#like if it’s a couple and their dogs or whatever we’re good but leave the kids out of it
great-and-small · 10 months
I would rather walk through a subway sandwich shop filled with with several hundred freely roaming pythons than watch any kind of content from a “family vlogger”
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Brother's Best Friend - Part 7
Jake Seresin x F!Reader
A/N: Yay we're finally back with our favorite BBF! This chapter was inspired by a photo of Glen at an amusement park that's been floating around recently. If anyone could convince me to step foot into a haunted house, it would be Jake.
Summary: The trials and tribulations of falling for your brother's best friend.
CW: Haunted house attraction with mild (fake) gore, swearing, SLOW BURN YOU'VE BEEN WARNED DON'T COME FOR ME XD
WC: 3000+
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Masterlist
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“I don’t do haunted houses,” you say when Jake makes the suggestion for the fourth time that afternoon.
He and Bradley have just returned from the river log ride completely soaked and stupidly giddy. Jake raises his eyebrows at you. “You’ll go on the tallest roller coaster in the park but you’re afraid of a couple of zombie clowns?”
You cringe. “What the fuck are zombie clowns?”
Jake shrugs. “Whatever they are. It’ll be fun.”
“You’re really selling it,” you respond dryly. “But I think I’ll stick to the funnel cake.” You nod toward the stand a few yards away.
“You already skipped out on the log ride,” Bradley complains.
You eye his still-dripping shorts with a grimace. “It’s barely 60 degrees,” you say, tugging up on the zipper of your hoodie for emphasis.
Jake plants himself across from you at the bistro table and leans into it to get your attention. “You don’t actually want to sit here by yourself for another hour, do you?”
You shrug, glancing around. “I don’t mind, actually,” you say, your gaze drifting with the crowd as you pick out the best looking males. “I got asked out twice while you two were gone.”
Jake makes a disgruntled sort of face like he’s getting impatient. “Who asked you out?” he says with a hint of distaste as though he already disapproves. He glances around at the crowd of passersby suspiciously.
“Well, they’re gone now.”
Jake lets out an irritable sigh and looks back at you. “Come on, you’re not a wimp, Bradshaw.”
You shake your head. “That’s not going to work.”
“Let’s just go, Jake,” Bradley says. “We can’t force her.”
Jake stares at Bradley. “Didn’t you hear her? She’s being approached by random men. We can’t just leave her here.”
Bradley snorts. “Why not?”
Jake appears uncomfortable, but only for a moment. He shifts his weight in the chair and turns back to you. “I distinctly remember all three of us at Castle Frankenstein like ten years ago.”
“Mm-hm,” you reply. “And, since then, I don’t do haunted houses.”
Jake grimaces. “Why not?”
You give him a flat look. “You don’t remember?”
Jake furrows his brows and shakes his head.
“Oh yeah!” Bradley exclaims. “Good times.”
You stare at your brother crossly and then roll your eyes.
Jake glances between the two of you inquisitively. “All I remember is getting hot dogs right after,” he says.
You sigh. “You two assholes told me it wouldn’t be scary and then, after luring me in, you took off laughing! You left me behind to do the whole thing by myself.”
Bradley is chuckling smugly, but Jake looks mildly horrified. “Wow, we were shitheads,” he says with a cringe.
“Dude, we’re still shitheads,” Bradley points out.
Jake looks up at his friend with a wince and then rubs his forehead guiltily. “Y/N,” he says. “I promise you that, if you come, we’re not gonna ditch you.”
“Speak for yourself,” Bradley says with a playful grin.
Jake gives him a stern look before glancing back at you. “I promise I won’t ditch you.”
You watch him skeptically, your arms folded over your chest.
“You trust me, don’t you?” he asks.
You purse your lips, trying not to be swayed by the slight squint of Jake’s eyes when he gives you a hopeful smile. You can’t help but daydream for a moment. You picture yourself being chased by zombie clowns with Jake by your side, holding your hand. And, if they’d get too close, maybe he would knock them out to keep you safe.
“Come on, sugar,” Jake says, interrupting your thoughts. He starts rising from him seat and holds out a hand for you. “We can use Bradley as a shield.”
You snort while Bradley shakes his head with a chuckle. “You can try,” he replies, starting for the haunted house.
You let out a sigh and take Jake’s hand, letting him drag you out of your chair. “I’m already regretting this decision,” you mutter.
Jake laughs. “This is gonna be fun!”
You gulp nervously as you step into the darkness. The moment the doors close behind you, your hand reaches out for one of the guys, making sure you're not alone. Somebody gives you a pat on the arm, silently reassuring as you advance. Suddenly, a loud bang to your right makes you jump, and you hear Jake's snicker right before he moves behind to lay a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Wicked,” you hear Bradley say as he travels slightly ahead of you. You follow your brother with Jake close behind, probably much closer than he would be in broad daylight, especially with Bradley just a few steps away.
“Remember,” Jake mutters from behind. “If you don’t run, they won’t chase you.”
You whimper. “Who won’t chase me?”
In the sparse, flashing lights, you see your brother take off down the hallway, setting off several animatronics as he goes. You slow your pace and Jake, who is still sopping wet, walks right into you. The sudden chill of his saturated clothes takes you by surprise and you yelp, springing away from him.
Jake leaps after you to grab your arm when you nearly trip over the cadaver that falls out of the wall and right into your path. “Having fun?” he asks facetiously as he helps you regain your balance, and you can sense the grin on his face without even seeing it.
“I hate you for making me do this,” you hiss.
Jake wraps an arm around your shoulders and gives them a squeeze. “You’re doin’ great, sweet cheeks.”
You wince at the cold seeping through your shirt and wriggle out of his grasp. “Seresin, you’re all wet!”
“Sorry,” he mutters sheepishly.
Just then, a large gust of air hits you from the side and you scream, flinging yourself right back into Jake’s arms. Jake pulls you in immediately and spins you away, blocking the air current with his back. But your relief is short-lived because, out of nowhere, two clowns with melting faces come barreling toward you with their arms outstretched.
You scream and, despite the sudden weakness in your limbs, start sprinting down the dimly lit corridor, completely forgetting Jake's instructions.
Jake catches up to you quickly and when the clowns all but overtake you, he curls his arm around your waist and practically lifts you off the ground as he runs.
When you finally round the bend and lose the clowns, Jake slows down and releases you, letting you catch your breath as he places his hands on his hips and takes a look around. “That was awesome,” he says with a huge smile.
You’re still gasping for air when you look up at him with a scowl. “You’re a lunatic if you enjoyed that.”
He claps you on the back. “Don’t worry, darlin’. We’re almost half-way through.”
“We’re not even half-way done?” you whine.
Jake chuckles. “Admit it, you’re having a blast,” he says.
You whimper quietly when he motions for you to follow him down another dark hallway. “I am never letting you talk me into this nonsense again,” you grumble, staying close behind him just in case another zombie clown pops out of the shadows.
But what you do not anticipate is the vibrating floor that makes you jerk backward, nor the fog that suddenly floods the corridor, nor the alarming screams that attack from all directions, making it impossible to communicate. You feel the floorboards shift underneath your feet and you hold out your arms to stabilize yourself. You stagger backward into a wall, and it rotates behind you, further disorienting you.
“Jake?” you cry, realizing that you’ve lost him in all the commotion. But your voice is drowned out by the continuous screaming still reverberating all around you.
In the flashes of light, you can see dozens of hands rattling a chain-link fence that looks like it won’t hold for very much longer. You try to push your way back through the wall – the way you came in – but it doesn't budge, meaning you’re stuck in this room until you find another way out.
“Jake!” you yell again, terror rooting you to the spot. The fence to your right finally rips open and gangly arms start stretching out toward you, making you jolt backward. You shriek, moving along the wall slowly because you’re too afraid to fall into another trap.
You reach the end of the chamber, which opens up to a tunnel, and whimper tragically. Going in will surely mean that you will have to complete the haunted maze without Jake, but the tunnel is probably the only way out of this room.
You only have a second to deliberate however, because at that moment, the fence behind you comes crashing down and a horde of zombies escapes. In the shadows, it looks like there might be more than half a dozen of them stumbling in your direction, tripping over one another to get to you.
If you don’t run, they won’t chase you. If you don’t run, they won’t chase you.
But the zombies are still coming, their hideous shrieks even more off-putting than their decaying faces.
You lunge into the tunnel and sprint faster and faster even as the passageway dips and winds and darkens. At a certain point, you are forced to stop running because it gets too dark to find your way without holding your hands out to feel the curve of the walls.
And then you hear his voice.
“Oh my god! Jake!” you screech.
“Y/N?” he yells back.
You start pushing on the solid wall before you because it sounds like he’s right on the other side. “Jake, where are you?” You can hear the zombies gaining on you further up the tunnel and you sob, “Jake, please get me out of here.”
Suddenly, a door creaks open to your right and you start, cowering from the blinking red light that filters into the pitch black passage. But then you see Jake’s broad-shouldered silhouette enter through the opening and, in your relief, you throw yourself right into him, burying your face into his chest as his arms close around your back. His grip tightens as you clutch onto the front of his soaked shirt, and you can feel his mouth over the top of your head. “I’ve got you,” he mutters into your hair. “I’ve got you.”
But before you can sink into the feeling of having Jake Seresin’s strong arms supporting your trembling frame, you hear the sound of footsteps as the zombies come hurtling through the tunnel. Without a word, Jake pulls you sideways, tucking you and himself behind the open door. He brings a finger to his lips when he sees that you’re about to cry out, and you hold your breath, watching the flashing lights illuminate the exhilaration in his eyes.
You close your own eyes as the zombies near, deciding that no amount of attention from Jake is worth participating in this traumatizing experience. And you promise yourself that you will never be swayed by his stupid, irresistible smile again.
That’s when you feel his body brush up against yours. You open your eyes to see his face hovering over your own, watching you intently as the zombies race by your hiding spot. His mouth curls into a smirk when it becomes apparent that his plan has worked as expected. You try your best to concentrate on the direct threat of flesh-eating zombies and not on his leg that’s pressed into your thigh, or his hand that you suddenly notice is gripping your hip, but it isn’t easy prioritizing escape when his eyes are dancing with delight only about three inches from your face.
You want him to kiss you. You want him to kiss you so badly. Right here in the darkness, concealed behind a heavy, wooden door, surrounded by a dense mist and a musty smell, with the added ambience of distant screams in the background. But, of course, you aren’t going to voice this desire. Because that would be more terrifying than getting eaten alive by a bunch of zombie clowns. So, instead, you say, “Get me the fuck out of here, Seresin.”
Jake nods, stepping away from you slowly, almost reluctantly. He holds his arm out to direct you out of the tunnel through the splintered door. He leads you past the holographic apparitions that float eerily along the walls, through the hall of warped mirrors that make your eyes hurt and your head spin, and over the various trap doors in the final stretch of your journey.
But he stops when you get to a dark, narrow split between two concrete walls. “This is the exit,” he says with a grimace. “Sorry,” he adds.
You shake your head. “I’m not going in there.”
“There’s no other way out.”
You stare at him in horror. “I’m claustrophobic.”
Jake drags a hand over his face. “That’s not good,” he says.
You feel yourself start to panic so you lash out by slapping him on the shoulder. “How could you not know that?”
Jake shrugs. “I forgot, I guess.”
Your breathing accelerates as your heart pounds painfully against your ribcage. “I hate your guts, Seresin,” you mutter. “You’re going to pay for this.”
In response, Jake gives you a very broad, very happy smile, as though you didn’t just tell him that you despise him.
“What?” you say heatedly.
Jake continues grinning. “You’re mad.”
“Yeah, I’m mad! Why are you so happy about it?”
He shakes his head. “No reason.”
You glare at him. “You should fear my wrath.”
He bites his lip, watching you affectionately. “It’s definitely the scariest part of this whole place.”
“I’m angry!” you yell, although you feel a fit of laughter start to bubble up in your chest.
Jake tries to keep a straight face. “Okay, but, could you be angry in there?” He nods at the chasm leading toward the exit, his eyes scanning the area behind you. “Because the zombies are coming.”
He ushers you into the fissure between the walls, keeping his hand on your back as you make your way forward. The only thing that makes up for this stressful conclusion to an already harrowing adventure is that his fingers seem to slip further down your back the farther you walk, trailing past the waistline of your jeans and stopping in the vicinity of your back pocket.
“See?” he says cheerily as the gap between the walls begins to narrow. “It’s not that bad.”
You try to concentrate on the light touch of his fingers as he hooks a couple of them into the back pocket of your jeans rather than the cracking walls rising up on either side of your body that seem to be closing in on you the deeper you go.
“Just so you know, there’s going to be a vibrating floor tile somewhere up ahead,” Jake says quietly, very close to your ear. “It’s coming up.”
You look over your shoulder sharply. “No,” you respond curtly, as if you could will this particular contraption away.
Jake squeezes himself in between your chest and the wall, his fingers regrettably slipping out of your pocket. The space is so tight that, no matter how much you press you backs into the walls, your bodies are still touching. “You can do this,” he says. “I’m right here.”
You frown at him, annoyed and love-sick all at once. Why did he insist on you coming? Why did he bring you along knowing he’d have to babysit you the entire time? Unless he doesn’t mind being with you. Perhaps it’s what he was hoping for.
Jake’s eyes skim worriedly over your face. “Are you okay?” he asks.
You draw in a wavering breath, content to let him fret for another several seconds over your wellbeing. Finally, you respond, “If we survive this hellhole, I’m going to murder you.”
Jake chuckles, placing his hands on your shoulders. “If we survive this hellhole, I’m getting you two funnel cakes.”
You let out a resolute sigh and nod. “Make it three. I want one of each flavor.”
Jake grins. “You got it.”
You bring your hands up to push at his chest, squirming in the compact space against his shirt. “How are you still wet?” you say irritably. “We’ve been in here for hours.”
Jake makes a face. “It’s been like six minutes, actually.”
You groan. “And this is why I don’t do haunted houses.”
Finally – finally ­– you step out into the cool, breezy sunshine with Jake on your heels. Bradley waves at the two of you from across the walkway, coming over to greet you.
“Took you a while,” Bradley remarks.
You grimace at him. “It’s only been like six minutes,” you retort sourly.
Jake looks like he might be trying to suppress a laugh.
“As if you took off again,” you reprimand your brother.
Bradley shrugs. “The trick is to race through these things and not stop to smell the rotting flesh.”
You shudder. “I need to sit down; my legs feel like jelly.”
“Log ride?” Bradley says to Jake. “While this one recuperates?” He nods toward you with a grin.
Jake pinches at his still soaking shirt and then wrinkles his nose. “I think I’ll sit this one out,” he says. “Promised your sister I’d get her funnel cake.”
“Three,” you remind him.
Jake graces you with an amused smirk. “I would love to see you try to get through three whole funnel cakes.”
As Bradley takes off in the direction of the log ride, you glance at Jake apprehensively. “You could go with him,” you say, cursing yourself for even suggesting it because all you want is to spend some time alone with Jake – not inside of a nuthouse.
Jake gives you a quick smile before starting for the funnel cake stand. “Don’t want to,” he responds.
You fall into step with him, wondering why he’d rather hang around you than his best friend. As he’s ordering the funnel cakes, you decide that you’re reading too much into things and he’s probably just hoping to dry off before going on the next ride, and that his decision to skip the log ride has nothing to do with you at all.
But then, as the two of you watch the mesmerizing creation of the world’s most delicious pastry through the glass window of the kitchen, Jake says this: “Heard you broke up with what’s-his-name.”
Your grip on the tray in your hands tightens but your eyes remain on the rapidly frying dough. It was a casual question, and Jake isn’t even looking at you, but his repeated interest in your dating life continues to give you hope where there probably isn’t any. He’s just making conversation. You shrug. “He was an asshole,” you say nonchalantly.
“Told you he would be,” Jake responds with an equally casual tone.
You bite your bottom lip aggressively, tired of the ambiguity behind his words. “That’s fine,” you retort. “I’ve got options.”
That’s when Jake turns to look at you with a troubled pair of eyes.
“Your words,” you remind him. “So, I took your advice.”
He narrows his eyes. “What advice would that be?”
“I told you someone asked out,” you say, setting the first of your funnel cakes down onto your tray.
“You said yes?” he gapes at you. “To a stranger?”
You watch him pensively for a moment. “You know, I think we’re going to need another tray,” you say, deciding to keep him in suspense for another minute.
Call it payback or something.
Read Part 8
A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this installment of torturous pining. Don't forget to send in your ideas for these two in my ask box!
Hangman Tag List:
The rest of the list will be in the comments! Please let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore.
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laurenairay · 8 months
Lately you've been on my mind - E. Pettersson
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I’m jumping in as a pinch-hitter as part of @wyattjohnston’s winter fic exchange, with an Elias Pettersson story for @typical-simplelove! I really hope you enjoy this Claudia– I had a lot of fun creating something from the prompts you gave me, and I was just so inspired that I wrote it all in one day! And thank you Demi, for being a sounding board for me as I put together my ideas.
Summary: Brock Boeser is the ultimate match maker – he knows he is. And he is determined to set his friends up.
a.k.a. you and Elias are both friends with Brock, and keep finding yourselves in moments alone.
Words: 4.9k
Warnings: idiots to lovers, self-doubt, Brock is a meddler
Title from: Adore you, by Harry Styles
2019 was already shaping up to be a fantastic year. The sun was shining brightly, the January air was crisp and cold, and you had Spanish Banks dog park essentially to yourself, seeing that it was excruciatingly early in the morning.
But damn if the views of the North Shore mountains weren’t worth it. Your dog seemed to agree, with the way he was running up and down the sand. You’d lived in Vancouver all your 20 years so far, still living with your parents where you’d decided not to go to university, and it was moments like this that reminded you just how fortunate you were.
Your peace and quiet lasted for all of another half an hour before you heard enthusiastic barking from behind you. Recalling your dog to your side – which only took a couple of attempts, which was an improvement – you turned your head to see what was coming your way, only to freeze at the guy you saw walking towards you.
A guy that was clearly the up-and-coming star of your family’s favourite sports team, the Vancouver Canucks. Brock Boeser, in the flesh.
“Hey, sorry for interrupting your quiet.”
His smile tightened slightly when he realised you clearly knew who he was, with whatever your face was doing, but you quickly shook your head to reassure him. No, he was here just the same as you, to walk his dog. You could be cool with that.
“It’s a beautiful off-leash park – it would be a shame not to share it,” you shrugged, smiling back at him.
Brock immediately relaxed, easy a tension you didn’t realise you had.
“Who’s this beautiful pup, hm?”
“This is Bailey. I’ve had him, like, three months now? He’s only 18 months old so he’s still learning not to jump up, but he tries his best,” you mused.
“He’s perfect…”
Yes, Brock was definitely a dog person.
“…a border collie, right?”
“Yeah that’s right. He was abandoned a few months ago at a shelter my mom volunteers at, and I barely had to beg her to let me adopt him,” you laughed.
Brock just grinned. “Coola was a rescue dog as well. I adopted him back in February last year, after the All Star Game, but he lived in Minnesota with my parents while I finished my rookie year. I know the feeling of not being able to resist a sweet little dog.”
At least he understood.
With a smile, you motioned for Bailey that he was allowed to run again, and within moments Coola was joining him, the two dogs playing in the surf.
“So, you live here then?”
You and Brock walked your dogs for nearly another hour, the two of you talking like you’d known each other all your lives, before Bailey flopped at your feet, a clear sign he was done and ready to leave.
“Looks like that’s my cue,” you said dryly, making Brock laugh.
“Definitely,” he teased, “but hey, maybe we could exchange numbers? I’d love to walk Coola with you and Bailey again, now that I know they’re friends.”
You hesitated slightly, unsure whether he actually meant that, but the earnestness in his eyes told you everything you needed to know.
“Sure, I’d like that. Bailey could use all the friends he could get,” you mused.
Brock just grinned.
“I don’t know, I have a feeling we’re going to be pretty good friends as well.”
Nearly five years on and you were (somehow) genuine friends with Brock. He’d been right, against all odds. There was just something about his straightforward friendship that made your life that little bit easier, knowing that you could rely on him to be a breath of fresh air, no drama. And you knew he appreciated your chilled approach to pretty much everything, never judging him, always his biggest supporter – both on the team and for him as a person. Brock Boeser was probably one of the best friends you’d ever had, and you cherished everything about him, like an older brother you didn’t realise you needed.
Brock had always insisted that you needed to be integrated into every part of his life, so you spent more time with his team than you ever thought you would (and hadn’t that been a starstruck moment, when you’d first attended a team gathering). He pretty much brought you to all gatherings, events, and anything to do with Coola (and now Milo), and while at first it had been overwhelming, you’d quickly adjusted when you realised just how ridiculous his teammates were.
So it wasn’t a surprise to Elias Pettersson when he walked into Brock’s house and saw you sitting on the sofa surrounded by dogs.
“Well this looks cosy.”
You grinned at his teasing words, waving him over. “It’s good to see you too, Elias.”
He shared a small private smile with you, lifting Milo’s legs to take a seat on the sofa next to you. The dog in question huffed out his displeasure but didn’t move, allowing Elias to settle in properly.
This guy, more than anyone else, was the teammate you enjoyed spending the most time with alongside Brock. Elias was definitely the most sane of all Brock’s Vancouver friends, and his dry sense of humour always had you in stitches. It was rare that he showed much of himself to anyone, as reserved as he was, but the more you’d gotten to know him over the years, the more you recognised the little signs of his reactions and collated them like hoarded treasure. And the more that Elias had gotten to know you, the more willing he seemed to be to share jokes and smiles and laughter with you, forging a friendship of your own.
And yes, sure, you couldn’t deny that you found him attractive – you’d be crazy or blind to think otherwise - but he’d never shown a hint of interest towards you in that way. And there was no way you’d ever say anything unless you were sure things were reciprocated (there was just no way), so you were more than happy to have him as a friend. Elias Pettersson was an unmistakeable joy in your life, and the last thing you wanted to do was ruin that.
He really was so handsome though.
“I’m surprised Brock isn’t buried under puppies like usual,” Elias said.
“We haven’t been long back from walking the dogs, so I said I’d get them settled while he showered and got ready to head out with you,” you explained, running your hand over your Bailey’s head.
“He does need to look pretty enough to leave the house, that’s true,” he mused.
You couldn’t help but laugh, the both of you knowing Brock needed no help in looking pretty, Elias just smiling widely.
It just goes to show how wrapped up you were in Elias’s attention that neither of you noticed Brock standing at the bottom of the stairs, eyes lighting up at your laughter and Elias’s smile.
It was early, far too early, but here you were fulfilling Bailey’s every need. You were wrapped up warm, puffer jacket, woollen hat, gloves, and scarf, walking your border collie through Hadden Park, allowing the travel mug of coffee to wake you up fully while you took in the views surrounding you. Bailey was in his element, trotting about and sniffing every single leaf and twig, and it was only your phone buzzing that broke you out of your silent contentment.
From: Brock Hey, are you walking Bailey?
To: Brock Yeah we’re at Hadden Park Wasn’t sure if you would be getting up early after your game last night so I didn’t text
From: Brock Hah yeah fair enough Do you mind if Petey comes along?
You tried not to fantasise about why Elias was so willing to join you both on a dog walk, so early on a day off. You tried so hard.
To: Brock Of course I don’t mind
From: Brock Of course?
You felt heat dancing across your cheeks. Damn it Brock.
To: Brock You know I think Petey is great.
From: Brock Well I definitely do now.
You groaned, already able to picture the smirk on your friend’s face.
To: Brock Don’t be dumb I’ll see you soon
The last thing you needed was Brock teasing you, especially in front of Elias. The last thing you wanted was Elias to feel uncomfortable around you, just because you find him attractive. The last thing you could bear would be if you lost your friendship with Elias just because Brock was reading into things that weren’t true.
But there was nothing you could do for damage control until Brock was in front of you. All you could hope was that he didn’t make you look like an idiot.
It couldn’t have been more than 20 minutes before you saw the familiar pair walking towards you, dogs at Brock’s side, and you found yourself smiling despite your trepidation. You gave them both hugs in greeting, travel mug long empty and placed in your bag, Bailey barking happily.
“What a beautiful morning,” Brock said happily.
“Cold but beautiful, sure,” you mused.
Elias nodded his agreement, thick scarf wrapped in loops around him, Brock just laughing.
“Petey, you don’t mind taking Coola while I walk Milo, do you?” Brock asked.
Elias narrowed his eyes, as if trying to read into Brock’s words, but Brock just kept smiling at him.
“Sure, I can walk Coola,” Elias eventually said.
The moment that Coola’s leash was in Elias’s hands, Coola darted forward, Elias crashing directly into your body. It was only through his quick reflexes that you didn’t end up on your ass, his hands clutching at your hips while you clung to his jacket.
“Coola! Chill!”
Brock’s giggled words did little to calm his dog down, all three dogs dancing around your feet as Elias steadied you. His face was impossibly close to yours, breath practically mingling. How had you not realised how blue his eyes were before this? His lips were parted slightly, as if he was still processing, but it was only when Bailey bumped into both of your legs that he abruptly let you go, and you dropped your hands too.
“Sorry, sorry,” he blurted, stepping away sharply.
“No apologies needed. It wasn’t your fault,” you said, shaking your head with a weak smile.
“Aww you can’t blame Coola for being excited,” Brock grinned, kneeling down to give fuss to both his dogs.
There was something in his smile that you just couldn’t put your finger on. Hm.
“Shall we walk then, if they’re so excited?” Elias said dryly.
All three dogs started barking at the word ‘walk’, making you laugh and nod, Brock just grinning even wider.
From: Brock Petey is taking the roadtrip losses really hard. Come over tomorrow?
You don’t know what it was that possessed you, but the moment you received those texts from Brock, you knew you had to do something. Elias was such a stoic guy, so reserved in his emotions, so the fact that it was obvious enough he was suffering that Brock asked for your help? There was no way you weren’t going to do everything in your power to ease any tensions they had, especially Elias.
There wasn’t much you could do, but you could do this.
When you arrived at Brock’s house the next morning, you were only mildly startled to see Elias opening the door instead of Brock, his eyes flashing in surprise before he smiled.
“Did Brock not say I was coming over?” you said hesitantly.
The last thing you wanted was to intrude.
“He said we were going for brunch, but this is a welcome surprise,” Elias said, smiling softly.
Oh. Now you felt stupid.
Wait, a welcome surprise?
“I don’t know what is making your face do that, but I’m not lying when I say it’s good to see you,” Elias said firmly.
“Alright, I believe you,” you mused.
Elias just grinned, walking over to the bottom of the staircase.
You rolled your eyes fondly at Brock’s assumptions. It wasn’t like you had much else planned for today, but still!
Elias laughed at your matching volume, making you smile back at him, a light flush dusting across your cheeks. His laugh was magical and you weren’t going to shame yourself for liking it.
“Brock’s just finishing his hair and then he’ll be down. That’s what he said anyway,” Elias explained, sitting down on the arm of Brock’s sofa.
“He’s got an image to maintain, can’t be looking anything less than perfect,” you teased, the familiar joke making you smile.
Elias just snickered, shaking his head. You leaned up against the back of the sofa, standing close enough to Elias that the blue of his eyes was almost hypnotising, before you remembered why you came over in the first place.
“It feels a little silly now, but I heard from a little bird that you were taking things a little rough, so here’s a little something,” you said.
“Brock needs to keep his mouth shut,” he grumbled.
You just laughed, reaching into your bag to pull out the gift. But as you placed it in his hands, Elias froze.
“What’s this?” Elias said, eyes wide in shock.
You bit your bottom lip, before letting out a shaky breath. Here goes nothing.
“You were having a bad day. So I made you a hat,” you said simply, trying to keep your voice light and airy.
“You made me a hat? You knitted this?”
Elias stared down in wonder at the soft light blue woollen bundle in his hand, a look of pure astonishment on his face. It was only then that you realised how close it was to the colour of his eyes.
“Uh, yes, I did? I got back into knitting recently, so it’s nothing fancy, but I just wanted to make something to cheer you up?” you said, trying not to cringe at yourself.
“No-one’s ever done anything like this for me before.”
Your lips parted in surprise at his soft words.
“Really really,” Elias nodded.
“I’ve never had a hat made for me either.”
You flinched at the sound of Brock’s voice coming from behind you, Elias immediately scowling over your shoulder.
“Wouldn’t want to cover up your Prince Charming hair,” Elias grumbled, shoving the hat into the pocket of his hoodie.
You didn’t mention the dark blue hat you’d knitted for Brock that was tucked into your bag. Brock pouted as you snickered, slinking into the kitchen, leaving the two of you alone again.
“Look, I know it’s not really my place. And that we’re just friends because of Brock. But these losses were just a bad blip – you’re going to get over them in no time at all, and be back to destroying the other teams like you were born to,”
Elias smiled wryly. “It doesn’t feel like that right now. But thanks.”
You pursed your lips briefly before huffing out a breath. Telling him what you really thought was hardly the most embarrassing thing you’d ever done.
“You make me so proud. You know that, right?”
“What?” Elias frowned.
“You go out there, every single day, and give this team, this city, your all. Your pour yourself into everything that you do, always give 100%, and as your friend, as someone who has known you for years…I am so proud of you.”
As your cheeks heated from your words, Elias swallowed heavily, a flush dusting across his own cheeks.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve this, to deserve your kind words, but I appreciate it. Thank you,” he murmured.
Your heartbeat raced at the intensity in his eyes.
“Brunch? Can we go?”
Elias scowled again at Brock’s grinning interruption but walked away towards the front door. You were read to grumble at Brock yourself, until you saw Elias pull the knitted hat out of his pocket and slide it on over his hair. It looked…perfect.
“Are you good?” Brock asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’m great.”
Your voice was far breathier than you would ever admit.
Another month, another team event. This time Brock had invited you to be his plus one to a formal gala, hardly the first time he had asked and yet this time he practically begged you to come along. You didn’t need him to beg, you could admit that much – the events were always fun and hey, you got to dress up nicely – but his behaviour was strange, even for him.
Either way, Brock had looked ecstatic when you said yes, even going as buying you a gorgeous midnight blue evening gown, sleeveless and high-necked, as classy as it was beautiful, so you were going to complain. He could have his secrets – you knew you’d get it out of him eventually.
He picked you up after you’d gotten your hair and nails done, make-up subtle but elegant, wide smile on his face as he drove the two of you to the event. You didn’t have time to be suspicious about his good mood as the two of you greeted his teammates and their better halves, your attention consumed by all the cheek kisses and compliments, but you should’ve known he was up to something. Because the moment that the two of you joined Elias at a table with a few chairs around it, Brock all but disappeared, leaving the two of you completely alone.
“Hi Brock. Bye Brock,” Elias said dryly.
“I have no idea what’s gotten into him tonight, I am so sorry,” you sighed.
“Hey, no, don’t apologise for him. I’m sorry that he’s abandoned you already,” Elias said, frowning.
“Well at least I’m near a chair,” you said, huffing out a laugh, “High heels are not my friends.”
Elias immediately pulled a chair out for you to sit on, and you felt a gentle heat brush across your cheeks at the gentlemanly action.
“Thanks Elias,” you said, more shocked than anything.
Not too shocked to smile at him as he sat down right next to you, after picking up a couple of flutes of champagne from a passing waiter. If he wanted to join you…well, you weren’t going to complain. Not if you got his attention all to yourself.
It can’t have been more than an hour before Brock wandered back over, but by the flush on his cheeks and the glassiness of his eyes, he was more than a little tipsy. Damn it Brock.
“You’re not going to ask this beautiful woman to dance, Petey?”
Elias immediately blushed furiously, eyes narrowing at his friend, making you want to die a little inside – but also to shield him.
“Oh no, these heels are killing my feet already. Elias is just being kind enough to keep me company,” you said sweetly.
Brock snickered, shaking his head, but walked away without any further pestering. You both sat there for a moment in silence, reeling from the short conversation. What the hell was that, Brock?
“You didn’t have to make up a lie to defend me,” Elias said, finally looking at you again.
“I wanted to.”
The mortification that filled your body upon your blurted words was immediate and all-consuming, especially with how surprised Elias looked. How could you save this? How the hell could you save this?
“Besides it’s the least I could do for Brock dumping me on you in the first place,” you said coolly, shrugging, trying to calm yourself down and failing miserably.
Elias hesitated before something flashed across his face, and he looked at you with an expression you’d never seen from him before. It made you shiver. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
You’d spent so long convinced that he didn’t see you that way, that he wasn’t attracted to you in the slightest, and now that he’d said this? Giving you enough to let yourself hope, to admit to yourself that your sweetest daydreams and deepest fantasies could actually be reality?
While your mind raced, full of swirling realisations that perhaps things weren’t so unrequited after all, Elias just watched you, expression just as intense as before. It wasn’t until you let out a shaky breath, smiling a tiny smile at him, that he nodded, clearing his throat.
“Another drink?”
“Yes, definitely.”
Movie nights were sacred. It didn’t matter who they were with, not really, but now that you had your own tiny apartment, a night in watching your favourite movies and eating your favourite snacks was always the best way to unwind. Usually Brock was your only companion, or Brock with a few of his teammates, and that was the plan tonight. Brock and Elias were both joining you for a movie night and you couldn’t wait to have a chilled night in with two of your favourite people. Even if your whole world had been shaken up only last week at that eventful team gala.
The pizzas you’d ordered hadn’t long arrived before Elias arrived at your door, beers in hand, and you let him in with a happy smile.
“Thanks for inviting me,” he said, smiling shyly back at you.
Your breath caught in your throat at the sweetness in his face, and you found yourself just nodding.
“You know you’re always welcome. Come on, pizza just got here too.”
Elias all but raced you to the kitchen, making you laugh as he opened the cardboard lids. But your phone buzzed before you could reach for a slice.
From: Brock I can’t make it tonight. Have fun. Both of you.
You heart started racing at his implications, knowing deep in your bones that Brock never intended to come this evening. Had he known all along, how you felt about Elias? And how you hoped Elias felt for you too?
Surely not.
But then again, Brock always surprised you. You had always tried not to underestimate your friend, but it appeared that you’d fallen for that sweet innocent smile just the same as everyone else.
“Is Brock on his way?”
“Brock isn’t coming.”
Elias seemed to hesitate, making you inhale sharply.
“Did you want to reschedule?” he asked, wincing.
You could be brave, right? Or at least take a step towards bravery?
“You’re already here…so we can still have our own movie night?” you suggested, unable to stop yourself from chewing your bottom lip.
Elias’s eyes flickered down quickly towards your mouth, before he cleared his throat and smiled softly at you. “Yeah, of course we can. Also means we don’t have to listen to Brock whining that we aren’t watching one of his rom com choices.”
The dryness of his tone made you giggle, immediately cutting through the lingering awkward tension. You could absolutely do a movie night just with Elias. You could absolutely handle being alone with him like this.
The two of you ploughed through the pizzas while you watched one of you go-to action movies, laughing and talking all the way through, even finishing the popcorn and a couple of beers each by the time the credits were rolling. Bailey had happily sat by your feet the whole time, actually behaving himself for once, and you couldn’t remember a time when you’d felt so content. So relaxed and happy. Brock had always brought that out in you, and now that Elias had too? It just filled you with butterflies in the best way.
“Shall we watch another?”
“Definitely,” you nodded, smiling up at him.
Elias smiled easily back. “You choose? I’ll clear up.”
Before you could protest or even help him, Elias had picked up both pizza boxes and all the empty beer bottles, leaving you alone on the sofa. You heard him opening the trash can, snapping you out of your surprise, so you started scrolling through Netflix again, eventually deciding on a light-hearted comedy just as Elias re-entered the room. Bailey had trotted out to his own bed when Elias left, so it really was just the two of you now.
Something that made your breath hitch in your throat was the way that Elias sat down closer to you this time. Unmistakably closer, close enough to feel the heat from his body and to smell his cologne. He did that on purpose, there was no doubt about it. But his face gave you no answers, nothing more than his usual smile around you, so you let it go. Overthinking things was definitely not the way to go, you knew that much.
It didn’t make your heartrate calm down at all though.
You pressed play to get the movie started, lightly tossing the tv remote onto your coffee table before settling back into the sofa, letting the familiar introduction wash over you.
It took ten minutes for everything to change.
Elias wasn’t a big hugger. You knew this. Brock knew this. The whole of the Vancouver Canucks knew this. So when you felt a pressure along your shoulders, you tried not to flinch, realising it was his arm stretching across the back of the sofa when his hand lightly brushed your opposite shoulder. Elias…Elias had put his arm around you. He’d put his arm around you? You glanced up at him, trying to get any sense of his thought process, but his eyes were resolutely glued to the television, his body a frozen line of tension. All over again, your heart started racing. You were right after all. Maybe…maybe Elias really did have feelings for you, just as he’d finally hinted at the team event, and now he was making a gentle move in the most Petey way ever.
The ball was in your court.
Ever so slowly, you relaxed against under his arm, sinking into his side, head resting on his chest. You could hear just how fast his own heart was racing and it made you smile, feeling giddy that he was just as affected as you were, even more so when his arm draped around you properly. This was really happening. Elias Pettersson had really instigated snuggling with you on the sofa. This was better than any dream you could’ve imagined.
The next thing you knew, you were blinking your eyes open. The sky outside was pitch black, the curtains still wide open, and the Netflix landing page was glaring bright. But the main thing you noticed? You were curled up against Elias’s side still, head resting on his chest, his arm having fallen down to your waist and his head lolling back on the sofa. You’d fallen asleep together? Was there anything more cliché than that? Still, it felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest with how right it felt to be in Elias’s hold. His hands were so large and so warm, the heat spreading through the contact on top of your sweatpants. His chest was so solid and calming under your cheek. And as you lifted your head, ever to slightly to look at him properly, even just through the light from the TV he looked so handsome. Beautiful and peaceful. But there was no way that could be comfortable for him, and the last thing you wanted was for an aching neck to put a damper on what was the perfect evening.
So you lightly rested your hand on his chest, shaking him gently until you heard him grunt in displeasure.
“Hey, Elias, we fell asleep on the sofa,” you murmured.
He immediately groaned, making you laugh softly, smiling at him as he finally lifted his head.
“I was having such a good dream,” he grumbled.
Then he seemed to freeze as he realised where he actually was, taking note of how you were still tucked into his side, and where his arm and hand were holding you.
“Damn it, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey, no, we both fell asleep eh?” you said, interrupting with a smile and a shake of your head, “It’s fine, Elias. We were both cosy.”
He swallowed heavily before nodding.
“I don’t think I’ve ever fallen asleep on the sofa with someone before,” he mumbled, “It was…nice.”
You felt your cheeks heating up with the gentle compliment, your smile letting him know you felt the same.
“I should go,” he said softly.
Well, now was your moment. Now was the time to be brave where you’d never needed to be so brave before. After everything that had been building between the two of you…now was the moment.
“Or, maybe you could stay, and we could talk in the morning,” you offered as calmly as you could.
You felt Elias inhale sharply where your hand was still resting on his chest.
“The kind of talk that I’ve been wanting to have for a while?” he asked, hope evident in his eyes.
Oh wow.
For a while?
You felt like you were floating as his words sunk in.
“Yeah I think we’re on the same page,” you murmured, your blood thrumming with possibility.
The smile that spread across Elias’s face made your heart soar, and you found yourself smiling just as widely back. And when he leant forward to press a soft kiss to your forehead, you’d never felt more alive.
You could only imagine Brock’s satisfied grin when you told him.
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veala2 · 10 months
“ᴅʀᴜɴᴋ ꜱʜᴇɴᴀɴɪɢᴀɴꜱ.”
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✸ shanks n’ buggy ✸
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SYNOPSIS - Being in a relationship with 2 pirate emperors is great, but one aspect that comes with a pirates life is a pirates thirst… no, not that kind, you dog!
CW - gn!reader, obviously there’s some intoxication on both sides, reader is explicitly said to be puking, Buggy is doing some dumb shit, shenanigans ensue.
A/N - I’m back from the dead (work), ready to deliver and slowly (painfully) write my next fic (Christmas themed?)
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Probably the first to get black out drunk between the two of you.
He’s been a pirate for most of his life, and drinking was a pleasure he so stereotypically enjoys!
So, when you see his flushed face and goofy smile, you couldn’t help but indulge in his silliness. Letting him play with your hair or kiss you all over your face.
But… when the roles are reversed, he’s 100% on you to make sure nothing happens.
It’s not that he thinks you’ll do something crazy while drunk, no no. Rather, it’s what others would do that scares him.
Pirate bars are filled with crude men swinging their swords around, starting rowdy bar fights which leads to terrified bar owners and civilians to evacuate.
Yes he can take care of you with a simple look- his strong conquers haki coming in play- but he’d rather keep the chance of you safe as high as possible.
“Baby… baby, I’m fine, let me gooo…”
You whines fall on deaf ears, as Shanks adjusts you in his arms once again to make sure your head wouldn’t strain. He chuckles as he makes his way down the wooden steps out of Makino’s Bar, the pounding sound of laughter and drunk men filling his ears.
“I’ll let you go once we’re at the port. There’s no way I’m gonna let you throw up on me again.” He laughs, making you clip your tongue and rub your eyes.
“I didn’t even throw up on you!” You retorted. Which brought another chuckle out of him.
He can remember that scene like it was five minutes ago. Well, maybe because it was five minutes ago. He might be a little drunk himself.
Brushing off the warnings of having too many shots, you took your 21st and started to feel nauseous. Before he could drag you away before you hurled up yesterday’s breakfast. Which happened before he could even get out a word. Leaving him disgusted, but even more worried.
“Sweetheart, trust me, I’m not taking that risk again.” He says, planting an endearing kiss swiftly on the top of your forehead, pulling away at the smell of vomit, Making his nose scrunch up.
Shanks sat you down on the pier of Foosha Village. Rubbing soothing circles on your back, letting you take your course. The night sky shined when it hit the slow waves of the sea, a sky littered with stars. A calm, serene night he loved. Especially with you cuddling into his side.
“Are you feeling better, baby?” He asked, a decimal over a whisper. You nod, groaning into his shoulder.
“Good. Let’s get you home and clean up. And maybe apologise to Makino tomorrow morning if she catches us. Other than that, we can always outrun her fury.”
You let out a weak giggle, despite you still feeling not so great. He holds you in a tight grip, sighing happily and looking up to the sky. Allowing himself to indulge in the beauty of the night sky and the beauty that sits right next to him.
“Remind me to bring a bucket next time.” He jokes, landing him a swift punch to the arm and a goofy smile on his face.
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Drinking with him has two outcomes:
Either you’re having good times! A couple of laughs, maybe making some great memories that overlap with some of the more confusing ones of drinking with him.
Or… You’re doing the most batshit crazy thing you’ve ever done in your life.
When I tell you drunk Buggy can take over the world if he so pleases, I mean it
That man has no inhabitions, no thoughts, just a pure drive to do whatever the FUCK he wants for the next 24 hours.
You wonder how such a cowardly clown can become so brave by just a couple of shots.
And honestly, you can be the same way too. It’s not hard to get caught up in all the excitement and thrill of doing shots with a pirate group and almost ending up with a broken limb.
But MAN-
It’s a really mind boggling thing… Like, you could write a psychology paper on it.
Your shouts echo the inside of his towering circus top. There your boyfriend was, drunk off his mind due to some of the finest whiskey found in the Grandline (which he happily took), and placing his left leg inside the brightly human- cannonball. He looks back at you, confused but then displaying a goofy smile.
“Aw, c’mon, baby! It’ll be so much fun, just keep watching!”
The older pirate doesn’t stop himself from doing what he wants, and fully places himself inside the cannon, wriggling around as to get comfy. One of his lackies cackles as he reaches for a match, striking it upwards and starting the fire. Your heart only beats louder and faster at the sight of the small flame.
Of course it didn’t occur to you, that the moment that Buggy the Clown asked you to be his partner, you would have to be his temporary mother when he was shit faced on most Tuesday nights.
But, it’s not too hard to keep him in place most of the time. All he wants are some private cuddling, maybe some kisses and words of affirmation. And don’t worry, when the roles are reversed he’ll do anything to help you, too.
Unfortunately today, he decides to act like a crazed toddler.
Too bad he isn’t, it would be easier to wrangle him up.
“Buggy, baby, love of my life,” You start, slowly inching closer towards the red- faced man as he stared at you with lidded eyes and curiosity. “I really need you to step out of that cannon before you blow to infinity and beyond.”
Then there was silence.
And then there was laughter. A drunken one, slurred and almost high.
“I’ll be fine, I’m Buggy the genius- fuckin’- jester! hit it!”
It was too late, the match lit the tiny rope at the end, as it quickly rises towards where the gunpowder lies.
You plug your ears and close your eyes, not wanting to even look or hear the maniac jester shoot up into the circus top’s top, rip past the fabric and blast off again.
Oh yes… again.
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 17 - Hospital AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 17, word count 995
CW- Cuts, Animal attack, Bite marks
Sirius stretched across the gurney, carefully holding his cup of coffee so he didn’t pour the scalding liquid down himself. 
“Hey, James. How long have we been on shift?” He asked his equally prostrate best friend. James groaned as he lifted his arm to check his watch. 
“8 hours.” He yawned. They were on the night shift, and the cases were either dull easy to diagnose stuff that could have waited for a GP in the morning or total calamities. 
He raised his head to take a sip of his drink when his pager went off. 
“Damn it,” He cursed as he dodged the liquid that came flying out of the cup. “That was close. I almost marred my beautiful face.” 
“Come on, urgent call to A&E,” James told him, grabbing him and jogging down the hall. 
The room was utter Bedlam. People were shouting at each other. A nurse was carrying a handful of bloody cloth to the hazardous waste bin. More nurses were fitting IVs and monitors to the patient lying still in the bed. Nurse Evans moved out of the way, and Sirius got his first glance at what they were working with. 
In the bed lay a twenty-something young man. Who could have been quite good-looking but now had long gashes across his face, one of which sliced his face in half from the corner of his eye, across his nose and finishing just above his lip. Sirius sucked in a breath as he took it in. 
“That’s not the worst of it.” Nurse Evans warned. Sirius glanced down as his eyes darted across the rest of his body. There were more slashing cuts, and the soft flesh of his waist and abdomen had huge puckered holes dotted about in stretched-out crescent arches. 
“Are those bite marks?!” James exclaimed, moving closer to the man. Nurse Evans nodded. 
“His back is all cut up, same as his front. Whatever attacked him got him good.” She sighed. “Poor man, he’s going to be in a lot of pain and shock when he wakes up.” She handed over his notes to James and busied herself cleaning the wounds. 
Sirius couldn’t take his eyes off the man.
“Do these look like dog bites?” He questioned as his fingers ghosted above the damaged skin.
“They look too big but definitely canine. Wolf, maybe?” James screwed up his face as he tried to figure it out. 
“There aren’t any wolves in Britain.” Sirius objected. “Where was he found?” 
“Er, notes say in the car park next to the—oh, for crying out loud. Next to the woodland park.” James scanned the text.
“Still no wild wolves in Britain,” Sirius muttered, only half paying attention to James. 
He grabbed some of the disinfection materials and helped Nurse Evans clean out the wounds. James began spouting off multiple tests he wanted to carry out and leaned over Sirius. Speaking quietly so only Sirius could hear him, he murmured.
“Be careful, yeah. I’ve seen that look before. Don’t get too invested.” Sirius shook his head. 
“I’m a doctor, James, I care. That’s all it is.” He lied. 
“Make sure it is,” James replied, knowing full well Sirius wasn’t telling the truth. 
Nurse Pettigrew appeared with his camera and began documenting the wounds in case it was a police matter. 
“Should I send these to a bite specialist?” He asked Sirius and James. James nodded. 
“Yes, that way, we will know what we’re dealing with. Send a couple of the slashes as well. I swear they look like claw marks.” Nurse Pettigrew disappeared as quickly as he’d appeared after taking countless photos and only disturbing the cleaning once to get shots of the man’s back. 
It took hours to get the man’s wounds cleaned and sutured. He’d had multiple scans, including a brain scan. To make sure he didn’t have a brain bleed. But he didn’t wake up. They weren’t worried yet. His body had sustained a lot of damage, and nothing in his scans showed any reason for him not to be conscious. 
Sirius’s shift had ended hours ago, but he stayed sitting at the man’s side. James had tried to convince him to leave. 
“Sirius, he’s a patient. You need to leave. Please don’t get overly attached to him. You don’t even know anything about him.”
“He’s all alone, James,” Sirius sighed. He already knew he was treading the line between a caring practitioner and becoming too personal with a patient. “No one has called looking for him. The police say no one matching his description has been reported missing. It’s been hours. How can no one be missing him?” James sighed at Sirius as he roughly ran his hand through his hair.
“I know, I know. Just be careful, Sirius.” He clapped his friend on the back and left him to it.
Sirius slept in the uncomfortable visitor’s chair. He kept waking up to check on his patient, but he was always asleep. Morning came, and one of the Nurses brought him breakfast and took the patient’s vitals. It wasn’t until the afternoon, a full 24 hours after he’d been brought in. The man’s eyelids fluttered. Sirius watched with bated breath as slowly, slowly, the man regained consciousness.
“It’s okay,” Sirius said in his most calming voice. “We think you’ve been attacked. You’ve got a lot of cuts, so I need you to keep still so you don’t rip any stitches. But you’re safe, and so far, no complications.” He realised he’d taken the man’s hand and promptly dropped it. “Sorry,” He mumbled under his breath. He watched the man wiggle his now free fingers. Sirius’s training finally kicked in. 
“I’m Doctor Black, Sirius. Do you know what your name is?” He asked as he pressed the call button. The man thought for a second. 
“Remus Lupin.” He said faintly. 
“Well, it’s lovely to meet you, Remus Lupin.” Sirius smiled at him as Nurse Evans wandered in.   
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strangerquinns · 8 months
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Deadly Reunion| Chapter 30
Eddie Munson x female!reader // a stranger things apocalypse au
summary: You and Eddie have been best friends since childhood. But when the outbreak happened five years ago, you were torn from one another in the chaos. but now you’re left alone, after your group was killed by another radical crew, leaving you to seek out what was once home. // zombie apocalypse Hawkins set in 1993
warnings: angst + adult themes w/ descriptions of violence, blood, torture + other zombie apocalypse related issues (no use of y/n)
word count:
⪻ previous chapter | stranger things masterlist | chapter one
You sighed heavily as you felt the sun beating down on you and warming your skin. A sheen of sweat started to build up along your forehead, causing you to reach up and swipe it away with your forearm. In the distance, you could hear the sound of some of the kids playing and running around outside, and the barking of some of the dogs as they playfully ran alongside them.
It brought a smile to your face to see that in a little over a year – happiness seemed to have settled into the camp but most importantly…you, again.
The soft crunch of feet against the gravel path that lined the garden boxes and small farm grabbed your attention and caused you to turn your eyes and focus on the noise. Wendy walked toward you with a basket in her hands, the sun causing her freckles to become more prominent along her nose and cheeks.
Things have been going well since Hopper had given Wendy a chance and let her join the camp. It took a while for some of the others to accept her, a couple making it more than known they weren’t happy. But Wendy didn’t let that stop her from becoming part of the group. She worked hard for her place and to show others that she could be trusted. Though it had only been in the recent months the dirty looks and whispers seemed to disappear.
“Come to collect for the kitchen?” You asked, wiping your dirty hands along your apron, before standing from the gardening box you were knelt beside.
“Hoping there are a few more veggies for tonight? We’re running a little low,” Wendy spoke, stopping to stand right beside you.
“We should have something. Shannon will have what’s stored in the barn.” You sighed softly. “How is kitchen duty?”
“Liking it way more than the medical wing.” Wendy laughed lightly, “I’m all for helping people but blood makes me squeamish. I’m happy that Hopper let me switch.”
“Has nothing to do with a certain…someone…would it?” You teased, the gleam in your eyes making Wendy roll hers.
“Shut up,” She reached out and playfully swatted at your arm, causing you to laugh and dodge away from her touch. “Don’t start with that!”
“Oh come on, it’s so obvious that he has a crush on you too. He gets all pathetic whenever you come around. It’s adorable.”
“Jonathan and I are just friends,” Wendy spoke, following you as you turned to lead her toward the small barn. “He’s someone that I like to talk to, and makes me laugh, but it’s strictly a friendship.”
“You’d be good for him, especially after what happened to Nancy and his brother. He needs some good in his life.”
“Whatever you say, Wen.”
The two of you walked the short path toward the barn where a few others were working. Opening the back storeroom, you filled Wendy's basket with a few vegetables that would be needed for the kitchen.
“Eddie and the others supposed to be back soon?” Wendy asked as the two of you exited the barn.
“Supposedly.” You sighed heavily, “It’s been longer than planned,”
Wendy stopped and turned to look at you, seeing the furrowed brow and frown on your lips. She placed her basket onto her hip, before moving her hand to place a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“He’s going to be ok, and he’s going to come back. That man is too crazy about you to leave you behind.”
You nodded your head, “I know…I know…just worry, can’t help it.”
“Do you miss going on raids?”
“No,” You answered with hesitation, “I don’t. But in place of worrying about going out there, I worry about him coming back. Because I’m not there to help protect him.”
“I have a feeling he’d say the same about you if roles were reversed,” Wendy said.
“That’s why I like being on farm duty. Keeps my mind occupied and the chickens make great company.”
Wendy laughed as the two of you continued to head up the path, Wendy leaving out the gate before you returned back to your work.
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You exit the cafeteria after having dinner with Robin, Wendy, Gareth, and Max. Night had fallen over Hawkins the soft sound of crickets in the distance mixing with distant conversations of those that lingered about outside. You pulled Eddie’s coat tighter around your body, a summer chill settling in the wind, as you walked the path back to the trailer.
You stepped into the trailer you shared with Eddie and were hit with a mixture of both your scents and the scent of home. You could feel your body relax even more the moment you walked through the small metal door. Stripping off his coat and sitting in on the back of the chair beside the door, you walked toward the back bedroom. All you wanted was to strip off your clothes from the day, take a quick cold shower, and crawl into your bed.
But the sound of the door opening, and closing followed but a familiar voice calling out; “Sweetheart?”, changed all of that.
You nearly tripped over yourself as you rushed to exit the small bedroom. Eddie chuckled to himself as he watched you race toward him in the small space, before launching yourself into his arms. He groaned as your body slammed into his but kept his arms tight around you. Your fingers fisted through his dark curls as his face muzzled into the crook of your neck.
“Oh my god,” Your body shook slightly in his arms, “Oh my god, you’re home.”
It was like you didn’t realize fully till that moment how afraid you were till you saw his face again. To feel him in your arms and to know that he was ok.
“I’m home, sweetheart,” Eddie repeated “I’m so sorry that took so long,”
You pulled back and caressed his face with both your hands, noticing a cut along his forehead, blood scabbed over causing a frown on your face, “What happened?”
“Flayed, that’s why it took so long.” Eddie sighed, stepping back but not fully out of your arms. “We got trapped in a neighborhood looking for supplies, bastard got me in the head. But I’m safe, I’m clean, saw Gareth before I came here.”
Your thumb rubbed against his cheeks, frown deepening more as you noticed the bruises forming, “You’re sure you’re ok?”
“I promise, baby,” Eddie nodded, “Now all I wanna do is take a shower and get into bed with you.”
You smiled softly and moved to kiss him, moaning softly against his lips, missing the feel of his lips pressed against yours.
“Come on,”
You slowly reached down and grabbed his larger hand into yours and led him toward the back of the trailer, the two of you stripping out of your clothes, and stepping into the small stall. The cold water didn’t feel as bad with Eddie’s warm body pressed against yours, the two of you helping the other wash up. The shower was quick, both of your drying off, before slowly shuffling back to the bedroom.
You slipped into your PJs and crawled under the old, warm blankets as you sank into the bed. Eddie wrapped his arm around your waist and immediately pulled you into him – placing his face right back into your neck and taking a deep breath. The two of you load there in each other’s arms. Eddie moved his hands beneath your shirt and slowly began to rub against your skin.
“I think I need to take a break from the raid team,” Eddie spoke, his voice muffled by your skin. “Maybe do patrol for a little? Help out at the gate and border.”
“Is it becoming too much?” You asked, repeating the rhythm he was doing against your back as you moved your fingers against his scalp.
“A bit, and I haven’t taken one in a long time.” Eddie pulled back so he looked down at you, “Just…need it, you know?”
“I do.” You nodded your head, “Talk with Hopper in the morning, not going to say I’m not against you staying here for a little bit. I miss you too much.”
“I miss you too, baby,”
Eddie caressed your face gently before his lips were once again pressed against yours. His body pressed down against yours with his hand moving down and hooking your leg around his waist. The two of you laid there till the peace of sleep took over the both of you.
And after everything you’d been through – you were finally at peace as well.
At home with the one you loved.
thank you to all who read this story. I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoyed it. Just wanted to give a short, peaceful ending to reader and eddie.
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strip4kaneshiro · 3 months
Cole Cassidy x Texan! reader domesticity headcanons
hiii it’s Kay again LOL. My first comeback piece and it’s Overwatch head canons LMAO. Felt some type of way about writing headcanons about real people so we’re moving on to fictional characters as the lord intended. As of rn, I’m fixated on Cassidy, Reaper, and Lifeweaver as my faves. So expect me to write about them TRUST
You and him defo live on a small ranch back in his home state of Texas together
this takes place in a universe where Overwatch is a lil more flexible with him than before, so don’t worry too much about the logistics ok???
Not close too his hometown though ( he’s still wanted there, rip), so you end up choosing a ranch set of land south enough to still be able to reach the coast if wanted. Cole was adamant about being able to take beach road trips
Let’s you do majority of the interior decorating, while he focuses on upkeeping the outdoors of your home
In the process of choosing yalls house and moving in, contrary to popular belief, Cassidy was the super picky one
I swear you had to change real estate agents twice because he wouldn’t stop nitpicking LMAO, but all for good reason, He just wants the best for his darling <3
He will NEVER wake you up earlier than 9 am for any reason unless it’s a doctors appointment or a road trip. Babes just wants to watch you sleep
“Cole! It’s 10:30! You weren’t gonna wake me up?!” You chastise, jumping out of bed and pulling stray hairs out your face
“Now why would I disturb your peace?” and he flashes that damn cowboy charming smile smh i hate him so bad
If your into skincare stuff, he simply watches you in amazement as you go through a multi step routine
Begins asking you to help him, not because he cares much about his skin, but he loves to see you yap about what you love
(Please free this man from the 14 in 1 in the shower)
Bro CANNOT keep his hands off of you for any reason and it makes everyone both envious and uncomfortable
If you’re in the kitchen, hands wrapped around your waist from the side. Doing laundry? He’s leaning on your shoulder and simply watching.
Depending on if Overwatch needs him, he will force them to give him a 14 hour notice so he can tell you. Cole never wants you to wake up confused and alone like how he did Ashe and Deadlock gang
Speaking of, expect to see the, very often in your house. They all just decided y’all’s house was the hangout spot like a bunch of high schoolers
He doesn’t appreciate how Ashe and you team up to tease him
Ended up getting two dogs and a cat with him.
The cat loves you but cannot stand being near Cole unless it’s bribed (male cat)
“Oh, did your wife give you those scratches Cass?” (Baptiste)
Cole begrudgingly acknowledges the scratches on his shoulders and back during a training session.
He forces you to trim his claws and get him a scratching post when he gets back home
If you drink coffee/tea/matcha, he leaves enough hot water in the coffee pot so you can make whatever you choose. Or if he knows, he just does it himself and leaves it for you warm cold (ik some of you r iced coffee fiends)
Cole takes you on shopping trips every couple of months because he loves to spoil you, he even carries all the bags without one single complaint! (He gets to flex his ranch muscles)
Don’t let it be a nice day over 70 degrees, this man will take any chance he gets to have as little clothing on as possible around you (Why he does this we don’t know)
Catch him in a tank top or no shirt at all doing yard work while you lay in a chaise , tanning or quietly reading.
He wouldn’t have it any other way though, he loves working hard for the ones he loves.
So as the day comes to the end, and you come outside with some iced tea for him, he wipes as much sweat as he can off of himself before leaning over and kidding the top of your head.
“I love you, darlin’.” He’ll mutter, before wrapping his toned arms around you and embracing you
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Fuck it. I’m gonna teach every one of you how to make a kickass bone broth, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Buckle up losers it’s time to cook.
Step One: do you cook at home? Save the scraps. Even if you don’t cook, you’d be surprised by what counts. The ends of carrots. Onion skins. Garlic peels. The gross parts of celery. Animal bones (chicken wings and thighs, usually). Every time you cook, you’re going to put the scraps into a gallon freezer bag.
Step One B: if you don’t cook, you can buy all of these things. I’d recommend half a stalk of celery, some carrots, and two yellow onions to start with. Don’t bother making it look pretty, include all the skins and gross bits. We’re making stock, not soup.
Step Two: when the bag is full, buy a rotisserie chicken. This part may be superfluous if you’ve saved up enough bones, but bones are your flavor so it never hurts to have more if you’re unsure.
Step Three: peel the chicken. Separate the meat from the bones and set it aside. You can do whatever you want with this meat, but I recommend saving it for the soup you’re gonna make with this kickass stock.
Step Four: add the contents of the scrap bag to the largest pot you own. Add the bones. Add water until everything is just covered or until the pot is completely full. If you want to add whole spices like peppercorns and bay leaves, nows a good time, but it’s not required.
Step Five: put that shit on the stove on low heat. Leave it there until around half the water has evaporated. This will probably take a couple of hours, at least three or four. No need to stir.
Step Six: using a collider (pasta strainer), separate the solids from the liquids. That’s it. Enjoy your delicious and flavorful and nutrient-dense stock, idiot.
Obviously you can use that stock to make soup, but you could also use it to cook vegetables, pasta, or rice. Or you could drink it plain. You could freeze it in an ice cube tray and use it as dog treats.
If you choose to save it in the fridge, you’ll probably notice that it doesn’t stay as a liquid, instead having the texture and consistency of a soft jello or pudding. Don’t panic! It’s just the collagen from the bones aka gelatin. This means you did everything right and let it sit on the stove long enough. Your bone broth is filled with lots of nutrients!
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theflagscene · 7 months
Wait! How!? When!? Where!? How is White suddenly there!? How did Tee meet White!? You can’t just play upbeat music and have the boys running around to show the passage of time and not explain how the fucking villain of the story got the most adorably innocent lil princess boyfriend on the planet!
Phee, bringing Jin on a date to the same place you and Non liked to go is just weird. I hate people who use the same ‘date’ spots for their new partners that they used with their past partners and no, this isn’t me projecting, why do you ask!? Lmao 😂 shut up it’s still tacky af
‘Friend’ the dreaded word.
What is with the ass slapping and window sex!? I mean, I get that they’re supposed to 18 year old boys, who are by definition perverted, but that was some porn level shit. Also, again, no prep. Phee wasn’t even the one blown so it’s not like they were even using spit for lube, or an already lubed condom. What is this, another ABO show? Just having the dudes slick and sliding all over one another apparently.
Ta’s got a decent ass at least, good for him.
“Did you cheat on my brother?” Nah, pretty sure they broke up when Phee saw him being raw dogged by the teacher and then told him to go die, but whatever helps you sleep at night Tan.
“Don’t fall in love with him.” Yeah, I think it’s too late for that.
Oh, mom is not looking so great. Hmm, something tells me that video isn’t real. Mom knows what’s up, it’s finally hit her, her baby’s dead. The actress did a fantastic job of a mother realizing the truth of the death of her child, it’s a startling realization that does take your legs out from under you. Your mind blanks, you can’t think about anything but the last time you saw them, the last terrible thing you said, all you can do is try not to scream. - That got a little too dark and real, sorry.
news.boc.com Cute BoC, very cute.
How long were Phee and Jin supposed to have been fucking by now? Weeks? Months? Because Jin has gotten very emotionally invested very quickly, which is appropriate for teenagers I suppose.
Two years, so they’d be in their what, second year of uni? Tan has gone full mad scientist I see.
Wait, he called to tell Tan that his mom was dead and it was her funeral that day and he just showed tf up! When his dad thought he was still in England!? Lmao, that’s fricking hilarious. I know, I know, wrong reaction to this scene but I’m weird, what can I say.
Oops, bye bye daddy. No wonder Tan is so fucking nuts! That would drive anyone insane. He literally needs Non to be alive otherwise he’s lost everything for nothing.
Is Tan his own guinea pig for his drugs!? Jesus dude, get some help.
Question, were Phee and Jin fucking during their time at university too? Or are you telling me all this ‘I love him’ crap was from one night of decent dick and a few ‘best friend dates’? Like the math ain’t mathing, establish a better timeline here for me when it comes to their relationship because in the first episode it made it seem like they were screwing around for a really long time, months at the very least. But now it seems like they fucked around a couple times in one 12 hour period, Jin decided that was enough to wanna date, caught Phee in a mood because of the fake news report and then they just… what? Kept fucking? Stopped? Jin carried a torch for him for over two years after one night together? Acted like a scorned lover for years because of a single teenaged tryst? Not to be that guy, but girl, you’re coming off a little desperate. I need a more accurate timeline!!!
“This won’t kill them.” Tan, could you try and be a tad more convincing when saying that?
That was a fantastic look from Tan to end on, ngl. Although someone needs to save baby White!
Next episode, we’re back in the present for the most part it seems. Jin somehow still trusts Phee, Fluke somehow gets the gun back and oh look, he holds White hostage, poor bb did nothing, leave him alone! And Tee clearly does know what happened to both Non and Keng as he runs up onto the roof where his uncle is to see the pair… unconscious? Dead? One of each?
I want some backstory about how White fits into all of this next time as well, that would be great. Although considering how little the timeline of events during grade 12 are fully explained, I doubt knowing more about White would make very much sense at this point.
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decks-writing-blog · 3 months
Summary: Alyx adopts an orphaned reviver pup.
[A/N] During my gnome run in HL: Alyx I had the dev commentary on. And in one of their nodes about the Reviver, they talked about how they had to redo its animations and sounds because it was too cute before and play testers would rather take it home as a pet than kill it. Which gave me the idea for this fic.
Yes, it would grow up to be a dangerous electric dog headcrab thingy. The exact kind of thing best not messed with unless one had to. But right now it was a cute baby and she’d killed what was presumably its mother – or father or just parent – making it an orphan. Since she was the one who’s orphaned it, she was now responsible for it, right? She certainly couldn’t just leave it here to slowly die without its caretaker to tend it. And it was making such sad whimpering sounds.
Alyx glanced around. Other than the orphaned alien baby, she was alone. The electric thing she’d killed was in the other room, part of its still twitching body visible through the doorway. If it had a mate that was helping with its nest, said mate was nowhere in evidence. How did these things even reproduce? They knew how headcrabs made more of themselves but this wasn’t one even if it did have some similarities. In fact, they knew almost nothing about these things. Adopting the baby, if they could keep it alive, would give them a good opportunity to learn.
Not Alyx’s field of expertise or something she was particularly interested in, she preferred computers and machines, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t curious. Isaac had helped raise her after all. His enthusiasm had a tendency to rub off on anyone who spent significant time in his presence. He’d be delighted by the opportunity. And well, she was here on a mission for him anyway; collecting spore samples to study with the intent to explore the possibility of setting up a Resistance hideout in the Quarantine Zone if they could do so safely. A bonus pet wouldn’t be unwelcome.
“Okay little guy, I’m going to try to pet you now so… please don’t shock me.” Even if it did shock her, per Dad’s insistence she wore proper protective gear this time even though it had been a couple months since her first trip through the Quarantine Zone and nothing bad had happened to her. The argument that she’d been cleaned of the contamination in the Vault might be valid but it was still be annoying to suited up so thoroughly. At least it was coming in handy now though.
The little electric dog looked up at her voice and flinched back with a whimper as she lowered herself down in front of it. She extended her hand slowly, trying to exude an non-threatening aura. How one did that, she wasn’t sure but she tried her best. Seemingly she succeeded too as the little guy didn’t run as she touched it and lightly ran her fingers down its back. If it tried to shock her or had any natural electricity, she couldn’t feel it through the gloves. So far, so good.
After a few strokes it seemed to calm down. Maybe it even enjoyed it. Either way, it crawled closer. She shifted her hand to hold palm up in front of it. It hesitated a moment before crawling onto it. Barely bigger than her hand, it was very light. Pulling that hand close to her body, she stood.
“Looks like you’re coming with me then. Awesome. Sorry about your mom or dad or… whatever. If I’d known it was guarding a nest I probably would’ve just left.” Especially since with her rubber boots she couldn’t be zapped anyway. “But too late now I guess. Um, I have a few more samples I gotta collect and then we’re gonna head home, ‘kay?” It couldn’t respond of course so she just turned to get back to work instead.
“Hey Dad,” Alyx said as Dad stepped up to greet her upon her return to the main Resistance hideout. “Look what I found.” She gestured to her new pet, now riding on her shoulder.
He stepped forward, frowning a little as he looked at it. “What is it?”
“You know those lightening dogs I told you guys about, its a baby one of them. I accidentally stumbled into its nest apparently and kind of killed its parent, orphaning it, so I adopted it. I’ve decided to name him Sparky because well… yeah, you get it, he sparks.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Well, ‘suppose I can’t say I’m shocked.” He winked, indicating the pun was intentional. “Isaac’s brought home so many aliens I’m actually a bit surprised you haven’t picked up the habit before now.”
“And you brought home the vortiguants so we’ve all done it now, huh? Not that that’s really comparable since they’re, you know, people, but you get the idea. But speaking of Isaac, could you watch Sparky while I deal with this?” She gestured to herself, indicating the protective gear. It was hot, sweaty, and awful, the sooner she could get out of it, the better. “So I can give him his spore stuff.”
“It’s safe to hold him?”
“I think so. He’s been through the decontamination thingy and he’s a baby so he’s not sparking as much as the full grown ones.” She carefully lifted Sparky and placed him in Dad’s offered palm. He immediately crawled up to sit on his shoulder. Seemingly he liked to be there.
“’Kay, I’ll take good care of him.”
First Alyx handed Isaac the sealed vials containing samples from as many different types of Xen flora as she’d been able to find. She let him ooh and ah over them a little bit as he unpacked them from the case, having barely taken the time to put on gloves before doing so. All well and good, an important mission complete but as exciting as that was she had something more lively to share too.
“And while I was hunting spores and stuff I had another run in with one of those lighting dogs I told you guys about. I killed it of course because it was trying to kill me.”
Isaac perked up, his eyes widening behind his glasses. “Ooh, did you bring back its heart? You said it acted as a power source, correct? I’d love to study it.”
Even before he’d finished speaking she was pulling it out of her backpack’s side pocket. “Yep.” It was still pulsing seemingly just as strongly as when fresh pulled from the thing’s corpse – she’d put the baby back in its nest and closed the door before doing that, it would’ve felt wrong to let it see that.
“Fascinating. Let me go get a specimen jar for it.” He scrambled off to the other side of the lab, Alyx following. After digging around in one of the boxes, clinking glass, he pulled out a wide jar. Upon unscrewing the lid, he held it out for her to drop the heart into.
Before he could start to say anything as he screwed the jar closed… “Not only did I bring back its heart but also…” She reached down into her backpack’s main pocket, holding her palm open for Sparky to crawl onto it. He gladly did so, scampering up her forearm towards her shoulder. Perhaps that behavior had something to do with their instincts. Like they normally rode around on their parents’ backs or something. “… its baby. And for the record, I didn’t know it had a baby. I would’ve left without killing if I had known. By the time I found this little guy it was too late. And well at that point I couldn’t just leave it there. So I brought him home. His name is Sparky.”
“Alyx! You’re a fabulous lab assistant. You never fail to deliver above and beyond what is asked of you.”
“Ah, thanks. And just so we’re clear, he’s my pet. You can study him and stuff but I found him and named him so he’s mine.” She’d grown rather attached on the way down here. Other than Dog, who barely counted as a pet since he was more guardian and helper, the only other pet she’d ever had was Bug, the snark Dad had given her to keep her company while she watched the Citadel’s construction. She’d gone back to look for it as soon as she could but it had escaped. Which was for the best of course, otherwise it would’ve starved to death with her gone. It did leave her without a pet though so time to fix that.
“Of course, dear, of course. I have a pet of my own now after all and she’d get awfully jealous if I tried to bring home a baby too.”
“That headcrab you caught the other day?” He’d said he’d intended to keep it as a pet when he’d brought it in but Alyx still wasn’t entirely sure how good an idea that was. Headcrabs were dangerous in a uniquely unsettling way.
“Yes. I have successfully debeaked her, now I just need to get to stop jumping on people’s heads and pick a name. I’m thinking Lamarr or Hedy after Hedy Lamarr. But first, Sparky!” He clapped his hands before turning and starting back towards the middle of the lab. “We need to work on figuring out what he eats and what kind of environment he’ll be most comfortable in. No time to waste on that either. Babies tend to need to eat a lot, don’t want him starving while we dilly-dally around.”
Oh. Alyx hadn’t considered that. She quickly followed. She’d signed up for this when decided to adopt him so time to do her best.
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18250mm · 4 months
Cherry Wine | C. Danvers
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Gif not mine, credit to creator
Pairing: Carol Danvers x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1,916
Warnings: Angst, Carol being a brat towards R for like, 3/4 of this fic… use of the f-bomb a couple of times — but trust me, it’s still fluffy ☁️ (also this being in my drafts for way too long)
Summary: You and Carol get paired up for a mission, but she’s drunk for most of it. You’re angry; until you find out the reason behind her drinking problem.
You were pissed. No, pissed couldn’t even begin to cover the rage you were feeling right now.
Carol Danvers had single-handedly managed to blow your cover on a mission, all because she couldn’t heed simple instructions.
It was supposed to be easy; a simple in-and-out deal — but all that changed when your ex-girlfriend went ahead and got drunk right before the quinjet took off.
You were seething.
“I don’t get why you can’t just listen to me, Danvers!” you scolded, back-facing her as the HYDRA agents secured the rope around the chairs and both of your wrists. “If you didn’t go in there like I specifically told you not to, we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.”
“Oh, shut up,” the blonde spat back with just as much venom. “Even if I hadn’t gone into that room, you probably would’ve screwed us over too. You always do, Y/N.”
Truth was, things hadn’t always been this tense between you and Carol. When the two of you had been introduced to S.H.I.E.L.D., you guys were civil. You’d often see her in the gym when you went for your morning workout and would have breakfast with her after you both were done training.
In fact, you’d both become such good friends that your feelings for her only grew with how much time you spent together. And those feelings were reciprocated, because after four months into your lives as Avengers, you began dating.
Everything was fine, until Carol was sent to protect the galaxies in space — and you weren’t allowed to go with. When she finally returned to the Avengers Compound, five years had passed and things definitely weren’t the same.
You rolled your eyes at her words. Being on the receiving end of that pent-up anger wasn’t new to you. “I told you to leave it alone, at least until the guards were gone. And what did you do?”
Carol remained silent, though the tension in the air was clear that she was challenging you, as if to say, ‘go on, tell me’.
So, you did. You cleared your throat with gusto. “Yeah, I’ll tell you what you did. You said ‘The sign says Do Not Enter. Of course we’re going to enter!’. Who the hell does that? You’re fucking crazy. I’m never letting Fury pair us up again.”
“Shut up, the both of you! No funny business until the boss gets here,” the same HYDRA agent that tied you up instructed before bending down to retrieve the silver flask Carol had dropped a few minutes ago. He opened it and took a whiff of its contents before smirking. “Thank you for this. I think he would be pleased to hear that we managed to capture not one, but two Avengers… because one of them came to a dog fight drunk.”
You should’ve guessed it; nothing your enemy said should’ve come as a shock to you, but it did. Maybe it was because a small part of you still hoped that the old Carol — the one you fell in love with — wouldn’t do something as stupid as drinking on the job, or perhaps it was the fact that you thought she was more than capable of holding her liquor that you didn’t suspect anything to begin with.
Whatever the case, her actions had completely screwed the both of you over.
As soon as the guards left the room, you worked on freeing yourself so you could get out, grab the files and leave the building — preferably in time for dinner at the Avengers Compound.
Wanda was cooking tonight and you didn’t want to miss it.
“Just a little bit more–” you grunted, tugging at the knot. “Are you planning on helping at all?”
Carol shot you a sympathetic smile, and for just a moment, you thought you saw the slightest bit of remorse for her actions.
“Here,” she whispered, channelling the heat from her photon blast to the tip of her fingers and burning through the rope. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I really am.”
You didn’t know why she was apologising all of a sudden; but you weren’t going to let it distract you.
“We really don’t have time for this, Danvers.”
“But we do!” the former pilot protested, quickly undoing her own ropes and standing up to hold you in place. “You don’t have to talk, okay? Just… just listen.”
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to give her another chance. You did, but you didn’t know if it would go to waste like every after opportunity you’d given her to change.
The look on the blonde’s face, however, tugged at your heart strings and made you feel butterflies in your stomach. That was a feeling that hadn’t dissipated, no matter how long you guys were apart or whatever it was that you fought about.
So you listened.
“Y/N… the day Fury sent me to protect the stars from the threats they faced, I was devastated. I didn’t want to leave you, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to fulfil my duties if I told you about it — because then I’d want to stay behind. With you.”
You worked in silence as your ex-girlfriend spoke, scouring every corner for enemies while Carol worked on retrieving the manila folders from the HYDRA workstations.
“I thought it was the right thing to do at the time; leaving without so much as a word. The moment I stepped onto that aircraft, I knew I made a mistake… but it was too late. I had a feeling you’d be more than pissed at me if I tried to explain everything, so I didn’t reach out. Instead, I found myself drowning my sorrows in other ways,” she told you solemnly, holding up the flask she’d snagged on the way out of your holding room. “I started drinking and I couldn’t stop. It became my addiction, but I realise now that I was only substituting one addiction for another. What I craved was you.”
Your ears pricked up when your brain finally registered those words. Carol had poured her heart out to you, telling you about her struggles and how her drinking problem had started — and it was all because she missed you.
“Carol, I– I don’t know what to say,” you admitted, thoughts jumbled from all the new information.
You tried anyway.
“I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. You really should have come to me about it… I’d never turn you away, no matter how badly you fucked up,” you joked, grinning when the blonde’s lips curved into a smile. “That aside, I understand why you didn’t tell me when you left. It was hard, I know that now. And I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner. I’m sorry you had to come back and face someone entirely different from who the person fell in love with. I’m sorry… I’m sorry I became the cause of your alcoholism.”
You couldn’t remember the last time you apologised this much. You didn’t think it had ever happened.
Then again, Carol had a strange way of making you do things you never thought possible.
The conversation was cut short when the both of you finally got what you came for. “You know, for someone who didn’t know what to say... you sure found the right words,” she smiled, taking hold of your hand and heading for the exit. “Let’s get out of here. We’ll talk about this after the mission.”
*Some time later*
After receiving an earful from Fury about taking too long and another lecture from Steve for missing training because of the mission, you and Carol found yourselves in her bedroom.
“Geez, I haven’t been here in a long time,” you mumbled, looking at the space before you. “Not much has changed.”
“Well, I don’t exactly have time to decorate when I’m almost never around, you know?”
You nodded and observed quietly as the blonde poured herself a glass of water before taking a seat on her bed. You noticed how a bottle of wine sat beside the jug, but decided not to comment on it.
Instead, you stood idly, not sure if Carol wanted you beside her. You fiddled with your fingers and looked everywhere but at the Avenger, though you knew you couldn’t avoid her gaze forever; no matter how hard you tried.
“You can sit. I don’t remember having to tell you what to do whenever we’re in my room,” she said, patting the space beside her. “I’m not gonna bite, Y/N.”
Nodding, you willed yourself to take a few steps forward until you were seated beside her. Carol pulled you closer and you instinctively gripped her shirt tightly, so much so that your knuckles turned white.
God, you missed her so much.
It didn’t occur to you that you were crying until the blonde wiped a few stray tears from your cheek, letting her finger smooth over the skin comfortingly.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, pressing a kiss on your forehead. “I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N/N. Tell me what to do to make it better.”
You couldn’t speak; you didn’t dare to, in fear that you’d say the wrong thing or not be able to say the right words at all. Instead, you kissed Carol.
Passionately, too, as all the emotions you withheld over the past few years came pouring out like a river. Luckily for you, it didn’t take long for her to kiss you back. Soon, the two of you were fighting for air, but neither of you wanted to pull away.
Your lungs burned but your heart loved the heat. You melted into Carol’s arms as she held you tight, the two of you fitting like two pieces of a puzzle.
The only difference was that you had the glue to hold you together now:– the transparency between the two of you after confessing everything you both had kept hidden for much too long.
When air really became a problem, you two finally broke the kiss, foreheads touching as your breathing found steady paces.
“I love you, Carol. I never stopped loving you. Don’t you dare leave without telling me again,” you mumbled, snuggling closer to her.
The blonde chuckled in response but nodded along to your statement. “I promise, Y/N. And I promise I’ll try to get better.”
“I know you can. We can,” you said as you stood up now, making your way over to where the bottle of wine sat. “I reckon the first step would be to get rid of this cherry wine, though.”
Carol smiled warmly and nodded, allowing you to toss the bottle into the bin. “Let’s hope Stark doesn’t find out about what you just did. Above all else, that was a good bottle of wine.”
You only rolled your eyes playfully at the Kree, getting back under the covers with her. It was official (you don’t think there was ever any doubt); you were insanely and utterly in love with Carol Susan Jane Danvers, cherry wine and all. If she was willing to make changes to her life for you, that much was enough.
It was you and her forever, you were certain of that now. So, you let her stroke your hair and press kisses on the top of your head as you whispered, “Whatever happened between us or will happen in future, we got through it once and we’ll get through it again. It’s like you always say… higher, further, faster, baby.”
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klaudia2646 · 4 months
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Last Saturday I went to a very interesting program at the library and next door there was a Haiti flag day festivities so I stopped by. It was a nice day although very windy.
The program at the library only had 3 people including me. I swear that it’s because they didn’t advertise it on social media like they do with everything else. I tried looking it up on Facebook and nothing. It was only on the library website.
Sunday I took both cars to the car wash. They both needed to be mostly vacuumed, they had too much dog hair that it’s hard to get rid of, but I did my best and they look pretty good. Had to also vacuum the furniture in the 3 seasons porch cause I have the feeling that Walter gets there when we’re not home. I ended up with my lower back hurting but feel much better.
The flowers are blooming and the grass looks so very green.
We had so many storms yesterday and the day before and thank goodness we didn’t get any tornadoes nearby. Some other towns in Iowa were not as lucky and it’s so very sad that in a couple of minutes their lives are completely turned upside down. Many people here in Waterloo did loose electricity, most of the area where I live did but for whatever reason my street didn’t. And for that I’m thankful!
I’ve been working a split shift until we get a new receptionist and it’s not too bad. Tomorrow Janice and Marybeth arrive from Arkansas, probably early cause Janice loves to leave around 5 in the morning. Unfortunately I will be working from 4 to 7 so they’ll get here while I’m working. David will be at home.
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wesleysniperking · 5 months
usopp positivity post #7
Usopp is a character who’s hard to ignore.
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Seriously. He’s probably one of the most recognizable Straw Hats…and dare say, one of the most recognizable One Piece characters. Sure, Luffy and the Jolly Roger are the figureheads. But even if Usopp isn’t a favorite of yours, you’ll utter his name one way or another. Indifference isn’t a thing when it comes to him.
Usopp, you say?
But maybe I’m (who cares???) extremely biased!
Either way, I must admit that I’m always drawn to the comic relief. But if there’s one thing I really enjoy about a comic relief is when they get that really deep introspection. Seriously.
There are points in any story when somehow the comic relief leaves their respective group/team and whatever, and it’s suddenly like an unbalanced yinyang. There’s no more laughter. There’s no more morale. There’s no more…something. And we know when, where, and how Usopp’s brief absence affected the crew…😱
But the introspection a comic relief character GETS can be powerful. There’s always so much to explore and play around with. Some people are inclined to believe that a comic relief character is simply that. Just a goofball and there for laughs. And sure, that’s a purpose. But Usopp has more nuanced grounding than that. There’s a lot of material we’re working with here. And it started right when Merry (Kaya’s butler) told the audience the number 1 reason Usopp always cried pirate. But hit like whiplash when we were hit with something else in a place with a 7 in its name.
Comic relief strengthens the plot of the story. Scenes and characters that are considered comic relief are used to reveal important information to the audience and even foreshadow serious events that are coming. It is not just a plot device inserted mindlessly to make the audience laugh. Well-thought-out comic relief can be the key to effective, emotional storytelling. (source: videomaker.com)
I include this fact (up above ^) because I want to showcase and emphasize how powerful Usopp’s purpose is in/for the narrative. And we’ll get more of this in the future. I just know it. We’re down to the final saga. Besides, like any true Usopp fan, we all know his lies come true one way or another. So, Oda’s putting our boy to good use. This LINK also explores a point regarding the orange paragraph above as well.
The one thing Oda likes to do is remind us why Usopp is even around; in the most unexpected way. Whether you like Usopp or not (hey, this is counting any comic relief character in some way, shape, or form) even the opposition can’t forget about him.
Therefore, Usopp is one of the most memorable characters in One Piece.
And in retrospect, in the years to come, right when I buy a walker and get a couple bottles of prune juice, people will remember him as one of the most well-written anime characters of all time—Who came in clutch and reminded us of who he is, and why under dog’s are underestimated.
Even David became the Warrior King.
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thomasisaslut · 9 months
Sorry to give you another ask so early, but would you mind making a one shot of Tamlin and Eris friendship? I love the idea of Eris having being Tamlin’s mentor of sorts when he was young and as they got older it turned into a friendship and they helped each other out. (Btw the Azris oneshot you made with my prompt is utterly amazing, love your works so much❤️)
I love early requests! No worries! This is more Tamcien centric (will have pt. 2!)
And thank you so much! It means a lot to me! 🤭❤️
On Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1406098101-𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐑-𝐎𝐧𝐞-𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬-𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠-𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫-𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢
On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52315039/chapters/132341749
Spring Supper
“Tamlin invited us for dinner.” Eris says as he walks into his now shared room with Azriel, his mate has moved in a while ago, moved away from his family and the Night Court.
“What?” Azriel replies, annoyance covering his features. Clearly, the Shadowsinger still holds a grudge over the High Lord of the Spring Court.
“You heard me, we’re going.” The Autumn Fae smirks.
“I am not.” The dark haired male crosses his arms. “I told you I dislike him.”
“I already accepted the invitation, plus, he has been working on renovating his court, fixing it from…” The smaller male shuts up when Azriel sends him a warning glance. “Oh stop! She’s not even your High Lady anymore.”
“Feyre is still my family, princess.” Azriel crosses his arms, spreading out his wings before lying down on their excessively large bed.
“Whatever.” Eris mumbles and walks over to his mate, grabbing his hand. “Can you please just go to dinner with me, it’ll just be Lucien, Tamlin, you and I.” He asks with puppy dog eyes, Azriel hesitates.
The Shadowsinger groans before nodding. “Fine.”
Eris instantly grins. “Good! Come on, we have to get you changed.” The High Lord of the Autumn Court grabs Azriel’s hand, leading him to his massive walk in closet.
“I don’t need to ‘look the part’ as you say, it’s not my style.” Azriel grumbles.
“I know, but you will for me, yes?” Eris smirks over his shoulder.
The Shadowsinger can only nod, completely willing to do whatever his lover wants or needs. “Do your worst, Vanserra.”
“Oh, I will.” Eris’ smirk grows.
By the time the couple leaves Eris dressed the two of them in traditional Spring Court clothes, but, with Azriel’s protests of wearing anything too bright it was half Autumn cloth.
The Shadowsinger was dressed in a dark green tunic with golden embroidery formed in leaves around the cuffs and lining, a low white dress shirt underneath. He wore black pants, unable to convince himself to wear anything lighter.
Eris wore more bright clothes, a light yellow shirt with flower details, green stitch marks with embroidered pink, blue, and white flowers, Tight tan pants and black boots that end at his shins, not to mention his usual jewelry has been replaced to more spring kinds. Branch-like rings, a long chain-like necklace with a hanging flower at the end.
“I prefer my clothes.” Azriel states as he follows Eris to the Spring Manor, unlike the other Courts, Tamlin didn’t have a palace.
“I know you do, but it’s only one dinner.” Eris knocks on the red doors, the manor has been tidied up since the last time anyone was here.
Azriel remains silent but sends a few extra shadows around Eris, they swarm around his wrists, their usual position.
The High Lord of the Spring Court soon opens the door, he himself was dressed magnificently. Tamlin wore a pale white shirt, tree-branch patterns covering the shirt in a golden color. A light green vest was over it, pink flowers on the fabric, brown pants were on his legs, a golden belt fastened with a dark green flower lock.
“Eris, Azriel.” Tamlin greets with a smile before open both of the doors, allowing them to enter.
“Tam.” Eris smiles back, Azriel crosses his arms and eyes the other High Lord. “Has Lucien arrived yet?” The Autumn Fae asks.
“Yes, he is waiting.” The blond replies and leads them to the massive dining hall.
Along the walk Eris looks to Azriel. “Behave.” His mate makes a confused face which only makes Eris smirk and walk faster.
The three of them soon reach the table to be met with Lucien at the right of the head, Tamlin quickly takes his seat there, Eris sits to the left, Azriel sitting down beside him. The table was covered by a variety of meats, fruits, and other food items.
“It looks delicious.” Eris smiles, grabbing some, the rest follow in suit. “Did you make it?” The High Lord of the Autumn Court asks.
“Yes, with most of my people… leaving, I’ve relearned how to cook, clean, and do other necessities.” Tamlin hums and begins to cut his steak. “I even got your favorite.” The blond smirks and motions to the honeydew on the table. “Summer Court provided.” He adds.
“Really?” Eris looks excited, Tamlin nods and the Autumn Fae instantly grabs some of the fruit.
“Since when was honeydew your favorite?” Lucien asks, his own plate was filled with barely anything, only a small pork chop, strawberries, and a small salad.
“I’ve always liked it.” Eris meets his brother’s eye, biting back an insult.
“What’s he doing here?” The Day Court’s heir motions to Azriel.
“I never told you?” The High Lord of the Autumn Court raises his eyebrow, I could’ve sworn I lettered you…”
“I don’t read them.” Lucien states plainly, a small frown takes over Eris’ features.
“I am his mate.” Azriel pipes in, a small glare on his face as Lucien makes his lover sad.
The Half-Autumn Fae’s eye widens for a slim second before returning to his resting face. “I see.” He hums and begins to eat his food, Tamlin looks at him, a longing look.
“So…” Tamlin begins awkwardly. “How are Jurian and Vassa, Lu?”
“Fine.” He says and continues to eat his meal.
“That’s good.” The blond replies, trying to come up with another thing to talk about, he looks over to Eris.
The High Lord of the Autumn Court nudges his mate, Azriel sighs.
“Has the curse with Vassa been broken yet?” The Shadowsinger asks.
“No, we’re still working on it.” Lucien proceeds to eat.
“Have you asked Helion to use his libraries?” Eris asks.
“You should, Lu, I am sure he would allow it.” Tamlin adds, smiling at Lucien.
The fox only nods. “I’ll letter him.”
The meal soon concludes after another twenty minute of tense conversations.
“Thank you for having us, Tam.” Eris says, grabbing onto his lovers arm, Azriel wraps his wing around the High Lord, still wary of Tamlin.
“Of course, Eris. You and Azriel are always welcomed here.” He grins at the two.
Eris returns the expression before shadows wrap around the pair, shadow-walking the mates back to the Autumn Court.
The second they leave Tamlin turns around to meet Lucien’s gaze.
“We need to talk.” He states firmly, causing a small wave of panic to fill the High Lord of the Spring Court, the blond slowly nods and replies.
“Of course.”
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mattatouilletkachuk · 6 months
Sunny’s Off-season Writing Prompts
Rules: you can request something that isn’t on this list, however, I am less likely to write it.
The players that I write for can be found here. If there is a player you want me to write that isn’t on the list just message me and maybe they’ll be added.
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1. B wrapping their arms around A’s waist and pulling them close, whispering in A's ear: "Stay close to me."
2. “Is now a bad time to mention that I’m claustrophobic?”
3. “We never speak of this again, do you hear me?”
4. “I don’t want anyone else looking at you.”
5. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
6. “I promise you that I will always be there for you.”
7. “You’ve been laying on my arm all day and I can’t feel it.”
8. “You snore. Loudly.”
9. “I don’t understand how I slept so good last night.”
10. “I never would have guessed that you were a cuddler.”
11. “I crave your affection, but I crave your silence even more - shut up.”
12. “I love the idea of growing old with you.”
13. “You do know you’re stuck with me, don’t you?” “Thank God, I am.”
14. “I will die with you. I won’t ever leave your side.”
15. “Does all this mean nothing to you?”
16. “You make me feel so alone.”
17. “I’m not giving up on us, ever.”
18. “Whatever we are, I like it.”
19. Having sex once when you’re not arguing instead kinda tipsy but not drunk, and it’s all giggles and laughter and sweet nothings and the next morning being like “oh fuck i actually like them”
20. “we should probably stop this” “yeah” … “we’re not going to though, right?” “oh absolutely not.”
21. One of them bursting into tears in the middle of an argument.
22. “Stop arguing with me in front of the kids!” “For the last time, they’re not our fucking kids.” 
23. “I think…I can love you.”
24. feeling each other instantly relax as they both quickly get comfortable
25. “she says we bicker like an old married couple”
26. “Is that my sweater?”
27. “They’ve been missing for 3 days and you’re not worried?”
28. “Honey, I’m home!”
29. “Can I sleep with you?”
30. “You’re definitely your mother/father’s child.”
31. Going to order their usual order, but the other one puts their hand up and says, “Usual, right? I got it.”
32. Too hot to cuddle
33. Characters A and B cuddle in a hammock.
34. "I am staying hydrated. All of my drinks are iced." "That does not count."
35. "There is no shame in using a pool floatie." "Yes, there is. I'm shaming you."
36. Gets caught skinny dipping
37. Character A can't get out of the water after seeing B.
38. A just got out of a bad breakup and is determined to have a meaningless summer fling; until they end up falling head over heels for B.
39. Reaction to the first sundress of the season
40. Getting flustered when they are asked to apply sun screen to the other person
41. (A)'s dog went missing on the beach, and is found by (B).'
42. "I should've worn sunscreen."
43. "When will this summer finally end?"
44. Wondering if bringing flowers to the date is too much. 
45. Putting a flower in the other’s hair. 
46. Only realizing how meaningful the flowers gifted to them are when the other explains why they picked those specific ones.
47. “a picnic?! have you swallowed a romance novel?”
48. Finding a bees nest and having the other person deal with it.
49. Picnic gone wrong
50. “Your mom gave me pictures of you when you were a baby.” 
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‘Verse: Box Boy Universe Story: A Girl Called Spider Timeline: A ways into Rayce’s training
Animal [Prev | Next]
"Christ, Divya, how long has he been like that?" "I just got here." Irritation makes her a little defensive. "How should I know?" "He's going to break his neck thrashing. Help me move him."
The snitch struggles against every touch as if it burns. This would be easier with another pair of hands – but everyone else is still chatting in the locker rooms, stuck in traffic, or reading up on what their trainees got wrong overnight. 
Freeing one limb at a time where possible, the pair of them drag the Pet down the table until his head is fully supported, refastening straps to the new position as they go. 
Rory doesn't treat Divya like she's breakable just because one hand is in bandages. And whether she sneaks in a little use of that hand where she isn't supposed to – holding the snitch down one-handed isn't exactly easy – or whether she follows the doctor's orders and leaves Rory the lion's share of the work, he doesn't comment or complain. 
"Much better," he declares. "How would you like to begin? I can't be in here all day, so I thought we'd work him over for an hour or two, give him something to really cry about, then leave him to stew while the green works its way out of his system. Come back when he’s lucid." "I want to see him whipped like this," Divya answers, with a little more vehemence than she intends. "Remind me, is he no-scarring?" "Unfortunately." "Guess I'll take a leaf out of your book then. Won't be a minute."
While Rory's out of the room, Divya takes the snitch's filthy, sticky face between her hands – he can't bite like this, not with the ring gag still jamming his mouth obscenely wide – and forces him to look at her.  
"Are you listening to me, trainee?" He's panting with terror. Who knows what he thinks he's seeing. It's not good enough. "Listen to me. Are you listening." There -- he nods, just barely, against her hands. "Do you know what's about to happen? Do you?" A tiny head-shake.
“You’re about to get the beating of your life. Do you understand me?” She speaks slowly. “We’re going to whip you.” A flick to his ribs to make the point. He twitches. “It’s going to hurt like it never has before, trainee. Can you imagine being caned right now?” Another flick. He whines, long and pitiful, and tries to beg again. Divya thinks she hears no, no please – which is wrong, but – no doesn’t matter right now.
He’s about to suffer for it regardless.
Rory's Guard Dogs get the horse whip, because most owners like to see a few scars on them to prove they’re used to pain. While it’d serve the snitch right to be slashed open all over, it isn’t what the specification says, it isn't what the prospective wants. So Rory comes back with a thin cane of the same kind Divya favours.
Divya holds her hand out for it. Rory looks a little quizzical, but he hands it over. She waves it in front of the snitch’s face to catch his attention then swishes it through the air a couple of times to let him hear it. The begging – if possible – turns even more hysterical. 
A flick of the wood against his taut stomach – not even hard – elicits a sharp yelp of pain. 
Oh, he’s going to lose his mind. He’s going to find that rock bottom is so much further down than he knew. And then he will want, truly want, to do whatever it takes to get hauled back up from it.
She gives the switch back to Rory. He smiles.
The Pet screams at the very first stroke – delivered across the top of his pecs, about as high as safe without risking hitting the throat. Rory waits for the noise to die before delivering the next, just below the first. Another scream. More frantic, wordless begging. 
Rory increases the pace slowly. Divya perches on the edge of the table – beside the Pet’s head where she’s out of Rory’s way – and watches her snitch thrash – or try to – against the tight straps. His screams get louder as the snaps land quicker on each other’s heels – loud enough to be nearly painful in her ears.
The cane works steadily down his body, painting the skin a mottled red. Rory hits hard enough that beads of blood form just beneath the skin along each stripe.
“Go see if Hannah’s in yet,” he tells Divya quietly. “I can’t keep up this pace up forever.”
By the time she returns with Hannah, Rory’s only too happy to pass the switch over to a fresh hand. Hannah finishes working down the wailing trainee’s torso, and moves onto his thighs. By the time she gets tired, Rory’s arm is rested and he’s ready to go again. The Pet’s voice is failing, transforming into comically reedy squeaks and hoarse, hacking stutters.
“Help me roll him over.”
He tries to fight any way he can think of. Fingers clawed with tension grab uselessly at the handlers' coveralls. Head and limbs jerk uselessly back and forth trying to escape sure hands. They flip him, and his screech cuts out halfway into a mere whistle of air.
Rory begins again just below the trainee’s collar. Hannah takes over at the base of his shoulder blades, then hands the cane back when she reaches the base of the spine. Rory covers the ass and the backs of the thighs. 
The mewling, twitching Pet doesn’t sound human anymore. 
Underneath every person there’s an animal – a creature that understands nothing and cares only about escaping pain and sating need. 
Not every trainee needs to be broken down to that animal in order to learn their new place in the world. Some simply adapt. The snitch caught onto his options quickly enough that Divya thought he’d be one of them. He’s seen firsthand after all the consequence of failing to learn.
But if he will bite like an animal, she’ll see him reduced to one.
Rory stops at the bottom edge of the curve of the calf, avoiding striking directly over the Achilles tendon. He lays the cane down, flexes his arm ruefully, rubs the forearm and spreads then curls his fingers.
Divya runs a hand down the newly hot, red back of a thigh, and the Pet moaning gets fractionally louder. “Jealous?” Hannah asks, watching. “Shame about your hand.” “I should have known better,” Divya answers curtly. “Want a go with your left?” Reluctantly, Divya shakes her head. “My aim is embarrassing with my left,” she confesses.
“I’ve an idea for you,” says Rory. “Go get one of those floor scrubbing brushes from the supplies...” Divya grins. “You, sir, are a genius.” He smiles back, one of the lazy, catlike smiles that make her wonder occasionally if she’d like to be more than friends.
From the supply closet, she picks a new brush fresh from the packs of twelve that supply the Domestics. There’s no need to scrub potential infection into the trainee’s skin. The brush is fully the size of her hand, but the sculpted grip fits comfortably in her grip. The white plastic is so on-brand that she wonders if WRU orders them specially. 
Testing the stiff, white bristles against her arm, the sensation is harsh but not sharp, and leaves faint white trails on the surface of the skin. It wouldn’t take long to become painful, and that’s starting from unbroken skin. She’ll have to take some care to avoid real damage.
When she returns to the training room, Hannah’s already moved on. Rory is wiping the muck away from the Pet’s eyes with a damp cloth.
“I’ve still got my primaries to take care of,” he says, “so I thought I’d leave you to it, will that be okay?” Divya hears the implicit question. Can I trust you? “Sounds good,” she agrees. Of course you can. “Don’t leave him unmonitored. I’ll come back, say, ten o’ clock – trainees willing – and we can get him all set up to ride the drugs out.”
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