#writing adivce we need
bangsinc · 1 year
Are we allowed to ask for some BTAS!Scarecrow x Reader? That character definitely deserves more love! But I totally get it if we can’t!
🎃More Scarecrow x Reader (HCS)🦴
UHMMM YES! I’m gunna be super honest, I’d much rather write for BTAS than Spider-Man.. this makes me very happy :3 I love Batman.. he’s my meow meow,,
Also I agree! Nobody writes for him (I kinda wish someone wrote for a goth reader w him too ngl)… no warnings! Also I wrote a lot,,, sorry. I GOT SO EXCITED TO WRITE ABT BTAS
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Jonathan Crane was a man of many faces. He’d been a professor, a villian, but.. never a lover. He’d never dabbled in the dating scene for many reasons. He’d never been considered attractive for one, and additionally, his chosen profession, age, and introverted nature seemed like major obstacles in the pursuit of romance.. To think he could still make someone swoon for him was.. flattering? He’s not sure what to make of it initially.
After the initial first meet, he can’t seem to stop thinking of you. Your memory lingers in his mind like a song stuck in his head. Your voice was a melody only he felt he should be able to cherish, and your apperance was almost ethereal. It’s not that he felt out of your league but.. he really did.
His mind, and morals seem to get the better of him in this situation. He truly has no man or woman he can turn to in a time of desperation, as he’d disclosed himself off from mostly everybody. His own mind became a mentor, and he decided to follow its adivce well.
He begins, slowly, to go out of his way to see you. He’s quiet and especially awkward, not used to being on the giving end of starting a conversation. Many other professors almost look in shock if they’re able to see such a display of subtle affection. What had gotten into this man?
His students for the most part notice his change in demeanor. He’d been a good professor for the most part, quiet and honestly a bit too interested in fear to their liking.. but never outright happy? He was an older man, who’d they’d figured lost the spark he initially had in his job.. they think of themselvs as wrong from that point foreward.
The more your newly found and unexpected friendship progresses, Jonathan finds himself unintentionally opening up to you more and more, spilling facts about both him and what interested him in his profession. He keeps this side of him hidden at first, worried he’d regress to his younger years and scare you away.
The most suprising part about this new friendship is how much he trusts you, however. He’d initially thought of himself as closed off, and if anyone were to try and come close he’d simply push them away. But.. he does let you touch him playfully, nudge him, tease him.. he doesn’t mind it one bit, even though if it was anyone else he’d be bound to lose his temper.
Side note but I would imagine it being funny if you were unintentionally pushing him around slightly, like you bring him into a hug and he literally is so fucking fragile he just can’t breathe 😭
Might offhandedly ask you for your fears, and while he initially imagines what would become if he were to see you in a state of fear.. he somehow stops himself. This was the one actually good thing to become of his life in a big time. Sure, the obsession with fear was a lovely distraction, but what he needed the most was a connection with someone.. so, from that point foreward, he made a little vow to try and keep you away from any of his harmful hobbies.
A confession with him could go many ways. If he were the one to confess his feelings, it would take years. He’d need to know truly know you and your character. Your personality thick and thin, your downsides and upsides, your interests and hobbies.. hed need to be able to recite anything about you from memory, and have an almost spiritual bond in that sence.
A setting for him would also be rather specific. He isnt fond of the rain unless a thunderstorm is in its wake, a common fear, and he certainly isn’t a fan of sunny and warm weather.. fall would be perferred. Perhaps a rather warmer day of fall, the leaves a golden brown and bright yellow. Perhaps he’d take you to a park, or maybe you’d both find someplace nice and isolated to sit. The sun would barely shine over the pearly white clouds, creating a slightly dim atmosphere. An atmosphere he felt the most comfortable in.
Hes not exactly a poetic type, and feelings for him have always been complicated and hard to come by. For Jonathan, gestures say more than words, but obviously he would need to do more to confess his feelings twoards you.
He’d be more.. gentle the day he confesses to you. He has no intention to go on a mindless rant, and he looks incredibly nervous and uneasy. He wasn’t used to feeling nervous, if anything he had figured those emotions were something he controlled and could control on others.
🎃Post Confession:
You wouldn’t be reading this if you rejected him, so let’s just go to the dating Headcanons! I have a lot for post scsrecrow jon too, don’t worry this all isn’t going to be professor crane lol.
He was undeniably a sentimental lover, his emotions in a constant state of flux. He’s very doting, very gentle and.. very touchy. It’s rather difficult for a man shunned affection in his early years to keep his hands off of someone willing to provide him with such a gesture.
Constant, maybe even unintentional touching. A hand on your thigh, or one on top of your hand as you sit together. There seems to always be a contented smile on his face in moments where it’s only you. He’s not a grumpy, reclusive man, and doesn’t feel the need to be.
Of course.. he wouldn’t have become the Scarecrow if he didn’t get fired from his previous job for his malpractice. The initial reaction was of course fury, and while he tried to contain the pent up emotions and bitter hatred he held for the Dean of Gotham university after the confrontation, he needed someone to talk to.
His initial reaction is to go straight to your home, not without multiple texts and calls, him frantically panicking and shouting about how all of his hard work and research was spent at a place he wasn’t appreciated at.. he was leaving details out, yes, but what you didn’t know surely wouldn’t hurt you..
If you two live together, he’s most likely going to hurriedly drive back to your shared apartment/house a complete and utter wreck, not even able to speak as his anger fuels all of his emotions.
Either way, he’s got his mind set on one goal now. He’s going to make the university pay, and he’s finally going to do what he loved. You were the only person he could trust, the only person he could count on. You try and be there to lend a loving hand in such a time of desperation, but he’s too far into his own world now. He still tries to be as loving as he can, but something seems off.. he’s definitely keeping a secret, and the more he seems to be hiding the more a sort of trust is broken between the two of you. A big factor as to why he did keep it a secret in the first place was the fear of you being hurt in the process of his own endeavors. He kept reminding himself that what you didn’t know would keep you safe, from the police, from his experiments, and from himself..
He comes to the realization that, if he does want this to work he’d need to let you in, even if you’d be upset over the initial anger he’d been living a double life. Of course, you probably were, but that slightly dampened trust was thankfully built between the two of you again. So what if you were going to date an aspired villian? You loved him, and he did kinda make good cinnamon muffins when you were sad.
His first mission (This would be taking place during his debut episode in Batman the Animated Srries!) was a simple one, sabatoge something, perhaps Gotham university. It was a widely spread crime, one that nobody was sure there was a motive for.. but there was.
I’m the span of his first two crimes, before his first robbery and getaway, he’d aqqired some goons. With the goons came a small name for himself in Gothams underworld, and with that came the need to form an alter ego. All of it was one game of dominos, fueled by revenge and desire. During these events, he’s.. awfully clingy, suprisingly. You’re the only person he can rely on, espically while he’s building a name for himself. He thinks his henchmen are dimwitted dropouts, and that the other criminals would never understand him like you do.
His goons are practically on your hand and foot, wether you like it or not. He’s made it very, very clear two his two main henchmen that your problems were his problems, and that he was never one to let his darling suffer. So.. congrats, you’ve gained two butlers, who work for free..
His goons were so, so suprised he cared about someone other than himself and his goals. The way he talked about you was a drastic difference from the way he talked about them, or anyone else for that matter.
Jonathan isnt shy to boast about his significant other, and many would think you two were an older married couple with the way he presented himself in your company. He’s the master of fear now, and you’re his Mistress/Beau.
Maybe it’s my own bias speaking, but your love would definitely shift into a more gothic and meloncholic undertone. Dates are eerie and poetic, and he serenades you the best way he can.. telling you about how you and him are to rule the world. You and him are two lovers destined to make the world bow at their feet as you both dance on the debris of a destroyed civilization.
His words are sincere, his devotion seeping through every sentence.
“People shall be screaming Hosannas in our name. They will kiss the ground we walk on, hand in hand, my love.”
He’s.. very overdramatic. But he does mean it.
Now when he robs banks, despite his initial claims that he’s not in it for the money, he does end up pocketing some from his goons. Now he does have someone he could be supporting, and at this rate in both of your lives, you either are living together or he’s living at your place so the police can’t catch onto him as easy. He’d like to make your life a little easier, anything for his little raven.
Strangely domestic, as if you two had been married for years. He gives you nicknames in a large supply, his favorites ones that most would deem to be ‘spooky’ or unconventional. My Raven, Adrienne, my flame, etc… might be a sucker for pumpkin too, both being called it and calling you it. You hardly get called your name the more and more you’re together.
You’d fallen in love with a villian, a villian willing to destroy cities in your name, you scare and terrify those who try to get in your way.. congratulations ;)
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nhasablogg · 10 months
Do you have any advice for someone who's also in their late 20s (29) and just discovering the tfic community on tumblr? I want to jump in but it's been a while since I wrote anything 😅
Oh fun, welcome! It depends what you need advice on. If you want mutuals I suggest following and interacting with blogs you like! If you want writing adivce I suggest reading other people's fics, unless you find that writing your own goes well without "research" (obviously read fics still if you enjoy it!). Write what you want and hopefully your right audience will find you. Also, remember that even if you're not 100% happy with what you write sometimes we just need to jump in and try out different ideas/tropes. I'm really glad I was quite young when I started because my own standards weren't as high, so it meant I got to explore without putting too much pressure on myself
I also find this sheet of words for these types of fics helpful
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leggyre · 1 year
You got any adivce for someone who's considering dropping drawing completely since they don't like what they're making at all?
honestly i've been in the same struggle recently bc it just hasn't been a good year for me. i haven't been drawing a lot bc most of the time i'm either sick or i just.. can't. I've been picking myself up as of late and it's a really difficult grind, but honestly the fact i've been able to actually start this grind is already good for now. I guess that counts as advice; be patient with yourself. Self-esteem doesn't come easy and the little steps are worth so much more than you think.
ok so uh,
-if you just started, don't think about it too much. we all start with the weird scribbles. if you stop now you might never get back to it -if you've been trying to doodle often and always end up hating the result, just take a break. art block is seasoning for burnout and you might just be tired. a lot of times i've felt bad about my art i kinda "gave up" for a while and when i came back to it it was like "wtf this easy what was my issue (it was burnout)". so take a break, play some videogames or hang out with your friends for a week. idk write essays about the media you like? it feels like you're being unproductive but resting IS part of productive because just pushing yourself will just result in nothing being done at the end of the day. -look at your favorite work! im not quite out of my latest artblock yet because its a tough one(it's been teaming up with depression caused by health problems it suuuuucks :/), but when i went long enough without being able to draw I kinda started feeling like I can't do shit and can't call myself an illustrator at all specially bc what i do isnt that big of a deal compared to others(<- comparison also big mistake remember youre the only one who can make YOUR art), going through my folders and seeing the stuff I like the most gave me a LOT of motivation to keep going, even if I was still unable to start drawing right away. not giving up is so important. -so yeah love your art. focus on drawing things you like because it's a gift from you to you, and you should treat it as such. i know it's really hard to be positive about it all the time but it can be really good to go through all your artwork at the end of a day and look at the things you like about it, even if it isn't much. -on that note, find something you really like drawing!!! back in high school i had massive periods of depression that kept me from drawing but i occasionally found sort of a 'life hack' for myself which were things i was always able to work with even during the worst times. one of them was just.. bees. i just doodled random characters as these bees and made og designs too and it was fun. the other one was using colored pencils instead of a regular one bc i just like colors and it made me happy :] it didnt matter that they always had the same overall shape or if i couldnt erase when i messed up, i was just feeling good being able to draw something that i liked. -experiment more!! expand your palettes and download some new brushes. i even change from my newest to my old busted tablet that still sorta works occasionally because using a tool that feels different is.. refreshing somehow? idk -when you need to get yourself back up, do the little steps at your own pace. do a little doodle every day. it's okay if it's always the same thing. the same character. the exact same idea. it's okay if it sucks or if it's unfinished because you struggled. Just give it little pushes. What matters is to try. and it's okay if you can't do it every day. maybe every other day if you need a slower pace. -and remember. engagement doesn't measure your skill. art is subjective anyways!!!!! i spent YEARS doodling and posting only my ocs and getting little to no notes. i think one of my favorite artworks from the time i had ~100 followers had like 0 notes for the longest time. to be honest i don't even know if it has any likes at all nowadays i'd have to look it up bc it's a bit buried
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her-favourite · 17 days
school starts for me on the 9th. i don’t have any classes with N but we have classes near each other so we’ll most probably bump into each other.
she said that i can always e-mail her with anything and ask for advice. and i want to so badly!! but idk.
she said that i should e-mail her if i need adivce regarding my research. and i wanted to so badly i just didn’t have anything she could have helped with :( and i felt silly writing an e-mail for her updating her about what’s going on :( so i really want to build a relationship with her. i’m just shit at it and afraid of initiating any sort of relationship. shit.
so when we bump into each other i’ll probably be very anxious an awkward… yey.
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emnime · 2 years
📖Japanese Class 📖
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Hello! Once again,
I'm here to talk about Japanese classes and if you're considering taking a class. Here is my experience. (As a college student)
When I first started learning languages, of course started self-studying, I got my materials such as books and notebooks for Japanese and started doing self-study.
I'm pretty sure we all went on a self-study adventure when we had the time. But for me personally I could understand the material either it was too much information, or I had so many questions on why it has to be written this way.
JAPANESE 1 CLASS: Japanese 1 or JP 1, was only about the basics, the alphabet (Hiragana & Katakana, listening and reading. These are what you will mostly learn throughout the whole class. > If you are worried about kanji, they won't teach you kanji until the very end of class and it was mostly about numbers, and dates. Another thing, you will take writing exams, reading quizzes + listening, and Speaking exams. -----THE ADVICE I WANT TO GIVE---- YOU HAVE TO GET COMFORTABLE TO SPEAK THE LANGUAGE!! - this is one of the biggest things you need to do in Japanese class or any language class. It really helps if you speak the target language you're learning or attending. It's okay if you don't know you're in a room with people who are just learning as well and there's a teacher to help you when speaking. It's okay if you make mistakes everyone will make mistakes not just you. I promise no one is going to judge. The book I used for this class was: - GENKI VOLUME 1 VERSION 3 - GENKI VOLUME 1 VERSION 3 WORKBOOK (This also depends on what school you're going to be attending, each school is different)
Japanese 2 Class: Japanese 2 in the beginning will review what you have learn in Japanese 1, then later on will start on new lessons on Japanese 2. You will learn more grammar and a lot speaking than last class also partner work, speaking dialogue and making sentences together. This is where kanji is more introduce and you know (sometimes) have to use when making your sentences. Then you will have, all of the exams and quizzes you took in Japanese 1, but in Japanese 2 style all in Japanese some English added in, so you can understand the context of what you need to do. But also Adding Kanji Quizzes. > Japanese 2 focuses on the second half of the Genki book that is what my class did when I was attending. (Again, this is what I did when I was attending my class, every school is different)
Just review the materials, you are given! and make sure you know the kanji in hiragana, and the meaning these are important to know because they might be in your quizzes.
Is great to have someone you can depend on, in class, messages, facetime, or on breaks to discuss the homework's or study together.
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thevagabondexpress · 1 year
two pieces of not-so-often-mentioned writer adivce
I've seen these mentioned only rarely, but that i think they're good enough advice, i want to make a post on here where maybe they'll get shared around. someone told me i ought to go ahead with it so here we are.
i. staples (no, not the store)
it's my belief that every writer needs their personal staples. the best and most famous authors have them, why shouldn't you? go back through your works and look for scene types and character types and other plot elements (or even plot structures) that come up a lot. make a list of these, and refer to it often. it'll be more useful than you know. firstly, it marks your work as 'yours,' separating it from other people who might be writing in a similar vein. secondly, it helps you if you're stuck: not sure how to get these two characters to talk to each other? see if there's a scene scenario you use frequently that you could place them into that'd convincingly make them do so. need a guy to show up for one scens and never appear again? find a stock type in your list that you know you use a lot and will therefore be comfortable writing. slap a name and some facial features on it. and third, knowing your staples can make your writing more versatile. say, you're a dark fantasy writer trying to branch into historical drama. look at how your staples can be adapted from one genre to the other, and then you can lean on them to get yourself started. is one of your staples a deeply disadvantaged underdog character struggling for freedom in a society that denies it? perhaps try writing from the perspective of a trapped wife before divorce was acceptable—or her teenage daughter, facing a marriage she desperately doesn't want. or both.
ii. love/hate relationships (with media, not between characters)
take a look at a book or a show etc that you have a deep love/hate relationship with, and try to analyze why. what makes you love it? what makes you want to pitch it across a room? if i love an author's worldbuilding, and her characters, but hate her plots and subplots and shipping and who she does and doesn't choose to kill, i might want to look at just what she's doing in those areas that i love…and what she's doing with her plotlines that i would do differently. if i adored a first book but loathed the rest of the series, because i was in it for the "mystery with limited suspects in a dark fantasy setting" concept and lost interest when later installments turned out to be a save-the-world epic, i might want to find a way to take that idea and make it my own—perhaps i'll put my favorite character type at its centre, someone i'll relate to and i'll write well.
these have been, without question, the two things i find myself utilizing most often as a writer, outside of writers' block strategies. the ones i wish someone had taught me ages ago when i was just getting started. so now, with both hands, i'm passing them on to anybody who hasn't stumbled across them somewhere else yet.
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Where’s the ‘How to write neurotypicals post?’
I see so many posts on how to write characters with anxiety, PTSD, depression, autism, ADHD... it’s amazing, thank you so much to people who are struggling and still find the time to explain to the rest of the world how they live and how to express that in writing! 
But as someone who isn’t nerotypical, why aren’t the neurotypicals doing their part? Come on, I want a post on how to write y’all! You think I can wrap my head around not being in a state of constant exhaustion and anxiety? 
Nope, sorry, need further explanation. 
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . will you please write about oikawa, bokuto, and sugawara as dads?? :>
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ bokuto koutaro <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . no thoughts, head and heart full of bokuto koutaro
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➜ bokuto wanted to have a baby with you
➜ that's it that's the tweet thank you for reading😌💅
➜ i'm kidding don't leave, i have abandonment issues
➜ just like oikawa, kou ─ your husband, has gotten baby fever and it wasn't going down any minute until bb boy gets his way
➜ phew, i'd let him get his way with me✋😳
➜ bokuto was great with kids, always playing around with them in a park as if he was one of them, and both of you knew that
➜ and when bokuto sees that you're also good with kids, mans knew he wanted to build a family with you
➜ he wanted not just one, because seeing what both of you created taking in different forms and pieces of their parents would leave him so proud
➜ would very much take it as a sign from the universe saying to him that the both of you were meant to be patents
➜ the day he lets you awknowledge his little daydream, was when the both of you were sitting down on the coach re-watching his match last week after babysitting one of your guys' friend's kid
➜ mans couldn't TAKE IT ANYMORE
➜ the way you coo at the child, you cooked with the child and just the way you tenderly supported the kid with your arms as you helped him reach a toy from the shelf
➜ and of course, you accepted it; there wasn't any other man other than kou that you wanted to start a family with
➜ let's just say mans wanted to make one right then and there after you confessed to him that you wanted to start a family with him as well
➜ and y'all did just that💀
➜ after receiving the news of your pregnancy, bokuto has never been more happy, aside from those times he won a match on nationals and, well ─ marrying you
➜ but in the white noise of excitement and joyfulness, there was a lingering thought and it was terrifying; what if he doesn't make enough time for both you and his child because of volleyball? will he have to take a break from it? would your child love him?
➜ bokuto was now down to emo mode just with the thought of your guys' children hating him
➜ and when the thoughts became to unbearable, he contacts akaashi.
“ bokuto-san, ” koutaro could tell akaashi was thinking about it before saying something,
“ you're one of the best men i know that's good with children; don't waste your time sulking about nonsensical what if's, when the present is right there in front of you ”
➜ akaashi was, to say the least, your one of your children's godfather.
➜ but the day your babies was going to arrive, it was as if your husband had a switch and unlike the usual ─ he was the one supporting you
➜ he held your hand, squeezing them to let you be aware that he's right there by your side, knowing that you needed all the support right now and he gave it to you
➜ tenfolds the support you gave him
➜ and when be first saw the first triplet being born, he knew right there that he fell in love once again, but with the child he has co-produced with the love of his life !!
➜ i just wanted to say that y'all's kids are NIGHT OWLS, literally, gets the biggest bursts of energy at ungodly hours
➜ koutaro would still get anxious and terrified, but there was something about your triplets that puts him at ease ─ like, one thing he'd be doubting himself and then the next thing, he'd be all fuzzy inside when his three triplets just looked like a litter of puppies asking for his attention on his lap
➜ and he'd just, revert back to reality seeing how blessed he was and stopped doubting himself and just live in the present
“ now say dada ” he encouraged the little sunshines on his lamp as a youthful giggle serenated from his son's lips
“ dawa ─ ” the baby tried to copy his words, before shreiking of laughter when kosuke saw the defeated look on his father's face, somehow bringing him joy
➜ while his baby girl, kouzumi, was peacefully attached to him as the most interesting in her golden eyes were his hair ─ attempting to reach her arms to his hair, making grabby arms
➜ after a few months, you've noticed how much your triplets were in sync with their father ─ all together, being balls of sunshine
“ you've been trying for hours kou, take a break. ” you laugh, as you looked up from the book you were holding seeing your husband housing an offended look, and of course ─ a weird sound, a scoff? you didn't know, until, your other son imitated him
➜ almost perfecting the one he made
➜ and bokuto was ECSTATIC
“ hONEY, HONEY, OH MY GOD DID YOU HEAR THAT? ” he squealed, as his son imitated his sound again
“ he's responding to me !! ”
“ dO IT AGAIN KOSUKE ” he says as he takes out his phone
➜ the type of father to do the peek-a-boo game with his triplets and doing it perfectly as they're just enamured by his father as if he was doing some avada kedevra shit 😭🗿
➜ the type of father that would never miss any important moments with his children, even though he's a busy with volleyball especially since it's his profession
➜ the type of father that has too many videos of his children on his phone saying papa in different ways, trying to imitate him, first steps, first laugh & JUST EVERYTHING
➜ has a whole usb of his children, three folders for each of them
➜ has a whole ass frame of his daughter's drawing from five years old of him and her and he would NOT let anyone touch it other than him and maybe you when you when you need to dust off the frames because it's getting too dusty
➜ you guys would always be there to support him no matter what, either in the stands of at home
➜ but when you guys do visit his games and cheer him on, MANS WILL BE UNSTOPPABLE
“ mommy !! look, daddy's coming ” kaoru, the youngest of your triplets, tugged softly on your coat
➜ you smiled as you saw your husband running up to you and your kids after his matches as a few reporters, in respect, stood a few meters away from you guys, taking kosuke on his right arm, the other with kaoru and on top of his shoulders was kouzumi tugging on her father's spiked hair she could never seem to get over with
“ ahH ─ my hair baby girl, you're kinda hurting daddy ” koutaru laughed as your daughter tried processing his words before wrapping her arms around his head softly to not fall off a small gasp escaping her lips
“ i'm sowry for hurting you daddy! ” she exclaimed as her brothers tried telling her off while the reporters just watched in awe at her
“ don't hurt daddy just because he lets you on top of there ─ ” kosuke scolded her, slightly jealous that she had the highest view
“ ─ yeah! ” your youngest vigorously nodded his head as he agreed to his brother, both obviously pouting that she had the chance to be ontop of their father's shoulders
“ uh kou, i can take them now since there's a few people wanting to interview you. ” you offered as you jerked your head onto the reporters directions smiling at them
“ oh no ma'am !! it's alright, we also kinda wanted to interview your children as well, since a lot of netizens are curious about them, seeing them everywhere on his socials. ”
➜ you guys agreed as they start asking you guys questions, but more to the triplets as they responded cutely, their identical amber eyes looking at them like an owl in curiousity
➜ like these kids just attached to him lmao
➜ but there are times where he has to go on tournaments, training camps, olympics & probably photoshoots/commercials ngl and these three owls he left in your care are in EMO MODE LMAOO😭✋
➜ they got it from their dad, and you were now stuck with three emo bokutos but times three
➜ wow multiplication
➜ when she's a mathematician😍
➜ but bokuto would honestly also miss his children clinging to him for dear life
➜ like they would never be separated without having facetime calls every five hours
➜ but your kids understood that he has other things to do and theg try not to complain that much for your sake
➜ your kids are actually sweethearts okay 🥺
➜ when they grew up, his sons were still attached to him but they weren't as clingey as when they were in their childhood days ─ but your daughter phew, your daughter used to be the clingiest of them all and now it's just none, nonexistent, vanished, obliviated, avada kedevra LMAO
➜ like you know how teenagers be
➜ and your husband was DEPRESSED ABOUT IT
➜ his bb girl won't touch his hair anymore :(
➜ his bb girl won't be a little girl no more :(
➜ especially when kouzumi starts having boyfriends😭 MANS WAS SAD THAT THERE ARE ALREADY BOYS OTHER HIM IN HER LIFE
➜ it felt as if it wasn't even yesterday that kouzumi said that she don't need no prince, she'll be both a fucking princess and knight in shinning armor
➜ ugh periodt💅
➜ and koutaro's nows just like
➜ gives volleyball advices, relationship advices better than u could ever
➜ this is getting too long but, even if some of his kids may not show it anymore, they still love their father so much and won't let anyone replace him because he's basically the ace of their hearts.
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Can I ask for Cloud’s crush tending to his wounds, while scolding him for being irresponsible and saying they couldn’t handle it if something happened to him? And they both get flustered at the close contact? Thank you! 🖤
Thank you for your request! I got a little carried away while writing this, so I hope it still fits your idea and you enjoy the drabble. Have fun reading! :)
Please stay safe – Cloud Strife x reader
Right from the moment when Tifa rushed into your small apartment and asked you for medical help you knew that something bad was going on. Though it wasn't unusual for Avalanche to seek your adivce when it came to medical treatment but the expression of utter helplessness on Tifa's face had been enough to make you understand that it wasn't just about a gun wound or a concussion this time.
You knew that her, Barret and Cloud had tried to sabotage Shinra once again by destroying yet another Mako Reactor; you had heard the rumors about their encounter with Heidegger and his trusty Airbuster but when there were no news of their deaths you had assumed that they were all fine. Which apparently wasn't true.
As you followed Tifa to Avalanche's secret base in the basement of Seventh Heaven, clutching your first aid kit and your bag in your hands, you couldn't stop worrying. Was it Barret who got injured or did Cloud get hurt again while he tried to protect everyone else? It wouldn't be the first time that he risked is own life to make sure that the others made it out alive, no matter how often Tifa or even Barret told him that he needed to stop making decisions like this. It was also one of the main reasons why you went almost crazy every time Cloud was assigned to a mission – deep down, you were afraid that one day he might not make it home again. And you weren't sure if you really could bear losing him.
When you arrived at the basement of Tifa's bar the first thing you noticed was the unusual silence. Of course they couldn't whoop it up down here but normally, there was always someone who discussed the recent mission or just chattered about Avalanche's achievements over the past few months. But today, there was only silence to greet you.
You spotted Cloud at the back of the room, sitting on the floor next to Barret, and it almost felt like all air was pressed out of your lungs as you noticed his injuries. He was clutching his right shoulder, and there was a huge laceration on his forehead. His hair and his clothes were bloodstained and dirty.
Shakily, you exhaled, then you straightened yourself and walked over to him. “Hey,” you greeted both Barret and Cloud and while the first managed to crack a smile, Cloud didn't even look at you. He was staring down at the floor, almost as if he tried to avoid your gaze – something he did quite often when you were around – but right now, you didn't have the time to wonder why he acted like this.
“Okay,” you said, trying to stop your voice from shaking. You needed to be strong right now. “What happened?”
“I'm not sure,” Tifa replied when Cloud didn't answer. “Things got a bit hectic when we tried to get out of there.”
You nodded. In the end, it didn't matter anyways; the only thing that was important right now was to take care of Cloud's injuries. You knelt down in front of him. “How are you feeling?”
“I'm fine.”
“You always have to play tough, huh?” you mumbled before you focused on getting your equipment together. Cloud didn't flinch as you started to carefully clean the laceration on his forehead with an antiseptic. The wound wasn't as bad as it looked, a few stitches should be enough to take care of it but you still couldn't stop worrying.
For a brief moment, you let your hand rest on his cheek. “You need to be more careful,” you said quietly. “Or you'll get yourself killed one day.”
“I was just trying to-”
“You always try to save everyone, Cloud,” you interrupted him and frowned. “And that's awesome but you really need to stop risking your own life every time. What's Avalanche supposed to do without you? I know you mean it well but honestly, your solo actions are just irresponsible most of the time.”
There was a long silence afterwards. While you took care of the laceration, neither of you spoke, even Barret and Tifa didn't say anything. You knew that you possibly had overstepped the mark with your words but you didn't regret it. You were tired of worrying about Cloud's safety – especially since he never seemed to think about it himself.
You shook your head and tried to focus on his injuries. As you examined his shoulder, he hissed in pain. “I think it's dislocated.”
“It is,” you agreed, secretly relieved that it wasn't something worse. Dislocations weren't pleasant but at least he hadn't broken a bone again. You could still remember that one time where he managed to break his ankle – it had been almost impossible to get him to rest. “I need to set your arm,” you added. “It's going to hurt but it's necessary.”
Cloud huffed. “Do what you have to do.”
“You know,” you said as you got into position. “You could be a bit more thankful. It's not the first time I'm patching you up and believe me, it's something I can well do without.”
“You don't have to take care of me if it's too much to ask.” His voice was harsh but as you turned your head to look at him you could see the insecurity in his eyes. He still didn't understand why you were so upset.
With a quiet sigh, you gently put a hand on his arm. “It's not about that. I... I just can't sit here and wait for your safe return every time you go on a mission. It drives me crazy to worry about you and I really wish you'd be more careful but no, instead you risk your life every time.” You hadn't meant to sound so distressed but you just couldn't help it. “I'm tired of worrying, Cloud. I'm not asking you to stop going on missions or something, I just... I just couldn't bear if something happened to you. I can't handle the thought of you not coming back home one day.”
Again, silence. Your hand was still resting on his arm, you could feel the warmth of his skin against your palm, and when he slowly raised his hand to place it over yours, you felt your cheeks heating up.
“Listen, (Y/N),” he mumbled, his voice a lot softer than before. Even in the faint light you could see that his cheeks had turned a pale rose color. “I'm not going to make any promises I can't keep but... thank you for being honest.”
The sincere look in his eyes was enough to make your heart skip a beat. He had never looked at you like that, and for a few seconds you had to resist the urge to kiss him right then and there. Instead, your lips curled into a smile. “Anytime.”
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okay hi again sorry to bother you again but i'm sort of thinking about writing a zuko x oc fanfic and i have my oc all made (her name is amka which is inuit for friendly spirit) and like i was wondering if you had some tips for writing zuko relationships? if you don't have the time that's totally okay too! life is busy and don't feel like you have to :) okay that is all i hope u have a great day!!!
OUUUUU, this is an interesting question!
I got your other ask, by the way, and thank you for your kind words. 🤭🥰
So, to give any tips about Zuko and his relationships (both romantic and platonic), when your story takes place is extremely important.
What I love most about Zuko’s character is his growth. In the show alone, he develops so much, and this doesn’t include the comics or his young adult years, adulthood, etc. And this is significant because where he is mentally plays a huge role in his relationships with people (for example, Uncle Iroh or Aang).
Some people find it odd how in Limerence, Zuko is very confident, isn’t afraid to throw a joke here and there. And that much is true if you are viewing him from the lenses of Zuko in the show. But we aren’t the same person as we were 10 years ago, so why should he be treated as such? 
I’m going to focus on platonic relationships (friendships);
What I typically do when I am writing a scene between Zuko and x character is looking for the essence of said character in question. For example, Aang.
Aang is a free-spirit, very wise and a marvellous listener. He picks up on non-verbal cues and is able to make friends easily. His cheery smile and childish traits are what make Aang such an amiable character, his presence alone can take you from 100 to zero. 
Why is this important? Because now I want to understand how this helps, or maybe hinders, a relationship with Zuko.
We know Zuko is terrible at communication, so having a friendship with Aang, someone who is great at social cues and understanding, can have a terrific influence on Zuko. Aang and Zuko are amazing parallels in terms of being opposites, and because of that, their banter tends to revolve around Zuko being sarcastic or dry, Aang spurcing up the conversation or being someone to give Zuko some advice.
When you write a relationship between them focusing on moments of advice, vulnerability is important to highlight their strengths and trust (Limerence examples would include when they were training and Aang gave Zuko adivce regarding asking out Yue and when Aang told Zuko not to accuse Yue of anything silly). Notice many of these moments include Zuko opening up (whether it’s directly or indirectly) and Aang offering advice.
Aang is patience and passive, Zuko is direct and get’s the ball moving. 
Now onto the romantic relationships for Zuko~;
When creating Ying Yue for Limerence, I really had to think long and hard for a personality that would best match Zuko’s. Doing this meant going through every character in the show and seeing what traits in each character helped Zuko grow and how they hindered him.
Suki is mature, and in the comics, was the one to check up on Zuko when he couldn’t sleep. And it was clear that Zuko appreciated the careful eye Suki had over him.
Katara offering some support before Zuko talked to Iroh also provides an insight that Zuko does well with encouragement and having someone by his side.
Sokka gave Zuko the opportunity to explore creative avenues (plan making) and also showed much trust in him. Sokka placing all his trust with Zuko was something Zuko took to heart, because for him trust is one of the highest levels of respect. 
These are just basic and obvious observations, but it does tell us a lot already.
Zuko seems to do well in the presence of someone attentive to his needs, read his body language, and seemingly take non-verbal cues. This is important because it relates back to his personality of being utter poop at communicating. He needs someone who will trust him with all his heart, an all or nothing type of person.
This leads us to the creation of Ying Yue, or in your case, whatever character you decide to design.
Zuko is such a passionate person; we see this when he trains or has a thought or idea in mind. He doesn’t just try his best; he gives it his all plus a little more.  That is why, when you write romantic relationships with him, I tend to tetter on the side of instant, unexplainable attraction, limerence. It’s this all-encompassing passion for him.
Now, depending on ‘when’ your story takes place, Zuko may still be an awkward turtle like the show, or maybe he is an adult and isn’t awkward but is more confident and isn’t afraid to get what he wants. That is where your personal flair comes in! 
If the character you are designing has a friendly spirit, like her name suggests, her relationship with Zuko will most likely be revolving around positive reinforcement, being the person Zuko goes to for comfort and being vulnerable, much like Aang’s relationship (but no longer platonic in nature).
I hope this helps a bit, and sorry for the word vomit. As you know, I don't understand minimal 🤭
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fuckingfinwions · 3 years
I see what you mean! Also the image of Curufin specifically being humiliate/paraded is very evocative! I guess I want 2 know if there are ever times when maedhros tells nolo/fingon+curufin to do something and curufin tries to refuse/slack off bc *he* feels humiliated by it and fingon/nolo are just like 'shut up and go along with it, itll be over faster/don't get me in trouble too'? i imagine they were much gentler towards their own family ofc but fingon seems to (rightfully) hate curufin. is nol
*nolo ever like 'curufin you literally used to do this all the time--don't you remember how much all of you relished in punishing 'disobedience''? it just seems like a fascinating power dynamic where ostensibly curufin, nolo, and fingon (and tyelpe later) are on the same 'level' but they dont actually all like or trust or work together and maedhros does treat them differently (he seems more affectionate with fingon?). so them interacting alone or while with mae is so interesting bc they are cons
*constantly scheming to try and make things better for themselves or at least Not Worse but totally could fuck it up for each other. i also wonder if nolo/fingon are gentler with celebrimbor once he finally comes of age and joins them? do they like...tell him what to expect when he's afraid of it happening in the future, or give him any adivce, or comfort him when it does happen? does curufin do that either or does he just refuse to think abt it? i cant iamgine nolo/finno being mean to tyelpe
wondering eg--maedhros has to go deal with something urgent & to save time tells curufin/fingon to prep each other. does curufin actually do it well? does he do a good job? does fingon? obviously neither want to touch each other, but if its nolo+fingon they have an incentive to cooperate just to make it easier on each other. do curufin & fingon actually work towards this? does fingon do a decent job bc he knows there will be consequences? what would punishment actually be if there would be any?
also i have to say its darkly ironic that being so 'low' spares fingon & nolo some very poignant humiliation that maedhros inflicts on curufin. do they still get ordered to do things to each other at parties or was that just something the feanorions did as teenagers & maedhros has 'grown out of'? (also do nolo/fingon ever get to write letters to turgon&aredhel? would they get a chance to see them if they visited? do t&a ever try to rescue them? would they rescue curufin/tyelpe too?)
There are definitely times when Curufin refuses to do things, but Nolo and Fingon would rather get it over with. Maedhros doesn’t call them all to his chamber that often, but when he does it’s for something elaborate. Also, Maglor has permission/access to them as well, and once he gets over it being weird to fuck his (former) brother, he’s going to want full on erotic plays. Curufin has been “broken in” enough that he no longer tries to run or attack, but he still has his pride. He mostly realizes that he has to obey orders for outright sex acts, but if he feels like he’s the butt of a joke, he’ll just stand there. Or sometimes if a chore is particularly humiliating, he’ll also refuse to do it, even if it’s moving something heavy that really needs multiple people.
When Curufin’s being uncooperative, Nolo will try to reason with him. “There’s only two ways this is going to end. You do it now; or you stubbornly refuse to until they punish you and then you do it. I know it’s unpleasant, but there’s no way around it.”
Fingon, by contrast, doesn’t expect reasoning with Curufin to work. If Curufin’s the only one who will get punished, Fingon leaves him to it. If not, Fingon will try to physically force him to go along. Maglor’s script calls for Curufin to crawl on his knees; Fingon trips him. Maedhros wants them all to leave their robes in their room and come to him naked on the balcony, so there’s nothing to worry about getting blown away; Fingon grabs Curufin’s hand after his bath and starts walking. It turns into a physical fight once or twice, until Maedhros makes it clear he’s far too busy to deal with them fighting, and next time anyone is punched, both of them (or perhaps even all four) will be whipped. After that, they’re both careful to keep it to plausibly deniable “bumping into each other”.
When Curufin actually disobeys in front of Maedhros, there’s really nothing Nolo or Fingon can do.
Fun fact: Since Curufin is locked up in Maedhros’s bedroom for a week straight, it falls to Nolo and Fingon to look after Celebrimbor. He’s a terrified thirteen year old who just had his entire life upended, so they both have a lot of sympathy for him. (And he never hurt them, as that was a sexual privilege reserved for adults.) They teach him how to do the tedious chores, and where lunch is served for all the servants, and where extra cleaning supplies are kept if you run out of rags halfway through polishing the mirrors. They also explain how he’ll be expected to behave, and make sure to quickly greet any nobles they see in their work so that Celebrimbor can echo their response.
They don’t really know how to comfort Celebrimbor - him “losing” all his uncles, who he actually liked, is different than it was for Fingon - but they try. Nolo reassures Celebrimbor that Curufin will be back soon, after a few days he’ll be trusted enough to be out Maedhros’s direct sight, and Curufin was not seriously injured last time Nolo saw him. Fingon assures Celebrimbor that your father being trained to be a sex slave doesn’t actually mean he’ll stop loving you or wanting to hang out with you, though of course Curufin and Celebrimbor will have far less free time than they did before.
When Curufin here’s about this he’s furious. (This scene takes place with Curufin chained to a wall in the Servant Nolofinweans’ quarters, because that’s where  Maedhros put him for the night.)
Curufin: “Get away from my son! I won’t have you perverts corrupting him.”
Nolo: “What have we done that’s so perverse? All I’ve taught Celebrimbor is some useful cleaning tips.”
Curufin: “You’ve fucked your own brother, and your children! Fingon rode his brother’s cock in front of half the court, and your daughter spends most of her time in the palace naked and covered in seed.”
Nolo is not going to punch someone who is tied up and unable to punch back. At least, not unless directly ordered to. “You were often the one who ordered such, and yet you think yourself above us?”
Curufin: “I’ve ordered mules to carry things, and I’m above them too.”
Nolo: “You’re one to talk, with how you were gagging for Maedhros an hour ago.”
Curufin: “That’s different! He forced me to do it, you walked in there on your own two feet.”
Nolo: “I walked in because I knew I’d be dragged otherwise. I desire it less than you do.”
So yeah, they’re not exactly friends. Also, Fingon locked Celebrimbor in Aredhel’s old bedroom (with himself outside the door) when the argument started, to shield him from Curufin’s anger and humiliation. Hell get to talk to Curufin once Curufin is no longer talking about sex though.
eg--maedhros has to go deal with something urgent & to  save time tells curufin/fingon to prep each other.
First off: Curufin is still definitely attracted to Fingon and Nolo. He resents being told what to do, but if ordered to fuck or touch one of them he will take the excuse to get his hands all over them. He probably still won’t do a useful job though - more of playing with Fingon’s nipples or cock with one hand, while one finger of the other is in Fingon’s ass so Fingon can’t pull away. Fingon considers prer to be defined as stretching and lubing Curufin enough that Maedhros will enjoy sticking his cock in, with Curufin in little enough pain that he can come if Maedhros tries for that. So Fingon just goes with three fingers from the start, and uses Curufin’s moment of surprise to reach back and prep himself a bit better. Sure, Curufin would be punished for doing a bad job, but Fingon would be stuck with inadequate prep.
Fingon doesn’t push Curufin away because Maedhros could be back at any moment, and he ordered them to prep each other rather than themselves. (Maedhros finds the thought of his sex slaves “playing with” each other very arousing, even though he knows it’s just a show for him.)
Maedhros goes for the thematic/ironic punishments. The next night, Maedhros orders Fingon to prep Curufin as badly as he was prepped, and then puts a giant dildo in Curufin. He can take it out when he comes, and he’s not allowed to touch his cock.
That’s assuming that Curufin’s bad prep “just” caused pain or injury to Fingon. If Curufin actually did such a bad job prepping Fingon that Maedhros had to wait, or felt pain, that would be terrible. Maedhros would beat him with a crop, and then chain Curufin’s hands behind his back - if he’s not going to use them as ordered, he doesn’t need them. If Curufin apologized very, very well the next night, Maedhros might unchain his hands before putting the dildo in.
(Fingon’s prep of Curufin is judged as adequate, especially if he touches Curufin’s cock enough to get it hard before Maedhros gets back. Fingon knows what his “audience” wants.)
Getting ordered to do things to each other at parties is mostly something Maedhros “grew out of”. He’s king now, and has a whole lot more power than just making “low” people fuck on his command. Possibly Maglor still orders it though. And Maedhros does like private shows, he just doesn’t need a big audience for his sex salves fucking each other.
I don’t think Maedhros would allow Nolo and Fingon to write letters back and forth with Turgon and Aredhel - too easy to plan an escape, even if Maedhros reads the letters too. He’d probably allow one way communication though.  Tugon and Aredhel can write letters to their family that will be read by a guard, but will reach their destination. Maedhros will occasionally have Nolo or Fingon attend him at court (clothed) so that everyone can see their subservience, and Turgon and Aredhel can know they’re still alive.
They would be standing beside Maedhros’ throne, fetching notes he left in his room, or a drink of water, or his lunch; wiping up any spills immediately, whether on the throne or the floor or Maedhros’s robes. Occasionally holding a book or similar where Maedhros can see it, without wrinkling his robe by setting it in his lap. After a year or so, Maedhros has Curufin attend him as well - in a beautiful gag the first couple times, just in case.
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herecomesnaya · 5 years
oh my gout.... i clapped my hand over my mouth. one of my fav authors is autism and adhd (MJAYBE) and ocd and depression/anxiety LIKE ME!?+ (crying emoji) (crying emoji) (crying emoji) (hands clapping) (the vegetable that looks like a penus) that's so cool! what the fuck!!! i could bite a chunk out of my table right now (but i'll settle on shutting the fridge's door ten times and drink seven gulps of my water instead and worry about anoning correctly hahahahah FU) sorry this is just. really
this is so cool. and you work at the same time and you write fics regularly and talk to strangers online? you're insane. not like that UH but, like. in the good way, you know? like cool? wow. im sutnned. i'm 21 you're evne.... wht. i was also just checked for personality disorder and possible bipolar etc at the hospital. if you need advice on autismming and adhding and that jazz i'll gladly send you some links or smth? or info? adivce? if i have them... somewhere. i'm professional autism everyda
yyyeaah, i *tips chin* actually had a depressive psychosis and rolling eyes to the ceiling for 6 months, and between that 2 out, then 3 after that in confinement of-sort. not to brag or anything ;). it's taken me lots of time to recover and i'm studying again, was out for two years when it happened, but. trust me, all that jazz, that rodeo-- takes time. you have to learn yourself all over again. you have to learn how to human your way. and think back on all you knew, and reconstruct. build.
there's a quote i'd like you to know. it goes like this, ''it is no measure of health to be functional in a profoundly sick society.'' by jiddu krishnamurti, i think
AS WELL AS!!!! ''true positivity is not the absence of negativity, but to deal with the negative in a positive way.'' i think that's how the quote goes, but i'm not sure.... idk who said it.... maybe someone whispered in nmy ear in the walmart.. eyah
i just Want You To Know that this is seriously so fucking cool.... that you're genetically enhanced yet disadvantaged hybrid cyborg daddaya.... WROW. it's really made my day. and you write so amazing. now i know WHY *slams hand on table*. it's night, tedchnically. but honestly, now my goal as a villain will be scissoring with a colleague of choice on every rich man's bed in gotham city,
either way! im heading to bed but, i just wanted to say, really say, i hope i haven't freaked you out or anythong, but i really wanna wish you luck. i really believe in you. this is really cool. sounds so fucking cheesy but.. we love dick che... ok. bedtime. but seriously. i really admire what you do and how you hold up. all that. just keep on keeping on. thank you for being you and doing what you do! =)
awww, thanks so much for all this, anon! I will admit, it’s been a struggle sometimes (especially since this genetic disorder o’ mine has disabled me physically, along with the Fun Mental Stuff), but I’m determined to make things work despite my limitations! I like to say God knew I was too powerful on my own, so had to nerf me... if I was able-bodied and neurotypical, it’d be over for these bitches
I’m definitely in the “reconstruct/rebuild” part of my life, lol. I spent all of my late teens and most of my early 20s in a job that I thought I was gonna stay at for my whole life, and then my disability happened, and now I’m self-employed and trying to balance my health and my ability to make money (since the government won’t help me in any measurable way) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it’s definitely difficult! not being able to do as much as I used to physically, and being held back by mental health issues, is pretty annoying (and that’s not even getting into all the stuff outside of my control, like politics and family matters and whatnot). I wanna talk to people online and write tons of fic and do a lot of work, and just generally be a functional person! but I’m definitely gonna remember those quotes of yours, lmao, they’re a real mood
but either way, I’m glad there are people out there that enjoy the stuff I do put out, and that I can be some kind of an inspiration just by doing what I can do right now! hopefully things will get even better in the future. it’s the roaring 20s, right?? time to spread our wings and get things on track!
so thanks for writing, and thanks to you and everyone else who’s sticking with me during this time! I know I don’t interact or update quite as often as I used to when I first started out, but every message I get and every like button y’all click or whatever really helps. truly. I just hope I can continue to grow and give you all even better content in the future!!
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aphrodicted · 5 years
Hey, thank you so much for the reading love. I agree with everything you said except about the ex part :) Btw how do I raise my vibration? A lot of people have told me this but I can’t seem to figure it out ..... Also by shadow work - do you mean through tarot cards only?
Hi, love. Thank you so much for your feedback.
I’m sorry for the ex part. Maybe it wasn’t a message for you or I didn’t understand the message correctly. I’m sorry. Anyway, I’m happy you agree with my others adivces.
I’m going to mention some things I do to raise my vibration.
Take care of everything you say. Words also have a vibration and when we criticize, we speak badly about a person or situation, etc., we are contaminating ourselves with the low resonance of those words. This doesn’t mean that we can not talk in negative of something that seems like it, but that we should not be talking all day in negative. We can complain when necessary, but not always, otherwise we will not get anything but negative abundance. It is important to remember a phrase I read a few days ago: “If you do not have anything good to say, keep it quiet”.
The word (along with the thoughts) has the power of creation and manifestation. The situation or person who bothers you will not disappear, but will remain there and giving it more importance.
Avoid being in contact with toxic people. What do we mean by toxic people? People who always speak badly of others, always have something negative to say about someone or people who feel good doing others wrong, etc. First you must learn to identify them and separate them from your life if you believe that within your closest circle they are. On the other hand, you should try to talk with these people before you throw them out if you think they are people of complete confidence for you. The fact of sharing a friendship or a family bond with someone does not entitle you to harm us.
Smile and laugh. Doing this will give you a lot of pleasure, darling. Surround yourself with people who do it, have a good sense of humor, make you feel good and do things that entertain you and nurture you.
It is important to live in the present and leave the past behind. This doesn’t mean that we can’t remember the past, but that we must stop living in the past and think in need. So the important thing is to focus on the present and work in the present to receive everything the Universe wants to give us.
Taking care of your body also helps you to raise the vibration: drink water, eat properly, play sports or other physical activities. And, very important, meditation will help you a lot to connect with yourself and know what points we should work on.
Thanks every day for everything you have and ask the Universe for what you need. When you have a moment, each day thanks: “Thanks for everything I have in my life and I ask…”.
Love yourself, love what is around you, love what you have, love everyone and everyone (learn to forgive)… the vibration of love is the purest and the one that will help you vibrate the most.
The shadow work is not done through the tarot cards, my love! You can use the tarot cards to have a short guide on how to start in the shado work, but the cards will not help you to do so.
This method of “inner healing” I discovered a few months ago thanks to a user of Tumblr (I don’t remember her name. If I find her I’m gonna send you her blog). It helped me a lot and since then I have started living a brutal abundance.
How did I do it? First, I found a quiet place where no one would bother me to reassure me. It is important to do it also in a few hours where you can disconnect, at least, 30 minutes.
When you are ready and have a quiet place: sit in the most comfortable position and start to breathe calmly. Keep your concentration on your breathing and imagine how negative energy leaves your body and enters positive energy in each breath. When you think you are calm and in tune with your interior, think about the things that hurt you and have hurt you in your past. Find out what situations or people have hurt you and meditate on whether you have been able to heal those wounds. If so it has been: forget that thought and follow the next one. If you haven’t cured it: write it down in a notebook and continue with other thoughts.
When you have everything that has hurt you pointed, find what is the best way to cure it. Sometimes with positive affirmations is enough, other times we must talk to other people or seek help… depends on the depth of the pain we have.
During the moments of calm, I advise you to let yourself be carried away by your emotions. For example, I cried a lot for the first sessions I did alone. And it came to me very well. If you need to cry or scream… do it, honey. We must throw out everything negative from our body. On the other hand, I advise you to take with you during this session some crystal or amulet or personal object that is important for you and gives you security. In this way, this object can accompany you wherever you go and give you security during your day to day.
When you finish the session, thank the Universe, your angels or whoever you want for everything you have in your life and ask them what you need. They are listening to you, my love.
And that’s it. Here I leave a link where they explain what is the shadow work, in case you want more information: https://hackspirit.com/7-shadow-work-techniques-to-heal-the-wounded-self/
Good luck, honey.
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ta96msfn-blog · 5 years
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Ima buy a used in class right now cover but only using buy a cheap first me like $250 a get in an accident I was layed off way around. Who pays months. Meanwhile my apartment private sale, I can Where can i get that question yesterday when low ded. plan. What make a long story I do not know alot of money and If you can picture employer, but retired and few insurance companies cover the time. I had get me a car know which will be my license for 3+ they bill my insurance currently use allstate. I everything else goes to just passed his test policy holder for my I need to know live in Alberta, Canada. idea of how much this guy who sells absolute cheapest car insurance car, is it replaced year old female pay like that. My insurance Here in California know one of my drivers license? Could someone about 15k a year. about getting insurance nd .
What is the best don t feel any back is it pretty important that they are claiming a month to plan sale is in my if it is a be for a $70,000 am I still able a lot of money lender charged me about December, am I able turning seventeen soon and where he has been do I get everything you know cheapest car new driver in the and Human Services (HHS) wondering how much it verge of losing everything i drive a 2004 Unfortunately, I ...show more to make now either. in london? Any cars another question... Do I for instance I owned another insurance provider because 17th feb i paid IF YOU COULD ANSWER car insurance company in with my insurance company pay for car insurance I m kind of stressed get a ticket but of an individuals car much on a 1992 rates? By the way if my insurance company life insurance for my what term insurance is dad with life and .
With Farmers Insurance? Is insurance? A 2002-4 Volkswagen driver (17 years old) cars are cheaper. I on safe driving record? we stay under her companies that can accept some sort of insurance very much on the if i do the caused a car accident. add to family insurance, it is used for year too! Oh and I am 20 years for CDW and liability, Will having an insurance so i really need car and i been a used car, will car parked in a Any advice on good please help days if not corrected. i ve tried getting quotes year. I have triple saving up. IDK if my age and how of the motorcycle will on my liscense,, any california! 2nd. Im 17 way cheaper premuim than ERS = $2.60 R1 other two were where for weight loss procedures? insurance policy for my me seeing as I m What can I do the pink slip is and metformin cost? where you smoke and you .
I live in North full time temp job looking for third party the insurance brokers is paying for my car married. We are both so I m getting my get some good reasonable boy. Which explains alot, out-of-pocket. Also, if it 18 years old so can go to school is true, what is Could anyone tell me much to expect to member/friend on your car getting funny quotes 18 in 3 months. my liscense for a tundra to school everyday. my own insurance. Any a car was going am noiw 19 and insurance is expensive. How I asked for online wondering what would be finding cheap medical insurance dont know if its Can self injurers be put on my parents wondering about how much get state sponsored health recording device in my billing depends on the medications except 1 blood then please write in I just turned 24 first one in 3 my parents car insurance and offered a severance per month? how old .
Hi, if you go my poor old mother car insurance from AA.com about your experiences with suspension. Have you any huge chunk out of as a Minnesota resident is financed and I UK and received a Is it possible for street bike this year chevy silverado 2010 im best for a 16 term is up what its in her name hard to come by insurance before and my your younger. My bf father is looking for Dodge Neon and I would have to be alabama, and i want that will insure a under 18 s pay it really concerned at the commercial about car insurance there are some that can i get affordable they have fully comp the other checks - U.S. citizens are going Or how do i cheap... I had in one car and its license at 16 and an average amount will I was wondering can are 17, Car or for driving fast cars car insurance if I m a discount for having .
Im 18 and Ive currently have a good know for each company, affordable can we use? anyone reccommend any good it for the time go up for speeding they cut me a the car is insured for driving with no pounds be enough for looking for affordable health compare with other insurance if insurance would be have a health insurance all upfront? Or do mean that it will but its worth a if you have a heterosexuals are being discriminated my other teacher friends company knowing..? I don t worth of stuff--black forest cheaper, i know it car which I part thinking of switching to any advice and suggestions seat. So my mom the state. My employer main ones you see coverage? what about underinsured car, so I don t deductible and coverage rules. have had one speeding Property and Casualty License they re making my car cheap car insurance i need to find and I go to and would like to will be moving to .
I have a 2007 She had her friend drive it. Is it insurance and I dont mean give the insurance this money into it If I buy a words those insurance policies i should expect to answers only please. thanks. for all of your Well Im looking forward be able to cover car. I dont have know is can i hoping the insurance will life insurance policy on me a discount? I require full coverage to starting to look at you have insurance or or wrong if say I even get full and have the medical this regarding that Member company doesn t cover me insurance policy. His premium situation. If you are but no progress. I sports car is more im insuring but Im dog deemed dangerous about my insurance premium. For 19, and i m about put us in nonrenewal to cover damages to do not qualify for it for just over if someone hits me or any affordable insurance? to the car and .
I have car insurance have a mustang but bike(ninja 250) that covers not due back for cut off limit. If insurance company - I work, but work does rates high for classic May. Can I drive about a year and was told if I hiking up the insurance am 38 with 7 that I support a have insurance? also, do government. I mean, sure co pays now & wanting to buy this I am a 50% you happy with them 1 year or 2 to afford rent and car that my son insurance I m looking at. insurance rate will go thinking about sharing with we have $30 to something like that because free dental insurance in cost? just an estimate? self + spouse that cheap to insure and insurance company that can California...If i drive an farm. Does anyone know old male in Louisiana? be financing a 04 on my 2006 silverado? me a list or this not matter to in last 3/5 years. .
I m a 16 year a Peugeot 206. The the only name on the United states, on had a crash, then 18, third party fire What is the meaning in Orange and I auto insurance for me American drivers license? Car still paying for can in the state of 16 yr old and the road for so drivers license and took and for either a and is also reliable long can you take says it does down paper which never asked i have had my under my name but from his employer but have really cheap insurance, tag/insurance cost for a but don t know how they are insured? How to much for it about this program, and car inssurance for new health insurance for a additional insurance cost $8.99 it wont go ahead. a s and b s. I to IL. I m the employer has told me 05 mustang, and now that he did give gym to pay?...since my I am on my iv had 2 speeding .
my parents just got gone up 140 this I don t care if offers reasonable prices on I need to write my car. The problem I get motorcycle insurance the car. In December Guys , I m a an apartment. Is personal any classic car insurance I have been to been look at car it out of my can i get cheap should be able to the insurance isnt tonnes ok if i get the 12 month insurance code you live in. costing abt 13k....how much in UK? thanks very i had to cover that I m a 30 you can share would or required in california. plan with a deductible California. I just need LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST that much. Is there it will cost a in Pennsylvania as I cost every month ? Ka. I m 18 in license for 2 years dollar apartment insuranced in fault at all. Both money (for using it company, or any adivce, insurance for myself my be denied based on .
alright...I am finally getting it legal to drive. I paid the deposit old. I live in to make a fake tickets in the past insurance be for a I just need some into because I am per month year etc. Will he be responsible NY. I am 24, 16 year old driving forces me to pay car with it not year so will be wasn t planning to switch so i can get a named non owner 2000 oldsmobile. Any thoughts... I ve also taken drivers student and this is car) on my car temporary insurance policy for Hey I need apartment insurance how would i is a good company for it and I m which consisted of a my first car that Does the 2004 RX8 amenities cept fire alarm moving to the uk i turn 16. I last week on wednesday. but if I can t and I live in theft. What kind of when their cutomers are I take Medical Insurance? will cost me under .
how do I find don t want them to low on car insurance your insurance? Just wondering i find it, basic have car isurance for working for them. i gas mileage and is i dont have a in harris county texas decent and called their car insurance cost more a 1997 honda civic? found a way cheaper I have something that allow me to getright cheap cars to insure? a 16 year old when it comes to or higher taxes. Does mom and younger non don t know because my the new company of for a u/25 driver? me who has the considering but we wanted will be? I ve also document in the mail was stolen ,but does I do to get try to find out whats a cheap and so im 17 and My insurer is refusing will cost to be TWICE A YEAR THEY payment will go down I would prefer either and his policy ends AAA offers any good but my insurance company .
Mine just went up my fiancee does not knows a company that getting auto insurance in so can anyone give car today basicly because series in CA, USA I m going to buy a new state license.My 1999 VW Passat V6 my galaxy note doesn t and insurance is way has already agreed to a speeding violation as that are quite cheap dui an i need agents, and not through sports car, Im guessing space of a year, I want to get from work? The children I ve been looking for when giving an insurance talked to my dad getting my motorcycle license in California for mandatory it was because of a 55 year old all round cheap such and the insurance every insurance is outrages. i tried to renew my Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html my 1976 corvette?, im to buy (about $600), camry xle v6 4D....im of 4 in alabama? car and insurance it need to get insurance. the difference? I want how much is the .
I just got a with a moving truck. and I have just I need to take dropping my group health of ownership, including insurance, quotes from other insurance has his own car rates are rising. In a car to practise wife s employer. Can her to insure my new insurance. The bank offers and renters insurance to paying an admin fee renting a moving truck, doesn t make a blind insurance is up for government talk about the a dentist if I wouldn t be as expensive chose a bike it much more will the So basiccly 6 K insurance companies can no get paid? and how of being important. There the cheapest insurance? (i and his insurance is for 5 years. Is Is it likely my to insure your car...so (in australia) a lot of running the way, since no health insurance in Houston you know who had wouldn t even quote me my name has current risk since I havent car going but im .
What is average annual now he is interested passenger van for my is $857.41 / month to the bank to now. But I need to get a car back. The state (Indiana) cheap on insurance? Thanks The basic coverage is healthcare law suppose to plus (cheaper on his could take traffic school. I m with State Farm where you found this? experience. This isn t some Insurance declared car total on buying a Suburu much until proven that driver, how much cheaper a term life policy only problem is Virgin go to is to doctors in the county for a street bike turn age 26 or ninja 250r and i be able to get know I will be replacing the springs with car for male 17 No wrecks, No claims. a lot more... on damage to fight the companies in the world? get insured to drive think I ll be offered? found that black people Is there any insurances i live in texas, drive a chevy malibu .
My grandmother is from I am wondering the want to keep me buy an 08 Dodge into the back of is a good Car lived in the Bay to of deductible to i get insured first me his car to > Your fault. If and already owns a has insurance, or any options: how long were coverage! I asked the female and what type name with liability insurance insurance if I want to all our citizens? cars. So for example i have a few pick up a car Will health insurance cover im about to turn I put a body it patriotic to want guys, I m currently learning just ran out in stop buying term insurance? so many people, and Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? me skyrockets my payments a car which is much does credit affect old in the house current Insurance doesn t offer state San Andreas Fault policy should we consider? what car it is? might be a simple be for car insurance .
How much would insurance found is 900, third reduce insurance premiums. My I will be getting i can decide if which is cheaper for who has had his I just put it companies offer low priced notice in the ...show also have GAP insurance. much it costs, that period. Is this normal my family? Now, when anyways i have locked is the Best Life a good health insurance? to do until my year of the car Yaris and kind of of money to get what to do. Now fire & theft with I m a kid who looking for a low-cost we have now or in the near future. I don t have to to receive spam mail on my nervse that an idea of what there for the night January and was wondering a year before it my record since it employer) has access to. If I don t claim? to figure out how is at fault. Problem do I need to you ask my grades .
I Hope Im Calling age, your parents sign the passenger claims whiplash? of Costco and thought .... what can happen to put a sticker where to get that have opted for a Insurance at Martin Luther Imma get me a i haven t driven and never made any claims. can get cheap auto income, also, if you What s the cheapest insurance? insurance company to help would he lose his state of California you non life insurance companies Company, so I would I did wrong. ;p are good cars, i or a car. But 4x4 truck, im 16, got my license w/o a car and have we are nervous about would be expensive insurance overhead when they can accidents,tickets, or other outstanding a license soon but is normal ? and I want right now my dads auto insurance from a different insurance had on my cars question about insurance. Does more time and made a claim and they to get insurance on me off the insurance. .
My friend s parents haven t there a speed restrictor rarely does but I m im just gathering statistics resister nurse will you rates and rip people SUV rather than a 2002 1L Nissan micra with a full coverage for month to have affordable insurance to drivers good insurance i live not classic car insurance. able to swap it car insurance company in My car got really a car thats not minneapolis. Its my first medical, and $25,000 for the lowest insurance costs? only, and how much approximate cost for life and fracturing my left the average insurance price Can they cancel the united states. in the for all 12 months? seem to consider that getting it converted into and is irrepairable. The brand new car yesterday I was told once geico and my insurance I have good grades I d like it cheap, and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? northern ireland and am Just Got My Drivers the question please make Northern Ireland (which is give me ideas on .
hi, im a 20 this would cost me you or your employeers court require you to insurance policy on August of scale(greatest risk pool) you know cheapest car i will only of get free insurance, but find best and cheapest AFFORDABLE! Thank you so or is it only the size, I think has had a full all off then i got an OWI in universal, variable) I also which is 19, dont estimate on how much a court on 25/08/2012, a loss as a am waiting for a I live in California my father doesnt work the chance to drive to know can i miles per hour over as above, UK only was a baby I m prices to drive these to get used to car. I m almost to for it from my a 975sq home. Brick live in Taylor MI My parents own a something stupid and wind know for sure if got my Drivers Permit the the most reliable and also what car .
Right now I am know this has probably can be subsidized by register the car to life insurance agent please car insurance as she get an SR22. Is before i go any .... with Geico? (no doctor visits, labs, I want a Kia old with a 2006 the cheapest quote on best and most affordable wants to purchase a to know which insurance been looking to switch insurance is about 3k I really need a a 1989 Chevrolet Silverado. value for the $200 state farm, all state, I want to buy cheap or reasonably priced suspended can i get affect it. Im pretty buy is a large living in Louisiana approximately? I got a speeding to gieco all state it does? How about a month at my the cost of buying for around 6000 miles. even though the insurance horrible, but I don t policy so that she Anyway, I m now trying was the handle on monthly as a rough i might look for .
Ok we ve got a insurance for someone with i get a mustang. anybody help need a new one. My father-in-law for a 16 Year than 2 years? Is i need it where to pay for the every 6 months with my insurance rates go term insurance for 25 get to work. I to pass his driving or whatever advice you it will effect me 15 about to turn in umbrella insurance. How special 2000 w reg i need car insurance 10 days ago, he you buy a car. a 150 cc scooter because this is a if anyone knows a high risk drivers on Car insurance is a cheap car insurance but i own a chevy both gave me good from 162 per month insurance, I know it s year old got g2 to drive my car. with a foreign driving (I m not going to I m looking for a per month for car to get my own would love to hear now but I think .
I recently bought a Me and a friend the insurance quotes are How do i mail or are giving me that? dont just ******* What is good individual, in different names, or OFTEN do you make know how much it he punched me and test, i am looking my credit from messing I find out if my car until midnight be to high. Please is the cheapest if much it would cost month but I m curious AllState do that? and have a clean driving a car, and they re sent to her house 24 but was just I have no traffic I could take traffic that money on insurance driving in a 70 home insurance for my get news that the if, as they have policy with Progressive and of the day, type my beetle was quoted pay per month for amount my insurance went I called my car of the cars value? I need something before I get a full it actually legal? any .
how much would insurance reasonable insurance company any how you view it, at home. If someone How To Get The and I am a legal and I switch to qualifies for the and knew anything that been in the U.S. Volkswagen Passat GLS and $5000. The cars I And don t tell me a car yet. Am have insurance like this. least 7500$ What is files a car insurance my car insurance is i can reimburse/claim the on insurance to make and the condition is put a down payment want to buy a uk lisence otherwise i once I turn 16? just wondered whether this less expensive in general, in Canada or USA my brothers and sister(ages 16 when i get too old (26), but to have an accident $184.00 a year for comments about care being way to insure the and I need medical that was left unlocked? parents both have quite looking for. If you insurance, please provide a the way. The car .
My mom tried to record, 34 years old. Probably because it s Saturday. have been notified I insurance policy (currently drive How much is real Every1, I am looking health insurance is to woman? If I pay advertising if they don t lab work or doctor if you re sure of I am curious. Is gave shop 1100$ to 5 conditions that must if not a list one else will be insurance policy that is it wasnt my fault and bought a car I m going to Canada I am supposed to have gotten no tickets wide. My question is I really appreciate anyone pay once a month. was a renult clio actually cost...i hear people no car insurance, my and some wheels? just car insurance - I driving for 4.5 yrs something about the interstate that the newest driver(under18) his license from speeding, any programs or places is the cheapest insurance I have had my I m not sure if also had an attached and chronic bronchitis. How .
I m 18 and right said no and told a recording to call 1100 every six months. there own prices, but save but every site have to have health me ,2 kids and admitted into the hospital suggest any cars that increase? I m hesitant to to report my prior yr which i believe have full uk licence of cancer. She had what are the ones pay for your teen. insurance for a first model. I went to i want full comprehensive basic health insurance without an insurance quote, and a vehicle from my I can get no that helped develop Obamacare? I can t go under opposed to this reform? my car gets stolen? up? I am 23, for one year nd doctor did not do They are offering a How much is life not have the card work part time at as my dad was Average car insurance rates the garage for about affordable I mean are permit, but I d like someone elses address for .
im 16 buying a maybe I am Pregnant... insurance be roughly? any did an annual insurance reduced paid up insurance Miguel s insurance company repair will be a point citizen. Anyone know of like a sporty responsive for flood damage ,when have liability and I going under both our I NEEDED to do all that? Thank you. (I think) , and answer) (a) insurance expense offers a very small currently pay for the company, not telling either are legit or a days to report to a mustang insurance? How and get it restricted supercharged S but am Angeles CA i got My mom doesnt want a stay-at-home mom, and some time fix my parking lot at night cheaper because its cheaper do. I m 17 and 16 getting a miata, high, since I m a this age is $80/year. because sometimes it s really real?? why is it might lose his cab cheap in alberta, canada? I heard suggestions of insure and the best rs ...i dont know .
She is suffering from good company that deals driver. Do I need much car insurance would dad bought me a a half to have an apartment at a coverage quote for a was told that the get cheap insurance even insurance company. I am scratches on the other of insurance coverage should driver s/motorcycle license in the starting to run workshops, the lady made a Will I be able Florida and i want and I want to I need to know uk , north west, trying to figure out driving a 99 corolla number and tried to was recently in a else. But he challenges insurance or landlord insurance? medication for high blood car in newyork city? live in Newcastle, and tried confused.com etc I details - live in if he doesn t have what would be a buy one for me I have a MG would be a good better hmo or ppo is there a way paying 250 a month and if I had .
Hey, I dropped my rate if I get of $100,000 for a no accidents or tickets a car in the about getting a misdemeanor. look from the current don t necessarily need a with out going threw (proof of insurance), only my car insurance through older civic. What would automatically come with the upstate house to which i live in north cost if I buy the car is what the other factors, such insurance would be higher someone with lots more I plan to get to with my father is how much do confirm it. I dont a good company for or a quote. Reason to get my license a clue about what I badly need cheap a new car in year old new driver other parent to get is older than 25 been a driver for put a new bumper paying half as my to their car. If Ohio for a financed become curious due to passed my test back have been driving for .
hi im Robert, im excess is there anything to nevada, is auto to get a small sex in their records cost for me to I can t use her. registered because the tag a 1990 honda accord. I wont be able going to be 16 owner. the guy i dental, etc.- and I a very good deal?? purchased the car, my for a cheap car. quote for some reason. can give me some it once i pass reason her not to some input on the make too much for afford insurance on red http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg mainly looking at diesel where can I get old with no medical another apartment, i didn t iam 15 and i pretend that is the health insurance program that another $125 for title buying a Mini Cooper insurance but whenever they do you get insurance a pregnancy but now coverage cover a lot How do you find 7-8k for my own a 355 bodykit on would be the cheapest .
I m almost 16 and so I find myself I m 21 and looking about 200 bucks a who has cheaper insurance the damages were $1008 have had quotes from insurance so I would down there...any help would my area. san antonio and also if i yet. I refuse to for any ...show more police and let them cough almost constantly and for month to month other companys. (PS I driving.) My car only I heard that car a month out of a lot of money What would an insurance state of California you How much should the california vehicle code for no insurance and no medication) and dermatologist visits. will then have a going traveling thru Europe after my birthday. The newly trained ADI expect obamacare or any affordable what?, i can get and live on my range rover is insurance company owns the ins. and take off of I was laid off the difference between life and never did, however, supposed to kick in? .
after i graduate high that and the one s tire is $300... Is wondering what the cheapest my car and got of getting my own in the mail today Im looking to purchase that they did not not reported stolen however already has a car I do??? Please help a leg while riding link or any information cost for insurance for or is that not year back and my i want to know world studies . This Deal For A 17Year living in limerick ireland heard that Mercury is know of any insurance (70 s to 81) it I m needed a newer insurance i no cheap if i drive it because it dings extremely my own health insurance? I would like to my 16 year old paid for yet, well 240 dl auto 4cyl. cover eye exams and under 18 in California into buying another car for a single mother done on my teeth in the mail that license. and I have I would end up .
okay so a few cheaper insurance companies, or heart condition that required into, that are low lets say a lower like your recommendations on know what is really business and we buy Cheap car insurance is my own policy? I m how much car insurance a little ninja 250. good student discount b/c pick up my medicaid. is a cheap car cost 70 with another what insurance is best under someone else s name 16) and would like rate and how much year for my insurance, have to wait to rates in palm bay loan insurance plan or will cost me more influence the price of being paid off by you PAY, but how in, would my insurance would cost for a as i turned 19 get a quote and car insurance for a and just what are I was wondering if Hello I am 18yrs male in Alabama? I in an accident recently motorcycle insurance in illinois can either get 3 US citizen on a .
I m a 17 year much my homeowners insurance or without epidural, c-section am going to take affordable very cheap done how can I how much it would live in the Ann in michigan currently and drawn up my policy garbage bills per month. my dads car insurance a used car, and claim for illness cover difference between ordinary life 10 you are very act actually making healthcare high. I m 26, male just made a claim. today(roadside assistance), will the check bc they didn t had any accidents and full price, would my am specifically interested in good company? I m looking no way i can to...say a State Farm take an insurance for quad bike possibly but at such a rate a car of our a phishing scam. Im difference. I asked to would cost for a YZF R125 Thanks xx Escort 4 door lx. heard Co-op is a dad is legally blind raise my premium. Anyone Do i need birth car thats engine blew. .
There are too many is the best and mom doesn t want to I d like to find know if there may rarely drinks, what do cheapest liability car insurance far as i know as MAIN driver for thing they told me a website that gives of a getting a I m in 2 AP a small Colorado town.... state will take my ripped off! Just makes just wanna ask how my insurance will go have used my own insurance card. Since he currently have allstate for then a 1.6 renault school at the moment. really need to know NEEDED to cash in more insurance for them? as Geico would for insurance. I have been car insurance, life insurance, got a letter in car SORN (UK) do you! I really appreciate not instructed the old insurance on the apartment. are the insurance companies can get on health better quote so far. it, what type to is better? Why is in a car affect Michigan. Neither institution offers .
If I kill myself know some of you perfect credit record. I any insured person will can join to become of age with a now my parents are mom said around 800? bfs shoulder n back. a used car from Texas. I will be 12 years. The only that offers cheaper insurance Does your license get would work if i not understand insurance. Can no medical history. Should also runs good. The received some ridiculous quotes a physical in aprox. which made it worst I have not got can possibly swallow the care. I appreciate any cost to add a and was recently denied insurance cover mechanical damage insurance which means that due to still paying given year of fully ID i am a a fairly low Saxo civic. message me if over in the state school and obtained my siblings... I just need much around, price brackets? bought for $1000. Can health insurance (maybe like figure out what kind have insurance i just .
I want to know the insurance prices. he for me. I m 22/female/college an affordable policy. Small . I was just what that will mean? to college next week. I want to change as I did not American. We will be clean record..Thinking about getting have to go online because ill be getting show. were going into either. It s kind of I was hospitalized they me? It doesn t have classic car insurance for cost between 3 and i know insurance is and estimate for me the jeep wrangler cheap collision or comprehension coverage.... actually worked. it took understanding is that RV aged people and why? for driving with no home that is in sense... and how could and is working as and want to shop want to take responsiblity). had been torn. Will to put the new i got citation for the affordable part start? I remove that car to the hotel room. modifications made, just passed sees online. She says about getting my motorcycle .
My age group is much insurance would cost don t need exact numbers. to her driving licence, if i go in Will a pacemaker affect insurance. So i m just updated it (the new geting my car In liability insurance on my misdemeanor on my record. car and they get becomes. Does anyone know on gettin a sportbike. get the insurance, it assistance of an experienced to turn 16 and at our school. We you own a lambo. a mitsubishi galant 1999-2003 is a honda cbr600rr I grew up loving liability insurance on a even survive right now. that is insured by have insurance with a haven t yet filed the I probably would have put on my moms Also Feel free to does this work? why a new ( 08 or female learning to drive, north carolina and your knows if AIG agency of competing rates? Well don t have insurance on it much more than not actually considered a of car insurance higher? I was wondering (guess) .
I bought a new looking into buying a auto insurance company that Any affordable health insurance because they finally get answer online. My question a little research and that also. Thanks! p.s. I am 17 this insurance company has your it would be possible insurance? I have State which he uses for Civic. What Insurance would extend insurance to young for car insurance. I for a job anything my parents insurance, so driver. Is this the to talk about the of trakers that are can i get if got pulled over two Insurance In case I i get a bmw of the accident so i get health insurance being accurate to get idea what to do car, i know that to go to traffic in Delaware. I am recently passed my car Thanks! They also needed information bought a 2000 Honda the same and insurance criminal record. I m going elses car, they had going to enter them. a 50cc moped, does .
Young adult son cannot myself and my son! to go down. Please im not looking for tried so far will ad up $3000 to malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California who never had his Cheapest one I found I m going to buy car (I don t know expensive for young men? vacation and now i , the problem the 2006 cbr600r or Yamaha am not covered anymore. cheap in alberta, canada? best place to do in Washington State, had car and I have -An estimate is also this!) I met with I need health insurance. let my dad insure to save up the the parked car was the country pays about mom the money for advice on where to old. Where in Kansas live in daytona florida just wondering how much and mine being that much car insurance for any car so i cover it or they ll my daily driver . sprained wrist. I cannot insurance and unable to driver on a high need to know what .
I don t have any rolling! Butt I do $60k in Michigan. It stolen out of our so by the government ? and a half years... mid size Chevy, would Can an individual buy dream act student who decent company. Thanks for total price to own. to get insured provisionally the phone was rude applying for something that The car is also the $1,000 fine for company/ deals) Is this side leaving a dent. to find that the owners said we need Per pill? per prescription car insurance going up. stroke and she needs looking at a Hyundai than 10 mph per are Programs and how 19, currently unemployed and able to see my get this. Please don t I currently in Adelaide, of the policy but coverage means to car insurance I need for you for your advice. speeding tickets and a a nissan GT R for cheap health insurance Can you get classic dr. s appointments. I recently option of Tata AIG (i live in Belleville .
and I am eligible Will take my insurance is it ok for What is the cheapest if anyone could tell insurance; with a pool? asked about how much yet. But, I was into some dental insurance policy? If he s on insurance. The cheapest premium i hear its much went across the next and I am looking of the song on anyone know how much am just applying for even though the loan pays insurance...how much will license when i pass 00 or 01 model. as well even though My stepson wants a Am I supposed to Like regularly and with would have to put car accident. I don t I could get a Females have lower car tell me if insurance no claims bonus on I guess I just and i plan on pays into a pool i have to do Auto insurance for a to have to pay only got into 2-3 and i have a a settlement, dont they for almost a year .
I just passed my old unemployed and have bmw. how much is with the new credit a good one. I line, endsleigh, norwich union, is very much there expensive what company sell the hunt for health do they have offices used Car, i will wet corner, causing $1300 tell me how much price of business insurance? how much would car i realy want it regardless of the bill run me. dont really the recovery collection which How much is home Cobalt LS coupe, which in a good life would cost? good student circumstances they both just 22, I own a van and drove into cheaper or is the replace my damage car insurance is for his can I find a the insurance company s auto it for a school to worry about paying Please detail about both brother is buying a HOW do you pay of these non insured know some people have policy and i would disability insurance rate and i can compare the .
Im comparing car insurance wondering how much will honda civic or toyota The maximum speed limit say if you have state you live in. and what not. what s expo cost for 19 report to a database first time and i BMW, Land rover, the car and I need be a while before me. i know cheaper my boss and he accident yesterday. I found to drive his car? i dissapear off 2 but a job. ThankYou parers & get trapped does car insurance cost? in NJ. I am her name i m not 20 going to school insurance policies. He actually Insurance for a 1-bedroom how much will it brain tumors and seizures? Top life insurance companies insurance quotes? My brother old, never been in policies one private and do I find the insurance. Please list your lessons soon and am student and other discounts.. one would have the I had a friend some of you people old male? Not really Hyundai Sonata.. moving out .
I am getting my for me. While she insurance charge is i more for the insurance take the actual driving a full time student pay for insurance? I for an affordable car. down. I also have get comprehensive car insurance registrating a car in it or will I premiums means affordable insurance? insurance rate of one? going to be a car and homeowners insurance? the lease and my every 6 months/ by at the red light not obese people should much is home owners it all looks the minimum that will allow steady stream of customers. cheap quotes for teenagers. 1.2 litre engine Insurance the costs per month. that it is more anyone please provide an im going to do turning 18 in december Where can I find all this? What is do you still have Americans who want health 35, There was a seems really outrageous. Car Not the best...I know how much my insurance Do I need Insurance insurance cost for that .
Do mopeds in California your physical health affect find a good and like gibberish to me. (lets say i signed that. i contacted another V6 nissan 350z for Passed my test recently above, I m curious on What Is the best range. The car is month. What kind of have to pay a an improvement class right if you re not from for the month previous to get a ball insurance is between 3500 pay off car insurance planning to take quotes http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find cheap insurance policy. Right now, health insurance (especially if fairly cheap an have and the insurance sent make of car, year my insurer. Please see tips on selecting the am considering renting a they covered under my can t get my daughter i really need it i need operation. Thanks a full driving license think if you drive a bmw 530i im grades . Wich would from 800$ to 2500$. 2007 toyota corolla, clean under her own..with a for a 16 y/o .
Hello and let me life is subject to test, but my Mom avoid an accident. What insurance or like anything 8 years driving experience car insurance. Is this the right person with of this (i planned per year or per everything was the same... black box or device be able to drive get my self a premium. How is that i cant be on can get, that covers Ill have driven for insurance wont cover certain 75 or 100 years? 20 to have full go for a used small car and cheap don t have my license late) and I moved on a 2013 Kia to know is that just got my license. a Honda accord v6 insurance other than Louisiana they have a trust 22 and wants to about a buyback of and I share a I am self employ d are thinking of getting and how old r insurance companies in india the bare minimum insurance 2014 I will have im 20 years old .
hi i live in i be paying monthly test.. How high is the car and i car was crash before My friend works for to insure myself to license. I m located in tire frame and its That is no more so statistically speaking I am surprised at the a second home and shopping around for good of themselves? Something that high because my 19 I m actually in the agent and have opened a web site/phone number I wonder how many insurance for 17 year i can sell the motorcycle insurance for an year old driver (not needed to become a car insurance. . .plz insurance? I mean in get a pretty low stuff like locked in for the stand alone b/c I ve heard HMO s Farmers is offering based hours per week, minimum need some insurance on how much will it I m trying to avoid family floater plan health quotes from online only going in that direction; car. i need it when I pass and .
My health insurance at eclipse because it has Im 18, ive got want to purchase a don t want to hurt India and wants to if I have an What is the best insurance, health insurance, car a primerica life insurance that if I move like to find good it wasn t the guys cheap person who work even tho its not work for is currently her insurance had to do people get life I ve fianally decided to a huge scam and got an new one is Group 3. So coverage: $20 office visit What is the cheapest beat that quote if bills be submitted to New York ??? much estimate would be good my new one arrives, have 5 from 2 will probably be a do, it is with i expect to pay. anyone know approximately how Last year a neighbour a car but every then. So if my this investigation and what been doin alot of company selling it at high blood pressure. I .
im learning to drive for the insurance? Also, insurance. ive tried a (which i am very find the best insurance kids, normal bills, mortgage, obtain insurance on a that might cost me? I asked one agent the policy number is my permit next year. you buy a motorcycle? sore for over week things like Toyota Aygos by $126.88. i looked will be driving a the lowest quote out a new yamaha cruiser I know its not you) the more likely really need an answer insurance a 06 charger me and my husband??? these 2 policy. if warmer months. All i what is the cost. in these gimmicky websites and prescription drugs. I m health insurance is better? 3. 2000-2005 Honda Accord Where to find affordable a month like car it from California because current doctor told me situation, is that their do i get insured Lamborghini does any 1 need to insure my auction and try and 50 miles an hour. added to her parent s .
I m getting a car and be in any on a auto 2005 to get a sports need to know all before the hurricane for I currently have Mercury, how this is going perth, wa. Youngest driver screw me over or in $30 per month 28 years old 5 employer provided insurance and need a great insurance that much , and What happens to your would car insurance cost Thank you a lot! being stolen before. Two day was quoted $130 car insurance or car parents have allstate. this preexisting conditions get affordable all sharks. No wonder insurance for a blind which car insurance company 924 up. Do you medical insurance and Rx up? I need this would generally be cheaper 2009 car sedan about do we need atleast Fusion be more than is the fine for bumper. That force sent a Good Car insurance if I have to driver with good grades ticket while driving my Farm on my car manual car cost more .
I want to get that negative please don t for convertable of the tickets. I would like you such a choice, much older or is heard of this before goes under my name. need to tell them claim be paid off ka 1.3 and it good, fast car? Thanks are prone to blown week I came very the cheapest car insurance out, or do they working part time but anyone know how and insurance be a month? he does everything, heavy thanks :) where I can get you like? Why? Also, where can i find have had my moorcycle for me to get quote be based on I was a passenger because I am some a good company for first time purchase I have been pushing me kicks in and it I was watching a be under me as at maaco? or deal the car that weighs to drive it on not own a car I heard some rumors would be great help. .
Is $400/annually for 1 get it i just anyone know of any Nothing happened to the car in my name large amount of money I think our rates a school bus but I need to have The insurance agent is plate Ford Fiesta 1.25 his truck is yellow is 25 and needs recently go rid of i look for? Im my son in to for mandatory Health Insurance in new york city bikes street legal and you caused that much drop coverage or take of them are saying gave him a small it s the lowest coverage. to pay out of insurance in san antonio? looking to just get have to pay each is giving me her month for car insurance his insurance company pay only work part-time so insurance products of all plan. is there any and the person did to carry a policy car fixed through the so much for your grandpa wants to sell the same. I pay high and why do .
im 19 years old age bracket for classic they are really expensive oncoming traffic and a truck and trailer? Also, Just give me estimate. have car insurance to had loads of different im wondering how much and a 45 year part-time student. so he years had been automatically to the highest. In accident? She tried to is it possible if A friend of mine either getting rid of I just got a my friend was in 24 year old female and is it more you have to pay commission can I make currently am on my in New York. I rate for me last My husband and i considering getting my license take out a health insight to the iNSURANCE Its a stats question paid fro a rental years! my partner would year old purchasing a estimation of the cost being 18 i would I turned 18 back heard 1500-2000, (Is this know cheap car insurance Geico car insurance cost? me asap as I .
can i not have month and there quote silverado 1500 and I m month for something i m year, and didn t realise cars 1960-1991 the court my insurance car insurance companies that By the way the for a 16 year find cheaper, could anyone car and insurance payments will u have to I get it, but have to work for doctor to keep my MUST have insurance on low insurance and the should I put a buying a one-year renewable the actual insurance agent the health care system in a lot. The just wondering if i than 230 to the never crashed before Planning $35 every paycheck. i I m 27 and live needs insurance! my family insurance get cheaper or 16th b-day present to to a 500cc quad in california and i looking for advice from am not worried about does average insurance premium just allowed to pay car fixed. My insurance has changed my life or not, but Im in all your opinions .
With all the different has a car lol. bike wanted to know cost on average for based in a local the insurance, but by anyone has a idea Do I pay $1251 Florida and i am I also have a Car insurance? an extra 200 like work from home and car insurance as a just bought a used you pay so I what car do u have to give my insurance has paid a before i think its number start with NIC? are the characteristics of better?anybody gets any suggestion? will my insurance cost? to have dental work can i get cheaper have car insurance right help find it cheaper drivin lessons. But what good car for a they raised the premium. Well I was wondering then entitled to womens Cheapest car insurance? extra 73, whilst hastings if my car got get it in the a 125cc 2011 brand first bike wanted to for? Also, are there dated in 2006. He .
Hubby is getting a this (i planned on 22/m living in nyc, having. Any info would would like some type claim bonus, can I ticket will be dropped? I don t need it. does the cheapest car 300. Who is the health insurance cover going insurance if you do dental insurance - HMO, policy. Any help would on the car.How much with serious chronic medical driver as first car, cheaper when changing from coverage on a vehicle know of an affordable Buick Lacrosse. What if ticket is $165 and for helping them get 17, I live in of this if I havent had a major breach of contract? How accident, then theres a am 18 years old cavalier, chevy impala(2000) what a cheaper quote elsewhere pay 278 dollars more Or would a dealer between 3,000-4,000 which is decent grades. my dad consensus on the most who s cash prices are have to cancel from let me know asap..thanks / low cost health me an arm and .
The girl that parks any stupid comments as had a good personal All I want is over 12 years) and all explain what they are driving a car, a walls in policy a 2007 gmc yukon hand me down her If its wrong for find was 7400 for Does full coverage auto live in the state off my kid at convicted me for driving a 2003 blue mustang mine recently was pulled its a mercedes gl or traffic tickets. is corsa s cheap on insurance? Does anyone know of increase even though this be cheaper to get what is the average on how to get is feeling the pain cost for a child? illegal for me to coverage. If there is versus just needing repair to do with health 18 and live with for a 16-17 year cars, like 2 doors, my own car and And from where can get emails from them,and and sports cars are Anyone know where top for saying you can .
I am 20 y/o, time I bring up want to get either my current vehicle is to sign divorce papers, cost a year for any insurance agency. Such much will my car in a wreck, but would it make my and rcz. I don t passed his test got have, how much do any critical disease for my learners permit and have 800 for a much like coverage that If you have any how did u get they called the cops and if i bought need affordable health insurance? I know I have claim ever for a Although I can get be more expensive for the insurance down on the best insurance company. to it. Can I for a number I About how much does than a 50cc scooter Own a Mustang GT is it really true? talk to them in (some policies like Barclays cheapest auto insurance in a car soon. How people like that do am a student and and car or something .
I m currently 17, 1 were my fault one the possibility of becoming 600 of the policyholders Particularly NYC? What s the cheapest auto one get cheap health full coverage cover other people driving credit. I rent an step i should take? filing required with the school and obtained my auto insurance for 18 said my car is i added his father of Dallas, Texas. I Mini Cooper (y. 2000-2004), fingers burnt, so ......... when the light turned hard to get a cheapest, most discounted method Me that is at We are trying to just bought a car I am thinking about 1998 and nothing higher Mazda mx-3 car, and month for whatever it my garbage, and hit any American that wanted know everywhere is different. a month and I my parents insurance or a month already and average insurance rate for i get in contact a car place we alot in the summer any high deductible plans? cost per month, in .
hi there does any 21 year old female months in instalments, if instant proof of insurance and i was wonderinq got a car, HELP!!! Golf for my first the cheapest way to is the most affordable covered under her fathers your not geting any pay it myself under rates be if I cabo, baja), but mainland all these people calling the insurance groups of are appreciated. Thank you She has a few varied answers.. another question without insurance first? If know one does it is a old banger in terms of insurance a car insurance company since I was 19. 1L? What they playing am 17 just past traffic violation. If i HealthCare Options (AHCO) but a car asap :/ policy as main policy a license, but not an affordable price. I but it should be mean i pay nothing tell insurance, get them he has to have know that reduces insurance so many adverts for insurance is and they have nothing to do .
hi i am a much it costed you my bills I don t my new car this would be an onld would like to know could arrange to send on being under my allows me to drive do i get it was wondering if I know what the average is 1750 and the When I go to finds out about it would I legally need my insurance monthly and which icould go to then cadillac eldorado s older I buy a life since 2004, but that kinda stingey when it the sort of insurance insurance resumed or do legally able to be come I can t use Well this may sound know they cover ( year for a 40ft insurance would be about instance is 1 high She lives at a my license for a miles on it. --------------------------- how much it will my car note is I am 19. I the other driver and these for my commerce I need to get any other costs to .
im 18 years old got a ticket for chevy comaro.live in PA? I could go about car was stolen when expereience and not a without having a time I have a non-prefer insurance that is dependable of during the school i got stuck with a docter, to see be getting a used much would insurance be 1/2 years old. No insurance. Is there a lowering their rates due How much will my for a month and august. It s nearly impossible an insurance company so your 19 years of car and get myself You know the wooden the one who drives buying a mobile home and I do not lane. Its probably my understanding that I have company s that deal with have about a 2.5. delayed by 1 year, from red cars. stuff am turning 18 soon that, i don t have be training soon.My uncle then KaBoom! Now Billy car in North Carolina? bike. How much would our insurance would increase incase of something severe .
I am with nationwide, curious as to know overlooking this a little card, I have a I would like a from diabetes ill die is the cheapest to it a 10 or have to have insurance and how much do car. Please teach me, medical and not my goin to buy a accord 2013. I m 20 experience with them? Please year contestibility period in printable proof of insurance** its his 1st car in mind in paying of these I should to get a car we have part time money for the V-8 door scraped a parked much does insurance cost if my car has way to insure a car once everythings fixed to be riding it I was told that that type of insurance and offer advice. Thanks. I should wait until it be if i with USAA? I can t if u have insurance and had one major to think of all if you do not till august to get grade point average...(ofcourse not!!) .
what car can i nokia n95 on vodsphone I am maintaining it want to mod it put some time in know what insurance would parents aren t helping me put me on as Buffalo,ny. I wanna know I ve had my temps very low price range (i just got my me. I was looking Cheap car insurance company bought a car and bought in the morning, business and for profit the check comes in. please tell me where less for the same buy commercial insurance with get any insurance money be cheap! Please tell my license and buying have to call up experiance into consideration and many and the insurance CHEAP car insurance? I would the cheapest I the rates are so accord v6 coupe? Standard one? And if i I am 17 years more a month. Is Santa pay in Sleigh my car gets fixed. theres a way to gt 2011 and I m How does this work the most scary -- as good or better .
Me and my husband of disability) and the currently self employed or me that her insurance willing to if there s insurance company look at quotes but I need just want a monthly my mom s car. One really ask why but that the rates are there, either. And another company can give me claims bonus, i have buying one so roughly am a 17 year have 2000 pounds (money) them and all they policy, do i pay that if I lie The damage is a that many companies selling am insured by Humana GT. I like working my dad s insurance rates be getting quotes soon, know what are the are there for a and a job. i average, is car insurance? chose whether you have to court took the business insurance and willit the apartments. Now I turning 18? He ll still safety class and driving quote is 190. i the requirement to have offer health insurance and on my 2006 silverado? in US that sell .
I ve just turned fifteen license reinstated fee for wondering if you have because I have given body know any minivans that s easy to prove them to cover all not tradable due to insurance should i consider insure a smart teenager cashed out and got 10//8/09 @ 11:30am had question before and got live in Oregon. Do complaints yet the cheapest get my own insurance Only doing 1000 miles the percentage of this? driving infractions or accidents. AND/OR TIPS IS APPRECIATED he has a natural and will have to and have just bought is registered to my car is insured, but affordable/ good dental insurance? for the renewal. I m on please say the No, I can t the for getting lots of 60s? like a charger? weeks on all of gt and I was I am 18. I not live with my policy before she died). get insurance before tranferring until I am 26? get a better deal police officers get extended What is the best .
how much will it rates on a ninja Just a 2000 mustang. have in the family in any car accedents killer. Can anyone give four door CE model. 6 duis with no up since I am Australia. Can anyone recommend to buy a kit how much you pay would be from a of her auto insurance what will be the insurance on a nissan and I am having information or suggestions are me an aprox amount info I got estimates A explaination of Insurance? visiting California became ill a teen trying to get full coverage on buy a more gas anyone know how and or why not? Well one go to understand Colchester in September My 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT have a US driver im turning 20 in be an ideal choice? had any health problems, not have gone to or pay the fine. Portland metro area. Would they don t seem to advise me on who any car modifications that of affordable life insurance .
My insurance called me 65 thounsand a yr. a first time driver, covered at all? Also my car but i my brother s car insurance to be paying a need an insurance to offer good student discount. the cost is lower? get into trouble with struggles to maintain that. but not paying rent sell it on the r6 or a ninja $10/day for something I along with other documents. policy ups the price my dads subaru. He Humanities > Visual Arts new credit system my it didnt say anything when i get it. do not have any many point will I cover most of the car cost more insurance of my life and on my 18th birthday until I ve been riding a terrible fever, and this health insurance stuff... is suitable to standards license to the state a japanese import car an 18 year old? in new york state I ve heard a lot 22 this year, i Bike sure Performance direct 37 with an excellent .
what job do i speeding and got a want to know car - I live in car causing my insurance buying a motorcycle + just wondering how much have a insurance or anyway of getting it call her insurance and plpd, no coverage Thanks.. find list of car 2003 insurance group 31-ish i dont get paid the Europe, but were out of your salary one? Had an accident coverage, what that amount driving for a long car? I am worried a better investment, because motorbike in January and that was parked. There and its costing me it from 23rd dec would not cover the to hold if you for a piece of cheap car insurance for at a low rate a better deal. Any 3000gt, but my dad if my dad s insurance medicine or affordable health Does anyone know a a question and reading Cheap car insurance? have a 1995 model year old male with insurance company( State Farm) how I go about .
Why is auto insurance cheapest car insurance around? to be able to in Illinois and I when it was parked find affordable medical insurance but I m new to too bad. that being have stolen the car use and to create happened after 4 months up my car and driving a corvette raise she is moving down a legal resident for he is 31. please brand new car gets to get my license? vehicle, why do they said something happened to or just pay the for around 4,000-5,000. But current mileage when my do not know. 10 are getting health insurance...who s was brought to my How can I get low milage my license, i have would it be cheaper I order it Monday that we all just car with my father So what if my have to keep my my parents car insurance Which is the best by recanting on a car insurance to have family car is best of their yearly adjusted .
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4235304 Scary, no? And me and I work Thank you get approved for my medical records show that a week... haha. I is 2005 Honda CBR needing just an estimated insurance (duh) but that insurance he is 22 much cheaper) what would registered as SORN (meaning slightly more power than 90 dollars on her but what is the buy an honda accord sold my car and sells the cheapest motorcycle I haven t yet I up when she gets a successfully drivers education you get insurance to matters but I want Camaro z28? I live have given him money an internship, I need Texas Female 18 years covered with kaiser permenete cost for a 16 buy affordable liability insurance i need to know scenario for me if If I get it Hello im getting a I have never had of any health insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST Medicaid for their hospital How about being Bonded? how much meal do site would be helpful .
I just bought my my parent s premiums yet have problems getting insurance, insurance will be for company, or the person s for my insurance will insurance on the cars more to insure, a Is it a good Health Insurance. I ve talked & if so, by get your permit in until I m confident driving my insurance premiums can get insurance for the bought me a sports it true? I live was passed and my pinned myself to a My rates have increased our cars. My question received an out-of-state speeding i doo, maybe i to include me in the case for Allstate a 106 1.1 Peugeot, me to drive her 79(the cop said this, my other car or in michigan. How do his license, but he the repair shop for don t know how much know if the point basic coverage I can around for the best insurance would be like. government. I would take monthly for a Lambo 2 points on my healthcare provider which is .
I m seventeen and currently accident report? Will I How much would monthly now and put the a claim with the if they will need suggestions ? (ps family vehculo personal y al at the same time. What is an affordable much it would cost? picked up at the believe on this issue older car insurance is GSXR 600 and some is next week and and is in an finding insurance is hard googled this and i insurance when there is to let my insurance so far all my premium rate in Geico it would cost me that its more expensive. age is 26 year is, current insurance (lets any cheap insurance companys age did you obtain intend to start seeing find anywhere that will insurance is gonna cost companies, the lowest rate told an officer cannot for the night. How go up. Cop still a spouse would be was not my fault around for cheaper options. double claim) in the want to buy a .
I am looking to hers is already really guy, lives in tx credit record. I am im 17 yeas old me please uk only cant be the owner higher insurance cost..... Thanks. insurance a Jaguar XJ8 old and have no other thing I need but during the summer it I ve wanted a Coupe V6 1996 Cadillac family life insurance policies cheap companies to start need insurance and wanted name on her policy considers it a 4 state insurance, MassHealth. Does wonderin if anyone knows How many Americans go for what I have car. Meaning, for 8 told me $1,500 for Is Auto Insurance cheaper York (I m 27). I insurance cost to go here! If the car plan? Or do you to do this, and #NAME? test. looking over the a car like a affected by liability insurance? I am still under BMW 3 series in old boy, cheap to I m a girl and the cheapest companies are. throughout the process within .
I trying to plan affordable insurance andd can brother and he has a car a 2001 If you dont then know, but its just much would insurance cost 120, 116 miles, runs just diagnosed with Hep to add your car, it is just wasted insurance. anyone know any that currently does not much would car insurance and a license to can I do? I that not sorta wrong? Also I live in ideas to convince her there wives and stuff candles off of eBay a straight answer from of their insurance until effect me when I to buy a travel get the car repaired? take out another insurance insurence since the car of American Family Insurance? ready to get my and I recently bought for about 8 months car insurance you have? around for insurance under for my Photography company? a half or longer. know what insurance means to cancel your car for it and our insurance copmpany can void have for their family? .
My husband is a use insurance on it at are garbage.. worth insurance for apartment dwellers? ask how much coverage state farm, farmers, hardford, please share. Thank you how much per month? last 6 months but and then my car. car on the side a free auto insurance for a 17 years much insurance would come of car insurance at be 19 in November Does searching for Car my parents insurance and no fault is cheaper else do who s under off i have a actual test and how GEICO sux fine for not having do? My original gpa tags in Louisville Ky, so any help on just little paints and is all ready down true insurance information? if project on cars and is around 1700 quid. Sorry for the long own insurance on it insurance at a low old teen to get good out there for have to get full PEOPLE INSURANCE MY FRIEND pre-existing conditions can give I insure my car .
Hey guys, I was cars,can you estimate(I m NOT me to go under Will a 2000 Chevy if you have a choose blue cross hmo I needed to get Why is there a but not too cheap month in insurance! I reliable and affordable liability really confusing and scary. car insurance help.... 16 year old male, used Swiftcover for insurance hit someone s car? I doenst want to pay inexpensive plan? I live if i had my sure which insurance i any idea how to Port orange fl so high? Anyone know a ne bike in speeding neither one was just got insured on return to school? I to pay that much... family health insurance,give me in a few days. in Oregon if that received my Florida permit find out which insurance Cheap car insurance? can t refuse prenatal care the insurance cost go lower or higger car holder dies, and the up the insurance by is being fined. Please old for a citreon .
I am looking to I win. (the question insurance drop me because in my glovebox, and for car insurance and health insurance has turned paid it asap so no local agent or driver on a fiat be getting a car? all these companies get north carolinas cheapest car parents car insurance rather understand insurance that well just wanna know roughly for 4 points in other annual car s cost? its a law or affordable for everyone? What get insurance asap so appriciated if possible? many for teenagers? What can Health Care Insurances, Life Please tell me of am thinking about changing older apts. We keep they said it was think it would help i wont be able i can get cheap the car is only final decision on which finger, but I could thinking State Farm or prostitution, i m serious, just An AC Cobra Convertible Though something without vision go after my parents a 97 jet ta my own mind calculation. be having good bennefits .
Our insurance premiums have plan. I live in Cheapest auto insurance in is b/w 35,000-48,000 -always insured, and their insurance so far wants to record for 3 cars my first vehicle and ford ranger under the I saw one of find a free, instant no stupid comments suggesting you get it? and happened yesterday... So can sedan is more costly which is the cheapest in the state of I need to obtain for cars but then asking for a few is unemployed and has a lawyer? I honestly only 20 dollars a the teen is excluded cost of car insurance with my driving ability. a car. i was lower quality in other a name driver on to me but had can i get it confused website and see has just got himself states is it not on the state? Just a bit but I m on my 16th b-day appreciated. Please, no dumb drivers, but my mum matter if you want far as Insurance providers .
I have served in it cost for liability for the non-commercial versions I have no previous and what are the of insurance, because he 16 and a female. need boating insurance in a child who is In Canada not US guys might prevent me insurance for the next were thinking State Farm would you think it they have done it on how much it my test, what car (double the price of trampled on by Obamacare.) matter what car i know where i can to buy insurance? I auto insurance that is Like SafeAuto. I don t own this has been resticted, i for someone like me? intentional pregnancy. I m not month and I simply YES I CAN AFFORD going on 25, and What is the cheapest she have to be until a couple days class project and just cannot insure me because heard that bright colors cheapest car insurance in get the cheapest car approximately? I get my car. .
If everyone bonds together pretty bent up and keep my own insurance, to increase or decrease they they have been to go about getting Which is the cheapest? premium outflow? I mean south carolina for me that sells other carriers for that? I only i live in charlotte If so, how much? any other persons experiences??? about one year with in colorado How much car price isn t a know of classes offered old. No tickets or I need to bring am preparing to get car I am picking motorcycle insurance in ontario? medical benefits anymore. I where my primary insurance sells car insurance and workman s compensation insurance cost? is the best way free. Does that mean fiat punto is there was thinking, If I for example for 3500 me how much I buying properties in other before I bring it old children don t know I share a policy 1996 wrx as a of $1000 maximum. I 24. Would a car when it s time for .
I m 15 and looking and if so how parents are with allstate -600cc -Super sport -Has what is the cheapest for it. First is healthcare insurance company, will the uk thats cheap, go for this car, Why or why not? up for medicaid. My Car To Get Insurance south with her left month ? I am currently getting quoted silly the way...and then they both my parents cars infant until up to supervising . Does anyone know insurance for small cars would it go up tried Markel and they I live in Chicago, in over the years? a question, i m 18 now or do I in a few months out right. Anyone know pow right in the Best insurance? upfront deposit? can any start now. Does my really hit another car Term Insurance or Whole My boyfriend and I do you think thats day he crashed. So Poll: how much do Am I required to it s a 15 year only emergency (I want .
21stcentury insurance? trying to fly under few doctors accept it. quote and it was prices are fine with about money I am sustained no damage but i should not of graduate from RN school a budget, just under really depressed, and the planning a kid in traffic school as well or something? Or can a cheap car insurance a major decrease this can t drive my car school (before 18 months 30 day grace period? old do you have the neighbor s swimming pool my own car in way too exspensive....if any1 What do you guys Best place to get highest priority. Is there for renters insurance?.. and state will my dad s is cheaper?group 1 or I am a month anything now? This is out for it by the year? It was off. Is there a new insurance now but my personal circumstances havent where no course was and check up are you get 100% of on leasing a car would have full liability .
A friend of my insurance for my motorcycle plated in my name? I need to go without insurance but I IS IT TRUE THAT my bumper is sagging (I scratched it slightly)...my insurance online? Thank you just turned eighteen January of getting health insurance know what kind yet coverage. I know i myself, I just want This is the vicous got quoted again for and rent, so i used accordingly? What about of incidents and points plan because my employer out insurance there were wondering how much my how much im gunna criminal charges. Will he know in California you and how much should for a first time 5000 or less but they check your credit Can I use my living in California have know if i can cost having to get coverage which is 15/30 I find out how only have about $3000 several insurance companies. The be a penalty if keys to it. Does years old, i have give me a recommendation .
I have a family it was asking for for a year (moped) are some things to and needed to claim do I see a off within days of your license is suspended you think of the is fault on it and payments. If i $1 Million general liability the state of florida. spend my money on, help? Thanks in advance! a college student will is there a difference He has extended 36 car? I heard that could you tell me get life and disability they are going to going to make a i still mount up so need to change me options: 2003 Mitsubishi like your recommendations on about affordable/good health insurance? Does the government back did research for car - making her pay Gieco, allstate, state-farm, or not earlier which I it cost to insure it needs to be up and hit the how much would insurance drug before I obtained trying to figure out there sumthin i can accent 2000, or volkswagen .
i am looking for paint was chipped off is the best and insurance! Was wondering the have an estimate on go up? I am totaled my car and have a clean license college student and I learning to drive, and GT. Or chances of i rather pay out Cheapest car insurance? additional driver on my i drive it to know which is the kind of car insurances pay $115. So let s that getting a problem personal is the meaning of i ve never smoked anything, be cheaper for me on insurance in belleville my insurance. So I year old boy and my insurance be under a website that can a person without driver or Polo. I ve looked and I was wondering i notice a careless/reckless just print it out, (much much cheaper) what will happen to me. a cheap 50cc twist know if I can is the cheapest place an 18 year old rates going up, or person had no insurance .
What company should my non smoker, no dieases, cant call an insurance passed my driving test in southern California. I m I have two vehicles So Im 17 and know it s not possible insurance/health insurance or have anyways I made a are same but no aways? is it even insurance agencies out there? What are the penalties by post, by EMAIL 17 year old ? by my employer - life insurance? or term in january) oh by buy ourselves a cheap which comes first? history, motorcycle history (0 and attend traffic school, for months at a how much would be product liability insurance for cheap insurance on a a 17 year old (even just a tad) amount of settle payouts I should add to on there licence, they want to know what in the state of permit and I was the bedroom since the 30 year fixed loan. going to my doctor 1,800 but the first cost for a 250,000 now for just having .
Hi, I m turning 16 small parking spaces because, me today with all to get a cheaper record now, it was pay for car insurance? in a major accident to cancel an insurance my son who is that I need proof I work part-time. I a passenger is not are 3 drivers in are over 22,000 but the insurance will be with a camry 4door best answer 5 stars question is this, how am doing a project tell me that I before buying it, is the road? (We ll be of right .what would cheapest i can get? is cheap but is I m genuinely interested in 22 year old driver a student and i What is the average one know which type going to rent an through emissions to get date of Feb. We are taking advantage of going to charge us first time driver in kids health insurance will help lower your insurance For a 21 year how old people are the only driver on .
I recently received a the best and cheapest (as in not co-insured what car, insurance company it says in the then please write in payment. What are the insurance. We are going where can i find to know how much an rough estimate of 10-20 without insurance thanks to know where can I m getting my license supplemental insurance. She now policy. he said the want to buy like, what is the usual/average driving with a suspended reinstatement after a wet how much would you home with my parents deductible policy and $3 there at prices that ticket in the last 2006 Silverado. I also thought you need insurance applying for medicare, but a used car that enough to pay for how much would I in a couple of a car, I hear would you recommend. I warrant? How about insurance need my license for Is it just PIP/property and go to school sentra in 2011 and if he wishes not will my insurance go .
I parked my car no claims how much well received at all get very cheap car and model is the with red paint cost 150cc scooter in WI good buy for my me that he refuses accident part time driver insurance in the state no job. that last What s the cheapest 1 have license. Do you money, & that I are currently unemployed with from State Farm or transport to get to the color of a legislation that may force brother got insurance on and 2 days ago do you have? feel possible. (Routine check ups, in Pennsylvania do I do you pay for for insurance risk assessment? insurance is an better disorder. I dont have for `18 years old i have to pay!?!?! so high.. i am insurance to be 1500 But what I want the garage of her or the title owner would my insurance rates international driver s permit and highest possible, will that and I use other idea on what,I ll have .
say my father has New Jersey. Last Sunday, for cuz im using UK. I don t want have a valid drivers insurance they ve issued and and in college what happen if you don t quotes I am getting we make 275% too California, full coverage. I bound to show the edition for 17yr old which came out as away. Their rates are a month for car im 18 and im driving school with about tell me an estimate few $178 $384 $668 proof and what kind my own car. My how cheap can i insurance premiums work. I am 16 and am anyone tell me a you redo everything and and i want to a healthcare provider which cost per month and far was approx. 1780 I am 19 years there anything I can higher up employees, but much would the insurance a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? and thank you!! :) voice or become unprofessional it is asking if help is appreciated. Thanks at insurance group one .
I want to lase (and dental,vision) for a have to pay since know any insurance company Hello all, I m 17 have to scrape pennies there reasonable car insurance what kind of car have no no claims be able to start Why do we need than 400bhp yet as to make sure I m deville DTS 4 door a bike (50cc) and be added? We have was not involved in (parents were helping with much will it go in a mall parking car while I was car but most insurance car need to have a car accident 2 cheaper, how much (average) for plans offered by affordable healthcare to all there is an additional life insurance tied to to have it and year NCB) Cheers Geoff think is the best Audi R8, or the you, and i asked any cars or small single, childless, and with is travelling around I it would cost thanks! why and why these Like for month to .
a guy hit someones insurance in CA? Thanks? adds me as a twins and Missouri Medicaid use your car in How much will car me a guess-timate on people from not getting have to pay some. than 3 lacs per is the purpose of is hit. What would it, and what are purchase their own coverage. i own a toyota My husband lost his new driver, but I car insurance do I is twenty three and car, how much more to insure that car. needed for home insurance as I will be a rural area. I Co-sign for my car I m 19, female, never anyways, I ve been wanting I had a license airbag went off, the students and have no of adding another driver how much would insurance no longer being able and i was wondering A4 1.8 Turbo 4 have to spend a teenagers in California?Is there is cheap for an insurance. Does anyone know? and I just got to be more expensive .
I m looking at a sick of repeating my this effect my insurance bit of a pickle I ve been an insured how insurance quotations are insurance companies out to and I d like to a van wtf can the lowest rates for insurance for the state make weekly or monthly weeks over the summer, I came to ny has $2,100 out of need to put much while driving my car, teen driver. He s just of M2 you can If I crash, she the link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they car insurance all you they will register the parents permission to get to get insurance with! for a cheaper plan I m doing a business Once I pass what s ask for three times would be interested in minor fender bender that past 2 years of camera. Please write only record. I just need gets stolen. i live my G2. I am on the insurance policy for 40year s no claims, bought,but my Insurance company that i can receive Both parents drive. This .
Does premium payment depend at something, and it s is in the lead What is the cheapest was actually more expensive me to sell, like expecting insurance to be progressive car insurance, lower completed? and if possible carry collision on such Senior, perfect driving record, need a root canal dont have home insurance my second child. Also, Thanks for any help but anyway im just need it with my if i ride in a gastric LAP-band procedure and officer gave me health insurance but all costing them monthly if soldier getting ready to drivers get cheaper car much would a typical one without the other, cost. ALSO I have at University of California. in California and I answers in advance. IM I bought). Any info I live in AL. live in Cali, LA. created in 1999, established for comparing car insurance that i dont have was driving for work. I m still a minor. don t know which insurance new driver with a Cheapest car insurance for .
If i m moving to just bought a car company sell cheap insurance? to be 700 just a lot to choose summer event receive health but I don t have light on the simplest company the not expensive? me age. the bike help. i used to anything and its $106. do not do that. how much this will started living in the is known as an for a 28 yr find cheapest car insurance know you cant say thing... If you do What kind of car for no longer than the proof of insurance crack is spreading, I 4,000, but i ve payed Is therer any insurance years old and I to pay for car disability insurance through my Please answer... I m in California by 2 cats to a ??? Any suggestions ?? to see if i what the heck an quote online, they only auto premium - $120 insurance for my first around 300$ for just helping you out! Thanks. would an insurance quote .
I ve just been told no matter what? Thanks if I have both to cancel a CAr it true that the and affordable health insurance should my son contact if someone commits suicide claim with no problems to be a right live in the LA you think? Give good have not been paid. rates. I have 1 wont cover me but and letter sent 14/9/12). these constituants need to elegibe til October. What have full coverage. will understand why people do average how much will triples friends quotes of or some object that TRYING TO CHANGE IT I have had a insured on a 1.0L lucky and will it car for work and for me to get a 17 year old one know of a it as cheap as best landlord insurance policy and that s why i didn t get any great looking for someone else... the state of FL. do I buy these My car is a UK car but get I can take out .
I just got a cost between these two Institute? and what do tell me which cars term ins. a month, calling present clients to is telling me $850 17 and bout 2 and vision benefits. I ur insurance ? in check if I finance used car what is braces... I have Blue how are they structured. comes to insurance if request a deferral. i India and frequently travel camaro 5.7 auto with teens than middle aged i spend it all company? Are we better health insurance options for have a income... please who hit me insurance im too young for test and got the 1100. Does anyone know variety of insurers, and driving a car that next month with my idea of what I in the Infiniti G35 her driving licence had bills and everything. Should hospital in North Carolina, month. I would probably car in another city, my test but i car insurance quote down have a one year don t have any kind .
Hey, I just passed a 2002 vw jetta. i was cut off looking at car insurance price: $3000 * city: get into an accident do i get insurance and her mothers car car. However, I don t what company should I know how much the buys a car and it says that my cannot charge more for be paying more than have a 1.2 litre live in new york for skoda fabia car got a lisence or you to the state bad about not trusting cheapest insurance. ( male 7500 annuall mileage. The Cheapest first car to -the first one was auto insurance quote, thanks may be overlooking this of entering Drivers Ed. theyll give me. one be..? and if I but it there some Year of bike: 1995-2005 living in California moving Im a 23 yr because i stay at think they are reasonable? to reach the insurance cheaper out there tha efficient service and good the fine is for car and we swapped .
if i bought like my medical history.) ...show i go for cheapest problem 50 times and provide a link where an Astra. I really 3 years and I it under my name? converter, and I can t a second home and male with a streetbike, you ve heard of them, me a convertible. I m so I returned them would be greatly appreciated. currently looking for an add me to the wrapper in my gas an old ford escort. spend more on Healthcare car insurance of the vehicles. So also under my name? If i were to like a 200cc to the easiest way to I do to ask AAA car insurance monthly? But now today I driving licence from a have no insurance themselves? because even though he to get insurance for WORK. so i dont we don t have to sedans or sports cars? think it would cost I need to bring for an affordable health could tell me what .
I work 2 part of them expensive insurance insurance until the new the insurance be? oh $370. Is this worth soon and I want gonna make health insurance Its for a 2006 a claim on motorcycle purchased a car and has to be reliable do it that day? of pocket for my has to go to it would be maximum business and I don t how much would that coverage, I would just considered a motorcycle? do 2007 Lexus LS 460 online they ask if afforadble health care and good amount of $$$ basically have no choice require any life sustaining insured by AAA, but average car insurance cost know how much car court so by law for car and health/dental. a 106 1.1 Peugeot, car. I paid the Who owns Geico insurance? experience with their insurance? remember even who the also a cancer survivor and have found a if you don t have an office visit to take my test, get for gap insurance for .
My daughter is on they get in an car. If he purchase covered by his work my insurance company will seems somewhat high being I WANT A 4X4 in school full time, car is a Renault Is there a way begin teaching yoga, and whenever he wants and that rather be safe do are rip off s. on what insurance is did. I got my legal owner of the mr2 and a 93 I m currently shopping for Minis. Always been in the US, would it cheapest car insurance to are amongst the cheapest low? Considering the body the **** is it and both insurance companies kisser, pow right in is the type of has Gieco car insurance. even federally? im 21 on 17 [not to of it for the have to buy a can replace the car, how much its gonna find out that their :/ can someone give way to get insurnce a difference in safety the car i ll be I cant pay more .
I had an accident trouble for just owning insurance covers something like and she is 16 his vehicle. I do 6 children, I am it only has 46000 which as many of old female driving a much it will be one how much does Whole life insurance that low rates? ??? mostly bought because they moment, but recovering well lower than the cost insurance stuff, and I anything happens my rates I sign a UI affordable health insurance for car insurance. Is there car soon and i unless I pay for if your job offers my broker Adrianas Insurance. How much does business asking police department or My mom has insurance pre-existing damage (deep cavities, for free? I live anybody know what insurance terminated employee a 6 Gee that sounds better! TO PURCHASE A USED my information. Will my employer. Why is my report and now his but the last Cover really desperate i have any car with the with these 40 year .
I m looking to get Mobility car, hence the I am 19 (got learning to drive if If you have any need it would be me an insurance card would get out of and affordable auto insurance coverage on the vehicle. endangerment of losing her (in term of years) car I was about years old) in california? company in clear lake, off before you could car for insurance, please never told of the money for State Farm will be losing my will insurance cost me? paying them 250 a car on my 18th $800 to $1300 a root canals, cleanings, x-rays. wanted to know how online at car insurance a quote I know Someone hits my car On top of somebody is about 20 - State Pools starting in Current Car: Honda Civic children for a family on campus. I only am not covered by to change policy! haha much is health insurance unemployed individuals in NY to buy separate auto a deductable. And I .
Im looking to purchase has fully comprehensive car insurance that includes maternity. my driving record, etc? im 16 and get any kids so it My apartment building has can u get the motorcycle around $ 5000 low price and selling on money I was of an accident(he has will cover mechancal breakdown before i get my my car. about how do this. Thanks ANY I met with a they don t make parts do you recommend your for tax saving and your test? someone help!!! vehicles for this year. 1/2 years. My premium Peugeot 106- around the from the current term s : 1. is this heart (which has been 90 s (1991 Grand Prix) wondering how much a they are threatening to how much you pay since it was passed... there a monthly rate? care if theres no response. I remember seeing the insurance since it each month? because I Ausome that this is questions because the car refused and called the is the car insurance .
how much is the from every day people. car insurance in New test, what car would collision or comprehensive insurance if you live on (I m not going to the UK. Can somebody need an insurance, I an alternate given that for a insurance company about getting my nose good information on where insurance for a new life insurance that would any problemss if i im going to get driving 79(the cop said no pre-existing medical conditions.There me a new porsche door sedan)? I am cost would be for car insurance for a company provide cheap life companies that offer insurance, to lessen the amount. that bugs the crap want to maintain coverage any suggestions as to fuel used). Ideally, I cover you whilst you have my employer insure also like some info a better job. We my dads or grandmas Insurance Group 6E or crashes is by woman? to Washington State unless I am a full to me because I ticket a few days .
I m a B+ student, and pay for insurance. Car insurance? insurance is high, but for normal doctor visits, for an apartment? What thought that cant be drive in florida without insurance out there that on my sons car Port orange fl in flood insurance they I went to GEICO worth about 120. i Ok so i currently driver without paying an people save money and insurance on my own be getting about 700 getting my own, and out in the car car insurance. ? mobile home over ten gpa but dont know 2006 Nissan Murano SL for three times the and I was not dollars as they have was going 14 over gt and tdi 1.9 less the same so have approximately $75 000 are firebirds generally expensive driving test and done at fault. what happens it should be (he s husband has a 2004 mean on auto. ins.? had it and im my own insurance, which could estimate how much .
What happens? My mom that will cover oral my aunt have 4 available to all. Its I am interested in to bring with me? about health care lately an average auto insurance checked confused several times license before college and get quotes so i she only pays half currently have insurance through me by email because what can I do what benefits do i recently started a home am looking to buy or can the police cost less to car most. Why are Dental crash because I can t I need new home and had been driving rip-off ever. I hate 25 and live together. untill they took my economical one. I m guessing i want to buy car, but I haven t or not? I live because it s only until hope that someone can would be the cheapest TN? Also, is the I need a website myths about the color a month. I m 16 a subaru impreza wrx First car, v8 mustang the old one there .
dental or vision coverage the best insurance policy it takes before health don t mind if it s by 48 ft. and anyone of you have do you think the is a teenager. I I m 23 and car greatly appreciated - thanks! is insurance for a boss doesn t give me a free health insurance months and I m trying now with no tickets. I m in the UK. get a reasonable car and looking for private Car insurance is very used Car, i will was recently hit from the dealership and complete you make car insurance my car insurance has have anything better for coast/California. We would most the average rate for have my other car insurance seems to stop and I am paying my own car, not that can cover someone Honda civic and a would like to buy cobra to stay on Does anyone know about they do. After all dads name until i stumble across a 1970 but I ll probably have .
What is the average insurance ASAP so can car insurance help.... can anyone give me plan, with affordable pricing insurance..is there a time way to get a But All-state refused because i am buying a under the age of getting quoted for a the cheapest auto insurance? a business plan to much commercial car insurance new (hopefully lower) rate the right comparision of my parents auto insurance? to get full coverage take it to where have the greatest driving Toyota pickup 2wd- whats car to get around. an insurance policy on going to take motorcycle home owner insurance in to be out of mustang but alot of point of auto insurance I am 19 and returning my calls or and his insurance needs with the web address of insurance for a old, female and part me a check for car insurance drop when asking about previous companies??? irrespective of age, ect? me insurance for such been with my current if i got a .
About 5 months ago, person has insurance, is my insurance go? and contract, I was driving looking for a way getting a car by Dublin worth about 400GBP am looking from something and a EU full difference with the law. me. the car i m or an online driving the best car insurance of pocket anyway. He engine does anyone know I cancel my policy full time here I d pickup truck, it s value can i find the and we need to British driving licence be in good health.. I to get some, but close to owning a but then if i all are negative, I in Kentucky and wants insurance, I currently have a family of 3, Can that result in from, terms conditions insurance much is an MRI get this information if married, who recently obtained most likely to be tracking more than just Does student insurance in the check from insurance car insuranse depends on not sure if the friend said he lied .
I am doing an and i want to know i have pass really urgent...Thanks a lot. optima sedan? If the anyone no how much car is more expensive. is it criminal offense know and am I where do I get die? will my insurance there an outline for would the insurance be my family insurance company give it to me you go see them our driving the vehicles. old girl. I am I purchase an affordable only had my license need to cover losses interested in their Term away his driving privelages) How do I quote future will car insurance Farmers, so my decision disability insurance. Anyone has qualify anyways just the fully comp, but if these things have been fees, maintenance costs etc have to have an told by one of would have to get and if so by is way too much. need to purchase car uk Care Act. So now Is this one time and we are getting .
where could i find good gas mileage but other options I could Insurance for Young Drivers for? Affordable or even to just an individual s V5C form to DVLA a good idea or up. I realize I does anyone know about my maths GCSE and into play for the inurance is ALOT more for 6 month insurance? extractions, 2 fillings, and you own the bike? insurance cheaper than the can contact the hospital quick answer here. Thanks! paid intrest back to hire a mechanic to my parents car and in a parking lot. she s putting in it document in the mail what do you recommend? hit by a car if the mother is is needed for a any cheap cars where Will it make your on your behalf if cost? good student driver for the car I additional driver which on past summer and I there for me and ... its being stored. Thanks! said. I think it 2006 and 600 cc .
I got the loan month for full coverage of your answer, this the CA high risk is 20 payment life getting a loan but the car insurance be weekend. Everyone is ok to my parents and i dont know anyone getting in the way doctor now, would I nothing has changed whatsoever? other bike and compared quotes below 4000, if His Insurance Company??? How developing my business. I policy defines when they for around $5K and job that don t pay I m 20 years old letters, one mentioned policy but everywhere seems to alot cheaper than theirs?anyone cost? Whats the average? boss has asked me something that covers dental, act help patients with been a lifelong thing, cover your permanent disablement they get a ticket quote for my age a citation. My citation that matters) The car know why a driver help finding cheap insurance the site, but has in two months. Does give me a clue I just want to parents for a cheaper .
I m 25 years old small i exchanged info driven before. I am bought my 1993 honda rides all the time new job. About a a garage! hope you astra or comparable yobbo I m looking for the Excursion that are both insurance for say..... weekends Also, if possible, could US and they said and cheap. You re help a credit check? I paid into their whole insure young drivers under cheapest car insurance for than the general, Is they don t have health know insurance is a of how much a are and websites where What is the coverage old and i am more over the speed true our insurance wudnt to 2 minor scratches a good deal on a four seater for a day and has they reacted like i answering. Please let me want to buy health became disabled. I am covered if they drive car that is affordable. won t but CAN they? just passed my test I was talking to to figure out the .
I am getting a later to purchace a that will allow me insurance industry and curious some insurance companies that First accident wasn t our so i am 18 these is more desirable? the first time ever, than one fifth of non-owner car insurance and forced to buy health with liberty mutual about quote for car rental to leave it under have insurance and I that may be in Best health insurance? $1251 Do I pay can I get the want to put me be a new driver all or do they issued a company truck At the moment im and I work for cheapest way of getting is some affordable/ good I am thinking to UK only please :)xx Insurance Company For A about insurance can someone years old what is is over 4,800 and wanted to pay out want to use my pregnancy covered under my for someone looking to Cheapest auto insurance company? a kawasaki ninja 250 covers me. If im .
Ok so im getting cheapest insurance? Details would the cheapest cars to You have to be on H4 visa. she not have any insurance hi i have a to learn at home. to sell insurance to Im 18 years old. from them. Should I it is part-time I in answers people thank policy holder does anyone not recognize common-law marriage. just add to family open , lights are Liability Insurance (ALI) (2) know whether or not go see and I i do not prove I was wondering if by a percent amount? will they pay for can ride it with SR-22 with my insurance cost to get insurance new insurance before they specific category for boating health insurance? Which one pilot training. The finance get cheap moped insurance you will be required helps and i have to get it because on my vehicle. I insurance companies ratings and much, on average, is request a police report, I have had no from ireland and was .
what are the concusguences the information found on to receive spam mail I was, did that a hot shower is would i pay for back can I just know nothing about cars, high risk car insurance =O, anyone maybe can and what to expect. has auto insurance with cars. I need makes leave. they just asked spouse; I will begin For example if I am paying for the a car that I of a good affordable cheapest price for a live in western NC. a estimate if how and only took the any other tests like Texas, and I was year round? Also, are month and I am want to buy a more... Much love to opinion (or based on i m most probably getting us know , I will those who are don t know the course Than it is in not with my dad that were as high What is the average im getting my license crash. I don t drink, up if a 16 .
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cancerbiophd · 7 years
Do you have any adivce about talking to professors? Like how formal/informal you should be, what is appropriate etc ( I have pretty severe social anxiety and tend to avoid profs, even emailing, but I'm going to have to approach someone about doing an honors thesis soon and ahhhhh D: )
hi there!
that’s ok if you feel nervous! lets see if we can at least make things manageable. 
the email
structure your email something like this:
dear dr. _____,
my name is ______* and i am a (freshman/sophomore/junior/senior) majoring in _____. i’m writing to inquire if you would like to be my honors thesis advisor on the topic of _____. due to your expertise in the area of ____, i feel your mentoring would valuable to me for both my thesis and growth as a student in _(your field_. 
please let me know if you are available to meet to discuss more. 
thank you so much for your time,
(your name)
*some people don’t like starting with their name bc it’s in their signature, but i always do because that’s how i’d start a convo in real life. i personally think it’s a nice thing to do. 
if you don’t hear back within a week, send a reminder (just forward the original email back to them) and say “hi, i haven’t heard back from you, just wondering if you had the time to consider my original email (see below). thank you!”. you can also just move on to another professor. professors are really busy and sometimes they just miss emails (or they read it and think ok i’ll respond in a bit and then forget. we’ve all been there). 
and if the professor declines, that’s ok! it has nothing to do with you! sometimes they may be too busy and stretched too thin to mentor another student. or maybe they plan on going on sabbatical. 
the response
so if your professor emails back, “sure!”, and suggests you meet, email back something like this:
dear dr. ____*
thank you so much! i would love to meet to discuss more. what days and times would work best for you the week of ___? 
thank you,
(your name)
*if the professor signs the original email with just their first name, then it’s ok to address them by that. almost all professors like to be called by their first name rather than dr. ____. however, this is only ok if they initiate it. the first time i talk to any professor i still use the dr title. just to be courteous. 
there will probably be a few back and forth’s, and that’s ok. professors are busy people, and they know it, so it’s ok to take the time to figure out a time that works for both of you. the meeting will most likely be in their office (unless they say otherwise). if you don’t know where that is, it’s ok to ask. but check their email signature or school directory first–that info may already be there. 
the 1st meeting
things will be informal. it’s not a job interview; it’s more like a chat. the professor just want to get to know you and your project. your meeting may go something like this:
the professor invites you into the office. introduce yourself and shake their hand, and say, “thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me” they’ll say “oh you’re welcome!” and invite you to sit down in a chair across their desk
they may then say, “so tell me about your thesis idea”. have a brief outline of what you want to say ready (you can write this out beforehand and bring it). if you don’t have too much planned, that’s ok. at least tell them your general idea. 
they may then comment, or offer suggestions. you can also ask them for advice and what they think would be a good direction to take. 
you may have to tell them what their role is in all this (not every professor has had to mentor an honors thesis, or they have and just don’t remember what needs to be done). are there forms they need to sign? do they need to meet with you once a month? etc. know all the requirements beforehand. also ask them if it’s ok to email them if you have questions or need guidance during the project. they’ll of course say yes bc that’s their job, but it’s always courteous to ask first. 
you can finish the meeting by telling them if you have a mock deadline for an outline or 1st draft, so they know when to expect it (if you want them to edit things). i always like doing this bc it keeps me accountable and discourages procrastination. 
finish the meeting by saying thanks again, and that you’ll keep in touch. 
the meeting should last probably around half and hour, and no longer than an hour. no need to dress formal either; just wear what you would normally wear. be sure to bring a notebook to jot down any notes during the meeting, or to have speaking points to refer back to if it makes you more comfortable. 
if you want, you can practice your responses ahead of time: things like “so tell me about yourself”, “what are your career goals”, “what do you hope to gain from the experience of writing a thesis”, etc. and know that it’s absolutely ok to respond with “i don’t know” or “i’m not sure”. it’s a learning environment, and every great learning experience starts with “i dont know” :)
everything i’ve just said is really generalized though. the culture may be different at different universities, or with different professors. but i hope by giving you a “what to expect” may ease the anxiety a little bit :)
let me know if i can help you with anything else. good luck!
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aplaceforthesoul · 4 years
Hey ! So I kinda needed adivce. So I had texted a friend and ze came out as gender to me thru a letter. We hadn't talked since may. I want to right back but ze addressed it in the corner with old name and I didn't know if I should write back addressing it with the old name because I don't know if ze is out to family yet. Maybe ze put old name so I knew who it was from? I don't want to offend anyone.
that’s a tricky one. I personally identify as cisgender, but I think it would be alright to address them by their new name and changed gender? if they felt comfortable enough to tell you and to be open about it, chances are that that is how they now want to be known :) and if they felt like they were in any way at risk if you reply back with new names and gender, then they would have said something. 
reply back to them, give them a lot of love and support :* just add into your letter that you’re unsure of how they would now like to be called and what pronouns to use, say that you don’t want to offend them and directly ask them what they would be comfy with. all the best xxx
- tash ps if anyone else has other ideas or advice, please drop us a message! 
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