#yep definitely people pee
arrowheadedbitch · 5 months
Me, in tears: communication is key to a good relationship, communication is key to a good relationship, communication is-
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odessa-2 · 4 months
OK ladies, so I ended up going. Long story short, I was given a spare ticket and decided to seize the moment. It was stinking hot, and a terribly organised event (it was literally in a shed). Despite this, I am glad I did go. My long held observations/beliefs of Sam's character, who he really is as a man, and the fantasy man, single Sam push, were proven correct. I did get a photo with Sam, and I must confess he really is incredibly good-looking. Even better in the flesh. A doll. He's hyper vigilant, astutely aware of his surrounds (eyes darting everywhere) , very polite and gentlemanly and professional.
He looked tanned and fresh and endured hoards of horny grannies fawning over him for hours on end and was attentive to everyone. The organisers of the event stuck Sam, Duncan, Charles and John in a small tin shed that had no air con, that must've been about 50 degrees celsius inside ,where they stood and posed with frenzied women for over 3 hours. They looked visibly overheated (shame on the organisers). Sam didn't faulter. Polite to a tee.
Would you believe that Sam had to use the same toilets as the plebs?! Yep, you heard correctly. Shocking work by the organisers. I actually had to desperately pee at one point but waited until I saw Sam come out of the toilets. In-between panels, the actors were staying upstairs in the loft level, and I saw the uber eats delivery man run upstairs to bring them food. The organisers didn't even feed their guests!
Sam is Jamie to these women and he knows it. Starz knows it. I saw the crazed obsession with my own eyes. I saw how his people; his team have shaped him and moulded him(for his public persona) to appeal to these women and this fantasy notion. They want their Jamie. They want single Sam, and that's what they (starz) give them. There is no room for anything else but Single Sam. And Sam professionally obliges. What he puts out to the public at the conventions is scripted and measured. He is very guarded. I could see it unfold in front of me with great clarity. There were women there who didn't want him with Caitriona (they weren't interested in the Caitriona titbits Sam gave), 50 and 60 year old women who actually think they stand a chance. Tragic. Sam is gorgeous and charming and Starz has used that to sell. And quite frankly, after witnessing this display, I can see why he has a fascade going on. I can see why he would want the public completely removed from his personal life and family. I get it.
Another observation of mine, I know this goes without saying, but he is definitely not gay for those who are insistent. He gives off zero gay vibes. He is not effeminate in the slightest, and I found him to be quite more masculine than I'd imagined. He reads people well and can't keep still. What else can I tell you? He has nice skin, piercing blue eyes (like really crystal blue) and exceptionally tall. He does his job very well and has high emotional intelligence. Starz uses his good looks and they pimp him out to the fan base.
Now don't get me wrong, i met lots of lovely women there today who were sweet and kind and exited. But hearing women's conversations at the event; he really is their fantasy. They were squealing and many saying how they wished they could grab his bum or 💋 him. There's no room for Caitriona. Just fantasy Sam.
Odessa says hi Sam 👋...you were a real trooper.
I'll share some more titbits from the panel tomorrow when my splitting headache hopefully dissipates.
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findafight · 1 year
On the one-sided harringrove post- I feel it becomes infinitely funnier with bi steve. He likes men, just not Billy. Never Billy.
Oh yeah. When Billy fiiiirst comes to school with his music blaring Steve is head over heels for Nancy, so he might register that the guy with the Camaro and loud music has a good ass, but then billy opens his mouth and Steve is like "oh, no ass can make up for that personality." And continues with his life.
Just. Okay I like to project just a liiiiittle on Steve with him just. Not realizing his attraction to men isn't a straight thing. Like. Of course all straight people feel that way, you just kinda ignore it or don't do anything about it. So Steve is half way between being comfortable in his sexuality and being closeted to himself because buddy used Hawkeye Pierce as the blueprint of straightness.
So Billy is out here, wallowing in self hatred and internalized homophobia, hating Steve and wanting Steve and hating that he wants Steve and wishing Steve would pay attention to him enough for a hate fuck he can cry about later, and it's all very angsty. All the while Steve is just actually completely fine with thinking a dude is hot he's just got standards that include "not racist" "doesn't try to beat up kids" "hasn't made me blackout from head trauma"
Wait. Oh no. I feel an au coming on. Shit. Au where post S2 Robin hears piano coming from the band room after hours and is her curious self going "I must see who is this mysterious genius" and it's Steve. They get to talking and hanging out and all of a sudden Robin thinks they are actually good friends. Best friends. Somehow.
Cue them going to a band party together. Someone spikes their drinks with waayyyy more than they were expecting so they are blasted. Robin has to go pee but does not want to go alone so she drags Steve into the bathroom with her and makes him face away. He's like haha Woah you really had to pee. And she goes shut upppp and washes her hands but sits across from him. Steve smiles at her and gives her his speech about how amazing she is and how glad he is to be her friend (it is like March '85 so he is still not ready to get back out into dating yet). Robin tells him about Tammy. They sing. Someone slams the door open and kicks them out of the bathroom because there's a fuckin line.
They lay on the grass outside and look at the sky. Steve like. Caaaaasually mentions once having thought he was gonna marry Tommy when he was six and then realizing you just didn't do anything about those feelings and Robin's gotta shoot up going WHAT!! WHAAAT? Because it sounded like Steve coming out to her? Right after?? She came out to him??
And Steve is like yeah. Like you don't really have to? Easier to ignore it and flirt with girls who I like or think are hot. And poor Robin's brain is melting she's like please Steve I'm really drunk are you telling me you sometimes want to kiss boys? And he's like yes, obviously, everyone does. Just like everyone also wants to sometimes kiss girls. Except lesbians I guess who only want to kiss girls? And gay guys only want to kiss guy? Yeah that makes sense and straight people don't care but go for the opposite ya know?
Robin is like NO!! And calms down some and says "okay I'm telling you this because you are my friend and you just told me almost the same thing. Steve. I like girls and only like girls. That not a straight thing"
"yeah. You've said."
"but I am ninety nine percent positive that just because you like girls doesn't mean you're straight because you also like boys."
"yeah dude, I do not think this is a heterosexual experience you're describing. I'm not an expert but. Yeah.
"oh. Huh."
"I definitely thought it was."
"your brain is so weird I'm still kind of obsessed with you."
"haha. Honestly I'm kind of obsessed with you. This is wild."
"well. At least I know you're stuck with me."
"ohhh nooooo whatever will I do with my best friend always around..."
ANYWAYS THE ACTUAL POINT OF THIS is not in fact the stobin. It's actually that
Sometime probably in may, when Steve is ready to be on the dating scene again, he gets with Eddie. Robin is happy for him but also so mad because he went from "probably shouldn't act gay even tho everyone feels a little gay sometimes" to "hey Robin what would you say if I said I got a boyfriend?" In less than two months. How does he have straight AND gay game. That's not fair.
Steddie getting together is a non event. Eddie is still like ewww sports and yet somehow he made out with Steve Harrington and the next day Steve asked if he wanted to get milkshakes and throw rocks into the quarry to see the splashes. Eddie must restrain himself from thinking it's a date because he knows it's not but it'd also be the perfect date (Eddie is a simple man)
At the end of the night steve kissed his cheek and says "I had a really great time..."
Eddie just blurted "hey do you want to be my boyfriend?"
To which Steve perks up like "yes! I'd like that!"
And Eddie didn't actually think he'd get that far so he was like "neat!! See you tomorrow!" before slamming the door in Steve's face.
So they're dating and Eddie disparages sports but Steve is like haha aw you don't like watching me play? Which is sooo mean to Eddie because obviously?? He likes?? Watching his boyfriend??? Run around in tiny shorts and sometimes shirtless?? He has to reevaluate some things he supposes.
All while this is happening Billy is still on his Greatest Homoerotic Rivals shtick with Steve. Eddie notices and is like to dude...what is with Billy? And Steve just sighs. Says Billy is weird and obsessed with him and glares all the time. It's a whole thing. Billy is pissed because what is Steve, his epic rival, doing hanging around some random band geek, his sister's bitchass friends, and maybe the local dealer.
Alright. Grad happens. Yay Steve! Poor Eddie. They go to some party , hang out with people, sell some drugs, etc. Billy is unfortunately also at this party, and is like. Lazer eyes boring into Steve's back. Very annoying. At some point, he sees Steve slip away and is like this is my chance so he follows him.
Howmever he comes across Steve, his epic and totally heterosexual rival, making out with Eddie the freak Munson.
And listen this is a scary thing to be caught inna town like Hawkins, but that's not the point of this post.
So Billy goes "what the hell?"
They turn around. Billy is still spluttering.
"what are you-why would you-- with him?!" He says.
Steve raises his eyebrows, alllll cocky confidence. He smirks a bit. Drawls. "Well, yeah. I like cock, billy. Just not yours."
Because the point of this post is that Steve is a bitch.
Thank you.
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nakachuchu · 1 year
A Warm Feeling | Gojo Satoru
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SYNOPSIS: On one of his rare days off, you enjoy a nice day together in your household.
READER: gender neutral
WORDS: 1.2k
WRITTEN: 01/25/2023
NOTE: This is for @sunaslay 's Heart at Home collab! I personally love this piece and how it turned out. It took me a while to write, but I think it was worth it.
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Gojo Satoru didn't get many days off — on record, at least. There were definitely days when he simply left his students to go shopping around Japan.
But being the most powerful man in the world had its downsides. He was constantly watched and scrutinized. Because of his abilities, no one could touch him but he still had to be careful for you.
You didn't have his abilities and people knew about you. You were his lover, after all. You were his one weakness.
But he was confident he could protect you. No one would be stupid enough to mess with you because that would mean messing with him, and no one wanted to mess with him.
Because he was always protecting you, you did your best to do the same. You weren't as powerful as him, but as his significant other, you could make him feel safe in other ways.
The first step was to let him sleep in. The two of you weren't early risers at all, but Satoru could easily out-sleep you.
It was a bit difficult to get out of bed without completely waking him up. He did stir out of sleep and ask where you were going, and when you responded with "I need to pee," he went back to sleep.
You did pee, but then you also brushed your teeth and washed your face before quietly tip-toeing out of the bedroom to go to the kitchen.
You decided to make soufflé pancakes for Satoru to wake up to, but you had to be quiet since you didn't want to ruin the surprise.
You made the soufflé pancakes as quietly as you could, but there would be an occasional banging of pans or clattering of wooden spoons as you attempted to mix everything before putting it on low heat on a pan.
You had never made them before, but you didn't realize how much work truly went into them. If Satoru didn't say thank you for these, you were going to kick his ass.
Once both sides of the soufflé pancakes were finished cooking on the pan, you placed them on a plate and topped it off with whipped cream and fresh strawberries.
Satisfied with your work, you placed the plates on the dining table and put the dirty dishes in the sink. You poured two glasses of milk and placed them on the dining table, then washed and dried your hands before walking back into the bedroom where Satoru was still sleeping.
You leaned over and gently shook him, even though you knew that wouldn't wake him up. Even if it did, he liked to fake it so that he could sleep more.
"Wake up and come get breakfast, 'toru," you gently said. "I made pancakes."
He slowly opened his eyes and blinked away whatever drowsiness he had earlier, then grabbed your hand and placed it on his cheek. You smiled as he rubbed into your hand like a cat.
"Pancakes?" he questioned.
"Mhm. Soufflé pancakes."
"Yep. I made them myself," you said.
"I'll be right there," he said eagerly as he let go of your hand and sat up in bed to stretch before walking to the bathroom to get ready.
You smiled before walking to the dining room and taking a seat. You waited patiently for Satoru, but it didn't take long before he skipped into the dining room.
He must have brushed his teeth at an unholy speed just so he could eat your pancakes sooner. He sat down across from you and his eyes practically sparkled at the sight of soufflé pancakes in the morning.
"They look like they're straight out of a bakery," he complimented.
"Thank you, 'toru. I made them for you," you said as you grabbed a fork and knife.
You cut a small piece and held it out to him. He looked at you with a smile before greedily eating from the fork.
You laughed. "It's not going anywhere, 'toru."
He opened his mouth and waited patiently for another bite. You rolled his eyes, knowing just how childlike he could truly be.
You continued to cut pieces for him, but eventually, he began to do the same for you. The two of you went around in circles, feeding each other until it was all gone.
"Ah, that was so good," he said with a heavy sigh.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," you said as you leaned forward to swipe a crumb off from the corner of his lip.
His infinity turned off to allow you to do so, but as soon as you left his space, it was turned back on unconsciously.
You licked the crumb off your finger and stood up to clear the plates. Satoru immediately stood up and snatched the plates from you.
"I'll do the dishes since you cooked for me," he said.
"Hmm, the Gojo Satoru doing dishes?"
"Hey, I do dishes," he retorted.
You laughed as you followed him into the kitchen. While he stood in front of the sink to wash the dishes, you hugged him from behind.
His infinity stopped you from fully touching him, but as soon as he felt you against it, he turned it off without a second thought. You fell against his body, smothering your cheek against his back.
"I'm glad you're home," you said quietly.
His white eyelashes fluttered down, closing his eyes. He repeated the motion of scrubbing the plate in his hands while enjoying the feeling of your body against him.
"Me too," he said softly.
It scared him to say things like that — statements so pure and raw that he feared they would come crashing down with the power of a million Curses.
He didn't want to talk about things that made him happy in fear of the universe deciding he wasn't worthy of such happiness. A man of his power — of such destruction — shouldn't have been allowed to feel safe and happy.
But here he was, feeling so thankful that you were in his life. If he had to become the villain against humanity to save you, he would. But he wouldn't admit that to anyone.
"Oh! Let me go get my phone to play some music," you said, unwrapping your arms from his torso to scurry off into the bedroom.
He immediately felt cold, and he knew he would be in trouble when he had to go to work tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that.
It was so easy to get addicted to your touch, body, warmth — everything and anything about you. To him, you were addicting.
"I'm back," you said as you shuffled around the corner in your fuzzy socks, sliding against the floors.
"Be careful," he warned quietly, absentmindedly scrubbing the mug in his hands as his eyes were glued onto your body.
"I know, I know," you reassured.
But did you truly know? Satoru always thought he was going to have a heart attack at his young age because of how much he worried about you.
You walked over to him, eyes glued to the screen of your phone as you swiped to find a suitable song for the domestic moment. Once you found it, you hit 'play' and placed your phone on the counter, then hugged Satoru from behind again.
His body relaxed against you. This is what it felt like to have a home. He would do whatever it took to protect you because you protected him in your own way.
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oldmannapping · 2 months
Fic: Body Swap, Part 13
Summary: Part 13 of my body swap fic that's designed to feature only the embarrassing gross parts of being body swapped. You know, the parts that better writers know to discretely avoid.
Steph-Tim, Dick-Jason swap.
In this chapter, we go back to basics. Steph tries to learn how to pee with morning wood, Jason tries to enjoy his favourite food with different tastebuds, and everyone gets an education about pantyliners.
“It’s definitely weird,” notes Steph. “I can’t sit the same. I’m super aware that I have a penis and balls. They’re just THERE, all the time.”
“Yep, that’s kind of how it goes,” says Dick, very experienced in the art of existing with a penis.
“If we’re talking about sleeping, I slept fine,” continues Steph. “But waking up was definitely an experience.”
Tim turns bright red. Dick cringes and Jason cackles through his eggs.
Steph continues, not because she’s oblivious to the mood of the room but because she didn’t get where she is by giving a fuck about making other people comfortable.
“Is there a trick to it? This morning I had to pee, and first I thought I wouldn’t be able to pee when it was, you know.” She helpfully demonstrates with her finger, which Tim finds both mortifying and a little insulting. 
Read it here
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
Okay, okay can we have headcannons of Mischa being protective of everyone in the choir (including penny) I’ve just seen this headcannon and went ‘yep he definitely is the protective his friends type’? Thank you! :)
the m in Mischa stands for “mom friend”
Takes absolutely NO SHIT when it comes to the health and emotions of the choir
The MOMENT someone messes with anyone in the group in ANY WAY, they have put a target on their back
Even if Mischa doesn’t get his revenge instantly, it will come eventually
He doesn’t just let shit done to his friends slide
And even after he’s finished making the douche pay, he’ll still hold a grudge forever
As a result, he’s a bit of a local legend in the principal’s office
And when the threat of him getting expelled for constant physical violence comes about, he becomes more creative with his revenge plots
One time, these assholes took Ricky’s crutches and actually thought they got away with it. And then the sound of footsteps slowly started to get louder and louder. They turned around and saw 6’2 of pure Ukrainian muscle sprinting straight at them with a look of burning hatred in his eyes. Needless to say, those kids needed crutches of their own after he was done with them.
Some dude called Noel the f-slur, and Mischa went BALLISTIC. Noel told Mischa that he didn’t care (he did) and that it was fine (it wasn’t), and Mischa reluctantly calmed down. And then Mischa found the kid’s car and slashed all of their tires. He was never charged for it because nobody could prove that he did it.
Penny was catcalled, so Mischa peed on the dude’s car. Also he replaced their windshield wiper fluid with milk.
Someone called Constance some pretty nasty names, so Mischa broke their nose and knocked out three teeth.
This creep slapped Ocean on the rear while she was trying to walk up some steps at the school, so Mischa shoved him down the staircase. And then stomped on his ribs. Several times. While screaming at him at the top of his lungs.
Other methods of revenge he’s used includes:
Covering someone’s lawn in instant mashed potatoes before it rains
Draining someone’s entire pool right before a pool party
Peeing in a water bottle and then purposely running into the target with the cap unscrewed, effectively covering them in piss (him, too, but it was worth it) (an RA at my college did this before)
Throwing backpacks into a creek
Spreading someone’s number publicly with various reasons to get people to call
Finding the most embarrassing thing possible about a person and then sending it to their parents
Glitter. All inside of a car.
You know glitter bombing a car by putting glitter in the vents so when the AC is turned on, that glitter goes EVERYWHERE? That with cayenne pepper
(He likes targeting vehicles. He’s learned that fucking up people’s cars is just as rewarding as physically harming them for messing with his friends. What’s better than the financial drain of having to repair a car?)
Okay, okay, that’s enough revenge. Here’s some other things he does as the Group Protector!
Will put himself between the choir and any kind of threat
In similar vein, he’ll push someone in choir behind him if he feels that something is wrong
If there is a genuine threat of some kind, he covers Ricky first, then Ocean. Ricky because Ricky may have a harder time defending himself on his own, then Ocean because, well, Ocean is built like an AirPod. Immediately after those two are Constance and Penny because they’re girls, and Mischa is a gentleman. Noel is like “rude” (but he understands)
Will offer his coat to one of the others if they look cold
“Oh my god, I know you did not leave the house without a jacket. It’s freezing out here, you idiot! Get over here, let me fix you. Fucking dumbass…”
He knows what it means when one of the girls asks him to “check them” because my boy is ABSOLUTELY well-versed in that stuff, and he’s prepared to help them if necessary (if they’re comfortable with him helping, of course)! He’s ready to offer his jacket for them to put around their waist if they need it!
He WILL text everyone to make sure they all got home safely, and he WILL get nervous if someone doesn’t reply in a normal timeframe
In the case that any of them need somewhere to hide for whatever reason or just need somewhere to go, he offered his basement as “home base.” Any of them can come by anytime they want, and if he isn’t there, he told them where a spare key is so they can let themselves in. They don’t have to ask, they can just go in, but he does appreciate a text letting him know they’ll be there (so he can bring home food for them both)
(He once came home to find Ocean cleaning his WHOLE BASEMENT because she got bored waiting for him)
(Another time, he came home at the exact moment Penny was walking out of his bathroom after showering. They both just stared at each other for a moment then went “sup” “sup”)
Mischa: Hello people who do not live here.
Ocean: Hi!
Noel: Hello!
Ricky, signing: Hey!
Constance: Hiya!
Mischa: I gave you a key for emergencies.
Penny: We were out of Doritos!
The whole choir once planned this surprise party for Mischa at his house to thank him for looking after them and being so nice to them and overall being a great friend
Mischa cried
He was once given THIS as a Christmas gift
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jewbeloved · 2 years
The Main 4 at the beach with their s/o❤️❤️
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
66 followers special~💓
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💙 Stan Marsh 🫐
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You would be the one to drag him to every place while going to the beach.
You would take pictures of the scenery, eat ice cream, play activities, and finally play in the ocean/sea.
I headcanon Stan to suck at swimming in the sea, he's good with swimming pools but not the sea.
You would help him while in the water yourself.
You both would swim together while in the tiny waves swept pass you.
You both would even build sand castle together! But you ended up knocking down Stan's castle on purpose and that made him mad.
You both just have to be careful that you don't drown or get eaten by sharks ;-;💙💙💙💙
💚 Kyle Broflovski 🥦
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He would be definitely up to explore the beach with you!
You probably have to convince him that nobody pees in the beach If he ever wants to go swimming with you 💀💀💀
But he would give in and agree to swim with you since he doesn't want you to be unhappy.
You both have a fun time splashing each other with water.
"Isn't this fun Kyle? <3", "With you it is :)".
Similar with Stan, he doesn't appreciate you destroying his sand castle and he will probably destroy yours to as payback.
When you both have a race in the water and he loses, he definitely gets pissed about it.
"Kyle, don't be a sore loser :v", "I am not a sore loser! Hmmph!".
Overall, he loves spending time at the beach with you no matter what happens <3💚💚💚💚
❤️ Eric Cartman🩸
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He will only go to the beach with you. If there aren't any minorities there.
Alright be seriously, we know that he's a racist bastard so he does kinda expect there to not be any minorities there.
You might have to convince him to go with you even if minorities are going to be there.
If you do manage to convince him then congratulations! Give yourself a pat on the back!
But don't expect him not to rip on any of them.
He would most definitely steal pool noodles and floaties from other people so you both can float around together while in the beach.
"You damn kid! give my son's floatie back!!!", "Finders keepers, old man might as well go get another one for your minorititon son".
Yep, you guys almost got kicked out of the beach for that but thankfully Cartman had a plan to prevent that-
Your vacation to the beach with Cartman wasn't that bad, but it was certainly chaotic because of him ;-;❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
🍊 Kenny Mccormick 🧡
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He would also love to go to the beach with you!
But being the lil perv he is, he will check you out when you change into a cute swimsuit.
You bonk him on the head for that <3
Anywaysssss, when you both get in the water. You sometimes make sure he doesn't accidentally swallow the salt water when you both are swimming together.
Expect him to be resting his other hand on your butt while you swim 💀
But you both ended up having a great time🧡🧡🧡
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Honestly, I didn't expect a bunch of people to like content I post on here tbh- So thank you for 66 followers everyone! ^^💖💖💖
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bro-atz · 5 months
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word count: 2.3k
table of contents ♤ previous chapter ♤ next chapter
this chapter contains smut— minors do not interact
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“Is this right?” San whispered to himself as he stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror.
Ever since Gyuri asked him about putting in fake piercings, San couldn’t stop thinking about it. He thought about it so much that he ended up actually buying fake piercings to put on his lip, in his nose, and over his eyebrow. He managed to get the eyebrow and lip piercings to stay in place, but the nose piercing was a little more confusing for him. Every time he thought it was secure, it would end up slipping down slowly. Sighing, he pressed the piercing into his nose so hard he feared that he actually created a piercing for his nose.
“San! Are you done in there? I have to pee,” Yunho knocked rapidly on the door to the bathroom.
San cleaned up everything from the bathroom and immediately left the bathroom while apologizing to his roommate. He knew that Yunho wanted to ask him about the piercings on his face, but before he could, San made it into his bedroom and closed the door quickly. He wasn’t necessarily embarrassed about the piercings on his face, but he didn’t want to have to explain the whole story to Yunho or anyone else for that matter. He opened the camera app on his phone and continued to mess with the nose piercing as he sat on his bed, only to see a text pop up.
RODDIES group chat — 3 online
gyuday: heyo does anyone have any show recs? idk what to watch i just finished the anime i was watching
San eyed the message suspiciously; he didn’t know if she was genuinely asking or if she was trying to tell San to come over.
kikiki: demon slayer is p good kikiki: i recommend gyuday: i was thinking something a bit longer…? kikiki: the longest one i know of is one piece kikiki: but you’d be insane to start that gyuday: well, i have a lot of time to kill gyuday: and that is a long ass legendary anime ;p
Yep, she wanted him to come over. Although they were official and weren’t hooking up anymore, San and Gyuri still liked to use their code word around their friends, so he was pretty shocked to see her being so bold by asking him to come over in the group chat.
Like they agreed, San covered up completely. He wore a black hat, a black hoodie, dark sunglasses, and a black face mask over the fake piercings. If he were to go outside in that get-up, he definitely would attract some random fangirls thinking that he is a proper celebrity. When he exited his room, San was bathed head to toe in black clothes and accessories. He walked to the living room to see Yunho sitting on the couch channel surfing— he had finished up in the bathroom. Yunho eyed him like he was crazy as San stood like an NPC character before him.
“Precautions,” San explained briefly.
Yunho didn’t utter a word. San exited his apartment and took the stairs to Gyuri’s apartment, hoping he wouldn’t run into anyone in the group as he did so. He got to Gyuri’s apartment moments later, and instead of entering the apartment code like he usually did, he rang the doorbell. San heard footsteps thud as they approached. The door opened, revealing Gyuri with a smirk on her face and people talking faintly.
“Oh, good. You caught that,” Gyuri chuckled. “I actually started watching One Piece in case you didn’t.”
“You’re insanely bold,” San responded, his words getting muffled by his mask.
“I’m also glad that you remembered to dress like this. I really thought you weren’t listening to me that day,” she continued as the two went into her apartment, San slowly removing his elaborate disguise once the door closed, the voice from the TV getting louder.
Gyuri’s back faced San as he said, “I was listening. See?” He grabbed her arm and turned her around, his arm automatically wrapping around her waist.
It took everything in San to keep from laughing as he saw Gyuri’s face get red almost immediately upon seeing his face. Luckily for him, the nose ring stayed in place as he removed his face mask, which meant that his efforts succeeded.
“Oh my God, you really were listening,” Gyuri breathed out after waiting moments to presumably find her words. “Fuck… this is so much hotter than I was anticipating.”
“You really like the piercings that much, huh?
“I like your normal face too, but the piercings…”
Gyuri bit her lower lip, making San hug her waist even tighter, his arm jerking her closer to him. Her hand rested on his cheek as her fingers toyed with the fake piercings. She smoothed out his eyebrow and tapped his nose ring lightly. When her fingers neared his lip ring, he pretended to bite her finger before leaning in and kissing her, her hand resting on his shoulder. As he moved away from her, Gyuri’s face seemed to be even more red.
“Wow… That was so… Wow…”
Her hand attempted to cover her face in embarrassment, but San wanted to look at her face and see exactly how turned on turned on she was, which ended up turning him on. He pinned her against the wall and brought her leg up and over, her legs separated enough for his waist to grind against hers. At first, he kissed her delicately, unsure about whether or not the piercings would stay on his face, but he got impatient quickly, his lips completely enveloping hers, their breathing getting heavier and hotter.
“Iseul… won’t be home tonight…” Gyuri breathed out in between kisses.
That was all San needed for him to lift her up and bring her to the living room and pin her down on the couch. He felt Gyuri’s hot breath on his shoulder as he rubbed his nose up her neck and to her ear, his lips leaving small kisses along the way. He could still hear the characters of One Piece screaming in the background, but before he had to say anything, Gyuri reached for the remote and muted the TV, San’s face still buried deeply in her neck.
Despite not opening her mouth, Gyuri whined and pulled at San’s shirt as if she were begging him to rip her to shreds with his dick. Hurriedly, San removed his shirt and pants while Gyuri did the same for her clothes. Their articles of clothing fell to the ground into somewhat of a pile. He hovered above her, the two stark naked. He kissed her loudly on the lips, then trailed his kisses down the center of her body. His eyelashes also fluttered against her skin as he left pink marks in between her breasts. Before he could go any lower and taste her sweet soaking pussy, she grabbed his face and pulled him back so that they were face to face.
Gyuri pressed her lips to his, San exhaling passionately as their tongues waltzed. One of her hands rested on the nape of his neck, the other positioning her dick to enter her. She was panting hard as she broke their chain of kisses, “I need you to fuck me. Don’t tease me.”
Electricity ran through every nerve in San’s body. He lowered himself onto her as her legs wrapped around his slim waist, his dick slowly slipping inside her. Gyuri let out a sonorous gasp along with a moan as he went deeper into her. He could feel her tense around him. He craved more of that. He craved it so much that he removed himself from her quickly and re-entered slowly once more. She got tighter, and her hand moved from the nape of his neck to his shoulder, her nails pressing into his skin lightly.
“You like that, baby?” San’s voice got lower as he whispered into her ear.
She shivered as his tongue ran across her ear, his waist starting to move back and forth, their skin slapping lightly. “Yes! More!” Gyuri whined out, her hand holding him tighter.
“Like this?” His tempo quickened and his thrusts got more intense.
She let out little cries as San went harder with every thrust, “Ah, San! Mmm, yes!”
“Louder,” San grunted.
Her breathy moans reverberated in the living room. Suddenly, San completely pulled out of her and moved so that he was below her, Gyuri straddling him, his hands resting on her waist. She positioned herself and lowered herself onto his dick. Her hands rested on his chest as she lifted and lowered herself repetitively on him, his hips bucking up every so often to create a more intense effect. She sped up, her moans getting increasingly louder before she lifted herself off him entirely and came, her knees and arms trembling, her eyes rolling back in ecstasy.
Gyuri definitely wasn’t done, though, not until San came at least. She repositioned his dick and continued moving up and down on him. She lowered her body completely so that her chest was pressed against his, the new angle creating a new form of pleasure for him. His hands moved from her waist to her ass and guided her as he moved his hips in rhythm with her.
“Fuck, Gyuri, you’re so tight,” San said in between his own groans of pleasure.
When she started rolling her body on his, San could feel himself lose control over his body. He grabbed the back of her head and locked lips with her roughly, his lower lip sore as she sucked on it, the fake lip piercing creating a different sensation for their kisses. The two of them were breathing hard as he moved his lips away from her, his nose rubbing against her neck.
“I can’t… I’m going to come,” San huffed out, his hips slamming into hers loudly.
San sat up to pull out of Gyuri to come, but she firmly planted her waist on him and pinned him back down on the couch. “No, I want you to stay inside. I want to feel all of you.”
That sentence alone was enough to make San come inside her. He let out a groan of relief, his tight grip on her relaxing moments later. When Gyuri removed herself off him, he saw a thick trail of white exit her body. He pursed his lips in attempt to keep his face from going red at the sight of Gyuri pumping his dick to get out a little more if at all possible, which she successfully did.
“Gyu! Please!” San ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes closed tightly, another moan escaping his lips— he needed a moment to calm down before she got him started again.
He opened his eyes to see Gyuri teasingly lick her white covered fingers. She was definitely teasing him the same way he did her, which he understood now why Gyuri just wanted him to fuck her. Resisting the urge to fully push himself into her once again, San forcibly sat up and grabbed some tissues to clean them up. Gyuri got off the couch and returned moments later with two towels and a blanket.
After cleaning themselves, San leaned against the couch cushions as Gyuri wrapped the blanket around them, her head resting on his shoulder, a sigh of content escaping her lips. She stared at his face once more and touched his lip piercing with her thumb, her thumb pulling his lip down slightly. He bit the inside of his cheek to try and keep calm.
“Fuck, you look so good… And your hair just… wow.”
“You know, I was worried that you wouldn’t like my hair,” San said truthfully.
“I didn’t know if you would like bleached hair on me, and I want to do the things you like.”
Gyuri’s face went red once more. She buried her face in San’s chest, his arms wrapping around her. She nuzzled her nose into the nook of his neck and said, “Don’t worry about what I like. As long as you like it, I will too.”
A smile blossomed on San’s face. He kissed the top of her head and held her even tighter. Her head moved up to stare at his piercings again, her finger tracing his jawline. Gyuri’s warm fingertips was making San go crazy. He had to bite his tongue to keep from going at her again, but God, she really was teasing the shit out of him in that moment. Her finger went back to his falsely pierced eyebrow and smoothed it out.
“What if you…” she trailed off.
“What if you slit your eyebrow?”
“Do you have a thing for rebel boys or rockstars or something? I thought studious, dedicated, prim and proper boys were your type.”
“I don’t have one set type, per se, but this is my guilty pleasure. Like, if you wore a leather jacket and drove a motorcycle one day? Lord, just the thought of you like that is enough to make me sweat.”
“Do you really want me to slit my eyebrow?” San asked after briefly considering the leather jacket and motorcycle thing.
“It’ll grow back.”
The determined look on Gyuri’s face made San laugh lightly. She really did want him to slit his eyebrow. “Fine, then I have a request for you,” he told her.
“What is it?”
“Send me pictures of you in lingerie.”
“Like nudes?”
“Yes, but not nude. Leave something for the imagination and tease me.”
“Okay, that sounds reasonable.”
Gyuri pressed his lips against his as if she were sealing the deal, her tongue running across the piercing on his lip. San just couldn’t hold back anymore. She let out a little yelp as he came at her with full force, their bodies pressed together underneath the warm blanket.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
The event! (day 2)
What do you picture Hibari like as an Old man? What is he like as a sibling?
Also, because I don't know if you like Hibari-questions, A Treat! Pls one random headcanon of one of your fave characters!
I do like Hibari questions, my dear! Thank you so much for sending in a request and I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
Now, Hibari is either going to live to be 100 or he’s going to die really young, in his 50’s at the latest. It’s one or the other. While the men in his family line tend to be very long-lived, Hibari lives for battle and the chance to test his strength and dying in battle could very well be something he does.
Now, if he lives to be an old man, he’s going to be a very intimidating one. He will wrinkle considerably but he’ll retain almost all his hair, which won’t go silver until very late in life. He trains hard, even when older, to retain his reflexes and his body will be in good shape, with his eyesight and hearing remaining pretty good. The only real health issues he’ll have when he’s older is insomnia and the need to pee several times a night.
He’s definitely going to be one of those ‘get off my lawn’ old guys. He’s just going to be a really extreme version, as he’ll have no trouble biting those troubling-making youngsters to death, even if he is 75…of course, he might also secretly enjoy those brats getting into his business (because he definitely still retains a fearsome reputation) just for that reason.
Now, as a sibling, I can’t see Hibari being too strongly attached, close, or affectionate with his sibling. He doesn’t like a lot of close bonds and he isn’t a very affectionate man in either words or actions. However, he will show his sibling quite a bit more respect than he shows most, and he would be willing to share his space with them, though he still maintains quite a bit of alone time.
While detached and aloof, I could still see Hibari caring for his sibling, and I do think that he shows his familial love for them in his own way. He is protective of them and does ensure their safety by taking care of any threats he feels they have…of course, that does mean that, if he doesn’t approve of some of their life choices in regard to friendships or relationships, they might find that people suddenly disappear from their life or beat a quick retreat at the sight of them. And they probably do suspect it has something to do with their brother but they’re also not going to confront him about it, more than likely.
So, to take advantage of the offered treat, but still staying within KHR – Mammon knows how to speak and read Old Norse. Why? Sure as hell beats everyone around him. Has it actually come in surprisingly useful at times? Yep.
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inkedmyths · 1 year
S1: E22 "Devil's Trap"
Brought to you by hey so each and every one of you who made me watch this. You all suck. This is the worst. I hate it here. What sort of BULLSHIT was that—
This episode featuring: Odd interrogation techniques, family dynamics, bodysnatching, and one deeply upset Ink
Banging opening music
I will not fall doooown... when push comes to shove I will rise above... jammin
Here we fuckin go the boys are off to save or avenge their dad
[ Kayla asks if one of the opening montages has used Carry On My Wayward Son. I said no, because I would definitely remember that. ]
Where are we
What the dog doin
Holy water and whiskey. Mood.
Oh this be Bobby
[ Kayla and Crepe cheer. They love Bobby. ]
SCREAMS. JOHN JUST HAS THAT AFFECT ON PEOPLE (referring to when he threatened to shoot John) oh I like him already
Satanic Roach Hotel
Ohh. Bad year. Most years 4 possessions, but this one had at least 27...... well thats rough
Fuck off Meg
"Chuckleheads" GREAT word use Meg
Okaaaay interrogation time
"Where's our father, Meg"
"You didn’t ask very nice"
"Where's our father, bitch"
Goddammit whys he so funny
Oh shes posessed
I dunno about innocent
Oh good news bc it means they can yeet the demon, yea?
"Hit it Sam" (begins praying)
[ Winchesters latest hit single in Christian Rap sweeps midwestern protestant congregations as a big hit! ]
Dean buddyyyy
Uh getting spookyyyyy
This is wild. Interrogation via exorcism
What the fuck are u gonna do here like what do u do
Shes dead but not but whats up
Hello ma'am
That sucks ass. Being exorcised certainly doesn't seem fun, esp when you got dropped from a building
A year............ bro.......
Poor gal...
As I went down to the river....
Oh she gone.............
"You guys think you invented lying to the cops?" lmao thanks bobby
"I won't even try to shoot him this time"
[ Crepe asks Kayla if Meg is the woman Bobby has buried in his garden or if that's someone else. Concerning. ]
SCREAMS hes making the car safe and Dean is like MY CAR
Dean just wants his family to stop being self sacrificing. Hypocrite
Sunrise Apartments!
Building full of human shields... thats a problem
Pull the fire alarm lol
Oh those people are SO posessed
Yep there he is, tied u— hm. I don't. Like that actually
"I've got a Yorkie upstairs, and he pees when he's nervous—" Dean for funniest liar
Demon? Demön?
Holy water!!
Hes still breathing hes not dead yet
But he might be posessed
Oh just had to check
Uh oh someone else just got posessed
And another....
Aha... the colt
[ Kayla: Uhhh I'm here for the colt stuff - the Winchesters]
2 bullets left!
Alright. Now what
Dean can and will kill for his family huh
Uh oh zappy lights
The demon's here!
Uh oh
Something is wrong
Sam going AAA
Bullshit bullshit
Kayla: and why was he right :)
Me: Bc he would have been pissed :(
Kayla: and never proud :)
Kayla: (therapy voice) and how did that make you feel
Me: I hate it here
Kayla: elaborate on that
Me: I haaaate it here
Kayla: mhm mhm (writing stuff down)
"What are you and God going to do?" dammmn
Justice for WHAT
Oh so a demon cares about its family
Good for him but also you were already trying to kill them before??
Yeah? Why?
What's your angle here
Huhhhhh. What the fuck do you want with Sam
"I really can't stand all your monologuing"
Oooough hitting him where it hurts damn
How are u guys goimg to get out of this
Oh shit oh SHIT
Oh fuck man
Bro it fucking leaving
Well this is an Awkward Family Ride
Kayla: awkward family ride abt to
What the fuck what the fuck
My so-called friends then proceeded to point, laugh, and heckle me for the next 10 minutes. This is bullshit I hope you know. Stupid goddamn cliffhangers stupid Winchesters and their STUPID FAMILY NONSENSE—
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dabisqueen · 2 years
Rockstar!dabi is definitely the type to not be phased by your period or you using the bathroom what so ever. Y’all’s relationship is one of those people think y’all are “too comfortable” with each other.
Y’all two always piss with the bathroom door wide open and will even have straight conversation. Like on lazy mornings and he doesn’t have to tour or do anything with his band he isn’t phased nor surprised to see you half asleep with the door wide open while you piss. The bathroom light isn’t even on and tbh it looks like you’re about to fall asleep again. You’re hunched over and your pad is literally hanging for dear life because you two sleep so fucking crazy at night. He literally just walks in there while turning the light on and brushes his teeth and ask what do you want to doordash for breakfast.
Or you could be taking a shower and this fucking man while come in to use the bathroom and not even ask if you want him to wait and flush the toilet so the water doesn’t get too hot he will just flush it and snicker when you yell at him. Hell he might just get in with you and tell you to stop complaining.
He’s also the type to have no shame in buying you pads or tampons- he’s definitely said in public what pussy size are you. You and him both know he knows it doesn’t work like that he just likes making you angry.
Omg, nonny, you are so correct! This is hilarious, how accurate you are aksjsjshshs
Like, Rockstar Dabi has no shame.
He'll take a shower with you and start pissing 💦 such a jerk! Or imagine you sitting on the loo ans he'll be like "Spread them for me." And nudges your thighs.
So you do, totally puzzled by what he wants to do but he just pulls his dick out and starts peeing between your legs into the loo.
That's Rockstar Dabi.
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survey--s · 10 months
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Did you know that all the fish are dying out? Sure, that's hardly news.
Would you ever wear a white tuxedo? No. I avoid even wearing white t-shirts lol.
Do you judge a book by its cover?
Sure, I mean - the blurb and the photo on the cover is generally what draws me into buying a book (or not).
Do you like chips and dips? Oooh, yes.
Last time you went on a rollercoaster: Whenever we went to Blackpool - I think it was about six years ago.
Ever been to a pottery class? I took pottery lessons in school for a while. It was pretty fun.
Does your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard? No.
Who was the last person to stay over at your house? I don't think anyone has ever slept over here.
Do you like red lipstick? On some people.
Can you recall your country’s national anthem? I know the first verse, yeah.
Do you believe in ghosts? No.
Which sweets/candy would you put into your dream pic'n'mix? Fizzy cola bottles, giant strawberries, strawberry bonbons, foam shrimps, foam bananas, fried eggs, milk bottles, jelly beans, those Haribo rhubarb and custards, fizzy strawberry pencils, fizzy cola laces and flying saucers. And now I want pic'n'mix lol.
If you had a boat, where would you sail in your boat? Around the world.
Can you rap? Ha, no.
Are you a light sleeper? Yeah, I definitely can be.
When you were young, did you ever pretend to “marry” somebody? Yeah, my then-boyfriend. What is your favourite Disney film? The original Alice in Wonderland.
Do you prefer brown or white bread? White.
Have you ever spent an entire day in bed? Yeah, a few times, but I don't really enjoy it. It ruins my mental health to just sit about in bed all day.
Don’t you just find it annoying when people get too much plastic surgery? I mean, I don't really care what other people do their bodies.
How high’s your pain threshold? I can tolerate some pain really well, but other types I struggle with.
What would you wear to a red carpet event? I wouldn't attend one.
Whose birthday is next, out of all the people you know? Uh, nobody in particular is coming to mind right now.
What kind of coat are you going to wear in the winter? It depends what I'm doing. I have about six winter coats.
Did you ever go through a Goth phase? Yep.
Do you find architecture interesting? No, not really.
When on the computer do you ever think about how it all works? No.
How many songs are there in your iTunes library? I don't use iTunes.
Do you like Irish accents? Yeah. My mum's best friend is Irish and her voice is just really comforting to me for some reason.
Describe the worst date you’ve ever been on: I went to the cinema with a friend of a friend once and he didn't speak more than two words to me the entire night, lol.
When did you last go to the park? I never really go to the park but I went to the local nature reserve yesterday morning if that counts?
Which two animals would you breed together to make a hybrid? I don't know about a hybrid, but I would LOVE a mini elephant.
Do you ever forget how to walk? Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night for a pee.
Do you own a Jesus bracelet? lol no.
How far out can you stick your tongue? Not very far? I don't know, I've never really thought about it.
Do you like David Bowie? Yeah, he was pretty talented.
Would you eat a live cockroach if it made you a millionaire? NOPE.
Does it annoy you when you feel like people aren’t really listening? I mean, I'm guilty of not really listening to people so I'd be a bit hypocritical to get annoyed by it ha.
Are you the type who usually plays it safe? Yeah.
Do you want what you can’t have? Sure - a horse lol.
Ever been copied by somebody, clothing or style-wise? Yes.
Is there a point to clear nail varnish? I mean, I used to wear it to school because it was all that I could get away with.
What is the latest time you’ve ever woken up? 3pm.
Ever gotten into trouble over something you didn’t really do? Yes.
Are you currently ill? I have period pains/PMS but otherwise I'm fine.
Don’t you just hate being corrected? It depends on how it's being done.
Are there any really beautiful buildings close to where you live? No.
Natural or artificial? I mean, it depends what we're talking about. Not everything artificial is bad.
Who do you think about most? That depends on the day.
Do you have embarrasing parents? I don't find them embarrassing now I'm an adult but I definitely found my dad excruciatingly embarrassing as a teenager lol.
How often do you use the word “poltent”? I mean, that's not a word.
How’s your grandmother? They’re both dead.
What in your opinion is the most annoying noise in the world? Screaming kids or cutlery scraping on plates.
Are you any good at writing? Apparently so.
Can you speak any Spanish? I can speak a few basic words.
Do you like things from the ‘50s? I like some of the fashions and music, but that's about it.
Would you rather be skeletal or curvy? Curvy.
What’s your favourite type of cloud? Cumulus.
What’s something that really matters to you? Animal welfare.
Did that pass some time? Yeah.
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teamrocketmemes · 2 years
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Taken from the grumps’ playthrough of Trigger Happy Havoc: Danganronpa. Feel free to make changes if necessary.
“All right. That was the true face of despair, I guess.”
“I guess a bunch of people have died, though.”
“That’s certainly one possibility, that makes total absolute 100% sense.”
“They flushed her down the toilet like a goldfish.”
“Well, we don’t know til we look, piece of shit!!”
“It’s like boring PT.”
“Great detective work, dude.”
“Oh, you’ve given way too much information…”
“The voice actress called him a little bitch.”
“So what about you?? Are you taking a bath??”
“Hog in your mouth, wind in your face—”
“I knew it. He’s dead.”
“So we’re like frenemies.”
“We’ll keep our mouths open… For the comedy to come out.”
“Because I also can’t fight back.”
“I thought I was just trying not to die but I guess this is about you and your emotional issues…”
“No time to learn about it.”
“I mean, I guess we could’ve learned a better way—”
“Fuck. We spent coins… Shit.”
“I definitely didn’t do my part to dissuade you, you know…”
“It’s just because you look like you like whips.”
“I got a real whip vibe from you.”
“His deep, gorgeous… Oceanic blue eyes…”
“Don’t you remember that specific situation??”
“It’s like they had a guest artist come in for one panel.”
“She’s as good as dead.”
“You got to witness the fitness.”
“Who can last longest with the gay sex??”
“It’s like Phoenix Wright and Edgeworth if they were more aggressive towards each other.”
“I mean, look at you, with those rippling glistening muscles, and those taut buttocks.”
“Guys, the ding dong bing bong just happened!!”
“Well… It would appear the two of you are oiling up in the sauna—”
“How did you force your way in with those tiny tiny hands??”
“I picked it with my fingernails…”
“No, you’re not annoying… God—You’re so annoying!!”
“Dude, you’re gonna die like tomorrow…”
“Listen, can I be frank? Or maybe Steve or Bill…”
“I feel like… If you kill someone… That would immeidately become your deepest darkest secret.”
“I couldn’t have murdered him, your honor. I was too busy peeing the bed.”
“Bloodlust?? I love that band.”
“Hey, I heard screaming that wasn’t me!!”
“I think it was myself echoing back through the halls…”
“I figured we’d co-op on this one.”
“You said it was just an object like 30 seconds ago!!”
“A floatation donut?? Who calls it that??”
“God, I wish it was a rocker room. That’d be badass.”
“Wow, you kids still murdering each other in here??”
“Please explain it to me over and over and over again.”
“I can’t stay mad at you, [NAME].”
“How do you think Tupac’s released like 9 albums since he died??”
“This lamp killed Hitler.”
“Again, phrasing… Not a fan.”
“Uhm, [NAME], about getting on my knees and begging for it??”
“Oh, somebody pooped on the floor.”
“That’s like the first time he said something in like three hours…”
“All I’m doing is accusing him or murder—”
“He totally makes me wanna beg.”
“Are the makers of this game getting paid by the word??”
“No, I’m not effing with you right now. I’m… Fucking with you right now.”
“Oh, you naughty bear.”
“We’re like bros for life!!”
“Dance Dance Revolution him into murder!!”
“I’ve known you for three days and we sat next to each other in a sauna.”
“He looks pretty chill about the whole thing…”
“I… I’ve got to dance!!”
“Dude… How long have you been here??”
“Maybe he’ll survive this.”
“All right, I think he covered that scream—”
“Oh, you’re just a dick.”
“Oh man, what a cliffhanger.”
“Oh yep. Some more dead people.”
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monkelyn · 2 years
The Mundane :Dealing with Loss
**WARNING: I talk about my cats passing
"She had a seizure when they were getting X-rays." My mom tells me, in between cries.
She is talking about my 17-year-old cat, Eleanor. This was a checkup prompted by her labored breathing recently. She is a, or should I say was a, cat that had many health issues but was a champ. She was diagnosed as being diabetic about a year ago and while she hasn't looked at ked the greatest, she still thrived in her own way. Before she was a diabetic, she was an asshole. She was aggressive and didn't take anyone's shit. When her asshole phase disappeared with her diagnoses, my family decided to keep her in one room to make her feel more comfortable. I was the lucky winner. I was never close with her but due to our living situation I was forced to create a stronger bond with her. She became my cat and I loved her with all I could.
"The vet said the gave her some medication so she wouldn't feel pain, but we have to go up to sign the form to euthanize her." My mom is trying with all her might to relay the information she was just given from the vets phone call. The visit didn't feel like it would be a life or death situation. Ellie just needed to be dropped off so they could do the blood work and Xrays and she would be back home, on the edge of my bed.
I tell my mom I'll meet her there since she was out running errands and wasn't as close as I was. I go to my car, my sister tagging behind me. I dunno how to feel but I can describe one physical feeling, a heavy heart. I always thought that saying was weird. 'It is with a heavy heart we have to *insert someone being fired or telling a family of a death*. But I now know what a 'heavy heart' feels like, whoopie.
We get to the vet in less than 10 minutes, I was speeding which helped with the time. The Vet Tech escorts us to the room they have her in. My sweet Eleanor; the one who always looked pisses of, the one who would guard you while you pee, the one who always who still played even when she was low energy, was laying there half dead.
"Would you like time with her?" the tech asks.
"please," I stutter out. "Just put her out of her misery."
I never thought I would cry so much, I forgot I could cry this much. I'd be somewhat happy if the cost wasn't her life. Even writing this (yep I'm breaking the 4th wall) is making me cry. But I write this because I need this expressed somewhere. I dunno how to tell others this or if I should. So I choose to write in a place where some might connect with my writings while I can still feel I am not burdening anyone.
This is a place I feel somewhat comfortable writing these because vulnerability is hard with those I'm closest with.
I love Eleanor and I will definitely notice the silence now that she is gone. (I have another cat who I love very very much but I am going to feel Eleanors absence).
Loss is a frightening thing. It means change and never being able to interact with them again. I'm scared of change and even more scared of loss. The world, people and myself are constantly changing but it never makes it any less scary.
I love you so much Elli, I am so happy I got to raise and love you.
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bewitchingbaker · 2 years
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟏    :    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄.  
NAME:  Christopher Noe Luna
EYE COLOUR: brown though they've showed a purple hue as of late
HAIR STYLE  /  COLOUR:  Dark brown/Black afro
CLOTHING STYLE: casual, comfortable, minimal but with some coo. Lots of solid color tee's and jeans. Occasional band tshirts. When cold tends to favor a beanie or a bucket hat with a vintage jacket. Favors converse and airforces .
BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE:  Chris gets alot of attention for his arms and nose Large but cute, very much enhances his smile.
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟐    :    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄.    
FEARS: losing someone again
GUILTY PLEASURE: driving fast as possible and weed. Chris likes some excitement such as speeding with a fast car or going on adventures. Weed for escapism
BIGGEST PET PEEVE: disrespecting the dead/funerals, rudeness, disrespecting people's hard work
AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE: a career or second job in web design, making the bakery more modern and become mentally sound
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟑    :    𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒.
FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP:' need to feed Dee and Quas...but first i gotta pee'
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT MOST: how many orders he needs to fill/prepare, did his sister send some new horror trash, next song he wants to play in his car
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED MEDITATION: plans for the next day, if he has a full day of orders, might check his schedule while cuddling Dee and Lord Quas
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟒    :    𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓’𝐒    𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑?
BEAUTY OR BRAINS:  Both, tends to go more for personality
DOGS OR CATS: eldritch cats and hellhounds
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟓    :    𝐃𝐎    𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘…
LIE: every blue moon, usually with annoying customers or when he needs time to himself from his family
BELIEVE IN LOVE: sometimes.
WANT SOMEONE: yeah, definitely [depending on the verse he’s in]
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟔    :    𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄    𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘    𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑…
CHANGED WHO THEY WERE TO FIT IN: sort of, maybe in college for a time.
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟕    :    𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒.
FAVOURITE COLOUR:  purple, blue, yellow, loves the color black
FAVOURITE ANIMAL:  weird creatures
FAVOURITE BOOK:   If Beale Street Could Talk
FAVOURITE GAME: Tony Hawk Underground 2, Twisted Metal, and Gran Turismo 
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟖    :    𝐀𝐆𝐄.
𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑    𝟎𝟎𝟗    :    𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄.
I LOVE: creation, technology, music, my family
I FEEL: like my family is hiding alot from me
I HIDE: what i want to say to others
I MISS: that calm feeling when i lived in chicago
I WISH: the truth about my family and peace of mind
tagged by: @escapedartgeek
tagging: @finalsurvivorgrp @carterhotels @siiinfully @madeinwakanda
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hollyjaques · 1 month
Is A WAP A Good Thing? – Everything You Need To Know About Vaginal Wetness
This week, Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion cemented themselves as sex icons with their new single, WAP, an anthem for vaginal wetness. It’s definitely a bitchin’ song both in its musical & lyrical merit and its unique position in a male-dominated genre in our patriarchal society—plus, it makes me believe I can rap—but that’s not what I’m here to talk about. Brittney McNamara from Teen Vogue does a better job at tackling this.
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What I’d like to talk about is the sex ed side of having a wet ass pussy. Believe it or not, there are actual people who feel concerned about their vaginas needing a bucket and a mop. And, with Ben Shapiro and his doctor wife using science as an excuse to shame sex-loving sluts everywhere, it’s hard to find a comprehensive answer for the innocent souls googling “Is my pussy too wet? Is it too dry?” this week.
So, cue the Sexperts. (That’s us.)
Vaginal wetness is totally normal.
Long story short: having a wet ass pussy is 100% normal. Especially if you’re sexually aroused. And, particularly if your partner is insanely attractive. That wet vagina is A-ok.
A wet vagina (or wet ass pussy) is a regular biological and physiological response to being in the mood. Its purpose is to make sure that your vagina is lubricated during sex, so that you’re comfortable, safe, and having fun. Personal lubricants, or simply lube, has secured a spot in our sex drawers along with condoms because they mimic this natural phenomenon.
Go lube!
Why does vaginal wetness happen?
The exact composition of this fluid varies from case to case. There are a lot of factors that contribute to vaginal wetness, from hormones to medication to stress. But generally, they come from two important and special glands: Bartholin’s and Skene’s.
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Infographic from MyVagina
The Bartholin’s glands are located to the left and to the right of the vaginal opening. It secretes a thin and slippery fluid that lubricates the vaginal walls. You can even spread it to your labia and your clitoris to make foreplay more comfortable. This vaginal discharge is primarily made of alkaline fluids.
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Infographic from MyVagina
On the other hand, the Skene’s glands are found a little higher up. They’re paired ducts around the urethra, and produce a watery fluid that kind of resembles pee. While the source of the female ejaculation is still a mystery, it’s widely speculated that the Skene’s glands are responsible for it. Yep, we squirt through it!
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Photo by Pascal Meier
Why am I wet even if I’m not sexually aroused?
As emphasized earlier, your vagina’s got you. It constantly creates fluids to keep it moist and clean, and safe from injury and tearing. This vaginal discharge is from cervical glands and the vaginal walls. It’s normal to have about 2 to 5 mL of this clear, mucus-like discharge on the daily. While that cervical mucus is also produced during sex, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it showing up means you’re aroused. (It also means that being wet isn’t sexual consent.)
Vaginal discharge even looks different from time to time, depending on your menstrual cycle, your ovulation, if you’re pregnant, and if you’re taking hormones and birth control. In fact, the consistency of this vaginal discharge can even tell you a lot about your ovulation and pregnancy!
Similar to cervical mucus is the milky-white secretion from the Skene’s glands. While I did say it’s speculated that this is where all the magic (squirting) happens, it also has an important role in keeping your urinary tract free from infection. Its fluids have antimicrobial properties, proving that yes, your wet vagina does the cooking AND the cleaning.
Another common reason for vaginal wetness is simply just sweat. It might be the general area you’re in, but it could also be the type of underwear you’re wearing or how bushy your pubic hair is. And if you’ve got sexy thick thighs, vaginal sweat is more likely to happen.
Other factors that might be giving you a WAP while you’re not sexually aroused might be stress, your mental health, and any other medication you might be taking.
Related: I Tried CBD Lube & This is What Happened…
When should I worry then?
Alright, maybe having a WAP isn’t ALWAYS a good thing, but it’s your wet vagina letting you know that there’s something wrong. So that’s still cool. Pay attention to the vaginal discharge, its color, the texture, its smell, and its consistency so you know when to see the doctor. Though your vagina’s a strong, independent self-cleaning organ, there are some battles that need reinforcement in the form of suppositories or oral medication.
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