#you put them gently back on the ground and they immediately go limp
kimquatz · 2 years
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jinyan ? miaoshen ?
either way. Look at him.
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brokenpieces-72 · 6 months
Ok after sending the first idea another popped in mind. What if tf141 are having a bad day and their feeling in the dump oh boy here comes stray lifting all their moods cause those 4 dont deserve no bad days
Again thank you for the requests, helps me stay creative and gives me something to do during my past time.
You were lying on Kyle’s bunk, after they’d been gone for a long time. Another trip you assumed. Other soldiers would pop in to give you some attention while the team was gone, but for the most part you didn’t leave your favourite spots. Not unless you heard a vehicle or helicopter approaching the base. When you finally did though your ears perked up immediately.
You raised your head to the sound waiting for more signs. There were a few shouts of alarm that made you spring up faster than usual. You hurried to the outside seeing the helicopter had landed and was being crowded by multiple soldiers. A K9 handler spotted you about to sprint toward your masters, catching your collar last minute. You yanked against him, but he held tight pulling you back. It was hard to make out everything but you saw them take your new friends to another building, a couple of them on stretchers. There was a faint scent of blood and you start barking, crying out to them. Fighting the handler was proving unsuccessful and he was able to drag you back inside putting you on leash. From there he took you to Price’s office where you tried to get back out and barked for someone to let you out. You wandered and paced waiting for the door to open again, restless.
After a few hours, the door opened and you rushed over to the human who’d opened it, tail wagging and sniffing his legs, hopping up to his chest. You let out happy barks and sounds of joy to see Captain Price again. When you jumped up he lifted his leg and nudged you off of him gently.
“Down, down…” he groaned, making his way to his desk. You noticed him limping. He slumped down in his chair, with bandages on and looking very exhausted. You whimpered following him and resting your head on his leg. What’s wrong? What happened? Price had his elbow on the armrest and his face in his had, tired. You whimpered to get his attention, and those adorable eyes of yours hand him giving you some deep head scratches.
“Good dog… Mission went pretty rough. Men will pull through but we’ll be off for a while… all cause of poor judgement.” He said the last part with internalized contempt. You put a paw on his leg, trying to show him more comfort. Honestly having you there was enough for the captain. He’d worked with dogs before but your antics and circumstances were more homely. Coming back to base felt more relieving than it used to, more of a safe haven.
“You want to go see them?” He asked you. Your ears perked up again and your head tilted on his lap. Price gives you a half smile and stands up from his desk, slowly. You stepped back but stayed close as he limped his way to door. The captain was appreciative of your patience as you waited for him to open the door. Once he did you walked up ahead, only stopping for him to catch up. You whimpered restlessly wanting to see the rest of the team. They were in post op by now.
Simon was lying on his bed sitting upright. His head was pounding, waiting for the painkillers to take effect. He’d been sliced up in the arms, and taken a hard beating. If it hadn’t been for Johnny’s quick firing he’d been on the ground. Unfortunately Johnny had gotten some of the spray of a grenade and it had lodged fragments inside of him. He was still asleep on his bed but would pull through. Kyle was just finishing up after getting some bullets taken out of him, pulling his shirt back on. He winced as he pulled it down.
Their expressions changed when the door opened and a big furry lump and their Captain came in. You went to Kyle first who got down on one knee smiling wide. You hopped on him and gave him sniffs and kisses while he gave you plenty of scratches. You were relieved he was okay but he did wince when you accidentally hit his bandages.
“Hey Buddy, you missed us?” He asked rhetorically as Price limped in. Price smiled seeing Gaz light up after looking like crap earlier before finding somewhere to sit. Simon slowly shifted his legs to the edge of his bed and you went over to him just as excited to see him doing okay. He grunted as you hopped on to the bed and sniffed and licked at his neck.
“Alright alright, I’m happy to see you too.” He said groaning and giving you some neck rubs. Simon would never show it, but he was happy to see you too. The mission had been a bitch, and it seemed nothing had gone as planned. When you finally settled down next to him you rested your head on his lap and you got more head scratches. The tension and exhaustion in the room seemed to lift somewhat. You were so happy they were all home. They were glad to be home. However you had yet to say hello to one more.
Johnny groaned from his bed as he slowly woke up. You hopped off Simon’s bed and went over to him. Kyle reached for you to pull you off as Johnny slowly woke up to you sniffing his face.
“Oi the fuckin ell!” He said while trying to shove you off, eventually able to sit up. You licked his face, tail whipping like a fan to see him up and awake. Johnny sighed, holding his head. He looked at you and you tilted your head innocently.
“You’re a little git.” He said. As if it were a command you went back to expressing your joy of his return. Johnny doesn’t admit it, but he’s happy to see you. His returned affection of pets leads to you ending up on his lap, curled up while he gives you belly rubs. The men ended up just talking and relaxing, doing a small debrief before chatting more casually. It was a good feeling for you too, feeling like someone’s friend and not just something to be used.
When the doctor ushered everyone out of post op so Johnny could rest, you nuzzled further into him.
“Nah, ya gotta go mutt.” Johnny tried to urge. You growled when he tried to push you off, making the 141 chuckle.
“Treat?” Kyle offered. You raised your head and then looked at Johnny. Instead of going off though, you put your head back down. You didn’t want to leave your friend alone.
“Come on dog, he’ll be here tomorrow.” Simon said, tugging your collar. He convinced you to follow him but you do turn around and put your paws back up on Johnny’s bed, whimpering. Johnny can’t help but smile and give your ears a scratch, before urging you to go with the rest of the team. As you exit you kept looking back as if Johnny was going to disappear if you looked away for too long.
Kyle went with you to his bunk after getting you a treat and you curled up next to him on the bed. They were all happy to see you, and were relieved they had all made it back. Your presence was something they never realized they had needed. They were glad to have you.
@yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @H0n3y_L3m0n @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting
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hayanwulf · 11 days
IronStrange: (angst/drama)
One of them falls unconscious in the other's arms. The one who catches them is panicking at first.
I don’t know how I ended up in this angle, but I enjoyed it.. hopefully you do, too.
“Stephen,” Tony called out, worry lining his tone, as he watched the Wizard sway on his feet. “You sure you’re alright?”
“I said I’m fine,” Stephen snapped, motioning a hand at his very blood-bathed robes. “Most of this isn’t mine.”
Tony glanced once at the pile of man-eating werewolves they had just taken down, all looking various degrees of dismembered. None of them breathed anymore, though.
Tony had made sure of that.
He regarded Stephen with skepticism. The Wizard decidedly had terrible survival instincts, perhaps even more than Tony himself. He had seen the few moments when the sorcerer had come damn close to becoming wolf snack, had genuinely feared for his life when some had tried to chomp off his limbs. The sorcerer must’ve been able to protect himself against the bites, somehow, since clearly, his limbs were all still attached where they belonged.
A werewolf’s bite-force was vicious. Deadly, for a normal human.
“Another waste of a trip,” Stephen growled, pacing around. “There isn’t any vampire base here.”
Tony frowned a little at the sorcerer’s restless movements, shaking his head in disagreement. “Not a complete waste. We still got these guys.” He waved a hand at the dead werewolves scattered around them.
Truth be told, their success rates of the undead hunts had vastly improved ever since the Avengers allied with Stephen and his super secret hunter group, even though there was still very little they knew about the said group. All Tony knew was that they were magic, were located in many places across the world, and were scarily efficient at their job. Surprising was the fact that they had never been heard of before.
Then again, Tony couldn’t fault them for staying in hiding. With the exponential growth of supernatural activity since the late 20th century, one could no longer tell friend from foe.
Once they had met, though, Tony had convinced (read: pestered) the sorcerer to agree to form a working alliance of sorts.
This one was meant to be a duo scouting mission for a suspected very major vampire base here in Germany, but had turned into an impromptu battle when they ran into the pack of hungry werewolves.
“Obviously,” Stephen drawled with a hiss in his voice, in response to Tony’s previous statement. “This is Central Europe, of course there are werewolves. What did you expect?”
Tony watched for a moment as Stephen flexed and unflexed his fingers while pacing. The Doc was being extra irritable today, for some reason that Tony couldn’t decipher.
Just as he was about to open his mouth, Stephen suddenly stopped his frantic movements, swaying dangerously close to collapsing. Tony immediately jumped forward to help, but Stephen abruptly turned away from him, balancing himself and putting distance between them again.
Tony’s heart tightened with a sudden sting.
They’d known each other for nine months, been working together in a close partnership for six, and yet the other man always kept Tony at arm’s length.
“Let’s go back,” Stephen said, his voice sounding a little.. off. Okay. So now they were going to forget all about the heap of dead wolf meat they needed to take care of first. Alright.
Still facing away from Tony, he began to draw a portal.
All that formed in the air was a few golden sparks that died in sync with the way Stephen swayed.
“Hey, Doc..” Tony took careful steps towards his companion, who tried to draw a portal again. “How about we sit down, take a breather—”
Stephen tilted sideways, and Tony didn’t hesitate to rush and catch him, careful enough to not hurt the man with his armor. Stephen was instantly limp in his hold, eyes closed. Tony’s heart stopped for a second and he mentally berated himself for not doing something sooner.
“Stephen?” He called, gently lowering the man to the ground, the Cloak assisting him. “Stephen?” A gentle tap to his face.
No response.
“FRIDAY?” He asked his AI over the loud thudding in his chest.
It took her a moment to respond. “No heartbeat detected, Boss.”
Tony’s heart plummeted like a rock. “No—what do you mean—” He retracted the nanites of one hand and reached for Stephen’s neck. Touched here and there and everywhere, but all that his fingers found was cold skin.
No, no, no, Stephen was standing just a second ago, dammit! How could this happen!?
“Give me more than that, FRI!” Tony practically yelled as he retracted nanites from his other hand too, frantically checking Stephen for something, anything.
“It seems he hid his injuries with magic, Boss. He has severe bite injuries that need medical attention.”
Tony cursed, trying to work himself out of his own mind-numbing panic to instead help Stephen. Somewhere in the back of his mind, it didn’t compute that blood-loss should stop the heart so abruptly.
In his panicked haze, he almost, almost missed the glaring detail in Stephen’s eyes while checking his pupils.
Gone was the otherworldly gleam of blue. Stephen’s eyes were red. Red like..
Stephen was a vampire.
Tony’s breath hitched as his heart flipped, and he physically recoiled away from Stephen, standing up.
Stephen was a vampire. He was.. he was just another lie.
Tony felt betrayed. Used.
He didn’t understand.. was this all just so he could crawl into Tony’s inner circle of trusted people?
And, god, Tony had fallen right into his trap. He had trusted Stephen. Had trusted him as a friend and a colleague; had trusted him to watch his back on every single mission they’d done together. Tony had allowed himself to be vulnerable around the man in so many occasions and— Tony shuddered at that thought. How many times had he been completely unguarded and exposed around Stephen? How many times could Stephen have had a chance to do whatever he wished to Tony, all the while the latter would have been none the wiser to the incoming assault?
“Boss,” FRIDAY’s concerned voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “He’s losing too much blood...”
Tony swallowed as he looked down at the man he considered a friend. His hands were shaky as he brought them up to wipe at his face.
“What happened here will not reach the Avengers,” Tony said with a finality in his tone, even though it came out more shaky rather than commanding.
“Yes, Boss,” FRIDAY replied without skipping a beat.
Tony knelt down, let the nanites form over his hands again, and looped his arms around Stephen’s body to carefully lift him up. The Cloak — bless them — helped him properly position Stephen without moving him too much. “Get us to the bunker, ASAP,” Tony spoke as his helmet formed around his head, and they took off into the star-lit sky.
The Avengers had secret facilities across many parts of the world, thankfully, since their undead hunts led them to foreign soils more often than not. One such facility was in Leipzig, Germany.
The flight didn’t even take five minutes due to how close they were to it.
Tony put Stephen down on a medical bed as gently as he could manage. He couldn’t involve anyone else for this. He couldn’t, because Stephen was a vampire, and vampires were the most narcissistic, heartless monsters that didn’t think twice before taking an innocent life—
Tony stopped that train of thought to focus on the matter at hand.
He was no doctor, but between his medical nanotech and FRIDAY, he was sure they would manage it.
He tore off Stephen’s robes with no finesse whatsoever, and sucked a sharp breath at the sight that was revealed.
Large, deep jaw marks bled furiously, painting a large part of his body a sickening red that made Tony’s stomach churn nauseatingly.
Trying his best to ignore the heavy pounding in his chest and the odd, dizzying feeling the entire sight caused him, he got to work with FRIDAY’s help.
He sealed all the wounds with nanites first, and then began cleaning. There was no beeping of a heart monitor as he worked.
The eerie silence might have killed him, if it weren’t for FRIDAY’s interruptions.
The more he worked through Stephen’s wounds, the more his chest tightened painfully, the more his hands shook. He wasn’t sure of the cause anymore. It was all just too much.
If FRIDAY noticed him looking more at the graph of Stephen’s brain activity rather than Stephen’s body, she said nothing.
It was his only way to know that Stephen wasn’t ‘dead’.
After what felt like forever, Tony was finally done patching up all of Stephen’s wounds to the best of his ability. Aimless and unsure after that, he just sat on a chair beside the passed out sorcerer, staring blankly at the brain activity graphs.
“What can we do about blood, FRI?” He asked.
“Obtaining us blood from Germany’s banks is difficult, Boss. And it will take a minimum of 6 hours to transport blood here from the states. I took the liberty to attempt to get in contact with Master Wong, but he hasn’t responded yet.”
Tony exhaled an airy sigh, settling his elbows on top of knees, and then propped his chin over his hands, eyes settling on the Wizard.
Stephen had lost blood. A lot of blood. It made Tony rewind his mind back to the fight, trying to figure out how he’d missed it so badly.
The attack had been unexpected. But that didn’t mean they hadn’t been prepared. In their line of work, one always needed to be prepared. Still, they couldn’t have possibly known that an entire pack of werewolves would come out of ass-nowhere just to ambush the two of them.
Planned ambush, a part of his mind said.
Stephen, as always, had been extremely staunch about keeping Tony away from the attacks, nevermind the fact that between the two of them, Tony was the one wearing any armor at all. There had been several instances when Stephen had stepped in to take a bite in Tony’s place. Tony had been alarmed, but had quickly brushed it off since Stephen had looked completely fine two seconds later, like he’d never been chomped.
Tony understood why now; it wasn’t because of the magic somehow protecting him. He simply had higher strength and endurance owing to his status as a vampire. But that wasn’t the only reason why Tony had so easily brushed off.
Stephen had never, even for a split second, allowed pain to show in his face.
That, more than anything, had led Tony to assume that Stephen was fine.
Tony cursed himself now, for being such an idiot.
Though, this brought up another train of thought. Since Stephen had bled so much, it was only natural that his bloodlust would go up exponentially, spurring his vampire instincts to light, making him go out seeking the scent of blood, to feed on blood.
Tony had seen several vampires before, in their crazy haze of extreme bloodlust. When they were injured was when they were the deadliest, because it was when their bloodlust reached its peak. They always looked like off-leash, rabid creatures, attacking anything and anyone closest to them that smelled of human blood, driven by nothing but pure, raw, unfiltered instincts.
Stephen had to have a bloodlust too. He had to have it dialed up to eleven when this badly injured. And Tony had been practically a walking blood-bag for him, ripe for the taking and completely oblivious.
Yet, all he did in the name of ‘attacking’ Tony was a growl and a near-hiss while he himself tried to escape, before promptly passing out in Tony’s arms.
Tony covered his face in his hands, letting out a shuddering breath. Guilt and shame pierced straight through his heart.
How could he even think that Stephen was deceiving him?
It was.. it was just as he had thought before, but had somehow failed to truly understand his own reasoning. How many times had he been vulnerable around Stephen? More than he could even think of keeping track of.
And Stephen had never, ever harmed him.
He had always respected Tony’s boundaries — nevermind that Tony had always been the one trying to push Stephen’s boundaries — had never made him feel unsafe, even though Tony couldn’t have possibly suspected Stephen of being a vampire.
He’d never broken Tony’s trust before, except for with this one thing.
Which, now that he really thought about it, what was Stephen even supposed to do? Tell a hunter that he was friends with a vampire?
Tony huffed, letting his arms slide off his knees as he looked at the floor for a second, before returning his gaze back to the unconscious man.
Stephen had.. he’d actively prioritized Tony’s safety. Always. The latest proof was right in front of his eyes, dangerously pale skin covered in bandages and medical nanites.
The guilt in his stomach swirled stronger than acid.
He shouldn’t have ever had such thoughts about Stephen.
It.. it didn’t matter that Stephen was a vampire. He was still Stephen. He was still the same snarky arrogant asshole who liked to argue with Tony about why Pink Floyd was better than AC/DC. He was still that cold, shut-off man who had allowed Tony the privilege of seeing his rare genuine smiles. He was still the man who effortlessly made Tony lower all his guards, made him relax into a comfortable state where everything and everyone from the outside world stopped mattering.
He was still the same man who made Tony’s heart flutter with this sweet, addicting feeling he didn’t want to name.
He was still his Stephen.
And the fact that he was a vampire couldn’t suddenly change all of that. It shouldn’t.
A little hesitantly, Tony reached out with a hand, scooping up one of Stephen’s scarred hands in his palm. The lean fingers were eerily still and unshaking, with its owner passed out like this. Tony slowly traced his fingers over the marks highlighting the soft skin, his caress light as a butterfly kiss, as though any harder touch would harm the man.
These delicate hands had cared for Tony’s wounds countless times. Never once had they held any intent other than to heal.
No, it wouldn’t, Tony decided. He wouldn’t let the fact that Stephen was a vampire change anything between them.
He swallowed, glancing once at the brain activity monitor to reassure himself that Stephen was fine.
He wasn’t really.
He’d lost a lot of blood, and it wasn’t like the blood banks provided you with vampire blood on the ready for undead-saving transfusions. The other alternatives all included somehow procuring human blood and hoping Stephen woke up long enough to consume it.
Damn it, Stephen.
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agent-troi · 10 months
Eight Nights of Mulder, Night 5: Miracles
Summary: Scully finds out she’s pregnant… but this time, Mulder is there to share her joy.
@eightnightsofmulder @today-in-fic
ao3 link
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“Scully, they’re taking abductees. You’re an abductee.”
She put her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Do you want to become one yourself, Mulder? Because that’s what could happen if you go back out there.”
“I can’t let it happen to you again. I won’t. I’m not gonna risk…” he paused to swallow around the lump in his throat. “...losing you.”
Her eyes welled up with tears, and he could feel his doing the same. In unison, they moved into one another’s embrace.
“Don’t go back,” she whispered. “Please.”
Before Mulder could respond, he felt her suddenly go slack against him. He stumbled as he caught her limp body in his arms. “Scully? Scully!”
He saw her eyes twitch beneath half-closed lids. “M’ld’r…” she murmured sluggishly.
“I’m here, Scully. I’m here, and I’m not leaving. You hear me?”
“Mmmm…” There was a light sheen of sweat on her forehead. His panic escalated, and he bent at the knees to scoop her up in his arms and cradle her against his chest. She’s so small…
“Agent Mulder?” Skinner had emerged from the conference room, followed closely by the three Gunmen. Their eyes widened when they saw Scully. “What happened?” Skinner asked.
“I don’t know, I think she fainted.” Mulder could barely hear his own voice over the sound of his heart hammering in his chest. “I’m taking her to the hospital. You guys stay here with Krycek and Marita and see what else you can find out.”
He made it to the hospital in record time, Scully regaining consciousness along the way but still weak enough not to raise more than the faintest objections when Mulder told her where he was taking her. When he told the admitting nurse that he was her boyfriend, Scully raised her eyebrows at him but didn’t say anything. Thankfully, the nurse believed them, so he was allowed to wait with her while they ran a series of tests.
“I know it’s technically true, since we’re together now,” she remarked as she sat on the examination table, her legs swinging back and forth as they were too short to reach the ground. “But ‘boyfriend’ just sounds so… juvenile. No, that’s not the right word. It’s just not… enough… to describe what you are to me.”
Mulder sat in a chair which he’d pulled up right next to the table, squeezing her hand gently as he looked up at her. “If I’d said I was only your ‘partner’, they wouldn’t have let me in here.”
Scully chuckled. “Half the time people assume we mean that in a romantic sense anyway. I think it’s fitting. It describes every aspect of our relationship, personal and professional.” She paused to let out an adorably enormous yawn, and Mulder couldn’t help but smile despite his lingering concern. “And it would’ve described…” 
Her voice faltered as she suddenly looked away from him, down at her feet. “If we’d gotten our miracle, we would’ve been partners in that too.”
Regret and agonized longing pierced his heart, just like it had back in Oregon when he’d watched Scully hold Teresa Hoese’s baby. He’d wanted that for her– with her– so much, but whatever cruel God was in charge of dispensing miracles had decided it wasn’t meant to be.
The door to the exam room opened, and in walked the doctor, who looked like she was trying not to smile. “Miss Scully?”
She handed her a manila envelope, which Scully immediately opened. Mulder looked at the doctor anxiously, too afraid to read it himself. “What is it? Is she okay?”
A gasp caused him to turn his attention back to Scully, who was pressing one hand to her mouth as if she were trying to hold in laughter or tears, or both. “Scully?”
His partner looked up at him with an unreadable expression. “I’m… I’m pregnant.”
She laughed softly as tears of joy slid down her cheeks. “I’m having a—”
“We’re having a—”
“A miracle,” they finished in unison. Mulder pulled Scully into his arms and spun her around, laughing and crying with her. 
“I told you not to give up, Scully.”
“You did,” she murmured into his shoulder. “I’ll never doubt you again.”
He snorted. “Liar.”
Scully laughed again. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
“I thought you believed in miracles?”
“I thought you didn’t?”
Mulder smiled and kissed her forehead, cradling her face as she gazed up at him with wide-eyed joy and wonder. “Well, maybe now I do.”
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tonyboneysblog · 2 months
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parings: thief!hawks x princess!reader
wordcount: 1.3k
warnings: none!
note: for ever that fan art shall be in thou head.
summary: thief!hawks steals you away and takes you far away from you home!…on accident.
You’re in one of your father’s chambers, you recognize.
You stumble into the main hall, looking around, everything seems the same as you last left it.
You assume your cousins had already left back to their aunts, can’t be too concerned with your safety.
Usually when someone was kidnapped in such a way, you’d assume they were dead.
You stumble towards the main room, where your sisters would usually stay.
And there they were.
They giggled softly, looking up.
You can see the pure joy on their face.
You almost feel the same, even for a moment.
They collapse into you, your skin feels wet from all the tears pouring onto you.
Your youngest sister sobs, “sister, where in the world have you been?!”
You don’t have the energy to respond, only to hug them tighter.
You knew they had to be concerned, you can feel your heart steadily beating back to its normal pace.
Until your father walks in, that’s when it spikes.
“Y/N, we have to talk.” He says in that gruff voice you’ve always known.
“y-yes father.”
Quickly, you stand up brushing away your sisters. You whispers sweet promises of all the cuddles and kisses they could ever want, after you talked to your father of course.
The three of them disappear through the door you came into, leaving you and your father alone together.
“Did you enjoy your little vacation?” Your father says harshly.
“It was hardly a vacation- they kidnapped me.”
Your father scoffs, “then why were my knights telling me about your little stunt and Red Water?”
Snitches. Can’t a girl just have some fun?
“It’s not what you think-“
He slams his cane onto the ground angrily, “I’ve heard enough, Y/N.”
“I’ve barely spoken-“
Your father cuts you off immediately, raising his hand for your silence.
“You’ve gotten mouthy while hanging around those thieves.”
You’d never admit it, maybe they did run off on you.
You know hawks did.
Your father walks over to pick up his camera, limping softly.
He speaks again, more gently.
“Y/N, your protection is my priority.”
“I understand-“
“I’m not finished.”
You mumble a quick sorry as he continues.
He sighs, “I assumed you’d return back to me, so to keep you safe I’ve arranged something.”
You head cocks to the left, confusion evident on your face.
Same as hawks.
“I’ve arranged a marriage for you, Y/N.” His voice gentle, as if it were any lounder than it’d break you.
And it most definitely would.
Your face twists into horror, your father promised you that you’d never have to marry any one that you didn’t want to marry.
So why- for protection?
that would keep a flying beast away from your window obviously.
“Guards will be keeping a close eye on you, since those damned thieves got away.”
You feel your heart lighten, a weight off of your shoulders.
Hawks was okay, they were all okay.
truthfully, you’d marry anyone to make sure that was true.
You look off towards the window, it was just about noon.
“Are we finished here?” You ask your father quietly.
“We are.”
He immediately walks out into the hall, marching down into his study.
Your sisters peek their heads out from behind the door, little spy’s.
You chuckle, “I knew you’d be listening.”
All your sisters groan in unison, maybe they should join the choir.
The they start pushing you into your own chambers, already wanting the love and affection you promised them.
The four of you cuddle up on your silk bed, soft and warm.
Your youngest sister perks up from your arm, “Y/N?”
You respond only with a hum.
“Where were you- seriously..” she says with worry shaking her voice.
“On an adventure”
She sighs, “we’re not children!”
“No, no seriously-“
You go on to explain all of your small adventures with the small crew you grew to love, two birds and burned flesh.
you tried your best to put it in a whimsical note, like you weren’t actually kidnapped.
You could see the awe and wonder pour into their eyes, and drowsiness.
Your story telling always did knock them out.
So there they rest, your story telling still not even finished.
You hear something bump your window softly, you shrug it off as just the wind being aggressive.
You close your eyes, drifting along with your sisters.
until another tap woke you.
You skillfully sneak away from your sisters without waking them up, only to see hawks at your window.
Should you be happy? I mean if anyone saw him he’d be dead- on sight.
You open your window quickly, “get in-before someone sees you.”
Hawks drags himself in, his wings following behind him.
“What in gods name are you doing here?!” You ask breathlessly.
He smiles, “I missed you?”
your face twists into anger, then into confusion.
You throw yourself into him, and of course he catches you.
“Missed me too huh” he purrs into your ear.
You hit him softly, he chuckles.
And you’re so warm.
He sighs softly, “I’m sorry that we ran, we should’ve taken you-“
“No, it was the right decision hawks.” You breath out into his neck like a whisper.
He smiles and holds you tighter, almost like he knows this moment won’t last.
“Hawks, I have to tell you something.”
He cocks his head to the side, “your in love with me, aren’t cha?”
Your eyes fall, “no- well, Im arranged to marry someone else.”
Hawks stays silent, quiet enough to hear a pin drop.
He finally breaths out a soft, “Really?”
You nod softly, his grip tightens.
Suddenly you can hear footsteps coming down the hall, you jump off of hawks ushering him towards the window.
“I can’t let them see you-“
“Y/N” he says quickly.
You stop for a moment, begging him with your eyes to just move and get out before he gets caught.
“I’ll be back.”
it’s a promise, not just a suggestion.
You nod softly, opening your window and watching as his wings expand.
Then he leaves your room, flying far from the palace.
far from you.
Quick knocks come from your door, you open it and it’s one of the knights that “saved” you from Red Water.
“Miss- are your sisters here?” He says quickly.
You nod softly, he lets out a breath he’d been holding for what seems awhile.
“Thank the heavens..we thought we had an another candle on our hands!” He chuckles nervously at the awkward silence you respond with.
He stutters, “a-and your father wanted me to tell you that your match will be here tomorrow! Isn’t it exciting?”
Again, awkward silence.
“To be getting married…?” He tries again.
You smile, “Course it is…”
The knight stands a little straighter, saluting then leaving you to your own devices.
You’ll be meeting the man you’re supposed to marry tomorrow.
then you’ll be married and most likely away from the palace, away from your sisters.
weren’t you supposed to be the future queen?
father promised you that you would, why would he lie to you like that?
you stalk off to bed with bitterness filing your heart.
bitterness towards your father- towards the man your supposed to marry.
bitter. bitter. bitter.
the feeling didn’t go away, even when you slipped back into bed with your sisters.
Clutching your heart, you could feel the tears start to form.
you didn’t want this, any of it.
you tighten your hold, feeling something soft gracing your fingers.
Your eyes open softly, grabbing the delicate object.
only to be met with a beautiful feather.
one that belonged to hawks.
and the bitterness swayed and the butterflies came in.
You put the feather close to your heart again, drifting off with it clutched between your fingers.
gently falling into sweet dreams.
ones where you could truly marry the one you wanted to.
you thought you could get whatever you wanted when you asked for it.
but your father would never give you a bird.
let alone a thief, one that stole your heart.
just a dirty thief.
a dirty thief you wanted everything to do with.
maybe you were just as dirty as him.
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May I please request headcanons for Bruce, Damian, and Dick responding with their S/O to a guy high on PCP and raging out and reacting to their S/O getting badly injured while trying to stop him?
I actually remember this one 👀
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He knew that someone was brought in but he didn't expect to hear arguing and yelling in mount justice going down to see you and half the team dealing with an very angry civilian you brought for medical attention but soon he got angry
The next thing he saw was the man punching Kaldur,shoving Jaime into the wall,and throwing you across the room over the island in the kitchen and into the wall across the room where you laid still
He runs across the room gently holding you in his arms as Connor and the rest of the team get him on the ground unconscious and tie him calling Superman to get him out of the cave
He tries not to cry seeing you limp and quiet in his arms being careful of moving you begging superman to look at you to make sure you were alive being told that you were unconscious and nothing was broken badly or at all
He carried you to his room staying by you putting an ice pack on your neck and side due to you having bruises there and only a sprained wrist nothing broken or bleeding internally
You wake up seeing him in his normal clothes without his glasses which was rare and surprising going to lean up until you stop by the pain in your muscles making him turn around full of tears gently hugging you
You slowly recover to everyone's relief and the man was put in prison when it was found out by local authorities that he was a longtime criminal charged for drug trafficking,assault,and murder which terrified you and everyone thankful of how lucky you were
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You joined him and everyone else on a patrol in Gotham helping deal with the rise in crime with the past while
All of you split up into groups of two going around gotham starting with Barbara and Jason,then you and Damian,lastly Tim and Step each taking one part of gotham
So far you and damian stopped two robberies,a kidnapping,and four sexual assaults being thanked by each person you saved taking 3 people to the hospital
After taking a break you noticed a man holding a gun threatening a woman and child quickly stepping in and taking them to a safe place far enough near a police station going back to help damian
You both fight him noticing how bloodshot and glassy his eyes looked and a small substance on his nose immediately knowing that he was high on some type of drug but didn't know what type it was
While fighting the man managed to grab you punching you a couple of times throwing you to the ground kicking you against a wall until damian got on his shoulders hitting him and covering his eyes
After a couple of minutes tim and steph came jumping in and managing to get him on the ground with a taser until jason and barbara came taking him to a nearby police station while damian was with you trying to help you up but when he went over to you he noticed how both in pain you were yet quiet as well panicking when he fell to the ground
You woke up later in a warm bed and familiar room realizing that you were back at the manor in more comfortable clothes than your suit with damian next to you tapping his foot on the floor anxiously
He saw you leaning up immediately running and hugging you "God I didn't think you would wake up" he tells you that after you fell blacking out he grabbed and carried you back to the cave where Alfred bandaged your waist and leg that was injured
Luckily other than that you only had a badly bruised rib recovering with ice packs and pain relief quickly getting back into training and back on patrols again with them everyone always keeping an extra eye on you always contacting you on your receiver in your ear
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The two of you along with the justice league had been out on the streets in each city due to the Joker and Bane amping up their activities so you kept more eyes on each city from Gotham And Central City to Star City and Metropolis
You had fought off a few thugs and henchmen of joker's when you noticed a tall big man with a glassy look on his face clearly angry heading for Wonder Woman yelling for her look out thankfully Flash got her away just in time
You dodged and along with Green Arrow and Hawkman the three of you fought the man trying to have him calm down or tire him out so that you can take him to the authorities or straight to Arkham Asylum
What you weren't expecting was to be thrown into Ollie then picked up again and your back being thrown against the man's knee like you had seen happen to Bruce years ago making your heart stop and terrify you that you would be hurt like he was for a long while or even worse
You hit your head and blacked out not hearing ollie and Diana scream in panic,bruce to you gently picking you up in his arms running to the batmobile, or superman quickly taking the man away and straight to the closest asylum while you were taken to the ER
After being checked out you only had a concussion and a big bruise on your back and it being sore surprisingly but you remember that right before you curled yourself right before your back hit his knee which possibly saved you from a worse fate that didn't happen
You were out for 3 weeks using ice and slowly walking normally again starting your first weeks back with training then going back on full time missions with bruce always making sure that if you did get hurt that it wasn't your back or head
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tteokdoroki · 4 months
tw: death
husband!pro hero!katsuki bakugo (dynamight) x wife!pro hero!reader, aged up characters obv
as the long rigorous fight came to a victorial ending for the heroes, the villian fell to the ground unconscious. the heroes began falling to the ground exhausted, tired from the fight.. some injured. bakugo landed on the ground finally, his weight landing on his weakend legs. he slowly fell down to his knees before coming to a realization, where were you?
"Y/N?!" he called out, looking the around the vicinity for you. the scene had been flooded with police, firefighters, ambulances, and reporters almost instantly after the ending of the fight. when he could find you himself, he looked for his closest friend, kirishima to help look for you. "KIRISHIMA!!" he yelled, finding his friend he gripped his shoulder, "she's missing! y/n's missing i can't find her anywhere!"
kirishima instantly began to help his friend in his search for you, traveling around the vast space that the long battle took place in. soon kirishima rounded a corner seeing you laid among the rubble. "BAKUGO I FOUND HER!" he shouted, running to aid his best friend's wife. hearing his friend, he immediately blasted himself in the direction of the pair. his eyes landed on your body laying on the ground, nearly lifeless. he dropped down to you immediately while kirishima ean as fast as he could to get an ambulance immediately to where they were.
"'suki.. am i gonna die?" you blinked at him wearily. you had a huge wound on your ribcage, it was deep and gushing out blood. he was quick to rip his own shirt off his body to put over your wound and apply pressure. "of course not baby," he spoke gently with you, "you're gonna be fine. everythings going to be fine."
"it hurts kats.." you cried, looking down to where his hands were putting pressure, trying to slow the bleeding. his white shirt was soaked in your blood. "i know baby.. come on, keep your eyes on me," he said, catching your gaze again, "stay focused on me sweetheart." "when i die..."
"don't say that." he looked at you, tears beginning to form in his own eyes, "you aren't dying." you laughed, which turned into a cry from the pain. "fine, but if i do die, you are the best thing that ever happened to me," you took a small pause, pulling in a shakey breath, "you've shown me what it is to be loved and to love someone, so thank you. thank you for being there, being the best husband, being my best friend ever since highschool, and for being my soulmate."
bakugo's tears started running down his cheeks too. "youre welcome baby," he cried, "and thank you too.. for everything. for being in my life and being the best wife and soulmate, i could've ever asked for." he knew the ambulance was running out of time to get to them, to you. "ill always be with you sweets, in this life, after death, in our next lives, and beyond."
you smiled his favoite smile one last time, your biggest and brightest one yet at his loving words. "im getting sleepy 'suki." he knew you were close to running out of time, that once you fell asleep... you wouldn't ever wake back up. he sniffled, more tears falling, "i know baby, it's okay, i'll be there when you wake back up. i promise."
"ill see you again soon," you whispered to him, kissing him one last time, "i love you katsuki, forever." he fully broke down in sobs as you spoke. "i love you too (y/n)... forever." he held you in his arms, sobbing as you took your final breath, your body become limp as your life slipped away. he hoped you were already reunited with him on the other side, no longer in pain.
this is my first time letting others read my work🥹🥹 —🍯
WOAHHHH MY CHEST :(( this was so emotional im gonna cry :((( baby this was so good I LOVE THIS thank you for sharing with us hehe !! you should post it one day if you ever feel like <3
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0dde11eth · 1 year
Vesemir is the Grumpiest kitten
Vesemir was having the strangest year of his long life. His pup geralt had not only managed to bind himself to a sorceress AND a Cintran princess, but also a member of the fairy Court.
The crashing of rocks in the background tell him that the sorceress and her pupil are hard at work, using their magic to help rebuild the northern tower. Echos of laughter drift down to vesemir. His pups are hard at work, helping put plaster in the cracks. Or at least they pretend to work hard when he's in eye sight. They still think that if they can't see him then he clearly can't tell what kind of mischief they are getting into.
Speaking of the little runaway viscount. "Hello bard."
"Good morning sir vesemir! And how are you this fine day? Ooh what are we harvesting today?"
"Watermelons, Lamberts cat brought me some seeds from his caravan last year, and I wanted to see how well they'd grow at this altitude."
Blue eyes peek over vesemirs shoulder, "I haven't seen a Watermelon in decades!" The young fae practically shouts in his excitement. "I can hardly wait, I swear between the treasures of your garden and cooking I've gained ten pounds, this last week alone!"
Vesemir chuckled at the bard, who was dressed in a shockingly bright green outfit, "true, you're beginning look like one of my watermelons"
A loud, dramatic gasp and a swat at his shoulder makes vesemir laugh even louder. "Nice try, but you're a kitten without any claws. All hissing and yowling and fluffing up trying to look scary"
"Rude!" Jaskier does indeed appear to fluff himself up as he draws in a deep breath to lecture the older wolf.
Before he can speak vesemir pats jaskiers head condescendingly. "I jest bard, a little kitten like you couldn't possibly eat an entire Watermelon. So we better save them all for the wolves. Help keep that figure trim."
Jaskier draws himself up glaring at the wolf. The teasing about his weight he can handle. Calling him a kitten? That's fine! But the audacity to not share the deliciousness of Watermelon?? This shall not stand!
"Let's see who's the kitten around here." Blue eyes become even bluer, glowing brightly as he gently taps the older Witcher on the nose with his forefinger.
"Bard what the hell are you doing!?" Vesemir roars in anger. Or at least he tries to. All that comes out is a series of tiny squeaks.
Long fingers come into view and vesemir swats them away, hissing furiously. The bards tinkling laughter fills the air and vesemir can feel himself being lifted by his scruff. Much to his annoyance, vesemir can't help how his body goes limp in response.
Jaskiers face appears in front of vesemirs own. "Oh you are the cutest thing! Yet you still look so grumpy, even as a kitten."
The bard brings vesemir closer and kisses his forehead, crooning under his breath. Vesemir growls at the affection, which just makes jaskier laugh more.
After a moment jaskier rearranges his grip, and as soon as he releases vesemirs scruff, vesemir takes advantage and attacks! With a wild yowl he scratches jaskiers cheek. A single drop of blood appears.
The fae heals it immediately, and huffs at at vesemir. "So rude! Well if you're not going to be good company, then I'll leave you be!
With that, jaskier places the cranky kitten on the ground, and decides to push his luck even further. "I look like a Watermelon do I? Well fine! A Watermelon I shall be!"
Another poof of magic fills the air, and in jaskiers place, a Watermelon sits. Rage fills vesemir at the faes antics and he scrambles around the plants and begins lecturing the fruit. bard. Whatever! He smacks the Watermelon without much success, considering how tiny his paws are. He can feel his fur fluffing up as his temper grows.
He's still yelling (mewing) at the bard to change them back, when the hungry pups wander into the garden, wanting to collect the pair for lunch.
To their surprise they see a cranky grey kitten, furiously growling and squeaking at a strange glowing Watermelon.
Lambert snorts. "Is that your bard?"
Eskels eyes widen, "is that... VESEMIR?"
Geralt simply sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose. Vesemir will be making him run the walls nonstop for months because he brought his ridiculous bard to kaer morhen.
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Random DogMan movie scene.
(This was something that was dwelling in the back of my mind ever since seeing the trailer for the dogman movie. I know it's rated as a kids movie but what can I say? I'm a sucker for angst. I do apologize in advance if this does trigger some DogMan fans. Anyway enjoy!!)
The town and streets were empty. Dogman stood bold, as Petey was piloting a giant robot.
Petey: AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! I gotta say DogMan, today's been a lot more interesting then our past battles. You still managed to stay in one piece.
DogMan: *Growls*
Petey: Listen, listen, I'm a cat of evil, but that doesn't mean we can't... negotiate.
DogMan gave Petey a confused look.
Petey: I have an offer for you DogMan, and it involves someone you may or may not know.
The robot lifted it's fist revealing Chief in its grasp as he weakly squirmed.
DogMan: *worried dog noises*
Petey: That's right, I've got your boss. Put up a real good fight when I showed up, but not good enough.
Chief: *Grunting* DogMan.. don't listen to him.
Petey: Zip it copper!
The robot tightened it's grip onto Chief.
Chief: Ahhh!!
DogMan: *Whimpers*
Petey: This is exactly what I wanna see, you coward at the sight of someone close to you in my grasp. Now here's the deal, I'll let him go if you surrender the city to me. If you decide to be a hero and don't then I'll just crush him till he stops moving.
Chief: Hghh! DogMan as your boss I order you to run-
Petey: I said shut it!
The grip on Chief got even tighter.
Chief: Aaaahhh!!
Petey: Really outta watch your words old man.
Chief: Not!..Old!
Petey: What'll it be DogMan? Save the City, or save your best Friend.
Chief: *Grunting* ..DogMan, just run. I can take him-
The robot tightened it's grip for the final time. The pressure slowly starting to take it's toll on him.
Chief: *Groans*...
Sarah Hatoff: (watching from the sidelines) *Gasp*
DogMan: Owr!!
Petey: This is what happens when you take long DogMan, I make the decision myself.
The robot released Chief, as he crashed into a nearby dumpster. DogMan immediately ran to his side holding him close.
DogMan: *Whimpering*
Chief: ...*Cough cough*...DogMan...*groans*.. It's okay...I...I knew he would pull something like this...I never wanted you...to have to choose me over the city.
DogMan nuzzled against him in comfort.
Chief: ..Heh...Gonna be honest.. didn't ever think I would go out like this..*chuckles weakly* I always thought I'd go out when I reached my 60's *laughing turned into tense coughing* ...
DogMan Laid his head on Chiefs lap as an attempt to ease the pain. Chief smiled at the gesture petting his head.
Chief: You know...You always did have a big heart for others DogMan...even if some of them didn't like you. But I can understand why since most dogs are loyal to people they care about weather or not they know them. You were always a good boy...That was what I liked about you the most...dog...Man..
Chiefs hand slipped off DogMan's head going limp on the ground, his eyes now shut. DogMan nudges his head to wake him up, but got no response.
DogMan: *whimpering*....AROOOOOOOO!
Sarah Hatoff: Oh no....
Petey: *Groans* Yawwwn! Are you done yet? Gosh you always gotta drag on with stuff like this!
DogMan: *Growls*...
DogMan glanced over at Sarah, holding Chief close to him. DogMan gently handed Chief to Sarah.
Sarah Hatoff: ...You want me to take him somewhere safe...
DogMan nodded.
Sarah Hatoff: ..Right, don't worry I'll make sure he's safe, I promise.
Sarah left the scene holding onto Chief.
DogMan turned to Petey angrily bearing his teeth.
Petey: Ugh, finally!! I thought they'd never leave. You honestly leave me questioning why you care about humans so much. But now that that's over, let's level things up shall we.
Petey pushed a button, and the robot now had claws on its hands, with canons on its shoulders.
Petey: *Laughing maniacally* Let's dance Supa Cop!!!
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artangelaum · 1 month
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Fritz’s story: the first mission
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Everytime he ran, or turned around, he'd see destruction, but he wasn't worried about that. He was more worried for his own teammates. The administrator had given him and his team time to bond for 2 months before this mission....if he didn't do something, his team will die!
He rushes over to his injured Soldier, attempting to heal him, but before he could übercharge him, the RED sniper took him by surprise and headshotted the Soldier the instant the übercharge was about to be activated.
Fritz desperately tried to use his medigun, but it seemed to not work, Fritz was feeling the tension in the air, as he grabbed his medigun tank and rushed over to the BLU spy and Demo, Fritz was able to heal them and activated the übercharge. They were able to fight off the RED Demo and Engineer, but then the RED Pyro came over and destroyed the Medigun with their axe. Fritz was unable to save his teammates as Pyro's flamethrower got them.
Three of his teammates were down, he picked up the broken medigun and tank, rushed over to Engineer and Heavy, who then revealed to be the RED Spy and plunged his butterfly knife onto Engineer.
Five down, three remaining. Fritz had to find his Pyro, Scout, and Spy. He could feel that his team would face major losses, and the uneasy feeling of dread was creeping up on him. He didn't like it at all.
Fritz panted heavily as he looked around, trying to find someone, anyone!
He saw his scout teammate, Michael on the ground, bleeding on his right side, his legs were also injured by the nearby turret.
The BLU Pyro just destroyed it and went to help their spy teammate.
Fritz quickly got bandages out, ready to patch Michael up and get him back to the base.
But then a hand stopped him—Michael's hand. Fritz didn't understand. Why was he doing this?
"Michael...you're badly injured, please, we can get back. I'll patch you up-"
"Doc, it's no need. I think it's already too late for me." Michael's eyes were half-closed, his voice was raspy, like he was struggling to say it.
Fritz didn't want to believe it, trying to put on a tourniquet. His eyes were now focused on Michael's injuries rather than his expression. He knew what Michael was implying, but just the thought was making Fritz crumble.
"Doc, you don't have to do this. I know I won't make it. Y' know...I'm actually quite scared, but you being here helped it a bit. I've lost too much blood at this point, and I know our mission isn't done..."
Michael coughed blood, trying to hold Fritz's hand, looking into his eyes. "Fritz...just keep fighting...don't worry about me."
Fritz felt his eyes well up with tears, his hold tightened. It was time to say goodbye, wasn't it?
Fritz could feel the texture of metal at his hands, he looked down and saw Michael's dog tags. "Please, give one to my ma, and keep one for yourself. So you'd both know I'm there with you, even if I'll be gone..."
Fritz felt his vision getting blurry, holding Michael towards his chest and gripping the tags tightly.
"Michael, I...."
"Thanks, Fritz...keep moving forward, okay?"
The scout showed one last smile before his eyes had fully closed, body going limp.
Fritz was still. He knew right then that his friend was gone.
"I....I'll keep fighting, I promise..."
He gently puts Michael on the ground, ready to get up but then the voice of the adminstrator cut through.
"Your friends are all dead. Good luck."
Fritz immediately fell down onto his knees, his eyes wide with shock. He was unable to save anyone at all. Everyone died because of his incompetance. He could feel his vision began to blur, head spinning with thoughts. His breaths were getting heavy, hands gripping his coat tightly.
Once he was able to snap out of it....he saw all the RED team in front of him, all surrounding him with wicked smiles, knowing they had already won.
Fritz braced for them to kill him, but they just started laughing.
"Killin' you's too easy!" The RED Scout snickers. The RED spy blew smoke on his face, Fritz had coughed from it. He looked up again at the RED spy, but there Michael was.
"You can't even save one person."
Fritz's eyes widened more, face pale at the sheer impact of those words. Michael's once cheerful eyes looking at him with pure distain and mockery. He knew it was the RED spy, but it still terrified him.
Then he felt the sheer force of the RED Soldier and Heavy, one of them grabbing his face as they began punching his face and stomach, kicking at his leg. The "final blow" was Sniper's arrows, piercing through his shoulders, trying to keep him from moving.
Fritz felt like he was in pure agony, eyes in tears at the pain he experienced, the laughter of the RED team driving him crazy.
At that moment....he had felt the intense anger building up. Everything then went black.
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ifearzombies · 1 year
When They Have To Have You (W/FemMC)
[This is very much not for minors. This is about sex and BDSM. 18+ only]
Masterlist: [x]
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     You just got home from RAD when a warm hand grabs yours and drags you upstairs. You let out a small yelp as you are unceremoniously forced to keep up with Mammon as you wonder what scheme of his has him so excited you barely got your shoes off at the door.
     “Mammon? Slow down... Let me at least put my stuff away,” you ask as you hit the top of the stairs, but the Avatar of Greed is not slowing down. He practically yeets you into his room before going in and kicking it closed behind him. He hastily locks the door before he grabs you and pushes you against a wall, his hands grabbing yours as he kisses you with desperate passion and making you melt.
      “I need you,” he growls as he pulls away to let you catch your breath, his hands moving to get your uniform off. Your hands move to help as you feel yourself getting more arouse as you look at the way he’s looking at you; loving and lustful while he greedily bites and marks your body as he exposes your skin.
     “Ma-Mammon!” You tangle your fingers in his hair as he exposes your vagina, his mouth moving to instantly give your clit some attention. His tongue swirls and sucks on the bundle of nerves while one of your legs ends up on his shoulder, your frame already quivering. “Fuck... Mm~... Mammon!”
     He pulls away and smiles up at you as he finally removes his own clothing. He picks you up and drops you onto the bed, immediately climbing over you. His hands grasp yours as he pins you and kisses your lips. One hand moves to slide over your body, teasing your breasts before they move further down and two start pumping into you. You gasp against his lips, your legs wrapping around his waist as he uses his thumb to occasionally brush your clit. There’s no pattern to when he does it. He wants to keep you guessing. He wants to make you moan.
     Mammon is your first and he’s going to make sure you remember it.
     He finally pulls away to let you breathe and his eyes meet yours. “I saw ya at RAD,” he says as he works a third finger into you, making your back arch, “Ya were sittin’ outside, talkin’ ta Belphie... Ya look so beautiful, sittin’ out in the stars... It took everythin’ in me ta wait until we was home...”
     You don’t get a chance to reply as his fingers finally find your G-spot. Your hips rock up as you moan loudly. He moans with you as he watches you cry out for him and he lets out another growl before he kisses down your body. His lips and tongue tease your breasts, his mouth greedily marking them as his for tonight while his fingers press harder against your clit and G-spot.
     Your moans are loud and broken as your orgasm hits you. Your hands grasp at the sheets to ground yourself while your hips rock into Mammon’s hand, his fingers drenched in your slick. You go limp for a moment before you feel his mouth against your folds, his tongue replacing his fingers as he drinks your orgasm. You let out a gasp as his hands are now holding your legs firmly apart while he feasts.
     “F-FUCK! MAM-MMON!”
     He chuckles a bit, pleased to have made you moan so wantonly and call his name. He pulls off and licks his lips as he looks at you. “Oh~? Do ya want somethin’? Ask the Great Mammon an’ maybe you’ll get it,” he teases, “Beg yer first for what ya want.”
     “I need... need you in me,” you plead, “Please... Fuck... I want you in me, Mammon... My first...”
     “Good girl,” Mammon growls as he lines up and slowly pushes in, savoring every inch of you. He pauses once he’s fully sheathed and looks down at you, a hand gently cupping your face while he looks at you as if you’re his most precious treasure. You turn and kiss his palm before your lips meet again. Your arms wrap around him as he begins with a slow rhythm that rapidly quickens.
     Your nails slightly dig into his back as he moves his lips to your neck, giving you a bite and sucking hard on the skin so all the brothers can see his handiwork on your body. His ‘clean’ hand cradles under your head as the other slides under your back to hold you as close as possible. He wants your bodies as entwined as possible, to be the definition of ‘two become one’ as his hips rock endlessly into yours.
     His name becomes a mantra as you build up to your next climax. Your walls are clenching around his thick member, making him groan as his rhythm starts to stutter. Your walls tighten as you finally hit your second orgasm and you feel him thrust deep and cum with you. The scent and feeling of your own climax pushing him to his own.
     Mammon holds you tightly as you both ride out the feeling. As he starts to go flaccid, he pulls out and looks into your eyes and kisses you again. “I love ya.”
     “I love you too.”
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dangraccoon · 6 months
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Jari'eyc - Chapter 6
Read on AO3
Word Count: 1827
Warnings: anxiety, PTSD (Order 66 related), injuries (blaster grazes and hit, cuts, burn), impending awkward relationship conversation, medical care (stitches, bacta application), Echo and Fives are both lovesick puppies over the same woman, Tech just straight up telling it like it is
Fun fact: This description - "Echo said, his hand reaching up to rub that spot of his neck that always knotted up when he got stressed." - is based on what my mother refers to as her "mom knot".
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Hunter’s mind was still racing as Sinya scrambled to her feet, frantically looking around as she backed away from him. She watched him, her silvery eyes a depth of fear he’d rarely seen, then darted away in the direction of Movri’s stand.
“Wrecker!” he called as he got to his feet, pointing at the fleeing woman.
Wrecker noticed the woman running and stepped in front of her, blocking her path into the small alleyway.
“St-stay back,” she warned as Hunter got closer. He could just barely hear the soft hum of a vibroblade behind her cloak.
Hunter held his hands up, free of any weapons. “Take it easy, Sinya,” he spoke gently. “We’re not gonna hurt you.”
Sinya scowled, eyes darting back and forth between him and Wrecker. Hunter could hear her heart pounding.
“It’s okay,” he assured. “Can you put the knife away? We just want to talk.”
“You- you’re not going to- to attack me?” she whimpered, her tone wrapping around Hunter’s heart, constricting.
“We won’t,” he said. “I promise.”
“Hunter,” Wrecker whispered. Hunter followed his gaze to his own shirt, stained with a deep indigo.
Sinya coughed hard, the same indigo spattering from her lips. Her breathing was labored as she seemed to fight to stay on her feet. 
Hunter hazarding a step forward. “Sinya-”
Sinya's eyes rolled back in her head as her body went limp. Hunter barely caught her before she hit the ground.
“I still can’t believe you’re really,” Echo breathed. He hadn’t taken his eyes off Runi in almost an hour.
“So you’ve said,” she smiled.
Fives snorted. “Yeah, Echo’s repeating things. How out of character.”
Echo rolled his eyes, but went quiet.
“We should probably talk about the bantha in the room,” Runi mumbled. 
Fives shifted uncomfortably in his seat. She looked to Echo and saw a flash of confusion cross his features.
Echo’s comm pinged, but he pressed a button to ignore it.
“What bantha-”
The comm pinged again and Echo growled in frustration, tapping it. “What?”
“Echo, where are you?” Hunter asked.
“I’m with-” he faltered. “I’m with Fives.”
“Get back to the ship. We’ve got a guest and we don’t know if she had anyone following her.”
Echo shook his head. “‘Guest’? Hunter-”
The comm pinged again, signaling Hunter’s comm disconnecting.
“I hate it when he does that,” Echo grumbled.
“It sounds like there could be trouble,” Fives said warily.
“Maybe,” Echo agreed.
Runi tapped his hand. “Go,” she nodded. “We’ll still be here.”
Echo sighed. “Please come with me.”
“Runi, I’m scared that if I let you out of my sight, you’ll disappear and this will have all been another dream.”
His golden eyes bore into her soul. “Okay,” she whispered.
The three of them made their way through Ord Mantell City, Echo’s hand never leaving Runi’s. Fives followed behind them, his nerves bundling deep in his gut as he watched the reunited couple.
“What’s the emergency?” Echo asked as he walked into the ship. He didn’t see anyone immediately, so he motioned for Runi and Fives to wait there. He listened carefully, following the hushed voices of his squad to the medbay.
The door was open and he peered in. His brothers were gathered, talking quietly to the side of the exam table. Omega was sitting in a chair next to it. There was someone laying on the table, but he couldn’t make out who.
Omega noticed him first, smiling and walking over to him.
He kneeled. “Hey, kid,” he gave her a small nod. “What’s going on?”
“Hunter and Wrecker were on the supply run and they found someone they know,” she informed him, glancing back at the person on the table. “But she’s hurt pretty badly.”
Echo nodded again, standing and walking over to the table. He felt his jaw go slack as he took in the sight before him. Sinya Bey was laid out on the table, unconscious, with bandages wrapped around her torso.
He felt like his brain was going to short circuit. “What-”
“She just about ran me over in the market,” Hunter informed him, coming to stand at his side. “She was… scared. Seemed like someone was chasing her.”
Echo scowled. “What the hell is she doing on Ord Mantell?” 
“Don’t know. She barely got a few words out before she passed out, but she recognized us.”
Echo crossed his arms.
“Echo, she-” Hunter started before glancing back at the other group. His voice dropped to nearly a whisper. “She reminded me of the kid on Kaller; terrified, always checking over her shoulder.”
“That doesn’t make sense,” Echo muttered back. “Sinya’s not a Jedi.”
Hunter sighed, running his hand over his face. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t like it. What if she’s bait?”
Echo’s eyes shut as he took a deep breath.
“Echo?” Fives called from the doorway.
Everyone’s heads turned to look at him.
“Right,” Echo nodded. He walked out to talk to him and Runi.
“What’s going on?” Runi asked. 
“The woman in there… she’s a friend of-” Echo sighed. “Maybe was a friend of our old squadmate.”
Fives scowled. “The one that tried to kill you and was sent to hunt you all down?”
Echo nodded. 
“Wait, what?” Runi sputtered.
“It’s a long story,” Echo said, his hand reaching up to rub that spot of his neck that always knotted up when he got stressed. 
“Is she trying to kill you?” Fives asked, gesturing to Sinya’s unconscious form. 
Echo shrugged. “Hunter said she seemed paranoid before, and she was badly injured. At least she’s not trying to kill us right now.”
Runi grabbed his hand, treasuring the way he squeezed it immediately. “Do you want me to take a look at her injuries?”
“Probably not a bad idea,” he nodded, showing her into the room.
Tech joined them as soon as they got to the exam table. 
“A few grazes, one direct hit, several lacerations to the chest and abdomen, as well as a rather intense burn on her left palm and wrist,” he informed her. “We are unsure of the origins of her injuries.”
“Mind if I take a look?” Runi asked, already pulling back the thin blanket they’d covered her with.
“By all means,” Tech nodded. “I am highly skilled in many areas, however my medical abilities are more oriented for the field.”
Runi nodded, and began her examination of the twi’lek. She requested a few things from Tech, scissors or more light and Echo found he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. It had been a very long time since he’d watched her work, and he remembered the way she took care of his brothers; efficient, but never lacking kindness or sympathy. He was sure his face was pure sappiness; like a lovesick lurca hound. What he didn’t notice was that his twin bore the same expression. 
This didn’t escape Crosshair’s notice however. He nudged Hunter, tilting his head towards the Domino twins. 
Hunter scoffed. “Could they be any more obvious?”
“Probably,” Crosshair chuckled. 
“Kriff,” Runi muttered, taking in the sight of the woman’s wounds. “What happened to this girl?”
“As previously stated, we are unsure,” Tech answered. “We only have the information Hunter and Wrecker provided.” 
Runi glanced up at him, a bemused smirk on her lips. 
“That was…rhetorical, wasn’t it?” Tech scowled. 
“Yeah,” Runi nodded, though her grin grew a little wider. 
She set to work with Tech’s assistance, suturing the wounds before wrapping them again. 
It took a while, most of the squad leaving to sit elsewhere in the ship, but Echo and Fives stayed, both sitting on the floor against the wall, right next to Jaine’s cot. 
They’d been talking quietly for a few minutes, Tech couldn't hear what about, but he could tell the conversation was tense. He could tell Runi knew it too. 
“Are you… okay?” he asked after noticing her right hand shaking a little. 
“Fine,” she answered tersely.
“I can ask them to leave.”
Runi sighed. “I’ve never met more stubborn troopers than those two.”
“You have not truly met my batchmates.”
That got a chuckle out of her. “You ever work with the 501st?” He nodded once. “That pack was full of them, right up to Rex at the top. Never met him myself, but I heard Skywalker was, too.”
“It would not surprise me to learn that you were quite busy during your time with them.”
She was quiet for a moment. “What do you think they’re talking about?”
Tech hesitated. “Would you… prefer my actual opinion… or a more optimistic version?”
Runi glanced up at him, her face a mixture of surprise and confusion. She chuckled a little. “Your opinion, please.”
Tech used his arm to push his goggles up. “I believe it is fairly obvious that they are talking about you. Given how tense they seem I think perhaps they have figured out that they are both in love with you and discussing where to go from there.”
Runi paused her work for a moment, fully stopping to look up at him. “You’re rather blunt, aren’t you?”
“So I’ve been told,” he agreed. “However, you did ask for my opinion.”
“I know that,” she scoffed, smirk returning to her face. “And I know we’ve technically met before, but Raze is just a code name. My real name is Runi.”
“I am aware,” he stated, continuing when she shot a confused glance at him. “Crosshair discerned your identity before you came here with Echo.” 
She didn’t reply, simply nodding her head a little. Before long they had finished the sutures and began applying bacta to the remaining wounds on her abdomen and chest. 
As Tech applied the last bit to the graze on her upper arm and shot just above it, Runi unwrapped her burnt hand. She gasped lightly. 
“What is it?” Tech inquired. 
“I-I’ve seen a lot of burns in my time, but never one like this.”
Tech scowled. He had looked at the burn himself - it was second degree on her palm, first degree surrounding it - and hadn’t noticed anything unusual about it. He moved to stand next to her.
“It’s almost like- like it’s still on fire,” she whispered, her hand seemingly moving towards Sinya’s of its own accord.
“Don’t,” Tech said suddenly. 
Runi tensed, Sinya’s hand falling to the table with a dull thud, alerting both Fives and Echo, who jumped to their feet. 
“Echo,” Tech hissed. “Her hand.”
Echo’s heart was pounding as he stepped forward to look at it.
“Do you see it?” Tech asked, his voice seemed different.
Nervous, Echo realized with a start. He looked at Sinya’s wrist, his heart jumping into his throat. 
Faintly, around the edges of the worst part of the burns was a wisping red smoke. 
“Jaine?” Echo breathed. 
Tech nodded solemnly. “If Sinya was attacked by Jaine and ran until she bumped into Hunter and Wrecker-”
“She could be on Ord Mantell.”
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Tags: @lokigirlszendaya @serenityselene @nomercyforthewarrior @ravenclawbitch426 @luna-the-lone-red-wolf @techs-goggles9902
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sublieu · 2 years
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synopsis: You'd look so pretty sitting on my thighs, angel. Would it affect you if I started to bounce it? Get all shy and embarrassed cause it feels good, doesn't it? Go ahead, use my thigh to get off while I sit and watch you become a whiny mess
references: ⚉ ⚆ ⚇
word count:
cont.warning: Manipulation, coercion, dubcon/noncon, cheating whilst married, revenge sex, most lap fucking
mutuals/friends: @mortal-mayhem @zmzsnakes
recommended music: Don't by Bryson Tiller
×- Narinder (The One Who Waits) using you as his outlet for being power hungry after he was forced to become a lowly cult member If he can't control them, he'll have to control you, instead. -@mortal-mayhem
┆"All creations/edits belong to ©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑; 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝"┆
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Narinder always loathed being a feeble cat under the lamb's rules, watching as the followers that originally belonged to him love and adore his once apprentice. Getting up to go to his tent before bumping into you.
"Oh! my apologies Narinder, here! take a cookie as an apology!"
You gifted to the frowning god with one of your recently baked cookies from the basket, only a few of the warm treats were laid out on the ground, essentially spoiling them. With him staring at the cookie in his hand before taking a small bite, his mouth watering the more he ate till it was completely gone; Having you chuckle and hand him another before petting his head and walking off to your leader to hand him a cookie as well.
As much as Narvinder hated admitting, he just can't help when you act so kindly towards him especially. Getting a hard-on and running off before anyone could spot him to finish his business.
The next day arrived, Lambert was heading off to run some errands and bring gifts to his married and followers, gifting him perfect enough time to engage in his plan as he's been training his magic in secret; Immediately running off to test it out on you.
He enters your hut to spot you taking off your clothes and getting ready for bed, drying off your fur before turning around and seeing him in your doorway.
"Hi Narv! Uh, what brings you here? I'm kinda busy doing something..."
You trail off when seeing him enter and lock your door, worry evident on your face as you tie your towel and back away from him before the candle blew out, hearing his footsteps quicken as you attempt to see in the dark to evade him; Until the lights came back on with him standing above you and you on the floor, your towel untied and showing your naked body to the cat.
"N-narinder... why are you-" Your voice stop as he stares into your eyes, his red and black eyes hypnotizing you, as if he's lulling you to sleep with just his eyes alone.
"Y/n? can you hear me?" "uh..huh?" you hazily reply to his question, your eyes changing color to copy his own as he responds further. Your body going limp and leaning onto the wooden boards of your hut for support. With you paying attention to him by his claws gently holding your chin.
"You are my servant, however, we have a certain lamb that thinks he's our leader. Follow his rules and act normal around this foolish lump of meat and I will reward you greatly...understood?" He continues as he places a finger on your plump lips before kissing you, making sure it imprints as he watches your eyes form a similar appearance to his before fading to your normal eye color; With you blinking and your null face, you reply by shaking your head before he lifts you up and puts you on your bed.
Before he leaves however, he fixes up your room so it doesn't look like a mess as it was before and locks your door. Making you fall asleep shortly after as the night slowly fades to morning.
You wake up and yawn before scratching your head, entering your bathroom you saw that your eyes were the same color as Narv, even the eye structure as well before rubbing them and seeing them back to normal.
"I must be seeing things.." You mutter and wash your face before entering your shower to freshen up and start the day, already in the fields and helping to pick berries, wheat and placing them in storage until you heard your name being called by the lamb as he ran up to you to give you a gift.
"I see you've been working hard y/n" He coos and holds your cheek in his hand, kissing your forehead as your tail wags with excitement. He was always this kind towards you, even though you never really returned the favor. As he was your beloved husband.
Lambert gifts you a necklace he got from one of his raids, the beautiful piece of jewelry looked rather expensive, possibly enough to buy off a whole eight buckets of meat, which were difficult to come by.
"It's for you, I thought you'd might like it since I found the stone on a raid" He smiles and kisses you sweetly, although you didn't respond, the way how your tail wagged he could tell you were very happy with his gift before going on to preach about another topic. Narvinder showing up behind you and holding your waist.
"What did he give you?" "It's just a necklace." You respond and followed him to his hut, his hand still holding onto your waist before opening the door and guiding you inside; You sit on the bed and await more of his questions as he sat down behind you.
"Did you get any info from him?" "No sadly, all he does is plant and marry off villagers" You'd huff and take off the necklace and cast it aside, Narvinder looks beside him and questions you as to why you took it off. But from the steam blowing out of your nose and your eyes casting away from him, he could read that you were jealous, if not enraged.
"How many times has he done this to you, dear?" He asks and holds onto your waist before kissing your neck, his hand pressed at your abdomen, unsure if he should make a move or not. "More than nine times, and he spends more time with that bitch Amoure." You hissed just by saying that wretched goat's name. He was surprised, and turned on by the fact that you were jealous and enraged with the lamb. Your hatred for him fueled him, gifting him a noticeable amount of energy.
"Tell me how angry Amore makes you." He whispers and watches your face twist from anger, hearing you curse the poor goat and your 'husband' out was supplying him with even more energy as he purrs uncontrollably. But you were too enraged to even process what the hell he was doing before you felt his boner pressing on your back; Turning around and feeling what that poking was before standing up, with Narvinder pulling you back.
"What's the matter angel?" "Narv, I'm married." You mutter and try to get him to let go of you, only for him to turn and put your under him, face to face and seeing his flushed state, with him between your legs.
"When are you going to stop letting him ruin your relationship? It's pretty obvious he doesn't care about you like I do..." He replies softly, his eyes formed into little hearts as he kisses your neck and chest. Leaving you gasping and looking away, with no response to his statement.
"Bu-but-" "Don't make excuses for a measly lamb who can't even be devoted to your marriage as you are to his, He betrayed me too.."
He stops you midsentence, his head pressed against yours and his claws holding on your waist. Staring daggers into your soul to read what excuse you were planning for the lamb, only to be met with your eyes trying to avoid his gaze.
"Use me as a means to get back at him, I promise to treat you ten folds better than that degenerate cult leader ever will" He whispers to your one last time, his pleads finally met as your hands held his cheeks, with him rubbing his face on your hand when you respond with a yes.
He thanks you before kissing you, his hands lifting you up and carry you to his bedhead, letting you sit on his lap as your hands were stuck in his fur before gently pushing him away as the saliva trailed from your lips and onto your chest, with him tearing and ripping off your dress and he lies you back down on his bed again; Going behind him for his pillows to rest your head on as you wrapped your legs around him.
"Want me to try and keep it down?" "No, I want Lambert to hear."
He was left shocked but chuckling in your chest, pulling off your panties and throwing them aside as he took off his cloak, leaving you to trace down his chest to his abdomen before caressing his ribbed cock. His breath hitched in his throat when you pulled it out and started stroking as his ears twitched. Letting him groan pleasurably, as his purrs grew louder.
He traces down to your abdomen with his claw, an imprint on your belly before pulling you up to his crotch. The tip of his cock pressed between your folds as you share another kiss with the demon, questioning whether or not to back out before it became too late; But you were growing sick of his obvious and open flirting, plus he slept with her so you shouldn't even feel bad for doing this.
Narv slowly pushed the tip inside as he hushes you, knowing his size he tries not to hurt you as he gently pushes more in. Only half of the base outside as he kissed away your tears.
"There there my love, you're taking me so well, think you could handle more?"
He ushers as he holds your tummy, you tried to say yes but it only came out in whimpers, hence you shook your head yes, sitting back up and gently pulling you to the hilt before his fur fuzzes up. Narvinder's eyes rolling to the back of his head from the tight fit and thrusting slowly.
The low, wet plapping alongside your moans were the only thing you both were focusing on, alongside his cock pressing at spots you've never felt before with Lambert, feeling even the veins of his dick press at your dark pink walls as you moaned in bliss.
And he was enjoying every bit of the sight, watching you intensely and focusing on your pleasure, his eyes turning back into hearts as he holds you close whilst thrusting deep, hard thrusts in your pussy; Cursing under his breath everytime you suddenly clench around him.
"Why would anyone ever cheat on a pussy like this oh my stars.."
He groans as he lifts up your legs to put on his shoulder, dragging a pillow and putting it under your back to get you more comfortable while he's breeding you; His ears flicked when he heard an all too familiar voice right at his front door, a toothy grin at his lips when he realized another person was there with him. Thrusting to make sure it was loud and wet, feeling your climax coming when the tip went past your cervix and deep inside your womb. Your claws digging into his flesh and your teeth on his shoulder, possibly enough to draw blood.
His fingers rubbed your clit as he thrusts more, feeling his climax coming as well. Cooing at how you greedily basked into this pleasure, holding your head and sitting down fully so you were sitting on his lap. Bouncing on his dick and staring back at him as tears of pleasure run down your cheeks
"Gonna cum for me angel? Wanna leave your imprint on my dick to tell everyone I'm yours?"
He whispers in your ear as he watches his door crack open a little, watching Amoure as he thrusts up into you, your legs giving out after bouncing, muttering his name as he bites down on your neck. Marking you as his as he cums deep inside, with you shortly cumming as well and pushing his cock out of you as it leaks more cum on his sheets; His and your juices dripping from your legs and onto his lap as you relaxed, with him resting you on his bed and kissing your forehead before going outside and seeing her head leave from the door crack. Already expecting Lambert to be outside as he prepared for a earfull.
As you slept, you couldn't help but hear two people arguing outside Narvinder's door, draping on on of the cat's cloak and walking outside to see Amoure on the ground, Narvinder's handprint on her face and him and the Lamb arguing.
"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU SLEEP WITH MY WIFE" "I dunno, a god you not only betrayed, and you were cheating on HER so of course we wanted to get back at you and by the way I smelled your goat slut and SHE HAS AN STD"
Narvinder cusses the lamb before pushing him out of his face, evidently breaking out a fight as Amoure cried. You couldn't help but laugh at her misery before walking up to her and spitting on her face.
"Enjoy fucking Lambert, if you want to sleep in his tent be my fucking guest cause I'm not going back to that man-whore"
You laughed and walked away, taking the necklace he gave you and throwing it on her broken horn and going to the river for a shower. Things are gonna be very different for you from now on, but you couldn't careless.
©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑; 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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eunchancorner · 9 months
Part 2.5, I wanted to write more but I also wanted to play out the scene between these two because there's so much fluff to be had
When the chase began, Richard was sure he’d have the advantage. Surely Carmen wouldn’t be as fast as normal just after a day at work, right?
As it turned out, not only was he wrong, he was VERY wrong.
He hardly made it halfway to the stairs before he felt her slam into his back, toppling him over into the ground. Before he could try to catch his breath, her nails were gliding under his shirt, over his sides and along his ribs, pulling an embarrassing squeal from his lips before he dissolved into laughter at his wife’s hands. He could practically feel her triumphant gaze on him, prompting him to bury his face as best he could in the carpet below to try to hide his blush.
“Aww, darling, if you try to hide like that you’re going to end up breaking your glasses!” he heard her coo above him, knowing what her real motive was; she wanted to see his face.
“I hahahave spahahahares!” he reminded her through giggles, but apparently that wasn’t a good enough solution in her eyes, as she immediately moved one hand to his tummy, making one of his legs dart up to try to protect himself, pushing him off-balance and onto his side, where she removed his glasses, setting them aside gently.
“There we are, now they’re safe. And there you are~” she leaned down towards his blushing face, kissing his cheek, loving the way his face went from a lovely pink to a light red. “My lovely little darling~”
“Ihi’m nohohot lihihittle! I’m ahalmohohost ahas tahahall ahas youhuhuhu!” he protested, grabbing her wrists, only blushing even more when she flipped her hand easily out of his grip and simply held his hand in hers, their fingers interlaced as though this was simply a romantic moment and she wasn’t tickling him for a stupid comment.
What made it worse is he didn’t even pull away. He just gently squeezed her hand, as though to simply hold tighter, to ground himself as she effortlessly took him apart. And she noticed, and she couldn’t help but smile.
“You are the sweetest thing…” she couldn’t help but say, her tone not teasing, but genuine. Even as his blush deepened, he didn’t pull away, simply moving his other hand from her wrist to his face to try to hide, even though releasing her wrist meant that she could target anywhere else.
But she didn’t. Her manicured nails continued to glide and flutter gently over his soft tummy, occasionally tracing around his navel just to make him squeak adorably between his laughs, and oh what beautiful laughs they were. One thing Carmen could never deny she found endearing was how bright and squeaky his laugh was. Laughter was something that was always dear to her, but his was something extra special to her. Maybe it was how much she loved him, maybe that was what made his laugh so much sweeter to her.
It went on for what could have easily been hours before finally she released him, smiling softly as he went limp, still giggling brightly as the leftover tingles slowly left his system. She helped him to stand and retrieved his glasses, helping him put them on and taking the opportunity to give his cheek one last little kiss, her smile widening, feeling how hot his cheeks were against her lips.
“I love you,” she cooed, giggling softly as his face only got redder.
“I lohove you too…”
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lucy-and-rebecca · 1 year
This picture has so much angst potential. Here's something I wrote based on it and this amazing fanart by @nalunalu.
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"Natsu!!!" Lucy screamed. The dragon had flown away, completely disregarding her now that the last Dragon Slayer was out of their way.
Lucy forced herself to her feet. The ground in front of her was scorching hot but that was least of her problems because she could she Natsu in front of her and he wasn't getting up.
Every since they met Natsu had been completely fearless and completely reckless while facing danger. He acted like he was invulnerable but Lucy knew better and she had been terrified every time his life was in danger.
She barely felt her skin burning when her clothes caught on fire when she took Natsu's limp body in her arms.
"Natsu, hey! Get up. Come on, please you... you need to get up" Even as she said that, all the burn makes on the skin of the a boy who is unaffected by fire told her all she needed to know.
She had seen so many of her friends die. She wasn't sure if anyone else had survived and if they had she thought, it would be better for them to die as well.
Lucy didn't have it in her to get up. She knew no one could help Natsu anymore. She knew there was no point in looking for her friends. Because even if she found someone then what? The world as they knew it has already ended. With that thought Lucy closed her eyes.
Just as she was about to faint however, she felt some put something around her shoulders. She looked up to see Ultier.
Ultier looked at Natsu's body with a grime expression on her face. "When did he die?" She asked.
Lucy was taken aback by her question. "It doesn't matter. It's not like you can bring him back" she said bitterly. That bitterness faded away when Ultier said, "Maybe I can".
Lucy stood up immediately. Ultier could manipulate time. Maybe she can save them after all. "You can do that?" Lucy asked. Ultier looked at the clock tower in the distance and sighed.
"I don't know, but it's my last option. I'm going to reverse time but Not don't know how much I'll be able to do. So as soon as I'm done, you need to take him away from here." Ultier said.
"What about you?" Lucy asked. Ultier didn't answer. Lucy grabbed her elbow and made the other woman face her. "What about you?" She asked again. Ultier shook her head.
No. I can't let her do this. Lucy thought but before she could do anything Ultier got engulfed in light. As she did Lucy got pushed away by the sheer intensity of magic surrounding Ultier. Then she felt the burns on her skin start disappear as if she never got burnt in the first place. Ultier clock however stayed around her shoulders. She was really doing it. She was really reversing the time.
But before Lucy could feel any hope everything went quite. Ultier collapsed in front of her.
Her hands instinctively reached for Natsu. He made a small sound when her fingers touched him.
Once again Lucy took him in her arms. If Natsu was alive maybe there was hope after all. She gently touched his face. For a brief moments there eyes met. "Come on, we need to get out of here" she said in a soft voice. Even in this situation she couldn't help but smile because Natsu was alive.
Natsu didn't say anything. He just kept looking at her and then suddenly he was looking through her. Lucy could pinpoint the exact millisecond when it happened. She looked around and realised nothing has changed. Looking at the big clock in the distance Lucy could tell that Ultier managed to reverse time by a little over a minute. It wasn't enough to save Natsu.
Her head started to spin. Her mind hadn't fully process what had just happened. Lucy pulled Natsu closer, put her head on his shoulder and started sobbing.
"Princess" she heard Virgo's voice. Hearing that voice calmed her a little. At least her spirits were safe. She looked up to see Virgo holding a celestial outfit in other.
She kneeled down beside Lucy and said, "You should wear this and come to the celestial world for now. You can live there until this place is safe again."
Time works differently in the celestial world. A few years there would mean a few centuries here. She can stay in the celestial spirit world until the dragons die out. But that would also mean coming back to an empty world. Lucy dreaded that thought.
Wait hold on.
Lucy slowly put Natsu down, took her gate keys out and then she got up and started running towards the eclipse gate.
Time works differently than in the celestial spirit world. That's why Hisui took her keys. That's how she opened the gate.
Panting she stood in front of the gate. "Princess wait" Virgo said, "You can't do it alone. You don't have all the keys". That was true but the gate was in a really bad shape. If she didn't act now she might never have another chance.
She tightened her gripe around the keys and focused all of her willpower and magic into opening the gate. Pain shot through her arm but she didn't let go of her keys. She poured all the magic that she can muster into opening that gate.
As the gate began to open her arm started going numb. She saw cracks beginning to form around her guildmark. She ignored it and kept on pouring magic until the gate was fully opened.
As soon as it did she rushed through it. Only after she had crossed she realised she couldn't feel anything where her right arm should have been. Just as the doors were about to close she saw her keys on the ground. It was too late to go back and get them.
With her other hand she wiped her tears. There was no time to waste, she needed to find her friends and warn them.
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Hiii Luuuvvvv <3
can you do bayverse Optimus, Bumblebee, and Mirage Hc about finding their S/O burried in the freezing snow when they were saving people from an avalanche on their holiday❄️❄️
Stay warm luvv🥰🥰
I only realized after writing that you put HC for Headcannons. But oh well, I ended up writing a little snippet for each of them.
He had planned to stay home, not wanting to intrude on their holiday. However, his S/O actually asked him to tag along. He agreed, sitting in the parking lot while his S/O went skiing.
He heard the loud rumbling, then screaming. He sat and waited patiently, yet anxiously. He assumed the humans would have it under control. He did not want to reveal himself if it was not necessary. Although while he stayed in place, he scanned over every human's face, searching for his S/O.
After the crowds began to slow, he began to worry. It had been some time and he had not seen his S/O amongst the fleeing humans. After ten more minutes her could not wait any longer, he felt something was wrong. He drove to an almost empty area and transformed. He began searching through the snow. His spark was filled with a deep ache of fear.
His S/O was strong, smart, and capable of caring for themselves. Yet in the face of danger, they always ran to him. And they had not, which gave him cause to worry.
After a few painful minutes, he spotted a ski sticking out of the snow. He rushed over and dug his servo into the soft snow, quickly pulling it out. He recognized them immediately, his S/O's cold limp body lying still in his servo. Without hesitation, he opened his chest panels and placed his S/O next to his spark. He needed to warm them up. He began to walk back to where the other humans were. He kept his S/O still in his chest space, snug against his warm humming spark as he walked.
Just before he reached the other humans he yelled out, asking for help. He then gently laid his S/O on the ground and transformed beside them. It wasn't long before the other humans arrived, rushing over to his S/O's aid. They would know how to help and treat them better than he could.
But he had found then, that was all he cared about. He found them and now they could get the care they needed.
He followed the ambulance to the hospital and waited outside for his S/O to get better. He prayed to Primus that he wasn't too late, that he found them in time. They had to be ok, they had to be.
His S/O mentioned they were going on holiday. Bee didn't want to bother them, but he politely asked if he could go with them. He'd love to see snow and still get to spend time with them. His S/o was more than happy to let him go with them, making Bee swell with happiness.
Bee spent most of the time parked in the parking lot, as there were too many people around for him to transform.
Bee waited for nightfall when everyone would be asleep, and then took the opportunity to transform. While no one was around he was able to go to a quiet part of the ski resort to enjoy the snow. His S/O would stay up late and meet him, so they could enjoy time spent together.
To their surprise, a few other humans were up late, yet they stayed on the other side far from them, allowing them to still have their peace.
Bee was happy, and enjoying quality time with his S/O.
All of a sudden they heard a loud rumbling. Bee turned to see a rush of snow quickly cascading down the mountain. Bee wanted to grab his S/O and run, but they had already started moving away from him and towards the other humans. His S/O was trying to guide the other humans to safety.
Bee was worried about being seen, but he was also terrified for his S/O. He just wanted to keep them safe.
He didn't get any time to deliberate, the snow was too quick, covering his S/O in an instant.
Bee didn't hesitate further and rushed forward, not caring if other humans saw him or not.
He got to the spot where his S/O had been covered and quickly started to dig in the cold heavy snow.
He found them quite quickly, pulling them out. He brushed off as much snow as he could. Luckily they were still awake, his spark felt small relief. He had been quick enough. Though they were cold, really cold, even for his metallic fingers.
He placed them against his chest plates, wrapping his servos around them. He amped up his internal temperature, setting it to max. It may just be enough to warm them up. He talked to them, assuring them it would be alright, that he would take care of them.
He trudged back through the snow, to the parking lot. He transformed around his S/O, immediately turning his heaters onto full blast. That along with the warmth from his core temp, could be enough to get them warmed up quickly.
Bee was so glad he asked to join them. He didn't want to think about what would have happened if was not with them. He was there, that was all that mattered. His S/O was safely inside him, and he was happy with that.
He didn't even wait for an invitation, he just stated that he was going on holiday with them. He wasn't going to go for a long time without seeing his S/O. He also wanted to take the chance to go see a new part of Earth.
He knew there would be people, but he didn't realize there would be so many. Mirage was disappointed with the amount of humans around, as it meant he would not be able to transform. Which meant he wasn't going to be able to spend much time with his S/O.
While his S/O was skiing, Mirage spent most of his time parked up and pouting. Occasionally grumbling to himself about how unfair it was. After two days he couldn't take sitting still and decided to go for a drive. He went down the mountain, planning to turn around at the bottom and race back up.
Halfway down he spotted lights and heard sirens. Soon enough emergency vehicles came into his view. Mirage quickly spun around, his tires spinning and squealing as he peeled out into a U-turn.
He raced back up to the ski resort as quickly as he could. He drove past a few humans, hearing them scream and cry about an avalanche. He scanned their faces, searching for his S/O. Mirage drove past the ski lodge and through the barrier at the side. He drove as far as he could into the snow until his tires couldn't take him any further. He then transformed, not caring if anyone saw him. He only cared about getting to his S/O.
He began to rummage through the snow, searching through it for his beloved. After each minute he began to worry, his spark clenching with fear.
"Please be ok, please be ok." He pleaded. "Where are you, baby?" He yelled, now frantically digging at the snow.
After what seemed like forever, his servo came into contact with something. He gripped it and quickly pulled it out, revealing his cold and still S/O.
Mirage brushed off the snow, then encased them in his servos. He didn't know what to do. He tried to call Noah, hoping he could help, but the call would not go through. Mirage rubbed his digits over his S/O trying to wake them up, also trying to get them warm.
He put them against his face plates, hoping his body warmth would help. Eventually, they opened their eyes, and Mirage tipped with joy, so happy that his S/O was alright. From now on, they would be staying far away from the snow.
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