#yes I did change her boot design already
dyslexic-mess · 3 months
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Litterally nobody asked but I'm really enjoying this SO-
Let's start with the oldest of the three: Marie!
Marie is 19 and very much Sonics daughter in tepriment. She's about as chilled out as a person could get and doesn't seem to be bothered by anything. She's quick-witted and has a strong sense of justice. However, much like shadow, she's also quite guarded. Not in the same way he is, she very rarely frowns, but more in that very few people actually know what's going on with her.
Something she didn't inherit from Sonic was his super speed. You could argue that she's mildly faster than your avridge hedgehog but, for the most part, she's just a really good shot. I do mean scarily good through. Shadow has been training her since she was old enough to hold a gun. Her reflexes are insanely fast and she won't hesitate. Very much a shoot you first, ask questions later kind of person. The freedom fighters learned quickly not to sneak up on her.
Speaking of the freedom fighters, Marie is the only one of her siblings to be actively working with the freedom fighters. Not because the others don't want to, but because she's thus far been the only one to convince shadow she's capable of taking care of herself on a mission. He still doesn't like it, though. She first began trying to work with them at around 16, sneaking out in the middle of the night. She was quickly caught by her parents, of course, and shadow was ready to ground her for life.
Sonic convinced him that if she really wanted to do this, they wouldn't stop her anyway, resulting in shadow hesitantly relenting on the understanding one of sonics siblings, Sonia or Manic, keep an eye on her in the city and not send her on any massively dangerous missions. Preferably at all but at least until she could handle herself.
Marie is also the only one of her siblings to go into the city, at all, with the other two having stayed in the safety of green hills their entire life. As she moves into adult life and comes of age, Marie finds herself spending more and more time in the city. She knows it's dangerous, especially for her, and that her dad's faught so hard to keep her out of it for a reson, but she wants to find her own place and purpose in life.
Why she hasn't moved to the city entirely is a matter of time. Specifically, waiting for Colbolt and Manic to be old enough to manage without her. With Sonic gone and Shadow frequently being called for G.U.N missions (she knows he can't refuse them, but she's still a little sore about it), she's taken a very active role in their lives.
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expired-bat · 2 years
we met in september - chapter 6
Another day has started, and yet Y/N couldn't get out of bed. It’s not because of another episode, surprisingly. It’s due to that conversation between her and Dee. She couldn’t get it out of her head. Why would he be interested in being her friend? Is it because of pity due to the journal? She brushed those thoughts out of her head, and began getting ready for the day.
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Nearly an hour would pass when she makes it to her first class. Dee was already at his seat and prepared for the day. Y/N sat down and took her materials out. Her accessories and boots jingled as she pulled out her pen and notebook.
She was too busy to realize that her seatmate and new friend was looking at her.
Hours would pass until third hour, where Mr. Orlov has assigned a project requiring a partner. It was a presentation about a figure in Russian history. Dee and Y/N were assigned to cover Ivan The Terrible.
She’s heard of Ivan before, the man cradling his dying son after beating him in a painting she saw once. Dee mustered a cough and already has settled out a plan; they are both responsible for gathering information, he will double check the accuracy of the info. Y/N is going to design the presentation with his approval. They will both take turns speaking on whatever the next slide is. Y/N was surprised that he thought of this so quickly; well, it's been five minutes since the project was announced.
They took this time together to gather some info, writing down as they went along. When the bell rang, Dee and Y/N were almost finished gathering some facts. Dee looked at her and asked, “Do you want to finish this during lunch?”
Y/N agreed. There’s no way she wants to have more homework for today.
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The day would drag on once again. Lunch was the time Y/N and Dee would have time to talk more. The duo went to an empty hallway and sat down near the lockers. They continued their research for the history project.
The silence was thick, and Dee coughed a bit. “So… what do you like to do?”
Y/N knew damn well he did not ask that question.
“You should know. You’ve read my book, haven't you?”
He puffed out some air. “Yeah, I know that you like to draw, but what else do you do?”
Y/N thought for a bit. That was something barely anyone asked her before.
“I like to watch anime.”
“Same here. What are your favorite shows?”
Y/N listed out her favorites, while Dee responded with his; Death Note, Hellsing, Vampire Hunter D, Higurashi, Elfen Lied, Attack On Titan, and Naruto. Both were discussing the show’s plots and how annoying the fandoms are. The topic then changed to music.
“I notice you’re wearing Joy Division. What’s your favorite song by them?”
“Wilderness. Do you listen to The Sisters of Mercy?”
“No, but I know someone who does.”
The conversation about music went on. They liked almost the same genres, except Y/N also liked to listen to new wave and gothic rock. Turns out, both are fans of Slipknot. They talked about their favorite songs, members, and their wish to go to their concert. Dee tried to learn guitar, but gave up because it was too difficult. Y/N can play ukulele, drums, keyboards, and melodica, but doesn’t bother to practice much. Dee had a look of surprise and a tinge of jealousy.
Pages were filled with facts and questionable trivia. Y/N put her pen aside and stretched.
“Are you finished with researching?” Dee asked.
Dee took her papers and stacked it with his. Y/N looked at him in confusion.
“... You took my papers.”
“Yes, I will look over them and compare them to mine tonight. Are you okay with it?”
“Y-Yeah man, just don’t overwork yourself.”
Y/N felt hot as she asked Dee that question. Why did she even ask that? It should be that simple.
Dee put the papers away in a folder and stood up. Lunch hour was about to be over and there won’t be enough time to go to physics. Y/N gathered her things and began to separate from her new friend.
“Hold on.”
Dee walked up to her with his phone in his hand. He then showed her his username for Discord.
“Do you have it?”
“Yeah, it’s (Y/U/N)#0000”
Dee quickly tapped on the keyboard and sent something. Y/N felt her phone buzz and pulled it out.
DarkPrinceDee sent you an image
She opened the app to see this.
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She chuckled at the image and accepted the message. The bell rang and the duo went to their next class.
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Y/N’s third day would end without disaster. She met Dee at the stop as she was waiting for her bus. The conversation between the two would be interrupted with a lion cub’s roar. 
The blond’s face instantly deflated and was filled with dread. Y/N looked behind him to see a ginger kid with long, unwashed hair and a Manowar shirt sprint towards him. He tried to tackle him, but the blond managed to get him under control. They roughhoused a bit before the younger boy got Y/N’s attention. His attention span is the same as a puppy.
“Hey! Are you new here? Do you know my brother? You look pretty cool!”
Y/N’s Russian has improved, but with him speaking so fast, she couldn’t translate half of the stuff she was saying. She panicked, but the dark prince saved the day. 
“Calm down Heavy. This is Y/N, she’s an exchange student,” he said as he switched languages. “Y/N, this is my idiot little brother Heavy.”
Y/N calmed down. That’s his brother? He didn’t tell him anything about having siblings. She let out her hand to offer a handshake.
“It’s nice to meet you.”
Heavy took in the handshake. He switched to his older brother and began to chatter. Y/N could briefly understand what he was saying, like when he got in trouble again for his unwashed hair or skipping algebra. The brothers didn’t look much alike, say for the noses.
Heavy then noticed Y/N’s changed demeanor. He instantly felt bad.
“Hey! Are you being left out? I’m sorry about that! I just had to tell my brother something! Say, how did you meet? Was it fate?! Huh, huh?”
She couldn’t comprehend what Heavy just said. She just chuckled and shook her head. She saw her bus and headed out. She said her goodbyes to the brothers. Dee waved back while Heavy just raised his hand in the air, shook it, and yelled a ‘bye!’
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[Dee’s POV]
Dee was close to strangling his little brother. He and Y/N were just vibing with whatever they were talking about earlier, but Heavy of course had to barge in.
His mind was on autopilot on the way home. He didn’t even know what Heavy was talking about at this point.
“Hey, do you like Y/N?”
Dee stopped his steps. He gave Heavy a dark look and continued on walking. This sent the kid into a fit of giggles and teased about his older brother’s so-called “new crush.”
“I don’t like her like that shithead!” the blond exploded.
When they entered home, Dee instantly went to his room. He dropped his bag and flopped on his bed. He laid there for a few minutes before realizing that makeup was still on his face. While washing his face in the bathroom, he pondered and thought about Y/N. She’s a sweet girl, and has a great fashion and music taste. She looked kinda cute when she’s focused on something-
Dee swung and punched the mirror. It didn’t shatter (thank goodness), but it hurt and left a loud thud. Knowing that Heavy and his dad are home, they probably heard it.
The blond sighed. He has to remember to revise the notes he and Y/N took after all.
Returning to his room, he pulled out his phone and saw that Y/N sent a message. He opened the app and read it.
hey i know we’re working on something else but i have this project for art that requires doing a portrait of someone else. do u mind being a model for me? it’s alright if u don’t
Dee nearly snapped his phone.
Yeah, i’m cool with it.
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thelewdpokemanik · 1 year
Miu is a very jealous person, and learning how she wasn’t top one in every Boy’s "want to fuck" list in the accademy ? She took it personally, so here she goes in a mad plan~..
Her first victim was going to be that nerd chiaki~.. she gave her a new video game that as the gamer girl will play it, she will get corrupt by it, changing her to the core, slowly turning the bubbly lazy girl into a toxic punk raging gamer, according her clothing style to her new persona, making her do super lewd lives on twitch, milking her comunity like simps~ and being overall a total bitch to handle~.. admittedly tho it did make her sexier for some, hajime ain’t really complaining considering how.. forward she tends to be as snatching what she wants.. and she wants him~
(The Hajime / chiaki can ne ignored but NO NTR)
Chiaki couldn't say she really understood Miu's reasoning. Trying to make sense of the Ultimate Inventor's motivations was already a mess and a half usually, but her gift and subsequent demand left Chiaki confused, though not overly suspicious.
Yes, Miu had almost outright told her that the game was basically an act of vengeance for some nebulous slight Chiaki hadn't understood. And yes, the inventor had practically admitted to hating the gamer.
But at the same time, Chiaki wasn't sure there was someone in this school Miu didn't talk to exactly like this.
And a game was a game, regardless of why Miu had given it to Chiaki.
And since the file didn't seem to have any kind of virus on it that her antivirus could find, she shrugged, and booted up her stream.
As soon as she did, viewers began flowing into her chat, but she didn't make much of an effort to acknowledge them. Chiaki knew some streamers grew tremendously popular by the sheer force of their personality, but the Ultimate Gamer didn't particularly care for popularity.
Not only that, but this wasn't that kind of stream.
This wasn't Chiaki Nanami's stream. It was the Ultimate Gamer's.
People came here to see her demolish games, learn tips and tricks, and sometimes try their own hand against her in online tournaments.
Chiaki played like a machine. She didn't give the chat much attention as she did, nor did she comment much. The only reason she even had a webcam was to prove she was the one playing, and sometimes explain precise button inputs that required an esoteric grip on a controller.
As the chat slowly filtered in, she opened up the game Miu had given her, and immediately, her gamer nerves warned her.
There was a shiver going down her spine, that warned her that this wasn't a fun game.
No, this was a game that followed a long legacy.
Cat Mario.
I Wanna Be The Guy.
And now, Chiaki's Ultimate Challenge.
A troll game, designed exclusively to make the player angry and ruin their day.
Chiaki could sense it in her bones, but she couldn't say she was opposed to such games.
She even had respect for those who made them. There was an art to them, a technique. You had to truly understand games and those who played them to systematically destroy them after all.
And Chiaki could appreciate the challenge. It was a battle of wits between her and the developer, both using their knowledge of the other to try and find and avoid their traps or lure her into one.
But did Miu have the know-how to make a satisfying one?
An hour later, Chiaki was, frustrated. It was a state of mind she wasn’t familiar with. Especially not while playing a game.
Only one way to find out.
- - -
Not even classic troll games could get her this riled up, nor could uber-difficult rage games. Because those games could be tamed.
Once she fell in a trap once, she wouldn’t fall in it the next go around, and inch by inch, step by step, she would conquer them.
But Chiaki’s Ultimate Challenge was a different beast. Miu was playing dirty, using every trick the Ultimate Inventor could come up with to ruin Chiaki’s night.
Frames dropped randomly, messing up her timing at the worst possible moment. Traps changed speed and position every time she died and reloaded the stage. The game was intentionally running poorly, making her monster of a pc run extremely hot, and making the gamer sweat enough that she had to ditch the jacket a quarter of an hour in.
Not to mention the way the screen obnoxiously flashed bright pink whenever the tiny pixelated Chiaki died, straining the real Chiaki's eyes something fierce, though she didn't dare look away from the screen for even a moment.
The music too was designed to annoy her she thought. The main track was high-pitched and annoying, but she was almost certain that there was a vocal track as well, but the mix was horrible. What she suspected to be a pitch-shifted synthesizer was drowning out the voice something fierce. Not enough to completely stomp it out, but Chiaki simply couldn't decipher a word it whispered in her headphones. 
It wasn’t a challenge of skill, but of will. And Chiaki wasn’t used to being tested like this. A furrow was dug into her brow as she tried to concentrate on the infuriating game. Her button presses came harder and harder, and her jaw was clenched tight.
But it was all for naught. Once more, the platform at the very beginning of the level became intangible without any sense or warning, sending Chiaki back to the title screen with a bright pink flash that made her blink rapidly.
“Dammit!” She said, only to blush at the curse word.
And in response to the first curse word her viewers had ever heard from her, her frustration, and her death, her chat devolved into an indecipherable torrent of comments.
She spotted more than one mocking comment, but she ignored them, only feeding her growing frustration with them into the fire of her determination.
She wasn’t ready to give up yet. Despite Miu’s best efforts, Chiaki was still carving herself a path forward, death by death.
It took many hours, but Chiaki finally managed to crawl her way out of the first level. There was a limit to what a machine could come up with, and Chiaki had come to learn some of the patterns it fell into, allowing her to at least begin to consistently advance.
The real question was whether or not she’d keep her cool long enough to beat the first level.
- - -
For example, that first platform wasn’t as random as Chiaki had thought. It was timed. But not with, like, an internal clock, or a cycle, no.
The platform wasn’t tangible whenever her computer’s clock ended in a pair number.
Chiaki was back in a comfortable rhythm, though not a fun one. Once she managed to find those kinds of esoteric patterns, she could clear some traps, but most of them still evaded her. It was only her Ultimate Gamer’s instincts that had allowed her to come this far.
But this was the first time she saw the second stage, and of course, that meant another game over.
She sighed, but there was also a glimmer of hope in her chest. Progress was possible, at least. And she would clear this game if it took her a year of gaming every night on it.
With a hint of a smile on her lips, she rebooted the game, which of course, sent her back to the first level with the usual pink flash. She’d expected it.
What she hadn’t expected was for the first platform to be intangible even though it was 2:45:11 AM.
Chiaki’s blood ran cold. Like a madwoman, she tried, again and again, to land on it, making sure she wasn’t messing up the timing. But she wasn’t missing her window. It simply no longer existed.
The platform no longer followed the rule she’d discovered. Nor did any of the other traps she’d deciphered.
The patterns had changed once she’d reached the second level.
“FUCKING SHIT!” Chiaki yelled, throwing her controller against the wall, where it exploded into a dozen pieces.
She froze as she did, the sound like a cold shower falling atop her head. She ignored the torrent of comments her actions earned herself.
"F-Fudge." Chiaki forced herself to say, panting. She had jumped out of her seat as she'd thrown the controller, and she took a moment to center herself, panting while resting her hands on her hips, arching her back ever so slightly.
She could feel her shirt sticking uncomfortably to her skin as she did, her room having become a veritable sauna because of Miu's game. Sweat was making her hair stick to her forehead as she closed her eyes to calm herself, only for them to blink back open when her computer began jingling away.
Her head turned towards the monitor, only to blush at the feedback she saw there. Her sweat had turned her white shirt transparent, leaving her pink bra visible through the fabric. Not to mention the way her chest was heaving as she panted, drawing the eye towards her boobs even further.
And the jingles she'd been hearing-
'Nice curves Chi-chan~'
'U go gurl'
'Love seeing those gamer tits <3'
Messages were flashing across her screen. Not in the chat box where the rest of the chat was.
No, those were donations. All of them prompted by her unplanned show.
Chiaki could feel her blush heating her face.
Well, she no longer had a controller anyway. "I'm going to bed. Good night everyone, and th-thank you for the donations." She stuttered, before ending the stream and closing the screen, only to blink once more.
She was leaning down to reach her mouse and as such-
She could see the reflection of her deep cleavage on the darkened screen.
Her blush exploded as she realized how she'd looked as she ended the stream, before shaking her head with a sigh.
This night was a wash as far as she was concerned. Her controller was destroyed, she'd made a fool of herself, and she hadn't made any progress on Miu's fucking game-
She shook her head. Whatever. Clearly, Miu's program could only be called a game in the loosest definition of the term, and she didn't feel bad about saying it was awful and not worth her time.
She crashed atop her bed soon enough, the fatigue brought upon by the heat and the frustration soon pulling her under.
But sleep didn't offer her the rest she'd hoped. That annoying music had followed her in her dreams, as had the whispers and the pink flashes.
Even in her dreams, the flashes disoriented her, and though the whispers were louder, they were just as unintelligible as they had been when she’d been awake.
But even if she couldn't understand them, they were still omnipresent and loud in a way whispers shouldn’t be, drowning out every other one of her thoughts. The pink wasn’t helping her concentrate either.
The flashes came and went without rhyme or reason, assaulting her like flashbangs, as Chiaki tried to escape both them and the whispers. But it was futile. They were hounding her in this nightmare, as she ran without hope of outrunning them.
And when she woke up the next morning, she definitely felt like she’d spent the night running.
She was sweating like a pig, almost heaving her breathes, and worst of all-
That fucking song was stuck in her head.
Thankfully, the donations she'd received the night before had helped finance her new controller. She'd even had some left over to preorder a game she'd been looking forward to.
Chiaki squashed her face into her pillow, and screamed.
- - -
All in all, she was glad she'd gotten them, even if the means had been, well…
She shook her head. Whatever. She booted up the stream once her controller was properly set-up, only to blink when she saw the number of viewers.
It was far more than it had been yesterday evening. And judging from the chat…
Word had spread about what she'd accidentally shown off last night. And people were appreciating her having already taken off her hoodie. They were hoping for another show, which made Chiaki blush.
That wasn't her intention at all! She just knew how hot her room would get while she played Miu's game.
Whatever. Maybe this would mean she'd get more donations. At least let her get something from this shitty game.
She booted up the game, and leaned back in her chair as it loaded, watching the chat chug along.
The viewers were, well, horny was probably the word for it. They were already clamoring for her to undo a button or many, show off more of the cleavage that was hidden behind her tight shirt.
She blushed as she read the mix of lewd compliments and requests. The chat was apparently solidly empowered by its anonimity, and didn't hesitate to speak its mind.
"This isn't that kind of stream, you p-perverts." She mumbled, only to prompt a ding from her computer.
"Thank you for the dona-" Chiaki cut herself off as she read the message attached to the donation.
"We may be perverts, but we are perverts with money."
What an awful line. But a truthful one, it seemed. Chiaki blinked when she saw the amount that had just been sent.
100$. Just like that. Chiaki had made a hundred dollars for doing basically nothing. She blinked again, her mouth opening again to say, what? She didn't know. 
Thankfully, her game finished loading at that moment, beginning to play the music she'd so grown to hate.
She felt herself frowning immediately, before settling in her seat, her brand-new controller in hand.
People who'd liked Chiaki swearing yesterday found themselves eating good tonight.
Playing this game wasn't fun. But she wanted to win. Badly.
- - -
"Goddamnit." The gamer girl bit out as her avatar fell through another platform. She ignored the jeers from her chat once again as she restarted all the way back to level one.
She'd reached a point where she could semi-consistently make her way to level 2, but progress was slow. But slow progress was still progress as Chiaki somehow managed to claw her way to the end of level 2.
Her computer was still chugging, prompting Chiaki to undo a couple of buttons from her shirt to try and survive the heat.
The couple of donations it earned her didn't hurt either.
A chat grabbed her attention amongst the deluge somehow.
'Maybe you should stick to showing off your tits instead of playing games lmao' someone said, making Chiaki's eyes do a double take.
Just in time for her character to run into an invisible enemy.
Died. Again. Because of that asshole.
And the screen flashed again, and that stupid fucking music somehow got even louder, grating against Chiaki’s ears, against her fucking thoughts-
Chiaki grit her teeth, clenched her fists tightly enough that the plastic of the controller creaked under her fingers, though she could barely hear it over the music, the flashes, and the avalanche of chatters-
She breathed in, trying to calm back down, but all it did was send a shot of oxygen into the fire of her anger, immediately burning away the familiar voice in her heart trying to convince her to be the bigger person.
"FUCKING GODDAMNIT! YOU MISOGYNISTIC PIECE OF SHIT!" Chiaki screamed, throwing her controller atop her bed, where it landed with a wholly unsatisfying poomf. She stood up, making her chair roll away behind her as she dove onto her keyboard.
It was a matter of seconds to find the chat again, not hesitating a moment to pull up his profile.
This dumb motherfucker.
"I should just stick to showing off my tits, Theo? Why, so you can jack off your needle dick? How about you stick to being a useless little CUCK! Think about that the next time you look up my stream before touching your microdick!" Chiaki yelled, before banning the chatter, to the jeers and applause of her audience.
She panted once she'd done so, her chest heaving with exertion, sweat running down her forehead and back.
She- had never gotten this angry. Ever.
And she felt great.
There was a gigantic weight that had suddenly lifted itself from her chest, and she fell back in her chair with a smile on her face.
No, not a smile- There was a satisfaction, a slight edge of sadism that pierced through, making it appear as a wholly uncharacteristic smirk.
She blinked when her computer dinged again, announcing a new donation.
‘Im sorry please unban me’
By Th3oK1ll3r.
Chiaki giggled slightly, which quickly turned into a chuckle, and then full-bellied laughter.
She could just imagine Theo’s fucking face as he sent her his hard-earned cash, dick forgotten in hand as he begged pathetically for some of her attention.
A small nugget of pity welled up inside of her momentarily, but she crushed it mercilessly, aided by the music and the lights that were still flashing for some reason, despite Chiaki no longer playing.
She sat up in her chair.
“You think your pocket change is gonna make me unban you? That might be enough to pay your mom for a night, but I’m not a whore like her. How about you either put your money where your mouth is or get the fuck off my stream, Baby Dick?” Chiaki declared mockingly, leaning to the side to pick up her controller once more.
She took a moment to breathe as she did. Her heart was pounding like crazy, and she couldn’t get her smile off her face. Again, that annoying, nagging voice came around to try and make her apologize for lambasting the anonymous viewer, but the catchy tune quickly drowned it out once more.
The shitty loop was at least good for something, Chiaki had to admit. She might have to put it on her phone or something.
She rose back up, controller in hand when she heard another ding. 
Th3oK1ll3r, with another 5,00$.
She made sure not to even acknowledge it, much to the derision of her chat.
Instead, she began playing once more, a smirk still pulling at her lips as she did.
The weight her angry release had freed her from hadn’t yet returned and didn’t seem eager to do so either.
Chiaki’s Ultimate Challenge had never tasted so sweet than with Theo’s desperate donations ringing every so often in her ears, and by the time she left the stream, she told Theo she’d think about unbanning him.
Over the next several streams, Chiaki’s viewers were greeted with the fruit of Theo’s money, not to mention all the other desperate donors that had grown to follow the Ultimate Gamer.
Maybe after a few more hundred dollars.
- - -
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Chiaki had been so happy with herself, so light after that fateful stream, she’d been eager to embrace this newfound mentality of hers.
Gone were the pastel sweaters and oversized clothes. Instead, tight black clothes that made her pale skin pop and her curves all the more pronounced were practically painted on, not to mention the actual paint on her face. Her top revealed an ocean of cleavage deep enough to drown in.
“More than enough to completely swallow the cocklet of any of my viewers…” Chiaki mumbled to herself, pulling at the rim of her tank top and revealing even more skin.
She was still gaming, but she was only paying half attention to the game, instead focusing much more closely on the chat, scanning the influx of new messages with the eyes of a hawk, waiting for her prey to present itself.
And soon enough, a baby-dicked virgin appeared, eager to try and act confident online where no one knew just how much of a cuck they were in real life.
‘How about you stop pretending and actually take off your top?’
Like a lioness pouncing on a gazelle, Chiaki pivoted towards her second monitor, pulling up the user who’d dared speak up.
“Oh, I should stop pretending, AnimeLov3r? Maybe you should stop pretending this isn’t the first time you’ve spoken to a girl in months, and shut the fuck up! Here, I’ll help you out. You’re banned for a week! Take that time to get out of your coomer cave and go talk to a girl other than your mom! Though if that’s too hard for you, just stay here, jacking off your needledick to a girl who’ll never give you the time of day!”
Immediately, Chiaki felt the music’s pounding grow even heavier in her ears, and the pink flashes made her eyes flutter in pleasure. Her thighs squeezed tightly together, rubbing against her core as she rode the high of newfound sadism.
She found that the annoying voice from before was now almost completely gone. Or rather, it had changed its tune somewhat.
‘Who gives a shit what I say to stupid fucking simps? All they’re good for is sending me their check every month. Perverts probably get off to the insults too, like the masochistic betas they are.’
Chiaki found this new train of thought much more agreeable. It fit in quite well with the flashy pink decor and the background music that never quite seemed to go away…
Chiaki blinked rapidly as she heard the doorbell ring.
She felt her heart pick up the pace, her cheeks heating up slightly, a genuine smile stretching her lips.
She’d invited Hakime to come visit her today. After multiple months of procrastinating and hesitating, the two teenagers constantly rocking on the edge of actually becoming a couple, it seemed the Regular Course Student had taken Chiaki’s new wardrobe and attitude as the invitation it was when it came to real men, unlike her army of simps.
And now, he was going to help her branch out in her career.
“Okay losers, my boyfriend just got here. He’s actually got a dick worth something unlike the rest of you, and he’ll be using it to fuck me all night long, so stream’s over.”
That said, Chiaki ‘forgot’ to turn the stream off, and left the room, making sure the webcam got a great view of her ass swaying under her tight skirt as she did.
No doubt the way Hajime would make her scream would make for a great publicity stunt for her burgeoning OnlyFans to all of her cuck viewers who would stick around and masturbate to what a real man was capable of.
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jane-crow · 6 months
yes i am putting tws for this post because IT IS required in context of everything im about to dump onto you crows
(putting the tws here to just to be safe. TW: g0re,mention cann1bal1sm(trying to get someone to do that),kn1v3s sui implied and l0ss of a b0dy part)
with that out of the way lets get into the oc rant :D
so- just fair warning- i did change some things around in the cannon lore but its not a full COMPLETE change- but you'll see what i mean later on SO- oh and also caines a tiny bit of a dick- BUT unintentionally because i think he just doesnt realize what hes doing is wrong (at least in this aus context but maybe also within the cannon au)
in my au- vortex has been there the longest INSTEAD of kinger- but kinger has been there the second longest. vortex has been in the circus for 20 years (since they were 7 btw and yes this was intention of me) and caine wasnt perpared for humans he tended to leave vortex alone a lot
AND THUS before the group we all know and loved showed up a unlucky group of seven people showed up- think of the group as pomni but worse. the group wouldnt really listen to vortex when it came to the circus so they all tended to avoid vortex/stay in there rooms- which led to all seven abstracting- one by one and vortex having to watch it happen. so of course- caine wasnt around so vortex was stuck waiting for caine to appear while trying to survive abstractions- WHICH THEY DID HURRAY- but they didnt go without getting injuries (im not going into detail on said injuries- at least not by much-) which ties in with his design- SO
"vortex was almost all black..with their teeth being white,the tips of there hair having color- red,blue,green and purple,their eyes having color- one being blue the other being orange. and their tail- which the tip had some red on it followed by other colors. their body was covered in scars. their face,tail,back,arms and legs had scars."
"vortex DID have clothes..but- they were always hard to makes out. the clothes they were (forcably) given were a black tanktop,a flannel which had very few hints of color. the color being a few hints of red here and there. same with the shorts expect they had hints of green instead. they had boots were more of a black-ish grey-ish color"
moving on-
so- you may or may not have already assumed vortex isnt the biggest fan of caine BUT DONT WORRY I HAVE ONE MORE POINT TO PROVE AS TO WHY THEY DONT- so vortex was kind of a "test subject" for caine right? (not a literal one because- its a digital place-)soo- caine put the virus in vortex to see how much humans can take in the circus (mentally of course) which resulted in vortex having glitching episodes! and eventually- the glitch became sentiant just because of how attached it was to vortexs code at this point- and you'll never believe it buuutt- it wants vortex to eat the members of the circus- huuurraaay- moving on- because were sort of coming back to that.
how i imagine the circus is- its like a show but it has its own spin off game- and as for the show i imagine that like within the cannon universe people can like literally watch what these characters are doing so i like to imagine they all have acts- and the rooms they have are decorated by said act they do. unforunatly- vortex being the test subject he is- doesnt have an act so..what does his room look like?? well-
"vortexs room was pretty empty compared to the others rooms. they had a bed,a desk and a closet. that was about it for things that were in there. they had some random plushies that they had found around the circus while they were alone. they also had a projector with a remote to change colors. he tends to keep it blue and red along with the green dots which represent stars. the project itself was meant to represent the northern lights. there room was also dimly lit just because he tended to find the circus overwhelming. the colors were always to much for her whenever she decided to explore the circus."
one silly fact before i go back to the glitch- since vortex doesnt have an act he likes to watch all of the other members preform and hehehehe. soo- you know pomnis eyes in that one scene where she sees her door? think of that but for vortexs eyes- but not as wide yk? and i like to imagine that their tail is gently wagging and me and my freind made a joke that the camera thats recording the circus members acts just pans to vortex and vortex is just like "..oh heey-" and awkwardly leaves somewhere else lmao
OK BEFORE WE OFFICAL GO BACK TO THE GLITCH- the glitch does have a design
"the glitch is basically an all green looking entity. it has a few other colors here and there but it was mostly green otherwise."
anyway- so. since the glitch is- VERY relentless when it comes to vortex it just keeps telling them to- y'know eat people. but eventually one day vortex had enough of the glitch and- cut their arm off. BUTTT DONT FREAT- they get a prosthetic made by our favorite silly jester (midheard this again on a call with a friend when they actually said their oc lmao)
oh one last thing. you wanna get rid of that glitch? well good luck- you cant do it without whipping vortexs memories- so basically a hard reset.
OH AND- vortex (since they were alone for so long) has this like tent where they put a bunch of stuff they collected while being in the circus- and yes there is a lot of shit in that tent- trust me
WELL THATS ALL OF THE IMPORTANT STUFF- FACT LIST TIIIMMEEE (some of the facts i already typed out but shhh. also this is where the kn1f3 tw comes into play- its the VERY last fact. also the su1 implicantion. I ONLY CALL IT IMPLICATION SINCE YOU CANT DIE OFFICALLY IN THE CIRCUS FROM WHAT I UNDERSTAND. if you want to change it to attempt instead dont hesitate to ask ^^)
-vortex can bypass the swear filter only because he was the test subject for the digital circus so caine didnt put that into her code
-vortex has a fear of abstractions because a group of seven people came and all seven abstracted. he also had to see queenie abstract
-when people first see vortex when they hear about abstractions they think shes abstracting 
-they have scars from abstraction attacks
-hes scared to get close to anybody in the circus (unless he already got close to them) 
-they dont really trust caine
-hes explored the circus so many times out of boredom
-the fake exit triggered her abstraction trauma
-her tail wags when she gets any sort of affection (headpats,hugging,hand holding ect)
-showed up alone BUT a group of seven others came and abstracted
-vortexs nickname is air because bobbin (a friends oc) and bubble make bnb so- with vortex having the nickname air its airbnb
-voidy. just- voidy.
-uhhh vortex once had a bad glitching episode- SO BAD that they stabbed himself- and they are very ashamed of it because his mind wasnt clear- and she wasnt in to much control anyway
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welcometomyfloor · 2 years
Ridonculous Race Season 2, Team: The Rivalry Twins
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Okay, so it's been more than a month since I posted The Jocks' team info post but you'll ain't paying me to make this so... \/(-_-)\/
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And, once again, swimsuit sketch-ies because I wanted to.
(Also, I tried a new way of rendering after hating the way I did it the first two times and kinda like it. Idk, I'm currently on one of my "art style journey" kicks so I can't guarantee all these '#TDRR Season 2' pics will look cohesive with one another.)
Notes on the Original and Modified Character Designs:
I'm head-cannoning them both at 5'4" because it just makes sense to me.
I think their hair is naturally blonde and not bleached (not important, just an idea I had.)
Okay, so as you can see, neither Sammy or Amy are wearing their "cheer" uniforms (more on why I say "cheer" in the next bulletin point) and that's because I think it's weird that they wear them in Pahkitew. That being said, I spent much more time on Sammy's outfit than I did with Amy's, and I'm at peace with that.
Back to the "cheer" thing, I re-watched TDPI and checked the Total Drama Fan Wiki and (to my knowledge) nowhere where Amy and Sammy explicitly said to be cheerleaders. And, honesty, it was the Go-Go Boots that tipped me off to making this discovery. From both personal experience and some research, high school cheerleaders don't wear those. But, do you know who does wear Go-Go Boots and look similar to cheerleaders? The marching band front line. So, despite me putting them in different outfits anyways, I'm gonna say they're in flag line and not cheerleaders.
Our girl on the right hand side (for both the team picture and swimsuit sketch-ies) aka, the little lady with the pony tale.
First and foremost, lets be clear, we love and respect Sammy on this blog and will not be personally referring to her as 'Samey". (She will be tagged as that and some characters will call her that in the fic, but she will not be referred to as 'Samey" outside of that context.)
I generally just wanted to make her look like a semi-outcaste and possibly Sapphic athletic girl. So, her outfit is pretty basic, it's just a white crop top with colored stripes on the sleeves, some high-waisted jean shorts, and red sneakers. And, yes, I know wearing a black sports bra under a white shirt is a bad idea but I really liked the aesthetic of it so some practicality went out the window. It's my redesign, I can put whatever clothes I want on her.
I decided to make their swimsuits almost identical (hardy-har-har, I know) the most important difference for Sammy's outfit being that the bikini bottoms are tied in bows on the side. (Because... she's the nice twin... get it... she's the sweet one so she has bows... I will not apologize for being a genius. /hj)
If you didn't figure it out already, she's the one on the left (in both pictures) aka the one with her hair down.
I got rid of the mole because 1. I don't like it and 2. the blueberry thing was dumb and made me hate it more.
I was tempted to put Amy in a revised flag line uniform but four years of marching band has told me that she wouldn't be able to do that without getting seriously scolded. So, I just put her in an off the shoulder fitted red belly shirt and some black short-shorts. Definitely something that would get her sent home from school but I doubt Amy would care about that. I wanted to keep some semblance of her old design with the inclusion of the white pumps, and the necklaces are just there for fun. She's also wearing nylons because she's that kind of bitch.
Her bikini is a brighter, more obnoxious shade of red because she's the worst... enough said.
Team Dynamic and Background Information for Ridonculous Race Season 2:
It's been about a year since Pahkitew was recorded and the twins are now 17, going into their senior year of highschool. Life hasn't changed much since the show aired as their parents where already aware of Amy's toxic behavior and have done nothing about it. Sammy has invested most of her free-time into applying to whatever college gets her as far away from Amy as possible.
They're both come back with the intention of spending the money in regards to college, I'll be it in their own ways. Sammy wants to become a preschool teacher (again, it just feels right) and Amy wants to... not go to college and get a standard job. They come from an upper-middle class family but mommy and daddy have made it clear that they're not paying for their daughters' lifestyles after they graduate.
Their dynamic hasn't really changed much as Sammy has reverted back to coping with Amy's abuse by yielding to it (and therefore making herself less of a target.) However, the competition is going to strip Sammy of many of her "saving graces", those mostly being: alone time and contact with whatever allies she may have. Since she isn't going to have much of a break from her sister's constant bullying, it's only a matter of time until Sammy cracks under the pressure. At the same time, Amy isn't going to let Sammy quit or otherwise let Sammy hold her back from winning. Amy, despite her many faults, is a fierce competitor and above all, values being perceived as "the best".
(This ones for all of you who hated the fact that no-one, other than Jasmine, sided with Sammy, because so did I.) Anyways, as this is Ridonculous Race and not the normal Total Drama survivor inspired show, Don will obviously be hosting. And Don, unlike Chris, is a semi-rational human being with a working moral compass. So, if it's any consolation, Don will be calling Amy out for being a piece of shit to her sister (along with some other contestants). You're welcome.
Personal Life Head-Cannon Speed Round:
They are primarily of Dutch and Welsh decent.
Their parents got together when their mom was fresh out of highschool and their dad was entering the workforce after college. They married and had the girls relatively young, the father being a successful businessman and their mom acting as a house wife.
They go to a private all-girls Catholic school (not because their family is religious, but because it's a good school) and live in Victoria, Canada.
Full name is Samantha Lee Baker.
She's a lesbian (my source is literally "my brain said so" so take that as you will).
She is apart of her high school track-and-field and volleyball team, both of which she excels in far more than flag line.
Although she is not exactly popular, Sammy does maintain a social life with a small group of friends. I imagine them being fellow social rejects and closeted LGBTQ+ kids that all eat lunch in the bandroom together. Amy doesn't like when Sammy has sleepovers but thankfully she has that one no-nonsense friend that isn't afraid to tell Amy to "fuck off".
She doesn't actually have hard time making friends. What she really has a problem with is overthinking about whether people like her or not.
Full name is Amanda Rose Baker.
She's flag line captain and takes a lot of pride in it (even though some favoritism was definitely at play. It's the kind of thing everyone knows about but are too scared to speak up on.)
She also does both volleyball and track-and-field with Sammy, but is reluctant to admit to the latter since her sister is better at it. (The two are pretty well matched in the case of volleyball.)
She doesn't actually know what she wants to do with her life and instead defaults to an arrogant "I'm going to do it all" attitude when questioned about it.
She also doesn't have much of a life outside of her extracurricular activities, which is one of the main reasons she takes soo much pride in being flag line captain. Her friendships are primarily shallow as she is abusive to people in general and (naturally) has a hard time maintaining relationships in which she has exposed her true nature.
I'm not giving her a head-cannoned sexuality because I don't like her and I don't care.
What's Next for Ridonculous Race Season 2?
I will be moving this summer, July 16th actually, and getting a full-time job so I am going to be busy. I will try my best to post these as regularly as I can but, as I said in my last TDRR Season 2 post, I am just one person and this project is pretty big. Please be patient with me.
The next team should seem a bit familiar, I have posted concept sketches of them before. One of them is a preexisting canon character but has never competed on TD and may be someone you are not expecting. Regardless, I hope you like them, I think they're going to be very fun to write. :)
If you have ANY suggestions or ideas for this project, please feel free to share them with me. I would love to hear them and if I do end up using you're concepts, I will credit you.
Thank you to the people who have supported this project so far, it means soo much to me! I hope you all have a lovely day!
~Nessa Rose~
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enderpearlgirl1005 · 1 year
The New Rainbow Squads Book 1
Chapter 1 The First Squad part 1
It was an average day in a very nice city known as Springfield. However, there was something up. A new family had just moved in as the father got a new job in Springfield. While the father was happy to have a new job, the kids weren't happy as they didn't want to move. The mother looked over to her middle daughter as she was bridging a box into the house. Her daughter Hannah was sitting on the stairs with a sad, dejected look on her face. Her mother pushed her daughter's purple hair out of her face getting Hannah's attention.
"Hey Hannah are you OK sweetie?" The mother asked gently.
"No mom, I'm not! I didn't want to move nor did Lilly, let alone Danie!," Hannah said clearly very upset.
"I know you didn't want to move but we had no other choice. After all, your father got a good job here and you know how badly he needed one." The mother explained.
Hannah sighed before saying "yeah I know we were struggling with money after he lost his old one but did it have to be so far away. I want to be with my old friends and my old school."
"I know sweetie, but hey, look on the bright side. Your new school doesn't have uniforms so that means that we can go out and get you a new wardrobe." The mother tried reassuring Hannah.
"Yeah, that does sound good, but still I miss my old friends back home." Hannah said less than reassured.
"I know, but you'll adjust here. Now why don't you go and unpack your stuff?" the mother asked.
"Ok mom I will." Hannah groaned.
After a week had passed, Hannah woke up to the sound of her alarm going off next to her bed. She whined a little as she pressed the dismiss button and grudgingly got out of bed. She looked around in her new room, which was on the second floor. There was a window right next to her bed and a door on the other side of her room. She also had a wardrobe on the left side of her room and a computer on a desk on the right side. Even if she has her own room there isn't much privacy as her room is in between her brothers and sisters rooms.
Hannah went up to her wardrobe and picked out an outfit to wear to school. She settled for a white V-neck T-shirt, a purple skirt with a red trim at the bottom, her favorite pair of red boots, and a jacket that had the red and purple color scheme as well. After changing she left her room and went down the L shaped staircase to the comfy kitchen that smells of eggs and bacon, for breakfast.
When she arrived she saw her father was dressed for work and was quickly finishing up his breakfast so he could get to work on time. Her mother was cooking some more bacon and scrambled eggs. Her big brother was already eating some waffles and her little sister was eating some of the bacon and eggs that their mother had already made. Hannah sat down right in between her older brother and little sister and waited for her breakfast to be ready.
"Oh, Hannah, you're up. That's good. Your breakfast will be ready in just a moment," Mother said, while finishing up what she was cooking.
"Ok, Mom," Hannah said quite dismissively, still sad about the move.
After breakfast Hannah and her siblings left for the new school. The school was called Springfield Consolidated and was designed in a way that the elementary, middle, and High School were all connected together. The High school had the largest student population as it offered a variety of tentacle classes. This brought in many kids from all around Springfield to attend the school.
Lilly would be going to middle school, while Hannah would be starting her freshman year in high school and her brother would be a junior. After the three siblings went inside the school building they split to find their first classes of the day. Hannah had managed to find her class with the help of some teachers.
"OK class, we have a new student today. This is Hannah and she moved here about a week ago. Hannah, is there something you'd like to say to the class?" the teacher asked politely.
"Yes, there is. I'm Hannah. I'm originally from the countryside which was rather quiet. I like watching anime, playing video games, and I'm quite nervous about making new friends in a new environment," Hannah explained a bit timidly as she was nervous about how everyone would think of her.
"That's rather nice. I know it can be scary moving to a new place but don't worry you'll adjust here in the city," the teacher explained, trying to help Hannah feel better.
Hannah just nodded her head not wanting to say any more as she was rather nervous by all the other kids in the room looking at her.
"Ok now is there a free desk for Hannah here to sit at?" the teacher asked while looking around for a free desk.
"Hey, Miss Smith, the desk in front of me is free,'' a boy with green hair, a puffy green vest, black gamer shirt, gray shorts, and green sneakers said.
"Oh, thank you Jake. Go on Hannah and take a seat," Miss Smith said.
"Oh, ok thanks," Hannah said then took her seat.
When she sat down Jake started whispering something to her, "Hey, you like video games? I like them."
"Oh, you do?" Hannah asked.
"Yeah, I have games from Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox, and Steam, I spend a lot of my free time playing them. I do have board games as well and I play them with my family. I also do gardening as a game free hobby," Jake explained to her in a hurried whisper.
"Wow, it must be a lot of fun," Hannah said before turning her attention to Miss Smith as she started the lesson.
Later on Hannah was heading up to the cafeteria when suddenly someone grabbed her by the sleeve of her jacket and slammed her right into a locker.
When she looked she saw a group of boys with tattoos, piercings, and the same leather jackets facing her.
"Just as I thought, she still has that new kid smell and that countryside stink, but hey she might have some cash on her," the one who was holding her arm said.
"Um pardon me but who arr- Ouch!" Hannah was saying but was interrupted when the boy slammed her harder against the locker.
"Don't talk to me, country girl. Just give me your money and I'll leave," the boy spat at her.
"I-I need it for my lunch though," Hannah stammered out, scared by the boy, and hurting from the pressure on her arm.
She was running late so all the other students were already in the cafeteria so none of them knew what was going on.
"Like I care at all,!" He hissed.
"Just give me the cash and me and my boys will consider not beating you up," the boy said threateningly, while spit landed on her face.
"Well Mark, look at what you're doing picking on the new girl, how original," a girl's voice said sarcastically.
Mark and his boys looked at the girl. Hannah saw a girl with curly black hair, with a black dress with a Gothic skull on the front of it, a white jacket, and black shoes.
"Hey Jane, back out of this unless you have some money on you," Mark said.
"Oh well I just came to tell you boys that the study club is taking over the gym today so you guys will have to practice wrestling outside," Jane said calmly.
"WHAT NO! NO NERDS ARE KICKING US OUT OF THE GYM! COME ON, BOYS LET'S GO TELL COACH,!" Mark exclaimed before throwing Hannah against the locker and running off in the direction of the gym. His friends all followed him and once they were gone Jane came up to Hannah and helped her up.
"Thanks for the help," Hannah thanked a bit out of breath from being thrown around.
"Hey, I could stand by and let those jerks hurt you. It's typical of them to pick on the new kids. A few had even transferred because of them," Jane explained as she dusted off Hannah's jacket.
"Well, thanks again for the help Jane. I'll just go get my lunch and find a table to sit at," Hannah said a bit sad as she felt like she didn't have any friends in this new world of hers.
"Hey, why don't you sit at the table where I sit with my friends." Jane suggested.
"Oh really?" Hannah asked, surprised at the offer.
"Yeah, come on. We welcome anyone and you're new so we'd love it if you'd join us," Jane said while leading Hannah into the cafeteria.
After they got their lunches the two girls went up to a table that had six others sitting there. Hannah saw that Jake was there playing a video game rapidly. She also saw a girl with pink hair up in a bun, a pink t-shirt with the words "I ❤ ponies" on it, a magenta hoodie wrapped around her waist looking over Jake's shoulder watching what he was playing.
Hannah also saw a boy with bottle orange hair with a ponytail up, working on something. He was wearing an orange T-shirt with a graph galaxy picture on it, he was also wearing a classic white lab coat and had protective rubber gloves on as well, along with thick framed glasses that were black with a green line. He also had an average build that would let him blend in a crowd of other teens.
There was another boy with yellow hair in a bold cut who was watching something on his phone. He was wearing a yellow hoodie that had a picture of a 4k digital cinema camera on it, baggy gray cargo pants, and yellow shoes. Sitting next to that boy was a girl who was drawing. She had light blue hair that was in a ponytail. She was wearing a long sleeve shirt that was white in the middle while the sleeves were light blue. She coordinated her hair with a white and light blue striped beanie.
The sixth student at the table was leaning back in his chair with headphones on. He had black skin, sunglasses on, a leather jacket that looked like the sleeves were ripped off, and brown boots. His hair was crowned from his forehead to the nap of his neck with a purple mohawk. He had a more muscular build than the other boys at the table.
"Hey guys, I found a new member of our club,'' Jane said.
"Oh, you guys are a club?" Hannah asked, surprised.
"Oh no, we're not, well not on school terms. Outside of school we do what you could call bonding time. We're all so different that we can't think of a name for a club, so we didn't form one, but students think we're one as they see us hanging out all the time after school. Oh, and I'm Ed," the orange haired boy apparently named Ed said.
"Well it's nice to meet you Ed. Who are the rest of you by the way?" Hannah asked.
"Oh, well you've already met Jake, the pink haired girl is Jenny, the yellow guy is Josh, the light blue girl is Lila, and I'm Erick, Jane's boyfriend." The guy with the mohawk explained.
"Oh well nice to meet you all and I'm glad to be a part of your group now. After dealing with some jerks in the hallway earlier I'm glad to meet some nice students in the school," Hannah said gratefully then sat down and began eating her lunch along with her new friends.
After school Hannah was walking home alone as her older brother and little sister were staying at school for a little while because they wanted to join some clubs. As she was walking she saw an old woman who seemed to be begging for money. Seeing this Hanna realized that there were indeed some homeless people in such a nice city she'd read about before moving.
As Hannah went up to her, the old woman begged, "Please dear, do you have any spare change to give?"
"Oh yes I do... here, hope it helps,'' Hannah said while handing the old lady some spare change she had.
"Thank you, young lady. Here, take this necklace. It's a good luck charm. I hope it'll help you out in the future," the old lady said while handing Hannah a necklace with a red gem.
"Oh, thank you miss, that's really kind of you. I hope you'll be ok," Hannah said before she continued on her way back home.
The old woman smiled as she watched Hannah leave. "I have a feeling that she is indeed the one who will save us all," The old woman inaudibly said to herself.
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kitsunefyuu · 1 year
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Why did I make Izuku good with clothing design? I like fashion but how the heck am I supposed to have him help design stuff?
Mistakes were made but this is a bed I have to lie in. So going to write down vague idea of his 'alterations' to canon design.
Outfit Redesigns by Birdcage!Izuku:
-Izuku's outfit was originally like the canon's first one pre-game and dad offered to make one. He refused but did accept the critic that it kind of defenseless. So he has altered and changed it constantly over the years with his experience with different outfits and clothing. It was now darker in color because One; he was embarrassed by how bright it looked (All Might) and it wasn't flattering on him when tested the colors with some fabric. So settled for dark colors which are slimming without standing out so much, this results in his first uniform being kind of a black bunny. But with slightly more armor on his feet and legs since uses super speed and rants to avoid breaking his legs. Also because of his power, he isn't sure if can wear gloves but he settled for fingerless gloves with the center of his palm a bit 'exposed'. Better safe than sorry.
-Shoto first outfit (The half ice guy) got accidentally 'overhauled' by Izuku being highly critical and forgetting this was his friend's costume, not his. Shoto didn't mind since was flattered he thought so hard for him. It is imagined with a thermal regulator on his back to help him cool down or warm up. No half-ice-looking nonsense he got some boots for better traction. It is still close to canon later designs since simple is best since it is risk of burns or freezing.
-Ochaco costume was modified a bit. It was mostly because her ideas were vague and all he did was clarify it a bit. Made them platform shoes for cushion and still pink. His outfit still tight tho, because The reason you would want it skin tight is for the same reason acrobats wear them! It less air resistance especially if you going up or dropping you want the least amount of drag! But ends up sounding like he wants her in skin tight and he awkwardly tries to brush it over.
-Iida keeps his design because that's his family and already has a design. Izuku likes it as it fits the family of heroes theme!
-Me enjoying the slice of life because they deserve some treats. Yes, he's a 'traitor' but he needs some happiness before it turns on it head. And Bakugou definitely going to play a role for sure.
-Shoto getting jealous and smitten while Izuku baffled is going to be a running gag it feels like. Not as a mean thing just a thing to show how neither know how to deal with emotions. Especially when had almost a year of just dealing with each other. It's fun.
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neon-pink-witch · 2 years
some light hearted johnny/(your)v questions for you!
which apartment do they like the most in NC?
has v altered any of their habits to benefit johnny i.e. picked up smoking?
how comforting is johnny when v's in a bad spot? and what is johnny's love language?
Firat off I'm so sorry this took so long so answer. Going to be answering these with Victrena in mind because Seven is technically not a "V" if that makes sense?
V and Johnny stay mostly in Watson. I have Seven and Victrena in the same universe so both the Japantown apartment and Copro Plaza apartments are already taken by Seven and Molly respectively. For V the Watson apartment is familiar. Everything around them is changing and falling apart but goddamn if that Megabuilding shit hole one thing that stays the same. V does enjoy the Northside apartment because the bed is right by the door through. Easy to just fall right into even if the place does smell a bit like mildew.
Yes! And I'm so happy to talk about this! V was a corpo bitch starting out and she never really shock that off when it came to fashion. High heels, skirts and tight dresses that really did not look like something a merc would wear. Longer hair but still a very feminine style. She also didn't smoke. After getting her brainworm, V slowly loses interest in those things. Its a slow process but over time her dresses and skirts and high heels started getting dust on them in favor of more masculine clothing. Darker colors, long pants, boots seem to be more of their favor now. She does still dress feminine but not at all like before. Feminine now means tiny shorts that barely cover her ass and cut off tank tops. Maybe its the Relic slowly rewriting her brain to better suit Johnny? Maybe they are just finally feeling more comfortable to dress in things that aren't designer. V isn't totally sure but at this point? She doesn't question it. She did end take up smoking but that was just to stop Johnny from whining about while her fashion choices just kind of happened without an input from either of them.
The thing about V is she's a softie at heart. She's way more sensitive than she lets which sucks given her line of work. Comforting her can be tricky at first because it takes a bit for her to let her guard down and open up about the problem. Luckily for Johnny, he's in their head so in a way, he gets to skip that part. Johnny does his best to comfort V and he'd like to think he's good at it. Sometimes she just wants held or someone to talk to. Its just a matter of breaking through that shell and getting her talk if that's what she needs. If she's not wanting to through, Johnny just hangs out and tries to remind that her that she's not alone and that he's here. That whole "asshole rockstart" thing got tiring about 50 years back and V is extremely happy that they went from Johnny bashing her face into a window to Johnny petting her hair to help her sleep.
Now this was the question I really had to think about because I don't really understand how love languages work. If I'm understanding them I would say maybe acts of service? This is a Soft!Johnny who learned from his past and has picked up V's sensitive side as well. He hates seeing her sad and does his best to cheer her up in his own way. Like I said I don't really understand love languages even after looking it up but I feel as though for this Johnny, acts of service probably fit the best.
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serenityiskey · 2 years
Winds of Change (Warning: potential spoilers)
"I think that will do it for tonight. Remember, we have test number three next Monday and it will cover the last three chapters that we discussed this month. I put the study guide up on the website, so I expect great marks from you all." Eddie spoke with a raised brow at his students as they packed their things to leave the classroom. To answer your question, dear reader, yes, Eddie did graduate high school. Not only did he get his high school diploma, He went to college and managed to get his doctorate degree in Game Design and mathematics. You see, after Eddie and the others came back after defeating Vecna, Eddie took his predicament as a wakeup call to stop fumbling around and seize the day.
"Dr. Munson, why did you decide to get your degree in Game Design?" one student asked as she looked up from putting her binder in her backpack. "I didn't originally plan on getting a degree at all actually" Eddie laughed as he leaned back in his office chair with his black curly hair tied back into a low ponytail "I used to think that I would never make it this far and I would have ended up in prison like my father." he shrugged and put his leather boots on his desk and he smiled softly as he looked at his old tattoos that were covered by his black button up that he often wore to teach. "I was a rather reckless and rambunctious kid" he chuckled as he remembered his high school days "I would sell common party drugs behind the high school and I was often made fun of just because I did not conform to the rest of the community's agenda of the white picket fence life. I wasn't that far off from what they wanted, I had a chain linked fence instead of a wooden one." The student smiled as she listened to her professor's words. "You were involved in the Hawkins Earthquake weren't you?" she asked as she sat back down in her desk and listened to the rest of his story. "I was, and I actually played a rather unfair part in it too. When the mysterious murders were happening, they blamed me for them just because they already thought of me as the town satanist and freak." Eddie nodded and played with his skull ring. "But you're nothing at all like that. Were people really that mean back then?" she exclaimed and Eddie looked at her with a soft smile "Every single person of this earth can have the nicest clothes and the brightest smile, but it will never be enough to cover up their hatred for the little guys."
The student nodded and she smiled as she stood up. "I appreciate the story, I just always found you to be really.. interesting because you're nothing like the other professors." Eddie laughed at this and he stood up before grabbing his shoulder bag and he walked to the door "And I will never be like them either, kid, no one is meant to be like the person next to them. we wouldn't have personalities if we all looked and acted the same." The student nodded and she looked at him with intrigued eyes before putting her back on your shoulders "That's true, I never thought about it that way. See you later, Dr. Munson"
Eddie waved and said goodbye before going to his bike with a sigh as he sat on the seat and leaned on the handlebars as he looked at the pictures of the rest of the Hellfire club throughout the years with a smile. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas had started their sophomore year of college, and Erika had just entered her senior year of high school. What happened to Gareth and Jeff? Gareth had finally gotten married and is expecting their second baby by June. As for Jeff, Jeff now runs his own music label company called "Hellfire Records" and is one of the top rock music labels in the industry which couldn't make Eddie any prouder of Jeff and Gareth. "I'll forever miss you little lambs" he chuckled to himself as he looked at their high school club photo from 86' and finally locked his phone before starting his motorcycle to go home. Sometimes, the winds of change carry good things to those in need of a new start, and Eddie was one of those in need.
A/N: Sorry for the word vomit! this idea has been BOILING in my mind for days now and I decided that Eddie deserves to prove Hawkins wrong for their judgmental views of him. I really hope you all enjoyed it and thank you for reading!)))))
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Into The Puppet's Circus
Ahem! Tonight...
Today is my birthday, a campfire was set up for my two friends and me so we can tell ghost stories at midnight. I didn't tell my dads that we'd be playing our Mario fangame instead, but I don't think they'll mind it.
"Yo Ann! When we gonna get to that castle ya built?" asked Dan who was impatiently skipping through the levels instead of analyzing them like I asked him to.
"Relax, you'll get there at the speed your deciding to speedrun at mach five" I taunted at him, fixing my strawberry blond space buns.
"You could slow down and enjoy the game instead" said Mike, fixing his glasses innocently.
Dan finally started to slow down his own pace and sat the computer to his side before facing himself forwards toward the screen. At that moment, my dads walked out of the house with the Marshmallows and sticks.
"I thought you kids'd be screamin' Bloody Mary by now." said Pappa.
"Not until I get to your daughter's castle" exclaimed Dan who was still focused on the game.
"Oh? And how many world's left do you have 'til you reach her 'secret' world?" asked Daddy.
That confused Dan while it made me blush in embarrassment.
"They haven't even reached eighteen yet Carol! Let 'em be kids. Besides, for all we know he probably hasn't completed world one." said Papa, handing me the marshmallows and sticks.
"Alright, alright. My bad. Just makin' sure nothing funny happens" said Daddy while being guided back into the house.
"You kids take care" said Papa waving back at us before they both walked inside.
"Ann, why is the game reseting every time I reach one dash four?" asked Dan, turning the computer to me.
I handed Mike the sticks while holding the bag in my mouth before kneeling both to play the game myself, assuming it was just glitching out.
Once I completed the four levels the game did reset, so I went back to quickly fix the code.
" 'Aight, it should be fixed now" I said, turning the computer back to Dan.
I sat right next to him as he played through all four levels, only for the game to reset again.
"Are you kidding me?" I shouted at the game.
Eventually, after multiple attempts of repeating my steps, the game just crashed every time I tried to open it.
"Man, I'm sorry." said Dan.
"No, it's not your fault. My game was working fine this morning. Just go home and get some sleep and I'll call you guys when I fix it." I explained, tears running down my Cheeks.
Dan walk in front of me and then gently lifted my head up. His expression was clearly embarrassed to be face to face with me, but his eye were looking into mine.
"It's gonna be a great game! Don't overwork yourself. 'Aight?" said Dan.
He and Mike then waved back as they walked down the street to their houses.
After putting out the fire and then walking the unopened bag of marshmallows back into a kitchen cabinet, I went to pick up my computer.
Against Dan's comment, I went back into my room to fix the code of my game.
As I open up the file, a random pop-up asked if I wanted to make changes to my computer. Thinking that I simply forgot to update my hardware I quickly clicked yes while laying lazily on my bed. The next image that appeared was of a criminal page. I had lent Daddy the computer for his case since the killer, whose face was on my screen, kicked his into a wall before being shot at.
"Jacklyn the Butcher" read the picture.
I simply closed the tab before my game finally booted up again. But as I took a look at the titlescreen, I noticed it wasn't my game. The sky was pitch black...
Or at least of what I could see from the windows of Peach's Castle. I had originally designed my game to be a 3D collectathon before I made it linear, so I then assumed my game got corrupted by Dan's speedrun.
"Thanks Danny Boy" I mumbled.
I started the game to my playable Bowser. His new moveset was still present so I was able to get moving pretty quickly. While circling around like an idiot, I noticed that I was already inside Peach's Castle. Moving the camera, I eventually spotted a Jack in the Box that resembled a smiling Peach. No eyes, her face slit in half until the crack reached her mouth that had an opening similar to a nutcracker.
It waved at me when I used the first person view. And then it closed its eyes and giggled at me before suddenly snapping my arms to my bed without touching me.
Two Toads sprung out of the floor to cover my screams. Despite that, I could still hear the slamming of the door to my room as my dads tried their best to open it. They had ran up the stairs too late late as my bed started to levitate towards the slowling opening closet that had become a darkened door to the puppet's hidden face.
"Do you hear your parents?" It asked me, looking deep into my eyes as it's mouth raised up and down to the sound of its own words.
"They already took me to my own personal little hell, why don't you join me?" after her last phrase, she lunged straight at me before I kicked her back into the closet from where she came. I then ripped both Toads off of me one by one before throwing them back into that "little hell" with her. My dads finally broke down the door to rush me out of my own room, but not before she came back out to grab Daddy to drag him into the closet. Both Papa and I grasped his arms as she hopped onto his back.
"Ready for my next trick?" she winked at us and giggled as he proceeded to pull him in half, organs flying in her direction.
She then jumped to Papa.
"Run!" He screamed while being torn in half the same way Daddy had died. She quickly cleaned up the bodies an then her face with a napkin before grabbing onto my leg and dragging me into the closet door and then throwing me onto the floor.
"Such a delicate little face. You will make a glorious little toy." she said, gently lifting my head with tears running down my cheeks.
She then rose into the top floor, opening a second closet door and then setting me on the bad.
"Now that your in my world we will get to play an eternal game of hide and seek!"
You will eventually learn to enjoy our little game." she closed her eyes and then slammed the closet shut. When I hurriedly crawled to the door and then opened it, all I could find was a globe playing lullaby music with a clock whose hour hand was moving ever so slowly to the next midnight.
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zennialemo · 2 years
Blacktober Prompt #5: Earth
Jamie waits, leaned against one of the wooden posts that designate the parking lot from the trail they’ve chosen. Technically, the Blue Hills are closed, as it’s long past dusk and far too early for dawn. It makes him a little nervous, to do something that’s against the rules. But May was insistent he needed a little moon magic in his life, to touch grass. So here he is, waiting for her.
He takes a deep breath. Honestly, this is already kind of nice. The crickets sing from every direction, the stars shine bright over head. And there, just behind the edge of the trees a little ways back, is the full moon. 
He turns at the sound of wheels crunching over gravel, squinting and holding a arm up to block the headlights.
The car lights die, and May gets halfway out of the car, smiling ear to ear. “Are you ready!?”
Jamie lifts his leg. “I wore hiking boots and everything.”
May laughs, a loud contagious sound. “I knew you owned stilettos, even ballet flats, but I never thought I’d see you in hiking boots.”
“I,”  He pops a hip out to the right. “Am fabulous in everything.”
“There have never been truer words.”
May is decked out in athletic wear, complete with her own well worn hiking boots. She even has a backpack.
Jamie runs a hand down one of the straps haphazardly. “I thought the trail was short.”
“Ah, but we are two black gays frolicking in the woods.” She winks at him.
Jamie smiles a little. “So we’re getting drunk.”
“Maybe. Never say never. Anyway, shall we?”
They walk quietly. It’s weird. May always has a story, or some fact to share. But, Jamie reminds himself, this is spiritual for her. She looks a little otherworldly under the intermittent light of the moon. Dark brown skin glowing in the moonlight and hiding in the dark shade of the trees. It’s like she’s one with the nature around them.
“Doing okay?”
He’s pulled from his thoughts when she turns to meet his glace. He nods. “It’s not as difficult as I thought it would be.”
She grins. “Told you all that biking you do would come in handy.” May turns back around. “Okay, a little detour off the path and we’re there.”
“I don’t want ticks.”
She sighs, and he can see her roll her eyes despite the fact that he’s looking at a head full of ombre box braids. “Pants tucked into socks?”
“Yeah, but-”
“Permethrin on your clothes?” She turns and levels him with a stare. 
“Okay, okay. Fine. Lead the way.”
The clearing they come to is small, but brightly lit by the moon. May spreads out the blanket she brought for them to sit on, splays a tarot deck and snacks, lastly pulling out a bottle of moscato. 
Jamie, perched on the opposite of the blanket, perks up at the sight of the sweet white wine. 
She chuckles, jamming the bottle opener into the cork. “What do you love about the earth?”
The question gives him pause. He rubs a hand over the blanket, feels the texture of grass pushing through the cotton. “I don’t know,” he admits. “What about you?”
“Everything.” She hands Jamie a glass of wine. “She gives me a place to put my feet, she produced the grapes that made this wine. She turns steadily to show us the sun and moon…  everything.”
The wind picks up, and Jamie closes his eyes at the pleasant breeze. “I love the wind. Sometimes, it feels like the world speaking to us.”
“I love watching the trees dance when it’s gusty. Oh! And.. and way our whole world changes with the seasons.”
He opens his eyes to find May positively beaming at him, and he can’t help but return it. She holds up her glass, and he taps his against hers.
Jamie sips, then pauses. “I thought we were here for the moon.”
“Did you forget already? We’re also here because you needed to touch some fucking grass, look at leaves.” She downs her glass. “That’s the earth, baby.”
“I guess there’s time for both.”
May reaches for his glass to refill. “Always. Anyway, for us, there’s no one without the other.”
“Like you and me.” Jamie says, smiling.
She looks up at him, pouting a little. “Ow. Don’t say stuff like that. I’ll cry.”
He chuckles. “It’s true.”
“It is.” May says seriously. “You better not go anywhere.”
“Where would I go? I would be lost without you.”
May carefully puts down the wine and scoots to throw an arm around his shoulders. “Me too.”
Jamie and May are two of the characters in my future novel. This is my first time writing them! It was lovely to step away from planning to play with them for the first time. I know it only loosely hits the prompt, but it was a free-write - they did what they wanted to do. I hope it was enjoyable. 
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powdermelonkeg · 3 years
So, BO2W Breakdown
Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one.
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Here we’ve got Ganon’s...energy taking over Link’s arm. Ordinarily, I’d call it Malice, but based on what it turns into, I’m just going to be calling it corruption. We don’t get much information from this scene besides this expression:
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Link’s grabbing the corruption with his other hand, and wincing. It looks painful. I personally think it’s for cinematic effect that it was included, but it COULD be a gateway into a Phantom Hourglass sort of mechanic--Link has to function on a time limit, or using the corruption’s power could drain his life.
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Next we’ve got a closeup of Ganondorf. F in chat to the rehydration theorists.
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And the closeups of his jewelry. The only significant thing I can see is his necklace, which looks like a cross between the Gerudo symbol and a Fleur de Lis:
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But what I’M most interested in is this tie on his belt:
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For one, it’s WAY bigger than it needs to be, and that’s deliberate. Ganondorf’s got a jewelry aesthetic he’s already hit above; everything else is gold, why not this bit?
Most importantly, you can barely make it out, but the designs either look Sheikah or Zonai--they’ve got that same kind of swirly busy pattern to them. The red tint and tan-ish lines in it makes me think it’s possessed Sheikah tech.
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Next, we’re shown Zelda falling. This looks like it happens right after these two caps from the first trailer:
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So we reach for her as the ground collapses, and evidently, we fail to pull her back up. So my next question for that scene is going to be what the in-game reason is for us not diving in right after her. Maybe we won’t get one, since the appeal of the original BOTW was that you could fight Ganon whenever you wanted.
Up next, we’ve got a skydiving shot:
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The first thing to notice is that Link’s pose while skydiving is just about identical to his pose in Skyward Sword:
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Second is that, yes, he’s falling towards a floating island, and that in itself is noteworthy, but he’s FALLING. There’s something either above him that he jumped off of, or a force that carried him high enough TO fall, and I doubt Nintendo’s encouraging magnesis flying.
So, there’s a few options: Loftwings making a return (which is unlikely, but a hope I have), something like Revali’s Gale boosting Link up for a cinematic shot, indicating that the corruption arm has that kind of power, or islands higher than the one shown here.
Now the island itself:
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In Skyward Sword, Skyloft looks like this:
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And (spoiler alert) we loose this island here over the course of the game:
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Now, it’s not a PERFECT 1:1 match, as most things between games aren’t, but a quick rotate and overlay shows it’s got the same kinds of shapes between the two. The same “W” shape along the eastern side, the same tiny island off the northeast point, the same relative edges.
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Now, I don’t know what happened to the plaza at South Skyloft, or the Knight’s Academy isle, but it could very easily be drift away from the central island.
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The presence of other islands through the clouds seems to support that theory. Now let’s look at Link here:
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The outfit is new. We haven’t, to my knowledge, seen one of this design in other games. My gut reaction to this image was “oh, we go back in time and we’re the first hero now!” because it’s vaguely reminiscent of Tapestry Hero.
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But upon closer inspection, that theory’s null and void. Under Link’s tunic in the image above, you can see that he’s still wearing the shorts he woke up in in the first game. So either Sheikah boxers haven’t changed in 10,000 years, or it’s taking place in present day. Jokes aside, I’m curious to know if the outfit he’s wearing is modeled after Tapestry Hero.
Next thing to point out is the obvious:
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Link’s arm here looks less prosthetic and more...withered, I almost want to say. The corruption here’s made his hand look frailer, and armored them up with Zonai patterns before it fades out at his shoulder. Based on how the tattoos look, I think they’re an artifact of the corruption taking hold.
Also, the belt here:
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Aesthetic purposes, or specific function? The presence of the second, smaller one on the side reminds me of Skyward Sword’s adventure pouch, which could be how the new game handles inventory size:
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Next we’ve got another flying shot:
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It seems like he’s flying towards Ruined Skyloft, and you can see the bottoms of islands above it, possibly meaning that the sky serves as more than just a hub world like it did in Skyward.
Now let’s look at the paraglider he’s using. It’s new.
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This is how the paraglider looks in the original BOTW. It looks like we still have the Rito symbol in the center, but other than that, there’s a LOT of changes here.
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First off is the color. We’re now blue and gold. The shade of blue makes me think of the Kochi Dye Shop’s navy blue:
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So, possibly a dyeable paraglider?
The new pattern surrounding the Rito symbol makes me think that it’s combining the paraglider with Skyward Sword’s sailcloth:
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Other than that, there isn’t much else to say about the paraglider besides the handles looking like they’re made of bone. Craftable paragliders? God, I hope not.
Back to Link:
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Here we have him in different gear than the last shot. He’s wearing the snow boots, he has a shield with a stylized Eye of Truth looking upwards, and he looks like he’s carrying a traveler’s sword and an unknown bow. The presence of the bow makes me think that the shield here is a lower tier item, rather than this game’s Hylian Shield equivalent.
Now, let’s get a better look at the horizon:
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The trees here look a lot like the smaller trees you can find in Akkala, but there’s a distinct lack of red among them.
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Then it looks like we’ve got some ruins at the furthest isle.
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Whatever the rock formations are over there, they don’t LOOK natural.
Another thing I noticed is the bottoms of the islands.
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These look a little too geometric to be natural, too. Now, this one, I’m a little muddy on, because it COULD be a stylistic choice. But it also reminds me of the Shrines if you clip out of bounds:
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And a little bit of the dormant Gate of Time from Skyward:
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My money’s on the cube-like nature of the islands’ undersides being deliberate, rather than just a far-off render.
And then there’s this thing!
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What is it? It doesn’t look broken at all; look how nicely the roof(?) is kept. The ribbing on the sides makes me think it might be a Zonai thing, but the shape makes it difficult to figure out. A giant temple? An airship? A sloped coliseum? This thing haunts and vexes me.
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Our next shot is presumably from one of the islands, based on the color. Here we can see that there are definitely ruins all over the place. Link is in the same gear as before, so I won’t touch on him.
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This, however, has my interest. The design here has more geometric patterns--Zonai ruins?
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We’ve got another one off in the distance here. Sky checkpoints, like Sheikah towers?
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Now this guy here. There’s a LOT to look at. First off is the eye design, it’s the same sort of upward looking one that Link has on his shield in the previous shots.
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The energy that’s pulling this thing towards its base looks like the same green energy that surrounds the arm holding Gan in place in Trailer One:
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This stuff. That, plus the fact that the robot has to be pulled into its base rather than just existing, implies that either A: Link activates it himself, like a trial thing, or B: that the green energy here functions in the same way Malice does in the original BOTW.
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This pattern at its base is intriguing, too. I don’t recognize the gold symbol in the center, but the green around it reminds me of the portals from Twilight Princess.
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Which, yes, everyone’s already said that the Twilight Princess patterns look like Zonai things. But another thing this weird dial thing reminds me of is from Lanayru Desert:
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On top of that, the color palette of this guy looks like that of the Lanayru Robots from Skyward:
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BO2W robot on the left, Lanayru robot on the right. Given that Skyward is a lot more vibrant than other non-Toon Zelda games, I think this is a fair enough comparison to draw similarities from.
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And then we get a closer view of the sky ruins from the last shot. I don’t know if the geometric pattern in the corner is a deliberate carving, or wear from time, but since the pattern looks ALMOST mirrored around the corner, I’m going to go with the former.
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A better shot a few frames later. The robot has HANDS, which I do not like in any way shape or form. However, we get a better look at the sky ruins.
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We haven’t seen this style of stairs before, to my knowledge. The pedestal out front looks like a light source, and it has the same floral egg thing the robot above has on each shoulder; the eggs could easily be a power source for Zonai tech. And at the top of the stairs, we see a pedestal, backing up the theory that these ruins function as our new Sheikah towers.
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This is our next shot. Which...
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Unikoblins. Can we talk about that? UNIKOBLINS.
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Anyways, Link is here again in his old clothes. This is a very early game shot, because his right arm isn’t corrupted yet; this means we get to explore Hyrule before we embark on the main quest. Which gives rise to a question: Where’s Zelda?
The hopeful side of me wants to say that she’s a tutorial companion, like Navi or Tatl, at least for the beginning here. The pessimistic side of me thinks that she’s waiting for us at a predetermined location, and this is just part of getting to her.
Now the unikoblin structure itself is built on a Talus, meaning that the dev team at least intends to have more inter-monster interactions. But if you kill the Talus, does that mean that the base falls apart, or does it just drop down as a separate entity?
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Also, what are these background ruins? The one on the left looks like it’s a distinctly different style than the one on the right. It looks almost like a giant guardian arm.
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Our next shot is Link’s arm getting corrupted. Which, first of all, the effects look beautiful.
Now, we can see a corner of Link’s hip here, and we know that this is his right arm. So Link’s lying down here. Unconscious? Knowing how Zelda games like to start with Link waking up, probably. Although it looks like at least part of his shorts got an update.
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We can see what looks like circuits here. It looks a bit like the electricity puzzles you can find in the Divine Beasts and Shrines in the original.
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Then we’ve got these strange symbols.
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Whatever this circular stone he’s lying on is, it looks a lot like the Zonai puzzle from the “A Fragmented Monument” sidequest.
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This one that everyone thought was the Mirror of Twilight for years.
Our next shot is Link using the corruption powers against enemies:
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The spike ball itself looks solid; the question is, is this a duplication power, or a visualization of how the spike ball is set into motion?
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We see it barreling over a poor Unikoblin or two, but I’d like to turn your attention to the Moblin and the background.
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The moblins here have helmets, and the bases, while they carry the same design, look like they have more cause and effect in mind. The left base’s rock, for instance; that’s a lot bigger than the rocks we got to play with in the last game, and it looks like we can barrel anything in the screen over with it.
The helmet, though, concerns me a little bit. It looks natural rather than forged; like it’s the moblin’s horn, just very much deformed. Does it mean a harder enemy, or is it just for flavor?
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Our next shot is this strange flower thing. Note that Link’s right arm is perfectly fine in this shot, meaning that it’s still early game.
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This is what Link’s flamethrower looks like. And this:
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Is Zonai art.
So the question is, what IS the flamethrower? My first thought was that it’s either a new item in its own, or it’s a Sheikah Slate upgrade. The latter might sound a little far fetched, but Link in this game is right-handed, and in BOTW, he always held the slate in his LEFT hand when using it.
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We have more of the weird faded designs that we saw on the Sky ruins:
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And we’ve got some kind of pedestal or stage behind the ground flower thing:
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It looks like it’s either an altar or a grave, from what I can tell. The stairs aren’t the same design as the ones in the sky, and there aren’t any patterns on it.
More importantly, though, is that this place is underground. This could be a part of the game you’re required to go through, in order to get to Raisin Gan.
A few seconds later, though, we get our answer to what the flamethrower is!
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It’s a shield!
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Off to the left side, we can see pillars with more weird scribblings towards the top. These match the Sky ruins’ pillar shape, with a narrow base and a wider top.
Our next scene is...weird.
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We see a puddle splash in reverse. It’s hard to tell if it’s actually water or not, but the design on the ground implies that it’s either been there for a long time, or that that’s a dedicated splash spot. And the quality and zoom makes me think that this is part of a cutscene. Return of the timeshift stones?
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We then see Link...surfacing out of the island? I don’t know how else to describe it. However, his arm is changed again, and glowing, meaning that this is a corruption power. And the “water” he rises out of here looks a lot like the puddle in the last clip.
We get a good look at the Zonai Lights:
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A Sky ruin that looks like it contains a room:
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And a glimpse of other isles’ ruins in the far distance.
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And then as the camera zooms out...
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We can place a location!
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We’re right over Thundra Plateau!
We also get a mildly better look at the back wall of the sky ruin, which looks to be some kind of table:
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The next scene is Hyrule Castle:
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The ground shakes and it starts to rise up. However, notice that the columns surrounding the castle are now missing.
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We’ve also got red sparks in the air, like we would have in a blood moon. However, due to the sky color, we can assume that this is a conscious decision by Gan himself, and that he isn’t drawing power from his surroundings.
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We then see that power bleeding out of the ground. It’s MUCH more red than Malice is, which has always been a kind of burnt pink-ish color.
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However, even though Ganon lifts the castle up, he doesn’t lift it very high.
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The castle’s about triple the height it was. But since we’re talking Skyloft levels of floating islands, this is still pretty ground-level. What’s interesting to me, though, is that in this shot, despite the game now being about sky islands that we should be able to see from ground level...there aren’t any here. This, to me, means that there’s going to be a sudden appearance of the isles in the sky, rather than them simply being accessible now.
And that’s the whole trailer! I have many questions.
My blog! If you have any opnions/questions/theories, feel free to drop an ask!
Part 2 is up! We missed a lot!
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
When Y/N is getting tired of staying at home with the baby while Harry tours.
word count: 5k
contains: sexual content, language, a dash of angst
It was still early but Harry didn’t mind. When he was on tour he craved sleep like no other. To be in his bed, spooned around his love, and no alarm set.
However, the deep desire for sleep is just a faraway thought now because he’d rather be sleep deprived and wake up to his curly-haired baby any given day.
He looks to you. Mouth slightly open, face stress-free, and peaceful. Harry hated coming home from tour to see the bags of exhaustion under your eyes from taking care of the baby all by yourself.
He constantly had to swallow back guilt. He tried to do everything to make it up when he was home.
Harry didn’t find touring as exciting and fun as he use to. He sometimes counts down the tour dates until he’s home.
Sometime he can’t wait for the concert to wrap up so he can sneak in a quick FaceTime before you lot head off to bed.
Sasha was two, her birthday near days away, and Y/N had been running around like a mad-woman trying to make sure her party would be perfect.
Y\N sometimes held herself to the exceptions of other celebrities wives. Ballon arches, custom cookies, and beautiful decorations.
However, unlike other celebrities, you did this all yourself. No event planner, nobody except Anne and Gemma.
Harry wants you to sleep as much as possible and allow you the luxury he gets on tour. Sleeping in until noon sometimes in the empty, cold hotel room with nothing else to do.
He can hear Sasha babbling incessantly from her little bed. The little yellow railings preventing her from falling out or escaping.
Harry heaves himself off the bed, tugging on some sweatpants that had been thrown off hurriedly when you’d told him you’d been wet for him since he walked in the door last night.
“Hi, hi little love,” Harry murmurs as he opens the door to her bedroom. The yellow flowers hand-painted from the wall setting the theme for the room.
Sasha was a good baby and an ever better toddler. However, almost as a little teenager, she sure did have her mood swings. They weren’t quite out of the terrible twos stage yet.
She wanted her mom as she stood there.
“No, mummy,” Sasha whines, tugging on Harry’s cross necklace with force after he scooped her up.
“Hey, we don’t do that. Remember we treat people with kindness.”
After a promise of chocolate chips in her pancakes, she agrees to help Harry cook you breakfast. 
It was messy and his bare chest was covered in flour. Not quite sure how the little girl had gotten it into her curls but they were managing.
Harry loved watching Sasha play with the cooking utensil. Smacking whisk around, looking quizzically at a spatula. 
It made Harry want to buy her a little play kitchen. He was surprised they didn’t already have one. He thinks they might have on in their New York City apartment that they haven’t traveled to recently.
He makes a point while Sasha is chewing at the pancakes to search to find one. He finds a same-day pickup at a local toy store and orders it.
That’s one thing he loved about making so much money. He could spoil you and the baby, his family with everything and anything they want or need.
Y/N always struggled with accepting gifts from Harry but as they years went on and they got married and combined bank accounts. (well she brought a hefty three thousand to the marriage, he graciously gave her full-access to his money). 
A few weeks after your wedding, when you went to an ATM to get twenty pounds out for a cash-only restaurant and when the receipt said you two had six-hundred thousand and some change in just one of your CHECKING account - well you nearly almost fainted.
You had been worried about the three pound service fee before seeing that.
Harry could sometimes get ahead of himself. He’s had disposable money since he was sixteen. Y/N would sometimes hum, asking if he really needs a fifteen-thousand dollar wool Gucci coat.
Y/N would make it a point that she doesn’t want Sasha to grow to be materialistic and spoiled. So Harry was scolded every once in a while when he gave into Sasha’s puppy dog eyes.
Maybe not the best decision but he planned to set it up when you were out for lunch this afternoon with a friend. Hopefully, you wouldn’t notice? If he strategically put it in the playroom.
“Mmm, what’s all this?” You murmur, tying your silk robe at the front. Just enough cleavage showing that Harry feels a twitch in his joggers. Sue him, basically everything his wife did turned him on.
“Pancakes, mummy!” Sasha giggles, syrup coating her cheeks and fingers. “Kissy?” Her dad had taught her that.
“Yes baby,” you agree, leaning in to press a kiss to her soft curls, avoiding her sticky mess. 
You look up to your pouting husband with identical absurdly wild curls from bed. 
“Spoiled, you lot,” you tell him before padding over to him and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
Forever the horny teenager, his large hands finds your bum and pull you closer - deepening the kiss.
“Miss you s’much on tour, all I think about,” he whispers into your mouth. “Your tits, your cun-“
“Harry!” You laugh, smacking at his chest, “Can’t talk like that in front of the baby!”
“She didn’t hear,” he grumbles, giving your arse one last squeeze, “Tonight.”
“Tonight,” you agree back, ignoring the pinch of arousal. 
Sasha was putting up a fight when she realized that you were leaving without her. Grabbing at your leg as you tugged on a Gucci sneaker.
“I’ll be back soon, Sash,” you assure her but to no avail.
Her cheeks ruddy red and splotched. Tears staining them as she wails dramatically at the top of her little lungs. 
“I don’t know if I should go,” You sigh as Harry wrestles her tiny body off of you so you don’t trip.
“No baby, you need a break. She can’t hold you hostage,” Harry laughs as Sasha wriggles a little in his arms.
“Call me if you need me to come home.”
“I’ll be fine, now go, have a mimosa for me,” Harry smiles down at his daughter who is staring at you like you’ve just killed her beloved pet.
You can’t help but giggle at the glare, “so scary, missy. I’ll see you soon, I love you.”
Sasha buries her nose into Harry’s neck. Her sobs more sad than angry at this point. Which makes your heartbreak a little.
Sasha was getting impatient with her father. As he attempted to figure out how to screw on the oven door to the overcomplicated design.
She occasionally ran off with a piece he needed so it took much longer than he’d thought. But this thing was sophisticated, you pour water into a little tub and it runs through the faucet like a real sink.
Sasha gave her father a wide smile when he had finally told her it was all done. He helped fill the little shopping cart with plastic fruit and veggies.
She was babbling to herself happily, occasionally making sure her dad was still in the room with her.
Harry had grabbed his journal off the kitchen table and was scribbling down mismatched lyrics about how much love he was filled with.
His last two albums were nearly just songs about you. The next one was definitely going to include tracks about his baby.
When he hears the alarm sound and get shut off, he knows your home and he feels a little twinge of anxiety in his stomach.
Distraction? That should work right?
“Hi baby,” Harry greets, planting a kiss on your lips before squatting to untie your sneakers for you.
“Well hello there!” You look around surprised to not see your daughter toddling to you as well. “Is bug sleeping?”
Harry shakes his head and rubs the back of his neck, “Um, no. Just playing in the playroom right now.”
“Was she good?” You asks, noticing he’s changed clothes. He loved to laze around in joggers if he could. “Did you go out?”
“Just for coffee,” he covers, technically - he did grab a coffee for himself at a drive-thru. “How was lunch?”
“Good, mimosas were shit so I only had one. Missed you guys too much. So glad your home,” you sigh into his chest, basking in his tight arms around you.
“Only 73 more concerts to go,” Harry replies.
He can feel your shoulders tense at his lame attempt of a joke. It wasn’t funny to you, not in the slightest. 
“Just 73, huh?” You shoot back, untangling yourself from his grip. “Just another eight months away from your wife and baby.”
“Love...” Harry begins, swallowing hard. He was just as emotional as you when it came to it. 
You shake your head, swiping at the stray tear, “Just forget it,” you huff before trekking off to see your daughter.
Harry is cautiously trailing behind you with a bowling ball of nerves in his belly. 
When you walk into the playroom and see the new kitchen set - you stand nearly frozen in the doorway.
“Mummy! Mumma look at what daddy got me!” She chirps, standing to come to you. You easily lift her up and accept the plastic apple she hands to you proudly. 
You feel a tightness in your throat, “it’s so nice, baby.”
“Nice,” she repeats, “come play, mumma.”
“I just got home, give me a few minutes and I’ll be back in,” you promise with a kiss before placing her back down.
She seems satisfied with your answer and scurries back to where she had placed her babydoll on the countertop - feeding it.
“Can we please talk in the kitchen?” You asks, trying your best to keep your voice level in front of your daughter.
Harry dejectedly nods and follows you into the kitchen, dragging his boot-clad feet a little. 
“Look, I know your mad, lovie. But I just got the idea and didn’t think too much about it. Know y’don’t want to spoil her but-“
“Do you not listen?” You ask harshly.
He looks at you dumbfounded. Unsure of the question. It sounded like it was a trick question.
“You’re unbelievable!” You whisper-shout so Sasha doesn’t hear.
Harry feels himself getting defensive, “You’re tha’ mad about a bloody toy?  I’m her father allowed to buy her things too!”
“No, Harry. It’s not about that. It seems like your so busy with your job that you just tune me out on our calls.”
Harry’s brow furrows. That wasn’t true in the slightest. It was the highlight of his day to hear your voice and how it went at home.
“That’s bullshit and you know it!” Harry snaps, his voice a little louder. 
“Go into the storage room off the side of the garage.”
He gives you a confused look but obliges, after trailing through your maze of a house. He reaches the large extra room.
When he opens the door, his heart sinks. He immediately knows why you’re so upset with him.
A beautiful, hand-painted kitchen set is sat with a large pink bow in the room. The hutch saying in cursive, “Sasha’s Kitchen.”
It was her favorite colors - blue and yellow- with painted images of all her favorite characters like Peppa Pig and Blue from Blue’s Clues.
He remembers how excited you were on the phone that night - when you revealed her third birthday present and how perfect the artist had made it.
Harry had been listening -truthfully- but he was also nearly asleep after two encores of Kiwi onstage and a meet and greet backstage.
He felt like shit now. Disappointed in himself for ruining this surprise he knows you were looking forward to giving her in a mere few days.
But the excitement of another kitchen set surely would be lackluster now. 
“Baby, m’so sorry,” Harry says quietly, with guilt bubbling in his throat. “I was listening. I just...I forgot.”
“Nothing we can do about it now it,” you bite out. Disappointed at the ruin surprised making you prickle with anger towards your forgetful husband.
Harry begins to apologize once again but you don’t let him, “I need to put her down for a nap.”
You drift off as well in your bed- taking advantage of Sasha being asleep in the next room over.
Harry doesn’t quite know how to fix this situation. He’s much too embarrassed to call his mum or sister who would just give him another earful.
He felt like being on tour has been mucking everything up. He loved his job, most days. But days like today - he wishes to never see a recording studio or microphone again.
Harry’s pondering all this when he hears a cry from the baby’s room. 
Sasha is stood, bleary-eyes with a sad frown as her father enters. 
“Sweet pea, what’s the sad face for?” He hums as he tucks her into the curve of his slim hip. Bringing her down onto the main level so you aren’t awoken.
“Daddy, kitchen?” She sniffles, pointing towards her playroom.
He shakes his head. Deciding the least he can do is bathe her so you wouldn’t need to later. She still had remnants of fruit pouch in her cheeks.
“No, darling. S’bath time. Then you can play,” he boots her nose. Snatching some clean baby clothes from where they’re folded and waited to be put away on the coffee table.
“No no no,” she whimpers angrily, shaking her head and smacking her arm against her father’s tattooed chest.
“Sasha Anne, no hitting, absolutely not,” Harry uses his firm father’s voice that he didn’t have to pull out very often.
“No bath, daddy, no!” She wails with all the dramatics of an A-List actor. 
“Hey, mumma’s sleeping. We cannot yell,” her father hushes her as he trails into the bathroom.
“Mean daddy!” She exclaims as he wrestles her into the tub. Splashing the water and wriggling away everytime he tries to cup water over her head to rid her of the shampoo.
“I know, I know, so mean,” he acknowledges sympathetically. A headache arising in the front of his skull from his baby’s high pitch noises and shouts.
After another fight into clothes, she’s still not happy when she’s sat in front of her kitchen. She throws the plastic toys around and whining anytime Harry moves an inch.
He’s feeling a little overwhelmed if he’s honest. With his worry about your precious argument and the unusual tactics of your toddler - he was stressed out. 
“Binky,” Sasha looks expectantly at her father.
Oh, good idea. She loves that.
Harry can’t find any lying around like usual so he digs through the drawers around the living room until he finds one.
After cleaning it off, he hands it to her and she pops it in her mouth happily. Her attention now direction back towards her new toy.
He let out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t quite sure how you did this alone so much of the time.
 When you finally wake from a fitful nap, you hear noise from the playroom. You’re still extremely frustrated with your husband but it’s less intense. Until...
Until you walk in and Sasha turns around, smiling around a binky you surely thought you’d thrown away.
Sasha was getting too old for a pacifier - even though she was just using it when she was really upset or at night.
You’d been binky-free for three weeks. And all the crying and tears from your daughter where now meaningless.
“Where did she get that pacifier?” You grit out.
You had told him multiple times you were weaning her off of it.
“She was fussy. I gave it to her, tha’ alright?” He asks cluelessly.
“Harry! I’ve told you so so many times that I’d been weaning her off of it. She just stopped crying about it a week ago!”
“I told you about this - just like the kitchen. God, you get so goddamn wrapped up in your career that you forget important things like this!”
“Baby...” Harry whimpers, hands up in surrender. “I keep, I keep messing up. I’m - I don’t know where my mind is.”
“I’ll tell you were your mind is, Harry. In the countries your traveling to, the concerts your performing at. You promised me...you fucking promised when we started trying for a baby this stuff wouldn’t happen!!”
Harry’s face crumples, “yo-you’re my everything, lovie. You and bug. None of this means anything without you. I’ll quit music, never write another lyric or sing another note if that’s what you want from me.”
He meant that fully heartedly too.
When he wrote If I Could Fly and write the lyrics, “I’ll give up everything, just ask me to.”
The fans, the producers, you - don’t truly know how much he was being truthful in the lyrics.
“I would never ask you to do that. I want you to do what you love but I want you to follow through for your family!”
At your raised tons, Sasha begins to whine, looking with wide, concerned eyes.
With that, you scoop her up. “M’going to your mums. I’ll be back later.”
Harry watches anxiously as you pack Sasha’s bag. He feels useless as he hands your her fruit pouches and crackers from the pantry.
As you snatch the car keys from the entry tables, Harry asks in a near whisper, “What’s going on? I’m so lost.”
“I’m lost too. I jus-just can’t keep doing this. It’s too hard for you to be away from us like this. I feel like a single mom sometimes.”
With that, you’re out the door and on your way to your mother-in-laws. 
For the first time ever, Harry had a fleeting thought that you’re going to divorce him. He knows it’s not just about the toy and the pacifier.
He hasn’t been home enough. As much as he tries, the FaceTimes don’t make the distance and time apart any easier. 
You have all the responsibility of this little human and your heart twinges on days you’re missing you husband and you constantly at met with his little replica.
Harry feels like he’s going to have a panic attack. He’s only had a handful in his lifetime but this one was intense.
He grabs his phone and dials the number to his best friend. He really needed a shoulder to cry on right now.
“Hey mate! What’s good, big boy?” The Irish man belts into the phone only to be met with sniffles and tears.
“Niall, I don’t know what to do.”
Anne was expecting you. She had set up tea with little cake in the back garden. Sasha was excited to chase the cats around the greenery. Her cute jumpsuit sodden with dirt and grass stains in no time.
“I’m sick of being at home alone all the time with Sasha. I miss Harry too much, she misses him too much,” you croak, attempting to keep your tears at bay.
“I want Harry to continue his career and live his dream. Most people never get the chance he’s gotten. I-I just need him.”
“Oh honey,” she rubs my hand soothingly, “I can only imagine. I know I missed him fiercely to the point it was unbearable when he was sixteen. I still miss him too.”
“I...I’m going to sound like such a bad mother,” you take a deep breathe, “would I be a bad mum if Sash and I joined Harry on tour?”
“Do you think that’d make you a bad mum?” Anne asks softly, a small smile on her face.
“No, I don’t think. I’d be happier because I’d be with Harry and we could actually be a married couple 24/7. She would get to see her dad everyday.”
“I think you’ve found you answer,” Anne chuckles, pouring more hot water into your cups.
“It will be so stressful.”
“More stressful than it is now?” Anne replies.
“Nothing can be more stressful than right now.”
- -
The talk witdh Niall helped only a little bit but enough to not feel like he’s going to vomit every other minute.
He was worried you were going to come in here and ask him for a divorce because he couldn’t follow through on his promises as a husband and a father.
Harry was ready to do whatever it took to prevent that from happening. He’s not above groveling and begging for you to stay.
It is dark when you pull in, toting in a sleeping child in your arms that you pass off to Harry who’s waiting at the front door.
He tucks his baby into her bed, tugging the blankets over her, and staring down at her sweet, cherub face for a little longer than usual before heading into your master.
You’re sat on the corner of the bed, biting your lip, and playing with you flashy large diamond ring as a force of habit.
“Baby...” Harry rasps, not touching you but kneeling down in front of you. 
“I can’t do what we’re doing anymore,” you begin, completely unaware that Harry thinks you’re about to ask for a divorce.
“I don’t think you’re going to agree with what I have to say, but I think it’s the best,” you swallow harshly, hoping he doesn’t shoot down the proposition.
“Please, I’ll do anything, lovie. Don’t leave me, don’t divorce me. I’ll do anything’ you want, sweetheart. Please, I need you. I’m so inlove with you.”
Harry is full on sobbing by this point, hanging his head against your knees as he attempts to catch his breath but finding it hard.
“Harry!” You murmur in confusion “baby, look at me, please?”
It takes him a moment to meet your eyes, your face is soft but wrinkled in concern. 
“What are you talking about? Divorce?” You choke out the words. Never in a million years would you willingly agree to part from your husband.
“I know I’ve been fuckin’ up. I can’t bloody figure out how to balance shit. I’ve not followed through and neglected you n’ the baby. I’m a bad husband and a bad dad.”
“Hey,” you said with force, bringing your hand under his chin so he has to keep eye contact. “Do not ever say something like that again. You are the best husband and father. You provide for us. You love us more than I’ve thought possible. You’re perfect for Sasha and I.”
“You said you couldn’t do this anymore,” Harry chokes out, letting his ringed hands rest on the tops of your thighs. His diamond wedding rand flashing in the light.
“Oh, H. I’m sorry - I didn’t mean with you.” You chuckle lightly, “how could you ever possibly think I’d leave you, pet?”
He shakes his head, “it’s because y’too good for me. Don’t deserve you.”
“Hush,” you hums, running a hand through his curls. “I know how to fix this.”
“How? I’ll do anything f’you,” Harry would agree to jump off The Empire State Building for you without a second thought.
“The baba and I are going to join you on tour. I know we agreed it’s be too much but I can’t imagine it can be any harder than this.”
Harry’s face lights up like a Christmas tree.
“That’s if you’ll have us,” you whisper coyly, excited by his reaction.
“Yeah, baby. It means I get to fuck you every night,” Harry growls pushing you back and up into the bed before crawling on top of you.
“A teenage boy, I swear,” you giggle, flushed just thinking about how much more time you’ll have together. 
“S’it so bad I want t’fuck my wife? That I’m so bloody gone for you that I’d do anything f’you?” He presses against your lips before demanding entrance.
“You can have me in your bed every night,” you agree, letting his tongue twist with yours with fever and urgency. 
“Mmm, only groupie I’ll ever need.”
“Shut up,” you laugh, allowing him to slip your shirt over your head and attach his lips to your collarbone.
“Can’t wait to fuck you in every country - like we did when you toured with me before the bab.”
When he tosses your bra across the room, you gasp at his mouth finding your nipple instantly. Nipping and suckling at the sensitive nerves with intent.
His hand doesn’t waste anytime, skillfully unbuttoning your jeans and zip with one hand before cramming his large palm inside to cup you in his hand.
“Only pussy I want, fuckin’ made for me,” he groans at the warm wetness he feel through the thin underwear. The tips of his fingers stroke over your clit with confident movements.
“Stop teasing!” You whine, wriggling out of your jeans and panties in one go. Harry is still completely dressed above you - which shouldn’t be sexy but it is.
“Don’t know how I thought you’d ever leave me. Y’fucking obsessed with my cock,” he laughs - sure of himself now.
“If you don’t touch me, I swear-“
“I’ve got you lovie, best wife ever, y’know? Just wanna please you,” he promises the damp skin on your neck, landing nips and bites that will surely leave a mark. 
“Then please me,” you demand, your tone a higher pitch than usual for your arousal.
You’re rolling your hips upwards to meet his jean-clad center. The friction feels delicious against your sensitive nerves.
Harry takes hold of your hip with one hand to halt your grinding, his other hand finding your heat and without hesitation - slides two thick fingers into you.
“H, yeah,” y/n moans, rolling her hips down to meet his hand. Her arousal coating his knuckles and he can’t describe how sexy that is.
He curls his fingers towards the top of you tight wall, finding the little spongey spot that has you bucking your hips and whimpering.
“Oh, did I find the spot, love?” Harry teases like he doesn’t know. He’s been an expert in pleasuring you for the past eight years. 
“Yes baby, m’gonna come,” you nearly slur with pleasure. The cold metal of his rings brushing against your heated folds in relief.
“Only gonna let you come - if you promise me you’ll come again f’me.”
“I will, H. I wil-“
“Ssh, s’okay. Give it to me, my love,” Harry croons sweetly, leaning to suck a nipple as he speeds up his minstrations. 
Your chest is rising and falling at a fast pace, your hips meeting his curled fingers on every thrust as he pushes you over the edge, “fu-fuck,” you moan, trying your best to keep your voice down.
“Tha’s it. M’wife looks so fuckin’ gorgeous when she’s coming on my fingers. Need you on my cock,” Harry grunts, removing his fingers and working to get his clothes off as fast as possible.
He’s positioning himself at your entrance with intent, wasting no time pushing in. No matter how many times you took him - it was always a stretch but it was immensely pleasurable.
“Love you, love our family. Can’t wait f’you two to join me on tour,” Harry pants, attempting to keep his thrust slow and meaningful but he was so turned on he was already becoming sloppy.
“S’going to be so nice. Spend everyday with my husband,” you hum, wrapping your legs around his waist and resting your feet on his bum. You can feel the muscle flexing from his thrusts.
“Yeah, never get tired of hearin’ that word.”
“Husband?” You giggle, “we’ve been married for five years.”
“Still can’t believe you agreed to,” Harry murmurs, his lips pressed against your temple as he becomes more determined. His thumb finding your clit and giving it hard, tight rubs.
Harry could have anyone he wanted. Millions of people lusted after him. It was hard to believe sometimes that he only wanted you. But in moments like this, you never questioned it.
“You’re ridiculous,” you tell him, biting his full bottom lip.
He growls, “hush up. Let me fuck you, yeah?” 
With that, the only thing that leaves your mouth is whines and gasps as he hits your spot on every fluid thrust with a determined thumb on your nerves.
“Cl-close,” Y/N shutters, legs quivering with sensitivity and arousal.
“Baby, baby wait f’me, m’close,” he begs against your skin, licking and kissing wherever he can reach. He speeds up his movements and you fell him tensing up, his mouth dripping open in an o shape and his eyes squeezing shut - his telltale sign.
You allow yourself to let go at that point and ride out the waves of intense climax with him as he weakly thrust a few more times until he lays his weight on top of you.
“The bubby is going to love South America,” Harry smiles into your mouth. His large palms massaging at your shaky, wet thighs.
“I think she’s going to love being with her daddy more,” Y/N replies, a hand coming to cup his jaw in a slow, languid twist. 
Thanks so much for checking it out :) PLEASE SEND ME REQUESTS!
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nobodyfamousposts · 3 years
My-Crack-ulous: Aku-Maid
In which I am a horrible person...
No seriously. Don’t read this.
For @mermain123, for bringing up the cursed image that started this mess in the first place.
Mermain: i said i was suffering
Mermain: i didn't want you to make the internet suffer
Me: That sounds like the internet’s problem.
Also for @bloody-writes. You know why...   ; )
Hawk Moth was a supervillain who had been terrorizing Paris for the better part of two years.
But no one could really argue that not all of his ideas have been good. Or well thought out. Or in any way sensible even.
Like the time he akumatized a baby.
Or the time he akumatized a girl to transform people into exact replicas of herself.
Or the fact he keeps akumatizing Mr. Ramier for going on 29 times at this point…
Or the other time he akumatized a baby…
Times that he destroyed Paris. Times that he nearly destroyed the world. Times that he gave people powers that were completely contradictory to the goals of getting the Miraculous he was after by erasing the heroes from existence or transforming them in ways that made the Miraculous inaccessible.
But none of his akumatizations had ever gotten him as much hate, caused as much misery, were were ultimately as pointless as this most recent incident.
It was known the instant she was akumatized. As soon as she was transformed, a wave of power enveloped the city. And within that wave, half of the people of Paris were transformed as well. 
…the male half.
Her power was to transform all the men of Paris. She didn’t even have a weapon or attack that did it, it just happened almost instantaneously. All men suddenly found themselves changed.
Or rather, their outfits…
“What the hell—!?”
“I can’t get it off!”
One by one, every male in Paris suddenly found themselves in a much different state of attire. What had just been a normal day full of various styles and appearances had all suddenly become very…frilly.
Much as implied her namesake, the akuma’s power involved transforming whatever any man was wearing into some variation of a maid outfit.
Every man.
All over Paris.
From Andre Bourgeois, who has refused to leave his office to make an official statement…
“ANDRE!” Audrey shouted, banging on the door. “Get out here this instant!”
“But, honey, I can’t be seen like this!”
To Roger Raincomprix, who has tried to continue his normal duties despite the…change of uniform…
“Stop in the name of the law!” Roger shouted, reaching into his pockets in an automatic reaction to try to get his handcuffs. While the dress he was wearing did still have pockets, the only item they procured was a cleaning rag, which was notably less threatening as the suspect in question stared for a moment before deciding to take off.
And yes, even to…
“I’m a Macrophage!” Adrien gushed happily as he lifted his lengthy skirt to give a twirl.
…even to Adrien Agreste, who was apparently the only one to find anything pleasant about the current crisis.
Nino stared.
“Dude. Seriously?”
“I’ve always wanted to cosplay!”
Nino, having been long-since exposed to his friend’s deep love for anime in its many forms, at least knew what a Macrophage was. But even so, he couldn’t help but feel there was something odd about the way Adrien took to the long pale dress and cap.
Kim rested a hand on Nino’s shoulder. “Just let the guy enjoy this.”
“At least somebody is.” Nathaniel muttered bitterly as he tried to hide as behind his sketchbook. It was a futile attempt, of course, as he at most only covered his face, leaving the red dress, white apron with pockets, and knee-high boots on full display.
“I don’t understand how he can.” Max complained. He tugged at his own skirt in vain, looking at Adrien’s ankle-length ensemble enviously. The skirt was much shorter than he would have liked—reaching a couple inches above his thigh and almost seemed to be defying gravity to stay that way despite his attempts to get it to either flatten or otherwise lower. “I question the design choices.”
“But you look just like Misaki from Maid Sama! And Nathaniel looks like Lizbeth!” Adrien insisted. “It’s totally a cosplay!”
Max just stared incredulously. He was wearing a black dress with puffy sleeves that tapered off just shy of his elbow, white apron, a cap, and thigh-high black stockings and knee-high boots, it seemed Adrien did have a point.
Max, in all fairness, didn’t particularly care in favor of the problems that came with suddenly finding himself in a short dress, heels, and a corset.
“I just can’t peg where Kim or Nino’s outfits are from.” He continued, studying the outfits in question contemplatively. “But give me a little time! It’ll come to me!”
The boys had been having an afternoon hangout session in the park. No girls. No teachers. No Gabriel Agreste or bodyguards to whisk certain teen models away. It was supposed to be a normal non-drama-filled day.
…which was naturally when it became something less than normal and certainly more than drama-filled.
“I think I get why girls complain about this sort of thing now.” Kim said, looking at his shoes. “These heels are kind of uncomfortable…”
“Are you sure it’s the heels and not the flippers?” Nino asked, annoyed.
Sure enough, Kim was wearing flipper-heels. They were black and also had black ankle straps with a little bow on each. This strange footwear did seem to go with Kim’s talent in swimming, which was also emphasized by the ruffle maid swimsuit they matched with.
“Nah, it’s definitely the heels.” Kim insisted.
So this was what their all-boys’ afternoon had come to.
Kim was wobbling on unsteady heels.
Nathaniel groaned and kept his ever reddening face covered.
Max was questioning where they could procure jackets. Long jackets.
Adrien was giggling to himself and asking if they could do a full Cells at Work group cosplay.
And Nino paled, suddenly realizing something.
"Guys. Guys, we have to hide!"
"Why?" Kim asked. "It's annoying, but this akuma doesn't seem really dangerous."
"No, you don't get it!" Nino hissed. "If Alya catches us, we will NEVER live this down!"
Nathaniel looked over the edge of his sketchbook. “Alya wouldn’t actually post pictures of us to the Ladyblog, would she?”
A long pause followed.
The boys paled.
Except for Adrien, who turned to them with a gasp of excitement. “Do you think she would? We could do a group picture!”
All the other boys paled even more, looking downright ill.
And immediately took off running.
Or at least as well as they could with heels. None of them made it very far without tripping, stumbling, or simply struggling to stay upright as they still tried to move away from the area as quickly as the heels would allow.
“But what’s wrong with—?”
“Who thought maid outfits with high heels was a good idea?! How can anyone be expected to clean in these things?
“I will never draw high heels on a super heroine again.”
“I can’t breathe! Who created corsets?! What objective does this achieve besides crushing one’s lungs?”
Nino groaned, still running. “I hope Hawk Moth is suffering as much as we are!”
If Nino Lahiffe had the ability to break the fourth wall and peer into the events happening outside of his immediate vicinity, he would be happy to find this was actually the case.
And he would laugh.
Oh, how he would laugh.
“Don’t.” Came the dark growl from a very unhappy supervillain. “Don’t say anything, Nathalie..."
This was an akuma that impacted every male in Paris. Every male.
…even to Hawk Moth, himself.
“Why did this happen?”
It would appear that even Hawk Moth was not immune to Aku-Maid’s power as he had been similarly transformed. And unfortunately, due to the change, he could no longer access his Miraculous. The Butterfly broach had disappeared, having been transformed along with his outfit.
And his outfit had…actually left much to be desired.
Which was truthfully just a nice way of saying it was ugly.
Really, really ugly.
Normally the picture of stoicism, Nathalie had to pretend to cough to avoid reacting.
“Can’t you order the akuma to undo it?” She eventually was able to ask.
He lowered his head and closed his eyes in concentration. “No. It’s no good. I’ve lost the link!”
His eyes widened and he clutched his chest in a panic.
“Where is the Miraculous?!” Hawk Moth demanded, trying—and failing to pull at the tasteless dress. But as others across the city had already discovered, the clothes were magic and would not be removed or displaced. Not even the frock or the cap he now wore.
“Sir, you were transformed when you changed. It looks like the Butterfly Miraculous was transformed along with you.”
He froze, eyes widening in horror. “But that’s—”
He grasped at the empty place on his chest. Where once had been his lapel and pin now only had ruffles and a leathery texture. His mask remained in place, though it was now fully black except for the openings around his eyes and mouth, which were bordered with a lighter grey color. The material and outfit overall had a shine to it that could be found on any wetsuit.
To put it nicely: he looked atrocious.
To put it bluntly: he looked like some sort of BDSM role-player with a maid kink.
So it was fortunate, perhaps, that no one else in Paris would have to be subject to the sight.
Except Nathalie. Who was probably going to have nightmares.
Or a coronary from the laughter she was trying to hold back.
It was admittedly a bit hard to tell.
But it seemed she was handling the situation a bit better than Hawk Moth, despite the fact that the man was currently unable to see himself or the full extent of the monstrosity he now wore.
…this was probably for the best. Given the man’s fashion sense, there was really no telling whether he would be horrified or inspired, and nobody would want to find out.
“I can’t contact the akuma! And I can’t call it back!”
He moaned, covering his…already covered face with his hands. “I’ll never be taken seriously again!”
Nathalie resolutely held back from pointing out he was barely being taken seriously now.
“It’s…not that bad?” She tried. Not very well, but she tried.
Hawk Moth clutched his head in horror. “Unless Ladybug and Chat Noir can stop this akuma, we’re doomed!”
“Sir, it’s just an akuma that puts men in maid outfits. It’s really not that bad.”
The akuma, for her part, was unaware of her benefactor’s misery, too busy enjoying the abject misery of everyone else around her.
Nobody knew just what had set the girl off to get her akumatized in the first place. Her comments about men being “the eye-candy now” suggested an argument. The maid outfits involved suggested what the topic of the argument had been regarding.
To be honest, nobody had actually realized she was the akuma responsible. She did appear fairly normal by akuma terms, dressed in a seemingly authentic Victorian era dress more befitting as an authentic Lady’s Maid compared the frillier, lacier varieties that the men around her had suddenly found themselves in. What would normally have gotten her a few odds looks was mostly ignored in the face of the sudden change. Few even took notice of her dark purple skin or black hair. Or the fan in her hand.
The yelling…was a bit harder to miss.
It was the first thing that drew the attention of the three girls settled at the cafe.
The second thing was the various cries of horror as several of the men around them suddenly discovered their state of dress transformed into…well…dresses. Of a variety that made the little cafe appear more like a maid cafe than anything.
The third thing was the appearance of a familiar face running down the road, holding up his long white dress to make running easier as he looked for a place to hide.
Marinette stared.
Adrien Agreste was running around in a long white and pale cream Victorian-era dress and cap, looking like Cinderella running from the ball. Except a maid.
A quick glance to her companions showed that both Alya and Kagami were similarly staring in befuddlement, so this was neither her imagination or a fever dream.
“Adrien? What’s going on?” Alya asked for everyone.
“It’s an akuma!” He replied, quickly. “She’s putting everybody into cosplay!”
He paused, glancing around. “Well…all the guys, I think?”
Marinette stared.
“…Just that?” Alya asked, thankfully taking over while Marinette’s brain started to become aware that this WAS Adrien she was talking to. “She’s not doing anything else besides putting guys into…‘cosplays’?”
He blinked in confusion. “I…think so?”
“She isn’t…I don’t know…commanding you or anything?”
“Well, she hasn’t yet. Which, really, isn’t so bad for an akuma if you think about it.” He said with a frown before he noticed the strange look on Kagami’s face. “Kagami, are you okay?”
Kagami made a strangled sound.
Marinette pretended to choke on a drink from an empty glass to avoid speaking.
“Can I add to your order?” The waiter came by, seeming unconcerned by the ruckus or the act that he was now wearing a rather cutesy maid outfit the likes of which would be seen in a maid cafe in Japan.
“You don’t seem put off by this.” Alya pointed out, noting his relatively unfazed attitude compared to the panicking of the other men around them…or the gushing from Adrien.
The waiter took it in stride.
“It’s okay.” He replied blankly. “I’m already dead inside.”
He turned to Kagami. “Do you need anything else, Miss?”
Kagami was still staring at Adrien, blushing furiously.
“I think I have a problem.”
“You mean a kink?”
“A. Problem.” She spoke through gritted teeth.
“Story of my life.” The waiter replied as he refilled her glass of water, either unaware or uncaring of the specific nature of her trouble.
Alya gasped in sudden realization. “Wait! If this is happening here then…” She turned to Adrien. “Where were Nino and the boys?” He blinked, curious. “Oh, they decided to head home. Why?”
An almost sinister smirk formed on Alya’s face. One that would have anyone it was directed at cowering in fear. And strong enough to be felt from several blocks away.
Unbeknownst to them, Nino felt that smirk like a trail of cold fingers down his back, and promptly threw himself into his room and slammed the door shut behind him.
As if she sensed this, Alya slammed several bills on the table and dashed out the door.
Realizing an akuma was about, Marinette was right on her heels. She found a nearby alleyway and immediately prepared to transform and face this latest threat.
“Oh my god. OH MY GOD.” She broke down, letting out the laughter she’d been trying so hard to hold in. “He’s a dork! The boy I’m crushing on is a complete DORK who is in to cosplaying! He thinks maid outfits are COSPLAY!”
…or she would be.
“And here I’ve been driving myself nuts with anxiety over just asking him out and he doesn’t even—”
Any minute now…
“Marinette!” Tikki hissed. “You need to stop the akuma!”
“Can’t I just take a picture first?”
“Oh fine…”
Luka didn’t realize anything had happened. He felt a bit off balanced for a moment, and a bit colder, but attributed that to being on the Liberty. So he simply shifted his stance to be a bit more steady and continued playing. It wasn’t until the drum stopped that he realized something was actually wrong.
The look of shock from Mylene and the following shriek from Ivan cemented it.
He spun around, not sure what could have elicited such a cry from his fellow bandmate. And at first, he couldn’t really tell what had happened. Ivan was crouched behind the drum set, covering his face with his hands and trembling in what appeared to be mortification.
Then he noticed the mobcap on Ivan’s head, which he was pretty sure hadn’t been there before. And Ivan’s shirt seemed distinctly…fluffier and frillier than he remembered seeing a few minutes ago. He tried to move closer to offer help, only for his own balance to be off. And when he looked down…
The dress was new.
As were the stockings.
And the notably thinner and sleeker heels on his boots.
He hummed to himself, considering the change.
“Akuma?” Juleka asked him.
“Most likely.” He replied.
Mylene had rushed up to their practice stage and to Ivan’s side, even as he moaned for her to not look at him. The poor guy was completely red in embarrassment. Seeing how upset he was, the other three had backed away, leaving Mylene to try to help her boyfriend.
“Luka, are you okay?” Rose asked worriedly, trying to respect Ivan’s need for space while also checking in on their other effected bandmate.
“I’m fine. It was just a surprise at first.” He replied.
It wasn’t every day that you suddenly found yourself in a maid outfit, after all. It was a simple outfit. White off the shoulder puffy sleeves with black frills. A black tube skirt. White apron. And…he reached to his neck where a weight was, feeling a choker.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
Honestly, he could be in worse.
Rose seemed surprised at that. “Really? Even with those shoes?”
He looked down at the shoes in question. The boots were his style—surprisingly, given it was an akuma. The higher heels were definitely different from his norm, and clearly what Rose was referring to. In any other circumstances, she would be right.
Luka smiled, shifting his stance and resting a hand on his hip. “Well, someone had to teach Jules to walk in heels. And I couldn’t show her if I didn’t know how myself.
Juleka huffed. “Don’t say that like you didn’t enjoy playing dress up.”
Luka merely curtsied, not only showing off more of his slightly ripped and punk-looking fishnet stockings, but almost proudly displaying his ability to move fluently in heels.
Rose appropriately “oo-ed” and “aah-ed” at his display. Juleka merely shook her head and smiled. Ivan was still recovering from his panic attack and had resolutely refused to come out from behind the drums, despite Mylene’s reassurances.
“So it has to be an akuma, right?” Rose asked.
“If it is, I want a picture or two, at least.” Juleka muttered as she admired Luka’s outfit, mumbling about commissioning Marinette to recreate it in her size. She hadn’t known maids could come in this style.
Mylene nodded from her place at Ivan’s side. “Though it seems rather fortunate if this is all the akuma is doing.”
“We don’t know if that is it, though.” Luka warned. “For all we know, there could be some other ability she has if she catches us. It would probably be safer if we hid out inside until this is over.”
The others agreed. And Anarka, bless her soul, actually came up with a large blanket for Ivan to wrap himself in to preserve his dignity. Then she and Mylene helped the taller teen to safely relocate to inside. Much like Luka, Ivan’s shoes had changed, but he was substantially less able to maneuver in them. And no amount of effort or force on his part could seem to separate the heels from his feet.
Once he and the others were inside, Luka moved to follow. He hesitated, however, at the sound of something landing behind him.
“Viperion? We’ll need your help.”
He turned to see Ladybug standing tall. And was that perhaps a hint of blush on her face?
A shame.
It looked like Juleka wouldn’t be getting her pictures, after all...
He shuddered, backing away from the door as far as possible.
It was a fight for survival.
“C’mon, Nino. Just open the door.”
The survival of his dignity, but still!
He’d lost track of the others and immediately rushed home and to the safety of his room. His room, which he could lock and hide away in until this all blew over.
“I have a key!” Came Chris’s voice. “Somewhere…”
“Give it and I won’t take any pictures of you.”
His room, which his traitorous little brother was willing to allow the enemy entry into.
Under any normal circumstances, he wouldn’t be this desperate. But if Alya caught him like this…
Black dress. Puffy at the shoulder, sleeves that extended to his wrists and were bound by white cuffs. A white smock tied back with a white ribbon. White bow at the neck and white frills along the bottom of the dress?
Oh yeah…Alya would never let this go…
He knew he shouldn’t have gotten into all those anime Adrien pushed him into! So what if the maids were cute? And sure, he’d admit he's had a thought or two of Alya in such attire...
But how was he supposed to know Alya had such thoughts as well? And in the complete opposite direction! Clearly this was the akuma’s magic punishing him!
Nino looked to his window.
It would be a long fall, but it was his only escape.
But would the broken legs be worth it when Alya would soon figure out what he did and be able to catch up to him easily?
Maybe he could try to climb up instead…but in these heels? It was suicide!
…screw it. 
He opened up his window, only to meet a new pair of eyes.
Ladybug stared in surprise from her place at his windowsill, a certain box in hand.
“Oh thank god!” He exclaimed. He took her by her shoulders, half leaning out and half pulling her in. “Alya’s insisting on taking pictures! Please tell me you have my Miraculous with you!”
“Actually, about that—”
“I don’t care! I’ll do anything! Just please—SAVE ME!”
Ladybug looked back behind her to a distant rooftop and the other allies she’d left behind.
The sound of a key jingling could be heard and Nino stared up at her, pleadingly.
Well, she could never resist the eyes…
By the time they’d gotten the door open, the room was empty.
Nino was gone.
Six heroes stood assembled.
Chat Noir.
King Monkey.
Six heroes.
Five of whom were male.
And…still wearing some semblance of feminine maid-like outfits.
Ladybug wasn’t sure if she should be impressed or worried.
“What the hell?! I thought the Miraculous were supposed to change us into our hero suits?” Nino groused.
Contrary to his hopes and expectations, using the Miraculous had not transformed him into his normal Carapace look, but had rather simply given him a different outfit. The dress itself was green and had a turtle shell pattern, while the apron and waist belts were a brown color. The bowknot around his neck was a dark green and a brown to match the apron. He wore stockings. And to his very limited relief, his shoes were flats instead of heels.
“Well, at least this skirt is longer.” Pegasus said, now wearing a dark brown blouse and bicycle skirt. The skirt went to just above his ankles, for which he was grateful. But this seemed to be countered by the increase of height to his heels.
Plus no corset. The outfit was still fit tightly and not very comfortable, but at least he could breathe now.
“Though I believe we’re getting away from maid-wear now.” Chat said, conversationally.
Pegasus gave him a flat look. “I’m not complaining.”
If Chat had witnessed his earlier ensemble, surely he would understand.
King Monkey, for his part, seemed somewhat appeased with his Miraculous suit. It was a notably more Eastern style of dress, appearing more like robes worn by palace servants. He wore a light brown waistcoat with wide sleeves over a blouse and a wrap-around skirt. It looked heavy, but Kim seemed to have no trouble with it. Maybe it was made of a lighter material…?
And Viperion’s dress was different in style as well. Whereas his maid outfit as Luka had been more punk, this was more sleek. Wearing a green sleeveless dress and white smock, as well as what appeared to be a green corset. The dress had a slit at the sides, giving more maneuverability for his legs…as well as more show, given the appearance of a garter belt and stockings. His shoes were high heeled but including a beautiful snake design that wrapped around his ankles. To finish it off, rather than remain bare, his arms were covered in what appeared to be loose green sleeves that started at his elbows and extended to his wrists.
…maybe a picture or two wouldn’t hurt? Or three? Because the amount of details on these outfits were amazing and she was just brimming with ideas now…
Ladybug broke out of her musings when someone tugged on her shoulder to get her attention.
It was Chat. Chat who, much like the other heroes, as dressed in a fantastical outfit. Though a maid outfit, it was definitely more cat-themed with a giant paw-like gloves covering his hands, a paw print on his apron, and bow and bell on his tail which rang as he shifted.
What material was that made of, anyway? She kind of wanted to give it a feel and see if she could find something to compare it to. Maybe a quick sketch?
Oh. Right.
Maybe if she was lucky, they could finish this quickly so she could rush back home and take notes while she still had the ideas bouncing in her brain.
…maybe someone would have gotten pictures by then…?
“Ladybug?” Chat whispered, snapping her back to reality.
Chat frowned in concern. “Is the Guardian okay with this?”
Ladybug froze.
“PSST! Ladybug!” Came a voice from a nearby rooftop, drawing her attention.
“Master Fu?”
“Ladybug! Here’s the Miracle Box. Take as many allies as you can and resolve this as soon as possible!”
“Master? Are…you hiding in a box?”
“No questions! Just go!”
“…he’s fine.”
Chat seemed uncertain, but decided not to pry.
“Let’s just split up and find the akuma.” Ladybug said. “But don’t engage until we’re all together!”
With that, the six split into three groups, with Chat and Carapace going one way and King Monkey and Pegasus going another, leaving Ladybug and Viperion searching together with the former trying not to get caught stealing peeks at the latter.
“Is something wrong?” He asked with a smile.
…trying. The key word was trying not to get caught.
“No! Nothing!” She replied quickly. “I’m just…surprised that you can still move so quickly in those heels.”
“I’ve had practice.” He explained, still smiling. He even lifted one leg behind him, managing to stand perfectly balanced even on one leg in heels.
Part of her wanted very much to laugh. It was the same part that had found this entire day ridiculous. The other part of her was her inner artist at work and really wanted to make a few sketches inspired from the presented outfits. Like Viperion’s sleeves…and those shoes with a snake coil wrapping around the ankle…
Gaah! Focus!
She turned towards the shout to find King Monkey and Pegasus stumbling towards her.
Her fingers twitched. She ignored it.
“We found the akuma.” King Monkey reported. “She doesn’t seem to be doing anything. Just…kind or roaming around.”
“And laughing.” Pegasus added bitterly. “She appears to be doing a lot of that.”
“How’s THAT for ‘doll them up’?” Came a shout from street level. “HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, HUH?!”
As if on cue…
Ladybug and the others peeked over the edge of the roof.
“Has she displayed any other powers?” She asked.
“No.” Pegasus replied. “From what we could see, her power has already been activated to…obvious effect.” He hesitated, resolutely avoiding mentioning his new outfit or the indignity he’d already suffered. “She has only been laughing. And tripping the occasional person while searching for someone in particular—possibly the one responsible for her ire.”
Ladybug nodded. “At least she’s distracted and doesn’t know we’re here. We just need a plan of attack before we try to fight her.”
“No problem!” King Monkey said with a grin as he reached for his weapon. “We can just do a head on attack with our weapons and—”
They stared.
In place of his staff was a broom. A normal cleaning broom.
They sent cautious glances to each other before they checked their own inventory.
Said inventory consisted of a broom, a bucket, and a feather duster.
“I believe that constitutes as a problem.” Pegasus stated worriedly.
“That’s no fair!” King Monkey exclaimed. “Adrien was able to summon a machete!”
Ladybug blanched at that. “A what?!”
Pegasus pushed up his glasses. “I believe it’s a component of his…‘cosplay’?”
“Pfft!” Ladybug covered her mouth with her hand.
“I-it’s nothing!” She replied hurriedly.
Viperion raised his eyebrow at her but didn’t comment.
King Monkey at least seemed to take it in stride.
“Now we just need a plan for attack!”
“With what?!” Pegasus questioned, waving the feather duster in frustration. “Our weapons don’t work!”
“More like our weapons aren’t actually weapons.” Viperion said, considering his bucket.
“I could smack her.” King Monkey offered, holding up his broom. “Maybe your feather duster has dust on it and could make her sneeze?”
Pegasus gave him a flat look.
“I think the broom is the best weapon we have right now.”
“Don’t knock a bucket!” King Monkey commanded, resolutely. “I got one stick on my head one time and it took hours to get it off! Buckets are evil, man!”
Pegasus sighed and rubbed his head. “It concerns me that you’re the second person I know whom that has happened to.”
Ladybug coughed, discretely trying to draw attention off that particular subject lest identities be at risk. “Anyway, I think I have a plan...”
To be honest, it wasn’t that difficult of an akuma. Especially not with six of them teaming up against it.
Akumaid truly see to have no ability other than the initial one of transforming what any male in Paris was wearing into something embarrassing...unless you were Adrien, apparently. Aside from that, she showed no other power—neither over the clothes themselves or the people wearing them. Well, she wasn’t controlling any of the victims or shrinking the clothing to choke them at any rate...which if you think about it, was rather lame for an akuma in the power department.
The only real disadvantage in battle came in the difficulty the boys had moving freely in their current outfits. And the afore noted lack of proper weaponry.
Their advantage of surprising was ruined by Chat’s bell ringing before they could ambush her, and both Carapace and Pegasus losing balance with their heels and falling over. King Monkey’s outfit, while longer, also meant more fabric to flap about and resist his movements regardless of how light it may have been, so he wasn’t able to get a hit in fast enough before the akuma turned on him and knocked him away.
Chat was able to get a hit in though.
With his…Kitty Wand…
“THIS IS MAGICAL PUNISHMENT!” He shouted as he smacked the akuma over the head.
“Chat. Chat no. Chat why?”
And Ladybug had hopelessly lost her composure by this point and was laughing. Just laughing. Laughing so hard she was crying actual tears as she smacked her own thigh in her struggle to breathe. Viperion was trying to help her stay standing, keeping an arm around her to support her as she half leaned and half chuckled tears into his chest.
“What’s going on? Does the akuma have some power over Ladybug, too?” King Monkey asked.
Viperion sighed.
“Sure. Something to that effect.”
Ladybug wheezed.
“Lu-haha-lucky haha-charm!”
It said something when her own Lucky Charm magicked up a paper bag. With Ladybug still victim to her fit of giggles, Viperion simply put the bag over her face and had her try to breathe.
“A paper bag doesn’t help with out of control laughing.” Pegasus noted as he forced himself to his feet.
“Do you want to try to figure out the Lucky Charm?” Viperion bit out in annoyance, Ladybug still shaking in his arms.
Pegasus coughed and backed away. “No, thank you.”
Ladybug let out another giggle.
“All right, enough! I’ll stop her!” Carapace shouted, reaching for his back. “With my…serving plate.”
His shield.
His precious shield was gone.
“…Carapace?” Ladybug asked.
The newly rendered Turtle Maid sighed and simply threw the plate as he had his shield, not expecting much.
…the plate slice flew through the air at a surprising speed, but missed the akuma entirely. Instead, it sailed past her, hitting a light post.
Ladybug had expected it to bounce, but instead there was a sound of shredding metal as the serving plate actually tore through the lamp post and into the concrete itself.
The lamp post, now detached, tilted and fell over—conveniently on top of the akuma before she had the time to realize what was happening and move out of the way.
It fell on top of her and she hit the ground.
“Huzzah?” Kim asked.
“Well…that’s one way to defeat an akuma.” Pegasus marveled.
“Great. Now can we fix this already?” Carapace asked impatiently. If they took too much longer, someone was bound to catch them.
That someone would probably be Alya.
And that was the last thing he wanted at this point.
“But I kind of wanted to make a sketch at least…” Ladybug muttered to herself, holding the paper bag Charm to her chest.
She waved her hands insistently. “I’m on it!”
But she could dream…
It was with some disappointment that the Miraculous Cure wiped away the outfits of the other heroes, returning them to their original costumes.
“That was…horrible…”
“Corsets were invented as a torture method, I swear…”
“Shieldy!” Carapace exclaimed, hugging the shield in relief. “Never leave me again!”
“You okay now, Ladybug?” Chat asked her in worry.
“I’m fine.” She said, even though she wasn’t really. She felt like she’d missed a chance, even if it was for the greater good. But it would have been an abuse of her power to be taking pictures of the guys in that state and she already felt bad enough for breaking down laughing in the middle of the fight.
In that moment, however, the loveliness of ladybugs that made up the Cure returned from their task of restoring Paris to flow over Ladybug herself before vanishing, leaving her holding an envelope in their wake. Curious, she opened the envelope…
She gasped.
Inside were a multitude of photos of the other heroes. From different angles. In different positions. All of them in their new outfits.
Ladybug bit the inside of her cheek to keep from responding and drawing attention to herself.
…Thank you, Tikki.
Best. Kwami. Ever. “Ladybug…” Carapace said in growing wariness. “What is that?”
“Ladybug. That better not be what I think it is…”
She shoved the photos back in the envelope.
“It’s nothing at all!”
“Why don’t I believe you?”
Noticing the stand off, the others approached as well.
“It was just something I was missing, yeah.”
“Then let us see it.”
“Can’t.” She replied, clutching the envelope to her chest. “It’s…Ladybug stuff.”
“Hand it over. Right now!”
“Wait—did she get any of all of us in a group cosplay pic?”
Unfortunately, that small distraction was all she needed to get away.
Viperion, the only one having been pretty nonchalant this whole time, simply watched her leave and the others shout after her.
“…isn’t she going to take our Miraculous back?”
Angela sighed, already dreading what was to come.
It was a humiliating end to an already humiliating week as the former akuma victim had been forced to return to her job to go over the updates for the new Ladybug game with the rest of her team.
Said updates were apparently to include maid outfits for the female heroes thanks to one particular coworker who had decided to work on maid outfits for the female heroes instead of the level he was assigned. It had been part of the reason she had been angry enough to be akumatized.
The fact that he was insistent on shoving his maid fetish into the game for no good reason other than having them be eye candy was the other part.
The images in question that he insisted on bringing featured the three female super heroes of the city: Ladybug, Rena Rouge, and Queen Bee.
But not as anyone had ever seen them.
Instead of their usual hero suits, the three girls were portrayed in sultry, even provocative poses. And most notably, all three were wearing some mockery of a French Maid outfit…as what would be believed by Americans, no less.
They might as well have been the initial sketches of pinup posters.
“You can’t still be serious!”
“Hey, I’m not the one who got akumatized just because I was jealous that someone else had a good idea.” He said bitingly and giving her a pointed look, perhaps still a bit bitter of the aforementioned experience that her akumatization had caused.
“It’s not a good idea, John.” Angela countered. “There was no reason to have the girls be running in maid outfits.”
He shrugged. “We could just say an akuma did it. After all, we did just get an akuma who did exactly that.” He said, giving her another look.
She clenched her fists and was about to retort when their team lead entered the room.
The meeting commenced and she’d been forced to bite her tongue. Each of the team members went over their progress and updates for their contribution to the game. Level design. Enemies. Testing.
And then came his grand achievement. Instead of the level he was assigned, he gave scantily clad designs for three of the eight known heroes.
What effort.
“I was thinking we really need to include something to make our game stand out, so I made some extra skins for the heroes.” He bragged, sending her a smug look. “The appeal would sell plenty of copies.”
“Or the controversy.” Angela muttered back before turning to the team lead and hoping that the man leading their group had more empathy…or sense.
The team lead looked over the designs with an analyzing gaze. Tiffeny, despite the initial impression his name would give, was a rather buff man who took no shit. But was also a guy. Who liked guy things. But did those things include young women in maid costumes?
After a moment, Tiffeny dropped the pictures on the table and looked at John incredulously. “You know, if you were going to base skins off recent events, you could at least have been authentic.”
John stared. “What?”
“It was the guys who were affected by Akumaid. Not the girls. If we’re going to do maids, we need to keep it true to life, just like the rest of the designs we’ve included. We talked about this when we started this project.”
“But it’s what the audience wants!” John argued.
“Do you know who comprises the majority of our audience?” Tiffeny asked. “Girls. Girls, gay guys, and those who are exploring their interests. Guys in the outfits would sell leagues more than the girls.” He started ticking his fingers “It’s different. It’s original. And it’s based in actual events. People would love it.”
“But…they’ll love this!”
“Man, if people wanted to see sexy girls in skimpy clothing, they’d play literally any other game! Or watch porn.” Tiffeny explained. “But what game do you know of has had guys in maid outfits?”
“Exactly. We want to stand out. And we even have recent events as justification. So if you’re going to be wasting time you should be spending on level-making to put people in maid skins, then get those male heroes some maid costumes.”
“But that’s not fair!” John exclaimed.
Tiffeny paused at that. “Hmm…you’re right.”
With that, he turned to her. “You’re good at designing. Make some butler outfits for the girls. Something dashing to serve as a counter for the guys.”
Angela blinked in surprise for a moment before smiling.
“Sure thing!”
“You know…” one of the other workers noted. “While we’re on the subject, I WAS thinking of some medieval armor designs for the girls and princess dresses for the guys.”
“Hey yeah! Like a light green for Viperion!”
“Maybe teal might be better?”
“Ooo! How about…”
Soon enough, everyone seemed to be invested in the new plan.
Everyone that is, except John.
“Lovely!” Tiffeny said cheerfully. “Plan it out and bring the concepts to me later.”
With a new task in hand and John’s pouting to forever be a memory to hold onto, it seemed her day was looking up…
“That was some akuma battle.” Marinette said as she slid into her seat next to Alya.
The reporter, however, only looked annoyed. “Ladybug had apparently called all the male heroes and I completely missed it!” She groaned and leaned back in her seat, bemoaning the lost opportunity.
If she’d hadn’t been so focused on tracking Nino for the purpose of collecting blackmail ensuring his safety, she would have been able to catch all of the male heroes in their maid outfits.
Marinette smiled. “You know…I may have a connection…”
Alya gasped.
Marinette giggled and slid over her phone with a picture showing.
“NO WAY!” She cried out before staring up at Marinette in shock. “Girl, you have to send me these!”
“Wait—you have what now?” Nino had arrived, initially hopeful that he had avoided the worst of that day only to have those hopes immediately dashed upon arriving to see the two girls sharing what could only have been one thing…
“I have pictures of the heroes in their new outfits.” Marinette replied cheerfully as she swiped through her phone. “Oh look, Nino! You’re in here, too!”
“WHAT?! NO!” He shouted, rushing forward.
Marinette quickly grabbed back her phone and hid it in her pocket with an overly sweet and not at all innocent grin.
“Mari, come on, no! Don’t do this to me!” He begged.
“Don’t do this to ME!” Alya cut in. “You can’t just show me that and take it away! That’s just not fair!”
“Don’t worry.” Marinette assured them. “It’s going where all my blackmail material goes.”
“Wait what?”
“Since when do you have blackmail material?”
“Since somebody started a game of ‘let’s take pictures of Marinette while she’s asleep and post them online’.” Marinette replied dryly.
Nino groaned. “Come on! I said I was sorry!”
“And now I can be just as sorry.” She replied blithely.
Which was to say: not sorry at all.
“Come on! Alya made me do it!”
“It was just in fun! Marinette! Please!”
“Do you want me to beg? Cry? I’ll cry.”
“I’ll pay you! Pretty please! At least the heroes if nothing else!”
“Oh no you don’t!”
“My blog NEEDS this!”
Marinette smiled at the minor chaos she had caused as the normally happy couple bickered with each other.
Sweet sweet music.
“Hey, Marinette!”
And speaking of sweet…
She turned to look up at a certain blond-haired model as he arrived at his own desk. Though he seemed to be a bit distracted by the arguing couple.
“Hey, Adrien!” She greeted, for once with no stutter to speak of.
“Hey, um…are they okay?” He asked, gesturing to the two.
“Oh, they’re fine.” She said, waving them off. “Just…a bit excited over the recent akuma.”
At that, Adrien brightened. “Wasn’t it awesome?”
She nodded, trying to keep her laughter inside.
“You…ah…enjoyed yourself then?”
Adrien shrugged, looking a bit sheepish. “Well, it’s not often I get to dress up in a way that’s ‘silly’. Or in anything that isn’t promoting Father’s brand. And I’ve never gotten to cosplay. So it was…really fun.”
Oh. Ouch. Okay, that one kind of hurt. The poor Sunshine Child…
“You know…” Marinette said, leaning over her desk and smiling at him. “I’ve seen a bit of that one anime you mentioned.”
“Cells at Work?” He asked, brightening up.
She nodded. “Mmhmm. I could make you a jacket based off the lead Red Blood Cell. And if you like, I can keep it so you can wear it whenever we hang out.”
He gasped. “Really?”
“Sure! Maybe you can come over sometime so we can try a fitting. We could even play Mecha Strike.”
Adrien beamed. “That sounds great! Thanks, Marinette!”
She waved him off and went back to full sitting in her seat.
Alya and Nino both became distracted from their arguing by the miracle they had just witnessed.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng had just spoken to Adrien Agreste…and not a stutter to be heard!
“What the heck, girl?” Alya whispered, sliding into her seat beside her friend. “Since when could you do THAT and why haven’t you done it sooner? I could swear I saw hearts in his eyes!”
Marinette shrugged, grinning sheepishly. “After seeing Adrien Agreste in a maid dress, I kind of wondered why I was so scared of talking to him to begin with.”
Alya laughed. “Well, at least something good came out of this, then.”
“You know...more good WOULD come out of this if I had pics of those heroes..." 
“Really, Alya?”
“You’re pretty much the only one who managed to get any shots of the male heroes!” Alya exclaimed. “Seriously, how?!”
Marinette giggled.
“Just lucky, I guess.”
Knock! Knock!
“Felix?” His mother called on the other side of the locked and barricaded door. “Will you be coming out?”
“That depends. Do you have a camera?”
A pause. Which was all the answer he needed.
“Then no.”
Fortunately, in the midst of their searching, the team had managed to find the akuma and her primary target, getting between the two.
“So what happened?” Ladybug asked him.
John gripped his skirt, nervously. “She’s my coworker in developing a new video game and she didn’t like my input.”
“What set her off?”
The guy rolled his eyes. “She’s one of those types who wants to take the fun out of video games.”
“What?” Ladybug blinked.
“Okay, so I wanted to put some maid costumes in the game! It was just for fun! Besides, it would have added a bit of pizazz! Something for the players to enjoy!”
“You could just try making a good game.” Pegasus pointed out. “If you have to rely on a cheap gimmick to get buyers, it may not be a good product.”
"I'm sorry, really! I mean, sure, I'm still going to put it in the game, because who wouldn't want hot maids, but still! That doesn't mean I deserve this!"
Ladybug blanched. “Wait…is the game about me?”
Pegasus coughed and looked away. “There have been…rumors, yes.”
Viperion tilted his head. “That seems like a double standard though…since we’re the ones in maid outfits...”
“Not the point, Viperion!”
Ladybug frowned.
“I don’t think I want to help now.”
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mayraki · 3 years
“the adventures of babysitting” - jj maybank
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-> hvitstark’s gif!
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summary: when the cute boy who mows the lawn for the kook family you babysit shows up, weird and unexpected events start to happen.
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Babysitting wasn’t something you planned to do when summer started, but when you saw that lonely dollar that you had in your pocket you decided to change that. And what better way, than to take care of the rich kids when their parents are too focused on their golf sessions?
It didn’t took you long to find a parent like that, since in Outer Banks, 90% of the parents had the stupid necessity to go golfing every day, leaving their poor kids on the house. Well, “poor” is a matter of speech, because if you had a pool the side of your entire house and free WiFi to play any game that ever existed, you wouldn’t complain.
“The food is in the refrigerator. Maybe start making it at 12 pm, she likes to eat early.” Mrs. Johnson was saying while she had her big bag on her shoulders, ready to leave the house. “Lily!” She yelled so loudly that you squint your eyes for the sudden scream. “Oh, and before I forget, in a couple of hours the boy that’s going to cut the grass is going to show up. But you don’t have to do anything, he already knows his way around the front yard.” You nodded with a little smile.
“Lily! Get down here, now!” She yelled so firmly that you could tell the fire on her eyes, making you feel a little bit intimidated by the rich house wife. As soon as she went back to you, a smile appeared on her face again changing her expression completely in a matter of one second, making you feel a little bit scared. “Do you have any more questions for the day?”
“No! I’m fine, we’ll be fine.”
“Y/n!” You heard the little girl calling your name while she was running to welcome you with a hug.
“Lily! Come here you little angel!” You picked her up so she could wrap her arms around your shoulders.
“Lily, behave.” Mrs. Johnson said and Lily nodded.
“Yes, mommy, like always.”
“No cookies until lunch is over, got it?”
Lily nodded again, this time more quicker. “Got it.”
Not trusting her daughter, Mrs. Johnson turned to you. “Got it?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it.” Mrs. Johnson gave Lily a kiss on the forehead before walking towards the door. “See you later Mrs. Johnson!” You waved until you saw her outside and she was no longer in your sight.
“Do you want to see my barbie?” Lily said once her feet touched the ground.
“Cool! Let me look for it.” She grabbed your hand to walk you to her room. “I did a makeover that took me the whole week. Because when I got her she was so ugly, the change was necessary.” She was saying like a professional fashion icon. Her sass was one of your favorite things about her. “That’s what my mom says all the time. If you don’t like something, you change it so it fits you.” After a walk that seemed to took forever since the house was bigger than the whole frontyard itself, you arrived at her room. While Lily was looking for her barbie to show you, you went over her room like it was the first time your eyes were seeing it. The wall colors looked like an unicorn had throw up in them and then a fairy had her glitter thrown at it. The main color was pink, her bed, her night stand, her desk, even her TV was the color pink. You never hated that color, but her room was making you feel nauseous. It was all so colourful and an interesting thing to look at, but the thing that always caught your attention was the thousand posters of the movie ‘Frozen’. Elsa, Anna and all of those characters you couldn’t remember the names where in her wall smiling. They were so many of them that you started to feel creeped out by them. “Here she is!” Finally, Lily found her barbie as was already walking towards you with her toy in her hand waving it like she was trying to get something out of her. She handed the barbie to you with the biggest and proudest smile ever, but the moment you grabbed the toy the smile disappeared from your face for a second.
“Oh my-” the normal long hair that Barbies have isn’t longer in this one, it was short and it looked like some punk girl from the 80’s with he hairs all lift up. You didn’t even know if it was punk, she looked like she touched a wire with a fork! She had a short dress that looked like it had been on dirt, washed but then she fell on grass, making it look even more dirty and destroyed. Her skin was painted red and blue with some pink dots all over her body. She definitely didn’t had a good day. You looked at Lily and noticed the proud smile and the excitement on her eyes as you were watching the barbie, so you put your biggest fake smile on your face not wanting to break the poor girl’s heart. “She looks wonderful!”
“I know! I’m good at it!”
You quickly nodded. “Yeah!”
“Maybe I can be a fashion designer when I grow up!” Lily started clapping and grabbed the barbie from your hand while you were nodding non stop not knowing what to say.
Models from the future; I’m so sorry and good luck.
You thanked the Gods for Lily not wanting to show you anymore of her creations, instead she wanted to watch a movie, and as soon as she said that, you already knew what she wanted to see.
“Let it gooooo! Let it goooooo!” You heard Elsa sing while Lily’s eyes were glued to the TV, her body was slowly moving while she was whispering the song. You knew she loved the movie so much she never wanted to outsing Elsa, and deep down, you were grateful for that.
“Yes, please Elsa,” you said in a whisper not wanting Lily to hear you while you were sitting down in the couch behind her “let it fucking go. Stop it.” As soon as you tilted your head backwards annoyed, a sound came from the front yard. “What was that? You asked with your eyes glued to the door, but there was no response from Lily, since her little mind was too focused on the movie. You headed to the window to cheek what it was while all the horror movies and serial killers documentaries went through your mind. With your heart beating a little faster you opened the curtains and wondered with your eyes your surroundings, but nothing was there. You were calming down until you heard your phone rang in your pocket, making you jump from the scare.
“What’s up bitch?” Your best friend, Hannah, said on the phone once you picked up.
“Hi, I’m babysitting.” You said still checking the front yard.
“Oh, got it, you have to watch your tongue.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think this kid is listening to me right now, Elsa has that covered.” You did quick look on Lily, who’s eyes were still glued to the TV.
“Ugh, I hate that movie.”
“I don’t. But the amount of times I watched it here isn’t helping on that.”
“What are you doing right now?”
“Checking if the guy- oh my god.” You stopped as soon as your eyes noticed a boy standing in the front yard. Because he was too far away you could only see clearly his blonde hair and his dark brown boots. He had a white shirt on and some light brown shorts, he was far, but the way he was moving and carrying himself was what attracted you and made your eyes stare at him twice, making sure you were seeing correctly.
“The guy that cuts the grass for this family is...” you did a quick turn to Lily to check if she was listening, but she was still too focused on the movie. You turned back to see the boy, but before you could continue your sentence, Hannah spoke before you.
“Oh, more than that.”
“Who is it?” Hannah said intrigued.
“Can’t see, he’s too far.”
“What is he doing?” You saw how his arms tensed when he grabbed some machine you never saw before. They were so strong that you suddenly got the need to walk towards him touch them, but that would be extremely weird.
“I don’t know, turning the machine I guess.” You tried to focus more on his face and try to figure out if you knew him, but he was too far for your poor sight.
“Go talk to him.”
“What? No!”
“Why not? He’s hot, you’re hot. Perfect match.”
“He is definitely a...” Again, you turned around making sure Lily wasn’t hearing. Even if she wasn’t, you choose your next words carefully. “major babe.”
“Major babe?” Hannah let out a tiny laugh. “What are? 30?”
“The kid is still here!” You whispered loudly.
“What is a major babe?” Fuck.
You turned around to see Lily standing there with her Barbie between her hands. The movie was still playing but it looked like your conversation gained her attention even more.
“What? Oh, nothing.” You shook your head with your phone still against your ear. “Don’t worry about it baby. Keep watching Elsa.”
“I want to know what that means.” Lily said with her firm tone, letting you know she wasn’t going to let it go.
“I think you’re in trouble.” Hannah said on the other side, and you knew she was trying to not laugh at your current situation.
“Bye!” You ended the call before leaving your phone in your pocker to kneeled down and be closer to Lily’s face. “A major babe is someone who is... cute.” You said trying to choose the perfect words. Explaining something like this to a six year old isn’t something that you would ever choose to do.
“Cute?” Lily asked confused.
“Yeah, pretty.”
“Like Elsa?”
“Yeah? Yeah!”
You thought the conversation was over when Lily let out a giant smile and nodded convinced. But then, she opened her mouth: “So you think the guy who cuts the grass is pretty?”
“Well-” You got up trying to take those thoughts out of her mind, but before you could say anything Lily started clapping excited.
“You do! Y/n and JJ sitting in a tree-” She started singing but you stopped hearing once you heard the name ‘JJ’.
“Wait, JJ? The guy’s name is JJ?” You said confused, hoping it wasn’t who you thought it was.
“Yeah! He comes every week since last year!”
“JJ? JJ Maybank?” You were praying Lily was going to shake her head and say it was another JJ, but deep down you knew there wasn’t any other guy with that name.
“Yeah!” Lily said happily, unaware of your thoughts and your not so happy face.
Well, fuck.
“Oh my god.” You said when it finally hit you. “Sweetie, I think Anna is dying.” You said gently turning Lily towards the TV.
“Oh no!” She went back to the movie. You turned to the window and moved the curtain while a sigh came out of your mouth.
JJ Maybank. The guy that was known for being the life of the party, getting into trouble or starting a fight. He would almost every time leave the party with some girl around his arm. You weren’t going to lie, you wished sometimes you were that girl. Having a crush on a boy that doesn’t know you exists isn’t... the best. You met JJ at school when you were a kid and that’s when it all started, when he defended you from some Kook kid that was annoying you at lunch. The crush didn’t grew more, the opposite, it went down passing the years. But that didn’t stop you from looking at him when he showed up at the party you were at or feeling nervous when he was around. You weren’t the type to do so, but there was something about him that made you feel as awkward as you could ever be.
The fact that he was in the same house as you made you feel something inside your stomach, making you move uncomfortably in your sit while Lily was watching, for the second time, Frozen. You don’t have to talk to him, there’s nothing to worry about. You were thinking over and over again trying to calm yourself down. Or maybe this is your opportunity to talk to him. You thought in Hannah’s voice, since she knew about your crush she would often say that you should start a conversation with him, or at least introduce yourself.
You didn’t know if he knew who you were. You only talked once, back when you were kids and you thanked him for defending you. That was it. You remembered it, but you were sure he didn’t.
C’mon, what are you waiting for? Go offer him some water! Hannah’s voice was saying in your head like she was next to you giving you the courage you needed to do so. And somehow, it worked. After making sure Lily was safe while watching the movie, you walked towards the kitchen and poured water on a cup to bring outside.
As soon as your hand touched the door to open it, you felt the heat of the sun touching your skin and you heart beating faster, already knowing your next moves.
You saw him getting ready to cut the grass with the same machine you saw before. His skin and hair were glowing under the sun making your heart beat faster than before and him looking more beautiful than he already was.
“Hey!” You said loudly once you were a couple of steps away from him.
JJ immediately turned to you making your heart drop to your stomach. He furrowed his eyebrows confused while trying to figure out who you were. “Hi? Are you the babysitter?” He pointed at you and you nodded with a smile.
“Yeah. Y/n.”
“JJ.” He let out a tiny smile. Fuuuuuuck.
Silence came between you two while your brain was trying to remember what you came outside. “Oh! I bought you some water, it’s pretty hot out here.” You handed him the cup which he took gratefully.
“Yeah, I don’t want you passing out. I don’t want to deal with that.” You said and immediately regretted it, why would you say that? That makes you sound like a terrible babysitter!
But as soon as he let out a genuine laugh, your mind gave you a break.
“Sure. So, since when did you started working with this family?” He said before giving a sip to the water.
“Last week.”
“I haven’t seen you around much. You live in the Cut, right?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I do. My dad owns the store across the beach.”
JJ didn’t respond immediately. He stood there watching your eyes carefully, so much, that your heart started beating faster once again. “Really? He has some good boards, dude.”
“Thanks. He’s really proud of them.”
“Make sure to tell him. Thank you for the water.” He gave you the now empty cup and you shook your head with a little smile.
“Don’t worry about it. If you need anything just tell me.”
JJ let out a tiny laugh. “You take care better of me than Mrs. Johnson.”
You smiled back while on the inside you were freaking out. “It’s no-” you were saying but the water hitting your body cut you off.
“What the fuck?” JJ said as soon as both of you noticed the water feeling like rain against your body. You looked up to see if it was, but the sky was as as clear as you last saw it.
“Where is that water coming from?!”
“It’s the automatic water for the grass!” JJ said looking down and pointing at the tiny machine going off behind you. You turned around and looked at it confused, trying to not get hit in the face by putting your hands in front of your face.
“But it never turns on during the day! Do you know how to turn it off?!” You asked at JJ with the hope that he did, and luckily, he nodded turning around and leading to some part of the front yard you’ve never been before. When you arrived to where he was you noticed he was kneeled down and with a quicker twist of his hand, the water was off. “What the hell was that?” You said turning to where the water was coming from.
“I don’t know.” JJ said and looked down to his body all wet. You turned to him and did the same, but not to your own body, to his. The way his shirt was glued to his torso would mark his abs and let you nothing to the imagination. You immediately looked down once you realize you were staring, you felt so embarrassed like you weren’t supposed to see what you just did. “Maybe this will help with the sun and I won’t pass out.” He said with a smile once he looked up at you and you smiled, thankful he didn’t notice you staring at him and his fit body.
“You’re dripping.” You said. “You have to dry yourself otherwise you won’t be able to work with those heavy clothes. C’mon.” You pointed at the house and started walking, but his voice cut you off.
“I’m not sure I’m aloud to go in.”
“Do you want to get your work done or not? Because I don’t think you’ll be able to.” You did a quick look to the drops of water goind down. “It’s your decision, but I think Mrs. Johnson won’t be happy if she comes back and her grass isn’t done. Do whatever you want.” You said knowing that it was going to convince him to go with you. You did this tactic with Lily sometimes, making it their choice and having the control over the situation. Like you suspected, as soon as you made a couple of steps away from JJ, you heard his feet moving and getting closer to yours. Seconds later, he was already next to you.
“Maybe we should go to the bathroom, I don’t want to make a mess.” You said the moment you stepped inside the house. Lily, who was now sitting down on the couch, looked at you two with an exaggerated surprised face and walked to where you two where.
“Oh! What happened?”
“The water of your front yard went kinda crazy.” You said grabbing your sticky shirt and trying to get it away from your skin.
“Really?” Lily asked and then turned to JJ, who nodded.
“Lily I want you to stay here watching the movie, ok? We need to get dry.” You said leading the way to the bathroom. “Don’t open the door to anyone, did you hear me?”
“Yes!” Lily said while quickly nodding and then leaving to continue watching her movie. “Stupid Hans!” She yelled at the TV.
“She really likes that movie doesn’t she?” JJ said with a smile once he turned around to follow you.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “we watched it three times today.”
“Ouch.” You let out a laugh before entering the bathroom and quickly grabbing the towel and turning around to face JJ.
“Here, have the towe-” You were saying but once your eyes noticed JJ’s naked torso, your tongue went completely numb. “Oh.”
“Is everything ok?” He asked noticing your shook face, but then a little grin escaped his lips while he grabbed the towel from your hand.
“Yeah. Yeah! Everything’s fine.” You said quickly shaking your head a little bit, trying so hard to not let your now red cheeks make you feel embarrassed.
“Aren’t you gonna change?”
“I’ll wait for you to be over and then I’ll do it. Don’t worry about it.”
He nodded and the continued drying his body. “I still don’t know what happened with that.”
“Maybe the clock failed?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe. Anyway, thank you.” He handed you the towel. “I have to continue with work.”
“Yeah!” You quickly nodded. “You go.” You watched how he turned around letting you have a perfect veiw of his back, which made you feel like when you saw his torso naked without any warning. You looked away once he left the bathroom and slapped your forehead with the palm of your hand, already overthinking everything you just did.
As soon as you were finished you walked towards the living room to check on Lily who was now finishing the movie just one more time. You grabbed your phone from your pocket to see the time and realized it was lunch time, so trying to focus every thought of Lily, you called her so she would follow you into the kitchen. You grabbed everything that was on the refrigerator like Mrs. Johnson has told you while your mind was making the recipe for Lily’s meal. You were trying so hard to keep your mind focus and not thing of the cute guy that was still working on the front yard, a couple of steps away from you.
“Did you really fell for Hans because I didn’t. It was pretty obvious.” Lily said while watching you prepare her lunch.
“You think? I didn’t see it coming.”
“I didn’t like Hans since the beginning.” Lily nodded proudly of herself.
“You didn’t? I thought he was really cute and charming, maybe that what’s wrong with princes.” As soon as you said that, a thought came into your head. You stayed still like everything in your life just made sense and you understood it in that exact moment. “And maybe that’s why I like the boys I like.” You continued, talking more to your lard than to Lily. “They’re charming and sweet, but then they forget about your face even if you’re wearing a tiny mask, or they kiss you without even consenting it.” You were saying while your head was inside the refrigerator, looking for the mayonnaise to complete Lily’s lunch. “Or they even think because they have money we will automatically fall for them!” The moment that you said that you realized that you were babbling all to yourself about boys while Lily was listening to you, so you turned around shaking all your thoughts away. “Anyway-” you were about to change the subject but when you opened the water from the kitchen sink it all exploded and went all over your face and clothes. “WHAT THE HELL?” You yelled putting your hand in front of your face to prevent the water hitting your eyes.
“I’ll call JJ!” Lily said once she noticed the water wasn’t stopping.
“What- no! I got this!” You tried to stop her but it was too late, she was already out of your sight. “What’s the fucking problem with water today?” You asked trying to turn the water off, but no matter what you did with the switch, it wasn’t stopping.
“What happened?!” You heard JJ asking once he arrived next to you.
“I turned it on and it went crazy!” You turned around to see the water all over the floor. JJ kneeled down and opened the doors down the sink and just like before, stopped the water. You let your hands rest beside your body and let out an annoyed sigh at the feeling of sticky and wet clothes against your skin.
“Just like before?” JJ asked getting up to lock eyes with you.
You nodded. “Yeah. I think the thingy is broken.” You pointed at the sink looking at it confused but when you heard JJ let out a tiny laugh, you turned to him. “What?”
“The thingy?”
“Yeah, where the water comes out.”
JJ nodded still with a funny smile on his face. “Do you know how to fix it?”
“Do you?”
“Dad has tools!” Lily yelled, appearing on the conversation for the first time. You turned to her and she had a big smile on her face while her fingers were playing with each other. “Maybe Y/n can show you where they are?”
“Oh, yeah,” you nodded remembering the time you helped Mr. Johnson fix something for Lily. “I think they’re next to the bathroom. C’mon.” You said looking at JJ but then you turned to Lily. “While we repair that finish your lunch.”
She quickly nodded before you left her behind. “Ok!”
Even if you had JJ behind you, you felt his eyes on you as you were walking. Maybe they weren’t on you, but somehow, your mind had convince you they were making you feel uncomfortable under them. You were hearing his steps behind you, they were so close you could feel the air he was pushing with his arms while walking. The hallway was darker as usual since having JJ in your mind you forgot to turn on the light, but you knew the house like the palm of your hand.
“I think this is the room- yes it is!” You said entering the room next to the bathroom. “Tools tools tools...”
“Here.” JJ said behind you while grabbing a big dark brown box.
“Oh, ok. Better get that thing fixed so you can get back to work.” JJ nodded so you walked to the now closed door. You looked at it confused since you didn’t remember closing it. “What? Did you close the door?”
“No I didn’t.” JJ said.
“Then why the hell is it closed?” You asked before grabbing the handle, but it wasn’t opening. “And locked?!” Your heart dropped to your stomach the moment you realized you were locked and Lily was outside alone. “Oh my god, Lily? Can you open the door please? Lily?!”
Your heart started to beat faster but then, luckily, she spoke from the other side. “Are you guys locked?”
“Yeah! Can you open it from the outside?”
“I don’t know!”
“Can you check sweetie?”
“She’s a six year old? What can she do?” JJ asked behind you not faced by the situation at all.
“Well? Do you have any ideas genius? Lily is out there on her own!”
JJ lifted the box of the tools and let out a grin. “We have tools?”
“You can’t use them! Do you want to break the door?!”
“Do you want to get stuck in here until Mrs. Johnson comes back? Because I don’t think she’ll be happy to know that you left the little girl outside all by herself.” You let out a tiny sigh when JJ used the same tactic you used on him moments ago. You hated when they were used against you.
“Lily, are you still there?” You asked turning to face the door.
“Yeah. Are you two fighting in there?” She asked softly.
“No, sweetie, why would you think that?”
“I don’t know...”
“Do you want me to break the door then?” JJ asked lifting his eyebrow.
“Maybe you can do something without breaking it?”
“I’ll try. But I’m not a magician.” He said getting closer to the door to grab the handle. You noticed he put a lot of strength in it, but you didn’t understand what he was doing. “I think I got it, but I need your help.”
“What do you want me to do?” You walked to stand next to him.
“Grab the handle and pull it really hard when I say so.” You did as he told you and then looked at him, waiting for his words. “Ready?” You nodded. “Go!”
You pulled the handle with all your strength just like JJ told you while JJ was pushing the door to open, and before you could think of something else the door opened. You and JJ had so much strength into it, that the sudden movement of the door opening, made you two lose balance. JJ tried to grab your waist and prevent you from falling, but it didn’t work since your body was already half way to the floor, it only managed to turn you around by twisting you from your waist and not fall on your face. Once your back hit the floor, you felt a body algo hitting yours.
You opened your eyes once the pain in your back passed enough for you to move, to see some blue eyes staring at you. JJ’s face was so close to yours that you were feeling his heavy breathing against your skin. You felt like his eyes were casting a spell on you since you felt like you couldn’t move, and not because you had his body on top of yours. Even if would be normal for you to feel crushed under a body, you weren’t feeling his. You were so lost in his eyes that you forgot everything around you, it was just him and his breathing gently hitting your face.
“Guys-” Lily said softly next to you. That made you return to the moment and realize in the position you two were. He quickly got up and walked back nervously, like he didn’t know what just happened either.
“Lily! Are you alright?” You walked towards her and hugged her body.
“Yeah, I’m good.” She broke the hug to look at JJ, who was still standing in the corner nervously. “You two looked like Anna and Kristoff there.”
“What’s that?” You asked quickly, feeling your cheeks getting hot.
“Yeah, when they looked at each other. With so much looooove.” Lily said and then let out a silly laugh. You wanted the floor to eat you and throw you whatever it wanted, as long as it wasn’t there. Silence surrounded the hallway for a couple of seconds while you were trying to think of something to change the subject and pretend that what just happened, didn’t. But JJ spoke before you.
“Maybe I should get back to work.” He said and you nodded.
“Maybe you should.” The second you said that, he quickly walked passed your body to leave you and Lily behind. You watched his back and noticed he was looking down, maybe you weren’t the only one who got embarrassed. But what did happen?
The moment that you two locked eyes with each other you felt like there was nothing else around you, like you were melting under his eyes. You never felt something like that, and you never wanted to do it again. So lost in your thoughts that you didn’t realize Lily has taken you to the living room to play with some of her new toys. You were hearing her voice talk but non of her words were entering your body. You tried to keep your eyes on the toys but the second that you looked up, your eyes met with his. He quickly looked down and walked away, leaving your sight from the window. You sighed, disappointed.
It wasn’t that you wanted to stare at him... well, maybe it was. But you didn’t want to distract yourself from your work and taking care of Lily, the girl that had to be your number one throught until you left the house. So erasing your unwanted thoughts, you focused your mind into Lily’s game, who seemed to be super invested in.
“Barbie and Ken are going to get married tomorrow, I already planned everything.” Lily was saying the second your mind started to pick up her words. “I’m so excited!”
“I’m pretty sure Barbie and Ken are as well!” You said with a smile, playing along with her.
After a couple of minutes playing with Lily you were glad JJ wasn’t consuming your brain, playing with Lily did helped you get your thoughts straight and focus on what was important. It all seemed to be going back to normal, you weren’t thinking of what happened earlier, Lily and her funny game with her Barbies were definitely making you laugh, and the clock was getting closer to the end of the day, so you were definitely going back to your normal self, until you heard some steps getting inside the house.
“Hey, can I have another glass of water?” JJ asked standing next to the door. You looked up and him and slowly nodded, not opening your mouth. Without giving the opportunity to anything else to happen, you got up from where you were and walked to the kitchen. You heard the door closing and you sighed, glad that JJ didn’t followed you to the kitchen. You didn’t want to talk to him, you knew you were going to be your awkward self and probably embarrass yourself like you usually do, so better to avoid him and forget he even excited... if that’s even possible. You looked at the glass of water that you had now on your hand and stared at it for a couple of seconds. You didn’t want to go out and give it to him, so a better idea came into your head.
“Hey, sweetie,” you called Lily and seconds later she was in front of you with an innocent smile on her face. “can you take this to JJ?” She nodded and grabbed the glass of water before leaving the kitchen behind.
While waiting for her to come back, you closed your eyes when the last time you had JJ in front of you came back to your mind. Well, on top of you is the better choice for words. Your heart dropped to your stomach and the memory slowly came back to your eyes and the feeling of his breathing against your face. Not wanting to have that on your mind, you slapped yourself on the forehead with the palm of your hand. But that didn’t work at all, and what you saw when you opened your eyes didn’t help either.
“Hi.” He said while standing next to the kitchen entrance.
“Hi.” You said, surprised he was inside the house.
“My water?” He asked looking to your hand and noticing they weren’t holding anything.
You furrowed your eyebrows confused, trying to not think you telling Lily about JJ’s water was all your mind playing tricks on you. “I just sent Lily with a glass of water for you.”
“She said that you had it here.”
“What? Lily?” You called her but there was no response. “Lily!” You walked to the living room but she wasn’t there. Feeling your heart beating faster you walked outside hoping she was there. Once your eyes went over the entire front yard while your heart was slowly beating faster passing the seconds, your eyes finally landed on Lily, but that didn’t calmed you down, since she was standing right next to the pool. “What are you doing?”
“I want to take a swim!” She yelled once you started to walk towards her, followed by JJ.
“You don’t know how to swim! Your mom doesn’t let you in if she’s not here! Come back!”
“But I want to swim!”
“Lily you can’t! I’m pretty sure you will when your mom comes home.” You said but Lily didn’t respond you, instead she turned towards the pool. “Lily?” The moment she lifted her foot your heart dropped to your stomach. Your eyes followed her body falling inside the pool once she jumped and threw some water drops into the air, you saw it all like it happened in slow motion. “Lily!” You yelled like you never did before. You started running towards her ready to jump and grab her, but JJ being faster than you, with quick moves took off his boots and jumped into the pool.
Once inside, the water was making it difficult for you to fully see their movements. That was making your hands sweat and your heart to beat faster, it felt like it was going to jump out of your body. But then, you saw JJ’s head above the water, followed by Lily’s.
“WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?” You yelled once JJ left Lily’s body outside the pool. “Oh my god, you almost gave me a heart attack!” You patted her back while she was getting all the water outside from her body. You felt your heart getting heavy and slowing its speed while your breathing was letting out relief breaths.
“I’m sorry.” Lily said, once she stopped cuffing.
“Why- why would you do that Lily? You know you can’t swim!”
Lily looked up and JJ, who was breathing heavily with his body covered in water and his clothes sticking to his skin, but then she went back to looking at the floor. “I wanted- I wanted to be Anna.”
“What?” You asked confused.
“And I wanted JJ to be Kristoff.” As soon as she said those words you locked eyes with JJ, who seemed to understand the same thing as you on the same moment. Lily wanted to have a love like the characters of her favorite movie.
“Oh... Sweetie,” you kneeled down to be closer to her face. “And you thought that jumping into the pool when you can’t swim was going to make JJ your Kristoff because you wanted him to save you?”
She slowly nodded. “Yeah. And I- I also turned on the water earlier.”
“What?” You and JJ asked at the same time.
“The water for the grass- I did it.”
“Why?” JJ asked once you got up.
“And I broke the water tap. And I locked you two in the closet.” You opened your mouth surprised before looking at JJ, who was just as surprised as you.
“How?” He asked.
“Why would you do that?”
Lily shrugged her shoulders and that made JJ let out a tiny laugh while shaking his head.
“At least we know the house isn’t haunted.” He said, turning the conversation into something funny.
“You little devil.” You said, after letting the funny in the situation hit you.
“Are you gonna tell my mom?” Lily asked softly once she locked eyes with you.
“Lily, do you promise you won’t do it again?”
She quickly nodded with a smile. “I do.”
“Then this will be out little secret.”
“Thank you Y/n!” For the first time during those long hours, you felt like there was nothing else that could go wrong. You didn’t felt uncomfortable under JJ’s eyes, Lily was completely fine and JJ didn’t seem to bother that a little girl almost drowned for him... it all felt just alright. “And you calling JJ a major babe will be our little secret too!” Lily yelled and quickly added, noticing your cheeks go red and JJ letting out a grin once he locked eyes with you. “Oh, sorry.” Lily said softly.
Well... it had to happen, just another thing going completely wrong.
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maeve-writes · 3 years
Pairing: Stripper!Bucky Barnes x Reader x Stripper!Steve Rogers
Rating: 18+, Minors DNI 
Warnings: Adult situations, alcohol consumption, allusion to mild cheating(??). More to be added later.
Summary: It’s your friend’s birthday and you’re dragged to the Heroes club. You’re not one for that kind of place, but you quickly change your mind after you get to play the damsel in distress for a pair of Brooklyn babes. 
a/n: Unbeta’d, any mistakes are my own and please forgive me. This is the second story I’ve written in a while. Forgive me?
You normally don’t go to these sorts of places but it was your friend’s 30th birthday and it was on her bucket list. Luckily, you weren’t talked into planning any of it, just had to toss in some cash for the fee to get in and the never ending flow of drinks, plus the very special Birthday Girl Dance package.
It took you three years after the second Magic Mike movie came out to watch the first one. The idea of male strippers seemed odd. But, when you really thought about it, so did female strippers. 
Nevertheless, the night ultimately wasn’t about you, it was about your friend and her birthday. You were happy to be there with your friends, enjoying the celebration and drinks, seeing hot guys take off their clothes was a weird added bonus.
Heroes was the club to go if you wanted to see buff dudes bare it all. Tara, the birthday girl, had been raving about it for months. She found videos of it online and shared them in your group chat. That, of course, had your other friends looking for more videos and all of them started to have their favorites.
“Girl, some of them even give private shows,” Sonya, the oldest and who was supposed to be the responsible one of your group, mock-whispered excitedly.
You tried not to roll your eyes as your gang was escorted to the front table near the stage. It was a semicircular booth where small round tables came up from the floor, big enough for drinks, but small and spaced out enough to allow for bodies to move around and in between.
Your host was a slender built guy on the younger side, barely old enough to be allowed in. He had a baby face and a boyish smile, but his muscles were well defined as the club forced him to be shirtless save for the small bow tie around his neck with a spider in the middle, and the tiny pair of shorts that cupped his rear which stayed there by what you guessed was his will or magic. Maybe both.
“Here you are, ladies,” he guided, instructing Tara to take her seat near the middle. “The name’s Peter- uh Spider-Man. I’ll be taking care of you tonight.”
That set off a fit of giggles from your friends which caused a full body flush from your waiter. His embarrassment tugged at your heartstrings. “New at this, Mr. Spider,” you asked.
His flush darkened and he rubbed absently at the back at his neck after he passed out the menus. “It’s Spider-Man,” he corrected you, “but is it that obvious?” You tilted your head and scrunched up your nose, parting your pointer and thumb a small ways apart. He laughed in return, his shoulders relaxing a little. You gave him a wink and a smile before the rest of your friends attacked the poor kid with their drink and food orders.
You felt sorry for the guy, but he seemed to have loosened up a bit since your small, playful banter and your friends ate up his boyish charm. 
While you waited for your turn to order, you looked around the club to find its sleek design, not something you thought a strip club would offer. The walls were painted black, accented by silver framed posters of the dancers. Above each were white neon lights that spelt out their Hero name.
The rest of the booths were like your own, made of soft black cushions, black metal bases which were illuminated underneath by white light. The tables that sprang from the ground were polished silver necks with textured tempered glass tops to keep drink slipping and spilling to a minimum.
Of course, all of the booths surrounded the stage, which was mostly closed off by a thick black curtain, save for the large catwalk that split half of the sitting area in two. It was wide enough to fit three large men comfortably across it, shoulder to shoulder, and from some of the videos your group shared, they had done so before.
When Peter- there was no way you were going to refer to him by his Hero name- got to your order last, you could hear other rowdy groups start to file in. A couple of bachelorette parties, a girl’s 21st birthday, and a Happy Divorce Finalization Day were all joining you. Your friends quickly became friends with everyone in the room, so even if the show sucked, at least all of you could get drunk and have fun.
“Excuse me, ladies,” a voice rang out above you. Cheers burst from the crowd and every light in the room popped out and stayed out until the room fell silent. “Now that I have your attention…” A tall, dark man walked out from the split of the curtains. He wore a wireless microphone over his ear, an eyepatch over his eye which rested just above a self assured smile. Dressed in a fitted pair of leather pants and combat boots, he strode to the center crossroads of the stage and catwalk, “My name is Director Fury. I will be introducing you to your Heroes tonight.” He paused for another round of catcalls. “And hopefully we can save you from the Villains, too.” That drew out louder screams from the crowd.
“Now, what do we do to the bad girls like you,” he paused, looking pointedly to the crowd, “we contain,” he pulled a piece of rope from the back of his pants and tossed it into a group nearby, “detain,” he pulled out cuffs and twirled them around a finger before he threw those out as well, “and entertain.” With that, the bass dropped and the curtain flew open, behind Director Fury were the Heroes (and Villains) in all of their sweat slicked glory. 
Once the Director stepped aside, the seven dancers on stage began their opening routine. Dressed in black vests and tear-away leather pants, the men paraded around the stage and catwalk to the thump of the music, pulling off pieces of their clothing as they went. The women around you went wild, snatching at whatever was tossed their way, fighting playfully for it. While it seemed incredibly silly, Tara was having the time of her life and you absently sipped at your Tequila Sunrise while you scrolled on your phone. 
The dance number finished not two minutes later with a screaming cheer and standing ovation from the rest of the already slightly tipsy crowd. Director Fury came out while the dancers disappeared into the back to get ready, he worked the crowd, mentioning the brides-to-be and promised them a very special wedding gift before the night was over. “But I heard there were a couple of birthdays here,” Fury said, looking between your group and the one behind you. “Now, I’m going to get the young gun back there in a moment, but… a little bird told me that you,” he pointed to your friend, “are a very big fan of our first Hero of the night.” 
Tara squealed and stood up, “Fuck yes, I am. God bless Captain America! ...and dat ass!”
It was obvious that Director Fury was trying to keep his composure, but the corners of his lips twitched like he wanted to join in on the laughter from the crowd. “Well, he is certainly blessed,” he replied, “and ladies, you will be, too, when you see him at full salute.” He winked and started to walk off stage, “Captain? Duty calls…”
Some sort of abomination of the Star Spangled Banner started to play, remixed with drum and bass. You looked up to see what kind of horror show would come from something treasonous as what bled from the speakers around you, you were met with over six feet of muscle covered in a fitted blue suit, fingerless leather gloves on his hands, and a round metal shield on his back painted red, white, and blue. 
The Captain’s background was what looked like a large war ship with painted ski-masked bad guys spread throughout the levels. His stage allowed him ramps and poles to move up and down, which he used freely. He used a mixture of acrobatics and dance to move across the stage, tossing the shield around, “fighting off the bad guys” and losing his clothes in the process. By the end of the song he was left in just the leather gloves and a very tight pair of shorts, much like the ones Peter wore, except the Captains had the same pattern of his shield printed across the backside. 
Tara’s screams knocked you out of your daze and you realized you hadn’t stared down at your phone at all during the Captain’s dance. You watched all five minutes of it and couldn’t tear your eyes away. Heroes wasn’t about getting drunk women horny, they wanted to put on a show, too. You clapped lightly, though it was drowned out by the cheering around you, but unbeknownst to you, it wasn’t unnoticed. 
Fury was out once again and he brought up the first bachelorette of the night. He put her in a chair on the catwalk and gave her a candy-garterbelt. Then he asked her waiter, a guy named “Ant Man”, to remove it with only his tongue, which he happily obliged. 
Peter cut off your view with another drink, one you didn’t order. “On the house,” he said with a lopsided grin and placed the red, white, and blue layered drink next to your nearly empty Sunrise. Before you could ask him who ordered it, the candy garterbelt was being tugged between the bachelorette and her waiter. It ended in a tongue-y kiss and the ladies went wild. 
“Let’s hope her future husband doesn’t mind,” you muttered and turned your attention to your phone once again. Director Fury, thankfully, broke up the awkward scene on stage and began to introduce the next dancers. It was a pair, brothers, apparently, and they worked on the good versus bad troupe. Thor and Loki were opposites in every sense of the word. Thor was a large blond with a commanding presence. He had a bright smile and sun kissed skin that looked great in his red and gold trimmed briefs. But his brother was slender, graceful - almost cat-like, with dark hair and a mischievous grin all wrapped in flawless alabaster skin. They didn’t look like brothers, but they moved around each other like they had been together all of their lives, and knew each other’s moves. 
You only caught half of their story, as you were already halfway done with, what you found out was called the American Glory drink, and half wondered if that was what Captain America tasted like. Fury was up again and had the young lady celebrating her 21st birthday take two shots and lick the salt from Thor and Loki’s still sweaty chests. 
Peter found his way in front of you again and said that someone needed to talk to you about your card being declined. You frowned and excused yourself from your friends to find out what was going on. There shouldn’t have been a problem, you got paid the day before, there was plenty of money in your account.
You were taken to a hall that connected what seemed like offices, the dressing room, and the route to the backstage. “Sorry,” Peter said sheepishly, “they said this was the only way to get you back here. Gotta go.” He waved and jogged back out to the lobby.
Confused, you were about to shout out after him when you felt a tap on your shoulder. When you turned, you faced that wall of American muscle beaming down at you. “Hey there,” he greeted, a smile almost blinding you from its perfection. “Don’t be too mad at the kid, I asked him to get you back here.”
“What,” was all you could get out. He was thankfully dressed, but his muscles were straining against the white tshirt and the gym shorts did not hide the package he carried. Even with all of that, what mesmerized you most was his eyes, sparkling blue and bright with amusement. 
“This next bit requires audience participation and he had someone in mind,” the Captain replied like he explained everything.
“We had someone in mind,” a voice corrected behind the door you two stood near. You tore your eyes away from the blond and eyed the wood barrier suspiciously. 
“Don’t worry,” Captain America laughed, capturing your attention once again, “it’s nothing too dangerous or embarrassing. You just have to sit there, pretend to be tied up, and me and Buck will dance around you.” He put his hands on his hips and tilted his head in thought, “Well, actually, you really will be tied up, but we promise we’ll let you go once we’re done.”
“Or not, if you don’t want us to,” came the voice again, which made the Captain laugh.
You blinked up at him and frowned, “What’s the catch?”
“There’s no catch,” he shook his head. “We might dance on you a little, if you don’t mind, the crowd likes it. But if not, we can work around that.” The thought of Captain America in those tiny shorts grinding on you was a very nice thought.
“‘Sfine,” you shrugged.
He beamed and reached out to squeeze you on the shoulder, his touch lingering and his thumb running along your collarbone. “I’ll let the stage team know.” Reluctantly, he dropped his hand and knocked on the door next to you both, “Five minutes.” When he heard a ‘yeah, got it’, the Captain motioned you to follow him. 
The stage crew took over and the Captain disappeared to get ready. You were told about the chair you’d be sitting in, the rope that would be tied around your chest and if you would be okay with it. There was some hesitation on your part, but ultimately you agreed. They brought you on stage, a winter wonderland of sorts and placed you on a log-like chair. The rope wasn’t tight, but it was obvious you were the damsel in distress. 
“One of you was taken,” Director Fury said from the other side of the curtain in front of you, “by The Winter Soldat. Will she survive? Will she be saved?” All of the lights turn off once again and an industrial heavy beat thrummed through the speakers, rattling your bones. Red stage lights shone down on you when the curtain pulled open and your friends lost their minds.
To your right you saw a figure stalk out of the dark, red light bouncing off a silver metal arm. A mask covered the lower half of his face, but his eyes were trained on you like you were prey. His black muscle shirt clung tightly to his chest, one sleeve missing to show off his arm, and his black tactical pants stretched against his thick thighs. You could feel the shaking of the stage from the stomps of his booted feet.
Eyes wide, you stared at him until he stopped short of your chair on cue with the music. His nostrils flared lightly before he moved again, the music flowing with him. He slung one leg over the side over your chair, straddling you. The metal arm clamped the wooden back rest of the chair and he narrowed his gaze. Lights flash around you, strobing from red to white and back again until they settle on the house lights. 
Soldat began to roll his body with the tempo, blue eyes locked with yours. You could hear the screams behind him as he dancing, but neither of you were paying attention. 
His hips circled until he’s seated on your lap, you’re practically nose to nose. He brought his flesh hand to the side of your face and you could feel it trembling against your skin. With him that close you could hear him mutter in some other language that isn’t English, you’re guessing Russian, but you’re not sure. Either way, you felt crushed by his weight and you liked it. You didn't want him to go. 
But the music changed and the lights started to flash again, red, white, and now blue mixed in. Captain America joined the two of you on stage and Soldat slipped from your lap. Just as Thor and Loki had before, these two moved around each other like they were made from the same mold. 
During the fight, pieces of clothing were tossed aside and at one point you were freed from your bonds. Soldat pulled you up from your chair and up against his chest, your backside pressed so tightly against him you could almost feel his heartbeat. He moved you with him as he continued to fight the Captain.
Until seconds before the song ended and the music swelled, the Captain landed one good blow to Soldat and sandwiched you between them. The Winter Soldier recalibrated and recognized his old friend and you. He pulled the Captain into a big bear hug and then picked you up bridal style, taking you off stage with cheers from the crowd.
Once you’re all off stage, he sat you down with a hearty laugh. “You did a fantastic job, sweetheart,” the Soldier praised, running his metal hand through his chin length brown hair. “Couldn’t have asked for a better dance partner.” Flushed from embarrassment and arousal, you continued to stare at him until you were joined by the Captain. “I told you she’d be great, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, Buck, you know how to pick ‘em,” the blond agreed with a smile.
“Thanks,” you replied breathlessly, finally coming out of your stupor. “That was… fun. I’m just going to go back to my seat now, I guess.”
“Wait,” the one named “Buck” jumped to stop you, “we were wondering if you wanted a private show?” You heard about those from Tara. You knew that they were exclusive and very expensive… and sometimes had happy endings. They seemed to sense your hesitation because they both added in unison as they eyed you up like you were a four course meal, “For free.”
“I never turn down free anything,” you shrugged. The pair turned to look at each other and their smiles turned to wicked grins. You aren’t sure what you got yourself into, but you’re pretty sure you were going to enjoy it.
a/n: Part Two coming soon... with smut!
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