#work is horrible but at least I jogged this morning
fortheloveofrunning · 4 months
Monday, May 20, 2024
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6:39 am; 72° at 91% humidity and 2 mph wind; 1.5 miles; 18:40; 12:21/mi; 239; zr season of the hunter; Jog was good. Didn’t really want to get up, but I did anyway. Slight pull in my inner right ankle, but Idt it’s anything to worry about at this point. Lots of birds chirping and what looked like a great blue heron flew over head. The sound of the water fountain was good, too. This jog didn’t feel like too much effort. Not easy per se, but the jog did have some ease about it if that makes sense? Anyway, I like to get my week off to a good start with a Monday jog so I’m happy I went. And the weather was nice.
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flowermiist · 8 months
A warm heart - Prologue
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Click here to read new chapters... ♡
Pairing: John Price x Fem!Reader
Sypnosis: Some time ago, you started a cooking channel on YouTube as a way to relax, have a proper hobby and teach others your favorite recipes as you improved your own culinary skills too. Fame wasn’t something you wanted, you were more than happy with your 50k subscribers... Yet you never thought you’d stumble upon one of them.
Word count: 1.k
A/N: So I’m really excited since this is my very first fic... I still haven’t planned it much but I’m already working on the first chapter as I post this!! If you have any suggestions or comments please leave them below. Comments and reblogs are always so welcome and appreciated.
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John had gotten back from base two days ago, he had spent nearly three months stuck in Egypt with some CIA members and his SAS team. Time there went slow, it felt like it would never end, most intel they could gather was messy but the missions were successful.
Sitting on his couch and with his already third glass of scotch, John knew his stomach wouldn’t actually settle for alcohol and a cigar – It was too late to go out, most places would already be closed by now – except for some street food carts and dingy local pubs. So now, both his exhaustion of having spent his whole day locked away in his office finishing reports and filling out documents was mixing with his empty stomach and possible upcoming migraines making him way too irritable and tired to even attempt going out and getting something – Not like he was even in the mood to do so.
If this moment had been one of the irritated man’s childhood caricatures, a lightbulb would have gone on above his head as he remembered the few basics he had gotten from the grocery store in the middle of the road on his way home while getting back home from base. The captain let out a deep grunt as he got up from the couch, grabbing the empty glass of scotch and the TV remote to turn it off and walk to his kitchen.
Opening his pantry, he only saw the basics, some canned tomato sauce and a single bag of spaghetti. John sighed as he grabbed those two ingredients and hopes that it would at least taste decent enough not to make his headache worse. Internally cursing himself for not getting more things from the store – not being home for too long did limit a lot of his comfort and meal options when it came to getting back after a long time, buying food that would expire too soon before going to work would only mess up his pantry and fridge.
When it came to cooking, he wasn’t exactly an expert. Yes, he could defend his culinary skills by making a good English breakfast and a cup of tea but besides that? Yeah, no. Yet for some reason, John didn’t want to admit the fact that he had grown too accustomed to the meals he’d get at base or the pickup he’d order whenever he was home. Almost embarrassing that an officer specialized in unconventional warfare or any kind of missions would find it more difficult to cook for himself than to deploy to the most dangerous and broken places on earth.
Luck had jumped out of his window and the spaghetti ended up tasting horrible to say the least – Was it the sauce? Was it expired? Or did John just get horrible at cooking at this point? Too tired to care, the gruff man washed the dishes and went to sleep. This culinary war wasn’t over.
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The following morning was busy, the captain went out for a morning jog then continued finishing up the last reports. His house had been too quiet for his own liking because when a man like John Price has gotten too used to the chaos and noise of all the places he deploys to and filled with all kinds of people, being in his own house feels almost surreal. Almost like he doesn’t belong here, like all he can handle are the noises that will not leave him alone with his thoughts eating him alive.
His own perseverance and stubbornness did not allow him to give up when it came to cooking, he was a grown man for crying out loud! No goddamn way he could be able to handle all the things he sees in his line of work but couldn’t handle himself in the kitchen – he thought.
Closing the other tabs on his laptop, he entered YouTube. After searching for basic recipes to challenge himself, he came upon certain channel – “Y/N’s kitchen diaries.”
Not even ten minutes later, he was already taking notes and focusing on every single detail.
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John had prepared one of the recipes for dinner after yet another visit to the grocerie store, a less rushed one this time and somewhere that wasn’t in the middle of an isolated road. Meticulously following every single step shown by the woman in the videos – he liked her voice, it wasn’t like one of those annoying cooking shows from TV that would be filled with ads for kitchen tools and nonsense chatter, it even felt as if he had some company with the video – “Here we have our final result.” She spoke softly as she was showing the results, John looked at her video then back at his plate – It looked and smelled good. “As you can see the chicken is juicy and the smoked paprika gives it that extra flavor. Now our broccoli has that chewy yet soft texture, I personally sprinkle some salt on top of it but that is up to your liking.” A small pause before she spoke again, by then, John was already placing the plate on the dining table before grabbing his phone as the young woman spoke the final lines of the video. “Thank you for watching – don’t forget to comment down below if you have any suggestions or any recipes you’d like me to try. Bye Bye!” – The video ended and John had a small smirk on his face, both proud of himself and amused by how well this went. He clicked on the “subscribe” button and left his phone on top of the counter, walking towards the dining table and taking a seat.
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The moment you got home, you kicked off your high heels, grunting from the relief as you stomped on the floor a few times – getting that relief of your feet getting accustomed to flat ground again. Putting your purse aside, you make your way towards the kitchen where you open the fridge and take some leftovers from yesterday and place the plate in the microwave – this gives you some time to rush to your bedroom and get your laptop to continue editing one of your videos, a new lasagna recipe you had been improving and recorded a video of.
While making your way out of your bedroom, you hear the little musical alarm of the microwave going off. You wanted to record a little something to start with the next video; yet you knew you didn’t have the enough ingredients to do so and neither did you have the energy to edit and record at the same time, not tonight at least – “Will do it tomorrow…” you mumble to yourself as you open your laptop and set your plate on top of the coffee table of your living room. – “Thereee we go...” you almost moan the moment your body falls down onto the couch, finally getting some rest.
You took some time to check your channel, seeing if there was anything interesting – YouTube was the only platform you uploaded your cooking videos to as you didn’t see it as a big deal but rather a hobby you enjoyed and relaxed with, the rest of your social media was pretty much private and not about your recipes or small food vlogs. Learning how to edit videos by yourself hadn’t been an easy task – but to you, it was worth it as it helped you clear your mind and not seem too crazy while talking to yourself in front of a camera. Before starting to make videos, you talked to yourself while doing tasks, eventually it just came into your mind – Why the hell not? You wouldn’t seem too crazy if you talked to a camera and recorded things for yourself, right? It was a good reason to talk to yourself, not an excuse. Starting your channel had been a rather spontaneous decision you took two years ago with the difference that nowadays, you are more frequent with your content than you were back then.
Sighing in relief, you turn off your laptop since you had finally finished the last details of the video. You were already stripping off your clothes on your way to the bedroom, not caring about tonight’s shower but rather tonight’s rest, you’d do everything tomorrow.
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proposalanonaita · 6 months
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The date is fast approaching (seven and a half weeks left), I've had sufficient quantities of Malbec, and I'm realizing that whoever suggested that writing my vows would be MUCH more harrowing than talking about my feelings to internet nobodies.....had a fair point; I should at least attempt to put it all to words before I write the real drafts.
I should probably start by stating that I'm WELL aware of who I am. Rest assured, I know that I'm stunningly abrasive. And controlling. And petty, conniving, misanthropic, or whatever other adjectives you've been calling me in the tags (yes, I DID read those, and it IS weird of so many of you to be calling for my divorce. I thought you were supposed to be nicer than I am?).
All this to say, I've always been cognizant of being an acquired taste. Partly because I've always BEEN an acquired taste. I tone it down in public, and in most of my personal relationships, but I am, down to my core, a Mean Mother Fucker.
With partners before my fiancé, I had to make myself more palatable to stay together. The men I dated were FAR too nice, and snipping with them at all felt like I was a heavyweight champion facing off against a toddler. So I reigned it in. It worked, but no matter how well things were going on paper, I didn't feel like I was myself with any of them.
I was even less myself with The Shithead. I'm NOT getting into the entirety of that particular tire fire here, you little freaks already know FAR too much about me and I won't have you tagging the gory details of the worst part of my life with #bob the builder/fuzzy wuzzy or whatever you're into.
He was horrible to me, I turned dangerously timid, I'm lucky I had enough Mean left in me to get the fuck out. He's changed enough by now that I considered inviting him to the wedding, it was bad enough back then I'm very glad I didn't. Enough said.
...I'm talking quite a bit up here because I still hate having to say any of the next part. Call me an emotionless villain for that if you want to, I am far too employed and 30 to care very much.
Ugh, ugh, ugh.
The thing is, there are people that KNOW me, and there are people who LIKE me. My parents know me, and I've never doubted they love me, but that's not LIKING me as a person. That's a contractual obligation of birthing me. My friends like me, some even like me when I'm catty, but I need to be careful to hold myself back, at the risk of losing them. At best, people loved "me", not ME.
For decades, this was just the way the world was. It was a fact of life- The sky is blue, I'm secretly unlovable, the Earth goes around the sun.
And then, against all odds, I found my fiancé, who manages to do both.
He sees ALL of me. Every square inch, every fleeting thought, every horrible little quirk of my rotten personality. And THEN, as if that weren't bad enough, he turns around and ENJOYS it all. He's not just tolerant of my least palatable traits, he's delighted. The more I show him, the more he likes.
It's awful. I'd say he stole my heart, but that sounds too pleasant. It's more like my heart is a cockroach he could squish at any moment, and I trust him not to, and I'm just supposed to wake up every morning and do the dishes and go to work as if this doesn't mean we're clearly orbiting Saturn. The sky is PURPLE now. What the fuck.
He could at least do me the favor of being completely, 100% perfect, because then I could blame his total lapse in judgement on that, but NO. He's a BASTARD.
I'm engaged to a big sweaty idiot who annoys me on purpose. He's terrible with his money. He tries to take me on HIKES, and JOGS, and CAMPING TRIPS. His taste in every single art form known to man is GARBAGE, he's constantly leaving his dirty socks on the floor, and he's such a bad driver I'm amazed he still has a license.
I've told him all of that to his face, and I've MEANT it, and he's just called me a bitch and asked me what I want for dinner. He knows that I'm unlovable, agrees that all those parts of me are in here, and then loves me anyway.
He loves me. He LOVES me. He loves ME.
I don't know what I'm meant to do with it all, but there's clearly SOMETHING wrong with his brain, so I guess I'll have to keep him, if only for his sake.
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lostgirlmuseum · 1 year
Stuck (2)gether
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(image from Pinterest ^) Summary: A continuation of Stuck Together, Bucky deals with the aftermath of now knowing what it’s like to be so close to you. He misses it. He’s scared of it. He needs it.
Words: 2.7k
Warning: None I don’t think, just some fluff and an awkward Bucky. Oh and implied wet socks (DON'T WORRY, NOT EXPLICIT)
A/N: Yes I think im very funny with the title lol
You wonder what you did to make him so revolted by you.
Little do you know, at that very moment, Bucky is resisting every urge to run back to you.
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Bucky woke up the next morning feeling lost. Like there was something missing. Before his groggy brain could put it together, he saw his phone light up with a reminder that he was meeting Sam to go on a jog. He quickly got up and got dressed, trying to ignore that weird nagging feeling that a piece of him was gone.
Seeing as he lives on the fourth floor of the tower, he could’ve very easily taken the stairs to level one. It’s not like he got winded often. But something compelled him to take the elevator.
Right as the odd feeling had started to dissipate, the elevator doors opened. And there you were.
It all came crashing back to him. 
“Oh, hey Buck.” You smiled.
“Hi.” He briefly considered not getting on. He could take the stairs. But there you stood, and he felt the urge to stand right next to you.
“What floor?” You asked.
He looked at the buttons. He saw “12” glow a faint yellow.
“Oh, me too.” 
Yes? What does that even mean? Just be cool Barnes. Be cool—
Your sweet voice interrupted his internal panic.
“Nice. With how hot it’s been lately, I figured I should take advantage of the pool.”
He finally noticed the towel you were carrying.
“Yeah, same.” He crossed his arms.
“You’re heading to the pool too?” 
“What are the chances?” You politely laugh. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you go swimming.”
“I swim.” 
Despite his horrible conversational skills, he doesn’t want this elevator ride to end.
“I don’t doubt it.” 
There came an awkward lull in the conversation. He felt guilty for not only lying about where he was headed, but even more so for his lack of interesting responses. The least he could do was be engaging.
Either you gave up on him, or you lost interest, because neither of you said another word as you exited the elevator, and walked down the hall into the pool room.
He stood and watched as you grabbed a chair and draped your towel over it. You two were the only ones there. He continued to watch as you took off your t-shirt and stepped out of your shorts, revealing a navy bathing suit underneath. You stacked your clothes neatly on the chair, and pulled your hair back. You ambled up to the edge of the pool and dipped your toe in. Then you turned around and saw him staring right back at you, unmoving.
“Where’s your swimsuit?” You tilted your head.
“Um.” He looked at you blankly for a solid three seconds. He realized there was a significant hitch in his plan. Could he make an excuse and just leave? Yes. Was he going to? No. Because all logic went out the window the minute the elevator doors opened and he saw you. He’s acting on the instinct to be near you, and not leave your side, no matter what. “I didn’t bring it.”
“Oh, I know what you’re doing.” You laughed.
Oh jeez. You’ve caught him. He’s mortified. He can’t even explain the feelings coursing through his veins, and yet you’ve already figured him out.
“Swimming fully clothed, yeah? I’ve heard it’s a good skill to learn, never know when you might be in a situation where you unexpectedly find yourself in a body of water, especially in our line of work.”
He nodded. 
You turned back to the water and took a step up on the diving block. You got in position and dove into the water, leaving Bucky with his jaw dropped at how you just found his excuse for him.
“You coming in, or what?” You called, wading in the pool.
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“I’m here, sorry,” Bucky started his apologies to Sam the minute he found him waiting on a bench in the lobby.
“Man, where were you? I thought we were meeting for a run. And why the hell are you dripping?” 
“Sorry, I got held up.”
“Doing what? Did you forget to take your clothes off in the shower?”
“Okay…” Sam looked Bucky up and down, taking in the way his shirt clung to his chest, the messy damp hair, and the literal puddle he stood in. “Buck, I’m waiting for an explanation on why you’re drenched.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Weird dude. You’re being weird. I mean, you’re always weird, but especially right now.”
“Are we running, or not?” He groaned.
“With those squeaky ass shoes? I’m thinking not.”
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Around lunch time, Bucky had found you alone in the kitchen, making a sandwich. Your hair was still a bit damp from the pool earlier, but so was his. 
“Oh!” You jumped, “You snuck up on me!”
“Sorry,” he blushed. 
Next thing he knew, he was standing right beside you, behind the kitchen island. 
You seemed just as surprised at his proximity, he usually stayed a fair distance away from everyone. Minus Steve, maybe.
He mumbled something, searching your face.
“What?” You asked.
“Um, what are you making?”
“Just a sandwich.”
“What kind of sandwich?”
“I don’t know, I kinda grabbed whatever I could find from the fridge.”
He felt himself smile.
“What?” You laughed, noticing his weird reaction.
“You’ve got—” he paused, hesitating to bring his hand up, “here, I got it.” 
He brought his thumb to your left cheekbone, carefully wiping away a smudge of mustard you had managed.
“Oh,” you giggled. But he didn’t take his hand away. He just let it lightly hover, looking wistfully from his hand by your cheek to your glittering eyes.
“Is that sandwich for me?” Tony’s voice penetrated the bubble Bucky had found himself in. 
Immediately, Bucky brought his arms to his sides and stepped away from you, backing up a ridiculous five feet.
He saw a glimpse of hurt and confusion on your face, but it quickly dissipated into a teasing smile.
“Sorry Iron Man, but this sandwich is mine.” You crossed your arms.
“Well, this kitchen is mine. My kitchen, my rules, yeah?”
“Alright, just take the sandwich.”
“Is that yellow or Dijon mustard I see on it?”
“Damn. I prefer Dijon.” Tony quipped back.
Bucky did what he did best, standing and watching from afar.
Tony glanced over at him and back at you. The man leaned over the counter.
“Come here.” He gestured for you to lean in.
You gave him a suspicious look but stepped closer, leaning over the island.
Tony brought his hand up to where Bucky had just had his, and swiped.
“Weird, I thought I saw a smudge of something.” Tony teased, looking back over at Bucky.
Bucky felt his cheeks flush. Damn Stark, and having to ruin everything. Bucky didn’t care how you responded, he suddenly felt the urge to get the hell out. 
“Buck–” he heard you start to call, but he was already half-way out the door.
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Bucky was laying face down on his bed when he heard the knock at his door.
“Who is it?” He grumbled.
There was no response.
Begrudgingly, he rolled out of bed and opened the door. No one was there. He looked down and finally noticed the note at his feet. He glanced down the empty hallway before picking up the small paper and going back into his room.
“Meet me in my room in 5 minutes. Go ahead in, I’ll be there soon.
                        From, Y/N”
His heart started to race. 
You were inviting him into your room? Your space. God, this has got to be a dream. Finally, he can be close to you and not worry about anyone interrupting. His head was so clouded with the anticipation of you that he didn’t even think to wonder what you wanted to meet him for. Or why you felt the need to put it in a note.
You said to meet in five minutes, but he couldn’t help himself. He left immediately for your room and was three minutes early. He tugged at his hair for a minute, and rocked on his heels. He couldn’t take it. What’s two minutes?
He knocked on your door and it creaked open. 
He let himself in, like you asked, and nearly sat on the edge of your bed, but thought it too intimate, opting for your cozy chair in the corner. It smelled like you. 
Soon after, he heard steps coming down the hall and closer to your door.
He tried to keep his body still, but he wanted to meet you halfway. He’d never felt so impatient.
The door slowly started to open…
Bucky blanched. 
“I’m really sorry about this Sergeant Barnes.” The kid gave him apologetic eyes.
“Sorry about w—” Bucky didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence, Peter shot two webs, both landing perfectly in place where Bucky’s arms rested on the chair.
“Mr. Starks orders.” Peter burst out, right before making his quick exit out the door.
Before Bucky could even start to badger the kid, two faces appeared in the doorway.
“Stark! What the fuck is going on?!” Bucky yelled, and turned his attention to the other body. “Wilson, I swear to fucking god—”
“Cool it Tin Man, this is for your own good,” Tony started, “this way you have to confront your feelings for Y/N.”
“I don’t have feelings for—” Bucky started to bark back, but Sam interrupted from the doorway.
“Don’t lie, Buck, I talked to Y/N earlier. You were late because you went swimming, fully clothed, just to be near her. That’s crazy!”
“Psychotic, really,” Tony added. 
“Desperate, is what it is.” Sam pointed. “Sorry to do this to you, really, but it’s for your own good. And hers too.”
The men started to close the door, and Bucky seethed, “Don’t you dare, I will kill you both!”
He was seeing red.
Stark's muffled remark came behind the door.
“Good luck, we’re rooting for you!”
He tried thrashing, but it was useless. He was feeling murderous. The chair bumped onto the ground as he repeatedly attempted to stand up and free his wrists from their confines.
But his anger swiftly turned to panic the second he sensed footsteps and heard your light humming nearing the door.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he whispered, willing the web to dissolve.
But it was too late. You opened the door, and spotted him immediately.
“Hey, hi, yeah,”
“Are you alright?” You asked, looking around the room for any other unusual signs. “What are you doing here? Is that Peter’s web?”
“You see, I can explain,” he started, already breathless.
“Um, I got a note from you saying to meet you in your room, and so that’s why I’m here. Obviously, you didn’t write it, but I didn’t know that at the time so I let myself in, but then Parker popped out of nowhere, webbed me to the chair, and then Stark and Sam appeared and said stuff and essentially this is all an elaborate prank on behalf of them.”
You just looked at him.
“You’re looking at me like I’m crazy, I get it, it sounds unbelievable, but I swear to god that is what happened.”
“Relax, Bucky, I believe you. I just don’t get the joke.” You crossed your arms, lost in thought.
“They’re twisted, who knows what they are ever thinking.”
“I just don’t understand why they’d do this.”
“I don’t know, they wanted us to talk, it’s stupid.” He rolled his eyes.
“Talk? About what?”
Bucky didn’t answer. But he didn’t have to. A look of realization and a twinge of shame crossed your face.
“Oh, is this about the other day? Bucky, I’m really sorry. I was just trying to help you get the web off, I didn’t know I’d get stuck to you. I’m really, really, sorry, I never would have done it if I’d known. I know you value your space, and I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I apologize.”
Bucky started to sputter, not even sure how to correct how wrong you were.
“Oh my gosh! And now you’re trapped in my room, it’s happening again. I’m sorry, you probably want to be as far away as possible from me right now. I’ll go find the web dissolver, I’ll give you space,”
“No, I don’t want space.” He blurted. Well, no going back now. “I want to be…close to you.” He whispered, ducking his head in humiliation.
You simply shook your head, not understanding.
“I’m sorry, it’s embarrassing. Ever since we got stuck together, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about being close to you. I don’t know what’s happened to me, maybe it’s just that I haven’t been so close to another person in so long, or something else is wrong with me. I see you and I’m itching to be closer. It’s like when the web dissolved a magnet took its place. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Why do you assume I don’t feel the same way?”
“You—” Bucky blinked, “you what?”
“Maybe I like being close to you too? Maybe I’m embarrassed because you started to run away from me?”
“Fuck, I know, I’m sorry, it’s just a new feeling for me and I don’t completely understand it, and I don’t want Stark making me feel like a fool.” He hung his head. “Which he’s doing a really good job of right now.”
“Forget Stark, he can be a raging asshole.” You spotted the way he was struggling against the restraints. “Let me make a quick call, and then we can continue this conversation.”
You quickly picked up your phone, tapped around, and held the phone to your ear. It rung three times before someone answered.
“Peter?… No, I’m not angry…Yes, I am disappointed...Just bring the web solution…No, he won’t kill you…Yes, I promise…Okay, hurry.”
You hung up and turned your attention back to Bucky.
“So, you like me?”
He felt his cheeks warm. 
“I mean… yeah. Is that okay?”
“Of course it’s okay, Bucky.” You smiled.
A minute or two later Peter knocked on the door, and peeked his head in with the formula.
“Please don’t be disappointed in me. I was just listening to Mr. Stark.” He begged you, his eyes wide looking into yours.
“Fine, I’m not disappointed.” You relented, always merciful. “But let this be a lesson in establishing boundaries. And I think I need to have a chat with Tony about taking advantage of you.”
“Thank you, thank you.” He sighed, handing you the bottle and rag.
“But, I think you owe someone else an apology.”
Peter looked Bucky in the eyes for the first time since the door opened. 
“I’m really sorry Sergeant Barnes. That wasn’t cool of me. It won’t happen again.”
“Whatever, just get outta here, kid.” He gave a small wave of his hand, which looked a bit awkward considering his forearms were still glued down.
That was pretty much as close as Bucky could get to accepting an apology.
Peter scurried off and you got to work on freeing Bucky.
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Bucky was snuggled against you on the couch. He squeezed you tight, his big arms wrapped around your body. He had his head resting on your chest, and you were rubbing small circles on his back.
You had both been there for nearly an hour, unmoving from your spot.
Bucky heard you mumble a stern, “Behave,” to Tony when he walked in. Knowing he was defeated, he put his arms up in protest and walked on by without a single quip. Truly a feat for Iron Man.
He couldn’t be happier, being so close to your warmth.
Bucky didn’t know a lot of things. Like why he wasn’t dead yet, how Tony Stark could be such a pain, and what the hell is flan? But he did know one thing. That being close to you was the most perfect thing. It just feels right. You feel right. And he’s elated to know that there are a million more cuddles to come.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope this lived up to the first part, or at least was somewhat close? I hope you have a wonderful day, and let me know what you think!
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Hi Rin! I've been reading your writings and I've been having the best fun, thanks you for the hard work! Seeing that you are accepting requests I was wondering if you could do a Minho x reader? (Female if possible but ofc if not that's good too!) With reader having a sweet and caring personality and Minho at the beginning scoffing at her bc he thinks everyone is too soft on them but newt and others commenting of him being hyper aware so they tease him saying he has a crush? And then a scene where he starts developing feels and he's like nonono but there's no way out hehe. Hope you have a very lovely day!
This is so cute!!!!!! Thanks for requesting (and waiting 😭) ❤❤
Got a very teenage vibe from this as I was writing, hence the title
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Teenage dream
Minho x fem!reader
Set during tmr (movieverse, before Thomas)
Notes: this is more of a Minho pov fic? Hope that's ok :))) Kinda switches back to reader at the end though
Warnings: vomit tw, language, reader's drunkness levels change drastically within minutes, ALSO TEENAGE AWKWARDNESS TO THE MAX, I swear Minho has better game in my other fics, he's just a silly sweet guy here lmao
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"Light 'em up!"
Minho stands back as the other boys throw their stakes into the bonfire, watching you giggle at their raucous cheers from across the Glade, an involuntary smile rising on his face.
Before long, the party's in full swing; meaning everyone is now yet again horribly, stupidly drunk.
Minho, as usual, has only had a bit of Gally's concoction, and is idly chatting with Ben as he hears a loud crash.
"What the..."
He leaves Ben, jogging over to the scene to see... of course.
It's you, the two-months-in newbie, and you're sprawled out on the ground in a mess of barrels that have been knocked down, potatoes spilling everywhere.
Your arms are tangled with Newt's- Newt? and you're both laughing, harder than Minho's seen Newt laugh in a while.
"We- the potatoes. The potatoes," Newt manages to say, gasping between cackles.
"Eh. Problem for tomorrow," you sing, extracting yourself from the barrels and potatoes that are now all over the ground.
"Here," says Minho, containing his eyeroll and stepping forward to offer Newt an arm.
"Thanks, man."
Minho tugs Newt up, and yep, he's plastered cause Newt flies up and stumbles forward, crashing into an amused Jeff and nearly sending them both tumbling down.
You stand beside Newt, body folding in laughter as you reach out to grab his arm.
"What's going on?" Alby's voice cuts through the chaos.
You wobble over to him, grabbing one of his hands and clasping it between both of yours in a praying motion. "Sorry, Albs. We'll clean it up in the morning, promise."
"Yeah, you better," says Alby, and his voice is stern but Minho can see the smile reaching his eyes.
What the hell? What happened to their strict leader?
"Thanks, leader man," you say with a grin, patting his chest and giving him a cheesy thumbs up.
Suddenly shouts sound out nearby, and Minho turns to see someone staggering around before turning and throwing up right onto a tabletop.
"Dammit, Ben," mutters Jeff, pinching the bridge of his nose and rushing over.
"Did someone throw up?" Minho hears you ask, before you jog over, veering slightly off to the side as you run.
He sighs and follows you, to where the Gladers are standing around Ben making various ew and gross sounds as if they don't have someone chuck up at least every couple months.
"I ain't cleaning this up for you," Minho tells Ben as he helps him up.
"The whole damn table is gonna stink for months," groans Jeff, looking over the table the Medjacks lent for the bonfire.
"Sorry," mumbles Ben, his words slurring slightly.
"It's alright," you say comfortingly, grabbing a piece of wood you got from god knows where and scraping the stuff into a bin.
"Hey, strong men," you call. "Grab this table and go spray it at the hose."
"Sorry," repeats Ben.
Minho sighs, and shakes his head. "Not your fault you're a lightweight," he says light-heartedly, punching his friend in the arm gently.
He watches as you wash your hands quickly before grabbing a cup of water and bringing it over to Ben.
"Here," you say, handing it to him. "Don't worry, the table's fine. Worst case we'll use it as firewood for next time."
You trip slightly as you step back, and Minho shoots out an arm to grab your waist before he even knows what he's doing. "Alright?" he asks.
You grin, patting his arm. "Guess I'm not as steady as I thought I was."
"Oh really," Minho lifts an eyebrow. "You thought you were steady when you fell into three barrels of potatoes?"
"Ya know, the one time that happens..."
"You mean, just now?"
"Yeah, that one time,"
"Stop with this couples banter," groans Ben. "My head hurts."
"Hungover and drunk at the same time," you say, nodding so sympathetically Minho genuinely can't tell if you're acting or not. "Here, let's get you to bed."
"Every month we manage to top the last month's mess," announces Alby, sitting on a table as he addresses the Gladers, most of whom are still waking up and groaning.
He throws out orders for each group, eyes shut and massaging his temples as he speaks, before he gets to; "Y/n, Newt. Gardeners."
"Minho and I already packed up the potatoes from yesterday," begins Alby, and Minho warms as he feels your eyes on him.
"Some of them were crushed under the barrels," Alby continues. "We lost some supplies."
You bite your lip, looking up nervously. You exchange a glance with Newt, and you're wearing identical guilty expressions.
Alby rolls his eyes. "Like scolded children, both of you. Just get to your jobs, go on."
"Thanks mate," says Newt, clapping his friend on the shoulder.
"Yeah, thanks Alby." You give him a little sheepish smile before leaving.
"I'll check on our leftover supplies," says Newt. "Minho, come with?"
"Wh- sure," says Minho, following behind.
"Something on your mind?" asks Newt, shifting some food barrels around.
"You're all too soft on her," mumbles Minho, crossing his arms.
"What's that?"
"You, all of you. With Y/n. You shouldn't be letting her get away with things just cause she smiles, or reward her cause she does one tiny nice thing."
Newt turns around, an amused expression on his face, which is infuriating but also extremely worrying.
"What," snaps Minho.
"Nothing," says Newt, all innocent. "What do you mean 'get away with'?"
"Like just then," says Minho. "She got drunk at the bonfire and made a whole mess, then what? Just flirted her way out of trouble? That's bullshit right there."
"I was with her, I made that mess too."
"You weren't the one who fell into the barrels," Minho fires back.
"And how would you know that? You must've been watching her pretty closely." Newt's full on grinning now, hands on his hips in mock sternness.
Minho deflects. "Whatever, she shouldn't get away with making a mess like that."
"Mate, everyone gets shucking plastered at the bonfires. Don't tell me you've been blind to Zart passing out on the ground every month or how Ben can hardly get through his morning runs."
"I mean, yeah, but people don't knock whole barrels of crop over."
"Winston damn near fell into the fire last month."
"That's different," insists Minho.
"Fine," says Newt, sighing. "Can we go back to when you said she flirts her way out of trouble?"
Minho freezes. "...what?"
"Go on then," says Newt, grin stretching on his face. "What'd you mean?"
Minho averts his gaze, uncharacteristically conflicted. "Ya know, just like... how she had her hands all over Alby last night, when he should've been yelling at her or something."
Newt raises an eyebrow, tilting his head at Minho. "What, did you want her to get in trouble?"
"No! Of course not," protests Minho. "Just- in general, it's not fair. To flirt like that and... you know," he finishes weakly.
"That's not flirting mate, she's just an affectionate drunk."
"Yeah... Whatever."
"You know," begins Newt. "One of these days you'll understand, and the rest of us'll be here, laughing our damn asses off at you."
Minho scrunches up his face, confused.
Newt laughs, tossing an arm around his friend. "Give it time, you'll get it."
It's a month later, after the next bonfire, that someone finally has the courage to tell it straight to Minho.
" -and people think she's like, the greatest soul to bless the Glade. It's stupid. The other day, she helped Gally carry something, ya know, cause his shoulder was shucked, and I swear, the whole of the Builders had stars in their eyes." Minho huffs, rolling his eyes.
"And," he continues. "She looks after Greenies like they're incapable of walking. Then suddenly everyone loves her?"
"Everyone loves Newt," Ben points out. "Why aren't you getting all pissed about him?"
"I'm not pissed," argues Minho. "I'm just observing... stating. People give her credit for just being a vaguely decent human being."
"Minho. You sound insane. You're literally listing good things, and twisting them into... whatever bullshit point you're trying to make."
Ben continues. "Y/n is a decent human being. She's kind, caring, better than the rest of us assholes at accommodating the newbies. She helps people out. Is that so bad?"
"I mean, no... but-,"
"But nothing!" interrupts Ben. "Why are you so obsessed, anyway? Haven't you given some thought into why you're hyperaware of her every move?"
"Oi! Are you telling him?" Newt's voice rings out from across the empty dining hall.
"Yes," says Ben, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Cause this is exhausting."
"Shuckin' finally," says Newt, clapping Ben on the shoulder as he slides into the bench beside him. "Someone needed to do it soon."
"What," snaps Minho.
"You have a crush," says Ben, tugging on his hair exasperatedly. "A stupid schoolyard crush- which I don't even have memory of, but you're just so, so-"
"What Ben is trying to say," interrupts Newt. "Is that you like Y/n."
"What? No, I-"
"And," Ben cuts in. "Somewhere in that thick head of yours, your lovey-dovey feelings are fighting with your denial and causing this." He gestures vaguely towards Minho.
"I don't know what you're talking about," retorts Minho.
"Of course not," says Ben flatly. "But now that we've told you, it should only be a matter of time."
"I mean..." Newt struggles for a second, before giving up, shoulders sagging. "Yeah, Ben's summed it up pretty well."
A crush? There's no way. Minho frowns to himself, lost in thought as he walks out of the shower block.
The Glade is in the best time of the day right now. It's when everyone's wrapping up the day's work and hitting the showers, before waiting around for dinner.
Minho's showered early today, so the dining area just has a few people idly sitting around chatting. He nods at Newt, who makes eye contact with him across the dining area and starts walking over.
Newt stops though, as someone else slides into the bench across from Minho. It's you.
Minho widens his eyes at Newt, who simply grins and turns to sit somewhere else.
Fine. Minho sighs internally, turning to you. "Y/n, hey."
"Hey," you greet, flicking your hair back. You've got a small towel resting on your shoulders to keep your clothes dry while your hair's still wet. Minho notes this information for no particular reason.
"Listen," you say, leaning forward intently. Pretty. The thought crosses Minho's mind without his consent. You look clean, fresh out of the shower, sunset casting your face in a warm glow. Nope, no way this is happening.
"Uh Minho, ya with me?"
" 'course," he responds quickly. "What's up?"
You grin, clearly seeing through him, but you continue anyway. "So, Ben tells me the forest around the Runners' hut is really pretty. Flowers and all. Is that true?"
"Yeah," says Minho. "The pond is nice too."
You hum, nodding in thought. "Take me sometime?"
"Yeah, sure," says Minho.
You know what, shuck it.
"Do you wanna go now?" he offers, resolve clicking inside him.
Minho's heart picks up at your smile, beaming at him. "Yeah, let's go."
"I can't believe you've never been here," says Minho, standing with his hands in his pockets as you wander around the forest.
"I can't believe no one ever brought me here," you reply. "It's beautiful."
"Yeah..." He trails off, watching you bend and smile at some purple orchids. "...beautiful." Fuck.
"Can I be honest with you, Minho?" he hears you ask.
"Of course," he responds, leaning on a tree.
"I was kinda worried," you begin, still looking down at the orchids. "That you didn't like me, or something."
Minho's eyebrows fly up. "Wh-"
"I just- I wanted to clear it up. Cause you seem like a cool person, and I'd like for us to be... friends." You sound uncertain, and Minho feels like an absolute shit.
"No!" As your head whips up, he hastily continues, "I mean, yes, of course, just-"
He groans. "It's my fault, I'm just- I was stupid. An idiot, actually. I've been-"
You've got a confused expression as Minho huffs out a frustrated sigh. "It wasn't anything like... what you're thinking. I just had some other feelings- thoughts, in the way. And I guess it came off like I didn't like you. But I do. I like you a lot," he admits.
You let out a soft laugh. "I'm glad. I didn't want it to be," you gesture vaguely. "Ya know."
Minho smiles, and seems to shake himself slightly, nodding towards a tree near the Runner's hut. "Come check out these ones."
He leads you to a tree with white flowers peeking through the leaves.
"Hey, Minho."
"What'd you mean 'other feelings'?"
Um. "What?" He asks nervously.
"You said there were 'other feelings' in the way. What did that mean?"
"Just... in general," he says weakly. "Feelings, thoughts. Etcetera."
You frown slightly at him, confused, but you're distracted as he reaches up to the tree.
"These're Ben's pride and joy," he says idly, plucking one of the flowers. "A damn pain to grow at first, but now they just bloom on their own."
You swallow as he turns to you, holding up the flower.
Your heart beats fast as he steps into your space, and tucks the flower into your hair, behind your ear.
Neither of you move. Minho's hand is still hovering at your cheek, your face tilted up to meet his eyes, open and earnest.
Oh. Oh.
You break first, ducking your head down. "So, uh-"
"Yeah," says Minho, hand rubbing the back of his neck self-consciously.
He takes a deep breath. "So I, uh- I don't know what I'm doing, like... at all. Ya know, Ben and Newt had to sit me down and... whatever. I just- I like you," he confesses in a rush. "And I know I've done a shucked job of showing it, but I really, really like you."
You huff out a laugh, incredulous. "Minho, I like you too. That's mostly why I wanted to get closer to you."
"Oh," says Minho. "Well... do you think we could go on a date sometime? Maybe here, with the flowers. We could do dinner?"
You smile. "Yeah, I'd like that."
"Great," says Minho, grinning in a way he knows looks stupid (he doesn't care). "Cool.
"I guess we should be getting back, then." Minho gestures back to where the Glade is probably eating dinner now.
"Yeah," you agree, starting off behind him.
"Minho?" He turns at your voice, looking down at the hand you've extended, palm-up.
As he puts his arm out in the same way, slightly confused, you slip your hand in his, interlocking your fingers. You see his wide grin as you glance to your side.
"Hey, Y/n, think that date can be tomorrow?"
"Yes, absolutely."
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Went full teenager throwback for this one - the awkwardness is tangible
Thanks for reading <3 Requests are open as always :)
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gumnut-logic · 5 months
Five times Virgil tackled loopy family members, and one time they tackled him (Part Six, Bit 1)
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six - Bit 1
This is an attempt to finish this fic off. Unfortunately, this last part is big and I was unable to fully complete it this morning. But there is some Tracy boy action in this, so I hope you enjoy what should be the first half of the last chapter of this fic.
Now I have to go to work, drat it.
…and one time his family had to tackle him.
It was another fire.
Virgil had seen so many wildfires now they were at Tuesday status. Didn’t mean they weren’t tiring.
It was a full team effort and they had been at it for hours in the Californian hills. Virgil wanted to curse the eucalypts that weren’t supposed to be here, but honestly the native pines burned just as much, both full of flammable sap that just set the fires roaring.
At first he had stayed in Two, water-bombing with local fire services and laying down a firebreak to stop it all from getting into suburbia.
There lay the nightmare. The few times a wildfire had breached a city limits were all on Virgil’s most hated rescues list. Not that fire anywhere wasn’t horrible, but the city increased the density of human lives and ever so many more were inevitably lost.
Once the firebreak was set, he went back to slowing it down, but then some fire personnel were trapped and he had to leap out of Two to save them. A family who should have evacuated earlier also found themselves trapped on their property ahead of the fire front and again Virgil was the only one able to reach them.
By this time he already had his firesuit on and with a second thought also grabbed his exosuit. There was no indication it was needed, but he felt much more secure with it on.
Gordon called it his ‘wooby-suit’. Well, once, Virgil’s reaction had been sufficient to nub that one in the bud.
His brother still snickered on occasion when Virgil announced he was suiting up.
His fish brother really was a little shit at times.
A loveable one, but a shit nonetheless.
The house was a two storey at the very end of a cul-de-sac. Its driveway disappeared into the trees and as Virgil landed Two in the path of the oncoming fire, he had a few curse words for those who didn’t follow wildfire prevention protocols.
Two barely fit on the dead-end road, her backend almost nudging one of the other primly neat, ordered and now deserted homes.
At least one garden gnome met a gruesome end.
Virgil barely noticed. Moments and he was running down that winding dirt driveway. It appeared that it was one of those hidden pathways to a lot bigger property. Fortunately, John was in his ear with clear and concise directions.
A house appeared after a decent jog through the trees, Virgil frowned. There was no car packed for an emergency retreat. It all appeared deserted.
Only the backdrop of smoke and the ash drifting on the air gave the landscape any urgency.
“They are sheltering in the basement.” He could hear the frown in John’s voice.
“Well, get them out here. I don’t have time to dig them out.”
“I have been trying. They are quite panicked.”
John was interrupted by Scott. “Thunderbird Two, you are needed on the south-west flank, we have break through.”
“FAB, Thunderbird One. Retrieving two rescuees. ETA in ten.”
“Make it five, we have unevacuated civilians in the fire’s path.”
What the hell?
“FAB, Thunderbird One.”
The house itself could have stood in for one of those horror films. Tall, two storey, made of wood, not maintained too well. Even its paintwork screamed black and white Hitchcock.
Virgil didn’t bother with the front door, instead scooting around the side of the building to a set of external cellar doors. He banged on the wood with a claw. “International Rescue!” No response. “You called for help?”
“Virgil!” John’s voice was panicked.
A man appeared out of nowhere, yelling something incomprehensible. Virgil staggered backwards at a sharp pain in his arm. Someone else tried to grab him.
What the-?
“Get the damned machine off him! Cut the hydraulics!”
Virgil reacted, spinning where he stood, exosuit arms coming up in defence. Kayo’s instructions chanting in his mind, unbidden.
Disable and run. That’s all you have to do, Virgil. You don’t want to fight. Don’t fight. Run!
He wasn’t very manoeuvrable in the suit, but he was practised. Keep moving. Don’t let them immobilise you!
His right claw was a huge weapon and it barrelled into two men as he spun.
“Goddamnit! Get it right the third time, you idiots!” A woman’s voice and Virgil realised the cellar doors were open. She was climbing out to join the fray.
He spun, hitting someone else. How many were there? What did they want?
John shouted something in Virgil’s ear. Something about Scott.
Someone jumped onto his back, a hand blocking his vision as it gripped his helmet.
Pain as cold metal cut into the shoulder of his uniform.
Virgil set his feet and disengaged the exosuit, flinging himself away.
He hit dirt as the woman yelled at the men again, but he didn’t give himself time to register what she said, instead launching himself off the ground and running just as Kayo had told him to do.
“Get him, you idiots!”
Virgil’s breath was harsh in his ears as he put everything into his legs towards the safety of Two. His fire suit hampered him and he wished for the umpteenth time in his life that he had Scott or John’s long legs. But life had gifted him with strong, sturdy, and a damn sight shorter. He was literally made for heavy lifting.
And not for running.
But run he did.
For the trees.
His brain screamed at him about the fire hazard, about the glow above those trees, the ash dancing in the air, but he needed cover. A mix of eucalypt and pine waving in the hot wind.
Sparks drifting lazily past.
He wanted to stop and gaze at them but there was a voice urging him on.
And that horrible woman screeching far behind.
The scrub swallowed him whole.
“Thunderbird Two will be available momentarily. We have pods to deploy and slow progress.” Scott stared at the map, suddenly missing Virgil’s input. This was definitely Virgil territory. Maybe he should switch out Gordon for Virg and assign him to control. One could take up the slack. “Yes, Thunderbird Five?”
“Virgil has been attacked. Code Green. Sending you coordinates.”
“What?!” He straightened so fast his back cracked. A glance at the fire chief and he was grabbing his helmet and moving. “Alan, I need One now!”
He didn’t need to ask for further information. As he slapped on his helmet, John threw it at his HUD. A live feed of five assailants chasing the staggering green dot of his brother.
“Virgil’s vitals indicate he may have been drugged. I’m seeing spikes in his heart rate and his direction of retreat has become erratic.” John’s tone was clipped but full of tension. “He will not reach Thunderbird Two before he is overtaken.”
“Call in Kayo and notify the GDF.” He barely heard his own words as Alan dumped One precisely down beside him. Her ladder lowered and his feet were on it before it could hit dirt.
Dust welled up around his ‘bird as Alan launched her back into the air. Scott grabbed the cargo bay railing and secured himself.
“Gordon is inbound with the Dragonfly.” Alan’s voice was as clipped as John’s, not even turning to look at Scott. “ETA twenty seconds.”
One shot through the thick smoke of the fire front, leaving swirls of grey atmosphere behind it, and emerging out into the clear air of the yet to be burnt.
Evacuated suburbia lay quiet below as Alan threw the Thunderbird to the right and spun down for an abrupt and determined landing in the front yard of someone’s wannabe mansion.
“Stay with One. Keep her secure.” Scott was moving before his littlest brother could protest.
A tactical readout appeared on Scott’s HUD as his feet hit dirt. Gordon’s dragonfly pod touched down beside him, his fish brother’s eyes catching his.
Without words, Scott grabbed onto the pod and Gordon launched her to skim across the ground, closing the little distance between them and the trees.
Thunderbird Two sat quiet beyond the property, her green hull gathering grey ash as firefighting aircraft buzzed about the fire front, a closing distance away.
“Shadow is inbound, ETA ten minutes. A security team in on their way. Colonel Casey has confirmed a response from the GDF as soon the fire has been controlled.”
“What?!” But as Scott’s boots hit the ground again, he didn’t have time to discuss the GDF’s inadequacies. “Virgil’s status?”
“I’m getting no response. He is speaking, but not to me. He appears incoherent.” A pause. “Approach him with caution.” Another pause. “Five assailants still closing.”
Rage leaked through Scott’s composure, but he had no more time for that than he did for the GDF’s failings. “Gordon, you have my six.”
And they were swallowed by the trees.
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rosuuu · 1 year
Beyond the Music Room- Chapter 6: Academia White
TWST Idol AU x Reader (Twisted Idolland)
CW- Epel curses once (1), Vil being angsty kinda?, Yuu is a separate character from [name] (Yuuken & Yuuka), (Y/N) has been changed to [name]
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The crunch of snow. the background noise of useless, meaningless chatter. And the crisp smell of the apple scented perfume they had been gifted so long ago.
This was [name]’s bleak and dull routine. Completed with smiles that never quite met their eyes. The uniform they wore, the scarf they donned it was all usual. The only think unusual was that person’s absence
It was one of those days. The kind of day where you’re always too cold but too hot simultaneously. It’s an uncomfortable sort of humid day where you can’t help but feel the weather align with your ‘darker’ thoughts.
These days are the result of an already irritable individual and an unfortunate coincidence. [name] hated these days most of all however. When you convince yourself you’ll be fine and some as simple as the weather ruins that. It’s one of those horrible days that overstimulate your very soul.
Y/n let a sigh escape their lips as they walked side by side with their ‘friends’. They weren’t as close to them as they were with Epel but they were all [name] had left at this point. They thought that they’d better be grateful for at least this much.
Regardless they just couldn’t wait to go home. A horrible thought with the realization that they were only just on their way to school. It was unbearable, they felt utterly drained and if they could just shut their eyes for a moment they felt as if they would wake up hours later. And though an oh-so tempting idea they had to get to school.
Opting for a long drawn out blink they observed the cold, brisk wind tossle uncomfortably with their hair. Before opening they’re eyes once more they confined walking a bit. They’d don’t this sort of thing multiple times so why now did they bump into something.
Forcing their eyes to open they gazed up at the obstacle only to be met by a tall man wearing a uniform.
“Oh, I’m sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“Ah it’s alright-“
“Hey hurry up we’re gonna be late at this point Enma!”
“[name]! Hurry up we’re running behind already!”
Letting a drawn out sigh escape from their lips [name] turned to face the man again.
“That’s me, I’ll see you around I guess.”
Without a second to waste they turned from the man and lightly jogged to catch up with whoever had called for them. they still felt indifferent about their feelings and hated it. Indifference was a disgusting feeling to them at the moment. But they’d need to endure it no matter how they felt.
Be it due to current events or just the fatigue. And not to get cynical but it was the opposite of love after all. Even so [name] knew that regardless of what they were thinking they had things to do. The wake up call they experienced from bumping into someone somehow became energy to at least make it to 3:00.
Back between the man and the person who had called for him a conversation ensured
“Was that them?”
The man turned towards the voice before wordlessly confirming the question.
“Well it seems like was have our work cut out for us then, huh.” The girl turned towards [name]’s retreating form. Shifting her wight to her left leg and placing her gloved hands on her slender waist.
“I suppose we do, Yuuka” The man replied calmly before turning and advancing in the same direction [name] had previously gone.
“Come on the headmaster must already be anticipating our arrival.”
“I’ll see you after class, [name]!” One of names friends called out towards them. Name was required to meet with their Physics teacher, Miss Anna this morning instead of attending their regular Language Arts class with their friends.
[Name] turned and replied, a faint smile gracing their lips “You too, Staris”
Diverging from the path they had formerly walked. The sluggish student dragged themselves to their locker straining their memories to remember their combination and slamming the narrow walls open. Hyper focused eyes scan the walls in dissarray and can’t help but gaze upon one specific section.
Clad with tape sticky tack and magnets like a stationary war zone were printed off Polaroids of a life now discarded. A life they should of abandoned long ago but still so desperately held onto. This was too much, this needed to end when would such a wretched day conclude.
With misplaced fervor the door is hastily slammed shut as they once again, turn their back on their precious past.
Confirming the time on the clock mounted on the wall the drained student decided on their next move.
It was a uncomfortable morning and they had to be in class soon however AP Physics didn’t exactly sound appealing on an empty stomach.
letting out yet another sigh their feet turned in the position of the cafeteria.
With their newly purchased Apple juice in their left hand as well as a cookie baggie secured to the outside of the chilled bottle with their pointer finger the student grabbed the door handle and twisted it open just as the bell had rang.
“Nice of you to join us, Name”
Shifting their focus to the voice that had spoken beyond the now ajar door they’re eyes land on the three individuals standing before the class. First of all was The ever-present Miss Anna.
Miss Anna (short for Anastasia) is [name]’s kind but Stern Physics teachers. She has medium length red hair that was commonly secured with a bow. She wore a white blouse with a green ribbon (to match the one in her hair) as well as a dark grey skirt.
“But of course, pleasure’s mine” The student strained their smile as they uttered their reply. It wasn’t that they didn’t like Miss Anna it was just that they were particularly drained today a fact they couldn’t seem to stress enough.
As Miss Anna replied to [name]’s words, the students eyes were elsewhere. With eyes averted towards the 2 individuals standing beside Miss Anna they conducted their observations.
The guy was kind of bulky and seems to be some kind of athlete, he had an undercut with dark hair and an fairly large frame that would tower over that person especially. He wore some kind of uniform that although familiar to [name] they were unable to pinpoint from where. They also noticed that this was the same man they had previously bumped into
The girl beside him was unfamiliar to name though. they could only assume that she was the one who’s voice had called for him earlier by the name ‘Enma’. The girl was about an inch or two shorter than the man. She was slender but still relatively built. She was rocking a pixie bob haircut with onyx black hair as well as a few peircing and an uniform that matched her companion’s.
Despite their appearances the guy seems to be kind enough while the Girl reminds me in a way as a sly fox.
Just as [name] had finished their (thorough) investigation Miss Anna noticed their focus. “Oh I’ve almost forgotten, These two beside me are none other than Enma Yuuken and Yuuka Hirasaka.” The teacher finished.
[Name] paused those 2 names were definitely ones they’d heard of before but they were unable to pinpoint from where. It was a similar case with the uniforms they were wearing and [name] was convinced on their relation.
Miss Anna answered their questions almost as quickly as they had manifested in [name]’s mind.
“They’re in charge of all of TWST Entertainment’s Exchange Events, In fact, it’s the reason I called for you this morning I’m sure you’ve figured out what this is about already!”
But [name] hadn’t pieced together what was going on so Instead they just stood still and stared at their teacher and their silence resonated through the empty classroom
“Well you did apply didn’t you?” Miss Anna’s words were accompanied by her nervous laughter.
“Excuse me?” [name]’s voice shook slightly at the Teacher’s words
The boys dull violet eyes fixated on the illuminated screen in front of him. He leaned his head against the cool surface of the table, resuming his activity. Epel’s slightly calloused fingers (result of many gruelling hours of dance practice) absentmindedly swiping to the left every so often. As a new image would appear for him to focus on he would once more let a sigh out.
More and more the the tension grew between his uncomfortable position against the desk and the emotional turmoil he was experiencing. How foolish he had been. After all those years he couldn’t understand how this was a reasonable end to all their time together. Once again adjusting his position the boys finger slipped up double tapping on the pictures he was previously observing.
“Ahhhh shit…”
The space of the dark room was not familiar. Nothing in this place was. And as such he had adopted this horrible habit of skipping practice every so often he felt overwhelmed. Switching apps and closing out of ten Magicam application he moved onto veiw his phone albums. The boy continued scrolling and he reminisced on memories that once held priority over him. As his tired frame scanned the screen a faint smile reached his face before a kind slam interrupted his thoughts
As quickly as the purple haired boy could utter his confusing the click of heels resonated through the room. The sound Epel had become familiar with despite the short amount of time he’d been acquainted with the perpetrator. The click continued for a few more paces before they paused and long, manicured fingers forcefully parted the curtains
“Ah, it’s light?” Epel’s shocked form sprang up at the intrusion of the sunrise dyed illumination
“Epel, dear what are you doing in here, and goodness what happened to you? Rook and I have been looking everywhere!”
The voice that had became a thorn in Epel’s side belonged to none other than that of Vil. Vil Schoenheit who viewed vanity above all else. Above emotions or friendships and perhaps over his own feelings. Though it was hard to blame him, his surname meaning beautiful had carved his path for him long before he was born. Epel knew of this but his apprehension was still present
With long strides Vil efficiently made his way towards Epel. Grabbing onto the shorter male’s upper arm and pulling him upwards. Epel groaned as his sore muscles stretched beyond what he had allowed recently as Vil ignored his yelps as usual. With Epel now on his feet Vil wasted no time with dragging Epel towards the doorway.
“ We’re running a bit behind schedule now, we the choreographers added a few new changes to the choreo so we must learn that immediately.”
“Listen Vil I’m really not in the mood right no-“
The petite boy was abruptly cut off when perfectly managed hands rushed to cup (squish) Epel’s cheeks side to side to preform an inspection. Epel’s under eyes were baggy and raw a result of his fustrated rubbing of the tender skin. His hair was a bit messy from his constant tossing through his feel hours of rest and his uniform wrinkled beyond a margin that Vil would have allowed
“To the seven, you could carry our merchandise in the bags under your eyes. Your hair is unkept and frankly lazy. Are you even using the skincare we bought!?” Vil ranted desperately trying to get through to Epel.
Vil’s calculative eyes observed Epel's form with with scrutiny, he knew he was not mistaken with the overwhelming potential he saw in the younger boy but honing such potential proved difficult. The more he stared at Epel the more flaws he found. Blame it on his compulsive perfectionism but he couldn't help that think that he had mistaken such a spark. As it is Epel's current form was not suited for a member of Pomefiore.
Vil’s words were always vain and blunt. His image was perfect and clean the splitting image of what many would regard as perfection. The same perfection that was expected of Epel now. that spark these people had seen in This only made Epel’s that had caused his departure from a simpler, dare he say better life. All these factors only made Epel’s already apparent irritation grow.
“God what is wrong with you people!” Epel’s voice resonated throughout the otherwise quiet room and throughout the halls beyond it before either of them could think. “It’s always ‘dance practice at 6’ or ‘vocal training at 2’ can’t I catch a damn break or something!?” Epel harshly ripped himself away from Vil’s grasp.
Epel was sure he meant his words. That he knew of course that these were truly his feelings. However he was also certain his execution was affected by the adrenaline brought forth from his emotions currently pumping through his veins. The boy winced at his harsh execution of words preparing himself for another of Vil’s infamous scoldings. Perhaps this one would be about his blatant ignorance of his ettiquite lessons. Though such a response didn’t come.
Instead the Queen of beauty slowly stepped back, clearly taken aback by Epel’s words. Vil watched silently as Epel walked towards the desk he was previously at and harshly sat down wood scrapping against words in an irksome sound. “Care to leave me alone now?” Epel’s voice slightly quivered as he experienced the loss of adrenaline.
Vil let a silent exhale escape his glossed lips slowly but confidently moving to lean against the window sill beside Epel’s claimed desk. With his long form leaning back stabilized by his arms Vil’s stared and observed the small dust particles swaying through the air. His eyes taking in the beauty of the skylight displaying the early morning riding sun’s display. Before opening his mouth once more and steadily confessing his thoughts.
“I know how you feel, Epel.” Vil’s words came as a shock to Epel. And furthermore, I’m fully aware that I’m nothing than that of a tyrant striving for perfection in your eyes.” Vil paused raising on of his hands up in front of his eyes obscuring the bright light and shining upon his hands instead. The tragedy spoke again. “But let me ask you Epel, what choice do I have at this point?” Epel could’ve sworn he recognized a look of regret in Vil’s eyes. Accompanied by the glassy look that Epel could easily pinpoint.
The blonde closed his eyes and the opened them once more. With each and every motion he could veiw upon a glimpse of his old self, filled to the brim with happiness and youth. Dropping his hand to rest in his lap Vil slightly lowered his gaze before glancing at Epel with a defeated look on his face. As the window light graced the side of his head before he spoke again.
“Epel, I have sacrificed so much of my life for this dream of mine. A dream so faraway I find it difficult to place. So even if you have to grit your teeth in anger at me. I see a light inside of you, And I’m sure that they saw it too.” Vil slightly gestured to Epel’s phone and the youth straightened up.
“As idols we must become the guiding light that makes our fans look at us fondly. Regardless of what happens and how we feel we’re forced to keep it up and I know it’s not easy when you start. But even so. I ask of you Epel, to find your smile and become someone who the fans will look at fondly, If you could do that much than my wish could too be granted. And if not for the fans or even that of my wish than do it for yourself, as well as your own dreams and ambitions.”
“And If that’s not enough; think of that person that you gaze at so fondly. And do it for them”
“But what exchange event? And more importantly I don’t remember signing up for anything like this.”
The student frantically pleaded with them as the limosine steadily cruised towards their destination.
“Of course we know that.”
“Then why” the student was growing more irritable by that seconds
“We can’t tell you that yet but-“ Yuuka sly expression widened as took a lollipop from the limousine’s bar
The limosine stops as the doors are opened to display a grand campus
“I’m sure we won’t need to worry about you finding that out for yourself”
Beyond the Music Room- Chapter 6: Academia White
TWST Idol AU x Reader (Twisted Idolland)
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Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
Author’s note~
Sorry for being absent did you guys miss me? 🫶🏾
Also I turn 15 in 5 days 🤭
Taglist! (Ask or Dm to be added or Removed
@sunnyshineblaze @lionar0und @cupids-chamber
@hearts-like-iron @raix-lv @lucian-kinnder
@lynihana @otaku-explosion @kiriesdreamworld
74 notes · View notes
Tattoo AU pt. 5
Hiii! I used a few curse words in this, if that bothers you. It's literally Keith's morning brain being too tired to pretend to have a filter.
Wait. Do they know each other's last names? Whatever it's fine.
Keith's messages are normal text
Lance's messages are bolded
Saturday, May 5th 5:48 AM
Keith! Hi! Guess what? I have your number
5:56 AM
Are you ignoring me?? Gasp! Offence taken
2 missed calls from Unknown Number
6:07 AM
Keiiiith Buddy? My man? I thought we bonded the betrayal stings
Keith checks his phone.
He had just woken up at 10 AM for work like a normal person to find someone spamming him.
He stares at the screen. What are the chances that this is a serial killer trying to get information from him so that they can murder him in his sleep?
Pretty high.
But does his curiosity outweigh his caution? Yep.
Before he seals his fate, though, he texts Shiro.
Saturday, May 5th 10:37 AM
Hey If I die, I want you to know that I like you almost as much as Kosmo Make sure to have my gravestone include a reasonable amount of curse words I'm thinking something like, "This fucker was glad to go, the world can go to shit. Also, strawberries are superior. Later, bitches."
He ignores Shiro's frantic responses, and goes back to the unknown number's contact.
Saturday, May 5th 10:43 AM
Hi. If you're trying to kill me, please make it cool. I'd hate be they guy to die from food poisoning or some crap like that could you make it some kind of murder mystery? I've always wanted to be the subject of one of those
10:45 AM
Ummm What? Dude It's me. Lance. Why would you want to get murdered?? I just wanted to invite you to a picnic Me Hunk, and Pidge are going You know, the others from the day we met?
10:51 AM
Dammit Can you send me the address?
Keith drives into the parking lot of a picturesque park. It's well hidden from the road, so there's almost no one else there.
He pulls of his helmet and spend a minute smoothing down his hair. His dark locks are already an unruly mess, but the helmet makes it 10 times worse.
The second he looks up, he sees Lance waving wildly at him from across the lot. The guy jogs over with a grin.
"Hey! You're here! For a second I though you were just pretending to agree just to shut me up! You really aren't horrible, Kogane."
Keith doesn't tell Lance that he had been planning on doing exactly that.
The picnic blanket is red and checkered, as it should be. It is set up under a huge tree next to a lake. Keith can see Hunk and Pidge playing frisbee about 10 feet away from it, probably so that they don't accidentally hit the food.
He and Lance sit with their backs to the tree for at least 30 minutes.
It should be awkward, but it isn't. The wind blows through their hair and several birds fly past them. Neither of them says a word, but they can both fell the comfortable silence humming between them.
They'd never admit it, but they both fell the pang in their chests when Hunk jogs over for lunch.
The three of them are easily 5 times as talkative as Keith, but he doesn't mind. It's kind of nice to watch them converse as he eats his lunch.
No, he's not creepy, leave him alone.
Sometimes they'll ask him a question or send him a grin. They seem to catch on pretty fast that Keith isn't feeling left out, he's just quiet. He appreciates that, it always annoys him when people try to force him into a conversation.
They do learn a few things about him, like how he dropped out of high school at age 16, and then proceeded to attend art school for 4 years to get his degree.
After they finish, they run aimlessly around the park for a while. Sometimes they chase each other, and sometimes they just run side by side, but there are absolutely no rules.
Keith finds himself enjoying it. As much as he loves Shiro, he can be so uptight sometimes. The same goes for Allura. It's been a while since he's done anything just for the heck of it.
When he gets to the tattoo parlor later that day, he has a lightened step and even Kosmo picks up on his good mood.
Maybe he should hang out with these people more often.
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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freelancearsonist · 4 months
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Start from the beginning.
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“Oh.” He casts a glance at the tiny loveseat, then looks back at you. If you weren’t smarter, you’d almost say there’s disappointment in those chocolate brown irises. “Are you sure? It looks small.”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
You move around each other easily in the little bathroom as you get ready for bed, like you’ve been doing this together for years. That’s the scariest thing about Dieter Bravo: how easy it is to be around him. He seems like an abrasive personality, and yet he complements you perfectly.
For a moment as you curl up under a spare blanket on the little loveseat, you almost reconsider his offer of sharing the bed. You feel like you could trust him not to pull any funny business.
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” he murmurs before flicking off the bedside lamp, and your internal debate leaves with the light.
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The smell of coffee pulls you out of your light slumber; Dieter’s hunched over the little machine on the desktop, mumbling to himself about hating technology.
“Good morning,” you murmur as you try to rub the kink out of your neck.
He turns to you with a sleepy smile, eyes a little droopy and hair mussed up–presumably from a night spent tossing and turning. The tangled-up mess of sheets on the bed corroborate his hair’s story.
“How do you take your coffee?” He asks before smacking the little machine with the heel of his palm. It doesn’t sound good–the coffee coming out makes a goop-like noise as it drops into the paper cup he’s placed underneath the spout.
“I’ll skip it,” you say with a little apprehension, “thank you though.”
He shrugs, then sets to work pouring four or five little packets of creamer into his cup. “I wanna be on the road in an hour so it’s not too late when we get there.”
“Okay.” You claim the bathroom for twenty minutes so you can take a quick shower, change your clothes, and brush your teeth. Dieter shuffles by with a kind smile once you’re done so he can complete his own morning routine. An hour later, you’re on the road again.
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Kansas is horribly boring to drive through when you’re not in one of the cities. It’s flat and there’s nothing but fields for miles. You’re thankful you have Dieter to talk to or you’re not sure you would get through this. But you do–after ten perilous hours (closer to twelve, really, with all the pit stops) you reach your destination: a little town called Flint City, population 2,465 according to the sign at the edge of town.
Dieter’s the first to mention it. For a town with that many people, it’s eerily quiet. No cars on the roads, no people out and about. He explains that the tip came in anonymously. He was looped in on something about crop circles on the east side of town, but upon further research he found something even more concerning and almost definitely related. Apparently there hasn’t been a single missing person report in this little hamlet for nearly twenty years, but in the past month there have been ten. Ten people, all of whom vanished without a trace.
As you drive down the main street through town, you’re suddenly sure that the number is a lot more than ten. There are cars abandoned everywhere, even in the midst of the streets. It’s like a modern day Roanoke, and it makes your skin prickle with apprehension.
“Are you sure it’s safe to be here?” You ask as you pull up to a little building with a “Flint City Police Department” sign out front. 
“No,” he answers honestly, “actually, it’s probably not safe at all.”
You appreciate his candor, at the very least. It does nothing to make you feel better, though.
He jogs up to the door, and it’s unlocked. You’re stuck motionless as you stand outside your driver’s side door, though. There are signs of life everywhere. Business doors stand propped open, toys litter the front lawns of neat little two-story houses. This isn’t a town where everyone decided unanimously to pick up and leave. It seems like a rapture-level event has happened here, only isolated to this town. You feel quite like you’ve walked into a new chapter of Children of the Corn, and it makes you shudder involuntarily.
“There’s no one here,” Dieter shouts to you from the doorway. You’ve already gathered as much, but you let him state the obvious anyway. 
It’s already approaching dusk and you’re both tired from the long day of travel. Dieter looks at you, a mix of apprehension and exhaustion on his face–and you can tell he’s holding something back; you’re just not sure what.
“We should find somewhere to set up base,” he tells you, “but I don’t think there’s a hotel in town.”
You look around and feel a strange sense of irony. “Thank god all the houses are vacant then.”
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Dieter decides on a modest little two-bedroom with bare-minimum amenities and hardly any decoration. It’s easier to work somewhere that doesn’t feel lived in, he says, and you have to agree. It’s easier to forget that you’re intruding in someone’s home when it doesn’t feel like a home.
The hardest part of this whole ordeal is that you don’t have even remotely a clue what’s happened here. The crop circles are a stereotypical alien calling card, but you’ve never heard of a town-wide abduction before. You’re brand-spanking-new to all this and you don’t know how to make heads or tails of any of it.
Dieter seems to have some sort of idea, but he’s not letting you in on his plan–if he even has one.
“We need to start with the crop circle,” he proclaims, and you don’t have any argument against that. He’s the expert–you’re just his humble assistant.
It’s getting dark and a little chilly, but you drive out to the fields together anyway. The entire population of Flint City has disappeared and there’s no telling what kind of danger they’re in; you agree full-heartedly with Dieter that it’s important to get to the bottom of this mystery as soon as possible.
Every one of your senses is on high alert as you emerge from your car. You can’t see anything out of order at the edge of the field, but you guess crop circles are typically in the middle. There’s electricity in the humid air that surrounds you–a sense of foreboding, but also a sense of excitement. You’re terrified, yet intrigued.
“I want to go check it out,” Dieter tells you, grabbing a camera from the backseat. “Stay here.”
“I’ll be five minutes, sweetheart,” he assures you in his best soothing voice, “I just want to take a quick look. I’ll call for you if I need anything.”
There’s no further argument–he trudges forward into the tall rows of corn without a second look.
You keep your phone in hand so you can watch anxiously as the minutes tick past. Seven come and go before you start to get worried. You dial Dieter’s contact on your phone and hear his ringtone coming from the center console in your car. 
Your anxiety doubles at minute ten. He should be back by now, for sure. This field isn’t that big. What if something has happened and he needs help? He doesn’t have his phone to call you.
Minute twelve is when you hear it: the most blood-curdling scream you’ve ever heard in your life. It makes every hair on your body stand up on end. That was Dieter, there’s no doubt in your mind. He’s in trouble, and you’re the only person around for miles.
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Choose your card carefully.
The Death - Go into the field and find Dieter.
The Hanged Man - Stay out of the field and wait.
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sirendabbles · 1 year
Who Do You Cook For?
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Link x Zelda
Requested by: No One! (Suffice to say I am open to requests :D)
Warnings: Just minor spoilers for TOTK -- set after the end of the game, so mainly the spoilers are for the Dragon's Tear quest.
This a multiple part one-shot series I've got going, so I'll link the previous and next posts below!
Part 1 | Part 3
Also here's the link to it on AO3
Also also I accidentally hit nearly 5k words on this one so take a seat and get comfyyyy; please take a 🍪 or 🧋 for reading!
The second time the topic of food brought questions about their relationship, it was during a trip to Gerudo town. 
“Oh hey! Zelda, get over here!” Riju called out, already jogging over to meet them halfway with a smile wide and bright. It hadn’t been long since they’d last seen each other, but Riju was always one for a warm welcome – well, when she knew you were coming at least.
Zelda went to jog forward, but was stopped suddenly at the hand tightening around her wrist. She stopped, turning back to her knight. “Link, it’s alright. I won’t go far.” She said gently. But the hesitance in his stance, his grip, his eyes said it all.
The duo had known when they got up that day that it would have been best to sit in their home in Hateno, maybe do some research on various projects Zelda had been working on, but most of all spend time together. Zelda had known even while she got ready to travel alone to Gerudo town (like they discussed the night before) that it would have been best to sit outside by the tree, and perhaps read or watch over the land in each other's presence. 
Link, silent as ever, hadn’t said anything. Not that he ever did in the past, but… Well Zelda thought it was getting better. Ever since she began to open up more to him, she thought that he would speak more as well. There were certainly plenty of days where he talked as if he had just learned how, the excitement of a child poking through in his speech among his many mannerisms. But it was just the night before that sent all that progress screeching to a stop. 
Zelda knew in the way he quickly made her breakfast that something was off. He even made her favorite, a fruitcake. A recipe he must have relearned after the Calamity. It still warms her heart that he did that just for her, to make her feel a bit more like home in the hundred years since they lost what felt like everything. 
She knew when he took the time to clean up after they finished, letting her get ready in private, that something was wrong. They would usually do the dishes together, chatting about the heat or what activities their students might get up to that day. But not that day. As soon as she finished her plate was stolen from her, Link bumping up to the sink stiffly as he gazed distantly out the window.
Zelda knew in the way he had her travel bag all packed with the tablet – among other things she would need for her research – ready to go by the time she came back downstairs, that something had happened.
“Link? Did something happen last night?” She accepted her bag from him with a small nod of thanks, watching him carefully for any change in demeanor. And just like any morning after a particularly horrible nightmare, he said nothing, only avoiding her eyes as he reached for the tablet to send them on their way. Just as he reached for her arm for the contact that would enable them to travel together, Zelda sighed, pushing the tablet down so he would look up at her. Her prompt did nothing, so she instead took to taking the tablet from him entirely. He made a sound of mild-shock at the motion, yet he looked up, which was all Zelda needed. “Link. I told you to wake me up if they got bad.” 
It must have been the kind but resolved tone that made his walls break, his face crumbling and flashing so quickly between every emotion he must have had that morning in just a moment of time. Zelda patiently waited until it seemed he had better collected himself, and once more he looked away, unable to hold her gaze in his shame. 
“Link?” She pressed.
His eyes flicked back to hers, and he broke, saying the only thing he would say for the rest of the morning. “Let’s go together today.”
Though a little disappointed he still refused to talk about his dreams, she understood enough of what they would be about. Afterall, she got them too. So instead of voicing her thoughts on the matter, she smirked, throwing out a joke to ease the discomfort he was sure to be feeling. “It will be incredibly boring I’m afraid, this was just supposed to be a girls day you know.” And before he could backtrack, she added. “But I’m not opposed. I’ll be right by your side, I promise.”
And that’s what led them here, with his hand grasping tighter around her wrist, as if afraid that if he let her go she would disappear. The barely hidden fear in his face was enough for her to ignore Riju’s calls for the moment as she rounded fully to face Link. She pulled her hand from his grasp, only to place both on his shoulders, grounding him. Previously his eyes had been casting side to side in a rapid search for potential enemies, and Zelda scolded herself for not waking when he had his nightmare. She could have helped, maybe not much, since many of their nightmares (she assumed for his) were the same, in that bits and pieces were real – but still! She could have at least woken him, and assured him that they were both safe, at last.
Zelda subtly shook herself out of her mind; she couldn’t afford to go down that path right now, not while she could help the man in front of her at this moment. She would know, there’s no use in dwelling on the past.
At her touch, he seemed to calm, blue eyes halting their search and finally finding her own. “Link,” she spoke quietly, trying to keep his moment as private as possible from where they stood right in the center of town. “I promised I wouldn’t leave you right?” She waited for his slow nod in confirmation before continuing. “Right. And I promise now I will not leave you. I will not go anywhere without you close by today.”
He sighed as her words sank in, and his shoulders relaxed from their tense stance under her hands. Zelda also breathed a sigh, a small smile coming to her face at his acceptance in her. With that, she turned back around to face Riju, who had seen their moment of privacy and had stopped just a few feet back from where she normally would greet them.
Upon seeing Zelda turning back to face her, the chief grinned and bounded over to crush her in a tight hug. “Oh Zelda, I feel like it’s been forever since I last saw you!”
“Riju it’s been like two weeks,” Zelda huffed, smile not leaving her face.
“And that’s far too long, you must travel more often. Oh! Or better yet, how about I come to visit you next time?” Riju suggested, draping an arm around Zelda’s shoulders as she led her to the palace.
Thinking of the chaos that might bring, since some of the children had been begging to go on a field trip of sorts to visit all of the people that the wondrous Princess Zelda knew, she could only shake her head with a chuckle. “Maybe so Riju, maybe so.”
And of course she took that as a definite yes, fist pumping the air with a “That’s a deal!”
Zelda didn’t miss the constant presence of her knight warming her back.
“Oh and Link,” Riju said when they reached the entrance to her private quarters. “Not to be rude, but this is kind of like, you know, a girls day. Mind waiting outside? Or better yet you could go visit with some of the others in the town, I’m sure Nali would love to have a chat with you – you really helped her out you know.”
Instead of responding, Link only nodded his head in the direction of the wall outside, reaching out to brush a hand across Zelda’s own as he went to sit against criss-cross.
Riju just shrugged. “Alright, if that’s what floats your boat. Come on Zelda, I’ve got some news~”
Taking one last glance at Link, who now had his eyes closed, looking much more relaxed than before, Zelda smiled tenderly and went inside. She was a little surprised when they went through a couple more doorways than normal, and it was at that point that she realized they weren’t at her private quarters at all, but instead a small storage room that looked to have been redecorated into a personalized space. It actually reminded her a bit of her own secret research well. 
Just as she was about to inquire about the new place, Riju spoke. “Oh yeah, and Zelda, did you want some fruit or anything? It’s nothing great, but I always find a hydromelon slice refreshing when I spend all my days thinking about a voe.”
Zelda blinked, unsure she heard correctly. Riju looked unbothered, merely setting a platter of the desert fruit before them and settling herself onto a large pillow.
“Uh–hm– Sorry, what?”
“Oh, I just meant that I want to talk about voe today. Sorry if you were looking forward to anything different, but I just need an update since that spicy little moment you told me about a few weeks ago.” There was a mischievous lilt in her tone, but Zelda brushed right past it.
“So you only told me to come here to talk of the rebuilding status as a disguise because you wanted to gossip?” Zelda wasn’t disappointed by any means, really that wasn’t a day that she wanted to perform her long overdue duties – after all it’s not like she wasn’t acting out of laziness. 
Riju sighed dreamily as Zelda set down her bag, settling down into a fluffy pillow of her own and grabbing a slice. “Yes, it was all a lie. But did you really want to talk about all of that political stuff? We can surely do that another day, perhaps when I come to visit you. Sound fair?”
Zelda hummed, mouth full of the juicy fruit. She politely swallowed before replying, “Well, yes, I suppose you’re right. But I’m afraid you may find yourself disappointed in the gossip from my end.”
Riju’s eyebrows rose high, then furrowed just as quickly. “What? Why? Have you… not done anything since?”
There was a pause before Zelda felt her face light aflame. “Riju!” Zelda scolded, covering the red as best she could. “Don’t infer such things! We– no, I haven’t – we would nev–”
“You would never? Hah, I find that hard to believe.”
Zelda sputtered, then took a breath to collect herself. She was over a hundred years old, there was no need for her to get so flustered at a simple accusation. “I– No, we haven’t done anything.”
Riju looked thoughtful for a moment. “But you want to.”
Zelda stared at the woman across from her incredulously.
She continued before Zelda could rebuttal. “You can’t lie, I saw the way you were all touchy-feely when you came in.” She took a big bite of her hydromelon piece. “Alright, sorry I’ll stop bothering you about that part. But he has been hovering a bit today; does he always follow you around like that?”
“We weren’t that ‘touchy-feely’--” Zelda mumbled, though her brows drew into a line at her friend completely bulldozing her denial.
“Oh you totally were.” She said matter-of-factly, reaching out for another fruit slice.  “I know a moment when I see one.” She paused expectantly.
Zelda sighed in defeat. She grabbed a slice, but didn’t yet eat it. “You’re uh… You’re really observant, huh?”
Riju laughed. “Oh, of course I am. I started ruling at twelve Zelda. I had to know what people weren’t really saying because they thought I seemed young. Anyways, does he always do that?”
The blonde hummed, trying not to glare down at her food.
Funny, she thought, that every time someone has wanted to talk about her “relationship” with Link, it had been talked about over some form of food. Now, as a rational person, it didn’t mean anything, and she was probably overthinking, or reading too deep into things. But, by using that mind constantly on overdrive, and as a scientist, she was seeing a pattern. Looking down at the hydromelon, she hummed again. Funny, that she was thinking about him, knowing full well he was waiting patiently for her a few doors away. Not that he could remember, but she felt a pang of deja-vu from when she was once sat inside her room, wishing that the silent boy outside her door might come in and make a friend with her.
“So, what, is that a yes?”
Zelda blinked and looked up. “Shit, sorry– Zoned out I guess.”
“Damn, sailor’s mouth you got on you.”
Zelda broke off a piece of her fruit and threw it at her.
“Hey, don’t you be wasting any good food here!” She caught the fruit midair and popped it in her mouth.  “Although, I’m sure you get to have plenty of that when he cooks for you.”
Zelda scoffed. “I’ll have you know I cook plenty for him too.”
“Oh, really. And when was the last time you got him to eat some of your food?” Riju asked slyly.
“I’ll have you know I made him dinner last week.” She purposely didn’t elaborate, knowing full well she was digging herself a bigger grave. Zelda did in fact make Link dinner the week before, though she wasn’t sure if baking apples and dousing them in sugar counted as cooking. Or even a full meal, as she was insinuating – they actually also ate a pumpkin stew that he made. But she would die with that secret in her grave, or at least before Riju knew about it.
“Oh yeah? And what did you make?” She seemed intrigued. Which was fair, as last she knew, Zelda was a princess living in a castle, having all her food made for her. And while Riju was also part of the leadership role, that didn’t mean she had servants around here to provide for her. That was one of the things Zelda both envied, and somewhat shamefully missed from her past.
Zelda thought for the slightest of moments on how to word it, and finally settled with “We had pumpkin stew and baked apples. I coated them in sugar.” It wasn’t a lie.
“Ooo~ very fancy Zelda. You’ll have to make me some when I come over next, I regret to say I’ve never had pumpkin stew. Far too hot for it here you see, but I’d love to try anything you made that Link didn’t die from.”
“Hey!” Zelda shouted (still though, the accusation was completely fair). The Gerudo leader only laughed, waving a hand towards her to shush her, lest her “Oh so faithful knight hear and think she’s in danger.”
“Wouldn’t want him to come in and put an end to this conversation.” She chuckled. “By the way, you evaded me earlier when I asked if he does this often.”
Zelda, who for her part was still aiming to seem peeved about the totally unjust accusation, turned back and let confusion grace her features. “What, like protect me?”
“Well, kind of. I really meant to ask if he follows you like this all the time. I mean, we did agree this was to be a leader to leader talk today.” She joked.
“Well, he does, doesn’t he? What, is he still trying to fall back into that soldier role?”
Zelda blinked. “What do you mean ‘fall back’?”
“Zelda, you know,” She paused. Zelda watched as she rubbed her arms up and down, then huffed and reached for more of the dwindling snack. After eating it fully she sat back and looked Zelda in the eyes. “Listen, I’m not sure if I should really say anything, but I don’t think he wants to be your soldier anymore. At least, not officially a knight, you know?”
That just about stopped Zelda’s breath.
So, he didn’t want to be her soldier, her knight? Does that mean he doesn’t wish to be around her anymore? Why doesn’t he just propose to leave then, it’s not like she’s outright forcing him to be around her?
And she asked her friend that, not once breaking her gaze even though for some reason she began to feel a lump form in her throat.
“What? Oh, no no no, Zelda. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that, I just meant that I think he’s following you, you know, protecting you for different reasons now. He doesn’t want you, or anyone to think he’s still following orders. Zelda, I think he’d follow you to the end of the world.”
That’s… a lot to take in right after their banter a moment ago.
“And you know,” She continued. “He kind of already has.” Her friend gave her a small smile, and let her words sink in.
And Zelda sure needed a moment to process all of that. She looked down at the carpets on the floor, tracing the patterns as her thoughts raced silently. How long had he been thinking that? How did she know all that, did he tell her back before the Upheaval, or even during it? Even if he felt as such then, why hadn’t he told her anytime recently? Really, Zelda scolded herself, what did he even feel? Zelda always liked to think of herself as someone who never made assumptions, but how couldn’t she in this situation. Did he feel devoted to her in ways outside of being her guard? Were these even feelings of devotion? That felt like a word only shared between partners; a word used back in the days of courtship. A word she used to dream silly dreams about when she wished to find a romantic ending; a word she foolishly thought of before reality set in.
“I’m not sorry for going all wise on you for this, but honestly I saw this years ago, even when he didn’t fully remember you.” Zelda felt her friend's eyes on her as she took a deep breath, trying hard not to let her thoughts run wild and draw a wedge between what she thought was a perfect relationship with her knight. “Zelda, what all does Link do for you?”
She looked back up at Riju, who smiled lightly back at her. Despite the urge to turn this into denial over a sexual joke, Zelda knew this talk had to be had. If not with Riju, with some woman in her life eventually. She couldn’t keep going at this over and over in her head until she worked up the nerve to do something about it. As much as she hated it, she needed advice, and since her mother passed when she was a teenager, she never got much experience with any sort of feelings for people in the first place.
In response, Zelda only shrugged. “I– Well, he cooks for me. He… well, he’s saved me countless times, honestly I don’t know if any of us would be here without him–”
“Zelda.” Riju spoke.
Zelda’s eyes flicked around the room, then settled on her hands and she huffed softly. “That’s not what you asked.” She paused, really taking the time to think.
Of course just before she had her thoughts together, some little demon on her shoulder said, “Nope! Screw this, I’m pulling the plug!” And with that she felt it all come spilling out.
“I don’t even know how to explain it, Riju! He cooks for me, yes, but he also sits with me and he talks to me about my research. This may just be me assuming but I like to think he really enjoys talking to me. He sits with me before dusk to read by the tree. He comes to help out at the school even though I know he hates large crowds and being bombarded with attention. He’s learning to speak around people again because he wants to be able to talk with everyone again. He knows how much I love to hear him speak, so if ever he does it’s by candlelight next to me.” After noticing her voice rising in pitch over the course of her rant, she deflated a little and continued softer. Fonder. “He’s my best friend, and we’ve lost so much together. And goddesses Riju, we’ve gained so much. You know, we’ve spent every day together for the last year and a half, and never once has he made me feel out of place for losing my mind in the body of a dragon. Never once has he made me feel lost, even on the days where I wake up and am confused as to where I am and where I’ve been. He always tries to make sure I don’t feel the burdens of his nightmares, because he stupidly thinks he needs to carry it all alone to protect me.”
Zelda huffed a breath as she finished, though she felt there was more to be said. Riju didn’t push her though.
“Zelda, what you have with him sounds precious.”
At that Zelda ran a hand through her hair and bent over to rest her elbows on her knees, inadvertently messing up the braids crowning her head. Her hair had grown out some since their last little adventure, but not much to the point where it would stay perfectly in a hairstyle.
“Yeah? And what is it that we have? Because it sounds to me like we have a great friendship teetering on disaster because I can’t keep my wits about me.”
“Hey Zelda? Look at me.”
Zelda did look up, though she remained hunched over. Riju stared at her for a moment, then she grabbed the second to last piece of fruit on the tray. Instead of eating it however, she turned her eyes to it, then looked back at Zelda. “You mentioned that he cooked for you more often than not. Does that mean something special to you?”
Getting a little tired of the ‘oh-so-wise’ questioning, Zelda raised her gaze to the ceiling. Realistically, none of this meant anything other than two friends caring for each other very much (at least that’s what she told herself). “Riju, I’ll be honest here, I don’t know what the fuck is going on with me. Ever since that stupid little run in we had three weeks ago I haven’t been able to keep my mind off of him.”
“Oh ho, there’s that sailor’s mouth on you again? You’re getting real naughty in his care, aren’t you?” Riju joked.
Zelda tried her best to appear affronted, though she was grateful for the banter to be back. Though she knew she needed the conversation, it was getting a bit heavy for her tastes. Maybe they could finish another day.
“You know what this all sounds like Zelda? All this little stuff he does for you?”
Or not, she thought.
“It sounds like it’s his love language.”
Definitely still talking about this today then.
“Wh–Riju! What in Hylia’s name are you talking about?!”
She only smirked. “Oh I’m not saying anything definite, I’m just saying it sounds like he’s trying really hard to show you how devoted he can be without the title of your knight.”
She paused to give Zelda a chance to say something, but nothing seemed to be coming out so she continued on. “I mean, even just cooking for you could count as gift giving, which is a pretty definite love language. He’s probably the kinda voe to be adverse to physical touch too, huh.”
Zelda figured that last comment was meant to be phrased as a question, but Riju was completely right regardless. “Ah, um, well, I mean he really doesn’t seem all that adverse about it around… me.” She faded off with the realization. “But! He still has his days.”
“As if that makes your point any better.” Riju laughed, finally taking a bite out of the melon slice she nabbed what felt like ages ago. “Zelda, I’m not saying it’s love, but I am saying it may be something to look into.”
Zelda looked down at that last bit of fruit on the tray, laying lonely beside the skins of its eaten brethren.
She didn’t think it was love. It couldn’t be, it was just a bit of confusion; feelings being confused between two friends who had been through far too much together. It was probably just one of those friends getting ahead of herself.
“Riju, this is probably just all in my head.”
“It’s not.” She replied instantly. “But I know you won’t fully believe me. So try and think about it yourself then. Would that big ol’ sciency and experimenty brain of yours make up all of these facts?”
“Riju, I only just learned about ‘love languages’ from you two minutes ago. Where’s the credibility in that?”
“Um, well, I think I take the place as your second best friend so just your trust in me is all the credibility you need.”
Zelda knew she wasn’t going to get a real answer from her friend – her second best friend – so she said, “Okay.”
“Okay?” Riju confirmed. Zelda nodded and she smiled. “Okay then! Now I gotta ask, what ideas have you got brewin up there right now?”
Zelda rolled her eyes. “At the moment? Absolutely nothing.”
“What? How can you have nothing! I just went through all of that convincing for you not to even do anything about it?”
“Oh no, I’m going to do something, I’m just not sure what yet.” Her eyes twinkled deviously. “I don’t know, maybe I’ll bake him a cake. Or maybe you’ll just have to come over sooner so we can plot something.”
Riju’s eyes lit up with glee. “Or both!” She stood quickly, pulling Zelda up as well and pulling her in for a big hug. “Oh Zelda, I’m so glad you’re getting to live a normal life again.”
“Normal? Honey I feel like this is far more chaotic than I had it before. I lived ten-thousand years as a dragon, I didn’t have to think about any of this.”
Riju laughed with her, their voices filling the room and spilling out the curtained windows.
The two talked for a moment more, setting up vague scheduling for when Riju could make a surprise appearance at Zelda and Link’s home in Hateno, up until there was a knock on the wall outside their doorway.
The girls abruptly quieted, knowing exactly who it was. Afterall, Zelda knew today was not the day he was going to come barging in without permission. Maybe on another day, but especially now that afternoon was setting in, she knew he would be as considerate as possible to the vai of the town. Riju gave Zelda a look, and Zelda returned it with a roll of her eyes as she picked up her pack. Riju told her to have safe travels, and Zelda thanked her for the hospitality. Then she glanced down at that last piece of hydromelon, and she thought of all that Riju had said that day.
With a small smile to frame her face, she picked up the piece of fruit and opened the curtain to see her loyal knight leaning against the wall.
‘Ready to go?’ He signed.
She nodded, waving goodbye to Riju, who turned back to tidy up (and undoubtedly give the two some extra privacy). Before Link could grab the slate to teleport home, Zelda held up her gift. “I didn’t make it, or even cut it.” She clarified. “But I wanted you to have it. Figured it’s been a while since you’ve had one.”
And it may have been just her wild thoughts projecting what she wanted to see back at her, but she could have sworn she watched his ears tint pink as he took it from her. He ate it quickly, almost animalistically, as always. He signed ‘Thanks’ when he finished, then pulled her tight against his side, squeezing gently in an extra array of sincerity as the room filled with blue streaks of light.
Zelda knew she would be thinking about this for the rest of the day, but she couldn’t help but wonder what tests she could run on her new investigation into love languages.
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jdetan · 1 year
"I'll Take it on Faith"
Zelda has a chat with a child as the schoolhouse is being built, and comes to a decision...
Four Months After the Defeat of Calamity Ganon
The first rays of the sun shone into the window, illuminating the tiny bed in the loft of Link’s Hateno home and the two figures lying asleep in the bed. Link yawned quietly and stretched a little, but found himself unable to get up. Zelda, erstwhile princess of Hyrule and his current roommate, was lying across his chest, snoring and slightly drooling on him. Link smiled and lightly rubbed the back of her head– it had been a busy week for them, and they’d just gotten back home, after all. They’d gone to Zora’s Domain to examine Vah Ruta, hoping to determine why the Divine Beast had shut down. After a solid week of examination, Zelda had determined that the power supply for Vah Ruta had been almost fully drained by its final attack, and it would take years for it to recover. The Divine Beasts would be movable by the next year, at least– and then they could be hidden safely away. Zelda stirred slightly, cuddling closer to Link without waking up fully. “Mmm… need to replace capacitor sixteen-alpha… check any gears for wear…” Link felt one of her legs cross over top of his own. “Then we can have some fun…” Zelda giggled lightly. Um… is she having a frisky dream? Oh no. Oh NO. Alright, Link– you’ve prepared for EVERYTHING, and awkward morning situations were among them. Let’s see… What was my plan for this? Oh, right. “Leap into Death Mountain crater, apologizing the entire way down.” Dammit, Past Link! I need a plan for the MOMENT, not for dealing with the aftermath! Okay… maybe I can sneak out of bed… no, she’s basically tangled up with me. Wake her up? I don’t wanna do that either– she barely got any sleep this whole last week! Teleport free? No, the Sheikah Slate is on the desk! Welp. Guess I’m doomed. Link shut his eyes and began focusing his breathing to ensure there were no OTHER horrible morning mishaps– he’d at least hopefully avoid any humiliation stemming from his biology. “Link…” Zelda mumbled, nuzzling his neck. ��Replace that canister, would you? Thank you…” There was a small delay, then she chuckled. “Love to watch that man work… wuzzat, Mipha? Mmm, yeah, he’s got a butt that won’t quit…” She rolled her shoulders lightly, resting her head more firmly on his chest. Okay, body. I know this is an awkward request, but I need you to go ahead and put me into a coma. A week will do– I don’t need it to be a hundred years again. Just enough that Zelda’s not embarrassed when she wakes up. Alright? Good. Annnnnd… I’m still awake. How about a mild heart attack? I eat enough weird stuff— I’m sure something I ate can cause one! I just ate a ruby the other day to impress Sidon! Okay, fine– Hylia, goddess of the land– how about a big thunderstorm? Wake her up with a jump! …Still nothing. I’m starting to get why Zelda was so resentful. Link shut his eyes and began vision training. Two agonizing (yet delightful) hours later, Zelda woke up, still wrapped around Link. Oh… oh my. That’s an awkward way to wake up. I hope I didn’t make Link uncomfortable… oh good, he’s still asleep. Zelda quietly disentangled herself from Link, blushing heavily. “Link… are you awake?” She whispered, getting no response. “Phew… it looks like he didn’t wake up.” She let a breath out, then looked over and smiled at him. “He’s very cute when he’s asleep… I guess he was tired, too.” She suddenly broke into a wide smile. “Wait, this means I can actually make breakfast for him!” She hopped out of bed and jogged downstairs. “Alright! I finally get a chance to test my skills!” Link laid in bed for a while, having been fully awake the whole time. Cute, huh? I’ll take it! And now she’s making breakfast… damn, I’m lucky. “Oops! Oh well, a little shell in an omelet won’t hurt…” Zelda said from downstairs. “Whoops! Oh well, a little fire can’t hurt…” Maybe I should go help, just to make sure she doesn’t burn the house down. Link thought for a moment. Nah. She’ll do great. I’ll take it on faith. Sure enough, Link thought breakfast was excellent.
Read the Rest on Ao3!
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roboticgunner · 2 years
Wii Fit is a lot meaner than I remember
So I recently got a hold of Wii Fit Plus again. Thought it would be a fun way to get a little more active, maybe help get a bit of a routine going, all that good stuff.
Well, I pop in the disc and go through the initial setup. It asks for my date of birth, my height, then it measures my weight. And using all that information, it just point blank told me that I'm obese. It then gave me my Wii Fit age, and it was almost a decade over my actual age.
It wasn't the worst in the world, it is kind of right. I am a little hefty and not a lot of that is muscle, which is something I've been meaning to work on for a while. Still, ow, my self image lol.
The rest of the day goes by fine, I do some exercises, play some games, burn some calories, good stuff.
Day Two.
Not even 24 hours had passed. It was the morning, and after having a shower and eating some sandwiches, I decide to get started on day two. I let it go through my body check again, because why not. It even gave me a little memory game! I did terribly, but oh well.
After all that, it was almost disappointed that literally nothing changed in the span of a single day, and even added another year onto my Wii Fit age because of the memory test. Like dude, chill, have a little patience, we still got a couple months to reach my first goal here.
The Trainer guy himself at least has a little more chill, just giving you advice and encouragement throughout the exercise. The way he talks gives off a bit of a vibe though.
I was horribly reminded of my lack of running skills by the jogging game. Just went through the light jog and my lungs were wheezing and my throat was shredded. Not great lol. No amount of water stopped my throat from feeling like a glass coated desert.
Overall 7/10. Thanks Nintendo, for enabling the experience of being actively fat-shamed by a digital scale.
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 9 months
The Alpha's Addiction - Chapter 25a
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*Warning Adult Content*
The Mission - Part 1 - Koa
Why does the world feel like it's caving in?
After I left Cyrus hanging like that, the last words I'd told him weighing on me like an anvil as I rushed back to the pack house, I felt horrible.
Sickeningly horrible.
The look on his face when I'd called him disgusting keeps replaying in my mind.
I hurt him so much.
But at the same time, the fear of his arousal still conquers me.
I feel queasy, remembering how it felt against me.
Which is honestly ridiculous after all the suggestive flirting I was doing.
It was my own fault, riling up an Alpha like that.
What is wrong with me, to keep pulling him in then coldly pushing him away?
"What's wrong, mama? You keep staring out the window with a sad face," Oliver asks, coming over and climbing into my lap where I sit in the armchair in our room.
I eagerly take him into my embrace, cradling him close.
He can barely fit in my arms anymore, he's getting so big.
His head bumps the bottom of my chin sitting in this position.
"I'm just thinking."
"About what?"
"Well... maybe that I'm not a good person," I confess, only realizing what I've said when it's too late.
I frantically observe his reaction, feeling guilty for dumping such a heavy statement on a child.
I'm supposed to be the strong one for him, not the other way around.
Oliver frowns.
"Don't say that, mama. You're good."
I shake my head.
"I'm sorry, baby. I shouldn't have said that."
"It's better than when you lie. You're a good mama. My mama. You always protected me, even when...when we were stuck in that bad place. That's why don't think that," I smile, chuckling at his firm declaration.
"Awe, I appreciate that, my little pup," I pinch his cheeks gently, adoring how his freckly nose scrunches up.
"I'm not a pup. I'm a wolf, now."
"Ah, how could I forget. You're my big, strong alpha now, aren't you?"
"Yep," he agrees, puffing his chest out, proudly.
"Gonna be just like Cyrus."
The mention of the man makes my heart go heavy.
I love that he's a role model for my boy.
I wouldn't support it if Oliver idolized someone like Zacan but this is Cyrus.
And the fact that I said something so cruel to someone who's had such a good impact on Oliver's life... both of our lives... makes me feel like shit.
It was a bodily reaction.
My rational mind knows that.
It knows that Cyrus has never shown any of the colors that the Alphas in the Blood Pack did.
But my emotional mind... the deeply scarred part of myself, couldn't logically process him getting hard against me.
Especially when I was in such a vulnerable position.
My wolf whimpers, missing our mate and saddened by the recent turn of events.
'I feel you.'
I try to comfort him, despite being the one who messed everything up.
He just huffs, blocking me out.
Fair enough.
I decide to go on a stroll with Oliver.
He can't shift yet but seeing me in my wolf form is extremely exciting for him.
I trot through the forest, paws sore from still not having formed proper calluses yet.
I never did get to shift freely back in the Blood Pack.
Oliver squeals with laughter, running after me and trying to catch hold of my tail.
"Your fur is so nice, mama. Like poppies," he finally grasps it, running his hands down the orange and golden tufts.
I nuzzle my face to his, licking a kiss on his cheek.
My sweet baby.
He deserves the world.
I don't really think I'm the best mother but he certainly makes me feel like it.
The next morning, I come to a resolution.
I'm going to find Cyrus and apologize.
It's the least I can do after I lashed out like that.
But when I search for him at the schoolhouse after dropping Oliver off or the training field, he's nowhere to be seen.
I'm about to head back to the Pack House and look there for a second time when I spot Morgan just ahead.
I forgot he was off work today. I jog to catch up with him.
"Morgan. Have you seen Cyrus today?" I ask, noticing I'm less out of breath than usual.
I guess training has had some positive effects.
He raises a confused brow at me.
"You didn't hear? He left with a team this morning on a mission. Xavier too. They're settling a dispute with an allied Pack. They might also scout for resources."
My heart drops.
"What? When will they be back?"
Morgan thinks for a moment.
"I'd say about a week? Xavier didn't really go into much detail."
"B-But..." I start but am unable to find the right words.
I've been taking Cyrus being here for granted all this time.
How could I forget that he's also the Pack Alpha, with numerous duties that often take him off-territory?
I'm so done with myself.
"Don't worry, Koa. This isn't a high stakes mission. They'll be back before you know it."
They aren't back.
He isn't back.
They've been gone for over a week now and there's been no word from anyone.
Even Morgan looked a little worried when I questioned him about it again, which didn't help quell my anxieties.
What if something terrible happened?
What if Cyrus was hurt?
What if... what if he's dead?
My mind jumps to the worst possible conclusions as I stay up late each night, chewing at my finger nails until they bleed.
When two weeks have passed, I go into panic mode.
Cyrus might never come back from this mission.
And the last thing I'd have said to him was that he's disgusting, when that couldn't be farther from the truth.
I'll never be able to make things right.
To see him again.
Those blue eyes, that smirk, those warm arms that keep me safe. 
I miss him. I really miss him.
It's a few evenings later and there has still has been so sign of Cyrus's return.
I'm beside myself with worry.
Morgan's not in any better state than I am.
I've overheard a few parents at the school tittering about the lack of the Pack Alpha's presence, concerned over the pack's 'protection'.
As if Cyrus didn't leave guards stationed.
I don't care about that. I care about the fact that he's not back yet.
All I can do is pray to the Moon Goddess that he is safe, which provides little to no relief.
I get ready to turn in, glancing over to the bed to see Oliver has already fallen asleep while reading his book.
I smile, walking over and pressing a kiss to his curls.
"Goodnight," I whisper, putting the book on the nightstand and pulling up the covers to tuck him in.
With a sigh, I walk to the window and sit at the sill.
I clutch the throw pillow there to my chest, wrapping my arms around it to form some semblance of comfort.
This will be another sleepless night.
I stare hopelessly out at the dark silhouettes of the trees swaying in the breeze.
'Please. Please, if you're listening, Goddess, bring him back to me.'
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shannonrawls · 1 year
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Today, I am 51 years old, and I look damn good. I dare any woman or man with normal working eyeballs to say otherwise. After my last visit to the doctor, the result of my complete checkup & bloodwork was that I am in the top 5% of healthy males in the United States.
This is not by accident or genetics.
It is because, after my divorce and being ridiculed by my ex-wife, I took a look in the mirror and what I saw reflecting back at me was atrocious. She was right...I was in fact the "FAT BASTARD!" she called me -
and I decided to do something about it.
I decided to take control of my body.
(the 1st photo of me is in 2005. I was 33 years old)
I looked back then, what I would have as an old father today. It was pathetic. I felt pathetic. I looked horrible in all my clothes and was gross to witness nude. Sexually I was unpleasing and my health was declining. Just a fat mess.
Once I decided to embark upon my transformation, even before the calisthenics I began, I started with my nutrition. You'll often hear that a great body is designed in the kitchen, not the gym. This is absolutely true. In fact, good fitness is 20% gym 80% nutrition.
Currently I am on NO medication of any kind. I take 0% prescriptions. I sleep soundly ALL night long and I wake up early every morning with no problems.
(the 2nd photo is me in 2012 @ age 40... 7 years AFTER the photo above and after I discovered the Fountain Of Youth)
The very first thing you need to do is ensure you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need. The American diet SUCKS! In this basic downloadable guide I give you what worked for me. What started me aging backwards, LITERALLY!
In this guide I give a basic list of supplements that ALL AMERICANS should take. Print and keep this guide for the rest of your life! I believe if you did what I have laid out here + at least just 1 type of exercise (hike, bike, jog, yoga, kickboxing, lift, etc...) you will live long & healthy and your blood tests will come back fantastic every time you get a checkup.
You’ll also maintain a high horny sexual appetite with hard pounding orgasms every time you have sex. You’ll be able to play with your kids, run, have fewer headaches, nicer skin, healthier nails & hair, great visits to the toilet daily and your mental attitude should improve too. You’ll see the world better and be happier in general.
As always, please consult with your doctor first. And if your doctor believes in keeping you healthy & alive, I doubt they will disagree with anything I put in this guide.
Just my opinion. 🖤👊
(the last “I KNOW” photo is me @ age 50)
Being #1 isn’t easy. ☝🏾
This is for men AND women. Support me. Support yourself. 🫡
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greenteawaist · 1 year
have been making some changes this month and it seems like they're finally starting to pay off.
- have continued to ride motocross - and am getting better! we worked on jumping correctly last time we went and i got one really good one. calorie change - varies, but usually at least -250
- have been slowly trading the cappuccinos we were drinking most days for a zero calorie caffeine that's pretty high volume, so I'm drinking less calories, am fuller in the morning, and less likely to snack in the early afternoon. calorie change - -115
- in addition to the motocross (which is the first regular exercise I've gotten in ages besides walking), i bought better running shoes earlier this week and jogged (off and on) for the first time .... since the early pandemic? yesterday. it felt horrible during but really good afterwards. calorie change yesterday - -243
- found a protein shake that's only 90 cals for 20 gs of protein. eating higher protein is supposed to make your body burn fat better and heal sore muscles faster. calorie change - +90
pay off:
- after fluctuating a bit due to muscle soreness (water weight retention) and eating out a few times unexpectedly due to time, I weighed in under 179 for the first time in a while this morning
- the low calorie high volume caffeine mixed with exercise means that under just-under maintenance days are so much easier, including yesterday where I netted under 1300 calories
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handelplayssims · 1 year
New day and ta-da! We’re now a paralegal! And one of our promotion things is taking a bar exam! Evidently that was bugged to be impossible to clear. I would not have noticed that at all. Anyway, we’re gonna head into work today. Anyway, I’m glancing over at Meredith’s whims before work and hey, we totally can make a call to chat with someone before work starts. Hooray! And so off to work we go once more!
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Haven’t seen this before but then again, haven’t played the Law career much at all. Yeesh. That’s tight. ...let’s go with accuracy, Meredith is a Good Sim, and that probably means a good amount of honor before reason. ...the text says that not reaching those hours means she got scolded and her promotion is a bit more out of reach. Well yeah, we don’t have level 4 research and debate yet! Ahp! But she returned with a familiar sight. The Fear of a Dead-End job is in! Welp! Tense moodlet for now and we’ll see about clearing it. In time.
Markus came home sad from overheating, as he was still in his evidently warm night time pajamas, needing to go to the restroom and having low fun. And sleepy. Poor Markus. Welp, potty and then auto-solve for fun gave us him asking Meredith for flash cards. What a smart kid. And now he’s hungry. Welp. I have some salad leftovers for him. Hmm. Fun need is still low but sleepiness is overpowering. I hope reading him to sleep helps with the fun need.
Man, I would tend to Meredith’s whims by inviting someone over to hang out and being friendly to a non-household sim but she has less than an hour until bedtime. Man that work-life balance is rough with keeping track of this one toddler. I’ll just have her call Moria Fyres, of whom, by the by, their relationship degraded into acquaintances, before heading to bed. Hopefully Meredith will feel better in the morning.
Neighborhood Watch!
Del Sol Valley: The Kay household recently moved in.
Good luck in the uber-rich house!
Today we actually wake up at 4:30 moderately well-rested! Enough to actually look at her whims. Be Friendly to Non-Household Sim again and Invite a Sim Over. ...the problem is that it’s 4AM. I don’t think anyone will actually be around or willing to do that. You know what might be an idea though? A morning jog! To at least delay some of the time. Gets Meredith out. Gets her outside. Gets her to see the sunrise!
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We got another early morning jogger behind us. A vampiric one at that! Heh. Anyway, now she needs a shower after all of that jogging so back home we go. Anyway, it’s a work-from-home day. And we got...attending a deposition and filing a legal motion. Let’s head on off to that deposition then and then we can stay home.
...and I actually did the math for a typical day at the nanny. That would come out to 150 per day. Not horribly expensive but at this point, we have to live within our means considering we can’t pay bills for this home.
Oh and remember what I said about staying home? Yeah, Power Conservation is a thing within this neighborhood and today, electronics have been turned off. TO THE LIBRARY! After feeding ourselves, hopefully something in the fridge hasn’t gone bad, and bathing Markus. And feeding him. For he is hungry now as well.
So we’re off to the library. Our usual spot. We file that disposition and Markus busies himself with books. I did want to get his imagination all the way up to 5 but alas, he felt sad. And he was also sleepy so nap time. After that legal motion, I put Meredith on the research machine to skill up her research skill. It’s needed for that promotion, after all! And there we go. Research for finished for Meredith and Markus got his level 5 imagination skill! Now, normally, I would age up a toddler soon after they reach level 5 skills in everything because I find the toddler stage to be a bit boring. But it seems with the infant update, they cut down on the time a toddler is a toddler. He’s only 17 days away from aging up and with my dedicated 15 days per family, he’ll age up next time I visit this household. I’m fine with this! Just another week, or perhaps even less, with this family to go. Anyway, it’s time to put Markus to bed and Meredith to sleep.
Neighborhood Watch!
Adam Vogue in the Vogue household has started a job as a Palette Cleaner in the Painter career.
Strangerville: The McHenry household recently moved in.
New neighbors time!
Henford-on-Bagley: The Ota household recently moved out.
Cierra Wright in the Wright household has died. Cierra stayed in the sun a little too long and overheated.
Oh man, I recognize that name. RIP!
Clifton Kay in the Kay household has died. Clifton got on the bad side of a chicken.
Hang on. ...yep. That’s the person that just moved into Del Sol Valley. I don’t even think there are chickens up there! Alas.
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