#yandere hansel x reader
reareaotaku · 1 year
A Scary Death
I don't know if I made this obvious, but this version, Hansel and Gretel are older teens. Also, hope my writing has improved since 2021 like wow. Pt 1, Pt 2
You all were munching happily on the candy, until a clunking sounded and you looked towards the front door.
That caught the attention of you all. The woman starts laughing as she walks down her candy path. You all quickly hide the candy behind your backs.
"Oh, I just love...." She starts spinning in a circle, before walking over to you three and yelling, "Teens!" She swishes a knife pretty close to where you three were and Hansel pulled you behind him so as to not get attacked by the crazy woman. She laughs as you all scream bloody murder, but all she did was cut off a candy cane.
"This chick is psycho," You whisper to Hansel, who nods his head in agreement.
"Try the fence, you majestic creatures."
You were confused and looked at the candy in her hand, declining the offer, but the siblings were quick to indulge in the food. You watched, seemingly the only one who was confused by the lady's actions.
Gretel thanks her, before apologizing about us screaming and Hansel quickly retorted-
"We thought you were going to chop us up." 
Which caused you elbow hit, quickly shutting him up.
"Chop you up? Why?" She chuckles. "I love teens. They're so.... Oh what's the word.... Exquisite. "
"Come in, young ones. Come, come, come." She kicks open the door, "Stay for dinner. Stay as long as you like."
You could practically see them [Hansel and Gretel] glowing with happiness. They probably thought they found a new home, but you knew better. 
"Stay forever." The woman laughs to herself, "Sit. Let me bring you a little snack. You must be hungry." She walks off to a pantry and you watch her closely.
Hansel can see your worried faced, but before he can ask if you're okay, she continues.
"What brings you to my little cottage, my sweethearts?"
"Our parents chopped our heads off," Gretel remarks, causing the baker lady to pop out of the door surprised.
"Really? How inconsiderate. Ha!"
"We're looking for the perfect family," Gretel continues, "Or at least one that won't kill us."
"Are you all siblings?"
"No!" Hansel quickly protest, shocking you, Gretel, and the Baker, "I just mean that Y/n," He gestures towards you, "Is our closet friend. No blood."
"Well, I have some cake for you now," The lady singsongs, "And just about everything you could ever desire."
Hansel looks over at you, almost love struck, but quickly looks away when you spot him. He was strange, but you could never quite figure out what relationship you had with the male.
"How's that for a happily ever after?"
You slept with your legs apart, and Hansel slept between your legs, with Gretel being the only one in a bed. All of you were filled since you ate so much of the candy in the house. You could feel Hansel move, which caused you to wake up.
You looked around the empty room, before spotting a closet and opening it to have a whole bunch of shoes collapse on you.
"How come there's a closet full of shoes?" Hansel asked, quickly waking up. "That one has a foot in it," Hansel points to a very specific, boned shoe, but Gretel was in denial.
"Everything's fine," she repeated, but you knew that was far from true.
You looked back towards Hansel, but he was already back asleep, willing to take his sister's word.
The sun rose and a bunch of food was placed infront of you. You weren't all that hungry, so when Mrs. Baker left, you gave your food to Hansel, who was chowing the food down like a vacuum. You don't think you've ever seen someone eat so quickly. He acted like he hadn't been fed in years, when he just ate last night.
Mrs. Baker comes in, while Hansel is out of it and asks for help in the kitchen, making you suspicious. It doesn't take long before Hansel is heading back up the stairs, alert and hyper, grabbing both you and Gretel.
"We have to go! She tried to cook me!"
Gretel was still out of it, asking him what was going on, but he seemed to be more worried about getting out of there. Though, a burnt-looking Mrs. Baker comes up the stairs, looking annoyed, while Hansel stood infront of you both, almost protectively.
"Oven... doors... don't... lock!" She pulls out a knife and swishes at you as you all begin to run. She opens the door to the room and walks slowly. "Do you really want to know when your parents stopped loving you? The answer is quite simple." She walks over to the window. "Obvious really. They never loved you. Never. Never. Never." 
You knew she was trying to get under Hansel's skin, but you were hoping he wouldn't take the bait.
"You know it's true."
To bad for you he did and she caught him, lifting him high up into the air before smacking her teeth and shaking the male. You feel the boned shoe under your hand, smirking while getting a quick idea.
"Eat this, you old hag!" You throw it at her, startling her. She drops Hansel, who lands on his back hard. She starts tumbling backwards, tripping on food and you and Gretel gasp, already seeing where it was going. She ends up falling out of the window, causing you and Gretel to go look out and see what happened.
She landed on the candy cane she had chopped earlier. Gretel's eyes widened at the blood and organs leaking from her stomach. Though, she tried to rationalize it by saying she's okay, but she was not okay. She ran ahead of you, while you stayed to grab Hansel's, who complained about his back. You can hear Gretel scream and you quickly rush down.
"Oh, she is not okay."
You all screamed at the gory display and Hansel seems to magically recover as he runs away first, with both you and Gretel quickly following behind.
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yanderecandystore · 1 year
Hi I'm brazilian, sorry if my english is wrong. But I can order a yan with a sweet wizard boy where he lives in a house made of candy and attracts people for him to devour, I don't know if you've read the story of the brother grimms, of Hansel and Gretel (or Br: João e Maria). How about this concept?
I'm so sorry but I struggled with this one so bad, I made so many versions of this but always fucked up at the candy house part 💀 (I couldn't imagine how to write the reader getting inside, or even finding it even though it was supposed to be the most obvious part lmao) It's very short 👉👈
Also lmao your English is great boo, welcome to the candy store, thank you for sharing with me this idea! It was actually pretty funny how challenging I thought it was X'D
TW/Tags: a little sadistic/more dehumanizing yandere // mentions of: weird/abusive family dynamics; cannibalism; drugging; kidnapping; gore; severed body parts; the usual yandereness although without the soft/lovey fluff I usually write // delusional (he is as sweet as someone who who eats humans could be- I want to write more but I kept messing up so much I died ⚰️)
Pumpkin Pie [Yandere!M!Cannibal!Wizard/Witch x GN!Reader - Scenario (?)]:
You were having tea inside a colorful house, your vision was very blurry and your ears felt clogged, and to make things harder to understand there was a heavy and pretty mixed up smell of sweets and candies, overwhelming your nostrils… You don't remember when or how you got in, or why, but the tea was nice so you kept drinking.
You were having a nice time with a stranger who you don't really remember the name of… He wore a weird suit for your town's weather, actually it was just off in general… But you thought it looked nice…
He smiled at you blissfully, clearly having a good time… You felt like you were having a good time as well… You like to think so.
Okay, to be honest you couldn't feel a single thing, your legs were numb and you felt like your head was way too heavy to move it around. You barely felt awake at all. So you just assumed it was probably a strange dream, after all you didn't know this man, right?!
He was talking to you… You didn't understand what he was saying, the smell of something tasty was being baked… Pumpkin pie maybe…? How long have you gone without one of those? Your father didn't like how much sugar you ate, so you were restricted to only a few sweets… But he probably wouldn't be mad about one slice of pumpkin pie, right?
The man patted your head endearingly as he smiled at you, he seemed to not care much about how you weren't paying attention at all… You thought that was sweet of him considering you were always considered an airhead by your family.
… Speaking of them- Shouldn't you go home soon? I mean, this is very pleasant and all but you don't remember how long you've been here and the things that happened beforehand feel like a blur… Your family had a curfew and you didn't want to get in trouble again for breaking it.
Ah, but what could you do? You were just so curious about the forest beside the mansion. You secretly hoped to see fairies or anything magical whenever you went there, ah, how wonderful it was to escape your responsibilities as middle child for at least a few moments.
Sure, your family was wealthy, a lot better than most people in town, but you wished you didn't have to stay inside all day… Your older siblings would get to work with the family mine business while your younger siblings got to play and study all day long, and you? You were sort of the second servant of the house, there were many expectations placed on you and not enough attention to your interests and dreams…
You already miss Ms. Bell, she is such a nice lady and sadly your only friend in a big almost always empty mansion. Actually, you're not even all that bothered about being a "second servant" because you actually like helping her out.
Ah, sweet Bell… She always told you to be careful out in the woods, people would often go missing, especially people who have zero expertise about finding their way in and out… Ms. Bell, always so caring and wise… If only your family listened to you more like she does…!
While you kept drifting into different topics inside your own head, your vision was starting to come back to you and your ears seemed to get better after a while… Your head was still very heavy and it aches as you look around and notice- This guy has a weird taste for decor! Seriously, there's candy everywhere!! Actually… Was everything MADE out of candy?! What the hell?
Wait, you can hear humming, you can hear him better now, he is singing a nice tune as he gets up and takes care of the pie in his oven.
"You're finally awake, or at least more awake now! I'm sorry for what happened before, the dose I gave you was probably too strong, I guess it is just a habit of mine. Please forgive me." The man said in a joyful way, smiling at you like he did before… His voice was familiar but nothing to really help you remember.
"I guess I haven't introduced myself properly, then again I didn't think you would make it this far- I don't know why but I couldn't bring myself to let you go to waste. You have a very sweet smell and I couldn't help but wonder what it would taste like." He acts as if what he said was a compliment, and you strangely enough nod your head, feeling a little dazed still.
Yeah… but, what was he talking about? This conversation was weird and it was starting to worry you a little bit.
He brought to the table you were sitting on his pie so it could cool down while you two chatted, and filled the table with a plate of muffins and another of small bread. They looked incredible!
"You can eat how many you like! Consider yourself my guest, it's actually very nice to have someone over after such a long time…" He sat down in front of you and started to pour you more tea.
"I think it's clear to see I don't really do this, well, my name is Zirick, and this is my house! Don't worry, I'm not mad about what you did earlier, it happens all the time! And of course, my house was pretty much made for it, ya know?"
You didn't understand what he meant, so you told him your name and apologized for not only not remembering what you did but also for doing something that would offend him.
"Oh Pumpkin, it's okay! It's my fault your head is as empty as my cup of tea- My spell was supposed to just knock you out but I guess it was a little too strong and in return made you lose a few memories! But don't worry it'll come back eventually…"
"What I'm talking about is that you stumbled around my land and… Well, after seeing my house you couldn't help but want to take a bite off my walls! But I fixed them already so that's fine."
What? He knocked you out with a spell?? For eating his walls?! That entire sentence didn't make sense to you, you would never randomly eat someone's walls!! Even if they were delicious and even if you… do remember snacking on them… a little bit…
Ugh your mind was a flurry of thoughts, it was like different ingredients being violently mixed together and not mixing well! (Heh, cake comparison! You sure he would have loved to hear that one).
Well, invading someone's property like that was not a good thing but you weren't sure if knocking them with a spell or two was a good way to deal with an intruder… Still, you apologized and said you were going to find a way to pay him for his sweet wall. He waved you off laughing to himself.
"Oh but human money is worthless to me, and besides you have already paid me- Oh! Speaking of which, I just have to make sure this pie tastes good- I would offer you but I don't think it would taste, little Pumpkin."
He started to cut himself a slice… It was very red and meaty for a "pumpkin" pie, yet it smelled like one to you… And to him too.
Your senses were starting to get to you, you started to feel worried as the man was staring at you expectantly, you looked around and saw a peppermint clock on the wall, it marked 10 and you were sure by the darkness outside the window it meant 10p.m. You tried to get up and excuse yourself, after all you needed to get home soon or your family would end up getting mad at you.
But before you could actually walk away, you fell hard into the ground. You noticed you weren't feeling your legs properly, that's because one of them was missing.
"Don't roll away now, you're my guest today, remember? And besides, how far can you go without help, silly?" Zirick came to your aid very quickly and helped you get back to the chair immediately.
You tried to push him away, you bit him, you slapped him and even tried to kick him with one leg- It didn't work, he still knew how to tranquilize you into going back to your dreamland…
"Shh… Ah, how sad. All my guests get like this… You're a little fiesty for such a sweet Pumpkin, but I somehow can't get enough of your company, perhaps when you wake we can start again…"
He licked his dirty, bloodied fork eagerly. Normally he would have turned you into a massive pie but he wasn't THAT hungry and surely just a leg would be enough, and you were adorable walking around in the woods like a little adventure! He couldn't help but trick you into coming closer and eating a piece of his house- He needed a reason to get you inside of course, an eye for an eye, as they would say.
He isn't sure how he'll go about this but he likes your company, especially when you're too dazed to have any inhibitions or sense of privacy when talking to him! He could hear you sleepily mumble for hours, you were just so sweet to talk to, and to taste!
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purplekissinger · 10 months
~ Masterlist ~
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here's my AO3 (this is where i post ✨serious✨ stuff)
A picture above is me offering you this questionable texts. Yandere themes (a lot), but little to no nsfw (i just don't do that). Feel free to send me a request ^^
I DO NOT support yanderes irl. It's not love, it's a disease. Please, read tws.
I use pics to illustrate my drabbles, and although I usually make sure that it's not someones art, this can happen. If see your art on the cover of one of my texts and want it taken down, please contact w me, I'll do that.
Tom Riddle
x deardiarydeardiarydeardiary
Y/N’s been acting strange lately. She may contain the urge to run away, but Tom holds her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks.
x The cat that looked at a King
The first magical war. Animagus Y/N spies on the Dark Lord. When she is caught, Voldemort decides against killing her.
x Ten points to Hufflepuff
“Now it’s all done, Becky. And always after this, you know, you ain’t ever to love anybody but me, and you ain’t ever to marry anybody but me, ever never and forever. Will you?”
x Five times when you were stronger than Tom Riddle and one time when he was stronger than you
“Maybe you are taking in turns to look, and keep missing each other,” said Hermione, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards.
x That day no farther did we read therein
wordcount: 300. warnings: none. Tom: will definitely corner you as soon as the lesson is over.
x amalgam
The night Tom told you about Horcruxes. Soulmates au.
x The roads we take, the collars we choose
Y/N is a werewolf in the servitude of the Dark Lord.
x I am the pretty thing that lives in the castle
Y/N became a ghost instead of Myrtle. She couldn’t care less about Tom. He wishes he could say the same.
x The girl with the snake tattoo
‘Give me your hand, Y/N,’ he will say softly.
x hypnosis
'Men have wasted away before it, entranced by what they have seen, or been driven mad, not knowing if what it shows is real or even possible.'
x The tower, the princess, the snake
Soulmates AU.
x Death and the Maiden
Y/N revives the Dark Lord. “why, I am growing quite sentimental… But look, Harry! My true family returns…”
x Hansel and Gretel
Siblings au. Platonic.
x Thirst
Y/N Malfoy is Draco's older sister, this takes place in 1998, nsfw implied but no details.
Bunny Corcoran
You’re the entire circus
Bunny Corcoran being sliiiiiiightly obsessed with you 
Henry Winter
Seven deadly seeds
Henry Winter being heavily obsessed with you 
Yandere OC
x Hungry heart
Your yandere is the ‘hide the zombie bite’ type of guy. 
x Yandere zombie x reader headcanons
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m-jelly · 1 year
Your Leather Gloves
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Episode 1 - A wet meeting.
Pairing: Erwin x Fem! Curvy!Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, romance, falling in love, confident Erwin, flirting, mentions of blood, mentions of weapon, injuries, healing, Curvy reader, possessive Erwin, slight yandere traits.
Concept: You return home to find your door unlocked and a trail of blood going through your apartment to your bathroom. You find that a man is in your bath with a bullet wound to his shoulder. You help him out and let him stay over as he recovers. The tension between the two of you rises as feelings start to bubble away.
Taglist of who would like Erwin: @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity
Episode 2
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Fear. Confusion. Intrigued.
An unlocked door was partially open with a smudge of crimson blood on the doorframe. Hesitant feet shifted a little in place as conflicting voices fought each other in a confused head. Little spatters of blood created a twisted version of Hansel and Grettles breadcrumb trail to a destination.
A pained groan echoed off the tiled walls of the bathroom. Water shifted around a large body and soaked clothes causing them to cling tightly to a muscular body. The clear water was slowly changing in colour and had a slight pink tint to it.
Ocean blue eyes flicked up to the doorway when a cute gasp was released. The wounded man was not expecting a beautiful woman to be standing in the doorway of his old friend's home. He didn't expect an old man to have such a lovely woman walking around.
He went to speak but a small towel collided with his face. He let out a grunt and yanked the towel away. He locked eyes with the cute and sexy woman in the bathroom again before being smacked again by another hand towel.
"Who the hell are you!?" You cried out. "Why are you in my apartment!?" You eyed the man in your bath, it wasn't full but it was slightly filled as if he has used it to wash himself. "Why are you wet?"
"Erwin Smith, a pleasure to meet you." He slowly pushed his damp hair back with his wet hand. "I'm looking for Dr Crane. He's a friend and he helps me out."
Your attack drive went as sorrow filled your heart. "Dr Crane is dead."
Erwin's Adam's apple moved as he swallowed bringing your attention to this divine thick neck. "Dead?" He felt confused. "When? How?" His big hand clenched into a fist as he thought about a possible murder. "Who?"
You moved closer to Erwin and collected the towels from the floor. "He just didn't wake up one morning."
He flicked his judgemental gaze to you, but his harsh gaze faded quickly as he took in your divine curves. He enjoyed your thick thighs and behind as well as your plump breasts. He inhaled deeply and felt overcome with arousal at your delicious natural scent. He kept thinking about sinking his teeth into you and sucking your skin so he could mark you with a lovebite.
You turned to look at Erwin and felt your cheeks burn. His white shirt was seethrough so his rippling muscles were on display to you. He had a light dusting of blonde chest hair, along with a long treasure trail of blonde hair from his belly button to his trousers. You didn't know where to look because the charm in his face was just as delightful to look at. His jawline was strong, his nose defined, his eyes big and bright and the most kissable lips.
"He uh..." You fiddled with the towels in your hands. "He was a great man. I don't know why, but he left me this place in his will." You looked down. "I don't know if there was anything for you."
He lowered his head for a moment. "I'll look into it." He released a long sigh and leaned his head back over the edge of the bath. "I will pay my respects to him soon." He looked over at you. "What's your name, babydoll?"
You pouted at him as you said your name. You moved your gaze to the gun on your floor. "That uh...that been used in a crime?"
Erwin stared at you for a while before answering. "It's best if you don't know." He groaned as he felt pain shoot through him. "Would you be a peach and help me out? I have a bullet in my shoulder and I'd appreciate it if you'd get it out and sew me up."
You gulped hard. "I don't know how to do that!"
"I'll talk you through it."
You hummed a bit. "Fine."
He smirked. "Fantastic. Now, I'm sure Dr Crane left a medical kit around here."
You let out a long sigh. "You are damn lucky I haven't cleared this place out fully."
Erwin watched you leave and eyed you closely. He chuckled at how cute you were and wanted to have you as his so badly. He grunted a little as he fought his feelings. He adjusted his hips a bit and sat up more. He smiled as you rushed back into the bathroom and sat on a stool at his side.
He undid his shirt and peeled it off himself. "All right, let me guide you through this." He talked you through everything and smiled as you dug into his wound for the bullet. "You're doing well. You'll know it when you feel it."
You gasped when you felt it. "Ah!" You slowly removed the bullet from his shoulder and dropped it in a tray. "Got it!"
"Good girl. Now, stitch me up."
You shifted close to him and started. You felt your cheeks burning at touching Erwin's warm skin and having his ocean-blue eyes staring at you. You glanced at him and saw him smirk. "Stop staring."
You cleared your throat. "It's distracting."
"Forgive me, but you are incredibly beautiful."
You sighed and patched him up. "You are very mistaken. I am not something special. Just look at me."
Erwin eyed you and felt himself drooling. "Oh, I am and I love every inch before me."
You stood up quickly. "Y-You need to dry off." You grabbed a towel and slapped it on your stool. "You can rest in my bed. Um...I'll find some clothes."
Erwin stood up and climbed out of the bath with a heavy thud allowing you to know just how muscular he was and the weight to him. He walked closer to you and towered over you. He rather liked that he was bigger than you and you were so small compared to him. He loved how curvy and plump you were. He wanted nothing more than to run his hands all over your body and squeeze.
He reached over and played with your hair as you let out the cutest squeak. "I appreciate it."
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The tv softly hummed with a show but no one was watching it. All of the focus and attention was on you. Blue eyes followed you everywhere. Every single thing you did was watched closely. You were adored, wanted and needed.
Erwin had gotten to know the delicious peach that was you and you had gotten to know him. He rather liked that you did not judge him for his job, you simply told him that he had to earn his keep and as long as he didn't hurt an innocent person in his line of work he could say. It was true, Erwin only ever hurt really bad people.
He released a long sigh as you handed a coffee to him just the way he liked it. He felt like a married couple and rather enjoyed it. He was besotted by you. He wanted to make you all his and his alone. He needed you with him always. You made him feel things that he'd never felt before about anyone. He has fallen hard for you and he knew you felt things for him.
Your sweet voice broke him out of his thoughts. He smiled softly at you causing you to get flustered. He liked seeing the things he did to you. He enjoyed how he could read you so well. He loved how cute you were and that you reacted to everything he did.
He purred at you to try and tease you a little. "What is it, babydoll?"
"You grabbed my hand."
He stared at his big hand holding your small one. His eyes widened a little. He felt a bit shocked that he reacted like this and wasn't even aware of his actions. He studied his hand for a while and enjoyed that his natural reaction was to reach for you.
He pulled you closer to him allowing him to inhale your natural scent. He smiled as he felt a warmth spread through his chest. "Could you do me a favour?"
You frowned a little as your mind raced at all the things he could ask of you. "How can I help?"
He kissed your fingers and smiled against them. "Could you clean my wound?"
You felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment because you had thought of so many other things. You nodded shyly and hummed in agreement. You shuffled over to the medical things before sitting next to Erwin and taking off the patch on his shoulder.
Erwin watched every move you made very closely. He smiled at how you moved and how delicate you were. He admired you as you worked on him. He felt his heart flutter in delight as you touched him. He could see you were getting a little flustered under his gaze.
You pouted a little. "Stop staring."
He chuckled. "Sorry, I can't help but stare at beautiful things."
You sighed. "You must be blind. I'm not beautiful."
He reached over and lightly brushed your cheek with the back of his fingers. He softly said your name making your gaze soften to a sweet one as if his tone soothed your worries. "You are a rose growing in a field of weeds. What I wouldn't give to pluck you out of it all and lock you in a glass cage."
You playfully laughed. "Are you openly talking about kidnapping me?"
He gathered some of your hair between his fingers before bringing it to his lips and kissing it. "It has been a concept on my mind. Would you be opposed to it? I'll make sure it's pleasurable."
You blushed hard at his teasing and yet truthful words. "It'd be pleasurable if you stop staring as much as you did. You make me feel things and it confuses me." You stood up and grabbed the medical things. "Behave."
He hummed a laugh as he watched you walk away. "I do enjoy your cute little fire."
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A sweat formed across Erwin's brow, though his wound had healed really well he had come down with a sickness. He watched you hurry around your bedroom and tend to him so sweetly. He smiled at you and felt his heart flutter at how you took great care of him.
He turned his head as you stood by his side of the bed in front of the bedside drawer. He reached over and lightly caressed your thigh a little before moving them up to the bottom of your shorts. He flicked his gaze to your face to see you were flustered, but you were enjoying it.
Erwin smiled a little. "You're so soft and warm."
You shivered under his touch and let out a little moan. You gasped in shock at yourself before lightly tapping Erwin's hand away. "Look but don't touch."
"Oh, I'm looking a lot. I would love to look more. You could assist me with that."
You sat next to him and offered him some water to drink. "Are all mafia men as horny as you?"
He looked a little serious. "I don't sleep around. I detest any man who does. My desires and wants are solely you." He reached up and lightly held your neck. "I've never felt this way about anyone before." He relaxed as tears gathered in his eyes a little. "Fuck, you have no idea the power you hold on me." He released you and ruffled his hair. "You have the most powerful man in this city at your beck and call, who worships you and wants to love you."
You placed your hand on his lap and hummed. "You know, I don't understand how a man like you could like a woman like me."
He took your hand and played with it. "I don't understand how a woman like you doesn't see how incredible you are."
"You really mean everything, don't you?"
Erwin stared deep into your dreamy eyes. "I do." He moved his gaze to your lips. "Sweet peach, you can tell me where to shove it, but I just want to say that I have been dying to kiss you for so long. I want to kiss you over and over. I want to kiss every inch of your body and shower you in love. Just the thought of your lips against mine and our tongues moving together sends a shiver down my spine. Such bliss it would be."
You placed your hands on the bed on either side of his hips. You held your breath as you leaned up towards Erwin. You paused a moment and felt a bit flustered by his intense gaze. "Could you close your eyes?"
You lowered your head and stared at his shirt stretching across his pecs. "Because I'm trying to kiss you and your gaze makes me melt. I get all gooey inside."
Erwin wrapped his big strong arms around you before dragging you against his large frame. He pushed his big hand into your hair as his other hand gripped your bum. He was in heaven at finally being able to touch your beautiful bum. He was in bliss at finally being able to hold you against him.
He tilted his head and pressed his lips against yours finally. He smiled as you retaliated against his butt grabbing with a firm grip on his pecs. He pulled a little from your lips and parted his own and went back in for another kiss. He felt his heart flutter as you hummed so sweetly in response, meaning you were gaining pleasure from this.
You felt pure electricity and pleasure coursing through your veins as you kissed Erwin. You had felt the tension between the two of you, but you never thought that it would feel this good to kiss Erwin. Erwin was feeling just the same as you. He felt like his life made sense. His heart was overflowing with joy and love.
You gasped when you felt Erwin's hot tongue drag across your lip. You mewled a little and parted your lips for him as you felt excited at feeling his tongue move with yours. You moaned as Erwin's large hand clenched down on your behind a little tighter. You dug your nails into his plump pecs as his large hot tongue pushed into your mouth.
Erwin felt himself melting as your tongues moved together as one. He moved you to straddle his lap and felt like his dreams were coming true. He dragged his hand from your hair to your neck and lightly gripped the sides of your neck. He smiled a little into the kiss when you became very confident and kissed him back with pure passion.
You pulled back a bit from his lips and lightly kissed him as your brain started to process what you had just done. You wanted it and you wanted to keep kissing him. You wanted him and deep down a part of you enjoyed being wanted by him. You lowered your head to avoid his gaze and tapped your forehead against his shoulder as you played with his shirt.
Erwin smiled as he rubbed your back and gripped your body now and then. "Do you regret it?" He smirked when you shook your head. "Did you like it?" He felt excited when you nodded. "You want more?"
He kissed the side of your head. "Me too, but we both got a bit too excited, right?"
You lifted your head and locked eyes with him. "Yes." You whined a little as he blushed. You turned your head and covered your mouth. "Shit. I shouldn't want someone this much."
Erwin turned your head and made you look at him. "I want you to desire me like I desire you. You are always on my mind. I want you so bad." He leaned closer and lightly kissed you. "I want to put a collar on you with my name." He bit your lip making you mewl. "I want to tie you up and take you to my place and never let you leave. I'll shower you in love and gifts."
You felt your heart skip a beat. "Erwin..."
He dragged his lips across your cheek to your ear. "Don't worry, I'll behave...for now..."
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years
The Candy Shop (Intro)
Au Used: Candy Shop Au
Synopsis: This is the intro to the Au, basically setting up to right the X Readers with the Twst Characters. For more information that explains the Au, look here.
Warnings: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior, Stalking, Drugging
-- By choosing to read ahead, you are consenting to reading something with unhealthy, obsessive, stalkerish behavior through the use of drugs and addiction. If you see behavior like this in real life, please seek help. This work of fiction in no way condones it.
At first, (Y/n) hadn't really noticed that anything was wrong. If wrong was even the right word to use, (Y/n) wasn't entirely sure.
Perhaps with their family being what it was, with the curse that clung on to them like the plague, (Y/n) shouldn't have applied to work for a Candy Shop, by the name of Hansel And Gretel Sweets. Perhaps, they never should have accepted the job. But, they loved sweet treats of any sort, their sweet tooth being something they swore was hereditary. Well that, and the carnivores appetite, but that was neither here nor there.
(Y/n) didn't see any problem with what they were doing, even if some of their other family members had expressed their doubts. It's not like they were the one making the candy. At most, they set up out the equipment and set out the ingredients. Nothing big. Nothing that would count as actually making the candy as any means. At least (Y/n) didn't think so, and neither did their coworkers.
Not to mention, the little Candy Shop wasn't a popular one. Instead, it was in a little nook that most people passed by without a second glance. Mostly ignored by all. Besides a few loyal customers, no one really came in.
When one of the Mother's of a child that was a frequent visitor came in and bought a mass supply of candy, (Y/n) thought nothing of it. (The woman had said that she was throwing a Birthday celebration for her only son. She bought enough candy to fill several piñatas and a whole trash bag full of goodie bags.)
It had been one of the candy shop's larger orders. Really, besides thinking it was a good day of revenue, (Y/n) didn't think it odd. Perhaps they should have. Considering the candies the shop sells are individually packaged, it was for from a practical choice. Not when the Mother could have gone to some supermarket and bought a big bag of candy with over fifty pieces for five to ten bucks. She spent way more at the little candy shop than if she just did the practical, rational, thing.
But (Y/n) chalked that up to the woman being of eccentric character and didn't consider it further. In fact several days passed before anything out of the ordinary happened again. At least two to three weeks. So (Y/n) understands why they didn't make the connection until much later.
The next odd occurrence was a sudden boom in customers. (Y/n) had thought that slightly odd, but only because there was a reason they weren't a popular little shop, and instead were one tucked away into a little nook in an alleyway. The truth was, the candy wasn't even all that grand. The only appeal was that everything was handmade, and even then it was a massive drop in quality from mass-produced stocks of candy.
(Y/n) would know. They had a distinctive palate for that sort of thing. So they knew the Candy Shop's candy wasn't nearly good enough for their to suddenly be a massive boom in customers. Especially customers that kept coming back, and coming back, and coming back. Almost as if they couldn't get enough. Almost as if they were a bunch of addicts looking for their next fix.
That had been what (Y/n) had found strange. Still, they didn't do anything regarding it in the end. They were getting business. That was a good thing. And it wasn’t as if they were the one making the sweets, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?
At least, that was what they thought until they met him. All things considered, they should have thought of the idea earlier. For everyone was addicted to the candy, except for the man that kept following them around. No, he was addicted to them.
And now, what were they to do? With someone's whose rationality was steadily decreasing as time wore on? Surely, they'd take responsibility for their actions, right?
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running-with-kn1ves · 3 years
I have an idea about Yandere, I hope I'm not stressing you out with my requests, if that's the case, I'm sorry.
Do you know the story of Hansel and Gretel? Where there's a witch who lives in a house made of candy. So, how would the male and young version of the witch, and if this version fell in love with the reader, ((perhaps Hansel and Gretel his younger brothers))
bro.. i've never seen a story based off of Hansel and Gretel before??? hell yes!! That's literally perfect for a yandere.
Lemme throw a curve ball at you though: the reader is one of the siblings. Now, sounds kind of counterproductive doesn't it? Why be one of the siblings that's to be eaten, sounds funky. But isn't the whole yandere appeal, to have the person willing to kill for you, or you yourself?
Perhaps it's a stranded situation: you and your sibling got stuck in the woods, with no direction that points to home. There are trees for miles, and no sign of life: until you stumble across the house of a child's dreams. You lost your sibling back hours ago, a fight splitting the two of you up into opposite directions.
The house is mystical; nearly unreal. It's walls are made of candy and fluffy fairy floss that you can't help but devour. All seems strange until it gets stranger: an odd, peasant looking man is inside, cooking meat. He seems friendly and kind, other than his odd behavior of feeding you everything you see.
It's such a perfect outline of events; especially considering it appears your sibling has been there before you, as the torn fabric of their jacket lays on the counter.
The stranger is a mystical witch, far more powerful than the average, lost human, which makes it far harder for you to escape. Literally the power imbalance is perfect. He's cannibalistic, constantly on the verge of eating you, but never quite fulfilling the idea.
Maybe you find out about your sibling's death on your own, or you're never given the chance. He's so keen on ripping you apart and using your bones for his most powerful spells, but a part of him can't fulfill that idea.
A part of him is obsessed with the way you look; the way you look alive. You wouldn't be the same if he ate you, you wouldn't be able to be fed. There's such a thin line between him chopping your arm off, and him kissing you to the point that it's terrifying.
Will he give in to the desire to swallow you whole, or allow you to lie in his guest bed another day?
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after-witch · 2 years
Primrose [Yandere Chrollo x Reader]
Title: Primrose [Yandere Chrollo x Reader]
Synopsis: Chrollo turns your tongue into a flower. 
Inspired by a quote from Gretel and Hansel (2020): “Say that again and I will turn your tongue into a flower, to remind you how pretty and dumb and temporary you’ve chosen to be.”
Word Count: 2028
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, body transformation
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Chrollo misses the sound of your voice. Oh, it’s only been three days since you last spoke; still, the apartment is simply too static and boring without your lovely tones joining in the conversation. Although too often, the “conversation” was you throwing wicked barbs at him, your situation, or even yourself.
A pity, because you could be a beautiful conversationalist when you lost yourself in a topic you were invested in. It was a true delight when he was able to guide you into forgetting your agitation at your situation with him just long enough to wind yourself up into talking.
For the past few days, however, you’ve refused to open your mouth for anything but a straw--to drink water, to drink smoothies, to drink nutritional shakes. It’s all you can bear to consume ever since he turned your tongue into a flower.
What kind of flower? It’s something he’s been wondering. The nen he used gave him no control over what flower, and he can admit to himself that he was curious to see what might blossom inside of your mouth once the words were spoken.
His curiosity was met with your utter horror, dismay, and now intense stubbornness. You won’t talk.  Certainly, your voice would sound different without your tongue to guide each word. Would you even be able to enunciate? Or would the words crumble around the fragrant petals that now sit in place of your tongue? Even more, what would it be like to kiss you, with such a flower in your mouth?
He intends to find out the answer to these questions before he turns your tongue back. You are stubborn, it’s true, but he knows that he’ll get his way in the end. He always does, especially in regards to you. Though it can be cute to see you fight him, it’s just as important to remind you of your place in all this--and his place, too.
Presently, you’re curled up on your side of the bed, arms crossed around your chest, staring out the closed window. Dried tears stain your cheeks.
Probably the same ones from this afternoon, when you broke down sobbing after drinking the nutritional shake Chrollo placed in front of you. He talked and talked all throughout the meal, trying to get you to answer him with what he believed were perfectly polite questions inquiring after your health; wondering, for instance, if you wanted him to take a look at  your tongue to make sure there was no bruising. Petals bruise so easily, after all.
Your tears fell and fell then, and he wondered if your emotional outburst would at least make you try to yell at him, to remind him of everything he’s taken from you. All the things he’s heard cross your soft lips so many times before. Yet you remained stubborn.
And now, as you have been for the past few days, you’re still clinging to your sorrow and self-pity in a bid to deprive him of something he truly desires to hear.
He did warn you what he would do, if you spoke like that again. There’s no remorse to be had in his heart for your pouting expression or the tears tracking down your cheeks or the soft sniffles through your nose that continue even now. There’s only curiosity and interest and yes, a little annoyance that you’ve lasted so long.
It’s no matter. Chrollo is an expert at getting what he wants--whether what he wants is someone else’s nen or a museum’s worth of treasures or you, in his possession. A priceless treasure that, for once, he will never let go.
Perhaps songbird is a more fitting title, for now he wants to hear you sing.
You’re not paying much attention. All you do is stiffen slightly when he crawls on the bed. It takes no effort on his part to grip your shoulder and push it down; he’s rewarded immediately with a gasp as he crawls over you, placing his knees on either side of your body. Swiftly, his wrists grip your own and keep you in place, pinning you to the bed.
Your startled gasp is his first real glimpse of the magic inside your mouth, brief pops of color when you’ve sipped at your meals notwithstanding. The flower inside is the loveliest shade of purple, light and vibrant, with several layers of petals. A rose, perhaps, or something like it. It’s very flattering on you, he must admit.
You must see him looking inside your panting mouth, and your lips snap shut. But how can he resist going further, when he’s had a taste of what he wants?
“You’ve held out long enough,” he says, voice low, almost kind. “It’s quite admirable, my dear. But we both know that I’m going to get what I want in the end.”  
Your lips curl down into a hateful frown, and your breath comes shallow through your nose. He can practically imagine what you would be saying to him now, if your mouth wasn’t filled with a flower.
“We both know that I can make you speak, one way or another.” He leans in closer, and you turn your head away. He can feel the pitiful movement of your arms straining against his grip. It’s rather cute, especially combined with the scrunched up expression of distaste on your face.
“I could threaten you… or threaten your loved ones. If you’re inclined to view your own life as disposable, surely you won’t extend that attitude towards your friends and family.” At this, you jerk your head towards him, and he sees the telltale signs of tears welling in your eyes. It’s quite the sight.
“But I needn’t go that far.” He brings one of his hands down to your cheek, and you let your freed arm slowly crawl down to your side. You don’t bother trying to push him away, and he has half a mind to praise you for it. Instead, he strokes your cheek, wiping away a thin tear with an elegant gesture.
“Not when there are more enjoyable ways to make you open that beautiful mouth of yours.” His voice is practically a purr, and your body shivers underneath him.
He leans down towards your neck and runs his tongue up the length of it, tasting the salt of your skin, feeling the wild beat of your pulse.
He bites down. Hard.
You cry out, and the sound is warbled. Muffled, but not like it would be by a gag. It sounds like you have something soft and cottony in your mouth--which you do, in a way--and can’t quite form the right sounds.
His murmur of approval is triumphant, but all is not complete. Not yet. He presses his lips softly along the curve of your jaw and takes a deep, sensual sniff of your half-open mouth. The smell is delicate; a cool earthy smell, slightly spicy, with a sweetness that is somewhat akin to citrus. Intoxicating.
He smiles against your skin.
“What a beautiful fragrance, my dear. If only your words smelled as sweet as this all the time.”
He glances up to see the humiliated, hurt expression in your eyes and truly, you’ve never looked more beautiful.
But how do you taste?
You’re too frazzled, too thoroughly pinned and helpless underneath him, to offer much resistance when he presses a first chaste kiss to your half-open mouth, and then a second. But he can’t resist for long, despite how much he might pride himself on his patience in ordinary circumstances. It’s not like you’re in any position to call him out on such childish impatience, anyway.
His tongue slips inside your mouth and ah--ah. It’s the oddest sensation, and he wonders how it must feel for you. From the way you utter a low, helpless sound against his mouth--from the fresh tears he can feel trickling on his hands as they grasp your chin, you’re certainly not enjoying it as much as he is.
The petals inside are delicate and slightly bitter as his tongue swirls around them, interrupting the natural layers of petals with fervor. Will they bruise? Will they grow back, if he ruins them? There’s so much to consider, though you’re privy to nothing but the insistent hunger of his mouth and the way he refuses to give you an inch to budge away from him.
Your body jerks and shakes with little huffs as you cry against his mouth. He finally pulls away from this floral kiss only to give you the opportunity to speak. Perhaps it will end the game, or perhaps he’ll get a taste for the way you sound and smell and taste and keep you like this a while longer.
“Stop it, no more,” you say. Or try to say. Ripples of pleasure curl in his stomach as he gets yet another answer to his queries. You can talk, yes, but the sound is not quite what it should be. Without your tongue, and with the flower nestled so prettily in your mouth, the words almost slur together.
Even you seem surprised at the way your words refuse to come out right. Chrollo had assumed you tried to talk in some private moment, perhaps in the bathroom or when he stepped out to pick up the grocery delivery. But maybe you were too afraid to find out what sound would come out to try.
His finger trails along your chin, interrupting the ugly tears making their way down your sweet crying face.
“Call out my name, love.” You stiffen. “Call out my name and I’ll consider turning it back tonight rather than in a week.”
“A week?”
He can’t help the smile that grows when you speak again, nor can he resist shushing you as you take in his pleased expression and curl your mouth down, a renewed expression of embarrassed sorrow on your face.
“Of course, if you’d like to stay this way for a few more days, I won’t object.” He presses another soft kiss to your lips, taking in the sweet, earthy smell of the flower kept just behind them. “There are so many more things I want to find out about this new appendage of yours…”
A thousand thoughts flash behind your eyes in just a few moments. “What would Chrollo want to find out?” is what shows so clearly on your expression, and the answers that come to your mind are likely nothing quite so nice. You would be right, truth be told, Chrollo muses to himself. For instance, what would your mouth feel like if he were to put it some other use? What sounds might you make if he touched you, pinched you, tickled you, had you screaming his name for all the world to hear?
Perhaps you see the wheels in his mind turning and know that you must act fast, before he rescinds his offer completely.
Because then he sees your mouth open ever so slightly, lips trembling, salty tears collecting on the edges of your lips. Your eyes crinkle and you flick your gaze around, until finally settling on meeting his, accepting the eye contact he always demands from you.
And then you say his name… or what amounts to his name with your purple flower of a tongue.
“Chrollo,” you murmur. “Chrollo.” The L-sounds barely register, and it’s endearing, the way you try to say it twice, thinking that you might be able to get it right the second time. It’s even more endearing you to watch you sniffle through it. Poor thing, poor, poor thing.
He coos, and he can tell you hate it, but you’ll just have to take his approximation of pity regardless of what you feel, won’t you? Your tears are wiped away with thoroughness and he presses a kiss to your lips, to your cheeks, and finally to your forehead.
“We have a few more hours to enjoy that lovely mouth of yours. I suspect you’ll watch your words more carefully from now on, but if not, we can always see if the next flower to bloom in your mouth will be poisonous.”
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hellreads · 4 years
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navigation for all the recs I received, let’s all indulge in these stories!
stories that are no longer available here or any other platform are removed from the list.
[ 🍒 ] indicates that i’ve already read the recommended story.
[ 💌 ] indicates that the recommendation was a love letter ~ where readers share their favorite authors and favorite masterpiece from them.
⇢ [ recs from the box google spreadsheet ] ⇢ [ back to main navigation ]
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[ #102 ] ⇢ With Us Trilogy by monodreamin [ lovers/poly!au ]
[ #100 ] ⇢ Thou Shall Not Steal by xherxx [ ot7 | spy/mafia!au ]
[ #095 ] ⇢ Pink Lemonade by himbojk [ ksj+jjk | milf/trophy wife!au ]
[ #094 ] ⇢ Nefarious by smileysuh [ kth+jjk | yandere!au ]
[ #093 ] ⇢ Destructive Interference by vyduan [ ksj + kth | i2l/f2l/e2l!au ]
[ #089 ] ⇢ Lillies of the Valley by girlmeetsliv3 [ ot7 | a/b/o/yandere!au ]
[ #083 ] ⇢ Never Ever After by peachpersona [ ao3 | ot7 | fairytale/yandere!au]
[ #079 ] ⇢ Something Like Love by koobear [ kth x jjk + knj x pjm | a/b/o!au ]
[ #078 + #099 ] ⇢ Poison Apple by jooniyah [ myg + kth | moneylender/yandere!au ] 🍒
[ #074 ] ⇢ I Love You Too by smileyoongle [ kth + jjk | lovers!au ] 🍒
[ #073 ] ⇢ Winter Court Series by koyamuses [ kth + jjk | royalty/faerie!au ]
[ #069 ] ⇢ Numinous by jooniescupcakes + ddaenqu [ ot7 | yandere!au ]
[ #067 ] ⇢ Tuqburni by solastia [ myg + pjm | poly!au ]
[ #066 ] ⇢ Versigny’s Vampire AU’s [ multiple members | vampire!au ]
[ #060 ] ⇢ Red Mistletoe by yoonia [ rapline | lovers!au ]
[ #052 ] ⇢ Break The Ice by minflix [ pjm + jjk | hockey!au ]
[ #043 ] ⇢ Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun Collaboration [ ot7 | halloween/horror!au ] ● ⇢ Demon Ritual Series by sopewriters [ ot7 | demon!au ]
[ #042 ] ⇢ The Service Series by jimlingss [ ot7 | love service!au ] ● ⇢ Tape I: Sunset Masquerade by jincherie [ jhs | superhero/superpower!au ] ● ⇢ Tape II: Dusk Rendezvous by jincherie [ pjm + kth | superhero/superpower!au ] ● ⇢ Tape III: Starlight Tryst (I) by jincherie [ ksj + jjk | superhero/superpower!au ] ● ⇢ Tape III: Starlight Tryst (II) by jincherie [ rapline | superhero/superpower!au ]
[ #041 ] ⇢ Crazy Rich Asians by hobiwonder [ ksj + pjm +myg +jhs | rich kids!au ]
[ #040 ] ⇢ The Hills by minflix [ myg + jhs | ski-trip!au ] 🍒 ● ⇢ Three's a Crowd by minnpd [ jhs + knj | cuckolding!au ] 🍒
[ #040 + #052 ] ⇢ Euphoria by 94hixtape [ pjm + jjk | college!au ]
[ #038 ] ⇢ Our Birthday Girl by joonie-beanie [ knj + kth | poly!au ]
[ #038 + #042 ] ⇢ Baby, Baby by hobiwonder [ pjm + kth | surrogacy!au ]
[ #035 ] ⇢ Stealing the Bite by wildernessuntothemselves [ kth + jjk | supernatural/love triangle!au ] 🍒
[ #033 ] ⇢ Three Squeezes by nomnomsik [ myg + jhs | poly!au ] 💌
[ #025 ] ⇢ Artificially Inclined by lemonjoonah [ maknaeline | android/assassin!au] 💌 🍒
[ #024 ] ⇢ Hopping Into Love by hobiorbit [ pjm + jjk + jhs | hybrid!au ] 💌
[ #016 ] ⇢ Equilibrium by tayegi [ pjm + jjk | poly/lovers!au ] 🍒
[ #009 ] ⇢ Call Me Mistress by dark-muse-iris [ ot7 | prostitution!au ]
[ #004 ] ⇢ Physcom by teawithkpop [ ot7 | sexworker!au ]  🍒 ● ⇢ Moth to Flame by bang-to-the-tan [ ot7 | vampire!au ] 🍒
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[ #100 ] ⇢ Prohibidio by personasintro [ brother’s best friend!au ]                                      ● ⇢ Hooked by joopiterjoon [ strangers to fwb to?!au ]
[ #070 ] ⇢ Fragmented Glass by mochismilesbrighterthanthesun [ e2l!au ]
[ #048 ] ⇢ Inked by 1997jk [ soulmate!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ Thou Shall Not Harm by personawife [ mafia/e2l!au ]
[ #038 ] ⇢ Oh, Baby by joonie-beanie [ mafia!au ] ● ⇢ Daisies and Dinosaurs by dark-muse-iris [ library/single parent!au ]
[ #035 + #067 + #084 ] ⇢ Sandcastles by solastia [ unhealthy open relationship!au ]
[ #029 ] ⇢ Partners by btssmutgalore [ college!au ] 💌
[ #023 ] ⇢ Bloom by hobidreams [ assassin!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #021 ] ⇢ Alias by foreignfingers [ non-idol!au ] 💌 🍒 ● ⇢ Sorry Bae by gukslut [ lovers!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #020 ] ⇢ Love Bytes by stutterfly [ f2l!au ] 💌
[ #011 ] ⇢ Underground King by sugaxjpg [ boxer!au ] 🍒
[ #005 ] ⇢ The Moment Pleasantly Frightful by yoongink [ devil!au ] 🍒
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[ #084 ] ⇢ Can’t Keep Lying by 1rosex [ lovers!au ]
[ #065 ] ⇢ MOAM Bonus#5: The Request by floralseokjin [ fuckboy!au ]
[ #064 ] ⇢ Cake by yeyeniejjung [ ao3 | cannibal/killer!au ] 🍒
[ #058 ] ⇢ Quietus by kingsuckin [ zombie!au ] ● ⇢ A Painter's Folly by taehauntsme [ dorian gray!au ] ● ⇢ Stay for a While by vanaera [ college!au ] ● ⇢ Edge of Tomorrow by thedefinitionofbts [ sci-fi!au ] ● ⇢ Tenderness by shookykookie [ android/dystopian!au ] ● ⇢ Expensive Gifts by bxebxee [ fake dating!au ] ● ⇢ Restoration by prolixitae [ exes!au ] ● ⇢ Melancholy by kosmosgguks [ premonition!au ] ● ⇢ Seven Tears by minstrophywife [ selkie!au ] ● ⇢ Strawberry Roses by peekaboongi [ cupid!au ] ● ⇢ 4AM Pining by dimplemono [ bakery/co-workers!au ] ● ⇢ Pasta La Vista by honeymoonjin [ food critic/restaurant!au ] ● ⇢ Whipped by syubits [ bakery!au ]
[ #045 ] ⇢ Let Me Be Yours by glassbangtan [ s2l!au ] ● ⇢ Creek Hill Apartments by btssmutgalore [ fuckbuddy!au ] 🍒 ● ⇢ Partition by taeken-my-heart [ exes!au ] 🍒
[ #039 ] ⇢ Currents by yeoldontknow [ arranged marriage!au ] 🍒
[ #037 ] ⇢ 2,561 Days by gossamie [ married/divorce!au ] 🍒
[ #018 + #043 ] ⇢ The Devil Wears Armani by floralseokjin [ devil!au ] 🍒
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[ #100 ] ⇢ Third Wheeling by untaemedqueen [ s2l!au ]
[ #086 ] ⇢ Beloved by bang-tan-bitches [ historical/daechwita/yandere!au ] 🍒
[ #062 ] ⇢ Pink Bird Houses by 54daysormore [ single parent/nanny!au ]
[ #061 ] ⇢ A Brief Story in Time by cutaepatootie [ royalty/fantasy!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ No Trick, Just Treats by minnpd [ halloween/parents!au ]
[ #042 ] ⇢ What You Did Last Summer by winetae [ trophy wife!au ] 🍒
[ #040 ] ⇢ Please Be Naked by floralseokjin [ rebound!au ] 🍒
[ #037 ] ⇢ Twelve Minutes in Tokyo by gossamie [ lovers!au ]
[ #034 ] ⇢ Suit & Tie by jungshookz [ CEO!au ] 💌 ● ⇢  Baby, You Can Drive My Car by jungshookz [ mechanic!au ] 💌
[ #022 ] ⇢ Penguins, Concussions, and Swear Words by dinoyoongi [ sports!au ] 💌
[ #017 ] ⇢ Punch Drunk by joonbird [ boxer!au ] 💌
[ #013 ] ⇢ The Things I Said When I Loved You by gossamie [ lovers/exes!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #010 ] ⇢ In Pari Delicto by fringesofsanity [ ao3 | first time!au ]
[ #009 ] ⇢ Conveniently by baeseoul [ single dad!au ]
[ #008 ] ⇢ Love Language by gukslut [ lovers!au ]
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[ #100 ] ⇢ The Serendipity of Things by oh-so-scenarios [ soulmate/mafia/doctor!au ]    ● ⇢ Love Me, Love Me Not by eiichiru [ fuckbuddy!au ]
[ #080 ] ⇢ Arranged by obiwrites [ ao3 | arranged marriage!au ]
[ #079 ] ⇢ Candyman by mintedmango [ ao3 | yandere!au ]
[ #061 ] ⇢ Down the Three Seasons Path by cutaepatootie [ fantasy!au ]
[ #053 ] ⇢ Now or Never by cutaepatootie [ racer!au ] 🍒
[ #043 ] ⇢ Burn in Hell (she said) by floralseokjin [ devil!au ]
[ #036 ] ⇢ Run Little Rabbit Trilogy by readyplayerhobi [ werewolf!au ] ● ⇢ Rewrite the Stars by abunnystale [ ao3 | werewolf!au ]
[ #026 + #046 ] ⇢ Lost and Found by fortunexkookie [ peter pan!au ] 💌 🍒
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[ #099 ] ⇢ Gingerbread Hearts by primarybts [ hansel and gretel!au ]
[ #084 ] ⇢ Come Home to Me Darling by roses-ruby [ married/cheating!au ] 🍒
[ #076 ] ⇢ Violent Delights by girlmeetsliv3 [ gang!au ] 🍒
[ #063 ] ⇢ Love at First Touch by bagelwrites [ ao3 | soulmate!au ]
[ #061 ] ⇢ Touched by a Fallen Star by cutaepatootie [ royalty/fantasy!au ]
[ #056 ] ⇢ I Can’t Be More Honest Than This by lollarissa [ ao3 | arranged marriage!au]
[ #052 ] ⇢ Good Boy by btssmutgalore [ sub!au ] ● ⇢  Heartbreak Insurance by jimlingss [ love service!au ] ● ⇢ Shutter & Shiver by pac-mang [ camboy!au ] ● ⇢ Me, You, and This Thing We Have Between Us by boymeetsweevil [ pregnancy!au ] 🍒 ● ⇢ Spice It Up! by aiimaginesbts [ married/sub!au ] ● ⇢ Power Play by dovechim [ pornstar/e2l!au ] 🍒 ● ⇢ Dark Side of the Moon by dovechim [ werewolf!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ Faded Love by jamaisjoons [ married!au ]
[ #042 ] ⇢ Tell Me Lies by jimlingss [ soap opera!au ] ● ⇢ A Kiss of Poison by jimlingss [ royalty!au ]
[ #007 ] ⇢ Cygini by bibbykins [ yandere/dancer!au ]
[ #006 ] ⇢ Otherworldly by sinning-on-a-sunday [ coraline!au ] 🍒
[ #002 ] ⇢ Two Worlds by i-see-you-now-you-see-me [ fae!au ]
[ #001 ] ⇢ Neighbors by jkeuphoriadreamland [ neighbors/stalker!au ] 🍒
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[ #096 + #097 ] ⇢ Maybe I Do by jiminssthetic [ arranged marriage/ceo!au ]
[ #090 ] ⇢ Cut by deepdarkdelights [ actress/yandere!au ] 
[ #090 + #100 ] ⇢ Manager-nim by na-yiii [ actress/manager/yandere!au ]
[ #085 ] ⇢ Heal Me, Kill Me by baepsaesbae [ vampire!au ]
[ #084 ] ⇢ Cheater by personasintro [ cheating!au ]
[ #069 ] ⇢ Gold by jooniescupcakes [ lovers?au ] 🍒
[ #061 ] ⇢ In Search of the Aurora Borealis by cutaepatootie [ fantasy!au ]
[ #048 ] ⇢ Umbra by kimvvantae [ hybrid/royal/fantasy!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ Carnal Cupidity by kittae [ werewolf!au ]
[ #042 ] ⇢ Papillon by readyplayerhobi [ f2l/pregnancy!au]
[ #039 ] ⇢ Lighthouse by lattesalt [ wattpad ]
[ #038 ] ⇢ Pulse by rohobi [ medical!au ]
[ #036 ] ⇢ Ravenous by junqkook [ werewolf!au ]
[ #010 ] ⇢ Reminiscence by fringesofsanity [ ao3 | rendezvous!au ] 🍒
[ #009 ] ⇢ I Can Be Your Addiction by yuudetama [ fwb!au ]                                             ● ⇢ L’Appel Du Vide by infireation [ killer!au ] 🍒
[ #007 ] ⇢ Embroidery by bibbykins [ soft yandere/CEO!au ]
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[ #100 ] ⇢ A Little Closer by cutechim [ rival gang!au ]                                                       ● ⇢ The Dark Prince by jkeuphoriadreamland [ royalty/yandere/curse!au ]                       ● ⇢ Private by baepop [ love triangle!au ]
[ #098 ] ⇢ Into The Forest by taehyungssss [ royal/faerie/forbidden love!au ]                     ● ⇢ Your Little Games by thebeebi [ historical!au ]                                                           ● ⇢ Rewind by vanillagguk [ supernatural/reincarnation!au ]
[ #096 ] ⇢ Please Love Me by ahundredtimesover [ arranged marriage/ceo!au ]
[ #095 ] ⇢ Young Alpha by aroseforyoongi [ werewolf/f2l/supernatural/soulmates!au ]       ● ⇢ Holidating by yeojaa [ i2l!au ]
[ #092 ] ⇢ Jackrabbit by jamaisjoons [ university/hybrid!au ]
[ #091 ] ⇢ Driving Me Wild by joonkookiemonster [ demon/roommates!au ]
[ #088 + #092 ] The Weeb Jungkook Collection by jinharem [ college/weeb!au] 🍒
[ #087 ] ⇢ Netflix and Chill by 1kook
[ #084 ] ⇢ Insecurity by jiminelli [ lovers!au ]
[ #082 ] ⇢ Aurora by mintseesaw [ historical/secret affair!au ] 🍒
[ #077 ] ⇢ Rattled by gukslut [ single parent/e2l/f2l!au ]
[ #075 ] ⇢ Silver Blades by jooniyah [ royalty/yandere!au ]
[ #072 ] ⇢ The Alpha’s Purity by suqakoo [ hybrid/e2l!au ]
[ #071 ] ⇢ Prince of Nothing by girlmeetsliv3 [ royalty!au ] 🍒
[ #065 ] ⇢ Down a Peg by btsracket [ pegging!au ]
[ #061 ] ⇢ The Blue Princess and Her Red Rose by cutaepatootie [ royalty/fantasy!au ]
[ #057 ] ⇢ Oh There’s A Name for Boys Like You by lollarissa [ ao3 | TATBILB!au ]
[ #055 ] ⇢ I Can’t Go Back to Where I Used to Be by lollarissa [ ao3 | royalty!au ]
[ #054 ] ⇢ Wanted by jincherie [ soulmate/space/alien!au ]
[ #051 ] ⇢ Distractions by 1kook [ gamer!au ] ● ⇢ Late Fee by 1kook [ f2l!au ]
[ #050 ] ⇢ Bubbles and Cuddles by strawbxxymilk [ lovers!au ] ● ⇢ Blue Raspberry by strawbxxymilk [ college!au ]
[ #047 ] ⇢ Keeping A Secret by kpopfanfictrash [ new relationship!au ] ● ⇢ Dotti by jungcock [ office!au ]
[ #044 ] ⇢ Hunter by avveh [ ao3 | assassin!au ] ● ⇢ Perverted Bunny Mask by btsinned [ assassin/killer!au ]
[ #043 ] ⇢ Howlin' For You by fortunexkookie [ werewolf!au ] ● ⇢ Nochu Unsolved by minflix [ cryptid hunting!au ] ● ⇢ Stuffed Pumpkin by floralseokjin [ halloween!au ] ● ⇢ Vampires Suck by sopewriters [ vampire/werewolf!au ] ● ⇢ Rigor Mortis by readyplayerhobi [ police/zombie!au ] 🍒
[ #040 ] ⇢ Lust and Errors by imaginesthisbts [ step-siblings/fuckbuddy!au ] 🍒
[ #038 ] ⇢ Escape by jjkfire [ company rivals!au ] ● ⇢ Sweet Saccharine by jjkfire [ sugar daddy!au ] ● ⇢ Drug Wars by plumblackjeon [ mafia!au ]
[ #038 + #049 ] ⇢ I Won't Stop You by imsarabum [ vampire!au ]
[ #037 ] ⇢ Like Stars in A Constellation by taegills [ reverse meeting!au ] ● ⇢ Before I Forget You by gossamie [ lovers!au ]
[ #036 ] ⇢ Tooth and Claw by johobi [ werewolf!au ]
[ #032 ] ⇢ Microwave Misadventures by bymoonchild [ college/roommates/e2l!au ] 💌 ● ⇢ Sugarplum Elegy by bymoonchild [ college/fwb/singer/i2l!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #031 ] ⇢ Baby, My Baby by pjmims [ parents!au ] 💌
[ #029 ] ⇢ New Rules by tayegi [ college/fratboy!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #028 ] ⇢ Content by pinecovewoods [ ao3 | roommates/youtuber!au ] 💌 ● ⇢ The School Dance by pinecovewoods [ ao3 | high-school!au ] 💌
[ #027 ] ⇢ Since Day One by gukgalore [ f2l!au ] 💌 ● ⇢ Switch Lanes by gukgalore 💌 🍒
[ #026 ] ⇢ Falling Skies by fortunexkookie [ e2f2l!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #026 + #046 ] ⇢ The Turing Test by fortunexkookie [ android!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #016 ] ⇢ Tinder 2.0 by tayegi ● ⇢ Mamihlapinatapai by tayegi
[ #014 ] ⇢ Tell Me No Lies by jeongi [ CEO/robbers!au ] 💌
[ #012 + #019 ] ⇢ Chasing Butterflies by ddaenggtan [ college/coffee shop!au ] 💌 🍒
[ #009 ] ⇢ Blue Orchids by inktae [ hanahaki!au ] ● ⇢ I Hate You, I Love You by jungblue [ bff!au ] ● ⇢ Gravity Check by gimmesumsuga [ instructor!au ] ● ⇢ Vaunt by yminie [ frat!au ] ● ⇢ Instant Gratification by dovechim [ fuckboy!au ] ● ⇢ Baby Boy by craft-rose
[ #003 + #030 ] ⇢ Animal by cutaepatootie [ boxer!au ] 🍒
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reareaotaku · 8 months
2023 Fanfic Wrap
[Yes, I stole this idea from @ agaypanic, because I liked the idea] ! Warning these are subject to change, but as of January 17, 2024, this is as accurate as I can get !
In 2023 alone, I published 104 fanfictions. I wrote the most for 'Scream' with over 15+ fics. My first fic of 2023 was Yandere! Nagisa Hazuki Headcanons on Feb. 22. My last fic was a Rodrick Heffley Headcanons on Dec. 13. * =NSFW
My Top 10 Fanfics of 2023
10. Sleeping Beauty [Billy Loomis x Reader] * Summary: Kinktober- Somnophilia 619 Notes 9. Judd Headcanons [Part 2] [Judd Birch x Reader] Summary: More Headcanons for Judd 640 Notes 8. Thick Thighs [Billy Loomis x Reader] * Summary: Kinktober- Thigh Riding 665 Notes 7. I Love You Like a Doll [Ryan! Ken x Reader] * Summary: Ken wants to please you 685 Notes 6. Call Me, Baby [Billy Loomis x Reader] * Summary: You got a call when being home alone and it turns into something much darker 754 Notes 5. Judd Headcanons [Part 1] [Judd Birch x Reader] Summary: Headcanons for Judd 953 Notes 4. [Tie] Rodrick Heffley Headcanons [Rodrick Heffley x Reader] Summary: Headcanons for Rodrick 1,408 Notes 4. [Tie] Let Me Put a Baby in You [Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher] * Summary: Kinktober- Breeding Kink 1,408 Notes 3. Pleasurable Sin [Ryan! Ken x Reader] * Summary: Headcanons for if the Ken[s] had private[s] 1,515 Notes 2. You Are Mine [Wally Darling x Reader] Summary: Wally enjoys watching you as you watch him. And after years of watching you, he can't wait for you to join him and all his neighbors, but those pesky 'parents' or whatever you call them are still standing in his way. 1,601 Notes 1. Lovey Dovey Darling [Wally Darling x Reader] Summary: Drabble of Wally 1,681 Notes
My Worse Performing Fanfics of 2023
10. Death to Love [Nancy Thompson x Reader] Summary: Movie night w/ Nancy 35 Notes 9. Aged Up! Schroeder [Peanuts] Headcanons [Schroeder x Reader] Summary: Headcanons for Schroeder 34 Notes 8. [Tie] Maybe We Need a Break? [Male! Kim Possible x Reader] Summary: You 'break up' with Kim 31 Notes 8. [Tie] Dr. George Huang Headcanons [George Huang x Reader] Summary: Headcanons for George the shrink 31 Notes 7. Calvin Fischoeder Headcanons [Calvin Fischoeder x Wonder Warf Carney! Reader] Summary: Headcanons for Calvin 30 Notes 6. Harry the Lawyer [OC x Reader] Summary: Blurb for the Lawyer who's tired of your shenanigans 28 Notes 5. Reader is Captured [PPGZ x Reader] Summary: How Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup react to darling being captured 25 Notes 4. Chester Lake Headcanons [Chester Lake x Reader] Summary: Headcanons for Detective Lake 23 Notes 3. Sneaking Off w/ Zach [Zach Sandford x Reader] Summary: You sneak away with Zach, while everyone else smokes 18 Notes 2. A Scary Death [Part 3] [Hansel x Reader / Gretel x Reader] Summary: You meet a nice candy lady, but it seems she has other plans for you and your friends 14 Notes 1. Chance Furlong Headcanons [Chance Furlong x Reader] Summary: Headcanons for Chance Furlong 10 Notes
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reareaotaku · 3 years
Have any of yall seen 'A Tale Dark & Grimm.' Cause I've only seen like 3 episodes and I've already bought all three books and I CANT WAIT FOR THEM TO COME IN TOMORROWWWW.
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(Also I'm doing a Yandere! Hansel x Reader, pretty much)
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reareaotaku · 3 years
Candy Baker
(I hope you all know this story is based/inspired off the book/ new show 'A Dark and Grimm Tale,' on Netflix) (Also, I got the books Monday :) ) 
Edit: Only the first book is abt Hansel and Gretel
Pt 1, Pt 3
"Maybe we should go back home," Hansel begins, "If we just knew why Mom and Dad did what they did, maybe--"
"Hansel, do you really want to get your head cut off-AGAIN?"
You looked between the two siblings. You don't recall this version of the tales. You grabbed your brown bag as they continued to argue, looking for your fairy tale book. The one that had the story of Hansel and Gretel.
"Just do what I do," she turned around walking into the forest, "Take all your feelings and put them in a box. Lock and bury it and set fire to it."
"What?" You looked to Gretel as she walked into the trees. That didn't make sense. You found your book and pulled it out, but when you opened it, it was blank. You skipped through the pages, but they were all empty? Where were your stories???
"Are you okay?"
You slammed the book shut and smiled at Hansel. "Yep," you said waving him off, as he looked at you suspiciously before deciding to just go.
"Hansel! Y/n. We are going to find the perfect family, no matter what it takes."
She had a fury in her eyes and you and Hansel gulped.
"And then... Mom and Dad will be sorry." She had her monologue before snapping out of it. "Let's go. Stay close."
"And so Hansel, Gretel, and Y/n made their way through the deep dark woods. To find the perfect family."
"Who's there? I'm armed!"
You looked back at the scared Hansel. He saw you looking at him and he puffed his chest out, "I'm not scared of you."
You rolled your eyes, playfully, before continuing on ahead, a loud "Wait up!" from behind you, as Hansel soon caught up to  you.
Bats shrieked and headed for Hansel as you and Gretel ducked to try and avoid them.
"They're in my hair! Get them off me!"
"Shoo! Get out of here!"
"Gross. One of them kissed me!" you groaned as you whipped your mouth.
"Okay, we have to find somewhere we can rest for the night. It's to dark to go on."
You nodded along with her, knowing she was right as Hansel groaned, feeling tired and shaken up.
You all finally got a campfire going and were settled. Then Gretel noticed something. 
"Look. It's glowing."
You looked towards her neck, to see the thread glowing as she had said.
"Woah," Hansel gasped, right before his started to glow as well. "This is crazy! Sewing someone's head back on should NOT bring them back to life."
"Well, I'm glad it brought you back," you told Hansel, making him chuckle and blush, looking away from you. He had to cover his face to hide the red blush covering it. You don't know why you said that, you didn't even know this boy. You just knew he was part of your books, but you couldn't stop yourself when you said it anyway. Did your self from this world maybe like Hansel?
"It's some sort of magic thread."
"Modern medicine is amazing," you remarked to her.
You yawned along with Gretel, as you both laid down, hoping to get some sleep.
"Y/n, Gretel, I have a bad feeling about this place."
"You have a bad feeling about every place," you remark making yourself chuckle, as Hansel glared at you.
"Here's a thought, instead of resting, we could keep walking forever and ever and PLEASE PLEASE not stop in the deep dark woods. But that's just a thought."
You groaned and continued to sleep as neither of you replied to him, already fast asleep.
He continued to stand and stare at you both and you peeped an eye open. "We don't have anything to fear Hansel, we know you can keep us safe, " you yawned, making him blush yet again. 
Why did you do this to him? Was his last thought as he too, soon feel asleep.
My eyes opened wide as I heard the voice again. 
"One of us."
I looked to the direction to see wolves, which were walking straight towards us. I looked to my left to see my sister and Y/n both still sound asleep. I gulped as they got closer to us.
"Y/n. Gretel. Would you rather die awake or in your sleep?"
"Why would you ask that," Y/n groan, opening her eyes to see the wolves heading for her. 
"In my sleep," Gretel said, seeing the wolves. 
"Too late!" I exclaim, before getting the bright idea to light my stick on fire and wave it  in front of the wolves.  "Stay back! Stay back!"
The wolves whine and take off, as I puff my chest out and look towards Y/n. "Just a day's work." She rolled her eyes and turned towards my sister.
One of the wolves blows out my fire, making me gulp and frown. Y/n grabbed my hand as my sister shouted for us all to run. I looked at our hands, intertwined, and felt my face burn in heat. I held it tighter as we ran faster into the night.
We all run faster, as the wolves chase us, barking and growling.
"That way!" Gretel points in a direction, as Y/n drags me along with her. We jump off a ledge and Y/n hold back a stick and then hits the wolves making them whine and back off. We run, not even paying attention, when Y/n pulls me back, because I almost feel off a cliff.
"We gotta get across."
"Obviously," Y/n pops, her hand still in mine. I hope she never let my hand go. We get on the fallen tree and start to walk, hearing wolves growl behind us. That's when Y/n let go of my hand making me frown, but I wasn't about to grab her hand.
A wolf ends up following us, but a hunter like guy grabs the wolf by it's neck. "Bad day to be a wolf." And then he throws the wolf over the cliff, saving us.
"You three all right? Those wolves will take a piece of you if you give 'em half a chance. Here." He grabs something from his wagon. "You must be freezin'."
"Thank you," we say in almost harmony.
"Sir? We're looking for a Mrs. Baker."
"Oh, yeah. Yeah, her cottage is a day's walk that way."
"A day?" Y/n complains to only where I can hear her, and I feel bad.
"You can't miss it."
"I can carry you," I whisper to her, half-jokingly, causing her to giggle, making me slightly blush.
"Uh, are you three teens alone?" He quickly defends himself, "I'm only asking 'cause you look like you need a place to stay. We've got plenty of room on the farm for the three of you and plenty of turnips."
I could see Y/n cringe in my view. She hates Turnips. With a passion.
"Hansel, Y/n, a turnip farmer."
"No shit," Y/n rolls her eyes.
"Or a cake baker." I combat, wasn't to hard to choose.
"No, thank you, sir."
"But we appreciate your help."
"Oh, that's too bad." He gets into his wagon. "We'll be there, if you change your minds."
"Thanks. Bye."
"We won't." Y/n says bitterly as she turns around and walks back in the direction of the cottage. I wave and say bye, before quickly following her with my sister.
"Mm.. You want some turnip snack? The sweaty part is salty and good."
You cringe, declining. Gretel just rolls her eyes and keeps walking, as Hansel continues to much on his turnip. Then, there it was. The candy house.
"Hansel, Y/n, are you seeing what I'm seeing."
You smile your eyes widen. "Is that- a cake house?"
"I'm going to find out. With my mouth!"
We run to the house, munching on the food, not even realizing the danger we were putting ourselves in.
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reareaotaku · 3 years
A Look Into the Dark Fairy Tales (PT 1)
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TW: Dark/Murder
Pt 2, Pt 3
You stared at the book in hand. Just a couple classics that everyone knows. You slammed the book shut and fell back on your bed. You groaned, hitting your head with the book. You closed your eyes trying to fall asleep.
You awoke with a start. Well, more like a shake and someone calling your name. You groaned and slapped the person's hand away.
"Y/n wake up!"
You slapped the hand away again, groaning. Suddenly you were pushed out of your bed. You groaned and looked to the people who had been over you. It was two teens, the same age as you. You groaned and rubbed your head.
"Y/n we have to go!" The boy spoke to you. He was light skinned with dark hair.
"Who are you?"
They both looked at each other, confused before the boy helped you up. "We'll catch her up when we get out of here," the blonde girl said packing up a bag. You were confused as the male dragged you to with them as they escaped out the window. You were confused as you were dragged with both of them.
They both looked at each other, confused before the boy helped you up. "We'll catch her up when we get out of here," the blonde girl said packing up a bag. You were confused as the male dragged you to with them as they escaped out the window. You were confused as you were dragged with both of them.
"Are you guys going to tell me what's going on?"
"Soon, Y/n, we'll telling you."
"We are going to find better parents, perfect parents."
"Like ones who won't kill us so much?"
"Kill you?"
"Long story," the blond stated, but the boy quickly interrupted her.
"Our parents cut off our heads!" He made a crude gesture of getting his head chopped off. He pointed to the golden thread on his neck, "Then our father sewed it back on."
"Now why would he do that?"
"We don't know," he told you.
The girl looked back at him glaring. "Hansel! Shut it!"
You looked at Hansel as he rolled his eyes and smiled at you, "It's not a long story."
You chuckled as you three now stood in front of a deep dark forest. You shivered as the girl walked in. You looked towards Hansel, noticing he was looking at you, too. He blushed and looked away from you. Why did his name sound familiar? Then it hit you. Hansel and Gretel! Though you though they were poor, not royalty?
You moved closer to Hansel, noticing he was the only one who would answer your questions, "So why am I coming with you guys?"
He looked at you weird, before looking sorrowful, "Do you not want to be with m- us?"
You gasped, realizing your mistake, "Of course I do. I just think this is more of a you guys adventure?"
"They might hurt you!" Hansel said, holding your hand, looking at you strangely. You just smiled and agreed, deciding not to question it any further. You took one last look at the place you were leaving behind, before being dragged by Hansel into the deep dark forest. The forest that leads to the Ms. Baker's home, so you all can have a perfect family.
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after-witch · 3 years
Bite [Yandere Chrollo x Reader]
Title: Bite [Yandere Chrollo x Reader]
Synopsis: The guests are well-dressed, and you are well-dressed, because Chrollo loves nothing more than to cover you with fine fabrics and draping jewels. You are, after all, his most precious possession. And he takes good care of the things he owns.
Inspired by a quote from Gretel and Hansel (2020): “Say that again and I will turn your tongue into a flower, to remind you how pretty and dumb and temporary you've chosen to be.”
Word Count: 3783
Notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, afab reader, implications of violence, suicidal thoughts + expressions
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It’s a beautiful evening, in all respects. The reception room is sparkling with expensive stars; sequin-encrusted dresses, glittering jewels, dimmed romantic lighting bouncing off champagne glasses and priceless diamonds alike. 
The guests are well-dressed, and you are well-dressed, because Chrollo loves nothing more than to cover you with fine fabrics and draping jewels. You are, after all, his most precious possession. And he takes good care of the things he owns.
And he does take care of you. He insists on making sure you can’t argue on that point. He wines you and dines you and presses tender kisses to your neck. He extends his arm to you while escorting you into the gala, as if this was normal, as if he was simply a gentlemen and you were his beloved companion for the evening.
As if he didn’t kidnap you and take you away from the world, as if he didn’t impose himself on you in every way, pressing down on you so hard that you had no choice but to submit to his will. In the face of his strength, his intelligence, his power, what he could do to you, you had no other choice.
If you had a choice, you certainly wouldn’t have picked to come here tonight.
There’s simply too much here. Too much noise and sight and emotion. Even when Chrollo takes you places, it’s rarely somewhere as wild and open and busy as this. He takes you to a private room at a fine restaurant. A booth at the opera house. A museum, after-hours, money exchanged with the guards. This is not that. This is an entire room crammed with people who talk and move and exist in an entirely different sphere than your own.
Laughing and dancing partners and oohing-and-ahhing over every little thing the waiters bring out on silver trays.  You fight the urge to wipe sweat that’s beading on the back of your neck, a consequence of the creeping anxiety that’s building around you.
It all makes you feel like a deer, wanting to stay stock still until the threat has passed. But Chrollo wouldn’t bring you here simply to keep you in one spot, and so you’re forced to walk with him, arm-in-arm, making small talk now and then. You pretend that he’s not searching for his target, and he pretends that you don’t know he’ll be shedding blood before the night is out.
Yet even if the looming shadow of Chrollo wasn’t hanging over you, even if you hadn’t been kept so isolated for months on end making you wary of all this noise, this still wouldn’t be your scene. You had been a thief yourself, before; nothing grand, nothing violent, nothing that came even close to the edges of what Chrollo and his Troupe did. Pickpockets and store shelves, keeping you fed and with a nice watch or dress now and then. No museum heists and trails of blood. But a thief nonetheless.
And perhaps it’s long repressed nostalgia for before that pushes you to you eye up these men and women as you might have done before. It’s a nice way to distance yourself, to stretch away from the pressure of the crowd and put yourself above it all.
That woman there, with the too-bright lipstick and her third glass of champagne, is wearing two bracelets--she likely wouldn’t notice the weight of just one missing, making her a good target. The man with the bulging pocket at the back of his pants clearly tucked a wallet or something else of value in there. He wouldn’t even notice it was gone until you were lost in the crowd, a faceless ghost. And that couple, they--
“Old habits?” Your nostalgic gazing is interrupted with a whispered question. Of course--of course, he’d be watching you.
There’s a low mirth in his tone, and you know (and are thankful) that he isn’t annoyed by your internal intrigues. You’ve been behaving well.
It wasn’t that you wanted to be good for him. The way he praised you after such outings made your skin crawl, the way his voice would grow thick with patronizing approval, the way his mouth would find its way to all of your sensitive spots--these things were meant to be rewards, and you wished in vain you had the nerve to fight back against them.
Such nerve had, you imagine, long been snuffed out. It didn’t take many consequences for you to shed the idea of escaping like a second skin, leaving behind only the fresh, raw acceptance of your helplessness behind.
And if there was one thing Chrollo enjoyed more than tearing you down, it was building you back up, molding you, raw clay in his hands.
You made for a fascinating project.
In answer, you shake your head. Not in denial but to rid yourself of nostalgic fantasies.
“Just playing around, I suppose.”
Before he can discern what to respond, you feel him tense up. Just a little. Not enough that anyone else but you--who have been his unwilling companion for so long now--would notice. This must mean that he’s spotted his target.
A low curiosity fills your chest at the realization. What will it be, this time? Will he take out the entire ballroom, painting all the women in their finery blood-red, complimenting the wine they’ve been drinking all night? Or will he keep it low, quick, isolating his target and taking their life without so much as a whisper? Perhaps he’ll even stick around after the deed, waltzing you across the room as if you’re merely ordinary attendees, to avoid arousing suspicion.
You’ll know soon enough. You’ll see it, soon enough, because there is no way in heaven or hell that Chrollo would leave you alone in such a crowded room. Even subdued and broken as you are.
And yet.
He turns himself around, and you can’t help but raise your eyebrow as he takes your hand in his, bowing low. He kisses it gently and looks up with deliberately lidded eyes.
“I’ll be back as soon as I’ve taken care of my business, love. Do stay out of trouble.”
You don’t hide the surprise on your expression, and you hear a sound akin to an undignified sputter come out of your mouth. But before fully-formed questions can fly from your lips, he merely turns around and walks away, all business.
He’s… left you alone.
In a room.
A crowded room.
With other people.
For a few moments, you are frozen to the spot. It’s a trick. A test. He’s seeing what you’ll do. If you try to run, he’ll catch you and probably kill everyone in here before turning his attention to you, and you don’t want to even think about what he would do then. If you try to talk to someone, he’ll listen carefully and squeeze himself in just as you’re about to ask for help. Then he’ll threaten to gag you for a week the next time that you try something so stupid.
But… time passes. And he doesn’t appear to be coming back. You don’t hear screams or shouts. He really did leave you alone and all at once there’s a warm feeling that blossoms in your limbs, adrenaline pumping.
You can get the hell out of here. Can’t you? You have to get the hell out of here. What were you thinking, standing by his side all night? Playing the smiling, sweet arm candy? Being good?
But you’re not stupid. You know not to run, not to grab someone’s silk-suit arm and beg for help. That would be monstrously, monumentally pathetic on your part, because it would grab too much notice.
So you glance around and look for the exits. The main exit is too obvious and too sparse, with everyone scattering away to join the various groups as soon as they’ve entered the room. The bathrooms are another option, but they may not have windows, and by the time you get to them your window of opportunity may be gone. The emergency exit would draw attention, if there’s an alarm.
But there--you don’t stare at it too long, keeping your eyes downcast, just in case. There’s a single door off to the side, leading… somewhere. No one appears to pay the door any notice, which means it’s not likely to have occupants behind it. It could be an exit. Or at least, a potential room that leads somewhere deeper, hidden, in the building.
It’s worth a try. And is it any wonder that you start feeling like yourself again, now that your mind is made up? That you get that warm, buzzing feeling that you used to get before you stole someone’s wallet or shoved something in your bookbag or easily lifted a hotel key so you could have somewhere to sleep for the night.
It’s like you’re coming alive.
He might be watching. Might. So you take a step, then another, and wander until you’re near one of the waiters carrying trays of chilled champagne. A glass of champagne, sure. If he is watching you, he can’t begrudge you something else to drink. The bubbles tickle your throat and you know champagne doesn’t take effect that fast, but you swear you feel its bright giddiness spreading as you take each sip.
Step, step, another step. You set your glass on the tray of a wandering waiter and decline another one, though you’re tempted, if only to steel your nerves.
You’re so close to that door, and everyone is too wrapped up in their little worlds, their conversations and dances and flirtations, to notice or care about you. The walls are gilded and bumpy as you press your back against the door and jiggle the handle.
Unlocked. You don’t wait, don’t hesitate, but open the door just enough to slip inside and shut it just as quickly.
Your heart hammers in your chest as you wait for a moment, then another. No one opens the door. No champagne-carrying staff whips it open to demand you leave at once. No curious onlooker tries the knob. You did it. You made it inside.
You try to calm yourself, keep yourself grounded. You stare at the door and force yourself to think. You need to take stock of your surroundings first. Is it an exit? Another room? Are there other doors, and where do they lead?
You turn around to take in the necessary information, registering that the mystery room is surprisingly chilly and dark and smells like fresh air and--oh.
You’ve walked right onto a balcony.
You don’t know whether you should laugh or cry. Perhaps both. Because you know from your ride in the gold-tinted elevators, Chrollo keeping you snugly at his side, that this gala is four stories above the ground.
How are you going to get down?
Is four stories enough to kill you? You think it could. It might. It’s a serious risk. But you can’t go back inside, because by this point, perhaps Chrollo has wandered back in the room and he might see you and you can’t lie to him and he’ll know. But you can’t exactly risk death or--in the very very best case scenario--broken limbs, either.
But you can’t give up. You can’t do that, not now, not after what you just did. Your stomach curls in repulsion at the thought of going back to Chrollo now, at the thought of what he might do to you. The days of consequences were long past, rebellion drummed out of you with repetition, but the memory of them had never faded.
So you take a breath. You have to figure out a solution. You can do that. You’re not stupid, no matter what Chrollo thinks. You’re not weak.
Looking around is easier now that your eyes have adjusted to the light. Dim outdoor lighting doesn’t provide much, but the clouds covering the full moon above have started to move and you can get a better look around. There’s nothing on the balcony but a vase and what you think might be a plastic plant, given its lushness despite the cold weather. You lean over the railing to see if perhaps there’s--impossibly--a ladder or some way to get down, but of course there isn’t.
But--there. When you lean over far enough, you get a glimpse of the wall below the balcony, perhaps half a meter behind the ledge. It’s covered in vines and you see bits of white lattice work behind them. You could climb down that, couldn’t you? Your hands will get roughed up but it’s a small price to pay for freedom.
You just have to get over the railing and somehow grab the lattice without falling.
Goosebumps sprinkle up your arm at the thought. The boldness from the adrenaline and champagne seems fuzzy now, muffled behind the shut balcony door along with the din from the crowd inside.
What if you fall and the fall kills you?
What if you don’t try and Chrollo finds you?
Your hands grip the balcony railing, knuckles tight from tension, and you know that you have to try. You aren’t as limber as you used to be--being shut up all the time has made your muscles weaker, made you feel more frail--but this isn’t some athletic trial, is it? It’s climbing over a railing and grabbing onto some wooden fence work… perhaps you can latch onto the lattice with your feet, first? It would give you some purchase before you let go of the railing.
How much time has passed since Chrollo left you? Was he already in the room, coldly furious at your absence? Was he stalking the room, looking for you? Would he turn the latch on that balcony door and find you standing here, wasting your time debating?
Your leg is over the railing before another question has time to rush through you. The dress you’re wearing feels so slinky, so slippery, so gaudy now that it’s hanging down uselessly on either side of the rail. You keep your hands clenched on the railing and as you swing your other leg over, your heels perched on a thin slab of cement, the realization that you could fall sinks through you like lead.
You could die like this. Scurrying over a balcony in an evening gown, champagne on your tongue. Before you can stop yourself, you crane your neck and look down at the dark ground below.
It looks so, so much higher than it did when you were on the other side.
Would it be quick, if you fell? A sudden impact on cement? There’s a dark pocket of thought that worms its way into your brain. What if you let go. What if you just let go. It would be the first serious decision you’ve made in so long. It would be the first time you’ve been able to control your own life in so long. Chrollo can’t envelope you, can’t force you into his world, can’t make you be what he wants if you’re not alive.
What if, what if.
The thought doesn’t pass, exactly, but it goes nowhere. It stays where it was born, festering, flickering, but weak. You don’t want to die. Not really. You want freedom, real freedom, freedom to live the way you choose; death would not be freedom, but an end.
So you kneel down as slowly, as carefully as you can. The little amount of concrete under your knees, digging and painful, doesn’t give you much purchase on the ledge. But it should be easier to try to reach the trellis from here. You have to be quick.  You have to be decisive. You have to be all the things you used to be, before Chrollo happened.
So you let go.
You expect to feel air rushing down, anticipate thrusting your hands out and gripping wood that splinters your fingers while you tangle your legs up in vines to keep you from falling onto the cold cement below.
Instead, two arms constrict around you, warm and unforgiving, too tight as you’re lifted up and back over the railing. Fingers bruise against your upper arms to keep you in place. You feel dizzy. This is wrong. This isn’t what was supposed to happen.
It’s Chrollo. Of course. You can’t look at him, instead struggling against his grip, uselessly, thinking that if you can just get back over the railing--
“What do you think you’re doing?”
You’ve never heard him talk like this before and the terrifying novelty of it makes you freeze entirely. He sounds angry. He sounds scared.
Your voice catches in your throat as you get the nerve to look at him, and it’s there, all there, for an all-too-soon moment before it vanishes behind a mask. Fear and anger, emotions he doesn’t normally conjure up on his face. Are they real? Is he doing it because you might expect him to, given the fact that he just pulled you over a balcony railing with a none-too-significant drop below it?
Would it be stupid to tell him the truth? You were trying to escape. You were trying to be free--free from him and everything he expects from you. Your heart keeps hammering while you try to figure out what to do. There’s always a trick, there’s always a game, there’s always a fine, fine, fine tightrope to walk with Chrollo. One step the wrong way and everything goes off-kilter.
“I was trying to get down.”
It’s not the whole truth, but it’s not a lie.
His bruising grip on your arm relents, though he doesn’t entirely let go.
“I see that.” He glances behind you, over the balcony rail, down to what you were looking at only moments ago. It feels like ages have passed since your leg lifted over the railing, but it couldn’t have been more than a minute or two.
Chrollo releases one of your arms and cups one of your cheeks in his hand. His touch is so gentle that it makes your stomach roil. You flick your gaze up towards his eyes and hate what you find there; hate the look that he gives, as if he’s looking right into you, as if he can see every thought whirring in your brain. Maybe he can.  You don’t know the full extent of what he can do, nor do you ever want to find out.
Despite the circumstances--and the ironclad grip he keeps on your left arm--his tone is soft and patronizing. As if you’re a child caught running with scissors.
“You could have fallen. Do you know what a fall from this height would do to you?”
He squeezes your arm when you don’t respond. It doesn’t hurt, not when you know how much he could hurt you, if he wanted. It’s a warning squeeze.  
That festering dark thought rears its ugly head, bursting out of your mouth at the worst possible time.
“I don’t care.” You should stop yourself. But you don’t, you can’t, not when all you can think about is your feet landing firmly on that ground and running far away from here. Not when you can imagine yourself tearing through the shadows, hitching a ride from someone, anyone, on the street and getting as much distance between you and Chrollo as possible.
But instead of that, you’re here, standing in front of him; his strength and intelligence practically bursting at the seams, letting you know that you failed and you’re right back where you started.
No, you’re worse off, because now you’ve done something wrong. Something that you know will alter the trajectory of your life for the next few weeks, at minimum, until he’s satisfied that you’re behaving again.
How long can you live like this? How long can you stay sane like this?
You think about the drop, you think about letting go and not clawing desperately for the vines but letting your arms splay out. You think about being free.
“I’d rather be dead,” you choke, throat tight, tears flowing, hot and pointless. “I’d rather be dead than keep going on like this.”
You don’t have time to dwell on the buried truth that’s burst out of you before crackling pressure thickens the air, and you know what’s coming even before Chrollo lets go of your arm. His far-too-familiar book appears out of thin air right into his waiting hands, pages flying.
He looks up from the book, and his dark eyes root you to the spot just as easily as his ironclad grip. “Say that again, and I will turn your tongue into a flower, just to remind you how pretty and dumb and temporary you’ve chosen to be.”
Your lips curl and your tongue presses against the back of your mouth protectively. Suddenly the fall from the balcony feels too high and hard, and you imagine your head cracking on the pavement, imagine the pain, imagine the permanent loss of everything. 
Suddenly the idea of escaping seems so stupid, so childish, so short-sighted. You never would have been able to grab the lattice. Or it would have broken under your weight. Or you would have slipped in your heels, scraping your soft skin on sharp, broken wood on the way down.
Maybe you are stupid, like he says. Maybe you are too weak to be on your own.
It’s easier to pretend that he’s right about you than to face the truth, either way.
Your fingers curl inward until your hands shake. In a moment, the book is gone, and Chrollo is there, wrapping his arms around you. You let him press your head against your chest and sink into his touch, as you’ve been trained to do.
You try to focus on his cologne, on the surprising warmth his body exudes, at the way he strokes your head in a manner that you suppose is meant to soothe. You try not to think about what will happen later tonight, or what you just did, or the corpse that Chrollo left behind before he found you.
The old you who resurfaced tonight is gone, paved over with the person you’ve been forced to become in order to survive. As if sensing your submission, Chrollo presses a chaste kiss to the top of your head. Good. You’re being good.
He breathes in, inhaling the scent of your freshly washed hair, the perfume he’d dabbed on  your neck in an intimate gesture earlier that night.  Taking in the memories that come with each of them; the pair of you in the shower together, the pair of you standing in front of your vanity as he selects just the right scent. The pair of you, together, just as he always envisioned.
“My silly thing. I’ll never let you go. Not like that. Not ever.”
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reareaotaku · 2 years
Masterlist I
Updated: September 13, 2023 [Completed] !Masterlist II Here!
A Beautiful Tail Dead Man Running Pt1, Pt2, Pt3 What It's Like To Be A Dad Hate Kind of Love Yandere Shoto Todoroki Headcanons Trying to Breakup [Deku, Bakugou, Shoto] Man-Eating Bird Male! Toga
I Don't Hate You
Swat Kats
A Pretty Kat Chance Furlong Headcanons
A Sick Love
Sailor Moon
Escape The Squad
Kim Possible
Maybe We Need A Break
Hansel & Gretel
A Look into the Dark Fairy Tales Pt1, Pt2, Pt3
Lego Ninjago
The Green/Gold Ninja
Scooby Doo
Yandere Daphne Blake Yandere Scooby Doo
Own Characters
Are You The Villain Harry the Lawyer Priest Son Yandere Loser
Thunder Cats
You're a Prince? Fuck-
Charlie Brown
What an Annoyance Aged Up! Schroeder [Peanuts] Headcanons
Monster High
Yandere! Porter "Paintergeist" Geiss Headcanons Yandere! Cleo De Nile
Yandere! Nate Jacobs
Red Shoes & The Seven Dwarfs
Yandere! Prince Merlin Headcanons
Ben 10
Keep My Girlfriend's Name Out Of Your Mouth
Yandere! Mark Grayson [Invincible] Headcanons
Big Mouth/Human Resources
Yandere! Pete Headcanons Loving You So [Connie]
Skip Beat
Yandere! Ren Tsuruga Headcanons
Yandere! Lolirock Headcanons
Metal Family
I'm Not a Stalker!
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Yandere Aang Headcanons
Miraculous Ladybug
Chloe x Reader x Mari
Percy Jackson
Yandere! Percy Jackson Headcanons
Yandere! Edward Cullen Headcanons Yandere! Jacob Black Headcanons
Free! Swim Club
Yandere! Haruka Nanase Headcanons Yandere! Nagisa Hazuki Headcanons Makoto Tachibana Headcanons
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Yandere Sabrina Headcanons
Assassination Classroom
Yandere Karma Headcanons
My Life As A Teenage Robot
My Neighbor was a Robot
Phineas and Ferb
Ferb Fletcher Headcanons
The Originals/Vampire Diaries
Yandere! Klaus Mikaelson Headcanons Yandere Klaus Courting Yandere Elijah Mikaelson Headcanons Yandere! Damon Salvatore Headcanons
Shadows of Rose
My Only Friend [Drabble]
You are Mine [Drabble] [Wally] Lovey Dovey Darling [Wally]
Bob's Burgers
Being a Belcher Calvin Fischoeder Headcanons
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Rodrick Heffley
Yandere! Philip J Fry
Yandere Metro Man
There's Someone in your House
Yandere! Zach Sandford Headcanons Sneaking Off with Zach
Why Don't You Love Me? Yandere Ken! Headcanons I Love You Like a Doll [NSFW] Pleasurable Sin [NSFW] Red Faced Loser I'll Never Stop Loving You Don't Run from my Love
Clone High
Yandere! Joan of Arc Headcanons JFK Headcanons
Sabrina the Teenage Witch [1996]
Harvey Kinkle Headcanons
Corpse Bride
Yandere! Victor Van Dort Headcanons
Yandere! Male Cinderella Yandere! Peter Pan
Merlin BBC
Yandere! Merlin Headcanons
Childhood Crush [Fred Headcanons]
Ben Denbrough Headcanons Fear and Anxiety [Eddie]
Yandere! Billy Loomis Headcanons Call Me, Baby [Yandere! Billy Loomis] Lively Party Bloody Hands
Detective Chester Lake Headcanons Dr. George Huang Headcanons Rafael Barba Headcanons Sonny Carisi Headcanons
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