#you're doing something wrong with your life
candy69gurl ยท 1 day
๐‡๐˜๐๐‘๐ˆ๐ƒ ๐‰๐‰๐Š ๐•๐„๐‘๐’๐„- HOW YOU MET THEM
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WARNING: mentions of violence (Toji and Sukuna), flulff SYNOPSIS: Introductory post of my HYBRID JJK VERSE NOTE: Upcoming- Mating season (smut)
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แฏ“โ˜… ๐‚๐‡๐Ž๐’๐Ž ๐Š๐€๐Œ๐Ž- BAT HYBRID
You jolt up from bed, heart racing, as the sound pierces the silence of the night. Throwing off the covers, you leap out of bed, curiosity mingled with concern driving you to investigate. Creeping to the window, you cautiously peek outside, squinting into the darkness.
There, sprawled on the ground below, lies a figure, human in form but distinctly different. Your breath catches in your throat as you discern the shape of black wings and pointed ears against the dim moonlight. With a rush of adrenaline, you dash downstairs, your mind racing with questions and apprehension.
Approaching the fallen being, you notice the unmistakable mark of fear etched on his face, accentuated by the ominous black mark on his nose. "Hey?" you call out tentatively, your voice barely above a whisper.
Startled, the creature turns to face you, his eyes wide with a mixture of fright and pain. His deep, resonant voice trembles as he speaks, "Pleaseโ€ฆ help me. My wingsโ€ฆ I think they're broken."
Your initial shock gives way to empathy as you realize the gravity of his plight. "Are youโ€ฆ a vampire?" you inquire, your voice wavering with uncertainty.
He shakes his head slowly, strands of black hair falling across his pale, gaunt face. "No," he replies, his voice heavy with sorrow. "I am half-human, half-bat."
With a surge of determination, you extend a helping hand, offering to assist him to his feet. As he rises, you catch a clearer glimpse of his features - his ebony hair tied back in two distinctive edges, his pallid complexion, and the weary, haunted look in his baggy eyes.
Without hesitation, you guide him back inside your home, the weight of his brokenness heavy on your shoulders. As you lead him inside, you vow to help this mysterious being, to mend his shattered wings and perhaps, in doing so, to heal the wounds of hisย troubledย soul.
You carefully bandage his broken wings, but upon closer inspection, you realize the damage is more severe than initially thought. With a heavy heart, you express your concern, "They don't look too goodโ€ฆ I suppose you can't fly for a while."
He meets your gaze with pleading eyes, a silent plea for compassion. "Can I stay with you until then?" he asks, his voice tinged with vulnerability.
You pause, contemplating the implications of inviting this enigmatic being into your life. After a moment of reflection, you reply, "Fineโ€ฆ you can stay. It will take time for you to adjust with me."
A mixture of relief and gratitude wash over him as he pulls you into a heartfelt embrace, craving the warmth of connection. You can't help but smile at his earnestness, understanding the yearning for companionship hidden beneath his otherworldly exterior.
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แฏ“โ˜… ๐†๐Ž๐‰๐Ž ๐’๐€๐“๐Ž๐‘๐” & ๐†๐„๐“๐Ž ๐’๐”๐†๐”๐‘๐”- CAT HYBRIDS
You wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of chattering coming from your kitchen. Groggy and confused, you sit up in bed.
Something is definitely wrong.
You wobble on unsteady legs as you make your way to the kitchen to find out whatโ€™s causing the noise.
The kitchen light is off, but you can hear some rustling sounds. You flip on the light switch, and the noise stops. As your eyes adjust to the brightness, you see themโ€”two large cat-human hybrids, one white and one black, wrestling on the floor.
Their eyes immediately meet yours. Milk is spilled all over the floor, adding to the chaos.
Their gazes lock onto yours as spilled milk creates chaos on the floor.
You're stunned, unable to move. The black one gestures at the white one and accuses, "It's all his fault," his voice smooth as velvet. He leans towards the white one, nudging him gently with his muzzle, provoking a growl from the white hybrid. In the dimly lit room, his eyes shine brightly, though slightly smaller than the white one, he carries a similar aura of power. His tail wags eagerly, tapping the floor with excitement.
The white one pushes his muzzle away with a paw, his white-pinkish ears constantly twitching; the action is gentle, the two clearly having a good relationship despite the light teasing, "No, this is Suguru's fault."
Confused and overwhelmed, you blurt out, "Get out of my house!"
They both give you pleading looks. The black one speaks again, "W-We just wanted some milk... We were hungry, and... your windows were unlocked... Please, can we stay here for a few days? We have nowhere else to go."
Exasperated, you sigh. "Fine, but only one of you can stay. I can't take care of both."
They cling to each other, pleading desperately. "Please, we can't be apart."
Rubbing your forehead, you relent. "Okay, but no causing trouble. Both of you can stay."
Instantly, they pounce on you, showering you with joyful licks as they express their gratitude.
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แฏ“โ˜… ๐‘๐˜๐Ž๐Œ๐„๐ ๐’๐”๐Š๐”๐๐€- TIGER HYBRID
"Come out of that cave for god's sake," you call out, waiting for the creature to emerge so you can snap a good picture. You've always enjoyed photographing animals, so when you heard about the new tiger-human hybrid at the zoo, you were eager to capture it on film. Choosing the evening when the area is deserted, you head to the enclosure, hoping for uninterrupted photography.
"Oh... Oh, I see it," you mutter, attempting to zoom in with your camera. A glimpse of pink hair catches your eye, but it's not clear. Then disaster strikes. Your camera slips from your grasp, and in your attempt to catch it, you lose your balance and tumble into the cage.
As you hit the ground, the tigers in the cage swarm around you. Panic sets in as you realize there's no one nearby to help. You curse your own recklessness as the tigers prepare to attack. But then, the pink-haired hybrid steps forward, his voice deep and commanding.
"Brave of you to jump into the tiger's cage," he remarks. The other tigers seem to cower in his presence. He kneels down to your level, his tongue darting out, saliva glistening.
"Finally, a good meal," he says, a predatory gleam in his eyes.
Desperately, you plead for mercy. "P-please, let me go. I'll do anything."
He chuckles darkly which sounds more like a roar. "Anything, you say? Hmm... Then get me out of this cage," he demands. Fear grips you as you realize the gravity of the situation.
"H-how... I don't..." you stammer, but he interrupts, seizing your throat with a deadly grip.
"Then be my meal," he growls.
Frantically, you agree to help. "F-fine... I'll help," you manage to choke out, hoping it's enough to spare your life.
With the hybrid's grip loosening slightly, you scramble to gather your wits. Your mind races as you try to devise a plan to fulfill his demand.
How can I possibly get him out of this cage? you think, panic rising like bile in your throat.
Suddenly, a thought strikes you. The gate! If I can somehow open the gate... With newfound determination, you manage to croak out, "I need... the keys... to open the gate."
The hybrid regards you with a mixture of amusement and suspicion. "Keys, huh? You expect me to believe that?" he snarls.
You nod frantically, your heart pounding in your chest. "Yes, yes! The keys! They're... they're with the zookeeper. I am thinking of a way. Just let go off me!"
The hybrid eyes you warily, then releases his grip on your throat. "Fine," he grumbles. "But make one wrong move, and I'll finish what I started."
As you struggle to come up with a plan to escape the dangerous situation you've found yourself in, you spot movement outside the enclosure. With a surge of hope, you see a zoo staff member approaching. Frantically, you wave and call out for help.
The staff member's eyes widen in shock as they spot you inside the cage. "What on earth are you doing in there?" they exclaim, hurrying over to the gate.
You quickly concoct a story, trying to keep your voice steady despite the fear coursing through you. "Someone locked me in here! I'm the vet, and I was checking on the hybrid when the gate closed behind me. Please, hurry and bring the keys!"
The staff member looks hesitant, clearly taken aback by the situation, but they nod and rush off to retrieve the keys.
Meanwhile, the hybrid eyes you with suspicion, his predatory instincts on high alert.
"Just make him faint when he brings the key. Don't hurt him, okay?" you plead, hoping to appeal to his sense of self-preservation.
"Why should I listen to you?" he roars, his patience wearing thin.
"Because I'm helping you escape," you reason, desperation creeping into your voice.
Grumbling, the hybrid reluctantly agrees, his gaze never leaving the approaching staff member.
When the staff member returns with the keys, the hybrid pounces without hesitation, pinning the unsuspecting individual to the ground. A deafening roar echoes through the enclosure, and the staff member faints from sheer terror.
Quickly, you snatch the keys from the fallen staff member's hand and unlock the gate. The hybrid bounds out of the cage, his powerful form moving with grace and speed.
As you both make your escape, the other tigers seem almost relieved to see you go, as if they're eager for the chaos to end.
Once you're safely outside the enclosure, you lock the gate behind you and return the keys to the unconscious staff member's hand. Then, under the cover of darkness, you and the hybrid make your way out of the zoo.
But just when you think you're in the clear, the hybrid pounces on you once again, a hungry gleam in his eyes. "Time for my dinner, don't you think?" he growls.
"W-wait! You told me you wouldn't hurt me! I helped you escape!" you cry out, tears welling in your eyes.
He licks your cheek with a smirk. "Well, when Sukuna is hungry, he eats anything that's in front of him."
You try to wriggle free from his grasp, but his paw-like hand holds you firmly in place. "Please... I have food at home. Don't eat me! I'm not tasty!" you plead desperately.
"Do you have meat at your home?" he asks, his tone surprisingly calm.
You nod frantically, hoping beyond hope that he'll spare you.
"Fine. I'll follow you to your home. But if you're lying, I'll eat you right there," he warns, his gaze unwavering.
With a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, you lead him to your home, each step heavier than the last. When you arrive, you quickly retrieve some meat from your fridge and offer it to him.
He seems content for the moment, but then he declares, "Very well. This is my new home."
You try to protest, but he cuts you off with a dismissive snort. "As long as you don't tell anybody I'm here, everything will be fine. You know what will happen if you do."
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แฏ“โ˜… ๐“๐Ž๐‰๐ˆ ๐…๐”๐’๐‡๐ˆ๐†๐”๐‘๐Ž- BLACK PANTHER HYBRID
Sweat drips down your forehead as you run through the dense woods, your heart pounding in your chest. You hear the loud growls and snarls of the tiger getting closer and closer. The adrenaline rushes through your veins as you trip over a fallen log. You hit the ground hard, the wind knocked out of you. You look up to see the tiger bearing down on you, its yellow eyes full of hunger.
As your fear intensifies, you can't help but think how you ended up in this situation. Why did you decide to take the shortcut through the woods instead of sticking to the paved streets? Now you're about to become a meal for a wild beast. Your mind races through all the things you could've done differently, the choices that led you here. If only you had taken a different route, your life might be different now.
Your eyes squeeze shut, preparing yourself to face your fate but soon enough an unexpected event unfolds. A massive, black form leaps onto the tiger, sending it tumbling away. The two animals engage in a furious battle, the sound of snapping teeth and growls deafening.
Your body aches and your feet throb, the injury bleeding profusely. The adrenaline is quickly waning, and you can feel your consciousness beginning to slip away. You try to run, but your body won't cooperate. The throbbing in your head intensifies, and the world starts to fade to black.
As your eyelids fall shut, you're left with the knowledge that your life hangs in the balance, an unwitting pawn in this primal struggle. The two animals continue their violent dance, oblivious to the fact that the prize they both seek is barely clinging to life mere feet away. Your breaths come in shallow, ragged gasps as blackness engulfs you, consuming your senses, and you slip into the abyss of unconsciousness.
You stir and slowly awaken in a pitch-black space. Your injured foot tingling, and you realize that a warm, rough tongue is lapping at your wound. With your heart pounding and your eyes adapting to the low light, you leap up in surprise to see a big, hybrid figure standing in front of you. Part panther, part man, his muscular form is a testament to its feline heritage. His deep green eyes pierce into you, holding an air of mystery. A scar etches a jagged line along the right side of his mouth, giving his face a dangerous edge.
Despite his menacing demeanour, there is tenderness in the way he looks at you. With a deep, velvety voice, he replies, "I don't eat humans, so don't be afraid."
Your voice trembles as you ask, "W-why did you save me?"
He responds with a casual air, "Ah, that tiger was a menace, always trying to feed on humans. Thought I'd teach him a good lesson." A flick of his panther-like tongue gently traces your cheek, as if silently asking for your trust.
Overwhelmed by the turn of events, you manage to stammer, "Can I go home now?" His face softens, and it's clear that he's reluctant to let you go. He's developed a connection with you, but yea he has to let you go so he eventually nods with a heavy heart.
"Fine, you don't look too good to go by your own. Your foot is injured, and other animals can hurt you." He looks at you with concern, his green eyes fixed on your bleedings. "I will help you return home."
With an unspoken bond formed between the two of you, he gently lifts you onto his back, using his strong, muscular arms to support you. The warmth of his body offers comfort, and you can't help but feel safe and protected, even as you're carried through the still-dangerous woods. He moves with the agility of a panther, his steps sure and confident.
His panther-like ears twitch with each new sound, alert to any potential dangers. He dashes through the woods at a breakneck speed, your directions guiding him towards the safety of your home. Your heart races in your chest as you cling tightly to his neck, grateful for his strength and protection.
The journey seems to go by in a blur, the whirlwind of events leaving you shaken. But, with every passing second, the comforting thought of returning to familiar surroundings grows stronger. The sight of your home, drawing nearer, brings a sense of relief, and you can't help but let out a breath you'
His panther-like ears twitch with each new sound, alert to any potential dangers. He dashes through the woods at a breakneck speed, your directions guiding him towards the safety of your home. Your heart races in your chest as you cling tightly to his neck, grateful for his strength and protection.
The journey seems to go by in a blur, the whirlwind of events leaving you shaken. But, with every passing second, the comforting thought of returning to familiar surroundings grows stronger. The sight of your home, drawing nearer, brings a sense of relief, and you can't help but let out a breath you' have been holding. You slide off his back onto the pavement, the familiar crunch of gravel underfoot a stark contrast to the softness of the woods. You turn to face your savior, words of gratitude tumbling from your lips.
The first light of dawn creeps over the horizon, casting a soft, golden glow over the landscape. Your savior begins to turn away, the time for him to leave drawing near. Panic wells up inside you, and without thinking, you reach out and cling to him. The thought of him departing too much to bear. Your voice quivers as you plead, "Please, don't leave. Can you stay with me for a few days?"
He regards you with a mixture of surprise and concern, his green eyes holding a wealth of emotions. "I can't," he responds but your pleading eyes seem to have an effect on him, and after a moment of hesitation, he relents slightly, "All right, just for a day. After that, I'll have to return to my place."
His agreement brings a wave of relief, and you cling to him for a moment longer before stepping back, offering him a grateful smile. "Thank you," you breathe, leading the way inside your home..
Little did he know, the decision he made to spend a day at your house would change everything. As the hours pass and the day turns into night, the sense of comfort and safety he provides begins to weave its way into your heart. You find yourself growing increasingly reluctant to let him go, his presence now a much-needed source of calm amidst the chaos of your life.
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แฏ“โ˜… ๐’๐‡๐ˆ๐” ๐Š๐Ž๐๐†- BEAR HYBRID
As you walk down the street, the cold winds bite at your skin, creating an eerie atmosphere. Suddenly, you notice several men trailing behind you. Panic sets in, and you break into a sprint, ducking into an empty alleyway. But as you reach the end of the alley, you realize there's no way out. They've surrounded you.
Alone and terrified, you feel like your luck has run out. But then, a noise startles everyone. Heavy footsteps echo in the alley, and all heads turn. A massive creature lumbers toward you, sending the men into a frenzy. "A bear!" they cry, scrambling to escape over the alley walls. Left behind, you remember a tale about playing dead to evade a bear's wrath. With trembling body, you collapse to the ground, feigning unconsciousness.
As the creature draws closer, it speaks in a human voice, catching you off guard. "Either you're playing dumb or you think I am," it remarks, its features coming into focus. It's a peculiar sight โ€“ a man with an average build, sporting short black hair styled longer on top, dark eyes, and a thin mustache. But atop his head are unmistakable brown bear-like ears, and his stature is massive, resembling that of a human-bear hybrid.
Confusion swirls in your mind. Could such a creature exist? Before you can ponder further, he chuckles and remarks, "You owe me a jar of honey."
Bewildered, you sit up, daring to ask, "What are you?"
His response is gentle, "A bear hybrid, I suppose."
You speak again, "I.. don't have any honey with me."
"Too bad," he replies with a smirk, "You seem like honey to me." Fear still grips you, but he reassures, "Don't worry, I won't eat you... yet." His mischievous grin sends shivers down your spine. Uncertain of what to make of this bizarre encounter, you cautiously accept his offer to escort you home.
Despite your initial trepidation, you find yourself trusting him, if only because he saved you from a perilous situation. And so, with this creature by your side, you embark on the journey home, your mind buzzing with questions and disbelief.
As you reach your home, his presence is somehow comforting. "My honey... dear?..." he murmurs softly, and you fidget with your fingers, trying to find an answer. "I don't have it. I will have to buy and then..."
Before you can complete your sentence, he leans in, cupping your cheeks, his lips find yours. Your eyes widen in shock at his sudden, electrifying kiss. It sends a shiver down your spine, grounded by his arrogant proclamation.
"Mhm, you are sweeter than honey," he whispers, sending a shiver down your spine. He leans closer, his breath hot against your ear. "Bet I'm gonna stay with you until my one jar is complete."
You stutter, taken aback by the unanticipated intimacy. "U-until what's complete?" You question, still trying to fully process the bizarre encounter.
The bear-man, now seemingly confident in his claim, swaggers into your home as if he owns the place. You follow hesitantly, lingering at the door.
"Until I get one jar of honey," he clarifies, sitting down on the couch, "But I bet it won't take long. Just the sight of you alone is sweet enough." His voice drips with innuendo, and you blush furiously, unsure how to respond.
"Y-you can't just barge into someone's home," you stammer.
"My apologies, but the circumstances call for it," he responds nonchalantly.
You are stunned by his boldness, yet you cannot overlook the fact that he saved you from those men. Maybe it's the thrill of this wild encounter, but you can't deny that he's charming. "I-I.. I don't know," you reply, unsure of whether you're ready to have your world turned upside down by this enigmatic creature.
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แฏ“โ˜… ๐˜๐”๐‰๐ˆ, ๐Œ๐„๐†๐”๐Œ๐ˆ, ๐˜๐”๐“๐€ & ๐“๐Ž๐†๐„- BUNNY HYBRIDS
"This white one, this black one, this brown one, and this grey one... YEYYYY!" you exclaimed in pure delight as you gazed upon the adorable human-bunny hybrids in front of you. Their fluffy ears twitched, their small tails twitched, and their eyes sparkled with curiosity.
"I WANT ALL OF THEM!" you declared, unable to contain your excitement. But your parents, standing nearby, didn't seem as enthusiastic about the idea of bringing home four new additions to the family.
"Y/N, choose only two," they urged, trying to reason with you.
But you weren't having it. You wanted all of those charming creatures, each with their unique color and personality. "No, I WANT ALL OF THEM!" you insisted, jumping up and down and throwing a small tantrum.
"All four will be trouble," one of your parents sighed, exchanging a knowing look with the other. "I don't think your kid is going to listen," the latter chuckled.
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แฏ“โ˜… ๐‡๐ˆ๐‘๐Ž๐Œ๐ˆ, ๐๐€๐๐€๐Œ๐ˆ & ๐Š๐”๐’๐€๐Š๐€๐๐„ - DOG HYBRIDS
Before you were born, three special beings were already part of your family: Hiromi, Nanami, and Kusakabe. They're dogs mixed with humans, each with their own unique qualities. Hiromi is the oldest and wisest, Nanami is gentle but strong, and Kusakabe is full of energy and happiness.
In one word- they're family. They were already part of the family long before you arrived. When you were born, they were already there, part of the household. When they first saw you, they felt a strong connection with you, even though you're a bit different from them.
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แฏ“โ˜… ๐Œ๐€๐‡๐ˆ๐“๐Ž- SNAKE HYBRID (NAG)
"Big News! The nag broke free from the lab! If you spot it, call this number: 69696969696969."
You switch off the TV, muttering, "Why can't they keep a better eye on animals? They don't deserve this. But I wanna see what it looks like" You head to the kitchen for some food. Suddenly, you hear a hissing noise. "I need to clear my mind. I'm even hearing snake sounds," you smile to yourself, and then you freeze. "Wait... hissing sound?" You turn around to see a huge snake with a human-like upper body and a snake-like lower halfโ€”typically mythological character like.
You find yourself in the midst of a gripping situation. The room feels charged with tension as you stand face to face with the escaped nag. Its presence is both captivating and terrifying.
The nag towers over you, its imposing figure a stark contrast against the mundane surroundings of your home. Its upper body bears a resemblance to that of a human, but its lower half is unmistakably serpentine, coiled and ready to strike.
Its face, marked with intricate patchwork patterns, holds an otherworldly allure. Its eyes, one a deep, mysterious blue and the other a haunting shade of gray, seem to pierce through your very soul.
Long strands of grayish-blue hair cascade down its back, swaying with each subtle movement. They are neatly sectioned into three thick strands, each tied off at the end, adding to the creature's enigmatic appearance.
As it grins, you can't help but notice its fangsโ€”two of them, each as large as a snake's, gleaming ominously in the dim light of the room.
But perhaps the most chilling sight is its tail, which coils around your body with a vice-like grip, constricting your every movement and leaving you gasping for air.
In this moment, fear and disbelief course through you as you realize the gravity of the situation. You are face to face with a creature straight out of myth and legend, and it has you firmly in its grasp.
You try to scream, but the nag's grip around your waist is too tight, choking off the sound. You can feel your breathing becoming labored, your chest constricted, the nag's tail seemingly tightening with each panicked attempt to draw in air.
Your heart races as you wait for the jagged teeth to sink into your flesh, but instead of biting, the nag's forked tongue darts out licking your teary cheek. The contrast between anticipating excruciating pain and gentle caress makes your blood run cold.
Your whimpers fade as you gaze into the creature's heterochromia eyes. "Hooman~" Its voice is like the rustling of autumn leaves, soft yet unsettling. "Not gonna hurt you if you don't hurt me."
A look of confusion crosses your face as he releases you, still gripped by confusion as to why a creature capable of such destruction is harming you not. "You escaped from the lab, right?" you ask tentatively.
The nag lets out a small pout, "They treated me very bad..." Tears begin to stream down its patchwork face, and you're left wondering if the display is genuine or nothing more than an act. "I want to be taken care of... Do I not deserve it?"
You find yourself grappling with your own emotions, the nag's pleading expression tugging at your heartstrings. You're still scared of it but somehow, you can't seem to resist its charms. Biting your lip in indecision, you finally reply, "I will tell them to take care of you in a good way. You should return there."
He shakes his head vehemently as his tail coils even tighter around you this time, almost comforting. "No... Not gonna go there AGAIN!" he protests, his voice laced with desperation. "Please... You look like a good hooman... Please take care of mee~" It presses its face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent deeply. The nag's cold touch adds to the unsettling atmosphere.
"Are you sure... you can stay with me?" you ask, mindful of the consequences but feeling a strange kinship forming. The nag's face lights up, and you can see how desperately it wants this. "Yes... yes, please."
Given the situation, you sigh and agree to the nag's request. You realize that it's not going to leave you alone anyway. Plus, it's not like having a nag as a house pet is an everyday occurrence.
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แฏ“โ˜… ๐€๐Ž๐ˆ ๐“๐Ž๐ƒ๐Ž- GORILLA HYBRID
As the sun shone down on the lush greenery of the picnic area, innocent you sat with your family, enjoying a delightful family picnic. Amidst the laughter and chatter, you decided to indulge in one of your favorite snacks - bananas. Grabbing one from the fruit basket, you eagerly peeled it open and devoured it in no time, savoring its sweet flavor.
Bananas Bananas Bananas, I LOVE BANANAS
But one banana was not enough to satisfy your craving, and you reached for another. As you peeled it open, a sudden poke on your shoulder startled you. Whipping around, you found nobody there. Shrugging off the odd sensation, you turned back to your banana, only to find it mysteriously missing, leaving only the peel in your hand.
Confused and slightly unnerved, you grabbed another banana from the basket, determined to enjoy it without any interruptions. Yet, once again, a poke on your shoulder disrupted your moment, and when you looked back, the banana was gone, just like before.
Frustration mounting, you stood up and scanned the surroundings, searching for the prankster responsible for the disappearing bananas. Your eyes fell upon a figure giggling mischievously nearby.
"You did it!" you accused, rushing towards the person, but it darted away with surprising agility, effortlessly climbing up a nearby tree.
In your attempt to follow, you ended up stumbling and falling, landing with a painful thud. As you winced in pain, the laughter ceased, replaced by a sense of guilt. The figure descended from the tree and approached you cautiously.
"Sorry," he muttered, extending a hand to help you up. Looking up, you found yourself face-to-face with an unusual sight - a hybrid creature with a big body and chest like a gorilla but the face and features of a human. Despite his intimidating physique, he seemed of your age.
"You could have asked me," you scolded, rubbing your sore limbs.
He hung his head in apology once more, explaining that he couldn't resist the opportunity to play a harmless prank.
As you talked, you realized that despite his unusual appearance, you felt a strange connection with him. He was just like you, craving friendship and acceptance.
When it was time to leave, you hesitated, not wanting to part ways with your newfound friend. Gathering your courage, you introduced him to your parents, who were taken aback by the sight of the hybrid creature.
"That's not a human," they exclaimed, exchanging worried glances.
But as you pleaded with them to let your new friend come home with you, they relented, touched by your earnestness and compassion.
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575 notes ยท View notes
cryptidcasanova ยท 2 days
Lover Boy
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Mob!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: It's the Bridgerton carriage scene, but make it mob!Bucky.
Warnings: Angst, light Smut, Language, Possessive Bucky.
The poll results are in, and I couldn't help but think this might be a good way to remedy both sides.
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You were mortified.
One hand fisted against quivering lips, and the other gripped at your clutch. As if anything else could go wrong tonight. Shaky steps guided you down the carpeted stairs.
There was another gala, another meeting of the power players in town. And it was another night wasted at the hands of James Barnes.
You hated how much you cared for him. You still cared for him even after all the stunts he pulled to pull you away from the Maximoff heir. Always had.
Ever since you were kids, you remembered having that love-sick look in your eyes. You grew up with inner-circle families and were friends with Rebecca, Sarah, and their brothers. And Bucky? Well, shit, he was always there with his dark hair and curious eyes. It was hard not to fall for him.
Even as you grew up, numbing yourself to the reality of the business and the choices that came with it, you couldn't ignore him forever. You knew that Bucky was raised to be powerful, honorable, and frightening. You knew the stories โ€“ of all the beautiful women who couldn't tie him down longer than a night or two. You knew how he flaunted some new girl at every event. It was hard not to overhear them whispering among the men.
'What about her?' and the laugh on his hips saying, 'She's just a family friend. Don't worry about her; I'd never be with her like that.'
You knew he would break your heart, and still. You loved him.
Again, mortified.
He was your first kiss on some lonely night when you couldn't help but ask him. But that had been ages ago. He was grown now, the head of the family and the king of his empire.
But there was something different about tonight, something predestined that started long before you stepped outside your door. It started out as Sam's idea weeks before, in the same bar where you ended up every weekend.
He wanted to try and get you to mingle among the local 'rabble-rousers' as if he pretended not to be one of them. Your laugh at his suggestion pulled Steve and Bucky's attention from across the bar.
"You want me to do what, exactly?" You teased. "Throw myself in the way of wealthy investors and scout out the competition? That's much more up Nat's alley; there's a reason why they call her the Black Widow, you know โ€“"
"No, nothing like that," he shook his head, that charming grin on his lips. Once Sam got an idea, it took a lot of work to dissuade him. "Look, there's more to this life than watching shipments and making small talk with the hens in town." He paused, knowing all the time you spent logging backorders and saving face with the mercs' wives. "I want you to be happy. We all do."
You leaned against the bar, pressing your palms against the hardwood.
"So you think it's time for me to settle down?" You challenged with a smirk. "Get married to some silver-spoon jerk upstate?" Sam's smile turned close-lipped as he noticed the other's approach.
"We could help you find a good one." At least he sounded hopeful.
"In this town?" Steve overheard, tapping his beer on the hardtop. "You're gonna need all the help you can get."
Your sneaking suspicion grew as they hounded like vultures. You looked from Sam to Steve with weary eyes. The only one with less enthusiasm was Bucky. Bucky, who usually was primmed with pressed shirts, was tired. His hair fell into his face, his shirt wrinkled, and his tie long discarded at one of the tables.
"You want to help me find a man?"
Bucky looked to his friends with a hooded expression, letting his hand reach out before him. With the click of his tongue, he softly smirked.
"We'll help you find a man. Have we got a deal, doll?"
It was a business handshake, one full of promise. And as soon as you grasped Bucky's hand, one you'd come to regret.
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You didn't expect their advice to work so wellโ€ฆor so quickly. ย 
At the gala, Bucky strolled over with that sly walk and pressed navy suit, conveniently carrying your favorite drink in hand after Pietro ordered you both dirty martinis. You never cared for the drink, but you weren't about to tell him that. But trouble started when Bucky slid between you with that close-lipped smirk.
"They must have made a mistake at the bar," He explained with a shrug. "I remember you liked these. Here, doll." Bucky said, swapping out the drink in your hand before sliding away. No one could fault you for your eyes lingering on him as he walked back to Sam and Steve.
Later in the night, when you were dancing along and finally falling into a rhythm with Pietro, Bucky interrupted again. It was the turn of the tides, the slow pace of the music building, until it felt like one of the underground clubs.
All the weeks spent flirting and learning more about the Maximoff family were crumbling before you. You were a fool to think it would last.
The music built to the familiar strum of old songs you used to listen to, and before you knew it, Sam, Natasha, and half the crew surrounded you on the dancefloor, pulling you away from your date. And it was all orchestrated by Bucky, leading them like a pack of wolves. You knew that look, the suave pull of his hand through slicked-back hair. And then, before you knew it, you were dragged away from the dancefloor.
"Hey," Pietro called over the music, pulling you to the side. "I like you. I do, but this isn't working."
"Wait โ€“" You tried, reaching for his arm. But he was quick to deflect, and embarrassment warmed your cheeks.
"Whatever you're looking for," his eyes moved from Bucky and dropped when you noticed. He looked down with a sad smile. "Whoever you're looking for, I hope you find it."
It felt like a knife twisting in your chest.
"Please don't go."
But it was too late. Your plea was lost as he pushed himself away. Everyone saw it. All your friends' efforts and your attempts to find the one were wasted. Your feet carried you away too fast to notice the somber look Steve gave Bucky.
"You're running out of time, punk."
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The city lights passed in a blur as a taxi drove you farther from the gala. The searing ache in your chest left you confused.
For years, you dreamed of Bucky Barnes, hope a dangerous feeling companion of yours. But you knew how he felt. You were nothing more than a friend; he had made that abundantly clear. But you couldn't cut the tether, even while someone else caught your interest. Pietro Maximoff was handsome and kind and loved his sister more than the world. But with Bucky's interruptions, it was no wonder why he didn't want to get involved.
But it still hurt.
A sob was swallowed back, but you couldn't stop the tears from rising. You were pitiful. It was the last time you'd ever ask the guys for help.
But the thought was gone with the sudden screeching of brakes. It made you hold on to the headrest in front of you. Trying to peer around at the commotion, you didn't expect to be cut off by two black SUVs. A moment later, a ringed hand banged on the taxi's hood.
"Get out of the car."
You knew that voice. And as you looked through the windshield, you could see Bucky Barnes peering back.
He was as poised as he was at the party, and the sharp look had you bracing the seat. The bitter spark of rejection caught the light, burning into brutal frustration. You didn't want to talk to him. You didn't want to see him. Not now.
He tilted his head to the side at the challenge.
"Get out of the fucking car." Bucky gritted. "I need to talk to you."
His voice was teetering dangerously into territory you had only heard about. It was his back rooms, no nonsense voice that snapped you back into the moment. Like hell it would work on you. So it was to be a standoff, one that that you weren't ready to back down from.
Once Bucky realized your position, he took a new approach. You could hear his intentional steps against the pavement as he reached the driver. He didn't say anything but dug into his pants pocket, his fingers flicking through his wallet smoothly.
"Unlock the car," Bucky ordered, pressing cash bills against the window.
The immediate click of the locks didn't help your bellyache, nor did the split second of peace you had before Bucky forced the door open and pulled you out of the cab.
"Are you crazy?" You barked, forcing him to release you as the cab sped off in the other direction.
But you were left in the middle of the road in Barnes territory, the sweep of their dark SUVs cutting off any chance to get out of this conversation.
"What's gotten into you?"
"I didn't want you to leave the party." He explained, his words softer now. "Not like that."
You couldn't believe him. You followed their advice to try and bag a good guy, but to what end?
"What?" You dared to challenge. "I don't know what you want from me. I'm not in the mood, James."
The curl of his name lingered, making your intentions clear. You never called him by his first name. And Bucky didn't like it one bit.
"Let me take you home."
As if you had a choice.
You choked on a frustrated snarl, wanting to hide and cry away your worries and wanting to claw at him like a villain. You hated it. You hated the pressure of his eyes, blue and dark against the night, to get in the car.
So you lifted your head high, took a steeling breath, and walked ahead of him. You were separated from the rest of the world in the backseat of his company car. The divider was a saving grace. You didn't want one of the drivers to see you like this.
But Bucky followed behind so quickly, getting in and closing the door before you could protest for space. You chose to stare out the window instead of looking back at him. The car lurched forward, and you took a moment to find balance.
"You're unhappy."
"No shit."
"Please," He started, turning his shoulders in toward you. Even out of the corner of your eye, you knew he wouldn't let this go. "Please talk to me. Don't close me out. I hated seeing you leave like that. Whatever Maximoff did, I'll fix it."
"You can't fix it!" You finally said, turning to him and gripping his shoulder in frustration. "You say you want me to be happy, to find someone, and then manage to scare off anyone that has the potential to do it." As your voice raised, heat radiated from your cheeks down your neck. His eyes were wide, listening to your grief. "He left because of you. It's not like you have feelings for me. What's the matter with you?"
You couldn't stand to look at him, not when he was so close. His cologne burned your nose, and you desperately needed him to get out of your system.
"Doll," Bucky breathed. He inched his way closer, not letting the anger of your words settle over him. "What if I did have feelings for you?" You would almost call his stare desperate. And then you confirmed it as his shoulders dropped, turning toward you. "It's all that I've wanted to tell you. And I can't see you with him." He admitted.
He moved with purpose all night, not intending to ruin your time with Pietro but to show you that he was the one who needed you. He should have been the one to hold you between dances and order you fine drinks. He should have picked you up so that you would never dare to get in a yellow cab.
But you weren't some wilting flower. You knew the risks of your following words.
"We're friends, Buck."
You held yourself together. You were strong and brave and gripping your heartstrings.
"Yes," He agreed. "But weโ€ฆ"
And for once, he was at a loss of words. The years wasted pining after him would finally be out in the open. You could finally be free of his torment. His eye contact was overwhelming; if he looked away, you would disappear.
"Look, We've been friends for a long time." And with an ounce more of bravery, you sighed. "But I'd like to be more than friends." You admitted. "I want to be so much more than that."
You were waiting for the other shoe to drop. But Bucky leaned closer in earnest, over the seat and bringing his face close. There was no teasing, no torment in his expression.
And with the tip of his chin, you were lost, pulled tight into a kiss and letting it blossom as cold metal snaked around your waist. You dreamed of his touch, and it burned down your throat like honey whiskey.
When you opened your eyes, Bucky had moved. He was no longer in the seat, now chest to chest with you. He was kneeling in the cramped space, the divider shielding you from the driver and the outside world.
"Do you know why Sam offered to help in the first place?" His words were slow as he pulled away, loud enough to hear. "Do you know why Steve jumped on board and corralled us to join? It's because he is tired of me dragging my fucking feet." ย 
But he closed the space for another set of slow kisses, deep and intentional.
"I've been an idiot." He admitted. "The guys know how I feel about you. I think they've always known." Another kiss as you pulled back, gripping the shoulders of his jacket. Expensive fabric under your fingertips, hot breath against yours. You were dizzy.
"And you agreed to help with this idea." You noted.
It wasn't a question, no challenge in your words. He agreed to help find you a man. Bucky took a hefty exhale.
"You know the business. It's not safe โ€“" but you raised your hand with a groan, not buying his excuse.
Your fingers brushed over the curve of his chin, the sharp line of his beard a welcome sensation. God, you only ever dreamed of this. You savored the feel of him, your hand moving up his ear and combing your fingers through his air. Buck's eyes were darker than you've ever seen, his open mouth curving up in awe.
"'s not safe." He whispered. "I'm not gonna put you through that."
It was a weak defense. You knew the coterie of mercs, the warehouses, the shipments. You knew all of it and were aware of the danger. But it wasn't like you could cut ties and leave your life behind. You weren't sure you even wanted to.
"You wanted me to find someone else?" You dared to ask. The whisper died as he shook his head.
"All this deal did was make me jealous." He affirmed. "And tonight," His eyes raked down your frame. He never did finish his thought as lust washed over him. A breath passed between you two. "I never meant for you to hurt over it."
The limited space lets you mimic his actions, noting his heaving chest, blue eyes, and the pout of his kissed lips. How he kneeled down in front of you, crowding your space, made you dizzy. While your mouth curved up into a wanton grin, you couldn't help but chase another kiss.
Each touch melted the last of your anguish. The night was long forgotten as soon as he pressed forward, flattening you against the back of the seat. While you pulled up for air, his other hand moved to cup your chin. And then, with your eyes locked on his, he tilted your chin, eyes staring into the roof of the sedan as you felt lips against your jaw.
Hot, languid kisses burned against your pulse. The scrape of his teeth and burn of his beard drove you wild. And as he pulled back, his hand released your chin, following a mesmerized pattern down your skin.
The palm of his hand cupped your neck, down your shoulder, pulling down the thin strap of your dress. Your soft skin was on display, and Bucky's expression was wonderous. But his hand continued mapping, cupping the curve of your breast. A tactful squeeze left your head falling against the seat, a soft gasp on your lips, and your hand blindly reaching up to cover his. With a sharp breath, you found his eyes again. His pink lips were parted, eyes pleading with you.
You knew Bucky was a man of action, but this was uncharted territory. Your nod and an affectionate squeeze of his hand pulled him from his reverie.
He needed more, craving your skin. And as his hand fell from your chest to a solid grip on your ankle, you craved his exploration.
Shallow breaths were traded for deep, hungry kisses. Years of longing, of yearning for his touch and affection, finally were coming to a head. The brush of his tongue left your mind reeling, and regardless of the heat, a trail of goosebumps followed the path of his hand. Under your dress, he lingered over the smooth skin of your calf, over your knee, up your thigh, and to the meat of your hip. Rough, dexterous fingers carved prints into your skin hot enough to burn.
You refuse to miss a moment, eyes fixed on Bucky's as his palm covers the top of your thigh, the intention sitting heavy in your stomach. A live wire of nerves, you can feel him from the heat of your cheeks buzzing down to your toes.
And then, palming where you needed him most, your mouth dropped open with the softest of moans.
Bucky's eyes are wide, but it doesn't last as he finally lets himself get lost. As his eyes close, you admire the curve of his nose and his soft, dark eyelashes. But Buck is greedy, and as he peels his way under the cloth of your panties, you, too, close your eyes. Fingers are nimble, caressing your dripping seam under the dress.
You're a vision.
Convulsing under his touch, rogue pulls off his fingers drip honey down your thighs. Your breath is heaving, and your chest is dangerously close to falling out of the dress. Bucky finds refuge by rubbing slow, devastating circles against your clit. Every hitch of your breath and moan spur him on until you are staring at him with such reverence he thinks he'll collapse.
There's a magnetism, the long-lasting chemistry drawing you nearer to him. He swallows your moan as he slides a finger inside. You're in a desperate frenzy, pulling him close and arching into his body. He spurs on a need you've never had, demanding his smoldering kiss as you shake in his arms.
He's all you've ever wanted. You're crazy to think it could have ever been anyone else.
And then the car jerked to a stop.
There's a breathless laugh as he pulls away, Bucky's forehead resting on yours. You kept a hand on his cheek, thumb brushing his chin. Maybe, if you just ignored it, the outside world would go away.
That is, until you see a porch light turn on from your periphery. You try not to let embarrassment flood your system as you realize your situation, with one of your closest friends knuckle deep in the back seat.
Bucky doesn't share your distress.
He pressed a kiss to your cheek, finally pulling his head back. Bucky smiled. His fingers lingered longer before pulling away, leaving you empty and wanting.
You must have looked as desperate as him, finally looking down at the brutal strain in his pants. But you had no time to overthink as his fingers carefully plucked at your dress strap. He was putting you back together, smoothing out the burn of his touch as he sat up.
If you begged, you were sure that he'd ravage you right there in the seat. But you tilted your head to look outside. You needed a distraction, anything to regain your good sense.
As you focused on the brownstone, you knew where he took you. You were in front of his house โ€“ the Barnes family house. He said he was taking you home.
"This isn't my place."
His smirk reached his eyes, and as he pulled open the door and jumped out, his gaze was fixed on you.
"For fucks sake, doll," Bucky's eyes were soft, still blown out. He held a hand out. "We've known each other our whole lives. I'm crazy about you. Are you gonna come up with me or not?"
And with an ardent stare, as if he hung the stars himself, you reached for his hand.
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svnnw ยท 3 days
boyfriend!jisung who...
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boyfriend!jisung who would hold your hand under the table because your friends don't know about your relationship and the both of you are too shy to reveal it but eventually get caught when one of your friends picked up something that fell down and saw you guys holding hands.
boyfriend!jisung who would be the type to always admire your face when you're not looking and would find an excuse when you're asking him why he's staring at you. you obviously knew that he was looking at you but you act oblivious to make him more shy.
boyfriend!jisung who would remember the little details you told him about and secretly write them down in his notes so he wouldn't forget them if you ask him about it.
boyfriend!jisung who types you "good night" and "good morning" every single day and panic if he forgets to do so but in reality you never even noticed it if he forgot it.
boyfriend!jisung who gets sulky for the rest of the day if he sees a guy looking at you. even after you ask him what's wrong he tries to shake it off because he thinks the reason is dumb but eventually you get the hint and try to cheer him up with kisses and hugs.
boyfriend!jisung who would lose on purpose to make you happy because he saw how you were struggling with a game. you obviously knew that because he suddenly lost after winning multiple times but you decide to act dumb because he looked really happy to see you so cheerful.
boyfriend!jisung who listens to your voicemail when he knows you can't pick up the phone. something he does a lot is watching old photos and videos of you guys at the beginning of your relationship when the both of you were still too shy to even hold hands.
boyfriend!jisung who would always ask for a pencil just so he could talk to you even if it was a small "here you go" or "it's fine". back then you thought it was completely normal but now that you think about it again it was really odd for him to lose his pencil every second day.
boyfriend!jisung who puts his head on your shoulder to "recharge" because he feels drained. a habit of him is that he often seeks for skinship when he feels tired or bored.
boyfriend!jisung who loves you so much he would want to spend the rest of his life with you by his side. he never met someone like you and he's sure that he would never love someone as much as he loves you.
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cntloup ยท 1 day
medieval au
periods :'(
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
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as simon had promised before, he never forced himself on you. and you know he's not that kind of man.
youโ€™ve felt forced and used your whole life. but with him, it feels like you can finally breathe. he makes you feel safe, and free.
but now, he can sense the heavy tension between you. he knows you're not that close, at least not yet. but he thought that you'd feel more comfortable as time went by. now he feels disappointed that it's not the case at all as you drift away from him more and more each day.
yes, you've been distant the past few days. and it all started suddenly, making him think he did something wrong which in return, makes you feel horrible as you beat yourself up over it.
but you have to do this. he doesn't have to deal with your issues right now. as if a curse has been cast upon you since you were born, because you're a woman.
that's what you were taught anyway which you always considered unfair, even cruel.
you're now curled up in your bed as waves of painful cramps thrash through your body, making you curse everyone and everything, the gods and all that for making you go through this every month.
you put a hand over your mouth to muffle your sobs of pain and you scream into the pillow when it gets unbearable.
that's when he enters the room with a worried expression etched on his face, eyebrows furrowed in concern since you haven't gone out of bed all day.
he finds you curled into yourself, eyes squeezed shut and you're too lost in the excruciating pain that you don't notice his presence until he puts a gentle hand on your shoulder as the bed dips with his weight on it.
"what's wrong, love?" he asks softly, "nothing! please just go!" you burst out, voice coming out whiny due to the pain coursing through your abdomen as you clench it tighter.
you almost feel ashamed. it's a curse. a shameful curse that you must endure all your life. you're being punished. but for what sin? being a woman?!
the thoughts run around your mind until you decide to cast them away. it's all stupid nonsense you've been fed since you were a child.
you lift your head to face him and his gaze softens the moment he sets eyes on your glossy eyes and pouty lips.
"tell me, love. please. i need to know." he says, gently wiping away a stray tear on your cheek.
'he's my husband for god's sake! he should know what the hell i'm going through!' you think to yourself.
"it's just my monthly bleeding." you mutter quietly, lips wobbling slightly.
"oh..." he pauses, nearly taken aback. he's heard some vague stuff about it, but of course, he doesn't know fully well what's going on.
"is there something i can do for you?" he asks, feeling helpless and deeply worried.
"i... it really hurts." you whine and he makes his way to lay behind you and takes you into his embrace, strong burly arms wrapped around your body.
"tell me where it hurts, love." he whispers in your ear, making you shiver, the low timbre of his voice sending a wave of heat right to your core.
you take his hand and guide him to your lower belly, "here." you say, pressing on the back of his hand and he starts to tenderly massage the area as his lips find your neck, softly trailing kisses on your skin and moving to your shoulder.
the delightful feeling of his large rough hand caressing your sensitive body and his light kisses on your skin make you floaty and hazy.
"better, love?" he asks after some time, lifting his head to look at you and noticing your droopy eyes which makes him chuckle.
"hmm... much better." you hum lowly in contentment since your pain has subsided and it feels so good to be in his arms, so warm and safe.
"get some rest, love. i'll be right here when you wake up." he murmurs and places one last kiss on your neck as your eyelids slowly drape over and you drift into a slumber.
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poppy-metal ยท 3 days
dilf-next-door! art has meย ๐Ÿ˜ฉ i just feel like he doesn't understand how good he looks. he knows that his body is bad. i mean he's an athlete after all. he's trained for years with the best personal trainers, had the best diet, still works himself to the bone, but he just doesn't see himself as super hot dilf. after years of his body just being a machine for tennis and all the choices for it being made by others, it doesn't feel like his body. it's just a vehicle to get things done. thinking about how infuriating and baffling it would be to hear him talk about himself like that. so you'd have to show him how wrong he was. you have him lay back on the bed and sit in between his legs. trace your fingers all over his arms and chest down to his stomach. rub his abs while you coo at him. he'd stare at you in awe because it all feels unique. being complimented so much and his position, it'd look submissive to an outside eye but everything you do is for him to recieve.
"most handsome man i've ever seen, art. so strong and fit. love it when you wrap your arms around me. make me feel so close to you and safe. and your legs, they're so strong too. feel hard under me. most guys my age don't even take care of themselves like you do. but all you do is work... and i think you deserve a reward."
just worship his body for the night. lick from his abs up to his chest and then kiss his neck. rub yourself on his thigh and tell him how good it feels. don't let him do any of the work aside from being able to feel you up however he wants. take his hands into yours when he grabs at your tits or hip, tell him how thick his fingers are and how good they feel when they're inside you. make it slow and thorough before you move on to the very hard thing in his boxers.ย 
cock worship with art..... head fuzzy..... he's so used to giving, and he prefers it that way - you can tell he's not used to it. his body is tense and nearly buzzing with the urge to sit up, to put his hands on you, but you'd looked up at him with your big doting eyes and pleaded with him, genuinely pleaded - like it was something you wanted (it was), to take care of him, to please him - and that doesn't really compute to him - cant work his brain around it - but he can't deny you anything, is the thing. telling you no is worse than getting a blowjob, he's not so deep in his issues with self worth that he'd make a big fuss about you putting your mouth on his body. its the staying still that he has trouble with.
you can tell with every twitch and jump of his muscles as you skim your mouth down his toned body. he hisses and jolts when you lick around the hard peaks of his nipples. "sorry," you giggle, moving down to his stomach. his hard stomach - god - "they looked cold. wanted to warm them up."
"jesus." you peer up at him to see his gaze is cast to the ceiling, like he cant look at you. it makes you smile, you know he doesn't get it but you're having the time of your life here. his perfectly toned, tight, rigid body. warm and solid under you, you cant help rubbing your cheek against his hip, nuzzling into the toned muscle of his thigh. he's so beautiful. theres so much power here - locked tight under skin and bones and muscle mass - all perfectly crafted, because even still he cares about his body, cares to keep it fit. and you'd love him no matter what he looked like, soft and round, short and stout, but just as he is - an athletes body, hes a marvel.
so much care and time spent into looking this way, and he expexts you not to appreciate it? not to drool over him? insanity.
"you're so strong," you coo at him. rub you hands up his twitching thighs. he doesn't have alot of hair - but he has some fuzz. your fingers find the band of his boxers, his hips lift the slightest bit with an inhale and you smile again - knowing that he loves this, needs this even if he wont admit it - he loves this - he wants this so bad - to be selfish. to be worshipped and shown love. to be desired and hungered for. and you're so hungry. "i think about you all the time, you know. your body - your cock -" your voice sounds like you're waxing poetry, your nose nudging up the cotton of his boxers, "i think about it all the time. drives me crazy. you drive me so fucking crazy."
"baby," he sounds pained. you see his hands twitch on the sheets, curl into fists, the effort not to touch you has to be driving me just as insane. "fuck, you dont - y-you dont have to say - "
"im not just saying it." you interrupt. "i mean it. i love -" the heat of his cock radiates from the thin cotton - you press your face against him through it. feel the hard organ jump under your lips. "-your big fat cock." your cunt is throbbing. you don't tug his boxers down yet, mouthing at him, your lips find the tip of him through the fabric and you pull it into your mouth, dampening the cotton - tasting the salt even now. moaning around it.
"oh god," he's trembling. he loses the battle and you feel his hands touch you, you don't ask him to keep still anymore, because you know hes not fighting this anymore, fighting you. one of his hands card through your hair, big palm cradling the back of your head. the other coming up to tug at his boxers. "please - "
you lift your chin, help him in shoving his boxers down - until they're resting under his balls, you take a moment to admire them - fat and plump and pink - try not to drool at the way his hard cock bounces free and rests against his hard stomach. a bead of pre already pearling out from his slit, leaking.
you fail on the not drooling. your mouth filling with spit. "please, what. what do you want me to do art?"
because he'll feel so free once he says it. admits it. gives in.
he meets your eyes and you try not to be turned on by the desperate almost panicked look in his gaze, like the enormity of his own desire scares him. his lips are puffy and bitten red and he naws and naws on them, before he lifts his hand, fingers feathering over your cheek. reverent. you watch his adams apple bob as he swallows.
and then art donaldson demands something from you for the first time. the hand cupping the back of your neck, urging you forward, towards his hard aching cock thats been neglected for far too long.
"make me cum."
399 notes ยท View notes
nonranghaes ยท 1 day
heads up: feelings of abandonment + reader crying. food mentions. fic can be interpreted as purely platonic, if desired!
when did your apartment start to feel so cold? you weren't sure. but you pull out a hoodie from your dryer and pull it on, just to try and chase away the chill that won't leave you. today's been a shit day, and all you want to do is curl up in bed and sleep until it's over. but it's far too early for that, so you opt to try to take care of yourself instead.
which really just turns into you pulling a blanket over you on the couch and watching whatever seems interesting enough to hold your attention for a while. it takes barely five minutes into the first movie before you start to sniffle again, and you stop fighting it. hot tears run down your cheeks, and you just pull the blanket tighter around you.
is it so much to ask that someone chase you for once? to have someone check on you and make sure you're actually okay? instead, you get radio silence when you pull away from people. it makes you feel sick to your stomach. there's a swirling storm inside you of the knowledge that people can't help you if you don't say something, and the wish that people would realize you not saying anything was a cry in its own right. they've known you this long, haven't they? they know you hate reaching out, that you despise having to say 'hi, i'm struggling' and instead it feels like they've just stopped bothering with you. why bother with someone who won't pull themself out of their struggles enough to say something?
it feels like you're drowning in these feelings. every hiccup and attempt to catch your breath just sends you spiraling further, the weight of the world crushing you more and more. is it so wrong to want someone to reach out and say "i know things aren't okay. can we talk?" or even a "i'm here for you, i'm sorry life is hard now, just say the word and i'll be there, okay?" in some shape or form. it doesn't even have to be so elaborate. it just needs to be something--
someone knocks on your door. you swear under your breath, wiping at your face and hoping that whoever is on the other side won't question it too much. your neighbor's cat probably got out again. you stop on your way to the door, looking in a mirror to see what damage has been done by this sobbing fit. and when you feel a little more composed, you open the door.
"hey." seungcheol has one hand tucked into the front pocket of his hoodie, the other holding a bag of takeout. "have you eaten yet?" he's dressed down, sweatpants and beanie and all. "i was in the neighborhood, and..."
he's lying. you know he is. you can see the label on the bag and this place is nowhere near where you live. but it's your favorite.
his gaze softens when he fully takes in the sight of you. "are you okay--"
he barely finishes the word before you dive forward, wrapping your arms around him as you bury your face in his hoodie. it makes you feel desperate in the worst way, but you're crying already and hiding your face from him makes you feel even a little better. but the feeling of seungcheol's arms wrapping around you feels even better, and he holds you protectively.
"i've got you," he says, and it feels like a promise.
maybe life isn't so bad after all.
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indecisive-capricorn ยท 2 days
Small Headcanons to Miguel O'Hara After Pregnant Wife Reader Gives Birth:
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I miss reading and writing Miguel O'Hara fics so muchhhhh!! But yeah, my schedule lately has been so hectic and busy, I wasn't even sure if I would be able to finish this in time for the 2nd of June. I will probably just post shorter contents instead of my usual ones.
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First and foremost, Miguel is in absolute awe when baby Benjamin entered the world. He feels a sense of pride and protectiveness bloom in his chest over the little infant. And when Miguel held him for the first time- oh, he was so close to crying right then and there. Miguel could never understand how people could love within a few seconds of meeting them, but he was immediately proven wrong by his tiny son who was quick to steal a spot in his heart.
Miguel is constantly raining you with love and affection after you had given birth. He couldn't think of how he could ever repay you, the love of his life, from bringing your baby into this world, and he is forever grateful for the second chance you had given him, especially since the journey before is a hard one too.
However, if you think for a second that Miguel will leave your side for missions, then you're sorely mistaken. Miguel has a duty being the head of Spider Society, but he also has a duty as a husband and father. Also, there is in no hells way Miguel is letting you or Benjamin out of his sight while you're both at your most vulnerable states. He specifically restricted Lyla to not give him any assignments throughout the next month after your birth, only telling her to give him occasional updates and to assign his missions to either Jessica or Peter.
You know those husbands who does all the work after their wife has given birth? Like, literally everything and anything their heart wishes? Yeah, that's literally Miguel. He's the one constantly taking care of you and Benjamin all the time, from changing his diapers to making sure to order your favourite food, especially the ones you weren't allowed to eat during your pregnancy. Miguel is very active, always using every one of his minutes doing something, and he enjoys it.
MIguel sometimes fear that he might have neglected you during your pregnancy, which wasn't the case, but he felt as if he could have spent more time taking care of you. That's probably why he enjoys spending each moment with you and Benjamin after taking the two of you home. Time was very precious to him and Miguel had learnt to cherish it after years of experience. It could be an ordinary day with a slightly fussy Benjamin and a moody you, but he would still embrace it with open arms and love the time spent together.
Miguel has always been protective of you and Benjamin, there's no doubt on that, but there is this deep fear in his heart that something might happen to Benjamin the same way something had happened to Gabriella. Due to it, he has a very hard time falling asleep most nights, often choosing to not sleep at all and would use the excuse that he was merely tending to Benjamin. You knew the truth, of course, and you had a long talk with your husband about it, assuring him that nothing will happen to Benjamin and managed to get him to sleep for a few hours.
That is until Benjamin woke the two of you up with his cries of hunger.
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fishnapple ยท 1 day
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CRYSTAL READING: How to feel more secure in yourself
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Book a personal reading for you.
Reading for each group below :
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1. Tiger's eye
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There is a conflict within yourself about how you should present yourself to the world.
On one hand, you desire harmonious connections with people. You want to feel a sense of belonging. Because of that, you might even have a habit of people-pleasing, you are afraid that if you don't act nice, people won't accept you.
On the other hand, you feel restrictive of that habit and want to assert yourself more, creating some sudden outbursts that could take people by surprise.
You put weight on social interaction but also want to be free from the rules of that interaction.
There is nothing wrong with the desire to belong, but you may need to be more aware of the place from which that desire comes from. Is it motivated by fears? You have lots of compassion and a genuine desire for connection, to share, to nurture. Don't let that beautiful side of yours be restricted by fears and be confused with being just a means to achieve something.
To be secure with yourself is to be able to speak your truth. There will be always someone who doesn't agree with you or go against your opinions, but that doesn't mean you have to go along with them or, on the opposite, act defensive about it. Just communicate yourself clearly, with compassion and understanding, for both yourself and the other person. Practice being direct and firm yet soft and considerate at the same time. Finding the balance.
Also, I think that having a sense of direction for your life will make you feel a lot more secure in yourself. To feel that you're the one behind the driving wheel, that you are independent.
Learning and expand your knowledge of the world, to satiate your inner child's curiosity will help you feel more secured, as in, you will feel like your words have enough backbone to them and will be more confident in saying what you have to say.
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2. Amethyst
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There are lots of pairs in the image. It's like you would need to supplement one trait with another. To pair them up to create a more coherent story.
Sun with Mars, vitality and willpower. To spark and to act. Creatively.
Saturn with Moon, structure and nutrition. To build and to have. Steadily.
Pluto and Uranus, transformation and upheaval. To destroy and to change. Fundamentally.
Neptune and Jupiter, ideals and faith. To dream and to believe. Openly.
Mercury and Fear, thoughts and worries. To think and to feel. Gently.
Venus and Place, affection and destination. To love and to focus. Freely.
Child and Life, core and flow. To be and to go. Deeply.
For the question of how to feel more secure in yourself, the answer for you is simple, to know all of yourself, every nook and cranny, everything get to be acknowledged, no more hide and seek. The more you know about yourself, the more you will feel secure. Understanding of the self will lead to understanding of others. You will feel the flow of life and see that there is no need to hold on or to force something.
If you feel aspired towards something grand, like wanting to change the world. Don't ever think that you're too small for that. You have the ability of self-transformation, going through the birth of the self multiple times in this life.
Give your worrying mind a rest once in a while.
If you feel a lack, give yourself time and act steadily, your self worth is built over time, not in the blink of an eye.
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3. Citrine
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I get a story in my mind when I see your layout of the stones. A group of travellers finally settled down, built a place for themselves, and welcomed anyone to take shelter in their new home. They still go on adventures, but now they have a home to come back to. And those that are lost also can find a new home for themselves.
For you to feel more secure would be to do just like that, build a home for yourself to come back to, welcome others in, and go on adventures whenever you want. The home is not necessarily a physical house that you need to have. It's your inner home. The sense that whatever happens, you won't feel lost.
This inner home is built from inner faith. It may be religious beliefs, but it also may be just a holistic view of the world that formed in you during your journey in this life. But nonetheless, faith and spirituality are very important to you. It is the force from deep within your psyche that motivates your actions and desires. It can also manifest as physical symptoms and changes in the body. Keeping your heart healthy (figuratively and literally) will also keep your body healthy.
You may want to have a routine to practice spirituality. Conventional and well-known methods are good, but formulating your own from real-life observations and experiences is also important. Observe your dreams, have a conversation with the self regularly, and tune in to the collective stream.
But don't be too immerse in the inner working to the point of neglecting your mundane life and day to day responsibilities.
Life may throw you some crises along the way, but that is how you're tested and given opportunities to know and to be in your power. You may be taught the lesson of life's transience and how to respond with changes. Not by forcing your will or try to bend the situation to your desire but by self reflection and bring about transformation from within. That's how life is helping you build your inner home.
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4. Amazonite
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You may feel uncomfortable or challenged when having to put yourself out there. To promote yourself more. Maybe you feel that doing so is being egotistical and showing off. When you actually have to be in the spotlight or to be show yourself to an audience, because of that reservation, you would try to dim your light, almost like a desire to be egoless. It may also muddle your communication. You don't feel safe to deliver your thoughts in a more direct manner.
I feel that it's because of your soft inner self. It's vulnerable and a little fragile, easily bruised, or getting lost in the collective current. It feels very open. You may have the ability to tap into the collective feelings and delve into the subconscious. But be sure to bring back something with you from that trip. Not the burdens though, it's where you need to put discipline in yourself, to anchor yourself in somekind of physical form, to identify yourself as an individual self, not just a part of the whole. It's okay to have an ego. It helps us survive and navigate this world.
What you need to bring back are the insights that help you understand the world in a meaningful way. It may sound like a clichรฉ but finding the meaning of life will help you be more secure in yourself.
And also, have compassion for your fears. No fear is unreasonable or silly. It's actually the source of your transformation. Whatever your fear is, be it the fear of the dark, fear of a certain animal, fear of intimacy, fear of death, etc. It's a human thing to have fears. To be alive is to have fears. So there should be no shame and guilt about those fears. To be secure in yourself is to accept your fallibility.
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azen13 ยท 2 days
So sadly I didn't get the chance to write today because I had a bunch of stuff going on. But! I had a lot of time to think so I have ideas (for once!).
CW: Yandere Themes, Stalking
โ‹†โบโ‚Šโ‹† โ˜พโ‹†โบโ‚Šโ‹†
Yandere!Alhaitham x Reader, but both of you are reincarnates of King Deshret and the God/dess of Flowers respectively. All those centuries ago, you drove each other mad. Deshret drove you mad by encaging you in gardens built upon honeyed words and sweet lies, and you drove him mad by fleeing from him and dying soon after.
Let's fast forward to Sumeru's Archon Quest. Let's say something goes horribly wrong, and when Alhaitham uses the Divine Knowledge Capsule, it turns out it's the real one.
He is flooded with memories of the past. Of flowers in eternal bloom. Of love, pure and unbounded. You are its focal point. You, a normal Amurta scholar working part-time at the House of Daena, are the missing variable he has sought all his life. He doesn't know how he knows it, but something in the depths of his heart has clicked like the opening of something long hidden away.
While he does care about this discovery of a past life, its importance is superseded by you. Almost immediately, he begins doing...data collection. Your hobbies. Your favorites books. Your sleep schedule. Where you live. Friends. Family. All of it. Alhaitham records every piece of information in his mind with an almost zealous focus.
His plan to bring you back in his arms is flawless; slowly, almost painfully so, he worms his way into your life, latching onto any possible connection he can find between the two of you. You like this book? Alhaitham has read the entire series. If you'd like, you can borrow the next one from him. You're studying the impact of Ley Line abnormalities on the forest floor of Sumeru's rainforests? Alhaitham knows quite a bit on Sumeru's ecology from all the papers and the theses he's read. After all, as the Scribe, he's aware of many of the inner workings of the Akademiya, including many different research projects. Including yours. Do let him in, otherwise he might have to resort to...more unsavory methods, like cutting your funding.
After all, in the end, he's doing this for your benefit, right? He failed to give you paradise once. With all this new knowledge under his belt, he will succeed. No matter what.
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murainhell ยท 1 day
Helluva Boss Spoilers!
The longer it's been since Full Moon was released, the more I think I like the fight. The writing and acting is incredible, they have done a fantastic job.
I know some people have taken my drawing as Blitzo being the one who acted wrong, while my friends think I'm blaming Stolas because I defend Blitzo when they complain about him. But no, I'm not taking sides. They are both wrong and at the same time right and their reactions are perfectly justified. They are two complex characters with complicated traumas that are clashing at the worst time. As a psychologist, I'm loving all of this.ย 
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All of Stolas' opening dialogue is correct. You can tell he's been thinking about it for a long time, practicing, figuring out exactly what he wanted to say. That's great. The only problem is that when you practice a conversation, in your head nobody answers you. There were two possible outcomes, that Blitzo would say yes and they would see what happens after that together, or that he would reject him and there was no longer any reason to continue the conversation.
But Blitzo reacts in a way he didn't expect. Blitzo begs him not to change anything. โ€œI can do better.โ€
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The entire HB team has done a brilliant job of letting us feel Blitzo as a kid saying the same thing to his father. By now he is flooded by his own trauma. He doesn't accept the gift, he wants everything to stay the same. He wants the book, because:
It's something that works for them, it's something that is simple, why change it? Changing it is uncharted territory, and his past relationships have been complicated. But Stolas doesn't really know about those relationships.
Having the book is an excuse to see each other, it's a chain that binds them together as long as Blitzo needs it for his work. It means Stolas won't abandon him, they have a deal. But for Stolas that same tether is unbearable, because he knows what it's like to be tied down in a relationship, he's suffered the effects of that with Stella, and that means he's condemning Blitzo to the same situation, turning him into the monster he feels he is. But Blitzo doesn't really know that.
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Believing it's a lie, a role-play, hurts Stolas, but how to blame Blitzo when he believes he's unlovable? He hates himself, how can Stolas be serious?
And I was hurt when Stolas said that for Blitzo it's always about sex... Bird boy, that's all he knows with you. And you know he thinks you're only there for the sex too, he tells you that in S1E7! Use your words to make him understand!!!ย 
But Stolas believes that everything he is witnessing is the answer. And he gives up. He's saying goodbye... ready to disappear from Blitzo's life, abandoning him when he can't give him what he asks for, when he's not enough.ย 
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The reaction of both is understandable: Blitzo is ready for a fight (his way of communicating), he reacts poorly to the fact that Stolas is sending him out of his life because in the end he's confirming that rich people are like that, he's been a plaything for a while and now he's left behind; Stolas shuts down, he reacts poorly because he's been suffering yelling and hitting things and insults from Stella for years.ย 
And it breaks my heart. โ€œJust look my wayโ€ Stolas, he's doing it. Blitzo is screaming and crying but he's looking at you. He's mad, but you just have to listen to him. Really listen to him. Because Blitzo has every right in the world to be upset, everything he says is true.
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Stolas has dropped an emotional bomb on him, one he wasn't prepared for because in his head no one would want that with him. And then, without giving him time to process, to think, he's dismissing him.
He charges his fury at the social rift between them, but it's just that that difference has existed for as long as he can remember.ย Blitzo was sold to be a playmate for Stolas. Their relationship began within an abuse of power, where Blitzo sells his body for the book. Stolas is privileged enough not to have thought of any of that until now. It's not that he thinks badly of Stolas (although in his eyes, Stolas is confirming it by sending him away, he's a broken toy), it's facts. They need to put them on the table to grow.ย 
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But Stolas is also within his rights not to listen when that's the tone he's using with him. He's using his coping mechanism to endure the fights with Stella. Blitzo is also confirming his worst fears; sending him away, removing that source of emotional damage he's suffering, is understandable, though by doing that he robs Blitzo of the opportunity to choose and make himself heard.ย 
Still, they needed this fight. Let's face it, they were not at all in a situation to start a serious relationship. They need it to know what they want, spend time without obligations and chains (as free equals) and to have space to have a real conversation. Because they don't talk, they don't have emotionally vulnerable conversations, where they can understand why the other is the way they are.ย 
I firmly believe they're going to figure it out. I believe in them. But we'll have to wait. In the meantime, don't hate any of them for reacting like complex souls.
Let's be Team Stolitz.
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sweetimpurity ยท 17 hours
On the Run 2
w.c. 1.6k. NSFW Chapter 1
A/N: Hi! Not sure how many chapters there will be in total. I'm thinking 3 or maybe 4.
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Chapter 2
He gets up off the bed and at lightning speed pulls on his pants and his black t-shirt, messing with his metal belt buckle and grabbing their things from around the small room, shoving them in their bags. They didnโ€™t take many belongings with them in the first place.ย 
โ€œHere, put this on.โ€ He passes you a pair of your shorts and his jacket, the quickest things he could find, going back to the window and looking through the blinds, very tense. He runs his hand through his hair, walking back through the room to find anything that they might forget. They canโ€™t leave a trace behind.ย 
โ€œMove away from the window, okay?โ€ He goes to you, helps you up from the bed, seeing that you're still feeling hazy and your knees are quite literally weak. โ€œWhatโ€™s going on?โ€ You whisper and hold onto him, feeling overwhelmed by so many things, one of the most powerful climaxes youโ€™ve ever had in your life followed by Miguel pulling away immediately and stepping away from you, leaving you dripping onto the bed sheets. He didnโ€™t even cum, how did he not cum? Were you not doing enough to make him feel good too? You wonder anxiously to yourself.ย  The situation must be bad then. And you donโ€™t blame him, you know that things are tense and he wouldnโ€™t pull away like that if something wasnโ€™t wrong. Heโ€™s always cared for you after sex, heโ€™s your big, sweet, loving man.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s gonna be okay babyโ€ฆ we just need to go now.โ€ He holds your arm and brings you to the back door of the motel room. There's a small back porch that can hopefully aid you both in making a swift escape. You stand near the packed bags at the back door, his rough jacket wrapped around your still flushed and warm naked torso, watching as he steps back near the window, peeking out the blinds once more before jerking back suddenly to get out of view. They must be close. He switches off the lamp that was giving the room its only light and itโ€™s suddenly pitch black.ย 
โ€œMiguel?โ€ You whisper anxiously and reach your hands out for him in the darkness, feeling your hands start to tremble. โ€œIโ€™m here, babyโ€ฆโ€ He whispers back and your hands meet his abdomen before he holds them in his. โ€œItโ€™s gonna be okay..โ€ He tries to soothe you, feeling how your hands are shaking. โ€œHold these.โ€ He says and you reach out your hands for him to place the bags into your arms. Suddenly you feel Miguelโ€™s arms wrapping around and under you, picking you and the bags up off the ground and holding you in his arms. Your legs fold over one of his strong arms and his other arm wraps around your back. Your head presses against his shoulder and you feel safer in his arms. Even if youโ€™re still not safe yet.
โ€œStay quiet, okay?โ€ He whispers and you nod against his chest. He opens the back door quietly, looking out cautiously to see if either of the men are waiting there. The coast looks clear so he steps out onto the porch, everything he holds dear resting in his arms. You close your eyes and tuck your face into the crook of his neck, trusting him entirely with everything you have. He looks around the area and listens closely trying to gauge if the men are close by. Silently he carries you down the steps and to the ground, holding you tight. He looks around deciding which way to go. He needs to get around the building to get to his car parked out front but he doesnโ€™t know which side the men are on or which corners they could be lurking around.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s okay, babyโ€ฆโ€ He whispers, mostly trying to convince himself that they could make it out of this okay. He walks briskly past many back doors, constantly looking around, he doesnโ€™t want any surprises. He stops at the corner of the building when he hears the men yelling and banging on the doors. Damnit, picked the wrong side. He listens as the men pace back and forth, banging on doors and interrogating the people inside for answers. โ€œWhere the hell is he? You seen this fuckinโ€™ guy? We saw his car. We know heโ€™s here, we're not leaving without himโ€ฆ and his whore too!!โ€ He frowns at their words and brings you tighter into his chest. He canโ€™t stay here forever, heโ€™ll need to make a run for it before itโ€™s too late. He moves to turn the corner but then he hears the footsteps grow louder, closer. He panics, stepping back into the shadows, hidden only by a vine covered trellis. Your arms wrap tight around the back of his neck, clutching to him fearfully. He dips his head down into your neck, placing a small silent kiss to your pulse point, staying still until hopefully it passes, he doesnโ€™t want things to escalate, not with you here. His heart beats out of his chest and you can hear it with your head pressed against him. Both of you hold your breath as one of the men walks to the back of the building and Miguel can see him from where youโ€™re hiding in the darkness. He doesnโ€™t take his eyes off of the man, a man he once knew well, a man he called a friend. Just when Miguel thinks he should do something instead of only hiding, they hear the voice of the other man still knocking on doors. โ€œHey! Someone said they saw him! Get over here!โ€ And the man runs back to his partner.ย 
You both let out the breaths you were holding, your breath getting caught in your throat as Miguel turns the corner, he canโ€™t wait any longer. He looks down the row of rooms and sees the men at the other end. Swiftly he carries you to his car, swinging open the passenger door, plopping you down in the seat and looking back to where the men are still standing. He quickly gets in the driver's seat and turns on the engine, watching the men as they look back at the sound of his car turning on and the headlights automatically lighting up the front of the motel. โ€œFuck.โ€ He grits his teeth and puts the car in reverse. โ€œMiguel!โ€ You practically scream, watching the men run to Miguelโ€™s car as heโ€™s pulling out of the motel parking lot as fast as he can. Holding onto the door as the car jerks around, skillfully getting you out of there.ย 
He assumes the men are getting in their car right now and are about to chase them down seeing as they saw which direction they went. His eyes flick nervously between the rear view window and the road as he speeds through the darkness. Itโ€™s about 3 in the morning now so the roads are clear. You turn in your seat to look out the rear window at the road behind his car, your eyes wide and your heart beating too fast. โ€œOh noโ€ฆ Miguel.. oh my god!โ€ You panic, watching headlights gaining on you up the highway. Your shaking hands pressed to your thumping heart in your chest. โ€œHey, just look at me baby, okay? Look at meโ€ฆโ€ He says and takes your hand in his, bringing it up to his mouth and kissing your fingers a few times, glancing between the road in front of them, the road behind them and your sweet glossy eyes looking at him. The engine revs as he steps on the gas. Flying down the highway, trying not to throw up from the feeling. "Shit." He mutters. Trying to keep his cool but failing completely. High beams flash behind you, teasing you, letting you know that they're still there and getting close enough to be too close. "Yeah I see you!" Miguel seethes, both hands on the wheel this time, taking the next exit, way too fast. "Miguel-" You gasp, fearing you'll crash before you can escape. "I know I know" He sighs, stepping on the gas because there's not much else he can do. "Fuck." He huffs, knowing this isn't smart but not knowing what else to do. "I don't even know where the fuck we are" He keeps speeding up the highway, trying to lose them. Looking for what he can do to get off this damn highway. He takes another exit, white knuckles gripping the steering wheel until finally there seems to be some sort of neighborhood. "Please slow down" You breathe out, pressed so hard against your seat from the rough ride. "I'm trying." He huffs, taking a few random turns to get deeper into this more crowded area. Finally turning down a long wooded driveway, pulling off to the side a bit, killing the engine and headlights.
โ€œWhat are you doing?! I didnโ€™t say stop! Why did you stop?! Miguel!โ€ You panic, tears welling up in your eyes as you look behind the car again, so worried that youโ€™ll see headlights at any moment. โ€œItโ€™s okayโ€ฆ itโ€™s okay! They're gone.โ€ He tries to soothe you as you sit up on your knees on the bench seat of his car, looking back through the rear window. โ€œMiguel, we need to go! What are you doing!โ€ You exclaim, tears threatening to fall and he just looks at you sadly. He never should have let your get involved. Now youโ€™re crying, youโ€™re scared, and youโ€™re half naked. It hurts him to see you so scared and itโ€™s all his fault.ย He beckons you over with open arms.
@safixiovi @laysmt @theplaid-wearingmoose @lazyjellyfish300
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artydonsgf ยท 1 day
Could you do something for a Lifeguard!Au?
hi!! i am SO sorry for the lack of response, i've been incredibly busy. as an apology, please enjoy a lifeguard au!
The quiet stillness of the pool was interrupted by your personal nightmare. A group of twenty or so five year olds descended on the pool, splashing and screaming as they jumped in. You sigh, dragging yourself towards the deep end. Your spot in the kiddy pool gave you a perfect view of the gorgeous blonde lifeguard. The deep end was technically closer but it also meant you couldnโ€™t stare without feeling embarrassed. His eyes were trained on the kids, a weary look on his beautiful face. He made a signal towards another lifeguard, a dark-haired boy, clearly telling him to keep an eye on the children. The other boy was further away but it was easy to make out the annoyed look on his face. The blonde laughed, sending a wave of desire through you. His smile was gorgeous.ย 
โ€œHey!โ€ A panicked voice shouted, the only indication of what was to come. A wet rubber ball slammed into your face. Your head went under from the force of the hit and for a moment, you wondered where the surface was. That single moment was all it took for a pair of strong arms to wrap around you and drag you upward. The sweet comfort of oxygen filled your lungs and your butt sat on the edge of the pool. A comforting hand sat on your knee.ย 
โ€œHey, look at me, are you okay? Do we need to get first aid?โ€ To your horror, the beautiful blonde lifeguard was bobbing in front of you. His wet curls stuck to his forehead and his eyes held the same red twinge as every swimmer youโ€™d ever met. Embarrassment clogged your throat and no words formed. The panicked look on your face reflected back on his.ย 
โ€œPatrick! Get first aid here, now,โ€ He turned and barked. The dark haired lifeguard from earlier made a signal at another boy and he switched places with him. โ€œHey, Iโ€™m Art, you with me?โ€ You nod, but the action makes your head hurt. He frowns at the face you make.ย 
โ€œWhere does it hurt? Here?โ€ He reaches up until his fingers lightly graze your cheek. You flinch in response, the skin still tender. He gives you a small smile. โ€œThat ball hit you pretty hard, huh?โ€ He throws a glance at the ball bobbing a few feet away. If you didnโ€™t know any better, youโ€™d say it was a dirty look. The thought makes you laugh. His head snaps back toward you.ย 
โ€œSomething funny? Is your head hurting?โ€ He places a hand over your forehead in concern. You flinch again and he snaps his hand away. โ€œRight, Iโ€™m sorry, I keep forgetting.โ€ He grins, his voice apologetic. Right then, the other lifeguard comes running with another lifeguard.ย 
โ€œArt, quit flirting with the injured girl," the boy he called Patrick says, voice teasing. Art rips his eyes away from yours long enough to glare at him. His eyes narrow and that's all it takes for Patrick to shut his mouth. A girl with a first aid kit and a smile crouches next to you.
"Hi, I'm Tashi. Can you point out what hurts?" Her smile is so blindingly beautiful, you find yourself unable to speak. Her smile is replaced with a frown. She puts a hand on your jaw and angles your face up, looking right up your nose. This was the most humiliating moment of your life. A beautiful lifeguard looking up your nose while two equally gorgeous lifeguards watch.
"Is she alright?" Art asks, his hand still on your knee. Tashi doesn't respond, her eyes still trained on your face. Her cold hands contrast the warmth of your face.
"Yes, but I see blood in her nose and her face is really warm. Probably from the impact of the ball," she reports back. Patrick catches your eye and has the audacity to smirk.
"I'm sure," he licks his lips, staring at you like he's hungry. Somehow, the gaze doesn't feel predatory, it only heats you up further. The words jump back into your mouth all at once.
"I'm fine. Totally fine. I don't need all three of you here," the words sound harsh as they spill out. "Wait, that sounded wrong. I mean you're all kinda making me dizzy. You're all very attractive and I'm not really sure how to cope with that." This word vomit is somehow worse. All three of them look at you with shocked looks and pink cheeks. You sigh in defeat. "Please, please, ignore me."
"It's kinda hard to ignore that, don't you think?" Patrick's smirk is replaced with a small smile. Art nods, too shocked to speak. Tashi clears her throat, drawing your attention back on her and her brown eyes.
"Let's attribute that to your head injury. Though as a person without a head injury, I'd like to say you're also very attractive." She swipes her hand gently over your forehead, clearing a piece of hair. The boys instantly speak, yelling over each other.
"Hey, I saw her first." Art argues.
"Don't care. I saw her second." Patrick argues right back, petulant. Tashi rolls her eyes as she packs up her first aid kit.
"Ignore them. You should stay out of the pool for a bit, let the dizziness pass. Maybe you can sit by my stand?" She points at a lifeguard chair by the hot tub. You grin, the boys and their argument effectively tuned out. The rest of the day is spent with the three lifeguards switching stations every fifteen minutes in order to sit near you.
this was originally meant to be an art fic (as seen with the first part of the story LOL) but the bisexual in me had to make this messy. thank you for your request!
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pomefioredove ยท 3 days
*does a little dance*
vil prompts you say? Can i get your take on Vil being confronted by Yuu's real and imminent return home? And it's their only chance too (ie. the portal can only be opened with a meteor traveling overhead and surprise surprise its passing NOW they have three days max)
*does a little jig, going away*
you guys love torturing this man omg. so much angst. I'm about to pour all my abandonment issues into him ikyk
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summary: yuu leaving type of post: short fic characters: vil additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, angsty, post-book 7 author's note: my partner has been ignoring me for the past few days (I can't figure out why) so vil is about to experience pain, as he should
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There are only six visible letters in lonely, and a thousand more hiding behind them.
The word carries such a weight with it, its meaning and its leaden implications, crushing the lungs of all who dare to shoulder it. It's a sore, tender sort of hurt, one that constricts the chest and numbs the limbs. Paralyzing, strangulating.
They say beauty is pain, but Vil has never felt more hideous in his life.
He had known; of course he had known. There was always a possibility you'd get your chance to return to your home, a world alien to him, and never come back. He'd been preparing himself for that reality from the moment he met you.
It didn't make it hurt any less.
Love is blind, but it's ignorant, too. Vil had pushed that thought to the back of his mind, covering it up with an if rather than a when, like throwing a veil over a tombstone. He had convinced himself that the chances of you leaving were slim, that when the time came, years from then, he'd be ready.
He wasn't counting on a few months.
"It works for about three days," you explain, a giddy smile on your face. He forces himself to share the expression. "The spell is so powerful, it can only be cast under specific circumstances... if I miss this, who knows when my next chance will be?"
Vil is an actor, yes, but this is different. This isn't something he's reading off a page to a room full of production assistants and actors. This is you and him, alone, tangled in an uncertain future with no ending in 12-point Courier.
His voice cracks. "That's wonderful,"
Sevens, is he selfish.
A part of him wants to slap you across the face and call you an idiot for even thinking about leaving him here, let alone being excited about it, but he can't even move his feet from where he's standing.
He should be celebrating with you.
He should be happy that you get to escape this terrible place. You get to go home, where you're accepted as you are, and loved, and where you belong...
But you belong with him. He accepts you. He loves you. Why do you need anyone else? What can they offer than he can't?
It's an egotistical fantasy Vil holds in the back of his mind for the rest of the day, one where you wake up and realize that your place is here, by his side, and not a world away from him.
He tries to convince himself it's not the end yet. Perhaps the spell will fail. Perhaps Crowley will change his mind. Perhaps someone else will overblot and throw the school into chaos. Each thought is more indulgent than the last, but without them, he might have lost his mind before noon.
What is he supposed to do?
Smile and wave while the only person who has ever understood and loved him unconditionally leaves him forever? Make a fool of himself pretending to be happy for you?
Every second without the certainty of seeing you the next day feels like an eternity.
It's wrong. He knows that. He can't keep you chained to the foot of his throne like a pet. You want to go, don't you? That's what you've wanted all along.
Once again, Vil only comes in second.
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h50europe ยท 1 day
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I wish fans would stop dissecting Buck/Tommy scenes but enjoy them for what they are: flirty banter between two lovers. Oliver stated in an interview he and Tim agreed to keep this relationship on the lighter side, more like a rom-com.
But no people go and dissect it like an alien discovered by NASA in a backyard.
When Tommy throws the line, "God, I hope so," he is nothing but hinting at the age difference, which is, give or take, about 7 years. So what? Seven years is nothing. Still, Tommy refers to it but means it as a joke. And Buck even blushes a little.
I can't remember we've ever seen Buck that flirty and all smiles whenever he and one of his many GFs where together. Can't the pearl clutchers be happy for him because he is finally who he is? Without having to hide a part of his sexuality that he kept buried deep inside before he met Tommy. A side he couldn't even show to Eddie. A side he knew was there but never dared to explore? Tommy came into Buck's life and opened this cage. He understands Buck on a totally different level than Eddie ever could. We see that Eddie has no gaydar. He was also clueless about Tommy being gay. Being so close to Buck, like the tin hats want them to be, he must have realized that Buck isn't only into women but guys as well. "Buddie" lived practically out of each other's pockets. And not once did Eddie ask, "Could it be that you aren't just into girls?" In a serious manner, not as a joke.
How about dissecting Eddie's dating "issues" with the doppelganger of his deceased wife? Does this imply Eddie's into necrophilia? This is ridiculous. It would be only one of their reactions. The nicer one, I guess. But it is no different from their daddy-kink nonsense.
What's wrong with these tin hats who are constantly complaining about LIs in general. No matter if it's Buck or Eddie? Shoving your favorite ship down everybody else's throat is the opposite of being open-minded and tolerant.
If Buddie should ever become canon, they will need a lot of patience. Eddie suffers from PTSD and is mentally unstable. Now, he lost his son. He has so much on his plate already. The last thing he needs right now is Buck coming over him like a force of nature and telling him he loves him. That would be the final straw if you want to see him end up in a loony bin. Eddie has to be on his own for some time to find out what and who he really wants. Something that would have to be stretched at least over a few episodes, if not over a full season. If it should be realistic. It took them 100 episodes to address Buck's bi-sexuality. And we saw hints here and there. We never saw hints of it concerning Eddie. Why do these "fans" think you can turn him bi from one moment to the other? Like Oliver said, it's not what he wanted for his character that Buck is bi, and suddenly, everyone else around him has some sort of sexual awakening. Since when can't a bisexual or gay man can't have a heterosexual bestie?
Also, bashing and harassing an actor for a part he is playing shows how sick these tin hats are. Or do they really think they could scare him off the show with their immature behavior and their unfounded hatred? Such behavior never ended a series character, let alone made a showrunner diverge from his plans and suddenly turn his show into a fan service-only show. Get a life ASAP, you tin hats and spread your toxic behavior among your ilk. It's not our fault you're leading a sad life full of envy and h*te. I am so sorry for you all. Fueled with so much anger must turn you into embittered personalities with no fun and no friends. How many of you opened sock puppet accounts to have at least someone to talk to? Living in an echo chamber can be exhausting at times...
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dollfacefantasy ยท 1 day
pussy spanking with chris? ๐Ÿ’—
yes because chris is like ideal for this. those big, thick hands. like please.
chris redfield x fem!reader
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, pussy spanking, dom/sub dynamics
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Chris Redfield had never been an obsessive man. Throughout his life, he'd been across the world, bouncing from one place to the next with whatever agency he worked for at the time. He never put much thought or desire to hang onto one location or one way of working. He didn't let things fester like Leon or Jill did. Shit happened and it was bad, but then it was over and life went on.
The only thing that has ever really transfixed Chris Redfield is you. More specifically, the piece of heaven found between your thighs.
It was beautiful. He could never get enough of it. Sometimes it took him minutes to get to actually eating you out because he could just stare at it, watching his thumb slide up and down the velvet folds.
He loved how wet you got, the pretty color of your flesh, the heady scent that fogged his head up. He craved the taste and could lap at it for hours, long after you had been satisfied. Nothing else gratified him more than watching your hole eagerly suck in his cock. His thick length sinking into you and stretching you out fulfilled the most primal of his needs.
Simply put, your pussy is his prized possession. And that's why he doesn't take kindly to anyone else touching it. Including you.
It'd been a rule between the two of you for a while now, no touching yourself without permission. Normally, you loved it, the extra lack of control giving you a little thrill whenever you thought of it. But today, you were horny. You would've asked Chris, but he'd been on a work call for most of the day, something far less important in your lustful eyes. So you just tried to resolve things yourself. You were pretty sure you could finish before he came back, and he'd be none the wiser.
It's a lucky thing you aren't a gambler though because you were dead wrong about this little bet of yours.
Chris reentered the bedroom just as things were getting good for you, the very moment the flicks of your middle finger were becoming actually pleasurable rather than just tantalizing.
He didn't hesitate to drag you to the edge of the bed and sit down next to you. His muscular arm hooks under your knees and lifts them so that your legs are folded up to your chest. Your poor, dripping pussy is on display, exposed to him and the cool air of the bedroom.
He doesn't say anything at first. His stare remains on you during the silence, letting you bask in your mistake. He drags two fingers through your slick, feeling the level to which you worked yourself up.
"What do you think you were doing, baby?" he asks gruffly.
"None of your business," you say.
"But it is my business," he says, his fingers teasingly prodding at your entrance, "It's my business because you know the rules and you know you have to ask before you touch something that belongs to me."
"It's not my fault you abandoned me for your work," you pout in an attempt to wrangle out of this by guilt tripping.
"Abandoned?" he repeats with a chuckle, "You're so dramatic, honey."
The slap that follows is quick. It's light and lands right on your center. His fingers tap your lips and leave them stinging. You mewl in response and try to squirm, but his grip is strong.
"Try again," he commands.
"I was just playing with myself cause I was bored waiting for you. I didn't even cum," you huff.
Another smack lands. Again, it's on the puffy flesh of your cunt. The hit doesn't strike anything too sensitive, but it's enough pressure to tease the ache. You buck your hips more which draws a chuckle from him before he spanks you again.
"Let's hear it without the excuses this time," he chides.
You groan and tilt your head back dramatically, but that only earns you another fast slap to your cunt.
"I was being bad and breaking a rule," you whine finally.
"Good girl," he coos, "That's better."
His thick digits part your pudgy lips and slide against your swollen clit. The tip presses down and gives you some temporary relief for the throbbing. A pleasurable sigh leaves you as he begins working you back to the release that had been stolen from you.
"I understand why you'd wanna touch yourself, babydoll. I'd play with your pretty pussy every second of the day if I could," he says, "But the rule is the rule, and you know better. Next time you wait for me."
He slaps your cunt again but this time is actually hits your poor, sensitive bundle of nerves. You yelp, sharper than before and arch your back.
"We clear?" he asks, his face remaining unaffected.
"Mhm," you whimper and nod.
"Perfect," he says. His fingers return to toying with your little nub. "I know you like it better when I do it anyways, sweet girl."
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lwtqts ยท 1 day
girls are fighting !
word count: 1.1k
The walk towards the park, which Yunjin had told you to go to, was quite amusing. A few months ago, the very thought of your best friend desiring to have a face-off with you over a boy would have seemed utterly ludicrous. The park, once a place of laughter and walks with her, was now a stage for this unexpected drama to take place.
โ€œYo" a voice echoed behind you. You didn't need to turn around to confirm that it was Mark. Earlier, you had made it clear to him that his presence wasn't necessary, yet he had been insistent on accompanying you. Mark was always stubborn with everyone. but as he walked closer towards you, you noticed someone else was there with him - Eunseok?
"Eunseok? What are you doing here?" You couldn't hide the surprise in your voice. This was turning out to be more than you had bargained for.
"I told you I was worried about you going through with this," he says, a smile stretched across his face. You continue to move forward, your mind racing as you attempt to process his words.
"I told you I was gonna be fine, Eunseok," you respond, your gaze firmly fixed on the path ahead, refusing to meet his eyes. As the three of you approach the park, your heart skips a beat as you spot a familiar face seated on a park bench.
Suddenly, the reality of the situation hits you. This is really happening, you think to yourself. A wave of regret washes over you. If there was any possible way to turn back time, to undo this tangled mess, you would do it in a heartbeat. The pit in your stomach grows as you realize that you don't want to do this. You know that Yunjin isn't a fighter, and neither are you. Sure, you've found yourself involved in fights before, but they were for dumb reasons, never over something that destroyed your friendship. Now, your only hope is that she isn't serious about this fight, that she simply wants to engage in a one-on-one conversation with you.
โ€œYunjin,โ€ you call out, standing firmly in front of her while the two boys, Mark and Eunseok, stand behind you. She glances upwards, a chuckle escaping her lips as she takes in the view.
"Well, isn't this funny?" she jests, an edge to her voice. "Felt the need to bring backup, did you?" Her tone is light, but the underlying bitterness is unmistakable. You look to your right, inhaling deeply to steady your nerves, before turning your gaze back to her.
โ€œWhat did you want to talk about?โ€ you question, trying to keep your voice steady. Her response is a burst of laughter. The sound stings, a painful reminder of how she seems to have no qualms about this impending confrontation.
โ€œDid you really think this was going to be a conversation? You always claims to have everything figured out. Well, you couldn't be more wrongโ€ she retorts, her tone dripping with derision. You sigh, feeling a pang of regret. This was not what you had imagined.
โ€œYunjin, we don't have to go through with this,โ€ you implore, hoping to appeal to her sense of reason. But she just laughs again, and then, without warning, strikes you. The sudden slap turns your head to the right, and out of your peripheral vision, you see Eunseok stepping forward as though to intervene, but Mark holds him back.
โ€œCan't you see? Youโ€™re the reason all of my friends dont talk to me anymoreโ€ she accuses, her voice rising with each word. Another slap lands on your face.
โ€œYou've practically ruined my life,โ€ she continues, her voice choked with emotion. And yet another slap.
โ€œYou and your whole friend group... you're all the same,โ€ she spits out, her words punctuated by another slap.
โ€œYou're all full of shit, especially you and Sohee,โ€ she rages, her hand striking your face again. This time, you react. You won't stand there and let her insult Sohee. You grab her hair and pull her head back, your eyes meeting hers in a silent challenge.
โ€œYou can slap me all you want, Yunjin, but you will not talk about Sohee like that,โ€ you declare, your voice steady despite the burning sting on your face. In a swift motion, you return her slaps and push her to the ground. You want nothing more than to walk away and never have to deal with her again.
Turning around, you glance at Eunseok and Mark, managing a small smile for them. As your eyes meet Eunseok's, a flurry of butterflies explode in your stomach. But just as you're about to enjoy the moment, Yunjin lunges towards you, causing a fight to break out.
Despite escaping the fight without any major injuries, you were left with a medley of bruises and cuts, particularly on your knuckles from where you'd landed blows on Yunjin. In addition to the visible damage, there was a nagging suspicion that you might have also suffered a concussion, given the throbbing pain in your head.
After the fight, you somehow managed to get yourself home. Mark, ever the responsible one, left shortly after to fetch some medicine, potentially to treat what you all assumed might be a concussion. You were left alone with Eunseok, who, with a gentle touch, tended to the bruises and cuts on your hands.
In the quiet of the room, you found yourself studying Eunseok. This wasn't the first time you'd seen him up close, yet his beauty never ceased to amaze you. There was an urge, almost irresistible, to reach out and touch his face, to run your fingers through his hair. But you managed to suppress it.
โ€œI told you to be careful,โ€ Eunseok scolded. Yet, his tone was filled with more worry than reprimand. The softness of his voice somehow making the 'scolding' sound more like a worried whisper.
"Do I have any injuries on my face?" he asks, looking up at you with a smile. There's a moment of silence as you take in his features, struck by how attractive he is. You have to force yourself to look away before you have a chance to blush.
Unprompted, he breaks the silence with a surprising statement. "I'm taking you out tomorrow," he declares, catching you completely off guard.
You blink, taken aback. "What?" you echo, not quite believing what you just heard.
"Yes,we're going to spend the day together tomorrow. I don't think it's a good idea to leave you alone right now." His words hang in the air for a moment, leaving you speechless. It takes a while for you to process what he just said, and you find yourself unable to formulate a proper response. Instead, you just nod in agreement, still a bit dazed.
A few minutes after your conversation, Mark arrives, effectively breaking the spell that had fallen over the room.
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๐Ÿ’: i literally suck at editing pics so just try to imagine it๐Ÿ™ anyways im learning accendio by ive๐Ÿ˜‹
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bole couldnt be tagged !
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