#you've broken the rules dear anon
suugarbabe · 6 months
If you’re still sending hate to people on tumblr. I’m begging you to come find me. If you’re telling people to “get rid of themselves” or any other kind of speech that is indicative of killing themselves. Please please come find me you little shithole coward of a person. Especially if you’re doing this shit anonymously.
Just because you can access a persons blog on the internet does not mean they owe you shit or that you have free range to demand shit for anything whatsoever. Who raised you? Or more so, who is responsible for the lack of raising of you? It’s truly, honestly, so desperately sad.
You namby-pambly, weakling of a person to come to the one space online that you can submit something truly anonymous just to bring down someone else? For what? Ugh, god, please I’m begging you to come find me. I fucking dare you. Do it. Please.
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aemondwhoresworld · 30 days
pairing: husband!aemond targaryen x wife!tyrell!reader ; cregan stark x tyrell!reader
requested by anon: Hii! Could you do a fic where aemond marries Tyrell!reader who was previously betrothed to cregan and was raised in the north to be lady stark but when her family got the offer to marry her to a prince they took it. In the north she was beloved by everyone and had cregan as her first love. But when she marries aemond she does end up falling in love with him and has sons with him that are just the peak of Targaryen features, like you would think aemond made them by himself. And for whatever reason the targs have to go to the north and so while on the kings road the targs finally get to see how deeply loved Tyrell!reader is in the north. When passing by lords keep’s the people in towns would come and flock to see their lady, the lords would come out and greet her as if she was their own blood, wildlings follow them on the road to ensure that no one mistreats their lady, house starks dire wolves ( let’s pretend they have them in this generation ) that belong to cregan that she helped raise hunt them down the moment they enter the north and protect her and her babes, and when they get to winterfell all the stereotypes that “starks and northerners are cold to all” are broken because even though cregan was professional to the royals he lights up like a little boy getting his favorite toy back again when he sees Tyrell ! Reader so it just shows that they are cold when they wanna to be.
warning: none | word count: 2,1k
feed back are appreciate but please be nice 🙇🏻‍♀️
request OPEN | mae TAGLIST
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Marriage for love is a luxury among the nobility, as your dear mother once taught you. From the age of three and ten, you were sent to Winterfell to prepare for your fate — to become Lady Stark, the wife of Cregan Stark, who would rule the North. Initially, the cold land felt unfamiliar to you, but Cregan's kindness and warmth gradually melted the ice in your heart, and feelings for him began to blossom within your tender heart. Cregan became your first love.
However, you soon realized that Cregan had no special feelings for you. His gaze was always fixed on someone else—Arra Norrey, his childhood friend. You understood that Cregan’s heart did not belong to you, but rather than feeling lonely, you found comfort and support from the people of Winterfell. They accepted and loved you, making you feel like a part of this home.
When you turned seven and ten, a letter from Highgarden arrived. It was a rare warm day in the North. The letter was from your father, Lord Tyrell, requesting that you return home immediately. You couldn’t refuse your father’s request, despite the lingering attachment you felt for Winterfell.
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After more than thirty long days on the carriage, you finally set foot back in Highgarden, the place where you were born and raised. Memories of the fragrant rose gardens, the warm afternoons, all came rushing back to you as you stepped through the grand gate.
As you entered the house, you were not greeted by the lively sounds of family, but by silence. Your father stood there, his back turned to you, his tall figure dominating the quiet space. Your heart beat faster, both eager and anxious. You stepped forward and gently called
Hearing your voice, he slowly turned around. In his eyes was a mix of joy at seeing his daughter again and something else, something difficult to grasp. He looked at you for a long time, as if measuring you after the years apart.
"You've returned, at last," he said, his voice warm but somewhat heavy, as if it carried secrets you were not yet able to understand.
You felt as if you had been pulled into the cold winds of the North once again. Your father's words left you stunned, your eyes widening in surprise. A marriage proposal from Prince Aemond Targaryen—a name not unfamiliar yet completely foreign to your imagination.
"Prince Aemond… Targaryen?" you whispered in disbelief.
"But Cregan and I —“
Your father interrupted, his voice firm but still gentle. "I know you and Cregan have a bond, but politics cannot be swayed by personal feelings. The future of our house is more important. This opportunity cannot be missed, especially when our connection with House Targaryen is something we need now more than ever."
You stood still, your mind swirling with chaotic thoughts. All the plans and dreams you had since childhood about life in Winterfell, about becoming Lady Stark—now they had vanished into thin air. Instead, a completely foreign future with the Targaryen dynasty awaited you.
"But… Aemond, I’ve never met him, father" you exclaimed, desperately searching for a way out of this sudden change.
"You will meet him soon," your father replied, his voice growing more resolute. "I have done what is best for our house, and for you. Prince Aemond is a strong warrior, powerful, and with a promising future in the realm. This marriage will bring great benefits to Highgarden."
You looked into your father's determined eyes, feeling a sense of helplessness creeping into your mind. You could clearly sense that, no matter how deep your feelings for Cregan were, the decision of the family would always be paramount. Unable to refuse, you had to accept this arrangement, as many noblewomen had done before you.
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Aemond's soft voice pulled you out of the whirlwind of thoughts that surrounded your mind. You startled and looked up at him, realizing the worried gaze of your husband was fixed on you.
"Wife… wife," he called you, his tone tinged with confusion, as if he couldn’t understand why you were sitting there so lost in thought.
You tried to calm yourself, offering a gentle smile to reassure him. "I’m fine," you replied, your voice trying to sound steady, though your heart still felt a little unsettled. "Is Aerys asleep?" you asked, changing the subject, trying to shift your attention to your son.
Aemond nodded, his eyes still on you. "Yes, our boy is asleep," he answered, his gaze softening at the mention of Aerys.
You stepped closer to Aemond, feeling the warmth emanating from him. The distance between the two of you seemed to disappear, and you felt safe standing near your husband. You placed your hand on his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It helped you calm yourself, dispelling the lingering thoughts.
"I’m just a bit tired," you said softly, leaning into Aemond, allowing yourself to rest in his strength and steadiness.
Aemond gently wrapped his arms around you, his hand tenderly stroking your hair. "If you're tired, let's rest, my love" he whispered, his voice deep and full of care.
In that moment, all your worries, all the swirling thoughts vanished. What remained was the sense of safety and warmth that came from having Aemond by your side.
Yes, sometimes you still wondered how you could find happiness with Prince Aemond, after all the twists and turns in your life. You once thought that the betroth between you with Cregan would be the path you had to walk, but after that betrothal was canceled, your life took a different direction. With Aemond, the love of your life
At first, you didn’t think you could ever love Aemond — a cold, strong, and sometimes distant man. But as time passed, you gradually realized that behind that exterior was a warm heart, a husband willing to protect and love you. The affection between the two of you grew over time, and you gave your heart to Aemond without even realizing it.
The birth of Aerys — your firstborn son was proof of the love that you and Aemond had nurtured. Although the marriage may not have been your choice initially, it had now become a great source of happiness in your life. You felt fortunate to have Aemond by your side, and even more grateful to be the mother of his son.
Married life with Aemond wasn’t always easy, but it was love and mutual understanding that helped you overcome everything. You not only found happiness with him, but also discovered a small family of your own, something you never thought possible before.
The next morning, you were awakened by the clear laughter of Aerys, your 3-year-old son with Aemond, yours boy inherited all the beautiful features of the Targaryen bloodline. His laughter was full of joy, making you smile instinctively. Aemond, noticing that you had woken up, came closer and sat beside you.
“Good morning, my dear wife,” Aemond said with his deep, warm voice, then leaned down to kiss your forehead. His gentle kiss made you feel a warmth spreading throughout your body.
“Good morning, my love,” you replied, your eyes filled with affection. Just then, Aerys slowly approached, his bright eyes and innocent smile lighting up his face as he babbled, “Mornin Mama!”
Your heart melted at the sight of your son’s adorable face. You bent down kiss on his white soft yet curly hair with a hugged, savoring the simple yet immensely meaningful happiness that your little family brought you.
After spending some warm moments together in the morning, the maid arrived to help you prepare for the journey to Winterfell with the entire Targaryen family. This was an important event, and you wanted everything to be perfect.
You had initially planned to ride dragons with Aemond to Winterfell, but Aemond was concerned about your safety. He believed that traveling by dragon could be dangerous, especially since you needed to care for Aerys during the trip. So, after some consideration, the two of you decided to travel by carriage together. Aemond wanted to ensure that you and your son would be well protected throughout the long journey.
The carriage was ready, and you felt a bit anxious thinking about this trip. But with Aemond by your side, you knew you could face anything ahead.
Aerys sat in the carriage with you and the wet nurses, the boy ever curious about everything around him. This journey carried significant meaning, not only for House Targaryen but also for House Stark. Your presence on this trip symbolized respect and a desire to strengthen political ties between the two houses.
You understood the importance of this journey, and although the road might be long and tiring, you knew that your presence would contribute to solidifying the alliance between the Targaryens and Starks. With determination and support from Aemond, you were ready to face the challenges ahead for the future of your house and your son.
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After more than one moon, the long journey finally came to an end as the Targaryen family’s carriage entered the North. As soon as the carriage arrived, the people recognized the return of Lady Tyrell. Cheers erupted everywhere, and you could feel their warm affection towards you.
“Lady Tyrell has returned!” one person shouted, their voice full of excitement.
“My Lady, welcome back,” another called out, even though they couldn’t see you inside the carriage, the presence of two large direwolves walking beside it was an unmistakable sign that you were there. The two wolves, was once raised and cared for by you, now walked close to the carriage as if to affirm your role in this land.
Hearing these greetings, you couldn’t help but smile. Before arriving, you had been worried that the people might have forgotten you, or even be angry at your sudden disappearance without a word of explanation. But on the contrary, their affection for you remained intact, and this eased your heart greatly.
As soon as you stepped down from the carriage, you didn’t hesitate to run over and embrace Cregan Stark. The two of you were like two brother sister who had been apart for many years, now finally reunited. Cregan’s eyes were filled with joy and happiness, as if he was welcoming a beloved sister back home.
No matter how many years passed, the bond between you and Cregan remained unchanged, from your first love to a friend, a brother that you loved dearly. The warmth and affection that Cregan showed you were proof of the deep feelings that the North always had for you, regardless of time or distance.
At Winterfell, after being warmly welcomed, you felt truly happy to see that everyone still cherished and valued you as part of the family. "Welcome to Winterfell, once again," Cregan said with a warm smile, to which you could only smile back. "Thank you, everyone for welcoming me and my family with such warmth and making me love this place even more," you said before stepping out of Cregan's embrace.
You were delighted to learn that Cregan had married the woman he loved, Arra Norrey, and the two had a healthy, lively son named Rickon. After the warm greetings between the two families, you were led to the prepared private chambers for your little family.
That evening, Winterfell hosted a grand feast to celebrate your family's safe arrival. The festive and cozy atmosphere of the feast made you love this place even more, a place where the weather was cold but the hearts of the people were incredibly warm.
As night fell, you gently placed Aerys into the cradle beside your bed, with Aemond lying next to you. The two loyal direwolves, Summer and Winter, lay beside the cradle, guarding little Aerys without leaving. Since your arrival in Winterfell, they had not left your side or your son's.
After finishing everything, you crawled into bed beside Aemond. "I never expected the people here to love you so much," Aemond said in a tone of admiration, mixed with pride.
"Yes, they have always seen me as one of their own," you replied, happiness spreading in your heart. "And look, the two wolves I cared for all those years ago, even after so much time, they remain loyal and protect our son."
Aemond, who once thought the people of the North were cold and distant, now realized the warmth and respect they had for you and his family. You, with your strength, spirit, and special connection with them, had captured the hearts of the Northerners.
"I am so proud of you," Aemond said, holding you tightly. You turned to look at him, smiling happily.
"I love you, Aemond," you whispered. You could hear Aemond's soft chuckle.
"I love you too, my love," he replied, then gently kissed your hair. The two of you held each other and drifted into a peaceful, contented sleep, wrapped in the warmth of love and family.
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joe-spookyy · 3 months
asks you about american werewolf in london
hoooly shit it’s finally happened. someone asked me The question. thanks anon.
i am now going to try and sell you all on this movie cause i can’t recommend it enough and i think everyone should watch it. so: let me tell you a thing or two about hit 1981 horror comedy an american werewolf in london!!! and this is off the top of my head so if any of it is slightly off numbers wise im sorry. if you like 80s horror, men, queercoding, re-animator, the thing, jaws, saw, the lost boys, or just werewolves in general. hear me out on this one. link included to watch.
The Premise:
fresh off the heels of his cocaine fueled jazz musical masterpiece The Blues Brothers (1980), director john landis decided he was going to cook up the greatest film ever made. and he did. he was actually gonna have john belushi (jake blues) and dan akyroyd (elwood blues and yes the ghostbuster) play the two main characters, david kessler and jack goodman. now, who are these fellas? well i’m so glad you asked. david (played by david naughton) and jack (played by griffin dunne) are two dear pals from new york on a cute little backpacking trip across europe. david's the tall one. he's silly and gleeful to be out and about. jack is the short one. he's very much not gleeful about the fact that they're on the rainy moors and wishes they were in rome. together they find their way to a cute little pub and go inside, looking for hot drinks. the locals do not love this. they also do not love when jack asks them why there's a five pointed star on the wall (since lon chaney and universal studios assert that that's the mark of the wolfman!) it gets awkward. so they leave, with nothing but the warning to stay off the moors, stick to the roads, and beware of the moon. obviously, they do not follow this. wouldn't make for a very interesting movie if they did. and, as i'm sure you've assumed, they encounter a werewolf, leaving jack like this (dead):
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and david, who survived the attack, with the curse of the werewolf. but fear not! david is transported to a hospital where he makes a lovely recovery, and jack um. well he stays dead. but he comes back to haunt david! he shows up a few more times in further states of decay to tell david that he really ought to just kill himself so that the curse is broken, jack and all the other werewolf victims can rest in peace, and david won't accidentally maul any additional civilians as a werewolf. hey while we're talking about jack heres me when i dressed up as him at a horror con. and the man himself.
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anyways. hijinks ensue, and you're taken on a delightful romp across 97 minutes of fun as david tries to navigate life as... you guessed it. AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON!
why it rules:
in my opinion, that's enough to make this movie flames as fuck. but if you're not convinced yet? let me tell you some more. first off. the practical effects on this bad boy are straight up excellent. they're done by my personal favorite vfx artist rick baker (who also worked on star wars, men in black, videodrome, king kong and more!), and he does not hold back. the picture of jack shows how nasty and detailed the wound is pretty well, but in action it's even better with all the nasty fleshy bits dangling and wiggling and eugh. it's gross. but it's so well done. and he does a terrific job showing how jack decays throughout the rest of the movie. but of course, what really matters is the werewolf. it's not called an american dead guy in london. which is good. cause that would be a dumb name for a movie. anyways. if we’re going to talk about the werewolf, we have to start with the iconic transformation scene. sped up.
wow! pretty impressive stuff right? it’s all practical, no cgi, and i think the way it’s almost drawn out and the relative silence of the scene adds to the impact it has, since it sort of forces the audience to sit with and feel just a little bit of the discomfort that david seems to be feeling. we just have to watch him scream in pain and beg for mercy. yeesh. now, the transformation scene is hard to top. but i think the final werewolf design is actually pretty solid. it’s distinctly not man, but it’s also distinctly not wolf. i would include a picture, but i feel like part of the allure of the film is how it (jaws style) doesn’t really let you get a good look at the monster itself until the end of the movie. it’s a great way to build the tension and leave a little bit up to the audience’s interpretation. and the audience will always imagine something way more horrible than you could have ever created. which is kind of beautiful. the first time i watched, i found myself kind of disappointed in the werewolf’s appearance - its face seemed to be stuck in a sort of permanent scowl. i was kind of lost, because i couldn’t imagine why a static face had won out over whatever the vfx team was clearly capable of making. but Oh. dear reader. when nurse alex price, david’s dear love, who cared for him in the hospital, allowed him to live with her, and even banged him, approaches the wolf. when she tells david she loves him. the wolf’s eyes soften. it begins to drop the snarl. see. i lied here’s part of the wolf. all snarly like and scary. before it melts at three simple words from alex. god.
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it hits me like a huge truck every single time. rick baker never misses and this movie was certainly not an exception. he got an academy award for it and it was well deserved.
not so into the technical stuff? that’s okay. i have more to praise about this movie. it is one of the best blends of horror and comedy that i’ve ever encountered. although some of it looks a little dated, i do think it maintains its fear factor. it’s plenty gory, and in my humble opinion, the subway scene (you’ll know it when you see it) is one of the most effective bits of horror i’ve ever encountered. even when isolated from the film, it still packs a punch. but i’m not gonna put it here because i want you to just watch it with the rest of the movie. sorry. and on top of the horror, it’s honestly hilarious. if you don’t think seven dead people ganging up on one dude and listing ways he should kill himself in the middle of a porn theater while a porno plays very loudly in the background. well. i don’t know what to tell you. you probably won’t like this movie that much. also, the final needle drop over the credits at the end is so abrupt and so funny. love it.
and of course, being an 80s horror movie with two male leads. i’m sure you can guess what i’m going to say. it is not hard to read jack and david as friends, but it’s also not very difficult to read them as having a little something going on. like love. fellas is it gay to go on a little trip across england with just yoh and your best bro? hard to say. textually, i do think it’s kind of telling that every time jack shows up, it’s either right after or while david is having a heterosexual experience (flirting with alex, banging alex, watching straight porn in the porn theater.) it’s almost like… something other than jack… is haunting david. i dunno. i’m not a cop. but it’s interesting. seems like something the average tumblr user might like to keep an eye on, so i’m letting you know. also they have a conversation while david is completely naked which is like. hello. plus the inherent queerness of the werewolf narrative is something i could talk about for HOURS and was especially prevalent, alongside vampire movies. in the 80s during the aids crisis.
also, there’s a classic john landis third act car crash scene, where, in the same vein as the blues brothers, an obscene amount of cars are absolutely demolished.
also also, the muppets make a brief appearance in this movie. this made me jump for joy, because i love the muppets. and you should too.
fun and true facts
still not sold? well, check out this last ditch effort in the form of fun facts. or, if you just want to know more, read on.
micheal jackson was so impressed by the effects in this movie, particularly the transformation scene, that after seeing it, he promptly hired rock baker (vfx guy) and john landis (director guy) to work on the music video for his hit song thriller. you’ve probably seen it, but if not, go watch it. tbh, even if you have seen it before, go watch it again.
david naughton was a doctor pepper spokesman before the filming of this movie. he was in at least a few bits of promotional material, including at least one commercial. unfortunately he lost the job because of the amount of time he spent dick out in this movie. doctor pepper did not want that to be the representation of their brand. cowards, the lot of them.
speaking of his dick, you actually never fully see it at any point in the movie despite the fact that it seems they never felt like telling david to wear pants on set. there is a reason for this! david (character) is jewish and canonically circumcised (dunno how else to put it) and david (actor) is neither of these things. so, to avoid ruining the realism in his. werewolf movie. john landis took great care to never show the whole thing.
the american ambassador who visits david in the hospital is played by frank oz, who also voices miss piggy. because of her brief cameo, he technically plays two different roles in this movie, although miss piggy is simply credited as “Herself” in the end credits of the movie. he also voices yoda which isn’t relevant but it is really funny to me.
see you next wednesday, which is the name of the porno in the movie, is actually a fun john landis easter egg! many of his movies include the phrase “see you next wednesday.” it’s also seen on posters in the subway scene.
in the scene where jack first visits david in the hospital, he was supposed to take a bite of david’s toast, after which it would immediately fall out of his ruined and torn to shreds throat. however, it was cut for being too gross. which is sad i feel like it could have been funny.
when david calls home to talk to his parents, he mentions two siblings: rachel and max. these are the names of the directors children in real life.
griffin dunne, who plays jack, also appears as the family therapist in a season 2 episode of succession. this was a jumpscare.
while they were filming the naked in the zoo scenes, they were unable to actually close the zoo, so when filming carried on past the opening time of the park, they just kept going and allowed butt naked david naughton to run loose around the zoo. they did, however, succeed in closing piccadilly circus for the car crash scene.
in the beginning when jack is being attacked by the werewolf, it was in fact half a wolf prop on the front of a wheelbarrow. this is a very funny vision for me.
jack is right - the five pointed star is considered the mark of the wolfman, according to 1941’s The Wolf Man, played by lon chaney junior and produced by universal pictures. the guy knows his stuff. interestingly, rick baker did the makeup for the 2010 remake of the wolf man as well. he did pretty good, i think.
this isn’t even about this movie but blues brothers is an awesome film too and a fun fact about that one is there was a whole part of the budget devoted to buying cocaine. and you can tell. great movie.
director john landis did in fact kill three people the year after this movie came out. so. i do feel a little bad promoting it because jesus christ. but. no harm no foul in pirating it. it’s one easy internet archive search away. and sometimes it’s on tubi. but just in case, here’s the internet archive link. https://archive.org/details/an-american-werewolf-in-london
so. anyways. please check out this baller ass movie and talk to me about it. thank you so much to whoever asked this. i love you. thanks for reading. bye.
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zylophie · 11 months
HELLO!! my birthday is coming on halloween :3 so i would like to request n25 having a halloween party with reader! or idk anything halloween themed is fine thx <3
Halloween Trip ☆
↳ N25(Together) celebrates Halloween together with you by hosting a haunted house.
♬ X/ModNene is typing...
↻Happy early/belated birthday anon ☆ Hope your birthday is going well ! I wasn't sure if you wanted to separate or put it together. If this wasn't to your liking, feel free to request again \(≧∇≦)
𝅘𝅥𝅮 If you would like to request click here and read the writing rules for all the writers ! ☆
■ Contents: Fluff
► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : N25
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N25 were doing their usual daily things in order to make more songs to save people. Until K stumbles a song she had saved the title as "[name] birthday present" which she then realised was in a weeks time. Slowly streamlined of events unfold.
Nightcord at 25:00
Amia: Yahoo! What are you guys going to do for [name]'s birthday?
Enanan: I haven't gotten a gift yet. It's quite hard to find something that's presentable.
Amia: Just say you're indecisive..
Enanan: Hey! You're indecisive too
K: Ah.. I've composed a song for them as a gift. I hope they'll like it.
Yuki: Couldn't we just say happy birthday?
Amia: Not this time Yuki!
Amia: I've got an idea of how we can celebrate it fufufu~ Since it is Halloween soon..
Enanan: No.
Amia: Hey! Why?! I haven't even started telling you my plans?!
Enanan: I don't like your ideas.
Amia: Ouch!! Yuki, K, Enanan is such a bully!!
K: Enanan, how about we hear her out first.
Enanan: I refuse, she is probably going to take us somewhere scary first!!
Amia: Ena you suck at guessing.
Enanan: Huh? We aren't going somewhere scary? Also I do not suck at guessing! You always have tricks up your sleeves.
Amia: That's so mean of you to think that someone as cute and adorable as me would do something like that!
K: So where are we taking out [name] on their birthday?
Amia: Let's make a haunted house!
Enanan: ..Eh?
You were now standing outside Kanade's apartment however it seemed a bit different. The door was unlocked and it was incredibly dark with only a few candles that dimly lit the halls.
'Did a hurricane hit Kanade's house..?' You thought as you could see fallen debris everywhere as well as broken furnitures. It has the atmosphere of a haunted house. Perhaps this was what Mizuki had wanted you to see?
"Ya-hello~? Is anyone home?" You yelled in the house, there didn't feel like there was any life in it. You walked into the apartment cautiously.
"EEK WHAT WAS THAT?!" You cried out, slowly embracing yourself to look down. Only to found out that you've stepped on a piece of paper on the ground.
"Oh.. Hahaha, silly me, it's just a piece of paper." As you bent down to reach it. 'Welcome dear guest.. Once you read this, your fate has been sealed! Only way to get out is to continue forward.' And just like that you heard the door behind you shut close with a slam.
"AH-hahaha.. What a nice joke.." You turn around to try to open the door. However..
*Cluck cluck.. CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK*
It was completely shut and wouldn't open. However the shut door had a red writing that kind of looks like blood.
Have fun with this little haunted house activity we put together for you~
Come and find us! There will be a great surprise at the end if you do 𝅘𝅥𝅮
- Mizuki :P"
Oh.. So it is a haunted house after all. You heaved a sigh of relief glad that Kanade is fine and that the girls had come together to make this for you. You had always liked haunted houses however you were scared of them. It was both terrifying and fun at the same time, you would always go with Mizuki as they were the most enthusiastic to come.
You then proceeded to turn around to continue the haunted house activity moving ever so cautiously to not get scared, when suddenly the place was filled with mist and an eerie music started playing.
"Creepy atmosphere? You must do better than that to scare me." You thought.
- only to jinx yourself as suddenly a hand came out of nowhere out of a painting and tried to grab you. "EEK?!" you immediately jolted away on reflex.
The hand immediately withdraw and what now lies in the painting was a black figure with long hair. "The pain.." The painting softly said.
You recall the horror story the Mizuki told you about and jolted out of the hallway as fast as your legs could take you.
"Wait. It was just a painting. Surely paintings can't chase me.." You look behind you and nothing was there. "Urghh! I spent my energy on nothing." Although now you were in the room full of dolls with eerie red lightings.
As you take a bit of a look around the room. You found many artworks in red, they all look quite terrifying but you could clearly tell the Artstyle was from Ena which made it less terrifying.
"The artstyle is really nice, however Ena draws too well to make this scary.."
"Tha- I mean, look guys! A human, we c-could totally use more blood for these paintings!" You heard a voice behind you. Suddenly you can see multiple dolls slowly standing up from their sitting positions to come after you.
Although you weren't really scared since Ena's artworks seem to calm you down as you know you aren't alone and that this room was Ena's part of the haunted house.
"Hey! Why aren't you scared?! I-I mean we are going to harvest your blood you know?!"
"..Ena I know you're behind the voices of the dolls."
"...How did you know?! I thought I didn't mess-"
"Your artworks were really good to give me a sense of fear, probably because I know its your artstyle which gave me the comfort that you're here with me!"
You took this as an opportunity to dash out the room while Ena was stump at the sudden compliment that she forgot about the part about chasing after you.
"Phew~! That was a bit close. I definitely don't want to be chased by dolls." You were slowly making to the end of the haunted house as there was a light emitting out below of a close door, where you assume was where the surprise was.
Without hesitating, you immediately started sprinting to the end. As you were about to reach it..
"Boo" something walked out of another room and scared you.
"AH! PLEASE DON'T EAT ME-" You fell down shutting your eyes and used your hands to block whatever was in front of you.
You slowly opened your eyes to see a familiar purple haired girl standing in front of you.
"Oh.. Ahaha, it's just you Mafuyu, I t-totally knew it"
"Didn't you just screamed 'don't eat me'-"
"I-Ignore that!! The tiny details don't matter!"
"The tiny detail was you screaming though.."
"Hey! That was a half-ass jumpscare! How did you get more scared of that than my part?!" You looked behind you to see Ena coming out of her room, obviously a bit mad.
"I was only told to jumpscare.."
"Still you could've done a little better?!"
"Ahaha.. Now now, don't fight you two, it's [name]'s birthday."
You turned to see the door in front of you which was emitting light open with a side pony-tailed girl behind it.
"Congrats [name]! You made it, I totally enjoyed your screams~𝅘𝅥𝅮"
"Yeah, congrats [name]" as the last member of N25 came out of the lighted room to congratulate you.
"Mizuki! You're so mean! However this experience was really fun. I really enjoyed it a lot" You praised them for making this for you, after all they all poured their efforts into this.
After this. N25 hosted a birthday party as your gift for going through the haunted house. This was the best birthday you could've ever asked for and won't be forgetting in a long time.
"The haunted house was so amazing the decorations and props made it feel so surreal~!" You chirped happily, thankful that your friend made a full haunted house activity for you.
"Aha, the props was thanks to an old friend of mine, he made the dolls and we could control it. But apparently Ena is so terrible at scaring you, we didn't manage to get that to work."
"Oi! How would I know my art would comfort them?!"
"Mhm.. Can I take off this costume and makeup then.."
"Oh right, I'll help with that Mafuyu, after all I was the one who did it."
You took a closer look at Mafuyu and the makeup looks really well made and terrifying. Mizuki's skills of dressing her up has surprised you.
"Ah right I still have to wash my arm.. Is it okay Ena?"
"Hm, oh yeah, the makeup I used is fairly easy to get off. Just wash it off with water."
"Eh?? You all split up the work and cooperate that well to make this whole thing?! I mean.. Everyone worked well except for Ena" you teased a little
"What's that suppose to mean?!"
"That no means you suck!"
Mizuki yelled from the room.
"So loud.."
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b000mbayah · 2 years
I saw ur rules and you said to keep the sh subject on the low so maybe 6th!member au where itzy sees their old scars?
If you can ofc if not it's ok and pls let me know <3
Thank you for taking my rules into consideration 😁 have a good week anon!
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Yeji gently grabbed your arm from the first time she noticed them- the faded scars. Her eyes looked deeply into yours for an explanation and when she got one, it wasn't as small as she hoped.
Once she learnt the truth, Yeji had almost forced you to sit down with her as she'd pull out a motherly card- as she often does. She'd gently rub over the scars, telling you that you're beautiful and strong for what you've gone through.
Yeji would try her hardest to stay away from the topic after that day in case of any type of trauma that may resurface and after some time, it almost blended in with her surroundings. It had become a part of you and although she accepted that instantly, she'd happily tell you every day that you're indeed extraordinary and remarkable for what you've evolved from.
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Lia froze up, staring sheepishly at your exposed wrist as you put on a hoodie. It had taken her moments later to finally return to her normal senses, and when she did, she struggled to find a polite way of asking you without seeming forceful.
When she subtly dropped hints that weren't so subtle, you had just opened up about it instead, saving her from the hassle. You claimed you're over it, that it was a hard time in your life and you needed to release stress some way… so you turned to self-harm.
You expressed that it wasn't the best thing to do in any way, but it was addictive at the time- so you seeked out professional help.
Lia had involuntarily released a sigh of relief, carefully holding a small smile as she nodded, glad of your decisions. She'd pull you close for a quick hug before complementing you, reassuring you that you won't face another hard time if she has anything to do about it.
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Ryujin scooted closer when she realised the discolouration on your body. It wasn't obvious, and was hidden quite well, but she still noticed it. She'd carefully tuck your hair behind your ear, almost as if you'd shatter from a touch not as delicate.
Ryujin would tuck you into her arms as she'd whisper words of encouragement, explaining that she's sorry for not noticing sooner.
You had to explain the situation, and that you had inflicted the harm on yourself before she was even a part of the trainee program, that you haven't done anything of the sort since you met her or the other members you now call family.
Even with the explanation, Ryujin held you close and dear, like she couldn't risk the company hurting you again. Ryujin's voice was the in-between of a broken whisper and a serious whimper as she spoke. She knew how hard life had been for you, but now she knows the true extent.
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When an article spread among the public of your scars, exposed only momentarily at the airport a few weeks ago, Chaeryeong had turned to you almost instantly, asking for confirmation.
However, once she received a timid nod she calmly cupped your face with her hand, rubbing at the tender skin on your reddened cheeks with the pad of her thumb. Chaeryeong had a permanent frown occupying her face as her eyes lined up with yours. She tried her hardest to comprehend the situation to the best of her ability.
Eventually though, all she could do was draw you in for a heartfelt hug, allowing a sense of comfort to bestow upon the two of you, warming the atmosphere. The look you had on your face, the tearful pool forming within your eyes and the quither of your lower lip was enough to tell her of your past troubles.
She didn't need to know why unless you wanted to tell her so, and if you ever did share with her she’d listen with an optimistic ear, trying her utmost best to understand your previous situation.
Chaeryeong would make a promise to never let that happen ever again- both the scars and the article- not as long as there's still a universe out there.
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You didn't even have time to flinch before you found yourself wrapped up in Yunas arms as she just held you. She'd let you cry it out if you needed to, staining her shirt with your tears as you cling to her like you were in desperate need of your comfort buddy.
Yuna would listen to your ramblings and spits of reasons why your body was lined with purposeful scars. A frown would be placed upon her face as she'd tear up too.
Yuna would treat you to a nice at home movie night with snacks of all kinds. However, she'd be snuggling up to you the whole time, still holding you close.
She knows the scars are scars for a reason, she knows you haven't been causing yourself any more harm recently but she'd love to be the person you go to when things feel undesirable. Just know she'll always be here for you, okay?
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
reader that was in squid game x twisted wonderland dorm leaders please?
*pink soldier theme intensifies*
(Also I made fanart for TWST x Squid Game here and a very short comic of Adeuce Angst revolving around Squid Game here-)
*ahem* Okay, getting too emotional ;-;;;
But to put ourselves into the shoes of a winner in Squid Game, is that you're traumatised forever. Seeing countless of people die, you cling on to dear life everyday while "playing" the twisted and life threatening games of the facility.
You've seen the few of your closest friends die, and at one point of time, one had die within your hand all because of a simple game with marbles. You've become numb to the dangers of life, you have lost interest in wealth, and you've learn to treasure those you love, yet somehow to remain deeply sceptical of everyone.
Your hate for the rich had risen to such degree, ever since you've found out they had watched you like puppets playing in a theatre, merely dolls for their entertainment. Not a heartbeat for a single soul, only cringing when they died as they had bet on them.
Sometimes you look back, to the 455 contestants that have died, you stand alone alive with the prize, yet the blood of all of them stain your hands in the vision of your eyes. The guilt washes over you. Even in another world...
TWST Dorm Leaders with the Squid Game Winner s/o
(sorry there's no Malleus, Idia, Vil and Kalim because I got lazy ;-;;;;-)
***Tw: Some mentions of suicide but vague.
Riddle Rosehearts
He’s one to notice your harsh and cold attitude towards others and himself, but since you’ve never really broken any rules before his overblot, he didn’t really care much at first,
perhaps only irritated by your attitude towards everyone, but left you be.
What unsettled him is your calmness in every overblot, how you didn’t seem afraid to die, even with no magic, you brought yourself to take it down with the help of Grim, your friends and your camera.
You put yourself in the line of those powerful overblots, without a single regard of your life.
As his s/o, Riddle is worried for you. Are you…. suicidal? Or do you not care about your own life. He treasures you a lot, and it would break him if you one day just…. fade from him.
Riddle made his way to Ramshackle, to find you lying on your couch. Then he heard a sniffle, that broke into a quiet sob.
He panicked, gently shaking you awake. “S/o? S/o! S/o what happened?!” You were startled wide awake, taking in a moment to see Riddle by your side, big grey eyes laced with worry.
You… we’re shocked, to be shaken awake from a traumatic past of events quite saved you. You looked into Riddle’s eyes with great grief. “I miss them..” “Miss who?”
You explained, having a close friend of yours who participated in this.. “Squid Game”, and while simply playing an innocent game of marbles, your friend had let you betray them in order for you to win, which killed them upon elimination.
Riddle was stunned, shocked. Something so cruel to happen to someone he adores. This was truly…. His train of thoughts snapped when he sees you tearing up again. Without knowing what to say, he took your hands, his eyes wanting to say something to comfort you, but he lost all words to say. This was his first time even hearing about someone going through something like that.
His warm, grey eyes, however, was enough to tell you he’s here for you. <3
Leona Kingscholar
Leona simply didn’t care about your attitude at first.
He just took it as you being you; cold and harsh, no nonsense type of person. So long as you don’t wake him up, he was fine with you, and just didn’t care.
But of course, when you’re Leona’s s/o, things seemed to be viewed differently by him when he sees you.
Before, he lightly observed the fact you hated how spoilt he was during his overblot, and hated it even more when you heard he was of royal and wealthy status.
But with Azul, you hated him even more. You hated Azul for exploiting all those students who were desperate for help and turn against them, even he didn’t hate him THAT much for it. It just triggered the same thing you felt while “playing” that wretched game.
Leona notices all this, and, well, decided to blatantly ask you about it as if this was an everyday topic to bring about.
You we’re pissed, not at Leona, but the question he asked which triggered the horrible events of when you and your other friends in debt participated in “Squid Game”. Those millionaires watching all the contestants struggle or die in each game as if they were puppets on play, all for their amusement in the game that risked human lives.
Leona could only stare in shock about your explanation, someone like you, have faced such…. disgusting circumstance. Now he understand why your hatred for Azul is so deeply rooted, because you dealt with it in possibly the worse way possible.
Leona doesnt really know what to say, except to wrap one arm around you and pull you in towards his torso. “I’m here now, it doesn’t matter.”
You knew he meant it with deeper and genuine intentions for you. <3
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul was quite intimidated by your cold and cynical attitude towards others, including himself. You seemed to be a lot more angrier with him though, a particular PASSIONATE anger towards him during his overblot events.
Of course, as time went by, you two have come to accept each other, and eventually come to like one another, thus you being his s/o.
But you’ve always hated when he bribes someone to do a contract, even if it was a tease, which was most of the time, in fact, you hated when Leona comes by to flaunt his attitude and sometimes his wealth at others,
he notices it made you considerably pissed. Very pissed.
Azul decided to take a gentler approach in asking what happened, and why are you so irritated by such to help you.
At least, he thought he can.
As he replayed how he wanted to ask you, he was met by your sleeping form back in Ramshackle, quiet on the couch. At first, he wanted to leave, he doesn’t want to disturb you after all.
But then he hears the soft whimpering coming from you, which has broke into a silent sob. Like Riddle, he panicked, and tried to shake you awake. The tiny beads of tears dispersed away from your eyelids, eyelashes letting them flutter away from your face as you looked at Azul woth red puffy eyes. You had a nightmare, a nightmare of the same dream where you had killed your friend, and you gushed it all out at Azul.
Your sadness had turned to anger when you stated the cause of your friend’s death. That game. That stupid “Squid Game”. Where the rich and wealthy watch people die for their entertainment. You hated every moment of it.
Azul just sat there, he felt like throwing up. Dying brutally, getting burnt in boxes when eliminated? Your friend getting killed, and they had their head…..
He didn’t think such horrible things would happen to you, truly horrible and disgusting things.
Azul had no idea what to say, he was too stunned and at a lost for words. All he did was take your two hands and gently rubbed them in soothing, circular motions. “I.. I‘m truly sorry about what life had done to you back in your world. Please, please know that I’m with you here always in another.” <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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husbandohunter · 3 years
The Calamity in our Stars [Sentient AU! Genshin Impact x Isekai!Reader] Part 1
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Synopsis: Knowing all of the events of Genshin Impact you were sucked into their world with the power of awareness. Anyone who touches your hand will realize the truth, breaking the fourth wall.
(When the guys find out they're in a video game)
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya Albedo
Heads up: a bit lore heavy
"Dear anon who requested this, I accidentally deleted your ask when trying to remove the unfinished version!!! But I remember your sentences, big brain scenarios are so much fun to write, thank you for your request~"
In the world of Teyvat, the sky was a lie and the frauds were the gods. History repeats the story of mankind's arrogation and how it knows no limits stemmed by their unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Hence, to protect the heavens, the gods concealed the truth as much as they could. 
‘Twas the will of the Supreme Ruler that commanded all of Khaenri’ah to be punished with the power of every divine for breaking their laws. The gods did it for peace but what is peace in lies and destruction? Peace is an illusion, a dreamland-- and those who once dreamt of dreaming were determined to shatter through it’s deceitful walls. 
Two stars hailing from worlds afar, together they were inseparable, now they stand on opposite ends. The first being Lumine, she who woke up into the fall of Khaenri’ah five centuries ago has claimed the Abyss under her rule. She led the mages and waged war against humanity, her heart too broken to recognize hope once more. Lumine did it for justice yet her actions only brought more injustice to the innocent civilians living in Freedom’s city. She will continue to create nightmares across the lands, with her own hands, as if, trying to bury the naivety she used to have. Justice for unjust. If she can’t be happy, if her people can’t be happy, then no one else deserves to be happy either. 
Then there was Aether, the fortunate twin, the star who still kept his light. He pursues a path full of righteousness and fights for those in need. Despite the glory he earned, Aether only had one simple wish-- to see Lumine again, his precious other half. And when he did, he looked into her golden eyes to see all that he couldn’t. Aether slayed many dangerous beasts, defeated an ancient god, saved Liyue and saved all of mankind, however, he couldn’t save a broken heart. What did she experience that changed her so much? Why was she so adamant about destroying the heavens? If he had to travel to the ends of the earth to understand the pain she went through then he would do it in a heartbeat. He will do anything to bring back that luminous glow which once danced in her eyes. All for Lumine, everything for his sister.
Through your computer screen you watched the whole scenario play out between the siblings, from start to finish, after ten years Mihoyo finally decided to draw the conclusion to their story. Like their previous games it was always a tragic ending. The hero falls in front of the Supreme Ruler, bleeding all over as he grabs onto his sword for support. She smiles down at him sinisterly with a dark orb pulsing by her fingertips and says,
"At last, your journey ends here outlander. It was a mistake for you to try and defy our laws."
Your heart beats loudly in your chest, a hand gripping tightly around your mouse in anticipation. Over the course of time you've grown to love each and every character. Their sadness was your sadness and their joy was your joy. You couldn't help but feel useless while watching Aether struggle in his final moments. Despite all that he went through, was this his outcome? Is this all you could do?
"No…" the blonde boy denies, "What Lumine said, I think I understand now. She wasn't doing it to kill you, she was doing it to protect us," his voice cracks at the mention of his sister's name, "But you killed her…!"
The Supreme Ruler, Asmoday, remained indifferent to the boy's grief. The same expression she had when she took Lumine's life.
"That's why I'm going to put an end to this cycle, not for me. For her," Aether declared, the hilt of his held sword shaking in the process, "I'm going to reweave the strings of fate and break through these walls. Even if it erases my existence."
Your eyes burst open. Aether turned his head. Gold. He was looking directly your way.
I'm counting on you.
With a roar from his mouth, Aether channels all his energy into the sky and forms a crack in it's void. The space around you begins to spiral out of control simultaneously. No time to protest and no time to scream, you were sucked into your computer with nothing but your clothes. The air whips around your face from the impact of the deafening force of gravity as you were falling right into a river.
Starfell Lake's river.
Coughing a few times you climbed upon the cliffs, "What...on earth," and saw a familiar city in front of you. It's beauty was breathtaking, something you've always wished to see up close, until you remembered where you came from, "Mondstadt? Wait! This can't be."
And that's when you realized that you were thrown into a world against your will and the only way out was to finish what was started.
Fate was something Diluc thought bore no meaning when life was meant to be taken by one's own hands. He sincerely believed he already found his own purpose, fighting against evil while living for the sake of surviving and abandoning things that were deemed unnecessary even at the cost of his own happiness. Diluc wanted to find meaning in all his misfortunes, knowing that only those who triumph through darkness can see the dawn.
Henceforth, the sun arrives. When he reached the top of Starnatch Cliff, Diluc saw you for the very first time. Like a sighing breath the wind cascades along your hair as you turn around slowly, your wondrous gaze taking his. It’s Diluc, the Darknight Hero!!! He couldn’t understand your prolonged staring, though he was guilty of it as well. You had a distinct aura that he couldn’t describe through words, your eyes were distant like the galaxies itself with a little bit of enigma. He was good at judging first impressions, a skill he developed through his lone ventures and among the prestigious people he met, you were the only one who was able to entrance him in a single glance.
Erm, what should I say? A greeting? How do you greet someone in Teyvat...you scattered your brain for any references you could find and formed an eloquent yet awkward sentence, “Greetings good sir, how do you do today!”
Diluc returns his signature unimpressed look. You sweatdropped, remembering that he was the type to dislike idle chit chat. But before you could leave the conversation, he adds in and tells you, “Nothing to complain about. However, I have never seen anyone in Mondstadt wearing your kind of attire. Where are you from?”
Ah, he was suspicious of you. Very much like Diluc indeed.
Although Diluc intended to keep an eye on you, as he would on any unfamiliar figure that could be a potential threat, he easily falls prey to your unparalleled friendliness. Most people would shy away from the Master Diluc as his atmosphere can be suffocating at times but you treat him like anyone else, like he wasn’t a noble to begin with. You somehow knew exactly what to say during the times he needed to hear those words the most. About his father, about his life. It was as if you understood him, completely, even more than himself.
In return he looks at you with reverence. Perhaps you were an old childhood friend he had long forgotten. What other can explain this deep rooted connection he felt? Or perhaps there is a possibility that fate did exist after all.
But in a way you were just as distant. While you were so open to knowing the world around you, your face still hid a glimpse of a lost soul trying to find something, especially when you looked at the stars. Diluc couldn’t help recognize that similar emotion. Like sailing through the unknown sea, trying to find a lighthouse, a destination, questioning why you were here in the first place. Just like he was questioning all his events. Why were you so hesitant when talking about your home? Why did you seem sad when mentioning where you received your powers? Why do you always flinch as he tries to hold your hand? Didn’t you tell him that you also felt the same way?
“I’m sorry Diluc,” you sadly apologized, remembering what Dainsleif said in his collected miscellany, if Diluc saw what he saw and what you saw then it would most definitely shake his resolve. Even so the guilt of lies eventually consumes you, “You deserve to know the truth.”
When you cupped your soft hands over his calloused ones, a wave of memories flash through his head. All the things he couldn’t understand, now he knows why. He finally found the answer to everything he ever questioned in the cruelest, devastating and defeating way possible.
His life was a game.
Diluc leans against the wall in quiet exasperation, clutching his red locks against his face, the frightened man says, “All of this...for nothing?”
Nothing. Nothing was his reply. Nothing to gain in his suffering-- the experience between his adopted brother and him nor was there any significance in his father’s sacrifice. The reason why you acted the way you were was because he was just a character in a setup for someone’s own selfish entertainment. That his feelings didn’t matter to begin with. Did they ever matter? He already tried to discard them a long time ago but they rushed back like drowning in the stormy sea, blood pulsing through his veins as his expression switched from disbelief to anger. Every thought and every comforting advice you’ve said was because…
“You knew about this,” he whispered, disheartened. His trust broken, mind awoken as he kept the words that were left unspoken. Because he still cared about you regardless even if: you’re one of them.
“No I-” I didn’t mean to. Your mouth stops short before spilling out your sentence. Was that really felt? Or a veil to live in a dreamland? The purpose of playing a game was to entertain yourself, the more the characters went through turmoil the more interesting the story became. Did you really care about Diluc? Or you pitied him because he was a tragic hero and you thought you could save him just to satisfy your own worth as a self-proclaimed hero?
Since then Diluc was never the same again. He was once a passionate man holding justice and value close to his heart. Now as if the flames had been stamped out, he acted indifferently. He questioned everything, the denial in him searching for a spark yet not even a flicker. That his venture through the darkness did not end with dawn, there was no dawn, only infinite nothingness.
Diluc knew one solution to all of this-- revenge. To the false gods who brought upon his misfortunes and those sentient beings that stringed it all together. And you. You? A part of him still reasons that it wasn’t entirely your fault as you were also a victim to their cause but he couldn’t be too sure anymore. He couldn’t trust anyone. He was torn apart and nothing could fix that.
Sometimes you wonder if what Aether did was the right decision. If he truly believed that only the truth would set you free. But then why did it trap you in a prison of regret?
Kaeya denies fate, continuously, with every breath he takes. But fate does not deny him.
He wondered if he ever had a choice in life. The Prince of Khaenri’ah wears his crown like chains made of bones and flesh, out from his dead ancestors who failed to exact their vengeance. You are our last hope, the weight of his father’s palm rests upon his head when he said those dutiful words, a reminder of who he is. Kaeya became stranded alone in this vast land of freedom. Freedom. Does that mean he was free? No, his hoe never left him to begin with, it stays in his mind, it echoes through the last memory of his father, it runs in his veins. Freedom was a wish, a dream and like his ancestors, he was cursed to continue dreaming of this dream.
That is why Kaeya lives everyday through short pleasures and alcohol as if they were a daring adventure. He cared less of the consequences that came with it. Everything was going to be temporary anyways so mind as well enjoy them while they last.
Behind the screen you always took the initiative to search for the Cavalry Captain but the current situation demands a different outcome. He was meant to be avoided. Kaeya is capable of great intelligence and the last thing you wanted was for him to find out that you were a suspicious visitor with no identifiable background roaming near the Favonius Headquarters. Though your presence was quite noticeable due to the attire you wore and somehow he found his way over to your space in his usual sneaky manner.
“Ah what a pleasant surprise. You must be the new traveller everyone in Mondstadt has been talking about these days,” Kaeya speaks charmingly, a singular eye sharpening out of mischief, “What brings you here? Certainly it must be tiring to venture off from your distant homeland.”
Amusement is what had drawn him to you. He found you hard to read and your actions unpredictable, Kaeya wanted to make a game out of it. How long will it take for that mask of yours to break until your true self has been revealed? After all, everyone hides behind a mask in one way or another, in order to survive. He knew that better than anyone. It was how he lived his whole life. It was what he, himself, had to do in order to survive.
Because everything that happened to his past relationship with Diluc was shattered from the truth.
Then why is he so obsessed with revealing others?
Well, misery loves company.
But in your company Kaeya made the mistake of allowing himself to get too involved. The heart wants what it wants no matter how much he tries to shield it away. Like a delectable drink he fell deeply into the spell of intense infatuation, the way you showed yourself without remorse. Oftentimes he would take advantage of someone’s spilled secrets however he couldn’t bring himself to do the same here. You were similar to him, that you both share a burdened responsibility. He could hear it in your tone, he could tell by your body language and he could catch the hidden remarks of what he assumes to be about your homeland. Just like him, you were trying to find ways to distract yourself from your responsibilities. Unlike him, you did it in ways that he would have never thought of. Your eyes still held hope for a brighter future which expanded to the horizon he couldn’t even see. You believed through every turmoil there was a light at the end of the tunnel and like a moth to a flame, he was drawn to your light.
The warmth of your hand he takes, became one of his worst decisions later on.
Staggering back, Kaeya simply laughs, mouth parting to reveal a set of brilliant white teeth. He knew it. All of the events happening in his life, every single one of them were stringed together for some grand scheme. He constantly wondered, why did the stars choose him? And for what reason? To be a hero? Or a villain? To be anything at the very least just no this. Kaeya was relieved that he finally had some sort of answer but at the same time, distraught to know he was a means to an end. He once thought he would be stuck in a long battle against fate. Though it seems fate had already won the game.
You never saw Kaeya again. Or rather, he chose to keep his distance again.
The Cavalry Captain spends his days in deep thought while sipping his drink. Even Diluc began worrying to the point he pushed himself to approach his brother despite not being on very good terms. Instead of answering him, Kaeya pushes him away, noticeably, it was unlike his usual slick manner. The truth had always damaged Kaeya and he should have known better to cut ties with you sooner before the whole thing happened. Was there any point in carrying out his father’s will? Was there any point in being a spy? Was there....any point in thinking of an answer to all his questions?
For the first time in the longest he cries. The man drops to his knees before hunching forward, letting his tears stain the floor. Someone must be watching behind the screen as he was in this pathetic state, someone must be writing his next move and every outcome. It didn't matter to him anymore. Kaeya already gave up long ago.
What is the truth of the universe?
To Albedo, the question was not only a formula that must be solved but served as the last memory of his Master before she left him alone. Eventually, that memory became the center of his universe.
Who am I? What am I? Why am I here?
Albedo observed the branch in his grasp. Plants grow when they are nurtured by the sun and children grow as their parents guide them through life’s experiences. Nature and nurture. The law he didn’t belong in. Just like the leyline branch he held he was a force created by unnatural usage of alchemy, however, a part of him yearns for that companionship. Perhaps this was the reason why he was so obsessed with the universe? His Master had high expectations over Albedo whenever she gave him an assignment and would leave if he were to fail. Hence completing his task would prompt her to come back. After all, any child wants the presence of their parent and Albedo was no exception to that.
The alchemist relentlessly searches. Even obtaining some achievements and high praise from the Knights but none of that mattered to him when his purpose was greater than the tasks they had given. He went through every book, every place, every trench of Dragonspine’s wrath. Still, he couldn’t find the answer. Albedo would sometimes ponder that his Master purposely gave him an impossible assignment as an excuse of some sort. Not to abandon him but allow him the freedom to choose what it means to live a happy life. Yet a part of him believed he may never see her again because to this day, Albedo struggles to understand what a happy life is.
In the middle of his predicament, he stumbles upon your arrival.
“You carry the aura of the stars.”
There was no fooling him. Albedo immediately knew you were an outlander coming from a world that carries all his answers.
Chalk pursues gold, you recall what Dainsleif once said in the prophecy readings. If Albedo were to know too much then he’ll turn into the monster that once threw Khaenri’ah and all its people into dismay using his creations. So you refrained from telling him, thinking that you could change his fate and save him from that ending.
Of course, Albedo did not understand. Whatever caught his attention he was persistent to break it down. There was a time where he was close to bribing you with the possibility of helping you find your home but even to that offer, you resisted. Who would’ve thought a person can be so stubborn under no given reason. He felt somewhat irritated for once. Though, as an alchemist, Albedo knew there was a process for everything and he figured that he had to gain your trust first before diving into details.
It wasn’t as easy as it seemed.
So much effort was involved in connecting with people. How do you gain someone’s trust? Albedo consulted with Sucrose: it comes naturally. He went to the Acting Grandmaster for help: assist with the intent to care. He asked several more people he knew and they all boiled down to one principle: humanity. But what does it take to be human?
The more Albedo spent time with you, he somehow discovered a little more about himself. Like him, you also had no one to tell you or guide you through your journey as you searched for the reason why you were here. It was a lonely task, he knew that much when he realized how distant he grew from the others when he became too indulged in his research. At first loneliness was only a word by definition to describe his standpoint, now loneliness was a feeling when he looked at you. And it was through that loneliness he found what companionship meant-- to connect.
So he connects his hand with yours and knowledge consumes him.
The truth of this universe...is all just a game.
Just a game.
Albedo’s mind draws a blank as his eyes stare into space. Is that it? Throughout all his trial and errors, the effort he put in and the relentless hours to no rest for such an anticlimactic answer? This brand new feeling of awareness brought him to question himself, what role does he play as one of the key characters in the game? Why did the creators make him a monster in the first place? How did they create all this?
“Master, I have completed the assignment you gave me. About the truth of this universe it wasn’t what I expected to be,” he says to himself, red and purple veins pulsing around his body as he was transforming.
You couldn’t bear to look at him. It was too late. He went too far to be saved.
Within the last moments you slowly walked towards the alchemist, wrapping your arms around him in a solemn manner.
“I’m sorry that your Master left you like this.”
He finally understands the meaning behind his existence. What it means to feel, shed tears and be human. Why he was so fixated on a single goal. Master Rhinedottir was his only kin and all he wanted was to see her again. Hence he returns to your embrace, whispering that everything will be okay and that he has no regrets.
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diabolikdrabbles · 7 years
Hi yes I am a new blog ;~; can you give me tips on how to start up a dia boys imagines blog? Like, I'm having so much trouble.... my name is @diabolikwritings and I just really wanna write ya know? You've got such a good blog going pleaaaase help me 😭
Oh dear Anon, I don’t deserve such flattery from you. I started this blog only less than two weeks ago, and it’s my first time starting an imagines blog. But I hope my advice can aid you in some way, so I’ve broken it down to the main points for you.
READ. I mean literally, read as much as you can. Reading helps improve your writing skills because you pick up on how sentence structures are formed, how to use proper grammar, different adjectives, which styles you like from various authors, etc. It doesn’t matter if you read a magazine, newspaper article, book, poem, or good ol’ fan-fiction. Just read and improve your writing style and skills. Not only will this benefit you for future trials, your readers will enjoy reading what you write and appreciate your style.
RESEARCH. Research as much as you can for the Diabolik Lovers series since that’s the imagines blog you wish to write for. But make sure the sources you look at are credible and trusted! It just can’t be junk. If you do your research well, you can write for any of the characters properly and have a good grasp of what they may be like or how they would react in certain situations because your requests have no limits unless you put one in yourself. This is super important. Even I still do my research when I’m unsure about a certain character’s reaction to something.
DECORATE YOUR BLOG! My blog certainly is not decorated at the moment, but I will give it a face-lift as soon as I hit spring break. Organizing your blog with #tags and pages will help your readers a lot if they just want to read about a certain character or genre. Plus, it’s aesthetically pleasing to the eye, and it will catch the attention of Tumblr users. Add music if you want too!
PROMOTE YOURSELF Ever heard of self-advertising? You’ll have to start that to gain the attention of the DL fans here on Tumblr. You can certainly ask other imagines blogs to promote you, but please be courteous and kind to them since you are asking them for a HUGE favor. They already have their own fanbase, so for them to send some of their fans in your direction is already a gracious act. Be nice when asking for promotions and show your appreciation. 
SHOW US YOUR SKILLS! I didn’t have any requests when I first started, so I began by just making my own post filled with headcanons about the Sakamaki brothers as husbands, and IT BECAME A HIT. You’ll get requests when you demonstrate how good of a writer you are, and people will want more from you. Be creative and original (plagiarism is a no-no) and don’t forget to have fun too! The blog belongs to you, so write what you are most comfortable writing about. Make up your own rules and limits. You don’t always have to cater to what your readers request/want.
I think I basically hit the main points for you, so I hoped this help in some way. I am excited to see another DL imagines blog writer here on Tumblr because there aren’t a lot of us around anymore. I highly encourage you to be brave and bold, and I look forward to your writing one day. I hope this post also encourages other fans to join the writing field of the DL fandom and start an imagines blog too. My thirst for scenarios of my fave diaboys will never be quenched until then.
-Admin Yuuzuki
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suugarbabe · 1 year
I need some Theodore nott or Mattheo riddle x Gryffindor fem! Reader fluff and maybe soft smut and she’s reading in his lap while he’s leaning against the bedpost reading with her holding the book and Turing the pages while she keeps reading it and it’s super smutty and she just traces his arm veins while they read (and if you decide to make it smutty pls make the reader LOVE LOVE LOVE his hands, abs, arm viens-) can it be a longer fic?
Looks like you've asked another creator for this! Word for word in fact. If you need a reminder of my rules, they're right here
I'm gonna link her one shot for it here, I encouraged everyone to check it out 😊
check out @veryberryjelly for more content everyone 🖤😊
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