#you’re a good dog.
rhiannon-shadowsinger · 3 months
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Another Scratch finished and soon to be headed off to his forever campsite 💜
Want a Scratch of your own? 💜
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fairybonesandstardust · 5 months
you can’t knowingly fuck a criminal and then turn around and get mad at them for doing something unethical, dubiously moral or illegal that directly involves you. what about this man made you think he follows the laws, is ethical or even moral? you knew damn well that he killed people for a living. how are you going to date someone whose probably on the FBI’s most wanted list (top 10) and then turn around and be surprised that he invaded your privacy? make it make sense. you can be mad at him all you want but shawty the man has proven time and time again who he is as a person. if this mother fucker is out here willingly killing bitches and has probably broken the geneva convention on multiple occasions what makes you think you’ll be exempt 😭? don’t be shy share with the class?
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yumaisbored · 1 month
bsd manga Nakahara Chuuya is so pretty
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great-and-small · 10 months
I would rather walk through a subway sandwich shop filled with with several hundred freely roaming pythons than watch any kind of content from a “family vlogger”
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soullessjack · 5 months
ok so carried on from this post theres a specific tag i wanna elaborate on which says ‘[jack] isn’t a pacifist he actually has a very complicated relationship with violence’ in relation to how he’s usually (mis)characterized by the fandom.
so first, Jack isn’t a pacifist. pacifism is a total opposition to all war and violence, and a belief that it is never justifiable for any reason or circumstance. He might be averse to violence as a first response or reaction, and he’s frequently shown to want to help the person before anything else—especially people he finds sympathetic or similar to himself (ie Mia Vallens, Sylvia)—but he’s not averse to it altogether.
Jack seems to really only be against violence when it’s used against innocent or undeserving people, including himself. Like in S13, he has no problem using his power to force an angel to stab themself with their blade or going to war with Michael and killing thousands of angels in his army for roughly 6-8 months (and we must remember, it was an effective genocide before he decided, completely out of the original plan, to kill Michael and made it a war) but he still has a total meltdown over accidentally killing an innocent security guard and almost strangling someone who did nothing wrong like he’d assumed. In Ouroboros he states that anyone who could hurt/kill an innocent person is a monster, even if they’re human, which is probably the clearest establishment of his moral code the show could offer.
I think Jack’s particular aversion to violence or even general aggression/anger is also caused by the fact that he, at three days old, was told by Sam that he would need to be kept from hurting other people while his powers were still largely uncontrollable (and therefore, still making him a threat and “evil” if he couldn’t do that). He’s also seen for himself what his power/his overreaction inadvertently causes for other people–like throwing Sheriff Barker into the vending machine (which he apologizes for later)—and is blatantly scared of it at first, so I think it makes a lot of sense that he prefers nonviolent behavior as an initial or default response. However, pacifism is still defined by the belief that no circumstance or reason whatsoever can justify an act of violence, which directly goes against how Jack personally feels about and uses it.
Going back to Ouroboros, he personally defines a “monster” as anyone who would willingly harm or enjoy harming someone who doesn’t deserve it, even if they aren’t actually a particular species of monster. And going back to S13, he has no problem murdering Michael’s army or even torturing Michael himself (which he specifically does because Michael “hurt his friends, hurt his family.” Ergo, Jack does believe in using violence, so long as it’s only used as a justified defense, and I think that is also a part of why him torturing Nick so horrifically is meant to land on us as Something Ostensibly Wrong. Did Nick deserve it? Yes. Mary isn’t even upset about him being killed; she just halfheartedly tells Jack “not like that.” Nick deserved it, but he is still barely a threat to someone like Jack (which everybody knew)—and because he isn’t a veritable threat, none of what Jack does to him can actually qualify as a “defense.”
It’s violence for the sake of violence, with a personal grudge for motivation, and while it’s shown a lot throughout SPN, it hits a lot harder coming from Jack specifically because he, again, is generally averse to [ab]using his power like that—even against other enemies. He believes in necessary and defensive violence and acts accordingly, which makes the completely unnecessary violence he uses against Nick more disturbing; it’s not about defending his loved ones or even stopping a nefarious plot anymore (he literally banishes Lucifer within seconds of getting there). It’s just about making someone suffer and enjoying it. In Absence we also get the vague implication about Jack’s particular fears and insecurities: he’s afraid that he isn’t really loved or wanted for himself, but rather that he’s valued for being “the muscle to take out enemies,”—that he’s nothing more to the Winchesters than a pet monster and easily discardable if he’s no longer useful to them.
On the flip side of that, he’s also canonically very happy to be wanted, needed and helpful to his family/friends—which is to say, again, he’s perfectly fine using violence as a justifiable defense that serves his family (which is also why he chooses to burn Nick to death after Sam indirectly wishes it on him, and why he’s happy to murder all of Dumah’s targets under the guise that it would make Sam and Dean happy). Once he realizes the truth and horror of his actions, however, he tells Dean that he is a monster, by his own definition. But how exactly is this complicated, you might ask? Well I’m glad you did, because I’m getting to it. Throughout his entire short-lived life, Jack has had to be painfully aware of the damage he can and does cause, and what it means for how he’s perceived and the ever present debate about his “true” nature.
I can’t find it now and probably won’t bother looking, but i had another post about how Jack inwardly perceives himself and wants to be perceived in return, particularly when he’s perceived as a threat. To summarize: because of his particular moral code, Jack inwardly knows he would never [want to] use his power against his family or friends, and is therefore not a threat to them, and therefore does not want to be perceived as one despite the danger he still poses with the potential alone. The eggshells that people walk around him are solely based on the fact that he has immense potential and capability to hurt them, all prevented by his simple continuous and impermanent choice to not hurt them.
The only thing standing between them and everything he’s ever done to their enemies is the fact that he considers them friends and has no reason to want to hurt them, and that’s exactly what Jack himself personally lives by. It’s the same blind trust that Sam and Dean have built with Cas; they know what he can do, and they know when he would or wouldn’t choose to do it. It’s a mutual understanding that “I know you can hurt me but I care about you enough to trust you not to do that,” and “I know I can hurt you but I care about you enough to not hurt you and Im glad you trust me to not do that.” I also mentioned it in the post that in Last Holiday, Jack doesn’t deny it when Mrs. Butters says that he’s insanely powerful; he does, however, deny her saying that Sam and Dean should be afraid of him, because “[he] would never hurt them.”
Insanely powerful? ✅
Potentially dangerous? ✅
A threat to be feared? ❌
(This is also what makes Mary’s death by Jack and Sam and Dean’s subsequent actions exceptionally tragic on both sides; their mutual trust is inadvertently, yet still effectively, broken. Jack has also effectively gone against his own morality by harming people he loves and people who don’t deserve it, and now in S15 is struggling with the loss of said trust and the need to earn it back).
That, my hypothetical audience member, is the complicated part. Having to find a middle ground between necessary, defensive, justifiable violence that his surrounding community would approve or appreciate, and the completely unnecessary abuse or misuse of power (ie violence) that would register him as an evil monster and/or a threat to be put down for the justifiable greater good. There’s also the additional middle ground between presenting and maintaining the image of himself as docile and non-threatening (the behavior of which is hugely infantilized by the fandom), while also still being able to defend others with the same violence that could easily lead to him being seen as a threat.
in conclusion (1): Jack is not a pacifist but he has an extremely complicated relationship with violence and the fluctuating justifications surrounding it which he must meet in order to continuously be perceived as safe and trustworthy in spite of his capabilities.
In conclusion (2): this is the truest of jack true forms:
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thank you for coming to my yap session, don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you on the way out 🫶
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rush-the-stars · 18 days
i’ve said this before but vash views brats with a lot of sympathy and he’s unintentionally a pretty good tamer. he doesn’t do it purposely mostly. however. the somewhat condescending pity he gives you is. infuriating.
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I believe that Father by the front bottoms is an Aaron Lycan song, if only for the opening
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plagiarised-passion · 11 months
If you’re gonna come into BSD and start labelling characters as “good” and “bad” willy nilly, I need you to take a step back and think reaaaallll hard about why you think those things
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wellwhatnowlove · 1 year
Lyria being referred to as a “member of the horn gang” and then subsequently an “agent” of the sovereign when she 100% was never in a gang nor sent on a mission by Virginia will send me every time.
The way people refer to her like she’s so menacing and official.. then you meet her and she’s just like “listen idk how I got here I’m just as confused as you are.”
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amethystroselily · 2 years
If Dazai actually did keep his old phone like the series keeps kind of suggesting for some reason, I bet the week he left the mafia his inbox was just full of Chuuya drunkenly cussing him out and Akutagawa going through the first five stages of grief.
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blackberry-jam · 1 year
That post about cannibalism becoming too mainstream and destigmatized by certain sections of the internet and therefore losing its weight and horror and visceral nature just has me thinking about how HABIT ate a baby and everyone was like oh lmao he’s just an edgy cool guy!!!! He’s just like me fr!! Haha!!! Which. I think not enough people are freaked out by the fact that he forced Evan to eat his own child raw and possibly alive. He mentions “the bones” and implies that it took awhile. Like that wasn’t Hannibal-style Brioche With Baby Pâté and Shredded Zucchini in a Plum Vinaigrette, he just opened Evan’s mouth and bit down until the job was done, and I think that says a lot more about Habit than people want to examine. Idk it just. has me thinking. The number of times hurting children comes up in entries and supplementary materials about HABIT is kind of overwhelming, really. I’ve seen people talk about how they think he’d draw the line at hurting children, but the source material goes out of its way to state otherwise- just about every time he’s in contact with children they die. Or worse. He’s the summation of the worst of humanity, the combined aggregate of all of our flaws and crimes, and one of those crimes is cannibalism, so honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he made a habit (ha) of it.
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quantumshade · 2 years
insane to me that there are people (real human adults) who think there’s a “ninerose fandom” and a “tenrose fandom” and a “tentoorose fandom”. um i just think the doctor and rose love each other in every universe and under every circumstance. rip to everyone else but i’m different
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arguablysomaya · 1 year
i think tim should be like callum from magisterium and have a running tally of “evil overlord points” that he gives himself to try to stop his destiny
most of his siblings are either supportive (dick and cass), neutral (duke and damian), and some siblings sneak into his room to play Evil Dictator Hypnosis videos or text him this
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at random intervals throughout the week (aHEM. 😒)
but regardless, all siblings try to take advantage of his latent malicious tendencies whenever there’s someone who’s empire needs to be taken down and humiliated in elaborate Shakespearian fashion and tim can’t help but be suckered in every time
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golden-girl-daisy · 1 year
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Here’s Dolly!
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kiqilinn · 1 year
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hawnks · 1 year
You’re an esper with an incredibly powerful ability. Taken from your home at a young age, you were trained among a court of other espers, pitted against each other, made to compete for anything from food to a bed to sleep on.
You always came out victorious.
Your guide — your friend — was not so lucky. For some reason, the patriarch of the court, your master, despised Suguru more than anyone else in the estate. He made that know brutally, and often.
You would do anything to protect Suguru, anything for him. Often times you think about burning down the house, and the patriarch as well, freeing you both. But Suguru forbids it, so you don’t.
He’s the only one you’ll listen to, anymore. You’d be his sword if he wanted, but he would never ask that of you. At night you sneak into his room, crawl into his bed. He wraps his arms around you, chaste, his guiding tender and mellow. “Thank you for visiting me,” he whispers.
You’re so eager to please him, to protect him. And yet he denies you, always maintaining his placid demeanor, never revealing what hurts him. You feel like a puppy, begging for his attention, his approval. Pining after him even though he’s right here, with you always, tending your wounds and ignoring his own, refusing to ever prioritize himself.
Sometimes, you think he knows just how far you’d go for him. Sometimes, you think he’s just biding his time.
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