#yes i know our christmas lights are still up lol
angelmush · 8 months
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the way this dog sleeps is normal and regular actually
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togrowoldinv · 9 months
Home for the Holidays
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
When you get home from a work trip, you and Natasha reunite just in time for holiday celebrations
Note: I’m back! Sorry for the lack of fics lately. I’ve been finishing up classes for the year, studying for an exam, and getting a job lol. Plus, a little family trip to Vegas last weekend. I hope y’all enjoy this one! Happy holidays!
Natasha Masterlist 1, Natasha Masterlist 2, Natasha Masterlist 3, Main Masterlist
You’ve been gone on a business trip for four days and Natasha misses you like crazy.
She finally understands what it’s like to wait for her wife to come home as you waited for her all of those years. Nat counted down the days until she could see you again.
Your flight landed and she insisted on being at the airport even though you assured her you could get home by yourself. It was early in the morning so once she drove you home you fell into a deep slumber.
When you stir awake, Natasha is sitting up in bed next to you. She’s got a coffee in her hand and a smile on her face.
“Good morning, detka,” she says. “How did you sleep?”
“I slept okay,” you reply. “Still tired.”
She nods. You maneuver yourself over to place your head in her lap. Her soft, but strong fingers brush over your cheek.
“I’ve missed your beautiful face,” Natasha says, her voice barely above a whisper. She still gets a little shy with outright affection.
“I’ve missed you too, Natasha. What do you say we just stay in bed all day?”
“Hm,” Natasha begins. “We actually have some plans.”
“Yeah. I made them on our behalf, but you know we’re a we. A package deal,” Nat explains.
She tries to read your expression. Maybe you’re too sleepy to read, she thinks. You just sigh and close your eyes.
“What are the plans?” You ask.
“Christmas lights with the team. Well, at least with Wanda, Steve, Sam, and Carol. They seem to be the most excited,” Natasha says.
“Carol is excited?” You ask in disbelief. She usually keeps her feelings to herself, but it’s a good sign she’s feeling like part of the team enough to be herself.
“She is. She reunited with Monica and some teenage girl that she’s bringing along. I’ll need to ask them how exactly they are connected, but yeah Carol is excited,” Natasha explains.
“Maybe I’m just tired but all of that sounds kind of insane.”
“That’s our line of work,” Nat says. “Are you ready to get up?”
“Lights happen at night,” you mumble, burying your face in Nat’s thighs.
“We’re having lunch with Yelena,” Nat says. “It’s the last time we’ll see her this year.”
You grumble and try to go back to sleep. Natasha chuckles at the way you cling to her.
“It’s going to be okay, baby. If you get too tired later we can always come back home and another type of fun,” Nat suggests.
“Oh,” you say. “Can we?”
You sit up and Natasha smirks. You’ve missed that expression.
“If we’re quick, we can probably do that right now too,” Natasha says. “What do you think, sweetheart? Do you want to show me how much you missed me, detka?”
God, was her voice always so enchanting or did you just miss her?
You find yourself nodding and leaning in to kiss Natasha. For the next 30 minutes, she welcomes you back home with fervor.
Once you get dressed, you leave to meet Yelena for lunch. Natasha brings her Christmas gift for her with you.
“You guys didn’t need to get me anything,” Yelena says. She begins to open it anyway.
“Oh, it’s fine. We-“ Natasha begins.
“Yes we did,” you interject. “You’re our family.”
You swear Yelena is about to cry, but Natasha cracks a joke about the gift effectively lightening the mood. You have no idea what the gift is honestly. Some kind of equipment for her missions.
“Thank you,” Yelena says. “I- um- I care about you both a lot.”
“I love you, Yelena. We love you,” Natasha says.
The affection from her sister makes Yelena begin to cry. Nat crosses the table and hugs her tight. You’re not sure who needed the hug more.
“Why don’t you stay with us for Christmas, Yel?” You ask her.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose on your holiday,” she replies.
Despite her usual confidence, she can be a little insecure about her place in your lives. Natasha drops a little kiss to her head. Her sister folds into her further.
“You’re never imposing. It’ll be fun. Right Nat?”
“Absolutely,” Nat says. “You’re staying. I’ve decided for you.” You all three laugh.
Later that evening, Yelena tags along to the Christmas lights with the team. Everyone is happy to see you and everyone really is excited to be there. Especially Carol.
The lights and the company are perfect, but eventually you look sleepy enough for Nat to excuse you to go home. She tucks you in bed and climbs in next to you.
“Goodnight, detka,” Nat says.
“Wait, we were going to-“
“Sleep,” Nat says. “There’s time for that tomorrow. I know you’re exhausted.”
“Okay,” you reply. “I love you, Natasha.”
“I love you, y/n.”
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bronx-bomber87 · 11 months
Happy Tuesday evening all :) Another non Chenford ep BUT good separate SL’s once again. After this this won’t be an issue for a long while ha Good scenes with Harper training Lucy for UC. Which I LOVE basically female version of Tim and I love it. Good moments with Nolan and Tim. You read that right haha Nolan still mainly a putz but their scenes are good. Second to last ep of the season. Woo here we go.
3x13 Triple Duty
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Tim and Nolan are paired together in this one. Their dynamic changes a little more each time they are paired. Last time was 2x12 when Lucy was with Harper. We start the episode off on lovely note. Tim asking how Henry is? Ugh love this man’s heart. Look at him asking Nolan of all people a personal question. AND he’s being genuine about it. Be still my heart Mr. Bradford.
Tim asks about his interest in T.O. once he’s graduated as well. Look at our boy creating conversation with John. I love it so much. I think it's partly to see his reason but mostly genuine. Nolan asks Tim if he has any advice he could share he would appreciate it. Tim saying ‘Sure’ is the best. Look how he’s grown. Being a fountain of info for Nolan. How times have changed.
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Their convo is interrupted by hearing multiple gun shots. Assault rifles from the sounds of it. They pull up to cemetery and are shot at immediately. They follow the guy deep into the cemetery and find his body. Looks like he was shot to hell and couldn’t make it any farther. They investigate more and stumble upon a massacre. I love the look they share as they hear backup arriving. Pretty grim.
Looks like the war that was created last ep with La Fiera has begun. Crazy brutal way to start it but she is a VERY angry grieving mother. She is taking swift action and justice on the late Tomas’s business. His son clearly her target for what happened to Diego. A turf war has begun and doesn’t look like there are signs of it letting up.
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Angela shows up on scene to confer with Grey, Tim and Nolan. La Fiera flew back to Guatemala to bury Diego. She has since returned to take care of unfinished business. She is camping out at a hotel downtown. Rented out the entire floor for her time in L.A. Grey tells Angela to go and see her. Cesar has gone to ground and Narcotics can’t find him. Tim says he could ask Mack he worked for his dad. Now that he’s in rehab will have a clearer head to help out. Look at the good that came from him helping Mack out. Full circle goodness already. Good job Tim.
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We catch Lucy and Jackson fighting over who’s going to do paperwork. Jackson is winning until Grey calls her into his office. Leaving him with the dreaded paperwork haha When she enters his office Harper is there. Grey asks her if she heard about the mass casualties from this morning? Lucy tells him yes that they expected as much after what happened at the hospital.
Harper then steps in and says this has created an opportunity for them. Saying how when bosses are murdered/die it changes things. UC’s get upended from their covers due to it. She then says it lets them bring new UC’s into the field. We watch Lucy light up like a Christmas Tree. She could not be more excited about this news. Ready to jump in and do whatever Nyla wants to be apart of this.
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If Tim could hear all this he would be having a coronary. LOL Lucy is so excited to have another crack at a UC OP. Saying she is so ready to do this again if they need it. Harper tells her not so fast. This won’t be a sting operation like last time. It's going to be be a long term placement instead. Much different than the one time OP she did back in 3x06. Her character remains the same the operation not so much.
Grey lets her know she would be on her own. No backup or surveillance like last time. That he’s told Harper to test her readiness today. That if she doesn’t sign off with confidence it’s not happening. You can tell Lucy is chomping at the bit to prove herself. I do love Grey telling her it’s ok if by end of day she isn’t prepared. No shame in the game. Harper tells Lucy to go get changed they’re throwing her in the deep end ASAP.
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Tim gets the info he needs from Mack. Yay good job Mack ha Tim and Nolan roll up to Cesar’s hideout. Tim is confident and leading the charge in the convo. Quite sexy to watch. Telling Cesar if he just honors the deal his father made La Fiera might let him live. Otherwise she’s coming for him hard and won’t let up till he’s dead.
Cesar is pig headed and refuses to do this of course. Saying what belonged to the father will be inherited by the son. Ok but no LOL They warn him if his men believe the deal is legit they’ll bail on him. Leaving him exposed and alone by not cutting this off at the pass. Cesar continues his cocky act. No wonder she ends up offing you my man….Nolan asks Tim what they do from here? He tells him they can only hope Angela having better luck with La Fiera…
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In their downtime Angela has assigned Tim the task of cop RSVPs and getting the number down. They haven’t replied so he has to track them down for numbers or if they have to reduce that number. He’s battling with someone with the amount they want to bring. Tim is so over being a MOH LOL Nolan motions for him to hand over the phone. John throws Tim under the bus. Saying he miscalculated the venue cap. That she can’t have a plus 4.
When he hands the phone back my lord. If looks could kill LMAO Asking if he’s proud of himself? Throwing a fellow officer under the bus? John’s reply is pretty solid(even if he's schmuck). Tim can’t even refute it since it got results haha Ballsy of him to do tbh. If you weren’t friends with Lucy... You'd be dead man John.
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Angela calls Tim and her ringtone is the wedding march. I love this little detail so much. It's adorable. He asks how her meeting went? She tells the guys she can stop the war. Tim ask how? Angela lets them know through giving her the recording from hospital. She can take control after that. I adore Tim teaching Nolan something during this. Always in T.O. Mode I love it. Basically telling him live today fight tomorrow mentality with this. They keep citizens safe today go after her tomorrow.
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We catch back up with Harper and Lucy. Lucy looks ready for her first test. Harper tells her she can’t cram 100 hours worth of training in one day. So all she can do is teach her what she needs to know in order to survive. Asking her the three things she needs to know to make it. Lucy tells her about being aware of the law, always stay in character and can’t remember the last one. Harper fills in the blank above.
Nyla emphasizes how much multi tasking she has to do just mentally. I couldn’t do it personally. She then asks Lucy if she’s worked on her backstory at all? Our wonderful dork says 4 notebooks. Harper laughs. Oh Lucy never change my friend never change. She gives Lucy 5 minutes to get into character before they go to this party. Gah love this dynamic so much. How far we’ve come from the dark days of the sewer.
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Harper has invited her to a party with a test involved. Clearly someone tied to her UC life. Wants to see how she does. Lucy is slick af talking with this guy. Talking in double speak about ‘cooking’ and the big orders she can handle. Even calls him out for asking about where she learned to cook. She is crushing it until she see’s Tamara then you watch her demeanor change completely.
Channeling Lucy Chen in this moment and not Nova. Like she’s supposed to be doing. One of the cardinal rules of UC. This guy she is with is laying hands on her. Takes everything in her power not to kill this kid. Lucy plays it off as not liking how he’s treating her. That she can’t stand to see it. He says he can take care of that for her then. To watch the grill.
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He walks over and shouts at the boy with Tamara. I love the silent communication between her and Tamara. She takes a step forward and Lucy stops her. He tells him to make his way over. Harper is asking wtf is going on? He tells her Nova didn’t like how the kid was treating that girl. Harper does some double speak of her own talking about how the girl needs some better focus.
The little snot is a cocky putz when he comes over. Lucy tells him he needs to treat her better. Shows him her gun when he tries to be a turd back. He cowers and says won’t happen again. Lucy telling him 'Good now piss off.' Amazing. UC Lucy is always a delight to watch. That confidence radiating off her when she's in character.
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Tim and Nolan are waiting on Smitty for civilian clothes and a unmarked car. They need to follow Cesar but can’t in their shop and uniforms. He was supposed to pull clothes from their lockers. He ended up pulling them from lost and found LOL Tim holding up the ‘Hugs 4 life’ shirt is everything. Nolan complains they gave him their combinations for their clothes. Smitty says 'Yeah but he didn't do that' My god. Tim asks why they rely on him for anything? Haha
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Their scene follows up with hilarious continuation of the guest list. It’s like Nolan wants to die. Tim has been incredibly chill and patient. More so than he's ever been with him. Maybe don’t test that boundary John. Smh. Always takes it too far. I do like him re-instilling fear in him a bit. He was a little too cocky last time he stood up to Tim about this guest list lol.
Also plain clothes Tim is my fav kind of Tim. Well until we get 'Metro Tim' but that is a long ways off. You think I’m thirsty for him now. Phew lord you all just wait... Tim’s death glare gets interrupted. They see Cesar take off and notify dispatch for backup as they pursue him. The way Tim says ‘Cesar’ hot damn. Take me now sir. *fans self* That inflection he does I can not get over it. Mmm.
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We soon find out Harper planted Tamara there as a distraction. Lucy pretends she knew it was a test. Uh huh sure you did.... Protective mama Lucy comes out quickly after. Saying she should be in school. Tamara tells she Nyla wrote her a note. Lucy then asks about the guy. She just walks away from her without a word LOL Nyla's reaction is too cute. Lucy in none too pleased with that reply but doesn't have time to delve deeper.
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We then meet the man from the BBQ. He’s another UC an expert in Narcotics. His Name is Shay and Nyla set her up there for a reason. He tells her what a good job she did with the kid. That it was a nice save. He is also an expert in making all kind of drugs while being UC. He tests her and she CRUSHES it. I love the proud face on Nyla. She knows the superstar she has ahold of. Couldn’t be prouder if she tried.
Shay tells her 'Good.' That they’re going to spend the afternoon cooking. Telling her it’s one thing to know what to do when everything is good. It’s another skill set to know what to do when it’s not. That’s what’s going to keep Lucy alive should shit hit the fan. (which it will) That skill will end up saving her life. We will see that in the next episode.
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Tim and Nolan roll up and see he’s left his hideout for a booty call. To see his baby mama. No wonder his father has no faith in him. Man is putting this first during a drug war. After he leaves they go and knock on the door to talk to her. Saying they need to talk to her about Cesar and anything he's hiding here. Angela calls Tim saying she thinks La Fiera’s plan isn’t to kill him, but to kill his kid. For him to feel the same suffering she is feeling.
As she says this a car rolls up five shooters ready to go. Tim is sexy af as he talks Nolan through his plan. The plain clothes are adding to said sexiness. But yummy the way he says they’re about to find out how steep the price of admission is. Good god man you truly are sex on two legs walking. The way he exits the house confident as hell. Pass me the ice water. Confidence is an attractive thing on its own. It’s insanely so on Tim Bradford.
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I do love the banter between John and Tim in this scene. Definitely found a little groove at this point. Also we got a shot of Tim’s ass in jeans. Wins all around. Talking about how much money they’d need to walk away. They make a joke about being Batman rich. Nolan takes an impressive shot at the main heavy. Yes I complimented Nolan. I must be high off of Tim in Plain clothes being authoritative. Probably won’t happen again.
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I do enjoy how the scene unfolds in the house. How Tim and Nolan slowly take apart her crew. Each taking out a couple guys each. Watching Tim in the field being all competent always a delight to behold. The ending scene is pretty cute. Tim may not always like Nolan personally but he respects him as a cop. This is a good bonding moment for them. Tim’s proud of how he handled himself in his knife fight. It’s all over his face. Nolan actually impressed him. There's a first time for everything they say.
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We see Lucy at the station waiting on word about the operation. Nyla comes over with exciting news. She got a glowing recommendation from Shay. Saying she is more knowledgeable than most of his own people. Nyla also approves and says Grey has officially given her the go of being in this operation. Nyla tells her to get personal life squared away before tomorrow. No telling how long she will be gone. That she can’t let her guard down ever but to go home for now. To rest up tomorrow the real work begins.
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We rejoin the guys at the station. Filling out a mountain of paperwork. Nolan asks if Tim wants to order Thai food? Tim doesn’t answer his question but does say he’s a good cop he will give him that. John looks confused and is like so food? My god Nolan. LOL You’re about to get a serious lesson my good man. I love how passionate Tim is about teaching the next generation. It shows in his training and how he is about it with everyone. He has to make sure he really wants this.
Tim calling Nolan on his crap for being indecisive is AMAZING. He doesn’t want the next generation taught by someone apathetic. Or as Tim says views it as a consolation prize. He takes so much pride in being a T.O. He’s making sure Nolan is doing it for the best of reasons. So very Tim to feel it is his duty to vet anyone wanting to be a teacher. Put them through his paces see if they're worthy.
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John has never had a Tim test before. You better believe he’s doing it now for him. To see how he’ll react to him goading him. Pushing his buttons about his intentions. Nolan passionately defends himself and why he wants to be one. You can see on Tim’s face he accepts John's answer. Then it’s the most guy way to end their convo. Tim answering his previous question about food. Nolan says 'Love it' and it’s over. No emotions just food. Men. LOL
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Lucy is on her way home when she is kidnapped. I can only imagine the Caleb PTSD she is going through in this moment. Her being overpowered instantly. Her yelling ‘No no’ ugh my heart. She’s brought to a rooftop where Harper is also bound and gagged. She is bleeding profusely from her head.
Lucy holds her own from the jump though. Saying Coco was being tortured so of course she said that. The killer instinct holding up. The one Harper saw in her from day one. She doesn’t let the fact this guy is accusing her, Coco and Harper of all being cops. Then he douses Harper in gas and says he isn’t asking. He knows they are cops. All he wants to know is what the cops know about Salonga and his future plans. That whatever they know will affect future deals.
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It’s intense af as he starts a lighter up. It’s then we really watch Lucy dig deep. Rely heavily on that killer instinct of hers. How she walks her way out of this with just her words. That if he sets that fire Salonga is good as dead. Recalling he is in debt to some bad people.
That she’s the only one that can relieve him of that debt. Cook him up a fortune. But if he kills Harper all that goes down the drain and she won't cook him a damn thing. Emphasizing he needs her more than she needs him. That he needs to pull his head out of his ass and let them go. Such a BAMF in this scene. Holds her own with a fiery performance.
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We find out it was another test set up by Harper. Nyla having the most Tim-like reply when Shay sings her praises. Lucy is livid and calls him a full service asshat LOL He takes no offense and says she will thank him later for this. (I mean she will...) Lucy is vibrating with anger for the both of them. Like a cornered animal ready to strike at any provocation. She is insanely revved up finding this final test insane.
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Lucy goes after Harper pretty hard regarding her PTSD about being abducted. Nyla is on point per usual and says that’s why she did it. I mean it’s a great way to see how she would react. To see if Lucy could push past the PTSD and still function. Stay in character and keep herself and Harper alive. She passed with flying colors. Even if Lucy is raging at the moment.
Harper tells her it’s the last test. Lucy is still full of spit and vinegar in her reply. Saying the last test was the last one. Nyla telling her that’s why she wasn’t expecting this one. Then gets really real with her. Asking if she wants an out? Still wants to do this Even after what she just experienced? Lucy brimming with an immense amount of adrenaline and says ‘Yeah. I do.’ The ep ends there. Hell of a day for our girl my god.
Side notes-non chenford
Not a ton. It is nice to see Stanton get his come-up in’s after he’s reinstated. That’s about it for non chenford stuff really.
Holy crap we’re hitting the finale next. I swear I just started s3. Blinked and we’re at 3x14 now it’s a shortened season but still.
As always thank you thank you. To all who support these reviews with likes, comments (oh how I love comments don’t be shy ha), and reblogs. Makes all the work I put into them so very worth it. Shall see you all in 3x14 :)
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thesconesyard · 2 months
Ok, moving on. Here’s an original story I began ages ago in a notebook at work. (I say original, but the idea came from a writing prompt, it’s not fanfic is what I really mean.) You’ll see how old it is if you keep reading lol
It’s also unfinished, but I still want to share it. I typed it all up last night, errors and all. It’s about 2.5k, so not too long.
Untitled Original Story from a Prompt:
The birds were chirping. The smell of lilac drifted in through the window. Gran’s house always smelled like lilac. Granddad had planted them all around the house, next to every window. He was gone now, a lilac planted with him.
I’d been staying with Gran for a while now. She had decided it was time to move somewhere she could have care round the clock. She wanted help; help cleaning the house and help with life in general. She used a walker now and couldn’t manage the stairs.
I would bring things downstairs for her and she would decide what to take with her, what to leave for certain family members and what could simply be gotten rid of.
It was a slow process since I had to bring everything downstairs. We took our time. Gran was in no hurry. I took care of one room at a time. We had finished the upstairs and now our task was to clean the attic. That would be a big job. The attic was as big as the whole upstairs.
So far I had brought down all the Christmas decorations. There was a lot. We threw away lights that no longer worked. Tinsel garlands went in the trash. Ornaments all of us grandkids had made we separated into boxes with our names. Gran wanted us to have them back for our own trees. Gran kept just a few ornaments and decorations that Granddad had given her through their years together. I kept a nutcracker that Gran had always let me play with. Bringing the Christmas boxes downstairs had only made a small dent in the attic.
While Gran was napping, I went up to the attic to wander around. I was trying to decide what to bring down next for her. As I moved through the attic I saw a box in a corner that I had never seen before. It was wooden. The wood was dark and glossy. I had been in Gran’s attic many times in my life. I couldn't imagine not having seen this box before. I was intrigued and walked towards it.
There was a latch on the lid of the box. I opened the lid. Inside was a layer of glass balls. They looked like Christmas ornaments. I carefully lifted one out. It was clear and plain. As I held it, I noticed something lightly etched on the glass. I brought it closer and read “Justin Clark.” I looked back at the box and saw other names etched. I picked up another ball.
“Manuel Garcia-Lopez.”
“Aggy!” I heard Gran suddenly call.
I jumped in surprise, and one of the balls slipped from my hand. I tried to catch it, but it shattered on the attic floor with a tinkling of glass.
“Dónde estoy? Quién eres tú?”
A man was standing in front of me. I don’t know where he came from. He had appeared as soon as the glass ball hit the floor. I jumped backwards in shock, careful to not drop the other ball. The man in front of me looked confused. He was dressed in denim jeans, with cowboy boots and a button down work shirt. He had a large cowboy hat on, and yet something about his clothes didn’t look modern.
“Dónde estoy?” he said again.
“Aggy are you upstairs?” Gran hollered from the bottom of the stairs. My name is Agatha but my whole family calls me Aggy.
“Who are you?” I finally found my voice. “How did you get here?”
“Inglés?” the man asked.
“Yes. English,” I said.
“Who… are… you?” he asked slowly, thinking about the words.
“I’m Aggy,” I said. Something clicked in my brain. “Manuel Garcia-Lopez?” I asked. My voice sounded strange in my ears. The man looked taken aback.
“Sí, Manuel,” he said softly. He looked around the attic.
“Aggy!?” Gran called again.
“In the attic Gran! I’ll be down in a minute,” I yelled back. I turned back to Manuel.
“How did you get here?” I asked again. Manuel noticed the box with the glass name balls and suddenly looked frightened.
“No, señor, no,” he muttered.
“Manuel,” I said sharply to him to get his attention back.
“Sí, señorita,” Manuel said meekly, looking at my feet.
“How did you get here? Habla inglés?”
“Sí señorita, I speak a little,” Manuel replied.
“I don’t speak Spanish,” I said. Manuel looked at my face.
“Dónde es Señor Gordon? You… daughter?”
“My dad is Jack Gordon,” I said.
“No, no,” said Manuel, “Señor Herbert.”
“Herbert Gordon was my granddad.”
“Señorita!” exclaimed Manuel. He looked about to fall over. “Granddaughter?”
“Yes, my dad is Jack, and his dad was Herbert. My granddad.”
Manuel grabbed my arm.
“Que año es?!”
“I don’t understand…”
“Señorita, what year?” Manuel interrupted.
“2015,” I answered. Manuel’s grip on my arm tightened and then loosened as he fell to the floor with a thud.
“Manuel?” I crouched next to his prone body, and placed my hand on his chest.
“Aggy? Are you alright? What was that noise?” my Gran yelled up from downstairs. I was torn. I didn’t want Gran to worry about me, but I didn’t want to leave this mysterious person alone, passed out, in her attic.
I could tell from his chest that Manuel was breathing fine, so I took the chance and raced across the attic and down two flights of stairs.
“I’m fine Gran,” I called as I ran.
“Aggy what’s wrong?” Gran asked as I reached her.
“Gran! There’s a man… the attic… fainted.”
“Aggy catch your breath!” Gran said. I took a deep breath.
“There’s a man in the attic. I dropped…”
“Someone broke in?” Gran said in a panic. “I’ll call 911.”
Gran looked at me. “Aggy?”
“His name’s Manuel. He didn’t break in. I broke one of the glass balls. He appeared. He asked for Granddad and passed out when I told him it was 2015.”
“What glass balls? Granddad? Aggy, what?”
“The glass balls in the chest. I’m sorry I broke one. I didn’t mean to, I got surprised when you called me.”
“I don’t know about a chest,” said Gran.
“What should I do about Manuel?” I asked looking back up the stairs.
“How did he get in? And how did he get to the attic? He could be dangerous.” Gran started to go for the phone.
“Don’t Gran, he isn’t dangerous, he looked scared,” I said stopping her.
“Aggy,” Gran started. She looked at me. “Ok. Take him water and bring him down. Bring this chest too.”
I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I went upstairs carefully, leaving Gran to wait.
Manuel was still lying on the floor. I crouched down by him again and shook his shoulder.
“Manuel… hey.” I shook him a bit harder. He began to come to.
“Dónde estoy?” Manuel opened his eyes and saw me. “Señorita!”
“Here Manuel. Have some water.” I helped him sit up and handed him the glass.
He slowly took it. He drank some then said, “Señorita is really 2015?”
“Yes,” I replied.
“Dios mio,” said Manuel.
“What year did you think it was?” I asked Manuel. I really was very curious what he would say.
“1945,” said Manuel.
“What? Manuel, how did you get here? Did you time travel?” I asked excitedly.
“No, Señor Gordon…”
I interrupted, remembering Gran as he said Granddad’s name again.
“Wait Manuel. Come downstairs to see my Gran.” I stood up. “Can you help me carry this chest?” It looked heavy.
“Sí señorita,” said Manuel jumping up quickly. I thought for a moment he looked frightened of me. He handed me back the water glass. I sat it on another box to bring down later.
Together we lifted the chest and slowly and carefully brought it down the attic stairs. We set it down for a moment, then hefted it again to carry down the rest of the stairs.
Gran was sitting in the living room waiting with the phone next to her. Manuel and I sat the chest next to the coffee table.
“Gran,” I started, “you didn’t call anyone did you?”
“No, I’m just being prepared in case,” she said.
“This is Manuel,” I said.
“Buenos dias señora,” Manuel said and removed his hat.
“How did you get in my attic? And what were you doing in there?” Gran asked.
“He appeared when I dropped one of these balls,” I said, opening the chest. “He’s from 1945 Gran.”
“Sí señora,” Manuel said.
“What are these Gran? Why do they have names on them?” I carefully brought one over to show her. She took it and turned it every which way.
“I’ve never seen that chest before,” Gran answered. “Do they all have names?”
“As far as I can tell.”
“Manuel?” Gran turned to him.
“Sí señora?”
“Do you know anything about this chest?”
“Sí señora. Is Señor Gordon’s.”
“Yes Gran,” I said.
“How do you know that Manuel?” asked Gran.
“I work for Señor Gordon, señora,” said Manuel.
“What do you mean?” asked Gran.
“On the ranch señora. With the vacas.”
“What are ‘vacas?’” I asked. Manuel wrinkled his brow thinking.
“Cows,” said Gran.
“Sí señorita, cows,” said Manuel.
“When did Granddad work on a ranch?” I asked confused.
“A long time ago as a young man after the war,” answered Gran. “He was a ranch hand while we saved money to get married.” Gran looked at Manuel again. “Do you have a family?”
“Sí señora, una esposa y dos niños.”
Gran sighed as Manuel looked sad.
“What happened Manuel?” I asked at last. “How did you get here?”
“No lo sé. Señor Gordon was furioso una vaca got out y coyote got it,” said Manuel, looking at his boots. We were all silent, but I couldn’t help myself.
“But what happened to you?” I asked.
“No lo sé,” replied Manuel. I looked at him blankly.
“He says he doesn’t know,” said Gran. I looked at her sharply. She sounded choked.
“Gran? What’s wrong?” I moved quickly to her.
“In my room Aggy, in Granddad’s bedside table is an envelope. Please bring it here.”
“Ok,” I said. I walked quickly, and came back with a manila envelope. It was sealed tight and felt like a book was inside. Gran was looking out the window and Manuel was looking at his boots still.
I handed the envelope to Gran.
“Manuel,” I said, “you can sit down if you want.”
“Yes,” agreed Gran. “Please do.”
“Gracias,” said Manuel as he carefully sat in a chair across from Gran.
“What’s in the envelope Gran,” I asked.
“I don’t know,” she replied as she turned it over in her hands. “Granddad said someday I would know when the right time to open it was. I asked him how I would know and he told me to trust him. I had forgotten all about it until just now.”
“Do you think it’s the right time now?”
“I don’t know,” said Gran. “But it strikes me as something improbable for this improbable situation.”
“Sí señora,” Manuel quietly agreed. We were quiet while Gran unsealed the envelope. She pulled out a book like journal, and a piece of paper.
“It’s a letter,” she said. ‘My darling Agnes,’ she began, ‘I apologize now for what you are about to learn about me. I have kept it from you all our long years together…’ Gran’s face got very pale and her mouth tightened.
‘No, my love, don’t think those thoughts,’ she continued reading, ‘I have only ever loved you and always will, until the last stars go out in the universe.’ Some of Gran’s color came back and a small breath of relief left her. ‘I cannot change who or what I am. I am what my grandfather was and his before him; a warlock. I have done many ills in this world and also much good.’
“What?” I asked. “What does that mean?”
Gran looked just as confused as me. Only Manuel seemed nonplussed. I didn’t know if that was because of the language barrier or if he knew something about Granddad already.
Gran continued. ‘This tradition and power has been passed in this family from grandfather to the first born of the first born time out of mind. Why it skips a generation no one has ever sufficiently decided. Agatha was a surprise. Always had the first born’s first born been a son.’
I didn’t know if I should be hurt by Granddad’s words or not.
“What does that mean?” I asked. “I’m not a warlock.”
“I don’t know what it means Aggy,” said Gran, as confused as me.
“Manuel! Were you in that glass ball I broke? Did Granddad put…”
Gran cut me off. “Shall we finish the letter first Aggy? Don’t worry Manuel.”
“Yes Gran. Sorry Manuel,” I said. Now Manuel was the one looking pale.
‘Agatha will likely be as surprised and confused as you, my dear. The journal is for her. It was mine and my grandfather’s and his grandfather’s. It is old now and likely ready to be rewritten by Agatha.’
“But what’s in it?” I asked. I was thinking to myself that it probably wouldn’t be a fun task, rewriting a journal that likely had old timey handwriting and spelling. Could I modernize the spelling? I wondered.
“I don’t know Aggy. Here,” Gran passed the journal to me. “The letter is almost done.”
‘I’m sorry to not explain more. I’ve said more to you than I should have. Agatha will think this improbable or impossible, yet deep within her, she’ll know, just as I did when my grandfather told me. Until we are reunited my love, Herbert.’
Gran laid the letter on her lap and sat back on the couch.
“That’s all?” I cried. “What does this mean? How does Manuel fit with this?”
“I don’t know Aggy,” said Gran. “Your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps there is more in the journal.”
“Sí,” agreed Manuel quietly.
I opened the journal gently. I didn’t know what to expect. If it was as old as Granddad said, I worried pages might be loose and fall out. I was more shocked to find the first page looked as if I had opened a brand new journal. The pages were bright and crisp. I glanced through the first pages, which appeared to be an introduction to me from my forefathers. I didn’t understand what they were greeting me into.
“I don’t understand,” I said aloud. “What does this mean?” I asked, passing the journal to Gran.
“I don’t know either,” said Gran. “I can’t read it.”
“Should I get your readers?” I asked, beginning to get up.
“No Aggy. I can’t read it, it’s nonsense.”
“What?” I asked, dumbfounded, feeling my blood run cold.
“It’s nothing,” she repeated.
“Gran. It’s a whole letter and introduction about what the book is, but I don’t understand.”
“I don’t either Aggy. It’s for you to learn who you are I suppose. I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful than that. I don’t know what Herbert has left you, and I think I would have stopped him had I known.”
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purplebass · 9 months
That's What Candles Do / Thomastair
So here I am with a Thomastair Christmas drabble. Today I also wanted to be short and to the point and write something fluffy and cute to celebrate this season. More may follow, but tomorrow (because right now I'm tired lol). So enjoy <3
Rating: G Words: 489 Read on A03 💜
“Where did you say Cordelia got this candle?” Thomas wondered, a mixture of pine and something else – maybe cinnamon – hitting his nostrils after the wick started to burn. 
“Amsterdam, I think,” Alastair scrunched his nose. “I am not sure I like this smell.”
“It’s bittersweet,” he admitted. “But it’s growing on me. Perhaps it will grow on you too.”
Alastair shrugged from his armchair, and glanced at the cream colored scented candle sitting on the wooden table that separated him from Thomas’ armchair. 
“Perhaps,” he said. “At least I remembered to light it. Last time Cordelia was here, she ordered me to use this damn candle around this time. She said this is the scent of Christmas, but I beg to differ.”
“Did she?” Thomas chuckled. At that, Alastair rolled his eyes. “Well, it is a gift. Of course, she wants you to use it. Gifts are not meant to be sitting on the mantle and gathering dust.”
“We’re talking about a candle, Tom,” he raised an eyebrow. “That’s what candles do.”
Thomas sighed. “Yes, but this is a scented candle. Keyword being scented. It’s meant to spread its fragrance throughout its surroundings. Look at the soft atmosphere it gives this room,” he gestured at the walls with his hand. “Isn’t the perfect Christmas setting?”
“It just makes it impossible for me to enjoy the newspaper with such bad lightning,” he complained, putting the paper aside.
Thomas shook his head and stood up, something caught his attention behind the window. 
“It’s snowing.”
“Is it, now? Must’ve been the power of the candle,” he joked.
“Come here to see,” Thomas demanded. “It’s picking up. It’s the first real snow of the season.”
Alastair rose from his chair and reached his partner. “You were not exaggerating,” he commented. “That’s really a lot of snow. Just in time for Christmas.”
“I thought you didn’t care about Christmas,” Thomas retorted. 
“Why would I have put some mistletoe above the window, if I didn’t?”
Thomas frowned, and looked up. “When did you put this here? I didn’t see it.”
“This morning when you were away with your father,” he confessed. “And you can blame the candle and the bad lightning for your poor sight.” 
“Would you please leave the poor candle alone?” 
Alastair giggled, putting one of his hands behind Thomas’ back. “Only if you give me a kiss. We’re under the mistletoe, after all. And there’s this hint of winter in the air thanks to the candle. The snow is falling outside our window. And I’m in your arms.”
“I’ll give you more than one kiss,” he leaned closer, one hand resting behind Alastair’s neck, the other on his hip. “I have to make up for my bad sight.”
“Shut up, Thomas,” Alastair said playfully, just as the grandfather clock on the wall struck midnight. “And Merry Christmas.” He dragged him by the lapels of his jacket and kissed him.
Merry Christmas, indeed. 
Notes: I don't know why but I feel like Cordelia would be the type to gift a scented candle??? In my mind, she got that candle in Amsterdam during her travel year with James. She wanted to contribute to Alastair and Thomas' house with something they could put on the mantle or use (because candles are soothing and give the right atmosphere). Alastair probably thinks candles are overrated because of electricity, but they are still useful.
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justabooknerdposts · 8 months
Prompt from Ao3: Would love to see a future fic of either Annabeth wedding dress shopping with Sally or Annabeth and Percy telling Sally they are having a baby!
*Again, still closed to prompts, just have this one and one more left to catch up on (last one will be up next week).  I loved this prompt and wanted to do both lol so here you go!*
Annabeth knew it was the right dress as soon as she put it on.  It was simple, but elegant, with a hint of Grecian style, while still being modern.  The skirt swept the ground and the fabric was light, perfect for catching the breeze at a beach wedding.  When she saw herself in the mirror, she smiled and teared up.  She could absolutely see herself saying “yes” to Percy in this dress.
“It looks like we might have a frontrunner,” the shop assistant suggested kindly.  She was an older woman in her fifties wearing a black dress, her gray hair piled elegantly on top of her head, and she’d told Annabeth earlier how much she enjoyed helping brides find their perfect dress.  “Should we show them?”
Annabeth nodded.  She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders.  She was spending the last Saturday of her senior year of college Christmas break going wedding dress shopping, while she and Percy were in New York visiting his family for the holidays.  She couldn’t imagine dress shopping without Sally there to help.  And, luckily, a few of her friends had been able to make it to the appointment, too.  This was the fifth dress she’d tried on and the other four had received mixed reviews from her entourage of Piper, Hazel, Rachel, and Sally.  The toughest judge, though, was Estelle.  The almost-four-year-old had expressed some strong opinions about two of the previous dresses.  And while Annabeth wasn’t going to base her decision on anyone’s opinion but her own, it would make everything easier if everyone liked this one.
She shouldn’t have worried.  When she stepped out of the dressing room, she couldn’t help the smile on her face.  Shyly, she did a small turn, holding out the skirt, and asked, “What do you think?”
Piper started smiling immediately.  Hazel’s hands went to her cheeks, her eyes bright.  Rachel studied it critically for a moment, like she was examining a painting, then gave an approving nod. 
Estelle, perched on the couch between Hazel and Piper, clapped her hands and told Annabeth, “You look like a princess.”
The best reaction, though, was Sally’s.  Her eyes welled up, even as she smiled.  “Oh sweetheart.  You look absolutely beautiful.”
“Thanks, Sally.”  Annabeth gave her a hug.  “I think this is the one.”
“It’s for sure the one,” Piper agreed.  “We can see it on your face.”
Annabeth blushed and turned back to the mirror.  “I just—I can see myself standing beside Percy in this dress.”
“After he picks his jaw up off the sand,” Rachel said, which made everyone laugh.
“This is it,” Annabeth said, twisting slightly in front of the mirror to see the different angles.  “I’m getting this one.”
“Wonderful,” the assistant said.  “I’ll leave you all to talk for a minute while I put the order together.  Would you like to add our alterations package?  There’s a discount if you purchase it at the same time as the dress.”
“That won’t be necessary.”  A dark-haired woman with grey eyes, wearing jeans and a white blouse, stepped into the dressing area.
“Mom?” Annabeth’s stomach dropped.  She was torn between being happy at seeing her mother and being concerned about why, exactly, Athena was here.
“Hello, Annabeth.”  Athena stopped beside her, studying her daughter in the wedding dress as if it were a battle plan.  “You look lovely.”
“Th-thank you.  How did you know we were here?”
Athena raised an eyebrow.  “I was given to understand that it is traditional for the mother of the bride to attend wedding dress shopping.”
“Oh, of course.”  Annabeth exchanged glances with Piper and Hazel, who both looked alert as they watched this conversation.  “I just didn’t realize it was something you’d want to do.”
“It’s not something I would typically do,” Athena agreed, moving to stand beside Annabeth, her hands going to the dress, gently tugging and tucking it so that it fit more tightly at Annabeth’s waist, highlighting her figure.  “But I’m willing to make an exception for you.  And offer my services as a seamstress to make the alterations on your dress.”
Annabeth’s eyes widened.  “Seriously?”
Athena smiled thinly.  “Yes, seriously.  I am the goddess of weaving, after all.  I think I can manage this task.”
“Thank you.”  Annabeth was stunned.  She and her mother hadn’t always had an easy relationship.  And she knew Percy had never exactly been Athena’s favorite.  So to get her support in this way meant a lot.
As much as she appreciated her mother’s visit, though, Annabeth could definitely tell everything was more tense while the goddess was present.  Luckily, after taking Annabeth’s measurements by studying the sample dress, Athena nodded, gave Annabeth instructions on how to contact her to make the alterations once her dress arrived, then left as abruptly as she’d arrived.
Once they were back on the street, Annabeth walked beside Sally, Estelle holding both their hands, insisting that they swing her across the cracks in the sidewalk.
“Thanks for coming today, Sally,” Annabeth told her.
“Of course, Annabeth.”  Sally smiled at her as they swung Estelle again.  “I wouldn’t have missed it.”  Her voice turned more careful, though, as she said, “It was nice of your mother to come.”
Annabeth nodded.  “It was.”  She shot a smile at Sally.  “But I’m really glad you could be here, too.”
Sally’s eyes crinkled the way they did with a true, genuine smile and she reached over with her free hand to squeeze Annabeth’s arm before Estelle once again insisted that they swing her.
“How was dress shopping?” Percy asked Annabeth later, when it was just the two of them snuggled on the couch at his parents’ apartment, watching TV after everyone else had gone to bed.  “Did you get one?”
She nodded against his shoulder.  “But you can’t see it until the wedding.  It’s bad luck.”
“Do you actually believe that?”
Annabeth shrugged.  “I’m not risking it, Seaweed Brain.”
Percy chuckled and kissed the top of her head.  “You’re probably right, as usual.”  His arm tightened around her shoulders.  “I already know you’ll look beautiful, though.”
Annabeth hid her smile against his t-shirt.  Raising her head, she met his eyes, gorgeous as ever, and told him, quietly, “I can’t wait to marry you.”
Percy’s smile at her words made her melt.  “I can’t wait to marry you, either,” he said, leaning closer to kiss her.
Soon, in just a few months, she would walk down the aisle to him, wearing the dress she’d bought today.  Until then, it was enough to be cuddled close together on the couch like this.  Life was good.
Sally was grateful to be inside the department store on this early spring afternoon, as it was gray and drizzly outside, the sky pressing close to the tops of the skyscrapers.  She was also happy to be at the store with her son and daughter-in-law, helping Percy find new clothes for an upcoming formal work event.  Annabeth had insisted that Sally accompany them.  “We’ll need a tiebreaker,” she’d told Sally on the phone the day before.  “Besides, nice clothes aren’t always Percy’s strong point.”
So Sally had happily agreed to join them.  They would be meeting Paul and Estelle afterwards for dinner.  Sally had dropped Estelle off at her dance class on the way here, and Paul would be picking her up on his way to dinner after work.
It didn’t take too long to find a nice button-down shirt and a pair of dark gray pants for Percy.  He’d initially wanted a blue shirt, of course, but Annabeth had insisted on a green one that complemented his eyes.  Sally hadn’t really done her job as tiebreaker, since she’d agreed that her son looked very handsome in both shirts, but Percy had eventually given in good-naturedly to his wife, especially after she agreed to wear a blue dress to the event.
“You’re my plus one,” he told her with a wink.  Annabeth playfully smacked his arm.
Sally smiled.  They were as cute now as they had been at sixteen.  And she was very happy that Annabeth was an official member of the family.  As they started walking across the department store, back towards the door (Sally thought, although she’d gotten a big turned around in the giant store), her phone buzzed.  She checked it, following the shopping bag swinging from Percy’s hand out of the corner of her eye.  When her son’s footsteps stopped, she stopped, too, still focused on Paul’s text saying they were on their way, his photo of Estelle in a dance pose, and her reply exclaiming about how adorable the photo was and letting him know they were on their way out of the store and would see them soon at the restaurant.
As she slipped her phone into her pocket and looked up, she realized that Percy and Annabeth were both watching her.  “Sorry.  Text from Paul.  They’re on their way to the restaurant.  Did you need something else here, honey?”
“I’m not sure.”  Percy glanced at Annabeth, the corner of his mouth quirking up.  “Do we need anything else here, baby?”
Sally was a bit surprised at the term of endearment, as Percy didn’t always use those for Annabeth in front of his mom, but they were also still pretty early in their marriage, so she figured maybe it was just a happy newlywed thing.
Annabeth crossed her arms, biting her lip, glancing at Sally before telling Percy, “I don’t know, baby, what do you think?”
Sally frowned, narrowing her eyes.  Clearly, something was up.  “What are you two—”  Suddenly, she realized where they were standing.  “Why are we in the baby department?”
Percy raised his eyebrows at his mom.  Annabeth was clearly trying to hide a smile.  Sally had a moment of confusion, glancing from her son and daughter-in-law to the racks of tiny, pastel-colored clothes.
And then she got it.
“Wait.  Are you—” Their giant grins were answer enough.  And then Sally started crying, right there in the department store. 
“Aw, Mom.”  Percy hugged her and Sally squeezed him back, hard.  “These are happy tears, right?”
“Of course they are!”  Sally sobbed, even though she was smiling as she kissed his cheek and released him to hug Annabeth.  “I’m so happy right now.”
Annabeth held on to Sally for an extra moment, and Sally squeezed her tighter.  “You’re going to do great, sweetheart,” she told her daughter-in-law softly, and Annabeth nodded against her shoulder.  They were both wiping tears off their cheeks when they broke apart.
“Well,” Sally clapped her hands, “while we’re here, I’m buying some outfits!  I’m guessing it’s too soon to know boy or girl?”
Annabeth nodded.  “I’m not due until September, so we’ve got a while still.  Thankfully.  It was…a bit of a surprise.”  She glanced at Percy with a smile.  “But we’re really happy about it.  Thrilled, actually.”
“Definitely,” Percy agreed, still grinning.  “And we decided not to find out what the baby’s going to be.  We’ll be happy either way, so it seems like it’d be a fun surprise.”
Annabeth made a face.  “It makes it hard to plan, but he persuaded me.”  She took Percy’s hand.  “We’ve had a lot of crummy surprises over the years, so it seems nice to have a good one to look forward to.”
“Absolutely,” Sally agreed.  She turned to critically examine the rows of tiny clothes in front of her.  “I’m sure I can find some cute onesies in here that will work for a boy or a girl.”
She did.  Ten minutes later, she was handing Percy a second bag to carry, this one holding half a dozen adorable little outfits.  Percy was still beaming as he took it from her.
“Feels real now,” he said, hefting the bag to show Annabeth.  “Our baby has clothes.”
Annabeth sniffled.  “That’s so sweet.  Thanks, Sally.”
Sally gave Annabeth a one-armed hug.  “You’re welcome, dear.  I’m just so happy for you both.” 
The three of them left the store, heading for dinner to share the good news.  Sally couldn’t keep a smile off her face.  Her son was going to be a dad.  She was going to be a grandma.  Above her, the clouds were breaking up, slivers of blue sky appearing through the gray.  It was a beautiful day.   
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demxnicprxncess · 2 years
hii saw you are open to requests and was talking about writing kink, if not a problem may I pls request something with evan peters' character in ahs kit walker (or if you don't do characters it can be evan himself) where he is a sub to a dom female reader with a heavy spanking kink who, with his consent of course, uses it all the way on him and does not go easy on him with it at all? idk maybe he can use his safeword or something as well lol.. i hope it feels ok, thank u sm and hope you have a great day xx
Here's my Christmas gift to you sweet child.
Warning: Smut?, Spanking, safe words, Fluffffff
"red" Kit Walker x FEM!Reader
"Are you sure you still wanna do this Kit?" I looked down at the man layed across my lap, his soft jiggly ass open for my view while his hard dick lays n between my thighs slightly. "Positive." I smile before placing it gentle teasing smack on his ass. "You know your safe word right my little prince?" He nodded. "Well, what is it?" "Red." I smiled approvingly before raising my hand up and plummeting it down to the soft flesh of his ass. A whimper coming from his beautiful lips followed behind a moan as his dick slid over my thigh. "M-more.." I smack down on his as again. "What was that?" His eyes filled with tears of embarrassment. "More... please masta." I gave his ass light taps of approval before moving to get him to lay on the bed. "'atta boy." I placed another firm smack on his ass the jiggle triggering that deep down arousal in me. I felt myself getting hotter and stripped myself of my shirt. "Are you good?" he nods slightly, his form of approval making me confident enough to grab a little whip. "Are you okay with this my love?" I can see the slight thought of I don't know and yes. "Y-yes masta" his accent traveling through his voice causing heat to rush to the right areas. "Such a pretty boy." I place a light kiss on his lower back just above his ass before placing on kiss on each cheek. He moaned softly into the bed but got cut of as I cracked the whip on his ass. Not enough to cut through the skin but enough to leave that feeling of where you feel like your bleeding but you're not, you cracked the whip again in the same spot. Dropping the whip you push his hips into the bed causing him to grind against it whimpering. "Masta I-" I pulled his hair making his head come back. "Shut up kitty" He almost whined at my harshness. "Momma?" I looked down at him smacking him again. "I said hush." His tears brimmed his eyes again. "My baby boy is such a pretty crier" he moaned softly and I spanked him again but harder this time. "I dont-" I cover his mouth shaking my head no and kiss his neck before smacking his soft ass again and gripping it soothingly. "Red." I heard his voice whine out making me stop immediately. "What?" He looked at me with tear filled eyes as I rolled him over onto his back. "Kit, baby, oh goodness I'm so sorry." I quickly ran out of our room to get him his favorite snacks and drink sitting it on the bed, giving him comfy clothes and even cutting on his favorite shows. His face stained with streaks of tears I instantly started littering his face with kisses. "My prince, I'm so so sorry" I hugged him as he shoved the cherry in his mouth, choking he soft sobs that broke my heart to hear. "What was it baby?" He sniffles softly into my breast soaking my bra and boobs. "You were- too- too harsh.." I immediately held him tighter. "Aww baby I'm so sorry, I'll never hurt you again alright Mr. Walker?" he smiled into my chest. "Alright." I laid back with him still in my arms as he drifted off into sleep. I can't believe I hurt him.
yall, did I eat? Idrk. But anyways there's that!!! hope yall like it
Taglist: @yes-divine-ruler, @ppawmpkin
lmk if u wanna be added or removed!
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rimouskis · 9 months
15 People 15 Questions
thank you @babygirlboberrey for the tag ✨
1. are you named after anyone?
nope:) in fact I'm the only sibling in my immediate family who doesn't share any names with any family members.
2. when was the last time you cried?
hahahahhaha two days ago because my job is the devil's doing
3. do you have kids?
no and I deeply don't want 'em. love and light to those of us who are strong and brave enough to embark on the journey of parenthood, but I'm frankly not cut out for it. I believe it's one of the hardest things a person could do, and I also believe that having kids should be a deeply intentional choice.
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
[cracks knuckles] gymnastics, taekwondo, 3 kinds of dance (yes that's a sport), soccer, softball, competitive bowling (yes that's a thing). never hockey bc I'm quite bad on skates lol
5. do you use sarcasm?
no not at all. never in my life. not once.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
hate to say it but I'm genuinely not observant enough to realize this. I suppose hair? but this question is hard for me to answer.
7. what’s your eye color?
wouldn't you like to know, internet!!!
8. scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings:) I am a little baby about horror/scary movies:) can't do 'em:)
9. any talents?
I'm really good at the NYT Connections game, if that counts
10. where were you born?
I could've been born in europe if my parents had stayed there on their pre-having-kids vacation for a bit longer 🙄 unfair!!
11. what are your hobbies?
hockey. The Outdoors. when I have the money, traveling. organizing things. if the weather's good, running. collecting stickers (and what used to be collecting enamel pins). listening to music, if that counts! I'm always doing it.
12. do you have any pets?
not on my own, but we still have our beloved family dog <3 he's getting pretty old, so I worry, but I was so happy to see him during my christmas voyage home:)
13. how tall are you?
shorter than I want to be 🙄
14. favorite subject in school?
English, literature and the like. I really miss it, honestly, lol. I don't have a purpose or the monetary ability, but I sometimes think about taking a class or two at one of the colleges around here because I miss it so much!! I really love getting into the weeds of a text I might not read on my own and go through the rigor of gleaning meaning and nuance from it with others in an academic setting.
15. dream job.
I Do Not Dream Of Labor. but also I sometimes fantasize about opening up a fine carpentry business with my dad. the two of us built our shed back home, he built the pergola in the backyard, and he and I have built like 4 pieces of furniture together from scratch. one of them is here in my apartment:) I also have a plant stand he built me. I find working with my hands and having a Physical Thing at the end of the process deeply rewarding.
anyone who wants to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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nadineof30s · 2 years
Mary Who?
Peculiar Reader/Miss Peregrine (Platonic)
A Christmas imagine/fanfiction to celebrate Christmas coming up in a few days! Lots of innocent fluff. I hope it's not too cringy lol.
Warnings: Very subtle implications of neglect
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Today everybody was buzzing around the house, excited that it was finally winter. We kept track of the days on a little calendar Miss Peregrine hung in the kitchen. Technically the first day of winter wasn’t for a few weeks, but since it was December, everybody said that it counts anyway. I was embarrassed to find out just how much about the world I didn’t know. I knew about months, just not all of their names, and I had previously noticed the changing weather throughout the year, just not the logistics of it. Living in a poor, neglectful household doesn’t exactly encourage a well-rounded education. Luckily Miss Peregrine was able to privately catch me up, for the most part, so I wouldn’t have to humiliate myself around the others.
It was mid afternoon, just after tea time, and I was sitting in the parlor reading a book I was behind on for one of Miss Peregrine’s book discussions she makes us do, when I heard laughing and the sound of something being dragged across the wood floor. I furrowed my brow and looked up to see Bronwyn dragging a huge fir tree into the house, with a proud Fiona skipping in behind her. My eyes widened in surprise. 
“Woah, why are you dragging a tree into the house? Miss Peregrine will have a fit!” I stood up and pointed to the trail of pine needles leading to the still open front door. 
“Don’t worry, she knows! We always put up a tree on the first of December. I did a pretty great job on this one, eh Bronwyn?” Fiona asked, face full of pride. 
“Sure. It might not fit in the parlor, though. I think it’s going to touch the ceiling!” Bronwyn grunted before sighing in relief as she let the tree fall to the floor. 
“I don’t understand. Why would we have a tree in the house? It’ll die and drop needles everywhere,” I thought out loud, puzzled. 
“It’s December silly. There’s only twenty-four more days until Christmas! Merry Christmas!” Fiona yells, clearly very excited about the thought of it. My face scrunches up with confusion. 
“Who’s Mary…Chris…mass?” I attempted to repeat the word Fiona had just said. She laughed and shook her head at me.
“Nice one, Y/N,” she giggled. I laughed with her, realizing this was probably another obvious thing about life I failed to learn. 
“Help us decorate the tree. It’ll be fun!” Fiona practically shouted. I wasn’t exactly sure why or how you would even decorate a tree, much less bring it inside.
“Sure! Just give me a minute…” I trailed off before leaving the room and running up the stairs to Miss Peregrine’s study. I would ask her who Mary was, since she knows absolutely everything. I stopped outside her door and paused before knocking lightly. I heard a quiet “come in!” from behind the door, then entered the room. I walked in to find Miss Peregrine sitting behind her desk looking frustrated with whatever she was working on. Her fingers rubbed her temples while her hair looked slightly disheveled. I suddenly felt like this may not be a good time to ask her about this mystery person.
“Hi, Miss Peregrine!” I greeted her with the most cheery voice I could muster, hoping to put her mind at ease. She leaned back in her chair and smiled at me.
“Hello, Miss Y/N. You seem rather cheerful this afternoon.” 
“Well, yes it is a beautiful day, Miss P.” I gestured to the window, the sun streaming through it creating a nice, natural light. 
“Yes…it’s always a nice day?” She half asked, looking a bit perplexed. She of course was referring to the fact that it was always warm and sunny in our loop. That much I knew.
I nodded  my head at her, the same, probably slightly unnerving, smile on my face and my hands clasped behind my back. She let out a light giggle at my strange behavior. 
“Is there something you need, Y/N?” she asked after a moment. 
“Oh, yes Miss P. I was only wondering who Mary is,” I asked her before plopping down in the chair across from her. She furrowed her brow at me and thought for a moment. 
“I’m sorry, I think I will need more context.” She looked at me with confusion. 
“Well I saw Bronwyn carrying a tree into the parlor and Fiona kept talking about somebody named Mary…Chris-Mass?” I was pretty sure I wasn’t saying her last name correctly. A big smile covered her face and it was clear she was holding back a laugh by the way her shoulders shook. 
“Yes, Y/N, what she was referring to was the winter holiday, Christmas,” she said knowingly, “you remember when we talked about holidays, don’t you?” 
“Oh yes! I do, I just don’t remember talking about…Christ…mas?” I paused before attempting to pronounce Christmas. 
“I’m afraid I may have forgotten to actually go through them all with you. Christmas is a wonderful holiday, known to many religions as the celebration of the birth of Christ,” she explained. 
“Oh. Well, what does that have to do with bringing a huge tree inside?” I asked, still confused.
“That is an age-old tradition, usually observed by normals. But a few of the children loved the idea so we started to recognize it ourselves. You bring a fir tree inside your house and then decorate it with all kinds of colorful ornaments.”
“But…why?” I still didn’t quite get it. 
“It connects to another tradition practiced by normals. There’s a large man dressed in red who uses a sleigh driven by reindeer to deliver presents to all the children of the world. He supposedly puts them underneath the fir tree. It is just a fable that is decidedly untrue, but still a fun thing to think about, isn’t it? His name is Santa Claus. It’s usually something parents do for their children to make the season even more magical,” she clarified. I laughed slightly at her description of this strange person. And also the thought of anyone’s parents making up something so silly.
“Hm that’s so weird! He breaks into people’s houses,” I giggled. She grinned and nodded her head. 
“Well, yes, I suppose you could think of it that way. We do usually give each other gifts on the twenty fifth for Christmas, but I think Santa Claus is just a bit much.”
I nodded in agreement. We sat in a comfortable silence for a minute or two.  
“Why don’t you go back downstairs and help the others decorate the tree. It’s more fun than it sounds, I promise!” Miss Peregrine suggested. 
“Okay. Thanks, Miss Peregrine!” I exclaimed before I got up from the chair and raced back down to the parlor. 
She shook her head endearingly, and continued her work with a huge grin on her face.
It was almost Christmas which meant I only had two more days to come up with a gift for Miss Peregrine. I already had gifts together for everyone else, but was struggling to think of something for Miss P. I was sitting at the desk in my room, staring at the blank piece of parchment in front of me. It was meant to be full of present ideas, but remained empty. I tapped my pencil against my chin, beginning to lose complete focus. I looked around my room, desperate for inspiration. All I saw was the framed pressed flowers and art on my walls. I perked up abruptly. I finally had an idea.
It was Christmas Eve and everyone was getting ready for bed, excited for Christmas to come. I clutched the sloppily wrapped box to my chest and tip toed down the hallway to Miss Peregrine’s room. I wanted to give the gift to her away from everyone else in case she hated it or it wasn’t as good as I thought. I knocked on the door, and heard shuffling footsteps a moment after. She opened the door a few seconds later. She was wearing a robe over her nightgown and her raven hair was thrown in a loose braid that reached just above her waist. 
“Hello, Y/N. Is something the matter?” She asked, looking worried. 
“Oh, no, everything is fine! I just wanted to give you this really quick.” I abruptly handed her the box. “Goodnight!” I whisper-yelled so as to not disturb the others. I walked fast to my room down the hallway, leaving Miss Peregrine standing in her doorway with an amused look on her face. It was very obvious I had no idea how this whole “gift-giving” thing worked. 
The next day, everyone awoke early, running downstairs to sit in the parlor to begin exchanging gifts. Miss Peregrine stood at the doorway of her study, waiting for her horde of children to run by before descending the stairs herself, leaving the study door half open. I caught a glance of the gift I gave her hanging up in the study just behind her desk. It was a watercolor painting of a peregrine falcon sitting on a girl’s shoulder. It was a picture of all of us children with our backs facing whoever looked at it. I was in the middle and the falcon sat peacefully on my shoulder, only the falcon was facing the opposite direction. Its facial expression dared anyone to come near. It was a symbol of our protection. A symbol of Miss Peregrine. It was the closest to a family portrait I ever had. I just recently picked up this new hobby of painting, so I wasn’t sure that I could pull it off. I had to admit that it looked amazing in the beautiful, gold frame Miss Peregrine put it in, to hang above her desk for everyone to look at. After a moment I tore my gaze away from the painting and leapt down the stairs to join the others.
After a successful day of gift giving, we all separated to use or decorate with our new things. I got beautiful pressed flowers from Bronwyn to add to my collection and a lovely blue shawl crocheted by Olive. I was standing on my desk chair, carefully taking down my framed flowers so that I could add the new ones I was given when I heard a knock at my door. 
“Come in!” I exclaimed, before sitting on my bed and beginning to remove the glass from the frame. Miss Peregrine walks in the room holding a small, wrapped box. 
“Y/N I wanted to thank you for the gift you gave me. It’s absolutely beautiful,” she said smiling. 
“Oh, I’m so glad you like it! I’ve never done anything so difficult so I was nervous it wasn’t good,” I told her, somewhat distracted by the task at hand. 
“It is breathtaking, Y/N. I had no idea you could paint like that!” Miss Peregrine cried in admiration. 
“It’s kind of a newly discovered talent, I guess.” I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. 
“Lovely. Well I also wanted to take the opportunity to give you something.” She held out the box. I took it and smiled widely. 
“Thank you Miss Peregrine!” I shouted. I hadn’t received many gifts in my life, so getting one from the person I looked up to the most meant the world to me. I could hardly hold back my excitement.
“Shh you’re welcome. Open it!” She hushed, though she was still unable to drop the huge smile on her face. I nodded my head and gingerly began to tear at the wrapping paper to reveal a little black box. I looked up at her with excitement in my eyes. She gestured for me to open the box. I slowly pulled the top off of it to reveal a bronze locket with a raven etched on the front. I gasped and pulled the necklace out of the box. I stared at it in awe while Miss Peregrine sat beside me. 
“Here, let me put it on you,” she offered, taking the necklace from me and gesturing for me to turn around. I grinned and pulled my hair to the side while she clasped it behind my neck. 
“Wow, it’s amazing!” I admired the locket even more when it was around my neck. Miss Peregrine giggled and put my hair back where it was. 
“Yes, it has been with me for many years. It came from a friend of mine before we…lost touch.” She looked down. There was a somber tone in her voice, but I chose not to pry. 
“I’m giving this to you because you both share many of the same qualities. To me, this locket represents bravery and strength. Maybe a touch of stubbornness as well.” She chuckled slightly and nudged by shoulder playfully as she mentioned the last part. I smiled and held the locket in my hand. 
“Thank you, Miss Peregrine. This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten,” I spoke softly. Leaning my head against her shoulder while she stroked my hair. 
“You’re quite welcome, my dear. Just don’t tell the others I gave it to you. I wouldn’t want to cause a squabble!” She jested.
“Yes, Miss P,” I snickered.
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
I’ve been thinking a lot about a little ficlet you wrote, the one where special waits for copia backstage during a ritual. It mentions how spesh glows when he’s excited. I was wondering if you have any ideas/headcanons for the first time spesh did this, in general and around Copia? I can imagine he must’ve been quite confused at seeing his ghoulfriend light up like a christmas tree lol :•)
First off thank you for dumping a bucket of dopamine on my brain!!!!! I can't believe anyone thinks about my silly fics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for the first time Copia saw him glow...
Copia grew up within the church. He had been raised there. Some said he was even born there, though this was not factual- he had been born elsewhere, and left at the narthex steps as an infant. But, yes. Copia essentially spent the entirety of his life in the church. At least until he turned 25. At age 25, he was granted permission to visit nearby towns to spread the word of the Dark Lord. He took advantage of these monthly trips, proselytising as ordered but also wandering around, purchasing music records. By 28 he had managed amassed an impressive collection of music- not just records, but cassette tapes and new compact discs as well, and a lovely record player he had taken ages to restore. He had little space to call his own but managed to keep it all safe in his dormitory room. After long days of doing mindless research or writing manifestos or sermons for Papa Nihil, Copia relished in putting a good record on and flopping onto his little bed, letting the music wash over his aching back and shoulders.
He was creeping close to 30 when he met the nameless ghoul called Special. Well, to be clear, he had seen the ghoul dozens of times. It was one of the many nameless ghouls that haunted the hallways or ceilings or catacombs of the church, but this one managed to stand out amongst the nearly identical, mouthless, humanoid gargoyles. For one, it's tail never stayed still. It wagged. It twitched. It would even occasionally curl into a question mark. No other ghoul acted so... lively.
The other way the Special ghoul stood out was in it's voice. All ghouls communicated telepathically, but their telepathy had the unfortunate tendency of activating the same parts of human brains that stir up intense fear and nausea, so ghouls rarely spoke to humans (in fact, it was widely believed that those who rose through the ranks within the church's bureaucracy were just people who could listen to ghouls without screaming or crying). But Special's voice was wrong. It spoke telepathically, sure, but for whatever reason, it's voice registered in the human brain as audible input. Having Special talk to you was like listening to a human. A babbling, obnoxious human. His voice would drift into Copia's mind sometimes, and it would be as though someone were walking by his office and talking.
So when the nameless ghoul called Special knocked on his door one night and asked to listen to the music- "I've actually been sitting outside your room for weeks now, just listening, trying to build up the courage to ask you if I could come in, because I know humans don't so much care for us ghouls being close, I've heard we smell, which is probably true, I mean, we are made of Hell itself after all, it's no bed of roses there," and on and on- Copia was only a little bit surprised.
Copia knew about ghouls only as much as Sister Imperator had deemed it necessary for him to know. He had been a child when she took him down to the lowest basement to show him the portal from which all ghouls emerged. He had held her hand tightly, afraid something would come up from the glassy darkness if he let go of her. She squeezed his little hand reassuringly and told him "the Dark Father does not send ghouls to us without a purpose for each of them, C. Every ghoul you see in this church was brought to us with a reason for it's existence woven into it's very being. Each ghoul stays connected to our plane of existence by tethering to an element- Fire, Water, Air, Earth, or Aether. Each serves a purpose."
And now he and a ghoul had become friends. It was not something that happened in the church. Imperator had expressed her concern and Copia, in a rare moment of standing up for himself, had replied "all ghouls are sent up for a reason. What if Him Below sent this one because I need a friend?" Imperator had started to retort but Copia fled back to his room, where Special had been listening to Pink Flloyd.
"Special," Copia gasped. He flopped onto his bed and the ghoul scrambled over to the bedside, tail twitching in concern.
"Whoa, what's happened?"
"I talked back to Sister Imperator."
Special tilted his head, bird-like. "And?"
Copia looked at the ghoul with a mix of emotions.
Special continued, "aren't you, like, a hundred years old? Isn't that an adult? You can talk back to your mom at this age, I am sure."
Copia smiled a tiny bit. "I'm not a hundred, Spesh."
The ghoul's tail wagged. Copia sat up on his bed and sighed, then looked at the tail threatening to wear a patch in his rug. He looked at Special's featureless face. "What's that about," he asked, gesturing to the tail.
"You called me 'Spesh.' I get called Special almost all of the time when I am called something, but just now, you called me a new name."
Copia shrugged. "It's just short for 'Special,' not that big of a deal."
Then Copia noticed fine cracks appearing in the ghoul's dull grey scale-like skin. He backed up on his bed until his back hit the wall. "Fuck, what happened? Did I break you?"
Special looked at his arms, then his torso, then his legs, and laughed. "Oh, no! No, this is-" He gestured with a talon as though trying to pull the tight words from the air.
"I'm happy."
Special seemed to emit a honeyed glow from the cracks, as though his body was composed of burning embers. Copia stared, wide-eyed, and slid off his bed to sit beside the ghoul. He touched the ghoul's arm, amazed at the gentle heat radiating off it.
"This is the purest expression of Fire Ghoul happiness," Special said softly, shyly. "It equates, I think, most to human joy. Or love."
Copia and Special sat quietly together until the embers died down and vanished. And then Copia did something never before seen in the church.
He leaned in and hugged the ghoul.
Special startled but hugged the human back.
"Thank you for being here," Copia whispered. "Thank you for finding me, Spesh."
Special had no mouth but somehow smiled.
"No problem, uhhh, 'Cope.'"
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tired-biscuit · 9 months
do all the fruit emojis asks! (because i said so and yes that includes tomato)
🍓 favorite food
it’s constantly changing but as far as actual meals go, i can never resist a turkey steak with rice and cream sauce. i loved eating that as a kid whenever we went to a restaurant with my family and it kind of stuck with me i guess, lol.
🍅 least favorite food
bell peppers of any kind. i fucking hate bell peppers and they smell so bad to me, idk why disjsjdj
🍊 favorite season?
fall!! though i am a huge fan of summer as well.
🍋 favorite genre to read / watch / write
depends on the type of media. i love to read thrillers and horror, watch true crime/detective movies and shows and write romance/smut.
🍐 if you could make one character real, who would it be
i don’t think this one needs any answering lmao
🫐 some place you’d love to visit
i want to visit america just for the experience and at least one of the countries where i’d be able to see the northern lights.
🍇 a word your friends would use to describe you
🍒 what is your earliest memory
i remember my older sister making up this insane christmas story one night back when all three of us were still living at home and we all shared one bedroom. i couldn’t sleep and i remember laughing so hard that my tummy was hurting, but like in a good way, and our dad stormed into our room because we were making so much noise and it was just pure chaos.
🍌 what is one talent you wish you had
i wish i could draw. that or maybe it’d be cool if i was like super stretchy so that i could freak people out by running at them on all fours but like upside down LMFAO
thanks for playing!! <3
get to know me asks!!
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velvetporcelain · 9 months
appetite. force. intellect.
this is no longer about him.
this is about me.
it’s about me.
it has been about me.
i think you have to be selfish in order to UNDERSTAND the concept of selflessness.
i made it about him, because it was about me, but at the time it never felt about me. hindsight. sucha little weasel.
what if hindsight was the guru? the divine? god?
i am not rushing, but I’m right on time.
i am satisfied, and my sadness is imaginary, a fairytale, a story of the moment. it’s always will be there because light needs balancing. thy will be done.
i feel good. this morning i struggling to move my idle mind. so i just went with the flow. i find petting my cat helps me practice consciousness. i stare at him in awe for as long as i need to. what a stunning creature.
i love cats so much. id nurture any cat to my fullest potential, you know, besides my children. i fucking love me a needy cat, a dog on the other hand? HA.
it’s a great way to channel my negative energy because it comes so easily. dogs are so fucking needy, they smell, they go outside, they bark, they drool, they piss all over everything, they are a liability, huge liability. Do we have dog insurance? 🤔 anyways- dogs. Ew. Now that doesn’t mean that I don’t give dogs love if I feel they deserve it, but most of the time I will let them know I will not be petting them. Dogs know, and I like using it against them.
it’s the day after Christmas and everything is right back to normal, ha , I said “still” at first , but realized that is only due to my privileged lifestyle. I don’t have to get up and be at work and fight for crumbs left by the rich. So it is still for me.
I’m working on attracting and not chasing. Life chases me. Yes we probably won’t know a probable outcome, but saying that the universe continues to give just means that you recognize there is an infinite amount of ways life can play out, and we are hear to experience that.
Sometimes I wonder why I set to break my peace. Urges of old behavior haunt me. some days I can only see them but not feel them, some days I can see them and feel them, I always see them, they are called memories. There is no control, alt, delete for that. Why are we consistently regulating our memories while trying to be as present as possible? It’s so counterproductive, counterintuitive!!!!
I think balance between two people can look very much like when one recognizes that their partner is on the dark side of the hemisphere they easily become the light—- something along those lines. See sometimes I am afraid it perspective of love is deeper than I even know at this point, like I don’t even understand what love is because I still feel unloved. I don’t want this getting in the way of the many, many, infinite, ways of love I have yet to experience. So I am working on turning that into fantasy, sexual desires, and role play. Using my creative mind when I feel “unloved “ and be able to act accordingly. Fuck, does this make sense. *squeezes your cheeks and nods your head yes” yes mommy it does. 👀
What if you started a group against the government specifically to get their attention on real issues that Americans have? 🤔 wow what a left turn. Vibes. But like think about it, if we follow the rules, we fall in line- lol wait nevermind, I’m not wasting thought on thinking that they would ACTUALLY give a fuck about us. Let alone their veterans. I literally know nothing.
am i a gypsy? —or——- a free bird afraid to fly?
am i just a story inside my mind? How wonderful it is to be the main character. 🥰💕🫡🕊️✨🍒🐺
today I need to save my fish, i am failing them. i hope my snails are alive.
please think about me today.
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dr-jem-nutcase · 1 year
MvA: The M Files take-a-peek, pt. 4
Two chapters today. First one's rather small so it's not exactly a double feature
Chapter 4
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Is it "shh" or "sshh"? You tell me. Artbook says "ssh"
And like that, slight panic starts not in the streets but in the White House
Maaaaan, someone sure let the White House front lawn go
Mr. President of the 1960s/70s, even though you definitely don't look one bit like John Kennedy or Lyndon Johnson, you've described a handful of times in America between your time & now (2023, in case some reads this in 2024 and beyond)
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That is one heck of a color scheme for Monger's hair. Just about as mysterious as the president's hair: like how does that combover work? Or what is that supposed to be?
So there's a basic map of the facility we all came to know and love...or loathe...whatever. The artbook has a much bigger description of it, a LOT more detail. But you can kinda figure out where everything is in this picture in comparison with the movie, kinda maybe sort of. Hm
So, I guess Link is no longer on dry ice or whatever. Yay, I think
Chapter 5
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Welp, so much for that mushroom cloud footage. Explosions were almost a comedy staple in 2000s cartoons, like the cooler & wagon crash landing on top of the SUV in Over the Hedge or the chain reaction explosions of the hunters' trucks courtesy of a propane tank in Open Season. Why Insecto's origin story was changed to exclude that...idk
First off, you wouldn't want any amount of radiation exposure in that close amount of space, especially with little aeration holes...in front of kids, no less
What does the kid second from the left have in his mouth? Definitely does NOT look like gum
I'm getting major bridal Thumbelina vibes from the girl in pink, that hair
Hey, is this a parody of Spiderman's origin story? Imma say yes! Japan's own superhero, Grubman!
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No, I think we ended up with Spiderman meets Bruce Wayne. Or just a rich guy who had to undergo a good amount of medical treatment for a very abnormal bug bite. Boo hoo. But moving on!
How quickly did Insecto grow? And that would probably determine how she got from a museum to a marketplace. (Yes, Insecto is female. Confirmed by the artbook)
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Whitewashing some of the locals or just tourists? You tell me
That's some lazy Kanji right there
So Japan already had experiences with giant monsters AND robots? I mean, there was Godzilla (who got blown up in the B&W OG movie), but still. My curiosity is P-I-Q-U-E-D. If Japan had this sort of problem before 1950, good luck convincing the Japanese public that monsters are just stuff of myth & legend. Japan must've been the chillest place in the world when the monsters made their debut
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Indestructible. But not for an alien robot
RIP, pilot. We thank you for your service. You are forever in our hearts
Ooh, W. R. Monger-- "CAPTAIN! Captain W. R. Monger." If you don't know what this reference is, I'm very sorry for you
I know English is becoming more & more of an international language, but I'm not sure that it was THAT international in the 1960s/70s. So a Japanese general that was fluent in English back then was a miracle
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So, was Insecto just there for that one night or was she just sitting there in downtown Tokyo for more than a day?
I just realized Monger's hair turned gray really quickly in between BOB's story and this one...and now it's brown again
For the record, his eyes aren't blue
Bright lights...like stadium lights, movie premiere searchlights, interrogation spotlights, tell me more
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Oh! Christmas lights. I'm disappointed in you, Tokyo. Wait, there's stage lights...and a disco ball!! Lol! I stand corrected
I guess Monger names his monsters on the fly. As is shown in the movie, "Escar...gantua"
"We saved the city!"
"At what cost?"
"Ummmm...the city"
Goodbye, downtown Tokyo
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Those lights must've bleached the fur on Insecto's back
And so...there they go, about to tow a 350-foot colossus across the world's biggest ocean and a few hundred miles inland through Cali and into Nevada
I just realized...how does Insectosaurus almost always stand upright if most, if not all insect species are invertebrates? A lot of invertebrates have exoskeletons, so hers is probably underneath all that fur. Pardon this quack/wannabe entomologist
I think there's two more posts after this, which both should be coming this week. Whoopee!!!
FYI: yes, I have been the proud owner of a hardcover copy of The Art of MvA since the early 2010s. You will have to hunt me down for it if you want it for yourself
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to mourn the end of Phantom of the Opera 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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appetite4savage · 2 years
Heaven (modern joe elliott)
Request from anon ~ Joe is getting married + his first dance
sorry this took me so long lol school has been nuts. I will try to get to all the requests in my inbox very soon! please be patient with me ❤️
“Joe, we have to pick a song.” I sit down the list of songs we’ve accumulated.
“Why does it have to be just one though? Why can’t we have two first dances?” Joe pouts.
“I only have two feet, and I still have to dance with my dad.” I laugh.
His eyes light up like a child on Christmas morning. “I have an idea.”
“Oh no.” I’m afraid of what my fiancé has come up with.
“What if… and hear me out… we did a medley of the songs on our list?” He talks with his hands more than ever with this statement.
“I guess it’s not entirely a bad idea. We’ve been sitting here for hours trying to pick one.” I raise my eyebrows.
“I do have one request though.” He says.
“Can we please leave off Two Steps Behind? I’ll feel weird dancing to my own song!” He crosses his arms in front of him nervously.
“Absolutely not. You sang that for me on our first date.” I smile at him sweetly.
“Fine. If that’s what you’d like.” He puts a hand over my thigh.
Later, at the wedding
The adrenaline pumping through my veins is a feeling I’ve never quite experienced before. I just got married to my best friend. This can’t be real life.
I smile as his strong hand holds mine as we walk into the reception area to begin our first dance.
I let him handle the music, so I’m not sure how he created the medley. Maybe I should be scared… but I trust him.
The opening notes of Something by the Beatles begin.
“Something in the way she moves….”
We sway slowly to the music. He’s mouthing the words to me as his green eyes stare at me.
The song stops about halfway through, switching to the next in the medley.
“I know it’s not much, but it’s the best I can do. My gift is this song, and this one’s for you…”
He spins me around, gripping my waist as we move along to the beat. This was my mother’s wedding song and holds such a special place in my heart. Your Song by Elton John.
The track pauses again, moving to I Remember You by Skid Row. This song played at a bar during one of our early dates and Joe stood on top of a table singing it. Yes, he was very intoxicated.
“I’d stare a lifetime into your eyes, so that I knew that you were there for me. Time after time, you were there for me…”
This one makes me smile as the memories come flooding back. That was one of the moments I realized how much I loved him.
He must be having the same thoughts. His smile grows a little wider.
Up next: Heaven by Bryan Adams. This one was one of my first picks.
“Baby, you’re all that I want, when you’re lying here in my arms. I’m finding it hard to believe we’re in heaven…”
Next up, the one I’ve been waiting for. Two Steps Behind.
I can feel the tears well up in my eyes as the acoustic version begins. I can see Joe clear as day with his guitar in front of him while we were sitting next to each other on his couch. That night was the first of many together.
His thumb swipes tears that have escaped my eyes as he begins forming some of his own.
“Whatever you do, I’ll be two steps behind you, wherever you go, and I’ll be there to remind you…”
The song finishes and we remain in each others arms. He leans into my ear.
“I’ll always be two steps behind you.”
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knucklegagging · 1 year
Fifty Shades of Chestpains is my Soul-Sister
Starting this morning off right (debatable) by triggering the fuck out of myself binge-watching this guy’s groovy channel on youtube (check him out!) Maybe if I’m thin enough, eventually he’ll make a deep dive on me. Lol jk, anonymous land is my sacred place. I would hate for anyone to be able to pin a face to my vent sessions. No one needs to ever know I’m the bitch who’s mom took naked photos of me and w my then-dad taught me how to purge, hand stuffed in my gaping mouth begging to go to bed, not being allowed to sleep in second fucking grade till I “got it all out like a good girl” because I had taken two benadryl instead of one by accident (their own fault, they should have been communicating instead of casually handing me pills to make me drowsy enough to sleep). Without tumblr I have to keep these thoughts inside of me. Tumblr is the only place where you can be honest about what happened and people don’t go “oh honey i’m so sorry that happened to you” *BARFS IN CHEESECAKE* because all of us are just making fucked up jokes trying to process through our own shit and laughing writing out “same” in the comment sections. Y’all are like the fake family I should’ve had. The ones who don’t act like assholes or make me swallow up the truth cuz they’re worried about their own dirty laundry getting dragged in the street if I acknowledge that they’d kick me out just to call the cops on me and pretend they were worried about me being a flight risk so that the cops would get me sectioned in the psych ward. Great job fucktards. From like age ten and up you already had maneuvered enough stupid pawns to get everyone believing I was the crazy one. As though your lies even make sense. Tell me, what child would run away from a healthy house? Wouldn’t the logical conclusion be that the child isn’t safe? It’s a fucking child. And when a kindergartener tells the teacher that mommy ‘s taking photos of them naked, don’t you think that teacher should have done something other than chastise the kid for bringing up inappropriate conversations that ought not be talked about?  I don’t care that she thought it was tasteful. How can a naked child be tasteful? Then she goes and sends the pics to people for Christmas like it’s totally normal to make a tiny child pose completely naked on a bed of scratchy tulle. I remember having to apply lotion every day for over three months to places that shouldn’t have seen tulle. I’m on a tangent of traumatic shit no one should ever need to read, especially this early in the morning. But, I guess my point is that it’s nice that I can be real. It’s nice that people don’t act like my mother was a saint here because she was a beacon of charismatic masking in more than one church.  And as fucked up as shit is, or has been, (these days nothing is wrong which is lovely but I’m still stuck processing the past over and over wondering when it’s going to break me and scared to leave my house because if I die and nothing majorly positive has happened to offset my life, then all myhopes of an eventual balancing scale are total bullshit) well... fuck. At least I have 50Shades of Chestpains (ironically my chestpains have been having fun ww me all morning and won’t seem to budge away) cuz he at least seems to get the complexities enough to try shining a light on all of these situations. And yes, of course it’s triggering, but mostly I think it’s a relief. It’s nice knowing that I’m not alone. It’s nice to have this zen garden of anorexia fuckery where video after video I can see and say “hey! that one sounds like me! I’m not the only one who’s stuck in this!” Like tumblr. I think we really get a bad rep like we’re trying to force each other to get sicker. I wish more people could understand that it’s not the goal, it’s an unpleasant side effect *SOMETIMES* and that the focal point in progress is being able to go “oh fuck thank goodness I’m not the only one. Thank goodness that for once I don’t have to posture. Thank fucking goodness there’s one place left where I’m allowed to be truthful without dumb people with perfect lives saying dumber things with imperfect timing. Tumblr is my butter. It makes me feel a little bit more heavy. A ;little less likely that I’m going to float away. You guys are awesome! xoxo
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justanoutlawfic · 2 years
Hi! How are you? I hope your doing well. ❤️
I don’t know if I made this head canon or maybe you wrote something like this similar, it’s for Red Snowing. Since are in the holiday season, how do you thing the lovely married trio would celebrate the month of December? 🎅🎁
I feel like David is in the woods searching for a Christmas tree and drives home with a grin on his face knowing his family and friends will all be decorating. 🎄 Also David is definitely the one to hang up lights ALL around his home and town. He loves to sing Christmas songs wherever he goes and whoever is near him sings along to he songs. Lmaoo he drags Killian to help him cut down a tree (Captain Charming lives on!)
Snow is most likely decorating the household with all the little goodies, buying holiday theme clothes like hats and hand bands for all their family and friends with Storybrooke. She is even planning holiday theme activities to do for her class, having the students celebrating the season. Having Henry bring over Regina to help out with everything. Family bonding time! 🥰
As for Ruby or Red (depending on what you call her all our girl) I feel she is the cook during the festivities of the season and shopping A LOT lol. She is buying gifts, clothes, decorations, painting her and her wife nails for the season a pretty holiday theme. Oh! Ruby and Granny are making hot chocolate, Christmas cookies, candies, always have candy canes, making pies and plenty of delicious food. 🍪 Emma is definitely stealing cookies from and candy canes from Ruby, sharing them with Henry, Hook and the rest of her family and friends.
Yes!!! I love all of this! I can totally see Killian and David in the woods, trying to chop down a tree. I feel it'd be the comedic antics we've come to expect from those two idiots.
I see Snow as decorating for both Christmas and Hanukah. As Ginny and both actors who played her parents (or at least the older versions) are Jewish, I headcanon that Snow is as well. However, they celebrate both holidays. The month of December is insane for them. They're always hosting or going to a celebration. The decorations are changing. I also think Regina participates in the Hanukah festivities. She never converted, but she was around them after she was forced to marry the king. And while that wasn't a happy time, it gives her a connection to Snow.
The tree is decorated as a family. Killian and David try to do the lights together and nearly kill themselves as Regina watches on with amusement. Eventually, Ruby takes over.
I feel like December is the time where Emma actually allows herself to feel her inner child. Maybe not the first year, as she's still easing into it. Snow, David and Ruby never force it, but they still spoil her with a million gifts, they include her in every activity (while also giving her an out if she's not comfortable). By the second year, she's 100% getting hopped up on sugar, stealing treats from her mama. I think it gets easier when Neal and Charlotte are born. The two of them and Henry are kids, and she often gets lumped in with them despite being late 20s-early 30s. She rolls her eyes at first, but realizes it comes with perks (you don't have to help decorate, you can leave cookies for Santa).
All in all, the family collapses in a tasteful heap after the month is over and they hibernate for just about all of January to recover. They say they won't go so big next year...but you know they totally will.
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