#wis phantom
linderosse · 2 days
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5 days left!!!
The DS duo has a special place in my heart— and in the franchise, as the Zeldas with some of the most agency and freedom in the series.
Tetra spends much of her first adventure doing her own thing: sailing the high seas and robbing bomb shop employees. Phantom in particular is the first playable canon Zelda; accompanying Spirit and fighting alongside him in the Tower.
Both of ‘em would love to see Echo heading off on a rescue mission of her own :)
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solhunder · 8 days
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what if amity park was in mn part 1/?
happy fooball everyone
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"are you squeamish?" "no (is about to be)"
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wandixx · 3 months
Danny, the Young Justice member snippet nr 1
these snippets aren't connected in anyway but just some little scenes I came up with, everyone is welcome to build up on them if they want to
unrelated snippet nr 2, unrelated snippet nr 3(?)
“Thank you, young man,” elderly man, a civilian, said to Phantom, squeezing his shoulder when the boy transported him away from the battle into an established safe zone. Hero froze for a moment, blinking rapidly.
“You’re… welcome?” he squeaked and flew back to fight the first chance he got, still dazed.
He was lost in thought the whole time he worked after that, rescuing some teen girls too curious, brave and stupid to run away on their own when they still had a chance. If Kid Flash didn’t warn him, one of the goons would land a really nasty hit, which should not have happened. Phantom had one of the best combat spatial awareness out of all of them. He couldn’t always react in time, but it almost never escaped him that an attack was coming.
Something was wrong. Really wrong.
That was why, as soon as the fight was over,  Kaldur approached his teammate. He saw Robin doing the same.
Phantom, to give him credit where credit is due, didn’t fly away from the scene first given chance like always. Instead he sat in the space where they were transporting civilians, hand on his right shoulder, unseeing eyes locked on some cracks in the pavement. His mouth was moving without making a sound. He was covered in dust, like all of them.
“Phantom,” Kaldur asked through Mindlink “are you injured?”
Ghost flinched and turned his head, giving the leader a shaky smile. His eyes were still distant.
“Yeah, no, I’m alright. Sorry I was so out of it. Thanks for the rescue Wally, "the boy replied but his eyes slowly turned back to where he was staring before. Other than that, he hadn't moved.
“Phantom, what’s wrong?” Robin tried, both out loud and through Mindlink. Now the whole Team was concerned.
“It's nothing, really,” Phantom answered with a distant tone.“ Just… something weird happen and I need a moment to wrap my head around it”
“What was it?” Artemis asked bluntly before Conner did the Mindlink equivalent of smack on the back of a head. It was a bit weird to see Conner as the sensitive one. Black Canary was doing a great job with helping him over his anger.
“Let him process it on his own before you demand answers,” he growled.
“Adult civilian thanked me,” the ghost mumbled with awe at the same time. For a moment everyone froze in muted shock.
This explained so much while being so confusing. Yes, civilians tended to do it. It felt great. It didn’t warrant such an intense reaction.
“That's nice,” M’gann sent carefully after a long moment.
“Mhm… Really nice”
Kaldur slowly put a hand on the arm Phantom wasn’t holding, to help ground him a bit. Despite his efforts, the ghost flinched under his touch.
“We need to go to a bioship and back to the Mountain. You should probably come with us”
He expected a fight, he had various ideas how to convince younger boy but instead he heard quiet, small “Sure”
Ghost didn’t move for a long moment.
“Phantom?” Robin asked and again, the response was a violent flinch.
“Sorry, sorry. I know it’s dumb I’m just-” he transmitted some sort of lowering melody that Kaldur didn’t know “-right now”
“Did you just send Windows XP shutting down noise?!” Wally yelled, exasperated. 
“He did,” Robin snorted. Artemis laughed from one of the surrounding rooftops.
Phantom’s lips twitched with a minimal smile but it disappeared before it fully set. His brows furrowed as he stood up, shrugging Kaldur’s hand off in the process.
“Is this publicly known that I’m a ghost? Like, outside Amity? Or do people just assume I’m a meta?”
“Around 3% of discourse about you is ‘alive or not’-”Robin stated after few seconds of searching n his wrist computer “-with people saying stuff like ‘I’ve seen him breathe’ but everyone else responds with some variation of ‘Are you really going to tell kid how he’s supposed to cope with being dead? Really Jared?’ and the general consensus is that you are in fact a ghost. More people wonder what pronounce you use. Why?”
Phantom said nothing. Kaldur exchanged worried glances with Robin and called everyone else to meet by the bioship. It was a successful but tiring mission and they all wanted nothing more than to relax. After debrief because of course Batman would find things that could’ve gone better.
M’gann and Wally were already waiting by the time they got there. Martian was stiff and looked like she was focusing on some really hard task. She almost shut down the Mindlink.
“Phantom, your thoughts are really loud” she whispered out loud “Louder than normal ghost thoughts. I’m trying not to listen or to transmit it on Mindlink but it’s pretty hard. What’s wrong?”
Kaldur remembered the conversation they all had almost right after Phantom joined the Team. As it turned out, ghosts as ‘the beings of emotions’ had thoughts that Martians could read but on different frequencies than living, whatever that meant, and they were really loud. Like they were screaming on the top of their lungs.
Asphalt creaked ominously when Conner jumped down to join them.
M’gann relaxed minutely before she got visibly angry.
“I don’t mean ‘shield everything’ Phantom, it’s extremely unhealthy, explain what’s wrong?!”
“Seriously guys, you’re all overreacting. It’s not that deep.  I'm just weirded out a bit”
“Your brain was screaming ‘It doesn’t make sense!’ on repeat” M’gann pointed out dryly, ending the Mindlink and motioned them inside the bioship right after Artemis scrambled down a fire escape and joined them.
Phantom skillfully ignored the concerned gazes of every member of the Team other than M’gann who at least pretended to focus on flying. He looked like he was trying to figure out some really complicated puzzle.
“What did this civilian say, exactly?” Robin asked, breaking the silence with a surprising amount of caution in his voice.
“He said ‘Thank you, young man’ and squeezed my shoulder,“ the ghost explained with a wistful and a bit hazy smile. It still didn't justify such an intense reaction “I can still feel it. T’was nice. Not strong enough to hurt but… sure? I didn’t do anything, really, and he most likely knows I'm a ghost, but he thanked me anyway. No sense”
Halfway through Robin seemed to get an idea and once again started typing away on his computer. Phantom sunk into his seat more comfortably, but he quickly returned to distressed overthinking.
“People rarely make sense,” Conner pointed out.
“Nah, you just can't people yet” Wally grinned between bites of his granola bar.
“Nah, you're just an extrovert with superpowers. People make no sense,” Artemis decided in a way that ended all arguments “But gratitude after rescue is pretty typical…”
“Not for Phantom“
“What do you mean, Robin?”
“He means, I'm a ghost, Kaldur,” Phantom started “Of course they're not thanking me. I'm an ‘odd,  manipulative and evil manifestation of post-living consciousness on ectoplasm‘ and ‘always hostile towards living but lack the sentience to comprehend moral aspects of my behavior‘ and ‘should be eradicated for betterment of the living realm’.” he recited almost cheerfully and it made something in Kaldur’s stomach twist. Judging by their faces, his teammates felt the same way.
“You don’t actually believe that, do you?” M’gann asked carefully.
“It doesn’t matter if I believe this or not. They do. Why would anyone thank me? Especially an adult. Teens apparently decided I'm hot so they support me, which is also weird, and kids think I'm cool because of the ectoblasts and can fly. They usually gush about being saved like ‘omg it’s Phantom’ which is still weird but not as surreal as anyone actually thanking. But that dude was probably on retirement. He wasn’t someone I would expect to have any positive interaction with. Most people his age would try to exorcize me or something”
“That certainly isn’t an aster”
“Eh, I’m fine. Most are just yelling. Problems start when anti-ghost weapons, especially guns, get on the table but I can’t blame them for that one too”
“Dude, I cannot express how far from fine this is”
“You deserve gratitude Phantom” Kaldur added “You’re doing a lot of great work”
“If you say so”
“Also, can we go back to the guns? How often do the people you’re saving try to shoot you?” Artemis asked, raising her head from inspecting her arrows.
“Amity Park is to ghost hunters what Gotham is to crime rates in the USA. Should not be counted if you want something actually similar to reality. Of course they have guns to shoot ghosts. And, let me remind you, I am a ghost-”
“I think we can talk about it another time. How do you feel, Phantom?” M’gann interrupted from her seat, intensly not looking back at them. She once again was tense.
“Still weird as hell to be honest”
“Good weird or bad weird” she pressed on. Kaldur kinda wanted to know what made her do that.
“Good… I think? I know a lot of emotions because I hang out with Jazz Fenton and she pshychoanalizes everyone but I have no idea what to call this. I’m happy that he said this, ecstatic even. But I’m still confused and cautious. Some part of me keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop, for this man to come back, after realizing I’m evil ghost and call hunters and call me manipulative ecto-scum while looking me in the eyes and smile when I’m shot at”
“Did this happen? It’s a bit too specific to believe it didn’t” Wally announced.
“As if only once!” Phantom laughed in an almost hysterical way.
“Don’t think about it right now,” M’gann demanded “Do you want to tell us more about the thanks you got?”
Next words Phantom whispered as if he was sharing some important, sacred secret.
“When he squeezed my arm, it was such a gentle gesture. Such a gentle touch” he sounded on the verge of tears. 
“Was it?”
“Yeah... Sorry I’m such a mess over it” ghost muttered after a moment, trying to dry his face with his sleeve. It couldn’t be too helpful nor pleasant, considering his uniform was made mostly out of rubber.
“That’s alright”
“He was so kind and like… cautious too, y’know? Like he cared to not hurt me. When my dad pats me on the back, I’m left out of breath and have to do a few steps to not fall face first on the ground and he thinks I’m normal,” it was always a bit disturbing to hear Phantom talk about his family in present tense. They never mentioned it because they knew when it was bad idea to say something but it didn’t make these instances any less unnerving“And this random civilian seen me as Phantom, almost invulnerable and powerful ghost and chose to be gentle”
Nobody mentioned tears dropping from Phantom’s eyes and down his chin.
“That sounds nice” 
“It was. And I, like an idiot, stuttered ‘you're welcome’ and escaped as soon as I could” ghost grumbled, bringing himself back from the memory. Robin actually laughed, honest and open instead of the creepy giggle he used on all sorts of villains. Everyone else soon joined and between breaths someone choked out:
“I did this so many times. So many. I could probably buy a lollipop if I got a cent every time I did it. Maybe even two”
As soon as they weren’t at immediate risk of laughing to death Robin decided to risk it again by starting a captivating tale of clueless Batman holding a baby, getting pie as a present, getting pie in his face and few others.
When he finished, the comfortable type of silence stretched through the Bioship. Everyone was just contently resting, maybe even taking a nap before the ordeal of listening to Batman's ‘Every mistake you made today with sub and sub-sub categories’ lecture while keeping themselves from laughing after all the stories Robin just shared. Kaldur himself was almost asleep when Phantom whispered:
“Is it this nice the second time too?”
“Yeah. It’s even better when you start believing it”
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corkinavoid · 1 month
A list of things I've done that pissed my mother off, but as Batfam + Team Phantom edition
Bruce: got into a verbal fight and held a year-long grudge at my teacher for not giving me a fair grade at an annual competition, and proceeded to go out of my way to win said competition next year
Alfred: refused to eat her food, got told to cook for myself and did so, ending up with both my dad and sister saying my banana bread was the best thing they've eaten
Dick: swung on the bungee rope over the dry riverbed turned into junk yard, fell, miraculously did not die, went to that same bungee rope the next day
Babs: organized a stake out, found out which neighbor had been messing with trash bins when everyone blamed raccoons, called said neighbor a raccoon for the next three weeks
Jason: kept reading books at night with a flashlight, when said flashlight was taken away, lit a candle and accidentally almost set the house on fire
Tim: fled to a different country across the globe without telling anyone except my sister, who's been 7 at the time, and did not respond to any calls or messages for three months
Steph: picked a dress with glitter for a dinner with her relatives after specifically being told not to, was forced to change, but took my revenge by exploding a glitter bomb in the car when we have already arrived at the relatives' house
Cass: responded with 'sorry I didn't quite catch that could you repeat' to her very long rant, over text
Damian: successfully clawed and gnawed at a classmate's face after they destroyed my painting
Duke: was the leader of school rebellion over the 'no wigs allowed in school' rule in sixth grade, managed to convince two teachers to join, ended up with the rule taken down
Danny: accidentally shocked myself with a tazer I stole from her handbag, cried, when she came to ask what happened, showed her by repeating the accidental electrocution
Dan: pushed my maternal aunt into the pool and watched her flounder, knowing very well she is a bad swimmer, when confronted about it later argued it was the kiddie part of the pool and she could not have drowned
Jazz: told her I was in love with a girl she disliked, when she voiced her opinion on it, made a whole argument about how I'm supposed to learn from my own mistakes and not from her experiences
Dani: zoned out while she was yelling at me, came back to her saying 'you're no better than a pig', impulsively told her 'it's because of genetics' and started oinking
Sam: painted my nails and toes on my left hand and left foot black, dyed my hair purple, but only on the left side, as well as got a piercing on the left eyebrow, while the whole right side was left 'natural'
Tucker: learned to change the wi-fi password and held power over the internet every time she took my electronics away by asking a friend that lived nearby to come by my house and using their phone to change the password
Selina: repeatedly stolen antique jewelry from grandma because she, in turn, stole it from my other grandma
Valerie: turned rogue, teamed up with the opponent team in lasertag and helped them win over my own teammates
Talia: threatened a person I will carve their eyeballs out with a spoon if they ever as much as look at my sister funny again, a month later gave them a decorated silver teaspoon as a birthday gift
Jack Fenton: failed my driving license test seven times, three of which were on purpose
Maddie: ruined her plans of my picture-perfect marriage by friendzoning a son of her friend, claiming I'm saving my love only for the important things like mozzarella
Vlad: scared my sister shitless by telling her a scary story about ghosts under her bed and then hiding under her bed and making 'boo' noizes
Clockwork: purposefully made her experience deja vu by wearing the exact same clothes and greeting her the exact same way in the exact same place for three days in a row
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angelicyoongie · 1 year
lovesick (X)
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— pairing: yandere ot7 x (f) reader — word count: 4.8k — warnings: yandere, stalking, obsessive behaviour, spanking as punishment, minor injuries, other content that may be triggering. — summary: You dreamed of the day you would get your very own soulmark. Though, you didn’t expect to wake up to a searing hurt in your arm, the phantom pain of your shoulder being dislocated and your forearm fractured. As if dealing with the worst possible soulmark ever wasn’t bad enough, you also have to come to terms with the fact that you’re being stalked. When the letters and gifts you receive begin to escalate and the police offers no help, you have no other option than to figure out who’s behind it yourself – and hopefully before it’s too late.
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You wake up to the sound of gravel crunching under Namjoon's shoes.
Your face is tucked against his chest, breathing in the scent of the crisp night air that lingers on his coat. It takes you a moment to reorient yourself, for the last tendrils of unconsciousness to slip away.
It all comes crashing down over you like a cold bucket of water as reality sets in; he's taking you back to the cabin.
It'll be as if the last hours never happened, as if you never stepped foot outside the sturdy wooden structure. You're going back to them – except, perhaps it won't be the same men that you left that you'll have to face once you step back inside. The soulmates you ran away from were terrible and selfish but they were never cruel. After your failed escape attempt, however, you no longer know if that still rings true. If that's something you can count on. 
Your body locks up at the thought of the monsters waiting for you down the road, muscles spasming with the need to move despite the utter exhaustion weighing you down.
Namjoon tightens his grip around your middle as you grow stiff, arms locking you securely against his body.
"You're awake," He notes, the usual honey in his voice gone. "It's for the best. We can deal with everything much quicker this way."
The fearful whine that shoots up your throat gets trapped behind your teeth, your lips too numb for the noise to pass through them. It takes great effort for you to move your head over, turning just enough that you're able to pick up on your surroundings. Namjoon must have parked just down the bend from the cabin, his steady steps already closing in on the dark silhouette looming between the trees in the distance. 
Your heart feels like it's trying to beat itself out of your chest as you pick up on muffled yells, shivers racing down your frozen spine as you make out six distinct voices. The soft light emanating from the cabin sends ferocious shadows dancing across the ground, their movements erratic and violent.
It gets harder to breathe the closer you get, your chest refusing to move as Namjoon steps up on the small patio in front of the entrance. Blood rushing in your ears, you try to make yourself as small as possible in his arms as he reaches out for the handle, wishing you could just melt away into nothing. Anything would've been better than this.
The cabin goes deadly still as Namjoon pushes the door open. 
Your vision blurs as you're brought into the heat, your eyes stinging as you attempt to blink some moisture back into them. You can barely make out the six fuzzy figures scattered around the room, their bodies stock still as if they're frozen in time. The chilly wind that blows into the cabin is nothing compared to the sight that greets you as your eyes adjust – the six men in front of you looking everything from angry to icy to hurt. A few of them even have the gall to glare at you with something akin to betrayal; like you were only stringing them along for your amusement and not your survival. 
It leaves you trembling with fear, the knowledge that no matter what you do, nothing will make them understand that they're the ones in the wrong. That they're the selfish ones.
Namjoon takes another step forward, chest rising with a small sigh as he readjusts you in his grip. Perhaps he regrets bringing you back now that he can see the state the others are in, their hair and clothes rumpled, the furniture in the common room strewn about like a hurricane has torn through it.
You glance back up at his face in time to see him set his jaw, his voice tight as he says, "We're back." 
The door that slams shut behind him jerks the cabin back into motion, the noise that was sucked out before suddenly rolling over the room like a crashing wave. You screw your eyes shut as their yells blend into each other, feet thundering across the room as they stumble over themselves to reach you. 
"What were you thinking?!" You flinch as Taehyung's voice booms across the cabin. You can't discern if it's anger or concern that's got him so agitated, so loud, and that scares you. 
"Calm down, Taehyung. I know you were worried but this isn't the way to show it," Yoongi hisses. 
His voice drifts closer, a little softer, as he addresses you, "You're lucky Namjoon found you, Y/n. You're already chilled to the bone." 
"Never scare me like that again, angel," Seokjin sounds wobbly as he pats over your hair, hushing the choked noise you make at the contact. 
Your eyes flutter open against your will at the low, irritated snort that travels through the room.
Jimin stands with his arms crossed over his chest by the couch, scowling as the two oldest keep fretting over you. "Don't tell me you already forgot why you were so distraught in the first place, hyungs? Y/n ran away. She was just playing with us with whole time – she doesn't love us." 
Seokjin's fingers still in your hair, the warm touch of his hand slowly receding as he takes a step back. He throws a hard glance over his shoulder, mouth pinched in annoyance, "Jimin, did I not tell you to shut up for the rest of the night?" 
Jimin grits his teeth at Seokjin's tone, turning his head to stare blankly at the wall. 
"He's right though," Hoseok says, hand brushing over Jimin's shoulder as he steps closer. "Y/n tricked us. She betrayed the trust we gave her and we can't let that slide without any consequences." 
"What are you suggesting?" Namjoon leans back on his heels, fingers digging into your thigh.
"She deserves a punishment," Hoseok blankly states, eyebrows cocked as he stares you down, "Don't you agree, Y/n?" 
"N-no," You weakly shake your head.
The tsk you get from Hoseok in return makes you recoil, the fear in your body so tangible you can taste it on the tip of your tongue. 
"I think you're right, Hobi." 
A small, betrayed gasp leaves your lips as you hear Yoongi's careful drawl. His agreement stings more than expected, somehow you had deluded yourself into thinking that Yoongi wasn't as bad as the other men in the room; that he and Jungkook actually seemed to care a little for you and not just your soulmate connection.
Jungkook still hasn't moved from where he's sat in one of the big ratty armchairs near the couches. His doe eyes are shiny with tears when you meet them across the room. Jungkook starts curling in on himself the longer you look, shame pulling at his features as he ducks his head.
"Fine," Namjoon says, "But nothing too bad." 
"Of course not. I don't actually want to hurt sunshine, she just needs to learn a lesson," Hoseok scoffs.
The men around you share a look, a silent conversation passing between them. You have no idea what they're thinking but it frightens you to know that this must have been something they have already discussed, that they've already decided on a punishment should you ever disobey them. 
"Who–?" Seokjin trails off, biting his lip nervously between his teeth.
"I'll do it," Taehyung sounds chastised, his voice meek as he adds, "I should do it." 
He takes a seat in the middle of the couch, dragging his hands over his jeans as he gives Namjoon a nod to show that he's ready. 
"W-what, no!" You uselessly tug at Namjoon's coat as he strides across the room, your frozen limbs making it impossible to fight back as you're carefully manhandled across Taehyung's lap.
Fingers wrap around your ankles, keeping your legs glued against the couch as you futilely try to push yourself up with shaking arms. Another hand is pressed against the small of your back, rendering your movement useless. No matter how much you try to squirm, you're simply too exhausted and cold to shake them off.
It takes you a second to recognize the position you're in, disgust curling in your stomach as it hits you that you're about to be spanked. 
"I'm not a c-child," You bite through clattering teeth, fingernails digging into threadbare cushions. 
"No? You sure act like one," Hoseok scowls. "Big girls wouldn't run off like you did." 
You jerk as Taehyung's hand settles on the back of your thigh. You turn your head back to look at him as the others crowd around the couch, voice breaking as you whisper, "Please don't." 
Taehyung doesn't meet your eye. His gaze is trained resolutely on his hand, his expression pinched. The corner of his mouth is downturned as he moves his hand from your thigh to your butt, his long fingers easily spanning over one cheek.
You let out a shuddering breath at the unwanted touch, pressing your forehead to the couch to hide away from the six burning pairs of eyes that surround you. Taehyung's fingers flex against the material of your trousers as he murmurs something under his breath, the feeling so weirdly intimate it makes your eyes cloud over, hot tears trailing down your temple. 
"It's just ten, babe. We could do a lot worse," He comments gruffly. 
There's no preamble before Taehyung raises his hand and delivers the first hit, the harsh smack echoing through the room. You bite your tongue, choking down the strangled cry that tries to rush up your throat.
You feel the imprint of his fingers burn on your cheek, the sudden pain so consuming you barely register how someone else hisses out a low curse.
It's only when Taehyung is on the third hit that you feel how he jolts as his hand makes contact; how it takes him a moment to collect himself before he delivers the next one. The fifth smack brings a weird sense of clarity to you, Yoongi's irritated cough finally making you realize that you're all feeling Taehyung's slaps. Your soulbond is connected through pain so the hurt that blooms with every hit doesn't just affect you – it has an impact on them as well.
The somber atmosphere in the room isn't just because they're disciplining you for running away; they're also punishing themselves for letting it happen. 
You let out a harsh breath at the next smack. Despite the numbness in your limbs, you can feel how horrible your butt is stinging, the alternating hits doing little to lessen the pain a new one brings. It becomes harder and harder to think with each hit, your mind slowly falling apart under the excruciating combination of fear, exhaustion and pain. 
The final smack seems to linger in the room and the silence that follows feels so thick you might crumble under it. 
Your right-hand aches as Taehyung uses his to lightly rub over your smarting ass, his breathing shaky as he tries to soothe the bruises that are no doubt already starting to form. 
"Hyung," Taehyung rasps.
The hands pressing on your back and ankles disappear in an instant. Taehyung springs away as Namjoon lifts you, moving your body into Seokjin's waiting arms. You try to blink away the tears clinging to your lashes as Seokjin leans you back against his chest, taking some of the pressure off your backside as you're maneuvered to lay on your side. 
"You're absolutely freezing, angel," He tuts. He motions for Yoongi to grab him a nearby blanket, quickly tucking you in. The warmth that wraps around you is a small comfort, but it's not nearly enough to quell the shivers that are still rattling through your body.
"Let's do this quick, she needs to warm up." 
You swallow thickly as Namjoon kneels by your feet, gently pulling your socks off. They're so cold you struggle to move your toes. 
It's not until a rush of warm air hits your exposed skin that you realize you're hurt. Your soles are aching something fierce and you catch a glimpse of blood on the socks Namjoon throws down beside him. 
"Darling," Namjoon furrows his brows as he looks at the torn skin, tongue poking into his cheek in disappointment. "Why did you do this to yourself?" 
He shakes his head as if you're going to answer him. Heaving out a heavy sigh, Namjoon wordlessly accepts a small basin of warm water and a cloth from Hoseok, wetting and wringing the material out before he brings it to your feet. 
You let out a wounded hiss as he makes contact, your foot involuntarily jerking away from the water that stings your open cuts. The quick movement causes you to drag your sole against the couch and it only causes you more hurt, a sharp pain shooting up your leg.
"Fuck," You whimper, body shaking against Seokjin's as Namjoon quickly reaches out to grab your foot, holding it securely over the side of the couch. You can feel Seokjin's leg twitch as the pain moves through the soulbond, the others grimacing as they feel it too.
"Angel, please be careful," Seokjin admonishes as he tucks his head over your shoulder, holding you in a tight hug as he rests his cheek against yours. 
You shudder as Namjoon once again brings the cloth back to your skin, wincing as he meticulously and carefully cleans up all the dried blood and dirt clinging to your wounds. Namjoon's voice is perturbed as he moves on to your other foot, holding it with a firm grip as he says, "This is why we were holding you down during your punishment, darling, so you wouldn't hurt yourself more by moving around. We don't enjoy doing any of this." 
You choose not to voice your disbelief. Judging by the sour look Jimin sports as he stares you down, you're sure it's written all over your face regardless. 
Namjoon hands off the dirty water and cloth to Yoongi, switching it out with an antiseptic cream that he starts dabbing on your cuts. 
Seokjin's warm breath hits the corner of your mouth as he cautiously asks, "What made you come back, Joon? You weren't supposed to return until tomorrow." 
The bandage that's being wrapped around your left foot pauses, Namjoon tilting his head as he mulls over what to respond.
"I think it was that pull you've talked about before. I just suddenly felt like I had to go back to the cabin, that I was needed here," He lets out a low snort, humorless. "I guess whatever feeling it was, was correct." 
"Interesting," Yoongi muses. He leans against Jungkook's chair, absentmindedly patting the youngest's hair. Jungkook leans into the comforting touch, face still marred with shame as he chances a glance over at you in Seokjin's arms. 
You stare blankly down at Namjoon's hands as he finishes up one bandage and moves on to the next, his words echoing in your head. Did the soulbond somehow call him back? If it knew you were trying to put distance between yourself and your soulmates, can it work against you to keep you from separating from them?
You don't want to believe that it can affect you that much. But if it is true, does that mean your own soul is betraying you – that it'll do whatever it takes to keep you close to these monsters who don't actually care about you, as long as it'll keep the bond strong? 
"It's definitely too strange to just be a coincidence," Hoseok purses his lips.
The sweater you picked out this morning suddenly feels too heavy on your shoulders. Was it just by chance that you picked out one that belongs to Namjoon, or is there something else to it? Can you even trust yourself anymore? 
You barely register as Namjoon finishes wrapping up your foot, the blanket being pulled away from your body as Seokjin lets go of your waist. Your chest is tight and your vision spotty as you're handed off to Yoongi, too many awful thoughts and feelings all vying for your attention at once. 
You feel yourself being carried again, the lights going from soft to bright, but it's like everything is underwater, muffled and out of reach. Yoongi's blurry face is suddenly in front of yours and it takes you once, twice, to focus on what he's saying; for the words to make any sense. "–can you do it yourself?" 
Yoongi sighs as you stare blankly back at him. He brushes a finger down your trembling jaw, wincing at how cold your skin feels. "Y/n, you really need to warm up. I'm going to place a stool for you inside the shower so that you can rest and we can keep your feet outside of it and dry. I know you'd rather not have me undress you, but are you able to do that yourself?" 
"Yes," You croak, disgust rippling across your body as you think of Yoongi undressing you, of any of them seeing you so vulnerable. 
"Okay," Yoongi says, unconvinced. You bite your lip harshly as you're placed down on the closed toilet seat, the pressure awful on your bruised ass. 
Yoongi steps over to turn the shower on for you, the old pipes rattling as water starts spewing out of them. He keeps his hand under the spray until he deems the temperature good enough. His expression is sorry yet firm as steps back, nodding to the door as he explains, "I can't leave the room but I'll keep my back turned to you the entire time. You're too weak to be left on your own right now. I won't turn around until you tell me it's okay. I promise." 
"Do you want help to get over to the stool once you're undressed?" Yoongi eyes your bandaged feet, eyebrows drawn tight with worry.
"No," You whisper.
The toilet is only a few steps away from the shower but even just that feels like miles with a body so tired and battered. Still, you're willing to push yourself until you collapse if it means none of them will touch you like that. 
"Just let me know if you need help, love," Yoongi sighs as he walks over to the door, facing it head-on like promised.
Getting undressed is a battle but it's one you refuse to lose. You keep your eyes locked on Yoongi's back as you pull off layer after layer, the steady steam rising in the bathroom only making your shivers worse. You refuse to strip down further than your underwear, the pieces offering you some modesty in a situation that just feels so mortifying. 
You pull yourself up on your feet with a yelp, legs shaking with pain as you slowly hobble over to the shower. You're not sure how you manage to maneuver yourself down on the stool but you do, and the relief of warm water cascading down your frozen body is so great you can't hold back the sob that rips out of your throat. 
Yoongi's back tenses as he hears the broken noise, his hands gripping the doorframe to keep himself in place. He never turns his head, choosing instead to rest it against the door, taking deep and measured breaths as he listens to your choked cries and whimpers.
The warmth slowly returning to your limbs is downright awful. The cold clinging to your skin refuses to bulge at first, and when it finally does slip, it feels like pins and needles being hammered into your flesh as the water rains down on you. The shivers slowly ebb away the longer you sit in the shower, your dry calves and feet prickling with the weird temperature difference.
You lose track of time as the heat gently returns to your body, face swollen and puffy as the last of your hopelessness trickles out through your eyes. 
You're exhausted and everything hurts. It's like your mind and body has been fractured into a thousand pieces, all of them poking and pricking you no matter what muscle you flex or what direction your thoughts try to stray.
You just want to sleep, to forget, for a little while. 
Yoongi straightens up as the water is turned off. His voice is hoarse, much like he's been crying himself when he asks, "Are you done, Y/n? Are you still cold?" 
You take a deep, shaking breath, filling your lungs with as much bravery as you can muster. "'m done." 
"Wrap yourself up in the towel by the shower, love. Let me know when you're covered, yeah? I'll open the door and grab the clothes Jungkook left for you." 
You do as Yoongi asks, watching as he opens the door just enough to snatch the clothes waiting for him outside. He walks backward towards the shower, still somewhat respectful of your privacy as he leaves them on the toilet. "Take the time you need to get dressed. I'll wait by the door until you're ready." 
Your mind is hazy and drifting as you attempt to dry yourself off, exhaustion weighing your lashes down. Slipping your wet underwear off under your towel in exchange for Jungkook's clothes isn't an easy feat, pain still flaring up your feet as you're forced to put pressure on them. Still, it's a small consolation that Yoongi doesn't attempt to help you until you raise your voice and say that you're done.
Yoongi sweeps you up into his arms before you can even blink, strong arms holding you close to his chest. He swallows hard as he glances down at you, voice unbearably soft as he says, "I really am sorry, Y/n." 
He, much like Namjoon, knows he won't be getting an answer. Yoongi steps out of the bathroom with measured steps, making sure not to move you around too much. The cabin is dark and quiet as he carries you down the hallway, the others nowhere to be seen.
"It's been a long day for all of us," Yoongi mutters as if he senses your confusion. 
Your fingers find Yoongi's shirt as he steps closer to your room, shock hitting you like a lightning bolt as you see the state of it. The door is broken off its hinges, halfway torn off the frame. The desk you pushed against it is flush with the wall and the rest of your room looks absolutely trashed. Furniture has been flipped over as if they were looking for you under it; your belongings scattered everywhere. The brute force they must have used to get into the room makes you realize just how badly this return, this punishment, could have gone for you. 
The moment passes as Yoongi walks further down the hall, but the sick feeling in your stomach lingers. 
He nudges one of the ajar doors with his foot, stepping into the room as it opens. The bedroom is bathed in soft light, the pillows on the bed fluffed and the covers already drawn aside. Yoongi carefully places you down on the mattress before he tucks you in, his expression troubled as he watches how you wince and grimace as you try to get comfortable. 
"This is Seokjin hyung's room," Yoongi explains, "He'll be staying with you tonight. We ... we're going to be taking turns watching over you." 
"Thank you for the introduction, Yoongi-chi," Seokjin's smile is a little strained as he enters the room, a glass of water clutched in his hand. He places it down on the table next to you, patting Yoongi's back before he takes a seat in the plush chair that faces the bed. 
"You can go rest now." 
"Alright," Yoongi nods. He meets your gaze for a split second, mumbling out a gentle goodnight before he turns on his heel and leaves.
Seokjin lets out a small sigh as the door clicks shut. "I should've given him a talking to for not drying your hair properly but I'm sure you're tired, angel. Damp hair must be the least of your worries right now, huh?" He shakes his head.
You pull the covers up to your chin, eyes alert despite how your lids keep attempting to fall shut every other second. There's not an ounce of trust for them in your body but it's so terribly difficult to stay awake when you want to do nothing but sleep. 
"I'm sure you saw the state of your old room," Seokjin winces, "You'll be spending one night with each of us on rotation. You might not wish to have us so close all the time but you shattered the trust we had in you, Y/n."
He folds his hands in his lap with a frown, staring down at his slightly crooked fingers as he says, "You can use the bathroom alone as long as one of us is right outside of the door, but aside from that, we're going to have to watch your every step. We won't allow you to hurt yourself again. I'm sorry it had to come to this but, well, it was the best thing we could settle on." 
You close your eyes to avoid the sad look Seokjin gives you, your chest constricting with fury. If they're trying to guilt trip you, it's not working. You can't believe they're trying to frame all of this as them simply looking out for you when in reality, they're robbing you of any agency you have. 
As you take deep breaths to quell the anger bubbling in your stomach, you feel yourself growing heavier and heavier, your body sinking into the mattress below. You want to be angry, you want to fight, but what's the use? You won't get another chance at escaping the cabin and your own soul clings to the soulbond, refusing to let you weaken your connection to them. 
You fist the sheets, sniffling as darkness begins to drag you under. If the universe wants you here, wants you to stay with them, maybe.. maybe it's time you give up and accept it. 
You wake up, drowsy, to the sound of something clattering. It takes you a second to realize that it's coming from you – your teeth rattling in your mouth from the cold that has seeped into the room while you slept. Everything is dark aside from the pale moonlight shining through the window on the other side of the room, your breath fogging up the air in front of you as you breathe.
You gingerly flip over on your other side, pulling the sheets as tight to your body as they can go, but it doesn't help fend the cold off. It's no wonder this cabin is abandoned during most of the year, not if it's reliant on the fireplace in the common room to heat up the entire place. 
After what feels like an eternity of shivering, you hear Seokjin's raspy voice calling out in the quiet room. "Angel? Are you cold?" 
Fabric rustles as he shifts in the chair. You hold yourself as still as possible as footsteps pad across the wooden floors, Seokjin's darkened silhouette coming into view. He hesitates by the side of the bed for a second, just enough for your teeth to start clattering again before he makes up his mind and climbs in. The mattress dips as Seokjin's weight settles upon it, the man in front of you scooting down until he's facing you in the dark. 
A rush of cold air hits your body as he raises the sheets to shimmy under them, an arm curling around your waist before you can even think to open your mouth. Seokjin presses himself flush against your body, mindful of your injuries as he tucks your face into his neck. 
"I'm still upset with you, angel, and I know you're upset with me, but you need my body heat if you want to sleep." 
Seokjin is very warm. 
You inch closer without even meaning to, your sleepy brain desperate for the heat that radiates off him. Seokjin lets out a small gasp as your cold nose skims against his throat, his hand pressing between your shoulder blades to keep you close.
Sleep slowly begins to weigh down your eyelids again as you soak up Seokjin's warmth, your body relaxing so deeply it feels like your bones have been turned to mush. The last thing you remember is Seokjin nuzzling his face into your hair, lips pressing against it in a soft kiss that makes your heart flutter.
Perhaps, if you had been a little more awake, you would've realized it wasn't fear that made it skip a beat.
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a/n: you can read ch 11 of lovesick early by clicking here!
it only took ten months but we're back baby!! how are we feeling about what happened in this chapter? namjoon bringing her back, the boys' reaction and her "punishment", her private moment with yoongi and seokjin ... lots of things happened so i would love to hear what you're thinking!!
see you in the next chapter and remember to wish jimin a happy b-day!! 💖
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charliemwrites · 2 months
Chapter 1
Content: Violence, Murder, Horror Elements, Masturbation, Kidnapping, Threats, Mild Pet Play, the One (1) use of an ableist slur
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It’s the middle of October when Soap convinces you to go camping.
Autumn has sunk its teeth deep into the countryside, bleeding green from the trees and leeching warmth from the days. Deep shadows and lengthening nights are cold enough to condense breaths into pillows of steam. All of the little critters are fattening up and bedding down for a frigid winter, prepared to be snowed into burrows and dens until spring pries away the ice.
Your hip already aches through the first half of your morning exercises. The ghosts of splintered shrapnel prick beneath tender scar tissue until the rust of sleep flakes away. Lying on hard, cold ground sounds like a one-way ticket to agony. You’d much rather be one of those fluffy bastards curling up to hibernate. You tell Soap this on Monday when he initially proposes the idea.
Besides, you add, trying not to chug your coffee, Soap’s in no condition to be fucking about in half-frozen woods either. Not with his finicky nerve pain.
On Wednesday, when you meet up again, he takes a different route. It’s been too long since you two last dipped into a civilian-appropriate but military-adjacent activity. Paintball, knife-throwing, base-jumping…
Your bed is starting to feel too soft and too big again. The city is loud but not the right way. The tedium of self-imposed routines is starting to grate on nerves still tuned for combat. If you don’t get out before the trap of winter snaps closed, you might go mad. You can see it in Soap’s eyes too, a manic glint behind glass blue.
But still. Camping feels too much like what you’ve just left – the shrinks probably wouldn’t approve. Not that you’d ask them.
On Friday, Soap offers a compromise. His grandfather (“Seanair”) left him an old hunting cabin out in the countryside. Nothing luxurious, but it’s got a fireplace, cots, kitchenette, bathroom. It’ll be more like holing up in a safehouse than roughing it for a mission. More importantly, it’ll be gentler on your battle-worn bodies.
That next Monday, you meet him at the café with supplies packed and an honest anticipation for a week off the grid.
“Yoohoo! Any murderers about?” Soap calls. “Any armed psychos? An angry raccoon, perhaps?”
You scowl, caught behind him in the doorway. “I thought you checked it out already?”
“Aye, but ye ne’er ken,” he reasons, shrugging. He shuffles in as you nudge him. “We’ve the luck o’ the devil, you an’ I.”
You snort as you start kicking off your shoes. “True enough, I s’pose.”
“Course, I like our odds against any weirdo wi’ a knife, don’ you?”
You shrug. “Maybe. Not so sure about a raccoon though. Think we’d be fucked.”
“Och, tha’s right. I remember your lectures about rabies.”
You snicker at his grimace, likely feeling the phantom sting of vaccines.
The cabin is cute, honestly. There are only three rooms – the living room/kitchenette, the bedroom, and the bathroom. The bathroom is small enough that you could stretch your arms across the width of it and touch both walls, but it’s got a working shower so you’ve no complaints. The bedroom has a dresser and a nightstand, plenty for you and Soap.
While you set to work putting the groceries away, Soap putters about opening windows and making up the beds. The two of you don’t immediately have much to talk about, considering how often you see each other and the long drive out. It’s alright, though, you’ve long grown comfortable in stretches of silence together.
Once settled in, you suggest a walk to explore the area. Part of it is genuine interest in appreciating nature before the sun sets early. But there’s also a large, paranoid part of you (sounding like your old captain) that demands you get your bearings. Just in case.
There’s a loch about a mile from the cabin, a beautiful sheet of dark glass big enough for decent fishing. You’re able to see the row of holiday homes on the other side but wouldn’t be able to see any people on their docks out there. You and Soap follow a deer trail for a way, exchanging stories of your respective childhoods.
No surprise that John MacTavish was a wild child with a rebellious streak that got him in trouble more often than not. He gets you laughing bright and easy before long, and for once it doesn’t feel like playacting as a Normal Functioning Person.
When the sun starts to skim the evergreens, you return to the cabin. You start up a pot of cheesy mac while Soap gets the fire going, pyromaniac that he is. Once it’s burning nicely, he starts closing up the windows. Not too soon either – the temperature is starting to dip and twinging at your hip, unhappy from sitting in the car so long.
The two of you hum over empty carbs and excess dairy by the fire, a glass of scotch for each of you. When you’ve had your fill, he washes the dishes, you pour another round, and the two of you settle together on the old sofa.
“Almost been a year,” Soap says after a while.
You sigh through your nose, stare into the dwindling pool of amber in your hand. “Three more weeks.”
“You miss it too.”
Against your will, your eyes slide sideways, to the hand he’s clenching and unclenching on his thigh. There’s a wicked line of scar tissue beneath the sleeve of his shirt where the surgeons salvaged what they could. Mostly successful too, apart from the damaged radial nerve that ruined his career.
“So much, Soap, fuck.”
You didn’t mean to say that. You’re supposed to be the healthy one here, encouraging this necessary and healthful change to your lives.
As if reading your mind, Soap hums, bumps his elbow into your ribs. “No shame in it.”
You shake your head. “I don’t even know what I miss.”
“Feeling useful, I reckon. Feeling… necessary,” he muses, subdued.
It’s insightful but too accurate. Too selfish. You rub your thumb over the lip of your glass.
“I hate that I can’t keep an eye on Price and Gaz,” you say. “Feels like I’m always waiting to hear the worst, ya know?”
“Yeah,” he whispers roughly. “I ken.”
The two of you end up falling asleep on the couch. Soap, sitting up with his sketchbook, and you folded into the corner against the arm, book pages fluttering between lax fingers. At some point, the cramped position aches enough to wake you. Your eyes flutter open, low fire throwing long, deep shadows across the wooden wall.
Something is watching from the window.
You jolt up, hand reaching for the gun you no longer carry on your thigh. The movement jostles Soap awake as well. It involuntarily draws your eye, just a fraction of a second. But the haunting shadow is gone by the time you turn back.
That’s not enough for you. You roll to your feet, hiss as your knee threatens to give. But you manage to get your balance and snatch your combat knife from your boot as you storm towards the door.
“Kit? Kit! The fuck is going on?!” Soap calls.
“Saw something!” you reply.
There’s a flashlight hanging by a hook next to the door. You grab it as you burst out into the chilly air, tensed for a fight. A quick sweep of the front yard and immediate tree line reveals nothing. Steps soft and careful, you approach the side of the house, expertly gripping your knife.
“On your six,” Soap breathes behind you.
You round the corner, eyes scanning the trees, the brush. There’s no movement, no suspiciously rustling branches. You tilt your head, listening for anything past the normal sounds of the night. But there isn’t even an unusual silence in the dark world around you.
“Just a dream, then,” you sigh.
It wouldn’t be the first time. Unusual, though. Your nightmare-induced hallucinations usually conjure guns in your face or teammates bleeding out on the floor. Not strange figures at the windows. Still, you can hear the explanation of your shrink trying to soothe you. Middle of the night after drinking, in a new and atmospheric environment. Plus, there’s been all that fuss on the news about a serial killer; nowhere near you and Soap, mind, but still. Subconscious or some shite.
“Let’s do a sweep anyway,” Soap says.
Your chest warms. “Alright.”
Naturally, there’s nothing. Soap only gives you a one-armed hug as you return to the cabin. One final check of the interior – since you did leave the door open when you rushed out – and then the two of you turn in for bed.
The next day starts lazy and slow. A strange reprieve from your body’s military-trained urge to wake early. It’s nice, though, to snuggle beneath the covers with Soap’s soft snores only a few meters away. You play pre-downloaded games on your phone while you wait for him to wake, enjoying the lie in.
Breakfast is enjoyed on the little porch out front; you bundled up in a woolen throw while you sip coffee. It’s shaping up to be an unusually sunny day, and you agree to a longer hike around the loch before lunch. When you return, you settle on the porch again to read while Soap chops wood.
Which, well.
You don’t mind a bit of entertainment between pages… or paragraphs… or…
Soap hasn’t neglected his physique at all since the discharge. All corded muscles, broad shoulders, and tapered waist. Watching the bunch and release of his arms has always been a guilty pleasure of yours, and so blessedly indulged during training sessions in the 141.
You try not to sigh and drool over it (him) like a repressed Victorian.
“Ach, fer fucks…”
You snap to attention, book set aside. “Is your arm acting up?”
He’s set the hatchet down, grabbing at his elbow with a pinched expression.
“Aye,” he grumbles.
You trot to his side, pleased that he still instantly submits to your care. He lets you manipulate his arm, prod along the nerve pathways and bunched muscles that are spasming in pain. His groan has no business being that low or rough or close to your ear. But you ignore it like you always have, focus on getting him right. Barely even register when he sets his jaw on top of your head.
A few minutes pass in silence while you try to massage away the worst of the flare up. When he finally sighs, slumping into you a little, you gently squeeze his forearm.
“Bampot,” you huff.
“Aye, I ken,” he mumbles.  “’S why I have you.”
You click your tongue. “Someone’s gotta keep you alive. Next time let me help.”
“Not on yer life.”
You pinch his side, grinning wickedly when he yelps and jerks away. Little shit. Your favorite little shit, damn him.
He allows you to help carry the firewood to the rack next to the tiny shed. It’s round back of the cabin, covered by an old blue tarp. Soap is in the lead and sees it first.
“Oh, well isn’t that pure dead brilliant,” he huffs.
You peak around him and blink at the rust-colored splatters decorating the side of the shed. There’s a dark patch in the scraggly grass as well and drag marks into the trees. Clearly, some prey fell victim to the circle of life here. Recently, too, from the color of the blood.
“What do you think it was?” you ask. “There aren’t wolves here.”
“Nah, but coulda been a fox.”
You scrunch up your nose. “This close to us? Usually foxes steer clear of humans.”
“Feral dog, then, maybe.”
It’s a lot of blood for anything a dog or fox would risk taking down, though. Even a feral one.
“C’mon, let’s get inside. Need a coupla pills ‘fore mah arm starts taking the piss again.”
You help him stack the firewood and then follow him back to the cabin. And if you linger on the blood, your random dream, and the lingering sensation of eyes on you… well, nothing new for you.
It pours all of the next day. Soap says it’s good timing, that he won’t have to wash the shed himself. Both of your injuries are acting up, though, and you spend the day trying to find different positions to appease the ache in your hip. At one point, he has to help you to the shower, your leg feeling too weak to support your weight. It’s frustrating, but you’ve had nearly a year to learn to cope.
Soap lifts your spirits, though, like always. Convinces you to play Scrabble and keeps insisting that he’s just using Scottish words. It ends the way it usually does – you and him wrestling like children, trying to trap the other to determine the winner. You only just manage to get a hold of him, though he puts up a good fight. He eventually admits that “daylich” isn’t actually a word and he didn’t deserve the triple word score.
Then he breaks out a pack of biscuits as a peace offering and all is forgiven. The two of you nibble on those while watching a movie on your laptop and then shuffle off to bed.
Long after Soap has fallen asleep, you’re awake. The memory of his body against yours always leaves you feeling branded. Like the heat of him burns right through your clothes. It’s been… probably too long since you last got off. Way too long since someone else got you off. And yeah, you had a couple of shameful secret wanks around teammates back in the day, but things are different now. You’re not high on adrenaline in the military anymore. No excuse for shoving a hand down your pants.
Still, your thoughts spiral as you finally start to doze. Rough hands on your hips, your thighs, your throat. Gentle but teasing at the true strength they possess. A hot tongue along your cheek, treating you like something to savor… or to devour. A shadow looming over you, dwarfing you. Phantom sensations that you crave as much as you shy away, wanting it but knowing you shouldn’t.
The throbbing between your thighs rouses you. Sleep-addled, you give in. You’d be embarrassed of how wet you are if anyone else were to know. And of the soft, needy noise you make when your brush your fingertips between your thighs. But Soap is still snoring steadily, and the pounding of the ongoing rain makes you brave.
You stroke slowly and gently over the bundle of nerves at first, mimicking those dreamt touches. It’s almost as maddening even when it’s your own hand. Sleep is half-dragging at you, though, and you speed up, drawing tight little circles at the top, teasing lower to stoke the heat burning in your gut. Your breathing picks up, little breaths past an open mouth.
It’s really not going to take much. Not with how long it’s been, how much you want it, vague thoughts of your darkest fantasies flickering through your hazy mind. You tilt your hips down, get the pressure of your heel against your empty, aching hole. You rock a couple times, high-pitched noises caught at the top of your throat.
You come imagining a big hand around your neck choking off those sounds. Have to slap your free hand over your mouth as you shake and writhe through it. Drag your nails up your bare thigh just to balance out the unbearable pleasure. And then you go limp against the pillows, panting and shuddering through aftershocks.
When you extract your hand from beneath the blankets, you blink at the wetness coating your fingertips for a moment. If someone asked, the excuse you’d give is not touching anything with your wet hand. But truthfully, you’re just indulging in impulsive hedonism as you suck your own fingers.
“Fuck,” you whisper to the shadows.
Then you climb out of bed for a proper cleanup, ready to finally fall asleep and definitely not think about how much quicker you came knowing that Soap was right there the entire time.
It’s raining on and off the next day. You and Soap take a little walk during one of the dry patches, though it’s cut short with how sore your hip still is. Soap collects more firewood from the shed, keeps the flames well fed while you putter about. Nap for an hour, start rereading one of your favorite books, watch a scary movie with him, make American flapjacks just for the sake of it.
Even though you should be feeling stir crazy, Soap has always made for good company. The day passes pleasantly into an early night, the sun standing little chance against the thick cloud cover.
You and Soap are settling in with scotch when frantic knocking interrupts the peaceful quiet.
“Help!” a ragged voice screams. “Someone please help me!”
You hardly exchange glances before the two of you are up. Soap goes for the door, gun in hand. You scramble for the ever-present medical kit that earned your call-sign, left out on the counter.
Soap yanks the door open; a man tumbles in. Middle aged, lanky build, bleeding from a long cut on his forehead. His ankle is twisted at a damning angle. You scan him for obvious weapons, but his t-shirt and muddy boxers reveal nothing but bruising and scraped skin. His hands are empty as they scrabble at the floor, trying to drag himself inside. Soap slams the door closed and locks it.
“Please!” the man cries again. “You have to help me!”
You drop to your knees beside him, already popping your kit open.
“We’re going to help you, sir,” you say evenly, “but you need to calm down.”
“You don’t understand,” the man gasps as you help him sit up. “H-He… he’s out there.”
“Who?” Soap asks, grip shifting on the gun.
“S-some psycho,” the man answers. You work easily past his shaking, getting a look at his swelling ankle. Definitely broken… with force. “In a mask.”
You blink, shoot Soap a look. Have the two of you fallen into some weird horror movie by accident?
“What did he do?” Soap asks.
“H-he attacked us with a big bloody knife.”
“Who’s ‘us’?” you ask. “Who else was with you?”
“The lads – my friends – my brother. Oh, god…” He pales further. You brace him, eyeing the packaged shock blanket peeking from your kit. “Danny is dead. There was so much blood.”
“How many?” Soap asks, voice hard. “How many of you are still alive?”
“I-I don’t know. I barely got-got away. Oh, god—”
He dissolves into tears and whimpers. You rip open the blanket and drape it around the man, then scoot down to his ruined ankle. Over his head, you frown at Soap. Something is missing here. This man was with at least three other people, but one man attacked them? There’s something to be said for shock and surprise and fear, but still…
“Gonnae see if I can find survivors,” he says. “I’ll send ‘em your way if I find any. You stay here, take care of this ‘un.”
“That’s stupid,” you argue. “You can’t go by yourself!”
“No different than recon, aye? Not gonnae engage, but we cannae leave anyone bleedin’ out there.”
Your mouth twists. No, no you can’t leave civilians potentially wounded with a killer out for blood. Discharged or not (war criminals or not… and you both are, technically) you’re both too dutybound for that.
“RV here in ten and I’ll have the car ready for exfil.”
He crosses to you, knocks your foreheads together – a pre-mission gesture you never thought you’d receive again. You close your eyes for a second, squeeze the back of his neck. Then send him off with a firm nod.
You lock the door after him, then return to the man.
“Are you two military or something?” he asks.
“We were,” you answer, “medical discharge.”
“Oh brilliant! You’re telling me that my only hope is a couple cripples?!”
You level him a flat, unimpressed look. “I’m a medic with more kills than you’ve got chest hairs, understand? Shut up and brace. I need to wrap your ankle.”
He whimpers and whines and curses while you set and compress it. Nothing you haven’t heard before, vehement as it may be. Ungrateful, though, you think vaguely. Save a guy’s life and he’s calling you all sorts of derogatory names while you try to salvage his ability to walk.
“You done?” you ask, interrupting his latest stream of expletives. “I need to hear if someone is coming.”
That only shuts him up for a moment before he’s piping up again. “Do you have a weapon?”
You tug your pant leg up to show the knife strapped to your calf.
“Do you even know how to use that?!”
“Look, I know this is a lot for you, so maybe you should stop talking for a while.”
His face twists, brain turning to anger as he tries to cope with his own fear and new trauma. You don’t pay him any heed, wiping off his head and closing the still-weeping cut with butterflies. All you can hear over his wheezing is the rain outside. No footsteps or screams or, most importantly, gunshots.
With the worst two of the man’s wounds seen to, you take stock. You’re not dressed for any sort of confrontation in lounge pants and socks.
“Here. Start treating your legs and arms,” you say, pressing gauze and wound wash into the man’s hands.
“Where are you going?!” he protests.
“Need to prep to leave,” you explain. “Shout if you hear anything.”
He doesn’t look thrilled, but you’re already up and hurrying to the bedroom. You climb into a thick pair of cargos – relieved that your fashion sense hasn’t improved since the army – and a thermal shirt. Your pistol is waiting in the side pocket of your duffel, loaded and holstered. The weight of it is comforting against your thigh; you’ve missed it.
You grab the bags and carry them back to the door, check your watch. It’s only been four minutes. If Soap isn’t back in another six, you’re going out to get him yourself, injured civilian be damned. Everything you’ve gone through together; you’re not going to lose your best friend to some overdramatic wanker with a knife.
“What are you doing now?!” the man asks.
You give him another once over. He’s done a decent job prioritizing the worst scrapes and cuts, they look clean enough. Most importantly, he seems less faint than when you left. Giving him something to focus on must have helped.
“Checking the car. We’re leaving as soon as Soap gets back,” you answer.
“A-at least give me something to protect myself with!”
You try not to sigh in annoyance. What good would he even be, unable to walk and shaky on adrenaline? Still, you take pity and tug the knife from your boot, offer it to him handle first.
“Not the gun?” he complains.
You jog out to the car, gun in one hand and duffels in the other. It’s raining again, getting harder by the moment. There’s a steady, sharp pain radiating throughout your leg, threatening to knock it out from under you. You grit your teeth as you toss the bags in the backseat and move to the ignition.
And the car doesn’t start.
You don’t waste time trying it again. It should be in perfect condition; it must have been tampered with.
When you approach the house again, you hear shouting from inside. You pick up the pace, nearly skid across the wooden floor when you get there. The man is huddling up by the couch, white knuckling the knife.
“I-I heard something!”
“Where?” you demand, scanning the immediate area. Thank fuck that Soap’s seanair believed in minimalism.
“In the back.”
You frown. “The only way in is through windows back there, and those are locked.”
“I know what I heard!”
“Stay here, then.”
You click the safety off and pad the short hallway to the bedroom. Don’t bother announcing yourself, or any idiotic “who’s there”. You kick the unlatched door open and sweep through the room just like you would for a raid. The tiny lamp on the nightstand is still on, illuminating the sparse space.
You check under the first bed, then sidestep and tilt your head to check the other. Nothing.
“There isn’t—”
The window is open. The window is fucking open. How?!
You spin on your heel, just in time to see a hauntingly familiar mask bent over the gurgling body of the man. There’s no hesitation as you raise the gun and fire twice, but the killer has already rolled out of the way. Well fuck that.
You rush from the bedroom, fire another two into the couch as you round the corner. He’s a fast fucker, waiting by the wall adjacent to the hall as you exit. And he’s fucking big. Slams into your side – your bad side – like a tank. It fucks your balance, and you go down with a snarled curse, winded as all his weight lands on your much smaller frame.
On training and instinct, you slam your elbow back. There’s a crunch, a grunt of pain. But damn him, he doesn’t let up. A big hand finds yours on the gun. You yelp as he squeezes hard enough to feel the bones bend. The gun fires – bang, bang, bang. His head is right by yours, the hard edge of his mask pressing into your temple, panting in your ear.
You lash out with your other arm, though your aim is off. Instead of hitting his throat, you get his jaw instead. You plant your boot on the floor and push, trying to get out from under him. Instead, he rolls with your back against his chest. The gun clatters as he snakes a thick arm around your throat. You grab at his forearm, but you know you have no hope of matching him in strength.
You scrabble for the knife in your boot, but it’s gone.
Fuck, you gave it to—
The cabin ceiling is getting spotty.
Your fingers brush the killer’s leg, find a familiar shape tucked at the side of his boot. You snatch up the knife and drive it into his calf. He growls, but the arm on your throat blessedly disappears. You suck air, blinking past dark edges. Twist onto your front and blindly fumble for your gun.
Manage two shots right to his chest. He falls limp. You wait a beat, two. He doesn’t move again.
You click the safety on and holster the gun. And then, out of morbid curiosity, crawl closer to the body.
“Holy hell,” you breathe as you get a good look at the mask.
He’s wearing a skull over a black balaclava. Not just a prop either you realize when you tap at it. It’s real. Human. Thin cracks spiderweb along the front orbital bone, the corner of the eye socket – from where you elbowed him, you think. Beyond them, his eyes are closed and still, the skin painted black.
“Big scary fucker,” you murmur. And if you’re a bit admiring… well, it between you and a dead body. A couple dead bodies. Can’t forget about the other guy. “That was almost fun.”
You jolt, barely able to hear Soap’s voice over the pounding rain, but relieved to hear it. A hiss escapes between your teeth as you get to your feet, hip protesting. You have to grab at the couch to catch your balance. Then brace yourself and walk carefully towards the door.
Your fingers are just centimeters from the doorknob when an arm wraps around your neck again. You flail, try to kick off the door, but it hardly even makes him stumble. Then there’s a sharp pinch in your arm, sibilant shushing by your ear, and the world goes dark.
The world comes to you in bits and pieces.
Something soft under you. A slight ache in your hip. Fabric around your bare legs. Voices? You think you recognize the rumble of Soap’s brogue, but not whoever he’s speaking to.
Soft golden light creeps past your fluttering eyelashes. Soap is sitting across the room on… a big floor cushion? You blink a couple times, adjusting your slightly blurred vision. But yep, that’s him, sitting on a gigantic pillow. And… is that his throat mic?
“Mm… John?” you call, rubbing at your eyes.
“Aye, Kit. Nice ‘n slow now. We’re alright.”
You hum and push yourself up, limbs heavy. Once you’re sitting, Soap speaks again. Gentle and calm.
“You remember what happened?”
You pause, frown. It comes to you in a slow trickle. The trip, the forest, the cabin… and then it floods back. The injured man at the door, the killer, the struggle. The ambush as you were going to meet Soap at the door.
“Fuck,” you whisper.
You give him another once over. That’s not a throat mic; it’s a collar. A thick black leather thing, complete with a silver chain that trails off somewhere behind him. You stare for a second, bewildered.
“Don’t be jealous. You match.”
Your head whips around to the hulking figure in a doorway to your right. He’s just as imposing as you remember, tall and fucking built, dressed in all black and mask still on. The soft lighting casts spooky shadows across the eye sockets.
The words process a moment later and your hand darts up to your neck. Sure enough, there’s a wide leather band around your neck. You’ll give it this, though – you didn’t even notice it until he said something. Not too tight, comfortable even. Clearly made with long-term wear against skin in mind. There’s a chain attached to yours too and you follow it to an anchor in the wall.
“If it’s any consolation, ye look right bonnie,” Soap calls.
You snort. “’Course I do.”
The killer shrugs off the wall. You watch as he saunters closer in long, heavy strides. No point in scrambling away or trying to run – you’d have a limited radius of escape if he didn’t grab you first. Besides, you’re not about to cower to some spooky bastard with a couple dirty tricks up his sleeve.
He crouches down well within your reach, clearly not concerned about you lashing out. You tilt your head in defiance, meeting his eyes for a moment before he flicks his gaze down. He reaches out, gloved fingers catching your chin. Not hard, but firm enough that there’s no arguing when he tilts your chin up.
Fabric brushes the sensitive skin of your neck, above and below the collar.
“Pretty kitty,” he purrs. “Glad I didn’t bruise this lovely neck.”
Two fingers press against one side a little harder, edging beneath the leather. You recognize the gesture as you swallow. He’s checking your pulse. You’re proud that it’s still steady and unhurried.
“Not scared?” He doesn’t say it like it’s a question.
You arch your eyebrows. “Should I be?”
His eyes flicker. “Not if you behave.”
You run your tongue over your teeth, resisting a sneer. Past his shoulder, Soap is watching with a smirk. Unharmed, you note again. He’s fine. You’re fine, despite slight soreness from the brief struggle. If there was something to be concerned about (apart from the obvious) he would have let you know right off the bat. So, you take a calculated risk.
“Yeah? And what do you consider behaving?” you ask.
The corners of the killer’s eyes crinkle. You knew enough masked men back in the military to recognize a hidden smile. He’s amused by your snarky question. Another good sign.
“Good pets obey their masters.”
You blink, breath leaving you in a soft rush. It… makes sense. Just not the answer you expected. Stupid, maybe, given the collars, leashes, and dog beds. You’ll have to blame the lingering drugs.
“There are so many shelters, you’ve got to be kidding me,” you blurt, bewildered.
The man snorts, hooks a finger under your collar and gives an almost playful tug. An entirely instinctive part of you catches its breath. You’re glad he’s not measuring your pulse anymore.
“Those can’t talk back,” he answers simply, shrugging.
Soap barks a laugh. “Well, you’ll get what you asked for with us then.”
You grin crookedly, showing all your teeth. “And then some,” you agree, reaching up to tug the hand from your collar.
He jerks harder this time, unbalancing you towards him. You catch yourself on both hands, feel a blaze of heat across your nose and glare up at him through your lashes.
“No touching, kitten,” he says. “You’ll have to earn that.”
You try not to roll your eyes, not quite willing to push your luck too far yet. But it’s a near thing.
“Sure, let me get right on that,” you scoff dryly anyway.
He clicks his tongue, but no further retribution comes save for one last warning tug. Then he’s standing, towering over you again.
“I need a shower. You two settle in.”
And he just walks off. Like he didn’t just take two former SAS operatives as human pets. You wait until you hear distant water before turning to Soap.
“What happened?”
“Ambushed me,” he grumbles, sitting back against the wall. “Snuck up as I was trying to get you untied. Bastard is trained.”
Soap’s pouting, even though there’s an entire police case of victims who weren’t as lucky as him.
“Trained like us, you mean?”
“Aye.” Soap pauses, looking at the floor pensively, brows furrowing. “Means he had every reason and way to hurt us.”
You nod. “He had me in a hold and his knife hand free. Could have done anything with it. Let me stab him instead.”
Soap hums. “And, well, there’s a basement. Could have brought us there too, I reckon.”
He glances at the doorway the killer was lingering in when you woke. You get what he’s saying – or not saying, as it were. The two of you are hale and whole only because the killer decided to make it so. Because, as all evidence seems to suggest, he wants pets.
“You figure he means it? About… us?” you wonder.
Soap shrugs. “He’s no reason ta lie.”
That’s what you’re worried about.
“News says he’s a sadist,” you point out. “His idea of a pet might be...”
“Aye, but then why do all this?” He gestures to the big soft beds, which you know must have been a bit expensive for their size and comfortability, and the well-made leather collars. You’ve even got a blanket at your feet for the cool air. “Nae, I think even sadists miss a bit ‘o companionship now n’ then.”
You hum. Makes sense, in the part of you that’s seen the worst humanity has to offer and risen up to greet it. You’ve seen plenty of shit, plenty of people, and the things they’re capable of. But even “monsters” go home to family, to hobbies, to entirely wholesome things that they enjoy just because.
That’s the hard part about war. Seeing the most depraved and evil examples of humanity and reconciling that they have qualities one can recognize in themselves.
“The plan, then?”
“Say we go along with it for now,” Soap says, shrugging. “Not like we could get free as we are anyway.”
You hum in agreement. The chain is clipped to the wall anchor by a thick padlock, and feeling at the collar earlier, you know it’s the same on the other side. The collar itself is too high-quality to come apart without something sharp. So you’re stuck. Even if you did will a lockpick into existence, you’ve no intel on the rest of the house or even where you’d go from the house.
“But listen, Kit, I’m no’ gonnae let anything happen to you. If this gets violent, I’ll tear the walls apart with my hands if I hafta.”
You smile, wish suddenly and fiercely that you could hug him. He looks like he could use it; god knows you could.
“I know, John,” you soothe. “I will too.”
He nods, jaw twitching, then sighs and sits back again. The two of you sit in silence for a few moments, digesting the plan. You take an actual look at the room you’re in – a den, it seems like. A fireplace in one corner, a decent sized couch to your left. Beyond it, you can see a clean and modern kitchen. There’s a coffee table, end tables, lamps, a goddamn rug. It’s downright cozy; like something out of a magazine.
“Nice voice, though, aye?” Soap chirps suddenly, snapping your gaze back to him.
“Och, don’t ‘Soap’ me,” he grumbles. “You look me in the eye and tell me tha’s no’ a voice made fer sex.”
And damn him, you can’t.
“Can’t say I was thinking about his voice when he was waving a big knife at me.”
“He can wave his big knife at—”
“I’m gonna kill you myself—” You snarl, balling up your blanket and chucking at his stupid, wiggling eyebrows.
“Oi, you two,” aforementioned sexy voice chastises from the hallway.
You wrinkle your nose as Soap grins at you, a shadow in the corner of your vision as the killer comes into the room again. He brings a cloud of clean water and bergamot. He smells good.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” you hiss, dismayed.
“Problem?” the killer asks.
He’s got the mask on again (or still? You hope he doesn’t shower with it on, that’s unsanitary) but you can hear him arching an eyebrow. Stubbornly, you turn away to glare at Soap some more. It’s obvious he realizes what you’re referring to from the way he smothers a snicker, though.
You don’t get away with it for long before a hand is pulling your jaw up. Rough only because you resist for the briefest fraction. Once he’s got your face where he wants it, though, your captor’s grip isn’t painfully tight.
“When I ask you a question, I expect an answer, kitten. Understood?”
Your hand twitches to grab at the hold but remember what he said about touching without permission. Stubborn as you may be, you’re not actively trying to incite violence against you or Soap. The plan is to go along with… whatever this is. So you swallow a bit of your pride.
He hums like that’s not quite the answer he wanted, but it’s acceptable for now.
“Now, is there a problem?” he asks again.
“Apart from the kidnapping?” you snip. “Everything is right as rain.”
He snorts, smooths his thumb over your chin, slow and dangerous. You go still, refuse to falter but careful not to provoke further.
“You’re going to be trouble, aren’t you?” he muses almost to himself.
“Must have expected it,” you reason honestly, “know you watched us for a few days.”
He tilts his head, eyes eerily unblinking within the unholy shadows of the skull. “Longer’n that, pretty thing.”
You open your mouth but don’t know what to say. Longer than the days at the cabin? How long? And how did you and Soap not notice?
Your spiraling thoughts are interrupted by fabric gliding over your bottom lip. His thumb threatening to slip past. You snap your jaw closed, nearly catch the tip of his finger in your teeth. He chuckles and finally releases you, making for the nearby couch.
He settles in with sigh and flicks on the TV. There on the screen is a flashing headline:
Another Ghost Victim Found.
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damagedghoulette · 4 months
Aether, having a moment: Stop saying ‘I wish’ and start saying ‘I will’
Dewdrop: I wi-
Phantom, straight faced: I will my parents still loved me
Rain: …
Swiss: …
Mountain: …
Cumulus: …
Cirrus: …
Aurora: …
Dewdrop: I’m so proud
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little-pondhead · 2 years
Thinking about if Dani ever gets added to the Villain Everlasting Trio au, like how would she fit in? Obviously the JL would have to figure out she's a clone and try and figure out why she exists ("maybe fenton is just that narcissistic?" flash asks, meanwhile batman is already texts agent a to get ready another room in addition to the three already prepared). Maybe she acts like the innocent kid in danger until heroes get close? batfamily trying to pspspsps her away from fenton? The trio collectively calling her their daughter?
I love this au so much, even if I still don't fully forgive you for making Tucker hot.
The way I SPRINTED to my computer.
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Disclaimer: This particular AU has nothing to do with Fun Sized and Feral by @nutcase8691 or my Dani Fenton redesign from a while ago. This isn’t really important, but I thought the plot of this au might be straying the tiniest bit too close to the Feral AU (which I love btw) and I just didn’t want to cause confusion.
TLDR: Dani had to mature too quickly in their home world, so when she arrived in the DC universe, she finally got to slow down and be a kid. :)
Okay okay. Give me a moment. Since everyone is acting like the opposite of their usual self when they're playing villains, your question was, how would she fit in? To backtrack to this earlier post, I said that each of the trio's specific gimmicks somehow ties into their everyday lives. They looked at their immediate friends, family and acquaintances, picked out the traits they saw as 'villainous,' and then applied that to themselves.
Danny became a mad scientist because even though his parents love him through and through, they still hurt him the most. The threat of capture and dissection from the GIW didn't help, either. He wears a suit similar to his parents, pushes his hair up so he can see better, and his white lab coat looks a little like the GIW's suits. The suit is also red, which is the opposite of green, distancing himself further from his hero life as Phantom and connecting him more to his civilian self, where red is present on his shirt. He refuses to use his powers, as well.
Sam looks like an angel, which seems odd given her completely goth look and slightly pessimistic attitude. And if she uses her plant powers (shut up, she totally has them) as part of Team Phantom, then that rules out using them as a villain. They want to completely separate these alter-egos from each other. Well, one of the most significant sources of strife in Sam's personal life is her parents. In the show, they're seen constantly fighting with Sam, trying to mold her into their perfect daughter, when Sam is very obviously happy with how she is right now. So as a silent fuck you to her parents, Sam gets a hold of a Realm artifact, the halo, which gives her a pair of ghostly wings and the ability of flight. Now, she's the one in the air, and Sam is still doing what she does best, even as an angel. She tries to show the world that not all angels are perfect, and in fact, they can be downright monstrous. (This is where her more aggressive and destructive attitude comes in.)
As far as I'm aware, Tucker doesn't have any trauma related to his parents. (The lucky bastard.) He is the tech-nerd stereotype, however. And since he's from a cartoon from 2004, that means he gets bullied. A lot. The show focuses mainly on Danny, but you cannot tell me Tucker wasn't bullied like that, either. For the sake of the au, let's say Danny was taking all the beatings for Tucker. Maybe he was in canon; I can't remember. But not only is Tucker being physically bullied but so is his best friend. (Eventually lover!) And imagine his feelings when Team Phantom shows up to a ghost fight, and Tucker is absolutely useless the entire time. He just can't help at all. Danny and Sam are on the front lines, redirecting hits and doing damage control, and here he is, waiting for the Wi-Fi to catch up on his PDA. It eats him up. He wants to be helpful in more ways than one, and that's what the DC universe gives him. He takes another Realm artifact; this time, it's actually his by birthright, and the artifact drastically increases his physical power, just like he's always wanted. He learns Egyptian magic and dresses in a way that gives homage to his time in Egypt-which was traumatizing by itself, but hey, he has sweet beetle magic now.
Basically, Fenton, Manson, and Foley are all the results of the trio's frustrations and fears. They become the things they stress about the most to help cope with their everyday lives. The DC universe is their outlet.
So where does Dani fit in?
Well, Dani is a clone, as we know. Her creation and introduction to the world were rather sudden if you compare her to a typical baby. And that's what she is; a baby. Unless you jumped the timeline far into the future, Dani is barely a year old in canon (I think.) And after her team-up with Danny to defeat Vlad, she makes the decision to leave Amity and travels the world. She has to navigate an entire world independently, even if Danny wants to help her. So now, plop her in the DC verse. What's the opposite of an independent clone who's had to fend for herself from a very young age and has had almost no real familial bonds?
A kid. A scared, touched-starved child who's had no one to look after her for who knows how long. (Vlad doesn't count here.) Dani gets to the DC verse and cries because she and Danny can finally bond like she always wanted to. She doesn't have to put up a strong front because the trio is there to protect her. Dani is extremely young, and now she can finally be a kid. It's not mental age regression; instead, Dani no longer has to hold herself back from doing childish things or crying. Both are things that could be a danger when you're living on the streets. She spends almost all her time here now.
The Everlasting Trio had already missed her before, but they had just fully adopted her in this new world. Dani is their baby. Their little girl. She didn't ask to be born-she shouldn't have to suffer because it was unsafe at home. Well, they can make a new one, just for her, here in this universe. And look! There’s more clones for her to bond with! The GZ is more accessible than ever, and their commute between universes really isn’t that bad. They like it here! And the heroes and villains will never take her away, no matter how hard they try. Sure, Dani can have playdates with some of them, but she will wail and scream if anyone so much as suggests she stay the night without her parent's permission.
Oh, and she never stops being a little shit. If anyone doubts that Fenton and Dani are related, they are simply ushered online to see that one viral clip of Dani latching on to King Shark with her teeth and not letting go in the middle of a shopping plaza. The camera pans to the left a moment later, and the audience spots Fenton doing the exact same thing to John Constantine.
The first time the Justice League meets Dani, it's right after she got lost during a spacewalk with Danny and Sam. She enters the first place she sees, the Watchtower, and breaks down in front of Wonder Woman about how she can't find her parents and doesn't know how to get home. The heroes are baffled and try to comfort her until Danny comes barging in five minutes later, panicking over his baby girl missing. They reunite, the heroes are reeling, and Superman mentions he didn't think Fenton was old enough to have a kid.
Fenton looks up from his bear hug and goes: "Huh? Oh, no. I'm only seventeen. (work with me here) Dani is technically my clone, but we adopted her properly as soon as possible."
And now the League has two issues. Their most annoying enemy is only seventeen. And he has a clone.
What the f u c k.
Extra analysis: Dani's outfit is cleaner and a little fancier than what she wore in the show. She ties her hair up like Tucker and pins her bangs back like Sam. She already looks identical to Danny but likes to wear his sweaters, especially in cold weather. The oversized clothes remind her of her time with Danny in Amity Park, and helps hide her physique better, so it's hard to tell how old she is. She wears leggings to show that she no longer has to fight for her life every day on the streets. Now that the trio adopted her, she can relax and let someone else take the hits for a while. (We all know how fast leggings and tights can be ruined when doing literally anything.) Fright Knight gifts her a cursed doll that helps protect her in stressful situations and functions like an SOS beacon. JLD hates the bear. (She named it Strawbeary.)
She acts on her impulses more often, which the trio sees as a good thing. Even if that impulsive desire gets her in trouble, it gives everyone a chance to learn and grow as a family. Dani also refrains from going ghost at first, following her dad's wishes. Right now, she's just giving herself a break from her previous nomadic lifestyle. After a bit, she and Danny will bond over their halfa status, and she'll grow into her own unique core and powerset. The heroes dread the day the littlest Fenton decides to join her parents in their shenanigans.
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yuurei20 · 7 months
Riddle Info Compilation Master List
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Riddle 1 - Upbringing (pt1)
Riddle 2 - Upbringing (pt2)
Riddle 3 - Overblot (pt1)
Riddle 4 - Overblot (pt2)
Riddle 5 - Book 1 (pt1)
Riddle 6 - Book 1 (pt2)
Riddle 7 - Intelligence vs Common Sense(pt1)
Riddle 8 - Intelligence vs Common Sense(pt2)
Riddle 9 - Riddle and Food
Riddle 10 - Riddle and Leona
Riddle 11 - Riddle and Idia
Riddle 12 - Unique Magic and Violence
Riddle 13 - Riddle and Azul (pt1)
Riddle 14 - Riddle and Azul (pt2)
Riddle 15 - Riddle and Azul (pt3)
Riddle 16 - Riddle and Floyd (pt1)
Riddle 17 - Riddle and Floyd (pt2)
Riddle 18 - Riddle and Jade (pt1)
Riddle 19 - Riddle and Jade (pt2)
Riddle 20 - Phantom Bride and Ortho
Riddle 21 - Riddle and Ace (pt1)
Riddle 22 - Riddle and Ace (pt2)
Riddle 23 - Prologue, Hedgehogs, Book 6
Riddle 24 - Riddle and Cater
Riddle 25 - Riddle and Trey (pt1)
Riddle 26 - Riddle and Trey (pt2)
Riddle 27 - Riddle and Trey (pt3)
Riddle 28 - The Rules and Vil
Riddle 29 - Riddle, Jack and Kalim
Riddle 30 - Riddle, Deuce and Crosswords
Riddle 31 - Riddle and Sebek
Riddle 32 - Halloween and More
Riddle 33 - Riddle and Malleus
(also catalogued on twstnote.com!)
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fullofgutsndopamine · 2 months
Just A Spark (Gonna Let It Happen)
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Or: five times hasan helped you + 1 the one time you helped him
feat: fire fighter hasan
tw: mention of drinking, cursing, mention of ptsd/trauma
thanks to the wonderful @the-phantom-author for letting me run with their idea. @medlarmeadows and @abadarkade for their wonderful suggestions and always offering ideas when i run out
more hasan here
one. first encounter
sometimes, when the thick blanket of night falls in the room, hits his eyes even though they’re blocked by his arm-he wonders exactly what he did wrong in a past life to be here.
he isn’t sure if he believes in that past life bullshit; people with cards and stars that tell him he looked at someone the wrong way, years ago, in a different lifetime, landed him here- but fuck, he did something wrong.
it’s the steady beep of a half broken fire alarm that makes an eye snap up. it’s ironic, or something, that the fire stations fire alarm would be broken, but he can’t find himself caring enough to pull up a chair, find the screwdriver, to care long enough to do something for it.
instead, he lays with his forearm over his eyes, counts the seconds in between the beeps, find the peace in the lull between the five seconds.
there’s parties to go to; things he could make himself do-instead, he lays in a twin sized mattress that lightly reeks of a delicate mixture of body odor and oil.
Last nights call plays in his head: what was suppose to be a harmless call for a ninety year old-the flash of fear in her eyes when he gets there, holding her hand and promising her it’ll be okay-
he sits up and flips the pillow over to the cooler side, hopes that makes a difference, tries to face the wall and count the markings that line the wall.
An alarm blares over head.
he wonders if he squeezes his eyes shut long enough, picks the sides of the pillow up and slams it into his ears. instead, he sits up with a sigh, pulls his shoes up and says a hail mary to whatever supernatural powers be, wills it to be better.
The engine starts up, James, his partner forever, hops into the seat next to him and they’re off.
Three streets away in a yard only lit up by a fire, you find yourself borderline pacing.
The coughing didn’t bother you. At least, not at first.
The bonfire started hours ago, before the sun had set, hiding behind clouds and dipping in and out of them, as if it was an elaborate game of hide and seek that you were losing badly.
The coughing was almost expected. Peter and Paul, the two idiots together, disappeared off an hour ago with a large container of gasoline and a glint in their eye that you didn’t fully trust-honestly, you were surprised it took this long for it to catch up with you.
“Dude,” someone, you think his name is Scott, a friend of a friend, speaks up: “The first cough is whatever. The second? Sure. but the third? Can you please get it together?”
It’s dramatic.
an anxious habit, your hands go to the side of your hand, nail to your head to scratch at an invisible itch.
"Hey," Scott says in-between the coughs, scratches at his throat, "what's in these brownies anyways?"
Peter speaks up: "Nothing ground breaking. A family recipe-"
"Oh, please," Ava snorts, "Is the family recipe from a box found at Meijer's?"
"Fuck off, you're disrespecting my dead Nana," Peter puffs his chest out, "Who's dead, by the way, you sick fuck-"
"Guys," Scott is borderline wheezing, "The brownies?"
Peter rolls his eyes, "Oil, mix.." He ticks them off on his fingers, "Oh, I added some chopped walnuts in, to spice them up-"
"Stop trying to make 'spice them up' happen. Your Nana did not say that."
"Walnuts?" his eyes go wide, "I'm allergic-"
it's a blur after that. Yelling, running around, phone calls with fingers shoved in their ears to block out the noise, frantic googling that yielded no results
Honestly, the first thought you had when you saw him was relief. you wonder if that's what he's use to; the guardian angel status, the way he walks into a room with authority, like nothing actually scares him
Ava walks next to him, although it's less walking and more running, trying to run to keep up with his strides
You have Scott leaning against a dead tree trunk, his shirt ripped off in a panic, his hand on his throat as if he could scratch the itch out-your hand rests over his, your face close to him as you try to talk him off an invisible ledge.
"You're going to be fine," You're saying, trying to convince yourself, more than anything, "by tomorrow this is going to be a funny memory we'll all look back at-"
Hasan recognizes this-knows that it's you more panicked than him, and he realizes how out of his element he is-needs to rescue a cat in a tree, reset a fire alarm-
EMS comes in first, breaks up the two of you-you take the hint, inch further away so you're not in the way, but can still hear what’s going on-if he’ll make it.
your head whips up. eyes stinging, didn’t realize you were crying until the familiar pinch came.
“Hey,” you shake your head, “sorry. Am i in the way?”
The taller man shrugs, “he’s good. James got him, too.”
He studies you for a second.
“are you okay?”
before you can answer stuff is flying from his belt; a smaller pack hits by your feet, a walkie talkie inches from your toes-
he plops down next to you with a groan, like that took a lot out of him.
Panic looms. blooms in your chest, fills it, threatens to take over-
he digs in his jeans and pulls out a caramel candy, holds it by the wrapper.
“isn’t that an old man candy?”
you sniffle but a shaky hand reaches out, grabs it and unwraps it.
“it’s Hasan, by the way.” the man says gently, eyes downcast as he unwraps his own, “and it’s not.”
finally some comfort, the rise of panic crashing like a wave in your chest as it retreats for now.
“Hasan the old man,” you settle on, “got it.”
"You've got to be kidding me."
Hasan chomps on gum as if he doesn't have a care in the world
"I know the medical emergency was a little above your pay grade," You hope your voice doesn't come out as shaky as it feels, "So I figured saving my cat would be more up your alley."
He snorts, rolls his eyes as he cranes his neck to look up the tree.
"What's it's name?"
"My name?" You scratch at your neck, not sure how this is relevant but if it saves your cat-
"No," hasan says slowly, "The cat-"
You hope he doesn't see the rising red splash across your face
"Tomato," You clear your throat, "Tomato is the asshole who thought it was a good idea to climb a tree at five in the morning when i have an interbiew in an hour and my hair is still wet-"
and my hair is still wet- your hand flies to your head, where a towel is still damp and wrapped around your head, stained and worn with age-past hair colors stained and marked the towel up
Hasan's voice brings you down, crashes you back to earth. Instead of the rising heat on your face and the worried roar in your head, your back in your front yard. Hasan stands in front of you-a too tight uniform shirt across his chest, stained, a mop of curly hair and a constellation of freckles across his face.
wide eyed, looking at you, his hands on either side of your arms:
“you’re fine,” he’s saying, “Tomato is fine. i’ll get her down in time.” he hesitates for a second, considers the weight behind it, “i promise.”
he turns to the tree before you can see him flustered:
“what a fucking stereotype,” he sighs, calls over his shoulder, his shoulders already aching from the work out he’s about to get: “got a ladder?”
there’s a quick fight between you two (“just tell me where the ladder is“ “you’re going to save tomato! you can’t carry the ladder too!”) before he throws his hands up and makes his way to the small shed in the corner of the yard, ignoring you, all but marching back to the scene of the crime.
“can you hold the ladder?” he says gently, before a smile paints across his face, “can you handle that much?”
the bastard is smirking now. in the sunlight his freckles are more pronounced, can trace the lines of them on his face.
“shouldn’t you have someone with you?” you’re calling up gently as he scales up a ladder. he’s clicking his tongue as he does so.
he doesn’t answer:
“i fucking hate cats,” he’s saying instead, “murderous, ungrateful bastards-“
his fingers reach out at the branch, so close to touching Tomatoes tail-he hisses, climbs up another branch.
“I don’t think he likes me.” Hasan huffs, scaling the tree higher
“can you blame him?” Nibbling fingernails, “some scary man is climbing up a ladder and invading his space-“
head titled back as he slowly climbs the ladder, “what?”
“a handsome man, i assume you said,” hasan continues, silence for a second before there’s light rustling; a branch falls, a bundle of leaves-you’re about to ask if he’s okay before he retreats back, an orange bundle under his arm, meowing and yelling at him as he carefully climbs down. Heavy gear clatters around him, and you worry about it falling off of him for a second
once his feet are down he continues:
“a handsome man,” he finishes, “who rescued your cat, right?”
“thank you, hasan.”
you run through the list in your head: eggs, milk, loaf of bread-
music seems to blare around you. wraps around you, makes your head pound-your only plan to try and get out as quickly as you can.
Faces pass; none familiar, all just as frantic and busy as you are-
cans of soup- your eyes scan the shelves, falls on the familiar red branding-fingers reach out, almost grasp it-fall
reach, fingers brush against it-push it back a little further.
“mother fucker-“
“need help?”
the voice is familiar. too familiar. your eyes narrow, back still to them.
“i think you need me at this point,” the voice is almost gleeful, “should just follow you round to help-what is it? chicken noodle? you look like a chicken noodle soup enjoyer”
“it’s tomato.” you grumble unhappily.
“tomato?” he turns around, head over his shoulder, “hmm.”
he looks tired. bags under his eyes, hair a million different directions, shirt is untucked and stained-a pen cap is hanging on for dear life at the neck of a stretched out shirt.
“shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“shouldn’t you be calling the fire department for something?”
“awe,” you finally smile, snatching the can, “you do miss my calls-“
“when they see your number they automatically dispatch me to you. you’re a liability.”
you reach for the can but he holds it higher in the air, a smirk creeps on his face:
“what do you say?”
a huff, “please?” you try, “pretty please?”
he rolls his eyes: “there’s no way you think that’s what i want.”
“who’s your favorite fire fighter?”
“what’s your partners name? Rob? He is-“
he huffs, turns his back to you and sets the can back on the shelf, his fingers still brush against the can as he hums like he’s considering his own soup options-
“hasan, please. my chili depends on you-“
he ignores you, still humming, as you pull on his shirt:
“you’re my favorite firefighter,” you find yourself saying, “it hurts to say that.”
he turns around, hands you the can: “was that so hard?”
weeks pass. with job deadlines on the horizon, your apartment all but falling apart-it’s easy to forget about about anyone else.
sleep finally finds you. a cold side of the pillow, eyes finally shut-
a fire alarm blares that makes you shoot out of bed. tomato lays at your feet, grabbing him, running outside to the yard, sweater long forgotten.
by the time you’re at the yard, you can at least see the building isn’t burning up. in fact, you can’t see anything. you weigh your options for a second, considering ignoring the blaring fire alarms before you hear the fire truck and groan, knowing what’s coming up, knowing who’s around the corner.
the second the car parks everyone is running out, talking into walkie talkies-
“is this you?” hasan calls as he jogs past you, “you’re an arsonist at this point-“
you go to yell back and he’s gone.
an hour later he appears. his hair is disheveled, his shoulders slump. he walks next to his partners, something in his hand-
“if you need cooking lessons, i volunteer,” hasan says, “i can teach you how to fucking make ramen-“
“why do you assume that i’m behind all bad things that happen here?”
“your track record doesn’t help,” he says, “to begin with. and this has your name written all over it. please,” he stops, drops the pan and claps his hands together as if begging: “let me teach you how to cook.”
“it wasn’t fucking me!”
his eyes narrow: “Please. no one believe you-“
“you’re a dick. don’t you have a donut to eat? or-“
“that’s police officers, idiot.” he huffs, “and fuck them, anyways. look-“
he stops, leans into you, “i know just the place. i’ll teach you-“
“you aren’t teaching me how to cook! and it’s not me!”
“fine,” his eyes narrow, “but the next call here, if it’s yours, i take you to a cooking class-“
“even if it isn’t your call. you owe me a date.”
his hand outstretched to you: “a deals a deal-“
“what’s in it for me?”
“i’ll leave you alone.”
you groan, knowing that’s not going to happen. sunrise threatens to fall over the horizon, and you know he won’t give up anytime soon-
your hand falls into his-larger and calloused-slips into his like a missing puzzle piece, like a perfect piece-
“it’s a deal.”
look, this isn’t bribing.
but after your fourth call to your apartment this month, you figured you at least owed them something for coming out-even if they somehow always sent just Hasan out-
you couldn’t sleep, anyways. or at least, that’s your excuse. the tray of baked goods threatens to fall out of the seat any second.
The door to the station is open, all the workers walking around, half suspenders down, shirts untucked, plates of food half eaten-
you couldn’t find your guy in the line up,is your first thought. before you quickly shake your head, trying to get that idea out as quickly as it came. he isn’t your guy. if anything, he’s the pain in the ass who keeps saving your ass-
putting the car in park, saying a prayer before grabbing the plate and walking in, hoping you look more confident than you feel.
“Well,” one of the firefighter smirks as you show up, “have any batteries that need to be changed?” he teases, “or is cilantro in trouble? hasan hasn’t shut up-“
“it’s tomato,” hasan appears behind him, “i know my mortal enemies name.”
“look what the cat dragged in-“
“it’s almost like you’re at the place where i work. imagine that-“
“i made brownies.”
the guy next to him immediately perks up, grabs the plate and pulls back tinfoil: “thank you!”
hasan stops him before he can run off, grabs a brownie before he can leave, eyes it as you stand in front of him.
“so,” he says, “what’s the trick with this? i don’t have any allergies-“
“damn. nut allergies are the most common allergies. i thought that’s how i could take you out-“
“and they aren’t burned-“
“that wasn’t me with the ramen, you dick.”
“these look good.”
“always the tone of surprise,” you roll your eyes, “most people would say thank you.”
“why would i say thank you before I’m potentially poisoned?”
“you’re insufferable.”
“here,” he smirks, “you take the first bite.”
“i’m not hungry-“
“that’s exactly what someone who poisoned food would say to get out to eating it.”
“you’re a dick, give it to me.”
“ah,” he says instead when you reach for it, his hand still on the brownie as he leans forward, a hand cupped under your mouth as he goes to feed you the bite.
“this is outrageous,” you roll your eyes as pink rises up, but don’t put up more of a fight as it makes contact, as you bite off, “it’s delicious”
he watches you carefully as you chew
“see?” you roll your eyes: “now you.”
“eh?” he shrugs, “i don’t know how hungry i am-“
you gasp and he giggles, before shoving it in his mouth:
“not bad.” he settles on.
“if you’re looking for your guy, he called in sick.”
you aren’t proud of the fact that they know who you’re really here for, and less that you know the man who yelled that-Michael-will proudly tell hasan that.
“what?” you tease, “the big baby can’t handle a little bit of a cold?”
he snorts: “he did the kids fire safety at the elementary school this week-he blames them.”
“what a baby.”
you try and make polite small talk. they’re all fine-the entire time, thinking of the plan you’re already cooking in your head.
everyone knows where he lives. the house was famous before the newest fire fighter bought it (and when you’re in a small town like this, a new guy on the team is a big deal, gets around) and in the center of town, you pass it every day on your way to and from work: seeing him leave in the morning, at night, still in his uniform, shirt untucked and wrinkly as he moves around his front yard: tends to the garden on the side of the house (looks like he’s very proud of his herbs he’s growing, at least) hunched over as he flicks his tongue and has a small ceramic bowl of kibble for the gang of cats that seem attached to him-
a quick stop at the only grocery store in town, the paper bag of groceries on your lap, your stomach bubbles and bursts as you worry your lip about this-
you park the car and find yourself in front of his house before you can talk yourself out of it.
tapping your foot, waiting for him to answer-
he still looks good, even sick.
glasses crooked on his face, his hair a mess, the tip of his nose is red, lines over his freckles from a pillow-
he groans. stands in the doorway, his hand against the doorframe.
“i’m off duty,” he tries, “you’ll have to put out your own fire-“
“heard the kids made you sick,” you say instead, ruffling through the plastic bag on your wrist, “nothing ramen can’t help.”
“ramen?” he laughs, “like-“
“it wasn’t me!” you insist, can feel your heart thump in your ears, “let me redeem myself; make you some soup.”
“i can’t call the fire department-“
“if i start a fire i’ll put it out myself, i promise.”
he laughs: “i guess i’d like to see that.”
comfortable silence for a second.
“so?” you push, “the soup?”
his eyes narrow for a second before his hand slowly slides up the doorframe, an invitation in-you duck and act like you can’t see the smile light up his face
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linderosse · 4 months
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✨ Wisdomverse x Smash ✨
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It’s time.
I finally get to talk about Smash and the Zeldas :).
How this wacky little fighting game series represents the LoZ gals and influences them in Wisdomverse— explained under the cut!
Exactly four Zeldas make an appearance as playable characters in the Smash Brothers franchise, spanning different games and decades.
[OoT] Lullaby: Melee (Zelda and Sheik), Smash4 (Sheik), Ultimate (Sheik)
[TP] Dusk: Brawl (Zelda and also Sheik somehow), Smash4
[ALttP/ALBW] Fable: Ultimate
[ST] Phantom (a special case): Smash4, Ultimate
Funnily enough, there have also been four Links in Smash, although they’re not quite from the same games as the Zeldas.
[OoT/MM] Time: SSB64 (Adult), Melee (Adult and Young), Brawl (Young), Ultimate (Young)
[TP] Twilight: Brawl, Smash4
[BotW/TotK] Wild: Ultimate
[WW/PH] Wind: Brawl, Smash4, Ultimate
Now, Smash is just about as non-canon a game as Hyrule Warriors— and we all accept Wars and Artemis. And some Zeldas arguably have more of a chance to display their skills in Smash than in their own games.
Therefore, I’ve peripherally incorporated Smash into Wisdomverse:
Characters who have met each other in Smash will sometimes recognize each other from there, as if they’ve met in a vague dream. They may also forget. Such is the ephemeral world of Smash to its players.
To keep things fair, Smash connections and story will not be relevant to the plot of Wisdomverse.
Each mainline Smash Zelda also gets one of the three Golden Goddess skills from their Smash moveset to use in Wisdomverse, based on their personality and events from their actual games.
Charismatic, dramatic Fable gets to blow things up with Din’s Fire — like how Fable and the sages blast through Ganon’s barrier in ALttP
Steady, calculating Dusk gets to defend against attacks with Nayru’s Love — reminiscent of the twilight pyramid encasing her in Hyrule Castle in Twilight Princess
Quiet, stealthy Lullaby gets to teleport short distances with Farore’s Wind — like how Sheik (technically Requiem, not Lullaby) vanishes ninja-style in Ocarina of Time
And there you have it! Rebalancing the Zeldas, one skillset at a time :).
For the truly dedicated folks, here’s a further analysis of interesting (and intentional on the part of the devs) Smash x Zelda facts:
Despite clearly looking like Dusk and not Lullaby, Brawl Zelda is able to turn into Sheik in both the plot of Subspace Emissary and in battle in Brawl. She loses this ability and goes back to normal in Smash4.
Despite clearly looking like Twilight, Brawl Link is shown with Navi in Subspace Emissary.
Wind is clearly Wind, and not Spirit, because he has the Wind Waker as a taunt in all three Smash games he shows up in.
Wind uses some of Legend’s attacks. And some of Time’s attacks. Wind is a dirty rotten move stealer (affectionate).
Phantom isn’t technically playable, but both Fable and Dusk summon a phantom to fight alongside them, and neither of them have seen a phantom in any of their games. Also, while their phantom summoning skill is recharging, they have a purple glow around their hand. Therefore, I’m inclined to believe they’re literally summoning Spirit Tracks Zelda (Phantom), like Robin summoning Chrom for his Final Smash, and you technically control her, so close enough.
In Melee, Young Link is clearly from MM, while Link is from OoT. This means Young Link is older than Link (just Time things).
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connabeth · 1 month
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i won’t let you choke (on the noose around your neck)
percabeth | canon | 10k
written with the lovely @silenab, thank you for indulging me, it’s been an honor. happy birthday percy, here’s the woman you love torturing herself mentally and physically, hope you appreciate it!
Time moves, unforgiving like the sea, relentless and indifferent, sweeping away the days with a rhythm that carries everyone forward, everyone but her. Her feet are anchored ankle-deep in the sand, fighting the tide urging her to move. But she remains rooted, caught in the undertow of a memory, a place where the world was a little simpler, or perhaps where the pain was less excruciating. It’s like she’s invisible, this time without the hat, a ghost watching as the tides of time erase the footprints of what once was while she stands there, watching people pass her through, an echo of the past.
Annabeth is left with a fickle ankle, immune to ambrosia and nectar, that seems to take pleasure in catching her off-guard, rendering her limb useless, the heat of humiliation spreading up her leg and to her cheeks like a wildfire. She’s angry. She’s so, so angry. The condemnation of being helpless, worthless, unable to do simple things herself, a burden to every poor soul unfortunate enough to come across her. To Percy, especially, once he finds out. She pushes that thought to the side. He can’t see her like this. She refuses to let him.
More so than a perfidious ankle haunted by phantom pains, she is missing her limbs entirely. Her backpack, brand-new, sits empty, devoid of that precious laptop she cherished more than most things, gifted to her by none other than Daedalus himself, home to secrets and technology so revolutionary that people would only be able to comprehend it fifty years from now. The faded blue Yankees cap, once a staple in her wardrobe, gifted to her by her mother, in what she’d believed to be a token of love and faith and favoritism, collects dust inside her nightstand drawer because she can’t bear to look at it without wanting to tear it to shreds.
And, most importantly…the cool press of metal that had burrowed a home against her hip for over a decade. Gifted to her by a boy who’s charming grin and cerulean eyes and conniving tongue had sounded, looked, and felt like home, with the promise that she would meet a much less tragic fate than its previous owner. A piece of metal that had had her back through everything, an extension of her arm, quick and sharp and lethal, like its wielder, the manifestation of the Great Prophecy itself, the underlying curse of betrayal and hope etched into the bronze hilt, the memory of someone she used to love living within it. And now it’s gone. Just like that. Strapped to her waist is a blade of cool ivory, much longer, also ridden with loss, almost as painful.
Annabeth knows the only part of herself that is left is Percy and she’d─she’d shattered that too. Dragged the poor lovesick fool into hell and made him a shell of himself, effectively ruining all that remains.
Her voice grows hoarse and her throat feels like drinking from the Phlegethon would be a mercy. She clutches at the unruly curls on her head, eyes squeezed shut, tugging, tugging, tugging, and the noise ringing in her ears is so, so loud. Her scalp screams in protest and she lets go, only to dig her nails into her palms and the flesh of her exposed thighs. Her fist and fingers tremble with the anguish of a thousand broken promises. She doesn’t know how long she stays like that, but her mind vaguely registers that it might be too long.
Annabeth opens her eyes with a stuttered breath and stares at the beautiful sanguine crescents littering her thighs, her tender brown skin so soft, so yielding to the deliberate press of her nails that made a home there, a landscape carved of contempt and penance. It doesn’t relieve the deep-seated ache in her chest but she doesn’t care. The sting of the lacerated skin doesn’t register in her mind and she finds herself wishing the blood would flow a little thinner, a little faster. For every ounce of blood Percy’s shed for her, wasted on her, she wants to bleed twofold. She wants to pay back her debt in flesh and blood, though she’s deeply aware that the damage she’s done to him is irreversible and no amount of rotten flesh, no amount of noxious blood could mend his broken parts back together and absolve her of her guilt.
read more on ao3
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ayamago · 3 months
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Pairing: Jinx x Gender-Neutral Reader
Summary: In a world where the mere thought of her absence felt like losing a piece of yourself, you remained by her side. You walked in her footsteps until your own seemed to fade, drawn in by her chaotic spirit yet troubled by the idea of losing her.
Hi everyone, just a heads up, this was a drabble, so it might sound a bit choppy and all, but it was all in good fun. If I ever did write an Arcane story, I'd definitely go all out, but for now, enjoy this little piece.
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𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐀 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐙𝐀𝐔𝐍, your legs dangled over the edge as your gaze stretched upward into the vast, cerulean expanse. The sky, paradoxically blue and melancholic, paints a somber backdrop to your solitude. Constellations, like fractured dreams, twinkle faintly, their stories etched in the cold darkness. The weight of your thoughts hangs heavy, pulling your head down even as you try to hold it high. Below, the world churns in shadows, but up here, you are alone with the silent whispers of the night, where the horizon seems both an end and a beginning.
Your mind drifts to thoughts of your old friend, a ghost from the past still buried deep within the trauma you carry. You remember her vividly—her striking blue hair that seemed to shimmer even in the dimmest light, and her piercing blue eyes that held both mischief and wisdom beyond her years. She was a whirlwind of energy, always a step ahead, yet somehow never leaving you behind. The nights spent whispering secrets under the stars, the laughter that echoed through the hidden corners of Zaun, all seemed like fragments of a distant dream now. The loss still stings, a dull ache that never quite fades, but up here, in the quiet embrace of the night, you allow yourself to remember. To reminisce about the friend who once colored your world in shades of blue.
Powder, that was her given name, fitting for a young girl whose fascination with tinkering led to explosive creations, even if they never worked as intended. She was a marvel in her own right, chaotic yet brilliant. But Powder ceased to exist after the Tragedy, giving rise to Jinx—a transformation that you struggled to fully embrace. You loved her deeply, having sacrificed much to remain at her side, but her evolution was as disorienting for you as it was for her. At times, doubts crept in about whether staying with her was the right choice. She was extraordinary, too good for this world, yet burdened unfairly by fate.
And her fears and worries only intensified in his presence. He ruled the Under City with all its darkness and allure, the very embodiment of malevolence. Yet, twisted as it was, he cared for Jinx in his own twisted way. You never trusted Silco; he was a corrupting influence who painted those who once cherished Powder as villains in her tale. Despite your efforts to steer her away from his influence, she was already lost to his sway. You knew this, yet you chose to stand by her. With a sigh, you shrugged, closing your eyes as the toxic winds of the city embraced you.
She ascended the stairs with a deliberate pace, drawing near to you while you remained oblivious to her approaching like a phantom. Her love for you ran deep, even if you couldn't fully grasp the intensity of her feelings. With her sister presumed dead and only Silco's words about it, you were now the sole anchor in her life, steadfast amidst the chaos and pain that threatened to overwhelm and break her.
She wrapped her arms around your neck, her fingers adorned with pink and blue nail polish catching your eye as you glanced down. You recognized her presence immediately, not just from the physical closeness but from the intimacy you shared. Feeling her embrace, you relaxed, allowing yourself a moment in her hold before she broke the silence with her words.
"Hey there, missed me, Toots?” She said, withdrawing her arms from around your neck and moving to sit beside you. Her blue eyes locked onto yours, waiting for your reply with an earnest and expectant expression.
As you gazed into her eternal blue eyes, you felt yourself drowning in an ocean of sadness.
How could you not miss her?
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Aether being rough with Phantom during his rut?
CW - Dubcon (if you squint), breeding kink, cervix entering
Long post!
Aether is a big guy, both his muscle and fat, height, but he also knows he's a big guy. Maybe not the same as Mountain or even Omega, but still such a burning stretch for any partners. Thickness and length equally each other out, his tip always pressed near a certain spot that drives them crazy.
Phantom had been sleeping with Aether before waking up to his arm deathly tight around his stomach, his back soaked from how much Aether had been sweating, and growls in his ear. Just tapping Aether awake to try and figure out what's wrong.
The moment Aether opens his eyes, his scent fucking hits Phantom to the point he gets dizzy. Aether's eyes are locked onto him, watching as Phantom tries to sit up but the bigger Quint won't let him.
"A-Aeth, let me get Dew..." He's whining as Aether is sitting up some to drag Phantom more onto the bed. "I-I — Let me find Dew for you, okay? Yeah? He can help you."
Just down right ignored. Aether is making him dizzy, his smell... He can't focus. Phantom trying to clear his mind and whining as his night shirt is flipped up, Aether going straight to his tit to lick and bite of the perked bud. Other hand squeezing so tight, groping and massaging. Phantom is down right squirming, high pitched whines still leaving his throat, one hand starts pushing at Aether's shoulder and a deep growl makes him stop.
Just attacking Phantom's chest while readjusting between his legs, humping his boxers against Phantom's own. It's when Aether moves his mouth up to Phantom's neck to redo their bond that Phantom's mind shuts off. Aether smelling like strong sugar and static, Phantom now as lavender and metal.
That's all Aether needs. All he needs whatsoever.
He's ripping off Phantom's clothes, then his own boxers, kissing him and teeth claking, his cock erratically pressing around Phantom's folds and thighs. He's not too occupied about it. He knows he'll get it in a moment.
Claws digging into soft flesh, lifting Phantom's waist to position before sliding in. Poor Ant let's out a long moan, and despite all the slick that's started pouring from him, it still burns. Aether bottoms out and doesn't even give a second to adjust, rearing back and slamming forwards, and doing that makes their eyes widen—and Aether going faster.
Aether's tip head hits the rights spots, of course... But never the entrance to someone's cervix.
That 'bump' he keeps hitting is setting him off, growling louder and looking at Phantom as he's just in his own world. Eyes rolled back, moans so choppy, his tits just rocking with each movement.
"So fucking good." He feels like he can't breathe. "So tight for me."
Watching at his successor is grabbing the pillow under his head, nose scrunching as his cervix keeps getting abused. Every now and then Phantom will let out tiny "ow-"s in-between his moans and cries for more.
It's so fucking sloppy. Phantom's slick soaking the sheets under, most definitely getting to the mattress below. Aether is drooling with his mouth open, falling on Phantom's cheek and chest.
Aeth readjusting his grip from Tommy's hips to his thighs, taking a moment to stop and press his legs back until his knees are on his stomach. Aether mounting him fully, he's on his feet scrunched up, and as he pulls back and goes forward again, Phantom let's out a pure scream.
He's cumming, coating Aether's abdomen and soaking his cock that drips to his balls. Big guy's head successfully slamming past his cervix, but not too far, still allowing him to fuck this even tighter muscle with a clearer shot to his uterus.
"Aether— Aether—" His claws are digging at the others chest. "So deep— You're too deep— Oh fuck don't stop!"
Grabbing Phantom's face and forcing his jaw open just to spit in his mouth, fingers shoving down just to hear wet gurgles and gags from him. His knot is slowly growing, adding another stretch and burn with the new position.
"Gonna breed you." Is all Aether is able to say, fingers touching the back of Phantom's throat and watching as tears fall from both the extreme pleasure and the constant gagging he's been doing.
His knot finally starts latching and with another hard thrust, it's able to lock in; setting off another orgasm for Phantom. His uterus just gets fucking filled to the brim now that Aether has full access to it. Phantom's squirming, wiggling, unable to stop groaning as warmth floods him in a way it never has before. Aether pulling his fingers out of Phantom's mouth to hear his whines more clearly.
"Think it'll latch this time, hm? Don't you think so, bug?" He's laughing a little, feeling himself still scrunch and continue to flood Phantom.
Once he's done flooding the insides of his mate, Aether is slowly touching over his chest, his bottom lip, down to rubbing his clit with his thumb.
"So adorable... All mine."
His knot eventually deflates and he pulls out, seeing stringy blood mixed with both of their cum clinging to his dick. Aeth just laughs before flipping Phantom to his knees, shoving his head down and slamming forwards just to continue beating his cervix.
Bat is having the time of his life, letting himself be loud, eyes closed and drooling. Practically screaming Aether's name as his ass starts getting slapped, claws digging into his back and drawing blood. His tail is being held for grip so his body can't rock too much away from Aether.
Another orgasm is ripped out with a particularly hard yank to his tails base, and they're both settled in for a looooong while.
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zeestarfishalien · 10 months
[DPxDC Week Day 6: Dan Phantom // Ghost King Danny // Lightning]
•No ships and no warnings on this one
The music coming from Phantom’s belt was uncharacteristically bright against the way that his face paled to an icy white.
The Bat was first to respond.
“Phantom, what’s going on?”
Phantom actually fumbled a little as he dug a non-league communicator out of his belt and silenced it. He didn’t look at the screen, which meant the music chosen was for a specific warning.
“A zone problem.”
But Superman and others with enhanced hearing caught the barely there breath of a word, “hopefully.”
“We can send some back up with you,” Wonder Woman offered.
“No.” He said it too quickly and seemed to realize it because he added, “no, it’s all good guys. I’ve got this. It’s no big deal, really.”
That last statement was a lie and they all knew it. Phantom winced as he realized it.
“Phantom, we are fully equipped to help you wi-“
“I said, no.” There was a cold authoritative tone to his voice as Phantom’s eyes flashed blue. “Not for this. Never for this.”
With that, Phantom did something he rarely ever did near them, he ripped a hole in the fabric of reality and left via the bleeding green portal. It closed behind him with a snap only leaving behind a few drops of ectoplasm that quickly dissipated.
The room, full with a number of Earth’s heroes, remained uncharacteristically silent.
“Captain Marvel, keep an eye out for signs of Phantom’s return,” Batman ordered.
“Got it.”
There were no signs of Phantom for almost 3 days.
Late on the third day the JL Threat Watch reported a sighting of him in the sky over Chicago. He and a ghost in a similar outfit fought in the sky, breaking holes in two skyscrapers and several big chain grocery stores before Phantom threw the other ghost higher in the sky. He took off after and neither were seen in Chicago again.
It takes another 12 hours before they can track down Phantom’s whereabouts. He’s still fighting the same ghost.
They look similar. It’s impossible to deny the similarities even while the other ghost is far more bulky than the lanky 20-something Phantom.
Both are bleeding ectoplasm and looking worse for wear.
It’s Captain Marvel who’s first on the scene and prepping to join Phantom but it’s the other ghost that spots him first and a malicious grin splits his face.
“Perfect,” he says. Marvel stops in his tracks mid-air suddenly uncertain. The gods are dead silent.
Faster than Marvel can track, the ghost is in front of him with an arm halfway in his chest.
“HALT.” The words vibrate Marvel’s bones and obviously they’re affecting the strange ghost because he’s unmoving and looking very confused about it.
“Cap, get out of here. Keep everyone away. He will try to kill or use any heroes and villains that come within our radius.” Phantom’s voice is normal again and in that forced calm tone that people use when they don’t want people to freak out during a life or death situation.
Marvel doesn’t argue. He knows that look in Phantom’s eyes and he’s not about to test the truth in his words without more protection.
Dan is fighting the command for all he’s worth and Danny eases up on it without verbal confirmation. Marvel is gone. He’s safe for now and Danny has just laid out his trump card.
Dan slowly turns to face him.
“What was that?” He snarls. Danny wonders how Dan managed to go his whole life without knowing about or waking Pariah Dark.
“What do you think?” He’s not about to tell the man.
“How did you command me like that?” He’s seething mad and Danny doesn’t want to tell him but he’s pretty sure Dan will just run off to hide out if Danny refuses to give him anything.
“I’ve achieved something you never even thought of. Guess you’re not as inevitable as you thought.” He cant help letting his facade of uncertainty fall away.
“How.” It’s a demand, not a question.
“You cannot disobey your king’s order,” he says calmly and watches with faint amusement as Dan goes through shock and then what seems like the five stages of grief.
“You must challenge me for the throne in order to stand a chance against me.”
“You were playing with me this whole time…”
“It’s not my fault you didn’t make sure you had all the information,” Danny says as he allows the zone to flow into him and replenish his stores of ectoplasm. His wounds seal back together like they were never there while Dan watches with increasing rage.
“Why you little…” His breathing turns ragged and Danny can almost see steam pouring from his ears. “I challenge you then.”
Danny doesn’t wait for Dan to attack first. His shot misses but that’s not what matters; it’s not giving Dan a moment to think and gather his strength. Dan doesn’t know the implications or the rules. Dan doesn’t know the game like Danny does.
And it shows pretty early on in their duel. It’s frowned upon for the king to just outright squash anyone that goes against their rules. It’s frowned upon to order by compulsion unless in dire circumstances (protecting Captain marvel). It is seen as sporting to play fight with one’s subjects and to not take that fight too seriously unless the subject goes too far. And finally, all bets are off as soon as one challenges the king. Danny’s magic won’t work on Dan for the duration of the duel but no one will be locking him up in a coffin of forever sleep for putting the beat down on his alternate self.
So the fight is a lot more one sided but it’s not until Dan goes looking for one of the living to hold hostage that Danny really cracks down with the one thing he knows Dan fears most (because he used to fear it too).
He calls the clouds and charges the air until he can pull the lightning how he sees fit.
The first strike zings by mere inches from Dan’s face. The big man can’t help the trembling his hands do but he spins to face the electrically charged Danny.
Electricity crackles through his frosty hair. Lightning isn’t exactly the most conducive for Danny’s Space Core but it’s something he mastered because he needed it not to be his weakness.
“Yield.” Dan’s jaw tightens and Danny can see the mutiny in his eyes. He lets more lightning strike behind Dan, making him jump.
“You are not inevitable. You are not me, not anymore,” Danny states firmly. He knows he’ll have hell to pay when the JL get to him after this but ancients does it feel good.
Okay this one was finicky with me so it’s not how I wanted it to go but imma just let it be. Tomorrow’s is a fun one. Another surprise one. I’m excited to share it when I finish.
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