#you have traditions to uphold dont let me down
ransprang · 9 months
Can I request headcanons for bg3 (basically the whole party) for the holiday seasons? (Fem aligned pronouns) Where reader was isekai'd from our world and she asks the party about holidays and is kind of bummed out theres nothing really similar to Christmas since its one of her favorite holidays. So When it gets cold out reader buys everyone a gift and wraps it with birch bark to surprise everyone? If you dont want to do the holiday thing maybe just reader who gets Isekai'd and has zero idea what to do and is really scared of everything because she has no idea whats going on?
hii thank you for the request, and have a happy holiday season!
BG3 x Christmas HCs
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looks at his Christmas gift “what in the hells is that?” “Is it poisonous or does it explode?” He just can’t fathom you’re just giving him a present. No ones ever been kind to him let alone share festive gifts. Eventually he will show up at your door naked “Is this a ‘Christmas’ enough present for you?”
He can’t stop laughing when you convince the rest of the camp to wear Christmas hats, “Clowns.” He calls them. You have to nudge him hard for him to stop ruining the festive spirit.
⁠”Is this Santa of yours a vampire? I mean..if he only comes out at night and punishes the naughty ones,” he gives you a smirk
"Ah the annual rite of gift-giving on the solstice. I do not value such material possessions but the sentiment is not lost on me." He will accept your gift but you will never see him use it.
Will show up at camp wearing a small Santa hat on his bald head. Will not answer any questions about it.
Sometimes you think if you hear him humming jingle bells but you can never make out the words because it's in some archaic dead language.
touched your present with a stick “What is that? Are you trying to kill me?” She has a disgusted expression. Why would you spend your time getting her a gift instead of finding a solution for the parasite?
After a while of convincing, she’s ready to open it. She has a soft smile and doesn’t let it show that it actually made her warm even for a second.
After you sit her down and tell her the Christmas lore she rolls her eyes “Your kind disappoints me.” You tell her about the magic of Christmas as she smirks condescendingly “Whatever go do your thing, I’ll watch.”
Once she learns the carols and traditions there is no stopping her. She’s a woman who believes in long-standing institutes and traditions and she will uphold yours with pride too when she gets used to it.
the way this man would hug you after receiving a gift ugh. you cannot tell me gift giving isn't one of his love languages, so he'd really really appreciate it
he keeps a very open mind while listening to you talking about Christmas and the traditions you practice. Being a druid he has his own rituals and beliefs which others judge so he is open
whittles you a wooden figurine of your favorite animal or of your pet from your world if you can describe it in detail
he would love the gift exchanging part of the tradition. he’d get everyone a gift, not as intricate as the one for you though. Maybe more so around herbs, flowers and potions
"oh my, a present.. for me?" she'd be surprised that you even thought of getting her a gift
when she unwraps the gift she'd have a small smile on her face, "thank you y/n. this is very thoughtful of you. i'll remember this."
she’d be tad jealous that your beliefs are so fun. she’d lowkey wish Shar/Selune had celebrations that got people together
"A present? for me?", being locked up in his tower for so long he is quite taken aback.
"Why, where are my manners, thank you y/n. I do wish you told me about this tradition of yours. I'd have gotten you something. No matter, once we get the guests in our brains out, I'll make sure to get you something."
he'd use his magic to try and conjure up snow no matter where the party is camping
Minsc gets very excited by whatever you get him since it's the thought that counts. "Look at what y/n got us Boo"
he sees how your eyes light up as you talk about Christmas so he gets equally excited for you
Minsc would dress up Boo in a red hat and green jacket (don’t ask how he got them)
nooooooot the best gift giver. he isn’t crafty, so he may end up making you arrows and a bow. but his smile is so big and bright that you’ll have to pretend to really like it
He surprises you with a thoughtful gift before you can even give him one. His noble upbringing covered the strange Christmas customs of your land.
"To have you in my life is gift enough, my love. You didn't have to get me anything, your smile alone would have sufficed." Nonetheless, he accepts your gift with an elegant bow.
You both do a slow waltz to every single Christmas song you hear, no matter what the tempo or the lyrics are. You are simply too lost in each others' eyes to care.
"Presents! For me? You're kidding!" She would run around camp like an excited toddler with her gifts. You would have to remind her to calm down so she wouldn't burn down the place.
"Thank you, soldier. I love it so much," she would grin at you. She would ask a lot of questions about Christmas and fall in love with the holiday. Gifts, food and wine, all of it would sound amazing to her after spending so many years in Avernus.
She would get really into the celebrations and her joy would be infectious. Watching her bust out her hip-hop moves during Silent Night would be the highlight of your evening.
"Oh, you got me a gift? How nice. See you can be kind to your elders." She would make fun of you in the moment but appreciate the gift nonetheless.
"It's not a knitted blanket for grandma, is it? I'm not ready to retire just yet."
Being a druid, she's not interested in the religious elements or traditions but joins in heartily for the eggnog and anything else booze-related.
your gifts,
admins sar, san & sav
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marvelousmawn · 5 years
slasher films as we know them - post the original halloween movie in 1978 - were created in part as a response to the sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s as a kind of “subliminal birth control” for teenagers. because of this, characters who are more promiscuous and more open to talking about dating and/or sex are normally killed off grotesquely by the movie’s villain, while the less sex-focused main character makes it through victorious at the end. this dichotomy means surviving characters of the slasher genre can and have been seen as asexual coded. while the magnus archives is at its core a horror, the existence of the slaughter, the flesh, and even the hunt means there are also slasher elements present. therefore, to keep with the genre’s tradition, jonathan sims the archivist must make it through to the end, survive, and beat that motherfucker jonah magnus into the ground forever. in this essay i will
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Holly! 🥺
Its Cookie🍪
Girl. Today I just need me a black coffee...just pure bitter.
I spent almost three weeks working on a research paper for one of my classes and kept wondering why I wasn't getting a grade. Only to receive an email today saying that my teacher unfortunately lost a fight to Covid-19☹
So I dont have a prompt today...but a question thats been on my mind a while now🤔
Among the genshin guys:
. Childe
. Thoma
. Diluc
. Kaeya
. Zhongli
. Itto
. Ayato
. Albedo
. Venti (don't know if you consider him an adult)
. Kazuha
. Xiao
Who do you think are virgins and who are not (what do you think their body count is if they aint virgins) Do you think they lowkey desperate for the action, the wait-for-marriage kinda guy, or simply doesn't care about it?
Thats all for now...Thank you❤
Cookie Customer 🍪
first of all, let me extend my sincerest condolences; even if you weren’t close to your teacher it’s painful nevertheless; i feel like a lot people see this pandemic as a done deal but we need to remember this is far from over
dramatic change of topic in 3…2…1…
suggestive/ nsfw-ish content below the cut (to be safe, minors shoo):
oof, okay here we go but don’t expect too much (warning: overuse of the word probably)
childe (i’m sorry, dear) likes to pretend he’s getting some but no, he has no experience at all; with that job and position at this age you really think he’s getting himself into any positions?
≫ despite talking all that, i don’t think childe would get down and dirty with anyone and while he’s a family man, i don’t think he’d wait for marriage either
thoma is not a virgin anymore but his body count isn’t that high either, hmm maybe one or two? he’s still the dutiful housekeeper of the kamisato clan, there’s a reputation and time management to keep up
≫ he definitely needs an emotional connection with someone before anything happens, so it probably only happens with someone he’s in a relationship with but he wouldn’t need to wait for marriage either
diluc…mmh, what do i do with you? on one hand he’s pretty distant with people he doesn’t know, so i don’t think he’d get any flings going but if he’s in a relationship i could see it happening; i guess we’re all on the same page when i say that diluc doesn’t do casual when it comes to relationships, so the body count is probably 0/1 depending on what i said previously
≫ neither desperate nor abstinent until marriage, more on the “doesn’t care” side of things (listen, he has a wine empire to run)
kaeya, kaeya, kaeya… his body count isn’t as high as his flirty demeanour would make you believe; he’s probably had a couple of flings just for the experience but there were no emotions involved and no strings attached; also, he hits the tavern a lot, people drink and…things happen, you know…
≫ not necessarily desperate but i think he craves emotional intimacy over everything, it’s something he doesn’t receive and give a lot
zhongli is hard for me full stop to judge, definitely not a virgin but he’s probably not as active as he used to be (man is a grandpa /j) but over 6000 years the number’s risen
≫ this man? desperate? yeah, no i can’t see it; i don’t think he’d wait for marriage either, well at least anymore, maybe when times and traditions were different?
itto, just like childe, is all bark no bite; i don’t think he could do one-night-stands though, he needs someone he knows, someone he can trust
≫ i think it’s not that itto himself sees sex as something he needs to have (he wants too though), i think it’s more a peer pressure sorta thing like he needs to lose his v-card to be a “man”??
ayato is another one where i had to think for a bit, he’s honestly too busy to get a lot of action and bc of his position as the head of the kamisato clan, he has a reputation to uphold, so no flings here either
≫ he’s honestly the only one where i can see a “wait until marriage” disposition but that too probably stems from his title, depending on how it’s handled in inazuma (arranged marriage maybe?)
albedo does it for science! or not at all, he’s not entirely human but obviously he knows about this particular activity; fascinated by the idea that something primarily intended for reproduction is done out of want not need, he’s curious to see what it’s all about
≫ he doesn’t really care, at least until he finds someone he’s actually interested in (depends also a bit on how his “research” went), waiting until marriage is just a social construct that he doesn’t partake in, why would he let traditions dictate what he does?
venti (who is in my eyes an adult) is uhhh… has uhhh… idk i can see this going two ways: his archon appearance gives a very angelic/ innocent vibe, like he’s just that pure but we all know venti…he’s not; he’s still lived for 2000+ years, so i don’t think it’s a stretch to say he has some experience but it’s hard to estimate a body count, i’m drawing a blank here
≫ on one hand, there’s his child-like demeanour and appearance but we’ve seen there’s so much more depth to his character, so i don’t think you can just write him off as naïve and inexperienced; on the other hand, he’s the god of freedom, do with that what you want
kazuha is too cool to be a virgin lol; but for real, he just gives me those chill vibes where he’s not really trying but people just flock to him; it’s not like he initiates it, he just kinda goes with the flow, idk how to explain it but i get these certain vibes from him that i can’t shake
≫ as i said, go with the flow kinda guy; not desperate for some action but also not bound by traditions or family to wait until marriage (he travels teyvat by himself, he can do what he wants)
xiao… yeah, karmic debt said no; considering his past, his current duties and his behaviour towards both mortals and adepti, i don’t think he’s been able to be that vulnerable with anyone (yet), he also doesn’t want anyone to possibly be affected by his karmic debt
≫ mortal concepts like marriage hold no real meaning to him anyway, so that’s not the obstacle here; much like kaeya, i think it’s emotional intimacy he seeks more than just physical pleasure, it would require a whole lot of trust for him to give himself to someone so openly in this way
phew, i hope i didn’t sound like a broken record at the end haha; those are just the first vibes i‘m getting but it’s not like i’d defend them to death
anyway, this is all just for fun, just remember there‘s not right or wrong thing to do here, don’t pressure yourself or let anyone else pressure you to do sth you don’t want to; the most important thing is to be comfortable and to take things at your own pace ❀
i hope the coffee and the company helped ♡
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lucky4in · 3 years
Magic Interferes in New Orleans
Prompts from Piccadilly's book #3
Words used: ☆matriarch ☆throat ☆impossible ☆vinegar ☆apology ☆slice ☆microwave ☆raspberry ☆choose ☆snore
God! I can't take it. The dread is killing me. I'm losing all the blood in my fingers with how tight I'm squeezing the steering wheel. The honking around me is not helping. I can feel everyone's fear collectively as we sit in agitated traffic. Stress. Fault. Jitteriness. Indifference. Panic, panic, panic.
God, I hate being an empath. I can't even hear my own thoughts. I need to breath! Yeah. Take deep breaths. I'm not far from the U-turn lane. So what if traffic is moving 1 millimeter a minute? The storm can't be faster.
I have to get out of this situation before I have a sensory overload.
From my front and my rear, I'm surrounded by vehicles. I can't move back, I'll hit someone. I can't move up, because they'll think there's space to move and I'll be more stuck than before. Looking to my right I realize the road across the gate is fairly empty. That last car I saw go that way was 40 something minutes ago.
I gulp loosening my grip from the wheel but still holding it firmly in my palms. Taking a breath I turn the wheel and step on the gas. My car races through the grass and crashes though the metal gates. With a screech, my tires are finally rolling and I'm off. Towards the dark clouds like a fool running blindly into a lions den.
When I finally catch sight of the curling palm trees and the flying debris, my weariness is replaced by anger. We had a plan. A simple schedule. Prepare emergency food, water, and medicine, flashlights and documents, locate nearest shelters, fill up gas tank, clear the yard, and turn off the power. When the evacuation order is set, I would be too far away at the time, so my husband would get the kids from home and we...would...evecuate.
We would meet at the nearest shelter with our separate cars...
Unfortunately, my...sweet...dearest mother decided to take it upon herself to pick up the kids herself...and NOT evacuate. Instead, she wanted her grand babies to feel safe during the storm and cook them a nice meal...at her house.
I almost had a heart attack when my husband said they weren't there. Instead, a note was attached to the fridge reassuring us that my elementary school kids, including a baby, did not infact disappear off the face of the earth. She wants them to feel less threatened and stressed over this "flood nonsense". Make it seem like a regular thunder storm.
Except it's not a thunder storm! It's a hurricane!
I told my husband not to worry about it, I will get the kids and be ok. The hurricane is suppose to be a bad one, the weather man said. Anything left undemolished by the storm by the end of this would be a miracle. Hopefully it won't be my sanity. I swear, she's impossible.
By the time I get to her house, the streets are flowing with water and clawing up her driveway like waves at a beach. I step out and my shoe kerplunks into the water. I groan, feeling my ears eject hot steam. I stomp onto her porch with a squish, squish, squish and jam the key into the lock.
I kick the door open and slam it shut, my anger seeming to accelerate as soon I step inside. I cringe a bit, noticing my youngest asleep on the couch.
"DON'T SLAM MY DO-" my mother sticks her head out through the kitchen doorway and spots me.
"-Oh, hi baby!"
I stretch a tight smile, coaxing my child back to sleep. "Hello, mother."
"You came just in time. I just need to get a few things done before we eat."
And there she is. Like always. Not worrying about a thing while marinating apple cider vinegar on peices of pork. Probably to slice into the-
Sniff, sniff.
-gumbo. Her calm persona was infuriating. Almost insulting.
"Too bad my son in law couldn't be here. He'd love to stuff his face with the beignets" she continues.
"He's at the shelter. Kinda like we're suppose to be" I say, honey tounged and all "which begs the question..." I lean in, my palms face down on the table. "Why aren't we there right now?" I sneer, bringing my voice down.
"Because there's no need to. You know that" she says simply.
"Maybe in your case, but not mine. You just felt entitled to do things your way. Like you always do. I had everything under control and-and you had me worried."
"You know nothing was going to happen to these kids. I knew nothing was really wrong."
"If you really felt so aloof about this, you should have stayed yourself. You can't just up and take my kids like that. We've talked about this."
She finally looks at me, turning away from her task. "I should be free to see my own grand kids whenever I want to."
"I would have probably excepted that, if we weren't in the middle of a god damn hurricane-"
"Momma! Momma look!"
I was interrupted by my two children excitedly telling me that a pie was on the way. All while showing me their hands, proof of a raspberry massacre. Animated. Passion. Triumph. Pleasant. I ruffle their heads with a quick "good job" and they ran off together. Their happiness almost cures my frustration. It does calm me down a bit though.
"Is is so much to want to keep your family safe" my mother asks.
Aaaaaaand its back.
"Is it so much to just listen to me? To just let me do things my way? I am in no less danger than you are just because I dont have the same... tools that you do."
"It looks like it puts you in a lot of danger if you have to evacuate the city. You could simply come here so momma can protect you."
"That makes me look like a normal person, mom. The streets are already flooding and a ton of people just saw me go the opposite direction. I look stupid and suspicious." I'm taken back to my teen years. Having a similar conversation with my mother. "Not everything can be solved with your protection. I can make my own decisions. But instead you undermine me and tamper with everything around you. Just because I dont have it, doesn't mean I cant keep my family safe or simply be a mother. How about, for once, you let mother nature do her job."
"Your father made this house with his bare hands, rehydrating himself with his sweat. No one is touching this house. Not even Cosmo's or Gaia or whatever." She huffs and turn away. A puff of steam emerges over her head, indicating she opened the pot of Gumbo.
"Well, when your the Matriarch, you can start making the rules around here."
Realizing an apology isn't coming, I groan restricting myself from wrapping my hands around her throat. Its silence between us, as there is after every altercation. Especially when the house is mentioned, cause it's always Papa's house. He passed away before I could even learn to speak his name. Mama always told us about Papa. How she met him, how he put her on her feet and built a house for her (it was told he even built the bricks holding this house up), how his devotion to his family and the love of his life lasted until death did them part.
"What makes you think I'm going to be the next Matriarch?" I ask, slipping in the kitchen chair.
"You will. It's a family tradition that you need to uphold. And you are the only girl conceived by me." She answers, this sounds almost rehearsed.
"Why don't the others take your place?" I ask, for the millionth time.
"It's only rare that a boy has ever been in place of a woman. And once a girl was brought in, he was removed immediately."
"If it's that simple then crown them and get it over with."
"Oh, do you think it's that easy"? She quizzes, slowly turning to me.
"Knowing you, probably not."
"Hyde is much more coordinated than that. If they really didn't think you were worthy, we would have known, but I always knew you were special."
Here she goes again. Hyde,, is supposedly the person that gifts the family with magic, life, and girls. It's the spirirt who thrones and dethrones us. No matter who we are. According to mom, the next Matriarch could be good or bad, Hyde has a plan for them in the end.
Along with Papa's stories, Hyde was always directed towards me because I was the only girl, excluding my half sister. Truthfully there was no way to know if Hyde was actually real. I'm not even sure if my parents have seen it. Mom would tell me tales at night of different women throughout our generation, chosen by Hyde and how I would be like them someday.
"Hyde doesn't give you this gift for no reason" mom reassures "they always have a plan. You can't see everything in a negative light. What if Hyde chooses Clio and you-"
I stop her at the mention of my youngest name.
"I'm not putting that responsibility on my kid" I say sternly, though It probably won't matter what I tell her "Especially if, no offense, she ends up like you. Completely dependent on Hyde's gift. IT didn't give me any when I was born, like the rest of you, and I'd like it to stay that way."
Silence once more.
"Perhaps you're afraid-"
"I'm not afraid-"
"-its okay."
"-Of this imaginary ghost."
"Sure, keep believing that. But when it happens~" she sings.
"When it happens to me, pigs will fly" I sneer, memories of that same sing song tone prodding at me.
She says nothing.
"Just let it go mom, it's just not meant to be. I'm not a child that you can hide under your wings when hail comes. However your gifts came to be, Hyde, the house, whatever, it must've skipped a generation."
She continues to stir. She sputters "but-but the family-"
"-The family doesn't know what's best for me and neither do you. I know I'm the only daughter to the Matriarch. I know I wasn't born with any gifts like my siblings. I know refusing my path makes me an ungrateful child and Hyde will handle me" I say reciting what I also heard throughout my life "But that's not my life. And I'm not defenseless."
She freezes. More silence.
"And, I mean, it's not like having voodoo is easy. It consumes you and it messes a lot of things up. This worlds order and the next."
"That's what the council is for" my mom mutters finally.
"Oh, right. The council. The same family who's just as dependent as you. Do you even remeber a time where you haven't used your gift and actually did things yourself?"
"Don't you ever think of letting go of this life? Doing things for yourself and not the family? Hyde? Papa's house? I notice how this changes you as you age. If this is the answer to our problems I wouldn't mind the sea taking this house away for a while-"
"Mama! Mama!"
"Wow, look."
I follow my kids voices and they seek for me, a glimmer of wonder and awe in there wide pupils. My 2 boys are pointing to the window in the living room. My sleeping child is now up, standing on her toes to see what her brothers are looking at.
As I begin to walk In the living room, they're rushing back to the kitchen. I take a peek and see a part of the lawn, including my rental car but the road and the neighborhood is gone. A large amount of visible debris is covering up the world around-
That's not debris. That's not wind.
I follow my kids. They've opened the screen door and ventured into the back yard. I race after them and stop in my tracks. The water barrier has followed us to the backyard. My kids are screaming and dancing in the sprinklers as the hurricane is trapping us in its second eye. The oceanic barrier is circling around is, refusing to touch the property. With my kids instructions I look up, the sky is dark above us like it's the dead of night, yet inside the barrier, its murky like a cloudy day.
I can't concentrate. Excitment. Curiosity. Shock. Chills.
I sigh as my daughter wobbles to me and I scoop her in my arms. I can see it now, worst hurricane in 6 years and the Crobitt house still stands. This is similar but not related to the instance when a pair of swings at the run down school across the house seemingly froze in the air a few years ago... CIA is currently investigating...
I gather my children inside, they were starting to go towards the rushing ocean and who knows what'll happen. I shut the door with a defeated sigh and sulk at the table. The beneits sit gracefully with their powder sugar and I worship it by stuffing it in my mouth.
"I told you..."
I look up. My mothers eyes are glowing that familiar bright green and she has that devious smirk on her face. She always gave me that look as a child as if she's trying to tell me something. That, or it's to prove something, which I still dont know. I dont think I ever will.
"...you're father built this house. No one is taking it from me..."
"Now, elbows off the table."
If you like to write or be creative, perhaps you need inspiration, go check out this book! Its the best!
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Limerence [M] ︳08
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Pairing: Zuko x OC
Genre: Romance, mainly fluff with future smut, and if you squint hard enough - you’ll find some angst.
Rating: SFW
Words: 4100+
Notes: AHH - so this is by far one of my favourite chapters. Realistically, I’m well aware that there are plenty of well-written chapters, far better than this one, especially when I reflect on my newer writing. But this is the first chapter where my inner thirst slightly peaked through and I knew - I had to write smut in the near future. It’s also the chapter in which the plot thickens...I hope you enjoy loves <3
Masterlist ︳07 ︳09
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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Limerence: (English/n.) the state of being infatuated with another person.
The moment their eyes locked they knew - the flames within him twisted while the water within her turned. It was a connection, a connection that would lead to love, adventure, and drama.
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(Greek/n.) Flirtatious talk that leads nowhere.
~ Ying Yue Jiang ~
            The hot water felt pleasing against my skin, as my muscles relaxed and all of the excitement from the day seemed to melt away. The room was steamy, and I could barely see Suki and Toph who sat across from Katara and me. Suki and Katara sipped away on their glasses of wine, along with me, while Toph sat at the edge of natural hot spring, a beer in hand. We drunkenly giggled away as we gossiped amongst ourselves. Only the dim lights from the candles lit the room, as well as whatever light the stars cast through the glass walls and ceiling. It was a beautiful room and a perfect way to end one hell of a day.
            Katara lazily rested her head upon my shoulder, “I'm sorry for everything…” she whispered once again for the hundredth time this day. I rested my head upon hers, “Don’t worry. I know you meant well. Everything worked out in the end, right?” It was true; everything did seem to work out in the end, although that statement did seem to undermine the number of things that suddenly had to be done. The moment I accepted my Imperial Consort Seal it set in motion an entire list of tasks and responsibilities.
            Right away Zuko sent a hawk back to the Fire Nation, with word to prepare a celebration for our arrival. He explained to me that it was a tradition to celebrate, but especially so in this case since it was unexpected and it served as a relief for the council. But, I was more eager to tell the gang of the news, but in the end, I ended up being the surprised one. It turned out that this was something Zuko had talked over with everyone, so it wasn’t much of surprise as it was for me. Regardless, everyone was ecstatic that I agreed, as there was a consensus that it was the only way for us to move forward with our relationship, whatever that relationship was.
            Although, the real treat was finally reconnecting with Katara. After a magnitude of apologies, we ended up hugging everything out. And thankfully, she was happy knowing that Zuko and I managed to figure something out. So glad, that she insisted on a spontaneous girls night to celebrate, which lead us to where we were now. A bit tipsy and relaxing in the hot springs late at night. The best way to end a day…
            “How do you think Dad will be once I leave?” I asked Katara. She lifted her head off my shoulder and smiled, “He will be fine. A little sad to see you go, but I'm staying behind, remember? I'll keep an eye out for him.” I smiled and let my free hand play with the water, taking in the warmth. It was bizarre to think that this will be some of the few moments I'll have here, in the Southern Water Tribe. Yet, the thought of venturing out was thrilling; I would finally be free, and experience things I only dreamed. But more importantly, I would be with Zuko. Gosh, I'm such a romantic.
            “So Fire Nation Royalty, have you two consummated yet?” Suki said with a giggle. I was certain I looked completely bugged eyed as I almost spat out my wine. Toph burst out laughing, hearing me cough as I choked. “Suki!” I cried out, flushed. “I just said we aren’t dating, let alone doing that!” Toph snorted, “You don’t need to be in a relationship to do that, Princess.” Toph said so matter of factly that I could feel my mouth drop. Suki giggled and gave me a look, a look that meant that we all drank a little too much, well at least these three ladies.
            I could feel myself shrink farther and farther into the water, wondering how we always managed to make it to the topic of sex, or anything related to that field. I could see Katara also blushing madly, “Gosh, shouldn’t that stuff remain private.” Katara muttered as she sipped away on her wine. I giggled; Katara indeed was the definition of a prune. Although I wasn’t as laxed as Suki or Toph, I wasn’t naïve. How could I be a naïve liking Zuko? Just remembering the playful banter between us two caused me to smile, but the way his fingers delicately danced on the skin of my neck…
            “So you are telling me, that you never wondered, not even a tiny bit, about how the guys are in bed?” Suki questioned Katara. I snapped myself awake; I'm thinking a bit too much about Zuko’s fingers. Katara shook her head, “N-no! You nasties, one of them is my brother, and I'm dating the other!” Katara said quickly.
            “Hello, you still got Zuko!” Suki retorted back.
            Katara was the one who looked bugged eyed this time, “My sister likes him, I can’t fantasize about him!” I giggled, and playfully bumped in Katara’s shoulders, “Don’t worry I'll tell you how he is for you.” I said kittenishly. Suki burst out laughing, along with Toph, proud that I was partaking in this conversation, the wine has officially taken over. “Told you so, give it like, three days tops, and you’ll find the information you need Katara,” Toph said between fits of laughter. Katara groaned loudly and took another large gulp of wine. “What do you mean three days tops?”
            Suki rolled her eyes, “Come on; even Katara can tell that it just a matter of time.” I blushed, but before anything more could be said, we were distracted by the sound of a door opening and closing shut. Aang waltzed into the room, and quickly started to bend the steam away from himself, “You guys seem to be enjoying yourself.” He started as he watched us giggle away like a bunch of children. “What’s got you girls all giggly?” Aang asked, curious.
            Within seconds Katara stood up, although it was clear she was struggling to keep herself balanced. “Absolutely nothing interesting.” She said quickly, a bit too quickly. Aang raised a brow and walked towards Katara, holding her steady. Suki rolled her eyes and took a small sip from her wine, “I thought it was interesting…I think he will be rough.” Suki said with a very obvious wink towards me. I could see Aang stiffen as his face redden, and not from the steam in the room, “Rough?” Aang repeated hesitantly. It turns out Katara isn’t the only prune here. Katara blushed and gripped her head tightly, “I think we drank a bit too much…” She groaned.
            Aang helped Katara out of the hot spring, and with one swift motion, pushed all the steam aside to one corner of the room, “Sorry to be the party pooper, but I’m pretty sure being drunk and near water screams for trouble.” He said as he helped Katara dry off and wrap a towel around her. Here comes Dad mode; in three…two…one… 
            “Suki, I'm going to get Sokka to help you. Yue, I'm getting Zuko. And Toph stay put, I'll come after I put Katara in bed.” Toph waved her hand, dismissing Aang’s orders, and stood up. She wrapped a towel around her shoulders as she reached over to grab one last beer, “I'm fine, it's these lightweights here that are going to need the help.” With that, she walked out the door, off to her bedroom most likely. I swear this girl could drink a barrel and be unfazed.
            Quickly, I stood up and grabbed my towel, “Don’t worry Aang, I'm fine!” I said hastily. The last thing I wanted was Zuko to come and see me in my bathing suit. Any other day I couldn’t care less, but after that conversation, I prefer to save myself the embarrassment. Aang looked over me hesitantly, before nodding his head in defeat and dashing out the door with Katara.
            I looked over to see Suki was also out the water and drying herself off, “I'm not drunk.” Suki grumbled under her breath. I laughed and began walking towards the door, “You know Aang…” I said as I opened the door. Suki huffed and trailed behind me, “I swear, between Aang and Katara, who needs parents?” I nodded my head in agreeance, a more accurate state than that has never been said.
            We walked out of the room and began walking down the hallway to our bedrooms, and I could see Sokka jogging towards us. “Aang said you were a bit tipsy.” He said with a grin as he swiftly grasped Suki’s arm to keep her steady. Suki rolled her eyes but held onto Sokka nevertheless, “I'm not drunk, just a little bit happy.” She said. Sokka chuckled and shook his head, “You sound like me. That means you are drunk.” I snickered as we continued walking down the hallway.
            “And you didn’t drink?” Sokka said as he gazed over to me.
            “I drank a little bit, but not as much as those three. I have a reputation to uphold now.” I grumbled, which was not exactly a lie. Sokka nodded his head, understanding what I meant. Now with my new title, there were a bunch of do’s, and dont’s that I had to adhere. Public intoxication was a huge no-no. Sokka opened his bedroom door open and helped Suki walk in. I turned to head to my bedroom, but Sokka’s voice stopped me, “Hey Yue…” He trailed off. He never calls me Yue…
            I turned around and smiled, “What’s up?” Sokka smiled and bashfully looked at his feet, “I'm sorry about everything that happened. I should have stepped up.” I looked up at him surprised, “It was just a big misunderstanding. We are all happy- I'm happy, trust me.” I said softly. Sokka looked up and smiled, “I'm just glad everything worked out in the end. And if you need anything let me know, you know we got your back-” I could hear Suki crash into a wall from inside the bedroom. We both looked at each other, and slowly large grins started to appear. I couldn’t help but laugh as Sokka scratched his head, “Let me re-phrase, we always got your back starting tomorrow. Tonight is a no-go.”
            I smiled and bid him goodnight, feeling slightly sorry for Aang and Sokka, they’re definitely going to have one hell of a night. I went inside my bedroom, and in a matter of minutes, I had already washed up and prepared for the night. The wine slowly starting to take effect, and a sense of sleepiness beginning to overcome me. I should really start having a glass of wine before bed; it's better at making me sleepy than tea… I sat at my vanity and began mindlessly brushing my hair. Mid stroke, a soft knock stopped me. My eyebrows pinched together, and I gazed towards the door, who would knock at this hour of the night, did Sokka or Aang need help? I placed my brush down and quickly slipped on my robe, before opening the door.
            “Zuko?” I said surprised. Zuko leaned against my doorframe, undoubtedly dressed for bed as well. His black hair was let loose and fell down his shoulders. I really need to get hair advice from this man… He smiled softly, “I didn’t wake you, did I?” He asked. I nodded my head, “No, I was getting ready for bed. You need something?” I asked as I tied my robe. Zuko stood up straight and scratched the back of his neck, “I was wondering if you can come to my room for a minute. I want to show you something before you go to bed.”
            I titled my head to the side and made a mental note, maybe a little bit of time away from Suki and Toph would do me good, as the moment Zuko asked me to go his room I immediately went straight to the dark side. I blushed slightly, taken off guard at his question and Zuko chuckled, “Not like that, I mean unless you want to, then, by all means, you are welcomed.” Zuko teased. I slapped his arm and pushed him back to step out in the hallway, “Well, when you ask someone to go to your bedroom in the middle of the night what else are they suppose to think?” I shot back.
            Zuko laughed and directed me towards his room, “Maybe…this?” He finished off as he opened the door. My eyes widened the moment I took in at exactly what Zuko had wanted me to see. Zuko had lit the small fireplace that was placed off in the corner in his guest room, and on top of the coffee table were two mugs, hot cocoa. There were blankets set on the couch directly across the fireplace, and I couldn't help but be completely overwhelmed with happiness. “You did…this…for me?” I asked, speechless.
            Zuko gently nudged me forward to the couches, before shutting the door closed behind him. “You don’t think me giving you that Imperial Seal was your gift, do you? I had to make it up to you somehow, and something told me that anything with hot cocoa was a safe route.” I must have looked like a child because I couldn’t help but clap in excitement as I observed the tasty drinks, “And you made it yourself?” I asked.
            “Well…I tried the first time, and that didn’t go so well. So I asked Lia and Kima for some assistance.” I laughed and slowly walked over to Zuko, gently placing my hands on his chest, “Thank you, I truly mean it.” I said tenderly as I looked at his eyes. Gosh, I could get lost in those eyes… Zuko smiled warmly, as he nudged his head over to the couch, “Let’s relax. Aang told me you and the girls had a bit of fun tonight. Hopefully, this can sober you up a bit.”
            I groaned and waltzed over to the couch with Zuko. “I'm not drunk, why is Aang such a worry wart,” I whined. Zuko plopped on one end of the couch while I sat on the other end, but Zuko patted his lap. I titled my head, confused, “Put your feet up; you are freezing, I can warm you up.” He said. I blushed, but at this point, I was too tired to argue. I raised my legs and let them lay across the couch, letting my feet rest on Zuko’s lap. He quickly tossed the thick blankets over us, before handing me my cup. It was the library all over again, except this time, there was no speculation about our feelings.
            I sipped away blissfully on the drink, as I felt the way Zuko’s hand delicately drew random shapes and lines on my ankles, warmth radiating off his hands. His fingers were so light as if he was afraid that he would burn my skin, but his touch was tempting. I smiled and let my head fall against the side of the couch, just basking in his touch. It felt so right, sitting here, with him, enjoying the night. It was crazy to think that just moments ago I wanted nothing to do with him.
            “Enjoying yourself?” Zuko said with a chuckle. I hummed softly and smiled at him, “You’re going to make me fall asleep at this rate.” I said with a light laugh. Zuko shook his head and smiled largely, “You just got here! We didn’t even talk.” I grinned and took another sip, “So what do you want to talk about so eagerly?” I said playfully. Zuko laughed and continued doodling aimlessly on my ankle. “Hm, there’s so much I still don’t know about you.” Zuko stared. I raised a brow at him, “Is that so? What could you possibly want to know?” I asked curiously, interested as to what he would want to know about me.
            “Hm, your bending…or that tattoo of yours…” Zuko spoke delicately.
            “You have to pick one or the other. Like I said before, I have to have one secret.” I said mischievously. Zuko laughed and shook his head, “Tell me about your bending, I’ll eventually see that tattoo of yours.” He said confidently. So confidently, it took me a minute to realize what he was implying. I raised a brow, “See my tattoo eventually? Someone here sounds quite confident in that statement.”
            Zuko grinned, “You aren’t as naïve as I thought.” He spoke as he took a sip from his cup. I huffed and placed my mug down, “What made you think I was naïve?”. Zuko chuckled deeply, different from his usual light-hearted manner. “Because it’s easy to tease you-” He started. Although I could feel his hand slowly trail up my leg.
            “Easy to make…” - his hand gently caressed my calf.
            “you…” - he leaned over just a bit, close enough that I could see his golden eyes darken.
            “blush.” He finished, his hand stopping right at my knee.
            My face was rosy, entirely overwhelmed by him. My heartbeat was going crazy, unknowingly responding to every word and every touch. He has me wrapped around his fingers, and he knows it, oh, Zuko knew all too well what he was doing. As gentle and sweet as he was with me, he always managed to have this sense of power. Zuko was always in control, being dominant, even times where he was ‘relaxing,’ he was always a step ahead. It was evident this was how Zuko was born; born to be a leader, command attention. And as shameful as it was to admit, I loved it. Every single second of it. I may be sweet, but I was never one to submit, but if Zuko oh so dared told me to do so, I would ultimately come undone.
            I bite my lip anxiously, trying desperately to control my heavy breathing. Was it the wine, or maybe I want a taste of those pouty lips. Zuko smirked and calmly pulled back. Leaning his back once again against the couch, fingers dancing along my ankles; as if nothing had happened. But I could still see the satisfied smirk that played along with his lips; he wasn’t an idiot, he knew all too well what he was doing and how it was affecting me. I realized that although I wasn’t naïve, I was an untouched delicacy to him.
            I lifted the blankets and snuggled tightly against them, pressing them close to my body. And I thought I could play his game of teasing; this asshole has me beat! Zuko chuckled amused, watching me struggle to think of my next plan of action. “Would you like to go to the market with me tomorrow?” He casually asked, trying to save my pathetic ass. Is this guy really going to act like nothing happened? I smiled sweetly and squirmed underneath the blankets, but to fair, I should be thankful he is ignoring the obvious...
            “I wouldn’t mind…I have to go shopping anyways.” I said, softer then I attended, realizing that the wine was truly starting to wear me down. Feeling the warmth from his touches and the fireplace, I felt cozy and content. “Shopping for what?” Zuko asked. I leaned against the couch once again, gently closing my eyes. “For your family…I want to buy something for your Uncle, Mom, Step-Dad, and your little sister…” I mumbled. I didn’t need to have my eyes open to tell he was surprised, “You don’t have to do that.” I groaned and shook my head, “I want to…I want them to like me.” I said softly.
            Sleepiness was starting to take over, gosh, from giggles to flirting, to sleeping? I need to stop drinking wine... Zuko sighed and gently patted my leg, “They are going to like you, trust me. What is there not to like?” He asked. I shrugged my shoulders, too tired to argue, as I tucked the blankets under my chin. “I don’t know…” I trailed off. Zuko chuckled and gently shook me, “Are you falling asleep?” Zuko asked quietly, I could feel the shift in weight, as he was most likely leaning over me.
            I nodded my head and let out a pleasant hum, “Let me take you to your room…” Zuko started, but I groaned in annoyance. And to be honest, I don’t know what happened next. At that point, I let the wine do its thing. Whether or not Zuko got me back to my room or not, will remain a mystery until tomorrow. I never felt cozier in my life, just cuddled up on the couch with Zuko’s warm faint touches. I felt safe, and within seconds I was off to dreamland…I can freak out in the morning…
~ Unknown ~
            His eyes were heavy, as they fluttered open and closed, sleepiness trying desperately to consume him. Slapping his leg, he shook his head, knowing better than to fall asleep on the job. He had one task, and one only, keep at eye out for anything unusual. Whatever that meant, was left to the unknown. For days, he and a few other men stayed crouched in the bushes, staying hidden as they observed day and night. It was clear that tonight was going to be like any other night, wholly uneventful and fruitless.
            Just as his eyes were about to flutter shut once again, he caught sight of it. A majestic bird, wearing clothing probably more expensive than his own, soaring through the air. It was clear the bird was tired, as the bird was gliding through the air lowly, rather than high into the night sky. All sense of tiredness left the man’s body, and suddenly he realized that this was the unusual thing he was meant to keep an eye out. “Pst, up there!” He whispered harshly to his partner, whose eyes quickly shot open upon hearing the news that they may have caught something. “Well don’t just stare at it! I'll catch the damn thing, and you go notify the boss!” He grumbled back, stumbling quickly to his feet.
            The man nodded, and he quickly scrambled to their boss. He barely took a few steps before he could hear his partner’s glorified cheer, “Easier then I thought, the poor bastard was hungry.” The man said behind him, as he quickly ran with the Hawk in a net. He could hear the bird desperately trying to fly away, realizing that the fruits were bait, but it was pointless.
            They knew they reached home-base, as it was a damp cave, completely isolated and well hidden from people. Although everyone knew the chances of running into people here would be close to impossible, no one lived on these islands for years since the genocide. “Boss, we found something!” The man shouted. Right away everyone in the cave went silent, as they turned to face her.
            She stood up from her seat and hastily walked towards the men. It was a common fact that you never speak to her unless granted permission. Therefore, whatever news these men had, better be good. “Found what?” She hissed out. The man pointed behind him, towards his partner who gripped the bird, but more importantly, the letter attached to the bird. “It was a messenger hawk.” The man spoke. Her eyes narrowed, examining both men and the bird before she outstretched her hand. Without hesitation, they dropped the note on her palm, and she eagerly read the letter.
            Her eyes widened before a playful smile danced upon her lips. “Attach the note back, and let it resume its travels. Everyone else, get ready to leave.” She shouted quickly. No one dared question her authority as everyone scrambled to their feet and began packing to depart. Her attention reverted to the two men standing in front of her, “Guess you aren’t as useless as I thought.” She hummed.
            Both men looked at her, bowing and giving thanks, despite the back-handed compliment. They knew it could have been worse. “Where are we going to?” One of the men asked; a bold question given who he was asking it to. Her eyebrow raised slightly, amused that he would dare speak out of term, “It’s time to make our move…and I think a few people would love to join.”
            The man was confused by what she meant by make our move, but before he could ask more, she turned on her heel and left. Although, it was probably a good thing, given that she wasn’t known to be patient, and when annoyed, she often killed.
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Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang, Lia, Kima, and any future creations.
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foxglovesound · 5 years
🐾, 🌲, 🛠️, 💡, 🌠(instead of whether they are religious or not, how they act and familiarize on their religion, if that makes sense?) for hornetflower, goldenscale, acornbee, lightingface
FIRST OF ALL I’D LIKE TO GIVE A GREAT BIG APOLOGY FOR HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION i wanted to put a lot of thought into my responses (despite how. unprofessionally i wrote them thats just bc i type lazy KFHDSFDDSF) so i took a day or two to mull over as well as comic pages were DRAGGING ON LATE this week q___q !!!! thank u for ur patience AND the interesting questions this was fun >:3c!!!!
🐾: Do they have any future goals?
HORNETFLOWER: Well, honestly?? I’d have to say no. hornetflower isnt a particularly ambitious molly, and she tends to just focus on her current, short-term duties and what she needs to get done. at the moment her main goal is to guide sootpaw to her warrior graduation and to help raise duckkit -- and see duckkit reach her own graduation, of course. however, being minkclaws most trusted confidant, hornetflower kinda makes whatever minkclaws goals are her own goals too -- shell support her friend through thick and thin
GOLDENSCALE: again not really! she doesnt really have any particular ambitions in life, nor is she training an apprentice that she needs to see make it to graduation. part of her does hope that one day she and gorsefang can reconnect, but the rift between them is wide and goldenscale has stopped her attempts at reconnecting with gorsefang after her sibling’s initial resistance. beyond that? not a very ambitious warrior either! her daily goals are probably just getting the word of whats the next hot gossip (u can usually find her sharing tongues and chattering with her fellow clanmates to get those little details hehe)
ACORNBEE: she wants to become the top warrior of riverclan, pretty much! acornbee dedicates her life to upholding clan tradition and code, and her dream is to just become the most admired warrior in riverclan, one that the leader (snowstar….obviously) can trust with her nine lives (supposedly). however, acornbee takes the code a little too seriously -- anything that the leader could ever ask of her, she’d do without a second thought.
LIGHTNINGFACE: lightningface’s main goal in life has become more focused on their career as now they and eveningscale are the senior caretakers and technically like the head ranks of the caretakers. they’ve also got a little bit of a surprise coming on later during the comic ;) and their main goal will be making sure that little group stays safe and is raised happily. 
🌲: What’s their favorite hunting spot?
HORNETFLOWER: probably by the rivers and streams! she enjoys either physically being in the water or amongst the stones overseeing the water flowing by, and she and minkclaw often goofed off together as youngsters around streams and rivers, so she has a particular affinity for hunting in those spots !
GOLDENSCALE: as her name suggests, goldenscale is especially skilled at fishing!! so her favorite hunting spots around the territory would naturally be the streams and river running through their territory as thats where she’s at her prime B)!!!
ACORNBEE: i dont believe she’d have a very specific hunting spot in riverclan, though i’d imagine she enjoys hunting around areas where there’s more shrubbery she can crouch behind and sneak up on her prey !!!
LIGHTNINGFACE: lightningface prefers hunting in the open parts of riverclan territory, where the trees thin out, or near the windclan border! they have a windclan-cat like build, and prefer chasing down prey out in open areas, rather than dodging around trees and shrubbery. 
🛠️: How do they best contribute to their clan?
HORNETFLOWER: hornetflower is a very kind, and nurturing, member of riverclan. besides the typical warrior-duty stuff, such as patrols and hunting, hornetflower also helps out a great deal around camp - she makes sure apprentices are staying safe and out of trouble, and often drops by the nursery to interact with the caretakers and kittens there. BASICALLY she’s a very warm molly and a role model to some, so she best contributes to her clan besides her warrior duties by offering advice and guidance for youngsters and even others her age :3!
GOLDENSCALE: as mentioned before she’s EXCEPTIONAL at hunting fish and streams, so she contributes the best to riverclan by stocking the fresh-kill pile with plenty of fish she can catch, as well as giving tips and advice to apprentices and growing cats on how to more efficiently hunt fish in the river and streams!! 
ACORNBEE: as a very obedient, task-orientated molly, acornbee best contributes to her clan in the smaller ways - she does what she’s told, when she’s told, and she does it thoroughly and properly. she makes sure she gets her tasks for the day done before any free time, and takes her responsibilities very seriously - she also works on the dens and camp setting a lot, making sure everything is secure and, if anything needs patched, she’s the first one reporting to the opening to patch it up! she’s just a busy little bee around riverclan pretty much hehe!
LIGHTNINGFACE: they’re one of the senior caretakers, alongside eveningscale, so they contribute to the clan most by taking charge of the nursery. they make sure caretakers are in order, especially apprentices, and make sure everyone’s staying safe and happy. one of the more important duties they have is keeping a note on kitten personalities and traits, because the senior caretakers often sit down with the leader before a group of kits is to be apprentices and give the leader their input on who should mentor which kit, and what career choices the kits have decided on. of course, the mentor-and-apprentice pair ups are the leaders final choice, but they usually do take the senior caretakers recommendations, and they of course make sure not to pair up a kit interested in becoming a caretaker with a warrior mentor or vice versa!
💡: Give a random fact about them?
HORNETFLOWER: hornetflower is the revamp of an old rp oc named Hopwhisker! I kinda miss the hop- prefix a lot honestly…. Anyways! she had 6 toes and was a scottish fold, both of which kinda got revamped to just big paws and floppy ears, but
GOLDENSCALE: originally she was part of the main group with lampreyface, hornetflower, minkclaw, blackcloud (before cootwhisker got in the way) and marigoldface! they were, conceptually, a very tight-knit friend group, but i ended up making lampreyface older than that generation and the group itself was feeling a little crowded so i broke it up a little. while they are all still friends they’re not like The Group as originally planned sdfhsdf! 
ACORNBEE: she is the second ever cat i used the -bee prefix on :D!
LIGHTNINGFACE: there’s a rumor in windclan that went around shortly after rosepaw’s apprentice ceremony/first apprentice gathering that lightningface was actually rosepaw’s sire - although there’s no real validity to that claim. lightningface just happens to look a lot like their nephew. 
🌠: Are they religious?
HORNETFLOWER: hornetflower isn’t devoutly religious in how she acts, so she doesn’t really pray daily or send her thoughts to starclan daily, but she will head down to the river (a common spot for most riverclan cats to stop by and pray without heading all the way up to starclan’s ledge, should they feel the need to pray for something) and pray for her friends or family if someone she knows is in danger, or battling an illness, or going out on a particularly dangerous job/duty/task. if a clanmate or someone she knows from a different clan has passed away too, she’ll sit down and send a silent prayer up to starclan, asking for her ancestor’s to welcome the aforementioned cat into their ranks securely.
GOLDENSCALE: besides just….believing in starclan, goldenscale doesn’t really do anything or behave in any particularly religious manners. she never really prays unless she feels it’s desperately, desperately needed, and you could probably count the amount of times shes prayed on one of ur hands. her religious behavior/familiarity extends to just simply knowing that there’s a place after death.
ACORNBEE: acornbee, on the other hand, is very attentive in her religious behavior. she typically takes a moment to thank starclan for a catch once she hunts prey down, and prays before she sits down to eat, typically again just a little thank you to starclan for blessing her with a meal. shes not shy when it comes to prayers for starclan, and often thinks to them for advice - however, in her eyes, the closest a living cat can get to communing with starclan outside of starclan’s ledge is the leader: the leader, in acornbees eyes, has direct path with starclan, and whatever the leader orders, it must be a will of starclan. it can be an unfortunate vulnerable way of thinking.
LIGHTNINGFACE: the most notable behavior they do when it comes to religion is the fact they will send a prayer up to starclan before every birth - its usually just a quiet, quick “let this cat and their kits make it through the birth” in their head before they settle down to help the cat in labor deliver kits, alongside eveningscale. they also tell kittens and apprentices lore and mythology, as well as about starclan, so that could also be a way that u can see how they act in according to their religion!!
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happywitch416 · 6 years
10 year challenge! Or you know, more. Post a snippet from your first written work and then follow it up with one from your most recent.
Alright. So my very first fanfic, which is as far back as my technologically recorded writing goes was F!Hawke and Anders that I lovingly dubbed KittyHawke. The file is dated 10/15/2015, I apparently never added it to my Ao3, and since I couldn't pick one favorite snippet you get two. 
The Arishok's head hit the floor with a dull thud only to be followed by the larger thud of the body. The room was silent for one breath and then two. With the third, the room erupted into cheers. Everyone was so happy to be alive and breathing and safe that no one saw her fall too. No one heard Ander's strangled cry as he raced to her. "Hawke! Stay with me Hawke." He rolled her over to look at her wounds. This was bad. The worst she had ever been, in fact. Not even the dragon had done this much damage. "No more Arishoks, Anders?" She smiled weakly, bright even with the blood covering her face. She gave a low laugh "I think I bit off more than even I can chew." .....
Her eyes opened groggily as she sat up. “Anders?”
“I’m here, love.”
“Come back to bed? I had a terrible dream.”He crossed the room quickly shedding most of his clothes before crawling in beside her. “Tell me about it?”She shook her head. “It’s too much. Later. Tell me about our future? I want something pleasant.”He smiled into her hair before kissing the top of her head. “How about a dozen children with a house in a meadow?”“The Hawke Battalion of Mages.” At his quizzical look she continued, “They would have to be mages. You’re a mage. Dad was a mage. Bethany is a mage. Everyone I know is a mage. It just makes sense. All this magic has to rub off on me somehow.”He chuckled. “I am not sure that is how that works.”She pouted and snuggled into him, making his heart race. If love could kill, she was going to be the death of him. “I’m still so tired. Stay with me?”“Of course.”“Promise? No running off for that magic tea to keep you awake or to throw manifestos at people when I am not around to help?” She struggled to keep her eyes open.“I promise, Rose.” 
Most recent is of course Deadbrick, and completely unedited. I am not letting myself edit at this moment. Also I feel obscenely proud of this bit. 
“HG Wells?” My brows arching, lips scrunching. “Like as in the long dead author?”
Honey stopped before starnig at me, one hand against the wood of the door. “Why would a science fiction author be a lawyer?”
“Well at least the reference wasnt lost on you.” I replied dryly. She shook her head and pushed open the door.
“Thanks for seeing us, HG.” She grinned as she stepped to the side, arms sweeping in introduction. “This is the jounralist I wanted you to meet. Kit, this is H.G. Wells, one of the few in our justice system with any damn sense.”
The blond man stood from his desk, green eyes shining as he stuck out his hand. “Just a lawyer, upholding the law.” I nod with a smile, his grip firm but pleasant. “What can I help you with?” he gestures to the chairs before his desk and I take my seat eyeing the framed documents and pictures.
There is the typical certificates hanging, a scattering of landscapes all centered around a crest. Ivory stag skull and horns the silver scale wieghts of justice balanced amongst their tines on a dark green background. “Is that a family crest? Laywer is the family profession?”
He shook his head stiffening, eyes flickering to the symbol before staring at Honey. She gives a subtle nod and he relaxes a bit. “In a way. Its more of a personal symbol.”
“The only way to true justice is in death?” I nibble on my pen cap before realizing it and tucking my pen into the sprial of my notebook. And lacing my fingers.
He makes a strangeld noise. “Not quite.” He straightens his shirt and tutters before clearing his throat. “Although I htink I will always see it that way now.” Honey snickers softly massaging lotion into her hands. “Wells is the entierity of my name. HG is more of a title, a description of what I am.” I eye him as he folds his hands before him, my brain flitting from one mad combination of words to the next, human great, heart glad, human god. He let his hands fall flat on the table with a sigh. “I am The Horned God of the area.”
I can hear the circkets chirping in my now empty skull, the paper rough and smooth beneath my fingers. “What?”
He shrugged, and humanity fell from him. Great antlers twisted from his temples,ears lengthing at the tips, his green eyes growing larger and rounding. The backs of his hands grew a soft down of fur, light reddish tan. He tugged at his shirt. “Its more comfortable in the traditional attire.”
I felt my mouth open and close repeatedly. Honey spoke up. “Naked is almost always more comfortable then clothes.”
He scowled at her. “I do not wander naked thank you. Its a robe.”
“Dont forget the leaves.” she cakcled.
My voice felt strangled as it left my throat. “You’re a God?”
He shook his head. “That would be impressive. But no, I am just a lowly laywer who oversees the changing of the seasons and caretaker and protector of the earth.”
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I Know Your Heart (M'Baku x Female Jabari Reader)
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Summary: A short M’Baku fic where he leaves for Challenge Day without telling his wife, and she’s, understandably, upset with him, but she sees that he needs comfort and reassurance more than a scolding. Ofc there’s a little smut in there.
Warnings: 18+/NSFW, unprotected sex (wear those condoms, yall), also some fluff??, probably a little unrealistic cause at one point they’re laying naked on a balcony......up in them snowy mountains. dont @ me
Word Count: 1096
A/N: I found this phrase in Xhosa "Ndiyazi kakuhle, ndiyazi zakho izono, ndiyazi intliziyo yakho-kwaye ndikuthanda" that means "I know you well, I know your sins, I know your heart-and I love you". I thought it was really sweet and I honestly just created this fic for that phrase. Please let me know if anything is problematic, or if I got a bad translation anywhere. I hope I did this justice.
As nightfall drew closer, your anger and your worry grew with it. You'd woken up that morning to find your husband, Lord M'Baku, missing from your bed, only to learn from the guards that, despite his reassurances, he had gone to challenge Prince T'Challa at the ceremony.
Over the following hours you had mentally prepared a whole speech you were going to give him when you got him alone, but the moment you saw him walk, more like limp, into throne room, one arm around one of his warrior's shoulders, your whole body flooded with relief, pushing out all your angry thoughts.
He stood up straighter when he saw you, trying to detach himself from his warrior. You rushed up to them, scanning your husband to see if he had any injuries that might need immediate attention. Once you were satisfied that he's survive a few more minutes, you stood back, giving him a look that only an exasperated wife could muster. His warriors took a step back, definitely fearful of their Lord's tiny wife; your temper could be worse than M'Baku's at times.
"So good to see you again, my dear husband," you said, crossing your arms as you glared up at him. M'Baku had the good sense to look guilty as he hung his head just the slightest.
"Sithandwa sam*, I meant to say something, but you just looked so peaceful sleeping this morning, I didn't want to wake you."
"Sweet talk won't work on me. Please take his Lordship to the infirmary, I'll deal with him when he can stand on his own two feet."
Half an hour later, M'Baku returned to your quarters looking like a kicked puppy. You sighed to yourself, knowing it was partially for show so that you wouldn't get mad at him, and despite all your efforts to remain angry, especially after his warriors told you the whole story, it was working on you.
You helped him remove his furs and leathers, then pushed him towards the shower. Grabbing a cloth, you cleaned the war paint off his body, making sure to take extra care when going over his bruises. Once it was all washed off, you started to step out of the shower, but M'Baku pulled you back in, thanking you and kissing you passionately as he pressed you up against the wall.
A hand slid up into your hair, gently tugging on your braids while his other fingers slipped between your legs to get you slick and stretched out for him. You couldn't help the moan that escaped as his lips moved down your throat, nipping at the sensitive flesh.
Your hips had a mind of their own, grinding your pelvis against his palm as his fingers massaged into you. Just as your release approached, he pulled away, making you whine desperately at your husband.
He chuckled softly, hoisting you up so that your knees hooked over his forearms. You slipped a hand down to guide him into you. He groaned roughly as he thrust into you, making you whimper as he bottomed out with the first thrust. He tried going slow at first, to give you time to adjust, but soon lost his patience.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, nails digging into his skin as you felt your release approaching. He growled words of encouragement against your lips, and his thrusts quickened, making you gasp and moan. Your back arched away from the wall, pushing you against M'Baku as your release hit you, forcing a cry from your lips. Your husband followed seconds later, burying himself in you one last time as he came.
It was a warm night, well as warm as it could get in the snowy mountains, and two of you lay naked, wrapped in a pile of furs M'Baku had set up on your balcony. You lay face up, watching the stars, and he was stretched out between your legs, head resting on your breasts. You fingers absentmindedly massaged his beard as you thought about the day's events.
"Why did you do it? You don't even want to be King."
"No, but I wasn't really thinking, I knew no one would challenge him, and I wanted to rattle those cat lovers, they grow placid, relying on their purple rocks," he said, lifting his head to look at you. "Besides, I brought up some good points, that child does scoff at tradition."
"That child is smarter than anyone else in the world, including you, mampara*," you mumbled the last part, but he narrowed his eyes at you anyways.
Despite wanting to chew him out even more, you decided to leave it at that. His pride was wounded enough as a warrior and a leader, you didn't need to cause him more pain; so you just pulled his head back down and continued to massage away until he lifted his head again.
"Sometimes I feel like I should be doing more for this tribe," he said, you looked up at him, confused. "We Jabari have stayed cut off from the rest of Wakanda, for what? Pride? Different Gods? I believe in upholding tradition, but we could also achieve so much more if we had relations with the rest of Wakanda."
"Careful, you're starting to sound like Princess Shuri," you teased, he gave you a look.
"This T'Challa is not like other kings of the past, for one he is a worthy opponent, and he is a good man; he could have killed me, but he didn't. It might be beneficial to us if we try negotiating with them. But I know the Elders will not like this, and I know they already think I'm a rash leader, if they can't trust me, why should anyone-," you cut him off with a kiss, not letting him go until you felt some of the tension release from his body.
"Ndiyazi kakuhle, ndiyazi zakho izono, ndiyazi intliziyo yakho-kwaye ndikuthanda*," you said, pressing your forehead against his as you looked him in the eye. "You are a good leader, everyone knows that, your warriors, your people, me. We trust you, and the decisions you make for our tribe. If the Elders can't see how good you are, it just means they are a bunch of cranky old fools who are stuck in the past, and if I have to beat some sense into them, I got my 'cathulo* ready."
M'Baku kissed you again, chuckling at your fiery words, he had no doubt that you would chase the Elders around with your own shoe.
*Sithandwa sam = my darling *Mampara = fool *'cathulo (isicathulo) = shoes/sandals *Ndiyazi kakuhle, ndiyazi zakho izono, ndiyazi intliziyo yakho-kwaye ndikuthanda = I know you well, I know your sins, I know your heart-and I love you
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15001700tt · 6 years
Mix And Match
Jongin X Song Yong Sang (Alex)
werewolf! Prince! Kai x Human! Princess Yong Sang (You)
Part 1    Part 2   Part 3  Part 4   Part 5  Part 6
The Pack and Humans have had a peace treaty that kept them hostile towards each other, to further this peace holding the Humans and The Pack decided to take step forward and meet up and hold a peace gathering between the two families.
The day came and Both Kings sat down at the dinner table in the werewolf territory for safety measures. They begin to discuss the measures they need to achieve to uphold the peace even longer as the war continues on. This started when a werewolf mated with a human, it started an uproar and New Age. People were furious but after a while they got over it, the New age started when two different beings mated, it messed with traditional values and biology. They created a new race, before the New Age a werewolf had never imprinted on a human before. The commotion caused the Royal families to take some precaution towards the new findings. Both kingdoms were not heartless, this was something that wasn’t taken light heartedly but also not sadistic, both races decided to not separate the mates from each other so they made a peace treaty that will last a long time.
A new threat rose when the Kims were in power of the Pack and the Songs were in power for the human race. The vampires, weren’t the most vicious out there in this world of supernaturals, because the Fae were the worst, but the races dealt with them long time ago and they don’t bother the species anymore. The Coven wasn’t the friendliest either, but they mostly minded their business.
But now they are out for blood for some reason that occured a long time ago. So to keep the peace with at least someone, the Kings of the Humans and the Pack met to discuss a marriage between their kids. The human Princess, Song Yong Sang and the Pack’s Prince, Kim Jong In. granted it is not the best position that she’s ever been in, but it wasnt the worst. Being a warrior princess and a stubborn daughter wasnt an easy thing that her parents agreed on. But they still love her which is why she’s still here today, she really wanted to fight them on this meeting but she couldn't really do anything about except whine about it. Which she did to her younger cousins Hyun Jin and Ji Mi, step sisters but inseparable since a young age.
“I just dont get why I have to go” she whined, to them the night before as they came to visit and ask her if she’s getting married.
“Its your chance to meet him and decide from there, you’re jumping to conclusions right now, he could be a very kind person, you know” Hyun Jin tried to reason with her.
“But I dont wanna meet him, I am fine being single” she huffed
“You’re being immature, have you ever thought that maybe your parents arent going to marry you off in a jiffy, they’ll probably agree to let him court you first” Ji Mi rolled her eyes at her tactics.
“I am sorry, who’s older here? Cuz its seems to not be the oldest” Hyun Jin teased. Yong Sang rolled my eyes smiling at her.
“Give him a chance you might actually like him, i mean have you ever seen his face? Its angelic, I am sure he’s very kind” Hyun Jin added after a moment with a sigh, again my eyes were completing a circle but this time Ji Mi joined me.
“Is that all you care about?” she grunted kicking her softly. She grinned at us before continuing, “Dont be like that! You know he’s very hot, especially his Nobles? I cant even believe that such fine human beings could exist” she sighed dreamily and very dramatically.
“That’s because they arent, they’re werewolves” Ji Mi deadpanned
“So this is what you guys do on your spare time when I am not around” she mused at them, Hyun Jin and Ji Mi’s cheeks flared red.
“No” Ji Mi denied
“Liar! You admitted that Kyungsoo is hot yesterday!” Hyun Jin accused. The princess burst in laughter when Ji Mi covered her face in embarrassment.
“You guys are tempting me to take you with me tomorrow just to see you guys get all squirmy and shy” she joked. They shook their heads ferociously at her, she smirked.
The next day was spent getting ready for the dinner, she wore a beautiful blue dress with a white shawl, she loves this dress, she sighs in annoyance, ‘such a waste on something so...annoying.’
Her parents complimented her and told her how the night was going to go.
“So once we get there we’re going to have small talk first then once we move to dinner and after we eat, you and him will leave so we can talk about the proposal” the King listed off, while her mother added after him.
“Please be on your best behavior, and try to get along with him because if this ends well you’ll be courted by him for at least two months” her eyes narrowed at the thought but she tried to think positively and instead put a smile on her face. He might be nice.
she kept on repeating that in her head all the way to his front gates. This was her first time seeing their home and it was magnificent. The green was everywhere it reached the lowest ground to the tallest towers. The towers were a royal blue that was appealing to the eyes, it was her favorite color, hence her dress. She mentally groaned, great he’s gonna think she did this on purpose.
Funny, her heart was beating at a crazy speed. She tried to calm it down by taking slow breaths but it didn't help. They reached the front door and were greeted by the King and Queen themselves.They gave off an aura of power and knowledge, it was intimidating. They greeted her parents before turning to the young girl with twinkling kind eyes, they didn't seem that scary anymore.
“Oh my! you are so beautiful” the Queen complimented her causing her to shuffle her feet before forcing herself to stop because ‘princesses dont shuffle their feet when nervous’ her annoying Lady in Waiting’s voice rang in her head, she bowed in respect and thanked her.
“Thank you, your highness”
“Oh no, no formalities please! Were going ot be family just Mrs. Kim is fine.” she waved off her formal greeting.
“Yes i agree with my dear wife Mr. Kim is fine” the king added as i bowed respectively to him too. We made our way inside as the king quickly added, “i apologize for my son’s absence, he got caught up with a meeting concerning our positions in the battle, i am sure he’ll be here within a few moments.” i shook my head and smiled at his apology, at least i dont have to deal with him for now.
Like my father had prepared me, they had a small talk before we moved on to dinner, their son still not showing up. I honestly think this meeting might go faster if he never shows up because then i wont really have talk to him.
Unfortunately my prayers werent answered because midway in dinner the doors opened and came in a strutting tall figure that had an apologetic smile on his face. I Know its him because Hyun Jin shoved a picture in my face last night. My heart decided that beating at an abnormal speed is what it should do when we made eye contact, then tingles spread through my body. It seems that all conversation stopped when he stepped in the room, as we continued to make eye contact my parents cleared their throats, snapping my attention towards them. Noticing how the Prince’s parents were smiling with mirth swimming in their eyes. His eyes turning a quick red before disappearing as if it never happened, i elected to ignore it.
“I apologize sincerely for my absence, i had to deal with a few minor issues regarding the war” he stated with a sweet smile on his face that won my parents over, making them shake their heads in dismissal of his rude action. I mentally rolled my eyes, they probably think hes going to be a great husband. I was fooled except he hasnt done anything bad except be late so i cant really make him a villain, yet.
“Come, come! This is princess Yong Sang from the Song family” the Queen introduced us. I bowed while he took my hand, igniting tingles in my arm and kissed it lightly. My heart fluttered as i scowled at it in my head. I am supposed to not like him. What is this? Is he playing mind tricks on me? As he straightened up again he smiled a very attractive smile at me that made me shoot him a small one back. I swear what my cousins said last night is messing with my brain because now i am considering giving him a chance.
Dinner wasnt uneventual, unlike many others i have been through, he was seated right across from me and he kept on shooting me heart stopping smiles. My heart couldn't take it and i was very relieved when they announced dinner was over but the dread settled when i heard the Queen suggest for the Prince to show me around the castle while they talked. I was not surprised when he agreed and offered his arm for me to take. Making the same feeling tingle up my arm again. I swear i am not going to survive tonight if e keeps doing this to me. As the door shut closed behind us, he turned to me and asked,
“What would you like to see first?”
“What would you suggest?” i asked back curiously, i am going to try to push back all the negative and tingling thoughts and try to enjoy my time here, because at least my parents picked it a beautiful man for me to marry.
“In my opinion the weaponry and the library are the best.” he said after a long pause.
“I would like to see the weaponry then” i confirmed, causing his eyes to widen in shock. I guess i understood his surprise i was in a very restricting dress and i didn't appear to have that kind of likes. I nodded in confirmation when he raised an eyebrow.
“Please, lead the way” i said with a small smile. This boy doesnt even know what hes about to get into.
“Alright, my lady. Would you like to hear about war stories then?” he joked.
“Yes please that would be wonderful”i wanted to add ‘i am curious at what is your choice of weapon’ but i am going to ask later.
So as we walked, he told me stories of the wars he participated in, when we arrived, i was shaking my head laughing.
“Really? How did you think telling a warlord to “shut the fuck up” wouldn’t have consequences?”
” If it makes it any better, I meant it.” he refuted my remark. As we went in, i was already comfortable around. The thought scared me because i just met him, but it feels like ive known him for years. As we walked around i noticed that there was a part of the room he avoids. As i looked closer i understood why, it was silver, i remember that his kind cannot stand silver. It physically burns them.
“I wonder why the Pack’s weaponry has a section with silver laced weapons?” i said outloud pointedly looked at the Prince. He chuckled and turned around.
“Because sometimes even your own kind cant turn against you.”
“Well then how did you use them?” i questioned.
“When we needed those weapons we had a seer enchant them.” he explained vaguely.for now i am going accept this answer.
“So which weapon do you prefer best?” he asked, beating me in asking the question ive been itching to ask.
“I prefer small daggers” i answered, “what aboout you?”
“I am good with swords” i nodded. I have to admit he proved me wrong, i thought he was going to be unpleasant.
“Library next?” i asked. He neared me and nodded his head before tilting his head in a cute puppy kinda way.
“I would like to show you something. But you have to hold onto me” he proposed. I was curious so i gave him an okay sign and held onto his arm. He wrapped his hand on mine and smiled at me mischievously before the world was whirling around me and landed in the ground.
My head was spinning still not understanding what he just did before my eyes sharply looked into his.
“You teleport” he shook his head with a grin on his face. I was still not stable and i was swayed a little too far before he caught me.
“Are you alright?” he questioned, the mirth quickly disappearing from his eyes and worry replacing it.
“I am alright, just still dizzy from that” i gave him a small smile in reassurance. After i steadied myself we made our way inside the awaiting open doors of the huge library. I looked at the books around and quickly turned.
“Ou do know that my parents are here so we could get married, right?”, i totally forgot that werewolves have mates until i remembered when i looked at one of the book’s title.
“Yes i did, originally i had a problem with it” he paused before looking at my eyes deeply, making my stomach churn. “But then i saw how beautiful you are” he added with a slight smirk.
“Oh my god stop, this is serious what about your mate?” i rolled my eyes smiling before turning serious.
“I dont think she’ll mind.” he shrugged. My head didn't comprehend what he just said.
“Excuse me?”  he repeated the sentence again, and i looked at him like he was crazy, which honestly i think he is. He doesnt look like he’s kidding.
“Explain” i deadpanned.
“Shes kinda standing in front of me right now.” he stated with a big smile on his face, it seems my brain is slow today because it took me a full minute to realize hes talking about me.
“I need to sit down” i backed up into a chair, and plopped down.
After a few minutes i spoke again, “so i am your mate, and this is going to work out” i stated, confusing him.
“Look, i wasnt keen on the idea of marrying you, because i was okay being single, and now this whole thing with the mates, i mean ok, so this worked out for both our favors, because you didnt turn out be a complete asshole and i dont actually mind you but like please dont expect me to fall in love with you like...today” i ranted, as he listened, i could tell he wanted to object over a few things that i said but then he just accepted that i am not budging.
“Of course, i didn't expect you to.” i felt like he was going to say more but then the butler interrupted saying that they needed us back.
“I guess i’ll see you later” i said to him as he walked me back to my parents.
“Yeah, i look forward to it.” he smiled at me. And my heart felt like it could burst but i held my breath until we were out of sight. I took a deep breath, this wasnt what i had in mind.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Many Republicans Are Running For President
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How Many Republicans Are Running For President
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How Black Republicans Are Debunking The Myth Of A Voter Monolith
How GOP retirements are making the 2022 midterm elections a Trump referendum
African American politicians and activists on the right say theyve found support in the black community through dialogue
For Brad Mole, venturing into Republican politics didnt start with a sudden awakening to conservatism. It was his religious upbringing and way of life that brought him to the Republican party.
My faith pushed me more toward policies that better reflected my upbringing, he said. I began understanding that the teachings I was raised with were more reflected in a party that not many around me identified with.
The son of a preacher in the Lowcountry region of South Carolina, Mole is now taking his politics a giant leap forward, challenging the Democrat Joe Cunningham for his US congressional seat.
As analysts debunk the myth of the black voter monolith, some black Republicans are stepping forward to counter stereotypes and assert a political identity very different from the usual assumption that all black Americans are Democrats, especially in the era of Donald Trump.
As one of seven Republicans running for the seat, Mole credits his religious background for his motivations to join the crowded race. Those same traditions are often associated with centrist African American political leanings. But for black Americans like Mole, their conservatism leads some to question whether their political party and preferences actually match their worldview.
But hes not out to change minds; he wants rebuild a sense of community.
Political Primaries: How Are Candidates Nominated
Article two, section one of the United States Constitution discusses the procedures to be followed when electing the president of the United States, but it does not provide guidance for how to nominate a presidential candidate. Currently, candidates go through a series of state primaries and caucuses where, based on the number of votes they receive from the electorate, they are assigned a certain number of delegates who will vote for them at their party’s convention.
Earlier party conventions were raucous events, and delegates did not necessarily represent the electorate. Mrs. J.J. McCarthy describes her convention experience:
I can picture … the great Democratic convention of 1894 at the old coliseum in Omaha… right now I can hear the Hallelluiahs of the assembled. Oh how I wish I had back the youth and the enthusiasm I felt that night, I jumped on a chair and ask that by a rising vote the nomination be made unanimous, how the people yelled, how the packed gallories applauded, it cheers an old man now to think about it.
Politics played a big part in the life of this town years ago. Campaigns were hot, and there was always a big celebration afterwards. … Votes used to be bought — that is before the secret ballot was adopted. Some sold ’em pretty cheap. I remember one old fellow who sold out to one party for a dollar — then sold out to the other for the same price.
State Primaries And Caucuses For The Presidential Elections
State primaries are run by state and local governments. Voting happens through secret ballot.
Caucuses are private meetings run by political parties. Theyre held at the county, district, or precinct level. In most, participants divide themselves into groups according to the candidate they support. Undecided voters form their own group. Each group gives speeches supporting its candidate and tries to get others to join its group. At the end, the number of voters in each group determines how many delegates each candidate has won.
Both primaries and caucuses can be open,closed, or some hybrid of the two.
During an open primary or caucus, people can vote for a candidate of any political party.
During a closed primary or caucus, only voters registered with that party can take part and vote.
Semi-open and semi-closed primaries and caucuses are variations of the two main types.
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Affordable Care Act Lawsuit
See also: State Attorneys General Against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
Abbott was one of 13 state attorneys general who initiated a 2010 lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The suit argued that the individual mandate fell outside of the federal governmentâs authority and that the requirement for state Medicaid expansion of coverage violated state sovereignty. The case was ultimately heard before the Supreme Court, which ruled to uphold the individual mandate as falling within Congressâ authority to levy taxes and struck down the Medicaid expansion as being unduly coercive in light of the withholding of funding that would result from noncompliance.
Sen Marco Rubio Of Florida
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Like Cruz, Rubio would enter the 2024 presidential race with heightened name ID and experience from his 2016 run. One of Rubios biggest challenges, though, could be his fellow Floridians. If DeSantis and fellow Sen. Rick Scott run, there could be just one ticket out of Florida, a Republican strategist said.
Rubio, 49, is married to Jeanette Dousdebes and they have four children. He graduated from the University of Florida and University of Miami School of Law and was speaker of the Florida House of Representatives before running for U.S. Senate in 2010.
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Fragment Of Lincoln Speech To Kentuckians
A fragment of President Lincolnâs First Inaugural Address is attached to this speech intended for Kentuckians, indicating that it was prepared prior to his journey from Springfield to Washington. The assumption is that Lincoln either planned to receive a delegation from Kentucky during his stop in Cincinnati, or to make a quick excursion into his home state to deliver the speech. The speech itself confirms Lincolnâs belief that there was nothing he could say to appease the South without betraying the principles upon which he had been elected.
Abraham Lincoln. Speech intended for Kentuckians, February 1861. Holograph letter. Robert Todd Lincoln Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress Digital ID # al0082p1, al0082p2
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Republican Nominee Shows Humility
William D. Kelley, a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, attorney and judge, served as a delegate to the 1860 Republican National Convention in Chicago. Kelley joined Lincoln in Washington in 1861 as a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, an office he continued to hold until his death in 1890. In responding to Kelleyâs offer to inscribe his two-volume work on international law to Lincoln, the Republican nominee for president showed that he had not lost sight of his humble origins.
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Abraham Lincoln Replies To A Political Rival
Cassius Clay, an enthusiastic but undisciplined Kentucky abolitionist, thought he should be the next president of the United States. Clay would have settled for vice president, but he accepted the fact that the party needed an Eastern Democrat to balance the ticket. Aware that Clay lacked the necessary judgment to manage either office effectively, Lincoln sidestepped Clayâs direct solicitation for a prominent place in the possible future Republican administration.
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Primaries Were Beauty Contests
Donald Trump to decide on 2024 Presidential run| White House | Latest English News | World News
When primaries did play a substantive role, it was instead through their function as beauty contests. Winning the 1952 New Hampshire primary let Dwight Eisenhower prove that rank-and-file Republicans, and not just party bosses, were more interested in picking a winner than in picking an orthodox conservative thus giving the establishment permission to do what it wanted and go with Ike.
But both of these examples were making a point to persuade party leaders, not a way to override their preferences.
The fundamental inefficacy of the primaries was driven home by the bitter 1968 Democratic nomination contest that ultimately went to Vice President Hubert Humphrey, who didn’t even enter any primary elections.
But the tumultuous, riot-scarred convention where it happened, followed by electoral defeat at the hands of Richard Nixon, spurred massive change.
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How To Become President Of The United States
The U.S. Constitution’s Requirements for a Presidential Candidate:
At least 35 years old
A natural born citizen of the United States
A resident of the United States for 14 years
Step 1: Primaries and Caucuses
There are many people who want to be president. Each of these people have their own ideas about how our government should work.; People with similar ideas belong to the same political party. This is where primaries and caucuses come in. Candidates from each political party campaign throughout the country to win the favor of their party members.
Caucus: In a caucus, party members select the best candidate through a series of discussions and votes.
Primary: In a primary, party members vote for the best candidate that will represent them in the general election.
Step 2: National Conventions
Each party holds a national convention to finalize the selection of one presidential nominee. At each convention, the presidential candidate chooses a running-mate .
Step 3: General Election
The presidential candidates campaign throughout the country in an attempt to win the support of the general population.
People in every state across the country vote for one president and one vice president. When people cast their vote, they are actually voting for a group of people known as electors.
Step 4: Electoral College
In the Electoral College system, each state gets a certain number of electors based on its total number of representatives in Congress.
You can;.
Road To The Nomination
Lincolnâs remarkable performance in a series of seven debates with Senator Douglas drew the attention of Republican Party leaders in New York and New England.;Invited East to speak, Lincoln delivered one of the best speeches of his career at Manhattanâs famous Cooper Union.;Horace Greeley immediately reproduced the speech in his widely read New York Tribune, and Lincoln began to be thought of as a potential presidential candidate. With the help of able advisors, Lincoln orchestrated a successful campaign for the 1860 Republican nomination for president.
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Campaign Buttons From 1860
In 1860, after the invention of the economical tintype process, candidatesâ images appeared on campaign buttons for the first time. The buttons shown here display a portrait of Lincoln on one side and an image of vice-presidential candidate Hannibal Hamlin on the reverse.
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Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin campaign buttons, 1860. Tintypes with metal casings. , Library of Congress Digital ID # ppmsca-19432
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Here Are The Republicans To Keep An Eye On For 2024
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Republicans are paying extra attention to a number of Republican governors, senators, and former officials that might consider making a run for president in 2024.
The contenders come from various contingents of right-leaning thought, and will be fighting to capture parts of former President Donald Trumps base. Whichever Republican hopeful prevails will not only become the Republican Partys nominee, but also help determine the ideological trajectory of the Republican Party in the post-Trump era.
Vice President Mike Pence
Its not uncommon for vice presidents to follow up their stint as second-in-command with a run for president. Former President John Adams, the nations second president, was Americas first vice president under President George Washington. More recently, President Joe Biden became the 46th president four years after he ended his eight-year tenure as former President Barack Obamas vice president.
Vice President Mike Pence might decide to do the same, but Pences relationship with Trump seems to be severely tarnished after Pence did not contest the certification of the Electoral College results, as reported by The Hill.
Senator Ted Cruz
Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz could run for president again come 2024 after he defended his senate seat in 2018 from Democratic challenger Beto ORourke. Cruzs bid for the presidency in 2016 ended in failure as Trump captured the Republican Partys nomination.
Senator Josh Hawley
Governor Ron DeSantis
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Elites Still Matter Enormously In Primaries
George H.W. Bush
Just when journalists and political scientists were ready to proclaim the death of parties in favor of candidate-centered politics, the pendulum started to swing back.
Over the past 35 years, incumbent presidents have had zero problems obtaining renomination even presidents like George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton who alienated substantial segments of the party base with ideological heterodoxy during their first term. Reagan and Clinton both passed the baton to their vice presidents without much trouble.
Insurgent candidates who caught fire with campaigns explicitly promising to shake up the party establishment Gary Hart in 1984, Pat Robertson in 1988, Jerry Brown in 1992, Pat Buchanan in 1996, John McCain and Bill Bradley in 2000, Howard Dean in 2004, Mike Huckabee in 2008, and Rick Santorum in 2012 repeatedly gained headlines and even won state primaries.
But while 1970s insurgents were able to use early wins to build momentum, post-Reagan insurgents were ground down by the sheer duration and expansiveness of primary campaigns.
Tactics that worked in relatively low-population, cheap states like Iowa and New Hampshire simply couldn’t scale without access to the broad networks of donors, campaign staff, and policy experts that establishment-backed candidates enjoyed.
It’s this “invisible primary” among party elites that truly matters.
Endorsements were better at predicting the outcome than polls, fundraising numbers, or media coverage.
Former Vice President Mike Pence
Historically, experience as Veep isnt a bad launching pad for the presidency. Six former vice presidents went on to become president, including, of course, President Joe Biden, and an additional five won their partys nomination. For 61-year-old Pence, though, the upside of his time as vice president is more of an open question.
Trumps 2020 pollster Tony Fabrizio found that if the former president doesnt run in the 2024 election, his supporters gravitate most to Pence, DeSantis and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, so there is plenty of support there. But on Jan. 6, when Pence announced Biden as the winner of the 2020 election, he complicated things.
Hes got this tricky position, said Steven Webster, and assistant professor of political science at Indiana University Bloomington. I think increasingly the base of the Republican Party is aligned with Donald Trump, and Mike Pence is really seen with hostility by Trumps base, simply for performing his constitutional duty on the 6th.
Pence appears to be well aware of the predicament. Earlier this month, he published an op-ed voicing his concern over supposed voting irregularities in the 2020 election, though he didnt mention any specifically. Trumps own administration said the election was the most secure in American history.
Pence and his wife, Karen, have three children. Pence is a former conservative radio host who served seven terms in the U.S. House before becoming governor of Indiana.
Also Check: Why Republicans Want To Repeal Aca
Lincolns Cooper Union Address
Lincolnâs debates with Stephen A. Douglas brought him to national attention, including an invitation to speak at Cooper Union in New York City. In one of the most carefully prepared speeches of his career, Abraham Lincoln argued that twenty-one signers of the United States Constitution believed that the federal government should exercise control over slavery in the territories. Hence, the position of the Republican Party on the westward expansion of slavery was not revolutionary, but instead was consistent with the wishes of the Founding Fathers. The speech is significant because it won Lincoln the support of Republican Party leaders in the East and led to his nomination as the partyâs presidential candidate.
Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, in New York, in Vindication of the Policy of the Framers of the Constitution and the Principles of the Republican Party. Delivered in the Cooper Institute, Feb. 27th, 1860. Springfield, IL: Bailhache & Baker, 1860. Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress Digital ID # al0047_1, al0047_2, al0047_3, al0047_4, al0047_5, al0047_6, al0047_7, al0047_8
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South Dakota Gov Kristi Noem
The GOP is still very much the ‘party of Donald Trump
Noem, 49, has seen her profile rise during the pandemic, and she also had a high-profile moment last summer when she hosted Trump at Mount Rushmore for the Fourth of July. Noem gifted Trump with a Mount Rushmore replica that included his face, and her growing connection with Trump fueled speculation that he was considering swapping her for Pence as his running mate. She reportedly visited Washington, D.C., weeks later to smooth things over with Pence, according to The New York Times.
Noem isnt one to back down from culture wars fights. She recently came under fire from social conservatives for not signing a bill she originally said she supported barring transgender athletes from competing in sports. Noem cited her concern that the state would be punished by the NCAA, but followed up last week with executive orders restricting transgender athletes in K-12 schools and colleges.
Noem also recently got in a Twitter fight with Lil Nas X over his limited-edition Satan Shoes. The rapper responded to her tweet by saying, ur a whole governor and u on here tweeting about the shoes. Noem fired back with a Bible verse from Matthew 16:26.
Like DeSantis, Noem has played up her states more hands-off approach to handling COVID-19, but the virus has devastated South Dakota. More than 1,900 people have died in the rural state, and it has the eighth-highest death rate per 100,000 people in the U.S., according to data compiled by Statista.
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Cancellation Of State Caucuses Or Primaries
The Washington Examiner reported on December 19, 2018, that the South Carolina Republican Party had not ruled out forgoing a primary contest to protect Trump from any primary challengers. Party chairman Drew McKissick stated, “Considering the fact that the entire party supports the president, we’ll end up doing what’s in the president’s best interest.” On January 24, another Washington Examiner report indicated that the Kansas Republican Party was “likely” to scrap its presidential caucus to “save resources”.
In August 2019, the Associated Press reported that the Nevada Republican Party was also contemplating canceling their caucuses, with the state party spokesman, Keith Schipper, saying it “isn’t about any kind of conspiracy theory about protecting the president;… He’s going to be the nominee;… This is about protecting resources to make sure that the president wins in Nevada and that Republicans up and down the ballot win in 2020.”
Kansas, Nevada and South Carolina’s state committees officially voted on September 7, 2019, to cancel their caucus and primary. The Arizona state Republican Party indicated two days later that it will not hold a primary. These four were joined by the Alaska state Republican party on September 21, when its central committee announced they would not hold a presidential primary.
Virginia Republicans decided to allocate delegates at the state convention.
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sugainmycoffee · 8 years
So you're an engineering major? I was thinking about taking that route but I'm not sure yet. Could you tell me like the pros and cons? lmao I know this doesn't relate to kpop but I could use the advice 💀
yeah! i’m a chem eng major (with a bio eng minor) but i started my uni career in 1st year general eng (which gave me a taste of like mechanical, electrical, computer and civil as well)
pls take all of this with a grain of salt i can only speak from my experiences + my younger brother’s (who is majoring in mech eng at a different uni than me)
let’s start with the pros:
- prestigious - engineering comes with this whole “you are the crop of the cream” mentality. it’s enforced by the institution, the student body etc. we’re proud of how hard we work and people are usually wowed when they hear that you study it because the public knows how difficult it is.
- job prospects - in this day and age where the economy and job market literally suck, they suck a bit less for engineers. even non-engineering companies want to hire engineers because of their critical thinking ability and problem solving skills.
- community - my university has like 100k students, and engineering is only a small fraction of that (like 5k?). i’ve noticed that in my arts electives there is absolutely no sense of unity… like people go to class and mind their own business where as in engineering everyone knows each other/ you’re forced to collaborate and get to know one another because of group projects (enGINEERS ALWAYS WORK IN TEAMS UGH) and just copying problem sets off one another etc lmao. your class will def become close knit and shit by the end off every torturous semester.
- work hard party harder (if you’re into that, engineers do in fact party quite hard, but only once exams are done hah)
- research! labs! discovery! if you like learning, engineering allows you to keep at it. you’ll learn all the physics and math you never knew you existed but also get to apply your theory. i really like that aspect - especially as a chem eng, we got to do some really cool stuff in lab like make biofuel from our choice of oil and then heat it up in a bomb calorimeter to determine how efficient it is! 
- a way of thinking. i think the most important take away from my 4 years of eng will be how i think. this is something not a lot of majors are exposed to. this isn’t about memorizing equations or facts or writing essays and giving presentations. it’s about being able to break down a complex situation into one that is more manageable and approach a solution with confidence. this aspect of critical thinking is useful in literally everything you do and will continue to be useful to you in the years to come. 
- ERTW - “engineers rule the world” is a phrase you hear a lot in uni. although i think that every profession is important and helps the world go round, engineers are kinda put in a position where they can help lead the change and make a difference. of course that comes with heavy burdens like public safety and protecting the environment but it also allows you as a person to be the change. 
- there’s a lot of traditions and “culture” to it. one of the main ones for canada is the iron ring (which i’ll be getting soon i’m hyped) but even in school there are a bunch of things that we uphold like our frosh week, ceremonies, pranks etc. (enjoy this video of my grade being pranked at frosh lmao they make u do a fake test with absolutely bullshit answers to make you shit yourself before you even start school) 
- there are some really cool extra curricular where you can build cars and robots or design zero energy houses and take part in case competitions
- $$$ - apparently it pays well but what do i know i don’t have a job offer yet :’)))
- kim namjoon might be ur next classmate u never know
ok now the cons: 
- its rly fucking hard like you could have never imagined like what the fuck all the all nighters i have pulled what exactly is a sleep schedule i dont even know and just constantly being mind fucked in classes and crying a lot and trying to stay positive in an environment that is so damn competitive is :’)))
- i fucking hate group projects and my school has made it their goal to include one in EVERY semester worth atleast 20% of your mark like they truly hate you
- class schedules are terriblE like in my first 3 years i had so few breaks and like 8+ hours of class and was constantly tired and hated my life but what else is new (also i didn’t have any electives until now, in my 4th year :| so you literally never catch a break)
- its exPENSIVE - apparently tuition rates are based off of how much you will make after graduation but like i pay 2 times as much as a science/arts student does which comes out to 15k+ a year like ? ?? ? that fucking ridiculous but god bless student loans for coming through
- we have more class than the arts/science students - like a week extra every semester because fuck us in particular
that’s all i think :’) if you have more questions feel free to ask. despite the cons i’m glad i chose to pursue it. it’s challenging but rewarding imo. 
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blaperile · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues - Meat - Page 6
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Racism and the ‘Orchestra of Outrage’: a prologue, part 1.
Racism and the Orchestra of outrage
It is the current year (surprisingly), and by any reasonable metric, you will be forced to conclude that racism in its truest form has been diminishing across our Western civilisation for some decades now. Western countries are the most economically, culturally politically and religiously diverse and open in the history of the world. Bigotry, homophobia, sectarianism, sexism and the rest of the ‘orchestra of prejudice’ has been in full remission for at least three generations, depending on where you live, and with rare exceptions.
This may sound like fuel for the most reactionary leftist firebrands to sound off on the usual hi-explosive hysterical battle cries. Trump is literally Hitler, we know. Nazis are in every Starbucks, transphobes are on every bus, prisons are full of minorities, gay teenagers are still anxious, and college students are still offended by what is reported on the 6 o’ clock news. Yes, Trump exists, yes, racism exists. Yes, you work in a shitty job, and your peers are doing better than you by every standard you judge important. So yes, uncomfortable realities are still a reality. But the hysterical reactionaries are exactly that, hysterical, and I’ll come back to them.
But the fact here remains, and it is a virtually prima facie case on the evidence of living in or even walking through any area in the Western world, that racism is less of an influencing factor in our broad societal discourses than at any time in history. Its not controversial to state, that in real terms, the whole concept continues to becomes increasingly minimised and specialised as people get on with leading productive lives. Yet, as anyone who dwells on the internet, and many others who dwell in the outside world will know, it remains a primary bogeyman of our political rhetoric at every social level. You can still pretty effectively threaten, bully, censor and silence any discussion with an appropriately crafted accusation of racism, no matter how unfounded or unrealistic the accusation may be.
The attraction of keeping “racism” in play is many fold. I will discuss several of the reasons for that as we go forward.
First, racism is an established press magnet. You can use it to sell pretty much any story. The word and the idea are the stuff of gossip columns. Let me put it into context: once upon a time, neighbourhood gossip in the real world would revolve around the finest of lurid insinuations- that someone was committing adultery, cheating on their husband or wife with someone else in the community. But that narrative has been played out in the yellow press. It may have reached its zenith with Bill Clinton or Tiger woods. Except in the rarest cases, the press or news dont care about cheating, or fidelity, or marriage, or anything to do with fidelity or the traditional family unit, they’re far too cynical and nihilistic for one thing. But i digress. Racism is the new best scandal you can sell, and it seems to have maintained its incendiary spark, despite being squeezed and crowbarred into our discourses and news media like a jack in the box for a few decades now. We haven’t grown out of that silly thrill quite yet.
A quick google search on the word “racism” under the “news” category for today brings up a perfect list of examples of the power of the concept to sell narratives. News stories for today include Australia consider its foreign and domestic policy through a lens of racism, when considering how to uphold and maintain their social and political values when Chinese people are buying up and insinuating themselves into large sections of their economy and their education system.  This is a news story about current-year racism in its finest, purest stupidest form. Is it racist to discuss any notion that nominally broaches the issues of nationality and culture in a forthright and honest manner, when legitimate social, economic, political and civilisational traditions investments and values are at stake? Yes, it is, in fact, according to several mainstream interpretations of the concept. The international news media dont care about the Australian people or their livelihoods or the future of their civilisation, but they do care primarily about the puerile and superfluous moral outrage that can be wreaked, like a finger-wagging neighbourhood gossip who spreads trashy half-truths and basks in schadenfreude. So we can see a story like this pop up most days (no hard task for the BBC) whereby they propagate the fallacy of the reputation-ruining racist minefield and then force real people to march through it.
Essentially Australian politicians, business leaders and academics are trying to figure out how to speak out about the concerns they have without saying what they are actually thinking. The primary fear, of course, is the fear of being misrepresented, and that fear is completely justified. No one wants to lose their livelihoods or their education, or god forbid the future of their educational system because some faceless hack has decided their legitimate concerns are sinful. And make no mistake, in the absence of religion in our social discourse, racism and the rest of the outrage orchestra happily takes its own place on the podium of perdition. (If we don’t have a structured moral scaffold on which to look down upon others, then, my friend, we simply are not journalists. And yes, we can invent our own Higher Power- lets call it “social justice”.)
Further on down the daily racism banner headlines there is a story about a racism row in Swedens world cup team due to one of their players- of Assyrian ethnicity - being insulted online. This is a sports story for people who aren’t interested in sports, but who prefer the off pitch drama and political bolloxology of the racism joust. Without prejudicing the actual story and legitimate personal concerns of the player in question, anyone who has spent any time expressing opinions on certain corners of social media will have been threatened with murder and exposed to racist/sexist/bigoted abuse regardless of whether you’re responsible for getting the team you play on kicked out of the world cup in a humiliating fashion. Its not the wildest thing to experience. Go to any youtube comment section and tell someone where you’re from. Wherever it is, you’re liable to get threatened with all manner of violence. Try uploading a video, and see how that goes.
Regardless, as i said, it makes sports more interesting for people who dont care about the games. UEFA have been on their anti racism campaign for long years now, and for the most part its working, but regardless, you’ll hear about it when it occurs. We can use racism to make anything interesting to people who aren’t interested in a subject for any other reason. Entire academic disciplines rely on this strategy, and again, I will discuss the academic aspect in all the detail it deserves in good time. But it gives sports writers an additional lever arch file to add to their portfolio. They can segway from sports into politics and social policy and wherever they want from there.
The world cup has throw up another few racist nuggets of interest in the last 24 hours, regarding controversial hand signals thrown by Albanian players on the Swiss team which references politics of the former Yugoslavia and the post dissolution wars that followed. Being that these are primarily white skinned persons, directed at Serbians who are white, this is a rather more complicated political issue so naturally its received less attention from the news media. That in itself is another wonderful aspect of the stupid game of musical chairs that media pundits and journals play with the racism issue. Identical behaviour that would be classified as racist if it were directed between persons of markedly different skin tones is an entirely different issue when the colours change. This holds true regardless of the actual context of said behaviour, no matter how legimately odious or replete with violent and perverse insinuations that behaviour may reference. Its too much hard work to sell those types of narratives in the current year.
Its of no surprise to anyone, that rather than deal with the actually potential life and death and complicated issues of ethnicity in parts of the world where the stakes are high, and where the word ‘racism’ remains its original ultra-violent and decidedly less nebulous rhetorical currency, we would rather discuss the netflix story, the beautiful and brave tale of social justice, whereby a netflix PR executive was sacked recently for the use of racist language.
Yes, in the almost exemplary ‘Mad Hatter tea party’ version of reality, this particular executive was fired for using the notorious N Word, in a meeting about words that should be severely restricted and censored when broadcast on their streaming network. While this may indeed have been a cover story of some kind, an excuse to oust a man who was targeted for ousting, the play on this tale is remarkably unironic in a situation seemingly tailor-designed for irony. In this version of reality, the N-Word cannot be discussed, even in the context where it is used demonstrably as a word to be censored. Whether this is the case or otherwise, this is the acceptable version of the anti racism crusade that we are being treated to by the orchestra of outrage.
There are at least four other superfluous examples of journals shoehorning racism into the headlines for outsized clicks on undersized stories which only reach the levels of attraction they do because of the self-propelling artificial hysteria of the racist epidemic shoring them up. But the main points have been highlighted.
We may quickly double back to reference the inherent implication of the earlier Australian story, which overlaps in an appropriate way with the miniature Netflix saga. In this version of reality there is no legitimate context for discussion of certain matters, even when those matters are demonstrably in your best interests and the best interests of your country and/or colleagues, as the Australians are experiencing. However, even in a putatively sterile environment, where the discussion of offensive language is the very intention of the participants, there is no ability to discuss honestly.
 The obfuscation of reconstructed standards and boundaries is unmatched except by the hysteria of the reaction when it has been decided someone oversteps.
I cant wait to get all this crap dealt with so I can get to the heart of the issue. But thats for another day. Coming soon..
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