#yeah i didn't eat drink or sleep enough while you were gone and felt at times on the verge of a breakdown from stress
A companion piece to my previous Shinedown Steddie thingy.
Eddie's last year was...
Yeah, it just was. It existed. That's the best he can say about it.
Sure, there was a ton of touring, awards, interviews and he really tried to keep it together, he really did. But ignoring that he and Steve were no longer together was about as easy as ignoring he was missing an arm or a leg. Sometimes he wishes he actually lost a body part instead of Steve's love.
But that wasn't exactly true, was it? Because Steve told him he still loved him when he left. And hell, if he didn't feel the same. Still does.
Eddie keeps dodging questions about Steve in interviews. Asks for privacy, for space, but never refuses to answer the simplest question - does he still love Steve? "At this point, I'm pretty sure loving Steve is a part of my DNA," he smiles at the interviewer. "I can't even imagine not loving him, not caring for him. So yes, um...the answer to your question is still yes. It will always be yes."
It took him a while to actually get back to working. The first weeks were something Eddie had never felt before, and he's felt a lot of pain in his life. This? This was almost worse, because instead of something sharp and burning he could focus on, there was just ever-stretching emptiness, with no promise of ending, not now, not ever.
When Gareth basically forced himself through the door of his (and Steve's former) home, he found Eddie curled up in a ball on the bed, smelling like unwashed laundry, dirt and misery. He hadn't showered in about a week or so, only sometimes got up to drink, Steve's voice still ringing in his head - "please don't blame yourself, Eddie. And take care of yourself, okay? I still care about you and I need to know you're going to eat something healthy, drink enough water and sleep. Please, don't take this out on yourself." So that's what Eddie did - once in a while he got up, got a glass of water, nibbled on a cereal bar if he felt like it and tossed the rest in the trash. Then he curled up back in bed, surrounded by the books he loved, used to love, but now couldn't read a single paragraph. He cried the lot the first day, the second too, then less. After a while, he wasn't even sobbing anymore, his tears just did whatever they wanted and the most he was willing to do was flip the pillow so he didn't constantly lie on a wet fabric.
Gareth saved him. It sounds dramatic now, but he really did. He forced Eddie out of bed, opened the curtains and the windows to let fresh air in and sent him to the shower while he ordered pizza. Not the most gourmet and nutritious dish and Eddie kept chewing on his two slices until they grew cold and soggy, but at least he got something warm in his stomach. And as Gareth sat next to him and patiently waited for Eddie to take another bite, come on, just one, he felt a pang of guilt - this was his friend, not just his bandmate. And if Eddie didn't start doing something, he could hurt someone else he loved, their careers, livelihoods.
He promised Gareth to stop by the next day despite Gareth's insistence that he could take as much time as he needed. But Eddie doesn't want to. Steve was already gone so he just had one thing to live for. Well, and Wayne and the kids. But abandoning his work felt like the whole breakup was meaningless and he knew Steve didn't want him to give up on his dream. So he dove back into work and didn't resurface until months later.
The words didn't come at first, but Eddie willed them to, waited for hours over an empty notebook until they seeped through his barriers, bleeding onto the paper. His previous songs were about anger, rebellion, joy of being different. The new ones? They spoke about regret, lost tenderness and love transcending time. He was worried to present them to the band, but they give it a shot and surprisingly, their manager sees the potential. So they go along with it.
During one of their tours, Eddie read the news and his heart did that thing where it squeezed so tight he thought he'd faint. There was a mass accident near the area Steve lived now - Dustin kept updating him, always so convinced they'd find their way back together - and Eddie wondered what if Steve got caught up in it, what if he's one of the victims, what if he'll never get to make things right-
He knew he shouldn't, but he grasped his cellphone in shaky hands and quickly typed.
So sorry, I know I probably don't want me contacting you but I read the news and I got worried. Are you OK?
Just a simple OK is enough
just let me know you're fine Stevie
Minutes and hours stretched insufferably and Eddie was already going through the worst case scenarios, but then his phone beeped. He nearly dropped it, but when he read the message, he choked out a relieved sob.
I'm okay
Thank you for checking in, Eddie. Sorry for making you worry
I was helping at the scene, just got home now
Are you okay too?
After that, they kept in touch. Just brief messages, ensuring each other was fine, that Eddie safely landed wherever the tour took him and that Steve wasn't too stressed out from his job and studies, didn't get too much in his head. Small, supportive messages, careful but loving.
And so they're here, almost a year later.
The hole in Eddie's chest is still massive, still bleeding, but he thinks that having Steve in his in any capacity is better than not having him at all. And he'll take anything he can get.
He pours his adoration into his songs, never sending them to Steve, not wanting to pressure him or make him feel guilty, but all the love he still has for him needs an outlet. "The Crow and the Butterfly" just came out and it does fairly well. It makes Eddie feel a bit weird, to expose his feelings so openly, but he will never be ashamed for loving someone. Especially someone as amazing as Steve.
It's late evening and he's home now, even if it still feels half-empty. Working is the only thing that makes sense now and so he's spending his free time perfecting one of the last songs that feels like a small personal breakthrough for him, he feels like he's getting somewhere, maybe closer to acceptance, understanding.
He strums on his acoustic guitar and sings.
Wrap me in a bolt of lightning
Send me on my way still smiling
Maybe that's the way I should go
Straight into the mouth of the unknown
I left the spare key on the table
Never really thought I'd be able
To say that I'll visit on the weekend
I lost my whole life and a dear friend
I've said it so many times
I would change my ways no never mind
God knows I tried!
Call me a sinner, call me a saint
Tell me it's over, I'll still love you the same
Call me your favorite
Call me the worst
Tell me it's over I don't want you to hurt
It's all that I can say
So I'll be on my way
I finally put it all together, nothing really lasts forever
I had to make a choice that was not mine
I had to say goodbye for the last time
I put my life in a suitcase
Never really stayed in one place
Maybe that's the way it should be
You know I've lived my life like a gypsy
I've said it so many times
I would change my ways, no never mind
God knows I tried
Call me a sinner, call me a saint
Tell me it's over, I'll still love you the same
Call me your favorite
Call me the worst
Tell me it's over I don't want you to hurt
It's all that I can say
So I'll be on my way
I'll always keep you inside
You healed my heart and my life
And you know I've tried
Call me a sinner, call me a saint
Tell me it's over, I'll still love you the same
Call me your favorite
Call me the worst
Tell me it's over I don't want you to hurt
It's all that I can say
So I'll be on my way
So I'll be on my way
So I'll be on my way
The tones finish but he's still staring into space, wondering if this is really it, all his life will be.
And then his phone beeps.
Eddie doesn't really want to answer anything or anyone, but he knows Steve had an important exam a few days back so maybe he has the results. And he won't make him wait ever again.
He sees the text and blinks, frozen in place.
What if I told you that you aren't too late, crow?
He can't believe it. But it's Steve's number, it's him, and Eddie is laughing like a madman now, tears streaming freely from his eyes. It isn't a victory, still pretty far from it, but it's like a first stitch for his wound, a promise of healing.
He grabs his phone and quickly types back.
I'd tell you that I'd chase you forever, butterfly, I'd wait as long as you needed. Do you need me to wait longer?
In seconds after answering, his phone makes a sound again, but it's not a message this time, it's a call.
Eddie has never answered a call this quickly in his life.
"Hi," he chokes out and holds the small lifeline to his ear with both hands, as something incredibly fragile and precious.
"No more waiting, Eddie," says Steve and maybe he's crying a little too, from the soft shift in his voice that only Eddie knows from evenings spent together, romantic tragedies and broken friendships on screen giving Steve the same vulnerable tone. "You've finally caught me and I'm...I think I'm ready to be caught, too. If you still want me."
The "yes" that Eddie gives is the first of the two most important ones in his life.
Even if he doesn't know it yet, he will give the same answer two years from now, to kneeling Steve. But that's another story and another song.
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matrixxsystem · 4 months
Terrapin Soup Chapter 1
This is my story on Ao3 ^^ He'd been putting this feeling off as long as possible. He tried everything he could think of to get these sort of thoughts to stop. But a childhood accident in where he tasted the blood of his brother made something in his mind change, like a switch he couldn't turn off despite his best efforts. 
He craved it. 
No matter how much food he ate or drinks he drank it was never enough to make that hunger go away. Eventually. When Leo was 12 he caved to those urges, one episode when everyone had been stressed and just one poorly placed word from snapping, he lashed out during training. The rest of his family knew he was a biter, in a playful manner of course, they all fought dirty when rough housing with each other it's just how brothers are. They'd all been playing, and the oldest Raphael was always one to push his brothers wanting them to push themselves even in a nonconsequential game. But after a week of bad luck Leo couldn't hold back like he'd been these past few years since the hunger started. 
He bit his brother. 
And not just a playful bite either, teeth piercing flesh and a scream of pain that echoed throughout the city.. Of course as soon as he came back to his senses he regretted it, he cried and cried trying to fix his mistake. And his brother easily forgave him, he always did. But the guilt never went away, even in the present when he glanced to his brother and saw the dents in his arm where small teeth had punctured he felt his heart sink.. And yet, when he remembers the taste.. The hunger only gets stronger.
He tried everything to get that feeling to go away, weather it was eating till he threw up, sleeping as long as allowed, hitting himself any time the thoughts came back, training till he ached, eating uncooked meat to imitate the feeling, which of course getting sick from. Eventually he even tried biting himself. And though it hurt like hell it seemed that drawing blood was the only thing able to satiate his hunger, if only for a little while. He couldn't tell his brothers, there was no way to explain this in a way that wouldn't end with him being quarantined somehow or being kept from his brothers and isolated further. But something about tearing flesh from meat filled his head with a sort of high that made everything else fade away.
The first few nights Leo had been going out to try and take him mind off his thoughts, something he started doing more and more often to avoid his brothers asking questions. He found himself online, using his phone to scroll though media sites where people could ask things anonymously and receive advice from others. He didn't want to admit anything with his name tied to it, but this seemed like a good way to test the waters. No one else had posted what he was thinking but there were lots of things similar or equally concerning at least. So he made his account and sent out his one and only post; 
hcr/ Intrusive Thoughts Etc
NotoriouslyPrimary420 Asks;
Do you ever just.. I mean I know this is exactly the place to ask "Do you ever think (insert unthinkable things)" But I still feel weird asking. To be blunt, cannibalism has been on my mind. And yeah I know its bad or whatever, and I wouldn't ever go hurt anyone or anything like that, and I know its not exactly normal either. But like, you ever just.. Want to? I had an incident when I was younger and much more feral then I am now where I kind of snapped for a second when I was play fighting with my siblings. Like some kind of instinct took over that wasn't really me and I bit the absolute shit outta one of them. Now I felt bad of course, and I didn't try to take their arm off or like actively eat em, again, I'm not crazy here. But that kinda feeling that made me wanna bite them hasn't gone away and its been years- 
I love my family, more then anything! They'd never hurt me like that and I'd never willingly hurt them, and it was never held over me that I lost it that one time. They were never mad at me or anything and I knew what I did was wrong so it's not some kind anger towards them, but its not for anyone else. It's just for people like me. Which.. It's really hard to explain what "like me" means in the context but like, I have a very certain trait that defines me, and this feeling I get only really applies to those who are the same in that very specific way, I've never looked at a stranger and wondered how they tasted the way I do with people like me. And I've been trying everything over these past few years to get the feeling gone, I mean I've gotten sick so many times because I tried eating things I shouldn't that I thought might help, like raw stuff and just eating till I couldn't anymore (which I've stopped cause obviously it didn't help) And eventually I got to a point where I was hurting myself because that seemed to be the only thing that made those urges go away. But they still came back!!
Even more recently I found something that helps more, but its.. Unethical? To say the least, its not something I'm exactly proud of but its not hard drugs and no one has to know. My family has no clue cause I think they'd be scared if they knew I had these feelings, and it's not like they could help me. If anything they'd only start keeping their distance probably afraid I might snap and do something.. And honestly, I'm scared of that possibility too. But I can't do anything about it! Again, I'm not gonna go hurt anyone or do anything illegal, I'm not a bad person. I just.. Don't know why I'm like this. Any advice that doesn't revolve around "seeing a doctor" would seriously help.
It wasn't till the next night he brought himself to check what kind of responses he might've gotten. And to his surprise it was a lot of kindness towards his situation, no one seemed upset with him but rather reassured him that as long as he didn't act on those urges it was fine to have them. That people of all kinds struggled with things like that. He had a few messages too, but he was still surprised to see that no one had decided to reprimand him for his honestly. There was one however the caught his eye.. Someone who seemed to share his thoughts. That spoke of a troubledchildhood being taken in by just someone they called their "teacher" and his methods of training were well.. Drastic. They didn't go into detail but from how it sounded Leo could tell he'd done things he wasn't proud of either..
As those days turned to months then soon years the wraps on his limbs, that he demanded stay on at all times, got longer and longer until they stretched from his wrists to his shoulders to cover the self awarded marks. One particular night, he left the lair, sitting on a roof far off towards the other end of the city. Just so he was out of range from his brothers internet tracking tech so he could find something, anything, to help him get rid of these pangs. And he did, finally, it was his last hope to save face, and more importantly his sanity. A noodle bar not far in Chinatown that served what could be considered.. Unappetizing to others. And just his luck, they were open late. He quickly gathered his disguise and went on his way. Praying this would be enough. He touched down in an ally not long after, now in the center of Chinatown. The friend he'd met online still talked to him, usually when he went out to clear his head, which was nearly every night now, he found himself talking about his day and listening to his friend about theirs. And over time slowly opened up to each other about their thoughts and feelings, the ones they felt couldn't be shared with others.
He glanced to his phone and hesitantly stepped out. As he thought, no one paid attention to him. He made his way to the ramen shop as his phone directed him, lifting the hanging fabric to go in and take a seat at the counter. No one else was sitting there which he was thankful for. An older man behind the counter looked at him for a moment before shrugging and handing him a menu. "You're out late aren't you? Most young men your age should be in bed for school tomorrow!" He chuckled and turned back to continue his clean up, hoping to have a friendly chat. Leo tapped the counter getting his attention, and pointed to his choice. The man raised an eyebrow leaning over to read what he picked. "Not much of a talker eh? That's alright, I've enough words for the both of us haha. Ohh terrapin soup eh? That's a good one! I use my family's recipe for it you know? It's an acquired taste for sure but once you try it you'll always come back for more!" Leo tapped the counter again, placing money down after, enough for the meal and a small tip. The man made another face but just nodded and took the money. "Alright alright, why the stoic silence hm? You act like you're trying to hide from someone, like in one of those old Yip Man movies haha" He turned his back to Leo and within a few minutes turned back with a full bowl. Leo hesitated for a moment as he watched the smoke rise, was he really about to do this..? He couldn't just bite himself forever.. Or risk snapping again and hurting one of his brothers... 
He had to. 
He took a breath as he raised the spoon to his mouth, trying to quiet the voice inside his head screaming that this was wrong, and took the bite. At first it just sat there, nearly burning the roof of his mouth, but he wasn't about to waste it. He finally managed to suppress all the muscles fighting back and bit down. 
Something clicked in his mind as he felt the first bite hit his stomach, like the warmth of your parents making you hot chocolate on a freezing winter day and feeling that spreading to the end of every nerve, to the tips of your limbs and sending a familiar rush of calm straight to your head almost like a high. Like going all day without water then taking that first sip that brings you back to life, it was finally being able to breathe after being out of breath your whole life. Or finally seeing the colors after years of a world in grey.
For the first time in years, he felt normal, no immense weight in his chest or anxiety vibrating in his hands begging him to do something he knew he couldn't. Just peace and quiet. It didn't take long for him to down the rest of his meal, and when he did he tapped the counter again for attention and signed a 'thank you' to the man. He didn't want to speak and have his voice be something to recognize. He took a pen from its holder and wrote "I'll be back this time next month." and slid it to him with another small tip. The man just smiled and nodded taking the paper and pocketing the money. "Of course, I'll see you then" It was pretty common knowledge that turtle meat wasn't exactly legal in the US, it was a moral grey area and sure buying and selling it weren't allowed but who's to say he knew what he was getting? And who's to say what that tip was for? No one, that's who. He got home using his portal swords, having told his brothers he was going for a walk, and would be back sometime later that night. He made some excuse for himself, along the lines of, "I made a friend the other day, in the.. Mystic hidden city, and we're gonna hang out tonight so don't wait up for me!" He seemed a bit.. On edge before leaving, Mikey of course told the other brothers as they were sitting around that he thought Leo was on a date. What else could make him so nervous? The others at first didn't agree but once Mikey explained how he'd been seeing Leo act more and more strange, that his mind had clearly been elsewhere lately.. It was very possible he met someone. 
After that night when he came home, it was the happiest his family had seen him in months! And once a month, like clockwork Leo would sneak out, stay out for most of the night. Then come home the next morning like nothing happened. His brothers decided not to mention it, but after a full year of his nightly escapades they couldn't just ignore it anymore, if he was seeing someone they wanted to know! And wanted to meet whoever it was. They never thought to follow him, since he always portal-ed away not long after heading out, but the next time Leo went out Donnie had an idea. It wasn't right to snoop, but they waited for Leo to bring it up for months! And he hadn't said a single word about it other then he was gonna go see his 'friend' but only left it at that! No one just goes to see a nameless faceless 'friend' once a month for the whole night for over a year! They tried asking him about it too but he wouldn't say anything, or tell them what him and his friend did that night. But none of their friends around had seen him either, he wasn't going to get pizza or talking to April about it, even when they asked the Hidden City's Police to keep an eye out for him they never reported back, it was as if he just vanished for a night, and as excited as they were for Leo to be happy, it worried them that they had no idea what was really going on.. Part 2
TS Master Post
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hearts4golbach · 8 months
Zombified. (Larry Johnson x Fem!Reader.)
part 10.
co-written by @cupid-isgone
We spent a good while eating like kings that night, and slept with full bellies. The house, it turned out, had working, heated, water!
We all agreed that we'd take quick showers, for moral and for health. The warm water felt great and I had to fight not to take too long.
While I was there, though, my mind started to wander, considering the past couple weeks.
I had been alone, fighting to survive by myself, and then suddenly I wasn't. I had a whole group of people, friends to help me.
They saved me and I got to live to meet Larry all over again.
I thought about the coincidence that it was Larry I had ran into and fell in love with. I truly believed it was meant to happen. I wasn't sure where I'd be if I hadn't had him. I smiled softly at the sleeping boy in front of me.
I gently shook him awake. "Hey, get up. It's your turn to shower." He groaned dramatically as I tried to half-drag him out of his sleeping bag.
"5 more minutes." he muttered, pulling the sleeping bag over his face before groaning once more.
"Nope. Don't get sassy on me, I'm doing you a favor!" I tugged at his arm. "If the others go before you, they'll take up all the hot water. They're still sleeping, so you know Sal won't rush in to take your spot yet."
"I guess you're right." he whined, sitting up. his messy morning hair was adorable, making a stupid grin form on my face. he stood up, kissing my forehead before walking into the bathroom.
I grinned and leaned back on my heels, staring after him as he closed the door. My leg was still slightly sore and a bit stiff, but I was finally able to move around on my own.
I walked down into the kitchen, grabbing a can of soda out of the fridge and cracking it open. yes, I'm aware you shouldn't drink soda first thing in the morning. but, we're in the fucking zombie apocalypse and now I'm my own mom. I grabbed Larry a glass of water and took it up to the bathroom, knocking on the door.
"Larry, you done yet?" I called softly. I didn't want to wake up Sal and Todd just yet. I wanted to have some time to just exist peacefully with Larry before they got up.
"nah," he laughed, "but you can come in. there's a curtain." I hummed in response, walking into the bathroom. "what's up, sweetheart?"
I set the glass on the counter, leaning my elbows on it and wiping some fog off the mirror idly. Larry glanced out the edge of the curtain before saying, "Water? Don't you think I have enough water right here?" He laughed at his own joke.
"oh, hush your face. that's boiling hot water, thought you'd like some cold water to wake you up." I rolled my eyes, drawing miscellaneous shapes in the fog.
"Yeah, yeah." We both went silent for a bit after that. I drew a cartoon-ish looking zombie in the mirror and wiped it away. I wanted to think about more positive things. Like that night stargazing with Larry.
it was like I could still feel the excitement and amplified connection we had that night. I couldn't help but smile. I also thought about our first kiss in a storage closet.
It almost felt bittersweet, with everything that led up to it. We had gone from almost hating each other, to being chased by zombies together, to then making out in a closet. I grinned thinking about both of our bad breath. My mind shifted then, to slow dancing with him.
I wished that moment never ended. my thoughts were interrupted by Larry stepping out of the shower, already wrapped in a towel. "you okay?"
I smiled softly at him. "Yeah. Just thinking about stuff."
"mmm," he hummed, "like what?" he leaned in, placing a soft kiss on my lips. he took a random hairbrush out of the drawer and began to brush his hair.
"y'know. Stuff. Like that atrocious hairstyle you had in 10th grade," I snickered at the face he made.
"oh," he rolled his eyes, "the one time I try to be romantic." he smirked.
He walks to the mirror and starts finger-combing his hair. I roll my eyes as he struggles to undo a knot. "Here, let me help you."
"I'm goo-" he attempted to push my hands away. "y/n." he tried to stop me.
But I had already seen it. An angry red patch of skin in the space between his neck and shoulder. In the center, there were already greying marks spreading out like vines.
A zombie bite.
"y/n." he repeated, but I didn't listen. I stared at the bite, hoping and praying I was hallucinating and it'd dissappear.
"tell me this is a joke. please, for the love of God, say it's a joke. say this is a terrible prank and that I have nothing to worry about." I pleaded quietly, not removing my eyes from the scene.
"I... Y/n, you don't..." He paused. I shoved myself backwards, leaning heavily against the wall opposite to the mirror. "Babe, please let me explain."
"Explain what?! The fact that you've gotten a zombie bite? When did that even happen? How long have you been keeping this from me??"
he sighed in defeat, shutting his eyes. "I got the bite whenever we first saved you." he admitted.
I breathed in sharply, closing my eyes. I sunk to the ground. "Stop. You're lying. This is a prank. Stop it."
he sighed, "the cats out of the bag. I'm sorry, I should've told you sooner but I couldn't ruin what we had- have." he corrected.
"no," I protested, "Don't start with the past tense shit, you're not dying."
He sighed. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. Without saying a word, I shakily stood up. Larry tried to support me, let me lean against him, anything, but I just pushed past him and into our makeshift bedroom.
every time I took a breath, it felt like there was no air left in the world. I pressed my hand against the wall as I walked inside, trying to keep my balance. Todd and sal had begun to stir.
"y/n? what's wrong?" Todd's forehead creased.
I just shook my head, still reeling from shock. I decided to go grab a glass of water. Maybe splashing some in my face would prove it was a dream or something. The other three followed me awkwardly. I heard a tap and half-turned to see Larry slide something metal out of a hiding place.
he slid the metal object into his waistband and kept following me. I racked my brain, trying to figure out what it could be.
"hello? earth to y/n. what's going on?" sal grabbed my shoulder.
I jumped at his touch and turned to look at him helplessly. I wanted to reach forward, hug him, comfort him, anything. But instead I just pulled away and walked outside. For the first time in a long time, the air was warm. The sky was dark and cloudy, though, and I could smell rain in the wind.
the old feeling of comfort that came with the smell of rain made me want to cry even harder. I could see fear start to grow in sals eyes, meanwhile todd was already panicking.
"y/n," Larry walked up behind me. "you know what needs to happen."
He pulled out a pistol and gently handed it to me, putting his hands over mine to carefully close my fingers around the handle. "Larry- What?"
"I'm too dangerous. It's been days. I'm lucky it hasn't set in faster, but who knows what will happen if you leave me loose?"
"what the fuck is going on?!" sal yelled.
Larry said nothing, just pulled back his hair to reveal the bite that he had been hiding. I burst into tears finally, covering my face.
I looked up, watching tears fill sal and Todd's eyes. Todd covered his mouth, nothing but a squeak coming from him. sal took off his prosthetic for the first time and let it drop to the ground. he pulled Larry in, squeezing him tight.
"Larry, we don't have to do this. we can find a cure! we can end this hell and save everyone!" I wiped my eyes, fidgeting around.
"y/n," Todd consoled, "were not scientists. it's not possible, I'm sorry."
"if I can't be with you guys, I don't want to be alive, or even a zombie." Larry sobbed onto sals shoulder. tears streamed down sals scarred face as he pursed his lips.
"but you promised. you promised we'd go on a date, a real fucking date one day. please, lar. you can't leave me now." I pleaded one last time, knowing it was the end. he turned around and hugged me. my heart ached, knowing it was the last time I'd feel Larry's touch. he didn't have to say anything, I just knew there was no hope. "I'll miss you."
"I love you, y/n." he pulled back, placing his hands on either side of my face. "keep going for me. kick this zombies in the ass and show them how strong you are." he continued to cry. he gently kissed my lips. "I love you all."
It took everything I had to let him pull away from me. It was like my entire soul, my entire being, everything that made me who I was, was crumbling around me. My body shook as I sobbed silently.
I roughly wiped tears from my face. Larry had no chance of surviving this, and keeping him around would only put everyone else in danger. I knew what had to happen. And I wouldn't let anyone but me be the one to do it. If anyone would have to live with this guilt, it would be me.
I clicked the safety off the gun. I looked up and met Larry's eyes. "I love you," I whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear me over the gentle wind. I felt a drop of rain land on my face, but I ignored it. Larry dipped his head, smiling sadly at me.
I put my finger on the trigger and pulled.
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klove0511 · 8 months
It's Rest I Want Chapter 4
“Just like that.”
The demon grinned, and Dean hated her. She had played on his one weakness, and she knew it. But hate or not, he couldn't be mad about it, not if it gave him Sam. 
He opened his mouth to accept the deal when cold washed over him. Suddenly he was a passenger in his own body, completely frozen in place while something else took control.
No, he thought, struggling to move, to speak, to do anything at all.
Sorry, Dean.
The words blindsided him. Sam was possessing him? He knew ghosts could if they were powerful enough, but he'd never expected this. For a moment, just the smallest moment, he was happy. Dean had spent his whole life protecting Sam, and more than once he'd wished Sam didn't have to exist separate from himself. It was out there that could hurt him. He'd once heard a mother lamenting giving birth because now her baby wasn't safe in her body, and he'd understood exactly how she felt. The moment faded as soon as he heard Sam speak. His little brother, his beautiful, intelligent, stubborn asshole of a brother, was telling the demon no. That he would rather stay dead. Dean howled in fury, throwing everything he had at Sam in a vain attempt to reclaim control. 
Then it was too late. The demon was gone and the summoning materials burned. Dean would have cried if he had control of his tear ducts. Since he didn't, he let his consciousness fall back into something like sleep.
He was alone in his body when he woke up in a strange motel room.
Sunlight filtered through the curtains, letting him see the ugly orange and olive décor. Some place still stuck in the 70s, then. There was a new bottle of whiskey on the table by the window, and next to it was a piece of paper folded in half. From the bed he could read his name, written in Sam's neat handwriting.
He crawled out of bed, reaching for the note.
I’m sorry. I know you're pissed, and I get it. I shouldn't have done that to you. But please, you've got to understand, I couldn't let you make that deal. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you went to Hell for me. Please try to understand. 
Please. Let me go.
With a snarl he crumpled the paper, throwing it across the room. Rage boiled up, needing to be released. He flipped the table, hardly caring that the whiskey bottle shattered when it landed. For the next few minutes he was barely aware of what he was doing, just needing to break whatever was closest to him. Needing to feel the pain in his hand when he punched the wall. 
By the time the fury was spent, the room was trashed. Dean sagged to the floor, drained of the anger that he'd been wearing like a shield these last few months. Fuck Sam. He— His breath hitched. He closed his eyes, fighting down the sobs that were threatening. Slowly he took one deep breath, then another. When he had a sliver of control he said, “You still here, Sam?”
Silence. He waited for a breeze or a cold spot. The room was as empty as it had been when he woke up. His restraint crumbled, and he mourned with deep, gasping sobs. He hated it. Hated that he couldn't stop, hated that even this didn't feel like enough. There was nothing he could do. Nothing to save Sam. Nothing to let this feeling out. 
He'd had one moment where he was as close to Sam as he could possibly be, and Sam had— Sam had used Dean's body to make sure they would never— It was impossible. Unthinkable. They'd never share another meal. Never fight over laundry day. Never bitch at each other over who cleaned the guns or wanted terrible snacks for movie night. He’d never again feel Sam’s hands on him while tending Dean’s wounds. He couldn't be. He. 
God, Dean had been an idiot. He'd thought he was doing ok, considering. He'd thought he was getting by, dealing with it. Yeah, ok, maybe he was drinking too much and barely eating or sleeping, but he'd been out there. He'd been hunting, and he hadn't even gotten himself killed yet. So, yeah. Considering the circumstances, he'd thought he was doing pretty good. He was a fucking idiot.
John was tucked into one of the back booths of the Roadhouse, nursing a beer while he pored over his research. Ash had told him to come, but he hadn’t specified why. He’d been passed out drunk in the trailer behind the bar when John had arrived two hours ago. Ellen had told John to just be patient. Ash didn’t live on the same schedule as the rest of the world.
When Ash did stagger into the main room, he was rumpled and hungover, which did nothing to deter him from starting his day with a beer. He was in another hideous sleeveless shirt, flannel this time, with the shoulders fraying where the sleeves had been cut off. At least this time he had a shirt on underneath it. “Yo, Papa Winchester! You made it!” he said by way of greeting.
John struggled not to glare. The man had proven his talents already, so it did John no favors to alienate him. “What have you got?”
Ash flopped into the seat across from him. “I,” he started dramatically, “have got a lead.”
John cocked his head expectantly.
Ash rolled his eyes and guzzled his beer. “Winchesters. No flair for theatrics.” He shook his head in disapproval. “Fine. All right, did Ellen catch you up?”
John grumbled low. “No. She didn’t. What is the lead.”
“Fine. Shit, dude. So, you know Dean has been working this case. Well, he managed to find out that the mothers—not always the moms, actually, but mostly them—all encountered our Yellow Eyed friend before the night of the fires.”
John thought of the list in his journal, names and dates where the demon had appeared prior to coming to their home. “What do you mean ‘encountered?’”
“I mean encountered. Ran into. Met. But I also mean made a deal with.”
John’s blood ran cold. “Mary wouldn’t.”
Ash winced and ran a hand through his mullet. “Sorry, my man. Unless you did, then it’s safe to say it was her.”
“What does that mean though? Made a deal for what?”
“That part ain’t real clear. This guy wasn’t making deals like a regular demon. Said he didn’t have any interest in their souls. Just wanted permission. But anyhow. That’s not the lead. All that did was give me more people to look for. It took some doing, mind, but I’ve found like a dozen of these people so far. And get this: most of ‘em have gone missing in the last month.”
Permission. He thought of the demon coming into their home, into Sammy’s nursery. Given what he knew of Azazel’s plans, this information just cemented his certainty that he’d made the right call letting Sam go.  He swallowed back bile. “You figure out where they’ve been going?”
Ash beamed at him. “Ding ding ding! Give the man a medal. Now, understand that I haven’t actually found these kids, right? But I have found demonic omens that line up with the patterns you’ve observed. It stands to reason that the missing people that this demon has previously targeted just might be in the place with all the demonic signs.”
The guy looked so damn proud of himself. John clenched his jaw, trying to keep his patience. “Ash. Where.”
John had just about finished planning his route when Dean came through the door. Dean hadn't looked good when John had last seen him, half-crazed researching for weeks while he tried to save Sam, but he was barely recognizable now. His son looked gaunt, like he hadn't remembered to stop for food enough since they'd parted ways. He was unshaven, unwashed, and the smell of booze reached John from fifty feet away. 
Ellen greeted Dean, who asked for Ash. Ash had disappeared into the back rooms again, doing whatever it was he did most of the time. It didn't take long for Dean to emerge from the back with a new look of determination. He was headed toward the bar when he caught sight of John, his eyes widening in surprise. His poker face was good though, and that was the only sign of recognition John saw. They watched each other a moment, John studying his son's changed appearance. He obviously wasn't sleeping enough either, judging from the dark circles under his eyes. It hurt, seeing Dean look so— He searched for an adequate word. So broken.
It reminded him of himself in those early days. Trying to care for two young boys while he grieved Mary, trying to process what he'd witnessed the night she died. He'd barely survived.
Learning about the supernatural from Missouri had been the only thing he could hold on to, a reason to keep going. His quest for revenge. Like Ellen had said, he did understand that. He just hadn't understood what she'd meant when she'd been talking about Dean, not until now, at least. He’d never suspected things between them had been like that.
Of course, he'd known the boys were close. He'd encouraged it their whole lives. They relied on each other, trusted each other. Sam had worked with Dean far better than he'd ever worked with John, and Dean had blossomed in the year the boys had hunted together without John commanding them. Seeing Dean now, John understood that he had done this to his son. That closeness, such a boon on a hunt where a good partner meant life or death, was only a source of pain. It was a wonder Dean hadn't gotten himself killed yet. 
Dean obviously wasn't going to make the first move, so John tilted his head in a “come here” gesture. Dean hesitated a moment more, then set his jaw and moved. He didn't say anything as he slid into the booth, didn't even look at John. 
John sighed and said, “You coming with me?”
Dean's face contorted, some subtle fight between pissed and darkly amused. But he said, “I'll meet you there, and I’ll call Bobby, have him join us. Don’t forget to bring the Colt.”
“I'm not debating this with you.”
That hadn't been what he was going to do, but it didn't matter. Apologies could wait. 
Dean drove 20 over the speed limit the whole way, letting the roar of Baby's engine soothe him. Seeing John had been a surprise, and he'd have words with Ellen later about that. For now, he had to concentrate on not getting himself killed long enough to get his revenge. The demon, then John. Or John, then the demon? He saw advantages to both, but trying to play out each scenario made him feel hollow and numb. The anger was protecting him right now, and he needed that if he was going to stay functional long enough to get this done. Fuck planning. He'd play this by ear. 
The radio crackled, and he reached for it, intending to slot a tape in. He was going fast enough that it wasn't worth finding another radio station. Too soon he'd be out of range and have to try again. At least South Dakota wasn't far, relatively speaking. Another hour or two and he'd be there. Before he could get the tape in the player, he recognized the voice breaking through the static, and it wasn't the latest DJ. It was Sam.
Relief flooded him, followed closely by shame and more anger. It took him a minute to even recognize what Sam was trying to say. 
“Slow.... down....” 
Dean rolled his eyes and pressed harder on the gas. 
“Dean...” Sam sounded pissed, and Dean had no trouble imagining the bitch face Sam was shooting at him. He glanced at the passenger seat, a grin on his face before he remembered. 
He refocused on the road, glaring into the night. “Where have you been? I thought you might have moved on or something.”
“Tired.... Work....”
Dean tried to work that out. “Possession wears you out?”
“The things you learn.” The air was cooling rapidly, but he didn't slow down. “You doing ok, otherwise?”
It took longer for Sam to respond this time, and Dean wondered if it was because he was choosing his words or because talking like this was hard too. “…Worried...”
“What do you have to be worried about?” It came out incredulous and harsher than he intended, but things often did when he was angry.
“You.” Just one word, and the only one so far that had been crystal clear. Well then.
“You don't need to be worried about me. I'm fine.”
“Not...” The temperature dropped a couple more degrees, and Dean turned the heater up.
Sam wasn't wrong, and he wasn't the first to express concern. Ellen had said as much, and so had Bobby. The way John had looked at him had spoken volumes. Even Ash had said he looked like crap, which was more social than the guy normally was. “I'm fine enough.”
“Don't... kill... Dad...”
Dean furrowed his brow. “What? Why? How do you even know about that? I haven't told anyone.”
“Not... mad...”
“How the hell aren't you mad at him? Huh? He killed you. His own son.” 
“Already.... dead...”
Dean shook his head in denial. The road in front of him was blurring, and he had to let the car slow a little. No way was he dying in a car crash right before— before he finished things.
“Yes...” There was a longer pause, and then Sam's voice came through softer, pleading. “Please...”
“How can you ask me that?” He pulled in a shuddering breath. “You already— You want me to let you stay dead. Ok. Fine. I haven't summoned any demons, have I? But you weren't dead. Not yet. Not until he pulled the plug. So that's on him.”
“I can't let him walk, Sam. I just can't. He's the one who taught us that family is everything. I don't— How can you be ok with this?”
“Not... ... fault...” Sam's voice was fading, and it sparked panic in Dean’s gut. He wasn’t ready to lose this again already. 
“Hey, now. Don't do that. Ok? Just. You don't have to talk.” He drummed his hands on the steering wheel. “It doesn't make any sense to me, is all. After the way we were raised. He loved you most, you know? And I knew it, and I never even was mad about it because I loved you most too. It was just how the world worked, as far as I could tell. Not saying I never got pissed at you. Hell, we both got pissed at you. But that didn't fucking matter. You were the one we were protecting.” He grimaced. “I always kind of wondered if it was because of Mom. She died protecting you, so we spent the next 23 years trying to do it too. So, to have him do what he did, just doesn't make sense to me. I’m sure he had his reasons.” Dean chewed his bottom lip. “But I trusted him to look after you the way I would, and I lost you. So screw him and his reasons.”
Dean drove in silence for a long time after that. Eventually the temperature in the car returned to normal, and the static faded to normal levels. He pushed the Metallica tape into the player but kept the volume low. Sam stayed quiet, though whether or not that was by choice Dean had no way to know. He didn't even know if Sam was still listening. Some time after he crossed the border into South Dakota, Dean said, “I won't kill him, if that's really what you want.”
The words hung in the air, and Dean regretted saying them. But then the radio crackled again, and Sam's voice clearly said, “Yes... Thank you.”
“I can't promise to forgive him. That's not— It's unforgivable.” 
Sam didn't respond again, so Dean took it for agreement. At the least, it seemed Sam didn't want (or didn't have the energy) to argue the point.
Bobby was the first to arrive. He met John at the end of the dirt road that led to the town. It had fallen into disrepair over the last several decades, and the surrounding forest had reclaimed it. They’d have to hike the rest of the way.
John thought back to that voicemail he still had saved and wondered if Bobby was going to follow through on his threat. Neither of them spoke, just nodded acknowledgement into the stony silence. Dean couldn’t be that far behind, and John felt the need to settle things with Bobby first. However Dean felt, he trusted his son to have his eye on the prize. He wouldn’t stab John in the back until the demon was dead. Bobby had no such motivation, and he’d made it perfectly clear that he thought he’d make a better father to John’s boys than John did.
Eyeing Bobby’s shotgun carefully, he was prepared to dodge out of the way at a moment’s notice. “Bobby.”
Bobby grunted in response.
It wasn’t fear that had settled in John’s belly. Resignation, maybe. Low level grief that had nothing to do with Sam or Mary’s loss. He and Bobby had been good friends, once. It had been years since that was true, but the man had put their differences aside not that long ago. John didn’t expect him to be able to do it again.
He opted for blunt honesty. In truth, he didn’t know another way. “How worried do I need to be about you using that on me?” John asked.
Bobby clenched his jaw and gripped the gun a little tighter. “I’m here to make sure Dean don’t end up like his brother. That’s all.” Don’t risk Dean, and you have nothing to worry about went unsaid.
That was fair enough, he supposed. It was good, even, because if Bobby was watching Dean’s back then John could focus on making sure Azazel got put in the ground. He wouldn’t have to split his attention. 
Dean arrived in Cold Oak, South Dakota just before midnight. Bobby hiked ahead, acting as scout. Dean privately thought it was just to get away from John for a while. The tension between the two of them had been palpable when he arrived. 
John broke the silence after only a minute or two. “Are you ready for this?”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Dean said. He was tired and pissed off. Sam had to be somewhere close, and Dean didn't particularly want to think about how it would go if John found out about that. Besides, he hadn't had enough sleep in the last four months. At this point he figured he was allowed to be a little crabby.
“Just making sure your head's in the game.” 
Dean side-eyed his father. “Of course it is. We've been preparing for this fight my whole life. I'm not about to fuck it up now.”
“Good.” Dean let that be it for maybe a minute, but he couldn't stop his mind from thinking about it. “Why do you think my head isn't in the game?”
John shrugged minutely, barely visible in the moonlight. “You look like shit, Dean. It's obvious you haven't been taking care of yourself lately. I don't know how far that goes.”
“Why do you care?” 
John faltered a step, turning to actually look at Dean. “Because I'm your father.”
That was the last thing he should have said. Fury boiled up past all of Dean's exhaustion, and he struggled to remember that an hour ago he'd promised Sam not to murder John. “You're my father? Is that like how you were Sam's father when you told me to let him die? Or how about when you gave me a fake spell that was supposed to heal him? Or were you his father when you took him off life support? God, with parenting like that, who needs monsters?” 
John stilled. The tension in the air was palpable. “Sam was already dead, Dean.”
“No. He wasn't. That's the whole point of life support. There was time to save him. What's the point of knowing about all this shit if Sam was going to die anyway?” He shook his head and started forward. 
To his credit, John didn't raise his voice. If it had been Sam arguing with him, it probably would have already devolved into a shouting match. “It's not our place to mess with the natural order. That's part of what we do.”
Dean groaned and turned to face John. “Right. The natural order. Like you would’ve made the same choice if it was Mom.”
“Don’t bring your mother into this,” John growled.
Dean stepped up into John’s space. “Am I wrong? You let Sam die because of the demon and its fucking plans, and you’re too much of a coward to admit you were scared of your own son.” Dean snarled. “Did you know Mom made a deal with the thing?”
John ignored the distraction. “I wasn't scared of your brother; I was scared for him! The demon was going to use him.”
“How? Have you even met Sam? He's not an idiot. No way he'd let a demon use him to fight a war.”
Sam's voice rippled out of the darkness to Dean's left. “If you wanted Dean to listen to you, why didn't you just tell him what you learned? You didn't have a problem telling me. Except, oh right, I was in a coma.” Sam chuckled, dark anger lacing his voice.
John's expression was a mix of horror and grief. “Sam? What are you— Damn it, Dean, what the hell did you do? Didn't I teach you better than this?”
“Fuck you. I gave him a hunter’s funeral.”
“And it didn't concern you that he's a ghost anyway?”
Sam rolled his eyes and threw his arms wide. “What, you want him to burn the Impala? After giving him crap about it needing a wash? Give him a break.”
“I don't need you to defend me, Sam.” John and Sam fighting raised his peacekeeper instincts. He wanted to grab Sam's shoulder and push him back, to physically insert himself between the two of them. Only it wouldn't have worked anyway. Doing that had only ever made them shout louder.
John ignored Dean's statement completely. “Yes, if that's what it takes. What's dead should stay dead. You both know that.”
Sam snarled and reached for John, throwing him against a tree. He moved to follow John's trajectory, luckily not stutter stopping forward like most ghosts, and Dean scrambled to get in front of him. 
“Woah, dude, chill out. What happened to not holding a grudge?” He was still livid, furious with John, but Sam needed him to be a voice of reason. Throwing people was serious vengeful spirit territory, and they needed to get a lid on this, right now.
Sam stopped moving, but he was still seething. “Why do you let him say shit like that? You—”
Sam didn't get to finish his sentence because a demon interrupted them. It was shaped like a little girl but sported long, wicked looking claws. Dean blasted it with rock salt, and it vanished into smoke. “Come on, we need to move. It knows we're here,” Dean said, helping John to his feet. “We must be close.” John looked a little dazed, but he moved ok. Dean hoped Sam hadn't managed to do too much damage.
Bobby broke through the trees then, out of breath and wild-eyed. “The Hell are you idiots doing back here?”
Dean filled him in tersely, and Bobby led all of them the last few yards to the town. Sure enough they had been close, and they broke through the woods into the town after just another 100 yards. The place looked empty, but it didn't feel empty. Standing by the tree line was enough to make Dean's hair stand on end. The buildings were in various states of disrepair. Some seemed largely intact, just a broken window or two. Others, like the house nearest them, had entire walls that had caved in, the wood rotting with time and neglect. 
“Cheery place,” Dean murmured. 
John glared at him, then motioned for them to split up and search the town. Dean silently groaned, rolling his eyes. They'd all been shouting at each other not ten minutes ago, and the Acheri demon suggested they'd already lost their element of surprise. John took the right while Bobby moved toward the center of town. Dean moved to the left, toward the collapsing house. A breath of wind on his neck made him look, and Sam was there, following. 
“It's creepy when you do that,” he said.
“Do what?”
“Spooky ghost shit.” They moved cautiously. Well. Dean moved cautiously, and Sam moved silently. He had the same posture as Dean, though it probably didn't matter.
“Sorry I can't do creepy werewolf shit instead,” he deadpanned. “This place sucks. Seriously, why do you let him talk to you like that?”
Dean ignored the question. He hadn’t been letting John do anything. They walked in silence a few minutes while they searched the small town. “Does it hurt?”
Sam frowned, confused. “Does what hurt?”
Dean clenched his jaw a couple times before he managed to bite out, “Dying.”
The question surprised Sam, and he stopped walking while he considered his answer. The longer he took, the more certain Dean was that whatever he said was going to be a sanitized lie. 
“If you mean after the spell, then no. I got kicked out of my body in the first couple hours after the crash, I think, and I didn’t feel anything after that.”
Dean swallowed thickly. “Good. That’s good.” The way Sam had phrased it, though. “You remember the accident?”
Sam chewed the side of his lip. “Yeah. You and Dad were knocked out, but I wasn’t. It was a demon possessing the truck driver.” Sam breathed a laugh. “I threatened it with the Colt. God. Dad really would have killed me if I’d used the last bullet on Stunt Demon #5.”
“I thought you weren’t pissed at him.”
Sam rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah. Uh. I don’t know. I’m not. Not like you are.”
“So what the hell was that back there, huh? Throwing people?” Dean cleared the next building. Nothing there but some battered and rotting furniture. They turned toward the center of town.
Sam didn’t answer. “Dude, are you seeing all these ghosts?”
“Most haunted town in America, or so the stories say. You can see them?”
“You can't? This place is full of spirits.” Sam grimaced and sidestepped an invisible object. Dean gave him an “Oh really?” look, and Sam elaborated. “I think— Most of them look old, but pretty normal. Like they just got sick or something. But some of them died bloody.”
“How can you tell?” He glanced at Sam, body restored in his spirit form.
Sam shrugged, stopping to study one. Dean wished it didn't look like thin air to him. “Some of them don't fit.”
“Don't fit how? Come on, Sam, stop being cryptic.” 
“They're newer. Younger looking.”
Dean shifted, keeping an eye out for threats he could actually see. “So people have been coming here for years because of the stories. Some of them had to have been killed.”
“Well, yeah, some. That guy over there in the bell bottoms probably died back in the 70s. But her—” Sam pointed off to his right, toward the tavern where John had gone. “She looks modern. I mean, her clothes, but not just that. She looks,” he paused searching for the right word, “I don't know, fresher somehow. I can't really explain it.”
That seemed important and really fucking ominous. The demon was supposed to be here somewhere, though they couldn't figure out why. Ash had started finding other likely psychic kids somehow (the dude worked magic, seriously), and there'd been a half dozen so far that also had missing persons reports. If they had also been showing up here, and at least one was a ghost, then... Dean tried to fit the pieces together. He couldn't yet, but the picture that was forming was grim. He found himself half-grateful that Sam was already dead. He couldn't imagine what he'd do if Sam went missing and turned up here. Worse, if Dean found him too late. He shuddered, then pushed the thought from his mind.
While he'd been thinking, Sam had vanished. “Sam?” he called. “Come on, man, don't wander off.” Dean glanced around anxiously, wondering where his brother had gone. He had to keep moving, though. Sam would have to take care of himself.
Dean had cleared two buildings by the time Sam reappeared, blinking into the periphery of Dean's vision and making him jump. “Don't do that,” he barked. “I almost shot you.”
“It's just rock salt,” Sam said, brushing it off.
“And you're just a ghost, remember?”
Sam considered that a moment, then seemed to remember why he'd come back. “Dude, you need to find Dad and Bobby.  One of the psychics is killing the others.”
Dean looked at him sharply. “It's not the demon?”
“No. Some girl is controlling the demons guarding the town. The ghost I talked to said this is some sort of Battle Royale, fight to the death sort of thing. Only the winner doesn't get to leave.”
Dean furrowed his brow. “That's messed up. Did he know why?”
“She didn't. But it sounds like there's a new 'round' every few weeks, so maybe it just isn't over.” The two of them started heading in the direction John had gone.
“That's a comforting thought. So the girl killing people, how long has she been here?”
“No idea. Sounds like she's won at least a few rounds though. Look, over there.” They could hear someone talking in the distance, and as Dean rounded the corner, he spotted John talking to a group of young adults who all looked around Sam's age. 
Dean clenched his jaw. “That must be the newest crop. Lucky we got here before she picked them all off.” Drawing closer, he called out, “Dad!”
John looked over at Dean, then turned back to the group of kids he’d found. They’d all told him similar stories about blacking out and waking up in the ghost town. None of them seemed to know why they were there, but they’d just arrived earlier that day. “I’ll be right back,” he said. “Stay put.”
Jogging over to Dean, he asked, “What?”
Dean filled him in on the supposed killer amongst them.
John was skeptical. Ghosts weren’t a reliable source of information. Their perspectives were always skewed; they saw what they wanted to see. It was part of what made them dangerous. “Even if that’s true, it’s not one of those kids. All their stories match.”
Dean pursed his lips, but he didn’t protest. Together they walked back to the group, and John introduced him to Tony, Ava, Leah, Vaughn, and Mark. All the kids were about Sam’s age, but they were otherwise a pretty diverse crowd. Mark looked like he would have been more at home on the beaches of California, toned and solid and definitely not dressed for a South Dakota winter, while Vaughn was taller than all of them and beanpole thin, though in the dim light of his flashlight John couldn’t tell if the boy was also wiry like Sam had been for a while after his last growth spurts. Tony’s dark skin highlighted the whites of his eyes, and it made him look more scared than the others, and his glasses and chubby build spoke of a more sedate life than the other guys. Maybe he’d be more at home in a library than a haunted town. Ava and Leah stuck together, though he didn’t have the impression that they had known each other before today. Then again, they were both slim and of medium height, and they looked similar enough that they could have been sisters. 
Ignoring the guys, Dean plastered on his best cocky grin and said, “Hello, ladies.”
John murmured at him, “Keep it in your pants, boy.”
Ava ducked her head, flattered. Leah just shifted uncomfortably. 
“Have either of you seen anything? Any idea what might have brought you here?” Dean had turned the charm up to 11. It had been long enough since they’d worked together that John had forgotten that Dean sometimes did this, used his sex appeal like a girl, charming witnesses and victims into spilling their secrets. He was good at it, too. 
The temperature was continuing to drop, though, and they needed to get everyone inside. “All right, everyone,” John said, voice pitched to carry over the wind that had just picked up. “There’s a tavern over there that’s still in decent shape. Let’s get there, get inside. Dean, you see if you can find anything useful.” He shot Dean a look to communicate that by ‘useful’ he meant ‘weapons.’ With luck, he’d also find Bobby and fill him in.
Dean nodded and trotted off the way he’d come, leaving John to babysit five young adults. He herded them toward the intact building he’d seen, not trying to make small talk. There was always the chance that they would let something slip when they thought he wasn’t listening, and it was a good chance to observe them. If Dean and Sam turned out to be right, then they needed to figure out who was killing the kids. His money was still on the demon, or at least a demon. Azazel was supposed to be here, but the signs could have been wrong. He had the guys work on barricading the door while he checked the windows. 
“Everyone, stay close,” he said.
Ava hugged herself tighter. “Who are you guys? Did you bring us here?”
He glanced at her sharply. “We’re hunting the thing that did.” 
“Thing?” Tony chimed in. “What the hell does that mean?”
He’d hoped to get out of this without giving them all the Talk. The less they knew about the supernatural the better. No one needed a bunch of kids deciding they wanted to be hunters and getting themselves killed for it. All five of them were approaching him now, arranged in a semi-circle, and he sighed, resigned to it. The version he gave was abridged, limited to ghosts and demons. 
“You’re insane,” Leah said, backing away. “You and that other guy are going to kill us, aren’t you?”
“None of you are dying tonight,” John said. “Dean is looking for salt and anything else we can use against this thing. We didn’t expect to find all of you here.”
She was shaking her head though, refusing to believe him. When she bolted for the door she was already well out of reach. He could chase her, but that would mean abandoning the other four. He swore but let her go.
“I’ll go after her,” Ava said. 
“No!” Mark whisper-shouted. “What if the thing finds you? We’re safer here.”
Vaughn raised an eyebrow at him. “You actually believe this? No way is this guy telling the truth. I’ll go with you, Ava. Stay here if you want, man.”
“At least it’s warmer in here! I’m going to freeze to death in that wind.” Mark rubbed at his arms and grumbled in frustration. “Fine. Do what you want. Try not to get killed.”
“All of you should stay inside,” John said. “It’s safer as a group.” 
Ava and Vaughn ignored him and left through the only door. He growled, but let them go. When Dean got back with supplies one of them could chase after the others. In the meantime, he’d make sure this place was boarded up as tight as he could make it. 
Leah came back on her own a minute later, complaining of the cold. “Sorry. It’s just—” She shrugged. He understood. She wasn’t taking back her words, but she was at least allowing the possibility that something was happening to her that she couldn’t explain. He figured she’d come around to ghosts and demons if and when any of them showed up. 
Any of them, like Sam. How could Dean have fucked that up? Sam was supposed to be at peace. He was supposed to be gone, far beyond Azazel’s reach. John didn’t know if he believed in Heaven, exactly, but he wanted to. If Hell was real, then why not the other place? If it was real, then that’s where Sam should be. Not here in this ghost-filled wasteland. Definitely not in the one place where Azazel would be. 
That was going to have to be Dean’s problem, though, because the demon from the woods was back. It appeared just behind Leah, and John had enough time to shove her roughly to the side before its claws stabbed out. It caught him square in the stomach, going right through the space she had occupied a moment before. Grunting, he aimed his shotgun and blasted the demon. It dissipated in a cloud of smoke with a shriek. 
“Oh my God!” Leah crouched near him. Her eyes were wide, but she exuded competence as she pressed her hands to his wound. “Sorry. It’s too cold to lose a shirt. Everything’s filthy anyway.”
“Doctor?” he mumbled. The tingling in his fingers felt like blood loss more than hypothermia.
She shook her head and pressed harder. “ER nurse. I could probably get you stabilized if we weren’t in the middle of fucking nowhere with fucking demons. How is this real? I mean, I must be hallucinating. Except you’re really bleeding and that thing really attacked us.”
He felt lethargy pulling at him. “Hey. Tell Dean. Tell him—” He couldn’t get the words out; his throat wasn’t working right. Neither was his head, really. Everything was getting fuzzy, and there was a ringing in his ears. Just over Leah’s shoulder he thought he saw Sam flicker into view. Next to him was a stranger. Well. Damn it.
0 notes
ioannemos · 2 years
woke up this morning feeling like i'd been beaten in the night and almost immediately got a frankly unkind email from my boss. so as you can imagine the day went great! only cried twice!
she asked why certain things hadn't been done and i countered by asking when, exactly, i was supposed to get them done when watching 20+ kids by myself, especially when some of those kids straight up refused to listen to me. or answer honestly, apparently, bc i did ask if they had homework, okay, and they said no. and not a single parent asked me why it wasn't done. not one. but they did email my boss! who was out of town! and she didn't forward the emails or email me herself about it or text me or anything so i only found out today! so that's nice
also her beef with a local woman seems likely to escalate bc now i'm in the middle of another disagreement and the local woman, who goes to my church and has been very friendly with me, said that i said things that i know i did not say. so now what. how do i deal with that.
the other librarian did back me up tho. when i was trying to explain why planned activities didn't happen and trying not to cry and failing, the other librarian said "she's been working her ass off" so that was encouraging. i'm glad someone noticed
not a word from my boss about anything i did right while she was gone. not a thing. just a general air of "i'm not mad just disappointed." and a "oh, you're leaving? okay bye abbieweloveyou!" when i picked up my stuff and left while she was still talking to the volunteer who's basically the only reason i'm still as close to sane as i am
4 notes · View notes
ch4nb4ng · 3 years
Evil Roommate
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pairing: leeknow x afab!reader, roommates enemies to lovers
warnings: softdom!lino, cheating (mentioned), making out, grinding, oral (f receiving), fingering penetration, cum play (?), praise
requested : yes!
word count 6.2k
summary: the new roommate was a handful. lazy, disrespectful, arrogant, and a whole bunch of other negative things. but wow, you were sexually frustrated and he, well, attractive, was an understatement.
“Can you actually like, wash your kitchen utensils when you're done using them?”
The amount of huffing and puffing you have heard from your new roommate in the past two weeks was ridiculous. If you had a dollar for every time he had gone against anything you had politely asked for, you would be rich by now, and definitely stable enough to move out and away from him.
“I will,” he mumbled, mouth stuffed with half of the carrot he was chewing on, very loudly, “can I not enjoy my food first?”
“No,” you replied without hesitation, giving the fakest of smiles in return, “you should do it before you eat.”
Another eye roll from Minho was like water off a duck’s back.
“I'd also appreciate it if you didn’t talk to me with your mouth full of food either.”
“What the fuck is your problem?”
You coughed, turning on your hills to face a very unimpressed roommate. His stare was eye shattering. Yes, he was very, no, extremely good looking. However, every single thing that made up his personality could not be more different to you. Sloppy, messy, lazy. Took no responsibility for any of his actions, especially the high pitch noises (that obviously were not his) you would hear from his room in the early hours of the morning. You would pinch your pillow together, praying extremely hard that the noise would stop, and by the time it did, you would get maybe 2, 3 hours of sleep. College was becoming tiring, not only from staying up to complete assessments, but the lewd noises you could hear from at least 2 people in his room. Your blunt attitude towards Minho’s unhygienic and disrespectful habits were definitely justified.
“What are you talking about?”
“Why do you nitpick everything I do?”
Your jaw dropped, completely dumbfounded.
“Me? Nitpicking you? Please,” you scoffed, “you don't clean up after yourself ever, you leave your dirty clothes everywhere, and don't even get me started on the fact that I barely get any sleep because of your wild sex adventures with other people that occur almost every weeknight, when you know I have to wake up early to go to class next day.”
A combination of frustration and exhaustion could be heard through the harshness of each breath. The smirk that appeared on his face was absolutely punch worthy. What on earth was there to be so cocky of?
“My wild sex adventures,” he paused taking a bite of the dreaded carrot, “please, tell me more about my wild sex adventures.”
His tongue was now obviously pressed against his cheek, a devil coated smile still very apparent on his face. The longer he was looking at you like that, the hotter your cheeks became. Pure anger began to course through you; all he had to do was sit there and look pretty. It was definitely enough for you to get the green light to slap him across the face.
“Shut the fuck up,” you hissed, “I don’t need to explain how I can hear them moaning your name every night, or the banging I hear from wall to-”
“Hmm,” he hummed, “you seem to be listening very well.”
Distracted by your anger for a brief moment, you gasped suddenly, feeling Minho’s fingertips at your sides. You turned around, swatting his hands away, giving him that slap that you felt you had earned across the face.
“Who the fuck said you could touch me?
“Did you just fucking slap me?”
“Yes I fucking did,” you spat, “what do you take me for?”
“You know what you’re right, but you walk around here with a stick up your ass. I hear you on the phone to your friends, complaining about how you don't get any action from anyone.”
You stood there in disbelief. “So you’ve been eavesdropping on my convos as well?”
“Well it’s kind of hard not to hear, you know, the walls in this house are kind of thin.”
Your jaw clenched, his eyebrows furrowed, the conversation was at a stand still.
“Can you get to the point please?”
“I sure can sweetheart,” the name sending a shiver down your spine, “if you're that sexually frustrated, go and do something about it instead of taking it out on me?”
A laugh that you didn't even know you were capable of bellowed from your chest. You stumbled back, grabbing onto stool behind the bench for support.
“Me? Sexually frustrated? Please,” you huffed, “I’m not sexually frustrated, and it definitely has nothing to do with you.”
Another scoff escaped your lips as you shuffled back to your room. Closing the door behind you, a heavy sigh came from your chest as you sat on the edge of your bed. How on earth was he able to read you like that? So well and so accurate? It was all you could think about, not to mention the fact that it was also night time simultaneously.
You let your body fall onto your bed sheets. The feeling of restlessness was consuming your body. As you crawled into bed, you looked straight into the ceiling. Why were you thinking about his words so much? Were you really taking it out on him? You shook your head, mentally slapping yourself for even considering the thought.
Minho was a lazy slob who was extremely inconsiderate of others, especially you. But why was the thought of his fingers on your sides becoming the main source of agitation.? The silence of your thoughts was deafening, but they were easily interrupted as soon as you heard the door open, a high pitched voice followed what felt like the most ludicrous creek you had ever heard. ‘I should really put some oil on the door huh?’ You paused for a couple of seconds, this time physically face palming yourself for the dumb excuse you had made to see who he had decided to bring over to accompany him tonight. Legs completely ignoring your brain, you were out of bed, hand twisting the knob and peeking a look at the poor girl that would be subjected to Minho’s torture tonight. Tip toeing out of the doorway, you kept the weight of a feather on your toes, making yourself as invisible as possible.
Your pink panther stance of attempted deception looked utterly ridiculous and not sly at all was extremely confusing to the two. You quickly relaxed into a normal stance, the fakest of smiles coming across your face as you see who it is he brought home to have his way with.
“Chaeyeon… heyyy,” you lingered, “I didn’t know you were coming over.”
You would have been happy with literally anyone else. But Chaeyeon? Chaeyeon? It’s like she was your number one arch rival. Minho knew how much you hated her, yet he still let her come over. Everything about her you could not stand, not to mention the fact that she home wrecked your last serious relationship. Even though it was a while ago, you can forgive but not forget, her face being a constant reminder of your hurtful past.
“Oh hey Y/N,” she almost signed, her amount of excitement to see you matching yours, “I didn’t know you lived here.”
The arm he had around her waist made you sick.
“There’s a lot of things you don't know about me,” you mumbled, foot swaying back and forth, eyes focused on said foot.
“Okay, so you guys have had a little reunion,” Minho interrupted. Anything would have been better to break the awkward silence than his sarcastic comments, “we’re gonna go to my room now.”
“NO!” you interjected, covering the hallway with every bit of your being, “I mean, what’s the rush huh? Changbin is coming over as well.”
You paused, Minho’s face clearly cussing you out if yelling was inappropriate at this current moment.
“Uh no thanks Y/N-”
“We should all hang out!”
The excitement coming from your voice was so inauthentic, it was hard to miss.
“Yeah! Let’s all hang out,” you walked behind them, placing a hand on each of their backs and you hurried them to the couch, “I’ll get some beers in the fridge.”
“I actually only drink vodka,” Chaeyeon yawns, obnoxiously twirling her hair, her other hand aggravatingly high on his thigh.
“Oh that’s totally fine,” you gritted through tightly clenched teeth, “we have a bottle in the fridge, I’ll grab that for you as well.”
You scuffled back over to the fridge, mentally cursing yourself as you grabbed the necessary beverages. The confusion you were giving yourself about why you were putting in so much effort to spend time with the two people you literally hated more than anything was mind baffling
“So,” you began again, passing a Corona to Minho, a glass to Chaeyeon, “how have you been finding your course so far?”
You sat the Smirnoff and Orange juice on the table. Yes, you were being nice, but not nice enough to pour the drink for this bitch.
“Oh it was so great,” she smiled, “Jisung and I were living together, it was, well, a dream really.”
The feeling of your nails became prominent in your fists as your fingers caved in. The mention of his name was enough to make you see red, let alone the idea of them being happily together. The itch of your eye begging to roll was becoming too prominent, so much that you had to get up and walk away for a second. You stood up abruptly, confusion etched into Minho’s features. You didn’t want to make this a big deal, but the fact that she continued to gloat about it, long after you stopped listening was enough to reach your breaking point.
“I think I heard my phone ringing from my room, it must be Changbin.”
“I don't think I hear anything,” Minho smirked, plastering his lips on the edge of the bottle. The way his lips wrapped around the tip of the warm glass was something you ‘accidentally’ became fixated on. You puffed your cheeks, storming to your room and somewhat aggressively shutting the door behind you. Scrambling for your phone on the bedside table, you panicked, unclear mind as you scrolled through your phone contacts. You paused, an inducing amount of oxygen filling up your lungs. It did little to calm the irritated tingling sensation in your fingers.
Changbin’s name had finally popped up on your phone after what had felt like a lifetime.
His voice was husky, guilt panging your chest as you realsied you had probably woken him up from his not very often deep slumber.
“Changbin,” you gasped, “you know how much I love you right?”
“What do you need me to do?”
You snickered at his words. He had been your friend for too long to know that those words would never be said unless you needed something.
“Can you come over,” you pleaded, “Chaeyeon is here with Minho because he invited her over late at night, and I told them you were coming over?”
“Jesus Y/n,” Changbin sighed, a playful chuckle tickling your cheek, “so you want me to come over and make Minho jealous?”
“Wait no wtf,” you jumbled, “make Minho jealous? I just want you to flirt with me and Chaeyeon so she leaves.”
“Mhm yeah,” he chuckled once more, voice laced with sarcasm as he spoke, “I’ll come over, but if you don't sleep with him by the end of the night, I’m gonna be extremely disappointed.”
“Yeah okay whatever just get your ass over here now.”
And with that you abruptly ended the phone call, Changbin giving you no peace of mind. Were you this easy to read by everybody? A frustrated sigh exploded from your chest. The games your head and your heart were playing with were helping you come to no resolution. You sat on your bed, thoughts were running crazy. Now would be a really great time to just put on Netflix and curl into bed, have some snacks and fall asleep, chip trail on ur chest to be found in the morning.
You were interrupted by the very loud knock on the door. Sprinting like your life depended on it, you were relieved. Seeing Changbin’s face had never before given you so much joy.
“Changbin,” you shouted, wrapping your arms around him in a tight embrace.
“Y/n what are you doing-”
“Shut up and go along with it,” you mumbled into his chest, letting up, but still keeping your body tightly wounded against his. Minho’s jaw became clenched, or were you just imagining things?
Regardless of what it was, your brain quickly shifted to the way Chaeyeon was eyeing Changbin up and down, almost like it was the first time she had ever seen an attractive male. ‘She definitely wasn’t looking at Minho like that when he walked in’ you thought, an unconscious smirk coming to mouth. You bit down on your bottom lip, an extremely poor attempt at masking the satisfaction of your goal being achieved so easily. One step closer to kicking her out, for good, because there was no way you weren’t talking to Minho after this about making an explicit declaration of her abandonment from this house.
“Minho,” he smiled, earning a nod, “Chaeyeon,” he smirked, an almost gag spilling out of your mouth.
“Changbin,” she followed, repeating his smirk, “long time no see.”
She gulped, engulfing a large sip of alcohol into her wicked mouth.
“Let’s play a game!”
“A game,” you questioned, raising an eyebrow, “why would we play-”
“I think that’s a great idea!”
You turned to look at him, a puzzled expression still very apparent on your facial features.
“Get the vodka out from the fridge, and let’s get started.”
Two bottles of vodka down, and what looked like 8 bottles of Corona sitting empty on the table, the games that were being played were becoming more difficult to comprehend. Sound of giggle and laughter constantly filled the room as everyone slowly began to lose their minds to the intoxication.
“O-okay, never have I e-ever, done a sexual act in public.”
Filters of chuckles and laughter filled the room as everyone, but you took a sip.
“What?” she asked, offering you her fake sympathy, “you’ve never done anything like that before?”
“I-I mean,” you stuttered, the look of confusion was evident, “I don’t think I have-”
“Yes you have.”
All eyes were snapped open and pressing into Minho’s skull as he began to converse.
“Pfft, no I have not,” you scoffed, taking another swig. An eye roll left came from Minho, followed by a sound of what seemed to be disgust as he shot gunned his current bottle.
“Yes you have,” he nagged, playfully hitting your shoulder, “I saw you.”
Complete silence fell over the room as he words lingered in the air. You genuinely had no idea what he was talking about.The feeling of the room had suddenly changed. His eyes became soft, fixated on nothing but the way your body slumped against the rough material of the couch.
Your mind began to drift. Thoughts floating into earlier scenes of the night. The closeness of his breath fanning your neck ever so softly, palms spread across your hips. The idea of marks on you swimming into your head. God that would feel so good. Letting him grab you and throw you onto his bed. Climbing up your frame, starting from the bottom of your legs, keeping a tight grip on your inner thighs. The feeling of faint lips stealing every inch of your being, tantalisingly hitting every, single, spot, finally reaching your-
“Y/N? Y/N!”
The feeling of Changbin's shaking your shoulders definitely brought you back to reality. His hands did feel nice, but they weren’t the ones you were longing for. Your head was thrown back, disbelief filling you as your mind continued to fill the gutter.
As you moved closer, you giggled, placing your finger tip across his knee. You let them dance, index fingers tapping away at the skin you so desperately wanted to see in this moment.
“Mr. Lee Minho, when did you see me?”
“I’m not saying it here in front of-”
“Who? Chaeyeon?”
Your prowling continued, bodies even closer as you slowly began to climb him like an inanimate object. This would have been completely awkward sober. Nothing about this was romantic in the slightest. To an outsider, or Changbin and Chaeyeon, you were right there, situated across Minho’s lap. It wasn’t quite a straddle, it was just something. They both stayed quiet, paying little attention to your animalistic act, already focused on feeling each other up. Or so you assumed, seeing as they didn’t say anything. All that was heard was the sound of the front door. You snapped your head for a quick moment, eyes scanning the emptiness the room suddenly felt.
“It was in the car.”
Minho’s words felt heavy, like he had more to say.
“The car?”
You were taken aback, face moving away from the closeness of his. Part of your brain clicked, remembering exactly what he was talking about. With Jisung. The memory of hurt was quickly forgotten as the feeling of Minho’s palms spread across your body was bringing you to life. The adrenaline came all at once. Your mind was telling you to move away, but your body was saying something else, affirming it’s position.
Minho was leaning in, barely any spaces between the two as his fingertips began to spread lower and lower, firmly gripping either side of your ass as he moved you closer. A helpless whimper escaped your lips as you felt your legs tighten, heat running down to your core, quickly. What the fuck was happening right now?
“You were on top of him,” he whispered, pulling your hips against him once more, “just like this.”
“F-fuck,” was all that managed to slip out of your lips. This was becoming difficult. So difficult to say no and move away. You knew it was the right thing to do. Things would just be awkward and you could go back to hating him. No matter how much you tried, how much you wanted to, you were powerless. Every fiber of your being was being given up to him. You leaned in closer, foreheads now touching as you looked at him. His gaze was anything but lacklustre as his jaw became tense. His body began to ache simultaneously with yours. The pressure was becoming too much.
“Do you want this?”
A small whine escaped you at the loss of his tips gripping your body. They quickly made their way to either side of your face. Your body began to rock back and forth on it’s own. You had become desperate for any sort of friction that you could create.
“I said, do you want this?”
“Do you?”
His expression made you nervous. It was hard to read. All you could see was the black substance of his pupils enlarge, increasing in diameter by the second. Almost like a supernatural being was possessing him.
“Fuck,” you grunted, wrapping your hands around his neck to steady yourself on top of him, “you’re making it hard to say no.”
Things were already becoming hazy the longer you stayed. A huff of frustration came from him as he was giving all his effort not to give into the way you were rubbing your dampening heat against him. It was like a drug he could not refuse.
“Kiss me if you want me.”
He huffed, the edge of his lips just barely brushing against the tip of your nose.
“Kiss me, and give me the green light.”
You waited a moment, any part of your brain that wasn't concentrated solely on his palms digging into your sides trying to reason. You looked at him once more. His eyes, nose, lips. His lips.
“Fuck it.”
He was quick to work, pushing you down to lie flat against the couch. A small kiss to your lips was felt as he pulled away, lifting his arms up and throwing his shirt to the floor at Usain Bolt pace. The smirk on your face was too easy for him not to see.
“You like what you fucking see don’t you?”
“Just shut the fuck up and kiss me.”
Of course. Of course he was still that arrogant cocky motherfucker that you could not stand. The one who never cleaned up after himself. Or took too long in the shower for the hot water to run out. All of these evil perceptions you had of your roommate were disappearing as his lips were gently placed onto yours. It was a little too slow for your liking, but it was deep. Boy, was it deep. Each movement of his tongue was made with so much precision as he lowered himself onto you. His thighs were clenched, a soft groan could be heard against his lips as his groin pressed into you. Holy fuck, were you really doing this? It was so wrong. Everything in the world was saying to stop, stop this.
“Mm- wait,” you paused your hands on his chest to push him away, “wait.”
A flash of panic waved over his eyes as he quickly jumped off of you, face palming the floor.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you? Are you-”
“I’m fine,” you interjected, giggling at the never been seen care and caution he had for you, “I just don’t think we should do this.”
“Oh,” was all he could say. You kept your gaze lowered; looking at him would have made you feel so guilty. The feeling of regret started to seep into your bones, but you couldn't tell: was it regret of this ever happening, or was it regret from stopping? Your head was too muddled to even attempt to comprehend what had just appended. The only sound that could be heard was your scuffed footsteps, quickly pacing back to your room and shutting the door, hard. The loudest sigh known to earth could be heard on the opposite side of the room as you let your body collapse. The ache between your legs was growing by the second; and as much as you tried to suppress the feeling of Minho’s lips on yours, fingertips dragging along your sides. No. It was much easier this way. Setting boundaries as roommates seemed to be a better idea for the long run.
But the long run was boring. You would both have to pretend that this never happened. Having other people over for sexual purposes would just be awkward now; the more you thought about it, the realisation, and the jealousy hit that you had already crossed said boundary. And maybe that’s why your feet had dragged you to the front of his bedroom door. How the fuck did you get here? You brought your knuckles to the wooden frame, door becoming slightly ajar as you gently knocked. Minho’s snapped his head around, covering himself quickly as you walked in. You cocked your eyebrow, a face of confusion apparent on your face.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” he huffed, turning back to his previous position, “what do you want?”
You wanted to just walk out. Mind your business and just leave. But it was hard, quite literally. The imprint of what you assumed to be Minho’s naked lower half painfully pressing into the sheer sheets that was covering him. He paid you no more attention, giving you all the power to initiate whatever it is you wanted to initiate. You slowly crept in beside him, nuzzling your head into the back of his neck as he groaned in annoyance.
“Y/n, what the fuck are you doing in my bed?”
“Hmm, I think I changed my mind,” you whispered, reaching around to grab him. A blunt hiss escaped Minho’s lips as your action made him turn around. He was so close to you now. So close that you could feel his breath spreading across your left cheek.
“Are you being serious right now?”
The look on his face was unimpressed to say the least.
“Yeah, I mean,” your voice was calm as your hand began to take flight, sliding down to the base of his shaft, “we’ve already crossed the line, let’s go a little further.”
“Oh yeah?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm. He grabbed you by the wrist that was currently on him, pulling it away and climbing on top of you. Both hands now leaving his side, securely attached onto both wrists as he pinned them down above your head. Nose clumsily tickling yours as he reattached his lips to yours. The feeling of his lips was much softer and calmer than before, almost like he was protecting you. Wanting to keep the moment so delicate, though the way his bare hips involuntarily grinding against your clothed core was far from it. A soft whimper came from your lips, vibrating against his. A soft chuckle was heard from Minho as he pulled away; it made you nervous. To be more specific, the way that arrogant, mischievous smirk that you knew all too well was spread across his face.
“You’re so responsive to me,” he growled, quickly planting another one on your lips before sliding down to your jaw, then your neck, stopping at your chest. Nothing needed to be said as you quickly discarded your shirt, silently thanking your past self for not wearing any underneath. Minho situated himself in front of your now bare chest, waist sitting against your heart as he took one nipple into his mouth, fingers enclosing around the other. A loud whine left your lips, back arching in reaction to him. He looked up, satisfied filling his body as you weren’t able to return his gaze, head already rolled all the way back as he continued his playful assault.
“It’s so cute,” he mumbled between kisses, “so responsive and I’ve barely done anything.”
His lips travelled down the center of your stomach, dipping dangerously closer to where you wanted him most. His continuous rhythm between kisses was immaculate. Any of the incoherent sounds you made, or the crude remarks he made were left unsaid.
“Fuck,” you hissed, painfully throbbing at the way Minho played with the waistband of your panties.
“Not fun to be teased y/n,’ he paused, making sure you were looking at him, “is it.”
A pang of guilt hit your chest for a moment. I mean, it’s not like you did it on purpose, right?
“Minho I’m-”
“Save it,” he scoffs, “whether you did it on purpose, or not, I’m not gonna let you have it so easily.”
His fingers stopped their performance across your hips, continuing a little lower than before. The smirk came to his lips once more, index finger running down your slit. The friction was fierce, but not fierce enough. You wanted, no, you needed more. All he could do was smile at your mercy.
“So fun to tease darling, but you’re gonna have to be more vocal if you want these panties off.”
“Minho please,” you whined, “for fucks sake.”
You bucked your hips forward, desperate for any more contact from the bare minimum he was giving you.
“That doesn’t sound very nice to me.”
“Minho please, please, please,” you whispered, voice becoming super weak, “fuck me, or finger me, anything please, I need to feel you.”
“Now that’s more like it,” he smiled, finally pulling your panties down. You have never lifted your hips faster in your life. The vulnerability of your naked body was somewhat confronting, but your brain was so fogged out from the immense teasing, you cared little.
“Fuck,” he gasped, spreading you effortlessly with two fingers, “you’re so wet for me, aren't you?”
The heat in your cheeks rose as you became embarrassed at his words. Minho didn’t know this, but feeling humiliated was something that could make you cum on the spot. Words intended for insult went through your ears and straight down to the core, the heat becoming like an intense fire igniting in your body as one of his hands moved along your inner thigh, the other gently beginning to circle around where you needed him most.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, “oh my god Minho please, more.” Your voice was becoming needier by the second, but the longer it went on, the less you seemed to care. His tongue was now a factor coming into play, small kitty licks lapping your clit at a suddenly fast pace. Your legs are already trembling, but Minho does more to appease, hooking his arms under and around your thighs to stop the flustered look on your face. It was confronting how quickly he was getting you to your high.
“Please,” you sighed, eyes hazed as you attempted to look down at the way his tongue was on you. The combination of him sucking on your clit, then pushing it through your entrance almost made you scream. However, the noises that came from your mouth were small, heavy pants, progressively getting louder and louder the tighter the knot in your stomach became.
“Do you wanna cum princess?” His voice was whiny, mocking the tone you had used earlier. You nodded ferociously, knowing any attempt to speak would come out horse or just broken.
“Such a good girl,” he purred, replacing his tongue with two fingers, “but if you want to cum, you’re gonna have to beg for it once more.”
“You’re such a fucking dick,” you groaned, an attempt of grinding your center onto Minho’s fingers failing miserably, “you’re being so unfair.”
“I’m unfair?” he scoffed, beginning his digits back to a bare minimum pace, “you’re the one
who was teasing me all night. I know Changbin is like, your best friend so there was no chance you were bringing him back to fuck him. Then you start to kiss me, hard and fast may I add, AND THEN ! you aren’t sure and you leave me to pretend like nothing happened.”
There was no witty comeback you could say in response because he was right. You were the one who has done the teasing for most of the night.
“You looked so fucked out right now baby,” his tone coming back to a calming medium, “begging for me to make you cum, which I can do right now,” he paused, climbing back to your side, lifting your left leg to continue his easy access to ur clit, “or you can beg even more to have my cock inside of you. The choice is yours.” You swallowed, hard. How could he say something so filthy? Out of all the times you had heard him bring other girls over, he would never talk like this. It was always so nice and calm, full of praise and compassion. Maybe they didn’t act like cock teases and let him just have what he wanted.
“C-cock,” you mumbled, pushing your backside against his now pulsating cock, “please give your cock sir.”
“Ooo sir, I like that one, but you’re gonna have to do more if you want me to fill you up princess.”
Words were becoming extremely hard to not only facilitate in your mind, but put them on your tongue and get out to him. He knew this. He knew your were on the brink of collapsing in cum, but the torture was too entertaining for him nonetheless. Although you're frustrated with him was increasing, you couldn’t lie to yourself that the way he was using you like a sex toy was turning you on. After being up his ass so long with rules around the house and how you wanted things done, it was nice to finally let go. Submit to his rules instead of yours.
“P-please Minho, sir’ you panted, head turning to look at the sadistic face of enjoyment he was having from this, “I’ll do anything, a-anything to have your cock inside of me right now.”
“Okay then tomorrow morning, you have to make me breakfast, AND wash my dishes.”
“Seriously,” you panted, “that’s what you're thinking about right now?”
“You said anything.” He shrugged, suddenly taking his fingers away from your dripping core. A gasp of disappointment came to your lips at the loss of delicious contact. Minho sat up, ducking under your leg, and positioning himself right back to where he was previously. However, this time, he was on his knees. Although you were touching it before, you really hadn't had a chance to look at how big it was: way more than what you expected. He stroked himself a couple of times, making sure not to get carried away with himself before he pushed it between your folds, letting his pre-cum mix with your juices. He slowly descended into you. Jaws dropping simultaneously, you gasped. The way he was stretching you out did burn a little bit, but once he was fully inside, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Minho waited until the look of slight discomfort faded from your features.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip and he slowly pulled himself back out. He kept a consistent, yet slow pace as leaned in closer to you. He was now hovering over, letting his face become buried into the middle of your breasts. The feeling was so immaculate, you were desperate to cling onto something for support.
“Dig them into me,” he groaned, strangling his vocal cords, “dig your nails into my back and scratch me like your life fucking depends on it.”
Perfect. You did as he pleased, a loud moan of his name wrestling from your lips as you felt the red marks appear on his backside. The pressure from before was already building in your stomach again, and he could tell. The way you were super tight for him was one, but the way you were now clenching around him was another. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer if you kept doing that.
“Fuck,” was all you could manage to say, a deep grin plastered on his face.
“You’re close aren't you,” he cooed, attaching his lips to your neck, “talk to me baby, tell me what you're feeling.
“Mhm, yeah, fuck I’m so close baby. H-Harder.”
The pitch of your tone was becoming whinier by the second. To add to that, the way you became confused, as if Minho was a vampire, because the way he was sucking on your neck was kind of painful. Nevertheless, you relished in it, knowing too well that a very, very dark mark would replace his mouth. The idea of him showing his possession of you, knowing that he finally won you over did not make you happy, nonetheless, you were too fucked out to care.
Your legs were now pushed all the way back, pace fastening by the minute, allowing Minho to push even deeper into you. And that was it. Right there, the spot you had never even known was even there.
“Ah fuck!” Your moan was loud this time, completely unable to control anything. The smirk, in combination with the satisfied growl that left his lips was a face of pure ecstasy as he realised that he had finally hit your G-spot.
“Fuck that feels so fucking good,” Minho grumbled, “are you close? Because I think I’m gonna cum.”
It was like your stomach was an orchestra. Minho’s words were the conductor, completely controlling how close you were to your release.
“Y-yes,” you cried, “I’m gonna cum so hard right now.”
“You wanna cum baby?”
“You wanna cum right now?”
“Yes baby,” you pouted, a perplexity of sounds escaping your lips, completely out of your control.
“Cum on my cock princess,” Minho whispered through what sounded to be like pained groans, “be a good girl and cum with me inside of you.”
And there it was, like it was on queue as your body completely flopped, legs shaking and a string of lewd curse words fell from your lips. The way your pussy clenched around him was enough to make him pull out, spilling into the dip of your stomach. A loud breath of what seemed to be exhaustion fell from his lips. Your eyes were previously screwed so shut, it hurt when you opened them again, sensitive to the light.
“Fuck,” you both cursed simultaneously, making one another giggle. Minho fell to your left side, flat on his back as he invited you to scooch over next to him. Face pressed against his chest, fingers playfully dragging up and down his torso. For some reason, he felt so safe and secure at this moment. Almost forgetting how he literally just fucked you into oblivion, your eyelids become heavy. It wasn’t until Minho spoke that you were revived from your alternate state of consciousness once more.
“I didn’t know you had it in you.” His voice sounded genuinely surprised, unsure if you should be offended or not. You looked up at him, quickly pressing a kiss to his cheek. He wasn’t sure how to react, but the dark shade tinting his face right now said enough.
“Please,” you scoffed, “You did me good, but was that the best you can do?”
He ran his tongue across his bottom lip, but down on it after, “Is that a challenge?”
You said nothing, instead sitting up and pushing your legs on either side of his hips. A soft moan escaped his lips as he felt your still dripping heat sitting on the base of him.
“Why don’t you find out and see?”
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n0b0dy11 · 3 years
Stepdad ~DreamWasTaken
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
"I'm living my teenage dream
and my adult one"
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Also I didn't know if I should mention this but like :
Y/n : your name
Y/n/n: Your nickname
Y/l: your last name
M/n: Mother's name
D/n: Dad's name
part one - part two - part three - part four
【!TW! swearing, mention of abuse, asshole boyfriends, mention of teen pregnancy, making out, hinting to making love (no smut though)】
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His boldness caught her of guard, "like a date?"
"Like a date."
"Yeah, yeah. I'd-I'd like that, send me the details," and with that she swiftly kissed his cheek again before almost running to her car.
"I got a date!" they both said out of disbelieve.
It was the day of their date. It was complete chaos.
Just chaos.
Nothing new.
Clay was being hysterical, he had been planning their date ever since she said yes which was, two days 8 hours and 12 minutes ago, yes he counted.
He couldn't believe it when she decided to go on a date with him, it made him feel like the happiest man alive. and dead, just the happiest man.
But it wasn't much better with Y/n. She had dropped of Layla at her mother's and went straight to a shop for 'the perfect dress'. Which was a hard task.
She hadn't been on a date since the jerk with the name of Jake. So, to say she was stressed was a bit of an understatement. She had already called six of her friends, but they all had the same advise; be yourself and you look beautiful.
It didn't really matter though because her head had an own way of thinking, which was a lot more pessimistic.
but now was the moment.
Clay had knocked on her door, with trembling hands, she had opened the door, with trembling hands.
Clay's breath was just gone. He didn't mean to sound cliché, but she had made him breathless with her beauty.
"You look," and for the rest there didn't follow anything. Just his eyes roaming around her figure.
"You look nice too," she giggled softly, he hadn't seen her this shy since they were in high school.
Even with their nerves the date went amazing. The food was great and they laughed almost the whole time. Only thing Clay didn't like was the waiter flirting with Y/n. But then again she hadn't noticed because her attention was so fixated on him, which made his ego grow twice the size already.
"I had an amazing time," she said to him. Clay had asked to drop her off, but now standing in front of her little house he didn't want to leave.
"i did too," he sighed drowning in her eyes, the most beautiful ones he had ever seen. "I would-I would like to take you on an-another one?"
"that'd be lovely."
He sighed, relieved and just started at her lovingly. She did the same but broke out of her trance sooner, "would you like to come in for a bit?"
The blonde just nodded his head, still to heavy daydreaming to answer. It made her laugh once more, which got him out of his daydream and chuckle a bit embarrassed.
"Would you like something to drink or eat? I know we just came from a restaurant but-"
"It's fine," he said smiling, she was always too sweet.
"Okay," and they sat in silence for a while. not uncomfortable. never, but they both did wish they had the guts or nerve to talk about something.
"Do you want to stay over? Like when we were teenagers, I don't have to pick Layla up till tomorrow afternoon."
"I'd like that."
So he stayed, and he didn't regret it one bit. He loved every minute of it, watching stupid romantic Disney movies while drinking some hot chocolate, they had enough wine already. When the end of the movie was nearing Y/n had laid her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I really want to stay this way."
"Me too," he sighed. Clay had always dreamed of this moment, wrapped around the person he loved the most, the only one he would ever love. It warmed his heart when she said this, meaning she felt the same.
"Where can I sleep? I don't want to overstep any boundaries," he asked softly trailing his fingers up her arm making her shiver slightly.
"You can just sleep with me," never would she have thought that she would say this, but he made her feel safe. He had always done, so when she was left with Jake she felt defenceless, because her safe place was gone.
She had it back now, she was never planning to let him go again.
"Okay," he said a mix of adoration and nervousness in his voice.
"Come on then," she had picked herself off the couch and out of his arms, which made both of them a bit colder. She had picked up his hand and tugged him up. "I never really gave you a tour of the house did I?"
He chuckled at her adorableness, he had been in her house few times but he never really had been around everywhere. "I haven't but, I would really like it in the morning then."
"Why?" she asked softly.
"Because right now, I just want to lay in bed with the most beautiful girl in my arms." he whispered against her neck. She had stopped walking and he had decided to stand so close...
"Alright," she breathed in defeat and slight nervousness at his boldness, but she didn't really mind. It was a bit exciting.
"Follow me."
So she led them to her bedroom, it was pretty big for their cozy house, but he could note that she gave the biggest room to Layla.
"The bathroom is there, but you can always just change in here," she giggled.
He laughed at her, "Maybe I will, but you wont be able to resist me then."
she just chuckled more, he loved it. They both hadn't noticed how close they had gotten. If he stepped a bit further he would have her trapped between him and the wall. Sooner their laughter died down and they just stared at each other. Completely lost in each other's eyes.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked. His breath had left him and his voice was soft almost lower than a whisper.
"Mhm," she hummed, unable to form words because of their proximity.
He wasted no time, his lips crashed with hers. Her lips were made for his, he could feel how good they were together. He had never felt so needy for someone.
Her lips were chapped and soft, he loved everything about them. Of course he had dreamed about kissing her since he was like old enough to understand love, but this had blown any expectations he had ever made.
What he loved most though was how she kissed him back with as much passion and adoration. He grunted lowly and pushed her against the wall. She loved it when she could hear how riled up he got.
"As much as I like where this is going," she muttered against his lips who were still trying to make as much contact as possible, "I have a kid I have to pick up tomorrow morning."
"I know," he sighed. His lips had detached from hers and were now lightly grazing and kissing the nape of her neck. His head dropped in the crook of her shoulder.
"Let's sleep then," she said softly.
"No wait," he said urgently. His blond hair lifted from her shoulder and flopped in front of his eyes.
"I know I should ask you on a second and third date and such but- I just, I don't want to wait that long," he said honestly, "Would you be mine? But if you're not ready I'll go on a second date and-"
But she cut him off, with placing her lips back on his. "I would love to," she whispered. It only made him smile wider and start kissing her all over her face. Y/n smiled at him too, "We really should sleep though."
"Let me enjoy the feeling of kissing my girlfriend for a moment," he mumbled dreamily.
She only giggled more, "Alright. Only if I can enjoy my boyfriend."
"Oh, I love the sound of that," he grinned. She kissed him once more, with a bit less hunger but just utter love.
In the end they finally got to bed, they had laughed kissed and joked around way too long, which ended in them being very sleepy in the morning. Y/n was the first to wake up.
Her head was turned to her window, while her back was to the wall, wait her bed wasn't against the wall?
So turning her head around she was met with the blond mop of hair from Clay. She slightly sighed of relieve but then remembered their date. Everything came back, how much fun they had on the date, how they continued to have fun at her house, how he asked to stay over, how they Kissed, ...
Her face heated up by remembering their kiss. When it finally settled in that he asked her to be his girlfriend she felt hot everywhere, as if she was blushing on her stomach and back too.
She tried the get up from the bed, not wanting to wake up Clay who looked too peaceful to disturb. But, every time she tried to stand up or free herself from his arms, they just snaked around her waste again while tightening making her stuck between his arms.
After a lot of attempts she just lied back down, her head resting against his chest and her arms dropped on top of his, their hands interlocking. She sighed dreamily, as she fell asleep again with a permanent smile on her face.
After she had fallen asleep again Clay had woken up. At first he didn't remember where he was before everything started settling in his mind too. He grinned while remembering everything, especially their kiss and her saying 'yes' to being his lover. Oh, how he loved to call her that.
As he smiled his eyes focused on the sleeping person in his arms, his arms tightened a bit more, forcing her to be flush against him. His action got a little giggle out of her. He chuckled slightly before resting his head in the crook of her neck, "Morning."
"Good morning."
"Slept well?"
"Very, you?"
"Like a baby."
"You are a baby."
"Your baby."
"No," she chuckled slightly, "that's Layla."
He smiled in her skin at the mention of the kid. Before it was wiped of his face, what would he tell her? Now that he was dating Y/n he could be her step-father?
But then again he should actually, like factly spoken, be married to Y/n to be her step-father right?
"What are you thinking about?" the said girl asked. He hadn't noticed that in his pondering she had turned around in his arms, now face to face with him.
"Layla," he answered softly, "I just, I don't want to be a father-figure if you don't want to but- I just- I don't know, would she even consider me to be your boyfriend? Would she hate me n-"
But he was cut of by his lover placing her lips in his, he melted into it as soon as at happened as if he hadn't been thinking about a pretty big 'issue' before.
"Layla is no problem," she said against his lips, "she loves you! She even asked me once if I could make you her 'daddy'."
"Really?" he asked shocked, but completely giddy at the thought.
"Yes really."
"Well don't we have a daughter to pick up?"
Y/n couldn't help but smile teary eyes at him. She loved how he had already accepted the fact that she had a child, he even called her 'their daughter' meaning he was considering to put himself out as father for Layla.
"Yeah, let's go pick up our daughter."
They were both a bit scared for Layla and Y/n's mother's reaction. "It's going to be okay," she whispered to Clay, holding his hand in hers while walking up to her old house.
"Yeah," he breathed. Although he wasn't to sure, he hadn't really spoken to her mother ever since they lost contact. Clay was scared he had messed up his chance at a normal relation with her parents.
"Y/n!" her mother said excited when she opened the door, "Clay?"
"Hey, M/n..." he said unsure.
"It's been so long!" she exclaimed, hugging him closely. AT first he stiffened not sure what to do. In the end he melted into the hug, just like when he was a teenager. He missed this, he missed the L/n family. He forgot how much of a huger M/n was, how he used to work in the garage with D/n, how he used to hang out with Y/n, he just missed everything.
While Clay and M/n were hugging Layla and D/n had walked out, Y/n's daughter jumped into her arms as soon as her mother came into view. D/n was stood in the doorframe smiling at his daughter with her own daughter, and at his wife hugging the boy he viewed his son, used to...
"Dad, Mom, can we talk?"
"Of course honey, come in," her mother replied softly, seeing Clay next to Y/n M/n already had her suspicion on what she wanted to say.
"Can I come mum?"
"Yeah," she said looking at Clay who nodded his head, already knowing what she wanted to talk about.
D/n had pulled out four chairs for them to sit, while M/n had ran inside to make get drinks and food.
"So, what did you have to say?" D/n asked.
"Uhm," Clay wasn't sure what to say, he had always been welcome in the L/n household but the numb tone coming from the man did hurt, but he couldn't find it in himself to get mad or irritated, it was his own fault.
"Clay and I have reconnected a few, I think some months back, and we uhm have decided to give dating a chance," Y/n said, taking Clay's hand in her own underneath the table. The small gesture made his heart melt a bit.
Her dad looked the boy up and down before smiling, "I never liked that Jake dude, but I know you Clay. If I ever have to give my daughter to someone I'm happy to do it to you."
Clay smiled slightly, he loved her really, her and her family so seeing that the man wasn't that mad with him comforted him.
"But if you ever pull a stupid stunt ever again, I will find you."
Clay gulped and nodded silently.
M/n laughed at her husbands antics, "he isn't that serious, but we do look out for our Y/n/n, so if you mess this chance up, we will stand by Y/n."
Even though this was kind of a serious, very serious, topic and warning, he couldn't help but smile. He was glad his lover had such a great family, not that he could complain. He was happy to be reunited with them again, he was never, ever, planning on going away again.
"I promise you, I don't want to leave again, I won't leave, never again."
Y/n smiled at her parents, her lover, and her little bean situated in her lap. "You better not, who will I play Minecraft with?!" Layla exclaimed.
For the rest of the day they shared laughs, stories, memories, and caught up, Clay and Y/n hadn't stopped smiling when they returned home.
"You know,' Clay stated, "I thought that would've gone way worse."
"Because I did something terrible to you."
The beautiful woman turned around staring in his eyes with disbelieve and love, she walked up to him cupping his cheeks, "that's the past now. If you're willing to stay, to be in this little family, we will always be good, I've forgiven you. You should too, stop blaming yourself."
He smiled softly, reaching his hands up to cup hers that were still on his cheeks, "I won't leave." He mumbled before leaning forward and kissing his lover.
he was already addicted to the feeling of her lips on his. As was she.
But they pulled apart when they hear a small gasp from the living room, they looked at Layla scared something happened, but when they saw her she was standing before them, eyes wide and mouth dropped open.
"You kissed my mom!"
Clay and Y/n chuckled at her, "i did," the blond stated proudly, "Gonna do something about it?"
"Nothing," she stated honestly, "You two are great together." Now they stood there with their mouths open, slightly surprised at her sudden change in attitude, she was talking so grown up.
"But!" the little girl yelled, "If you dare make my mom upset! I'll kick you out myself." She finished proudly, walking to her room leaving the adults alone.
"Did, did she just threaten you?"
"I think she did..."
Clay had chosen to stay a little longer in Y/n's house. They had watched some movies together, and laughed almost the whole time.
Even though Clay was happy, he couldn't say one moment were he had felt this happy. No, he was sure, this was the most happy he had ever known himself.
He started kissing Y/n's head, she was situated in his lap leaning against his chest. She hummed softly feeling the butterfly kisses against her hair, "What's on your mind?"
"Nothing," he answered still hiding his face in her soft hair.
"Okay, I was just thinking about how happy I am," he said suddenly;
She turned around at lightning speed. "Really?" she asked.
"Yeah," he answered, getting lost in her eyes.
"Me neither," she replied softly. He couldn't take it anymore and crashed their lips back together.
"Hmm," she hummed in satisfaction, against his lips. Her hands getting tangled in his hair, while his found their way on her hips pulling her comfortable in his lap again.
She, now straddling his hips, started to gently push him in the couch. "I love you," he mumbled against her neck. He had stopped his kisses when he realized what he said.
"It's okay if you didn't mean it ye-"
But he cut her off by kissing her again, his hand now on the back of her neck gently pushing her closer.
"No I meant it," he said, "just not sure if you wanted to hear or say it yet."
She smiled at his consideration, Jake never really did, "I love you too."
He groaned softly hearing her say that, he grabbed her neck again, kissing her more passionatally and rougher. Her hands found their way on his chest again. When they started to change positions, Clay on top and Y/n being straddled, the bell rung.
really? Now?
But they ignored it, untill they rang again, "just ignore it."
Again, "Clay-"
"No, no, I don't want to go."
She chuckled softly, "I have to get the door though."
they both sighed, Clay sitting up straight, while Y/n went to the door.
"Can I crash here tonight?"
"Of course, love," Y/n responded, not even aware about what she called him.
"I like the sound of that," he mumbled to himself, a grin plastered on his face.
He went in her room to change for the night, he had noticed that time had flown by and it was already midnight. Which made him think, who would knock on someone's door at this hour?
When Clay had gone to her room, Y/n went to the door. She wasn't sure who would be there but she didn't want to be rude if her neighbour needed something, or something like that.
but as soon as she opened the door she wanted to slam it back shut again, but the person's foot had been placed between the door and the frame making it impossible to close, without breaking his foot.
"hey Y/n/n," the person said, "did ya miss me?"
"No," she said, "No, no, no Go away Jake!"
Soo... it's already part three!!
I loved this not gonna lie, hehe, but if someone has something they want to see further in to the story just let me know! I also wanted to thank you all for the support around this series already!!
I hope you enjoyed, if you want to be reminded to the next chapter you can also just ask!
reminder: @ghostofscarley
(I know you didn't ask but you wanted it last time so I would think also for this part,)
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resident-mercie · 3 years
ayyo there !! i have a request for you, would you make piers nivans ( piers from re6 ) x reader ( nsfw ) ? anyway thank youuu & i hope you have a very nice day 🤍✨
( just wanna tell yo fanfics is so 🤩🤌🏻✨ )
hi there!! first of all, thank you so much <33 secondly, i'm so glad you sent me a request!! apologies for the delay! (*´・v・)
Piers Nivans Smut One-Shot - A Warm Welcome (NSFW.)
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"Hey, honey..." Piers nudged you slightly, waking you from your slumber. "I'm finally back."
You awoke with a sleepy smile, gently pulling back the sheets, beckoning Piers to come to bed after a long shift.
"You're back." You smile, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "How was it? Are you hurt at all?"
Piers gave you a smile back, running his hands gently through your hair.
"No, no. Don't worry about all that now. We're you okay while I was gone? You've made sure to drink and eat properly, right? Sleeping well too?"
You bit your lip. You always struggled whenever Piers was away on missions, usually worrying for his safety, which often left you to neglect your own health accidentally. Your sleep had been a little skewed, and your appetite had dwindled since his departure. You didn't want to lie to him, so you shook your head silently.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. It'll all be okay." Piers traced his thumb gently over your hand for a bit, the room growing quiet. The only thing you could hear was the regular breathing of you and Piers. "I'll be back in a second. I'm gonna clean up and get changed."
Piers came back after cleaning up, wearing just a pair of grey sweatpants, and snuggling up to you in bed. He held you in a way where his hands were gently laid upon your stomach, his body pressed lightly against yours. You could feel his gentle breath against your neck, as he whispered into your ear.
"I promise I'll be fine, wherever I go. Please make sure you take care of yourself."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize, it's okay." Piers whispered, placing a kiss against your neck, your cheeks heating up slightly. It'd been a while since you two had been intimate together.
You rolled over to face Piers, his hands resting on your lower back now. Your lips met his in a series of sleepy kisses, his fingers tracing over the waistband of your pyjama shorts.
"I missed you so much while you were gone." Piers let out a heavy sigh, placing kisses against your forehead. His hands slid underneath your shorts, rubbing his fingers against your inner thighs. You couldn't help but bite your lip, letting out a small whimper.
"You liked that, huh?" Piers whispered into your ear, placing another kiss against your neck. "It's okay. I'm here."
Piers inched his hands further up your thighs, starting to slowly massage your sex, coaxing a quiet moan from you. This was intimate. When you were with Piers, it felt like it was just the two if you in the entire world.
Using one hand to massage your sex, Piers used his other hand to pull you closer, unable to stop yourself from quivering against his touch. You were the apple of his eye – just watching you struggle to contain your orgasm was more than enough for him.
"Piers, I—" You panted, his fingers beginning to speed up, shaking against his touch. He kissed your neck tenderly, his kisses occasionally draping to your collarbone. You were close, his fingers still massaging your wetness, his pace still increasing.
"Piers!" You moaned, eyes rolling back as you came against his touch, quivering and pulsating as Piers still continued, his pace gradually slowing as you let out soft moans against his neck.
"I'm so glad you're back, Piers." You panted, holding him closer.
"Me too." He cooed, removing his hand, resting them both against your lower back. "Let's continue this tomorrow, yeah? I love you."
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seka1-k0k0ro · 3 years
movie night.
fushiguro megumi
summary: megumi and y/n have been dating for three months and they sneak in the middle of the night for a movie date.
part two!
genre: fluff + mild seasoning warnings: it gets a lil hot in here; fem reader
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[lower case intended + not edited].
gojo, as usual, always has to make a big entrance. he was back from one of his 'business trips' when he alerted the students it was time for lunch. megumi made his way over to his girlfriend who was chatting with his classmate,
"hey, itadori, don't you got a finger to eat? scram." yuuji rolled his eyes and walked away. you nudged megumi's waist.
"really?" you looked at him expectantly.
"whatever, let's go. i'm hungry." you laughed as he laced his fingers with yours.
both of you made the way to the lunchroom and sat down together at a table. you had begun bringing lunches from the dorms instead of eating at school, and you, shortly after, begun bringing megumi a lunch. you two waited for the rest of the friends as you ate together.
"what is this?" megumi poked at his food.
"don't be picky, and eat it." he scoffed and took a bite. he was surprised at good it tasted despite it looking terrible. he consumed more at a faster pace which made you laugh. "do you like it?" you asked and megumi smirked.
"yeah, but it needs salt, so it's a no from me." he never meant to hurt your feelings, but he did want a reaction. you, however, knew his tricks and picked two packets of salt from the lunch bag.
"then make it salty." megumi scowled as he snatched the packets and drenched his food in it. he mumbled like always. his features always wore a relaxed, unbothered look.
he finished his main dish and looked over to you who was almost done. you returned his glances and broke out into laughter. megumi sat there confused. your hand reached out and wiped away a bit of sauce close to his lips. a barely visible blush appeared on his face as he felt her soft hands linger around his mouth.
"you're such a messy eater, 'gumi." megumi's blush was now noticeable but only later inflamed as you licked the sauce off of your finger—your tongue poking through your lips. your eyes never left his. his hands were clammier than ever and his mouth was dry. he averted his eyes while he tried to calm his acrobatic stomach.
for the past week, sensual gestures had become a persistent occurrence. your touch would linger and your desires seemed to be growing wilder. megumi thought it was all in his head, so he didn't think much when you invited him for a 2am movie night.
he made sure he heard no noise around when he carefully made his way to your dorm. he knocked on your door softly and you greeted him with a hug. you let megumi inside the dimly lit room. he took this chance to see what you were wearing, and his body tingled at the sight. you were wearing one of his t-shirts. that's it. he felt his underwear tighten underneath his sweats as he tried to focus on something else.
"i'm popping popcorn, so you can go pick a movie." he nodded and used the remote to pick a movie on the tv. he took a sip of water, and megumi looked over to you trying to reach something on the shelf. the shirt you wore rode up exposing the underwear hiding underneath, and he choked. he coughed loudly and you quickly went to him—using a blanket to muffle his coughs. "learn how to drink water properly or we'll get caught." megumi's eyebrows furrowed, and he whisper yelled raspily,
"well maybe if you'd put pants on then we'd be fine!" you laughed. you both noticed the position. megumi was laying back on the headboard and you were leaning against his shoulders. you brought your arms around his neck and played with hairs at the back of his head.
"awe, do i distract you?" you used a hand to pinch his cheek, "how cute." he looked at you dumbfoundedly at the new boldness. you handed the popcorn into megumi's chest, breaking his trance. he was mumbling complaints under his breath; his normally nonchalant features gracing his face again. he set the bowl on the other side of him as you sat on his lap. he wrapped his arms around your waist as you cuddled up in his arms. the covers were wrapped around each other, and the movie began; a small smile present on megumi's face.
an unexpected jump scare flashed the screen and you flinched. your skin crawled, and you felt uncomfortable. you began to squirm and move around slightly. megumi stiffened. the movement close to his lower region reminded him of your current apparel, and how little it was.
your relationship with megumi has only been ongoing for three months, and you two have only shared hugs, cuddles, and short goodbye/goodnight kisses. never have you two gone far, and he was fine with it. he wanted to be patient and not rush you. could all of your gestures be eluding to wanting more than the minimum?
another jumpscare made you flinch harder than before making you slightly bounce on his lap. megumi bit his lip trying to compose himself.
"tch—y/n, stop moving so much, and pay attention." you smiled sheepishly and stopped. after about five minutes you began to move around again. you continued to squirm more noticeably than before, and your movements were harsher and deeper. megumi was just about to lose it. his breathing shallowed and his mouth was dry no matter how much water he drank. the screen flashed again scaring you, and your hips dug the deepest they had into his lap.
megumi let out a breathy moan as he gripped your thighs to hold you down. the butterflies did flips and you turned around in shock. megumi's hand flew up to his mouth.
"did you just-"megumi interrupted you.
"shut up! it was your fault. you wouldn't stop fucking moving." you smirked. "what you looking at huh?" megumi flushed, and you rested your arms around his shoulders while your hands explore his soft black hair.
you teasingly grind your hips against his unexpectedly, and megumi choked out a gasp. megumi's pants tightened more, and he was breathing heavier than before. you leaned in to steal a long kiss. megumi returned it as he massaged your thighs making you hum against him. megumi broke away for air.
"we're gonna miss the movie," he grumbled as he's never gone this far with you or anyone. he was in uncharted territory. he didn't know what to do besides stop or continue. you kissed along his jaw as he tensed at the presence.
"the movie can wait." you brought your lips back to his. he couldn't help but kiss back, and he kissed roughly. his hands were shaking as he brought them to your bottom, squeezing harshly. you sighed and he slipped his tongue in. you kissed for a while more until breaking away for air, both panting.
"holy shit, princess." megumi said breathlessly. he leaned in again kissing against your jaw, trailing down to your collarbone. you moved your hips again and megumi groaned against your skin. you gasped as he found your sweet spot, biting down harshly.
"i love you, megumi," you said as your head tilted back slightly giving him more room. he froze. the four words startling him as they were never spoken before. he pulled away.
with the lamp and the tv in the background being the only source of light, your breathless face looked ethereal. your cheeks were tinted warm, and your mouth was slightly ajar. your hands rested against his chest, and he felt his own cheeks grow hot. you grew self-conscious. "did i say something wrong?" you bit your lip and fiddled with her hands as you looked down.
"i love you too." your head shot up, eyes wide, and mumbled,
"took you long enough." he smiled as he admired you. he brought his hand up to your cheek and led you to close the distance. megumi's hand rested at your hip while the other was at your jaw. the kisses continued.
you nudged megumi's hand that sat at your waist up to cup your breast. megumi smiled into the kiss, smug, and fondled your tits. you moaned his name against his lips as your kisses grew hotter and deeper. he pulled away.
"maybe we should stop here before we start something we can't stop, hmm?" you hummed.
"you're right, but only if you sleep here tonight." megumi nodded as he helped you tidy up before bed. you've slept in the same bed before, aplenty, so it was nothing new.
you laid together, and megumi smiled, "what was that today, huh?" your cheeks heat as you dug your head into his chest.
"shut up." megumi chuckled as he kissed your forehead.
"goodnight princess."
"goodnight megumi."
this was almost completely self-indulgent but anyways hope you enjoyed :3
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nakachuchu · 4 years
First Date | Okkotsu Yuuta
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SYNOPSIS: It's his first date with you and he's nervous.
READER: gender neutral
WORDS: 756
WRITTEN: 03/22/2021
NOTES: Thank you for requesting from me, my pretty moot 🥺 @sukirichi
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Yuuta's heart was pounding out of his chest. He had never been on a date before. He was lucky enough that you said yes to him.
He swore he was going to faint. He made sure to drink water when he woke up, but suddenly he felt as if he hadn't drunk anything in the past week.
He got to the café half an hour too early. He couldn't sleep the whole night, and when he finally did, his alarm woke him up a mere three hours later.
The bags under his eyes weren't new, but he did his best to cover them up. He even resorted to getting on his knees to borrow concealer from Kugisaki.
She graciously covered up his eye bags for him, going as far as praising herself as being an absolute goddess and amazing friend.
Because of how nervous he was, he got ready too quickly. With his heart already pumping at an alarming rate, everything he did felt too slow until he realized he still had more than an hour to kill.
He did his best to take his time in walking to the café, even resorting to taking the long way. He still managed to get there half an hour early.
He didn't mind waiting—kind of. His knee was bouncing and his fingers were drumming on the table as he waited for you.
He had liked you for the longest time, and while the two of you subtly flirted with each other, it was never official between you two until he asked you out on a date.
Inumaki and Panda congratulated him on building enough confidence to do so, and even Maki patted his back proudly.
The waitress who was the server for the table Yuuta sat at refilled his water for the fourth time since he got there.
He made sure to pointedly tell her that he was there for a date so that she wouldn't kick him out for waiting for too long.
"Hi, did you wait long?"
He was so nervous that he didn't notice you were right next to him, looking at him with a soft smile.
"N-No," he answered as you sat across from him.
You smiled. "Yuuta, it's okay. Breathe."
He let out air that he didn't know he was holding in. You leaned over and patted his hand that was on the table.
"I was nervous too," you said.
It wasn't hard for you to notice that he was nervous. Poor boy was practically a tomato.
"I still am a bit nervous," you added. "But what matters is that we're here to have fun, right? You remember what that is, right?"
He let out a breathless chuckle and nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry, Y/N."
"No apologizing," you scolded. "It's normal to be nervous. It's my first date ever."
"R-Really? You've never gone on a date before?"
You shook your head. "Have you?"
"Then it's both of our firsts. Are you hungry?" you asked.
He was so nervous this morning that his stomach was all bundled up. He didn't have an appetite at all. But now, he was absolutely starving.
"I'm starving," he quietly admitted.
You laughed. "Me too. I was so nervous that I couldn't eat."
He felt much better about himself after learning you experienced the same things as he did.
The two of you ordered after looking at the menu, and the waitress was secretly relieved that Yuuta wasn't stood up.
The two of you talked about various things while eating lunch. You talked about your family, your life before curses, and even your embarrassing emo phase in middle school.
Yuuta was the one who picked this café after many hours of scrolling through various social media platforms.
He wanted to take you to a nice and small café where the two of you would be able to relax and talk freely.
It proved to be useful in getting him to relax, and he was glad he picked this café.
After eating lunch, he paid for the bill—even though you fought him for it—and the two of you left to take a stroll in a nearby park.
He blushed when you took the initiative of holding hands, but squeezed your hand to let you know that he appreciated it.
He felt at peace with you. There wasn't a single murderous curse in eight and the breeze was nice against his skin.
It had been years since he was able to relax this much, and he had you to thank.
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sofreddie · 3 years
Our Kind of Love 2
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Summary: Jensen's having a hard time adjusting to the changes in their lives.
Characters: Alpha!Intersex!Danneel x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Intersex!Danneel x Beta!Jensen, Alpha!Jared x Omega!Gen
ABO BINGO: Small-statured Alpha
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, Angst
Word Count: 1,339
A/N: For @spnabobingo square: Small-statured Alpha. Beta'd by @danneelsmain.
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Jensen had just finished making dinner as the ladies made their way downstairs, following the mouthwatering scents. Dani stopped in her tracks though, instinctively shielding Y/N behind her as she caught note of Jensen's bitterness.
"I figured you'd be hungry," Jensen sighed, leaning against the island after putting the finishing touches on the dishes. Lingering looks and stares passed between the three of them as the silence and tension drew out.
"Why don't we all sit together?" Dani suggested, guiding Y/N towards the island counter and onto one of the stools. She kept her head bowed, not wanting to further upset the agitated Beta.
He was a large man, imposing, and could easily be mistaken for an Alpha. Dani, on the other hand, looked like an Omega. She was slender and feminine, her delicate features something Y/N wanted to study for hours on end. Though Y/N suspected her Alpha could be a beast if warranted.
Jensen shook his head in disbelief, laughing humorlessly to himself before staring Dani in the eye, "I understand that you need your Omega. And I understand that you and I are still the same," he assured Dani, "But that doesn't mean I'm okay with it, that I'm okay sharing my wife."
"No," he slammed his hand on the counter, his anger finally coming forth. His Beta senses suggested maybe challenging an Alpha wasn't his best move, but he ignored that part of him.
Y/N jumped in surprise and Dani grew defensive of her Omega, stepping closer to her to fend off the threat. Jensen scoffed.
"I can't do this right now," he shook his head, heading fast out of the kitchen. Dani ran after him, leaving Y/N sitting alone in the unfamiliar kitchen. After several moments of harsh whispers, Y/N heard the door slam, a distraught Dani returning.
Y/N's heart sank, feeling her Alpha's sadness. She wanted to go to her, comfort her Alpha. Dani sensed it and shook her head, moving to the other side of the counter and dishing up plates for them.
"You need to eat," she explained, sitting down next to Y/N.
"He just needs some time to cool down," she sighed, pushing around the food on her plate, "He's gone to Jared's, I'm sure," she rolled her eyes.
Y/N got the feeling she wasn't really talking to her so much as just talking, "And he's worried about me having someone else. He and Jared are practically married! They spend more time together-" she stopped herself, closing her eyes, "Eat."
Y/N had a feeling there was a recurring argument on that topic. There was so much she didn't understand. Guilt and elation were equally weighing on her. How could she be happy if her Alpha was miserable? Maybe this was all a mistake.
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Gen smiled as she answered the front door, her smile quickly fading once she saw Jensen. It wasn't that he was there, she was used to that. Jared and Jensen dropped in on each other all the time. What bothered her was his disheveled hair and clothes, the flush to his skin, and the fire in his eyes.
"What happened?" she asked, ushering him inside with an arm around his waist and shouting across the house for Jared. He came bounding into the room with a big grin until he saw Jensen.
Jared was pure Alpha, through and through, though he was very kind and warm. But when it came to family - and especially Jensen - his Alpha kicked into overdrive, ready to protect.
Jensen's eyes met Jared's and he felt about to cry, "Dani found her Omega."
Gen guided Jensen to sit on the couch, Jared moving to the drink cabinet and fixing a whiskey for them both.
"You need a drink," Jared offered him the glass and Jensen downed it in one go. Jared gave Jensen the other full glass before going back to the cabinet and pouring another for himself.
Jensen explained the whole thing, finishing off his second drink by the time he was done.
"She said she's not leaving," he began explaining as Gen Sat next to Jared on the loveseat, "S-she wants us both," he huffed.
"Are you worried about sharing her?" Gen asked.
"I don't want to share her," he admitted, "I don't want to get replaced either. I'm just a Beta."
"You're not just a Beta and you know that," Jared chastised, "I don't see why you're so upset. You're not losing Dani, you're gaining a second wife," he chuckled, "Dude, it could be Penthouse Forum up in there!"
"Jare!" Gen shoved him lightly and shook her head, "Would be kind of hot," she added after a pause, her mind now mulling over the details.
"Such a dirty little Omega," Jared growled, pecking her lips before Jensen cleared his throat, bringing them back to the conversation.
"Is everything a dirty joke to you?" Jensen teased, cracking the smallest of smiles.
"It wouldn't hurt to at least try to be friends with her," Gen said, "You're going to be spending the rest of your lives together," she let that settle into Jensen's mind. With Y/N and Dani mated and Dani and Jensen married, the three of them were going to have to learn to live together. He didn't want to admit that she was right, but she was.
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Jensen stumbled into the house, yanking his keys from the door and trying to quietly shut and lock it behind him. A few hours and drinks later and he walked back home, Jared's house not far from his own.
He was grateful they sat and talked it out with him. When he first left, he wasn't sure if his marriage would last. Now at least he felt confident enough to come back home. He tried not to think of them likely cuddling and asleep upstairs.
Deciding he needed some water before passing out, he made his way to the kitchen. He almost didn't see Y/N sitting at the island with her own bottle of water.
"What are you doing down here?" Jensen asked, his tone tired and gentle as he retrieved his own bottle. He tossed the cap, taking several gulps before leaning back against the counter.
"Just got thirsty," she said, showing him the bottle. They both drank in awkward silence for a while.
"I don't hate you," Jensen finally spoke. Y/N's head popped up in surprise, "I don't really like you very much right now," he added, "But we're gonna have to try to get along, for Dani's sake.
"My name's Jensen," he nearly growled out, "Jay's not for you."
"Jensen? Really?" Y/N chuckled, seeing him getting riled once more, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry."
"Is she okay?" he asked after another long pause between them.
"She's asleep," Y/N said, "She wasn't so great after you left. We laid together in the guest room for a while, but then she went back to her room I guess," she shrugged, but Jensen knew that had to hurt her.
He wanted to be happy about that, but he found he was only saddened by the rift between them. New mates were supposed to rejoice in their bond and Jensen had to go and ruin that with his tantrum.
"I'm gonna head to bed," Y/N hopped off the stool and tossed her empty bottle in the recycling, "You should go check on Dani," she offered as a final word before retreating upstairs. Jensen heard the guest room door click closed and he sighed.
He finished off his own water before heading upstairs into his bedroom. Dani was asleep on the bed in her usual spot and it made him smile. He stripped off his layers before climbing in bed behind her. She stirred and turned towards him, her eyes fluttering open.
"Yeah, it's me," he said, accepting the desperate kiss she gave him, reciprocating in kind. They wordlessly settled into the bed and fell to sleep, both silently worrying over the Omega in the other room.
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All You Had To Do Was Stay
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 5
"They paid the price"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the Stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 4,539
Warnings: angst, Hydra, some blood, Loki being an asshole
A/N: what can you expect from track 5 other than angst?
A/N: a big thank you to @chrissquares for the amazing dividers! and @nacho-bucky for beta reading and putting up with me!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
song on Spotify and YouTube
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"Soon we'll be landing in another Hydra base." Steve gathered everyone then.
"Okay, Thor you will go with Natasha; Clint you're with Loki; Bucky you will be with Y/N." he hasn't talked to you since that midnight talk. You couldn't blame him, not completely.
The team separated inside the base, eyes searching for the unusual weapons. Lately the activities of Hydra have risen more and more. Their kills were certainly not of normal weapons, the wounds weren't all fatal but the innocents were killed nonetheless.
"We're on the east wing, Steve. According to the tech Bruce gave us, there's some activity where we are heading."
You and Bucky kept your guns up and at three you burst into the room. But it was empty to your surprise. Cautiously, you stepped inside and examined what you saw in there. Grenades and various arsenals were placed inside boxes, and some were outside on tables taken apart with tools besides them.
"Don't touch them, last time I did it exploded in my face."
"I'm not as stupid as you are, Y/N." maybe you could shoot him just to annoy him, you thought.
"Ah, so you found some of our weapons," the voice startled you. "Nice to see you again, Soldat."
Turning around with your weapons, you attempted to shoot the guys that walked in. The scientist in the middle was unarmed, or so you thought. The agents spread out, and at some point they overpowered you because the next thing you knew, your gun was nowhere to be seen, and your arms were pinned behind your back as the guy in front of you got closer.
You couldn't let him do that, now could you? You locked eyes with him until he got hazy and fell to the ground shaking. Knocking your head against the guy that was holding you back, giving you just enough view of him to send him off to the darkest place in his head, all the while you didn't notice the scientist watching you. When he fell to the floor, the scientist sent all the other guys over from Bucky to you, caging you in, you felt yourself being dragged out of the room, yelling for Bucky who was there with only a few agents and the scientists.
Bucky hurried for you but now he could see the strange weapon in the scientist's hand. It looked like a sword, with a gem at the bottom. He fought the scientist and anyone around him but then he felt a cutting wound where the blade pierced through his stomach.
"Sorry this had to end this way, Soldat." The scientist laughed and Bucky fell to the floor with a shriek.
You finally managed to break free from the guys holding you down. Fighting them off one by one, until you managed to get them all to fall down in pain, then you went on to Bucky.
You saw him on the ground bleeding, not even caring about the guys in the room as you fell next to him.
"We need backup, Bucky is down!" you yelled to the comms. You tried to stop the bleeding- it was faster than it should be for a supersoldier.
"This doesn't feel right Y/N, run."
"No." A guy went for you, and you noticed he was averting his gaze from you, but you didn't let it affect you, you surged forward from Bucky and tackled him down and sent him to sleep.
Then you went for the scientist which still held the weapon, now closed back in its place, as he looked at you amused.
"What did you do to him?" you yelled more than asked. Soon enough you heard footsteps and to your relief Bucky was now with Thor and Steve.
Loki looked at the soldier on the ground and then at the weapon he recognized. Worried, he yelled at you.
"Y/N stay in this room, do not leave!" he went forward with his daggers, cut through the agents until he got to the doctor who was trying to run. Catching him and knocking him out, he took away the old weapon. Then he left him there, not caring about him anymore.
Holding the delicate weapon, he went back to the fallen soldier who was still bleeding out.
The god crouched down next to him and a worried Steve and he pulled out the gem at the hilt of the sword, putting it over Bucky's wound. The soldier sighed in relief at the contact, and Loki muttered a quick incantation which helped the soldier heal.
The blonde looked frightened at his friend, who only nodded to Loki in thanks.
The scientist was long gone.
He started noticing the subtle change at lunch that day.
Thor had dragged him back to eat with all the others when he insisted on going back to his books. The others weren't as bothered with him today when he sat next to you, each minding their own business. Occasional loud conversations started which he stayed out of until he caught onto one conversation.
"I remember the first time I held a bow and arrow." Clint said before being shot off.
"Nah not interesting Katniss, I think my origin story is way better, I was in a cave!"
The table caught onto the conversation and the roars began.
"I got bitten by a spider!" Peter looked over at Tony. "That's pretty cool, right Mr. Stark?"
"Yeah kid, that is badass." Tony ruffled the kid's head.
"I'm a Russian spy, that's more badass!" Natasha quipped.
"The kid can lift an elephant and stop a vibranium arm!" Bucky chuckled.
"I was holding back, I wasn't going to punch a kid!"
"Sure you were." Peter blushed under the Sergeant's look. Tony just brought him in a side hug.
"Does a sad unwilling origin story count?" Bruce asked, cleaning his glasses.
"Do you really want to start this, Doc? I was drafted." Bucky snickered.
"In that area, Y/N has a good shot actually." You huffed at that.
"Understatement, I don't even know where these powers came from. My origin story is the only one that can make it to Buzzfeed Unsolved!"
"Add to that what happened at the start- now that was brutal."
You took a sip out of your glass and clanked it with Bucky and Bruce.
"Y/N, what are they talking about?" Loki leaned to whisper to you.
"Oh nothing, don't worry about it." She shrugged him off
"What about my brother? Why don't you join the conversation-" Thor put a hand on the younger brother's shoulder. The brother only scowled.
"Oh please, being a prince with magic, then wanting to take over New York and failing? I'd hardly call it a good competition to what we have here." You snorted. Silence spread over the room, you put your drink down and looked around confused. Some were looking at you, Natasha bit down on her tongue, the others were looking down uncomfortably. Wanda spoke up before you could question your team.
"Hey, mine is out of spite!" Wanda chimed in, her perky voice released the tension in the room. "I obviously win."
Loki remembered those days when he stayed even in the mornings and you would come back from work and tell him all about your day. You'd lay there on your couch or on a stool in the kitchen and you'll tell him all about your day until he eventually felt comfortable telling you all about his, letting you into his life.
Loki walked out of the elevator to your floor, annoyed that he couldn't just teleport himself to the door of your apartment.
He heard your voice telling him to come in after he knocked, turning the knob of the door, he walked in and saw you organizing the living room table with plates and drinks.
"What do we have here?" he nodded to the boxes lying on the bigger table. You chuckled as he closed the door and locked it.
"Well hello to you too, Loki." You looked around, biting your lip. "What do you mean?"
"Those boxes, what did you do?" he eyes them suspiciously as he sat down on the sofa.
"I got us Pizza?"
"A what?" he looked at you like a confused puppy and you hated how adorable he looked.
"You're joking, right?" you put one box on the table. "I know you're British or whatever, but are you seriously telling me that where you are from- they don't have Pizza? What kind of uncultured place do you come from?"
"Maybe I'll tell you another time." He grinned lowly, if only you knew.
He perked up as you opened the box and a welcoming smell filled the air.
"Loki, meet Pizza." You grinned at him and expectedly brought him one on a plate. "Come on, you're going to love it."
He certainly loved meeting you more and more, ever since you met he made sure to keep in touch- he even bought one of those cell phones. He didn't know what it was about you.
He learned that you always tell him the truth, and you certainly did with this food as well when he took a bite. It was different than anything he knew back from Asgard. Good type of different, if he was honest with himself then so were you.
He smiled at the proud grin you held for him when he voiced his approval.
You started to tell him about your day after that.
"Oh, also I just saw a picture of a baby bat, it was so cute." You shook your head fondly.
"I'm sorry, please continue what you were saying." He said after the silence that took over the room.
"Oh no, that was it." You laughed nervously at him, looking down at your drink.
"Why did you tell me that then?"
"Just because? Sometimes you can just talk about nothing at all with someone if you enjoy talking to them."
"So," he put a hand on the back of the sofa right next to you, turning his gaze onto you. "You're just talking to me, and telling me stuff with no meaning behind it?"
"Yeah, is that bad?" you couldn't look at him and he just looked at the floor in thought. Humans were certainly peculiar.
"No, it is not bad." You didn't question hid odd questions, but took comfort in his answer. The conversation returned to normal, and with time you started seeing him try to do the same. It was cute.
"We have enough power now, Sir. But we can get more." The head scientist and the other agents had escaped from the base with most of the important weapons.
"What are you suggesting?" the man sat on a chair, a delicate long staff rested on a pedestal in front of him.
"We can keep the asset to ourselves." The man on the chair raised an eyebrow at him. "Commander Iago please, let me explain!"
"Doctor Zazu, we cannot betray the one who provided us with such powerful weapons! We will be doomed."
"I saw the Soldat today. I remember working on him when I first joined here. He was marvelous, so obedient," the doctor drifted off for a bit. "But now, we can get a new Soldat, we can keep the asset for ourselves and make an ever better Soldat!"
"But what will we do with our provider? It will be breaking our agreement." Commander Iago raked his hand through his red hair.
"All these weapons are stolen! If we have the asset- we will be unstoppable!"
The commander thought about the prospect of having another winter soldier.
"Gwen," he called to a girl who quickly walked into the room, rushing. "Wake up the sleeper agent."
You curled the white sheets tighter around you when Loki got out of the bed. Prompting up on your elbow, you asked him
"Do you have to go? We can just sleep in for a few hours, or maybe like half the day?" you trying to tame your messy hair a bit.
"The sword must be put back in its place. I will be back shortly."
"Okay, if you say so." You put your head back on the pillow and Loki gently kissed your forehead, earning a content hum from you, and left the room.
He reentered your room that night, not surprised to find you asleep but rather glad, it gave him time. His mind travelled to earlier in the day, and his first day here.
You did tell him about your powers, after he experienced it first-hand. But it didn't make sense to him, he felt the power oozing from you yet none seem to have figured out the source he even doubted they could sense the power in you. He certainly would've glossed over it if he hadn't still remembered past you.
You laid there sleeping in peace when his mind was racing, and he couldn't hold himself back. He reached out for your powers, hoping that they will separate from you and not wake you up. Leaning back on the wall, he closed his eyes and sent himself into your head, connecting to your powers.
It was familiar, he sensed it overwhelming him the longer he tried to dive in. just when he thought he had it, just when the familiarity grew and he knew he was close to the very core of this power inside of you- it was as if he hit a blockade and was pushed out by an aggressive force. The next second you woke up with a gasp, your blurry vision faded out when you came back to reality and noticed Loki.
"Loki?" your heavy breaths filled the room until he answered.
"I'm here, are you okay?" he went towards the bed.
"Yes, just had a nightmare." You shook your head at the memories of the dark place.
"Why don't you go back to sleep, I'll join you in a bit." You were out soon enough, tiredness taking over you.
He hesitantly walked over to you, hand raised to rest on your forehead, but he pulled back with a hiss when he was being held back from touching you.
Reluctantly he walked over the other side of the bed, laying there on his back and staying away from you. Before he could fall asleep, you pulled him to you, wrapping your arms around him you laid your head on his chest.
"Hey, little guy." Sam snickered beside you. You hardly saw Steve these days, but you knew Sam just came back from an early run with him.
"I'm older than you!" Scott grunted when you found him in the kitchen.
"She called you tiny, tic-tac, not young."
"As far as I remember, my little ass beat your ass when we met." Your shocked look made Sam grumble and Scott laugh.
"You never told me that! Oh Scott tell me everything!" sitting next to him, he began to tell you the story.
"So, I have manners so I introduced myself obviously-" you nodded along.
"Okay, listen- you can tell her but no telling Cap, I'll never hear the end of it." Sam pointed a spoon at the man who only shrugged and threw you a side smile.
"So, I haven't seen you in a while. How is Cassie doing?"
"She is great, won at a spelling bee! She was so happy." His smile was contagious, whenever he talked about his daughter he wouldn't stop gushing, which was adorable. "Have you ever thought about it?"
"About what?"
"Settling down, having some normal between this hero stuff." He leaned on one hand, and you faltered a bit.
"No, I don't think that's my thing." Sam sat with his coffee in front of you.
The next minute Loki came into the kitchen too. You didn't have to look behind you, gauging by Scott's reaction the Asgardian god stood there in the kitchen.
He didn't bother making conversation with the mortal but rather taking a sit next to you, and kissing your temple. You averted your eyes from Scott who looked over at Sam now. Sam shook his head.
Clearing your throat, you tried to break the silence.
"Scott, did you meet Loki?" you didn't wait for an answer. "Thor and he are here helping us with Hydra."
"No, I can't say that I did."
"Where were you this morning? You never wake up that early." Loki snaked a hand around you. You knew he did it because of Scott and you were a little uneasy about it.
"Oh I just needed to run over some stuff with Mike." You shrugged.
"Who is this Mike?" you didn't like the tone in his voice.
"Just a guy from S.H.I.E.L.D. so calm it."
You tried to focus your conversation on Scott again, ignoring the jealous god sitting beside you.
After your passionate sleepless nights, in the next few days Loki saw you more and more getting up early for work. He almost asked you to stay one time, when you uncurled from his awoken form.
"What if I came with you?"
"You'll spook him up and he won't be able to work properly." You leaned over him and gave him a slight peck. "Besides, you're going to Asgard with Thor later today, right?"
"Yeah, I'll be gone for a couple of days." He was getting up when you sat on his lap.
"I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too."
Sleepless, Steve groaned and grabbed his jacket and went up to the roof of the tower. He had barely slept between his fight with you and watching his best friend almost get killed by an alien weapon which then was held and brought back by none other than Loki.
Getting up, he looked around at the city when he went to his usual sitting space. This night it wasn't empty, he was surprised to see you sitting there, in his sweatshirt.
He went and sat down next to you. It was quiet for a while.
"Can't sleep?"
You shook your head in response.
"I'm sorry, Steve." You turned your head to look at him, your cheeks flushed from the cold. "What I said was way out of place and I just couldn't think clearly through all of my fury." You could feel your eyes beginning to sting. You couldn't fight with Steve.
"It's okay, I shouldn't have screamed at you. I can't fully blame you I am just-" he took your cold hands in his. "I feel protective over you, you're family to me and you know that."
"Loki was my family for a long time too, once." You muttered to him.
"Are you sure he won't hurt you? Can you really just trust him like that?" he asked and you sighed, not seeing the point in avoiding it.
"No." with another breath you managed to tell him more. "Plus it's just for now, we agreed on it."
Steve stayed silent, but you could feel him studying you.
"But Y/N is that what you actually want?"
The question had you holding your breath, catching you off guard. It was an odd question to ask but if you were letting yourself see the truth- you know the answer.
You stayed quiet and stayed with Steve there until you fell asleep on his shoulder.
The golden cages of the palace gates opened up to him, the palace workers carefully bowed to him as he hastily passed by them. The sooner he could this over it, the sooner he could go back to you. Hopefully you won't be taken away from him again when he is back.
Entering the throne room, he saw his father on the grand sit and Thor leaned in on a pillar.
"Ah, my son, you finally came." He walked towards his brother and stood in front of Odin.
"What is this meeting about?"
"Loki-" Thor began before his father halted him.
"I heard you rejected the advances of lady Iyllir, why would you do that?"
"Well, father-"
"Our relationship with her family is important. We need to clean up the messy reputation you gave yourself, giving you a fitting wife will help immensely. Loki, for once in your life do the right thing and obey!"
"Loki has-"
"No Thor, don't make excuses for him. The lady was brought here for you, to have a wedding. My child, don't be foolish. She is a lovely girl, everybody will be happy when the wedding will occur! She even agreed to be your wife despite everything!" the Allfather chuckled but Loki knew better than that.
"Shouldn't we be talking about the problem with Hydra? We did manage to get some weapons but some are still missing." Thor cleared his throat and glanced at Loki, who stayed quiet.
"Very well my child, what do you suggest we do?"
"My friends are doing a great job at attacking Hydra, maybe we could send an Asgardian scientist to help them." Thor glanced at Loki for help, he just nodded at him.
"I want you boys home soon. I want to know how these midgardians got their hands on our weapons, you should not take this lightly, and tell these friends of yours not to as well."
"Of course, father. So in two days time we will go back to Midgard and resume our help there."
"No, Thor you will go but Loki shall stay here." Odin dismissed the older brother.
"Father, they need me there, my wand is still missing there!" Loki argued back.
"They don't need you anymore; you've helped them with explaining the weapons. Now you can stay home and we can talk about the wedding. What is the problem? That was the plan all along."
The problem was that Loki knew that, and it was true. He couldn't argue against it.
The bed was cold now, the last couple of days took away the place Loki held in your bed and replaced it with coldness. You missed him already.
The sun was setting, painting the skies of your window with beautiful pastel colours.
"Come in!" you yelled to the person at the door. You smiled when you saw Loki walking into your room. "Loki!"
Rushing to him, you wrapped him in a hug, which he was reclined to return. You pulled back from him.
"Loki?" his face held no expressions, and it sent you back.
"So, you're not going to say anything?" sobbing, you had to sit on the couch. Why was he still here? This is what you get for falling for a trickster; he must have lied to you a million little times. "Did this mean nothing to you? Did I mean nothing to you?"
Accusing him, your blurry eyes returned to his solid face that held no emotion- just indifference.
"What did you expect falling for an immortal monster?" he growled back, mocking you now. The tears kept pouring as he stood there staring.
"I came here to help with the weapons which were stolen, my help isn't really needed here anymore so I am going back to Asgard."
Oh. You took a couple of steps back.
"What did you expect falling for the god of lies? Did you really think I would stay for you? I won't be coming back to midgard anymore." You barely saw him now but you heard the door shut behind him, and he just left you there with your heart shattered like glass on the floor.
"Loki, are you not going to stay until we found the weapons at least?" you let out a nervous laugh, trying to keep looking at him, which proved to be a difficult task when you knew that he knew exactly what you felt.
"No, Thor can take it away from now on. I do have to go back for my duties as a prince, and for a lady after all." You scoffed.
"You can't be upset with me. This was what you wanted. We agreed on this from the start, just a temporary thing, right?" he mocked you now.
"Well what if I wanted more! You were all I wanted!" you yelled at him now, finally releasing all the unsaid things. "Does that make you happy? Hearing me say that, hearing me beg?"
"No it doesn't." he groaned at you.
"You are doing the same thing you did all those years ago." The tears welled up in your eyes. "You know, you never did tell me why, you just left with no explanation."
"What do you want me to say, baby?" it slipped but he couldn't control it, he had to control himself first.
"Don't call me baby! Look at this mess that you're creating of me, do you remember what happened back then? How I cried and you were just there watching! You just watched me suffer." The tears let themselves flow without your permission. "Tell me why!"
"You don't know anything, why would you make such a fuss over nothing?" he hissed at you, moving around the room you almost felt like his prey. You probably were.
"Because I love you! I always have so even if you don't just let me have this closure, tell me why you left me so suddenly?" You hated the crack in your voice, closing your eyes for a moment you pinched your nose. "Tell me!"
"This is why!" his yell scared you, opening your eyes you were shocked at what you saw. In front of you stood a creature with blue skin, markings and red eyes- and that was Loki. You stood there staring at him with tears glistening on your cheeks.
"What- what's this?" you felt shivers down your spine, the temperature in the room was much colder now. He gave you a scary smile.
"I'm a frost giant, in Asgard you know the parents tell their kids about monsters like me at night." Those eyes were menacing as he walked over to you. You took steps back but he didn't stop.
"Loki, stop." You put a hand forward.
"Is this not what you wanted?"
"Not like this." You shook your head, trying to get rid of the part of your brain that insists that he is scary. "Whatever you are, whatever happened to you- none of that is enough excuse for what you did to me."
"You mortals always confuse excuse with explanation."
"Yeah right because I'm just a dumb human, I apologize, my prince." In a blink of an eye he turned back to how you knew him. Your mind hasn't processed what happened yet, your heart was already taking over you at that point.
"You asked me why, I gave you a reason." And you wanted to ask more, you wanted to understand this. You wanted him to-
"Stay." You whispered, tired at this point.
"I'm going back to my home at Asgard." He turned back and was walking towards the door.
"If you walk out that door, don't bother coming back."
The door slammed shut and all over again you broke down, with your heart shattering on the floor. That's the price you pay for trying to have back something that you never had in the first place. Nothing has changed.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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cedricslover · 3 years
Troubled (final)
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Fem! Reader
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 
Series summary: A very unfortunate situation happened and it resulted in very unfortunate events. You had everything, a good boyfriend that everyone dreamed of, best friends that you got in a twin pack, and a loving school. It was a calm before a storm and in your sixth year the storm came. You faced the consequences your deceased parents run from, you were only left with your only family, your little brother. What would you do in order to save him? The answer is, everything, even if it means joining a terrorist group of wizards, joining THE DEATH EATERS…
Chapter Summary: Death is inevitable 
Note: there is no specific house:))) I would like to thank everyone that kept waiting and was patient enough, I started this series around March and now it is May. This is my very first series and I hope you all liked it! Again thank you so much❤❤
Warnings: angst, death, little bit of violence
Word Count: 4.2k
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You stopped in front of a headstone. Your hair brushing your cheeks as the wind blew it. "Hey" you started talking, through the years the big lump in your throat slowly fades whenever you visit. "It must be nice there" you smiled and placed the flowers that you were holding down to the ground. 
You breathed in the familiar smell of the field. The smell of the countryside was really different from London. Closing your eyes, memories of the past came flooding in. 
[5 years ago]
"WHAT?" Phoebe, one of your roommates looked at you with shock, "what?" You chuckled as you ate a chocolate frog. 
"What do you mean "what"? So we're just going to act like we didn't see Diggory in front of our dorm earlier" Alice rolls her eyes as she brushes her blond hair, "Oh yeah we got back together" you shrugged and sat on your bed. 
"You really won't tell us what happened that broke the two of you?" Phoebe's voice became wary, she was trying not to say something bad. You shake your head and smile apologetically. "I'm sorry girls" you felt bad. You wanted to tell them of course, but even your best friends since first year don't even know. And surprisingly didn't even nag you about it. 
"It's alright doll, we understand. Besides, Diggory is a great guy, you two are both smart enough to know what is right and wrong" Alice looks at you, there is always comfort in her eyes. Like she always knows what is going on even if you don't talk. She was the perfect example of the person that you can vent to and she will just listen. 
"How about you girls, anything going on with your lives? Why is it always mine?" You laid down and stared at the ceiling. Silence filled the room. For about 10 minutes only the brushing of the tip of the quill to a parchment, breathing, and the noise from the common room are the only sounds you heard.
"Nothing much" you heard a bed squeaked, it was probably Phoebe's. "My life is the most boring one yet" Alice mutters and sighed,  you can see her sitting on her bed. "I don't think so. Each of our lives have different stories. I don't think that's boring" you replied before you pulled your blanket and be completely eaten up by darkness. 
Weeks have passed, it seemed to be doing great. Everything was falling back to pieces. After the school found out that you and Cedric got back together, George and the Beauxbaton girl also publicized their relationship, both of them explained that it really wasn't you in the photograph-which you completely didn't want them to do because you didn't owe anyone any explanation- but they still did. 
Fred and Angelina seemed to be also doing great, well, especially how Fred is under Angelina. 
Of course Barty Jr.-that's disguising as Professor Moody was always giving you 'the look'. Everytime and everywhere, even at class, even your classmates find it strange why Professor Moody always calls you, and then gets mad. They feel bad but you just let it all go, because you knew what his true colors are. 
"Fred" she warns
"Frederick Gideon" with her scary tone
"Frederick Gideon Weasley" that's when you all know Fred was in trouble. 
"Hello darling" you smiled and kissed Cedric's lips before you sat beside him at the library. You both have free time, especially him, tomorrow was the final task, he was trying to study spells that he might use.   
"Hey" he stops reading and wraps his arms around your waist, "Tired" he murmurs while he buries his head on your neck. "You want to eat sumthin'?" You asked while playing with his fluffy hair, running your fingers through his scalp. "No" you can feel his breathing on your neck, it sends shivers down your spine. 
After a while of complete silence, Cedric's breathing seemed to follow a pattern, that's when you knew he was asleep, in your arms. 
You started humming a song that your mum used to sing you to sleep. You can't see his face, but felt it instead, his nose, his lips, his forehead, it felt peace. It felt like home. 
And later on, you also found yourself getting sleepy, your eyelids drooping down. And before you give up on the warmth, your eyes found the book-or more like a magazine that Cedric was reading earlier, you didn't notice it earlier until now. You let out a smile before you closed your eyes.
'Real Estate Magazine, Countryside Edition'
You woke up early, dressed up early, showered early, and went to get breakfast early, and you didn't expect that a lot of students were up early too. Earlier than usual.
"Y/N!" You turned your head while you chewed a toast. It was the trio. "Hey" you greeted them as they sat in front of you. "You alright?" You looked at them while your forehead creased, "yeah" they all answered in unison, that caught them off guard. 
"Harry's going to be fine don't worry" you shake your head and smile as you reach for another toast. "It's just that-" Harry stopped and his hand went to his forehead, where the scar is. 
"His scar's been hurting ever since he woke up" Ron told you, his face was screaming with worry, just the same as Hermione. 
"You should take a rest Harry. You still have til before dusk. I think that would be enough time to prepare and rest" you said, trying to cover the worry in your voice, and of course the fear. 
You four continued to eat, the Great Hall was starting to get more crowded, noise, banners, cheers, they were all anticipating who will win the triwizard tournament. Although you should be joining this crowd, wearing shirts with the one they support, cheering, waving the banners at 8 am. You can't. You were filled with worry, Harry's scar was hurting, and it seemed strange that the Dark Lord wasn't doing anything the whole year. 
And as you walked by Moody's office, it seemed like your suspicions were answered. 
"I already handled it, Dark Lord. Yes, yes, but how about the girl?" You heard Moody, he was rather loud, obviously he used the opportunity as most of the students would be either outside or the Great Hall.
"She wouldn't be a nuisance, we have his brother. She will be extremely useful for the next few years. She has much more potential than her parents. Let her bloom Barty" a faint voice answered him, that was the reason Harry's scar was hurting since this morning. Mere communication can still cause it, you knew he couldn't possibly be physically here. 
"What if Harry wouldn't be the one touching the cup?" Moody's voice was filled with excitement but at the same time, fear. 
"I'll kill them. And you next. Better do your job Barty." The voice disappeared. Your eyes widened as you heard footsteps slowly approaching the door. You ran to the closest hiding spot and peeked. 
"Better handle that girl then" Moody looked around before he drank again from his flask. "Polyjuice Potion" you whispered as you observed him. 
He walked away, to the direction you came from, you waited until you made sure he was gone. 
"Mad-Eye Moody!" You started banging the trunk where Moody was prisoned, your hands shaking as you got the key from one of the drawers. 
"Moody!" You banged again, panting, your sweat started dripping. Your heart was beating fast, you have to do something. You sure don't know anything, but Moody surely does. 
You finally opened the last layer of it and saw that he was there, peering back at you, he was thinner than the last time you saw him. And he lost a lot of hair too. 
He seemed mad, of course, you were the only person inside the castle that knew the Professor Moody that was going around the school the whole year was an imposter, well aside from Cedric who was suspicious.
You started explaining to him, now this was the person that deserved your explanation, not the gossip people. 
It took a while before he finally understood. He must be thirsty and hungry, but you didn't bring any food but only your wand. You looked for any container and luckily you saw a flask, it must have been a spare Polyjuice Potion, you threw the insides away.
"Aguamenti" you chanted and the flask started to be filled with clean water. You cleaned the mess you made and returned it from what it was when you entered before you slowly dropped the flask to Moody who was now drinking it like he hadn't drank any water for a whole week.
"I cannot hear clearly, but I heard Little Hangleton. You know that right?" You nodded at his question. "I don't know what and how, but they would try to bring the Dark Lord back. In power" he looks directly at your eyes, his gaze was piercing, he was expecting you to do something. And you will. 
"I'll be back" the last words you said to him before you slowly closed the trunk, he nods slightly for a response, there was also something in his look, the same look you saw with your parents when they were about to die, the same look you saw with the people of the Order, it was a look of hope and pride. 
"Hey hey" you stopped on your tracks and it snapped you back into reality, you didn't know what to do, "Y/N?" Cedric cupped your face, you looked at his eyes, his questioning eyes. "What's wrong, love?" He tucked strands of hair from your face to behind your ear. Your breathing started to calm down. 
"They're moving Ced, I have to do something" you admitted, there was no point in keeping it a secret to him. His jaw dropped, he was now looking everywhere, trying to be cautious. 
"What can I do to help?" He asks, you felt bad, and it seemed like he noticed it. "Don't feel bad, Y/N. You already carried too much burden, at least let me help you carry it" his mouth curves as he assures you. "It will all be okay" he whispers, still not letting go of your face.
You were still doubting, but he was persistent. "Protect Harry. Help me protect Harry, Ced" your eyes darted to him, both of you knew this was a life and death situation. This wasn't just those silly games you played before, you both only had one chance to save a life, and this was it. 
"I will" he nods, there was more than just the tournament in his mind now. And that is to protect Harry. At all costs.
You observed Harry the whole time before the task, ofcourse, not being so obvious. You would join the three of them at some point, or drag Harry with you and the twins as they show the fireworks that they made and plan to light up when he wins or Cedric. 
It was a win-win, Harry forgets that bloody scar while you keep an eye on him. 
And now, it was Cedric's turn. 
He kissed your forehead and gave you a little smile. "You did well. Let me take over" he said before he turned his back and let go of your hand. Amos waited for him and waved in your direction. The corners of your mouth turned up, trying to be nice to him, despite how you somehow despised because of how he always pressures his son, he always has to do this, reach this, be like this. It was not healthy. 
You knew he was trying to be a good parent, but you wished he had taken lessons from your father before he died. Thankfully Mrs. Diggory was nice enough to appreciate Cedric's achievements, small or big. 
"You alright?" Alice asked you as you sat at the bleachers. "Quite" you smiled at her and returned your gaze to the champions. You were with Alice now, well long story short, the twins were with their girlfriends, even Phoebe, and Alice invited you to join her so here you are now. You know Alice is beautiful, she is also great in academics, even she and Luna Lovegood could really pass as siblings, they have the same interest in things that were believed to be not there, and even their way of clothing were the same. But they both confirmed that they were not related. Still, you were still quite confused as to why she was not out there, having a partner. 
"You know that guy?" She pointed to Gregory Goyle's older brother. "Yeah?" There were lines forming between your eyebrows. "He asked me out" she giggled and covered her mouth with her hand, her shoulders started shaking, you also laughed. "What really?" You asked in disbelief, you tried your best not to laugh out loud.
You hated Goyle, he always bullies the ones that he believed was weaker, even Alice. He always made fun of Alice and how she always tries to get people's attention. Now look how the tables have turned.
"He asked me out with those cheesy pick up lines, doll. I tried my best not to laugh and just rejected him immediately" you were both still laughing. She stated some of the pick up lines that made you laugh so much but you still tried not to be loud so in the end, you choked on your own saliva while she stifled a laugh as she pats your back.
The laughter seemed to be a curse, bad luck, or just joy before a disaster. Because right after that you all saw a yellow light sparked to the sky, it was from someone in the maze. 
You were the only one who was not confused, because as that yellow spark flashed, it was a message for you.
'He is safe. Cedric's with him' 
Red sparks were seen earlier, it must have been a marker for the injured ones, but the Yellow ones, the audience and judges didn't know what it meant, only you.
You started praying to the higher ups, if they were ever there, listening to you. You prayed that they would be fine. Only a few scratches, but still good. After just a few minutes another yellow spark was seen, the people decided to shrug it off, but you, you were beyond happy and relieved. The second spark should mean that they got to the cup. They should be arriving any second now. 
You anxiously waited for them, ten seconds, twenty, thirty, and then a minute and they weren't still here. 
'Little Hangleton' 'Back in power' ‘Dark Lord’ 'Coming Back' 'Do your job' 'Kill' 
Voices started to cloud in your mind, Moody, Barty Jr., Voldemort, memories, you patched up the information you got. 
And without even thinking twice you disapparated, thankful that Dumbledore lifted the anti-disapparition charm because there were a lot of outsiders anticipating the third task.
You grunted as you stumbled, you hated how apparition makes your insides like they were being squeezed. It was convenient of course, but you didn't like it. 
"Kill the spare"  you heard, your vision was still dizzy, but you knew that voice. Your vision was blurry, the world was spinning and it felt like your intestines were spinning too. It was the after effect of apparating. 
You stood up, still feeling nauseous, “NOOO!” you shouted as you ran, there were figures and you knew who they were. “Avada Kedavra!” it was definitely Pettigrew, no, not Cedric, not me, not Harry, don’t kill us, please, the words repeated in your mind. The few steps felt like a hundred, you wanted to stop time, and as you rushed towards the figures your vision was slowly being clear. And by the time you can entirely see clearly, you wished, you hoped, that someone blinded you, you wished that this was a dream, hallucination, but as you collapsed on your knees, as the rough ground kissed your legs, it was all real.
“Alice...” tears started to fall from your face as you looked at her face. Her reddish cheeks was now white, her lively eyes was now soulless, her warmth, 
It’s gone, she’s gone. 
“YOU!” You stood up, picking up your wand, Cedric stood beside you, “Free Harry” You commanded him, your nose was now flaring, glaring at the two figures in front of you, Peter Pettigrew carrying the weak Voldemort. 
“Expulso!” you incant, in a snap, Voldemort was now dropped to the ground while Pettigrew was far away, “I’ve had enough of you. You and your values” you stared at Voldemort who was now crawling away, he was so weak, and this was the only time you could do it. The only time you could take revenge from all the lives he took.
“You’re so weak, and you should stay weak” You stepped on his thin legs, he screeched like a creature tortured, “You deserve, every, single, pain” now you stomped on his hand, you felt the bone touch the sole of your feet despite wearing shoes. 
“Sectumsempra!” you cried at his pleading face, you thanked that potions book you saw in the classroom. You watched as so blood just came out from the child like figure in front of you, for a second you thought you were doing something beyond your morals, but you remembered, the images of people that this person-no- monster killed, the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and friends, he took away so many lives, he made the world like his playground, killing whoever he felt to kill, and that justified what you did. Regret was not even near. 
“Incarcerous” Cedric’s voice echoed, the tense was back again, Pettigrew was still here, “We’ll take care of him” he told you, giving a second to glance at the lifeless Voldemort that was on the ground, curled, you nodded as an approval. 
And like a vase dropped, or someone threw a big stone to your head, you remember Alice's bleeding body, her opened eyes but why? Why is there a ghost of a smile plastered on that doll-like face?
You slowly walked to her lying body, you never expected that this would happen, that she, she would do something like this. Did she just suddenly hold your arm as you disapparated? Is that why she splinched, her arms, even her legs were bleeding. 
“Dumbass, did you even know where I was going.” you kneeled, reached for her face and removed the strands of hair that were blocking her face. “You’re so dumb. Who’s going to call me doll anymore” you blinked and a tear fell straight to her cheek, you blinked again, another tear fell, you blinked, again and again, and at the same time, tears fell on her pale face, you cried, wailed, even shouted while hugging her body. 
She was there when you needed her, she was there to understand you. She was there when you cried, laughed, even if you were sick, she was there. 
“Doll, come here.” Alice called you while you were packing your things, you were a mess, you just heard that your mother was ill, you have to go home. You sighed and let go of the clothes and walked towards her, she tapped the seat in front of the mirror. 
“You know, you should always look tough in front of the people you have to protect. That’s what my parents told me before. The people that saved them from the Death Eaters, they were tough, I told you about that right?” she started brushing your hair, you examined your reflection, your eyebags were visible, you were also definitely thinner than usual, you felt drained. 
“Before my ma died, she told me information about those who saved them. My ma and pa owe their life to them.” even if you didn’t look at her face, you know she was smiling. “She told me that when they were being saved, the woman was pregnant” you can feel the gentleness from her touch. 
“And?” you asked, she was now tying your hair, “and she told me to protect that child, a token of gratitude for giving my ma and pa another tomorrow” she placed the flower accessories in your hair. 
“Did you protect the child?” you turned to her and saw her eyes twinkled, “I still am doll” she replied to you before she handed your bag. Alice used magic to help you pack, you laughed and hugged her, “Thank you” your mouth curved into a smile. “Aww it’s nothing” she waves her hand and rolls her eyes, acting shy. “Shut up” you chuckle before you turn your back and step outside. 
“You impulsive lady, how about that child you should protect. How can you protect them if you’re dead” You were still crying, thinking about all the memories you had with her, and how you would tell Phoebe, she would be heartbroken. 
Was it really necessary? Are sacrifices really necessary? You just wanted to stop a war, a cycle, you wanted to follow the path your parents took, are deaths really necessary? In exchange for peace, a life should be taken. A meaningful life, someone's daughter, friend, and stranger. 
“Y/N!” a woman’s voice called you, you turned your head and saw a woman, her hair was now just above her shoulder, brown curls jumping as she walked the hill. “Phoebe” you greeted and opened your arms, she sprinted and hugged you. 
“Oop, be careful with the tummy” you grinned and touched your tummy, there was already a big bump, you were pregnant. “Hello there little one” she lowered herself and talked to your bump. 
“It’s her death anniversary isn’t it” she straightened herself and was now staring at the headstone. 
     Alice Constance O’Brien
March 12, 1978 - June 24, 1995
“Hmm” you answered, peace and silence enveloped the both of you. “It was Alice all along.” sadness took over your face as you remembered what Alice has done for you. 
  Loving daughter and friend
                A hero 
“Ced that night when you saw me following the man. Why were you still roaming?” you asked Cedric as he sat at the library.
“I haven’t told you yet? It was the Head Boy, well technically it was Alice actually, she told me that the head boy couldn’t find me so he asked her to tell me. My schedule changed that time” he muttered as he chewed a pumpkin pasty. Your eyebrows shot up and just shrugged. You owe Alice an acid pop at Hogsmeade.
“She was the one who told me about your situation. She must have known about the dark mark but never told us. She wanted to help you, but in the shadows.” Remus admitted as you talked to him about Alice’s death. He was shocked, the whole society members actually. They are now taking care of his subjects that were lurking around. 
“Hello ladies!” George and Fred suddenly appeared, both of them wrapped their arms around each of your shoulders. “Fred. I prefer women, thank you” Phoebe removed Fred’s arm and even tried to dust it off, “Rude” Fred squinted his eyes at her while she just smirked and flipped her hair.
“Where’s your husband and brother?” George asked and also placed flowers at the ground. Now there were a lot of flowers for Alice. “You’re liking that aren’t you?” you talked to the headstone, you were all just silent. Even the loud twins fell in silence, they liked Alice, not romantically, they admired her, how she was unique, always had a voice, and how she stood up for herself. 
“I love it doll” you heard a whisper as the breeze came by, you knew it was her, it had always been her. She was still there, watching. 
“Oh Alice” Phoebe started crying, the twins tried to offer her a hug but she went to you instead, you sniggered as you saw their offended face. 
They all felt her. 
“Hey!” two voices called all of your attention and there it was, Cedric your husband, and your eight year old brother. Theodore hurried to the twins that immediately picked him up, he liked them. “We bought snacks.” Cedric raised a basket and spreaded out a cloth to the grass. 
“Are you crying?” Cedric inspected Phoebe who still has her nose red from crying. “Yes. What about it” she rolled her eyes and got bread from the basket while Cedric was still arranging the cloth. “I’m just asking.” Cedric chuckled and shook his head. 
You observed each and one of them, they all changed, with their own careers and life, of course they will change. Cedric was now working at the ministry, he did once think about being a professional quidditch player, but he felt like a work at the ministry would be better, and he liked it. The twins and their joke shop was still going, stronger as it was before, they’ve built quite the reputation, and Phoebe, she was now a Herbologist, she always had an interest in plants. 
And you, you also built your career, with your dream job. 
Are you seeing this Alice? I made it. We made it. 
You carefully sat at the cloth and they all asked you what you would name the child inside of you. Your eyes gleamed, you always knew that if you had a chance to name your child it would be…
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glitterge1pen · 4 years
What Station Is Playing?
tw; for general body injuries (nothing too explicit but that stuff can be icky and I hate blood and bandaids 2 dude)
Keigo Takami x reader, sfw, fluff, word count 1,623
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You felt heavy and light at the same time. You tried to move, to open your mouth, but you were so tired and exhausted. For a brief moment your eyes fluttered open. Sounds filtered in for just a moment.
White, hospital white and blue. You were laying on your back, eyes on the ceiling. You cast your gaze down and see Hawks. He's frantic in his motions, trying to communicate with a nurse.
There are multiple doctors and nurses around you. Little clinks of metal, beeping of machines. But you focus on Hawks as best you can.
"I can't let you stay back here, this is for family and spouses only, you'll have to stay in the general waiting area out front"
Hawks hands fumbled around each other like they could help him properly grasp his words.
"But I'm, I'm-"
Then you're gone again.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺��*・༓☾  
The next time you are able to maintain consciousness, it is only because of the pain. Your body was in so much physical pain. Some of the bruises were still forming on your skin, so prominent you felt every inch of sore muscle. A twitch causes your skin to rub against your heavily bandaged arms, the scabs and blood send tingles of pain all over. You sit in silence, blinking yourself awake trying to collect your thoughts.
“Took you long enough”
Hawk’s voice was rough. Like someone had ran his voice through a metal drain and then let it sit in the desert sun without water.
Is the only thing you can manage to respond with.
“You should have waited for back up”
Oh right. Your memories started to click together in your head. You were the only hero in the area who could respond in time. You went alone. You had been evacuating civilians from a window when there was an explosion. Then there was the fight.
You turned away from him. A hot angry feeling boiling in your chest, so striking that it surpassed the physical pain you were feeling. This was your job, you had signed up for this. You knew. You didn't want a lecture or his pity. Especially after just having woken up in the hospital.
“If you had just waited a few more minutes before running off,”
That searing bubble of rage in you threatened to pop. But you had no energy to do so, no energy to snap back at him, to tell him off because how many times had he done this exact thing? Been in that exact situation? A wide breath opened up your chest as you attempted to speak.
The sound of your voice surprised you. It was so raspy, so small. Hawks also seemed shocked by it. He was immediate in your request though, quickly reaching to the counter where water was waiting for you. He had to help you drink. He was tense, rigid in his movements, making sure not to disturb you.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  
Several days had passed and a multitude of visitors had passed through your hospital room. No one ever stayed very long because of how weakened you still were. The only serious injury you had was your broken wrist. But you had deep cuts on some parts of your body that had required stitches. The simplest acts opened up smaller cuts that littered your limbs.
Your non-dominant hand was in pretty bad shape too. It hurt to curl your fingers around your eating utensils. You were sure there would be tiny scars on your knuckles, because every action of your fingers opened the wounds. There were clusters of different sized scabs on your palms. Like a child who had played too rough outside in the summer.
Most of the time you spent sleeping. Occasionally waking up to the dim sound of the radio that the house keeping had one while cleaning the room and the rooms around you. Hawks came by often. You weren't sure how long he stayed but he always opened the curtains before he left.
Once, at night you had awoken to one of the cuts breaking open on your leg. You hissed in pain trying to soothe yourself, you must have turned over in your sleep, disturbing the injury. There out in the bright floursents of the hallway was red. Hawks red. Hawks wings red. The door to your room was agar just enough that you could spot his wings. He must have been sitting out in the hall. Before you fell asleep again you wondered if he was sleeping as well.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 
“You’re total shit at this”
Hawks said as he twirled new bandages around your arm.  
“Yeah, you wrapping my hand has nothing to do with my broken wrist”
You said dryly. It was early afternoon. A breeze flowing through the window, cooling off the stuffy hospital room.  This was the first day that you had stayed up this long without taking a nap. You were especially sore though and hoped that you would become sleepy again soon, you didn't want to feel so physically defeated for this long.
“I shouldn't have told you, I shouldn't have told you,”
Hawks repeated himself as he got a footing on his words.
“That you should have waited. You did the right thing. Anyone else would have done the same. I was scolding you, and I’m in no position to do that to you, especially right after you woke up. I’m sorry. I was wrong.”
Your cheeks were burning. It was like he had lifted the lid off a boiling pot of water and all the steam was rushing towards you. While he was usually honest, he was rarely so blatantly genuine in his words.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 
It was late. You could tell from the way the air moved outside. The moon shone brightly illuminating the room in a soft milky blue hue. You sat up slowly. You weren't tired for the first time since being in the hospital. You felt awake. It was a gentle ‘awake’ though.
You tilted your head towards the hall hoping to see that flash of red. He was there.
You whisper yelled, it made you feel much younger. Like you were hiding something from a prying teacher. He did not stir from his place out in the hall though. You tried again, a little louder this time.
He jerked up, reacting as if you had called for help instead of just the whisper you had given him. Rushing into the room he was at your bedside prepared to take orders from you.
“Do you hear that?”
He seemed stunned by how quiet you were speaking. But he followed along.
Realizing that you weren't in some sort of danger his shoulders relaxed and he let out a cautious sigh.
He said more urgently now.
“The radio. What are they playing?”
“I don't know, I can barely hear it”
You had your hands on his shoulders. Using him to help you move closer to the edge of the bed.
“Help me”
He tried to stop you.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting up, help me”
He looked away in thought, but turned back to help you. Once your feet were on the cold tiles you couldn't bring yourself to let go of his shoulders. You were afraid you would falter in steadiness.
“Are you okay?”
You stood there unsure of what to do now that you were on the ground. How to move was temporarily forigen. You picked one of your feet up before setting it back down. Then did the same with your other. You pushed your heel back. Then turned your body. Hawks followed the motion moving with you.
You were deliberate at first. Your legs stiff, anticipating the dread of your wounds. But no pain like that came. It actually felt refreshing to be roaming the room like this. Hawks reached for your waist when you had stumbled over your ankle. His hands hovered here, touching, then not touching, as you swayed with a mellow tenderness.
You had your eyes closed not wanting to look at him, not sure what his expression would tell you, but also because it made it easier to concentrate on the distant music. You tried to keep up with the song that was playing, your steps getting a little more complex the more you moved.
“Are we dancing?”
You state in a whisper, opening your eyes to see a timid Hawks, or as timid as he could appear to you. It was more like he was scared of something, like he was going to hurt you by dancing like this.
“Twirl me once and then I’ll go back to the bed”
He was taken aback by this. You were gradual with the removal of your hands from his shoulders. To show him that you were stable on your own feet. His wings fanned out as he took your hand in his. It was a passive rise to the air. He was considerate, making sure that your arm would not get twisted. You hold tighter to his palm as you picked up your leg ever so slightly. Then there was the careful spin.
His shoes were loud on the tile when the hovering stopped. That click sound of his soles on the ground was awakening. You were suddenly aware of the weight of your body, the bandages on your skin, the itch of the stitches and scabs. Exhaustion came over you like a clean sheet down onto a mattress.
“Okay now help me back into the bed”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
A/N: Wrote a lot of original content stuff this week and boy oh boy was that draining. Writing stuff like this is a real break from my other more serious stuff that still allows me to feel like “hey I wrote today” , going to drink orange juice and play supermonkey ball. Also as usual, no, I did not edit this :) 
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hi!! for the dialogue prompts: #7 ("Dammit, I didn't want to fall for you.") and slexie please 🥺💕
prompt is from this list - (thank you @hurricanery for this combination, I couldn't write this one fast enough!)
It was eleven-thirty p-m on a Friday night. The city outside Mark’s apartment was bustling with activity. People laughed and shouted as they came and went from the bar just down the street and Mark almost wished he was with them. Friday nights were a great time to pick up women, because who didn’t want to go home with Mark Sloan? Saturday mornings were meant for sleeping in too, so it didn’t matter who stayed over.
The stars were out and the night was clear. Sirens still wailed towards Seattle Grace Mercy West, but Mark found them to be white noise. If someone had told him last year that he would choose to stay in on a Friday night instead of being out trying to pick up women, Mark would’ve laughed in their face. Yet here he was, nursing his first beer of the night and watching some news while he waited for the love of his life to get to his place.
By the time she showed up, Mark was almost tired. That never happened before although when he opened the door and there was Lexie Grey standing in all her brown hair, brown-eyed glory, he was suddenly much more awake. “Hi,” she said softly, staring up at him.
“Hey,” he replied. Then he bridged the gap between them and pressed his lips to hers.
Despite their usual antics, Mark pulled away after a minute or so, and allowed Lexie to step the rest of the way into his apartment. “So what have you got to eat around here? I’m starving. Also sorry I’m late, a relative of the neuro patient I’m working with Derek on cornered me just as I was leaving. They wanted to know every bit of the surgery and me being me, decided to bore them with all the details.” A bag of chips in one hand and an apple in the other, Lexie headed for the sofa.
“Sounds fun.” Mark raised an eyebrow as Lexie snatched his unfinished beer off the coffee table and took a sip. “You do know I have more where those came from, right?”
“Yeah, but I’m too lazy to get it myself.” Lexie slumped onto the couch. “Wanna watch a movie? I’m tired.”
Mark refrained from laughing. Lexie was a lot of things at once, he had learned over the last few months. He loved her for it though, and appreciated her intelligent mind and strong-willed personality. “Sure, we can watch a movie. Which one?”
Lexie grabbed the remote and moved over so Mark could join her. Flipping through the channels, she stopped immediately on a trashy rom-com that Mark normally wouldn’t be caught dead watching. “Let’s see this! I normally hate the mushy-gushy shows but this one is a favourite from my teen years.”
Groaning, Mark settled back onto the couch and shifted so that Lexie could half-lie his lap. The exceptions he made for Lexie Grey; well he knew he would never make them for anyone else. He tried not to barf as on screen, the woman who he assumed was the main character, flirted horrendously with a macho man. “This guy really thinks he looks good?” He said to Lexie.
“Shush, that’s one of her potential love interests. He’s really a big baby but he puts on an act.” She paused to look up at Mark. “Kind of like you.”
Mark’s mouth dropped open. “Take that back!” He growled playfully.
“No way.” Lexie crossed her arms and snuggled deeper into Mark’s lap. “I’ll stop talking now, you should pay attention to this movie.”
Less than an hour and a half later, Mark was hooked. He was now going to riot if the lady didn’t hurry up and choose the macho guy, the one Lexie had dubbed Mark 2.0. He sighed to himself and checked his watch. Here he was, a grown man in his early forties on a Friday night watching some stupid romance movie because his girl wanted to. He wasn’t out getting wasted or buying someone drinks at the bar. Mark Sloan had moved on and it was all thanks to Lexie Grey, who had gone quiet in his embrace.
He smoothed her hair down and shook his head. “Dammit, I didn’t want to fall for you,” he whispered, assuming Lexie had fallen asleep.
To his surprise, he got a tired mumble back. “Aren’t you glad you did though?”
Mark let out a laugh. God, he loved this woman. He would do anything for her and he never wanted her to feel pain or be hurt ever again. “I wouldn’t change it for the world. Even Derek punching me was worth it, for this moment.”
He felt Lexie’s face shift into a smile against his arm. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He pressed a feather-light kiss to her forehead and then lay back, not caring about anything else in the world except where he was, right now.
Written by @thedefinitionofendgame (aka me)
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Current Selection of Writing Prompts I'm Accepting.
Hurt/Comfort Prompts (taken from @rosewritingprompts and you can find the original post here)
"This is going to hurt."
"Are you okay?"
"Take a deep breath."
"You probably don't want to watch this."
"You're doing great."
"Did you miss me?"
"Look at me."
"Please don't cry."
"You can't keep it bottled up forever."
"It's okay to cry, you know."
"No one's looking."
"Can you talk?"
"You're safe, I promise."
"I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."
"Did you hear me?"
"Squeeze my hand."
"Feel better now?"
"You ever gotten stitches before?"
"Keep the ice on it."
"How long did you think you could hide that?"
"You're a terrible liar."
"You didn't do anything wrong."
"It wasn't your fault."
"I think you owe them an apology."
"Bite down on this."
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that."
"On the count of three, okay?"
"No one ever cared about me like you."
"Do you know how to use a first aid kit?"
"Hold on."
"Don't look at them, look at me."
"There's nothing you could have done."
"You remind me of someone."
"You're covered in blood, need to tell me something?"
"It's just a headache, I'm fine."
"Can you lock the door?"
"Try to eat something."
"I'm going to be sick."
"Here, let me carry you."
"Don't look down."
Fluff Prompts (also taken from @rosewritingprompts and you can find the original post here)
"You look beautiful."
"I think it's burned."
"You got me flowers?"
"You're the worst, I love you so much."
"How many cats did you bring home?"
"Quiet night on the couch?"
"I got you something."
"Can you bring me something from the kitchen?"
"How many drinks have you had?"
"Can I pet your dog?"
"Do you want a gummy worm?"
"You're being so lame right now."
"I have a surprise for you!"
"You're being extra cuddly this morning."
"You should not be drinking coffee."
"Want to take a bath?"
"There's an animal in your sweater isn't there."
"How is it possible you've never seen this movie?"
"You haven't done this in a while, have you?"
"We're out of wine, how about some vodka?"
"You're going to get paint on the carpet."
"Why are you upside down?"
"Want the last fry?"
"Are you busy right now?"
"I've missed you so much!"
"You dyed your hair, didn't you?"
"You're crazy if you think I'm letting you sleep on the couch."
"It's too early for that."
"You don't get to pick the movie if you're going to fall asleep."
"Ever been on a picnic?"
"You have that on you all the time?"
"Your mom called me."
"I hate rain so much."
"Will you cuddle with me?"
"Can I braid your hair?"
"You're hogging the blankets."
"You're an awful liar and you're sick."
"May I have this dance?"
"Do you know how to ice skate?"
"How about we just stay here for the rest of the day."
Angst Prompts (taken from @ewokiee and you can find the original post here)
'i never stood a chance, did i?'
'maybe this would've been easier had we never met.'
'but you promised...'
'i don't care about anything, least of all you.'
'don't you dare touch me.'
'you don't get to be sorry!'
'you're not who i thought you were.'
'i knew by the end of this one of us would end up hurting.'
'it's about time you felt a little heartache.'
'there is no us, there never was.'
'you must think i'm stupid.'
'you'd better be gone by the time i get back.'
'i lied.'
'you're too late.'
'yeah, well, you fucked up.'
'this is your fault.'
'you've done enough. just leave.'
'i needed you, and you weren't there!'
'i can't lose you too.'
'stop pushing me away!'
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