#yandere fairy tales
reareaotaku · 1 year
A Scary Death
I don't know if I made this obvious, but this version, Hansel and Gretel are older teens. Also, hope my writing has improved since 2021 like wow. Pt 1, Pt 2
You all were munching happily on the candy, until a clunking sounded and you looked towards the front door.
That caught the attention of you all. The woman starts laughing as she walks down her candy path. You all quickly hide the candy behind your backs.
"Oh, I just love...." She starts spinning in a circle, before walking over to you three and yelling, "Teens!" She swishes a knife pretty close to where you three were and Hansel pulled you behind him so as to not get attacked by the crazy woman. She laughs as you all scream bloody murder, but all she did was cut off a candy cane.
"This chick is psycho," You whisper to Hansel, who nods his head in agreement.
"Try the fence, you majestic creatures."
You were confused and looked at the candy in her hand, declining the offer, but the siblings were quick to indulge in the food. You watched, seemingly the only one who was confused by the lady's actions.
Gretel thanks her, before apologizing about us screaming and Hansel quickly retorted-
"We thought you were going to chop us up." 
Which caused you elbow hit, quickly shutting him up.
"Chop you up? Why?" She chuckles. "I love teens. They're so.... Oh what's the word.... Exquisite. "
"Come in, young ones. Come, come, come." She kicks open the door, "Stay for dinner. Stay as long as you like."
You could practically see them [Hansel and Gretel] glowing with happiness. They probably thought they found a new home, but you knew better. 
"Stay forever." The woman laughs to herself, "Sit. Let me bring you a little snack. You must be hungry." She walks off to a pantry and you watch her closely.
Hansel can see your worried faced, but before he can ask if you're okay, she continues.
"What brings you to my little cottage, my sweethearts?"
"Our parents chopped our heads off," Gretel remarks, causing the baker lady to pop out of the door surprised.
"Really? How inconsiderate. Ha!"
"We're looking for the perfect family," Gretel continues, "Or at least one that won't kill us."
"Are you all siblings?"
"No!" Hansel quickly protest, shocking you, Gretel, and the Baker, "I just mean that Y/n," He gestures towards you, "Is our closet friend. No blood."
"Well, I have some cake for you now," The lady singsongs, "And just about everything you could ever desire."
Hansel looks over at you, almost love struck, but quickly looks away when you spot him. He was strange, but you could never quite figure out what relationship you had with the male.
"How's that for a happily ever after?"
You slept with your legs apart, and Hansel slept between your legs, with Gretel being the only one in a bed. All of you were filled since you ate so much of the candy in the house. You could feel Hansel move, which caused you to wake up.
You looked around the empty room, before spotting a closet and opening it to have a whole bunch of shoes collapse on you.
"How come there's a closet full of shoes?" Hansel asked, quickly waking up. "That one has a foot in it," Hansel points to a very specific, boned shoe, but Gretel was in denial.
"Everything's fine," she repeated, but you knew that was far from true.
You looked back towards Hansel, but he was already back asleep, willing to take his sister's word.
The sun rose and a bunch of food was placed infront of you. You weren't all that hungry, so when Mrs. Baker left, you gave your food to Hansel, who was chowing the food down like a vacuum. You don't think you've ever seen someone eat so quickly. He acted like he hadn't been fed in years, when he just ate last night.
Mrs. Baker comes in, while Hansel is out of it and asks for help in the kitchen, making you suspicious. It doesn't take long before Hansel is heading back up the stairs, alert and hyper, grabbing both you and Gretel.
"We have to go! She tried to cook me!"
Gretel was still out of it, asking him what was going on, but he seemed to be more worried about getting out of there. Though, a burnt-looking Mrs. Baker comes up the stairs, looking annoyed, while Hansel stood infront of you both, almost protectively.
"Oven... doors... don't... lock!" She pulls out a knife and swishes at you as you all begin to run. She opens the door to the room and walks slowly. "Do you really want to know when your parents stopped loving you? The answer is quite simple." She walks over to the window. "Obvious really. They never loved you. Never. Never. Never." 
You knew she was trying to get under Hansel's skin, but you were hoping he wouldn't take the bait.
"You know it's true."
To bad for you he did and she caught him, lifting him high up into the air before smacking her teeth and shaking the male. You feel the boned shoe under your hand, smirking while getting a quick idea.
"Eat this, you old hag!" You throw it at her, startling her. She drops Hansel, who lands on his back hard. She starts tumbling backwards, tripping on food and you and Gretel gasp, already seeing where it was going. She ends up falling out of the window, causing you and Gretel to go look out and see what happened.
She landed on the candy cane she had chopped earlier. Gretel's eyes widened at the blood and organs leaking from her stomach. Though, she tried to rationalize it by saying she's okay, but she was not okay. She ran ahead of you, while you stayed to grab Hansel's, who complained about his back. You can hear Gretel scream and you quickly rush down.
"Oh, she is not okay."
You all screamed at the gory display and Hansel seems to magically recover as he runs away first, with both you and Gretel quickly following behind.
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lynnuvo · 2 months
Of Course a Prince Needs a Princess
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Characters: Yandere Prince x Female (Y/N) In which you reincarnate into a fairytale where Yan!Prince wants his happy ending too
Having a second chance at life in exchange for the death of your previous one came with a crash. You weren't sure how it happened, but you luckily retained your memories and your wit.
It didn't take long to find out you were in a world akin to Cinderella's story--from the stepmothers to the talking mice to the royalty the citizens praised. Unfortunately, you weren't looking to live in a grand castle. Or maybe you were, but not with being married to a man you don't have feelings for. The original couple got together so quick, yet they barely knew each other. That story was definitely as it was: a work of fiction
Your new plan? Put up with the stepsisters, find a job elsewhere, and make enough bank to live comfortably in the village away from your family. You've never heard of laws in Cinderella's fairytale, but you were certain that the kingdom couldn't possibly force citizens to live with toxic family members.
𝑇̲ℎ̲𝑒̲ 𝐵̲𝑎̲𝑙̲𝑙̲
After spending a few months doing chores and odd jobs around the village (the latter for some extra cash), your family finally received news of the fated ball.
You initially didn't plan on going, but you deserved a break. You didn't bother asking for permission to go; your stepmother definitely wouldn't allow it. The main problem was summoning Fairy Godmother.
Luckily, she couldn't tell the difference between fake tears and real ones. You behaved as close to the actual Cinderella as you could recall, and POOF!
With your new attire and coach, you made your way to the most gorgeous castle your eyes have ever fell upon.
It didn't take long for the prince to notice you, but this is where you drew the line at this fairytale life. You rejected his proposal to dance, shocking the other guests. You had to resist a smirk at your step-family's reaction.
Flabbergasted, the prince left you swiftly and moved onto another fair maiden. You indulged yourself in the catering happily, but after your stomach was filled, the stares of passerby began to discomfort you. The prince was occupied with another dance, so you wasted no time leaving the palace early (much to the confusion of the knights who stood guard).
The spell broke while at home with no evidence of your night out, not even the glass slippers. When your stepfamily returned, they bragged about their time and briefly talked about you (luckily not knowing you were the one who was "stuffing their face like a pig starved."). After that day, life returned to normal.
Or at least what you thought was going to be normal.
𝘙͜𝘶͜𝘯͜𝘢͜𝘸͜𝘢͜𝘺͜ 𝘊͜𝘪͜𝘯͜𝘥͜𝘦͜𝘳͜𝘦͜𝘭͜𝘭͜𝘢͜
Beginning that night, Yan!Prince thought about you often. He never imagined a young lady would ever reject his proposal to dance, though he didn't hold it against you. It was just a shocker.
Despite that, you appeared in his mind before bed and after he woke up, while he ate and while sharpening his combat skills. Even if he told himself that that one incident was nothing more than a brief interaction with a citizen of his kingdom, he couldn't forget the color of your hair, your pretty face, and how you paid oh so much attention to the food his family prepared just for that ball.
Upon overhearing the chefs gush about their gratefulness towards their food being appreciated so much, he made up a personality for you: kind but forward, honest, valuing true intentions and love over gold and high status.
Too bad for him, gold was your highest priority. While he began going on strolls into the village in search of you under the impression of catching up with the townsfolk, you continued job-hunting and tending to the house. You even decided to cater to your stepfamily as best as possible--subtle enough so they wouldn't think you were trying to suck up to them.
Surprisingly, your relationship with them improved just a bit. But it was what you needed to get permission to work at a bakery in the village.
Once you discovered he was visiting the village often, you did your best to avoid the bakery window while working and hurry home once your shift ended.
Unfortunately, you both ran into each other just as you closed up shop. In a small panic, you inquired about him for the sake of courtesy. While you two spoke, he couldn't help but notice a striking resemblance between you and the lady who turned him down at the ball. You could tell from his facial expression he was piecing things together, so you abruptly bid farewell and ran away.
He would visit you a lot. After replying to his inquiry that you weren't the girl at the ball, he'd joke about it a lot (there was no other gal in the village like you). It didn't take long for rumors to spread amongst the kingdom that the prince had taken a fancy to you. You hated it. He didn't mind it. In fact, it no longer mattered whether you were the girl at the ball. Something about you pulled him in like a hook. Perhaps it was the determination he observed through the window. Perhaps it was the way you handled children while taking a breather outside as he ate inside. Perhaps it was destiny.
As time passed, you grew more tolerant of him. While you didn't want him to be your romantic partner, you guessed you were okay with being his friend. As time passed, he grew more frustrated you weren't his. His father took note of his unusual agitated self, but he waved it off as stress when thinking of a future bride.
"What about that lady the people are saying you like?"
"Oh, her? She has....a way with herself. It seems that she's not interested in me."
"Perhaps you both need a bit of a push."
Since then, the King made a few visits to the bakery to chat--no marriage mentioned. He wanted to see what you were like. Although you were a kind girl, he confronted Yan!Prince with the truth that he probably wouldn't have a spouse who didn't want him. It broke his heart to hear, but he wasn't ready to let go yet.
You were already preparing your escape long before the ball, but the pace of your plan sped up now that the prince was on your trail. You found out about the closest kingdom from acquaintances and saved up funds to use on your journey.
When the prince discovered you had quit your job via a disappearance, he visited your home. Your stepfamily was in shambles (literally. The place was filthy.) and shared that you had disappeared overnight with your belongings. There was no mistake in it: you had abandoned him.
Framing your escape as a possible kidnapping, he ordered guards and encouraged the rest of the kingdom to search for you. All of his efforts was on the search.
Photography didn't exist, so you were fortunate that the description he gave out about your appearance was vague. Somehow, you made it to the nearest kingdom with a plea to the guards that you made your way there in search of a better life. The Queen was kind and sponsored a place for you to stay for the first five months while you adjusted to your new life in exchange for you finding a job. It didn't take long to do so with your desperation.
In no time, you were living a much happier life in your home, with your new friends, and even someone who kept catching your eye. Talk of the nearby kingdom's drama was entertaining, even more so with the subject amongst them.
Meanwhile, the prince's mental and physical wellbeing deteriorated. Some say the search took a lot out of him. Some say he was so heartbroken, he had no will to live. Maids in the castle whispered about the prince being locked in his room from the outside because he grew violent--so out of character! Disturbed, the King confided in only those closest to him about his woes. Whatever did that woman do to infatuate his son so much! No one could approach him anymore. He ate and drank only when he needed to. His room became a mess. How did such a sorrow fall on the family of royal blood when there was so much potential for happiness to look forward to?
Anyone could guess that were was no point in a happy ending for romantic fairytale if there was no romance to begin with.
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sky-high-standards · 1 year
Yandere!!Fairytale characters!!Dark Reverse harem xFemale reader
I recently edited this
Part 2 here
You always loved stories for as long as you could remember because every night until you turned 8 you had dreams about coming to visit these story book characters but strangely they were your age in these dreams and were incredibly possessive and kept going on about how you would have to get married to one of them when you grow up.
When you were 9 you stopped reading fairy tales and these dreams stopped too.
8 years later~
You where just minding your own business when your mother came in and told you that you had to donate some old toys to a charity shop, you lazily got up and went to your attic where you kept most of your childhood things. As you searched you picked up the story book that you haven't seen in 8 years, a wave of nostalgia came over yo as you flipped through the pages. Suddenly aa portal came from the book and sucked you in.
Story 1 Cinderellis
You found yourself in a castle when someone suddenly bumped into you. You were surprised to see a beautiful woman wearing gorgeous clothing and a crown probably the queen giving you her hand to help you up she apologized and then gasped taking a closer look at you.
Queen: y/n is that you?
Y/n: Um yes?
She beamed and hugged you.
Queen: y/n my dear its been so long you're all grown up and so beautiful!
y/n: Queen Charming?
Then it all came back to you .You where in the castle where you used to play with your old friends Ellis and Johnathan. The queens son Johnathan saw you as a little sister and the queen saw you as a daughter but Ellis was the son of a wealthy man who was very kind and had a close friendship with the royal family. You remember Jonathan was vey protective and teased you a lot while Ellis was very sweet and incredibly shy and was very clingy towards you but he had this dark side and hated competition.
Queen: Just call me Caroline dear.
She smiled warmly at you seeming euphoric to see you again.
Caroline: Come quickly we must tell Jonathan you returned he will be so happy to see you.
So she lead you to the vaguely familiar room belonging to Jonathan
When he turned around you could barely recognize him he really has grown up.
Johnathan: y/n?
You nodded and he then tackled you into a hug like when you were kids.
Johnathan: I knew you'd come back dummy!!!
y/n: You really haven't changed a bit huh Johnny.
After you three caught up you found out Ellis's dad had died after you left and he now lives with his stepmother and his two stepbrothers they stopped seeing him after they met his stepmother.
Caroline the told you that she was gonna plan a ball for your return and to find a wife for Johnathan she sent out invitations to everyone in the land including Ellis and his family.
Ellis's home
Ellis was doing his usual labor because his mother treated him like a slave ever since his father died. His step family now just calls his Cinderellis due to him always being covered in soot. Ellis barely got anything to eat and was always given ragged clothing to wear. His stepbrothers mad sure to make sure he feels and looks terrible because they are incredibly jealous of Ellis because of his looks and all the female attention he gets.
After all these years Ellis hadn't forgotten about you but how could he ever since he met you he had been madly in love with you so much so that he worships the ground you walk on and would do anything to get your attention and much much more to get you affection but after you left a piece of himself left too he was absolutely devastated but he never lost hope that someday you'll return.
When an invitations to the ball came Ellis didn't care but he jumped for joy when you saw that this was for your return finally, he'd see his beloved again.
He told his Stepmother, and she told her sons to try and get you to fall for one of them now Ellis didn't like this and poisoned his family that day, after all Ellis never liked competition.
After the murder he disposed of the bodies he then dressed in one of his fathers suites and daydreamed about how soft your lips where or how happy you'll be to see him he can already picture you running into his arms proclaiming your undying love for him and how you'd never leave him again you'll be his in a matter of time.
Back at the castle
You were getting ready for the ball when a blinding flash of purple light came, and you saw a woman with a wand and beautiful purple wings in front of you.
???: Oh hello dear.
y/n: um who are you ma'am?
???:I'm your fairy Godmother I'm here to help you get back home.
y/n: Why? everyone is so nice here.
She went silent for a moment looking at you sympathetically.
Godmother: Things aren't always as they seem my dear...you have to save Jonathan if you want to make it to the next story.
Godmother: Keep it down, yes he's in great danger and you have a few more stories to complete before you get to go home.
y/n: what do you mean?
Godmother: I mean in each of the stories you will live in you will have a task when you complete it you will be sent to the next story but if you fail a task you won't be able to leave when you were younger you made every one of the male leads fall for you and now their obsessions have grown in an unhealthy way so be careful I'll see you soon.
and then she left just like how she came with without warning and in a poof of purple light.
The ball had begun and you couldn't stop worrying about Caroline and Johnathan. You were shaken out of your train of thought when a young man asked to dance he seemed pretty exited even euphoric and...love sick?
Nonetheless you agreed and he swiftly took you to the the center of the ball room as you two danced you couldn't avoid his stare it was so intense but those gray blue eyes were just` too familiar then it clicked.
Y/n: Ellis...?
He smiles at you and nodded.
Ellis: Did you miss me little mouse?
you smiled back at him and hugged him and he was in pure bliss finally you're back in his arms oh how he's dreamed of this day everything was perfect until he saw those pretty eyes of yours start to lose focus on him as you kept glancing at Jonathan this made his blood boil he was always second place to Jonathan when it came to you he always got your attention but now he's finally snapped he's had enough.
When you left to go check on Caroline he pulled out a vile of poison the very same he used to kill his step family.
Ellis: I didn't think I'd have to use it so soon.
He mumbled coldly.
He was about to pour it into Jonathan's glass when he heard your voice and he quickly his it into his pocket smiling at you, you asked to speak to him privately and he was taken back when he saw you crying and he immediately went forward to comfort you only to be pushed away.
Ellis: Little mouse what's wrong.
You stared up at him with a mix of hurt betrayal and confusion.
Y/n: I saw what you were about to do Ellis...I don't understand, Why would you try hurt him.
Ellis: why? because I love you y/n I love so much that it drives me insane I love you so much that I'd kill anyone in a heartbeat just for your attention I love you more than you will ever know little mouse~
All you could do was look up at him in fear as he caressed your cheek smiling at you with a sickly-sweet smile.
y/n: what happened to you? You were so sweet so kind and so selfless.
Ellis: Oh y/n you happened to me.
you saw a deranged glint in his eyes and his smile turned more sinister.
Ellis: You turned me into this.
At that moment you knew there was no reasoning with him so you had to be with him until you get sent to the next story.
y/n: Ellis I'll be yours if you promise not to hurt anyone else.
You could tell he was more than euphoric hearing those words come out of that pretty mouth of yours it sent him over the edge.
Ellis: I promise Little mouse.
For about 5 months things where perfect for Ellis waking up and knowing you are there being the only one able to kiss your soft lips it was pure bliss until there was a flash and you were gone.
You were falling out of the sky and splashed into the water you tried your hardest to swim but couldn't you were about to drown but you were rescued by a strange being and all you could remember was its voice.
Tell me if ya want me to continue and please give my other yandere stories some love.
God loves you get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated
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arsonlookers · 4 months
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am I the only one? why are there no people talking about this crazy fox? like my second male lead syndrome is kicking in OMG😭 HELP, this fox might be the death of me, I dont know he is like bruh stay away from be also want him so BAD😭
He is Shiho Baek from A not so fairy tale also known as Extroversion of an Immortal
Guys hear me out ok MY reasons why this Fox is just damn Hot
and reason to read the manwha :]
One: He is a yandere [dont tell me other wise read the manwha, damn he is so crazy in and I LOVE how crazy he is!]
Two: He is so cute and Hot at the same time! like I do like foxes [call out childe here and aven hahaha] he IS A NINE-TAILED FOX!! come on 😭
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please he is so cute!!😭
four: His eyes, his lips, his everything!!! I WANT HIM BAD!! 😭 I don't care if he is bat shit crazy or masochist at some point I just FIND HIM SO ATTRACTIVE 😭
Five: I tell you the main characters are damn HOT like even the female lead She man not be that great of a person but she has a understanding point and reasons why she like that dont hate her.SHE SO COOL!!
but where here to talk about him
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seventh: GUys....he is not a bad guy, he just wants love😭 provide him love, provide him all love come on the love he knows is just twisted and sad, I cant😭
eight: spoiler: there is one part of the manwha where he said he just prayed and prayed for FL's pain to go away or how he is ok to be chocked, slapped, tied up, as long as FL dont suffer or make that sad suffering face anymore 😭 can you hate him?
Ninth: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 why sad??? why trauma?
tenth: The manwha is still ongoing but I just feels 😭 I dont know The FL is so sad and the Ml is also Sad and the second fox baby is also sad
P.S. Whoever the hell is the woodcutter I will cut him with my bare hands if its not because of him maybe all of this will not happen because he just makes everyone suffer after a thousand years😭 the hell you are! I will cut you!!
if the Fl don't need or love him I can... I CAN FIX HIM!! I WOULD LOVE TO FIX HIM!!!
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He is the PERFECT specimen my comrades who love Yandere men *wink wink* he so attached and so down come on if you love to choke him he is down bad *wink wink* he would love that hehehe
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he also reminds me of someone SIYUN BAEK bastard i love him too
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Can I have a Yan genderbend of Maleficent? Or the very least in a yandere pletonic relationship with them?
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Yandere Genderbend Maleficent x Reader
You couldn’t believe you used to admire your family’s ignorance. You internally screamed as you listened to your family further embarrass themselves. They were so deluded by your great-grandfather’s pact, they had become set in the avarice founded from it. 
Long ago your great-grandfather had done the impossible. Defeating the fae army and even reclaiming the fallen land before establishing a functional militia there. Earning those honor-driven fae’s respect made your kingdom one to be praised in legend and stories to come. Some suspected you were a puppet state, and others wondered if you had a secret item that had the fae yielding to you. But you knew the truth. You were the only one who actually devoted time to the archives and private libraries. Actually yearning to know the truth. What you found was a successful mission to show the value of humanity. Your great-grandfather had befriended the young fae responsible for the war and somehow convinced him to explore the intricacies of the kingdom. The kingdom was filled with joy and a general consensus to be good. It sounded like paradise. The letters proved that the great fae thought precisely the same which is why he raised no alarm when he grew close with the prince–your grandfather. This relationship would be scandalous, judging by the letters both were torn between letting them be together. The fae was madly in love easily sharing his devotions with his friend, only for the king to show concern. For he knew his child and believed it would lead to their doom. As the king aged his authority was no longer uncontested and it was easy for his nobles to offer his throne in reward for control of the fae.  It wasn’t long before your grandfather returned wings in hand and was crowned as the greatest king to be. It wouldn’t be until that same fae returned to curse your mother that the situation would intensify. The story would tell of the princess cursed to sleep through her own pregnancy and the future king that would slay the dragon that was that revenge-stricken fae. 
They thought the body had faded because they had won. They were wrong. 
“Oh, King of Fae can’t bygones be bygones?! After all your family and ours were great friends.”
You cringed as the green magic seemed to flare up once again. You bit your tongue, for the time being, your parents were completely oblivious to the friendly relations you continued to nurture with various fae.  
“Yeah! What more do you want?! At this rate your just going to keep coming back to scam us or something.”
Your foolish brother piped in. Of course, he wouldn’t be aware of the true nature of the king before him. Nor of the power he possessed. You were lucky he hadn’t sucked the life out of everyone in this room.
“...I need proof of your loyalty to me. Something prized by your people.” Eyes hauntingly green roamed the room before landing on the oldest prince. “Someone precious.”
“Oh heavens! No, please!” Your mother cried leaning into your father who was visibly sweating.
“I’d rather die than give my son to you! Surely there is a gem or item you’d wish from us.”
The fae glowered. “No. Anything I want I can have. Anything I want I can take. Besides you, humans are hardly grasping what I want! Give me your prize!”
Prince Phil opened his mouth in a plea before being interrupted by the clicking of his younger sibling's heels. Poised and focused they easily attracted the attention of everyone in the room. Servants, guards and the royal family alike watched as the youngest royal came closer to the towering fae. If it weren’t for the situation he would have turned up his nose, the little parasite had done nothing but ruin his right to the throne. Not in the official light–his parents had always loved him more: they told him so themselves. But among the guards, the people, the servants, and even assassins had no stronger loyalty than to them. An embarrassment to the one birthed to wear it. He couldn’t stand (Y/n)! 
Nonetheless, he watched as they bowed, practically on their knees to the fae distastefully dragging their cape on the ground. A shameful appearance for someone of royal blood; no matter how despicable. 
They spoke, “Forgive us, my King. They are unaware of your history with the rulers of this kingdom and in no way are a reflection of the people who revere your existence.”
The green glow that had been permeating off the horned guest seemed to lessen as he watched blankly at (Y/n)’s plea. I could hear the scoldings they no doubt would receive, not to mention the punishments. What would it be? No more horse riding? Banned from the kitchen? Restricted from traveling? Oh, the possibilities were endless…
The fae didn’t speak which allowed (Y/n) to speak once again. 
“I fear that my family has not much to spare…but if you’d be willing I offer myself to you.”
“(Y/n)! Speak no more!” Father called with more worry than I expected. But they continued looking into the monster’s glowing eyes as if to manipulate him as they had done with so many others.
“If you’d be willing your Grace, let me be your prize!” Tilting his head he seemed to consider before looking at father who had looked away. His lips opened to speak before another interruption occurred. 
“(Y/n) please don’t do this!” 
“Master please consider!”
“We’ll go!”
“Yes! Please you mustn’t this kingdom needs ya!”
Many of the lowly servants dropped to their knees calling out from behind the guards who were hardly doing anything to restrain them. Sneering I had half a mind to strike them now but I wasn’t a fool; decorum was important even for the company of a monster.
(Y/n) seemed to falter before continuing to bow to the creature, who tilted his head once more and smiled in amusement.
“I was worried I was being offered a worthless prize…” Withdrawing a clawed hand from his robe he lifted their chin and trembling lips. Smiling devilishly as that green fire around him flared. 
“But I realize this is the fabled Shadow Dove, the silent pacifist between our peoples. Continuing to keep the…altruism within your kingdom.” 
Father made a grumbled murmur from his beard and Mother looked just as surprised as me. I paid no mind as he made (Y/n) rise with a pull of their hand. He moved around them to step closer to our thrones. I drew my sword ignoring the shaking as I pointed in his direction. He looked to me, monstrous eyes keeping me at a distance he turned to look at father and mother smiling with that horrifying display of teeth. Staff in hand the green flare seemed to spout from the staff in a frightening display. 
“I prophesy that when I take your Dove, your kingdom will crumble. From within its own walls your rule will end! From those ashes, I will take your kingdom and the last of your blood will be mine. ” He scoffed as mother shook intensely before mumbling something to himself…”That is if it survives from my own.” 
With a slapping gust of wind and a pull of his robe; the only evidence that he was here was the singed marks against the carpet. 
As expected, the moment Maleficent left your mother broke into tears attracting the attention of your father and brother. Allowing you to leave quickly; as you were sure the anger behind their fear was bubbling. No doubt they’d somehow take it out on you, even as you were solely responsible for their lives. 
“Oh, Master!” 
“Do ya really h’ve ta go?”
“Will ya visit?” 
Running into the arms of your family you let your shoulders sag. You let your worry show as you confided in them. To think the only people in the castle who were least literate were more aware of how much the monarchy relied on them than the actual people in power. You prepared yourself accordingly, sending letters to nobles, trade partners, and allies. Disclosing all the information so they knew where your country was at. You fiddled with your plume as you debated reporting Maleficent’s prophecy. 
*Tap Tap*
You eyed past your pile of papers at the door. Seeing no one you continued to work
*Tap Tap*
You looked up again, with more vigor. You needed to focus on the good of your kingdom.
*Tap Tap*
“Alright, alright. I’m coming “ You began your search of the room looking frantically for the cause. Only to find it past your reflection in the window. You opened it letting the crow with something in its feet fly into your office. 
“Well hello there.” 
You carefully stroke the corvid as you unwrap the delivery. It was a letter and a vial filled with a liquid that seemed to change color under the light of the fire. 
Dearest (Y/n),
In preparation for our marriage, I have sent to you an elixir. It is to ensure good health as the days count down before I come to retrieve you. I am willing to let you do what you will before I collect you. If there should be any circumstances that lead to you not drinking the elixir or otherwise damaging my prize I will speed that process up, with extreme prejudice. 
You eyed said elixir with great suspicion but after flashing a look of question to the—shrugging(?) crow, you downed it. Hacking at the burn that ran from your mouth to your esophagus you staggered onto your office couch. Scratching at the cushions you tried to refrain from screaming at the pain. It felt like your blood was boiling; thankfully your body felt the same and allowed you to fall into pain-numbing sleep. 
The crow tilted its head, watching with beady eyes at the shivering human on the couch. Seeing that the human was still breathing the crow set to take off before being interrupted. Harsh knocking led before the door swung open to reveal a man dressed in royal robes. His hand rested on the hilt of his sword as he stepped towards the couch. He seemed to hesitate before shakily withdrawing the sword from its scabbard, raising it above your sleeping head.
The corvid call startled the wielder, fearfully returning the sword to its resting place. He looked at the bird with a scoff, making moves to scare it away before stalking out of your office. Seeing as the letter was delivered and its receiver followed instructions, the crow flew away returning to its master. 
The following morning, you continued to work having a vague recollection of the delivery. You pressed on, working diligently to organize the kingdom’s assets as best as you could. You held your face in your hands having finally sent your signature on a national ordinance. Preparing for your complete absence was harder than you thought. With the news of your engagement, the people were in a panic: riots, spreading hysteria, and massive scales of evacuation. Thousands of letters from allies and nobles alike begging to go to war instead of your marriage. It was too much for one person to take, especially if you were not nearly as experienced as a certain king should be. Speaking of the failures+ royal family they haven’t made an effort to speak to you. You couldn’t decide whether it was because they blamed you or were finally accepting how little they did on their own. 
“Your highness…your parents invited you to dinner?” Your maid spoke unassuredly, if he was befuddled by the notion of inviting someone you live with to eat or that they reached out at all you couldn’t tell. Nonetheless, you accepted, making quick work of the remaining paperwork so that you could finally breathe. Savoring the cobblestone walls you had grown with: cried upon, slept on, dragged your fingers along. Doing the same in your adulthood you fought your tears as you realized how much you’d missed your home and the people maintaining it. 
Arriving at the dining hall the king, queen, and their son was already seated digging into their food refusing to pause to acknowledge your entry. You sat at the farthest place setting with nothing on the plate your internally groaned. This was going to be a blood bath. A maid hurried to your side with foods you didn’t like silently apologizing; you deduced this was on purpose as you deadpanned to your family. With nothing but the cacophonous consumption to fill the echoing chamber of the dining hall. Only when you heard the clinking of silverware and the loud sucking of fingers that it seemed they were done. 
“Are you not hungry? Are you so fickle that you won’t eat before we drink?” The king jovially chuckled as he wiped his greasy fingers on the vestigial robes your forefathers had worn before. In his laughing, the queen joined in. Phil did not. Instead, he diligently stared at his glass, staying still as he let a maid pour the red wine. You did not join in their laughter even as everyone’s glass was filled, including yours. You eyed the glass suspiciously even as they were already helping themselves to sip. 
-DoN’T dRink ThIS-
Whatever that was, you agreed refusing to so much as touch the glass. 
The king coughed for attention, raising his refilled glass as he gestured towards you. “Now we toast to the new beginnings that come with the relations beyond!” 
The queen clapped to her husband before downing what had to be her third glass, the king downed him, but Phil did not. He seemed to be glaring at the glass as he violently swished the liquid in his glass. 
You still didn’t touch your glass even as their contented expressions transformed into nervous looks. Eyes darting from your glass to one another king and queen visibly began to sweat and shift in their seats. 
“Uhm (Y/n) dear why don’t you join us for our toast?” The queen nervously chuckled. 
“I don’t want to.”
“M-maybe you just don’t want to eat on an empty stomach. Serv-”
“No, I just do not want to drink this.”
In a nervously shared eye contact your parents turned toward you as they fruitlessly pleaded that you drink the wine. All the more reason to believe something was amiss. They continued their desperate pleas as you stood to leave. 
“I excuse myself. I have other matters to attend to-”
“No, you don’t!” Phil exclaimed springing from his chair, drawing his sword out, and pointing it at you. You faltered in your route looking to the exit where the guards were posted to see the queen barring the doors. Moving backward with the blade’s tip pointed toward you stopped when you felt the coolness of the wall.
“You’ve sunk your poisoned talons into this kingdom and I’m taking you out of it!” Phil screamed but you screamed right back.
“You idiot! Do you realize if you harm a single hair on my head this kingdom is doomed?! Maybe that wouldn’t have been the case if you had any semblance of the state of the kingdom!”
Your explanation seemed to make him hesitate only for him to come even closer letting the frigidness of the flat side of the blade sit on your neck. You could see the sweat on his brow and your parents working to hold the door. Fearing it is your last opportunity you looked to the narrow windows that showed the faraway lights of the town below and that crow who was sat with another message around its foot. You snapped back to attention as Phil screamed once more.
“Aaagh! Y-you couldn’t just have drunk the wine, you just had to do this…But I’ll DO IT! FOR MY KINGDOM!” 
He swiped the blade across your neck before swiping again at your chest. You fell to the floor as you held the parts that burned with searing pain, writhing as you felt more blood rush over your hands. Worried you’d be succumbing to your death you let yourself silently cry as you lost the strength to hold your arms up. Your vision was spotty. All you could hear was the deafened pounding against the door, Phil’s crying, the comfort that followed from the queen…your mother
“W-what is that?! What is this?! Witchcraft?” 
The blade was pointed at what would have been your corpse if it weren’t for your blood turning into a silver color and receding back into your body. The wounds you had began to close before stopping as you slumped to the ground. The royal family waited in silence as they watched you lay there. Still and unmoving they came closer to poke at your body hoping that you would remain so. But before they could do so the castle began to shake, windows shattered, and a storm surged outside. Hair and capes whipping in the wind it only took a flash of green lightning for the fae king had arrived.
“To think it took only three dolts to further your kingdom’s destruction; humans continue to amaze me.” 
Maleficent spoke candidly before carefully pulling you up into his arms. Phil foolishly stuck his sword out towards the fae. 
“So what are you going to do, huh?! Burn me with fire for hurting your precious little prize?!”
He shook as Malleus turned towards him staring him down with that intimidating glare and flare of magic. 
He laughed flashing his elongated fangs and letting Phil and the family sigh. 
“No. Thanks to my productivity they’re not dead,” there was a breath of relief. One that was short-lived,” but your town will though and by tomorrow everyone will know why. Adieu.” 
Nodding his head to the staff and guard that had broken through the doors and pointed accusatorially at the royal family as they watched Maleficent teleport away; beginning the disruption that would spur the prophecy they’d been given.
When you awoke you felt an ache all throughout your body, making your awakening a slow mission. Looking around you weren’t in your home, instead, you were in a darker place with walls of stone and torches of green fire. Barely tilting your head, you laid eyes on that crow kirking its head in your direction before flying off. You had the urge to follow struggling to move with your achy legs and IV pumping something silver into your veins. Unplugging it as you hobbled out of your room, you relied on the cold feeling of your bare feet against the floor to wake you up as you followed the waiting crow. 
It felt like you were walking a maze blindly following the corvid as he led you through the barren hallways. Finally sitting still he cawed on a rootlike perch that sat alongside the grand thorned throne in which Maleficent sat with legs spread open in attire much more relaxed than his usual cape. You stared inawe curious if you were dreaming.
“Come Dove. Sit with me. You have destroyed your first kingdom; here we bask in the glory of our immense superiority.”
“B-but I’m nothing but spoils from that destruction…if I should be so bold.”
He smiled. A smile of amusement as you retained your demeanor even in something as simple as your night cloth. 
“Sit, (Y/n). I have already found you worthy of this honor. You are mine after all.”
You bowed before stepping up the stairs to his throne and letting yourself sit upon the leg of the fae King. Trying to still your heart as his hand wraps around your waist and pulls you close to cast a spell on a hovering ball of water.
“Now my Dove, let us watch their prophecy become reality.”
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
I don't have any questions or requests or anything like that
But here's some more Cobbler!Reader doodles
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I love them all!!!
Poor Patches (Cobbler!Reader) woke up to find a thief stitches to their arm, who is shocked amd trying to pull away (only pulling Reader up amd waking them in the process). (Plus look at alarmed Gambit, with his fluffy hair!) Patches has stitches everywhere! They're like a patchwork quilt! Sewing their arms (Logan amd Hank are trying to pull their hands away without causing the stitches to bleed-), holding nails and tacks in their mouth (it adds to their expression, you did marvelous with it!), their beanie hat and vest/jacket and scruffy fluff hair! AWww! They're such a bean!
( @thewickedweiner Cube Anon, this is adorable. Thank you for introducing the idea of Cobbler!Reader! And the idea of them stitching themself to Gambit. Comedy gold and a bonding moment, right?) (Remeber to takes break and eat some food. And to drink your water!) (Here's a bonus part for Scales And Tails AU: Gambit and Logan and Scott act like mother hens/cats towards Reader, who they scopp into their scaled embrace and wrap up in their claws/wings/tail... And Reader has wings, and can fly, because they need something good; they go on flights with Rogue amd Jean and Storm, and learn to hunt with Logan, and learn how to hoard stuff with Gambit-) (Gambit, no, no, do NOT kindAp the BaBy-!)
(Just watch Cobbler!Reader meet the Readers... The bean gets along real well with Sentinel Reader-!)
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fearlesstigerquotev · 4 months
Yandere M!Pied Piper X F!Reader
Warnings: Mild body horror, possessive + yandere behavior masterlist
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Once upon a time, in the land cradled between the winding waters of the river Weser, there lay two towns, Hamelin and Weidehohl, each a curiosity of its own. To the west, Weidehohl nestled amidst the towering, age-old trees, where the pagans roamed, their shadows falling on creatures of the forest, and their deeds shrouded in darkness. They committed crimes that troubled the very heavens, where cats were denied their lives, and dogs met a mournful fate.
On the opposite bank, to the east, stood Hamelin, a settlement graced by the protective embrace of four mighty forts, where no soul could pass unseen or unnoticed. It was a city crafted from the warm, welcoming wood of time, its heart radiating with peace and prosperity. In Hamelin, the gentle hand of Christ blessed the land with abundance.
And in the blessed town of Hamelin lived a widow named Y/N. Her heart was as pure as the morning dew, yet heavy with the sorrow of a love lost. Her beloved had embarked on a sacred missionary journey, and for seven long days and seven nights, he had vanished from her sight. It was on the seventh night that his lifeless form was returned to her humble dwelling, a pitiful sight to behold. His body resembled a mangled corpse, the limbs poking out in odd angles, the silver cross ripped from his neck. Even the cherished keepsake, a timepiece adorned with a lovingly-crafted portrait of his beloved wife on their wedding day, had vanished into the shadows.
With tearful eyes and a contrite heart, the widow sought solace in the confessional, where she bared her soul to the priest and questioned the sins that had led to her husband's gruesome fate at the hands of the pagans. But the priest, hidden behind the confessional booth, offered words of comfort and guidance.
"Nay, dear child, the burden of blame lies not upon your shoulders," he whispered gently. "The pagans of Weidehohl are the architects of this sorrow, and their lives shall remain fraught with wretchedness unless they turn to the benevolent embrace of Christ."
"Father," Y/N confessed, "in my despair, I confess to having missed Sunday Mass twice in succession. What penance must I undertake to cleanse my soul of sin and ensure the reunion of my husband and me in the heavenly kingdom of our Lord?"
"My dear child," came the priest's soothing reply, "perform acts of charity, extend your hand to the needy, and become a sponsor to the orphan. Through these acts of benevolence, your soul shall find its path to redemption, and in the divine grace of our Lord, you shall one day be reunited with your beloved in the heavenly realm."
And so, the widow poured the essence of her very being into the sacred act of spreading the love of the Savior. She became the guardian of the forsaken, running a humble orphanage for the downtrodden street urchins. Beneath the sheltering eaves of her makeshift home, she provided not only a sanctuary from the cold, unforgiving world but also warm soups that chased away the hunger that gnawed at their fragile bellies.
To those who approached her with intentions other than those of the divine, she responded with an unshakable steadfastness. Her words, like a sermon from the heavens, would gently rebuke them, reminding them of the plight of the orphans and how humanity had often forsaken those less fortunate. In her wisdom, there was a grain of truth: Why should the Church entrust a humble widow with the monumental task of caring for orphans, while it basked in the wealth derived from indulgences?
Yet, Y/N knew better than to arouse the ire of the Church, for as a widow, a solitary soul, she teetered on the precipice of society's margins. A single misstep could condemn her to the mercy of the clergy, leaving her precarious existence hanging by a slender thread.
But despite her pure intentions, the Devil would test her belief in God once again. This time, He unleashed upon her beloved Hamelin a deluge of rats and mice, a horde of vermin with ravenous appetites. They descended upon the city like the overflowing waters of the river Weser, devouring the meager stores of grain, defiling the once-pure waters of the public well with their loathsome droppings, and spreading pestilence and death throughout the land.
In the face of this vile pestilence, the people of Hamelin turned to their faith with fervor, seeking solace and redemption in daily worship. Their voices echoed with praises to the Lord, sung until they grew hoarse from their devotion. Yet, amidst their piety, the plight of the orphaned souls remained unseen, their suffering ignored. Hearts once kind were now veiled by self-righteousness, their pride preventing even a morsel of bread from being offered to those in need. And so, Y/N toiled away once more, her body growing weaker and more fragile as the weeks passed by.
One day, a curious traveler, bedecked in a garb of vivid hues, sauntered into the fortified realm of Hamelin. Bemused and bedazzled, the city's folk kept a wary distance from this stranger, their wariness ignited by his flamboyant cloak and hair ablaze like Hell's own fire. At his neck, he wore not the sacred cross but a flute, intricately carved from bone.
"Citizens of Hamelin," rang out his voice like a melodious tune, "I bear, through secret charms unknown to most, the power to summon forth all creatures dwelling beneath the sun—those that crawl, swim, fly, or race across the land. These are the creatures that oft bring harm upon you—the mole, the toad, the newt, and the serpent. People call me the Pied Piper. If I but free your town from its rat-borne scourge, shall you grant me a thousand guilders?"
"A thousand guilders? Secret charm?" laughed the crowd. "We'd sooner drink cow's urine than entertain the whims of a charlatan like thee! Why, you are clothed like the pagans of Weidehohl! We good Christians would never associate ourselves with infidels like thee!"
And so, the Pied Piper found himself slumbering upon the city's cobblestone streets, right before the doorstep of the humble orphanage. Unable to turn a blind eye, she fed him with the crusts of bread the children could not eat, and soup made of vegetable scraps.
He looked up at her, bewildered that one of the citizens who had rejected him would dare nourish him. "Dost thou not fear condemnation? To aid a stranger such as I?"
"Nonsense," came her swift reply, "before me, I see neither stranger, nor maverick, nor even one hailing from Weidehohl. In this moment, I behold but a fellow soul, a man who may succumb to the bitter cold if aid is not given."
Bringing the broth to his lips, the Pied Piper relished in its salty aroma. How could a denizen of Hamelin, known for their stern devotion to God's path, radiate such tender warmth? In what felt like but a heartbeat, the soup disappeared from his bowl. "Is... Is this the doctrine of thy Lord?"
She smiled as she took the bowl from him, "Indeed, it is the teaching of our Lord, who bids us to love one another as He loves us."
The Pied Piper could only chuckle and rake his fingers through his red hair, which twirled upwards in delicate curls at the base of his collarbone. "Throughout my long years upon this Earth, they have regarded me as but an exterminator, a mere tool to rid their towns of the earthly vermin. Never have I been graced by the presence of Mother Mary herself."
"Mother Mary? How does a pagan such as yourself know of her?" curiosity laced Y/N's voice as she sat down next to him. Inside the orphanage, the children, intrigued by the unusual encounter, giggled and vied for a view between their surrogate mother and the curious visitor.
The Piper bestowed upon her a subtle, enigmatic grin, and with a deft movement of his fingers, he began to play a soft, mesmerizing tune on his flute—a melody so enchanting that it seemed as if the very stars had descended to dance in the moonlit night.
The children, drawn by the enchanting music, abandoned their timid hideaways and gathered around the pair. Their eyes, wide with innocent wonder, bore witness to the magic of the Piper's tune—a melody that had never before graced their ears. For indeed, the orphans had never heard of the wonderous music before. It was unlike the solemn hymns of the church, rigid and controlled. Instead, it was a music that spoke of freedom, of joy, and liberation from the chains of the mundane.
Y/N couldn't help but feel that it danced on the edge of sin, but she could not deny the children their delight. She allowed them to dance and frolic, their laughter rising like the joyful laughter of forest spirits.
In the end, she never received an answer to her question.
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With the passage of time, Y/N perceived a waning in the rat population, witnessed the orphans suffer less from the grip of disease, and felt her own health flourish in the absence of the rodents.
"Perhaps the Lord has graced me for extending sustenance to the Pied Piper?" she pondered, conversing with her fellow women during Sunday Mass.
"Hush, dear," came their swift rejoinder, "you were simply a fortunate soul. Our homes still teem with the pestilence of mice!"
"But consider this," Y/N beseeched, her voice laden with earnestness, "What if God sent this plague as a trial? A test of our kindness and charity, a challenge to alleviate the traveler's suffering, even if he be unconventional? If each working man were to bestow but one guilder upon the Piper, he would amass a bounty sufficient to lead the rats away from Hamelin!"
Her words did not go unheard by the mayor. Share his own coffers of wealth would he not. But pluck a thousand guilders from the working class to please the Piper—a fine deal indeed. After Mass, he called the Pied Piper to his office and told him of the proposal.
In response, the Piper laughed and shook his head, "Gentleman, the thousand guilders were but a jest. All I seek is a fine wife in exchange for my services."
The mayor's eyes lit up in delight. Now, he would not even need to part ways with his beloved coin! "Go forth, and choose an unmarried woman of your liking! Do anything that you must in order to kill the rats of Hamelin!"
On the morrow, the good folk of Hamelin awoke to a sight most peculiar. The Pied Piper, with his mop of hair burning red, led an army of rats away from the town, all the while playing a merry tune on his bone-carved flute. His garments billowed like swallows riding the breath of the wind, whilst the rats scurried at his feet, dancing with mania. They squeaked and chirped, running and tumbling in circles, over cobblestone roads, through the gates of Hamelin, over hills and meadows, until they reached the winding river Weser.
"Little rodents! Ye must be parched from your toil! Go, partake of the waters that the Lord Christ hath graciously provided!" sang the Piper, twirling around his own axis as he played the hypnotizing tune.
As if by some mystical command, the rats leaped into the river, one by one, and there, they met their watery fate.
"My, 'tis sorcery!" screeched the resident priest, clutching his cross in the palm of his gnarled hand. 
The mayor interjected, "But Reverend, thou must admit, the young lad hath cured us of this plight! And in return, all he seeks is a companion—a wife!"
The Pied Piper turned toward the crowd and bowed with theatrical elegance. The colors of his cloak simmered and contorted—one moment, a vibrant lemon yellow. The next—deep cerulean blue. Loud gasps of wonder and awe erupted from the crowd, who had formed a small comune along the river bank.
With a dazzling smile, the Pied Piper got down on one knee and raised his arms to the heavens, "Fair maiden, protector of the orphans, a soul akin to the benevolent Mary herself! Amongst the Christians of Hamelin, you alone treated me with the grace of human kindness. Would you do me the honor of becoming my cherished bride, despite the unfavorable reputation that taints my name among your townsfolk?"
Y/N froze and averted her gaze to the ground. Using the sleeve of her dress to conceal her face, she replied, "An outcast for an outcast, it seems. Piper, you have placed me in a most wretched predicament. I have dedicated my life in service to God and find myself an unwedded widow, a spinster by the world's judgment."
His expression darkened but was soon replaced by a charming smile. "Fair lady, I take it as a no?"
Unable to speak another word, the widow nodded, unable to reciprocate his smile. What use was there in accepting the hand of a man whose name remained a mystery to her? Besides, the priest would never officiate a marriage between a believing woman and an infidel. Even an infidel who saved Hamelin from certain ruin.
"Fear not. I had a lingering suspicion that such would be thy response."
Once more, he brought the bone-carved flute to his lips. But this time, the melody that poured forth carried an almost otherworldly quality, a tune that seemed to teeter on the brink of the supernatural.
The children, both orphans and those with families of their own, emerged from their homes, their gleeful laughter and exuberant cries resonating through the air like the unholy revelry of a wicked tarantella. Yet, as the music wove its spell, a sinister transformation overtook them. Their limbs elongated and stretched, contorting to grotesque proportions, as if every ounce of their humanity was being pulled apart by unseen hands.
The adults could not move a single muscle, it was as if their feet were planted firmly in the ground. Y/N herself was no exception, and she screamed and begged the Piper to stop this madness. But whenever she tried to take a step toward him, her legs were met with a gripping pain, searing through her body, mind, and soul. 
There was no doubt: The Piper wanted to see the Hamelians suffer. More specifically, Y/N.
Their movements grew wild and untamed, limbs flailing and twisting with a grotesque grace that defied the laws of nature. It was as though their bodies had become marionettes, but marionettes manipulated by a malevolent puppeteer, their movements driven by a dark and unholy force. They twirled and spun, their movements growing increasingly frenzied, entrapped in a wicked ritual that defied the doctrine of the Lord itself.
Laughter mixed with the cracking of bones as the children frolicked and pranced, following the Piper as he led them away from Hamelin. Together, they crossed the shimmering waters of the river Weser, traversed rolling hills, until they disappeared into the foreboding depths of the woods that led to Weidehohl. 
Y/N was the first to break out of the trance. With lightning-fast reflexes and a heart heavy with dread, she sprinted toward the looming woods that led to Weidehohl, her voice raised in a desperate cry. "Children! Come back! This is not the path ordained by the Lord!"
But her pleas fell upon deaf ears as the possessed children, their eyes vacant and their limbs contorted, followed the Piper deeper into the shadowy woods. Deeper into the woods she ran, the gnarled branches of ancient trees clawing at her as if trying to hold her back. She followed the trail of broken branches and twisted footprints, breadcrumbs of waning hope that stretched endlessly into the heart of the forest.
Finally, at the heart of the sinister forest, she stumbled upon the lame boy, his eyes wide with terror and confusion. His frail form quivered, unable to join in the manic dance of his peers. Y/N knelt beside him, murmuring prayers of protection and strength. "Where have they gone, dear child?"
"There..." the lame boy whispered, pointing to a clearing in the midst of the woods.
The widow told the boy to stay put and approached the clearing. To her surprise, the clearing appeared utterly ordinary, as if untouched by the dark enchantment that had gripped the children. Bewildered, she turned back to check on the lame boy, only to have her heart plummet to her very shoes. He had vanished without a trace.
Heart hammering in her chest, she ran through the woods, between the ancient trees, leaping over quaint forest streams. But the lame boy was nowhere to be found. Not even the wretched Piper or the remaining children.
A gloved hand grabbed hers. Y/N shrieked and begged to be released, but it only caused the grip to tighten. She blinked and the next thing she knew, she was in a forest village, surrounded by the children she had come to love oh-so-dearly. 
Overcome with relief, she ran forward and embraced the children, sobbing and wailing just like at her deceased husband's funeral. Through tear-filled eyes, she beheld a wondrous transformation of the world around her. Waters gushed and sparkled, fruit trees burst into bloom with an otherworldly splendor, and flowers unfurled in hues that defied earthly comparison. Sparrows radiated a brilliance surpassing that of peacocks, their plumage resplendent. Horses bore wings akin to eagles, and even the honeybees had shed their stingers.
"Welcome to Weidehohl!" announced the Piper, taking her hand once more. Ignoring her pleas for release, he dipped and twirled the maiden with practiced ease, his steps sure and confident. Whispering sweet nothings, he drew her close for a kiss, and his gloved fingers brushed away the tears that streamed down her face. They danced in graceful circles, surrounded by the mesmerizing melody of the birds and the bees, who serenaded them with joyful chirps and buzzing.
It was then that she noticed the transformed children, each playing a flute similar to the one that dangled from the Piper's neck. The tune that flowed from their instruments was all too familiar—a cherished church hymn reserved for weddings. Dread seized her heart as the realization settled in, and all she could do was weep as the Pied Piper kissed away her tears,
As she danced, a small piece of metal fell from within the man's garments and onto the forest floor.
A timepiece, engraved with a lovingly-crafted portrait of herself on their wedding day. But in place of her late husband now stood the Pied Piper.
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talkbycolor · 9 months
red roses.
AN; in my head theres a fantasy land where all the yans are doing their shit and peter is a procurer I HOPE I USED THE RIGHT WORD THO, ENSLISH HARD
Pairing; "Peter" (Your boyfriend) x GN!reader
CW; nothing, this is just a harmless fairytale
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Have you ever heard the story of a man who exchanged beautiful roses for beautiful things?
Peter was an unknown name in that world, he did not exist, however the bearer of his body was a famous man, the so-called Procurer of Roses, someone charismatic, flirtatious and self-confident.
He traveled the world with undefined purposes, there was simply something running through his head when he arrived at a new place.
“Look for Roses”
He found the most beautiful roses that everyone could have seen, white, yellow, pink, violet, green, blue, orange, he knew their meaning but he thought that they had bothered him.
The roses, having a new bearer, showed him the happiest memory of him and exhaled a sweet aroma, people claimed that it was the aroma of love, but the roses never allowed him any of that.
The Rose Procurer traveled to a new country, finally asking himself “If roses take root, why can't I?”
His question disappeared as quickly as it arrived thanks to an intense crimson coming from a place where the earth was blue.
It was a rose, a red rose, its thorns hurt the pale hands of the bearer to create rivers the color of his petals. A glorious mess with glossy lips, would they be as soft as they look?
The man held his backpack of treasures tightly, now it seemed that he lost all his value, he wanted that rose and would exchange his entire backpack for it.
He walked towards the unknown person, listening to the sobs and blood on their hands, rivers of honey running down their sweet cheeks, finally recognizing that they were just a doll, a ventriloquist's dummy.
— "Who are you?"
The procurer asked.
— "I don't remember"
Answered the man who was carrying a backpack with infinite capacity.
They both decided to face each other, Peter had returned, the flirty and calm Procurer was nowhere to be seen, just a nervous boy, but that did not stop him from asking for the beautiful flower.
— “What do you want in exchange for that rose?” — "A kiss"
And that's how two creatures without clear intentions connected for a moment and left knowing their way. Peter left that place with a cloying aroma stinging his nose, honey? lavender? vanilla? mint? Whatever it was, his first kiss was replayed over and over again in his head.
They did not see each other again until much later, the doll with the beret and ruffle skirt in front of the boy with backpack of infinite capacity, which was full of roses, especially red ones.
The ventriloquist dummy also carried a basket of roses.
So they had decided to spend their eternity together, exchanging those sweet flowers for magical moments.
Although they are hasty when looking at each other.
Even if they were ephemeral when touching each other.
They knew how to create eternities when kissing.
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candysugarush · 3 months
TXT Profiles and Tales:
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Choi Yeonjun
Tale : The Pied Piper
Character : The Pied Piper
Story : On that day of winter, as a wandering lad, all he wanted was to make a quick buck with this golden opportunity as he stumbled on the city of Hamelin. And yet, after all his work to help the town folks, he was thrown away like nothing. All of them were horrible. All? Not the mayor's daughter who took care of him during his stay.
As he play of his flute and lure the children away from this ungrateful town to a better place, won't you join him? Don't force him to play you a tune.
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Choi Soobin
Tale : Cinderella
Character : The Fairy Godmother
Story : Born from your lucky star on the day you came to life, he was your devoted guardian and best friend with for duty to watch over you. Through happiness and despair, sickness and health. He was present through it all even if you couldn't see him. And on that faithful night where he finally appeared to you to help you to the ball, he never regretted granting your wish as much as he did now. That monstrous prince chasing after you, seeking to possess you.
It's alright, he is going to fix his mistake. Trust him. He is going to give you your happy ever after, no matter what.
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Choi Beomgyu
Tale : Rapunzel
Character : The witch
Story : Living as a recluse and in solitude for centuries wasn't truly a problem for him, even if he craved that companionship. So when a young man stole from his garden to feed his sister, he jumped on the occasion, allowing the man to go free if he won a game against him, and if he lost, his sister would be his. Luck on his side, the wizard won and grabbed the young girl, moving her to a recluse and hidden tower for him to keep.
And now years later, you can't really complain about your life with everything you could wish at hand. And yet the outside world is a blurry memory that you should forget already. Don't you see he is trying to protect you? He knows what's best.
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Kang Taehyun
Tale : Snow-white
Character : The evil queen
Story : Born from a loveless union as the needed heir to his kingdom, he got the combined beauty of his mother and strength of his father to become a renowned war strategist and alchemist. But the lack of love in his life left him with a hole in his heart he filled with an obsession and striving to become the best. And so as he stepped in to marry the widowed queen of the neighboring kingdom, he wasn't expecting the emotions he would feel during the years toward the princess, hate and jealousy mixing with something else as you became a woman and later on, ran away to protect your life.
You're the only one who genuinely cared for him even when he pushed you away. Won't you forgive him and come back to your step-father? If he can't be the fairest of them all, he can at least possess the fairest one.
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Huening Kai
Tale : Alice in Wonderland
Character : The queen of hearts
Story : As the sole monarch of an entire abstract land, he liked to make sure the rules were followed to a T even if it didn't make sense in this crazed world. Dutifully following a routine in a place where day and night could coexist at the same time in the same place and where time could go backwards. Accompanied with his ten cherubs adorably frolicking as usual, the tyranny was going as usual until a curious girl walked in and questioned everything about him and his ways, especially his unreasonable outbursts.
So after criticizing him to his face as well as complaining about his rules, you decide to leave after looking at the clock? Oh no, you're not leaving yet. Tea time just started and you don't want to break a rule.
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Which story are you jumping into?
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yanderehsr · 6 months
I'm sorry for the time between my works, I've gotten a lot of work recently and usually am too tired to write😔
Happy Easter by the way, I was going to give this on New Years but that obviously didn't happen so I'll give this now instead on Easter, hope you all have a great day today
Anyways, thank you all so much and here you can vote for another 2 fandoms I'll write for
1. Guardian Tales
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2. One Piece
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3. Fairy Tail
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4. Baldur's Gate 3
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5. Jujutsu Kaisen
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Hope you all have a great day/night😄
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lynnuvo · 1 month
୨⎯ Long Gone Princess ⎯୧
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Characters: Yan!Thief x (Y/N) reincarnated as Rapunzel A lot of you guys enjoyed the Cinderella version, so why not make a Rapunzel version? Very much considering making this a Yan!Fairytales Series.
Stowed Away
When you first awoke in your tower, you panicked for days. There was literally no way out, no matter how much you clawed at the bricks. It didn't take long to figure out where exactly you were. Who else would paint a mural of herself, seriously long-haired, gazing at floating lanterns?
Meeting Mother Gothel was the most anxiety-inducing thing you had to push through. You pitied the real Rapunzel for falling victim to her sugar-coated, poisonous words. As much as you internally cringed at them, it wouldn't serve you well to raise suspicion. After all, you have nowhere to go.
Whenever Mother Gothel was gone and you finished tidying up the tower, you emptied one of your chests full of female paraphernalia and stuffed some "safety equipment inside." Hopefully, Mother Gothel wouldn't notice a missing pair of scissors. Or a few darts.
Your now abnormally long hair was disturbing, to say the least. It was pretty, but now that you were living her life, you wandered how Rapunzel managed to put up with the hair strands scattered around the house, washing the heap of keratin proteins for hours in just ONE day, and sleep knowing there was at least some hair flowing to the floor. And let's be real: you were not going to spend most of your day braiding it just to remove your work whenever Mother Gothel came back.
Unfortunately, you couldn't afford to cut your hair--not just because it'd give Mother Gothel a heart attack but because it might help you. It did have magical healing powers. The only huge problem was that you were not skilled enough to maneuver your hair like Rapunzel. In addition, if you were to leave the tower, how would you return? Until you found the secret entrance amongst all the brick, you needed a backup plan.
One day, you gathered the courage to ask Mother Gothel for more fabric to sew a beautiful wedding dress, one that was colorful and very long. Of course, you left out the part where you wanted it to be long enough to reach the bottom of the tower (it'd be a lot of work, but what else were you going to do to escape?). She was skeptical about the idea behind the dress, but you reassured her that you just wanted something like those girls in the fairytale books you had in your room. After her lecture about the dangers of the world, she agreed to get you fabric.
My Savior
One morning, while you sowed your dress, you heard the sound of metal jabbing into something growing closer and closer. In a panic, you shut off your sewing machine and tied up as much as your hair as possible. There was no way you could capture Rapunzel's beloved thief the way she did. You vaguely prepared for what to do when he arrived, but you hadn't expected it to be that day!
At last, he fell into the tower and froze at the sight of you. He glanced behind him and turned back around, stepping away from the window with hands up. "Uh. I am so sorry for breaking into your home."
You pointed one of your scissors (used to cut fabric earlier) at him with a glare. "I'll forgive you if you hand me that bag you have."
"Listen, miss, I think we can sort this out without--"
"The bag or I'll throw you back down."
He gulped and reluctantly threw you the bag, begging you to please return it to him afterwards. The shock he had at your nonchalant expression while pulling out the most sparkly crown you've ever seen was laughable. In reality though, you were in awe. You quickly snapped out of it, though, and threw it behind you. You both cringed at the clanging it made as it hit the floor.
"I need you to listen to me," you started, gripping your scissors and your dress. "I need your help."
You didn't hesitate to cut to the chase. You explained that you were kidnapped by a woman claiming to be your mother and trapped in the tower by her. Although it may backfire on you later, you shared that you were reincarnated from another world. He was in disbelief until you told him his full name, his criminal history, the companions he had who would soon betray him, and the small cottage he visited along with many more criminals or outlaws. He challenged that you just did your research, but then you told him what crime he had just committed: stealing the missing princess's crown, which was--by the way--you.
After some back and forth, he agreed to help on the condition that you return the crown. You agreed to return it on the condition that he not only help you escape but also help you live in safety.
Together, you both clawed at the bricks on the wall until the secret backdoor was found. He helped you come up with a way to hide the new backdoor again whenever Mother Gothel returned.
You found a pattern in the earlier months leading up to then on Mother Gothel's pattern of visitation. She comes back every three or four days in early evening. If she didn't return by the time the sun disappeared, she wouldn't be back at all. That day was one of those days she wasn't going back. You suspected she wouldn't return for a while since she had just left the day before. Although hesitant at the idea of a new roommate, you demanded that Yan!Thief spend the night in the same room as you. He balked at what he thought was an implication, but he soon found himself sleeping on the floor (you dropped a blanket for him). How were you sure he wouldn't use the secret backdoor while you slept? You boobietrapped it before bed, making sure he stayed in the room so he wouldn't see under the threat of murder.
Steal His Heart
Your new routine was a scary turn but also surprisingly relieving. Yan!Thief would leave the tower in search of a new home for you (and him too) and would return in the afternoon only if a piece of purple fabric hung outside the window. Otherwise, it wasn't safe to come back.
Although your relationship started off rocky (who's to blame him with how violently you approached him?), you two soon warmed up to each other. He sometimes returned with small goods that you sometimes got a clear answer for how he retrieved. That chocolate he got for you both to try? He pickpocketed it. That ripe fruit that tasted like mildew spring? He dodged all of the questions.
Eventually, you gathered the courage to leave the tower with him. Your activities differed from there. Sometimes, you both ventured a little ways from the tower to discover the terrain and help find a new home. Sometimes, you both would spend the day walking around, learning more about each other and chatting away.
With no other companion, it came as no surprise to Yan!Thief that he developed romantic feelings for you. You didn't want to admit that you did too. At least, not until you both were in a safe place.
At last, Yan!Thief found an abandoned shelter. It was rusty, but it was closer to the kingdom than the tower but sheltered away like the tower. With a pounding heart, you gathered as much as you could from your tower into a backpack that Yan!Thief had brought over and left forever. In the shelter, you cut your hair, rendering it free from its power. Yan!Thief initially didn't want it to happen due to your great abilities, but one look at your determined face told him that you knew better.
The next couple weeks was spent in paranoia, you in fear of Mother Gothel and him in fear of guards. Luckily, you two went as far as making it into the kingdom without getting caught.
One day, you brought up the idea of revealing your identity to the king and queen while fidgeting with your crown. You reassured Yan!Thief that you'd vouch for his safety and freedom for as much as possible. It took a while for him to warm up to that, but you two finally made your way towards the castle.
Everything went surprisingly as planned. The kingdom rejoiced at the return of their princess, Yan!Thief was spared of a prison sentence and was even given a home and job as a prize for bringing you back, and the dead, rotten body of Mother Gothel was found not far from the shelter you and Yan!Thief had found.
Life was a fairytale.
MY Princess
Until it wasn't.
See, although you and Yan!Thief seemed to start opening a romantic chapter, that soon closed. With your newfound title came new responsibilities, friends, and much to his worries, a possible new love interest.
He tried his best to remain just a friend to you, but it was unbelievably hard. He couldn't believe that you were slowly forgetting him, your savior! Why must you abandon your knight in shining armor?!
He did feel guilty for not appreciating his new life more. Any other criminal would probably fight tooth and nail to be in his position, but he just wasn't happy if you weren't there with him.
Once his selfishness began to boil over, he devised a plan he wasn't sure if he was going to regret. He paid a visit to your room in the castle (you had given your dear best friend special permission) and chatted with you a bit. You apologized for being so distant as of late; royal duties had been keeping you at bay. He accepted your apology more readily than he had expected. It was hard not to with your bright smile and the cute way you pushed your hair behind your ears. He asked if you had time to visit the old tower for memories sake, and you happily agreed. The kingdom had yet to find the tower (you insisted to him that you wanted it kept secret in case you needed to run away again), so you simply told your guards you were heading out for a stroll.
Once at the tower, you two ventured inside and reveled at how dramatic your lives had changed. You even reminisced your life before being reincarnated. As the sun fell, you got up and suggested that you both should head back before it gets dark.
"Yan!Thief?" You peered at his gloomy expression. "Is everything okay?"
He nodded. got up, and hugged you. You let out a gasp before embracing him back. When he left go, you caught a tear slipped down his cheek. Your hands shot up to cup his face. "Yan!Thief?! What's wrong? I'm here. Did something happen?"
He sniffled and brushed a hand over your cheek. "I'm so sorry."
You were about to demand an explanation until you caught a glimmer shine from a blade in his other hand.
When you woke, you found your ankle chained to your bed--not your bed in the beautiful castle you were meant to be in but in the tower you had escaped from a year ago.
Yan!Thief came in the room and apologized with tears streaming down his face, exclaiming that you were just too irresistible to give to any other man or even the kingdom. He promised to take care of everything.
No matter how much you screamed, threw items in a fit of rage, or revealed that you only had romantic feelings for him all this time, he wouldn't budge. It was only until he bought a longer chain that he freed you from the bed. Your heart broke when you discovered he had discarded the wedding dress you had worked hard on and abandoned in the tower long ago, and even more so when you saw that he had built a new door in front of the original secret entrance.
You were back to square one, only this time with no way out and betrayed by the one person you truly trusted in this universe.
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
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Not to be greedy or anything, but could you possibly write a part 3 to the yandere Snow White?
Is okay be a little greedy
Because I have more 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
“May I be the first to welcome you, your grace. I hope your travels were peaceful.”
Bowing deeply you held the overflowing fabric of your official garbs standing in the servant-filled throne room. You were well aware of the pronounced hysteria that had spread throughout the city thanks to a leak by one of the council members. No sooner that this was discovered were you unable to dissuade Snow White from hunting that man down leaving you to make the speech to calm your people. It dampened the mass fear if only a smidge as your people applauded and continued to prepare for the hopeful guest in the capital. You didn’t necessarily blame them, the King of the Moors had a nefarious reputation. Betrayed by the Northern Queen and true father to the discovered illegitimate heir. Murdering the Queen and King, he had made his mark by barring, the Moors and the Northern Kingdom with a wall of thorns and magical curses. His legitimate heir had married happily before suffering from an untimely illness that left his young queen widowed with a single child. But as it was well known when Snow White was sent to be betrothed instead hosted a bloody massacre of the only remnants of the fae-king’s family. This was truly an act of grace. 
“They were. As peaceful as one can have when any semblance of an heir has been destroyed.”
You dipped your head with the scathing remark as you motioned for the king to follow you further into the castle. Leading him past the various guards and servants that dared to come within five meters of your form. You forged on leading the fae-king into a grand conference room decorated in gold accents with your most apt maid and butler present. Seated, you offered for your staff to get him tea and with a demanding glance they rushed to fultill his wish. 
“I…feel it would be an insult to not hear what demands you have for you are most certainly in the right.”
He wasn’t just in the right, your kingdom by Snow White’s extension was wholly in the wrong. You were nearly a step away from falling on your knees and pleading that he didn’t decimate your father’s kingdom. The pale man gave a chuckle in a deep baritone that made your stomach flip watching his pointed fangs show as he pulled his lips into a smile.
“How humble…this is an odd response for a human in general. A royal no less.”
Your heart unexpectedly fluttered at the compliment as you debated whether to respond to it; should you tell him of your true origin perhaps it would gain sympathy or gain some reasoning to your rythym.
“I wasn’t born into royalty. I like to think that influences how I treat others.” 
You weren’t lying and honestly you felt no shame at that fact yet you couldn’t seem to hold the emerald gaze of the King. Bringing a gloved claw to his chin as he still seemed to be smiling amused at your confession. 
“That is…a naive thing to say to a possible enemy…”
“I’d hope that wouldn’t be the case but either way you greatly out rank me. A simple fact about me won’t stop you from making your decision about my kingdom.”
His chuckles turned into belly laughs as he occasionally slapped his hand against the table; unintentionally causing your maid and butler to shake with fear. You waited until he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before releasing to stare at you with a ferocity you hadn’t expected before.
“Wonderful! Then I know precisely what I want.”
The butler shakily placed a pen and paper in your direction, watching with hope as you turned back to the fae king.
“Then if you’d please, so that I may make the official recor–”
The door slammed open with none other than your husband, Snow White. Stalking in like he didn’t just to disturb negotiations of peace after unofficially executing someone who gave your people a reason to panic. You clenched your fists as he loudly slammed the doors closed and not-so subtly standing behind you with crossed arms.You let your eyes flicker to the fae-king worried he may have shown signs of being disrespected only to find an amused smirk on his face. Feeling the tightening grip on your shoulders as the King of the Moors continued to smirk at the glare from the man behind you. 
“I am glad you can join us, human of snow, I am certain you will find my demands most intriguing.”
“And why is that?” 
The near growl from behind you was unfamiliar in its own right. Oftentimes you had witnessed his aggression towards outspoken nobles and council members with confidence. An overwhelming power difference was what Snow White thrived off of. It was of slight comfort to you that he’d finally know what it felt like to be on the receiving end of that.
“Because I want your spouse to provide me with an heir.”
“Fine. Have your pick of the bachelorettes all throughout our kingdom!”
“I am sure you are not that daft. I have already chosen.”
“They’re married, horns.”
You whipped your head around as he spat the name out. Finally looking at him you could see his pale face lit up with angry splotches of red as veins began popping from his temple. Visibly gritting his teeth as he continued to clutch at the loose fabric of your outfit that hung decoratively on your shoulder. You figured if this was like one of those scenes where the worried couple receive terrible news and the seated one places a comforting hand on the other’s. One with a tightened grip on the other’s shoulder as they lock their fingers in comfort to another before facing the situation together. But this wasn’t that scene. And this wasn’t a drama about a pair of royal newlyweds taking on the world and everything against them. This was your reality. A reality where you were fighting the urge to physically tear yourself from Snow White’s grip. With a nod of your head you urged the King to continue ignoring the audible sneer that your husband was making
“That brings me to my next demand…your king must endure the maze of thorns and be stripped of his title. This should take care of the concerns of my last demand.”
He spoke with a mocking drawl speaking directly to you as you recorded his demands momentarily making eye-contact before you broke away. Practically feeling the fumes of Snow White’s anger you quickly made motions to sign the document and having the King of the Moors do so as well. 
Once again leading the King outside the room where the remaining council members stood in anxious fear, with your staff behind them. You called for one of your hand maidens to come to your side as you bid your farewells.
“Should I set up a room for you, while we discuss…the arrangements of our deal?”
The humans in the room shuddered leaning closer, still interested in the confidential covenant you had made with such a grand being. He smiled at you once again holding your gaze with his slitted eyes. 
“No it won’t be necessary. However–” 
From his robes he pulled a staff you failed to notice before stomping it on the ground three times sending an illusion of green flames across the marble floor that had others squealing.
“My colleagues will ensure that everything runs smoothly until I return again.”
As he casually spoke to you the glow of sparkling dust revealed three new fae and the stomping footsteps of ghoulish tree guardians four meters high ducking in order to fit themselves in the tight space. 
“And my guards will personally ensure that your…Snow White will not run off again. Lest he’d like an early death.” 
Besides that the King of the Moors departed smoothly, being sure to hold your hand against his as he left with his entourage before leaving the capital. You wished to sigh and scream at the stress but the present had its own problems. Forcefully permitting the guards to quarantine their king with the intense observation of the guardians and you beginning to address the three fae left to actually sort things out with; that's not mentioning the sea of council members and nobles who intended to flood you with questions of your entire meeting. Collapsing on the empty bed with no need to prepare for the jarring presence of your husband or rather ex-husband as he awaited his punishment in a secluded tower. 
For the next months your days and nights were filled with paperwork and responding to letters of bordering countries concerned about the growing thorns surrounding the kingdom. Perhaps if your husband had actually contributed to your workload you may have missed him but you didn’t. Instead, spend any of your free time with the three human-looking faces dressed in green, red, and blue who were especially keen on the proper meshing of your cultures in the wedding and ruling. You had no time to grieve for Snow White or even question the nature of his punishment, only knowing the maze of thorns as a rumor that further added to the feared reputation of The Moors King, your new fiance. Speaking of said-fiance, in the nine months since he had left your castle you would have forgotten what he looked like if he didn’t send his…iconic letters every night. The first time it had arrived you were still in the middle of a council meeting when a giant bat crashed through the window before screeching at you to take the parchment he was so politely clutching. After nearly giving everyone present heart-attacks around the same time every night you’d dismiss yourself to wait on the balcony of the royal bedroom. 
While you had previously found yourself detaching yourself from your modernized views of love in marriage you couldn’t deny the rekindling of something as you reread the fae king’s letters. Filled with poems and serenades it was uniquely regal in the way he complimented you and encouraged actually knowing you…something only one person had ever done.
Speaking of the former king even with Snow White locked away and any of his orders requiring review it was a topic that required debate. There were still many who were intent on letting him rot in a mental tower and the politics of it were a lot to deal with. How you would rule your kingdoms was a majority of your struggle. Without Snow White to threaten anyone who so much as looked at you sideways it wasn’t any easier. You thought of using your fiance’s name but in the legacy of your father you’d do no such thing; willing to go through any systematic hoops to get him reinstalled as the substitute leader. 
But until the date of your union you were on the grind to make sure everything was in order. Thus you had no time to visit either of the remaining royalty as you worked only making time to read and respond to your future husband. 
The beginning of a thirty day festival was but a day away with the first ‘attraction’ being the punishment of Snow White. Dressed in black and armed with rotting fruits and vegetables the common-people rewelcomed the King of the Moors. The wedding festival itself stemmed from a fairytale of a beast and his beauty as they prolonged their own union by a year as they worked against a curse. Despite its implications both the fae and human subjects found the tale to be inspiring, making it easier …to accept the marriage in general. Thankfully the media was more than happy to perpetuate the livelihood of the celebration as you traveled across both kingdoms and perpetuated excitement for the various parades that revolved around different aspects of their ruler’s cultures. 
You sighed as the maids continued to dress you in your pre-wedding cape that complimented the fae-select choker. It was presented to you by the three accompanied fae who deeply bowed after an especially taxing day of compromise. He called it a gift from the King and demanded you wear it from there on forth. You did question him in his letters to which he explained the unique mating rituals that his specific species of fae. 
‘It's a piece of me that I give to you. It is a representation of our connection and will act as a sign of protection for anyone who attempts to challenge you. Be proud of your future mate.’
It brought a smile to your face as you recalled the endearing letter which delved into his own understanding of his power before asking if this would intimidate you. To any other person it would have done just that but it only spurred your own interest as you honestly responded. Stepping out into the open air of your castle as you watched the tree guardians appear with a suspicious clutch of magical plants.  No sooner than their appearance did you also see the fae entourage coming ever closer to the palace steps. You maintained your composure but were acutely aware of the streak of nervousness that appeared as you were finally meeting your pen-pal. 
Seeing the various lights and flittering sprites all around you couldn’t help but marvel at their differences from you. You were still reeling at the existence of the fae in general coming from a world that deemed them all fiction. Bowing as the horned king emerged from the ethereal horde to stand by yourside; bowing to you first and then nodding to the trio he had left behind. 
“It looks delectable on you…as I insisted.”
“You did…but I’m sure with something as gorgeous as this it’d look good on anyone.”
You both spoke with little movement, talking to each other in secret as you waved at the gathering crowds. Letting your guards guide you to the carriage with intentions to bring you two through the capital before beginning the traveling festival. You nearly jumped in surprise as you felt the tingling hand on your thigh and the fae-king lean into you. 
“It would not because it was made for you.”
You tried to halt the genuine smile that pulled at your lips as you refused to fluster so early in the ceremony. If the smirking chuckle wasn’t enough to show that he knew of your struggle,  the glowing glance you received as he pulled you onto the stage at the edge of the forest. Now seated in your portable thrones you were prepared for the event to have taken place. Noting the odd mixture of glee and grief, it reminded you of those history reenactments of executions. The notation was all the more apparent as tree guards opened the cage to reveal a haggard but still beautiful Snow White. 
“For your punishment Snow White I sentence you to the whims of the Moor’s Maze.” 
Gasps and guffaws resounded from the crowd silencing as the King held his hand up before continuing.
“Stripped of your royal title, stripped of your spouse, and stripped of any autonomy should you inexplicably survive.”
You saw Snow White raise his head with a glare at the King before one of the guards pushed him down. With no more than a look a wood-looking portal emerged from the ground with emerald flames of magic emanating from it. He looks at you and you steel your heart for the look of pain he was sure to give you. Instead he smirked as he began to revolt, mouthing words towards you that had you sinking in your seat. Immediately his struggle against the guards is halted by the throned vines that shoot out from the portal digging into his skin and pulling his thrashing form into the mirrorlike entryway. 
The crowd was silent for a bit before hollering in a haze of excitement. Sooner than you could register you were waving goodbye retreating to the inside of your closed carriage as the fae in blue began to conjure a giant glass looking ball. 
“Behold future-subjects of the fae let me be the first to entertain you with the glorious view of the exile of Snow White!”
In the spectacle of the glass looking ball the image of the pale man being dragged into the entrance of the maze once again had the crowd jeering and cheering at their former king.
“Annnndddd if you’d like to send a little ‘gift’ I’m more than happy to send them!” The green brother chimed.
“Buuuut if you want you can come here to add more challenges to the blackened Snow White!” Yelling louder the red brother shouted louder both conjuring the same glass bowl as bags of money were being shaken as the crowd divided to their preferred interest. Even through the cheers of your people you couldn’t bare to watch...not in horror or disgust but in fear of Snow White coming back. You tried to calm yourself reassuring the look that your affianced sent your way but it was set. The bubble of anxiety of what could be had already been birthed. You could find solace that he’d die. Because he most definitely would die from the maze…right?
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🧚‍♀️ Anon
Do you know the Story of the Spider and the Fly? (It’s so perfect and creepy, I read it when I was a kid)
Yandere Drider Dio tries to trick and woo Darling into entering his Parlor (Darling is a Butterfly Hybrid or a Human)
Darling doesn’t fall for any of Dio’s tricks or seductions as she knows he’ll only eat her
However Dio ends up becoming wooed by Darling instead and has a different kind of hunger now
Dio finally has Darling in his clutches as he wraps her in his webs, only he intends to keep her in his home as his mate not his dinner like all his countless past victims
Dio has breeding on his brain
Dio would be a Golden Silk Orb-Weaver (Even his webbing would be gold colored!) and his webbing in incredibly strong
Ooh I like it, I think darling would be a blue morpho butterfly. Pretty blue and black wings that dio thought would make pretty decorations in his den after he devours her. I had to write a short little story for this.
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Warning: dismemberment
"Will you come inside my palor dear? for I have many treasures inside" the golden drider spoke in such a sultry tone.
"No I shall not, for I hear rumors that none come out alive" you replied with a smile, hovering just out of the driders reach. For you knew no fancy name would ever fool you, it was his den and he was surely trying make you his next meal.
That wasn't a response he'd heard before. Most either came in or rushed away. Yet you dangled yourself just out of his grasp. He wanted to devour you and pluck of your pretty blue wings to decorate his den like he had with other parts of his victims.
You were taunting him, and he was up for the challenge.
"The rumors are false dear and you must be tired flighing all day, I offer my bed for you to rest" he cooed.
"Oh but I have heard rumor that those who slept in your bed were never to wake again" you continued smugly, you knew he would devour you but you remained out of reach.
"I thank you for offering me your hospitality sir but I must return home now" you told him before flying away. Though it would not be the last time you passed the driders den.
Dio noticing you were foraging for food and called out to you.
"Dear butterfly I have plenty of food inside, won't you come in and have a bite" he lulled.
"Oh I am quite alright sir, there are rumors of what is inside your pantry and do not wish to see" you replied, still just out of his reach. You were far too proud. You liked the attention and from your hight he was no predator to you.
"Well I guess I shall search else where, good bye sir" you said before leaving him again. You enjoyed playing this game just as much as he did and he had to find out how to best you.
"Oh how gorgeous your wings are" the other butterflies told you as they showered you in praises and shiny gifts. As you deserved for your precious wings. Staring into your reflection in the water, it was never good enough. Nothing could reflect how beautiful your wings were.
"Oh if only I could see clearly how beautiful they really are" you thought out loud, enough so that Dio heard from where he hid. Oh he had the perfect thing for you, a human mirror he'd taken for himself.
But seeing how much you were revered and how you soaked it up, perhaps weren't too different to him. You played a cute dainty role but in reality you were just as cunning as he was. However he knew now how to lure you in now.
"Sweet butterfly, you are a wise thing and the blue of your wings puts the sky itself to shame" he flattered you as you flew by. You stopped.
"Is that so sir? I'm very flattered" you said to the drider.
"If only you could look upon your own beauty" he continued.
"I wish I could" you told him ready to make your leave.
"I have something, a stone so smooth and shiny that it perfectly reflects. It's like staring directly at yourself" he told and you stopped again.
You shook your head. No you couldn't, it's a trap and you knew it but it tempted you. Such a thing existed, oh you had to see but you wouldn't.
"You should see for yourself that you are a brilliant gem dear butterfly" he called and you landed on your feet and approached.
He stood aside and let you enter his den and you saw it, you saw yourself so clearly. You walked closer and closer to it before you were snared in a trap.
"You, you tricked me!" You snarled at the drider.
"Oh I did not trick you, all I told you were truths dear" he chuckled as he approached you from behind.
"Now I'll be taking these, for they have kept you away from me for far too long" he said.
"What are you-!" You were cut of by a horrible pain as he tugged at one of your wings.
"No! Stop!" You wailed as you struggled in his web.
"Though they are pretty, they will only be an inconvenience" he said before tearing the first one out.
You were a wailing mess, quite literally being torn away by the thing you cared most about.
"Why not eat me first?! Why must you torture me like this?!" You screamed.
"Oh I do not intend to eat you dear butterfly, I shall take you into my web as my bride" he mused as he made work on the other wing.
Soon enough the second wing was torn and you were left a sobbing mess while he hung them in the entrance way like the pretty decorations they were meant to be.
He then returned to you, spinning his fine silk around you. Oh how arrogant you were mere minutes ago, now a sobbing mess. He took such delight in it as he dragged you deeper into his den.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Gambit: I'm a master thief!
Logan: I'm a deadly fighter!
Charles: I have powerful magic!
Cobbler! Reader: And I... make good life decisions!
Rando: That doesn't sound-
Morph: No, trust us they're our most important member.
Jubilee: *nods solemnly*
Reader: I helped save us from a raging river!
Random person: How?
Reader: By not jumping in it, fighting it, or trying to enchant it to let us cross!
Morph: See? They're smart!
Random person: That's common sense
Morph: No, that's Reader!
Reader: forces the team to wear warm clothes in the snow
Logan: I don't need to weat this!
Gambit: Gambit don't look dapper in this
Charles: I can make us magical clothes!
Morph: Keep the d*mn clothes on-
Reader: I made hot cocoa, too!
Everyone: ...
Reader: Is that a yes or a no?
Everyone: YES-!
Reader: sleeping
Gambit: steals them into his sleeping bag for extra warmth
Logan: flops over onto them, pulling them close
Charles: casts a warming spell on the ground
Morph: conjures a fire
Jubilee: snuggles into the sleeping pile
Everyone else: This is so sweet, I actually feel a sugar high just watching it-
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steelcladbutterfly · 2 years
Yandere Fae: Forest
One more from my halloween works! This doesn’t focus on any one character’s perspective for once.
Prompt: Forest
Fae/fairy has been used to describe anything from magical human like beings to creatures like goblins and gnomes. There are both good and bad tales of them, mostly used as cautionary warnings, with certain items said to keep them away or repel them. It is honestly such a broad term that it is even used as an adjective to describe something as magical or enchanting. 
The sound of rustling leaves and the sight of moving branches appeared on the video being recorded on a high end camera. A voice could be heard muttering as branches were slapped out of the way by a hand coming in and out of view. Finally, something new appeared on screen, a cottage nestled by a river with a picturesque garden close by. At that, the view stopped and turned to reveal the face of the man holding the camera. 
“Well, this is certainly something. Not exactly what I expected to find while looking into the tales of fae in the woods, but at least its not a mushroom circle or anything.” 
The man laughed, before peering off towards the currently unseen cottage. He squinted, trying to get a better look before his eyes widened and he turned the camera back around to reveal a figure emerging from the house in clothing that wouldn’t be unexpected at a renaissance fair. 
“Well, it seems like there’s someone here, so I’m gonna try and talk to them. Gotta admit though, they certainly fit in with the scenery. Just gonna put this somewhere a little less unobtrusive. Don’t wanna scare them off with a camera in their face.” 
As he positioned the camera with care into a duffle bag, with just the lens peeking out to continue filming, the video was the only thing to catch the sudden twisting in the branches of the trees above the cottage, as if something had suddenly placed a massive weight on top of them, and the slight cowering of the figure down below. By the time he had turned and shouted to grab their attention, the branches had already twisted back into place. 
“Hey, hello! Sorry, don’t mean to intrude, I was just out here exploring and happened to stumble across your wonderful little house!” 
The person cocked their head, momentarily confused, before realization lit up in their eyes. They gave one last wary glance up and over their shoulder before stepping slightly closer to the man. 
“Ah, yes, hello. It is nice to have a visitor even in spite of the location.” 
Their cautious tone made no difference to the man as he barreled on, too caught up in the fact he found someone at all in the depths of the forest. 
“Well, I’m glad to be here then! Oh yes, and you can call me Matty. By the way, what made you decide to move out here anyways? Isn’t it a little lonely here by yourself? Or could you not handle the hustle and bustle of the city?” 
The person furrowed their brows, unsure how to start, but choosing to focus on one matter in particular. 
“I hope that is not your real name. It is unwise to give it away so easily.” 
“Oh yeah, don’t worry, I know all about the rules. It’s just a nickname! Something other than my actual name to call me by.” 
The person hummed, considering the idea as a look of brief regret crossed their face. 
“Yes, that would likely be the best idea. A different name then the one that is what you answer to. I am sure that would have been helpful.” 
The last line was muttered under their breath, picked up only by the high end mic on the camera still hidden away. 
“I suppose you may call me Feather then. It is a name that is used by my… lover.” 
They shivered, a sudden looming shadow flashing on the video for a brief second, curling around and over Feather. It was gone too fast to pick up any real details but it appeared to be feminine even in spite of the way its limbs appeared too big for the body it appeared on. Matty was too busy to notice, as the sound of rustling pages filled the air and a notebook appeared in his hand. 
“Sorry did you say lover? Where are they then? I was hoping to ask you a few questions about the forest and the creatures within, but if they are up for it, I would be super pumped to have someone else’s perspective!” 
A look of panic appeared in Feather’s eyes as they shook their head frantically. 
“Oh, no, no she’s shy. I doubt she would be very interested in answering any questions.” 
“Ah. That’s too bad. Well, could I bother you for a bit of your time then Feather? You see I came here to look into the stories about fairies in these woods. If you know anything about them, it would really help me out.” 
Feather had stiffened almost imperceptibly at the mention of fairies, but they shook it off, heading towards the small garden to grab a bucket. As they passed by Matty towards the river, they hesitated, before waving him closer and whispering so low that the audio almost didn’t pick it up. 
“I suppose I can tell you a few things.” 
Their voice now raised as the trees appeared to have a weight placed upon them once more when they had leaned in closer to Matty than they had been willing to before. 
“But you’ll have to help me with some chores before I tell you any stories. There is a lot to do and I’m afraid that you have thrown me off my schedule a bit.” 
The sound of branches being released once more filled the air as Matty readily agreed, asking only for a moment to place his bag somewhere safe as he pushed the notebook back where it had emerged from. Feather looked curiously at the duffle bag, poking at the material and strap. Matty looked over at them, laughing at the curiosity on their face. 
“What’s the matter? Have you never seen a duffle bag before? It’s pretty much just like any other bag with a zipper but it’s much easier to carry over one shoulder. Assuming you don’t fill it up too much.” 
Feather blinked, turning to the man behind them as they pulled away from tracing the neat line made by the teeth holding the two sides together.
“A duffle bag? Do you have to sew it shut? Is that what this odd part on it is for? Is that what a zipper does? Then how do you open it again?” 
Matty laughed at that, but it petered off at the curious look on Feather’s face. 
“Wow, okay. How about this? I help you with the work, and once that is all done, we can do something like 21 questions. I ask you a question and once you’ve answered, you ask a question, and so on and so forth.” 
“Yes, alright, that sounds like fun. I have never heard of this 21 questions, but it certainly seems like a fascinating little past-time.” 
Feather clapped their hands together, interrupting Matty before he could make another remark. They picked up the bucket they had previously set down and continued off towards the river, Matty following behind as they marched off, leaving his bag and camera behind. 
The video had continued nonstop, managing to catch most of the interactions between the two visible beings from its excellent vantage point. Feather appeared diligent, always ready with a new task and never seeming to slow down even as Matty began to lag around midday. 
At that point, they stopped for food, Feather heading inside to bring out already prepared food for themselves. They said their lover had made it, even as they kept it far from Matty’s hands. He laughed at that, stating that he had his own food. 
“After all, there’s no telling what that food may do if it was made by a fairy!” 
He laughed it off as a joke, but Feather flinched, looking down at the food. They seemed resigned, eating at the food slowly as the suddenly alive forest calmed down once more as the first bite passed their lips. 
Soon, it was straight back to work, with Matty being much more lively than Feather was at the start. The video continued to roll, capturing the moments when the trees seemed to break from their spots and reach out as if to wrap around Matty and tear him away whenever he came too close to Feather. But every time, it would retreat as if nothing had happened. 
By the end of the day, Matty was none the wiser to why Feather seemed more cautious than ever. But that all changed when they finally sat down to start their back and forth questioning. 
The camera was finally moved as the bag was picked up and moved to be more accessible. Feather came into view for a moment, tilting their head curiously before it was shifted and the lens was now pointed towards the cottage that had been out of view all day. 
It appeared somewhat more ominous in the dusk, despite the lanterns hung above the door and on the sides of the roof that Feather had carefully lit while out of view of the camera. Matty began speaking as a dark shape seemed to warp into view; as large as the trees before shrinking silently down to the shape that had appeared for a brief moment after Feather had commented on their lover. It made no move to shift from its spot as Matty spoke, it just stood there. 
“Anyways, let’s start shall we? I’ll go first, are there fairies in these woods?” 
There was a brief pause before Feather spoke. 
“I know there is at least a fae in these woods. Now, it is my turn, how do you open this bag?” 
There was a slight sound of moving fabric as Feather presumably poked the duffle bag. Matty explained it with ease as he pulled back on the zipper, widening the view the lens had access to before zipping it back and forth a few times. Each time the figure became slowly more warped as Feather exclaimed in awe at the sight. 
“Anyways, my turn! Do you know what this fae does and how long its been here?” 
Feather giggled at that, the sound causing the figure to lean towards the sound as if savoring it. 
“I think that’s two questions. So, I’ll answer one and then the other after my turn.” 
“Darn, I thought it would work! Oh well, I guess the one about what it does then first.” 
“So, I don’t know all of the specifics, but she can at least control plant life to a certain degree and change her size and shape. She can also stay hidden from sight, that I know for certain.” 
Matty exclaimed in awe at that, fascinated by the idea even as the video continued to roll, putting the pieces together in footage unseen as the figure faded from view, seen only reaching towards the side Feather sat on as if to embrace them before vanishing from sight. 
“Wow, that’s impressive! Anyways, I’m ready for your next question!” 
“Oh yes, when you opened the bag there was something in there. I just wanted to know what it is used for.” 
The bag was unzipped once more and uncertain hands pulled out the camera, as the lens got a sudden close up of Feather’s face as they inspected the item before it was flipped over to Matty’s suddenly upside down and worried face. 
“Well, it’s a camera, just be careful it was very expensive. I honestly thought you knew what it was, which was why I hid it from view. It can take pictures, but it also has the ability to record videos with sound, kind of like a movie, I guess.” 
Matty laughed, face still in view as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as he revealed he had been recording what was happening. His eyebrows furrowed as Feather’s silence continued. 
“You… do know what a camera is, right?” 
“No, I do. I know what it is vaguely, but this looks nothing like what I know of.” 
Silence fell for a moment, during which Feather set the camera on the table gently as Matty automatically moved it right side up. The trees behind him were twisted once more, sharpened and reaching towards the oblivious man. Feather spoke up, voice wavering as the trees creaked and groaned with the forced movement. 
“Matty, you asked me how long the fae has been here. I am afraid I do not know for I have no idea what year it is or how long I have been here. Please, Matty, tell me what year it is before it is too late.” 
Matty gulped, suddenly seeming to notice the ominous movement of the trees and, judging by how his eyes flicked up way above eye level, the figure that had now come back into view. But his face firmed despite the risk he was suddenly well aware of. 
“It’s 2022.” 
Everything stopped moving. The trees slowed their creep forward, the nightlife suddenly hushed completely, and even the vague flickering from the lanterns seemed to pause. Feather was the first to break it, letting out a sudden sobbing keen, shuffling slightly as if something was holding then back even as Matty halted his sudden attempts to comfort them. They final spoke, trying ro be as clear as possible.
“Matty, you need to leave now. Run and never look back. You cannot do anything for me, so please just get away.” 
“What do you mean? You can’t honestly just expect me to leave-“ 
Matty leapt into action at the sudden scream, grabbing his camera and bag before turning to run. The view shifted to focus on Feather who was sobbing and held firmly in the creature’s arms as she snarled at Matty, sending a wave of plants to follow him as the world burst back into life. Over the panting of Matty and the shifting and cracking of plant life, Feather’s voice could be heard faintly in the distance. 
“You said I would still be able to visit my family before they died! It has been over two centuries! How could you! I came with you and dealt with your selfish needs for over two centuries and you wouldn’t even let me see them one last time?” 
It was a heartbreaking wail for retribution that Feather would never get, but the video continued steadily farther and farther away from the still trapped Feather as Matty continued to run from the vicious plant life around him. 
The video ended before safety was found. The camera had been jostled out of the hole still left unzipped in the bag and fell hard onto the ground. The last image it captured was Matty continuing to run into the growing darkness of the night before the lens was covered by a vine that crept around and around the piece of machinery until it was cracked open and shattered to pieces. 
A new video started. Matty’s face came into view, a large bandage wrapped around his head. As it slowly panned around, it was clear he had been through something awful. Nearly every surface had a cast on it and what wasn’t covered by clothes or bandages was colored in shades of blue and purple, with the slight yellow green of healing bruises around the edges. 
“Well, I lost the video that would make this one make sense to anyone else, but I’m not going to be able to do anything about that for now. I survived, but Feather is still stuck with whatever that monster was. I have no idea how to save them or if I will even be able to find them again, but I’m not going to give up. No matter what it takes, I’m gonna get them out of there and somewhere safe. That’s a promise.” 
Matty’s determined eyes were proof enough of his conviction as the video ended, for now.
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