#yall thought i loved the ocs i had here already?
togenabi · 1 year
pick me up
roronoa zoro (opla) x reader
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♡—zoro never paid your jokes or pickup lines any mind. that is, until something happens that makes you stop.
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word count♡— 3.2k
genre♡— mild angst, fluff, straw hat!reader
content notes♡— opla zoro, fem!reader, reader wears a dress and tells very bad jokes, creepy dude oc, don't be creepy be cool yall, reader pulls off a heist with nami, zoro gets jealous, alcohol consumption, no use of y/n, barely proofread
also on♡— ao3
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author's note♡— this is a request from anon! I'm sorry if I tweaked a few things, I'm not the best at angst hhhh I hope you still like it!
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“Okay, okay. Wait. I got it this time.” You say, already trying to keep from laughing. 
“Why were the kids having trouble in pirate class?”
Zoro only side-eyes you with his arms crossed, vehemently unimpressed. 
“Because they were overbored!” 
Watching for his reaction intently, you keep your eyes focused on his face... Nothing changes. 
You tsk, but aren’t seriously discouraged. This is how he always reacts to your jokes, after all. “I’ll get you one of these days, Roronoa Zoro.”
The swordsman only sighs, leaning back into his seat to take a nap. “You do that.”
“Don’t listen to him, love.” Sanji says from the other side of the kitchen as he cleans the counter. “I thought that joke was good.”
“You’re lying, but I appreciate the sentiment, Sanji.” You grin at him. Focusing back on the book you were reading, you miss the amused, challenging look Sanji sends Zoro.
Everyone hears Luffy approaching the kitchen before he enters. “Guys!” He bellows. “We’ll be reaching land soon. Be ready to leave in fifteen minutes!”
The majority of the day is spent restocking supplies. You were all split up into pairs, but before you left, Luffy pointed to a restaurant with a flashy, illuminated sign on top that reads: ‘Bistro of Light’. How cringey of them.
“We should meet there for dinner! You don’t mind taking a break, right, Sanji?” Luffy asks eagerly, and you think that no one could say no to him when he’s so enthusiastic. Sanji nods, and you all go through the town until the sun starts to set.
The inside of the restaurant is just as ridiculous as the sign outside. Chandeliers of every color hang on the ceiling. Huge fish tanks and fountains lined with lights almost blind you. You laugh when looking at it all causes Zoro to wince. 
“Hey Zoro,” You call for him. “You know what’s faster than the speed of light?”
“My heartbeat when I think of you!” You wink at him, proud of the joke even when he only sighs and looks away.
Usopp walks up to a receptionist standing behind a desk. “Hey. Table for six, if you would be so kind.”
“I’m afraid we’re at full capacity at the moment.” They respond. “You’ll have to wait, is that alright?”
Everyone shares a look. Except for Luffy, who looks dead set on eating here, you all feel unsure about waiting.
“When’s the next table going to be available?” Usopp asks. “We’re actually a really big deal. It’s gonna be really embarrassing for you guys if you don’t let us in.” The person frowns, face screaming, ‘is this guy serious’?
But before they can reply, a booming voice enters the restaurant. A tall man, dressed in a pristine white suit and wearing jewels on every finger, pushes you out of the way to yell at the receptionist. You stumble, but thankfully Zoro is there to catch you.
“What on earth is going on here?! Why are there so many people crowding the entryway?!” He fumes, angrily gesturing to your group. 
“If they’re not going to eat, then I strongly suggest—” The rich man freezes suddenly, his eyes trained on you.
You keep your face as emotionless as possible, but you die laughing inside when Nami swipes a brooch from his jacket while he’s distracted with you.
“Ah,” The man says. His tone softening a considerable amount as he walks over to you. “I thought I had the best jewels in my treasury, but you're the most radiant gem I've ever laid my eyes on.” It takes everything in you to not back away. Zoro tenses beside you.
“Why haven’t these guests been guided to a table?” He asks, turning back to the receptionist.
“We’re at full capacity, Sir.” Oh. He must own the place. It makes sense that the owner is as gaudy as everything else in here.
“That won’t do.” He looks back to you, and you swear you could feel your skin crawl under his gaze. 
“I am Helios. Welcome to my establishment.” The man introduces himself with a flourish, bowing to you. His jewels and gold accessories glint in the light. “What might your name be?”
Reluctantly, you introduce yourself. Had this been a normal situation, you would have turned around and walked away from him the second he saw you. But, you could feel the crew going hungry, and you’re sure Nami will want to snag another ring or two—so you play nice.
Helios smiles, repeating your name. He was probably trying to sound romantic, but he’s not doing anything for you. Not when Zoro says your name much better.
You keep Zoro’s voice in mind, remembering how nice it sounds. It’s easier to smile at Helios that way. Time to lay on the charm, “I was really looking forward to having dinner here. I don’t suppose you could help us out?”
“Follow me, my dear. You deserve to dine upstairs. The view is simply spectacular at this hour.” Helios holds out his hand to you, but Luffy—bless his soul—grabs it to shake it zealously.
“Thanks so much for letting us eat here, Mr. Helios!” Luffy claps him on the back. Helios looks dumbfounded, and the crew does an impressive job keeping their composure. 
Helios tries to walk beside you as he guides you all upstairs, but Zoro is steadfast on your right, and Nami smartly positions herself on your left. Luffy and Usopp tug the restaurant owner along, chatting his ear off. You almost feel bad for him. 
Nami murmurs, her voice carefully silent so only you can hear. “Treasury, huh?”
You smile. “Of course you’d be curious about that.”
“Think you could get us to his mansion?” She dares you, eyes aglow at the promise of a good heist.
“I know I can.” You pause walking to check your reflection on an ornate, sun-shaped mirror. After fixing your hair, you grin at your friends. “I’m irresistible, after all.”
Maybe if you weren’t busy buttering up your host, you would have noticed that Zoro wasn’t eating properly. Normally, you would force him to eat. You would pile food on his plate, telling that joke about fake noodles being impasta that always cracks you up.
Zoro frowns at the meal in front of him. The fish seems to frown back. Sighing, he decides to just order another drink. But no matter what he consumes, a bitter taste always blooms in his mouth afterwards. 
The glass in his hand almost cracks when he hears your voice sucking up to Helios again. “So, you own this place? Do you live around here?”
Helios leans far too close towards you, but you grin and bear it. “Would you like a private tour, my gem?”
You place a hand on his arm, he may read it as affection, but you hold him so he keeps that distance. “That sounds wonderful.”
Zoro huffs under his breath. He needs another drink. 
Thankfully, Helios serves good booze at his manor. Zoro almost didn’t want to drink any of it, but he needs alcohol in his system if he has to watch you flirt with this idiot so Nami can rob him blind. Whatever she steals better be worth all this, or else he might punch something. Or someone. Preferably Helios.
You share a look with Nami and give her an imperceptible nod. With that signal, she passes by and pretends to lose her footing. Wine seeps into your clothes, staining the fabric and sticking it to your skin. Did she really have to pick red wine? You liked this shirt.
“Oh, my dear!” Helios gasps. “You should get cleaned up. I’ll have my servants draw you a bath and bring you fresh clothes.”
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve watched where I was going.” Nami loops her arm through yours. “Let me help you with that.” 
And so, with another fake smile sent Helios’ way, you rush with Nami to find the treasury.
“Be quick.” Nami says once you enter the luxurious bathroom prepared for you. 
As tempting as the bubble bath is, you only take a few wet towels to tidy up. You step into the curtained area, about to strip when Nami holds out a hand to stop you.
“Wait.” She says, her tone serious. A teddy bear holding a rose is propped up on a shelf behind you. Tapping its eyes, Nami scowls before throwing the bear into the trash bin.
“A camera?” She nods. “Seriously? What a creep.”
You and Nami inspect the room. It’s not clear if there are other hidden cameras, but she stands guard in front of the shower curtains just in case.
“Hey,” She starts. “Did you notice Zoro acting weird tonight?”
You frown as you change into the dress Helios prepared. “What do you mean?”
Nami hums in thought. “He’s just…” A dumbass, she wants to say, but doesn’t. “He seems extra grumpy.”
That causes you to laugh. “I guess I should prepare more jokes for him when we get back.”
She winces. “...I’m not that sure he likes those.”
“Hm… Maybe not, but,” You pause to think. He may not laugh loudly as Luffy does, but he never shot you down for being bubbly around him. “Zoro would have told me to shut up by now if he didn’t, right?”
“Huh.” Nami says. “You got a point.”
You push the curtains aside, grinning at her. “Come on, let’s break into that treasury.”
“Of course, my gem.”
“Oh my god, if that sticks I’m going to be so mad.”
The treasury was a vault full of everything from jewels to ornamental weapons. Nami playfully crowned you with a diamond tiara, and she put on dangling emerald earrings that looked stunning on her.
After filling your bags and pockets with the most you can carry, you and Nami head out to find the others. You run into Usopp on the way back to the lounge.
“I see you two cleaned up well.” He jokes. “Luffy and Sanji are in the kitchen. I was just on my way there.”
“Where’s Zoro?” You ask.
“With Helios. You know him, still drinking.”
“We should leave soon.” Nami insists. “We risk getting caught the longer we stay.”
“Right.” You hand Usopp your bag, his eyes widen comically when he feels how heavy it is. “I’ll just go say goodbye, I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
Before you even enter the lounge, however, you hear Zoro speak your name. Are they talking about you? You press your back against the wall, straining to hear their conversation.
You almost wish you didn’t.
“She tells the worst jokes and doesn’t know when to quit it. Thinks she’s hilarious but she’s really not.” Zoro speaks in that deep voice that would usually be comforting to you—but his words now pierce through you painfully.
“What exactly is your relationship with her?” Helios asks, and Zoro is silent. It feels like your heart crumbles for every second he doesn’t answer.
You’re friends! You’ve been dreaming of more but, you’ve always been friends.
…Aren’t you? Doesn’t he think so?
“I don’t know.” Your heart fully shatters. What does he mean he doesn’t know? “She just sticks to me a lot. It can get annoying.”
“Well. That’s unfortunate, but it’s nothing to sob over.” Helios kisses his teeth. “I don’t care about her attitude. All that doesn’t matter as long as she has that pretty face.”
You wait for Zoro to say something. Anything. You want him to cut Helios where he stands.
But he doesn’t. The silence drags on. The air feels like it’s pushing you down, crushing your lungs. You have to get out of here.
You burst into the kitchen, trying your best not to cry. Nami immediately rushes to you, holding your shoulders to steady you. “What happened?”
Letting out a shuddered breath, you whisper, “You were right.” It’s impossible to think straight right now. “I want to leave.”
You look to Luffy, still shaken up. Your captain’s expression is serious as he nods. “Go ahead, we’ll get Zoro and catch up.” Not needing to be told twice, you head out the door.
Before she follows you, Nami hisses at Sanji, “Talk some sense into that dumbass, won’t you?”
The entire walk back to the Going Merry is silent. You’re grateful Nami doesn’t immediately press you for what happened, but you know that you should answer her questions. You finally get the words out in the safety of her cabin.
You sit cross-legged on the bed, and everything comes pouring out. “He called me annoying.” 
“Zoro?” She asked, offering you a box of tissues.
“Yeah.” You sniff, taking the box.
“I’m sorry. That was fucked up of him to say.”
Unsure how to properly comfort you, Nami gets up and retrieves extra pillows from a storage compartment.
“Why don’t we have a girl’s night?” Nami asks, offering you a smile. It pulls a smile out of you too, the first one you mustered since Zoro crushed your spirit. 
“I’d like that.” 
Zoro is confused to find that you and Nami had left before them. Luffy gave Helios some lame excuse that you weren’t feeling well, but Zoro knew better. If you were really sick, the whole crew would be panicking and rushing to get to you.
He stares at Sanji and Usopp, trying to piece together what really happened. They both turn away from him, refusing to say anything.
In the next second, a maid rushes out, panting and screaming, “Mr. Helios! The treasury has been robbed!”
Fine. Answers can come later. For now, they need to run.
Once they’re back on the ship, Sanji follows Zoro into his cabin. He stares at the chef blankly, “Get out.”
“Did you do something?” Sanji leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Get out.” Zoro repeats, about to push him out of the room when Sanji speaks your name.
“She was upset. Asked to leave as soon as possible.” Sanji’s gaze is almost menacing, and his frown deepens when Zoro’s face falls. So, that’s what happened. You had heard him.
“Fuck.” Zoro groans, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
“Everyone noticed you getting bitchy over Helios.” Sanji notes “Did you confront him or something?”
Scoffing, Zoro sits on his hammock, the fabric dips under his weight. “It was something, all right.”
Wanting Zoro to explain himself unpromptedly, Sanji just watches him and lets the silence hang in the air. After a solid, suffocating minute, the swordsman caves.
“I called her annoying.” Zoro breathes out deeply. “I said her jokes aren’t funny and that she sticks to me a lot.”
“Man, that’s screwed up.” Sanji gapes. “I thought you cared about her?”
“Of course I do, but I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.” Zoro defends. “Luffy’s the only one who laughs at her jokes, and she’s always by my side.” 
Sighing, Zoro continues, “...but I never minded any of it. I learned to care for those parts of her a long time ago. I was only trying to get that shithead off her back.”
“You’re an idiot.” Sanji concludes. “You have the emotional depth of a sink, sometimes.”
Zoro, surprisingly, doesn’t insult the chef back. He stares at the wall, slouched and looking the most empty Sanji’s ever seen him.
“What should I do?” He asks. “How should I make it up to her?”
Sanji’s eyes light up, he beams and claps his hands together in excitement. Even if Zoro hasn’t heard it yet, he already dreads the chef’s suggestion. 
“I have an idea.”
When you woke up the next morning, you had every intention of avoiding Zoro like the plague. It was still really difficult to look at him, the hurt you felt still stings your heart. 
But unfortunately for you, he had other plans. 
You’re gazing out into the sea on the forecastle deck when you hear a familiar set of heavy footsteps. You sigh. “I don’t want to talk, Zoro.”
“I’m not here to talk.” You turn to him questioningly, but you really shouldn’t give him the time of day. Wasn’t he the one who complained about you clinging to him?
You don’t say anything. Only glaring at him and hoping he sees how disappointed you feel. Zoro stands here, appearing strangely vulnerable. If you weren’t so hurt, you would have hugged him by now. 
But you are. So he has to wallow in the awkwardness of the consequences of his words. He—wait. What’s that on his face?
“I…” Is he… blushing? “I’m sorry I wasn’t around in the past.” 
You make a face and blink at him. What is he up to?
“...Can I be part of your future?”
That knocks the wind right out of you, your jaw practically falls to the floor. Did Roronoa Zoro just use a pickup line? On you? You can’t help but glance at your surroundings to check if the sky is still blue.
No—hold on. He can’t win you over just like that. He needs to explain why he said what he did. 
“You said my jokes are the worst.” You grumble.
“They are.” Zoro looks straight into your eyes as he speaks. “But you’re one of the best things to ever happen to me.”
“You said I always stick to your side.”
He doesn’t miss a beat and answers earnestly, “You do. And I wouldn’t want you to be anywhere else.”
“…You said you didn’t know what our relationship is.”
That causes Zoro to pause, searching your eyes as if he’ll find the answer in them. “…I don’t.”
Oh, this impossible sword-brain of a man. Your lips quiver, and you realize you can’t fight back your smile anymore. “I love you, Zoro.”
His expression shifts from anxiousness to shock, relief, and a bit of something else... 
“I love you, too.” Ah, of course. Love, that too.
Slowly, tentatively, he raises his arms, inviting you to an embrace. He’s adorable, looking a teensy bit nervous that you wouldn’t want to hold him. Giggling, you rush to him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he envelops your shoulders. 
“I bet Sanji taught you to apologize with that line.” You murmur into his chest. “If you tell me another one…” Zoro cringes, his frame tensing. 
“...I’ll give you a kiss.” His expression lifts, seriously considering it.
After a minute, Zoro clears his throat. You almost squeal in excitement.
“Roses are red, violets are blue…” A classic. This is going to be good.
“I’m sorry if I made you feel awkward, I just want to have dinner with you.” You gasp, squeezing him tighter. 
“Yes! That was perfect.” Laughing, you reach up and hold his face to keep your promise. 
You plant a sweet, short kiss on his lips. When you pull away, he’s looking at you like he would fight anyone for you. He probably would, if you’re being honest.
“You’re perfect.” He breathes, mouth against yours and then he’s kissing you again.
Hiding behind a pile of crates, the rest of the crew whoop and cheer. (Silently.)
“That was such a good line!” Luffy whispers.
“I still think he should have used the ‘I don’t speak angel’ one.” Usopp whispers back.
“What are you talking about?!” Sanji angrily, quietly mutters. “That was perfect because he apologized and delivered the line.”
“Shut it, you guys. I was right, he didn’t last a day with her mad at him.” Nami holds out her palm. “Pay up.” The others groan, handing her some berry. All’s well that ends well.
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© togenabi 2023 | see here to be added to my taglist ♡
taglist: @songsofadelaide-archive @amitydoodlez @sweetexistentialism @msmisasoup @writingmysanity @hotchocolattee @dimplewonie @hearts4zoro @kenkenmaaa @appalost @hi3431 @akakaze @lownna
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 5 months
Rebuild & Restore - Chapter 5
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
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2 weeks later.... Friday
Eli: There’s a refresher and a donut waiting for u at the L&D desk ms I don’t like coffee. 
Kiyana rolled her eyes with a grin as she texted Eli back. Josh narrowed his eyes as he watched Kiyana smile down at her phone. He tried to ignore it but when she started to actually giggle at the fucking phone he snuck around the kitchen counter and tried to get a peek at who she was texting but she caught on and quickly locked her phone and set down on the counter. 
“You need something?” She asked, rolling her eyes when his eyes glanced down at her phone.  “You got anything planned today or yall just gonna chill?” She asked, grabbing her lunch out of the fridge. When she turned back around he had her phone in his hands.“HEY!” She called out,  snatching her phone out of his hands. “What are you doing?” 
“You changed your password?” She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Why were you trying to go through my phone? We are div-” 
“Divorced. Yeah you keep bringing it up.”  She rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. 
“I get off at 9. Will y’all be good until then?” Josh nodded, his jaw was clenched tight as he kept thinking about how Kiyana changed her password to her phone. Kiyana rolled her eyes at his attitude before walking out of the kitchen and towards the front door. 
“I love you!” She called out to the boys and Josh heard them call it back before the front door slammed shut. 
“Love you too.” He muttered before going to join his sons in the living room. 
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“So you at Dr. Daniels seem to be getting close.” Debra , the senior nurse stated as she eyed the drink in Kiyana’s hand. Kiyana shrugged
“He’s cool.” 
“Cool enough to be talking about asking you on a date.” Debra said, smirking when Kiyana snapped her head towards her. 
“No, we’re just friends.”  Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. Her inner voice said. 
Debra rolled her eyes. “Honey, I helped deliver Elijah forty-something years ago and that man still doesn't bring me coffee everyday.”  Kiyana bit her lip and looked down the hall to where Eli was talking with another nurse. “Look, I know you just got divorced but shit, take the chance. You don’t have to fall in love with him.” Kiyanna sighed and shook her head, it was way too soon for her to even think about going on a date with another man. Her divorce was still fresh, like an open wound. 
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“ I think Key already talking to somebody else.” Josh blurted out as he, Trinity and Jon sat in their backyard, keeping a close eye on his two older boys who were swimming. He had put Kairo down for a nap. 
“Well you were fucking someone else while y’all were married so who cares.” Trin said, smacking Jon on his shoulder when he elbowed her in her ribs. “I mean what did you expect? Kiyana is very attractive and now she’s single.”  Trin shrugged. 
“Don’t kick the man while he’s down Trin.” 
“Yeah, damn Trinity. I thought we were better than that.” Josh tried to joke but Trinity was still very pissed off at him. “I know I fucked up. But it’s only been two weeks.” 
“How long is she supposed to wait? Until you’re ready for her to move on?” Trin rolled her eyes. “Leave that woman alone. Her life is no longer a concern of yours..”  Josh didn’t say anything as he brought his attention back to his sons. How was I supposed to get her back if she’s moved on already?
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“Fuck him” Shanté muttered. “Fuck him and his stupid mullet. It’s 2024, the eighties called, they want their hairstyle back.” She said giggling at her own joke.  Nikkita rolled her eyes from where she was sitting on their couch. 
“Tae, I been told you to stop messing with that man, She might've divorced him but he still loves her. You can’t compete with that.”  Shanté flipped off her best friend and took another swig from the wine bottle they were passing back and forth. 
“He told me he never wanted to be with me, Nikki.” Nikkita didn’t respond back because.. Duh. It was pretty obvious. Josh only hit Shanté up after the RAW tappings on Monday’s and as soon as he would fly back home to Pensacola he would block her, then start the cycle all over again the next Monday. Nikkita felt bad for her friend but she had also warned her the first time Shanté had told her she hooked up with Josh. 
Kiyana was Josh’s high school sweetheart and from experience, Nikkita knew that Shanté never stood a chance. 
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Kiyana let out a sigh of relief as she clocked out for the day. She can finally go home and be with her boys for 3 whole days.  Just as she was about to walk out the front door she heard her name being called. She turned and smiled once she saw it was Elijah. 
“Hey,” He said back slightly out of breath. “I ran all the way down here. Though I missed you.” He smiled at her. 
“You just caught me.” She said, feeling herself blush under the heat of his stare. “Wassup?” 
“I wanna take you out tomorrow night.” Kiyana blinked. “If it's too soon. I apologize, but I really like you Kiyana.” She clutched her purse strap tighter as she felt the butterflies in her tummy start to rumble around.  Kiyana only got that feeling with one man before and she had just divorced him two weeks ago. 
Elijah sighed as she just stared at him. “It’s too soon isn’t it?”  Kiyana quickly broke out of her stupor and shook her head. 
“No,” She cleared her throat. “ I would love to go out with you” 
“Yeah?” Eli asked. “Bet, do you have a babysitter for tomorrow?” Kiyana nodded. “Okay, tomorrow at 8. Text me your address.” 
Kiyana bit her lip as she watched him run back into the hospital, the butterflies more intense as she thought about their date tomorrow night. She let out a groan and let her head fall back, looking towards the sky. She was so fucking screwed. 
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Kiyana got her first date since the divorce.. Josh about to be soooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking petty 😭, y'all just don't understand.
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lesyeuxdemoii · 9 days
paige bueckers x oc
part1 part 2
warnings: cursing, smut.
not proofread
:heyyyy, ik its been a while, but here we are. also, thank u so so much for the love that p1 received, i appreciate it a lot u guys don’t even knowww 😫 love yall and enjoy ♥️
June 22nd. My 20th birthday.
I hadn’t even thought about big parties since my parents spiritually left the home. Giselle was upset with it, but what could she do? I never agreed on anything serious, so it was always her, me and a little cake that we ordered the same day. But this year was different. —
Current day: June 19th.
“I don’t know what to do with her, like, i don’t get it how she thinks that skipping her 20th is acceptable.” - Gigi sighed, laying on the couch of one of her friends’ dorm, looking blankly on the white celling.
“Gi, bro, forcing her won’t go either” - Aria, her best friend, shook her head explaining.
“It has to.”
“But it won’t.”
Gigi’s shoulders slumped, her frustration being evident. “You are not helping.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t…like…worry that much? I mean, she’s a grown woman, well, almost. She knows what is better for her, and—“
“What if we try something else?” - Paige, who had been quietly listening past 20 minutes, finally spoke up, gaining all the attention.
“I have a good friend, he owns cool villa at the beach, and there’s also a club nearby. We-You can gather whoever she wants there. It’d be low-key, she is going to like it, m’pretty sure.”
Giselle sat up, her eyes shining with excitement. Oh yeah, it was definitely the best thing suggested.
Current day: June 22nd. The birthday.
At first, I hesitated about the whole idea, but when Gigi mentioned that Paige was the one who came up with this, I immediately agreed. My sister invited few of her and my closest friends, which I certainly approved.
Paige didn’t lie when she said that the villa was “cool”, it was actually…something. It was a modern, huge, sleek maison right next to the beach. It had large windows framing the blue view, a patio, including a pool. Inside, it was bright and airy with some decor. Each bedroom had its own balcony, and a short path that leaded to the private beach. Paige, once again, outdid herself.
One thing that also made the whole picture top tier, was how good she looked today.
Paige was leaning against the wall, the gray tank top clung to her, highlighting her toned frame, while her black patterned shorts rested loosely. Her hair was slicked back into a sleek, low bun and of course, the infamous smirk was plastered on her face. The confidence, the unmatchable and bright aura that was radiating from her made me feel dizzy, it took me everything to not to just pull her into a passionate kiss, as i reminded myself where we two were.
I subconsciously bit my lip at her sight, which didn’t go unnoticed by her, obviously.
“This is unbelievable…” - Hana, the youngest of us, said, looking around with silly grin on her face.
“As soon as I get to the Royal theatre, imma buy something like this for me. .” - Katarina announced, making me giggle.
“Uh-uh, sure.” - Amina sook her head, already going upstairs.
“You’re not even invited, bitch!”
“You’re not allowed to talk like that.”
“You’re not allowed to talk in general.”
Amina’s dramatic gasp had everyone bursting into laughter, as I couldn’t help but feel a wave of happiness wash over me. I mentally promised myself that the day surely would be better than I thought.
I had been lying back on the deckchair, wearing a sleek black bikini that fit snugly against my skin. The bandeau strapless top hugged my chest, while the thin strings of the bikini bottom rested lightly on my hips. Over it, a sheer black cover-up flowed loosely around me, its fabric barely grazing my body as the breeze moved it. With my eyes closed, the world around me seemed to fade. The beach had been peaceful—just the soft sound of waves rolling onto the shore. A gentle breeze had swept across my body, cooling the heat from the sun while the salty air filled my lungs with each deep breath. In the distance, I could barely hear others’ laughter through my earpods, playing one of partynextdoor’s songs from Paige’s playlist. When I was peacefully humming to the music, I felt little drops of water from above on my skin, which made me open my eyes and stop the music.
“You like this?” - Paige hovered over me, her hair and body soaking wet, as she placed her hands on her hips.
Before I answer, my gaze was fixed on her abs, which sent waves right down there.
“Yes, everything’s really nice.” - I said sincerely, sating up and smiling softly at her.
She smiled back, looking around to check if anyone’s watching. When she made sure, she leaned in, capturing our lips in a short, sweet kiss. Paige’s lips barely even touched mine, but it felt too good to complain.
“You look good in this.” — she hinted on my bikini, pulling away and sitting next to my legs.
I raised my eyebrows, smirk plastered on my face.
“You do?”
She licked her lips. “Yeah, but…”
Before I could open my mouth, she continued.
“I would give everything to take it off from you right now.”
I instantly blushed, turning my head away to avoid her piercing blue eyes. I squeezed my thighs together, letting her know that it’s not the best moment to turn me on. Paige smirked, positioning her hand on my knee, caressing it.
“You are so stupid. And horny.”
“Chilllll, prolly horny, but stupid is wild.”
“Whatever.” - I playfully rolled my eyes and got up from my place, proceeding to join the rest.
Her eyes lingered on my waist, then on my ass, and then on my shiny and long hair. Paige was always down bad for me, but she never accepted it out-loud. The perfect example of it was my picture on her wallpaper, but it wasn’t just an ordinary one. I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom of a hotel room in nothing but panties and white T-shirt. It was bunched in my hands and lifted, revealing my waist and white bra underneath, my tits being pushed up, no face being shown. When she was asked about it, she told she saved it from Pinterest because of the vibe. No one had a single suspicion, not even my sister.
Standing in front of the mirror, I couldn't take my eyes off me. The most beautiful, ethereal and magical dress clung to my body. It sparkled like the night sky, a deep blue so rich it seemed to pull in all the light around me. The thick straps framed my shoulders, and the short skirt of it hugged my curves just perfectly. A golden sunburst spread across my chest, its rays shimmering as I shifted slightly. Tiny embroidered fairies seemed to float across the fabric, their wings glinting like they were ready to flutter off. It wasn't just a dress; it felt like I stepped straight out of the fairytale. Paige gifted it me specifically for my birthday two days before it. I had to lie to Gigi that I bought it myself, but it was hard to hide my excitement from her.
The whole outfit was completed with my matching blue heels and gold jewelry. Giselle did my makeup, enhancing my features with glossy lips, sparkly eyeshadows, pink blush and long, mascara covered lashes. Golden skin was covered in glittered oil. My hair was styled in slight waves, giving me an exotic look.
“And I swear to God, if not his mom standing right there, I would’ve punched him on his fucking face.”
Amina was bubbling something, but I was conviced that no one was paying attention. After having too many drinks, dancing too wildly, everyone was more than wasted. Paige laid her head on my shoulder, both of us enjoying the moment of carelessness. She was whispering sweet things to me and they step by step were becoming something else.
“You look so good in this dress”
“I’m glad I bought it for you.”
“You are beautiful.”
“You smell so good.”
“Wanna kiss you so bad.”
“Would you let me fuck you in this?”
“I want to have you right here.”
“Lemme taste you.”
After her words became loud enough for the others to hear, I warned.
“Paige, slow down.”
“Let’s get out of here, baby, please.” - she begged.
It took a second for me to think, taking the fact that nobody cares enough to watch in our direction, when I slowly nodded.
The walk back was quick, all the way Paige was talking about whatever, while her long and strong arm rested on my shoulders. When we got to her room, she quickly pressed me on the wall, immediately connecting our lips in a hungry kiss. She was so inpatient, so intense that I even thought that she was going to suffocate me. I savored the sweet taste of her Dirty Shirley, making me unintentionally moan. She leaded us to the bed, dropping me on it and getting on her knees. She spread my legs, lifting up the dress to my chest.
“Don’t ruin it.” - I warned.
“You got the tongue, don’t you?” - she chuckled, trailing sloppy kisses on my thighs. My head dropped back from the feeling of her lips on my skin. Finally, her fingers brushed the tip of my underwear, taking it off. She met the sight of my wet cunt surrounded by juices, she could feel her own pussy clunch at that.
“So fucking pretty.” - she murmured more to herself than to me, caressing it with her index finger, making me gasp at the contact. She looked at me with sincere eyes, slowly making her way to my cunt, and when she attached her lips to my clit, I moaned extremely loud. She started to kiss, suck, lick, bite, literally everything that came to her mind. She went from my pussy to my thighs again, licking them, then to my stomach and back to my clit. She was speeding up, making my eyes to blur.
“Shit, P…Paige.” - my hands flew to her head, shoving her deeper in my dripping pussy. She took it as a hint, inserting a finger, then two, then three, to the point that it was hard to take.
“Could do this all day, fuck.”
Then, she got an idea. She took her phone out from her pocket, giving it to me. I quickly understood what she wanted to do, so I opened the camera and pointed it to the place when her lips and my puffy clit connected. I never imagined seeing her absolutely destroy me from the screen, because it was always her filming us, but it was worth it. She looked directly into the phone, slowing her pace and doing long licks. Camera captured the absurd and ridiculous sounds from my cunt, causing a tsunami of arousal for Paige. Then she sped up again,
In and out. Suck. In and out. Suck. In and out. Suck.
“I’m gonna, i’m gonna..”- the phone almost fell from my hands. I got closer and closer to my edge.
“C’mon, baby, give it to me. Give me your cum, do it.”
And I did it. The phone was dropped, my legs shook, head was spinning, but I was in the total euphoria. Paige made sure to help me to ride out my high. After that, she went all up over my body, capturing our lips in a gentle kiss. I smiled against her, when suddenly, we were interrupted by an aggressive knock.
“What the fuck is going on there?!”
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s-4pphics · 1 year
scent of the pine. 4 (e.w)
we back in this shit like we never left y’all 😳
wc;cw 10.7k ohhh not again, sistersbestfriend!ellie, guitarist/producer!ellie, violinist!oc, age gap(three years), all ocs r black coded <3, FLUFF i know shocker, but slight angst bc i’m devious like that🤭, domestic ellie with a cat, some crack :p, SMUT UH OHHH MDNI, dubcon(ellie is high), weed, sexual tension yall already knowww, thigh riding, fingering, eating out no restaurant, mult. orgasms, squirting, dirty talk, one pussy slap, overstim, ellie’s tongue is pierced yes that’s a warning lol, masturbation, more stunna girl promo someone pay me, this is cute tbh lol
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“Your girlfriend is living lavish. GYYYAATTT— “ 
“Arya, can you please shut up! She’s not my girlfriend!” 
“No bitch, you needa shut the hell up! I drove you here and I will leave you!” 
You and an irritated Arya (she’s not herself when she’s hungry!) were parked outside of Ellie’s very… expensive looking apartment building. It looked like there were about thirty floors to it with lots of windows. You knew she had accumulated a following due to the reaction people had to her on New Year’s Eve, but you weren’t expecting her to be living like an actual celebrity. She was fucking rich, now. You couldn’t wrap your head around it. 
Arya must’ve noticed the nervous, intimidated look on your face as you gazed at the building because you immediately felt a soft hand on yours. “Hey, you’re gonna be fine. She seems more than willing to talk and apologize! I’m gonna be here the whole time and you come down when you’re ready, okay?” 
You looked over to your best friend—the light of your life—and nodded. You’ve never been so appreciative of someone before. She made you feel so calm—
“With that being said, just know if she says anything outta line, I’m telling your sister and we’re jumpin’ her ass, no question!” she said seriously before encouragingly slapping your thigh. “Go ‘head, love you.” 
“…Love you more.” She made you feel calm enough.
Your friends are so…. supportive!
You exited Arya’s car as you waved to her, her giving you two thumbs up in return. 
Here goes nothing. 
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You took in the building as you entered…. this was some Michelin star shit! 
Marble floors, white walls edged with gold frames, women wrapped in trench coats with puppies in their purses! What the fuck is going on—
You were even starting to second guess your attire. You wore a simple black puffer, hoodie, and sweatpants. Should you have dressed… better? More presentable? You were starting to get a bit insecure. 
You pulled your phone out to distract yourself from second-guessing your appearance (or lack thereof!) and opened your texts with Ellie. You started typing. 
hey. i’m downstairs. 
You immediately saw her chat bubble pop up before her reply came through. 
cool i’ll be down in 2 mins 
You sighed a heavy sigh as you shut your phone off. Don’t overthink, you thought. You’re here to talk and that’s it! Nothing more, nothing less. 
Don’t lie, slut! 
Your brain hates you! It fucking hates you—!
Your train of thought immediately shut off as you saw Ellie walk out of the elevator. She looked so…warm. She had on a black beanie and sweatsuit, little marijuana fuzzy socks, and slippers. 
You missed seeing this side of her. So relaxed and comfortable. 
She walked over to you with a timid expression before finally muttering a hi, and you muttered one back. 
You could tell she was nervous: her thumbs were fidgeting, she wouldn’t look you in your eyes for too long, and she was licking at her slightly chapped lips. 
“We should, um… go upstairs?” She asked quietly, like speaking too loudly would frighten you. 
You only nodded gently. She nodded back before turning, leading you towards the elevators. 
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You found out Ellie lived on the… nineteenth floor. What the fuck? Wasn’t the golden rule of apartments: the higher you are, the more expensive it is?! What the fuck was she doing up here?
“My place is down the hall,” she said over her shoulder. You took note of the shakiness in her voice. You’ve never seen her so skittish before. Was it because of you? 
She unlocked the third from the last door and opened it, allowing you entry. You took in her place and… holy fuck!
Her apartment… her loft was fucking immaculate!
Her living room was huge: plush, gray couch that was stocked with matching pillows, black and green rugs littering the floor, TV mounted on the wall, black glass coffee table, and her dual monitor setup (you see that black kitten ears headset! was she a fucking gamer?!). There were black details everywhere on the walls, floors, and spiral staircase that led into her bedroom what the fuck?! You could see where she slept… and you were still downstairs! 
And her fucking black marble kitchen! You were in love! You never cooked a day in your life, but you will gladly start now if it means you can stay in there forever! 
“Ellie, who the fuck are you?” you asked, shocked and dazed. 
She seemed to relax at your question as she softly chuckled, shyly looking down at her socked feet. 
“I’ll tell you everything you wanna know. Come sit with me.” She said, nodding towards her couch. It was slightly sunken in; she must’ve been napping there! You unlaced your boots and removed your coat, holding it in your hands. As you followed her towards the couch to sling your coat over the back, a soft jingle, followed by soft paddling on the floor caught you off guard. You turned to see a small, green-eyed Bombay cat next to the kitchen counter, curiously staring at you. 
You let out a gasp of excitement at the little baby before looking at a surprised Ellie, grabbing her wrist joyfully. 
“Ellie, oh my god! Why didn’t you tell me you had a cat?! It’s so cute, boy or girl?! How old is it— “ 
“She’s a.. she’s a girl. Seven months.” 
“She’s soooo cute! Oh my god! I always wanted a cat! What’s her name? Oh, look at her little princess collar— “
You turned back to her: she had an expression that you didn’t recognize, and you hadn't realized how close you’d gotten during your jumpy, hyper kitty questions. You felt her breathing against your face as she studied it, and you studied her back. 
Why were you suddenly thinking about that night? You kissing her, her kissing back, her grabbing you like she never wanted to let you go again. Her eyes slowly dropped to your mouth, and yours did the same. All you had to do was lean forward again—
A quiet meow! snapped you out of your lustful haze before you looked down and backed away. You noticed Ellie hadn’t moved from her position when you looked back up, eyes still searching for… something. 
“She’s.. she’s cute,” you said as you cleared your throat, walking towards the cushiony space. “Let’s sit.” 
She silently nodded and sat next to you. 
Deep breath. Exhale. 
Let’s get this over with! your brain shouted. 
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“I’m so sorry. I never regretted anything so much in my life. I treated your sister like fucking garbage—I treated you like garbage and I’ve never felt so terrible— “
“Ellie, breathe,” you cut off her nervous mumbles. You just sat down! “I’m not… upset with you anymore. And you're not the only one who fucked up, either. It wouldn’t be an apology if I didn’t take some accountability too.” 
You watched her relax before confusion overtook her expression. You explained yourself, blushing as you recalled the events of that night. “I know… New Year’s wasn’t the best first meeting after…. you know. I wanted to apologize for how I… reacted and what I did. It wasn’t okay at all—” 
There was a moment of silence before she broke it, eyebrows still pulled downward as she stuttered. “You don’t... You don’t have to apologize for that. I um…. like, it was fine. Well, it wasn’t fine—we were drunk and whatever, but, yeah, I don’t think of you differently, or, what I mean is— “
You laughed lightly at her nervousness. She shook her head with a sheepish smile before she hit her mint elf bar that she pulled out of her pocket, blowing the smoke away from your face. 
“I’m not sure if you can tell, but I’m scared shitless.” 
“I think you’re making it obvious,” you said as you chuckled and continued. 
She paused as she collected her thoughts, staring down at the couch. “I said a lot of… fucked up shit when I met up with your sister after everything happened. About her… about you. I don't know how much she told you but… I said things that I regretted immediately. I was angry and hurt… and I felt cornered, and I lashed out. Doesn’t excuse it at all, but… yeah, it was gross’n uncalled for.”
“She told me everything. All of it,” You tried to ignore the sting in your heart as you recalled that night. She nodded her head shamefully. You continued. 
“Why didn’t you reach out after your birthday?” You pressed as softly as you could manage. 
She didn’t answer immediately as you watched her breathe deeply. 
“I…” She stuttered before whispering. “I was scared.” 
“Of?” You pressed again, tone more urgent. 
“Of you both never talking to me again,” She said, confusing you before she clarified. “I held it off for so long because I needed to think about my approach. I felt if I immediately called you, you wouldn’t wanna talk to me because of how fresh it was. But I also…I don’t know, it’s fuckin’ stupid.” 
You shook your head at her. “I'm just…I’m confused because I never, like, hated you or anything like that after we left your party. I want you to know that,” you said seriously, your nerves making you stutter. “I was sad and embarrassed, but never… hateful, if that makes sense. Even when I tried to be afterwards, it never came.” 
You noticed her expression drop slightly at the mention of hate before she replied softly. “I’d understand if you did. What I said to you and your sister was fucking disgusting… I don’t know if she’ll ever forgive me for what I said.” 
“She’s been… stubborn, I won’t lie. I don’t know what state of mind she’s in when it comes to you, to be honest. I just know she’s still hurting.” 
Ellie nodded in acknowledgment as she looked down, but you could see the sorrowful look overtake her face at your admission. It made your heart stutter. You watched as she hit her nic again. 
Just as you were about to move to comfort her, your phone dinged, and dinged, from your pocket. You unlocked your phone and saw a slew of texts from Arya. 
ari: is she giving you “i’m sorry” head yet?
ari: im bored bro being a good friend is tiring 😐🙄
ari: i know her strap is bright red and THICK 
ari: like a fire hydrant!!
ari: how tf r u gonna walk outta that big ass building!!🚷🚷🚷
You clenched and blushed heavily at the suggestion, clicking your phone off and dropping it in your lap out of embarrassment. You looked back up at her with a mortified expression and she… was smirking. And then she smiled. And laughed. She’d been looking at your screen the whole time. Why didn’t you angle the screen away from her?!
She saw them. She saw the messages!
You want to die you want to die you want to die—
“Your friend’s funny,” she said as she blew out a waft of smoke around her giggles. 
“I’m—I’m so fuckin’ sorry, she’s crazy and gross! —“ 
She laughed harder and shook her head. “No, you're good, don’t worry.” 
You fell back on her couch (it felt like a fucking cloud!) with your face in your hands as you thought about the type of casket you wanted for your funeral. 
But… oh, fuck. 
You felt her body move on the couch before you felt her weight crawl on top of you and oh god what the fuck!
She pulled at your forearms to slide your hands off of your warm face, but you refused to open your eyes there was no way you’re opening your fucking eyes right now—
“Look at me.” 
You shook your head. She smelled so good, she smelled so good! Your body clenched tight, you were so horny, and you wanted her bad and was her dick like a fire hydrant?!—
“Open ‘em, c’mon, wanna see you!” you heard the smile in her voice. 
You missed her smile so bad, and you moved on autopilot, slowly opening your eyes and taking in the sight above you. She was cheesing so hard, a light blush painted across her freckles, beanie discarded and hair everywhere from her messing with it out of nervousness when you sat down. She looked so much more comfortable in your presence, and it made your heart skip with joy. You couldn’t help but smile back at her. 
What you didn’t expect was for her to take your wrists in her calloused hands, pin them either side of your head, and bend down to whisper it’s not red, it’s purple, but yeah! before you turned away from her to suffocate yourself in her cushions. They smelled like her why does the universe hate you—!
She started hysterically laughing as she let go of your wrists and plopped down next to you, and it made you want to cry: her laugh is so goofy and stupid and she snorts, but nobody could tell you that her laugh didn’t sound like angels singing in that moment. All you could do was watch her with the widest grin on your face. 
After she wiped the tears from her eyes, she met yours, her smile getting softer and her eyes gentler. She licked her lips before she subtly dropped her eyes to your mouth, and back up to meet your gaze again. You could feel her gently grazing her fingers across your forehead as you looked at each other. Your heart was pounding due to her closeness—
Your ringtone blared in the living room and you wanted to fucking scream. You sat up to reach for it before plopping back down, answering it. 
You heard Ellie snicker at your friend's blaring before she whispered a soft don’t leave yet. You sent her a reassuring smile and she sent one back. 
“Umm.. Ari?” 
“Girl… what?” 
“I’m staying, m’ sorry for keeping you waiting for this long.” 
You heard her let out a cackle before she wailed, “THE STRAP GOT YOU LIKE THAT?! WHEN’S THE WEDDING—!” 
You hung up before she could say anything more. Ellie’s booming laughter nearly shook the entire building. 
Your entire body was boiling hot. You heard another ding! from your device. You couldn’t help but read it, making sure to block the screen from Ellie's view this time. 
ari: I LOVE U!!!!! PLS BE SAFE 
“Holy fuck!” Ellie said in between breaths, more tears running down her face. “I have to meet her, oh my god!” 
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It was dark and you were still at Ellie’s. 
You’d been laying on the couch talking for hours about any and everything: how you and Arya are roommates on campus, your attempts at music production, your fucking YouTube channel and how she’d been a dedicated subscriber for months?! You let her talk about her life as well: her being a music engineer and producer (she started selling her beats to artists in the city months ago, rich bitches only!), how she, Dina, and Jesse are still very close (poor sissy), her being a literal fucking celebrity and a monarch for the creative community in your town. 
(“It was such a random night, I swear to god!” she squealed out with a smile as you listened to the story, laughing. “But… I felt like I wanted to help them, they were such nice people. And it blew up like crazy, it was insane! We couldn’t believe it.”)
You both rambled on and on! 
But, even with her transparency, there was still something heavy weighing on you that she hadn’t addressed. 
“I don’t wanna… press on this, and don’t answer if you don’t feel comfortable, but… why did you and Cat break up?” You asked softly, staring at the wall behind her. 
You felt her shift next to you, and you immediately went to apologize for crossing a boundary, but she spoke before you could. 
“We um… we were kinda… bad for each other? That shit sounds so fuckin’ corny, but it’s true.” She said as she collected her thoughts. She continued when she gathered them. 
“We met really randomly. I was walking home from school, and we just bumped into each other in front of this gas station. She looked so cool to me and I was like oh my god, she’s perfect. I was still in my fucking gym clothes from P.E, like,” She said with a soft laugh. You smiled encouragingly. “I was in a really… bad place and she came in and made me not think about it all the time.” 
She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. “We’ve always been a little unstable, but it just… all went downhill after we moved to Cali. She was doing things I didn’t like, I was doing things she didn’t like and… yeah. She broke up with me and kicked me out.” 
“I’m really sorry, Ellie,” you said comfortingly. “I know you were together for a really long time, that’s terrible.” 
“No need to apologize, we just grew apart. It happens,” she replied softly, finally meeting your eyes. “And I got cat custody, so.” 
You both let out soft laughs as the familiar jingle rang from the kitchen. 
“I swear to god she was human at some point, she always comes when I mention her,” she commented with an eyeroll. 
“She’s such a sweetie pie, I wanna cuddle!” 
She quietly hummed in agreement before letting out gentle kissy noises to lure her pet over. 
Jingle, jingle, jinglejinglejingle—
And a cat appeared on the back of the couch. 
“Hi, princess!” You said giddily as you sat up, propping yourself up on your elbow as she sniffed your extended hand. “I’m a fuckin’ idiot, what’s the baby’s name?” 
“Duchess, fuckin’ vermin,” She said lightly, grin on her face as she sat up to grab the kitty and placed her in the open space between your bodies, planting kisses on her little head. 
“Hi, baby! You’re so cute!” You squealed out as she purred at your gentle pets, before she froze, looked off into the distance and ran off the couch like she saw a ghost. 
Ellie tsked and rolled her eyes at her fleeing form before she turned back to you. Did she move closer? Or did you? 
“Are you hungry?” She quietly asked, her eyes—once again—locked onto your mouth. 
“A little.” 
“My dad made lasagna last night, it’s in the fridge. We can order in too if you don’t want that.” 
“I love lasagna!” 
You watched her grin and look at your mouth one more time before she got up and waddled over to the kitchen. 
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The lasagna was in the oven, and you were watching Ellie seal her rolled blunt at the kitchen table. 
She was lightly licking the wrap closed and you were staring hard. Like, really fucking hard. Your devious fucking brain almost allowed you to forget that she had a fucking black tongue piercing, and you were starting to squirm in your chair—
“You smoke?” 
You dazedly shook your head no. “Not really, on very rare occasions.” 
She nodded at you while she licked the paper before speaking. “If you wanna hit, just lemme know.” 
You nodded at her before redirecting your gaze back to her mouth. She was already done with sealing her blunt, but her lips were so fucking pretty and you couldn’t look away. 
Until she started smiling. Fuck. 
“You stare really hard,” she noted with a light laugh. 
“So do you!” You said as you dropped your gaze to her table. 
“Mhm,” She agreed with a nod, squinting her eyes at you. “But you try to act like you're not looking when you are. I want you to catch it, that’s the difference between me’n you.” 
She said it so casually and it made your pussy clench—
“Be a doll and light this for me, gonna go get the goods,” She said, sliding the stocked ashtray and lighter over to you before lightly jogging towards the oven. 
You picked up the lighter and flicked it before picking up the blunt, awkwardly guiding it to the flame. 
Was this correct? Or were you supposed to light the other side? What the fuck—
“How the fuck do you live with a stoner like your sister and not know how to spark?” She playfully teased you from the counter, mitt-covered hands holding the hot pan of food. 
“Fuck off! I just told you I don’t smoke!” You said with a pout. 
She walked back over to you, placing the pan in the middle of the table and removing her paw oven mitts before taking the blunt and lighter from you. 
“You’re lighting it like a cig, here, lemme show you.” She said as she sat down. 
You watched her ignite the flame and brought it over to the tip of the blunt. She slowly rotated the blunt so all sides were burnt, a steady stream of smoke releasing from the lit end of it. 
She brought it to her lips and lightly puffed it twice and you didn’t realize how tight you were squeezing your fists together. 
She put the lighter down, properly ripping from the blunt and breathing in a little… sphere? before exhaling and what the fuck was that she’s so fucking sexy—
“I can see your charred lungs—!”
She busted out into laughter before she started choking, pointing towards the kitchen cabinets, whining out a go get the fuckin’ plates!
You giggled as you rushed over to grab two, along with forks and a knife before jogging back to your seat. 
You made Ellie a plate, cutting her a piece of the cheesy corner and sliding it in front of her, placing her fork on the dish. 
You felt her eyes staring holes into your face, and you slowly turned to her, holding her intense gaze as she brought the blunt up to her lips to hit it. She was watching your every move. All you were doing was putting the fucking casserole on the plate, but you felt so hot. 
You shyly turned away from her gaze and made yourself a plate and ate in comfortable silence (this lasagna was so fucking good, it rendered you speechless!) as Ellie smoked her roach down. You could still feel her staring! 
You both finished eating and you got up to stack and wash the dishes before Ellie stopped you with a nope! you’re my guest! go sit!
“Let me at least wash mine!” You said as you snagged your plate from her hand and ran to the sink, water running and sponge already in hand. 
Ellie threw her plate in the sink as you both giggled, reaching for your plate to snatch it back. You tussled with her, dodging her playful grasps for the dirty dish before you felt her front press all the way up against your back, trapping you between the counter and her. And you were immediately still.
And so was she. 
She slowly reached around you to turn the water off, grabbing the plate and sponge from your nonresistant hands to place them into the sink. Your hands and body were frozen as you stood there. You hadn’t realized how much you’d been anticipating her touch until you felt her hands on both your covered arms. She slowly moved them up before she brought her hands to your shoulders to squeeze them, sliding them over to gently massage her thumbs into the back of your neck. 
You nearly bent over this fucking sink! 
Your breathing picked up even more when she whispered out a this okay?, her breath making the hairs on your arms stand up. You nodded eagerly as you bit your lip. Your pussy nodded even faster! 
Desperate slut! I knew it!, your brain screamed, and for once, you didn’t listen. You just felt the hands on you. 
“You wanna know somethin’?” She whispered out against your neck. 
You nodded so hard. Anything anything anything—
She let out a light chuckle before she said, “I thought about you a lot after you left the bar, ‘s kinda embarrassing.” 
You spoke before you could think. “What… what'd you think about?” You breathed out, unsteady. You felt her hands clench tighter on your shoulders. 
You felt her smirk at your greedy tone against your neck, “Fuckin’ you up against that door, wanted to make you cry.” 
You were about to cry right now! Your pussy’s crying! She needs attention! Your hands were glued to the sink, but you slowly wrapped your foot around her ankle to subtly pull her closer to you. You wanted no space between the two of you, you needed her closer. 
You felt her drop her hands before she whispered out a turn around, baby.
You dropped your foot spun—whipped— around and it made her giggle. She was so, so close but you needed her closer, needed to breathe her in, needed her inside—
You looked at her, you looked at her so fucking hard. She's so gorgeous and handsome and sexy and you needed her like you needed air! You missed her so much! You couldn’t fucking breathe—!
“Stay the night,” she whispered out against your mouth. 
“Not fuckin’ going anywhere.” You could barely recognize your own voice; you needed her so badly. 
She hummed, satisfied with your answer before she grabbed your waist to pull you flush against her—just like she did that night—and kissed you. She kissed you breathless and you couldn’t think. She barely touched you and you were brainless! 
She smelled like weed and fucking pine and your legs felt like jelly! 
Her hands were everywhere: grabbing your hips, grabbing your ass, grabbing your tits through your clothes and you were moaning into her mouth, tugging at her sweatshirt to pull her closer. You felt her studded tongue slide against yours and you moaned again, louder. She hummed back, sucking your bottom lip into her mouth before releasing it to lick it again. You felt her thigh shove between yours in a hard grind against your pussy. You squeaked into her mouth as you impulsively moved downward to meet her thigh. 
“Wanted to cum on me so fuckin’ bad, right? Huh?” 
“Yeah, baby, shit— “
“Uh huh,” she hummed at your whines before pulling back, grabbing at your sweatpants with a rough tug downward. “Take these off, c’mon.” 
You yanked them down as Ellie squatted to help you get them from around your ankles. You stumbled as you lifted a leg to step out of one, but one of her hands came up to your hip to steady you, planting a gentle kiss to one of your thighs with a muttered easy. You noticed her catch a glimpse of your underwear as she pulled away from your leg, which were littered with fucking bowls of fruit are you fucking kidding—
“You’re so fuckin’ cute, holy shit,” you felt her chuckle lightly at your bashed reaction, covering your face as you whined into your hands. 
“This is so fucking embarrassing!” 
She ignored you as you felt her press kisses all over your legs, “Look at me.” 
You whined again, shaking your head. 
You felt her kiss her way back up over your panties, over your stomach with a tight grip on your hips, grabbing your tits over your sweatshirt, and you hadn’t even noticed that your hands dropped from your face to grip the counter to steady yourself. She reconnected her lips with yours and you threw your arms around her neck. She pressed her thigh against you, and you slammed a clenching hand down on the counter behind you for balance. She held your hips to help you grind down on her and you were so, so high-strung and ready to cum for her—
“El—Ellie, oh fuck!” 
“Yeah?” She said against your neck, sucking marks into the skin.
“Gonna get m’fuckin’ leg wet? Gonna make me yours?” She slurred raspily. 
The thought of her being yours was enough to make you cum hard in your panties, your body stiffening and your eyes rolling back as it wracked through you. Ellie made sure to keep the gap between your pussy and her leg closed as you rode your high out. You tried to shut your legs as she pressed into you, but your resistance only made her dig her leg harder into your clit with a cocky chuckle against your neck. You couldn’t stop saying her name and you knew she loved it! You were so happy she was standing as close as she was; You would’ve hit the floor the second it washed over you! 
She continued that slow grind as you came down. She pulled away from your neck to kiss your mouth, then your nose, then both your cheeks before mumbling, “Can you make it upstairs or do you want me walk you to the fuckin’ couch?” 
You peeled your eyes open to lightly glare at her flushed face, and she laughed before kissing your cheek again and pulling you away from the counter. “C’mon, baby, wobble your ass upstairs.” 
You did, lightheaded and all. 
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Ellie's room was so… her. 
Posters of metal bands all over the black, faux brick wall, green and blue fairy lights above her dresser, little trinkets and action figures and books on her other dresser. It was all dark tones with hints of forest green on her dresser and nightstands. You were surrounded by her scent when you walked up the stairs, and you almost passed out from elation. 
What you didn’t expect to see was her customized fucking guitar that her dad gave her on the stand in the corner of her room. Next to it, on the desk near her producing equipment, was the embroidered guitar pic that you and your sister got for her eighteenth birthday. She still had it, she actually used it. You immediately felt tears prick your eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” she said sympathetically, wrapping her arms around your waist to hold you against her. You sniffled and wiped your eyes. 
“…Nothin’, just happy and missed you,” You hoped she bought it. You weren’t about to tell her that you were crying over a fucking guitar pic. 
“Missed you so fuckin’ much, you don’t understand,” and you felt her squeeze your waist tighter. 
You were on cloud nine. 
After you calmed down and wiped your face as she kissed your neck in comfort, she guided you over to her mussed king bed with a mumbled sit down against your forehead before kissing it. You sat and moved to scoot up towards the middle of the bed, but she quickly grabbed your ankles and pulled you back down to the edge. You let out a shocked squeak. 
“No one told you to move. Stay there,” She scolded quietly before removing her sweatshirt. Your pussy squeezed at the sight of her bare chest and her fucking defined abs and her everything. You examined her upper body closely: flushed chest littered with freckles shaped like stars, small and random scars that you recognized from her skateboarding accidents years ago, how muscular she was. She was so…
She watched your legs squeeze together with a lick of her lips. You watched her gaze peer down as she watched wetness collect on your panties before she turned and walked towards her dresser to turn her dim lamp and dug around for something… a few things. 
Your heartbeat pounded at an alarming pace as you watched her back muscles move with her rummaging. You let out a quiet, dreamy sigh. You’d let her do anything she wanted to you!
She walked back to the bed with full hands, placing the pile of… toys on her exposed, forest green, pine-scented sheets. 
You were staring so hard at the… weaponry she just dumped next to you. The only one you recognized was the rechargeable blue wand, her fucking thick, dark purple strap oh fuck, some cherry-flavored lube, and that clit massager that people always linked under viral Twitter threads. Hey, ladies! —
Ellie must’ve noticed the shocked look on your face as you eyed the toys because you felt her grab your chin to redirect your gaze onto her. You were so wound up. 
“We don’t have to use all of these, we don’t have to use any of you don’t wanna,” Ellie said gently as she looked down at you while gently caressing your jaw with her pointer finger. “Just wanted you to know I have a preeetty good selection to choose from, it’s up to you, though, whatever you want.” 
You got wetter at her consideration and her soft chuckles and her touch and her tits, and oh god, you were about to say I love you—! 
“Ellie, I’ve never—y’know,” You blurted out before your habit of impulsivity took over.  
“Never used a toy?” 
Your face got hotter as you sighed heavily and averted your gaze towards the wall, and you felt her release your chin to lay on her stomach next to you. 
She called out your name softly. You timidly looked at her. 
“You never had sex?” 
You slowly shook your head no. 
You were expecting her to joke around and laugh at your embarrassing confession, but she looked and sounded so attentive, so comforting, and it made you squirm. 
“It's not a big deal, y’know that right? There’s no timeline to do it. You do it when you wanna… and that’s it.” She said with soft finality as you turned to look at her… very high ceiling. Wealth. 
“I wanna, it’s just… like, I don’t know how. Like, where do I put my hands?” You asked with an awkward chuckle as you stiffly held them in the air. 
She snorted in your ear before she shuffled closer, turning onto her side to face you. You felt her lift your hoodie up just under your lounge bra and you felt her hand graze the exposed skin above your panties, not dipping under, yet. Just… touching along them. It made you shudder.
“You put ‘em where you like,” She whispered in your ear as she kissed them, barely nudging her fingers under your panties. “And you just watch. See how they react.” 
You dropped your hand to place lightly on her wrist to rest there. You saw her gauging your reaction for any signs of discomfort from the corner of your eye. There weren’t any, touch me everywhere!, you wanted to scream. 
“El…Ellie..” You whimpered out
“Tell me what you want from me, I’ll do it, anything you want, just need to hear you say it.” She sounded just as eager as you felt and it was making your toes curl. 
“Can you,” You whined out quietly as you gripped her wrist tighter. She nodded encouragingly at you. “Want you to touch me.” 
“Tell me where, baby.” 
“Y-you know where.” 
“Say it.” She demanded. Her voice was going to put you in a casket! 
“My… my pussy, want you to touch my pussy,” you quickly murmured out to her, your eyes squeezing shut in embarrassment. 
“Take these off,” she whispered, kissing the side of your head as she snapped the band of your underwear against your skin. You quickly lifted your hips to rip them off your body, harshly kicking them onto the floor. She snickered at you. 
She sat up to instantly straddle your waist and your eyes shot open. She looked so pretty on top of you like this. She bent down to place a quick kiss to your lips before she lifted your hoodie up and over your head and tossed it…. fucking somewhere, you didn’t care where! She started kissing you on your cheeks, down to your jaw, to your neck, to your shoulder (you jerked slightly, you love it when she touches you there!). You felt her slowly lift your bra up and over your tits, your back immediately arching up into her so she could pull it off you, tossing that into the abyss, as well. 
“Put your fuckin’ hands up there,” She said, nodding her head up slightly as she sat up to take your body in. You pushed your self-consciousness aside and immediately followed her instructions, releasing the tight grip you had on her sheets and stretching your arms out above your head. “Don’t move ‘em, either.”
You nodded your head. You won't, you won’t! 
She brought her lips down to meet yours again before she trailed them down your body. She kissed and sucked on both your nipples, the stud in her mouth circling the bud, as you whined and squirmed under her, fingers grasping the blankets above your head, your hips bucking up before she pressed them down with her strong hands. 
“Stop moving.” 
You nodded as you whimpered. 
She left kisses down your stomach, sucking bruises into it as she moved down down down, her feet planting on the floor before she got down on her knees. She yanked you closer to the edge and her, throwing your legs over her shoulders again. Your lower half was nearly hanging off the bed!
“Prettiest fuckin’ pussy, I swear to god.” She said against your thighs as she sloppily kissed them. You clenched tighter when she whispered out a so fuckin’ cute. 
You felt her spread your pussy lips with her fingers, exposing the pulsing bud. Another gush of wetness left you and she laughed gently. It made you clench again. 
“Ever put a finger inside?” 
“N-no?” You whimpered between pants.
“You don’t remember?” 
“I’ve never… yeah.” 
She chuckled lightly. “Okay, wanna see if you like it?” 
You let out a shaky mhm!, and you felt her arms tightly wrap around both your thighs before she licked your clit in a slow swipe. 
You moaned out and your back arched and your eyes watered. The jewelry in her mouth was making you see stars and it’s been five seconds. She barely did anything and you felt that tight clench in your core! You were about to cum already!
You felt her tongue move in slow circles on your clit and you couldn’t stop making fucking noise! You were whining out pleads and your pussy was telling her I like it, don’t stop! with every throb, every clench. You could feel her take notes of all your reactions as she slowly massaged your clit with her pierced tongue. You felt that feeling coming back and it was so fast—
“El, mmh!—fuck, ‘m gonna—!”
“You can, ‘m not gonna stop.” She said against your clit. The vibrations sent your brain into overdrive. 
“Ughh! Fuck—!”
You came. You came so fucking hard. You couldn’t fucking run due to the tight grip on your thighs, so you slammed your hand down on her shoulder to ground yourself, digging your nails into it as she moaned out against your clit as she sucked on it. Your head was thrown all the way back as you screamed her name, and she was still sucking on your clit and wasn’t stopping and oh fuck— 
“El, pleasepleaseplease, I can’t—“you called out as you pushed her head away from you. 
She released your clit and slapped it before you could squeeze your thighs together. You let out a squeak and jolted away from her snickering form as you felt her kiss up your legs, to your torso, to your face before resting beside you. 
“You okay?” She asked as she laughed quietly, planting kisses on your ear and neck. You couldn’t move or speak—you could hardly breathe! — and she had the audacity to laugh?!
“I’m not done, I told you that,” She said as she sucked on your shoulder, and you felt a tight squeeze again. 
“Ellie, I can’t take anymore— “
“Yeah, you can, open em’, c’mon, lemme see,” She said as she tapped your stiff thigh. You slowly released the tension in them before letting them fall open and she sat up to prop herself on her elbow. You watched her look down so she could look at and rub your clit again, letting out a quiet fuuuck at the sight of your sticky center. Your legs almost flew shut at the sensitivity, but she held them open with one of her legs. You let out a groan as she laughed louder and rubbed a little harder before she stopped at your whining. Fucking sadist!
“Wanna watch you take my fingers.” 
You whimpered out her name as you met her gaze. 
“Want me to stop, baby?” 
You quickly shook your head. No, no no, don’t stop, don’t leave me! 
She bent down to kiss your neck as she moved her hand to squeeze the inner parts of your thigh before she brought her hand back down to rub your clit again. Your hips bucked, but she didn’t hold you. 
You felt her fingers dip lower and lower until she was at your drippy opening, only to bring them up to her mouth to suck them clean. You moaned when she moaned at the taste and turned to kiss you, gliding her tongue on yours so you could see for yourself. You sucked lightly on her tongue and her tongue ring, and she whined out. 
“Taste so fuckin’ good, such good pussy,” She slurred out against your mouth. You felt her hand go straight back down to your pussy before she lightly nudged her finger in. You went stiff. She kissed your neck to soothe you. 
“This okay?” She asked gently before continuing.  “Always remember you can stop me.” 
“Wan’it, El, I promise, want you everywhere, want you inside,” you sounded just as delirious as she was, drunk off each other. 
She nodded against you. “Okay. Gonna go slow.” 
You nodded back. 
She continued her movements, slowly pushing her pointer finger inside you, watching your face for any signs of discomfort. But you were so fucking wet, you could feel yourself dripping on her fucking sheets, her finger slipped in and you wanted more. 
You felt her slowly rub your clit with her thumb and it made you squeeze tight on her. 
“Can barely move my fuckin’ finger, what the fuck,” She said in shock and it made you squeeze harder! “Want another, baby? Want another inside?” 
You were nodding mindlessly as you listened to the noises your pussy made (yes, please! another inside!) as she rubbed you raw, and you could feel her wiggling around, in search for something—
You moaned aloud as your legs instinctively opened wider so she could get deeper and holy fuck it felt so fucking good when she hit right there—
“Yeah?” She rasped in your ear, pressing on it harder. 
“Yeahyeah, fuck—“
“Yeah babygirl? That’s the spot? Like it right here?” She asked dazed as she slid another finger in to press up against it. You felt the stretch but you didn’t care because you felt something inside you rising and rising—
She wasn’t even fucking you anymore! Just grinding her fingers into right where you needed them while her thumb circled your clit and she was about to make you cum again. The squelching noises of your pussy got louder and louder and your eyes rolled into your skull as your back arched as it hit you. 
“Fuck yeah, fuckin’ give it to me, thaaat’s a good girl, fuck me.” 
You felt a burst of wetness around you and it wouldn’t stop because of how hard Ellie was fucking you. You couldn’t think and all you could say were slurry, wet fuckmefuckmefuckme’s as she took you to the moon and back. 
You finally came down as Ellie pressed kisses on your head while slowly rubbing your clit, talking you back to earth. Your eyes peeled open, bleary and teary-eyed. How were you not dead yet? You felt like you died!
“Welcome back,” you heard a light voice giggle at you. 
You flipped her off and she laughed. She gave it a kitten lick before she sat up. What the fuck—
You watched her get up to run to the bathroom. You heard the sink running before you saw her quickly return with a warm, damp washcloth to clean you up. 
“My sheets are drenched, goddamn,” She said in quiet amazement as she ran her fingers through her hair. It made you blush harder. 
Meow! MeowMeow! Meow—
“Oh shit. Needa feed her, I’ll be back,” Ellie said to you, bending down to plant a kiss on your bruised thigh, discarding the towel in her hamper. You watched as she scooped up Duchess to carry her downstairs while pressing kisses to her head. 
Your heart was pounding as you smiled dotingly at her descending form. 
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After feeding the purring kitty and smoking another blunt, Ellie made her way upstairs to find you curled up and snoring. 
She snorted and made her way over to you, pressing light kisses to your back as you shuffled around. 
“I gotta change the sheets babe, up you get, c’mon,” She said gently with an encouraging pat to your ass. She did, in fact, watch it jiggle. “You wanna shower?”
You shook your head as you rubbed your eyes, rolling over onto your back. “M’kay, just gonna change them and you can sleep.” 
Ellie made her way over to her linen cabinet to grab the freshly washed sheets before making her way back over to your now upright form. 
She watched you stand up to toss the blankets and pillows off and ripped the… soaking sheets off, everything—including the pile of toys that she never put back— falling onto the rug covered floor. She noticed your avoidant gaze as you caught glimpses of her dick poking out from under the pile of bedding. It made her smile and blush. 
Ellie made the bed while you sat at her desk to drink water, fluffing the pillows and fixing the blankets. 
“Alright, come lay down.” 
She heard you move instantly as you dove headfirst into the plush bed, immediately grabbing a pillow and sliding under the blankets. 
Ellie shook her head with a smile before moving towards her nightstand to turn off the dimly lit lamp. She made her way to the bathroom before she heard a little waaitt. She turned to see you with an outstretched hand, luring her back to you. 
“What’s the matter?” She asked, squatting next to you. 
“Wanna kiss,” You said, pouting, and Ellie's heart rate shot up. Fuck, fuckfuckfuck—
But she only hummed in acknowledgment, bending down to connect your lips in a soft kiss. “Better?” 
You nodded with a grin, looking lovingly at her face. You leaned in for one more and she accepted. She accepted so quickly. 
“Gonna go shower, okay?” She said gently against your mouth. 
“Without me?” You whispered back with a sly grin, pressing another kiss to her mouth. 
“Shut up, I asked you,” She was cheesing so fucking hard, her cheeks were starting to hurt. 
You giggled, kissing her cheek before turning back over. 
Ellie let out a deep sigh as she stood and stripped, removing her sweatpants and damp boxers, and tossing everything—including your fruit bowl covered panties that you would not be getting back—into the hamper as she made her way to the bathroom. 
She shut the bathroom door and leaned back against it and thought. 
What the fuck has she gotten herself into? 
She wanted you close the minute she saw you downstairs, all warm and cozy with the brightest, gentlest eyes she’d ever had the pleasure of looking into. So soft and gentle and filled with longing. 
She hoped you noticed how much she missed you, too. 
And your stares… so filled with want and desire and eagerness. She wanted to touch you all over. 
She was so fucking horny, and her heart was beating at the speed of light and every time she shut her eyes, she could see you smiling and laughing and—
She just made you cum all over her bed… and fingers…and leg and you were so fucking tight on her, and she wanted to fuck you so bad. Want to make you feel good. Wanted to make you see what she sees whenever she looks at you. So fucking gorgeous. 
She was getting hot again. 
She slowly walked towards the shower and turned the water on, checking the temperature before stepping inside. 
She leaned forward slightly to wet her hair and her face before grabbing her loofah and soap, sudsing it up and scrubbing her body with the bubbly, pine-scented wash. She turned her back towards the hot water and immediately felt a sting on her shoulder. She turned her head, pulling the skin towards her to see the little red lines you dug into her when you came on her face. 
All she could think about was making you fucking squirt again. She needed to fucking cum so bad. 
But she didn’t want to wake you: you looked so cuddly and warm nestled under her blankets with your face nuzzled into her pillow. She wanted you to stay like that, content and satisfied and relaxed. Calm. You deserved it. Fuck, you deserved so much. 
Her soft thoughts were cut off when she turned back around and looked up. At her shower head. Her detachable shower head. She let out a sigh and accepted her fate. 
She rinsed her body off, making sure all the soap was running off of her and into the drain before she reached up to unhook the shower head from its latch in the wall. She adjusted the temperature to make it cooler, adjusted the settings to massage and squatted against the wall. She exposed her clit with her free hand and moved so the water could hit it straight on. The strong pulse made her shudder instantly. 
Her glossy eyes fluttered shut and she immediately saw you bouncing on her dick. She saw you rubbing your clit and touching your tits telling her how good it’s stretching you out, and it’s all for her. She saw you looking up at her with your glossy, lustful eyes, your trembling thighs, your glistening pussy. How pretty it is. How pretty your face was. How bright your smile was and fuck, it was going to make her fucking cum—
She wanted you to be happy. She loved seeing you happy. She loved it, she loved it!
“Fuck, shit!” 
She felt that sweet, swelling feeling in her cunt and she was so close. She missed your scent: you smelt like fucking sunflowers she wanted it all over her. Wanted to drown in you in any way she could. Any way you’d allow. 
She lov—
And she came so fucking hard, her ears started ringing. Her brain only producing images of you and your giggling face and you playing your fucking violin! Who would’ve thought that would make her eyes roll back into her skull as her clit throbbed in her high?
She felt the sensitivity in her bud as she held the flow of water on it, but she needed more. She wanted you so bad, she couldn’t get enough. She was biting her lip to keep from making noises because you were fucking sleeping, but she couldn’t help the little hums and squeaks of pleasure as she bucked up into the stream. 
She was going to cum again. She was getting tighter and she felt it in her toes and she couldn’t stop shaking. 
It was coming so fast. She threw her head back against the shower wall as it swelled in her lower belly and it’s right there it’s right there—
All she heard was your screams of Ellie! and fuckme! and yes! more! want you everywhere! and she blacked out when it hit her. Her mouth dropped open, and she couldn’t help the moans that left her, saying your name as quietly as she could manage. Fuck, she wanted you next to her. Wants you close, always wants you close. She never wants you away from her again. 
She came down, tossing the still running shower head onto the floor as she slouched in her position. Her vision was spotty as she glanced around at the marble walls, but she could still see you in her mind. And she knew that you wouldn’t be leaving it anytime soon. 
She was in trouble. 
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After Ellie got up on her trembling legs and dried off, she walked back into her room to find you tucked under her dark blankets while Duchess laid across your feet on her back. Her heart stuttered in her chest, and she couldn’t help the small smile that made its way onto her face. 
She put on a pair of boxers and Dina’s old Slayer tee before she pulled the covers back to lay next to you. She heard Duchess move around on top of your legs. She carefully sat up to stick her arm out to lure her closer, picking up the tired kitty before she put the fur ball between your bodies. She felt the kitty relax in her grasp. 
Ellie looked up at your tranquil, sleeping form before leaning forward to plant a soft kiss on your forehead. You nuzzled closer even in your resting state. 
She was in fucking trouble. 
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You woke up early. With no scarf on! 
It was around six in the morning when your eyes pulled up, and you were very hot. And there was something fluffy between your neck and chin. 
And then you remembered. Ellie. Kitty. Ellie, Ellie, Ellie. Oh, shit. The memories of last night slammed into you like a sixteen-wheeler and you couldn’t stop grinning. You probably looked crazy from another perspective. 
She was holding you to her chest, your bare back flush against her clothed chest. You tried to shuffle as lightly as you could so you wouldn’t wake your cuddler, but she moved with you anyway, pulling you closer. 
And then you felt her nails just barely grazing up and down your arm as you relaxed into her instantly. 
“Ellie?” You whispered. 
“Mhm?” she said hoarsely back. Fuck.
“You awake?” 
“…No.” She said with a snort. You gently kicked her leg as you grinned. 
Duchess had moved from your shoulder and onto the bed when you both started shifting, stretching her back before sitting to lick her paw and wipe her face with it, soft jingles ringing through the silence of the room. 
“She likes you,” Ellie noted softly in your ear before kissing it. 
“I love her,” you whispered back as you turned around to face the warm girl. She was resting her head on her large pillow, softly caressing your other arm. Her eyes slowly trailed down your face, then your neck, to your breasts. You watched her lick her lips before biting them. You blushed and reached out to lightly slap her arm. She smiled. 
“Not gonna touch. Just lookin’,” She whispered with a foxlike grin on her face as she continued to stare. 
You giggled at her as she softly laughed with you. “You can touch if you wanna.” 
“Oh, I’m gonna, just not right now,” she said huskily as she cockily raised her brow at you. It made you shiver in delight. She could touch you anywhere. 
But your smile slowly disappeared when you remembered. 
“Yeah?” She said back quietly, meeting your eyes. 
“I leave in a couple days,” you said sadly. “Back to campus, I mean.” 
She nodded in understanding, but you saw her brows pulled down in a slight frown. She looked a little sad at the sound of you leaving and you wanted to hold her so tight. 
“When do you come back, do you know?” she asked in a whisper as she mindlessly played with your fingers under the blanket.
“Not ‘til April,” you said with a sad smile. “Spring break.” 
She let out a sigh before she leaned forward to plant a kiss to your lips, you instantly reciprocating. 
She pulled back to whisper, “Do you needa leave today?” 
You reluctantly shook your head yes. “Not right now, but later, yeah.” 
She said nothing, but she grabbed you by the waist to pull you closer into her chest, nuzzling your neck to plant kisses on it. You didn’t want to leave, and you could feel tears pricking your eyes. You blinked rapidly so she wouldn’t notice how upset you were getting. 
“Wanna make you breakfast, at least.” 
You let out a wet laugh as you sniffed lightly. “You almost burned your house down when you made Jesse those cupcakes for his birthday way back! You’re never allowed in the kitchen again.” 
“Oh, fuck you! I was ten and didn’t know what the numbers were on the knob, leave me alone,” She muffled with a smile into your neck. You let out an even louder laugh at her admission. She pressed one more kiss to your neck before sitting up and removing the blankets. Your nipples hardened as the cold air hit them. 
“What are you lookin’ at? Hm?” You heard her ask. You propped yourself up to see who she was talking to. You followed her line of sight onto the floor to see a… very judgmental looking Duchess giving her owner a feed me now! glare. 
“She’s a fuckin’ homophobe. Make out with me so we can piss her off more!” She said jokingly, making kissy faces and grabby hands at you. Even though you wanted her tongue in your mouth again, you declined. 
“No! Go feed the baby right now!” You said with a laugh as you moved away from her. She laughed at you before she jumped up from the bed. 
“Come on, m’love,” Ellie said as she clicked her tongue at her cat, moving towards the stairs. Small jingles and soft scratches on the hardwood filled the room. 
“Ellie, can I use your shower?” You yelled from upstairs. 
“…Course you can!” You heard her yell back. 
You hadn’t noticed as you moved towards the bathroom, but Ellie flushed bright red at the mention of the shower. 
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After washing up and stealing some of Ellie’s pine-scented lotion, you put your hoodie and sweatpants from yesterday back on—bare pussy, where the fuck did your underwear go?!—and flew down the stairs at the smell of sausages and syrup. 
You saw Ellie standing over the burning stove, spatula in hand, toaster filled with blueberry Eggos. Your heart raced at the sight. 
“Oh my god, you weren’t joking about breakfast!” You said excitedly while trying to act like your heart wasn’t about to burst out of your chest. You hoped it was working. 
“Oh, you think this is for you? This is mine, you’re making your own!” Ellie said as she looked at you in mocked shock. 
“Fuck you! Put my eggs on the damn plate!” You yelled back to her as you walked over the table. 
She laughed as she stacked two waffles on your plate before topping them with whipped cream, along with your crispy sausages and (slightly burnt) eggs. She's so cute! 
The little chef walked over to you, towel slung over her shoulder as you giggled giddily. She sets your plate in front of you, calling the masterpiece chef Ellie’s surprise! with a dramatic wave of her towel. You clapped for her as she bowed. 
You drenched your waffles in syrup and dug in, as she lightly jogged over to you with a you couldn’t fuckin’ wait for me?!, plate in hand. 
You ate and talked and joked and laughed so hard, you nearly choked on your orange juice. The two of you were in your own little universe and you never wanted to leave. 
But you had to eventually, and you felt devastation wash over you every hour that passed. 
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It was noon, and you had to go home. 
Ellie held your hand the entire walk down the stairs. You got your puffer from the couch and put it back on as you both walked towards the front door. 
She bought your Uber after your denial of her offer to drive you home, sadly claiming I don’t know if sissy’ll be there, and you could tell that the mention of your sister saddened her, but she accepted with a soft okay. 
She squatted to lace up your boots, planting a gentle kiss to your clothed knee before she rose to your height. She’s so tall, fuck. 
“Ready, babe?” She asked gently, wrapping her arms around your neck. You waddled closer, rubbing your nose against hers. She pressed a kiss to your mouth, and you pressed another to hers.
“Don’t wanna go,” you barely whispered out. You felt your eyes getting a little glossy. Don’t fucking cry. 
“Don’t want you to go, but you gotta,” She said gently. “Fucking scholar.” 
You were going to say something, but a notification came from her phone in her pocket. She grabbed it, softly saying your car was downstairs. 
“Text me when you get home, okay?” 
You nodded, giving her one more kiss before pulling away from her warmth, slowly walking towards the front door with her following behind. You pulled it open before turning to wrap your arms around her, and she held you just as tightly. You could see Duchess sleeping on the couch on her back, and your tears fell as you shut them. Don’t cry don’t fucking cry—
You knew you weren’t going to be able to see her before you left, so you inhaled her scent one last time until you saw her again. 
And you turned to leave before she could see your tear-stained face. 
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You sent a quick text to Ellie as you exited the car saying that you made it safely. She sent you a im glad baby. get some rest and ill see u soon. And it made you sob. And horny. You want to fuck again. 
You pulled your phone out of your pocket when you got up to your room, wiping your damp cheeks. You opened your STUNNA GIRL RIDERS👩🏾‍🦳💯 group chat. 
y: hi guys lol 
And you nearly jumped at how fast the messages came through. 
krissy: hi honey! 
shining starr: U HOE
y: y’all r so annoying 
y: not u kris ily so much ur everything to me
krissy: ur my baby! ilym 
shining starr: 😛😛
y: she made me cum when she did the knee thing and sucked my tits and ate me out and made me squirt when she fingered me
You quickly typed the message and sent it before you regretted it. Your cheeks ran hot even thinking about it. You missed her so fucking much. 
shining starr: oh wow.
krissy: eeeek i’m so glad u had fun!! 
shining starr: u freak. always the fucking quiet ones i told u bitches that
y: we didn’t even get to fuck fully but she has so many toys
y: i miss her so bad already 
y: she has a kitty🥺
shining starr: LMFAAOOOOO 
You giggled as you sent them (Arya) the details about what happened last night and this morning and you fucking missed Ellie. You couldn’t believe how much you missed her. 
You used to hate the Spring, but now, you couldn't wait for it to come. 
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they getting freaakyyy mmmm everybody clap.
everyone pray 2 the proofread gods 4 me they aint answering my calls no more
shoutout to my lil taglist :p. @fandomshitpostingqueen, @nymphetkoo, @sawaagyapong, @gold-dustwomxn
pt. 5 :p
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648 notes · View notes
pixxiies · 5 months
ꨄ MAKE IT UP . 𓂃 ㅤ۫ ㅤ⊹
— c.s. series | part 1 . .
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pairing :: chris sturniolo x fem!oc
summary :: in which isabella decantis has to share a dorm room with her high school enemy, chris sturniolo.
word count :: 1,390 k
warnings :: swearing, angst (??), lowercase intentioned, 3rd person, chris is a dick, drinking, throwing up, fluff if u squint, n thats it
a/n :: yall r crazy for getting tense to 800 notes 😭😭 i love u guys all dearly. also the story line is js smth i ended up doing on c.ai and i thought it was realy good so 😁 also credits to maxine for the name she said she wouldnt read this if i didnt give her credits
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COLD was what amber-eyed isabella decantis felt while walking down the long hallway. after waiting for weeks and even months, she had finally gotten accepted into her dream college. the brunette girl looked down at the small folded paper to know which dorm was hers. to her surprise, the hallway was empty on move in day. she knew how hard had been working and how much money she paid to get one of the dorms that have a private bathroom. she knew she deserved this.
‘ROOM 617’ was said on the small sign on the door. isabella put her boxes down after struggling to carry them for almost 10 minutes. she excitedly took out the key to unlock the door, but it was already open. bella raised her eyebrow slightly, a bit shocked that her dorm mate would already be here. she opened the door slowly while letting out a soft, “hello?”
her amber eyes met with blue eyes. “uhm.. what the fuck are you doing here?” chris mumbled, getting up from his bed. isabella’s jaw clenched as she looked back down at the folded paper. “this is room 617?” she spoke with anxiety laced into her tone. “are ya’ blind?” the brunette boy spoke coldly. “no because if i was, i wouldn’t already know that im gonna have to be with you.” she spat as she kicked her boxes filled with clothes and other things into the room.
bella picked up the few boxes and placed them on top of her bed. the room now completely silent, she took a box knife that she had in her purse and started to open the boxes up. “cant fucking believe im gonna have to be stuck with you for the entire year.” chris mumbled under his breath, thinking that isabella couldn’t hear him when in reality she did. “well we both wouldn’t be pissed off if you didn’t bully me through all of high school, wouldn’t we sturniolo?” isabella snapped.
“well thats what you deserve for being all slutty n shit when you fucked every guy in school decantis.” he argued back, not even looking up from his phone. bella paused from packing to turn to chris. her hands rested on her love handles. “excuse you! your the one who played every girl in bell borne! remember lizzy? yeah, you fucked around with her for a bit and then you cheated on her with her sister.” she retorted with frustration laced into her words. “but ohhh, no remember that one time when you cheated on her sister with her bestfriend?” bella continued, pissed off that chris was probably not even listening.
“oh please bella! you sent nudes to basically all of the guys during junior and senior year. dont act all innocent and act like you didn’t do anything.” chris finally snapped as he put his phone down. “jesus christ and you fucked how many guys in the bathroom?” he didn’t stop there. “don’t be coming after me sayin shit like im a player when you were a slut too.” he finally stopped. isabella rolled her eyes, turning her back to chris. “oh so now what? when i finally say the truth you stay quiet? is that what hurts you to know bella?” he taunted.
“that’s because its all a shitty humor chris! i didn’t fuck anybody in any bathroom, i didn’t send nu— well i sent nudes to my boyfriend.. i didnt send nudes to any other guy but him!” she defended herself while throwing her hands up with mercy. “for fucks sake chris you’re just like your ex girlfriend. she was such a fucking dick. you know you were nicer in eighth grade but when you started to date her during the summer you became a prick. guessing you also played her then?” bella added, tilting her head to the side slightly while crossing her arms. after a few seconds of awkwardness, isabella knew chris was finally silenced, atleast for now.
bella turned back to her things and continued to unpack everything. she carefully placed things on top of the shelfs next to her bed. her dainty crystals, her box of tarot cards, her little jewelry box, everything that she had loved. but it wasn’t too soon until the silence started to kill her. she then remembered that he had brought her vinyl player along with two or three records. the brunette girl carefully opened the book that held them, then taking them out. happily, isabella plugged in the vinyl player and putting on a mac demarco record on to play. chris groaned quietly as the music started to fill the room. “jesus what is this shit?” he asked while getting up from his bed to turn off the music.
“its music…” bella mumbled, quickly turning it back on. “well yeah it sounds depressing, who listens to that kinda stuff.” chris argued as he turned it back off. the girl pouted slightly. “people who listen to mac demarco?? if its bothering you so much then get out while i finish unpacking.” she shrugged. chris didn’t give her an audible reply, instead just simply putting his shoes on and leaving the room. isabella let out a small sigh of relief, thankful she had the room to herself now for a while.
. . . .
isabella was now in her nicely made bed comfortably. her wired earbuds connected to her phone which played music softly into her pierced ears. she hummed to herself quietly once she noticed the time. 1:03am. the brunette girl couldn’t actually help but feel a little bit worried about where he was. but of course, she quickly brushed it off and enjoyed how cozy she was currently. soon enough, a loud thud hit the door. isabella’s eyebrow raised slightly while lazily getting out of bed.
the brunette walked over to the door, taking out one earbud while opening it. her eyes met chris’ eyes. his hair stook out everywhere and some of it stuck to his forehead, his hand holding a bottle of something, his eyelids droopy, and his scent reeking of alcohol and his cheap cologne. “jesus what did you do?” bella asked while moving to the side to let chris in. “mmmhh” he rather giggled. he belly-flopped onto his bed and wiggled around on it for a while, bella assuming he was trying to get comfortable. “are you.. drunk?” she asked, crossing her arms. “don’t be ridicu-lush.. ‘m not that drunk.” he slurred while continuing to giggle like a baby.
isabella hesitated, but she grabbed the bottle that was in his grasp. “jesus! vodka chris?” she groaned in annoyance. he let out a small hiccup in reply that kinda made her laugh. isabella just watched him wriggle around in his bed before his body shot up. “what now?” she mumbled. “im gonna throw up.” chris groaned as he quickly ran to the bathroom that was connected to the dorm. the brunette girl ran after the boy as he kneeled down in-front of the toilet to throw up. isabella who had emetophobia, was also not doing well. her fingers lightly held chris’ front pieces of hair back with one hand patting his back gently, trying not to look at the throw up.
“there ya go..” she whispered quietly. after he was done doing his thing, isabella grabbed a plastic cup and filled it up with tap water. “here, drink some water.” the brunette said, then flushing the toilet. chris gladly took the cup of water and took little sips. “feel better?” she asked as she leaned against the sink counter, looking down at chris on the floor. “hm, i think ‘m still drunk.” he admitted, putting the cup down. isabella hummed quietly, nodding her head as she stuck out a hand to help chris up. “get some sleep.” she suggested while walking chris back into the room. “m’kay..” he babbled while quickly flopping back on his bed.
the amber-eyed girl turned off the bathroom lights then walked over to her bed. she had also decided to go to sleep. isabella turned off her lamp and put her phone to charge. her body slid underneath her sheets and blankets. she heard chris snore like a truck, “great.” she thought. honestly though, she didn’t mind it that much. after staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, she quickly fell asleep.
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a/n ;; STARTING MY FIRST SERIES 🙀🙀🙀 this might be a bit messy for the first part but i do hope u guys enjoyed it!!
taglist :: @espressomads @mattsluttywaist @sturniol0s @luverboychris
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ive been enabled so let me share some of my thoughts on how to get ur art noticed online
if u want Engagement on ur posts then i believe that its critical to make people care about ur art. the easiest way to do this is to appeal to something they already care about, like fandom, aesthetics/subculture, current events, having fun (people love humor!). a harder but perhaps more fulfilling route is to talk about ur own ocs and projects enough until people start caring about them too
theres an infinite amount of topics people care about out there so id suggest picking something u already care about urself and channel ur art energy there. trying to make art for the most popular things out there regardless own interests is an exercise in misery, id advise against it..! if im allowed to get superstitious for a moment, i do believe that even untrained eyes can tell whether a piece of art was fun to work on or a chore. and besides! if ur having fun then its easier to create more, and the more u create the more chances ull have at getting lucky and having a post seen :)
on a very related note, art is a way to communicate ideas so the quality of the idea being presented in a piece of art is paramount to how popular a post will be. what i mean by this is that technical skill isnt the primary determinant of a posts popularity. if all your posts are portraits of original characters then people will have a hard time connecting with your posts and theyll keep scrolling, even if those portraits are masterpieces! the major exception to this is probably other artists, who ive found usually have a greater appreciation for the technical side of art (we can only speculate as to why..!)
lemme finish by saying that making popular posts and being good at art are two entirely different skillsets, ive seen many incredibly skilled artists with jack shit for notes because they dont give people a reason to care about their stuff NOT TO MENTION its a huge game of luck whether a post will get seen. so dont go insane in pursuit of recognition!
(i dont want to make this post too long so ive included examples from my own art and their note counts with my analysis after the break)
hello and welcome to the extracurricular segment to this post :) i bring yall two pieces from my art blog @werewolf-artfriend:
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here we have a portrait of my fursona that im still proud of and a sketch suggesting "what if sniffers (from minecraft) were the size of mountains?" (let it be noted that the sniffer sketch was posted right during the minecraft mob vote = peak interest in the subject of sniffers).
the portrait at the time of writing has a crisp 30 notes, whilst the sniffer sketch has over 2000 notes. from the same artist, on the same blog, posted only a few months apart. i believe this is a good example both of the power of a piece of art having an interesting idea at its core AND of a piece appealing to the interests of the masses
this is of course just two convenient example posts, but i have experienced fan art of popular topics getting thousands of notes a couple of times now, amidst my other furry shit that these days get around 200-300 notes in comparison
this may sound like a really long winded way of saying "fan art make the world go round" but i just want to point out the nuances that
1) it matters what u make fan art of: if a fandom is small or dormant (waiting on new canon content for example) then clearly less people will be excited about the fan art you make. dont expect 10k notes on ur post if the average recent post in the fandom gets around 200 etc etc
2) it doesnt have to be fan art! ive also had some of my bird art get thousands of notes because people simply like birds :) and this applies to ANY topic people care about! the world rly is your oyster on this one
anyway i think ive started rambling dhgdjhgd thanks if u read this far! i hope i got my point across! and if ur feeling down about ur art not being seen then just keep at it okay! keep creating and keep having fun! keep sharing ur ideas and perspectives with the world and ur audience will eventually find u! i love you!
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qrzrrae · 6 months
Pairing: Popular!Matt , normalgirl!oc
Caution!: This is PURELY fiction. Made for my and others entertainment. If you don't like, don't read x! Also, no Y/N here! Js using random name :')
Authors note: THIS IS MY FIRST FIC YALL. DONT JUDGE PLZZZ 🥹🥲 also no smut C's idk how to write that shit I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED THIS THE FIRSF TIME AND I WASNT DONE YET BUTBHEREEE (part 2 in da making)
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It was another normal day at Somerville high, at least for the other students. They don't know that me, I, Scarlette Genevieve Adams, A normal schoolgirl, runs the twitter account where all the juciest secrets are voluntarily put out by other students; The Somerville High Confession wall
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Okay okay, if you don't know how this works is well basically, students will DM me their secrets or confessions and I'll post it, anonymously, of course.
The day was tiring. The only time I was motivated to do my work was when I was in physics class. Okay, first, I love science, and next, My crush, Matthew Bernard Sturniolo, sat next to me! I knew I had no chance at all with him, since he was the campus crush and I was like nothing, but I still loved him. Soon, physics class came, finally!! I packed up my stuff and bolted to the lab. I sat down on my desk, next to Matt. He gave me a sweet smile as I sat down, which I returned back to him.
Wait... Did he just fucking smile at me? I realized what he did and soon my face heated up as I started blushing. "Are you okay? You seem a little red there." He chuckled, facing my way. "Oh sure yeah!" I said, quickly hiding my face with a book. He was making me blush even more! "Alright, sureee." He smirked leaning back into his chair and waited for the professor. He looked so hot slouched down on the chair like that..
Finally, the class ended. It felt like we were trapped in there forever. I grabbed my bag and went straight for the door, which was hard enough since my seat was at the back. "Damn. These people are like fucking animals" Matt chuckled peeking over someone's shoulder to see if the line was getting any shorter. "Right? Like I wish I sat in the front." I reply with a chuckle. "You don't wanna sit with me in the back?" Matt said facing towards me while tilting his head slightly. "N-no! I do it's just I wanna be in the front so I could y'know.. Get out faster.." I said nervously. His head tilting made me go crazy. He nodded as the people in the room started to decrease and we were the last ones in the room.
"Alrighty, bye Scar. See ya!" Matt shouted as he waved and ran off. Finally. I can go home and check my new confessions! Checking my twitter DMS were the best parts of my day. Being the owner of the school's confession wall, I knew everything about everyone.
I opened my laptop and quickly opened twitter. 2 new messages. I clicked on my inbox and chose the first message I saw.
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Oh of course. To Matthew Sturniolo, my man! I didn't want to be rude so I replied.
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Done. I noticed Matt was very active when it came to replying to his admirers. But I was happy when he kept saying "no" to them, it seemed like he was saving his heart for someone, and I thought it was me.
I sighed dramatically as I opened my door to my room. I threw my bag down on the floor. I took my phone out of my bag and kicked my shoes off and laid down on the bed. I opened twitter and saw a new post from the Somerville confession wall account.
Another post, about me, again. I clicked on the post and saw a random girl confess to me. I loved all the attention but it was too much! Everyday, I see letters in my locker and 100 girls confess to me using twitter. I liked, wait no, I loved someone already and I need people to know that.
I hover hesitantly over the message button but I finally brought myself to click it.
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I was scrolling through tiktok when I got a message request on twitter, I clicked on the notification and was shocked. Matthew Sturniolo messaged me, to confess? To who?
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Oh my fucking word. HE JUST CONFESSED TO ME! TO ME?!?
I jaw slacked open as I read his message. I was shaking so bad.
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41 notes · View notes
hcppierthcnever · 1 month
“There you are, you’re there with open arms”
description… oc!figureskater girlfriend x oc!figureskater boyfriend
summary… when a skating duo that is adamant about staying friends suddenly finds themselves breaking their own promise
authors note… listen to “there you are” by zayn for this one, absolutely obsessed with the song, as well as figure skating so had to combine the two. As always, let me know what you think🫶🏼
🎵Billie Eilish - when the party is over
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liked by romansmith avtrusova and 602,701 others
rosedevlin another competition done, another medal won. We will forever do our best to give you all the best experience watching us skate🫶🏼 @/romansmith
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user1 the best skating duo of the modern era
user2 almost started crying watching you two
user3 gosh I could feel the chemistry through the screen
user4 It was rare, I was there!!🥹
romansmith my turn to choose a song
rosedevlin for internationals we always choose together though
romansmith not this time, I got it all figured out
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rosedevlin uploaded a story
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view story replies
romansmith it was 5 minutes you’re slandering my name here
rosedevlin I was 10min early so I waited 15min
romansmith how is that my fault ma belle??
user10 girl why are you on the floor😭
user6 you two are actually my favs
user7 wish I was as good as you
user8 I missed the practice spams
rosedevlin so did I so did I trust me
romansmith uploaded a story
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view story replies
user9 this is sooo girlfriend coded
user10 why is she on the floor again😭
romansmith she needs her daily floor time
rosedevlin the second picture was uncalled for
romansmith you screaming was uncalled for
user12 just get together already I BEG
romansmith I am trying all right
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devlithfan ahead of the competition I wanted to share some of my fav pictures of my favourite people!! Forever a devlith shipper🤞🏼
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user14 the hand kiss?? the faces being so close?? FRIENDS??
user15 so actually this is not platonic!
user16 I feel like I‘m being gaslight by them😔
devlithfan NO CUZ FOR REAL
user17 wanted context but dont think that will change anything
user18 I feel like context might make it more obvious
rosedevlin and romansmith uploaded a story
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view story replies for rosedevlin
user8 cant even wrap my head around what yall did
user19 the triple axel WAS SO FLAWLESS
romansmith ready for tomorrow?
rosedevlin ready as I’ll ever be
view story replies for romansmith
user20 traditions🥹
user21 all the best for tomorrow!!
rosedevlin favourite part of the comp🤭😋
romansmith always about food with you🙄❤️
user22 manifesting you two will make it official tomorrow🤞🏼🤞🏼
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🎵Zayn - There you are
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liked by rosedevlin simonkingston and 820,620 others
romansmith “Friends that I rely on don't come through, they run like the river, but not you” ma belle, my secret is out now, but I’ve been waiting for this❤️
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user23 “secret” okay lets be real here-
rosedevlin so everybody knew except me😭
user24 girl we thought you were in on it too
rosedevlin “only you know me the way you know me” I love you🩵
romansmith I have and will always love you❤️
user25 okay now get a room you two
user26 FINALLY
user3 the win is so well deserved for what you did in that free style🙏🏼
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joelscruff · 1 year
Ok. I've had time to process and gather my thoughts. Amazing chapter! Not so much mad at you as I am at Joel. (But I also don't care considering it's Joel freaking Miller). Here are my organized thoughts:
I love how we got to see a lot of her catholic guilt struggles. with Bethany, her mom, etc. I had a friend just like Bethany, and even though I relate to reader in lots of ways, this chapter made me appreciate that I have a great relationship with my parents
as much as I love Joel and reader's relationship, I really love it how you show her other struggles. it shows she isn't defined just by her relationship.
grrrr Bethany. I hope she goes surfing one day and gets eaten by a shark. and dies slowly. and in an agonizing way.
poor reader! she was feeling so badass and confident with the bathroom/nude pics and then that stupid hag Bethany had to ruin everything.
Joel & Reader in this. My heart can't. both their sexy and soft moments. I mean just them cuddling in bed together is more sexy and romantic than the entirely of the fifty shades trilogy (no offense to people who love them). and when she gives him a bj and the thigh riding. HAWT. but also their tender moments. like when he comforted her about the catholic guilt and he admitted to being insecure about his age. when he said he was afraid to tell her his age but her honesty about being a virgin helped him open up, my JoelReader shipper heart did a backflip.
we've only had two scenes with Tasha and I love her already. she was definitely stunned and impressed when she heard Joel had grey hair.
THAT ENDING HOLY SHIT. it's one thing if they were on the date. but then he kissed her?!?! Joel has got lots and lots of explaining to do. I just want to give reader the biggest hug known to mankind. my poor baby.
amazing chapter as always. you balance fluff, smut, and angst so well. can't wait to see what happens next!
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"as much as I love Joel and reader's relationship, I really love it how you show her other struggles. it shows she isn't defined just by her relationship" - thank you for saying this 🥺 obviously we're all here for joel miller (and that's why i'm writing it ofc) but i do try my best to add a bit of personality to reader where i can. i know a lot of people like writing/reading reader inserts that are very bare bones in the reader's personality so you can moreso insert yourself into the fic, but i've just never been able to do that 😭 probably because i'm still getting used to the whole ___ x reader format (i wasn't a wattpad girlie and never wrote/read these kinda fics). i hope that yall can still see yourself in her sometimes though 🥺
i'm also glad you like tasha!! she won't be TOO involved in this fic (i know a lot of people don't really like when OCs overstay their welcome) but she's vital in the next chapter cause reader needs someone to take care of her for a little bit :( so glad you enjoyed it 💖
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icedjuiceboxes · 3 months
For the ask game *hands you a Emily*
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You know you think this would be easy considering she lives rent free in my mind but man what new is there to say when I said it all already.
How I feel about this character
Emily had a very big role to fill as the playable protagonist of dishonored 2.
From my perspective Female protagonists in sequels tend to be mocked and ridiculed, especially if they replacing the original male protagonist from the first game. Some examples include Athena from Ace attorney 5, and Abby from TLOU2 (though Abby is a special case separate from the argument). Female protagonists tend to get shit unless they fall under two categories. A) They're the protag of a new game (Aloy from Horizon) or B) The female protagonist started as an NPC before being Playable (Ellie from TLOU).
Emily falls under the second category, so the community was already familiar with her. Still didn't completely block her from criticism from all the gamer bros™️ who cannot stand playing as anything but as a cis white male bc God forbid they do otherwise.
I will literally defend any female protagonists with my life. Which is why she became my favourite character. Sure. I like mainstream shit. But I like the underrated shit even better.
I also think Optimistic protagonists tend to be less favored compared to their emo-ass counterparts and I don't know who hurt yall but can we please let a little hope into our lives-
In conclusion: I will defend Emily til I die and even once I get over my brainrot I promise you she is only reincarnated in a form of an oc. Hell I'll probably will name an oc directly after her. I did it once before and I'll do it again
All the people I ship romantically with character
Emily X Billie
Emily X Alexi
Very nice. Very plausible. I think alexi should been Emily’s Canon romantic partner in game especially with how fast alexi was introduced and killed and there was have been more emotional connection to her. Wyman didn't need to exist and the brownie points of making them non-binary is pointless (and I'm saying that as non binary myself.)
Emily X Hypatia
I see the potential and I personally like to think that Emilt and Hypatia got along a little too well on the Wale and Billie was jealous the entire time and completely misresd the room between them. Because tell me why when Billie says "let's hope your friend (hypatia] doesn't burn the ship down" HAD SO MUCH JEALOUS UNDERTONE ??? toxic Yuri for the win
Alexi X Emily X Billie
Hear me out,,,, herding dog, sheep, and wolf situation. And no not a love triangle. Emily has two hands okay.
Emily x Mindy
They fucked once. Thats it.
Emily X Outsider
Once again there's potential here and i can see it. Idm seeing stuff but it doesn't excite me to personally create for it (though if I made it Yuri...)
My non romantic otp for this character
Outsider X emily
You can't tell me the outsider didn't have favorites (and that favourite was Emily.) The two are besties.
Emily X Alexi
Doomed one-sided crush and the oblivious best friend okay. (Alexi should have lived change my mind)
Emily X Hypatia
They're both nerds
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in Canon
Nothing because I respect the narrative as it present but also I am a comic creator with free will, delusion and pure spite and delusion and anything I want to see happen I've already thought about it. There's already an outline. it's in my wips folder. I am the change I want to see in my world
Just kidding I wanted a fucking voice line to discovering corvo's childhood home and daud confession. Where is it akrane. WHERE IS IT.
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raysletters · 11 months
get to know your fanfic writer!
i have to be honest, the lovelies @14carrotghoul and @suseagull04 tagged me for this like a week ago and i have incredibly bad memory, but here i am anyway (thanks for the tag and sorry for being late lol 💀)
when did you post your first ever fanfic?
oh my god,,,,,, i think it was 2015(??
first character(s) you wrote for:
before i say this, i need to explain i was a child with a very early access to internet. also, i am, as a great mind said once, a pathological people pleaser, and my sister was a directioner,,,,,,,,, so yes ofc i wrote a fanfic about harry styles for my sister, even though i never published it, and it was just a dumb y/n story,,,,,,,, (this was like 2012). though, since harry styles is a real person and not a character like my 9yo self thought, then i assume the next one would be,,,,, damon salvatore (it was posted on wattpad and absolutely horrible, i had an hyperfixation and created an oc and everything)
main character(s) you’re currently writing for:
alex claremont-díaz, henry fox-mountchristen-windsor, beatrice fox-mountchristen-windsor, june claremont-díaz, nora holleran, and percy "pez" okonjo have all had their points of view written or worked on at some point on my docs. between that and them seeing the light of day is another thing.
character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon:
i- i guess, since they haven't been posted yet, bea, nora and pez will get their time to shine (soon, hopefully) on my next fics. ive also been trying to write a bit of catherine for the diabetic!henry au,,,,, but its been really hard bc its all just too close to home.
fandom(s) you’re currently writing for:
red, white & royal blue
platonic pairing(s) you currently write for:
at this moment im obsessed with writing alex interacting with both bea and pez, bc we didnt get enough of that on the book and fics always show june being besties with henry and i kinda wanted to pull an uno reverse on that trope. also, im really interested in writing some henry and nora, bc they're besties on the book that gossip about drag race and stuff,,,,, but i want to maybe dive into it a bit deeper.
romantic pairing(s) you currently write for:
firstprince and junopez, and ive already have two wips where i give bea a girlfriend,,,,,, so theres that
your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3):
i literally went to my dashboard to look it up, the first one is my different alterations of the tag "not beta read", but we're not going to count that one. next we have (surprisingly to no one) "angst", "mental health issues" 💀💀, and lastly "songfic" jskssjsksjsksjsksjskswjsksjsksjsks
your current platform where you post your works:
you can find me on ao3 as raysletters
snippet of the wip you’re currently working on:
i am working on SO many wips rn bc ive been sick and that has meant being in bed and not doing shit most of the day bc it hurts to breathe sjsksjsksjsksjskssjsksjkssjsksjsjsjajkssj
here, i give yall a snippet of the musician!alex au yall saw on the wip title game (that can be alternatively called "fulfilling most of smut saturday prompts in one single fic bc i wanted to try writing smut and it quickly got out of my hands")
so, idk if this would be nsfw bc it is not the smut itself, but more like smut-adjacent narration, but still putting the break so y'all can decide if you want to read it or not
This exact moment, though? It might not only embarrass him in a very public setting, but might also make him combust and collapse from sheer lust.
The entire place is crowded to the point of asphyxiation, the fans are spinning at their limit speed on the ceiling, and Henry feels like this is probably how hell feels.
That is, if hell ever had the pleasure of getting Alexander Claremont-Díaz on his knees, making the most obscene and erotic guitar solo known to mankind, thrusting his hips to the rhythm of She by Harry Styles on his guitar while the lights focus on him; his open white shirt shows the chain he now knows contains the key to his family's home at Texas, his glistening chest and the sweat that rolls over his collarbones, his pectorals, his abdomen and then disappear on his navel behind the guitar. It makes Henry reminisce of that first video he ever saw of Alex, and can’t help but compare the performance to seeing it live after more than a year, while knowing how excited he had been at the rehearsal, jumping and moving around while refusing to practice because of his own jitters.
Of course it paid off, Alex, the bloody show-off, has the entire place entranced under his spell, not even the clients sitting on the bar stools, who had shown little interest in the performance through the night, could take their eyes off of Alex.
Henry absolutely gets it, but can't help the feeling of jealousy that courses through him. He desperately wants to drop to his knees to show Alex how marvelous he is, hoping he thrusts in his mouth like he does on his guitar.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 10 months
You’re the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 5
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Taglist:  @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci24 @jeyusos-girl @jeyusosgirl @melaninsugababy @baconeggndcheez @bemybabiibish @jstarr86 @nbanenefrmdao @purplehairgawdess @arination99 @alyyaanna @m3llowww @gomussy @jeysbae @babysyhsy @bebesobrielo  @empressdede @venusesworld @harmshake @mustafumilf @theninthwonder
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Incoming text from Josh Fatu: good morning, can’t wait to see u tonite ❤️
Airielle stared at the text message with a smile on her face. Even though she was happy she was also extremely nervous, this would be her first date in 3 years since…Airielle quickly shook her head trying to get rid of those thoughts. She jumped when Yasmine burst through the door carrying shopping bags. Airielle rolled her eyes as Yasmine passed her a Victoria’s Secret bag. 
“Just something sexy to wear.” Airielle laughed and thanked her. “You nervous? It’s been a while since you been on a date.” Yasmine paused “Even though I still think those other two should count but whatever.” She shrugged. 
“Yeah im freaking the fuck out honestly.” Yasmine reached over and grabbed Airielle’s hands, giving them a squeeze. 
“Just remember, you are not defined by what happened to you. You are the light that refused to surrender.” Airielle smiled softly and looked away from Yasmine. “I know I give you shit about getting back in the dating scene,” Yasmine grabbed Airielle’s cheeks to make her look back at her. “But I just want you to know how proud of you I am. Just have fun and be free.” Airielle pulled Yasmine to her in a tight hug. 
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“Yo bro.” Josh looked over at the door when Jon came strolling through. 
“I know this ya house, but I could’ve been naked.” Jon shrugged and plopped his body down on the bed. 
“You ready for tonight? I can’t believe she actually agreed to go out with you.” Josh sucked his teeth and glared over at his twin. 
“What the hell that's supposed to mean?” 
“You ugly as fuck uce” Jon laughed then held his hand up, trying to shield his face and body from Josh’s hits. “Aight, Aight Damn.” 
“If I'm ugly, you ugly. We twins jackass.” 
“I hope you got my girl some roses.” Trin said as she came into the room and sat on the bed next to Jon. Josh nodded and scrubbed his hand over his face. If there was an emotion beyond nervousness, that's what he was. Trinity noticed and placed her hand on his shoulder. 
“This gon be my first- first date since high school man, The last time I was this nervous was with the boy’s mom.” Jon and Trinity winced at the fact he wouldn’t say his ex-wife’s name. “And I was fifteen, i’m thirty-fucking five, why am I so nervous?” 
“Cause you like her uce. And technically yall already went on y’alls first date.” Trinity nodded her head in agreement. “Just be yourself man, she gon fall in love with you.” 
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Airielle looked at the clock and cursed. Josh was supposed to be at her place in 30 minutes and she still didn’t decide which dress to wear. She let out a sigh of relief when Yasmine came into her room holding her IPad, on facetime with their other cousin Ashley. 
“As the family fashion expert. We need your help.” Yasmine flipped the camera and showed Ashley all of the dress, shoes and jewelry options they had. 
“Bitch are those my earrings!” Yasmine rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. 
“Focus Ashley-” 
“I’ve been looking for them everywhere hoe!” Airielle giggled and took the IPAD from Yasmine, turning the camera to herself. 
“I need your opinion Ash, I’m stuck.” Ashley rolled her eyes and nodded. 
“Fine,” She muttered. “Show me again.”  
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liked by trinity_fatu, kaylabraxtonwwe, yasmine_jones and 190,000 others
AIRIELLEJONES: It's okay, I know you're obsessed 🌹
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trinity_fatu: and isssss!!
uceyjucey: 🤫
yasmine_jones: oop 👀
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Yasmine had just finished curling the last piece of Airielle’s hair when there was a knock at the front door. Airielle felt like she had to throw up. She was about to run into the bathroom when Yasmine stopped her and pushed her towards the door. 
“No running. Go enjoy yourself.” Airielle nodded and took a deep breath before opening the door. 
“Damn,” Josh said lowly, licking his lips as he shamelessly raked his eyes over her body. “I mean,” he cleared his throat. “You look beautiful.” He felt his cheeks heat up as he passed her the bouquet of white, red and pink roses. 
Airielle took them. “These are so pretty.” She said as she lifted them to her nose to smell them. 
“I mean, beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman.” They both stared at each other before bursting out into laughter. 
“That was so corny,” She said as she shut her apartment door and started walking towards the elevator. He chuckled as he followed her. 
“Yeah aint gon’ lie. That wasn’t my best work.” 
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Josh had just pulled up in front of the restaurant and Airielle was about to get out of the car when Josh stopped her. 
“Whoa, whatchu’ doin?” Airielle froze with one of her hands on the handle of the car door. She turned her head and frowned at him. “Opening the door?” She said as more of question and Josh chuckled. 
“Nah, don’t touch that.” He said getting out and rushing over so he could open the door for her. “I got you.” He said as he held out his hand for her to grab. She rolled her eyes with a smile and grabbed his hand, letting him help her out of the car. She smiled wider when he didn’t let go of her hand as they started walking towards the restaurant. He only let go of her hand to hand the valet his keys and a twenty dollar tip. 
“Wow, this place is nice.” She said as the host led them to their table. She smiled at Josh as he pulled out her chair for her. 
“Yeah, Jon recommended it. Said he takes Trin here all the time.”  They sat there in silence. Glancing at each other over their menus, sending secret smiles to each other. 
“So i’ve been told.”Airielle started off, breaking the silence between them. “We technically already had our first date.” Josh nodded with a chuckle. 
“I mean, technically yeah. So what this’ll be our.” He stopped to count on his fingers making her scoff. “Third date.” 
“You did not just count to three on your fingers.” He shrugged with a laugh as the waiter came over to take their orders. Once he walked away Airielle turned her attention back to Josh. “Ok, so tell me something about you that I don’t know.” 
“Damn,” Josh said as he blew out a breath of air. “I can play the piano.” 
“Oh wow foreal?” She asked, eyebrows raised in shock and he nodded. 
“Yeah, me and my brothers. My momma kept us busy so we weren’t tearing up her house. It was so much shit she put us in man, uh- karate, soccer, baseball. Man, any sport that you could think of my mom had me and my brothers there. No your turn.” 
She placed her chin on her palm and smiled at him. “I used to dance and cheer competitively. My parents' garage is literally full of medals and trophies.” 
She narrowed her eyes at him when he started to smirk. “That’s kinda hot.” 
“I was a kid Josh.” She chuckled and threw a piece of her dinner roll at him when he shrugged. 
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The rest of their date went amazing. They never ran out of stuff to talk about. They didn’t even realize they were the last two people in the restaurant until the waiter came over to tell them. 
On the ride back to her apartment, they stopped to grab some ice cream. Neither one of them wanted the night to end. After he parked in her complex’s garage they walked slowly to her apartment, holding hands. 
“This was like the best date I've ever been on.” She said, turning towards him as they stopped in front of her door. Her statement made him feel good. 
“Yeah? Me too.” He said with a wide smile. Airielle was about to turn to walk into her apartment when Josh stopped her by grabbing her hand. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asked and Airielle nodded immediately. She honestly thought she would have to make the first move. He grinned before pulling her closer to him and wrapping his arms around her waist. He hesitated before leaning head forward and capturing her lips in a soft, tender kiss. They stood there, lost in eachother only breaking apart at the sound of a loud squeal and a loud clanging sound, like something had dropped coming from inside Airielle’s apartment. 
“Sorry.” They both chuckled at Yasmine’s muffled voice. He gave her another kiss before telling her that he would text her when he got home. After he walked away, Yasmine ripped open the door and yanked Airielle inside. 
“Bitch tell me everything.” 
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Happy Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it.)
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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HEY HEY HEY YALL!!! it’s yee-hawgust so it’s time for another story!
Forced to be loved but love to be yours, a osamu miya x oc!.
chapta 1: Let the games begin
I had been preparing myself for months, thinking of the most discrete way to sneak into the mafia building and steal the information. My country’s intelligence services knew how delicate this mission was and had entrusted it to their best agent: me. Crawling through the air duct of the mafia headquarters, i checked the map I was holding in one hand to locate the ventilation hatch giving access to the archive room. However, the shaft was dark, and i couldn't make out any trap door. I continued moving forward, hoping to see anything that could help me.
“Dammit” i muttered to myself, “It has to be somewhere. It should be her-”
I didn't have time to finish my sentence when i felt the trapdoor give way under my weight. I fell into the archive room and landed on a pile of old papers and files, hurting my bum in the process. 
“Ouch…” i complained while standing up. 
I rubbed my buttocks (i can’t get over that word🤣) to ease the pain, taking a few steps to stretch my muscles after the endless minutes I spent in the air duct. I took a look at the room around me: quiet and seemingly empty. The surroundings were barely lit, but i could make out shelves lined up next to each other filled with boxes marked with the "top secret" stamp. As I went to touch a box, i stopped as I heard a mocking laugh:
“That was quite a fall! Seems like you have a talent for dramatic entrances.”
Shit, i thought. I could recognise this assholes voice anywhere. his voice, full of this sarcastic tone and dripping with arrogance. It was of course fox, one of my dads worst enemies son. His dads name is Matsuda, his code name is wolf,and his sons name is atsumu but his code name is fox. their whole organization was mainly made up of those kinds of animals as code names.
I put on a cold expression as I prepared to turn around, facing him. There was no way I was going to show this idiot that he had taken me by surprise (even if it was pretty obvious).
“You seem to follow me everywhere: Paris, Buenos Aires, Cairo, now here. I’m starting to think you have a crush on me.” 
He spoke.
I rather quickly turned around to face him 
“Maybe you should stop thinking then.”
He let out a laugh. 
“At least you didn’t lose your sharpness, sweetheart.”
“What are you doing here?” I asked. 
“The same thing as you I assume.” 
I rolled my eyes. Of course, he was not going to give a clear answer, that would be too easy. But i needed to know: did he already find the file? Was I too late? How to steal it back from him? 
“All the time you waste talking to me is time you don't spend looking for information.” 
I noticed. 
Fox smirked, a sparkle in the eyes. I knew him well enough to know that this look was never a good sign. He was plotting something. 
“I have all the time I need.” He said as he slowly get surly walked towards me 
I let out a laugh. This behaviour would have fooled me a few years ago, but not now.
“So, you didn’t find it, huh? You’re very arrogant for someone this useless….sweetheart.” 
My answer took him by surprise, and he stopped dead in his tracks. After a few seconds he smiled, amused.
“You caught me. I don’t have the file.” He admitted. “I have been here long enough to understand the classification of documents though. If we teamed up, we could help each other.”
I glanced over at the shelves that lined up until they disappeared into the darkness. Who knew how many boxes this room had? Finding that file might take me longer than i thought. I looked back at the spy now towering over me. His dark clever gaze made me wary. I knew his penchant ( meaning a strong habitual liking for something or a tendency to do something) for devious schemes, and i also knew how easy it was for him to lie. Could I really take that risk?
“ Fine.” I said curtly. “But only today. This will never happen again. Ever.”
“As you wish, sweets.” He replied with satisfaction. 
He guided me as he zigzagged between the shelves, lighting the way with his lighter. 
“Stay close to me. It's easy to get lost here.” He whispered. 
I just rolled my eyes. He made it seem like we were in a horror movie with traps lurking around each corner. Yet I ignored it because he’s just being dramatic.
Finally, he stopped in front of a shelf. 
“It should be here, somewhere in one of those boxes. We find it together and we both have the info we need.”
I nodded and started opening the boxes as he did the same on his side. I opened files after files, not finding the one I was looking for. My temporary partner didn't seem to find anything either, and it was obvious that this was starting to annoy him. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes scanned the documents at full speed. 
“ You know you cant find this file by looking at me, right?” he said jokingly. 
I immediately focused again, opening another box. I took out the first stack of  papers i saw and read it. I smiled: I found it. 
“Seems like I can after all.” I said bobbing my head in a mocking way, brandishing my findings. 
I could not take my eyes off the paper cover, a smile light up my face. Fox moved closer to me to read the file over my left shoulder. His chest was almost touching my back to the point where i could feel the heat of his body even through my clothes. His proximity caught me by surprise but he didn't seem to mind. He photographed the pages of the file and then put his camera back in his pocket.
“Good, let's go. We can't hang around here.” 
We walked all the way back to the air duct, without exchanging a single word. 
“ I guess this is where we part ways.” He announced. “ This collaboration wasn’t that terrible. Plus, it gave you a good excuse to spend time with me.”
“You're more bearable when you're quiet, has anyone ever told you that?” 
He came closer to me, but i refused to move. It had been a long time since I was intimidated by him. He got so close that our noses almost touched. Finally, he whispered:
“ Yes, but it’s so much better when you say it.” 
Rising on tiptoe, i put my lips to his and slipped my hand around him. He put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me back. A smirk formed on my face as i pulled the mechanism that lifted me into the air to the hatch. Confused, he watched me pull myself up into the ventilation shaft. 
“i hope you know i still hate you” 
he said crossing his arms and looked up to me in the shaft.
“By the way, I took the liberty of borrowing your camera. I'll give it back to you the next time we meet. But I hope that day never comes.”
I hurriedly shut the vent door and pressed my ear to it. All I heard was him chuckling and in a raspy low devious voice he said,
“That girl”
I then heard him scoff and run away. I chuckled to myself but that smile quickly faded to a smirk, due to me realizing, I had just started the worlds most deadly game of tag.
OMG! i’m in love with this ong! lemme know if you wanna see a part two!
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saltsprite · 2 years
ALL THE FANFIC ASK MEMES and go in descending order from most recent works with [insert fic]
i dont know why i thought you wouldnt do this to me
@steine-druff & @ckerouac​ yall buckle up too here we go
(from questions for fic writers)
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) tame! it’s short, very sweet, kinda domestic, easy peasy
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits? in this order, 1-5: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergent; Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot; Oral Sex; Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; Light Angst. .........yeah it me LOL
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics? well apparently my writing is very Horny lmao but i try to switch it up regularly and explore new things, so i don’t know that i can pin down just one thing! if i really had to, i try to write like a good film that holds the camera on its actors to just let their scenes breathe and their actors act
4. What detail in [tame] are you really proud of? cobb calling grogu ‘sweet pea’ hehe <3
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [secretary]? Answer it now! Q: is Din a little tsundere there? A: yes >;3
6. What’s one fact about the universe of [pearls before beskar] that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself? pearls are a bitch to clean ;3
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of? i made two OCs to live in Mos Pelgo/Freetown, both completely accidentally named after towns in Texas -- a young woman named Odessa, and a big burly dude (gender-neutral) with a huge beard named Sweetwater
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)? i can’t really think of any! i also don’t usually adapt things 1:1 from anything, so even when i do take inspiration from a song it’s more about the general vibe or expanding on an idea in the lyrics 
9. How do you find new fic to read? i... need to get better at it ;lkdfj;ald
10. How do you decide what to write? first and foremost it has to Vibe hard enough that i can spin off from that initial kernel of an idea
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is? i spend most of my time in DinCobb, but i am deeply fond of BobaCobb. like obviously DinCobb scratches a deep cowboy itch, but with BobaCobb, there’s just such an interesting dynamic of them both having (essentialy) worn Jango’s soul. it’s a profoundly tight thread that binds them together, reinforced by their mutual friendships with Din, that i just cannot get enough of
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? “tropes”, more like “kinks” LMAO -- which is to say, that’s for me to know and you to try and figure out while you read my smut
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore? really just depends on who writes it! 
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer? YES. anything involving a power dynamic that’s kinda icky irl (like doctor/patient). also f/f version of a m/m ship. also BobaFen. 
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written? that same old song and dance -- the one where Cobb and Din are both young bounty hunters hired on the same job and it goes tits-up when Cobb is accidentally drugged, and they fuck after they save each other and the drugs wear off; and then meet again in canon
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)? im gonna fucken write a DinCobb Evangelion someday fuckin WATCH ME
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it? oh i already wrote that LOLLLLL my precious DinCobb Utena AU
18. If you wrote a sequel to [rabbit heart], what would it involve? take that predator trope and suplex it to break its neck by having wolf!Din become Cobb’s homemaker, so that jackalope!Cobb can come home to a happy pup of a man
19. If you wrote a spin-off of [sugar pie, honey bun(ny)], what would it involve? Fennec Shand with her fingers in her ears plotting out how much dick and pussy she’ll need to forget about this
20. If you wrote a prequel to [sweet like strawberry], what would it involve? oooohhh their first meeting, i think
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in [once bitten, twice shy], what would it be? ch2, Raylan gets his hat back smelling like Ezra and only once he’s home and the door is locked he’s shoving his nose into the sweatband to huff Ezra’s smell and try not to jerk off about it (and fail)
22. Who is your favorite character in [four times lucky] and why? Boba Fett LMAO cheeky bastard <3
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to? lovers to enemies >:]
24. Are there any easter eggs in [take my revolution], and if so, what are they? as im typing out “ah jeez i don’t even use easter eggs” i am reminded that i am a stinky liar, i absolutely put Kaoru Miki and Himemiya Anthy in my Utena AU fic. i was gonna have a scene where Utena herself appears but i could never figure out how to do it gracefully so i gave up on that (because the trick to AUs is actually to change the AU to fit the characters, not to change the characters to fit the AU, so if i can’t do it gracefully then it’s a sign that the idea is shit)
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write? Wookieepedia, thesaurus
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue? oh fuck these are both good challenges,,,,,,, at this point i’d say “fic that’s only dialogue” for the challenge 
27. How long did it take to write [the ground you walk on]? Describe the process. aka the one with the Boot Stuff. process was to 1) watch Cobb Vanth’s glorious return in TBOBF 2) get horny as fuck 3) whip this out in like a day in a fervent fugue state
28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who? hahahahaha i never beta :’)
29. What songs would be (or are) on a playlist for [shrouded]? Explain your choices if you want! beautiful stranger, by halsey; want to be missed, by hayley kiyoko. idk why but the sapphics tap into a level of gay yearning that nears divinity for me
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter? ohhh definitely my 34k DinCobb Utena AU, so far. it taught me that outlines are what drive your story, if you don’t have an outline to fish-bone off of you’re gonna have a bad time
31. What’s your ideal fic length to write? 4k-ish? max
32. What’s your ideal fic length to read? tbh my upper limit is about 30k these days. not everything needs to be 100k!
33. If you write chaptered fics, what’s your ideal chapter length to write? Is it different from your ideal chapter length to read? this is so subjective based on the overall length of story haha but i usually only do oneshots 
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life? any cats named Rusty, parental issues, anything a character does out of Responsibility 
35. What aspects of your writing are completely unlike your real life? first of all they’re fictional space DILFs, my complete and thorough opposite,
36. Do you visualize what you read/write? YES, it’s the second step in the process. step 1, VIBES. step 2, SEE IT. step 3, ATTEMPT TO DESCRIBE
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it? y’know what? i think i’ll do a couple. 1) waste not -- far as i know im the first to use the Virgin Cobb Vanth tag and you best believe i am smug as shit about that. he’s a lone wolf!! Mos Pelgo isn’t a place for him to live, it’s a place to protect!! 2) that same old song and dance -- it’s mentioned elsewhere in this post but i’ll plug it here again just because it was so much fun to write and i want people to like my dumb children
38. Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful? salt in the wound, maybe! my first BobaCobb. i remain surprised that BobaCobb is so rare as it is, given the incomprehensibly intricate ways in which canon now binds these two together. but i think i was one of the first(ish) writers to feel like they needed their own fic space, and not just be in the background as leftovers from other pairings
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who? everyone who mentioned that outlines help them write <3
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person? ohhhh i reread. i likes my comforts foods :3 
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.” that’s what you’re good at, by ghost_teeth like.......... shit, fam.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason? ohhhhh, yes. a very sweet reader once said they liked my take on Din Djarin so much, they’d want me to write a whole novel of him TT^TT <3
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written? n/a
44. If you take/write prompts: do you prefer dialogue or scenario/narrative prompts? n/a
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic? pacing, i think, and being willing to let go of scenes that might not entirely fit
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write? pc for sure. i can write on my phone, but i prefer a keyboard. feels like the ideas come out faster on keyboard!
47. If [da capo (or: to the beginning)] was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes. the shoes you bought for an occasion that you didn’t think you’d like all that much, but are now part of your usual rotation
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it? Hallmark Meeting! it’s cute and deliciously smutty
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it! i’m gonna try my hand at some original long fic that i can hopefully shop around!  I don’t think. I kiss him.  Or, rather:  I tumble head-first into the sweet cavern of his mouth. By the flat of his tongue, he tucks me into the space where his top front teeth meets his soft palate and holds me there, safe and secreted. He holds me there, across my cheek, at my waist; he is the bank of my river, guiding me to flow into his lap. A blessing, his hands. Diligent, his kiss.
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about! there needs to be more anime in Mandalorian fic, and i mean that in ways i cannot fully articulate. like,,,,,,, not anime AUs necessarily but themes and storytelling styles and tropes more common in non-Western media
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due-nesin · 2 years
Part I
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synopsis: ‘Jung Hyunchan, the heir to the Sequoia Hotel chain, was found dead in Incheon high’s kitchen.’
6 friends, 1 dead, 5 suspects, 1 culprit and 100 interwoven stories.
featuring: Lee Heeseung as Lee Soohyuk; Ahn Yujin as Min Sohye; Aisha as Seong Yeonha; Yoon as Park Taeji; Jeong Yunho as Kang Moonseok; Hwang Hyunjin as Jung Hyunchan.
genre/pairs: Thriller, suspense, mystery, romance. bestfriends-to-lovers (established relationship), friends-to-lovers, exes-to-lovers, one sided fake dating (?), betrayal, mature themes, break up, messed up characters.
warning: swearing, character death, trauma, a bit of gore, toxic relationship (no abuse!), misunderstanding, a lot of crying and violence. (more to be added as the story progresses.)
wc: 3.2k
taglist: Open. Send an ask or comment to be added. You’ll be tagged when other chapters are released.
a/n: Please keep in mind that the idols are used as face claim for the ocs and all of this is completely fictional. This is not the real description of the idols. this is our first fic oop. This a chaptered series; the first chapter will be out soon! Updating will take time as both Leo and Yushi have their school work and personal stuff to do as well. Hope yall understand! constructive criticism is much appreciated. Please give lots of love :)
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i. Jung Hyunchan
Jung Hyunchan, the heir to the Sequoia Hotel chain, was found dead in Incheon high’s kitchen.
Sohye’s eyes widened, as she shook Soohyuk’s shoulders in an attempt to get his attention. He hummed in response, not taking his eyes off the assignment he was doing. “Hyuk, the news…” She trailed off. Soohyuk closed his book and looked at Sohye with a confused expression, who sat there with owl eyes, and as soon as he paid attention to the tv, his expression matched sohyes. 
“Hyunchan’s de-”
“Hyunchan in the kitchen- dead- found him- knives and blood-” A bang was heard as Yeonha barged into the room panting with tears running down her face. “Yeon! What happened to Chan?” Asked Soohyuk as Sohye went to calm her best friend. “I found Hyunchan dead in the kitchen with bloody knives all over the place.” Replied Yeonha, waving Sohye off and sitting on the couch as she wiped her tears.
“What were you even doing in the kitchen this early? It’s like-" Soohyuk paused to check his watch and continued, “8:30, and isn’t your first lecture at 10 today?” Yeonha groaned and muttered, “I thought helping the cafeteria staff would be good but obviously I reached a little bit early.” Sohye rolled her eyes and smacked her best friend’s head, “You don’t even know how to cook, what were you thinking?” 
“That’s not the point. I found Hyunchan there tied to a chair with blood all over him and the kitchen. The police are here too with reporters and shit. Oh, I’m fucked.” Yeonha cried and for a while everyone was silent. 
The silence was soon interrupted by two of their friends who came in and gestured them to follow them to the cafeteria. “I see you all know about Hyunchan already. They’re down there. Police and reporters and Chan's parents. We need to go down. Now.” Taeji said, looking at the tv. “Get up!” Moonseok exclaimed. The three nodded hesitantly and got up.
The cafeteria was full of police officers, detectives, news reporters, random students, staff, and Hyunchan’s family. The police were roaming around the place doing whatever. The detectives along with some police officers were questioning the students and the staff. The students were telling their own versions of the event and were stating their suspicions. The staff was trying to escape the situation by saying they had just reached the school and were as confused as the interrogators were. 
Some staff also claimed that they didn’t know who the victim was but obviously, they were lying. How could they not know the son of Jung Kihyun, the heir to the Sequoia hotel chain. Some said that the kid was too problematic and that this was probably just a stunt. Oh, how they wished it was. 
The entrance to the kitchen was sealed by the police and inside was Jung Hyunchan’s dead body. The scene was disturbing and looked like a nightmare with the amount of blood splattered everywhere. His body was covered with cuts and his long blond hair now passed as red. A huge puddle of blood was on the ground below the chair his dead body was tied to. The blade of a kitchen knife, stabbed perfectly, was found on his shoulder with its handle nowhere in sight. There were tear tracks on his blood-smeared face. His grey hoodie was thrown in the sink. His tied hands looked like they had been twisted with bloody hands and his face looked sunken. The red contrasted perfectly with his pale body.
Crying in front of the sealed kitchen was Hyunchan’s mother in her husband’s arms. Her husband too had tears running down his long nose. The parents of the dead boy were too shocked to even move from their places. Their only son and the heir to their empire had died. Who would manage the business now?
Yeonha was trembling in fear, her hand patted Sohye’s shoulder back as she tried to comfort her. Yeonha was scared. Sobs were heard from Taeji’s side as she cried at the sight of her dead cousin. Moonseok turned his head from the scene with a sniffle. Soohyuk took hold of his girlfriend’s hand gently and rubbed it comfortingly, earning a sound of a muffled sob from Sohye.
ii. The Library
“No, but who would want to kill him?” Soohyuk wondered. “Who wouldn’t want to kill the heir to sequoia hotels? Come on, hyuk.” Taeji replied, glaring at Yeonha.
“Listen, I don’t know what kind of problem you have with me but this is a serious situation. Your cousin just died.” Yeonha retorted. “Murdered.” Taeji corrected Yeonha took a deep breath and said, “Can you please tell me what’s up with you or just leave it till things get better?”  
“What’s up with me? Please stop.” Taeji rolled her eyes and looked away. “Stop? Just say whatever shit you want to tell me and get over with it.” Said Yeonha, trying to keep her voice down and leaning forward. “You think I don’t know about your deeds?” Taeji’s cold stare matched the latter’s as she leaned forward as well.
Yeonha raised an eyebrow, “You think I don’t know yours? Let’s face it, we all know you felt jealous of your own cousin and you and your parents tried to manipulate him and his father into changing everything but obviously it didn’t work out and so you did this.” Taeji’s eyes flared as she felt confusion, anger, regret and shame all together.
“What do you mean did this?” Taeji questioned. Yeonha rolled her eyes and sighed as if it was obvious and said, “Oh come on, there’s no need to act so innocent. It’s a bit too late." Taeji couldn’t handle the humiliation and stomped her feet. On the doorway she bumped shoulders with Moonseok and went out of the room, saying incoherent words.
 Moonseok’s eyes followed Taeji and asked Yeonha, “What just happened?” Yeonha simply shrugged in response. Moonseok’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked over at Soohyuk for an answer, who eyed Sohye. Sohye caught the signal and looked up at him and said, “I don’t know, they were talking about something and Taeji just stormed out of the room.” 
“I’d better go check then.” Moonseok said and went out of the room too.
A police officer walked inside the room moments later Moonseok left and declared, “All of you are needed outside the library. The interrogations are happening there.” 
Soohyuk nodded and dragged the two girls with him. Yeonha moaned, “Out of all the places, the library. Why? Shouldn’t we be taken to interrogation rooms?” Sohye simply looked at her and replied, “You know the power Hyunchan’s dad holds,”
 “Let’s get going now.” Soohyuk said, tightening his hold on the girls. Yeonha wasn’t too excited by the thought of getting questioned by the police and Sohye was still shaken up. “They won’t ask me about our relationship, right?”
“I don’t know, Yeonha. I’ve never been to an interrogation and I don’t know if they’ll ask me about my psychology homework as well, so let’s go.” Soohyuk snapped, making the said girl whine again. “Give her a break, Hyuk. She just broke up with her boyfriend and found him dead. It’s pretty disturbing and how would you react if it was me instead?” Sohye scolded, glaring at Soohyuk.
Sohye pulled her hand away from his grasp and went towards her best friend, as she wiped her tears. “I don’t know what to say. They’ll think I killed him. I-I wasn’t in my right mind and said whatever. I-I didn’t mean it. Trust me, I didn’t.” Yeonha breathed out, her voice shaking from grief and anxiety. Sohye pulled her into a hug and reassured her that it’ll be okay, repeatedly. 
Soohyuk sighed guiltily and reached out to his friend. His hand found its way to her shoulder, and patted it comfortingly. “Yeon, I’m sorry but I just- I’m not exactly in my right mind right now. Let’s go? We’re here with you. Nothing could go wrong, right?”  
Yeonha nodded as she wiped her tears and pulled away from the hug. Sohye managed a small smile and said, “Alright, the detective is waiting for us.” 
The library looked very creepy with the police tapes all around and the eerie silence was killing her. Yeonha squirmed at the memory of reading goosebumps books with her ex in the far corner of the library while imagining the creepy scenarios together. It was fun while it lasted. Yeonha didn’t even know what goosebumps was doing in the university’s library back then. 
Hyunchan loved coming to the library as it gave him a break from his worries and his family. The first time Yeonha entered the Library was when they became friends in first year. Hyunchan talked to her about the different books. Yeonha had just smiled all the way like an idiot, not knowing what the books were and who the authors were. 
The friendship soon changed into something more. Hyunchan was a very sweet guy and after making it official, he had gotten sweeter, if it was possible. She choked back a sob. There was the table where they’d always sit. The place where they completed the goosebumps series. The place where they had deep talks about aliens and monsters. 
She was forced out of her flashback by a police officer calling Soohyuk for interrogation. She saw Sohye squeezing her partner's hand as Soohyuk smiled at her. 
iii. The father-daughter duo
“Soohyuk Lee?” The detective called out his name. Soohyuk nodded and sat down in the chair that the detective gestured him to sit on. 
 “What was your relationship with the victim?”
“We were friends. We became friends through Seong Yeonha.” Soohyuk answered curtly.
“I see. Who is Seong Yeonha to you and who was she to Jung Hyunchan?”
“My best friend. She was Hyunchan’s girlfriend. They broke up some time ago.”
“Do you have any idea of why they broke up?”
“No, sir.”
“Where were you last night?”
“I was at my dorm till 3. I’m not quite sure what the time was but yeah, I was completing my assignments. I went to the girl’s dorm to get some ramen since me and my roommate didn’t have it. I had the spare key to my girlfriend’s dorm and found Yeonha asleep on the couch. Around 10 minutes later, Sohye came in with some food packets.”
“Who is your girlfriend?”
“Min Sohye.”
“Do you remember what the two girls were wearing?”
“Yeonha was in her panda pajamas and Sohye was wearing tracks.”
“What colour was the tracks?”
“Black and white.”
“Is there anyone you suspect?”
“Very well. You may go.”
“I have a question, sir.”
“Aren’t interrogations supposed to be held in interview rooms? Why are we here in a library?”
“Special orders from Mister Jung.”
“Oh, I see.”
Soohyuk got up from his seat and went to find the girls near the entrance. Yeonha and Sohye seemed to be talking animatedly about something. Yeonha had a sad smile on her face and Soohyuk had a feeling he knew who they were talking about.
“...and he got me a phone case that said ‘Chan’s bae.’ It looked so dumb. Like, it had an orange background and a banana right in the middle where the text was written.” Yeonha chuckled. Sohye smiled at her and then looked at the phone case she was using and cracked up when she saw the same phone case described by Yeonha.
“Hey… Nice phone case you got there, Yeon.” Soohyuk said, looking pointedly at Sohye. “Oh god no, don’t get me that please.” Sohye’s eyes widened in horror as she smacked his head. Soohyuk fished in his pockets for his phone and went through the notifications. “Oh god, the number of DMs I have. They’re asking me if Hyunchan really isn’t anymore.”
“Ah, anyway, I’ll go now. I’ve got to get my books from the classroom. I got a message to take them. Something about the uni closing down. I’ll go talk with the Jungs too if they are free.” Soohyuk declared, putting his phone back in his pocket. Sohye nodded and muttered a small, “Tell them we’re both sorry for their loss.”
“Next.” A police officer called and asked what her name was. “Sohye Min.” The police officer wrote it down and told her to go inside the sealed area for interrogation.
Yeonha saw her best friend go inside without any fear. How could she be so normal? How could Soohyuk be so normal? Why weren’t they scared like her? Their friend had died and they were one of the many suspects. It didn’t feel right. Going in there and talking about her ex. Wasn’t it bad enough that she had to break up with Hyunchan? And now this, of course, she had to be the one to find his body.
The nightmares would start coming. She knew that. The scene was agonising to watch. It had taken all her willpower to not scream and run around the place like a maniac. She wanted to help him but she couldn’t. Even if she would have been able to help him, her conscious wouldn’t have let her. Not after what she did. She needed to stop it. The lies. They would kill her one day. Just like how they killed Hyunchan.
After 9 months of dating the burden had started getting heavy. It was hard to carry the weight of it. Hyunchan didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve any of this. She wanted to hug him. She wanted to tell him she was sorry. She wanted to read another book with him. Just one. She wanted to tell him that it all didn’t go in vain. She wanted to hold his hand and comfort him. To think that all they had, could just fall apart in one night. A tear escaped her eye. It was suffocating. The memories were killing her from the inside. She wanted to die. She wanted to end it all. The guilt mixed so well with sorrow, that it was hard to find out what weighed more.
She had to get out of here. The library was bringing back memories of her and Hyunchan. The painful ones she wanted to forget so badly. Without a second thought, she went over to the police officer nearest to her and excused herself, “Uh, Washroom?” The police officer looked at her suspiciously and raised an eyebrow. Yeonha looked back innocently and tilted her head. “Washroom?”, she repeated. The officer thought about it for a moment and said, “Make it fast.” Yeonha nodded and headed for the exit.
For how long would she be able to stall the police? She had no clue but the only thought in her head was to cry in the toilet like a baby. The library was at the far end of the first floor so it was going to be a fun journey to the washroom.
On the way there she heard shouts. The voices sounded familiar. The first one was of a male, it was adenoidal and a little rough. The second voice was of a female, it was modulated and high pitched. Moonseok and Taeji. Yeonha scowled as she heard them yell at each other in the lab. That was so not normal.
A little eavesdropping won’t hurt anyone, she thought and went closer to the entrance.
“...don’t you get it, Moon? It’s her and Mr. Seong. The father-daughter duo has something to do with this shit.”
iv. The raven haired girl
Yeonha’s eyes widened and before she could stop herself she let out a small, “What even.” that alerted Moonseok. “What was that?” the boy asked. Yeonha did something heroic. She went to the girl's washroom and locked herself in one of the cubicles hoping Taeji wouldn’t get in.
She heard footsteps shuffling and slapped her hand to her mouth to stop any voice from escaping. “Who was that?” She heard a distressed Taeji mutter to herself before going out again and yelling, “Moon, are you sure you heard someone because there is only one cubicle and someone seems to be minding their business there.”
“Nevermind. Let’s go to the library. I got a message from Soohyuk to go there. He’s gone to fetch his books from his class. I guess I’ll have to get mine from my class too.” Moonseok informed her, sighing. “Gosh, you don’t have your books left too for some work, do you?” Taeji questioned. “Oh, Nah I just forgot one there.”
“Min Sohye?”
“Yes, sir.”
“How are you related to the victim?”
“We were friends.”
“We were friends, sir.”
“Your last encounter with the victim?”
“Yesterday 6 pm. We were planning our trip.”
“Your encounter wasn’t at midnight. Are you sure?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Where were you last night?”
“In my dorm for the most part. At nearly 3, I went to get some Ramen from the convenience store.”
“What were you doing at your dorm?”
“I was studying with my roommate, sir.”
“And who would that be?”
“Seong Yeonha.”
“I believe she isn’t in your major.”
“She isn’t. We were studying together like we always do. She was doing her work and I was doing mine. She fell asleep at about 2. I went out to get some ramen to eat.“
“What did you see when you came back?”
“Yeonha asleep on the couch and Soohyuk sitting at the dining table.”
“Now, is there anyone you suspect?”
“I believe Park Taeji... No not really- nevermind! No one for now.”
“Very well. You may go.”
“Alright, sir.”
 “I, I don’t believe you. Come on, it just does not make sense.” Said Moonseok, confused. “Of course it makes sense. It makes a lot of sen-” Replied Taeji before she got interrupted by Sohye, “What does not make sense?”
“Nevermind that. What did they ask you in there?” Taeji asked, dismissing the previous topic. “Frequently asked questions. Things I did yesterday night and my relation with Hyunchan.” Answered Sohye.
“That’s it?” Taeji raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, that’s it.” Confirmed Sohye, nodding slightly. “I believe the questioning will last long. They will ask all the main things later when they are provided with a bit more proof. I don’t know why they started questioning this fast. Dumbasses.” Moonseok interjected with a calculative look on his face. 
“I know, right? Hyuk came back pretty fast too.” Sohye added. “Special orders from Mr. Jung, I guess. Uncle has always been an idiot when it comes to these things.” Taeji remarked, rolling her eyes as Sohye hummed in response. 
A thud sounded as someone behind them fell down. “Miss, are you okay?” asked the nearest officer. The three looked just in time to see, a raven-haired girl standing up clumsily, apologizing under her breath. That was Yeonha. Taeji rushed to her and offered her a hand but got waved off by the girl. Yeonha instead took Moonseok’s help and stood up looking at the ground. 
“Oh, come on, I’m sorry.” Taeji apologized, her hand finding its way to Yeonha’s shoulder. “Are you alright?” Moonseok asked. Yeonha nodded,” Thanks.” and shrugged off Taeji’s hand, and walked towards Sohye with a red face. 
“Where were you, madam?” Sohye asked Yeonha as soon as she came into her earshot. “Went to get some water.” Yeonha lied and Sohye sighed in response. “It’s your turn soon.” Sohye reminded the latter and a voice said, “next.”
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They’re all different from one another; but if there is one thing that they have in common, it is that they’re all liars.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
🥁 🚪 📱 everyone pls type down ur ask on your notes on smth just in case it doesn’t get send through… thank god i was able to kinda remember what i first typed out 😅😅
i have thoughts on these emojis… like for the phone.. what if.. yoongi and oc is talking dirty after sun goes down and keep their sexy nukim? *cues sexy nukim*
okay but fr tho what if. WHAT IF???? i’m sorry but i refuse to comment more on this bc i think i’ll go insane 😀
but the drums. they are fucking with me. like is it kook? it can’t be yoongi… or can it? bc if it were to be yoongi, it’ll probably with a piano or the guitar… so how is the drums significant in 3tan9? i don’t think there’s any mention of the drums so far… maybe i gotta do a reread 😙 or maybe it’s just my heart drumming with anticipation when reading 3tan9. hm. yeah i think this is it.
for the door, i don’t think it will be related to oc or yoongi or anybody but it’ll be me when 3tan9 drops like. to the emergency exit i go! see ya!! had a great time here thanks for having me but i think i had enough! im kidding i want more 😙
okay but in all seriousness, i thought 3tan jimin is a menace. but my GOSH RYEN! You! 🫵 Maam are the actual Menace like are you kidding me? with these spoilers??? nah yall we are so spoilt like we In Trouble fr. got me doing mental gymnastics at 7 in the morning like damn. i feel like you’re going through all of our asks and giggling and thinking like “that’s cute but you’re wrong and i’ll destroy you! (with whatever that is in 3tan9!!!!)” like see? Menace Move!
i probably said this like a million times but i’m so excited i will literally Eat Up everything that you put to the table like SURPRISE ME!!!! so freaking excited to see how 3tan9 will go and to see how these emojis fit in HEHEH SO EXCITED I LOVE U I LOVE U I LOVE UUU pls take all the time you need love <3
- 🪐✨
AKDLDFLSLD SATURN OMG?? Sometimes my answers to asks get errored out, too (and sometimes multiple times🥲) so I get you. But I’m glad you remembered what you typed bc LMAOO THIS COMMENTARY IM GONE‼️
The phone emoji explanation?? Already on the floor. We all know Yoongi needs his phone taken and thrown into a river so🧍‍♀️and then the drums…… I cannot comment at all lmfao and the door has me CRYINGGGGGGG😂😂
EXCUSE ME???🫣 UNPROVOKED?? Ok maybe I am giggling at these asks but I’m also so impressed with all the theories and explanations. Y’all are so sleuth-y and smart and really creative! Super happy that you’re excited for whatever the fresh hell is in 3tan9😂 that makes me feel so much better while working on it. You have no idea how much words like that encourage me😭🍊thank you for the laughs LMAO I enjoyed this sm
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