#writeblr communtiy
author-a-holmes · 1 year
Find The Word Tag Game
Thank you @authoralexharvey for the Tag. My words are: Shell, Music, Trickle, and Egg.
Tagging forward, with no pressure to; @elliottsbigstrongboyarms, @amewinterswriting, @sleepyowlwrites, @world-of-fire-and-flight-admin, and @kaiusvnoir but also please consider this an open tag.
YOUR Words are; Slow, Hush, Whisper, and Called.
Tagging the Taglists;
@faelanvance @noirepersonal @queen-kass-the-writer @athenswrites @thelaughingstag @minamoroz @bardic-tales @outpost51 @talesfromaurea @ettawritesnstudies
She could feel the sand shift and move beneath her feet as she marched forward, shells crunching, and pebbles clacking under her, and her eyes tracked the myriad of beautiful colours laid out before her like a carpet of flowers in the forest.
I got nothing for this one. I tried song, lyrics, melody, and tune as well but no luck.
"Enough!" Booker shouted, and Lizzy's head snapped up to stare at him in surprise.
She could count on her hands how many times in his life Booker had raised his voice. Preferring to use carefully chosen words instead, but when she spotted the trickle of concern on the edge of her mind she understood why he'd made the exception.
I cheated. So sue me :D
[...] suddenly a warm, steady hand settled against his shoulder, seeping through the icy touch of shock. He stared at it, following the arm up until he was staring at Andric with wide eyes. Eyes begging the hunter for an escape [...]
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clarislam · 4 months
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Happy Friday, everyone!
The first Harlow Mystery playlist is now available on my website's Freebie Library. This can be accessed by those already subscribed to my newsletter!
I'll be sharing playlists for the rest of the main characters over the next few weeks leading up to "Bloody Fantasia"'s release day! If you'd like to check out some fun tunes, I highly recommend subscribing to the newsletter. https://buttondown.email/clarislamauthor
Aubri is the main heroine of the Harlow Mystery series. She was haunted by her past history with her ex-girlfriend Renee and ex-boyfriend Colin. She was forced to confront this past back in “Winner Takes All” (Book 1) while investigating a murder with her friend, Bastian.
Aubri later met her twin sister, Aria Hawthorn, in “Engagement To Die For” (Book 2). Now she’s helping Aria move into the Da Capo Music Institution's dorms in “Bloody Fantasia” (Book 3), only to find out that another murder took place again.
Read "Winner Takes All:" https://books2read.com/u/4EL8ro Read "Engagement To Die For:" https://books2read.com/u/38Wn7V "Bloody Fantasia" will be released on June 24th, 2024, with preorders available starting June 10th, 2024!
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victors-grave · 5 months
So a small timeline thing before I make a bit post.
The main story for my oc's take place in the year 6025 PT, while most of the prequel to the main story take place before the year 6000 PT.
The characters in the main story in 6025 PT are:
Zena Xa-Qui (age 25)
Thaniea Hio (age 25)
Vero Dene (age 25)
Orsk Jei’lya (age 25)
Wren Catis (age 25)
Aeron Hesing (age 25)
Valarin Sernada (age 25)
Tye Loe Madon (age 53)
Mazen Xa-Qui (age 50)
Hal Nex (age 50)
Talyra Tarick (age 40)
Leta Kaltis (age 40)
Crash and all other surviving vinite guards (age 49)
I may have missed someone out but these are the main characters.
When the main story starts it is 6025 PT, while it is 6026 PT when the main story ends (and 6030 PT during the epilogue)
Some of the older characters during this (Tye Loe, Mazen, Talyra, Leta and Crash) are part of the prequel as well.
I'll make a full timeline soon, this is just a short one to explain it a bit.
Basically, a character's age on their artfight character sheets, doesn't mean that's their age in a certain part of the timeline, it's either the age where they are first seen or the age they die/are last seen.
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writinginslowmotion · 2 years
Writeblr Flowerfest Emoji game!
I'll use this opportunity to talk about my newest WIP, Tornado Alley. It's still very much a work in progress, but I wanted to use this game to try and flesh it out.
💮 - Share your most recent line!
"I think we're screwed."
"Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty fair assessment."
"You got any ideas?"
"Put your head between your legs, and kiss your ass goodbye."
🥀 - What are prominent motifs and themes in your wip?
Found family, disaster, action adventure, overcoming a monumental event
🌼 - Share three fun facts about your story!
The group first met in a Reddit forum about storms and storm chasing.
2. Despite living in the same town almost all of their lives, the group have never met each other before.
3. When they actually meet in person, none of them can stand each other. In fact, there are several arguments and physical fights, and the group splits up a few times to go storm chasing, but then [redacted] happens, and they get back together and put their differences aside. I recently discovered the trope "fake family" (pretty much the opposite of found family) and immediately thought this would be perfect for this group.
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writingonesdreams · 3 years
Sortinghatchats OC analysis
You ever heard about @sortinghatchats? It's common for people to do the Rokfort houses test for their characters, but having primary and secondary personality parts that explain the motivation and preferred methods of a individual gives it so much more depth! I am thoroughly fascinated with this personality quiz and how accurate it is with fictional characters and my own characteristics. You can find out more about the personalities here.
Acacia being a lion primary and bird secondary explains so much of the contradictions I was having with her! She is driven by her emotions and morals, her gut feeling and her idealism to do what she feels is right, willing to make great personal sacrifaces even relationships for a cause she believes in. Not being yourself is a shameful crime in her eyes. At the same time she is so thoroughly planning and careful in how she approaches the world, collecting skills and knowledge, a typical bookworm with intense interest for everything abstract and philosophical that she finds her way into the scientific approaches of the Sensors.
Wes being a snake primary and lion secondary wonderfully explains the idealistic divide I felt between him and Kyler but never knew how to put into words. Because slytherin here doesn't mean selfish and evil, it means caring about a specific people, about the close relationships first and any other ideals second, which seems the most selfish, caring for me and my own only, but it's also very strong love, very neutral moralism and very human instinct. It's not that Kyler is selfless and Wes is not, it's that Kyler cares the most about the community as a whole, the good for all, and Wes cares about him and his family. This is why it's much easier for him to forgive Acacia's betrayal - because in the end he doesn't care what side she is on or what political or moral ideals she has, the point is he likes her and she has proven she cares about them and that's enough for him.
Kyler being a badger primary and bird secondary is a peculiarly fitting mix. He cares about what's best for the community, traditions, structures and culture. Kyler wants to be part of something greater than himself, he believes in inherent worth of hard work, discipline and being a person. He wants to do what's best for people no matter how hard that feels for him or how hard it is for others to accept. The problem is he deems only very small group of people worthy of protection, fairness and equality - the Pulsors. This explains why he is so haughty and stubborn about the peace negotiations with Aurals, why he disrespect Sensors and being weak and useless for not using their magic for fighting, why he hunts Shadow mages like terrorists. His view is just ridiculously narrow so his good intentions don't reach far. But he isn't inherently bad, just in dire need of broadening up his horizons and sense of empathy for cultures and social systems different from his own. Also his ravenclaw approach to cold logic, reason and strategies gives him the cold standoffish impression that covers all the kindness and generosity he strives to do for others.
It's also a wonderful combination for the dynamic of the trio together. Acacia shares a house with both Kyler and Wes. Her lion heart and passion burn inside her parallel to Wes's charging headstrong emotional attitude, but her careful abstract plotting and discussions find a match in Kyler's. Kyler and Wes are polar opposites in priorities and methods, which makes their relationship challenging but ultimately complementary and and powerful.
No wonder Xander is a lion primary and lion secondary. He is idealist charismatic leader who cares more about ideas than people but ultimately cares a lot about the overall good, always stands behind what he believes is right, isn't above readjusting his position when he finds out he is wrong and can inspire whole armies and move mountains when he decides for something.
Kane being a bird primary and badger secondary is incredible, cause it explains why he sympathises with Kyler so much. They are very alike, both hard-working, strategic and consistent. But Kane lives in a moral system he constructed himself and that he isn't giving up until it fits what he sees and knows about the world - and he knows it as a very dark place. As long as his constructed view of the reality holds it doesn't matter how twisted and morally skewed it is to others. So he feels sorry for Kyler, he relates to him and likes him, but that doesn't stop him from kidnapping, torturing and enslaving him for his own plans.
Seriosuly this has been incredibly helpful for character development, cause I know who these people are, but being able to explain where their motivations and tendencies come from, why and how they do things and expand on that meaning in other areas and behaviours is amazing. Reccomend.
I'm going to add the wip tag list cause this is a fun and helpful exercise and it helps with the understanding of the characters.
Wip tag list:
@thewalkingnerdx @kosmosian-quills @inherentlywritten @mjmnorwood @akindofmagictoo @eluari @this-is-where-i-write-stuff @waterfallwritings @talesofnetline @waysofink @fields-of-ink @ink-fireplace-coffee @amywrites256 @kazenokaori
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cataclysmic-writer · 5 years
My one last brain cell trying to avoid procrastination and distractions:
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scottishhellhound · 5 years
OC Intro Asher
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Name: King Asher d'Rial
Age: 31
Country of Origin: Arias
Sexuality: Straight
Abilities: No magic. He is not only a skilled tactician and diplomat, but extremely talented in manipulation. A genius with a natural air of confidence and duty, that makes people trust in him until it's too late to rectify their mistakes.
Asher was the beloved son of King Alendath and Queen Rhiandara. A bright, kind, brilliant boy who could do no wrong in the eyes of his people or his parents.
Then his sister came along, and with her, a Soul Dragon. Drakewytch. A creature not seen for 1200 years. His parents were ecstatic. The first Drakewytch in over 1000 years born into their family. Who as far as Asher's research turned up, neither line had ever sported one of these...abhoritions.
The Kingdom, and council was divided, torn on what to do about this new development. Asher could see his Kingdom falling to petty squabbles, and unrest. With a Drakewytch in the Royal Family, more of them were emerging. Emboldened by one of their own one day being on the throne. The good people were becoming restless. Uneasy. Afraid.
Asher had a duty to his people. He knew what must be done.
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sahados-shadow · 5 years
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OC Moodboard: Sahado Harranian
“Don’t touch me. I will burn this place to ashes.”
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kirsten-is-writing · 4 years
People really out there thinking (in general, not calling anyone out) that authors can’t have similar writing projects while I’m just sitting over here with two stories that are superhero-based because I’ve been inspired by Marvel [for the first one] and the X-Men [for the other]
I also really like superheroes, if anyone can tell
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unliquified · 3 years
I’ll hold you in my heart,
even when my name becomes just a faint prickle that sighs into your nights every once in a while.
Cause how could I escape the day your keen eyes softened with the touch of mine,
it was the same day I found my favorite color.
I’ll carry you in my soul,
even when my kisses become just a memory that hovers upon your skin when your mind wanders into the past.
Cause how could I let the gentle curl of your smile slip away from my own,
they were the same lips that taught me how to breathe for the very first time.
I’ll keep you in my every thought,
even when the words that filled our skies drift to one I’m not a part of.
Cause how could I pick apart at the delicate prints of your fingers woven into me,
they were the same hands that made my heartbeat match their every caress.
You’ll always be a part of me,
even when I love under stars not built by your presence.
How could you not?
You were my first sky.
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alexiraphale · 4 years
to all my superphobic dearie’s who are fighting for trans rights against the super straight fuss:
If you come across a super straight and interact with them, you stand up for yourself but don’t let it get anywhere near heated and leave as soon as you can. block them. or else, they can and will cyber bully you. they might leave hateful comments in your blog. if you’re interacting from a side blog, don’t let them know your main. we fight against enough inner and exterior hate everyday and we don’t need cyber bullies.
stay safe and stay strong, i love y’all.
pass it on and take care <3
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author-a-holmes · 1 year
Find The Word Tag Game
Thank you @talesfromaurea for the Tag. My words are: Free, Cup, Meet, and Sky.
Tagging forward, with no pressure to; @amewinterswriting, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @charlesjosephwrites, @cwritesfiction, @j-1173, @arigalefantasynovels, @acertainmoshke and @avrablake but also please consider this an open tag.
YOUR Words are; Guide, Calm, Effect, Opposite, and Ending.
Tagging the Taglists;
@faelanvance @noirepersonal @queen-kass-the-writer @athenswrites @thelaughingstag @minamoroz @bardic-tales @outpost51 @talesfromaurea @ettawritesnstudies @world-of-fire-and-flight-admin
"Ah," he managed to force out, but something in his voice must have tipped her off, because her attention suddenly snapped back to him, and her eyes narrowed before she winced.
"That's not... I didn't mean... squirrel shit," Lizzy spluttered, covering her eyes with her free hand and sighing. "I forgot you vampires tie up everything together."
"Lizzy," Booker muttered, voice barely above a whisper, and she felt her hands clench around her coffee cup. Would it be an apology, or the start of another fight? She didn't know because Andric's voice interrupted him, making both of them jump in their seats and Lizzy spilled coffee over her hand.
"I see you both found the dining room," he sighed, pulling out the chair beside Lizzy and sitting down.
"I really don't know, Booker," Lizzy cut him off again. "Spell it out for me!"
"Fine," he snapped, throwing back the covers and rising to his feet.
Booker wasn't as tall as Andric, but he was still a full head above Lizzy. Despite that, she refused to let him push her into backing down. Not even as he moved closer, and she was forced to tilt her head back to continue meeting his blazing green eyes.
It was the chilling spray on the wind that made her look up again and realise she was only a few feet from the water, and Lizzy stared out at the rolling waves, eyes searching for something on the horizon. Another shoreline, an island, a tree, but she saw nothing. Just the sky meeting the sea.
It reminded her of the borders of Arbaon, where the land ended and all that spread out before you were the white mists and clouds of oblivion, but the movement of the ocean spoke of life.
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cmoroneybooks · 3 years
Fall in love with your story
Stop being the fuck buddy equivalent of a writer. You’ve got ideas for a story? Congratulations, so does literally everybody I’ve ever spoken to. You know what separates the writers from the dreamers? Only one thing. 
And you might think that’s stupid advice but it really isn’t. I’m not just telling you to write. I’m telling you to fucking commit. Stop being the insecure fuck with five people on the go at all times who never focuses their attention long enough to actually get into a relationship aka write a fucking book. Hold yourself accountable. If an idea is compelling acknowledge that by spending a day, and yes I mean ONE day, writing it down. Then let it go. You aren’t writing that new idea, you’re writing the story you committed to six months ago. If you keep idea hopping you’ll always be writing but you’ll rarely finish a book, if ever. 
So now, because I ALWAYS get messages about it when I post tough love like this, let’s address your excuses: 
“I don’t have time.” If you don’t take time away from your general recreation and social time you will never write a book. Either you make time for writing or you’re a wannabe writer forever. If this it your long-term financial/career goal and you aren’t finding several hours every week to work on it then you’re setting yourself up for failure and hardship. Don’t expect to be making money from books in the next decade if you cant find 5-10 hours per week. If you don’t have that time then that’s life, just don’t live your life expecting to become a successful author in the next decade.
“I can’t focus.” Either you have an attention disorder or you’re allowing distractions to come in-between you and your writing. Look into undiagnosed female ADHD (a surprise I recently ran into,) Cold Turkey Writer (blocks everything on your computer but writing for a time or word limit,) and app blockers for phones. 
“I don’t have ideas.” I don’t understand you and I can’t help. Maybe become a ghost writer, 
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uraniumwriting · 3 years
Just popping in to say I’ve been a little absent this week because work has made me unnaturally tired, but while I do have some time to pop in these next few days, tell me how your writing’s going so I can eventually answer!!! :D
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writinginslowmotion · 5 years
Introducing Sloane
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Sloane Johnson is the newest character in Lost Girls. Slightly older than the girls (Sloane is 20 when she makes her debut), Sloane doesn't consider herself as a part of the group. She spends her evenings and sometimes nights taking classes to become an EMT, and volunteering at the local rescue squad. Unlike a lot of people her age, Sloane has no lofty ambitions or aspirations of being someone great. She just wants to survive, to live on her own terms.
Sloane teeters between being enigmatic and purposely aloof. She enjoys WWII history, among other things, and her favorite colors are turquoise and orange. Sloane also likes art, particularly surrealist art, and this eventually leads her to Erica Winters, who will later become her girlfriend.
More will be revealed as her character develops.
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somanythinks · 6 years
Pocket Story #7
There was something wrong with time.
 She could tell because, well, she couldn’t exactly remember when she began being herself. Aside from the fact that all of the clocks had stopped and no matter of winding helped, time felt sick. 
In some ways it worked in reverse, a Tree would appear, and then shrink into the seed it had come from. In some ways, time accelerated too fast, then snapped back into place like a rubber band. Time, she realized, was dying. 
Time was running out.
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