#writing this took away so many years of my lifespan
soyaei · 5 months
Karaoke with teen nanami please 😊 He gets dragged into it!!
Hangout session with my crush
high school Au, no curses Au, just them having a normal life.
Note: This is such a good idea, tbh i was excited myself to write this! Also, Haibara is uhm.. almost forgotten here so, very sorry for that.
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You had a little crush on Nanami, but you tried to ignore your feelings for him. You just have the feeling that he won’t ever like you back since he doesn’t seem to be the type of person to be in love and plus, this feeling will probably go away, so whats the point?
“Hey guys, Let’s go somewhere after school!”
Haibara said as he took his lunch money out of his pocket. You and your friends are about to get out of class and go to the cafeteria for lunch.
“Actually, that’s not a bad idea. Im in.” Shoko agreed.
“Hey guys, you have to do your homework first, then we can go somewhere!” Utahime scolded.
“Womp womp” said gojo and geto.
“That sounds fun! Do you wanna come Ken-“ You were cutoff by the sight of Nanami successfully sneaking out of the chaotic classroom that is filled with the shouting of Utahime’s scolding.
“Uh- uhm.. Kento wait up!” You went out to chase Nanami, no one noticing.
“Kento, how could you walk out like that? Its rude you know.” You scolded him. He looks at you with an emotionless face and sighs in frustration.
“Utahime is right, maybe we should do our homework first.” “Come on! I doubt that you want to sing, so how about you do it in the karaoke room? Its just history notes anyway.”
You tried to make Nanami reconsider but he was having none of that.
The bell rings and the teacher dismisses the class.
“Finally! Schools over. It felt like it had took 5 years of my lifespan. Now let’s go to that karaoke guys!” Gojo said to his friends, excited for the karaoke outing.
Your friends, surprisingly including Nanami, exits the school together. Everyone taking their bikes. Not knowing that Nanami will not be participating except for you. You sneak up behind Nanami who is just standing there, since he walks to school, he doesn’t have a bike.
“Boo!” You tried to scare him but to your expectations, he wasn’t scared… at all.
“Come! You can hop on my bike. Or… If you don’t want people to mistake me as your girlfriend, you can ride Haibara’s.” You chuckled at the last sentence. Nanami tried to walk away and you’ve. had. enough. You dragged Nanami by his collar to force him on your bike, not realizing you were the center of attention.
“Woa, Nanami just got dragged by a girl!” Geto teased as he hits Gojo with his elbow to make sure he’s paying attention to what he’s pointing at.
“I don’t want to-“ “you- are- going- to- come- with us!” Successfully you made him sat at your bike’s passenger seat. Not wasting anytime you hop on your bike.
“Let’s go everyone! Y/N’s the lead!” Shoko shouted out to her friends.
In about 10 minutes or so, you and the rest of your friends have finally arrived to your destination. You get off your bike and grab Nanami’s wrist, pulling him in the karaoke.
“Hello! How many people?” The worker ask. Shoko handles the registration and finally it was time to pay. You take out your wallet from your backpack, about to take out your money but then Nanami taps on your shoulder: You look back at him as you make a “what?” face.
“I’ll pay you… you don’t have to pay back. Just consider this as a thanks for… uhm… everything” Nanami explained as Geto, Gojo and Shoko snickered in the background, Haibara and Utahime looking at them with one eyebrow up.
“Wow… That’s kind of sudden, but who am i to reject that offer? Thanks so much Kento!”
After you were all done with paying for the registration and finding your room, you finally get to rest and jump on the karaoke room sofa. Gojo wasted no time and looks for a song to sing on the tablet, Geto trying to push him away from the it since he wants to go first. Utahime scolding the two of them and Shoko just watches. Haibara is still looking around the room, amazed by the design.
You and Nanami were just… sitting. It isn’t unusual for Nanami to be very quiet but it is for you. To be quite honest you are a bit exhausted from paddling you bike since… you never really paddle it with a passenger on it, not to mention it being Nanami.
“So… are you actually going to sing? To be honest when i forced you on my bike i didn’t actually expect for you to not mind.” You said to break the awkward silence between you two.
“Oh… well, I don’t really have plans anyway and im done what needs to be done for school. So why not just tag along?” Nanami explained. But in his heart, it’s actually just because he wanted to spend some time with you and his friends, but more with you. It might sound selfish but hey he’s rarely selfish himself so why not have that personality trait once in a while.
“Okay everyone, we’re done picking the song. Let’s sing!” says Shoko as she grabs a mic. Everyone doing the same and wow what a coincidence, you were just about to grab yours just to realize that all of the available mics are taken by everyone.
“Oh.. I don’t have a mic.” You said disappointedly. “Here, you can have mine, i think i won’t sing that much anyway.” Nanami lends you his mic, but you don’t take it since its not often for him to go to hangouts, and you don’t want to ruin this for him.
“No! It’s okay… I’ll just sing without a mic!”
Gojo and Geto looks at each other with a “are you thinking what im thinking” face. “Hey! I have an idea! Why don’t you two share?” Gojo suggests with a smirk.
Nanami slightly blushes. Surprisingly he doesn’t hit Gojo for that and just did what he said. You on the other hand, thanked Nanami for being able to share the mic.
“Okay, Let’s do this!” Geto said as everyone cheered.
It had been 2 hours already and you were all ready to go. Packing everything up, making sure nothing and no one is left behind, they exit the karaoke room and finally the building.
“Good grief guys! See you guys tomorrow!” Says Gojo as he starts paddling his bike, Geto following not that long after. “Yea, That was really fun!” Haibara adds.
“Are you going to send Nanami home, Y/N?” Shoko asked you. “Yea, I was the one who dragged him here. And Haibara cant send him home because…. uhm.” You look at Haibara, hoping he tells you the reason.
“Oh, my mom told me to get stuff from a nearby convenience store. It might take a while and I don’t want to keep Kento wait for me. Again, thank you do much Y/N, and sorry again Kento, see you guys!”
“Okay then, get home safe, bye!” Utahime says before hopping on Shoko’s bike.
“Well, there they go. It’s been a long day, right Kento?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah.” Nanami seemed to be thinking of something but you didn’t thought much about it.
“Let’s go. I can’t be late or else my mom will think i got kidnapped or something, Hop o-“
“Wait, I’ll paddle the bike for you.”
As Nanami says that, you stare at him with confusion.
“Why all of the sudden?”
“You were very exhausted when we arrived here, so i figured it was because you had me as your passenger.”
“Oh, no no, please ignore that i think i was extra tired because of-“
“No excuses” Nanami says before taking your bike’s handles of your hands.
“Really, I don’t make offers unless i really want to do them. You know that Y/N”
“Oh okay fine…” You give up on trying to convincing him to just let you paddle the bike. You walked up to the said bike and sat on the passenger seat.
Nanami paddles your bike to his house. As he arrives, he gets off your bike and thanked you. Nanami opens the gate to his house and you left.
You finally arrived home, you immediately went into your room, locking the door and jumped on your bed, sighing in exhaustion. Your social battery is low, some sleep would help.
Your phone vibrates, a notification from a group chat of your friends. You press the notification only yo be met with a picture of you and Nanami singing together.
Shoko: Look, Kento is smiling.
Utahime: Woah! Even do he’s just slightly smiling, it’s still a rare sight.
Gojo: When are you guys gonna be official
Geto: Let’s make them kiss
Haibara: Nanami! Congratulations! You didn’t tell me you were dating!
Nanami: No Haibara, I’m not. Ignore them.
Y/N: 😭😭😭
You laughed at their response. You were about to turn off your phone when suddenly another person send you a message. You once again open your messages and to your surprise, It was Nanami.
Nanami: Y/N, I want to take you out. Just the two of us.
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intoxicated-chan · 9 months
𝐘𝐨𝐮❜𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞
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Summary ➳ Thranduil’s words ring in your head as reality of your immortality hits. You should’ve known that it was too good to be true.
(A/n) ➳ Inspired by “Rolling in the Deep” by Adele. This is going to have two other endings, one happy ending and angst ending.
Word Count ➳ 1.4k
Content Warnings ➳ Female reader, Reader is an Elf, pet names (amrâlimê, meleth nîn), heavy angst, mentions of death, mentions of violence…
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Thranduil’s words hit you hard when you were brought in front of him while the rest were locked up. He sat cockily on this throne and spat out words that enraged you right down to the core. But it made sense… You were an Elf, not a half-Elf. You cannot choose between immortality or mortality.
You would walk the lands of Middle-Earth until you were struck down or go to Valinor. Dwarves live long but not close enough to compare to an Elves’s lifespan. Even so… Even after death, Kili will go where you cannot follow.
“If you love him, and you are confident that he loves you. It would be best if you parted ways now or until either of you die on the field.” Thranduil spoke soft and low. “You have enough time in your life to find another or none at all. You will face his death or he will face your immortality. It’s a relationship that will never hold happiness.”
“I can’t go with you Kili.” You pulled your hand from him while stepping back into the direction of Mirkwood. “I cannot continue with you all.”
“W-What do you mean?” Kili was already in pain, was it the adrenaline or the pain throbbing from his thigh that was keeping him from thinking the worst? “Come on, we don’t have enough time. The orcs are on our tail.”
“Let me rephrase…” You took a deep breath to relax your beating heart and to clutch the hilt of your stolen sword tightly. “I’m not coming. This is where my journey ends.”
“You can’t say that! You’re part of the company-!”
“I am part of no company. I came with you all out of pity.”
“You’re lying!”
“This is where it ends for me-!”
“Enough!” Thorin interrupted, marching to you and Kili, he was already angry, tired, and completely drenched. “If she wishes to leave then let her! We have no time to carry dead weight!” He said before turning back to the rest of the Company who were trying to decide what to do.
“(Y/n), surely this isn’t you. You cannot turn back now, we are so close.” Kili pleaded with you, using whatever strength to stand on his own.
He snatched your hands, holding them together in his own bloody hands to lay a kiss on them. “Please, do not go. Don’t go where I won’t be able to follow. I want you to lay your eyes on my home, I want to do it with you.”
He looked up at you with watery eyes and a tear falling…
Kili then gripped your shirt with both of his hands to pull you down into a frantic kiss. His lips quivered as he held back the urge to burst into tears right in front of you and the rest. “I beg you, amrâlimê.”
“...Goodbye, Kili.” You pulled away once more and could see everyone staring at you. You gave no time for them to say anything, only a silent nod in Thorin’s direction before rushing back to Mirkwood and hopefully talking of leaving the forest the same way you came in, even if it met you’d have to face the spiders again.
You chose to lay down your sword and leave for Rivendell to spend your many years in solace until you were ready to sail to Valinor. You believed that Thranduil informed Lord Elrond that you were on your way since he welcomed you with open arms but he refused to say anything.
There were many Elves, but not once have you attempted to have conversations with them. You kept to yourself, reading, walking, eating and then bed, almost like a pattern.
It continued for months until you received two letters. One from Thranduil and one from Kili. But they were delivered at the same time, the messenger explained that Thranduil let Kili write to you one last time.
Thranduil wrote to you, his words solidified your choice to leave the Company behind. Yet there was guilt still residing since what you said was a lie. You joined because you genuinely wanted to help, you hoped that it would’ve been easier on the rest.
When it came to Kili’s letter, you wanted to push it aside, hoping to read it when you felt ready. But you knew you couldn’t push it back anymore.
It has been some time since I’ve last felt your warmth, or heard your voice, or held your hands. I miss the way you speak in rhymes, or stories of your adventures and battles. I wished you too could have laid your eyes on Erebor, and I’m still sure you will love it here. Everyone knows you didn’t mean those words, they didn’t take it to heart. They wish for your return as well, as do I.
I wish to spend the rest of my days with you and you alone, and if I must come and find you then I will. You have my heart, you have me in your hands, and my home isn’t truly home if you aren’t there with me.’
You still had a second page to read but you broke down, sobbing as you held the letter like your life depended on it. You were fighting with yourself, you were desperate to rush back to Erebor and see him.
But Thranduil’s words once again rang through your head. You can go back to Kili but then face his death or you could stay here but still face his death… Either way, he dies in the end. There was no way around it.
Lord Elrond comes into your line of sight, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You managed to slow your tears and clear your throat. “When is the next ship to Valinor going to leave?”
“If you make this decision, you cannot go back.” Lord Elrond warned you. “You still have time to be with him. Do not make a decision you will regret.”
“I’ve had my time, I know my choice. Kili should be with his people.”
“Kili shall receive my sword, Fili will get my knives, Thorin will have my collection of jewels, and Bilbo will be gifted my journals.” You looked back at the nicely boxed items. “The rest can get a choice of my belongings.”
“You have planned this out from the start, haven’t you?”
“Elves can only love Elves, it’s easier without heartbreak.” You folded Kili’s letter neatly. “I would like to thank you for the hospitality.”
“A group is leaving now.” Lord Elrond can see that you weren’t going to change your mind, he sighed and nodded. “I wish you well (Y/n).”
“Thank you once again, Elrond.” You grabbed your cloak and wrapped it around your shoulders as you left your room and towards the group of Elves leaving for Valinor as well.
From the day you sought me out and I watched you climb that tree to proclaim how you wished to be with me. Or the hours by the campfire exchanging stories. It saddens me that this will be my final words to you, if there was some other way for us to be together without it being painful then trust me when I say I would run right back to you.
You amazed me each day, the jokes, your skills, you will continue to surprise me from this day and until my last. I will think back to you and your smile, but please understand that my decision is for the best.
With all of my life, meleth nîn. Someday, we shall meet again but not in this world.’
“This is a lie.” Kili slammed his hands on the table. “Where is she?!”
“Kili!” Fili pulled him back.
“I speak nothing but the truth, she left for Valinor, she’s days away if not then boarding the ships.” Elrond informed the two brothers. “Either way, she’s gone, beyond your reach.”
But Kili still refused, he shook his head angrily. “That’s still a chance.”
“You won’t be able to change her mind.” Fili warned him.
“If she wanted to… She would say it to my face.” He rushed off, nearly taking a tumble down the steps.
Fili chased after him, grabbing his arm to stop him. “You heard what the Elf said, she could be boarding the ships.”
“Or days away!” Fili froze as he saw tears swell his eyes. “I cannot let her go, I promised myself that wherever she goes, I will go. I could not do it the first time, but I am now.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2023, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
hi!! today is my birthday and the thought of getting older, having so many responsabilities, my work, etc. It makes me really tense and stressed 😭 can u write something about loki trying to cheer reader on her birthday?
Hey lovely Anon 😊Happy birthday! Here's a little gift from me to you.
Fluff, w/c 300ish
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"You just don't get it, Loki..." you scoffed, pulling the bed sheet over your face as the god stood at the door to your bedroom, grin fading.
The dainty cupcake nestled in his palms seemed superfluous in the face of your annoyance. He blew the candle out with a pointed huff. "I know you said you didn't want a fuss darling but really, tis but a sponge."
"Tis not just a sponge." you said sarcastically, muffled beneath the duvet. "It's a reminder that I'm another year older, and I just want everything to stay the same. I don't want pressure and all that shit...it's just..it's too much."
Loki's chuckle took you by surprise as you felt his weight ease onto the mattress by your knees. "And I wouldn't 'get' that because...?"
You pulled the duvet tighter around your head. "Because you're a god, dummy. You don't understand these things."
The sound of Loki chewing filled the silence. "Are you eating my cake?" you said incredulously, breaking your own mood.
"I don't think you understand the gift that this day represents, love." he spoke calmly, ignoring your protestations. The sound of him licking frosting from his lips was crystal clear in your mind. You peeked over the duvet.
His smile greeted you. It was small, but knowing. "Every year for you is filled with possibilities only limited by your own doubt. Can you not see that?"
You frowned, as he took another small bite from the quickly diminishing cupcake. He chewed twice, and swallowed. "I have seen many beings, with lifespans many times that of your own squander their own potential as they thought time was limitless. Believe me, it was not." His words were firm, but a twinkle in his eye betrayed his amusement.
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" you drawled, running your eyes down his chiselled bicep to the finger tracing a pool of crumbs on the plate. He shrugged, pressing the tip to the porcelain and bringing it to his lips. He sucked it thoughtfully.
"My point is, that the general premise of life is to live it. To celebrate it." he raised an eyebrow. "It is my understanding that in order to do that, one must accept that in order to grow and thrive...one must change. Adapt."
A smile tugged at his lip, likely recalling the way that you saved him from himself all those years ago. God, how you loved him.
"There is beauty and hope in places you cannot imagine. In every step you haven't taken, your possibilities are endless. Would you throw that away to wallow in your own misery?" he said slowly, echoing the words you had spoken that day which changed his life. Perhaps he did understand after all.
You felt a reluctant smile begin to creep to your cheeks as Loki tentatively offered the plate forward. The half cupcake lay on its side.
His dark brows rose as you snatched it and popped it in your mouth, letting the vanilla sponge melt against your tongue with a satisfied sigh.
"Happy birthday, love." he murmured gently, leaning forward to press a tender kiss to your forehead with a smile.
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eilinelsghost · 1 year
frankie each of the snippets you post for the game make me go "woah" and add like 10 years to my lifespan. your writing is so beautiful
Friend!!! 😭 This just made my day. I've been really struggling to get back in the flow of Atandil after doing nothing but TRSB for the last month or so, and this was just what I needed. Thank you so much! I'm terrible at taking compliments, but this really means so much to hear!
And since apparently these add to your longevity, please have another decade of life:
The waves continued to rise toward them as the tide returned and Balan leaned closer against the other. He had minimized the depth of his reaction in his earlier words. The sea terrified him. It was the same vast, unending expanse that he could not comprehend in the future of the Eldar. And like all those waiting years, the sea would not hesitate to swallow him whole—an indiscernible speck amid the breadth of many waters. The weight of it was unbearable. “Remember me,” he whispered hoarsely and gripped Finrod’s tunic through the water lest he be washed away, whether by time or water did not matter. Finrod took him in his arms and held him steady as the wave passed by. “Tenna Ambar-metta,” he said gently. “Till the end of all things.”
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not-poignant · 2 years
If you don't mind me asking why did you stop working as a professional artist? Your work is amazing! I could totally see your animal artwork being in kids picture books or even on wrapping paper
Hi anon!
I'm so so glad you enjoy the art! That makes me happy. Feel free to check out my DeviantArt because there's a lot more there than elsewhere. :D (Eventually I'll probably be using ArtStation or something like that too dsalkfjsa).
I stopped working as a professional artist because of money. I make more money as a writer than I ever could as an artist, despite giving art my all. Not to mention that art gave me repetitive strain injuries in my wrists (that I still have to this day) as well as eye-strain and a few other physical ailments that I still have to be careful of.
While writing is hard on the body, it could never be as hard or challenging as my particular art style was. And after a while it just got hard to justify working that hard, in that much pain, for like 0.50c an hour. And while I don't make that much more these days, I definitely make more for less suffering!
But yeah it was purely a financial/economical decision. I still actually do make art! But I no longer do commissions, and I pretty much only do it when I feel like it. But some of the things I've done this year alone include:
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I think professional traditional art is also in some ways less disability friendly than writing. Or at least the kind of writing I do. I'm a traditional artist, and the easiest ways to make money as a traditional artist are to go the gallery circuit, which requires visiting galleries, pitching to them, and being seen at gallery shows (all things I could not do), or to go the mass production circuit via selling prints and so on. But I also can't go to print shops. And I can't drive. And I can't get to the post office (Glen posts all my art for me). As a result, I have to use a lot of POD services (and I do have a Redbubble storefront!), and anyway, it just didn't work out.
I still sort of think of ways to monetise the art on occasion. Which is usually trying to go beyond the lifespan of just selling an original piece of art. I tried prints, that didn't didn't work out. I tried colouring pages, that didn't work out. Children's picture books are the least profitable form of writing and art-making out there, unfortunately (people don't know this, but it's the most competitive writing market out of all of them, with the least longevity, because kids grow out of picture books, so while a few authors make a mint, most authors and artists make a pittance). I released an oracle deck and that made me about $900 this year which... is both good and not great or sustainable.
So yeah, that's why. Because while I'm not making a liveable income still, it's more liveable for less labour. My decision to quit art was purely down to income, which is why I know if things get dire with writing, I will do the same with writing, because I have given away a creative career that I loved before.
That being said, I have the particular satisfaction of knowing that my artwork is owned / has been commissioned by a cameraman / cinematographer that worked with David Attenborough across many of his series, and filmed birds of paradise on location more than once (he purchased almost all of my birds of paradise illustrations). By a head zookeeper at London Zoo who got so many pieces we became friends and are mutuals across social media, and I got to meet her in 2019 and she took us 'behind the scenes' to spend a lot of personal time with penguins and we chatted for ages.
Because I've done so much creative natural history illustration I've made connections and friends with biologists and zoologists all over the world, and it's been a humbling privilege to have been able to draw the favourite animals of some people, especially when those animals rarely get artwork in general. And I still love animals, so I do still draw them.
But it likely won't ever be my main job again sdalfkdjs
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fountainpenguin · 2 years
If you were given the opportunity to reboot FOP from the ground up, what would you change, shake up, or put your own spin on?
I'll have to give this a short answer, I no joke spent over 2 hours replying to this, then added a Read More and Tumblr told me that my post was too out of this world and it broke the editor. It kicked me out in a split second without any opportunity to save. Sorry to everyone who has to scroll past my stuff in the future, but I'm not living through this again. Read Mores have no place on my blog.
I'm furious because 1) I tried to copy-paste out of this editor like I always do and save in an external place, but the new editor is busted and only copies one paragraph when you do CTRL-A so I gave up, and 2) literally the last sentence I wrote before typing that was "Before my hiatus, Read Mores broke stuff, but I'm willing to give this another try." It's not even the same error it used to be. I can't. I can't.
At least we're friends and I think you know a lot of my thoughts anyway. Sorry it took so long to write an answer to this message, but I've already let it sit for so long that I HAVE to get it out of my inbox now or I'll never go back to it after losing everything :/ I can't believe that just happened. How ironic that one of the main reasons I went on hiatus was because stuff kept breaking and then it's worse when I return. Bleh.
So... Here's the short version of things I can remember talking about:
Update world lore, especially regarding Anti-Fairies. Anti-Fairies debuted in Season 2 and didn't reappear until Season 5; Anti-Fairy World itself made its first appearance in Season 6 because the Anti-Fairies were only seen in jail before that. Anti-Fairy World is kind of barren and stereotypical, and the general vibe of Anti-Fairies is that they are all evil because their magic revolves around bad luck. I'd prefer some gray area. I also feel like the characterizations for Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda were rushed and we should say it.
Logically I know that Anti-Wanda can be said to parallel Wanda's high-class mafia upbringing, but I doubt that was planned since Wanda's family only showed up in Season 5. In another universe, we could have had a classy evil queen. I love the grubby gal, but there are so many cool aesthetics she could have had instead. The Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda vibe doesn't bring anything to the table that Cosmo and Wanda didn't already have unless you take creative liberties.
Maps. Maps would have been great.
Designs. Cosmo, Crocker, and Dad really don't need the same shirt. Wanda's outfit is pretty bland too, and it's honestly a shame that Anti-Cosmo got a unique outfit but Anti-Wanda's is just a recolor of Wanda's. See also, classy queen.
Also I've never liked Timmy's Channel Chasers adult design; I just don't think it's in character. I feel like his body type would be much closer to his parents, and the existing one is just too extreme for my preferences. Doesn't say "Timmy the average kid" to me.
"Fairly Odd Baby" - As much as I enjoy the idea of Fairies placing a ban on babies because they're destructive and Fairy World likes to push away its problems, I'd have introduced Poof as part of an announcement that Cosmo and Wanda had been expecting a baby for 100 to 1000 years. Their lifespans are so long, it wouldn't be out of the question. A reveal episode could have been fun.
I also don't think I would have chosen to leave Poof a baby who can't speak for that long; I think he has a fun personality (Sasses Foop, deliberately puts Foop in harm's way, but also he's super chill and nice and likes sports) and I would have liked to see more episodes where he talks. I don't love how he was shipped to boarding school as soon as he was able to talk and dialogue was needed.
Vicky takes Mark back onscreen. She canonically decided she wanted to start dating him again, after she found out he was an alien and she broke up with him. She made the choice to take back her alien boyfriend and she loves him and we should talk about it. I'm obsessed with them and will forever treasure the deleted "Foul Balled" scene of them holding hands at the senior home while Mark is in his squid form. I support Vicky becoming the shapeshifting queen of a violent planet and being extremely in love with her squid husband.
Chloe / A.J. friendship. A.J. ended world hunger in Season 2 and he built a time machine a few seasons later, I feel like those two would have really hit it off.
More episodes of Timmy playing soccer. I will not re-elaborate.
More of side characters I love, like Molly and Kevin. I love them. I love Kevin falling farther and farther behind his uncle when they walk together, I love Timmy introducing himself to Molly's fairy by shaking her hand... They might be side characters but I feel like they add a lot more to the world and character dynamics in their few scenes than many of the characters do.
Sharing fairies. Timmy sharing fairies with Chloe (or Kevin) as part of a temporary program (like she was just here for one school year before her parents moved again). I think one of the issues people have with Chloe is that it feels like she's here for the rest of Timmy's fairy-related life, and I think a few months of hanging out with her would have been plenty and then there would have been a reason for her to leave the canon afterwards.
Make Chloe Dinkleberg's niece. My favorite headcanon. Also a perfect explanation for why Chloe's family would move to Timmy's street. Also a hilarious parallel of Timmy seething with frustration at his "perfect" neighbor despite spending the entire series making fun of his dad for doing the same thing.
More Timmy/Chloe "step-sibling" interactions. I support Timmy "I will sit with you while you have an hour-long panic attack" Turner in "The Booby Trap" but I cannot emphasize enough that I equally support Timmy "Will take a call from Chloe, listen to her explain that she vaporized a juice box, then hang up and go to bed" Turner. They are step-siblings...
Timmy, Chloe, and Kevin. I support Timmy - Chloe - Kevin trio interactions in general. They're a comedic trio and I want them to support each other.
Gary and Betty. Unironically, we need to talk more about Gary and Betty canonically being aware of the magical world. Or at least they adjusted really fast to being teleported from California to Florida and back again. Also we should talk about that time Gary rang Sanderson on his cell phone, which gets funnier the longer you think about it. Also I love them and we should talk about the deleted "Totally Spaced Out" scene where they tried to flee to Mexico together.
Ending the series with a proper send-off. I'm not a fan of Timmy keeping his magical memories after losing Cosmo and Wanda. Being the protagonist doesn't make him immune. I feel like there are so many ways this could have been done in a sentimental way that people would have loved... I'm sad we didn't get a proper send-off.
On the list of things we don't need to change - Imaginary Gary, Norm, Mark, Molly, Jorgen, the Pixies, Flappy Bob, Foop, and Ed Leadly. They are flawless, 10 of 10. We also do not need to change Chloe casually swearing, but meanwhile Timmy will call you out for saying "Moron" on the radio, and we definitely don't need to change "This isn't a fancy French restaurant- this is a black hole!"
I love the Pixies. If they didn't exist, I would have come along and prepped some worldbuilding about characters who maintain magical paperwork. I love my snarky monotone wasp boys.
Also I just want to shout-out Chloe and Kevin and their personalities being hilarious. I think there are several Chloe-centric episodes that have flawed storytelling, but I do genuinely enjoy the character you're left with after brushing off some of her exaggerated perfectionism.
Kevin has some of the best dialogue in the entire series, and those two just seem to write themselves when you pit them together. I like the mental image of Chloe venting to Timmy about how unfair it is that Crocker shows him favoritism and then it slowly dawns on her that she also has a history of getting a lot of favoritism.
Thanks for the ask! I'm sad I lost the full responses, but I think I've learned my lesson and will draft in an external doc first. Please learn from my mistakes, I will not take back my venting >:(
Even if I lost it, it's nice to take some time and think about some answers to these things. I'm also pretty satisfied that I was able to make this post long enough to feel like a good answer. Yay.
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sensibledecay · 1 year
i’ve been ravaging my fingernails, my cuticles, and the skin on my fingers since before i can remember. as a child, my mother yelled at me and begged me and punished me to try and kick this habit. for a couple months in elementary school, she painted my fingernails twice a week as incentive not to pick. the iridescent purple flakes looked prettier strewn across my bedroom carpet. she took me to the nail salon a few times when i was young. that kind of worked, except they never did my nails right, and i always hated how they looked. one week in middle school, she made me wear finger sleeves on my thumbs, the target of my most frenzied flesh-tearing. i still sometimes notice the odd shape of my thumbs and wonder if i damaged them when i was young. after enough punishment and humiliation, my mother and i finally found a solution that worked for both of us. every two weeks, i glued fake nails to my fingers, glue and nails found at the end of the makeup section in the walmart down the street. twelve when i first started this ritual, doing my nails became a built-in part of my beauty routine. i was known for always having fun nails, honing the gluing process over time to extend each set’s lifespan from two to almost five weeks, depending on how much i used my hands. for the rest of middle school and all of high school, my friends would pull the nail glue out of my bag and superglue their fingers together, or my laptop to the desk, or write in glue on their notebooks. many a time, i would lose a nail on the walk to class and trek back through the halls, examining the floor for the shard of plastic. when i finally got the gluing process down to a science, my nail choices became increasingly funky. i’ve opted for a long coffin style since i was maybe sixteen, only deviating for a can’t-miss stiletto design. always long, always ornate. the nails didn’t get any shorter in my two-and-a-half year relationship with a woman, and many a joke was made about my nails being the straightest thing about me. however, i never really kicked the habit of picking at the skin around my nails. anyone who knows me well can tell how stressful my week has been from how intact my finger skin is, with especially bloodied picking-sprees a common occurrence when i don’t have anything else to do with my frantic hands. when i was little, i really believed that i’d grow out of this habit at some point, but every time i take off my nails to change them, i bite off the new growth immediately. i tear at the dry edges of my skin and peel until i’m bleeding, not noticing until i look down from the tv. i glue lost nails back into place immediately, unable to resist the opportunity to rip my nails apart otherwise. recently, i had to remove my nails for a surgery, told that they would interfere with some kind of pulse tracking machine. in the twenty-four hours that i could use my fingertips, it felt like sensations were enhanced tenfold. by the end of the day, my fingertips were sore from overuse, probably because the skin has barely been touched for ten years. despite the joy of typing with upright fingers and being able to nimbly button my pants, i missed my nails. i tore at the skin on my fingers more that day than in months. my real nails were too sharp, and too bendy, and i couldn’t scratch properly, or run my fingers through my hair without making it dirty. i realized my body was so used to having long nails that i would stop short of scratching my face. it’s been about two weeks now, and the skin on my fingers is all healed. i still idly pick at the dry spots, but the clear, pearl-adorned coffin nails on each finger can’t make cuts as efficiently as the nails below them. for some reason, i always thought this anxious habit would melt away with age, but i guess i’ve just put a permanent sleeve on each finger this whole time, letting my bouncing legs and twisting rings take the place of my bloodied cuticles.
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considerablecolors · 3 years
Cursed SAF Movie Adaptation
So, obviously we are all in agreement that a SAF movie would be incredible. But. As we all know, musical movie adaptations do not always work out (cough cough dear evan hansen cough cough). So, here are a few ideas for the worst SAF movie possible:
It's co-directed by Tom Hooper and Ryan Murphy. I have nothing else to say here.
James Corden plays Curt Mega. This is a given. Bonus points if a bunch of unnecessary and uncomfortably-close-to-homophobic gay jokes are added to the script and James says all of them in a "gay accent".
Chris Pratt plays Owen. A slightly less obvious choice, but still an important one. Chris grows out his hair for the role, but instead of keeping it Joey's length, he grows it out absurdly long and puts it in a ponytail that flaps in the wind during the staircase scene.
Not a single original actor of SAF is invited to reprise their role. However, it is announced that Darren Criss will be in the film. While the fandom is saddened to hear there won't be any TCB members, we are, of course, thrilled by the Darren Criss news. Until we find out who he's playing.
So, the directors of this movie blessedly keep the Curt & Tatiana friendship. However, they decide there just isn't enough romance in the story. So, they decide to give Tatiana (played by Chrissy Teigen) a love interest. This love interest is Hans, one of Von Nazi's henchmen (played by Darren Criss.) After Not So Bad (a song which probably should have undergone rewrites and was instead extended to be 10 minutes long), Hans helps Tatiana leave and tells her where Curt is being held so she can rescue him. The two share a brief kiss.
Later on in the show, during the couch scene, Prisoner of My Past is replaced with an incredibly basic love song about how Tatiana has always loved Hans and that even though he's a Nazi, she truly believes he's a good person. (Nothing is done to combat this idea.) We never learn about Tatiana's backstory with the KGB, or her family. Her entire character is reduced to Curt's friend and love interest. The new love song is nominated for an Oscar. It does not win.
Speaking of, let's take a look at what songs are cut from the show, since every adaptation cuts a few: Spies Are Forever is cut and replaced with a stale 5 minute, no-dialogue cold opening. An instrumental of The Coldest Goodbye plays over it, but without lyrics. Eyes On The Prize I and II are both cut. (Barb's Lament is extended and becomes its own number.) We Love The Prince! is turned into a club song, as Vanger will be played by RuPaul. One More Shot is cut and replaced with a montage of them drinking, during which a 30-second instrumental of One More Shot plays. Spy Dance plays during the credits, but only after a terrible pop-cover of Tatiana's love song plays.
For whatever reason, the staircase scene no longer takes place on a staircase. It's not even in the Russian Weapons Facility. It's out in the middle of some random field, and Curt and Owen are standing like ten feet apart the whole time yelling the dialogue to each other. It's kind of like the end of Deathly Hallows, but there's not even any magic lasers. They're just fucking yelling across the field at each other.
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Anyway, I think if I list anything else I might have a stroke (/j) so I'll end it here lmao.
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jaybirdss · 2 years
I hope y'all's day have been amazing or at least really good! I have a request I'd like done if you don't mind, I'm thinking a Cole x Reader (doesn't matter what gender, so your choice!) where the reader manages to brake one of their bones (like maybe a leg) while Cole is away on mission. Cole gets done and goes to get affection from reader only to see them hunkered in his bed with said broken bone, giving Cole a reason to baby them (and carry them around cause you know broken leg)
Either one of you can do this, I really like both of your works! Have a good day 😊
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🛼I am actually so sorry this took me so long to complete. Writing this took 3 years off my lifespan but it was definitely worth it. Thank you Dots for helping me finish this, and thank you shinma for requesting this. I hope you enjoy it <3
gender neutral reader! divider credits
Cole came home, fully expecting a big hug from you, for you to dote on him and coddle him with your love after being away for so long.
But he arrives home, only to find you laid up in bed with a cast on your leg.
Immediately Cole is all over you, asking what happened, if someone hurt you, if it hurts, if anything else is wrong, ect ect.
Cole dotes on you as long as possible, even after you’ve fully healed. He takes every opportunity to do things for you, taking off training to look after you.
Cole was tired, but excited to see you again. After a month of being gone, with no communication from you, he came home ready to hold you tight and sleep.
Cole never bothered to tell anyone he was home, his only concern is seeing you. He entered your shared room, antsy to see his love. But once he laid his eyes on you, he was consumed by concern.
There you were, laid in bed with a thick white cast on your leg. Propped up on his pillows, nose pressed into a book. Dropping everything, he rushed to your side, startling you. “What happened? Did someone do this to do?”
“No, no one did this—“ you explain quickly, carefully sitting up with your legs over the edge of the bed. “I fell of the Monastery roof” you grunt softly as the cast thumped against the bed frame. “The roof, how did you manage to- can you even stand? Do you have crutches?”
You laugh, “No silly, I don’t have crutches. I can sort of walk” you say struggling to your feet. You hobble slightly, careful as to not to put too much weight on the injury. Stumbling lightly, causing the noir ninja to flinch.
He carefully wraps his arms around you, before you can take another step or deny his help, supporting your weight easily. “Cole, I can walk”
“Not when I'm around you can’t.”
With excitement clear on your face, you walk carefully to the front door, still getting used to your crutches. Cole would be home soon and you wanted to show him that you could walk on your own, albeit slowly. 
Cole gave clear instructions to stay in bed when he wasn’t home to help you. You, of course, didn’t listen. You knew he was just being cautious, but you wanted to show him that you were okay. 
You’d been living with your injury for a few weeks at this point, and you proved many times that you could manage on your own. Cole insisted on helping you as much as he could, which was nice, but soon became overbearing in a way. Even somewhat annoying.
So you were determined to show him that you can manage on your own. Your heart started beating faster when you heard the door open. In walked Cole, who immediately came to your aid, worry strung along his features.
“What are you doing out of bed?” he asked, walking you to a chair against the far wall. “You could have hurt yourself, y/n!”. Cole takes his place of standing in front of you, worry drawing his eyebrows together. 
You huff, “Cole I can walk on my own” and stand up, choosing to disregard your crutches and walk without them. You try, and fail, to walk past Cole and end up falling. Effortlessly he catches you, holding you by the arms. “That's what I mean y/n, you can’t walk alone”
You feel anger bubbling up in your throat, but swallow it down. He didn’t mean to be so overbearing, he’s just concerned. Taking a deep breath, you speak. 
“Maybe I’d be able to walk if someone would help me walk instead of forcing me to stay in bed” you say with more bite than you intended. Cole pauses, and sits you back on the chair. He sits too. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that-” but he shakes his head, effectively cutting you off. “No, you’re right. I’m being too restrictive on you. I should be helping you walk and let you get back to doing things alone. I’m sorry y/n”. 
“ ‘s okay, you were just looking out for me” you say, a sweet smile blooming on your face. You pull him in a hug, and kiss his cheek lovingly. “Now, help me walk to the kitchen, I’m hungry”
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tinyyoungblood · 3 years
hi!! do you know that tiktok trend where the girl asks her bf if he can temporarily break up with her so she can be heartbroken when she listens to olivia rodrigo’s new album and the bf always says no? could you do that but with peter and avenger!reader? i don’t really know how the avengers play into that but i trust you to think of something great. love your work babes <3
pairing: peter parker x avenger!reader
word count: 2.7k
a/n: hey fren, tysm <3 i do know that trend, and it always warms my darn heart. you probably meant for this to be a headcanon but halfway through i realised that i was writing full sentences, so i just rolled with it bc i have no self-control lol enjoy x
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Peter, I need you to break up with me.”
Not a moment later, you heard a series of loud crashes and Peter stumbled out of the bathroom, hopping on one leg while fiddling with his zipper. “What did you just say?” His eyes were wild as they scanned your face.
“I need you to break up with me,” you repeated calmly, not taking your eyes off your laptop.
“Break up with you?” Peter echoed, hand raking through his hair in bewilderment. “Why would I do that? Do you want to break up?”
This made you look up. Peter was staring at you like you had just insulted his face, making it quite an effort to stay serious. “It’s just for 34 minutes and 46 seconds,” you assured. “So I can listen to Olivia Rodrigo’s new album.”
He blinked at you.
“Please?” You set your laptop aside, shuffling to the end of the bed so you were sitting right in front of him. “I want to listen to it in full effect with a broken heart and everything.”
“I…” Peter slowly shook his head. A helpless laugh escaped him. “Um, no. Thank you.” He turned and made to return to the bathroom.
“Peter,” you whined and grabbed for his hand, pulling him to a halt.
“Sorry, angel.” He shrugged, supressing the faint tug at the corner of his mouth.
You pouted. “We can break up when you train with Bucky! In that way you won’t even notice because you’ll be busy and distracted. I won’t even be on your mind.” You weren’t sure what you had said that made Peter stare at you like you were insane, but it took him a second to snap out of it.
He cupped your face with his hands and made sure to meet your eyes. “Babe, I think about you all the time.” He said it like it was a wish he wanted to word correctly. Slow and precise. Then he switched to a lighter tone that implied that he was done with the conversation. “I’m not breaking up with you.” With that he turned and left for the bathroom.
“Fine,” you called back although the water was already running and you doubted that Peter could hear you. And if he did, he probably didn’t care. You took that as your cue to leave. Defeated, you plucked your headphones into your phone and picked out a song of Olivia’s album at random.
Steve was lounging on the couch of the common room when you entered. He looked up from his magazine and gave you a small smile by way of greeting. You returned it by tapping two fingers at your temple in salute, ignoring the way how his stare lingered a little longer. You sat down next to him. When you locked eyes again, you saw the silent question on his face and let out a laugh. It ended up sounding more like a delightful scoff.
“I know Tony takes pride in being the philanthropist amongst us, but for someone who grew up in the ice age, you’re really good at reading people’s faces.” You wanted to annoy Steve, maybe even coax out a laugh, but he just kept looking at you, and you held his gaze. You were good at it—an aftereffect of living with Bucky who happened to love the same yoghurt as you did. Sometimes you put all western movies to shame with the way you narrowed your eyes at each other early in the morning in front of the fridge.
To your luck, Steve was just as stubborn, which meant that you two could’ve kept it going until death if it weren’t for the door banging open.
“I can’t believe you did this to me!” A voice boomed. You took a wild guess and assumed it was Clint.
“Tell me about it!” Another voice bellowed right back.
A second later, Sam and Clint marched into the room, furious, whereas Bucky strolled in behind them with no care in the world.
The former two were holding bags of food. Both were animated and waving their arms through the air while arguing. You turned down the volume of your phone in time to hear Steve demand, “What’s going on?”
Clint and Sam stared daggers at Bucky until Steve amended, “Buck, what did you do?”
The man in question turned around, facing his best friend in exasperation. “I asked these two to get food for me.” This earned him a snarl. Bucky waved them off and examined his metal arm, unconcerned. “Honestly, I have no idea why they’re getting so worked up about it.”
“We—” Sam gestured wildly between Clint and himself. “—were asked to pick up food for him from two different places. And neither of us knew about it!”
“Yes, neither of us knew,” Clint chimed in, eyes narrowing at Bucky who was busy flicking dust off his arm. “And I don’t know about you, Sam, but I was touched. I was moved, okay? Because Bucky never asks for anything and here I was, thinking we’re starting to bond or whatever but now I just feel USED.”
Sam gave a harsh sound in agreement.
“Bucky,” said Steve after no one had anything to add. “What do you have to say to that?”
Your gaze flitted between them, not sure what to expect. Bucky didn’t give any sign of wanting to respond, making you wonder if he had heard Cap at all. But then a slow smile swept over his lips and you noted that it was probably the most feline smile you’d ever seen. It was a smile storybook villains wore after burning down the world.
“The only thing I have to say is that I regret not having the moment they ran into each other in the elevator on video tape, because that—” He turned and looked Sam and Clint straight in the eye. “—was amazing.”
No one spoke.
“Ruthless,” you said under your breath and just like marionettes, the four men glanced you before another argument broke.
You took the chance to turn the volume back up. “happier” was playing and you settled further into the couch to watch the scene unfold. Sam was arguing so passionately that the vein on his neck was making an impressive appearance. Clint, on the other hand, had a palm pressed flat to his chest; his face showing pure betrayal. Bucky didn’t seem to care for the chaos. He tried multiple times to grab for the bags only for one of them to move out of his reach. When you glanced at Steve, you nearly lost it.
He was staring at them like his lifespan had just been reduced to ten years. He looked like he wanted to throw pebbles after them.
Nudging him with your arm, you silently handed him one of your earphones. He glanced at you and hesitated, probably thinking of the many times you had offered him a taste of blaring electronic music. You rolled your eyes and insisted again. This time, Steve took it and you watched in amusement as his brows rose in surprise.
“I like the piano,” he mouthed and glimpsed at the name of the song. You grinned.
In the meantime, Clint and Sam had decided to form an alliance. They had planted themselves in the opposite couch, digging into the contents of the brown bags while Bucky gawked at them from the other side of the room with his mouth ajar and heart ripped out of his chest. Shaking his head in disbelief, he let himself fall into the armchair facing them. He looked devastated. You weren’t sure if you had to stifle a laugh or tears.
Next to you, Steve chocked back a laugh. You quirked an eyebrow and considered him only to realise the reason behind his glee. Bucky was brooding in his seat while Sam and Clint did an excellence job on commenting every bite. Nothing has ever received as much praise as that pasta, and you were certain that if this were a cartoon, there would be rain clouds hovering above Bucky’s head. As if the angels had set it up themselves, you took notice of the lyrics.
I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me
I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go
So find someone great but don't find no one better
Bucky was pouting, poking the leather of his armchair with his finger while stealing glances at Sam and Clint. It was perfect. Steve slapped a hand on his chest and he tipped his head back, laughing.
I hope you're happy, I wish you all the best, really
Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me
And think of me fondly when your hands are on her
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
You were both laughing hysterically. The others had stopped their on-going war to stare at the two of you; their expressions baffled. The song came to an end and Steve gave back your earphone, rubbing his eye as if wiping away a tear. He rose and walked over to Bucky, hurling him to his feet and putting an arm around his shoulders.
“Oh, Buck,” Steve said with a note of laughter in his voice. “There’s a song I need to show you.” You smiled as you watched them leave.
“Well, this was fun.” You pushed yourself off the couch and shook your head as Sam offered you some of his sushi. “Thanks, but I’m on a mission to get heartbroken.”
Leaving the men to their food, you wandered the halls and listened to “traitor” as you walked past Wanda’s room. Her door was open and you could see that Vision was in the middle of a chess game with Bruce and Wanda. By the looks of it, Vision was as good as winning and you reined the urge to cheer for him. You peaked around the door frame and saw that Vision had their king in check. Deep betrayal crossed Wanda’s face.
You chuckled quietly and whispered, “FRIDAY, play what I’m listening to right now through the speakers in Wanda’s room.” FRIDAY didn’t bother to respond but not a second later, the lyrics were blasting through her room and their heads snapped up in confusion.
Don't you dare forget about the way
You betrayed me
'Cause I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah
“Wanda?“ You heard Vision’s careful voice. “What is going on?”
Guess you didn't cheat
But you're still
You're still a traitor
“I’m not sure, but these lyrics aren’t wrong…You are a traitor.” Wanda narrowed her eyes at him, slowly bobbing her head to the music. Treason danced in her eyes. It was the beginning of a villain origin story.
“Maybe it’s a sign of God,” Bruce said and you almost burst out laughing.
God, I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you
“Hell yeah!” Wanda yelled and this time you bolted down the hallway, wheezing. You dashed right into Tony’s lab and slammed the door.
“What are you on?” He looked up in amusement. You simply shook your head, laughter still bubbling over your lips.
“Just spreading love in this facility.” You waved your hand at nothing in particular and Tony nodded.
“Right, I heard you asked Peter to break up with you to listen to that one album? Very dramatic. I like it.”
“See.” You gestured at him, indicating that he was the only one who got it. “It’s a good album. Maybe you should ask Pepper to divorce you.”
Tony gave a humourless laugh. “Yeah, I don’t think she would come back if I asked her.”
“Yikes,” you mumbled and this time Tony’s laughed for real.
“So what? You’ve just been walking around waiting for heartbreak?” He turned back to whatever he was working on. You stepped closer to get a peek.
“Sounds tiring.”
“I’m powered by exhaustion” You handed him the wrench he needed. “Want a listen? I think there’s a song you might like.”
He contemplated the offer and lifted his shoulder in a half-shrug. “Sure, why not.” You couldn’t help but squeal. You knew that Tony probably didn’t care but sharing your music was always exciting.
Beaming, you removed your headphones and connected your phone to the speakers of Tony’s lab. The first tunes of “good 4 u” started playing and Tony tapped his foot to the beat, head bobbing just slightly. When the chorus hit, he stood up and you stepped back, thinking he wanted to headbang. Instead, he reached for a tool that was further away. You didn’t miss the way he moved his shoulders in a little dance move though.
“I like this one,” he said, and you flashed him a smile. You continued working on the suit, handing Tony things you knew he needed until you passed him a plier and he froze. You furrowed your brows, glanced at the tool you knew was the right one, and cocked your head in silent question.
Maybe I'm too emotional
Or maybe you never cared at all
Looking you straight in the eyes, he flung the plier over his shoulder, opened a drawer, and took out another plier to use on his suit. You gasped.
“How dare you,” you whispered in shock. Tony had the nerve to shrug.
“Enjoy your little heartbreak moment, Y/N.” He shooed you away like a cat. “FRIDAY, yank up the volume, would you.”
Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me
“Guys?” Peter’s voice was drowned out by the booming music. He was leaning against the doorframe, watching in amusement as you and Tony towered on the lab tables, using screwdrivers as provisional microphones. While Tony played a terrific air guitar, you sank dramatically to your knees and impressed the crowd with your air drumming skills.
“Guys?” Peter tried again, chuckling. This time you and Tony whipped around at the same time and pointed straight at Peter.
Like a damn sociopath
You threw your arms up in the air and spun in circles while Tony jumped into quite an impressive split leap.
I've lost my mind
I've spent the night cryin' on the floor in my bathroom
Just over the fact that I really don't get it
But I guess good for you
The song came to an end, and you leapt on Tony’s table to share a screwdriver with him as you sang the last lyrics together.
Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
The song ended and all you could hear was heavy breathing. Peter began to clap. “This was great, you guys. Wow.”
You exchanged glances with Tony before making a show of bowing at the waist.
“So this is what happens when I refuse to break up with you?” Peter strolled over to where you sat on the lab table, positioning himself between your legs. Tony chuckled and jumped off to grab a water bottle from across the room.
“I’m gonna need you to elaborate on that,” you said, just for the devil of it.
Peter smiled. “Cap and Bucky are crying over a song, Vision is sending Wanda flowers in ten-minute intervals, and you are down here having a rock concert with Tony.”
You gave him a toothy grin. “I was just feeling sour.”
* * *
stay hydrated pals
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frog-writes-for-fun · 3 years
Thank you so much for writing my request. I realy liked it.
So I‘m here for more, but this time some shenanigans with empires!Scotty reader. ( If you want to of course)
Thank you and have a nice day!
( also, I‘m probably request stuff more often, so could I maybe be 🍄anon?)
Welcome, 🍄 anon! I hope you’re also having a great day! I took shenanigans very literally for this one.
Rivendell Rowdiness
Empires!Scott x gn!Reader (platonic)
Summary: The composed leader of Rivendell wasn’t always so poised. You’re ready to remind him of those days when Winter Fest comes around.
Warnings: None! Just fluff!
Note: This was really fun to write! No disclaimers or anything needed for this one!
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You were the child of one of the many Rivendell shepherds. Due to the long lifespan of elves, there tended to be long periods of time between births, and the fact that you were born in the same year as a prince was seen as a good omen for your future.
Because of your closeness in age, you and Scott were encouraged to become friends. The idea was that the two of you would be rivals, encouraging each other to better yourselves and become model citizens.
Yeah… no.
The two of you were the empire’s menace, forces of chaos and makers of mischief.
One of your favourite parts of the year was the annual Winter Fest. Everyone was in a cheery mood, and you and Scott were able to get away with a lot more in the name of the festive season.
When all the Rivendell children gathered to decorate trees before the holiday, everyone knew when you and Scott had helped. The branches were nearly overloaded with decorations, and tinsel and baubles surrounded the base.
During the Winter Fest snow elemental summoning ceremonies, Scott would have to stand among the nobles while you were in the crowd. It became a competition: you would make faces to try and get Scott to break composure. No matter the outcome, one of you would call for a rematch the next year.
Of course, the two of you had more traditional pranks as well: releasing sheep into the crowd, sneaking sweet treats, surprise snowball fights, and training owls to steal gold jewellery were among some of your favourites.
Once Scott took the throne as king of Rivendell, he had far less time for fun and shenanigans with you, and your childhood closeness faded. For the first few years, the Winter Fest remained a time when the two of you would forget your responsibilities and become kids again.
Eventually though, the two of you came to rarely interact. Scott was always off dealing with diplomatic matters while you had duties to fulfil at home. Due to the king’s absences and the retirement of the High Wizards, the Winter Fest slowly became a much smaller holiday, something to celebrate with close family and friends rather than a citywide festival.
After the whole Xornoth fiasco went down Scott held the Rivendell Festival for the ambassadors of the other empires, and it rekindled interest in similar events. When Scott gained his ice magic powers, it almost seemed to be an omen in favour of the Winter Fest.
So, Winter Fest was held. There were some definite differences from the festivals of your youth, but the spirit was the same.
In keeping with that feeling, you saw an opportunity to relive some of the festivities of the past and you took it.
Scott stood near the entrance to Rivendell, welcoming visitors from the nearby empires to Winter Fest. His back was turned to you as he spoke to a blonde man wearing… was that a fish on his head?
Well, no matter how terrible his guest’s fashion sense was, this was a prime chance to prank him. A nearby stand seemed to be handing out Winter Fest crackers. You ducked behind it to avoid being seen if Scott turned around, scooping up a handful of snow.
Packing the snow into a sphere, you peeked out around the cracker stand to aim. Scott was still engrossed in conversation with the man in the cod hat.
The snowball hit directly in the centre of his back. Scott whipped around to face you as his companion began to laugh. You stood confidently, a smirk plastered onto your face as you took in his shocked and confused expression.
The smile dropped quickly as Scott, with reflexes much faster than you anticipated, smiled and scooped up his own handful of the snow that covered the ground.
You didn’t have time to run before the snowball was flying at you. All you could do was raise your hands to shield your face, scattering white powder around you as it impacted.
“Oh, it is on!” You dove to the side, ending up behind a snow bank. When you poked your head up to aim another snowball, you found that a wall of ice had popped up in the middle of the town square.
Scott and his friend crouched behind it, and any Rivendell citizens that knew the two of you in your youth began to clear out, ushering away younger elves and visitors.
You ducked back down, gathered an armful of ammunition, then dashed out, aiming to go around the edge of the wall.
You made it approximately 10 metres before you were buried in a pile of snow.
“Back to our childish ways, are we?” Scott’s teasing tone met you as you pushed through the slush to the surface.
“Not fair!” You glared at him once you managed to make your way out. “I don’t have magic powers!” He only laughed at you.
He introduced you soon after to Jimmy.
You teased him absolutely mercilessly about his crush on the Codfather once you found out.
The rest of Winter Fest was filled with merriment and reliving many of the pranks you and Scott remembered from your childhood.
The elves old enough to remember you as the chaos duo were terrified. They thought they were free from this!
The best victims were the younger elves, though. They had no idea what was coming!
Some of them definitely took notes. You might have to watch out for some of the youngsters next Winter Fest.
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marisakage · 3 years
Home is where the Heart is
One thing that I give big props to Mihoyo is the brilliant way they incorporate tropes. They introduce the characters as one-dimensional then expand them. Thanks to how realistic their portrayals are, they seem human. They all come from different upbringings and circumstances. These two elements shape the characters to become relatable and engaging.
Luke is an example of this case because he is such a trope-y character. He embodies the childhood friend trope super well.
At first glance, some people wouldn't bat an eye on him, writing him off as a boring character. Given that Luke is the childhood friend, his arc should be very predictable. But little did they know that we are not dealing with a typical otome game.
With that said, my essay will delve into why I adore Luke and Rosa's dynamic. I am 100% biased towards this ship, and I feel so strongly about them.
SPOILER DISCLAIMER since I will talk about some of Luke's unreleased cards!
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Luke is Rosa's childhood friend, but his arc is so entangled with the main story route. The NXX drug that the team is currently investigating may or may not be behind the death of his parents as well as his shrouded background. He's the person who's directly involved with the problem that the NXX members are dealing with at hand. Marius is investigating because of his missing brother Giann. Artem is doing whatever he can to uncover the truth behind his mentor's disappearance. And Vyn is just there unless he's got some reason that's yet to be revealed.
That leaves Luke as the person who is indeed directly involved with the issue itself. The drug has greatly affected Luke, reducing his lifespan to just three years.
This ordeal puts Luke in an agonizing and harsh situation as he's been struggling with an inner conflict ever since. His conflict being Rosa.
He woke up in the hospital room by the sheer will of living (Rosa indirectly saved him), surrounded by his fellow mates who turned out to be dead.
Luke's “I will become the God of Death” line which took place in his Lost Gold route conveys a whole new meaning.
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Imagine waking up and being the only survivor in a room full of deceased people who once were your teammates. Luke must have felt extreme guilt. He would definitely think he robbed them of their lives hence the God of Death title. It also does not help that he is often associated with Crows -a symbol of death in many cultures.
All this time, he regarded himself as such -a being who is undeserving of living, much less next to his crush. It is the reason why he took a while to appear in front of Rosa. His guilt and self-loathing are what disabled him from indulging in his time with her. If he could disappear, he would easily do it. And he did it once in his Shape of You card; when he prayed to the Land God to take him away from Rosa and to make him disappear from her life.
Luke reappeared again because he had unfinished matters to deal with, a.k.a the mystery behind the drug and his parents' background. He wants to use his remaining time to pursue the truth and look after Rosa before he is gone.
His conflict comes into play when he realizes that the drug effects are irreversible and that his impending death is coming nigh. He was at a loss when it came to Rosa.
Must he be selfish and choose to stay by her side until his time is up?
Or must he disappear from her sight so she doesn't get hurt?
Luke was torn between what he wanted to do and what he needed to do, and he came to these two paths without confronting Rosa about them. He was in a complete dilemma.
He shouldered all of this weight on his own for a long time. He eventually reappeared again in front of Rosa, much to his dismay. The moment he saw her, his resolve wavered. With each passing second, his longing to stay with her grew bigger.
His tendency to overthink and to be overly overprotective stems from the conflict with which he is struggling. He doesn't wish for anything bad to happen to Rosa. Because if that were the case, he would hate himself for it. Some people think that Luke is treating Rosa as an inferior, a weakling. Someone incapable of holding her grounds. But that is wrong.
These people fail to see the helplessness of this guy. He feels worthless, hopeless, pessimistic, and very undeserving of being near Rosa. But he also feels responsible for Rosa's protection despite only being granted a short amount of time.
Nothing about this screams inferiority/superiority complex. It's Luke's helplessness that's screaming and ripping him apart.
The fact that he won't be by her side in three years. The fact that he has to bid her farewell in three years. The fact that he has to entrust her to some other guy in three years. The fact that he is unable to support her in three years. Knowing all of this shatters his heart. It's gut-wrenching.
Imagine the pain he felt this whole time. Luke missed out on eight precious years that could have been spent with Rosa. And to make matters worse, he now has a ticking timer above his head reminding him of the fragility of his life and the cruelty of losing everything before his eyes. This whole issue not only has affected him but also Rosa. She is a direct factor in this.
All of Luke's cards; regardless of how the timeline works; are pretty much tied. Each card focuses on Luke's character as well as his relationship with Rosa.
In Timely Rescue, we get to witness the overbearing nature of Luke's overprotectiveness and how it started to get on Rosa's nerves.
In Among the Great Blue, Luke reminisced about his past with Rosa and her parents. He has been raised as if he were a member of the family. Luke felt both blessed and grateful in that regard. Because of that, he thinks that as long as he is a part of Rosa's life; he mustn't care about where he stands. Because of his condition, Luke accepted that crossing the boundaries with her is futile. He would rather keep their friendship until his days are up. What's poignant about this is that Luke made it clear that he gave up. He came to terms with his reality before long which is utterly sad and devastating.
On top of that, moon jellyfish only live up to three years which parallels his lifespan. The expression Luke had when he talked about them was so heart-wrenching.
"Life is short, and one should enjoy every second of it" hits right in the feels considering Luke's situation. The line is also a bit ironic because he did not abide by it as shown in his Iridescent Heartbeat card (Which I will talk about in a bit.)
What's also bitter about Among the Great Blue is that Luke is in so much pain; both physical and emotional. Yet, he tries to hide it all through lying. Luke is an expert at concealing his pain. He would go out of his way to bury everything that might expose his situation as shown in Moment of Danger and his personal story.
Luke is such an enigmatic person. There is still so much that we don't know about which serves as an interesting juxtaposition of being the character we're supposed to know best, but we also know so little about.
His Shape of You card revealed a little more about Luke's past and how much he struggled to stay with Rosa.
He got shunned by her relatives for always being around her. He is an orphan, and the only people he interacted with are Rosa and her parents, so it's only natural to be attached to them. They were his only family. But others didn't take that too well and started dissing him.
That pushed Luke to pray to the Land God. He prayed to disappear from the face of the earth and everyone's memories if it would make Rosa feel better. No child deserves to go through that.
Fortunately, Rosa reached out to him and rescued him from falling too deep into the pits of darkness.
That card not only touched on Luke's past but also showcased a new side of Rosa.
When Luke ran off somewhere to catch the thief, Rosa felt helpless and desperate to find him. She had the feeling that she might lose Luke once again. Never to be seen. Never to be found.
Rosa's position in this card is understandable because she went through this twice. She almost lost him the first time when they were kids. This accident made her dread going to any festivities.
And the second time is when Luke unofficially left her side and went to the Capital upon turning 16 years old. He didn't contact her as much for eight years. You can only imagine the melancholy that she felt. She even refused to visit Prague simply because it doesn't feel the same without Luke.
Shape of You managed to give yet another layer to Rosa. Rosa isn't just your typical, strong, and level-headed protagonist.
She went through a lot and has endured so much by herself without anyone's support. (personal story ch2)
However, Rosa is an emotional person who has doubts and fears. She has problems and conflicts. Rosa is almost always concerned for Luke.
The moment he is away, she would immediately start panicking.
Because if she were to let go of him this time, what would happen to him? What would happen to her?
She is just as dependent on him as much as he is on her. The feeling is mutual. Luke and Rosa cannot be away from one another because they have been inseparable for so long.
“Rather than wanting to be by her side forever, I hope to protect her forever. No matter if I am still here, no matter in what form.” No words can describe just how heart-breaking this line is.
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Radiant Sunlight was about re-creating memories that both Rosa and Luke have missed. For example, the graduation day that Luke could not attend. The card proves that it is not too late to make new memories together. It offers a positive perspective in contrast to Luke's pessimistic one.
Inner Sanctum was a cute love story of an elderly couple. The card showcases how the couple never gave up on one another.
No matter how much time has passed and how much their health has declined, the couple will always treasure each other's presence. Their love for one another grew stronger despite the flow of time. Love is a boundless feeling as it transcends time.
Inner Sanctum conveys a positive message: Even if you've hit rock bottom and you feel like there's no way out, someone is waiting for you at the end of the tunnel. Luke has been in a hopeless situation for the longest time, but someone is out there for him. Someone is waiting for him with open arms to hold him. All he has to do is to reach out for the light.
The lyrics of the song that Luke hummed are heartfelt yet sad.
“When we can say goodnight and stay together
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new?”
Not only do they describe Luke's feelings, but they also hint at the shackles holding him back. But his response to the lyrics was very hopeful.
“I believe that there are no ifs between the two of us. I will make it all come true.”
Perfect Partner had Luke and Rosa work on a case that had a bittersweet conclusion. Timing often plays a role in relationship success. Something that could have easily been a miss had Luke and Rosa not met after eight years. The conflict of the case was due to miscommunication. Both parties could not clear the misunderstanding because they kept missing each other. I can't help but think that it could have been a possible outcome for Luke and Rosa had they not met in time.
In Iridescent Heartbeat, the relationship between them took a step forward, and it developed even further. Everything that happened in that card occurred for a reason.
Luke's pessimism and overprotectiveness took a turn for the worse, almost ruining the whole date. Rosa's patience ran super thin as there's a limit to everything. And clearly, Luke has crossed the line with how overprotective he has gotten.
Time is of the essence, yet Luke wastes it by brooding over the what-ifs:
"Should I take the safest shortcut so that Rosa doesn't get hurt?" "Sticking to this activity is better than doing bungee jumping cuz we might run into accidents."
Luke's thoughts have clouded his reasoning. He believes that counting every step he takes to ensure Rosa's safety is the right thing. But by doing so, their date has quickly turned into a sour one. Luke's behavior makes sense as mentioned before.
But this is where Rosa comes into play. She grew tired and sick of his tendency to overthink things since Timely Rescue. She is not going to stand by and watch the guy decays as he ponders over every single thing that concerns her. That is just a waste of precious time.
Luke's going the extra mile to guarantee her safety at the expense of his fun and her fun.
If Luke is not having fun, then what is the point of the date?
If he can't even do whatever he wants to do, then what is the point?
Life is too short to be wasted on trivial matters such as "possible accidents". Accidents are bound to happen.
Humans are prone to get injured, to trip over, to get hurt. We don't have plot armor, and we are definitely not bulletproof. If things happen, then let them happen. Let them become a part of their experience, part of their memories. So that someday, they can look back at that time and laugh at how silly they were. That is why I find his line in Among the Great Blue quite ironic. He is not sticking to it.
The whole interaction between them proves that Rosa is not afraid to step up and speak her mind. She refuses to stay idle when things are going wrong. She definitely doesn't stand looking at Luke not enjoying himself because his happiness is her happiness.
The story was beautifully connected to Timely Rescue and other cards. It displayed a realistic quarrel between two people who had clashing views.
Luke still hasn't decided to confide in her about his condition yet, and he is still very hesitant whether he should be with her or not.
Rosa was kept in the dark the entire time. Despite that, she could tell that something was off with him.
They resolved the issue through communication which is a primordial element in any couple's road to happiness. Without it, you and your significant other won't last at all.
Rosa is an honest person, and Luke's overprotective trait bothered her so much because he has crossed the line several times. Not only was he restricting Rosa's freedom but also his freedom.
The whole ordeal gave huge character development to Rosa. She looks out for Luke and is greatly concerned over him as well. Luke is not the only person who is busy thinking about her. Rosa also does think about him, and always has been.
The card portrayed a healthy relationship that runs into issues and solves them through communicating.
Luke listening to her and feeling extremely blessed to be by her side was the cherry on top. He understood her, apologized to her, and he promised he won't cross the line again. Her reassuring words held some weight because you only live once. Why would anyone waste their time instead of enjoying themselves?
To Luke, it hits him harder because it involves time which is something intangible and not everlasting. He absolutely shouldn't waste it, especially in his case. He should spend every single minute of his life doing the things he likes, hanging out with the people he loves, and making new and timeless memories with them.
Rosa ended up teaching him a lesson about life and how valuable it is. The way she snapped at him as she ran out of patience and as her frustrations grew all the more obvious has only rendered her as more than a third-dimensional character. Rosa is too real. Too realistic. She has the most natural and wholesome interactions with Luke, and that says a lot about their relationship.
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Moreover, his Lost Gold route expanded his character even further. We get to witness his Raven side first-hand. A side that he is ashamed of showing.
But because of the whole ordeal in Timely Rescue, he decided not to cross the line. He made up his mind and showed her the side that he's been afraid to reveal all this time. A side that developed over those eight years. Rosa witnessed it, and her reaction to it was genuine as well as sweet. She immediately figured out how ashamed he was. And she also understood him and his predicament. Because of his job, he has to be harsh to his suspects. And as Rosa stated, she prefers Luke to be ruthless to protect himself rather than get hurt because of his kindness. Rosa has embraced all of Luke's sides and accepted him the way he is.
Granted, Luke said: "I will become the person that you like", but Rosa doesn't want that. Rosa wants Luke. The genuine person with all of his flaws and all of his strengths.
His response to what she said was so sweet. His embrace and his Thank You were so emotional and meaningful. Luke was afraid he might disappoint her with how much he changed. So, her reassuring words were such a relief to him. Nothing beats being wholeheartedly accepted by your significant other.
Rosa has always felt that the person in front of her is no longer familiar. She thought she always knew him. But the truth is she did not. Rosa has been feeling this way since day one of their reunion. And she openly expressed that in several cards like Alluring Gaze, Xmas Card, Among the Great Blue, to name a few.
Despite her lingering doubts, Rosa still accepts the person who is standing in front of her. Luke might have changed, but Rosa is willing to hold onto him and never let go. She is ready to embrace that unfamiliar figure of his because she loves him.
Her resolve to see past the distance that separated them had never faltered. That is because Luke means much more than that.
Xmas Card revealed that Luke has been hiding from Rosa for a while. It personally pains me to see him run away from her. This card adds more to how much he struggled with himself. Luke wanted to meet Rosa as soon as he came back. He wanted to share all the experiences and the stories that he had in the past eight years. He wanted to confide in her about everything. But, Luke was unable to do so. On top of his illness, he is ashamed to talk about his work as an agent. God only knows what kind of misdeeds he did. It saddens me to know that Luke has been through so much for the past eight years, unbeknownst to Rosa. He has been in many perilous situations. He got so wounded that he does not need an anesthetic to treat himself. Luke grew numb to the pain which is messed up. He got tormented for the longest time. (personal story ch3 and 4)
Luke has been exposed to danger at a young age which explains why he hates seeing Rosa go through the same path.
That also explains why he was so against the idea of her joining the NXX team in the main story.
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In RRG, Luke and Rosa's relationship took a shift and started to progress. Rosa felt bummed out because she thought she knew Luke best but realized that those eight years made him seem foreign to her. Her desire to know all of him and get close to him has been made clear in that card. Rosa seriously started looking at Luke. Her feelings slowly and steadily started surfacing and taking shape.
The whole card was incredible. From us finding out more about Raven to them acting like parents (to Xia Xia) to Rosa getting all emotional over Xia Xia's departure. Rosa's nightmare also proves that she refuses to be apart from Luke and that she is determined to hold onto him because he might slip from her at any moment. A sentiment that she has expressed since Shape of You. Rosa also figured that Luke has been hiding from her for so long, fearing he might bring her trouble. She got upset because she always wanted to be by his side no matter what.
Despite the dangers that Luke may face because of his work, Rosa wants to support him however she can. She is worried about him, and she hates that his life is always at stake, but she has decided not to get in the way of his dreams. Instead, she would bear the brunt with him. They will both go through ups and downs together, hand in hand.
The promise that they made is very precious because it shows just how much they care for each other.
"I promise I will do my best to not compromise myself.
In every minute and every second, I will choose the way that makes me happiest to live.
In every minute and every second, I will remind myself to avidly pursue everything I yearn for.
I definitely will not make this person in front of me, who supports me, feel unhappy or not blessed."
This promise is important because Luke always puts others above himself, and Rosa had enough of that. She wants him to be happy and to think of himself before others.
I would like to take a moment to talk about Luke's design. He is often seen with many gadgets. One of them is a camera.
His camera helps in capturing the moments, turning them into memories that transcend time itself. Luke is still coping with how short his lifespan is. Hence he wishes to savor the beauty of this world by saving every moment in his camera. Because surely, those moments will outlive him, never to be forgotten.
I like how Luke is the owner of an antique shop. An antique shop consists of items that are desirable because of their age, beauty, rarity, and personal emotional connection. These items represent a previous era or period in human history.
Luke as an antique shopkeeper is just so fitting because it feels like he is gathering all sorts of stories and memories connected with each object in his tiny little space to preserve them. After all, they will persevere against the flow of time. An ability that Luke would have liked to possess to put an end to his misery.
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Luke seems to be associated with crows which are a symbol of death. But that symbol represents more than that.
Rosa often thinks of Luke as a free-spirited person, unshackled by any constraints. She firmly believes that he deserves to be free like the birds.
"I hoped that I could also protect Luke, this eagle flying high with his wings spread, and his smile that was as warm as sunshine."
Her impression of Luke has always been that of an eagle spreading his wings in the sky. He represents freedom to her. Seeing Luke restrained by his shackles hurts Rosa to no end. Luke should not be in a cage. Luke should be flying high in the sky. That is where he belongs.
Rosa wants to protect that within her power because he deserves to be happy.
Not only has it been mentioned in the Electrifying Night card but also SoTT.
In SoTT, Luke worships the birds because they soar high in the blue sky. They are the symbol of freedom. But in this story, the roles are reversed. Rosa is trapped in a cage (society conventions) while Luke reaches out to release her. Luke is willing to give up on his freedom so that Rosa can live the way she always wanted to.
“I pray that you will continue to live bravely onwards, as you had described.”
Luke would do anything to see Rosa be happy, even at the cost of his freedom. That is the weight of his sacrifice.
On an unrelated note, Luke's design in SoTT is very self-contradictory and interesting:
His mask is that of Anubis; the God of Death, whereas his necklace is that of Ankh; the symbol of eternal life.
Going by that analogy, the necklace that was given to him by Rosa represents life. Despite being on the verge of death, Luke managed to live thanks to her.
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Honorary Mention:
Looming Nightmare is such a lamentable story. But looking past that, there's a lot of foreshadowing regarding Luke and Rosa's relationship.
The ruby and the sword made a cameo in this card.
Ruby symbolizes romantic love. It brings happiness and passion. It is said to inspire devotion and faithfulness within a romantic relationship.
This symbolism depicts Luke's overflowing feelings towards Rosa.
Because the ruby's hue is close to the color of blood, which carries oxygen to all parts of the body, the gemstone also represents vitality and vigor.
As for the sword, it symbolizes power, protection, authority, strength, and courage; metaphysically, it represents discrimination and the penetrating power of the intellect.
It is a symbol of knighthood and chivalry which is very fitting for Luke.
“Passion is the sword of love that pierces through the wall of fears that hold us back.” Lewis Howes
Based on the game's poster art, Luke might also become Rosa's weapon when her ideals will be put to the test.
This card proves yet again just how much both of them are willing to sacrifice for one another.
Granted, it is romantic but it is just as foreboding. Because of his desire to meet Rosa and be with her, Luke was easily deceived by the witch. In this case, not only did Love blind him but also drove him to his death (and ultimately Rosa's death). A tragic ending.
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On a side note, we get to see a very wholesome moment between them at the end of the card.
They always find comfort in each other's company and it's simply heart-warming.
I just love how close and intimate they are even before they started dating.
Their relationship is dynamic since both parties are willing to sacrifice so much to ensure the other is happy. Their love for each other is very pure, selfless, and unconditional. Not only that, but they are also characters with so much depth to analyze. Rosa and Luke are such layered individuals, and it is such a treat. There's more to these characters than what meets the eye (especially Luke)
Luke's personal story focused on the entire three-year issue. Episodes 1 and 2 were angsty enough. But Rosa has sprinkled some of her optimism which also plays as foreshadowing to the anniversary card.
The story behind the escape room puzzle is a straight nod to Luke's whole conflict.
Sphinx/Aaron purposefully planned this so that Luke would have enough balls to confess everything that he has covered from her.
Rosa's answer regarding the escape room's story is an indirect answer to Luke's confession. She insisted that even though your lover might someday disappear, the time spent with them is far more valuable than being apart from them.
Their entire existence brings them joy. So why would anyone be away from their source of happiness?
Luke took it personally because he resonated with the whole story.
At that point, Rosa does not know a thing about his illness, yet her answer hits Luke's very core and being.
The anniversary card was the culmination of several events throughout their story.
Luke's confession happened because reality has slapped him right in the face. He always thought of his short lifespan, but he never considered the possibility of losing Rosa before his eyes.
Rosa is selfless, almost to a fault. Episodes 3 and 4 displayed how she would readily put others above herself. She would easily risk her life for someone else. The incident that almost scarred her gave Luke the last push to finally come clean and confess everything.
For the first time, he revealed everything that he buried for years. Rosa's reply was just as emotional and just as groundbreaking. Everything; from their confrontation to them breaking down into tears to the starry sky in the background turning their childhood place (their old house) all the more intimate to their longing and desire burning in their eyes to them not even needing to utter another word because they yearn to fill each other with warmth; was perfection. The build-up was impeccable. I was a sobbing mess by the end of it.
The music box (Luke's gift) that emanates a rainbow is a throwback to the double rainbows that they saw in Iridescent Heartbeat.
Legend has it that if you keep following a rainbow, you will find a buried treasure underneath it. And as corny as his line may sound, Luke indeed found his treasure (Rosa) a long time ago. It's a whole circle back to the key in his necklace. A gift that was given by Rosa when they were kids.
The music that Luke has picked had so much significance. And the decision behind it was both melancholic and symbolic. His explanation is enough to let us know that Luke went through hell and back for Rosa. Luke was in emotional turmoil the entire time, suffering by himself. But not anymore. Because Rosa's answer gave him hope. It gave him a reason to keep pushing forward.
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When Luke talks about the future, he either uses ambiguous terms like always and forever or becomes pessimistic, knowing he only has three years left.
But it all changed when they started dating. Luke wants to make up for the eight years that he and Rosa have missed out. It neither sounds like an intangible dream nor a regretful mourn. Luke now has more belief in the future and is slowly overcoming his insecurities as they fall in love.
His concept of forever is no longer limited to the three years written in health reports. That concept became the longest time he spends with Rosa. And it's just overflowing with hope compared to how incurable he thought he was.
"So, I’ve decided. If the road ahead is fated to be covered in thorns, then I will grow with you by your side, no matter what comes at us, traversing this bumpy road fearlessly."
Luke's arc is a whole self-love journey. It is about finding yourself amidst all the darkness and hopelessness. It is about being hopeful in the face of despair. It is about living tomorrow to the fullest as if your life depended on it. It is about appreciating and treasuring those who have always supported you. Be it family, friends, or your significant other. It is about cherishing the time you spend with your loved ones. It is about being selfless and chasing after your happiness no matter what the hurdle is.
Luke's arc is a journey that taught him and Rosa many life lessons. They both grew together, went through many hardships, and are maturing together. They are learning to compromise and to adjust to one another. And that makes their bond even more beloved.
Luke no longer needs to shoulder all of the burdens by himself because now he has someone else's shoulder to lean on. Rosa has Luke's shoulder to lean on as well.
It's a journey of self-growth and self-love for both of them.
Rosa and Luke are more than just childhood friends. They are more than just a couple. They are soulmates.
Two individuals who got each other's backs no matter what life throws at them. Their bond is so precious, so dear.
What Luke and Rosa have is special. And watching them grow together is such a sight.
People believe that they are canon. But even if they are not, I am convinced that they will always find each other because they are soulmates.
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Credits: @tiramisiyu for the amazing translations!
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tooruluv · 3 years
Katsuki Bakugou x F!Reader ( part 1 )
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❝ ...and then there’s you. ❞
description: you and bakugou have hated each other since childhood. through the constant bickering, fighting, and actual fist fights... you had no idea that you had been writing to him.
genre: angst, soulmate au where you have a notebook that you can write to your soulmate in
word count: 3.8k
warnings/notes: strong language, lots of angst, aged up characters, bakugou being bakugou, reader has an air manipulation quirk created as part 1 of 3 for my winner of my tooruluv2kparty contest @katsulovee​ <33
teaser | part 2
| masterlist
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“ ‘cause when the sun goes down, someone’s talking back ” - talking to the moon, bruno mars
The storm only escalated, casting the sky in deep blues and greys. Loud rain clattered against the roof of your apartment building, the ceiling of your top floor apartment being the only thing that separated you from the pour. 
The rain may be cold, but you were on fire.
You had been livid all day, positively outraged by the man who seemed to always be in your way. He was the most arrogant, most opinionated, and most… loud-mouthed person you ever met. You were screaming from the inside out, burning with rage.
Groaning, you sprawled out on your bed.
Katsuki Bakugou was the biggest fucking issue on the planet. His absurd need to be the best at everything he did, his cold demeanor and venom that spews from his mouth -- you wanted nothing more than to punch him directly in the throat. 
With a deep breath, you flipped open your Soulmate Journal. 
The world was such a strange place, full of quirks and criminals and heroes and villains. To add on top of that, when you turn thirteen a journal just… appears. And whoever is your soulmate can read everything you write. Once they read it, they can reply or talk to you that way and the ink disappears. There are plenty of rules that go along with it, like if you turn thirteen before your soulmate does, the ink is red until they receive their own journal. Or how the journal itself is indestructible. Or the biggest rule: you cannot write any given name. 
When you’re thirteen, your life is full of hope and wishful thinking. Almost everyone at that age is excited to start writing to their Person, the one who they were supposed to be created to be with. You were surprised when you opened yours to find nothing written.
You assumed that you were a bit older than your soulmate, but that was quickly shut down as you wrote in black ink. Your soulmate hadn’t written anything. 
It took two months for him to write back. Two months of your excessive writing and nearly diary-like entries. Two months of you wondering if they would ever write back. Until he did.
Today sucked.
That was all you wrote, your past two months of writing still ever present and glaring at you with smudges and hinted annoyance. The ink started to fade like Harry talking to Tom Riddle, reappearing with new handwriting.
It was scrawled across the page with terrible handwriting, very much one of a middle school boy. 
Life sucks. Deal with it.
You were now twenty two, an adult and that once hope and love has turned into pessimism and indifference. And life still sucked. 
You were pretty famous, your air manipulation quirk one that catches a lot of attention. That, alongside your rivalry with the second most famous hero Bakugou, brought an abundance of recognition. Bakugou completely steals your thunder every chance he has, stealing your light and victories. 
You hated him. With the utmost disrespect, you hated him. Since your days in the hero academy, the two of you were at each other’s throats. He would even stop in the middle of antagonizing Deku to make some horrendous comment towards you instead. 
You ended up scribbling along the Soulmate Pages, heated rage boiling with each word.
Hey Honey! I need to vent if that’s okay.
Of course.
You would not believe the shit I have to endure in real life. I wish I could describe the hatred I have for this man I work with, he’s a real piece of shit. Anyway, how was your day?
My day was about the same as yours, living with the idiots of real life. If we could write names I would because there’s this bitch I work with that I fucking hate.
Maybe we need new jobs (insert laughing face even though I’m livid right now)
Yeah. Maybe. But we’ll get through it.
It took years for your soulmate to warm up to you. The first interactions were hesitant, slow, and barely considered conversations. But now you can discuss your day as if you were texting a friend, talk about your likes and dislikes. 
He was your soulmate after all.
You learned that he was a boy and an only kid, he had a strong quirk, and that he liked ramen. He was a rule follower and his handwriting always used proper punctuation. You told him all about your life and how you wanted to travel away from everything.
You wanted to know who he was, more than anything. 
You wished you could tell him your name and quirk, where you lived and who you were. You wished he could do the same. 
You’ve tried, of course, to write out your name and location. But the second the words were written onto the page, they turned into a random assortment of letters. Gibberish. Never to be written, never to be known.
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“Dude, fucking relax!” You rubbed your temple at your desk, voice spitting venom against Bakugou’s loud vocals. “Not everything is about you, just sit down and wait to be sent on a mission.”
“What did you say to me?”
Katsuki Bakugou had been going on and on about how Deku got assigned to a mission in upper Japan, sent to work with a separate force for a bit to expand his horizon. He was outraged, yelling and standing tall and broad to pretend to be bigger than he was. 
You were doing paperwork, trying to concentrate despite his yelling and complaining and bitching. You were hovering above your seat with your legs crossed, papers scattered (it was a habit of yours, to just kind of hover a couple of inches off the surface of things; air manipulation and all that). 
“I said,” You turned to look into his ablaze eyes. “Sit down and wait. Not everything is about you.”
You only threw fuel into his fire, you could hear the sparking between his fingers. You turned back to your paperwork. 
“You don’t get to tell me what to do, you’re not even in the top five heroes.” Bakugou barked in your direction. You could feel his heat as he approached your desk. “You can sit and do your own paperwork all you want! I need to be put on serious cases, just like stupid Deku is always placed on.”
“You can argue with me all you want.” You moved to continue your work, pretending to be unbothered. You could feel the anger boil in your chest. “But you still are and will always be measly little number two. Now shut the fuck up, you’re interrupting those who are actually working.”
He was going to hit you, you knew he was. You two ended up fist fighting all the time, oxygen and explosions ending in destruction. Before he could, your boss walked in with a bellowing, “Bakugou! Get over here, I have something for your loud ass!”
You decided to give him a bored middle finger as he walked away.
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They say that words are the way of life. You could say an infinite amount of words and sentences in your lifespan, you could say a word and only ever say it one time. Each assortment of words are different each time, something new every day. 
You figured that’s why you hated the soulmate thing. 
Finding your soulmate should be one of chance, of pure coincidence and meeting of strangers. With the journal, you are starting something you only hope to find. You could go your whole life without finding your soulmate.
And that is terrifying.
There are horror stories of writing to an endless notebook, sad movies created where the lettering turns back to red before they’ve found each other. You wanted nothing more than to meet and just… be with the man you’ve been writing to since you were thirteen.
It seemed to be some sick joke, a tease in the palm of your hands.
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When you were young, you attended UA High. It was meant to be the best school for heroes, grooming them into the best of the best. Both of your parents had been heroes themselves, your mom with a cloud quirk and your dad with wings. You took after a bit of both, no wings and no clouds but could create air currents and manipulate the air surrounding you within a certain radius. It has something to do with your breath and lungs, but you never looked too much into the actual DNA aspect. 
When you arrived in the hero program, you passed the tests with ease. You tried to focus mainly on yourself and gaining your own points, alongside a couple of students with the same idea. 
You were pissed when you were placed in 1-B instead of 1-A. It was the start of your rivalry with the explosion boy. 
Luckily, you quickly gained friends. You actually seemed to have a soft spot for Hitoshi Shinsou, and you and Itsuka Kendou seemed to be the only two with brains (this led to many conversations resulting in shit talking and giggling). So in the end, you weren’t too upset to be placed in the second best class. 
And you did get to fight with Bakugou a lot more without punishment, your professor wanting to be number one as much as anyone else. 
One particular day that you remember to this day, one that really labeled your hatred for Bakuogu, was just a normal day at first. You were finished with your normal morning classes and just beginning the hero portion of the day, the training and fighting. 
Your class was working with Class 1-A for the day, teaming up with one of their students and seeing how your quirks would act both against and with each other.
You were, of course, teamed with Bakugou.
The fucker was already set in his ways, loud and in need of attention at all times. You were well aware of his… loud personality… at that point, being beside Shinsou when he called your class “extras”. He was already someone you wanted nothing to do with. 
“Good luck.” Kendou muttered to you when your names were announced as partners. “See ya.”
The second you headed to him, you could feel his apprehension. He wanted nothing to do with you. And you wanted nothing to do with him. In fact, you were hoping for Uraraka as your partner, wanting to see how your air manipulation would work with her gravity. 
Apparently the professors wanted to see the oxygen working with the burst of flames. Which, honestly, is cool yes — but it was the person behind the explosions that you did not want to be a part of.
Bakugou was not one to mumble under his breath. 
“Why am I paired with you?” He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms across his chest. “I could at least be with someone interesting like Mind Control over there.”
You already wanted to punch him. “You’ve obviously never seen my quirk.”
“Clearly it hasn’t been interesting enough to be worth my attention.”
“Say that again when I remove the oxygen straight from your lungs.” You threatened, knowing damn well you didn’t know how to do that yet. “Let’s just get this over with.”
He let out a long exhale, moving into position. You were already flying by the time he let off his first explosion.
His utter disrespect for you and your quirk not only irritated you, but only was the start of a long term competition on Who Can Be Better Than Who that lasted the rest of your time at UA.
Through the constant loud arguments, the yelling in the cafeteria and the comments just loud enough for the other to hear, the fist fights and the swearing that was reserved only for each other, you found comfort in talking to your soulmate. It was relaxing after a long day of pure annoyance and shit talking to finally just get to have normal conversations with someone you enjoy. 
Are we allowed to ask about school in this thing?
I don’t think so.
I’m sighing. Pretend that you could hear my sigh.
Wow, that was a loud sigh.
YOU’RE FUNNY! Anyway, I really want to know if we go to school together :(((
I don’t even think we can talk about JRTPD or BO::SOMD. See, they turn into gibberish.
 I mean… we can say school. So we can ask ABOUT school just not… specific schools. 
That’s true. I go to a special school and am the best in my class. You’re getting lucky by having me as a soulmate.
Well I would only hope so. Need a smart soulmate for fun facts.
Fun fact: you’re pretty cool. I guess.
Ah, the admission of your love for me.
Not love. I don’t hate talking to you if that does anything for you.
The one person you don’t hate. I’ll take it, Soulmate.
Don’t push it.
We should give each other nicknames. Since we can’t call each other by our real names.
Does the book allow it?
My parents did it before they found each other.
Okay. Like what?
I can call you Hot Head, because you’re hot and because you are always writing about how mad you are.
I can always go with something cute like Honey.
This is gross. I was thinking like gamer tag nicknames.
Okay, Honey.
I take back what I said, asshole.
Honey and Asshole. The perfect pair. We could solve crimes!
I’m going to bed now.
Goodnight Honey ♡ I know that you aren’t reading these but you will in the morning. Dork.
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“Do you know who your soulmate is?” You asked.
You were hanging out with Kendou, Monoma, and Shinsou in Kendou’s bedroom. The dorm rooms were all set up the exact same way, but for some reason Kendou’s always seemed to be bigger. 
“No idea.” Monoma shrugged. “I don’t think I want to know until I’m older, we’re too young and I want to focus on graduating first.”
“He’s right.” Kendou twisted in her position on her bed. “Why? Do you want to know who yours is?”
“I want to know more than anything.” You sighed. Your head was laid across Shinsou’s lap on the floor. “We get along so well and I try to talk to him every day.”
“How do you know it’s a he?”
“He told me.” You laughed. “We tried really hard to narrow it down as much as possible.”
“It sounds like he wants to know you too.” Kendou said. She giggled. “I should ask my soulmate their gender.”
“What about you, Shinsou?”
“I barely write to mine.” He shrugged, making your head tilt a little. “I’m sure they understand.”
“I’m sure they do, they were made to be yours.” You looked up at him with a smile. “Of everyone, I thought you would write the most.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because most people are scared to talk to you in real life.”
He flicked your forehead. “You aren’t scared to talk to me.”
“I’m not scared to talk to anyone.”
“I’ve noticed.”
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You sighed and closed your Soulmate Journal, the rain now casting a dark shadow across the entirety of the sky. Your face was flushed in red, hair disheveled and you were still in your hero uniform, dirty and kind of burnt. 
Katsuki Bakugou had not only interrupted your victory, but he had claimed it as his own. His desperation to be the number one hero hadn’t stopped. It’s been years, you’ve grown past his stupid desire and he simply… hasn’t.
You fought the villain yourself, using your quirk to it’s full capabilities and trapping them in a circle of air. You fought for over an hour by yourself, taking up the mission while out and witnessing it first hand. Your freshly bought coffee was long forgotten as you raced after the thief.
The second you landed the thief, the ball of air dissipating as you grew tired, Bakugou arrived in a fiery feat and handcuffed the villain. Of course, the main photos were of him with the handcuffs, standing proud as if he hadn’t stolen your fight. 
His argument was that he did help. Yeah, he did ‒ for three seconds.
Katsuki Bakugou was a piss stain upon himself, truly the worst of the worst who’s own personal interest outweighs anything else in his life. He will never be anything but second best because he never thinks of anyone but himself. 
If only he could read thoughts instead of turning his sweat to ignition. Then you wouldn’t have to put your harsh thoughts into tone.
Your Soulmate was one of two people you genuinely enjoyed talking to, he always seemed to be on the same page as you. The other is Shinsou, from your high school. He was the only one you really kept in contact with.
Sometimes you like to convince yourself that Shinsou is your soulmate, since he hasn’t found his either. But you compared the handwriting and it didn’t match at all. Shinsou’s handwriting was much smaller and neater than the man you would eventually call yours.
“This is so fucking stupid!” You screamed, your rage reaching its max.
You threw your journal across your bedroom, the storm masking the sound of it banging against the wall by your bed. You were pissed, you wanted nothing more than to see Bakugou’s downfall. It’s been years. You were over it.
You were over it all. You were over him, you were over not knowing your soulmate, you were over being alone in your stupid apartment. It all reached it’s apex. Maybe you needed a shower, or maybe you needed to move from your job.
Your fit was interrupted by a loud crash on the roof of your apartment building. You nearly jumped at the sound, the sound not even close to the crashes of thunder. 
You rushed to the roof, your hero senses kicking in more than your regular carefulness. Once you were outside, you were almost instantly drenched in the rain. Only a couple of yards ahead of you was a man crumbled to the ground; they must’ve hit the roof harder than you thought.
When they turned, clutching their side, you knew instantly who it was.
“Deku?” You rushed towards him. “I thought you were in Hirosaki for some serious villain.”
He moved to stand, much taller and broad than he was back in high school. Yet still with the fluffy green hair and bright eyes with hope always seemingly sewed in. 
“I was. I just… I need your help.”
“Why do you need my help?” You helped him stand fully, taking his hand from his side to check for an injury. He wasn’t bleeding. “Doesn’t Uraraka live around here?”
“I don’t… want to involve her in this.” He stood straight. His healing must’ve started. “I… this is something I need you for.”
“Okay…” You crossed your arms. “What do you need?”
“I know what you’re going to say.” Deku started, and you didn’t move. “But it’s Bakugou.”
“C’mon, Aero, I know that you two…”
“Please, I…”
“Deku, you know more than anyone how and who he is. Whatever it is, he can deal with it himself.” You started back towards the stairs. “I appreciate you coming to me, for whatever reason, but this is something that you have to find someone else for.”
“Don’t think of this as us doing something for him.” Deku rushed to stand in front of you. “Think of it as a favor for me. You owe me one.”
“Don’t do this now.” 
“I’m officially cashing in my favor.”
You sighed, “Fine. Can you at least tell me what we need to do for the asshole?”
“I’ll tell you on the way.” He nearly jumped in joy. “But you cannot tell anyone. Not Shinsou, not the police, and not our boss. This is under the radar.”
“Oh, shit.” You followed him as you flew next to him. “What are you getting me into?”
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tag list: @katsulovee @paradisebabey @seaofemptygold @zhaixiaowen @daylghits @haikyuusimp91 @darknessyournewfriend @samwise-though @liaxxx109
398 notes · View notes
sparkliingcrown · 3 years
— my worst nightmare.
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Summary: You know the saying that goes 'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?' How much closer can you get to your enemy than being roommates?
Request: Brownies + Dark Irish Coffee 
Genre: Roommates AU, College AU, Enemies to Lovers
Words: 6.1k
Warnings: Lots of swearing. I didn’t hold back in that aspect. Uhm, mentions of drinking, yn kinda panics at one point... I think that should be all! If not, pls notify me ^^
Note: An Eishi Café special. Yes, this is because it was last minute requests and it took too long for me to get to and open up the café again. ALSO TO THE ANON THAT REQUESTED THIS, I’M SORRY I MISREAD THE ORDER AND WROTE IT AS A LIGHT REQUEST! I hope you still like it nonetheless... Sorry it took so long T^T Also, this is my first time writing something like this so I really hope that it fits.
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You were hauling your bags and boxes up to your new dorm room by yourself. That wasn’t exactly the greatest way to start the day, considering you had to stay up packing the last of your stuff, rushing to the nearest train station, riding the train, and then driving all the way to your new dorm room for college yesterday. You didn’t even get to sleep a wink on the train and you sure as hell can’t sleep while on the road. So, in short, you were tired, hungry, and really fucking pissed.
You mocked your naive and excited self, making faces as you tugged your bags closer to your body, pulling the strap of your backpack higher up your shoulder to keep it from falling on the floor. Go to college, they said. You'll have the time of your life, they said. Who's they? The many, many movies you watched growing up. And where exactly were you now?
"Can you at least try to help me move my stuff inside?" You drop your bags at the door, stretching your arms out.
"Lemme think about it." He closes his eyes for a second, letting out a deep breath. "No."
That's right. You were stuck with him. Choi Seungcheol. The bane of your existence.
That motherfucker.
His majesty was sitting comfortably on the couch, a cup of boba in his hand. Oh, how you wish you could just reach out there and squeeze it to make it explode in his face. Instead, you huff. You turned away and stomped your way down to the elevator to get the rest of your luggage. Muttering to yourself, you hauled the last of your luggage in, just wanting to collapse onto your bed for the day having barely gotten any rest the previous day.
You were expecting your best friend, Jiwoo, to greet you at the door. You were expecting her to greet you with that enthusiastic squeal when she sees you. You were expecting her to give you a warm hug that would last probably longer than 5 minutes. Alas, the universe decided to be rude to you and give you your worst nightmare.
Seungcheol stares as you drag your bags and feet to the nearest room, raising an eyebrow when he thinks he heard you utter his name. He did not help whatsoever. Asshole. Once you get to your room, you don't even bother cleaning up and unpacking. You sank to the floor with a loud whine, not caring at all if Seungcheol could hear you from outside.
You were so excited to live out your college dream. Going to the library, going to parties you know Jiwoo would drag you to, midnight talks with your roommate, binging series you’ve been eyeing for a while. The universe just really had to ruin it for you by placing him as your roommate. You didn’t even know he was enrolled in Hybe University. It seemed like he didn’t know either. You recall the shocked look on his face when he opened the door.
“You’re my roommate?!” You both exclaim in unison.
You feel your lifespan shorten by 30 years when it fully sinks in that you’re stuck with him for a full school year. If it wasn’t enough that the bags you carried were heavy, the ones under your eyes felt even heavier. Seungcheol frowns.
“You look like shit,” he states, taking a long sip out of his cup.
You manage to send your iciest glare at him, chucking the heavy luggage inside to make him  move. “No shit, Sherlock-”
“The name’s Seungcheol.”
You ignore him. “I just drove a fucking half hour just to get here.”
You kick the bag, moving it to a corner then go to get a smaller one waiting by the door. Seungcheol moves out of your way, walking back to the couch. “Don’t fucking test me, Choi.”
He puts one of his hands up in a surrendering gesture. You sigh, closing the door behind you to get the rest of your things.
You let out a groan, deciding to unpack your things a little later. Eyeing your bed, you get up to move to your bed. You easily drift off into sleep. You would’ve loved to say it was dreamless but you actually quite enjoyed the chaos of it all. You awoke at 2 in the morning, lost and confused. You frown at your waste of half the day yesterday, smacking random items in your room to figure out where you had placed your phone.
Once you located it, the screen lit up your face - blinding you a little in the process. Jiwoo had excitedly messaged you. Well, excited was an understatement when she sent you 102 messages in the span of one hour and 17 missed calls for the rest of the time you were unconscious on your bed.
Your stomach growls, shocking you. “Yeah, I should get some food then start unpacking. Probably message her back as well…” you mutter to the air, dusting off your jeans as you finish up the process of fully moving into your new home for the next school year.
You sigh, “Fuck, this is going to be a long year.”
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You bury your head in the reference book that you picked out to help with your assignment. It wasn’t doing it’s job of helping. You shifted in your seat. With a groan, you lean back in your seat, not understanding any of the material so far. Jiwoo pats your back encouragingly, nuzzling her cheek on your shoulder.
"There, there," she says, running a hand through your hair. "Hold on, I'll just return this book because it didn't have what I was looking for."
With a solemn nod, Jiwoo rises from her seat. She skips away with the book in your hands leaving you suffering all alone. You mentally slap yourself for sulking when it's literally only the second month of college. Living in the dorms has not been any easier ever since you arrived. Seungcheol took any opportunity to get a rise out of you and you would bite back with just as much sass.
It was like a competition between you both. Over what exactly? No one could really tell. Jiwoo came over often so she's very much used to seeing the two of you bicker like little children out of the smallest things. This was the reason as to why she dragged you out of the dorm.
"Come on, ever since you've arrived, you're either staying in your room or going to that boba place!" Jiwoo was tugging you by your wrist while you used your other hand to cling onto your bedpost. "You need to live! To breathe!"
"I do that just fine over here!" you complain.
Then, it was just a competition of whining. Jiwoo won that one easily. Her bright, sparkling puppy eyes were too much to resist. You sighed. You were too soft for Jiwoo sometimes. You mumble, cursing the professors for giving a bunch of work already. It was to the point that you could barely keep track of any of your subjects anymore.
You stare at your laptop screen, a half blank essay staring back at you with a menacing aura. You turn your head. An open textbook sat atop several other books of the same subject stared at you too. You could hear it calling for you, yelling at you to study for the test next week. With a silent cry, you drop your head down onto the table. You hear a snicker from behind you. One that you've heard way too many times that you didn't even need to turn around to see who it was.
"Hello to you too, Choi." You let out a tired sigh, head rising from the table.
"You look pitiful like that," he comments, eyeing the multitude of books surrounding your laptop. "You need any help?"
You raise an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"
"Do you need help?"
"The Choi Seungcheol is offering me help?"
"Ah, good, so your ears can work," he gives you that shit eating grin that you just want to punch off his face. You can already feel the fire burning inside just ready to burst. You feel like a boiling kettle to say the least. It's his turn to raise an eyebrow now.
"No way," you huff like a child, turning your back on him.
He sat across from you. It really just had to be the only fucking unoccupied seat left. You mentally cursed all the students who came to the library. Then you felt bad and instead cursed Seungcheol who just had to come to the library when you were at the peak of the stress rollercoaster, just ready to dive into the depths of despair and bad grades.
Your eyes flutter back and forth between the laptop, the books and Seungcheol himself. With a defeated sigh, you turn the laptop so the screen could face him. "Please."
That same grin never left his face, he tauntingly cups a hand around his ear. "What's that? I can't hear you."
"Old man," you retort with a snicker. Just as he was going to open his mouth to protest, you repeat yourself a little louder. "Please help me with this damn assignment so I can finish it already."
"That's more like it." He pulls out the chair next to you, pushing away the books to help you.
You would never admit it out loud but you were actually grateful that Seungcheol had offered his help. With every small pointer he gave you, you were able to fly through all of your workload like a breeze. He even lent you his notes for that test you were so worried about. You leaned back, tipping your head back as the most relieved sigh anyone could muster slipped past your lips.
“What? No ‘Thank you’?” he asked, a small pout on his lips.
“I didn’t kill you. Is that enough?” He rolls his eyes at you, returning to his own seat. Guilt started to take form in the pit of your stomach. You sighed. “I gotta go. Thanks. I’ll see you at the dorm.”
You didn’t see it. He didn’t want you to see it. He didn’t even want to acknowledge it; the heat rising up and painting his cheeks pink from when you sent him that small smile before leaving. Seungcheol mentally slapped himself, shaking his head and trying to focus on his own essay he put off while helping you. Safe to say, he never really did finish that stupid essay.
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"Joo, do I have to go?" you complained, tugging your shirt downwards. It's a little too much for your taste.
"You deserve it, babe," Jiwoo replied. "You got good grades after studying for so long! Loosen up a little! Please?"
You give her a skeptical look.
"Just this once?" She gives you her best puppy dog eyes that shimmered under the light of her dorm room. She puts up a finger and juts out her bottom lip in a pout, ultimately stealing your heart with how cute she is. "For me?"
"Ugh, fine. You're too cute not to."
"Yay!" she wraps her arms around you and gives you a light kiss on your cheek, dragging you out of her dorm and to her car.
She drove you to the party, that sweet smile never leaving her face. She talked about a blend of many topics she was interested in. You heard her mention something about talking to that girl in her class. You only stared out the window, humming in response as you dreaded arriving at the party.
Alcohol. It reeked of alcohol. You just arrived but there were already so many people that just smelled like sweat and whatever was served in the kitchen. Jiwoo took you to the dance floor, which was clearly just the living room of the house with the couches pushed to the side so there's space. She introduced you to a couple of her friends. You give them a small wave. It probably wasn't the best idea to try and have a conversation this close to the speakers.
After just a few minutes of walking in, you already lost Jiwoo. She was probably just with one of her friends. Come to think of it, she was clinging on to one of them really tightly and just being very clingy. But she was almost always like that with anyone. You brush it off your mind, heading to the kitchen to get something to drink.
"They look pretty," Seokmin stated, sipping from his cup and making a slight face at the bitterness. "Wait... Is that Y/n?"
Seungcheol's ears seem to perk up at the mention of your name. He turns to the direction his friend was staring at, seeing you hover over the kitchen island with a drink in your hand. You looked bored. A little lonely too. He deduced that your friend had left you to fend for yourself. He snickers to himself.
"Oh yeah, I think that is," Jeonghan was suddenly by his side, eyeing Seungcheol for his reaction. Seungcheol pulls a face.
"What are you looking at?" he sneers.
"Don't you think they're pretty, Cheollie?" Jeonghan giggled, obviously already a little tipsy. Seungcheol scowls. An old conversation flashed by his eyes.
"Where are you going?"
You raise an eyebrow. "And why do you care about where I'm going?"
"Because I'm your roommate? What if something happens to you?"
"Awh, does Seungcheollie actually care about me?" You jut your lip out in an exaggerated pout.
"No, I- Wait..." He takes in the outfit you decided to wear, and breathes in the scent of that perfume you always wear on special occasions. "Don't tell me... You're going out with that guy again, aren't you?"
You roll your eyes, adjusting the straps of your shoes with a groan. "So?"
"Are you that blind that I have to fucking tell you? He's not good for you!"
"Why do you give a damn about who I go out with? Why would I give a damn about who you think I should go out with?"
"That's not the point- Stop going out with him!"
"What are you? My dad? Fuck off, Cheol."
"That guy is not good for you." He crosses his arms against his chest. "Hell, even I would be better for you and I'm your enemy."
“Yeah, you’re my enemy. That doesn’t explain why you’re butting into my love life like this. Literally, just fuck off!” you exclaim, losing your cool with a stomp of your foot.
You fall silent. He falls silent. Seungcheol is worried for that second that passes. He didn’t know why. The silence was uncomfortable. It was like the chill of realizing there’s a spider in the shower with you. He felt chills run down his spine. He didn’t even know why.
You say nothing more, picking up your purse. The silence was odd. It was new. Especially to the both of you. Seungcheol was just about to speak up again, voicing his opposition to you going out with the sketchy guy you met when you walked out and slammed the door on him.
His mouth hung ajar, disbelief spread all over his features. He scoffs, “Ugh, whatever.”
He turns to look at you again. You were by the dance floor now, the neon lights surrounding you. He always thought you were pretty whenever you two wouldn't be bickering until the day's end. Seeing you next to the lights, seeing you like this, it made his heart race a little. He blames it on the alcohol.
Seungcheol ignores the way the rest of his friends start teasing him. It was mostly Joshua and Jeonghan ganging up on him but it was teasing nonetheless. He rolled his eyes, shoving them off him when Jeonghan started giggling a little too close to his face. Sure, he thinks you look pretty, and sure, he doesn't deny that he did find you attractive when he first met you after the summer. That doesn't matter, though, right? Right?
So, what was this feeling festering in his heart when he saw another guy walk up to you and ask you for a dance?
Seungcheol watches as the anonymous guy takes your hand and graciously leads you to the dance floor. His friends would be dramatic and say that he glared daggers at the dude. To be fair, he was. Seungcheol wasn't going to admit to that, however. He crushes his cup in his hand, startling the rest of his group but leading to only more teasing from all of them. With a roll of his eyes, he decides to shift his attention elsewhere.
Your weight shifts from one foot to the other. Maybe situating yourself near the dance floor wasn't the best idea you ever got but you needed to search for Jiwoo in the sea of sweaty, horny, drunk people. What better option than to sit right next to the speaker? You mentally facepalm yourself when the neon lights blinded you from identifying anyone. You blink once. Twice.
Who is this stranger in front of you?
Alarms blare in your head, telling you to get away. Your grip tightens on your cup, anxiety filling your stomach. He notices your worried expression and immediately flashes a smile. "You don't come here often, do you? I'm Eungwang."
He extends a hand out to you, asking you to join him on the dance floor. You shyly follow him, his hand never leaving yours. He twirls you around, telling you to smile a little bit and relax. You could feel all eyes on you, the blinding neon lights and booming music slowly becoming unbearable with each passing second.
"You okay?" You nearly didn't hear Eungwang calling out your name. "You look stressed. Are you okay?" You did your best to shake your head no, breath stuck in your throat.
A worried look passes his eyes, the corners of his lips turning downwards. It was becoming too much. You knew you shouldn't have come to this party. Jiwoo just had to bring you along. Jiwoo... You still haven't found her. The pounding in your heart and ears were getting worse, getting louder. You twist your head, trying your best to scan the crowd for a glimpse of your best friend.
"Get your hands off of her," a more familiar voice speaks up. With wide eyes, you see Seungcheol with his hand on Eungwang's shoulder.
Without an answer, Seungcheol rips him away from you and grabs your wrist to pull you into a more open space. It was weird. You always thought Seungcheol's hands would be rough, yet his touch felt so light. It felt like feathers. It was almost as if he was afraid to break you in your state. If you weren't too occupied with panicking, maybe you would've been trying to fight your way out of his grip.
You hadn't even noticed. Within minutes, the two of you were seated in the front lawn. The cool air brushed your cheeks, slowly pulling you out of your trance. Seungcheol tosses you a water bottle which you catch with trembling fingers. You take a sip and let out a breath. With pursed lips, you turn to look at him.
"What for?"
"I probably ruined the mood, right?"
He rolls his eyes, tucking his hands in his jacket pocket. "Whatever. The party was shit anyway. We should get you back to the dorm."
"But Jiwoo--"
"Your friend will be fine." He tosses his jacket to you. "Wear that. It's cold."
"I will not."
"Suits you." He snatches it out of your hands almost immediately. "Don't come crying to me when you get a cold."
Like a child, you stuck out your tongue.
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You're sick.
You don't know if it's fate trying to trick you or something. Whatever it was, it definitely isn't funny. Thank goodness, it was still the weekend. You definitely would have lost it if you got sick in the middle of the week. Good news was Jiwoo got back to her own dorm safely because her roommates dragged her back. That made you feel a little better.
Swaddled in your blanket, you begin your travel to the faraway land of the living room where you met your roommate looking at you amusedly. You sent him the best glare you could muster with a bit of snot dripping down your face. He only snickered.
"I told you, you should've worn-"
"Shut it. I'd rather be sick than wear that sweaty jacket of yours."
"Oi!" He stands up, pointing at you who was rummaging through the fridge. "I'll have you know my jacket isn't at all sweaty and gross! I wash it often!"
You let out a snicker, taking some leftovers out of the fridge and shutting it close with your hips. Seungcheol drops his plate in the sink. He stares at you for a fleeting moment; your hair was a mess and there was a bit of snot running down your nose. Nonetheless, you were wrapped up tightly in your blanket that reached the floor. You peek your head to see what's playing on the TV when you see a familiar character.
"You watch...Link Clink?" You sniffle slightly, bringing your blanket back up to rest on your shoulders.
"Oh? You know this show?" Cute. He shakes the thought out of his head immediately.
"Yeah...It was on my watch list." You didn't think that he'd watch something like that. "Not like you need to know."
He rolls his eyes at you, ignoring your last comment. "You wanna watch it together sometime?"
What in the fuck? You don't know if it was your cold, if it was just the air conditioning or literal chills went down your spine at his offer. Maybe it was just the first option. Caught off guard, you stare at him. His eyebrow was raised at you while waiting for your response.
"Uhm...yeah, sure... why not?"
"Oh, yeah." He opens up a cabinet, your curious eyes following his form as he searches through the cupboard. He pulls out a green plastic and hands it over to you. "I figured you would get sick, so I bought some stuff this morning that could probably help."
"Oh, uh, thanks..."
"Don't mention it." You weren't too sure but you thought you saw him blush a little. Perhaps it was your brain playing tricks on you. Nonetheless, despite being your enemy, he was nice enough to buy you something. Though, it really was just a small cold.
He clears his throat, snapping you out of your trance. "Get some rest. Jiwoo will probably drop by here later."
"Yeah, okay."
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“You’re telling me he took care of you while you were sick?”
“And you’re telling me you didn’t threaten him at all to take care of me while I was sick?”
Jiwoo takes a long sip of her bubble tea, taking her time to chew the pearls while you wait for an answer. She simply shakes her head no. You sigh.
“It’s not like he, like, took care of me. It was more of, like, he just made living together less of a living hell, I guess,” you state, taking your own sip of your tea.
“Less? What do you mean?”
“I mean, he still teased and taunted me. Like, he kept bringing his friends over. You know how loud all of them could get. Finished a bunch of my snacks even though they had my name on it. He broke my third favorite mug, too. One time, he placed my shit on top of the cabinet when he knew I couldn’t really reach it.”
You almost let out a laugh when you remember it.
“Awh, you need me in your life after all."
"Shut up, I can replace you with a step ladder."
"Too bad you won't. You love me too much."
You hadn’t even noticed the rosy pink that started to bloom on your cheeks and creep up to your ears. Jiwoo did, however, and would not let you live. Her eyes grew wide, dramatically placing her cup down. She shook you. A big grin was plastered on her face once you turned to look at her.
“Oh my goodness, it all makes sense now,” she cheered, enthusiastically shaking you around like a maraca. “You guys have been talking a lot lately… When I visited there was no sign of chaos anywhere.... And you were just giggling!”
“Giggling, Y/n, giggling! You!” she squeals. “Oh my god, you’re blushing! They’re blushing! Don’t tell me… you actually like him, do you?”
You let out a snort. “Me? Like him? Jiwoo, love, he makes my college life a lot less bearable. My petty ass won’t even let that go by, either. There’s no way I like that asshole.”
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Okay, maybe you liked him a little bit.
It would be hard not to like a guy who stops in the middle of a walk just to pet some dogs he saw on the way. It would be hard to ignore the way he smiles whenever you see him with his friends. It was most definitely hard to pretend like your heart wasn’t racing at all when your drunk roommate, also known as your enemy, snuggled closer to you on your way to the couch.
“Seungcheol.” A groan. Try again.
“Seungcheol.” Same response. What is this bitch on?
“Choi Seungcheol.” A loud whine escapes his lips. “How much did you drink? You reek.”
“Just a lil’ bit,” he hiccuped, swaying back and forth on his feet. “We were having so much fun I didn’t even notice the time!”
You softly threw him onto the couch as he started to flail his arms. You rush to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. He throws his arms around the pillows and tightly squeezes them as he starts babbling nonsense you couldn’t quite make out. You hear something along the lines of peaches, weird foods they tried, and someone jumping into the pool. You smiled. They always were such a rowdy bunch. All 13 of them. You would know. They trashed your room once and ate your leftover ice cream.
“You look pretty.” You snorted, covering your mouth with your free hand. “You look just like my roomie, you know. They’re like-” A hiccup interrupts him. “They’re the prettiest person I’ve ever seen,” he slurred.
“Oh? Is that so?” You make him sit up properly and hand the cup over to him. “Here, drink some of this.”
He gulps down the water. “You're really kind, too! Ah, just like Y/n~ But they have a little- no, no- a huge temper.” Oh, wow. The audacity. He giggles and you suppress the urge to smile. Failing, you laugh along with him, shaking your head.
“Come on, let’s get you to your room, you ass,” you say, slinging an arm around him to try and get him up. “Why are you so damn heavy?”
“Because of my love~ for Y/n~!”
“Why are you cheesy when you’re drunk-”
You finally arrive at his room, which took a lot longer than expected because of dragging a very intoxicated Seungcheol around who would not stop trying to cuddle you. You struggle to open his door, ignoring the loud beating of your heart. Wanting to go back to sleep as quickly as possible, you let him crawl onto his own bed, turning around to leave.”
“Get some sleep.”
A hand wraps around your wrist, preventing you from leaving. He pulls you closer. You lose your balance. Oh look, now you're on top of him. You hold your breath. You try to push yourself away from him but to no avail. You were trapped.
“Where’s my goodnight kiss?” He croaked out, quickly leaning up to peck you on the lips.
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“You kissed?!”
“Shh! Joo, not so loud!” Your eyes darted around the area, several heads turned to look your and Jiwoo’s way. “Everyone’s looking at us. I don’t even know what to say, Joo. I haven’t seen him at all for the past few days.” “You haven’t seen him or you’re avoiding him?” She raised a skeptical brow at you, popping some food in her mouth. She points one of her chopsticks at you with a big grin that makes you want to hide in a hole and never come out. “I think… you’re just avoiding him.”
“Well, what are you supposed to do when-” you lower your volume, casting your eyes to the ground. “I’m not finishing that sentence. Argh!” You hide your face in your hands, Jiwoo’s thrilled laughter coming from beside you.
You spent the following week trying to evade Seungcheol’s presence. You’ve been getting out of the dorm far earlier than you used to and he could never catch you anywhere. He seemed more than eager to talk to you nowadays, usually looking for you in the hallways or trying to spot a glimpse of you in your favorite spots. The library, the boba place, outside your classes. Nothing. It always seemed like you were one step faster than he was, one second too late for him.
He went around the campus grounds one last time. He even asked his friends if he’s seen you to which they replied with skeptical looks for fair reasons. He even tried to ask your friend, Jiwoo, to no avail. He retreats back to the dorm in defeat. His shoulders slumped over as he fished the keys out of his pocket. The door clicks and he becomes visibly confused. He still has his keys in his hand. The door opens wide and Seungcheol yelps, faced with none other than the roommate he was looking for.
Without thinking, he grabs a hold of your wrist as you go to shut the door on him. You snap yourself out of your thoughts from that night. "You're coming with me."
"What the fuck?" You tug your wrist back. His grip only tightens. "Yah! What the hell do you think you're doing?! I'm going to miss the next episode of-"
"Mmm, don't really care."
"Tch." You look down, suddenly ashamed of your get-up. He opens his car door for you. "Did Jiwoo put you up to this?"
Seungcheol smiles. Your heart... Did it skip a beat? Woah. Maybe he actually doesn't look too bad when he's not being a dick to you. Maybe he actually, dare you say it, looks cute when the two of you aren't at each other's throats every 5 seconds. You reluctantly get in, buckling your seatbelt while you wait for him to start up the car.
You look out the window, appreciating the beauty of the night. It's serene. It was still pretty bright with all the lights and buildings yet it looked beautiful. You opted not to speak to Seungcheol for the rest of the drive. You still didn't even know why he dragged you out of your room. You don't even know why you actually got in his car.
Realization hits you.
You're in his car. Seungcheol's car. You willingly got into Seungcheol's car. A small gasp leaves your lips, calling his attention.
"Is something wrong?"
You look at him. "Uh, no... No, I'm fine." The car suddenly holts, snapping you out of your daze. 7/11. Your eyebrows furrow. What?
"You dragged me out of my room... to go to 7/11? This late at night?" you asked, disbelief laced in your tone. He only chuckles at you, getting out of the car while leaving you bewildered and still strapped to your seat.
"Technically, it's like morning but sure." You unbuckle the seatbelt and step out, the cold breeze hitting your skin. Right, you still looked like a mess in the middle of a crisis. "I owe you ice cream since Soonyoung couldn't control himself the other day."
You narrow your eyes at him, suspicious of why he decided to be nice to you today. Before you could open your mouth to speak, he interrupts you, "This is just so you won't bitch about your lost ice cream."
"Hey!" you huff, crossing your arms over your chest. He picks up a few items and checks them out, you follow behind him like a lost puppy. "I thought we were just getting ice cream... why are you-"
"Can you just enjoy this quiet we have right now?" That made you shut up for the rest of the night. Not really. You started complaining about the cold a few minutes later while he laughed at your misery.
"Your fault for not bringing a coat, idiot."
"You fuckin- You dragged me out here!" you exclaimed, exasperated. "The audacity of this bitch, I swear."
Now sitting outside the 7/11, you rub your arms in a feeble attempt to warm yourself up. Not much luck. He slams a cup of instant ramen in front of you. You jumped slightly at the noise and he sent you a sheepish grin. "Enjoy, loser." You stick your tongue out at him yet pick up the cup nonetheless.
A sizzle breaks the silence between the both of you. He has a cheeky grin plastered all over his face as he teases you with the sight of the can of beer. He tosses one in your direction. You caught it, thankfully. You take a sip after opening it, letting out a content sigh. You searched your brain for something to say to fill the silence. It wasn't exactly everyday you get to sit quietly under the night sky on a school night with your worst enemy.
“I...uh... also wanted to apologize if I weirded you out while I was shit-faced drunk that one time. I didn’t- the words… they just slipped out,” he says.
“That’s it?” you ask. “You don’t remember anything else?”
Seungcheol shakes his head. “I don’t remember anything other than babbling nonsense. Why? Did I do something?” Your cheeks flare up, memories flooding back in that you’ve tried so hard to avoid. He stops and looks at you, noticing how you wouldn’t look him in the eye. Your eyes were trained on something else, your cheeks burning crimson. He blinks once, twice, trying to recollect the events of that night. All he remembers was you pissed and greeting him at the door, muttering some embarrassing shit, and being dropped onto his bed. Everything else was a blur.
“We should… Let’s get going. It’s getting really late,” you say, turning your head so you’d stop staring. The two of you finish up your ramen and drinks, heading back to Seungcheol’s car after discarding the trash.
On the way home, he recalls a few memories. The day you first met, the time you embarrassed him in front of the whole 8th grade, the time he gave you an oreo cookie filled with toothpaste. A good trip down memory lane later, the two of you were laughing obnoxiously in the wee hours of the morning. The laughter dies down as Seungcheol unlocks your dorm door.
“Come to think of it, why are we enemies again? We didn’t really do too much to hate each other,” you say, removing your shoes by the door.
“Do we hate each other?” You shrug. He laughs. “Why don’t we start over then? We’re not too different, apparently.”
“Yeah. Sure, why not?”
He sticks out his hand. “Hi, I’m Seungcheol.”
You gaze lingers on it for a few seconds. You never thought you’d be doing this ever. You look up at him and back at his hand. There’s a chance you’ll regret your next move but you doubt you will.
With a simple, soft kiss, everything felt like it changed yet stayed the same. The feeling of his lips on yours felt like a simple gift from the universe as a sorry for everything the two of you went through together. Seungcheol was frozen in his spot, eyes fluttering shut as he slowly pulled you closer. His memories start getting clearer. He slowly pieces together what happened that night. You pull away with a grin, completely red in the face.
“Hi, I’m Y/n. Seungcheol’s worst nightmare.”
“Is that what I get for making you suffer in silence when I couldn’t remember anything?”
“Oh, so you remember now? Damn, you really are old.”
“We’re the same age!”
“To answer your question, yes. Yes, it is.”
For the second time that night, you kissed.
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radexchangeprogram · 4 years
This is a random one but can I request head cannons of the Brothers and Dateables reacting to an MC that’s actually a half demon but was really great at hiding her demon side since she grew up in the human world? They see a demon man just bounding towards MC before the boys could do anything MC’s like “DAD! 😃” before jumping in his arms like a child. Around her Dad she gains fangs and horns like him but she reverts back to normal when she wants to. The boys are like “Why didn’t you say anything?” And she’s like “I’m just used to my human side” or “You never asked 🤷🏾‍♀️”
Of course! I love this idea. I didn’t get a chance to proof read this so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
Author’s notes at the end (marked by *s)
Spoiler warning for up to chapter 17 to be safe. Especially with Belphie.
Half Demon GN!MC Headcanons
Everyone noticed that you never seemed too bothered by the fact that you were surrounded by demons, but figured you were just rather good at adapting.
This theory was proven wrong at a party Lord Diavolo hosted.
As you chatted with the brothers, a large demon with griffon wings, a lion’s mane, and horns similar to a gazelle began to head in the direction of your group.
The demon, who the others instantly recognized as Duke Vapula, walked up to them with a cheeky grin.
The brothers were instantly on guard, Mammon even growling slightly, as it was extremely uncommon for anyone to approach them so casually.
Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Luke, and Solomon all took notice and were prepared to intervine should something happen.
You turned around to see what the issue was and let out a loud gasp.
Absolutely dumbfounded. How did he not know about this? He read your files to the point of practically memorizing them before you came here and he swears there was nothing about you being a half demon.
He was honestly a bit embarrassed that he didn’t know about something this major.
When confronting you, all you did was say that it wasn’t that big of a deal and that you figured they already knew.
You really give him a migraine sometimes.
He feels a bit relieved that he doesn’t have to worry as much about you dying, though.
If you wish, he may start teaching you demonic etiquette, such as having you shift form at formal events.
If you prefer your human heritage, he won’t pressure you to conform to your demonic ancestory.
The loudest about his displeasure about not knowing.
“I’m your first man! I’m supposed to know everything about you!”
When you explain to him that you’re more comfortable with your human half, he calms down a little.
Tries to call you ‘stupid half-demon’ but it doesn’t feel the same as ‘stupid human’ :(
You tell him he can just keep calling you ‘stupid human’ :D
Wonders if he can get your dad to pay him for ‘providing his child with such incredible protection’.
You immediately tell him no.
Holy shit this sounds like something straight out of an anime!!!
Very upset that you didn’t tell him, you’re his Henry! You’re supposed to tell him these kind of things!
When you shrug and simply say that no one asked, he gets even more pouty.
You make up with him quickly by offering to play games with him all night.
Extremely curious about your demonic form for the primary purpose of cosplay. Do you know how many more characters you can be if you have a tail or wings?!?
You might inspire some fanfiction. (half demon Henry x Lord of Shadows au slow burn 100k words, def not Leviathan projecting no not at all-)
He is extremely shocked. Not only did he have no idea, but half demons are extremely rare.
From what he’s read, most half-human half-demon offspring don’t survive past birth and all documented cases that have survived reside in the Devildom so that their powers can be better managed.
He asks you about this and you reply that you’re actually quite good at controlling your powers, but that you prefer living as a normal human.
He’s not upset that you didn’t tell him, but he has a billion questions.
How long is your lifespan? Do you take more after your demonic father or your human mother in terms of power?What are your weaknesses?
He really wants to learn more about human-demon hybrids and will ask you to help in his studies.
Also a bit excited as your father is well known for some for his knowledge and writing about the sciences. He wants to discuss some of it with you, assuming you’ve read what your father has written.*
Oh he is so excited.
A bit relieved that his charm isn’t wearing off, it just doesn’t work because you’re the child of a demonic duke!
You know those boiling hot springs he talks about visiting? Well he’s happy to learn that you actually can join him without fear of your skin melting off!
He’s not upset that you didn’t tell him, getting mad over stuff like that can cause wrinkles.
He will absolutely want to help you groom your horns/wings/scales/tail.
He already has shown you a lot about demonic fashion trends, such as extra clothing that can be fitted around demonic extremities, but now he actually can actually have you try on some! Do you prefer gold tail bangles or jeweled horn cuffs?
Relieved that Duke Vapula wasn’t looking for a fight.
He can’t help but smile a little when you hug your dad. It makes him happy that you love your family.
When you blush and tell him that it just slipped your mind to tell everyone about your heritage, he isn’t upset.
Happy that he doesn’t have to be so scared of accidentally hurting you with how strong he is.
If you’re able to safely eat some more demonic food, he will absolutely get you to try some of his favorite foods that normal humans would die upon eating.
Overall, you’re still the MC he has grown to love and doesn’t treat you too differently.
Is now more awake than he has been the entire evening.
Half demon? Nah this is just some dream.
Is understanding when you explain to him that you prefer being human and living as a human.
He’s happy he found out after making amends with you. He used to despise half-demons just as much as normal humans, seeing them as repulsive.
He still very much treats you the same, but is a bit annoyed with his brothers.
With knowledge of your demonic blood coming to light, they drag you out even more often and naps with you are becoming rarer.
If you get too overwhelmed with his brothers constantly wanting to try things they thought would previously kill you, he will be more than happy to lend you some of his hiding spots. He does charge the small fee of getting to take a nap with you though.
Similar to Lucifer, is shocked that he didn’t know before you came to the Devildom.
You aren’t the first half-demon he’s met, but he is surprised that a demon of Duke Vapula’s rank had a child with a human.
He’s actually very excited to learn that you’re a half-demon who is in more in touch with your human side. He feels a lot more relieved that you aren’t as defenseless as previously thought.
He does, however, make absolute sure that you have full control over your demonic powers. Every other half-demon lives in the Devildom for a reason and he can’t have someone who is technically one of his subjects accidentally cause mass destruction.
He invites you for tea more frequently, asking so many questions about how being raised in the human world as a half-demon was.
He likes to exchange stories with you about your younger years and the power fluxes you both struggled with as you grew.
Tells you that should you ever wish to live in the Devildom that he would be more than happy to make the needed arrangements.
He knew the whole time. When Diavolo asked him to look into the success of the program, he made note of your heritage right away.
However, he decided that keeping this information hidden when he saw that you were raised human and preferred to be seen as human.
When he explains this to everyone, you can’t help but feel thankful.
While some of the others make no effort to hide how annoyed this makes them, he doesn’t mind. He knows he made the right choice keeping this from everyone and doesn’t regret it at all.
Barbatos is actually a pretty good friend of your father’s and grew up with him. He actually met you when you were a baby because of this.*
He has seen a lot in his years in the world of magic, but nothing like this.
Usually, half-demons were very easy to spot as they struggled to control their powers, but you practically had it down to an art!
You explain to him that you’re actually pretty good at keeping your powers under control. He’s rather impressed by this and will ask to see your spell work.
Thinks it’s a little funny that he has a pact with your dad.*
Like Satan, he wants to know all about you. Unlike Satan, he is going to actually conduct experiments instead of stick to interviews.
He has a new potion that he wants you to try almost every day now.
Can half-demons make pacts? If so, you have now been added to the list of demonic beings he wants to make a pact with.
Very surprised considering he’s blessed you before.
Blessings aren’t supposed to work on anything of demonic nature so he’s baffled.
When you explain to him that you were raised human and prefer to live as human, he smiles.
He comes to the conclusion that you being a good person must be greater than the demonic blood in your veins.
He treats you the same overall, knowing that you’re still you no matter your heritage.
Absolute denial.
There is no way someone as nice as you is part demon! He refuses to believe it!
Gets upset and accuses you of trying to manipulate him, which you quickly deny.
When you explain to him that you prefer being human, he huffs.
Simeon gives him a bit of a talking to, about how you’re still the same MC who he sees as a big sibling.
He bakes you some apology cupcakes for being rude to you.
You sometimes shift form to mess around with him, it never fails to make him let out a shocked yelp before he snaps at you for picking on him.
Everyone (except Luke) thinks it’s funny tbh.
Author’s Notes:
*Duke Vapula is described as being able to bestow knowledge about all science contained in books.
*Barbatos is also a duke in The Goetia. I thought a fun nod to this would be to have them as friends.
*The Goetia talks about the 72 demons that King Solomon evoked. Vapula is one of the demons that he evoked. The game actually references this by talking about his 72 pacts. Asmodeus and Barbatos are both included in the 72 demons which is why he has pacts with both of them in the game :)
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corysmiles · 3 years
Could you believe I actually am back with some Runnaway Experiment WRITING??? :D
This takes place very early on in the story, and gives some more insight into Tommy's life before they escaped (in the comics). Enjoy :D
The experiment was growing years after years, to everyone’s delight. It seemed the first laboratorial human had a decent enough lifespan so that it could be studied in the long run. And so, 14 years, it has been since T0M saw the light of day, and it acted in a similar fashion a 14 year old human would. .
Of course, the many researchers failed to take in consideration an alteration of the most cumbersome. T0M looked human, could understand the english language, followed orders and didn’t complain, asked some questions but the specimen…. was big.
Too big to fit in a human bed.
Too big to fit comfortably in a room.
It went in spurts, which was terrifying the first time. It kept on growing and growing, as scientists hoped it wouldn't take long for it to stop, otherwise, it might lead to a lot of problems. But for the past 2 years, no noticeable change really occurred, which was a relief when the thing was already 25 ft tall. It never seemed to be challenging personality wise, which was a relief, but they still needed to keep him in line.
Hopefully, the Doctor Soot, as well as Doctor Puff took part in daily check ups and made sure he didn’t rebel.
So, every 2 day, they took turns to visit T0M in the room accustomed to its needs.
And both’s reports were excellent! T0M learned more while being as obedient and compliant as ever. Phil couldn’t be more happy with those results.
However, as time went on…. Wilbur failed to mention another kind of teaching he had going on with the subject for the past months.
“And this is called ‘Sadness’.” He held an A3 size paper with a moody smiley drawn on it, the word being written below. “It’s that feeling when our sessions are over and I have to go and you say ‘oh noooo’ in that voice.”
T0M was sitting on his knees in front of him, paying the utmost attention to what Wilbur was showing and saying.
“I hate that one.” He pouted.
“I know,” Wilbur chuckled. “No one likes to feel sad. But it’s a part of life.”
A single hum. Wilbur’s smile turned more sympathetic.
“Do you remember the other ones?” He stood up from his place and put the sheet in one of the dark grey metallic drawers.
T0M nodded, excitedly. He took his hand and poked his fingers as he counted. “ there’s “Happiness”, it’s the good one. And “Disgust”, it’s when I have to eat the weird green stuff.”
“That. And then there’s excitement, it’s when I smile real big because you come early.”
Wilbur clapped “Wonderful!” T0M’s eyes were shining stars at every approval from Doctor Soot. Even though T0M’s enjoyment was very appreciated and contagious, but it could be a bit… much, to handle at times.
“Since you understand the basics, I think it’s time for us to start a whole new lesson.” He clapped.
T0M gasped and cheered from the top of his lungs “YEAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!”, throwing his arms in the air and effectively making the room shake from the sheer volume of his voice. When he looked back at the scientist, his eyebrows were pinched and the brunette was covering his ears and curled up, almost in pain.
“...Doctor?” He brought his head close to the man who, after making eye contact, scrambled back until he hit the same drawer he put the papers in earlier. T0M looked at him confused, face still too big in Wilbur’s peripheral.
“I… Tom, I appreciate your enthusiasm when we do our lessons, but if you could prevent yourself from screaming, it would be nice.” He tried in the most gentle voice he could muster without it shaking.
“What’s screaming?” T0M asked, crouched so his face was almost on the ground at eye level with him. He brought a hand closer to the doctor who was still breathing heavily. When his head shot to look at the hand, his body on alert, he froze before saying.
“... Is it a moment when I can’t touch you?”
Wilbur’s eyes were locked on the now frozen hand for a good second before returning to T0M, nodding. “Uh, yeah.”
“... Okay.”
The hand retracted in the following seconds, and soon, he was back in his initial position.
The doctor thanked before regaining his composure. He looked back at T0M, and his expression held remorse. A guilt twisted Wilbur's guts at the view. Thing is, as T0M grew up, people quickly realised he was the equivalent of clingy. He would constantly grab people into hugs and had a hard time keeping his voice down which resulted in a large noise blocker investment. And so they had a rule. T0M couldn’t make any sort of physical contact with anyone without being given explicit permission first. Obviously, most workers considered T0M as a test subject and therefore, wouldn’t give him that pleasure.
Wilbur, though, was not in the same vein. Once he realised how empathic and emotional and human T0M was, he started teaching him things a human teen should need, and started giving him a sort of affection a human teen should have. Which included some sort of physical affection.
When T0M was sad, he would sit next to him or pat his back. It quickly evolved as Wilbur accepted being held by the boy and brought to eye level as long as he was careful when doing so, and ever later, they would hug and wilbur would try to brush his hair at times.
Still, that didn’t make him immune to any of T0M’s carelessness which’s consequences were amplified ten fold due to his scale.
“Did I do something wrong?” he asked pitifully.
“I- no, it’s not your fault. It can just be a bit overwhelming is all.” Wilbur explained.
“... what does that mean?”
“It means… when something is ‘too much’. Like when you want to bring Techno very close, but he keeps reminding you about the rule.”
“Oh.” T0M let his head fall. “... I don’t like that.” Wilbur scratched his head. “I want to be so close and show that I’m very happy and it’s all inside and I can’t let it out.”
“Well, here, it’s a bit more of the opposite. When outside, there is a lot and you’re incapable of letting it in.”
“... I’m sorry Wilbur” he mumbled.
“It’s okay, I’m not angry.” reassured the brunette. “I just have sensitive ears.”
“...Everyone has sensitive ears.”
“Well, when you’re a small guy like me, you’re sensitive on pretty much all fronts.”
“... It’s not fair.”
“What’s that?” Wilbur perked.
“When I stop getting big and strong, I want to hug you with all of my will. Like you do with me. It feels nice. I want you to feel nice just like that. I want you to be overwhelmed with happiness. I want to hug you so, so bad but I can't and it's shit. I don't want to be strong, I hurt you if I’m strong. I want to hug you."
Tommy vented, more to himself, and when he looked at Wilbur, his eyes shined, not with joy.
"Oh Tommy…."
It ached. It ached Wilbur to his core that something as simple as a hug was something he craved and still couldn't get. Because he knew. He knew all of the things T0M was missing out on. All the life he could have lived if he was granted freedom. How much he could live and appreciate. It kept him awake at night.
But he was here. Trapped. In a room barely tall enough to contain him, treated like a circus monster. And the worst thing was, T0M wasn't aware of it. Of all the life he wasn't living. How his life was no life and how he thinks this absence of everything is what life should be.
Plato would probably laugh in his grave.
"I promise you. One day, you will be able to do that. I promise you that I'll find a way for you to hug me just like you are a small man too. I promise you that I'll make you discover all of those joys of life, Tom. I Promise you. I will help you. And I'm sorry for not being able to provide it sooner. And I'll apologize for all the years it took for me to get it."
They stared at each other, and Tommy nodded, throat tight and eyes wet.
"And a promise makes sure that it's gonna happen." T0M croaked.
"Exactly, tom." Wilbur smiled. "You are going to live many more things."
The bell rang, and both faces fell a bit.
"I'll see you in 4 days, Tom. We're gonna have a little recap over the emotions you learned and then I'll teach you about relationships."
"Oohh, that sounds nice! What is it?"
As Wilbur packed his little bag, he looked at T0M and simply replied "it's all around you. But I'm not gonna spoil the next session. On that note, I wish you a nice week, Tom."
"Have a nice week, Wilbur! " T0M waved with a smile. "It's nice talking to you."
"It is my absolute pleasure, Tom."
And thus, they parted. As Wilbur walked down the immense corridor (just tall enough Tom could run through them.) He wore a satisfied smile. His small steps resonated, the only sound in the room, yet peaceful enough for his ears to listen to them as carefully as silence. Halfway through, the sound was doubled.
"Oh, hey techno! How are you?"
"Doing fine. You seem very happy."
"I am. I made some good progress with T-he subject. I feel like he's learning well. The next tests should have fabulous results."
"Ahh, wonderful. Let's make sure it doesn't learn too much though." He joked.
And at that, Wilbur chuckled, his hand on the man's shoulder. "Oh don't you worry about that, my friend. I can assure you that'll never happen"
"Amazing" techno replied, deadpan. Both nodded their conversation away and walked the rest of their ways.
As he got further away, the doctor's smile turned to an amused grin. His steps resonated, so much smaller than what could be, in a corridor in which the boy just next door should walk through.
"Don't you worry about a single thing."
Poor Tommy but at least Wilbur is helping him :”]
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