#yes there is civilization being built here. the civilization just doesn't look like a civilization that you are familiar with
twosides--samecoin · 1 year
I'm trying not to be That Guy on someone's post but I need to get this off my chest
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shaniacsboogara · 5 months
i think a lot of things i agree with are already being said about watcher tv, so instead of focusing on those, i'm going to try to highlight things i think need to be reiterated or haven't been discussed enough.
first of all, i've been a fan of watcher's content for a long time. i followed shane and ryan over to the network after unsolved ended, and since then have made a TON of incredible friends and memories because of their shows. to anyone at watcher reading this, i really hope you're doing alright. thank you for everything you've done to foster this incredible community. and to anyone here in tumblr who's followed me for my watcher content or to any of my mutuals, i hope you're doing as well as you can. drink some water, get outside, and make sure you're getting enough sleep. this has been a rough time for a lot of us, and understandably so.
obviously, watcher tv is a massive change, and everyone who feels upset or disappointed is extremely valid in feeling that way. however, the calibre of hate being sent to the watcher crew is kind of horrific. yes, this could turn out to be a bad business decision for them, but that does make them evil morally bankrupt capitalists who never actually cared about their fanbase in the first place??? honestly, i think this type of commentary is doing a disservice to everyone who's trying to discuss this situation from a genuine analytical standpoint. not only that, but these are real people??? sure, they're on the internet and have probably had people send hate comments their way before, but as a community there are so many more productive things we could be doing instead of tearing down the folks over at watcher.
it is disheartening for content you've enjoyed to suddenly be locked behind a paywall, especially if it's not something you'll be able to afford. i've seen a lot of people emphasizing that artists should be compensated for their art, and i think that definitely applies here, but that doesn't mean people don't have a right to be upset. the fandom community we've built here on tumblr is incredible, it's brought so many people together and overall been so positive, fun, and welcoming to be a part of, so it's understandable that a change threatening the stability of that fanspace would make people upset. i'm not happy about the possibility of the watcher fandom dissipating after this announcement, but i think it's highly likely. watcher TV has created a divide in the fandom, and no matter what it looks like after this is over, it won't be the same. what's going to happen when most people can't access watcher content anymore??? no matter what happens, being in this fandom was absolutely incredible while it lasted.
what's my overall take on the situation??? i don't know how this will turn out for them, i'm not sure the announcement was carried out in the best way (it was hyped up in a way i don't think it should've been, a slower lead up to this could've made it more digestible), i'm sad that a lot of people won't be able to enjoy content that used to mean so much to them, but if this is a business move they think they need to make, then think i understand that. i'm no business expert, i have no idea how this will work out, but i'm absolutely not manifesting their downfall. i think it's very important to discuss this in a civil manner, to critique and analyze the effects of this situation on both the community and the company, but letting that turn into blatant hate and threats to watcher employees is WAY TOO FAR.
these are just some of my thoughts. if you want me to clarify anything or know my thoughts on specific aspects of this situation, please don't be afraid to ask!!! my only request is that this post doesn't turn into a vessel for hating on anyone, whether that be watcher or anyone posting about the situation.
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komitomi · 1 year
Fateful Encounter. // Chapter i.
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Neteyam x F!reader
prologue || chapter ii || chapter iii || chapter iv || chapter v English will be in italics from this chapter onwards! word count: 2.8k
A/N: neteyam is refered to as blue boy or just boy when he is directly interacting with the reader, however he will be refered by his name when he's not, writing in this narration is kind of difficult so it's confusing but I'll try my best to clear them up in authors notes.
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After 3 months of training on Pandora, Aria decided that you were good enough to be sent out, she told you that you had to go further than your peers, towards the sun's direction, where there will be water Na'vi, and look for Jake sully there, if he isn't there, then you should form good connections with the people there.
Individual but small aircrafts have been built for you guys to travel in, you were expecting to be assigned a partner but since the number of avatars were odd you were left out to be the only one, but that didn't discourage you, you just felt alone that's all.
The aircraft was spacious, easy to control (you have received training for this too), and it didn't emit any sounds to which you were surprised with, apparently the engine was made from a material native to pandora which cancels noise, they did this so the loud sounds of engine turning doesn't scare the animals or the Na'vi.
You just packed all your stuff and threw it in your aircraft which was parked outside before heading on inside the lab, removing your oxygen mask and going towards the link units, you looked at Aria before questioning.
“Won't I be too far away from my host body? Will I still be able to move?” you ask and she immediately answers “Yes, there will only be delay in consciousness transfer, what takes 15 seconds might turn into a minute or two, however you'll be just fine considering eywa connects all things together, which means you will be able to move just as fine.” she finishes off making you nod.
One thing that you noticed was how the scientists here actually believe in the existence of eywa and acknowledge it, you thought it was just another religion like back on earth, but for the last 3 months you trained here, you saw extensive research and connection between the life of pandora, it seemed like a neural network of roots which connected all beings together, it was like a system, actual proof of an entity made you quickly change your views as well. You snapped out of your thoughts and quickly got into the link unit.
You open your eyes in the avatar body and got up, you were inside a camp, you look around and see few others waking up too, the sound of the gates opening takes your attention before you making your way to your own aircraft, it was perfectly sized for a singular avatar body to travel, it was more spacious for humans though. You get inside quickly wasting no time, you notice Miss Aria looking at you and you smile at her which she returns, you start the engine and the aircraft lifts itself off the ground, swirling the surrounding air, once you are decently far away in the sky you look down at the scientist camp before breathing deeply, “I got this.” you mutter to yourself before pressing the accelerator and setting off.
You were told to follow the sun's direction to which you obeyed and did, and after a few hours of travelling the sun started disappearing behind the big planet, you panicked until you realised you were probably close to the water civilization, after 30 minutes the sun had set completely, your aircraft turned on its automatic camouflage mode, hiding in the dark sky, you looked down and saw hundreds of islands and noticed few dim lights coming from what looked like camps on at the edge of an island.
Bingo, it seems you have reached the water Na'vi area, as you heard from others, they live on water, building tents around the flow of it rather than living on the land, you noticed how the tents are on water but they have been tied to those strong root-looking branches stabilizing them. “if I land now at night they will definitely panic and start attacking.” you mutter to yourself, you caught the forest behind the island and decided you were going to land there and show yourself in the morning when the sun is up again.
You thought you landed safely unnoticed, but a certain person had noticed your aircraft from afar and decided to follow it, even though the camouflage made it difficult for him to spot the random stars disappearing and reappearing behind your space ship made it easier for him to follow. He didn't want to alert the other navi cause it looked like there would be no more than 4 people, he can take them on easily, he took his bow ready to go but was stopped by his father, Jake.
“Where are you going son?” he asked looking at his son holding a bow, neteyam didn't want to cause panic so he simply lied “Oh, it's just nothing, I was missing the forest way of living and wanted to check the forest behind this island.” he said and Jake simply nodded, “Don't cause any trouble alright?” he said and neteyam nodded before answering “Yes sir.” He then proceeded to make his way into the forest, he had lost track of you but luckily for him you were stupid enough to make a loud thump noise.
Noise travels further at eclipse than it does during the daytime, and with his heightened senses he was able to pinpoint where you exactly were, he was currently standing on a branch of tree, above you, studying you, it seemed that it was only you alone, he didn't knew RDA would be this stupid, mentally scoffing, he lined up his arrow and bow and aimed it to shoot towards you.
You were out of the aircraft looking around and taking in the scenery, you jumping down from it was what caused neteyam to follow your noise, but other than that, you were pretty careful with your step, trying to not make much noise, neteyam watched as you walked around, changing his aim to perfectly aim at your fatal point, when you finally stopped moving he took that as an opportunity and was about to release the arrow.
That was until an atokirina (woodsprite) rested on his arrow, he was shocked was an understatement, he had no idea where it even came from, their habitat was originally in dense forests, but what was it doing in a lesser dense forest behind the reefs? Heck, this was unknown and completely new.
He lowered his bow, taking his aim away from you and watched as the seed left the arrow it was resting on and towards your direction, he watched closely, the seed was floating around you, and when you noticed it, you immediately smiled, his heart fluttered at the sight, you knew what they were, they were seeds of the spirit tree, you encountered a few back in the forest you were training in but were confused to see one here, you quickly opened your hands so it can rest there.
“Hello there, it's surprising to see you here.” you spoke to it in Na'vi, he was surprised you knew how to speak it, of course RDA did train their troops to speak Na'vi to "communicate" with them. “What are you doing here? did you follow me? this isn't a usual habitat for you guys you know.” you spoke, he was so shocked at how you were speaking so casually, do you not know what they are? they carry eywa's energy in them and they are usually interpreted as a good sign, he notices how the seed dances around in your hands before you blow it away.
Neteyam decides to stop hiding himself and jumps down from the tree he was standing on, this causes a loud thud sound making you shriek as you turn to face the blue boy, he quickly rushes over to you and covers you mouth with his hand, “you shouldnt be here” he says with a hiss, and you gulp, scared by his demeanor, your heart was beating rapidly, that noise scared the hell out of you, you thought you were dead for sure.
“m-mmph—” you try to speak but you can't because his hand was covering your mouth, he notices and retreats his hand back, you pant, trying to calm your heartbeat and breathe normally, when you finally regain your composure you look at him, his face holding a stoic expression.
“You're out here alone eh? RDA must be stupid.” he scoffs at the end, “I- i am not from RDA” you say while maintaining eye-contact with him, he looks at you confused, you take a deep breathe before explaining. “I do not work for the RDA or anything associated with it, I work for another organization called Space and Earth Resources Organization, SERO, for short,” you take a break to look at his reaction, he doesn't seem to show any kind of emotion though, just looking at you bored, before you could speak he cuts you off. “You still belong to the sky demons.” he says with a scowl, “Ouch.” you say out loud, hurt by the word demon.
“Listen, we're here to prevent RDA from destroying this planet, we are trying out very best to make RDA drop their Pandora project back on Earth, we care, which is why we established a seperate organization, to help pandora, help the life here.” you finish what you were trying to say earlier.
“Don't make me laugh, that's actually so pathetic and entitled how you sky people decide when to play a hero or the villain, we do not need your help.” he says before turning around to leave when you stop him, “Please, the planet is in danger.” you say in a desperate voice, you grabbing his arm, he turned to look at you, your sad face.
“Ugh.” he lets out a huff before glaring at you, you look up to him, “fine, come then.” he says and grabs you by your arm and starts dragging you but you start resisting and pull away, “no! I can't, it is eclipse, it will cause panic, later at daytime I will appear.” you say, you were right, although he hates to admit it, he scoffs at you and just shrugs his shoulder.
“Fine, stay here.” he says and leaves before you could say anything, confused by this encounter you make your way back to your aircraft and get inside, you open a medium sized box which was given to you by your dad before you left to Pandora, you open it and look at the contents inside it, some polaroid pictures and your deceased mom's necklace, you quickly take the necklace and tie it around your neck, the pendant falls right between your collarbones, you take the polaroids out and graze your fingers over them, the family pictures bring a smile to your face.
You slowly drift off to sleep in your avatar body, tired from the journey, but you wake up in your human body, it took longer than it usually does since the body was far away from your location, you push the lid away and get down, noticing that you were the last one to wake up.
“Did you finally reach your location?” you hear someone ask and you turn around to see Miss Aria and you simply nod, “I didn't seek out to the people yet since it is dark, didn't want them to start panicking.” you say and Aria gives you a gentle smile “Good decision.” she says.
“Come let's go eat.” she says and you smile before following her, you have to keep this body energized for you to stay longer in your avatar, you follow Aria to the dining hall located in the camp, after getting your food, you sit down to eat.
Unbeknownst to you, your avatar body was slowly being surrounded by reef forest predators, luckily you were in your aircraft which acted as a shield for you and you were safe, however one launched suddenly making the glass crack but not break.
Neteyam watched down from the tree, he never left, he just pretended to, he was actually worried for you, he wasn't sure why he was saving you either, in fact he was really annoyed.
He could just let you die, let the reef forest predators eat your avatar body and you will die but the words you told him earlier sounded promising, he hated the sky people, the only ones he tolerated were the ones who stayed behind after the first war, he wasn't particularly close with them, just on neutral terms, but still he wasn't sure why he was helping you.
Could you really help them? Is your organization really different from RDA? Or will you turn out the same and kill his people? All types of questions flooded his brain, he was too occupied with his thoughts until he heard a muffled scream and looked down, it seemed you had woken up finally realised the danger you were in.
You didn't really expect to wake up in a life threatening situation, you got jump-scared by the predator launching at you as soon as you opened your eyes in your avatar body.
You let out a scream of course, because honestly, no matter how rational of a person you are, being scared like that will rip one out but you were able to muffle it with your hand, suddenly you see an arrow hit the predator, which causes the other predators to panic, shriek and growl, until you see another arrow flying in, hitting another one, you see the blue guy from earlier jump in and growl at them, the predators realised they were powerless and scurried off in different directions, you open the aircraft and made your way down carefully.
You looked at the animals that were shot before noticing how he was chanting something, you figured out he was apologizing and asking them to rest in peace, you go up to him and clear your throat, making him turn to look at you,
“Uh thank you so—” before you can finish off thanking him he growls “This is nothing to be thankful about, it is sad, very sad, you are stupid, so stupid, poor souls had to die.” he looks down on the predator before taking it's life to end the misery.
“I am sorry, I didn't know.” you say and look down, feeling guilty but he just stares at you, “you should be, you're stupid and ignorant, like a child!” he hisses, this makes you frown, you watch him get up and make his way to the other one, “well then why did you save me? should've just let me die, the glass would've broken and they could've had a feast.” you ask annoyed, he stops midway and turns to look at you. He stares at you for a while before letting out a sigh, “Why did I save you?” he repeats your question, you nod and he gets lost in his thought process before looking up at you again.
“Because, you have a kind heart.” he says, taking you by surprise, “a kind heart?” you ask and he nods, “Yes, a kind and strong heart, wanting to care for others, like you said earlier.” he finishes off.
Before you could say anything you hear rustling around you and you notice that the people from the village had come, having heard the commotion earlier, the sun finally starts showing again, basking everything in light once again, you notice how the people here are different, they have more greenish skin and blueish eyes, they surround you and the blue boy you were with. Until you notice another blue person standing out from the rest, your heart starts beating frantically, it was jake sully, so he was here? what are you going to do now?
“What is the meaning of this?” you hear jake sully speak, and shivers run down your spine, god you were intimidated by the aura of him and the people, before you can speak the blue boy cuts you off, “Dad, I can explain.” he says you were shocked, 'dad'? he is the son of jake sully?
“You better, boy.” he says with a stern voice you watch as you watch the younger boy keep his head down, he lifts it up before looking at you and takes a deep breath.
“There has been a sign.” that's all he said before jake understood what he meant, “And what exactly was the sign?” he asks, raising his eyebrow.
“An utokirina (woodsprite).” he says making jake confused, “But their habitat is in dense forests.” he says and the boy nods, “That is what was confusing, it landed on my arrow before I was about to shoot it at her, and then floated towards her, I would never lie about this.” he says, jake is taken aback by that revelation.
You were shocked on the other hand, ‘‘he was trying to kill me? what the hell’ you have never been more thankful for that woodsprite, it legit saved you from death, otherwise you would've ended up with an arrow to your heart.
“I see.” you hear another voice say, you turn to look at him, he was much bigger with tattoos covering him.
“Take her to the tsahik.”
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@violet-19999 @siriuslysmoking @sweetirilly @neteyamforlife @boilingpots !!!
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originalleftist · 3 months
I think a big part of the whole idea of "protest voting", or not voting as protest, stems from shear impatience. Understandable impatience, sometimes, because some things should not have to be endured, even for a moment, but nonetheless. There isn't a candidate who will give me everything I want now (this is literally impossible), so I'm going to just say "both sides are just as bad", and not participate. This might feel righteous, but it doesn't actually accomplish anything, except maybe help the worst candidate/the one with the most fanatical base win by dividing the opposition. I think another part of this, in the US, is the fixation on the Presidency over everything else. "I don't like Biden so I won't vote." Or, "I didn't get who I wanted in the Presidential primary so it's rigged/both sides are just as bad/there's no point to every trying to change anything." The Presidency is seen as the Grand Prize in US politics (and a lot of people greatly overestimate its power), and so people want to focus on that (see for example the chronically abysmal turnout in midterms historically, and also in local elections). But parties and movements are built from the ground up. Third parties always try to go straight for the presidency, but they haven't built up a strong, credible nation-wide base of support to make that run. Ultimately, I think even a lot of support for violent revolution/political violence very obviously traces back to this same impulse, this same impatience- people assume (likely conditioned by a diet of fictional media where the Lone Rogue Hero With A Gun gets the bad guys and saves the day) that violence is a shortcut, a faster, more efficient way to get "real change" than all that messy "politics" (this is a fundamentally authoritarian and even fascist worldview, and doesn't really hold up when you look at the history of long, grinding civil wars that often replace one bad regime with another, or even outright fail to overthrow the ruling government). You can even go deeper, more fundamental, and say that this same impulse improbably behind a lot of the appeal of apocalypse prophecies, which tend to be followed by a better world being reborn after all the evildoers are swept away (I've remarked before, as have others, on the similarities between "accelerationist" politics and "End Times" prophecies). But the truth- the truth that nobody wants to hear, but must understand-is that there is no fast, easy shortcut to change. Breaking "the system" (which isn't all that easy) doesn't mean that a better alternative automatically appears in its place (we can also talk here about the mythologizing of a "state of nature"). Major, substantive, lasting change is hard, and it takes time, and it means a lot of work building a movement, working out the nitty-gritty details and, yes, making compromises. And nobody wants to hear that. But it's the truth. There is no magic, short-cut "I win" button that "the establishment" has successfully hidden from you.
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convexicalcrow · 9 months
"I could blow it up right now, guys. We could blow it up right now and start this war. Oh, I so want to."
It's not that people mistook Grian as a catalyst for war, but for Cub, he found himself thriving during the Civil War. Vex magic had never been this potent, and not just because of the vast ravine of Vex magic crystals that had been found under the ConCorp complex. Chaos, bloodshed, carnage, it all filled Cub's dreams, as did the happy screaming of the Vex as war came closer.
The problem was that the Hermits weren't quite as eager for war as Cub was, and without Scar around to, well, not temper his more stupid and risky ideas, but to at least be a sounding board, Cub went a little mad as the two teams built their bases and then did nothing. There were traps, there was psychological warfare, there were attempts to play one team against the other. As a neutral party only interested in war profitteering, Cub was just in it for the diamonds and the chaos. It was in ConCorp's interest to start the war, after all! ConCorp doesn't start ceasefires, they end them. And Cub was determined to end this one.
The Hermits looked like tiny mice circling the flag as they gathered around it. Cub was hiding above them on a drone, though given how high up he was, he probably didn't need to be invisible. Still, better to take every precaution. And someone had placed TNT on the flag, and his bow fingers were itching to loose an arrow. He could hit it from here. He could blow that flag up. They'd blame each other. Conflict would ensue!
God, it was so tempting. But he had to wait, heart pounding in his chest, as he counted Hermits, trying to determine when they had all arrived. It was so close, he was so close to the war he wanted. He coupled his comms unit into the drone's audio feed so he was able to listen in to their conversation without being present. He didn't want them to know he was here, that would ruin everything.
"So guys, I'm, I'm having second thoughts about this, you know. Because I dunno about you, but I've spent a lot of time building up this base. This is like a whole season's worth of work we've put in here, so you know, is it worth it? Dunno if I want to do this," Grian said, and his words did nothing to calm Cub's nerves.
"You're afraid I'm gonna blow holes in it with my ghast cannon!" Impulse jeered.
Grian's terrified 'yes!' in reply didn't help. God, Cub wanted to blow that flag up right now. Let the war begin already! None of these second thoughts. No walking back now. They'd built their bases. They'd built their weapons. They'd set traps and found a battlefield and done more than enough sabre-rattling for Cub's liking. The only thing missing was bloodshed. The battlefield was crying out for blood. Let the Hermits bleed for each other, let the chaos reign! The Vex would have this war one way or another!
"Okay, this is gonna be a very delicate procedure guys, I think we gotta bomb 'em, we gotta bomb 'em," Cub decided, having had enough of their back and forth taunting.
He looked down through the wings of the drone, trying to find the best place to bomb. "'k, potion check, potion check," he muttered to himself, making sure he had enough time left, which he did. "We're good, we're good."
There were a few spots between the wings of the drone where the flag would be easily hittable from his position. If not a bow, some TNT might also do the trick if he timed it right. And he did have some TNT and a flint and steel at hand. He just had to get the aim and the timing right.
"Alright, this is good, this is good, people are trash-talking, this is fantastic! Yep, yep, this is it, this is the moment! They're gonna blame each other! They're gonna blame each other!"
He started placing TNT around the drone, and lit it, sending it down on them as he flew away from it, waiting to see the carnage. Vex magic was flooding through his body as the deaths came in, god this was glorious. He could taste a little blood on his tongue. Now the true carnage could begin!
Welsknight was blown up by cubfan135 MumboJumbo was blown up by cubfan135 Tango was blown up by cubfan135
"There we go, there we go, there we go! We got 'em! We got 'em! Let's get out of here! Let's get out of here! There we go! There we go! Perfect! Perfect!"
Cub laughed as he moved away from them, the slow falling potion allowing him to get away without using rockets which would have given his position away. He landed some distance away, close enough to see what was unfolding.
"Shots fired! So many shots fired!" Cleo could be heard saying over the cries of shock and accusations.
"We did it, guys! We did it, we did it!"
Nothing felt better than this, seeing them all scatter and blame each other. Sure, a drone had been sacrified, but it was for the greater good, especially once the ghast cannon fired up. The G Team's lawn was on fire, zombies were flooding into the ghast cannon's grounds, chaos took hold as both teams finally fell into conflict. Cub was happy, the Vex were singing, this is what it's all about, baby!
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someiicecube · 4 months
Do you think Solomon likes soup? If so what kind?
idk what prompted this ask, but it's so out of left field I had to answer.
Lots of soup mentioned below the cut.
Firstly, we have to establish whether or not Solomon would eat soup.
The simple answer? Yes, of course he would. If it was served to him at a fancy dinner as a side— yes, he would eat it. If you made it for him whilst he was sickly and bedridden? He would give the world back to you… or most likely he'd want to return the favor one day— huh, what do you mean you don't want him making anything? He feels better now! Hey, why are you pushing him out of the kitchen? :(
One cannot simply ask whether or not Solomon has a favorite soup or not.
Like any person, he has his preferences and whatnot. Solomon prefers the classic savory kinds of soup, as he sees the dish as more of a side or something simple you make when feeling under the weather. Sour and overtly spicy flavors are things he tends to avoid. And with his dislike of the ocean, he reads to me as someone who wouldn't be privy to having any fish or seafood in his soup. Meat or vegetable-based soups are preferred.
Though, the soup he's most caught eating would be those instant noodle packets (with an egg mixed in) that he's totally not making at three am cause he forgot to eat a while ago. Oops—
But what kind of soup specifically?
Something that reminds you of home, is a common answer. But, frankly speaking, that guy has a fucky memory, so what can he remember of home? Sure, he does remember that he did have a favorite soup in his youth, but the flavor of which was something that has been lost to time and his old man brain.
So, if Solomon no longer (or has since forgotten) a soup that reminds him of home, what could be put in place of that?
That would be something made by someone he loves dearly— now if you read that as being you or someone else in universe, I'll leave it up to reader interpretation.
Hey, if that man's childhood home is lost to time, that's life. Sure, it's a sad thing to witness, but it was bound to happen— that's just how human civilizations work, they're built up, people flourish, centuries pass by, and then a new one takes its place.
But back on the soup and Solomon calling you his new home— home is not always a place, it can be a person (actually it can be a place if you consider 'your heart' a valid location).
Something made by you (whether under duress; looking at Solomon's cooking here) is always something Solomon would like. Of course, he still takes in his own preferences, but he's lucky that you do as well.
Yes, he does tend to delegate soup to be a side dish, but at home he doesn't mind making it the main course. Perhaps it's just him, but there's just something about sharing a warm bowl of soup on a cold night and sharing that with your beloved that… strikes him, makes him feel soft in side, and has a smile spreading across his lips as he takes in the moment.
Maybe it's the homemade soup making him feel all warm inside. Maybe it's the private company he's sharing with meal with. He'll never know. What Solomon does know, however, is that, he doesn't mind having soup if it's made by you.
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elbiotipo · 1 year
I need to share what I had to witness in the Youtube comments section of a video about the pros and cons of living in the US and Europe, which had me thinking "I wonder what elbiotipo would think of this": there was an Argentinean saying that he moved to the US 10 years ago (he didn't state how old he is now), and claimed that he knows the "European way of life" due to growing up in Argentina (???), so he really made it look like he knows what he's talking about and can say which of those places are better to live, then saying he prefers the US. I think what made this even funnier is that another user replied to that guy, one that grew up in Netherlands and moved to Argentina, and added that Argentina is not like living in Europe at all and there's no such things as an European way of life since we're talking about a whole continent, unlike the US. Now I knew Argentina has this bad fame of being perceived as "European" but that's probably the first time I see one that genuinely believe they're the same. It reminded me of some of the gaúchos we have in Brazil but that guy was being a bit more extreme about it
There are a bunch of assholes (mostly upper class people in my experience) in Argentina who believe they are Proper Europeans unfortunately Cursed to be born in Latin America and they want to Escape From Latin America and go back to Europe, or if that fails, to a "proper country" like the US (I'm sure you've heard of these guys, if gaúchos in Brasil are any similar) That guy sounds particulary unbearable. Like I'm imagining him talking and I want to tell him to go shit himself.
And yes, there are many sections of Argentine society that are proud of their "Europeaness", after all, it was the Eurocentrism encouraged during the XIX-early XX centry administrations to "civilize the country". The truth is that Argentina does have a majority of inmigrant descended people, and this has been considered -especially by the Porteño elite- the core of the country, dismissing all the other people who make this country. This is the core issue with racism in Argentina; the belief that European inmigrants (we never tak about Asian, Middle Eastern ones...) built this nation, and the rest are just useless people, or even aren't there because all Argentines came from Italy and Spain (this is why you find people saying Black Argentines or Indigenous Argentines "don't exist", which you can see is patently untrue the moment you walk through any street). I'm not mincing words here, this is how racism expresses itself here.
In some cases, it has expressed itself as a rejection of the country itself, like "this country is shit, I wanna go back to my grand(grandgrand, usually)parents home in First World Europe". The funny thing is that comments like that Dutch person show the truth: for all their eurocentrism, they are still Latinos born and raised here and their idealization of Europe or the US makes no sense, because they have no idea how's life there; they BELIEVE they do because they're white and wealthy, but they don't. They're basically highly privileged assholes who want to shit higher than everybody else, and since money isn't enough, they start claiming cultural/racial kinship with a First World that doesn't care about them.
You can't escape from Latin America if you're not a Latin American first.
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existslikepristin · 1 year
Okay, so I had someone send me an ask last night and now I've been thinking about it all day. It wasn't anonymous, which I appreciate, but I'm not responding to it directly for because
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I reached out already to say I'd do some editing, and I've let them know the rest of what I'm about to rant on below, but I want to make sure at least a few more people see this
I flip flop around on how to say this shit all the time. Like, do I say that everyone's a good writer in their own special way? Do I say that you don't need likes and reblogs for validation? I don't fucking know what to say except for maybe one more thing that I'll reiterate until the day I die with various embellishments that will fade in and out
You. Yes you, the person who's reading this who is also a writer/aspiring writer. Come closer. We share a bond, you and I, so really get in physically close
Art can't be contained, you scrunge
If you don't think whatever you're creating is art, go to a damn museum. Or do a virtual tour. Or google the phrase "modern art". It doesn't matter. You're going to see some shit in there that, I would hope, makes you think the artist was a dipwad
I'm ranting more than I thought I would. Here's a keep reading line
You know who fucking sucks at art? Pablo Picasso.
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Look at this absolute pile of bullshit, then look me in the eye, and tell me this isn't the colorized manifestation of an elementary school dropout's Wattpad account
"But ELP, Picasso demonstrated actual working knowledge of anatomy. This is just his AbstRACt sTyLe"
SHUT UP. Nobody asked you, Barbara
Picasso, Piet Mondrian, Andy Warhol. Their artworks are money laundering schemes. Their fame doesn't come from their talent. It comes from obscenely rich people trading blood diamond money for crisp, clean, still-fake money by claiming that poor people "don't get it"
And yet, despite popular opinions being developed because of ridiculous sums of money being pegged up these guys' assholes, artists today still find meaning in their works, tunneling straight through their cognitive dissonance to tell themselves that, no, I actually enjoy staring at blocks of washed out color until my retinas have burnt in just the right spots that I can see an actual human face because an art teacher once told me that these pictures got the most likes on the pre-internet Tumblr
Does that mean people don't actually like this art? Am I trying to tell you you shouldn't like this art? Maybe, but then you'd be obligated to remind me that Churchgirleum Yawjinius is a disgusting assault on your imagination and yet has as many likes as Definitely Real Medicine, which you wouldn't believe was actually written with all the earnestness my void of a chest cavity could muster
Take it from someone who willingly threw away the opportunity for automatic dozens of reblogs and hundreds of likes per post by telling people to fuck themselves (and still gets a bunch for some reason):
The validation is cool, but it's not worth it
The validation does not define what is good or not
What is good or not doesn't even matter
You're not going to make money off this shit
Someone who is genuinely terrible is going to get more validation than you, and is going to flaunt it in your face, and their writing is still somehow going to mean something to way too many people, and it doesn't matter because their soul is just as unfulfilled by the validation as yours is unfulfilled by the lack of it
What is fulfilling is doing something because you can
You are your only source of real validation, no matter what fuzzy dopamines you get from the vapid click of a like button
Oh, and if you do get the validation of Tumblr notes, that doesn't mean your work is shit or you don't deserve love or whatever. Accept it graciously because it's definitely not uncool that people like your shit, but recognize that it's not going to cure your depression
Art is art. We can look at Roman columns and marvel at how their art built modern civilization (though the Romans can fuck themselves IMO (oh wait they literally did haha)), but did it really? Art makes otherwise brutalist architecture tolerable, but the curly Qs at the bases and tops of columns isn't what kept the coliseum from collapsing on thousands of people watching live murder
If you have a story that has overstayed its welcome in your head and needs to be on paper or on a screen, then write the fucking story. Nobody actually cares about the qUaLiTy of your spelling or grammar. They care about being given permission to think about Karina's tits. Do you think their opinion matters?! I mean, they may have great contributions to make on their own, and they should have voting rights, and it's chill if they have something nice to say to you, but the point is that they're already thinking about Karina's tits regardless of your writing. They're just your thralls to manipulate into thinking about Karina's tits in the way that you, the all-powerful artist, want them to think about Karina's tits. If they try to tell you "Karina's tits would have tan lines" then write a whole fic about how Karina is a nudist and has a perfectly even tan, and who's going to argue about it? The idiot who wrote a pedantic comment? No! It's YOU. THE ALL-FUCKING-POWERFUL ARTIST WHO ACTUALLY MADE SOMETHING TO PROVE YOUR POINT WHETHER OR NOT IT IS CORRECT
If you're an artist, then fucking act like one. Embrace the chaos inherent in creativity. Maybe gentleman is vampire. The poison contains joy. We exist in these devastating, beautiful worlds of contradiction in which we hate people and how lonely we are, we crave kindness and embody violence, and we beg the universe to give us direction despite knowing full well that we're going to zigzag between paths. Maybe you relate. Maybe you don't. THAT'S THE POINT. You're not right. I'm not right. We both write (wow, bars)
I keep saying that everyone should just write, and it's not because I think everyone is secretly a good writer. It's because someone out there needs permission to write after being told their entire lives that their value lies in A, or they're not good if B by all the non-artists in who genuinely don't understand why someone needs to make something impractical to begin the infinitely long road to completion
The dumb fucks who don't understand want to contain you because it's in their nature to desire order. They like to come up with metrics to categorize what counts as art and what doesn't so they can change the rules on you. Chaos always wins though
So WRITE. The world doesn't need your artistry. YOU DO. If you write a bunch of shit and people like it but you quit anyway or nobody likes it and you quit, then idk. Maybe you weren't an artist in the first place, which is perfectly fine, or maybe you're giving your corporate overlords too much control over your mind. If you're an artist, you'll burn with the need to create, no matter how much you create. If you feel that, keep writing
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 year
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The subroutine stopped, without fanfare. Time resumed as normal, and you found yourselves back in the town. There was the sound of excitement buzzing about from the duel, but it seemed muffled by the constant conversation buzzing around from you all, mixed in with your Servant's own thoughts.
Quietly, she helped LUNE up to their feet. However, before any words could be exchanged, she shot into the air with a burst of green light, hovering in the evening sky. In a word, she was running, only saying three simple words once they were far, far away from earshot.
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"…We need to talk."
It seemed like that discussion with INVADER was real enough. However, now that it had ended, she could put the feelings behind the cold logic that INVADER was using. They were one in the same, after all.
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"Saber won't be merciful if you continue to search for the keys. Historia said it himself. As long as you don't pursue 'truth', then he welcomes you as an ally. I don't know what he knows, but I can sense that much. Destroying Lune would have been cruel, but… it would have saved us pain in the future, I believe. We're 'Interlopers'. No matter what, we'll never reach the same frequency with the Servants here. Or… maybe I can't. Sorry. And even then... this is a war. This is battle. The fighting is fun, but not everybody survives..."
The rest of her statement was clear.
'...And I don't want to be the one who doesn't.'
She looked away, apologetically, laying out her reasoning to destroy LUNE then and there.
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"A 'wish'. A 'curse'. Both of those things make up the Solar Cell. The wish created the lands, the civilization, the people- and the curse created the foundation it was built upon."
She reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out a feather. It glistened with an array of colors as the light bounced off it, beautiful and prismatic. It was familiar. You recognized it from your encounter with QUETZALCOATL. Apparently it had served as part of the catalyst to summon KUKULKAN. The magical energy from it was all but gone, but it still seemed to hold on to just a bit. Just enough to shine.
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"It's a beautiful civilization. I see that. I feel that. This feather tells me that. But it's going to die either way. Either whatever exists at the core of the Solar Cell will manifest and come forth, destroying everything… even humanity outside of the Solar Cell… or we destroy it, and destroy one world to save another."
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"That's why it has to die by my hands. Being betrayed by their Sun at the core of the Solar Cell would be too sad of an ending for the beautiful civilization that exists here, so the Sun of another world… one who can be easily cursed at and shamed, must be responsible. Extinction is a part of life's cycle, but something must be the catalyst. Something must be to blame, not everyone can be happy and blameless. It's a god's duty to accept that burden from mortals, yes?"
She paused, before her smile became a bit more bittersweet.
"…Though you all aren't gods, sorry. I'll carry most of the burden, promise."
She was quiet for a moment, before continuing, her tone shifting a bit as she collected her feelings.
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"…And maybe I'm not your Rider or Avenger or Assassin, or any of the other special Servants you contracted with, and I'm sorry about that too, but… you contracted with a troublesome and inexperienced god, so… I can't do it alone- I don't want to do it alone. If we can't see eye to eye, then…"
She trailed off. The look in her eyes was a complicated one, but resolute none the less. She had her own conclusion, which meant that she felt like she was owed that same resolution. Agreement or not, she wanted a decision. Perhaps realizing that intensity, she forced a smile, letting the tension leave her body as she drifted in the air.
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"Ahaha, nevermind! I'm your Servant, so I'll follow orders no matter what, yes!"
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monsterlovinghours · 4 months
What about the Dons in DnD world? 🤔
I'm sure some are really easy but fell free to do an in depth analysis on their role and backstory. (The easiest one would definitely be Scarabee 👀)
Ooooohh. Since I'm on my phone and typing out long things is hard I prooooobably won't go too in-depth but I invite y'all to reblog with your own thoughts and opinions!
-A while back @realmonsterboyhours drew Bajo as a tiefling and now I can't see him as anything else. He's also bard coded, he's definitely got the charisma for it--he also plays that sexy flamenco guitar.
-You're absolutely right though, Scarabee is a no-brainer. Obviously a warlock, he's got a patron already part of his lore. Has just about every spell or potion ingredient you could think of up in his attic. As for race, I could see a half-elf. Like, there's something of the fey about him, but he's been human or at least knows what being human is like.
-Zhuk is an orc and I'll die on this hill. He's big, he's beefy, he's large and in charge. I'm also going with barbarian, based solely again on art drawn by @realmonsterboyhours of him holding a sledgehammer. Imagine big-ass swords in those meathooks of his. Or a giant axe. Or just picture him saying "fuck it" and beating someone to death with his bare hands. Look at me and tell me he wouldn't do it. Not because he isn't civilized or intelligent but because someone's gotta do the dirty work.
-Cia is an elf druid. I mean, *look at him.* Mans is about as fey coded as you can get and looks like he didn't see something that wasn't a tree until he hit triple digits. If you took the daddy energy out of Halsin, you'd be left with Ciaróg. Also, he helps his tiefling husband with his rose gardens and how cute is that??
-Gio is an enigma. He's absolutely an eldritch horror, but just for funsies, I think he'd take the form of a drow. After a couple of centuries he might change his form, but drow is his favorite. He has a lot of arcane knowledge, things that beings of this plane shouldn't know, so he just tells everyone he's a wizard. Did a lot of studying, you know.
-Saft a half-orc artificer. He's a bit of a big boi, sturdy and thick, but despite his size and his brutish heritage, he can tinker with the most delicate mechanisms. Mostly uses his knowledge to make explosives and weapons; incendiary devices are his favorite. Has built so many guns.
-Bjalla is a vampire. "hhhh but what's his race" LISTEN HERE I'M NOT CHANGING WHAT'S ALREADY PERFECT. Of course he's a fucking vampire, what else would he be? And yes, I believe he would be a rogue. No, I am not saying this because I'm also madly in love with Astarion. There will be no further questions. He's canonically an assassin, you can't tell me he wouldn't be a rogue. Yes, I have a type, leave me alone dammit.
-Mozzie gives me dwarf energy, though his size doesn't quite gel with that idea. Maybe an earth genasi? Something earthy idk. He also gives ranger vibes, someone who travels a bunch. Though in this realm of high fantasy, since internet isn't a thing, he deals in information. He can gather intel, spread rumors, manipulate the flow of knowledge from one person or place to another.
-Lag is a firbolg. He's big, he's fluffy, he's a big ol sweetheart who couldn't hurt a soul if he tried. Also probably a druid, though he's less concerned with plant life and more with animals. He's the fauna to Cia's flora.
-Devlin is a shifter. Like, it's obvious, right? Clearly he's a shifter, he's werewolf coded. And honestly, I think he's our cleric, just because I had the idea that the deity he worships is so ancient and he's been cursed so many times, he's actually forgotten its name. But also how funny would it be to have a cleric that bestows blessings and makes things holy by literally absorbing the curses and evil magic. It's fine, he's fine, it doesn't hurt! Not anymore, anyway.
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heliosoll · 2 years
hiii hope all is well!
i wanted to know about ur mermaid dr cause i dont think youve talked about it before??
how long did you spend in that dr in total?
do mermaids speak in a different language?
were there any mermaid specific foods you ate
if so what were they and how did they taste?
did you have any powers as a mermaid?
did this dr follow any kind of "plot" for lack of a better word?
what did having a tail feel like?
was their any cool history about mermaids that you learned during ur stay?
-🌧 anon
Oh fun!! No I don't think I've ever talked about my mermaid DR here!
A few notes just for reference; this DR was heavily inspired by Barbie Mermaidia and the actual environment plus what we looked like was basically a direct ripoff from that. Humans exist there and they've always known about merpeople - we're pretty well integrated actually. Pollution doesn't exist and the oceans are pretty clean! Merpeople breathe oxygen (we actually have gills!) so we can be out of water but not for too long or we do risk "drying out" (aka dying). Houses were usually completely underwater but there were a lot of homes with an upstairs out of water that you could swim up to.
Hm... iirc, I think I spent about four-ish years? I remember when I first shifted there I was 15 and when I left I was 19! So... I'm not sure about the specific time spent, but it was around four years.
So in my DR, merpeople spoke whatever human language they were around and specific merpeople languages! We had a "general" language that basically everyone spoke and then a lot of regional differences, some more intense than others. Also I'm sorry for being boring but the general language was literally just called Shui. I don't know why my mind did me like that 😐
Cuisine differed from area to area but most merpeople ate fish and plants! It was actually pretty similar to what humans do just in the ocean. Bigger mammals were usually a no-go just for safety but I did try shark once. I didn't love it to be honest hahah Also! We couldn't get sick from mercury! Tuna was really common and a lot of seafood contains mercury so I scripted that it wasn't an issue.
In terms of specific recipes, there was one dish that was basically like pasta but with wakame instead and had pieces of whatever fish was available. It was really good! Not everyone is a fan of the texture though. We also had a version of khanom chan that was made with seaweed! It was often flavored with underwater fruits and tropical fruits :)
I didn't have any powers! Unless you count being able to breathe underwater and swim super fast?
No, there wasn't a big plot! I really just wanted to enjoy being a mermaid hahah I went to school and I got a job watching pets at some point (yes we had pets it was the coolest thing ever - the most common pets were crabs and penguins for some reason).
Having a tail felt very natural but definitely different! It feels a lot more... powerful (?) than human legs! I also remember having a revelation of feeling like a bird because you could flap your tail a lot to gain momentum and then stop moving it but still swim forward because of that momentum. It was pretty cool actually
Cool history... there used to be a lot of ancient civilizations that lived on and around islands! When I shifted there, we mostly lived underwater (plus occasionally above water because of the houses but it was still in the middle of the ocean), so learning about the merpeople who lived on islands was really neat to me. They basically built houses around the island and then made manmade rivers that through the islands to use the resources on them. Apparently, they also built something that was similar to a wheelchair to move better but no one's been able to find solid proof of that so we don't know... (personally, I think they did!)
Anyway, this was really fun! Thank you for the question!! This DR was so much fun and really healing for my inner child hahah I definitely recommend having a mermaid DR it's so cool to be able to just swim and breathe underwater
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
Flying Underwater (Like the Rabbit Rays Do)
by Nation_Ustria Steph coughs as she hauls herself upright. “Rude.” She pushes her hair back, then pauses, pulling a face. “Ugh, why’s the air so salty?” Jason stills. He’d noticed the saltiness before, but now that he’s not highly disoriented or in emergency mode, his brain has the chance to connect the saltiness to the memory of a pure-blue planet outside of the Aurora’s windows—and then to the way that the floor seems to be moving, which he’d been attributing to the concussion… “Ocean planet,” Jason breathes in realization.   Or, the Batfamily is stranded on an unexplored ocean planet with exactly one escape pod to their name—one escape pod that was built to hold two people, mind, not seven. As such, it doesn't take the Bats very long to start driving each other up the wall, even as they work together to survive and—hopefully—to find a way to leave the planet and return to civilization. Featuring: Swimming lessons for Steph, Tim and Damian teaming up to build the only biggest aquarium in the world, the Bats sniffing out the ocean's dangerous secrets like bloodhounds, way too much sibling bickering, and Bruce slowly losing his sanity. Words: 1221, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics), Subnautica (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, Clark Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent Relationships: Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Damian Wayne, Clark Kent & Jonathan Samuel Kent & Kon-El | Conner Kent Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Alternate Universe - Subnautica Fusion, No Subnautica Knowledge Required, Planet 4546B (Subnautica), Crash Landing, Wilderness Survival, Swimming, Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Batfamily Shenanigans (DCU), Batfamily-centric (DCU), Domestic Batfamily (DCU), Stephanie Brown is a Batfamily Member, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Good Sibling Cassandra Cain, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Stephanie Brown, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne Bonding, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne Get Along, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Batfamily Fluff (DCU), Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Crack Treated Seriously, The bats are still vigilantes here, but not all of those skills translate to surviving on an ocean planet, or to being stuck inside tiny spaces with all five of your siblings, (or all six of your kids), for weeks on end, Alternatively titled: twenty-five ways to drive your siblings up the walls, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Blood, look the ocean's dangerous okay, nothing too severe/graphic happens, Clark Kent is Kon-El | Conner Kent's Parent, Animal Lover Damian Wayne, Genius Tim Drake, Jon Lane Kent & Kon-El | Conner Kent are Siblings, Jonathan Samuel Kent is a Ray of Sunshine, Self-Indulgent, I just think this is fun, featuring Damian and Tim building the world's biggest aquarium together, yes it's also technically the only aquarium, Tired Parent Bruce Wayne, Crack, I will repeat that you DON'T need to know ANYTHING about Subnautica to read this, I'm adapting it for my own AU purposes, so all will be explained via https://ift.tt/qzC7sPO
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vivalavillain · 11 months
👫 YEETS n and touya here
{Send👫and I'll give you four headcanons about our muses.}
N's measurement of himself is distorted when he considers Touya. When he loses in the end of B&W and is then torn down by the man he called 'Father,' he has something of a nervous mental breakdown that leaves him vulnerable and completely lost as to who he is, who he's supposed to be, who he actually wants to be, etc. He'd built it up in his mind so much that he was the Hero of Truth, the righteous hand of Reshiram and the Chosen One, that when it becomes plain that those things aren't necessarily true, he fractures in a way. In his original timeline (where in Touko is the Hero of Ideals), he becomes obsessed with her and being her opposite in every way (because he believes he can measure her and present as the opposite, giving him some 'guidance' as to who he really is). With Touya, though, it doesn't quite fit the same way. Yes, he still finds himself drawn to and even obsessive over him but they're so similar in so many ways, N doesn't know how to be his opposite. It makes Touya harder to look at as more than just a passerby on the street because doing so reminds him too much of his own flaws and his inability to form his own identity.
The above does not stop N from looking, though. He's not exactly great at it (his height and brilliant green hair are usually too easy to spot to be stealthy in any way) but he goes to great lengths to find the things Touya likes and to study his day to day life, schedule, interests, friends, etc. He's never entirely sure what to do with that information, but he likes knowing these things. It makes him feel closer to Touya and closer to understanding what being a Real Hero is.
Although N and Cheren had a rocky start (and Cheren likely still doesn't entirely trust him), N makes an effort to be friendly around Touya's companions. He definitely prefers Bianca's company and has even done some research and tasks to help her out on her endeavors to become a Professor but he can be civil with Cheren.
N is... well, dense comes to mind. If you've ever seen the joking memes about women who are attracted to women and how they they're incapable of telling when another woman is flirting with/interested in them, that spells out N to a T. You sent an ask once wherein Touya kisses N (which I'll be getting to today, hopefully) and even under those circumstances, N doesn't believe Touya thinks of him as anything more than a heated rival (he makes it clear that the kiss is entirely 'for the meme' if memory serves, after all) and would never think of sullying their tenuous peace by catching feelings. If Touya were ever to make it known he was interested, however, I think N would likely short-circuit and have to genuinely confront his own feelings (no doubt for the first time) before allowing himself to even accept that Touya was being serious.
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edgepunk · 2 years
For years I've been trying to find the "father-son" bond between Em See You Peter and T*ny and I don't see it. It's very one-sided from Peter's side who, presumably, longs for another father figure. The whole Ben situation is so vague and Peter didn't even react at his mention when the other Peters mentioned him in NWH and idk,,, he might've died when Peter was too young to remember.
But let's pretend Ben died like usual - it would be understandable that Peter would be traumatized from it and latch onto the person he looks up to, which is T*ny. Yes, he told Peter to keep a safe distance in Civil War and built-in those safety features into Peter's suit (I still hate that Peter didn't make that suit himself bleh), but that could be chalked up to his own guilt, because he didn't want more blood on his hands and well, Peter was a minor.
He didn't really care about Peter until shit hit the fan and that was also because of his own guilt. He only "cared" because he was useful to him. He ditched that child as soon as the fight was over. Hell, they barely even knew each other. I tried seeing the supposed relationship between them, but I just don't see it, because it's not there. There isn't enough development for me to go "ahhh yes they sure are almost like father a son". T*ny only "cares" when Peter's life is at stake.
The Insomniac game did it right - you can tell that Peter and Otto have history together and have known each other for a while. And it's not one-sided, they both respect each other. They have little moments where they banter and joke around. They both adore each other because of their intellect and want to help others. Even after Otto turns into Dock Ock, there's still that mutual respect between them that we saw before their relationship deteriorated.
Peter and T*ny don't have that kind of development, they don't need to have history together, but the build-up isn't there either. It just isn't. All of the respect and adoration is only from Peter's side, T*ny doesn't return it unless, as I said, they're in a life-threatening situation. They have probably one quiet moment in Civil War where they first met, but that's it. T*ny ignores that kid until he throws himself into danger.
There's also the whole thing with Peter being a minor and a lower class citizen used by a billionaire but we don't have time for that.
So yeah, Ir*n D*d is bullshit in my opinion and I hate that the filmmakers leaned into it without properly developing it. But the fans eat it up because it's their favorite billionaire war criminal and a traumatized teenager they can self-project onto. My hate towards T*ny aside, I would've tolerated it if they actually put more effort into building this whole "father-son" thing, but they didn't. Everything Ir*n D*d is mostly just headcanons that the studio took notice of and threw the fandom a fraction of a bone they can chew on.
anyway here's an image of me making this post
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Hello author, I saw your post about Song of Valhalla and got super excited about seeing it right after the Percy Jackson actor was announced for the Disney+ adaptation. Will it be based in Riordanverse? It will be really cool to at least get a mention of Percy and his friends, even if they are technically Greek demigods and we are supposed to be playing as a Norse one. Will you please share more details about the project?
jesus christ, i saw the part about an actor for percy being casted and immediately looked it up 😭 i'm glad they picked a boy around book percy's age. i've seen the kid in ‘the adam project’ and i gotta say that walker scobell's sass and sarcasm will actually match the character of the son of poseidon.
as a big fan of the PJO and HOO series, i've always wanted to write a story where people could play as a character in that universe. at first i wanted to completely leave out the existence of uncle rick's stories in my book but doing that just didn't feel right to me 😞 emotional attachment notwithstanding, there will be mentions of greek and roman demigods existing in the same world.
gods from various mythology moved steadily with the western civilization, causing chaos and falling in love with mortals along the way. nowadays, camps for the protection of the descendants of those gods are littered around america. some of the examples are: camp half-blood (greek; long island sound, new york), camp jupiter (roman; san francisco, california), camp valhalla (norse; boston, massachusetts), camp dwarka (hindu; trenton, new jersey), and so on.
camp valhalla is designated to protect and train the half-mortal descendants of norse entities, mostly their gods and goddesses. they'd be pushed to hone their warrior skills since most of them are the ones chosen by odin himself after they showed great potential and bravery during a conflict.
mind you that the campers can be anywhere from the age range of as young as 6 (yes, norse six-year-olds are built different) to 22. the older ones either become camp counselors or leave to settle permanently in the mortal world or end up in hotel valhalla after dying, which will be a final training and resting place for the fallen warriors until ragnarok comes.
most of the ROs are demigods, with the exception of one. elvan is half-jötunn and while camp valhalla doesn't usually get kids with a parent from realms other than asgard and vanaheim, odin doesn't discriminate if they have potential to be a great warrior. you can also find valkyries floating around here and there in the camp and they can even live there if they like, however most of them are settled in hotel valhalla.
i've set the timelines of SoV series in a way that it'll be happening before the ‘heroes of olympus’ series. imagine ragnarok and gaia's awakening happening at the same time, no wonder midgard will be fucked 💀
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
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Request: Yes or No
Ppl seemed to like the Imagine and nobody really said anything about it being a fic but I like that (Y/N) sooo. For anyone confused about the root things, (Y/N) has root bracelets on each wrist that he can control. He can't make roots come out of his hands or anything. (Y/N) isn't gender neutral ik I use second person for a gender neutral reader but I'm starting to rlly like second person view lmao. If people like this enough, I might keep this fic going to Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame.
You placed your hands on the sides of the pot, watching the dead flower slowly regain its color. You could hear the faint sound of chatting and music from the party Tony was holding. Parties were never your thing. Parties meant crowds of nosy people with nothing else better to do. You heard your bedroom door open, turning around and looking at Clint.
"Hey, why don't you come downstairs? The party's ending." Clint offered a small smile, holding his side. You looked back at the flower, standing and gently placing it back with the other flowers on your desk. You approached Clint, feeling him gently wrap an arm around your shoulder.
"How's Laura?" You asked softly. Clint grinned, licking his lips as he glanced at you. You liked Clint. He was like the father or older brother you never had.
"She misses you. She mentioned wanting you to move in once training was complete." Clint revealed, looking at you. You blinked, brows raising as you stared at his face, wondering if he was joking.
"Think it over." Clint gave your shoulder a small squeeze as you joined the others, nodding to Maria. She gave a nod in return, a small tight smile on her face. You didn't blame them for not trusting you. You had attempted to kill them a few times out of fear. You took a seat on the couch, watching the Avengers laugh and chat. You stayed silent, fingers gently tracing the root bracelets.
"You thought of those yourself?" Maria asked softly, tilting her head. You looked at her, nodding.
"Having them on me makes me feel safer." You replied quietly, looking back at the roots. You continued to trace them, watching them shift slightly at your touch. Dr. Cho leaned over, humming in fascination.
"It's incredible how responsive they are to you." She whispered softly, meeting your gaze briefly for permission. You nodded, watching her reach out and touch them.
"How much can you feel? Or is it just a control thing?" She asked.
"Uhm, I know when they're dying or are in need of something but they don't feel pain so.. Hurting them doesn't hurt me." You explained. Dr. Cho nodded in understanding, leaning back.
"I'd love to ask you more questions later, if you don't mind." She gave a kind smile. You looked up upon hearing grunts, watching Clint attempt to pick up Mjollnir while Thor watched on in amusement. He gave up, chuckling. Tony went next, the smug look on his face disappearing when he couldn't lift it. You chuckled softly, watching James try to help Tony but the hammer didn't even budge.
"(Y/N), why don't you give it a try?" Clint asked after Bruce went. You licked your lips, glancing at the Avengers when their gazes went to you.
"Go on, give it a try." Thor encouraged with a a big smile. You stood up, walking up to the table where the hammer sat. You grabbed the handle, roots slithering down your hands and wrapping around the hammer. You pulled, suprised to find it was definitely harder than it looked.
"Don't pull a muscle, kid." Clint called, chuckling as you huffed, letting go of it and retracting the roots. You took a seat beside Clint, gently leaning against him as Steve went next. He went at it but wasn't able to lift it.
"It's rigged." Tony called with a shrug as Clint stood, a chuckle leaving him.
"You bet your ass."
"Steve, he said a bad language word." Maria pointed out in playful seriousness. You chuckled softly. Clint had told you all about Steve and the bad language joke. You stood up, about to call it a day before a ringing noise stopped you in your tracks. You looked up, noticing a half built robot limping into the room, mumbling stuff.
"Clint?" You called out, frowning. Clint looked at you before turning around, standing up as everyone's attention shifted to the robot. Clint slowly backed up until you were within arms reach. He knew you could protect yourself but he cared about you too much to let you get hurt.
"How could you be worthy? You're all killers." The robot said, motioning at them with its broken arm.
"Stark?" Steve's gaze stayed locked on the robot. The robot continued to speak, stumbling about. He replayed a clip of Stark saying something. Maria took out her gun, slowly standing up. Clint immediately grabbed you when the robots bursted into the room, pulling you along and hiding.
"Stay here." Clint whispered, standing up. You frowned, watching him go. Your looked over the room, noticing Dr. Cho attempting to hide behind the piano. You stood, quickly going over to her as a robot rose up. You raised your hand, making a root shoot out at it and wrap around its neck, throwing the robot to the side and watching it break.
"Thank you." Dr. Cho whispered as things began to calm down. You helped her stand, making eye contact with Clint as Thor threw his hammer at 'Ultron', breaking him into pieces.
"(Y/N), go to your room." Clint breathed out.
"No, he deserves to know what happened here." Steve said, giving you a nod.
You licked your lips, glancing at Clint when he silently drew an arrow. You unclenched your fists, watching the root bracelets around your wrists grow and wrap around your fingers. You were surprised you had even been asked to tag along considering you were still new and young. You watched the Maximoff twins, stare at Tony with pure hatred. Not long ago, you were also an enemy of the Avengers. Clint had taken you under his wing, practically adopting you after everything. You assumed you were only allowed to tag along because of your powers. You had gained better control of them over time.
"Stay alert and stay close." Clint told you, shooting the arrow once the fight began. You watched the robots, nodding. You leaned forward, slightly over the railing, fingers moving. The roots wrapped around them shot out, wrapping around one of the robots that had lunged for Steve. You moved your arms back and apart, watching the robot be ripped apart. Steve looked up towards you, giving a greatful nod. Clint grinned, drawing another arrow. You noticed a flash of blue and white running below, keeping an eye on it. Another root shot out, successfully making the male Maximoff trip and stumble. You retracted the root, shifting your attention onto the men with guns.
"What a shitshow." You muttered, sighing softly. Clint glanced at you in amusement.
"Language." He called playfully, chuckling when he heard Steve groan. You let a small smile slip, roots wrapping around the necks of two of the gunmen. You slowly clenched your fists, making the roots strangle them. You heard Thor mention something about the Maximoff girl trying to mind control him.
"Drop 'em." Clint said, giving you a pointed look. "Only make them pass out, don't kill them."
"Fine." You huffed, dropping the men with a small scowl. Clint shot an arrow that knocked out a whole floor, giving a satisfied hum. You heard soft footsteps, spinning around and grabbing the girl Maximoff by the throat, grip tightening with each passing second. Her eyes were wide, caught off guard. Fear flashed in them briefly. Clint quickly planted an electrical arrow on her forehead. You removed your hands, glancing at Clint.
"You seriously need some freshing up on those people skills." Clint said, shaking his head. You scoffed, head tilting slightly.
"She's the enemy!"
"No killing-" You were suddenly shoved forward, bumping into Clint and crashing into what seemed like a control room. You grunted as pain struck up your back, turning your head and watching Pietro pick up his sister bridal style. You shot out your hand but he dodged the roots, using his superspeed to run off.
"Yeah, you better run." You heard Clint breath out. You turned towards him, roots retracting completely.
"Are you okay?" You asked softly, feeling glass digging into your hands as you slowly stood up, grunting softly. There was definitely gonna be a big bruise on your back when you checked later. You helped Clint stand, watching him attempt to contact the others. You leaned over the railing, seeing Steve laying on some stairs. You raised your hand, having the roots grab onto something sturdy before jumping over the railing and heading down to the floor he was at. You approached him, crouching down, cupping his face and seeing his red eyes and dazed look.
"The girl got to Steve." You said, sighing softly.
"Natasha as well." Clint replied. "Seems like the whole team is out of commission."
"Wonder what they're seeing." You muttered, standing and having the roots gently wrap around Steve's arms and waist. They were thin so dragging him along was the only choice.
"Having fun on your first mission yet?"
"Oh, fuck off, Clint." You called with a huff, trying to drag America's sweetheart across a ship, avoiding bodies and trying to keep his head from bumping into stuff.
"Sorry, buddy." You winced, watching Steve's head bump against some steps. Once outside, you were able to drag him along with more ease, getting him inside the step as Clint went to get Thor. Natasha had slowly come out of her daze, groaning softly and holding her head. You looked at him, gently slapping him. Steve gasped, panting softly as his blue eyes met your (E/C) ones.
"Welcome back." You muttered, standing up.
"What happened?" Natasha asked, looking at you with furrowed brows. She looked around the ship, standing.
"Where's Banner?" She asked with a frown. You rubbed the back of your neck, stepping aside so Steve could get up.
"He.. He and Stark are in the city. He hulked out." You told her, concern appearing on her features. Natasha cursed under her breath, though her mind seemed to be somewhere else. You turned towards the entrance, seeing Tony with Bruce. Clint returned with Thor, silence filling the air as Clint got the aircraft in the air. Clint motioned for you to get closer, a smile appearing on his face.
"You did amazing today." The praise made you smile, nodding as you glanced down at the ground. It had been your first real fight.
"Does that mean-"
"Not yet, we still need to work on some things. Soon enough, you'll be officially part of the team." Clint assured. You nodded, taking a seat nearby and sighing. Clint steered the ship to his home, landing it. The Avengers seemed confused at the unknown location but you happily got out of the aircraft. Clint chuckled, watching you head up to the house and enter.
"Honey? We've got company!" Clint called. Laura appeared from one of the rooms, smile widening.
"Hey, sweetie." Laura cooed, arms extending and wrapping around you. Both of you chuckled when the baby kicked.
"Someone's happy to see you too." Laura smiled, placing a hand on her belly before greeting Clint with a kiss.
"Gentlemen, this is Laura." Clint introduced her to the team. You enjoyed Laura's company. Her warmness was welcoming and she had been more than happy to take you in. Footsteps echoed lightly, preparing Clint to greet his kids. You smiled, watching them greet him. Natasha had been the only other one who knew about Clint's family. Lila gasped softly upon seeing you, quickly running towards you. You bent down, picking her up and chuckling.
"Miss me?" You asked, giving her a gentle hug. Laura looked over, smiling softly.
"Of course she missed they missed their cool big brother." Laura said, giggling softly when Lila noticed Natasha and happily went over to hug her. Cooper took Lila's spot, giving you a big grin. Thor suddenly left the house, Steve following.
"What have you been up to?" You asked, watching Coppers eyes light up. He grabbed your hand, pulling you along to his room. Laura and Clint hadn't officially adopted you but they were more than happy to do it. Once you were done with training, they were gonna get the papers and make you a Barton.
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