#willy consequences au
and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
hello i am reading dire consequence on ao3 and i have a silly little question
does mike come back as a ghost and does he get to have more evan bonding moments <3 i love their relationship
oh my gob if that happened imagine peepaw comin in the resturant too and then he finds! both he kids! and is like "hell yeah easy peasy" but uh :D so its like willy consequences but mike is there too and he is sad :D
ooo, cool! Really glad that you and others enjoy the ao3 series; I was a bit nervous about posting it onto ao3 because it's such a hyperspecific au, yk?
In my and @dire-kumori's tumblr posts about the au, Mike does come back as a ghost. His little brother is still traumatized, hurt, and alone, meaning Mike still has a lot of unfinished business attaching his soul to the earthly realm. However, Michael is also extremely traumatized and terrified of Evan after what Evan (unknowingly) did, so he keeps his presence a secret from Evan.
In an attempt to be there for Evan but have Mike also trying to keep himself safe, Dire came up with the idea of Mike possessing a plushie inside the Freddy's location because he thinks Evan doesn't really need a "brother" so much as he wants a "toy" to play with. (link to my rb of that post). This is a really fun plotline and I don't see myself changing it for the ao3 stories of the au, so you can safely assume that that's how I'll write Mike's ghost if I ever write a Dire Consequences post-death scene.
Evan doesn't actually realize that the talking plush is Michael, but to Mike's horror, Evan likes to *pretend* that the plush is Michael because he misses his big brother so much. Evan's having a hard time coping with the belief that Michael's ghost didn't come back, meaning his big brother chose to abandon him. Plush Mike tries getting Evan to just play games and forget that the big brother who abandoned him even exists because "your brother was awful and mean and isn't worth missing," but Evan is overcome with a little bit of guilt (he doesn't understand *how* he is responsible for Mike's death since he doesn't understand things like hunger or blood loss, but feels like he is responsible for hurting mike somehow and for making Mike choose to leave) and is overcome by a whole lot of grief.
I'm not sure you can consider any of that "brotherly bonding" though, lmao. But Mike tries his best to make Evan feel safe and cared for, and maybe through conversation, Mike starts seeing WHY Evan cares for his big brother so much beyond just "he's my brother" as the reason why. Maybe Mike gets a glimpse at himself through Evan's eyes, and the person he sees there isn't all that bad. Evan must have looked up to and loved Mike for a reason while Ev was still alive, even if Mike eventually turned from "grumpy and rough-around the edges but still kind older brother" to "blatantly cruel."
And to address your last paragraph: I hadn't put any thought to where William would be in this version of Dire Consequences, but the idea of William entering the location after Michael's death is so friggin cool??
Dire sent me an ask once and I responded by saying that maybe Plush Mike tries giving Evan "human lessons" and teaching Ev things what will and won't hurt humans, so that what happened to Mike will never happen to anyone else who should happen to stumble into the building (or to himself, should Mike ever choose to leave the plushie). Now I'm thinking about Plush Mike putting all this time and effort into teaching Evan what things will and won't hurt people and why he shouldn't want to hurt people, then William enters the location and Mike is like. "Hey Ev. Remember everything we've been talking about? yeah I'm gonna need you to forget all that just this once while we go play a game with Father, okay?"
Tho, I imagine Mike would be horrified and would want to keep Evan as far away from William as possible. Unfortunately for him, maybe Evan doesn't know about William's murders/isn't terrified of William from how William abused his kids, and Evan leaps at the chance to have his father back just like he wanted Mike back.
I'm also thinking about the absolute drama that would occur from William exposing Plush Mike's identity to Evan.
Evan didn't put the pieces together about this random plushie coming to life after Mike died, but William absolutely would. William might use the confusion, hurt, and betrayal Evan feels upon realizing Mike lied to him for so long to try manipulating Evan into doing what he wants.
Or, he could threaten Mike; Mike has some level of control over Evan now, so William could easily tell Mike "I will tell Evan what you are if you don't get him to comply with my wishes." That way he would have both Mike AND Evan under his control.
Gosh, how would William even respond when he walks into this location and finds Evan's ghost and Mike's corpse? If Evan told William what happened or if William put the pieces together himself, would Will immediately decide Evan can't be controlled and try getting himself out rather than risk his life? Although, Evan might not let him go. it depends on how scared of William Ev is from William's abuse when he was alive.
Would Michael try killing William before he can hurt Evan, or anyone else? Or would Mike be too afraid that William's soul wouldn't move on; would Mike be afraid of trapping William's ghost with them forever? Or would he not think about that until it's too late?
You have given me so much to think about, bestie; this is lovely
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randomnameless · 3 months
My husband came up with this idea that made me see Ionius in a slightly different way: Edelgard mentions that the Empire "demands many heirs" in her Goddess Tower support w/ Byleth, hence why Ionius had a load of kids by different women. Normally I'd think "wow that's stupid, way to invite a power struggle after you're dead" but what if it's actually an Empire tradition? Like, Ionius maybe is the first Emperor in a while to try to consolidate power but maybe only one of many to have a ton of kids, AND the reason is not only to have a kid with a Crest, but that the Slitherers practice Crest experimentation on each generation of heirs with the hope of creating a two-crested Nemesis clone to help them kill off the Nabateans. Ionius just happened to be the survivor of his batch of siblings. Maybe having 10-11 kids is to make sure that some of them will live long enough to be the next Emperor, and that's why the "Empire demands many heirs."
FWIW, the Index of Imperial Nobility mentions how House Vestra is supposed to "coordinate things such as Imperial Consorts", adding to that how House Vestra has been at the Hresevelgs' back since the danw of the Empire, yeah, we can make a pretty good case that Adrestia has a long standing tradition of, uh, imperial consorts and all.
It can be seen as dumb because it invites power struggles, but it avoids the issue that could very well have happened with the Kingdom, aka Dimitri ded = the King's direct line is dead and it's chaos because one of the first duties of a King/Emperor/Leader under those kinds of hereditary systems is, well, to secure a heir - the lineage cannot be broken!
(that's where we usually have sekrit heirs popping up from nowhere in some kinds of stories, or bastard children !)
Having multiple Consorts - thus a large number of heirs - makes it sure that the line will not be broken as easily as, idk, a baby choking on a pretzel or a serious flu.
However, as Hanneman mentions in Hubert's support, having dozens of consorts means creating dozens of families who suddenly have to get some privileges bcs the Emperor is figging their daughters - and depending on how powerful those families are, if the Emperor obviously favors one kid over the others (or pisses on one over the others) one of those families might not be happy and start shit in the Empire - taking more and more consorts means shaving little by little the power of the Emperor in Adrestia!
(and guesses who spearheads the insurrection? Arundel, one of those "consort kin"!)
The topic of Ionius' 11 children is sadly forgotten by the plot - but iirc Word of God said the Ordelias (Lysithea) were experimented upon as a test, and when the Agarthans had, uhhh, conclusive results, they experimented on the Hresvelgs.
Given who was in charge when Ordelia was ran over by Adrestia - even if no character mentions the consequences or make a link because you have tea bags to sell - imo it would totally make sense that Ionius killed two birds with one stone : flexing his underdeveloped muscles at peons who helped people who dared to betray him, and getting guinea pigs for his plans to get the strongest Emperor ever.
Bear in mind that the Ordelia fuckery was done before the Insurrection aka, Ionius had this plan before Ludwig'n'co decided to depose him!
(Was Vestra aware of what was going on? Who were the Agarthans working with Ionius? Is it a situation à la Manfroy'n'Arvis, people disapproving of the Emperor listening at shady people?)
The Ordelia experiments leads me to believe the plan to become "super strong with dual crests" was hatched and developed during the Ionius era, but again, the game is so crappy at lore building that we don't even know if Ionius had 10 (legitimate) sibs, or only 5, and what they are doing when Supreme Leader is running the show, or did when Ionius was defanged.
Granted, we don't know since when Agarthans are slithering in Adrestia - if we believe the "Willy's sekrit history" was tampered with and assume Supreme Leader was telling the truth, that it was passed down in generations, maybe Agarthans were slowly manipulating Adrestian Emperor to get their revenge on Nabateans (in Nopes, a book about the rebellion of the Southern Church mentions how the Emperor wanted to cut ties with the Central Church anyways since a long time, but doesn't explain why).
And so, maybe Agarthans devised several plans, that all failed, to make the Hresvelgs turn against the Church and be strong enough to be flattened in 5 seconds, and it only worked during Ionius' era ?
We will never know, but it's still fun to think and headcanon about!
To bounce back on the "Adrestia demands many heirs" thing, given how I am fond of a certain AU, what if
This came up as a reaction to the entire Lycaon debacle?
Wilhelm 1 picked a heir, his heir died "to a mysterious illness" and instead of assuming rulership or helping another heir to rule - like he did for Lycaon - Wilhelm bailed out of Adrestia.
It could be explained by Lycaon being the golden child and favourite kid of his dad, so if he's not the one ruling, Dad doesn't give a fuck anymore about his Empire... or -
What if Lycaon was Willy's only child, and the subsequent Hresvelgs are "cousins" or members of a branch family?
In that case, it wouldn't be Willy playing favourites, but bailing out because his own son "suddenly fell ill and died" and he wouldn't be as involved as he was in helping his own kid, if now we're talking about helping a great grand-nephew or someone else.
(Rhea would have had to give a transfusion to the subsequent Emperor - i name her by convenience Hildegarde bcs no imagination and it's faster to type than "the female emperor who succeeded Lycaon and dueled against Ferdie's ancestor who wanted the throne" - to make people believe there is a direct continuity between Wilhelm, Lycaon, Hildegarde and her future heirs).
In that "only kid" scenario, it would also justify why House Hresvelg became so obsessed with taking Consorts and having a lot of heirs - Adrestia was nearly left Emperor-less after Lycaon's death because they had no other heirs to pick a successor from...
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lucysarah-c · 6 months
All my Levi x reader fanfics and Levi fanart
Art Commission: CLOSED!
Writing Requests: CLOSED!
Headcanons and asks:
-> Little "toxic" things Levi does as a boyfriend
-> Levi dating a Swifty
-> Levi's s/o telling him she's pregnant
-> Virgin! Levi
-> Sexism in AoT
-> Homosexuality in AoT
-> Levi showing affection to his S/O in front of his kids
-> Levi having competition to wins your heart!
-> Canon! Levi (Scouts time) views on kids, marriage and romantic relationships
-> Alpha! Levi believes you would be a good mommy of his spawns
-> Wishing to be breed by Levi.
-> Levi accusing his partner of cheating?
-> Is Levi a virgin?
-> Is Levi conservative?
-> Levi's S/O with a contagious weird laugh
-> Levi in love
-> Connie having a crush on Levi's girlfriend
-> Levi reacting to his girlfriend giving birth
-> Petnames that Levi would use
-> Levi's reaction to his S/O getting assaulted NSFW
-> Levi's kinks
I've reached the limit of this a single post by tumblr for links so. . . here's another masterlist lol.
-> Ackerman’s blood
Levi fears for the first time that perhaps his Ackerman's powers aren't a bleassing when his son suffers the consequences of them. Dad! Levi x Reader
-> Stoppers (NSFW!!)
Levi feels overwhelming jealous and decides that there's nothing better to set things clear of who owns who than a good old fucking. Levi x Reader.
-> Criminal Record Part 1 - Part 2
Levi insist he has done worse things in his life than, perhaps, sleeping with a subordinate.
-> Traidor
2020 what a time to be alive. The snk character are doing the same as old of us trying to survive the lockdown... playing among us! Levi x reader.
-> Father’s day
Having a soldier as a father is never easy, way less when your father is Humanity's strongest soldier. Levi's kid has the perfect gift but perhaps it's not the perfect scenario. Dad! Levi x Mom! reader
-> Couple goals
Levi hates military's formal events and you know it. Both of you still make the perfect team.
-> Baby boy
Hang out with your higher-ups as you just become Levi's girlfriend. What's the worse thing that could happen? Spoiler alert: Eren is not going to forget about this... neither Erwin.
-> Scratches down his back NSFW-ish
Repeat after me, nothing good happens in the common showers unless it’s Levi sandwiching you with the wet wall. Sadly, this is not the case. So, nothing good will happen. 
-> Blackfire
Erwin insists that Levi should educate his squad on certain topics proper of their age. Levi isn't really convinced but Commander's orders are Commander's orders… However, Erwin didn't specify on what he should educate his bratty cadets about. Levi x reader!
You met Captain Levi while working as a teacher at one of the new orphanages that Queen Historia created. He seems so willying to help. (YANDERE! Levi x reader NSFW!!)
-> Tea time
Levi is deep down a huge gossip old lady. Levi x reader
-> An Old-fashioned Girl
You're a teen living her normal life until she travelled back on time to aot period.
-> Self-sabotage
Erwin begs Levi to buy him a coffee on his way to university. Having a crush in a barista is so hard when you don't like coffee. (Modern au! University student Levi having a crush on a barista)
-> Not in season? NSFW! Part 1 - Part 2
Winter had settled in, and the scouts were busy training and preparing for the prospects of spring, still far away, to retake Wall Maria. Despite the snow accumulating outside, the building was freezing cold, and the world had secluded itself until the temperature rose. So, why was Captain Levi boiling in his own body? Something felt off, but his mind was quickly slipping into insanity as he tried to find a rational explanation. OMEGAVERSE ALPHA LEVI X OMEGA READER.
-> Levi and the first encounter! Underground! Levi
Tales of Levi's life in the underground.
-> Fifteen, what an age to be alive!
Steal your father's car! What could go wrong? Dad! Levi x Mom! Reader
-> Laundry Problems
Levi's a very stoic calm man. He always does laundry but as a unknown piece of clothe appear, Levi's life flash before his eyes. Levi x reader
-> Bed-head Levi
How are Captain Levi's mornings?
-> Boop! You've been chosen!
Levi and you decide to adopt a kitty.
-> My Teen! Levi's modern AU stories.
There's a lot of them so here's a link to all of them.
Levi may not have attended school, but he knows a thing or two about pregnancy… and also periods. (Levi takes care of you during your period)
-> Transactional (PURE NSFW!!!)
When you go to ask Captain Levi for a promotion, it's important to remain humble.
-> Mother's smile (Dad! Levi angst)
Levi's son feels the pressure of being an Ackerman.
Little Pieces I Wrote (Self-Explanatory Titles).
-> Levi isn't romantic
-> Levi as a father part 1 part2
-> Unpopular aot opinions
-> Levi growing up in the underground 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
-> Levi's morning with happy ending NSFW
-> Sick clingy Levi NSFWish
-> Soft Levi NSFWish
-> Horny Levi x nurse! reader NSFW
-> Levi x Passenger princess reader
-> Travelling with Levi
-> Girlfriend effect on Levi!
-> Levi loving calling his girlfriend "wife"
-> Levi and farlan as roomies
-> Levi as the father of a baby boy
-> Being humanity's strongest baby girl
-> SnK boys and pilates.
-> Levi's baby thinks Levi's tight chess works as mommy's chest lol
-> Erwin finds out that now Levi is busy at night 👀
-> Levi's only weakness... You, you and a sundress
-> Sexually frustrated Levi
-> Levi = female gaze
-> Levi using you as an excuse for anything
-> Modern au! Levi was a very attentive fuck buddy, even more attentive as a boyfriend.
-> Your horse doesn't want to share you with Levi.
-> Levi's daughter
-> Erwin introduce you to Levi
-> Rambling about gossip to your boyfriend while stealing his food >>> anything else
-> Deadly Occasion (Levi is forced to marry someone else) NSFW
-> Drunk Levi? Better say needy Levi! NSFW
-> Walking down the streets with Levi
Levi's horrible flirting skills!
Short multichapter where we follow Levi's awkward attempts to win the reader over.
Holy Ground (longfic! Levi x reader)
"Alright, get comfortable because this is going to be a long, crappy tale. Join me as we travel down memory lane, back when Erwin wasn't yet a commander, when Mike and Nanaba couldn't keep their hands off each other, when Hange was... well, Hange. And Levi? Well, Levi was a twenty-four-year-old man who didn't give a damn about the rules. Are you ready?"
600! Followers event!
Have you ever wished you could ask Captain Levi a few questions and see his reaction? Well! say no more! I left Levi incharge of my blog for a few days. Enjoy the comic with hisreactions!
2k! Followers event!
Have you ever wished you could ask Captain Levi a few questions and see his reaction? Well! say no more! I left Levi incharge of my blog for a few days. Enjoy the comic with hisreactions! Part 2! Levi's revenge.
SnK Incorrect Quotes:
63 and COUNTING silly posts of quotes that I think snk characters would say.
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You think that art looks cute? I draw it! Here's a link to a few of my other pieces!
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driftingmoonmenace · 7 months
🤲Please rant to us about the Guard Dog AU
Well ok, if you say so, Anon! 👀💕
So this is me being very indulgent Menace once again, and I'm sure you'll notice a pattern with me when it comes to themes and tropes I lean towards. LMAO 😂(Also this is in the very early rough concept stage so things might get tweaked with time!)
BUT ANYWAYS, so very futuristic city!! I'm talkin' like Akira/Cyberpunk 2077/Ghost In The Shell/etc style where it's very dense, neon lights everywhere, hologram ads, advanced technology, the works.
FazCo. is in the entertainment industry, but not the kid-friendly kind. They've found that the creature pit fighting scene has been a big hit globally and wanted to cash in on the big profits. Lots of rich people like to host and sponsor these matches typically and attendees are able to place bets. So Fazco. started to develop several of their own homemade creatures to throw into the ring.
A lot of these creatures typically have one to two human handlers who represent them and are in charge of taking care of them, training them, escorting them within the venues, basically everything. It pays well enough, but there is also the very real danger of their assigned creature killing them so it's a high risk job.
These creatures vary in all shapes and sizes. (Though typically they're much, much bigger than humans.) Some are organically lab made, some are organic but have technological augmentations, others are purely robotic. As long as they're able to fight and entice a crowd, that's all that matters.
Sun and Moon are unique within this world. They're partially organic, but heavily augmented, (so kind of a cyborg type of thing) which is nothing new, but their 'brain' is completely robotic and allows them to switch between their duel A.I.s.
Fazco.'s idea for them was basically 'why not have a creature that can switch up their fighting style at a moments notice to keep the opponent on their toes?' without really thinking of the consequences of that. :) (And the only way you can tell which is which is their subtle eye change (and demeanor but eyes are the easiest). Double white for Sun, double red for Moon, and their ace up their sleeve, red and white for both aka Eclipse.)
Y/N decides to apply for the handler job. (The previous handlers all had unfortunate accidents but they don't have to know that.) They know what they're getting into and risks involved but really they're only in it for the money. They'd like to get out of their shithole of a neighborhood and being able to travel is a nice perk, so eh why not. They don't have any real self preservation so as long as they're enjoying the ride that's all that matters to them.
Cue them actually getting to know Sun and Moon over time and 'oops I've become attached and man...this life must suck for them...I'm gonna pull a Free Willy. :)' But not without numerous fights in between, lots of danger with the wrong people, near death situations, etc etc first. And Sun and Moon getting attached themselves with time and being a big ol' guard dog. (And maybe a little tiny bit of love between em cause that's the monster fucker in me talking. LMAO)😌
But yeah that's all I got!! I'm happy to see and hear y'all are so interested in this AU so far!! 💕
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bruciemilf · 1 year
jaybeetle first meeting where jaime is going to college in gotham and then theres a mass-breakout at arkham. like, an all hands on deck type of sitch.
so jaime being jaime decides to help out because well, it would be rude not to lend a hand and also one of the rogues blew up his dorm so now they've made it personal and he's pissed.
jason initially likes this blue beetle guy because his mere presence in gotham royally pisses bruce off and also he just straight up yeeted the joker into gotham harbor mid-monologue.
PLS. That's. So special to me. You just gave me a bad case of the Thoughts, my friend. Prepare for the consequences.
Now, just imagine, if you will: College AU
If there's one thing death doesn't take from Jason, it's hunger. He's hungry for everything, all the time. For justice. For revenge. For safety. For danger. For peace. For love.
But above all else, Jason's always been insatiable for knowledge.
Jason loves books and literature because it's giving him comfort. Because words don't die. When he was little, too little to hit Willis back, he ran to books.
That's where most people go, when they starve for a world they don't have.
So after Bruce, Alfred, and Dick, those bastards that he loves with everything in him, won't leave it alone until Jason accepts to apply to his dream university, it only made sense to pick English literature.
In his defense; He never thought they'd accept him.
But they did; and they roomed him up with a cute guy, to make matters worse.
Jaime is bright and brilliant. He makes engineering interesting to listen to. He shares care packages like its second nature. He thinks its fucking absurd to clean an apartment twice a week, but helps anyway.
He doesn't ask where Jason goes when night falls, or why he comes back with fresh bruises, or why there's always a faint smell of blood in their dorm. But he wants to.
Jason doesn't really want to know why that makes him happy.
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And they were ROOMATES.
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rarepears · 9 months
Dec 2023 Masterpost
tywin lannister x sung jinwoo
Shen Jiu turns into Shen Yuan’s pet cat when he falls asleep AU
shen yuan’s wifebeam hits the entire imperial city and there are Consequences AU
batman and his hermes collection AU
imagine if SVSSS was set in Game of Thrones Yi TI crossover AU
korean american adoptee sung jinwoo AU
shen yuan enters shen qingqiu's body in a different way AU ft. giving birth
In Jinlan City Luo Binghe makes Shen Yuan half paralyzed and blind so that the two can play househusbands AU
 star wars meets narnia AU
bnha endeavor X Willy Wonka AU
shang qinghua and shen yuan transmigrate as tianlang jun and Si Xiyan AU
Percy Weasley raises tom riddle AU
Sung Jinwoo and Alfred co-parenting bruce wayne AU
Yue Qingyuan turns into capybara because of a curse AU
endeavor and lex luthor thoughts AU
a tom riddle that was raised by shen yuan and luo binghe AU
endeavor's manwhore teenage phase AU
Shen Yuan is born as Tywin Lannister's eldest son AU
sung jinwoo treats couponing as an extreme sport that he places gold in every time AU
bruce wayne adopts all of the baratheon bastard children because why not AU
endeavor and family's forced vacation into star wars AU
AU where SJ is Ning Yingying's biological father
shen yuan enters shen qingqiu's body in a different way AU ft. giving birth
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
Hey tumblr user Icarus, I saw you talk a bunch about Mianite so now I am enabling you into a qsmp Mianite au sorry not sorry
What do you think everyone’s deity affiliations would be, I’ll list a few I think might fit:
Phil, Cellbit, maybe Roier??? - Ianite
Mike, maybe Vegetta?? - Dianite
Foolish - tends towards Dianite but switches affiliations like changing clothes
Étoiles - S1 Mianite? The Feds are definitely very S2 Mianite coded but there’s a few islanders who are probably Mianitees but practice / lean more towards S1 Mianite’s principals
s1 mianite: quackity, arin, forever, etoiles
s1 dianite: willy, mike, vegetta, badboyhalo, foolish*
s1 ianite: roier, pac, bagi
s2 mianite: the federation, el q
s2 dianite: fit, baghera, pierre
s2 ianite: jaiden, phil, cellbit, tubbo
*as you said, foolish changes affiliations as he pleases. it’s more accurate to say he’s unaffiliated but he asks dianite for favors for stupid bullshit so often that he’s an honorary follower atp
for the islanders i didn’t include it’s largely bc i don’t know enough about them with the EXCEPTION of antoine bc that bitch is just a wizard 2 me.
in depth ramblings for some of them under the cut bc i’m So So mentally ill about mianite related assignments. i may assign the eggs their own gods later so don’t worry i haven’t forgotten about those little guys
in my heart of hearts i know logically qtubbo should be under like, s2 dianite at the least. but i’m my heart of hearts i also cannot bring myself to make him anything other than an ianitee. it feels Wrong.
i think creating parallels between the different gods is fun, hence why normal q and el q are both different types of mianitees and jaiden+roier+cellbit are different types of ianitees
jaiden is like. the perfect ianitee. she’s already purple coded sure but you take into her being charlie’s lawyer AND how she tries to stand up for the census bureau and make people see its side. punches wall. she is so so balance to me she just wants them all to be on even ground
i gave pac ianite bc he has the same mentality as jordan in which he doesn’t see any value in himself without the other half of his duo with him LMAO
phil gets s2 ianite bc of all his attempts to get the eggs back by attacking the federation gives the same vibes as jordan attacking the taint to get ianite back. who cares about the consequences they want their loved ones and will do Anything to get them back, no matter who gets hurt
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twistedtummies2 · 11 months
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Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!
Hee, Hi, Ho, Hum!
I'm a most amazing guy!
A most amazing guy, am I!
Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!
Hee, Hi, Ho, Hum!
I'm the stuff, I'm tellin' you!
For here's what I can do!
I can change myself into an elf!
Fly up high, like the birdies!
I can disappear into atmosphere...PEEK-A-BOO!
'Cause I know the Magic Wordies...
"Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum," Billy Gilbert.
My next image in my “OCs & Inspirations” series for Disney’s 100th Anniversary! This time, I present to you Billy Géant and his inspiration, Willie the Giant from the “Mickey and the Beanstalk” segment of a personal favorite Disney film of mine, “Fun & Fancy Free!” The art here was done by @twisted-brainrot.
Billy came about because I wanted to do something with one of my favorite fairy-tales, “Jack and the Beanstalk,” which is a big part of what I think “activated” the more macro/micro side of my many, MANY kinks and fascinations. My thought process was I could do one of two things: one was create an AU for Twisted Wonderland with some characters as giants and others as “Jacks” (which I eventually did for “My Hero Academia,” and may do again for another couple of anime-ish franchises I love). Two was to create my own OC based on a Disney giant - and I went with Willie for a LOT of reasons - and do something with them. Obviously, that is the choice I went with, and I have not seen a reason to regret it: alongside Nakoda, perhaps even MORE than Nakoda, Billy is my most popular OC for Twisted Wonderland. I think there’s more art and writing for him than any of my other major characters for this universe.
He’s also the closest to his source material. Willie the Giant, in his initial appearance (and most other antagonistic roles he’s had since), is essentially a villain by incidence rather than choice. The film actually states this in black and white: “Willie was a nice giant…he just got too big for his britches.” He’s not really EVIL, he’s basically just a big, dumb kid. He’s selfish and has a bad temper: when he causes trouble, it’s not because he’s trying to actively hurt anybody, but simply because he either doesn’t know or doesn’t care about the consequences of his actions (or both). When you push him the wrong way, he then shows his dangerous side, as he can go from cuddly and silly to a terrifying titan of rage. Billy is the exact same way. As well as having a lot of Willie’s superficial elements as a character, the main takeaway between the two is that inherent childishness, and the dichotomy of danger and sweetness it provides. Billy is a lovable dunderhead who only becomes truly cruel and vicious when someone REALLY presses his buttons, and typically is only an antagonist because circumstance has sort of put him in that position. The big difference between the two is what they seek: Willie’s problem-causing is usually a result of greed or ignorance. Billy, however, is someone with a LOT of personal issues: he’s lived a large portion of his life being neglected, rejected, abandoned, and betrayed. He’s effectively a very lonely person who just wants some affection, some respect, and above all some companionship. Show him those things, and you’ll probably be fine.
As to the art…I asked Twisted-Brainrot to do this one because he’s actually made more art for Billy than anybody else, and because he’s also a big fan of Willie the Giant. I’m not sure, but I think this might have been his first (public) outing with the Disney original, and he did an absolutely MARVELOUS job. Seeing the big guy paired up with Billy is truly a treat, and speaking of Billy, I just love how cute he is. TB always draws him with this really cuddly “extra plush” appearance, and it’s truly beautiful to see him that way with his great-great granddaddy. Good big bois, both of ‘em. <3
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llumimoon · 11 months
If you don’t mind, I would love to hear about the Snow White DnDads AU.
Also, I just want to say, I love your art, it’s so cute and bubbly; and I love the DnDads AUs you (and others) make. I’m so normal about the Perfectly Regular AU
(Also I don’t know what EAH is, could you give me a brief explanation?)
hehehehe omg thank you so much !!! :D that makes me really happy to hear <3333
I actually finished up the EAH AU designs for the teens so I'll probs be posting that later today w/ a brief explanation of the AU plot but I absolutely will tell it for you too 😤👍
EAH is Ever After High! Its a twin franchise to Monster High based of the kids of fairytale characters. It's primarily a doll line BUT it had a show that was (imo) phenomenal. Like the writers really went off with it !!! Unfortunately it got canceled some years back but I still get brainrot about it every year or so.
the whole AU came from me pointing out the parallels between the two EAH main characters, Raven and Apple, and comparing them to Scary and Normal LMAO. LIKE . Raven is a sorceress who grew up with her mother trying to guide her into evil and so she grew up not being able to enjoy soft and good things that she liked and then later she decides to rebel against the social narrative that said she had to be the villain and reclaimed her magic powers that she got from her mom for something good instead ....... and then Apple being a paragon for toxic positivity with no trustworthy adult figures in her life and constantly trying to conform to get her mom's approval.... Her with control issues trying to do what she thinks is right and good (but isnt always whats best).....
Anyways it totally spiraled and got away from us very quickly as we started filling out the rest of the plot and the cast. It went pretty off course from the original show aside from the Apple accidentally releases the original Evil Queen from her mirror prison plotline (aka Normal accidentally freeing Willy) and its just a LOT OF GOOD FUN.
Hermie also ended up playing a bigger role than the initial show and got upgraded to main character status lmao. And swiftli get to have a cute and silly romcom B plot while marloakworthy go through The Horrors.
The kiddads are all also involved !!!! The things that happen in the teens generation of the Snow White story are lowkey a consequence of what happened in the previous generation of Sparrow's Snow White story. WHICH WAS INFLUENCED BY HENRY'S. We really tied in the generational aspect this time round.
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catboy-jesus · 11 months
Hey DnDads fans, so I had an idea for an amazing DnDads AU but unfortunately I'm busy with original projects and school and just don't have the time to sink into another 50k word AU fic like I did last year (I wrote Even If We Die It'll Be Alright, in case you've heard of it). However my vision is immaculate and I would be remiss not to share it, so I'm just gonna describe my concept. Maybe one day I will write this.
So basically the initial idea I had was "what if Nicky convinced Cassandra to move to hell with him, and Taylor grew up as an actual prince of hell and was even more insufferable", and then I started thinking of how I could make that into a plot, and long story short here's the consequences I extrapolated from Taylor not being there, which I feel are fairly plausible and provide the set up for the fic:
Link, Scary, and Normal still got called to join DADDIES
Link still reported the death of the emergency responders in episode 2 and was blackmailed by the FBI
Without Taylor as his friend, Link willingly decided to join the FBI to fight hell, because he's a good good boy who was taught to trust authority figures and "hell is bad"
Scary and Normal refuse to help him because he betrayed them by wearing the spy bracelet, (and Scary refuses to help the government).
Scary still joins Willy, but this time she successfully drags Normal down with her (as that one post said, "Normal would burn the entire world down for the tiniest scrap of validation")
So the fic begins with Taylor being prince of hell, then Link and Agent Schmegan come and invade, there's a war between the FBI and Hell. I haven't decided fully on the outcome but at some point Willy comes in and he's all Doodlered up and Normal and Scary are with him, and they all fight and stuff. I also want the kiddads to show up at some point. I'm the sort of person who feels out plots as they go so that's all I have, but I'm obsessed with this concept and wish I had infinite time and motivation so I could write this.
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streaminn · 1 year
What did Enid do in Miltary School AU that just "Yeah, shes an alpha"
She snapped at someone?
while alphas are mainly leaders, they're also the muscle, the one usually taking the hits for their members
safe to say when enid was high strung and overall woke up in the wrong side of the bed, someone bumps into her and they escalate because enid didn't look at them right
enid's anger issues get the better of her and wabam, fight broke out so bad that a teacher stepped in
so enid was given the title alpha to teach her responsibility, that actions have consequences and she can't just jump people all willy nilly because she has others to keep in mind (the pack)
honestly, it was just supposed to last for a semester and its pretty normal that as packs shift so does their status but enid did such a good job with her packmates that she kept both her pack for the next term and her alpha title
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
william: *throws Michael’s death at Evan’s hands in Mike’s face until Mike has a panic attack*
Evan: *chastises william for making his plushie cry*
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randomnameless · 6 months
Other random thing I came up bcs it's friday -
I always thought Supreme Leader's "they wanted me to have a major crest of seiros" was nonsense, either fed by Ionius or Uncle because in-game, there is little to no difference (besides the % of activation) for having a major or a minor crest (unlike Jugdral!).
I already HC'd about it regarding House Nuvelle and its tradition to, uh, not open too much to other people, but what if Hresvelg Emperors were gunning for a Major Crest to echo/mirror one of their famous ancestor who managed to do Great (tm) things with a Major Crest?
Aka, what if some emperors, who wanted to MAGA, believed Willy managed to unify Fodlan only because he had a Major Crest?
If they get one too, just like him, maybe they'll be able to MAGA?
(completely eluding the fact he was assisted by Seiros the Warrior'n'her fam, but hey, Humanity fuck yeah, right?).
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Team STRQ ships please:
Hummingbird (Qrow x Summer)
Phoenix (Raven x Taiyang)
Snapdragon (?) (Summer x Taiyang)
Rosebird (Raven x Summer)
Taiqrow (Taiyang x Qrow)
ask meme
Long post ahead
Hummingbird (Qrow x Summer)
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God damn, if I sound disinterest in any of these ships, I am sorry. But fucking Qrow and Raven makes the already lackluster dynamic of STRQ worse, on so many levels. We already have shit with Tai and Summer, and Qrow is fucking bloating the cast up with his whiny ass. I'll get to Raven later.
Back to the ship, I just do not like Qrow at all, and Summer's latest information dump makes her so weird as an entity. Did she straight up LIED to her husband, who she knows was emotionally destroyed by the same bitch she's about to team up with? Or did she truly not know about her demise because she was overconfident in her own abilities against Salem?
And the emblem never fucking made sense, because before V9, there's nothing much that can tell us about Summer as a person or even an active force in Ruby's life aside from some "tell, not show" from Yang and Qrow. None of that alluded to the rose emblem or how it affected Ruby as person when her mother disappeared.
These two characters literally have nothing that makes me care about them as individuals, let alone fucking partners in a relationship. Not to mention, rabid Hummingbird stans are just as annoying as Bee/s when it comes to Tai. Guys, Qrow doesn't need to be Ruby's bio parent for them to have a strong bond, stop diminishing Tai's already tiny role from her life to push your ship. I cannot stand Qrow's whiny ass as it is right now, having him be an active absentee parent like his twin will make me hate him more.
Phoenix (Taiyang x Raven)
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Same reasoning here for these two, with Tai as Summer and Raven as Qrow. Raven need to stay the fuck away from Tai, and this is coming from a person who eat up toxic dynamics for lunch.
Raven is just insufferable, and fans can make her more complex than canon ever can. But because we never know why she canonically abandoned her family, including her infant daughter, Raven just comes off as a shallow, selfish bitch who would hang with criminals who hit on her child than be with the people who love her despite her past.
If that was the case, FINE. Whatever, but then the show goes on to villainize Ozpin and blaming him for her reasons to leave. If Raven was scared of Ozpin, why did she team up with someone directly working for his antithesis, Salem? Then Lost Fables comes out, and it turns out Ozpin didn't even curse her and Qrow with magic, because they kept transforming willy-nilly with no consequences at all. Blame Salem for your issues if you want to avoid your responsibilities, you bitch.
And Tai...poor Tai. He's not a perfect parent, but goddamn he is the BEST when you use the likes of Jacques, Raven or even Ghira as comparisons. Yet he was villainized by the FNDM and Qrow is heralded as a good adult figure for Ruby when it was TAI who raised them for most of their lives. No one has to like Tai and his parenting can be criticize, but he is not the worse parent ever when fucking Salem is still around.
So yeah. Not my fav. Like, at all. And I deadass can make a better storyline for them as individuals and as a dynamic.
Snapdragon (Taiyang x Summer)
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Oh man...again, the fucking reveal for Summer in V9 truly diminished a good majority of my enjoyment of this ship. Again, if Summer KNEW about her demise, she willingly left her husband with their children to go with someone who betrayed them both, not even thinking about how he would take losing ANOTHER person he love.
I just enjoy fanon so much more for them, because there Summer and Tai are actually treated with respect. For example, my moot @bunbunsophy made an amazing art piece of evil!Summer inspired by Makima from Chainsaw Man, and it was an amazing foundation for an AU where Summer manipulated everyone around her to her desires, especially Tai. It create this angsty goodness where he has become her toy, heartbroken but broken as well to do her biddings with no will to fight back because he loves her. This is his wife, mother of his daughters, and without her Taiyang will be alone.
Literally ANYTHING would've made this ship interesting, but canonically, they're bland as fuck.
Rosebird (Raven x Summer)
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Fuck Rosebird shippers who refuse to include trans!Raven or trans!Summer into the dynamic in order to make Yang and Ruby. Do not fucking breathe near me.
Other than that; same shit as Hummingbird, but so much worse. Raven is a bitch, and it was clear in V9 that Summer cannot stand her ass. Not to mention that stupid ass panel in the DC crossover comic where bird Raven shat on Summer to Ruby. Like bitch, that is mad rich for you to judge Summer as a person WHEN YOU ABANDONED YOUR OWN CHILD. Fuck her.
Personally, I like the take where they were partners in Beacon instead of being Tai or Qrow's, because the betrayal between them will feel more personal like the boys' instead of "we were in the same team and she hurt the two men we both care about and I'm just here." I'm not saying that they can't be friends outside of partnership, but the partnership creates this unique bond that neither shares with Tai and Qrow; Summer trusted Raven to watch her back in battle, Raven grew close to her as a friends and someone she will die for, they know each other's fighting style to a detailed level and played off of each other so well that it's almost tragic when Raven left.
And when that scene in V9 happened, you feel that bitterness from Summer so much more because this was her partner who preferred something bad more than her. Maybe then I'll lean into this ship more, but right now it doesn't spark the least bit of joy.
TaiQrow/Mourning Dove (Taiyang x Qrow)
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Same sentiment here; I just don't care about Qrow because he's a terrible character, and Tai barely got anything to himself.
But holy hell, going off of the partnership AU between them, the fallout between these two would've been tragically beautiful; they understand each other in ways neither Summer or Raven could, and at the end of it all they were the only ones left behind. But because of the pain left behind for them, they grow apart even though it kills them everytime they raised their voice, every time Qrow pick up another bottle after Tai begged him to stop, every time Qrow had to snap Tai out of his depression for his girls and yet Tai cannot shine as brightly as he could anymore.
All that was left was resentment, burying a layer of hope that will always yearn for the THEM of before, or at least something close enough because they still love each other.
But canon hates them and they hate us more. So you know.
Thanks for the ask!
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mac-lilly · 1 year
JATP fic ideas that live rent-free in my head
A compilation post to keep track of all the jatp stories that I will never write ...
Stuff I've actually written
Juke Kitchen
Alone Together
Strumming the Soul
Hotdog and Cold dog
Cross my heart and hope to die (again)
A night to remember:
Just one more night (Luke)
Tomorrow (Reggie)
Snippet 1
Snippet 2
Snippet 3
Canon-Compliant (kinda)
The inevitabilities of (after)life
(Boys coming back to life but without memories - Juke)
After their performance at The Orpheum, the guys suddenly start seeing a magical light, and they figure it's time to cross over. Before they leave, however, Julie and Luke accidentally seal a magical pact with unfathomable consequences. (And they kiss.) And then the boys are gone.
However, a year later, just after coming to terms with the guys' departure, Julie's world is turned upside-down (again) when a very alive Luke suddenly reenters her life. And it's not just him -- Alex and Reggie are back too. But to Julie's horror and agony, all three have lost their memories. (And not just them. With the exception of Bobby, nobody remembers them.)
And so, Julie has to make a decision: Fight to unseal their memories or let them live their new-found lives without her?
It's an easy choice, really. Plus, she has to make her resurrected Phantoms stay alive. Because there's a series of uncanny and nearly fatal accidents that always involve her boys and, weirdly, Nick.
(There are 1.75 chapters of this on my PC.)
Ghost license
(inspired by the movie "Hui Buh" - no focus on romance)
The boys get tasked to obtain a ghost license for the Molina house. Otherwise, they have to leave the place and become wayward ghosts (and have to return to Caleb.) And thus, the Phantoms are forced to attend a school for ghosts -- exams included.
Random character stuff:
Julie's doodling
Luke's room
Songwriting Journal of Fate
(A Kimi no Na Wa AU - Juke)
Part I
Part II
Part III
Snippet 1
Snippet 2
Show me how to be whole again
An arranged marriage/enemies-to-reluctant-allies-to-friends-to-lovers Juke AU
BAM! I'm actually writing this one.
AO3 Link
Image Board
Sweet Home Alabama AU
Yet another enemies-to-friends-to-almost-lovers-to-enemies-to-friends&lovers Juke AU.
First & Last Scene
"Life with Derek"-inspired AU
Rivers of London AU
Julie, a witch in training, and Luke, a ghost
Snippet 1
Snippet 2
Snippet 3
Phantom Thieves
(A Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne AU (without the religious stuff) - Juke)
Julie makes a deal with Caleb: She helps him collect/steal possessed artifacts, and in exchange, he'll grant her a chance to talk to her mom again.
At first, it goes pretty well. She steals the objects and hands them over to Caleb. But soon, she gets a rival. Another thief shows up, who is way too cheeky and attractive, and he starts snatching those items Julie is supposed to steal from under her nose. Julie is not amused by his attitude, and Caleb tells her that he probably wants to use these magical items for evil.
At the same time, Julie makes acquaintance with three guys who just transferred to her school, and she may or may not develop a crush on one of them. (And Julie can't help but see certain similarities between Luke and her new-found thievish rival ... but surely that's just a coincidence, right?)
Mind the Gap
(A Neverwhere AU - Willex & (minor) Juke)
Alex lives a pretty normal life. Sure, after he came out to his parents, he's become an outcast. But he's willing to put up with this shit anyway. (What are the alternatives?)
Then he encounters Willie, an extremely weird but also handsome guy who tells him that he is being hunted. Confused, Alex helps him hide. The next day, Willie is gone, and suddenly his life seems to vanish. His parents, his peers -- everyone seems to forget that he exists.
Determined to set things right, Alex sets out to find Willie, hoping that he (or the person he's running away from) has the power to give him his life back. He enters the World Below -- the place where all the people who've all fallen through the cracks stand. However, as he keeps gathering a group of unlikely and way too cheerful acquaintances who quickly become his friends (and more), he starts questioning his desire to return to the normal world.
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sorry, the two characters. the one in exile. which one of them?
hang tight, anon.
(cw for mentions of infidelity + gender-bending + uh. unaddressed but unavoidable power dynamics below the cut) (sorry)
i wasn't sure what the best way to summarize this was but basically. the two central characters of this au are r63!willy and auston + the maple leafs ensemble. the thesis statement of this au is truly just 'devotion as a love language' and how you can fuck up in the worst ways and people will still love you anyways because you can't make someone love you and you can't make someone stop loving you either.
as i said to bes in the DMs: mitch/auston/willy are each in radically different genres in this story. auston’s in a contemporary romance,, willy is in a trauma recovery / female rage / late stage coming of age drama,, and mitchy is just. in a sports anime.
and kyle dubas is. cosplaying a normal man who has an affair and does not suffer the consequences of it. like at all.
the tl;dr is uh. kyle and girl!willy have a several-years-long affair that ends abruptly when kyle leaves for pittsburgh. willy proceeds to have her hot girl summer, and in the original timeline of this au, this is around the time that she and auston start hooking up / developing feeling for each other and then she has her revenge season and falls in love with her best friend over the course of many years and they live happily ever after. this is the kinder timeline of this au.
however, in the exile arc of this au, uh. unfortunately the news of the affair leaks to the media -> willy disappears from the hockey world over night and spends years in exile in the swedish countryside -> auston only realizes he's in love with her after she's gone from his life with no way to track her down -> kyle wins GM of the year and wins the *** with the penguins. because life isn't fair and i like to suffer <3
this timeline also has a happy ending but it's obviously much more bittersweet and more complicated.
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