#you can't take my found family headcanons from my cold dead hands
galacticwarpedlense · 7 months
My Found Family Brain Cannot Be Stopped
Okay this post is more Father-son Willy and Elliott moments.
This is using the headcanon of Elliott being the disowned son of a wealthy family. So, under that headcanon, Elliott's dad is a dick. I've got a headcanon for Willy too. He had a son who's a little older than Elliott. That son had no interest in fishing and moved to the city at young adulthood. Willy hasn't heard of him since. So, the son's a little shitty as well or dead idk.
Mooooore of a reason for father-son found family to happen.
I imagine that as Willy gets older and less capable to do things like he used to, Elliott would offer to learn them to help keep Willy's business up. So he learns more about fishing, boats and travel. And eventually, the next time Willy goes out at sea to sell his goods to other lands, he brings Elliott with him. The people he always sells food to would probably wonder when Willy's son became a fancy redhead.
And slowly, through helping Willy and probably fishing on his own to improve his skill, Elliott starts to really like the whole process of fishing. He takes breaks to go fish, he cleans out crabpots in the hopes of getting a lobster, He might even catch an octopus (one of the hardest fish in the game to catch).
And I can see him definitely bragging to Willy about that last achievement like a mentee or son showing their achievements to their mentor/father.
Through both catching fish to sell, some billboard requests that now become possible to complete, and probably just getting paid by Willy whenever he helps out, Elliott's able to improve his living situation by himself. Even without marrying the farmer!
But if he still did marry the farmer- Familly Fishing Trip! Yes, Elliott wants his kids to be well educated but fishing is education in a practical skill. So fishing trip with grandpa it is! And yes, them kids are calling Willy "grandpa", blame the farmer for that.
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winxanity-ii · 7 months
⌜Tactus Mortis | Chapter 00 Chapter 00 | Blurb⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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❘ prev. chapter ❘༻✦༺❘ next chapter ❘
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Your body shakes uncontrollably as the voices escalate, their demands piercing through the fragile peace.
❝Please, let me tell my family that I love them!❞
❝My husband deserves to know what his sister did to me!❞
❝Help us... Help us... HELP US!!❞
❝I can't. I can't. I can't,❞ you trembled as you covered your ears in hopes of drowning them out, but it was no use.
Just as you're about to succumb to the overwhelming despair, a sudden grip on your shoulders jolts you, and you brace for the familiar mockery of a spirit's deception. Instead, a voice cuts through the chaos, clear and unmistakably real. ❝Hey, Y/N. Calm down. Please, calm down. I'm here.❞
Cautiously, you open your eyes, meeting two pools of green filled with worry.
Your heart wants to believe it's truly him, but your mind rebels, scarred by too many deceptions; too many times than you could count, you found yourself in a similar predicament, yet when you allowed yourself to relax, you found that instead of really being someone you cared for, it was just a spirit playing jokes.
Flinching back, you shook your head, ❝No. No. No. You aren't real. You aren't real. You aren't real,❞ you chant, body curling in on yourself as you expected a spirit's mocking laughter to follow.
Yet, the laughter never comes. Instead, you feel two hands cover the ones you held over your ears.
They were...warm...a sensation both unfamiliar and comforting.
Spirits have never possessed warmth; their touch has always been a cold reminder of their otherness.
Slowly, your breathing steadies under his touch, and you dare to lift your gaze, allowing yourself to truly see him. 
Golden-brown skin that speaks of sun-kissed days.
A wild mane of curls that defied gravity, seemingly untamable, no matter how much it was brushed.
Two gorgeous green eyes that made you feel as if you were lost in a forest of evergreen trees.
And freckles—so many freckles to count—scattered across his nose and cheeks  like stars against the dusk of his skin.
Noticing your attention, Camilo offers a gentle smile. ❝There she is,❞ he whispered, his hands moving from your ears to cradle your face.
❝Y-You're real,❞ you manage, the statement half question, half revelation.
Camilo's smile widens, and he hums in affirmation, his gaze softening as he looks at you. ❝Yeah, Y/N,❞ he gently caressed the side of your face. ❝I'm real.❞
..... ... ..... ━━━━━━━☆☆━━━━━━━ ..... ... .....
You were blessed with the gift of seeing the undead.
Though seen as evil and devilish by many, the Madrigals showed you the beauty that comes with it and that your gift doesn't define you.
Now, turning 17, you find that your gift continues to grow—from being able to just see the dead, to being able to allow them to communicate with the living through you.
You find yourself drowning under the pressure from both the living and the undead, yet before you can completely hit rock bottom, a certain curly-haired trickster vows to be the one to save you.
..... ... ..... ━━━━━━━☆☆━━━━━━━ ..... ... .....
╭─↬ ❗𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆❗ ↫─╮ There will be mentions/descriptive scenes of the following:
╭ ⁞ ❏. Death/Mentions of death
Lol, I don't know if I got them all, so if you see anything I didn't list, come back and comment right here so I can add them to the list later ➡
Enjoy (•͈˽•͈)
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ㅡ   This book takes place 2 years after the main plot in Encanto, so just think of it as a canon-divergent, since all that happened in the movie stays true.
ㅡ   Also, no smut since Camilo is underage. IDC if he got aged up, it still wouldn't make it any better; 17 is a minor. Now, Uncle Bruno tho 👀 jkjk. Unless??
ㅡ A few headcanons will be immersed into the story, just to make it a bit towards my liking (you'll know when you see them) and I would like to just paste the link of a few of what I liked; I may or may not include them, who know?
**Most of these won't be from the reader herself, but fromㅡAAHHH! I want to say it, but I don't want to give away any plots 😭. Just know it won't be the overall theme of the book, just a few scenes. So don't worry, and if it'll make anyone feel better, I'll put a warning in a chapter that has these.
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melanodis · 4 months
*EidoLotus voice* M... More...? More Natah...? 👉👈
FR FR i am SO curious about her. What is ur design rationale what r ur headcanons for her please please elaborate... I wanna knoweee
- Leo 🦁
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really old doodle ft nimbus (my friend's mimic oc) yayyy
The doodles above don't really do her much justice but I wanted a really quick mockup. She has the little elbow feathers on the sides of her head :)
She's like a fish or some kind of creature to me, at least in her more sentient form.
I do really like the interpretation of her as a system but I don't do it myself because I'm simply not educated enough on the topic nor have much firsthand experience with them in order to comfortably do so.
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She also occasionally visits the drifter camp and has a little hangout area in the cave just for her.
Post TNW she's a lot more... loose? Unhinged, even? Faced with the realization that you have free now and can do whatever you want. With how Hunhow sits in the oceans of Uranus it makes me associate sentients with being aquatic so I like to think she just... dives into the streams of the camp or even in Cetus to catch fish to eat. See above image.
More rambling under the cut.
Along the same vein, she also struggles with having to remember she does in fact have free will now. She doesn't HAVE to play mission control 24/7. I imagine outside of the little pod she has on Lua, she has an entire nice little living area all to herself, adorned with porcelain, gold, and many lush plants. Something that even the Orokin would gawk at. A library full of texts long thought lost, many in dead languages from old Earth.
For more rationale towards my design; I wanted her to sort of embrace her sentient nature more, maybe looking kind of aggressive and colorful. Like a bird. But she's a big sweetheart, really.
Doing "human" things to break up the monotony of her previous life. Even something as simple as making tea from a kettle. Ballas' line, "Her kind feel no pain". She wants to prove him wrong so badly. To drink tea, burn her tongue a little and this silly human mistake makes her feel alive. That little flinch and shock down her spine as her nerves recover. Maybe a little wave, "oops".
She's genuinely so tragic. Spending millennia as a pawn just to switch hands multiple times. The deception, the manipulation, the gaslighting. Then finally being freed and just... not knowing what to do with yourself because you can't remember what it was like without being manipulated, by facets of constructed selves in your mind or by external forces. gggggghuhhhhh.
While my Natah still kinda takes from facets of Margulis, it's more of a like, uncanny valley type way. It looks like her but something is Off.
More or less Lotus is used to talking to brick walls. So for someone to actually actively listen to her (and not roll their eyes, shrug it off) and engage in conversation is actually insane to her. Like reading off a script your entire life and suddenly being forced to scramble together your own coherent sentences. Narrating her every thought in her head like the silly machine she is. "Oh god, it's been 2.3 seconds and I'm sweating bullets. She's looking at me. I haven't formulated a sentence. It's been 3 seconds now. She's raising her eyebrow awaiting a response. Um. UM." An awkward grin.
I have taken to kinda smashing her like barbies with Eudico, with what I have dubbed "mom squared (mom²)", two people learning through each other what it actually means to be human. Eudi retelling what it's like to be organic (originally), Natah taking notes. What a "normal" family would've been like. It's all completely new to her but it's so interesting to contrast against her own.
Something cool I found from decompiling her model is that the Lotus helmet perfectly covers the face seams on her sentient form.
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Aaaand an excerpt from my notes that I've held onto forever.
Something something about Eudi being warm and Natah being cold and comparing that their bodies are both synthetic but completely different architectures. Themes of Corpus technology in sterile white rooms whereas Sentients live and thrive in those warm (colored, i doubt drifting in the dead of space is warm lmao), organic Sentient murex.
It's like. How the Warframes are more or less just tech meat. Sentients too, created by the Orokin, would probably follow the same flavor of design.
"Time and time again, you've had to rebuild yourself with nothing but scraps... why not change things up sometime?"
Eudico shrugs.
"Why don't you? You can be anything you want."
"I guess we've both grown too comfortable in our bodies, then."
"There's pieces of my parents in me. Like my face, that defines me as a person, gives me an identity and paired with a unique voice to match. But that's about all I have left that's mine."
"I think I get it. It would be.. rude, to get rid of those features."
"More sentimental value than anything, Really. Plus, I like my red hair. It's.. quite rare in Corpus society."
And Natah continues to cling onto Margulis, because no matter her form we still see facets of her.
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akela-nakamura · 2 months
I, M, and R for the latest fanfic game
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Oh gods. So many. I'm a sucker for found family, I love a good Everyone Lives/No one Dies fic, which tend to go with the Fix Its I read. Time travel fics can be hard to write, but I love a character getting YEETED back and going "Fuck it, I'm fixing it all, and all of you are along for the ride, DEAL WITH IT."
I enjoy platonic Omegverse, and the family explorations that can happen from it, and the way the dynamics can change things and the world around them.
I deeply enjoy things with world building, and taking bits of things from canon and expanding on them to flesh out the world, and ask: But what if they used this thing they never talked about again?
This is both reading and writing, btw. There's def more, but we'd be here all night lmao. M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Stares at the WIPs in my drive. Oh boy. I've talked about a lot of them before, and this fandom tends to SPAWN new WIPs when I'm not looking lmao.
I VERY much want to get back to Jason Sees Dead People (and a ghost cat adopts him) WIP, but I really need to get what I've currently got updating done first lmao. Then there's the Dad!Dick fic, the Ellie Possesses Steph one, and more I'm probably forgetting. I've got a LOT on the plate, including Bang fics I can't talk about yet :P
So we've got a lot coming yet!! I'm hoping to finish at least one of my longfics up over the coming winter, so I hope y'all will see some of these fics in the near future!! R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
!! SO. As far as published authors go, I REALLY love Maggie Stiefvater, author of The Raven Cycle. The way she describes things AUGH. A LOT of the lines of those books live rent free in my head. ("What do you want, Adam?" "To feel awake when my eyes are open." And Ronan was all that was left: molten eyes and a smile made for war.
Rags to riches isn't a story anyone wants to hear until it's over.
If you never saw stars, candles were enough.
"Is it safe?" "Safe as life."
"Oh! Your hands are so cold." "I've been dead for seven years, that's as warm as they get."
Depending on where you began the story, it was about Noah Czerny.)
I just love it so much. Definite goals.
For fanfic writers? Blackkat is a BEAST. The amount of fic she's written, and the size of some of those fics?? Holy HELL. I very much think I've been influenced a lot by her style. She's very good, and if I can write half the fics she has, I'll be doing something right.
I also think I've been influenced by Leigh Bardugo and Rick Riordan.
PLUS there's ALL These amazing authors in DPxDC?? Like so many. I know I admire how much work you put into research and worldbuilding, I deeply enjoy TourettesDog's ability to create environments, SummersSixEcho's interplay of characters, Chromatographic's headcanons and what ifs?, not to meant Cielle's dedication to a HUGE casefic--and there's so many more.
SO many good authors, so little time, and I feel I pick up influence from a lot them. Little turns of phrases, headcanons or interpretations of canon I hadn't thought of/see in a new light.
There's also some Fairy Tail writers I took influence from, wayyyyyy back when lol. I'd have to go digging through to remember all their usernames lol. But I do know Lonestorm and I did some collabing.
There's so many people who got me here. Thanks y'all <3
Fic Ask Game
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elmaxlys · 1 year
Can I have some fluffy headcanon about Donato and his favorites, Amon and Haise?
First of all, God bless you. And now,
Haise and Donato became friends during the time Haise was at Cochlea (post 240, early Haise days). At first they feared Donato would be a bad influence on his brand new CCG brainwashing but they found instead that Haise was a good influence on Donato, with Donato giving actual answers when they sent Haise to question him.
After he's been instated mentor of the Quinx, Haise sometimes asks Donato for parenting advice when he has troubles and neither Arima nor Akira can help him (this is often. Akira has no experience with kids and all the kids Arima knows are child soldiers so like.) and Donato is like "you know I ate all these kids right?" and Haise replies with "yeah but you still lived with a dozen kids and made a believable enough father for it to take years before being busted." and Donato's like "finally someone who understands my hard work. thank you".
Donato shares his recipes with Haise. They found that Saiko loves the ones that used to be Koutarou's favorite. Haisaki and the other Cochlea operators were mighty confused at first listening to the conversations because?? two ghouls discussing human cooking?? They had a suspicion it was code for something - as Haise is a known ghoul sympathizer - but Arima dispelled all these theories by mentioning in passing new recipes Haise had tried and how good his son was at cooking lol
Donato started teaching Haise Italian (Donato's Italian. Ishida can pry this from my cold dead hands.) but they got stopped because that could actually be used to talk privately about less CCG-approved stuff.
To talk about Koutarou and Haise at the same time would go into AU territory and not headcanons so we'll leave Haise there. Goodnight, Haise. (lol) Now in all my years I don't remember what Donut Family headcanons I've shared before and which I haven't but since it's been a while, let's not care about that.
Koutarou arrived pretty young at the orphanage. He was bright and sociable, quickly made friends, who rapidly became actual siblings. But if the kids considered themselves siblings, not all of them considered Donato their father, especially the ones who remembered their lives before the orphanage. Koutarou didn't have that problem so he took to Donato very quickly. It took longer for Donato to warm up to him for real and not feigned.
Koutarou followed him everywhere he could. Became an altar boy. Actually had catholic faith (Sunday mass was mandatory not to leave the kids at home alone while Donato was away so they all had to go but few believed).
So Donato started teaching him all he could. Koutarou wanted to learn and he's super smart so it went smoothly. Donato taught him the prayers in Latin (hc that Donato is at least a century and a half old. He's definitely old fashioned when it comes to that stuff), taught him Italian. Promised him to take him to the Vatican one day. Koutarou wanted to become a priest too when he grew up.
All the kids knew Koutarou was Father's favorite. It was also fully assumed on his part. They took in the dog because they had Koutarou ask Donato if they could - and Donato can't refuse his son anything.
Koutarou was the first kid to get a "yes" to the old "i had a nightmare can I sleep in your bed?" question. When Koutarou got the okay, the other kids started coming there too (only if Koutarou went first. Donato wouldn't wake his son up just to scold the others)
Donato was extremely tired all the time so Koutarou would make him hot chocolate in the evening. Donato wouldn't drink it, he's no Touka, but he'd smile gently, thank him softly, give him a kiss on the forehead and tuck him into bed.
They had pics taken annually. Donato would keep a copy of Koutarou's in his wallet. On his desk he had the orphanage group picture of the year.
As he grew up and wasn't eaten, Koutarou became one of the elder brothers. Still pretty young, but he had to be the responsible one. He helped the younger ones with their homework and stuff. He had started to learn how to cook and bake from Donato when this stops being fluffy 👍
This huh. got a lot, as expected... still hope you liked reading my little headcanons
The Asks List
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1-800-badvibes · 2 years
a couple people said yes on my last post so! au time. this is going to be long and probably won't make sense to anyone but me but here you guys go. buckle up lovelies.
the general basis of it is that robin and eddie are childhood besties and robin and max are bio sisters bc you can take both of those headcanons from my cold dead hands. parts of this are going the canon timeline and some parts stray from it heavily but hey, that's why they call it an au, right?
robin and eddie grew up right next to each other in a small california town and as soon as they met, they were inseparable. so much so that people thought they were twins. robin's mom was neglectful because of her failing marriage (this is where i tie max and robin being bio siblings together bc their moms both canonically suck in the show and my brain will not let them go) and because of that, eddie's uncle practically raised her and her little sister max. if you saw one kid, you saw all three. when their mom eventually divorced their dad and decided to move to hawkins, wayne packed eddie up and they moved with them. he said it was because eddie and robin wouldn't stop until they found a way to be close again, but the real reason was that he didn't want to leave the young girls without anyone real to take care of them.
the group moved right next to each other in the trailer park the summer before robin's sophomore year and eddie's junior. max meets the younger party at the arcade during that time and becomes fast friends with them, and robin meets barb (we're pulling from rebel robin here folks) now, because robin and eddie grew up together, she's more punk rock than she is in canon. her and barb make an odd pair, sure, but they work. in comes the canon timeline!
will and barb go missing, and robin hears about nancy going on a rampage trying to figure out what happened to her best friend. robin herself wanted to figure out what happened to her, so she finds nancy and teams up with her to figure out what happened to their mutual friend. robin basically takes the place of jonathan in the earlier seasons, minus the whole "creepy naked pictures" of nancy thing. and because wherever robin goes, eddie goes, he gets sucked into the investigation because he refuses to let robin go off on adventures without him.
robin, nancy and eddie make an unstoppable trio. they figure out the upside down fairly quickly between the three of them and become insanely close afterwards. they're there for nancy when she has her fallout with steve and help her actually unpack all of the trauma they go through. the au mostly follows canon after that, with steve and robin's rivalry early s3 being caused by nancy's fallout with him and robin being protective over her friend whom she's absolutely, definitely not in love with, thank you very much. both robin and eddie come out to her early s2 and that's that (for now)
it follows s4 pretty closely, with nancy slowly but surely realizing that she's been in love with robin for years (and her working through the insane amount of comphet that she has) but completely ignores volume two. max and eddie are okay, though injured, and they defeat vecna bc i can't handle anything else. robin and nancy get together shortly after the final battle, as well as steve and eddie once they get over their weird tension fueled rivalry. robin and max are close, with robin having practically raised her as a kid, but nancy basically steals her for herself once they're actually together. and after that? they're a weird, dysfunctional and ridiculously queer family but they're all safe and happy
tldr: eddie and robin being besties, slowburn ronance following the possibility of robin having been introduced s1, max and robin sibling supremacy, the unpacking of trauma and comphet and found family
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chiropterancreed · 4 years
headcanons that you can pry from my cold dead hands: batfamily edition
- despite the fact that bruce doesn't allow music while training (there's no music during real fights, etc.), the waynes are a very musical family.
- alfred: he can sing quite well, and was in a few musicals before he worked for the wayne family. (he may or may not have been in a production of Hair in his youth). most assume he's only into classical music, and while he does like it, he's also into r&b!
- bruce: he plays the piano, and took singing lessons when he had to go undercover and found that he's actually really good at it! his favorite genres of music are punk, blues and jazz.
- dick: he can play the accordion really well, but can't sing a tune. he's very much into hyperpop music, disco, and all early 2000s pop. if he can dance to it, he loves it!
- barbara: she used to take violin lessons as a kid, but stopped when she hit middle school. she doesn't really have the patience for it now. she's a good singer and has a very sweet voice! her favorite genres of music are old country, and french pop.
- jason: he can play the guitar, the violin and the lute! he has a good singing voice too, more of a classical one. his favorite genres of music are metal, rap and 16th century madrigals. no, he will not elaborate.
- tim: he can also play the piano, and the violin. when he was younger he used to sing but he's not a fan of it now. he doesn't really have a favorite music genre, he tends to listen to whatever's on the radio. (he does enjoy 2000s butt rock, though he'll deny it profusely.)
- damian: as well as being trained in many martial arts, damian learned to play many instruments. there's honestly too many to list, he can pick up anything and play it. he's also very good at singing and is proud of that fact. he also doesn't really have a favorite genre of music, but does tend to listen to folk the most often.
- cass: bruce is teaching her piano and she's loving it. she wants to tackle learning a string instrument next. she didn't get to listen to music alot as a child, so she doesn't really have a favorite kind yet. she's currently on a bossanova kick though!
- duke: duke was in band class and can play a few instruments; drums, flute and trumpet. he likes all kinds of music but he definitely has a soft spot for parody artists like weird al or early eddie murphy. he and jason have definitely got into deep debates about west coat vs east coast style of rap music. (duke is east, jason is west.)
- steph: she can play piano really well, and love to sing! she has alot of operatic potential and can sing in a jazz sort of style too. bruce has offered to get her lessons and she might just take him up on it. steph loves all genres of music, except for country. she's currently on a janelle monae kick.
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ashisstrange · 3 years
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My oddly specific Nathan Prescott headcanons
After doing Warren it felt wrong not to do Nathan right away, since they're both my favorite characters in lis1.
I'll probably post a grahamscott hc post soon too, which will probably tie these two posts together a bit more (hint hint)
ps. the themes are kinda all over the place, sorry for that lol
‼TW: slight mention of suicide/sh in like two of the hcs‼
• Listens to all kinds of music, but mainly classical, It's calming.
• 100% dog person, he wouldn't want to be found dead with a cat. Cats hate him just about as much as he hates cats.
• Has a tendency to wear the same clothes for long periods of time, without actually noticing that it's gross
• Man abuses the shit outta deodorant and cologne though so nobody notices. He only changes once Victoria points it out lol
• Him and Victoria are childhood friends, and their families are very close
• He has a facination for oldtimers (old cars). Which is the exact reason he has a beat chevy pick up instead of your average rich kid car
• Begged his mom to ask his dad for a chevy instead of a sports car
• Which brings me to: mommy's boy :)
• He loves his mom, even though he's ASS at showing it. He checks in with her at least once a week.
• Tends to start his day with two whales diner breakfast. If he doesn't go to the diner his day usually ends up being at least 25% shittier than usual. Maybe joyce just brings luck.
• A CHEM MAJOR ‼‼ (pls im 99% sure this is canon pls take notes)
• Has been interested in art and photography since he was a kid, but his father never praised him for his art. He wasn't allowed to attend art school in the end, so he opted on taking the chemistry course at blackwell
• He usually insults people when he doesn't actually mean it, and if you don't react to his insult angrily he'll probably apologise
• "The fuck you want u tard!?"
  "I'm..... i'm sorry i didn't mean to call you that,"
• A  s u c k e r   for old movies and music, but doesn't really have anyone to watch them with
• He also enjoys horror a lot, particularly the gory kind (Think of japanese horror movies or for example the saw series)
• He owns the entire junji ito collection
• He likes to photograph subjects that are close to death or have been in direct contact with death, just so he can forget about how much he actually wants to die himself
• He gets anxious really easily, he tends to fidget a lot and struggle with sitting still (bouncing leg and picking at his fingers)
• Freckles!!! like all over his face and collar bones
• Overthinks like, everything he does/says
• Which is why he usually tries to not talk to people outside of his circle too much
• A sucker for disney movies, but he's never admitted that to anyone, not even Victoria. His sister knows, since they used to watch them together as kids
• Quite a picky eater, which is why he tends to stick with the same order for nearly every restaurant he goes to
• Can't really handle big changes well, so he sticks to the same people to hang out with and the same routine each day
• Can't sleep unless it's completely dark and completely silent
• Knows how to play the piano
• Doesn't use social media much, because he doesn't really need more negativity in his life than he already has. He only uses it to check Victorias page or online shopping
• He does enjoy his alcohol/drugs, but he knows his own limit (and he also clearly knows when he's purposfully crossing it)
• A complete sucker for stargazing, even though he knows absolutely nothing ab astrology
• Hangs out at the lighthouse a lot to cool down after a long week, smoke a cig and listen to some music after dark
• Hates physical contact with anyone he doesn't trust (which is practically everyone except like three people)
• regarless of that, he's very touch starved, so when he does get a hug he will like melt into it
• HATES summer with a burning passion. Probably also because it's quite hard to wear long sleeves and get away with it (plus its unbearably hot)
• Doesn't realise he has a resting bitch face lol
• He has one of those pine tree air fresheners in his car, hanging from the rear view mirror. Specifically the dark green one that smells like a forest.
• listens to music all the time, like while doing the most basic tasks. Mostly because music helps to drown out his thoughts (and possibly distract from hallucinations)
• His hands and feet get cold very quickly
(Comments are very welcome, i'd love to know ur opinion on my hc's :3)
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homophobicpunz · 4 years
Today, I bring you Mercenary Bros headcanons. Tomorrow? Who knows.
Purpled and Punz aren't related, Punz found him in an abandoned village (basic ik)
Purpled can't remember his parents, anytime he tries imagining what they look like he sees Punz
Purpled, for the longest time, believed they were biological brothers, they look similar enough and Punz has been taking care of Purpled for as long as he can remember
The talk about Purpled's parents and how Punz found him was long and emotional
Punz's parents are also very much alive, no bad blood, no running away, simply loss of contact over the years
When Purpled decided to leave in order to make a name for himself, Punz let him go, insisting that Purpled had a good head on his shoulders, was trained well, and could always visit Punz anytime
Punz can sew and occasionally makes sweaters. You can pry this from my cold dead hands, there's no way they raised Purpled and don't know how. I also think they made the sweater and little hat from the Christmas skin, the blue and white one.
They made Purpled's first sweater and taught him the basics of how to sew up tears and such, because if you're gonna play a pvp game with swords then your sweater is gonna get torn. Why would you just continuously buy new ones???
When Punz first started hearing of 'Purpled Bedwars' they were incredibly proud, worried ofc, but they knew Purpled was capable of handling himself.
The first time Punz is actually able to watch Purpled play, Purpled could've sworn he could hear their cheers. Which is literally impossible, hundreds of people were in the stands cheering as well, but the thought made him unbearably happy
(Flower anon, brainrot, so much brainrot)
yooo!! these are very very good. i like the idea they aren't related.
punz knitting!!!! thats so good they absolutely are into fiber arts
also punz having like a normal family is so funny. they're like super classic normal and punz calls home a few times a year like "haha what have u guys been up to? oh dad got a promotion that's nice. im doing p good to, just got hired by a god to assassinate a politician. love u too"
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opheliasbrokenmind · 5 years
jealous boy - thomas shelby
word count: 2,9K
a/n: hii! i just updated a headcanon yesterday i know but i’m working on this one for a while and wanted to share it with you quickly. i wrote this in my mother language months ago so i thought i can try to translate it. i ended up changing the end but i think this is a good one. i’ll work on the requests for a while from now. let me know what you think, i love y’all.
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'Ada, no. There's no way I'm wearing this piece of shit, it's fucking too short.' You looked at the dress on you with a disgusted face. It revealed your body and you weren't going to wear it for a first date. 'Don't talk like you're a priestess or something, will ya? Just wear it and fuck off.' Ada frowned and when her door opened, she became angrier, if that was even possible. 'Have you heard what is knocking in your life??' John didn't answer to her sister, he just smirked and entered into the room while throwing his cigarette. He scowled when he saw you, 'Jesus! Fuck Alfie Solomons, take off that fucking dress.'
You grinned, finally, someone agreed with you. Ada screamed and threw you a black dress, 'What's next, ay? You're gonna join the church choir or something?' You rolled your eyes and went to the bathroom to try the dress.  'She'll look like going to a funeral John.' You heard Ada and opened the door, the dress was simple yet elegant. It looked classy. 'Fuck, the only funeral she's going to will be Alfie fucking Solomons'.' John winked and you reddened a little. 'Eh, not so bad. Come'ere, you need some makeup.' You followed her commands and after ten minutes, you were ready with your cherry red lips.
The reflection on the mirror pleased you, you wore your black high heels and turned to John, 'How do I look?' His smile widened, 'Hot as fuck. He won't be able to keep his dick in his pants.' You blushed, 'Ew, I won't fuck him.' With your words John's face became serious, and that wasn't a normal thing when he was around you, 'y/n, I'm gonna ask you a question and I want you to be honest. What do you really think about Alfie?' He looked at you with expectation. You couldn't help but wonder why was he asking that, you answered anyway.
'Well, he seems like a nice man. But you know what? I don't see him as a date, he is just a friend to me. The only reason I'm keeping my word is that Tommy told me to do him a favour. Why did you ask by the way?' He saw the curiosity in your bright eyes, 'Nothing special, just wondered. Now, go and fuck him.' You laughed, he always knew how to make you smile. Ada hummed about you could be a lot sexier but you didn't mind her and went downstairs. Polly scoped you out but didn't say anything. You felt odd because she was the one who always makes good comments about your outfit.
Arthur's reaction was more different... 'For fuck's sake, does that fucking Solomons have something we don't?' You smiled, 'Definitely not, Arthur.' When you blew him a kiss he smiled and continued to drink his whiskey.  Thomas was also there and you were sure that he knew you came. He didn't say anything and he didn't even bother to look at you, what was wrong with him? Usual Tommy, you thought. Pretending like I'm not here, stone-hearted arrogant.
That was impossible that he was acting like that because you were going on a date, he was the one who accepted when Alfie asked him to take you on a date. When the doorbell rang, Arthur answered it. You looked at John immediately, 'Should I remove the lipstick?' He shook his head, 'Nope, I'm pretty sure that there will be no lipstick at the end of the night.' You sighed and turned around.
Alife was talking with Arthur, then he saw you and gaped. 'God, you're so beautiful.' You blushed uncontrollably and hummed a quiet thanks.  Ada pushed you a little and you found yourself walking to him. 'Hello to you, too, Alfie.' You froze with Tommy's cold voice, but Alfie didn't give a damn about him. 'Hello, Tommy, my friend!' They shared a quick conversation and Alfie nodded to John.
'Now leave and take your hot chick with you, Solomons.' Arthur joked and you slightly blushed again. Alfie offered you an arm, 'Shall we, love?' You nodded and took his arm. You felt a pair of eyes on your back until leaving the house, they felt like knives and you knew that they could belong to just one person, Thomas Shelby. He didn't even say goodbye to you and now what was that? Alfie's voice interrupted your thoughts. 'We have a quiet one'ere, don't we?'
'No, I was just thinking. Sorry.' He smiled, ''s okay, love.' You continued to walk and arrived at an expensive and lux restaurant, he said that he made a reservation. You sipped red wine while waiting for your orders. 'So, you are here, in Birmingham for just a few months and already earned Shelby family's trust?' You answered simply, 'Yes, it's no big deal.' He continued to talk, 'What about Tommy? How did he accept you easily?' You sighed, was he questioning you? 'I don't know, maybe you should ask himself.'
You felt uncomfortable and he noticed, 'Okay, relax.' He kept trying, 'I'm sure that everybody noticed you with your beautiful face, don't you have someone with you?' You sighed, 'Maybe I'm not that sympathetic, you know?' You sent him a threatening look, hoping that he won't piss you off more. 'I don't agree, you are cute.' You forced a smile and you two continued to talk. He could be a good friend, you thought.
When your meals finished he suggested to go to Garrison, you accepted willingly. He was trying to flirt with you for minutes and you knew that Shelbys will be there to save you. The cheque came and you said that you can pay for your food but he refused and laughed. You stormed off and waited for him outside, liting a cigarette. You were a businesswoman and you hated getting into bad situations like this.
You couldn't help but compare him with Thomas. You remembered the time you went to dinner with Tommy. One of your friends went on a date with Michael and she asked you to look after her. You accepted and you knew that it would be suspicious if you go alone so you asked Thomas to go with you. He accepted and you brought work that evening. However, you two opened as time passed by and you never wanted it to end. That evening you spent time with a whole different Thomas, the one he chooses to hide and you loved that man. You knew that you could do anything to talk again with that chatty, kind Tommy again.
He let you pay for your meal and you saw the respect in his mesmerizing eyes that night. He was impressed by a powerful woman who was able to handle herself, he admired you. Alfie came to you and you pushed your thoughts, started to walk with him. He made some jokes and you laughed, talked a little. When you finally arrived at Garrison, you walked to the table where the family members were. You sat next to John, started to chat with him. Alfie was watching you.
'Let me look at ya,' John whispered and you turned your face to him. He looked at your lips and frowned, 'Lipstick is still'ere, what a pity.' You rolled your eyes playfully, 'Of course, it is. I don't look him that way, John. By the way, where's Tommy?' His smile disappeared and you felt nervous. 'Oh, don't ask me, please. He is there, snogging with that sticky barmaid.' You couldn't believe what you heard and looked at the direction he showed to you.
Thomas was there, the barmaid was trying to kiss him hard but he was still the dominant one. You noticed that he was definitely drunk, that wasn't a thing that happened often. Polly once said that he rarely gets drunk and when he did, it was because he couldn't control his thoughts. What he couldn't control? you thought. Then you saw that the barmaid was playing with his hair and this sent a shiver down your spine. You knew how much he hated when someone touched his hair, but he was there and saying nothing.
You couldn't help but feel awful, you knew that you were never more than a friend to him but you felt awful anyway. 'Disgusting.' You murmured and John nodded, 'Go get us some whiskey.' You stood up and went to Harry to ask for a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He handed you the things and you came back to the table. John immediately poured two glasses and you drank it quickly. You had no idea about Thomas was watching you.
John hugged you with one arm, it meant nothing more than a friendly hug but Alfie frowned. 'Jesus, what a whore.' You looked at the other table with John's voice and saw that the barmaid was now sitting on Tommy's lap. He leaned back his head and her lips were going down on his neck. You felt sick and averted your gaze, didn't want to see the scene. 'I can't watch it anymore.' Arthur nodded and continued to smoke.
You noticed that Polly was looking at you, so you turned to her. She shook her head and didn't say anything. 'Stop watching, John. People said that he wasn't with any girls for years and now look at him, letting a sneaky barmaid touch him. Why do you think he is acting like that?' You asked and his eyes looked directly at you. 'Are you really asking that? Oh, y/n... I don't think that you'll be happy when I tell you the truth.' You didn't understand him, what was he talking about?
You smiled, 'Spill the tea, Johnny boy. Nothing can surprise me more now.' Oh, you were wrong. 'We all thought you knew this but it seems like you have no idea. Just wondering, are you blind?' You gestured him to continue and he sighed, 'Tommy loves you.' You couldn't breathe and gasped for air, 'Excuse me, what? Stop kidding.' You coughed again and a small smile played on his lips. 'That's the truth. He was mad when he came home and told us Alfie will take you on a date. Then he forced himself to hate you and didn't even look at your face today.'
'But when you left with Alfie... We struggled at stopping him, he was too angry for his own good. He is with that evil since we came here. There's no doubt that he is dead drunk now. He tries to forget you or make you jealous, maybe both.  We... didn't know what to do, y/n. He's too stubborn to tell you the truth.' You closed your eyes, you had no idea about what you were going to do. The man you liked for months had feelings for you but... Could you trust him after what he had done? Was it his fault? Definitely not, you knew this at least. You should have refused Alfie's offer at first, and tell him that you'd prefer a date with him. You sighed, opened your eyes and took a long sip from your drink.
'Bored, are we?' Alfie smiled across the table and you didn't smile back. 'We can leave, y'know? I know a good place nearby and would like to take you there, ay.' You glared at him, 'Did I get that right, Alfie? You think I'm gonna sleep with you?' He laughed, ''course it is. What did ya think, doll?' His careless words made you angrier, 'You think I'm a whore?' He threw a look to you, 'You tell me. Tommy said that I'm free to do everything with you. Isn't it make you one?'
'Fuck off.' You raised your voice, 'I'm not a whore. You're looking at the wrong place, I'm sure that you can find one in Thomas Shelby's lap!' Everyone was watching you, including Tommy and Grace. Questioning eyes turned to them and Thomas told her to leave, gaining a slap from Grace. She left the pub and Alfie followed behind her. John grinned, 'Can't believe you did this.' You responded sarcastically, 'Did I do something wrong?' Ada smiled warmly, 'I'm glad that blonde bitch left 'ere.'
Thomas came to your table and you ignored his eyes. The family got up and you left with them. You all walked quietly, the cold wind blew to your small frame. John took off his thick coat and placed it to your bare shoulders. You murmured a simple thanks to him. 'I'll go to my place, good night.' Ada stopped you, 'There's no way I'm leaving you alone this night, sweetheart. If you don't come with us, I'll make you come anyway.' You didn't try to refuse again, you knew she was as stubborn as his brother.
Arthur took a sip from the whiskey bottle he carried, 'What were you doing with that girl, Tommy? Are you insane?' He laughed. 'I wanted to have fun.' You turned your eyes to the ground and avoided his gaze, knowing that he was mad at you. Polly took another drag from her cigarette, she made an unhappy sound. 'You don't look like you're having fun, do ya?' John asked, knowing exactly his brother was everything but happy. 'Actually, I could enjoy my night if someone didn't make her angry.' You felt a shiver down your spine and your stomach ached but you didn't even look at him.
Then you finally arrived at the home and you immediately climbed upstairs to go to the room Polly gave to you since you started visiting the house. You took off your high heels and tried to open your zipper. However, you couldn't do it and sighed. Your door opened and you thought it was Ada, 'Can you help me, please?' You said and the person closed the distance, a hand pushed your hair to your neck and revealed your back. Then the fingers touched your warm skin and they found their way to the zipper. You noticed that it wasn't Ada, the hands opened the zipper slowly and the long fingers traced your skin. 'Don't you fucking dare to touch me again.' You hissed, turning back to face with him.
He was in front of you now, Tommy. His drunk eyes and sad face hurt you in a way you couldn't explain. He took a step closer to you and you stepped back, 'Please, don't touch me. I don't want to see you.' The dress loosening around your curves and showing your skin, his eyes lingered on your body for a second. 'y/n, what's the problem?' He asked slowly, his face softened. His pure voice making you swallow, you answered. 'You tell me, Tommy. Do you think I won't notice? You're not talking to me since Alfie asked me out, you didn't even look at my face. What's it?' He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, then closed. You gestured him to speak.
'You think I don't look at you? Jesus, are you joking? Your face is the only one I want to see all day, every day. But, I'm not going to confess my feelings now. I'm not spilling my secrets to you, I won't give you the chance to learn my pathetic intentions. The big Tommy Shelby, ay! Falling for a girl he knows for months and desperate for her love. It hurts, y/n. It really hurts. You don't even like me.' You listened to him open-mouthed, trying to choose what to say for a response.
'You're stupid, Tommy. You believe that I don't even like you? Do you have an idea about why did I go out with that fucker? Because you fucking wanted me to do, because I care about what you want! I care about you. I tried to tolerate him for hours just for you and what happened? I found you with a girl on your lap!' Now, it was his turn to be shocked, was he imagining things or were you really standing there? He shut his eyes and opened, just to see you again. 'I... I'm sorry.'
'I wish you had talked to me first, y'know. I'd prefer learning what you feel from you, not from your brother. If I need to be optimistic, at least we spoke. Now go to your room and rest, you'll have a hell hangover. We're gonna discuss these later, alright?' You looked at his beautiful face, he seemed like a Greek god to you with his sharp cheekbones. 'Promise?' He asked like he wanted to be sure. 'Promise, Tommy.' You gave him a sincere smile. 'Okay, I'm leaving but first..' He paused, not sure about what he was going to say. You felt nervous.
'Where's my goodnight kiss, ay?' You couldn't help but chuckle, you weren't waiting for this. 'C'mere.' You said and he closed the distance again, smiling lightly. He closed his piercing eyes, you enjoyed the view of his long eyelashes. You had to stand up to reach his height, you left a small kiss to his right cheek. His smooth skin warm under your lips, you cherished every second. Then you took a step back and looked at him for the last time that night, 'Goodnight, Tommy.'
He walked to the door and talked quietly before leaving your room, 'Goodnight, love.'
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