#yeah i mean i hate her and i’m pr sure she hates me but i think if she asked me to do her a favour or if i ever had to absolve her of a
jackdoohangf · 1 year
i may not know anything about astrology but i am a virgo (like esteban) who was in a codependent and eventually toxic best friendship w an aquarius (pierre’s star sign) as a child so. i do think i am qualified to give my opinion
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no-144444 · 12 days
the break up of the century - (l.norris, no 4)
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pairing: lando norris (no.4) x fem! singer! reader
summary: you and lando break up on horrible terms, can a new album and a special performance bring you back together? is that even what you two want?
7.6k + words, brief fade-to-black smut, fluff, mainly angst :)
You weren’t sure how it happened, one moment you were on stage, the next, you were crying in your dressing room, hating every single thing about your life. Funny how one moment leads into the next, right? 
Y/n Y/l/n. Household name at the age of 19. Now, 23. Fans impatiently awaiting your next album, the album you hated, and now on a world tour that is sucking the life from your body. 
Sounds like you have it all. 
The money, the fame, the clothes, the boys, the voice. It’s all you’ve ever dreamed of. And now it means nothing, because you have it. And it’s nowhere near as good as you wanted it to be.
You’d always been told of the horror stories of fame taking more than it gave, and you always brushed it off with a smile and a ‘that’ll never happen to me’. Low and behold, you’ve had 4 stalkers in 2 years, 3 lawsuits against you from old record companies that dropped you, 2 grammys, and 1 ridiculously public break-up with he-who-shall-not-be-named. 
Having it all really means having too much to think about, and too much to deal with. You would’ve preferred to just go to university like all your friends. Be young. Make mistakes. But those were luxuries you took for granted, and now you’re paying the price. 
“Y/n?” Sasha, your manager called from outside. “We have the meet and greet.”
And then there was your fans. They were great, obviously, but they were also very hyper teenagers and young adults that paid a lot of money to see you, and it made you feel even worse about not being 100%. At least you’d cut ticket prices down by 50% in meetings, meaning they were much cheaper than any other artist at the moment. At least you could do that for your fans. 
You nodded, sniffling as you wiped your eyes on the sleeve of your dress. 
“Do you need your makeup touched up?”
“Yes,” you answered, voice hoarse. “How many more shows?” 
“This was your 97th. You have 53 left.”
“Fuck!” You groaned. “Fuck this.”
“You have the British Gran Prix tomorrow, you have to make an appearance, alright? I’m sending Maria in to fix your makeup,” Sasha was trying to pity you, but she also had a job to do, which you understood. 
“Thanks Sash,” you sighed as Maria came in. 
“Hey babe,” she smiled softly, sympathy and pity shown in her eyes. 
“Hi,” you sniffled, wiping your last tear away. 
“Let’s get you fixed up, yeah?” She started unpacking her bag with all your makeup as you nodded, turning to face her. “You’re amazing. You were so pretty tonight.”
You somehow didn’t scoff in her face. “Thanks.”
“I know you don’t believe me,” she sighed. “I can’t even understand why. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world.”
You hiccupped, the tears threatening to pour again as you thought about him. 
“You’re the most beautiful girl in the world.”
Stop thinking about him. You told yourself. He’s in the past.
But he wasn’t in the past, how could he be when he was always on your fucking feed with his new girlfriend. Allison and Lando, what a beautiful couple. More like a bunch of crap. They weren’t real, everyone knew it was just pr, especially considering that she was promoting her new racing movie. You had no idea why they even tried to keep up the charade. They didn’t even look good together. 
Alas, they were together, and you weren’t anymore. 
And you were going to be reminded of it every single second of the next day. 
You pressed your entry card to the barrier and walked through as cameras flashed and you smiled one of your best fake smiles.
“Y/n!” Oscar smiled, walking up and hugging you. You knew everyone, and you started to feel embarrassed about everything. This was his workplace, and you had to be here to do press and sing a song you didn’t want to sing.
“Hey Osc,” you smiled, hugging him back. 
“You look so wonderful today,” he smiled, taking your hand instead. He led you to the McLaren paddock as you two chatted about tour and races. You asked about Miami, and Oscar answered. “It was the best day of his life- his words!” 
“Meeting you was the best day of my life. That’ll never change.”
Oh. I guess it changed. 
“How's the tour? It looks amazing!” He cheered as you two entered the paddock. Mechanics and engineers greeting and hugging you as you went through and lied about how ‘amazing’ the tour is. 
“Y/n!” Zak cheered. “My favourite girl!”
He pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, and you hugged back. It felt good to be back, and to still have so many people still like you. “Hi Zak.”
“I missed you so much! Please tell me that awful Allison girl is gone and you and Lan are back? She’s driving me crazy,” he scoffed.
“No, I’m just here to do some press with Ferrari,” you chuckled. “But I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to come see my favourite CEO.”
He sighed but nodded, knowing that Lando had the board cut you off the ‘influencer list’ when you two broke up. “Well, once you know that you’re my favourite.”
“You’re my favourite too,” you smiled. “Don’t tell anyone.”
“Lips are sealed,” he smiled and moved on, going about his various duties. For a moment you looked around the paddock you had known so well and felt your heart ache a little. You loved Lando, you still loved Lando. You loved McLaren, and you loved the people here, yet you didn’t get to see them anymore because of the stupid fucking tour. This tour was ruining your life. You didn’t talk to family, or friends, you and Lando had broken up, you weren’t eating or sleeping, you always felt sick, you were rarely allowed to speak during the day so you could ‘conserve’ your voice for shows. 
But the worst part was that nobody noticed. 
“He's right y’know,” Oscar  smiled. “We all miss you. Even Lando.”
“Lando is with Allison. He has no reason to miss me.”
Oscar raised an eyebrow. “All they do is fight.”
“So? That’s what Lando and I did for weeks.”
“But it was different. You two were in a bad situation, but you loved each other, so the fights meant something. Allison and Lan are just wrong for each other, they’re fighting to fight.”
You groaned, sitting on the bench and resting your head in your hands. “When did you become a philosopher?”
Oscar laughed, and placed a hand on your back. “I’ve always been this philosophical, you were just too busy to notice.” 
“Shut up,” you chuckled, pushing him off. 
“All I’m saying is that you should talk to him, that’s all,” he shrugged, walking away from you and further into the paddock. 
Your head snapped up, so hard it hurt. There he was. Lando. For the first time in months. With Allison. And a dog.
“Hi,” you smiled, standing up. It was a puppy, a jack-russell terrier, the kind you’d always wanted. The kind like your childhood dog. Great, now they stole your dog breed. “Nice to see you.”
“I didn’t know you would be here,” he said bluntly. “What are you doing here?”
“Press for Ferrari. Oscar just… brought me in to say hi to everyone. So, hi. And now I’ll take my leave,” you smiled, then started to try and walk off. But Allison clearly had other plans, since she stuck out her hand for a ‘handshake’ that conveniently stopped you from walking off. 
“Allison,” she smirked. “And this is Mila.”
You stared blankly at Lando for a moment. Seriously? He’d taken the dog breed and what you’d agreed to be the name of your first child? Give me a break. 
“Y/n,” you shook her hand. “And I have to go, bye and good luck today.”
Thank god Ferrari was on the other side of the fucking track. 
“Y/n!” Charles cheered, hugging you close. You’d been getting closer with Charles since your split with Lando and his split with his ex had happened within a week of each other. “How are you?”
You took a deep breath. “I’m fine, tired.”
“I have been seeing the tour, it looks great!” he smiled, pulling back. 
“Thanks Charles, it was amazing to see you, but I better go. I have to-”
“Sing the new song? Yes! I can't wait,” he cheered. You mustered up a small smile, and left him alone. 
Sasha came and found you in the bathroom an hour later. “Y/n?” She was frantic, and stressed, so you just decided to give up and show yourself. 
“It’s time, come on,” she sighed. “I know this is hard-”
“How could you know it’s fucking hard? My entire life is in shambles and I’m supposed to be happy about it because I’m a ‘superstar’ what the fuck does that even mean? My boyfriend broke up with me because of this tour, and I thought I was going to marry him. Isn’t that insane? Isn’t that fucking crazy? And the worst part is, that I can’t even stop if I want to. I’m not allowed to stop. Sasha, how could you ever understand how hard this is for me? I’m 22. I should be in college, having fun. But instead I’m about to sing a song I don’t like or care about, in my ex-boyfriends workplace. Does that sound like fun to you, Sasha?” 
Her face was blank, stoic, unmoving. “Let’s go, you have soundcheck.”
You just followed her. Sasha was good at that, good at making you feel small, making you feel like a nuisance. The stage was big, bigger than most of your stadiums, but you didn’t care. You just had to get through it. 
“Have you eaten?”
“Feel sick,” you replied. “No thanks.”
Sasha sighed. “You’re going to faint one day.”
“Let’s hope I never wake up,” you replied dryly. Sasha scoffed and walked on, showing you the layout of the stage. You followed and asked questions, getting into ‘work mode’, and warming up your voice as you went along. A small crowd of the driver’s was gathering, even Lando was standing there, front row, just like he used to. 
You wanted to punch him, in all honesty. How could someone do that? He had no fucking right to stand there and watch you sing. He should be with Allison. 
“Start when you’re ready,” Sasha called and you nodded. 
The music started, and you were off. When the music started, you became someone else. You were moving around, laughing with your band, smiling. It was nice. Even if you hated the tour, you felt free on stage. Even if the song was sad. 
‘Champagne problems’, you’d written it right after your break up with Lando, it was new, and it had just been released. It had become the top of the charts in 15 countries. It would be on your next album, 
‘What if it doesn’t get easier like everybody says?’, and it was your most raw album. It was clearly all about your break up with Lando, there was no denying that. 
The song ended and the entire track clapped. You stopped moving when you spotted Lando’s parents, and you realised very quickly that you had to get out of there. 
You ran to the Ferrari hospitality, did some promos for your next album with them, and suddenly it was time to sing for real. The stands were full, the microphone was on, and the spotlight was on you. 
“Hi everyone,” you smiled, and the crowd erupted in cheering. “How are we feeling today?”
You had worn a short red dress, for Ferrari, and it was sparkling in the late afternoon sunshine. Everyone could see how beautiful you looked. Your hair perfectly styled, your makeup flawless, your beautiful face. 
Lando was entranced. 
You started singing and you sounded like an angel, truely. Lando had always thought you sounded otherworldly. He knew it was about him. He knew he’d fucked up. He knew he missed you. He knew it was too late, and that was the worst part. 
“Thank you so much for coming out and listening to my dumb sad song,” you chuckled as the crowd cheered. “But I have something else for you,” you were cut off by excited fans. I have something just a little bit happier, it’s called ‘Lover’. Please enjoy!”
Lando watched you as you danced around the stage, and he felt something dark growing in his stomach. You weren’t talking about him. It was someone new. You were seeing someone new. 
You couldn’t be seeing someone new, you’d been in a new city every few days. You couldn’t make it work with him, you were never on your phone, so it couldn’t be online. How did this happen?
You finished your song, and you left the stage. You fell into a chair and passed out. Maybe not eating was a bad idea? Probably. 
“Y/n,” Sasha shook you awake. “Someone’s here to see you.”
“I feel like shit-”
“We all do. Let’s go.”
And you followed. Because you had to. What else were you supposed to do but follow? Was this your life now? Taking orders and following them. 
“Now, you have to be nice to everyone, even Lando and Allison, alright?” she turned to you, stopping in front of the door. 
“I really don’t feel well,” you tried to protest. “Can I grab something to eat first?”
She rolled her eyes. “It’ll be 15 minutes, you’ll survive,” she sighed, opened the door, and pushed you into the room.
The drivers and their partners all cheered, happy to see you back in the paddock. 
“Y/n! I missed you so much!” Carmen immediately pulled you into a hug.
“I missed you too,” you smiled, even if it was forced. You needed to sit down, you needed a drink, and you needed to be alone. 
“Some pretty amazing songs!” George cheered, patting you on the back. 
“Thanks George,” you smiled. Soon you were all sitting on the various couches and chatting, even if you didn’t speak. Lando’s eyes were glued to his hands as Allison’s eyes were glued to you. She was practically sitting on him, on the verge of straddling him if you looked in their direction again. She didn’t know it, but you were looking at the door behind them, wondering when you’d be called. It had surpassed the 15 minute mark, and you felt yourself getting more and more faint as time went on. 
“Y/n?” Allison cut across Daniel chatting to you about your latest show in Manchester, remembering a story of the two of you when you were there, and telling it to the group. “How’s the tour going?”
You cleared your throat. “Well, thanks,” you smiled shyly. 
“So the rumours that you haven’t been performing to your full capabilities aren't true? Like I’ve heard you’ve been lip syncing,” she smirked as the rest of the drivers and wags just looked at her with disgust. Oscar rolled his eyes. He’d been sick of her for weeks, and he was usually quite good with people he didn’t like, but he hated her. So did Lily. 
You gulped. “I don’t lip sync, but obviously 97 shows in 113 days is quite a lot for my voice, so I don’t always sing my super vocally- challenging songs every night or else I’d have to go on vocal rest all the time,” you explained, feeling the change in energy in the room. 
“And that would just be horrible, right guys?” She turned to Lando with a smirk on her face, but he was just looking down, embarrassed by her. “I’m a huge fan of your music, how much of it is about Lando?-”
“What the fuck?” George stood up with Carmen by his side. “Allison, what is your problem with her?”
“It’s just a question!” Allison defended as Lando got up and left. She looked a lot less imposing with Lando gone. “He’s my boyfriend now!”
“Yeah, we wish he wasn’t,” Lewis said under his breath.
“Guys, it’s fine,” you just wanted to leave. “Some of my songs are, because I like to put my feelings into music, right? But not all of them, because my life doesn’t revolve around Lando, it never did. I am more than my relationships, and you’d do good to remember that for yourself. Don’t let love become who you are, it doesn’t end well.”
With that, you got up and left. You didn’t care anymore. You didn’t care if Sasha screamed at you, you didn’t care if they all came running after you. 
It was done. You and Lando were over. Was it your choice? No. Was it a choice you had to deal with? Yes. His choice. Yet, everyone had looked to you for answers. ‘What happened?’ ‘Was it going downhill?’ or your personal favourite; ‘Did he get bored?’.
You didn’t know. All you knew was that one moment, you were with him, and the next you weren’t. 
You ran to your dressing room and lay down, eating some random snacks you found. You felt better after eating, you felt-
Knock knock. 
“Come in!” You called, not caring much about who it was.
“Hi,” Lando’s voice was small and quiet. 
You sat up, staring at him. 
“Beautiful songs,” he smiled softly. “Missed hearing you sing.”
You nodded. “Good luck today.”
“Thanks,” he sighed. “I'm sorry about Allison, she’s the fucking worst.” 
You chuckled softly. “I’m sorry you’re dating her.”
He cracked a soft smile, then it fell. “Who’s the new lucky guy for you?” He watched as your face fell. 
“No… no new guy, just an old one I wrote back at the start of… us…” you trailed off. 
His heart was shattering, watching you be treated like this. Watching from afar as you lost your mind, lost your life, over a fucking tour. He saw the soulless look in your eyes, the dropped weight, the dampened smiles, all of it. He was shocked that other people couldn’t see it too. He’d regretted breaking up with you since the moment he did it. He was haunted by the way you begged him to stay, and he questioned how he’d ever said no to you. How was he so blind-sighted? How did he not see how much pressure you were under? How did he not see that he was what was keeping you above ground? 
“Oh,” he breathed out. 
You took a deep breath. “I’m releasing an album soon, and a lot of the songs are about our relationship,” you explained hesitantly. “I wanted to offer you a chance to listen to it before it goes out, just as a… heads-up? In case you’re worried about what’s on it.”
God, punching him square in the face would hurt less than watching you feel awkward around him. He cleared his throat. “Oh umm…yeah. I’d like that. Thank you.”
You nodded and got up, taking a cd out of your backpack. “Here you go. Sorry again, about… everything.” 
“I’m sorry too,” he nodded. “So, are you leaving now or…?”
“No, I’m holding the chequered flag today, so I’ll be up at race control,” you explained, trying to look anywhere other than him. “And I’m handing off the 1st place trophy.”
“Maybe I’ll be first to see you,” he chuckled. 
“Maybe,” you shrugged. 
“The tour looks… awful. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you,” he spoke after a minute’s silence. 
You just shrugged. “Not your fault,” you lied. 
He knew this was when he was meant to leave, but he wasn’t sure when you two would be in the same room again. He didn’t know when he’d see you again, so he took a moment to fully take you in. “You were really incredible today. You sounded like an-”
“Angel? Thanks Lando, see you soon,” you nodded, finishing the compliment you always used to get from him. He nodded and left, realising he had no more time. 
When the door closed you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. How could he do that? How could he stand there and be nice to you, after what he said that night? After what he fucking put you through?
Weeks of complaining from him, blaming you for his performance in races, telling you that you needed to be there for him, not calling you back, not texting back, not listening when you told him about how awful everything was going. 
“I’m sorry Lan, I know how hard this is. It’s hard for me too-”
“How the fuck can you say that? You’re the one who choose to do this, you fucking decided to tear us apart! This is all your fault, and you’re telling me it’s ‘hard’ for you. What is hard for you? Spending all your time with adoring fans? Being on stage and living your dreams? Being away from me?”
“Lan, you know better than anyone that I didn’t want this tour to happen,” you cried. Even then, even 48 shows in, you were being driven crazy. You were exhausted, you missed home, and you missed Lando. “I had no choice-”
“You had every fucking choice! And don’t give me that fucking bullshit about your label forcing you, we both know that’s a fucking lie!” he shouted. You hated it when he shouted, when anyone shouted. He had no fucking right to speak to you like that. You didn’t want this to happen, you had no say, you just had a contract and an incompetent lawyer to thank.
“I don’t know what you want me to say to that,” you shrugged, your voice breaking. “I love you, and I miss you. We can make this work Lan, I just need time to figure it out, alright? I just need time-”
“Yeah? Well I’ve given you all the time I have to give. We’re done, I bet I could find a million girls just like you, girls who would actually take my feelings into account before she made huge life decisions!” he scoffed.
“Lando, please don’t do this. I-I don’t know what- I- Lan please, I need you,” you pleaded. “I’m trying my best I swear-”
“Your best isn’t good enough.”
And he hung up.
The fallout of your relationship didn’t exactly go great either. A day later your feed was flooded with pictures of Lando out with someone else. One day later. 
What the fuck? Didn’t he care? Didn’t he love you?
Well, apparently not. 
Lando knew he wouldn’t see you again for months. This was his only fucking chance to speak to you, to see you, and instead, he stayed in his driver’s room listening to the heart-wrentching songs you’d written about him. God, if he thought ‘champagne problems’ was devastating, ‘cowboy like me’ was worse. It was a long album, almost 2 hours long. It spanned your entire relationship, starting out, your first date, your grammy win, his podiums, the hate you two got, the start of the fighting, the end of the relationship, and the after. It was awful reliving it from your perspective, especially since you had tried to tell him, and every time he’d pick a fight. 
“Lando?” Oscar’s voice came from outside his door. “Allison’s looking for you.”
“Tell her to piss off!”
“You can do that, mate,” he scoffed and walked off, into his own driver’s room. 
“Lan?” Her voice rang out, and he wanted to scream. He had put himself in this position, he knew it,  but it was still difficult to fully self-actualise his own shortcomings. 
“What?” he groaned, opening the door. 
“The other girls are excluding me,” she pouted. 
“I wonder why,” Lando rolled his eyes. “They love Y/n.”
Her face fell into a frown. “But you love me, so they should love me. They keep going off to find her and talk to her, and any time I try to tell them that I’m uncomfortable around her, they tell me not to come.”
“I don’t know what you want me to do,” he sighed. 
“Talk to their boyfriends, ask them to include me!”
“Babe, I have a fucking race today, please leave me alone,” he sighed. He pushed past her to walk to the paddock, knowing he just had to keep his head down and race today, he just had to do the one thing he was good at. 
“Well, what am I supposed to do for the rest of the day?” 
“I don’t know,” he grunted, and moved on. The garage was somehow too loud yet not loud enough to drown out the negative thoughts in his head. Recent months had been difficult. Races were taking more and more out of him, he was lonely, and if he wasn’t training or racing, he was looking at old photos of you or watching the tour. He could see how you deflated as you left the stage, how upset you looked going on stage. It was all a terrible reminder of how selfish he’d been. How hadn’t he seen it? Why didn’t he listen? 
He remembered telling Max what had happened. He’d gotten so angry, begging him to call you back and apologise. He’d been so blindsighted, he wouldn’t listen to Max. Why was Max always right?
“You good?” Oscar asked, a hand on his shoulder to drag him out of his thousand-yard stare. 
Lando sighed. “Good,” he lied, and it wasn’t convincing. Everyone knew what you were to him. You grounded him, you knew him, every single part of him. You loved him. “You?”
“Good. Y/n’s set was great earlier,” he offered a small smile. “At least you have a good break-up album, right?”
Lando cracked a small smile. Oscar was good at that, making him laugh when he was down. “Yeah, it feels great when it’s about you.”
Oscar chuckled. “Story for the grandkids,” he shrugged. “Don’t sweat it.”
Lando nodded. 
“Oh yeah,” Oscar added. “When you left, Allison asked Y/n what songs were about you, so just… expect that conversation with her, I guess? I’m not entirely sure what’ll happen-”
“What did Y/n say?”
Oscar swallowed. “Something like; ‘some of my songs are, ‘cause I like to put my emotions into music. But not all of them, because my life doesn’t revolve around Lando, it never did. I am more than my relationships, and you’d do good to remember that for yourself’.”
Lando nodded, and could tell by the look on Oscar’s face that he was holding something back. “That’s it?”
“‘Don’t let love become who you are, it doesn’t end well’,” Oscar finished. “Then she left.”
Lando nodded as the weight on his chest got heavier. “Thanks for letting me know.”
“Of course,” Oscar offered a pity-smile and walked off to his side of the garage. 
Lando was always a person to be stuck inside his own head. He wasn’t good at expressing his feelings. He didn’t know how to talk about them. Yet, you always knew how to get him to talk. You always had the right solution, the right thing to say, the right face to make. He was in awe of you, so effortlessly perfect. 
He remembered back to Greece, back in the off-season, before the tour, before the season started. Before he fucked everything up. 
You smiled as he pulled you closer. The air was anything but cold, and the water was still. There you two sat, sitting on the bow of the as the sun set. The clear water beneath the yacht you’d been on for the past few days was calm and steady, lulling you both into an unmistakable tiredness. Yte, Lando wanted to stay up, wanting to soak up as much time with you as he could. He was going to miss you so much this season. You hadn’t ever been to every race in a season, you were a busy person, he understood that. He was a busy person too. But you’d go to as many races as possible. Now, ‘as many races as possible’ means about 4. Stupid tour. 
“What are you thinking about?” you asked, your eyes closed as you soaked in the moment. You leant against his chest as you lay in his arms, your favourite place to be. 
“How much I’ll miss you this year,” he admitted. There was never any point in lying to you, you always knew. 
You pressed a kiss to his arm. “I’ll miss you too.”
You were straight forward with things, he loved that. It was a bad situation. You were off to a tour you didn’t want to do, and he was off to another season. 
“I love you,” he confessed. He said it a lot, but it always felt special. He made you feel special. You made him feel special.
“I love you,” you opened your eyes, a smile on your lips. You spoke again after a few moments of silence. “You’re going to win a race this season, I can tell.”
He chuckled. “Once I get back home to you, I don’t care if I win.”
You laughed. “Sure, we all believe you.”
He smiled. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
You looked at him for a moment, that perfect, soft smile on your face. “Ditto,” you laughed as he did too. Your laugh was melodic, his favourite sound. 
“Who says ‘ditto’ to that?!” he laughed.
“I do,” you chuckled. 
You two locked eyes for a moment, then he leant down and pressed his lips to yours, soft and sweet. 
The perfect night. 
He caught a glance of your red dress walking into the garage. 
“Y/n!” The engineers cheered. He heard your laughter. 
The room was a collection of cheers and conversation, and he wanted more than anything to be able to walk over to you and hold you, and kiss you, and tell everyone to leave you alone because you were his girlfriend, not theirs. 
You walked in with a smile on your face. That smile dropped in half a second. Everyone was talking, everyone was patting you on the back, everyone was looking at you. You caught a glance of Lando and immediately felt the pit in your stomach grow. Everyone knew everything, everyone looked at you. Everyone blamed you. Oscar wrapped his arm around you and walked you through the garage as he saw you getting overwhelmed. He’d learnt the signs from his little sisters. Blown out pupils, teary eyes, tight features, heavy breathing. Oscar had always been a great friend to you, he’d always cared for you. He brought you through, doing most of the talking if anyone stopped you two and let you in his driver’s room, promising to grab you when you could leave without being bombarded by crew, or the press. 
Lando followed behind after a few minutes, then knocked on the door. He knew how to calm you down, he was probably the only person who did. 
Oscar opened the door looking panicked. “She’s having a panic attack,” he whispered. 
Lando nodded and walked in, taking your hand in his as you hid your face in your other hand. He knelt beside you on the floor as you sat on the bed. “It’s me baby, I’m right here. Come on, squeeze my hand,” he said, voice steady. You didn’t. “You need to start breathing properly, squeeze my hand like I’m squeezing yours,” He put some light pressure on your hand, which jump-started you into squeezing his hand as hard as you could. It wasn’t fair. This wasn’t fair. You hated how well he knew you. You wanted him to not know you, to not understand you and your body better than you did. “Just like that,” he cooed. He pressed your hand to his chest, where you could feel his steady and calm breathing, feel his regular heartbeat. It was in stark contrast to you. The thump of your own heartbeat in your ears, the quick breathing, the erratic heart. “Breathe with me. Please baby,” his voice was soft and comforting. You tried, gently slowing your breathing down to normal. The adrenaline was still rushing through your body as you calmed down. Oscar offered you a water bottle and you let go of Lando’s hand to take it. 
“I shouldn’t have come here, I’m sorry,” you said, sounding smaller than ever. “Zak said he wanted to see me after my set. I should’ve just said no.”
“You’re always welcome here,” Oscar placed a hand on your shoulder. “Seriously.”
“We want you here,” Lando added. The air was sucked from the room. “I want you here.”
“You don’t,” you refuted. “I shouldn’t be here.”
Lando sighed. “Let me walk you back to Ferrari, please?”
You shook your head, finally looking up and making eye contact with him. “You and I both know how that’ll go.”
Lando nodded, his heart breaking for the thousandth time. It’s hard to find an end to something you never want to let go of. “Ok,” he whispered, his emotions getting the better of him. 
“Goodbye Lando,” you sighed, then took Oscar’s arm and let him lead you back to Ferrari. 
“I’m sorry about Lando,” Oscar sighed as you two walked up to the entrance to Ferrari. “About the break up, now, and basically everything in between. He’s been… difficult recently. He’s always been a ‘glass half empty’ kind of guy I guess… I just… you made him better, y’know?”
You chuckled sadly. “Thank you for apologising, but you don’t have to. Lando is an adult, so am I. Things just… end sometimes. Him and I just aren’t meant to be.”
Oscar cocked an eyebrow. “I think we both know that’s not true.”
You didn’t know how to respond. Oscar had never been this straightforward with you, and he sure as hell had never broached this topic before. You just nodded and took his hand. “Thanks for helping me.”
And then you walked back to Ferrari. 
Oscar did get one thing right, Lando wasn’t done with you. Maybe it was seeing you again, maybe it was the album, maybe it was Allison, maybe it was all of it, he didn’t know. But what he did know was that he was still in love with you. He’d never stopped. How could he? He missed everything about you, your lips, your smile, your kindness, the way you’d make him laugh, the way you’d make him smile. Everything. He missed listening to you sing, seeing you on a stage that you wanted to be on. Seeing you get to be you. 
The Silverstone after-party with Charles who dragged you along. You’d thought it would be a bad idea, but when you were already 8 shots deep, you didn’t really notice. Yuki had pulled you away to sing a karaoke duet with him as Pierre and Charles laughed at you both, and you somehow ended up outside on the balcony with Carlos, both of you laughing at something random. 
“Y/n!” Lando cheered, clearly as drunk as you. A part of you had forgotten about everything before this moment, like you were seeing him for the first time. Perfect, with his curls, unbuttoned shirt, and damn pretty smile. “I didn’t know you were here!” 
“Lan!” you cheered, pulling him in for a hug. Carlos gave you both a very confused look, but was called away by Charles for a game of beer pong. Surprisingly, these ‘fancy’ parties usually just turned into something out of a frat house in Florida. Maybe it was just Logan’s presence. “How are you?” You slurred. 
“I feel great!” he shouted. “We should go for a walk!” 
“Yes!” you agreed. 
And that’s how you ended up back in his hotel room making out with him on his bed as he pulled your dress off. Funny how things can happen when you’re actually 18 shots deep, not 8. Oops?
“So pretty,” he murmured into your neck as he settled you on his lap. “So pretty for me.”
You laughed into his mouth, pulling back. “Lan, speed up.”
He smirked at you, his eyes heavy, then pressed his lips to yours again. He fully pulled your dress off of you as you started making quick work of his belt and trousers. 
“Fuck me,” you whispered in his ear and he let out a low moan. “Please Lan.”
He didn’t waste time. 
You woke up the next morning with a blinding headache, and a very naked Lando Norris beside you. You had to leave. You’d just fucked him, and he had a girlfriend. You were a homewrecker. You didn’t know if the sudden urge to vomit came up because of that, or the 18 shots of straight vodka you did the night before. 
You quickly grabbed your clothes, shoes, one of his hoodies, and tried to salvage whatever dignity you had left, then made a swift exit. It was still dark out and you were just praying that you could get through the 2 blocks you had to walk to your hotel without running into someone, or running into cameras. You quickly dialled Sasha’s number and tried to stop yourself from crying. You just pray you two used protection, or fell asleep before doing anything real.
“Morning?” she answered groggily. 
“Sasha I did something really fucking stupid,” you admitted, the tears welling up in your eyes as you walked into the lobby of your hotel. “And I don’t know what to do.”
“Come to my room, we’ll sort it out,” she sighed. “You’ll be ok kiddo, I promise.”
You knocked on her hotel room door, tears in your eyes. 
“It’s 5 am,” she stated, opening the door. 
You rushed in, bursting into tears. “I think I fucked Lando, I mean- I-I think we fucked, last night- we were so drunk a-and then I don’t re-remember,” you hiccuped. “I’m so fucking stupid!”
She put a hand on your shoulder, sighing. “That was a very stupid thing to do,” she nodded. “But it’s not the end of the world. Did you use protection?”
“I don’t know.”
“I’ll go get Plan B, you stay here. Get changed into some pyjamas. Get some water, relax. Just don’t leave the hotel, yeah?”
“Alright,” you agreed. She left for the door. “Sash?”
“Thank you,” you said in a small voice. She offered you a pitying smile, and went on her way. 
Months passed and you both went on with your lives. He didn’t reach out, you didn’t either. Sadly, you were in fact a homewrecker. A week after ‘the incident’ Allison and Lando broke up. You truthfully felt so ashamed and awful for the girl. It wasn’t right what you two had done, and truly, you were insanely drunk. In no world would you fuck Lando Norris sober. 
The tour had finally ended, and your world was no longer turned upside down. You were working on new music, healing your body after all the travel and abuse you put it through, and continuing to try and get over Lando. 
It hurt like a bitch. He hurt like a bitch. 
Lando two-wins. Contender in the Championship. Supposedly dating someone. Last Lap Lando.
Lonely Lando, more like. Max Fewtrell had decided to stage an intervention and join him for the rest of the races, worried about his mental state. Since seeing you again, he’d been… less than alright. He’d talk about you all the time, stalk your instagram (to the point that Max took his phone off of him in Greece), and generally just think about you a lot. It was coming up to the album drop, and you were having your launch party in Italy. The same weekend as the race. All because Charles wanted to come. 
Shit was bound to go down, and no one was more excited than Hallie. 
You were dressed to the nines, nervous and excited. You’d fired half of your team, you’d dropped your old label, and you’d become… happier? That couldn’t be right, not when you felt the oppressive weight of your own regret on your chest everyday. Not when you woke up reaching for Lando. Not when you watched every single race and couldn’t look away until he was safely across that damn finish line. 
You were surviving. That’s the best you could do. 
“You look beautiful,” Charles smiled as he walked into the party. The night had gone off without a hitch so far. A select group of fans, influencers, celebrities, and almost all the drivers were mingling with one another, and not one sighting of Lando Norris. Not that you didn’t miss his face, or him in general. You did. More than you’d ever thought possible to miss someone.  
“Thanks Charles,” you smiled, pulling him into a hug. “You look great too.”
He smiled and beside him, Alexandria smiled at you, then pulled you into a hug. You continued the superficial chatting for a few moments, just hoping Charles wouldn’t ask the dreaded question. 
He looked at you for a second too long, and you knew it was coming. “Are you alright?” God, why did he have to ask stupid fucking questions? Obviously you weren’t alright. Obviously, if you could, you would run away. Obviously, you were drowning. 
Didn’t he see that? Didn’t anyone notice? Didn’t anyone care?
Apparently not. 
You nodded, putting on your best fake smile. “Just nervous.”
He nodded. It was enough to fool him. 
The night went on in a flurry of uncomfortable small talk, ridiculous requests from your most esteemed guests, and it was finally time to start listening to the album. You stood on stage, a nervous smile on your face as everyone looked at David, your producer, who was speaking in length about how proud of the record he was, and how proud he was of you. Everything was perfect. Everything was right in the world. 
But, of course, because he had to always be the centre of your universe, Lando walked in. 
And you were fucked. Every single breathing technique you’d learnt, every single pressure point tapping you’d done, it all left your head. Everything stopped. You stopped breathing. You stopped. 
But it didn’t feel wrong. It didn’t feel bad to have him there. It felt awfully, and soul-crushingly, right. Lando was always meant to be there, a devastating realisation that you didn’t exactly want to make while on stage in front of 200 people. 
“Any words, Y/n?” David asked, passing you the mic. 
You looked at Lando and he smiled, waving at you. You smiled back. 
“Please enjoy this album, it’s from a very important time of my life where I finally learnt what it meant to be in love, and be loved wholly in return. Obviously, it didn’t end very well, and that’s when I learnt what grieving someone was. I still have a lot of love for him, probably more than I should. But I have it. And I had nowhere to put it, so I put it to music, which is really the only thing I think I’ll ever truly understand. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you understand it,” You explained to the crowd. You watched Lando the entire time, looking at how his eyes lit up when you talked about your relationship. Lando had always cared about you. He always would. 
The opening cords of the first song started playing, and the attention was off of you. The crowd just closed their eyes and listened. You exited the stage and joined the crowd, desperately trying to get out of there. You stood on the balcony as the music blasted inside. People danced along, sang along as they started learning the words, and you stayed outside, tears falling. 
“You’re beautiful,” Lando’s whisper made you jump. You turned to see him, standing there behind you. “The album’s beautiful.”
You scoffed. “The album’s an album. What was beautiful was us,” you sighed. “Thank you for coming.”
He nodded, leaning against the barrier beside you. “Do you even wish our lives weren’t as complicated as they are?”
You chuckled. “More than anything.”
“We were beautiful,” he shook his head, trying to remember why he ever ruined the best thing in his life. “If you ever find yourself wanting to love me again, just… call me?”
You nodded, looking at him. “I will.”
He nodded, putting his hand on your shoulder and letting it sit there for a split-second, just to remind him of what it was like to touch you. Just to remind himself that once, he didn’t have to wonder if you loved him, to remind him of the unwavering support you gave him, to remind him of how his whole world came crashing down when he made you leave it. “I love you,” he whispered before walking to the door. 
His phone started ringing in his pocket as he got back inside. Unknown number. He answered it. 
“I think I want to love you again,” he could hear your smile through the phone and he immediately whipped around, his smile growing as he got closer to you. When he stood in front of you again, you both took the phones down and smiled at each other.
Lando didn’t waste time. He closed the gap between you two in one simple stride, wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his lips to yours. “I love you so much,” he pulled back. “I’m never letting you go again.”
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1,488,928 likes | liked by oscarpiastri, y/ny/l/n, and others
love of my life. @ y/ny/l/n
user28: WHAT THE FUCK THEY BROKE UP MONTHS AGO THO????-> user92: they were seen kissing at her launch party
y/ny/l/n: who's that pretty girl? -> oscarpiastri: she's too good for him -> landonorris: >:( -> oscarpiastri: hurt her again and I push you off the track. ->carlossainz: I second this -> charleslecerc: I third this -> alexalbon: I fourth this -> georgerussell: I fifth this.
georgerussell: Trying to beat me with no shirt?
lewishamilton: Yay! (I begged her not to take you back you asshole). -> pierregasly: Yay! (I'm trying to be supportive of her).
lilymhe: fuck off. ->user83: LMAO -> user18: DAMN EVERYONE HATES HIM
danielriccardo: HAHAHAHAHAH (I'm crying.)
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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s-4pphics · 10 months
click! 1 (e.w.)
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SYNOPSIS: you need a roommate, and you love eggplant. [college au]
WARNINGS: photographer/roommate!ellie, ocs an artist with a reputation :p, they’re both rude as shit, crack, all ocs are black coded yeeahhh yeah, awkward meetings, slut-shaming, brief cunninglingus, mention of eviction, smut later yall know tha vibes 
two. three. four.
A/N: short part just stay w me lemme cook... excited 2 write this lets get this shit yall
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“W-What do you mean you’re moving?” 
Your roommate and best friend wrapped her arms around your neck, pulling you close. Tears flooded in your eyes as she whispered the daunting news, your heart cracking in your chest. 
“I’m moving soon, stink.” Too soon, according to her. She’ll be gone by next week. Amaya snickered sadly as she cooed in your temple. “It's for good reason, though.”
Your ears perk, a curious hum vibrating her shoulder. 
“I got that internship— “
All sadness melds into excitement for your favorite person. You leap into her arms with squeals of congratulatory joy, planting smacking kisses all over her squishy cheek. 
“Oh my god! You should’ve said that first, bitch! What the fuck!” You wipe your tears on her hoodie. 
Her laughter rattles through your neck, “I just found out after class! I almost got hit by a fucking bus reading the email.” 
Amaya sets you down, rambles about her new position as a songwriting intern spilling from her like an overfilled glass. Tears of joy flow from you and her as she retells every detail about her acceptance. She’s leaving in a week and a half and going farther than you thought. 
“Girl… you’re really moving to New York?” 
“Only for like… four months, max. But yeah… Boutta be on BET come next year— “
“… I can’t pay rent by myself,” you whisper, cringing and embarrassed. 
You hate to ruin her moment, but you’re concerned; Living off campus isn’t cheap and moving in the middle of the semester is less than ideal. It’d be a fucking hassle, and — to be frank — you’re not a people person. 
People like having you around because you’re fun, sure. But your reputation isn’t what you hoped for it to be when you moved out of your dad’s place for school. You wanted to be recognized for your creativity, and while your professors never hesitated to praise your talents, your peers failed to see past the status that was placed upon you. 
Frankly, you’re deemed as a dumb whore, especially after your falling out with one of the campuses best softball pitchers. 
It wasn’t even your fault. One raunchy snap to the wrong person and people think you live for sex and sex only! Just when you think everyone is over slut-shaming… 
“You thought I was gonna leave you to fend for yourself? Guess what I did.” 
Oh God. “What?” 
She twiddles her fingers together villainously, “I may or may not have set up an application on the student homepage— “
The small glimmer of hope washes away, shoulders dropping, fingers coming up to massage your temples.  
“Maya…” You exhale, trying to keep calm, “You know those things don’t fucking work!” 
Roommate compatibility is a fucking scam. No one ever notes how they actually are in the application. You think you’ve found someone that’s clean, quiet, stays out of your space without permission and the next day you find dead roaches under your couch. College attendees have no idea what bleach is and it makes you sick. 
“Damn… you’re usually optimistic.” 
“I’m optimistic about good ideas. I’m gonna be living with a fucking freak from Craigslist, thanks a lot.” 
“C’mooon! You’ll be fine, babe, trust me.” Amaya wraps her arms around your neck once more, wetly smacking your cheek before turning to paddle to her room. “Plus, you’ll meet someone new!”
When you don't follow, she spins. She must’ve noticed your impassiveness, poutingly asking to help me pack? Tears overwhelm your ducts once more, quietly taking her extended hand as she leads you to her bedroom. 
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DAY ONE of roommate searching began, and you were already prepared to move back in with your dad. Amaya had enough time to orchestrate the housing agreement with you, making sure to highlight some of your most important characteristics in a roommate. One of the main ones being cleanliness. Some form of organization. 
DAY TWO was easier… Someone finally made it to the in-person interview stage. They didn’t make it far, though; They wouldn’t stop smacking their gum and it drove you crazy. Back to square one. 
DAY SIX came around and you were losing hope; Why are frat boys applying to live with you? You’d rather jump into oncoming traffic than house with any of Abby’s annoying, dirty friends. You've seen their house on numerous occasions and it never fails to make your skin crawl. 
It’s DAY THIRTEEN, and Amaya’s gone. After the sobbing fit with your best friend at the airport earlier, you got back to work. 
You sigh in exhaustion and lean back in your chair. If you don't take a break from your screen in the next five seconds, your eyes will bleed. 
Why are people… so odd? 
The number of applications you’ve had to deny in the last week is criminal; Why are cis-het men continuously filling out applications knowing they’re not welcome in your space?! 
Even the people that made it to the in-person interview stage are incapable of being… not strange. You’d rather die than live with someone who collects dead maggots in mason jars (yes, you did almost call the police when they described their fascination with death in depth)!
All you need is one fruitful application with an identity to match! Just one. 
Amaya still calls from New York whenever she has a moment of peace to see how the roomie-search is going, but you can’t ignore the sadness that fills your heart every time she misses a call. Her laughter is gone, and your day-to-day life feels empty. 
They’re already working your bestie to the bone; You hope she can feel your encouragement from thousands of miles away. 
You scroll and click, scroll and click, scroll and deny deny deny until you pause, your eyes skimming over the application with a familiar name. 
Ellie from stats, you instantly recognize. Curiosity perks and your brows furrow, sipping lukewarm tea as you skim over her contact information, her pet preferences, all the way down to her additional commentary. A snicker left at her blunt statement. 
temporary request. my last roommate moved and i’m poor. just waiting on this job approval. 
… Ellie in a nutshell. How relatable.
At least she’s not a complete stranger. Every interaction with her stirs in your mind as you jot her number down on a lone sticky-note. They were nothing special from your perspective: the two of you exchanging notes, her holding the door open as everyone scurried out of class, you asking for a pencil (and her asking for it back after the lecture), and you can’t help but wonder why she would want to apply to share a space with anyone, let alone you. 
She's only ever been described as standoffish by your peers. From the outside, Ellie’s blank. Flat tone, flat expression, plain appearance, and the fact that you never know what she’s thinking is unsettling. You’re thrown off your game whenever she’s near and you hate it. 
But the spot is temporary; Amaya will be back in a couple of months, and it seems Ellie’s leaving sometime soon by her small note. 
You down the rest of your tea and stretch where you sit, pondering. Trying to imagine Ellie in your space.
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“I don’t know why I can’t take Maya’s spot. I’d make an excellent roommate.” 
Your expression flattens, glare piercing through your good friend. 
Abby scoffs, “C’mooon! I mind my business...” She pauses, leaning across the table, nearly knocking your coffee over. Her whispers send a shock down your spine, “…and I give good head. I’m a package deal.” 
A brow raises. Abby’s sweeter than candy and she puts it down, but you already made the mistake of living with someone you fucked before, and you vowed to never do it again. If Amaya hadn’t given you a place to stay after the blow up between you and your ball-throwing sneaky link, you’re not sure where you'd be. Definitely not a student; The stress would’ve forced you to collapse. And drop out. 
“Sorry, stink. Not happening.” 
She rolls her eyes, “Whatever.” She takes a sip from her drink, “Can’t believe you’d let that freak in before me.” 
You pause. “You’re a freak, too— “
“I’m the good kind!” She searches like someone’s watching her, voice dropping to a whisper, “Ellie’s fucking weird, dude. When’s the last time you’ve seen her interact with anyone? A literal fucking NPC. All she’s programmed to do is stand and look.” 
“And give out pencils,” You interject with a snicker, “Who cares. I don’t like most of the idiots here, either. I barely put up with your ass.” 
Abby raises her glove-covered palms in surrender, “Fuck it. When I see an alert about a missing student, I’ll know who it is.” 
“You’re so fucking extra— “
Your neck cranes towards the opening cafe door, shock surging through your body at the sight of the NPC in question. Ellie silently stands at the back of the line, headphones secured on her head and nose red from the cold, classically bored expression plastered on her face. 
“Oh, this is hilarious,” Abby huffs, “Go greet your new housemate.” 
Another glare is sent in her direction, “Can you shut up? Her name’s not on any lease. I barely talked to her.”  
“Do it now, then. Triple dog dare you.” Abby smirks behind her cup. 
You sigh and raise from your seat, “You’re a cunt.” 
“The wettest. Go.” 
You flick her forehead before making your way over to Ellie, who’s mindlessly scrolling through her phone. Her sniffles get louder with each step you take, metal music blasting through her speakers. 
You tap her shoulder and she jumps, sliding one of her ear cups over to hear. 
“Hey, Ellie,” you smile politely. 
“… Sup,” she mutters hoarsely, turning her body towards you, eyes filled with… nothing. Expected. 
Silence passes, and you fill it, “I got your app yesterday. Just wanted to come and introduce myself.” 
More silence. You can see Abby out the corner of your eye, mockingly swiping her tongue between her index and middle finger. You flush and stutter, and Ellie’s staring like you have two heads. 
“I, uh… yeah. I’ve been having interviews with some people that submitted a form. You free sometime this week?” 
“Uhh…” She glances down at her phone. “Yeah. Around five tomorrow.” 
More silence. Fuck, this is awkward. 
“… Cool.” You pull your phone out and text her saved number, the alarm ringing from her phone. “That’s me. Just call before you stop by.” 
She nods and turns her back to you, cranking her music to full volume. You gawkily shuffle where you stand before hustling back to your table, Abby cackling to herself. You plop down and kick her under the table, but she laughs harder. 
“What’d I say!” 
“Not a thing,” You hiss, “She’s just a little awkward. It’s not that serious.” 
“Oh, yeah.” 
“Oh yeah what.” 
“She’s definitely your fucking housemate.” She tsks in disappointment before a smirk appears, her eyes darkening. “Can I eat it one last time before she moves in?” 
A jolt surges in your tummy, your hand closing into a fist. You kick her again and she giggles. 
Time passes as you and Abby’s conversation carries on like normal. Another ding rings through the coffee shop after some time, and you watch Ellie’s backpack bounce as she rushes down the sidewalk; Abby’s rambles about a soccer player she’s trying to smash sound like gibberish. 
Ellie has a Spider-Man charm and laminated polaroid latched onto her zipper. 
… Cute. 
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You’re going to fail statistics over a random.
Your professor’s voice sounds like white noise; Every pause she takes is used as an opportunity to sneak glances at Ellie. None of your notes are useful; The doodles and sloppy scribbles are solidifying that incoming F, for sure. Only fifteen minutes until you’re out of here. 
She’s two seats down from you, jotting down whatever she deems necessary for the midterm. You didn’t even register her answering the professor’s question, her rosy lips curving around her teeth with each syllable. 
Ellie blinks slowly, twice, three times before her eyes lock with yours, brows furrowed, evidently confused at your gawking. 
Your stomach drops with your gaze, fingers curled tightly around your pencil. 
The lecture finally comes to a close as your thoughts flurry, wordlessly shoving your books into your bag. A light tap on your shoulder yanks your attention. 
Ellie stands before you, puffer cinched under the bands of her backpack and cheeks just as rosy as before. 
“Hey. Can we switch the time?” 
“Huh?” Don’t stare, don’t stare. 
She sighs, “The time for the interview. Can we change it?” 
You blink dumbly, “Uh… sure. To what time?” 
Agitation creases her brows. “Now. Something came up and I can’t miss it.” She pauses, eyes flicking awkwardly around the room, weakly adding, “If that’s okay.” 
“Um… yeah, no problem…” You peer at the clock on the wall, “You want a coffee?” 
A slight wince from her. “… Yup.” 
She clearly doesn’t by the way her fingers are anxiously tapping on her thigh, but you nod nonetheless, hurriedly grabbing your belongings and leading her down to the student lounge. 
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“I don’t want you thinking this interview is one-sided,” You pray your gentle smile is calming the evident nerves of the freckled girl. “You can ask me anything you want, as well. If you have any concerns, any questions, shoot.” 
Ellie’s eyes are glued to her coffee cup, but her head bobs, expression void. Silence simmers between you. 
“I usually start these off with an icebreaker to get the jitters out! Just list three facts about yourself and I’ll follow.” 
Ellie’s lone hand comes up to scratch underneath her ear before meeting your gaze. Her eyes are so pretty; Too bad there’s nothing behind them. 
“Or I can go, sure, so!” Your hands clap together, “I’ll start with myself. I’m majoring in graphic design, I’m secretly a theater nerd, and I dream about owning an eggplant farm.” 
The girl before you clearly didn't expect that last statement. Her brows crease and the corner of her lip arches upward in a barely-there smile. Foreign to her face. 
“That’s not a fact,” She mutters, the shell in her pupils cracking. Just slightly. 
“Who cares, I love eggplant. Best vegetable by a landslide.” 
You scoff in disbelief, “What?” 
“Everybody on the planet knows that squash is god-tier— “
You squint, “Squash? Are you deadass?”
“It’s fucking versatile!” Ellie’s voice pitches higher, and your grin widens, “You can put it in everything and you don’t have to do much. Eggplant sucks up everything in the pan and still comes out soggy and tasteless— “
Choked laughter leaves your mouth, “If you don’t know how to cook, just say that.” 
Her mouth drops in exaggerated shock. “I know how to fuckin’ cook.” 
“I do, what the he— “
“Fun fact about Ellie: she can’t cook!” You kiddingly sneer. She chuckles and shakes her head, tongue poking the inside of her cheek. You almost miss her statement, “I take pictures.” 
“I wanna be a professional photographer... At some point. I take pic— “
Ellie’s phone vibrates on the table and she leaps into action, snatching her bag from beside her and standing from her seat. 
“Wait— “
“I gotta go,” She mutters as she straps her bag around her shoulders. “Sorry. See you later.” 
Ellie throws some bills on the table before dipping, her phone pressed against her ear, rambling about making time. She barely touched her coffee. 
Could’ve been worse, you utter to yourself. 
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Days pass, and you don’t hear from Ellie. 
When you saw her in stats two days after the interview, she hardly acknowledged you, morphing into the hermit that you knew her to be. You noted how tired she looked, though. You would’ve asked if she were okay if she hadn’t run out of class without a word. 
You’re weighing your options: allowing a random oddball into your apartment, or allowing a random oddball who hates eggplant into your apartment. Rent is due next week, and Amaya’s space is still vacant. 
At this point, the roster is almost nonexistent, and Ellie was the least concerning candidate. Despite Abby’s concern, she doesn’t seem like the type of person to bury dead bodies in the front lawn. 
“I dunno, friend. She’s a little weird. Getting mad incel vibes from her.” 
Your eyes roll back into your skull as you munch on cashews, “You’re getting vibes from someone you never talked to. She seemed cool at the interview.” 
“Yeah, 'cause vegetable debates are so note-worthy,” Amaya scoffs. 
She’s starting to sound a little too much like Abby, “I think y’all are forgetting that this is a temporary solution. I’m not tryna spend the rest of my fucking life with her! I need rent paid and she needs a place to stay for a few months.” 
Your best friend’s sigh drags through the line, “Alright… It seems like you made up your mind.” 
“Like I said, rent is due. I don’t have many options.” 
“Stop stressing. You found my replacement, apparently.” 
“Out smashing soccer players.” You huff. 
“Damn… My fault.” 
“I’m chilling. I just need head.” 
“Go out! Find somebody!” 
You groan, “Then I’ll have to shave— “
“Nair exists, you bonehead! Just go! You keep calling in a bad mood and it’s getting on my nerves!” 
You ponder and glance at your digital clock. It’s not even ten… Abby did tell you that Kappa was throwing.
“I can hear the engines turning in your big head. Bye.” 
Laughter explodes from you at the dial tone. 
“Hey, Siri… call Abby.” 
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Tonight has been a blur since you left your apartment. 
You remember making it halfway through Blam Boom before your speaker died, downing your last couple of shots of 1800, and Ubering to the location Abby pinged. 
It only took a few minutes for her to scoop you up onto the packed kitchen counter and shove her tongue in your mouth. One shout of I’m horny from you and she was yours for the rest of the night. 
Now you’re pressed up against some bathroom sink upstairs, Abby’s head shaking between your legs, your jeans and underwear flung onto the shower rail. Each flick of her tongue is both clumsy and precise, applying pressure exactly where you need it. 
Your clit’s throbbing under her tongue, the muscle igniting the flame in your tummy as your climax builds, zaps in your spine. Cries of her name meld with the booming music from outside, the walls rattling like nerves in your toes. 
Abby’s gorgeous under you, you know it, the drunk part of your brain knows it, your desperate cunt knows it, but you’re no longer thinking about her compared to earlier. Your mind is elsewhere, somewhere it shouldn’t be. 
You’re thinking of freckles. Green eyes instead of blue. Chapped, rosy lips, and you don’t know why. But you succumb to it. Ellie’s trapped underneath your eyelids, crowding your senses, your empty head suddenly full of images of her in any way you could conjure. 
Your orgasm shatters you, but you’re silent, trembling hand glued over your mouth as Abby groans in your cunt. She’s a doll, easing you back down to earth, dragging your underwear and pants up your shaky legs and getting you back home safely. 
When you’re showered and your teeth are brushed, she tucks you in, gently kissing your forehead. You beg her to stay with you, but she declines with I know how you get before silently departing. 
Your phone is squeezed between your fingers after minutes of trying to sleep, eyeing Ellie’s saved contact until darkness overtakes you. 
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The pounding on your door is worse than the ones from inside your skull. Fuck Tequila, from the bottom of your heart. Waves of nausea crash over you with every waddle, hobbling your hunched form over to yank the front door open. 
A bored Ellie stands in front of you, a large camera and headphones hanging from her neck, seemingly cozy in her sweater and puffer, large duffel bags packed to the brim with clothes dangling from her shoulders. Your cheeks warm instantly. Gray sweats, gray sweats—
“I’m here,” She states plainly. 
“… Why?” You croak.
Ellie’s seems just as confused as you, her eyes piercing as if her appearance is obvious. 
“To move in.” 
“… Why?”
Ellie sighs and snags her phone from her jacket pocket, swiping a few times before nearly blinding you with her screen. 
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Your jaw nearly hits the floor. When the fuck did you send that? 
“So, I’m here,” she slips her device back in her pocket. “Which room am I in?” 
“E-Ellie, uh… there's been a mis— “
“Look,” she holds her pale, veiny hands up. “I don’t wanna beat around the bush anymore. I got evicted and I need a place to stay until I secure this job. I’m willing to put down whatever’s needed for rent but I don’t have time to bullshit.” 
Ellie proceeds, sarcasm slipping, “Respectfully.” 
She pushes past your stunned form, bags accidentally brushing against your bare legs. You can't even move to stop her; You merely watch Ellie shuffle to inspect the living room, the small kitchen, pausing in front of the abstract painting you made for your dad before eventually moving down the hall and into Amaya’s empty space. How the fuck did she get in the building, anyway?
Your deer-like eyes lock with her void, mossy ones as she peers over her shoulder. 
“I still have some stuff to pick up. Please leave my key under the mat if you go somewhere.” 
Before she enters the empty room next to yours, you hear her gruffly say, “Leave the lease on the table so I can sign it, too.”
Amaya’s — Ellie’s door slams shut seconds later, the soft click of the door locking follows suit. 
What the fuck just happened. Gall almost surpasses your anger. The audacity...
For the first time, you’re grateful that your shift is in two hours. You need to get the fuck out of here before you cause a scene and catch a case. 
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tagggiiiesss missed yall ;3 : @starologist @hrtmal @ohlawdthebirds @villainousbear @timmy-27 @inf3ct3dd @aouiaa @shurisbigtoe @emothurman @lonelyfooryouonly @imelliesgf @baumbii @brackishkittie @littletinyladybugs @r1miese @horror-whoree @elsbunny222 @elliesatchel @makemescreamel @lav3nd3rhaze @elliezflower @ellieloml @ellies-princess @saverdelrey @womenofarcane
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1K notes · View notes
disneyprincemuke · 9 months
they ask, "do you have a man?"
alternatively: can’t be discreet to save anyone’s life
in which everyone is curious why the grid princess is still single despite instagram posts from them seem to be giving out another narrative
(series masterlist)
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logansargeant posted on their story!
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alexalbon ur never beating the dating allegations if u keep posting shit like this i fear
kidy/n omg i look so slay in that dress
logansargeant ugh you’re so right bb
lilymhe i need to know where she got this i fear 😔
logansargeant she said she will text you like a true girls girl ✊🏼
lilymhe ugh im in love with her
user1 gonna need you guys to announce you’re dating actually
user2 posting this and denying every dating allegation is actually crazy
user3 what if i jump in front of a moving train???
user4 such a boyfriend coded story from someone who’s not her boyfriend
kidy/n posted on their story!
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kidy/n is there ever a day u wake up n ur not an outright hater?
oscarpiastri no cause you guys are hanging out without so that really fuels my ability to hate
kidy/n u got ur own gf mate, spend time with her?? >:(
sebastianvettel this doesn’t scream “not dating” to the rest of the world btw
kidy/n ugh nobody will know grandpa
sebastianvettel wow hater alert
georgerussell63 still not dating i presume? 🤨
kidy/n no sir
georgerussell63 i smell a big fat lie i fear
user6 pls stop lying to the world and just kiss after a race 🙏🏼🙏🏼
user7 and why exactly is he nOt the one pushing u in a kart??
📍 home
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 56,984 others
kidy/n didn’t see the news cause we were somewhere else
view 30 comments…
comments on this post have been limited.
oscarpiastri having fun without me should be a crime tbh
sebastianvettel this is why u weren’t answering ur phone?? ☹️
lilyzneimer photo credits where? 😔
kidy/n omg so trueeeeee i’m sorry i forgot
charles_leclerc making the uk look fun is a magic power
maxverstappen1 i heard the uk is only fun cause y/n lives there
landonorris what’s all this slander???
🎵 rex orange county - best friend
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liked by oscarpiastri, kidy/n and 56,940 others
logansargeant the only problem living with your best friend is that every night is party night
view 288 comments…
kidy/n why are u telling people we’re alcoholics
oscarpiastri first you move in together, and now you’re not even inviting me to drink???
lilyzneimer cant believe i scored an invitation and u didnt
oscarpiastri wtf
kidy/n lol tough life oscar
user8 wow i thought they lived with oscar ngl
oscarpiastri ugh i wish
user9 why would he? he’s got a girlfriend
user10 really not dating?
sebastianvettel not sure how to feel about this
user11 them actually not being romantically involved is my roman empire
user12 in one universe, they’ve GOT to be dating
kidy/n so based
user13 wait i
formula1 drink safely pls 😀 (i’m begging for an invite)
logansargeant only if u pay for the alcohol
williamsracing not very family friendly of u ngl
kidy/n im sorry williams i tried to stop him ☹️
williamsracing its only ok bc its u
logansargeant ?
kidy/n posted on their story!
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logansargeant wowwww look at you go bb!! so pretty!!!
kidy/n ehheheheehhe
oscarpiastri wow busy girl
sebastianvettel and kristen approved of this!!?!?
sebastianvettel oh ok. youre just kinda wild lately idk
kidy/n whats that supposed to mean
sebastianvettel 🤷🏼‍♀️
maxverstappen1 the uggs are a no from me
kidy/n ok red bull merch lover
“thank you so much for being on the show,” hannah smiles into the mic. “i’m shocked to even receive the email from your pr manager, actually.”
“no, yeah,” she grins, nails pressed against her lips, biting down on the bottom. she’s never actually been on a podcast before. “we were talking about making an appearance somewhere, but i’m kinda - very - intimidated by men. i chose this podcast specifically.”
“oh, you know of our existence,” emma gushes, giggling slightly. “we feel so honoured. thank you so much.”
“honestly, i’m always around men,” she laughs, scrunching her nose. “i live with a man. so being around women is always a very nice change.”
“right, you recently moved in with logan sargeant in the uk,” hannah points out. “if you don’t mind me asking, how did that decision come about? because you’re really good friends with oscar piastri as well, how come he doesn’t live with you guys?”
“oh, that’s an interesting point,” emma frowns. “i never thought of that.”
“yeah, so growing up oscar and logan actually stayed with my family on and off just because they’ve got brothers and sisters that their parents would have to attend to back home,” she recalls out loud, remembering the sleepovers they’ve spend in the living room with her siblings. “i think when i was… like 15, oscar was 16, and logan was 17, obviously.
i think my sister and i had a really bad fight that turned the house upside down. i mentioned that i couldn’t wait to move out and never speak to her again — i was very overdramatic as a teen. and they were like ‘yeah, that’s a good idea! we should get a place!’”
“oh, so you didn’t even propose the idea of living together?”
“exactly! they just love inviting themselves to be a part of my life. they’ve got cars while i don’t, so that’s a big plus,” she laughs. “then, well, oscar met lily when he was 18 and they got an apartment together after oscar landed reserve driver for alpine. which then left logan and i to kinda figure things out. then, we both landed a contract to race in the 2023 season and both our racing headquarters are in uk, luckily. so we made the decision to move in together earlier this year.”
“so oscar bailed!”
“that’s okay,” she scoffs, waving off the host’s concern. “we live pretty close by, so lily and oscar are always at our place anyway.”
“so, i totally don’t wanna get into it. but like, girl to girl,” hannah grins giddily. “and i promise we’ll get into the racing stuff in a bit, but i’m just curious.”
“it’s okay because i like you guys,” she jokes. “ask away.”
“there’s a lot of speculation that you and logan seem to be too close to just be best friends,” hannah explains. “and it’s seemed to be a trend since you were in f2 together, so i just wanna ask you if… well…”
she smiles. this isn’t exactly the first time she’s heard that. while they preferred to keep their relationship under wraps for several reasons, her and logan aren’t very discreet either.
there are pictures on the internet, after races where they head to weigh-in together with logan holding her things, laughing as they walk, which is normal. but there are also a couple of pictures where they were caught with logan’s hand on her cheek, or of them walking in the paddocks with her hands wrapped around his arm.
she’s not shocked that people talk about their relationship, but more shocked that everyone seems to shrug it off as them being really good friends.
“we’re actually not romantically involved at all,” she lies, though her cheeks flush up at the thought of her boyfriend. “i think we met really early on in life so we’re super comfortable with each other.”
“so, you’re setting the record straight. you don’t have a man.”
she nods firmly. “i don’t have a man. not planning to get one — i’ve just been really busy with my career. if anything, logan is my stand-in date for every event.”
“that’s true friendship if i’ve ever seen one.”
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802 notes · View notes
landitolover · 10 months
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𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔 in which everyone thinks that she’s dating her skating partner, but her actual boyfriend starts to feel a bit insecure about how everyone ships her with her someone who isn’t him.. ౨ৎ ollie x fem!skater!reader
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Liked by hyun_sb182, lilymhe, and 879,812 others
yourusername in italy for the (very short) break 😚!
View all 1,922 comments
user here before hyun 🥰
user i need to run into her idk !!
user she’s so perf
user hyun i hope you know how to fight
→ user real ‼️
hyun_sb182 ❤️❤️
lilymhe so gorg babes
→ yourusername imy ☹️❤️
alex_albon COME TO MY RACE 🤔🤔
→ yourusername maybe.. if I’m not too busy going to other races 😉
→ user omg what does she mean by that
→ user ew why would you say that.. she’s clearly dating hyun ??? 😭
user she posted this just for me 😂😂🙏🏼🙏🏼 (I’m delusional)
user anyone else find it weird how ppl are saying they’re dating when yn is 18 and hyun is like 22 😭???
→ user RIGHT and they met when she was like 16 and he was 20 .. WEIRD!
→ user fr plus i see them more as siblings ..
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YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i hope you’re not bothered by all those stupid ppl who think I’m dating hyun 😞
it’s fine, i mean it kinda makes me sad but theres nothing we can really do about it
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i’m sorry ollie :(
i can tell my pr to handle this ???
no no it’s fine!
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
are u sure???
yes I’m sure :)
anyways, getting rid of that topic
are you coming to my race ???
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
well yeah duh
why else would I be in Italy
to be in italy ?
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
why would I be in italy just to be in italy
when my bfs race is happening the week i have off
yeah you have a point
this is the first race of mine you’re going to 😁😁
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i knoww I’m so excited :)
i’ll win this race just for you 🍀
♡ yn loved “ i’ll win this race just for you 🍀 ”
yourusername just added two new stories
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viewed by olliebearman f2andf3ladies and 12,082 others
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Liked by olliebearman, jakcrawford_, and 54,678 others
yourusername thanks prema_team for letting me hang with you guys!!! and congratulations to ollie for winning 😄😄! super nice hanging out with jak too! (It was just an amazing experience in general, thank you ❤️)
tagged olliebearman jakcrawford_
View all 980 comments
user was hyun there too???
→ user girl stfu she can go places by herself 😐
user my two worlds colliding
user wait why is that jak guy kinda …. I’m gonna start watching f2 for him fr 🫣
user jak, yn, & ollie is a crazy trio i hope we see more of them 🙏🏼
→ user ollie in the third pic “ 🧍‍♂️”
user i smell a new ship
→ user stop shipping a girl with a whole ass bf. 😭
→ user she literally never confirmed if shes dating hyun lol
jakcrawford_ i kinda look dumb in the last pic
→ yourusername tbf it was very early in the morning
olliebearman fun hanging with you! 😀
→ yourusername i agree!
alex_albon so are u coming to my race or not .. cause you obviously have time now 🙄
→ yourusername 👍🏻
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yourusername just added two new stories
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viewed by olliebearman ynsupdates and 9,829 others
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just saw your story
you hang out with him alot don’t you ?
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
well i mean yeah? he’s my partner..
don’t be mad ollie ..
no I’m not mad at you
i could never be mad at you
i just feel like
kinda insecure
like everyone thinks you guys are so amazing together
and that you guys like belong.. I dunno it’s stupid, sorry
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
don’t apologize oliver
you’re feelings are 100% valid and I’M sorry
that you feel that way :(
and I hope you know I don’t see hyun in that way,
he’s more of an older brother to me! i promise u :)
i love you 💕
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i love you more 💘
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YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
it was supposed to be a surprise
twitter ruined my surprise 😔
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
dw ollie!! i’ll act super duper surprised when i see u
thank you 😊💕
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Liked by olliebearman, lilymhe, and 37,829 others
yourusername 🍀
View all 1,922 comments
user mother is ALWAYS mothering
user this performance was so good i shed so many tears 😢
lilymhe this performance was so AMAZING
→ yourusername THANK YOU BABES 😭😭❤️❤️
jakcrawford_ ABSOLUTE FIRE
→ yourusername THANKS BFF !
olliebearman such a lovely performance, it was so amazing seeing it live 💕
→ yourusername thank you ollie 🥹💕
→ user i just dropped to my knees.
→ user how do you feel now ynhyun nation 🤣🤣
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Liked by yourusername, jakcrawford_, and 23,389 others
olliebearman you’ll always be my person, i love you yn 🤍
original: yeah, how do you feel ynhyun nation? sorry i ruined your little ship but i’ve been dating her for a year now! I love you, yn 🤍
• edited
tagged yourusername
View all 897 comments
→ user he changed it 😕
user bud didn’t come to play
→ user bud did not let the rumors slide
user the rumors are terrible and cruel but honey most of them are true 🎶
→ olliebearman only the rumors abt me dating yn are true
user we lost ynhyun . CAUSE OF A WHITE BOY
→ user get out. hyun aint stand a CHANCE!
user WE WON HELLO?????
user long story short i survived the ynhyun allegations
user i knew them ynhyun mfos were delusional
user these pictures are so CUTE IM THROWING UP
lilymhe took you long enough
→ jakcrawford_ right like i couldn’t pretend like i just met yn anymore.. like dawg we’ve been friends for months now 🤨
→ yourusername LMFAOO IM SORRY JAK
yourusername the caption sir…… 🤨 you should PROBABLY CHANGE IT ! don’t want ur pr to hate me
→ olliebearman yes ma’am
→ olliebearman I LOVE YOU TOO 🤍🤍
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Liked by ynsupdates, olliebearman, lilymhe and 89,922 others
yourusername yeah as if I would ever date a scrawny white boy..
tagged olliebearman
View all 1,928 comments
→ olliebearman no cause fr why are my legs that long
→ yourusername idk what ur talking abt!
user sweetest + funniest couple ever
olliebearman so u can have an unhinged caption but i cant 🤨
→ yourusername that’s different oliver.
olliebearman we’re so couple goals 😋
→ yourusername so true babe
olliebearman ynollie forever
hyun_sb182 incredibly happy for you two ❤️
→ hyun_sb182 also i am not attracted to her, I have a girlfriend and I see yn as a younger sister …
→ yourusername thank you hyun!!!
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౨ৎ helloo! this is a re upload from my old blog <3 sorry for not posting anything, but i will b posting just old stuff from my old blog while i work on the new stuff 🤫🤫 BE READY FOR A CHARLES SMAU SOON 🤓🤓 also dulce hotline waaaah
@moneygramhaas hai bff ౨ৎ
769 notes · View notes
cheynovak · 9 months
The assistant
Reader x Soldier Boy 
Warnings:  Where to start... Smut 18+, Fluff, Alcohol, Cursing, unprotected sex, mentioning of rape, you name it ... (Make sure you're always protected!)  
Side note: English isn’t my first language.  
Words: 7331 
POV: Y/N is best friend and personal assistant from Crimson Countess. The close position Y/N had and the fact that she is not a supe made it hard on her to see the things she got away with. Part from all that, she hated the fact that Crimson and Soldier Boy were dating, Y/N couldn’t stand the man! Or could she? Their mutual frustration on Crimson Countess brings them closer together.  
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I wanted to make this in one part but made a sequal.  
Y/N and CC (that is the nickname she gave Crimson Countess since she didn’t want to use her civilian name anymore.) are best friends since they were little kids. When CC got her spot at Payback she could choose a personal assistant, immediately she thought of Y/N, there was no one she could trust more in this world.  
Y/N just got into the office and had been called to an emergency meeting with Payback. Everyone was on edge. Y/N walked in delivered CC her coffee smiled politely at Soldier Boy who clearly was in a bad mood and sat down on her chair behind Crimson. “So, if I get this right” The leader supe started to talk. “You’re punishing me, us, for the shit show TNT created?” - “Let’s not forget the mess our PR team had to cover up from your last trip with Countess. House arrest until the storm in the media is over!” Was the answer he got. Yeah, right your PR team Y/N thought, I had to clean her shit up and made sure no one knew about the casualties. Vought thought it would be a good idea to let her go on a little trip with her man to let off steam and showing the world they were the perfect IT couple. But instead, she got so frustrated with him that she tried to blow his head off, literally in the middle of Venice.  
That is all they were doing lately, fighting. CC hated it that her boyfriend got all the credit, fame and success.” That old bastard is nothing without Payback.” She had told Y/N last week. “Who gives a shit he stormed Normandy. We’re fucking over 30 years past that crap.” Y/N couldn’t believe her, she wanted the fame and glory but forgot that if Soldier Boy hadn’t chosen her, she probably would still be fighting local crime. “CC don’t you think you’re overreacting, a little bit? I mean come on without him you might not be here at Vought.” The second those words left her lips Y/N realized she made a huge mistake. Crimson turned to Y/N. “YOU, you jealous bitch, that’s it isn’t, you want my success! Nooo, you want my man! I’ve seen you looking at him, smiling at him! Is that why you dressed so cute today? To impress him?” Without hesitation CC threw her piping hot coffee at her. Luckily the coffee only spilled on her dress and not her skin. Y/N decided not to react to it and walked away, knowing if she would answer, she might get fired.  
“She is just not herself right now, she needs some time to cool off, you like her, you love her.” Y/N mumbled under her breath while walking in the lounge bar searching for something to clean her dress. She didn’t see Soldier Boy sitting in the corner, in one of the cosy boxes. “Trouble in paradise?” He asked not getting up. Y/N jumped up by the sound of his voice, bumping her head at the bar. “I’m sorry Soldier Boy. Didn’t see you there. I’ll be gone in a second, I’m just looking for something to get this coffee stain of my dress.” - “Don’t go, could use some company.” He said tapping the seat next to him, Y/N looked better at him this time. There were 2 empty bottles of whiskey on the table, he was working on the 3rd one. Y/N got closer, he moved so she could sit with him. “Besides, it’s Ben, but I told you that countless times before, haven’t I?” He looked at her, for the first time she dared to look him in the eye. “So, what was it this time, coffee to hot, to cold?” He nodded at the stain, Y/N sights “No, the fact that I smiled at you this morning.” Ben looked at her confused. ”You smiled at me this morning?” - “At the meeting, you looked at me I smiled instead of saying good morning. Because it clearly wasn’t a good morning for you.” She said looking at the bottles. Ben started laughing. “That jealous bitch.”  
“That’s what she called me...” You said while pouring a glass for yourself. “Are you?” He asked. “Oh no, wouldn’t want to have her life.” Y/N looked at her glass. “Nothing? Not one piece of it?” He asked while trying to make eye contact. “Well, being seen or being loved is a nice thought. You know walking through these halls and when you see someone you know for years, you say hi, they at least answer or nod instead of looking at you like you’re a nobody.” She admitted “That would make it less awkward to use their first name.” She smiled at him making it very clear that she was talking about him.  
Ben nodded slowly. “I’ll make sure I’ll remember it next time.” Liking her boldness.  
After a couple of glassed Y/N got pretty drunk and bluntly honest, but Ben seemed to like it.  
They joked around had nice conversation, even though Ben wasn’t half as drunk as she was, he trusted her. Telling Y/N why CC got on his nerves, and honestly, she understood the man especially after today. “Can I ask you something Ben?” She asked laying her hand on his arm. “Why are you still with her, if she irritates you so much?” Moving his face closer to hers. “I could ask you the same.” - “I like my job and she is my best friend since, well, forever.” She said, looking in his green eyes, waiting for his answer. Ben looked at her lips before making eye contact again. “I like her best friend.” He smiled  
Y/N’s face turned red and before she could move away Ben moved even a little closer and kissed her cheek, all of the sudden she felt very sober. “I -I should probably go check on her.” Y/N said and quickly moved away.  
Y/N stepped way to quick out of that room, definitely NOT playing it cool. She didn’t go back to Crimson, but instead she went for a little walk on the campus, thinking about what Ben had said. She always had a little crush on him ever since puberty, CC knew that and that was why she reacted the way she did. But Y/N knew her place, besides, since she worked for Vought her crush was quickly crushed knowing how many one-night adventures he had with actresses and such. Let alone the killing and mistakes they covered up. She had nothing against him or CC, she was even thrilled when CC told her Ben had asked her out on a date. And they had nothing against her either. But the thought that if she wasn’t ‘theirs’ and she would get hurt out in the open, they wouldn’t care. That made her almost puke, they were supposed to be the heroes.  
That night Y/N didn’t sleep well, she had a dream about that moment hours earlier. She walked in with her stained dress. Ben was standing there in a tux holding champagne. ”Hi" he smiled his picture-perfect smile. Taking her hand over to a candle lit table. The entire time he looked in her eyes, touched her hand, laughed when she told a joke, interested when she told him a story about her childhood. At the end of the dream Ben had got up asked her to dance. He placed a hand at the small of her back leaning close to her and like a man enchanted with her lips he moved in, closing the space between their lips. Everything deep down she knew we wouldn’t do. When Y/N woke up she felt guilty, a little ridiculous considering it was only a dream. And comparing it to the steaming wet dreams she had about her and soldier boy as a teen, this was nothing! “God don’t think about that.” She whispered to herself. ”You are seeing him in less than an hour for the daily meeting.”  
Surprisingly Y/N was first in the conference room taking her usual seat in the corner. She wisely chose a jeans with a casual shirt and her hair up with a pin. Not to get CC started on dressing up for “her man” again. Everyone entered one by one. Nobody greeted her not even CC, she looked still pissed at her and deliberately taking the seat opposite of her to make a statement. Y/N was already writing some notes down for herself not paying any attention, Ben was last to arrive, he said good morning in general, Y/N glanced for a second and moved her attention back to her paper. But instead of taking his regular seat next to CC he walked past Y/N bending over so she would notice him. “Good morning.” He winked at her like he was telling her, I remember. “Hi.” she said being flustered. Y/N’s eyes followed him back to his seat next to Crimson she saw the look on her face while she kept looking at Ben for an explanation. This is going to get them into a fight again Y/N thought, Ben was clearly ignoring her look. Although Y/N tried to stay focussed in the meeting, her eyes get glancing over at Ben, he once or twice caught her looking which made his tongue move over his lips, smirking.  
After everybody got their assignments for the day they left. CC walked over for a talk. “What did Ben say to you?” - “What? Eh, good morning. Seriously CC stop being jealous.” Y/N took whatever confidence she had and decided to tell Countess her thoughts. “Listen, I’m no supe, I am a nobody, Ben chose you, you are gifted I'm not, you are HOT, I'm not ... ok. Just because I used to have a crush on him when I was 17, like by the way, half of the US, doesn’t mean I WANT your man. He just said good morning because I told him yesterday, when I was still pissed because of our fight, I told him it was damn time to recognise the normal people in the halls when they greet you.” Y/N was out of breath after that. “And if you now want to excuse me. I’ve got paperwork to do.” CC left. Y/N sighted and lowered her head in her hands. After a second or two she got up took her paperwork and left the room. “For the record. I don’t think you realize how hot you are.” Y/N was startled by that unexpected comment that she dropped her papers. “Jesus, Soldie...” But before she could finish that sentence, he wiggled his finger” Uh-uh-uh.” - Y/N rolled her eyes. “Jesus, BEN!” she corrected while picking up her papers. “Much better.” He grinned.  
“How long were you standing there?” She asked when they walked towards the elevator. “Long enough to hear you finally defending yourself Sweetheart.” That nickname made you feel butterflies. They stepped in the elevator, the doors closed. “So, you had a crush on me?” He asked casually. Y/N could feel her cheeks glowing.” Eh, yeah.” Ben stepped closer to her putting his hands against the wall behind her, trapping her between his arms and body. “Now that is something you forgot to mention yesterday at our little rendezvous.” He leaned in, Y/N moved her face to the side she could hear him taking a deep breath in. “You really smell good, I never noticed before.” He said with a deeper voice than before. Y/N looked up at him, standing so close she could feel his breath on her face. The door opened Ben looked over and took a step back but not quick enough to be unnoticed by Gunpowder who entered. Ben gave him a dark glace to which he simply nodded. It looked like Ben told him “not a word” without saying a thing.  
Floor 7 
“This is me.” Y/N said quickly jumping out but of course Ben followed.  
Y/N opened the door to her office, Ben walked in right behind her closing the door. “Is there anything else I can help you with?” She said nervous. “Yes, I want to know more about you. He said while looking around her office. Well office, it was more of a closet repainted with a window so small it looked like a prison cell.  
“Why are you so nervous?” - I’m not.” She lied.  
“You know I can hear your heartbeat right.’ He looked at her again.  
“So, your little crush on me. You had posters?” - “Yes.” she said sitting on her desk while he looked outside. “Let me guess, movie posters?” - “Eh no, the D—day one and one where you’re not actually posing but more like talking to the soldiers. That was my favourite.” He looked shocked.  
Ben walked back towards Y/N standing against her legs. Y/N had to look up almost with her head in her neck as he hovered above her. He lowered his face next to her ear placing a hand on the desk next to her thigh. “Did you ever dream of me? Of us...” He whispered not moving his face. Y/N’s heart started to beat really fast. “You did, didn’t you.” He sounded excited. “Did you ever... touch yourself thinking of me?” Ben asked while he placed a small peck on the spot under her ear. Y/N closed her eyes and sighed almost whimpered at that question. Ben got up again moving himself so he could stand between her legs. Y/N slowly opened her eyes only to see that his were darkened with lust. He moved his thumb over her lips. “I wish I could’ve seen that. You, touching yourself for the first time, experimenting with your body, searching for that one sweet spot inside that makes you go over the edge.” He swallowed deep.  
Y/N’s mouth opened slightly to get more air. But instead of getting air, Ben dipped down holding Y/N’s head with both hands and kissed her hard, slipping his tongue inside finding hers quickly. The kiss wasn’t rushed, but he made sure she would be out of breath. “Ben...” she whispered. “Tell me sweetheart, you ever been with a man?” - “Yes. Once or twice. First, boyfriend” She said hesitating.   
“Did it feel as good you fantasised.” he asked while kissing her neck. Y/N got shy keeping her head down. When Ben looked at her for an answer, he noticed her looking away. “What’s wrong?”  
“It wasn’t really, I didn’t want... Not really.” Was all she could manage to say but Ben understood what she meant. “He just took it? Didn’t he?” Y/N nodded ashamed afraid that Ben would be repulsed by her. He did take a step back, Y/N held on to the shirt, telling him not to go. “Oh sweetheart.” He kissed the temple of her head. But Y/N didn’t want this feeling to stop, so he placed a hand on his neck pulling him in for another kiss. This time she took the lead and licked his lips. “Are you sure Y/N?” - “Yes, please.”  
His lips crashed against her. His hands moved hungry over her body pulling her shirt over her head while she took his suit off. Y/N’s hands moved over his naked torso towards his hips. Her lips leaving his to follow her hands, kissing his hips while trying to undo his belt. He moaned her name. Y/N was surprised by her boldness but the heat inside her had to be satisfied. Her hands quickly found their way to his clothed bulge softly rubbing and squeezing.  
Ben got wild from desire, moving down remove her shoes, jeans and panties. He looked up to lock eyes with her before kissing her clit. Y/N moaned his name while laying back at her desk.  
Ben worked his way on her. Licking her folds open tasting her, dipping his tongue inside her while his hands pushed her bra up, so he could hold her breast. Softly pinching her nipples.  Not even in her wildest dreams she would imagined a man doing this, but it felt so good all she could do is moan and whime. When Ben changed his tactics by pushing two fingers inside her and suck on her clit, she quickly felt the heat in her stomach grow. She lifted herself back up to look at him smirking he knew he had her on edge. And when he curled his fingers, she couldn’t hold back anymore she started screaming his name while grabbing his hair, not caring about her surroundings anymore.  
After her high he stood up kissing her, Y/N could still taste herself on his tongue. It secretly made her even more horny. And while he was kissing her, she pulled his underwear off. Starting to stroke it hard cock. She was surprised it was so big, the man she had been with was nothing compared to Ben’s size. Ben saw the look on her face. “Don’t worry sweetheart, It will feel good.” He pulled her back to the edge of the desk holding her legs open. Pumping once or twice before he lined up against her wet hole. She could feel the sting, every inch he moved she could feel it, biting her lip feeling herself clenching up. “Relax, it will feel better in a second, I promise.” He said leaning in looking her in the eye. When he saw the pain disappearing, he started to thrust his hips back into her, this felt painfully slow for him, but he took his time with her.  
“Yes sweetheart.” 
“More... harder... please.” Y/N could feel he was desperately holding back. “I’m not going to break.”  
She could hear him growl at that comment. Hearing the beast in him wanting to take her so hard she wouldn’t be able to walk anymore. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He said kissing her hard. “Ben, please. Take me hard, show me what I've missed.” He pulled out lifted her up and turned her around. Laying her on her stomach on the desk. He hovered above her while he let his cock slide between her soaking folds. He could hear her beg. “Please!” He thrusted hard back in her, the sound that came out of her sounded so intense so primal, it made him growl. Ben took her so hard the desk started to shake. Y/N’s moans filled the room, it sounded like a porn movie. He pulled her back by her hips so he could push in even harder and deeper. Ben felt she was close, her cunt started to tighten around his dick. “Come on baby let go. Fuck, come hard on my dick, I want to feel you riding out that orgasm on me.” Y/N screamed his name like a prayer, he felt her shacking and clenching around him. He felt he couldn’t hold much longer he pulled out and started to pump his cock. She felt the warm liquid dribble on her ass while Ben was panting behind her.  
Ben took a few tissued out of the box at her desk, cleaning Y/N up. Before turning her around and kiss her again. “That was... better than my dreams.” She admitted. Ben clearly felt joy of that comment. “Well, I hope we can do this more often. Because I wasn’t lying when I told you that I like you.” He said still out of breath. He got dressed again kissed her head and left her sitting at her desk while he walked through the door. Y/N had no idea how she could recover from that and how she had to get through the day. From that moment on Ben kept his eye on her. Looking at her while she was writing in meetings, listening to conferences, hell even when she was having lunch. He tried to act normal but couldn’t help himself wanting to know more about her. She seemed so pure and delicate.  
One day almost a week later he saw her sitting by herself at lunch working like always. He decided to join her. Y/N’s eyes got big when he sat down. “What are you doing?” - “Eating.” He answered cocky. - “No, I mean, why are you sitting here?” Y/N looked around to see if CC was around. Lucky she wasn’t, she had told Y/N that Ben acted strange but didn’t know why. But other people were looking at them. “Ben, people are staring.” she whispered hanging over the table. But when Ben turned to look at them, they all quickly moved or turned away. “So, what are you working on?” He asked while taking a bite.” - “Really, small talk?” She said looking him in the eye. “You rather have me taking you here on the table?” He said smiling. - “Your Christmas Party. I’m organising it.” She said not to react to his last request. “It’s this weekend, I'm making the guest list.” - “You’re coming?” - “No, I, never, I’m spending it with family.” He nodded looking sad. After the weird interaction at lunch Y/N worked her week as usual.  
On Christmas she went home to her parents where she officially still lived. “Y/N honey I’ve invited Dylan and his parents to celebrate with us. Y/N’s heart sunk thinking about Dylan being there. Her first boyfriend who didn’t understood a “no” for answer. Great she thought, hearing my folks talking about what a great item we could have been if I didn’t ended things. “You know, you could have been married by now, if you didn’t broke up.” Your mom said like she could hear your thoughts.  
The evening went seemingly smooth, Dylan kept mostly to himself, but then again, he didn’t have anything to drink yet. 9 pm the bell rang. You looked confused at your mom. “Where expecting someone else mom?” - “Not that I know of.” she looked at your father. Y/N opened the door. “What are you doing here?” Y/N said surprised.  
“Y/N honey, who is it?” your mom walked towards the door. ”Oh my! Soldier Boy! Sir, please come in.” - Ben smirked walking past Y/N. “Thank you ma’am. You have a beautiful house.” 
“To what do we own this pleasure, sir?” Your father got out of his chair shaking his hand. “Well, since Y/N couldn’t make it to our party I thought, why not deliver her present myself. Locking eyes with her while handing her a small box. Y/N opened it knowing very well that the employees never get anything other than a thankyou speech. Covering her mouth seeing what he bought her.  “Oh my! Are those pearls?!” She looked at him with an open mouth. “My boss never gave us such gifts!” Her mother looked over at Dylan’s mom. “Well, Y/N works day and night for us. Making sure we are... satisfied. She deserves a little extra.”  
“I don’t know what to say... eh, Thank you.” Y/N felt she could kiss him but instead she just went for a hug which Ben gladly accepted. “Dessert? Or maybe a drink?” Y/N asked flustered pulling away. “Why not.” he answered not letting her fully go.  
Y/N introduced everyone to Ben, who in his turn used his charm to win over your mom and Dylan's mom. Both women were impressed by his manners.  
When Ben sat next to your father who was watching a documentary about the 2nd world war they started to talk about "the good old days." Y/N started to clean up the table Ben caught Dylan trying to get Y/N's attention. When she was looking through the vinyl's he got up and stood next to her. "I thought CC was your boss?" He asked rubbing his hand between your shoulders. Y/N moved gracefully away trying to avoid his touch. "I am her assistant. But Soldier Boy pretty much owns all of Vought." She looked over at him while explaining. Ben caught her glance clearly hearing every word they said, she looked a little scared.  
"Dylan..." Ben started talking to your dad. "Is he family?" Without looking up your father answered. "Oh no, he was her high school boyfriend they used to date for a while. We all loved for them to end up together. But for some reason she decided to be an independent woman." - "He is always this... close?" Ben asked feeling his frustrations grow. "Close... a hand on her hips, a kiss on the cheek, woman nowadays can't stand anything anymore am I right?" He laughs looking at Ben who was already heading towards Y/N and Dylan. "Hey Buddy, can't you see she doesn't like you touching her." Ben said while he moved in between the two of you. Ben seemed like a giant next to Dylan. "We were just talking man." -"Well, try to talk with a little more respect and a little less hands. Maybe then you will be able to keep a fine woman." Dylan walked away like a dog that had been hit.  
"Are you going to be ok sweetheart?" Ben asked when he was ready to leave. Y/N nodded and looked at him thankful. "Well, ma'am the dessert was delicious, but I've got to go. Can't miss my own party." He said to your mother. "Always welcome!" Y/N walked Ben to the door. "Next time, give me a heads up." She laughed. Ben looked over your shoulder making sure no one had followed you before he pulled you in by your hips, for a kiss. "I've missed those soft lips of yours, I even dreamed of them." He whispered while kissing your neck. "Ben! Not here." She said pulling him away. "I have missed you too." - "Well, will you think off me tonight?" Y/N noticed the arousal in his voice. "I know I will..." Y/N pulled him in for a kiss, her tongue finding his quick. Ben's hands moving to her ass pinching softly. Letting go to wave him goodbye.  
After the party at Vought.  
Ben darling, I've got a surprise for you. Countess walked in the room, wearing lingerie in her signature colour. Crawling over the bed pulling the sheets down. Ben held her shoulders. "Not tonight." Crimson Countess looked confused at him. "Oh baby, so stressed... let me take care of you." she dipped under the sheets and started to give him a blow job. Ben wanted to stop her but instead he closed his eyes and start fantasising it was Y/N working her lips on him. "Oh sweetheart" He moaned. When Countess wanted to move on, he held her making sure she would finish what she started. "Don't stop sweetheart, I'm close." After he came in her mouth, he pushed her aside. Countess was clearly confused by his actions.  
The next weekend.  
Y/N walked beside CC she had texted her that morning she needed a talk before the New Year's Eve party. "Have you talked to Ben lately?" She opened the conversation. "Eh no, not really why?" Y/N asked nervous knowing very well she was avoiding Ben. "He, he is acting weird, last week he didn't want to have sex and since then he only touches himself, I can hear him in the shower... Him... the man is practically walking sex on a stick! And when I started to give him a blow job that night, he called me sweetheart... He never, ever called me that." Y/N started to panic. "Y/N can you talk to him? Or find out who the whore is he is seeing? I need to know who I need to fry." Leaving her standing scared as hell in the hall.  
The party was one like every party they throw. But Y/N didn’t like it, she couldn’t stop thinking about what CC told her. Ben doesn't want her anymore... But Y/N couldn’t contain her nerves around all these drunk supes, so after an hour or two she left for the elevators. She kept thinking, Ben called her sweetheart before and told her he would be thinking of her that night... Did he mean it? She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't see Ben standing behind her until he slipped in the elevator with her. "Where are we going?" He laughs charmingly "I'm sorry Ben, but this party not my cup of tea. I'm heading home." - "Ok, I'll take you, you never know who is out there at night." "You really don't have to, my car is parked in the garage." she said while remembering what CC told her. But Ben refused to leave her side.
Once home he asked about Dylan. "Is he the guy who..." -"Yes, and I don't want to talk about it." Y/N said quickly walking to the kitchen grabbing something to drink. Ben moved closer to her placing his hands on her hips pulling her in. She could already feel the bulge in his pants grow. "Where is everyone?" he asked kissing her neck "Out with friends. They won't be home till later. Tomorrow is little family breakfast to celebrate the first of Januari, here at this house. So, you can't stay." She said trying her best not to give in.  
"Hm, I only need a few hours." He turned her around and kissed her hard.  He was glad she chose a dress tonight. His hands moved under it, pulling her panties off, lifting her up putting her on the kitchen table, rubbing her clit with his thumb while his fingers found their way to her folds. He continued kissing her. Y/N's nails dug into his shoulders and moaned his name. "Ben... not here. Not on this table... upstairs." She managed to say. Ben took a step back and followed her to her room. Y/N closed the door and pushed Ben against it. The heat in her was unstoppable. They ripped each others clothes off. Ben threw her on the bed so hard she bounced back. "Open those pretty legs for me sweetheart."  He said while pumping his cock. He quickly placed himself between her legs pushing hard inside her. "Oh, sweetheart I've missed this pussy.” Y/N felt every inch off him as he bottoms out in her. “You feel so good. So tight." He huffed while trusting hard in her. "Oh Ben, this, you, feels so good." She moaned. For some reason Y/N felt that Ben was smoother in his touches and moves, more... loving even though he was still taking her hard.  
Y/N didn’t need much tonight, Ben was everywhere on her body kissing and licking her. She could feel her orgasm climbing. “Ben... don’t stop.” She said while her hands moved between them. Ben stopped her. ”I got you sweetheart.” He lifted her legs higher over his shoulder while he rubbed her clit. She came faster and harder than she had ever experienced. After her high Ben dropped her legs and closed the space between their bodies. He held her shoulders and placed his head in her neck. “Oh baby, I won’t be able to hold it much longer.” He whined in her ear. “It’s ok Ben, do it, let go, I want to feel you come.” Her hearing saying that made him growl. “Come inside me, please...” She begged him. As Y/N wrapped her legs tighter around his hips she felt his thrust to get sloppy. “That’s it Ben, come for me.” With a primal grunt Ben came hard inside you. Not only his hips were pushed as hard as he could against you, but his entire body held your close to his.  
He started to relax but didn’t move. You caressed his broad shoulders and back with your fingertips while kissing his head. “Oh god, that felt... really good.” He said while lifting himself off you and took the place next to you on the bed. He kissed Y/N softly. “I’m going to take a quick shower.” Y/N said. Quickly leaving the bed with Ben in it. He looked puzzled so followed you to the bathroom. He opened the curtain and stepped in the shower behind you. His hand started to move over your shoulders to your breast, kissing your neck. “Y/N...” He started but didn’t finish. Y/N turned around looking at him. “Are you ok?” - “Why wouldn’t I be?” “Well, you couldn’t be faster out that bed. Didn’t you ... like it? I know it was a little quick but not that fast.” He looked worried. “Oh no Ben, I'm satisfied trust me, I don’t think I can survive another round, it’s just...” Y/N was thinking how to say this. 
“CC knows there is something going on. She told me this morning. And I’m worried.” - “What did she say?” He asked washing her breasts and tummy. “Well, that you refuse to make love with her, that the last time, when she gave you a blowjob on Christmas you called her sweetheart and that you never call her that.” Y/N’s face turned red. “Thats true. I never call anyone sweetheart.” He said locking eyes with her. “Part from you.” He smirked “Y/N, last time I was intimate with her, I could only do it...” He stepped closer to her “Thinking it were your soft plump lips working on me.” he touched her lips with his thumb. “Is that what you fantasize about?” Y/N asked feeling nervous. He nodded “I’ve never, given...” “I know.” he kissed her soft, she felt him getting half hard again against her.  
Y/N looked up at him turning so that his back was against the shower wall. “But I would love to try.” She said while her hands were traveling down. She wrapped her hands around his shaft pumping, every time she got to his tip, she’d move her thumb over it. Ben’s eyes darkened with lust. Y/N got on her knees looking up at him. First kissed the tip taking her time to travel all the way down. Ben held her hair up without forcing her. When her warm lips wrapped around head of his cock moving down to the shaft, he couldn’t resist a moan. “Oh sweetheart, you feel better than I thought.” She slowly builds speed, moving her tongue, searching for all the things Ben seemed to enjoy. When she moved one hand to hold his balls, she saw his head fall back when his hand tugged a little harder. Bingo, she thought.  
“Relax your throat baby” He said, while pushing her a little closer. Y/N felt the tears sting in her eyes but couldn’t hold back a moan. Ben guided her to the speed he liked and when she got it on her own, he started to sigh and moan her name. “That’s it, keep that mouth working Y/N...”  
“Oh, sweetheart if you don’t want me to come in that pretty mouth of yours you need to let me pull out now.” She moaned at the idea of him filling her mouth, tasting his semen. “You sure?” He could barely ask out of breath. When she nodded, she could feel him coming. Lucky for her he just came inside her, so this time it wasn’t as much as usual. Ben helped her up. “That was so good.” he kissed her.  
They got back in bed. “You should leave in a minute.” Y/N said. “You are kicking me out?” Ben said, clearly amuses, he thought that was funny coming from her. “Not before I got to hold you. Without running to the bathroom.” He teases her. But she gladly accepted. Ben held her close, her ear on his heart, his arms around her, the sound of it beating made her fall asleep faster than anticipated. So did he. The next morning Ben woke up to a noise, coming from the kitchen. He looked at the clock. 9AM.  
He looked at Y/N who was still laying on his chest. Proud he smiled thinking to let her sleep for a few more minutes.  
“Y/N sweetheart it’s time to wake up.” your mom opened the door. “Oh, oh I'm so sorry.” she looked away. “Good morning.” Ben smiled not even the least bit embarrassed to be caught in her daughter’s bed. “Breakfast is ready and most of the family is already arrived.” She said before leaving the room. “Thanks, we’ll be down in a sec.” Ben noticed Y/N slowly woke up. “Were you just talking?” She asked with a sleepy head. “Yeah, your mom told me breakfast is ready.” Ben answered casually. “WHAT!” Y/N jumped up. “Yeah, and your family is already here.” - “Oh, no no no, I need to get you out of here!” Ben pulled her on his lap. ”Or, I could stay.” he said while kissing, breathing heavy. “You are insane.” She looked at him. “What are they going to do? Your mother already saw me.”  
You and Ben started to get dressed when you heard a knock on the door. Ben opened the door. “Honey, your aunt Martha is also downstairs, now that Soldier Boy is here, maybe he could you know, say something.” She smiled shy. Ben looked with a lot of questions at you. Y/N quickly explained. “Aunt Martha used to be a back-up dancer for you. “Don’t worry, I got it.” Ben said placing a hand on your mother’s shoulders. ”Besides, please call me Ben” He worked his charm again on her. “Oh, so sweet of you, you can call me Mary.” “You really don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” You said to Ben when your mom left again. “My pleasure” he said kissing your lips before heading down. You heard your mom saying that she needs another chair, whispering that her daughter wasn’t alone last night.  
You both walked in the dining room, all eyes on Ben who had no choice but to wear his suit. But he made a wise choice to leave the protective gear and weapons upstairs. Now it looked like a green long-sleeved shirt with a turtleneck and green pants and combat boots. You quickly noticed that your parents had invited Dylan and his family again. Y/N loved the look on his face when he recognised Ben. Your mother was so over the moon to show off that she now was on first name basis with the world most famous superhero she over did her performance. “Ben sweety, coffee?” She asked in her sweeter than honey voice. But Ben understood the assignment “That would be amazing, Mary.” He winked at her. Then he looked over at your Aunt Martha. ”I’m sorry but, have we met before?” You could see her eyes twinkle. “Well, met not really, I used to be a back-up dancer and an extra in one of your movies.” “What movie? “ He asked and then pretended to think. “Maggy, no ... Martha? Am I right?” Smooth, very smooth Y/N thought.  
Ben seemed to have won over the woman. It surprises you how civilized he is in a setting like this. He listened to the stories that were told at the table even laughed at the silly jokes. He placed his hand on your chair rubbing his thumb over your shoulder. Y/N could see her dad giving criticising looks over at the two of you, after a while he got up and walked over. “Ben, I was wondering. You are raised with older classic principals, being born in, what was it 1918?  
”September 1919.”He corrected him.“ And I guess you can say so.” “That makes you what over 50 years old.” Y/N closed her eyes knowing where this was going. “And as a man with influence at that age I can only imagen you have “enjoyed” the company of many women over these years.” He looked over at Martha, who knew how many of her colleague dancers were treated on a night with Soldier Boy himself, every year she would brag about her adventures and how she managed to stay a virgin until marrying your uncle.  
“So, why is it that a man as yourself all of the sudden, after 4 years working for you and your girlfriend, her best friend Countess, is interested in my Babygirl?” He continued his interrogation. But Ben stayed cool. “Well, A few weeks ago we shared a heart-to-heart talk about our frustrations at Vought. And other things. And that was when I realised Y/N and I have a lot in common. Besides Crimson Countess and me that is a publicity stunt, nothing real about it. ” “ In common...” Your father echoed. “She is in her 20s she has nothing in common with a man who is the same age as her parents. Beside and I’m sure you would agree, being raised traditionally, that a young woman needs a husband, a respected man like Dylan to start a family, but that isn’t possible if she is... soiled.”  
“DAD!” ”Richard!” You and your mom yell at the same time. This time Ben got slowly up and took a step closer to him. “Soiled?” He smirked getting really irritated by now.  
“You think I made your daughter do anything she didn’t want to?” Ben stood eye to eye with him.  
“I’m not saying that, I’m just wondering how much power a man like yourself has over an innocent young woman.” Y/N could see Ben clench his fist, she quickly got up to hold his hand. “Dad, Ben never forced me into doing anything. Better yet, the one man who did force himself on to me, who as you put is so gracefully soiled me, is the one you and mom keep inviting even though I begged you two not to.” Y/N looked at her mom with tears in your eyes. “Do you have any idea how difficult it was to find someone who I can trust.” Y/N’s tears started to fall of her cheeks. “And yes, Ben might be older and made terrible mistakes, but he is the first person who tries his best for me, who tries to be a better man, instead of forcing me into doing something I don’t want because he is my boyfriend and then eat and drink at our table without regret!” Ben placed a hand on her back what made Y/N stand taller now. ” If that means I have to accept that I won’t be having a family or need to live in his shadow, be a secret, I will...”  
Ben looked surprised by Y/N’s words. ”Sweetheart, I’m not planning on keeping you a secret.” “B-But CC, Vought?” Y/N looked hopeful at him. “Crimson can be replaced, maybe she can finally work on her one-woman act.”  
“I would lose my job.” - “You said it yourself, I’m practically Vought, If I say you stay you stay. I’ll create a new job for you or make you head of public relations at Vought.” Ben meant what he said. “Or I could hang up the suit, start a family, if that is what you want...” Y/N’s eyes grew big. “I, eh, I do need some time to think... About all of the above.” Ben kissed her, let me know when you ready.
Since the party was over, Y/N decided to stay at the Vought tower for a couple of days, taking a spare room. Ben walked in. ”Alright, let’s talk about it...”  
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 6 months
Beneath Miles of Stone - Part Twenty - John Wick x Plus Size Fem Reader
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Summary: John has been in prison for nine months. He’s content to stay if it means appeasing the high table and keeping peace between the owners of each continental. However, he meets someone who erases that willingness. Peace be dammed.
TW: kind of kidnapping if you squint ; mentions of death ; violence ; angst ; nsfw kudos to @scarlettspectra and @lilspookymeh for being music gurus and basically inspiring my entire writing playlist ❤️
“John, I can’t stay here - I have work, Michael.”
“It’s not up for debate.” 
She scowls at the way he talks to her like a petulant child, looks over at Winston for help and finds none.
“You can’t make me stay here,” she grits.
He fixes her with a dark, mean look, clears the distance between them in one stride, and grabs her before she can think about running. “I can make you stay, but I don’t want to have to do that.”
He’s really just springing this on her. Because the death of Maria puts a target on his back and therefore a smaller one on hers, John thinks the best solution is keeping her locked in the safe house that is Winston’s massive hotel. No consulting her, no talking about options. Just cut and dry. Do as I say. She’s offered alternative solutions, even - “I’ll walk around with Victor’s - sorry, Viggo’s - bodyguards at my side!” - because, of course, her having a private little secret service of her own is now unnegotiable, too. Imagine that.
“You don’t have to do anything,” she retorts, voice quiet despite her lionhearted words. 
“I’m not speaking in metaphors,” John says, “you’re staying here. Either way. I need you safe.”
She tries to tear her arm from his grip, but it’s like attempting to wrestle with a gorilla. “So what? I’m just supposed to stay locked up in your gilded cage and forget I have a life?”
He loosens his hold a little bit, lets her puffy flesh spring back from bruising, and softens, hard rock eyes turning molten. Still, there is fire involved. “You can hate me if you want. You don’t have to look at me or speak to me, but I’m responsible for your safety, now. I need you unharmed.”
Ah, there it is again, that fucking pang in her heart that leaves her whole being bloodless and aching when he reminds her why she’s ultimately here - pity. 
Sure, he’s told her otherwise a thousand times now, and his actions are testament to how much he wants her, but that admittance is all she needs to start thinking she’s a charity case again. 
Tears swell her eyes. 
She can’t believe they’ve gone from bliss to this in such a short amount of time. And now what? She’s trapped here and humiliated? Pitied? 
“No, I didn’t-“ 
“Yeah you did,” she whispers, looking down at the shiny dark floor, watching little tear droplets accumulate on its surface.
He lets her pull away and gathers every ounce of his willpower to avoid following as she walks out of the room and into the bustling hotel. 
“That went well,” Winston comments, flipping through the manila envelope of witness statements.
His knuckles ache to punch something. Marcus isright here, downing scotch like it’s his last day on earth - maybe he thinks it is - one little punch wouldn’t hurt him. 
More willpower used up to not hit Marcus. He decides to leave the room instead. 
Marcus thinks he did it. Winston might as well think so, too. The eight witnesses that put him at the location say he did. 
The only person that knows he didn’t do it - because he was instead with her when he supposedly took a round trip flight to El Paso and fixed a bullet into Maria’s skull - wants nothing to do with him when the only thing he wants is to curl up beside her and lament. 
He needs an outlet. 
“You need to call the police,” Michael tells her. His voice fades away for a minute while she hears rummaging in the background. 
“I don’t want to get anyone in trouble Michael. It’s not like I’m being tortured or something.” 
“It wouldn’t matter.” 
“I don’t know, they could probably come get you out of there?” 
“I don’t think cops come here, Michael. I don’t think they’re allowed to be here.”
He pauses for dramatic effect, probably. She’s glad she called him. His usual antics calm her. “They’re not allowed to tear gas peaceful protesters either, but….. ”
“No, I think they kill them here.” 
“Sneak out,” Michael concludes. 
“That’s my next bid.” 
“Damn, your pussy must be god tier if this man is kidnapping you, though.” 
She rolls her eyes. 
“What?! I’m just saying!” She hears the no good grin and it puts a smile on her face. 
“I don’t know how I’m gonna pay rent, Michael. I told work, but they’re probably going to fire me - if they even believe me - and then I won’t have income to pay my share-“
“ Are you serious?” Michael sighs. “You’ve just been kidnapped and you’re worried about me ? Babe, stop.”
“We made a deal Michael, and all I’ve done is fuck it up.” 
“Worry about getting out of there, and we’ll sort it out once you’re free of crazy boyfriend.”
“He’s not crazy,” she tries, “he’s just… worried.” 
“Uh-huh.” Michael takes another pause.  “Anyway, what is this place called?”
“You are not coming here, Michael. You’ll get hurt.” 
“Why? I’m not a cop.”
“Right, right. You’re living the mystery novel life. Is it wrong that I’m a little jealous?” 
“No, I guess not. He just kind of makes it seem like he has to keep me here. I feel like a burden.”
“ You ? Feeling like a burden ?” The sharp sarcasm in his voice cuts. “Have you tried telling him that?”
“Well, no, but I’m scared.” 
Michael sighs. “Jesus, hun, I’m not sure what to tell you here. Sounds like he’s a little bit dysfunctional. Maybe he’s just not ready for a relationship. I mean, he has to know that holding you against your will isn’t okay.” 
She sighs back. It’s like their own little angsty language. “It’s not like I’m normal.” 
“Ah, so maybe the darkness in you calls to the darkness in him?” Michael sounds like he’s reciting breathy Shakespeare.
She laughs. 
The Continental is massive, shimmering, crystal chandeliers and intricate, antique carpets. 
Spotless, open, airy, a few delicate plants dotted about. Every room or hallway or lobby she enters feels too big - like she’s a kid again, tiny in proportion to everything else. Even the elevators gold and glimmer and loom.
Private clubs with massive polished oak doors to guard against entry, workers in perfectly tailored suits everywhere; one around each corner, in the bars and shops, diligent and watching. 
If she had any hope before of getting out of here, now she definitely doesn’t. Seems like every exit has an individual posted on it who would put Benny’s hulking mass to shame. 
She sees a woman who is taller than John, in a sleeveless tuxedo dress, muscles rippling over her shoulders and neck. She doesn’t think she has ever envied or admired someone so much. Despite the bodybuilder physique, this towering lady moves like flowing water. She just stares at her for a few minutes, entranced by the otherworldly beauty. How can he even think of liking her when women like this live and breathe? 
It’s easy to forget the outside world exists, here. But, she stills feels trapped - heralded off to some magical realm where everyone has a gun tucked under their shirt instead of a magic wand. 
She gets lost in the place, always expecting John to be waiting for her around corners or down a hallway. He’s not, though, instead leaving her alone like he said he would. That pisses her off and disappoints her a little bit; she wants him to follow her, fight for her, extinguish her flame of independence, which must mean there’s seriously something wrong here. He can’t just lock her up and then leave. 
Ignoring the empty John shaped space in her gut, she walks until she finds the library. Wall to wall shelves, rolling ladders carved in intricate, braided designs, a few cozy reading nooks. Librarian fantasy says hello. 
She scowls at the thought, goes to the fairytale section, lying to herself about thinking of John in this instance, too.
As chance would have it, someone she recognizes is here. The older woman from the bookstore in the mall, still sans reading glasses, squinting at the cover of a worn yellow hardback. 
“Do you need some help with that?” 
“Oh, my dear, nice to see you again.” There is an air of poise about this woman even in her shortcomings. She hands the book delicately to her rescuer, smiling softly. “Would you mind?” 
“Oh,” she thumbs the cover, feels the carved gold letters on the front. “This is Alice in Wonderland.” 
“Lewis Carroll?” 
“Yeah, I can tell you about this without even reading it.” She grins, cheeks puffing, pleased to have someone familiar here. 
The woman takes the book from her hands and sticks it back. “As interesting as Alice in Wonderland is, I’d much rather talk to you. You don’t belong here, do you? In a place like this?” 
She looks down at her feet. “Ah, no.” Really, she could pose the same question, but she finds herself unsurprised that nice stranger books in this hotel. Maybe it was the men in suits at her side. Maybe it’s because she’s used to this by now - fitting in nicely, snug as a bug in a rug. Meant for the underground. 
“So why are you here, dear?” 
They end up sitting in one of the lounges. She offers to go grab them both tea, paying for it and tipping despite hospitality, and then settles in to talk. This woman reminds of her of Winston, or like one of the kind, witty grandmothers from sparse foster homes. No matter how mean the rest of the family was, usually the elders were double kind to make up for it. 
She ends up telling her small things. Not too much, but more than she can Michael. This woman is already involved in the ancient crime world, so she feels like she can divulge more info. Plus, she’s confident that anyone here could just type her name into some imaginary database and bring up every detail about her, anyway. 
“Ah, John Wick, Boogeyman.” 
“People keep calling him that. I don’t think he’s that scary.” 
The woman laughs. “I don’t know, I’ve only heard. Never met.”
“Well, he’s actually nice,” she supplies, sipping her hibiscus tea. “Stubborn, but nice.”
“And he’s keeping you here to protect you, so he can’t be all bad.” 
“Yeah… we’ll go with that.” 
The woman laughs. “Oh, there is a fire in you. Misplaced, but a fire all the same.” 
“You desire hardness, outer armor, to be strong, but you don’t realize that your true power comes from your softness.”
“I’m tougher than I look.” 
“I’ve no doubt.” Her contemplative eyes assess the cementing posture. 
“Sorry, I’m just. I’m irritated that I have to stay here.” She drops her shoulders, relaxes her jaw. 
“You’ve got a free spirit. You remind me of someone I once knew.”
“Was it you?” She smiles again. 
“Indeed. Unfortunately, this old bird had her wings clipped long ago.” 
“Your wings are massive and amazing, still.” 
The elder beams at her. “You know, my children think I’m out of my mind.”
“Huh? But you’re not.”
She shrugs. “They want my empire. I suppose I am getting older - should probably relinquish it sooner rather than later.” 
Just like with John, she feels that deep dive questions would be too forthcoming and intrusive here. “So, they’re making up stuff to get it? Sounds like your kids aren’t that great.” 
“Ah, but isn’t that my fault if they are not great, then?” She sighs and leans back into cushions that swallow her small frame. 
This is a hard question. She’s spent a lifetime blaming foster parents for fucking her up so much. 
“See? You can’t argue with that.” Her crinkled smile widens. 
“Mistakes are mistakes. The past doesn’t define the future. You do seem lovely now, regardless of what happened when they were kids.” 
“What do you do for work, my darling?”
“I’m a nurse.” 
After talking for a long time with Ella, her mystery bookstore friend, she goes to knock on Winston’s study door, surprised she can even find it again. It takes a while, and she gets completely lost in the process. 
“Won’t find him in there. I think he’s downstairs. Do you need something?” She turns to find a tall, tattooed, beautiful woman folding linens onto a silver cart. 
“Oh, I just wanted to talk to him. Sorry.”
“You’re John’s girl?” She holds out a hand, gives a soft smile. “I’m a good friend of his.”
Why in the hell can’t she repress the jealousy raging inside her as she takes this absolutely gorgeous woman’s hand in her own? “Uh, yeah.” She resists asking how everyone seems to know what she looks like and who she belongs to. Maybe it’s just that distinguishable? John Wick with a fat girlfriend. 
Ouch . Back to hurting her own feelings again. 
“Oh, it’s really nice to meet you. A friend of John’s is a friend of mine. I’m a bell hop, trying to work my way up into bartender. They make more money.” She fixes her pile of cloth and then looks up as if forgetting something. “I’m Addie.” 
She’s at a loss for words, feels incredibly sheepish around this girl for no reason - exposed and open, ready for final judgement. Harrowing.
She introduces herself back despite trepidation and tries to give a warmer smile than she’s capable of right now. “Oh, that’s cool. You like bartending?” 
Addie laughs at some inside joke. “Oh, God no. Not in this city. But in the hotel, it’s great. Not many other bar owners will let you punch their customers for getting too handsy.”
She laughs. “Serves them right.” 
“I don’t mean to pry,” Addie smooths over a crisp sheet. “But how did you meet John?” 
Oh, the million dollar embarrassing question. “The prison. I was his nurse.” 
“Oh, that’s cute as hell.” Addie’s melodic giggle helps lower her raised haunches. “He hasn’t gone steady in a minute. I’m glad he’s happy. I’ve known him since we were kids, I mean, and he hasn’t been this sunshiny in a long time.”
Ah, another one of John Wick’s long time friends. “He’s a pretty good guy.” 
Addie nods. “Ah, we’re not passing the bechdel test.”
She chuckles. “You’re right.” 
“We will next time, promise. I gotta get back to work.” Addie gives her a wink and then she’s off. She calls back over her shoulder, “I’ll tell Winston you’re looking for him.”
“Thanks, but you don’t-“
“It’s fine.” Addie grins back. “He’s not busy.” 
She gets lost a few more times, maybe just maybe hoping for a tall, dark hero to come swoop her up and apologize. She’s more disappointed than she should be when that doesn’t happen. 
But, she does run into Charon again when she finds the front entrance. 
He gives her a small smile. “I trust you are finding the provisions here adequate, Miss?” 
She leans on his counter, emboldened by the lack of patrons in the lobby. “Could I ask you something?”
“I was in the library, and I saw the book with you in it. Behind the big glass display case, you know? You were in an orchestra in the pictures. Do you play… cello, right?”
“That’s correct. Well, was correct. I haven’t played in several years. Do you play?” 
“Ah, no.” She shrugs. “I just saw you in there and you looked amazing. Like really in your element.”
“Do I look.. out of my element now?” His head tilts, smile broadening.
“No, no, not at all.” Her eyebrows furrow. “Sorry, I just meant - you really looked like you loved it.”
“I did. It was exhilarating.” 
“Why don’t you do it anymore?” 
“I suppose I just got busy with other duties. I enjoy working at the hotel. The light of the stage was wonderful for a while, but I realized I was meant for a quieter fate. One with less excitement.”
“This is less excitement?” She gestures around. 
“Continental ground is sacred. We rarely have to take action against our guests for violence.” He pauses. “I know your experience has indicated otherwise.” 
She shakes her head. “Sorry, I didn’t-“
“There is nothing to be sorry for.” His pleasant smile still lingers as testament to that. “It’s alright to be curious. Ask me anything you want.”
She does. She asks who can stay here, who is not allowed to stay here, how long it’s been around, who built it. She asks him about the cello, if his hands got scarred, if he would play again at some point so she could come to his concert. 
Charon is infinitely interesting, sports the same dark humor that John does, and she chats with him until he gets customers. 
John stays gone. All day, all night. The more time goes by, the more anxious she gets. She should be angry, seething, but instead she just wants him to be okay, to come back to her. She’s grown so miserably attached to this elusive man, and the insanity that goes with that attachment is eating at her like swarms of locusts on fresh fields of grain.
He’s all bruised knuckles and blood flecked, sinew and tendon and vein. The smell of diesel and sweet liquor and heavy iron. She can’t help but peak at him from under the comforter while he undresses. 
“Good morning.” 
Of course he knows. He’s got sonic radar. She flushes, and doesn’t answer him. 
“I’d ask if you want to join me in the shower, but that would make me a bigger asshole.” 
“I don’t remember even saying you could stay in the same room as me anymore,” she grumbles, shifting under the blanket so a few of her toes peak from the end.
He resists tickling her. 
“You’re right. Let me take this shower, and I’ll book another one.”
“Are you rich?” She asks. 
“I have money.”
“Like, rich money?” 
He raises a dark eyebrow and looks far too good standing nude and bruised on the cold hardwood. 
“Does it matter?”
“I feel like you’re trying to buy me off.” 
He snorts, rubs a flexing hand down his abdomen and yawns. God, he’s fucking delectable. “Would it work?”
“Fuck you, John.” She tries to make her words hurt, but they’re half assed and weak.
He’s got a smile that makes her seethe and clench at once. Infuriating bastard. 
“Want me to fix that attitude with my tongue?” He offers, watches her toes curl up as she turns the other way and becomes a smaller mound under the covers. 
“I want you to go away.” 
He gives her credit for the control in her thickened voice. Saliva, always giving her away. 
“You got it.”
When the bathroom door shuts, she flings the blanket off and goes to get breakfast. For herself. 
Winston catches her in the dining room. “Do the clothes I sent up fit?” He asks. 
“Yeah, they do. Thank you. I appreciate it.” She looks distraught, out of element.
He hums and threads her arm with his, walking with her to the serving bar. “I’m sure he’ll take you to get your clothes and toiletries soon,” Winston promises. “I offered to have Charon escort you, but Johnathan seems to have faith in your ability to weasel away.” 
She huffs a laugh. “I’m not promising I wouldn’t try to escape.” 
“Are you angry with me?”
“No, I get it, he’s a bully.” 
“Ah, can’t say it’s entirely his fault. I’m concerned for your safety, too.” Winston sits with her as she orders cheesy eggs and toast and orange juice. 
“If he would have just explained it better, maybe I would have compromised.”
“Unless you know how to kill someone, I’m afraid there’s little compromise for you here.” Winston pauses, rubbing at the slick surface of the bar top. 
“I’m still mad at him.” She’s not sure why she feels so comfortable talking to Winston about her relationship problems, but the man is more than happy to chat and advise. 
“I can understand that. What can I do to make you feel better?” 
“Oh, no, Mr. Scott, you’ve already done so much. I’m sorry for being like this.” 
He smiles warmly, amusement cresting the crinkles of his face. 
Normally, she’s wary of being touched, but there is nothing except reassurance in Winston’s hand rested over hers. “My dear, you are human. Flesh and bone. Your feelings and emotions are your power, no matter how overwhelming they may become. Never forget that.” 
She feels a little like she has stepped from the mortal realm into fae territory. Everything shines and dazzles, wise figures give her hopeful advice, and there is a beautiful, inhuman man terrorizing her with a small grin from across the room.
She quickly looks away from John, and Winston of course notices the pick up in nerves. 
“Do you want me to kick him out?” He asks her. 
She giggles. “Will he leave?” 
“It’s worth a try.” 
Avoiding John Wick is kind of like being a moth who hates light. 
When he looks at her, she’s looking at him. And vice versa. She tries to eat, but feels too nervous to finish with coal eyes burning the endless fire in her belly, asks for a to go box and gulps the rest of her orange juice down. 
He watches her while she walks out, sipping his black coffee, unabashedly staring directly at her beautiful bottom. 
“I’ve thought about it,” Winston tells him, taking the seat across the table. “And I believe you.” 
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” John asks. 
Winston ignores his sour mood. “Someone is trying to frame you, Johnathan. Someone wants you dead. With eight witnesses, the high table will come for you. Especially concerning the public knowledge that Maria put a bounty on your head. This is a war that ends one way.” 
“I know.” 
“So, do something.”
“I’m sorry.” 
She turns around to find him leaning into the door jam.
“I told you I wasn’t good at this.” He motions between them. “But that’s no excuse to be an asshole.”
“I’m not good at it either, in case you didn’t notice,” she replies dryly. 
“If you get hurt, I’m not sure what I’ll do,” he admits. 
“But I can’t live like a clipped bird, John. And you’re just so forceful about it. I can’t get a word in when your mind is set. Michael has been nothing but good to me, and now I’m bailing on him. I like my job. It makes me feel like I have a purpose.”
“It’s not forever, just until I can figure this out.”
“Is it really that dangerous? If it is why did we start this in the first place?” That kind of sounds like she regrets the relationship, so she doubles back. “Sorry, that’s a stupid question. I would gladly meet you again and again, even if it meant more hardship, John, but I can’t just leave my old life.” 
He gives a deep, baritone sigh, running hands through his damp hair. 
She gets a little waft of the delicious shampoo he used, and itches to go to him. 
“Just give me a day. One day. I’m going to fix this, and I need you to trust me.”
She eyes him, makes him feel vulnerable - raw - with the power of her stare.
“Tell me what you’re thinking.” It sounds more like a plead than a demand, so she provides.
“Are you just doing this because you feel like you have to? Am I inconveniencing your life even more?” 
He looks at her for a very long time.
Then, pads over and tips her chin up with his fingers. “I live in a dangerous world. I’m scared to lose you in its chaos.” 
“But is it out of obligation or-“
“It’s because I need you.”
“You need me?”
He presses his forehead against her own. “Yes.” There is frustration in his voice.
She cradles the back of his head, inhaling spice and salt, quiet and still. Some kind of storm will rage and destroy her later, but for now she can keep it at bay while he is folding her up and pressing her into the bed. 
“This doesn’t solve anything,” she says, trying not to lose her resolve in the delicious wet of his mouth. 
“Tell me to stop,” he murmurs, lips trailing the sensitive bridge of her ear. 
She doesn’t. Lets him gather her hair back and lick behind her lobe, turn her into a quivering little mess of a human clinging to his sweatshirt. 
He can’t get enough of her in his mouth at once, uses his hands to make up for the loss, cups her tummy and groans at how soft she is. God, he could just sink right into her and never come out. 
“This is all I wanna do,” he says. “Every time I look at you, you just get more tempting. That cute little smile, pretty skin, soft little body. Who sent you here to destroy me?” 
“Th-the FBI.” She’s smiling that sunshine smile, animosity an afterthought, pulling at her new fixation which happens to be his velvet hair, rubbing her fingers into his scalp. 
His cock gives a little jump against her thigh, and he vibrates for her again. Ah, of course it’s the hair. 
“You like it when I play with your hair?” She asks, voice hitched high and tight as he sucks down her neck. 
“Yeah,” he admits. 
“I uh, yeah, l-like your hair, Johnny.” She sloppily threads a strand around her fingers, tugging just a little. 
And to think he was contemplating getting another buzz cut because of this mess always being in his face. Not now. Now he would never cut it again. Now it was his pride and fucking joy. 
He snakes his hands under her shirt, rubs at her bare tummy, pulls and feels and groans about how fucking pillowy she is - about how a bullet would probably just bounce right off of her. 
“Fuck, I love this,” he says, making her giggle and grab his fingers. 
“Tickles,” she tells him.
Immune to bullets, but not to soft fingers digging into her plump. He can’t help the hells grin while he indulges himself and makes her a giggly, frantic mess. “Where you going? Huh?” Chasing her up the bed, pressing her against the pillows, making her scream and curse his name. 
Only a little bit of fun, and then he’s kissing her ribs, pulling her bra up to let these beautiful tits flop in his face so he can nuzzle between them. Giggles into moans, the chant of her hips matching the rhythm of mewling sounds. 
“You’re so fuckin sweet.” 
Her hands make their way back to his hair.
Big cock pressing and grinding into her giving thigh, fingers running circles around her areolas to tease, mouth nipping at the tips of her breasts. 
He gets her begging, whining, needs her to ask him for it. 
“Pretty girl wants to cum on my tongue again, huh?”
“Yeah.” Little shimmering tears in her lashes, lips all puffy and big just like her nipples. 
“Tell me. Tell me, babydoll.” 
Flooding with hot embarrassment, biting her lip, trying not to crumble and break, she does her best for him, tries her hardest to make him happy. “John, make me cum. Please.”
It’s not good enough. “Ah, ah,” he scolds. “Make you cum on what?” 
“Y-your tongue. Want your tongue. Please, fuck.” 
“There you go.” And how could he ever fucking say no? 
How could he not spend a decade between these comfy thighs eating her sweet puffy cunt nice and slow. 
Fucking her on his fingers, tickling her little clit with his tongue and making her her hips spark up off the bed, giving her rug burn on top of rug burn while she pulls his hair and curses his wicked mouth. Sometimes it hurts, especially like now when she’s too drunk on his mouth to be careful or sweet - and he fucking loves it. 
He may never be able to convince her that he’s sorry with words, but he can still use his mouth to accomplish the same goal.
By the sounds of it, she, at least for now, forgives him.
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camatchoum · 9 months
What about us...
Timothée Chalamet x reader
Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
Summary : You and Timothée are dating in secret. You both want to keep the privacy. But what will happen when his PR team has a new great idea?
Words : 6.4K
Disclaimer: Sorry if there are any faults, english isn't my first language. Absolutely no hate to Kylie or their couple. That's just for the story. Hope you enjoy this final part.
My masterlist
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You spent a wonderful week with Timothée. There were no fake dates on the calendar. Of course, you couldn’t really go outside, not often at least or not without being disguised, but it was like before, so it didn’t bother you at all. You still went on walks, and you even went to the movies to see the new Hunger games. All you could say is that you weren’t sure if Snow was really that bad after all, but you are afraid it’s only because Tom Blyth is really cute. That didn’t make Timothée happy, so of course you liked to tease mister jealous about it.
You two were currently at the airport waiting for both Tom and Zendaya. Nobody recognised him. I mean, it’s not that hard to hide, and just in case you weren’t cuddling or anything. You did that when you were on the plane. It happened only one time when one person recognised him but everyone thought you were his secretary or someone “not important”.
“Y/N!!!!” You hear someone scream. And you recognised Zendaya and Tom both with caps and sunglasses who were running to you. You are nearly knocked over when she finally puts her arms around you.
“Oh my god, Z!!!” You laugh. You give her a big hug, then you do the same to Tom. “It’s a wonder how we manage to stay incognito with the two of you screaming like this” everybody shares a laugh before you and Timothée take your suitcases and follow Tom and Zendaya to Tom’s car. When you were about to go in, Timothée got a call from his manager, so you waited for him.
“F*ck ! Why right now?!” he swears quietly.
“What? What happened? “ You ask, and all three of you look up at him.
“Jack just told me that I have to go wait for Kylie’s private jet to land.” He looks directly at you, knowing you wouldn’t like that. But he doesn’t like this either. He wants to spend much more time with you.
“Okay you go do that.” You tell him with a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes. He knows that, he can see it.
“I’m really sorry, mon cœur. I promise it will be over very soon and I’ll join you later so we can visit a little bit of the city.”
“Yeah okay” you mumble, causing him to sigh. He takes you in his arms, and you reciprocate the hug.
“I love you” he kisses your head.
“I love you too”
You don’t look at him when he takes his suitcase and goes back inside the airport, without his disguise this time. People have to see him with his girlfriend anyway. You don’t know if you are overreacting or not. It’s just that you were supposed to spend time with him in Brazil, a country where both of you never went. You know it’s not because last week nothing happened that this PR idea was over. But a part of you wanted to believe it anyway. Just two weeks right? You sigh loudly and then recompose yourself. Two weeks and your boyfriend is completely yours again, and the world will finally know.
You turn around and go inside Tom’s car, with him being in the driver’s seat and Z right next to him. You go on the back seat and buckle your belt. When you finally look up, you see the both of them looking at you with a look between concern and compassion.
“What?” you say. They look at each other before looking back at you.
“Are you okay?” Tom asks.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“He promised that he’ll be joining me later to visit the city, so that’s fine” you cut her off. Not wanting to talk about it. You have to see the positive.
You then look at the window, silently telling them you are done with this conversation. They look at each other again before Tom starts the car. Zendaya puts on some music. A good Rihanna blasts inside the car, and you get your smile on your face. You don’t want to be too moody and you want to have a good time with your friends. You don’t see them very often, after all.
The three of you first went to the hotel to get rid of all your stuff. You were supposed to take a quick nap after the early morning you just pulled off, but you were too excited to wait any longer. So you immediately changed into something a little more convenient for the weather and went out. You spend the entire afternoon just exploring the city. Of course, you had to try a snack or two, and it was so delicious. You even took a lot of pictures.
You didn’t want to, but you spent a lot of time checking your phone for Timothée to text you that he was coming, which never happened. It was dinner time when you said to Tom and Z that you were going back to the hotel. You wanted to go wait for Timothée so that you could eat together. And you knew that they wanted a little moment for themselves.
And now here you are, sitting on the double bed. Waiting for your boyfriend to come so you can both go out again.
And you wait, and wait, and wait again. When the clock hits 9pm, you decide to stop having hope. You change into your pyjamas and just scroll on your phone. You want to call Z to talk, but you don’t want to be a bother in their date.
It is 10 pm when the door of your hotel room opens. You told him that you would leave a key at the reception for him. You look up from your phone. Timothée closes the door, and when he finally turns around, you can see his guilty face. At least he knows he fuckep up.
“Hey...” He approaches you and sits on the bed right next to your laying form. He lifts his hand like he wants to touch you, but he drops it with a sigh.
“I know what you are going to say. Don’t worry about it.” You say with your eyes down.
“You and I both know it’s not okay”
“Yeah I know. And I’m glad you know too. You promised you will be there. I don’t even understand how it took you so long just to see her at her jet.”
“I really thought it would be just waiting for her and like carrying her luggage while people watched us.” He pauses for a moment. “But Jack had other plans for us. They wanted us to go around a few spots in the city. I suppose you saw my stories on Instagram.” You did. They were of a few places in the city, and in some of them, you could see Kylie’s silhouette. That definitely made the fans crazy. “Since tomorrow is the convention, they wanted us to take a lot of pictures to post later. I don’t even remember how many times I had to change, so people would think we are on vacation.” He looks at you for a reaction. You don’t say anything. He already knows what you are feeling. “I also had a little talk with Jack and Linda that tomorrow we are going official”
“After the panel, they want me to like go off stage and hug her. And while doing so, she will say that she loves me and the mic will catch it so everybody can hear.”
“That will make them lose their minds.”
“Yeah pretty much.” He chuckles with a hint of sadness. “I’m sorry for everything. You know if I could I would have spent the day with you.”
“I know that. It’s just so frustrating. I don’t know if I can go on like this much longer.” You say while playing with his fingers.
“I told you that it’s all going to end soon. I don’t think there will be too much left after that. The Wonka premiere is in two weeks, and I think they planned for us just to post the pictures that we took together. And then I’ll delete them all, and people will think it’s over.”
“Okay. I hope you are right.”
And with that, he goes to change before joining you on the bed. He puts on The Lion King because he knows it’s a comfort movie for you. You were cuddling into him when you heard his soft snores. You aren’t feeling sleepy like him. You are too afraid for that. Afraid of what’s going to happen tomorrow. Afraid of seeing her telling him that she loves him and him saying it back. He wasn’t supposed to, but you couldn’t shake the thought out of your head. And what will people think anyway? What if they liked your boyfriend with her and two weeks later he showed up with you at the premiere? You will certainly get a lot of hate for “breaking them”. You finally drift into unconsciousness due to exhaustion.
The next morning, you woke up and got ready to go to the convention. Jack already gave the pass to Timothée yesterday. When he emerges from the bathroom, he sees you waiting for him at the door. He can see that you are lost in your head, probably thinking of what’s about to occur today. Of course, he understands why. He doesn’t need to be a genius to know that this whole situation is hurting you. It all will be worth it when you’ll be on his arm in two weeks.
“Hey Y/n?” You come out of your daydreaming session to see Timothée walking to you. “Do you think you could tell your head to stop saying bad things to you. It’s really pretty, but sometimes it needs to shut up.” He grins and opens his arms. You roll your eyes.
“Well it would stop if my curly head didn’t agree to this thing” you say with sarcasm. Of course you knew that he didn’t have a choice. He stings his tongue at you.
“What’s on your mind right now?”
“You know what. Remember the rule?”
“Yep no kissing on the lips. I can assure you I want yours and only yours” he says and kisses you. “I. Only. Want. Those. Sweet. Puffy. Lips” he says with a kiss between each word.
“Okay okay stop it now.” You giggle. “Come on, I want to see what outfit they prepared for you.”
And you both go downstairs to catch up with your best friends before you go into the cars. Zendaya and Timothée in one and Tom and you in the other one. There will be fans waiting for their entry, and while you couldn’t be seen for obvious reasons, Tom doesn’t like unnecessary attention, so he will stay hidden with you.
When you arrive, you go with Tom to do a little walk before the panel. See the place while Z and Timothée are in the dressing rooms with Florence and Austin. And you suppose Kylie is there too. When it was time for you to go back to the panel, you both took your seats. It wasn’t too far but not in the middle either.
Music begins to be heard, and the people start to scream like crazy. You are really wondering if your ears won’t try to fund a way to fall off your body to survive.
And soon enough, the panel begins with DenisVilleneuve join soon enough by Austin, Florence, and Zendaya. She wears a white dress that makes her look divine. Well, you think that’s a good way to describe her since that’s the word that felt from Tom’s lips when he saw her. Of course, you agree with him. You tease him about it, but shut your mouth pretty fast when Timothée walks on stage.
“Woaw” you whisper.
“Now I think we can both agree that I’m not the only whipped person here.” Tom grins.
“Oh shut up” you both laugh.
You listen to everybody on stage talk about the movie and its production, the process of everything. You, of course, are listening very closely. You are obviously a fan of your boyfriend, but you also loved Dune part 1. It is really the kind of movie you love to watch. You are so excited when they let you watch the first 10 minutes of the movie. I'm so excited that Tom has to use all his strength, so you will stop gripping his arm like a maniac. When the clip is over and the questions from the fans begin to be asked, you remember what was about to happen. The panel will be over soon, and so will the world know about them. You start to feel nervous so you try to relax a little. Everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to go as planned.
The audience starts to clap loudly, and you realise the panel is ending. You can feel your heart beats loudly in your chest. You see Denis, Austin, Florence, and Z walk out before Timothée follows them. From here, you can see Kylie jumping into his arms. They are in the perfect place, hide enough so the fans think they aren’t supposed to see them, but not hide enough so not even one person can’t see them. They both hug pretty tightly, and then they loosen a little to look at each other.
“I love you” Kylie says. And like planned, the mic catches it and everybody starts to scream. They act like they are in shock, but when the screams got louder that’s your mouth that opens wide.
They are kissing. On the lips. They. Are. Kissing. On. The. Lips. The only rule was no kissing on the lips. And yet, right now, her lips are on his. You feel the tears in your eyes, and before you can see much longer, you run to the exit.
What you didn’t see is Timothée pushing her away immediately. He’s looking at her with disbelief. And when they go in the back, he takes Kylie’s hand to take her to his dressing room before shutting the door.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” he screams at her. He is just so angry. He knows you saw it, he knows it was like a sacred rule. And he’s so angry because when he looked for you he only found Tom looking in every directions to find you.
“What the fuck is wrong with YOU?! Why did you do that?! It was all planned remember” Kylie strikes back.
“This freaking kiss wasn’t!”
“Well I was feeling the moment, and I felt like we needed to kiss. What’s the big deal anyway?”
“The problem is that I have a girlfriend, and the only rule that we had was no kissing!” he said and just storms off. He has to talk to you right now. He can’t even imagine what’s going on inside your head. On his way out, he fell into Zendaya. Who seemed to be looking for him.
“Timothée Hal Chalamet, what did you do?!” She whispers angrily at him. “I just saw Tom's text saying that he can’t find Y/N”
“It wasn’t supposed to happen like this, I swear.” He says, completely desperate. “We were not supposed to kiss, I promised it to her, and now I just broke another one.”
“You better go fix this” it’s all Zendaya says. She don’t want to be mad at him. She knows how hard it’s for him because he can’t control anything while he’s the one that has to do all the reparations.
He just sighs and goes again to the exit. But unfortunately, now it’s both Jack and Linda who stop him.
“What?!” Timothée asks clearly annoyed.
“”First you calm down, and second, we are going to talk about the panel.” Jack says.
“I’m sorry. Can we talk about this later? I really have to do something very important.”
“We can talk about that later if you want.” Timothée feels relieved, but Jack had to open his mouth again. “But we have to talk about our little arrangement.”
“What about it?” Timothée asks. He knows he is talking about the ending part of the plan. He looks at Linda for an answer.
“We decided that we were not going to end anything before Wonka was out.” She tells him, and Timothée’s face becomes pale.
“What do you mean? We had an accord. Everything is ending before the Wonka premiere. I can’t do this anymore, guys.”
“We don’t understand why we couldn't go any longer. If your relationship with Kylie stops here, you could say goodbye to your career. People will definitely know it was just a PR thing, and we are all going to be affected really badly. You can say goodbye to any more roles because even if you are in a new movie, people won’t want to see a liar. Wonka will be a disaster and Dune 2, too.”
“I don’t care. It has to stop.”
“Let me be clear” Jack puts his hands on his shoulders. “You don’t have a choice here. It’s either you continue or you lose everything.” He says sternly.
Timothée shrugs his hands off of him and storms off. He feels so angry but also so desperate to find you. He met with Zendaya and Tom to go back to the hotel. It feels like the longest drive of his life. When they are there, he jumps out of the car and runs to your room.
He opens the door and when he enters the sight before him breaks his heart. You are fully crying on the bed. Your back facing the door. When you hear the door shuts, you turn around. He can see your puffy eyes. You stand up and whip your tears away before walking up to him.
“You promised.” You say sternly. “You promised you would take me from the airport. You promised that we would spend time together to visit the city. You promised you wouldn’t go that far with her.” You aren’t screaming at him. You are stating the facts. What you are saying is that you are hurt by all of this.
“I know, okay. I messed up a lot for the last few months.” He starts crying. “I know how much I’m hurting you, and I can’t do anything about it. I’m just so sorry. I prom- I swear the kiss wasn’t planned. I immediately pulled off of her and took her away. I screamed at her right away, and then I stormed off to get to you.” He sniffles. “It’s killing me that I have to do this, and now that this isn’t ending anymore like I thought it was I-“
“Wait what? You’re telling me that it’s not over?”
“I- I know I promised, and I was so sure it was the end. But Jack told me on my way out that there was no way that we would stop this. They said that if we stop now, then people will find out that it was pur bullshit and that my career will be over.”
“Okay...” You just say. You turn around and take your suitcase out.
“Wait, what are you doing?” He starts to freak out.
“I’m leaving okay.” You state while you begin to pack. He tries to take your arm away from your clothes, but you yank it back before turning to look at him. “I can’t do this anymore, Timmy. I won’t. It’s hurting me too much. And what about us?! We are not really together since this whole thing started. We are hurting too much to go on like this.”
“Don’t talk like that. I know we are hurting, but we can do this. We just go on a little longer, then when it’s over, we can be like before. Just the two of us. I will end everything. I will tell everyone the truth and everything will stop.”
“You can’t do that. You know how much I want this to be over.” You chuckle sadly. You take his hands in both of yours before looking into his eyes. “You know that if you tell the truth, then people will call you a liar. Your career will be over. And if we add me in the equation, everybody will think that you were cheating on Kylie. We would get so much hate. It’s the same outcome either way.”
“Please don’t do this” he pleas. “I can’t live without you.”
“I’m doing this for me, for you. We can’t go on like this. This is breaking us apart. I can’t watch you be with her and wait for you to be with me.”
“I promise I can change.”
“You and I both know that you can’t. I know you want to. I know that every promise that you didn’t keep wasn’t because you didn’t want to do so. But every time, this fake relationship is going to come our way.”
“I’m so in love with you Y/N Y/L/N” he sniffles. He knows he can’t do anything about it. You are putting a stop to this because it hurts the two of you too much.
“And I’m so in love with you too Timothée Chalamet. I will always love you. This isn’t me falling out of love with you. This is me choosing us.” You finish your suitcase before taking everything and going to the door. You turn one last time around to see Timothée watching you. His cheeks are so wet from all the tears that still fall from his red eyes.
“I’m going to miss you.” He says and takes you into his arms. You put your head on his chest, wanting to hear his heartbeat one last time. You don’t want to do this, but you have to.
“I’ll miss you too.” You stand back and finally open the door. You stop and look back at him when he begins to talk again.
“I love you”
“Really really really?” You smile. That is the saddest smile anyone has ever seen.
“Really really really.” He reciprocates it.
“I love you too.”
And with that, you walk out of the room, out of the hotel, and wait for a cab to take you to the airport.
“Y/N!!”, you turn around to see Z. Maybe if you tell the story, people would say that it is Timothée that should be here, running after you. But you are glad he is not. You need to do this for you, and for him, you couldn’t go on like this. And if it was him, you are not sure that your mind will stay put. “Why are you leaving? Are you okay?”
“I think it’s obvious I’m not.”
“What happened?”
“I just can’t do this anymore, Z. I thought that I could handle it but I realised that I can’t. I’m hurting too much.” You start to cry again, and she takes you in her arms. “I just love him so much, but this is not possible.”
“Oh sweetheart. You know I’m with you in this. But are you sure this is the right choice to make?” she looks into your eyes. She can see that you are sure of your decision, but she doesn’t want this to happen. She doesn’t want to see her two best friends drift apart. Of course, she understands you. She probably would have done the same. Maybe she wouldn’t have lasted as long as you. When you are going to answer back, you hear a car horn. You both turn to see a cab. Your cab.
“I have to do this, Z. I can’t watch the love of my life with a girl that’s not me anymore.” You say then take your suitcase and walk to the cab.
“Don’t be a stranger” she calls out.
“I promise” you scream back with a smile. A smile full of tears but still a smile.
When Zendaya goes up to your room, she sees Tom waiting at the door. He was supposed to talk to Timothée while she was downstairs with you.
“No, he doesn’t want to open the door. You?”
“She left. She took a taxi to the airport and she’s not coming back.” Zendaya decides to knock on the door. “Timothée? Please let us in. You need to talk about it.”
“I need to be alone so get the fuck away!” Timothée screams trough the door. The couple look at each other before deciding to leave him alone.
Timothée isn’t really happy that he screamed at them like this. But he really needs to be alone to process everything. And yes, he took the overpriced ice cream that was in the minibar.
You left. You really left. He just lost the most important thing in his life. He didn’t go after you because he knew you didn’t want him to. He understands your reasoning. He isn’t mad at you for not trying any longer. How could he even think about being mad at you? You are right. This situation can’t go on any longer. He knows that you were hurting too much by this. He thinks that the only thing he wishes is that you saw the way he was hurting, too. He knows it’s not the same, but being forced to do something you don’t want to is horrible. He didn’t want to do this. At first, he only did it to protect you and himself from all the hate. Now he knows that it took proportions that were too big because he knows that you didn’t give up just because it was a little too difficult.
Every time he was with his fake girlfriend, he felt bad. He felt trapped. He felt like a puppet on a string being manipulated by the PR teams and his manager and even by the public. He didn’t have a choice about what he had to do or say or even think. Nobody wants to be held against their will. He feels so trapped in all this bullshit that he doesn’t know how to get away from it.
Days begin to pass, Timothée is back in LA, and the Wonka premiere is tomorrow night. The only thing he knows for now is that he needs to get you back. He thinks you both needed a little time to calm down to ease your minds. But now it’s over, and he will make sure you are both together again. He can’t lose you because he needs you in his life. You bring him so much joy and peace. You bring him comfort every day. He can’t lose all of it. He won’t.
He knows that in order for the bullshit to stop, he needs to go against his manager and his PR team. He needs to tell the world the truth. But if he does so, he will probably lose everything. Not everything because you are his everything to him. But he can say goodbye to his career.
Just when he was about to ask himself if it was worth it, he shut himself up. Of course, it is worth it, your freaking dumbass. He would lose everything if it meant he could be with you forever. Okay, he needs to fix everything NOW.
With this new mindset Timothée jumps out of bed. He is so excited to get you back that his foot gets caught in his sheets, and he falls. He stood up immediately. He couldn’t care less about the pain. He needs to move and fast. The Wonka world premiere is tomorrow, and with the fact that he needs to fly to your home first, then he needs to think of the time it takes to fly to London. Not to mention that it’s already dark outside. He doesn’t stress. He will miss the premiere if he has to.
He takes his phone, unlocking it for the first time since he came back from Brazil. He didn’t want to tall to anyone. No, he didn’t post the pictures with Kylie. Yes, his manager wasn’t happy. He will be even angrier tomorrow anyway. He only checked his phone to see if you sent him anything. You sent nothing, and that’s okay.
He is out of the house in one hour. The time he took to clean himself up, bought his ticket and made his suitcase. While he is waiting for the boarding to begin, he calls Jack.
“Mr Timothée Chalamet. I hope you have a good excuse for what you did. What you didn’t do, actually.” Jack answers immediately, clearly angry at the actor.
“I have a really good one, actually.” Timothée answers with a smile a little too big.
“Well my ears are wide open.” Jack says, annoyed.
“I’m just not doing your fake relationship anymore. It’s over Jack. Tomorrow night, I will be at the premier without Kylie, and that’s final.”
“Absolutely not. You are going with Kylie, and you will play loverboy until I decide it’s over. You don’t have a choice.”
“Actually, I have a choice, and I choose to stop.”
“That’s it I’m not working with you anymore, you fucking-“
“Yeah great bye.” Timothée hangs up the phone. He doesn’t need to hear Jack’s annoying voice anymore. Nobody does anyway.
He texts Kylie’s team to tell them that it’s not necessary to come tomorrow. His flight is ready to start the boarding, but he quickly taps something on his phone before putting it in his bag and walking to his flight. Full with confidence.
T- I’m getting her back.
Z- Took you long enough dumbass. Now go get your girl.
Now that he is standing in front of your door, he wonders if he shouldn’t have prepared a little speech. His confidence is long gone by now. He don’t know what to do. Does he knock on the door? Well it’s a stupid question because he will have to do it. Otherwise, you won’t answer. But what if you aren’t answering? Maybe you’ll see his face then decide not to open the door. Maybe you’ll not even hear that he is there. Well, you are a light sleeper, so maybe you will wake up. Are you even asleep right now? Maybe he should go and come back later. Yeah, that’s actually a pretty good id-
“Timothée?” he jumps at your voice. When he looks at the door, you are right in the doorway dressed in your pyjamas with a tired face and messy hair. At that moment he couldn’t find something more beautiful than you.
“Y-Y-Y/n. What’s up?” What’s up?! That’s what he has to say?! What is he doing?!
“Well I just woke up, and I saw you doing circles in front of my house.” He can’t say what you are feeling right now. You don’t seem angry, which is great, but you don’t seem happy either. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to talk with you. Can you let me in?” You ponder for a moment, but let him in anyway.
“Do you want a drink or something?” You ask when you come back from getting a hoodie. It is one of his. He wants to feel hope, but he also doesn’t want to jump to a conclusion.
“A coffee would be nice. I spent the whole night in the airport.”
“Yeah I’m sure it was pretty long. Don’t you have a premiere to intend tonight? Shouldn’t you be in London right now?”
“I couldn’t go without my girl.” This causes you to stop pouring him his coffee. “Y/n-“
“No. You know it’s impossible. We-we can’t.” Your hands start to tremble, so he takes them in his. At this, you look into his eyes. Those beautiful eyes that you missed so much.
“Y/n it's over. I ended it. I came here to take you with me to the premiere tonight. I want to spend this evening with you and make it unique. Because every moment I spend with you is unique.” He says in a sweet voice.
“How can I trust you? Is it really over?” Your eyes are glowing with your tears that are threatening to fall.
“Do you still love me?” He couldn’t help but hold his breath. He knows you said that you will always live him, and you left not too long ago even if it felt like eternity.
“Of course I do. How could I stop?” You smile, and he smiles back.
“I love you too. And that’s why you should trust me when I say to you that there isn’t a fake relationship in the way. And if you don’t trust me with this-“ He lets go of one of your hands to take his phone. He unlocks it, and you cloud see a picture where the two of you make silly faces. He goes into his call app. “-this is how my phone looks right now. And it won’t stop.”
You can see that he got a tone of phone calls. Some are from his manager, others are from his PR team and even some from Kylie’s. And when you see the messages that he got as well. All of them were in bold and with a lot of punctuation.
“I think that Jack isn’t really happy.” You say with a chuckle.
“You really think? Maybe that is his way of telling me thank you for all the great years.” He chuckles too, and this time you laugh. He can’t stop his smile from growing. “So what do you say? Do you want to come with me tonight?”
“Wait. Do you want me to accept a demand so unofficial like this?” You tease. He rolls his eyes before looking inside one of your cupboards and takes something out. He goes down on one knee.
“Miss Y/N Y/L/N, the queen in my world, would you do me the greatest honor to come with me tonight as my most beautiful date to the Wonka premiere in London?” He opens his hands and offers you one of your favourite chocolate.
“Well, you know I’m a very busy woman, but I think that I can clear my schedule for you.” You both laugh.
He stands back up and takes you into a bone crushing hug. You are both laughing before the tears take over. They are happy tears.
“I’m missed you so much. You don’t know how much I’m happy that I got you back.” He mumbles into your hair.
“I missed you too. So much. I’m so glad you came. Life is so hard without you.” You sniffles. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He slightly pulls away to look at your face then at your lips. And before you know it you are kissing soflty. A kiss full of love. But you pull away suddenly with a gasp. “What? What is it?”
“I don’t an outfit for tonight.” You begin to panic. “And how are we going to be here on time. London is too far you are going to be late for your own movie.”
“If we go in the next hour, we can be on time and all glamed up. I took care of that for you. You are going to make people so jealous, I promise.” He calms you down, and when he finishes his sentence, you run into your house, packing everything.
Timothée watches you doing so. He tries to help you, but you shut him up, so he just sits on the couch until you are ready to go. He can’t stop smiling. He can’t believe he got you back, and this time, he will make sure you don’t even think about leaving him.
Hours later, you are both all dressed up riding in the backseat of a black car that is taking you to the place of the premiere. The outfit Timothée wears is incredible. You are so in love with the necklace. Yours is pretty good, too. It is gorgeous actually and Wonka themed. It is perfect.
“Can you stop with your leg mon cœur? You are making the whole car shake.” Timothée says while putting his hand on your bouncing knee.
“Sorry.” You chuckle. “I’m so nervous. What if people’s don’t like me or throw things at me? And what about the questions?”
“Don’t worry about anything. If they don’t like you it’s their lost. I don’t care because I have you, and I want you here with me on my arm. And can tell you that no one will throw something at you. And if you don’t believe me, I promise I will stand in the way to protect you.”
“You’ll do that for me?” You both laugh before he looks into your eyes.
“I’ll do anything for you.” And you know that he means it.
When the car comes to a stop, your stress comes back up again. Timothée takes your hand and squeezes it, telling you that he was there for you. You nod to him, and he walks out of the car. You can hear the fans screaming like crazy. He goes on your side and opens your door for you before taking your hand in his. When you walk out, you are met with a lot of flashes and a lot of screams as well. People don’t know you, but seeing someone new at Timothée’s arm made them wild. And so the evening begins, you watch the love of your love doing what he loves. He signs pictures, posters, and some crazy things you don’t even understand why, but it makes you laugh. People are asking about you, and each time Timothée answers that you are his real girlfriend. He even goes all to the way, saying that the thing with Kylie was all fake. You were afraid of what people would think, but all the responses you got are pretty great. When you both start to stand on the carpet in front of all the photographs, you are blinded by the lights and slightly put your head on his shoulder. He chuckles slightly before looking at you, is eyes full of love.
“I love you.” He says.
“Really really really?” You ask with a big smile that is contagious.
“Really really really.”
And you knew from that moment that everything would be okay. You both have each other, and that’s all that matters.
The end of the series. I'm sorry it was so long, but I really wanted it to be in three parts so that the titles would match.
Hope you enjoyed it.
107 notes · View notes
Like Phil, I’d like to think that Jamie and Keeley still go to Brazil, in spite of the boys’ recent fuck-up, but I’d also like to think that Roy comes with them. Not because Jamie and Keeley can’t be friend on their own or wouldn’t have the best time doing Brazil together – they would! – but because I think Jamie might be conscious, given everything that’s gone down recently, of potentially upsetting what he currently perceives as a rather delicate balance.   
Maybe he brings it up a few days later before they head over to Keeley’s for a joint apology, or maybe it happens already at the holy kebab place, once they’ve had a few bites and a chance to settle back into their normal; a little worse for wear, but with no lasting harm done.
And Jamie fiddles with his sleeves and makes little faces as he tries to decide what to say (and Roy notices and waits with some trepidation) and in the end he just comes right out and says it, because that’s what Jamie does, isn’t it?
“I asked Keeley to go to Brazil with me, for that Nike thing I’m doing.”
Roy blinks. He hadn’t known Jamie was doing a Nike thing. Jamie might have told him, but Roy usually stops listening whenever he starts blathering on about brands and clothes and shit, so yeah, if told he hadn’t heard.
“What did she say?” he asks after a slightly too long and awkward moment of Jamie looking up at him, almost through his fucking eyelashes, trying to gauge his reaction.
“She said yes.” And hastily, as if worried what Roy might say or do if given a moment to, he adds: “I didn’t do it to try to get back together or anything. I mean, I do wanna get back together and she’s my friend and I love her and I thought we’d have a great time, yeah, but also, she’s great at PR and all that stuff, so. Yeah. That’s why I asked her to come. Make sure I don’t fuck it up.”
And because you want her to be your girlfriend. Roy doesn’t say it, though. Neither of them want a repeat of what went down at the bar. This isn’t Jamie trying to goad him or hurt him, he’s pretty fucking sure of that, so he’ll listen carefully to everything Jamie has to say, and then he’ll react like a fucking grown-up.
Probably. Possibly.
“Anyway, I think you should, like, come with us.”
Fucking what now? “What?”
“You should come with me and Keeley to Brazil.” Jamie is nodding his head decisively, as if repeating the statement has fully convinced him of its veracity.
“You want me to come with you and Keeley to fucking Brazil?” Roy is aware of sounding like a demented parrot, but he doesn’t give a fuck, does he, because he doesn’t want there to be any fucking room for misinterpretation here.
Jamie doesn’t seem particularly concerned about Roy’s tone. Too used to it, probably. “Um, yeah. Yeah. I mean, probably can’t get Nike to pay for it, right, but you’re rich, so you can just get your own ticket and you can stay with me and Keeley in this villa they’ll set us up in. Can’t mind that.”
Which all sounds very reasonable, of course, but still doesn’t answer the most pressing question:  “Why?”
Jamie makes a face. “What do you mean, why? Because I don’t want shit to be weird between us, mate. And I think it’d be weird if Keeley and I went away and you stayed here after what happened, you know. Besides,” he adds, and suddenly he looks slightly shy; younger than he actually is, and vulnerable, “It’d probably be fun, yeah? All three of us going, together. Because we’re friends and all.”
And there’s something sharp and jagged turning in Roy’s gut at that, because underneath Jamie’s claim there’s a note of uncertainty that Roy had no trouble whatsoever guessing the origin of, and he adds it to the long list of things he hates himself for.
He doesn’t know how to express any of that, so what he says is, “Yeah. I guess. I’ll think about it.”
Jamie’s grin is immediate and wide; relieved and triumphant in equal measure, like he’s already won – like he already knows for a fact that Roy’s going to say yes.
Roy can’t even find it in him to mind that the little prick is right.
And then they all go to Brazil and I’m currently thinking that nothing further really happened between them there, because apparently they all need to do a little more thinking and feeling and figuring themselves out, but I’m sure they still had a grand, grand time of it.
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hotreadingwitch · 10 months
MADE TO LIE - the party
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Bucky might be handsome, sure, but that didn’t excuse his cold behaviour.
“God, he’s driving me mad” Y/n declared as Natasha helped her pin her hair in a glamorous old Hollywood-esque style. 
“I’m sure it’ll get easier between you two the more you get to know each other” Wanda encouraged. 
“Yeah and Steve adores him so he can’t be that awful deep down” 
“True” Y/n conceded before continuing, her anger and insecurities simmering like a pot of boiling water, “I just can’t get past the feeling that he despises me” 
“I don’t know if he does Y/n…” Natasha started.
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, sometimes you act like you hate someone when really you’re just confused about feeling…something else?” 
“You think he likes me?” 
“Well,” she sighed, “You never know…it’s just an observation” 
“Maybe he’s shy” Wanda added. 
Y/n scoffed. 
“I find that hard to believe” 
“I think there’s probably more to Bucky Barnes than any of us know…” 
When Y/n stepped into the large party room it felt to Bucky as if everyone, including him, suddenly noticed her all at once. The thought of hundreds of eyes on her made his stomach rumble with discomfort and protectiveness but also a small sense of pride. Her dress was some designer couture, clearly straight from the runway but she wore it better than any model ever could in his opinion. She shone in it, somehow not overpowered by the thousand glittering black beads and pearls that were delicately interwoven with the dress’s fabric. Bucky placed a hand on the ache in his chest, physically feeling overwhelmed, her beauty was so intense it was all-consuming. 
“Are you okay James?” Dr. Pashia asked cautiously. 
He tore his gaze away from Y/n only to notice his therapist’s sly smile. 
“Don’t” he groaned, scratching at his 5 o’clock shadow, “Between you and Steve I can’t catch a break…” 
“Well, my lips are sealed then” she mimed the action cheekily. 
Bucky let out a loose, gravelly laugh, smiling down at her. He was endlessly grateful for her professional help and in the last couple of years working with her, she’d almost become a friend. 
“Thanks, Doc” 
The pair talked and talked, joking in a natural way that only a great therapist and patient could. 
His gaze subconsciously flitted to where Y/n was in the room again and again as the night went on. Dr. Pashia said nothing about it, thankfully. When his eyes landed on her a third time he was surprised to find she was glaring at him with so much intensity he almost stumbled even though he was standing perfectly still. He watched as she slowly turned back to whoever it was she was talking to and threw her head back with a flirtatious little laugh. The man was tall, like him, with long, slicked black hair and piercing, devilish eyes. A rush of heat hit his cheeks. With a frustrated growl, he turned away, excusing himself before stalking over to the bar where he noticed Natasha was helping with drinks. The loud current pop music and throwbacks playing at the party pounded loudly in his ears. 
I’m in love with the shape of you…
“Hey,” he bit out when he reached the bar. 
“Hey,” she hesitated, looking visibly amused. 
“What’s that look for?” He grumbled, agitated. 
“Trouble with Y/n?” 
“Is everyone able to read me these days?” He groaned, “What happened to being a top-class assassin?” 
She raised her glass in a toast, “Oh how the mighty have fallen…” 
He clinked hers in a sardonic cheers. If anyone could understand how it felt to suddenly gain autonomy after years of torture and control, it was Natasha. 
“I’d give her a chance you know?” she continued, making Bucky’s eyebrow raise, “I’m biased as a best friend sure but that doesn’t mean she isn’t truly the kindest person I’ve ever known” 
Bucky’s eyes softened, after talking to Natasha he was filled with a new purpose, one that started with an apology. When he finally turned away, heading back to the party, he stopped mid-step…
After her talk with Wanda and Natasha, the girls had practically drunk their body weight in hard liquor, Wanda not even making it to the party. When Y/n arrived, it seemed that all the other Avengers were busy, either with each other or with the hoards of people Tony had invited to come. A little while later, her eyes finally found Barnes in the crowd and immediately narrowed. He was talking to probably one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. 
She turned away from the scene unfolding before her, strutting over to the nearest handsome man she could find, and tonight there were many.
Grab somebody sexy tell ‘em hey 
The music blared over the speakers. 
“Hi,” Y/n greeted with a flirting glance up at the tall stranger. 
“Well hello there” he responded, his mouth curving into a naughty grin. 
“Y/n” she held out her hand to shake. 
He took it, placing a dapper kiss on her skin before introducing himself, “God of Mischief” 
She threw her head back, laughing a little more than she normally would at such a stupid joke. 
Give me everything tonight
By the time they made it to the dance floor the song from earlier was almost making the space shake, not to mention the people covering the dance floor. 
I might drink a little more than I should tonight 
And I might take you home with me tonight 
Y/n swayed along with the stranger, allowing his hands to press into the curves of her hips. All was going well until a different hand, a cool metal one, planted itself on her shoulder from behind. 
“Hi honey” his sarcastic tone grated her eardrums. 
She turned with an annoyed look to see none other than Bucky Barnes glowering in front of her. 
“Can I help you?” She feigned innocence. 
His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat, likely out of annoyance. But she didn’t care…Let him be annoyed. 
She turned back to the stranger to find that he’d disappeared. 
“What do you want Bucky?” 
“What do I—“ he grazed a frustrated hand over his mouth, “What do I want? It doesn’t matter what I want Y/n. What matters is that I’m the only one you should even be near tonight, this might not be an official mission but that won’t stop people from talking”
“Apologies, I didn’t know you could even stand my presence”
He looked taken aback by this but before he could respond a woman backed into him, bumping him forward toward Y/n so that their chests were pressed together. He gripped onto Y/n’s wrist, seemingly for support as he stumbled slightly. The woman’s perfect olive-brown skin gleamed in the lights and she smiled at Bucky, a sweet smile that made him sigh and shake his head. 
Y/n realized in an instant that this was the woman that Bucky had been talking to earlier. She had seen enough. She attempted to rip her hand away from his but he whipped his gaze back to her, his grip on her only growing tighter. It was then, just as Y/n was about to speak, that the overhead lighting dimmed and a mellow piano melody began to fill the large space. 
She turned her head, noticing quickly with a groan the other drunken party-goers who were now forming pairs to partake in the slow dance.
Like a flower, waiting to bloom
Like a light bulb in a dark room
I’m just sitting here waiting for you
To come on home 
And turn me on
Y/n’s heart ached at the DJ’s choice of song as she reached out, placing her other hand on Bucky’s strong shoulder. Lost to the music, her fingers brushed the swell of his muscle, tracing down to his collarbone. If she noticed how this movement made Bucky’s breathing hitch, she didn’t say anything about it. 
“So now you want to play the part?” Bucky chuckled, raising a thick eyebrow in a light-hearted manner that she hadn’t seen directed at her in all the time she’d known him. 
Like the desert 
Waiting for the rain 
A beat passed, a thoughtful silence settling between them. 
“My father used to listen to this song…we’d waltz to it when I was a little girl, it was my mother’s favourite” Y/n admitted softly. 
She winced then, looking up into Bucky’s steely eyes to measure his reaction, information about her abusive crime boss father wasn’t what she normally started conversations with. But his gaze was surprisingly soft. 
“I’m sorry…” Bucky murmured, pulling her slightly closer. 
Y/n sighed. She supposed all the Avengers had been briefed on her past when she first joined the initiative but she wasn’t sure. This confirmed that. A couple of years ago, Y/n had fled her father’s French crime organization, giving information to Nick Fury that would later contribute to the group’s effort to lock him up, neutralizing him as a threat for good. In a twisted way, she was glad that her father was no longer a danger to her or anyone else. 
“Thank you” she whispered back, “I suppose it’s a bit of a weird father-daughter song anyway” 
“Perfect for a weird father-daughter duo then” Bucky smirked playfully. 
Y/n’s eyes widened before she let out a startled laugh. No one ever dared to joke with her about her past, especially about her father. 
“Very true” a small smile spread across her lips. 
She hesitated then, leaning forward to rest her head on Bucky’s shoulder. She found his planes of muscle were soft on her cheek, the quality of his expensive-looking suit surely helping with that. 
I’m just sitting here 
Waiting for you to come on home 
And turn me on
Turn me on
The music faded out eventually but Y/n didn’t really notice. 
Y/n was drunk and Bucky had forgotten what it felt like to be as the super soldier serum mostly prevented it. He did, however, remember the stories of him coming home sloshed and sloppy that Steve refused to let him forget…and sloshed and sloppy was exactly what Y/n was now.
“Come on doll” Bucky pushed softly as he guided Y/n through the compound hallways to where he hoped her room was located. 
“Here, here—” she slurred her words as they reached the door, cutting herself off with a small burp. 
Bucky tried not to laugh as he took in her drunken state. After they’d danced together for three of four more songs, Y/n and Bucky had rejoined the group who were then playing a ridiculous drinking game that someone had come up with. Bucky glared daggers at the tall, dark-haired man who had been dancing with Y/n before, who he learned was Loki, Thor’s mischievous brother. Besides that though, he had actually managed to have a pretty good time. It seemed, however, that Y/n, who’d drank double her weight in liquor, had an even better experience. 
Y/n stumbled onto her bed, bending over with a huff as she tried to take off her ridiculously high heels. She pulled and pulled at the stubborn shoe, not realizing, in her state, that she had to undo the buckle first. Rolling his eyes, Bucky got to his knees before her. 
“What are you doing Barnes?” she garbled. 
“Taking off your shoes” he chuffed, “And you never call me that…” 
“Well maybe I do now” 
He raised his eyebrows.
“Fine, fine, ‘Bucky’ it is, though I don’t know why you’re insisting…” her eyes glazed over, “Unless you just like hearing me say your name” 
A flame lit in Bucky’s eyes. 
“Go shower” he commanded gruffly. 
“M’kay” she agreed before stumbling into the bathroom, the moment forgotten, just another drunken thought that she’d likely forget by morning. 
She left the door open as she did, allowing Bucky a full view of her as she stripped out of her fancy dress and the lacy lingerie beneath it. Tearing his eyes away from Y/n out of respect for her privacy was the least of his issues. What worried him now was the fact that she might slip. Sure enough, after a single minute passed, Bucky heard a small yelp coming from the steamy bathroom. His gaze snapped to the shower where Y/n was on the ground, her knees curled up to her chest. He ran into the room, opened the door to the shower and, being careful not to look, helped her to her feet. 
“Are you hurt?” 
The freezing cold water ran down his suit, soaking him to his core, but he didn’t care. When she didn’t answer he prodded again, 
“Why didn’t you turn the water to be hot?” 
“Because” she responded with a non-committal shrug. 
Without another word, Bucky grabbed a fluffy towel from outside the shower and wrapped it around her, turning off the stream of now-warm water. 
“Come” he ushered her to her bed. 
He flipped open the plush sheets, helping her to settle between them. 
“Why are you being so nice to me?” the words poured out of her with startling vulnerability. 
“Because” he responded gruffly, repeating her seemingly nonchalant words from earlier.
“Because” she slowly whispered back, speaking into the dark, “Because…” 
Bucky’s laugh was a quiet puff. 
“No laughing” she drunkenly chided, though her smile was at odds with her words, “I’m tired” 
“Then sleep doll” he caressed her forehead, making her hum with contentment. 
Only when she had finally drifted off into a heavy, peaceful slumber, did he finally leave. 
A/N - the three songs with lyrics used in the chapter are Shape of You by Ed Sheeran, Turn Me On by Norah Jones, and Give Me Everything by Pitbull, Neyo, AFROJACK and Nayer
requested account tags:
cjand10 identity2212 bucky-jbb-sunshine unaxv hnnhbananananana
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f0point5 · 4 months
the whole situation with the wags reminds me so much of the one direction days, the hate their girlfriends used to get was soo horrible and they infantilized the boys just like they do with the f1 drivers now.
i thought we would have grown past this absolutely childish and misogynistic behavior by now.
it’s also funny how people use one problematic thing the wags did years ago as a reason to hate them and demand they apologize publicly for it when we all know that the reason they hate them is jealousy. bc suddenly they don’t really care about problematic things when the drivers do them and excuse everything with ‘he didn’t know better’ and ‘I’m sure he doesn’t think like this anymore’.
also the whole ‘it’s a pr relationship’ thing is sooo stupid, just bc alex for example is showing herself more and is probably more comfortable in front of cameras, doesn’t mean that it’s pr or she wants to become an influencer. like ofc her and charles are hanging out, they are in a relationship.
It really if F1Direction over there on those gossip sites. You just know those people who are concerned about Alexandra repeating outfits or Magui’s dad’s criminal record are the same people who were sending Perrie from Little Mix death threats for dating Zayn with posters on their walls covered in lipgloss that came stuck to a magazine. I said what I said.
Personally I think the whole cancelling celebs thing is weird as hell like they’re not accountable to you just because you follow them on Instagram. Don’t like their behaviour? Unfollow or block, and don’t watch/buy their shit. They don’t have to say sorry to you, they don’t know you. They may choose to to keep their fan base but you aren’t owed one every time they do something you don’t like.
Also “x doesn’t think this anymore” like hun you didn’t know what he thought in the first place. He probably didn’t think anything. He’s got a year 9 reading level and a two million euro watch…whatever it is you think he was thinking about I guarantee he doesn’t care. And that’s on all 20 of them I stg.
I do think Lando and Magui are on a PR campaign sorry but at the end of the day why shouldn’t they be? Engagement means money and these people have to eat. But yeah the Alexandra PR thing is so weird. It’s like people think if you’re a shy person you sit home and chew your hair all the time. Maybe that’s what the Parasocials do but normal people go to things with their boyfriend. Especially a boyfriend who has a bit of form for liking to always have people around him. And just because one day she maybe feels good about herself and posts a tiktok or has her picture taken, doesn’t mean that the next week she might not be feeling it and wanting to be more low key. Vibes change. Also, I have to point out, not that I think their relationship is PR, but wags are billboards for their boyfriends a lot of the time. So if Alexandra is doing the leg work for Charles and wearing some APM stuff, she has to get her picture taken. When Charles receives an invite to an event, the brand knows her being his plus one is going to increase clicks, so she is very likely an important presence there. That doesn’t mean she’s “hired” to be his girlfriend, it means that she is doing what a wag does - supporting her boyfriend. Not to mention, A LOT of people outside F1Direction actually love Alexandra and her style, she is positive for Charles’s PR beyond the dark, bitter corners of the internet whether people want to acknowledge that or not.
Idk it’s just so clear to me that the Parasocials sit at home licking driver merch because they actually cannot conceptualise human interaction
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streaminn · 1 year
this is chaotic sorry in advanced.
Twin anon here! I made notes while reading on my catch-up venture
Oh my god the idea that a bunch of people have to sign a contract saying wednesday can attack them if she feels threatened is so funny. Like- something had to have happened to lead to this, right? Her team realized it was the best option so Wednesday doesn’t get jailed or bad publicity but her fans just go feral anyway anytime Wednesday puts a knife to someone’s throat
Monster fucker Wednesday confirmed !!! I mean hey was it ever really doubted…
Reached monster fucker anon and that made me laugh. From a pr perspective I honestly think with what Wednesday writes her being a monster fucker would be good. I mean- that’s who she writes for, if you really think about it. Her audience is full of monsterfuckers from the normie x monster shit she writes. Sure, she has horror and what not but the base of it is still that. The question isn’t whether she’s a monster fucker it is what monster she wants to fuck her !!!
Oh my god! I got to the stalker lore stuff and I love it!!! I’m very happy to read more of it and now I have such a better understanding. I knew enid went feral but damn !!! There is no getting in the way of Wednesday and Enid. It makes me happy though that they were able to get past all of this trauma to end up in a much better place where they both can physically be together and love each other. It really speaks to how strong their relationship is like there is absolutely nothing that could ever break the two of them apart.
I have to wonder if anyone at nevermore or hell even in Jericho remember Wednesday (she’s hard to forget) and see her as this celebrity figure. Do they talk about it? Do they bring it up? Do they try to say what happened at nevermore? Are the whispers just brushed away as an old classmate wanting to hate on them? Just rumors bubbled up to ruin Wednesdays image? Or, really, would it not even be blinked at because this is Wednesday Addams after all? (some nevermore students and people of Jericho definitely have a “Wednesday Addams traumatized me” therapy group) OH or does everyone think all the old Jericho people are crazy because wednesday turned her school years into books (unknown to the public) so it just looks like they are taking what she’s written wayyy to seriously
Oh my god the short of enid in jail was heartbreaking. It cements even more how much they deserve. Like- Enid in her life has reached a state where she is so overly loved. She can play video games, laugh, smile, be jump scared and run into the arms of her *wife* at the end of it all. You did a fantastic job writing it!!!
I caught up! Only took me three hours :D
Shout out to writer anon! They’re amazing. I don’t know who you are but all the little shorts were beautiful and really well written. It’s so nice that so many people come together for fics/fandom things.
Back on my twin Enid agenda. I think my twin enid ways is just shit posting at this point. It’ll be so clear there is only one Enid and here I am in my corner tangled around in red string doubling down as if Wednesday Addams herself did not just finally announce that yes, she is married to the one and only endespair. When the Clark Kentification goes to hard smh. Doubling down by saying, you know what, actually, there is a twin and it’s just a messy triangle- No a square, because Wednesday now also has a twin. Case closed. Twin anon staying strong.
Anyway! Away from that stupidity lmao!!! Streamer enid au stays being one of my favorites! Your ideas are always so fantastic and I love thinking about these two so much. I hope you’ve been doing well!
i deadass thought i ran you off with how i spiralled the twin spin off into its whole thing
also no worries :) nothing wrong with some chaotic rambling so lemme read whatchu got for me
but yeah, there was definitely a scene during wednesday's early years where a fan got too overzealous and a contract had to be made bc she nearly stabbed someone
now its just normal to have these contracts if you ever want wednesday addams in your event
also clearly the monster she wants to fuck her is enid a werewolf, like cmon. Its not even a joke, the amount of wolf imagery is rampant in all her works
glad people like the stalker lore, it wont come up alot bc adult wenclair has moved past it but i wanted to use it to explain why enid is so easily strict on her boundaries esp with chat
as for if jericho and nevermore remembering wednesday? yeah no they definitely know her, with the amount of shit wenclair get up too its hard to forget the werewolf and its master staining their monuments red
they do crow abt it at times but they're so secluded its not really that noticeable. There are the occasional post from a disgruntled adult of long before but that's about it. Definitely looks like an in universe viper roleplayer though!
glad you like my short on jail enid, she's a little crazy but who wouldn't if you gone through what she did in that cell? luckily she got way better, so everything is much tolerable now :)
(also damn, you went through all that content in 3 hours?? i didn't think there was that much. Thank you so much for spending time to do so bc holyshit)
it was really fun :^D
ah yes, wednesday addams and her twin Viper addams. She totally has a sister who's the actor and her the author
thank you again for liking the streamer enid au so much, it was genuinely so fun building it and ot think it took like two-three months to fully build it is mindboggling!!
i'll be doing better nowadays mate, hope you have a good day aswell
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
I hate saying this bc y’all accuse everyone who thinks like this into being someone from her side or something but here I go: I think this is very real and he’s been laying the narrative to introduce her to the public and people dont find it that weird; I think the fact he was the one making the first moves with the sm interactions says a lot, hell! im not even sure this all started in social media, I think there’s a PR factor that he’s willingly doing to help her and make her known like clearly this is benefiting her; this relationship is not a cute look for him, and him and his publicist must’ve KNOWN, and still went ahead with this, ya’ll this man is not joking around, I feel like a lot of people here are undermining the things he’s done in this situation, the call is coming from inside his house; he went to Lisbon, he brought her leeching friends to his damn house, he’s had her with him in ATL, the theater post, him posting the pumpkin after her mom etc etc wheeeewww
As for Alba, imma try to keep it respectful, she knows exactly what she gains from this, I bet girly feels like she’s in a y/n fan fiction, it’s gonna take A LOT for her to leave that man; I do not go out of my way to insult her like so many others but let me tell you I don’t feel sorry if she’s getting dragged, as we say in my country “Que aguante presión” meaning she better handle the pressure if she wants to keep the goldmine, you can’t have it all in this life sweetie
But yeah, I’m bracing myself for this one
Well, like I said, I think there's something going on, I just don't think it's a love story.
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sims-legacies · 2 years
Landgraab Series Chapter 9
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*School bell rings*
Headmistress: Good morning students, let us not forget, next week is the annual Winter mixer, if your parents are to be in attendance, be sure to advise them to contact Mrs. Brandice for the purchasing of their tickets.
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Lily: I can’t believe you did that Bell!
Bella: believe it sweetie! I told her if she wants to work in this city, she’d better play by my rules!
Lily: you're so bad! *laugh*
Octavia: hey bell any news on that place for the party.
Bella: Oh, my Gawd! Don’t get me started…. the guy was being so weird …. so much was like going on …. but it doesn’t matter, my aunt says she’s going to reached out to one of her friends who owns this sexy loft in the Spice market.
Lily: The Spice Market!
Octavia: if we have this party in the spice market no one will be able to top us ..
Lily: we’ll be legendary!
Octavia: yesssss, when should your aunt hear back from this friend of hers.
Bella: I’m not sure, but I’ll let you girls know
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Lily: this is going to be epic
Octavia: MAJOR!
Bella: ladies we are surely on our way!
*All laugh*
Mrs. Brandice: Nancy, please wait here while I call your driver.
Nancy: yes, Thank you!
Octavia: oh, my gawdddd!
Lily: what happened tavia? …, what are you looking at… who’s that?
Octavia: that’s Nancy Landgraab
Bella: wait a minute THE Nancy Landgraab, the Nancy Landgraab that lied on you?
Octavia: yea that’s her
Bella: what is she doing here?  ...
Lily: Wait! I heard about this, I think Her family is like under some investigation for like missing money or something or at least that’s what my g-ma said.
Bella: are you serious? Well, is she like broke?
Lily: my g-ma says Her Grandmother is like still rich and connected, but she doesn’t think that’ll last ….
Octavia: damn lil, what doesn’t your g-ma know?
Lily: my g-ma has a lot of time on her hands…
*Octavia and Lilly laughs*
Bella: aww girls it’s so awful hearing about her troubles!
Octavia: now Bell that sounded so fake! you don’t even know the girl!
Bella: *laugh* was it? Anyways who cares One thing I hate is for one my girls to be messed with.
Lily: mmmm hmmm amen!
Bella: and I’m feeling really hospitable, tavia how bout you go over there and invite her to hang with us …
Octavia: for what? I don’t want to be nowhere near her….
Bella: girl just do it
Lily: *giggle*
Octavia: ok hold on
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Octavia: Hey Nancy! *eye roll*
Nancy: Octavia? Hiiiiiiiii!
Octavia: heyyyyy girl, longtime!
Nancy: yeah, it has
*Both hugs*
Octavia: well, how have you been? …… I know you’re just living it up abroad huh
Nancy: yeah, and and and no, *sigh*
Octavia: ohhhh Nancy what’s up? …
Nancy: well, it’s no secret, I know you’ve been keeping up with the news about what’s going on with my family, ...
Octavia: oh that! Girl…… everybody’s got a scandal in San My
Nancy: yea your right, I mean that’s probably why grams wanted the family to relocate here anyways…
Octavia: well yea I get that, and of course your grams is smart when it comes to all that PR jazz
Nancy: exactly!
Octavia: well, I guess that answered my question, as to why you were not at that boarding school …
Nancy: yeah, my grams says once this whole thing blows over, she’ll send me back
Octavia: oh ok, … well I’m really happy to see you
Nancy: Octavia c’mon really … after how I treated you all of them years ago
Octavia: girl … I forgave and forgot …
Nancy: really? …
Octavia: yeah
Nancy: mannnn you don’t know how happy I am to hear that ..
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Octavia: yeah girl, no biggie … water under the bridge
Bella: hey tavia what’s taking you so long?
Nancy: oh! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to take you from your friends
Octavia: oh noooo your fine, ……. We were on our way to lunch, how bout I introduce you to them…
Nancy: Oh I don’t know!
Octavia: c’mon girl … they’re cool
Nancy: do you think they know?
Octavia: nance at this point like I said what your family is dealing with its definitely no secret but it’s also not the only thing happening in this city … plus these girls are just like me they don’t care about that …
Nancy: ok… well let me check on my car and I’ll be right over …
Octavia: ok
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Bella: where is she going...
Octavia: she’s going to check on her ride, but please Bella be cool
Lily: cool? *laugh*
Bella: no Lily, we’ll be cool!!!
Octavia: I’m serious guys... I mean I don’t like the girl, but I also don’t want her to be freaked out she’s going through a lot right now…
Bella: awwww tavia, you care, I’ll try for you hun
Octavia: ok girls here she comes
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Nancy: hi everyone!
Octavia: girls this is Nancy Landgraab
Bella: hey
Lily: hello
Octavia: Nancy, meet Bella Bachelor and Liu Lilian Lu
Nancy: Lu? …. Ummmm are you related to a Rita Lu?
Lily: yea that’s my cousin, how do you know her?
Nancy: we were dorm-mates one year, at boarding school … come to think of it, if Rita is your cousin, then that means your related to Jesse and Mr. Edward …
Lily: yea she’s my cousin too and my that’s my uncle…
Nancy: wow small world but wait! Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be at Smuggs
Bella: what is she talking about? and what’s Smuggs?
Lily: Oh it’s nothing major…
Nancy: nothing major! Smuggs is short for Smuggsworth the boarding school I was at … this girl right here belongs to the family that owns the school, she is like almost a princess.
Bella: a princess! Lil What is she talking about ….
Lily: *sigh* … like I said, it’s nothing major, … I’ll explain later …
Bella: mmmm hmmm…. Anyways, So Nancy! You say you were at boarding school?
Nancy: yea but I use to go here a longtime ago... I see it’s all still the same nothing has changed
Octavia: yea you know nothing ever changes in San my
*Both laugh*
Bella: ummm what’s funny? Did I miss the joke?
Octavia: huh! … oh noooo, it was just something we used to say when we were younger …
Bella: oh, how cute …. Anyways, again! … so, Nancy I guess your itching to get back into scene of things huh
Nancy: no not really….
Bella: yea sure, get this, we’re throwing a party in like a couple weeks … how bout you come
Lily: bell we don’t even have a spot locked down yet
Bella: shhhh lil, I told you I was working on that
Octavia: well, bella Lily is right, how do we even know if your aunt’s friend is going come through with the spice marketplace …I don’t think we should even do this party to be honest …
Bella: not you Tavia, what you girls don’t trust me!
Lily: no, it’s not that…
Bella: well then what is it? Because you all are not sounding too confident!
Octavia: bell don’t be like that …
Bella: no! Don’t tell me to be any certain way...
Nancy: I don’t mean to be nosy, but what’s going on?
Octavia: nance remember our sophomore year … Katherine West!
Nancy: yea
Octavia: well, let’s just say if we don’t pull this off... what happened to her is what’s going to happen to us…
Nancy: oh! … ummmm! … well, I kinda have a place...
Octavia: you got a what?
Nancy: I said kinda have a place, but you guys have to keep the guest to a minimum…
Octavia: … where’s this place?
Nancy: well … it’s my grams apartment
Octavia: *laugh* Nancy quit joking
Nancy: I’m not joking, it’s empty right now my grams is getting it ready for an remodel
Octavia: where’s your grandma?
Nancy: she’s away in tartosa for business and she won’t be back for about a month or two…
Octavia: are you sure nance? Because I know your grandmother …
Bella: tavia you heard the girl it’s fine … ladies we are back in business … so Nancy, do you think we can see the place today…
Nancy: yea! Here’s my number y’all can call me when you’re ready
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Bella: perfect… lily take her number?
Lily: uh huh … got it
Bella: Nancy, with you doing this will go a long way with me...
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Ms. Brandice: miss Landgraab, your car is here
Nancy: ok... well, I guess I’ll talk to you all later?
Octavia: ok nance, we’ll call you
Nancy: … nice to meet you all again
Bella: uh huh
Lily: byeeeeeee
*Nancy walks away*
Octavia: Bella I don’t think we should have the party at Nancy’s grandmothers …
Bella: tavia its final, we are going to do it …. Anyways consider this as overdue payback, didn’t I say I hate it when my girls are messed with …
*All laugh*
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Click Here to read from the beginning
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mochinek0 · 3 years
2021:24-Last Minute
Marinette sighed in the back of the class. She hated Mondays; it just meant she had another week of putting up with Lila's imaginative stories and hateful glares thrown her way, for no reason. Class had been in session for maybe an hour, when Jagged Stone slammed the classroom door open.
"Marinette!" he cried, "Pack your bags; your coming on tour with me!"
Marinette stood up from her seat and shouted, "Seriously?"
"Yep." the rock star smiled.
"Mr. Stone?" Bustier questioned, "Marinette is in class and-"
"Her parents are in the process of pulling her out of school." he announced.
Marinette happily began to put her things away in her backpack.
"Why are you taking Marinette?" questioned Nino.
"Yeah?" spoke up Kim, "Why aren't you taking Lila on tour with you?"
"Who?" Jagged Stone asked.
"Lila Rossi!" Alya announced, picking up Lila's hand and waving it.
Jagged frowned and looked confused, "I don't know her."
"Of course you do!" cried out Sabrina.
"She saved your kitten on an airport runway!" Nathaniel shouted.
"She got tinnitus from it." declared Ivan.
"You dedicated a song to her!" Rose squealed.
Jagged glared at the class, "I've never met this child in my life nor have I ever had a bloomin' cat-"
"Ki-kitten." spoke up Mylene.
"Whatever!" the rock star rolled his eyes, "Marinette, did you know about this?"
"I told them she was lying, but no one wanted to listen to me. I mean why would they listen to the person who made your sunglasses, or designed your album cover, made the t-shirt designs for your last three concerts, has had you appear on TV in my own home?" Marinette question, as she made her way down the steps to the front of the class and stood next to him, "He's only mentioned me a handful of times in the media as his one and only niece. Not to mention, I'm his designer. I make the clothes for his concerts."
"Has any of those lies been posted?" Jagged asked Marinette.
"I don't know. Alya, did you post any of that bullshit on your blog?" Mari asked.
Alya panicked and pulled out her phone, looking through her blog.
Jagged sighed, "Tell Penny where to look and if they are publicized, she'll make sure their parents receive a lawsuit."
Alya's grip on her phone went slack, her phone dropping from her lap to the floor. The clatter drowning the class in silence.
"A-A lawsuit?" Lila questioned, paling.
"So you hear your own lies?" he snapped, "A middle aged man writing songs about a minor! I could get my name and music smeared for sexual assault, harrassment of a minor; child pornography!
Adrien couldn't believe what he was hearing. This is what lying caused? His father had always told him to ignore them; the PR department always dealt with them.
"I texted Penny where to look." Mari spoke, "She said she'll look through it right now."
"Thanks, Cupcake." the rock star smiled.
"So, how did you persuade my parents to take me?" she asked.
Jagged Stone smiled, "Oh, I didn't; your boyfriend did."
"What?" Marinette questioned.
"Surprise, Habibiti." Damian spoke, announcing his arrival.
"Damian!" Marinette shouted, rushing into his arms for a kiss, "What did you say? How did you convince them?"
"I fought with your mother." he admitted.
Marinette pulled away from her boyfriend and stared at him.
"Damian Wayne," she growled out, "what did you say?"
"I battled your mother." he repeated.
Marinette let go of him and took two steps back, glaring at her boyfriend.
"She isn't injured!" Damian declared, "I merely disarmed her and subdued her. She's working in the bakery, as we speak. No fractures. No bruising. No sprains. I checked myself!"
"Uh-huh." Mari spoke, tapping her foot in anger, "What else?"
The Wayne heir sighed, "I promised I would be with you every step of the way and would be your bodyguard."
Marinette shook her head, "Of course you did. How did I ever think my overprotective boyfriend would let me go on a World Tour, without someone watching my every move." making him smirk.
Jagged watched the two in concern, "We're setting up guidelines with your parents, today. If they say sperate sleeping arrangements, I don't wanna see you with her after a certain time; you got that kid?"
Damian pulled Marinette back into his arms and glared at the rock star, "Angel and I have already spoke to her parents about our relationship and my intentions. I, in no way, intend to impregnate her at the earliest convience. We have laid out a guideline. Marinette plans to graduate and open her studio, before anything."
"All right, you two." Marinette spoke, " Let's go back to the bakery. I have some last minute packing to do and we have arrangements to make." walking out of the class.
Damian and Jagged threw one last glare at each other, before rushing after her.
The class couldn't comprehend what they had just witnessed. Jagged Stone had no idea who Lila was. Marinette had known him this whole time; explaining why she called Lila a liar. Lila had claimed that their class president was bullying her due to her obsessive crush on Adrien Agreste, but she had her own boyfriend and an overprotective one, at that. It sounded like he didn't plan on letting her go anytime soon. Not to mention, Marinette just left school for the year. Who knew what would happen during that time?
"I guess we now know who the real liar is now, don't we." Chloe laughed.
Lila slid down in her seat, as Alya picked up her phone, deciding it was best to delete all her hard work, before she was sued. The blogger refreshed her blog only for an ERROR message to come up. She saved herself, but lost a great friendship in the process. Alya turned and glared at Lila, with tears in her eyes.
"I think the lying bitch should take her seat in the back, don't you, Liar?" she growled out, "It's where you forced us to move Marinette. I think the rightful Queen of Lies should sit in her throne."
Lila gathered her things and moved to the back, without a word. She had thought she had won the war, but in the last minute, Marinette turned the tide and won with an overwhelming victory. She had lost sight of the battle, of her opponent. Marinette had moved on from the people who had turned against her. She had moved on from the Prince, she had swayed to her side and found herself a King.
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dylanobrienisbatman · 3 years
I love Dylan o Brien but also hate Taylor swift. Can't believe there's someone who gets it. Please tell us more about your reasons
Okay my love for Dylan would take forever to explain and also I’m sure that’s not what you meant but I DO love him. Surprise surprise, I know.
A big part of my… dislike… of Taylor Swift is that she receives what is, in my opinion, totally unnearned praise and accolades for doing the most basic, bare minimum shit. Like all this stuff this last year. Is it awesome that she’s re-recording her work so she owns her own masters again? Yes. Every artist should have the right to own their own work. But she is literally just re-releasing songs that have been out for years. Yeah maybe there’s a new song or new “version” of a song, but the overall situation is a complete rerelease of old music. But somehow the world treats it like it’s some huge moment for music. It isn’t. These songs have been out for a decade. But, as with everything she does, it’s a god damn spectacle.
And tbh, her music is, in my opinion, the most basic, average music out there, and I say that as someone who used to love some of her songs. They can be fun to jam too, I mean I absolutely sang 22 when I turned 22. I am a millennial woman. But that doesn’t mean any of it is actually good. Musically nothing of hers that I’ve heard has been anything beyond a catchy tune. It never grabs me beyond a lyric or two getting stuck in my head after I’ve heard it 300 times. I’ve never heard a song by her and thought that, musically, it was anything special.
I also don’t find her to be a particularly good singer. Her recorded music is… fine, vocally, but that’s about it. Every time I’ve seen live performances I am unimpressed at best or at worst actively she sounds terrible. Her stage presence is always lacking, and I have never seen her do anything live and been impressed. Lyrically I’m not one to comment. I have a hard time with lyrics because as a HOH person I can’t always pick them out when I listen to music so it’s not something I pay attention too or care that much about. People say she’s a very talented lyricist, I don’t argue, that seems to be the consensus so I’m sure it’s true. But that’s not something that is important to me with music so it doesn’t really affect my opinion of her one way or another.
And honestly, her as a person rubs be the wrong way. She throws people who don’t deserve it under the bus all the time, and has been a perpetual victim for her entire career. She makes a huge deal out of tiny, insignificant shit, and her rabid fanbase treats anything that isnt outright praise of her like the end of the world. She was also openly viewed as the white woman darling of conservative right wing groups for a while and while i do not believe she aligns herself with those views, she spent way too long not saying anything about it.
And tbh, she has always felt completely disingenuous to me. She shifts her aesthetic and her vibe to fit whatever is popular at the time, and it never feels authentic or honest. Everything she does feels like a cash grab or a PR stunt. I’ve never once seen anything she’s done and felt like I was seeing the real her. The lack of genuine authenticity feels weird and I do not like it.
She is an extremely wealthy cishet white woman of mediocre talent who produces average, mediocre music and does the absolute performative bare minimum to speak on issues even with her enormous platform, and she consistently fuels her rabid fanbase to go after people she has been associated with. she constantly plays the victim and is the picture of white feminism. In all honesty, she is one of the most exhausting, oversaturated figures in pop culture and if I never had to hear about her again I’d be fine with that.
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