#wounded masculine
cosmichighpriestess · 2 years
This scene in ahs is an example of the controlling, manipulating wounded masculine that feels like they need to have power over the feminine because they believe control comes from external means, when true control comes from within. The wounded masculine lives in fear and feels the need to mold and shape the feminine into what he wants, he uses fear to get what he wants.
He projects his false definitions onto everyone to buy into the belief they are somehow not enough, powerless and unworthy of love. The wounded masculine is emotionally numb and doesn't see the value in a woman, much less sees her as a human being with feelings and needs.
He believes vulnerability is a weakness, and he's focused on status, intellect, being an overachiever and he's attached to success and what other's think of him so he feels like he needs to manipulate everyone into the lies he tells himself.(They actually believe their own lies, truly.) These men will sometimes even rape you in long term relationships with them. These men operating from this lower state of consciousness gain their strength from feeding off your energy, from your fear, your doubts, and your hatred. Any energy you give them feeds them.
Don't buy into the belief they have power over you, and dont give them ANY of your energy. They will become powerless without your energy. He makes you responsible for his needs and his emotions he cannot control. They think you are not obeying them like their slave. He ignores your boundaries and may even threaten to harm himself if you date someone else, hurt his ego ect. He may even want to stalk you and kill you.
The wounded masculine is selfish, avoidant, jealous, gaslighting and cold. He seeks to dominate and project false illusions onto others because he lives in fear of judgement. These men are very dangerous, aggressive and some wounded feminines are attracted to this because they mistake control for love. Remove ALL access of you and your energy from these horrid men.
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boybecoming · 8 months
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cut me open, find the real me inside
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chassisfucker · 19 days
rotating mark in my mind. said he prefers to be chasing instead of out in front, prefers to have his back against the wall, be put on the defensive instead of ever having the chance to go on the offensive…. he was the losing dog we were betting on all along. martyr complex goes crazy but i think he literally doesn’t know any other way to be
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cooki3face · 11 months
wounded feminine energy vs wounded masculine energy:
Wounded feminine will struggle primarily with feelings of unworthiness that will present itself in a lot of different ways but wounded feminine energy may include things like:
issues with control and manipulation : stepping outside of her feminine energy and her home energy of recieving and trying to push and pull things into fruition or to go in the direction she sees fit and often for personal gain. This may present in her relationships with others, manipulating her friends, manipulating her partners, manipulating strangers. May be dishonest, deceitful, or deceptive.
low self worth & self esteem: she’s unable to make good decisions on who she chooses to be around and what she allows, may fall into a habit of people pleasing, may struggle with internalized misogyny, may be boy crazy or blow her entire life up for male validation or male presence, may constantly speak negatively upon herself and upon others. May victimize herself often or be prone to feeling “sorry” for herself, may also be heavily emotionally unstable or consumed by her emotions to the point where she’s constantly at high points of emotional distress. She has no boundaries, she’s desperate for love, she’s obsessive in a way where it comes from a place of lack or a void.
Vindictive,bitter, and jealous: falls right in hand with low self worth and self esteem, projecting all her fears and jealousy onto others especially other women. Always out to get someone, always picking on someone, always attempting to humiliate or tear someone apart.
over-giving: falls right into people pleasing but a feminine who may be over giving may not know how to or be unable to protect her energy, her power, her divinity and her “soft feminine”, she may become over-giving, over nurturing, overly empathetic to the point where she pours too much of herself (from a raw and authentic pool of her energy) into others. this comes hand in hand with my post about a feminine needing a divine counterpart who is conducive to her energy and is safe and giving so that when she’s in her most vulnerable state her energy won’t go to waste.
Shame and guilt: ashamed of her body, ashamed of her sensuality, ashamed of her femininity, ashamed of what it takes to protect herself from others, guilty for putting herself first, guilty for being in her power, guilty for recieving what she rightfully deserves, etc. etc. falls hand in hand with what I spoke about briefly about how purity culture and certain aspects of culture and life may supress one’s feminine nature and identity and ability to connect with self.
Intuitive and expressive: she’s in touch with her intuition, she’s strong and in tune, truth is clear and she lives in her truth. She lives an honest life, is honest with herself and with honors, shows up as an authentic version of herself in spirit. She’s creative, she inspires others instead of picking them apart or leading them astray.
Consumed by emotions: she’s angry, she’s aggressive, she’s emotionally consumed or disturbed, she’s violent, always fighting people, doesn’t have effective problem solving or communication skills outside of violence or conflict. Is always involved in conflict, is always involved in drama, befriends people with the intention of constantly being in the center of an issue or being aware of an issue, nosy and cunning. If she’s jealous and bitter she expresses it heavily.
Wounded masculine will struggle primarily with how he sees himself, honoring his heart space, and what it means to be masculine or a man. This is not a new issue, it’s as old as time, wounded masculine may exude behaviors like:
overly competitive and combative: masculine may have a tendency to try to out compete others, regardless of sex or gender. He competes with women, he competes with men. He used envy and insecurity to fuel these urges to compete with others. He wants to be the biggest all the time, he wants to be the most successful, the most important, the most looked at, etc. etc. there’s nothing wrong with these desires when they come from a place of self love and growth, there is an issue when they come from the ego and his desire is to push others out of their rightful place or consume the energy of others to make himself larger. Or he needs to be right and he’s argumentative. He may be prone to having narcissistic traits or a narcissistic personality type, he may have an inflated ego or sense of importance. Constant inner and outer conflict, he’s displeased with himself, he’s displeased with what there’s, he’s always fighting, always arguing, always involved in some sort of altercation.
Abusive and angry: he has a tendency to communicate with physical violence or is unable to solve problems effectively. He has a desire to hurt others to make himself feel stronger or more powerful or feel validated and respected. Constant inner and outer conflict, he’s displeased with himself, he’s displeased with what there’s, he’s always fighting, always arguing, always involved in some sort of altercation.
controlling and/or possessive: controlling in plenty of areas, in his relationships, in career, in life. Reflects a masculine whose not confident in his ability to be loved and admired, not confident in his ability to make a difference or take action that will push things forward or into fruition in a genuine and meaningful manner. A possessive masculine is a masculine who has a strong desire to consume things rather than enjoy them and allow them to flourish. Especially in his relationships, he may attempt to “squash” his partner, keep them from stepping into their power, keep them from doing well, he may have a tendency to view his partners and counterparts as objects to be had or to be owned rather than to be appreciated or as an energy that is complimentary and adds to his value or divinity. This goes hand and hand with what I spoke about briefly about men in relationships with successful women who try to trap them with pregnancy at the height of their careers or try to minimize their success. He’s overly critical of others and overly critical of himself on an internal level. May be prone to picking up misogynistic tendencies and views, he picks on women, he degrades them, he feels the need to tell them what to do and what’s acceptable.
Manipulative: again. A masculine who doesn’t think he’s truly capable of making an impact, a masculine who doesn’t believe he’s capable of truly being loved or doesn’t believe he has enough value to be stayed with in his relationships. A masculine who may have a tendency to see others as below him or as pawns.
over-preforming or overcompensating: am i man enough? Am I doing enough? Will they look at me or admire me enough? He tries too hard to be “masculine”, is afraid to stray away from masculine stereotypes, bullies and takes out aggression towards men who don’t fit the mold that he’s been conditioned to believe is what masculinity or being a real man looks like. Leads him to being controlling, resentful, aggressive and violent in a lot of cases. Resents others who live in their truth and live authentically despite judgment and rejection, tries to squash or push down others who go against what he’s been conditioned to believe is right or wrong, ends up pushing people away or ruining a lot of his relationships and his connections because he’s unable to find the courage to be who he is from an authentic stand point and he’s angry because he always feels like he has to preform and conform. And bro is definitely the lgbtq police and the “that’s gay asf” guy in the back who nobody asked an opinion from. He’s overly critical of others and overly critical of himself on an internal level. May be prone to picking up misogynistic tendencies and views, he picks on women, he degrades them, he feels the need to tell them what to do and what’s acceptable.
Unable to feel emotions/disconnected from self: unable to communicate and communicate effectively, he doesn’t understand himself and therefore can’t understand others, has a tendency to resort to anger or shutting down or running from things when he’s feeling triggered or being coaxed out of his shelf or is required to open up and be vulnerable. He’s guarded and closed off, he’s defensive, he struggles with an avoidant attatchment style, he’s afraid of being seen, he’s afraid of true intimacy, he’s afraid of being perceived in general and perceived as being soft or emotional. He doesn’t want to talk about his feelings because he’s conditioned not to and it’s difficult. He’s stagnant, he’s unable to grow, he’s unable to learn hard emotional lessons. Repressed his feminine energy or actively represses it and this goes hand and hand with overcompensating and over preforming.
Unstable: unstable, unsupportive, unsafe physically and emotionally. He can’t create a safe space for you, for others, or himself emotionally or physically and he will not.
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theawakenedstate · 7 months
What is Divine Masculine Energy?
Curious about divine masculine energy? When it comes to understanding the divine masculine, this is a different playing field than the divine feminine. Let’s explore the Role that the divine masculine energy has in relationship to Spiritual Awakening so you can gain a deeper understanding of how to practically use divine Masculine energy in your own life.
Divine Masculine Energy is About Maturing the Ego
The Divine masculine is about Ego Awareness and Conscious Awareness. It’s the place where we mature our ego. Also, it’s connected to The solar plexus chakra because the solar plexus chakra is all about your divine will. Most importantly, the divine masculine teaches us about how we take action.
So when we are in a place of our divine masculine, it’s often about really being the conscious giver. The Conscious Giver of Energy back to the world. It’s basically like being a giver, but not over-giving to the point of Over-doing it(If you think about this with baking, you understand – don’t burn the cake!) The Divine Feminine is often about Receiving energy but the Divine Masculine is about giving that energy back to the world in the form of action, affirmations, making things happen, and support in relationships.
The Conscious Warrior
I always like to say when it comes to archetypes, this is all about being the warrior, the manifesting warrior, because the manifesting warrior knows to let go and let God fill in the gaps, but the warrior will not stay on the couch. He will get his ass up and go because in this energy of :
if I know I am led & guided, I will know the right actions to take. I will move forward anyway. Choosing to truly be in that energy of confidence, assertiveness and initiation, but I’m not going to get bogged down by my ego.I’m not going to be in the victim mindset about this. I’m not going to be in that energy and instead, I’m going to take the action I need to take.
That is the energy of divine masculine. I will not get bogged down by my ego. I will take the action anyway. That is what it means to step into the warrior consciousness because this energy is about owning your personal power.
It’s not about receptivity at all, waiting, or staying still. It is about having an awareness of owning your personal power by making conscious Movement forward. This energy is all about intuitive Confidence in who you are and that is what will drive you forward to take the actions you need to take.
Wounded Masculine Energy feels like burning out
Now, when it comes to being in a place of wounded masculine energy, it might be where you are burning out and becoming a workaholic without realizing it.
Have you ever felt on the verge of burnout before? it’s happened to me quite a few times over the years…one time resulting in a big emotional breakdown where things HAD to change. 
It can be a bad habit, a slippery slope, and often…it can happen unconsciously to our proper awareness. Sometimes it can sneak up on us before we realize it…
It also can have a crazy effect on our mental health and capacity to take action. This is one of the hugest reasons why we might have imbalanced or wounded Masculine Energy. 
We have reached the point of pushing too hard where we never stop, let go and detach.
Inevitably we end up – neglecting ourselves or losing ourselves. 
This isn’t a fun place to be, it can be sneaky too. 
If you’ve ever had thoughts of  “well, i’ll just do this for one more hour…” “I can handle it anyway”  “I feel exhausted but I’ll just workout anyway despite that”  ” let me just keep going” and things keep slipping through the cracks…
and so forth. 
Wounded Masculine Energy turns into symptoms and signs of: 
Not listening to your body
Not hearing your intuition
Neglecting your Emotional Needs despite that they are screaming at you 
Escapism in the form of drugs or alcohol 
Pushing beyond your limits in an unhealthy way…
Getting sick more often to your body’s physiological reaction to stress
and this wounded masculine energy, most importantly neglects our Divine Feminine energy so we’re cutting off listening to spirit…. So we burn out, get sick or mentally break down.  Deep breaths, I know – If this is happening to you or you’re feeling this way,  It’s awful and unfortunately way too common than it should be.
You may be feeling, How do we understand this part of ourselves? What does it even mean to have a wounded masculine energy vs a healthy divine masculine energy? 
And How does this Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine ultimately connect to Kundalini?  And what does THAT mean in relationship to ‘being Balanced?” 
That’s what we’re exploring this week on the podcast, 
Want to Know what the heck is Masculine Energy and how to start practically using it ? 
Catch the full Episode on the Youtube or Season 3 of the Podcast on sunday 
Do you struggle with burnout, pushing too hard or forgetting self-care? This might be coming from a Wounded Masculine energy. However we can learn how to properly heal this by balancing our masculine and feminine energy.
Share your experience in the comments so we can help support you or  share your story in our Awakened Network community Here (we’re building off of social media)
P.S.  Are you Ready for Divine Feminine Rising?
Balancing our Divine Masculine and Feminine Energy within is a practice and skill. 
However It’s important to learn so that you can have more balance and Spiritual alignment in your life – 
Where you learn how to get results easier through understanding your relationship with giving and Receiving. 
Join us on an Important timely conversation in the membership where we’re going to break down the How to Get Started with the Practical Tools & Action Steps to help you balance Your Feminine and Masculine Energy Are you curious on How the Membership works? 
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What is Divine Masculine Energy?
Curious about divine masculine energy? When it comes to understanding the divine masculine, this is a different playing field than the divine feminine. Let’s explore the Role that the divine masculine energy has in relationship to Spiritual Awakening so you can gain a deeper understanding of how to practically use divine Masculine energy in your […]
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feminineenergylife · 5 months
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"Never depend on a man" is wounded feminine energy. 💔
Go heal so you can attract your masculine provider. ✨
More on YouTube
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yearning-gay · 3 months
fought gender. i think i lost again
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karinyosa · 4 months
i can't go into the tag rn bc i'll get spoilers but the other show i'm going insane about is blue eye samurai and oh my god. the scene where mizu has a flashback to the fight w taigen while watching a threesome. my god
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bmpmp3 · 5 months
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some stuff i did in school recently: scanned images of fabric that have been run through audacity to be glitched up with reverb and echo and such and then printed back out and embroidered! i thought it was kind of funny
here's the original fabric:
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its old busted pajamas <3
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dipyronegirl · 9 months
thinking (and rewatching..) inside job again and i dont think rand is that bad of a father? i mean, he made a lot of mistakes and he doesn’t even feel bad ab it, even tho he traumatized reagan and a lot, but he was never absent. he acts like he cared ab reagan’s career just bc it could help his career, but that’s not true. he pushes her to be the best all the time and it’s bad, but he genuinely cares ab her so much. and the whole ‘creating crises to force her to hang out w him’ thing is fucked up, but it’s cute that he just wants to hang out w her that bad. most fathers literally don’t care enough ab their kids to do any of that. most fathers don’t even know their kids as much as he knows her. maybe my standards are just insanely low, probably, but he’s a better parent than 90% of the parents i know
#not just fathers. my standards aren’t lower for fathers than they are for mothers yk. they’re both low#he’s a better parent than my mom#he raised her being completely emotionally neglecting and putting so much pressure on her to be the genius she is#but i mean#my mom was just as emotionally neglecting as he was. i like telling the story ab how she had me stitch up my own wound when i was 8#and always mocked me for being ‘weak’. exactly like toxic masculinity except that we’re both girls. i couldn’t have feelings yk#rand isn’t as toxic as her when it comes to that. he neglects her feelings and even mocks them too but she still seemed allowed to Have them#if my mom thought i was being ‘weak’ she would scream at me ab how much she wished i had never been born. he doesn’t do that!!!!#like when she didn’t wanna skip 4th grade. if that were me my mom would have made me feel so guilty for being born#like i had to skip grades and actively pretend (i’m talking real acting here) to not be upset or she’d go on her rants#ab how life is difficult and depressing for everyone and i gotta swallow it and like it cause she sacrificed her happiness and health for me#cause my being born made her life so hard etc etc#i don’t think rand make reagan feel like her continuing existence kept him from being happy or healthy#my mom started blaming her diabetes on me when i was 10.#like im not fucking kidding#cause my expensive private school (that she forced me to go to all my life cause it was semi boarding so i had someplace to stay all day and#so she didn’t need to leave me home alone) made her work too much which made her stressed which made her eat more so being diabetic was a#sacrifice she made for my future#that’s just how it was#inside job#text
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spookberry · 2 years
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This is making me absurdly happy
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cooki3face · 11 months
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I’d like to talk about these people. Two women who could be in their power but are being held stagnant and stuck by a man attatched to their fucking hip whose main goal is to dog them out, keep them stuck, and keep them against one another and arguing. I love women there is nothing more divine and beautiful on this entire planet. Bless. But, I see them on the internet using their art, using their words, using their beauty as weapons towards one another because the man they share has narcissistic tendencies, likes to keep his women on back and call. These women are sacrificing their wombs for him, stepping outside of their feminine energy to defend themselves from one another and from the media when they shouldn’t have to do any of that. This is a primary example of what it looks like for women who could be in their power and could be so great not reaching full potential because they’ve let a man whom is not half their caliber put together, who is out of alignment within himself, whose primary focus is to not be left alone and have to stand on his own, pull them down under or keep them tethered to him.
He weaponizes their trauma and their connection to him through unhealed trauma, he weaponizes their femininity and their intention to love and be loved against them, he weaponizes their ability to rise and be powerful against them, he’s weaponized their influence and magnetic energy against them and has made himself the center of a powerful argument between two women who to some extent are a force all on their own.
I say all the time I hope the two of them grow, I hope the two of them step into their power and see how much they’re worth at the end of the day, and I sincerely hope they take all his mf money.
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striddums · 1 year
if i see/hear one more person refer to taurus as a “masculine sign” or “the masculine side of venus” i am going to explode into a thousand pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!! LITERALLY OBJECTIVELY INCORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS AN EARTH SIGN RULED BY VENUS AND THE PLACE OF EXALTATION FOR THE MOON IT IS MOTHER GAIA IT IS LITERALLY THE FIRST FEMININE SIGN OF THE ZODIAC WHEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your perception of what femininity means has become so warped and rotten due to social conditioning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to be sturdy and stable and stubborn in your ways and to have a strong desire to care for and pamper yourself and fill your own cup FIRST so you can nourish others RESPONSIBLY & SUFFICIENTLY and to have a practical approach to your nurturing nature and to be blunt with your boundaries and to be STRONG IS SUCH AN INTEGRAL PART OF WHAT IT MEANS TO BE FEMININE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM BEGGING YOU TO REALISE THIS PLEASE
it really truly does have the same connotations to it as when people nowadays call fat women / hairy women “unfeminine” (which is obviously untrue), when this was absolutely not at all how people viewed womanhood in history, and stems from a much more ‘modern’ mindset that’s a direct result of our current social climate. fat + having volume to one’s body used to be seen as a clear indicator of good health and feminine fertility (nourishment => a very taurian trait!) and body hair was literally just so normal (being natural => another trait heavily linked to taurus!!!)
taurus, and every single one of the characteristics connected to the sign/archetype, is feminine >:I
#it used to make me feel so insecure whenever people would imply this because i've struggled with my femininity a lot & i'm a triple taurus#but my struggle with it was definitely caused by my aquarian ascendant... cause i've always FELT very feminine#but constantly worried that i didn't look the part... i used to get bullied very frequently as a kid for being 'unconventional' (aquarius)#which often translated to my physique (being tall & sticking out didn't help) so i had a very unhealthy relationship with my appearance#but i've done a lot of inner work and tended to those wounds for years ;o; and i feel a lot more comfortable in my skin now!!!!#(getting back to a healthy weight definitely helped as well ;w;)#so now whenever i hear people say this stuff i just feel kinda PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!#it's never coming from professional well-educated astrologers either it's always pop culture twitter users and such >:|#''masculine side of venus'' LIBRA!!!! THAT'S LIBRA!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HATE TO HEAR IT YOU REFUSE TO SEE IT BUT IT'S LIBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#LIBRA IS AN AIR SIGN!!!!!!!!!! AND IT'S EVEN REPRESENTED BY THE SCALES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD IT CANNOT BE ''HYPER FEMININE''#AND YOU KNOW WHO GENERALLY NATURALLY AGREE WITH ME ON THIS?????? TAUREANS /AND/ LIBRANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#IT'S ONLY SHALLOW OUTSIDERS LOOKING IN WHO GENERALLY PREACH THE ''TAURUS = MASC & LIBRA = FEM'' BS#PPL WHO MOST OFTEN HAVE VERY BIASED & TAINTED VIEWS OF THE SIGNS DUE TO THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES WITH SOMEONE OF THAT SUN SIGN#AND WHO ARE ALSO INCAPABLE OF DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN ''FEMININE + MASCULINE ENERGY'' AND ''GENDER IDENTITY'' (BAD!!! BAD & INCORRECT!!!!!)#WHO'S STEREOTYPICAL VIEW OF FEMININITY EQUALS ''FRAIL & PASSIVE & (SOLELY) RELATIONSHIP-ORIENTED & MARTYRDOM & FRAIL BOUNDARIES''#I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#personal#rant#astrology is very dear to me i'm sorry for venting so much ;v; please excuse the excessive use of capslock as well#i promise it is not my ''extremely AGGRESSIVE and MASCULINE'' taurus placements' fault......................it's the mercury in aries HAHA#edit: i just realised the moon moved into aquarius literally a few hours ago LMFAOOOO EXPLAINS A LOT#of course i'd be going off with this transit
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aeide-thea · 1 year
an impulse i don't get—
or rather, so as not to be disingenuous, an impulse i get perfectly well but strongly dislike when i'm faced with it, which means i need to reexamine it in myself when i generate it—
is the impulse to sit in judgment about What Counts As Queer. like. yeah, okay, i do get it really, we're all disempowered by hegemonic culture and setting ourselves up as petty kings shores up our egos! but if there's anything i've loved about discovering queerness in and for myself, it's been the realization that there were worldviews beyond my own—and that there still are, almost certainly! that the world is a firework show of exploding possibility, and that i and my current understanding of myself and everyone else are just one bright spark in a whole connected series of them, and that more will come after me, bringing new colors and configurations to my field of vision, if i just keep my eyes open…
and so i just always feel. god. how close-minded, to shut your eyes to someone else's vision of queerness, to say not just 'that isn't a version of queerness that i recognize or feel represented by,' but to say categorically, 'that isn't queer'! if someone's saying in all sincerity, 'this feels alien to the framework i grew up with, and exciting or comforting or both to me'—i want to hear them out, and make space in my own understanding for a multiplicity of queernesses. i'm not always perfect at it! but i want to.
because what's the alternative? join with the biphobes and transphobes who would've said my gq4gq relationship with my transfem ex was really just straight, or at least enough of a union of opposites for government work? join with the aphobes and arophobes who are constantly insinuating that if you're not actively sucking or fucking, you're a square—never mind those of us who are isolated, or traumatized, or anxious, or any of the thousand other reasons why our queerness might not be siting itself in sex or romance, right now or ever! join with the people who sneer at poly and flinch from kink, as if reexamining those relational conventions were somehow cleanly separable from reexamining all the other ones—as if we should want it to be?
anyway, this is about a lot of things, really, and at least one of them i pretty actively don't want to talk about in specific; but i just think, god, i wish we could all learn a little more generosity, and a little more humility. we know the world, and the human heart, encompass more than is dreamt of in kyriarchal philosophy; why then are we so resistant to the idea that they might also encompass more than is dreamt of in our own? movement after movement of queers have come, and built, and been built upon in turn; our personal convictions are not, i feel certain, the final course to be laid down on the great work of enlightenment and liberation—and how depressing it would be, if they were!
#there's an invisible Works Referenced here that includes a post i keep not reblogging bc it's too aggro#but it's about like. there's no single masculinity or femininity#similarly i think. there's no single queerness‚ because there's no single straightness; it's a complex construction—constriction—#and so our resistance to it must necessarily be equally complex‚ to meet it where it crops up and set it aflame#and so like. just because something isn't your queerness‚ or mine‚ doesn't mean it can't be someone else's!#there's something else i was thinking of‚ too‚ but i forgot it already‚ lol#this isn't the like. clearly-structured post i wanted to write‚ i got mad and florid instead#and i expect i've left out some of what i meant#but like. sometimes you—i—have to just run with that‚ or else express nothing at all…#anyway i just think like. yeah‚ models of maybe-queerness we see in the world might wound us‚ or anyway look as though they might!#it's a possibility!#but what's not a possibility‚ but a certainty‚ is that the rhetoric i've seen used to *dismiss* various representations#as Not Queer Enough#has for SURE wounded me! and almost certainly wounded others who've just curled up silently and said nothing about it!#anyway. idk. 'NOT HET BUT HETERODOX‚' proclaims my protest sign#is this coherent without specifying all its context? maybe not. but the fundamental stance isn't contextual for me—#it's something i think is important to uphold‚ and where i fail at it (which i do!)‚ to give myself a good hard squint#and work out how to realign my reactions with the principles i actually want guiding them#anyway. good morning‚ lmao. have a diatribe
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bustafe · 3 months
waht kind of dogy your favorite
i like all doggies but i especially like small dogs ❤️❤️ i want 8 chihuahuas and i wamna name them after the knights of the round table
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spr0utsies · 5 months
i forgot how good finishing a long book that u actually like feels ❤️ i havent read a book over 500 pgs without skimming since probably early high school so doing my fucking. homework last night i felt the whimsy of childhood again
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