#zircon event
zirkkun · 2 years
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It's finally your time for a date with Papyrus! You've been waiting for this for a long time now. He's just arrived at your place with a Valentine's gift in hand.
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blackwldcw · 1 year
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, babe. Words. Clearly. In plain neo-cybex. Go."
The Eukarian huffs as they continue to rifle through their tool chest with trembling fingers. "I've had a breakthrough. The missing piece of the formula. It was staring me dead in the eye this entire time. Instead of utilising finite resources for the propagation of energy with a sufficient enough magnitude, we use our knowledge of quantum mechanics and generate a self-sustaining vortex-- an electrical field created from something similar to a black hole. But contained in here."
The other scientist holds a knuckle to his lips as he thinks on it. True, such an energy source had come up in their theoretical discussions, but all experiments had proven futile. Even quantum engines are finite. Their current goal, last he had heard, was to utilise natural phenomena such as geo-thermal and solar energy to create the device.
Of course, that begs the question. What if, billions of years in the future, the planet evolves in a way that the storms cease? What if a certain sea dries up or relocates? What if the sun dies, as all suns must eventually, and their race is forced to move elsewhere?
"That would propel our work ahead of schedule, but-- you're not telling me you've mastered that equation overnight."
Blackarachnia shoots him a small smile, and for a moment, just a moment, Zircon sees the youngling he used to argue with under Shockwave's charge. Not the battle-hardened and jaded being they had become. "I guess you could say it came to me in a dream. Now, are you going to be useful and hand me that actuator over there or are you just going to stand there?"
"I don't know," he hums, and then laughs, narrowly dodging a thrown wrench. "Alright, alright. Whatever you say, boss."
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greenwitchcrafts · 6 months
April 2024 witch guide
Full moon: April 23rd
New moon: April 8th
Solar eclipse: April 8th
Sabbats: None
April Pink Moon
Known as: Breaking Ice Moon, Budding Moon of Plants & shrubs, Budding Tree Moon, Eastermonath, Frog Moon, Green Grass Moon, Growing Moon, Hare Moon, Moon of the Red Grass appearing, Moon When Geese Lay Egss, Moon When thd Ducks Come Back, Ostarmanoth, Planters Moon, Seed Moon, Sucker Moon & Wind Moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Aries & Taurus
Nature spirits: Plant Faeries
Deities: Anahita, Bast, Ceres, Cernunnos, Hathor, Herne, Ishtar, Kali, Tawaret & Venus
Animals: Bear & wolf
Birds:  Hawk & magpie
Trees: Bay, forsythia, hazel, lilac, pine & willow
Herbs:  Basil, chives, dandelion, dill, dogwood, dragon's blood, fennel, geranium, milkweed & thistle
Flowers: Daisy & sweetpea
Scents: Bay, bergamot, patchouli & pine
Stones: Angelite, beryl, diamond, garnet, malachite, quartz, ruby, sapphire, sard, selenite & zircon
Colors: Blue, brown, crimson, gold & green
Energy: Authority, balance, beginnings, change, fertility, growth, leadership, opportunities, overcoming obstacles, personal skill development, re-birth, self-evaluation, self-reliance, spirituality, temper control & willpower
April’s full Moon often corresponded with the early springtime blooms of a certain wildflower native to eastern North America: Phlox subulata—commonly called creeping phlox or moss phlox—which also went by the name “moss pink.” Thanks to this seasonal association, this full Moon came to be called the “Pink” Moon.
Other celebrations:
• Walpurgis Night - April 30th
Also known as: May Eve
The origins of the holiday date back to pagan celebrations of fertility rites & the coming of spring. After the Norse were Christianized, the pagan celebration became combined with the legend of St. Walburga, an English-born nun who lived at Heidenheim monastery in Germany & later became the abbess there. Saint Walpurga was hailed by the Christians of Germany for battling "pest, rabies, & whooping cough as well as against witchcraft". Christians prayed to God through the intercession of Saint Walpurga in order to protect themselves from witchcraft, as Saint Walpurga was successful in converting the local populace to Christianity. Although it is likely that the date of her canonization is purely coincidental to the date of the pagan celebrations of spring, people were able to celebrate both events under church law without fear of reprisal.
Walpurgis Night is still a traditional holiday celebrated on April 30th in northern Europe & Scandinavia. In Sweden typical holiday activities include the singing of traditional spring folk songs & the lighting of bonfires. In Germany the holiday is celebrated by dressing in costumes, playing pranks on people & creating loud noises meant to keep evil at bay. Many people also hang blessed sprigs of foliage from houses & barns to ward off evil spirits, or they leave pieces of bread spread with butter & honey, called ankenschnitt, as offerings for phantom hounds.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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johnica-weeks · 10 months
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Johnica Week 2024
When is the event? 📆
This year's Johnica Week will start on Thursday 18th January and end on Sunday 21st January! For the first time the event will START on their wedding anniversary and continue throughout the weekend 🥰 But as always, don't worry if you're late! You can keep sending your contributions after the last day, these are simply indicative days to gather all together 💕
Where? 🔎
Here on Tumblr, on AO3 and also on Instagram for visual artists!
💚 Use the tag #JohnicaWeek2024 in your entries here and on Instagram!
📚 > Here is the AO3 COLLECTION where to post your fics! <
💚 Tag @eileen-crys and/or @johnica-weeks in your works so I can read, see and share them!
📚 At the end of the event I’ll make a Tumblr masterlist with all the works!
2020 Masterlist | 2021 Masterlist | 2022 Masterlist | 2023 Masterlist
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The Theme 🎁
The 49th Wedding Anniversary comes soon before the huge milestone of the 50 years together, and it's usually represented by various symbols that I added to the prompts: Zircon, Orchids, the color Purple, and luxurious gifts. The main theme of this year's event is GIFTS, the act of giving the partner something material or abstract as an act of selflessness, that can have various meanings and various reactions.
Like all the prompts, it’s up to you to follow the theme or not, consider it just as a general theme that you could build your entries around. I chose some prompts that might fit this theme, that are about gifts as physical objects or as ideas for situations or alternative worldbuildings.
How? 🖼
You're encouraged to join with your preferred creative media or challenge yourself with something new! Fanfictions, drawings, comics, poetry, collages and photo edits, moodboards, anything you like! More in the RULES below.
Like all Ship Weeks, this is a fandom event to share love and creativity related to a particular couple, so be sure to engage with the entries and support all the artists and writers that chose to join! Reblog, leave likes/kudos and comment on the artworks to keep the fandom alive! 💜💖💕💜💖💕
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Day 1 • 18 January (Anniversary!)
Flowers: Orchids are symbols of love, beauty, refinement, fertility, strength and resilience, and mature charm.
Surprise gift!
Handmade by the other
Young, poor and happy together
"I've got a loving wife and a couple of kids at home, that'll do me!"
Day 2 • 19 January
The color: Purple can evoke spirituality, mystery, royalty, imagination, compassion, fantasy, wisdom, creativity and sensitivity.
A kinky gift 😏
Concert tickets
Radio interview
“When you love something, you protect it with your entire life. Right now, my guts tell me to do the same.”
Day 3 • 20 January
Gemstone: Zircon zircon is a talisman of travelers. They count on it to lead to a shelter and show the right way. Plus, it is able to protect from injuries. Women used the gem to ease childbirth, drive away evil spirits, enhance health, get wisdom, and attract good luck.
Rejecting a gift
Torn between options
Dreaming and daydreaming
"You remembered something I’d mentioned a million years ago!"
Day 4 • 21 January
Celebration: Luxury the 49th wedding anniversary is the step right before the big 50, also known as the Golden wedding. All the symbols represent the wealth of experience a couple has after being married for nearly five decades. Two people who are willing to work together and compromise and do all the things that make a marriage successful deserve to celebrate with a bit of Luxury.
Matching pyjamas
Spa experience / Pampering one another
Knowing each other like an open book
"Oh my, this must have been expensive!" "Nothing is expensive enough for you, my love."
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What can you do? ✒
You can join with fanfics, edits and moodboards, drawings of all kinds and if you want to sing or play an instrument please feel free to!
The requirements are:
John and Veronica Deacon as the main pairing;
Your love and creativity! 🥰
You can write/draw:
Fics with and without accurate settings and timelines;
Alternative Universes (AU) of any kind and genre, mixed or not with the prompts (ex. Fem!John AU + coffee shop, A/B/O AU + Superpowers);
“What if"s;
Genderswap/genderbending of any kind;
Other Queen members, friends, pairings, family, poly ships (that have to involve both John and Veronica!), OCs, etc…
Fluff, angst, crack, hurt/comfort, action, mystery, sexy times… anything you fancy!
🔥 NSFW is allowed with PROPER TAGS! IMPORTANT note: please interact with NSFW only if you’re +18! 🔞
… and more! If you’re unsure feel free to ask!
We’re here to celebrate John and Veronica Deacon, not to create drama or fights nor to disrespect their privacy. So please be considered about your entries and comments and always try to be respectful to John, to Veronica, to their family and friends, to the people who ship them or ship other couples and to your audience.
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HOW to post? 🤔
You can post your entries here on Tumblr, on AO3 and on Instagram, using the hashtag #JohnicaWeek2024 and tagging me.
If you prefer, you can post anonymously on AO3, HERE is an easy guide on how to do it!
If you’re on Tumblr and want to post a fic anonymously please send me a DM and I’ll post it on @johnica-weeks on your behalf, crediting it as Anonymous author! I will also post fics from Anon authors posted on AO3 here on tumblr on Anon's behalf.
🔥 TAG your work APPROPRIATELY! This includes all potential triggers and smut. On Tumblr you can include the appropriate warnings at the top of the fic followed by a "keep reading” cut (you can add it in desktop version AND on mobile by writing :readmore: in a new line!) Also be sure to tag the rating of your fic, the genre and the themes of your story, enough to help the readers!
✨ If you’re still unsure, HERE’s a useful guide on how to tag your works!
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As a reader... 📖
If you’re a fan of John, of Johnica or simply like to read fanfictions, positive interactions are always much welcomed! Support the authors by leaving likes, a comment (even a little one!) and sharing their work. On AO3 you don’t need an account to leave Kudos and Comments! (Unless the author has willingly prevented guests to comment). To leave a comment on AO3 you simply have to choose a temporary mail and set your email to get a notification for an eventual reply.
If a work is not tagged appropriately, you can reach out to me via DM and I’ll warn the author. If anything makes you uncomfortable, simply close the work! Do not engage by leaving nasty comments or messaging the author!
During the event, if any of you/your entries gets hateful comments or messages towards you, your entries, the Johnica ship, the event or other creators, please DELETE the hateful comment/message right away with no interactions and let me know! This is no place for haters, just for creativity and love. If you see a hateful comment on other works do not engage, instead leave a positive comment to the same work and support the author! 💜
Realistic or not, remember that fanfictions are, by definition, FICTIONAL and not meant to be a documentary! There are lots of things we don’t know about John and Veronica’s private lives and don’t want to go in too deeply, gossip or speculate about them, so feel free to fly with your fantasy and let your creativity flow! 😊💖 Most of all… have fun, respect each other and support each other’s works!
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Dividers and graphics by @firefly-graphics and @johnica-weeks. As always for any info and question feel free to send an ask or a DM!
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db-andromeda · 11 months
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After the events of "The Trial" the legend arose that Yellow and Blue, based on the Zircons seen in the series, created a new one who would be in charge of carrying out the trial of Rose Quartz aka Steven; however, she would be too manipulated to be able to blame Steven for Pink's death and calm the waters of Homeworld, when the truth was known, this gem was lynched by a group of gems and was poofed thanks to the fact that they stabbed something in her neck with electricity. When Era III arrived, this gem regenerated but nevertheless had to be healed since her gem was cracked, however the marks remained for a time thanks to the trauma generated, now she's trying to work again, but the marks of her trauma are still present since they haven't been treated correctly
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eileen-crys · 8 months
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The Pendant
Written for @johnica-weeks 2024 ✨️
Once upon a time there was a young man called John, whose youth brought him far from home like many other boys his age. He was never really eager to travel alone, away from his dear mom and sister, but with a hopeful smile and a promise, he left.
WARNING: Mention/reference of past sexual violence, non descriptive
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For Johnica Week 2024, prompts: Torn between options, Gemstone: Zircon zircon is a talisman of travelers. They count on it to lead to a shelter and show the right way. Plus, it is able to protect from injuries. Women used the gem to ease childbirth, drive away evil spirits, enhance health, get wisdom, and attract good luck."
I wanted to write a sort of fairytale circling around the gemstones and how it helps both travelers and pregnant women... so here it is! It's a bit long but I'm really happy of the result! 🥰💕 Please don't forget to comment and reblog if you liked it! This is my last fic for the event, sadly I couldn't write more 🤧
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bedruil · 7 months
Opening Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by my friemd @thekuraning :3 Now let's see what we have!
(Also gonna add the gift fic I did becase it is published, just not on my ao3. SOOO)
Request fic for Kura (Pokemon, Professor Elm/His wife)
So getting mutated into a ho-oh hybrid by a spiked energy drink was a shit time (Understatement, it was painful and his favorite shirt had gotten torn as the wings pushed themselves out of his back)
Rough Awakening (Pokemon, Professor Elm/Professor Birch)
He hated waking up with a pounding headache.
All Alone On a Friday Night? (Pokemon, Professor Rowan/Proton)
Friday night in Sandgem. Usually Professor Oskar Rowan would still be busy or would be winding down by reading stories from his personal stash of books, and if he was feeling spicy, a trashy supernatural romance novel. Lucas was out of town on vacation, and the silence of the lab was only occasionally interrupted by the almost inaudible noises from some Cricketot outside.
A perfectly normal office party at OsCorp (Raimi Spiderman Trilogy, Otto Octavius/Norman Osborn)
Norman invites Otto to this special OsCorp event. He says that you cant go alone to the event/must bring another person and otto doesnt really question it. He will socialize, drink, eat and be merry and then go home for a gold nights sleep. It is a regular party after all, right?
Aqua-chan's and Jasper-Senpai's super sugoi kawaii ugu lovey dovey adventure!!! (Steven Universe, Jasper/Aquamarine)
Jasper was in her last year of school. She had been branded as a troublemaker by everyone around her, classmates, teachers, hell, it even seemed as if the headmaster herself was on the verge of expelling her. But it wasn’t her fault that she got in trouble all the time! She didn’t mean to! Ever since Pink-Senpai left….
Yellow and Blue Pearl find a job (Steven Universe, Yellow Pearl & Blue Pearl)
After a long series of events including accusations of treason, refusing to follow orders, and calling Blue Diamond a “Soggy Ghost”, Blue and Yellow Pearl had fled Homeworld to live their lives on earth. They had thought the rebels would house them somewhere after hearing their whole story, but apparently they no longer had vacancy in any of their bases.
Kevin, Ex-Human (Steven Universe, Jamie/Kevin)
Kevin had just finished another day being the simply the best. He had just won a bunch of races against those beach city kids (No sight of those two kids who could turn into a lady? Dude? Whatever, he won that time). He would get home, take a long awaited shower, and text his boyfriend. Maybe send a couple of risky pics. Kevin smiled to himself, blasted his music louder and rolled his windows down.
Too Many Cookies (Steven Universe, Blue Zircon/Yellow Zircon)
Blue was heading back to her and Yellow’s cozy little apartment. She had spent the day with Greg, going to get books and tapes, and Yellow had opted to stay at their apartment, citing “she had important things to do”.
A Vignette from Prison (Steven Universe, Blue Zircon/Yellow Zircon)
They did not belong in prison. Actually, correction, Blue did, because like a complete an utter clod she just had to accuse not one but BOTH of the present diamonds in the shattering of the highly beloved and esteemed pink diamond. Now from being esteemed members of society, they were assigned to make limb-enhancer components with common crooks! Extremely dangerous ones even! Their clothes had been replaced by red jumpsuits with no insignia (they were now unworthy to be even assigned a court!)
Dream a Little Dream of Me (Steven Universe, Blue Zircon/Yellow Zircon)
It had been a tiring week. The same damned emissary of the court of nightmares had been turning her dreams sour. Why her specifically, it just did not click with her. In a certain way, this bothersome emissary was almost like her counterpart, same build, same long nose, even the same protective stone! Their only marked difference was in the colors they sported, the rival emissary dressed mainly in blacks with hints of yellow, while she sported calming hues of blue and hints of white, and their haircuts, the nightmare’s more spike-like and hers more of a sloping crescent.
First of damn, I almost posted here everything I ever posted akkdjfsdf. Also the two unfinished fics are haunting my nightmares aaaaaa.
Will say, I notice how as time went on my opening lines became shorter? I also tend to use some sort of pronoun, or the charaters name and mantion the current location.
TAGGING MOOTS THAT I KNOW POST STUFF @norobocock @jonphaedrus @tsukidrama and if anybody else wanna participate feel free to!
Anyway read rough awakening plz
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painedpen · 1 year
An unexpected win for the HnK fandom!
For those of you who don’t know, Houseki no Kuni is a manga/anime about sentient gemstones that fight against moon people who want to break them apart and use them as jewelry. Think Steven Universe if it was 73x more fucked up.
Im going to show y’all a list of all of the characters, their gemstones, and where they rank on the mohs hardness scale:
Makoto: Verdelite, Hardness of 7
Kyoko: Purple Spinel, Hardness of 8
Byakuya: Blue Alexandrite, Harness of 8.5
Aoi: Aquamarine, Hardness of 8
Yuta: Blue Zircon, Hardness of 7.5
Yasuhiro: Citrine, Hardness of 7
Hiroko: Heliodor, Hardness of 7.5
Toko: Grey Garnet, Hardness of 6.5
Sayaka: Larimar, Hardness of 5
Ayaka: Pink Kunzite, Hardness of 6.5
Junko: Sapphire, Hardness of 9
Mukuro: Sapphire, Hardness of 9
Leon: Blue Topaz, Hardness of 8
Chihiro: Variscite, Hardness of 4
Taichi: Prehnite, Hardness of 6
Mondo: Purple Diamond, Hardness of 10
Daiya: Purple Padparadscha, Hardness of 9.5
Takemichi: Golden Beryl, Hardness of 8
Kiyotaka: Ruby, Hardness of 9
Takaaki: Almondine, Hardness of 8.5
Celestia: Cinnabar, Hardness of 2
Sakura: White Diamond, Hardness of 10
Kenshiro: Antarcticite, Hardness of 3
The story begins with Makoto forming, and being found by Mondo. Mondo takes him back home, and allows Hiroko and Kyoko to fix him up. Once Makoto is all dressed and ready, Mondo becomes responsible for teaching him about everything, including how to fight.
Makoto goes on his first patrol with Mondo, and his partner Takemichi. A sunspot appears, and Mondo makes quick work of it. However, they begin to shoot arrows tipped with purple gemstones.
Mondo and Takemichi immediately recognize these gems as Purple Padparadscha, also known as Daiya. Mondo falls into a rage, and eventually gets back all of Daiya’s pieces. However, he gets broken in several places as a result.
Kyoko and Hiroko, the doctors, appear, and begin piecing the two of them back together. Makoto stays in the infirmary out of worry. Kiyotaka enters almost immediately, and he begins talking with Makoto, sharing stories about Mondo.
Daiya and Mondo are put back together, and emotional scenes ensue. However, it’s now time for winter, and Makoto’s first hibernation.
Makoto doesn’t seem to be all that tired, though, and asks Kongo if he can stay up. By doing this, he meets Kenshiro, a kind gem who’s in charge of the Winter Watch.
The two of them bond over the course of winter, and Kenshiro teaches Makoto things about fighting that Makoto couldn’t have gotten anywhere else. He realizes quickly that Kenshiro was Sakura’s mentor, as Sakura formed during winter as well.
They have fun together, but Makoto slips, and ends up losing his arms to the ice floes. Desperate to help, Kenshiro brings him to a puddle of golden alloy. As the alloy fights with Makoto’s inclusions, a rare winter sunspot appears.
Kenshiro fends them off despite his fragile nature. During this, the gold alloy forms into a solid metal box around Makoto, trapping him inside. Kenshiro comes out on top in his battle, although he sustains many serious breaks. He begins trying to free Makoto from the gold box.
Suddenly, something strikes Kenshiro from behind, breaking him completely. Makoto is helpless as he watches the Lunarians take him away. At the very last moment, the alloy begins to agree with Makoto, and take form as his arms, releasing him from the box.
Makoto chases after the retreating Lunarians in hopes of rescuing Kenshiro, but they’re too far up in the sky. Despite his greatest efforts, Kenshiro is taken. Makoto has to take care of the rest of the Winter Watch by himself, and meets the others when they wake up consumed with shame and guilt.
The others want to know about Makoto’s new golden arms, but Makoto can’t bring himself to recount the events of winter to them. They continue to bother Makoto about it, until Mondo and Kiyotaka intercept and take him somewhere private.
There’s going to be more, but that’s all I have worked out for now.
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September is here and I know this post is late, but I had to take a slight social media detox! I swear once September hits I am all Fall, y’all!! I’m about all things apple, pumpkin, fall leaves, sunflowers, soup, etc! Did you know that apples (and apple trees) are associated with love, health, divination, rebirth and renewal, life, learning, and so many other things? The original bobbing for apples game was a form of slight divination, even! It was said that marriage would come to the first person to bite into the apple while bobbing. Also, if you cut into an apple, you’ll find a pentacle type star!
Correspondences of September are sapphire and sardonyx for crystals, the bear and owl for animals, flowers are morning glory and aster, and the zodiac sign is Virgo.
Let’s talk about some days in September:
Not only is Labor Day the 2nd, but also the Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins…happiness and wrath are both symbolized with the vine, garden magic, magic for joy and happiness but also wrath, rage, anger.
Magical influences for this are empowerment, inner growth, introspection, and prophecy.
Sept 4th is bring your manners to work day (I liked this one, cause I’m constantly reminding myself to have manners in moments where people are pissing me off lol.)
Sept 7th national salami day and world beard day (I liked these two because we used to call our younger sister “salami” to piss her off when we were all younger and we still sort of joke about it to this day… and my boyfriend has a beard that I just love. I love feeling it, smelling it, looking at it…lol!)
Sept 8th grandparents day
9/11… a tragic day that affected so many lives in one way or another! On this day remember all those who lost their lives due to this tragic event and the war it caused!
Friday the 13th
FULL MOON in Pisces on Sept 17, Harvest moon aka the nut moon, barley moon, or wine moon (love that!), the color for this full moon is brown and crystals are carnelian, cat’s eye, iolite, lapis lazuli, peridot, sapphire, blue spinel, blue tourmaline, and zircon
Magickal influences from this moon are confidence, the home, manifestation, protection.
This is a Moon of wisdom, take this time to reflect back on lessons learned this past year, darker days are coming which is good for shadow work.
September 21st International Day of Peace
Sept 22 is Mabon, also known as the autumn (or Fall) equinox – this is a time where night and day or light and dark are balanced. This is a sort of mid-harvest festival, we are celebrating the second of 3 harvest festivals. I’ve read that there is a slight connection to Mabon for how Oktoberfest was created, by the Bavarians. They start celebrating this in the last week of September.
Celebrate Mabon and give thanks to the Earth for abundant crops, practice gratitude, give blessings, share with the less fortunate. When canning, infuse your recipes with magickal influences and charm your jars.
Mabon is also one of those “liminal times” or an in-between time. These are powerful times for spell-work, rituals, and magick in general.
Colors for Mabon are blue, brown, gold, maroon, orange, violet, and yellow
Plants, herbs, etc: aster, marigolds, sage, ivy, grape, fern, blackberry/bramble, chrysanthemum, grains, thistle, and trees are cedar, hazel, aspen, maple, oak, myrtle, and locust
gems: amethyst, topaz
animals: hawk, swans, swallows, geese, dogs, wolves
Element: water
Magickal influences: accomplishment, agriculture, balance, goals, gratitude, grounding
Deities are: Epona, Inanna, Ishtar, Kore, Modron (Celtic Great Earth Mother Goddess), the Morrigan, Persephone, Bacchus, Dionysus, Dumuzi, the Green Man, Hermes, Thoth, Mabon (translates to the divine son) is the son of Modron and he is associated with the element of water, grapes, ivy, dogs, horses, salmon and his magical influences are hunting, darkness, death, freedom, harmony, innocence, justice, the otherworld or underworld, quests, contacting spirits, strength, truth, and youth.
Ways you can celebrate Mabon:
Make a simmer pot with apples, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, vanilla, star anise, orange slices.
Host a harvest dinner and include apples, squash, corn, grains, root vegetables like carrots potatoes and onions, grapes and wine, nuts, pomegranates, mead, spiced teas.
Make a hearty stew with fresh baked bread, apple pie, mashed squash, mulled wine
Make a cornucopia, go to a pumpkin patch and farmer’s market, go for a fall nature walk, donate food, focus on balance in your life, write a gratitude list, decorate your altar for Mabon with apples, candles that are brown, orange, and gold, marigold and sunflowers, leaves, acorns, grape vines, a deity statue. Celebrate by giving thanks for the abundance and good in your life, and meditate on the things on the things from this past year you'd like to let go of!
Sept 30th Celtic tree month of Ivy begins which symbolizes life, death, and rebirth, spell work during this time would be great for self-work, healing, banishing toxicity, protection, binding spells
Magical influences during this time: decisions and introspection, growth, learning, developing skills.
September in general is a good time to work on magick and intentions for the home.
I feel like 2 of the biggest intentions you can work on in September however, are balance and change, so I’m going to share a spell for this month that I created!
Things you’re going to need: leaves, something to write with, sage, basil, apple, orange candle, oil, sunflowers.
Dress your orange (for balance and change) candle with oil of your choosing and sage for a clear mind, basil for opening yourself to receive messages, and sunflowers for overcoming obstacles.
Core your apple (for peace, rebirth and renewal, self-work) and place your candle inside. You’re basically using this apple as your candle holder!
Light your candle and meditate on the areas in your life that need balance and/or change. When you are done, write your setbacks and obstacles that you want to overcome (to make these changes and bring this balance) onto the leaves. Hold the leaves into your hands and let the wind take them away!
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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USAF will test autonomous flight capabilities on the KC-135 tanker
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/15/2024 - 20:00in Military
Merlin, a developer of safe and autonomous flight technology, announced that it has signed an agreement with the United States Air Force (USAF), aimed at a collaboration, carried out in conjunction with the Air Mobility Command (AMC) and the Air Force Material Command (AFMC), with the aim of integrating and demonstrating Merlin's advanced Pilot system in the iconic KC-135 Stratotanker air refueling tanker.
The multi-year partnership between Merlin and USAF is scheduled to introduce a gradual approach to improve the capabilities of the KC-135, starting with reducing the crew workload and advancing towards unmanned autonomous operations. This ambitious initiative represents a major advance in improving the mission readiness and operational efficiency of the U.S. Air Force.
Announcing our $105m Series B and a partnership with the@usairforce! https://t.co/gqEGU6DY90
— Merlin (@MerlinAero) July 28, 2022
Merlin's innovative Pilot system, designed to allow safe and autonomous flights for fixed-wing aircraft, will undergo rigorous phases of testing and demonstrations to validate its performance and reliability. Integration into the KC-135, a key asset in the USAF fleet for more than six decades, represents an important milestone in Merlin's quest to advance automation systems for military applications.
Matt George, CEO and co-founder of Merlin, expressed confidence in the potential of the partnership to shape the future of air operations, stating: "The integration into one of the most abundant and important military aircraft in the USAF fleet allows Merlin to materially evolve our advanced automation systems, which includes enabling autonomous flight in closed formation for the KC-135".
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Merlin already tests Pilot technology on C208 Caravan aircraft.
The KC-135 Stratotanker, renowned for its indispensable role in air refueling missions, serves as a key piece for global reach and operational flexibility. With a robust cargo capacity and a lasting history of reliability, the KC-135 exemplifies the USAF's commitment to maintaining air superiority and supporting the defense efforts of allied nations.
As collaboration between Merlin and USAF advances, the implementation of autonomous flight technology in the KC-135 promises to redefine the future of air operations, paving the way for improved mission capabilities and operational effectiveness.
Tags: Military AviationBoeing KC-135 StratotankerUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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zirkkun · 2 years
🧡THANK HIM and OFFER TO SPLIT THE BILL won the last poll!!🧡
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anniekoh · 2 years
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Geopedia: A Brief Compendium of Geologic Curiosities Marcia Bjornerud (2022)
Now an embarrassing footnote in the history of geology, geosynclinal theory is perhaps best explained as the tectonic analog of spontaneous generation: like mice materializing in a sack of grain, mountains would spring up miraculously given the right ingredients.
Geopedia is a trove of geologic wonders and the evocative terms that humans have devised to describe them. Featuring dozens of entries—from Acasta gneiss to Zircon—this illustrated compendium is brimming with lapidary and lexical insights that will delight rockhounds and word lovers alike. Geoscientists are magpies for words, and with good reason. The sheer profusion of minerals, landforms, and geologic events produced by our creative planet demands an immense vocabulary to match. Marcia Bjornerud shows how this lexicon reflects not only the diversity of rocks and geologic processes but also the long history of human interactions with them.
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redzirpinkasmt · 1 year
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Meet River! A orange zircon that is a photographer
His job is to take pictures for evidence, but they mostly like to take pictures of the scenery, him, and their Husband Apollo.
He is a caring, cheerful, sometimes a smugness zircon
He always participates in photo events cause he wanna show off his skills and just want free time
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fates-theysband · 9 months
i have so many fic ideas rotating that i need to write…long-awaited (by me) riebeck/tourmaline fic. vampire fate au part 2. even longer-awaited rolan/shiloh fic. feldspar/zircon fic set well before the events of the game. outer wilds burger au.
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tartaruga-cosmica · 1 year
The homies are making V profiles. Here’s ma boi
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Name: Vincent Yael Zircon, always told people his last name was Welles, though. Only goes by V, he does not like it at all when people call him Vincent. Netrunner Tag: V3nus Gender: male (he/him) Age: 27 Life Path: Corpo Affiliation: Moxes (formerly), Afterlife (post-game) Sexuality: Bisexual Personality: V is kindhearted first and foremost. His main interest is to make life better for his friends, himself, and the people who he considers family, because he knows he can’t help everyone in need. Doesn’t stop him from trying when the opportunity arises. He doesn’t take gigs that go against his moral compass and ideals, and he never kills without a reason. After getting roped into Arasaka due to a university program, he instantly went after his obsession with cyberware, netrunning and technology in general, getting fully chromed up. After the falling out with ‘Saka, he didn’t hold much of a grudge, only glad that he got stopped from becoming one of those cold, greedy bastards. He thinks Johnny shouldn’t be as hard on every single corpo he sees, because at the end of the day, most of them are just office workers. The people pulling the strings should rot in hell, though - that’s what they agree on. Johnny and him get along well, mostly because V is a forgiving man with a positive mindset, yet not afraid to tell Johnny he should crawl out of his own ass and shut his stupid mouth sometimes. He does not blame Johnny for his potential death, but rather looks to him for comfort on particularly bad days. He never accepted that he might die, and he never will accept it either. During the events of the game, he wants nothing more than to survive - but without the help of Arasaka. Facts: Being obsessed with high-end cyberware, V only has the best of the best. He lost most of his right arm while working in counter-intel at ‘Saka and chose to replace it with something fashionable rather than deceivingly realistic, he likes his tech to be visible. Hence the rather ominous red LED eyes with their black frames. Mostly fights with an electric monowire and enhanced combat knives. Also Archangel, he uses her nigh religiously. His hair is black naturally, but he dyed parts of it red and pink in his time with the Moxes and never went back to a solid color. Yes, that is cyberware matching Kerry’s in midnight blue with sparkly stars. But he got permission for it. They’re married it’s okay guys He did fancy Panam for a very brief while before Johnny unfortunately dragged him to Kerry’s house and the poor guy fell head over heels. He has a thing for arson and guns :( Huge loser nerd when it comes to physics, tech, engineering and space, and he incorporates it into his aesthetic whenever possible. The Star ending is his canon ending. (He’s fine and everything is okay and nobody dies and Kerry doesn’t leave him everyone shut up I’m not crying YOU’RE crying!!)
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oiniciooffice · 1 year
OINICIO Colorful Zircon Earrings: Sparkling Refractions and Unforgettable Presence
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Introducing the Colorful Zircon Earrings from OINICIO's exquisite collection. These earrings are a stunning display of vibrant beauty, featuring spliced zircon stones that shimmer and shine under the sun's refraction. Despite their modest size, they possess a strong sense of presence, adding a touch of allure to any ensemble. Crafted with 925 silver ear posts, these earrings ensure both style and comfort, making them a worry-free choice for those with sensitive ears. The Colorful Zircon Earrings are the perfect accessory to enhance your look and make a lasting impression.
The Colorful Zircon Earrings from OINICIO are true showstoppers, designed to captivate and delight. The spliced zircon stones, arranged in an artful composition, create a symphony of colors that dance and sparkle with every movement. As the sunlight hits the earrings, the zircons come alive, reflecting and refracting light in a mesmerizing display of brilliance. This dynamic play of colors adds a touch of magic to your appearance, ensuring that all eyes are drawn to you.
Despite their smaller size, the Colorful Zircon Earrings possess a remarkable sense of presence. The careful arrangement of the spliced zircon stones, coupled with the flowing metal accents, creates a design that commands attention. These earrings make a bold statement, exuding confidence and sophistication. Whether you're attending a formal event or simply adding a touch of elegance to your everyday look, these earrings are sure to leave a lasting impression.
Comfort is a top priority when it comes to earrings, and OINICIO understands this well. The ear posts of the Colorful Zircon Earrings are made of 925 silver, a high-quality material known for its hypoallergenic properties. This ensures that even those with sensitive ears can enjoy wearing these earrings without any discomfort or irritation. With OINICIO, you can indulge in the beauty of these earrings without having to worry about allergies.
The Colorful Zircon Earrings are versatile accessories that can be effortlessly paired with a variety of outfits. Whether you're dressing up for a formal occasion or adding a touch of elegance to your everyday attire, these earrings are a perfect choice. Their vibrant colors and sparkling design add a touch of glamour to any ensemble, making them a go-to accessory for both special occasions and everyday wear.
Experience the beauty and brilliance of the Colorful Zircon Earrings from OINICIO. Let their mesmerizing colors and shimmering presence elevate your style and leave a lasting impression. With their comfortable fit and hypoallergenic properties, you can wear these earrings with confidence, knowing that they are both stylish and safe for your ears.
Embrace the allure of the Colorful Zircon Earrings and allow them to become a cherished part of your jewelry collection. With OINICIO, you can enjoy the perfect blend of style, comfort, and sophistication in every piece.
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