#yes it's an unhinged conspiracy theory by people looking for conspiracy theories
fdelopera · 10 months
Exposing an Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory from TikTok
If I see one more Jew-hating idiot with TikTok brainrot saying shit like, "the Palestinians are descended from the ancient Philistines from the Bible lolol"...
You Jew-haters are exhaustingly stupid. And in this post, I'm going to show you why.
As I said in my post yesterday, there are some really bad actors (both in the conspiracy sense, and in the literal "drama" sense) on TikTok who are trying to erase Jewish history by spreading conspiracy theories that somehow Philistines and Palestinians are "the same".
These idiots are doing this so they can claim that "Jesus was a Palestinian/Philistine."
It gives me a headache even to write something as stupid as that.
No, ya dumb-dumbs. Jesus was not a Philistine. Jesus was a Judaean Jew. He was from Bethlehem. In Judaea.
You know, Judaea. The place where the Jews are from.
It is actually really offensive to a lot of Christians to claim that "Jesus was a Philistine" like this. If you've never read the Bible (and I'm guessing none of these TikTokers have), calling someone a "Philistine" is an insult. In common use, it means an uncultured or crass person.
In Hebrew, the word for Philistine is "Peleshet (Plishtim, plural)". It is related to the Hebrew word, "Polesh". Polesh in Hebrew means "invader".
So by calling Jesus a Philistine, you're calling him an uncultured invader.
And I am here, as a Jew, telling you to stop insulting Jesus like this!
Now, saying "Jesus was the same as modern day Palestinians" is also unhistorical.
The region was called Judaea when Jesus was alive. So he was a Judaean Jew.
It would be just as unhistorical to say, "Jesus was a modern-day Israeli".
So, why are antisemites spouting this bullshit?
Unfortunately, these Jew-haters think they're "protecting" the Arab Palestinians by spreading conspiracy theories and lies about Jewish history.
They think they're making a "case" for Arab Palestinian indigeneity in Judea by telling these lies.
Because Arabs aren't indigenous to Judea.
And let me tell you, Tumblrinies who went to the Tumblr school of world history are even trying to rewrite Arab history! Some of them have even tried to tell me, "but Canaanites were Arabs lolol!"
Do you want me to show you a map?? No, dumb-dumbs. Canaanites were NOT Arabs. Canaanites are the ancestors of the Jewish People. Not the ancestors of Arabs.
Arabs come from the Arabian Peninsula.
OMG do you guys not even study geography anymore??
These Jew-hating idiots are literally willing to try to rewrite the history of the Arabian Peninsula just so they can fuck with Jewish people. You antisemites are absolutely unhinged!!
Okay, deep breath.
Here's the other thing. Our educational system is broken. And people don't study history (clearly).
Because if they did study history, they would realize that attaching Jesus to the Philistines doesn't confer ANY indigeneity to the Palestinian people.
(G-d, you conspiracy theory idiots are so dumb!!)
Because, you see, the Philistines were GREEK!!
They weren't indigenous to the Levant AT ALL!!
So in claiming that the Palestinians are the "same as" the Philistines, you have actually WEAKENED the case for Palestinian indigeneity!
And none of this matters!
YES, the Jewish people ARE indigenous to Judea.
And NO the Palestinian Arabs are NOT.
Do you see what spreading conspiracy theories and lies about Jewish history does? All it does is make you look like FOOLS, and it HURTS the Palestinian people!!!
And YES, these conspiracy theories mainly hurt Jews. But I know y'all don't give a single SHIT about Jews. You've proven to us just how antisemitic you are.
Okay. Deep breath. Some history.
The Philistines were ancient Bronze Age Mycenaeans, aka they were Greeks. The Torah is consistent with this. It records them as being from Crete, which during the Late Bronze Age was under Mycenaean control. They also had some genetic admixture from Southern Italy. We know this both from DNA evidence from their skeletons, and also from their pottery, which looks similar to Mycenaean Bronze Age pottery.
And regardless, Israel and Jerusalem are both in the archeological record, and in Egyptian records, LONG BEFORE the Greek Philistine people appeared in Egyptian records. The ancestors of the Jewish people were there long before the Philistines arrived.
And you would know all this if you STUDY JEWISH HISTORY! Here's my Jewish history masterpost. I recommend that everyone read it.
The Philistines were invaders in Canaan, and they clashed often with the native Canaanites, which are the people that Jewish people are descended from. Jews ARE Canaanites. Read my post here on Jewish origins.
The cultural memory of these clashes is recorded in the story of David and Goliath in the Bible. The Israelite David felled the much larger Philistine Goliath with a slingshot, and then chopped off Goliath's head with his own iron sword.
The Greek Philistines were a small people group living in Judea. The last of the Philistines in Judea were slaughtered in 604 BCE by the army of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II when he besieged Jerusalem. This is the same siege that resulted in the Babylonian Exile of the Jewish people. Nebuchadnezzar dragged many of the Judeans (the Jewish population) as captives to Babylon (modern day Iraq). Then in 586 BCE, Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the First Jewish Temple and dragged many more of the Jews into captivity in Babylon.
In 539 BCE, the Persian King Cyrus the Great defeated the Babylonians in battle, and in 538 BCE, the Persians allowed the Jews to return to Judea. The Jews came back to Jerusalem to build the Second Temple on the site where the First Temple had stood, which they completed in 515 BCE. But when the Jews returned, they found that the Greek Philistine community had been decimated by the Babylonians.
So, where did the Philistines come from?
As I stated above, the name "Philistine" is a Greek version of the Hebrew word Peleshet, and the Peleshet were likely the same as the Mycenaean Greek Peleset tribe known to Egypt. The Greek Peleset tribe were part of a people group that are today called the "Sea Peoples."
At the end of the Bronze Age (aka the Late Bronze Age Collapse), the known world was going through a period of terrible drought, famine, and earthquakes. Various people groups from areas that are now part of Italy and Greece, including the Greek Peleset tribe, formed a rough confederation and went around to various cities, sacking and plundering the cities for resources. In 1175 BCE, the Sea Peoples invaded Egypt, and King Ramesses III defeated them in battle. He commemorated their defeat on a wall of his mortuary temple at Medinet Habu.
So why is Palestine called Palestine, a name that does derive from the name Philistine?
To find out, you have to fast forward from around 604 BCE (when the Babylonians wiped out the last of the Greek Philistine people) to around 135 CE to get to the next time that the name of the "Philistines" becomes important.
That's a span of around 740 YEARS!
At that point, the Second Temple in Jerusalem had already been destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. The Romans were doing ethnic cleansing on the Jews in Judaea, after the Jews tried to get Jerusalem back from Roman control in the Bar Kochba revolt (132 - 135 CE).
After the Roman Empire defeated the Jews in Judaea and squashed the Bar Kochba Revolt in 135 CE, the Romans RENAMED the region Syria-Palaestina. It was a vain attempt to remove the Jewish presence in the region. The Romans literally tried to wipe the Jews "off the map."
Guess what, motherfuckers! It didn't work. Jews came back to the region not long after.
The Romans named the region after the GREEK Peleshet/Philistines (who, again, by then were LONG GONE).
So the name "Syria-Palaestina" is basically the Romans trying to erase Jewish identity. Which again, DIDN'T WORK.
So tl;dr "Palestine" is NOT the same as the Greek Philistines/Peleshet.
The Romans just went through the Hebrew Bible and looked for a name they could call the region that would be painful to the Jewish people. So they named the region after one of the Jewish people's Biblical rivals.
Philistia was also a name that was in use in the Greek world because, again, the Philistines were ancient Greeks.
But there's no actual connection between the region called "Syria-Palaestina" and the Greek people group called the Philistines.
This is why (let's say it all together kids) you need to LEARN JEWISH HISTORY!
And here's the worst part of this conspiracy theory.
Again, I know why Jew-haters tell this lie. And by now, so do you.
Jew-haters say this shit in a completely misguided attempt to "protect" the Palestinian people.
But, let's say it all together, the Palestinian people don't need to be backed by LIES in order to defend their human rights and their right to self-determination!
THIS IS NOT A ZERO-SUM GAME, with one "winner" and one "loser."
Jews and Palestinians are not "pawns" for you Jew-haters to use in your pretend game of war. You're acting like you're in some sort of video game fantasy.
If you tell lies about Jewish history in a stupid attempt to "defend" the Palestinian people, you're not helping them at all. You're just being an antisemitic bigot steeped in Jew-hatred.
And taken to its extreme, the real conclusion of your antisemitic LIE is actually a really weird, unhinged blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad!!
So if you ACTUALLY want to HELP the Palestinian people, and not just be a Jew-hating bigot, I would recommend that you put your money where your mouth is.
Stop telling easily disprovable LIES about Jewish history, and start donating to organizations and charities that are helping Palestinians. The organizations that I recommend are:
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Doctors Without Borders
Standing Together
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spot-the-antisemitism · 2 months
sorry about this, HAPPY BORFDAYYYYY THOUGH!!!
I found a WEIRD one (the one time I go on twitter to check out some sources on information I find this smh)
the link:
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like, HUH
oh hey look they support the hamas! (WHY *face in hands*)
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[START TRANSCRIPT: THE SELF-IMMOLATION OF AARON BUSHNELL “This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal” – Aaron Bushnell, 2024. On the 25th of February 2024, 25 year old Aaron Bushnell, wearing US military fatigues, walked towards the israeli embassy in so-called washington. On a Twitch livestream, before dousing himself in flammable liquid, he says into the camera, “I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force. And I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest. But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonisers—it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.” In the flames, Bushnell shouts, “FREE PALESTINE FREE PALESTINE FREE PALESTINE” until collapsing. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) named Bushnell’s death as ‘the highest sacrifice and medal, and the most important, poignant message directed to the american administration.’ Hamas stated that Bushnell ‘will remain immortal in the memory of our Palestinian people and the free people of the world, and a symbol of the spirit of global solidarity with our people and with our cause.’ The response from the Palestinian resistance and ordinary Palestinians alike is one of martyrdom, of the highest act of international solidarity. In stark contrast, Belen Fernandez explores the response from Western media in her Al Jazeera article, Suicide Vs Genocide: Rest in Power Aaron Bushnell. She writes of the New York Times headline, ‘Man Dies After Setting Himself on Fire Outside israeli Embassy in Washington, Police Say’ and at the bottom of the article, ‘if you or someone you know may be experiencing a mental-health crisis or contemplating suicide, call or text 988.’ She writes that this “implies that Bushnell was simply the victim of a ‘mental-health crisis’ rather than someone making a most cogent and defiant political point in response to an extremely mentally disturbing political reality (…) as per the official narrative, if you think it’s crazy for the US or its israeli partner in crime to commit genocide, you’re the crazy one.” Western apathy and hyper individuality cannot fathom solidarity, it especially cannot fathom international solidarity and so this solidarity is dismissed as individual pathology. Somewhere in the distance outside, american-made bombs rain down on Palestine, but in america life goes on. END TRANSCRIPT:]
(adding a transcript this time for just ease, the text was pretty damned small.)
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what? guys, idk who the hell TEVA is like. the stuff before this was increasingly unhinged.
(btw I'm gonna archive this for the future, it is so unhinged it deserves to used later as a analysis on leftist antisemitism my goodness. it hits every freaking target for it.)
anyway here's the bilophy and glossary and I think it says all I need.
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this thing is something, I only skimmed through it bc idk who TEVA is. and it was mostly about them lol.
weird conspiracy theory shit?? and like they quote the hamas man like oh my god.
Oy vey Pop they're trying to blame ALL ableism on the Jew
Wow the "Bushnell really showed Isn'treal uwu what a martyr" teenagers got their hands on a fucking zine. "we didn't capitalize countries as an act of ReSiStAnCe" no you're being edgy and rebelling for antisemitism's sake
Yes tell WHAT is the metropole of Israel? WHERE is the metropole Hamasniks?! where is it?!
this is fucking gross and I think they should be boycotted and all copies of their zine destroyed for terrorism, really because it uses mental health language to ENCOURAGE SUICIDE BOMBINGS.
Also these racist fucks used the POC only phrase for black, brown and idigneous victims of state and police violence for a white man who commited suicide. This is peak cultural appopritation.
I wonder who funds this and if you follow the money will you end up with extremists or either quatar or Iran
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ravi-is-my-beloved · 1 month
I will genuinely never get over 'Buddies hacked Lou' drama. This wasn't a little niche belief of some people on Twitter; I'm not a big blog by any means, and I lost so many people I've followed for YEARS because they insisted he must have been hacked...
People who seemed totally sane otherwise! They just came on Tumblr one day posting that 'it was so sad people would violate Lou's safety' or that they 'were waiting for more information to come out'. I think some people were really expecting him to make a statement about it, but he ignored it. BECAUSE HE WASN'T HACKED. And then everyone just kept insisting he was hacked or started being racist too. Oh, to be an average white guy in hollywood...
Tommy fans always are like "Oh, people bring up the stuff that Lou posted a decade ago but are so quick to excuse and not even talk about the transphobic stuff Ryan said last week." And like yes, we shouldn't be ignoring all of the problematic stuff Ryan is doing and saying but also, you're forgetting that Lou tweeted a problematic meme in 2024.
And it's because they wholeheartedly think Lou was hacked for reasons that fall flat when you look at those reasons with a critical eye.
"Oh, Buddie fans were the only ones who were awake and there to see Lou post that!" Have y'all heard of different timezones and how it's normal for a huge chunk of people to be awake at the same time?? Also, I don't believe for a single second that not a single Tommy fan was awake around that time too, they're just ignorantly believing that Lou was hacked.
"Lou would never have posted that, he changed!" He's a celebrity, you're never going to know him truly like you would a friend or family member. You don't know that he wouldn't have posted that in 2024, because you don't know him. You don't know that he's changed, he might've stopped posting problematic memes because he knew it would get him canceled in this day and age.
They were so quick to defend their favorite white actor that they truly fell down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. All because they want to paint all of Tommy Haters and Buddie fans as unhinged and vile.
Last week, I saw a BT fan on here say that Buddie fans have taken to creating fake posts of BT fans saying wild takes and screenshooting them to make BT fans seem bad and their reasoning for that was "I've never seen a BT fan actually say anything BoBs say we do." And so many people were reblogging and saying "Yeah, I follow so many BT blogs and I've never seen anything like what BoBs are saying."
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this fandom regularly takes stuff that is being said on Twitter and putting it on here to be like "Oh, look at what Buddie/BT fans are saying." And it's not entirely representative of what people are saying here on Tumblr. They do it all the time themselves, but apparently Buddie fans are the ones making shit up.
And these people are the same ones who are like "People who hate Tommy don't have critical thinking skills." (Something that I've actually seen someone on here say in one form or the other.)
Like I'm not the one who went through mental hoops to start a conspiracy theory that Buddie fans hacked Lou. I'm not the one who thinks that just because I haven't seen someone on my side of the ship war say something outlandish that it means no one on my side of the ship war had actually said that outlandish thing.
I admit that there are things that I struggle to understand/am slow to understand, but at least I'm not out here thinking that anyone who disagrees with me lacks critical thinking skills. And yes, I know my previous paragraph might seem like that's what I'm saying, but it's truly not. I'm just saying that you can't say that the haters are all unhinged/lack brain cells when you have believed something so readily without much thought/proof.
I'm going to end this response with this:
Not putting celebrities on a pedestal is truly something that this fandom struggles with. Anyone who puts any of the cast members on pedestals have forgotten that we will never truly know celebrities' true personalities.
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clairehadenough · 5 days
So the “PRer” claim the blurred photo was fake because the guy lives in NY and it doesn’t fit their story that Chris was in LA beginning of the week. The airport pic is fine - Chris was in NY in transit as he flew from LA.
Yes the ASP interview was done in advance but it might not of been Chris who wasn’t able to be in DC it could of been Joe or Mark (again let’s point out it was not Chris’s LA where he was during the zoom). Now they say it was done because he couldn’t go to DC because of his flights. Now I like circle have worked in travel. The ASP awards was known a couple of months earlier. Chris would have known his filming schedule and start date. If he could attend in person they would work to fit in with him. Easy to fly to DC then travel to NY to catch Athens flight the next day.
Also as they always demand proof where’s their proof he was in LA ? Oh sorry because of his privacy and security they are not going to say but will just tell everyone where he is. I know where he was for the ASP video in his place in Carlisle.
And they claim the airport poster who is public/ private let people know it was FB and he made it public because he was told to so does that mean they were given all his details. They said it’s not easy to find these things.
I’ll tell you the truth I haven’t wasted my time going into their blogs to check what new conspiracy theories they came up with regarding those sightings. Some of the blogs I follow were talking about it and it was more than enough for me to realise how deep the delusion has become.
It’s automatic. If Alba is photographed with him/ said to be with him—> it’s fake and photoshop
If she isn’t in the photo or mentioned —> it’s automatically real
These people are the most disturbed human beings I’ve ever seen.
But looking at their notes for the past few months, not only are they way lesser than before, they are now the results of the same 8 blogs (and their secondary blogs) simultaneously liking, reblogging and commenting on each other’s posts.
No body believes them anymore which is great and which is why lots of us are not commenting on everything they post anymore because our blogs have already succeeded in what they were intended for: making people aware of the crazies and why their content is just as unhinged as them.
Now I don’t suppose all of them will completely go away, sadly because other fandoms people keep telling us that some of their own delulus have been there for almost a decade and they got even worse with time.
But seeing how they went from having lots of followers and interactions to now having to send each others anons (especially that one blog) and reblogging each other constantly, makes me very happy that the very vast majority of people are over their lies and delusions by now☺️
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raven-the-claw · 1 year
A Complete Guide To Chaotic Academia
bc its my fav aesthetic and there is not enough content about it
most people say that chaotic academia is just dark academia but a little bit more messy, and, well, chaotic. the truth is, chaotic academia is A LOT more messy than dark academia. you can still use dark academia as kind of a "base", but you are going to replace your blazers with flannels, your turtlenecks with tshirts. as for pants, you can go with litteraly anything: cigarette pants, tailored trousers, ripped-up jeans or normal black leggings. i personally really ike ripped up overalls bc they give that "i dont really give a damn, im so misunderstood, my parents didnt love me, im a crazy lonely introverted teenage child" vibe...idk. whatever you wear, make sure you feel comfortable in it! even tho in chaotic academia there are almost no rules at all, here are some things that might help you!
colours: any earthy tones are fine, brown, caramel, dark green, dark red, white, etc etc
fictional characters that might inspire you:
-remus lupin
- any dpc character
- jess mariano
- sydney novak
accesories: flannels (a personal fav + they make even the most boring fit look better), cardigans, converse (bonus points if you draw/write on them or if you have them laced in a weird way), bracelets or necklaces that mean something to you, harry potter back packs, tote bags...
hairstyles: whatever you want, just make sure your hair is ALWAYS messy, looking like you just fucking woke up
Activities and Traits
ok now we're getting to the actually important part bc (repeat after me): chaotic academia is not about how you look, its about how you live and how you act. so here r some thing that might help:
- annotating books with the most unhinged random thoughts
- learning poetry or speeches word for word but not remembering most of the things for school
- studying in the (school) library and being besties with the librarian (optional)
- leaving notes (on trees, mailboxes or library books) for strangers to find
- "studying while listening to classical music" and then instead of studying you end up agressivly mouthing your favorite song
- im sure yall already heard this one, but yes, swearing and slag while discussing deep academic topics is incredibly important
- speaking of important topics: posting something important on social media knowing no one will read it
- doodles on your hands 24/7 (NO SUSAN, I DONT GIVE A DAMN THAT ITS BAD FOR MY SKIN)
- sarcasm. a lot.
- random thoughts
- random quotes
- knowing a ton of conspiracy theories that you dont even beileve in by heart
- listening to all different types of podcasts
- one day reading the classics, the next ya fantasy and day after that ao3 smut
- multifandom, multishipper
- tea/coffee addiction
- adding b.c. to todays date when writing it in school
- random thoughts and the weirdest annotations in your school notebooks, especially the classes that you find boring
- "going to the bathroom" and then spending half of your math class drawing/reading/smoking/crying/thinking/whatever the fuck you wanna do there bc ur tired of everything
- stealing random stuff from stores (tho it is not encouraged blah blah blah)
- watching gilmore girls every fall
- telling people ur favorite colour is green even tho it isnt just to let them know that ur gay
- reading in class, on breaks, at home, parks, meetings, aethletic events, and generally all the fucking time
- doing (mostly) everything last minute
- bad at photography, but you enjoy it
- cold tea my beloved
- wearing one item every day: it can either be a necklace, a flannel, a bracelet, a badge, headphones, earrings etc etc
- extremely messy handwriting, always writing with black pen
- crying at least once a day, but only when ur alone, being super emotional but never showing it
- hobbies include reading, screaming in your pillow, learning unique languages that you will probably never use, rewatching dead poets society, harry potter, enola holmes, end of the fucking world and gilmore girls
- massive bookworm, reads all the time, always has a book with them
- skipping class, not that often tho
- 💫anger issues💫
- hyperactive and lazy at the same time
- uses big words but makes fun of other people when they do it
- writes (rebellious) book quotes everywhere, every single one of their notebooks had IF WE BURN, YOU BURN WITH US written in them lol
- random useless powerpoints
- analysing taylor swift's folklore and evermore instead of sheakspeare because its just better
- retired almost-emo, had a phase when they wore black and acted all mysterious but were never really emo i cant explain it
- likes mcr. this one speaks for itself.
- gay and sad. no explanation needed.
Books, Movies and Music
- Harry Potter by you know who (WE DONT SUPPORT HER THO)
- The Secret History by Donna Tartt
- Night School by CJ Daugherty (is that how u spell it lol)
- The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
- Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
- Emma by Jane Austen
- Hamlet by Do I Really Need To Say Who
- The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
- The Picture of Dorain Gray by Oscar Wilde
- Frankenstein by Marry Shelley
Movies/TV Shows
- end of the fucking world
- heartstopper
- harry potter
- enola holmes
- dead poets society
- gilmore girls
- httyd (no kidding lol)
im not really a film girlie so if yall have any recs please lmk
- Mother Mother
- Taylor Swift (obviously)
- Lana Del Slay
- Conan Gray
- Olivia Rodrigo
- My Chemical Romance
- Lovejoy
- Bowie
- Queen
- Radiohead
- Björk
- Those random Disney songs i know you scream to at 3am
also whoever sings the IMJUSTATEENAGEDIRTBAGBAABBYY song
here is my playlist if yall wanna listen to it
hope that helps lol
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nothorses · 2 years
As an atheist who frequently despairs at the way progressive tumblr talks about us, I've loved reading your recent posts on the subject. You've articulated some stuff that bugged me but I could never quite describe, like how people think of atheism as some broken remnant of christianity rather than a valid worldview on its own.
But there's one thing you've emphasized repeatedly that I just don't think I can agree with: the idea that other people being confidently convinced of their beliefs means that we should act less confident of ours. Yes, I recognize that most religious people are at least as confident in their faiths as I am in my non-belief. But people are confidently wrong all the time, about all kinds of stuff. When anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, climate change deniers, homeopaths, astrologers, or psychics are confidently wrong, we don't take it as a reminder to humble ourselves in the face of disagreement, especially when it comes time to make decisions based on the facts at issue. Sure, we usually don't preach about it to strangers, maybe we decide it's not worth losing a relationship over, maybe we don't bring it up at thanksgiving, but we don't throw our hands up and declare it a tie because both sides wrote down an answer.
Like, let's be clear, this is a question of fact, just like any pseudoscience or conspiracy theory. The supernatural does not exist. Humankind has spent the entirety of our species' history looking for it, we would all desperately like for any of it to be real, and if there was anything there to find, we would've found something by now.
So why does the fact that a lot of people are confidently wrong about that mean that the ones who aren't have to act less confident than everyone else?
It's not that we need to be "less confident" in our beliefs; I have seen people argue that you can't prove a negative or whatever, there's stuff we don't understand yet, so we can't actually claim atheism is Definitely Correct. and like. I fundamentally disagree with that, actually. it's not something I want to get in arguments on tumblr about (can you fucking imagine) but I think the logical conclusion of "you can't prove a negative" is not "therefore, anything you can't prove isn't true is equally as valid". it's that demanding people to prove a negative is unreasonable, and the onus of proof in fact falls on the people claiming a positive.
this is also how things work when someone on tumblr claims I'm a sex freak who hates women and is also a TERF: it's not my responsibility to prove that whatever unhinged accusations some rando on the internet comes up with aren't true. it's their responsibility to prove that they are.
but here's the thing: it's not about who's right, here. that doesn't actually matter.
there are two things you need to consider here:
1. How likely this person is to listen to you
2. Whether the thing they believe actually has a notable impact on anyone else.
Anti-vaxxers believe something that directly and adversely impacts other people. Climate change deniers also do. Flat-earthers conceivably could be harmless, but the roots and execution of that ideology lead to a lot of harmful, antisemitic conspiracy theories that do harm to real life people.
But like, I don't care if Cindy from class thinks astrology is real. I don't actually have to worry about that unless she starts trying to discriminate against people based on their star signs (looking at you, white queer 20-somethings looking for roommates in Seattle).
I don't care if my mom thinks teatree oil is gonna help her... idk, whatever she thinks teatree oil does. She also takes the meds she needs and sees a doctor about stuff, and the addition of teatree oil isn't hurting her. I worry even less about adult strangers making medical decisions for themselves; that's their business, and their choice. I'll take issue with it if they deprive anyone else of necessary medical care on that basis.
#1 is harder to consider, I think. A lot of us want it to be the case that others will listen to us, and a lot of us want to believe that if our arguments are good enough and we're good enough at it, we can get through to anyone.
That's a fantasy. A very silly, very egotistical fantasy likely to drive you to frustration, and ultimately to isolation. The fact of the matter is that it's rarely about you; people decide to listen or not, and there's nothing you can do about it if they decide not to listen. Pushing the issue doesn't change that.
When people accuse me of unhinged shit on tumblr, I don't take it upon myself to prove a negative. I might address those claims in some way, and remind people to get proof of the positive first, but only if it gets to be enough of an issue that I feel I need to. Ultimately, I know the people making those claims don't care, and aren't listening; the only reason I address them at all is if they have an adverse impact on me or others.
People who believe in things we don't believe exist... well, first, they often do believe they have proof. That's just not a basis you're gonna win an argument about that on. And, also, they have no intention of listening to you- and that's fine. As long as their beliefs aren't causing them to hurt others, nobody needs to worry about it. And if they do, we can worry about the impact and the things directly relating to it instead of trying to convince every religious person with flaws to just stop being religious.
Some atheists are assholes because of what they believe. That's not a fact we can ignore, either.
At the end of the day, the goal is just to share space with others. We don't need everyone to agree with us, we don't need everyone to believe the same things, and it's a good idea, in fact, to look at those other beliefs/religions/etc. and see value in them- the value they add to the lives of those who are a part of them, and the value they add to others' through those people.
At a certain point, it doesn't matter if something is Objectively True. Oftentimes we don't know, or can't know- but that doesn't matter either. The obsession with objective truth is very much a white Western one, and it's done a lot of harm to people- entire cultures, even.
You can't be an econ major looking at this through the lens of hard numbers; you need to factor in human life, compassion, and context. It's not about who's right; it's about being a good person.
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chrysalis-saint · 7 months
Patron Saint of the Unhinged
One of the very best things about being a self-employed occultist on the fringes of the world is straight-up having metaphysical backing for your conspiracy theories and expressing them with the most unapologetic Main Character Energy you can.
Explaining, for example, that UFO stuff and experiences of spirits fucking with people are the same and, yes, my astral projection experiences prove this. They also prove that I know what you're doing in your house when you think nobody is looking, Stewart.
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bookshelfdreams · 11 months
Im sorry about this i need to rant. I thought things were getting better but Izzy stan Twitter is at it again with their whining, truth bending and self-victimising.
'Do you like OMFD but wish the queer disabled hero didnt die?' IZZY IS NOT THE HERO OF THIS SHOW!!!!! He is at best a reformed antagonist. What an insult to the other disabled characters, and what about the actual heroes of the show??
'We've been betrayed by straight man writing queer stories'. First of all, way to dismiss the other writers. Also, its not his fault you project your personal traumas and mental health on a fictional character on a show with death in the title.
'GB's ending is comphet (?????) because 'we only need eachother' and theyre breaking away from their queer community' ED HAS BEEN WANTING TO LEAVE PIRACY SINCE LAST SEASON!!! also, its progress that Stede was able to resist basic flattery. And David made it clear that they still have work to do. This one truly broke my brain.
Im just sick of all this. Izzy stans have been coddled for the past week, being told its ok to grieve, but theyve crossed multiple lines. I do wish some things had been more explicit in this finale, only because David overestimated the maturity and media literacy of some people.
Sorry for this but i needed to talk to people here. Its beyond annoyance at this point. Im angry and sick of petty crybabies actively working to poison what we've built.
Don't apologize, feel free to rant at me any time!
"The Blackbonnet ending is comphet" surely is A Take, let me add that to the It's Only Queer If It's Subtext Collection, also featuring such gems as
The Lupete marriage proposal/wedding was basically straight
Canon queer ships are boring and unimportant
Izzy has the only queer arc
Izzy is the only "convincingly" queer character
It's super interesting to see this develop. The massive victim/persecution complex of a certain subset of Izzy fans. The vitriol leveled against all other fans, and the show itself, because clearly, these people never liked ofmd in the first place. Never liked what it actually had to say and instead, invented subtext that was never there to look into instead. It's like watching the birth of a conspiracy theory under controlled conditions in a petry dish. You will see these people say with their whole chest the most unhinged bullshit imaginable and receive praise for it, but when you keep in mind that for months, they have discussed the show Izzy in their insular little echo chambers, most of their takes become a lot more understandable. There's robust internal logic, even though, due to the flawed premise, none of it makes any sense.
But it becomes understandable when we loop back around to the point that a lot of these people don't engage with the show on its own merit. They really treat it as if it were just another queerbaity (maybe not even that) mid-2010s thing, too afraid to do something different.
ofmd is not that! But when all you have is a hammer. And when you're surrounded by people who keep insisting that yes, obviously that problem is a nail. That one too. Nails are all that exist. yk.
But. And please know that I am holding your hands and speak as gently as I can when I say this.
But please don't get angry about this? If this whole drama genuinely upsets you, you might need to take a step back and remind yourself that it's just fandom. It's just some idiots somewhere enjoying the pirate show wrong. It's not that important. There's plenty of things that are worth your anger in the world right now. Everything is fucked. But this isn't one of them.
Like, for me, this is fun. I am a petty bitch, I love to gawk at bad takes, I love conspiracy theories, reading things like this tickles my brain in the best possible way. It's like reading through the Psiram wiki (which is also something I do for fun. Yes, I am aware there's something wrong with me). It's even better, because it's inconsequential. It doesn't have very real human misery attached to it.
Like, obviously i think it's fine to be opinionated about dumb bullshit on the internet, and while picking fights with people who don't agree with me isn't something I enjoy personally, some people do and there's nothing wrong with that either. As long as everyone involved is having fun.
But. You gotta keep your distance, you know? Don't get personally mad at people with bad opinions. Having wrong opinions about the pirate show isn't actually harmful. Fandom isn't activism.
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thatstormygeek · 1 month
Aside from being a white man from the Midwest to “balance” the ticket according to more conventional campaign wisdom, it really matters what Democrats in Minnesota achieved under his leadership. His ascension should be read as a statement of intent: Look what we have done in Minnesota – yes, that’s what we want for all Americans. Republicans are certainly trying to transplant to the national level what they are already doing in “red” states: Impose a reactionary vision by increasingly authoritarian measures. This has been the biggest advantage for Democrats over the past few election cycles. Rightwingers can talk about the dangers of “woke” radicalism all they want. But Americans see, in “red” states, what GOP rule means, as Republicans are rolling back fundamental rights, installing vindictive reactionary regimes. Walz represents the positive counter to that. Not just “We reject the Right’s vision for the country,” but “Here’s what a fairer, more egalitarian pluralistic America looks like” – not just in theory, but in the form of actual legislation, and based on narrow majorities too.
The idea that attacking leading figures on the Right as “weird” obscures a more substantive discussion about the issues that really matter in favor of empty campaign rhetoric is similarly misleading. The attack hasn’t just been directed at weird mannerisms, rhetoric, or superficial stylistic features – it has been directly tied to policy. What’s weird is the Right’s obsession with controlling women’s bodies and subjecting children to full-body inspections before letting them do sports; what’s weird is banning popular children’s books; what’s weird is abandoning all attempts at figuring out how to solve collective action challenges via public policy because you are too busy propagating conspiracies about the evil forces that have supposedly taken over all the institutions of American life. The official thrust of the Harris campaign has been seamlessly building on that: What these weird guys want to do is take away fundamental freedoms that most Americans agree should define the nation – but we are not going back to that dark place to which they want to take us. Democrats – and by extension: (almost) all the people who, for better or worse, rely on America’s sole (small-d) democratic party to fight back against the authoritarian assault – are feeling relieved. They are on the offensive. They are, dare we say it, having fun. The reactions from the Right have been immensely helpful too, as rightwingers have reliably lost it and freaked out in ways that are really not doing much to dispute the impression that they are weirdos (witness Christopher Rufo’s rather unhinged tirades against Walz, for instance). The Right desires to project strength and intimidate those who dare to deviate from the reactionary vision; “you guys are just weird” directly undermines these assertions. Another reason for the immediate success of this messaging is probably that it provides a way to attack the Right’s aggressively bigoted political project without calling them racists, sexists, or homophobes. If that is indeed the case, I feel somewhat ambiguous about it. The tendency in the mainstream political discourse to discard terms like “racist” and “sexist” – or fascist! – as merely slurs, rather than analytically correct assessments of core elements of the rightwing worldview, and to consequently regard those who call out racism and sexism with as much suspicion as the discriminatory structures and behavior that we urgently need to call out, is a disaster. Given this frustrating reality, however, it’s good to have found a way to circumvent those taboos to some extent, in a way that doesn’t give an inch to the rightwing agenda on substance. Tim Walz himself plays a crucial role in this respect: He is modeling a white male masculinity that is not either obsessed with its own power over others and/or consumed by whining about its own frailty, but confidently focused on using the power and privilege that comes with being a “normal” white Christian man to improve the lives of others.
Since the late 1960s, Republicans have successfully weaponized the idea that they represent the norm that should define the nation. This assertion (in)famously crystallized in the “silent majority” notion Richard Nixon popularized early in his presidency. In his address to the nation on the war on Vietnam in November 1969, Nixon spoke to – and, as he claimed, for – “the great silent majority of my fellow Americans.” Nixon presented himself as the proponent and defender of these normal, everyday Americans, of ��the quiet voice in the tumult and the shouting,” as he had put it in his speech accepting the nomination at the Republican Convention in August 1968: “It is the voice of the great majority of Americans, the forgotten Americans – the non-shouters; the non-demonstrators.” These Americans, according to Nixon, were under assault from the loud radicals, the protesters, the young hippies, and the Black people causing “unrest.” Nixon’s “silent majority” was unmistakably white, it was older, it shared conservative or even reactionary sensibilities. He precisely captured the trajectory of the Republican Party, both ideologically but also in terms of the demographics and self-perception of its supporters. The civil rights legislation of the 1960s had acted as a catalyst for a longer-term process of party realignment or partisan sorting. The result was a profound reconfiguration of the two major parties, ultimately uniting those opposed to egalitarian, multiracial, pluralistic democracy in the GOP. Their voices have dominated the Republican Party since at least the late 1970s. The mainstream political discourse – and far too many Democrats as well (more on that in a second) – has accepted and perpetuated this assertion of a white conservative Christian norm that is supposedly shared by the majority of Americans for far too long. ... For the longest time, most leading Democratic officials and lawmakers were unwilling and/or unable to really pounce on this drastic discrepancy between the Republican claim to power and the GOP’s descent into extremism and its embrace of reactionary minority rule. A distinct asymmetry in the way the two sides treat each other has defined the political conflict: While the GOP has been engaging in an escalating authoritarian assault on the political system and Republican leaders could not have been clearer about the fact that they consider Democrats the “Un-American” enemy within and Democratic governance fundamentally illegitimate, powerful Democrats have acted as is politics as usual is still possible and a return to bipartisanship and cross-party consensus, to “normalcy,” imminent.
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itscomplicatedx · 2 years
The Dumbass most common reactions to Hash Bingo
(which I am too lazy to put in an actual Bingo Meme)
-If you claim to be a Tom fan and you’re saying any of this stuff, you especially should be ashamed of yourself.
Update: Now with a board by @in-defense-of-loki !
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1). “She’s showing off her pregnancy!”
Yeah, they get kind of hard to hide when you’re a few months in. Of course she was going address it in the interview- she showed up with a baby bump. What was she supposed to say when they asked- “No, please ignore the fact that I’m so obviously pregnant?”
2). “She got pregnant to trap Tom!”
They got engaged in September. And yes, men who feel trapped constantly light up with goofy smiles when their fiancé is around, and go around talking about how “very happy” they are when congratulated/s. 🙄
3). “It’s a publicity stunt, just like Benedict and Sophie!”
Oh goody, the insane tinfoil Cumber bitches who are obsessed with Benedict and Sophie conspiracy theories are now going to move on to Tom and Zawe. 🤦🏻‍♀️
4). “She’s punching up/is a social-climber” (some sick fuck actually tried to put this on her Wikipedia page! 😡)
He’s not going to date you sweetheart. He doesn’t even know you exist. Get over it.
“Social Climber?” What century are you living in??
5). Unhinged “heartbroken” rant about how he’s no longer single.
See # 4. And please get therapy.
6). “Zawe looks like an ape, man, etc.”
Ah yes, racist dog whistles. You’re racist scum. That’s pretty much all that needs to be said about this one.
7.) “She’s just using him to further her career and get into Marvel.”
Update: Zawe talks about how she got the role here
My original answer: Because her career totally wasn’t rising on its own before they got together/s-she got picked to star in Broadway after all. She got the Marvel role before they went public. It’s possible Tom put in a good word for her-that’s how the industry often works. In case you forgot, when Tom was being considered for the Loki role Kenneth Branagh put in a good word for him. He probably would’ve done that even if they were just friends. But if either Tom or Zawe had truly sucked, no good word would’ve gotten them the roles.
8). “I miss him with Taylor!” ::proceeds to spam Zawe tags with Hiddleswift::
It was for 3 months-6 years ago. They both moved on-you need to as well. And don’t spam tags!
9). “Taylor ruined him for decent women and he’s scraping the bottom of the barrel.”
This one seems like a combination of 4, 6, & 8. As well as how ridiculous it is that you somehow think that every woman should be measured by your particular idol, who is not the model of perfection you seem to think she is.
10). “They’re both gay and using each other as a beard.”
While I’m all for more out Queer people in the industry, there are actual straight people there. Everyone is not gay and hiding it. How about concentrating on supporting Queer rights within the Entertainment industry, instead of wasting your time publicly speculating about stuff like this?
11). This one has been aimed at me personally-“You only like Zawe because she’s with Tom!”
No, actually I took an interest in her since I first saw her in Betrayal. This furthered when I had a pleasant personal interaction with her-when I was at stage door I was coughing and sneezing a lot, and she got me some tissues and asked me if I was okay. I then started researching other stuff she’s been in. I know for a fact I’m not the only one. Them getting together was icing on the cake.
Besides, if she came to peoples’ attention because they saw her with Tom and started to like her, what’s wrong with that? I, along with many others, first found out about Tom when we went to see the first Thor movie; and I was originally there to see Chris Hemsworth.
12). “Her grandfather/family was bad, blah blah.”
I tend to take these things with a grain of salt, but let’s say for the sake of argument that it’s true. So what? Are we holding people responsible for what their ancestors did now? In that case, we’re all in trouble, because I guarantee you every body has got at least one asshole ancestor-probably multiple ones.
That’s all I got for now.
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bratkook · 4 years
tear you apart. kth (m)
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I want to hold you close, soft breasts, beating heart, as I whisper in your ear, ‘I wanna fucking tear you apart.’
second part . third part.
pairing: demon!tae x reader genre: smut, pwp, light horror(?)/paranormal, incubus!tae word count: 13.2k warnings: playing with ouija boards, summoning demons, (jungkook is a buzzfeed unsolved nerd), taehyung is an incubus soooo there's wet dreams lmao, cunnilingus, pussy slapping, use of vibrator, masturbation (f), voyeurism, multiple orgasms, spanking, tiny pain kink, spit kink (bc who would i be without putting that in there), cum sharing, hair pulling, tae has a monster demon dick ur welcome, rough sex, stomach bulging, its v messy author’s note: thank you to @dewykth​ for reading this through and approving the filth 😈 & @periminkle​​ for sprinting with me and giving me the motivation to word vomit over half of this in a few hours lmaooo ❣️ this idea came to me at 3am and i swore it would be 5k but before i knew it...it manifested into this so im sorry but also you’re welcome (this is purely self indulgent but theres a plot if you squint)🤠 ps my knowledge of incubus lies in the three pages i read from this demon encyclopedia i just so happen to have so if you’re like a demon expert pls don't stone me..
let me know what you think please i love feedback 🖤
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The soft glow from the moon illuminates the sight before you, standing on the overgrown pathway that leads to the abandoned two story complex, boarded up tightly to prevent people like you and your friends from entering. That wouldn’t deter Jungkook, no he was determined to get inside to do what he had called you all over to do.
So as he continues to jam his shoulder against the flimsy boards, his smile only growing as he starts to feel it bend under his weight, the rest of you merely observe your slightly unhinged friend. Yoongi is standing beside you, holding all of the items Jungkook had thrusted into his arms before attempting to use his whole body as a makeshift battering ram.
A brand new Ouija board box was the main thing he was holding, a few strange books on top that you hadn’t bothered to even analyze, along with a seemingly endless collection of thick white candles.
“Jungkook just give it up,” you sigh, your arms crossed in front of you as you turn your head to peer back at the desolate street, the half working street lights only adding to the eerie feeling. This was all starting to seem like a low budget horror film, all that was missing was a random killer with a machete standing in the overgrown bushes a few feet away. That would surely spice up the night.
“No,” he grunts, stepping back a few more feet before taking off once more. The boards finally crack under his weight, busting open and making him tumble through the splintered wood and land on the floor with a nasty thud.
He springs back up like nothing had happened, his black hair messed up but the proud smile of his makes all of you crack and laugh at how wild he looks. “C’mon.”
Yoongi sighs as he hands him one of the candles, letting him light it up to lead the way inside the dark building, all of you forming a line with you and Lisa in the middle while Jungkook and Yoongi sandwiched you in.
“Have you been watching Buzzfeed Unsolved?” Yoongi snorts as Jungkook continues to lead the way, navigating through the dusty interior with confidence.
“Yes,” he scoffs, “but that’s besides the point.” Jungkook had always had a fascination with all things paranormal, so what if he binged watched Buzzfeed Unsolved at three in the morning and had become fixated with it, he would still be dragging you all out here at the witching hour regardless.
There were too many conspiracy theories on why this apartment complex was abandoned, mentions of poltergeists that enjoyed frightening the guests, talks of an exorcism with no evidence to back it up, it was all harmless rumors that couldn’t be stopped. Considering it used to be one of the most sought after buildings to live in during its prime it was inevitable that people had begun to gossip as it became harder to keep tenants for more than a few months.
The tipping point had been when one of the last remaining long term tenants was taken away, fully restrained in a state of delirium as she continued to shout about that thing that was haunting her dreams. That had really solidified the whole haunted house rumor.
Jungkook wasn’t gonna tell you that's why he had gathered you all here today, no he was gonna continue on as if he just wanted to talk to some friendly ghosts. None of you knew that there had only been one recorded death on the premise, therefore there would most likely be no ghosts to talk to, blissfully unaware that Jungkook was on a mission to uncover what that thing was.
He had done his research in forms of occult books and random google searches so he felt pretty well versed, confident in thinking that what he was on the hunt for was a demon. What kind of demon? Well he hadn’t gotten that far ahead, but he figured all of you could handle it.
“So why are we here at nearly 3 in the morning?” Lisa grumbles, stumbling over a crack on the tiled floor, needing to keep both her hands clasped onto Jungkook’s shoulder to remain steady in her heeled boots.
Jungkook holds the candle a foot in front of him, the orange flame flickering as his breath hits it, barely illuminating the way but Jungkook had studied enough photos of the complex online and knew the way to get to the room he was searching for.
“Just wanna know if we can become friends with Casper.” he jokes, turning the corner and walking up the stairs towards the second floor.
Your fingers hold onto Lisa’s shirt as you try your best not to misstep and tumble down the stairs, you could humor your friend on his quest to befriend spirits but you were not going to wind up at the hospital with a broken leg because of it.
“What if whatever we find isn’t friendly?” It’s Yoongi who speaks up now, a teasing lift to his tone as he says it. Much like you, he was a nonbeliever of anything paranormal, he watched too many horror films to let something like this spook him. If ghosts were real, there was no way Jungkook possessed enough knowledge to be able to talk to anything spiritual.
Jungkook pretends he doesn’t hear Yoongi’s remark, the small fear that tingles up his spine remaining as he finally steps onto the second floor. He knew if his assumption was correct there was a really big chance that whatever you could encounter wouldn’t be friendly.
When he reaches room 204 he takes a moment to try to calm himself down, his eyes focused on the gold digits tacked onto the door. He can see his warped reflection staring back at him through the glow of the candle, his wide eyes showing his fear and he’s thankful none of you bare witness to it.
“Is this it?” Stepping out of line and approaching him, you’re slowly losing your patience as he stands there like a statue. Jungkook unfreezes when your hand grasps the door knob, slowly turning it until the lock clicks, the sound breaking the silence in the abandoned building.
“Yeah,” he breathes out, focused on the way you push the red door open, needing to apply force due to the rusted hinges, his hand having to reach out to stabilize you when the door finally bursts open. Jungkook doesn’t know why he expects to see the room torn to shreds, cryptic messages written on the walls in blood or something of the sort, but instead he’s met with a normal looking apartment.
The curtains are pulled apart, allowing the room to be lit up by the moon, the weak candle being lowered down as you walk in first. The apartment looks normal, being left exactly the way it was when the tenant was taken away, covered in a fine layer of dust and cobwebs. It has an unsettling feeling growing in the pit of your stomach, it was rare when things made you feel uneasy but something about the way the place looked absolutely untouched had you thinking there was more Jungkook wasn’t telling you.
“Why are we in here?” Yoongi wonders as he steps in after you, having to yank Lisa in behind him since her feet were glued to the floor in the hallway. It was truly a mystery why she had agreed to come, being the resident scaredy cat of the group, she blamed it on her fear of missing out. If she had woken up tomorrow with the group chat blowing up about Jungkook being possessed and she had missed it she would be absolutely livid.
Jungkook sets the still burning candle down on the dusty countertop, grabbing more of the candles out of Yoongi’s hands and beginning to light them all up as well. He continues to roam the room, walking cautiously across the living room and pausing in front of the cracked door that leads to the bedroom. The words the tenant had said rung through his head, shouts about something haunting her dreams. Whatever he was in search of should be in this room.
“I’ve just read some stuff about this room specifically.” It's the only answer he gives, not being able to see the odd glances you and Yoongi give each other as he presses his palm against the white door, slowly pushing it open to reveal the bedroom. He audibly gasps as he sees the stark contrast from the put together living room, the way the mattress is removed from the bed frame and pushed up against the wall, the sheets thrown about in a haphazard way, splinters of wood lay in pieces from the bed frame that looked like someone had attempted to destroy.
He eyes the room curiously, the carpet creaking under his weight as his boots step further into the room. Jungkook nearly jumps a foot in the air when he feels your hand touch his arm, a shriek filling the silence, “Don’t do that!”
“Sorry,” you laugh as you step around him, walking into the room without the fear Jungkook had. “Oh wow, what the hell happened here?”
Your first thought is that someone had tried to ransack the place after it had been vacated but when you step into the ensuite your confusion grows. The moonlight doesn’t reach the room as well so you motion for Jungkook to hand you the candle, instead he walks beside you, extending his hand into the room to give you a better view.
The bathtub is full of scraps of herbs caked onto the porcelain, whatever water they had been steeping in now long gone, only an earthy smell remaining. Jungkook gulps as he sees it all, moreso when he spots the smudge stick perched onto the bathroom sink, he knew exactly what this was.
“Fuck.” It comes out as a whisper but it catches your attention, turning towards him with your brows raised. What was he hiding?
“Okay, can we go?” Lisa calls out from her spot in the kitchen, refusing to move deeper into the house. She presses her hands against the counter, grimacing when she feels the dust coat her fingers, choosing to get closer to Yoongi instead.
“No, come over here. We have to do it in here, bring the candles I left out there.” Jungkook announces, stepping back from the bathroom, shutting the door for good measure and facing the room again. You cross your arms as you stare at him, seeing how he clears the floor, throwing the sheets into the corner to give you all an open space to set up.
Yoongi grumbles as he grabs two of the candles and sets them on top of the board, motioning for Lisa to grab the remaining two before walking towards the bedroom as well. “Okay, where do you want it all?”
Jungkook meets him at the doorway, grabbing the candles and setting them onto the floor in a circle. It was admittedly a safety hazard but considering you had already trespassed, how much worse could arson be.
“Gimme the box.” He reaches his hand out and Yoongi passes it over, still looking displeased that he was called over to do this when he’d much rather being doing anything else. Jungkook ignores his face, lifting the lid to the box, pulling out the ouija and setting the cardboard material onto the center of the circle.
Lisa whines slightly when she spots it, stepping further into the room in fear that something would creep up behind her in the hallway. You reach your arm out for her, letting her weave her fingers between yours to provide her with some sense of comfort.
“Okay, everyone gather around.” When you all stay rooted in your spots he huffs and gives you a pleading look. “Please.”
With a sigh you’re stepping closer, crouching down onto the floor and crossing your legs in front of you as Lisa sits on your left, Yoongi hunkering down on your right with Jungkook directly in front of you.
Jungkook looks nervous, the bouncing orange flames only making his expression more obvious as he eyes the brown board. He knew he couldn’t summon a demon through a Ouija board, it didn’t work that way, but he also knew if he told you that he had to actually summon a demon all of you would nope the hell away from here.
“I have to do something first.” You all turn to him, seeing the way his hands reach into the pocket of his pants to pull out a folded piece of paper. Written on it was the first summoning spell he had stumbled on in his search, not entirely sure exactly what sort of demon it would summon but his logic was that if there was a demon already latched onto something here then it would simply pop out to say hello.
His shaky hands carefully unfold the paper, eyeing his writing in black ink as he holds it in front of him. With a small clear to his throat he speaks, “Please receive this offering, I give truthfully and willingly.”
Yoongi makes a face at his words, this didn’t seem like the route he expected to take, he thought all you had to do was place your hands on the planchette to start but now there's talks of an offering?
As he brings the letter down, hovering above the flame of the candle the corner of it catches fire. “May the light of this candle burn brightly and guide them to me.”
You watch as the flames grow in size, nearly engulfing the entire paper and lighting all of your faces up a bright orange. It’s not until the heat reaches Jungkook’s fingers and he winces that Yoongi leans over to yank it from his hands, wasting no time in stomping it out before it could burn all the way. The half burnt paper rests on the carpet and Jungkook lets out a scream in protest at his failed attempt.
“No, why did you do that?”
“Look, the sprinklers in this building don’t work anymore, if you light this place up we’re all gonna burn with it.” Yoongi sits back down, grabbing the burnt sheet and holding it up, the bottom half crumbling away into a pile of ash and soot. “Just play with the damn board.”
Jungkook looks defeated as he sits there and you take pity on him, so you reach across and snatch the paper from Yoongi’s hands, holding it above the fire once more and repeating Jungkook’s words as the flame catches a second time. When the heat reaches your fingertips you let the sheet go, the final piece of the paper burning as the flame goes out, leaving a cloud of smoke in its wake.
“There, now can we just play with the board so we can call it a night?” you wonder, giving Jungkook an expectant look as he sits there. To be honest, he wasn’t sure what the hell was gonna happen now, considering his first attempt was ruined he wasn’t sure you continuing it would do anything so he just shrugs, accepting the fact that you would have to settle with speaking to the spirit of whatever old lady had passed away in this complex.
“Fine,” he grumbles with a pout, reaching for the planchette and placing it on the center of the board. All of you gather your hands in the middle, allowing Jungkook to guide the entire thing for the following thirty minutes.
By now it's well past three in the morning and absolutely nothing had happened. It didn’t matter what questions Jungkook asked, the planchette remained stuck in the same spot. You were secretly hoping someone would just move it to take Jungkook out of his misery but to no avail.
“This is bullshit.” Yoongi speaks up, removing his hands from the board and sitting back. Jungkook glares at him from his spot, the flickering glow illuminating his annoyed expression.
“Fine, you ask it something then.” He pushes the planchette towards him with a huff and the older boy rolls his eyes, completely over this whole ordeal.
None of you knew that whatever summoning spell Jungkook had done had in fact worked, the demon of choice now lurking in the shadows, not entirely sure who to latch on to since the wires had become crossed during the ritual. So he chose to wait, eyeing the way you all huddled together around the board, easily being able to spot who was scared and who couldn’t care less.
“Alright, maybe they don’t wanna talk.” Yoongi laughs at his own comment before clearing his throat and looking at all of you staring at him intently, his own eyes looking towards the flickering candles with a smirk. “If there’s something in here with us, why don’t you blow out all the candles we have lit up.”
His voice echoes in the quiet room, the moonlight filtering through the window only aiding in making it all feel more eerie. It didn’t matter if you didn’t believe in any of this, the current visual was too similar to a horror movie you loved to binge watch, and this was typically the part where someone gets possessed.
The demon is intrigued now, not usually one drawn to Ouija boards or in favor of being told what to do, but it had been a while since he had been summoned, his last human being the previous tenant of this room. But alas, she had attempted to ward him away with protection spells even after she had been the one to call him over, and once she got taken away it just wasn’t worth his time.
He had never expected to be summoned again to this exact spot and as he eyes your group, carefully analyzing everyone he feels a pull towards you. The way you’re sat there still calm and collected matched the boy beside you but it isn’t until you speak that he remembers the call of your name as you finished the ritual, the slight tug in your direction has the spark of excitement growing inside of him.
“Yoongi just ask the board a question.”
Your voice serves as a bell for the demon, his eyes sparkling with mischief. You had been the one to call him over.
The tug of a smirk pulls at his face as he approaches your huddle, his form not yet materialized and allowing him to move unseen.
“You see, I told you this was bullshit.” Just as the words leave Yoongi’s mouth the demon flicks his wrist and a gust of wind blows through the still room, the flames flickering violently before being extinguished, engulfing you in near darkness once more.
Lisa is the first to react, letting out a shriek of surprise as she tries to look through the light filtering in from the dusty windows. With her sudden panic Jungkook is quick to pull out the lighter from his pants, flicking it on and lighting up the candles once again with shaky hands. Buzzfeed Unsolved had not prepared him for this.
The cocky smile is now wiped off from Yoongi’s face, his eyes glued to the forgotten Ouija board, widening in size as he sees the black planchette glide across the board with no one touching it. It stutters and skips as it moves from the spot Jungkook had pushed it into, the scraping filling up the room and grabbing your attention.
Your brows pinch on your forehead as your heart drops, not being able to believe what you were seeing, hoping it was a trick of your eyes due to the flickering light but there’s no denying what was happening.
“What the fuck.” Lisa whispers out in disbelief, desperately wanting to get up and bolt for the exit but being far too scared to move a muscle.
As the planchette reaches the word hello it stops fully, instantly followed by another shriek from Jungkook this time. The second his scream pierces the air, the candles get blown out a second time, the rush of air stronger than the first as it billows around you, the force blowing up your hair and the dust sprinkled on the floor.
Everyone breaks out into a coughing fit, trying to wave the dust out of your faces as you try to catch your breath, Lisa pounding onto her chest beside you as Jungkook tries his best to flick on the lighter. It sparks a few times but fails to fully light up, the short flash of light allowing you to see what you think is a face in front of you.
You blink hard to try to clear your vision but each time Jungkook flicks on the lighter your eyes widen, seeing flashes of scarlet eyes staring back at you from the edge of the circle, getting closer with a curious tilt of their head as they realize you’re beginning to see him, whatever he is.
A small gasp leaves your mouth as you feel the cold trail of something up your arm, hovering over your shoulder and around your neck, leaving goosebumps in its wake and it makes a shiver course through you. It’s not until he leans forward and a small whisper of something you can’t make out reaches your ears that you scramble to get up, nearly knocking over the candles in your haste.
“Can we please leave?” Your voice trembles as you plead for your friends to agree with you, hoping anyone else has seen what you saw but they don’t seem as fazed. Once you stand, Jungkook's lighter comes to life, and you visibly relax when you no longer see the red eyes staring at you, chalking it up to your overactive imagination.
Considering you’re never one to be frightened easily Jungkook nods, lighting a single candle before standing up from his spot on the floor.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
“Wait, don’t we have to like, say goodbye and close the portal or whatever?” Lisa panics, her eyes bouncing to all of you and hoping someone that isn’t her can do it.
“Fuck no, I’m not touching that shit again.” Yoongi speaks up, standing up as well and stepping a good feet away from the damn board.
“Ouija boards don’t open portals.” Jungkook slowly whispers, knowing fully well that what had happened hadn’t been from a poltergeist, saying goodbye wouldn’t get rid of whatever he was responsible for. “Just leave it, c���mon.”
None of you have to be told twice, hastily making your way out of the bedroom and racing down the stairs blindly it's a miracle no one slips. But even as you exit the building, gathered on the sidewalk and staring at the window of the room you were just in, you can’t help but still feel the lingering touch of something on your neck.
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“Wow you look like death.” Yoongi comments with a grin, setting his stuff down into the booth before sliding in across from you.
“Thanks, I feel like it.” Despite falling asleep at a decent time and getting your eight hours you woke up feeling absolutely drained. Short tidbits of your dreams play in your mind, random flashes of those piercing red eyes you swore you saw at the complex last week, soft words murmured into your ear that left you waking up feeling disoriented and exhausted.
“Well grab another coffee because we gotta cram.” Yoongi orders, pulling out his textbooks from his bag and spreading them out onto the table.
With a small sigh you call over the waiter once more to refill your empty cup, smiling gratefully as he tops it off, choosing to refrain from any cream and sugar.
“Is your sleep schedule shit from studying?”
“No, I just think my dreams have been a little too intense. My brain’s working on overdrive trying to make sense of it all so I wake up still tired.” You shrug it off as you open up your own textbook, sorting through your bag and pulling out a pink highlighter, hoping that your mind would mellow out in the following weeks in order for you not to bomb all your tests.
Whatever was happening had other plans, those same dreams sink their nails into you and make a home inside your brain, spreading out and becoming more detailed until it was impossible to write off.
It starts off similar to before, those red eyes becoming more defined along with the rest of his face, staring at you in the same curious way until he gains more confidence, allowing more of himself to be seen. Letting you catch a glimpse of the sharp trails of ink that line his neck adorned by a thick silver chain necklace, veins of black spreading onto his shoulder and down his chest until it peeks too far down his shirt for you to see.
You know it’s a dream but it seems too real, almost as if you’re awake on your bed and staring at his form perched beside you, that same tilt to his head as he wonders how to approach you. He wasn’t a shy demon by any means but he had to tread lightly, the last thing he needed was for you to do a cleanse before he even got a taste, and judging by the way his hunger was slowly growing inside of him there was no way he could allow that to happen.
It feels like there's a weight on your chest once you maintain eye contact, seeing how his wavy hair moves when he leans closer, his black tipped fingers leisurely trailing up your sheets and towards your lying form.
“Such a pretty little thing.” He murmurs as he inches even closer, the creak of your bed dipping in your mind has your sleeping form fidgeting in real life, feeling the phantom touch of his hand trailing up your covered thigh. The tips of his fingers are covered in similar sharp wisps of ink until it reaches his forearms, leaving you wondering just what else was marked in the same fashion.
“Who are you?” you breathe out, licking your lips and trying not to let your heart stutter when his eyebrows raise up at your voice, a smirk tugging at his lips when he senses the growing curiosity inside of you.
“You don’t remember me?” he smiles, showing his teeth, elongated pointed ends on his second incisors and canines that don’t strike fear inside you like he had assumed it would. You hadn’t seen him fully that night, the only familiar thing being his eyes. At your silence he sighs, “You can call me Taehyung.”
As his hands trail higher up your body, the cold making its way back over your neck in the similar way you had grown used to, that same phantom touch that had yet to leave you since that night, you wake up with a gasp. Bolting up on your bed with your heart beating erratically in your chest your hand presses against it, begging it to calm down as your eyes roam your dark room, expecting to see the same strange boy who had begun to haunt your dreams but you’re met with nothing.
Eyeing your sheets, your own hand comes to rest over your neck as you see the crinkle and dip in your bed in the same spot he had been sat in, your brows furrowing when you feel the change in temperature of your skin.
It made no sense to you outside of your dream but you knew there was some truth to it, some connection to the experience you had in that abandoned complex that tied in to your dreams.
There was now a tiny string connecting the two of you, becoming stronger as the dreams progressed, slowly taking your energy with them, the spoken conversations and teasing touches becoming more bold as the nights passed. Taehyung was amused at the way you’d speak to him with ease, not letting the ruby eyes and sharp teeth shy you away because in your mind this was just a dream, a dream with a boy that you had probably seen somewhere in passing and your brain had now morphed it into this.
“Do you think about me out there?” Taehyung asks, his cold hand once again pressing against your neck, his eyes shutting when he feels the pulsing beat through your jugular. He knows you do, knows how often he crosses your mind and the dirty images that accompany it because he was the reason for these thoughts, he could sense the growing arousal inside you with each of his visits. It was exactly why he did it.
When you nod your head his eyes look up at you, the moonlight in your room making them glimmer and your breath hitches as the red seems to glow more vibrantly.
“Tell me, what does the pretty little human think about?” The gravel in his voice has a whimper begging to come out, paired up with his thumb gently caressing your skin, the cold touch cooling down your slowly warming body, you wouldn’t be surprised if you once again woke up with your underwear sticky against your folds.
“Hm?” he pushes, hovering closer to you and smiling gently when he feels the small breath you let out. “Is it filthy?”
His smirk only grows when you once again nod, not being able to deny that your thoughts were far from pure when it came to him, leaving you stuck in a daydream trance of him defiling you. The thoughts were absolutely foreign, not sure what it was about him that had you thinking this way but it seemed like every time he popped into your mind your brain got sent into a flurry.
It had begun to interfere with your everyday life. Waking up sexually frustrated and having to play with yourself until you were satisfied had been enough in the beginning, but it had slowly become more. Taehyung had sneakily begun to invade your thoughts while you tried to study at school, creeping into your mind while you were clocked in at work, taking over before you even had a chance to sleep. It was as if you could no longer escape him.
“Tell me,” he begs, face inches from you, the tip of his nose brushing against yours with a teasing smile on his lips, the drag of his necklace against your skin making you shiver. “I wanna know what dirty thoughts the pretty human has.”
Your eyes flutter shut as his words weave inside your mind, even though this was still a dream you felt the tiniest tinge of embarrassment inside, not wanting to admit to the salacious thoughts you had of him but he eases them out of you. Slowly at first, admissions of wanting to feel more of his touch in other places beside your neck and your thighs over your blanket, how his timbre of a voice had you feeling weak every time he spoke, wanting to hear him tell you filthy things.
Before you know it your thoughts overflow and spill out, your filter long gone when his reaction isn’t to instantly laugh. Instead his eyes marvel at each confession, the points of his teeth being shown in a smile when you whisper out how often you’ve wondered just how good he could make you feel.
Taehyung can feel his hunger growing, nearly salivating at the thought of finally getting a taste of you, at finally getting his fix in doses larger than fleeting touches and whispered thoughts.
“All you have to do is ask.” He needs to hear you say it out loud before he lets his desire take over.
The heavy weight on your chest returns and spreads to the rest of your limbs, the words getting stuck in your throat from the intense look in his eyes, the red appearing almost brighter as he stares at you. All of the lewd day dreams swirl in your mind, looping endlessly, being the sole reason for your slowly slipping sanity. Maybe this would be enough to erase it all from your mind, all it would take for everything to go back to normal.
With a small inhale you nod, whispering the words he desperately wanted to hear, “Please make me feel good.”
Taehyung shuts his eyes at your plea, a low hum coming from the back of his throat, his body tingling with want but he knows he has to take it slow. As much as he’d love to give in to your every desire, fulfill every one of your filthy wishes, he can’t let you get a taste for it all at once. He couldn’t let the novelty of it wear off so soon, not able to let you ward him off like others before.
No, he needs to prolong this, continue to stitch himself into your mind until all you could think about was him, begging him to come back into your dreams for a small dose of ecstasy.
Just a taste.
“Whatever the pretty human wants.” He murmurs with a wicked smile, nudging his nose against you, his lips lingering above yours briefly before he pulls away just when you think he’ll kiss you.
Taehyung’s fingers grab onto your gray duvet, slowly peeling it off of your body, looking directly at you for any sign of you changing your mind but your eyes only sparkle with anticipation.
With the duvet pulled off it reveals the oversized shirt you use as pajamas, the graphic tee depicting an angel makes Taehyung snicker, the irony not lost on him as he thumbs the hem of it. When he sees how the shirt has hiked up your thighs, revealing your bare legs for him to enjoy, his tongue peeks out to wet his lips as he slowly shuffles down your body.
You watch on, holding your breath as the bed creaks with each of his movements. The dark strands of hair fall over his face, the subtle waves begging to be wrapped around your fingers, to be pulled on until your heart's content. It’s as if he can read your mind, just as he reaches your knees he looks up once more, a knowing smirk on his lips as he eyes your hands fidgeting by your sides.
“Touch me, don’t be shy.” As the words leave his mouth the weight magically lifts off your body, your limbs now free to move on their own accord, your hand going directly to his hair, the strands being just as soft as you imagined while you rake your fingers through it.
“What are you gonna do?”
He smiles now, his large palms roaming your thighs, finally touching your skin without the barrier of the blanket, the goosebumps flaring up at his cold touch making you gasp. “I’m gonna make your dreams come true.”
A small shaky breath reaches his ears just as his fingers catch onto the band of your underwear, toying with the elastic while you try to steady your racing heart. You had been fantasizing about this during your last class of the day, your eyes glazed over as your mind showed you flashes of Taehyung between your thighs, each flick of his tongue making your body spark in real life. It had left you hot and bothered the entire day so seeing him slowly lower himself to that exact position has wetness quickly dampening your underwear.
Taehyung spots it easily as he slowly tugs them down your thighs, the crotch of your panties coated in strings of your arousal, leaving your soaked folds looking like his dream meal. Tossing your pink underwear to the side, his eyes glued to your cunt with hunger evident on his face, his mind spinning at having you laid out before him like this, legs parting with a teasing look on your face.
As he inches closer to you, taking an exaggerated inhale of your scent and groaning, you catch the way the trails of ink on his neck move, the ends of them flicking around so subtly on his skin you swear it's another trick of your eyes.
You don’t have time to ponder over it, brushing it off as your dream running rampant, and when his plush lips press against your pussy everything else wipes from your brain, breath stuttering from the foreign touch. Taehyung nearly moans at the taste of you, his eyes rolling into the back of his head when he feels your fingers yank his hair as his tongue slithers between your folds with no warning, the warm appendage skillfully lapping up your arousal.
“Ah!” you cry out, your feet sliding along your bed at the sensation, hips jutting up slightly towards his face for more. It's like his tongue has a mind of its own, circling around your aching clit in a tantalizing motion that left you drunk with want, desperate to keep his face close.
Taehyung revels in the yanks to his scalp with each flick of his tongue, the push of your fingers pressing him against your mound as if he had any intent to back away. Each of your moans and cries fuel him, the tips of the inked trails on his body coming alive as he gets his fill, finally getting a proper taste of you.
His fingers hook around your thighs, inked tips digging into your flesh to hold you in place as he ravishes you, other hand spreading your lower lips apart, his ruby eyes pierce through you as he latches his lips around your clit and sucks. Your free hand is now clutching onto your shirt, tugging up the fabric to show his pretty face perfectly slotted between your legs, the visual leaving you in a daze. Each roll and suck against your bundle of nerves has you keening, your body set alight as you laid there and let him fulfill your wish.
“Oh god!” you rasp, head thrown back into your pillow as you tug his strands once more. A gasp fills the air, your thighs flinching when he pulls back and delivers a sharp smack onto your pussy, the tip of his fingers catching right on your clit, making a slow burn spread throughout you at the new sensation.
“None of that,” he chastises with a glint in his eyes, lips covered in the glossy sheen of your arousal and his spit, slowly turning into that same knowing smirk he wore when he notices the way your hips search for more, wanting to feel the sting of his palm once more.
The pretty human likes pain.
“Taehyung,” you whine, not caring how the slur in your voice exposes just how needy and desperate you are. The demon loves it, it had been so long since someone sung out his name like that, dripping in lust and desire, craving him, begging him to do as he pleased.
“Did you like that?” His eyes focus on your sodden folds for a moment before looking back at you, seeing your swollen lips pillow out as you bite down on them, a shy nod being sent his way.
“Maybe I can make you cum like this, wanna find out?”
You don’t even doubt it's possible, you’ve been so worked up all day that anything he did felt like heaven. “Please,” you whine, softly twirling one of his strands around your finger with a pout on your face.
Taehyung swallows as he feels the lust rolling off of you, his hands slowly rubbing the skin of your inner thighs, trailing it up your hips and around your stomach before reaching your mound once more. You watch with bated breath as his fingers press into your skin, his eyes looking up at you with a devious glint before he rears his hand back slightly and lands another smack against your clit.
Your reaction is immediate, your back arching off the bed as the sharp pain morphs into pleasure, a cry of his name making a low growl leave him when he repeats the motion. Each time his fingers connect with your sensitive bud in small smacks you quiver on the bed, your chest panting and limbs twitching as your desperation grows, the heat simmering inside of you.
You feel the way your cunt pulses as your release nears, the small jolt like sensation turning you into a blubbering mess but you need more, you need his mouth on you, having dreamt about it too much to allow yourself to cum without his tongue. “More,” you plead, your hands slowly leading him back to your swollen lips and he understands instantly.
“Close?” he questions, noticing your thighs trembling, muscles jumping as you wait for his next move. When you simply nod, he smiles back, revving his throat until a nice amount of spit accumulates behind his lips. You feel the coldness of his saliva in contrast to your warm skin as he spits onto your already messy folds, his eyes focusing on the way it drips between your slit, mixing in with your slick.
“Made you so messy.” he coos, letting the tip of his tongue trace the seam of your pussy before he digs back in, two of his fingers teasingly tracing around your entrance before slipping into your warmth and you mewl so beautifully at the new feeling.
Taehyung feels the pull between you, with every gasp and whimper of his name the fog in his head clears, his hunger being satiated as you fall apart at his ministrations. His own hips rock along your mattress, the added friction on his hard cock through his pants making him groan against you, the small vibrations on your clit causing you to push him even closer.
“Fuck, a-almost there.” You feel delirious, not entirely sure what's become of you, not being able to differentiate between real life and dreams. It doesn’t matter now, not when it feels this good.
Taehyung’s hands dig into your skin with more pressure as your moans raise in pitch, his fingers continuing to pump inside of you, stretching you open as his tongue expertly flicks against your clit. His grinding speeds up when he feels your walls begin to clamp down around him, sucking him in as your hips rut up, no longer caring about how needy you were behaving.
Pushing your inhibitions aside you let yourself get lost in the feeling, his warm tongue slithering between your folds, around your swollen clit, his long fingers continuing to stretch you open, the tips of them rubbing against the sweet patch inside, edging you closer to your release you can almost taste it. The pleasure spreads, like a warm glow filling your body until you’re nearly bursting at the seams, a steady suck against your clit being what finally tips you over.
“Tae-“ his name gets cut off with a lewd gasp, your body tensing up briefly as the orgasm you’ve been craving all day crashes over you. Your mind blanks for a moment from the satisfaction that comes with it, making you feel like you’re floating. The fingers weaved through his hair clench together and he relishes in the sting to his scalp, continuing to slurp against you, enjoying the way you whimper and twitch at being sent over the edge, the taste of you on his tongue being far too good to pull away.
The combination of his lips against you and your shuddering breaths fill the room, your fingers slowly loosening their hold as you come down, the energy you had just released being sent his way as you feel everything start to fade. Taehyung chooses now to pull away, tongue licking over his coated lips as he takes in your tired form, the tendrils of ink on his skin are darker than before, covering a larger expanse of his body due to his hunger being filled, but you’re too out of it to notice.
Your eyes struggle to remain open as your breathing calms down but you still manage to call for him. “Taehyung,” it’s barely a whisper but he crawls up your drained body regardless, his nose nudging against your throat with a smile, pressing gentle kisses to your skin to help lull you deeper into sleep once more.
“Don’t worry my pretty human, I’ll be back.”
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Taehyung’s words stick with you, it’s bordering on three weeks since these dreams began and you’re on the brink of completely losing your sanity. Every single night since he uttered those words he had visited your dreams, the pleasantries of small talk and soft touches gone, barely alerting you of his presence before he was making you fall apart with choked moans.
It had been enough, finally settling the thoughts from invading your mind throughout the day but Taehyung knew what he was doing, he knew the small seed he had planted inside of you had dug its roots deep within you and soon enough that satisfaction of him making you cum faded faster than before.
You were back to waking up with your underwear wet against your folds, covered in remnants of the orgasm you had experienced in your sleep, forcing yourself to cum again despite the fatigue looming over you. The dreams had become exhausting, not allowing you to properly rest as your mind ran wild.
It was slowly beginning to irk you, how your filthy mind was no longer allowing you to catch a break. It made you feel like you had a problem, never being the type of person to have thoughts as lewd as the ones that were occurring every night, you were starting to become desperate to get ahead of them.
Which is why you were heading straight home after your last class of the day, it was barely 7:30 at night but you had a plan that would hopefully allow you to get one solid night of sleep in between the month you’d been deprived of.
You had successfully blown off Jungkook in favor of this plan, not caring how much he pleaded for you to hang out after you had told him about the dreams you’ve been having, ignoring the concerned look on his face because your mind had once again become occupied with flashes of the red eyed boy between your thighs.
The puzzle had fully connected, Jungkook now knew what had happened that night at the abandoned complex, having gone home and properly researched exactly what summoning spell the both of you had recited, the cherry on top being you confessing to the dreams that were haunting you. He had nearly collapsed when you mentioned a boy that had made a home in your dreams, remembering the tenant that yelled about the thing invading hers, but it was too late now and when you leave campus he knows he can’t say anything, can’t let you know that he’s to blame.
It’s not like you would listen anyways, you were too determined already, going as far as ordering a new toy to satisfy your growing needs. The minute you were sprawled along your bed, the cute pink vibrator with bunny ears nudged against your clit and two fingers pumping inside of you, all thoughts of your concerned friend left your mind.
Taehyung can only smile to himself as he watches on, constantly latched onto you, following you wherever you go without you knowing. He was currently tucked away in the shadows in the corner of your room, a smirk on his face when he sees the way your thighs tremble as you buck into your hand.
“Fuck,” you groan out, biting down on your saliva coated lip as the tip of the bunny ears tickle along your pussy. Already feeling the mess accumulating between your thighs from how long you’ve been playing with yourself, the slick coating your folds beginning to drip down onto your bedsheets, something Taehyung can easily see from his spot.
He knows you’re frustrated, he can tell by the way your muscles tense at the jolts of pleasure, your other hand turning up the intensity of the toy in your grasp, fingers paling from how tightly you gripped it. A needy moan rips through you as the head of the toy presses directly against your sensitive clit, buzzing around the engorged bundle of nerves, flowing through your whole body until your hips are rutting up eagerly in search of release.
Like clockwork your thoughts immediately go towards Taehyung, his sharp teeth and sinful tongue flooding your mind, completely unaware that he could see exactly what you were thinking. How could you not think of him, he’s all that's been occupying your life lately, succeeding in his quest of sinking his nails into you.
Feeling the phantom touches of his large hands gripping your thighs now, digging into your skin to keep you still as you moved around, his long fingers replacing yours as you add a third one. It’s like he was here in real life and when you look down between your thighs and see a flash of his face, his ruby eyes looking right at you while his tongue flicks against your pussy, it makes you shudder, a shaky whimper escaping you when you blink and he's gone once more.
“Taehyung,” you sigh, the call of his name makes him inch closer, seeing you throw your head back as your hunger only seems to grow. A literal cry of frustration gets caught in your throat as you feel your climax closing in, your eyes welling with tears at the end that seems impossible to reach. It didn’t matter how high you set your vibrator, it was like you were stuck dangling over the edge, not able to let the euphoric feeling you craved spill over, grinding against the toy urgently as a tear slipped past your lashes.
It’s not until you slip your fingers out, wiping at your face with the back of your palm, that Taehyung feels sympathy for you, finally lifting up the mental dam that stopped you from cumming. The small torture was well worth it, the pretty gasps he had grown so accustomed to hearing mixing in with the intense buzzing of your toy, an explicitly loud moan of his name that made his eyebrows raise in appreciation followed suit as you finally reached your climax.
The instant relief that flooded through you felt like bliss, your chest heaving as you attempted to catch your breath, the buzzing against your sodden folds sends tingles through your limbs as you squirm on your sheets, bordering on overstimulation. Taehyung’s cock throbs at the whimper you let out, watching in curiosity as you keep the vibrator pressed right against you even when the shocks of pleasure turn into pain.
It’s as if it’s not enough, your chest hiccuping as fresh tears spill over, helplessly rutting your hips against your hand for more. Broken whines flow past your gritted teeth, your hand coming up to rake through your hair, not being able to understand the intense lust clouding your mind and leaving you feeling so unsatisfied.
The coil inside you tightens once more, the familiar floating sensation taking over until you’re gasping again, forcing another orgasm out embarrassingly fast. Taehyung’s eyes practically sparkle when a gush of wetness escapes you, your legs flailing uselessly along your bed at the sting of pain that somehow riles you up further.
He was right, the pretty human really did like pain.
With tear stained cheeks you finally shut the toy off, limbs shaky as you toss it away from you and clamp your thighs shut, collapsing onto your back for a brief moment of peace that comes with your cleared mind. Shaky breaths fill the quiet room now, slowing down until your eyes shut slowly as the thrumming in your heart mellows out. Finally feeling like you’ve gotten an advantage, getting ahead of the curb and satisfying your desires before dream boy could pull you under, it’s that same sense of security that lulls you to sleep.
Taehyung isn’t cruel, allowing you to rest your mind despite wanting to devour you instantly, he knows the wait is well worth it. He chooses to creep in a few hours later, pulling you halfway out of your dreams so you’re more coherent, the cold touch of his fingers trailing up your bare thigh making your eyes flutter open.
A small groan spills out when you attempt to turn over, having flipped onto your stomach in your sleep you have to crane your head around to see Taehyung perched on your bed, his eyes glued to your exposed body.
When your thighs move his gaze lands on the damp spot still on your sheets, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Someone had fun.” His voice is teasing, the smile he gives you showcasing his sharp teeth, unraveling a new desire to have them nipping along your skin.
“Taehyung?” Your voice is groggy as you come to, a slight feeling of defeat settling inside of you when you realize despite getting ahead of your dreams he was still here visiting you.
“Can’t get enough of me huh?” He sighs when you turn around, focusing on your exposed tits for the first time, something he had yet to fully see due to the oversized shirts you opted to wear to bed. A trail of goosebumps flare on your skin as he traces a line up your side, running along your hips and waist, underneath the swell of your breast before sliding up until his hand rests along your neck like always.
“How are you doing this?” you whisper, leaning into his touch, hating how your mind turns into mush whenever you think about him. Even now with just a light touch from his hand you can feel the familiar want growing inside you.
“You really want to know?” His eyes flicker with mischief, the red sparkling, looking brighter alongside the black shadow rimmed around them. The curiosity inside of you has been piqued, gaze following the dark swirls of ink on his neck dipping beyond the loose neck of his black shirt.
With a small nod he’s leaning closer, dark waves ruffling as he tilts his head, thumb gently caressing your skin. “You know what I am, your dreams aren’t the first place you saw me at. Think pretty human.”
Taehyung can see your thoughts, how you try to rack your brain for a realistic setting you could have seen him in. There's nothing else that ties the two of you together and when you gasp in realization he simply grins.
“The complex,” you whisper, “t-the letter that we burned.” He looks proud at you making the connection, admiring the lack of fear in your eyes from having grown accustomed to having him visit you nightly. The realization that Jungkook had let you summon a demon is not lost on you, something you would definitely yell at him for later, but as you fully take him in he looks nothing like you thought a demon would.
Maybe it's because his face is too pretty, the curve of his lips inviting you in with an innocent smile. Or maybe it’s a biased opinion from having him unravel you night after night with his sinful tongue. Either way it only makes your curiosity grow further, wondering just what sort of demon he was if he was only visiting your dreams, intent on pleasuring you to fuel his own desires.
“I can do so much more for you.” he promises, his hand trailing up and cupping your cheek tenderly. The statement settles into your skin, making you shiver, wanting nothing more than that. “Need you to wake up though.”
His words coax you fully awake, your eyes blinking open, the vision of your dark room looking bleary as you rub your eyes and glance around. Taehyung is sitting in the same spot, the thick chain glimmering in the moonlight filtered through your window as he stares at you, finally allowing you to see him in real life. Looking at him now in person has you more mesmerized than your dreams, his skin looks flawless, the black waves that frame his face once again calling for your fingers.
When you reach out to touch him he inches closer, enjoying the way your hands softly trail up his arm and towards his neck in a similar fashion he always did, your thumb tracing the tendrils of ink on his throat.
“You’re real,” you marvel, blinking a few times to ensure he wouldn’t vanish like he normally did in the flashes that you’d see him in real life. When he remains exactly where he is it fills you with excitement, hoping his promises rung true.
“I am,” he murmurs, the bed creaking under his weight as he crawls his way closer to you. Taehyung can already sense the lust growing inside of you, being partially to blame for transferring his own emotions your way but there's no denying that you want this. He had unleashed a side of you that you’d never seen before, leaving you desperate until he slid back into your dreams to provide you with a sense of relief.
“You told me you could do more.” It’s a quiet statement, your shaky hands leading his face towards yours until your lips barely touch with each word you speak. Taehyung’s mouth waters, more so when you shamelessly part your legs, your free hand trailing down your torso until your fingers are lowered to trace your entrance, the effect he has on you making you drip onto your bed sheets again.
He’s done being patient, his self inflicted torture over the past month pushing him further than he thought was possible and when you moan as your fingers rub along your clit he pulls away from you. Thinking that you did something wrong your hands freeze as you watch him, seeing how he hooks his fingers along the hem of his shirt and yanks it off, revealing more of the black swirls that trailed down his shoulder and chest until the tips of it kissed his ribs.
Taehyung enjoys the way your hungry eyes take him in, how you seem to hold your breath as his fingers pop open the button to his jeans, the one thing he loathed about being in his human form. As he tugs down the zipper and shimmies the material down his thighs, your eyes glazing over when his cock springs free makes the revelation worth it.
You gulp as you take in his size, how his length bounces after being confined, his large hand wrapping around it casually, long fingers just shy of touching from the thickness. A languid pump has you following his hand up the length, tracing along the veins and ridges before it reaches the tip, engorged and red while it leaks beads of precum over his palm.
He has a knowing smile on his lips as he looms over your form on his knees after yanking his pants the rest of the way off, slowly making his way towards your parted thighs. “I can do whatever the pretty human wants,” he sighs as his palm glides down his cock once more, the squeeze from his hand making his eyes shut.
Resting up on your elbows, your mouth slightly drops open as you observe him, parting your thighs further in invitation. Your heart pounds in your chest as you wonder just how his cock is gonna fit inside of you, the inevitable stretch that you know will accompany it sets your skin on fire, the lewd thought making Taehyung snicker as he eyes your pussy clamping around nothing.
“I’m gonna tear you apart sweetheart,” he rasps, smirking when you shiver in anticipation. Already knowing you had a love for pain he’s not surprised when you mewl and shuffle your hips towards him.
“Don’t care, want it.” Your voice is strained as you gasp, fingers latching onto your sheets while you fight the urge to grind towards his leaking cock inches away from you. That same desperation grows inside of you, your hands twisting the sheets in your grasp as he stares down, almost crying when he inches forward and allows his heavy cock to rest along your folds.
“I know you do,” he breathes, slowly rocking his hips to coat his length in your wetness, the tip of it nudging your clit and making you whimper each time. “I’m gonna give you what you want, don’t worry.”
You feel nearly delirious as he continues to tease you, small hisses leaving his mouth with each roll of his hips. “Taehyung,” you whimper, rutting your hips up for more, lust rolling off of you in waves so strong he has to hold in a groan.
Shushing you softly he eases back, fisting his cock once more and slowly dragging it down your slit until the tip of it prods at your entrance. Taehyung knows you love the stretch of his fingers fucking into you, practically creaming his digits every night, but the feel of his cock slowly breaching your entrance was a new sensation you’d now crave, a helpless moan reaching his ears as your back arches up.
The wetness dripping out helps him ease into you, the tip of his cock slipping through the tight ring of muscles, the intrusion making your fingers clutch onto your sheets even tighter and your toes curl. His hand trails up your thigh until it rests along your hips, slowly soothing you as he gently presses further into you, your walls clamping around him from the slow stretch.
“Fuck,” you cry, lifting your head up to look down, needing to see the visual of his cock splitting you open inch by inch. He’s just as fascinated, scarlet eyes gleaming as your pussy sucks him in, warm walls fluttering around his length when he rocks forward.
Barely able to accommodate his cock, Taehyung takes note when you wince as the tip of his length hits your cervix, another inch or so remaining but the overwhelming feeling of your warmth enveloping him makes up for it.
“Look at that,” he coos, feeling the rhythmic pulses of you tightening around him as you got used to his size, a strangled whine leaving you when you take note of just how big his cock was. He wasn’t lying when he said he was going to tear you apart, the slight ache when he first inches back making you whimper, more wetness gushing out of you at the realization that you were actually doing this.
“F-fuck me, please fuck me.” Taehyung leans over you, his hand coming up to cup your jaw as he wipes his thumb along your plump lower lip, smiling at the slur in your voice.
Humans were so easy to break down.
Taehyung doesn’t need to give you an answer as he leans back, resting on his knees while his hands grasp your hips tightly, a wink of his eye being the only warning he gives before he’s inching back slowly and rocking into you. He chuckles when your hands scramble to clasp around his as he picks up his pace, the small whimpers of pain slowly morphing into cries for more when you get used to his cock splitting you open.
“Filthy little human,” he grunts out between each thrust, eyes glued to the way your tits bounce from the force, how your eyes can’t seem to look away from where you two connect. “I know every single dirty thought you have about me.”
His admission along with the way he lifts your hips higher, the angle making you see stars, only allows a garbled response to leave your lips. The fact that he knew every impure thought you had of him and continued to torture you for weeks doesn’t bother you, not when the reward is this good.
Taehyung practically growls when you start to buck your hips against his, desperate to fuck yourself on his cock, not caring about the small flash of pain that comes when you sink a little too far down. Your mind is too far gone, drunk on the feeling, and he’s not going to deny you of that pleasure.
Ignoring your cries in protest he pulls out of you, groaning when your entrance flutters at the loss, desperate to have his cock sliding back in once more. His hands flip you over with ease, not caring that the sudden movement disorients you as he manhandles you up onto your hands and knees, waiting until you turn to look over your shoulder at him before he sinks back into you in one smooth thrust.
This position has your arms shaking, head bowing forward from how deep you feel him. The glide of his hips is accompanied by a wet smack, your arousal dripping down your thighs and coating his cock, making the most delicious heat swirl inside you. You feel filthy, completely unhinged as he breaks you down, even with him pounding into you from behind there was still a tiny voice in the back of your head chanting for more.
“T-tae,” you sigh, beginning to thrust back once again, joining in on his rhythm until he’s slowing down and allowing you to do as you please, letting you get yourself off like he’s a toy for your disposal. Soft sighs escape him as he watches you grab onto your sheets before rocking against him with more urgency each time, your back arched perfectly to get him to hit just the right spots inside of you.
“That's it, just like that.” The roughness of his voice spurs you on, your pussy spasming around him as his hands spread across your skin, the swirls of ink flickering up his forearm as they spread higher up. A small request flashes in your mind so quickly he almost misses it but when his hands glide across your ass once more it comes back.  
You wanted him to spank you.
“Is this what you want?” he questions, softly tapping along your left cheek as you continue to fuck yourself on his cock, a whimper in confirmation sounding out as he watches the way your flesh bounces after each thrust back.
“Please,” you beg, the teasing touches of his palm only making you soak his cock further, something that doesn’t go unseen by him, enjoying the sticky mess coating your skin.
He starts slow at first, a small slap against your flesh that barely stings but as you start to cry for more, increasing your thrusts, he rears his hand back and delivers a sharp slap along your ass, smarting the skin so beautifully he stops to admire it for a second. 
The debauched moan you release is music to his ears, bending over further until you’re resting on your elbows as you push back, pleading for more in the sinful voice. Switching over to the other side he takes turns, not finishing until your skin is pulsing and you’re shuddering on your bed, nearly positive that there will be a mark tomorrow for you to remember this, exactly what he wants.
He chuckles when he sees your weak form, barely able to rut back onto him from the haze looming over your lust filled mind. His hands soothe your skin briefly, trailing up your back as he leans over you, the coldness of his chain being felt on your skin and making you gasp as it rests on your shoulder, grazing your skin as he grinds into you. 
The soft breaths he lets out reach your ear as he presses his lips against it and whispers, “We’re not done yet sweetheart.”
You don’t register his fingers weaving through your hair until he’s yanking at it, with a small wince he’s hauling you back up from your hunched position until you’re properly on your hands once more. He knew what you wanted, knew every single desire hidden behind the nooks and crannies of your mind, ticking all of the boxes until you were absolutely putty in his hands.
Taehyung lets himself get lost in the feeling of it, the drawn out moans of his name when he tugged at your hair, the flutters of your pussy as he pistoned his hips into you, the softness of your hand as you reach back to clasp around his to ground yourself. The way you trembled when his free hand found its way to your tits, tugging at your sensitive nipples until you were keening, it’s as if he struck a match and set you ablaze, the intense pleasure coursing through you making your thoughts turn into static.
The feeling borders on too much and when his hands begin to lose their grip on you as you inch away from him he grunts and tugs you back, a gentle laugh leaving his mouth. “Where do you think you’re going?” he teases, slotting his knees between your thighs and pushing them further apart, enjoying the small shriek you let out as he sinks deeper into you.
“Too much,” you whimper, neck strained and aching from the hold he has but the way you’re creaming his cock shows him otherwise. He can’t see the dazed out smile on your face as he continues to fuck you but he knows you love it, can hear how much you want it through your filthy thoughts.
“You can take it.”
The earlier orgasms you had given yourself had left you weak and partially satisfied but the way his cock fills you and fucks you stupid makes you realize nothing else will ever satisfy you this way. The demon was tearing you apart bit by bit, crumbling you down, taking you any way he pleased.
Taehyung can feel the way your body tenses up, shuddering as small flashes of light burst behind your closed lids, your pussy contracting around him so tight it has him hunching over with a gasp. His eyes are glued to your cunt, mesmerized at the way it's dripping in your arousal, lower lips spread taut as his cock continues to fuck you.
“D-don’t stop.” His hands release your hair, allowing you to drop your head as your orgasm creeps up on you, the thrust of his hips increasing until your headboard bangs against the wall so hard you know your neighbors are going to complain. You don’t care, the pleasure coursing through your veins easily becoming your new favorite drug.
Taehyung’s hands slide around the front of you body until his fingers reach your swollen clit, the teasing touch making you jolt and curse as he rolls the nub between his fingers. Sweat begins to coat your skin as he fucks you with newfound energy, the feral grunts he releases turning you into mush as he ruins you further.
Not able to last much longer, a few more flicks of his fingers has you hurdling over the edge, a guttural moan of his name filling the room as you cum. Taehyung nearly snarls when your pussy tightens around him, desperately trying to milk his orgasm as he fucks you through yours, a gush of wetness oozing around his cock, obscene wet squelches mixing in with your moans as your cum drips down your thighs.
The tiniest mewls leave your mouth as the pleasure once again turns sharp, your arms weak now, giving out and leaving you with your face smushed against your pillows. 
Taehyung only gives you a few seconds to recover before pulling out of you and flipping you back over. The sharp points of his teeth are the first thing you see as he smiles at the fucked out look on your face, the next thing you notice is the tendrils of ink on his neck that continue to dance on his skin, your hand gently coming up to trace the sensitive area, your touch making a shiver run through his body.
“The pretty human did such a good job,” he coos, nosing along your neck as he leans forward, the points of his teeth just barely nipping your skin. “Can you do one more?”
Nearly feverish with lust you can only nod your head, not even sure if you could after the intensity of the previous orgasms you’ve had but you want to see him fall apart on top of you. “Use me, please.” The slur in your voice has him rutting against you, his cock resting on top of your messy pussy, making you whimper as he rocked his hips. 
Use me.
Hearing you voice that out, he swears he never wants to latch onto any other human but you ever again.
Pressing a gentle kiss to your skin he leans back, his large palms spreading your legs open for him to slot between, cock gliding into you with a filthy squelch, the wetness from your orgasm making the glide easy. A breathy sigh slips past your lips as your tender walls accommodate his length again, the way he slips into you so easily, being able to start his quick pace instantly.
Taehyung groans when his eyes land on your belly, focused on the way your stomach bulges every time he sinks into you, forcing your body to make space for him, his sheer length prodding at your insides. He’s completely mesmerized, hearing you whimper when you take note of it too, the understanding that he wasn’t meant to be inside you like this, wasn’t meant to be making you feel this good was sending you into overdrive.
When his palm comes down and gently presses down onto it you choke on a sob, the added pressure making you buck your hips as if the last orgasm wasn’t enough, the feel of his cock nudging along all your sweet spots only intensified by his hand. “So perfect,” he sighs, fucking you with more urgency now, completely fueled by the previous orgasm and the way you whimper and squirm as his pelvis rubs against your sensitive clit.
“I’m all you think about huh?” he rasps out, removing his hand from your stomach and trailing it up to your neck. “Love having me fill you up like this don’t you.”
You’re nodding instantly, eyes widening when his hand comes to grasp your cheeks, fingers harshly digging into your skin as he urges your mouth to open up. “Let me fill you up some more.”
It doesn’t take much guessing for you to understand what he wanted, having dug out yet another hidden desire of yours, you stick out your tongue, panting as you wait for what's to come. Something about the way you’re so pliant in his grasp, willing to let him do as he pleased has Taehyung nearing his own release, brows pinching on his forehead as he accumulates spit behind his lips and lets it slowly dribble into your mouth.
Your eyes shut at the feeling, swallowing it down before sticking your tongue back out for more and he curses, not denying you as he repeats it two more times, enjoying the way your eyes roll back when he fucks you vigorously. So lost in your own mind your orgasm sneaks up on you with no warning, a particular thrust right against your sweet patch pushing you over once more.
It’s silent this time but he feels it just the same, your mouth dropping open in a gasp as the feeling takes over you, the tight grip you have on the sheets loosening as the energy you’ve spent all night leaves you limp on the bed, weak whimpers of his name spilling out of your swollen lips.
“Cum inside me, f-fuck, please.” you plead, eyes glazed over as you whine at the overstimulation. Taehyung groans unabashedly at your request, your fluttering walls pulling him further as his eyes fall shut. You watch in awe as the marks on his body grow slightly, trailing further down his side as his hips lose their rhythm, growing sloppier with time as he nears his release. Only needing a few more ruts of his hips you clamp around him, his thrusts stuttering as he spills inside of you, warm spurts of his cum that manage to fill you up to the brim and leak out around his cock.
The sensation of feeling so full makes you hum, a squeal of surprise sounding out when he continues to thrust into you roughly, not caring about the mess he’s creating between your thighs. His hands fall to rest beside you, clutching onto your sheets and groaning when your feet hook around his waist as he ruts into you in frenzy. Each thrust has his cum spilling out of you, the softest cries swirling in his head until he’s gasping as a final spurt of his cum fills you. Only then does he stop, panting over you as he takes you in underneath him.
You’re fully spent now whereas he looks completely energized, the glow of his skin more intense, the sparkle in his eyes looking brighter while the marks on his neck and arms become a darker shade than before. He takes note of the way you stare at him, knowing the million questions that swirl in your head as he slowly pulls out of you, the gush of whatever cum remains inside dripping out of you and onto your ruined sheets.
“So pretty,” he murmurs at the mess between your thighs, a mixture of his cum and your slick leaving your folds drenched. Taehyung doesn’t give you time to ask him any of your burning questions, his fingers scooping up the globs of his cum before popping it into his mouth and leaning over your body. Rewarding you with a kiss, finally feeling his plush lips against yours as his tongue licks the seam of them, sneaking inside and allowing you to get a taste for the cum on his tongue as he passes it along to you.
The dull ache in your core returns as you continue to pass the glob of cum between each other with small moans, a final flick of his tongue against the roof of your mouth being given before he pulls away with a wet smack, smiling when you swallow it down.
“Good girl.” He praises you with a soft caress to your cheek. The minute his lips leave you it’s like a fog begins to take over your mind, your eyes struggling to stay open as he rests you back once more, trying your best to focus on the glow of his eyes before it swallows you. 
Taehyung smirks as you attempt to fight the sleep tugging at your lids, pressing gentle kisses against your cheek and down your neck while his hand rests along the same spot it always does.
He can sense the worry in your mind, worry that he’ll stop visiting your dreams, completely unaware that when you summoned him you were stuck with him. Taehyung had successfully sewn himself into your mind, having you continue to crave him after he ravished you. There was no reason for the pretty human to worry, as long as you never got sick of him.
“I’ll be back sweetheart.”
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anexlarrieblog · 2 years
i know the gloria gaynor thing is very easy to disprove n all but i still wanted to use it as an excuse to laugh about old folks on the internet bc god Their Mind. in my country there's an old man wilkinson who was in a high profile marriage to a woman who then openly admitted she hated his fucking guts all throughout so rip cringe marriage, and yet on the interwebs he keeps leaving likes on fans linking him their actual rpf fanfiction of him and his ex and fans b like "thamk u old man wilkinson chapter 2 coming soon!" bro i hope these are just courtesy likes and not you actually reading this shit WHAT LMAO!!! but the more famous and funnier example is carrie fisher with harrison ford (aka the star wars folks) where fisher openly claimed she'd tap ford any day despite them just being pals for several decades after an extremely short fling, and boy does everyone know bc she was absolutely unhinged about it on twitter. scrolling through what she posted and liked it's tweets not just about their star wars characters' relationship but like romantic edits of "carrison" (the real people ship) being in love and committed forever, and her liking dozens of tweets of people going "carrie omg like this tweet if carrison is real!!" and then just posting straight up harrison ford thirst trap on main. just not even pics related to her in any way, just photoshoots of ford looking sexy im scrolling through these like girl 💀 larries trying to claim ANYSHIT in this environment just once again proves their willful ignorance and utter inability to realise that CLEARLY, how some old folks perceive social media isn't what larries think it is, old people are free on the internet in ways i can only dream of achieving tbh. also applies to just how different people treat social media in general, not everyone is as terminally online as larries but it'll be a long time before they ever realise. there in fact, CAN be a situation where people spend their whole day "confirming" a relationship involving themselves and not meaning any of it, they're just too innocent about the nature of online shipping to realise what it means to some tinhats
Omg bestie this ask was wild 💀😭😂 but yes I get what you are saying lol!! The idea that Gloria gaynor is just sitting around confirming Larries conspiracy theories in some way is just mega lolz.
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shinagawa-division · 3 years
[🦇] Ritsuko
[🕴️] Miho
[🔮] Sumire
“Horror movies?” Ritsuko raised an eyebrow. “I can’t say that I’m enthusiastic about them but I also can’t say that I dread them, truthfully, I haven’t seen many horror films as my work keeps me busy and I’ve been told more than one occasion that I am something of a horror myself.” She snorted amusedly. “Sumire has recommended to me quite a collection though and don’t tell her I said this but the movies she tells me about are unremarkably dull. It’s basically the same premise over and over, just told differently.” She sighed, “Senseless gore is amusing at first but then gets tiring quickly, paranormal is nothing but dark fairy tales, slashers are too predictable and annoying, and thriller comes and goes fleetingly. I need something more…fulfilling, something to infect the mind and create thoughts that fester and rot within the brain.” Her expression quickly deteriorated into something sadistic and unhinged, features of an absolute maniac before dropping back to it’s normal blank expression. “But alas, I haven’t found such a thing yet.”
“I…Ritsuko, what the hell.”
“…may I suggest The Human Centipede?”
Miho huffed in amusement at the question. “Conspiracy theories? What utter nonsense. I don’t believe in such things and really neither should anyone else, they are simply stories and pictures on the internet posted by people who are bored and have nothing better to do in their lives. Besides, there is a reason for everything and until I see concrete proof of such abnormalities existing, I will not hold my breath.” She rolled her eyes, “However, since I’m sure many of you won’t be happy with that answer, I’ll tell you about the time Sumire scared off my guess with her ridiculous demon stories.”
“It was a night near Halloween I believe two years ago and I was hosting a dinner party with my colleague and his family, he insisted since it’s good to build up rapport or something along those lines, truthfully I didn’t care and I think he only suggested that so he could set up his son with Sumire.” She shook her head. “Everything was going well at first, the dinner was prepped well by Goro and I was keeping my guest entertained, Sumire was even behaving for once and I should have known something was bound to go wrong. Sumire suggested to share scary stories since it was close to Halloween and before I could shut her down, my colleague had agreed, so we made up some stories, I’m not sure if they were trying not to be too scary because they didn’t want to scare my niece.” She rolled her eyes.
“Little did they know the tables were about to turn, I have no idea what is with Sumire and her fascination for demonology but safe to say that her story was the scariest. She had told some story about a girl being possessed by some great demon or something and then, while my guest were terrified, she started to pretended to have spasms and screaming, and if that wasn’t enough, she had let her degenerate friends in before hand to mess with the lights and appliances in the house!” She exclaimed before sighing heavily. “I tried to stop them but they had already ran to their car, after that, it was article after article about how ‘CEO’s Relative Rumored to be Possessed’. After that, I made it a rule to have Sumire leave the house when I have guests over near or on Halloween.”
“Do I believe in the occult? Pshh!” Sumire rolled her eyes as if the answer should be obvious. “Uh, fucking yes! I definitely believe in the supernatural and all that, that’s my fucking aesthetic if you haven’t noticed!” She gestured to herself, “Unlike a certain nonbeliever,” She glared at Miho. “I both believe and immensely enjoy the occult, I was and still am super into demonology and demons in general, I studied that all the time, mainly to take my mind off…things. I’m still deciding whether I should go as a demon or a witch this year.” She held her chin between her thumb and index finger, looking to be in thought before shrugging. “Anyways, yeah, I definitely believe in that, one time me and my friends did a whole stakeout at the Den. We were trying to see if we could contact aliens and before you fucking start, yes, aliens are real, they are out there and it is only a matter of time before they find us and just fucking…mess with Earth’s shit, do your fucking research people.”
“Should I mention that I had to stop her from flying to America to join the whole ‘Area 51 raid’?”
“Those sons of bitches are hiding something, I know it!”
Thank you for the ask!
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toukenramblings · 3 years
sorry, i know i'm going back to the swords i favor, but what kinds of stories will tsuru, mitsu, and hasebe tell? how do they tell them? surely, tsuru has to have at least some fun anecdotes rattling around him somewhere? thanks! sorry that i'm such a broken record ww i just love hearing your thoughts on them wwww
Rexyyyy, thank you so much for your patience while I was panicking over my finals. But here I am~! Tsuru, Mitsu, Hasebe storyteller headcanons! Let’s crack in!!
Warnings: NOne????????????????
hasebe reminds me of a puppy so take wishbone, the 90s kid show doggo who taught classic literature to kids
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Tsurumaru Kuninaga
Oh Tsuru adores kids, going back to the headcanons/idea of him having a soft spot for them due to one of his former masters being a little one, he loves nothing more than to have a little one in his lap (or you, whatever works) and just...ramble on and on about stories and things.
He always loves making horror stories and ghost stories though, he’s super good at making shit up on the fly. After all, he has to when he’s playing so many damn pranks around the citadel.
MOst of his stories have all kinds of twists and turns, surprises in store. He tells them in the most wonderful of ways, with sound effects and arm/hand movements and a twinkle in his eyes and this passion that makes you follow him.
And then he lets out this random scream that scares the shit outta you, just to ensure that you’re paying attention.
Will Tsuru tell stories about shit that happens in the citadel? Of course! He’s always looking to make psychic damage against another TouDan...or you. Damn right he’ll make rumors about the saniwa.
Despite all of this, Tsuru does end his stories with some kinda morals. The good ones...the bad ones.....
“And that’s why you should never mistake salt and sugar...or get Kasen all dirty...or leave milk on the stove unattended...”
There are stories of him talking about himself and the reactions he got out of people, one of his favorite is the syrup incident....which will not ever be talked about around Kasen or Hasebe. Or Shokudaikiri.
Also very much into conspiracy theories. Think Creepypastas and Buzzfeed Unsolved but unhinged because he’ll be tempted to do some kind of dark ritual he found on the internet to see if it’s true or not. NO WE ARE NOT SACRIFICING OOKURIKARA TO A DEMON, PUT DOWN THE KNIFE-
But all in all, as much as Tsuru adores making up stories and telling of happenings around the citadel, there’s something about a good novel that makes him happy. He may not seem like it but he remembers a lot, and probably can tell someone page by page, word by word, about a book he read in the past few days - finished within a couple of hours.
Shokudaikiri Mitsutada
Micchan’s stories are also gentle, fairytale like in nature. He tells the best bedtime stories while rocking someone to sleep. Sada, another tantou, who knows! He tells stories of proud warriors, Western tales, and whatever comes to his mind! He isn’t as good as making up stories on the fly like Tsurumaru but he has a gentle sort of passion to it.
If Tsuru’s making sound effects and using his body to tell a story, Micchan is the one you want telling you a story as a fire roars to life in a fireplace. He’s the one giving you a cup of a warm drink as you can listen to his soft voice, low and gentle, a romantic story spinning at his lips.
Speaking of his voice, it’s so gentle? So soft???? The pERFECT ASMR VOICE????????
All of his stories have morals at the end. The good ones too. Like boogeyman stories but he’ll tone them down if someone doesn’t like those kinda stories. He gives out stories where the heroes win in the end, and everyone is happy.
But then there are times when Micchan will tell stories about the citadel. It’s rather tame stories of little anecdotes of their lives. Little things that paint everyone in a good light! He would never talk too bad about something or someone! Yes he’ll like...lightly scold them in a way, “Do not do as Tsuru-san did, playing pranks on someone jumpy like that will only end up as something terrible.”
Shokudaikiri does enjoy reading books and like Tsuru, he will most likely have them memorized, especially if someone recommended him a book or its a book someone else likes and he cares about the said person. 
Speaking of books, he will probably read all kinds of high fantasy novels or something? Other than cookbooks of course. Maybe travel books as well!
Horror stories??? Never heard of her. Micchan is TERRIFIED of horror stories. He won’t lie that they aren’t interesting or anything but nope. Don’t catch him reading a horror novel anytime soon.
Overall, the stories Micchan tells are sweet and gentle like he is! Stories that bring out the warm fuzzies and restore your faith in humanity, kinda stories.
Heshikiri Hasebe
Motherfucker can’t tell stories for shit. What are those? He’s just here to do work??????
But if you or a tantou or Hakata specifically ask very nicely of him, Hasebe will relent. He doesn’t like talking about the past at all, not about Oda or Nagamasa...he’ll struggle to come up with something off of the top of his head.
Luckily, he remembered seeing some books in your office meant for little ones. He picks out something simple for them, fairytales maybe? Something short and sweet. Maybe he picks out a happy little story? He...didn’t have much of a happy end, maybe he wanted to at least...let someone have a happy ending? Or just read about it? He knows that not all of them had happy endings...lord knows he didn’t. He just wants someone to be happy for once.
 If anything he’ll tell them nonfiction tales of facts and knowledge, reading them a scientific book or some shit.
But if Hasebe did have to come up with a story, it’s pretty dry and straight to the point. It has a beginning, middle, and an end. It’s nothing important. Maybe it’s something about what happened in the citadel???
And then there’s the stories that are highkey dragging the other TouDan through the mud because of some fucking shit they pulled. He tends to ramble whenever he rants about another sword and you swear he’s going to blow a blood vessel or something. 
“If that fool Tsurumaru tries to break ONE MORE item in this citadel, I will kill him. YEs, do not ever try to balance fifteen plates on your pinky finger, it will not lead to good outcomes.” “And thus, you now know how to wash blood out of white clothing. Don’t ever do what Namazuo did.” he swears his stories have lessons beneath his rambling...he thinks.
Most of the time, his stories do have morals! Yes sometimes he will break out the little boogeyman stories to drive home his point but...it...works?????? It has a lesson? It scares the pants outta people???? It gets the job...done???????????????????
Also cannot handle horror stories for shit either, despite him possibly spooking himself with his own stories. He’ll like...gloss over summaries of horror shit but nopey nope. That aint dope. its also based off of me, i read summaries of horror shit and get spooked and run
HAsebe isn’t...the best at storytelling? He tries his best, but it’s not his main purpose so to speak. But it doesn’t mean he won’t try. If it’s your order, he’ll learn to become the best storyteller he can! Until then....it’s....gonna need some work.
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joonkorre · 4 years
@drarrymicrofic prompt: remake
not gonna say much on this. yall should find out what's going on yourselves :D. ao3
“What do you think, Mr. Malfoy?”
Draco doesn’t need to think; he’s done enough of that in the past two months, since the day he opened his front door to see the strange woman’s sharp smile. But he thinks anyway, one last time before he answers.
He’d have to leave the wizarding world behind. Of course, it doesn’t have to be that drastic. However, if he doesn’t want his frequent disappearances to catch the Ministry’s attention, then it’s best to withdraw into the Muggle world altogether, as far from its control as possible. Mother has Aunt Andy, Teddy, and friends from her book club now, she’ll be fine with him visiting only a few days each year.
Other than that, there are no downsides. He has nothing to lose except maybe his life somewhere down the line, but everybody dies at some point, don’t they?
He lifts his gaze to the buzzing light on the ceiling, its shine cold and apathetic. To the mahogany bookcase, filled with tomes upon tomes full of ancient rites and rituals, of creatures considered ‘cryptid’ even to wizardkind. To the bookend that is shaped like a crow, which flaps its wings when its beak is tapped five times, unlocking the hidden safe behind the bookcase. The safe that stores all the actual research and data he’s collected, jealously and fearfully hoarded.
He doesn’t know everything, but he knows enough. He knows enough to be aware that the lore Pansy snorted at when he first mentioned them, the creatures Mother dismissed as another of her bored rich son’s new obsessions, are the same ones Unspeakable Granger narrowed her eyes at when she walked past his table in the canteen and caught a glimpse of his notes. He had a feeling then that he shouldn’t even make any indication that he was interested in these things, which was proven to be correct when Ministry personnel started loitering outside his office more after that day.
He doesn’t know everything, but he knows his findings are not safe in anyone’s hands but his. The Ministry still repeats its tendency to care more about itself than the common people. The Department of Mystery, practically its own entity due to how even the Minister is forbidden from accessing most of its files, has motivations he can’t comprehend, which means motivations he can’t predict. There is no way to know if his colleagues are truly interested in “that old wife’s tale, that Bigfoot, Cthulhu shite Malfoy’s into” or will report him to those who know how to deal with him, to Unspeakable Granger, to the Department of Mysteries. His findings are not safe in anyone’s hand but his.
But if he says ‘yes,’ they are.
Draco dips his quill in the ink bottle the woman—“Dr. Stewart,” she’s introduced, calm and sure—provided him and signs his name on the contract and its related documents. No hint of anything other than indifference is shown on her face, and he wonders how many others before him has she recruited.
Once his thumbprint has been collected, the last step of the process, he Vanishes the ink on his finger. Dr. Stewart raises a brow but says nothing more. She stands up, holding out a hand.
“Welcome, Dr. Malfoy. The SCP Foundation is glad to have you with us.”
Shaking her hand, Draco feels something slide into place at his new title. He smiles politely, heart thundering in his chest.
“Have you worked with wizards before, Dr. Stewart?” Draco asks as he starts packing the valuables at his work desk into his briefcase. Dr. Steward has come to the Ministry by Floo, and though she seemed a bit disconcerted after stepping out of the Ministry Public Floo #13, she didn’t hesitate to follow him to his office. Thus, seeing her reaction to a simple Vanishing spell has certainly been a bit strange.
Dr. Steward gathers the documents to secure in a folder.
“My colleagues have—some of them have Muggleborn and Halfblood relatives—but not me personally,” she answers. “My apologies, I still need to get used to seeing magic in… this way. Ironically, we have more luck with magic users from other dimensions than from our own, especially with what happened in recent history.”
The Second Wizarding War ended barely a decade ago. Its victims, both people and nature, still bleed. “I can see why you aren’t very keen on interacting with us up-close these days,” Draco nods, careful.
“Precisely,” Dr. Stewart says. “So, believe it when I say you’re the exception.”
Draco stiffens. “Thank you. I’m sorry, it’s still a bit hard to, ah, believe that.”
“You are the exception,” she says. “We need professionals in the occult, especially those who dabbled in the Dark Arts along with other types of magic. Not many wizards of your kind in Great Britain remember the Original Gods and Old Magic, but you have that link, whether it be through honest religious belief or just intensive research.”
She crosses her legs. “We’ve had our eyes on you for a while, Dr. Malfoy. We need someone who’s willing to look for the oddity in the mundane, and when our people heard rumours of the infamous Malfoy heir having a—highly accurate, by the way—fixation on conspiracy theories and cryptozoology, visiting various parts of the world in pursuit of those ‘tall tales,’ we knew we need your intellect.”
Draco doesn’t quite know what to say. He was sure everybody thought him unhinged; even Luna seemed off around him these days instead of enthusiastically rallying after his theories like she usually would, gradually gravitating toward Granger whenever they’re in the same room.
“Our goals are different; the SCP Foundation wants to keep humanity safe and alive, you want knowledge and just knowledge. But I hope you find yourself in your element while working with us, finally having access to all the information you’ve been working so hard to find out.”
She tilts her head just so, and Draco can tell she knows he likes what he’s hearing. His thirst consumes him, makes him risk, makes him sin. He has to go insane to stay sane. Despite the small price of most likely dying from working with dangerous anomalies at the Foundation no matter how pretty Dr. Stewart advertises it, every cell in his body sings at the chance to know what is lurking beyond the folds of reality.
He thinks of Mother, of Aunt Andy, of little Teddy, of Pansy, of Blaise. The vision of them killed, maimed, snapped from existence because he didn’t do anything to help makes his gut twist, his throat parched. He’d kill himself from the guilt, a well-casted Sectumsempra. He decides.
His goal is no different than the Foundation’s from now on, and he has no qualms about that. With this opportunity, he is free at last, free to do the work he knows is important, to help and change without outside interference.
He is reborn.
Draco’s back straightens, and he moves his wand this way and that, orchestrating a cacophony of tomes and devices to levitate from the heavy bookshelves to the duffle bag he brought along.
“Dr. Malfoy, did I not tell you where you’ll be stationed?”
Draco halts the objects’ action mid-air, staring at Dr. Stewart.
“I was under the impression that I am to be working at Site-91,” he says, “in Yorkshire?”
“As I thought, I forgot something,” Dr. Stewart sighs, the first sign of human imperfection leaking through. She searches through her briefcase, long nails clicking through the files. “Sit down, please, and there’s no need to pack up your belongings.”
Sending the objects back to their original places, Draco takes his seat, brows furrowed. He toys with his wand, a tick he hasn’t been able to be rid of ever since Potter’s returned his wand after years of what seemed to be perpetual emptiness without it.
“There we go,” Dr. Stewart says and flips open a thick, stapled stack of paper. “You are to stay here for the duration of your first assignment. Count yourself lucky, starting work right away.”
“Stay here? But—”
“There is an anomalous individual working here,” she says, hard lines etched on her face. “You will act like you’ve not changed your career and continue to ‘work’ in the Ministry. Because of your proximity, we expect you to gather as much information as possible about him. You can use any method, as long as you stay alive and well to report back to us and receive your salary. Not to worry, we will assist you as this individual is, like most of what we deal with, deadly when pushed.”
She slides the file toward him and settles back against her chair. Draco is admittedly no less surprised than before.
“Wake up and get ready by 6 AM this Saturday, for we’ll come to get you at your house and go to Site-91. There are other information and protocols you need to know, and you’ll also get the equipment suited for this assignment,” Dr. Stewart adds.
Draco has a few questions, but from the way she ends with a close-mouthed smile, he reckons any at all would be regarded as idiotic. Well, at least she told him something.
With a slight sigh, he opens the file. The peculiar layouts and code words fly past him—he’d have to ask for a manual of some kind, Muggle science-y terminology has never been his best suit. However.
“What,” he breathes, leaning close to the file, eyes wide, “what is he—what is—”
However, there are two words he can’t mistake, no matter how sleep-deprived he is or how blind. A name, in fact.
“What is Harry Potter doing in this file?”
“Isn't it obvious?” Dr. Stewart asks, lacing her fingers on her lap. “Think. His lifelong exposure with the Dark Arts and artifacts, how volatile and explosive his power is, and most importantly, how dangerous he is even to the brightest magic users. There’s a reason why we don’t meddle with your kind. You already have the means available to contain certain anomalies, but Potter is different, and we have to step in this time.”
Draco stares at her, then at the name in the file, at the picture attached, slack-jawed.
“The oddity in the mundane, Dr. Malfoy,” Dr. Stewart leans forward, a knowing look on her face. Draco's legs feel like wooden trunks, sunken into the ground. "Get used to it, and get focused. Because if left unchecked, Harry Potter might very well get powerful enough to become a reality bender."
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Conspiracy Theories: Books to read up on
Trick or Treatment: The Undeniable Facts about Alternative Medicine by Simon Singh, Edzard Ernst
Whether you are an ardent believer in alternative medicine, a skeptic, or are simply baffled by the range of services and opinions, this guide lays to rest doubts and contradictions with authority, integrity, and clarity. In this groundbreaking analysis, over thirty of the most popular treatments—acupuncture, homeopathy, aromatherapy, reflexology, chiropractic, and herbal medicines—are examined for their benefits and potential dangers. Questions answered include: What works and what doesn't? What are the secrets, and what are the lies? Who can you trust, and who is ripping you off? Can science decide what is best, or do the old wives' tales really tap into ancient, superior wisdom?In their scrutiny of alternative and complementary cures, authors Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst also strive to reassert the primacy of the scientific method as a means for determining public health practice and policy.
They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers by Sarah Scoles
More than half a century since Roswell, UFOs have been making headlines once again. On December 17, 2017, the New York Times ran a front-page story about an approximately five-year Pentagon program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The article hinted, and its sources clearly said in subsequent television interviews, that some of the ships in question couldn’t be linked to any country. The implication, of course, was that they might be linked to other solar systems. The UFO community—those who had been thinking about, seeing, and analyzing supposed flying saucers (or triangles or chevrons) for years—was surprisingly skeptical of the revelation. Their incredulity and doubt rippled across the internet. Many of the people most invested in UFO reality weren’t really buying it. And as author Sarah Scoles did her own digging, she ventured to dark, conspiracy-filled corners of the internet, to a former paranormal research center in Utah, and to the hallways of the Pentagon. In They Are Already Here we meet the bigwigs, the scrappy upstarts, the field investigators, the rational people, and the unhinged kooks of this sprawling community. How do they interact with each other? How do they interact with “anomalous phenomena”? And how do they (as any group must) reflect the politics and culture of the larger world around them? We will travel along the Extraterrestrial Highway (next to Area 51) and visit the UFO Watchtower, where seeking lights in the sky is more of a spiritual quest than a “gotcha” one. We meet someone who, for a while, believes they may have communicated with aliens. Where do these alleged encounters stem from? What are the emotional effects on the experiencers? By turns funny and compassionate, colorful and thought-provoking-- and told in a way that doesn’t require one to believe--Scoles brings humanity to an often derided and misunderstood community. After all, the truth is out there...
The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe: How to Know What's Really Real in a World Increasingly Full of Fake by Steven Novella
It's intimidating to realize that we live in a world overflowing with misinformation, bias, myths, deception, and flawed knowledge. There really are no ultimate authority figures-no one has the secret and there is no place to look up the definitive answers to our questions (not even Google). But, by thinking skeptically and logically, we can combat sloppy reasoning, bad arguments and superstitious thinking. It's difficult, and takes a lot of vigilance, but it's worth the effort. In this tie-in to their incredibly popular "The Skeptics Guide to the Universe" podcast, Steven Novella, MD along with "Skeptical Rogues" Bob Novella, Cara Santa Maria, Jay Novella, and Evan Bernstein will explain the tenets of skeptical thinking and debunk some of the biggest scientific myths, fallacies and conspiracy theories (Anti-vaccines, homeopathy, UFO sightings, etc.) They'll help us try to make sense of what seems like an increasingly crazy world using powerful tools like science and philosophy. THE SKEPTICS' GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE is your guide through this maze of modern life. It covers essential critical thinking skills, as well as giving insight into how your brain works and how to avoid common pitfalls in thinking. They discuss the difference between science and pseudoscience, how to recognize common science news tropes, how to discuss conspiracy theories with that crazy coworker of yours, and how to apply all of this to everyday life. So, are you ready to join them on an epic scientific quest, one that has taken us from huddling in dark caves to stepping foot on the Moon? (Yes, we really did that.) Like all adventures, this one is foremost a journey of self discovery. The monsters you will slay and challenges you will face are mostly constructs of your own mind. With the SKEPTIC'S GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE, we can do this together.
The Misinformation Age: How False Beliefs Spread by Cailin O'Connor, James Owen Weatherall
The social dynamics of “alternative facts”: why what you believe depends on who you know Why should we care about having true beliefs? And why do demonstrably false beliefs persist and spread despite bad, even fatal, consequences for the people who hold them? Philosophers of science Cailin O’Connor and James Weatherall argue that social factors, rather than individual psychology, are what’s essential to understanding the spread and persistence of false beliefs. It might seem that there’s an obvious reason that true beliefs matter: false beliefs will hurt you. But if that’s right, then why is it (apparently) irrelevant to many people whether they believe true things or not? The Misinformation Age, written for a political era riven by “fake news,” “alternative facts,” and disputes over the validity of everything from climate change to the size of inauguration crowds, shows convincingly that what you believe depends on who you know. If social forces explain the persistence of false belief, we must understand how those forces work in order to fight misinformation effectively.
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