#y'all guessed it!
chaoticbooklesbian · 6 days
My mom insists that seeing lots of bugs in the house is normal, so I need some extra data.
Please reblog for sample size, I need to know
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monstersflashlight · 1 month
Imagine being the only human at a monster market and everyone is obsessed with you. They insist on you setting a kissing booth to "get a bit more money" than selling your usual human bread. When you finally give in, the line is so long you can't see the end of it. You kiss so many monsters you lose track of what is what or who is who. You promised it was only going to be a one time thing, but you can't stop thinking about how many tongues where shoved back your throat, how many textured lips and wild hands grabbed your hair... You can't stop thinking what else would they do to you. That gets you so hot under the collar that you have masturbated about that idea way too many times. Maybe you could try again. Maybe you get a bit frisky and let them touch you a bit more. Maybe some of them can't hold themselves back and grope you. Maybe a traveling hand fingerfucks you in the middle of the market with everyone looking. And maybe your booth becomes the talk of the market and even more monsters come to see you. Come to touch you. Maybe you can upgrade to a sex booth...
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wombywoo · 4 months
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retired 🩶
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bluegiragi · 3 months
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early access + nsfw on patreon
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hualianschild · 6 months
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random-gamer1942 · 2 months
Y'all remember this right?
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I have a 2 week break starting now, and I am heavily debating drawing a comic of sorts where Ashlyn teaches Taylor how to dance, Aiden feels left out, and Ashlyn teaches him
Thing is, I've never really done anything like this before. And given that I'm far from the best artist out there, I imagine it's gonna take quite a bit and not gonna be that easy
What do y'all think, should I try?
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kaybzzart · 11 months
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"Being the farmer's husband isn't always easy :')"
Inspired by my actual playthrough, almost dying in the mines one day, getting the junimo plush the next day.
(There's like - 3 different coloring styles here. I'm still trying to figure that out ahah)
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powerbottomblake · 6 months
dungeon meshi is soooo fucking great especially when it hits its stride and all characters have come into play bc it's just like
laios: I want to eat all the fucking monsters i want the monsters carnally
marcille: EATING MOSNTERS???? UNHOLY. UNCOUTH. DISGUSTING. anyway here's all the dark magic and necromancy i've got on the backburner to bring back my dragon-digested gf and also i plan to find a way for everyone to live forever at the cost of my very soul if need be
kabru, normally, in a normal tone he's rehearsed 42000 times in front of a mirror: I'M NORMAL. I'M SOOOO FUCKING NORMAL. I'M THE MOST NORMAL GUY AROUND AND I'M NOT CONSTANTLY PLOTTING ASSASSINATIONS FOR THE GREATER GOOD
senshi: I have all this trauma abt being the sole survivor of the fantasy equivalent of the franklin expedition but that's not important what really matters here is eat yer goddamn veggies or so help me
and the best part is that none of them are straight
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elysianmadness · 10 months
"Lesbian means exclusive attraction to women!"
"No, it means non-men exclusively attracted to non-men!"
"It actually means queer attraction to women!"
"Lesbian means women and nonbinary people being exclusively attracted to other women and nonbinary people!"
Lesbian is a multifaceted label that can describe many different experiences. There is no one perfect definition of lesbian that will encompass the entire diverse experiences that lesbians can have.
I'm personally a genderqueer woman who's exclusively attracted to other women, but the lesbian next to me might be a transmasc lesbian who loves all genders except for men. And the lesbian next to them might be a bigender lesbian who's both a girl and a boy, who's exclusively attracted to women. Our experiences can all be described by the term lesbian if that's how we wish to describe it, but we might define it differently based on our own experiences. And guess what?
None of our definitions are wrong, but none of our definitions will encompass every other lesbian's experiences. A word can have multiple definitions without any of the definitions being wrong. And those definitions can be very vague or very specific. Labels are made to fit us- we aren't made to fit labels.
People who may have a different experience with the lesbian label are not your enemies. People in lesbian spaces who aren't exactly like you are not your enemies. The problem comes when you try to force one singular definition on every single lesbian. THAT is harmful. Sending death threats to other lesbians because they don't have the same experience as you is harmful. Not another lesbian having a different experience from you.
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stuffeddeer · 8 months
It's late.
Dazai feels a little ashamed, if he were to be honest. How pathetic is it that he's unable to sleep unless in the arms of his coworker? A little pathetic. His eyebrows furrow as he begins to pick the lock to your apartment.
It's late. You're probably asleep.
He's jealous. Yeah; the clenching feeling in his chest is jealousy from your ability to sleep through the nights (a feeling of his that isn't shared towards his well-rested coworkers). You're asleep, and he should be. He will be.
The door clicks quietly, and Dazai doesn't react. How many times has he broken into your apartment? The question is left unanswered as he saunters into the place, making sure to close and lock it behind him.
You're asleep. It's late.
He makes a pit stop by your kitchen, staring blankly into your fridge like he'd do if he lived here. He counts the number of half finished water bottles littering the shelves, dispersed in between random ingredients you don't open and snacks that are dwindling in number.
If Dazai lived here, maybe he could make you dinner sometime. Gather the ingredients to fill your fridge, put a pan on the stove — however people cook, he can't remember. The fridge closes quietly; It's late. You're asleep.
With a final glance towards the sink, taking note of the dirty cutlery delicately balanced around the edges, he makes his way into the hall. Three steps and he'd be outside your door, your bedroom door, where you're asleep.
Dazai pushes away the same thought that keeps appearing in his mind. Of course you're asleep, it's late.
He turns away from your bedroom and finds himself standing in your living room. It's happily lived in - cushions that have lost their fluff, a blanket strewed across the couch haphazardly. His hand runs over it; always the same blanket. Dazai can imagine sitting under this blanket on the couch with you, the couch you two would share, watching some movie on your small tv just across the small room.
If he lived here, he'd make sure to tidy up the living room before you two went to bed. You kept a basket of blankets just next to the tv, and Dazai could easily drape the blanket back into it before following you off to bed. For now, he leaves it; There'd be no trace he was here come morning.
Once again, he finds himself mere steps away from your bedroom door. You live alone, for now, and yet keep the door closed every night. Is it habit? Are you worried some barbarian will break in just to watch you sleep? (Dazai isn't here to watch you, of course; He's here to sleep as well.) If that is what you're worried about, he could always spend the night with you, just to make sure you're safe. Well, spend the whole night with you, rather than breaking in late and sneaking out early.
Dazai turns into the bathroom.
You have the cutest rug next to your shower, one that always makes Dazai smile. A tough persona is applied at the agency, so only he is privy to your cute pink Sanrio bathmat. It's not what he would have expected for you, and that's what makes him smile. Your counter holds an electric toothbrush and has a lot of clutter Dazai wants to sort through. If he lived with you, he could place his toothbrush next to yours and keep your hair care stuff in the cabinet below. Maybe one day you'd let Dazai comb your hair, with a brush or just his fingers.
It's late. You're asleep. The same thought Dazai has been pushing down since he began the walk to your apartment fills his head once more. He's not delusional, no, but what if you weren't asleep? What if you were waiting up, just for him?
His hand touches the doorknob. It's late. You have no reason to think he's coming. The door opens slowly and quietly as he peers in.
You're asleep.
Dazai's chest constricts and he can't help the frown pulling at his lips. Of course you're asleep; He's stupid to get his hopes up. If you were awake anyway, you'd kick him out and probably call the cops. He is trespassing right now, at a time when you're most vulnerable.
Still, Dazai slips into your warm, cream-colored sheets, his hands clasped together under his cheek as he lies on his side. You're so calm, so serene under the dull light of a street lamp just outside the bedroom window. Hesitantly, Dazai's hand moves to brush a strand of hair from your face, the tips of his fingers experimentally tracing your skin.
His eyes flutter shut when you move closer. Were you used to his presence? Dazai likes to think you need him to sleep as much as he needs you. Sure, you could fall asleep without him curled up beside you, but maybe he was soothing nightmares. The thought made him frown. He shouldn't care, he shouldn't be here. His eyebrows furrowed like they had when he first broke in — this is weird. This is illegal, too.
A frustrated puff of air leaves his mouth, his eyes shutting more firmly. Tighter, tighter — why isn't he asleep yet?
He curls more into himself, feeling ashamed and embarrassed and anxious and annoyed and-
Your hand moves from your chest to his, softly resting over his heart. The small smile resides back on Dazai's face as he relaxes, slowly drifting to sleep in your bed.
Light filters in through your sheer curtains, the sun kissing your face as you quickly wake up. The blaring of your alarm was the first thing you'd noticed, rubbing your eyes with one hand as you turned to shut it off. Just a few moments of peace, and then you'd get up....
Those few moments didn't come to pass before you were hit with a boost of energy, sitting up in your empty bed. Of course your bed was empty, no need to emphasize it. You live alone, did you expect someone to be there when you woke up?
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fox-guardian · 2 years
I love it when a character duo has opposing/complimentary designs. short and tall. kiki and bouba. night and day. red and blue. complimentary colors. pastel and goth. etc. doesn't matter if they're besties, lovers, enemies, or siblings it's all so good and wonderful
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amelia-yap · 1 year
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creatorofarcadia · 1 month
Lord knows I'm gonna regret this because people go buckwild about ships, but look. You can love destiel, I'm happy for you. You don't even need to give me any evidence. Ship characters who haven't even met if you want, I'm not bothered.
But please, I'm begging, stop using the siren thing as evidence for destiel. The siren being Sam isn't even subtext it's just text, what with the 'I gave him what he needed. And it wasn't some bitch in a G-string. It was you' line so there are exactly two ways you can take it.
1. Dean's greatest desire is to have a good relationship with his brother (the siren can take on the shape of platonic desires)
2. Dean's greatest desire is to fuck his brother (the siren can only take on the shape of sexual desires)
You don't have to like option 2, that's fine. But in that case, take option 1 and run with it people. Because if you start trying to argue that:
The siren is evidence that Dean has sexual feelings towards a man, so Dean is bi, therefore destiel. What you're really arguing is Dean has sexual feelings for the illusory, perfect version of Sam.
Like idk guys, I see people joking about how not heterosexual Dean's siren being a man is and... you can totally watch it that way. But the siren isn't just a man he is a very specific man.... his brother.... soooo.
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itsallaboutbl · 1 month
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I do this for science, okay? Okay. 🥵🥵
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chaos0pikachu · 3 months
Korean cinema really had a whole ass era where a pretty young thing with kylie jenner lips would meet a hot older mildly to fully corrupt man who would end up manhandling the fuck outta that twink and I really think we should return to that era
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splatattackz · 2 months
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"Personally, as I have been a victim of 3 swattings in the past including one where 7 PSIG agents¹ came to my house with famas², I understand more than anyone else Quackity's want to step back from everything after the doxxing. Even more so when he's in the US and he's hispanic. And you all forget during this that he's only 22 years old. It's crazy that in 2024, despite the known past issues with doxxing, people are still not careful. I've seen comments like "yeah but he should have a security team blah blah" or "well he's a CC he's a public person" and you are completely sick [if you say that] you no longer seperate reality from online.
In short, I think it's time everyone calm down. If you still like QSMP, share that love with those who also continue to like/play on QSMP and ignore everything else.
And for those who don't like it anymore, turn the page, go get fresh air, go save kittens, I don't know, something that brings you joy.
For context don't hesitate to watch Quackitys stream [he links the vod]
And may I add, nothing justifys or excuses doxxing, and this is true for everybody, not just for the doxxing of CCs."
¹ PSIG is a specific part of the french national guard that specializes in going against high-profile criminals and such, huge deal.
² type of assault rifle
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