#woohoo girls keep spinning
twentyponiesperday · 2 years
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1x01: Friendship is Magic, Part 1
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changingplumbob · 10 months
New Goth Household: Chapter 3, Part 4
It's time for Milton to turn 6 and become a proper child, I shall miss his little face 😭 We take a quick trip to the humor and hijinks festival, Joey prepares for his first day of real work
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Marta: Buenos dias carino
Keira: You okay? You seemed restless last night
Marta: Just a few bad dreams
Keira: Was he in them
Marta: He’s only ever in the bad ones. Gertrude why are you up here
Keira: I think she’s trying to establish territory
Marta: I got to get to work, I’ll see you later, te amo
Keira: Bye, love you to
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James: I can’t believe I forgot to make the cake
Alexander: Sweets you were busy with the grand meal yesterday
James: I know but Milton deserves a good birthday
Alexander: I still can’t believe Father Winter wouldn’t give him anything
James: I got so mad, needed cat time. Don’t you have a project you should be working on
Alexander: Not losing your memory yet I see
James: Go love. I have this under control
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Once the cake is sorted James gives Hamlet some snuggles and the two become companions! Gertrude is aloof so winning her over will take longer. The doorbell rings and Cassandra is here!
James: No kids
Cassandra: They  were in grumpy moods this morning, I decided that if they were here they’d only ruin Milton’s day
The adults sit and talk in the library until Milton emerges for the day. He needed a long sleep after Father Winter was the biggest bully around screw that guy.
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Milton: Cassandra!
Cassandra: Hey little brother. You ready to age up
Alexander carries Milton to the freshly baked cake.
Alexander: Okay buddy, let’s blow them out
Milton: Can I has help
Alexander: We can do it together. Three, two, one The two Goth boys blow the candles out and Milton laughs in delight. He is put down, spins it out, and…
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Six year old Milton is here! Is it just me or is it hard to find younger kid clothes in cas? Like most of them seem good for preteens but maybe it’s just me. Back to Milton, he has spun the geek trait. I swear it was not my choice despite the poll. He also has the slumber party animal aspiration and is a 1 star celeb? It must be from Mortimer dying as a 5 star celeb.
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Black joins yellow and orange as his favourite colours. He rolled liking photography, telling jokes and talking about hobbies. Alexander and James got him some voidcritters.
Keira: Happy birthday
Milton: Thanks, what did you get me
Keira: Oh I haven’t-
Milton: Joking!
Alexander: I think your comedic timing needs some work
Hamlet: *meows* no kidding
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The household, minus James who needs a nap after working out, head to the humor and hijinks festival.
Joey: Oi, there’s Morgan
Keira: The one who cheated on me, thank you for pointing her out
Joey: What if, and hear me out, I woohoo her. Like a revenge woohoo on your behalf. I need to get my count up
Keira: *sighs* You know she’s a lesbian right Joey
Joey: Wouldn’t be the first lesbian to sleep with a dude
Keira: Knock yourself out but I’m telling you, you’ll just make a fool of yourself. I'm going to catch up with Marta
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Joey: Hey hottie, nice to see you
Morgan: Is it? And since when do you call me hottie
Joey: Oh you know, couldn’t do it when you were dating my friend but I do love redheads. And you in that leather, damn girl
Morgan: *laughs*
Joey: You know, I’m actually a celebrity now. Starting down that path to roll in the fortunes. You could always roll with me if you know what I mean
Morgan: I have some idea
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Joey: So what do you say? I’m sure there’s a woohoo spot somewhere here
Morgan: Yikes. You know I’m gay right
Joey: Well yeah but-
Morgan: So keep your pixel parts in your pants and away from me. Unless you’ve suddenly sprouted a vagina, I’m not interested
Morgan turns and walks off.
Joey: I'm not saying I'm a woman but you know Morgan, not all women have vaginas!
He looks over to his housemates who all seem to be having a good time. Figuring they’ll be happy here for a bit he decides to head home and see if Rita is still good for coming over.
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Rita is indeed still keen to come over for Joey’s standard collection picture (I have a bad memory so this is just the best way for me to keep track of his count, he's not a complete sleeze, he doesn't score them or any creepy ick). Of course the photo session soon turns into something else as the two take advantage of having more space than the inside of a nightclub bathroom.
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When the rest of the household returned from the festival James had finished being critically tired. Milton went straight up to bed while James and Marta chatted as Keira and Alexander finished off their homework. When all was done, everyone of consenting age in the household got lucky that night.
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Joey: Thanks for coming so quickly
Tuesday: It’s 5am, you better have a good reason for needing this
(actually Tuesday was the one who contacted Joey requesting a hook up but I changed it around for story purposes)
Joey: My new job starts today and I really don’t want to get in any woohoo entanglements with coworkers. That’s just opening myself up to future harassment lawsuits when I make it big
Tuesday: Okay but I’ve got stuff to do to, so we better play in the shower
Joey: A new location, I’m up for that!
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Marta: Really Gertrude? Every morning
Gertrude: *meows* This never gets old
When Marta sits down to have her early breakfast she sees a new face across the table
Marta: Oh hi, I’m Marta
Tuesday: Damn, you’re cute. I’m Tuesday
Marta: Right, Joey’s woohoo buddy. I was thinking it was odd a hook up would stay the night
Tuesday: *laughs* I didn’t, he just needed some unwinding this morning. You know, if you ever need unwinding-
Marta: Thank you but I’m happily taken
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Joey: Shower done, teeth brushed, breakfast-
Hamlet: *scoffs*
Joey: Really bro? At least let me get a plate
Tuesday: If you do that, I guarantee it lasts longer
Joey: Are you talking woohoo tips without me
Keira eats her breakfast quietly while Tuesday tells Marta all about various girl on girl woohoo techniques. She really wished she could just disappear from this conversation.
Joey: Wish I could do that
Tuesday: Don’t be ridiculous, you love throwing your pixel parts around
Joey: That’s... not untrue
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James: For the love of- Gertrude, did you tip the trash out again? Hamlet you have got to stop eating it
Joey: My first real job, wish me luck dudes
James: Are you wearing a pressed suit
Joey: No because it’s not the 1800s
James: Kids and your “fashion” these days
Joey: Trust me James, if I show up in a suit people wouldn’t believe I want to be a tech bro
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Keira has a day without classes, and is all up to date on her homework and exam prep. She heads off to Sulani and spends some time snorkelling among the reefs. She does love how all the fish seem to have their own patterns. She’s thinking marine biology could be a good field to get in to.
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After some time she seeks out deeper waters and purchases some dive gear. For now she can afford a rebreather, a dive knife and an underwater camera. Heading below the surface she enjoys seeing bigger creatures, as well as more variety. She manages to capture a photo for her wall. It may be normal quality but she thinks it’s beautiful.
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As she swims she thinks. Tuesday was so open and candid about her woohoo life. Marta seemed interested in what she had to say to. Maybe she is a prude if she doesn’t like discussing her woohoo life with anyone but Marta. But does Marta mind that? She knows Marta is naturally curious, so are they properly compatible?
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Keira decides to go meet Marta at the end of her shift and suggests they talk.
Marta: Are you all right carino, you look upset
Keira: It’s just Tuesday. She was saying such explicit things and I worry I’m not adventurous enough for you
Marta: Surely you’re interested in how to increase our pleasure
Keira: Well sure but I'd rather have those discussions with just you
Marta: We didn't discuss what you and I do, did we? Our woohoo life is our business carino, I wouldn’t go sharing it like that
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Keira: But you talked about the other women you’ve been with. I’m worried I’m not doing enough
Marta: Listen to me carino, and hear me. Te amo, I love you
Keira: Yeah
Marta: That is making the woohoo we share the best woohoo I’ve had. I trust you. Maybe we haven’t launched into the range of positions that exist but every time I’m with you, you leave me satisfied
Keira: Sorry for overreacting
Marta: Remember what I said, communication is important. I’d rather we talk through our worries instead of boxing them up
Keira: Our worries?
Marta: I... I saw him today
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Fear, Loathing, and Dating, in Auckland Central,
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Most annoying archetypical dating persona has to be “The reluctant self-romanticist,” in love with his own emptiness and suffering, as long as there is a worthy audience. The breast milk of self-entitlement still dribbles from his chin, the cool breeze of helicopter parents floating above, forming a suburban cocoon of reality. Wisdom and experience come from cookie-cutter realities like the safe shallow area of the public pool that everyone pisses in. Charisma and character are as lukewarm as an exciting existence.
It's actually hard to find something below the self-suffering poetics, but manly man, is the man-ness of man, he is a man, and he don’t need no metaphysical philosophic shit stains on his blue color overalls. He rises to the communal drums of protein powder, beating the hyperbolic Messiah complex of the great big sky god daddy of the one supreme truth reality, Job of God or God of Job.
Usually, if a girl is cluster dating or has a grouping (of Tinder charity restaurant donors), on a spectrum of limited resources, the scale will swing between these two models. And models, show the top 10% of what they are. Girls are more likely to buy into that top tier 10% because they exhibit a “Princess Complex,” but really it's just a slight upgrade from sperm donor, because doesn’t that just offer one kind of man, the charitable.
People are reflections or resistances of their parents, and they are also half a mix of both parents, so you can split this between quarters, or mother resistance/reflective and so forth. Well, they do say opposites attract, so when a princess complex attracts alfa masculinity, then the material world must be maintained until the princess complex, is stuck in a tower of her own delusion.
Here we see a watered-down capitalist reality of making it; which in itself is a cookie-cutter experience of synthetic reality, or a fake happiness for superficial pondering and reflective delusion. But Alfa is still, ‘King of the Jungle,’ but its probably just a lawnmower under Sky Daddy, because he is in reality, a success, only it’s his father’s success.
As the years pass, the woman begins to feel like she betrayed herself, and now she struggles to pass on her metaphysical castle to her own kids, so both commiserate to call it, true love realized, but both are 30 affairs in, anyway, and the world keeps spinning.
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Technically from a dating standpoint, people rub off on each other, and well you should know your competition to remain competitive, in a capitalist/materialistic way, as to put yourself slightly above red flag sperm donor (mine is lowered with wings on it, woohoo).
Anyway, here are a few points
Through the generations, 9-year-old oyster shuckers, used to beat their kids with lead pipes, but their kids grew up to beat their kids with crowbars, so progress is love.  
Superficial entitlement is a rotten fruit called karma that always falls.
You don’t need clothes in the bedroom; if you put on a show beyond the bed, you didn’t prep for the sheets, or you are digging for a trophy existence.
Being closer to a whole person in your grounded truth has less maintenance on the back end.
Interact with people in the moment, we are but a moment, not a scale of socially accepted hotness flexing, trust fund wealth, and clothes, these are all symbolic of time distortion, in the preemptive and post-reflective time scale.
Chilling, fucking, and loving, is what it is; don’t go making stories in your head that an erotic dancer is wife flexing because you grew up in the shell of your parent's failures and were retarded enough to believe marriage is special, because the glowing sky daddy god box, in your living room, told you so.  
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Slum Love, high above....
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jellostories · 2 months
AJ the Very Whimsical, Ch. 12: Salty Monitor
In memory of Toni (1932-2020) and to my former coworker J.T.
NorthStarr Elementary School had a zero tolerance policy in place when it came to rule-breaking. The reason for this dated back to 1992, the year of The Ultimate Lunchroom War, a harsh and brutal conflict involving mashed potatoes, mac-&-cheese, pizza, boots, skirts, toenail clippings (don’t ask), syrup, ponytails, and gym shorts. Because of this, grades 3-6 took turns between classes each month for hall monitor duty.
And one fine March, it was Cher AJ’s turn. 
“Le woohoo!” the silly girl cheered excitedly as she took the red “Hall Monitor” lanyard from her teacher and slipped it ‘round her neck. “I’ve never been ‘all monitor before! Been caught by zem lotsa times, zough!”
The teacher, Mrs. Purple, rolled her eyes and gave AJ the list of school rules that she’d have to enforce as hall monitor, as well as the small, pocket-sized book of detention slips she was supposed to write out to any and all rule-breakers.
“Madame Teacher,” AJ said, offering a respectful curtsy, “I promeese you, I weell do my best to keep our ‘alls of learning clean and free from any and all wrongdoing!”
And with that, she skipped back to her seat in the front row, seemingly unaware of all the snickers from her classmates.
Later, at recess…
Twist was burying a pinecone for a pretend funeral while AJ stood right next to her, spinning a broken tree branch along the ground and (of course) gabbing up a storm.
“Eezn’t zis exciting Tweesty I get to be ‘all moneetor I get to stop people from being bullies plus I get to ‘elp raise ze undies up and down ze school’s flagpole!” Here AJ stopped talking so she could hug herself and let out an excited squeal. “Oh mon ‘oneydew, wait ‘til I tell Mommy about zis! She’s going to be so pr--”
“Can I see the school rules, please, Angie?” Twist asked, in a polite way of getting her silly friend to "can it" for a hot second.
AJ nodded and pulled the rule list out of her sweatshirt pocket along with a gummy worm, which she ate before handing the list to Twist.
The list read as follows:
NorthStarr Elementary School rules
1. No bullying.
2. No wearing corsets. 
AJ: “What’s a ‘corsets’?”
Twist thought back to a fateful day when she was six, when she’d accidentally walked into her parents’ room when her mom was getting ready for work. The mere memory of it made Twist blush redder than a sunburned tomato.
“Is-Is that a new sweatshirt?” the scar-cheeked girl asked in a voice much higher than usual. She was pointing to the pink, polka-dot sweater AJ was wearing. “It, uh, it looks really pretty, AJ!”
AJ became even more confused. 
“Eet’s ze same one I always wear,” she shrugged. “But…merci, I guess?”
With that out of the way, Twist read on:
3. No bringing guns to school, toys or otherwise.
4. No spitting.
5. No hitting.
6. No peeing in The Peanut Barrel.
7. No playing on top of The Peanut Barrel.
8. No climbing up/down the fences around the playground.
9. No climbing on top of the playground equipment.
10. No wedgies.
“Well, zat doesn’t sound too bad,” AJ remarked after Twist had finished reading the rule list. “I mean, ze only peoples breaking any of ze school rules right now are your cute seesters, so…”
Twist let the rule list float to the ground, her eyes wide with shock. 
“What?” she asked in a hollow voice.
“Your seesters are climbing up ze fence to Sunny Down ‘Omes,” AJ said, pointing to the fence across the soccer field from them.
Sure enough, Twist’s six-year-old sisters, Pepsy and Pizza, were trying to climb up the fence separating the schoolyard from the neighboring town home center.
Faster than lightning, Twist kicked into “Big Sister” mode, flew across the field, and plucked her sisters off of the fence by the back of their collars.
Immediately, Pizza began to squirm and kick in her older sister’s grasp. 
“Let Pizza go, Twisty!” the flower-cheeked girl’s reindeer puppet, Prancer, yelled. “Let her go! She has rights and lefts!”
Pepsy, on the other hand, reacted in her typical, fake-sweet way: “Oh, hey, Big Sis! Pizza and I just -- hick! -- wanted to see how keepy-outty this fence was. We wouldn’t want any widdle kids like us knocking over the -- hick! -- fence and making the grownups mad, now, would we?”
Twist’s unamused glower made Pepsy’s Hollywood smile melt.
“It was -- hick! -- Pizza’s idea,” the bracelet-wearing girl said, pointing to her twin.
Pizza scowled and made Prancer gnash her teeth at Pepsy.
The bracelet-wearing girl gulped.
Just then, AJ came sliding into Twist, almost knocking her over in the process.
“Le woohoo! You’re an ‘ero, Tweesty!” the silly girl cheered, giving her increasingly uncomfortable friend one of her famous “bear ‘ugs”. “You saved your cute seesters! Yaaay!”
“Uh…yeah, I guess I did,” Twist said, a sliver of a shy smile appearing on her face (both the twins gave a barely audible “Humph!”), “But anywho…could you write them out some detention slips? My arms are getting tired.”
To which AJ cocked her head in confusion.
“‘Detention sleeps’?” she echoed. “Don’t be seelly, Tweesty. I can’t geeve out detention sleeps, I’m not a teacher.”
“You’re a hall monitor,” Twist said with a flash of impatience; Pepsy and Pizza were starting to squirm again and it was making her arms hurt. 
“I am? Since when?” AJ said in amazement.
Her admittedly short patience ended, Twist rolled her eyes and thrust her twin sisters over to AJ.
“Just take them to Mrs. Rainbow’s class in the first-grade hall and tell them I’ll tell Dad if they don’t ‘fess up,” Twist said, making her sisters whine in protest. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go eat a candy bar in the dark somewhere. I’m done with this poo-poo.”
And she walked away, leaving AJ looking puzzled and her sisters teary-eyed.
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bailey-writes · 4 years
So You Want Your OC to be Jewish
So you’re writing a story and you want to make a Jewish character—great! I’m here to help. I always want more Jewish representation but I want good Jewish representation, so this is my attempt to make a guide to making a Jewish character. What are my credentials? I’m Jewish and have been my whole life. Obligatory disclaimer that this is by no means comprehensive, I don’t know everything, all Jews are different, and this is based on my experiences as an American Jew so I have no idea, what, if any, of this applies to non-American Jews. 
If there’s anything you want me to make a post going more into detail about or if there’s anything I didn’t mention but you want to know please ask me! I hope this is helpful :) Warning, this is long.
If you are Jewish you can use the word Jew(s), e.g. “She’s dating a Jew.” If you are not Jewish you cannot use the word Jew(s). This is not up for debate. Non-Jews calling us Jews has a negative connotation at best. Don’t do it and don’t have your characters do it.
Basics, Plus My Random Thoughts that Didn’t Fit Anywhere Else
A confusing enduring issue is, what is Judaism? It’s a religion, but some Jews aren’t religious; is it a race? A nationality? A culture? A heritage? The only constant is that we are seen as “other.” There’s a lot of debate, which makes it confusing to be Jewish and as such it’s common for Jews to struggle with their Jewish Identity. However many people agree that Jews are an ethnoreligious group, aka Judaism is a religion and an ethnicity.
Temple/Synagogue/Shul = Jewish place of worship. Shul is usually used for Orthodox synagogues.
Keeping kosher = following Jewish dietary rules: meat and dairy can’t be eaten together and you can’t eat pork or shellfish. Fish and eggs are pareve (aka neutral) and can be eaten with meat or dairy (but again not both at the same time.) When eating meat it has to be kosher meat (e.g. kosher Jews are allowed to eat chicken, but not all chicken is kosher. I know it’s kinda confusing I’m sorry.) Kosher products in stores will have symbols on them to identify them as kosher. If someone is kosher they’ll probably have separate sets of utensils/plates/cookware/etc. for meat and dairy
Shabbat/Shabbos/Sabbath = holy day of the week, day of rest, lasts from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Depending on observance Jews might have Shabbat dinner, attend Shabbat services, or observe the day of rest in its entirety (making them shomer Shabbat)
Someone who is shomer Shabbat will refrain from any of the prohibited activities. These can easily be looked up but include: working, writing, handling money, cooking, and using technology.
Bat/Bar/B’nai Mitvzah = tradition where a Jewish boy/girl becomes a man/woman. Celebrated at 13-years-old for boys, 12- or 13-years-old for girls. Girls have Bat Mitzvahs (bat means daughter in Hebrew), boys have Bar Mitzvahs (bar means son in Hebrew) and twins or two or more people having one together have a B’nai Mitzvah. They will study for this for months and then help lead services and, depending on observance level, read from the Torah. The ceremony is often attended by family and friends and followed with a celebration of sorts (in America usually this means a brunch and/or party.)
Goy/gentile = non-Jew. These words are not slurs, they are literally just words. Plural of goy is goyim and is a Yiddish word, plural of gentile is gentiles.
Jewish holidays follow the Hebrew calendar, meaning that according to the current solar/Gregorian calendar the dates of our holidays are different each year.
Jewish law recognizes matrilineal inheritance. This means that Jewish law states your mother has to be Jewish for you to be Jewish. This is because of reasons from biblical times that I can explain if you wanna come ask, but as you can imagine is a bit outdated. While Orthodox Jews might embrace this idea and only consider someone Jewish if their mom is Jewish, many Jews are more flexible on the idea (and yes, this does cause tension between Orthodox Jews and other Jews at times.)
Judaism =/= Christianity
Some people think Judaism is just Christianity without Jesus (some people don’t even realize we don’t believe in/celebrate Jesus so newsflash, we don’t) and that’s just wrong. Yes both religions share the Old Testament, so they also share some history and beliefs, but the entire ideologies of the religions are different. In brief, they are similar in some ways but are not the same.
What seems to me to be the biggest difference is that Christianity (from what I understand) has a heavy focus on sins, more specifically repenting for/gaining forgiveness for your sins. In Christianity you are born tainted by original sin. In Judaism we believe everyone is born pure and free from sin and everyone is made in God’s image. Judaism has some concept of sin, but doesn’t focus on them and instead focuses on performing Mitzvot (plural, singular form is mitzvah. Direct translation is “commandment” but basically means good deed or act of kindness. It also relates to the commandments, so following the commandments is also performing mitzvot.) Examples of mitzvot include anything from saying a prayer or lighting Shabbat candles to helping a stranger or donating to charity (called tzedakah). One of the main tenets of Judaism is tikkun olam, which directly translates to “repair the world” and means exactly what it says on the tin. Instead of focusing on being forgiven for doing bad Judaism focuses on doing good. The only day we focus on past wrongdoings is Yom Kippur, one of our most holy holidays, discussed below.
Rosh Hashanah – The Jewish New Year, occurs around September and lasts for two days, though Reform Jews often only celebrate the first day. Day of happiness and joy, celebrated by eating sweet things for a “sweet new year” (often apples dipped in honey) and circular challah to represent the end of one year and beginning of another. Also celebrated with services and blowing the shofar (rams horn.) Some spend the day in prayer and/or silent meditation. Possible greetings: chag sameach (happy holiday; can be said on almost any holiday), Shana Tovah, or happy new year (which is what Shana Tovah means, some people just say it in English.)
Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement. Occurs ten days after the start of Rosh Hashanah. One of if not the most solemn day for Jews, but also the most holy. The day is spent reflecting on yourself and any past wrongdoings and atoning. The day (sundown the night before to sundown the day of) is spent fasting, a physical way of atoning. We do this in hopes of being “written in the Book of Life” and starting the year with a clean slate. The shofar is blown at the end of the holiday. Most Jews will end the fast with a grand meal with family and friends. Most common greeting is “have an easy fast,” but happy new year is still appropriate.
Sukkot – Celebrates the harvest, occurs on the fifth day after Yom Kippur and lasts seven days. Celebrated by building a temporary hut outdoors called a sukkah and having meals inside it, as well as shaking palm fronds tied together (called a lulav) and holding a citrus called an etrog. Very fun and festive holiday. Possible greetings include chag sameach or Happy Sukkot.
Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah – Some Jews (mostly Reform Jews and Jews living in Israel) combine both holidays into one day while some celebrate them as two separate days. Either way they occur immediately after Sukkot. Shemini Atzeret is similar but separate from Sukkot and features a prayer for rain; Sukkot is not mentioned in prayers and the lulav isn’t shaken but you do eat in the sukkah. Simchat Torah celebrates finishing reading the Torah, which we will then begin again the next day. It’s a festive holiday with dancing and fun. Some Temples will roll the entire Torah out and the children will run under it. Appropriate greeting for both would be chag sameach.
Rosh Hashanah through Simchat Torah are referred to as the High Holidays.
Chanukah – We all know about Chanukah, celebrating the reclaiming of the Second Temple and the miracle of the oil lasting eight days. The most represented Jewish Holiday there is. Unfortunately it’s one of the least significant holidays for us. Occurs around November or December and lasts eight days and nights. Celebrated by lighting candles in the Menorah each night with a prayer and kids usually get gifts each night. Also celebrated with spinning tops called dreidels, fried foods like doughnuts (sufganiyot in Hebrew; usually the jelly filled ones) and potato pancakes called latkes. Greetings: happy Chanukah or chag sameach.
Tu B’Shevat – Birthday of the trees, basically Jewish Arbor Day. Minor but fun holiday, sometimes celebrated by planting trees. Occurs around January or February.
Purim – Celebrates how Queen Esther of Persia defeated Haman and saved her people, the Jews. Occurs in Spring. Festive holiday traditionally celebrated by dressing in costumes, eating sweets, and giving tzedakah (it’s also technically commanded you get drunk so woohoo!) Whenever Haman’s name is mentioned you make a lot of noise, booing and using noisemakers called groggers. Greetings: happy Purim, chag Purim, or chag sameach.
Passover/Pesach – Celebrates the Jews being freed from slavery in Egypt. Occurs in Spring and lasts eight days. The first two nights (some only celebrate the first night) are celebrated with seder, a ritual meal with certain foods, practices, prayers, and readings from a book called the Haggadah and often attended by family and friends. Most famous prayer/song of the holiday is the four questions, which ask why that night is different from all other nights and is traditionally sung by the youngest child at the seder. The entire holiday is spent not eating certain foods, mostly grain or flour (the food restrictions are complicated and differ based on denomination so look it up or ask a Jew.) We eat a lot of matzah during Pesach, which is like a cracker kinda. I personally hate it but some people actually like it. Greetings: happy Passover, chag pesach, or chag sameach.
Tisha B’Av – Anniversary of the destruction of the Temple. Occurs in Summer. Very sad, solemn day. Some celebrate by fasting from sunrise to sunset. Not the most widely celebrated holiday. Some also commemorate the Holocaust (also called the Shoah) on this day as it was the destruction of a figurative temple.
There are a bunch of denominations in Judaism, we’ll go into it briefly.
Religious denominations:
Reform/Reformed: This is the least religiously observant level. Often Reform Jews don’t keep kosher or observe Shabbat, their services on Shabbat will use instruments. Reform Jews probably attend services for the high holidays at the very least and probably had a Bat/Bar Mitzvah. Might say they consider themselves more culturally Jewish. Their Temple/Synagogue will be the most “liberal”—aka have more female/diverse Rabbis and a more diverse congregation. I’m Reform and my Temple’s lead Rabbi is a woman and we used to have a Rabbi who’s a queer single mother.
Conservative: More religiously observant and more generally traditional. Might keep kosher or observe Shabbat, but not necessarily. Services likely won’t use instruments (not supposed to play instruments on Shabbat). Most likely had a Bat/Bar Mitzvah, but girls might not read from the Torah, though this depends on the congregation. They do allow female Rabbis, but in my experience it’s less common.
Modern Orthodox: Very religiously observant but also embrace modern society. Will keep kosher and observe Shabbat. Men will wear kippot (singular=kippah) and tzitzit under their shirts. Women will cover their hair (if they’re married), most likely with a wig, and wear modest clothing (only wear skirts that are at least past their knees and long sleeves). Emphasis on continued study of Torah/Talmud. Parents will likely have jobs. Might have larger families (aka more children) but might not. Services will be segregated by gender, girls won’t read from the Torah publicly, and female Rabbis are very rare. Children will most likely attend a religious school. Will attend shul services every Shabbat and for holidays.
note: there are some people who fall somewhere between modern Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox, or between any two denominations really. as you can imagine people don’t all practice the exact same way.
Ultra-Orthodox: Very religiously observant and not necessarily modern. Will keep kosher and observe Shabbat. Men will wear kippot or other head coverings and tzitzit under their shirts, and are also often seen wearing suits. Women will cover their hair (if they’re married) with a wig or scarf and wear modest clothing (only wear skirts that are at least past their knees and long sleeves). Emphasis on continued study of Torah/Talmud. Men might have jobs but might instead focus on Jewish studies, while women most often focus on housework and child-rearing. Don’t believe in contraception (but this is kinda nuanced and depends). Will often have very large families because having children is a commandment and helps continue the Jewish people. Might be shomer negiah which means not touching members of the opposite sex aside from their spouse and some close family members. Services will be segregated by gender, girls won’t read from the Torah publicly, and there won’t be female Rabbis. Children will attend a religious school. Will attend shul services every Shabbat and for holidays.
Ethnic denominations (the different denominations do have some differences in practices and such but tbh I don’t know much about that so this is just the basics):
Ashkenazi: Jews that originate from Central/Eastern Europe. Yiddish, a combination of Hebrew and German, originated from and was spoken by Ashkenazim and while it’s a dying language it’s spoken among many Orthodox Jews and many Jews of all levels know/speak some Yiddish words and phrases. Majority of Jews worldwide are Ashkenazi.
Sephardi/Sephardic: Jews that originate from the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa, and southeastern Europe. Ladino, a combination of Old Spanish and Hebrew, originated from and was spoken by Sephardim. It is also a dying language but is still spoken by some Sephardim. After Ashkenazi most of the world’s Jews are Sephardic.
Mizrahi: Jews that originate from the Middle East and North Africa.
Ethiopian Jews: Community of Jews that lived in Ethiopia for over 1,000 years, though most have immigrated to Israel by now.
There are so many Jewish stereotypes and shit and I ask you to please be mindful of them. Stereotypes do exist for a reason, so some people will fit stereotypes. This means your character might fit one or two; don’t make them fit all of them. Please. Stereotypes to keep in mind (and steer away from) include:
All Jews are rich.
All Jews are greedy.
All Jews are cheap/frugal.
All Jews are [insert job here]. We’ll go into this more below.
All Jews hate Christians/Muslims/etc.
All Jews are white. 
First of all Ethiopian and Mizrahi Jews exist, many Sephardi are Hispanic, and today with intermarriage and everything this just isn’t true.
All Jews have the same physical features: large and/or hooked nose, beady eyes, droopy eyelids, red hair (this is an old stereotype I didn’t really know existed), curly hair.
Many Jews do have somewhat large noses and curly hair. I’m not saying you can’t give these features to your characters, but I am saying to be careful and don’t go overboard. And don’t give all of your Jewish characters these features. As a side note, it is common at least among American Jews that girls get nose jobs. Not all, but some.
Jews are secretly world elite/control the world/are lizard people/new world order/ any of this stuff. 
STAY AWAY FROM. DO NOT DO THIS OR ANYTHING LIKE THIS. If you have a character that’s part lizard, do not make them Jewish. If you have a character that’s part of a secret group that controls the entire world, do not make them Jewish.
Jews have horns. If you have characters with horns please don’t make them Jewish.
Jews killed Jesus.
The blood libel. Ew. No.
The blood libel is an antisemitic accusation/idea/concept that back in the day Jews would murder Christian children to use their blood in religious rituals and sometimes even for consumption (did I mention gross?) Not only did this just not happen, but it’s actually against Jewish law to murder, sacrifice, or consume blood. Yes these accusations really happened and it became a main reason for persecution of Jews. And some people still believe this shit.
Jews caused The Plague.
The reason this conspiracy exists is because many Jews didn’t get The Plague and the goyim thought that meant it was because the Jews caused it/cursed them. The real reason Jews didn’t get it is because ritual hand-washing and good hygiene kept them from getting it. Sorry that we bathe.
Jewish mother stereotype.
Ok, listen. I know stereotypes are mostly a bad thing but I have to admit the Jewish mother stereotype is not far off. Jewish moms do tend to be chatty and a little nagging, are often very involved in their children’s lives, and they are often trying to feed everyone (although they don’t all cook, my mom hates cooking.) They also tend to be big worriers, mostly worrying about their family/loved ones. They also tend to know everyone somehow. A twenty minute trip to the grocery store can turn into an hour or two long trip because she’ll chat with all the people she runs into.
Jewish-American Princess (JAP) ((I know calling Japanese people Japs is offensive. Jews will call girls JAPs, but with a completely different meaning. If that’s still offensive I am sorry, but just know it happens.))
This is the stereotype that portrays Jewish girls/women as spoiled brats basically. They will be pampered and materialistic. Do these girls exist? Definitely. I still recommend steering away from this stereotype.
Listen. Listen. There are some names that Jews just won’t have. I won’t speak in definites because there are always exceptions but you’ll rarely find a Jew named Trinity or Grace or Faith or any form of Chris/Christopher/Christina etc. Biblical names from the Old Testament? Absolutely Jews will have those names they’re actually very common.
I’m in a Jewish Sorority. My pledge class of ~70 girls had five Rebeccas and four Sarahs. Surprisingly only one Rachel though.
When it comes to last names I have two thoughts that might seem contradictory but hear me out: a) give your Jewish OC’s Jewish surnames, b) don’t give your Jewish OC’s the most Jewish surname to ever exist.
By this I mean I would much rather see a character named Sarah Cohen or Aaron Levine than Rachel Smith. Just that little bit of recognition makes a happy exclamation point appear over my head, plus it can be a good way to hint to readers that your OC is Jewish.
On the other hand, please don’t use the most stereotypical Jewish names you’ve ever heard. If you have five Jewish OCs and one of them is Isaac Goldstein then fine. If Isaac Goldstein is your only Jewish OC I might get a little peeved. There are tons of common Jewish surnames that are recognizable and easy to look up, so don’t revert to the first three that come to mind. Maybe it’s just me, but I find it yucky, for lack of a better word.
We all know there are certain jobs that are stereotypical for Jews to have. We’re talking lawyer, dentist, doctor, banker type stuff. To an extent these stereotypes exist for a reason, many Jews go into those careers. Do not make these the only careers your Jewish OCs have. Stereotypes might have reasoning behind them but it doesn’t mean they aren’t harmful. If you have multiple Jewish OCs some of them can have these careers, but not all of them. I do know a lot of Jewish lawyers, dentists, and doctors. I also know accountants, people involved in businesses (“mom, what does Brad do?” “he’s a businessman” sometimes there just aren’t more specific words), people involved in real estate. I don’t actually know any bankers personally, and with money and stuff being one of the most common and harmful Jewish stereotypes I would suggest steering away from that.
These are common fields for Jews, but Jews can have literally any job. Please feel free to get creative. And if you have more than one Jewish OC you can think about making one of them a Rabbi, but DON’T do this if they’re the only Jewish OC. Please.
So I mentioned Yiddish earlier. Like I already said, it’s not a very widely used language anymore but there are some words and phrases that are still used by a lot of Jews (in America at least.) Here’s a list that is absolutely not comprehensive:
Oy vey = oh no
Shvitzing = sweating (but not just a little bit. Shvitzing is like SWEATING)
Kvetch/kvetching = whine/whining or complain/complaining
Mazel tov = congratulations; this is the same in Yiddish and Hebrew
Chutzpah = nerve or gall (e.g. “He’s got a lot of chutzpah for breaking up over text like that”)
Kismet = fate; I just learned this is Yiddish
Bubbe and Zayde = grandma and grandpa
Schelp/schlepping = drag/dragging, can also mean carry or move (e.g. “I had to schlep the bag all around town” doesn’t mean they literally dragged it)
Schmutz = dirt or something dirty (e.g. “you have schmutz on your face”)
Schmatta = literally means rag but can be used to refer to ratty blankets or clothes
Plotz = collapse (usually used in the sense of “I’m so tired I might plotz” or “she’s gonna be so excited she’s gonna plotz”)
Schmuck/shmendrick = both mean more or less the same, a jerk or obnoxious person
Shtick = gimmick, routine, or act (can be used like (“I don’t like that comedian’s shtick” or “he always makes himself the center of attention it’s his shtick”)
Spiel = long speech, story, or rant
There’s so many more so look them up and think about using them, but don’t overdo it. A Jewish person isn’t gonna use a Yiddish word in every sentence (or even every day or every few days.)
In my community at least it’s very common that by the time your college-aged that you’ll have been to Israel at least once.
Israel is a controversial topic within the Jewish community and in the world. It’s sensitive and complex. I really, really suggest not getting into it. Just don’t bring it up because no matter what you say someone will be unhappy. Just don’t do it.
Ashkenazi Disorders
Ashkenazi Jews have some sucky genes (I’m Ashkenazi so I can say this, you cannot.) These sucky genes cause certain disorders to be more prevalent for us. Children only get the disorder if both parents are carriers of the disorder, so Jews usually get genetic testing done before having children. If both parents are carriers the risk of the child getting the disorder is high, so parents might reconsider or have some indecisiveness/fear. Some of these are:
Cystic Fibrosis
Canavan Disease
Familial Dysautonomia
Gaucher Disease
Spinal Muscular Atrophy  
Fanconi Anemia
Mucolipidosis IV
Niemann-Pick Disease
Torsion Dystonia
Bloom Syndrome
Ashkenazi Jews also have a high prevalence of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer in women and increase the risk of breast and prostate cancer in men.
Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Lactose Intolerance are also very prevalent
In a dorm of like 40 Jews, six of them had Crohn’s.
Ways to Show Your OC is Jewish
Wears Jewish jewelry, e.g. Star of David (also called Jewish Star and Magen David), Chai symbol (means life), jewelry with Sh’ma prayer, or hamsa (but beware this symbol is used outside of Judaism).
Mentions their temple, their Rabbi, having a Bat/Bar Mitzvah, going to Hebrew School, Shabbat, or a holiday coming up.
Have someone ask them a question about Judaism.
Have someone notice they have a mezuzah on their door. 
Most Jews will have a mezuzah on the doorframe of the front door of their house/apartment, but they could even have one for their dorm room or whatever. It’s traditional to kiss your hand then touch the mezuzah when walking through the door, but most Jews don’t do this every time, at least not most Reform or Conservative Jews.
Have them call out antisemitism if you’re feeling spicy
The end! I hope this helped and if you have any questions my ask box is always open!
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madelineorionswan · 3 years
Valentine's day challenge 2022.
Day 1: A date and a dragon. (Blind date)
A/N: Woohoo! My very first writing challenge. Thank you to the amazing @lifeofkaze for creating this wonderful challenge and letting me participate. Now will be keeping to schedule? I plan on doing so but I miggggght just get a little lazy occasionally. Let's dive right into it! Also I know this isn't what a blind date is, but since Madeline didn't know about the date and it was a surprise, just go with it 😉.
Warnings: Cuteness, sad Charlie, Drinking, maybe a little sad, mentions of past injury. (if you squint really hard)
Summary: After a long month of working at the ministry, Madeline could only hope for a little rest and relaxation, along with some cuddles with charlie. But charlie being charlie had his own ideas. let's just say they might have been a bit...flamable.
"So, you and Weasley got any "couple plans" upcoming," Tonks joked. She sat down at Madeline and her's office couch and kicked off her boots, which by some miracle landed perfectly aligned.
"How do you mean?" Madeline quirked a brow, sitting down on the couch beside Tonks.
"You know... all the cute couple-e stuff most couples do?"
Madeline chuckled, shaking her head dismissively, "Tonks you know me and Charlie don't do anything like that. In fact, I think we don't do anything like a normal couple."
"I know I know, it's just, Weasley's always so...infatuated with you it kinda gets me thinking he does a lot of those things," Tonks said, raising her hands in defence.
Madeline got up and picked up the bottle of firewhiskey on her desk. She tossed it over to Tonks, who caught it, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
"Now, THIS is what I'm talking about," Tonks pulled out two glasses and poured the drink, handing it to Madeline.
"Cheers to hopefully, a good few days off of work," Madeline declared. She clinked her glass with Tonks' and the two girls leaned back on the couch and sipped on their drinks.
"Well, I'll see ya in 2 months Madeline, and don't get too mushy" Tonks patted Madeline's shoulder, chortling.
"Yeah, see you and don't worry I won't," Madeline smirked and rolled her eyes playfully.
Madeline gripped the portkey and braced herself for the upcoming impact. And just like that, she felt her body being twisted impossibly tight as the portkey took her to Romania.
Madeline fell on a bed of grass with a loud thud. No matter how many times she had travelled via portkey, she had never gotten used to it. She got up and dusted her coat with her hands. She gathered her fallen bags and was about to get up when she felt pain shoot up her upper arm. In all of the frenzy, Madeline had forgotten that she had injured herself quite seriously previously. She took a minute and then got onto her feet, heading for the sanctuary.
She headed for the set of cabins near the sanctuary. Walking up to Charlie's cabin, Madeline felt a sense of warmth, she felt at home. She hadn't even reached the front door when Charlie burst through the door and ran up to her. He hugged her tightly and picked her up, spinning her around. Both of them burst into giggles, enjoying being in each other's arms again.
"I missed you so much," Madeline mumbled, burying her head into the crook of Charlie's neck.
"I've missed you too Dragostea Mea," Charlie whispered, a love-sick smile on his face.
They both would have stayed like that, staring into each other's eyes, when all of a sudden Charlie's stomach grumbled loudly, making him blush as red as his hair.
"I think it's time we sorted out dinner for you", Madeline pocked Charlie's nose, smirking as he let go of her. "And don't even think of making it yourself," she said, grabbing her bags.
"Not so fast love," Charlie smirked and scooped Madeline up, making her burst out with laughter. The bags were left in the front yard.
Charlie kicked open the door and walked in. Aro, their pet dragon immediately walked up to them, wanting to get some pats as usual.
"Don't worry buddy, we haven't forgotten you," Charlie chuckled as he placed Madeline on the couch. He kissed her deeply before sitting down beside her and cradling her in his arms.
"Did my favourite baby dragon miss me?" Madeline said in a child-like voice. Aro eagerly jumped onto her lap and made himself comfortable there, immediately claiming his place.
"So how long did Moody give you this time?" Charlie asked.
"Well," Madeline elongated, making Charlie hold his breath, "Moody was in a surprisingly good mood so I got about two months," she said smiling widely. Charlie smiled too and kissed her full on the lips.
"Good," he said, "I bloody missed you too much."
"Oh I know," Madeline joked, knowing full well Charlie can be clingy sometimes, especially when she's away. And boy did she miss him too.
That night there weren't many words spoken, just staying in each other's arms and feeling the warmth and comfort of each other.
And Aro, of course, everybody needs a little dragon in their lives. Especially Madeline and Charlie.
Charlie Weasley has always been an early morning kinda guy, always waking up around the crack of dawn and taking care of his dragons. But today, he just stared at Madeline peacefully sleeping...and drooling on her pillow. Even though he'd have to wash and change the pillows, he loved seeing her peaceful face in the morning. Charlie chuckled as Madeline curled up in her sleep, falling in love with her adorableness all over again.
But breakfast was a must-have for these two, so Charlie did have to get up. He placed a tender kiss on her lips before getting out of bed and slowly walking down the stairs, careful not to wake Madeline up.
While making breakfast, Charlie thought about how he could spend his day with Madeline. Obviously just sitting and enjoying his day with her was on the top of the list. But maybe something more.
Charlie had realised that he had never been the usual type of romantic guy. Showering his significant other with expensive gifts, going on constant dates, not leaving each other for more than a couple seconds, never was his thing. While sometimes that made him confident about himself, sometimes it made him doubt whether he's being a good boyfriend to Madeline.
"Hey buddy," Charlie smiled slightly when Aro jumped onto the kitchen counter.
He knew that today was valentines day, something some of his co-workers were pretty excited about. He and Madeline usually just spent the together. No fancy dates or any sort of fuss.
"What do you think buddy? Should I take her on a date or...or like get her flowers?" He asked the dragon while running his hand over its scales. Aro gurgled and nuzzled his snout into Charlie's hand.
Charlie sighed but didn't deny the baby dragon more back rubs. Just then an idea came to his mind and Charlie smiled brightly. He picked up Aro, setting him down on the floor as he rushed around the kitchen.
Aro let out a meek roar, making Charlie laugh. "Don't worry buddy, you'll be my assistant for this," Charlie said. Not understanding what the sudden fuss was about, Aro just stared blankly at Charlie and sat down on his bed.
Madeline fumbled down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Good morni-" she was about to say, expecting to find Charlie making breakfast. But the cabin was deserted. Madeline looked around hoping to find her boyfriend or Aro. Instead, she found a crumpled up piece of parchment beside a plate of beautifully made eggs and toast.
Madeline unfolded the parchment and a smile spread on her face. She recognised Charlie's Chiken-scratch handwriting, and well, the breadcrumbs all over it.
Dragostea Mea,
Meet me at the cliff near the reserve at sunset. I've got a little surprise for you. And wear something nice.
Love, charlie.
"Looks like you've gotten some ideas, Charlie," Madeline thought to herself, smirking. But until his plans, Madeline would focus on breakfast and some paperwork. Hopefully, Charlie had something exciting because she would definitely be bored. And boy did he have something exciting planned.
Throughout the entire day, Charlie had been busy setting up the designated place for a blind date. Charlie hadn't felt prouder of himself as he saw the arrangement come together. Nicely presented table, a nice scene, Romantic stuff right? All that was left was good food.
"Well, this is it, buddy," Charlie sighed and looked at Aro, who was more busy hovering around the pink flowy curtains Charlie had placed. The little dragon sneezed dramatically, blowing out some fire and smoke, alarming Charlie.
"Woah there, don't want to set it on fire do you?" Charlie pulled Aro aside and set him down on the ground.
Aro growled, clearly not pleased with the sudden interruption. He huffed in annoyance which was mostly unnoticed by Charlie, who was too busy fixing every little detail. Just when Aro had enough of Charlie's rants and ignorance he glared, took a deep breath and blasted fire at the tent.
Charlie's eyes widened and he quickly jumped out of the way. But it was too late to save his hard work. One moment and it was all up in flames. Charlie's stomach sunk. But he soon regained his senses and shot Aguamenti at the tent. It took some time but finally, the fire was out.
As if this scenario wasn't humiliating enough, while Charlie attempted to calm Aro, he heard someone gasp loudly. He felt his heart sink when he saw Madeline in a lovely dress (which made his heart flutter), eyes wide in shock.
"Wha-what happened?" Madeline whispered as she approached him.
Charlie felt sad, angry and disappointed in himself. All his hard work for nothing and most of all, he disappointed Madeline.
"I- I was planning a blind date and well, this happened," Charlie gestured towards the now burnt remains of the tent he had set up.
Madeline felt terrible, even more so when she saw how much Charlie had worked for the blind date, which was now ruined. Charlie let out a frustrated groan and sat down on a giant rock.
"I'm so sorry, all I wanted to do was to have a nice time with you, maybe even impress you and then Aro decides to burn the whole thing, it's all my fault," Charlie ranted, not caring that all Madeline wanted to do was to hug and comfort him.
So that's what she did. She sat down beside him, and brought him into a tight hug, kissing his head.
"I'm such a terrible boyfriend, you work so much for the both of us and I can't even put up a simple date," Charlie mumbled, sadly.
"Hey that's not true," Madeline made Charlie face her. She caressed his face and said, "You're the best boyfriend I could ask for, Charles and just so you know, a ruined date isn't going to make me stop loving you."
Charlie smiled although still feeling guilty. Madeline sensed the underlying guilt and kissed him.
"I like you for you, Charles I don't care about dates, it's you I care about, you whom I love," Madeline assured him.
"Honestly what did I do to deserve you?" Charlie chuckled, still not believing how lucky he was.
"You didn't need to do anything, just being there for me was enough," she whispered lovingly and the two kissed under the sunset.
Sure, Charlie might have messed up the date, but it didn't matter to either. What mattered was that they loved each other.
And Aro of course.
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ahsokaismyqueen · 4 years
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Wingman Becomes the Man
Pairing - Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Reader
Summary - Frankie’s always been the wingman for Pope, even though he doesn’t understand why. This time though, you don’t seem to be that interested in his friend at all. 
Word Count - 1.8k
Warnings - Language, but that’s it! 
Frankie Morales was no stranger to bars. He was no stranger to going to bars with his friends. He was also no stranger to being a wingman to Pope even though he didn’t understand it, because he knew Pope would never have trouble getting any girl in a bar that he wanted. 
Yet, he continued to find himself in the same situation. 
“Hey, Catfish, you see that girl over there?” Pope said, nodding his head over at the bar. 
Frankie looked over to where Pope was talking about, and his eyes settled on you at once. Pope had taste, that was for sure. You had a great smile and legs that now that Frankie had noticed them, he was having a hard time looking away from himself. 
Almost as if you felt his eyes on you, you turned your head and met his gaze for the briefest second, but Frankie turned his head away, a little embarrassed at getting caught. “The one at the end?” He asked, as if it wasn’t obvious who Pope was talking about, and clearing his throat. 
Pope looked like he was holding back laughter at Frankie’s reaction. “Yeah, the one on the end.” Then he reached into his pocket and held up a little slip of paper that Frankie was sure had his number written on it. “Think you can work your magic?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“Why don’t you go do your dirty work for once, huh?” Frankie asked, adjusting his hat on his head. 
“Because you do it so much better.” Pope argued, holding the piece of paper out to him again. 
Frankie sighed, and because Pope was his best friend, he took the paper from his hand, standing up and pointing the top of his beer out to Pope as he spoke. “You owe me a beer.” He told him as he chugged the rest of his down so that he would have an excuse to be at the bar in the first place. 
“You got it buddy,” he said, shooting his friend a grin as he leaned back in his seat with his arms behind his head. 
“Heyyyyy, guess what?” Your, much drunker than you, friend said, resting her hand on your shoulder as she leaned against the bar. 
“What?” You asked, not taking her seriously as you drank some more of your beer. 
“You remember - that guy when we walked in - and you were like, oh, hey - look at the hottie in the baseball cap?” She said, giving your shoulder a squeeze. 
Heat flooded your cheeks as you remembered the man you had caught sight of as soon as you walked in. He had caught your eyes at once with his cute smile as he had cut up with his friends. “I don’t think I said it like that.” You mumbled, staring straight ahead. It was what you had been doing since you caught his eyes for a second moments ago. 
She waved your words away. “It doesn’t matter how you said it - what matters is that he’s making his way over here right now.” 
“What?!” Your eyes widened in disbelief as you looked back to where he was sitting to see he was, in fact, headed this way. “What the hell do I do?” You whispered to her. You had always been terrible at these things, awkward and never knowing what to say. 
She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. You just do you, Sweetie. We’ll give you some privacy.” She said, booping your nose as she turned to face the rest of your friends. 
You were about to pull her back around and demand her to tell you some sort of cute line or way to grab his attention when you felt a body slide in beside yours at the bar. You froze, at a complete loss for anything to say to the man as he stood next to you, grabbing the bartender’s attention and ordering another. He wasn’t close enough to where he was touching you or anything, but you could feel his warmth against your side, and smell the muskiness of his cologne which made your head spin. Buying time while you thought of something to say, and hoping the bartender would be as slow as he had with you, you took another chug of your beer. 
“That’s a good beer.” 
Was he talking to you? Holy shit he was talking to you with that soft, smooth voice. You turned to look at him, and bit your lip at the sight. You had thought that he was cute from a distance, but now that you were seeing him up close and personal, you realized that he was even more attractive than you had originally thought with his dark facial hair and soft brown eyes. Then you realized you were staring at him, and quickly spoke up. “I - uh, yeah, it is.” At that moment the bartender handed the man his beer, which you noticed was the same kind you were drinking. “I see you’re a fan.” You said, a little smile playing at your lips. 
“Yeah, it’s all we drank in the army.” The man said, nodding his head back to where he had been sitting. “I’m Francisco, by the way, but almost everyone calls me Frankie, or Catfish.” He said, holding out his hand to you. 
You had to remind yourself to speak like a normal person when his large hand engulfed yours. It was rough, no doubt from the army, and it felt so nice against your skin. Instead of focusing on that, you decided to try and focus on his name instead. “Catfish?” You asked with raised eyebrows, curious as to how that had come about. 
“It’s a long story . . .” He trailed off, and it was only then that you realized you hadn’t told him your name. 
“Sorry,” you said, shaking your head and letting your name slip past your lips. “It’s nice to meet you, Frankie.” You told him, and it was, no matter how hard your heart was pounding in your chest. 
For a moment, the two of you just stared at each other, both with matching smiles on your faces. It was easy to get lost in those warm, brown eyes, and you didn't even notice you were doing it until he cleared his throat and spoke up. “Listen, this might be awkward, but my friend over there thinks you’re cute and wanted me to give you his number -”
“What about you?” Blurted out of your mouth before you could stop it, and once you realized what you had said, it was way too late to take it back. 
There was no other word to describe the look on his face other than confusion. “I -uh, what?” He said with a bit of a chuckle to his voice. 
“She wants to know if you think she’s cute!” Your drunk friend, who had stayed silent up until now, called over her shoulder. “She’s been staring at you and talking about how hot you are since we walked in!” 
Okay, it was official. If it was possible for you to melt through the floor, now would have been the time to do it. “I’m - um - sorry about her.” You replied, “And I haven’t been talking about how hot you are since we came in. I mean I mentioned it a few times, but not -” You gulped a bit as you looked over at him. “Not like that.” You finished lamely. 
There was such a genuine look of surprise on his face, you got the impression that he hadn’t been told very many times that he was attractive. Which was a real shame, because he was one of the cutest guys that you had ever seen. “But - uh, my friend -” He glanced back over at him, almost as if he was looking for help, and you couldn’t mistake the faint flush to his cheeks as he fiddled with that tiny scrap of paper between his fingers. 
Well, you’d already embarrassed the shit out of yourself once, why not do it again? “I don’t want your friend’s number, but -” You took the paper from his hands and grabbed a pen from the bar in front of you, scribbling your own number on the other side. “I’ll give you mine, and you can decide what you want to do with it.” You told him, folding the paper up and holding it back out to him. 
This time, when you looked at him, there was a hint of that adorable smile that drew you to him in the first place on his lips. “All right,” he said, taking the paper from your hands. 
“All right,” You repeated, returning his smile with one of your own. 
The two of you were doing that thing again. Where you stared at each other and everything else in the world seemed to fade away. Until there was a loud call of “FISH!” from back where he had been sitting, and you saw two boys in a headlock with each other. 
“Uh, I better -” Frankie nodded over there and adjusted the cap on his head before giving you another smile and taking his leave. 
Right on time for your friends to start hollering embarrassing catcalls. “Woohoo! You just gave a hot guy your number! Shots on me!” Your friend called. 
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help but beam. 
Once Frankie had broken up the playful fight between the two brothers he sat back down next to Pope, his fingers reaching into his pocket to fiddle with the piece of paper your number was on. 
“Seemed like that conversation was going well.” Pope said, giving Frankie a grin, and then turning his attention back to his beer as he took a sip. “Did she give you her number?” 
“Mhmmm,” Frankie replied, the words taking a moment to process while he was busy watching you laugh with your friends. “Wait, what?” He said when he realized what he had said, turning to look at a smirking Pope. 
“Hermano, she’s been watching you since she walked in, and I knew you weren’t going to do anything about it.” He said, bumping Frankie’s shoulder with his own. 
So Santiago had set all of this up to get Frankie to go talk to you. While in another circumstance he might have been pissed, he couldn’t bring himself to be this time. Not now that he had your number, and your words about how hot you thought he was echoing in his head. Try as he might, there was no way he could keep the smile off his face while he was thinking of that. “You’re an asshole.” He told Pope. 
Pope laughed, slinging an arm around his friend’s shoulder and messing with his cap. “An asshole that got you a cute girl’s phone number. Who owes who a beer now?” 
Frankie rolled his eyes, but still kept smiling.
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Hey vobali, I love your QoT fic with Stella. Might I request for continuation fic where Stella meets the rest of the Poppy. MC convince everyone to let her to stay with them. Stella ended up growing on the Poppy that they decide to teach her and also very protective of her.
Part 1
Written by @vobali
"Wait! Waaaiiit! I want to come with you!"
I freeze. She... what? A look to Vivienne tells me she's at a loss for words as well. We've had this discussion before - whether we'd want kids or not - and we ended up with wanting none. But I just can't destroy the hope in Yvonne's eyes. Vivienne, as always, senses that I have trouble to form a response and jumps in.
"I doubt that it's safe for you to come with us."
"Pleeeeaaaase.... I'll... I'll be good! I've been alone for as long as I remember and I don't want to be alone..."
She lets go off me and pulls my wife's hips into a tight hug.
"I... I want to learn! Please..."
Viv goes stiff. I know how she responds to touch, so I prepare myself to intervene. But surprisingly it turns out to be unnecessary because she relaxes a little and puts a gentle hand onto the girl's head.
"Listen... Besides the danger you would get into we can't decide alone. We are a group of seven."
"That's amazing! I always wanted a family!"
Yvonne is excited beyond measure. Her face lights up with the biggest smile I've ever seen as she spins around and looks at us. Her eyes are big, hopeful, shining with pure joy. I melt. This girl was cute before but now... she's just adorable. A look to my wife confirms that she also fell for Yvonne. It's true that I warned Vivienne up, that she opens up more easily now, but it's still hard for anyone else to get to her heart. How this little girl broke through her walls so easily? I can see it's frightening her but she's not making the same mistake that she did with me. She's not pushing her away. Adoration shines in her eyes when Yvonne takes both of our hands, swinging them. With a small smile I speak out her thoughts.
"Alright... Let's ask the others."
"No. This is no life for a child."
Vivienne and Yvonne went up to the roof to pay Jett a visit so I have to face the arguments from the rest.
"She already has a life similar to ours, Niko! She has nowhere to go and could end up in the system, given from one family to another until she 'can take care of herself'. Or worse... without moral guidance, which we can provide, she could end up like Nadia and I won't let  THAT happen!"
"You have a point there, chérie, but our lifestyle IS dangerous. Jett is working with explosives..."
"Not only explosives, Remy!"
"Also... we've found ourselves on more than one occasion in a really close situation - Céline, Nadia, Bernicio... just to name a few."
"For god's sake, Zoe! Do you really think I'd put a seven-year-old girl up front?"
"It's not just that, MC. Zoe's examples came directly for us. Others might come for her instead to hurt us. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, remember?"
I close my eyes with a sigh.
"I understand your concerns, Leon, all of your concerns. I really do. But Yvonne has a talent... she just needs training, guidance. All I ask of you is your trust, one week and-!"
We get interrupted by loud laughter as Jett enters the room with Yvonne on his shoulders followed by Vivienne.
"Hey, folks. Have you met this little thing yet? She's incredible! She almost got me... luckily, I turned around at the right time otherwise I would've lost my wallet without even noticing! Can we keep her?"
"Wait... what?"
I throw an amused look at Yvonne while the others check their pockets, realizing that all of them got pickpocketed by a seven-year-old.
"My... my phone!"
"My wallet!"
"MY wallet!"
"My keys!"
Jett laughs so hard that the girl shakes with his laughter, grinning proudly. Vivienne can't help but chuckle as well while she comes to my side.
"Believe me... I know exactly how you feel. Though, if I'm being honest, I'm not surprised you didn't find out sooner. She got a lot better since she stole MY wallet almost two weeks ago."
Yvonne gets back on the ground, returns the stolen items, settles in front of Vivienne and me with a small smile and all eyes are on us. It's Nikolai who speaks first after a few minutes of silence.
"Fine. One week."
But despite his earnest tone he can't hide this small, slightly impressed smirk that pulls on his lips.
The Poppy adapts quite quickly to the idea of having a child around. Yvonne is good at practically everything! Jett loved her from the start but he really enjoys to co-teach her how to paint, Remy likes his role as language tutor alongside Vivienne, Zoe adores Yvonne's enthusiasm to learn new things in general, Nikolai is impressed of her eye for strategy and Leon, our sweet and gentle giant, is more than happy to take care of the simple playtime and cuddle parties. And even Elisabeth is around Yvonne as often as possible.
It's the evening before the week is over and a final decision has to be made. Vivienne and I have talked about this multiple times within the last few days - we want to keep her. Although we agreed on not wanting children, we can't picture our lives without Yvonne anymore. I know it deep inside my heart that this is the girl I'd call "daughter" and I know Vivienne feels the same way.
I take my time putting Yvonne to bed. She asked me not to leave so I stayed, humming a lullaby, stroking her hair until she fell asleep. I stand up as careful and as quiet as I can and place a soft kiss onto her forehead.
"Good night, little one."
I whisper before I leave the room. Outside, the others are already waiting for me.
"I'm sorry. It took longer than I expected..."
"Don't be, darling! We can wait. I suppose she's asleep now?"
I nod, give Vivienne a quick kiss and listen to the conversation, mostly fun or cute stories with Yvonne.
"I found a solution to our problem with the next heist."
"You did? Tell us, Niko!"
"Well... to be honest... it was Yvonne's idea. I would never have thought of it that way. The simplicity of a child's point of view really is astonishing! Oh! By the way... I got there something..."
He rises and places a small box in front of me. I open it carefully. My breath hitches as I reveal the earring inside.
"A... a little poppy!"
"I think I speak for all of us when I say 'we all want Yvonne to stay'."
Nikolai says with a smile.
"Woohoo! Hell yes, Niko! You're goddamn right! And anyone who dares to TRY harming her..."
"... will regret that they even THOUGHT of it in the first place!"
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mieohmy · 4 years
𝖲𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖾𝖽𝗒 𝖢𝖺𝗍 𝖶𝗁𝗈? | 𝖫𝖾𝖾 𝖧𝖺𝖾𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇
PAIRING: lee haechan x reader
GENRE: humor, fluff, haunted house au, friends-to-maybe-more?
WC: 1.2k
NOTES: cursing,  horror/scary things 🤡 boo maybe a Halloween drabble in January 🤠?
↳ “Don’t let go. If you do, I think I’ll die.”
You weren’t going. No way. So what if you have to be stuck at home ignoring annoying doorbells from candy deprived kids who just rampaged from door to door? It was way better than going to the highest-rated horror house in the city... right? 
“Listen, I’m staying here. I’m not going to scream my brains out and get killed by a clown alright? End of discussion.”
“Come onnn, it’ll be so much fun. The fear is the best part,” Renjun tries to convince you for the nth time. “Who wants to be alone on Halloween?” 
You reply with no hesitation. ‘’Me.”
“Y/n,” he groans in frustration, “you’re not gonna die. You can just stick by Haechan’s side, no biggie.”
Renjun’s response causes you to furrow your eyebrows. “Why Haechan?” 
“Well, he won’t stop bragging about how fearless he is, so he can protect you... I guess?”
You snort, “Haechan protecting me? Why would he want to do that?” 
His eye suddenly twitches, specifically the left one, you note. “Uh- no reason. Hey guys, you ready?” he calls out to the other guys.
“Yeah, did y/n finally change their mind?” Chenle asks. 
“Of course. They’re gonna change, and then we’re leaving.” Renjun glares at you with such ferocity that you simply turn and walk to your room to get ready.
You regretted going. Waiting in line was literally torture. The never-ending screams were torture. Everything was torture. 
“Guys, I don’t think I can do this anymore. Didn’t you just hear those kids screaming? It literally sounded like they were actually getting murdered.” 
“Oh don’t be a baby, it’s gonna be great getting chased by clowns,” Renjun states. 
Haechan puffs up his chest. “Or the clowns are gonna be chased by me.” There’s a moment of silence before you speak up again. 
“Seriously, how come Jisung wasn’t forced to come and I was?” 
“Cause,” Jaemin replies, “He’s a baby. Mine, specifically.” 
You roll your eyes, bottom lip jutted out in frustration. “What about me? Am I not a baby?” 
“Nah- oh heck no,” Chenle says, head shaking from side to side.
Haechan mutters under his breath, “you can be mine..” 
“Ughhhh I’m gonna die, and it’s gonna be all your guys’ fault.” You might’ve tried to escape the line and run away as fast as your legs can take you but there’s always that one person who stops you.
“No, you won’t.” Renjun shoves you toward Haechan, making you stumble into his arms. “Since you think you’re all so strong and mighty, you can take care of them.” You’re too busy grumbling to notice Haechan’s flustered expression. 
The line moves up and the horrible feeling in your stomach grows every step closer. 
When the group in front of you enters the death house, you tightly clench whoever’s arm is right next to you. “Oh my god, we’re almost in.”
Haechan lets out a strained laugh, weakly attempting to remove your iron grip from his arm. 
 And then the door opens. You feel the cool air flow out and shiver. Chenle lets out an excited woohoo! and dashes in. 
You’re frozen, staring at the darkness emitting from the door until a voice cuts in. 
“Come on, y/n. We can do it.” You look up at Haechan, a hand offered in front of you. 
And so you take it, entering the haunted house with the rest of the boys. 
It isn’t too bad -is what you thought for the first five steps into the house. 
It helped that everyone was giggling at all the lame props that didn’t seem so horrifying after all.
Horribly fake decorations? Okay. Bloodied corpse? Ehhh... 
Is that a murder chainsaw guy? Goodbye. 
You swear it was some weird vase decoration or whatever, but when it stands up and that roaring engine sound comes to life, everyone erupts in screams and scatters throughout the place.
You're not sure where you are, where everyone else is. The house feels so much scarier alone. In total, you’ve been jump scared by three zombies, one skeleton, and a coat hanger. 
You’re not even sure how you’ve been moving through this maze of a house. For real, how many doors and hallways have you walked through? 
After a creepy girl pops up right in your face, you wail, almost on the verge of tears. There’s no choice but to run away, maybe find someone else or an exit. Where is everyone? 
Turning a corner, you bump into something, immediately falling to the ground and shrieking. Wait a second. You may be hearing things, but it sounded like another scream? One was yours for sure, and you’re pretty confident that your voice didn’t suddenly become deeper...?
“Fuck- wait a sec... Oh thank goodness, y/n !!”
Whimpering, you peek an eye open to see a relieved Haechan. It was hard to recognize him, the house being so dark and all. 
“W-where’s everyone else?” 
He helps you up, not letting go of your hand afterward. “I don’t know... We all lost each other after that creepy chainsaw man.” 
You pause. “You know, for someone saying that they were so good at these horror things, you were sure scared to bump into me.” 
“W-whatever. I can barely see anything. Come on, let’s stick together. I don’t think I can handle this anymore.”
Slowly, the two of you continue through the house. You never loosen your grip on his hand. you don’t think you physically can.
After a weird clown guy literally comes out the wall(??), the two of you barely make it past, Haechan babbling random useless threats.
You bury your head into his shoulder, eyes squeezed shut. “Don’t let go. If you do, I think I’ll die.” 
If you keep saying things like that, I think I’ll be the one to die, Haechan bitterly thinks in his head. 
“Haechan... I-I think I see it!” “See what?” “Maybe my eyes are deluding me, but I think that’s the exit? Right?”
You both glance up at the giant EXIT sign in neon green positioned above a door. 
It takes a few seconds of studying and squinting before you two share a glance and vigorously push through, tumbling outside back into the normal world. 
  The sight of the black sky never seemed so reassuring before. 
“Y-y/n, we did it!! We escaped that rotten house!!” 
Laughing in joy, Haechan picks you up, spinning in circles until you can’t breathe. Maybe it was being in his arms or staring into his sparkling eyes that caused your heart to beat faster.
“GUYS!” Haechan finally sets you down at the outburst. How convenient, the rest of your group basically collapses outside the exit. 
“Please- let’s just get the hell outta here. That skeleton seriously moved, I swear. But...how did you guys escape so fast?” Renjun asks, a suspicious glint in his eyes. 
You share a smile with Haechan, growing when his hand sneaks around to fit with yours. 
“Cause we had the guts to do so.” 
“.........was that supposed to be a p-” 
“No, y/n. Don’t say anything. Don’t even give him a response.” 
Maybe haunted houses were pretty fun. With the right people, of course. 
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Hi there, may I request a snow day with the Queen members? It can be snowball fight or sledding or making snow angels whatever you can think of. I love your writing! :D Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope you are well!
Snow day with Queen members would include...
Pairing: Queen members x reader
Word count: (altogether) 1700+
Warnings: well, some injuries (nothing actually happens), didn’t proofread, and of course the favourite - swearing - also known as cussing :)
A/N: Thanks so much for requesting, love. I would add a keep reading option, but tumblr is being a bitch and it doesn’t work, I hope @staff​ fixes it soon. Also I totally ditched school to write this, don’t be like me kids and study!
Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
Gifs aren’t mine. Credits to the owners.
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Brian May
Warm rays of morning sunshine beaming through the curtains woke you up. You stretched your arms, covering your mouth as you yawned. Your boyfriend, Brian, was still sleeping next to you, his arm wrapped around your torso in a protective manner. You smiled at the sight before kissing him lovingly on the cheek and getting out of bed. You looked out of the window and, much to your surprise, saw that your backyard was covered in snow. Your mouth flew agape, as you didn't realize that it was snowing at night.
Suddenly, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist, making you jump up.
+"Shh, lovie, it's me" Brian whispered into your hair, nuzzling into your neck.
You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes in bliss, savouring the moment.
"Mhmm" he hummed in response.
"How about we spend some time outside today, honey?"
"Sounds amazing, love, let's do that."
You got out of your shared house and headed for a walk. You started talking about his latest ideas for songs (you were proud to say that most of them were about you) and your job. You didn't even notice when you got to the park.
Walking among trees and bushes covered with trees, you spotted a nice pile of snow that looked like a cloud. You already knew what you wanted to do, and you just couldn't resist yourself. Pretending you just wanted to tie your shoelace, you crept behind Brian and took some snow in your hands, forming a small ball. Smiling mischievously, you jogged behind him and hit him in the head with full force. The snow covered his dark curls and quickly started to melt, making his hair damp. You laughed at Brian's shocked expression, his eyes wide open and his mouth agape.
+"Close your mouth, Bri, or you will catch flies."
"Oh, love, you better start running," he said, already making a snowball.
You turned around and started running away. Suddenly, a big wet pile of snow hit you on the back of your neck, melting as it made contact with your warm skin. You squealed and immediately returned the "favour" to your boyfriend.
The snowball fight ended when you found yourself laying in the snow, your clothes completely soaked. You decided to call it a day and returned back home.
Brian made you both tea while you changed into some fresh clothes. Not feeling very great, you grabbed Brian's sweatshirt along with some warm leggings and went back to the kitchen, shivering from the cold.
+"Oh, love, did you get sick?" your boyfriend asked, putting his arm around you and leading you to the couch.
"Yeah, I think so, Bri. But don't flatter yourself, I totally won that battle" you replied, snuggling into his chest.
"Whatever you say, (Y/N)."
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Roger Taylor
You were woken up by your boyfriend Roger, who was tapping you on the shoulder in excitement. You had barely even opened your eyes, when he pulled the covers off you, uncovering your naked body.
+"Come on, (Y/N), wake up!" he yelled into your ear, kissing your bare shoulder.
"What the fuck, Roger?!" you snatched the covers from his hand, turning your back to him.
He just couldn't contain the emotions. He was jumping up and down, screaming like a seven-year-old child at the sight of white, fluffy snow, that covered the whole street.
+"Love, it snowed!" he tugged your hand. "Let's go sledging, don't leave me hanging."
He pouted, looking at you with his big blue eyes, knowing that you won't be able to resist him. You sighed deeply and shook your head in disbelief.
+"Oh, all right" you agreed, stretching before you got up.
Roger squealed like a little girl and ran to prepare for the day.
After you ate your breakfast you made Roger eat his breakfast ("Love, I'm just saying, if we don't eat it, we'll save time!"), the two of you set off to a nearby park. When you got there, you were greeted by lots of little kids, dressed in colourful jackets with different sledges. Roger's eyes lit up with joy when he saw the small hill covered in snow, ready for him. You chuckled under your breath, admiring your dumbass boyfriend from afar.
+"(Y/N) this is wonderful!" he shouted, already starting to climb up.
Ignoring the curious looks from others, you followed him to the top. As soon as you reached him, Roger motioned you to sit in front of him on the sledge. You hesitated for a moment, knowing that this wasn't such a good idea.
+"Oh come on, sweetheart, I'm gonna catch you if something bad happens."
You sighed deeply (yet again today) and situated yourself in front of him. You smiled at the sensation of his arms bringing you closer to him by your waist. However, the moment didn't last long, because Roger was so eager to go down, he pushed the sledge down without a warning, cheering loudly into your ear. The ride was quick and, before you knew it, you have slipped on a frozen puddle, making the two of you fall off and tumble down the hill.
+"Woohoo, that was brilliant, (Y/N)!" Roger yelled into your ear.
You, however, didn't feel so great. When you were tumbling down, you hit your head on the frozen ground. You felt dizzy, the entire world spinning around you. Not being able to bring yourself to say anything, you let out a quick "Mhmm".
Roger immediately spotted that something was off with you and kneeled next to you, looking into your eyes.
+"Shit, I'm so so sorry, my love" he quickly examined your head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you go with me, shit, sweetheart."
"It's okay, Rog, really. I'll be fine" you reassured him, smiling softly. "Gonna sit here for a while, okay? You have fun, love" you said, not wanting him to miss out on the fun.
After a couple of minutes of arguing (Roger didn't want to leave you alone), you convinced him to go for another ride.
When you finally got home, after hours and hours of your boyfriend constantly apologizing, he made you hot chocolate and cuddled with you on the sofa, listening to your favourite songs. At the end of the day, a day out was really worth it.
And the next day it turned out you had a concussion.
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John Deacon
Sleeping in on weekends was by far your favourite thing to do. You nuzzled your face into John's chest, trying to gather as much warmth radiating from him as you could. He only chuckled in response, bringing you closer to him.
+"We should get up, my love, it's already two o'clock" he mumbled into your hair.
"Yeah, yeah, just five more minutes," you replied.
But John already had a plan on how to get you out of bed. It was no secret you loved winter and snowy days.
+"Alright, but you might change your mind when you find out that it has snowed at night" he whispered, waiting for your reaction.
That was all it took for you to jump out of bed excitedly and run to the window to see for yourself. You squealed and immediately hurried to the bathroom to get ready. John only laughed and shook his head in disbelief.
You went for a walk to your favourite park, holding his hand the entire way. Out of the corner of your eyes, you noticed that John kept his loving gaze on you, making you blush, and your heart skip a beat. You hoped that he would take the scarlet tint on your cheeks as a result of the cold temperature.
When you found a patch of grass completely covered in white snow, you turned to John and wiggled your eyebrows, making him laugh. You pulled his hand and plopped in the fluffy pile, waving your hands and legs. John followed soon after, both of you making snow angels giggling like a pair of teenagers.
+"I love you, (Y/N)" John breathed out between giggles, looking at your joyful face.
"I love you too, Deaky" you replied and rolled on top of him, kissing him on the lips with full force. 
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Freddie Mercury
You were sitting at work, looking out of the window, your face gloomy. You had a good reason to be in a sullen mood because you were stuck doing your dull job, while outside people were running around, playing with the snow that had fallen overnight. You huffed and looked the other way, trying to focus on something else.
Suddenly, the phone on your desk rang. You picked up, expecting another client to call with a complaint, but, to your surprise, you heard a familiar voice.
+"Hello, darling. What are you up to, now? Fancy a walk?" Freddie's enthusiastic voice spoke from the telephone.
"I can't, Freddie, I'm at work," you told him, sighing deeply in regret.
"Oh come on, I'm sure you can get out a few hours earlier" he insisted.
You bit your lip, unsure what to do. You looked outside again, longing to get out, but at the same time, you knew that you could get in serious trouble if you got caught.
+"I don't know, Fred, I shouldn't..."
"Come on, darling, for me," he said softly. "You won't regret it, I promise."
"I'll see what I can do, I'll call you in five minutes, okay?" you promised and put the phone down. Quickly thinking about an excuse to leave early, you headed to your boss' office and told them you had a family emergency.
Not more than ten minutes later, you met Freddie in front of his house. He immediately approached you and kissed your cheeks, pulling you towards the park.
+"Let's make a snowman, Freddie!" you exclaimed loudly, earning a gasp from him.
"Excellent idea, darling!"
You quickly started building big balls of snow and stacking them on order. You picked up some pebbles for eyes and sticks for arms. Meanwhile, Freddie ran back to his house and brought one of his most outrageous hats and coats from the show. You couldn't help but burst out with laughter when he tried to dress the ice sculpture in the colourful clothes.
+"That must be the most fabulous snowman in the whole England, Freddie!" you said, in between giggles.
"World, (Y/N)" he corrected you. "The most fabulous snowman in the whole world."
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masterofmunson · 4 years
all i ask of you (4)
Harry Styles x Fem!Reader Broadway AU
Summary: You’re forced to work with your famous ex boyfriend on Broadway.
Word Count: 6.1k+
Warnings: language, drinking, drama, cliff hanger!
Author’s Note: woohoo! i’m back baby! so sorry for the long delay of part four of the story. please tell me what you think! reblogs, comments, and asks are encouraged and appreciated <3
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Jane nearly tramples you as the two of you make it out of the basketball arena with your college diplomas in hand. You laugh and hold on to her tightly as you walk through the arena to the front doors where you know your entire family is waiting. 
“We did it! We graduated college!” Jane shouts. 
“I know! Can you believe it?” you ask her. It had been a long and hard four years for the both of you. You constantly questioned if it was worth it. People always doubted you. They didn’t believe you could have a promising career with a Music and Theater degree. It didn’t matter if you had prospects on Broadway in the near future. No one but your closest family and friends believed in you. 
You walk out the front doors and eagerly search for your family. Jane tugs on your arm, finding your families first. You hurry over to your mother and brothers, hugging them tightly in a group hug. Your oldest brother, Garrett, lifts you off the ground into a tight embrace. You laugh and cling to him before your family friend Glenne tackles you for a hug. 
It surprises you that she’s here for your graduation. You knew she’d been invited, but you hadn’t expected her or her boyfriend to come. It makes you slightly upset that they took the time to come celebrate your accomplishments with you, but your boyfriend Harry couldn’t. You understood why, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. He wanted to be as private about your relationship as possible, even though he could’ve still come to support you as one of your closest friends. No one would ever know that the two of you were dating if Jeff and Glenne were around.
“What are you doing here?!” you laugh as Jeff kisses your cheek and hugs you tightly. “I told you that you didn’t have to come!”
“Nonsense!” Glenne shouts with a growing smile. “We wouldn’t miss this for the world, and we brought a surprise with us!”
Your eyebrows pinch together as you stare at her. What surprise? Your loud mouth baby brother surely would’ve spoiled it for you. “What do you mean?” 
There’s a soft tap on your shoulder and Glenne smirks nodding her head at the person standing behind you. Jane gasps in surprise as she stands between her dad and sister. 
You spin around and your eyes meet those of your handsome, rockstar boyfriend. You gasp and he grins, taking you in his arms. You cling to him and he secretly presses a kiss behind your ear. 
“You said you couldn’t come,” you whisper in his ear as he holds you. 
“I would never miss my girl’s biggest accomplishment, even if it means I’d have to hold off from kissing her until we're in private,” he answers back sweetly, making your insides all warm and fuzzy. 
On opening night, you made the executive decision to let bygones be bygones. You wanted the show to succeed, regardless of how you felt towards Harry. Everything is water under the bridge. You’ve moved on. You’ve healed. You’re a different person now than you were four years ago. At least that’s what you’ve convinced yourself. 
So as a sign of good faith and a step towards the right direction, you went to your favorite coffee shop and bought Harry a coffee and bagel for breakfast. You had a good feeling about tonight. You always do when it comes to opening night. It doesn’t matter how nervous you are. 
Keying into the back entrance of the theater, you open the door and walk down the hall into yours and Harry’s shared dressing room. The door is already open and the lights are on which tells you that Harry’s inside. You take a deep breath before stepping into the threshold of the room. 
What you don’t expect are the amount of visitors this early in the morning. The first person you recognize is Kendall. You know you shouldn’t be surprised that she’s here. They were together before you were with Harry and are still friends. It never sat right with you while you were dating, but you never told him that. You were too busy falling in love with him. 
Then you recognize his sister and his mom. You’d only met them a handful of times, while you were still friends and when you were dating. They’re lovely women and you liked spending time with Gemma whenever she visited. There’s a few others sitting on the couch when you realize they’re a part of his band. 
It’s silent when you stand at the door. They’re all staring at you and you feel like you can’t breathe. This wasn’t how you wanted to start your day, especially today of all days. Right now isn’t a good time to give his friends and family a tour of the place, especially when curtain call is 10 hours from now. 
Harry moves to approach you from his spot next to his mother. You immediately exit the room and walk down the hall away from prying eyes and ears. Harry gently places a hand on your shoulder, causing you to spin around and face him. You recoil from his touch and shove the food and drink you bought him in his hands. 
“Here,” you say. “Consider this my olive branch.”
Harry murmurs your name gently. “Listen, I had no idea this many people were coming to the show and wanted a tour of the place beforehand. I didn’t know Kendall was coming. I’d gotten the okay from Frank and it was Jeff’s idea—”
You interrupt him with a bitter laugh and shake your head at him. “Right, because nothing is ever your fault. Whatever, Harry. I don’t care. Invite whoever you want, I don’t give a shit. Stop acting like you feel the need to run things by me. I’m not your girlfriend. Just do what you want and leave me alone,” you snap at him. You walk into Aaron’s dressing room and shut the door loudly behind you. 
Harry frowns, staring at the empty hallway before walking back to the dressing room with the bagel and coffee in his hands. He avoids the shocked looks directed at him as he enters the room, especially from Gemma and his mother. He tries to pretend not to notice. 
“Jesus, Harry,” Gemma chastised him. “Why didn’t you tell us you were in a show with your ex girlfriend? Especially considering how things ended!”
Anne gently slaps her eldest in the arm. “Now’s not the time, Gem,” Anne answers for her son. “He needs to focus and we should all leave. It’s unfair to the rest of the cast to be a distraction, including Y/n. I’m sure seeing all of us just scared her.”
“That’s painfully obvious.” 
Everyone leaves the room and exits the theater, leaving Harry alone. He sighs, sitting down in his chair. He runs a hand through his hair and groans in frustration. He’s so sick and tired of messing things up with you. Harry understands why you’re so cold and hostile towards him. He knows he deserves it. 
Having his family, friends, and even Kendall in the dressing room scared you. He knows that but did it anyway. You don’t know what he told them when your relationship ended. Did he put the blame all on you? Did he make you the bad guy? The aforementioned crazy ex girlfriend never to speak of? Knowing how terrible of a boyfriend he was to you at the end of your relationship, he probably did. 
Harry reaches for the cup of coffee you bought him. He takes a gentle sip and hums in approval. Even though it’s been several years, you still know that he takes his coffee black. You always teased him about it and called him grandpa as a result. He thought it was sweet. 
He pulls the bagel out of the paper wrapping and takes a bite. You remembered his favorite bagel too, even after all these years. Even after all the things he did. There’s just some things you don’t forget, no matter how small. 
In Aaron’s dressing room, you finally reveal the true nature of your relationship with Harry to him. Jane couldn’t contain her smirk or laughter as you rant about your famous ex boyfriend. 
“Wait, what?!” Aaron shouts, shaking his head at you in disbelief. “Your ex boyfriend, the ex boyfriend that made you choose between him or Broadway is Harry? Harry Styles thought he could make you choose him over your career?”
“Yes, Aaron,” you say for the umpteenth time. “I know it’s a shock that the Harry Styles is and was an asshole considering what his brand is.”
Your co-star frowns in response. He stops pacing the room and takes a seat beside you on the couch. He takes your hand and gives it a firm squeeze. 
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
You nod your head in response before sipping at your coffee. “It’s okay. It’s history now. I’m over it, and despite what happened, I forgave him. I know in my heart that he’s a different person now than he was when we were together but he just made me realize that I shouldn’t be with someone who isn’t willing to put in the work or compromise to be happy. Maybe that’s why I’ve been single ever since,” you laugh, leaning into him. 
There’s a soft knock at the door, causing you to sit up. Aaron shouts that the door is open and Harry pokes his head in. He laughs nervously and scratches the back of his neck. Both Aaron and Jane glare at him. 
“What do you want, Harry?” Jane snaps at him, standing up from her spot on the couch. She puts herself between you and the door, blocking you from his view. 
“I just need to talk to Y/n. I have something for her,” Harry answers, peering over Jane to look at you. 
You sigh and stand up from your spot on the couch. You pull Jane away from the door and walk out of Aaron’s room without a word spoken to Harry. You return to your shared dressing room without anyone else inside. Harry trails behind, shutting the door. Taking a seat at your makeup table, you watch Harry carefully pick up a bouquet of beautiful lilies in a glass vase. He sets them on your table and you smell the flowers immediately. 
“I know I keep messing things up between us. I say something stupid and I do things without thinking. I’ve been incredibly selfish and despite the fact you want nothing to do with me, you’re still helping me because you want the show to be a success regardless. I’m really sorry and I also wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done,” Harry apologizes with a gentle, sincere smile. 
You swallow hard. You hadn’t expected him to apologize. Knowing he planned to apologize with a bouquet of flowers that symbolize forgiveness twists something inside of you. You don’t know what it is exactly, but it feels good. It’s a step in the right direction. 
You laugh softly. Despite not seeing each other since the break up, you and Harry still seem to be in tune with one another. Of course he would get you flowers, a personal favorite of yours, on the day you bring him breakfast. Some things are harder to break than others. 
“It’s just funny to me that even after all these years, we’re still in sync. You brought flowers for me on the same day I brought coffee for you. I guess some habits are harder to break than others,” you answer softly. 
Harry laughs too and the room falls silent. “Thank you, though, for the apology. I understand that you’re just excited. I was too. All I wanted to do was introduce my family to the cast and show the sets when they flew out to watch me in Cats for the first time,” you tell him, rubbing your hands on the top of your thighs. You bite the inside of your cheek and Harry winces the moment the words leave your mouth. You shouldn’t have brought it up. 
When you started your career on Broadway in Cats, it had only been two and a half months since the messy breakup with Harry. You had blocked his number, but you were too afraid to do anything else normal couples would when they broke up. You didn’t want his fans to figure out or piece together scenarios if you unfollowed him on social media or deleted the photos you had together off your profiles. As far as they knew, you were only mutual friends because of Glenne, Harry’s manager’s girlfriend. Jane took you out drinking for a week straight after the break up to try and cheer you up. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, “I didn’t mean to mention it like that, only that I was just excited as you are now.”
“Yeah, I know,” he says quietly. 
You cough and quickly change the subject. “You should definitely invite your family and friends to the after show after party. I’m not sure if anyone’s told you yet but we always have a massive party after the premier of a show. It’s always at The Plaza and it’s all for the publicity for the hotel and luxury sponsorships so the cast spends the night free of charge. It’s a lot of fun.”
“Aaron told me about it yesterday,” Harry confirms, nodding his head. “I already gave them invites.”
There’s a sharp knock on the door before it’s pushed open. One of the photographers, Trevor, steps inside. You smile warmly at him and hug him quickly. 
“Hey, sorry to interrupt. Frank wants cast photos before everyone starts to get busy with vocal warm ups, hair, make up, and costume changes,” Trevor tells the two of you. He shakes Harry’s hand and introduces himself. 
You nod your head and Trevor holds his camera up to his face. You pose, grinning at him as he takes a photo of you. He takes a quick glance at it. 
“Absolutely stunning,” he says before leaving the room. 
You leave the room first and Harry follows close behind. You make a quick stop to Aaron’s dressing room and link your arm with Jane’s as you walk to the stage. Walking through the curtain, you and Jane move to the front of the stage and take a seat on the floor. 
The rest of the cast walks on stage as a group of photographers move to the front. Everyone squeezes together for a variety of photos. Harry and Aaron join you and Jane on the floor in the front. Frank points to the small space left between you and Harry. 
“Get closer,” Frank directs the two of you. Harry glances over at you before inching closer. He carefully places his arm around your torso. It makes your heart stop. 
The photographers take a number of photos before Frank dismisses the cast except for you, Harry, and Aaron. Harry’s careful to touch you as they take photos of the two of you. Trevor looks out from his camera lens. 
“Aaron and Harry, kiss Y/n on the cheek!” he says. 
“I dunno—”
“It’s fine, Harry,” you interrupt with a gentle smile. 
Harry’s mouth touches your skin and you hold your breath as Trevor captures the photo with Aaron and Harry pressing their mouths to your face. They pull away and you scratch the back of your neck bashfully before returning to your room. 
Kelly, your assigned hair and makeup artist, enters your dressing room a few minutes later. You hug her tightly and the gorgeous redhead laughs. She sets her kit on the table. Mandi, the costume coordinator enters the room and makes a beeline towards the hanger rack with the dresses. 
Kelly helps you secure your hair in a wig cap before gently placing the wig of Christine’s gorgeous, long, curls on your head. She moves it in place and teases up the loose strands. She pins it to the cap and it looks as if the hair is your own. It’s your favorite part of becoming Christine. 
Harry arrives a few minutes after Kelly starts working on your stage makeup. Zoe and Bridget work with him on hair, make up, and his costume at his table. Music plays softly in the background as the two of you get ready side by side. You sing along softly and ignore Harry’s gentle gaze. 
He’s always been terrible at trying to hide the way he looks at you, even now. 
Mandi helps you change into the first costume Christine wears for the first few scenes. Despite the fact that you’ve grown so used to the costumes, changing into them, especially with Harry close by makes you feel weird. 
You continue your vocal warm ups and drink water as Kelly works on your makeup. You’re careful to relax your eyes and face as she works on your foundation and eyeshadow. 
The dressing room door is pushed open and Trevor reappears with your manager trailing behind. He takes behind the scenes photos of you and Harry getting ready for curtain call. 
“I have your dress for the after party,” Gretchen, your manager tells you, side eyeing Harry from her spot on the couch. “I’ll bring it inside when the show’s over.”
“Sweet, thanks, Gretchen,” you tell her. 
“There’ll also be journalists and reporters at the after party red carpet, so you’re more than welcome to speak to them. Talk about the show, how you felt it went, whatever.”
You hum in response as Kelly lightly applies lip gloss to your mouth. You keep your eyes closed when you hear Jeff come inside and greet Harry. They talk quietly and Jeff tells him what kind of questions to expect at the red carpet. You’re guessing it has to do with you, knowing that the gossip columnists will more than likely ask about what it’s like working with Harry since they only knew that you’ve met in the past. They don’t have a clue that you and Harry used to date. They care more about linking Harry to any woman he knows rather than his music or other accomplishments. 
“You look absolutely gorgeous,” Kelly compliments you. 
You grin and wink at her. “It’s ‘cos I have you to make me look all pretty,” you say. It makes her laugh. 
“When you and Harry are done getting ready, I wanted to take photos of the two of you in costume if that’s okay,” Trevor says, snapping photos of you and Harry at your respective makeup tables. 
You nod your head and Harry does the same. You hop off the makeup chair and take a sip of water before leaving the dressing room to the stage. Trevor follows behind before you pose for photos in character until Harry’s done getting into costume. You start some vocal warm ups in the meantime as you wait for him to join you on the stage. Jane appears in costume and starts her vocal warm up with you. Trevor takes photos of the two of you together as you sing and dance with your best friend. 
Harry appears on stage with Jeff and Gretchen behind him. You glance over at him and you swallow hard. You try not to think of how handsome he looks in costume. His hair is parted down the middle and the costume fits him perfectly. Your eyes meet his briefly as he approaches you. He leans forward and presses an unexpected kiss to your temple. You cough uncomfortably when you hear Trevor’s camera click, capturing the image. 
“How cute,” he says, smiling at the two of you. You fake a smile and bite the inside of your cheek. “Harry, can you hold Y/n like you’re dancing with her and dip her close to the floor? I want to catch the intimate relationship Christine and Raoul have with each other.”
He nods and you turn to face each other. You carefully wrap your arms around his neck and his hands settle on your waist. You slowly dance with each other and your heart starts to race. Harry’s hands slide to your upper back as he dips you down towards the floor. You cling to him as you feel yourself start to fall. He laughs softly as your noses touch and a loose curl of his touches your face. It makes your heart stop. You hear the camera click before Harry gently pulls you up. You take a step away from him to put space between the two of you. 
“Fantastic, thanks,” Trevor says, quickly looking at the photos he captured before running off the stage, leaving you, Jane, and Harry on stage. 
“I’m going to go decompress before curtain call,” you say to no one in particular before hurrying off to one of the practice rooms. You shut the door behind you and let out a loud breath of air you were holding in. 
You settle on the piano bench and rest your fingers gently on the keys. You press the keys softly as the music fills the room. You sing quietly and don’t hear the door open until you see Jeff out of the corner of your eye approaching you at the piano. You turn to face him. 
“Hey, I just wanted to wish you good luck before curtain call. Harry said you’d be in here,” he says. 
Your hands drop from the piano and into your lap. You move to the end of the bench to make room for him. He sits down next to you. 
“Thanks. Now why are you really here?” you ask with a soft laugh. 
Jeff laughs too and shakes his head. “Nothing gets past you, huh?” 
“You’re Harry’s manager, Jeff. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why you’d come and talk to me without Harry if there’s something that concerns you about your client and their image.” 
“I just want to warn you about possible gossip columnists. They’ll try to link you to Harry regardless of what either of you say. They’ll ask incredibly intrusive questions and—”
“Jeff, I know,” you interrupt him. “Only a select few know that Harry and I dated and they know better than to say anything to anyone. I know how to handle it. I’m not a crazy ex girlfriend.”
“I know.”
You stand up from the piano bench and rub out the wrinkles of your dress. “Then don’t worry about it. Harry’s image is still safe. Can you imagine the uproar if his fans found out how terrible of a boyfriend he was to me? They’d somehow make it my fault.”
You leave the practice room and return to your dressing room. You finally have the chance to relax without Harry looking over your shoulder and staring at you.  
“They’re starting to let the audience in,” Jane comes to tell you with less than two hours to spare until the show starts. 
You thank her quietly and lightly touch up on your makeup before walking around back to try and find Harry. You find him with the makeup artists that are putting on the beard for the opening scene. You laugh softly from behind and he turns to look at you. 
“At least it makes you older,” you tease. 
“Sexy, right?” Harry asks. 
You nod your head. “Oh, yeah, definitely,” you pause and scratch at your hand. “I just wanted to wish you good luck.”
Harry stares at you, surprised that you’d go out of your way to wish him good luck on his first opening night in his first Broadway show. He smiles at you. 
“Thank you, darling.”
You ignore the twist inside your stomach. 
Adrenaline is racing through you as you hear the orchestra start. From behind stage, you watch the dancers and ensemble cast move on stage. You trail behind Jane and the rest of the dancers as you dance on stage. 
Your muscle memory kicks in and you become Christine. You move across the stage as Christine. You sing as Christine. 
As the show progresses and as you change in and out of costumes, you get closer and closer to All I Ask of You. 
Off stage, you quickly change into another one of Christine’s gorgeous dresses. You run on stage and Harry’s not too far behind. You grab at his shoulders as the music starts and the two of you begin singing. 
The two of you move together perfectly on stage and his touch lingers. It makes your heart race as you approach the lyric right before you’re supposed to kiss him. 
“Say you love me,” you sing to him as Harry reaches to hold your face. Harry smiles gently and brushes a stray curl out of your face. 
“You know I do,” Harry sings back to you. Your hands squeeze each other’s tightly and you take a careful breath inward as Harry leans in to kiss you. 
The music roars in your ears as his mouth meets yours. You cling to him as Harry spins you around the stage with your mouths still together in a loving, passionate kiss between Christine and Raoul. 
The audience cheers when the song finishes and you kiss Harry two more times before the curtains close for intermission. You quickly run off stage with the rest of the ensemble cast and change into a new dress before running to the bathroom. Kelly is hot on your heels and helps you with the overflowing fabric before you hurry back to your dressing room for her to touch up on the wig and your makeup. 
Harry returns to the dressing room and Zoe and Bridget touch up his hair and stage makeup, quickly fastening the microphone in the right place. He takes a few gentle sips of water and watches you sit back against your chair as Kelly fixes the fallen curls on the wig before placing the crown on top of your head. 
The five minute warning bell rings and both you and Harry hurry back to the stage. You shake out your nerves. There’s only 45 minutes left of the show. It’s okay. You can do this. 
Harry reaches for your hand and you nearly pull away when you realize you have to hold his hand as you go on stage. He squeezes your hand tightly before leading you on stage. 
Music rings throughout the theater. Harry holds you securely as you dance and go through the scene. 
Time flies and before you know it, you kissed Harry for the last time on stage for the night before curtain call. The last song fades out and the audience begins to clap and cheer for the cast and crew. 
Harry’s hand leaves yours as he goes for his curtain call. The audience screams and claps in admiration for him, of course. He’s Harry Styles for crying out loud! 
Then it’s your turn to run out and bow in front of the audience. You take great pride in knowing that the audience was significantly louder for you than for Harry, and he’s the superstar. 
Once the curtains close, you reach for Harry. You squeeze his hand and give him a hug. “You did amazing, Harry,” you compliment. “Congrats on finishing your first Broadway show.”
He grins at you. “Thank you. That means the world to me coming from you.”
You smile again and the two of you walk together towards your shared dressing room. Kelly and Mandi are talking with the women in charge of Harry’s makeup, hair, and costume when the two of you arrive. Kelly and Mandi both give you congratulatory hugs before you settle down in your chair. 
Kelly quickly and carefully takes the wig off your head and sets it down. She works with the wig cap and unclasps the pins to your hair. She takes it off and you sigh in relief, leaning back in the chair as she combs through your hair. 
You take off your stage makeup in record time. You feel like your pores can actually breathe now. 
“Here’s your dress!” Gretchen exclaims, entering the room. You gently take it from her and gasp. It’s a gorgeous black dress with beautiful lace and embroidered flowers of a variety of colors. 
Kelly helps you change into the dress and fixes your hair. Jane comes into the room wearing a yellow dress. She grins and steps to the side. You scream excitedly when your brothers step into the room. 
You tackle the two of them into a hug. They laugh and Gretchen chastises you. “Don’t ruin the dress!”
“What’re you doing here? Mom said you were busy, especially with Molly!” you tell them as you stare at your brothers. 
“And miss your premier? No way,” Garrett laughs as your sister in law comes into view with your three year old niece in her arms. 
“Auntie!” Molly shouts, reaching for you. You immediately take her in your arms and shower her with tickles and kisses. “You look like and sing like a princess!”
“Thank you, baby,” you tell her. “I missed you so much. I’m so happy you’re here with your mommy and daddy.”
“Me too!”
Jeff walks in with Glenne and Harry’s suit in his arms. You scratch at your arm and Garrett glares at Jeff and Harry. Your little brother Nolan does the same and they cross their arms over their chest. You didn’t anticipate having to put yourself between your brothers and Harry. 
“Garrett, Nolan, you remember Harry,” you introduce them to each other once more. 
“How could we forget,” Nolan responds bitterly. You glare at him as Molly clings to your neck. “Nice job, though.”
Harry smiles uncomfortably and you hand Molly back over to your brother. You quickly say your goodbyes to your family before they leave the theater for the hotel. You gather your things together as Harry changes into a pink suit. 
“Gretchen and I think that the two of you should arrive at the after party red carpet together,” Jeff tells you and Harry. “Y’know, since you’re playing love interests. It would create good publicity.”
Your eyebrows crease together in confusion as you stare at Jeff. “I thought you didn’t want the columnists to speculate? If they found out that we have history, they’ll have a field day. They’ll do anything to try and link us together as a couple.” 
“That’s not the reason why I think you should go together. Just show them that you get along with each other off stage. Some are starting to speculate a strained off stage relationship between the two of you,” Jeff replies. 
You scoff and roll your eyes at him. Of course they are. Jeff doesn’t want to make it seem like Harry is hard to work with or a diva. It’s all about protecting his image. “Fine.”
The two of you leave the dressing room together and walk out the back door where the limousine driver was waiting. Screams immediately reach your ears the moment you and Harry step out of the theater together. Cameras flash at the two of you and you’re immediately sent into a daze. You stumble back into Harry and he carefully guides you to the vehicle. His hand finds yours as he blocks the cameras from your view. 
He opens the door for you and you climb inside. He quickly shuts the door and you carefully pull your hand out of his grasp and set it on your lap. The driver pulls out of the alley and takes you and Harry to The Plaza Hotel for the after party. 
“Is it always like that when you leave places?” you ask after a few minutes of silence on the road. “Fans screaming at you and people taking photos of whoever you’re with?”
“Yeah, I suppose. I’m used to it though. ‘M sorry you had to go through that. It can be overwhelming if you’re not used to it,” he answers. 
You hum and fall into another awkward silence. You arrive at the hotel ten minutes later and the driver opens the door. Harry gets out first and screaming fills your ears again. He reaches into the car and holds out his hand for you. You hesitantly take his hand and he squeezes it reassuringly. 
He helps you out of the car and shuts the door behind you. His hand wraps around your torso and you momentarily forget that he’s your ex boyfriend. The feeling of his hand settling on your waist feels strangely comfortable, almost as if you’ve missed the feeling. You swallow hard and one of the event workers guides the two of you to the start of the red carpet. You walk on together and pose for the photographers until you’re pulled away for individual shots and interviews.  
“You were absolutely fabulous tonight, Y/n!” a reporter compliments you. “How does it feel to work with someone like Harry? Is it any different than when you shared the stage with John?”
“Thank you!” you grin at her. “It was definitely intimidating at first, considering his level of fame and stardom, but he just wants to be treated like everyone else. I have to help him here and there since he’s new to Broadway, but he’s a fast learner.”
It goes like that for a while. Reporters compliment you and then immediately ask you what it’s like to work beside Harry. Now your own accomplishments are being overshadowed by his stardom. It bitterly reminds you of the break up. 
When you make it inside the hotel and into the ballroom, you make a beeline for the bar and order a Jack and Coke. You find your seat beside Jane and you cheers before taking a generous sip of your drink. Harry doesn’t join you until dinner starts.  
Everyone at the table makes small talk as you eat when Kendall takes the empty seat next to Harry. Great. Just what you needed. Kendall says her hello’s before she turns her attention back on to Harry. You nudge Jane under the table when you realize that she’s glaring at her. 
You stand up and head to the bar to get more drinks. You just wanted the after party to go by as fast as possible. You don’t want to be near Harry, and you certainly don’t want to be near Kendall. You return to the table and Harry leans towards you. 
“What?” you ask him. 
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Harry. Just leave it alone,” you mumble. 
He looks like he wants to argue, but lets it go. He knows better than to start a fight with you when Jane won’t hesitate to cause a scene. 
Music starts and Jane grabs your hand, pulling you to the dance floor. You drink, laugh, and dance together. You don’t notice Harry watching you. 
After some time, you and Jane are both drunk on the dance floor. You can’t seem to control your giggles as you sing and dance. You stumble towards your table when Harry catches you before you fall. 
“You okay?” he asks, helping you to your feet. He pushes hair out of your face. 
You smile drunkenly and nod. “Perfect, H,” you answer, swaying on your feet as Harry struggles to keep you up straight. 
He laughs. “You’ve had too much to drink, darling. Let’s get you to your room.”
You pout, whining at him. “No! I’m having fun. Leave me alone!”
Harry gently guides you to your dinner table and grabs your bag. He helps you out of the ballroom and into the hotel elevator. Your head rests on his shoulder. 
“Why are you helping me?” you ask him softly. Your warm breath hits his skin and it makes him shiver. 
Harry shrugs. “I dunno…. I think there’s always going to be a part of me that always wants to look out for you. I think that’s why.”
You hum and the elevator doors slide open. You step out, holding Harry’s hand as you walk to your room. He fishes through your bag for the room key. 
The door clicks open and he tugs you inside. “I think there’ll always be a part of me that always wants to be with you, despite how things ended between us,” you confess drunkenly, sitting on the bed. 
Harry stares at you with wide eyes and your eyes linger on his lips. Your hand reaches for his tie and you tug him towards you.
Without a second thought, you kiss him. 
243 notes · View notes
combat-wombatus · 4 years
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Pairing: not a reader insert just some Eri x Big Three fluff :p
Genre: tooth-rotting fluff <3
Warnings: fireworks? ye that’s it
WC: 1.2k
Summary: The Big Three unite to give Eri the ultimate New Year’s experience. 
(A/N): tooth-rotting fluff i had so much fun writing this and i’m actually like lowkey proud of this so ye 
6: “Just one? Please?”
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“What’s wrong?” Mirio looked at Eri’s face in concern. Her eyebrows were scrunched up and her mouth was set in a tiny little pout.
“Eri?” He prodded gently. “Eri, what’s wrong?”
Eri shifted slightly and brought her arms up, wrapping them around her knees. Hunching forward and resting her face in between her legs, she mumbled something that Mirio missed.
“What was that?” Mirio crouched down on the floor next to the couch so he could get a better look at her face.
“I…I don’t like that sound,” Eri whimpered, curling into herself even more than before. Mirio frowned.
“The fireworks? Eri, do you not like the fireworks?” He asked softly, concern laced in his voice.
“They’re…they’re loud…” Tears welled up in her eyes. “Like…like the things he…he used to fire.” She sniffled.
Mirio knew exactly who Eri was talking about. Scooping her up, he marched into the kitchen and set her down on the counter.
“Tamaki made cookies!” He took a tray out of the refrigerator. Putting some on a plate, he placed it on the counter. Eri eagerly snatched one up and it took one bite for a smile to reappear on her face.
“Mph—theshe are sho good!” She mumbled through a mouthful of cookie. Mirio smiled. He loved to see her happy. Quickly taking out two glasses from the kitchen cabinets, he warmed up some milk. As they munched on cookies and drank warm milk, Tamaki walked in. He did a double take when he saw what they were eating.
“N-no! Mirio!” He leapt forward and swiped the plate of cookies off of the counter. “Those…those weren’t finished!”
“Hmm?” Mirio kept chewing, undeterred. “They tashte fine to me,” he popped the rest of the cookie in his mouth.
Eri looked at him questioningly, her small hand still holding a cookie. She looked at him, then at the cookie, then back at him again. Taking her other hand, she pried the cookie apart.
“It looks baked?” She asked, confused. “That means it’s done, right?”
Tamaki sighed. “Uh, yeah, they’re…they’re baked. But I had to wait for them to cool down to put frosting on them.”
“Oh.” Eri looked at her cookie again. Slowly taking a piece, she stuffed it into her mouth once more. “Thatsh fine,” she said, munching. “It tashtes good like thish.”
“Uh…okay then,” Tamaki turned to leave, then stopped. “Why were you guys eating my cookies anyways? Mirio, didn’t I tell you that I would take you guys some when I was finished?”
Mirio stopped chewing, then quickly swallowed before answering. “Oh yeah. Eri said that she didn’t like all the noise the fireworks were causing, so I gave her some cookies to take her mind off of it. They looked good, so I ate some too!” He quickly flashed a thumbs-up before taking the plate back from Tamaki and setting it in front of Eri again.
“Oh. Well, Eri, have you…have you actually seen a firework before?” Tamaki fiddled with his thumbs. “You know…they’re rather pretty, if you ignore the noise and all that.”
Eri paused. She had yet to actually see it, but the noise frightened her, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to.
“No,” she said in a small voice. “No, I haven’t. Are they really, Mirio? Pretty, like Tama-san says?”
Mirio grinned. “Yeah! They are! Do you wanna go see?”
“Erm…yeah, I think I’d like to,” Eri smiled softly.
“Come on, let’s grab Neijire too!” Mirio cleaned up the counter and grabbed his winter gear. “It’s prettier outside,” he explained to Eri. “You should grab your boots too, and that new coat Aizawa-sensei brought the other day!”
Tamaki quickly sent a text to Neijire and went upstairs to change out of his pajamas. They’re so much work, he thought. So much energy to keep up with. But Eri…how could you say no?
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Outside, Mirio held Eri in his lap, sitting on a bench while they waited for Neijire and Tamaki to join them.
Above them, the sky was painted with bursts of color. Splashes of red dotted the night one moment, then a flurry of golden sparkles followed. A large burst of green flames shot up into the sky, quickly trailed by a succession of bright blue flares, twinkling and fading into the darkness.
Eri was in awe. How could there be so many different colors in the sky? Mesmerized, she gazed upwards at the display with wide eyes.
“Do you like it?” Mirio lightly nudged her with his shoulder. “Isn’t it pretty?”
Eri sighed dreamily. “It’s…it’s more than pretty,” she breathed out quietly. “It’s…it’s beautiful.”
Just then, Neijire and Tamaki stepped onto the porch, bundled up in their winter gear.
“Do you like it?” Neijire bounced over to where Eri sat, crouching down in front of her. “Isn’t it just gorgeous?”
“What does gorgeous mean?” Eri’s eyebrows scrunched up in a confused expression.
Neijire laughed, a pretty tinkling sound. “It means beautiful, Eri.” She twirled around, causing the hem of her jacket to spin up. Suddenly, an idea popped in her head.
“Hey, Eri,” she held a finger up and pointed to the sky. “What do you say, do you want to see it from closer?”
“Cl…closer?” Eri was shocked. “Wouldn’t…wouldn’t that hurt us?”
Mirio booped her on the nose. “No! As long as you don’t fly into the explosions themselves!”
Neijire held her hands in front of her chest and looked at Eri with pleading eyes. “Please, Eri? Just one? I promise I won’t let anything hurt you!”
Eri thought about it for a moment, then nodded cautiously. “As…as long as I get to play with your hair afterwards, Neiji-san!” She stood up tentatively.
“Alright!” Neijire clapped her hands in childish delight. “Hop on my back! Hold onto my neck, okay?”
Eri did what she was told. Wrapping her small arms around Neijire’s neck, she took the extra precaution to wrap her small legs around the larger girl’s waist. This reminds me of that time I rode on Deku-san’s back, she thought back to when a certain green-haired boy had saved her. Maybe this won’t be so scary after all.
“Woohoo!” Neijire blasted off into the air, palms surging with energy. “Look, Eri! We’re flying! Isn’t that awesome?”
Looking out towards the skyscape, Eri suddenly felt like the world was huge. She was but a little dot, a small blip, riding on Neijire’s back, and she felt as if she could see the whole world from her position.
“Neiji-san,” she pointed to a bright star in the distance. “Look, it’s coming closer!”
“Yeah, it is!” The star rapidly grew brighter and brighter, until it shot past their heads and into the night sky. Fading out briefly, it abruptly exploded in a shower of golden dust against an indigo backdrop.
“Woah…” Eri breathed. “That was…what was that word again?”
Neijire smiled softly. “Gorgeous, Eri. It was gorgeous.”
“Gorgeous,” Eri whispered. “Yeah…that was gorgeous.”
She was glad she had decided to try something new tonight.
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Coco’s New Year Celebration 20-21
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cpd5021 · 4 years
Sticks and Stones
Happy Wednesday! Back with another one shot! This fic was based off a prompt sent in by revolutionary25 on FF.net . One week closer to them hopefully being back on our screens! Woohoo!
It happens in a blink. One second, I'm standing in the middle of Med, waiting for our suspect to be stitched up so we can interview him and then the next second I'm locking eyes with a woman I hadn't seen in years. At first glance, she might have been unrecognizable behind the swollen eyelids and bloodied and bruised face, but this wasn't a new sight to me. This was my mother. The second our eyes met, I felt the air leave my lungs and try as I might, I couldn't force any back in. My chest was tight and the room began to spin around me. Adam reached me first, quickly gripping my upper arms and spinning me around to leave the area we were all huddled in while at the same time, brushing Kim and Vanessa's worried faces away. I couldn't speak, hell, I still couldn't breathe...I felt like I was going to pass out or throw up and the panic in my chest was overwhelming. Adam pushed me into a small corridor that was thankfully empty, pressing me up against the wall and maintaining his firm grip on my arms to keep me upright.
"What the hell is going on?"
His voice was full of worry as he dipped his head down to meet my eyes. I tried to swallow but the movement got stuck in my throat and I let out an unusual noise, a mix between a whimper and a gag. I shook my head, unable to speak, and only managed to make him look more concerned.
"Hailey...come on, talk to me. You look like you just saw a ghost…"
He trailed off, attempting to meet my eyes once again. I nodded slowly, that was probably the best way to describe what had just happened. I had cut off all ties with my family years ago, after going through the pain of watching my mother continue to take her abuse with a smile. I simply couldn't take it anymore so one day I was just done. Seeing her, beaten beyond recognition, laying in that hospital bed, had sent me right back to my childhood. In an instant, I wasn't a detective, but instead the scared little girl I once was, hiding in her bedroom with a pillow shoved over her head, praying the screaming would stop. My chest burned at the thought, or maybe it was from lack of oxygen as I still hadn't managed to take a proper breath. The room around me swayed and I felt Adam's grip tighten. I must have looked as bad as I felt because suddenly he was pushing me down to sit on the floor, guiding me to lean back against the wall. I hung my head, letting it rest against my knees, and wrapped my arms around my bent legs. My sweaty hands clasped in front of me, holding myself in a ball on the floor. Adam kept one hand on my shoulder and I could tell he was talking to me but I couldn't understand what he was saying. Suddenly, another hand was on my other shoulder. This one felt different, softer and warmer as it rubbed my upper back. More mumbled words exchanged above me and then Adam's hand was gone. I risked a glance up to see who the other hand belonged too and was met with Jay's worried eyes boring into mine. He gave me a small smile, only half of his mouth rising ever so slightly and it never reached his eyes. I felt the vice grip around my chest loosen just a little and was finally able to take a deep breath. The minute the air swirled into my chest, something inside of me broke and I felt my eyes begin to burn with tears. I ducked my head back down, hoping Jay hadn't noticed my sudden rush of emotion and blinked furiously to stop their flow. It was no use. I kept my head pressed against my knees as the tears ran down my face, wetting the denim below me. Jay's hand remained on my upper back, rubbing slow and gentle circles between my shoulder blades. I was thankful that I hadn't lost it in front of Adam, but was also embarrassed that I had once again let my walls crumble in front of Jay. He had seen me turn into a mess more times than I'd care to admit and I was starting to get a complex. He didn't say anything, not any of the times before, or now. Usually, he remained silent while I worked to pull myself back together and then I'd eventually manage to joke it off or change the subject. Something told me this time would be different. I'm not sure how long we sat like that before I was finally able to lift my head up and risk a glance his way. His eyes still held their worried look but he seemed a little relieved that I was seemingly coming back around. I wanted to say something, explain what had just happened, but that would open up a whole box I wasn't sure I was ready to unpack. Part of me hoped that I could just sneak out of here with my team, and my mother, being none the wiser. Of course, that wouldn't be the case thought.
"Upton. That was the name on the ER board."
Jay said in almost a whisper. I swallowed hard and fought back more tears at the mention of her name, of my name.
I breathed out, my voice still shaky from the emotions battling inside of me. I looked over to him and was met with a waiting stare. I knew he wouldn't push me but I also felt like I should at least clue him in a little bit.
"My mother."
I pursed my lips together as I looked at him again, recognition clicking on his face. I'm sure he had seen the way she looked too and would have been able to piece two and two together with the minor details he knew of my childhood.
He trailed off, seemingly unsure of what to say. Quite frankly, I wasn't sure either. I didn't know how to proceed with any of this. My conversation with Jay, that fact that she was here and appeared to have received yet another harsh beating… any of it. I rubbed at my face, wiping away the wetness on my cheeks and forced myself to take a few breaths in an attempt to compose myself.
"I haven't seen her in years…"
I whispered, more to myself than anything. Jay nodded beside me, waiting for me to continue.
"I don't know what to do. Do I pretend I didn't see her there and hope she doesn't contact me? Or do I go check on her? She's my mother…"
I trailed off as more tears gathered in my eyes. I wiped them away with the sleeve of my shirt and tried to keep myself together.
"Well...did she see you?"
Jay started, trying to help me through this. I nodded and flashed back to the look in her eyes when she met mine. Jay nodded beside me again, taking in the new information.
"What do you want to do?"
His question was gentle as he carefully pushed me into making a decision. Truthfully, I wanted to go talk to her. Make sure she is okay. Sure, I had seen her take multiple beatings, some making her look way worse than she did now, but this time felt different. Despite her years of abuse, my mother never typically sought medical attention afterwards and it had me worried that something major was wrong. Jay, seemingly reading my mind, gently bumped his shoulder into mine before he spoke.
"Do you want me to go with you?"
I smiled softly at his offer. Of course he would be willing to walk blindly into my family drama, just to be there as support for me. But I was sure that his presence would only bring with it a slew of questions I couldn't answer. I slowly shook my head, sending him another smile. I took a deep breath and finally climbed back up off the floor with Jay right beside me. He steadied me when I swayed upon standing but quickly let his hand drop, looking almost embarrassed with the contact. He sent me a sheepish smirk and I couldn't help but send him another genuine smile. We turned and walked back down the short hallway Adam had pushed me down and then we were back in the open area with the rest of Intelligence. They all stood around the nurses station, still waiting for our suspect. Most of them had their backs turned to me but I could see Adam's eyes trailing after me as I made my way over to the curtain that was now pulled shut. I paused at the entryway, my heart rate increasing with each passing second, before I slowly brought my hand up to knock on the frame.
"Come in."
Came a voice that made my heart break just a little more. She sounded so vulnerable that it made my temper threaten to flare. I pulled back the curtain and ducked inside before I could chicken out. The second I saw her up close, the tears instantly returned to my eyes and I hurried to blink them away.
"Oh Hailey.."
She said my name, her own voice full of emotion as she held her arms up, inviting me into an embrace. I closed the distance between us, carefully choosing to ignore the bruises all over her arms and let her pull me into a hug. She smelled like a mix of dried blood and alcohol. I pulled back to look at her face and she tried to give me a smile that was beyond twisted under her swollen face. Her hand gripped one of mine, preventing me from stepping back any further and I shifted my gaze away from her, searching the room for anything else to focus on.
"Do I need to ask what happened? Or do I already know?"
I didn't mean my words to come out so harsh, but seeing her here and knowing what, or rather who, had put her here made my temper flare once again.
"Hailey bug, it's not what you think...it was just a little disagreement."
She tried to brush it off, even having the nerve to chuckle at the end of her statement as if this was a laughing matter. The smell of alcohol assaulted my nose again and I scrunched my face up in disgust.
"Were you drinking?"
I asked, my voice harsh once again.
"No, I don't drink Hailey. You know that."
Again, she chuckled. My face burned with the anger boiling inside of me.
"Then why do you smell like a bar?"
I accused, still avoiding her face.
"Uh, well...well you know your father likes his drinks mixed a certain way. I just didn't add quiet enough-"
I raised my hand, cutting her off before she could continue. I didn't need to hear the rest to know what had happened. My blood boiled at the thought of him throwing his drink at her, not an unusual occurrence during my childhood, but never one I understood. I couldn't wrap my head around why she would stay and take his nonsense, especially not when she had been given an out on multiple occasions.
"I have to get back to work."
I said bluntly, yanking my hand free and turning to leave the room.
"Oh Hailey, wait...please don't leave yet…"
She pleaded behind me, causing me to pause just before the curtain. I turned to face her once again, swallowing hard before speaking.
"I can't do this mom. I won't. I'm not going to stand by and watch him do this to you. I offered you help to get you out of there and that offer still stands. But I won't just play along like nothing is wrong when he keeps doing this to you and you keep taking it. If you want my help, here's how to reach me. But other than that….good bye mom."
I pulled a card out of my pocket, placing it on the bedside table next to her and then turned and walked out of the room. By the time I walked out, the rest of my team was gone. I pointed towards the lobby, pulling out my phone to see if Jay could come back to give me a ride but stopped short when I saw him sitting in the chair just inside the waiting room. He gave me a small unsure smile and stood as I approached. I let out a breath and shook my head as I nodded towards the exit, not wanting to risk another breakdown in front of anyone else. We climbed into Jay's truck and remained silent on the ride back to the 21st, him thankfully not pushing me to talk as I'm not sure I would be able to hold it together once I started. I managed to make it through the rest of my day, not oblivious to the looks both Jay and Adam kept sending my way, or the looks they were exchanging with each other. Finally, the day ended and I hurried to gather my things from my locker before slamming it shut and making to leave the room. Jay came through the door just before I reached it and he gave me a sheepish grin when I had to step back to let him in.
"Beers tonight?"
He asked, eyebrows raised with anticipation. I briefly considered it but settled on just being alone and letting myself process the day before I drug him down with me. I gave him a small smile and shook my head gently, watching his own smile falter slightly.
"Raincheck for tomorrow? I just need to process this alone…"
I explained, hoping to not hurt his feelings. He nodded and gently squeezed my shoulder as he let me pass. I made my way out of the building and into my car in a blur, the emotional rollercoaster of the day finally starting to catch up to me. I was so lost in thought on my drive home that I didn't notice the car lights behind me, following me turn for turn as I made my way home. They drew my attention too late, as I noticed them just before I pulled into the drive. The car sped past my driveway just as I pulled in. It was too dark for me to see the driver so I waited until the taillights disappeared around the corner before getting out. I made my way up my porch steps, fumbling with my keys and having lost my train of thought again. I caught sight of the shadow a second too late before strong hands gripped my shoulders and spun me around, slamming me back into my front door. The air was forced from my lungs on impact and I felt my face pale when I saw the face looming over me. My father. His face was flushed with a mix of anger and alcohol, the smell radiating off him and assaulting my nose in the light evening breeze. Before I could say anything, he pulled me forward only to shove me back against the door again, causing me to cry out in pain as my head struck the metal of the door frame.
"You little bitch! You should have stayed out of this!"
His hot breath screamed in my face, causing me to flinch. I knew I didn't stand a chance fighting off his large frame, but suddenly I didn't even have the notion to try. The way he was holding me, screaming at me, made me feel like the tiny, fragile little girl again and I felt myself shutting down. He yanked me forward again, this time his hand coming to grip my neck and causing me to drop my jacket and keys onto the ground below. He tightened his grip, lifting me slightly off my feet and I danced on my tiptoes to try and ease the choke hold he had me in. My hands clawed at his wrists but it was no use. He slammed me back against the door again, his hands releasing me and I crumbled to the ground, holding my neck and gagging as the air burned my throat. I closed my eyes, waiting for another blow, when a strangled yell escaped him. I looked up to see him being pulled backwards and tossed onto the pavement. The sound of metal cuffs clinking making me try to focus even harder on the scene before me. Jay held him down on the pavement, arms restrained behind his back with his face down in the grass. Jay's frantic eyes met mine, silently asking if I was okay. I nodded, trying to reassure him as I watched my dad flail underneath Jay. Jay gave him another shove into the pavement, only angering him more as the profanities spewed out of his mouth. I tried to stand but my body wouldn't cooperate. I heard Jay call in for a patrol car to head this way. Part of me wanted to tell him no, to just let my father go and save me the embarrassment of him being transported to my place of employment. But that would make me just like my mother and the thought made me sick. It didn't take long for the lights of the patrol car to illuminate the street. Jay pulled my dad into a sitting position but as soon as they were face to face, I watched as he spit right in Jay's face. Before I could process that, I saw Jay draw his arm back and deliver a solid blow to my dad's jaw, blood spewing from his mouth on impact. I would be lying if I tried to deny that a small smirk crept onto my face, if only for a minute, at the sight. The patrolmen reached Jay then and together they hauled my father up. I listened as the officer exchanged a few words with Jay before he hauled my dad away to the patrol car. Jay turned to face me then, hesitating for just a second before he closed the distance between us at a jog. I was still sitting on my porch, leaning against the door I had just been thrown in too, already feeling my body ache from the blows. Jay knelt in front of me, reaching a gentle hand out to my shoulder and I looked up through tear filled eyes to meet his worried look. He looked like he wanted to say something, but wasn't sure what. So instead, he helped me stand and we made our way into my condo silently. I set my things on the kitchen counter, immediately moving to the cupboard that housed my alcohol and pulled out the tequila along with two glasses. I returned to Jay, who now sat perched on the barstool by my island and poured us each a drink. I added just enough liquid to the glass to amount to a shot and instantly picked up the glass, tossing the drink back and enjoying the slow burn it left down my throat. I watched as Jay did the same before refilling our glasses, fuller this time with the intention to just sip away at it. I knew he was waiting for me to speak but I couldn't and eventually he broke the silence.
"You okay?"
It was somewhat of a loaded question and we both knew it. Today had been hell to say the least and Jay had seen firsthand more of the demons in my closet then I'd care to admit. He seemed to be taking it all in stride though and was only concerned with my well being over everything. I pondered my response, debating how much more open I wanted to be with him tonight.
I trailed off weakly, feeling my eyes start to burn with the threat of tears.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He asked gently, not wanting to push me. I knew I would owe him some sort of an explanation or something, but the weight of the day was catching up to me quickly. I scrunched my face up a little, sending him a half hearted smirk before pushing off the barstool and heading into my living room. If I was going to open that box again I was at the very least going to be comfortable doing so. We perched on opposite ends of the couch, me sitting with my knees bent up to my chest while Jay stretched his legs out off the couch. I sipped my drink a little more before I started talking.
"I promise, he wasn't always like that. Some days were better than others...but...some were worse."
Jay nodded, taking a sip from his own glass and waiting for me to continue.
"She usually took the brunt of it. Usually because he would be coming after one of us and she would stop him. Or try to anyway. As I got older...it just got to a point where I couldn't stand watching it anymore so I just left. I feel like I just abandoned her but she won't take the help…"
I let my head dip down as I felt the tears sting my eyes once again.
"You didn't abandon her Hailey...some people...they just won't leave…"
I let out a humorless chuckle at his words. He was right and she was the shining example of that.
"He got to me a lot too, I think because I reminded him of her so much. But not usually as bad as that."
I watched as Jay took in a deep breath, his eyes looking like he was picturing something far away. His grip on the glass tightened as he spoke.
"Not usually?"
His eyes met mine then and I saw a mix of heartbreak and anger swirling within them. I had to break away before I lost it completely.
"There were a few times that were pretty bad…"
I admitted, hanging my head once again.
He trailed off, his own voice thick with emotion.
"It's okay. I mean...it's not. But...I'm okay, now."
I stammered out my words, trying to shake off the memories. We feel into a silence, both taking the occasional drink and sharing a glance. Eventually, as I usually do after I let my walls crumble in front of him, I managed to shift the conversation to a lighter topic and we fell into an easy banter. I felt better with him here, despite everything the day had brought Jay was a constant source of comfort that I hadn't quite figured out yet. I definitely owed him for showing up even after I had told him no, although a part of me had known he wouldn't give up that easily anyway. After over an hour, and a glance at the clock noting it was almost 1AM, Jay stood from the couch and stretched. I stood up after him and we made our way to the front door. He lingered awkwardly for a moment, before turning to face me.
"Hailey, you promise you're good? If you need anything…"
He trailed off, giving me a reassuring smile. I smiled back, thankful for everything he had done for me. I nodded, not trusting my voice and then he reached his hand to pull the door open. As I watched him step out I felt my heart start to race as a panic rose in my chest. I would be alone now and the realization had my mind running wild. No sooner had he clicked the door shut was I yanking it back open and saying his name. He turned around instantly, a mix of confusion and worry on his face at my tone.
"I...it's stupid. I'm sorry..nevermind."
I tried to back peddle, quickly thinking through what I was about to ask him and feeling instantly embarrassed at the thought. He didn't buy it though and quickly stepped back up to the door.
"What is it Hailey?"
He smiled again and the sight helped my heartbeat to slow ever so slightly. I decided to throw caution to the wind and swallowed hard before speaking.
"Could you...would you maybe...stay? It's just...I don't want to be alone tonight."
I hated how pathetic I sounded right now but he didn't seem to care. He nodded and stepped back inside, shutting the door behind him. Before I could process what he was doing he closed the gap between us and pulled me into a tight hug. My first instinct was to pull away as this wasn't something we normally did. But as I felt the heat from his body seep into mine I let myself relax into him and the feeling of safety his embrace brought.
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
Necessary Calibrations
Inspired by art on Twitter that can be found HERE
Summary: Pathfinder asks Ramya to make him a special little mod, and well, how can she refuse such a cute bot? On one condition, of course. She gets to be the one who gives him a test spin. Or!!!! In which Ramya rides the life out of Pathfinder and effectively makes him glitch out into a mess.
Reblogs > Likes. It costs zero dollars to reblog but makes my day :D
!!!Minors and ageless blogs dni or you will be blocked!!!
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Pathfinder/Rampart
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, mutual pining, uhhhh pretty tame except for overstimulation and wire play?
Words: 2.7k
Modding was her thing.  
And Pathfinder was her mate.  
Put the two together with a lovely, tall robot shyly asking for a certain modification and how could Ramya refuse? Truthfully, she would have done it without the sweetness of him offering to buy her pizza. Or of the screen on his chest lighting up with a pink emoji with hearts and two index fingers pressed together. But it certainly did ease the small bit of nerves she had about pausing her current project.  
He wanted something to get off? Sure, she’d give him something to get off. “But on one condition,” She had told him, flipping up her face shield and wiping at grease on her cheek as she leans back on her desk, gesturing at him with her shut off welding torch. “I get to take you for your first ride. What better way than to see if I’ve got it all calibrated?”    
~Rest under the cut~
The joy on his screen had been rather heartwarming. His legs had bounced from one to the other, his hands clapping and the screen flashing yellow with bright joy. “Of course, friend! I wouldn’t think of anyone else I’d like to be ‘taken for a spin’ by!” And like the good boy he was, he’d leaned down, allowing Ramya to pat his ‘cheek’ fondly before shooing him on his way with a reminder he owed her pizza.  
Perhaps calling out to his retreating form ‘With extra sausage!’ went right over his head, but it made her laugh so that’s what really counted.  
Simulacrums had a line of attachable toys that had fancy little names for them. Ramya would disagree that saying ‘phallus module’ or ‘Vaginal attachment’ was anything horny sounding- she preferred ‘Homewrecker module’ and ‘Finger blaster 9000’ but okay. She wasn’t the one coming up with the brand names, just hunting for any of use ones. Turns out the compound had a few, and she couldn’t help but wonder who could have ordered these.  
So, the murder bot was getting it on, ey? Probably with his own left hand and fat tears. Poor sod.  
Modifying either to be able to be wired for a MRVN unit isn’t difficult- well, as long as your name is Ramya Parekh, she humbly thinks to herself. The wiring for Pathfinder’s unit isn’t on any blueprints, so she has to call him in during it to do a fitting. Mostly with the poor bot lying on his back and legs spread while she unhooked the paneling at his front. Whoever made him wanted to make sure he could have these attachments, the wiring was dead similar to a simulacrum’s, just needed a bit more adjustments.  
It takes maybe three days to complete it, and each day Pathfinder comes trotting in with a pizza in hand and a bounce in his step with excitement written all over his little screen. Normally, Ramya doesn’t get the pleasure of seeing someone come in to check out the work, let alone stay with her. The entire time he expresses his excitement, bouncing around her and well...Ramya can’t say she hates the company.  
When the project is complete, Pathfinder is lain out on the ground on a blanket she has folded for him. Damned bot was too tall to put up on a table. Ramya is sat between his legs, carefully clicking the module into place and checking by his hip where a hidden panel was to ensure everything was in place. “Alright, Path, you should see somethin’ about connection establishment. Hit that green button for me, will ya?”  
“Can do!” He responds as chipper as ever, hands folded politely at his waist with his screen going from its classic emoji to a bright green screen showing ‘Download’ on the front. Ramya pats his leg affectionately, sitting back between his thighs as she tosses her shirt and sports bra clean over her head as casual as ever.  
What? Could you blame a girl for being excited to hitch a ride on a heavily sensitive bot? Not to mention she made that cock gorgeous, if she does say so herself. The cock itself was a deep blue to match his paintjob, ribbed and made of a heavy silicone to feel every bit like a hard cock. The head was smoothed into the shape of it, all the same girth and about a good seven inches long with a girth thick enough she couldn’t quite circle her fingers around it. It was to die for, really, even if it was beautiful in its simplicity.   
A slit at the head area would allow his lubrication reserves to act as cum as well. She’d opted to give him options, flavored lubricants to more natural ones. Pathfinder had gleefully picked up the white lubricant, excited it looked like ‘real cum!’ all in that cheery little tone of his as Ramya had fit it within that panel for him.  
“Oh!” Pathfinder exclaims suddenly, drawing Ramya’s attention to him as she kicks herself out of her overalls. Little LED nodes on the side of the cock light up a soft pink, some ‘pre-cum’ leaking out of the tip and letting her know he’s all good to go with the bright ‘100%!’ on his screen.  
“Alright, mate, before we get you all sorted out, how about you get me all sorted out? Would hate to make you bust too soon.” Ramya teases, patting his thigh and moving to take his spot as Pathfinder moves with her. She doesn’t expect Pathfinder to be so  enthusiastic  about foreplay, but damn if he doesn’t go ‘Woohoo!’ as he sits up to take his spot between her thighs.  
His hands are cooler as they press at her strong thighs, pressing them apart to expose the dark hair between her thighs and undoubtedly how wet she is, or how her large clit peeks from her lower lips. Ramya wasn’t embarrassed at what she  had,  she knew she was hot. All her piercings exposed across her body including the one on her clit. Pathfinder seems enamored with them, tracing the dermals on her hips, up to the one on her navel then up to her breasts where he cups them and smooths his thumbs across them. A sigh falls from her lips, tossing her head back with a smile lingering on her lips. “You’ve done this before, mate?”  
“Yes!” He practically vibrates with joy with his voice module reflecting the tone. His screen is hot pink with a heart emoji on the front drooling with a dazed expression. Flattering... “I just have not had the right attachment to do anything besides touch- but! I don’t mind. Especially when they’re as pretty as you!” It’s a coy flirt, one that makes Ramya laugh with her head throwing back to hide a flush on her cheeks. Falling into a soft gasp when he pinches both her nipples, rolling the buds until her hips press upwards into nothing.  
“Less talking more stretching, yeah?” It’s probably the last full sentence she’ll get out for the rest of foreplay. Pathfinder’s letting out that little laugh he does, happily grabbing one of the  set  aside lubricant bottles to coat his fingers.  
Ramya learns rather quickly he wasn’t in the slightest bit kidding about having done this before, not when she’s got two fingers curling inside of her and pounding into her with his other hand pressing on her mound. Using his index and middle to lightly jerk off her clit and massage it, making her cum multiple times all whilst she  arches  off the blanket and swears the entire time.  
Again, and again, he wrings out her orgasms. Twisting his fingers inwards and letting her hump up against his palm with her fingers twisting into the blankets when three fingers now spread inside her. All while the bastard hums a happy little tone to himself, clearly leaking his own lubricant reserves onto himself in arousal.  
A third orgasm hits her with Ramya’s own hips humping against his hand and practically riding his fingers shamelessly with her back arched and her legs trembling. Her head falls back with a loud cry as Pathfinder keeps slamming into that same spot, until she’s twitching and grabbing his wrist with a shaky, almost whiny sound. “Uncle-- okay, uncle, uncle —P-Path!”  
His name catches his attention, his hand pausing and sliding out of her.  ”Oh! Are you alright, friend?” His screen is blue, the emoji yellow and looking alarmed up until Ramya waves a loose hand at him, panting heavily as her other hand grabs her own hair to keep herself grounded.  
“Yes, yes, yes- don't look at me like that, I’m fine. Just need a minute. Supposed to be calibrating you, mate, not having you rail my brains out.” Ramya laughs out breathily, wiping sweat from her brow as she sits up shakily on one arm. Helped up by Pathfinder gently resting a hand on her lower back and making tingles run up her spine. Hm. Feelings. Gross. Didn’t need those.  
Ever so softly Pathfinder gently winds his arms around her, bringing her head to his screen and pulling her ponytail free. Ramya’s about to complain, but when his fingers are running through her hair and soothing where her hair had been tugged at, well, can’t really complain. Instead, Ramya sighs hard, pressing her cheek to his screen and winding her arms back around his waist to lean into his side. “Alright ya big softie, you win your cuddling this time.”  
“Yay! Go me!”  
Ramya snorts, patting the plating of his thigh fondly and hearing the soft hum of static under her ear to signal his screen changing. She can only imagine his own little imagery on the screen with the flashing ‘go me’ across it. Silly bot.   
She can’t help the soft sigh from her lips when his hand tucks strands behind her pierced ear, cursing herself mentally for the fluttering in her chest. Instead, she presses at him, urging Pathfinder to lie down on the blanket in her stead just so she can get a good look at him to stop these damn fluttering feelings in her chest. Perhaps not the best course of action when she’s biting her bottom lip and trying not to smile.  
Pathfinder looked a mess without even being touched yet. His screen is hot pink now, a pastel pink emoji on the front with star eyes and his hands folded politely just under his screen. His legs bounce from one to the other as if he would when standing and excited, his cock standing to attention and drooling the white lubricant onto his own waist plating.  
A quick run of two of her fingers along its ribbed texture and his hips jerking upwards immediately gives her a hint already of how well it was attached. Ramya can’t help herself, wrapping her fingers around and giving two quick strokes from base to tip. Immediately, Pathfinder lets out this high whining sound littered with static in his vocal module, his head turning to the side and an arm going over his optic as if embarrassed. “O-oh! That feels great!”   
“Don’t need the confidence boost, mate, just lookin’ to see if it’s working is all. Of course it is, though, I modified it after all.”  
“A-and it’s always great if it has ‘Rampart’ on it!” He agrees in that ever so chipper tone, even if it does waver and shake when her thumb slides over the slit of his ribbed cock. Her grin is lopsided, soft and holding back the fondness in her heart.  
“Ya damn right it is. Now,” She pauses then, moving on top of him to straddle his waist. Letting her weight settle there, fingers wrapped around his cock to keep him sat upright. “Shall we give you a proper go?”  
With how well Pathfinder had stretched her out, sliding down onto him is like a dream. Ramya is a bit overstimulated from earlier still, a small quiver and tightness to her thighs. Pathfinder lets out this surprised ‘oh!’ as she slides onto his girth, his hands finding purchase on her thighs and squeezing hard enough to leave bruises. His screen flashes hot pink, a wave of glitches shooting across it in a wave as the emoji flickers back and forth from drooling with hearts to having its eyes rolling back and tongue lolling out.  
“Atta boy. Feelin ’ alright?” Ramya practically croons out, rolling her hips against his just to watch his screen glitch again and his voice module shake with a moan in reply full of static. ”I’ll take that as an enthusiastic yes!”  
One hand rests lightly on his screen to keep her balance, splaying her fingers to make sure to monitor it if his ‘expression’ went sour. As soon as her hips start bouncing, Pathfinder’s voice module comes out with mostly static and glitching of his moans, his head turning to the side and his hands shaking on her thighs. Small sounds leave Ramya’s own lips, watching how well behaved he is under her and just how sensitive this poor bot was. Sheesh, remind her to help him turn that down--  
Or well...maybe he could leave it up that high for now. She’d love to be able to do a bit more calibrations on him later.   
“R-Ra— aaaa -mm-y- ya- ” His poor voice glitches and shakes, practically jittering when she starts bouncing her hips on him. She mimics the sound with a low moan, using her hand not balancing on his screen to reach up towards his neck, finding the exposed wiring at where his shoulder meets neck and quirking her fingers inside and lightly tugging.  
Pathfinder immediately starts shaking, his legs kicking underneath himself until he can gain purchase and trying to hold Ramya still. She can’t help the grin spreading across her face, slamming her hips down harder and focusing more on him. His screen is a glitched mess of rainbows, flashing an emoji with its eyes rolled back and tongue lolled out and doing two peace signs. She’d ask later where he got that one and for what purpose.  
“R-Ramya! My systems a-are overloading!” Poor sod sounds like he could cry if he had the tear ducts to. Pathfinder’s hands slide up along her waist, squeezing as a laugh falls from Ramya’s lips breathlessly.  
“Dope. Ya gonna  cum for me, baby boy? Let’s see it." She sighs out, resting both hands on his glitching screen as his voice dissolves into static when her hips pick up the pace. Pathfinder is cumming not long after, hands shaking on her waist, screen a glitching mess and the only sounds she can make out from him sounding like cut off, distant audio of him crying and whining out. His lubricant reserves feel like cum inside of her, thick and warm and bring Ramya to her own fourth orgasm. Weak and quieter than the others but still making her sigh out in satisfaction.  
By the time her hips settle, he’s still shaking and overheating. Concerned, Ramya’s brows knit, stroking a hand over his optic’s cheek and yelping in surprise when suddenly his grapple comes shooting out to the side, hooking into her work bench and grounding him.  
Loud laughter flies from her lips as Ramya rests on his cock, one hand covering over her mouth to muffle the snorts falling from her lips as Pathfinder’s screen starts to settle. His overload seems to reboot his systems, his screen flashing pastel blue with a yellow emoji blushing and looking surprised. “Oh dear! I did not mean to do that.”  
“Ey, no sweat, Path. Got a laugh outta me. Let’s get you cleaned up and check out the data we collected, yeah?” Ramya laughs faintly throughout speaking, going to move off his lap but quickly stopped by his hands on her waist. Much gentler as he makes a soft, sad sound.   
“Boo! Do you think we could cuddle a little before you get up?”  
“You want MORE cuddling?! Didn’t I give you cuddles not fifteen minutes ago? You’re  gonna  get spoiled at this rate, mate.”  
Immediately, his screen flashes to a puppy dog eye emoji with begging hands. Ramya groans, rolling her eyes dramatically as she flops down on top of him instead.  Instantly  hearing the ‘yay!!!’ erupting from him as his arms wrap around her and her cheek lies on his warm screen.  
Damn bot was going to be the death of her.  
Seems like her weak spot would always be machines, hm?  
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yes-kassiopeia · 4 years
CALM lashton lyrics analysis
Here we go form C A L M lyrics analysis from a lashton point of view. Aka  another long as fuck post.
Few consideration first. I am really happy that all of the song are not love songs! That was a bit of a down point for me about YB and I’m really happy to see other theme in this album! Also, I think we can all agree that it’s an happier album than YB, and that’s good! I’m happy the boys feel in better place. 
Songs I won’t talk about too much about
There are very good songs that I don’t have much say about from a lashton perspective so I’ll just quickly pass them. 
Red desert. Great song, I love it, but not lashton song. It’s about going back to your roots, dive inside of yourself to find the core, the passion, and light it up. Like a phoenix rising from ashes. Let it rise in you and guide you further. Great message.
No shame. This one is a social and self critique of the way we seek for attention and fame. Very nice, but not a lashton song neither. 
Old me. A reflection on your past, owning your mistake and you strength as well. Learning lessons from the pass and find pride in your achievements. It is technically a lashton song. And I think it’s very cute that they wrote it together, but it doesn’t say much about their relationship. 
Wildflower. Such a bop! It’s the “valentine” of CALM, even surpasses it in my opinion. Feelgood, sexy, groovy, and all, but definitely not a lashton song. 
These were the happy song. All of the other song include darker, sadder feelings. And there are several ways to read them and I don’t predent to have the right way by any mean. But if you believe that Lierra is the perfect happy couple (”my parents” “goals” etc.) ... You’re probably closing your eyes on one or two things... 
As much as I looks like lyrics 5sos could have written, none of them are credited... And I had to double check that, because I though Luke has said multiple time that they, or at least, himself was involve in the writing of Easier. And I could definitely see that. But apparently not?  
This is the first song on the album which talks about dysfunctional / toxic relationship. It describes a position where you’re stuck: you’re not gonna change, they’re not gonna change, and it's not working out. You're hurting each other although it seem you want the same thing. You still love them, but is still worth staying. (And according to me the implied answer on the lyrics is yes)
Teeth is Another song about dysfunctional toxic relationship! (insert party emoji). And this time it is written by lashton too. So what does it says. Push and pull, mood swings, lies, fake apologies. Loving someone who's always changing their face or their personality, don't know what they want from you, but they're not letting you go. But you love them, and you let them, still find their good side sweet and pretty. Small part of you still hoping you can built something, have future.
Alright... Let’s keep that in mind and adding to more songs
Not in the Same Way + Thin White Lies
Those two are very similar to me in their lyrical content.
About Not in the same way, I’m gonna take a wild guess and you don’t have to agree. But I feel like the verses, which are very short, were written separately from the rest. (the bridge is longer than the two verses together). The verses begin with the same line “Not today” meaning, “I don't want to fight with you again”. You point out my mistake, you cry, you scream at me. You're always anxious and I'm already sad, I don’t need this. (I want to escape)
Otherwise, the rest of the song is very repetitive and have this spinning sensation (I’m not sure, cause i’m a noob in music but I think it is 3/4? like lie to me, the bass rhythm all along as this three time valse-like ‘ta-da-da’ going on). To me this translate the lost balance, lost of reality. Making the same mistake again and again, even if you know it, even if it hurts you.
Thin White Lies goes along the same veins: I'm sad, I don't know how to handle the questions or my own reflection. The night comes and I make the same mistake, endlessly. In the morning  words break my heart, and I leave. But I'll always come back for one more taste of you. And hate myself for that.
BUT! In Thin Whites Lies there's the only time in the whole album where there’s a ‘she’ pronoun. A she that is different from the you everywhere else in the song. So that mean there are three people involved. There's someone else. “She said she loves me, doesn't show it.” I don’t feel you love, she doesn’t show her love neither. I’m in the middle, loosing my mind, don't know I am anymore. I am holding on thin white lies.
Okay so my conclusion, my interpretation, is that it’s Luke describing how he’ll always come back to Ashton, even if he breaks his heart, even if their both in relationship, even if he know it’s not gonna do any good. But he just can’t resist. And on the other hand it is screwing up majorly his relationship with Sierra (NITSM verses + “She”) whatever you think that might be (Friends, PR, couple, mixed, etc.) 
Best Years + Lover of mine
Before any Lierra stan starts to gushing over Best Years, let me remind you the first verse. “I wasted so much time on people that reminded me of you”. This means 1) being together 2) break up or cheat 3) trying to get redemption. So that’s not the ideal relationship they sell. AND, this proves this is about long relationship. Like very long, years obviously. And I personally don’t think Lierra has this kind of story... Lashton does tho. But you’re entirely free to disagree of course. 
Here’s my interpretation "We had a burning passion, that burnt us. I made mistakes. I have been with other people but I still about think you. Now that we're older and wiser, we can build something out of the mess and broken piece, a future together, the best years of our lives."
Luke said about it : “The song is a beautiful love note, something I felt I needed to get off my chest.” And yes it is a promise, but I am the only one who feels like it’s also a request ? like : “don’t you see what we could be? Don’t you want us to grow together?” and that’s it’s not directed at Sierra. But hey, what do I know?
Lover of mine. Completely unproved, but I feel like the verses and pre-chorus where is written by Lierra. And it’s about accepting your partner mistakes, past and flows, and embarrassing all of them. And the chorus is Ashton's addition and response to best years. It has the same theme of redemption and promises.
“I'll never give you away 'Cause I already made that mistake. If my name never fell off your lips again I know it'd be such a shame. When I take a look at my life and all of my crimes you're the only thing that I think I got right.” and this last sentence especially sounds a lot like Ashton to me. But that’s subjective I guess.
Also I feel like Ashton would the sassy guy to place his love confession in the couple song, just to screw it up x)”
Lonely heart
Lonely heart has an interesting point of view, as I feel like it is place on the side who’s holding back someone, while the other song are viewed from the one feeling held back. “We've been together, I know I hurt you. But if you go, I'll be lonely, you'll be lonely. So please can we have a second chance?” So I’d say it’d be Ashton answer to the other song (also I feel like he wrote some stuff from his heart in not in the same way too)
There a lot of theme that have already been exploited in the previous song so i’m not gonna go over them again. It doesn’t really bring much new content. Correct me if I am wrong. 
High is about being selfsish... in a good way? Trying to put yourself first when you still think so much of the one who hurt you. There this implied thing with the line “ my heart is built to last more than a night” that really ties with all the love in dark/ love at night / same mistake every time, we fuck/we fight, etc. that goes on from the all album. There’s another line that I want to point out: “I know I'll never meet your expectations.” which very sadly sound to me like: I’ll never the girls you can hold hand with publicly. And I might be reading way to much, but that just imposed itself to me. And it’s followed by “the picture that you paint of me looks better in your mind” which, once again, sound very much like something Luke could say about Ashton. 
I know this song my seem like their relationship is dead, and Luke’s trying to move on, but it’s not because it’s the last on the album that it’s the last in the chronological order of the real life even. I would personally place this as an really 2018 song. 
So yeah Lashton fucks! But they still don’t know how to handle it... And Sierra in the picture frame now. Woohoo. 
Leave you own comments and thoughts. I’d love to hear that :) 
And If you read till there, congrats, you’re a real one. 
Lots of love <3
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untapanimedraw · 4 years
Ok, lets talk the Winter 2021 anime season
Dear god, there are so many shows airing. A ton of sequels, and a decent amount of new shows. I think I’ll actually break down what I’m interested in watching into two parts, sequels and new. Lets get started. 
Jujutsu Kaisen - This is technically a continuation rather than a sequel, but the spirit is the same. This was my choice for favorite anime of the season fall 2020 so this continuation has me pretty hyped. 
Black Clover - Still continuing. The manga had a 6 month time skip and the anime did some anime only stories with the author’s direction to cover that time period and now it’s caught up to that time skip. Shit is about to go down and I am stoked. 
Attack On Titan: Final Season - So this started airing in December which makes for a strange airing schedule, but it’s technically continuing from the fall season into the winter season. Anyway, it is fucking fantastic and this week’s episode left us on a major cliff-hanger for 2 weeks. 
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime S2P1 - Ok, so first... HOLY FUCK I’M SO EXCITED FOR THIS SEASON, IT’S GOING TO BE AMAZING. Second, yes this is part 1. Thanks to covid there are some longer running seasons that are being split up to accommodate the production schedule. So this part 1 is airing in winter, then in the spring the 4-koma comedy re-telling is airing, and then in summer part 2 of this season 2 will air. it’s annoying, but 3 continuous season of slime is a welcome thing. 
Re:Zero S2P2 - Alright, so this is the second half of summer 2020′s season 2 part 1. I have high expectations considering what we’ve already been given. 
The Promised Neverland S2 - More of the promised neverland. I’ve heard that this season will go even harder than the first season and Emma will prove even more why she’s best girl, so bring it on. 
The Quintessential Quintuplets S2 - A second season of a decent harem show? Bring it on. 
Log Horizon S3 - So I didn’t watch this when the first 2 seasons aired years ago, 6 I think actually. That said it’s always been on my PTW list and when I heard season 3 was going to air I decided that now was the time to catch up; and wow am I glad I did. I binged the first 2 seasons over the last 3 weeks and I am so fucking invested now. I cannot wait for this next season. 
Higurashi GOU - this is continuing from last season and I’ll keep watching it, though I’m still not quite sure how to evaluate it. 
Yuru Camp S2 - WOOHOO!!!!! This was the chillest of chill shows that aired winter 2018 and I absolutely loved it. I’m so excited for this next season for more camping and adorable girls being chill. 
World Trigger S2 - So I was under the impression that there were already 2 seasons of this show, I watched most of it I think but it’s been so long I don’t really remember much. But this is being called season 2... so either this is retconning the previous season 2 or that was really just 1 big season despite the notation on some websites. Also a S3 has already been announced so I need to hurry up and rewatch this before the new season airs. But with 73 episodes that might take a bit of time. 
Armor Shop for Ladies and Gentlemen S2 - This is a sequel to the short anime of the same name. If you like it, you like it. 
Cells at Work S2 - Ok, technically this is a sequel, but I’m including it here because of something cool that’s happening with the next title. 
Cells at Work: Black - Why yes, this is a different Cells at Work title. This is based on the spin-off manga of the same title that gender swaps the cells from the main series and covers their work inside an extremely unhealthy body. This is going to be a grittier, bloodier, and bleaker show than the main one and in a fun airing scheduling event, they will be airing back to back. I’m quite excited for the both of these. 
Horimiya - I’ve heard many good things about this romance show and am looking forward to it. 
Redo of Healer - Ok, here we go. This is going to be the outrage anime of the season. That is, if it is actually watched by people. It’s also getting 3 different levels of censoring so uh, I’ll have to check for the proper versions when it airs. 
So I’m a Spider, So What? - Ok, so funny story. I’d been hearing about this manga for a while so I decided to dive into it a few months back. As I read it, I thought it was pretty funny but I wondered if the anime adaptation would be great for a comedy manga about a reincarnated girl into a spider’s body. Then about 3 weeks ago, I realized I was reading the comedy spin-off instead of the main story. That said I’m still quite excited to see this adapted and I’ll get the manga after then anime is done. 
The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter - Hella ecchi, actually pretty fun manga. I’m looking forward to this adaptation. 
Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies moved to a started town - Hopefully this will be as fun as the manga was. Here’s a better synopsis than the Livechart one - Lloyd is the weakest person in his remote village but his dream is to become a soldier in the big city. So he moves to the city and strives to make his dream come true. However in a twist, it turns out that the remote village Lloyd came from is the retirement town for all the world’s strongest heroes and they are all massively overpowered, so when he gets to the city he’s stupidly OP but it doesn’t quite click for him. Shenanigans ensue. It’s fun and I’m looking forward to this adaptation. 
Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki - This is supposed to be not quite as good a romance as Horimiya this season, but still decent. If that is the comedy romance this is the drama romance show and hopefully it’ll be good. 
Kemono Jihen - Mystery, supernatural, Yokai. I’m intrigued in this show and hope it’s decent. 
Otherside Picnic - Shoujo Ai, Sci-Fi, I’m sold. 
Hortensia SAGA - This is based on a game, but I’ve heard that the story and scope are actually quite good and the PV actually looks quite good so I’m definitely gonna check this one out. 
SK8 the Infinity - Ok, so my first impression of this was nah, I’ll pass. But then I saw the PV and saw it was being animated by BONES and my impression changed to Ok I have to at least give it a couple episodes. 
2.43 Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Team - So this is supposed to be Haikyuu except lots more drama and less gameplay. It will really have to pull me in in order to get me to not think boring Haikyuu when I watch it. I’ll give it a couple episodes. 
Dr. Ramune -Mysterious Disease Specialist- - Doctor heals people from Yokai or something like that. The tags look interesting as do the character designs. I’ll check it out.
Back Arrow - Fantasy setting but BOOM... Mecha! That premise at least demands a couple episodes of my attention. 
Heaven’s Design Team - Here’s my chill comedy SOL show of the season. The premise is Heaven has a design team that creates/created all the animals. I’m very excited to see the shenanigans. 
Gekidol - Idols and stage acting. After watching the new Love Live last season I’m in the mood for some idol stuff. But most interesting to me is the next show on this list. 
Alice in Deadly School - It’s not currently known whether this will be a full series or an OVA or some other thing, but this is an anime of the stage play that is being put on in Gekidol. The same VAs in Gekidol that play the characters in this play are voicing the characters for this anime production. And I just think this whole setup is neat and am very interested to see it play out (pun fully intended). 
Idoly Pride - This seems to be a more straight-forward idol show which I’m going to check out. 
Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san - Girl doesn’t quite cut it to do the thing she and her friend came to do, but she found that she can cook so uses her cooking for support her friends. SOL, lets go. 
Wave!! Surfing Yappe!! - Surfing show, the animation will make or break this show so we will see how it turns out. 
Wow, that is a lot of shows, lets add them up. 
13 sequels and continuations
22 new shows
35 total. I kinda hope some of these suck cause HOT DAMN, that’s a lot of shows. 
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