#woke up at like 6pm yesterday evening
whispers-of-masser · 1 year
Just Tonight (II)
✧ Nebarra x human!LDB ✧ Angst to comfort; 2k+ words ✧ Brief & very mild suggestive content, light swearing ♫ "My Blood" - Echos, "Mistake" - NF, "Stubborn" - Riell ✒ @candydreamer122, you asked to be notified when this dropped so here ya go!
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Nebarra opened his eyes to the golden light of dawn, your head resting on his chest, bare legs intertwined with his. Your body pressed against his, warm and comforting, and when he glanced down at your face, he'd never seen it more peaceful. He reached up, brushing your cheek with his thumb, and even in your sleep, you leaned into his touch.
Gods, you took his breath away. But even as he lay there, admiring you in the soft morning light, a single, unpleasant thought wormed its way to the front.
He didn't deserve you.
It made him pause, something turning sour in the pit of his stomach. No... Please, no...
He didn't want the moment to end. Didn't want the thoughts he knew would turn his happiness to ash. But for years they had whispered in his mind, been his constant companions, bitter and selfish lovers that left him with nothing in return but pain and cynicism. They would not let him go so easily, relinquish the control he has given them long ago.
All the more reason he couldn't, shouldn't have you.
Because, really, what could he offer you? He had nothing but his past, his bitterness, his selfish nature. Even last night had been spurred on by his own selfish desires, exacerbated further still by drink. He was nothing but thorns, rough and crude, the blood of hundreds on his hands – and he felt no guilt over them.
...Most of them.
You didn't deserve someone like that. You could do so much better than him.
Why did you want him, at all?
And as he lay there, hand cupping your face, his eyes drinking in every curve and contour – your own slowly fluttered open.
His breath caught. Sunlight danced across your irises, and he could see himself reflected in your gaze. For a few moments, you simply blinked at him, and he could see every minute shift in your expression. Emptiness, confusion, sudden realisation – and then you smiled.
Nebarra had seen many things in life. Many ugly things, things that he'd tried to forget, that haunted him until he drowned them in drink. The few beautiful things he'd seen, though... those, he remembered clearly, and often. Fought to carve them into every facet of his memory, to allow himself the slightest hope, to give himself the smallest of reasons to keep going. And the smile you gave him...
It was the most beautiful of them all.
There was life in your smile. Vast, vibrant, and beautiful, your face haloed in the golden light of morning, you looked... divine.
And then, you spoke, words low and husky from sleep, a laugh rumbling in your throat: "And you call me guar-face." Slowly, you raised a hand, gentle fingers brushing his cheeks, smile growing ever wider.
...He wanted you. Gods, how he wanted you. His heart ached with the thorns of longing, with the knowledge that he couldn't, shouldn't have you.
So, he turned away, pulled back from your touch. Forced an empty expression on his face, in his eyes. Grunted a simple, "Morning." And carefully, oh so carefully, pushed you off him.
Unwelcome. Outsider. All he was ever meant to be.
"What?" The word was heavy on his tongue, deadened in tone as he sat up, got off the bet, and set to collecting his clothes from the floor.
"Nebarra... What's wrong?"
Everything. "Nothing." He fumbled with his trousers, nearly falling as he tugged them on, still scanning the floor for his shirt. Anything to avoid meeting your eyes.
"Bullshit." Sheets rustled as you leaned forward, and he could practically hear your brows furrow at him. "Is it... because of last night?"
"No." Yes.
"I think it is. And I think we should talk about it – about this."
"There's nothing to talk about," he grunted, still pacing the floor, eyes roving everywhere but the bed. Where was his damn shirt?
"Oh, I think we have a lot to talk about."
He didn't answer, and in the silence, fabric rustled some more. Then, your voice, "...Looking for this?"
Finally, slowly, Nebarra looked at you. You were sitting upright on the bed, and in one hand you held up his shirt, winkled and dusty from the floor.
And you... were still very much naked. Your chest was on blatant display, the blankets pooled low around your hips, deep purple teethmarks scattered over your skin – his doing. Nebarra swallowed, averting his gaze back to the tunic. 
Wordlessly, he stalked over, reaching out for it – only for you to snap your hand back, away from him. He sighed. "What are you doing?"
You didn't answer, though he could feel your gaze burning into him. Reluctantly, he returned it – and the storm in your eyes sent a shock down his spine.
Oh, no.
Before he could even begin to pick apart what he saw in there, you raised your arms, slid them through the holes of the shirt, and pulled it down over your head.
You... were wearing his shirt.
Still holding his gaze, there was something like a challenge in your eyes. Nebarra grit his teeth and, for once in his life, held his tongue, unsure if he could win this one.
The thought... unsettled him. 
But... maybe not as much as it should have.
No. No, no no no. You couldn't do that to him – say his name in that tone, in that way. 
"What?" he snapped, harsher than intended.
Maybe he should have just been born mute.
"We need to talk about this."
"No, we don't."
"Why not?"
"Because... it was a mistake." He looked away, unable to meet your gaze, tearing a hand through his hair. Coward, coward, coward. "That's all there is – was – to it. We were drunk, and tired, and maybe... just maybe... a little lonely. So we made a bad decision – one we should just forget about, move on from. Because ultimately... it meant nothing. Not a damn thing."
It felt like an eternity passed before you answered, and when you did, your voice was heavy, rasping with emotion. "...If that's how you really feel, then–"
You choked. Nebarra could practically hear the words catch in your throat, dying before they could pass your lips. Instead, a low, bitter laugh rose suddenly in their place; the sound scraped his wounded heart raw. "Gods damn you, Nebarra. You're... really selfish, you know that?"
"Yeah," he mumbled. "I know."
But you weren't done. Because as you rose from the bed, the floorboards creaking beneath your feet, you continued, "You're also... a really shit liar."
And then you were standing before him, your hand on his chin, turning his face towards you, your gaze searching his. He couldn't avoid your eyes this time, couldn't look away from the storm raging within them: hurt, anger, confusion.
Because of him. Him, and his stupid decisions, and his even stupider words.
Yet, even as he stared, he could see something else in them, too.
Affection. Care. Passion. And... lo–
Why? Why him? Of all the people on Nirn you could want, how could you want the mess that was him?
"I don't know," you said softly, and Nebarra realised with horror that he'd spoken his thoughts aloud. "Because, gods, you really are a mess, aren't you? You're bitter, cynical, surly, arrogant, selfish, flawed to the moons and back, but..." Your hand shifted, brushing upwards to cradle his cheek, and the Altmer found himself holding his breath, afraid of what you'd say next, needing to hear what you'd say next.
Only, you didn't say anything. Instead, you simply leaned in, pulled him close – and kissed him. Before he even knew what he was doing, Nebarra found himself returning it, pulling you in closer, hands falling to your waist –
What was he doing?
Breathless, he pulled away, nearly stumbling over his own feet. His mind spun; he couldn't seem to form a single coherent though. "What – what was that?"
Your eyes seemed to stare right down to his soul, burning with intensity, filled with both pain and longing. Yet a faint, bittersweet smile ghosted across your face as you answered, "Nothing, apparently."
...Damn you.
Before he could change his mind, think himself out of it, Nebarra caught your arm and tugged you sharply back towards him, crashing his lips back against yours. You stumbled from the initial force of it, but he followed your motion, keeping your lips on his.
After a moment, your arms slipped around his neck, one hand cradling the back of his head, the other tickling his nape. He grunted into the kiss, pulling you back towards the bed; you didn't resist, and readily fell back on it.
Nebarra fell with you, straddling your prone form, brushing his lips from your mouth to your jaw, nipping gently as he went. A soft gasp escaped you; his hands slid down, tugging your shirt – his shirt – gradually upward, pulling it off of you. 
And immediately he sat up, got off the bed, and tugged it over his own head. Without a word, he walked away to the other side of the room, leaving you naked and stunned on the bed.
"Like you said," he muttered, stalking across the room and far from you, "I'm selfish."
He could hear a frustrated breath hissing through your teeth. "Damn you! Why can't you just admit what you feel, what you want? What are you so afraid of?"
The elf froze.
You could see right through him, couldn't you?
"You don't... even know me," he managed at last, keeping his back towards you. "You don't even know my name, my real name."
"I don't need a name to know you, though. Names aren't what define us – we define them. It doesn't matter to me whether you're Nebarra or... or Nico, or something else entirely. Because you're still, and always will be you, regardless of what name you answer to."
Gods, why did you have to be so damn stubborn?
"Pot, kettle, black," you sniffed, and Nebarra realised that yet again, he'd spoken aloud. "And who knows, maybe I picked some of it up from you in the first place."
Sighing heavily, Nebarra leaned forwards and let his forehead thunk against the wall. He stayed like that for a long moment, counting his breaths, trying to collect his thoughts.
"I'm not... suited for a relationship," he slowly began. "I wouldn't be... you have better options than me. People who could give you what you want far better than I could."
At that, you actually laughed, and he turned to look at you despite himself. There was no smile on your face, only pain and mockery; the sight drove thorns through his chest. "Who, then, O wise one, most knowledgeable of relationships? Who on Nirn can give me what I want, when what I want – is you."
He shook his head. "Well... you shouldn't. I can give you nothing."
"You aren't nothing," you said softly. "Your heart isn't nothing. Don't you get that yet, Nebs?"
"My... heart," he echoed, staring blankly at you. "My heart."
Shifting, you rose from the bed, wrapping a blanket around yourself as you approached. "Yeah, your heart. This thing–" you placed a hand over his chest "–that's beating right here, going at a million miles a second." Your eyes locked with his once more, and somehow, even before you spoke, he knew. He knew.
"I love you, you miserable bastard. And I want you, not for anything you can offer me, but for who you are. There's no doubt in my mind about that. Now, the only question left is... how do you feel? What do you want?"
He couldn't hide from it any longer. The truth was on his tongue, escaping his lips before he even had to think about it. "You. I just... gods damn it, I just want you," he rasped. "But..."
You placed a gentle finger against his mouth. "Shh," you murmured. "No buts."
Slowly, Nebarra raised a hand, brought it up to yours, and pulled it away from his lips, instead lacing his fingers with yours. "No, listen. I... this... is going to be complicated, if we really do this. And... you're probably going to get hurt and disappointed because of me. There's a lot you don't know–"
"And you can tell me when you're ready," you soothed, brushing your thumb across the back of his hand. "We'll cross all those bridges when we get to them. And yes, before you protest any further," you added, when his mouth opened to do just that, "I'm aware of the emotional risks. But that's part of every relationship, Nebarra, and you know that. So, again, when they do inevitably arrive, we'll cross those bridges together."
...He really didn't deserve you. Didn't understand how or why you wanted him, of all people. But as you rested your forehead against his, breaths mingling, eyes full of nothing but each other – Nebarra realised he didn't care, anymore.
The voices in his head, all the doubts and fears – they still hissed their poison, and he knew it would be a long, long time before they stopped. But a new voice had joined the mix, soft but confident, telling him that maybe, just maybe, life wasn't about "deserving" things, but appreciating them. That maybe, amid the bleak desert of his past, he could still find a lone rose of happiness.
And that voice... sounded an awful lot like yours.
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sonic-adventure-3 · 2 years
msrble blast
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be-good-to-bugs · 6 months
ok why am i SO tired what the fuck
#the bin#i went to sleep yesterday at 4pm and then woke up at midnight. was uo an hour n ate a snack. and then went back to bed till 12#and then i went back to bed at 6pm. i got up at 10:40 and now its 2:30am and im SO tired#i cant sleep tho cause i gutta do laundry and then shower and then work. im only working a 4 1/2 hour shift tho#and then i have 3 days off. i can take big day long nap in that case.#i only even got up at 10:40 bc i wanted the kitty paws so i woke up specifically to boop. or else id of stayed in bed till now#cause i had an alarm to do laundry at 2am. hhhh. i wish i wasnt so sleepy. its so annoying. i oove sleepy but not when i have stuff to do#i guess it does make sense. i was SO behind on sleep for a week and then got even more behind bc of cleaning and stuff#but cant you just wait one more day? couldnt you do this tomorrow after im done working??? guess not. oh well.#im really upset i didnt get an answer from my mom yet. she said april 1st. she coulda at least texted me to say she doenst know yet#shes probs busy and forgot but. im so stressed abt this. if i dont fall asleep by the time shes done work tomorrow maybe i can call#hhh. i hate having this on my mind 100% of the time. its so stressful. my heart is constantly racing. my breathing is bad bc of it#having a constant anxiety attack sucks. maybe thats why im so tired too. i guess it is oretty exhausting. hhh. and its making me sad so#whatever. itll be fine. i do believe itll be good news. it HAS to be good news. i dont have mych basis for thinking itll be good news beside#asking some cards and like. i enjoy cartomancy but i dont put that much weight on it. but its all i have. it WILL be good news
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sebuckyverse · 2 years
for a good time, call
modern!rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader
Eddie Munson is a burnt out rockstar, touring the country. When he finds a phone number written on a bathroom wall, he strikes an unusual friendship with a coffee shop barista who has no idea who he is.
warnings: 18+ cussing, eventual smut if i'm horny, steve harrington, none yet, strangers to friends to lovers <3 word count: 3,4k
an: Y'ALL idk what this is but i had this idea when i woke up from a bomb ass nap! tagging my bestie @hellfirewhore because she helped me so much with this, love u bub. also @ceriseheaven because she's obsessed with me. also i apologize for the Steve Harrington girlies
chapter two ♫ masterlist
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chapter one ♫♪♩·..·
With a heavy sigh, Eddie slips into the bathroom of a restaurant, the name of which he cannot even remember. It’s barely 6pm and he’s already two drinks in, cursing himself for agreeing to this meeting at all when he could’ve just been a dick and said no, but like someone once close to him used to say, he is a people pleaser. He closes his eyes for a minute before pushing off the door and heading to the furthest stall, locking himself in and sitting down without taking his pants off. He didn’t really need to go, this was just an excuse to escape giving the answers his shitty manager is waiting for him to give.
It’s nearing the end of Corroded Coffin’s summer tour “Live from the Upside Down”. With only 7 shows left, it’s safe to say the tour was a massive success. Tickets were sold out, fans were lining the streets and Eddie couldn’t blink without a camera going off somewhere. It’s what he wanted, dreamed of ever since he was in middle school and he was proud of himself for realizing his dream, specially when in high school, he thought about quitting. The fans are already asking about a new tour or a new album - they aren’t the only ones. Management is also on board, hoarding Eddie about new songs or if they could extend the tour, it’s good business after all. That’s all it seems to be about recently - money, publicity, instagram likes. It didn’t use to be like this, it was good when they blew up and signed with their record label but thinking back, it was too good to be true.
Eddie doesn’t have an answer to anybody. He hasn’t written anything new in weeks and his relationship with the band is strained, he doesn’t remember the last time he actually enjoyed being on stage. So as he sits on the toilet rubbing his eyes, the bags under his eyes blue and purple, he’s trying to find another excuse to his manager waiting by the table to why they definitely shouldn’t jump right into another album. Once he has stretched out the minutes to a quick bathroom run as far as he could, he stands back up and stretches his legs. Eddie does a double take when before stepping out, he notices some text written on the stall door, followed by numbers.
“For lousy head, call Y/N.”
For what felt like the hundredth time today, your phone buzzed in your back pocket. Ignoring it, like you have done for the past two days, you continued packing blueberry muffins into a perfectly folded cardboard box, slapping a thank you sticker on top and pushing it to the side next to a few other to-go boxes. The clock was pushing 7pm and you were counting down the minutes until your shift was over, thankful that you had the next two days off to relax and turn off your fucking phone.
You don’t know what happened, but yesterday afternoon you started getting incredibly weird and vulgar messages and phone calls from unknown numbers. After consulting with your best friend last night, you didn’t reply to a single text and ignored the phone calls after you already answered one, where a guy asked for a blowjob.
“How did this happen?” Your best friend and co-barista Robin asked.
“You’re asking me! I have no idea!” you shrieked back at your phone, looking at her through the Facetime app.
“Have you signed up for anything weird lately?”
“Like what? You’re making it seem like I leaked my own number.”
“Well, someone clearly did.”
You chewed on your thumb as you rewinded the event of the last week. One thing did pop up, something that made your stomach churn. “You don’t think Steve would do this?”
“Uh, yeah! That guy is an asshole and the only thing bigger than his head is his ego. Didn’t you say he blocked you?”
“Yeah,” you sighed and massaged your temples where a headache was already forming “He got mad at me when I didn’t want to sleep with him on the second date.”
“Pfft- what?! Why didn’t you tell me?” Robin gawked at you, only her eyes and forehead visible now.
“It’s embarrassing! Sorry!”
“Well anyway, I bet it was him. You were too good for him anyway, by the way.”
You smiled and stuck your tongue out, “Stupid! But what am I going to do? Am I going to have to change my number now?”
“Seems so, unless you can find out how Steve leaked your number.”
After you promised to look into getting a new number the next day, you finished your call with Robin and turned off your phone. Today was super busy and you were too tired to worry about changing your number. You walked a short mile home and immediately flopped onto your bed, kicking off your shoes.
You had ignored your phone most of the day, but decided it was time to take a peek as you may have missed something important. You scrolled through numerous new text messages and deleted every single one, only sending back a quick text to Robin who had asked for any updates as she was off work today. Just as you were about to turn the device off again, a new message popped up that made you jump up the bed.
7:28pm Hello, I hope this message reaches you. I’m sorry to bother you, just wanted to let you know someone has written your number on a bathroom stall with a pretty nasty message. I scrubbed it off as much as I could. Have a good night.
It's been a few days since Eddie shot that text off and the almost instant reply he received back was still sitting unanswered at the top of his messages.
7.31pm, three days ago Hi. Thank you so much for letting me know, my phone has been going off like crazy. I appreciate what you did. If there's anything I can do to repay you, please let me know!
Eddie had no intention of asking for anything in return, that would be absurd. He was only doing what was right, it's what any decent person would have done. He's been hesitant to respond, he still remembers that one time he was a bit tipsy and made the irrational decision to give out his real number to a girl after a show. It only took three hours before his number was blasted all over the internet and he smashed his phone against a wall just to make it stop ringing.
Eddie was never this reclusive, not before all of this anyway. In high school, he had a handful of friends who he cared for and loved messing with. He was loud at times and he didn't care what anybody else thought of him, they all hated him anyway. In high school, he still had Wayne, too. Now he only has himself.
He was currently sitting on a hotel bed, after a show, his hair still dripping with water from his shower. He's scrolling Instagram, checking out the bands latest post, reading various fan comments who all appeared to love the show - which was good in theory, but it makes him feel sick. Can't they see that he's miserable? He's burned the fuck out but everybody seems blind to it. Before he can close the app though, a new text comes through, from the same number he still hasn't answered to.
02.59am ''ROb where re you- steve is here and i slapped him!! Cme find me quick''
His brows bunch together in a frown and before he can help himself, he snorts. This was clearly a text someone would send not-sober, which he has done too many times. He decides to write back, just to be.. polite.
03.00am ''Not Rob, but if Steve is the one who wrote that shit on the wall, good for you 🙂''
03.02am ''oh fuckk im so sorry'' 03.02am ''this is so embarrass sing pls ignore me'' 03.03am ''and it was steve!! he said t was him'' 03.04am ''hes such a dick im sorry i'm bothering you'' 03.04am ''ignore me, m so sorry again''
Eddie is staring at his phone with the most comical look on his face, if he felt tired before it's all gone now. He doesn't remember the last time he had a genuine laugh, but your texts are very amusing.
03.05am ''It's very hard to ignore you when you keep bombing my phone.''
It takes a couple of minutes before a new reply comes in and for some reason that he doesn't want to think about right now, it's making him anxious waiting for your reply. That's not creepy at all, he thinks.
03.08am ''IM SORRY have a kiwi on me🥝🥝''
The fresh September breeze has sneaked in through your open window, a gush of wind petting your forehead. You peel one eye open and do a quick scan of the room, noting that you're thankfully in your own apartment. With a delicious groan, you stretch your limbs and turn to your other side. The subtle thumping in your head is a stark reminder that you should've stayed home last night, but Robin refused to take no for an answer, as usual, and you two ended up at a bar downtown.
While downing a few fruity drinks might have been in your bingo cards, seeing Steve Harrington wasn't. Your eye twitched as soon as you saw the back of his head and that stupid hair of his, his arm flung around a girl you had never seen before. Robin had disappeared to the bathroom a while ago and you were left alone at the counter sipping your Cosmopolitan. Blessed with liquid courage, you set your unfinished glass on the counter and stomped your way over to him and his group of friends.
When you were in earshot, you heard one of them shout ''All hail King Steve!''. You rolled your eyes, pretty sure there was steam coming from your ears.
''Pff, King Steve? More like bitch Steve!''
The girl on his arm sputtered out her mojito and looked between you two, her wide eyes moving back and forth like she was observing a tennis match. Steve turned as well and scoffed at you, ''You need somethin'?''
You crossed your arms, needing to shield yourself and popped your hip. ''Yeah, why'd you do it?''
''Do what?''
''Don't play dumb, Steven. I know you wrote my number on some random bathroom wall. The fuck is wrong with you?''
Steve unhooked himself from his date and took a step closer to you, but you took a step back as well. Someone bumped into you from behind and spilled liquid onto your open toed shoes, but you didn't turn away, instead staring Steve right in the eyes, hoping your looks could kill.
''Aw, I thought I was doing you a favor, babe. Thought you might use the experience.''
''Fuck you,'' you spat. ''All this because I wouldn't have sex with you?''
''Nobody turns down the King, sweetheart. It's your loss anyway.''
You scoffed and broke eye contact to dig through your purse for your phone. Robin would abolish him, but she was still not back yet. ''You're such an asshole!''
Steve raised his hands and run his knuckles up and down your arm, which you jolted away immediately. ''We could still hook up if you want, you know. I'll even do you first.''
You gasped at his crummy words and before you knew it, you raised your hand and slapped his cheek. Steve's head flew to the side and your palm stinging from the harsh contact. Your chest heaved as you turned to leave, looking back at the girl and seeing honest confusion in her eyes. ''Don't bother with him babe, I heard he's only 4 inches.''
You pushed past people back to the bar and ordered yourself 3 shots of tequila, your fingers still trembling as you handed over bills. The shots were gone in the blink of an eye. You needed to find Robin and tell her what happened. You don't condone your actions but you knew she would high five you once she hears about this. You used the restroom, hoping to find her there, but she was nowhere in sight. Sighing in defeat, you pulled your phone up and swiped until you found Robin's text chain and sent off an emergency text. Your vision was already doubling, no doubt the work of 2 Cosmos and 3 shots of tequila, being the lightweight that you were.
Back in bed, you raked your hand through the bedsheets, trying to locate your phone, finding it under your ass. The clock showed 2.13pm. How the hell did I get home last night? you thought and swiftly found Robin's number and put the phone on speaker and placed it next to you on your pillow. The ringing went unanswered and you went to send her a quick text.
2.14pm - to Robin ''Hey, you ok? call me when you get this.''
Looking at your text messages, you were confused when you didn't find texts from last night. You specifically remember texting her and she even replied! Didn't she? Nausea started forming at the pit of your stomach as your fingers made quick work to look through any other messages you might have sent last night and your heart almost stopped beating when you realized who you actually messaged last night.
''Oh, dear God.''
Eddie was on the other side of the country, in the middle of soundcheck when he felt left pocket vibrate. As there were only two songs left, he ignored it until he had a few minutes to spare. He didn't want to jump to conclusions, but he was maybe hoping it was you. Not in a romantic way, of course, he was just wondering what happened to you last night, if you got home safe.
They finished soundcheck and headed back to the dressing room, where they would spend the rest of the day waiting for the show to start, fitting in a few interviews where he put on his best act. Eddie fished his phone from his bucket and felt a cold shiver run down his back as he stared at the screen. It wasn't who he was expecting, it was from Wayne.
Eddie and Wayne used to be close. Wayne was like a father to him and during high school days, were people accused Eddie of being the devil himself, always had his back and looked out for him. It's how Wayne also noticed that Eddie was unhappy, even before Eddie realized it himself. Eddie would reassure Wayne that he was fine and that this was what he wanted, but Wayne could see through the bullshit. He never let Eddie stomp on him either, calling him out for lying and telling him to come home, or at least take a break. But how could he take a break when he is at the height of his career? He couldn't.
Being manipulated by his manager as well, Eddie slowly started pulling away from Wayne. He wouldn't call as often or would leave certain texts unanswered. It's at a point where they aren't really speaking anymore, only the occasional text Wayne sends to let him know he's doing good, everything is fine. Eddie can't admit it, but he needs those texts more than ever. He's thought about calling Wayne every day, now that things have gotten so bad for him. He needs his uncle, the only person he's ever looked up to, to put him straight. But like always, he is a coward and instead of replying, Eddie just locks his phone.
''Where the hell have you been?'' you scold as you hold your door open for Robin, graciously accepting the entire bag of junk food she brought. Chips, cookies, various types of candy and four cans of Coke Zero.
After you hauled up from bed and straightened yourself up, Robin called you and told you she would be coming over with hangover medicine, hence the junk food. You emptied the bag on your coffee table and popped open one of the Cokes. Robin toed off her shoes and joined you on the couch, reaching for the chips. ''I think I found the love of my life.''
''Oh great heavens, again?''
Throwing a chip at you, you pick it up and snack on it. ''Hey, she's the one who got us all home last night. I found you slumped against the wall next to the bathroom.''
''Oh, well, make sure to thank her for me then. What's she like?''
Robin proceeded to fill you in on her activities last night and you told her about your encounter with Steve, receiving a very expected high five. ''Fuck yeah! He deserved it, I hope that girl dumped his ass, too. He's a stupid idiot.''
Fidgeting in your seat, you pulled your legs closer to your chest. ''Speaking of idiots, I may have done something dumb last night, too. You remember that number that texted me about the whole thing? Who told me my number was on that stall and shit?''
''Yeaaah?'' Robin asked cautiously.
''I.. might have drunk texted him last night, thinking it was you.''
''Oh my God, what did you say? Show me your phone!''
You grabbed your phone from the coffee table and handed it to her, watching her facial expressions as she kept reading. ''Oh my GOD, this is like, sexy.''
''Sexy?! What part of this is sexy? I humiliated myself to this stranger. He could be the president for all I know.''
''Really doubt the president is allowed to text. But this is cool! You have a mysterious pen pal, or a text pal. He hasn't texted anything yet?''
''Nope,'' you say and is that disappointment you detect in your own voice? This is stupid.
''You do it then! Text him something right now.'' Robin claps her hands and scooches closer to you so she could see your screen.
''No, what the hell. And say what?''
Tonight's show was the hardest so far. The band changed the setlist a little bit and Eddie was off his game, forgetting some words to their last song. The night ended in a screaming match with his manager when Eddie spoke up about wanting a bigger break before they do another tour. Jake, his manager, accused Eddie of being lazy and not willing to work for it, whilst Eddie accused him of being a phony and only caring about money. At one point, the band had to separate the two of them so fists wouldn't go flying.
So, as he nurses his beer at another hotel room, laying on silk sheets and dried streams of tears running down his cheeks, he feels the need to talk to someone. He can't call Wayne, although subconsciously he know that should be the first option, he thinks of that stranger, somewhere out there, who has no idea how he is. He bends down to rummage through his pants until he finds what he's looking for. He's surprised when he sees that you have written to him first, the nickname he gave you staring back at him.
5.56pm - Kiwi ''Hi. I would once again like to apologize for my antics last night. Please know that I'm so humiliated!''
Without thinking much about it, Eddie quickly types a reply, hoping you still might be up.
01.13am “Don’t worry about it. You’re entertaining.”
01.15am - Kiwi “Oh, is my despair entertaining you?”
01.15am ''Yes.''
01.16am “I hope I didn't wake you.”
01.17am - Kiwi ''You didn't.'' ''What's your name, by the way?''
Eddies fingers hovered over the keyboard, seconds ticking by. He couldn't give his real name, he'd already made a similar mistake once. He didn't want to lie to you, but seeing as you didn't know who he was anyway, it made feel a little bit less guilty when he offered you a fake name.
01.20am ''It's Kirk.''
01.21am - Kiwi ''Are you from Metallica?''
Eddie smiled - he was outsmarted. Bonus points for liking, or at least knowing Metallica.
01.21am ''What would you do if I say yes?''
01.21am - Kiwi ''Nothing, probably ask you what James Hetfield smells like 😜''
01.22am ''It was nice knowing you, Kiwi girl.'
01.22 am - Kiwi ''KIWI girl?? Wait come back, Kirk's my second favorite!''
01.22am ''I'm here.''
01.23am - Kiwi ''Are we friends now?''
01.24am ''Sure. If you want to be.''
01.24am - Kiwi ''I think so.''
01.25am ''Good, me too.''
01.27am - Kiwi ''Good night, Kirk.''
01.27am ''Good night, Kiwi girl.''
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strawheart-pirate · 1 year
Portgas D. Ace x afab!Reader
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Words: 2658 CW: Alabasta Setting (spoilerfree), NSFW, vaginal sex, blowjob, fingering, tongue fucking, consensual, pet names (babe, my love)
You were home safe and sound thanks to Ace. Your feelings we’re a mess ever since and on top your grandmother invited your savior for dinner to thank him properly. As it was time to part ways your feelings were crashing down on you. A steaming hot sequel to Drought.
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You woke up to the sun, kissing your face the early morning. You lifted your head and grabbed your pillow tight until you realized that you squished the man below you and not your pillow. A deep red blush crept onto your face as Ace woke up from the pressure around his ribs.
“Ugh, no. Is it already morning?” Ace grumbled, his eyes shut tight, as he stretched beneath you.
“Unfortunately.” You mumbled, still deeply embarrassed.
“Just five more minutes.” He said as he turned towards you and held you in a tight embrace.
If your blush was gone seconds ago, it was now as prominent as ever since his bare chest was right inside your face and his arms secured you in a way that left no room for protest.
“Ace, please, my grandma has worried long enough.” You begged.
“Alright, okay. Let’s get going.” He slowly went up and packed a few things. It was clearly visible that he was not a morning person, and you were impressed that he didn’t fell over, given how much he was swaying.
You checked your place for any package or clothing left, but you were done. Ready to go.
As you both walked side by side through the desert, Ace told you about his pirate life. He was very enthusiastic about his stories and you laughed a lot. The lizard followed you in a good distance.
“Do you know my little brother? His name is Monkey D. Luffy and I’ll meet him soon here in Nanohana.” He shoved the wanted poster right in your face.
“He has a precious smile.” You admit.
“I know, right? See, when we were young, we did everything together…”
Ace was rambling about his brother Luffy until you finally reached the gates of the city and parted ways with the lizard. At this point you thought that you knew Luffy better than Ace, but that didn’t matter. You loved the stories Ace told you and even though they were about Luffy, you could clearly read between the lines and gather information about your travel buddy. You didn’t even notice that you smiled admiringly at him and gave him a few side glances until you were at your house.
“Grandma!” you yelled and rushed towards your grandma, who was sitting in front of your house. You hugged her tight and reassured her, that you were fine as Ace watched you two. Tears flowed down your faces and your grandma was clearly relieved that everything was alright. As you both calmed down, you introduced Ace and your grandma to each other.
“Ace, this is my grandma. Grandma, this is Ace. He saved me yesterday.” You said and your grandma scanned Ace thoroughly before she spoke.
“Thank you for saving my grandchild, young man. Please have dinner with us tonight.”
“Oh, I’d like to, but…”
“No buts, you must come. We want to thank you properly, so you will come. Don’t make me repeat myself.” Your grandma demanded and Ace and you were a bit taken aback.
“O-Okay..” Ace stuttered and the old lady chuckled to herself.
“6pm. Be on time.” She said and Ace took his leave, since he had some things to do.
“Now, Y/N, tell me about this man and what happened to you.” Your grandma said and patted the seat next to her.
You sighed and sat down. “Where shall I start…”
It had been an hour until your grandma knew the whole story. She was now in the kitchen preparing the dinner and you did your chores. Although you were busy, your mind drifted off to Ace quite frequently.  Even though he was a pirate, you were sure he was not the nasty type. You owed him your life, yes. And that alone causes admiration to some degree, but you also enjoyed the talks with him. It was clearly visible, that he loved his little brother and his cocky, but cheerful attitude along with his well-trained body left you longing for more.
Oh my, I really got it bad. You sighed as you thought to yourself but smiled anyway.
Evening came and Ace appeared at the doorstep right on time. He had a nice bouquet of flowers in his hand and handed it to your grandma.
“Thanks for your invitation, madame.” He smiled sheepishly.
“Oh, what a lovely young man you are. And please, just call me grandma. I like the connection that comes with it.” She smiled knowingly.
You rolled your eyes at her antics and led your guest into the living room. There, a small table was set up for the three of you by the window and the evening sun gently illuminated the simply furnished room.
“Here we are.” Your grandma said as she put down the pot in the middle and you all got seated.
The dinner was pleasant. At first you talked about random topics, but now Ace was telling your grandma everything about his brother Luffy. You knew the stories and so you leaned back in your chair and sipped your drink. You haven’t seen your grandmas’ eyes shine that bright in a long time. Something about this man was truly special and you followed the conversation with a gentle smile on your face.
It had been three hours and Ace was about to head off to his lodging. The sun was just setting and your grandma hugged the freckled man goodbye.
“Thanks again for that lovely dinner, grandma.” Ace said and bowed to her.
“Ah, you’re welcome. Come by anytime, okay?” she smiled as she took his face in her hands and slapped his cheek lightly a few times.
“Will do.” He said and turned to you. “I…”
“I’ll walk you home.” You beat him to it. Your offer was a bit unusual and you could clearly see the question marks on his face.
“Then off you go.” Your grandma gave you a knowing smile and waved the both of you off.
You took his hand and started walking. He waved to your grandma one last time and quickly got used to the new situation. No one said a word as you walked hand in hand to the address he had given you. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, but you were deep in thought. You felt something for this man and wanted to spend more time with him, but you didn’t know if he felt the same. Before you could even come to a conclusion, Ace stopped.
“Alright, we’re here. This is the inn.” Said Ace, giving you a beaming smile. You couldn’t face him because he would clearly see the hurt in your eyes. You didn’t want to let go but you tried to find the right words.
You started to phrase your emotions. “Yeah, well… Thank you again and maybe we’ll meet…”
Two strong hands grabbed your face and before you knew what was happening, Ace smashed his lips to yours. The kiss was hungry, his lips demanding. He wanted everything from you and you would give it to him without hesitation. You melted in his hands and your lips joined the fiery battle. As you put your arms around his neck, he broke away from you just enough to catch his breath.
“Do you want to…?” – “Yes!” You both smiled as your lips met again and he grabbed your butt to lift you up. A sound of surprise left you and you giggled slightly as he carried you up the stairs and into his room. He set you down and locked the door in one fluid motion, trapping you between him and the door. His lustful gaze traveled over your body from head to toe and back again before he took your face back into his hands and kissed you passionately. You hummed in pleasure and placed your hands around his neck to play with his black strands. His pelvis rubbed against yours in a needy rhythm.
“Ace…” you moaned his name impatiently.
Ace wasted no time and carried you over to the bed and laid you on the soft mattress before removing his hat and coat. The look he had on you was breathtaking, as it looked like there was a fire burning in his brown irises. He slowly approached you, but you stopped him before he could lay on top of you. You slid off the bed and got down on your knees. Your hand wandered over his beautiful abs and you unzipped his pants.
"Let me take care of my savior." You looked at him through half-lidded eyes and stripped him naked.
 A breathless moan escaped the man. His erection was now right in front of your face and you took your time to look at it thoroughly. He had just the right thickness, was long and curved up a little. The tip was a light shade of purple and he had a prominent vein on top. You licked your lips.
"Like what you see?" He teased, though he already knew the answer, and posed a little for you.
You grabbed it gently and let your tongue slide from his shaft to his tip while holding his gaze.
"Oh fuck." He said and looked away for a second as he inhaled sharply. "That’s so hot."
You took his cock all the way into your mouth and gave it a good taste until you hummed in approval. He was delicious. Ace couldn't take his eyes off you and you gave him a glance every now and then as you bobbed your head on his cock. Your hand alternately gently massaged his balls and clasped the lower part of his cock in a firm grip.
Your tongue swirled around his tip and Ace moaned louder and louder. It wasn’t long before he grabbed your head.
"Is it okay if I...?" you hummed in approval and he shoved his cock deep down your throat. You gagged a little, but it was okay, drool pouring down your chin. Your cunt throbbed as Ace used your throat and a few bounces later he painted it white on the inside. You swallowed everything he gave you and licked your lips. He smiled at you, satisfied and a bit exhausted, and you returned his gaze with a perky smile. Ace dropped to his knees and kissed you passionately, his tongue deep inside your mouth, battling for dominance in a demanding kiss until he lifted you up and placed you on the bed.
"It’s payback time."
He peeled you out of your gown, lifted your leg and kissed you on the inside of your thigh. His hands were all over you until he suddenly stopped.
"Let me show you something." He said and you propped yourself up your elbows and watched him hold his finger over your belly. A familiar little flame appeared, and he cautiously ran it over your belly. His touch was warm, but he didn’t burn you. You couldn’t take your eyes off the flame as he approached your nipples. As his fingertip grazed over your bud, the flame flared a little and you gasped at the sensation of his touch and the blazing flame. He smirked at your reaction and you heart skipped a beat. His teasing play continued with the other bud until he let his hand slowly move down until he reached your clit. You moaned his name like a prayer as he traced circles on your clit with his flaming fingertip. Each time the flame slid over your sensitive spot, a crackling warmth coursed through you. You were so fascinated by the flame that you didn't realize what Ace was up to until the flame went out and he slid his finger inside you. You gasped at the sudden intrusion and moved your hips towards him.
"I hope you liked my little trick." he teased just before he placed his lips onto your folds.
He licked a straight line from your entrance to your clit as he slowly pumped his finger in and out of your needy cunt. You tried to move your hips, but he held you back with a strong arm.
"Stay still and let me enjoy my dessert." He demanded and his command increased the tightness of the knot in your belly. He flicked his tongue repeatedly over your clit while he inserted a second finger into your velvety folds.
"Ace…" you whimpered. The pressure was rising inside you. He knew exactly how close you were. The squelching sounds of your soaking cunt and your sweet moans resounded through the room. For the final act, he exchanged his fingers for his tongue. His fingers were rougher and provided more friction on your clit and his tongue penetrated deep into your folds. The vibrations that flowed through you pussy as he hummed with desire send you over the edge.
"Ahh, FUCK!" Your juices gushed all over his face as he tongue fucked you through your orgasm. He licked all your sweet liquids off you before he is looking at you with a pleased smile.
 "You taste like an oasis, babe." he praised, and you blushed. He crawled up on you and gave you a taste of yourself. The kiss was passionate, and your tongues danced lovingly together.
"Wanna ride me, babe, or you want me to rail you into the mattress?" A smug grin on his face. - "Why not both, but I'd like to start riding you while my legs still work.” You suggested.
He smiled devilishly at you and turned you both around so that he was on his back and you were on top of him. You sat up and positioned yourself over him. He held his cock still as you slowly slid yourself down and buried his cock deep inside you.
"You feel sooo good, Ace." You praise him as you put your hands on his abs for more balance.
"Says the one driving me crazy with those needy hot walls."
You chuckled and started riding him at a slow pace. One of his hands was on your hip and the second teased your clit every now and then. Your sweaty bodies moved in harmony and the clashing of your hips filled the room with a sweet symphony that, together with the moans that escaped from both of you in sheer pleasure, created a passionate melody. Your movements became sloppy as the knot in your stomach continued to tighten and Ace placed his second hand on your hips as well, as he began to thrust into you from below.
You gasped as he hit your sweet spot deep inside you and a smirk appeared on his face. Your nails clawed deep into his chest as he hit the same spot over and over, bringing you closer to the edge with every thrust. He hissed in pleasure as your nails dug into his flesh.
“Oh god, you’re so good to me. I don’t deserve you.” – “Ahhh, Ace, please.” You plead as you were about to climax.
“It’s okay babe, cum for me.” He said as he sped up his movements. Your knot snapped and your climax hit you hard. You pressed your shaking legs into Ace’s ribs and clawed into your own breasts as you screamed his name. The sight was breathtaking and your walls squeezed him mercilessly and not a second later Ace was slamming your hips onto his cock, spraying his seed deep inside you.
You took your time to calm your breathing and remained seated on his still twitching cock. You looked down at him through half-lidded eyes, the pleasure clearly visible on both of your faces. He reached for your cheek and you leaned down to capture his lips in a kiss. It was so soft and sweet and full of love that no words were needed.
When you pulled back a little, he looked deep into your eyes. "You are so sweet my love, what do you want to try next?"
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©Strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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juliasturnz · 2 months
“Your turn to relax.”
Hi my looovess, I am absolutely in love with writing, I’m trying to write as much as possible so I can spoil y’all hihi.🤪
pet names (sweetheart, baby ml (my love) more..) cussing, making out / kissing ect- i think that’s all enjoy🤭
you always have been giving matt little spa days, a little skincare routine or even a massage. He wants to bring change in that
Little note
Thank you all so much for the likes reblogs and the sweet comments, I’m beyond grateful for this. I hope y’all like this one toooo have fun reading♥️
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。° ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。
you are laying down in your bed with a smile on your face just by thinking about yesterday, you and Matt that the most amazing night, y’all watched a few movies, did skincare together, Matt giving you a lot of kisses and hugs and him even sleeping at your place.
when you realize he had slept over you look next to you but he isn’t there, ‘huh he slept over right?’ You say out loud. You look closer and you see a little letter on his side, you curiously pick the tiny letter from his side and flip the perfect folded pink paper open. You quickly read the the message “hi baby, I have something planned for today. Because of that I already left pretty early to take care of everything, be ready around 6PM. I already know you are going to be looking gorgeous, I love you, see you soon!🩷” you smile at the paper with the beautiful handwriting and the exciting news written on it.
you decided to call Nick, he obviously knows about you and Matt but you just needed some help with a good outfit. “Hey y/n hruuu?” “Hey Nick I’m doing goooddd, but I need a favor rq .. can you come to my house? Matt has this whole date planned and I have no fucking idea what i want to wear, and since your the fashion icon I wondered if you want to come over” “I’m good too thanks” he says jokingly, you giggle through the phone and before you get to say please, what he already knows you were going to say he says, “but yeah ofcourse I’ll be there in 25 minutes I need to get ready, I just woke up and need to call a Uber.” You could clearly tell he just woke up by the sound of his raspy voice.“Take your time okay?” You say comforting through the phone. “Don’t worry I will”
right after he hangs up you start to pick something he can choose from. A long tight dark blue dress with black heels, or a mini skirt with a black top and a leather jacket and black high boots or a short dark red dress with shoes you are still not sure about. So it’s basically, drive Matt insane, him complementing you or him going even more insane. With that thought slipping into your head you kind of already know what you wanna wear, but maybe Nick had something that would make the outfit better, bc these ones are just a bit plain and boring.
You spend your time waiting for him to come over by eating some pancakes with chocolate syrup that made you think of Matt, and watching the last episode of Ginny and Georgia. When you finally have eaten all of your pancakes and watched until the last minute of your jaw dropping ending from your series you hear the doorbell.
You run to the front door and open it quick, ‘hey Niickk!’ You say very exited. You were always exited when he came around, he always brought some sort of aura with him that would make you feel happy. ‘Hey girrll!’ he says while giving you a hug. You quickly invite him in with a already very excited look on your face. ‘Sooo do you want something to drink or? Oh wait did you have breakfast yet I c’- he interrupts you ‘did you seriously make chocolate syrup pancakes’ he says with a mind blowing look. ‘Yesss why?’ You say with a suspicious look knowing what he’s gonna say already. ‘Okay that just makes me sick to my stomach, I am not gonna ask further’ you start laughing at his disgusted face. ‘But no thank you I’ll grab something from your fridge later.’ He says right after you were done laughing at his face still looking disgusted.
a little while later you wave him to come with you to your bedroom with the paired clothing laying on your bed. ‘Wait I’m gonna grab some Dr Pepper and I’ll be there okay?’ He says with a comforting smile. ‘Yeah sure!’ You are going to your bedroom bringing some light into your still dark room, when Nick bangs into your room with a big music box and entering your bedroom with literal girlboss music. You start laughing so hard you trip over pile of clothes on your bedroom floor. ‘Omg are you okay’ Nick says while stopping the music and laughing even harder looking at your clumsy ass tripping over your clothes. ‘Yes I’m okay’ you say still laughing while you’re now sitting on the pile of clothes.
When you both finally reach the topic of the clothes you are going to wear, Nick already says ‘do whatever you feel like you want to wear.’ You point at the short dark red dress, ‘oh hell yes’ he says while nodding his head. ‘Okay hear me out, what if you put that leather jacket from the other outfit on top of it. And omg with those high black boots’ You gasp ‘oh my god Nick, you actually need to give me advice for my outfits everyday.’ He gives a warm smile. You quickly get the stuff you want to wear and come back from the bathroom. Nick gasps at the sight of his created look on you, ‘oh my god you look fucking amazing’ his face scans your outfit, ‘you look really really good girl!’ You get a little uncomfortable from the amount of compliments you get. You hang out with Nick for a while and you say you were going to get ready. You look kinda nervous, you are a bit unsure about the situation. Obviously not about the date but you just stress a little bit about what he has planned since he left so early. ‘You are going to be fine, that mf loves you forever.’ Nick says when he noticed your worried look, you smile and say thank you, ‘oh yeah also a big big big big thank you for helping me with my outfit and hanging out today, I really enjoyed it!’ You give Nick a big hug and he leaves your home.
You put on your playlist and start getting ready, a soft glam with a little bit of glitter on your eyes, dark red lipstick and lastly some deodorant and Matt’s favorite cologne. You take a full length mirror picture and send it to Nick. He’s online right away and sends you a lot of compliments.
When it’s finally time you put on one time some deodorant and again Matt’s favorite cologne. You put the things you need quickly in a handbag, when you already hear the familiar honk from Matt’s car. You check in a nervous rush if you have everything and run to the front door
Matt’s jaw drops at the sight of you in Nick’s paired outfit. He moves closer and grabs your waist and gives you a passionate kiss on your mouth, he hasn’t said anything yet which makes you nervous until he finally speaks up. ‘You are the most beautiful woman I’ve been laid my eyes on.’ He says while he’s still admiring your outfit and your body in the outfit. ‘Do a spin for me’ he says, you know damn well he just wants to see your ass in the dress but ofcourse you still do your casual spin. His eyes follow the curves of you body and he gives you another kiss on your lips. ‘Are you ready?’ He says with a smile on his face ‘yesss im so excited I’- you couldn’t even finish your sentence when he already grabbed your arm and opened the car door for you. ‘Okay mister fancy pants’ you say with a flirty smile on your face. He shuts the door with a smile when you buckled up, and walked to the drivers seat. He opens the door silently and falls into the drivers seat next to you and gives you another kiss, ‘you look so gorgeous, just like I said on the tiny letter.’ he says with a cute little smile on his face. He starts the car and plays music, he dances, sings and keeps looking at you when a romantic lyric plays. You’ve never see him this excited before, all of your nervousness flows away. You let your boyfriend guide you to the first location of tonight.
You stop at this beautiful fancy restaurant, you look at Matt while he just smiles at your surprised face. He could look at your beautiful face forever. ‘Should we go inside then?’ He says still with the same smile on his face. You are surprised that we are at a restaurant, Matt doesn’t even like restaurants. ‘Matt this is insane isn’t this crazy expensive?’ ‘Y/n I have one rule for tonight’ he says with a suspicious look, ‘you can’t ask questions about the places we are going to go to.’ Wait did he say places? before you can ask a question on what the fuck is happening, he already steps out of the car walks to your side and opens your door, and takes your hand.
When y’all cross the street while holding each other’s hand, you arrive at the probably the most fanciest restaurant you’ve ever seen. You look at Matt and you already catch him looking at you before you open the door and go into the restaurant he gives you another kiss on your lips. You laugh at his now dark red lips, you go into the restaurant, ‘Matt wait imma get you a wet wipe’ you say laughing. ‘Wait what’ he looks confused, he opens his phone to check and his cheeks turn a little red when he realizes. You can’t help but keep laughing when you are on your way getting a wet wipe for Matt’s now dark red lips.
When you return to your boyfriend aggressively wiping his lips not getting it off, you start laughing even more then you did before. ‘You are such a dumbass I knew this was going to happen’ you say giggling. ‘Omg I’m so embarrassed, you just look so good and I’- before you wipe his red lips you give him another kiss. Without you noticing he already has his hands on your waist again.
You finally start wiping the red lipstick from his lips he can’t help but just stare at your lips. ‘I want to kiss you more this night did you have to put on that lipstick?’ He says with a needy tone. ‘I thought you’d like it’ you say with a sarcastic sad face, ‘oh shut up’ he kisses you again what makes you laugh even harder when he realizes.
After you both finally actually got to the point that Matt’s lips weren’t red anymore he took your hand and checks in, ‘yes a table for 2’ he says to the man behind the counter. ‘To what name?’ He asks politely ‘for miss and mr Sturniolo’ he looks at you with a innocent smile, he knows so damn well. ‘Yes come with me please.’ The waiter guides us to the best place in the restaurant you can think of. When the waiter leaves you two alone, you immediately speak up. ‘What the fuck Matt, this is insaaane I love you so much.’ ‘Did you like the fact that I called us mr and miss Sturniolo?’ He gives you a naughty smile. ‘Yes a lot’ you say giggling a little. ‘Good’ he smiles at you in a way you’ve never seen before. You want to ask him about that when the waiter comes to the table. He hands out 2 menus and leaves, you open the menu and your mouth falls open. ‘9 dollars for a Coca Cola is absolutely insane, are you sure you want to eat here?’ You look up to see Matt already lost in the big menu looking for what he’s gonna order. How does he even look pretty when he’s literally looking into a fucking menu. You are not gonna ask him again he already looks so interested, it really warms your heart.
He looks up at you ‘what are going to get’ he asks with a cute smile, you can’t seem to answer its all so expensive and you feel really bad for just asking for a Coca Cola. He sees your frustrated look, ‘hey y/n it’s okay’ he grabs your soft hands. ‘You can get whatever you want I’ll take care of it.’ His hands touching yours is what caught your attention. ‘I feel so bad Matt, how is a steak more then 40 dollars like hello?!’ he squeezes your hands and nods and says the same sentence once again, ‘it’s okay I’ll take care of it.’
a conversation has started when you both ordered and got your food, ‘so what do you think,’ he looks innocent, very curious about what your answer is going to be. ‘I love it so much but I literally feel so bad, why did you randomly make a date night’ you say in a calm tone. ‘I thought it was your time to relax’ you smile at him, ‘it seemed like you really needed it, it is always you who makes the dates and because it was my first one organizing it I wanted to make it special, but I kinda got carried away’ you giggle at the thought of him getting carried away by trying to organize a special night just for you. ‘I’m really lucky to have the most handsome, sweet and caring man infront of me rn.’ ‘I love you so much y/n’ for a minute you are just staring at his beautiful blue eyes, you are convinced he has the prettiest eyes you’ve ever seen. But his look changes when he realizes ‘I have one favor rn, you need to eat your food a little quicker okay?’ You look at him confused but it seemed like he meant it so you did.
You both finished your food and you say thank you again. ‘I’m so beyond grateful for this I love you,’ ‘I love you too baby.’ ‘I’m going to the bathroom rq okay? I’ll be right back.’ While you stand up you can feel Matt staring at your ass, you look back and look at him with a naughty smile.
You arrive at the bathroom and take of your red lipstick, and when you come back your boyfriend is waiting for you right outside the bathroom. ‘I love the way you took of your lipstick’ ‘I took care of everything btw’ he kisses you right away while his hands lock on your waist, you give him another kiss ‘thank you baby but you didn’t have to, I could’ve helped.’ ‘No it’s totally okay’ he smiles at you and you both leave the beautiful restaurant with your hands holding each other tightly.
It’s a beautiful dark night, you are with him in the car again and you can’t help but kiss his perfect pink lips again. Once again you tell him how much you appreciate this night.
You arrive at the most beautiful place ever, it’s one of the places that is your personal favorite at night. The beach, when you already hear the sound of the sea you can’t believe what your hearing. Matt could already tell you knew, he smiles at you, ‘oh my god no fucking way’
Right in front of you is the most gorgeous sea you probably ever seen. This time you almost jump out of the car run around to the other side and take Matt’s hand. ‘My love wait I got some things in the back of the car for us to lay on yk?’ ‘Oh my god this night can’t get any better ahhhhh!’ Matt is now full on laughing at your reaction. ‘What are you laughing at!’ You give Matt a stomp on his shoulder ‘you look so happy it makes me giggle’
You guys are now laying down on a soft blanket with pillows, snacks, soda’s and these cute small beach chairs. You have your head laid down in his lap. A thought slips in your head. ‘Oh my god can we go swim pretty pleeeasse?’ He looks down at you confused ‘we don’t have like swimwear on rn right?’ ‘We have our underwear hellooo?’ Matt agrees and you almost jump from excitement. He loves seeing you happy, and he loved to do everything for it.
You take of your short red dress and large black boots, Matt hasn’t took of his clothes yet he just liked to watch you. You turn around and you realize ‘oh you naughty little boy!’ Before he takes of his clothes you say ‘now I have the same right watching you getting undressed.’ His cheeks turn a little pink from your face scanning his body while he undresses. you walk over to him and go sit down no not on the chairs he bought, on his lap. You lean into the best kiss yet, he lays his hands on your waist and moves you around a bit. You feel a tent growing right under you. You get of him and you bite your lip, ‘can we go swimming now I didn’t took my clothes of for nothing.’ He gives you a sarcastic offended look. ‘You are a little meanie, you know that right.’ You giggle seeing him in such a needy way.
You take his hand and you two run into the water, you kiss him right away and you guys just keep laughing and kissing for a while. ‘I’m not kidding this is probably the best night I’ve had in my entire life’ Matt’s has the biggest smile ever on his face, ‘not gonna lie I love this night also so much.’ And once again you laid your lips on his lips again.
After a while you both agreed to get out of the water you dry off and get back in the car with everything packed up again. ‘You can grab my hoodie I have one laid in the back’ he says while you pack up the last things in the back the car. ‘Okay thank you baby,’ ‘I probably have a combo in there so maybe there are sweatpants to have no idea.’ ‘I’ll go look thank you ml!’ You kind of yell bc Matt is already waiting for you in the drivers seat.
You are almost home when you realize you don’t go into the right streets, ‘wait what are you doing? These aren’t the streets you need to go to?’ Matt turns his head to you and just smiles ‘were going to my house.’ ‘Oh my god no way!’ Your smile only grows wider and wider this evening.
You arrive at his place and again jump out of the car from excitement. You run to Matt’s side and hug him really tight, ‘I love you sosososo much’ ‘I love you more sweetheart!’ He grabs the stuff from the beach and just lays it down in the garage. ‘I can take that upstairs if you want it i’- ‘no need to baby, I’ll tell Chris to clean it.’ He gives you a kiss and takes you upstairs to the living room where Nick and Chris are watching E.T. once again. ‘Hi guuuys!’ ‘Hi y/n!’ Chris and Nick say at the same time. ‘How did your date go?’ Chris asks ‘omg I need to tell you guys everything!’ You walk over to the couch and tell Nick and Chris to swoop so you could sit right in between them. Matt walks over to get some snacks and watches you tell everything about the amazing night he worked so hard on to organize. Meanwhile Nick looks over to look at Matt and smiles at him and gives him a thumbs up. ‘That’s so amazing!’ Nick says while Chris just keeps on asking about it. ‘Alright dude, can I take her now’ Matt says ‘she’s all yours bro’ Chris says. ‘Bye guuuyss have fun watching E.T.!!’
You walk down the hallway with Matt and he opens the door, ‘wait what?’ Your eyes are wide open by another surprise waiting in his bedroom. ‘Oh my god no fucking way!’ You walk into his room with his bed covered in snacks and soda’s once again. On his night stands are laying down different kinds of sheet face masks.
‘I guess we’re trying them on then’ Matt says you still stand next to him with your jaw wide open. Matt giggles a bit and gives you a little kiss on your cheek, ‘you deserved this’ you finally put your jaws together look at Matt and give him a big hug and a kiss on his lips.
‘So do you want to put on the tiger sheet mask on or should I?’ Matt looks at you but you are already holding up a pug mask ‘oh my god this is the one!’ Matt’s jaw drops ‘no way I brought a pug one..’ you start laughing ‘I bet you know you did.’ ‘No seriously I’- you give him another kiss to shut him up and pull the pug mask out of the plastic. ‘Ew it’s all wet’ Matt looks at the mask with a disgusted face, ‘duh that’s the whole point of it dumbass!’ You start giggling and help Matt put his mask on. ‘I think I’m going to go for a clay mask.’ You say jokingly. ‘No fucking way, you are also going to put a animal on your face. I ain’t going to be the only one!’ ‘I was just joking bae.’ You start almost crying laughing at his face when he realizes how dumb he sounded. Nick and Chris bursted into the room, ‘WHAT THE FUCK!’ Nick yells, he immediately pulls out his phone and takes a picture of Matt. ‘DUDE ARE YOU SERIOUS.’ ‘This is definitely going on the photodumb this Friday!’ Chris gives you a wink and they leave the room. ‘I hate those stupid mfs.’ ‘No you don’t.’ You started giggling at his mad face. ‘Come’ you give him a passionate kiss, ‘I love you so much my love.’ ‘I love you more baby.’
—————————⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎—————————
Sorry the end is a bit confusing but I couldn’t find a right time to end the story and I loved writing this one so I kept on writing hehe🥳
@042502 @mattsfavbitchhh @mattttypooh @mattspolitank @mattsgf @matts-k1tten @slutz4sturniolos @hollandsangel @hoeformatt @h3arts4harry @hoesformatt @strawberrysturniolo @sturniolonmc @sturnioz @sturniololvrrr @sturnslcver @stuniolvs @sturnizolo @sturniololoverr @sturniolo @sturnioloshacker @chris-slut @chrissv4mp @chrisshotdog @chrissfawn @sturnzwrld @sturnzyolo @sturnzsblog @sturnzluv @sturnzluv @sturnzsun @sturnsbaby @sturnsdoll @sturnsblunt @sturnsstars
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melensolo · 1 year
Yan! Chuuya x gn! reader Tw: implied murder, implied stalking, kidnapping, implied drugging
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You didn’t know how or why he chose you, you don’t know why Chuuya took interest in an ordinary cafe worker; but he did. 
Every day he would walk in, three o’clock sharp. He always brought flowers, chocolates, or other gifts of the sort and gave them to you. He’d request that you make his coffee too. At the time you didn’t know he was in the Port Mafia. How would you know?
On one particular day, he had waited for you to get off work. You don’t know why he was waiting, and frankly you didn’t want to find out. He was nice and all, but you weren’t looking for a relationship. You had just been presumingly dumped. Your boyfriend of six months ghosted you out of nowhere about a month ago, and honestly you can’t find yourself to care that much.
You tried to leave without the ginger man noticing you, but he was watching you the whole time. “Hey, Y/N!” he shouted, catching up to you. Once he was walking beside you he asked if you liked the flowers.
“They’re nice, tulips are my favorite. Thank you, I have to go.” you said quickly, trying to leave.
He put his arm in front of you, stopping your movements. “Woah, wait a second-”
“Excuse me?” you said, offended he was blocking your path. You just wanted to get home.
“Sorry, I was hoping we could talk?” He put his arm down. 
“Sorry but I can’t-”
For a second his face turned dark. “Please, Y/N.”
You sighed, you just wanted to go home. 
The whole conversation that he was so eager to have with you was the reason you find yourself in this unfamiliar room. Unable to leave. 
He had confessed his attraction to you, and you told him you weren’t interested. You didn’t even know anything aside from his name. You should’ve known he wouldn’t leave you alone. 
The next day, he came late. He came right at the end of your shift, at 6pm. 
He had a box of chocolates and an apologetic look on his face. “I’m sorry about yesterday, I didn’t mean to come off like that.” He handed you the box and you took it. You would’ve felt bad if you hadn’t. It also helped that you loved chocolate. 
When you got back to your small, one-bedroom apartment, you noticed your window open. That was odd, you usually shut it. You shut and locked the window. You opened the box of chocolate and took just one. You bit into it and it tasted amazing. He always got the best chocolate you must admit. 
You went to your bathroom and got your daily bath ready. Your body started feeling tired and your head was aching. You could feel yourself begin to sway as your eyesight started getting hazy. Before you knew it, you couldn’t stand and you fell. You could hear the bathroom door open and the last thing you remember seeing was a pair of black shoes in front of your face.
When you woke up you were terrified. There was no light, it was pure darkness. You couldn’t move your hands, something was restraining you to some sort of board. You were laying down on something comfortable, a bed. 
You started yelling for help. None came.
You had no time on what day it was, when you got here, or even what time it was. You felt yourself start to cry. 
That’s when you saw a sliver of light and a creaking sound come with it. A few moments after that the lights came on. It took your eyes a second to adjust to the sudden light. Then you saw him, the guy you had rejected the day before. 
“Chuuya.” you attempted to sound strong, but it came out more as a weak croak from your crying just moments before.
He looked at you, satisfactory evident on his face. 
“Chuuya, please help me.” you pleaded. 
“We both know I can’t do that.” He said as he started walking towards you. 
Realization hit you. “Did you do this to me?” 
He bent down and got close to your face. He moved your hair behind your ear before kissing your cheek. Dread pooled in your stomach.
“I know you’re gonna want to run away, so I had to cuff you–but you can gain my trust over time, okay Love?”
“Chuuya,” you whispered
“Hmm?” “If you let me go, I won’t tell a soul– I promise.”
He stood up. “I can’t.” 
A tear slid down your cheek and he wiped it away, he looked at you with pity. “You’ll learn to love me and accept this, my lovely.”
He turned to walk to the door, “I’ll be back later, I promise. I have to go finish up some stuff with work, okay?”
He stopped and looked at you. “What is it?” 
“People are going to notice my absence, they’re gonna look for me.. And you’re gonna face heavy consequences if you don’t let me go! Please for you and me..”
He laughed at you. 
“Like how they noticed your boyfriend’s absence?”
Time seemed to stop. He couldn’t have, could he? You felt sick, you wanted to die.
“Cheer up, your eyes are going to get puffy.” he joked.
Then the lights went out again.
What did I do to deserve this, you asked yourself over and over again.
You didn’t ask for this.
You didn’t want this.
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gayvampyr · 2 years
i really wish people without adhd could truly comprehend the scope of time blindness. like yeah everyone occasionally gets the feeling that time flew by but with adhd it’s impossible to tell how long it’s been. i am not exaggerating when i say i woke up at 9, went to class for around 2 hours, came back to my dorm, got on my phone for 30 minutes and suddenly it was 6pm and dark outside. because it genuinely only felt like a few hours! i haven’t eaten at all today because i missed all the signals my body is supposed to give me to tell me i’m hungry and if no time is passing, why would i need to eat when i just ate “a few hours ago” (yesterday)?
i’ve sat down to write a paper, checking the clock as i got started, and then forgot the hour and only remembered the last two digits (minute) when i started. by the time i finished writing, the minute on the clock was 5 after, and i could not for the life of me figure out if 5 minutes had gone by or an hour and 5 minutes, maybe even 2. like we really do not sense the passage of time. “oh sorry i haven’t texted you in three months, i thought it was last week.” like !!!!
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master-john-uk · 5 months
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Sir Winston Churchill, Westerham, Kent.
Following yesterday's surgical procedure, I arrived back in Westerham shortly after 6pm this evening.
I thought I felt fit and well when I woke up after the operation yesterday... but, I may have been a little delirious. Although I did not feel like eating, I asked to see the hospital's dinner menu... and then complained that they had no red wine on offer!
Apart from being very tired, I am now feeling much better.
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Can you also do a oneshot where R falls asleep ok Scars couch in her trailor and Scar is all motherly once she sees you?
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Authors note: Posting something small and fluffy today because I feel like crap. Enjoy reading! ♥
It was 3.30am and the alarm clock woke you up rudely. Still half asleep, you opened your eyes and roughly pressed the switch-off button on it. You wished you could sleep a littler longer, but you knew work was calling- today was another day on the set of Black Widow. With an annoyed and tired grumble, you weakly rubbed your eyes and sat up under the covers in your bed. Immediately, a strange heat hit you. As you touched your forehead, you felt the heat and sweat pouring out of your pores.
-Damn it. Why are you getting sick now?!- you pondered annoyed and got up. With a yawn and aching limbs, you opened the curtains of your bedroom and let the sun in. The warm rays felt good on your skin but quickly sending a shiver down your spine, goosebumps forming on your body.
A look in the mirror told you that you were not looking good at all. Dark circles under your normally bright eyes adorned your pale skin. The blood had rushed to your cheeks and generated the inner warmth that you had experienced a few seconds ago.
You groaned briefly and averted your gaze from the mirror. -I cannot afford to be sick. If anyone notices, they will send me home and production will be put on hold for the time, that is not possible. If Scar and Flo will notice anything, they will worry- you murmured to yourself and laboriously began to get ready.
Less than thirty minutes later, you were done and tiredly dragging yourself down the stairs while holding on to the banister. Your legs felt heavy and shaky, unwilling to carry your body. Your step was sluggish and there were a few moments when you had to lean against the wall or stop in your tracks to catch your breath.
Quickly preparing your water bottle and your bag with car keys and yesterdays prepared lunch in a Tupperware, you nervously walked out the door. You knew that you only had to be in a good mood so that you could overshadow your illness, which would be quite exhausting and tedious in the long run- after all, your day lasted until 6pm today and both of your colleagues had eagerly eyes and a sense of your well-being.
Your lunch break rolled around. You tried to act out your scenes as best as you could and were now briefly free while Scarlett and Florence acted out their infamous fight scene in Budapest.
With trembling hands, you opened the door to your trailor and entered it before you heard the door close again with a gentle kick of your foot. You staggered to the sofa at the other end of the small room and flopped down on it; the exhaustion was too high.
You felt the unbearable heat all over your body combined with an coldness stretching all over your body and the throbbing pain of your headache. Added to this was the even greater tiredness that suffocated you. You just wanted to sleep during your break and so it happened that you fell asleep without further ado.
Except that it was not really your trailor- you did not pay attention to the name written in black letters on a piece of paper by the door. You just wanted to rest and sleep so badly.
Worried, Florence and Scarlett had been searching desperately for you after you did not come back to the set. Calls and messages they sent you went straight to voicemail, they found your phone without you in your trailor which had been empty.
"Her car is still here, she can´t be gone." the younger one indicated and Scarlett nodded in acknowledgement. Her lips were pressed together and her brow furrowed as she chewed the inside of her cheek thoughtfully. "Her bag is still here, her lunch and water.. all untouched."
A thought immediately came to Scarlett´s mind and she smiled briefly. From the beginning of the recording, you had confused her place of retreat with yours, you had often accidentally burst in on her when she was conducting conversations and interviews. "Come with me, I know where our kid is."
Both literally jumped out of the car and Florence walked after the older one like a puppy.
Scarlett´s caravan was right next to yours and she quickly pulled open the large, aluminum door. They both entered and recognized your figure in the farthest corner immediately. A deep laugh escaped the Briton at the sight of you; you were crouched like a small burrito in a fetus position, facing away from then, sleeping peacefully and unconcernedly on the leather sofa.
Scarlett twisted her torso back towards the door, gently placing her index finger on her plump lips and nodded her head towards you. Florence understood and tried to take her steps hesitantly on the creaking trailor floor, not wanting to wake you up.
Slowly, the red-head walked towards you, placing her hands on your shoulders and gently pushing you onto the sofa before pulling her coat off her shoulders and carefully spreading it over your body, noticing the chills and tremors of your it underneath her delicate touch. Your cheeks were flushed and warm, your body temperature lower than it should be.
"She is running a fever," she whispered as she sat down in the vacant seat next to you and placed her cool hand on your forehead. "No wonder she´s so calm and silent today."
Florence nodded in concern and pursed her lips while jerking her head to the side, walking towards you with worry. "What do you think she has?"
"I guess it comes from the stress. Due to the constant strain of job and study, her entire organism is in a permanent state of alarm." the younger blonde sighed in confirmation and rolled her eyes at the thought that you had not taken care of yourself lately, had put your health at risk and were now quietly torturing yourself without telling them.
Both were silent for a moment and watched at your sleeping figure; both Florence and Scarlett thought you looked so terribly hurt at that moment.
Although you were the smallest and shortest of the tree of you, you were the sportiest and fittest. You were the one who actually had the healthiest lifestyle and who, despite your incredible strength, also seemed weak and fragile at one point.
Both encompassed the sudden feeling of needing to protect you and to help you get a regular and healthy daily routine back, even if it meant that from now on they had to pay even more attention to you and see how you were doing. Much more than usual.
After all, you had become one of the most important things in their lives for both of them. At just 27 years old, you were like a daughter to Scarlett and a younger sister to Flo.
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nicistrying · 14 days
Sun 8th Sep
Nothing really to report, I just want to put my thoughts and feelings into the void to look back on later.
Woke up this morning feeling better than yesterday. Lay cuddling Maggie, went downstairs and watched the last episode of Bly Manor with a cup of tea. Did some housework. Got a little moody while doing it bc I remembered shitty comments my sister in law makes about the house a lot when we see her. I just think she's so fucking rude, we have a black long haired dog how are we going to have a spotless house. I clean it every fucking weekend but it literally lasts 10 minutes and everything is dirty again either from the man or the dog I live with. Anyway put my earphones in to drown out those thoughts, had a sing and dance while hoovering. Got dressed to go out to visit a load of family and got sad and overwhelmed. My mam told my nanna I would go visit her today too so we had 4 visits to do instead of 3 which would already have been tiring. So we visited step-grandma who is a pain in the arse like EVERYTHING is a drama with her she's so negative and it's exhausting (ik I can't talk atm I'm no better). Then Nanna Mary which did cheer me up a lot to be fair. She told us about her trip out to the museum with the blind society she goes out with 🥹 she's my hero. She's not blind or even partially blind, she just goes along for fun with her friend who is partially sighted. Then we went to Matt's parents' and that went pretty much how we expected it to. They were okay, it was just hard work. Then we went to see my mams and had a nice little catch up with them.
When we finally got home I was so exhausted I just crawled into bed. Had a cuddle with Maggie and got a bit sad, because I was lying in bed at 6pm duh. In hindsight I could have stretched or even just watched tv and I probably would have felt better but I just felt exposed downstairs and wanted to hide in my duvet. But I just keep thinking I still haven't had a 'day off' since before our honeymoon. Not one day where I haven't had to work, or visit someone, or go somewhere or do something. For like 3 weeks at least, and before that was the wedding. So yeah I think I'm just really tired and overwhelmed and I think that's okay. I just have to push through the work week and try to take care of myself gently, and next weekend I can relax. Matt is working all weekend so he'll have the car so I won't physically be able to go out to visit anyone lol. Anyway that's what's happening. Yo-yoing between 'I feel quite depressed and overwhelmed and shit so I must be lazy and shit' to 'it's okay that I feel shit and I just need to be nice to myself through it and try to do some things that will help'. I feel like I'm walking a veeeery thin line 😂
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stonerskinny · 2 months
well now my scale also says 265 so i KNOW it’s real
luckily i fell asleep at like 6pm yesterday so i didn’t have to worry about evening binge urges 🫶 the universe wants me to hit my goals fr
despite saying i’d never vape again i woke up at 1am and hit it for an hr straight until i threw up bile. l m a o
it is now in the trash along with an absolutely disgusting pair of shorts that got lost at the bottom of my laundry basket for 6 weeks and got MOLDY?????? so. good steps.
i think im scared im gonna not be able to handle not having the whole hand-to-mouth situation anymore while also restricting. like i know ill feel so much better in like three days once the nic has left my system because i won’t be so nauseous all the time. but at the same time what if vaping so much is actually the secret ingredient to my weight loss and i just don’t realize it now and then i end up sabotaging myself?
perhaps i am in slightly deeper than i’d like to admit lol
did not actually schedule my next dr appt so while i know it’s supposed to be in october i have some control over when, exactly. the issue with this is that, well. i don’t exactly want my doc to be like “hey, woah, what the fuck?” but she doesn’t GET IT i have GOALS TO REACH this is literally life or death aka i am content to die trying to get to a place where im happy w myself lol. losing is the goal but dying is a welcome side effect…? im so fucked.
tbh at this point i think my goal is to lose enough in a short enough time that i get rediagnosed. i would do anything to be deserving of a spot in the atypical ana club 🥲 but i don’t know if ill ever get there.
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thecurseoflife · 7 months
CHAPTER 20 : Planning the Rebellion
Camalia woke up feeling rested and refreshed. Yesterday was a big step for her, and it seems that the night settled her doubts and confirmed her path.
Unaware of the change, she jumped on her feet, put the blanket and pillow away, settled her guitare on her shoulders and left for the kitchen. Since they were in a castle, it was huge. There was food scattered everywhere, testimony of the panic the cooks must have felt. Clementine and Andrew were already there, obviously not even trying to tidy up the place, having only cleaned up one side of the table they were eating on.
They barely even lifted their eyes to greet her, and Camalia did the same. If they actually left all the food on the floor, it might rot faster and the room would become paved with some weird goo and filled with a horrible smell. She picked eveything up and carefully put them back to their place, going as far as even dusting the place.
Once she was happy with it, she sat to eat as well, the two Saporians long gone by now. The girl was starting to feel a bit lonely when a merry, and very loud group of people entered.
Camalia turned around to greet Varian, followed closely by Juniper that was busy messing with him. Behind them, Maisie and Kai were quietly laughing at some inside joke they made.
The music mage was kind of surprised to see that her friend was still in his torn clothes, and not the shiny, new, better-then-hers ones he promised. Catching her curious look, the alchemist immediatly defended himself.
-It isn't ready yet. After all, such a masterpiece, it takes some time to be made, heh. What about you ? I don't see any new fabric on you either.
-Well, uh... It isn't ready either ! What do you think ? Mine is, hum... really cool too !
Varian gave her a look of disbelief and smiled.
-Mmh, yeah you don't sound very convinced. Good ! Not that I feared that your clothing would be better than my gorgeous, manly one, but hey ! Nice to know.
Camalia mumbled something under her breath, red with both embarrassment and irritation, before stuffing her face with some salad. The boy chuckled and sat beside her, Juniper, Maisie and Kai, that had followed the interraction with much interest, sitting on the other side of the table. They all had their breakfast as a noisy, happy mess before splitting up to finish the clothes.
Juniper stopped in her track, turning to Camalia that hadn't moved yet.
-What are you doing, princess ? Don't you want to win the bet ?
The girl stretched and grinned.
-Of course I do ! But I would really like to take a walk first. I never could in my cell, but I've always dreamed of just taking a morning walk after some good breakfast !
What a weird dream to have. But Juniper couldn't care less and shrugged before leaving the kitchen.
-Alright, do what you want. But I'm not doing it in your place, I'll be waiting in the princess' room when you're done.
She wasn't lying when she said she dreamed about it. Taking a walk. It was such a futile thing. A thing she could've so easily done with her key. And she wasn't lying when she said she really felt like taking a walk right after eating. She didn't lie, that's for sure. So, Camalia left the kitchen and did exactly as she said. She strolled around the castle, literally, around it. She took a quick glance out of every single window. If she met anyone, she would slow down her track and gaze outside for longer, as if she was lost in thought and something had caught her eyes. The person would look too, but seeing nothing, would shrug and pass.
It took a little while, but she finally saw it. It was really discreet, still in the shadows of the morning, hidden to those that don't search for it. A quick glance was all it took. It was written with water, and would be gone by midday, evaporated by the sun. 6PM, uh ? Well. She had time to win her bet.
She finished her walk, more peacefully, truly letting her mind wander and calm itself. Camalia got to the princess' room feeling fresh and ready to work. She opened it and was greeted by Juniper, that closed her book and they resumed the sewing process.
2 hours later, and the clothes were done ! Once Juniper was out of the room, Camalia stripped and changed to the new clothes. It was made of a light red scarf with some spikes, matching with a darker red open on the sides dress. From the same fabrix, there were gloves that went up to her elbow. She was wearing some tight black shorts under the dress, for obvious reasons. To complete it all, she had found a bunch of jewels that clashed with the red. One golden belt that was surprisingly confortable to wear, two gold bracelets, 4 anklets, two on each foot, and some weird skull shapped hairclip. She swirled around, admiring herself in the mirror. It was the first time she had been wearing anything other than her cell clothes since she was a kid.
Juniper knocked lightly, checking if the kid was done.
-Come in !
-Oh, well look at that ! Fit you like a glove ! We really did a good job on that.
The woman looked up and down, appreciating their hardwork, and her eyes fell on Camalia's bare feet. She pointed at them, intrigued.
-What about that ? I don't know how to make shoes. I guess we could steal some from-
-No no no ! No need ! I actually feel really comfortable like this, it's fine.
Juniper rose an eyebrow.
-Are you sure, princess ? You could cut yourself and get an infection or something like that. Shoes are not just there to be pretty.
Camalia smiled and nodded. It just felt right. Per usual, Juniper brushed it off and inspected her hair instead. She suggested changing the style, as it wasn't really fitting with the three hairclips pressed against eachother in her single braid. She muttered about how her hair was remarkably strong, and may not need protective hairstyle.
-Say, how long does it take you to wash your hair ?
-What ? I-I don't know ? It's uh... I don't know ! It depends, I guess !
-You don't have to give me a precise time, just guess.
-I-I would say, hum... Between 1 and 2 hours ? I suppose ? I don't know. I feel stupid saying that. It's probably less.
Juniper nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer. She shuffled the kid's hair a bit, while still muttering.
-Mmh, and do you straighten it ?
-No ? Why would I do that ?
Juniper made the "I don't know" sound and kept feeling her hair for a bit before nodding.
-Your hair is completely different from mine, I don't think a more traditional way would suit you anyway. Or would actually hold your hair in place for a while.
Camalia stayed silence, letting the Saporian's thoughts unfold. And mostly because she had no idea what the woman was saying, so it was better to just, let her talk.
-I'm thinking a hairstyle a bit like your braid, but maybe cut in half, and braided on the side ? What do you think ?
Oh no she had to answer. But she had still no idea what was going on. What's braided on the side ? What do you mean cut in half ? She couldn't visualize it, so didn't really had any opinion.
-Oh, hum, yeah, that sounds... cool !
Juniper made a satisfied huff and took her own comb out of one of her pockets. Then her own brush. And her own products, if you could even call it that. She took out an absurd amount of hair ustensiles and put it on the table.
-Couldn't you just use... these ?
Camalia was pointing at the princess' own absurd amount of hair product, resting on another shelf. The Saporian quickly glanced at it and groaned.
-Yeah, no, I don't think so. Do you have 7 feet long silky shiny blond hair ? No ? Great, we're on the same page. Let's go.
She sat Camalia on a chair and spun it around, making the girl face the gigantic mirror while she was behind, tons of unidentified, very sharp and scary objects in hand.
-W-wait Juniper, I don't think that's necesser-
-Don't be stupid. Now shut it and let me work.
Feeling she didn't understand enough to have some convincing argument, Camalia did exactly that for 1 gruesome, very painful hour. Usually, it was either Masha or herself that did her hair, and it was always very gentle and sweet. Boy did she not expect so much brutality from just hairstyling. She didn't complain, having had to deal with way worse, but still, not a very pleasant experience. Especially when she went to look after all that pain and there was barely a difference. Juniper explained how she nourished the hair and helped it's volume, and how she relaxed it, and a bunch of other fancy words to say how good of a job she did.
Camalia politely thanked her and they split ways, Juniper leaving for the library to finish her book, and the music mage excitedly going towards Kai's and Maisie's room, where they were finishing Varian's own ouftit.
She still kept an eye on the clock, but it wasn't even lunch time. She had plenty of time.
She was surprised to pass Kai and Maisie in the hallway, and learned that they had just finished the ouftit and Varian was currently putting it on. Not kin on watching her best friend naked, Camalia decided to wait by the door. There was no way he wasn't going to get out of the room gloating, ready to rub his victory in her face. Little did he know, SHE was going to win. Her ouftit was simple, but perfect. There was no flaws, from the idea to it's execution. Of course, Juniper did say Kai taught her everything she knew about sewing... But still, she definitely had the upper hand. Creativity and crafting was always her thing. She was so going to win this.
Well, he sure was taking his sweet time. Camalia didn't really feel like playing, so she let her thoughts wander a bit more instead. How would the meeting go, tonight ? She feared Stan and Pete would ask her something she wouldn't do, like poison the Saporians. She knew they were in the wrong, but still related to them. Plus, most of them were just really hurt nice people. And even if they weren't, even if they were all like that Andrew jerk and the glyphs mage, neither she or anyone else should decide who should die and who should live. It was simply wrong. On the other hand, maybe they would ask something she could do, but could be pretty dangerous. It didn't scare her as much as the other option. It was kind of exciting to be honest. But she still had to be careful.
... It was weird. Being able to think freely like that. No walls, no insinuating voices piercing her brain. She was alone in her own mind. It was weird, yes. But not unwelcomed. It was calming. Soothing. Relaxing. Nice. Yes, it was nice.
She wondered where was Ruddiger. If he was okay. She hoped so. It was wrong of them to put him in the middle of all that. Once they find him, she will give him so many seeds and apples ! She will spoil him like there's no tomorrow.
And on that note, the door slammed open to reveal Varian, gloating as planned, in a brand new ouftit. There was so many layers to it she wondered how he could be walking around without sweating. It was the polar opposite of her's. Although, they did have a similar bandana. Even is his was currently over his nose.
His white pants and boots reminded her of Andrew's, and made her a bit nauseous. He had a long black coat with red accents, a pair of huge red gloves with... things on it. A surprising amount of belts around his waist and one going across his chest. She couldn't she clearly through the forest of belts but he had a grey-ish shirt under that. Of course, his famous goggles on top of his head as well. It looked good on him, no doubt in that. Maybe they will have to call it a tie in the end...
The alchemist finally noticed her and put his bandana down to talk. He probably said something along the line of "hey, what are you doing here ?" or, "woah you're done too ?". But Camalia didn't hear that. Her eyes and mind were entirely focused on a fake goatee, clearly drawn with a pen, on her friend's face. It looked. So. Stupid.
She probably should've suck it up. Well, she tried. She tried really hard to make a poker face. Camalia burst out laughing in the middle of the corridor, seconds after Varian put his bandana down. Varian blushed, slightly embarrassed.
-It's the belts isn't it ? I told Kai it was too much. Maybe a few less ?
The music mage could barely breathe, even more so that her friend thought it was the belts. The belts ? Seriously ? Have you not looked in the mirror ? It took her a moment to catch her breath, then pointed at the ridiculous lines on his chin.
-Oh this ? Doesn't it look neat ? Makes me older, don't you think ?
He really seemed to like it. And it did make a him a little bit more confident. She still thought it was and looked dumb as hell, but it's not because she wouldn't do it that he shouldn't. If this is one of the pieces that would help him get back together, then so be it. She sighed and let her arm down.
-No, you look stupid and it make it seems as if you're playing dress up. So, in a way... it actually makes you younger.
Camalia promised she wouldn't lie to him anymore. And she wasn't. Stung to the core, Varian violently blushed and hid his face with his arm. He mumbled something under his breath. Suddenly he was feeling really stupid and silly. All his layers seemed really heavy and unecessary, but also a protection, a shell toward the outside world.
-But, if you think it looks neat, then it does. If you think it makes you feel older, then it does.
The alchemist lowered his arm a little, curious to see where she was going with this.
-I mean, Clementine can pull her look off, so honestly, if this goes, anything goes. The whole thing is about confidence. Maybe you won't need it tomorrow, but for now, you are comfortable with it, and that's what's important.
He put his arm down, the layers back on his shoulder where it made sense for him, and his confidence renewed. He offered her a grateful smile and finally took the time to check what her clothing looked like. The first thing that hit him was how different it was from his. There were barely any layers, and a lot of her skin was uncovered, especially the arms and legs. Her accents were gold on red, whereas his was red on black. They still had the red to link them both. He liked how her hair looked different, a bit more... lively ? In a way. Ah, they had similar bandanas. It was like frienship bracelets ! Even if they weren't really back to this stage yet...
Varian had to admit, it was pretty ! And it did look good on her. He didn't really thought much of the bet anymore. They both looked cool in different ways. It might have been a bit silly of them to act like that. Still, it was fun. And the competition spirit they got into was fun too !
-Camalia... I wanted to say...
He took a deep breath.
-I'm sorry. About what I said, before we start the plan. I-I mean after the breakout but before the... the thing, you know ! With the wand. Of Oblivium. I shouldn't have said that, and I realize it now. It was crossing a line. I'm really sorry.
This took the music mage by surprise. It didn't change her objective at all, but she was still glad he acknowledged it. Before she could accept the apology, Varian started talking again, about the bet this time. It was a tie, like she thought, and it was probably for the best.
They went to the kitchen for lunch, and then they all went to do their own things. The plan was still going, but the aftershock of losing all their memories were still very present on the king and queen, so they had to let them rest for now.
As planned, Camalia discreetly left the castle around 6pm and went to meet Stan and Pete at the rendez-vous point. What a surprise it was to find Masha there too.
The music mage immediate reaction was to ask her to leave. This wasn't like in the castle, this wasn't safe, and she shouldn't be there. Of course, Masha's immediate reaction was to scold her, reminding her that she was a responsible adult that knew of the danger and decided to come by themself. If it bothered the kid, she could go and fry herself an egg.
-And what are those clothes ?! What happened to your shirt and your pants ? You're going to get cold running around like that.
-No, no ! Don't worry. I just wanted to change since the other ones were a bit... dated.
Masha didn't seem really convinced, and gestured vaguely.
-Yes, well, it does not do at all. Why so much red ? I thought you liked orange better. Did these ruffians force you to wear this ? Were you molested ?
-Masha please, interrupted Stan, you promised you wouldn't intervene with our work.
-Have you seen this girl ? How can I not intervene ?! Don't worry, sweetie. I'm going to make you some much better clothing, that'll fit you like a glove. Unlike these... things.
-Ah, don't bother Masha, I don't want to-
-Nonsense ! You are not going to walk around in these forever, are you ? Don't answer, I don't want to hear it. Have you been eating well, too ? Where have you been sleeping ?
-Oh well, I felt a bit uncomfortable taking someone else's room so I just kind of... slept on the floor.
Masha let out a shocked gasp.
-Dear ! That is quite unhealthy, especially now that no one is cleaning it ! Tell you what : you can take my room. I don't mind at all, and you will even be able to keep it organized so I don't come back to a mess !
-Yes, yes, I'll stop. But that won't stop me from coming next time, Pete !
The captains sighed in perfect sync, followed by Camalia's giggle. She made the report of the day, which was pretty quick, since there wasn't much to say about it yet. They explained that a lot of the citizens are just going on with their daily lives. Of course, they're worried, but since there isn't much they can do about it, they just ignore it altogether. Some decided to go against the Saporians, and created a rebellion. The people included the captains, Masha, one guard, Xavier the blacksmith, Mrs. Crowley, and a few other Camalia didn't need to know about. They took Xavier's forge as their base, and are talking strategy there.
The music mage explained again that Varian was soon supposed to start making a replica of the wand of oblivium, on a larger scale. They needed the rulers to recover first so they could make them believe they gave the order. Other than that, they didn't have much more of a plan.
-Ah, yes ! I almost forgot ! A huge balloon escaped the night the Saporians took over. They asked me to shoot it down but I managed to purposefuly miss.
-A balloon ? How do you escape with that ?
-A hot hair balloon, Masha.
The handmaid blushed and pretended she knew all along.
-Did you see who was on board ?
-Sadly, no. It was way too high up. But we probably can guess.
-Mmh, you're right, we'll look into it.
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angelcatsiel · 10 months
It's a new day and I am feeling slightly better than yesterday, thank fuck for that. I spent most of yesterday feeling like I was dying. After watching Mamma Mia 2 I went to bed at like 6pm and just listened to some Marillion for a few hours with barely enough strength to move. I had to text my bf downstairs to come up and sit with me because my feverish brain was genuinely convinced I was going to die in my sleep. Then when I finally fell asleep I had a dream about taking a giant escalator up to heaven which didn't help, and woke up feeling just as sick and even more terrified. So anyway covid is still a fucking awful illness and I wouldn't wish this on anyone
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savventeen · 1 year
as someone who overate pasta yesterday for dinner (regrets ✌🏻), your pasta sounds like heaven and hell all rolled into one 😃
(ps. are you having pasta for lunch or for dinner? because i got that notif at 7 in the morning)
(pps. my match got postponed and now i'll have to miss my english paper to go play. gonna go listen to fml on repeat (also woke up at a godforsaken hour to get myself to school and had to come back as soon as i got there))
(ppps. totally unrelated but your name reminds of one of my best friend's name)
(hi sky!!! sorry i took so long to answer this 😅) skljdflj "heaven and hell all rolled into one" i love that, especially as a descriptor for my cooking LMAO
(and yeah, it was for dinner for me but like early evening?? i think when i posted that?? bc i usually have dinner around 5-6pm my time bc of my schedule)
((omg oh noooooooo that sucks i'm so sorry. and yeah sometimes u just gotta blast a song on repeat to get thru the horrors <3))
(((awww, i'm glad my name is associated with a good person in your life! it'd suck if i had the same name as someone who was an asshole to you T-T)))
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apenvs3000w23 · 2 years
A Rainy Day...
Before I start, let me paint the picture of what I am doing at this point in time. So here I am, sitting at my desk at the time I have allotted to complete this blog post. I am on my computer staring at a blank word document for what feels like forever. It's raining outside, so I feel comfortable and a bit more reluctant to complete this task. Cars are passing by, but I haven't heard a single soul outside yet, which is strange because it's 1pm. I am reflecting on the fact that throughout the entire day, I always have what feels like 1000 different thoughts in my head at once that don't let me have a moment of silence. But right now. With all the power in the world to talk about anything I wish, my mind is blank and quiet.
It's amusing to me that no boundaries were set for this week, and I have the chance to be creative, but I am at a loss. When I really think about it, I am a bit fearful! Why can't I decide on one thing? Am I too reliant on others or my phone? Can I not think for myself? But then I take a step back and remind myself that we are in a challenging part of the semester. I have assignments like no other, midterms coming up, and my body has been wrapped in stress for far too long. So? It's okay that I couldn't think of something right away. I'm tired, and school has been a lot.
So instead of talking about things that stimulate the brain, let's talk about how powerful weather, seasons and conditions are to us. Because as I look outside on this cold rainy day, all I want to do is stay inside, close my school work and watch a movie. The act of leaving my apartment right now feels like the largest chore. It is so funny because yesterday it was 6 degrees Celsius and sunny, and I was so upbeat and wanted to stay out the whole day.
However, today, my day started completely different because I woke up to the sound of rain. I think that's pretty powerful, don't you think?
I don't know about you, but when the sun started setting at 4:30pm in late November to December, I was struggling. As someone who likes to get things done during the day, trying to get work done when it is dark felt impossible. My roommates and I found each other getting ready for bed at 6pm and would only realize once we checked the time. We felt so tired, and it ultimately affected all of our work patterns and mental states. Seasonal depression is so real. It's hard to stay so upbeat when the day ends so early. Nowadays, the sun is setting at 5:30pm, and things are starting to feel much better. Although I am still anxiously waiting for the warmth of summer and those long summer months when the day doesn't end until 9pm.
I guess I am trying to say is that sometimes you must take a step back to see how often we are affected by nature. It's okay if you wake up feeling down on a cold rainy day with no intention to move. Seasons and weather are so powerful! It subconsciously affects us every day without us even knowing sometimes.
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Here is a picture that was taken at 9:07pm in June.
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