#positive emotions
ivemanifest · 4 months
Damn you look good with all that positive blissful energy
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andy-wm · 7 months
Park Jimin really stimulates my vagus nerve.
That's not what you think it is.
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Well yes, I'm only human too...
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but that's not what I'm talking about here...
I'm talking about AWE.
Different from joy or admiration, awe is an emotional response to something - or someone - vastly impressive or beautiful or inspiring (or all of the above in the case of Park Jimin).
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Awe is that "oh, wow" feeling.
Sometimes it's inspired by a feat of courage or a grand performance. Other times it's something so beautiful it makes you breathless (or both in the case of Park Jimin).
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The key is that it is triggered by something that is outside of the everyday experience, maybe beyond understanding. It has to be mesmerising, remarkable, wonderful (or all of the above ...yeah you know where I'm going with this).
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So what does this have to do with my vagus nerve?
I'm glad you asked!
The vagus nerve (no, thats not it. It means wandering) is the nerve that links your brain basically to the rest of your body. It reaches from your brain stem all the way through your abdomen.
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The vagus nerve controls your automatic responses. This is the nervous system that's responsible for that swooping feeling in your belly (when you when you look at pictures of Park Jimin) as well as the racing of your heart (when you watch Park Jimin dance).
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Your vagus nerve is active in both directions. Your brain will send messages to your body via the vagus nerve (fight or flight as an example) but you can also use it to reduce stress and anxiety. You can engave your vagus nerve to down-regulate your stress response.
How can you do that? One way is by experiencing awe.
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I'm not making this up.
Scientific studies have proven this. Besides the rush of endorphins when you have that "oh wow' response, awe reduces the focus on yourself and shifts your perspective. That's good for your physical and emotional health for a bunch of reasons.**
So, looking at pictures of Park Jimin and watching him dance can improve your health?
Yes, that's right!
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Ask your GP to prescribe a daily dose of Park Jimin for continued good health. Or take matters into your own hands and make him part of your daily self-care routine.
You can thank me later.
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** https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/the-athletes-way/201705/awe-engages-your-vagus-nerve-and-can-combat-narcissism
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symphony-calamity · 1 year
Note: "emotion" is used in a loose sense here. You get it. Or maybe you don't.
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hashtagsilly · 1 year
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Pos, Neg, and uncomfy emojis! Don't forget it's okay to let people know how you feel! Your emotions matter just as much!
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enderpearlgirl1005 · 1 year
The New Rainbow Squads Book 1
Chapter 1 The First Squad part 1
It was an average day in a very nice city known as Springfield. However, there was something up. A new family had just moved in as the father got a new job in Springfield. While the father was happy to have a new job, the kids weren't happy as they didn't want to move. The mother looked over to her middle daughter as she was bridging a box into the house. Her daughter Hannah was sitting on the stairs with a sad, dejected look on her face. Her mother pushed her daughter's purple hair out of her face getting Hannah's attention.
"Hey Hannah are you OK sweetie?" The mother asked gently.
"No mom, I'm not! I didn't want to move nor did Lilly, let alone Danie!," Hannah said clearly very upset.
"I know you didn't want to move but we had no other choice. After all, your father got a good job here and you know how badly he needed one." The mother explained.
Hannah sighed before saying "yeah I know we were struggling with money after he lost his old one but did it have to be so far away. I want to be with my old friends and my old school."
"I know sweetie, but hey, look on the bright side. Your new school doesn't have uniforms so that means that we can go out and get you a new wardrobe." The mother tried reassuring Hannah.
"Yeah, that does sound good, but still I miss my old friends back home." Hannah said less than reassured.
"I know, but you'll adjust here. Now why don't you go and unpack your stuff?" the mother asked.
"Ok mom I will." Hannah groaned.
After a week had passed, Hannah woke up to the sound of her alarm going off next to her bed. She whined a little as she pressed the dismiss button and grudgingly got out of bed. She looked around in her new room, which was on the second floor. There was a window right next to her bed and a door on the other side of her room. She also had a wardrobe on the left side of her room and a computer on a desk on the right side. Even if she has her own room there isn't much privacy as her room is in between her brothers and sisters rooms.
Hannah went up to her wardrobe and picked out an outfit to wear to school. She settled for a white V-neck T-shirt, a purple skirt with a red trim at the bottom, her favorite pair of red boots, and a jacket that had the red and purple color scheme as well. After changing she left her room and went down the L shaped staircase to the comfy kitchen that smells of eggs and bacon, for breakfast.
When she arrived she saw her father was dressed for work and was quickly finishing up his breakfast so he could get to work on time. Her mother was cooking some more bacon and scrambled eggs. Her big brother was already eating some waffles and her little sister was eating some of the bacon and eggs that their mother had already made. Hannah sat down right in between her older brother and little sister and waited for her breakfast to be ready.
"Oh, Hannah, you're up. That's good. Your breakfast will be ready in just a moment," Mother said, while finishing up what she was cooking.
"Ok, Mom," Hannah said quite dismissively, still sad about the move.
After breakfast Hannah and her siblings left for the new school. The school was called Springfield Consolidated and was designed in a way that the elementary, middle, and High School were all connected together. The High school had the largest student population as it offered a variety of tentacle classes. This brought in many kids from all around Springfield to attend the school.
Lilly would be going to middle school, while Hannah would be starting her freshman year in high school and her brother would be a junior. After the three siblings went inside the school building they split to find their first classes of the day. Hannah had managed to find her class with the help of some teachers.
"OK class, we have a new student today. This is Hannah and she moved here about a week ago. Hannah, is there something you'd like to say to the class?" the teacher asked politely.
"Yes, there is. I'm Hannah. I'm originally from the countryside which was rather quiet. I like watching anime, playing video games, and I'm quite nervous about making new friends in a new environment," Hannah explained a bit timidly as she was nervous about how everyone would think of her.
"That's rather nice. I know it can be scary moving to a new place but don't worry you'll adjust here in the city," the teacher explained, trying to help Hannah feel better.
Hannah just nodded her head not wanting to say any more as she was rather nervous by all the other kids in the room looking at her.
"Ok now is there a free desk for Hannah here to sit at?" the teacher asked while looking around for a free desk.
"Hey, Miss Smith, the desk in front of me is free,'' a boy with green hair, a puffy green vest, black gamer shirt, gray shorts, and green sneakers said.
"Oh, thank you Jake. Go on Hannah and take a seat," Miss Smith said.
"Oh, ok thanks," Hannah said then took her seat.
When she sat down Jake started whispering something to her, "Hey, you like video games? I like them."
"Oh, you do?" Hannah asked.
"Yeah, I have games from Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox, and Steam, I spend a lot of my free time playing them. I do have board games as well and I play them with my family. I also do gardening as a game free hobby," Jake explained to her in a hurried whisper.
"Wow, it must be a lot of fun," Hannah said before turning her attention to Miss Smith as she started the lesson.
Later on Hannah was heading up to the cafeteria when suddenly someone grabbed her by the sleeve of her jacket and slammed her right into a locker.
When she looked she saw a group of boys with tattoos, piercings, and the same leather jackets facing her.
"Just as I thought, she still has that new kid smell and that countryside stink, but hey she might have some cash on her," the one who was holding her arm said.
"Um pardon me but who arr- Ouch!" Hannah was saying but was interrupted when the boy slammed her harder against the locker.
"Don't talk to me, country girl. Just give me your money and I'll leave," the boy spat at her.
"I-I need it for my lunch though," Hannah stammered out, scared by the boy, and hurting from the pressure on her arm.
She was running late so all the other students were already in the cafeteria so none of them knew what was going on.
"Like I care at all,!" He hissed.
"Just give me the cash and me and my boys will consider not beating you up," the boy said threateningly, while spit landed on her face.
"Well Mark, look at what you're doing picking on the new girl, how original," a girl's voice said sarcastically.
Mark and his boys looked at the girl. Hannah saw a girl with curly black hair, with a black dress with a Gothic skull on the front of it, a white jacket, and black shoes.
"Hey Jane, back out of this unless you have some money on you," Mark said.
"Oh well I just came to tell you boys that the study club is taking over the gym today so you guys will have to practice wrestling outside," Jane said calmly.
"WHAT NO! NO NERDS ARE KICKING US OUT OF THE GYM! COME ON, BOYS LET'S GO TELL COACH,!" Mark exclaimed before throwing Hannah against the locker and running off in the direction of the gym. His friends all followed him and once they were gone Jane came up to Hannah and helped her up.
"Thanks for the help," Hannah thanked a bit out of breath from being thrown around.
"Hey, I could stand by and let those jerks hurt you. It's typical of them to pick on the new kids. A few had even transferred because of them," Jane explained as she dusted off Hannah's jacket.
"Well, thanks again for the help Jane. I'll just go get my lunch and find a table to sit at," Hannah said a bit sad as she felt like she didn't have any friends in this new world of hers.
"Hey, why don't you sit at the table where I sit with my friends." Jane suggested.
"Oh really?" Hannah asked, surprised at the offer.
"Yeah, come on. We welcome anyone and you're new so we'd love it if you'd join us," Jane said while leading Hannah into the cafeteria.
After they got their lunches the two girls went up to a table that had six others sitting there. Hannah saw that Jake was there playing a video game rapidly. She also saw a girl with pink hair up in a bun, a pink t-shirt with the words "I ❤ ponies" on it, a magenta hoodie wrapped around her waist looking over Jake's shoulder watching what he was playing.
Hannah also saw a boy with bottle orange hair with a ponytail up, working on something. He was wearing an orange T-shirt with a graph galaxy picture on it, he was also wearing a classic white lab coat and had protective rubber gloves on as well, along with thick framed glasses that were black with a green line. He also had an average build that would let him blend in a crowd of other teens.
There was another boy with yellow hair in a bold cut who was watching something on his phone. He was wearing a yellow hoodie that had a picture of a 4k digital cinema camera on it, baggy gray cargo pants, and yellow shoes. Sitting next to that boy was a girl who was drawing. She had light blue hair that was in a ponytail. She was wearing a long sleeve shirt that was white in the middle while the sleeves were light blue. She coordinated her hair with a white and light blue striped beanie.
The sixth student at the table was leaning back in his chair with headphones on. He had black skin, sunglasses on, a leather jacket that looked like the sleeves were ripped off, and brown boots. His hair was crowned from his forehead to the nap of his neck with a purple mohawk. He had a more muscular build than the other boys at the table.
"Hey guys, I found a new member of our club,'' Jane said.
"Oh, you guys are a club?" Hannah asked, surprised.
"Oh no, we're not, well not on school terms. Outside of school we do what you could call bonding time. We're all so different that we can't think of a name for a club, so we didn't form one, but students think we're one as they see us hanging out all the time after school. Oh, and I'm Ed," the orange haired boy apparently named Ed said.
"Well it's nice to meet you Ed. Who are the rest of you by the way?" Hannah asked.
"Oh, well you've already met Jake, the pink haired girl is Jenny, the yellow guy is Josh, the light blue girl is Lila, and I'm Erick, Jane's boyfriend." The guy with the mohawk explained.
"Oh well nice to meet you all and I'm glad to be a part of your group now. After dealing with some jerks in the hallway earlier I'm glad to meet some nice students in the school," Hannah said gratefully then sat down and began eating her lunch along with her new friends.
After school Hannah was walking home alone as her older brother and little sister were staying at school for a little while because they wanted to join some clubs. As she was walking she saw an old woman who seemed to be begging for money. Seeing this Hanna realized that there were indeed some homeless people in such a nice city she'd read about before moving.
As Hannah went up to her, the old woman begged, "Please dear, do you have any spare change to give?"
"Oh yes I do... here, hope it helps,'' Hannah said while handing the old lady some spare change she had.
"Thank you, young lady. Here, take this necklace. It's a good luck charm. I hope it'll help you out in the future," the old lady said while handing Hannah a necklace with a red gem.
"Oh, thank you miss, that's really kind of you. I hope you'll be ok," Hannah said before she continued on her way back home.
The old woman smiled as she watched Hannah leave. "I have a feeling that she is indeed the one who will save us all," The old woman inaudibly said to herself.
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naegashutyoassup · 2 years
i just saw the teaser for 2 baddies (NCT 127) and istg this is the FIRST time in nearly 2 YEARS that i got excited over a comeback since the Blue Hour (TOMORROW X TOGETHER) release. maybe it’s because i forgot how sick the teasers are and so i never really saw them until way later on. but seriously, i’ve been so excited over kpop in so long that i tend to feel like liking kpop was a chore i had to do just to find friends, making me forget that it can be fun if i just did what i used to do when i was new and just went offline and danced in my own bedroom.
cw // mentions of d-18, cyber bullying, implied dep and sui
sometimes, it’s better to have fun and appreciate being alone. that’s what everyone says, right? i already know that because i’ve been through it for years. it’s not that i’m worried about, i’m just worried about being lonely and not having anyone if i needed it. i didn’t really have a lot of people to comfort me during the d-18 stuff and me getting harassed online which almost took me life until my great friends came back to me and helped me out during my bad days. i know i should be happy that i’m no longer in this space, right? but that again, it’s not a space, but a mindset that i cannot get out of due to the amount of mental abuse i went through. i now suddenly feel worthless, loveless and even unworthy of anyone’s attention. but with these moments, i could finally have a least a glimmer of hope that there’ll always be someone for everyone, even me.
anyone reading this, you are not alone. i really wanted to hear this, and so do you.
(for context: i’ve been diagnosed with autism at a young age, preventing me from going to school like everyone else and feeling alienated even if i go to school because i either go to a special needs class or i’d get bullied. at one point my parents dropped me out of school to go to a different country for my education but it caused me to get bullied even more and it got worse since i was exploring my sexuality and gender identity at the time. since nobody around me were supportive (that includes the students, teachers, parents, aunties and uncles, cousins and even my sisters at one point), i felt alone and wanted to end my life at the age of 14. however, what stopped me was that i got into kpop which was a big distraction for me since i would listen to their music when i go home and would dance with a dog my aunty got as a replacement for my other dog who passed away shortly before i got into kpop. but as soon as everything was starting to look bright for me, i started going on online apps such as amino, discord, etc and it has tremendously ruined my mental health due to all the harassment i would receive. at this point, it made me think that nobody would like me which made my depression worse and i tried to end my life again multiple times this year involving march, may, july and august. don’t worry, i’m recovering now which is why i post stuff like this to show my process.)
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cosmichighpriestess · 2 years
Your Life Raft
The physiology of the body responds to the vibrations of the emotions. When you radiate joy, happiness, gratitude, appreciation, and love, the chemicals/hormones - directives from the brain - are expansive and opening. The very cells respond to your high positive emotions.
You experience pleasant sensations throughout your entire being; your mind is clearer, your heart more open, your inner realms more expansive, and your connection to the higher realms easier and smoother.
By contrast, when you experience fear, anger, or frustration, everything in the body/mind contracts. The cells and the organs are bathed with stress hormones. There is a level of being closed off, with defenses up. The being is shut down; the vibrations are dense and heavy. It is important for each being to train themselves - to lift themselves up into the higher emotional vibrations, to reach for feelings of joy, gratitude, and appreciation. These emotions will be your life raft, your safety in times to come.
 'the team'
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5 Ways To Turn Yourself Into An Emotionally Strong Leader
5 Ways To Turn Yourself Into An Emotionally Strong Leader
Strong leaders constantly evaluate themselves, check their emotional status, practice self-discipline and maintain their cool no matter what… Leaders cannot overcome hurdles, make tough decisions and eventually experience positive events if they are not emotionally strong. Wondering how to become an emotionally strong leader? 1. Understand that your emotions are useful Your emotions are there to…
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Theory Of Dreamtale AU: Why Nightmare-Sans Power Is Important And How It Can Be Good...(Theory Doesn’t Have To Be Canon)
with every action there can be either a positive or negative effect.
two brothers from the AU known as Dreamtale (Created by: Jokublog),
this is just a theory, so it’s okay that it isn’t canon...
but “good” and “positive” feelings wont always be a good thing,
yes there is a good in them, and it is needed for any person in the whole of Omnimanity...(Omnimanity will mean both Human, Monster and Others.)
but there can be a bad side to it, being that way 100% all the time and not letting any negative feelings in, might cause those positive feelings to transform into Toxic-Positive, and we all know from watching such a thing happen in the Inside Out Movie, where Joy showed a Toxic-Joy type vibe and wouldn’t let Riley express any negative feelings, not even letting Sadness let her express them when she really REALLY needed to.
Nightmare-Sans’s power is just as important as his brother’s,
sometimes you need to let out some negative feelings in order to get better.
it’s possible that when you become too damage by negative feelings, you will go into a state of depression, this is perhaps one of the times where the negative emotions DO NOT help at all, and will do harm, and depending how back it is, it will take a months to fully heal.
when positive and negative feelings come together, they create something internally new, like the feeling of sadness is still there, but also mix with comforting type warmth, like love.
both the positive and negative emotions can have their dark sides,
when positive feelings goes into a Toxic place, and a negative feelings go past it’s breaking point where it becomes too much for the heart, body, mind and soul to take, and there will be emotional damage that will take time to emotionally heal, and depending on how bad it was, it might take much longer than just only few months, and might take maybe the whole months until it becomes next year....at least that is what I think.
Nightmare is important, even if he is suppose to be like a “villain”
but that doesn’t mean he can’t use his powers for good, even if it might end up being accidental, like him not seeing that his powers can be used for good.
even if the two brothers might not have these powers, or they could....
but if they had the power to give sweet dreams or nightmares,
they would be suppressing the nice dream or bad dream, but the longer they suppress it, the more it will be worse the next time it will resurface.
well this might only refer to the sweet dreams suppressing the bad dreams,
the more it is suppress it, the worse it will get.
this can be seen as a toxic-positive....
if you suppress bad dreams too much, without even having maybe a dream-catcher to do it’s job to eat the bad dream away, or like let the bad dream happen, the negative feelings could get worse.
no one has to take this theory seriously, when we do get negative feelings coming to us, we will try to do some much needed emotional healing.
like listening to music, watching a movie or reading a book, or just trying to relax by laying down on our back or side in bed and trying to relax.
 negative feelings can still have it’s bad side, it doesn’t mean you should feel negative all the time, just try to be the healthy neutral type I guess, same goes for the positive.
you can be positive, and it can end up being a healthy neutral type positive.
but you shouldn’t let it go down a toxic-positive, when it gets to that, one of the signs can be like when you don’t listen to reason and ya end up making someone feel really bad and cry, because you misuse a words at them and when they tell you or talk about it, that your words are hurtful, you end up not listening and it ends up getting worse....
what I am talking about is what happen to me that I have mentioned before,
some toxic-positive person kept misusing “may the lord have mercy on you” or may god have mercy on you.” I know it was one of those two...
and yes like I mentioned many times before, I tried to point out how bad it was making me feel, but they just wouldn’t listen, and kept misusing those words at me.....if I point out that it is hurting my feelings, they should take that as a sign that what they are saying, isn’t very helpful or nice.
and you don’t just throw those words at someone, just because they start to believe in a Goddess too or even about them still figuring out what type of Nonbinary that they are.
but yeah the point is, there can be a dark side to positive emotions, but it can only get that way when it goes to the toxic side.
bottling certain negative emotions, wouldn’t be good, just like how it would be good to act like everything is fine when they aren’t and that transforming into a type of Toxic-Positive Emotion, like a Faux Positive....?
in a timeline where the two brothers are still working together, and haven’t become enemies.
both brothers could discover that positive emotions can become toxic, and even no longer be truly positive when it reaches the faux stage.                         
and also discover that there can be a good side to letting out some negative emotions, such as someone giving a hug in comfort, and if they feel the same feelings, and both have mix emotions of negative with positive.
it will possibly make a solace and comfort, or something different has to do with the two mixing together to create a balance of positive and negative emotions.
the black apples of negative feelings might not always be a bad thing...
 at least that is my thought on it, maybe I’m not explaining it very well.
  it’s like I know that positive feelings can be good, but sometimes it has a dark side, just like how negative feelings can be bad, but sometimes it can have a good side, but it could be more in a neutral I guess...?
I’m kind of tired, so maybe I can talk about this another time.
I mean if I do decide to talk about this again, I will.....but I might not.
I’m not sure if my theories on this will make sense, and I guess that’s okay.
I’m going to post a FNAF Fan Art before I go to sleep...
the little bit of theories I had said in this, doesn’t have to be canon and it is just a theory.....and if I decide to, I might talk about it again...                          
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thinkingaboutminds · 1 year
2023, my healing year
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selfhealingmoments · 9 months
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harmandip · 1 month
Unlocking the Secrets of Ojas: Vitality and Immunity in Ayurveda
In the ancient healing system of Ayurveda, the concept of “Ojas” holds a central place. Ojas is often referred to as the subtle essence of all vital tissues in the body, representing our inner vitality, immunity, and overall well-being. Let’s delve into the secrets of Ojas and how we can enhance it for optimal health. Understanding Ojas: What is Ojas? Ojas is considered the finest product of…
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spiritinsights · 3 months
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Everything on the planet is made up of atoms. All atoms are made up of electrons and protons, and all electrons and protons are made up of energy. Therefore, everything is made up of energy that vibrates at a different frequency, including me and you.
Elevate your vibrational frequency with:
• Love
• Peace
• Joy
• Gratitude
These are the highest vibrational emotions. It’s important to have an awareness of the state we are in, as our state dictate’s the experience we will have.
When we achieve self-mastery, we master life itself. We go into creator mode where we have complete authority over our life, our experiences and our beliefs. It’s a beautiful place to be. ✌️
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sanetimental · 5 months
The Self-Sabotaging Effects of Emotions
Emotions are an integral part of the human experience, shaping our thoughts, actions, and overall well-being. They serve as a guiding compass, helping us navigate through life’s ups and downs. However, it is important to recognize that emotions can also have a downside. At times, they can become a source of self-sabotage, hindering our progress and holding us back from reaching our full…
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spice2yurlife46 · 6 months
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pryceonpurpose · 8 months
The Power of Perception
How Our Minds Shape Our Reality
Perception is a fascinating aspect of human existence. It is the lens through which we view the world, shaping our reality and influencing our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Our perceptions are not simply passive observations of the external world; they actively construct our understanding of reality. Understanding the power of perception can lead to a greater appreciation for the complexity of human experience and can help us navigate the challenges of life with a more open and curious mindset.
Perception as a Filter
Our perceptions act as a filter through which we interpret and make sense of the overwhelming amount of information bombarding our senses at any given moment. Every sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch is subjected to our perceptual filter, determining what we pay attention to and how we interpret it. This filtering process is influenced by a multitude of factors, including our past experiences, cultural background, beliefs, and values.
For example, imagine walking into a crowded room full of strangers. Your perception will immediately come into play, determining who you notice, how you interpret their body language, and whether you feel comfortable or anxious in the environment. Two people can have entirely different experiences in the same situation based on their unique perceptual filters.
The Role of Beliefs and Expectations
Beliefs and expectations play a significant role in shaping our perceptions. Our minds are wired to seek confirmation of what we already believe to be true, and we often make sense of new information by fitting it into our existing belief systems. This tendency can be both beneficial and limiting. While it helps us make sense of the world quickly, it can also blind us to alternative perspectives and new possibilities.
For instance, imagine two individuals attending a job interview. One person firmly believes they are qualified and deserving of the position, while the other feels insecure and doubts their abilities. These different beliefs will influence how they perceive the questions asked, the interviewer's body language, and their overall experience of the interview. The person with a positive belief system may feel more confident and perform better, while the person with self-doubt may struggle and perceive the experience as negative.
The Influence of Emotions
Emotions also have a profound impact on our perceptions. When we experience strong emotions, they can color our view of reality and distort our judgments. For example, when we are angry, we may interpret neutral comments as insults, and when we are anxious, we may perceive harmless situations as threatening.
On the other hand, positive emotions can broaden our perception and enhance our ability to see possibilities and opportunities. When we experience joy or gratitude, our perceptual filters expand, allowing us to notice and appreciate the beauty around us. This positive outlook can lead to a more optimistic and resilient mindset.
The Power of Shifting Perspectives
Recognizing the power of perception offers us an opportunity for personal growth and transformation. By becoming aware of our own perceptual filters and biases, we can challenge them and open ourselves up to new ways of seeing the world. This process requires curiosity, self-reflection, and a willingness to embrace discomfort.
One effective way to shift our perspective is through mindfulness practices. Mindfulness helps us become more aware of our thoughts, emotions, and sensations, allowing us to observe our perceptual filters in action. Through this observation, we can begin to question our assumptions and consider alternative interpretations of our experiences.
Engaging in dialogue with others who hold different perspectives is another powerful tool for expanding our perception. By actively listening and empathizing with others, we can gain insights into their worldview and challenge our own preconceived notions. This process fosters greater understanding, empathy, and tolerance.
Embracing a Fluid Reality
Perception is a dynamic and ever-changing process. Our reality is not fixed; it is continuously shaped by our perceptions, which in turn influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Embracing the fluidity of perception allows us to approach life with a sense of curiosity and wonder, rather than rigidly holding onto fixed beliefs.
By cultivating awareness of our perceptual filters, challenging our biases, and seeking out diverse perspectives, we can expand our understanding of the world and foster personal growth. The power of perception lies in its ability to shape our reality, and by harnessing this power, we can create a more compassionate, inclusive, and fulfilling existence.
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