#you'll probably get so sick of me but believe me i'm gonna make you feel as special and amazing as you made me feel. believe me.
nogenderbee · 3 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕊𝕝𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕪𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @miya-akane request: Kaveh, Gaming, Xiao, Albedo with sleepyhead s/o that would sleep anywhere perhaps?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Aoooh, I like it! Just like I love to sleep hehe <3 Seriously, you're requesting me to write about myself? Alright! I won't say no to that because I'm having fun calling myself out so far!
Okey okey, now seriously... hope you'll like what I wrote!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Albedo is kinda the opposite of you... he can pull off mant sleepless night for the sake of finishing his project and you apparently can't live without at least one nap during the day?
✧ he doesn't mind that tho. All he does is prepare some comfy surface and get fireplace going so you with freeze there
✧ but it there's situation when you need to be awake and your eyes are closing on their own... it gives him a little push to make some potion that might help you out with that
✧ of course it's you choice if you accept it or not, he'll completely understand if you'll prefer to get some proper sleep instead if lying to your body with potion
✧ believe it or not, he won't mind carrying you to bed at all! He's used to carrying Klee on his back so you shouldn't be a problem either
✧ but don't try using it because trust me, he knows when you're really tired and when you just have want to be carried. But its not like he can say no to you either way so maybe it doesn't matter after all...
"You're tired? I have hard time believing it... but a small rest is alright too. Tho some movement would be good for your body too..."
"Are you trying to suggest me something...?"
"Oh no, don't get me wrong. You're perfect, I simply care about you health."
@bleachtheidiot @miya-akane - come get your chalk alchemist~
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✧ Xiao doesn't sleep at all. He can somehow get how humans need to sleep... but this much? Is it normal or are you sick?
✧ first time he saw that trait of yours, he literally took you to Qiqi, even accepted the fact Baizhu could be there just so they could check up on you
✧ after discovering you're not sick, he relaxes a bit but still thinks there must be something up with you...
"Is it... really normal? Let me get this straight... you slept for 10 hours and now you also want to take 4 hour nap right after taking 3 hour one? Don't you see anything concerning here?"
"At least sleep on be- eh... I guess I can just put you there..."
✧ he usually let's you sleep whenever you want but if you sleep for too long... he'll most likely wake you up so you won't be up at night
✧ he's not gonna carry you at any given opportunity, so the only way is by you randomly telling asleep in the city or almost falling asleep
✧ he's not gonna let you trip after all... might as well carry you and put you in bed
✧ also I hope you have a deep sleep because with him carrying you, it's gonna be a little bumpy... he doesn't get how that can interrupt but if you tell him, he'll try to be gentler
@bleachtheidiot @miya-akane - come get your tsundere adepti~
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✧ Ga ming absolutely understands you, naps are just sometimes needed!
✧ maybe he doesn't take as much of them as you do but everyone probably just have different energy and need different amount...
✧ he's usually not gonna carry you so whenever he sees you tripping a bit, he'll look for someplace to sit down and let's you sleep there
✧ but if you're tripping and there's absolutely no space to sit down... he'll do his best to carry you comfortably and find something comfy
✧ when you're in public, he'll give his shoulder or lap for you to rest without second thought! In private he does that too but it's usually with some thought that lasts one second because how fan he decline?
✧ sometimes he actually joins you on your naps! It happens quite rarely and only when you're in private around afternoon... if he's feeling a bit sleepy, might as well take a nap with you!
"Hey c'mon move a little bit... I could use a nap took you know?"
"5 minutes..."
"Eh... well hope I don't scare you by napping on you..."
✧ he usually reminds you 4 hours before the meeting about it so you can take a nap if you wish and refill your energy
@bleachtheidiot @vodka-glrl @miya-akane - come get your dim sum lover!
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✧ Kaveh usually takes a nap too, just from different reasons you do
✧ he's not necessarily sleepy person but he simply pulls many all nighters making him tired during the day
✧ he doesn't always get the opportunity or time to take a nap but when he does, he'd gladly take one
✧ as for sleeping in public... as much as he doesn't mind it, there are lots of thief's in Sumeru so he's just worried you'll get yourself robbed someday
✧ he usually goes to the city with you and when he sees you young trippy, be will carry you unless his hands are full of files
✧ but if they aren't... he'll take you to closest restaurant where he orders something to drink for himself and sketches while you lay on his lap
✧ also, you gave him very nice project to think of... areas to take naps in public... he's gonna figure something out!
"Sleeping on bench isn't very comfortable... you sure you don't want to move anywhere else?"
"Is there any comfiest place nearby?"
"Uh... now that you mention it... not yet!"
@bleachtheidiot - come get your architect beuty~
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
It's Not Going Away (First Years x Yuu)
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The subtle, sweet scent of flowers shakes you gently awake, but to your surprise you lack the strength to move. It's like your entire body is made of lead and your throat is filled with sand. A vague memory of telling Grim you didn't feel well before... well you thought you were just taking a nap, but there's person holding your hand who would never speak to you like this if he knew you could soon wake up.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, angst brought by denial, technically sick fic? Inspired by the op to Horimiya, which can be listened to here (x). References for flower language were taken from here and here. If you like this feel free to check out my masterlist for more fic.
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Rose, Great Maiden's Blush
"Seriously, what am I going to do with you?" The voice belongs to Ace, you'd recognize him anywhere, but it's strangely strained. If you had the strength to move you would slap him, but then you would need to let go of his hand. It's warm, comforting, a bit rough from basketball and tending the roses, and fills you with happiness. Ace would probably make fun of you if he knew how badly you wanted this, take away his hand with a look of disgust and stick out his tongue. "Just kidding~" That's how your dynamic has been ever since he first asked to crash on your couch, two steps forward into something more, one leap back into the safe zone. "You know I'm not always going to be around to take care of you, yeah? One of these days you are gonna go home and leave me, whose going to look out for you then?" He lets go of your hand and you want to scream for him to stay, but feel the fever settling you back into sleep. "You'll be ok, I know that. You don't need me as much as I want you to, so-" He touches your cheek, caressing it so tenderly you want to keep him there forever but he doesn't bother to finish his thought.
But by the time you are able to wake up he's long gone, the only thing suggesting it wasn't a dream a vase full of roses he's definitely going to brush off as lame. That's assuming he brought them in the first place, you have never seen these flowers in the Heartslabyul garden. Maybe you were just being too hopeful, you think to yourself as you lean your still warm hand against your painfully beating heart.
(if you do love me you will find me out)
Rose, Tea
"Hey don't you think you might be hurting the prefect?" The person holding your hand has it in a tight grip, but it isn't uncomfortable. far from it, you feel wanted, secure in someone's appreciation. That voice belongs to Ace, you think that makes the hand your holding Deuce, but he's refusing to respond verbally and confirming your suspicions. The silence fills the room for an uncomfortably long time, even for you, you're grateful when Ace decides to break it. "Deuce-"
"We're not doing this now." His grip on you hand loosens, but he still keeps it near. You can tell Deuce's fighting to keep his cool. "They ar-"
"You're always talking about the future like they'll be there." Ace snaps, careful to dull his voice but not his point. "Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind laughing at you two losers forever, but have you even thought about what your future will look like if they aren't there?"
"I can't. And don't act like you don't know that already." There's movement in the room, you think Ace tries to get Deuce to leave with him but he doesn't budge. He takes your hand again as the door clicks closed, moving to cradle it in both of his with such care it's hard to believe these are the same fists you've seen busting up jaws for breaking some eggs. "I'm sorry you had to hear that." he whispers, but you're unsure if he knows your awake or if he is just speaking to fill the silence "You can go back to sleep now, I'll be here when you wake up I promise." You have no choice but to take him at his word, settling into your bed and hoping you will have the courage to face each other when you wake.
(i'll remember always)
Spider Flower
There's only ever one. For his father and mother, for his grandfather and grandmother, so long as there have been wolves in the mountains they have only ever sought out one partner for the rest of their lives. But you aren't programmed like that, you said as much when the boys started gossiping about their preferences during that whole ghost bride event. "I'd like a soulmate, I just don't think I have one." And you meant it really, you were sure Jack would meet someone like him that would be perfect for him one day. So why is there a fluffy head resting next to you? Why is a tail draped over your legs, you want to believe protectively but you can't bring yourself to open your eyes and check.
"I swear it's like I'm in love with the moon." Jack grumbles into your side. "No matter how loud I howl you can't hear me and act like I'm not on your radar at all." That's not true, he's all you can think about sometimes, you just wanted to spare his feelings since it couldn't be possible for him to love you back. "Maybe I was wrong that I didn't have to worry about winning you over..." His tail wraps up closer to your waist and you try to snuggle closer into him. He'll ask you later, maybe when you wake up or maybe even later than that, but he has to ask. You might be out of reach, but that's only if he does not try. The flowers at your bedside have a specific meaning, he made sure to ask Vil for help just this once, though if the message doesn't make it through he supposes he can ask again.
(elope with me)
Warmth leaves your body as the person who has been holding your hand gently lets it go, setting it on your chest as he pats it and begins to hum an unfamiliar tune. The familiar shlick of a knife through an apple sets a scene you can't open your eyes to see, for someone so hot headed, Epel seems remarkably calm right now. "I wonder if it's ok for me ta look at you like this..." or maybe he wasn't. "I mean I have seen you sleeping before when I put you under my spell, but this is a bit different. Would be nicer if it was under different circumstances..." He pauses in his carving, studying you for any sign that you could be awake and poking your cheek a few times to try and wake you, pouting when you don't immediately rise. "You know I was really happy when I found my signature spell. I wanted to protect you so badly, and for so long I was convinced I couldn't. I thought if I could just get stronger, and taller I would be able to-" There's a weight next to you on the bed now, it sounds like Epel has put his head in his hands and resolved himself to stare you down until you wake up. "But I don't think you'll be around long enough for me to reach the point I wanted to before telling you anything." You manage to stir slightly, and are rewarded with startled noises from Epel that give way to disappointed relief when you realize actually getting up is just a task too much for you right now. As if he realizes this, Epel reaches out to squeeze your hand before returning to his apples. The strange song makes its way to his lips once more, but this time he softly gives it words.
There's a note left for you alongside the flowers, telling you to drink water and that there's a bunch of apples in your fridge that you absolutely have to eat. It's some of his best work he says and you can't help but wonder if he doesn't just mean the carving.
(worth beyond beauty)
“I’m not quite sure when I started to see you differently, just know I feel like a fool for my prior behavior." The letters hadn't been signed, but you had an inkling who they were from. In place of a picture every third one was accompanied by the exact same flower, you thought it was cute how well Sebek thought he was covering his tracks. It would be nice if he was the one holding your hand, but that couldn't be. He was too loud, if he was here then you would know. Even his unsigned letters were loudly and proudly him, mercifully free of praise for Malleus though they were. "You shine like dew on a rose, for your praise I go to lengths that surprise myself. Some say I am foolish, most call me single minded and in your presence I cannot protest those sentiments. Given your circumstances, it would be selfish of me to ask for your patience, but I must. I must ask for your patience until I can ask you aloud." You were content to be patient with him, if you weren't you never would have been friends in the first place. The person holding your hand gives it a final squeeze, though he pulls away slowly, trying to savor every last bit of illicit contact he can.
When you are finally able to move a familiar sort of flower around your room, once again someone is trying to be romantic and failing to cover his tracks. Once again he is refusing to face you, out of fear or shame you do not know. You gently pick at the petals, trying to divine just what it is you think Sebek wants to say, not just what you want it to mean.
(i am really sincere)
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billthedrake · 7 months
(hmph) Can't sleep either, buddy?
[quietly] No sir.
Guess this bed is kind of hard.
It's not that Dad. I'm... well, I'm kind of horny.
When are you ever not... oh jeez, yeah you're rock hard all right. I thought I took care of this bad boy pretty well.
You did, Dad. Only, I was thinking how we have the place all to ourselves. Not having to hide this.
We have all week, Will.
It gets me hard hearing you say that, Dad.
(growls in bedroom voice) Well, we have all fucking week, son.
I like hearing you cuss.
It's a strange thing I guess, but growing up you never did around us. Even if you got real mad.
(Breathes excitedly) I'm fucking you, Will. So you'll probably be hearing a lot of inappropriate things from my mouth.
God that dick's so hard... pressing into me. Come on, son, feel me up.
Love it Dad.
Scoot closer... there, that's it. Feel your old man's cock.
It made me sir.
Damn straight. Made you and took your cherry.
Best night of my life Dad.
Fuck... you're pretty hard, too, sir.
Listen to who's talking like a sailor now.
(Laughs) I remember you grounded my ass the first time I dropped the f-bomb.
You were testing our authority. Cocky little shit.
I was just craving some attention, Dad.
(More kisses)
Damn, boy. You kiss your cheerleader girlfriends like that?
Unf, fuck.... I usually have to go softer with them, Dad. More like this... (soft, slow kissing) See...?
You can feel it, right, Will?
Oh yeah. That made you even harder. Jesus, that cock is like steel now, Dad.
Can't believe I can get up again already, actually. I'm 48 and not a teen.
You're a stud, Dad. A real fucking stud.
Damn... those fingers feel nice, son. OK if we just take our time? Just feel each other like this before getting to the main event?
(chuckles) What's the main event, Dad?
You know damn well, you little tease.
(More kissing, longer this time)
You like that, sir.
Goddamn, buddy. That cheerleader kiss of yours drives me wild.
Is that what is, Dad? The "cheerleader kiss"?
I'll say. French kissing your father like we're on a first date.
Oh fuck!
Guess that's your magic button, buddy. I can feel that steel rod in my fist twitch like crazy.
One of my buttons, sir. You keep showing me more.
It's just day one of our fishing trip.
Almost day two. What time is it even?
I dunno. Three? Four in the morning? We've not even been here twelve hours and we've already had sex twice.
Gonna make it three times, sir?
Grr... fuck, yeah. (kisses) You know, your mother and I never have sex three times in a night.
Real honeymoon sex, right, Dad?
You got it, buddy.
(more kissing)
Nice, Dad... I think you're getting the cheerleader kiss down, yourself.
(chuckles) I got some more experience in the sack than you, remember?
I can't forget. You got a thirty year head start on me, sir.
Hmm... damn you have an incredible bod, buddy. Just leave feeling ya up.
Feel away sir. Won't ever get sick of it. Promise.
I'm leaking now.
Yessir. So wet.
Hm, why don't you climb on, buddy? Or are you too sore?
A little sore. But a good sore, you know?
I do.
(Surprised) Dad... you ever... you know, get fucked?
It's been a while, buddy. But there have been a couple of men who've done me like that. Years ago.
Maybe I can... if you'd let me.
It's probably gonna happen, son. This week. But right now, I really need inside ya.
Inside my baby boy.
Not a baby anymore, Dad.
That you're not, kiddo. Big stud jock.
God, you're so hard... and wet.
My lacrosse jock son.
(chuckles) You like being a lacrosse dad?
In more ways than one. I love being there for ya, Will.
I love having you there, Dad. At the games. And after.
Fuck. You're so tight. Even still.
I'm glad. Want this to be good for you, Dad.
You have no fucking idea, baby boy.
Three times in one night, Dad. I have a pretty good idea.
I'm gonna have a hard time keeping up with you, stud.
We'll see Dad. You can hold your own... fuck, you feel big.
I'm not too big, son.
You try sitting on one this size. Shit.
We don't gotta, kiddo.
Like hell we don't. Just let me go slow.
You got this, Will.
That hole is real fucking wet.
You made it like that, Dad.
What did you call it? Honeymoon sex.
Oh yeah, you're opening up for me buddy. Yeah... just like that.
Fuck me, Dad.
And we got a whole week of this.
A whole fucking week, sir.
If I can get it up after a day of this.
We'll probably need some sleep too, Dad.
(bed rocks)
God, yeah, Dad. Pump into me.
Ride me, son. Ride your daddy.
I love holding onto you, sir. All of you.
I'm not a lean young jock like you.
You're perfect, Dad. All of you.
(bed rocks harder, springs squeaking)
God fucking damn.
Ung! You got some real power behind that beef. Fuck!
(lets go of his cock)
Too much?
Don't wanna cum yet. At least not before you.
It's gonna take me a little longer this round. Sorry, kiddo.
Take as long as you want, Dad. You're in me, and that's all I care about.
Fuck, that ass is incredible. Wet and silky.
Better than mom?
You should ask me that, kiddo.
I know. Just like getting you worked up.
(bed squeaking)
Holy... fucking... shit... son!
(bed sounds slow down, then stop)
Whoo... let’s take a break.
(soft kissing)
Gonna roll us over buddy.
Yep. You're more a missionary guy, Dad?
At least to finish off. I like doing the driving, you know.
Yeah, I know.... UNNGH... fuck yeah, Dad. Nail my ass.
You... got it... kiddo. Daddy needs a fuck.
Not been four hours since our last.... oh shit.
That your spot, kiddo? Daddy gonna punch your spot?
(incoherent moans)
Let it out, baby boy. Just us up here in this cabin....
Oh Dad! Oh fuck.
Father and son... fucking like bunnies. Like newlyweds.
I'm gonna...
Let it all out, son.
Oh fuck, OH FUCK!
Your dad's cumming too, Will. Cumming up your sweet hole.. GODDAMN!
(heavy breathing, then kissing)
That was incredible, Dad.
You got that right, son. Jesus.
No... don't pull out yet.... I like having you on top of me.
I'm not too heavy?
A little, Dad. But I like it.
Oh fuck... shit. I can feel your cum between us.
Ha. I can smell it too.
You getting sleepy, buddy?
Not really. I guess we have an early morning ahead. What time we gotta get up for fishing.
There's probably not much fishing gonna get done this week, is there, buddy?
No sir. Just fucking and sleeping.
Six more days of it.
You're getting soft, Dad.
I told ya, buddy. I'm 48. And that was round number three.
No, I like it. For real. Like feeling you slip out of me.
You're something else, kiddo.
Can I ask a favor of you, Dad?
(settles back down onto the mattress) Sure, Will.
This week, sometime... I want you to share a secret with me.
You mean something other than the fact I'm fucking my own son?
(chuckles) Besides that.
I'll think it over. Think of something.
Fraid so. You drained it out of your old man.
Just tell me if I'm being a pest at any point.
You're not being a pest, Will.
(softly) You asleep, Dad?
(groggy, deep voiced) Not yet. Not far off.
Can I feel your cock one more time?
Um hm.
Nice. I like feeling it soft too. My dad's cock.
Love ya, Dad.
Love you, too, son.
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xxelfmamaxx · 1 year
°♥︎°Dating Monkey.D.Luffy°♥︎°
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
A/n:Hello lovelies! I'm back with another One Piece boyfriend headcanons. I don't have anything much to say, so enjoy this headcanon and sorry for bad spelling, English isn't my native language
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Alright, let's start of how you two started to have feelings for each other
You were a member of a StrawHat crew, and you did have a little crush on your lovely captain. Nami and Robin knew about your little crush🤭
Nami and Robin would tease you a lot about it, you would also ask Robin for a advice
But then you realized that there wouldn't be any way to make Luffy fall in love with you, because he literally met the most beautiful woman in the world and didn't have any feelings for her. And that's when anxiety and insecurity started to hit you. You didn't have much of experience tbh
While he also had a little crush on you but didn't know and doesn't know how to show it. The reason why he fell in love with you is because of your beautiful smile and laugh, for your positivity, loyalty etc.. He didn't care if you were fat or skinny, I mean, he literally met the hottest woman in the world and he didn't care at all lol
Some of the hints that he show that he had a crush on you is placing his hat on your head and complementing you on how it looks good on you! "The hat looks good on you Y/n! You look pretty cute shishishi!", second allowing you to sit on his favorite spot on the head of the ship, you would laugh together, share jokes with each other! Third, probably you secretly giving him food when Sanji doesn't let him eat anymore. He's giving you a puppy eyes and you just couldn't handle them, so you asked Sanji to " give you" some food and you know how is Sanji gonna react "Everything for you Y/n-chwaan!".
Everyone literally knew he had a crush on you and you had a crush on him, but somehow none of you realized that, even Nami and Robin told you that he liked you but you just couldn't believe it!
So, one night, after you ate you went to watch the beautiful moonlight, and Luffy came where you were. He out of nowhere confessed to you. "Hey Y/n", " hm?", "I like you", you thought he meant as a friend but.. "Not like a friend, more of that, but there is a thing called for that.. I just can't seem to remember it. Can you help me??", " You mean like.. You have a crush on me..? ", " Oh yeah! That! Zoro and Sanji were telling me something about this but I forgot about it too quickly! Shishishi!"
Then he started to explain his love to you and you understood everything he said. You thought it was kinda cute when he's trying to explain himself. I mean, he never felt this way for anyone, you gave him butterflies! Then you went up to him and hugged him while kissing him on the lips. He was shocked at first but gave in into the kiss
Now your relationship with Luffy!!
If you kiss him way too often, it's gonna turn out into the habit for him. He gets so clingy and when you stop giving him kisses, he will start whining and begging for more. He will want you to kiss him when he wakes up, when he eats, when he goes to the new island, when he showers, when he goes to sleep, almost every time!
Since you two both share one bed, you'll have to suffer a couple of nights because Luffy is fighting demons while he's sleeping. You will literally wake up with his foot on your face, but when you two continue sleeping together, he'll not move that much. He would wrap his arms and legs around you and cuddle while sleeping
He isn't very romantic, but I can see him coming with flowers he picked up from new island for you and your making a flower crown for both of you
If you get sick, he'll worry and offer you meat because he's thinking you'll get better if you eat meat lol. As long as he remembers, he didn't get sick at all, so he's confused on how to help you yk. But, that's why he has chopper, if you have a fever, you'll probably have to sleep in the room where chopper heals, and Luffy will sleep either on the floor next to you or not at all because Nami or Sanji will kick him out giving you some space to get better
If you get hurt by his enemies, he will RAGE. He would probably order Zoro or someone else from the crew to keep you safe and put you on the ship so chopper can heal you while he's having unfinished business with the enemy that hurt you
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© do not steal from @xxelfmamaxx , modify, copy, and/or repost my works anywhere.
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gotta-pet-em-all · 2 months
Pokemon-induced healing
And why you fuckers shouldn't rely on it for everything, Arceus fuck stop forcing your poor Chansey to take care of wounds that you should seriously go to the hospital for
* * * * *
okay. SO. To preface this, I volunteered in a Pokemon center for a while. And while this was just a volunteer position and not something I had medical training for, I've also got personal experience. Due to my poor coordination and shitty connective tissue, I tend to fall over, bump into things, and bruise very easily. So trust me when I say I know what I'm talking about.
So, how does pokemon healing work?
That's a fucking complicated question. So, let's start with the healing moves and narrow it down. The main ones I'm going to be talking about here are Heal Pulse, Life Dew, and Floral Healing.
Actually no I'm not qualified to talk about Floral Healing. If any comfey trainers wanna add on, feel free.
Heal pulse and life dew! So, Heal Pulse is the one I have the most familiarity with, and it's essentially a wave of energy that encourages your body to accelerate the natural healing process. No, it does not artificially age you, and it will not reduce your lifespan, but let's be real for a moment. If you get injured and need healing that much, your lifespan may be in danger for other reasons.
However. There are other dangers to it that really aren't talked about a lot, namely: repairing tissue damage, and infection. There are a lot of situations in which heal pulse can be risky:
-injured person has an artificially suppressed or otherwise compromised immune system.
-injured person has a heart condition, particularly where arrhythmia is a symptom
-injury is infected or contains foreign substance
-dead tissue is still attached to affected area
And I'm gonna break down one by one, why all of these are bad!
So, it's not quite as well known, but heal pulse actually does have an impact on the immune system. In ancient times, it was believed that cursed pokemon would make you sick when they healed you, but in actuality, this phenomenon was simply the pokemon kicking the immune system into gear for a minor/dormant infection that would have happened anyways. However, this can be dangerous for people with a compromised immune system, because you're basically trying to squeeze blood from a stone. In most cases, it can make their immune systems worse, and while this is thankfully temporary, it's still deeply unpleasant and may interfere with someone's plans because you've abruptly shunted them to the hospital when they were going to have brunch with the girls this week instead.
Next is arrhythmia. I've got this one, it flares up from time to time. I cannot stress enough that disabled people are everywhere. We don't just exist as tokens at the edge of your imagination. We're probably at the grocery store or on public transportation. It may just be that I'm a bit jaded, but it pisses me off more than anything that I have to experience symptoms when I would love to be frolicking through the woods. Anyways, heal pulse relies on the heartbeat to synchronize with and distribute the energy-- so when the heartbeat is uneven? Things can start getting a lil fucky. Usually this results in dizziness, nausea, feeling flushed, and on rare occasions fainting. People with heart conditions are more common than you think, please ask us before messing with our bodies.
Third thing is infections. Remember how I said that heal pulse kicks your immune system into overdrive? Well, the immune system is responsible for expelling all foreign matter from your system, not just illness. This is why you'll want to make sure to clean a wound first, unless it's urgent. You can skip the wound cleaning part if it's an emergency, but... it's not really pretty. Seriously. I don't advise it.
Fourth reason! Okay, so, this is gonna be a little gross, but let's say you trip and skin your knee. It's bleeding, you've got a weird little flap of skin hanging off. Normally, that skin will turn white (or at least it does for me; I have light skin, but I'm told it may turn a pale greyish color for people with dark skin. That said, I'm gonna be real. I do not want to look up pictures, so I am trusting the dark skinned folks reading this to know what dead/peeling skin looks like for them) and eventually fall off. HOWEVER. If you apply heal pulse to it? There's a decent chance that your body may attempt to revitalize the dead skin at the same time as it scabs over the wound and then the skin closes up and eats the scab. It won't kill you, and eventually the extra flap of skin will die, but it's still. Geh. It's really not pleasant. Don't do it.
If this sounds fucking horrifying, that's because it is! All of these things are fucking horrifying to happen to your body! Don't ask me how I know this!
Now that you've all been suitably terrified of the dangers of heal pulse, let me introduce you to an alternative: life dew! Life dew does not interfere with arrhythmia, can be stored with special preparation, and generally has much weaker effects. It tends to help with the process of clotting and scabbing more so than healing, so if you've made any mistakes, they're generally easier to remedy.
Pokemon healing, like any other type, requires consent. Yes, there are exceptions-- sometimes a person cannot reasonably consent in their current state, or there was an accident with a wild scyther and consent is the last thing on your mind with all the blood everywhere. Even so, please always keep in mind that you need to respect the sanctity of other people's bodies and take accountability for your actions as a trainer.
That's all!
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restinslices · 3 months
hiiii :D
would it be okay for you to do bi-han, liu kang and kung lao x hypermobile reader if you're not too busy or anything?
like reader has alot of pain in the knees, back and gets frequent migraines and they try to help?
Hey bookie, I wasn’t ignoring you. I was just procrastinating 😭. Finally got to it though! When I looked it up a hypermobile person seemed like a double jointed person but with occasional aches but obviously there could be stuff I missed since I’m not hypermobile. Because of that I mainly focused on the things you brought up however if there’s certain things I missed, you can always request again.
When it comes to your joints moving more than normal, I don't see him making a big deal about it 
I don't see him being like “omg that's so cool” but I also don't see him being like “that's freaky”
It's something he notices but doesn't point out
When it comes to pain he'll suggest stretching it out, which might do the opposite but it's what his brain conjures up first 
I just feel like stretching and trained assassins go hand in hand
He knows multiple stretches that focus on those areas and that's what he'd suggest first 
There’s also other physical activities like walking for your knees
His brain goes to physical things
If all else fails, he's a walking ice pack 
I don't think he'd necessarily want to be an ice pack but if I'm the wind under your wings, spit out a couple ice cubes for me 
As for migraines I am a firm believer that Bi-Han as the oldest brother is a mini medic
He'd assume your sick so he'd advise you to drink tea, eat soup and keep your eyes closed so they're not being strained while looking at something bright 
If you get migraines often he'd buy some thick ass curtains so the sun doesn't peek through 
He may be a lil asshole but I'm gonna stay delusional and believe he'd be a good partner 
He's a good man Savannah- 
Liu Kang
I also think he wouldn't make a big deal out of it 
He might comment on it but you'd be forgiven for thinking he forgot about it 
Idk how you could use this in fighting but if you could, all 3 of them are impressed 
When it comes to pain in the knees and back, he's the opposite of an ice pack 
His power might work better with aches and pains. Depends on your body
I doubt heating his hand up would be difficult for him 
He mostly wants you to rest and take warmth baths to soak your joints 
Him and Bi-Han are mini medics but Bi-Han is more of a physical therapist. Also sitting around is a problem for him. Liu Kang is more patient and understands that there’s nothing wrong with taking a break and letting yourself heal
He probably also knows a bunch more healing methods I don't 
He's been around the block for awhile. He knows how to do other things besides leave someone concussed 
Assuming you're a regular human, he knows how weak your body is (no tea no shade) and you really need to rest or you'll break down 
That's his thought process with migraines as well
Has you sleep a lot more since migraines can be eased with sleep 
He knows all the tricks in the book. You know when your parent is like “you have a headache? why don't you *insert the most old and outlandish bullshit*”? 
That's him 
You'd think he'd use all this worldly knowledge to oh, idk, build an empire or smth but no
Kung Lao
He wouldn't make a comment in a mean way but he would do a double take 
Maybe I'm wrong but I would imagine people don't go “hey! How are you? I'm hyper mobile btw” 
So when he sees a joint kinda move funny he's thinking “am I tweaking? I gotta be”
But then it happens again and he's like “aight, what the fuck was that?”
He asks a few more questions but that's kinda it. He won't ask your whole life story. If you wanna share more, then you will 
When it comes to pain you gotta thug that one out-
I'm joking… slightly 
Liu Kang is a demigod. Bi-Han is a human but got magic powers. Kung Lao is a normal person and only has a hat
And I don't wanna hear about the magic shit in his moves. In the game I'm pretty sure he only has that hat. The hat is cool and all but my point is, he can't magic any pain he feels away 
He knows better than anyone that sometimes you just gotta take the shit on the chin and try to go on about your day 
However, that wouldn't be his only solution 
Regular human who can't make his own ice packs means he's a regular human with tons of medicine 
Medicine he'd obviously share 
He'd even buy some specifically for joint pain and keep it on him for you 
Same with medicine for migraines 
He probably has way more of those so he can't carry all those bottles but he carries some in his pocket 
He actually has a phone so he's for sure looking up ways to help with any pain or discomfort 
Whatever comes up, he'll suggest to you or help you with 
Your pain won't go away the quickest with him but it's obvious he's trying his hardest 
I did not mean to give Kung Lao the most-
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ray-jaykub · 8 months
Hi! I'm a new follower! @hagelpaimon recommended you for this specific request. If you're interested, I was wondering if you could write some Bayverse fluff for me.
F!Reader has a southern accent and even though it isn't thick, there are certain words she says that makes her sound like a country bumpkin. And her turtle S/O (lovingly, of course) teases her for it. You can make it for each turtle or just Donnie. And you can make it NSFW if you wanna. Whatever you think fits! Thank you and happy writing 🐢💙❤️💜🧡
Thought I would crawl out of my adult cave and answer an ask that spoke to me. And as a country bumpkin (hoot hoot, very, very south georgia), I can say this hits the mark. I'm gonna do a little of all the turtles and
Now, as someone who grew up around people who talked like me, I assumed I could hide it well. But that wasn't until I started sending audio messages back and forth with @moxfirefly did I realized how bad it was... Now I've never tried writing a southern accent, despite having one, so bear with me.
- He finds it so endearing and sweet and just can't find it in his heart to make fun of you
- Like, the way you call his name? The twang makes him smile because that means time with you
- His brothers and him obviously don't get out and talk to people, so I can imagine they're probably a lil stumped on why you sound the way you do
- Luckily, Leo is an old western movie fan, so at least he knows Cowboys.... please be patient with him
- If you're shy about the way you talk, he won't acknowledge it, but over time, he hopes you two get comfortable enough that you'll express yourself more
- Seriously, can't get over when you call him or his brother's names. Like omg they just said "Dawnie" and the way you pronounce Manhattan?
- Why you sound like that??
- Definitely believes you're from some weird part of New York, or God forbid Jersey
- Won't and will not understand unless you play country music for him and go like "these are my people"
- makes you a country mix, even if you don't like country. He's trying! You can't deny him that
-He says it's to make you feel "closer to home" and honestly, it lowkey works when you're feeling home sick
- He sees a cowboy film??? Prepare for him to throw a cowboy hat on your noggin
-Save a horse ride a cowboy, yeah? (I'm cringing)
- He's really big on dialect and accents, especially for someone he fancies
- Will ask you to say certain words at random times of the day, early mornings when you haven't woken up, late at night when you're sleepy
- When you're angry???
- He has to hold out on bringing the recorder. But he's taking in every word
- Just imagine yelling at him, and he's looking at you with big doe eyes because wow... when was a country accent kinda sexy??
- He has to say one of his favorite things is when you both are whispering, and he leans down to hear you better, woof 😮‍💨
- He needs a southern girl 😤 GIVE HIM A TASTE OF THE SOUTH
- Will tease you, mock you, repeat every word you say... with love of course
- just expect to hear his lil giggle after you've said something particularly southern
- If you're the type to say our phrases (colder than a witches tit, you call undies breeches, you make crazy comparisons) he will adopt them and look stupid doing it
- Just imagine Mikey, surfer dude, New Yorker, saying, "I reckon"
- Like baby... please hush
- lowkey the one that helped Raph make the country mix tape, added a few personal favorites (the fucking wal-mart yodeling kid, for some reason)
- Gets you boots, even if you don't wear them, and tries really hard to convince you to dress like Barbie in her cowgirl outfit
- Never a dull moment with this doofus
........Go Dawgs
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fullstcp · 2 months
"Speak Now (Taylor's Version)" Sentence Starters
"I was a flight risk with a fear of falling."
"Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts."
"Can you believe it?"
"Do you remember, we were sitting there by the water?"
"You are the best thing that's ever been mine."
"There's a drawer of my things at your place."
"You say we'll never make my parents mistakes."
"We got nothing figured out."
"Braced myself for the goodbye, cause it's all I've ever known."
"You took me by surprise, you said, 'I'll never leave you alone'."
"Every time I look at you, it's like the first time."
"Do you believe it?"
"We're gonna make it now."
"The way you move is like a full on rainstorm, and I'm a house of cards."
"You're the kind of reckless that should send me running, but I kinda know that I won't get far."
"Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain."
"Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain."
"I see sparks fly whenever you smile."
"Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around."
"My mind forgets to remind me that you're a bad idea."
"I'm on my guard for the rest of the world, but with you, I know it's no good."
"Just keep on keeping your eyes on me."
"It's just wrong enough to make it feel right."
"I'm captivated by you, baby, like a firework show."
"I'm so glad you made time to see me."
"How's life? Tell me, how's your family?"
"Your guard is up and I know why."
"The last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind."
"This is me swallowing my pride, standing in front of you saying, 'I'm sorry for that night'."
"It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you. Wishing I realized what I had when you were mine."
"These days, I haven't been sleeping."
"I watched you laughing from the passenger side."
"And realized I loved you in the fall."
"You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye."
"Maybe this is wishful thinking."
"Probably mindless dreaming."
"If we loved again, I swear I'd love you right."
"I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't."
"This is surely not what you thought it would be."
"I lose myself in a daydream."
"Don't say yes, run away now."
"I'll meet you when you're out."
"Don't wait or say a single vow."
"You need to hear me out."
"Fond gestures are exchanged."
"I know you wish it was me."
"You wish it was me, don't you?"
"Long were the nights when my days once revolved around you."
"You paint me like a blue sky then go back and turn it to rain."
"I lived in your chess game, but you change the rules every day."
"Wondering which version of you I might get on the phone tonight."
"I see it all now that you're gone."
"Maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame."
"Or maybe it's you and your sick need to give love and take it away."
"You'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand."
"I'll look back and regret how I ignored when they said, 'run as fast as you can'."
"I shoulda known."
"You are an expert at 'Sorry' and keeping lines blurry."
"Never impressed by me acing your tests."
"I took your matches before fire could catch me."
"I'm shining like fireworks over your sad, empty town."
"You shoulda known."
"You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me."
"You have knocked me off my feet again."
"You can take me down with just one single blow."
"But you don't know what you don't know."
"Someday, I'll be big enough that you can't hit me."
"All you're ever gonna be is mean."
"Why you gotta be so mean?"
"You, with your switching sides and your wildfire lies and your humiliation."
"You have pointed out my flaws again as if I don't already see them."
"I walk with my head down trying to block you out 'cause I'll never impress you."
"I just wanna feel okay again."
"All you are is mean. And a liar, and pathetic. And alone in life."
"I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us."
"We met and the sparks flew instantly."
"I used to know my place was the spot next to you, now I'm searching the room for an empty seat."
"Lately I don't even know what page you're on."
"Miscommunications lead to fall out."
"So many things that I wish you knew."
"So many walls up, I can't break through."
"Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room and we're not speaking."'
"I'm dying to know, is it killing you like it's killing me?"
"I don't know what to say since the twist of fate when it all broke down."
"The story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now."
"How'd we end up this way?"
"You're doing your best to avoid me."
"You held your pride like you should've held me."
"I'm scared to see the ending."
"Why are we pretending this is nothing?"
"I'd tell you I miss you, but I don't know how."
"I've never heard silence quite this loud."
"This is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less."
"I liked it better when you were on my side."
"The battle's in your hands now."
"The story of us might be ending soon."
"It's so quiet in the world tonight."
"You got nothing to regret."
"I'd give all I have, honey."
"I won't let nobody hurt you."
"Won't let no one break your heart."
"No one will desert you."
"I just realized everything I have is, someday, gonna be gone."
"Wish I'd never grown up."
"It could still be simple."
"There I was again tonight. Forcing laughter, faking smile."
"All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you."
"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go."
"I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home."
"I'll spend forever wondering if you knew."
"Who do you love?"
"This night is flawless, don't you let it go."
"This is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends."
"My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again."
"Please, don't be in love with someone else."
"Please, don't have somebody waiting on you."
"Time for a little revenge."
"I never saw it coming, I wouldn't have suspected it."
"I underestimated just who I was dealing with."
"There is nothing I do better than revenge."
"Think about what you did."
"Do you still feel like you know what you're doing?"
"I guess you really did it this time. Left yourself in the war path."
"Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything and everybody believed in you?"
"It's alright, just wait and see you."
"Who you are is not where you've been."
"If only you had seen what you know now then."
"It's okay, life is a tough crowd."
"Who you are is not what you did."
"Every one of us has messed up, too."
"Minds change like the weather."
"Today is never too late to be brand new."
"You and I walk a fragile line, I have known it all this time."
"I can't trust anything now."
"Won't lose you again."
"Something's made your eyes go cold."
"Don't leave me like this."
"I thought I had you figured out."
"Something's gone terribly wrong."
"You're all I waned."
"Can't breathe whenever you're gone."
"I still mean every word I said to you."
"Something keeps me holding onto nothing."
"You can't be gone."
"You told me you loved me, so why did you go away?"
"All that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss."
"I never thought we'd have a last kiss."
"I never imagined it'd end like this."
"Your name, forever the name on my lips."
"I'm not much for dancing, but for you, I did."
"I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep."
"I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe."
"I hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful day, and something reminds you you wish you had stayed."
"You can plan for a change in the weather and time, but I never planned on you changing your mind."
"Remember this moment."
"We were the kings and the queens."
"That night you danced like you knew our lives would never be the same."
"You held your head like a hero on a history book page."
"It was the end of a decade, but the start of an age."
"Long live the walls we crashed through."
"Long live all the magic we made."
"One day, we will be remembered."
"And the cynics were outraged. Screaming, 'this is absurd'."
"Bring on all the pretenders, I'm not afraid."
"I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you."
"May these memories break our fall."
"I had the time of my life with you."
"And long, long live the look on your face."
"Strangers' silence makes me wanna take the stairs."
"But right now, my time is theirs."
"Seems like there's always someone who disapproves."
"They'll judge it like they know about me and you."
"The verdict comes from those with nothing else to do."
"The jury's out, but my choice is you."
"Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine."
"Life makes love look hard."
"This love is ours."
"You never know what people have up their sleeves."
"But I don't care, cause right now, you're mine."
"It's not theirs to speculate if it's wrong."
"Your hands are rough, but they are where mine belong."
"They can't take what's ours."
"I wonder if he/she/they know(s) how much I miss him/her/them."
"I always forget to tell you I love you."
"I love you forever."
"I'll be with you someday."
"You'll leave, got places to be, and I'll be okay."
"I loved you from the very first day."
"Don't forget about me."
"I'm far away, but I never let you go."
"Just breathe, just relax, it'll be okay."
"I've got my money on things going badly."
"Got a history of stories ending sadly."
"All I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life."
"I want you now, wanna need you forever."
"I'm trying hard not to look like I'm trying."
"Every time I tried hard for love, it fell apart."
"Maybe I call you mine."
"She's/he's/they're the kind of book you can't put down."
"To tell you the truth, sometimes I wish I was her/him/them."
"I've been watching you for ages."
"I spend my time trying not to feel it."
"What would you do if they never found us out?"
"We kept everything professional."
"Something's changed, it's something I like."
"Wait 'til you see half the things that haven't happened yet."
"I could see you being my addiction."
"You can see me as a secret mission."
"Now, I fear I have fallen from grace."
"I feel like my castle's crumbling down."
"You don't want to know me, I will just let you down."
"You don't wanna know me now."
"I held that grudge 'til it tore me apart."
"My foes and friends watch my reign end."
"i don't know how it could've ended this way."
"People look at me like I'm a monster."
"Now they're screaming that they hate me."
"Never wanted you to hate me."
"My cards are on the table, yours are in your hand."
"Chances are, tonight, you've already got plans."
"You give me just enough attention to keep my hopes too high."
"I will block out these voices of reason in my head."
"You are not the exception. You will never learn your lesson."
"Stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love that ain't never gonna come."
"I know how to act like I'm fine."
"I know I can't call you mine."
"How could I not see the signs?"
"Maybe I will finally learn my lesson."
"Somehow, I know that you and I would've found each other."
"In another life, you still would've turned my head."
"You still would've been mine."
"We would've been timeless."
"I believe that we were supposed to find this."
"Even in a different life, you still would've been mine."
"Hundreds of years ago, they fell in love, like we did."
"It was like an age-old classic the first time that you saw me."
"Sometimes there's no proof, you just know."
"You're always gonna be mine."
"We really were timeless."
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q-starhalo · 5 months
q!Bad songs + their lyrics ★-
-`.✎ Ver. 2
˖◛⁺˖ | Hello and welcome to the second version/list of q!Bad songs!! Just like last time, before we get to the songs, I do want to say that some songs contain triggering content. As far as I've seen, there's nothing that I think should be tagged but do please let me know if there should!!! And another thing! There is a section for instrumentals (?) at the bottom as well!! Now with all that out of the way, remember that each list will contain 25 songs and the link to the previous version will be right after this message. If you want to ask me anything about the songs, always feel free! Now enjoy :D
★ Ver. 1 ★
Stranger Things Mash-up - Thomas Sanders:
★ "It doesn't hurt me"
★ "Do you wanna hear about the deal that I'm making?"
★ "If you're lost, you can look and you will find me. Time after time"
★ "If you fall, I will catch you"
★ "I'll be waiting, time after time."
★ "And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God. And I'd get him to swap our places"
★ "But see how deep the bullet lies"
★ "Show no fear (oh), for she may fade away"
★ "Oh, come on angel. Come on, come on darlin'. Let's exchange the experience"
Romantic Homicide - d4vd:
★ "I'm scared. It feels like you don't care."
★ "I don't mean to be complacent with the decision you made, but why?"
★ "In the back of my mind, you died"
★ "And I'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive"
★ "In the back of my mind, I killed you. And I don't even regret it. I can't believe I said it"
Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn:
★ "Why do we bother to stay? // Why are you running away?"
★ "What if they find us? // They're not looking anyway"
★ "This is our birthday, so why are we weeping?"
★ "Well, I never asked for this, I never wanted this"
★ "Just get away from me, please just stop touching me. You're always trying to be somebody else"
Fire Drill - Melanie Martinez:
★ "I've never fit in any category, always deemed an outcast"
★ "It's exactly the same, they say, 'Why do you dress that way? Why do you act that way? Why aren't you just like me?'"
★ "Calling me words I'm not, paintin' a picture that's false"
★ "You must not know my heart, but I know it isn't your fault"
★ "Fire drill, if it all went up in flames one day, would you give your mom a hug before your house burned away?"
★ "If I'm honest with you, you just run and hide"
★ "I am not the government. I am not the f★cked up men. I am not part of anything that is hateful"
What If Things Get Worse - Kaden MacKay:
★ "What if things get worse long before they get better and you can't reverse all the damage you've done?"
★ "There is need to fret, though you can bet it'll get better but probably not yet or ever, so don't hold your breath"
★ "Actually, hold it as long as you need 'cause you locked your own cage, and you'll never be freed"
★ "And the only thing that is approaching with speed is your death"
★ "You're gonna die! You're gonna die! You're gonna die!! You're gonna die!"
★ "Why do I imagine events that won't happen? I deserve a badge in Creative Design"
★ "So go on, keep telling yourself that it's fine"
★ "And you'll just keep falling, no calling for help"
Rule #21 - Momento Mori - Fish in a Birdcage:
★ "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Filling up my coffee cup, one way to shake me up. I never wanted to sleep"
★ "Oh I won't forget, Momento Mori leaves a debt. You haven't paid it yet. I never wanted to sleep"
★ "Inside a timeless cage"
★ "Like a muzzled hound, I'm tied and bound. A wild beast crying for release"
★ "I never wanted to sleep"
Are You Satisfied? - MARIANA:
★ "It's not my problem if you don't see what I see. And I do not give a d★mn if you don't believe"
★ "Are you satisfied with an average life?"
★ "Baby, nothing comes for free"
★ "They say I'm a control freak"
★ "It's my problem, it's my problem, if I feel the need to hide"
★ "Are you satisfied with an easy ride?"
★ "Black, white (Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied?)
Angry Too - Lola Blanc:
★ "I buried the unseemly urges deep down in the ground with the roots. But it's all coming up to the surface, maybe it's getting ready bloom"
★ "And I don't wanna be a Monster in the making"
★ "I don't know how to be just standing by blankly, not getting angry"
★ "'And does it get your blood boiling? Does it make you see red? Do you wanna destroy it? Does it get in your head?'"
★ "'Cause it gets my blood boiling and I'm coming unglued"
★ "If you knew what I knew, you would be angry too"
★ "I'm seeing through crimson sunglasses"
★ "I don't wanna be controlled by the past"
★ "Boy, if you were me, could you really blame me?"
★ "'Calm down girl, why you so mad? Why's your heart gone rotten? Oh, good girl, why you upset?' Guess they have forgotten what they did."
Sweet Hibiscus Tea - Penelope Scott:
★ "Here's the thing, I can't do anything right"
★ "The walls are empty, it's so ugly I could burn the whole place down"
★ "And I'm so tiny and so old, and God it's never been so cold"
★ "I don't know what I need"
Finding Mr. Midnight - Random Encounters:
★ "I've seen a world unlike any you've seen"
★ "I know a pain like you wouldn't believe, one that rips me apart at the seams"
★ "I've seen the end of a number of lives and I wonder if I've caused a few"
★ "Am I a ghost?"
★ "I hear voices. All these noises. Are my choices gone?"
★ "You can taunt me, haunt me, it won't change a thing"
★ "Every memory is a mystery or lie"
★ "Just beware the shadows lies. He'll surround you, drown you, bury you alive. But you'll shake him, break him, each time you survive"
& - Tally Hall:
★ "Shame on a martyr, claiming friends from either perspective of 'and'"
★ "Weak and strong"
★ "And right and wrong"
★ "And live and die"
★ "And sane and gone"
★ "And love and not"
★ "And all the and's that we forgot"
★ "And new and old"
★ "And stop and go"
★ "And hot and cold"
★ "Dark and light"
★ "Their lies stuck beside every 'and'"
★ "Sound and silence"
★ "Stop the peace and keep the violence"
★ "No and yes"
★ "It lives with sad and happiness"
★ "It might be Heavens and it might be Hell"
★ "Oh, the things we do, the things we say"
★ "Oh, the things we wish we could wash away"
Ghost Rule - JudyPhonic (english cover):
★ "I only know how to lie, I guess I really can't dodge it this time"
★ "Things don't look better today, the mask I wear is crumbling away"
★ "I didn't see what was happening to me"
★ "I know I'm nothing more than an empty ghost"
★ "An empty shell of lies, and it haunts me so"
★ "Although 'no' is what I meant, I gave a 'yes' and lied again"
★ "Was so busy talking away, unknown to me, I was digging my grave"
★ "The guilt, it's here to stay"
★ "Since honesty is hard for me to find today"
★ "An empty shell that's nothing but a void at most"
★ "I'm greeted by a 'me' I didn't know again"
★ "When you look at me, who do you actually see?"
★ "Mayday! Tell them who I really am. Since everything I know's about to meet its end"
Arcade (acoustic version) - Duncan Laurence:
★ "A broken heart is all that's left"
★ "I'm still fixing all the cracks. "
★ "Lost a couple of pieces when I carried it, carried it, carried it home"
★ "I'm afraid of all I am"
★ "My mind feels like a foreign land"
★ "Silence ringing inside my head"
★ "Small town boy in a big arcade. I got addicted to a losing game."
★ "All I know, all I know. Loving you is a losing game"
★ "I saw the end 'fore it begun. Still I carried, I carried, I carry on"
★ "I don't like your games, game over"
Rule #5 - James Picard - Fish in a Birdcage, Hannah Epperson:
★ "With the flame he ignited, he thought I would change"
★ "As I rose from the ashes, I embraced his rage"
★ "Fear has unleashed the storm through so much pain"
★ "The fire spread throughout my bones instead"
★ "I'm aware of the storm that has stained our air"
Saline Solution - Wilbur Soot:
★ "I think this time I'm dieing"
★ "I'm not melodramatic, I'm just pragmatic beyond any reasoning for thinking I've got f★cking rabies or something"
★ "I think I've lost my mind"
★ "Blurring the fact and the fiction"
★ "Bite the tablet, elixir. Disintegrate, mouth's a mixer"
★ "If I could just break one more night. Maybe I could wake up and feel alright"
★ "I think I've made my choice. I'm a deceased playing victim. Slip the fate, slip the victory"
★ "I think I've made my choice. Sink secluded in hatred. Void the plans friends are making"
★ "I'm a leech sucking blood bags. Taste defeat, it's a sandbag"
★ "Saline solution to all your problems"
Borderline - Tame Impala:
★ "Gone a little far. Gone a little far this time with something"
★ "How was I to know? How was I to know this high came rushing?"
★ "I wonder how I managed to end up in this place"
★ "We're on the borderline, caught between the tides of pain and rapture"
★ "Then I saw the time, watched it speedin' by like a train"
★ "Will I be known and loved? Is there one that I trust?"
Rule #1 - Magic - Fish in a Birdcage:
★ "There is magic in this room, I don't know if you can see it. There is magic in this room, I don't know if you can feel it"
★ "It's called love. Some call it love."
★ "I believe in myself, I believe that we can make it. I believe in all of you, I believe that we can make this into love"
★ "I wanna speak to your soul"
★ "This is our conversation starter, for starters"
Icarus - Bastille:
★ "'Look who's digging their own grave' That is what they all say"
★ "Out on the front doorstep, drinking from a paper cup. You won't remember this"
★ "Living beyond your years"
★ "Acting out all their fears"
★ "Your hands protect the flames from the wild winds around you"
★ "Look out to the future but it tells you nothing"
★ "This is how it feels to take a fall"
★ "Icarus is flying towards an early grave"
★ "You put up your defenses when you leave"
★ "You're putting up your armor when you leave. And you leave because you're certain of who you want to be"
★ Live or Die - GL/Nathan Hanover
★ Experience - Ludovico Einaudi OR Experience - Ludovico Einaudi, Daniel Hope, I Virtuosi Italiani
★ Thundersnow! - Katie O'Hara LaBrie
★ Scherzo - TwoSet Violin
★ Going Nowhere - Creative Self
★ A Forlorn Gaze into Yesterday - Nathan Hanover Synthonic Orchestra
★ Chopin - Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 In E Flat Major - ???
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morgana-artt · 8 months
Giangio x Apprentice!Male!Reader
Note: twirling and kicking my feet at this because I need more of this man, we don't know much but he's definitely an interesting character and the more I do these x readers the more I'm slowly diving into the need of writing up smut. Especially possessive ones. But only if people would want that and it'll probably be mostly Male reader or afab being written.
Also big thanks to people liking these, it means a lot and its been giving me the confidence to write more so MWAH thank you guys.
Warnings: Spoiler for Giangios character/ some stuff near end game is in this so be warned and minor swearing.
Giangio was a...strange man. Stranger than most some would say and as someone who you've "worked" for you eventually got used to his antics. His favourite thing was to lie. Like, a lot. Most couldn't tell because he was that good putting on a front but you've known him long enough to see the small smile that quickly appears on his face to the slight narrow of his eyes when the person he's lied to believes him. The next lie you witnessed was when he said he was infected with the disease- the petrification disease to be precise- to a young man with bright blue eyes, a certain softness to his face and dressed in rather rich clothes.
You eyed your companion as he put on a sick cough and voice, "Of course, friend...please do be careful..." his weak voice spoke as the boy in front of you nodded before leaving. Giangios voice went back to normal but in a hushed whisper, "I really do not like to lie-" "-and that's a lie in on itself" you interrupted him and got a chuckle from the green haired man in response, "You got me again (Y/N)! My...you're getting quite good at catching me out!" he said with a small smile, you furrowed your eyebrows "but why lie to him...he doesn't know you?", "Ah, my dear friend...that lie was necessary. I want to see how this all plays out", you frowned, "what play out?" you asked as he leaned on the pillar next to you, "You'll see, friend. I have a feeling this one is pretty special" you blinked, 'special...?' you thought as the taller man next to you dusted his gloves off. "I know I'm leaving you in the dark here, (Y/n). But trust me when I say that this may be a breakthrough for us all", you sighed "You get more cryptic as I hang out with you...I can never understand you Para-Giangio."
He grinned at your slip up, "Oh? 'hang out'? I didn't know you thought of me as a friend!" he chuckled making you roll your eyes, "I'm gonna ignore you now" and with that the conversation died down.
The sound of your heeled shoes echoed through the halls of the place you were held up in, you decided to stay cooped up with Giangio in an abandoned house in a corner of Krat, in his words 'best place to stay until it's time' cryptic bastard.
You sighed as you sat on the sofa next to the green hair bloke you had been with for a while now, "I do wonder-" Giangio started making you glance at him, "-why you decided to stay with me" he asked although there was a sense of coyness within his voice. You shuffled in your seat, "well...for starters I don't want to get hammered into the ground by some puppet and secondly, didn't have much of a choice did I? With you-know-who basically forcing me to go with you, I couldn't say no." Giangio tapped his index finger on top of his cane, "Hmm...both valid reasons. However..." he turned to you, a glint in his eyes "there's something more isn't there...hmm?" You glared at him, "get lost" you grumbled as you slumped into the chair, you heard shuffling and saw your companion closer to you, usually you would just get up and walk away but lately it had been really lonely in Krat. Up until recently, Giangio wasn't around you for a while and you basically had to defend and be very aware of your surroundings and now that he's back you sort missed the lying bastard. You were assigned to him when...your father forced you to. Saying how it was to help you become an alchemist and yet there was nothing you really learned about being an alchemist with Giangio and it seemed like Giangio had an agender of his own, he never told you but he did tell you his real identity which you were strickly told never to tell and only that he was in search of something. You didn't know what it was and you had a feeling Giangio wouldn't tell you, at least not now.
You got used to his weird personaility and come to sort of...liking it. Your father never really bothered with you once your mother passed- even when your mother was alive he didn't bother much either but your mother was the only one who you were close to, you would be babysat in the alchemist tower and it would get lonely and even lonelier throughout the years. Until you meet the man sitting next to you, he was quiet and only spoke when needed. Giangio and your father would be all hush hush and it made you suspicious until one day your father suddenly announced that you would be working with Giangio which was a surprise but nothing else was said and now here you were.
You let out a tired sigh, it had been a rough day for you as it made you just sad looking out in the broken city of Krat, before the frenzy it was genuinly a beautiful place but now it's nothing but a cold and harsh place. You felt a gloved hand take your bare one, a thumb softly rubbing over your knuckles. You glanced at the man next to you practically a few inches from your face, "don't worry my dear apprentice...it won't be long before the puzzle is almost complete" Giangio whispered as you stared at him, "again with the cryptic nonsense...just what are we waiting for? Can't you tell me?" you asked softly as the greenette shook his head with a frown, "not yet.." he took off his hat and placed it on the table in front of you before laying his head on your shoulder making you turn your head to the side in embarssment, "don't get used to this..." you mumbled as you heard a low chuckle.
The taller man sat up before leaning into you, "but what I can tell you is that I missed you..." you rolled your eyes, "sorry, did I just hear the Paracelsus say HE missed ME?" you snorted. "isn't it bit inappropriate to flirt with the leader of the alchemists son?", "I've never been a one to follow the rules 100%...and you haven't been the one to follow your fathers rules either..." he softly chuckled as his gaze went to your lips before going back to your eyes, "god, we really are just two lonely men..." you mumbled. You were quiet for a second before sighing, "but fuck it, why not?" you shrugged as you grabbed the collar of the greenette and smashed your lips against him earning a surprise 'mph!' before feeling him deepen the kiss, your face heated up upon feeling his tongue pressed against your lips asking permission which you granted him.
Your hands hugged his slim waist as you both deepened the kiss before pulling away a little, a bit breatheless as you narrowed your eyes at him, "I think we'll stop there..." "what a shame, I was enjoying that" Giangio replied as leaned in and gave you soft peck, "my fine assistant I suspect our job to be almost done and after that I truly do hope we can continue our little...winding down time". "You sound pretty confident that we'll continue this" you smirked with an eyebrow raised, Giangio had a glint in his eye as he chuckled before placing his hat back on and grabbing his cane before standing up. "I must go see so that puppet, he must have more coins for me by now, stay here and try not to miss me too much!" he sang as he walked out.
Shutting the door behind him, Giangio smirked "You may have developed a whole being Manus... but I can already see your son in exceeding further beyond that...and I don't intend to let this one go." he mumbled to himself before making his way down the desolate alleyway of Krat alone.
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jessicas-pi · 10 months
round 4 of medieval au incorrect quotes cause nobody can stop me that's why
Shoutout to @accidental-spice for giving me some of the quotes!
Ahsoka: I’m a multitasker! Ahsoka: I can disappoint fifteen people at once.
Caleb: My life isn't as glamorous as my alter ego's wanted poster makes it look. 
Adenn: Pros and cons of courting me. Adenn: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Adenn: Cons. Dear manda, where do I begin—
Ahsoka: You know what? Let’s give it a go! What’s the worst that could happen? Korkie: Humiliation, embarrassment, fire, explosions, collisions, tears, nudity, and death.
Caleb: Relax, I'm keeping my vigilante life and my private life totally separate.
Merrin: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
Rex: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. Ahsoka: Mine just says "Ahsoka no." Rex: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Kelleran Beq: Your daughter started a food fight in the creche today. Alrich: That’s not good. Ursa: Well, did she win?
Omega: Oh, dear... Merrin: This is horrible. Omega: I know, someone was just murdered and— Merrin: No, it’s not that, it’s Cal. Merrin: I can’t get him out of my head, and every time I look at them I have these pains in my chest, and I just know it’s his fault, that jerk!
Ahsoka: Is this a good idea? Ahsoka: Probably not. Ahsoka: Do I care? Ahsoka: No.
Cal: What’s up with Caleb? He’s been laying on the floor for like….an hour now? Zeb: He's just a little overwhelmed. Cal: Why? Zeb: Hera smiled at him.
Ai-kel: I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart. 
Merrin: Is something burning? Cal, sighing happily: Just my love for you. Omega, swatting at flames: OUR RESEARCH NOTES ARE ON FIRE—
Ahsoka: Oh, man. I hope that looked cool, because it REALLY hurt.
Barriss: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously
Caleb: What did you get on your shirt? Ezra (age 5): Rust. Caleb: From what? Ezra: Weapons. Hera: Time for more adult supervision.
Ahsoka: Rex always shoots down my ideas and I’m sick of it. Two sentences in and he’s always shouting “are you serious? that’s illegal!” and “you can’t do that!”. Like, c'mon, let me talk!
Cal, furious: What do you mean we have lessons tonight? I have books to read.
Ahsoka: So, he kissed me. Makheta: And you kissed him back?! Ahsoka: No, I kissed his mouth!
Caleb: I love you. Hera: How many people have you said that to? Caleb: Everyone. Hera: What? Caleb: I told everyone that I love you.
Cal: I cannot believe I let you talk me into this. Omega: I literally said “I have an idea,” and you just went along with it without question.
Ahsoka: I love hearing Rex shouting at someone else. It makes such a nice change.
Hera: What did you get Ezra for his sixth birthday? Sabine: I got him a kitten. Hera: Really? Me too! Caleb: ...I also got him a cat. Zeb: Looks like we had the same idea. Caleb: Luke, Leia, please tell me you didn't get Ezra a cat as well. Leia: Luke Luke's pocket: *tiny meow* *later* Ezra, in his room surrounded by cats and kittens: This is the best birthday ever!
Skira: Helpful grammar tip: “farther” is for physical distance, “further” is for metaphorical distance, and “father” is for emotional distance!
Ahsoka: Be careful, I thrive on negative attention.
Zeb, to Caleb and Hera: Woah dude, premarital hand holding? That’s just not cool or groovy.
Cal: I'm gonna need a skull but you can't ask why. Merrin: Only if you also don't ask why. Merrin: *pulls four pristine skulls out of her bag* Cal: ... Cal, grabbing a skull: This one will do.
Ai-kel: I'm not funny, I'm just really mean and people think I'm joking.
Ezra, age 12, carrying a box: What would you say if—if I, hypothetically, came home with 7 kittens one day? Hera: … Caleb: … Hera: What’s in the box? Ezra: What woul— Caleb: Son, what’s in the box? Ezra: I think you know.
Carthage: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
*Hera holding baby Jacen* Zeb: Wow, I can’t believe one of us actually has one of these. Ezra: I know! I still am one of these!
Ketsu: Sabine, where were you last night? Sabine, climbing in through the window: I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't want to.
Carthage: May I ask you a personal question? Hadrian: If you have to. Carthage: Have you ever been tested for idiocy?
Ezra: This is horrible! This is the most humiliating thing to ever happen to me! Sabine: Oh-? Even more humiliating than the time when Chopper stole your— Ezra: We are not doing this!
Carthage: We’re having a moment, aren’t we? Sabine: If by 'a moment' you mean me not wanting to strangle you for the first time since we met, then... Sabine: Still no.
Ezra: I’m gonna die alone. Leia, rolling her eyes: Ezra, you’re not gonna die alone. Ezra: Sabine and I were each other's if-we-don't-find-anyone-else backup plans, okay? But she got betrothed and now I have to get more cats. Luke: Uh-huh. Why is that? Ezra: If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? Ezra: So I figured I’ll be “Crazy Man With The Cats”, you know? Crazy Cat man. Ezra: Then I’ll get even more cats, call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY CAT MAN! Leia: Luke: Leia, to Luke: We have to prevent this at all costs
Sabine: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
Sabine: I’m in love with you. Ezra: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, remember? Sabine: I know. Ezra: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool— 
Carthage: You tricked me! Sabine: I deceived you. ‘Trick’ makes it sound like we have a friendly relationship.
Ezra, hugging the feral wolf in the menagerie: Every zoo is a petting zoo unless you’re a coward. Sabine: I’m worried about you.
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saltygilmores · 11 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls- Season 2, Episode 16, "There's The Rub", aka a Masterpiece of Gilmore-dom, AKA Forrester Can't Bring Me Down, AKA Jess Rory And Paris Eat Together And All Is Right With The World-Part 2
Before we continue I'd like to acknolwedge the sweet and thoughtful people who have been leaving generous compliments about this shitcircus of a thing I'm doing here. Mwah. Who's ready for more TTR? (PS-Don't forget to check out part 1 and all of the previous episodes I've recapped! You can find them in my pinned post. Tryna work on a new master index in the meantime).
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Dean Forrester's reaction to a woman talking. Can I just ask a question? Forrester, why are you even with this girl in the first place? Why did this relationship drag out over the course of five long years? You clearly don't like her. Every word she says seems to bore and annoy you. You don't want to join in any activities with her. She's clearly not gonna have sex with you (yet). You don't respect her or support her in any of her endeavors. Every week you do something to frighten her or make her fear you, and frankly, she's not a big fan of yours either. Truly, what is in it for you? Oh right, it's cause you're using her so you can eventually fuck her Mom. Silly me. Carry on, you sexist worm (no offense to decent worms everywhere).
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R: Do laundry, and watch tv and eat the Indian food that I love but my mom hates. Can ya'll believe this is an actual exchange of words that is happening right now? They're really going back and forth so Rory can gain Dean's approval to do her laundry. Oh hey, my Gilmore Girls Bingo Card is filling up! We have a "Dean, are you mad?" TIMES TWO.
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Idk maybe cause you're a fucking tapeworm? Sorry tapeworms. You're head lice. Your leather coat fucking smells.
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WHAT IS HAPPENING? Dear God, Rorygil. I love you but please grow a spine. In the span of mere minutes we saw her cave under pressure from Paris to the point she agreed to tutor her for an entire week, which was totally unnecessary. Paris was asking for like, one evening. A minute later RoryGil caves under pressure from Dean, and now she's talking like she's going to cater to his every (probably sick and perverse) need like some kind of servant, just because he scowled when she said she wanted to do her laundry. THERAPY NOW, RORYGIL.This people-pleasing is wildly out of control. If therapy is not a viable option, just fucking kick Forrester in the nuts and tell Paris to chill because you'll have plenty of time to play Dysfunctional Marriage when you're older and married to each other someday.
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(TWWGG is alone in her room, repeatedly saying KICK HIM IN THE NUTS out loud) IT'S OKAY NEIGHBORS. I'M JUST YELLING AT DEAN FORRESTER. FICTIONAL CHARACTER FROM EARLY 2000s TV SITCOM. SLIMY WORM. NOTHING TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT. GO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS. Let me translate this DeanSpeak for you. I'm a pro. "I'm a saint": "I'm a saint for dating you even though you won't let me do things like come over while your mom is out of town and feel you up on the couch." "I'm confused": "I'm confused as to why you would ever prefer blissful solitude over giving me an awkward handjob on your Mom's couch." You know, if you weren't enough of a worm as it is, you probably fucking pressure her sexually too. Me singing to Dean Forrester:
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Is a kissing coach a thing? Couldn't someone at the WB Network put aside a couple of bucks to teach Jared Padalecki how to kiss? Barring that, at least a blow up doll or pillow to practice on? The fault CLEARLY does not lie with Alexis Bledel.
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Can you imagine you're AB, you fucking get paid to kiss Milo at work and if that wasn't enough, you're really dating him, so you leave your job where you got paid to kiss him all day and go kiss him some more at home... I think about this A LOT. Cut to Emily and Lorelai at the spa, where hell has apparently frozen over because Lorelai Gilmore has actually shut the hell up. Me trying to make small talk on a first date:
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HA, someone won't shut up and leave you alone and is constantly invading your personal space! How about them apples, Lorelai!
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What is this magical place called a "Quiet Room" and can I shove any gilmore girls character of my choosing in there at any time? L: Mom, you booked us for a couples massage. Do you know what most couples do 5 minutes after this is over? They have sex, together, probably while wearing their robes. Someone on Gilly Girls said S-E-X. I am scandalized! E: You've been pouting, sighing, sulking, mumbling, rolling your eyes the whole time. L: That's just how I detox. LMAO. What a stellar line. This episode is so great. Despite the presence of Forrester the Worm.
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Whoa Nelly! What kind of cosmic alignment was in place that day for Lorelai to actually apologize for something?
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Err, two things... Firstly: Mr. Peanut Pajamas. I always love Rory's pajamas and I wonder where they all came from. Secondly: Is Rory running a laundry service for all 9,000+ citizens of Stars Hollow out of her home? Five days a week she wears a school uniform. Where did all these clothes come from?
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I love it when Paris shows up on Rory's door step, she always looks like an abandoned puppy looking for a home for the night. And she sort of is. P: I tried to stay home and study by myself! But I can't! There is this aching in my heart that I just cannot ignore! It grows louder and louder by the minute! Rory Gilmore, I love you! Will you marry me? Okay, so I made up everything past the first line, but you know she was thinking it.
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Paris guilt trips Rory into letting her stay because Rory feels bad that Paris' parents don't love her. Poor RoryGil. Just let her LIVE. R: Fine I'll study with you for one hour then you have to go home!
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Narrator: Paris Geller would not in fact, be going home, but her NotGoingHomeNess would make for one enchanted evening.
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Literally puppy eyes! This is after Rory said they would start studying after she got changed, and Paris responded "My hour doesn't start until you get back, right?" To be continued.
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eisforeidolon · 7 months
Question: How do you not get caught up in fame and realize that you're real peepers - real people, too?
Jared: I like real peepers even better.
Jensen: We have wives. They remind us - hourly.
Jared: We have wives, when we get home from this weekend and go, like, you'll never believe this, we saw some tattoos from the characters, we heard about [references fans from previous questions]. And they're like, that's cool, uh, the garbage needs to go to the street and my shoes aren't on, so before you unpack - teasing. I think that's a great question. I would honestly say that for Jensen and me? It never really occurred to us. It was kind of a blessing and a curse that the show we worked on together was in Vancouver because it wasn't like we were going to red carpets every night. Or, like, this is the new hot club in Hollywood that you're invited to because you're on a tv show or something. It was sorta like, hey, you're going to work, it's cold and rainy outside, and you're gonna have a great time, and you're gonna go home and go to bed, and go to work again the next day. And so I feel like whatever degree of [finger quotes] fame I have was kind of by accident. Like I think I just kept working and then all of a sudden people were like, a show about some girls [audience cheers] that were [finger quotes] gossiping, yeah that one? Just kidding. But no, that was before - so the first show I did from 2000 to 2005, there was no such thing as like, TiVo or DVR or Netflix. And so no one knew who the hell I was for three or four years. Not that anybody does now, but I was probably - I think I was auditioning for Supernatural when someone was like hey, aren't you that guy on that show? And I was like, yeah. And they go, oh my god, I love Seventh Heaven. I'm like [nods disappointedly]. That's not me, but same channel. So basically for me I just kept working and - I think I'm a twenty four year overnight success. That's kind of the way I like to think of it.
Jensen: Yeah, I don't, it's not, I don't think as glorified as it is - or it's not what I think most people view it to be with Jared and I. We don't rely on what fame we have got over the last twenty plus years. We just kind of live normal lives and occasionally somebody will come up and say hey aren't you that guy? Or it might be easier to get a dinner reservation. So there's a few things that you do notice [laughs to himself]. My wife, we rarely make reservations, we just kind of drop in because we don't know what the plan is, usually. It's like hey I don't wanna cook tonight. Alright, let's go out. Where are we going? Let's go here. Great. Get the kids in the car, we drive over there, and we hope they have an open spot. But Danneel's favorite line is, alright, go out and use your face.
Jared: [puts hand on Jensen's arm] So what I do, is I call - Gen and I, we'll make reservations and I'll call in and be like, hey, uh, Jensen Ackles, table for four. [Jensen laughs]
Jensen: Then won't show? [Jared slaps his arm] Dammit!
Jared: When I get to the front of the maître d' stand, I'm like, hey, uh, Ackles for four? And they're like, oh yeah, where is he? I'm like he just called, the kids are sick, he had to cancel - but Gen and I are here! And they're like [slouches exaggeratedly] okay. And you see all the chefs and bartenders like go back to their station like oh this isn't - okay shit - shitake mushrooms.
Jensen: There is a little story that we haven't talked about in quite a while where my face - or whatever little fame I had - somehow didn't work. So much so that it was, I found it to be a bit of a conspiracy. There was a restaurant in Vancouver called Blue Water.
Jared: [cracks up hard] That's right! Oh my god.
Jensen: I - They just wouldn't let me in. Like, I'm not kidding, this happened not once, not twice, but maybe four to five times. Where I would walk - like Jared's like hey, let's meet down at Blue Water and I'm like great. Great restaurant, by the way.
Jared: It was like halfway between where he lived and where I was.
Jensen: So I would get there maybe a few minutes before him, just because I left early and then I walk in like hey you have room for two? Place is empty. And she goes, no. And I'm like n- [mimes looking around at empty restaurant] No? You don't have? No. Okay. [Jared laughs and stomps in amusement] And I walk out and right about that time Jared starts walking up -
Jared: He would text me like, hey dude, apparently they're short staffed or something, 'cause the place is empty but they said -
Jensen: The place is empty but they were saying no. And Jared's like, pbbt, whatever, so he walks up -
Jared: Well, like, I'm almost there, let's just have a drink at the bar and -
Jensen: So Jared walks in and I'm like, I kind of lag back for something, maybe texting somebody. And he walks in and he's in there for, like, half a second and turns back around and is like, they got room, they're gonna seat us.
Jared: [laughs] Yeah, I'd walk in and be like, hey -
Jensen: That happened four times!
Jared: Four times.
Jensen: And I'm like, WHAT IS THE DEAL?! Um, so.
Jared: That's the coolest I ever felt in my life. [laughs]
Jensen: So angry. Um, but anyway, to kinda go back to your question, it doesn't - we don't live a life that I think most people would think that maybe famous people live. We're not like that -
Jared: I think a lot of famous people do. I think the more I think about it, he and I have talked about it, to be brutally honest. I think our [finger quotes] fame, whatever that means? Happened as a biproduct of he and I love to tell stories. We love to hear stories, we love to be part of families, so not to be like braggadocios, but in the fifteen years that we worked on a show together? He had many offers to go and do this action movie, that action movie, this tv show that paid more than - yadda yadda yadda. But we loved these guys named Sam and Dean and Cas and etc. etc. [audience cheers] So yeah, yeah, so I think our fame, in my opinion, and you can correct me, but I think our degree of fame happened as a biproduct of us doing what we love doing. It wasn't to get famous. There were several things that he could have done to get more famous, or I could have done to get more famous, but it was more about being - we've said this many times, I'd rather have y'all in a room and them in a room [indicates band] him in a room [indicates Jensen] and chat about whatever than twenty Oscars, y'know? Like, that's more important to me in the long term. Thank you, very much.
Jensen: What about twenty one Oscars?
Jared: No.
Jensen: You would take twenty one Oscars?
Jared: Fuck you, fuck all them, I'll take twenty one.
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egg-emperor · 10 months
Thoughts on the idea of eggman doing horribly vile shit but still wanting to be seen as in the right for it, like “oh I’m not making them slaves it’s protective robot skin haha”
Feel like it could be an interesting twist on his char, kinda got some of those vibes from the park in colors, the full corporate speak and like, trying to make this obviously evil plan look not evil, feel like there’s a lot to be done there
I love love looove it, that's what I was expressing a desire to share more concepts of just the other day. I have some I've been meaning to share but my favorite part is when he finally drops the act and shows his true colors and mocks them for it like a cold hearted bastard so I focus on that most lol. I do wanna delve into the build up more though.
He has indeed done it in various official media already like X, Archie, games, and promo material and I absolutely loved every instance of it. But since I'm a game canon guy primarily I'm just gonna focus on that for this reply, though in the future I'm probably going to share what I liked about the cases even outside them because I appreciate it in many places.
I love how one of the things about how he likes to take things that are generally considered childish like toys, theme parks, carnivals, circuses, etc and has his own twisted fucked up spin on it is how it can also be used to lure people in with the bright colors and usually perceived innocence of it. The times Eggman has played into it is interesting.
With Eggmanland in Unleashed, he was upfront about the hell on earth that it was to Sonic because he knew he wouldn't have believed his trickery, plus he takes pride in the fact. He enjoyed teasing him with the "If you have any complaints, come deliver them to me in person. If you can, that is!" to emphasize that it was the theme park of horror >:)
Plus the atmosphere was a lot darker so despite the neon colors, it probably wouldn't have fooled anyone Sonic or not. But he still had the Eggshop be a thing where horrible sawdust and motor oil tasting food was sold to make it horrible and unpleasant for his sadistic amusement, so maybe he would've hoped to trick people regardless?
We don't get to know for sure there but in Colors he wants lots of visitors and he really had to do some immense trickery make sure it seemed innocent and appealing enough to get them to use a space elevator to travel all the way up there lol. It's a lot more colorful and fun looking than the more dark and polluted looking Eggmanland from afar.
So for the Interstellar Park, the trickery is both in its design and his words with how he pretended it was a happy wonderland of fun with nothing to do with any evil plot or premeditated misdeeds. What I love is how once you've gotten all the way up there in space, you're fucked. You'll get messed up and killed one way or another.
In his PAs when you're actually inside, the act is dropped quick. He lies about some of it being safer than it looks but for the most part? All his lines are brutally honest about how messed up it really is, with the Wisps he harmed, blatantly acknowledges the dangers of the rides and planets, and how they can cause death, horror, and fear.
I love how sadistic he is in the PAs and his morbid humor that reveals how truly sick he is and that this park was created for anything but pure innocent reasons. He intended for the rides to be deadly and food to be bad and finds it very amusing. He probably loves the idea of these tricked people coming in and quickly becoming horrified and afraid.
But it still looks so colorful and fun from afar! It's so beautiful and with the joys he promises, how could you not want to go? So while it works to lure people in, it can also give its true horrors even more impact when visitors expect something nice but the dangerous disturbing and terrifying reality is revealed and I'm sure that's very appealing to him too.
So you get this funny combination of him both trying to deceive you but then quickly becoming brutally honest as soon as you're successfully trapped in it. This is exactly what happened in the SPINGEAR ride too, where he was immediately like "haha sike you're actually in for a terrible time!" as soon as the ride began and was loving it.
But I think the idea of him playing the long game with his trickery and deceit is interesting too. We've mostly only seen cases where it's a lot quicker like that but he's set up well for him to do an elaborate scheme of dragging it out for longer and the impact would hit extra hard after all that time too, which he'd definitely enjoy and mock after.
The Eggman Empire propaganda Sonic Forces promo video was cool because Eggman was trying to convince people the world being a dark polluted hellscape is actually a good thing, which reflects his twisted idea of a "perfect" world shaped his image, where he has the power of the control and the sadistic enjoyment of the harsh conditions.
Then because people obviously need the clean air to live, he tries to trick them into thinking robotomy is a wonderful helpful treatment for it. That never needing to eat, sleep, or think again is a good thing and that they'll love it. When really it's a trick to get them to submit to him, have control over them and strip them of their freedom and free will.
But there's an eerie glimpse at how he really knows none of this right with how he says love is mandatory. Once he's tricked them and they've submitted and given up their freedom and will, he can use them as he pleases and keep them controlled and brainwashed but if they do realize how fucked up it is there's no going back, they're trapped in it now.
I'd really like to see more of that, where he tries to tell people the vile things he does are genuinely great, for their own good, are nice and selfless of him and genuinely beneficial for them. Where he manages to manipulate so well to the point of mass delusion and brainwashing with people that follow him believing he's doing something the right thing.
It's good to be a mindless slave under his control, never having to think for yourself again! Trapping living beings in robots improves upon nature and is better and more beneficial than natural! The deadly attractions are what real fun and excitement really is! The brutal sadistic punishments if they fall out of line is for their own good! There's no meaning to life if it isn't to serve him and the world is better under his control!
And the idea of people actually believing that in the Sonic universe and following him is interesting to think about. Even though it bothers me when people do it in real life and believe his lies and think he actually has good intentions but I mean hey, they give me an example of what it'd be like at least. Eggman really is a good actor, props to him! XD
I have a few ideas I'd like to share in the future. Showing love, care, and false acts of kindness to trick and manipulate, or not even hiding his vile actions but managing to convince people it's good or that the end justifies the means, and have them falling for it and he sees how far he can take it makes it especially impactful and devastating.
Delusion, deceit, manipulation, and gaslighting in general is very fascinating to me after years of experiencing it and I've always wanted to understand it from the perpetrator's perspective and portray it as dark and disturbing as it really is. It's always been interesting for me to explore in Eggman too, from when he's manipulating specific characters to the masses. I've actually been researching big cases of mass delusion in history again lately so this is timely.
Pulling people into the empire with the lie that it's something great that will benefit everyone but their leader has much darker intentions and the true final outcome will benefit only himself, but he strings them along on a lie, brainwashes them, and has control though mind games and trickery is fascinating and thrillingly devious.
Then slowly or abruptly realizing it's a lie and the impact when it all comes crashing down and Eggman spits and laughs in their face and mocks them for having a heart and wanting to see good in him/believing and having hope in good coming from it. It emphasizes his coldness and cruelty and how much of a threat he is even to the mind.
And if that happens he'll try to shut down their doubts and lie more to keep them deluded because he knows just what they want to hear and promises them they'll get it. So if they don't believe it's right, the ends justify the means. And if that doesn't work, he'll threaten them to keep them in so they can't leave, or have them dealt with.
But he's so good at taking advantage of people's vulnerabilities, saying what they want to hear, and embedding lies so deeply into their minds to warp reality into what he wants them to believe that sometimes they may be too far gone and never see the truth. And he takes it to the darkest places, using them all up and harming them and they die in vain.
Every outcome has the potential to be very fascinating, entertaining, and impactful!
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munchmemes · 9 months
mckenna grace lyrics, all songs edition
❛  what did you do with the photo strip you used to use as a book mark? did you throw it away? or do you keep it safe in a drawer with your socks and my broken heart?  ❜
❛ i tried to read the signs but you left me in the dark. ❜
❛ i told you i'm not a casual kisser. ❜
❛ i guess you're a casual quitter. ❜
❛ you said you would love me until the bitter end and you didn't lie. the end was bitter. ❜
❛ i fell for your lines, i fell for your charm. i hate to think that you were just playing a part. ❜
❛ even at my best, i'm a constant mess. ❜
❛ i can't sleep at night, nothing i do is ever right. ❜
❛ the voices in my brain on a megaphone saying 'you're so mediocre, you're a loser, you're a joker. who are you trying to kid?' ❜
❛ i'm so mediocre, i don't measure up to no one. ❜
❛ i'm not perfect, i'm a screw up. who could love me like this? ❜
❛ so much potential. was it accidental? god hid it somewhere in me that i can't reach. ❜
❛ i'm such an ugly crier. ❜
❛ wait, where are we? ❜
❛ you always order like a ten year old the sweetest thing they sell. ❜
❛ you're such a liar. ❜
❛ liar, liar. words on fire. ❜
❛ you say you miss me but i don't believe it. if you did, you'd be reaching out. ❜
❛ i don't want to hear it, i don't want to see it. ❜
❛ i don't want to hear you, i don't want to see you. only thing you're good for is disappearing on me. ❜
❛ chew me up then spit me out then leave me lying on the ground. that's a low blow, even for you. ❜
❛ you're in my head and you're in my blood and when i'm dead, you'll probably dig my grave up too. ❜
❛ my stupid heart was in your hands. ❜
❛ i should have known better, that you're a backstabber but how could i have known? ❜
❛ your words are made of daggers and cherry lip smacker. ❜
❛ i'm just gonna hold my breath 'cause all you do is make me sick. you even ruined air for me. ❜
❛ i swear you exist just to spite me. ❜
❛ i'm your cigarette so gaslight me. ❜
❛ are you happy now that i'm so miserable? ❜
❛ sadly, your love was conditional. you liked to pick me apart like daisies. ❜
❛ [you/they] left me crying in the bathroom on my birthday. ❜
❛ i wish i never even met [you/them] in the first place. ❜
❛ it's almost impressive how much you still stress me out. ❜
❛ it's honestly depressing how much [you/they] can bring me down. ❜
❛ you almost had me with your shallow flattery. ❜
❛ do i look fondly through our texts? do i still have your picture on my desk? would i do it all again? no, i hate you and i never want to see your face again. ❜
❛ i deleted all our photos and i love it cause it's like we never met. ❜
❛ i don't know why i try to be honest in a room full of sharks and piranhas. ❜
❛ all these people i don't know and i don't even smoke. i should just go. ❜
❛ how can i be myself? i don't know who i am. ❜
❛ i just can't do parties. ❜
❛ i'm crying in a taxi. ❜
❛ my phone is dying. i just need someone to take me home. ❜
❛ i just get this sick in my stomach. i need to go outside 'cause i'm nauseous. ❜
❛ are you human or just programmed to deceive? ❜
❛ i'm trying to see if you ever did care about me. ❜
❛ i say i don't but i really do miss what we almost could've had. ❜
❛ i was lost in the black hole that's your heart. ❜
❛ am i even human or just programmed to believe? ❜
❛ that sweet little cupid doesn't have it out for me. ❜
❛ part of my fucked up recovery is the monster that i paint you out to be. ❜
❛ [they/you] say that i'm too young to think about love but without it i feel incomplete. ❜
❛ i'm all out of tears. ❜
❛ my childhood's wasted and i'm scared to fix it. ❜
❛ i'm halfway to halfway to a mid life crisis. ❜
❛ my mind makes up stories but they sure don't help 'cause the me in my head is just worse than myself. ❜
❛ they say beauty's just subjective. guess i never got the message. call it instagram depression. ❜
❛ self dysmorphia, a constant reminder i was made wrong. ❜
❛ i got a full me-phobia. this party'd be better with me gone. ❜
❛ i'm just typecast as the friend. i'll make you laught but not the prettiest. ❜
❛ i keep trying to work on me but you can't photograph a personality. ❜
❛ but nothing's ever what it seems. ❜
❛ you're so full of shit. everything you do, i'm so over it. ❜
❛ i don't ever think about you but the worst thing that you ever did. you ruined [everything] and i can't forgive you for that. ❜
❛ break my heart. tear me apart. run me over with your car. but don't fuck with my favorite songs. ❜
❛ i feel like i talk too much or i don't say enough. ❜
❛ sometimes i feel like i'm crazy, like all my friends hate me. ❜
❛ my anxiety tells me you'd be better without me. ❜
❛ i'd give it to you hundred times over til you screwed me over just like the last time. ❜
❛ after what happened, thinking i really loved you. maybe i still do but i think you're honestly something i needed to lose. ❜
❛ i know it's not healthy, it doesn't help me but i do it anyways. ❜
❛ when somebody says your name, i'm almost glad i miss it 'cause it's better than not feeling a single thing. ❜
❛ a ghost never leaves a haunted house. ❜
❛ even after all the times you weren't there when i needed you to be, i'm hoping you're right where you wanna be. even if it's not with me. ❜
❛ the silence used to be so loud. ❜
❛ keep us good in all our memories so i don't have to throw them out. ❜
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 10 months
(feel free to ignore this one b/c there's too much asexual complaining/hopelessness in this lol)
Sometimes I'm like "I'm not a real asexual" because I worked really hard not to be one.
I don't believe there's a way I can have a happy life if I don't fix myself. I tried to act like it doesn't bother me but it does. I was so sick of feeling like something was dead inside of me that was alive and well in everyone else. It was destroying me, depressing me, it was too much.
Idk how to say this but at some point I had to fix myself and grow up. I'm in my 30s and I have to compromise or become a different person or else I'm gonna get left. No kids, no ring, no nothing. And that's not the life I want. That's not the life I can afford! My friends are all getting married off and sharing expenses. Soon, I'll have no more roommates. Perpetual rejection can lead me right in to homelessness.
I worked HARD to train myself out of asexuality after 14 years of regular arousal training and making myself be in normal relationships. And when I finally feel like I'm a normal person and I can leave this behind me, someone will complain about not having sex in a few weeks and I will blue screen like a broken computer. Like what do you mean that upsets you.
My desires will never be that strong no matter what I do. I could never get MAD or pent up because I haven't..... used someone else's body for pleasure. No matter what I do, I don't feel like I need it need it need it. I'm just not built to slobber all over another person and have that be most of my personality.
The asexual in me is very okay that I don't live like that, that I don't actually have those strong desires. But real life situations I get into every day remind me I must be broken. No one I've met in the wild relates to what I feel inside. No one. Just people online that's it. And that hurts so much more soooooooo so much more. I feel like the biggest freak on the planet. I hate this shit.
And, I feel like I have to sign up for another ten years of arousal training trying to fix myself even more until I get it because I can't support myself on a single income household in ten years I just can't. I need to be partnered with someone who isn't going to cheat on me and leave me in the dust because of who I am. And I can't handle false positivity with that because it has happened to me 8 times. One of my exes suggested surgery or drugs or conversion therapy and I hate that I'm considering fixing myself medically but I feel too burnt out and hopeless to not try it.
I'm so sorry you're going through such a difficult time, Anon. And it can legitimately be very hard to be asexual. One big thing though I'd like to point out is you keep talking about how you're wrong, but all the problems you point out are societal. Society makes it hard to thrive when you're single (both financially and socially), society makes it hard to have less conventional looking relationships. You are not the problem, Anon, the way our current society is built is the problem. It's external, not internal. And it can feel like you need to fix yourself, but you'll always be reaching because at the end of the way society will always still be the part that's actually broken.
I know you've probably heard people speak out against conversion therapy (and it is still conversion therapy when you're doing it to yourself), but one of the big issues with it that doesn't get mentioned as much is that it doesn't work. You just can't change who you are on such a fundamental level. And people go through these therapies and usually all they accomplish is becoming more traumatized and more confused. I know this is difficult, Anon, but this isn't a viable long term solution.
What I would really encourage you to do is find someone to talk to, it sounds like money is tight, but you can take advantage of free mental health services like 7 Cups, The Trevor Project, which are queer and asexual friendly. And they will help you navigate not just how to find self-acceptance, but financial planning and life planning. Even if you don't feel ready for this yet, please do keep this resource in mind.
There are other aces out there, it seems like there's not because once again we live in a society that keeps our orientation from us, and therefore keeps us from each other. I live in a city of 50k people, that means, even if we go by the most conservative estimates, there's at least 500 other aces in my city alone. Our orientation is kept from us, and a lot of aces don't even know there's a word for their experiences and a community. And this may sound like more hopelessness, but the other side of this is that asexuality is becoming more well known all the time, more local communities are starting to appear. Sometimes people can find other aces through local lgbtq+ chapters or Pride events. Sometimes there's an in-person asexual meetup group near you. Some major dating apps now let you put your orientation as asexual and filter for other aces. Even outside of dating, connecting to the asexual community can be really healing.
Sometimes it can seem like you're the only one, and because of how ingrained it is in society dating and sex go together, allosexual people who we date can sometimes act in a way that makes us feel like what we want isn't possible. If this happens multiple times in a row, our brains are pattern based, you hit this wall enough time, your brain says 'there is no going through this wall', and it will feel true whether it is or not.
Another thing you should consider looking into is what government programs exist in your city/state/province/territory/country. A lot of time there's financial resources out there that aren't very well advertised, especially if you're in a lower income. And often they depend on people seeking them out themselves. It won't hurt to do a few google searches or check what local organizations exist.
I know this is probably a lot, and I things probably feel very bleak for you right now, Anon. Unfortunately you can't flip a switch and suddenly accept yourself, you can't just fix society and wealth inequality. My advice would be though to try and take things one step at a time. And don't be afraid to reach out. And feel free to send as many asks here as you like too.
Take care, Anon!
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