justin ran his fingers over it, laughing slowly until it turned into a giggle, which Monty returned.
"Nah man, you aren't having the right kind of sex if this is what sex feels like."
"I don't know about that." Monty quipped, his mind drifting to the only thing that was missing from this perfect night...
He didn't remember leaving Justin in the library but he found himself in the bathroom, running his fingers over the tile walls of the shower until he decided to clamor in. He tripped over the side of the marble tub and almost smacked his head off the wall but in some sort of feat of drunken prowess he managed to dance like a wet noodle in mid air and slid down the smooth surface without injury.
"Oohhhhhoooo..." He cooed, listening to his own voice echo back to him like a melody that conjoined perfectly, to his ears anyway, with the music pounding throughout the entire house. He was pretty certain he could hear some people hooking up in the next room. There was also a solid chance he found his way to the bathroom by literally feeling up the walls and railings of the house in an elaborate Indiana Jones fantasy.
He flipped the showerhead on and played with the water's temperature, feeling the droplets soak through the front of his shirt and running down the front of his pants. Only one thing was missing.
He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and feverishly clicked call, biting his lip.
"What the...Monty?" An incredibly groggy voice answered on the other end. Monty's face split into a wide grin and he slid up and down the tub like a slip and slide, using his legs to propel himself at the front of the tub and sloshing water out over the edges.
"You sound so sleepy." He giggled.
"Uh...Monty, its 3 in the morning."
"What is time, anyway." Monty countered ponderously, "It passes so meaninglessly."
He heard Winston laugh softly and he felt the fireworks inside of his body exploding and the fluttering of the tiny, papery butterflies making his heart stutter. Or, maybe, that was the drugs.
"How high are you right now?" Winston asked, sounding half exasperated half amused.
"Hello." Monty said theatrically, "It's me..."
"Beautiful, Adele... what are you doing, are you safe?"
"I'm in the tub. My clothes are so heavy and the water feels delicious. I think this could have been the best night of my life, I just realized that you are missing." He could feel Winston smiling through the phone, and he laid back into the water, resting his head on the cold marble of the tub as the shower rained down on his legs, filling the tub. He paddled his feet like a toddler, splashing up the tiles of the walls and over the edges of the tub. He didn't notice Justin enter the bathroom in a staggering heap, his abdomen dragging along the marble and wood double vanity for support.
Monty couldn't stop talking, it bubbled out like word vomit...at least it wasn't actual vomit.
"And I just love you." Monty sighed, running his free hand over the tiles, his fingertips dancing alight with the sensation. It made the hair on his arms stand up. "I just love you." He repeated.
Justin's face exploded with shock and he leaped into the tub, displacing nearly half the volume of the water on to the floor. Monty shrieked shrilly and almost dropped his phone as Justin began to thrust and grind on him, hooting with laughter and glee.
"HAVE I DIED?! DID HELL FREEZE OVER?! MONTGOMERY DE LA CRUZ SAID I LOVE YOU! TO SOMEONE! ARE YOU FAKING THIS?! IS THERE ACTUALLY A REAL PERSON ON THE OTHER END OF THAT PHONE RIGHT NOW?! WHO IS SHE?!" He screamed as he continued to pound on to Monty's thighs, the tub surrendering virtually all its contents as the water from the showerhead sprayed them. The bathroom, rest in peace.
Monty pulled his phone away from Justin as he reached for it. "No no no no." He murmured, "This one isn't for you." He shushed, pressing his fingertips against Justin's lips, giggling softly. "It's for me, only me. You understand...don't you?" Justin blinked.
"I don't know how I do, but I do man...I do. Fuck." They stared at each other for a moment, both of their eyes an inky, dilated black without any irises in sight. They wore matching, loopy grins. Monty put the phone back to his ear, suddenly fearful that Winston had hung up on him.
"I'll let you get back to your party...have fun." Winston whispered quietly into the phone. "Be safe."
"I am always safe!" Monty declared incredulously. Justin and Winston unknowingly laughed in unison. Monty heard the phone go silent as Winston hung up and his face shattered, shooting Justin a wounded puppy face.
"Does she love you too?" Justin asked, resting his head on the marble beside Monty. They really didn't fit together inside the tub very well, squashed like sardines in a can.
"I don't know...." Monty murmured. Justin made a humming noise in his throat and let Monty contemplate. "I think so?" He settled on.
"Then we have to celebrate," Justin said solemnly, "For love."
Monty nodded, with equal sudden seriousness.
"For love." He declared.
They both scrambled out of the tub, the flooded bathroom spilling into the carpeted hallway as they tripped over one another and shoved each other. They drank, heavily, the liquor slowly draining from the bottles shot after messy, spilled shot. They danced, dripping with sweat and in Monty and Justin's cases they were actually just dripping wet and soggy. And friends again, if only for just this moment held in time.
Slowly as time passed, the house began to empty, leaving a path of destruction in the party's wake. For Monty, the world was spinning off of it's axis. Gravity was all too much and yet non-existent at the same time but the - literal - ecstasy was still making him feel all too on top of the world to listening to his intoxication and sit down. He used his arms to drag himself across the walls and fell against the sofa.
Charlie was sprawled, watching the ceiling spin above him.
"That's... was eh-pic." Monty groaned, his words coming out like mashed potatoes,  flopping into the sofa and sprawling over Charlie. Charlie leaned into him and laughed, running his hands over the embroidered, antique upholstery.
"I am still so fucked up." Charlie lamented with a sigh. Monty murmured in agreement, his eyes fluttering as the world spun around him dangerously. He just needed to close his eyes for a little while, but the stimulants pounding through his veins wouldn't allow him to rest. He gave up and glanced at Charlie.
"You did...good job." He breathed, his body feeling hot and cold and entirely all wrong.
"Wait...why are you wet..?" Charlie laughed, realizing Monty was dripping all over him. Monty's brows drew together in confusion.
"Am I...?"
"You're soaked." Charlie said, running his hands over Monty's shoulders. Monty shivered, closing his eyes for a moment. The room was blurring around him and it was making him feel queasy.
Monty's eyes blinked open again, and then he felt the soft warmth of the other boy's lips pressed against his. His eye's widened comically and he laid there, frozen, with his heart hammering in his chest and a wave of panic crashed over him. He pushed away clumsily and fell off the couch in a heap. He staggered to his feet, running for the kitchen. He felt it bubbling up again, word vomit maybe? No.
Actual vomit.
He retched over the garbage can, losing about a liquor store's worth of stomach contents before the entire world tilted sharply to the left and his vision went black. He crumpled to an unceremonious heap on the floor.
Monty climbed on to his bunk and pried open the vent that was level with it. He learned within a few days of his transfer (and after a victory in the squabble for the top bunk because he wasn't a fucking bottom) that the bolts were loose and clearly past inmates had used this as a stash. He popped the letter and file inside, realizing he was still crushing the envelope in his fist and tossing it in the garbage can below and replacing the bolts for appearances and settled with his elbows bent and his hands behind his head. His vein in his neck continued with its steady, relentless, tick tick ticking. He'd decide what to do about Charlie after dinner, he reasoned.
And then there was the Winston of it all...
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anna-lupin-black · 5 years
I know I don’t write/post Smut on this account, especially not one that doesn’t involve Harry Potter characters, but whilst watching 13 Reasons Why; my love for Tony Padilla has corrupted me
A Rare Exception - Tony Padilla X Female Reader
Tony’s best friend finds herself falling for him. Little does she know his one exception for loving women just so happens to be her.
Written for a friend
Warning: SMUT, F/M Smut, Dom/Sub undertones
A/N: I do not ever agree with LGBT Erasure, but I do also acknowledge that Sexuality is a Spectrum; and there are Gay Men who do fall in love with women, it doesn’t make them any less gay, just as there are straight people who can fall in love with someone of the same gender as them, it doesn’t make them any less straight. This was a request I was given and will not read any hate on the subject. Constructive criticism is always welcome as long is it’s meant with the best intentions.
“[Y/N], get in the car.”
I turn around from talking to my best friend Alex; a boy with blonde hair who’s dark roots are already showing after having bleached it merely a month beforehand. Alex is thin, with deep blue eyes and an easy enough going personality. We’ve been friends since I transfered to Liberty High last fall.
The voice came from my friend, Tony. If I were to say I didn’t find him attractive, I’d be a bigger liar than anyone in this school; and if you know anything about the students in Liberty High, you’d know that was saying something. Tony has beautiful olive toned skin, carmel brown eyes, stylishly messy brown hair, a body of a machanic; because he is one, and tattoos that make him even more interesting than he already is. His eyes show a maturity well beyond our years, and his calm and level head is always welcome in our hot headed friend group.
The downside, he’s gay... and I’m a chick. So, definitely not his type at all.
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“Tony, I’m supposed to go to the gym with Alex and Zach tonight... I told you that earlier when you asked if I had plans today?” I’ve been having a hard time being alone with Tony now that I’ve begun developing feelings for the Latino Machanic who stole my heart with how kind and selfless he is. We used to spend hours in his garage, I’d chat while he worked on cars for his Papá.
“We weren’t go-“ I elbow Alex in the ribs and shoot him a glare that plainly states for him to shut the hell up before I make him. It seems to work perfectly as he sighs and corrects himself by adding, “Oh, right. That was today, I must have forgot, brain damage and all.”
I roll my eyes as I turn back to Tony, “Ignore him, he’s an idiot.”
“Hey,” I shoot Alex another look and he just sighs.
“Where’s Dempsey?” Tony asks, pointedly.
I know my face shows a sudden look of uncertainty as I turn back to Alex, “Yeah... wh-where is Zach?”
Alex very obviously gives me the You Owe Me eyes before explaining, “He’s meeting us there.”
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Tony raises an eyebrow at us, and I think we would have gotten away with our story if Alex’s dad; a man who looks alarmingly like the man who plays Lucifer from that TV Series, Supernatural, hadn’t pulled up rolled the window down and asked, “Ready to go to your follow up with the Doctor, Kid.”
Alex shrugs an apology at me before getting in the front seat saying, “Yeah, Dad.”
“Hey, [Y/N]. Do you need a ride home, its on the way?”
“No, Sir. I’m taking [Y/N] home today.” Tony speaks up. I hadn’t noticed him getting out of his car abd jump at rhe proximity of his voice. He’s now stood right beside me.
Deputy Standall eyes me and Tony for a moment before asking, “You alright, [Y/N]?”
I glance at Tony trying to ignore the heat his body’s giving off before faking a smile for Alex’s dad and saying, “Yeah, Tony’s an old friend of mine, he helped fix my mom’s car when we first got to town. I’m good.”
“If your sure.?”
I nod, “I am, thank you though. Say hello to Mrs. standall for me.”
“Will do.”
When they drive off Tony let’s the silence drag on a minute too long before he speaks up, “So you lied to me?” I look up at him, and my stomach clenches painfully at the obvious look of hurt on his angular face.
“If you don’t want to spend time with me, tell me. Don’t fucking lie about it.” His voice is laced with the anger he keeps very well under wraps most of the time.
“It’s not that, it-“
“Then what is it? Because you’ve been avoiding me. Spending a lot of time with Standall, too.” He pulls a look of disgust before adding, “Unless you’ve been lying about that.”
“No, I really have been spending a lot of time with Alex and Zach at the gym, you can ask Caleb.” I will admit, I’d hoped that bringing up Tony’s boyfriend would soften his expression even if only a little, but it seems to harden his expression even more, his eyes turning icy.
“Caleb and I broke up. You’d have known that if you hadn’t been dodging me all month. Por el amor de Dios.”
“Tony... you know I don’t speak Spanish...”
He shoots me a glare so I close my mouth. “We’re supposed to be friends. I’ve been a good friend.”
“I know... you’ve been a great friend! I just- I’m sorry. About not being around as much. About Caleb... I’m sorry for it all.”
“Great. Fantastic.” He huffs out a breath.
“I’m... free now...” I say, hesitantly.
“What, no imaginary gym sessions anymore? You aren’t going to try and tell me that you and Dempsey are still supposed to meet at the gym?”
I give him an apologetic look and repeat, “I’m sorry I lied, Tony... I really am. “
“Get in the car, we can talk after we go to the diner.”
I give him a questioning look so he shrugs and says, “Primero comemos, luego hacemos todo lo demás.”
“Still don’t speak Spanish.” I mutter as we get into his cherry red mustang.
“First we eat, then we do everything else.” Tony explains, putting his keys into his car and starting it up before shifting his stick into drive and off we go.
“Oh...” I reply, lamely.
Once we finish eating, Tony clasps his hands in front if him and leans forward slightly onto the table between us and says, “So, are you going to tell me what’s been up with you?”
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I bite my lip, not really sure what to tell him.
I’ve fallen for you, but your gay so just ignore me?
I have a crush on you, but know you’d never feel the same, so it’s whatever?
Or how about; I love you, go ahead and run out of my life because I; of course, do not have a penis.
“Just talk to me, [Y/N].”
I shake my head a little, looking down at the pattern in the wood of the table between us, “I can’t...” I admit, softly. I’m not even sure he can hear me.
“Okay, I’ll talk. Do you know why I broke up with Caleb?” I glance at him briefly, seeing an almost vulnerability in his eyes before my sight is back on the very interesting wooden table. I shake my head, my throat becoming too dry to speak.
“It’s because in all my life of liking men. I’ve somehow developed feelings for a girl.”
That surprises me, and I look at him, knowing my eyes are wide as an owls. “Oh...” I respond, softly. My mind reeling.
“Do you want to know who she is?” He asks, pointedly.
I shake my head, “I’m pretty sure I’d rather not...”
“Why is that?” He asks, his tone giving nothing of what’s going on in his mind away.
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I look up at him, and realize I wasn’t imagining the vulnerable look in his eyes, the only sign he is slightly uncomfortable with this conversation.
“I guess I just don’t understand why you aren’t just telling her.”
“Cabrona.” He mutters and I sigh, frustrated.
“Cabrona what? I don’t know her,” I respond, my tone much harsher than I’d intended it to be.
I can’t help but feel the green monster we all know way too well as jealousy, Tony being attracted to someone else. A girl no less. Cabrona... she sounds French. I bet she has a perfect tan; one I’d never be able to manage. She’s probably as thin as a supermodel to top it off, bet she has blue eyes and her black hair that shines like only black hair can.
He smirks, a hint of humor now appearing in those nervous eyes, “Cabrona isn’t a girl’s name. I called you a dumbass. “
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I’m taken a back by that. “What? Why?” I ask, incredulously.
“Because at certain times you are as clueless as Clay.”
I go to respond, but find no response willingly coming to me. Instead I just stare at him, my mouth more open then I’d particularly like it to be. I probably looked like a dumbass at this time if I’m being honest with myself.
“Do I honestly have to spell it out for you?”
“No,” I lie, irritated. He’s treating me like he does Clay. And I do not approve of it.
“It’s you, Mujer Loca.”
“You did not just call me crazy- wait... what did you just say..?” I feel all the color in my body heating up my cheeks as I register more than the word Loca, the Spanish word for crazy; one of the only words I actually can understand.
“It’s you.” He’s looking into my eyes, and I’d assume he was confident and sure of himself as he confesses what he seems to feel the need too; but his eyes give his anxiety away, and it melts my heart.
I wish I could respond. Wish I knew how to respond. But my tongue seems to have tied itself inside of my mouth as my mid fogs over and slows the world around me down.
“It’s your turn.” He states, his calmness shattering slightly with the rush of his words.
“It’s... what..?”
“I told you my secret, now tell me why you’ve been avoiding me.”
“Oh...” is the only word I can manage.
After a minute of heavy silence, he runs his hand through his very perfect hair and says, “[Y/N], you’ve got to say something.”
“Right...” and all of a sudden, his confession catches up with me, and my heart has the audacity to soar inside of my chest, leaving my stomach to be filled with butterflies. A burst of confidence fills me for just enough time for me to be honest, “I’ve developed feelings for my gay best friend... and I never even entertained the possibility of you ever liking me back.”
A breathless smile spreads across his face, lighting his golden eyes up and actually helping him look his age. “You do?” He clarifies.
I nod, my confidence having been spent with my own confession, and now my heart is beating quick enough for me to wonder if having a mutual crush could give you a heart attack.
Tony and I are laying on my couch watching Supernatural on my television, my head is laid comfortably on his chest, listening to his heart beating steadily, my hands in his resting on the blanket covering the both of us.
“Why does Deputy Standall look like-“
“Lucifer? Thank you! I thought I’d be the only one who could see the uncanny resemblance!” I exclaim, turning to look Tony in the eyes... only as I move, I feel Tony tense under me. “Are you okay?” I ask, worriedly. “Did I hurt you? I told you I was too heavy to lay on you!”
He shakes his head, his eyes once again the only thing with any honest expression. Only, I can’t quite read them this time, he has a look in his eyes that have darkened and lightened at the exact same time, leaving a mesmerizing swirl within them. He merely shakes his head, obviously hiding something.
“What..?” I ask, hesitantly.
“Nothing,” he responds far too evenly.
I cock my head to the side, not giving up. “If you need me to get up, I can.” I say, moving to get up, but he pulls me back to him, and it’s this action that allows me to feel something poking my lower back as I’m brought back to lying on top of my boyfriend. “Oh...” I accidentally let out with my realization.
“Hmm?” He says, trying to sound casual, but now I know otherwise.
“Oh, nothing.” I reply, my voice turning sickly sweet as I attempt to hide my smirk. This could be fun.
I give us a few moments, before I pretend to adjust my position to find a more comfortable one, making sure to pointedly rub against his hard on, purposely humming in comfort as I do so. I feel him stiffen once again underneath me, and even feel the slight movement of my hair indicating an outtake of breath being released from him.
“You okay?” I ask, as causally as I can while hiding my smirk.
“I’m fine, yeah.” Tony responds, his voice slightly gruffer than usual, and I have to work at hiding my accomplished giggle.
“Are you sure? You sound a bit... off?” I ask, trying to continue to sound as innocent as I can.
“Just watching the show.” Is his response.
I nod, and wait a few minutes before adjusting again, making sure to wiggle against his bulge a few times as I do so. I hear a soft groan that came right from his chest and I bite my lip to hide the smirk that is becoming increasingly hard to hide.
“Maldita sea, mujer.” He mutters under his breath as he puts his hands firmly on both of my sides, effectively stilling my movements.
“Tony, Love. I can’t understand you when you aren’t speaking English.”
He let’s out what I can only describe as a frustrated sigh, “Never mind.” He grunts.
I move, forcing my face into what I hope is a convincing concerned expression as I turn to face him, again making sure to brush against his hard on. “What’s wrong, Love?”
He eyes me a moment before an undeniable look of understanding appears on his face and I realize the gig is up. “Una tomadura de pelo.” He growls out, making my insides light up in a flame of arousal. As much as I want him to believe that it annoys me when he speaks Spanish; it’s all a lie. It’s honestly one of the more sexy things about him. But I would never let him know what it does to me, I’d never have a moments peace if he knew.
“I still don’t speak Spanish.”
“I called you a tease.” He responds, a fire lighting up behind his darkening brown eyes.
“I personally prefer the term Brat.” I respond with as much confidence as I can muster. We’ve never discussed sexual preferences, and if he isn’t into anything but vanilla, I could be sorry I said anything.
“Is that right?” He asks, darkly.
I feel my confidence dwindle as I can’t read his face, instead of responding I bite my lip and merely nod.
He smirks, and I feel my heart speeding up. “Naughty girl,” I feel my arousal increase at how deep and in control his voice seems to become as though a switch had been flipped. “What should I do with you, huh?”
I feel my ego and confidence build together at how accepting he seems to be, and it’s as though a dark weight had been lifted from me. “You could always fuck me?” I suggest, smirking at him mischieviously.
“Good things come to those who wait,” he replies, a look in his eyes that makes me melt.
“But waiting isn’t fun, ...Sir.” I test out the name hesitantly, but I see him swallow and close his eyes, when he opens them his eyes have turned predetory.
“Primero comemos, luego hacemos todo lo demás.”
I whine, “But I’m not hungry for food, Tony.”
“Well I’m starving,” he responds, a knowing look in his deep eyes. “What time did you say your parents would be home?”
“Not till tomorrow..?” I respond, slowly.
“Good, let’s go to your room.”
I raise an eyebrow, “I thought you were hungry.” I chellenge.
“Oh, I am.” His words are said with conviction. I feel my cheeks heat up as I stand up and lead him up the stairs of my home to my bedroom.
He moves inside, and I’m a little nervous as his eyes take in my bedroom, moving over the band posters litering my walls, photographs I’ve taken from my old home, filled with the smiles of old friends, my family. Some sketches are left on my end table, and as I close my bedroom door behind us he has made his way across the wooden floor to look at the drawing I’ve been working on, as well as the sketches underneath it, the first few sketches of him that I’d given up on for numerous reasons.
He holds the one I’ve deemed worth continueing and says, “This is me.” It wasn’t a question.
I nod, looking at the sketch where I’d managed to capture his eyes and scruff almost perfectly, but am still struggling to perfect his hair correctly.
“It’s really good.”
I shake my head, laughing nervously, “No, I can’t quite get your hair right...”
He places the papers back onto my nightstand and sits on my pillowtop twin bed, bouncing a little as he does.
It’s now that I notice my nervs reflecting in his expressive eyes.
“We don’t have to do anything,” I tell him, gently.
His eyes meet mine, confusion now replacing the nervs. “Do you not want to?”
A small laugh escapes my lips, “How could I not want to?” I exclaim a little more enthusiastically than I’d planned.
“Then why..?”
I bite my lip, my own insecurities filling my head. I want to yell that I’m not a man. That I don’t have the parts he desires. That I am heavier than either of the exes I’ve seen him with. That he is way out of my league and that I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t want to have sex with me.
He pats my bed, “Come, talk to me.”
I move slowly towards my bed and hesitantly sit next to him, and he wraps a muscular arm around me, pulling me to him so that I can rest my head comfortably underneath his chin as he begins rubbing my back soothingly. “What’s wrong?” He asks, kindness and worry obvious in his tone.
“Can I ask you a question... without offending you?” I whisper.
“You can ask me anything,” I feel him place a soft kiss on top of my head.
“Are you sure you want to be with me?”
He pulls me away from him, making sure to look me in the eyes as he responds, “Why wouldn’t I want to be with you?”
“Because your gay...”
A small understanding smile plays across his lips, “I am. But I am also in love with this really kind girl. One who makes my heart skip a beat whenever she looks my way. One who makes me want to be the best version of myself. I have fallen completely in love with you. And that happens sometimes. And I am so honored that you love me as well. And if you want me as much as I want you, I would really enjoy the chance to make love to you.”
I feel how heavy this conversation has gotten, so I quickly try to lighten the mood, “That’s so cheesy.”
He chuckles softly, stooping to peck my lips, “Well I could have said I’d like to fuck your brains out, but I thought that’d ruin the mood.”
My stomach clenches at the huskiness of his voice, and once again his eyes swirl with a mix of darkness and light that has my mind fogging up. “I mean... I’m not apposed to option number two at all,” I tease, glad the mood is back to playfully flirtatious.
“Oh really?” He asks, moving so that I have to lean back into a laying position, as he hovers above me, one if his knees resting inbetween my thighs and the heat from his body wrapping around me.
“Maybe... or maybe you’re still hungry?”
He smirks, and leans down, his facial haur tickling my face as he kisses me deeply.
His lips move against mine quickly, and I respond enthusiastically. At a certain point his pulls my bottom lip between his teeth and bites down, causing a soft moan to leave my lips and give his tongue the chance to start a battle for dominance with my own.
I know I can’t win, and eventually I allow myself to melt into his dominance, earning a growl from his chest as me moves and starts littering kisses down my neck to my ear where he places a hot kiss right underneath it, a small whimper releasing itself from my mouth. I feel him smile against my skin right before he nips and then sucks a love mark into my skin, a moan making itself known from my lips.
He then moves his lips so I can feel his hot breath against my ear before he whispers seductively, “Not much of a tease now, Mi Amor.”
I feel my arousal increase at his words, but can’t let him win so easily. I bring my my hand down his back, move around his waist tracing his perfeft V-Line to his happy trail and then palm his impressive bulge over his jeans. I feel his hips flex and him twitch underneath my palm.
I only get the satisfaction for a moment before he bites my earlobe and as my eyes involuntarily close he grabs both my wrists in one of his hands and pulls them above my head. As I open my eyes in mild shock, I’m met with those mesmerizing eyes as he tuts at me, “I told you earlier, good things happen to those who wait.” He moves the knee between my legs so that it presses and rubs against my clothed pussy and my head falls back onto my pillows, the slight friction against my needing cunt isn’t enough, I need more. And he knows it.
“Eyes on me, Mi Amor.” I allow my eyes to flutter open as he lets my wrists free and sits up, and without breaking eye contact he unbuttons his shirt slowly, showing me the inked skin on his chest, one button at a time. I watch, breathless as he removes the shirt from his shoulders and allows me to admire his bare and muscular torso, from his prominant pecks, down to his V-Line, and then to the mouth watering happy trail that leads into to his jeans.
“May I?” He asks, gently, tugging at the end of my own top, and I nod my head; only to have him shake his, “I’m going to have to hear you say it, [Y/N].”
“Please, Tony.” I beg, softly; assuming that’s what he’s looking for.
He leans forward and gives me another mind blowing kiss, one that has me dizzy when he pulls away before repeating, “I need you to tell me that I can take off your shirt.”
I nod, “You can take my shirt off. You can take everything off.” My words sound rushed and breathy to my ears.
He smiles before his face returns to the stoic look of a man in control as he helps me sit up so he can pull my t-shirt over my head; exposing my cream colored bra underneath. I should have warn my nice black one. I would have if I were prepared for this to have happened.
“Can I?” He asks again, as one of his callased hands run along my brastrap.
“Yes.” I breathe, and he follows the string to my back, meeting his other hand at the clasp.
He starts pulling on it, but it isn’t long before I hear him mutter, “Mierda.” Under his breath.
“Can I help?” I ask, biting my lip as I take in his look of utter consintration. After a moment he sighs, and nods.
I smile and move my hands behind my back to unclasp my bra for him. He takes over gently pulling each strap down my arms individually. And once my chest is exposed to him; I hold my breath, closing my eyes. I don’t want to see his expression as the reality of my femininity is revealed to him.
“Hermosa.” It’s whispered, and like most of his Spanish vocab, I don’t understand the word; but I do hear the admiration in his voice and it allows me to relax again.
His hands softly, almost hesitantly lay themselves on my breasts. I sigh out softly. That’s when he pinches my nipples, and I can’t help the pleasured gasp from escaping my lips. And then I feel it, his mouth wrap itself around my left nipple, and suck, his tongue running over it. Another moan escapes without my permission.
He pleasures my breast with his mouth and then releases it, blowing cold air onto the wet nipple. He then switches to my right, giving it the same treatment.
Once he’s finished his intoxicating treatment of my breasts, he begins to leave a trail of kisses down my stomach, causing me to squirm underneath him, needing him to move faster, willing him to remove my jeans quicker.
“If you don’t stop moving, I’ll start over.” His growl has my breath hitching, as does the nip to my hip bone. “Do you understand?” I nod, quickly. “Use your words.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes I understand.”
He stops his decent, and I whine. “There’s still one word missing from that sentence, Mi Amor.”
My breath hitches with a new wave of arousal. “Yes I understand, Sir.” I breathe out.
“Good girl, now keep still.” I nod, and he moves his lips to the opposite hip bone, mapping out his path with wet open mouthed kisses, taking his time to occasionally nip, or suck as he sees fit.
When he reaches the middle of my stomach he stops again and I whine, “I haven’t moved.”
“I know, your being so good for me. Now, can I take your jeans off?”
“Yes, please.” I beg.
He pops the button and even takes the time to unzip my pants. He taps my hip to have me raise my ass so he can pull my pants down without resistance. I listen immediately, letting him leak the skin tight jeans down my legs and I hear him throw them down somewhere in my room. My eyes are still closed as I allow him to undress me.
He tugs on my panties, asking once more, “Can I?”
“Please, please take them off.” I beg, desperately. I need him. I need him now.
He pulls them down at such a torturous speed that I have half a mine to rip them off myself.
Finally he has me completely undressed and I hear another zipper, when I open my eyes I see him peeling his own pants off, leaving him in black Calvin Klines.
He looks up at me, his eyes showing slight uncertainty as he speaks this time, “I’ve never... with a girl. I’ll need a little, direction.”
I smile at him, trying to keep my voice even as I ask, “Well what exactly do you have planned?”
He smirks before stating, “Well I’d like to get you off before actually fucking you. Get you nice and wet for me. Maybe even make you beg for me before I give you what you really want.”
It takes me a second to compose myself again, his words causing my thoughts to swarm. “Uh... well... if you’d just, uh... fuck.” I swear, before taking a deep breath. “My clit. Please rub my clit, Sir.” I beg, finding the words I’m searching for.
He nods, and his thumb comes into contact with my bundle of nerves before he creates a teasing pattern of rubbing figure eights onto my nerves, then as I’m just getting to the edge, slowing down and rubbing nice long circles around it.
After the fourth build up I huff out a disappointed groan into my left arm that I have draped over my face.
I hear his dark chuckle, “It isn’t so nice to be teased, is it?” I bite my lip once more, understanding his games.
A loud shocked moan leaves my lips as one of his long fingers are inserted inside of me and pulled out in a slow drag, before being plunged back in. “Use your words.” He demands.
“No. No it’s not.” I gasp out, another moan ripping itself out of me as he adds another finger to the mix, this one has his cold ring on his, and I can just barely feel it with every insertion. The feeling mixed with his thumb still rubbing figure eights against my clit has me gasping in between moans.
As I feel my orgasm building this time, my thighs begin to shake. “Hold it.” He demands, his voice like honey.
I shake my head, “I can’t.” I gasp out.
“You can and you will. 5.” My body begs for release as he continues his actions. “4.” The cold brush of his ring hits my clit just briefly. “3.” His figure eights quicken slightly. “2.” The tip of his middle finger brushes against my g-spot unexpectedly and I have to bite my knuckle to keep from screaming out. Every part of my concentration is being used not to let myself fall over the edge. “Come for me, Mi Amor.” His permission sets off my release, and I feel the tingles inside of me exploding around his fingers, pulsing around him as pleasure spreads throughout my body.
He continues as I come down from my high before pulling his fingers out and wiping them on his boxers.
He looks at me, and I can see the pride that he’s trying to hide shining through as he pulls off his boxers.
I swallow as I take in the sight of his generous size in all it’s thick and veiny glory.
He moves, so he’s once again hovering over me, placing a kiss to my lips that has me wanting more.
When he pulls away, he has me meet his eyes as he says, “May I?”
I nod, “Please. Please, Tony.”
He braces his weight in his left hand as he uses his right to position himself before slowly sinking into my heat, a moan falling from my lips as he pulls back.
When he sinks in again, his pace picks up, an amazing push and pull rhythm is found, and soon I’m moving my hips to meet him thrust for thrust, his groans of pleasure right next to my ear sounds like the best form of music I’ve ever heard. My moans filling the air just as freely.
Our bodies move like one as we build to our release. He moves his right hand back down and begins rubbing my clit once again, my hands grasping onto his shoulders for dear life.
“Eso es. Al igual que esa bebe.” His words fill my mind and bring me spiraling towards my release, even without understanding them. “Mierda. Si eso es. Eso es perfecto, Mi Amor.”
“I’m so close...” I gasp out mid moan.
“Cum for me. Vamos, Mi Amor. Let go for me.”
My body releases with an overwhelming euphoria. My eyes closing tight as I pulse around him. Waves of pleasure crashing around me.
After a moment, I feel him still above me, and a deep primal groan breaks its way out of his mouth before he buries his face into the crook of my neck, nibbling at the tender skin there.
After a moment, he rolls off of me, pulling me to his chest to bathe in the afterglow.
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scottfuckingreed · 5 years
Polaroids - Scott Reed
Not requested
SUMMARY: This is set around the time when Zach gives Clay the rest of the Polaroid’s, and they’re trying to find proof of Bryce being a dick really. Y/N wants to reveal something but she can’t because of Bryce. She’s a little scared of what her friends might think.
Warnings!: swearing, gets a bit sexual, and a general Bryce being Bryce warning
Liberty High School is known for people keeping secrets. Everyone is pretty much hiding something, and it seems that these secrets are about someone else. Or involving someone else. Or someone else’s secret. It never seems simple. It’s always complete madness.
It’s a typical day, which only ever seems to start with seeing Monty hurting somebody. Today the victim is Tyler Down. I wish I had the guts to stop him, or to say at least something, but I don’t. So I just roll my eyes and continue walking through the hallway to my locker. A smile spreads on my face when I see Jessica leaning against my locker. I go up to her and hug her, squeezing her slightly before letting go. “How are you doing?” I ask. I never want to specifically asking how it feels to see Bryce in the halls so I don’t. Well, I want to ask, but it’s just feels intrusive. “It’s getting better day by day,” she says, but we all knows it’s not true. I get it. She must get asked that loads of times throughout the day. I unlock my locker with the combination and take out my needed books: which are English and blank notepad. “Ugh I wish I had English first,” she grunts, glancing down at my book. “Tell me about it, but wait for me after?” I beg. She nods, leaving me to slam my locker and head to English.
I throw myself down at the desk next to Tyler. Unlike a lot of the students, I don’t have a big problem with Tyler. “Hey Y/N,” he smiles lightly at me as we lock eyes. My eyes drift from his, going to the printed photographs in his hands. “What are those?” I ask, and he hands them to me to look through. “I’m trying to pick the best ones for yearbook. I could use your help actually.” I flick through them. Most of them are of the baseball team. With them being the ‘backbone’ of the school, there’s usually quite a big section for them. Speaking of, Scott Reed enters the classroom and takes the empty seat next to me. I can’t say this is random. “Let me see those?” He asks when he sees that they’re photos with him in. “Please?” He adds, and smiles massively at me. I pass them to him. I wouldn’t let any of the others touch them, but Scott’s different. I know Scott. “I like this one, I look decent in it,” he pauses, turning to look my dead in the eyes. “Don’t you think Y/N?” My heart skips slightly. “You wish.” Rolling my eyes, I take the photos back from Scott and pass them back to Tyler. “But I do agree with Scott, this ones the best one,” I smile before turning my head to the front of the class. Even with my eyes fixed on the teacher, I can see Scott glancing my way every now and then. Fuck my life.
My lips attach to his as my back leans against the wall of an ally way near by. We’d skipped, and that usually ain’t me, but it’s what needs to happen. Maybe lately it is me. “Do- you know- how- hard- it is- to pretend- we’re not- together?” With each pause I had another kiss placed on my lips. There’s nothing visibly wrong with our relationship. In fact, there’s nothing wrong with the relationship at all. The problem is Bryce. And the fact that Scott is one of Bryce’s best friends. And I’m not about to be that bitch who tells her boyfriend who he can and can’t be friends with. So we make do... in private. “I think we should just be public,” he send a kind-of whisper into my ear before nibbling on my lobe. “I’m not ready for that Scott,” I lie. I am VERY ready for us to be public. Just everyone seeing how cute and sweet he is, ugh. Come on! That’s perfect. I want everyone to see my Scott, not the Scott who’s friends with Bryce. He takes a step back which is the last thing I want. Grabbing his hand, I pull him back closer. The space between us is only slight as my hand reaches up to his face. “I can’t keep pretending that I-“ he pauses, thinking of how to finish the sentence. I know what I want him to say, but we’re only 6 months into the relationship, so he doesn’t say anything close. “That I’m single.” I sigh at his words. He’s right. “You don’t have to,” I let out another sigh before continuing. “Just don’t mention my name or anything. I’m not ready.” Once again, I AM.
We’re only out of school for less than 2 hours. Wishing it was more, I walk back into the school building - alone - with a huge smile on my face. It’s currently lunch, so I head straight for the cafeteria. My eyes instantly lock to my friends sat around our average table. Across the room is Scott’s. As much as I want to be near Scott, I want to be as far away from Bryce as I can. “Hey guys!” I smile and sit myself next to Clay. “Where have you been?” Jessica has a sharp tone but still asks with a smile. “Why what’s up?” I ask. Oh shit. My eyes widen as I realise I was meant to wait for her after first lesson. “Oh my god I totally forgot. I’m so sorry,” if it was anyone else I wouldn’t have felt as bad. Since it’s Jess, I don’t know. I know she needs people to have her back. “I just spaced and started doing something else.” Something else being sneaking out of school to meet my boyfriend who’s one of Bryce’s best friends. “Chill Y/N, I get it.”
Lunch times are probably my favourite time of the day. I get to be with my best friends; Clay, Jessica and Alex; and where I sit is in eye line of Scott. It’s so cringe and lame but we frequently glance at each other and look away. When our eyes meet it sends a weird buzz through my body. It’s hard not to smile every time I see him. “Zach gave me the rest,” Clay says, literally randomly in the middle of a conversation. The rest of us look confused and gaze blankly back at Clay. “The rest of what?” Alex asks. “He gave me a box of polaroids.”
This honestly seems like it came from nowhere. We all seem to go semi speechless. “Uh-oh-we-“ I stop as I find no words want to escape my mouth. I silence myself to collect my thoughts as the other two remain silently tooling at each other. “You’re telling me it was Zach?” Clay shushes me to quieten down. “I wasn’t expecting it either,” he shrugs. “So he was the one who gave you the other two?” Breaking his silence, Alex sounds just as confused as me. “I’d assume so yeah,” clay sighs. “But why?” Jess adds. “Look, I don’t know. I just need your guys’ help looking through these.”
We’d planned to meet up at Clay’s in the evening, but I still had plenty of time to see Scott. Speaking of, I walk up to his house. We’re very undercover. You’d assume we could at least tell his parents. But they’re close friends with Bryce’s parents so we can’t risk anything. Here’s what I do. There’s a big bin ironically under Scott’s window. I assume Scott moved it so he can sneak out, but I can also easily sneak in. I’m quite a bit shorter than Scott so it’s a bit of a struggle. A struggle that’s worth it. The window opens as soon as my feet get firmly on the bin. After this I need to use my upper body strength, which ain’t much, to lift myself up. “My parents aren’t home,” he announces as I sit myself on his window ledge. My heart is racing and my breath is heavy. “You tell me this now?” I grunt, throwing myself towards Scott to catch me. “I like watching the effort,” he shrugs with a subtle smile forming. “Dickhead.”
Scott lets out a quiet moan. I wish I could say we were having sex or something, but no. We were currently laid on his bed, his head on my boob. “Do you enjoy it that much?” I laugh as I continue gently scratching my nails through his hair. He turns his head up slightly, our eyes meeting, which makes me melt a little inside. “You have no idea.” He moves his head back down to watch the tv. “Turns me on a little actually,” I lose it as those words fly out of his mouth. My hands go over my face to cover both my redness and the tears forming in my eyes from laughing. I didn’t even notice him move off me only to feel hands grip my ankles and pull me further down the bed. He removes my hands from my face, interlocking our fingers, and placing a kiss on my forehead. “Fuck you’re cute,” he breathes. “But I’m being serious,” I smile massively at his words. Lifting my head as far as I can to kiss him, I wait for him to meet me half way. As his perfect lips meet mine, I know that this is right where I want to be. This is who I want to be with, and this is who I want everyone to see. Scott isn’t Bryce.
Scott drops me to Clay’s, meaning he let me out around the corner. It’s hard to say why I care so much. Is it because of Jess? Yes. Am I afraid of what she and others will think of me? Maybe. I can’t tell Scott that. I try and explain it to myself and it makes no sense, so how would it make sense to him? Or anyone?
“There she is!” Clay throws his arms up in the air as I walk into his room. His mum let me in. “Sorry guys, hows it going?” I ask and take a seat on the floor. It takes me a second to actually realise the mess of it. Polaroid’s splattered across. They’re spread out, yet there’s so many that you can’t see any past the top layer. This is disgusting. “As good as it can,” he replies. “I just feel so sorry for all these girls,” Jess sighs as she throws another into the ‘seen’ pile. Picking up a handful, I start helping them out.
All we’re looking for is Bryce. Photos of him with other girls. We want proof of him being a prick and a dickhead and everything more. But I can’t help but worry as I flick deeper and deeper into the pile. I see Bryce and Monty and Marcus with girls. Naked girls. I never even thought to question Scott. Yes I question his choice of friends maybe but never his character. Maybe I should’ve, as I lay eyes on several photos with Scott in. A thousand thoughts rush through my head. They’re nothing bad, but he’s there. Does that mean he witnessed some of the vile things Bryce does to girls? And he continued to support him and his behaviour. I’m absolutely heartbroken as I take a photo and slyly put it into my pocket. Wiping my nose in my sleeve, I clear a tear too. “Are you okay?” Jess nudges me with a concerned tone. “Shit Y/N you’ve gone pale,” Alex adds. I feel physically sick. “I can’t look at these anymore.”
I gaze across at my phone as it rings for 4th time in a row. What am I even meant to say to him? Is the Scott I know the real Scott, or is it that douche he become when he’s around Bryce?
“Hey Y/N, I know you’re probably asleep right now, but I was just calling to say goodnight. I- See you tomorrow beautiful.”
- the next day -
A messy bun, shorts, and a baggy sweatshirt represents my mood entirely and drag my feet to school. The first person I see is Bryce. Looking at him just makes me so angry. Like, who gave him the right to treat girls like shit and make monsters like Monty? “Looking good Y/N,” he smirks, eyeing me up and down as I enter the shitty school. At any other time I would’ve just felt uncomfortable, but now I’m just fed up. “Honestly Bryce, fuck off.”
I’m at my locker when I get a tap on my shoulder, which startles and makes me jump. When my eyes meet Scott’s, I just wanna break down. His face just doesn’t fit the image of him in my head right now. I take a deep breath before letting half of my mouth smile at him. I’m not sure if I’m angry at him, or upset, or if I just wanna hug him. “Hey Scott,” my voice comes out in a whisper so I cough to clear my throat. “Hey, is everything okay?” He asks, lowing his voice before continuing. “Why didn’t you call me? I could’ve drove you.” Avoiding eye contact, I look through my locker, ‘looking for books’. “I didn’t want it to be too obvious,” I lie. “I drive you every day Y/N,” he lets out a laugh in disbelief. “I think Jess is starting to get suspicious,” I lie again. I can tell by his face he doesn’t believe me, but he smiles and nods anyway. “Are we meeting for lunch today?” He asks. I know I should be upset with him, but I can’t help but smile at him bigger than I should be. Lunch dates are my favourite, and I know he knows that. “Of course,” I nod. His face brightens at my response, which hurts every part of my soul. He turns away, but I know that if I don’t ask him now I’ll get distracted. “Scott,” I call, making him instantly turn back around and walk up to me. “Yes?” His smile is so fucking cute, but I have to ignore that right now. “What happens in the Clubhouse?” As the words leave my mouth, my heart starts to race. He has no reason to lie, and yet... Before responding he blinks violently and clears his throat. “The Clubhouse?” Cough. “I don’t know.” His words chip away at my heart. “You don’t?” I feel myself getting angry as he shrugs. “I’ve never- I mean, where’d you hear about it?” His eyes gaze at anywhere but me. “I heard Bryce talking about it.” I lose the energy to even smile at him, but my patience grows thinner and thinner. “You’ve been though right?” I add. I reach into my pocket to grab the Polaroid and watch his head shake no. “Right.” Bluntly, I smack the photo onto his chest and walk away. He starts yelling my name, but his voice just fades as my head begins to spin. How was I so fucking stupid? I suddenly feel an urge to throw up.
The whole day so far is a blur. I see the teacher talking - and I’m even looking at them - but I hear nothing. In the corner of my eye I can see Bryce and his group. No Scott. He’s probably in the Clubhouse. He’s probably being this whole other person that I’ve been too blind to see. I don’t want to see him, but I wanna scream at him.
We get to lunch, and it’s the same old. We’re talking about the Polaroid’s which I now have no interest in whatsoever. But it’s the first time I’ve seen these guys all day. And it’s a relief to sit with people I can trust. “Y/N are you okay? You’ve been off all day,” Clay’s voice is soft as he speaks those words to me. I’m clearly not fine. Cough. “Yeah- I’m fine. I’m just tired,” I reply as I spin an apple around on the table. They all look at each other in a ‘she’s not okay’ way. “Well we found a few Polaroid’s that we can use,” Clay continues. PolaroidPolaroidPolaroidPolaroidPolaroid. The word just spins on a constant loop between Clays mouth and my head. A constant reminder that Scott lied and I don’t know why he lied but I still don’t believe he’s a bad person. He can’t be. I finally lose it, slamming my hands on the table and clench my teeth together, “Can we shut up about the fucking Polaroid’s for 5 minutes?!” They just blink at me.
- After School -
I stare at my ceiling. It’s plain white, and yet it’s the other thing that makes sense right now. Trying to compose my thoughts and my feelings is just... not happening. Am I angry? Yes. Am I upset? Extremely. I just want answers. I need answers.
So here I am; Outside Scott’s house. I take a glance at the bins. I wish I could just hop on them, climb through his window and pretend nothing happened. But I can’t. So, for the first time ever, I knock on the door and his mum answers. I didn’t think this is how I’d meet his mum for the first time. Her eyes seem surprised. “Uhm, I’m here to see Scott,” I struggle out. A smile spreads across her face. “You must be Y/N,” my eyes widen. What? I can’t help but feel warm knowing he’s spoken to his mum about me. Why’s it so hard to convince myself that Scott’s a shitty person?
I push his door open, and we lock eyes. I can’t describe the speed of which he stood up when he saw me. “Y/N, what are- I mean- I didn’t expect you- Uhm... come in,” he coughs and gestures me to sit on the end of his bed. I don’t take the offer, but I send him a forced small smile. Looking at him, even just for a glance, I forget why I’m mad. He has this energy around him. “I just,” I sigh and look down to the floor. “I think I deserve an explanation Scott.” I can tell by his face that he doesn’t have one. I can tell that he probably just panicked and lied. But I want to hear that from him. “I don’t know what to say Y/N,” he shrugs and forces himself away for my he eye contact. My heart breaks a bit more. I begin to look up to stop the tears. I can see that he notices as his face changes and he steps forwards to possibly hug me. Stopping his with my hand, I continue with my point. “You-“ I take a deep breath as my mouth goes on to say something I’ve wanted to for a long time. “You are friends with a disgusting human being - if you can even call him that. I know you’re nothing like him. Trust me. But you sticking up for him, and knowing this goes on just-“ he starts to shake his head. “What goes on?” He interrupts. Another deep breath. “Don’t act like you don’t hear the way Bryce talks about girls, the way he acts. You have to of seen this,” I take another Polaroid out my pocket, one which was just of Bryce with some girl. He looks at it, but just for a second. His eyes looks away as if it’s too much for him to see. “I’ve never seen these, where did you get them?” “Zach gave them to us.” I reveal. He takes a deep breath, staring intensely at the Polaroid, then back at me. I watch him take a step forwards, and I want to stay where I am, but as his hand reaches out to touch my arm I force myself to take a step back. “Y/N please,” is that hurt in his voice? Am I being naive to think he’s the same guy I thought he was? “I have to go.”
The walk from his house to mine was long, and yet it wasn’t long enough. Sitting at home was emotionally draining as my thoughts run wild in the night. I need to turn it off. I force a smile at my mum before walking up the stairs and seeing Jess sat on my bed.
“Hey Jess,” I smile and release my hair from its disgusting messy bun. “What’s going on with Scott?” She asks, making my eyes widen. “What?” Pure confusion fills my body. “I was gonna ask you earlier but I thought I’d let you explain just to me first,” is she mad at me? “If he’s tried something on with you, or he’s done some-“ “No.” I stop her. As much as I definitely don’t wanna talk about Scott right now, and I could run his name through the ground, I can’t. “You can tell me, I understand,” her words sting. I know since Bryce she probably has quite a negative feeling about the jocks. If you heard most of the things they speak of and they they talk about girls, it’s truly disgusting. “It’s not like that Jess,” my words just make her eyebrows raise, waiting for what it is actually like. “We were, dating? I guess,” her mouth drops. “Y/N...” she sighs. “Its fine, it’s over anyway.” It’s over without it actually feeling over. To be honest, I don’t want it to be over. “You can’t trust anyone in that group, you know that,” I do. “What did he do then? To make you end it?” All I do is sighs and she assumes my answer. “I know Scott seems like a decent guy compared to the rest of them, but they’re all the same. Justin was the same.” I feel the true pain it brings Jessica to think about Justin, let alone say his name. We all avoid talking about Justin. I’m surprised she mentioned him at all. She stands up, getting ready to leave, but I pull her in for a hug before she moves too far away. “I’m sorry Jess.” I say simply. Should I of explained what he actually did? There’s no way she assumed right. Jess probably assumed worse. But I don’t have the energy to explain right now. If anything, I’ll probably cry.
- the next morning -
If I hit snooze there’s no way I’m going to school, so I force myself up and out at the first sound of my alarm. To be completely honest, I used to dress up for Scott. Not in a sexual way or to ‘turn him on’, but I’d put a bit more effort in. It feels weird that I don’t need to try and impress him right now. So grab the first thing I lay my hands on, which is a pair of joggers, and match them with a cropped hoodie. Let’s just go and get this over and done with.
I see Clay, Alex and Jess - and I smile as honestly as I can at them. “Hey guys,” I adjust my backpack on my shoulder when I notice only Jess smiles back. And it’s an ‘I’m sorry’ sort of smile. “You were dating Scott? What the fuck Y/N?!” Clay shouts angrily at me, I shush him as violently as I can, but I’m exhausted. I knew this would happen. I glance at Jess. “Thanks Jess,” I grunt. “They needed to know Y/N, and you need to know we’re here for you.” A hand grabs my shoulder, and I appreciate Alex’s gesture, but they’ve got the wrong idea. “Thanks, but you’re making it sound worse than it is.”
I spend about 5 minutes explaining to them the whole story. It was actually quite nice to tell people about me and Scott, even if it’s when we’re over. “I don’t know what you expected,” Clay mumbles. “Fuck you Clay. This is why I kept it a secret anyway.” I catch him roll his eyes. “So we can forgive Justin for what he did, but Scott’s a bad guy? Fuck this I’m going home.”
I struggle to not punch anything and everything on the way home. Between being pissed off at Scott, and then pretty much falling out with Clay over Scott... it’s just a mess. It shouldn’t have even happened! Why do I have such an urge to protect Scott? Especially when Clay isn’t completely wrong. I’ve really fucked up.
A few hours pass. It’s been a very unproductive day. I tried sitting and watching a movie, but I couldn’t stay still. I would’ve worked out but... no? So I spend my time scrolling through my phone. ‘Ryan’ pops up as a snapchat notification on my phone. I’m completely shocked at the sight beyond me. “Shit,” I mumble to myself as I watch a video of a massive fight in the hall. So much testosterone. Alex hitting Monty across the head, Cyrus pushing so many jocks it’s actually funny. It’s a complete mess. I begin the laugh until I see Scott’s arms spread around Clay. I immediately sit up and lock my phone with eyes wide. I couldn’t even finished the video. Grabbing my hoodie, I go for a very long walk.
My walk lasted about 2 hours. I couldn’t tell you where I went, I’m just so fucking angry I kept going and going. I walk until I get a text.
‘Meet us at Monet’s - it’s urgent!!’ - Clay.
“What the fuck happened? I burst as soon as I see the three of them. “I leave and everything starts?” I take my seat rather suddenly. “Are you okay?” Alex laughs. “Yeah but- I’m sorry. For Scott and being a bitch earlier. I didn’t mean it,” I get a nod from Clay, but his eyes drift behind me. I turn to see Scott. He automatically takes a seat at our table. “Leave Scott,” I sigh. It hurts to see him. His face is hard to read. “We invited him, actually...” Clay admits. “Right okay..? So you go for Clay and suddenly your best friends?” Scott’s eyes lock with mine. “I didn’t lay a hand on him. I wouldn’t do that to you.” My heart aches. “Well... thanks. We’re figuring out what to do about Monty and Bryce,” Clay presses his lips firmly together. “I know where Monty hides out when his dad...” he pauses and coughs. “Bryce doesn’t know about it. We can get to Monty on his own.” I listen to parts of the plan, constantly getting distracted with looking at Scott. My heart breaks more and more. His eyes lock with mine one again, but this time I don’t have it in me to look away. Blinking to try and stop it, my eyes begin to water. I think it’s time for me to leave. I don’t get more than a few metres out of Monet’s until Scott’s by my side. “I don’t want you to be upset Y/N,” his hand goes around my arm. “What do you expect Scott?” My voice breaks. “At least let me drive you home.”
I take him up on his offer, but I’m not sure what to do with myself. “I never did anything in the Clubhouse,” he says simple. “So why did you lie?” My voice is just a whisper. “I- I don’t know. I thought you’d think I was different-“ “That’s exactly what lying made me think.” Silence. There’s silence until I’m outside my house. I open the car do, but his words stop me from leaving. “I’m done protecting him, just so you know.” The words finally spring to mind, as well as, “Why?” My hand closes the door, leaving me inside with him. I didn’t want to leave. I should though. “It’s not worth... it’s not worth pushing you away.” His fingers tap the steering wheel in anxiousness. “Scott...” I whisper is awe. I promise I tried to keep my smile under control, so I just let out a slight small one. Inside I’m gleaming. “I’ll see you tomorrow Scott.”
I’m laid staring at my ceiling again. This time I find myself trying not to call Scott, or text Scott, or think about Scott. It’s driving me insane. His words, his eyes, his scent - it’s all making me want to just run back. It’s not the right thing. But here I am. “I wasn’t expecting this,” he lets out a chuckle as he answers my call. “Shut up,” I whisper with a quiet laugh. “What’s up?” I think for a second. I should lie. I should tell him I didn’t mean to call him. Or I could tell him- shit. “I just- I can’t sleep,” okay so we’re not lying. “Me neither.” There’s a pause before, “I’m gonna confront Monty tomorrow,” my heart sinks. That worries me more than words describe. What if Monty turns on him? What if Monty hurts him? I already feel guilty. “Tomorrow?” “Yeah,” his voice is breathy, as if he’s unsure of doing it. “You- I- what if he flips out on you?” I sit myself up, getting into a ‘hug knees’ position. He lets out another little laugh. I wish he wasn’t so fucking cute. I can’t even see his face, but I can see him in my head. “I’ll be fine Y/N.” “Scotty,” I let out a weep as the worry hits me a bit too much. I wipe my now wet right cheek. “I’m scared.” Shut up Y/N! “Fuck don’t say that.” “Why?” I know why. Its not his problem right now. Just hang up on me Scott! Shut me up! “Cause I’m now very close to getting some shoes on and coming to see you,” melting. “I’m gonna be fine Y/N,” he adds. His voice is calming. I lay myself down on my side. “I’ll come with you, if you want?” I whisper. “We both know you can’t.” Another pause. “But I’ll stay on the call with you until you fall asleep.” We’ve done that a lot through the past dating months. “I’m sorry,” I begin to close my eyes. “I’m sorry for being such a bitch,” Scott’s full of chuckles tonight as he lets out another. “You had the right to be angry.” Maybe I over-reacted. I feel myself drifting off. “Hey Y/N?” His voice is calming. I reply with a ‘mmhm’. “Did we break up?” I smile to myself. “No,” I whisper. I thought we did. I can’t let him go. “Good, cause I love you.”
- 9am the next morning -
It’s a Saturday morning. Early? A little. But I need to see Scott. I rush myself up, putting some shorts on and a hoodie that is definitely not mine (Scott’s).
I climb up on the bin, push the window that was slightly open fully open. He’s still in bed. I close the window back to where it was before taking my shoes off. Scott’s eyes open slightly. Letting myself into his bed, it’s nice to feel his warmth again. I feel safe here. With him, I feel okay. I turn to face him, his eyes still only slightly open. “Scotty?” I whisper, getting a soft grunt in return. “I love you too.”
I fell asleep curled up to him, awakening at about 11:30 to kisses on the cheek. “Thank you for coming over,” he whispers in the sexiest way those words can be said. “This might be my goodbye,” I joke - slightly. I remain actually very worried about this meeting. “A goodbye?” Another whisper. This boy doesn’t understand what his voice does to my body. To my emotions. I turn to face him fully, opening my eyes and pulling his lips onto mine. A simple kiss becomes very heated quite fast. His father big hands pull me on top of him, one leg either side of his body. I hover over his boxers. It’s so close to touching, but not close enough... yet. His hands begin massaging my ass, pushing me down onto him. I open my mouth to mouth, letting him stick his tongue into my mouth. We’re just starting to... and then, beep. He reaches over to his phone. He pulls away. “It’s Monty.”
I’m genuinely shaking. Everyone knows Monty’s unpredictable, that his anger is unpredictable. “Just let me-“ “No Y/N,” he yells as I try and convince him to let me go with him. “I’ll stay low, he won’t even know I’m there,” I mumble, which makes a smile grow on his face. “Nothing’s gonna happen to me. He’s one of my best mates,” I sigh at his words. As if him being one of his best mates does much. Bryce is one of his ‘best mates’ too. I follow him all the way to his car. “Scotty,” my voice breaks. “Don’t do that,” his hands go either side of my face, his right thumb stroking my cheek intently. “Do you want me to come over after?” I nod and accidentally blink. This lets a tear out. So pathetic Y/N, stop. His thumb wipes it, and his forehead leans on mine for a few seconds before removing his to kiss mine. Watching him get into his car, when I know Monty’s gonna get angry at Scott, is just odd. It feels like Scott’s almost fully mine. “Y/N...” the engine starts. “I love you.”
Hours go by spent pacing the floor of my bedroom floor. What is taking them so long? Words I’ve been waiting to hear for months flew out of his mouth as if it was easy. Or as if he wanted to say it before getting himself in a bit of trouble. I get it. But he didn’t even let me say it back. He just drove off. Fuck. I can imagine the worst, which I guess is a good thing. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best? Right? “Jesus Christ Y/N,” I get startled by Jess. “You need to calm down,” She adds, being followed by Alex and Clay. “Monty wouldn’t do anything too bad, not to Scott,” Clay tries to convince me. “That’s not really comforting Clay.” As I finish my sentence, my phone dings. Here it is. “I need your help.”
My heart sinks at the sight. I walk into his house - through the front door this time - to see Scott with a purple eye dripping with blood say at the dining table. “No No!” He panics. “It’s fine, I’m fine. I just need some help cleaning it up.” The first thing I do is lightly lift his head to check his face out properly. “Fuck Scott,” I let out in a whisper. “There should be some cleaning alcohol shit in there with some cloths,” he points at a cupboard. “This is gonna sting,” I want him as I pour the liquid onto a white cloth. “I can take it,” I smile massively at his words. The confidence behind those words was too much. “Yeah okay,” I laugh. “Ready?” I ask, which leads him to nod rather hesitantly. His eyes squint as he hisses slightly. I step forward to clean it properly, twisting his head as I do so. His eyes look softly into mine. “Don’t look at me like that,” I whisper, trying not to look back into his. Hands go gently on my hips, smoothly rubbing up to my waist and back down again, then rubbing circles with his thumb on a a bare bit of skin. “Stop,” I laugh. And he doesn’t. “Scott,” I laugh again. “Alright I’m done,” I say, being pulled onto his lap in seconds. I scan his face, which doesn’t look too bad after cleaning up the blood, and tug his bottom lip down with my right thumb. Forcing my lips on his, it feels like he’s been gone for ages. His touch has been gone for too long. Hands that sit nicely on my waist pull my body closer to his. The sensations spirally through my body are powerful. This boy could take me right now, anywhere and everywhere, if he wanted. To gain control I slide my tongue into his mouth, tangling our tongues together for a second before pulling away. “What was that for?” He asks, pulling his bottom lip in slightly. “I love you too.”
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netflixmomma516 · 5 years
The Secret Weekend Lover 1 | Bryce Walker Imagine Series
Bryce didn’t rape anyone in this imagine. He's just the party boy and rich kid at Liberty. He also lives with Ani and they are very much platonic.
Here lately I feel like my life is just one big mess. All I do anymore is sit at home with my nose in a book, while everyone goes out.
My phone buzzes indicating a text. I wonder who that could be.  
Unknown; Hey, I know you probably don’t know who this is, but I just wanted to say you are beautiful and I can't stop smiling looking at your latest selfie on Instagram.
My heart races. No. Don’t.
Me; Who is this?
Unknown; You wouldn’t believe me if I said.
Me; Well prove it to me.
Unknown; How?
Me; Well telling me your name is a start.
Unknown; Bryce Walker
Me; I believe you, but I feel like this is a prank.
Bryce; It's not I promise. It's taken me 2 hours to talk myself into texting.
Me; It’s just hard to believe it considering who your friends are.
Bryce; How do I prove that I'm alone texting you?
I couldn’t help but smile. The first real smile in almost a month.
Me; Facetime.
What seems like only a couple seconds my phone is ringing with his name on the screen.
My hands hesitantly hit accept.
His smile fills my screen immediately.
"Hey," is all he said. I try to hide my smile, "so are you not going to prove to me you're alone?"
His screen rotates to show me the rest of his room.
Nothing. Nobody. My heart starts racing. Is this for real?
"Okay, I believe you." I bite back my smile.
"So why me?" I ask.
Bryce Walker, popular football player and the richest kid at Liberty.
"Because I think you're cute," he smiles into the camera. His pearly white smile.
"Bryce you can have any girl in school, and you know it."
"Maybe I just want you." I blush and look down. He laughs.
No heart. Don’t do this.
"What are you doing tonight?" I shrug. "Nothing, probably just going to watch Netflix, why?"
"Well I have the house to myself tonight, you want to come over and hang out?"
"Where're your friends?" I ask curiously as to why they aren't together. Usually, you don’t see one without the others, especially in school.
"Ani is with Clay. Mom is at some charity event. Monty is going to a rich kids party in Hillcrest, Zach is hanging with Alex, and Luke is working." He informed me.
"I would love to hang out, but I don’t have a car at the moment and my mom isn't home."
"Give me 5 minutes to get ready."
My mouth becomes dry.
"You don’t have too," I struggle to get out. But you want him too.  
"I know, text me your address."
"Okay," I  reply shyly. "See you soon." With that, he hangs up.
I put my phone to my beating heart and sigh.
Am I really going to hang out with Bryce Walker?
Don’t fall YFN.
I quickly type my address and hit send.
I look in the mirror and run a brush through my hair and put my contacts in. My eyes glitter in the natural light of my room.
I don’t change out of my leggings and t-shirt that I'm wearing.
I text my mom,
Me; Hey mom going to hang out with a friend. I'll be home later if I beat you home ignore this.
My mom is at her boyfriend's house. I roll my eyes at the thought of them.
10 minutes later I see Bryce's famous Range Rover pull up.
My stomach goes in knots. He makes his way up to the front door.
The best way to describe Bryce; tall, brunette, and handsome. I smile instantly knowing this isn't a joke anymore.
I'm still hesitant on why he wants me, he can have any girl in school and he wants me? Why?
I let him knock on the door, so he doesn’t think I'm too eager to hang out with him.
Play it cool YN.
I hear 2 knocks.
"Coming?" I yell making my way down the stairs. I check my hair once more and swing the door open. His smile is contagious. "Hey," he's not the same confident guy I'm used too. "Hey yourself." I mentally facepalm myself.
"Ready?" He asks. "Yeah," I close the door and make sure it's locked.
He opens the car door for me. Why? Why is he being so nice to me?
"Thanks, Bryce," I smile.
"You're welcome." He makes sure I'm fully in and shuts the door.
My hands fidget in my lap. "So how are you?" He attempts to make small talk. "Good."
After a few minutes, the conversation starts flowing smoothly.
"You didn’t?" I try to stifle my laugh.
"Yeah." He doesn’t hide his smile.
We pull up to The Chatham house. I've heard a lot of stories about this house on the hill.
We get out and make our way into the house.
"You want anything?" He asks as we enter the kitchen. "Water would be great." He hands a bottle to me. I couldn’t help but smile as his hands graze mine for the first time.
"Let's go up to my room." My stomach goes in knots.
If it happens, it happens.
"Okay," we make our way up the stairs to his room.
He sits on the bed and pats next to him. I obey. His hand finds mine and links our fingers together.
Heart calm down, you're on the verge of a heart attack.
"You okay?" He asks studying my expressions.
I smile and face him, "couldn’t be better." I bite my lip. He smiles and blushes.
"So Bryce?" I'm dying to know why me?
"Yeah?" He moves us to lay down.
I look up at the ceiling and take a deep breath.
"Why did you ask to hang out with me? I don’t care if it's to just get in my pants but I want to know so I know how to feel afterward." I turn my head, his eyes tracing my face.
He props himself on his side, "YN I asked to hang out because I like you and think you're cute. My intentions are not to hook up. Trust me I wouldn’t mind if it happened but I don’t want to pressure you." His finger outlines my jaw. My eyes look from his bright green eyes to his plump pink lips that are turned up to a smile.
His perfect damn smile.
"So YN, remember the times during t-ball when you and I would never get the call that practice was canceled or moved later. So we would stay there talking for an hour just about nothing and everything at the same time."
I smile remembering the innocence we shared. "Yeah, I honestly can't forget."
"Me either. You have no idea how big of a crush I had on you." I blush crimson red.
"I had a crush on you too. You have no idea how excited I would always get the day of practices and even game days." His turn to blush.
"Just think how much we've grown." I nod, and can't stop smiling.
"Bryce, I don’t get it." My turn to turn on my side and look at him.
"What don’t you get?"
"How annoying you can be in school but right now you're the sweetest guy I've ever hung out with." Damn that came out really mean.
"I didn’t mean for it to come out mean Bryce, but I feel like you put on a front in front of your friends."
"Because I do. It's just easier to be the cool rich kid than to be the emotional guy with actual feelings."
"Is that all your life is, is being rich?"
"No, I have my own interests and hobbies, but it's always hard to know whos a true friend or whos just trying to be popular?" I feel so bad for him. Does he have any true friends?
"Yeah I get that, but I can tell you right now I’m a true friend." I smile.
"Well, I would hope so." He rolls on top of me. I squeal and laugh.
"YN, you are so cute."
"Bryce, you're handsome."
My eyes look back down to his lips.
His lips curve into a smile, "can I kiss you?"
With that question, I wrap my hands around his neck and tug him down to meet my lips.
At that moment, time stood still. No one mattered but us two lying on his bed having the best kiss I've ever had.
If this ends up going nowhere at least I have the memory of this kiss engraved into my mind.
His lips reluctantly pull away. His forehead rests on mine.
I bite my lip and look into his soft green eyes.
"YN I don’t want you to leave, I wish we can stay here like this all night."
"Bryce you have no idea how much I want that too." I rest my head on his chest.
"But my mom is going to be home soon," he sighs.
"Okay." I look up at him.
"YN, promise me something. I don’t want to seem like a jerk and don’t compare what I'm about to ask to that asshole Reed, but can we keep tonight between us."
I look down at the sheets and back up to him.
"Yeah," his smile makes me smile. His fingers link in mine. "The only reason I'm agreeing to this is that 1, no one is going to believe me, and 2 I want this to happen again."
His lips reach mine again, "it will. I don’t think I can stay away from you YF/LN."
I blush.
"Alright I hate to do this but I have to get you home." I shake my head.
15 minutes later we are sitting in my driveway.
"I'll see you on Monday?" I ask half hoping he'll at least acknowledge me when he sees me.
"Yeah, but like I said I want this to stay between us," I shake my head.
"Yeah, it will. I just hope this isn't a 1-time thing." I look down at my lap.
"It's not I promise." He grabs my hand and squeezes.
I smile at his gesture.
"Goodnight YN."
"Goodnight Bryce."
One more kiss and I find myself back in my room for the night.
I smell my shirt and realize it smells exactly like him. I take a deep breath, for once I feel content.
This is a secret I'd be happy to keep if I get to feel like this all the time.
I'm laying in bed curled up reading my latest romance novel as I start to doze off I feel my phone buzz.
Lover; Goodnight beautiful. Thank you for making me the happiest I've been in a very long time.
Butterflies go crazy.
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new-to-this123 · 6 years
Boy Or Girl?
As per requested
hi could i request a scenario with montgomery where he and reader are older and they’re arguing about the gender of their baby bc he thinks it’s a girl but she thinks it’s a boy(which the baby does end up being)? sorry if this was too long
Monty X Reader
Warning: none
Word Count: 1383
You had been dating Montgomery De La Cruz since senior year. Now ten years later, you were married. Monty was a professional baseball player, you were a lawyer. You had a six year old son named Jeffrey and a four year old daughter named Mia. Your guys life was busy. You never thought of having more kids. You had both agreed on two, and with Monty being gone every now and then from February-October, and you always being in the office, it was hard to plan having more kids. Why would you need more anyways? You had one of each. Everything was perfect.
One morning you woke feeling terrible. You layed in bed looking up at the ceiling, not wanting to move in fear of puking.
“baby you OK?” monty asked turning on his side putting his arm around you.
“no don't move the bed. I feel sick” you snapped
Monty got out the bed and grabbed the little garbage can you had in your bathroom. At soon as he had it near you, you started puking. Monty held your hair back and rubbed your back.
“did you eat something that's not agreeing with you?”
“I don't know.” you answered lifting your head up from the garbage can.
You thought for a minute.
“oh my god.” you said looking at Monty with a blank face. Montys face dropped and turned white.
“I haven't had my period this month or last. It just clicked in. I've been so busy with the kids and work that it never dawned on me.”
Monty just stared at you not sure what to say.
You both sat in silence for a few minutes.
“did you want me to go get a test?” monty asked you
“sure”.you said standing up. “I'll get breakfast ready for the kids and us while you're out.
“I'll take Mia with me and Jeff can help you with breakfast.” Monty replied smiling.
You giggled and went downstairs to see you children laying on either side of the couch watching tv.
“Mia wanna come with daddy to the store?” Monty asked as mia ran into his arms.
“Can i get a surprise?” she asked
“Of course babygirl” monty replied kissing her head, spinning with her in his arms.
“She's got you wrapped around her finger”  Jeffrey exclaimed sitting up from the couch
You and monty both started laughing.
“And you kind sir have your mother wrapped around your finger” monty said laughing pointing at jeff.
Jeffery stood up and walked over to you and hugged you tightly and smiled. “I sure do”
“If you’re buying Mia something get something for Jeff too” you told your husband as he walked out the house daughter in hand.
“That was the plan babe”
You ans Jeff walked into the kitchen
“What we making mom?” Jeff asked with a big smile
“What do you want?”
You and jeffery made pancakes for everyone. Just as you were plating everything, Monty and Mia walked in.
“Look at the dress daddy bought me” She ran to you and jeff and showed you guys her new princess dress.
“And a monster truck for jeffrey. Mia said you wanted it.” Monty said giving jeff his monster truck
“THANK YOU DADDY!!!!!!” He screamed and jumped up and down.
You ate together as a family. Once the dishes were in the dishwasher, and the kids were playing, you and monty walked up to your room.
“Oh man i'm so nervous” you told monty as you went to the washroom.
Monty handed you the stick and walked out. You peed on the stick, put the cap back on. And put it on the counter and set your two minute timer on your phone. You walked out and sat on the bed beside monty.
“babe it's fine. We are financially stable to afford another kid. And i mean come on another girl would be great.” Monty said grabbing your hands.
“Haha thanks. But it's totally a boy if i'm pregnant. With mia i never got sick in the morning.”
You both laughed.
Beep Beep Bep
You both stood up nervously walking to the washroom. You grabbed the stick and laughed.
“It's totally a boy”
“Its positive??” monty asked with excitement
You shook your head yes
Monty picked you up and spun you around.
“Oh my god babe we're gonna be parents again!! And to a beautiful baby girl”
“Haha we should call the doctor's office to make an appointment for an ultrasound.” you smiled.
You called the doctor's office and made an appointment for an ultrasound in a months time. In the month of waiting you and monty kept arguing over whether or not you were going to have a girl or boy. You went for the ultrasound and found out you were five months pregnant. When the lady went to look for the gender, the baby had its legs crossed and refused to show its gender. You both laughed.
“We should have a party to tell our friends and family” Monty suggested.
“Sure why not” You said
Even though you were five months pregnant you didn't look pregnant at all.
A week later you had everything set up in the house. When you invited your friends and family you all laughed and said it was just a casual party.
“Your parents arrived two hours early to help you guys set up.”
“Hello Miss Atkins- De La Cruz.” scott said walking into your house hugging you. Scott and Monty did everything together since high school. They even played for the same baseball team. He was part of the family. Your kids called him uncle Scotty.
“Hello scott.” you laughed.
“Y/N!!!!” Jessica and Sherri yelled as they walked into your house.
“Jess, Sherri” you yelled back group hugging the two girls.
All of your friends from high school showed up and the family you had invited. You all ate and were getting ready to eat dessert when you and monty decided it was time to tell people.
“So today isn't just a party. It's a celebration.” you exclaimed to everyone.
“Y/N PREGNANT!!!!!!” Monty yelled! “I'M GONNA BE A DAD AGAIN!!!”
All the guys jumped on monty and screamed with joy. The girls all yelled. Your parents screamed and hugged you hard.
“Monty Hardly ever home and still got moves” Zach laughed.
“How far are you?” Your mother asked
“Five month”
“WHAT???” everyone said in unison.
“Ok ok ok I got this” scott started “we are taking bets. Money will obviously go to Y/N and Monty for the new baby, but Bets On the gender!”
Justin came back with two jars he had found in your cupboards.
“Bets for boy bets for girl.” scott showed the two jars “Mom and dad go first” he said pointing to you and monty
“GIRL” monty screamed putting 10$ into the girl jar
“BOY” you screamed putting 10$  into the boy jar.
“Jeffrey Mia come here” scott called them over.
“So mommy has a baby in her belly. Is it gonna be a boy or a girl” scott asked the kids
“I want a brother” jeffery replied
“I want a sister so i can play dress up with her”  Mia answered
Scott laughed and placed 10$ into each jar.
“Funny how Jeff is a mommys boy and Mia is a daddy's girl and they have the same vote as their parents” clay chipped in.
“That's because jeffrey takes after his mother and is smart!” you smiled.
The jars were pretty even.
During the remaining four months of your pregnancy Monty would tell everyone he was sure it was a girl. You told everyone it was a boy. You had the same agreement as before, if its a girl monty chooses the name if its a boy, you chose. Monty had chosen the name McKenna. You had chosen the name Jakob.
‘One last push Y/N and it'll be out” The doctor said. You pushed hard and suddenly you heard a baby cry.
“Congratulations on the baby boy” the doctors said placing baby Jakob on your chest.
“Haha i was right” you said looking at monty tears in your eyes.  Both you and monty were crying happy tears. You couldn't be happier to welcome another child into your family.
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show-choir-gal · 7 years
13 Reasons Why Preference: How They Ask You Out
Clay:  Clay asks you out over text. After the Crestmont first encounter, you two have been talking every day. Although you and Clay live in the same town, you go to a private school that's located a few towns over. You now lived with your dad, but you're not demoting from a prestigious private school to sucky public school so you commute over 45 minutes every single day.
*Text convo*
Clay @ Crestmont ;) : So what's private school like?
Me: Well, it's strict but fun. It's very productive and everyone actually cares about their work... unlike what I've heard about most public schools
Clay @ Crestmont ;) : Yeah, like no one in my classes actually care, its like, me a few others that really try
Me: That's literally not heard of here. If you slack, you get kicked out. It's pretty serious LOL
Clay @ Crestmont ;) : Damn hahaha
Clay @ Crestmont ;) : Hey, are you busy Friday night by any chance....?
Me: I should be, why?
Clay @ Crestmont ;) : Would you like to go out to dinner? My treat
Me: Alright, sounds like a plan kiddo
Me: I'm glad you didn't forget to ask for my number ;) xD
Alex: Alex asked you on a date during his little surprise band room visit. You were practicing your Oboe solo for the Winter concert but it also an audition piece for the state band. The days to the audition and concert grew closer and closer and you were growing more and more nervous by each passing day. You asked the band director if you could have the band room to yourself to practice during your free period and he agreed. It was the longest period of they day which at first was a great idea in your mind. But mistake after mistake was being made and you grew increasingly frustrated. You replaced the reed to see if that was the issue, and alas, it was part of the issue! You kept practicing the piece over and over again. Marcello Concerto in C minor was the only sound in your mind and in the room, you were fixated on this piece of music, so it was no surprise you didn't hear the door open. You finished the last eight measures and you looked at the sheet music with a pleased smile forming on your face. You let out a sigh of relief.
"Wow, that was amazing." A voice said. It startled you and you fell off the chair and onto the floor. He ran over and helped you back up.
"Uh, thanks *laughs*" You replied as this mysterious boy helped you up. When you were stably on your feet, you looked at the boy and holy hell was he cute. Bleached Blond hair and a gold septum ring, 'He's my type' you thought.
"Is that for the winter concert?" He asked.
"Yeah, and it's my audition song for the state band." you replied.
"Well, if you do what you just did, they'll have to let you in." He said, which made you blush. A few moments of awkward silence passed before another word was broken.
"I'm sorry about scaring you, I'm Alex by the way."
"I'm Y/N. It's fine, I was just so emerged in my music that I didn't notice the door open."
"Hey, this may seem a little too straight forward, but are you busy after school today?" He asked.
"No, why?"
"I was just wondering if you you wanted to go to Monet's and grab a drink and...uh...chill...?"
"If you're trying to insinuate that you're asking me on a date, then it's a yes." You replied with a smirk.
A smile grew on his face and he bit his lip as he walked toward the door.
"I'll meet you at your locker." He said with a wink before he closed the door.
Justin: Justin asked you out right after a basketball game you went to to support your twin sister Amanda, who is a cheerleader. You always sit right behind her in the bleachers and help her with her hair and makeup. Everyone asks you to join the cheerleading team but it's not really your style. You give her a hug as the team goes up as they announced the home team, which was us. The team did their routine and then our players came onto the court. You scanned the area and your eyes laid upon Justin Foley, and when he noticed you look at him with a smile, he turned to talk to Zach Dempsey and Zach then talked to your sister
The game started and the cheerleading team sat back down, you noticed Zach and Justin glancing in you and your sisters direction fairly often. You tapped Amanda's shoulder.
"Mandy, what did Zach talk to you about?" You asked in a rather hushed voice.
"Oh, Zach said that Justin asked if you were single and if we were actually twins."
The game eventually ended, and the cheerleaders were heading to the locker room to change. You caught up with your sister just before she opened the door.
"I'm driving us home, I'll meet you in the car." She nodded and you headed out.
You were about to unlock the car when you heard two familiar voices.
"Hey Y/N." They said in unison.
"Hey Zach, hey Justin." You responded.
"Is it true that you and Amanda are twins?" Zach asked.
"Well, yeah. We're identical twins. Can you not tell?" You responded.
By the look on his face, he couldn't tell. You laughed and hopped into the drivers seat, Justin made his way to your window.
"I think you're really pretty, would you like to hang out sometime?" Justin asked with a wink and a smirk.
"Sure, here's my number." You replied and quickly jotted down your number and handed it to him.
He took it and smiled this smile that you'd get when you got that box of 48 crayons back in third grade.
Monty: Monty asked you out a few months after the altercation with your brother. The day after the fight you were called down to the office to explain what happened. You got a few detentions, but nothing too serious. Monty was given in school suspension for a month or else he would have been suspended for three months. That month passes and the gut wrenching feeling of seeing him in the hallways came back. You had just gotten to school since you had a dentist appointment early in the morning. You grabbed a book from your locker and shut it and started walking toward your class when all of a sudden you spotted Monty. You immediately darted in the other direction when he started running to catch up to you.
"Y/N please wait."
"Why? So you can start a fight with me just like you did to my brother?"
"No, I want to apologise."
"I never thought I'd hear that word come out of your mouth Montgomery."
"Look, if you go on a date with me to Monet's, I'd actually like to talk to you in a better atmosphere than school."
Jeff: Jeff asked you out during your tutoring session. Jeff normally doesn't acknowledge that you exist, nevertheless sit next to you.
"Hey Y/N." He said with that world famous smile of his.
"Hey?" You replied, you have a crush on him but why was he talking to you?
"I know this is kinda weird, but you're really good at this whole periodic table stuff and I really need a really good grade on this test to stay on the team. Do you think you could tutor me?"
"Yeah, of course! When are you free?" You asked.
"I know this is very last minute but I'm free after school today, I can drive you to my place if that's alright for you."
"Yeah, that's fine. I'll just need to text my sister that I won't be home when she gets off the bus."
"Awesome, thank you so much! Just follow me when class is over."
Jeff stayed next to you the entire class, you never knew he was struggling in chem, but when I looked over he gave that very confused look to the paper as the teacher was teaching us about about the periodic table and how the test will be on every single element on the periodic table. The class went by in the blink of an eye. You packed your bag and followed Jeff to his car. You hopped into the passenger seat. He drove away and he started small talk, but you noticed that his hand was hovering about the stick which was odd but you didn't really think much of it. Once we made it to his house, we got out of the car and he unlocked his front door. He showed you around his house and then we finally landed in his bedroom. We hopped onto his bed and you began helping him with what he needed.
Two hours later and most of what has been taught is actually making sense to him. He knew almost every element group and what each elements properties are. He offered to drive me home since I live on the other side of town. We got back into the car and he started driving to my house.
"What do you want to do when you get out of high school?" He asked.
"I really want to be an analytical chemist, this is going to sound so cheesy, but I've wanted to be one since I was a little girl." He smiled at the response.
"That's not cheesy, that's cute. You're really cute when you talk about chem." He said, he looked like he regretted what just came out of his mouth. You blushed.
"What do you mean by that?" You asked, genuinely wanting to know and see if I could get information from him that he was obviously withholding.
"Well, you have this really sweet smile when you talk about anything chem, even in class you get a huge smile on your face. And you had this spark in your eyes when you were teaching me and helping me. You're just, so cute."
You were blushing, your face was beet red and you had this huge and stupid smile plastered across your face.
"I remember back in fifth grade, Monty spread the rumour that you liked me. I can't believe I'm even admitting this, but I always wished it was true even though we never really talked." He said, his face growing almost as red as mine.
"It was true." I said while trying to hide my blushing face.
"Was?" He asked, sort of puzzled.
"It still is true."
A few moments of awkward silence, and Jeff broke the tension.
"Tomorrow, would you like to go on a date?"
Zach: Zach asked you out the night he met you. You were covering a shift at the local diner. The girl you're covering for got the stomach bug and can't stand up without puking her internal organs out.
Your shift was about to end so you were cleaning up a tad bit so the next persons life wasn't too bad, but as you were cleaning, the basketball team at your high school piles in, one-by-one. You were the only available person to wait tables so you had to drop the cleaning supplies, pick up the notepad and pen, and head over.
"Welcome to Rosie's Diner, are you ready to order?" You asked with a smile. You noticed that Zach was staring at you, not in a creepy way, like an admiring way.
The boys told you their orders one by one until it came to Zach, who was too zoned out staring at you to notice anything around him.
"Yo Zach!" Justin said as he snapped his fingers to get him out of his trance. "I think he wants a piece of you." Justin said, laughter erupting from the table, and a nervous laugh and a flushed face was gained from Zach.
You handed the cook the orders and brought their drinks and then continued cleaning. The bell rang with the food and you brought the meals to the table and continued to go back to cleaning. You looked up when you heard the boys snickering and looked up at you and back to snickering, but you just brushed it away. Moments later, you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up, it was Zach.
"Here's what we owe." He said as he handed over the stack of money and the receipt.
You looked at the receipt to see the tip, there is a phone number on the bottom. You looked up.
"Call me?" He asked.
You simply nodded your head with a smile and he smiled back and went to his boys and they all clapped and left. 'Picking up shifts are too bad' you thought to yourself.
After your shift ended, you got into your car and called the boy.
"You wanted me to call?"
"Oh yeah, I didn't think you'd actually do it, I was starting to get my hopes up."
"Why did you want me to call you? Doesn't a handsome man like yourself have a girlfriend?"
"No, haha. I wanted to ask you on a date. Does tomorrow sound good?"
Tony: Tony asked you out once he finished working on your car. He drove your fixed car to your house and you were so excited to see your baby working even better than before!
"Thank you so much Tony! How can I repay you?"
"Will you go on a date with me?"
Tyler: Tyler asked you out after a project shoot. There was a partner assignment and you ended up getting paired up with Tyler. You two had never talked so this was a new friendship opportunity.
You two sat together on the bleachers after school to discuss what we were doing. It was an open assignment but you still needed to plan something.
"I was thinking taking pictures of you in the sunflower field a few towns over." He said, fidgeting with his camera.
"Why me?" You asked.
"You're basically model status. You're gorgeous, why wouldn't I use you as the subject?" He said, you blushed. "Cute girl, cute field, cute pictures. Perfect." He said with a smile.
The entire time he was your personal photographer, all he did was throw compliments around. After the shoot was over you two started looking at them in silence until Tyler spoke up.
"I'm going out on a limb here since I'm pretty sure you're single, but if you're not busy after your shift on Saturday, I'd like to take you on a date.
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How the boys of 13rw would react to...
...their S/O telling them 'i love you' for the first time pls❤
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You were in the kitchen, placing some chips and pretzels into a bowl for you and Montgomery to share. You were about to move to throw away the bag when you felt strong arms wrap around your waist tightly, picking your body up off the ground, as you felt his head burying itself in your neck "Hey sexy" he would sing, his smile prominent on your neck. You would giggle and fall back into his embrace "We’re never gonna have movie night if you keep distracting me" you would jokingly warn. You would feel his head shake, his lips traveling to your ear "Awe but you love the distraction. You love me" he would confidentially declare, his teeth nibbling on your earlobe. Your smile would only grow wider as you shut your eyes and tilted your head to the side "You're right" you would agree "I do love you". His nibbling would cease and he would place you back on the ground, his hands tightening around your waist as he began to rock the both of you "Wow" he would begin, your face tilting to watch his expression "I never thought I would hear you say those words" he confessed honestly. Your eyebrows scrunched together "Wanna hear em again?" You would question, biting your lower lip. He would eagerly nod, his eyes closing as he waited for your response "I love you Montgomery De La Cuz". You spoke slowly and surely, and with your words he would smile, his eyes opening to shine brightly "And I love you too Y/N. So god damn much"
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He had just singlehandedly won yet another basketball game for his team and the school. You had taken him out for a celebratory dinner at Rosie's diner, one you found the two of you doing quite frequently. He had moved from the other side of the booth to by your side, one hand resting on your thigh and the other around your shoulders. You laid your head on his shoulder "Proud of you babe" you would remind him, glancing up to watch a smile smear itself on his face. He would lean down and place a gently kiss on your forehead "And that's why I'm such a good player, I got your support to drive me" he would compliment, his soft smile turning into a smirk. You would laugh in response, your hand tracing his arm on your thigh "Glad to be of assistance" you would start "But if my love is enough to make star athletes then I must be a wizard". It was meant to be nothing, just a little joke to piggy back in what he said but you knew you meant more behind it, and apparently he did too. "Love?" He would question "You love me?". Your voice would get caught in your throat before you could respond "I mean" you began before you shut your eyes and took a deep breath "Yeah. Yes. I do love you Zach" you would confidently state, your eyes timidly glancing up to meet his. His smile never faltered, never wavered, never dropped, it only rose "I love you too babe" he would confirm, his lips moving to kiss yours "I really do" 
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The two of you had just come back from a weekend of partying that you weren't necessarily proud of but at this point in time you couldn't stop your incessant giggling. He watched you with loving eyes, his arm wrapped around your waist, drawing you close as he smiled at your constant laughter "That is the cutest sound I've ever heard, I love it " he would compliment, his eyes shinning as you glanced up at him. Your hand interlaced with his "Awe, and I love flattery" you respond, your giggling quieting itself and being replaced by a toothy grin. "And I loved this weekend" he would continue, building up on the love of things the two of you were sharing "And I love you" you would reply as if you've said it millions of times before. He didn't seem to be shocked, concerned or confused, just content, pleased and happy "That's what I was gonna say" he pouted playfully. You once again began to giggle "What? That you love me or you love yourself?". He rolled his eyes playfully, his head shaking slightly "That I love you silly" he began "That I really, really love you". Your smile shone as bright as the sun, reaching up to plant a kiss on his lips "Well I really, really love you too"
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You thought he was asleep. The two of you were nicely cuddled up in your bed, watching some horror movie on tv that Jeff had fallen asleep during. The final credits had began to roll and you moved to glance behind you to see his eyes tightly shut and take notice of his peaceful breathing, the rising and falling of his chest against your back. You would snuggle up closer to the boy and sigh lovingly "I love you" you would quietly murmur as your eyes fluttered shut, getting ready to join your boyfriend in sleep, but with his sudden movements your eyes quickly shot back open "You what?" He would question, his voice tired but pointed as you no longer felt his arms around your waist. You would rub your eyes and turn around to face the boy that was now sitting half way up right and staring at you with wide eyes "I-uh-I" you would stammer and try to avoid his eye contact, while failing miserably. After you began to try and stutter out a few more incoherent words, Jeffs demeanor would soften, they would form into a look of realization and love. He would then smile and cup your cheek, leaning in to place a passionate kiss on your lips and moving back to rest his forehead against yours, his thumb lightly stroking your cheek, his eyes shinning with affection and admiration "I love you too Y/N. I love you too"  
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He was showing you the stars on top of the Crestmont roof. He had been so excited to show you for the whole day, he would remind you every thirty minutes, a boyish grin plastered on his face, and it only got larger when it was time. He would tightly grasp your hand "C’mon its time" he reminded, dragging you to the top to where he had placed two lawn chairs and a blanket with a candle. Your smile grew as you planted a kiss on his cheek "It's wonderful Clay, thank you" you encouraged as he lead you to the blanket "I wanted you to be comfortable". The two of you were snuggling for about an hour, listening and watching clay point to every constellation he could point out and all of his comments about the moon, you loved every second. "I love this Clay" you started, snuggling into his side "I love you". You felt his grip tighten around you, it had taken Clay months before he had finally admitted his feelings towards you, so you knew this was a leap, but he didn't seem to be freaking out. You felt his warm breath against your neck as he leaned his head towards your ear before he responded "I love you too"
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The two of you had driven to the top of a mountain, one the two of you regularly found yourselves at. It was quiet and a great place to talk, have a picnic, lay on a blanket and just hold each other, it was your spot. The two of you were leaning again the railing blocking off the road form the edge of the mountain top, staring off at the town you two called home down below. You felt his hand search for your before it found its target, his fingers lacing with yours "I never thought I could share this place with someone" his thumb would begin to rub your outer hand as he kept his gaze ahead of him "Thought they would ruin it. Make it less peaceful or less safe or something. But you" he would pause for a moment, a smile flashing over his face "You made it better. You made it a place that I. Ever want to be unless you're by my side...I guess what I'm trying to say is...I mean I" he would stop, lowering his head and shaking it, unable to finish. You would lean over and kiss him, feeling his breath stop as your lips touched. You would slowly pull away, your forehead leaning against his "I love you Tony" his lips would curl, his free hand placing itself on the back of his neck "I love you too Y/N" 
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The two of you were playing some video games, the two of you neck and neck "Give it up Standall, you can't beat me" you would mock, a smirk curling onto your lips as your eyes were glued to the screen "I wouldn’t be too sure Y/N, looks like imma bout to get the lead" he would declare, his tongue grazing his bottom lip. You knew that the declaration wasn't about to come true and only a tactic used to scare you, and when he glanced from the screen to you he could tell you knew what he was doing, so he took matters into his own hand. He slowly began to lean into you, causing you to rock to your side "Alex Standall!" You would shout, trying to keep your eyes on the screen but you vision was slowly becoming impaired as you kept falling. You would thrash under him, only causing him to laugh as he took over the lead, ending the game with his name in gold letters, shinning as the winner. You groaned and threw your head back, the controller flying from your hands "Cheater" you grumbled, eyeing him from your position. He would shrug, a grin as wide as ever on his face "I wouldn't say cheater, I just took advantage of the situation at hand" he would explain, turning his body to face you. You scrunched your nose and stuck your tongue up at him "Hate you" you stated with no real animosity behind it. "Awe" he began, his bottom lip puckering out "No ya don't babe" he defended, his thumb grazing your cheek. You thought for a moment, filling the silence with your humming before you responded "You're right" you began, your hands loping around his neck "I don't hate you. I actually love you...cheater". His eyebrow tilted up, showing signs of confusion but as time went on his confusion went into admiration "I love you too...loser"
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blissfulexcape · 7 years
~Coffee Fix~Hannah x Reader~
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~~Hi this took forever! It’s probably really short. I know I said I’d post more but for right now I think we’re screwed on that front. xD I’m horrible I’m sorry. please stick with me! I really do appreciate you all for following and reading! Love ya byeeee~~
Every time Hannah comes to Monet’s she can’t help but stare at the cute barista. Reader stares at her too and knows how Hannah likes each of her drinks. Hannah is working with Skye when Hannah, Jessica, and Alex come in. They order their drinks and sit at their usual spot but reader and Hannah keep exchanging looks. Then Skye just shouts, “C’mon, just date already!” Then Alex says he seconds that and Jessica uses her textbook like a gavel and says “It is law!”
You groaned silently while cleaning the tables throughout Monet’s. Sky should be out of school soon along with the other students. You did online school so you only ever saw other people your age while you were working. Like Hannah. Her long brown hair and greenish eyes were hard to forget. You laughed at the memory of your first meeting.
It was only your second day on the job and you were shadowing your coworker Sky. She seemed nice enough, a little bitter perhaps but still you could see being friends with her. You went to do a bathroom cheek and make sure they had enough toilet paper and paper towels.
When you came back out Sky motioned you over to help her behind the counter. You jogged over and she told you to make the cinnamon hot chocolate. You nodded in acknowledgement before going to get started. When you finished you looked at the name to call the quest to get their drink.
“Hannah?” You shouted curiously before putting the heat protector on so they wouldn’t get burned. Then you continued with the next order that Sky gave you. When the rush was over you took the chance to glance around the room. Blushing when you saw someone particularly beautiful.
Sky told you to go sweep around the front door to make sure there were no leaves getting sucked in by the draft. As you worked you’d occasionally glance at the brunette . Sometimes completely staring at the window in hopes that it would be less noticeable.  She had long wavy hair and bright eyes. Her laugh made your heart flutter. You couldn’t help think how cute she was. From then on you vowed to always keep an eye out for her.
You felt your heart skip a beat as the familiar laugh filled the room. Hannah has been coming in practically every day for the last two months. By now you had her and her friends orders memorized. Hannah was also the best tipper. She was so sweet.
“______! You’re girlfriend is here!” Sky whispered teasingly in your ear as if you didn’t already know that.
You glared at her but you knew the blush covering your cheeks would betray you. “Shut up! She’s not my girlfriend.”
“But you wish she was!” Sky shouted as she headed to the dry storage to get more cups. You gasped at her and threw an small elf decoration in her direction. She burst out laughing as she dodged inside the other room and the toy simply hit the door.
You rolled your eyes and took a deep breath as you prepared yourself to talk to Hannah. “Knock, knock?” A sweet voice said behind you. 
A smile graced your face at the childish greeting. “Who's there?” You asked as your turned to face her.
“Owl.” Hannah replied as she tried to repress her excitement.
“Owl, who?”
“Owl take a hot chocolate with extra whip cream and marshmallows. And don’t forget the-”
“Cinnamon.” You finished for her. Her look of surprise made you blush. “And one mocha with extra white chocolate.” You smiled as you wrote the orders down on two cups.
“Please and thank you.” Hannah said beaming at you. She bit her lip to keep from smiling so big.
“It’ll be right up, Hannah.”
While you worked on their drinks, Sky had come back to help with the next guests. You walked the cups to the pick up side. “Hannah! Jessica!”
“Hey ______! Can I ask you something real quick?” You turned to see Hannah’s friend Jessica looking at you quizzically. 
“Sure, what’s up?” You granted walking over. You leaned slightly on the counter.
“So I see you all the time here, why don’t I see you in school?”
You laughed, “I’m home schooled.”
“But you can’t just spend all your time at home or here right? You must have a boyfriend?” She  wondered shocked. “I’d go stir crazy if this were the only interaction I got. I’m such a social butterfly.”
“No... I don’t go for guys. And I haven’t had the courage to ask the right girl..” You confessed slyly as your cheeks turned a bright pink.
“Oooh! Well if it helps I’m having a party tonight and maybe you could see them there and break the ice?” She offered kindly.
“I don’t know not really my scene. It’s pretty cliche don’tcha think?” You asked with a disinterested look.
“Just give it shot! Here’s my address and I’ll see you tonight! Come early to help  set up! Bring chips and soda! If you don’t we won’t have any.” She commanded smiling before waltzing off to her usual corner.
You sighed and did your best to shrug it off and get back to work. Later on you’d talk to Sky about it.
“What did your girlfriend’s friend want?” Sky asked as she put away cups.
You gave her an exasperated look but didn’t correct her this time. “She wants me to go to her party tonight.” You explained simply.
“And you’re going to go right? So you can see your girl?”
“I don’t know... I’ve never been to a party. How will I know how to act?” You gave her a nervous look that made her laugh.
“You act how you normally do because you don’t need to act any way else to get her attention.” You blushed at the meaning which made Sky laugh more. “I don’t understand how you can’t see that she likes you back!”
“She does not! She is into that boy that you know. With the dark hair and nice eyes. Cody? Blay? Tray? Clay!”
Sky snorted, “Ya, right!” Sky rolled her eyes and walked over to you. Taking you by the shoulders she said,  “You are going to that party tonight and you are going to talk to Hannah. You are going to get tongue tided and mess up your word and Hannah is going to find it adorable. Then you’ll kiss and she’ll be your real girlfriend. I will drag you myself if I have to and that won’t be pretty. And to make sure you go... I’ll make Clay look for you  and if he doesn’t see you then you’re on toilet duty for until... until you do go to a party.” She smirked evilly at you before going to get her things to leave work.
~~~~Later That Night~~~~
Your parents reluctantly agreed to let you go to the party. The deal was you could go but they had to drive you home whether or not you’d been drinking. And there would be no judgement if there were drinking because you had a safe ride home. They also agreed to drop you off and pick you up a block away.
 With a few bags of family size chips and three 24 packs of soda you walked the rest of the way to Jessica’s. You were on the door step debating whether to knock or ring the door bell or just walk in when the door opened and there was Hannah. She gasped as she saw you.
“______! You scared me!” She laughed a bit trying to catch her breathe. “Come on in! I'll show you were to put all that.” She smiled encouragingly. You followed her threw the house and you guys put the drinks in a cooler and the chips on the table.
“I’m glad you could make it.” Hannah whispered as you guys sat by the pool. You didn’t have to talk loud sense no one had really arrived yet.
“I’m glad I could too. So does she throw parties like this a lot? She seems to have it down to a science.” You joked lightheartedly. Hannah laughed nodding.
“Ya at least once a month. Her dad leaves town pretty often.” Hannah explained.
“Hey ladies!” A guy shouted grabbing you guys attention. He walked over and kneeled by Hannah. He was tallish and fairly muscular and would probably be considered attractive if it weren’t for her blood shot eyes and disheveled appearance. “You guys look great but what would make you look better is if you were moaning my name.” His smile widened as he laughed as his pathetic pick up line. Hannah looked uncomfortable.
You stood up and went and sat on the arm of her chair between them. “You know you are so right!” You said I a fake excited voice. “ Why don’t we test the chemistry and make out?” You asked flirty. He stood up and put his hand on your hip. “ Close your eyes.” You commanded sweetly. When his eyes were closed. You put your hands on his chest leading him a few steps back. When he tried to touch you, you tapped his hands playfully. 
Then you pushed him in the pool! you jumped back just in time to avid the splash. Hannah’s jaw dropped as she saw what you did. You both burst out laughing and you took her hand hoping the sleaze wouldn’t follow you inside.
Both of you were breathing hard when you got to the couch. You smiled when you felt Hannah’s lace her fingers with yours. You both sat in comfortable silence as everyone walked around you. Hannah slowly moved to rest her head on your shoulder. “Thanks for doing that. He was making me feel so uncomfortable.”
“I know that’s why I did it. I wanted you to feel safe with me.” You whispered back. Your nose brushing her forehead as you spoke to her.
A loud groan made you both flinch and look around. Seeing EVERYONE staring at you made you both blush red. “C’MON! Just date already!!” Sky, Alex, Jessica, Clay, Jeff, Justin and Zach all shouted in synch.
“If you guys don’t start dating I’ll never hear the end of it from Jessica!” Justin complained.
“I’ll have to kept listening to Hannah go,’Should I ask her?’ ‘Are you sure she likes me?’ or ‘Are you are that she like likes me?’ I’m going crazy!” Jessica continued.
“You have to go threw that too? I’ve never felt so connected you!” Sky gasped shocked.
“I think you’re cute..” Clay said smiling nicely which had everyone glaring at him. Clearing his throat, “You guys are disgusting with all those lovey dove stares! I can’t stand it just go out already!” Clay finished looking to the others who nodded in agreement.
Nervously looking at Hannah for her reaction, you saw she was smiling. “I like.. like you.” She mumbled biting her lip shyly.
“I like... like you.. too.” you announced passionately. then you leaned over slowly and everyone leaned in to get a better look. Then you kissed her forehead. Everyone let out a sigh of disappointment which made you laugh lightly. “I’m going to kiss her in front of you! That will be our moment! Not yours!” With that being said you walked out to the door to go somewhere more private.
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13-reasons-ideas · 5 years
Finding Peace in Another Part 9
TW this chapter contains discussion of parental death and suicide. suicide not mentioned until after the cut. 
A/N: This chapter is very personal to me and it is where we learn just what prompted the move to Crestmont. I hope you enjoy. As always, feedback is appreciated. 
The next morning was far less eventful than the previous one. No surprise visitors, no almost revelations about a dead brother. Just us spending the morning together getting ready. I met him at school, and we shared a quick kiss before going to meet our friends. Monty met up with the boys and I spent some time with Alex and Clay before class. Alex and Clay were arguing about some comic book I had never heard of, but they tried to make me feel included in the conversation. I zoned out after a few minutes, thinking about what would happen if they found out about Montgomery and I. I know that Alex and Monty haven’t exactly had the best history. Alex had told me about the fights they got in and I was very aware of how Montgomery handled his emotions. Which, to put it bluntly, was essentially just to hit things until he felt better. “Hello? Becca? Earth to Rebecca?” I heard Clay call tapping me on the shoulder.
“Huh? What sorry?” I said, absentmindedly.
“I was just asking about what you did last night.” He said, looking at me strangely.
“Oh. Sorry, I just stayed in, had pizza and watched a movie. Just a me night.” I lied smoothly.
“Nice, what movie?” Alex asked.
“The Notebook.” I told him, picking my favourite sappy film. They both made a face and muttered something about chick flicks. We had walked to my locker, where I heard Bryce comment on the scratches on Montgomery’s back he saw yesterday before practice.
“No wonder you were so tired at practice yesterday. You were probably up most of the night. Who’s the lucky girl?” he asked, pushing Montgomery’s shoulder. I blushed into my locker and heard Alex make a sound of disgust at their discussion.
“Fuck you Standall, grownups are talking. No one you know. It doesn’t really matter. It was fun though. Ill probably see her again.” He said, trying to hide that it was me as we agreed. Bryce seemed surprised that he didn’t want to go into detail and even more surprised that he wanted to see the girl again. I heard Alex mutter something akin to ‘charming’ as Clay just stood there, looking very uncomfortable. I waved bye to my friends as Zach and I walked to class. I felt someone’s eyes on me as I walked away and felt a text, checking it I saw it was from Monty ‘I’ll definitely be seeing you again. By the way, you look hot today.’ I smiled as I put my phone away, feeling heat creep to my cheeks. Zach saw my blush and grinned at me.
“sssoooo… who’s the lucky guy? Or the lucky girl? I don’t judge.” He said in a singsong voice. I felt my blush grow deeper and laughed.
“It’s a guy. We um… we aren’t really telling anyone yet. We want to keep it to ourselves for a while. I am happy though. Happier than I’ve been in a long time.” Zach nodded in understanding.
“I get that, I’ve been there. Just make sure he doesn’t make you keep it a secret forever.” He told me as he sat in his seat. After class ended, I bid Zach goodbye and told him I would see him at lunch. I saw Tony in English and told him about what Montgomery and I decided last night.
“That’s good. I’m glad you’re happy. Just let him know if he hurts you, ill have to hurt him.” He told me seriously.
“You and about 12 other people Tony. Ill let him know though.”
By the time lunch came, I was ready to go home and go back to bed. Monty and I need to start sleeping together through the night, rather than talk for hours on end, only sleeping for a few hours a night. Walking over to our table, I saw Zach already there. “Hey Zach.” I mumbled, sleepily.
“Hey Becca. You look exhausted.” His voice sounding concerned. I sat down and put my head on his shoulder.
“I am. I haven’t really been sleeping much the past few weeks. Did you have plans after school?” I asked him, stifling a yawn.
“No I don’t think so. Why? Did you want me to come by and chill?” I nodded and made a sound of agreement, closing my eyes. “Okay, ill text my mom after lunch and let her know I’m going to your place.” I nodded again. “Did you want to nap?” he asked kindly. I nodded again. “I’ll tell the guys to be quiet then. I’ll wake you after lunch Becca.” I nodded off a bit, sleeping lightly until I felt serval pairs of eyes on me and heard whispers. 
“She’s so cute when she sleeps.” 
“Wonder what she’s been doing to need to nap at lunch.” 
“Awe, her nose twitched.” 
They all sound like new parents watching their baby. “Quit staring please. It’s creepy.” I mumbled, opening my eyes and turning to Zach. “How long was I out?” 
“About 10 minutes. Feel better?” 
“Yeah. I should make it through the rest of the day. Don’t know if I’ll make it through a few episodes of our show though, so only expect an episode tonight.” 
“That’s fine. Did you want to reschedule?” 
“No no, it’s okay. I’ll make a cup of coffee when we get to my place or something.” I felt Montgomery’s eyes bore into me but ignored it. He knows Zach and I are just friends so it’s not like he has anything to worry about. Turning my attention to Scott and Bryce, “also, no. I’m not cute when I sleep. And what I’ve been doing is none of your damn business.” I told them matter of factly, but still smiling. They laughed and rolled their eyes. 
     The rest of the day went a little smoother than this morning. I was more awake and alert. There was less fog in my brain. Zach and I agreed in Peer that he would spend the night, so he was going to run home for clothes and grab some food from Rosie’s on the way to my house for us. I texted Monty to let him know, as a courtesy. ‘Hey, just so you know, Zach is going to spend the night at my place. We might end up drinking and I don’t want him driving home then.’ He responded a few minutes later ‘okay, thanks for letting me know.’ Sneaking a look around to make sure Ms. Bradley wasn’t looking, I texted him back. ‘He has to run home and grab some clothes after class. So I could hang around school for a few minutes, if you wanted....’ He texted me back almost immediately. ‘Meet me at my locker after class. Have to get my fill of you in before the weekend.’ As the bell rang, I gathered my stuff quickly and waved to Zach before all but running out of class towards Montgomery’s locker. I saw him standing there, leaning against his locker looking for me, though to anyone passing by it would just look like he was scanning the crowd. Spotting me, he jerked his head towards the exit, signalling for me to meet him out there and get away from the people. I walked to the door and exited the building, finding myself in an empty alcove. A few minutes later I heard the door open and Monty came through. He closed the gap in four steps, leaning down to cup my face as he kissed me. Because we were in public and at risk of being caught at any time, we kept the kissing brief and talked for another few minutes. 
“So, this girl you’re spending your nights with... I hear she’s pretty great.” I teased him. 
“Yeah. She’s smart, and funny, and wild in bed. I barely have to touch her and she’s putty in my hands.” He teased back, winking at me. “And she does this thing when she’s reading, if she’s really into the book. Her brows furrow and she starts mouthing the words as she reads. It’s adorable.” He went on, laughing at my blushing face. My phone alerted me to a text message. It was from Zach telling me he was leaving his place with his clothes for tomorrow.
“Shit, I have to go. Zach is leaving his place and I don’t want to make him wait outside.” 
“Okay, text me when you get home.” 
“I will.” Tell him, pecking him on the cheek. “Bye babe.” 
“Bye baby, have a fun night.” He says, turning his head to kiss me goodbye. It’s a brief kiss but enough to get us through until Monday. 
     Rushing to my car, I drive home hoping to beat Zach there. I manage to beat him by five minutes and am looking for a wine glass when I hear his knock on the door. When I open the door, Zach is standing there with a bag of food in one hand and a coffee for me in the other. I lead him inside and he sets the food down on the island, handing me my coffee as I take a long drink. I savour the burn as it goes down. He puts his bag down and unpacks dinner as I pour myself a glass of wine. “Did you want a drink? There’s beer in the fridge or wine or pop.” I offer him.
“I’ll take a beer yeah.” Handing him a bottle and the bottle opener, he opens it before we make our way to the couch to start our show. We sit down and enjoy dinner together as we watch our show, laughing until it’s over. Pouring another glass of wine and grabbing another beer for Zach, he asks me “tell me about mystery man? You were awfully red this morning when you were texting him. I know you aren’t telling people, but I know you want to spill.” 
“Well, without giving too much away, I guess I can tell you some things.” I said, pulling my legs under me, holding my glass of wine. Zach leaned back on the couch waiting for me to continue. “He’s tall. Not as tall as you, but tall enough for me. He’s smarter than he lets on and he cares more than he wants people to think, but also short tempered. Looking at me you wouldn’t expect me to go for his type.” I heard Zach gasp and I held a breath. 
“Is it Cyrus? Because that would be cool. He’s kind of funny.” His thought made me laugh. 
“No! It’s not Cyrus I swear to you. He doesn’t strike me as the ‘hide your girlfriend’ type. More, carry a girl on his shoulders so everyone knows she’s his. Anyway, this guy. He has rough edges but once you get passed that outer shell, he’s a big softy. Never repeat that to him when we decide to tell people. It was very unexpected. After the year and a half I’ve had, the last thing was looking for was a relationship. After my mom died I kind of... I didn’t know how to handle it. And just when I got back on my feet...” I trailed off, unsure if I wanted to continue and let Zach in. 
“When my dad died, I was lost. My friends were out of town so Hannah and I started hanging out. I went to a lot of movies to fill the time. I had to step up and be the man of the house. I’m 17, that’s not what I want. I want to be a kid. So I get it. You lose someone close to you and your world flips 180 degrees. You have to learn how to breathe and live again.” He told me, sympathetically grasping my hand. I got up to grab myself another glass of wine and got him another beer. 
“If you want to hear the rest, I’m going to need another drink.” He nodded in understanding as I sat down handing him the cold beer. I took a long drink from my glass before continuing. “After my mom died, my dad started going on more business trips and working later- I think he wanted to avoid coming home to a house without his wife. It left a lot of time for my brother Jake and I to take care of each other. I guess he had more going on than I thought he did. I remember it was the middle of the night when my dad called me and asked if I had heard from Jake. I hadn’t seen him since that morning, but that wasn’t unusual. We both ran in different circles so sometimes we didn’t see each other for a day or two. There was something in my dad’s voice that made me worry. I called his best friend and asked if they had seen him. They said no. Later that day my dad came back from his business trip early. We spent the next three days looking for him. The police were involved and took a lead on the search.” I paused, feeling tears in my eyes as I took another drink. “And then on Saturday I came home and my dad told me he was dead. It was obvious he killed himself. Losing my mom was child’s play compared to that. That week was one of the hardest weeks of my life. My dad had already been considering accepting a promotion but that was the thing that pushed him to taking it. A few weeks later, he told me we would be moving here. His work was able to fast track the permits and everything so it was a fast move. And here we are.” I said sadly, finishing my story. I didn’t feel better talking about it. Zach squeezed my hand and pulled me towards his chest. We sat in silence for a while before he turned on an episode of Family Guy and we watched it, laughing sadly and drinking until we started to feel better. Around 1:30 we decided to call it a night and bid each other goodnight. He went to the guest room and I went to my bedroom. I must have woken him at some point in the night crying because when I woke up, my eyes were burning, and his arm was around me. 
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Not My Girl (Jeff Atkins x Reader)
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Word count: ~3,930 
Request: Anon- Jeff request please! "She's not my girl", could you make it like something reader overheard? For example she passes her friends, the jocks, on the way to class. But not before she heard Justin say something like, "look Atkins, it's your girl" And she get’s upset because they’re not dating, but they’re not not-dating either. And she’s upset and mad at school, but he’s her ride home. Then in the car, could reader be petty at first like Jeff asking, bad day at school/practice? And she's like nope! And he puts his hand on her thigh when he's driving as she pulls away so he's like "oh so you're mad at me?" And he won't leave until she tells him. 
Warnings: None I don’t think. A little swearing, Justin being kinda pervy, Jeff being too adorable for words. I think that’s it. 
A/N. Thanks for the request! I’m sorry this took me so long, but I loved writing this one :) I summarized the request, but I feel like I got the gist. I should be answering requests a little more frequently now that I’m getting back in the flow so feel free to keep sending them in. Alright guys, you ready? Enjoy!
(Y/n) hummed to herself as she walked down the hallways, practically skipping as she made her way towards her second period class, weaving through the crowded hallways that usually angered her without a care in the world. She had crashed at Jeff’s last night, after a Fast and Furious marathon had run late, and had skipped first to go home and shower. She had been thinking about skipping the whole day, but she had a chem test in third and couldn’t afford to miss it.
Even the thought of covalent bonds couldn’t dampen her good mood. Things had finally happened between her and Jeff last night. The movie marathon had begun as a friend thing, with Clay, Hannah, and Tony over as well to spend the rainy day watching television and hanging out. As the day had changed to night, first Tony, then Hannah and Clay had excused themselves to finish the last of their weekend homework and get to bed early, leaving (y/n) alone with Jeff. He had merely shrugged once the others had left, flashed a breathtaking smile, and asked if she wanted pizza or chinese for dinner.
The two had been casual friends forever, the way kids in small towns all knew each other, but over the last few months (y/n) had noticed things start to change between her and Jeff. He was no longer the awkward, gangly kid with braces who collected baseball cards, and she was pretty sure he had felt the shift too. Suddenly there was a lot more touching, a lot more teasing, late nights spent texting and lunch periods spent sharing inside jokes. It was amazing. Everyone else had begun to notice too, teasing the both of them about the flirting and the ‘eye sex’, which they both resolutely denied. If anyone asked, they were just friends. But obviously (y/n) wanted more. And she was sure Jeff did too.
So when he had asked her what she wanted for dinner, she had obviously needed a minute to compose herself and not melt into a happy puddle on the floor. They got pizza, and watched the fourth Fast and Furious movie. When it came time to start Fast 5, which they both agreed was the best one, (y/n) started thinking something might happen. Hoping something might happen.
About halfway through the movie Jeff and shifted closer on the couch and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She had leaned her head against his chest. By Fast and Furious 6 their legs were tangled together, Jeff’s fingers were playing with the ends of her hair, and she was falling asleep in his lap. Near the end of Furious 7 he had borrowed her phone and texted her parents, telling them she was crashing at Hannah’s house to work on a project they had forgotten was due the next day. When she had asked what he was doing he had just laughed.
“It’s three in the morning (y/n),” he said, as if she was had no idea how late it was, “and I’m not letting one of my favourite girls drive home this late after watching this many street racing movies. What if in your exhausted state you tried to hit the Noz and crashed?” He kissed her temple, and for a second she ascended and saw the pearly gates of eternal happiness. “Besides, I don’t really want you to go.”
She blinked, not sure if in her sleep-deprived state she had heard him right, and sat up, turning to look at him. He winked. She blinked, dumbfounded. Apparently she fell asleep in the middle of it because the next thing she knew Jeff was wiggling out from underneath her, covering her with the same fuzzy blanket she had been hogging all night. She was too tired to say anything when he stretched another blanket out on the floor, stole a pillow from under her legs, and settled in for the night.
In the morning he had made her breakfast. It consisted of her choice of cereal, and juice, but still. It was the best meal she had ever eaten. And when they were done he had dropped her off at home so she could change.
“You want me to wait for you?” He asked, leaning out the driver’s side window. “I can miss first.”
“It’s fine,” she had shrugged, even though inside she was screaming. “Clay will kill you if you miss history, and it’s not far. I’ll just walk when I’m ready.”
“You sure?” He asked, voice filled with such genuine, boyfriend-like concern that she almost kissed him right then and there. “I don’t mind waiting.”
She shook her head. “Go, go. I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah,” he grinned. “I’ll see you after your chem test. Call me if you want me to come pick you up.”
She waved as he pulled out of her driveway, squealed like the girly girl she always tried to avoid being, and went to take a shower.
Which led to right now, walking to class with a smile on her face. Nothing could ruin her mood. Or at least she thought so, until she was reminded of the existence of Justin fucking Foley.
“Hey look Atkins,” the junior nudged Jeff’s arm, “it’s your girl.”
(Y/n) turned, looking over her shoulder to look at the group of jocks. Jeff’s eyes looked over and met hers, and he jerked his chin, nodding at her with a smile. Her grin widened as she rounded the corner, until she heard, over the din of the hallway, “Shut up Foley. She’s not my girl.”
(Y/n) slowed, ears straining. It wasn’t something she had never heard before, but she remembered his lips against her temple, and her stomach dropped.
“You serious dude? I thought she spent the night last night? You’re telling me you didn’t…?” She could imagine the crude gesture Justin was making. She rolled her eyes.
“Nah,” Jeff laughed. “I don’t like her like that. She’s like a sister, you know. I don’t even see… you know.”
(Y/n)’s breath hitched, and where before she had slowed down now she practically ran down the hall, passing the door to her second period class. She was all but sprinting by the time she reached the doors to the library. One of the librarians shouted something about running in the halls, and she ignored her, moving until she got to the very back of the library. There was a comfy chair that no one knew existed, surrounded by stacks of old tax forms and school documents no one ever needed or knew about. She dropped her books, letting them slam on the ground, and collapsed onto the chair, face in her hands.
She didn’t cry. She had promised herself after her last breakup that she wasn’t going to cry over another stupid high school boy. But she pulled her legs up, resting her forehead against her knees and breathing. Shuddering, painful breaths, but no tears. No matter how much her eyes burned she shed no tears. Jeff Atkins thought of her as a sister. She was starting to fall in love with him, and he thought of her as a sister. He didn’t even see… even see what? The fact that she was a girl? The fact that she was hot? The fact that she was into him? What? What didn’t he see in her?
Jeff clenched his hands into tight fists, gritting his teeth as Justin continued to gesture.
“You’re telling me you haven’t her sweet ass, or those tits, or that--”
“Shut up Foley,” Jeff said through his teeth.
Justin looked at him and wiggled his eyebrows, running his tongue over his bottom lip suggestively. “You’re telling me that during your little sleepover last night you didn’t notice how tight she is?”
“Justin,” Zach warned, sensing that Jeff was about to snap, “maybe stop talking now.” Smart kid, Jeff noticed absentmindedly. Justin should listen to him. 
“No, no,” Justin crossed his arms, leaning against the wall and giving Jeff a knowing look that made the baseball player want to shatter his smug little face. “No Jeff, dude, if you don’t like her like that, do you think I could take her? Because I know what I would do with that tight little ass. You know she’d be up for some fun--”
Jeff snapped. He grabbed fistfuls of the junior’s shirt and slammed his back against the lockers, putting all his weight and force into it. Justin’s skull bounced off the locker, and for a second his eyes flashed with fear. Jeff’s stomach dropped, and he came back to himself, realizing what he had just done. His grip slackened. Justin laughed, shoving him off roughly. “I knew you liked her man!”
Jeff rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, clenching and unclenching his fists until the urge to punch Justin subsided. He didn’t like getting angry like this. It made him feel too much like Monty. Or Bryce. “Fuck you man.”
Justin just laughed, as did Zach. “Dude why don't you ask her out. She's obviously into you, and she's hot.”
Jeff shrugged. “I don't know man, she's (y/n), you know? We’ve known each other forever. It's just-- it's complicated.”
Zach shrugged. “I don't know about that man. She's smart, she's pretty, and she likes you back. What's complicated?”
“He's afraid to stick her.” Justin laughed, jumping back when Jeff swung at him again. “Fuck dude! You need to get laid.”
Jeff rolled his eyes violently, throwing up his hands. “I gotta get to third.”
“Yeah third base.” Zach teased.
“See you lover boy.” Justin called at his back, both juniors snickering as Jeff shot them the finger over his shoulder.
Jeff shook out his arms as he walked to class, rolling his neck and cracking his knuckles to release some of his pent up tension. He was gonna have to go run a lap at lunch or something, or else he was gonna beat Justin to death with a baseball bat at practice. Stupid little shit, talking about (y/n) like she was just some piece of ass. Talking about her like she wasn’t his piece of ass. Jeff growled to himself just thinking about all the things Justin was saying, making a freshman beside him look at him in alarm. He smiled apologetically at her and went into math, his mind made up. Tonight, he was gonna ask out (y/n). Enough was enough. 
Sitting in the stairwell, waiting for the senior baseball practice to let out, (y/n)’s hands fidgeted angrily with the hem of her sweater. It had started raining some time in the last few hours, and Tony had already left by the time she was packed and ready to go. She was about to bum a ride from Jessica when Jeff had shown up, panting like he had run down the hall to catch up to her (which he had), and said he could take her home after practice. She had tried to reject it, but Justin had showed up, wrapped his arm around Jessica, winked, and then whisked her away.
“I need to get home.” (Y/n) snapped, voice harsher than intended.
Jeff blinked down at her, confusion obvious. “Are you not okay to stay for an hour while I’m at practice? I’ll buy you ice cream.” He smiled adorable, because he knew she was a sucker for ice cream, but she was too mad to even smile. She gritted her teeth, digging her nails into her palms, but there really wasn’t anything she could do about it. She was stranded, unless she wanted to walk twenty minutes in torrential rain.
She sighed, biting the inside of her cheek and staring at the ground to keep from crying. Or screaming. Both of which would be inappropriate right now.  “Fine.”
“Hey,” Jeff leaned closer, tilting his head to look at her, “you okay?”
She nodded sharply. “Just go. You’re gonna be late.”
Jeff rocked back onto his heels, hands in the back pockets of his jeans. “There’s nothing wrong?”
“Just go Jeff.” She snapped.
He left, looking like a kicked puppy, and she ignored the way her heart twinged. He started this. He didn’t get to act all nice and friendly now after leading her on last night. He deserved it.
Now she sat alone while all the baseball team flooded out of the locker room, jostling and joking and being annoying. Jeff was one of the last to leave, talking with Monty until he noticed her and broke away. Monty winked and whistled, and Jeff rolled his eyes, shoving him.
“Sorry about them.” Jeff laughed, nudging her side while Monty catcalled at the two of them before climbing into another teammate’s car. “They’re idiots, they think something happened between the two of us last night.”
(Y/n) couldn’t answer, the knot in her throat was so big. If she opened her mouth she was either gonna start screaming at him or start crying on him. Neither of which was an option, so she just pursed her lips and shrugged. Jeff was watching her, eyebrows drawing together while he tried to figure out what was wrong. When she gave him nothing he shrugged and led the way to the car.
“You still want ice cream?” He asked once they reached the car. “Give me your bag I’ll put it in the back.”
“It’s fine here.” Her voice was cold as she got into the car and shoved her bag down by her feet.
Jeff raised an eyebrow and huffed under his breath, but still didn’t press. Good, because her anger was building and she was pretty tempted to tangle his pretty hair between her fingers and ram his head against the steering wheel. Or pull out his earring and poke him in the eye with it. Or grab his stupid face and kiss him and prove she was damned well not his sister. 
“So, how was your day?” He asked, glancing over at her. He looked genuinely interested, and if this had been yesterday (y/n) would have been thrilled  to tell him about her day, because it had meant he was interested in her. Now she knew it was because he wasn’t. “Something wrong?”
“Nope, everything’s fine.” She refused to meet his gaze, and her voice was filled with such fake calm she wanted to cringe.
“Really? Cuz you seem kind of upset.”
“Nope. I’m fine.”
He rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the front. “Am I taking you to your mom’s or your dad’s.”
“Okay,” he nodded, turning onto her street. “So I had fun last night. You wanna do something again tomorrow after my game?” His hand moved from the gearshift on to her thigh, right above her knee, and she tensed. It was friendly. He was just casually touching her bare leg and he had no fucking clue what it was doing to her. She pulled her leg away and crossed her arms.
“Okay.” Jeff laughed sarcastically and rolled his eyes. “Alright. What the fuck is wrong with you right now? Did I do something to piss you off?”
She crossed her arms and glared at him. He had no right to be offended. “I’m fine. What would you have done to piss me off?”
“I don’t know!” His voice rose as he looked at her again. “But there’s clearly something wrong, so spit it out what did I do?”
“You didn’t do anything Jeff. And why does it matter if I’m mad at you it’s not like I’m your girl or anything.”
He snorted as he realized what exactly the problem was. “Wow. So that’s what this is about.” He rolled his eyes, pulling into her driveway.
“You know what?” (Y/n) saw escape and  jumped on the opportunity. “Just forget it okay? It’s nothing.” She reached for the doorknob, planning to escape quickly and avoid him for the rest of the week, or possibly her entire life.
“No.” Jeff grabbed her hand, and the door locked. She turned to glare at him, but he was glaring too. He actually looked intense when he glared, all muscly and dark-eyed and brooding. “No, you’re mad, and you’re not leaving until I explain that you’re wrong.”
“I’m wrong?” She snapped. “So you’re saying you didn’t tell Justin that I’m not your girl and you think of me as a sister? You’ve been leading me on this whole time with the flirting and the cuddling and the touching and--”
“You’re not listening.” Jeff interrupted. “You don’t know what happened.”
“I heard you!” She cried, voice cracking. She covered it with an angry growl. “I heard you loud and clear Jeff. You’re not interested. You see me like a sister or something, and you're a dick because you let me think you--”
“I didn't mean it!” Jeff shouted, slamming his hand down on the dash. (Y/n) jumped, not used to him getting angry. He was usually so calm and in control, her angry mind felt a little proud that she could rattle him so much.
He sighed, closing his eyes and rubbing the bridge of his nose. “I’m sorry,  but you weren’t gonna stop talking to let me explain. I didn't mean it alright? You just don't know what these guys are like. They're… they're stupid and they say stupid things and they thought we hooked up last night. So I told them that we didn't and you weren't my girl because Justin was making these fucking gestures, and then he kept talking and talking about how if I wasn't going to do anything with you then he would. I just said you were like a sister because I wanted to make them back off alright?”
“And did they?” She asked. Her anger was fading, but she clung to it stubbornly rather than see reason. Because if she had misinterpreted everything then she had very likely just ruined this all by herself.
He shrugged. “No. Justin said something I can’t repeat, and I almost hit him. Because,” he sighed, fidgeting nervously. (Y/n)’s anger was gone, and she waited with bated breath for what she was pretty sure was about to come. “You’re not my girl, because we’re not dating or anything and even if we were, it’s not like I own you or anything. But, I would like to.” He looked at her expectantly, dark eyes wide.
She blinked at him, almost getting whiplash from how  quickly her anger had turned to nervous excitement. “You would like to own me?” She asked, hoping he would say something stupid so she could continue to be mad. But he just looked at her from under those long dark eyelashes and she realized he was saying exactly what she had been waiting for four months to hear. 
He groaned and rolled his eyes as she laughed. “You know what I meant.” He nudged her side. “I wanna take you out. Just us, on a real date. Would you be okay with that, or are you still mad at me?”
Her plan was to act stoic, to make him wait while she thought on her answer, but she couldn’t hold back her grin. He smiled when he saw it, reading her answer on her face.
“Yeah?” He asked, grinning.
She nodded, shrugging nonchalantly. “Yeah, I guess.” He massive smile kind of ruined the effect, but she didn't care. 
“Awesome.” Jeff patted a quick beat on the steering wheel, unable to contain his excitement. He looked at her again, and she couldn’t hold back a laugh. He had just asked her out. He had finally asked her out. It was surreal.
“Alright,” he nodded decisively, reaching a decision in his head. “You should get out, cuz I think your dad saw me pull in and is getting worried, and tomorrow after school I’m gonna take you out.”
“Okay.” (Y/n) smiled, climbing out of the car and slinging her bag over her shoulder. She walked around the front of the vehicle, feeling Jeff’s smiling eyes on her the whole time, and tried not to skip. She was so fucking happy right now!
Jeff waited until she had cleared the car before starting to back out of the driveway, his own smile plastered on his face. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” she nodded. “Oh my god! Wait.”
He slammed on the breaks. “What?”
Before she could lose her nerve she lunged forward, grabbing his chin and kissing him, hard and fast. Her stomach flipped, and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling too widely. She pulled away, and his mouth hung open, frozen in surprise. Slowly those soft lips stretched into a grin. “What was that for?”
She shrugged. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay.” He nodded, still grinning like an idiot. His cheeks literally hurt from the size of it. “Okay I’ll see you tomorrow.” He turned to look over his shoulder, putting the car into reverse.
“Wait wait!”
He braked again, turning to look at her. “What?” He asked with a laugh.
“Where are we going?” She asked, arching an eyebrow. “Tomorrow. On the date. Where are we going?”
The tips of his ears started to turn pink as he realized he hadn’t actually thought that far ahead. “Uh...”
She laughed softly, leaning forward and giving him another peck. His ears burned and he was pretty sure the actual bone structure of his face changed from the force of his smile. “I’ll text you. We can figure it out tonight.” She laughed, pulling away and this time finally letting him leave her driveway. He sped down the street, and she went into the house with her insides humming. When her dad asked why the hell she had been sitting in the driveway for so long she gave him a non-answer, skipping up to her room and throwing herself backwards onto her bed.
This had been a weird day, she had to admit. Waking up feeling so good, then spending the majority of the day feeling sad and angry, so angry, and now, unable to stop grinning like an idiot. It was a roller coaster.
Her phone buzzed before she could think too long on it, and she picked it up to see a text from Jeff. An image. She opened it to see a picture of her contact page on his phone, her phone number and a picture of her grinning face that was actually part of a group photo with Clay, Hannah, Jeff and Tony. Clay had dragged them all to a special screening of Empire Strikes Back, and there had been a big cutout of the characters which they posed in front of, recreating the image. Tony was Yoda, much to his annoyance, Clay and Hannah were Han and Leia, (y/n) was Vader, since she had brought her red lightsaber with her and threatened to fight anyone who challenged her for the spot. Jeff was left to be Luke, which was made all the better by his general confusion by anything and everything Star Wars. He was perfect for the role. (Y/n) smiled just thinking about it, remembering how fun that day had been, and wondered why Jeff had sent her a picture of her contact on his phone. Everything looked the same, except…
She grinned. Only one thing had changed - her contact name. What used to read (Y/n) Vader now read My Girl.
A/N. What do you guys think of that ending? Cheesy? Cuz I think it was pretty cute. Let me know, and feel free to keep requesting :)
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starkeysharky · 7 years
True Friend
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This is my first imagine, so I hope it's decent enough for liking.  Enjoy! 
Summary: Reader sticks with Hannah through everything, even when new relationships start.
Pairing: Hannah Baker x Reader (Platonic), Jeff Atkins x Reader
Request: N/A, but it was inspired by this imagine.
Prompts: #13 and #48 
Warnings: None unless the name “"Bryce Walker” counts.
Word count: 935
The time you and Hannah had became friends was honestly at the best time.  You knew Hannah due to Communications class and the fact that she was one of the few new students at Liberty High School.  It wasn't until the "Hot or Not" list did you two become close.  As it was being passed around, you looked at it and your eyes drifted up to look at Hannah who just so happened to sit right in front of you.  
Due to the way the desks were arranged, she stared at the piece of paper in disgust and hatred.  Because no one has done it already, you ripped it as you stared at her before crumpling it up and putting it in your bag to prevent said list to be brought back.  From that day on, you stuck by Hannah's side and helped her cope with everything from her parents to life at school.  
"Come on, Hannah.  Do the Dollar Valentines survey with me.  Please?"  You begged, slightly pouting as you tugged onto her arm.
"Fine."  She sighed hesitantly.  "Now, will you please stop asking me every 5 minutes?"
You nodded, a smile painted across your face as you mentally cheered for yourself in being able to convince her to participate in your shenanigans.  Once you both filled out your surveys, you headed towards the area where the cheerleaders were sitting to give everyone their valentine.  A few minutes later, you were handed a sheet of paper with 5 names of 5 guys in the school.
1. Jeff Atkins 2. Zach Dempsey 3. Tyler Down 4. Bryce Walker 5. Montgomery de la Cruz
You read the names, weighing out the options.  You admit, Jeff is probably the most good looking and respectful guy in school.  Zach and Monty are like protective brothers, Tyler is a sweet guy, but you don't see him that way, and Bryce is just an asshole.  Pulling your phone out, you put in Jeff's number and waited as the phone rang. 
For you, Valentines Day was amazing.  Jeff took you to a drive-thru movie and you snacked on pizza the whole time.  You got to know a lot more about him, such as: he's fluent in Spanish, but only uses it when necessary, he's an only child, he's tutored by Clay in History so he can continue to play baseball, and he's never had a pet, but he really wants a dog.
“Thank you for tonight, Jeff.”
“The pleasure was all mine.  Maybe, if you want, we could continue this relationship?”  Although he was asking, it sounded like a statement as he spoke with a hopeful tone.  
“I’d like that.”  You smiled as you nodded and you could see the twinkle in his eyes as you agreed.  Right as you were about to say goodnight, he swept down and planted a gentle kiss on your cheek.
It was now Monday and you basically skipped down the halls, in a good mood because you spent the weekend with your favorite people: Hannah, Monty and Jeff.  The day flew by faster than you expected and you were thanking god that it was now lunch.  You waited in line to grab a piece whatever they were serving and on your way to your normal table with Hannah, you saw Zach angrily stand up before walking off.
“Hey, Hannah, you alright?”  You asked her, taking a seat across from her.  She nodded, sitting up straighter as she pushed her long, brown waves of hair behind her shoulders.
“Good afternoon, ladies.  Mind if I join you for lunch today?”  Jeff asked, not waiting for an answer as he sat down to the right side of you.  “Are you okay, Hannah?”
“I’m okay, just boy problems.”  She replied, resting her head on the palm of her hand.
“Who is he?  I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.”
You rolled your eyes, not picturing Jeff actually fighting with someone.  Jeff smiled a few seconds later, opened up the food on his tray and started digging in.  Although the only difference in this lunch was Jeff, Hannah smiled a lot more, mainly because Jeff’s jokes (good and bad), but it actually cheered her up for the rest of the week.
“Why was it the good people that were always taken away?”  You have been repeatedly asking yourself this same question since the night of Jessica Davis’ party.  He was just supposed to get beer and come back, that's it.  But God had different plans and decided to take away one of the only good things you had in life.  Yeah, your boyfriend was killed almost 2 weeks ago, but you were nowhere near over it.  You could feel your eyes being puffed from all the crying,you kind of stopped dressing up for school, and your coping mechanisms aren't exactly healthy, unless you include tubs of ice cream and binge watching your favorite show healthy.
Tonight, you have the whole house to yourself due to your parents being out for their anniversary date.  Walking to the bathroom, you stopped yourself when the sound of the doorbell rang throughout your house.  Opening the door, your whole demeanor shifted when a soaked and in-shock looking Hannah Baker came into your vision.
Pulling her out of the cold, dark atmosphere outside and into the warmth of your home, you immediately asked her what had happened, but all you got was a no-worded explanation along with a choked sob that escaped.  You brought her into a gentle hug and comforted her as she sobbed into your shoulder and you almost completely forgot about your own problems.
“He raped me.”
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jeffatk1ns · 7 years
Star of the Show - Jeff Atkins x Reader
Request - “Could I please have an imagine about Jeff and maybe a couple friends come to a dance performance that I’m in!”
Flashing lights. Pumping music. Chaos backstage. Stressed out dancers running around for their quick changes and getting to the correct wings. This was something you’d been doing years, and were used to, however this time was different- because your recent boyfriend Jeff Atkins had come to watch. He’d brought a couple of friends; Hannah Baker, Clay Jensen, Zach Dempsey, and Montgomery de la Cruz, but it was him you were the most nervous for.
You hadn’t been dating long, and you were worried what he might think of your dancing, especially since you had a solo. However, Jeff coming to support you had warmed your heart. He was the sweetest boyfriend around and would do anything for you.
You stepped out on your cue, feeling the nerves boil up inside you. You started letting your body move you. You knew these steps off by heart, and let yourself be consumed by the emotion of the song and the story your contemporary dance was telling the audience.
Although the lights blocked your view of the audience, you could tell Jeff was there watching you with content and trying not to draw too much attention to himself.
Jeff’s POV
She looked amazing. The way her body moved was so fluid and elegant. Jeff admired his girlfriend and wondered how he’d gotten so lucky. She was everything he’d ever wanted - gorgeous, intelligent, compassionate, hilarious, and just all round perfect. He had his baseball, she had her dance. They loved to support each other, but this was the first chance he’d been given.
“THAT’S MY GIRL!” Jeff shouted up at the stage, before realising it was probably a mistake. He got a few dirty looks, but seeing the falter of a smile in your facial expression told him enough. He took note to never do t again, but he was glad he had.
The dance ended and Jeff realised now was the time.
“WOOOO! YOU’RE AMAZING BABY!” He called out to you, with a wolf whistle.
Your POV
The adrenaline was still pumping through you once the dance had finished, and Jeff’s supporting words made you grin, without being able to stop. You took a bow and slowly walked off stage.
All your things were now fit nicely in your bag, you double checked the area to be sure that you’d left nothing behind. There was a gentle knock at your door. You turned to reveal Jeff.
“Jeff!” You enthused. He grinned back at you.
“You. Were. Amazing.” His hands were behind his back. He brought them forward to reveal a bouquet of your favourite flowers.
“Oh my Jeff they’re gorgeous!” You were surprised but incredibly happy. You ran over and hugged him.
“You’re the amazing one.” You smiled Into his chest. He smelled faintly of coconut. You leaned your head back and brought it up to his, kissing him gently on the lips.
“We could argue all night about this.” He chuckled.
“I’d rather cuddle all night.” You smiled up at him. He had placed the flowers on the side so he could embrace you fully.
You were both shocked apart when the onslaught entered.
“Y/N! That was so good!” Hannah rushed up to hug you.
"Jeff took way too long to ask you out. You could so tell how long he'd been waiting to do that." Clay laughed.
“How the fuck do you do that?” Monty added. Zach nodded in agreement.
“Pretty damn cool.”
“Thank you guys! You’re all so sweet.” You beamed at your friends.
“So who agrees we should take the star of the show out for dinner? On us.” Hannah asked. The group nodded in agreement.
“And then she’s coming back to mine to cuddle. None of you are allowed.” Jeff had a very serious look on his face. No one interrupted his cuddle time.
“Thank you guys that amazing but I can’t-”
“Yes you can.” Zach cut you off. “Come on. You can pick where we go.”
“I love you all so much.” You giggled. Surrounded by all your favourite people in the world who had come to support you, made you feel a little emotional. They all ‘awww'ed and jumped on you from all sides for a massive bear hug. This was the good stuff.
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zacharydempsey · 7 years
Bestfriend Trouble (2/2) | Zach Dempsey x Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff POV: Reader's/First Person
A/N: Hi everyone! Here's part 2 of Bestfriend Trouble! A lot of things are going to happen for this one. I hope you guys like this! Warning: This might be too cheesy for other people, especially near the end. HAHAHA. Enjoy!
Request: Can u do a imagine where Zach takes you to the dance and y'all do cute things like slow dance and all that.. and u can end it how u like it.
"Will you go with me, as my date, to the winter formal?" Zach finally asks after 10 minutes of clearing his throat, coughing and stalling. I laugh at him in response.
"Yeah, duh. Who else will I go with? You're obliged to ask me since I'm your best friend." I answer and he stares at me for a while with a confused look on his face.
"Well with that kind of reasoning, I should be asking Justin to the dance too since he's also my bestfriend." he mumbles under his breath but loud enough for me to hear while rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, Zach? I don't get why you're acting so odd for the past couple of days." I reply as I lean back on my chair and cross my arms in front of my chest. He turns to face me and lets out a deep sigh.
"Look, I'm not asking you to the dance because I have to or because it's my responsibility as your best friend." he begins, adding finger quotations as he says the words "best friend".
"I'm asking you to the dance because I genuinely want to go with you, Y/N. No one else, just you. Only you." he continues and I give him a small smile.
"Alright, fine, okay, I'll go to the dance with you. It's not like I had a choice anyway." I answer and he groans in frustration.
"Please don't say yes because you don't have a choice. Please don't say yes if you feel like you're just doing me a favor." he says as he rubs the sides of his temples. I raise an eyebrow at him and shake my head before speaking.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, yes, I will go to the winter formal with you Mr. Zachary Dempsey. It will be my absolute pleasure to be your date." I finally say and he lifts up his head to face me. There was a certain sparkle in his eyes, like he was ecstatic that I agreed to go with him to the dance.
The rest of Zach and I's time in Monet's was nothing out of the ordinary. After the whole conversation about the dance, we just got on with typical best friend stuff. He got us more food - celebratory pastries as Zach liked to call them - and he dropped me home after that.
There were only a few days left until the winter formal and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't excited for it. If I'm being completely honest, I was excited to go to the dance and I was hoping - even to the point of praying - for Zach to ask me to be his date. However, I didn't want to let anyone know just in case everything goes to hell. I didn't want to expect anything because expectations lead you to disappointments. Fortunately, it looks like the stars have aligned and the Gods have listened to my prayers because so far, everything's going great.
The night of the winter formal
Getting ready for a school dance is the most tedious task there is. You need the perfect dress and the right hairstyle to go with that dress. Not to mention your shoes also need to be flawless.
I chose a rose gold, knee-length, off shoulder dress with just the right amount of sparkle on the top part. I paired the dress with a nude pair of slingback stilettos which I made sure were comfortable enough to walk - probably dance - in. My hair was in simple beach waves, almost like I hadn't put much effort into it but it actually took half an hour to do.
After getting ready, I stare at my phone for Zach's text since he was going to pick me up for the dance. A few minutes later and I get a text from him saying that he was already outside my house. I bid goodbye to my mom and dad and make my way out of the gates. Zach stood in front of the passenger side's door as he looked at me from head to toe.
"Wow." he exhales and I give him a small smile.
"You look, absolutely beautiful." he adds emphasizing the word absolutely while he rubbing the back of his neck.
"You don't look too bad yourself." I reply and he shakes his head while we laugh in unison.
"Well, after you, m'lady." he says with a phony accent as he opens the car door and gestures for me to get inside his car.
"Why thank you... whatever the male counterpart is for m'lady." I say as I curtsy and Zach laughs at me. He shuts the door after I get in and walk his way to the driver's seat. We arrive at the school after a few minutes.
"Big Zee!" Justin beams with the rest of the jocks as we entered the event and they all cheered us on.
"Some of your friends are too extra." I whisper and Zach laughs.
"I'm sorry, they're just really pumped about the dance I guess." he replies.
"Damn Y/N! Look at you, you look hot!" Bryce exclaims as he walks towards me from the crowd of jocks but Zach suddenly holds my wrist and pulls me gently to stand behind him.
"She's off limits." Zach warns him sternly. Bryce proceeded to step back and surrender with his hands up in the air.
"Just complimenting her, Dempsey. Chill." Bryce says with a nervous laugh.
"Yeah, no, not tonight Walker. Go compliment someone else." Zach replies in a serious tone resulting to Bryce's quick retreat.
"Thanks." I tell Zach and he nods in response. He knows I never liked Bryce. He's just, creepy, creepier than Tyler sometimes.
"Punch?" he offers and I give him a faint smile.
"Sure. I'll be over there with Jessica and Alex." I answer while pointing over to the table where they were standing. They see me and beckon for me to join them while Zach walked to the food and drinks section.
"I love your dress!" Jessica greets me enthusiastically.
"Thank you! You look so nice too!" I tell her. A couple of seconds later and Zach joins us with 2 glasses of punch, one for me and one for him. After a good 15 minutes, the song which was blasting through the speakers faded out. We turned our attention to the DJ booth; Tony stood there with the microphone in his hand.
"Good evening Liberty High. Let's take it slow now, shall we?" Tony announces as he plays a different song.
"Oh I love this song!" I exclaim as I clap my hands. Tony always had great song choices. Soon enough, Jessica dragged Alex onto the dance floor and left Zach and I alone on the table.
"Do you want to?" Zach asks as he points his thumb on the dance floor.
"Really Zachary? "Do you want to?" Can't you ask me more nicely?" I joke around and he puts his head down while laughing.
"Miss Y/FULL/N, may I have the pleasure of dancing with you?" he asks once again as he puts his hand out.
"It would be my honor, Mr. Dempsey." I answer and take his hand.
We walk slowly to the center of the dance floor while my heart was beating crazily against my rib cage. I wondered if Zach felt the same. He smiled at as I put my arms around his neck and he placed his around my waist. It felt like there was nobody else around, like we were the only ones there. All I could hear was the sound of my wildly beating heart with the faint tune of the song which played in the background.
"And on this night and in this light, I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you. Maybe you'll change your mind." the song plays. Zach had his eyes locked on mine while we let the music be our guide.
"I'll take it one day at a time. Soon you will be mine. Oh, but I want you now, I want you now." the song trails on as Zach and I huddled our bodies together even closer, I could feel the warmth of his breath against my face. This was the closest we've ever been, quite literally. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest as he stared me down.
"Y/N." Zach calls out my name, almost a faint whisper.
"Yes, Zachary?" I answer.
"I've been wanting to tell you something for quite some time." he adds and my heart had started beating double time by now. I nod, signalling for him to continue.
"You know how much you mean to me and for the past few weeks, months even, I came to the realization that you're not just a best friend to me anymore." he continues and I give him a small smile.
"I just, I want to be with you every day. When you're not around, it just feels empty; I feel incomplete. Seeing you smile makes my day and you know I'd do anything and everything to make you smile." Zach goes and I was left speechless. It was like my knees got weak, I couldn't believe this was happening.
"I guess what I really want to say is that, Y/N, I have fallen in love with you. All of the late night phone calls, the diner lunch dates, the endless fro-yo runs, the movie marathons, the heart-to-heart talks and the class tutoring sessions with you; they all made me fall even deeper in love with you. And I just want to see where this could take us." he finally says as we swayed side to side.
"I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your neck." the song plays in the background even clearer than it did a couple of minutes ago.
"Yes." I say as I smile at him.
"Yes? Yes what?" Zach replies in disbelief.
"Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend, Mr. Dempsey." I continue and the corners of his lips curl upwards. 
He picks me up and spins me around. It was a pretty cliche reaction but still sweet nonetheless. I squeal while slapping his shoulder, begging for him to put me down. We stay in each others arms as we moved with the song, swaying from side to side. The song soon came to a stop and we decided to go back to our table hand in hand.
"You two look very cheerful." Hannah notices and we both smile at her and Clay.
A few drinks and a couple of plates of food later, it was already time to announce the king and queen of the winter formal. Everyone stood in front of the stage as our principal, Mr. Gary Bolan, takes the microphone and gives it a tap to make sure it was working.
"Good evening students of Liberty High!" he greets us and he earns a few cheers from the crowd.
"Well, I won't make this any longer since I know you'd all like to get dancing again so here goes nothing!" he continues as he takes an envelope from the student body president, Marcus Cole.
"Your king of the night is no other than... Mr. Bryce Walker!" the name sends a boom through the speakers and the room is soon filled with applause and congratulations. I roll my eyes at Bryce as he walks on stage and gives the most obnoxious speech ever. Zach pulls me in by the waist as he laughs at me; I had my arms crossed in front of my chest.
"Thank you and congratulations Mr. Walker! And now, for Liberty High's queen of the night." Mr. Bolan says as he now takes an envelope from Courtney Crimson, our student body vice president.
"Oh wow! Our queen of the night is the one and only, Miss Y/FULL/N! Please come up here and take your award!" he continues. 
Zach looks at me with a huge smile on his face while I looked at him in confusion. Did Mr. Bolan seriously just say my name? Jessica, Hannah and Sheri surrounded me as they all smiled and congratulated me for winning. I was still completely dumbfounded as I made my way up to the stage.
"That's my girlfriend!" Zach yells from the top of his lungs as I stood in front of the crowd and they all turn back to look at him in shock. I then spot Justin, Monty and Alex teasing him right after. I made a short and simple thank you speech and power walked my way down the stage and back to where Zach and my friends were.
"So you two are officially a thing now!?" Jessica asks as Zach wraps his arm around my waist.
"I guess you can say that." Zach replies as he kissed the crown of my head.
"Finally! It's about time!" Monty beams and the rest of the jocks laugh while they all fist bumped Zach one by one.
"Congratulations to you guys!" Alex says and I thank him.
"Well then, this calls for a double celebration! Dance partaaaaay!" Justin exclaims and we all laugh at his goofy self.
"Looks like Liberty High has a new power couple." Zach says he pulls me into him.
"You're such an idiot, Zachary." I reply as I shake my head at him and laugh.
"I'm your idiot, babe." he answers while pulling me even closer. Thank God I was wearing heels or else the height difference would be so upsetting.
"Boy, am I lucky to have you." I say with my arms wrapped around the back of his neck.
"I'm luckier to finally call you my girlfriend." Zach replies. He leans over towards me, our faces just inches apart, and I was left there, absolutely frozen in front of him. He looked deeply into my eyes, his hazel orbs examining every inch and corner of my face. His gaze slowly went down, and soon, I see him staring at my lips.
A few seconds later, he places his lips gently onto mine. His large hands cupped my face and I wrap my right hand on the back of his neck and my left hand on his hair. He pulled me in even closer, making any space between us non-existent, as if we were molded as one. Soon enough, I kissed him back, and I can almost feel him smile into the kiss, and it felt perfect.
"Well then, I guess we'll have to tell our parents the good news." Zach says after we part from the kiss.
"Might as well, they've been praying long enough." I reply and we laugh in unison before he wrapped his strong arms around me in a tight hug.
His warmth felt like home to me, he was the only guy who's ever made me feel this way. I felt safe around him, around his touch and I wouldn't have it any other way. We couldn't ask for anything more, we already had each other, and it was all we ever needed.
A/N: THE END! That's the part 2 for Best friend Trouble done which also means, another request done! Yay! I still have 5 left to do though but I have started 2 out of those 5 so I my ask box is now back to being open! As per usual, comments and requests are welcome! I hope you liked this 2-Part story! c:
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anonymous: can i make 2 preference requests? one where they take care of you when you're sick/sad/stresses/or whatever, the other where they confess that they like you?
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
❤ You’re sleeping over at Clay’s house when you suddenly wake from a violent nightmare. Your body jerks upwards and you gasp in a breath, still not sure if you’re still in the dream. The darkened room fades in around you, and you quickly realize where you are, that you’re not still in that terrible dream, and a sob is torn from your throat in relief.
“Sweetie?” Clay groans as he too wakes up. “Are you okay?”
You can’t speak, you’re breathing and crying too hard to answer. A few nondescript noises come out, but nothing substantial.
“o-okay, it’s okay, I’m right here my love.” He sidles up closer to you and takes you in his harms, softly whispering shh in your hair. When your breathing finally regulates, you’re able to choke out the details of the dream.
“Oh, hon,” Clay pulls you tighter to him, “that’s awful. But it wasn’t real, okay? You’re safe, I’m right here to protect you, no matter what.” He gently lays you back down and continues whispering sweet affirmations in your ear until you fall back into a deep, dreamless sleep.
❤ It’s been one of those days. One of the days when your mind has gone inexplicably silent, unwilling to feel the bad or good. Your body feels like white noise. You have gone completely numb.
Your phone dings on your bedside table, but you don’t roll over to see who is texting you. You’ve been in bed all day. You didn’t even make it to school. You simply couldn’t find the motivation.
“(Y/N)!” Your mother called from downstairs. “You have a guest!”
Moments later, footsteps pounded up the stairs and your door flew open. “(Y/N), shit,” Hannah sighs, closing the door and stepping up to the foot of your bed. “Is it bad again?”
All you can do is nod. Before you know it, Hannah has climbed into bed next to you, spooning you from behind and smoothing your hair. She presses soft, innocent kisses to the back of your neck. “I brought you something.” She mentions.
“What?” You choke out, your voice horse from hours of being unused.
“This.” She says, and wraps her arms around you in a tight embrace. You grab onto her arms, and finally emotion overtakes you. She rides it out with you, never once letting go.
❤ “Hey, (Y/N), how about you swing by my place later tonight and we’ll share some chemistry.” Montgomery snides, snatching your chem textbook from your bag.
“Give it back, Monty.” You groan, but he holds it above your head, and he’s got at least a few inches on you.
“Montgomery!” A familiar voice booms down the hallway. You both turn around to see your boyfriend, Justin, storming towards you both. He grabs the textbook and whacks Mongomery across the shoulder with it. “Fuck off, dude, or this textbook will be somewhere else real fast.”
Montgomery raised his hands in self-defense and backed away, taking off down the hall. Justin handed you your book back and enveloped you in a hug. “I don’t get why he’s such a jackass.” He mutters. “If he tries shit with you again, he’s dead.”
❤ You quickly pluck at the strings of your cello, trying to practice for the upcoming jazz band concert. When you get it wrong for the seventh time, you toss your sheet music to the ground in frustration. “God damn it!” You shout, burying your head in your hands.
“Whoa, whoa, what’s going on?” Alex whips off his guitar and is at your side in a second, cupping your face so that you look at him.
“The seventh fucking bar, Alex. It’s just not coming out right. I’m going to let the whole band down!” You exclaim, your throat tightening.
“Hey, no. Don’t talk like that. You just need to slow it down a bit, okay?” He says softly, collecting your music off of the ground. He gives you a chaste kiss before replacing the music on the stand. “You can do this. I believe in you. We can do it together, okay?” He puts his guitar back on, and you resume your position with your cello. “And, one, two, three, four...”
❤ “Holy shit, are you okay?” Someone cries. You open your eyes to see a gaggle of concerned cheerleaders hovering above you. Jenny drops to her knees beside you, helping you sit up. “(Y/N), I am so, so sorry I dropped you. It was a complete accident, I swear.”
“What the hell happened?!” A shrill voice calls out across the gym. The circle of cheerleaders parted and you saw your girlfriend Jessica rushing towards you. Jenny moved out of the way and Jessica took her spot, pulling you up onto her lap, supporting your head in the crook of her arm.
“Jenny accidentally dropped (Y/N) during a stunt.” Someone explains. 
Jessica brushes your hair out of your face. “Holy hell. Are you okay?” You can tell she’s beginning to freak out.
“I think so.” You reply. “It was just a little fall, nothing serious.”
“You could have gotten seriously hurt!” Jessica exclaims. “If something ever happened to you... I just- I don’t even want to think about it.” She shakes her head.
“Well, you don’t have to.” You cup her face in your hand. “I’m okay.”
“Good.” You can tell she doesn’t quite believe you, but she kisses you before helping you up anyways.
❤ Its late at night, and you’re knocking on Zach’s door. He answers in his pyjamas, hair mussed, sleep in his eyes. Nevertheless, he looks happy to see you.
“Hey babe, what’s up?” 
“I- can I sleep here tonight?” You ask in a weepy voice. “Things at home aren’t... aren’t great.”
His expression turns from one of sleepy contentment to alert worry. “Of course, shit, come in.” He opens the door wider and guides you into his living room with a hand on the small of your back. You two settle on the couch cuddle in, not even bothering to turn on the light. Before you fall asleep, you hear him whisper something.
“You always have a family with me, baby.”
❤ As you exit the doors to leave school, you see it. The iconic red mustang. Shit. You had made a point of avoiding you boyfriend all day, as you knew he didn’t approve of you coming to school sick. But it was too late, he had seen you and was now marching towards you.
“(Y/N), what are you doing here?” He asks you, pushing his sunglasses atop his head to look you in the eye.
“I’m sorry babe, but I didn’t have a choice. I had a French test today.” You shiver, but towards the end of your sentence a coughing fit overtakes you.
“Okay, that’s it.” Tony pulls off his leather jacket and drapes it around your shoulders, leading you to his car. “I’m taking you home to my place. I’ll make you up a bath, and ask my mom to make a batch of her chicken soup.”
“I’m fine, really.” You try to explain as he buckles you into the passenger seat.
“Mi amour, let me take care of you.” He runs a hand down the side of your head, smoothing your hair, and kisses your forehead. He quickly pulls away in alarm. “(Y/N), you have a fever! We’ve got to get you into bed.”
“What a shame.” You weakly flirt, poking him gently in the chest. Despite all his bluster, he smiles.
“Come on, let’s got you taken care of.”
❤ It’s been a long, challenging semester, but school is finally out. You and Jeff decide to celebrate by burning all of your old homework in a big bonfire in his backyard. As you snuggle up close, tossing pieces of paper into the fire, Jeff turns to you.
“Hey, you okay?” He asks. “You’re not usually this quiet.”
You take a deep breath before speaking. “I’m scared, Jeff. I’m scared of the future. Everything is changing so fast, and I feel like I don’t know what to expect.”
“I hear that.” Jeff agrees. “But you know what? I can promise you one thing will never change: us. We’ll figure it out together. I’ll be right beside you the whole way.”
“Promise.” And he sealed it with a kiss.
He never did break that promise.
❤ You and Sherri stood outside of Sherri’s front door, making one final check on each other’s appearance.
“You look wonderful, (Y/N).” Sherri said, reverently touching your collar.
“I’m so nervous, Sher,” You confess, “I really want your parents to like me.”
“They’re going to love you! She assures you. “They’ve always said that as long as I’m happy, they’re happy.”
“And I make you happy?” You ask sheepishly.
“You do.” She says, kissing you softly. “Now, shall we go in?”
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