#women in protests
anyahita · 2 years
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Schoolgirls in Iran in protest against the regime sticking their middle fingers to Khomeini and Khamenei
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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tlacatecctzin · 14 days
Look at the faces of these male children. They are the result of our failed society.
Porn, normalisation of sex “work”, constant misogyny and abuse towards women… the complete subjugation and erasure of our humanity.
Enough is enough, gyns. We need to make serious movements and protests against prostitution and pornography, violence against women, femicide. Now.
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October 3, 2022 - Protesting Iranian schoolgirls kick their pro-government school director out of their schoolgrounds. Students across Iran have been occupying their schools in protest after the death of Jina Mahsa Amini. [video]
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tiredcowboyy · 9 months
I hate when people (usually men on reddit) are like “if you met arthur back then he would murder you for breathing in his existence!” Oh would he? When? Before or after he’s finished doodling bunnies and flowers?
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If you ever wondered if the pro-Palestine movement was a trend, look up the protests yesterday against the Taliban.
Oh wait, there were no protests.
The Taliban has essentially outlawed women’s existence. You cannot be heard at all, nor can any part of your skin be seen. This is actually more strict than Iran, where we saw the mass protests following the death of Mahsa Amini.
Mahsa Amini went viral on social media, so there were some protests for that. However, most protests overseas (not in Iran) had ended by spring of 2023. They didn’t end due to policy change in Iran. Women are still being persecuted there. It’s just no longer trendy to protest the Iranian government, even while the American government is helping fund the Ayatollah (and the Taliban, by the way).
We even saw the disqualification of an Olympic athlete for wearing a cape that said “Free Afghan Women”. I was hoping the movement might get started after that. I know the whole world saw her - surely this will be the start. How wrong I was.
It seems people only care when something goes viral on social media. Protests for change are only for viral movements.
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notyourtoday · 1 month
Caption on post -
"On average, about 130 people have been killed every day in Gaza over the past 10 months. The scale of the Israeli military's destruction of homes, hospitals, schools and places of worship is deeply shocking."
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, on Thursday condemned the ongoing lsraeli violence in Gaza as death toll surpasses 40,000.
Turk said that the situation is"overwhelmingly due" to the lsraeli military's failure to "comply with the rules of war."
By @middleeasteye on Instagram.
Link to post.
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kaalboishakhi · 1 month
indian women are in a constant state of vigilance, like a country on terrorist alert. no democracy is a democracy when half its population lives in fear. the paradox is that women have protected men and their families by keeping quiet. this is honourable behaviour, a part of our "honourable society''. what rape statistics really reflect is a vicious cultural agreement that women have little value. which means in turn that girls must be trained to act as if they do not exist, to minimise their presence to survive, to serve men and not inconvenience them. this is how India treats women. rape culture does not begin with rape. rape is the most extreme form of it. until catcalling, stalking, harassment, groping, spark the same outrage as assault and murder, the problem will persist. it is unbelievable how low men can and have stooped, even after such a gruesome murder
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in a medical institute no less they have the audacity to say “men aren't that bad”
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 2 months
If you still don't "Get" Disability Pride, watch this
Posted by the Smithsonian channel, four years ago, for women's history month, a 4 1/2 minute sit-down interview about the 504 sit-in in San Fransisco, in 1977:
Eye contact. Proper closed captions in English.
(On screen titles, during drumbeat intro:
Because of Her Story Because of women like Kitty Cone We Have ... A Stronger Americans With Disabilities Act Increased attention on Disability Rights More ways to Protest Injustice)
[The first speaker is an older white woman with glasses and grey, wavy hair cut in a short bob. She is sitting down across from her interviewer, and wearing a light blue casual button-shirt. A pop up info card identifies her as "Katherine: Curator, Smithonian's National Museum of American History." The second speaker is a young, college-age, white woman with curly blonde shoulder-length hair. She is wearing a brown tee-shirt, and sitting with her cane between her legs. A pop up info card identifies her as "Ren: Student."]
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amessforlife · 2 years
I am FURIOUS and BAFFLED that major news outlets are not covering what’s going on in Iran right now and I don’t fucking have a twitter so I can’t make noise over there, even though apparently that’s the only social media platform people pay attention to????
Students at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran have been one group of many students and professors across the nation protesting, and NOW, the regime’s security forces have LOCKED THE STUDENTS IN THE UNIVERSITY AND ARE ARRESTING THEM IN MASSES AND SHOOTING AT THEM IF THEY TRY TO ESCAPE OUT THE GATES.
You have DOZENS of teenagers running for their lives in the dark while their parents and fellow citizens are protesting outside the gates chanting “free the students”. And NOW, the they’re sending more repression forces to the University!!
A BBC article says it’s unable to verify the events at the university in the same space it writes that VIDEO FOOTAGE on social media shows students RUNNING FROM SECURITY FORCES ON CAMPUS.
Share as much as you can about this on all of your social media platforms. Tag as many human rights activists and groups and news outlets you can think of to get the information out there. And if you have any friends or family in Tehran, let them know if they already don’t that people are mobilising to the university. Help the students!! Use the hashtags that are going around on social media (#mahsaamini, #jinaamini, #opiran, #iranprotests, to name a few).
I’m adding photos from instagram that give more information. Follow @1500tasvir on instagram for on the ground footage, @middleeastmatters, and @golfarahani to name a few.
[If someone has the time to ID these, you are more than welcome to.]
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EDIT: This was posted October 2, 2022, please keep this in mind when engaging with content.
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
Today marks one year anniversary of 2022 Iranian uprising against the oppressive Islamic Republic regime. An uprising that started with the brutal murder of a young kurd woman, Mahsa Jina Amini, for "inappropriate hijab".
For the past couple of weeks, the regime has prepared their forces to beat down any new movement immediately. The streets of Tehran and many other cities are lined with anti riot forces and police cars. In Saqez, the home city of Amini family, they've stationed the army around the city to massacre people in case they try to start another wave of protest. Mahsa's father has been arrested alongside some family members of other last year uprising martyrs.
There has been small protesting gatherings in Iran in the last two days, there has already been some arrests and violent crackdowns on protesters. I hear people chanting from my neighborhood homes. The government would commit as many bloodbaths as it takes to secure their position, but you can't beat people into obedience when they hate you from the bottom of their hearts.
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Woman life freedom
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sscarletvenus · 4 months
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armed resistance against your colonizers was, is, and will always be rightful, necessary and morally correct... glory to the resistance!
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fictionadventurer · 6 months
Maybe the problem with Christian fiction is that it's non-denominational. People are just "Christian", with no effort put into showing what practicing that religion looks like for them specifically. No indication that there are other Christians who could have different beliefs. No wrestling with differing ideas and the struggle of how one should live out their Christian faith. And that makes it unrealistic and unrelatable.
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prettyjesusfreaks · 2 months
in need of prayer warriors
let me put it this way: i was the worst of the worst. drugs, witchcraft, sex... you name it. i'm not sure when exactly i walked away from God, but walk away i did. i remember a few times when i called myself a Christian when asked. it didn't feel right to disobey... but then i would get wrapped up in everything from wicca to luciferianism (satanism). when i tried to talk to God, i would try to twist the Bible to suit my interests, or i would out and out deny the truth of certain scriptures. on and on it went for years. it was only in 2018, after suffering from severe schizophrenia for years, that i bought myself a bible - but that was just the beginning of an uphill battle. apostate. backslider. i don't know what i should be called. i just know that i walked away.
now i'm here. something is different this time. since buying that bible in 2018, i have tried multiple times to come back to God - but i could never make it last! i'd get angry about the suffering in hell. i'd be hurt that this or that thing was a deadly sin. i struggled with difficult verses and interpreted them in the worst way. i was attacked by intrusive thoughts. i tried. i'd give up, and then, later, i'd try again. it is only now that my heart is at peace. i can actually FEEL the presence of the Holy Spirit inside. i know it. i'm still just... scared. scared that it isn't real when i KNOW it is. heck, i'm scared that just voicing my fears counts as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
i'm suffering. i just want it to last this time. i just want it to last. please pray for me. if you made it to the end of this long and winding post, please, just pray for me. pray that God's grace is sufficient for my failures. pray that i may find peace in my spirit. please.
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womenshistory · 3 months
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Women's Walk Against Rape, 1976.
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crownspeaksblog · 1 year
I sometimes think about men have almost the same rights, body autonomy, freedom in every country while for women life looks so different from country to country or at least from region to region.
In some countries you're forced to cover your head, in others you're prohibited from covering your head and in other countries you can wear/not wear what you want. You can have an abortion in that country but not this one. You can get education, degrees and have paying jobs in most countries but not in others. You can go to a doctor if you need to but there you can't because women aren't allowed to become doctors and women aren't allowed to see a male doctor..
I sometimes think about how shitty the country i live in is but then i think well at least i can get an education and go to a doctor.. i shouldn't have to be grateful for those things..
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