#wish we got more lighthearted stuff like this more often
whippedcreamcookie · 8 months
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alright i see why they’re together in the trial map now
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I have two things to ask:
1.-Can we be friends?
2.-Do you have any Outsiders headcanons (or any that you haven't submitted yet)?
I mean sure?? Idk who you are since you’re on anon, so not REALLY, but I’m always down to talk!
2. Yeah lol- tons. Too many. Here’s a few (okay like 25 oops) off the top of my head lol, some serious/angsty and some lighthearted/kinda stupid without any real order. (Lotta ‘em are about Steve tbh -there’s so little to him in canon that I have the freedom to hc pretty much whatever I want)
Steve Randle’s nearsighted and has no idea, which is why he’s literally always squinting. (I’ve had that one for like months but only recently mentioned it on here lol.) Steve thinks his vision is completely normal
Dally and Sylvia genuinely cared for each other, but they were both so horrible at having healthy emotions that they just made each other worse. In a bad way, not a fun way.
When Steve gets kicked out, sometimes he hangs with Johnny in the lot. They don’t really talk about anything important like their shared experiences of having lousy parents. Instead they talk about cars, girls, music, school…lighthearted stuff. Sometimes Johnny will find Steve crying, which he never mentions- he’ll just sit down as per usual, which Steve appreciates. Steve almost never finds Johnny crying though. Johnny doesn’t cry much.
Okay tangent- I love how Steve and Johnny are low-key foils. Like Steve always seems tough but then cries when pushed to his limit, while Johnny always seems skittish until he’s under a bunch of pressure- in which case he suddenly is confident. (Not necessarily thriving obviously, but confident yk? Like grinning while saving those kids in the fire.) I know SE Hinton probably didn’t intend that at all, but it’s just such an interesting detail to me. One of these days I’ll put it into words better
Johnny’s jeans-jacket is a hand-me-down from either Steve or Two-Bit. (I can’t decide which lol) (obviously Dally would make sense too, but honestly I think it’d add more depth to flesh out Johnny’s relationships with the other members of the gang)
After the events of the book, Two-Bit starts hanging around the Curtis’s place even more. At first the gang assumes he’s trying to lighten the mood. It’s only after he gets sent to the cooler for a month due to drunk driving that they realize he was actually hanging around so much because he was trying to keep his kid sister from seeing him so drunk…
Two-Bit likes to joke that he keeps failing junior year so that him and his sister can graduate together. Which is a very bad idea since his sister is a year younger than Ponyboy.
Sodapop often feels like he’s only good for looking pretty and not all that useful or interesting otherwise. He likes himself, but when he stops to think about it too much, he starts to wonder if he really has anything going for him at all
My H/C for Steve’s home life is that his Mom is sick w/ like cancer or something. Before she got sick, Steve’s life was pretty alright for an eastsider- he and his dad fought, but they always made up for the most part. They weren’t perfect, but they loved each other. But after she got sick, she wasn’t there to mediate between Steve and his Dad anymore, and the fighting got worse and worse. And then Steve’s dad started drinking more and it was pretty downhill from there. Steve’s Dad still loves him, but sometimes Steve wishes that he didn’t. If he didn’t, then he could hate him. But his dad does love him, so he can’t get himself to.
Steve and Dally taught Johnny to drive when they were all like fourteen-fifteen-ish. Johnny is a very reckless driver. He loves speeding.
Johnny also loves fast roller coasters and stuff.
Dally doesn't ‘cuz he’s low-key scared of heights- he likes riding broncos and rodeos, but put him at the top of a roller coaster and he’s convinced that it’s gonna break and he’s gonna die. He pretends he doesn’t mind. The only people who know he’s scared of them are Johnny, and before she died, Mrs. Curtis.
Steve has a napoleon complex. Johnny, who is shorter than him by a few inches, likes to bully him for it sometimes
Ponyboy and Cherry don’t interact much in the school year after the book, but in the summer after, they start to hang out. Eventually they become pretty close. They fangirl over Paul Newman together
Ponyboy still doesn’t let Cherry read his theme though until years later
Marcia and Two-Bit re-meet a few months after the book. (Two-Bit is really scared that she’s embarrassed to be dating him, and Marcia is really scared that he’s embarrassed to be dating her. Neither of them are embarrassed. They both adore each other.)
Two-Bit likes to watch Marcia barrel racing. One time while he’s there, he runs into Ponyboy watching Cherry barrel race and immediately tells everyone much to Pony’s chagrin
Evie knows a little bit about cars, and she sometimes helps out at the DX during summers. Steve is so whipped for her lol (and Soda too Steve has two hands)
Evie and Sylvia are besties, but Steve and Sylvia hate each other. They act civil in front of Evie, but as soon as her back is turned they’re growling at each other like dogs. (Well Steve is. Sylvia just acts condescending as hell. Sometimes it goes over his head, so Steve knows she’s insulting him but isn’t sure what the insult is/means. Which makes Steve kinda want to kill her.)
Steve and Soda are low-key co-dependent. (Steve more so- Soda has his family at least, while to Steve, Soda and Evie are his whole world pretty much) It’s probably not super healthy, and both of them are vaguely aware of that, but are trying not to think about it too hard rn
Ponyboy’s friend group in high school consists of Curly Shepard, Mark Jennings, Scout Jenkins (from the tv show), and eventually, in her senior year, Cherry Valance. (There’s others too but those are the main ones.)
Pony dates Cathy Carlson for a while too, idk if they’re good for each other or not- I kinda like the idea of them being a sweet couple tbh, but no one else on here seems to care about them so I haven’t really explored the idea much lol
In a Dally lives au, Mark Jennings and Dally end up spending a bit of time together through Pony, and at some point they realize that they’re half-brothers lol. Mark is a deeply obnoxious little brother to have, and he drives Dally nuts on purpose. Weirdly I think Dally’s a relatively good influence on him, as much as someone like Dally can be. And Dally does care for Mark, though not as much as he cares for Johnny- Mark is, in his head, not exactly his responsibility.
Well I have (so many) more, but I think that’s enough for now lol. Point is, even though I haven’t drawn in a minute, I love these characters and their romanticized version of 1960s Tulsa so much and I think about them way too often lol
(dw once i get more into the swing of school I’ll be doin more art!)
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
ARC Review: The Fiancee Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur
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4/5. Releases 4/18/2023.
For when you're vibing with... Modern marriage of convenience shenanigans, shy girl/bombshell, rich family drama, bi lady/bi lady rep, and bookstore romcom loveliness a la "You've Got Mail" but not... troubling.
Introverted bookshop owner Tansy made up a girlfriend to get her friends off her back--and took inspiration from Gemma West, the cover model for her favorite romance novels. But what happens when Gemma West turns out to be Gemma Van Dalen, the wealthy heiress to a publishing empire--who needs to marry in order to meet the terms of her grandfather's will. Tansy needs cash to save her store--and for confident, forward Gemma, money is no object. But Gemma's family isn't going to let her take her rightful place as head of the company without a fight, and they're not afraid to take Tansy down with her.
The author said she took some inspo from The Last Great American Dynasty with this one, and you totally get that sense as you read. Lighthearted romance meets family politicking for a sapphic romance that's both sweet and compelling.
Quick Takes:
--Tansy and Gemma are very much opposites attract, but never enemies to lovers, if you're looking for some "differences without anger" clashes. Tansy is shy and a bit traumatized by several different life events (understandably), while Gemma is bold and brash and reckless. What this gives way to is a really flirty, fun dynamic; I loved how Gemma came on to Tansy so confidently without ever pushing her limits. So often, you get this adoring "how could she be into me" vibe from this type of dynamic, but here I completely believed that Gemma was as into Tansy as Tansy was into Gemma.
--There is some "sorta ex" drama, which makes sense because Gemma is a bit of a messy in terms of her relationships. It didn't feel like there was meddling for the sake of plot contrivances, though; it felt like something that a person like Gemma would get into, to be honest. And I kind of enjoyed that. I liked that Gemma in particular wasn't just this mess-less wondergirl. It made her feel more real.
--The Van Dalen family, speaking of a mess, has a LOT going on. And personally, I enjoyed it. They were giving early 2000s romcom rich people drama, and I for one support that completely. If anything, I kind of feel like we could've used more drama? There was some last minute intensity, but the one critique I'd have of the book is that Bellefleur could've ratcheted up the tension between Gemma and Tansy a bit more. Have them be messier! Have them make bigger mistakes with each other! I loved the loveliness of their romance, I just could've used more angst.
--One thing I do appreciate about the book is that you do have a supporting cast that gets involved in a fleshed-out way. The good people take action, the bad people get called on their shit. They're not just there to be there.
The Sex Stuff:
There are two sex scenes, both of which are fairly explicit, one of which is DELIGHTFUL but interrupted before orgasm. The second one is really good. I wish that there'd been at least one more. Gemma talks a lot about wanting to get on her knees for Tansy, but we don't see quite enough of it. They have great chemistry and Bellefleur writes awesome sex scenes, I just want mooooore.
If you're in the mood for a light-but-not-quite-fluffy sapphic opposites-attract romance, look no further! I was super charmed.
Thanks to Netgalley and Avon for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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*head in hands* HE DOESNT GET IT BRO
You teleport, making sure to stay quiet.
You wouldn’t want to have any loud sound effects that normally play, as you don’t know if it’s safe yet.
It’s dark, so the whole gang is probably asleep. As you get your bearings, you look around at your surroundings. You’ve only been there a couple of times, but your pretty sure you remember where Nightmare’s room is.
You find the door that looks right, and open the door to his room, quietly. You’re not sure who’s awake.
You sense movement in the dark and looks over to find that Nightmare seems startled. He has one tentacle shakily raised up in a defense position.
“Who- Fresh? What are you doing here? Aren’t you sided with the Star Sanses and Core Frisk?”
You thought carefully about what the best answer would be. You wanted to be taken seriously, so you decided to drop most of the slang.
“They were gettin’ too comfy with me on their side. They’re starting to think we’re friends or somethin’, but I’m just with them because of what they get me. I had ta show em who was boss. So I left. I’m on no one’s side.” 
To your surprise, Nightmare seemed confused. You were worried for a moment you’d worded something wrong, but brushed it off. He probably wouldn’t hurt you, for fear of angering anyone on the other side.
“So… are you telling me you want to join us?”
You were glad he didn’t seem upset at you. It would make things easier. You decided to try using more slang, in the hopes of convincing him you really did want to help. Also, the lack of slang might have actually freaked him out before. You don’t talk like that often.
“Yup, you got it Night-homie!” You smiled wide. “I’m all yours, until I get bored of course, haha! I need a change of pace, ya dig?”
Nightmare sat up in his chair. 
“… so you really do want to join. Alright. I’ll find a job for you in the morning, but for now we need our rest. You remember where the spare room is, right?”
You flashed him a thumbs up and smiled.
“Good. Well, good night then. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Huh, he was more sentimental than you thought, wishing you goodnight. 
You weren’t planning on sleeping that night, but you don’t tell him that. It would be rude, after all.
You quietly make your way around the castle to make sure you have the layout memorized, just in case.
Then you enter your room, lock the door, and sit down on the bed. It’s softer than you were expecting. The sheets are even purple, which is practically your favorite color. 
You don’t actually feel anything towards one particular color or another, but it’s kind of your signature color, so you act like it’s your favorite. People don’t notice the difference.
You feel safe enough to lay all the way back, but keep your eyes open. Some of Nightmare’s lackeys are dangerous, and it would be foolish to trust them right off the bat. 
It’s a while to morning, so you decide to plan what you’ll do tomorrow. You need to prove you are strong enough to survive alone to all the gang, but you can’t seem so strong that you’re a threat. That could endanger you. 
Maybe only show off some of more skeleton-y powers. Your… other moves might be too strange for them, and you shouldn’t scare them right away. You need them to come to trust you.
 You should probably just stick with the more lighthearted magic, like the clothing thing, now that you think about it. It’s the safest. You’ll feel it out, and maybe show off some more powerful stuff if anyone seems like they’re thinking you’re weak.
The bed is really comfortable. You close your eyes for a moment. You don’t have anything left to plan, it might be fine if you rest for a bit. 
You were, in all truth, incredibly tired, but…
You flinched, a jolt of fear going through you as you recalled why you hadn’t slept in weeks. That dream.
You were stuck in your parasite form. Pinned down to some kind of operating table, a bright florescent light straining your eye. No matter how you struggled, you couldn’t get loose. You were weak, useless, pathetic.
And worst of all, something was wrong with you. Your chest ached with an odd sensation. It wasn’t fear, but something else.
You shake of the memory and adjust your glasses, finding that your face is wet. 
You cannot ever let yourself be trapped like that. You have to be stronger.
The next morning, you decide it’s best to casually come down for breakfast and see how the others respond. 
Nightmare’s boys have mostly ignored you in the past, minus Horror. 
The one time you met him, he kept hovering over you and offering some snacks. 
Actually, now that you think about it. Nightmare typically invited you over when most of them were busy. Weird.
You sit down, not even bothering to take one of the waffles that Horror probably made. You don’t need them.
Horror seems to be studying you from his spot around the table. You spot, in addition to him, Dust, and someone you’ve never seen before. They’re a skeleton with a red scar in their right cheek, and black and white, layered clothes. You’ll have to keep an eye on them.
Nightmare and Killer walk up, interrupting your thoughts. 
“… thought you wouldn’t show up.” Horror said, cracking a smile that revealed the statement to be a joke. 
“You know I would never miss your meals, Horror,” Nightmare said succinctly, but not impolitely. 
Horror sits down at the table, plate heaped with waffles. He eyes you. You think you sense worry in his face, but it’s hard to tell. Horror doesn’t emote much. 
What could he be worried about? Maybe he thinks you’re a threat?
But then you see his eyelight flick towards the plate of food, and piece it together. He’s the chef usually, you’ve seen him cook, so he probably made the plate. He’s probably upset you didn’t take one.
You grab a plate and get one of the chocolate chip ones from the top, slathering it with syrup.
 Horror seems to relax his posture and starts eating. Good.
You cut off a piece, raise it to your mouth. Then stop. You’re suddenly aware of your host’s presence. You can feel his eyes on the piece of food. 
It’s distracting enough that the fork is stopped brought up to your mouth, something you quickly correct by putting your hand down, fork on plate. 
You for some reason don’t want to pick it up, seeing everyone at the table. They might be watching too. You only eat food when strictly necessary, what if they notice your odd ways and figure out what you are? What if they kick you out? What if they want to hurt you when they know what you are?
Your hands shaking. Why is it shaking. 
You have to get out of here.
The fork clatters to the table and you poof back to your room. You hear Nightmare sounded worried and the others talking just before the connection through space closes. 
You lay down. That was an awful introduction you made. You don’t know why that happened. They wouldn’t find out just because of the way you ate, thinking about it now. 
And if they found out somehow, you’d escape, like always. 
You should go back to the table. You go back to the table. You sit down. Now everyone’s eyes really are on you. You have to say something, but your voice is stuck in your throat. You say nothing. The lapse of silence lasts long, but you can’t tell how long.
Finally, Nightmare speaks up. 
“Fresh, is everything alright?”
You can’t think of how to talk like you normally do, somehow. 
That was a weird response. He’s probably thinking you’re being weird.
Nightmare eyes turn down in something you can’t read, maybe sadness? But why would he be sad? 
Maybe he’s upset at you for being rude?
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
hey there!!!! I love your blog and i cannot express how thankful i am regarding how you talk about transandrophobia!!! as a feminine trans guy/transmasc girl, i really relate to so many of your posts 😭😭😭
anyways, i just finished read the "i am a trans woman. i am in the closet. i am not coming out" article for the umpteenth time and because it hurts. so. bad. so. good!!! it got me really thinking about how wrong those "misandrist" jokes are, and i'm thinking about how my beliefs were so much black and white regarding who's privileged who's not, and i admit i used to withheld sympathy towards people whom i deem "more privileged" than me (often times whom it's dictated by those misandrist feminists) before i step back for a moment from the damn internet and get a new perspective after that.
I also wish that people talk more about the correlation between doomscrolling "activism" and how easily we all fell into easily digestible misinformation; like, i used to doomscroll thinking that i have to be defending "the most marginalized" and what i end up doing is that i am doing "activism" in a way that is... idk, "blindly loyal" to things that are popular at that time, e.g. hating men. Like, i see that a lot of people who are more performative in their activism are often terminally online, they exhaust themselves doing things that don't actually matter, and they end up don't see the bigger picture because they're out of energy
sorry if this is long, all in all i really adore your blog and i have thoughts lmao
I think you have a really good point w/ doomscrolling and the problems with how we view activism. Constantly taking a large amount of "the world is awful and everybody with power makes the cruelest choices possible" tends to make people pretty bitter, it's easy to see how seeing people then trying to discuss things like men's issues makes people pissed off. I try to space out more serious posts with positive/lighthearted stuff when I can for that reason because I don't want my blog to just be "Things Are Really Bad!" 100% of the time (altho since so many of our issues are ignored, pointing out that Things Are In Fact Bad is important). I can't help but feel the way that the internet right now is so based around algorithms and calculating what gets the most views, and the way that online activism is focused on seeing who has the most Oppression Points in the game, are correlated somehow (humans really want humans to be easily calculable and we are. not!)
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Infested
Corpse Husband & Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Mentions of dysfunctional family, Family problems, Swearing
Genre: Humor, Comfort, Platonic fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: When your friend disappears for a long time, seemingly having lost interest in what fueled the most passionate fire in their life, you cannot not worry about them. Even if you wanna give them space, you will reach out, you will offer your help. You will tell them they always have you to rely on and talk to.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! I’m really sorry it’s taken me so long to complete and post your request, but here it finally is! Hope you come across it and if you do I hope you enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
For me, it’s never hard to find things to do. I’ve constantly got things on my mind and tasks to tend to, keeping me occupied and my mind focused at all times. I think that comes with living in a home as dysfunctional as this one. I honestly can’t recall a time when my parents got along nor can I think of a time where there was at least one second of peace while the two are both present in the house. It’s always a warzone up there. I’m saying up there because I tend to live out of the basement of their home. I know living in your parents’ basement is considered a peak loser point, or the bottom of the bottom, but you’d have to believe me when I say - I wasn’t always like this. In fact, I only recently came back to this hell-hole and boy do I regret it. I mean, it was a decision forced upon me by circumstances. Trust me, I tried every other option there was. When my dorm was to be closed down and demolished, we were given a notice to start planning our next move about a month early. You can bet I immediately started looking at places but my very tragic and miserable budget didn’t allow such a purchase. No rent was adequate for me and my near-empty wallet so my second option was moving in with my best friend who was also not in the greatest of situations but I thought I’d give that a shot too.
Spoiler alert: it didn’t work out. She lived in a tiny apartment with her boyfriend and his best friend at the time, so four people in one apartment was a nightmare. Still a lesser nightmare than this one but a nightmare nonetheless. Some unwanted and downright traumatizing events chased me out of that place after barely managing to pack my stuff. Therefore, finding myself on the streets again, I had no other option other than the obvious and least liked one: moving back in with my parents.
Making money during my first year of college hasn’t been easy. Working two jobs at once and also streaming video games on the side was what my time was filled with all throughout the first semester but then this damn pandemic started and now ruined everything for me. I had things going for me, I was slowly getting my life together and now it has all fallen apart yet again. The places I worked at closed down due to quarantine and I haven’t been able to steam, not only cause I’d be the victim of my parents’ comments but also cause my terrible home life would be exposed to all my fans and viewers. It’s not like I could cancel out the commotion going on right above my head, it’s a livestream and this house’s walls are cardboard thin meaning all the arguing I hear almost 24/7 will serve as background noise for my streams.
I haven’t reached out to my friends or fans to inform them of this which I feel slightly guilty about but I’m really not looking forward to having to lie to them, just as much as I’m not looking forward to having to tell them the truth so instead I’ve picked silence which is probably either worrying them or driving them insane. Either way, I’ll make my comeback soon.
Well....not very soon by the looks of it...
I have to gather the money, then I have to find a place, then comes the packing, moving out of here, moving into the new place...oh God, there’s so much to it that I don’t even wanna think about. Just that thought that I’ll be inactive for that long makes my stomach turn. Streaming’s where I’ve been channeling all my negative emotions, turning them into something positive and entertaining with the help of my friends.
Speaking of my friends, I should probably put emphasis on how amazing they are. Basically the older siblings I’ve always wished I had. I’m the baby of the group, the eighteen year old freshman in college, powering through life the best they can cause they are constantly getting tripped up by inconvenient occurrences such as this one for example. I tend to have the gang poke fun at me quite frequently - all lighthearted and with good intentions obviously - but they are also the ones to get super defensive if anyone gets the balls to talk shit about me. They’d never allow me to be the victim of any smack talk or online rumors and ‘cancel culture’ or whatever the hell people will come up with to leave others restless and wondering if they did something shady a decade ago. Well, to be fair, I didn’t even know about the concept of social media a decade ago and I’ve never been one to post much but I still have a protection squad in case anyone decides to come after me.
Little do they know the people I need protecting from are the very people that are supposed to protect me - my parents. Luckily, they don’t venture into to basement very often if at all and I have my own exit to the outside world so I don’t have to run into them unless I absolutely have to. The only time I emerge to the surface of the house - aka the ground floor - I do so to leave my share of rent money on the dining table and I usually do it when they aren’t home or when they’re asleep - that happens often with how many bottles they each knock back on the daily.
*sigh*...at least I don’t have to talk to them, right?
Anyhow, remember how I mentioned I always have things to do? Well, right now I’ve tasked myself with rifling through the large boxes containing random stuff I found in one of the basements down here to see if there’s anything I could possibly sell online. For starters, I’d like to hope there aren’t any severed body parts in here because this was one shady-ass basement before I moved in and un-creeped it a bit so I wouldn’t have to become an insomniac due to the paranoia of there being a homeless person down here with me or some paranormal entity. Regardless, old basements tend to be, apart from haunted, also filled with junk no one would find valuable despite it actually being worth something after all. That’s basically what I’m hoping to find at the moment.
As I dig through the contents of the first box, the YouTube playlist I have put on on my phone cuts off causing me to furrow my brows in confusion for a second before my ringtone pierces the silence the lack of music created.
I quickly mute the ringing and take a look at the Caller ID to see a name I never thought would pop up on my screen as an incoming call - Corpse. I, as well as many of our friends, know that he’s not the biggest fan of talking to people on the phone so this is rather surprising. Still, I pick up the call in case it’s not a mistake and an odd chance that it’s somethin urgent cause Lord knows Corpse doesn’t call people willy-nilly. 
Thank God it’s quiet up there at the moment.
“Hello?“ I try my best to cover up the confusion in my voice but I can only assume I didn’t do the best job considering Corpse replies with a slightly awkward chuckle.
“Surprised you, didn’t I?“ He asks, getting my cheeks to redden a bit, “You can’t blame a guy for calling after up and disappearing on him and on the whole internet. Where’ve you been?“
I open my mouth to respond when I hear the sound of glass breaking a shouted curse from upstairs.
Oh for fuck’s sake!
“Um...you know, places?“ I’m aware the answer isn’t only nonsensical but also sounds more like a question, but I can hardly focus on that right now. I’m too buys praying to an entity I don’t fully believe in for the situation above to not escalate.
“Uh, is everything ok over there? Where even are you right now?“ The teasing tone to his voice is all but gone at this point, replaced with deep concern, having obviously heard the commotion that did the exact opposite of what I prayed for - escalated.
“Y-yeah, it’s ok. It’s just another Thursday, you know.“ I attempt a small laugh but it’s blatantly miserable, “I moved back in with my parents when they announced the quarantine so that’s where I’m at now. They’re not the quietest of folks as you can tell so...“
Oh crap, here we go.
“...So I can’t really stream a lot...or at all.“ I mutter, cringing with all my might, “But it’s only temporary! I’ll get back in the saddle as soon as I find another place to stay.“ I don’t dare mention how long that’s gonna take me, it’ll be too disappointing and depressing for the both of us. “So yeah...um...thanks for showing concern but there’s really nothing to worry about. I’m ok, everything’s ok, things are just...a bit off the rails, but I’ll fix em no problem. Like I always do!“ I attempt to sound as cheerful as possible with little success due to the overwhelming anger I feel towards those people upstairs and the gut-wrenching nostalgia for the world of streaming I can no longer be a part of because of them. Actually, I put the blame first on the pandemic and second on my parents - if it wasn’t for Covid I’d probably still be in my dorm!
“Hey...um, I think I know an affordable place where you can take up residence. Only if you want to, of course.“ He sounds hesitant but I easily overlook that as excitement bursts throughout my entire being at the sound if an escape being offered to me just like that. Had I known I’d find the solution to my problem in the very people I spent time avoiding because I was afraid of their pity, sympathy and judgement.
“Oh please, it could be a rat and roach infested shoe box and I’d go running to it. How much is rent?“ I ask through a gasp of hurried laughter that’s a result of my inability to contain said excitement. Listen, I’ve been sitting here in Hellsburg for three months now and haven’t gotten a proper shuteye during that whole period, whatever Corpse is offering has to be better than this misery.
“Rent can be discussed once you move in...“ He trails off, “And it’s not rat nor roach infested but there’s a slight issue...“
“Which is?“ I’m honestly expecting the worst: in a bad neighborhood; faulty wiring with a high chance of being electrocuted; faulty piping with a high chance of flooding; people have died there; things get randomly moved around in the middle of the night etc. However, I don’t voice any of them to avoid getting laughed at for my wild imagination.
“Well, uh, it’s corpse infested.“ He says a little awkwardly, causing me to let out an inaudible sigh.
So my ‘people have died there’ guess was on point, huh?
“People have died there, huh? Well, I can turn a blind eye to that as long as I don’t find their bodies in the closet or meet their spirits at 3AM.“ I attempt to joke, now second-guessing my eagerness to accept the offer.
Corpse bursts out laughing his ass off at my statement, getting me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion and wonder what I said was so funny - it was a poor attempt at a joke, it in no way deserves that sort of reaction, barely a chuckle in my opinion.
“You’re golden, Y/N, I swear.“ He says once he forces the laughter to subside, “I meant corpse infested as in Corpse Husband infested.“ He breaks out in another fit as my brain slowly starts connecting the dots.
Oooohh he’s asking me to go live with him
“Wait. Wait, wait, wait, hold up for a sec. Are you aware of what you’re offering me? I mean, we’ve never met IRL, you barely know me and....and for all you know I could be the serial killer in this situation!“ I have no idea why I’m pushing my luck, don’t ask. I just don’t want him to make a decision he’ll later regret, I guess. “Like, I could kill you in your sleep!“
“Would you?“ He asks confidently, silently stating he already knows the answer.
I roll my eyes, “Of course not! But...” He cuts me off.
“Great, the offer stands on my end. I’m not a noisy nor nosey roommate so I suggest you start packing. If you choose to live in that hell-hole over living with me, I’m sorry but I’ll be hella offended, just so you know.“
Corpse sounds like he’s about to hang up on me, a decision already made, so I hurry to stop him. “Wait! What about rent?”
“Fuck the rent, pack your bags.“ And just like that, despite my efforts, he hangs up on me.
Well...this is a chance of a lifetime that I know refusing would lead me to not only remain stuck here but also put me in the hugest loser bin. There’s also the fear of being Corpse’s burden which I’ll try my best not to be - I mean, I’m a super independent person and Lord knows that if this offer came any other time or from any other person, I would’ve declined asap, no discussion.
But streaming
But sleeping properly
But having a normal life again
Yeah those are most certainly the reasons I get up and go into the closet in search on my emptied suitcase. Time to fill it up again, I guess. This time with a smile on my face and excitement fueling each and every movement of mine.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse
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agatadasz · 3 years
So lately a got the opportunity to see the arguments of people who say that Technoblade's rp style contrast too much with the serious lore and that made me realise how many of them don't actually have a problem with the lighthearted lore itself but rather they feel that c!Technoblade reaction to serious things are wrong. And I find it very interesting because many of the most know 'how can you joke at the time like this' didn't actually clash with how the story was told and you can see why c!Techno acted that way if you don't let the shock reaction stop you from looking more carefully.
One of most popular examples of 'Why did he joked about this?' is his reaction to c!Tommy death. How could he not take it as serious as ever other character?! Well that answer is quite simple her. One he didn't believed in Tommy's death in the first place. His part of first reaction was to ask Ranboo if he seen the body because if you didn't see the proof how can you be so sure it was true. If you also look at his reaction when on his bday party he learns that Tommy did die he looks down and say a little sad and probably regretful "Oh". Two c!Techno is still hunt by c!Tommy's betrayal so he often talks how much he doesn't care what happens Tommy because he broke his trust so now he don't deserve Technoblade's empathy. He talks about it when rest of the syndicate questions his reaction. It's the same reason why he wishes good luck to c!Niki when she wanted to kill Tommy. Now with this in mind the scene isn't as out of nowhere as I might feel a second before. His reaction made sense in the story and even though it contrasted with other's reactions you can't say that it's completely wrong. You just expected from him different reaction and you weren't when Techno decided to go different direction.
Another example is the prison arc. So many people learn to expect that all the storylines that include prison are dark, angsty and heavy so they felt c!Techno attitude was wrong and out of place. But have they considered that Technoblade didn't come there with the same feelings as people who usually go there? Let me explain. Reason why we connected prison to serious lore is because usually other characters felt uncomfortable there and also came in there with very serious intentions with addition of warren Sam attitude is just feels heavy. However Technoblade came there with plan to get out, we can see that hinted by him putting almost all his stuff in his enderchest instead of the locker, giving his will to Philza as well as admitting that he had a feeling that it was a trap. It's also important to remember that his attitude towards c!Dream is different that we usually see. He doesn't full trust him but he also isn't scared of him and will just make fun of him whenever he can. Because of that he contrast with for example c!Tommy visiting his abuser or c! Sam who is obsessed with the idea of keeping everyone safe by keeping c!Dream in.
I think the last example I will add here is lots of c!Techno c!Ranboo relationship. Lots of people complained how emerald duo did took c!Ranboo confession very seriously because they expected different reaction. However if you look at the reaction itself it makes sense as well as is something positive. Why would war criminals that destroy nation care for a single building that doesn't have any meaning for them and a disc that is problem of a kid that betrayed them? Also by both of them saying that it wasn't a big deal they reminding Ranboo that they won't judge him for this and that he can stay. Similar thing happens when c!Ranboo tells c!Techno about Dream's voice. Techno is quite awkward about it and he joke about it just like he does when he talks about his voices lately. By not acting as the Dream's voice is something terrible he kind of try to show that that voice doesn't make Ranboo evil nor that it's something he should be scared of based on his experience with his voices. He also pulled of 'I'm not sure how to help you see look here is my emotional support bear'.
I could probably do that with most of moments like that but I will stop here (though if you have a scene like that I would love to try to analyse it too) but the general conclusion is that people who complain about the clash tend to get strongly taken aback when c!Techno reaction doesn't meet the expectations they created based of different povs often ignoring the reasoning why that reaction makes sense and isn't as clashing as you might have thought.
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wrctings · 3 years
just some (slightly angsty) eruri fluff for you all because i miss them 🥰
“And so when I snapped my fingers right beside him, I got his attention. Actually got it! I’ve never had a titan stare at me like this, so intensely,” Hanji’s eyes sparkled, aglow with both irrepressible enthusiasm and the warm reflection from the room’s candle light, her fingers eagerly curled around the handle of a cup. “If only you’d seen it... I think he may have finally recognised me, given all the time we spent together... But we have to wait and see. And there’s also that plant we brought back from the last expedition! It’s growing! We put it in a more humid zone, like where we found it, and it’s actually growing.”
Levi had always known Hanji was a little excessive. Well, really excessive for the most part - especially when she’d get into one of her endless tirades about titans, marvelling over their monstrous abilities and curious shape and reflexes and whatnot... Sometimes, it drove Levi up to the wall to watch their scientist go into raptures over the senseless beasts that had crushed or torn apart so many of their fallen comrades. Though, to be fair, he could hardly blame Hanji - she was with them, after all; among the first ranks during expeditions, flanked by the officers’ side. That titan-loving thing was just a quirk of hers, just like Levi’s own cleaning thing, which he suspected many of their subordinates looked upon as a curious and slightly frightening obsession.
So, more often than not, Levi patiently kept his mouth shut, listening to Hanji’s passionate rants and picking out the useful information only, letting the rest slide into oblivion. But tonight, Levi’s usual self-control act had been getting pushed toward its limit, a disgruntled frown hidden behind his cup of tea. And the reason? Always the same golden-haired bastard.
White sleeves rolled up to the elbows, torso leaning over the wooden table, his blue eyes bright and animated by the same radiant shimmer of curiosity as in Hanji’s gaze, Erwin was hanging onto his friend’s every word.
“So, if some plants can only survive in a special kind of climate, the outside world must be...”
“Full of plants yet unknown to us! And of landscapes we can’t even imagine! And if that plant we brought back can only thrive in a wet kind of environment...”
“...Maybe there’s a large pool of water somewhere further away, beyond the limit we stopped at last time!”
Levi cursed Hanji from the bottom of his heart. Erwin’s entire attention seemed to be focused on the subject, blind to the rest of the room.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, we’re not quite sure of anything yet,” Moblit put his hands up with a sheepish smile, cooling off some of Hanji’s building elation. “First, let’s see how our titan and our plants fare in the upcoming weeks...”
“Our titan and our plants!” Hanji happily cried out, squeezing Moblit’s hand, cheeks burning red from excitement.
“Even if it’s only guesses, the captive titans and those plants can still provide precious information. It takes us one step closer to knowing the truth of the world,” Erwin’s hopeful and determined gaze met Hanji’s, both bound by a mutual fervour.
Levi silently watched them from the side, scowling. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t give a lesser shit about all of this - he wanted to rid the world of titans, to keep tightening until the last monster fell under their blades. Not bustle about captured titans in wonderment or waste time growing plants... In that moment, he resent their joy; joy sprung from the bloody cadavres of their comrades. Was this what they dedicated their heart for? Part of Levi knew perfectly well that, of course, all Hanji and Erwin gushed over was important to some degree. But he couldn’t quite share in their foolishness.
“Well, here’s to another step then,” Moblit raised his glass, smiling fondly when he caught a glimpse of the earnest exhilaration radiating off Hanji’s face. She did more often than not put him through the mill, but that’s also why he liked her, wasn’t it?
The other two officers followed Moblit’s lead, lifting their glasses up into the air, but before clinking them together Erwin shot a lighthearted look at Levi, raising his eyebrows as if asking the Captain to join in. With a muffled sigh, Levi shook his head reluctantly.
“Teacups aren’t meant for your drunken shit.”
He got away with a small movement of the hand, slowly shooting it upward in a way that made it seem he took part in the toast.
Erwin, Hanji, and Moblit drank on cordially, indulging in one of the rare merry celebrations they’d allow themselves to enjoy - the last expedition had been a success after all, with no casualties and only two superficially hurt soldiers! Such victories did truly raise the troops’ morale, so, in addition to the dinner feast everybody got to delight in, Erwin wanted to also congratulate the officers who had been working had on the expedition. Hence the wine. 
Only when the crepuscular haze of the night sky hovered over the barracks did the party begin to retire, tired grins and slightly dizzy heads wishing each other goodnight with remains of gaiety seeping through their lips; such a carefree, congenial time would probably be long to come again, so they had drunk from the brimming glass of furtive bliss until the very last honeyed drop dried out on their tongue. Waving Erwin and Levi goodnight, Hanji - held up by Moblit, bless his soul - stumbled around the corner of the corridor leading to her quarters, relying on the loyal shoulder that would help her get to her room safe and sound and not accidentally crash someplace else and carelessly pass out for the night. 
Much like Moblit, Levi had taken up the habit of bringing Erwin to his room after another day of exhausting work or a festive evening, watching the commander’s ever steady pace out of the corner of his attentive eye and listening to him jabber about whatever occupied his mind on that day, barely responding himself, but always paying silent attention to Erwin’s words. Although he didn’t admit it to his own self at first - he liked it. Liked having Erwin stroll beside him, his deep and slightly fatigued voice untangling the knots in Levi’s own head, keeping everything at bay but an inexplicable wave of... comfort. And, soon enough, the comfort had even turned into something more. 
“Did you enjoy the night, Levi?” Erwin inquired in his usual late-night chattery fashion, fingers already working the top buttons of his white shirt as the commander’s quarters arose in their field of vision.
The only answer he got out of Levi was a grunt, the short Captain pushing the door before them open. It slammed against the wall a little too harshly.
“Something on your mind?” Erwin persevered, trying to read the other man’s crossed features. 
“Alright.” Levi ended up conceding, a resigned sigh escaping the vexed line of his mouth. “Erwin, I can’t seem to give the slightest crap about those shitty plants.”
“Ah, Hanji may convince you they’re—” Erwin started again, smiling at what he thought was just a heedless comment of Levi’s, but the way he was interrupted soon let him guess otherwise.
“No, you don’t understand. I don’t get excited like you brats. I just... Don’t. I can’t bring myself to care about shitty glasses’ experiments. Or even... That stuff you talked about,” Levi waved his hand vaguely, hoping it was allusive enough.
A thoughtful moment’s silence passed, Erwin considering what Levi had just admitted - he began to recall now how retiring Levi had indeed seemed during tonight’s celebration, quietly grumbling by himself and even cutting short on the playful insults he would usually hand out.
“I’m sorry that you didn’t have fun tonight, Levi.”
“Feel sorry for yourself. You’re the one stuck with a killjoy of a brat,” Levi attempted a sarcastic smile, but it came out distorted by a hint of sad resignation. Ever since he and Erwin had... this - whatever it was called - Levi didn’t hold back as much as he used to anymore; something about Erwin’s kind understanding, no matter the slander ghosts clouding the Captain’s mind, put him at ease. So Levi spoke his mind.
Erwin’s reassuring arms twined around Levi’s torso, the commander’s head settling on top of his - the height difference, Levi had to admit, was convenient -, and he planted a long kiss on top of his head; the first real one of the day, after the hasty pecks he had stolen from Levi in between tasks. For Levi, those intimate hours were dreams he’d never wish to wake up from. “Why should I feel sorry, when I can’t believe my luck?”
“I’m not exactly the funniest person you can find, in case you hadn’t noticed.”
“And so what? I, for one thing, think you are funny. Your dark humour may take some getting used to at first, but afterwards, you crack me up, my dear,” Erwin mused, littering Levi’s neck with sloppy kisses. “I love you.”
“You’re a terrible liar, Erwin.”
However, Levi’s heavy heart did feel lighter already; to feel Erwin’s lips on his skin, his warm hands fiddling with Levi’s uniform to help him take it off, his precious words whispered against his ear - for Levi, and Levi only, to hear and treasure and greedily take for himself - soothes the Captain’s unexpected rush of self-depreciation. But seeing how happy Erwin had looked while talking to Hanji and Moblit had left a painful imprint Levi struggled to erase from his memory. What if... what if he’d never make Erwin this happy?
“Levi, I don’t care that you don’t get excited over shitty plants. You and I can care about different things and still care about each other too, yeah?” Levi felt the nuzzle in his neck send shivers down his spine, another one of Erwin’s kisses mending the cracks in his heart one by one. “I know you press my shirts whenever they get too creased. You bring coffee and food to my office when I’m working too much. You take Hanji’s laundry into her room when she forgets it. You help the recruits who fall behind in training...” Erwin kept on talking, going around Levi to face him in the candlelit room, until his nose gently bumped against his, and their lips met in what Levi could only describe as solace. “The list goes on and on. These are all the things you care about. And I love you for it.”
“...It seems your sappy stuff still gets me. You shitty, sentimental brat,” Levi drowned a teary chuckle in Erwin’s chest, clutching the fabric of the commander’s uniform in his fist. Then, he retired in his cat-like fashion, starting to ondo the buttons Erwin had started to work on. “I had no idea you were fucking spying on me the entire time.”
“Your fault.” Erwin followed Levi’s lead, getting rid of his own uniform before he slipped into bed, a tired look softening his features, and loose strands of hair falling out of place upon his forehead.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Levi joined him, huddling beneath the clean and cosy bedsheets, and brushed the hair away from Erwin’s face, savouring its end-of-the-day softness between his fingers.
“It’s your fault for having such a beautiful soul.”
“A beautiful soul?” Levi scoffed gently, pressing his shoulder against Erwin’s. “Never heard anything this stupid before.”
“It’s true. You may not believe me yet, but I’ll keep doing this” Erwin took Levi’s hand in his, kissing his calloused knuckles - “and this” -, then wrist - “and this”, then forearm, “and this, until you do.”
“I’m no sap like you, so it might take a while...,” Levi murmured in return, pressing a kiss into Erwin’s neck. A beautiful soul? Never before had Levi heard such words - and never before had his heart skipped a beat like it did when they struck him.
“It’s okay,” Erwin cuddled up to Levi, not suppressing a deep contented sigh when the other man’s nails gently raked his scalp, playing with his hair. “I won’t quit.”
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aclosetfan · 4 years
the pet peeve/pettiest opinion i have abt this fandom is how sometimes ppl portray the blues w/o any substance and/or any sort of depth like they do the greens and reds🤝
I don’t even think this is petty, it’s just true 🤷‍♀️ it seriously irks me to no end. I’m so glad you brought this up!!! lmaooo short response is I 100% agree with you.  unfortunately, I agree with you so much I wrote a whole freaking essay, which can be found under the cut. I could rant about this all day long. I don’t even care. The blues are such a disappointing couple :( I wish fic writers would cut out the cutesy pure bs that you find so often with these two.
I really think that the biggest problem with the blues (and Boomer) is all rooted in Bubbles’ characterization. I think she’s the most difficult for people to write because she’s the least “problematic.” And a lot of people don’t know what to do with her because no one can relate to unproblematic. She’s written as (excuse the annoying early 2010s expression, but it fits) the perfect cinnamon bun and there’s no conflict if a character doesn’t have some kind of internal conflict, they’re boring! They get tossed to the side!! Blossom is often written struggling with leadership and perfectionism. Buttercup is often written struggling with impulsiveness and aggression. People relate to them because they’ve “gone through things” most people have experienced themselves. Fic writers like writing Bloss and BC for the same reason because you can only write what you know! But shoot, writers still got to place Bubbles in somehow! So she’s either an airhead, or a crybaby, or too innocent/naïve, or the uwu character, which is good for a few laughs but 🤷‍♀️ it gets pretty 2D and old real quick. Her biggest issue in the show was people babying her, but usually, that conflict is written off in fics with one simple “OH so she’s actually a badass” scene and that’s like it?? It’s never visited again?? (Even though all her solo episodes focus on her accepting who she is despite what others think so idk if badass scenes actually do her justice. She’s a lover not a fighter at the end of the day tbh.) It’s understandable though. I struggle with Bubbles because I’m not as optimistic as her character, and I certainly don’t relate to being “the joy and laughter.” It’s hard writing someone whose fanon character is interpreted as practically flawless. In ppg fics you’re also juggling a big group of characters, so it’s advantageous to rely on the simpler archetype tropes. So, I think it’s easier for people to set Bubbles up in a relationship than explore her more thoroughly since she’s the sensitive one who would be into the lovey-dovey stuff. Further, if you want to give readers a break from the heavier themes of your main plot, having a cute side pairing is a good safe escape. Not a lot of thought is needed to make those relationships work. And since Boomer’s just there and also underdeveloped, they get paired together. And because people (rightly) want to stray from the predator/prey trope because Bubbles is just so Pure(tm) and the trope feels assault-y, writers make Boomer inherently good. But now you’re just stuck with two good, cute characters. That’s it. And because their plot in the story revolves around their romantic relationship, it's their relationship that is the only thing that aids in their character development. The blues make up the lighthearted B-plot (but probably more like C-plot because the greens are usually B-plot material) The blues seem to follow two tropes: 1. Pure childhood crushes—Boomer was always good and wants to do good by Bubbles and she wants to “protect” him from his “mean” brothers 2. Bubbles “fixes” Boomer, but he really doesn’t need any fixing in the first place because he was good all along, he just needed encouragement. (Weird side note, have you noticed how Bubbles is always like “Boomie you’re NOT stupid” and then all the sudden it’s like the boy has a PhD) And I'm not faulting anyone for having a b-plot relationship with the blues. If it’s done right, being in a relationship does wonders for people! But relationships are work and without the blues having their personalities developed OUTSIDE the relationship, there’s no “work” to be done. They’re just the Perfect Couple and it’s boring. Don’t get me wrong, I like the pairing (it’s v cute), but what’s nice about the greens and the reds is that each individual character has usually been personalized (Butch not so much, in my opinion, his character generally revolves around BC, but bear with me for argument's sake), which makes their relationships with other characters fun to read. The greens and the reds are flushed out because their most basic archetypes are the most relatable and easiest to write. The Blues, though, just seem to get together. Bubbles is a hard character to write, so by default, so is Boomer. They have no conflict outside each other that would trigger character development. They flirt, sometimes Bubbles resists, then they’re together. She’s the cutest thing ever and he’s a simp for it. Easy, fluffy, they fade to the background because now that they’re together what happens to them next?? Irl people either get married or they break up. Most of these fics are high school AUs, so they can’t get married, and no one wants the cute ones to break up, so they just start to enter and exit the story as convenient segues. And that’s disappointing because individually they could be so interesting. Bubbles has to struggle with the fact that people infantize her. Her ideas are often dismissed, people treat her like a ditz, and her ability to be a hero is often called into question because she’s the one who seeks peaceful alternatives, and when she DOESNT seek those alternatives, people in the show freak out and become scared. Like I said before, most bubbles centric episodes focus on her accepting her sensitive side and using it to overcome a conflict. Also, HIM’s like her main villain in all her episodes. and, shit, one of her nicknames is literally Chubbles. She’s been called fat a few times. There’s so much a writer can do with her conflict-wise. Optimism and sensitivity don’t equal naivety, we don’t have to make her Pure. In fact, it’d be way more fun to see her trying to show everyone that she’s no longer a child but a young woman. And Boomer has like 3 episodes, right? Maybe 4? Literally in all of them, he’s a bratty little boy. He carries slugs in his pockets. He’s bad at trash talking. Easily distracted. Fights with his brothers. Dumb and chaotic. Good at spitting. He doesn’t put Bubbles on a pedestal. He wants to beat her up. He’s not a good guy. Bubbles thinks he’s cute. That’s literally all we know about him lmao. He wouldn’t be soft so why would what we know translate into a boring unproblematic underdeveloped boy?? You can write him unfulfilled. You could write him stuck in his brothers’ shadows. You could write him as a weirdo who’s obsessed with bugs (to match bubbles animal obsession). In my head, if Brick’s the smart one and Butch is the strong one, I make Boomer the charming one. And charming boys are dangerous boys 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️he probably had to charm his way out of plenty of dumb situations. I also make him unluckily lucky since he gets captured by the girls in one episode, but he still makes it out just fine. Everything bad that could happen happens to him but Boomer’s like “eh 🤷‍♀️ It’ll blow over. Lol already died once. What can ya do?” So you've got a girl who is never taken seriously and a boy who takes nothing seriously and yall really think their relationship would be unproblematic??? Individually, these two characters could be fun to write if the fic author plans it out correctly! Idk why their relationship wouldn't be either. If you want a compelling romance, you’ve got to make compelling characters. 
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Agent H’s TV Reactions
So Not Worth it
-This was the dumbest, cheesiest show in existence and I LOVED it. If you want something EXTREMELY campy and lighthearted, this is it.
-Like I wouldn’t say the show is hilarious, but I genuinely did crack up laughing at least once an episode. 
-I feel like you can tell this show is written by people probably new to sitcoms and the fact that sitcoms aren’t as frequent in Korea makes me think that if this was an American show (purely bc we are much more familiar with sitcom format) and the overall show had a bit more confidence, it would be insanely popular
-There is a international drug ring subplot happening literally in the background  and that is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen a sitcom do
-I felt like they had no idea how a laugh track should work and it was distracting at first, but by second or third episode, it was barely noticeable
-It had a more diverse cast than I’ve seen in any Korean or American shows period. And in my limited familiarity with Korean, the pronunciations were really good. Like I was rewatching Itaewon Class with my mom at the same time, and, like, as much as I love Toni, the performances and pronunciations here were infinitely smoother and more natural. Like the actors weren’t worried about their pronunciations, so they could just kick back and just focus on acting
-Two things really worked in this show favor: 1) the cast had great chemistry together and flowed very naturally 2) It employed what I call “two-tone” character-building or the “Brooklyn Nine Nine” character method. It is giving your character a major defining trait and then a second, often contrasting, trait. All other development comes from filling in the shades of these two character traits. For example, Hans is a stickler for rules; however, he is very self-centered and will bend the rules to suit his own needs. Hyunmin is an endlessly optimistic and likable person; however, he has the worst luck possible. Carson is grumpy and mean but is very mature about love
-Hyunmin was by far the best. The actor had killer instincts for physical comedy, acting, and timing. Every time he entered the room, he made the scene ten times funnier. Also, he’s gorgeous, and it brought me endless joy to learn that he is a model in Korea.
-So ngl, I started this for Youngjae and 1) He was so cute and funny and I loved him  2) I wish he got a larger storyline but I did like the SamxMinnie storyline 3) I love that they called him SamSam :( 4) I really was hoping they’d make a GOT7 reference (or (G)I-dle bc I didn’t know Minnie was from (G)I-dle) lol 
-I liked the Korean title (I Hope the Earth Collapses Tomorrow) better than the English title bc I feel like So Not Worth It is too generic and doesn’t capture the nihilistic desperation of college. However, So Not Worth It does sound like a Nickelodeon sitcom and that is the closest genre I would put this show in 
-I felt so bad for Carson but she handled the breakup amazingly well and I just want her to be happy always 
-Uh, can I make Terris my Distinguished Bisexual on my Favorite Queer Character Alignment chart. The man dressed so well and and was so smart and suave, like hello~
-LISTEN. Il-seob was the softest gay with a crush I have seen in a LONG TIME. Terris was also the shiest, most useless bisexual I’ve seen in a long time. And I know LGBT stuff is still kind taboo in Korea, but with the very little they were allowed to work with, they NAILED it 
-Someone else pointed it out, but the fact that Hyunmin’s mom is not shamed (she’s even praised) as someone who’s older and been in multiple relationships but did not need commitment was really cool, especially as I’m sure that’s really looked down on in Korean society
-I could not stand Sewan and Jamie’s relationship. Individually, I loved them. At the beginning, I loved their friendship. But the relationship was needlessly, in-your-face gooey, and I kept being like “Okay this is a gag...Okay, this is just preface to a conflict...Oh no, they’re playing this completely seriously?!?!” The problem is that their relationship is just sappily romantic and it did not match with the rest of the show’s tone at all
-This show’s mood is just desperate chaoticness and if that doesn’t describe college in a nutshell, I don’t know what will
-”They can’t tell us apart anyway” Yass, make the racism work for you lol
-My only complaint is that I wish we got to see more of them doing classes and clubs and sports and whatnot because that is truly when all chaos is unleashed
-I need 50 more seasons 
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adenei · 3 years
Summer of Jily Week 4
It's week 4 for @efkgirldetective's Summer of Jily challenge! You sure did send me for a loop with this one, but I've managed to keep the one-shots turned multi chap story going!
This week's prompts: Picking Berries and "I know I kissed you before, but I didn't do it right."
Read on AO3
James didn’t sleep at all that night. He couldn’t stop thinking about the carnival. His thoughts shifted between being mad at Sirius for winning that damn prize and presenting it to Lily—that was his stupid, cheesy plan that his best mate had hijacked—and the Ferris wheel ride.
About saving your letters or waiting for you to ask me out?
How could he have been so thick? And how is it that he keeps royally mucking things up? He’d had the perfect opportunity to kiss Lily right there on the ride, but then it had to move again, and he’d gotten sidetracked at the feeling of flying on a muggle contraption.
Hadn’t he come along with the boys to crash the girls trip so he could spend more time with Lily? He’d devised the perfect opportunity to sweep her off her feet, and he swore to himself he would only ask her out if she made it blatantly obvious that she wanted him to. As much as it killed him, he’d rather not lose her friendship over pressing her one too many times.
But now, she had made it clear that she was waiting for him to make a move, and what does he do instead? Lets her walk away after the sunrise, hits her with a ball by the lake, and then avoids her throughout the entire carnival until their friends force them to share a compartment on that bloody ride.
He’d had the perfect opportunity to kiss her right there, to ask her to be his girlfriend, and what does he do instead? Freezes. James Potter, master of smooth pick-up lines, carefree, easy-going Gryffindor heartthrob (says the Hogwarts gossip circle, not that he pays attention to any of that—why would he when he’s got his heart set on one girl?) freezes.
Well, he didn’t totally freeze. After they’d apparated back to the cabin, he and Lily were the last two in the sitting area before they went to bed. He walked her to the door of the girl’s room and kissed her on the cheek before bidding her goodnight.
It had taken all of his willpower to not pull her into his arms and snog her senseless after her confession earlier that evening. Yet, after seeing her disappointed face before she shut the door to the bedroom, he wished he had. She’d thrown his entire game off, and he needed to fix it before he lost his chance with Lily for good.
Resigning himself to the fact that he was awake to see another sunrise, James dragged himself out of bed and picked up his glasses on the nightstand before stepping around the mattress on the floor where Peter currently snored away. He grabbed the nearest shirt he could find and threw it on before slipping out of the bedroom.
It was lighter out than he was expecting, meaning he’d probably missed the sunrise. The boys preferred to sleep in pitch black, but the spell they cast on the window the night before was fading, allowing the daybreak to sift through and consequently throwing off his sense of time. He started the coffee pot and leaned against the counter while he waited for the pot to brew.
Caffeine would be necessary to stay awake today, or maybe he could sneak a nap in at some point. Hell, maybe he’d be able to convince Lily to join him for said nap. He could think of plenty of things they could get up to whilst they were in bed together. James let his mind wander to thoughts of getting to know her in a more intimate setting. The kind that he’d often wank to when he needed a release.
The rich smell of dark roast wafted through the living area. James forced his thoughts away from images of Lily writhing beneath him as he reached for a mug. He only barely heard the click of a door as he pulled the pot off to pour himself a cup.
“Another early morning?”
James looked up to see Lily standing there, her hair messy from sleep. She ran her fingers through it in an attempt to comb it out. The green of her eyes were barely visible under still somewhat droopy eyelids. Something stirred within him, and despite the fact that he was only seventeen, it was a view he knew he could get used to.
“That would imply I slept. I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No, but I couldn’t resist the smell of coffee. Why couldn’t you sleep?”
“Peter’s snoring reached new levels last night.”
The lie slipped off his lips with ease, although it wasn’t altogether convincing. A simple Muffliato charm would have allowed him the peace and quiet he needed to fall asleep. Her skeptical look wasn’t lost on him as he absent-mindedly began fixing the cup he’d poured with the amount of milk and sugar Lily preferred. He wasn’t aware he was doing it until he handed it to her.
“Thanks,” she said. “Since when do you know how I take my coffee?”
“Come on, Evans, you don’t think I’ve noticed? Some things stick after eating breakfast with someone over the last year.” James smirked.
He grabbed another mug from the cabinet and poured his own cup without adding anything to it. James blew over the dark brown liquid to help cool it off as he watched Lily take a minuscule sip of her own.
“That’s fair. I still don’t know how you can drink yours black.”
“Some say I’m sweet enough on my own.” The quip was automatic as Lily laughed at his humor.
Merlin, her laugh is infectious. James swore the reason he said half of the stuff he did was so he could hear her laugh.
“Do you want to go for a walk?”
The question came from nowhere, but the early morning was so peaceful that he wanted to experience it with her, preferably hand in hand.
They left their coffee mugs abandoned on the Formica as they headed to the door and slid on their shoes. Lily grabbed a jacket off the coat rack and zipped it up halfway. James closed the door quietly behind him then led her over to the trail he and the boys explored yesterday. The path wasn’t terribly long, but it ended up in a quiet and secluded area where the lake met pebbled terrain.
“So, was the dolphin a good sleeping partner?” James’s voice cut through the light layer of morning fog.
Lily chuckled. “I don’t know, I let Marly sleep with him instead.”
“Ah, Sirius will be heartbroken if he learns of your betrayal.” His words were meant to be a joke, yet they didn’t come across as lighthearted as he’d hoped.
“Well, good thing you won’t tell him. Right?” Lily’s questioning eyes made James’s heart skip a beat.
“I suppose I can keep your secret, Evans, but it’ll cost you.”
“Oh? And what might that price be, Potter?”
The green of the trees and shrubbery only enhanced the sparkle that glinted in her eyes. James wondered if she was testing him. Shouldn’t she know by now that he never backed down from a challenge?
“Ditch your friends and spend the day with me instead.”
“Like a date?”
“Yes, Evans, like a date.”
“Well, good thing we’re getting an early start. Now we can make the most of the day.”
James grinned at Lily’s acceptance as they continued down the trail.
They were nearly at the clearing by the water when Lily stopped, causing James to turn around. “Is this the path you and the boys were on yesterday afternoon?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Well, when Mary asked if you found anything interesting, you said no.”
“Because there isn’t…”
“That’s not true! Look at the blackberry bushes over there!”
James’s head turned to the direction Lily was pointing at, and sure enough, there were several bushes, low to the ground and full of clumps of blackberries. Lily bent down to pick a few off the branches.
“How do you know they’re blackberries and not nightshade or something?”
“Honestly, Potter, did you not pay attention when Sprout taught that unit on edible plants and where to find them in the wilderness?”
“No? Guess I was a bit distracted.”
“Nightshade grows off the stem in one circle. They look more like blueberries, except they’re shinier and darker. Blackberries have all the little bumps on them like this. Almost like a raspberry, but a different color.”
Lily picked a handful of berries during her explanation and stood when she was finished. James saw her holding them delicately in an effort to stop them staining her hands. Using her forefinger and thumb, she picked one up and held it to James’s mouth.
“Try it.”
James opened his mouth and let her place the berry on his tongue. He locked eyes with her as his lips closed around her fingers. An explosion of flavor bursts on his tongue as he bit down on the fruit. The tartness caused him to squint and pucker his lips slightly. Lily smiled at his reaction as she popped a couple berries in her mouth.
She was right—they tasted way better when picked fresh. He held out his hand for more, and she gave him a couple to munch on as they continued walking through the woods. James’s brain was fixated on the way she fed him as his feet moved him forward. Their hands grazed against each other, and James held on after the third bump. He felt her fingers intertwine with his as their steps aligned on the dirt path. As they inched their way toward the rocky clearing of the lake, a plan formed in his mind, and he knew exactly what he needed to do to match Lily’s brazenness of the night before and kick off their day-long date properly.
“Oh, wow,” she whispered as the trail gave way to the stunning view of the calm water ahead of them. The fog had settled across the still water, preventing them from seeing the other side of the lake.
“Okay, the berries were one thing, but hiding this view from us? How—” Lily froze mid-sentence as comprehension dawned on her. “Did you just call me Lily?”
“Yeah, I did, but please go on about how we didn’t tell you about this.”
“No, I think I’d rather hear what you have to say instead.”
“You sure? I know how much you love being able to prove us wrong.”
James paused, waiting for Lily’s reaction. He loved riling her up like this. The way he alluded to something but then held it just out of her grasp to ensure that she truly wanted to know what he had to say. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he waited.
“What do you mean, am I sure? Would I have asked you to tell me if I wasn’t?”
He thought about keeping up with the banter, but he was tired of waiting.
“That’s fair. Look, I know I kissed you before—y’know, last night—but I didn’t do it right, and I’d like to make up for that right now if you’ll let me.”
There was a sharp intake of air, and if James could pat himself on the back for catching Lily off-guard, he would. But she regained her composure before shooting a challenging look in his direction.
“Since when does James Potter ask permission before kissing a girl? I thought he—how did Sirius put it? Sets his eyes on what he wants and goes for it?”
James chuckled and cringed at the same time, remembering how Sirius explained James’s intentions during fifth year.
“Well, as true as that may be, I still try to be a gentleman about it. I’d never make an unwanted advance if that’s what you’re implying.”
“Interesting, considering I thought I made it clear what I wanted last night.”
Were his eyes playing tricks on him, or did Lily just take a tiny step forward?
“Is that so?”
“It is. And it sounds like you’re stalling.”
“Please, Evans, you’d know when I’d be stalling.”
“What are you waiting for, then?”
The words barely escaped her mouth, James didn’t waste any more time as his hands lifted to cup Lily’s face. He leaned in and captured her lips with his, the tangy taste of the berries still lingering on her mouth. Everything about Lily’s lips were soft and inviting as her hands found a home on his lower back. He felt her mouth open slightly as her teeth grazed his bottom lip, eliciting a small moan from his mouth.
James deepened the kiss as his tongue swiped across her lips. Her hands pushed him closer as her mouth widened, inviting him to explore. A quack in the distance was the only thing that reminded them where they were, as James slowly broke away. She was more beautiful than he remembered, with her lips swollen from his kiss and the dazed look of bliss on her face.
“Well, I’m used to ending the date with a kiss, not starting it,” her words were breathless.
James chuckled at Lily’s words. “Am I to take that as a good or bad thing?”
“Good. Very good.”
“And just imagine, we’ve got the whole day ahead of us now.”
“This is true. Should we head back and get ready for the rest of the day?”
“Sounds brilliant.”
James had no idea what they were going to do for the day, but he planned on making the most of their time spent together. Nothing could go wrong.
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A Fresh Predicament
You teleport, making sure to stay quiet.
You wouldn’t want to have any loud sound effects that normally play, as you don’t know if it’s safe yet.
It’s dark, so the whole gang is probably asleep. As you get your bearings, you look around at your surroundings. You’ve only been there a couple of times, but your pretty sure you remember where Nightmare’s room is.
You find the door that looks right, and open the door to his room, quietly. You’re not sure who’s awake.
You sense movement in the dark and looks over to find that Nightmare seems startled. He has one tentacle shakily raised up in a defense position.
“Who- Fresh? What are you doing here? Aren’t you sided with the Star Sanses and Core Frisk?”
You thought carefully about what the best answer would be. You wanted to be taken seriously, so you decided to drop most of the slang.
“They were gettin’ too comfy with me on their side. They’re starting to think we’re friends or somethin’, but I’m just with them because of what they get me. I had ta show em who was boss. So I left. I’m on no one’s side, always.” 
To your surprise, Nightmare seemed confused. You were worried for a moment you’d worded something wrong, but brushed it off. He probably wouldn’t hurt you, for fear of angering anyone on the other side.
“So… are you telling me you want to join us?”
You were glad he didn’t seem upset at you. It would make things easier. You decided to try using more slang, in the hopes of convincing him you really did want to help. Also, the lack of slang might have actually freaked him out before. You don’t talk like that often.
“Yup, you got it Night-homie!” You smiled wide. “I’m all yours, until I get bored of course, haha! I need a change of pace, ya dig?”
Nightmare sat up in his chair. 
“… so you really do want to join. Alright. I’ll find a job for you in the morning, but for now we need our rest. You remember where the spare room is, right?”
You flashed him a thumbs up and smiled.
“Good. Well, good night then. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Huh, he was more sentimental than you thought, wishing you goodnight. 
You weren’t planning on sleeping that night, but you don’t tell him that. It would be rude, after all.
You quietly make your way around the castle to make sure you have the layout memorized, just in case.
Then you enter your room, lock the door, and sit down on the bed. It’s softer than you were expecting. The sheets are even purple, which is practically your favorite color. 
You don’t actually feel anything towards one particular color or another, but it’s kind of your signature color, so you act like it’s your favorite. People don’t notice the difference.
You feel safe enough to lay all the way back, but keep your eyes open. Some of Nightmare’s lackeys are dangerous, and it would be foolish to trust them right off the bat. 
It’s a while to morning, so you decide to plan what you’ll do tomorrow. You need to prove you are strong enough to survive alone to all the gang, but you can’t seem so strong that you’re a threat. That could endanger you. 
Maybe only show off some of more skeleton-y powers. Your… other moves might be too strange for them, and you shouldn’t scare them right away. You need them to come to trust you.
 Actually, you should probably just stick with the more lighthearted magic, like the clothing thing, now that you think about it. It’s the safest. You’ll feel it out, and maybe show off some more powerful stuff if anyone seems like they’re thinking you’re weak.
The bed is really comfortable. You close your eyes for a moment. You don’t have anything left to plan, it might be fine if you rest for a bit. 
You were, in all truth, incredibly tired, but…
You flinched, a jolt of fear going through you as you recalled why you hadn’t slept in weeks. That dream.
You were stuck in your parasite form. Strapped down to some kind of operating table, a bright florescent light straining your eye, sharp tools intended for you just in view. No matter how you struggled, you couldn’t get loose. You were weak, useless, pathetic.
And worst of all, something was wrong with you. Your chest ached with an odd sensation. It wasn’t fear, but something else, some strange hurt. 
You shake off the memory and adjust your glasses, finding that your face is wet. 
You cannot ever let yourself be trapped like that. You have to be stronger.
The next morning, you decide it’s best to casually come down for breakfast and see how the others respond. 
Nightmare’s boys have mostly ignored you in the past, minus Horror. 
The one time you met him, he kept hovering over you and offering some snacks. 
Actually, now that you think about it. Nightmare typically invited you over when most of them were busy. Weird.
You sit down, not even bothering to take one of the waffles that Horror probably made. You don’t need them.
Horror seems to be studying you from his spot around the table. You spot, in addition to him, Dust, and someone you’ve never seen before. They’re a skeleton with a red scar on their right cheek, and black and white, layered clothes. You’ll have to keep an eye on them.
Nightmare and Killer walk up, interrupting your thoughts. 
“… thought you wouldn’t show up.” Horror said, cracking a smile that revealed the statement to be a joke. 
“You know I would never miss your meals, Horror,” Nightmare said succinctly (but not impolitely).
Horror sits down at the table, plate heaped with waffles. He eyes you. You think you sense worry in his face, but it’s hard to tell. Horror doesn’t emote much. 
What could he be worried about? Maybe he thinks you’re a threat?
But then you see his eyelight flick towards the plate of food, and piece it together. He’s the chef usually, you’ve seen him cook, so he probably made the plate. He’s probably upset you didn’t take one.
You grab a plate and get one of the chocolate chip ones from the top, slathering it with syrup.
 Horror seems to relax his posture and starts eating. Good.
You cut off a piece, raise it to your mouth. Then stop. You’re suddenly aware of your host’s presence. You can feel his eyes on the piece of food. 
It’s distracting enough that the fork is stopped brought up to your mouth, something you quickly correct by lowering your hand.
You for some reason don’t want to pick it back up, seeing everyone at the table. They might be watching too. You only eat food when strictly necessary, what if they notice your odd ways and figure out what you are? What if they kick you out? What if they want to hurt you when they know what you are?
Your hand’s shaking. Why is it shaking. 
You have to get out of here.
The fork clatters to the table and you poof back to your room. You hear Nightmare letting out a surprised yelp and the others talking just before the connection through space closes. 
You lay down. That was an awful introduction you made. You don’t know why that happened. They wouldn’t find out just because of the way you ate, thinking about it now. 
And if they found out somehow, you’d escape, like always. 
You should go back to the table. 
You go back to the table. You sit down. Now everyone’s eyes really are on you. 
You have to say something, but your voice is stuck in your throat. You say nothing. The lapse of silence lasts long, but you can’t tell how long.
You catch the eye lights of the new guy (the one in mostly white) for a moment, but he quickly looks away. 
Finally, Nightmare speaks up. 
“Fresh, is everything alright?”
You can’t think of how to talk like you normally do, somehow. 
That was a weird response. He’s probably thinking you’re being weird.
Nightmare eye turns down in something you can’t read, maybe sadness? But why would he be sad? 
Maybe he’s upset at you for being rude?
Nightmare leans toward you.
“would you like to talk privately? i understand if you wish to talk away from these people, as they are strangers to you.”
You’re tempted by the offer. You don’t know why, but it sounds appealing.
“Nope, I’m good, but thanks for the offer.”
Nightmare makes an odd face, but drops the topic.
Conversation resumes around the table, and you go back to eating breakfast. Horror must be a very experienced chef, because even something like you can tell they’re well made. 
It’s the second day you’ve spent in the castle. Nightmare has announced that today you are getting supplies, so everyone is grabbing packs, excluding you. You’re planning on simply putting anything you might need or that looks interesting in your fanny pack. 
For some reason, when Nightmare told you about the supply run he seemed embarrassed, mumbling about hospitality and apologizing. You were completely fine with the plan though. 
You were starting to need supplies of your own, supplies you wouldn’t want anyone to know of. Sure, Nightmare knew and was still an ally to you, but how would the others react? They have a dangerous reputation for a reason, after all.
Your host screams as you chase it. Of course. This time was really starting to be original.
You’re really just going through the motions today. Catching a host had stopping being entertaining ages ago. 
It was just a chore now.
As you finally catch up to the host and put your hand on its shoulder, you don’t even feel a bit of excitement from having a fresh  soul within your grasp.
Welp, that was a bust. Your hands are shaking again. You make a portal and jog back towards the rest of your group, as if you were coming back from scavenging supplies.
“Hey, ‘Mare-y. How’s your group been hanging?” 
Your voice sounds flat, even to you. And if you can tell that’s probably pretty bad, considering you were just a soulless parasite. 
Oh my creator why is Nightmare making that face at you again. He’s looking at you with something weird in his eye, what does he want? 
Does he feel bad for you?
‘Bad for you.’ What a weird phrase. It took you a while to figure out what it meant when you heard it first. Some kind of feeling that others got when they viewed someone else’s pain. 
You jump as you feel a hand on your shoulder. It’s Nightmare. You didn’t even see him approaching, that’s how lost in thought you were. That was dangerous.
He seems to be trying to comfort you. Seems like he didn’t get the memo about you being soulless. Didn’t he have enough examples? You, Ink, any Flowey, you were all were just selfish and unfeeling, it was so obvious! 
You should tell him that, tell him to just step away, that he could change nothing. 
But you don’t want to. You’re not sure why.
Instead you lean into his shoulder.
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
20 old asks that I should’ve gotten around to answering ages ago.. 😬
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Daww shucks, I’m glad I could make this year a little brighter for you. :}
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Aww! Thank you! I’m so glad! I’ll be sure to keep making it! :D
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Oh yeah, this show has got some good angst factors floating around in it behind the scenes.
And really? Huh, I always imagined that he was just holding it with his hand draped over his abdomen. :/
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Why thank you!  ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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Hmm.. headcannons? Well... let me see...
I think that chances are? Captain Barnacles would teach some other crew members how to pilot the Octopod in case of an emergency. Like Peso, Tweak and Kwazii for example, maybe even Dashi too. Kwazii already knows, but I feel like he’d get some proper lessons in case of a serious emergency.
Also, I feel like Peso would be effected by this experience quite a bit. I always imagined that growing up with a huge family? He’s used to being surrounded by loved ones and safety at all times. Now that he’s an Octonaut.. he doesn't have much of that anymore. I imagine he’s always a little on edge because of that and doesn’t like to be alone. Imagine how alone and scared he must’ve felt when every single crew member was down and out and he had to pilot the Octopod through the roaring 40s! I still don’t know how he did it. 
Peso would probably become really jumpy and nervous for about a week after the incident. Not wanting to be left alone, especially not alone in the HQ. Because if he’s alone in there and something goes wrong? He might have to pilot the Octopod again.
I also feel like.. you know.. after seeing the Captain nearly pass out right in front of him? He’d be on edge and kind of following him around for a while to keep and eye on him. 
There’s a lot that can be said about the aftermath and how everybody copes with what they experienced. 90% of the crew was poisoned and then their medic had to pilot their ship out of water so rough, that even the Captain himself would call a challenging task. 
Just imagine if you were in the crew’s shoes, how would you feel if that happened?
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I don’t blame you for not realizing I was gone, I forgot I was taking a break too XD.
As for the comfort habits? Hmm... I hope its okay that its going to be text and not a drawing. So, things that certain characters do to other characters to show affection? I cant be too sure..
For Captain Barnacles though? Its always a paw on the shoulder, its like his default. You did something very well/correctly? You in need of some comfort? He wants to show you that he cares about you? Captain Barnacles will manifest beside you and pat you on the shoulder. I think for this reason specifically, none of the crew members get startled when some one touches their shoulder suddenly. They instantly think its something positive coming from the Captain.
Maybe Kwazii would reassure them everything is going to be okay, and then go out on a mission to do everything he can to fix the situation? That sounds like something he’d do. Maybe he’s not too great at comforting people so he just seeks out to fix the problem that’s making them upset in the first place instead.
I feel like Peso would... uhm.. well.. hmm.. comfort habits, something he does do to comfort others... Uhm.. I mean, I know how he likes to be comforted, but not really how he’d comfort others..
Well.. uh.. I’m having trouble with this one. I think most of the other crew members would just stick close by to who ever needs comfort. No one really likes to be alone when they’re upset..? Sorry, my brain is mashed potato's right now, I cant think of anything coherent. <:/
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If I remember correctly, I grew up with the UK version. I always would watch Octonauts on the family computer on YouTube. And YouTube only had the UK version it seemed so that’s what I’m familiar with.
It still feels so weird to hear Peso and Dashi’s new voices in the Netflix adaption I tell you what.
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Daww thank you! I’m glad you like my silly little headcannons! Here, have another!
The Captain sleeps with a weighted blanket because it mimics the feeling of having a thick fur coat, which he grew up with and no longer has.
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Thank you!! UHG all these compliments! Its too much! XD
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I mean, hey, yo do you man! I personally don’t ship anyone so its none of my business.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Haha I will do my best, and hey! I’m flattered that you were drawn to my Transformers art! I feel like it was the least liked of my workings..
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Thank you! That’s all so sweet!.. Although I wish I could say I don’t feel pressured to post more stuff.. dang near have and elephant sitting on my chest.
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I feel like a case where they’d all have a sleepover is either just for funsies.. or if they all went through something really scary. Something that effected them all and they’re all still shaken up.
Perhaps then they’d all gather in one room for a night to sleep soundly, being reassured that every crew member is safe and accounted for.
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If Ratchet ever did, he sure wouldn’t like him. XD
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Thank you! I often use Peso’s, (and Dashi’s) British voice when thinking about his dialogue.
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Hmm.. I’m not sure, I don’t know many shows. But I can probably guess what kind they’d like.
I can see the Captain liking light hearted shows/movies about family, what ever those medias may be.
Kwazii likes anything action packed and/or scary pretty much. Doesn’t even really matter what the shows about, he just likes scary and actiony things.
Peso probably likes lighthearted and comedy themed shows/movies.
Dashi probably likes romance movies, but the lighter ones, not the like.. rated R ones.
Shellington probably just watches documentary's and educational shows because he’s always looking to learn new things.
For some reason I feel like Tweak would like movies/shows that have a superhero type element to them. Like My Hero Academia for example.
I feel like Professor Inkling would probably like old timey comedy shows, like The Three Stooges! I bet he’d love that, and I’d totally watch it with him XD
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They all seem like nice characters. Pinto is a pretty cool little brother, he’s always rooting for Peso you know? Aside from that one episode. Everyone’s siblings seem pretty nice.
Koshi is a little baby bean, best little sister ever. 
The Captains sister its awesome, 10/10, 100%, she’s fantastic. Giving Captain Barnacles silly nicknames and being supportive of him. Telling her cubs all about how strong and brave her brother is and junk, the best sappy supportive sister ever.
Pearl seems pretty nice too, she gives off motherly/big sister vibes. Over all I think the sibling characters are pretty neat and fun, I wish we got to see them more often. <:{
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sunqyu · 4 years
~ Treasure getting jealous.
Request 1: “  Hi I love your stuff especially your longer stuff don’t put a limit on your writing bb you an amazing writer with a lot of talent♥️ I was wondering if I could request what they look like when their jealous kinda like your one when their s/o is jealous you don’t have to but yeah know it would be cool if you did😂 “ - anon
Request 2: “  I read your treasure reacting to the s/o getting jealous and I absolutely love it, so I was wondering if you can do treasure getting jealous. “ - anon
I was hoping this would be requested so thanks, you two! Hope you like it. STREAM MMM. - Nova
it would take quite a bit to get him jealous
or at least to get him to the point of showing it
he often gets slightly jealous but it’s only for a few seconds
he seems like a very mindful person
so he’d catch himself being unreasonable pretty quickly
but when he does get so jealous he can’t hide it anymore it would be baaad
he doesn’t say it but you’d notice
the ‘No- seriously nothing’s wrong.’-type of situation
give him time to figure his feelings out first
it’s not like he doesn’t want to say it because he’s mad
it’s because he doesn’t want to say anything he’ll regret
so he takes his time to feel what he needs to feel before adressing it
‘Sometimes the idea of me losing you just gets a little too real.’
tries to work his way around saying it
in more of a teasing way
basically hiding the true reason behind his humor
‘Ah ofcourse, that random guy is just as deserving of your love as I am. I mean, I’ve pretty much had my share today, haven’t I?’
followed by a chuckle that’s a little les vibrant than usual
and a look in his eyes that’s searching for validation
clearly watching your reaction instead of just goofing around
it’s actually a pretty great way to let you know, especially when you’ve been together for a while and can read each others’ emotions well
it keeps it lighthearted while still being clear
if you don’t catch up on the hidden meaning he’d just amp it up a notch
‘It’s not like I’m the one who’s your boyfriend.’ he’d scoff, raising an eyebrow at you
oh no
poor bby
he would be all in his head
‘Maybe I said something wrong today?’
‘She’s so nice to everyone, it’s probably nothing.’
‘That guy doesn’t know that though.’
so many thoughts just racing by
‘Should I do something?’
‘No- no, I don’t want her to feel like I don’t trust her.’
‘Definitely don’t trust him though.’
‘Wait- that’s rude I don’t even know him. He could be really cool.’
‘Oh no- what if he’s really cool?’
he wouldn’t even notice how long he had been staring at nothing
until your beaming smile shows up in front of him
doesn’t say anything right away
later on it’s just you two walking outside
‘So uh- that guy you were talking to a few hours ago. He seemed pretty cool. Was he cool?’
grumbles by himself from a distance
hands tucked in the pockets of his sweater as he’s sitting on a table
slight pout but more of an annoyed one than a sad one
mumbles to himself under his breath
‘Not faaair-’ 
and a few other things that are barely words
you had spend the entire day together and we’re getting drinks at a café
when you walked up to the counter to get your order you were stopped by an old friend who wanted to catch up
it had been less than 3 minutes but to Junkyu it felt like an eternity
when he saw you wanted to walk back to him but the guy started talking about another topic to keep the conversation going he had enough
he wobbled up to the both of you, hands still in his sweater
‘Ohhh- hellooo’ his voice surprisingly high pitched, head tilted to the side
he hadn’t planned further ahead than this
after a moment of silence where he and the guy just looked at each other awkwardly you’d introduce him as your boyfriend, confused why he didn’t do so himself
when you were sat back at your table he’d have to explain
‘My coffee was getting cold.’
you gave him a look
‘Cold from that guy’s personality.’ he mumbled against the edge of his mug
only smiling again when he heard you giggle at his comment
waits for a bit to observe
focusing more on the guy than on you
watching his expression and body language
only to decide ‘Nope- no, not happening.’
without a second of hesitation he’d walk up
swinging his arm around your shoulder
‘Hi- I’m Mashiho.’
he’d stay really polite, actually listening to the other introduce himself
no one else would notice his jealousy, but you did
from the way he was standing
a little bit taller than usual, chin up high
and the way he spoke
extra clear and in a low tone
but his pitch went up near the ends of his sentences
and the way he held you
firmly instead of rubbing your shoulder like he usually did
just the conversation would ease Mashiho’s jealousy
instead of reacting grumpy he would treat the guy with respect, hoping for respect in return
he’d mention it later on, but wouldn’t make a big deal out of it
‘I just didn’t like the way he looked at you at first, but aside from that he seems like an okay guy.‘
‘Aigoooo-’ x7394
would try to do something similar to Mashiho
emphasis on try
hypes himself up a bit before
hands in fists, tapping his knees a few times before he stand up
his deep breaths would get a little more shallow with each step
the plan was to introduce himself as your boyfriend and then see what the other guy had to say
‘Uh- sweetheart, can I talk to you for a second?’
he’d give him a quick smile
intertwining your fingers with his as you two walked away
wouldn’t talk again until you’re out of hearing-distance
‘I love you- let’s go get food.’
you asked him why he interrupted your conversation, not taking this comment as a good reason
‘I just- I- well..’
deep breath when he notices how shallow they’d actually gotten
‘Seeing you with him made me feel sad for some reason.’
half a smile on his face to try and make it seem like no big deal
‘I’m probably just hungry.’ again, trying to make it seem like nothing
you’d have to push a bit for him to explain it all
it wouldn’t take much to reassure him there’s nothing to worry about
ngl, I’m not sure if Asahi would be the jealous type
it reaaally depends on your personality
if you’re more outgoing he wouldn’t get jealous that easily
simply because he’s used to it and knows it doesn’t mean anything
but if you’re a bit less social and to yourself like he is
it would take a lot less to get him jealous
there would also be fewer situations in which he’d have a reason to get jealous
but that makes the times he does so much more powerful
like this one time you were at a musicshop to get a new microphone
he was checking a few different ones while you wandered around looking at all the cool instruments
after asking something to the older man who owned the store about two mics he was doubting between he walked back to show you his pick
what he didn’t expect was you talking to a guy
he stopped walking right away
who’s that? does she know him? he doesn’t look familiar.
dilemma’s, does he just walk up to you? should he look around a bit to wait until you’re done?
he turns on his heels a bit, hoping you’d notice him but you had your back to him
the guy rambled on about a keyboard
since he couldn’t see your face from where he was standing he also couldn’t tell if you were comfortable, he knows how hard you find it to just cut off a conversation
especially with a stranger
but maybe it wasn’t a stranger? maybe you were having a great time with this super outgoing and wellspoken guy?
he usually didn’t care what people thought about him but you were different
so on one hand it bothered him that he was feeling jealous but on the other hand he didn’t want to interrupt if you were having a nice conversation
he slowly walked up to you
‘hey babe- I found a mic so I’m ready to go when you are.’
completely ignored the guy
couldn’t hide the smile when you said you were ready to leave as well
probably doesn’t mention it to you again
great communicator
but also emotional
would never mention it in the moment itself
stays respectful to you and the people around you
eventhough he’s emotional, those emotions are familiar to him and he knows himself very very well
so he rarely freaks out or gets angry
if anything makes him jealous he’d stay very levelheaded
when it happens frequently or if he can’t seem to put it behind him he’d ask you to talk
‘Something’s been bothering me- can we talk?’
for the usual couple this would ring alarm bells
but not you two, your focus was always on talking thing out before it got worse
not holding grudging and not thinking you can read each others’ mind 
you would sit down at home
taking the time to talk about it all
you can also talk about things that have been bothering you
it’s a very uplifting conversation in the end
‘I’m so happy you understand me so well.’
you’d go from one subject to another
sharing past experiences and explaining why certain things make him jealous
you really care for eachother and it shows a little more every day
gets a little jealous very often
but usually forgets the moment you give him the slightest bit of attention
wishes he had you all to himself but sadly the world doesn’t work that way
but it doesn’t get serious most of the time
it only gets bad when he think a guy is actually making a move on you and you don’t seem to notice the intentions behind it
why were you smiling so cutely at him? he’s clearly flirting. what a douchebag.
instead of doing something right away he’d get a little more mad by the second
I bet that guy talks like this to loads of girls
even more mad
when he sees him playfully hit your shoulder Doyoung’s had it
with only a few big steps he’s within reach, grabbing your hand
he mumbles something about leaving before walking the other way
he’s not dragging you along, mostly because his eyes are still burning holes into the other guy’s head
but his speed picks up until you’re out of sight
‘Do they need to hold up a sign for you to see they’re trying to take you away from me?’ 
he started strong but his voice wavered at the end
his eyes went down, along with his volume
the anger replaced with something that sounded like sadness
a moment of silence passes before he lifts up his arms
slowly, very slowly, he pulls you against him
wrapping his arms around you one by one
‘Guys like that don’t deserve to be around someone as sweet as you. ‘
on one hand he’s quite confident but on the other also a bit needy
so he wouldn’t get jealous in the sense of, oh now what if she leaves me for him
but more of a, alright when am I getting her attention again?
so let mission get your attention back commence
so many options
he starts by throwing a little ball he found somewhere against the wall
no response
starts practicing his verse in MMM out loud
no response
practices the choreo while stomping as hard as he can
still no response
‘Baaabe-’ he’d call from the other side of the room
finally a response as you turn to look at him
he wasn’t sure what to say next so instead he holds out his arms
when you tell him you’re having a conversations and to wait a bit he gets a little hurt
wasn’t he your first priority? you were his
the rest of the day you’d notice him being a bit sulky and asked what’s wrong
he’d explain softly
‘I just never thought you’d deny my hugs, like ever.’ 
when he said it out loud he noticed he was overreacting a little
but still, y’know
he hasn’t really dated before so you were still figuring each other out
talking about this helped a lot and he felt like he learned more about you and about himself
he sighed in relief after you both let out your feelings, looking at you with a cheeky smile
‘Would you ever deny a kiss, though?’
gets jealous the easiest out of all of ‘em
slightly possessive
because you’re his and his only
what do you mean there’s other people on the planet?
what other people do you need if he’s already giving you all his love?
it also has a slight hint of insecurity behind it
mostly because of his perfectionism and drive to be the perfect boyfriend
the type to google cute dates and ‘how to be the best boyfriend’
would never admit it though
so when he gets jealous he also thinks he’s being super subtle about it
guess what
he’s not
voice 5 octaves higher when you ask about it
‘What do you mean? No I’m not-’
a couple minutes later you ask him to go get lunch
‘I’m sure mister nice guy would like to cook you some lunch.’
he said it before he noticed
‘I’m jokinggg-’
but it was too late, you were already onto him
the best cure for jeongwoo’s jealousy is loads of compliments or affection
he’d bask in the attention
‘I have the sweetest girlfriend ever-’ he’d try to say sweetly
but he was basically yelling it in your face in an attempt to make the guy hear it too
wouldn’t know what to do at all
brain stops working from confusion
it’s not like he hasn’t been jealous before
but it was never this type of jealous
all the feelings, he needed a plan
but he couldn’t think of anything
so instead he just sat and tried not to watch the entire time
it’s not like he owns you
so why does it still hurt seeing you laugh at someone else’s jokes?
when you walk back to him after finishing your conversation he still wouldn’t know how to feel
‘he seemed nice.’ soft voice
you agreeing with him didn’t help
‘how do you know him?’ a little less soft
quite stern actually, he even surprised himself
instead of answering you’d ask what’s bothering him
it’s quite clear but you still wanted to ask instead of assume
‘I don’t know-’ he trailed off
‘just seemed like you two are very close but you didn’t introduce me.’
his voice was soft again
the best way to make him feel better was to shower is face in kisses
and so you did
while teasing him about how cute he was being jealous
‘I’m not jealous!- ‘ he laughed
‘Maybe a little-.‘
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beautiful-bau-beau · 4 years
helloooo!! I have a Spencer request :) Could you write one where Spencer is injured (maybe like when he broke his leg or something like that) and he stays round yours and you look after him, help him shower, comfort him and stuff :)
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Anonymous said to beautiful-bau-beau: could u do a soulmate au w spence where you feel the share pain with your soulmate, i think it would be interesting since spencer seems to be shot or nearly killed in almost every episode 
Sticks and Stones
fem!reader/Spencer Reid
[Set in season 5 when Spencer gets shot in the leg but makes references to Maeve]
To the average eye flowers are soft, simple little things. They spark romance in the hearts of budding couples, they aid the grieving widows, their beauty inspires the masses in forms such as poetry and art. For some, flowers only caused distress.
Few were "fortunate" in the world to have soulmates. Once twelve years of age, a soul bound to another would feel the pain, to a lesser extent, as well as receive a flower at the sight of the intrusion. Small purple blooms grew at bruises, at a cut, the flowers would mimic the length and size. Any other type of pain was indicated by large, red blossoms. As each wound healed, the flowers would wilt and die.
You were among the many to few flowers as flimsy nuisances, only serving as reminders of the pain you had to go through.
Before turning twelve you often wondered if you had a soulmate. You had spent many days vividly imagining who your soulmate was, what he looked like, what he did for a living, choosing to ignore that if you indeed had one, a lifetime of pain was sure to follow.
Lifetime of pain indeed.
Your soulmate must have been a stuntman, a police officer, hell- even a lion tamer with the amount of pain he seemed to put you through. The occasional bruise and scrape seemed to hit you up until your early twenties, that's when the real pain began.
Every other day it seemed that you were doubled over, screaming in agony. You were an ugly vision of purple and red, but hell, it seemed to strike up a conversation with you and your patients.
You served as a private duty nurse, taking care of patients in the safety of their own home. You enjoyed the one-on-one with your patients, and it was decidedly better than working in a crowded hospital with a difficult schedule.
You had just finished a job working with an elderly woman, as her granddaughter had recently decided to move in with her to take care of her. It was a sad departure, but the job had finished and it was now time for you to find another patient in need.
You were employed through a small local medical office and received career requests through their office website.
One particular request caught your eye that morning from a Ms. Penelope Garcia. A friend of hers had recently been shot in the leg and needed to quickly recover before returning to his job.
You eyed your own leg, sighing heavily. It still seemed to throb harshly every once in a while.
A week ago, out of nowhere, an extreme pain radiated through your leg, causing you to drop what you were doing and scream. Thankfully you hadn't been on the job but the look of pity your neighbors gave you the next day felt just as awful. Every time you glanced at the offending appendage you could swear you saw another blossom grow.
"You and me both, buddy." You mumbled, picking up your phone. The job seemed simple enough, and hopefully you would be able to bond with this new patient by shared leg pain.
"You ordered a nurse for me?" Spencer hissed into his cell, turning to look over his shoulder. "I can take care of myself!" He eyed your figure, currently unpacking a medical bag. You had entered his apartment mere minutes ago, not understanding his confusion.
"Are you Spencer Reid?" You asked, greeting his wheel-chair bound figure. "I'm Y/n Y/l/n, the nurse your girlfriend Penelope ordered." You were met with a blank stare. "Is she uh.. here?"
"I'm going to have to make a phone call." Spencer blurted, wheeling himself inside. He left the door open so you took it upon yourself to enter.
"Spencer, I love you but are you listening to yourself right now?" Penelope replied, twirling a pen around her fingers. "You were shot a week ago, you're in a wheelchair. How are you going to shower? Replace your bandages? Sweets, this nurse will help you. And before you even have to ask I already checked and your insurance covers this!"
"I won't hear anything more about it as I know I'm right! Goodbye, dear!" A heavy sigh came from the man, and he placed his cellphone back in his pocket. He turned to look at you again, wheeling his way over to you.
"I apologize for earlier. I wasn't exactly informed that you would be coming here." He placed his hands on his lap, awkwardly.
"That's alright!" You chirped. " You’re low-risk so I won’t invade your space too much by staying overnight with you. I'm here to help with personal medical care, bathing, trimming nails, and making you comfortable.... as well as urinary and colostomy care." His eyes widened and you simply waved him off. "I get it. It's weird. But from what I read through of your medical reports, the bullet went clear through and you'll need a crutch in two weeks! At least you're not hooked up to a catheter?" You tried to joke. You were met with another simple stare.
"Let's uh, change your bandages, shall we?"
It had been a few days since you started working with Spencer. He was a nice man, a little awkward, and seemed to be more of an introvert, so you respected his space. He seemed to take to staying in bed, simply asking for books every once and awhile.
"There's no way you're able to read all these so quickly. You'd have to be superhuman..." You teased, bringing him a stack of his latest requests.
"I have an IQ of 187 and can read 20,000 words per minute." Spencer replied, catching your eye. He flushed under your surprised glance. "...Not to brag."
"Well... that'll do it." You set each book in your arm down, one by one, a particular title catching your eye. "The Narrative of John Smith?"
"Have you read it?" He asked, trying not to sound too eager. He hadn't originally pegged you for an Arthur Conan Doyle fan.
"Uh, no." You scratched behind your ear sheepishly. "But a few friends of mine have, they all highly recommend it. What do you think? Does it live up to all the hype?" Spencer opened his mouth but shut it almost immediately, causing your brows to furrow.
"I can't tell you what to read... it's just a very special book to me."
"Did someone special give you the book? Penelope?" Spencer let out a chuckle, hissing as he adjusted himself on his bed.
"Garcia is just a friend but you're correct, someone special gave me the book."
"A soulmate?" You asked, immediately regretting your choice of words. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed. I'm just the nosy nurse that asks too many questions." You knew it was a sensitive topic for some, with or without the soulmate.
"No, it wasn't from a soulmate... but I wish she was." Spencer's voice grew soft. You felt as if you had stepped too far, intruded upon a fond memory.
"I do have one though." He continued, noticing your unease. "Sometimes I worry I imagined her but every once and awhile, I'll notice some flowers by my legs, the likely result of a cut from shaving or bruises." You let out a laugh, leaning against his door frame.
"I would love a low-risk soulmate like that. He must jump through flaming hula-hoops or something. I could make a decent living as a florist." You murmured.
"That's got to be tough." Spencer observed, noticing no flowers on your arm.
"I guess he's a lot like you." You lifted up your pant leg, crimson petals on display. "His reason can't be nearly as heroic as yours, though." Spencer couldn't suppress the smile that grew from the compliment.
"Well I guess you'll have to find him and ask."
"Well you're in the FBI right? Let's formulate a profile and find him so I can give him a piece of my mind. You in?" You teased.
"Sounds like a worthy use of all my newfound time." He let out a small huff of amusement, eyeing your figure. He appreciated how lighthearted and casual you were. He noticed the space you gave him and your little efforts to make the apartment easier to maneuver around. Although he hadn't seemed motivated at first, something told him he should get to know you more.
"Y/n?" Spencer asked, drawing your attention away from one of the books you had borrowed from his shelf. "Is there any way we can wash my hair?" He had procrastinated in asking, too embarrassed for whatever your plan was for showering.
"Of course! I could cut it too if you'd like." You offered, standing to wheel him into the bathroom.
"Are you saying you don't like my hair?" He faked an offended tone which he knew would make you laugh.
"I think your hair is beautiful, right at that perfect length before it gets too weird for any man to wear." You snorted. You moved him to a stool, not too difficult a feat as he was able to support the majority of his weight on his good leg. "Alright, the shirt has got to come off."
"Isn't against a code to try and seduce your patients?" Spencer teased. Since your conversation the other day he had grown to feel more comfortable with you and a friendship ensued. You took care when treating him and told stories of past patients. It was clear you loved what you did and cared for the people even more.
"Oh please. If I was seducing you, which I'm not, you'd know." You rolled your eyes, waiting for him to lift his arms before peeling his shirt off of him. He leaned back, long tresses falling into a pool in the sink.
He was extremely handsome, you couldn't deny it. His sharp cheekbones and jawline, his full and enticing lips, the way his hand flexed as he read.... you didn't notice any of that. You especially didn't notice how wonderfully intelligent he was, or how kind. Not at all.
Besides, it would never work. You both had your respective soulmates and he seemed to still be carrying a torch for the past relationship he was in. Not to mention the most important factor of all, he was your patient.
You carefully stepped around him to grab a large and small towel, snickering as you found a familiar design on one.
"Star Trek fan?" You asked, hanging the fabric on the shower rail and turning the tap on to warm water.
"Typically I'm not one for fiction but surprisingly there aren't that many scientific errors in Star Trek, especially considering how long ago it was made. There are certain improbabilities, but not that many outright errors, which make it so enjoyable to watch."
"Eh, I've only seen the film from 2009, and I was mostly paying attention to the deliciously handsome cast." You knew that would agitate him. "And not just for Chris Pine but Zachary Quinto as Spock? Oh, he is gorgeous, even if he is gay. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, and not that I had a chance with him anyway." You laughed.
"Y/n, I am not one to comment on the education of another but you are seriously missing out! Star Trek: The Next Generation is one of the most influential series of it's time. the new film doesn't even have Data! Data, y/n, Data!" He grumbled as you washed his hair.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Next you're going to tell me that the 1996 Doctor Who movie is better than the series?" He opened his mouth when you raised your soapy hand. "Disregard that statement, I can't afford another argument, I'm already too emotional from our last one." You faked a sniffle.
"You know, most females I talk to don't watch Star Trek or Doctor Who."
"I'm just that amazing, I know." You sighed, moving to grab the washcloth and dousing it with water, handing it to Spencer so he could wash himself. You grabbed the Star Trek towel and started to dry Spencer's hair.                                           
"You're something alright." He retorted, drawing a gasp from you.
"I could have let you sit with greasy hair, you know!" Just for extra measure you rubbed his head a little harsher than before but miscalculated your aim, accidentally hitting your wrist against the marble sink.
Spencer felt pain radiate through his wrist and time seemed to slow. It suddenly seemed to dawn on him all at once. You experienced constant pain, pain he gave you because he was often injured on the job. Not to mention his gunshot wound on your leg and now the purple blossoms forming on his wrist.
 He wanted to shout, yell, jump up, wrap you in a hug. He had finally found his soulmate! However, he remained silent.
When you spoke about your soulmate the other day you seemed angry and forlorn at the amount of pain you had to endure. There was no doubt in his mind that if you knew he was your soulmate, you would walk right out of his life, but not before giving him a swift kick to the ass.
So he stayed quiet.
You weren’t sure what changed between you and Spencer. After the shower he mentioned he didn’t feel too well so you guided him to bed. Since then he stayed in his room, barely calling you to his side.
It was weird. If it was any other patient you would have paid no mind and kept to yourself but you thought you had made a connection with Spencer. You enjoyed the banter between you both and finding out your shared interests. It must have all been in your head. You brought yourself out of your thoughts to prepare Spencer’s tea. 
“Here you are!” You called, stepping into his room to hand him the mug. “I’m about to head out, do you need anything else?”
“No, thank you.” You stayed by the door, waiting to see if he would even spare you a glance. When he made no motion to move, you gave up, spinning on your heel to grab your purse and coat. 
“Ah!” You heard Spencer hiss from the other room before feeling a sharp sting on your tongue. Your hand came up to cover your mouth, brows knitting together in confusion. Was he…? Did he…? 
Spencer was your soulmate, he had to be. There was no possible way that him burning his mouth and your pain that followed were coincidences, right? Spencer was your soulmate! So why did you feel your heart drop into your stomach?
You shut the door, racing down the stairs and out of his apartment building, letting the cold air sweep over you. 
There was nothing special about you. You were just a simple nurse and he was your patient. Besides, how were you deserving of Spencer? You weren’t. 
He couldn’t find out, he just couldn’t.
You didn’t know if it was just because you knew that Spencer was your soulmate but the tension between the two of you was… palpable. 
“Hey!” You popped your head into his room, his figure jumping in surprise. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you!” You exclaimed.
“Hi?” He greeted, trying to seem calm. You were leaving tomorrow and he was panicking. The past few hours were spent debating about whether he should tell you that he was your soulmate. Could he really just let this opportunity pass by?
“I just wanted to know if you needed anything? I figured you probably ran out of books by now. Everytime I think you’ve reread all the books in your library I keep finding new ones.” You tried to joke. 
“I… Yes. Yes, please.” He mumbled, hiding his gaze. You sighed, wondering for the millionth time what you had done wrong to make him so distant and reclusive. 
“Alright, I’ll take the stack.” You bit your lip to keep from sighing once more, groaning as you picked up the books littered around the room. “God these are heavy.” You whispered under your breath, trying to waddle into the other room as you quickly realized you were losing your grip. It seemed as if it was too late, the pounds of literature falling on your feet.
Both you and Spencer let out a groan, heads snapping towards each other in surprise. 
“Did you- did you feel that?” You asked, even if you knew the answer.
“I did.” Spencer’s voice seemed small. “Y/n, I am so sorry.” You were taken aback, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“You’re sorry?” You questioned, pain forgotten as shame radiated through you. “Am I that bad of a soulmate?” You whispered, clenching your fist to keep tears from pricking your eyes.
“No! No, no, no!” He tried to sit up as straight as he could, internally cursing at how hurt you looked. “I only apologized because… I can’t help but feel like I disappointed you! I am an FBI agent, I’m always going to be in danger therefore putting you in danger. When you first mentioned your soulmate you seemed so… upset. I don’t know if I’ll ever truly be able to make you happy.” He admitted, the tips of his ears turning red as his gaze fell to his lap.
“Disappointed? Past-tense?” You cried. “Did you know about this?” He didn’t move.
“Well… I guess I can’t be angry with that.” You sighed. “I knew too. I just thought that… you wouldn’t want me. You still seemed so in love with whatever woman gave you that book. And out of my league. And my patient.” You let out a wry laugh, sitting on the edge of his bed. 
“Are you kidding me? You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever met. You make me laugh and you are so kind and caring. I am proud to be your soulmate.” He swallowed thickly.
“Spencer you are selfless. You dedicate your life every day to helping others. You are handsome, sweet, and hilarious.” You reached for his hand. “And I am so happy you turned out to be my soulmate.”
Your eyes finally met and before you knew it, your lips smashed against his. 
“I don’t know if you know this… but I happen to get injured on a lot of missions.” He uttered as you pulled apart. “So I have a feeling that I’ll need you around more often.”
“Well Doctor, I think you just might be right.” You giggled, drawing him in for another kiss. 
Feedback is always appreciated!
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 years
Febuwhump 28: "You Have to Let Me Go"
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I legitimately didn't think I was ever going to finish this, so seeing that I finally have is fricken awesome. I'm so excited!
Welcome to the newest branch of The Family Tree — similar but not related to Decadent — Delusion!
Prompt: bthb - the collector ; febuwhump - "you have to let me go"
Fandom: Ducktales 2017
Characters: Huey, Dewey, and Louie
Summary: Doofus wants to have more than just one friend-present. He gets his wish.
Trigger Warnings: burning, torture, kidnapping, possessive whumper, drowning, and once again Doofus Drake needs his own warning
2377 words
“What do you want with us?” Huey asked, cautious.
Doofus smiled, like he was thrilled to have been asked. “Llewellyn is so lovely, and he just makes such a wonderful friend-present. It only makes sense that I should have the full set.”
Dewey raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “The full set? What are you, some rare Barbie collector?”
Doofus narrowed his eyes, but didn’t respond immediately.
“Dewey,” Louie warned.
Dewey, like the reckless idiot he was, waved him off.
“As I was saying,” Doofus continued, “I wanted the whole set, so I got the whole set.”
“Ooh, do we come with accessories?” Dewey asked, leaning forward like he was really interested. For all Huey knew, maybe he was. Dewey was like that.
“Shut up,” Louie hissed, glaring at Dewey. Huey shared the sentiment. He didn’t know what Doofus would do if they annoyed him enough.
“What is he gonna do, sick his butler on us?” Dewey asked, rolling his eyes. “This is child’s play.”
Huey resisted the urge to point out the fact that they were, in fact, children, making his point meaningless, but it didn’t seem too helpful right now.
“Dewey, stop,” Louie insisted.
Doofus glared at Dewey, but Dewey wasn’t even looking at him. He was way too relaxed about this whole thing. They didn’t know what Doofus was capable of. Dewey was just seeing this another fun adventure where they got kidnapped by some guy who was all bark and no bite for like, thirty minutes maximum. Which, to be fair, did happen quite often, but this felt different.
“You’re not being a very good friend, Dewford,” Doofus said, looking legitimately disappointed in him. “I expected better of you.”
“Yeah, I get that a lot.”
Huey looked at him, concerned, but Dewey didn’t acknowledge it. It seemed like there were quite a few things he wasn’t acknowledging, actually.
“I think you need a little trip to my honey bin,” Doofus said, and though Huey had no idea what that was, the threat was clear.
Dewey cocked his head to the side. “You mean money bin.”
“No, I don’t.”
Louie went pale, and that was enough for Huey to intervene. “He didn’t mean it!” he cried, nervously glancing between a continuously carefree Dewey and the rich psychopath.
“Too late! Come, dear Dewford,” Doofus said, releasing him from the bracelet’s hold and grabbing him firmly by the arm. “You can think about how to be a better friend while you’re in there.”
Dewey turned to point a finger-gun at his brothers, clicking his tongue.
“He’s going to get us killed,” Huey mumbled illy.
Louie shook his head, tugging at his bracelet as he did so. “He won’t kill us,” he mumbled miserably. “It will be worse.”
Huey looked at him in alarm, but Louie didn’t opt to explain further.
“Okay, we’ve got to get out of here,” he said decisively, a new energy coursing through him now that they weren’t in the same room as their captor. He squirmed, trying to get his wrist out, but just like Louie, he had no luck. “Do you by chance have any butter?”
Louie stared at him. “Butter.”
“If we get all buttery, we might be able to get the bracelets off without dislocating our thumbs!”
“Oh, of course. Yes, Huey, let me just grab that butter I carry with me everywhere!” Louie said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
“It’s the only plan I have!” Huey cried, doing his best to stay calm. They had no clue what was happening to Dewey right now, and based on everything that had happened since they’d been captured, he got the feeling Doofus was seriously unstable.
He was scared, and he didn’t think well under pressure.
Very, very faintly, they heard Dewey scream.
“Oh god,” Louie whispered.
“We need to help him!” Huey shouted, frantically yanking at his arm, like the whole thing would just come loose if he tried hard enough. His arm was already getting sore, but he ignored it. “This thing has got to have a fault somewhere! Or an off switch!”
“The only off switch is the remote that Doofus keeps on him!” Louie said, grunting as he tried to get free.
“And we can’t break them,” Huey panted, slumping over as he caught his breath. “What are we gonna do?”
“You won’t be doing anything.”
Huey froze mid-yank, slowly lowering his arm again. Doofus was standing in the doorway, Dewey beside him.
Dewey didn’t look so lighthearted anymore. His feathers were all disheveled and sticky looking, and he was just staring into space blankly. Huey had no idea what the hell Doofus had done, but he definitely didn’t want to know. It was hard to shut Dewey up, even when his life was threatened.
Actually, maybe he did want to know. Anyone who hurt his brother was going to pay.
Dewey was placed with a level of great care, much like a doll, or an action figure, back where he’d been before, between Huey and Louie. Both of them shuddered.
“You have to let us go,” Huey said, hoping to God he could reason with him. “You can’t just keep us here!”
“But I can,” Doofus replied easily.
Louie gave Huey a desperate sort of look, like he was trying to silently project his own thoughts into Huey’s brain. He tried to focus on it, on the off chance that twin sense was real, but he wasn’t getting anything. Huh.
He turned his focus back to Doofus. He knew he was on thin ice, but Doofus was just a kid, like them. “Come on,” he said, “we would be happy to be your friends!” he ignored the quiet “no we wouldn’t,” from Louie, plowing forward anyway. “You don’t have to kidnap us to get that! Don’t you think you may be overreacting just a little bit?”
“Overreacting?” Doofus shouted, overreacting.
“No! No, I didn’t mean you were overreacting!” Huey cried, attempting to backtrack. “Even if you are kind of crazy — no wait I didn’t mean that!” Oh boy, he was only burying himself deeper and deeper with every word he spoke. Why couldn’t he have been born with Louie’s smoothness?
Doofus did not look happy, and Huey let out a tiny squeak, looking side to side like a magical exit would appear before them.
Dewey snapped to life, purposefully placing himself in front of Huey. “Don’t touch him,” he growled.
“Dewey, no!” Huey said, doing his best to shove past him. “I’m not letting you get hurt again!”
“And I’m not letting you get hurt at all!” Dewey insisted.
“How sweet,” Doofus said, and Huey honestly couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be mocking or sincere. Doofus was… well, he was Doofus, and he had a very… interesting way of going about things. “You’re coming with me,” he continued, ignoring Dewey entirely and leading Huey towards the door.
“No!” Dewey begged.
“I’ll be fine, Dew,” Huey said, smiling as best he could in an attempt to reassure him. It didn’t seem to be working well.
Doofus pulled him from the room.
“What’s the honey bin?” He asked, tripping over himself as he tried to keep up.
“Oh, you won’t be going there,” Doofus said dismissively. He looked like Dewey did when he was trying to hide some silly secret, and Huey didn’t like it.
They ended up outside, at the top of the treehouse.
“Servants!” Doofus snapped. “Prepare the gravy bath!”
Huey stared at him blankly. “The gravy what now?”
“You’ll see,” he replied gleefully. Not a normal type of glee, of course — Huey was quickly learning that there was very little about this kid that was normal (and not in the type of way that Huey wasn’t “normal”, either). It was worrisome.
“The gravy bath,” the butler echoed hauntedly. Huey, his concern growing, could only look at him in confusion.
“The gravy bath,” Doofus began, “is one of my favorite pastimes.” Well that couldn’t be good. “And if it doesn’t work, I’m sure there are… other methods of teaching you how to be a better friend.”
The maid and butler dragged out a bathtub (from where, Huey had no idea), scurrying away the moment it was (presumably) in place.
“Seriously, what is a gravy bath?” Huey asked nervously. He would have tried to back away had Doofus not been gripping his arm so tightly.
Said duckling shoved him into the empty tub, and Huey grunted in pain as he landed. Still, this was an open tub, which meant it might have been his only chance to flee.
He flailed about, nearly throwing himself over the opposite edge of the tub. The butler forced him back in, but Huey didn’t stop struggling, even as his bracelet activated. Doofus grabbed his free hand tightly, pulling a second bracelet from his pocket and slipping it over Huey’s wrist.
With both of his hands now glued to the bottom of the tub, Huey was stuck.
The two adults then proceeded to wheel out what looked like a giant… gravy boat. And when he said giant, he meant giant. It looked big enough to function as an actual boat. He was pretty sure he, Dewey, Louie, and Webby could fit in there if they squeezed.
“Wonderful! Servants, you’re dismissed.”
They all but ran to the elevator, barely missing a beat. As scared as he was, Huey couldn’t blame them.
“What are you going to do?” he asked again, looking up at the boat nervously. Was that steam coming off of it?
Doofus’s beak twitched into a smile, and he pulled out a small blue remote.
Huey began squirming again, his stomach churning in anxiety for what could be coming. Doofus wasn’t actually that crazy, was he?
He got his answer when a small beep sounded from the remote. The gravy boat tipped, and something hot (very, very hot), poured over Huey’s head.
He shouted, fighting against the restraints with every ounce of his willpower. It burned. And it was spreading, a continuous stream of the stuff (was this actual gravy?) raining down on him.
It was splattering onto Doofus’s clothes, but he didn’t even seem to mind.
“Turn it off!” Huey begged, crying out at the pain. It was a thousand times worse than any other burn he’d ever received, and there was nothing he could do to get away.
It began to pool around him, burning his hands. He couldn’t. Get. Away.
“Please,” he sobbed, breath hitching and unable to stop the tears.
It was like the time one of his particularly horrible bullies had attempted to shove him into the fire at a Junior Woodchucks camp out, but so much worse.
Not only was this actually successful, but he would have been pulled from that fire in seconds had he actually been pushed in. This was constant, never ending pain, thick liquid fire pouring over him like molten lava.
It was in his eyes, now, blinding and burning and pain pain pain.
A hand grabbed him, and suddenly it was tenderly wiping the fire from his eyes, jerking him forward so it streamed down his back instead.
Huey cried even harder.
All he could taste was the gravy, burning his feathers, his tongue, his everything.
It hurt. So bad.
The tub was nearly filled, the lower half of his body completely submerged in the stuff. Finally, after what must have been eternity, the stream dripped to a stop.
He let himself hope, for a meager few seconds, that it was over. But hope was hard to come by when one was literally sitting in a tub of burning gravy.
Doofus placed his hand on Huey’s head, tangling his fingers in Huey’s hair for a moment — wait. When had his hat come off? — before abruptly gripping it so hard that Huey couldn’t keep another sob in. His head was shoved violently down, and suddenly his entire body was on fire all at once.
He couldn’t breathe. He was choking on the stuff. No air. No nothing. Just heat, just pain, just the hand forcefully holding him under.
He didn’t know how Doofus could stand to have even his hand touching it.
His head went blurry. Was blurry the right word? He couldn’t remember. Everything was heavy and floaty and — he was dragged back up.
Huey coughed and sputtered, taking in as much air as he could manage. Everything hurt.
The bracelets must have been released at some point, because then he was being lifted from the tub, gravy spilling over the side. He was too weak to even attempt to fight back as Doofus dragged him back inside.
Distantly, he wondered who was going to clean up the gravy that was getting all over the carpets. Probably that maid and butler. He felt kind of bad for them.
The gravy that still coated his feathers, at the very least, wasn’t too unbearable anymore. But the burns he’d received were, and he had the suspicion that he wouldn’t be receiving medical attention. He sniffled.
He felt so gross, so… wrong.
“Wait,” he gasped, still struggling to breathe properly. “My — my hat,” he said, “and my guidebook, can I have them back?”
“Oh, those? I’m afraid the gravy ruined them,” Doofus replied, in such a casual manner that it took Huey a moment to actually process it.
“What?” he choked out, his heart dropping in his chest.
He was dragged through the door, his mind reeling. Louie and Dewey audibly gasped at the sight of him. He could only be thankful that the gravy managed to cover the burn marks that would no doubt be underneath.
“What did you do to him?” Louie asked nervously as Huey was placed back in his spot.
Doofus smiled. “Don’t fret, my sweet,” he said, wrapping his arms around Louie in a way that made Huey want to vomit. “He’ll be fine. And as for you… well, I have something special planned for you.”
It seemed, thank goodness, that he didn’t plan to act on whatever it was right now, because with that, he released Louie, spun towards the door, and left them alone.
Huey wiped his eyes with his free hand. They needed to get out of here.
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