#y'all be putting two people with the most chemistry together
crushpomegranates · 9 months
okay but how is bloodweave toxic
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 5 months
Fight me all you want but huntlow/lumity antis are the weakest links in the toh community,
...unless you don't have ears idk block the haters
All this slander is coming from the goldric/huntmira/lunter/guster/amiter shippers, yes that's a mouthful, and yes I'll be blocking you if you're a toxic shipper, if your not, good! except if you ship amiter, fuck off you lesbianphobic bitch, anyways back to my rant, also sorry if this comes out as insensitive, rude, or if I sound over dramatic I just really hate these types of people
If I had a dime for every toxic shipper I've encountered since I first came into the toh community...BITCH ID BE RICH CAUSE SOME OF Y'ALL ARE WILD ASF 😭🙏, this is based off of a rant I got below this post so yeah credits to anon it was very helpful pookie
Y'all toxic ass shippers will go FUCKING PARAGRAPH LENGTHS TO DEFEND YOUR SHITTY SHIPS, and this is targated twords lunter and goldric, again, if you're not toxic this ain't for you I don't mean to offend anyone, cause tell me why there is this account on Pinterest, I ain't afraid to say their name it's something like TheGoldenCoven, or some shit like that, BROS A LUNTER FAN ACCOUNT 💀, and a toxic one too, dw I got some proof
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How the fuck do you normalize the TWO MAIN COUPLE OF A SERIES??? Hunter was never intentioned to date Luz and vice versa, this is a perfect example of toxic a lunter shipper, and not only are they toxic they're...LESBIANPHOBIC!! I know it was probably from 2021 and they've moved on buuuut they did post amiter art, and they're not even a nice person although having in their bio "I'm nice you if you're nice to me" or some bullshit idk
As for toxic goldric shipper accounts I haven't seen any Pinterest or Tumblr accounts so that's good! But majority of the shippers are the most insufferable human beings on earth, their only excuse for shipping them is "they want a mlm couple and they're the same age" noting against wanting a mlm couple it'd be super nice...buy may I remind you this is post early season two...HUNTERS NAME WASN'T EVEN CONFIRMED YET 😭🙏, And let alone having only two or three minutes of screen time makes the ship have an even worse reputation, and the shippers are just bitchy and biphobic, always complaining that Hunter should be canonically gay instead of literally anything else so he can be shipped with only Edric, and I know huntmira shippers exist but I've actually never had an interaction with one, hopefully they aren't too bad
Y'all will come out withe the stupidest excuses not to ship huntlow/lumity, also sorry I got off track 😭😭, for lumity, don't know how it exists, but it's either "it's abusive" or "it's toxic" brother ew 💀, name one way Luz or Amity have hurt each other and DO NOT say it's by how Luz always makes stuff mess even though it's literally apart of her personality or by how she didn't wanna tell her about the portal door in S2 or how she accidentally helped Philip/Belos, I'll wait 😊, and I see the point of how Amity's personality downgraded to only being Luz's gf but she still did have her family problems but I guess they just didn't wanna make it an episode, I mean we got Clouds on the horizon that counts ig?
And for huntlow I keep hearing the same shit "I-Its a crack ship, I-Its forced, t-they have no chemistry 🥺🥺🥺" yeah I can see your toxic ass shipping a 12 and 16 year old together don't think you're slick bitch, and just because huntlow was rushed doesn't mean it's necessarily bad, you don't know if Dana had intentions on it but because of the cancellation it was forced to be rush, and I'm sorry to y'all hearing the shortened s3 excuse but it's true since there's literally no other explanation, also don't come into the comments saying "B-But you don't know that!!🥺🥺" it's just speculation my brother in Christ 😭🙏, merely a theory put together with brain cells which almost everyone in this community doesn't have, another weird double standard is how everyone ships gustholomule and veesha even though there's very little evidence it'll be canon was supposed to be canon but since it's a more noticeable and popular ship no one bats an eye for some reasons even though huntlow is too a popular ship, but these are the more bigger ones so I'll more obscure like cameda or aladarius which where probably never meant to happen and totally fandom operated
Anyways that's all, I'll block haters/toxic shippers in the comments so don't think you'll get a reaction outta me with some half baked and barely thought through argument you found in a Reddit post
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stoopid-turtle · 1 year
On the Acceptance of Unsteady Ground
Throughout this whole dive into turtle world, I've been very conscious of just how LITTLE access to information I have. I'm relying so heavily on English translations and platforms, and most of these are from turtles, so I'm fully aware I'm getting a biased perspective.
I've tried to read stuff from solos or even just neutral third-parties. The neutral parties don't have much depth of information, though, and I found solos heavy on accusations and declarations but light on actual...evidence. And they sometimes use some really nasty rhetoric against the idea that gg and dd might be gay.
Don't get me wrong, turtles get weird too. There's plenty of clearly false rumors, deceptively edited videos, silly stretches of logic, weird ideas of what how people in a relationship would act, etc. But there's at least enough English-speaking turtles that I can find some who are giving open and, as far as I can tell, accurate information (honestly, I find tumblr turtledom better at that then other platforms). I haven't really found a similar pocket of solo fans.
I'm also aware that there's always going to be a limit on how much I can know. I don't speak the language, so I'm always relying on translators. I have limited access to Weibo (even putting aside the language barrier, I'm in text confirmation limbo in actually getting an account), and I have little familiarity with the culture. I don't get a lot of the jokes or references, and stuff may strike me, an English-speaking American, differently than it would someone in China.
Add on top of that the fact that I'm trying to find out purposely obscured information about two celebrities, and, yeah, I'm fully aware that I'm on unsteady ground here. I can do my best, but I'm never going to know anything for certain.
But I've become okay with that.
It took a while. The dissatisfaction with the unknown (and unknowable) is what drove a lot of my early fixation and subsequent fall into the turtle pit. But now, especially after laying out my thoughts, I've reached a zen place with it. I'm 100% certain ggdd were together during filming/promo, and I'm 95% certain they're still together (I had this at 85% originally, but then the whole dd being sick and gg changing his schedule thing happened and I'm just...welp, guess I'm in this confidence interval, then).
Just having that certainty means I can enjoy updates from them without anguishing about "proof" or uncertainty. Oh, gg took the day off on dd's birthday? That's really sweet! I'm not gonna fuss about if it's coincidence ENOUGH to convince me, because I'm already convinced. It's a good place to be.
I typically don't care about celebrities. In fact, I've long been bewildered by celebrity culture here in the US, and I've often been actively annoyed when people assume/expect me to have opinions on things celebrities do. I'm the nerd who doesn't get why the actors get all the attention when the writer or director would be much more interesting.
So the fact that I've gone all fangirlish over two celebrities is bizarre to me, and I appreciate the irony. Well done, me. I attribute some of it to just being able to watch the bts and see their early interactions play out like a story. I find stories compelling, and both gg and dd are charismatic, attractive and have great chemistry. Whatever disdain I have for celebs, I do love a romance.
In my foray into the ggdd world, though, I've also had to learn more about c-ent, and y'all. It's nuts. Like, US entertainment is nuts too, but c-ent ratchets it up to 11. I've been in fandom a long time, and I thought I'd seen some weird stuff, but it's got nothing on c-ent. Just wrapping my head around the culture these guys are in took a lot of learning.
But I appreciate being able to dive into this culture and this country, because I knew very little about China beyond the antagonistic politics. It's been refreshing to get a view on life on the ground in China to humanize the folks there and get a clearer picture of the country.
I started this thing bc I had been spending so much time on Youtube watching clips, and I had thoughts and opinions and nowhere to put them. I already had a tumblr that I use to lurk on some fandoms and I had started following turtles too. I figured tumblr would be a decent place to splurge out my thoughts, so I set up a throwaway account to do so.
I get the vibe that a lot of new turtles come to bjyx through the same route I took? They watch The Untamed on Netflix. They get curious about the show and start watching some clips on YT. Next thing you know, they have 3 playlists full of purported "proof of love" and they need a whiteboard to connect everything together and their wife thinks they've gone completely bonkers supports them in all their oddities.
Like, I was really confused by turtles at first. I was just trying to watch bts videos on YouTube and I didn't know what bjyx meant, but the videos with the label were weird and had strange disclaimers that they were "only for turtles" and I had no clue what that even meant.
My confusion continued as I tried to read more. The fake story disclaimer convention is hella confusing as an outsider, and my first impression was that turtles were kinda crazy. The videos I saw gave overviews of candies without context, and some of them explicitly said they were proof of Yizhan love while still having that fake story disclaimer. Basically, it was a big confusing environment, and it's why I resisted buying into bjyx so hard for so long. It all seemed delulu.
But in reading more, I guess part of that is the point? Recognizing that gg and dd are in a vulnerable position should their relationship ever come out, having so much noise to muddy the waters makes a twisted, clownish sense. I don't know who came up with that convention or if it just kinda happened (is it a normal thing in c-ent? I don't know enough about celebrity fandoms), but hats off, I guess.
With the supertopic recently hitting 4 million active fans, there's something heartening about such a depth of support for the guys. I'm not naive enough to think all 4 million (plus international fans) are allies to LGBT folk in general, but it surely means something to ggdd to have that sort of support for their relationship. Honestly, it means something to me, as a random gay chick on the other side of the world, to see a gay couple get that kinda of support behind them.
I started watching the bts because I was afraid there'd be a lot of cynical homophobia on the set or some evidence of all the male cast being icked out by the whole thing. Instead, I got gg, who was so passionate about WWX being gay. I love that everybody knew they were telling a love story with as explicitly as they could get away with. I love that the guys wanted more Wangxian scenes and that the cast and crew made "everyday is everyday" jokes in a non-mocking way. I'm glad that the whole shoot seemed like such a positive environment for the cast and crew to being themselves and tell a type of story that they may not be able to be involved with ever again.
So, yes, this is my zen turtle place. When I set up a soapbox for myself, I didn't think too much about the fact that people would respond, but I'm so grateful to have had a chance to talk to some other turtles! Everybody is lovely and thank you for sharing my enthusiasm.
Like I said in the beginning, I don't have the time to keep super-active in the long-term. I had intended to write up my thoughts and poof away. But I do also plan to keep up with gg and dd and turtles, so instead I'm just gonna leave off with the potential for further posts down the line.
I'm not gonna be incredibly active, so please don't expect frequent updates or interactions from me. But if I have more Yizhan thoughts I'll pop up again with a post (I mean, I do have lots more thoughts, but nothing energizing enough to write about), or I'll leave a comment somewhere if I have something I simply must say. I'm also open to responding to asks about the timeline or anything else. And if I ever do stumble across anything groundbreaking with regards to the timeline, I'll probably add that in, because I'm particular about things being complete.
So thanks for being so welcoming! It's been a joy to clown around and make up completely fictional stories with everybody here. 🤡🐢🙇🏼
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Harry's first real love interest being an AVIAN is the absolute amazing, silliest thing EVER. The running joke, during the entirety of the show, of Harry being attracted to Avians actually being made into a relevant plotline is the most resident alien thing I could even think of bro. So rewarding for the viewer how they followed through with it instead of it just being a bunch of throw away lines !! It just speaks to how amazing the writing in this show is. It never stops surprising me, I love a story where every little detail is relevant and connected. (And I love surprises) IT'S SO GOOD. !!!
And they have the best, funniest chemistry dude. During their weird makeout scene I had to remember that these are actually actors doing this in front of a camera because it just felt so believable and real lmfaooo. 😭🙏 These actors are so amazing. I'm so impressed with everyone's performance in this show, it all feels so realistic; despite all the crazy alien shit constantly going on. (Especially with D'Arcys portrayal, she's actually my favorite character lmfao. Sorry Harry love youuu.)
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I am soooo so glad they didn't do the "guy character is obviously attracted to woman female woman character but makes it really weird and it's uncomfortable and the "comedy" is how uncomfortable the woman is and how pushy the guy is." ...Trope. I was so worried about it when Heather was first introduced bc it's such an easy grasp at comedy that SOOO many shows are guilty of. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders when it was the exact opposite !!!. Making it a mutual crush had me literally kicking and giggling and jumping for joy, it's so cute and silly. The divergence of expectations just gerrr I eat it the fuck up every time. More cute and silly weird aliens in love please.
Ik people are put off by the instant puppy love but believe me. Instant puppy love is some real powerful shit y'all. I have felt that FIRST HAND !!! Plus I'm just a sucker for corny, cheesy romance in general. Whaaat I won't lie...I looooove bitches being cringe together, it's the most freeing thing in the world. And for me, the absolute strongest element of resident alien is how the character's relationships are written. I know some crazy shit is going to go down. But I am genuinely rooting for these two !! 😁 I love how Harry doesn't have to hide or change any part of himself for her. For the first time since he's been on Earth, he's been able to be totally 100% honest with someone. He can't even do that with Asta! I think their relationship makes so much sense. Especially with Harry's longing to find another alien to relate to. (And him actually getting that !!! Ahhh !!!! I love him being happy. He was so cute this whole episode.)
They don't have to be endgame or anything, I just hope it resolves in a way that makes sense. Even if it's not exactly what I would've wanted. I just wanna see more of these two crazy freaky lovebirds (btw.... lovebirds....kind of a cute ship name huh guys...I'm just brainstorming here...lol.) gerr I am SO excited to see all the drama next episode I can barely wait I'm going to shit my pants.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
While you're fielding Imogen/Laudna questions/sharing opinions: My biggest issue with them/their relationship so far, and you've talked about it a bit in the past is less "I need them to kiss/I ship them romantically" and more "you two say you're best friends, but are y'all sure you're even friends?" Like. Outside of The Rock Incident I can't think of any meaningful conversations or even just 1-on-1 moments Imogen and Laudna have had together. I don't need them to be a romantic relationship, but man, when it seems like there's deeper platonic relationship between FCG & Imogen and a better chemistry between Luadna & Ashton, I gotta ask: does the narrative even support them being best friends at this point??
Hey anon,
In my opinion? It does! I don't think it's necessarily the most healthy friend relationship, and I don't know if they'll end the campaign as either romantic partners or best friends, but I do think that they still think of each other that way as of now.
Here's the thing we know about Imogen and Laudna: prior to meeting each other, they were both incredibly lonely, and had been for quite some time. Imogen feels that Laudna saved her life, and as we don't know the details I've seen this interpreted - validly - as a commentary not on a literal fight or anything like that, but on Imogen's mental state prior to meeting Laudna.
For what it's worth: there are two people who used to be in my life who I became friends with, or became much closer to, when I was in the midst of a depressive episode. I am, as the past tense indicates, not close to them anymore. The thing is, when one is feeling hopeless and desperate and incredibly alone, you are probably going to want things that are not necessarily good for you in happier and healthier times, and so, the person who pushes you to go out when you should, but your brain is saying "no, everyone hates you" is sometimes a person who doesn't realize that they need to respect your boundaries once you're doing better. The person who likes that they get to pick all the activities might not take kindly to you when you start to assert your own preferences. And, as always, misery loves company, and if you become less miserable...the company may not care for you as much.
Obviously the above is my personal experience, and I think given that both Imogen and Laudna were suffering at the time, it's not an exact equivalent, but I do think it's fair to say that a friendship formed because you were all that the other had might not be one where you set healthy boundaries or felt like you could express yourself honestly.
And so, the fact that suddenly, upon joining Bells Hells, Imogen has found FCG, who can relate in part with her empathic powers and who actually has suggested tangible steps she can take, rather than reassurances Imogen might not actually feel, is relevant; as is the fact that Ashton is not someone Laudna feels like she has to protect and who can relate very much to being physically changed in a potentially off-putting way in a way that Imogen cannot. (For that matter, Orym and Chetney have asked Imogen some of the tough questions Laudna cannot while asking for nothing in return, and Fearne shares Laudna's exuberance for life in a way Imogen doesn't). Now that they have others, it means they need to actually think about their relationship as something other than the only lifeline.
They're also not the same people they were at the start. I talked about this a little here, but Laudna just got some meaningful closure regarding her death in Whitestone due to Percy's apology, and Delilah seems to at least be quiet, and she knows how far Bells Hells would go to save her. Imogen meanwhile still doesn't have a ton of answers, has even more things to worry about regarding her powers, and her mother still being alive means some of her metaphorical wounds have been opened anew. They quite possibly have some really messy, ugly feelings and don't know how to talk through them because their relationship rested on "you're all I've got" and so they've been playing it far too safe for over two years.
I still think Imogen and Laudna are incredibly important to each other, and I think Imogen's grief over Laudna was incredibly real, but it does feel like there might be a natural drifting apart for all of the above reasons. Imogen may still dream of baking cookies with Laudna, but that's one moment, not a lasting basis of a deep friendship or romantic relationship, and I wonder if they might be realizing that now that they have other options, there are things they prefer about those other options. Which is a good thing! Like, consider Caleb and Veth, or Fjord and Jester, both of whom started and ended the campaign very close but who were more distant from each other for a time in the middle. This is really why I liked the gnarlrock fight and was disappointed that they didn't ultimately address anything; a good honest blowout fight might help them understand where they are and know each other better, but I think instead we're getting a slow, quiet, deepening rift, and yeah, eventually, best friends might not be the right term for them. But they were best friends for a long time, even if the circumstances were complicated, and that's still worth remembering and acknowledging. (For what it's worth, a quiet, deepening rift is a really interesting development too and I'd enjoy seeing that played out, since it's very true to life.)
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Phil’s Daily Wisdom
Don't be afraid of DHMO - Dihydrogen Monoxide
Yes, it is the:
Number 1 cause of ALL drowning deaths
Number 1 cause of ALL Erosion
Industrial Solvent that can even dissolve rock given enough time
It is in ALL of our food
It is used in ALL forms of manufacturing
It can cause excessive property damage
AND MORE!!!!!!!!
There are WEBSITES that tell about the HORRORS of Dihydrogen Monoxide
It was nearly banned by a city in Califorina!
DIHYDROGEN chemical formula is H2
MONOXIDE chemical formula is O
Put them together H2O
That's water y'all.
And yes, a small town in Californian nearly banned the substance because none of the city council knew what it was. Someone asked, "Isn't that just water" and so they banned sytrofoam cups at city events instead to save face.
Just because you cannot pronounce a word or it has a long name does not mean it is harmful or dangerous.
L-Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D)
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)
Every plant has a scientific name (Latin Name), a common/general name, as well as folk names. If you see the Latin Name don't freak out.
I see this a LOT in the magickal community - people don't understand a bgi word and get scared.
Don't buy into the crap that margarine is 1 molecule away from plastic. First off there are a LOT of different forms of plastics and each have their own chemical formula. Just because a substance has the same chemical formula as another does not mean they are the same. Diamonds are CARBON ... so is coal. If you take coal, put it under enough pressure and heat it can form a diamond. The chemical bonds between the carbon atoms make all the difference. Cabon has 4 bonding points. It can bond to itself 3 times. Due to the position of the bonds it cannot bond to itself a 4th time.
In chemistry a SINGLE ELECTRON can turn an explosive substance into a condiment.
Sodium is a metal. It is a VERY reactive metal. It EXPLODES when it comes in contact with water. It is missing 1 electron in its outer most shell and REALLY wants that extra electron and will STRIP it from other substances.
Chlorine is a color, odorless, and deadly gas. Mustard gas has chlorine. It has 1 electron in its outer shell that it doesn't want.
When Sodium and Chlorine get together the chlorine shares its electron with the sodium atom. The chlorine is happy because it no longer has excess baggage. The Sodium is super happy because its outer electron shell is full.
Together they make salt ... NaCl ... the most common seasoning.
Either atom by itself will kill you.
NaCl is a compound.
A molecule is a group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. A compound is a substance which is formed by two or more different types of elements which are united chemically in a fixed proportion. All molecules are not compounds. All compounds are molecules.
Plastic is a long chain carbon compounds some have over 10,000 carbon atoms and other atoms chained together.
Sugars basically have the same base chemical composition: C6H12O6 but the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms combine in different ways to create different natural sugars. Not all sugars metabolize the same way.
One last comment ... the addition or removal of an atom can cause major changes.
H2O - water
H2SO4 - sulfuric acid
There was a rhyme I learned in chemistry, “Willy was a chemist, but Willy ain't no more, what Willy thought was H2O was really H2SO4.”
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Interviews with Spider-Man (Peter Parker x Reader)
Author's Note: Hey guys! This is my first fic in a while but I thought I'd write for Peter Parker because he's one of my all-time favs from the very beginning. I hope y'all enjoy this and feel free to start requesting things again! I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things. Also, if anyone wants to become mutuals, my dm's are totally open :)
Requested?: Nope!
Summary: (Y/n), in an effort to save the school newspaper club, scores an interview with Spider-Man.
Interviews with Spider-Man
Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: None! Just fluff for this one!
“If you don’t get interest sparked in the newspaper by the student body soon, and I mean very soon, then I’m afraid I’ll have to shut down the club,” Principal Morita says as he frowns at you.
You’re sitting across from him at his desk, jaw dropped at the sudden news.
“Principal Morita, that’s not fair! The newspaper is important to a lot of people!” You protest, forcefully putting your hands on the ends of his desk as you stand up. He gives you a stern look, causing you to sheepishly sit back down.
“Is it important to a lot of people, or is it just important to you, (Y/n)?” He asks, his words coming out with a sigh. You grimace. Yes, the newspaper was mostly important to you, but that didn’t mean that everyone else hated it. You had a good team of four people by your side that worked hard for the newspaper, too, including Michelle Jones and Betty Brant. 
“It’s more than just me, I can assure you.” You set your mouth into a firm line, eyebrows creasing together as you give him a hard stare.
“Great. If it’s so important to that many people, then you won’t have any trouble getting the student body’s interest, will you?” He smiles dauntingly at you. Your eyes widen.
“Well, I--”
“You’re dismissed, Miss (Y/l/n). We’ll have another meeting in two weeks to discuss this. If newspaper readings haven’t picked up by then, I’m afraid there won’t be good news for you.” 
You pick up your bag with a huff and turn on your heel, heading for the door. If Principal Morita didn’t believe in you, then you’d just have to find someone who does.
“He seriously said that to you?” Betty asks incredulously, placing a hand on her hip.
“Yup. So we gotta figure this out quickly,” You say.
“I mean, we could spice things up by having a photo on the front? That catches attention,” MJ pipes in with her idea.
“That’s a great idea MJ, but who’s gonna take the picture? None of us are exactly…” You glance over to the two other guys in the newspaper club, typing furiously on their computers, “artistic in that way.”
“We may not be, but I’m sure we could find someone.” Betty shrugs, looking at you and MJ.
“Peter Parker is good with photography.” MJ points out. Your eyes light up.
“Yes! I have my next class with him, he’s my lab partner. I’ll ask him if he’s up for being on the newspaper team,” You say, grinning ear to ear at the prospect of the club being saved. As newspaper club president, you feel very strongly about this going well. After all, it’s your senior year and this is one of the most important things to you. You can’t just give up on it.
“Well, the bell’s about to ring, so you better get headed that direction.” Betty pats you on the back. You grab your backpack and start heading for your chemistry class, working up the courage to ask Peter to join the newspaper club. You have talked to him before, but only really for class purposes. He’s not exactly a friend, per se, so you’re a little nervous to ask a favor from him. But you’d do anything to save your club.
“Hey, (Y/n)!” Peter greets you as he sets his backpack down and sits next to you.
“Hey, Parker.” You smile at him, turning back to your work nervously as you mull over what you want to say to him.
“You okay?” He asks, face contorting slightly in concern as he sees your in-thought expression.
“Hm? Oh, yeah, I just…the newspaper club is getting shut down soon if we don’t get more of the student body to read it, so…I’m a bit bummed about that.” A bit bummed is an understatement, but he doesn’t need to know that at this point.
“Seriously? I love reading the school newspaper every week. Is there anything I can do to help?” He asks. You turn to face him, a sheepish smile on your face.
“Actually, there is…”
“Would you be able to take photos for the school paper? Just one a week, so we can put it on the cover and catch more people’s attention with it.” You plead, giving him small puppy dog eyes.
“Oh, uh, yeah! I’d definitely be willing to do that for yo-- uh, the newspaper club.” He laughs, a light shade of red dusting his cheeks as he scratches the back of his neck nervously. The blush escapes you as the only thing you can think about is the fact that he agreed to do it.
“Thank you!” You gasp, hugging him tightly. You let go quickly and grab your phone, immediately texting the newspaper group chat and missing the dazed look that Peter has on his face.
MJ: fr? Awesome
MJ: don’t get too excited, it has to actually work first
You: MJ, pls, stop being negative and let us bask in the win
MJ: whatever you say
“When do you need the first photo by?” Peter asks. You think about it. The newspaper usually publishes on Monday of every week, and it’s currently Friday, so tomorrow or Sunday should probably do. That way, you have time to format it before you send it to get printed.
“Tomorrow, if that’s okay,” You say. 
“Tomorrow? What’s the subject that I’m even photographing?” Peter looks at you quizically. You deadpan. Crap, that’s kind of important to know. But if the next meeting with the principal is in two weeks, you can’t wait until the second week to put your plan into action.
“Well, I was thinking of writing a column on Spider-Man, but…I don’t know, that’ll be hard to capture a photo of him…” You trail off, brainstorming any way to make this happen and save your newspaper. Truth is, you had no intention on creating a Spider-Man column this week, but the idea came to you since your previous column, “Budget Cuts to Midtown,” seems a tad bitter now that the newspaper team is part of the cuts. 
“Well…I’ll see what I can come up with, and we can meet up tomorrow to talk about it?” He asks, getting out a piece of paper. You nod furiously, internally sighing about your lack of a plan otherwise.
Peter grabs a pen and slides the piece of paper and pen over to you.
“If you’ll write down your number, I’ll text you tomorrow about the photo and we can talk about it. Sound good?” He asks. Your eyes drop to the paper and you start to write your number out, missing his small exhale as you do so.
“Sounds great. I’m sorry for the short notice, I promise it won’t be like this every week. Just do what you can and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.” You grimace, sliding the paper over to him.
“Of course. It’s okay, we’ll figure it out.” He gives you a reassuring smile, taking the paper and slipping it into his pocket.
“Alright, class! Stop chatting, it’s time for learning…” Your teacher gets up and starts droning on about chemical compounds. 
All you can think about is your Spider-Man column and what you’re going to write for it. Sure, the masked hero is constantly in the news, but what could you write about him that the kids wouldn’t be able to get on the internet literally anywhere else? It had to be special, something worth reading, something that would spark interest.
But what?
Peter: Hey (Y/n), it’s Peter. I have an idea for the school newspaper. Can we meet up?
You: Yeah, of course! Where do you want to meet?
Peter: Would Delmar’s deli on the corner work? I know we live relatively close to each other.
You: Yeah, that works great for me. Meet you there in like ten?
Peter: Perfect. See you soon!
You grab your laptop and head out the door almost immediately, arriving at Delmar’s about ten minutes later. Peter is already sitting at a table outside, his hand shooting up to wave at you as soon as he sees you. You grin at him and walk slightly faster, arriving at the table and sitting down across from him.
“So, whatcha got?” You hum, bringing out your computer and opening it up.
“Well, I’ve got good news and a new idea.” He gets out his own laptop and starts typing furiously. You cock your head to the side.
“A new idea?” You ask, your curiosity piqued. You’re all for new ideas when it comes to the newspaper nowadays.
“Yeah. So, first off, I got this photo.” Peter spins his computer around and shows you an incredible shot of Spider-man swinging from a building.
“Holy crap, Parker, that’s incredible! How did you get that?” You gasp, practically grabbing the computer out of his hands as you stare at the incredible detail and precision of it. It looks entirely professional and way too good to be true.
“You could say I…called in a favor. Anyway, onto my idea. Have you figured out your Spider-man column yet?” 
No. You have not. Honestly, you had been trying all night to come up with an idea, but nothing was inspiring you, and you had no clue what to write about. Nothing was original at this point when it came to the infamous superhero.
“...No.” You sigh, planting your face in your hands.
“Hey, hey, don’t worry! I was just asking because I had an idea for it, but I didn’t want to ruin any ideas that you potentially had!” He reassures you, reaching out and innocently touching your forearm. You look up at him.
“What’s your idea?” You ask.
“Well, you could interview Spider-man. That could be the column, an interview with Spider-man.” 
You look at him with the blankest face you can muster. How in the world were you, a mere student at Midtown High, going to score an interview with a literal superhero? He must be literally insane. 
“Peter, I hate to shut down a good idea, but that’s impossible.” You deadpan.
“(Y/n), no it’s not--”
“How would I get an interview with a literal superhero? It’s not like I can just stop him in the street and say ‘Hey, Mr. Spider-man, would you mind if I asked you a couple questions’--”
“That’s not what you would--”
“Like, how insane would that be! Parker, seriously, if you’re going to get my hopes up, at least--”
“Would you listen to--”
“An interview with Spider-man! Ha! it actually sounds absurd--”
“I know Spider-man!” Peter blurts out, causing you to stop in your tracks and go silent.
“You what?” You whisper, eyes widening.
“I have a Stark internship, (Y/n). I see him all the time, I can ask him for a favor and set up a meeting with you. When would you want to meet?” He asks, his eyes boring into yours. Your breath hitches in your throat under the intensity of his gaze.
“Could you secure an interview for tomorrow?” Your words barely come out, shock still overcoming pretty much all of your brain functions.
“I can try. I’ll talk to him later today at the compound and I’ll text you what he says before tonight. Sound good?” He asks, a small smile making its way to his face.
“Sound good? This is the best thing I think that has ever happened to me.” You blink rapidly at him, finally settling back into a normal state. An interview with Spider-Man? You’re on cloud nine, in all honesty. If this is truly happening, then the newspaper would be saved without question.
“Great. I’ll talk to you later, then. I gotta get going.” He stands up and turns to leave, hesitating for a moment.
Peter turns back to you, a small smile on his face.
“Hey, don’t worry, we’ll save the newspaper, alright?” He reassures you. You stare up at him with a small smile creeping onto your lips.
“I know we will,” You say.
Peter gives you one last nod before hurrying off to what you assume is his internship duties. You stand up from the table, closing your laptop and shoving it into your bag.
An interview with Spider-Man.
What could get better than that?
You can barely contain your excitement as your eyes keep drifting to the alarm clock on your bedside table. You get to meet Spider-Man any minute now. The clock flashes “2:17 AM” at you but you could honestly care less about the early hour that he chose to meet you, claiming he had to do it after his patrol was over.
Three taps on your window bring you abruptly out of your thoughts as you hop up and frantically scurry over to the window. You slide it up and come face-to-face with the masked hero you had heard so much about.
“Holy crap you’re actually here- Spider-Man,” You say breathlessly, shock overwhelming you.
“Uh, yeah, Peter said you wanted an interview with me?” He asks, the voice under the mask obviously being distorted for identity reasons.
“Absolutely- uh, do you want to come in or for me to come out?” You ask, grabbing your phone.
“Maybe it’d be best if you come out. Don’t want people to get the wrong idea.” He chuckles, and you think about the many implications of that statement. Nevertheless, you aren’t able to dwell on it for long because you’re stepping outside onto the fire escape right next to the Spider-Man of New York City.
“Wow, I’m-- I never actually introduced myself properly. I’m (Y/n) (Y/l/n), it’s nice to meet you Spider-Man.” You force out nervously, holding your hand out for him to shake. He laughs and shakes it.
“Nice to meet you, (Y/n).”
“Uh, before we get started, I have to ask: is it okay if I record this conversation? If you say anything you don’t want to go on record or in the newspaper you can just tell me after the fact or say ‘strike that’ and I’ll pretend it never happened.” You go over the formalities quickly.
“Yeah, that sounds great.” He agrees. You sigh in relief and turn the voice memos on in your phone.
“So, what made you want to become a superhero?” You ask, staring into the white eyes of his mask.
“Well, uh…I suppose, I was gifted with powers one day and decided to use them for the better. As someone once told me, ‘great power comes with great responsibility’ and he was right. Mr. Stark approached me and offered me a spot on the team, and I accepted.” He explains, his mask’s eyes moving in sync with how you expect his facial expressions to read.
“Gifted?” You prod, writing down sketches of notes that you want to remember from the interview that the voice notes won’t catch. Mainly, the moving of his mask eyes.
“Sorry?” He asks, a hand scratching the back of his neck. You wonder if he can feel the scratch of his hand through his suit.
“Oh, sorry, I was asking if you think that your powers are a gift. I know some might consider them a curse rather than a blessing,” You state simply as you continue to look down at your notepad.
“I-” Spider-Man seems at a momentary loss, “Man you really don’t hold back on your interviews, do you?” 
This causes your head to snap up and look at him, realizing the bluntness of your question to him.
“I’m- I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for it to--”
“No, no, it’s alright. I’ll answer it. It was just funny to me, don’t worry,” He laughs, a joyous noise to your ears, “yeah, I uh… I would consider it a gift. I get to help others, and that’s honestly all I could ever ask for. It is to the detriment of myself sometimes, sure, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. It’s helped me become the person I am today.”
“That’s very inspiring, Spider-Man, thank you.” You smile at him, getting a warm feeling in your body. Spider-Man seems like a very likeable, down-to-earth individual and you feel very lucky to get to know him like this.
“So, what is it like being on a team with the Avengers?” You ask.
“Well, the team is great. Mr. Stark--” 
As Spider-Man continues to talk about the Avengers and how incredible of a team it is, you take to your notepad. Mr. Stark, you think, so he’s young. A teenager perhaps? You ponder. If he’s a teenager, then that means he’s most likely your age. And if he’s your age, then…
No. Nope. No way. Do not get a crush on Spider-Man.
“--and Captain America is very funny. Kind of oblivious to modern technology sometimes, but a great guy and I really like working with him. I like working with all of them, honestly, it’s a dream come true.” Spider-Man ends his listing. You look up at him and smile softly.
“They seem like a great group of people to work with. I’m honestly jealous.” You laugh, and you see the eyes of his suit perk up at your laugh. This intrigues you.
“Well, I’m sure you’re also awesome to work with. I’m kinda jealous of Peter for getting to work with both the Avengers and you!” He chuckles. Is he…flirting?
“Well, technically, you get to work with me now, too. Unless this is like a one-time thing in which case--” You stammer out, embarrassed that you assumed he’d be coming back.
“No, of course I’m coming back. Talking with an incredibly witty, beautiful girl like you for hours on end into the night? I can’t complain.” He tells you. Definitely flirting.
“Well, thank you. I suppose I could say the same, but I don’t know what you look like under the mask,” You tease.
“We both know I can’t show you that.” He shakes his head lightly but you can tell the smile is still on his face.
“Oh, I know. And I’m not asking, let’s be clear about that. We’ll keep your anonymity for now, Spider-Man.” You grin at him.
“For now?” He asks, the amusement evident in his voice.
“What, I can’t say I won’t get curious one day.” You taunt him. He puts his hands up.
“Alright, alright. I suppose I can’t blame you for that.”
“Now, to continue with a few more questions…”
You had been meeting with Spider-Man every Sunday night for about two months at this point. The newspaper was met with huge success after the Spider-Man interview column was introduced, and the principal was forced to keep the newspaper going. In fact, you had kind of become a celebrity at school for knowing Spider-Man. Peter Parker had basically become your best friend during this time, and you couldn’t thank him enough for scoring that first interview with Spider-Man. All of the success you’re experiencing now is all because of him, and you don’t let him forget that. Besides, you’ve kind of been growing a crush on Spider-Man, so you have to thank Peter for introducing you to him in that capacity as well.
“Hey, Parker.” You slide up to Peter in the hallway, walking to chemistry class with him.
“Hey, (Y/n/n).” Peter smiles at you. 
“TGIF, am I right?” You chuckle. He gives you a weird face.
“How old are you again?” He asks, eliciting a laugh from you. His eyes light up at your laugh, unbeknownst to you. You look back at him and he tries to hide his face of delight at making you laugh.
“Oh come on, you have to be a little happy that it’s Friday. We have movie night tomorrow night!” You remind him. You, Peter, Ned, and MJ had all created ‘Saturday move marathon night’ and it had been successful so far. Tonight’s movie is Revenge of the Sith, courtesy of Peter and Ned. Not that you’re complaining, though.
“Of course I’m happy it’s Friday. I wouldn’t miss movie night for the world. Come on, let’s get to class. We can’t be late again.”
That night, you’re putting away some clean clothes and listening to music when you hear a distinct three taps on your window. Your eyes dart to the clock next to you that reads “2:43 AM” in bright red lettering. You turn around and see Spider-Man’s iconic suit standing at the window. 
Rushing over, you slide the window up and stare at him confused.
“You’re two days early, you’re not supposed to be here until Sunday night.” You remark, brows furrowed. He doesn’t respond, instead tumbling through your window right past you. You slap a hand over your mouth to keep from yelping. He had never come into your room before, so you are beyond confused as to what is happening.
“Help.” You hear his strained voice manage to get out, without the voice modulator covering it.
Oh crap. He’s hurt.
“Oh my god, Spider-Man, what’s wrong? What happened?” You frantically ask, grabbing his arm and wrapping it around your shoulders to support him as you walk over to your bed and lay him down on it. You see scrapes and blood covering his body as his suit is torn up in places.
“Fight…went wrong.” He forces out, and you can see how labored his breathing is as his chest heaves up and down.
“Okay, uh, give me one second-” You run to your medical cabinet in your house and grab everything you think might be helpful. 
You run back to your room as quietly as possible and get out what you found: a clean warm wet wash towel, sterile gauze, antibacterial ointment, and a small sewing kit. Luckily, your mom is a nurse and taught you a few things on stitching people up in case you ever needed it, which you never thought you would but here you are.
“Stay still. This is going to hurt a little bit, but please don’t move as that will just make it worse.” You instruct, getting to work. You stop the bleeding, clean the wounds, apply the ointment, and start to stitch him up. He winces every so often, but does as you told him and keeps pretty still the whole time.
“Thank you.” He murmurs once you’re done. You can tell he’s exhausted, and you feel bad for him.
“I’m only glad I could help. You worried me there for a second, Spidey.” You admit, laying a hand on his shoulder. You didn’t notice while you were working since you were so worried about him, but dang does he have some abs on him.
You notice your staring and look away, clearing your throat and hoping that he didn’t notice. 
“No need to worry, I’m tough,” He says, and you can tell he’s trying to smile under his mask. You sigh and look at him with a tense look, obviously still worried about his condition. He tries to sit up next to you, but you sternly push him back down onto the bed by his shoulders.
“Stay there for a little bit. I don’t want your wounds opening back up.” You explain to him.
“How long?” He asks. You think you recognize his unmodulated voice for a moment, but you brush it off as a coincidence.
“Until morning at least--”
“Technically it is morning.”
“You know what I mean. My parents are usually out Saturday mornings and they don’t check on me before they leave, so you’ll be safe here for now.” You tell him, studying his masked face. He seems to return your gaze, committing your features to memory.
Your hands that rested on his shoulders start to inch toward his neck, laying there for a moment but not daring to lift up his mask.
“Is today the day you’re curious?” He whispers. A smile quirks up on your face.
“Maybe…” You respond, finding the line where his mask meets his suit. You trace your fingers along the line. You decide to play it bold and creep the mask up slightly. You see the tan skin of his neck and can’t help but pull the mask over his jaw all the way up to his nose. You see his lips and your breath hitches.
He hasn’t stopped you, but you fear pushing the boundary any further than this since he didn’t technically tell you it was okay. Instead, you opt to let go of the mask and run your hand along his jaw and down his neck. Finally, you reach up and rub a thumb over his lips in the ghost of a motion, the singular move sending a shiver down your spine. A long silence envelops the two of you as you both stare intently at each other.
The silence is broken by Spider-Man who mutters a small ‘screw it’ before his lips are on yours. You’re surprised at first, a small noise of surprise leaving your lips, but you quickly melt into his touch. You rest one hand on his chest and the other on his neck as his gloved hands come to your waist and face. You could stay like this forever.
The two of you break apart and stare at each other with what you assume to be shock. That’s what it is for you, at least. Spider-Man just kissed you.
“I-I don’t even know who you are.” You breathe out, reality hitting you. You may know Spider-Man, but you don’t know him.
“You do.” Spider-Man reaches up to the edge of the mask.
“Wait! I- I don’t… If you can’t…” You stumble for the words, not wanting him to jeopardize his identity for you.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long, (Y/n/n). Trust me.” He lifts the edge of the mask until it’s entirely off and fallen to the bed. You gape at the man before you.
“Pete?” You whisper, a hand slowly coming to cover your open mouth.
“Hey, (Y/n/n).” He chuckles nervously.
“I’ve been crushing on my best friend this entire time.” You murmur to yourself.
“Nothing.” You quickly clear your throat and look him up and down.
“So, the Stark internship--”
“Is just a cover for you being Spider-Man? Yeah, I think I figured that one out, genius.” You finish the sentence for him, setting your hand back down on his shoulder.
“Are you mad?” He asks, and you can tell he’s apprehensive for your answer.
“No. Shocked? Yes. But mad? No. You’re saving people’s lives, I can’t be mad at you for that.” You admit.
“But I lied to you.” He frowns.
“I mean, yeah, technically. But I’d do the same, so I’m not going to exactly blame you for that. Thank you for telling me now, though.”
“So does that mean I can kiss you again?” He asks, a small smile gracing his features. A light blush rises to your cheeks.
He doesn’t hesitate. In a moment, he’s pulling you back down to him and his lips are on yours. You kiss him feverishly, wishing the moment would last forever again. Who would have known that Peter Parker could have been Spider-Man. All this time, you thought Peter had introduced you to the love of your life when in reality he’s been sitting right in front of your face.
“Movie night tomorrow night will be interesting.” Peter chuckles, running his thumb over your cheek.
“More than,” You agree, leaning down to peck his forehead, “now get some rest tonight, Spider-Man.” 
“Lay with me?” He asks, getting into a more comfortable position on the bed so you can lay down with him.
“Gladly.” You smile and get into bed next to him.
This was certainly quite the interesting couple of months, but you’re not complaining. After all, the newspaper got saved, and you figured out that your crush and best friend are the same person and that he likes you back. Overall, you’d say that the interviews with Spider-Man proved to be a leaping success.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!! Again, requests are open and so are my dm's! Have a great day!
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ink-on-the-brink · 3 years
My Opinions On Each TF2 Ship
This is just for fun. I've been kinda stressed lately and felt like maybe just having some fun giving my opinions!
There will be no mention of Pyro because I prefer to keep them away from romance. Pyro is ace I will fucking fight all of you-
This list is from least to most favorite so strap in!
Sniper x Soldier - 0/10
I honestly don't even know what to say about this one
Heavy x Scout - 0/10
Ew, no, why the fu- no. Heavy is scout's uncle alright.
These two be fucking with each other but not that way. More like an 'i swear to god ill murder you if you touch that-' 'haha I touched it! Whatcha gonna do?' Kinda way.
Age difference. Age difference
Soldier x Scout - 0/10
Scout x Engie -0/10
Scout adopted Engie as his dad and you can't tell me any different.
Also no I didn't say that wrong. Scout adpoted Engie.
Medic x Scout - 0/10
Nope. No. Nadda. Medic wants this boy dead. Scout has to be one of Medic's pet peeves. A constantly curious, nosy, incompetent 'child' that doesn't understand the words 'don't touch that'? No way in hell.
Demo x Spy - 0/10
I honestly don't know how these two would even get to become friends. They seem like they'd only tolerate each other, especially since Spy's taste is more classy.
Heavy x Spy - 1/10
How...how would that even...I don't see it at all. They are completely different people and not in the opposite attract kinda way, they are on completely different moral compasses.
Maybe time chilling in the smoking-room reading???
I honestly don't know how anyone could see these two together.
Spy x Soldier - 2/10?
Okay so I've only heard of this ship recently, and I was so very caught off guard. Of all the ships y'all choose these two? Why? I don't understand. I mean aesthetically I get it. Gruff, battle-hardened military man and sleek, sneaking assassin find unexpected love. But like in reality it's sorta not like that. They'd hate each other to the bone, and I'm pretty sure they do. I mean Spy going for the least classy, least subtle, and loudest member of the team? Not likely.
Medic x Spy - 3/10
I feel like they'd have more hatred for each other than actual care.
I mean Medic literally kept a Spy head in his fridge. You don't just stare at something like that every day without some form of hatred for it.
That being said, there could be a sort of fatal attraction sort of thing. A forbidden romance where they kill each other but y'know, in a sexy way. But I really don't think they'd be a good ship.
Sniper x Spy - 4/10
Wait hold up I can explain, don't murder me yet.
Now I understand the whole enemies to lovers thing and how they're both brooding and silent and god just so dramatic-
And they're obviously close, seeing as Spy told Sniper about Scout being his kid, but I just kinda don't vibe with it. I kinda see it more as a they really only talk to eachother because they know the other is going to keep their mouth shut.
But besides that they just sorta feel like they don't vibe with eachother.
Sniper x Medic - 4/10
Maybe? Kinda? I don't see these two with very much chemistry either.
But birds might draw them together.
Maybe Medic finds Sniper's little bird facts slightly endearing or something?
Most of the time I've ever seen these two shipped is when they ship all support classes, which feels more like putting a bunch of hot guys together for just the thought of it rather than the relationship dynamics. Not that I'm complaining, you guys do what you want. I just prefer the chemistry of it all.
Heavy x Soldier - 5/10?
Hmmm, I honestly don't know. I'd have to think on this one more. It kinda gives me some nice vibes but I'm not sure why.
I can at least imagine these two hanging out in training so maybe they gain chemistry that way? I'd love to hear more about this ship but for now it stays at a steady five.
Medic x Soldier - 5/10
Surprisingly I kinda feel like it might work.
Hear me out now, but I feel like Medic would really enjoy experimenting on Soldier and, considering Soldier is oblivious, he would be all up for it.
I mean Medic sees this dude every day from cut off fingers to raccoon bites, if anything they've at least learned how to balance out each other's behaviors enough to tolerate each other.
Heavy x Sniper - 5/10
An extremely rare pairing and I kinda get it. I don't really see them being a thing?
I guess they both kinda got strong family values but I think Heavys is just more mature than Sniper and they both don't really have much of a connection anywhere. Plus the age difference(even if Sniper looks old as fuck-)
Sniper x Engie - 5/10
Another one I'm not sure about. The vibes aren't bad, but they also aren't there?
I feel like these two have a bunch of early morning talks over a cup of coffee. They probably memorized each other's coffee.
Sniper and him probably go for road trips too.
There are also the other two that are fully trusted to go to the store to only get what they need, which means they probably end up going with each other 99% of the time, just so that they don't have to bring one of the others.
Demo x Scout - 6/10
I mean, why not. They seem like they'd get along.
Again, age difference, but at least they're closer with maturity levels.
I feel like they'd be masters at pranks when they work together. These two would have the whole team hating them in seconds.
They'd totally just have breakdowns in front of each other which makes the other start crying and eventually they're both sobbing in each other's arms. Kids at heart.
Sniper x Demo - 6/10
I could honestly see this working a bit. Just two dudes chillin.
They kinda have the same sort of problems with letting down family and have different ways of suppressing their emotions.
I feel like they'd sit under the stars with hours of conversation before ending up sobbing together.
They strike me as the types of dudes who kinda help each other out of their lows.
Heavy x Engie - 7/10
Awww, this could be cute.
Heavy's like 20 times the size of Engie, and they are both teddy bears in their respective ways.
I can imagine Heavy giving Engie a blunt compliment due to his lack of English not making him really subtle and Engie getting flustered by it.
These two are also dads. They both give off huge dad energy.
They are the only thing keeping the team from falling into utter chaos.
Plus they're both extremely smart in their own fields so I imagine they like to surprise each other with little trivia facts.
Demo x Medic - 8/10
These two could totally work. They both encourage each other a lot. Maybe a little bit too much.
Medic is gonna be super interested in studying Demo and his body's ability to withstand so much alcohol. Science nerds? Hell yeah!
Heavy x Demo - 8/10
Double teddy bears! Since they're both huge Heavy isn't worried about crushing him so hugs, lots of hugs.
I could 100% see these two silently sitting together late at night reading different books just chilling in each other's company.
And Demo trying to teach Heavy to play piano and Heavy failing miserably, but both of them just laugh it off
Spy x Engie - 8/10
Okay, so this was only recently brought to my attention as a good ship. I kinda didn't like it at first, I'm just not for enemies to lovers really, but then I saw a bunch of art for this ship. I don't remember who it was but it was genuinely the most moving work I'd seen from tf2 fanart and honestly, it set these two so much higher for me.
Okay so, to the actual analysis of the ship now. Basically, it's kinda the fact that these two have always been the most mature and the even-minded problem-solvers that draw them together.
They can only really trust each other and yet they both really don't. Spys a backstabber and Engie isn't all he pretends to be.
But they end up having to trust each other anyway in order to get things done until eventually they only really have each other to hold on to. Meaning each other are the only ones able to see past their disguises and into who they truly are.
Demo x Soldier - 9/10
Boots and bombs! I fucking love it.
Best friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes.
These two would literally die for each other.
And they're constantly doing dumb shit with each other.
They have fun and blow shit up! Who could ask for more?
Soldier x Engie - 9/10
Not gonna lie, these two used to be my otp for a while.
They just kinda have a wholesomeness to them. Engie with his calm, collected, well-meaning attitude and Soldier with his loud, outgoing, straight to the point attitude make for a nice opposites attract kinda thing.
I feel like Engie would calm Soldier down a bit and Soldier would get Engie to get louder every now and then. Soldier would also be kinda protective of Engie, though Engie would be the one saving his ass most of the time.
Heavy x Medic - 10/10
Top tear, basically cannon gay dudes, amazing, gorgeous.
Mad scientist and his indifferent but caring lover, what more could you ask for.
Best bird parents.
These two have hella chemistry and I know this ship is overdone to all hell but fuck that, this ship's fire.
Sniper x Scout - 10/10
Oh boy, it's time for another 10/10. These boys go perfectly together. I fucking love this dynamic.
Scout just going around being an annoying little shit indiscriminately and in doing so getting Sniper's attention.
Sniper likes to act mature but no, no he fucking isn't. The dude willingly and openly chooses to piss in jars and throw it at people.
They mess with everyone on the team, but Scout always gets the slack for it, even if Sniper helped. Scout doesn't mind though because that means he has someone who everyone thinks is mature working for him. It's so much easier to pull off pranks when no one suspects you.
Also, I bet whenever one of them has especially vivid nightmares they'd sleep over in the other's room for the night. They vibe so hard that even if they weren't dating they wouldn't even question it.
Medic x Engie - 10/10
Science party! And it's another one of those underrated ships! Less so than Demo x Engie but still!
What does a mad surgeon mixed with a mechanical genius just as desensitized to insanity make? Crimes against god. These two are work buddies but I mean come on. That's one wall of separation between lovers. Making sure each other sleep? Providing blankets when they inevitably fall asleep at their desk? Making each other coffee in the morning? Getting excited about a shared project?! These two are flirting, you know I'm right!
They'd commit war crimes for each other.
Demo x Engie - 10000000000/10
For real, literally the most underrated ship. I need more of this in my life from the love of all that is sacred please notice this amazing ship.
Okay so first off, dad vibes. They give the best comfort and advice.
Second, they're both extremely smart in their own fields. You can't tell me they wouldn't rant for hours about their latest intelligence based endeavor as the other silently nods along.
Thirdly, they both genuinely care about the team and each other. They can pick up when the other isn't feeling okay and will do whatever they can to fix it, even if it's small like making little trinkets or keeping the team busy to give the other some space.
Not to mention that they are aware of each other's bad habits and try to help the other when it goes overboard.
Best couple ^-^
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tedturneriscrazy · 2 years
Here we are with part 2 of what I'm calling the Rebecca Rose Trilogy: Them's the Breaks, Kid!
RIP Beefy Boy (I did mean to type Bob, but I was so amused by the typo I decided to keep it)
That arm seems familiar...
NO (so true bestie)
I'd be hesitant to trust anything in that journal anymore, but some lead is better than nothing, I suppose
Oh, Luz...
King be all like "Do something, new mom!"
Eda said the magic word
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Thought this was a cute shot
My mind really was primed for Eda to start rapping the Fresh Prince theme lmao
(Please no jokes about the Oscars, I'm so sick of that discourse)
Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart! Go Planet!
(Most of y'all won't get that reference. Fuck, I'm old)
Seems like Eda can afford to goof off, considering how well she has things down
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Well isn't that interesting
This Faust fellow seems...intense
Young Bump!
Significant that Eda would push Lilith along so she avoided getting caught
Faust seems like the epitome of a D&D devil
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A good face
Even detention pits need a treat every once in a while, I guess
(Also seems like Eda got in good with the pit to avoid some of the more...dire consequences)
I guess you'd call this a...Faustian bargain
This guy's a real piece of work, huh?
"That was a fun day" lmao
I guess Amity's not the only one with super grip strength
Huh, that seems...underwhelming
Oh, this bitch (affectionate/derogatory)
"Welcome to Heck" very clever
Terra is Dio levels of bastard and I love it
Huh, you'd think Belos wouldn't stand for hippies in the Boiling Isles /j
Ah, scarring people for life, classic
Ayyyy baby Raine!
(I'm 34, I'm allowed to say that because all 14 year olds might as well be babies to me)
I love how everyone was all like "OMG Eda's totally gonna punch Raine when they first meet!" and it's this
(Not that I'm complaining, it's quite cute)
Using sound waves to change the chemistry of the liquid? As someone with a degree in chemistry who minored in physics:
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Between Illusions and Bard magic, seems the more liberal artsy schools of magic aren't given much respect
Teamwork montage!
No high fives, but apparently they did have fist bumps in the Demon Realm before Luz
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I'd be remiss if I didn't include that screenshot
Also, Eda confirmed for catching feelings first
Okay yeah these two are cute together
Terra's gonna Terra, I guess
"Covens vs Wilds" really giving me a "Cowboys vs Indians" vibe (at least here the Yikes seems to be on purpose)
Eda and Raine being put on opposite sides was basically inevitable
"We're in HECK, people! Let's have some fun!"
No, Miss Snapdragon, you would not be a "good mum"
Ah, survival of the fittest and ideological indoctrination! Truly abhorrent!
This episode really highlighting the flaws of the American education system
"Somehow, they always have the best juice! And they don't share it with anyone!" This tickled me more than it should have
A valiant attempt, Bumpykins, but I don't know why you thought that would work
One on one showdown time?
Nah, complex impromptu choreography! (Where have we seen that before?)
"I especially like you, sprout!" NOPE DON'T CARE FOR THAT
Instead of "everyone's a winner," no one is!
I imagine even Faust won't fuck with Terra
And there's Raine transferred to Hexside! Glad their parents weren't too bothered
(The music is Eda's Requiem, btw)
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Family shot❤
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Lmao Luz's drawings are the best
Oh shit that whistle...
Raine, you magnificent bastard!
And Darius is in on it, too?! I knew Keston John wouldn't let me down!
Draining spell? Everyone already figured that one out, but good to see confirmation
All this time Raine was protecting Eda...🥺
Now that was quite a twist! Seems like Raine had their wits about them this whole time! That was a genuinely brilliant turn.
The flashback stuff was nice and fluffy, too. Which was nice, because I'm honestly still not over Reaching Out. A breather is just what I needed.
I will say, though, I don't think I'm quite as into this one as everyone else seems to be? Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, and it was definitely good, I just couldn't connect with it as much for whatever reason. Perhaps I'll change my mind later, who knows.
Next up is Hollow Mind, which I imagine will have some revelations.
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cooloddball · 3 years
Someone submitted something in my inbox and they wanted to remain anonymous. Since this is an extremely long essay, I will put it under the cut. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
xxx submitted: hey, i was the one who ask what do you think of Misha and Jensen's current relationship First off all thank you for your answear it means much to me cause im easy to be convice and this person who keep telling me that they are no longer friends can be so convicing, so I'm actully trying to forget what she said 😅 so I'm just writing a few. she said that since they no longer work together, they will forget about each other, and do their common things like the gay jokes, face touches ect. With other people, and neglect each other, don't talk to each other, and then meet new people who will replace the other. And and she talked about the gish thing, she said she sure they didn't talk since the end of the series, because Jensen didn't know where Misha was and Misha didn't know about the Radio Company vol 2 (but i saw people say that, they were just pretending, because Misha liked something about Radio Company Vol 2, before the gish live, so in theory he already knew then or something like that) and She said Misha wrote a poem about Darius not Jensen and now I will write down what she sent me : I saw a post about Jensen's current activities on social media, and I've come to the conclusion the only person he doesn't interact with is mish. Sadly this makes my break up theory even stronger. I feel like this is a goodbye to one of the biggest parts of my life. They've moved on from "uk what I haven't told you today? That i love u"+ from "miss my only jensen" from "i love u misha i mean it from the bottom of my heart" from "jensen has no flaws" from "misha is the funniest thing ever happened to me" from all that love and affection from everything they developed together and now they're apart leaving their lives like nothing happened and call me a dramatic but they both have the same energy now as someone has after a big break up. and Jensen comments on almost every of his friend’s post except Misha’s"+ Jenmish is genuinely the best thing that has ever happened in my entire life. I owe them literally everything. They're the reason i hold on. Unfortunately on this essay i have to start using past tense verbs for them, and i have to continue on that. I don't know for how long y'all been in spn fandom. But even if u joined one year before the show ended you'd know how close and intimate jensen and misha were. Everything about them was unmatched.+ The chemistry and how they just fit eachother. They had always been all over eachother. Like they were holding on eachother for dear life. They completed eachother and were like world's most powerful thing. They were the definition of soulmatism. No matter where, they ALWAYS kept interacting with eachother. Each possible tweet or insta post. On cons that the other wasn't there, the other one would bring up the othere's name for no absolute reason. +The looks and repeated love confessions. How invested they were both into eachother. The family they had built together cuz we know how close dee and mish are (look all the charity work they've been doing together recently). There are youtube videos to proof everything I've said so far.When i say break up, my real intention is that they've grown apart. Everything started in the the third or forth month of pandemic. Before than jensen used to interact +(comment mostly) on almost all of misha's posts. But after a while everything just stopped. At first personally didn't care that much. Bcuz I believed too much in them that I thought not even the gods above could separate them. I told myself maybe they spend long hours chatting or video calling and that's why online public interactions are gone. But as it passed it almost diminished to zero. Except some likes from jackles and eventual ones from misha there weren't anything else.+ We got absolutely no content and the show went off too. We were helpless and were sticking to everything we had Dee had a big social media shot down, so as jensen. Misha was busy with the election. We got some interviews for it with all of them. But we didn't get much.except remember both of them pulling a bff
move. and texted eachother during an online con where everyone else were dead-serious about politics? That flickered something in me. That showed me that+ they can't ever possibly let eachother go. And the times everyone else were talking and these too would just talk random things together (the one jackels had a white hat on with stacy abraham).And then Misha posted that for jensen's bday We really overlooked it. That shit was too intimate. To close. Fav march baby? U just don't go around and called ur bestie baby and when u mean it deeply. Especially not when ur friend is jensen ackles the "I suffered form internalized homophobia my whole life+ but fuck my wife's an angel and i have an angel bf too and another angel which is his wife but I'd rather die than come out cuz my asshole dad pulled a John winchester on me". It doesn't work like that. But uk how mish is. Carefree and open. I believe they got into a fight bcuz of this. He didn't even like the post. AND that was when the tiny bit of interactions we had was gone too. For a while jensen didn't even liked his posts. After a month it started again.What made me finally believe in that they had grown too+ far: I still remember the night misha posted that he and jensen were going to have a con for gish together. I remember how hard I cried. Lile the whole world was given to me. But deep down in my heart I knew that something would definitely happen. It didn't sit right with me and unfortunately my senses never lie to me. Jensen showed up at the wrong time bcuz of misunderstanding the time zones (this was HILARIOUS). That's not even my point.+ I've seen that interview 3 times so far. It always reminds me of when i saw my ex at a party and we were both so thrilled to see eachother and we still loved the other dearly, but we just couldn't work it out. Jensen and Misha's expressions were EXACTLY the same. The genuine smiles and longs pauses were they just stared at eachother. I'm so happy that it was online cuz if they actually gave that looks to eachother standing right next to the other one I would've collapsed. Misha didn't know that jensen's album+ was out. And he got so embarrassed when he found it out. He didn't know that jensen was on set and hadn't been home for 8weeks. Jensen had no idea where misha was. And this means that they hadn't talked in a long long time.When you're that close with someone for more than a decade, i mean THAT close, even if u're separated from eachother you'd at least check on the once a week, or at least once in two weeks. But it was vividly clear that they hadn't. I hate how this world works. They would always be in my heart.+ I would be thankful from them for everything. It hurts, and it won't stop and im so sure I'd be carrying this pain for a long time. They mean too much to a lot of us. Sometimes I think to myself that god i love them so much. Remember in 2019 when we used to get SO many jenmishdee interactions? That was LIT. It was THEE year for us. I hope they're doing good. I really do. I hope we don't get more proofs and I won't have to update this thread. Cuz my heart won't be taking it very+ well.Something i gotta add U may say that Jensen's busy and that's why he doesn't comment. But he comments on a lot of jared and his new costar's posts. So that's no excuse. So yeah that's it. I don't know what am I supposed to think. english isn't my native language, so sorry for the mistakes
Here is my response:
I don't know who this person who has been talking to is but I have to say they seem to be project their previous relationship experience on cockles.
I believe Jensen and Misha are okay and are together. Social media likes and comments don't mean anything. I mean it's not like Jensen or Misha used to comment on each other's posts before. Jensen didn't even wish Dee Happy Mother's Day this year, does that mean they are not together anymore? Nope. He has other best friends he has known for over 20 years like Jason Manns, Steve Carlson etc that he doesn't wish happy birthday, does that mean they are not friends anymore.
Please let's not put value on social media likes. I don't even follow my own family on sm and I don't always like or comment on my bf's or bff's posts on sm. So it doesn't mean anything.
As for the Gish Panel, I have talked about it before, the time Jensen was slotted to attend the panel, he was meant to answer fan questions. I honestly believe they decided to not do it at that time because they knew the questions would be about Destiel and not their new projects. If you watched that panel, Misha knew that Jensen's album was out as I pointed out. He was just trying to promote the album and soldier boy. He knew Jensen had also buffed out. It was all to promote Jensen. Anything else you hear is trolls and antis just being loud. Also don't forget Jensen called him "babe".
If Jensen and Misha weren't okay, he wouldn't have attended or participated all those panels Misha organized especially for Gish. Danneel also posts a lot about RA and likes Misha's posts. I am 100% Misha visited the Ackles when he went to Colorado last month.
Stop listening to trolls and/or antis or just people who are projecting and look at facts.
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sneezemonster15 · 3 years
Calling bullshit on the opinion that Kishimoto doesn't know how to write romance.
The reason why this entire shipping business on Naruto has been going on for over a decade and still going strong, making fans go absolutely mindless, about a story which is not even about romance, about things that are so effective and impactful that the fans feel completely consumed with it, to the extent where they have almost completely defined their life and philosophies on its basis, is because Kishimoto can write a good fucking romance. And that's what he did. That's the reason why ships are fighting with each other, because it's not just about Naruto the manga or Naruto the series, it's about how they imagine their own romance, it's a deep, profound feeling. That's why they have strong motivations and convictions that drive their insight into the story. That's why there is so much polarity in Naruto fandom. They are ready to jump to protect their ship at a moment's notice because that's how much it means to them.
Are you telling me that it just happened on its own? Just happy coincidences and random factors?
A lot, a lot of thought goes behind closed doors of the studios. I know this because I work in the business. The reason why I was so astounded with Naruto's story because it was actually a brave story. A brave concept. In a shonen. Because I am ready to bet a million dollars I don't have on the fact that Kishimoto knew what he was doing. Anyone who enjoys poetry, or literature, or drama can, if not approve, appreciate Naruto and Sasuke's story. Because it's that deep. Because it's that impactful. Because it's that dark. Because it's that tragic. Because it's that tender. Because it's that painful.
Because it's so...
These are all the ingredients of a well written romance. This is the reason why I don't care about other ships because I know that SNS is not random or a projection. It's mindfully and carefully and even tenderly written and developed.
Kishimoto's projection? Oh sure. It stands to reason that someone from his real life affected and inspired his favourite character through and through. He did say that he based some characters on certain people from his own life. And he did base Naruto on his own self, if partly. And the reason why I am able to surmise that he could have had a real crush on someone like Sasuke in real life, is because how clearly and insightfully written and contrasted the two characters are. So nuanced. They are like poetry, that's why I am so dazzled with them. Their story is so beautifully shaped by their characters and growth that it creates a clear impression of who they really are in the story. Soulmates. That's the whole crux of the story. They are written out to be this literally 'once in several lifetimes' pairing that finally broke the bonds of hate with bonds of love and changed the entire world and as a result, grew themselves. This is reflected in themselves what with Sasuke being propelled with hate and Naruto with love and coming together finally in a world that they made happen, for each other. And all of their parts and counterparts with which they think and move and function are so well in sync with each other that they lock together perfectly, like two pieces in a two piece puzzle box.
To say that this intricately and intelligently and tenderly written story is just like, an accident, my lord no!
No. The content that is finally syndicated on screens all over the world, especially with the type of response Naruto has enjoyed, and believe me when I say this, everything goes through many levels of scrutiny during production; to the extent of why would this camera angle work better than all the other angles, here's a flowchart and analysis of all of them and let's spend three days on deciding it while the producers are going crazy frustrated with fanatic creatives. This is a very common thing to happen in most serious studios.
Naruto stood out at the time it came out and reached a much larger audience for several reasons. But one of them was that it got the right exposure and was shown to critics outside of Japan, who could appreciate and admire it's cinematic beauty and this reached a different subset of audience. This extra effort is not consistent but it shines at so many places, because it's just good storytelling technically and aesthetically. And the reason why Naruto and Sasuke stand smack dab in the middle of that storytelling, is because Kishimoto told their story with so much feeling, it literally shows. The nuance is just crazy. Note that I am saying nuance and not subtext, even though it's there in heaps. But I want to make a distinction clearly. Like I can write pages and pages over it. Anyway, their story stands out because the nuances are so well defined and mindfully drawn by Kishi, that one can't help but wonder if Kishi actually experienced them. And they are just small things but still get a lot of exposure in the manga and anime. And because they are so small but clearly noticeable, it makes us stop in our tracks and think. And the thing is Kishimoto could have easily done without them and it would have made everything still seem undisturbed but he chose Not to. That kind of decision is a direct result of deep understanding, feeling and thinking in terms of forming a certain visual approach and meaning. The visual language Kishi has used to show their chemistry, their bond, their need for each other, is so tangible, like you could cut it with a knife, that it makes one feel something is right below the surface, simmering and about to explode, but you can't put your finger on what it exactly is. Until you start to think. And it takes some time.
You think that kind of writing is random? Are you out of your mind?
No, Kishi is a maniac. He pulled something that was not easy at all. He is a genius. He is also sadistic because he knows he didn't give us a resolution. Resolution is cathartic to viewers and the reason that nobody got any with Naruto and still not getting any from Boruto is making everyone go crazy. Fifteen years is a long time man. And I can bet my other non existent one million dollars on it. He owns a lot of rights over Naruto franchise, I don't think he can be cowed down to such an extent even by the studio. Kishi fought studios for a few significant scenes of Naruto and Sasuke, he is not unfeeling about them.
Maybe I am being a mere deductionist but more often than not, deduction is right. It's a valid form of acquiring knowledge. Sherlock is right more times than he is not.
Anyway, my point is, Kishi can write romance. Kishi can write very good romance. He could have chosen to remove some tropes and make Naruto and Sasuke either just brotherly or friendly. But he chose not to. A lot of people think that they are platonic. And I think I know why. But I don't. They are not platonic. They seem like they feel physically aware of each other, acutely so. they just don't know what it is. Maybe Sasuke does, Naruto doesn't. Kishi used also such common tropes to show this element, but just because it is in shonen and between two boys, y'all won't believe it. Don't you feel that palpable feeling, the simmering tension and emotion when they fight at the valley of the end both times? And it makes you think maybe it's just you, and what you are thinking can't be true because this is shonen and it would mean they are gay, let me tell you, no it's not you. It is Kishi. And it takes skill to write. Something like this is almost always used as a trope of unaddressed sexual tension in media. Pick any romantic drama of this genre, where 'hate turned to love' or 'two unlikely people who fall in love' and you would find it in almost every single one of them.
Why do you think Kishi designed it that way? You think with all the detail (action moves are literally inspired by real life martial arts, lighting, sound, editing, dialogues that sound like out of a Bronte novel), that was him just playing innocent?
No. No. No. And No!
He wrote SNS throughout Naruto and Shippuden and is still doing something of an extension of it that has made Boruto a weird and uncomfortable to watch family drama.
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desidarling123 · 3 years
Reviewing the Grishaverse Couples (Canon and Non-Canon/Alternate Universe) just because I can, here we go:
These are not based *strictly* on the books, but rather the Netflix show, which appears to have spawned ✨all the ships✨ as of late.
DISLAIMER: I don't hate any ships! And I won't tolerate any slander. Creativity is the core to all fandoms, and that's what shipping (canon or otherwise) is ultimately all about. Cool? Cool.
Darkling/Alina aka DARKLINA: What I came for TBH, though not necessarily what kept me watching through the end (damn you, episode 5! you got me so confused! ahhh but also corruption arc for Alina? hmmmm) Jessie and Ben have chemistry in spades, and Ben emotes well for an ancient asshat. These two have great fic potential.
Mal/Alina aka MALINA: Sweet! A little boring to me initially tbh, but much better on rewatch. They are each other's safe haven, and there's something really lovely about that. I like them together.
Full disclosure: I came for Darklina, but stayed for Kanej. And, at this rate, will happily suffer countless seasons where the most they do is maybe hold hands but also Netflix please let them heal their trauma together and kiss at least once for my poor shipper heart PLEASE
Nina/Matthias aka HELNIK: They're cute. Almost a little too on-the-nose with the tropes for me, personally, but the actors make it work.
Jesper/Stable Boy: Honestly? Good for Jesper. The only person on the show who actually managed to get laid onscreen. He deserves it.
Genya/David: Also very cute, though they don't necessarily occupy much brain space. I like that David is this awkward little dork but he's just. So good for Genya. It's very pure and she really needs that.
Darkling/Zoya: Zoya, baby, you deserve better. That said, I wish the show had explored their backstory a bit more. These two would clearly put the T in toxic (Aleksander largely being the one to blame here, of course).
Ivan/Feydor: As someone else put it, these two can be summarized simply by -- be gay and do crimes. They're real cute. If only they weren't Team Darkling.
AKA time for some ✨multishipper controversy✨
Darkling/Inej aka DARKEJ: I am extremely biased since I've written for them, but honestly? I would like to convert you all. This pairing has POTENTIAL. The sinner and the saint, the immortal and the ordinary. Also they both have this elegant, shadowy grace to them. Bonus points? Kaz getting a whiff of this nonsense and meticulously planning how to cut up Aleksander into a million tiny little pieces lol.
Darkling/Kaz aka DARKAZ: Sexy. So so sexy. Not in a physical sense (for obvious reasons' on Kaz' end, unless you go AU with that aspect, too) but more a battle of brains. Would inevitably end with Kaz slitting the Darkling's throat, somehow as he should, lmao.
Kaz/Alina aka KAZALINA: I didn't understand this, initially. They barely interacted and Kaz seemed more the type to drag Alina by the kefta than woo her. However, I saw a bunch of people on TikTok attacking someone who made a fantastic AU video edit, (and by a bunch I mean at least two attack videos amassing 10K+ likes total) -- so now I ship it purely out of spite, LOL. It only works in an AU where Inej doesn't exist or Kanej is somehow still endgame, but you know what? The saint and the nonbeliever has some potential. I dig it.
Kaz/Jesper aka KESPER: There's some basis for it in the books. I do prefer them as friends (and come on! Wylan!) but again, I get it.
Jesper/Inej: I... want whatever y'all are smoking bc it must be AMAZING (I kid, I kid). While I can't fully claim to understand it, I love both characters, want nothing but the best for them, and am not entirely opposed to it given the right premise. And Jesper did say he'd kill a man for Inej pretty much without hesitation...
Kaz/Jesper/Inej: OT3 vibes. I haven't read anything with these three just yet but I think, done right, it could be absolutely perfect.
Inej/Alina: I feel like Inej's piety would actually get in the way of a true relationship but I think it's cute as a one-sided crush, Inej on Alina.
Mal/Inej: This one is probably the most random of the Inej ships, but I'm team "Give Inej All The Love" so I'll let this one slide. Also, Amita and Archie low-key have crazy chemistry off-set so again. I get it.
Mal/Kaz: ... does this even exist? Lol I think Mal would definitely drive Kaz up the goddamn wall
Mal/Darkling: Objectively hilarious to me on several counts LMAO (that fight scene at the end of episode 8 PLS). BUT there's a fine line between love and hate... maybe it's not Alina they were after but each other all along
Alina/Genya: Again, god-tier. Also, makes Genya's later betrayal of Alina extra tasty in my opinion. So yeah, add in a dash of heartbreak why not?!?
Alina/Zoya: Enemies to lovers excellence. Though Zoya clearly has some internalized self-hatred to work through (baby WHAT was that half-breed comment?), I don't hate it. Maybe some day...
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
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Thanks for the question dear.
Marketing is for a lot of things but in BTS's case, I'd say the primary goal of marketing them is to expose the entire group and or the individual members to an audience, a particular audience at a time, to brand them in a way that makes them appealing to that target market- to put it simply.
During one of the recent run episodes, when Jimin performed his dance from Serendipity- which I must say, God he is breathtakingly beautiful when he dances. Serendipity and the choreo is my weakness. If I see anything better than that- hold on, there's filter too. Ayayaya.
Stream Serendipity and Filter🔪
Oh and did y'all see JM's bit in Film out? Omg! I'm afraid I'd have to fly to South K to kiss his talented ass morning, afternoon, evening.
Who's coming?
Anywho, when Jimin performed Serendipity on Run and suggested that was the dance the staff was performing, the members- cough RM, quickly pointed out how he was plugging, self promoting (to Run's target audience)
Run has a different demographic.
When Suga talked about them not being funny on their Let's BTS show on KBS the Host pointed out how they were actually funny in their Run episodes.
A lot of Army(who are already fans of BTS or each individual member) watch Run but not all who watch Run are Army or even listen to BTS songs. So any performance of an individual's music or choreo would attract such a 'unique' viewer who might go on to become that member's stan or bias etc.
Similarly, when a member embarks on a solo project they are exposed to a new or unique audience. That's where most of the solo stans come from.
For V, his fanbase are not just made up of people who enjoy him as a musician but as an actor as well.
He has a strong fanbase in SK outside of 'Army' because of his exposure to the Korean market beyond BTS and this comprises of his musical collaborations with Korean Artists and film companies such as his OST Sweet Night on the series Itaewon class.
It's the same with Suga and IU, his Agust D mixtapes which draws in audiences that are not necessarily into boybands, RM's Mono whixh attracts strong hiphop fans, Jimin's dance collaborations with Taemin for example and his contemporary dance performance which attracts people in the world of contemporary dance and ballet- point in case the black swan performance at the end of the year, Jin and Hobi's MCing etc.
All these projects exposes them to unique audiences and markets outside of Army or BTS's own fanbase.
And I think the best way to understand how this is important or how this affects BigHit's marketing approach is to look at their recent YouQuiz interviews.
Jimin, Jhope and JK were paired to attract aspiring dancers or persons who want to be dancers and learn from these three dance leaders of BTS- or at least they were paired to appeal to them in my opinion.
Tae and RM were equally paired to appeal to creatives and creative minds and persons who are more into composing and writing lyrics and are full of passion and musical geniuses.
Jin and Suga were paired to appeal to mature audiences.
Ten out of ten when any pair is paired in BTS it is for marketing reasons to appeal to certain fanbase or audiences and are often strategic moves unless of course it's to balance things out to not create the impression they are promoting subunits within the group in furtherance of the BTS kumbaya agenda- Team over units or solos.
So Jikook are not gonna be allowed to sit together all the time even if they want to, neither would JinKook, or Sope.
They shake and reshuffle sometimes.
And like Tae said in his 2018 VLive, the company decides who they collaborate in or what market to promote them in.
Tae was allowed to collaborate with Adora on his Chrismas song but not Jimin- which to me is very homophobic but it goes to show the company has a say in who they work with and most importantly which market they work in.
For JK, he's been working his way within the American marke and building a strong fanbase internationally from his English covers of Justin Bieber, Troye Sivan, to his collaboration with Charlie Puth, and most recently Jason Derulo in Savage love- that's a lot of English speaking fanbase he's attracting and appealing to outside of Army.
Tae's English mixtape would achieve a similar feat and draw in a lot of English speaking fans.
Bts did the same with dynamite and coldplay's Fix you.
So by allowing JK to work with renowned Japanese Artists and film companies, collaborating and composing original sound tracks for them such as his Your eyes tell OST, Film out, etc. he is appealing to and drawing in a Japanese audience.
As Hobi explained in his 2019 January Vlive, their mixtapes, solo projects, collaborations with Artists outside of BTS are all ways for them to expand their fanbase individually and build their portfolio.
And these new fans are mostly going to be solo stans who stan him for his music composing abilities but of course some may fall in love with BTS as well and go on to become Army so it's a win win situation.
Yes and no.
As long as the company isn't pushing him as a soloist outside of BTS and creating a separate brand with him outside of BTS's own brand I don't think the boys would object to it.
That was the problem they had/have with Jikook. In my opinion.
The company branding Jikook, distinctifying them from the group as a 'couple' subunit, selling their chemistry to fans and advertisers really doesn't and didn't sit well with the group. AT ALL.
In my opinion of course.
You can't create a brand within a brand.
It goes against Bang PD's own objective of prioritizing the team over all else which is what sold the members in the first place.
I just think in JK's case, since 2020, they are just trying to help him find himself and his bearing and his purpose.
He's been trying to find himself since 2020 and he'd talked about losing his passion and had had his passion hijacked and commercialized by the company.
He used to say he didn't know what he was going to do with himself and his life and career after BTS- having him work on music videos, directing, composing, reading these are all ways that they are doing right by him if you ask me.
They are helping him not trying to push their own agendas- which is not to say they might not change their minds about it in the future.
JK is an artist being managed by the company and they owe a duty to him to make the right business decisions for him with his consent- can't stress on the consent bit enough.
Personally, I'm happy about Japan because they are and are shaping out to be queer friendly and have a bit of progressive laws and conducive environments for queer artists to flourish in- if coming out would ruin their careers that's one less worry.
Which by the way I hate anyone who peddles this 'coming out will ruin their careers' nonsense because I can tell you one hundred percent that that is rooted in homophobia and it's not OK.
Don't tell that to no queer people shut up. You are not helping.
I know some say that out of genuine concerns for the boys but PLEASE DON'T. Don't use fear to keep queer people hidden and out of sight. Don't promote closet safety. Rhetorics like that only perpetuate queer invisibility and homophobia- do I need to spell it out to your liberal homophobic ass?!
Coming out is entirely up to them regardless of the risk you think is involved. If they want to take it. They'll take it. It's their choice to make regardless of whatever consequence.
That there are or should be consequences is a problem in of itself.
I don't want to hear 'if JK comes out he's been stupid and reckless and putting Jimin's career at risk'
'If he loves Jimin he wouldn't come out'
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Go ahead kiss it😌
If he wants to stay closested respect it. If he wants to come out RESPECT IT TOO.
Support him either ways goddammit!
Y'all gone get me bothered like that huh.
They both have different career objectives.
I know Jimin says JK is imitating him but chilee JK is his own person. Lol.
Jimin plays too much.
He has his own aspirations.
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In 2014 Jimin posted this Christmas song he did with JK. In 2020 he posted his own Christmas song without Jk.
It's not hard to see where his interests in music lie as a musician.
JK covered We don't talk anymore by himself and later did a collaboration with Jimin on the same song. He's done Fools with RM- see where I'm going with this?
Suga said he was more likely to write pop songs for JK but write dance songs for Jimin.
Jk said in the Be interviews bang PD advised him to consider dance performances when writing songs as he himself is a dancer too and need to incorporate in his compositions.
They are two distinct artists and at some point it would become necessary to brand, promote and encourage their uniqueness in their professional lives. They don't got to be tethered to each other all the time.
Personally, I don't think BigHit would want to push official subunits within BTS- yet and it's inclination towards Jikook have always been because of their marketing appeal rather than to further a career objective for both of them.
This goes back to the pairing objectives I talked about earlier. If they are going to pair Jikook professionally as an official subunit within the group it wouldn't be because they are a couple and ought to be together all the time but because it is smart for them to do so business wise.
If their pairing isn't commercially profitable they won't be paired at all- unless of course Jikook themselves want and request to be paired in that way. Know what I mean?
They each signed separate contracts with the company from day dot. They didn't sign on as a unit.
Whether or not they've decided they are a package deal I cannot say- yet, as their new contract just came into effect.
We would have to observe how they are being handled by the company going forward.
Come now sis...
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It's not like he's leaving Jimin😅
Jimin and Jhope were equally sent to Japan for promotion purposes without JK.
Out of all seven, Namjoon is the most promoted member in the international Market not just because he speaks English but because he is often made the spokes person for the group in interviews, at awards straight up to the UN.
Look how happy they all were and how chatty they were at the KBS Let's BTS interview.
I mean they all talked about it. About how they can't say much on foreign forums and often step into Namjoon's shadows.
RM is the most recognized and dare I say the most liked member out of all seven in the international market outside Army and their music profession.
In Japan they all have a chance to be front and center at interviews etc.
It just so happens that JK as it stands is the one member pushing to build a portfolio within that market.
Let's pray he gets mainstream and build a strong presence within the music industry there because we all know he's gonna drag Jimin up there with him😏
Just pay attention to the songs he's written and the parts Jimin sings in them- he makes Jimin shine on those songs.
They have so much potential my God.
Let's support them individually and as a unit.
I purple you and sorry I had to respond here.
Stay gold. Let's keep supporting and rooting for our guys.
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kinnsporsche · 2 years
once again an episode that made me absolutely lose my mind!!! kp are so in love and they finally said it!! although, i would have liked it better if they said it to each other in private first but oh well can't have everything. and porsche is officially a stay at home wife i love that for him. the scene when p was drying kinn’s hair though, it was the softest shit i have ever seen in my life <3 i also loved the scenes with taytime they are always so good i wish they had more screen time. 1/4
and we got the kimchay breakup :/ i was expecting it but it still hurt. I still have hope that they will end up together. however, the most important part of this episode (for me) was vegaspete!!! god these two make me go insane. the way we went from sadistic torture to that convo at the end. bible and build's chemistry is actually unbelievable i can't get enough of these sick motherfuckers. and don't even get me started on the cinematography like the lights and the shots and just the whole atmosphere it was so good and so sexy and I’m gonna need 3-5 business days to recover. that preview was the final nail in my coffin i don't think i can wait a whole week for more. I’ve read some metas about them but honestly I don’t even care if vegas changes for pete or not. their relationship is so fucked up on so many levels that I don’t think it can really be redeemed. certainly not in 3 episodes. and honestly does he need to be? can’t he just stay the fucked up villain that he is? I wouldn’t mind. I’m just here to enjoy some toxic fictional men be sexy and gay and so far they did just that so I’m satisfied. I can’t believe we only have 3 episodes left T_T I don’t know what I will do when this show ends. (I hope you’re doing well )
omg my kp anon i've missed u so much!!!!
for me i'd always had a hc that kinn had a hard time saying ily to anybody bcs he'd been burned by love in the past so he hated saying it but this show roundhouse kicked that in the face and left me obliterated at the scene this mf is out here shouting it from rooftops to anybody who'll listen good for him
god you know what sends me absolutely feral? kinn casually mentioning his mother to porsche. her death must still be a sore subject for him, nobody talks about it we've hardly had any mention of her and for him to just be like "my mother used to do this for me" god how long has it been since someone's taken care of him like that? and now here's porsche the biggest caretaker in the world just so ready and willing to do everything he can to take care of kinn bcs thats his love language and he loves him sm i just y'all mind if i break the fuck down real fast
pls the kimchay break up!!!! like kimothy i get why you did what you did but that doesn't mean me and tankhun won't beat your ass for it bestie 😔😔 you made the baby cry. like he's literally alread living at the estate, he can't get anymore involved with the mafia, but i guess kim was literally just faced with the reality of porchay being kidnapped because of his ties to the mafia through his brother, and he's probably thinking about how much worse it'll be if he's tied to the mafia through HIM, he's probably thinking about all their enemies and how much of a target it'd make him so he's being a self-sacrificing little shit about it god tankhun needs to hit him with a tray and knock some sense into him
i haven't been that eager about the vp arc yet, im betting that'll probably change in today's ep and next weeks ep 👀 just wanna see pete humble that man so bad, and i dont want vegas to stop being a bad person just bcs he gets with pete ykwim? he's interesting because he's a villain lets keep it that way besties. i do bet he'll get a redemption arc, i've mentioned this to a few people i talk to but with the way things are going it made me wonder if the big shootout at the major family house in the promo where vegas is framed as a big bad is actually misleading and vegas'll be there to help kinn and the major family and maybe put a bullet in his dad's head i just wish him a very big die even if i will miss the dilf 😔
pls dont mention that we only have 3 episodes left pls dont mention that theres only 2 more weeks of kinnporsche or i'll start to eat glass
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rocksandrobots · 3 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 43 - Finale (Pt. 5)
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"Okay, what if we used some nitrocellulose and mixed it with an oxidized ethanol?" Varain asked.
Honey Lemon pursed her lips. "Uhmmm, wouldn't that just make the chimball explode?"
"Uh, yeah. That's the point."
"I don't know….It sounds kind of dangerous."
Varian and Honey Lemon hovered over the chemistry set inside Big Hero Six's new lab.
As soon as Chief Cruz and Megan had left the Lucky Cat this morning, Hiro had called everyone together to meet at their headquarters. He had to pick up a new set of armor, and he wanted to tweak everyone else's suits to help prevent Supersonic Sue from disarming them again.
While Hiro worked on that, Varian was taking this time to build himself a new arsenal of alchemical orbs with Honey Lemon's help.
"Relax," he said as he reached over to pick up a test tube full of some green liquid  "I won't throw it at anybody. It's just in case those robot ninjas show up again."
"Yeah, but you don't want any fire to accidentally spread." Honey Lemon argued. "What if we made something more contained? Like, oh, like what if we compressed some air inside the chimball?" She held one of the empty shells up. "That way when you threw it and it exploded, it would only hit the target with a concussive blast. There's no chance of that catching on fire."
Varian tilted his head in thought and took the shell from her.
"Yeah, that could work; on one of them. What if there's more than one? What if they gang up on you?" He asked as he poured the green liquid into the shell, sealed it, and clipped it to his belt.
"Well then we can just use the ice bombs to freeze them all at once." She replied.
"Yeah, I guess so." Varian agreed, and pulled out the liquid nitrogen to make the ice bombs with.
As they were finishing up this task, and Varian was hooking the last of the chemical orbs to his Saporian belt, Honey Lemon said, "You know this was fun. You should help out more often. Oh, we could go on patrol together or, maybe come up with new-"
"Oh no, no, nope, I'm not a hero." Varian interrupted as he shook his head.
Honey Lemon pouted at this.
"I'm just here cause I'm worried about Hiro." Varian explained.
Honey Lemon eyes went wide as she realized what Varian was getting at. She had been there when Hiro first found out about Callaghan's role in Tadashi's death; and she had been the one to stop Baymax from attacking and killing the professor.
"I don't know what good I'm doing though." Varian went on.
"You're doing a lot of good." She assured him.
"Am I? Cause, like, I'm not one to talk about 'being the bigger the person' or how 'you need to take the high road.' Honestly I don't even agree with this whole superhero thing. I mean, yes what y'all are doing is great, and yes, I'm all for helping Abigail, but… Callaghan…"
Honey Lemon mulled over his words. "But if we don't help, who will?"
Varian threw up his hands in defeat. "Yeah, that's what Hiro said…. but you didn't see him. You didn't see how much just having that one little computer chip destroyed hurt him…. I just don't know how this is all going to play out if we keep doing this."
"Are you worried Hiro might do something he'll regret?"
"No, I'm worried about what I might do." He turned to look her dead in the eye. "I can live with regrets, but I can't live with myself if something happened to him, or you, or anyone else."
Honey Lemon shivered at those words. "So you, what? Just want us to all stop?"
"No. I don't know. I just want everyone to be safe, and happy… And that's not happening so long as we have to keep dealing with Callaghan and whoever this Bosu is."
Honey Lemon lowered her head. Usually superheroing was fun. Even the more challenging villains were just attention seekers out to beat them, as if it was all just some friendly competition. Very few of the foes they faced were actively malicious. But there were times, like now, when it became very hard to ignore how dangerous their chosen hobby could be.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Varian laying a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, don't listen to me." He soothed. "I'm not a superhero, remember. What do I know?"
Honey Lemon gave him a small smile. "Well, maybe not, but you are a good friend, and I get it, about your concern for Hiro. It's only natural to be protective of your siblings."
Honey Lemon had to only laugh at the confused face he made. "Oh come on, you and Hiro totally act like brothers."
"No we don't….do we? I don't know how brothers act. Is it any different from just being friends?"
Honey Lemon snorted with laughter again. "Yeah, a little different. For one you usually don't wrestle for control of the tv remote with your friends, fight over who does what chores, or prank each other with megaphones."
"I thought that was just Hiro being Hiro."
"No, it's 'cause you live together, and have the same guardian. I don't know how to explain it, but it's just different with little brothers, that's all."
"But I… I don't know how to be a brother. Let alone how to be the 'older, more responsible brother'. And I doubt Hiro sees me that way, anyways. I mean, he already has Tadashi… had… I mean…."
He trailed off and Honey Lemon eyed him with worry once more.
After a few moments he whispered, "I'm not trying to replace anybody."
"Well, of course not. No one said that you were."
"Then why do I feel like I am?"
Honey Lemon blinked. What did he mean? Where had this even come from?
Before she could press further though, Hiro walked into the lab.
"Hey, we're heading out soon. You might want to start suiting up." He said.
"Okay. Just give us a minute to gather things up and we'll meet you in the briefing room." She answered.
Hiro nodded his acknowledgement and left.
"Well, looks like we'll have to save the heart to heart for later." Varian snarked as he scooped up Sirque's portal magnets and grabbed the controller he had built for them. After placing these in his pockets, he turned around and asked, "What do you think? Do I look 'heroic' enough?"
He was dressed in his full Saporian garb, complete with bandana and his usual goggles, and along with the new chimballs they'd just made, he appeared exactly the same as he did the first night he'd arrived in San Fansokyo. Well almost, he was slightly taller now, but only by a few inches.
"Hmmm… honestly Sparkles was right, you do kind of look like a bandit, or maybe even a pirate?"
Varian huffed. "See, I can't even look the part."
"Well I still think you'd make a great superhero." She encouraged as she straightened the collar of his jacket.
"Ha ha," he snorted, then more seriously said "We'll be lucky if we can even find the bad guys again. Let alone take them head on."
Honey Lemon refused to let Varian's pessimism get her down.  
"Well then here's a hug for good luck." She cheered and flung her arms around him.
Varian tentatively returned the hug. "Th-thanks… I feel more lucky already."
"So how's things going, Teach?" Sue barked as she skated into the makeshift lab.
Callaghan rolled his eyes in annoyance as he tightened the bolt on the portal.
He had been up all night assembling the frame. Somehow the pair of villains had all of the needed parts all ready to go, along with some pre-programmed software and a few prototypes to work off of.
Whoever this boss they were all working for was, they were clearly well connected and apparently had other people continuing his research in his absence. A Dr. Celine Simard had provided most of the equipment and had emailed him blueprints to her own miniature portal designs. They had only conversed briefly through a heavily monitored chat room, but it was a relief to speak to someone who wasn't as thick as a bag of bricks. Celine seemed like such a bright young woman. It was a shame she was selling out her talents to such an obviously unscrupulous organization.
Though he couldn't fully blame her reasoning… "Krei Tech, Government, the Black Market; it's all the same. They're all corrupt. Might as well go with the one who pays the highest."
"Even if they might kill you afterwards?"
"I don't look a gift horse in the mouth. If you play along nicely they won't hurt you. I would just take the money and passport if I was you."
Callaghan had stopped trying to reach out to her after that. One day this life of crime she was living was going to catch up to her, but he couldn't waste time trying to save her from herself. He had his own daughter to worry about.
"How's Abigail?" He asked as he stood up and put the wrench back inside the tool box.
Sue shrugged. "She's fine. Same as the last fifty times you've asked."
Callaghan walked over to the computer terminal, typed in some code, and read the read out that flashed up on screen.
"You never did tell me where you got my notebook." He said.
"Don't ask me. Those two boys who tried to bust you out yesterday had it. Where they got it, I don't know."
Callaghan frowned and opened his notebook again. He had discovered handwriting that wasn't his own inside, fixing his calculations and expanding upon some of his more 'out there' theories. He had assumed they were done by others in the villains' gang but apparently that wasn't the case.
He still didn't know how Hiro's little friend had come upon his research, but the kid apparently knew a thing or three about theoretical physics. The boy's new equations could potentially stabilize the portal, preventing it from breaking down.
He wouldn't need them though. Callgahn sat the notebook back down and returned to the computer terminal. He didn't want this particular portal to work.
"I'm about ready to perform the first test;" He said coolly, "turn on the power generators."
"Any luck?" Wasabi asked as he joined the rest of the group on top of a skyscraper.
"No." Sighed Honey Lemon.
"We must have scanned the whole city by now." Hiro said.
"What if this Bosu has the same bio-dampening tech that Momasake had?" Fred suggested. "He could have snagged it off her when she got captured, and handed it off to Sue and her grandson."
"That's possible." Gogo admitted. "Especially since they now know that we can track them."
"So what do we do now?" Honey Lemon asked.
Varian cupped his chin in thought as he walked towards the ledge of the building where Baymax stood, still scanning the city. "Baymax, are you able to scan for other things besides just bio-readings?"
"Yes. I am capable of scanning thermal, infrared, radiation-"
"Energy spikes? Like electrical surges." Varian interrupted.
Hiro walked over to join them. "What's your idea?"
"Why would this Bosu kidnap Abigail? She's not actually a scientist."
"Because she's Callaghan's daughter," Wasabi said as he pieced together what Varian was getting at, "and they'll use her to blackmail him into building them a portal."
"Exactly, and they've got to find a way to power it up. There might be unusual energy spikes once they get it up and running."
"So we, what, just wait around?" Gogo asked skeptically. "If Callaghan builds another portal and it's just as unstable as the last ones we've dealt with, then we might be too late to stop it from imploding if we wait till it's turned on."
"Yeah and who knows how much damage that'll cause." Fred agreed.
"Still it's the best idea we have right now; only we don't want to go chasing after every electrical surge in the city. We need a way to narrow the search even further." Hiro mulled over this new dilemma, then a new idea hit him. "Baymax, scan Varian."
"Wha- why?" The other boy asked in confusion as Baymax looked him up in and down.
"Scan complete." The robot said.
"I'll show you." Hiro grunted as he removed the chest plate off of Baymax's armor. "Baymax, show us Varian's readings."
The screen on the robot's chest lit up and displayed a silhouette of the time displaced teen.
"Okay, now show us his radiation levels."
The screen changed again to showcase a graph and Hiro pointed to one of the spikes that was higher than the others.
"There. See that? That's some sort of low energy electromagnetic radiation. Don't worry, it's non-ionized so it's harmless, but it's not anything that's been seen on earth. Not this earth anyways. I suspect it's from traveling through the portal unprotected, the same way astronauts risk GCR when they break through earth's atmosphere."
"Ooookaay… and outside of me apparently being a freak now, what does that have to do with anything?"
"Don't you see? If they turn on the portal it's going to emit that same form of radiation."
"Then we could track it faster and easier than we would just looking for any random energy spike." Gogo interjected.
"Yeah, but that still requires us just waiting around hoping that the bad guys do get the portal working." Wasabi said.
"Oh, they'll get it to work." Hiro said. "This isn't the first time Callagan's built a portal. The question is how long will it remain stable?"
Callaghan flipped a switch on the dashboard and the portal roared to life.
Sue shielded her eyes with her arm as she squinted at the glowing blue circle that hung in the air. The wind was picking up as it was being sucked into the void.
Something was wrong.
Suddenly the power shorted out and the portal shut down as sparks flew out from the sides.
"Blast it!" Callaghan yelled. "I need more power. These generators aren't enough. We'll have to connect to the grid."
"Now hold on there, sugar cakes." Sue interjected. "I thought you didn't want this thingamajig to work."
"I don't, but you've left me with no choice. Call that boss of yours. Get them on the line. I can't finish my work without a direct connection to the city power supply."
"Alright. You need more power? I'll get ya more power. Just hold on to your britches and sit tight. My… uh, associates here will keep an eye on you while I go out and fix this."
She pointed to the two ninjas who were stationed on the catwalk above them. Callgahn didn't know how many were in Sue's employ, but he had the sneaking suspicion that the abandoned factory was crawling with them.
"Okay." Challghan nodded and Sue skated away at top speed.
"There is a radiation spike coming from there." Baymax said as he pointed northward.
"How far out?" Asked Hiro.
"Along the river, about 20 mil--- the signal is gone."
"What do you mean gone?" Varian asked.
"There's no longer any readings."
"It must have been a failed test." Hiro said. "Let's just start following the river north. We may find something as we go."
Abigail paced back and forth inside her cell. Well it was actually an office with a larger window looking out onto the factory below but it might as well have been a jail cell. The ninjas threw her in here and locked the door behind them. She had tried to bust the door down, smash the handle, and crawl into the vents to escape. Nothing had worked so far.  
As she nursed her arm from her latest failed escape, she saw one of her captors coming her way. It was the big bulky dude on roller skates. She banged on the window to gain his attention.
"Let me out!" She shouted.
The guy stopped, turned to look at her, pulled out two earbud headphones, and yelled, "I'm sorry, what did you say?!"
As the man leaned closer to the window and cupped his ear Abigail groaned in frustration. "I said 'let me out'!"
"Oh, sorry, no can do! Nana said you needed to stay put until your dad finished working on the portal!"
Abigail pouted and hugged her arm once more. Well, what did she think would happen?
"Do you need anything else?!" The guy shouted at her.
"No!" She stamped her foot before turning away from him to sulk as she tried to rub out the soreness in her arm.
"Hey, are you hurt?!" The guy asked, suddenly full of concern.
Abigail didn't answer. Why did he care?
However, to her surprise the guy opened the door and poked his head into the office.
"Did those robots hurt your arm?" He asked once more.
She looked back at him blankly. "Robots? Is that why those ninjas are so strong? They're robots?"
"Yeah." The large guy confirmed as if barely acknowledging how crazy that sounded. "Do you need an ice pack?"
"Sure." Abigail replied dumbfoundedly. Seriously, why was this guy being so nice?
"I'll go get you one. I'm Stu by the way." He flashed her a huge grin.
"Abigail." She replied still dumbstruck.
"Nice to meet you. I'll be right back." And with that he shut the door again and walked away.
Abigail got up and ran to the door. It was locked once more. Either the guy was smarter than he looked or it locked automatically.
Abigail bit her lip in thought. This Stu person could be her means of escape if she played her cards right.
"I'm back." Stu cheerfully said a few minutes later. "I got you an ice pack and some Tylenol."
He opened the door and handed Abigail the small little package containing the pills.
"Where'd you get this?" She asked.
"Oh, in the vending machine down the hall." He explained as he wrapped her arm in an ace bandage so as to better hold the ice pack in place. "I didn't have any money so I had to headbutt it a couple times. I got a free bag of Cheetos out of it as well."
He finished applying the bandage. "There! Man those robots are so dumb. Not to mention careless. Sorry you got hurt like that."
Abigail plastered a smile on her face. "It-it's okay…. Uhmm…I don't suppose you happen to have anything to drink these down with do you?" She said as she held up the pack of Tylenol.
"Oh sure. I'll go get you a bottle of water. Hang tight."
He left again and Abigail got to work. She removed the bandage and placed the ice pack on the floor in front of the door. Then she took the bandage and tied it between two desk chairs that were seated in the office. She placed these further out in front of the ice pack; spacing them far enough apart the rope laid taunt next to the ground right at ankle height.
Then she heard Stu's return and she jumped into the seat; placing her hands in her lap and slapping on a huge smile to look as innocent as possible as he skated in.
"Here ya, gooooo-woah!" He slipped on the ice pack and stumbled forward.
Abigail jumped up, grabbed the water bottle in his hand to sling him around, and with a well placed kick, Stu went rolling backwards into the tripwire. As he toppled over, Abigail sprinted out the door, locking it behind her.
"Hey! That's not very nice!" He yelled as he righted himself and ran up to the window.
Abigail paused in her getaway. "Yeah, and neither's kidnapping people and holding them hostage!"
Stu looked stunned for a moment as he thought over her words. "Yeah, okay, fair." He finally admitted as he hung his head. Then just as quickly he perked back up and smooshed his face to the glass. "Oh, but Nana's not going to like that you escaped."
"Yeah, well, Nana's just going to have to deal. Where's my dad?"
"Uh, on the first floor I think. Take the stairs down the end of the hall and then turn left."
"You're welcome. Oh, but watch out for the robot ninjas!" He shouted after her as she ran away, opening the pack of pain pills as she went.
As Abigail neared the stairs she heard banging and the sound of glass cracking. She looked back and saw Stu slamming himself against the window repeatedly; and he was making a lot more headway then she had. She needed to find her dad fast.
Supersonic Sue was hooking up the last of the electric cables to the power lines when she spotted Big Hero Six flying towards the power plant.
"Looks like those do-gooders found our hideout. Better give them a welcoming party." She said to herself with a smile as she pulled out a remote control and pressed a button.
"Looks like there's a building up ahead!" Hiro shouted at his companions, who followed close behind, but stopped short when Baymax came to an abrupt halt.
From out of the woods stepped a robot ninja, who stood in their path.
"Yeeeeessssss!" Laughed Fred. "Finally I get to fight a robot ninja! My life is complete!"
"Be careful! Those things are deadly!" Varian warned.
"Oh come on. There's only one of it and seven of us. We can take...him?"
Just as Fred finished his boast another stealth robot appeared, and then another, and yet another, until the superhero team was surrounded by thirty or more of the killer androids.
"You were saying?" Wasabi snapped at Fred.
As if taking that as a cue, the robots jumped them and all hell broke loose.
Wasabi slammed the gas on his car and plowed through five of the droids, before hitting the brakes and jumping out as the robots dog piled the vehicle. He righted himself and whipped out his laser blades to start hacking away at the enforcers and the deadly shurikens they threw at him.
As he fended off the horde, Gogo skated around dodging their attacks and knocked the snipper robots out of the trees with her discs.
"Woo-hoo!" Fred shouted with glee as he bounced on top of robot after robot, just barely escaping their grasp as they lunged for him. "This is awesome! Terrifying, but awesome!"
Varian rolled his eyes at his friend's enthusiasm as he threw an ice bomb down below at the coming onslaught. He then had to grab hold of Hiro's waist as Baymax decided to do another barrel roll, knocking two more ninjas out of the trees.
When they righted again Varian's heart jumped to his throat when caught sight of Honey Lemon. She was several yards away, cut off from the rest of their friends and pinned down by one of the robotic assassins.
He shouted at her to hold on and Hiro drove Baymax towards her; only for the three of them to get jumped on by another robot. As they fought this new foe, Varian feared they wouldn't reach their friend in time.
Fortunately Honey Lemon was able to wiggle one arm free and grabbed a chimball from off her purse strap. She shoved it into her attacker's abdomen, lodging it in between some exposed gears, and with all her might she kicked the robot off her.
The android stood back up and started to stalk towards her once more, but suddenly stopped when the chimball ruptured and began to encase him in a pink crystal like substance.
Honey Lemon didn't have time to rejoice though as another ninja came up from behind to grab her arm. She threw another chimball at it and this time the robot let go and dubbed over as a shockwave from a small explosion sent the thing crumpling in on itself. Her concussive grenade had worked.
"Are you okay?" Varian shouted as they finally reached her.
"Yeah." She nodded as Hiro repelled another robot away with his electromagnets.
"I have found Supersonic Sue." Baymax calmly stated as he shot his rocket fist into the oncoming horde.
"Where?" Hiro asked, but soon saw the fading streak of dust traveling at high speed towards the abandoned building up ahead.
"We have to go after her. That building must be where they're keeping Callaghan and Abigail."
"Don't worry. I got this." Honey shouted as she ran ahead and shot down another wave of robots with her chempurse's bazooka setting.
"You three go on, we'll hold off the ninjas." Gogo spoke into the intercom before slicing off one of the androids heads with her frisby.
With that Hiro directed Baymax to follow Sue, only for them to be surrounded by a new group of ninjas lying in wait for them, just a mile down the road, even larger than the last horde.
"Where is she getting all these robots from!?" Hiro shouted in frustration.
"I have an idea!" Varian said and he pulled out the portal magnets.
Hiro saw what he was getting at. "Guys," he warned over the intercom, "Varian and I are going to use the mini-portal to break in, but be on your toes cause a new wave of robot ninjas are going to head your way soon."
"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Wasabi complained over the other end.
Varian ignored their friend's protests and typed a command into the portal's remote control. He then tossed the magnets into the air. With a flip of a switch, the magnetic balls began to link up and spin as a portal started to form in the air.
Hiro commanded Baymax to fly to it, and helped to maneuver the android to avoid the ninjas' attacks, as the robotic assassins tried to stop them from leaving.
They dodge one that tried to jump them, and Hiro kicked another off that had grabbed hold of Baymax's armor and was climbing up towards them. Meanwhile Varian threw one last alchemical orb at the swarm of robots as they flew into the portal. Hiro heard an explosion behind them, but ignored it as he focused on the upcoming confrontation ahead of them.
"Okay Callaghan, I siphoned off electricity from the city's power grid. You should be good to go." Sue said as she entered the lab.
"Good, now just stand there and hold that lever down while I turn the machine on." Came Callaghan's terse reply.
"Why? What does the lever do?" Sue asked in suspicion.
"It keeps the fan on the turbines going and prevents the portal from overheating." Callaghan lied.
Sue raised an eyebrow at him, not fully buying it. "You want me to stand next to a giant, untested, potential death machine that may explode at any moment?"
"I assure you it works, and I thought you could order one of your 'associates' to do it, but looks like most of them have left the building save for the one you kept on lookout there."
Sue gave him a death glare.
"Or hey, don't do it and don't get the portal working. See if I care. I didn't ask to get dragged into this."
Sue finally relented at this and walked over to the base of the portal and pulled the lever down. "Like this?" she asked.
"Yeah, just like that." Callaghan said as he walked over to the computer terminal to turn it on. Then under his breath, where Sue couldn't hear, he said. "Just like that you rancid cow; stay right there and be the folly of your own demise."
But before Professor Callaghan could turn on the device and suck his hated captor into the void, another portal opened up overhead and in flew Hiro, Baymax, and Varian; knocking out the one remaining guard as they did so, who fell to the ground in a crumpled heap of frayed wires and busted gears.
"Step away from the portal, Callaghan." Hiro ordered at him.
For his part, Callaghan did as he was told and backed away, hands raised.
"Why you little scamps." Sue said. She almost sounded impressed. "You got persistence and gumption, I'll give ya that, but ain't half as clever as you think you are."
With a nod of her head another ninja jumped from the shadows above them and grabbed Varian by his jacket collar.
"Seriously, where are you getting all these robots!?" Hiro asked.
"Oh, just from an old buddy of mine." She nonchalantly said as she made her way to the door.
"Kensei?" Hiro spat as he finally threw the robot off them.
"Ah so you heard," Sue said, "and they say kids these days don't know their history. Yeah, I thought the ninja aesthetic was a little hokey myself; Kensei's gimmick was always centered around lame karate stuff, but hey, who am I to judge?"
And with that, as quick as a wink, she tossed one of the now defunct robot's weapons at them. Only instead of the usual shuriken, it was a metal ball that opened up and released a weighted net that was difficult to dodge.
As both boys struggled to pull it off, Baymax fell to the ground below under its weight and Supersonic Sue tried to make her getaway.
Only to stop when Stu burst through the door.
"Nana! I am soo, so sorry, but Abigail's escape!"
"What!?" She shouted.
With this news, Callaghan raced to the computer terminal while everyone was distracted and turned on the device.
The ground rumbled and soon a heavy wind picked up as the unstable portal began to suck things into it.
Abigail wandered around the abandoned building utterly lost. She had deviated from Stu's directions in order to avoid running into those ninjas again. She hadn't seen any more of them around for awhile, but now she couldn't find her way back.
Suddenly the ground shook as if there was an earthquake. Abigail ran under a door frame for shelter and held on tightly.
As the tremor subsided, Abigail began to wonder if it was a natural occurrence at all.
Portals, that was what this was all about, apparently. The bad guys had wanted her father to build them one, but if he did, it could blow up in all of their faces, literally.
Then she heard yelling down the hall, as a wind picked up.
"Dad!" She shouted and knowingly ran towards the danger.
"Are you crazy!?" Sue shouted over the howling wind.
"No, desperate!" Callaghan shouted back. "I rigged this portal to implode in on itself!"
Sue looked at him as if he'd grown two heads.
"There's children in here, ya dang fool!" Came her reply.
"I'm not a child!" Varian protested as he struggled underneath the net.
Both villains ignored him.
"Oh, says the woman who attacked them with a bunch of deadly robots!"
"Oh please, their weapons were set to stun. I wasn't going to hurt a bunch of snot nosed brats... much."
As if to counteract this statement another robot ninja jumped out at them and shot a laser out of it's wrist right at Callaghan. The professor ducked out of the way as sparks flew around him. Then the wind from the portal sucked the android right into the void.
Sue, for once,  looked embarrassed at being called out in her hypocrisy.
"In my defense I don't know anything about programming robots." She said.
"Call off the bots, let everyone go, and I'll turn the portal off!" Callaghan said.
Just then the wind picked up even more, the net over the two boys flew off and Varian and Hiro would have been swept away into the nothingness had Baymax not caught them.
"Fine!" Sue relented as she pressed a button on a remote. "It's no skin off my nose if the portal doesn't get built or not."
Another robot, that had just entered from the upper level, suddenly collapsed and fell down to the floor in a heap as it was deactivated. Then it's remains along with the other destroyed robots got sucked into the portal as well.
Satisfied with her compliance Callaghan turned around to shut the terminal off, only for the computer to explode which led to the rest of the machine to catch on fire.
"Well what did you do now?!" Sue shouted.
"It wasn't me! That robot of yours must have damaged the controls!"
Just then, Abigail shoved past the doors.
"Dad!" She called to him desperately, choking back the smoke that started to fill the room,  and that was when Callaghan realized how badly he had screwed up.
Sue rolled her eyes. "Oh I've had enough of this! Stu, make us an exit! I'll salvage what we can here!"
"Right Nana!" Stu saluted. Then he revved up his skates, curled up into a ball, and basted himself at the concrete wall on the opposite side of the room at top speed.
He busted through three walls before coming out the other side and Hiro could just make out the glimmer of sunlight on the other end.
While Stu was busy with that, Sue skated right up to Callaghan and slugged him in the face. The professor fell backwards, clutching his jaw.
"Dad!" Abigail shouted again and ran to his side.
Sue skated over to the desk next to where they stood, or what was left of it. After finding what she wanted she turned to leave; only stopping long enough to give the murderous professor a sneer of pure disdain before skating away in a blur after her grandson.
As soon as she was gone a squeal of metal scraping against metal was heard. One of the portal's legs collapsed under The heat of the spreading fire and the gaping maw of the void turned at an angle towards the roof. The ceiling started to cave in from under the strain.
Everyone had to dodge out of the way quickly from the falling debris. One particularly large steel beam nearly fell right on top of Callaghan and Abigail, and he had to push his daughter away quickly. She stumbled back and was almost sucked into the void again until Baymax pulled her out of the way.
As the robot and the three humans huddled behind a concrete slab, Abigail tried to break away from the android's grip.
"Dad, no!" She sobbed.
"I'm alright!" Came Callaghan's call. "I'm just trapped on the other side!"
Abigail cried with relief.
"We're coming after you." Hiro shouted back.
"No, don't! You three get out of here! Take Abigail to safety."
"But what about you?" Varian yelled.
"Don't worry about me, I'll find another way out."
Soon they saw Callaghan start to climb up a ladder to the catwalk above.
"He must be trying to go around." Hiro said. "He'll never make it that way."
As if to confirm this, more debris fell from the collapsing roof, blocking their view of the professor. Hiro came to a decision.
"Baymax, take Varian and Abigail and get out. I'm going after Callaghan."
"That's crazy!" Varian protested.
"I do not feel that is a very safe option." Baymax agreed, but Hiro was already halfway finished climbing up the other side of the concrete slab.
"Don't worry, I got my gear! Just go on! Now!"
Baymax gave in to Hiro's orders and scooped Abigail up in arms. He then took off and flew away before Varian could crawl off his back.
Varian casted a fearful look behind him as he watched Hiro run through the smoke. Then as they made it to the tunnel he watched in horror as the portal fell completely and the rest of the building started to come down.
"No stop!" He yelled. "We have to go after them!"
Either Baymax didn't hear him or the robot ignored his pleas; too set on following his previous commands.
As they neared the exit, Varian gathered his courage and jumped off the robot and onto the grassy ground that opened up below.
It took a moment for Baymax to realize what had happened. He turned around to see Varian running back into the burning building.
"No! Don't!" Abigail screamed after him.
"Baymax, get Abigail out of here, and have the rest of the gang fall back!" Varian yelled over his shoulder. "No telling what the range of the blast radius of the portal will be once it finally implodes in on itself!"
Then he dove out of sight into the tunnel.
Hiro coughed as the smoke burned his lungs and stung his eyes. He searched for a way through the flames to the back of the former power plant, where the catwalk hung over head; dodging the debris that rained down around him. Then when he was directly under the service ramp, he used his electromagnetic whips to grab hold of the catwalk and pull himself up.
No sooner did he make it to the top, then did the portal fall down completely and along with it the rest of the roof.
A large hunk of the ceiling fell right on top of the walkway, snapping the metal railing into two. Hiro held on to the side desperately as the severed catwalk now shifted as it's structural integrity was compromised. Fortunately for him he had magnetic gloves on. Callaghan wasn't so lucky.
The professor went falling over the side as the ramp broke. He only just barely managed to grab hold of the bottom railing before falling into the void below. However he wasn't safe as the wind kept trying to suck him in and shook the broken catwalk ever which way.
Varian pulled up his bandana over his nose to block out the smoke. He also pulled down his goggles to protect his eyes. Still there was little he could do about the insufferable heat nor the falling hunks of metal and stone.
Somehow though he managed to make his back through to the former lab. As he entered the flame filled room the first thing he did was to look up. He noticed Callaghan and Hiro hanging from the broken catwalk right away, but how was he to get them down?
He spotted a ladder near the wall and next to it a long linked chain. He ran up to it and with a few tugs he broke the chain free from the pulley hook it hung from. He quickly wrapped it around his shoulder like you would a rope and then started to climb.
Hiro gauged the distance between him and Callaghan. It wasn't far, he could make it…. Or miss it completely and go tumbling into the void forever.
He gulped as he dared to look below him.
Just then the wind picked up speed once more and the catwalk bent under the force of the portal's suction.
"W-woah!" Callaghan screamed as he held on for dear life and Hiro himself gripped the railing beside him even tighter. He then threw out one of his whips to wrap around the end of the other catwalk leveling it somewhat.
"C-can you climb up?!" Hiro grunted.
Callaghan tried to, but failed. He was getting on in years and could no longer nimbly climb up the side of things like Hiro could. There was also the ever increasing pull of the portal to fight against.
"It- it's no use!" Callaghan called out. "Get out of Hiro! Save yourself! I don't want your death on my conscience as well!"
Those words hit Hiro deeper than Callaghan knew, and for a moment Hiro seriously considered following his advice and just leaving the man to his fate.
After all, there wasn't any obvious way to save him. Hiro would only be risking his life for nothing the longer he stayed. It wasn't murder just to save your own skin, not really, and well, Callaghan had brought this onto himself. All of it, the portal, his imprisonment, the fire…
Hiro gave the pathetic old man a cold glare; one that cut through even the inescapable heat of the rising flames around them.
Oh how he hated Callaghan!
He took a deep breath and retracted his magnetic whip, leaving the other side of the catwalk free to twist in the wind.
Still he didn't immediately turn to leave. Never taking his eyes off Callaghan, Hiro watched his brother's murderer flail about as he struggled to maintain his hold on the railing. Time felt like it had slowed to a crawl for Hiro as his mind was racked with indecision.
It would be so easy, he thought. So easy, and no one would blame him. His breath shallowed as he waited for the inevitable; his eyes fixated on Callaghan.
That's when Hiro noticed a foot fall behind him as the walkway shifted beneath him once more.
Varian was right behind him with a length of chain in his hands. The other boy said nothing, nor did he hand Hiro the makeshift rope.
Their eyes met and Hiro silently pleaded with him. Varian knew. Varian knew exactly what Hiro was going through. He knew the pain. He knew the desire. He knew what was happening, and he wasn't going to do anything to stop it.
It was Hiro's choice and Hiro's choice alone.
Hiro gulped once more as his heart pounded in his ears and angry tears stung his eyes.
No, Varian wouldn't judge him, but what about himself? What did he want? What was he willing to give up to get it? How could he face himself in the morning, or the next day, and everyday after that?
Hiro shook his head as everything suddenly became clear. There was no choice. Not really, as there was only ever one choice Hiro could live with.
He grabbed the chain out of Varian's hands and threw the other end to Callaghan. Once the professor had taken hold, both boys pulled him up. Then all three ran down the catwalk, slid down the ladder, and then dove through the hole in the wall.
As the two teens and professor ran away from the collapsing building, they heard an explosion go off behind them. Callaghan grabbed them both and pushed them to the ground; using his own body to shield them as best he could as the shockwave passed over them.
Out of the corner of his eye, Hiro could see the trees around them bending backwards till their top branches nearly touched the ground. The earth trembled beneath them and a loud noise that made his ears ring sounded around them.
Finally, once Callaghan had deemed it safe enough, Hiro sat up to view the damage. Below them was a crater where the former power plant had stood. Not a sign was left of the portal.
"There they are!" Fred shouted behind them and Hiro turned to see his friends running towards them.
Abigail was also with them.
"Dad!" She ran up to her father first and wrapped her arms around him.
Callaghan broke down crying as he returned the hug. He kissed the top of head, and held her close, before cupping her face in his hands and nuzzling her nose the way he had always done when she was young.
It was the first time he had held his little girl in over five years.
"I missed you too, Dad." Abigail said as she snuggled closer to him and wrapped him another hug.
Hiro broke away from the celebration and the cheers of congratulations from his friends, as he watched Callaghan and Abigail reunite. Instead of joining in their merriment, he went and sulked underneath a tree overlooking the spot where the power plant once stood.
They all gave him space, except for Varian who walked over to join him. The other boy didn't say anything. He just rested a hand on Hiro's shoulder and sat beside him as everyone waited for the police to arrive.
"I still hate him." Hiro whispered as tears ran down his cheeks.
"Yeah, me too." Varian agreed.
And that was all that needed to be said. Hiro didn't regret saving Callaghan, but neither could bring himself to forgive Tadashi's murderer; even after all that happened; and that was okay. One didn't need to forgive in order to do the right thing, and in a small way that brought Hiro a little peace, even if the loss still hurt.
Still he couldn't help but smile a little bit, in spite of himself, when Judy also arrived along with the police. Krei had given her a lift as soon as they'd received  the text that Abigail had been rescued.
After the two girlfriends reunited, Abigail introduced her significant other to her dad, who was overjoyed at the news.
As Callaghan pulled both girls into a group hug, even Hiro had to admit they made a sweet family. Enough so, that Hiro almost felt sorry for them when Chief Cruz walked over to re-arrest the professor. Almost.
"I love you." Callaghan said as he entered the back of the police van.
"I'll see you next Tuesday; on visitor's day." Abigail sobbed. "We both will."
Callaghan tried to say something encouraging in response but the words caught in his throat as he choked on his own tears.
The police shut the door, and Abigail broke down again as she watched the police van drive away. Judy hugged her and planted a kiss on her cheek, as she wiped her tears away.
"Come on, I'll give you a ride back to your apartment." Krei gingerly stepped in and gently encouraged the two girls to follow him to the car.
"And don't worry about coming into work tomorrow. Take all the time you need." He told Judy as he opened the car door. She flung her arms around him in a grateful hug, to which Krei awkwardly returned. Judy wasn't known for being affectionate, not to him anyways.
"Uh, yeah, don't mention it." He said before breaking away and walked around into the driver's seat.
As the car drove away Cruz walked over to the superheroes. "I got a few questions for you."
"Yeah?" Hiro said as he got up walked over to the police chief.
"Do you know where Sue and her grandson are right now?"
"Do you know who was funding their portal research?"
"Then what do you know?"
"Callaghan didn't escape. Sue kidnapped him and blackmailed him." Fred offered up.
"So you said over the phone, but why?"
"Have you heard of the new crime lord running things since Di was arrested?" Gogo asked.
"Maybe. Were they behind this? Why are they after portal tech?"
Hiro shrugged, "We don't know."
"Do you know who they are?"
"Have you ever heard of an old supervillain called Kensei?"
Curz's eyes went wide at the mention of that name. "I'm going to need you to come down to the station with me."
The team of superheroes was startled by that.
"Sorry, but no, can do, officer." Hiro shook his head as Baymax flew up beside him.  
"Wait! You're not under arrest; I promise,  I just need more information!" Cruz pleaded as the heroes took off running, their enhanced gear allowing them to move faster than his men.
Cruz took off his hat and threw it to the ground in frustration as the last of the supers disappeared.
Supersonic Sue watched from above as the police departed. She had hid in the trees in order to spy on the gang of do-gooders.
"What now Nana?" Her grandson asked as they climbed down.
"Now, Stu, we go weasel some, I mean 'get paid', some money from my dear old friend, and then we high tail it out of here and laid low for awhile till this whole thing blows over."
"But we didn't get the portal, and the professor escaped?"
"Now don't you worry, none, hun. Nana's got everything under control." She said as she whipped out her cell phone.
"Hey Kensei? Yeah, got some bad news about that portal you wanted…. Now, now, don't go getting your knickers in a twist; I got something that still might interest you." Sue chuckled as she pulled out the blue notebook from her pocket.
Wasabi pulled up to the gas pump and got out of the car.
"Do you guys want anything while we're here?" He asked the two boys riding in the back seat.
Hiro and Varian shook their heads no, and Wasabi left to go pay for the gas.
Once they had all safely gotten away from the police, it was decided by the group of teenagers to ditch their superhero gear and ride home normally.
Fred had called Heathcliff to pick him and the girls up, while Hiro and Varian volunteered to walk back with Wasabi to his car.
Baymax was currently in the trunk and had powered down into sleep mode in order to save on energy. It wouldn't do to have a 'drunk' robot running around the cafe on low battery, when their aunt came home.
Aunt Cass had texted them not too long ago to let them know she was leaving the hotel. Apparently Tracey's car had had a flat tire and they were getting a late start.
Thus far, on the ride back, neither boy had said much to the other. Each was lost in their own thoughts as Wasabi obliviously carried on all the conversation. It was mostly about opera as he had had the radio on.
Though without Wasabi's singing to distract them, Hiro started to grow uncomfortable with the silence.
"Hey, thanks, for helping out back there." He said.
"You're welcome." Varian replied in a tired manner.
"You know, I… I don't know what I would have done had you not shown up when you did."
Varian just shrugged. "Probably just save the day, like you always do." He then turned to look at Hiro. "I knew you wouldn't go through with it."
"How? How can you be so sure?"
"Cause, you're not me." Varian said as he looked away. "I would've let him fall. No hesitation."
Hiro didn't know what to say to that.
"I told you. Unlike you, I'm not a hero." Varian admitted as he felt Hiro's eyes on him. "I honestly don't know how you do it."
Hiro mulled over these words. "I guess… because I have good friends who support me and people to look up to. Who'll stop me from going too far."
Varian gave him a disbelieving smile. "People like your big brother I guess?"
Varian shook his head. "Must be nice, having people around to help you when you need them. I'm not sure it'd make a difference in my case. I don't if anyone could have talked me down; not… not after what happened."
"Well," Hiro slowly said. "You never had a brother with you."
Varian nodded but didn't look at him, so Hiro contunited.
"Yup, it's a good thing my big brother was there today to help me out."
Hiro rested his hands behind his head as he said this and tried to act nonchalant, but he peeked out of the corner of his to watch Varian's reaction.
The other boy slowly looked up as realization dawned on his face.
Hiro smiled. "Thanks for being there for me."
"An-anytime." Varian answered with his own smile.  
Hiro held out his hand for a fist bump. Varian returned it, the way Hiro and Baymax had taught him to do it. Then both boys wiggled their fingers and went "babalala", imitating their robot pal.
They couldn't keep a straight face when doing so though, and broke down into giggles.
"What's so funny?" Wasabi asked cheerfully as he entered the car.
"Oh nothing." Hiro snickered.
"Hey, hey, Wasabi, how about a driving lesson?" Varian pestered.
Wasabi rolled his eyes. "After the sport's car incident?"
"Not me, Hiro."
Wasabi turned back and looked at Hiro thoughtfully. "Well, alright, get on up here."
Hiro was finishing tidying up his room when he heard the familiar tune of La Cucaracha blaring down from the street below.
"Hey, Varian! Aunt Cass is back!"
He called to the other teen as he ran downstairs.
"Ok, all I got left to vacuum is the bathroom rug!" He called after before switching on the machine once more. "Be down in a sec!"
"Bye Tracey, see ya later." Aunt Cass called after her friend as she entered the cafe and her friend drove away.
She dumped her bags on the floor and let out a sigh of relief.
"Wooh, vacation will wear you out." She said as she leaned against the door.
"Hi Aunt Cass." Hiro ran to give her a hug. "Did you have a nice time?"
His aunt ignored the question "Oh Hiro, how are you, sweetheart?"
"I'm fin- ... I'm doing better."
"Did you hear about Callaghan?" she asked.
"Yeah, it was on the news today. They caught him."
"Yeah, Cruz texted me about it."
She stroked her fingers through his hair and pouted. "Do you still want to talk… about… well, you know?"
Hiro seriously considered it.
"Maybe later," he said, "I talked to Varian about it earlier today and I'm feeling a lot better now."
Hiro nodded his head.
"Well, I'm glad you two can open up to each other like that, and be there for one another. I'm also glad you two didn't burn the house down while I was gone."
Aunt Cass laughed at her own joke and Hiro joined in, but soon he weighed in with one more question, before moving on from the whole ordeal.
"Do.. Do you still hate him? Callaghan, I mean?"
Aunt Cass looked at him thoughtfully before answering.
"Yes." She nodded. "Do you?"
"Yeah." He sniffed.
Both aunt and nephew shared a silent moment for their grief as they came to an understanding before wrapping each other in a hug once more.
That was when Varian came down the stairs to join them.
"Hey!" He greeted, before embracing Aunt Cass in his own hug.
He practically lifted her off her feet as he did so, and for the first time Aunt Cass noticed that her adopted child was now taller than herself.
"What?" He laughed as he caught her giving him a funny smile.
"Nothing, I'm just glad to be back home." She said before wrapping both teens onto a group hug. "Oooh, I missed my boys sooo much, both of you!"
"We missed you too Aunt Cass." Hiro said.
"Yeah, next time you should just take us with you." Varian joked. "That way we can skip out on chores too, am I right Hiro?"
Hiro rolled his eyes at Varain's teasing. "Yeah, anything to avoid washing your dirty socks."
Even Aunt Cass couldn't help but laugh at that.
"Such a happy family." A woman's voice said as she peered at the Hamadas through her crystal ball. "Pity, their time is coming to an end."
And Finally We Are Done with the Last Chapter! Woot!
But that's not the end of the story.
Be on the look out for season two, Ghosts of of the Past, where we'll meet more characters from the Tangled series, new villains, finally learn who this mysterious Boss is, and gain a new member of the Big Hero Six team!
You can find up dates at both the Rocks and Robot's discord https://discord.gg/yfVVrXjFW8
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onlyforthebabes · 4 years
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✨HL playlists by onlyforthebabes✨
(Edited to include 🎵when you know you know (HL6), 🎵close enough to touch (HL11), 🎵burnt romances (HL13), and 🎵too far gone (HL18))
This post is long overdue, but I've finally made a master list of all the HL playlists I've published here. They're listed in the order I created them, so there are some gaps in the numbers where I haven't posted (or maybe even finished) some, but I'll update if I ever publish more! I've put a lot of thought and time and love into these playlists, so I really hope y'all find something to enjoy here.
🎵a truth so loud
HL. The OG. A canon inspired playlist based on some of the most iconic H/L songs. (ft. 1D, Troye Sivan, Ed Sheeran, Lorde)
🎵honey (make this easy)
HL2. There’s no denying the chemistry between them from the moment they meet - so they don’t even try. While discretely hooking up with a fellow X Factor hopeful sounds like just another part of the fun, it’s hard to ignore that this thing between them is way more than physical, and “X Factor hopefuls” has become wholly inadequate to describe where they’re going. But in the midst of all the chaos, it’s hard to resist something this good. (ft. 1D, Hozier, Lizzo, Carly Rae Jepson)
🎵no matter how sweet, no matter how brave
HL3. New fame, new friends, new feelings. Jealousy gives way to mutual infatuation, which evolves into steadfast love. Growing up too fast doesn’t feel so scary when you’ve got someone to hold onto. (ft. 1D, Fleetwood Mac, Niall Horan, The Head and the Heart)
HLFOUR. Coming soon. (ft. 1D, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson)
🎵when you know you know
HL6. It's all about that one person... (ft. 1D, Maria Mena, Yellowcard, Beyoncé)
🎵one foot in sea and one on shore
HL10. A traveling sailor whose sense of home is the familiar warmth of local bars, a charming bartender in a seaside village, and a brief affair that leaves them both longing for a life far from everything they know. (ft. Regina Spektor, Bright Eyes, Feist, The Format)
🎵close enough to touch
HL11. Love can be frightening, for sure. (girl!direction) (ft. 1D, Louis Tomlinson, Hozier, Jake Scott)
🎵sunset couldn't save me now
HL12. Part-time suburban youth, summertime neighbors growing up together and blurring the lines of love and friendship; chasing dreams, traveling the world, and figuring out that sometimes home is a person. (ft. Sufjan Stevens, Vampire Weekend, Regina Spektor, Neutral Milk Hotel)
🎵burnt romances
HL13. A canon-compliant au where everything goes wrong, but love finds a way. (ft. The Weepies, Lewis Capaldi, Bleachers, The Head and the Heart)
🎵fell in love with the fire
HL14. Harry's long since accepted that fame comes with a closet. But a chance encounter with a friend from a past life may change everything (or, an au about identity, fame, missed connections, and giving love a chance) (ft. Florence and the Machine, Maren Morris, St. Vincent, Sam Smith)
🎵trip and i fall in
HL15. Undeniable chemistry turns a spontaneous hookup into fast friendship (with some pretty nice benefits). They know from the start it’s not exclusive, but that doesn’t stop anyone from catching feelings. (ft. Zayn, Ariana Grande, Brockhampton, Selena Gomez)
🎵learning to breathe
HL16. Harry and Louis have always been best friends, even within their close-knit group. Closeted, small town kids with little experience, an innocent first kiss turns into an agreement: to experimentally "date" in secret until high school ends. When it’s time to move on, they do. But as the years pass, they can never quite figure out how to let go. (ft. Maisie Peters, Julia Michaels, Lana del Rey, Lauv)
🎵too far gone
HL18. Love, illness, religion, and fear. A kiss between friends on a quiet winter's day changes everything. (ft. Sufjan Stevens, Brand New, Haley Heynderickx, Phoebe Bridgers)
🎵if i'm butter...
HL19. Louis’ an art student who spends his days wandering the city in search of inspiration while his hot-but-elusive craigslist roommate works ungodly hours as a baker. When the pandemic hits and the two near strangers are suddenly quarantined together, they find themselves growing closer in more ways than one. (ft. Relient K, BENEE, Fiona Apple, Samsa)
🎵pretend it isn't strange
HL20. A hopeless wanderer, lost and disillusioned with life, finds himself taken in by a small mountainside community: a friendly local band, a safe place to rest his head, and a stranger who makes it feel like home. Together they learn to let love grow. (ft. Wild Rivers, Ben Howard, Town Meeting, Birdtalker )
🎵yesterday (when you were young)
HL21. Coming soon (ft. Jon Bellion, AJR, Raleigh Ritchie, fun.)
🎵coming up lavender
HL22. New friends who feel like old ones, long drives home up the coast, and finding love in every color. Or, a girl!direction college road trip au (ft. Gretta Ray, dodie, Ingrid Michaelson, Mitski)
🎵it is what it is (till it ain't anymore)
HL23. An impending marriage, a secret affair, and either fate or bad timing. Harry and Louis fall in love one summer in rural Georgia. Years later, they meet again. (ft. Shania Twain, Kacey Musgraves, Gregory Alan Isakov, Andrew Bird)
And lastly, the playlists I've made based on other peoples' stories:
nothing but you on my mind 🎶for Nothing But You On My Mind by @absoloutenonsense
Louis Tomlinson is a PR manager hired to improve the image of royal bad-boy Prince Harry Styles. Unfortunately for him, that means being faced with the Prince's constant innuendos, incessant dirty jokes, and relentless flirting. Louis just wants to make it to Princess Gemma's coronation; once she's crowned Queen, his contract is up and he never has to see the Prince again. (ft. dodie, Julia Michaels, Dermot Kennedy, Lewis Capaldi)
little by little 🎶for Little by Little by @absoloutenonsense
Harry Styles is an omega who works at the London Planetarium, has lived in the same flat for ages, and is happy enough on his own. When he gets home from his first (horrible) attempt at dating in years, a new pregnant neighbor knocks on his door after smelling his cooking. He and Louis quickly become close, but their friendship gets complicated when Harry begins questioning who he is and what he likes. Or Harry discovers figuring out who you are is more complicated than a potato metaphor. (ft. Jordy Searcy, Bruno Major, Lizzy McAlpine, Sleeping at Last)
love after the end of the world 🎶for Love After the End of the World by @mercurial-madhouse
When staying alive is already a constant battle, the deadliest weakness is to be in love. For Harry and Louis, finding each other sits on top of the endless list of What Else Could Go Wrong. (ft. Bastille, Hozier, Fall Out Boy, Lorde)
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