#yandere Mulan
theyanderespecialist · 7 months
Base Yandere Shang Li Headcanons: Protector (Mulan Animated)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with another chapter! This one is going to be yandere Shang li! So please enjoy this chapter and hope you are all enjoying the Lunar New Year!]
(Disclaimer: Shang Li is NOT Yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine, just do not be gross or illegal about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!)
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Shang Li (Mulan)-
.Shang Li is the Son of General Li.
.He is smart and capable.
.He is also very strong and has very good looks.
.He also might be bi or pan in canon (Which here is a bit of history in Ancient China men could have boyfriends along with their wives (Mainly in royal families) because in Ancient China being gay was not considered a Sin like it was in the West but these men still had to have wives because you ARE going to carry on your family name right? Which was expected at that time. So men being attracted to men was not treated the same as it was in the West at this time. There is even a story where a Chinese emperor was sleeping with his boyfriend and when he had to go leave for work instead of awakening his boyfriend he cut the sleeve of his clothes so he would not wake his boyfriend if he moved them) because he was very likely attracted to Mulan when she was dressed as a man and he thought she was one and as a woman.
.In this he has not mulan but he has met you and regardless of your physical form he loves you and is smitten with you.
.Just like the song that played when getting ready for the Matchmaker he is a man who would go to war for you to make sure that he can keep you safe
.He adores you for who you are and wants to keep you safe, he is a very protective yandere to the core. That he is willing to risk his life for yours.
.Though at first, he is very strict on rules and such so he does his best to follow them.
.Although over time he will break those rules if he has to, to be with you, that is for sure.
.He wants to also be able to prove himself to you, that he can be a good man and protect you and be worthy of you.
.He would defend your life and save face for you (Saving/save face is how you should say it, not save my honor or save you honor or restore my honor, western stuff is the one obsessed to us. Saving/Save face is how you would say it, fun fact!
.You are just not a partner to him, but the love of his life and he will stand by your side through it all.
.He is though a bit of a stick-in-the-mud kind of guy with certain things, and a bit more strict with those things.
.In other words, he would at first expect you to do as he says and not disgrace his face.
.He is holding you to a high standard.
.Of course, again he gets better. Learning you are his partner and respecting you as it.
.He is also a self-sacrificing yandere
.With that and the protective side of him he will do whatever it takes to save your life and keep you safe.
.It does not matter what he has to do to protect you he will do it.
.How does he deal with rivals? Most likely beats the poo out of them… But.
.His dark side as a yandere would have certain rivals framed for crimes they did not commit where they were executed or exiled.
.Also, if they are exiled he most likely will pay someone to kill them even after the fact (Another fun fact is a lot of framing court officials and having them killed when they are exiled happened a lot in ancient China a lot so this is very accurate lol).He would confess to you either before he goes off to war, so you could wait for him to return and then Marry him.
.Or After he comes home from war and he picks you up and kisses you.
.If you do accept his feelings he will be with you right away.
.If he can he will marry you.
.If he cannot he still will be with you and he would plan to never marry but adopt kids.
.If you turned down his feelings and or worse been with someone else, he will kill your partner and then take you as a prisoner keeping you locked away where no one can steal you from him again.
.You turned down his love, he will make sure he is the only one you can love.
.He of course is still loving and affectionate, but now you know he will do whatever it takes to keep you as his and his alone!
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this! I also, hope you all are having a good lunar new year! And stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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peoplesgraves · 2 years
Could your write Yandere Headcanons For Mulan (G/N)? Please.
Yandere Mulan Headcanons
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•Mulan would be so easily flustered. Hold her hand and she’s blushing as red as mushu, kiss her cheek and her brain literally short circuits even something as simple as smiling at her will have her tripping over her own feet. Just don’t tease her too much or she really might die from her feels.
•I just know her grandma would love you. It’s not uncommon for Mulan to come home and find you and her grandmother laughing and talking like old friends. Mulan would love it, she loves seeing you with her family because you guys are the most important thing to her.
•Mushu is a menace. He’s always on Mulan about you. Giving her less then perfect dating advice and trying to talk her up to you. He’s more of a hinderance then a help so hopefully you find his incompetence charming instead of annoying.
•It doesn’t matter who you are, Mulan can carry you like a feather and throw you around like a ragdoll. She puts her training to use whenever she can and will always offer to carry you or your stuff. If you’re talking to someone for too long she’ll sweep you off your feet and excuse it as her wanting to help.
•She loves providing for you. Mulan will take you on shopping sprees and let you fill her arms with as many bags as you want all to see you smile and thank her for the gifts. She’ll sheepishly ask to help you run your bath and wash your hair. Please let her take care of you, it’s all she wants.
•Shes not as good at accepting love as she is at giving it. If you offer to pamper her just like she does you then she’ll be stiff as a board and quiet the entire time. She appreciates it, she swears but she just doesn’t know how to respond. She doesn’t want to do or say the wrong thing and risk freaking you out or hurting your feelings.
•Mulan wouldn’t kidnap you or hurt anyone unless they hurt you first. She’s not the overly jealous type and prefers to be proactive with any problems instead of reactive. She makes herself a part of your life kind of like a parasite. Gently nudging you towards her and away from anything she doesn’t like.
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Yandere male Mulan with a forgine traveling merchant
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Artist: Ripushko (on Pinterest)
He felt that same warmth trickle through his body as he heard the familiar yells and cries that came with your merchant band arriving. Once again arriving with your strange band and cart you came, chaotically crashing through the capital. It felt longer without your presence; of course disguising yourself can also make you feel that way but that wasn’t the point. Ping made his way to the window easily spotting the familiar band of merchants making their way to the palace steps. 
Before hearing the knock of the door he was prepared to leave. Make up done and hair tied up in perfect practice, he was escorted to the throne room of the Grand Emperor. Followed by the young three princes held his fan and retained an emotionless expression. 
“Grand Emeror.” 
Introduced alongside the princes would never be something Ping would get used to. But he still did it nearly every day. As rehearsed he sat beside the Emperor on the designated seat. He tried to ignore the smirk and side glance that the Emperor gave him before looking towards the announcer. 
“Introducing the traveling merchant band–”
The outburst included knocking over the announcer as that familiar blonde lead merchant walked in shouting your name. The smirk never left his face if anything it widened as the rest of the ‘Wonderlandians’ trickled in. The traveling brand of merchants consisted of a charming blonde man, a strange woman with hats, a smiling contortionist, and you the actual brains behind the operation. Like clockwork you were wearing their newest line, showing off their newest fabrics as you stood at attention next to the Emperor’s advisor–a typical confidant when prices and logistics were discussed. 
“Oh great Emperor, I’ve come with all new designs all for your pleasure.”
“You have yet to disappoint, Alice.”
He flashed his pearly whites as he rose from his dramatic bow before reaching into his foreign tunic pulling out an obnoxiously tall hat as he began a new dance number. The miscellaneous masked dancers continued to show even more of the Wonderlandian products with reflective lights and singing it drew everyone’s attention to your flashier counterparts. But no one drew Ping’s eyes more than you slightly mouthing the words and answering a few hushed questions from the advisor. 
Even as the curtains are pulled back and the reflective lighting is put away the Emperor rises to closely inspect the displayed products on the still posing dancers. And like any competent shopper he lets Alice charismatically drone on and on about every speck of fabric that catches the Emperor’s eye. At one point Ping is beckoned to come stand near the Emperor as he holds fabrics up to his form.
“Wouldn’t you be lovely in this color, dear?”
The name is uttered mockingly to only the two of them who are aware of his consorts true identity. But Ping only nods gracefully slowly, batting his eyes from behind the fan that continues to hide your face. The Emperor continues shopping, not even bothering to dismiss his consort who can only let their eyes stray while following him around. You are heavily conversing with the advisor who is trying to keep up with whatever the Emperor just so happens to run his fingers along. 
He loves your focused face so much it always guarantees that you won’t meet his eyes. But he does like seeing your unfocused face. You often get bored after you’ve listed all the prices you know by heart. You're probably good at haggling, he expects that of you, it's probably why he sees you really smile when you're dealing with the citizens. He wishes he could do that with you.
Pings snaps in attention to realize everyone in the room is looking in a gutted anticipation. The Emperor quickly recovers, excusing his consort’s divided attention as a result of the attention-grabbing designs but Ping’s already seen the flash of annoyance in his eyes. Ping doesn’t risk it and keeps his eyes lowered for the rest of your visit. 
He does see you one last time when your troupe is collectively permitted to spend the night in the Amethyst Palace. You bowed to both him and the Emperor quickly rushing to the side of Alice who was waiting for you. The speedy beating of his heart almost swallowed the impending doom he knew he’d endure for embarrassing the Emperor. 
In the secluded room of the Grand Emperor, Ping laid exhausted against the chilling marble floor. Panting in the tatters of his dress his disguise was sullied by the Emperor’s treatment. The Emperor was smoking his freshly bought fauna. He always did that when you visited…it made the pain and shame die down…just a little.
“So it's one of them in the wonder band that does it for you, eh?”
He didn’t need to answer. He had already revealed too much. Still pressing against the floor he almost let himself sleep in the overwhelming quietness in the room. It’d be nice to have a dream with you. 
“Hey MuLAn!? Don’t forget what your purpose is! Now tell me which is the one that you liked the most.”
Feeling the force of the Emperor’s foot pushed him into further discomfort and unabated pleasure. He was trained to keep his mouth shut, trained to keep your name sacred. Even under the pressure of the Emperor he found such favor from.
“Come on you army-man! Why don’t you share, tell your dearest Emperor who we should keep here!”
The word was simple. A term of ownership that had flown out the window with his hidden identity and consorted status to the Grand Emperor. It did cross his mind whenever he found himself missing your presence or yearning to know more of you.
“Ah~ You seemed to love that! Shall we do that then? Make it a game!? A game of hide your freak?!”
Even without being blinded in pleasure would have wholeheartedly agreed. He’d love nothing more than to be able facilitate a way for you two to meet.Oh the possibilities!! And the prospect of keeping you forever made him lose his grip on reality even more.
Come morning the consort was allowed to sleep, finally emerging from the Grand Emperor’s chamber slowly strolling through the gardens in his lonesome; he was beyond surprised to see the subject of his affections gazing intensely at the zen garden with a journal in hand. For a moment he froze. What should he say? What would you do? How could he catch your attention?! 
In his guffawed state you did acknowledge him mistaking his flustered gaze for shock. With a bow and amicable smile you put a hand to your heart.
“Excuse me for my intrusion, grand consort. His highness allowed us to…explore for an extended period of time.”
Keeping his fan on guard and nodding slowly you relaxed before complimenting the garden saying how it was ‘nothing like your home.’ Nearly having a heart attack at hearing your voice being directed at him all he could do was nod which seemed to relay a lack of interest.
“I’m sorry if I’ve bothered you, I’ll live if you–”
“No.” You adorably tilted your head as if you were still trying to believe he spoke. “Stay.”
Obediently you sat beside the consort continuing to talk all about what it was like where you were from and all Ping could do was try to relish in how much of you he got to experience. Your smell, your sound, your focus. It was all his and Ping was addicted. 
As the month progressed you still were lodged at the palace and Ping was happier than ever. He could have as much of you as he saw fit with the Emperor distracted with your leading man, your time was his. Scheduling tea times, inviting you to fittings, shopping, even telling your stories when you finally felt close to him. He could even have your clothes, the traditional outfits being new to you it's so common that you leave it behind. Leaving it for him to sniff, taste, and harvest for later. But why would he worry about  later when you hadn’t shown signs of leaving?
“If I may be dismissed, Grand consort.”
Diligently nodding you rose from your bowing position to follow Alice in another absurd hat. That was why you were far too keen on following your merchant leader at his beck and call. He often thought about what he’d do if he didn’t dismiss you…but it only made sense as the Emperor was no longer occupied by your dictator merchant. 
“It's the cute moneymaker isn’t it?!” 
The growl in his ear reminded Ping of the Emperor he was at the mercy of playing his game in order to out his consort’s desire. The discovery was spoken in passing during a bathing session he had invited the consort to participate in. He knew begging wouldn’t help so he kept quiet, opting to stare at the rippling water below. I wonder how your skin would look in the bathwater.
“Yay! It is! I win!” 
The Emperor playfully giggled purposely disrupting the water to splash Ping in the face. And as fast as he had done that he became incredibly serious.
“Now did you do it?”
“Did you have sex with them?!
The Emperor was holding his gaze with his piercing eyes and Ping almost felt remorseful he didn’t have another answer.
The Emperor sucked his teeth before leaning away as if to pout at his consort’s loyalty. He held this pose before coming close once again. 
“Hey! You’d like it if they stayed here even longer right?”
Ping looked at him with bated interest and the Emperor’s devious smirk appeared once again. 
“Then all you have to do is poison the one that makes the hats. Oddly enough he’s the only one who knows the way back. If they don’t have the way back, it’d be a crime to be going nowhere…” 
His lips grazed against the flesh of Ping’s ear with his next command.
“...use your poison to off the Hatter for me. I appreciate your efforts above anything else so please Ping you’ll do this for me? For (Y/n)?”
The utterance of your name immediately encouraged him to agree immediately, leaving the smiling Emperor in his tub as Ping got to work. It would have been almost a year since he was disgraced, disowned, all for suggesting a newer system to kill their enemies. But it was his fault when a soldier mockingly partook in his genius. But just as fast as he was left he was picked up, sure it included faking his death and having everyone call him Mulan. But he survived. He saw you, he would have you as long as he carried this out…properly this time. 
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madwomansapologist · 6 months
your shan yu x reader fics = me obsessed
what would shan yu x reader with babies be like?
shan yu as a father
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Pinterest Board | More Shan Yu | AO3
synopsis: A new dynasty takes over china.
warnings: fluff. do you like happiness? the daddy is a dad now!
note: the way you send me this ask right when i was thinking about him as girl's dad is something
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● After you, after China, Shan Yu thought nothing could make him happier. He was satisfied. Shan Yu conquered everything he wanted while feeling your warm embrace. His life was perfect as it was.
● He wanted to have children with you. To expand the family, showing how your love for one another was so great a whole knew being came out of it. But it was never an plan. Never something you both prepared for.
● You're younger than him. He wouldn't ask you something so complicated, not knowing your body demanded different things than his. Shan Yu would never make you feel like it was your purpose to give him children. He saw how woman were treated there, and would never make you think he agreed with that.
● Shan Yu didn't noticed the signs. When you were tired, he assumed you just need to sleep better. When you ate more, he saw it as a sign you were enjoying yourself. When you throw up, he called the healers.
● When you told him the news, his heart stopped for a moment. You were smiling, overwhelmed with pure joy, stroking your belly waiting for his response. You saw it as good news.
● He was happier than ever. To know a part of him grew with a part of you, that in months this tiny ball of perfection would be there, made him cry in front of you. You can count on the fingers of one hand how many times he cried next to you.
● Shan Yu fell on his knees, putting his hand over yours. Kissing your belly, stroking your skin with care and love, Shan Yu thanked you. Once again he declared his love for you, this time by the tears rolling down his face.
● If you thought he was protective and possessive, now you discovered he was controlling himself. You were never alone. Always guards that he trusted following you around, friends and family called without you knowing, or the man hinself were near you. Shan Yu would guarantee you never get hurt.
● You would spend nine months on your bed if it was on him, but Shan Yu already knew you wouldn't behave. Anything you wanted, eveything, he would take care of it. It could be heading to the bathroom in the middle of the night, crying because of the hormones changing, trying to reach a book on a higher shelf. Shan Yu would be there with you.
● He loved how after some months you started to let him support you. Shan Yu would help you sit down, stroke your skin during your bath, cut your nails since you can't reach them anymore. Shan Yu would put the food on your mouth if you let him.
● He never made you feel so desired. At the beginning of the pregnancy, everything was an excuse for Shan Yu to lead you somewhere private. He was gentle, forever caring, but you could see right through him. He was burning with desire. With need.
● During the birth, he was there with you. You could scream at him, smash his hand, do anything that might help you reduce the pain. He never thought you weak, but that proved how strong you really are. A baby girl. Just like you told him.
● The child was healthy and safe, always protected by him. Many thought he would be distant or worse, but his violence is only reserved for those against him. Those he loves will never, ever, had to fear him. Your baby won't know what it feels like to fear his dad.
● He did, whoever, spoke to the baby about war strategics as if she would understand. Asked her real questions as if she was part of his counsil. It would be endearing if you didn't worry about your child learning about gore so young.
● Shan Yu definitely doesn't know how to play with kids. He's too stiff, always aware that she could get hurt. The first time he saw you throwing the baby on the air Shan Yu almost had a heart attack.
● Only close friends and family would have permission to touch her, and even those he would watch closely to make sure his baby girl is being treated right. Shan Yu will protect you both even from dangers that don't exist.
● She could smach his face, push his hair, bite his fingers: all Shan Yu would do was to call her "his little general".
● He was happier than ever.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
GENERAL TAGLIST: @lovelyy-moonlight
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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amy-the-god · 2 months
Light (Shan yu x reader)
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So... um, hi, I'm not known for writing and I'm actually more known for drawing :/ but I think we should give more love to Disney villains- So I came here to write this, I just love shan yu and everything :³ but anyway, Sorry for any grammar errors,I'm Brazilian and I'm using the translator on my keyboard so yeah.. kisses from Brazil 😚
• nobody pov •
" At the beginning of it all, it was just darkness, Darkness took over hearts and filled people with fear. But then, the light appeared, the brightest of all, brought to us by our creator, But on one condition, that we would have this light as long as we take care of the root she gave us, We thought it would be an easy task, but the human heart is so selfish, that while we were enjoying the light, the root died more and more every day,And the goddess returned, our creator, she took the light, the hope, the happiness, everything, as punishment for our selfishness we would no longer have anything of what we so desired,But then, when all was lost... the root bore fruit, That as soon as it was opened, it brought a small piece of the much-desired light and hope... it brought a baby, and that baby would be the only and last spark of light in our world fallen into despair "
And the book closes, the little girl sitting in front of her father pouting.
"Is it over??.. and what happened to the baby??"
The father laughs softly and gets up, taking the little girl in his arms, carrying her up the stairs in the unfinished palace.
"the baby grew up and became a little girl, an adventurous, happy... and kind little girl"
He says gently poking the tip of the little girl's nose, making her laugh softly and hug her plush closer,When the old emperor enters the room and puts the girl to bed,Covering her as she looks at the ceiling thoughtfully before looking back at him.
" daddy? "
" yes my dear? "
"When I grow up... do you think I'll be a good empress?"
The emperor runs his hand through his beard, thinking about his daughter's question, when he laughs softly and nods, stroking her hair.
"but of course... you will be a great empress, the best China has ever seen"
He says kissing the girl softly on the forehead before getting up, Heading towards the door before looking at her
"Sleep well little light.. "
And he leaves the girl's room, closing the door before walking away
• ____. Pov •
I wait for my father's footsteps to disappear, before smiling and getting up running to my window and looking down, Waiting anxiously before my eyes light up as it finally happens: the floating lights, Lanterns that my people light every night at this time, my father always said that it is a tribute to me, a little special treat that only I had, My smile getting bigger as I see the sky light up with lanterns
" one day, I will be Empress... the best they can have "
I whisper closing my eyes with a little smile, And when I open them I let out a scream, seeing a man in my window looking at me in silence, when I tilt my head gently to the side and he imitates my movement, making me smile and laugh softly, When I wave and he waves too, before pulling something from behind his back making my eyes light up.
" a floating light.. "
And the man looks at me, before extending it to me
"it's for you... little light"
I hesitate, before reaching out to take the flashlight from his hands,When I let out a little scream when being lifted off the ground
"release the lantern, but throw it up, otherwise it will fall"
The man says calmly, when I do what he said, laughing and clapping when I see the lantern float with the others, when I look at the man holding me
"What's your name sir???"
I see the man think a little, as if he was thinking about whether or not he could say his name, when he looks at me again.
"shan yu, you can call me shan yu"
And my smile gets bigger, when I extend my hand to him
"my name is ____.! It's a pleasure to meet you shan yu!"
And he stays silent before taking my hand gently
"The pleasure is all mine, little light"
TIME SKIP --------------------------------------
• nobody's pov •
Years later, every night, at the same time the young girl went to the window to watch the lights, She would meet Shan Yu, every day, every month, every year, Until one day he started coming less and less... until he didn't come anymore, The young girl only noticed how much she missed him once he disappeared, and noticed how her heart cried for him, broke every time he Didn't come, And the lights that were once so bright became opaque, dim... until they no longer had their shine, just as she no longer had the hope of seeing him, But as the years passed, as the moons descended and rose to the sky, as she grew, so did China, and her spirit, She forgot that one day she had even met Shan Yu, having associated him with just an imaginary friend who would never come back because she grew up, she associated him with a simple part of her head, And that was her problem...
One day she was preparing to take over her father's throne, to become the empress of China, but on the night of that day, she was hidden so as not to run into danger, "the Huns attacked" they said, "for your safety you will stay inside the castle" they said, But it was like locking a light in a sieve, it would always find a way to shine, And that's what she did, even with her father's warnings, she ran away from the palace, she wanted to be free, and if she couldn't be empress now then she would have her freedom
The people didn't stop her, after all, they loved how bright and radiant she looked when mingling with them, When happy she always seemed to help her people, how innocent she was in saying that the great wall was unnecessary, But she couldn't do much about it.
• ____. POV •
I sneak up on the palace wall, below my bedroom window, Climbing up the rope that I always leave to go out and go in again, Falling into my room and quickly taking off my cloak as I get up to start getting ready to accompany my father
"quickly, quickly, quickly.. "
I whisper to myself, fixing my hair and spinning in front of the mirror, smiling at my reflection,When I leave my room and quickly go down the stairs, stopping when I see General Li leaving, when I go to my father
"Daddy? What was General Li doing here?"
"The Huns have invaded the north side of the wall. Your coronation will be prolonged again"
And I stay silent before sighing, sitting next to him
"Again... like the last ten times"
I say looking down, the lights of the flames growing dim before my father puts his hand on my shoulder.
"It's for your safety, for now the target is me, and if you are crowned empress while they are still out there, then their focus will return to you, and I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you.. "
I sigh before smiling softly, the lights coming back to shine again
"I understand my father.. and I'm grateful to you for that.. "
And we both smiled, my sisters entering the room minutes later
• Yet ____. POV •
I sit in front of my dressing table in silence, undoing my hairstyle, the lantern lights shining outside and softly illuminating my room, But I didn't care about them as much as I used to, memories of a previous crush make me laugh quietly
" I was ridiculous.. falling in love with an imaginary friend.. I always laugh when I remember that.. "
I whisper to myself with a smile, but my smile falls when a shadow covers the lights coming from outside, When I turn around, and my heart drops, my eyes widen, and the lights outside get absurdly brighter when I see who it was...
". . .shan yu?"
And said man smiles at me, holding a flashlight just like he did when we first met.
" Hello.. My light.. "
UF- I finally finished it.. and I honestly started out wanting to do something cute, but then I thought; " why not make a yandere??" Anyway, I'm going to do a part two soon so... kisses from Brazil 😚
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biteress · 6 months
Which fictional characters 👀👀👀
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mishkakagehishka · 11 months
Everyone always talks ab "ooo i hate the fact that i'm always writing/drawing the same thing" but it really is so real when i say some of us just like certain characters and tropes so much that we never tire of seeing them drawn/written. So never stop just bc you think you're repetitive.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 10 months
Genderbend Villainous Disney Princesses x Yandere reader
Chapter 9 Be My Pet Man Part 1
Everyone just sat quietly in the kitchen. Jasmir eyebrow was twitching,Elson looked so Tired, Adrian was just eating his cereal shaking his head at your direction and Rasputin was growling and sobbing quietly as he planned a whole Murder in his head the reason why?
You were sitting on a the lap of a man. They have never seen before.
(Adrian) I can't be the only one who thinks she might have a problem
(Elson) Nice of you to notice
(Jasmir) (Y/N) We love you but you can't just keep bring random men and force them to live with you
You just stared blankly at the boys as you sat on Auren's lap.
(Auren) For the record I kinda lived here already and I freely stay with her. Also I love (Y/N) just as much as you guys
(Y/N) Mean.......Boys..
The guys gave you their full Attention
(Y/N) Do....you.....know.....what......day....it.......is?
(The Boys) TreeHouse Chore Day
(Auren) treehouse Chore Day???
You nodded as you grabbed a list chores to see what to assign the boys to
(Jasmir) My Sultana I would like to go ahead and start the repairs on the treehouse the wood seems to be rotting away
You just nodded at Jasmir and he finished breakfast and grabbed his tools and went of to a part of the treehouse
(Y/N) Rasputin........Dishes
(Rasputin) know problem wifey 💜
Rasputin collect all the dishes before rushing back to the kitchen to get started
(Y/N) Elson......Laundry
(Elson) Of Course 🧊 mommy
Elson grabbed the towels and went to a different part of the treehouse to do his chores leaving you with Adrian and Auren.
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Hey my little baddie bacons I’m lowkey new to tumblr and I’ll be taking ur quirky requests. Luv y’all🥰
fandoms I’ll write for:
doki doki literature club ( anything involving natsuki that isnt angst will be ignored also nothing with pens also genderbent ddlc is an option)
pokemon(if u want anything to do with a male reader x penny or nemona don’t even)
fnaf( crying child fanfics will be ignored)
Peppa pig(my aesthetic NO SMUT)
the mimic (roblox)
Genshin impact( none of the child characters also any fanfics that are itto x Gorou or anything with scaracooch will be ignored)
death note( light x misa is toxic and will be ignored)
mha (if it’s one of the kids it ain’t gonna be smutty)
avatar the last airbender( ADULT aang )
demon slayer( No one x nezuko)
Diary of a wimpy kid( Just Rodrick heffley fanfics)
Cat in the hat( onlt writing cat fanfics)
Percy jackson
roald dahl
squid game
Ginny and Georgia( nothing involving toothbrush)
one day at a time
never have I ever
keeping up with the kardashians
mean girls (not the second trashy ass movie)
IT( nothing involving children also submissive pennywise will get you an earlier response)
Undertale ( no sans x papyrus)
Saiki k ( no incest)
Family guy( no incest)
coco ( no dante fics)
encanto ( no antonio fics, no abuela x male reader, no incest, no casa x reader)
miraculous ladybug (no alya, lila, nino, hawk moth, master fu, and/or kwami fics also anything with marinette and catnoir or ladybug and adrien is also annoying but ladybug x cat noir or adrien x marinette is accepted)
sleeping beauty
Alice in wonderland
snow white
star wars
Sofia the first
puss in boots
Dark Deception
Yandere simulator
You can make an oc or just a reader. Also please add a bit of story for me to go off of there will be no judgement unless what you're asking for is illegal then kindly go away. also all fruity requests will definetely by answered
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theyanderespecialist · 7 months
(Lunar New Year 2024 🐉 3/5) Yandere Shang Li X GN Listener (Mulan Animated) 
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Your genderbent stories made me think… what if reader had transmigrated into Mulan? And they think they know Mulan’s secret so they’re like hint hint but surprise Mulan is actually genderbent in this universe so he’s just like weirded out by this weird girl? And then eventually falls for her and goes yandere?
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Transmigration Reader
This works especially well in my original genderbent Yandere Mulan, everything is switched. Mulan is a man, he’s not a soldier but a consort assassin, the emperor isn’t old or benevolent, he's young, he's selfish and greedy, and people move for desire rather than for honor. When your transmigrated here you land in the lap of Alice from Wonderland, where you see that this world is a little different from your stories. But you don’t mind the gender change; Alice is just as sweet and excitable as ever. And as his friend its only natural you travel along with him as he grows his industry of fashion out of the heart of Wonderland. Traveling with him you get to see plenty of fairytales with slight changes, I mean Alice was never known for being a fighter but the…sleeping road bandits would say otherwise.
So ofcourse your thrilled when you come across Mulan, aware that perhaps this was farther in the original story line you knew. So when you see this woman and her closeness with the emperor your certain this is she. Not to mention her real name is what brings you to smile with familiarity. Its probably what allows you to open up to him because your sure you know the secret of her powerful skills. 
Boy, are you in for a surprise when Ping is finally allowed to do what he likes. Pulling at your new traditional robes with a hungry blush under his powdered makeup. 
“W-what?! B-but aren’t you a soldier? A-aren’t y-you the honorable hero that surpassed the rules of only men going to work?”
He chuckles as he undoes the only knot left. “W-what, have you been drinking? I was…something of a soldier but I wasn’t kicked out because I wasn’t a guy. Pft! I may look like a woman but I promise you I’m more man than anything!” 
“B-but Mulan–”
“Its Ping, darling. Now stay still this isn’t supposed to kill you. Just an aphrodisiac affect!”
You’ll soon find this ‘Mulan’ is subjected to complete servitude and belittlement as he hides as the Emperor’s consort. Too weak to be apart of battle he proposed a new method to fight…a darker method that was deemed to inhumane. But the Emperor saw his greatness and let him sate his desires, the most recent one being you. 
If you thought there was ever a chance your friend was going to be of any help you would be sorrowly mistaken. The sight of Alice hanging on the arm of the Emperor as they stand over your drugged out form. 
“Let the show begin…Ping.”
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hana-no-seiiki · 11 months
yan! school grass (most handsome/perfect guy)/rival x crossdresser! male! reader x yan! friends - part one
tw/cw: mention of abusive parents (but not reader’s) and yandere themes. also your rival has some repressed sexual urges, he really needs to get laid or some head or something-
Like I imagine this the best with stoic and/or tsun yans the best. You know those types that want to be perfect but only feels perfect when they’re with reader.
ive always loved these tropes as a kid, from mulan to that one tawog episode where darwin fell in love with fem! gumball and like this was even before i knew i wasnt cis but gahd AAAAAAA
also inspired by @moyazaika ‘s rival work. go read it!!
but anyways have the fic, lowercase intentional for first part to differentiate povs.
it was a dare given by your friend group earlier last weekend. wear the girls uniform and a wig for the entire month. it was easy to get the materials necessary for the most part. your mother had several wigs and was more than happy to style her son in feminine clothing. she was just amazing and supportive about your whims like that.
it didn’t take long for you to realize that no one recognized you in your new look.
the day started like many of your other ones at the school, you’d race your rival as the first one in class and whoever wins gets rights to a smug look on their face until the next thing you guys eventually compete on.
but unlike the crestfallen expression you expected — nay wanted — from that stupid pretty boy, you were greeted by what you could only described as complete bafflement.
“what?” despite having a different reaction from what you imagined, you managed to keep a composed appearance. “cat got your tongue?”
“ah. . .”
and that were the only words he said to you the entire day. nothing else. not a single groan of anger whenever you answered everything correctly, he didn’t even attempt at stopping you mid-way or disagree with you answer simply because he wanted to annoy you.
and so you couldn’t help it, as soon as the bell rang signalling lunch time you swiftly turned around to face him.
“are you alright?”
you inquired. not at all worried about his well-being at the slightest. you hated him with all your being after all and you didn’t make an effort to be soft with your tone either.
“h-huh?” he looked dazed. like his head had been in the clouds and you just yanked him down to ground.
your rival never got distracted.
“you—“ you reached out about to smack his face to keep him in check.
“if you’ll excuse me!” he smacked your hand out of the way, screeched at you, and then left in a hurry to who knows where.
nevermind that was definitely him. that silly brat hated it whenever you touched him. he must have just been having issues at home again or something.
Haoyu was trembling — shaking uncontrollably as his breaths turned more shallow by the second. His heart was pumping blood in places of his body where it shouldn’t have been in the middle of school hours. Sweat lined his entire skin and it didn’t help how the bathroom he rushed into had nothing to keep the temperature down.
Who were you?
You sat at his rival’s seat. That nasty kid that always got in his nerves. No one questioned the boy’s absence and he would have asked the teachers on what had happened if you didn’t suddenly take his breath away.
You were, ethereal. Otherworldy even. When he first saw you he was taken away by the way your hair moved in the wind (if only he knew . . .).
Still, he was far too distracted by [Y/N]’s absence to properly let the feeling simmer.
Then, all that went away when you reeled in his mind back at you again at class. You were incredible, capable, intelligent, and oh so perfect. But unlike that stupid child that usually sat in front of him, he did not feel an ounce of envy at all.
If only who could see your eyes as you spoke; the tone of your voice conveyed so much passion that he wanted to see in those beautiful (e/c) orbs.
And his prayers were granted by none other than the goddess that is you,
“Are you alright?”
Your voice? Oh your voice! Haoyu’s heard it already of course, but each new time you spoke it was like a whole new melody, a new piece that immediately turned into his favorite.
His mind was too fried with these thoughts, thoughts that his parents would no doubt beat out of him if they found out.
His feels the parts down there suddenly move. He wasn’t completely unfamiliar with the phenomenon. He wasn’t without his hormones after all. But this was the first time it ever reacted that way so strongly, like if he didn’t give it attention himself it’d explode.
And for the time in his entire life, Haoyu does something he knew his parents would definitely be disappointed if not livid about. A hand on his mouth, and another in his school uniform’s pants.
lunch time.
you usually spent those studying or preparing for the next class as hanging out with your friends always ended with you being too distracted to do schoolwork but today you had to show up with ‘proof’ that you went through with their dare.
“yiran ? yichen ?”
no response.
you sighed. as usual, the twins were late. what did you expect? those two would be caught dead before they could be early much less found in the library.
and so you spent the entire time reading,
unaware of the crowd that formed around you while you were busy studying.
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amy-the-god · 2 months
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Lights (shan yu x reader) pt.3
Hello hello hello, sorry for the delay, this was in my drafts but I forgot to post it yesterday :/ and I almost forgot today! But here it is! Thank you and kisses from Brazil 😚 Tw: Dubcon (I think that's how it's spelled), first time, bad sex scene(?-), shan yu won in this au- the emperor died (rip our father),That's it, take care!
• ___. POV •
I was stuck, again...
But this time I was really trapped, there were bars on my window and guards were watching the door, Since the invasion of Shan Yu, my father ordered me not to leave without guards, or rather, that I not leave
So here it was, this feeling of déjà vu, the same one I felt a while ago, before the wall, before the Huns, before this senseless war
I sigh leaning against the wall next to the window, the floating lights softly illuminating my dark room, and even with their warm light, I felt... cold, alone, trapped.
I slowly get up and approach the dressing table, seeing the bags over my eyes, I haven't slept since Shan Yu's visit,Every time I dare to try to close my eyes I have nightmares about what could have happened, And they weren't very pleasant things,I rub my face and sit down
"I look like shit.. "
I whisper taking my hairbrush and combing my tangled hair, Closing my eyes and humming softly, Thoughts about what could have happened popping into my head, I would have lost my virginity, without me wanting to lose it... he could...
And I get goosebumps opening my eyes, not wanting to think about it anymore, Only to look at my door after hearing a strange banging sound when I get up and approach the door.
"Guards? Is everything okay out there?"
I ask, reaching out to open the door, only for it to be opened by someone I hoped not to see.
"shan yu?"
I whisper in shock, said man smiling as I look behind him, my hands coming up to cover my mouth at the sight of the guards knocked out on the ground,The man noticing my gaze pushes me further into the room, closing the door.
"Don't worry princess, they're alive... but not for long"
I try to move away but he grabs my wrists forcing me onto the bed, his smile widening at the look of desperation on my face.
"What happened? I said you would be mine, and I came to fulfill that"
He says gently making me lie down, fear stopping me from moving as he removes his clothes,My eyes going to his battle scars making him smile and grab my legs
" Did you like what you saw? "
He whispers softly at this, removing my clothes slowly
"I know I'm going to like what I'm going to see.."
He says licking his lips when he sees my naked body, and in a sudden wave of adrenaline I kick him making him step back a little with a grunt,When I try to get out of bed but he grabs me by the ankles pulling me close again
"oh no you are not leaving here, as your now emperor I order you to obey me"
I scream and try to kick him, but his grip only tightens, until his words finally settle in my head.
"e-emperor? W-what??.. "
He smiles when he sees my struggling has stopped, placing my legs over his shoulders.
"that's right darling.. I'm yours now emperor.. your father surrendered to me "
He stops before laughing softly.
"well.. in pieces, but surrendered"
I shudder at this, he couldn't.. he didn't do it.. But my train of thought was interrupted when I felt a burning pain between my legs, gripping the sheets of my bed and arching my back hissing in pain, Making him put his hand on my belly pushing me down again
"It'll be over... it'll be over"
He whispers, placing kisses on my neck, I move a little with discomfort, he gives an experimental push, trying my reaction,And when I moan softly in pain he places a kiss on my lips, his thrusts slow at first as I slowly get used to the sensation, And when I let out a moan of pleasure, His slow thrusts turn into violent thrusts, Making me scream as he bends my legs hitting a new place inside me that I didn't know existed
"Come on, louder! Let everyone hear, let them hear my empress, my light!"
He says with a look of adoration and sick love in his eyes, Wiping away the tears running down my face that I didn't even notice were falling, As I feel something wet between my legs, I don't know if it's arousal or blood, but it only makes his thrusts speed up
"i-that hurts!"
I scream looking at him with my vision blurred thanks to tears, making him laugh in pity and kiss my forehead.
"I know.. I know, it will pass, my dear, it will pass, my sweet empress.. you are being so good to me, so good.."
He whispers with a smile trying to reassure me a little, my breathing becoming labored as I feel every nerve of his cock against my slick walls, Making me take a few deep breaths as I whimper and moan softly
"hmm..I'm going to fill you up..I'm going to get you pregnant, everyone will know that you're mine, only mine, not that they didn't already know"
My chest tightens at his words, my heart filling with horror at the idea,I didn't want to get pregnant, I didn't want to be his, I didn't want that!
"p-please no! No!"
I scream desperately trying to push him, being useless, even more so when he grabs my wrists and kisses them.
" no.. don't be like that, I'll take care of you, I promise, I promise.. "
He whispers with a smile, my vision getting blurry as I close my eyes, it hurts, I hate him, I hate myself for deep down liking this...
I shudder as a pang passes through me as I feel a release, a good feeling making me moan loudly,And after a growl from him I feel him emptying himself inside me, making me shudder as my mind begins to slip into unconsciousness.
" you can sleep.. I will take good care of you my light.. "
It's the last things I hear from him before I pass out from exhaustion
⟨ ♥ ⟩
When I wake up, I groan softly, my vision slowly returning, what happened? Was this a dream? Did I sleep and not notice?
I try to sit up, but when I try to sit down I feel strong arms around me, holding me in place, and when I notice this I stop, it wasn't a dream... The realization only grows as I feel something dry between my legs,And when I look back tears well up in my eyes Seeing Shan Yu sleeping next to me,It wasn't a dream, this was real...
And now I was stuck with him
• nobody pov •
On that day, the light disappeared along with the hope of hearts, Shan Yu dominated China, and her princess surrendered to him
Finally it's over! I won't be able to post more today, but maybe tomorrow, anyway, kisses from Brazil 😚
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madwomansapologist · 2 months
one look and you knew | shan yu x fem!reader
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for shan yu, you are his destiny. for you, he is the man that kidnapped you. love at first sight is a tale as old as time. he just didn't expect you wouldn't believe in it.
cw: love at first sight. meet cute. public nudity. accidental voyeurism. murder couple in the making. yandere. kidnapping. shan "i'll make you my empress" yu x fem!reader "what's your name?". in this house we hate the misogynist version of Shan Yu in Mulan (2020).
an: rip moon you would've loved hearing nu metal while doing the dishes. also my favorite dinamic is war criminal x someone that would have the time of their live being a nun.
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The wind howled against his ears. Trees spoke in their ancient language. Silently, the world continue to move. Harmonic in its apparent chaos, carefully built even in its broken pieces, the world continued to be.
It was quiet there. Not maddening as the silence of soldiers well aware of their wrongdoings. Not numb as the moment right before a battle. Not debilitating as his sleepless, lonely midnights.
It was quiet there in the mountains, but not still. The world wasn't holding its breath, muscles clenching in tension or fear. It was what it has always been: uncaring, an indiferent witness to mankind.
Man can die, man can kill. The wind will keep on howling either way.
Marching forward in the monster's belly, he thought. A battle against time. An unstoppable war against the inevitable end.
Stupidly feverish, Shan Yu then admitted to himself. He ignored as his body plead for rest, instead riding his horse away from comfort. Shan Yu is the one to blame for his boiling mind and those irrational, melancolic thoughts.
Following an old path hidden by trees, Shan Yu travelled deeper into the mountains. The cut on his forearm throbbed. It would need new bandages, he could feel the blood drying against his sore skin.
Still, Shan Yu chose the ruthlessness of the mountain and whispers of a tired mind rather than the bought hospitality of an warm inn. More so, he chose silence over chaos.
He needed to think. To plan.
His armies invaded China. Battle after battle, they were always victorious. Now they understand this place. His generals trained soldiers with new formations that fit this land better. But real victory isn't as near as Shan Yu would want to.
His army is at disadvantage. They are in the enemy's territory. They are the ones moving forward instead of defending what they already own. They are the ones making arrangements with villages because a war this long means more food, more water, more time.
Shan Yu left his army behind, allowing them to celebrate. It was a good deal with the village's leader, whom only desire was to keep his people safe. He need his man confident, excited with the prospects of war. Let the alcohol soothe their minds, they earned it.
Alone, facing the place he must conquer, Shan Yu could deal with the stratagems. Challenged, he must find a way to humiliate the Emperor. To make even his own people turn their backs on him.
A sneeze made the strategist give place to the warrior.
The horse stopped with the pressure of his feet. Still as stone, Shan Yu searched for the source of it. He wasn't being followed. That he knows. This can't be a trap. At least not a good one.
He jumped to the ground, hand already searching for his jagged jian. He stopped at the handle, not wanting the steel to reflect light and warn his enemy. It was time to hunt.
Following his instincts, he wandered between the trees. His feet were light on the ground. This threat won't be able to gasp before he attacks.
He found a river bank surrounded by stones. No signs of an ambush. He couldn't smell anything strange in the air, only the... No. Shan Yu stopped moving. He felt something sweet. A strong perfume in the air.
Shan Yu glared at the river, now unsure of what he was looking for. Maybe it wasn't a trap. After all, that's not an important village. No soldiers or officers live here. Maybe this old hidden path isn't as old or as hidden as he thought. Maybe he's hunting something that simply isn't aware of him.
Then he noticed. Clothes folded in the river bank, a towel spread on a stonr, a basket half-filled with shells and stones.
Deep into the river, your fingers brushed against a shell. You grabbed it, and checked if anything lived inside of it yet. It was a few inches bigger than your hand, and in a beautiful shade of green.
A cold breeze welcomed you to the surface. You took a deep breath, shaking your head and getting the water away from your eyes. Your face felt like it was burning, but you know the cold was causing it.
You cleaned the shell, brushing your fingers against the mud stucked inside it. It really was a beautiful shade of green. Brighter than you could see underwater.
Absolutely perfect for your collection. All other green shells you've ever found had crustaceans living inside of them, and you would never leave them without a home. This one will make it all even more special.
You laughed to youself, observing all its details. You continued to explore the surface, crossing the river a few more times. You knew it like the palm of your hand. Maybe even better than your own bedroom.
You can be bored, overwhelmed, exhausted: this place solves it easily. Its silence involves your brain, and its water washes over the very fabric of your soul. You can feel it. The knots coming lose, the tissue shining, each thread becoming softer.
Shan Yu released the handle of his jian when you emerged, froze in place as his eyes followed your every movement. As if cursed, his body wasn't his to control anymore. Immovable muscles, unstoppable heart. His worries were shut down, any hardship simply erased from his usually sharp memory.
Moonlight blinded him for an instant. No, it was you. Your light was that bright. Was he seeing your soul? Brighter than the moon, as enebriating as barley, more soothing than popy.
Your light casts no shadow.
Were you a witch? A sorceress dominating his body and mind, sinking Shan Yu into a trance he would never want to get out of. Or were you a siren? Luring him into the water, waiting for the perfect chance to bite his heart out of his chest.
He can't believe you're any of those. None could be half as beautiful as you. A nymph. Only that could explain your beauty.
He admire you. The old scar on your knees, stretch marks on your waist, freckles on your back. The way your eyes shone as you collected your shells, how your body moved as if the water wasn't an obstacle but a path made for you to follow.
It was so cold, but that didn't stopped you from doing what you wanted. It takes a certain hunger to do something you desire despite the world around you. For now, deep into the mountains, you were free.
Your laugh made him forget about everything. That sound was deserving of a thousand praises. People should dedicate their lifes for the chance of witnessing you blossoming.
A small price for such a great gift.
But you sneezed, and that woke up Shan Yu from his trance. He was reminded of where he was and who he is. Of how cold it was. Shan Yu looked at your clothes again. Such a light tissue would never fully protect you. Unlike his fur.
Unlike him.
With a storm for a heart, Shan Yu approached. Glaring at your back, he purposely stepped on a branch.
Part of you hoped to be surprised by an animal, but you knew someone was standing behind you. You couldn't see who was there, but you knew someone not looking for trouble wouldn't be there.
It's fair ground then.
"If you want to approach me, do it", you whispered. You didn't need to be any louder to be heard. Your fingers clenched around the shell you were studying, aware the only thing stopping it from being a weapon was your intent. "But I am not fazed by blood."
A chuckled was heard. A man, of course it was. What surprised you was to hear him walking away.
You turned around, but all you saw was the stranger's back as he dissapeared among the trees. Folded over your clothes, you found a wolf fur coat. You hesitate before brushing your wet fingers against it. It was so warm and soft.
Warm, soft and real.
You were quick to get out of the river, drying yourself with a towel. You put on your clothes, took the basket and ran towards the old path you made sure to hide with stones. Apparently not everyone was deceived by it.
A scream came out of your throat as you bumped into someone. Your basket fell on the ground as a familiar hand squeezed your shoulder.
"Mom", you whispered. You blinked, trying to stop yourself from feeling... whatever it was that you were feeling. You gave her your brightest smile, kneeling down to grab all your things. "I know it's late, I was already heading back home."
That earned you a hiss. You did your best to hold the smile. "You're trembling", she said. "I've warned you. You'll get sick."
"I won't", you said. "I promise."
She bit back a smile. So calm, so full of certain. Making promises you can't possibly keep, and somehow keeping them anyway.
"You better", she took the basket from your hand, looking at your new findings. "Your father already has enough patients as it is."
Going back home was always the worst part, but even there you could feel the cage closing around you. One thing is to be alone at the river, other to be lonely at your home. There nothing can distract you from thinking until your mind is far away from this village.
Instead of walking forward, you glanced back.
Part of you knew he would be there. Like a ghost at the corner of your eyes. It still chocked you to see his sillhouet there, a blurr in the darkness, right where you left the coat.
Now, you were the one observing him. Trying to understand him. Had he stayed there, hidden somewhere to observe you after his gift? Or did he heard your scream, and only then decided to come back?
You forced yourself to move away. Your mother could never see him. It would be the end of your free evenings if she ever discovered you were naked, futhermore if she even dreamed a man was near.
Unaware of your curious gaze, Shan Yu brushed the mark of your wet fingers on his coat. It got your attention, earned your touch, gained the sweet perfume of your skin. It was a gift, and one you so politely declined.
As if a saint would ever accept anything coming from a conqueror. "Now that is a challenge."
Back at the inn, Shan Yu was a new man. Maybe it was your laugh. Perhaps your freedom. Now, Shan Yu wasn't worrying anymore.
He already knew what to do.
A scream woke you up.
You pulled the blanket away from your sweaty body, hands trembling as you moved. Surrounded by darkness, your heart beating so loud you could feel it twitching on your ears, you sat on the bed and faced the darkness surrounding you.
A nightmare. Squeezing the fabric of your nightgown, you tried to force yourself to calm down. Don't allow it to consume you, you thought. Be good, be quiet.
They were gone for a while now. It's been a few weeks since you last woke up at midnight, silence devouring you alive, searching for a comfort that just wasn't there. After a lifetime of nights filled with terror, you saw the anesthetized sleep as a good omen.
Should you see this night as a bad one?
Part of you hoped to be proven wrong. With your fingers brushing against your lips, you wonded if you really screamed in your sleep. In worse nights, worse times, you would wake up to your father holding you down. He isn't there, your house is silent.
Everything is fine.
But hope is a treacherous thing. So easily it lift you up to your feet, so quickly it shoves you down on the ground again.
Of course you father isn't holding you down. Of course your house is silent. Of course you feel alone. It's because you are.
A messenger came a few hours ago. Someone was injured. If they didn't bring the girl there, the reason was obvious: it was so bad they were afraid to move her. And if your parents aren't home already, then it is worse than you have imagined.
You hugged yourself. You know that being alone in that house is the first step for your mind to break you. You would start to think about this place, about your old home, and soon your mind would worry about the place you need to go when he is back.
If he comes back. After this war is over, will you have a husband you despise or a funeral to attend? A husband you dislike is easy to deal with, specialy if he comes back sick and tired. To find another one is worse: they might chose one you hate.
Steps made you stop worrying. Your heard the gate swing open, and that made you walk barefeet to the entrance of your home. Brushing your eyes, you noticed a shadow getting closer to the main door. They're home now.
For now, all you wanted was to not be alone anymore. "I had another nightmare", you spoke while sliding the door open, aware they could hear you from the other side. "Is she dead?"
Instead of what you expected, you saw him.
His golden gaze felt so heavy on your skin. The tall man, surrounded by darkness as if it was his to command, covered by fur and smelling like steel and iron. His sword glistened, his teeth too.
You felt like a prey. A sleepy rabbit facing a hungry wolf. His gaze reminded you of a predator, a cruel one playing with its meal.
Then you saw the eagle on his broad arm. That made you aware of his name. Oh, how you head the whispers. A man surrounded by death and blood. The bearer of destruction and fear. Leader of an army with a single duty: to break China apart.
"No one died tonight", Shan Yu whispered, somehow apologetic. As if he was an unexpected visitor with a good reason to surprise you, not a wild man that appeared in the middle of the night armed while you're alone. "You had another nightmare?"
You should've screamed. You should've ran away from him. But instead, understanding the only thing keeping Shan Yu from being violent is his desire to do so, you looked into his eyes and pretended to be fine. "What do you seek here?"
Closer, Shan Yu discovered he was wrong about you. The light inside your eyes was a mistake of his. They're on fire. Burning inside you, you soul warmed him.
"Your heart", Shan Yu answered, taking a step back. "Care to join me?"
You glared at the open gates, then at his eyes again. You waited for a manic laugh, a mean gaze, anything that showed the violence implicit on his words. If it was there, your eyes didn't catch it.
A hun after a chinese. A man oathed to destroy your nation asking for your heart. Maybe a few years ago when you were young and stupid this could almost sound like a fairytale. You know how to name this situation: spoil of war.
"You said no one died tonight", your throat burned. "But if I don't follow you... someone will, right?"
It took him a second, but the true meaning of your words hit Shan Yu like a poisoned arrow. "I wasn't threatening you", he started to clarify his intentions, but you stepping forward shut him.
Shan Yu saw anger on your eyes, disgust on the curl of your lips. Violence fits you heavenly. "But you will hurt others", how dry you sounded. Heartless. But he could see the truth behind it all. You were about to explode, but couldn't allow yourself to. "I rather not see this village burn like the others you passed by."
Shan Yu takes what he wants, claims what he desire, get rid of what doesn't fit his goals. But you're not a thing to be possessed. You're a person. A person that shines and burns. He can't take your love from you. Shan Yu can only hope for it.
Shan Yu wants to earn you.
"You will be my empress", he declared. "My heart is yours. I will wait until you feel the same. I won't touch you unless you allow me. I will protect your honor, defend your body and mind."
You chuckled. "Shan Yu, do you really believe in love at first sight?"
"Moon, I will give you China as a dowry", was his answer.
Your name coming out of his mouth made shivers run down your spine. You sighed. "You won't give up, will you?"
He wouldn't. Shan Yu would never.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
general taglist: @lovelyy-moonlight
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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lynnuvo · 1 month
Hi I hope I’m not bothering you but I just finished reading the reenactment fanfics and I was wondering if you’d be open to make one about “Princess and the Frog” or “Mulan” those are the only films that I remember the character having a more “got get it/work for it” attitude and relate a lot to that plus the yans would be interesting to read (to me at least I mean it’s ur writing not mine) anyway thx for the attention hope u have a great day and keep writing awsome fics :>
From 👻 anon
Hello 👻anon! Thank you so much for the touching compliment! I was wondering which fairytale to do next, so I'm glad you suggested either of those. Although it's been a long while since I've watched Princess & The Frog, I'm going to try my hand at that one since I love the story. For those who prefer a male yandere, don't worry! I'm planning on writing another version of this fairytale for you ღ
.·:*¨ ✘- It Takes Two to Tango - ✘ ¨*:·.
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Characters: Yan!Charlotte x Female (Y/N) in Tiana's role In which Charlotte intends to take the only desire she can't buy: her best friend
A Tale in the Baking
When you reincarnated into your new world, you were sleeping soundly in bed with a young, blonde girl who wore a frilly dress that scratched your skin. You were pretty confused and somewhat panicked about your predicament: your childlike appearance drastically contrasted from the mature adult life you've been leading. It wasn't until the end of the week that it finally dawned that you were in the middle of the fairytale "The Princess and the Frog."
Your father, James, had passed recently. Your mother, Eudora, shared his dream of owning a restaurant to you several times already as she reminisced her late husband. Of course, you provided as much comfort as you could. Charlotte visited your home every two days, more clingy than you remembered her being in the movie (likely due to the event).
Now, while you weren't aiming to follow exactly in the true protagonist's footsteps, the prospect of owning your own restaurant sparked a fire in your heart. It was ridiculously difficult to try to own even a car in your previous world. However, there was a key difference in that world and the current one: your family was close with the La Bouffs, the wealthy family Charlotte is from.
As you grew older, you became a confident young woman who didn't dare let a soul deceive her in any way. Because your relationship with Charlotte also grew, you vowed to never let anyone deceive her as well. She was veracious and at times ill-mannered, but you knew deep down that she was also naive. You weren't sure of what the true protagonist did outside of what was told in her tale, but it was your story now. So, you defended Charlotte at every corner & convinced her to tell you of any hardships she had--or of anything, really.
Who knew that such actions intended to protect her would ultimately backfire?
Ever since she was little, Charlotte dreamed of a prince coming to rescue her from trouble. She'd ramble on and on about this dream to you, who listened to her oh so intently. As time passed, this dream took a different turn. She pondered about it often, twisting the idea in her palm left and right while guys fawned over her.
One night, her father came into her room and introduced an opportunity of a lifetime: to marry Prince Naveen of Maldonia. She was ecstatic and agreed right then and there. In that same week, however, she began having second thoughts.
She visited the restaurant you worked at alone soon after. Picking up her sour mood, you took your break early and sat with her at a table, inquiring whatever was the matter. For someone like her to display such an downcast face in public was a rarity. She told you about her worries. Was marrying Naveen the right choice? What if he wasn't as great of a prince as she hoped he would be? What if she wouldn't be happy after all?
After comforting her softly, you chuckled and cheerily reassured her that everything would be well. Marrying him would mean she'd have both her best friend and the prince in her life!
(You were really hoping they'd get married. On top of Charlotte's happiness, the prince would be a great advantage in your career.)
Charlotte left the restaurant with a laugh, but your support left her heart heavier than before.
At the masquerade ball hosted by her father in honor of Naveen's arrival, Charlotte escaped to your side at every chance. As much as you loved her, her constant presence was disrupting the anxiousness you were trying to keep down. The story had already started off on the wrong foot. Where Charlotte was meant to introduce her potential relationship with her father Big Daddy was instead Big Daddy stopping by to eat with one of his clients at your restaurant, sharing the exciting news.
Once Charlotte darted into the kitchen for the eighth time that night with another excuse to talk to you, you gripped her by the shoulders, instructed her to be a good host and tend to her guests, and to not search for you until the night concluded.
Charlotte hated how you pushed away--hated hated HATED it. But still, she'd do it for you. She'd do it because you trusted she'd listen.
In the meantime, you waited in Charlotte's room until a frog jumped onto your balcony. You already knew you were going to be outbid for the mill (just like how it was in the fairytale), so you weren't wasting any time crying over a destined lost investment. When Naveen in his frog form entered the home, you rolled his eyes at his request to help him find a princess and agreed as long as he married Charlotte regardless of whatever was to happen that night. He had no problem with that.
Lucky for you, knowledge from your past life would serve your career well. You told Naveen that because Big Daddy was crowned Mardi Gras king recently, Charlotte would be a princess. All you two needed to do was to wait for the party to end.
Barely Lovely Triangle
As you suspected, Charlotte came running up to you after the ball had concluded. She chided you with tears in her eyes for leaving her alone for so long. You apologized, saying you only wanted the best for her and the Prince and that you being there likely would've prevented any action from her towards him. She begrudgedly agreed before going on to share how wonderful the dance was. She'd never danced like a royal until that day.
You nodded and "uh huh"-ed and dropped compliments as she talked. Once she concluded, you asked her to please listen to what you were about to say. She guessed the matter had to be serious enough for you to possess such a tone, but she hadn't expect an explanation about the frog beside you.
She pointed at him, a corner of her lip lifted in uncertainty. "So he's a prince, the one I was just dancing with was a fake, so I have to kiss that him to bring the prince back?"
You nodded. "Yup. Do you believe me?"
"I....I do. But what's going to happen to the fake one?"
"He'll be exposed in no time. Please, Charlotte? For me?"
Oh, you know she can't resist any request if it's for you.
Naveen, truth be told, transformed right then and there, into a dashing human of royal blood. After talking about you three's lives for a little while, he bid farewell and wished to meet you and Charlotte again soon. Knowing better now, Naveen kept his distance from danger, and low and behold, Lawrence--the man who had disguised as Naveen with the help of an evil talisman--was arrested for fraud.
Surprisingly, that was the start of a friendship trio. You, Charlotte, and Naveen hung out together every now and then in different locations. Of course, you and Charlotte remained closer than ever, but you were relieved to at least have a breath of fresh air. You didn't really have that many friends in city because you were so engrossed in either work or plotting against a destined marriage you didn't want. You were especially glad that Charlotte and even her father weren't keen on getting Charlotte married as soon as possible. Maybe with how things turned out, you no longer needed to worry about the fairytale's plot.
Too bad Naveen eventually falls in love with you anyway.
His proposal came during one of those days where only two of the three in the group were hanging out together. He happened to stop by your restaurant as you finished your shift and offered to walk you home after stopping by another location. You accepted, but you later wished you didn't once the proposal at a beautiful park happened. You rejected him kindly and reminded him that he had a duty to fulfill, and that was marrying your friend. He apologized. You felt bad, but you weren't in love with the guy! Plus, you wanted that restaurant of yours more than anything in that world. No man was going to stop your dream.
You shared what happened the next day to Charlotte at her house. In contrast to the rant you expected from her, she was...eerily calm. She inquired about the person who has your heart, and to that you told her you didn't have anyone. She nodded and recommended you stay away from Naveen for a bit. Men can take rejection quite rough was the summary of her small spiel about men this and men that. And according to her recommendation (even though you were planning to anyway), you didn't pay Naveen's business any mind. He didn't come around as often.
Over the next couple weeks, Charlotte would visit your home more often to hangout. She'd bring up the topic of romance a couple of times, but your answer remained the same: your love was for her and the restaurant you wished to own.
You'd ask about her and the prince every now and then. Her answer was the same: she wasn't as sure about marrying him anymore.
Love is the Secret Ingredient
At last, Naveen's proposal came in the privacy of a beautiful park with a pavilion and crispy lake. He had set up a picnic for Charlotte and him. They chatted as they ate, and once they concluded their afternoon meal, he popped the question.
Although Charlotte had convinced herself for days that she must accept for her dear friend, she just couldn't.
"I'm sorry, but...I don't think I can do this."
To say Naveen was disappointed was an understatement. Not only did the real thief of his heart reject him, but his business partner and friend also did. Charlotte felt guilty, but imaging herself being stolen away from you was a nightmare! And imagining you being stolen from her.....
Without a proposal to the wealthiest family in the city, Naveen was lost. He had arranged the marriage with Big Daddy to combine their influential powers (Big Daddy's wealth & Naveen's royal title despite being casted out by his family). Luckily, you arranged for him to work with you--to start him on the path of someone in your class.
Charlotte, of course, hated it.
She got an earful from Big Daddy for her rejection, but she didn't care. He would soon lose interest in the proposal as well anyway. After all, she was a Daddy's girl, and he wanted her happy.
Charlotte walked you home almost every work day. Her constant attention made you worry for her own health, but she was a ray of sunshine around you. How hurt could she be?
Soon, Naveen stopped showing up to work. The manager told you that Naveen told him he had lost motivation to work and quit. You were stooped, but when you went to visit the hotel he's been staying at since coming to the city, the receptionist shared that he left two night ago.
Charlotte told you that he happened to overhear her talking about a wealthy friend she had in another city. She arranged for him to go meet and live with the friend at his request.
You scowled with a heavy heart. "Wow. He didn't even bother saying anything to me. How shallow."
Charlotte pouted. "Yeah! He dare he! Guess it's just back to us again, huh?"
You smiled. "Yeah. You get me, Charles."
Adoration flowed through her veins. She was worried you might catch some strange aura off of her, but she wasn't lying. The situation was just premeditated. Within a week, Naveen should arrive at the hotel Charlotte had pointed him to just to find out her friend (she gave her a fake name, of course) had already left that hotel present day's tomorrow. There was no way he could afford the trip back to New Orleans. His entire trip to get there was funded by Charlotte herself.
Two months passed before a letter arrived in your mailbox. The mill that you had lost during Charlotte's ball was bought from the previous owner, and the lawyer inquired if you still wanted the property. You didn't waste any time meeting with them. You intended to sign it over to yourself, but the lawyer suggested another property--one that was more spacious and had much more potential. He offered it at the same price, just as long as you took one or the other. You accepted the second option.
Charlotte was elated to see how thrilled you were. Because you used up most of your savings on signing over the new space, she offered to help renovate the place using her money with refusal for objects. She even asked if she could work for you whenever she had time! You couldn't help but be grateful for your dear friend. You were typically too busy for other friendships, but never too busy for Charlotte.
From then on, life was like a fairytale. You worked your butt off at your new restaurant and taught Charlotte the ins and outs of active involvement. She loved it. She loved working with you. She loved watching you negotiate with hagglers and host events to promote the place. Because you were often exhausted by the end of the day, she suggested (quite strongly) that you and your mom move into her home. It was safer that you come home with someone, and her house was so big, you'd have all the privacy you want!
(Don't expect much privacy from her, though).
Suitors weren't a rare occurrence. You became quite a sought after individual as your business grew. But Charlotte knew how you felt and ensured anything causing your stress was taken care of. You tell her everything, after all!
And of course, she tells you (almost) everything. No boy ever became a problem after Naveen. And like always, despite her new insecurities towards being involved in the "working" part of business, no one was to bring her down. For instance, Charlotte overheard an employee of yours discussing her lack of tack to a chef. She mumbled about it to you over dinner, asking if she was a burden to you. The next work day, the employee praised her progress more than twice in one shift.
One night, you both decided to have a sleepover in Charlotte's room. Trying on different dresses and watching movies had tired such pretty girls out. Laying in her bed, you brushed some blonde locks away from her gorgeous face. "You know Charles, these days, I feel like you're my only true friend."
Charlotte giggled and cuddled closer into your arms. "I'll always be silly. Even if the world crashed, we'll have each other to rely on. No one else!"
"You're absolutely right. No one else."
As she drifted off to sleep in your arms, you continued to brush her hair with a smile on your face. Running a restaurant was hard work, but gambling your luck on Charlotte was even harder. It was a relief she didn't reject Naveen due to affections for another guy. As long as you continued to open your arms out to her, you'll be fine, life would be bliss.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 1 year
Genderbend Villainous Disney Princesses x Yandere reader
Chaper 5 Into the unsnown
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So your probably wondering what's with all the gifs in the beginning instead of the end well it's because You and Jasmir have been spending alot of time with together. Ever since Jasmir found you he's been spoiling you with
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And treasures
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Safe to say Jasmir was wrapped around your murderous little finger. He came by everyday day to either help you around the tree house like a good little rich househusband or smother you with affection. You both were hooked, yu couldn't get enough of each other but as Jasmir kisses your arm again
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(Jasmir) My Sultana I regret to inform you that I have to return to Arabah for I have a kingdom to run and duties to attend too I will miss you terribly.
You stare at Jasmir before you kiss 💋 him again before finally saying
(Y/N) Go...........Home
Blood red Hearts appeared in Jasmir eyes as you spoke, he noticed that you don't say alot but he doesn't mind that means you trust him more and more as the days go by. Jasmir kiss you one last time before taking his bag and pulled on his cloak.
You walked to the left to watch Jasmir gave u a thumbs up and you then Lowered him to the bottom of the treehouse.
(Jasmir) ok my dearest Sultana, I'll be back in 3 weeks, I miss you already, I'll send you a letter everyday, don't talk to strangers, DON'T EVER TALK TO STRANGERS, ok love you bye!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
Jasmir took off back to Arabah as he send you lots of kisses 💋 💋 💋. You stood and watched Jasmir until you couldn't see him anymore. You signed and went back inside to wash the dishes as you two had finished breakfast. It was a relatively calm day the sun was out the grass was damps and their was an occasional squirrel or chipmunk here and there. Speaking of which it's harvest time for the fruit trees. You quickly grab a basket gifted to you by Jasmir and went outside and lowered yourself to the ground.
You went the the fruit trees you planted as a child the was a orange, peach, plum, lemon, apple, pear, and lastly a mango treed. You also have a growing Cherry, Banana, Coconut and apricot trees but their not ready to grow Fruit yet so you had to go to the others. You already picked some oranges and pears but you recently you ran out of peaches you want to make a cobbler for when Jasmir comes home. Yes I said home in your Mind he now he lives here with you. You didn't break Jasmir yet because he has responsibilities as a leader and ruler otherwise you would have never let him out. As you felt you picked enough peaches you flet a shiver in your spine. You looked side to side it was now cold so very very very very Cold 🥶 🧊 ☃️ 🧥 ❄️.
You walked around wondering were the chills were coming from until your foot ram into something as you looked down something became someone. It was a short handsome male he wore a ripped sky blue tux some parts were covered in mud a had some Bruises and messy long hair the poor boys appearance as a whole was Dishevelled and beaten up he looks like he hasn't eaten or Slept in years.
You to pity on the poor possibility dead boy and threw him over your shoulder. The male himself was very cold and it felt like you were carrying a corpse. You took the basket and walked back to you home. When you got inside you put the boy on the couch and quickly put on the fireplace. You then went to the kitchen to make tea and soup while getting the first aid kit.
You took off of top and put the clothes in the wash you then began to clean his Wounds and applied Vaseline and rapped him bandages you continued to look at the man he had pale skin and white hair he was short for a male but a bit taller the you. He couldn't be know
You couldn't help but rub his chest and face despite how cold he was, he has so fragile so weak so helpless looking. He could have died if you didn't fine him. He Needed you He needed you to Cater to pamper and love him You can't let him leave if that was the Case.
You pet his hair and kissed his face
(Y/N ) Don't........worry..........I'll..........take........Care.......of...........You........I'll........Take............Care..........of......You......Forever.
You never had a baby boy before.
A few hours later as you were making dinner you heard a voice coughing and finally Is croaking hello. You grab the soup 🍲 and tea 🍵 and wentto the living room. Their the male was sitting up and looking around the room until his eyes landed on you.
(???)(Croaking) Hello
As usual you say nothing at first. You moved closer and put the food and drink on the table
(???) Ma'am where am I? who are you?
You continued to stare at him you pointed at him as to ask who are you?
(???) my name is Elson King Elson
So you new found baby boy has a name
(Elson) I remember being attacked I didn't see who but I was scared and I wasn't trying to hurt him but I needed to find it
You sat and listened to Elson as you changed his Bandages. You them grabbed the soup bowl and went to feed him.
(Elson) uh thank you.....Now as i was saying that I was listening to a voice, a pretty Gentle voice who is freezing because of me.
WoW King Elson heard you too and he came all this way to look for you. Is it your birthday 🎂 or something?
(Elson) I've been on the move for months looking for the source of that voice and to take the ice cold away from them and to grant warmth to the best of my ability. I want to warm them up in Many More ways them one.
Believe it or not you blushed a bit hearing that last part but Elson didn't Notice as he was Monologing to himself.
(Elson) I want to find her and grant her wish for her to hold a nice warm body close to her at night.
You couldn't take it anymore you want this boy know need this boy your going to keep him nice and warm on this couch and baby this man for the rest of your no so short life.
You rubbed his shoulder to get his attention
(Elson) Yes what is it?
You pointed to the Main wall of the tree house this time showing a different picture you in a winter coat with your exact blank face. Elson saw there was blood on your face and clothes as he saw you had plead a family of Hares with your bare hands. Like Jasmir, Elson was Mesmerized he then looked in the corner of the frame.
(Elson) your (Y/N)
You then look at Elson with the same look you gave Jasmir
(Y/N) (Y/N) (L/N)
Elson was so screwed their it was the voice he's been hearing in his is empty castle and his empty head.
Like Jasmir he did not know the danger he was in
Like Jasmir he did not know that he was trapped
Like Jasmir he did not know how dangerous you can really be
And Like Jasmir he couldn't find it in himself to CARE.
yay their goes chapter 5 people of the series I might need some time to figure out how to go about chapter 6. Anyway leave comments below people, I'm dying here🙏😭
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