wunderlustwriter · 2 years
for those who ask for part twos, or still don’t understand why content creators ignore requests for those part twos, or stop creating in general, i made a super easy diagram to follow that will help you get those part twos from your favorite writers, or more content from your favorite creators!
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wunderlustwriter · 2 years
Pulling your strings
Summary: Somehow, in the beginning of your senior year, your family got stationed in middle-of-no-where, Hawkins, Indiana. It's definitely not the type of scene you're used to, but maybe you can be just the rainbow that this backwards town needs.
a/n: rewriting the entirety of ST4 & taking some creative liberties with dnd to fill the void, and yes I'm team fuck the duffer brothers
cw: second hand embarrassment & grammar mistakes (like always), flirting, light smut, adult themes, regular stranger things warnings
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"Alright Nancy Drew, what is everyone in this school raving about this time?" You say as the door to the newspaper room slams behind you and you wince just a little.
"Oh it's this dumb tradition we have where, on the last day of school before spring break, all of the seniors come during the middle of the night and have a tailgate in the teacher's parking lot. It's like our lame version of a senior prank. I'm not even sure if-"
"Oh my god, Nance, we have to go. Come on, think about it, it would be a great segment for the school paperrrrr." Drawing out the last word you sling an arm around Nancy Wheeler's shoulders and bring her in closer before she rolls her eyes and reluctantly smiles at you.
"I don't know Y/N, we're already doing a segment on the basketball championship tonight, this might be too much."
"Is it too much or the sprinkle on top of an ice cream sundae? Think about it, if we win tonight, imagine everyone raging. People might" you pause and dramatically gasp "clique cross!"
"I mean, I guess you're right. It would be interesting to see how this brings all different types of seniors together... so just for the paper. Y'know, educational purposes."
"Righttt, educational. Well great! I'll see you after the game my friend, because now, I must go teach young and impressionable children to worship the ground I walk on."
Other people working on the paper laugh at your words while Nancy just sighs "Y/N, please tell me you're actually tutoring those kids like you signed up for?"
But before you can begin to make a retort, her younger brother bursts through the door yelling "Nancy!" Which thoroughly startles everyone, allowing you to walk up the landing out the door while he continues "Oh, uh, do you want to join Hellfire tonight?
You moved to Hawkins during the beginning of the school year. Not only was it rough having to finish out your senior year in a brand new school 600 miles away from home, but to do so in the middle of suburban no where just seemed like salt on the wound.
However, on your first day you were escorted around the school by none other than Nancy Wheeler, the 'Most Desired Girl of Hawkins High' and she soon became your closest friend in the small town. It could be because she enjoyed the refresh of talking with someone who knew so little about her past, or it could be because you craved some sense of stability and her caring demeanor provided just that, but either way you two grew closer every day.
Your appreciative train of thought, however, was soon interrupted when you found yourself nearly tumbling onto the ground, breaking your fall against the lockers.
"Oh shoot, ah, that's my bad, I'm so sorry I'm running late for... yeah, and I wasn't looking." Comes a voice behind you that helps you stand up and steadies you with his hands on your shoulder.
You pat your clothes down and turn to see your assailant/helper and laugh out, "It's okay, I think I'll survive," when your eyes are met with copper ones and you smile.
Eddie's heart skips a beat while he just stares back at you, awestruck. Laughing, more to yourself now than anything, you bend over to pick up the singular notebook and pencil dropped on the ground. He finally snaps out of it when you hold the supplies out.
"Eddie!" He practically shouts at you and you give him another amused look which forces him to continue with red cheeks. "Eddie Munson, that's my name. Hi. You're the new girl, right? Yeah, I've seen you around."
"Y/N, and yeah, I think I might've seen you around too." Your eyes rake their way up and down his body before you smirk and continue. "Don't you have a 'yeah' that you're running late for?"
Eddie's eyes light up as he glances at one of the clocks in the hallway. "Shit. Ohhohoho, any other time I would love to stay and chat but I am on a dangerous mission. Lives are at stake."
"Ah, well then, Sir Munson, I'm sure I'll see you around some time." The two of you meet eyes again as he throws you a wink and shouts "You know it" over his shoulder while running back through the hallway.
Your amusement soon becomes doubled when, a few minutes later, you reach the door to Ms. O’Donnell's classroom and, through the window, see a familiar head of fringed hair at one of the desks.
'Oh fate, how you amuse me' You whisper to the skies before grabbing the handle and smiling cheerily at the elderly woman sitting behind the teacher's desk. "Hi Ms. O’Donnell!"
"Miss Y/N! Right on time without a minute to spare, come in come in. Thank you again for agreeing to take over my tutoring today so I could take my granddaughter to her appointment."
“Of course,��� looking around the room to see if there’s anyone else and avoiding eye contact with the boy right in front of you whose head just snapped up, you continue “so, is it just Eddie tonight?”
“Yes, and I’m glad to see you two already know each other. Y/N can practically teach my class herself, she was in calculus at her last school but we don’t have anything higher than that here and-“
“Uh, Ms. O’Donnell'…” You chime in and point to the clock above the center of the classroom.
“Oh! Right right! Okay, so the worksheets for today are on my desk, you can add more if you need, be creative. If he gets anything above a 70 then he’ll stay right on track for passing the class this semester. Oh, and don’t forget the close the door when you guys leave!” The teacher says as she rushes out the door and sends another smile towards you.
When you’re finally alone you smirk to yourself and grab the papers off of his desk and walk over to Eddie who is smugly slouching against the side of his chair.
“Well well well, isn’t this a coinkidink Lady Y/N.” he says while tapping his knuckles against the desk top.
“I suppose it is, but uh- what happened to your dangerous mission with lives at stake?”
“Oh, that’s all still true. This is a dangerous mission, for whoever is tasked with helping me pass math this year, that is. And, my life is at stake. Fail senior year once? Okay, the town needs a bad boy outcast. Fail it twice? Alright, that kid’s got some problems at home or something. But when you’re about to fail for your third time? See now that’s just sad.”
Laughing at his joke you just nod and bring a chair to the opposite side of his desk. “Yes, it just makes me want to shed a tear. Yet, something tells me it’s not because you’re ignorant. Now, let me guess, you’re an actual genius, or at least have an above average IQ, who is too eccentric for our current school system leaving you under-stimulated and in a never ending spiral of boredom and stagnation?”
“Wait, how did you-“
“Mom was a psychologist.” you interrupt with a shrug.
“Oh, well I bet that made for a fun home life” Eddie says, sitting up in his seat and leaning his elbows against the table.
“Ha! Yeah, something like that. But maybe now we should get started on the worksheets Ms. O’Donnell left for you.”
“I mean, we could.” Eddie says, daring to move his forehead closer to you “Or we could continue playing this little game where you ask questions and guess things about me and I do the same back to you, the papers will always be there for later.”
“Tempting offer, but how about I make you a deal. For every problem you do correctly, I’ll answer whatever question you want to ask me, but only one.”
“Oh, deal.”
About thirty minutes passed of you guiding Eddie to fix the careless mistakes in the otherwise perfect work and him, in return, asking you six questions now.
“Okay, so you moved here from Virginia because your dad has some fancy new job, you don’t like potato salad, you’re not apart of any cliques, and you love to look at any bright color but your ultimate favorite one is brown. But what is it that the infamous Y/N Y/L/N likes to do in her free time?”
“Oohhhh I feel like that’s a loaded question. But, for right now I guess I like to listen to music and partake in some… recreational activities.”
"Music and 'recreational activities', that's intriguing. What-"
"Ah, ah, ah, that sounds like another question to me and you have a whole other half of that worksheet to get through."
"Okay, okay. Deal's a deal." A few seconds of silence pass where Eddie is just looking at the back of his paper before he sighs and speaks up "Alright, I think now would be a good break time. It just feels like all of the letters are jumping up and hitting me in the face right now."
"Come on, you're halfway there, you can do this. I think you just need a change of scenery. Here!" Standing up from the chair you dragged over, you take a minute to rearrange a few of the desks in the room into a straight line with no gaps in between.
"Alright, try this, lay down on your stomach on top of all of these desks. You want your head and neck to hang off of the last one"
"I mean, if you insist, I-"
"Oh, get your mind out of the gutter. Laying with your head upside down like that brings the blood back to your brain, plus it gets you moving around so there's your little break."
He grumbles a little at first but eventually Eddie does as you suggest and he's calling you a sorcerer for curing him like that. After he gets problem number seven correct he joins you as you lay with your back on the floor and legs pressed flat against the wall.
"You know, you're pretty cool. Most of my tutors, prison guards, whatever you want to call them, expect me to just immediately absorb whatever they tell me, like I'm supposed to commit it to muscle memory. But here we are, with our feet in the air and backs against the dusty school floor."
"Bitchin' right?" you laugh and Eddie continues to ask you questions after he completes each problem correctly until you check over his paper one last time.
"Yup, you got it. Even remembered to switch the sign from less to greater than. Nice" You reach your hand out for a high five but Eddie doesn't move his hand away so fast.
“Last problem on the work sheet so the last question I’ll burden you with; are you free Tuesday night? Because, you know, I heard there's this super cool band playing at The Hideout called Corroded Coffins. You know, if you're into that type of thing, although I did hear that The Hideout has a strict 'potato salad only' policy.”
"Hmmm, you know, I think I can be persuaded to go anyways." You say with a smile on your face while you move to sit cross legged.
Sensing the coyness in your words Eddie copies your motions and looks at you very intrigued. "Yeah, and how is that?"
"Careful, I didn't see you finish any problems to earn that question. Besides, I think it's my turn to ask a few now."
"Oh really, then please, ask away."
"Can I kiss you, Munson?"
Subconsciously Eddie slides his tongue against his lips and stares at you with his eyebrows raised before he snaps back into the moment and looks around the room "M-me?"
"Yes, you. Eddie Munson, would you grant me the highest honor and allow my lips to grace yo-"
Interrupting you in the middle of your monologue, Eddie gently grabs your face with both of his hands and smashes his lips down onto yours, literally taking your breath away.
It takes a second for the shock to wear off but once it does you wrap your hand in Eddie's hair and deepen the kiss even more.
At the same time you start to move Eddie places his hands on your sides and pulls you closer while you begin to straddle his lap.
There, in that moment you felt something you didn't even know you were missing your whole life. The kiss lit a spark that radiated inside of your soul, devouring internal demons and insecurities. Little did you know that the man below you felt the same way. He finally felt seen, not like someone was using him as a plug or expecting him to act a certain way. He felt like, for the first time in a long time, someone wanted him. And man, did he want you back.
That’s why a smile radiated across his face when you pulled away and began to pant out. “I’m- I’m not trying to ask for a quick fuck- or insinuate that's something either of us are thinking about but, would you maybe want to get out of here.”
“Yes! Uh, um, I mean yeah, I think I would. You know I have a van, we can drive around for a bit, it’s not ‘sweet ole’ virginya’” he exaggerates with a country accent “But there are a few spots I think you might like.”
Laughing you placed your lips back on his for a gentle kiss before speaking again. “Maybe we can listen to some Corroded Coffin on the way, because usually I like to know what type of music a band makes when I say I made out with their hottest member.”
“Wait. You knew? This whole time you knew?” He asks out of disbelief and amusement.
“You know” you gently kiss Eddie’s neck while you poke at the guitar pick necklace he wears and whisper in his ear “you don’t hide it very well.”
Eddie is too busy closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to say anything so you slowly continue “Plus, I would recognize a guitarist’s fingers anywhere.” You take his hands and place them flat against yours to prove the point and smile as he interlaces your fingers.
“You better stop talking or I will fall in love with you Y/L/N."
"Come on" you stand up and hold out a hand for Eddie to grab "How about you take me out on a date first?"
With a shit eating grin Eddie grabs your hand and shoots up, pulling you into him for another kiss. "Don't need to ask me twice." He murmurs against your lips between kisses before his mouth begins to travel down your neck.
Laughing, you wrap your arms around his torso and pull him in for a hug "Eddie!" you squeal.
"Sorry Princess, come on, let's go."
"Okay, but we need to come back here after the basketball game, I told my friend Nancy that I would meet her at the senior tailgate so you better not make me a liar Munson"
"Basketba- Oh. Oh shit. Oh fuck, Oh shit. My, fuck. Sorry, shit." Eddie says as he scrambles around the room, gathering up all of his things and shoving them into the thin backpack he brought with him to tutoring. "Fuck, I forgot I have the club tonight! And I gave the boys shit for wanting to reschedule and-"
The scene in front of you was nothing short of amusing. Even after he gathered all of his things, Eddie continued to walk in big circles around the room while shouting out random obscenities every second. He doesn't stop until you place two arms on his shoulders then gently tug his face to look at you. "Go. It's okay, I promise I understand, just go and maybe I'll see you at the tailgate." You say with a wink and Eddie just brings you in for another kiss. Before sharply pulling away and running towards the door.
"You're the best Y/N, I swear if it was anything else! FUCK!" You hear more scattered cursing going down the halls and you laugh to yourself before you begin to put Ms. O’Donnell's room back together. A few seconds later you hear more running, this time coming closer to you with scattered breath.
Eddie pops his head back in the room and lights up when he sees you're still there. Still running towards you, Eddie bends down and picks you up by the legs, spinning you around while he kisses you, causing you to laugh even more. When he puts you down there's a smile on both of your faces and he turns you around once when you feel something cool drape around your neck.
"Wait, Eddie, what's this?" You ask with genuine curiosity, allowing him to turn you around once more while you glance down at the metal guitar pick resting in the middle of your chest. "Munson, sweetheart, I can't take this from you. And aren't you-"
Interrupting you yet again, the man in front of you places a finger on your lips before wrapping his arms around your waist and just looks at you for a second.
He sighs softly and a small smile creeps in the corner of his lip "Take it. Seriously" he says against your protests "it's okay, you can always give it back to me on Tuesday."
"Uh, okay. Thank you." You say with a coy smile on your face before you two burst out of your moment.
"But you should-"
"Yeah I should-"
"Go!" you both shout out at the same time and Eddie kisses you softly one last time before booking it back down the hallway
-> Next Part <-
as always, please like, repost, and/or comment. and as per usual, my dms, requests, and taglists are open!
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wunderlustwriter · 2 years
it's a problem, one that even grammarly can't fix
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Commas are all that’s holding my fics together
9K notes · View notes
wunderlustwriter · 2 years
i used to think posts like these were fishing but yeah no there’s for sure some truth to it
It's so funny, because I didn't realize this until I started posting fic regularly myself, but there is genuinely no way for a fic author to tell that you even read their work, let alone liked it, if you just click off when you're finished.
It feels like they should know—of course you read the fic! You just had fifteen emotions in a row about it! But they don't know, because you haven't told them. All they know is that the 'hits' counter went up by one more, which means someone clicked on it, and then probably didn't read more than a sentence before clicking off.
And alright, maybe it feels like it doesn't matter, because they're not ever going to know that you read it in the first place, so why should you even leave a kudos/like, let alone comment?
Because—and I say this as both a fic writer and reader—it means they know someone actually read it. Every time they get proof that someone actually read the whole thing from start to finish, it gives them just a little more evidence that it was actually worth it to put the fic out into the world, and that's a little more chance that they're going to keep writing and posting.
8K notes · View notes
wunderlustwriter · 2 years
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wunderlustwriter · 2 years
Truest Form
Loki isn’t the only one with a few tricks up his sleeve, especially when his alleged soulmate has some pretty intricate powers.
cw: afab reader, they/them pronouns, promiscuous & flirty but SFW, normal MCU warnings, Loki being Loki and Y/N being Y/N
this takes place in an imaginary track of time where everyone is happy and healthy and alive and whatever i say goes bc this is my au and i’m a fragile human
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You see, the funny thing about life is all of its little twists and turns. Your “what ifs” could’ve lead you down the exact same path you’re on right now, or it most definitely could not. You never know.
Except for Y/N.
They knew.
“Hey Clint” You shout over the loud 70s music playing throughout the kitchen to the man who just walked in not even a second ago. “I’m making breakfast for the team. Tony wants everyone at the compound for some big meeting,,, which is probably why you’re here so never mind….. do you want waffles or pancakes?”
“How did you- oh wait, right, you have that whole sixth sense thing. So don’t you know the answer to that question?”
Sighing you nod “Waffles… I just hate freaking everyone out. I heard some of the SHIELD agents conspiring that I’m invading peoples minds and I don’t want them to get creeped out and-“
Cutting you off, Wanda and Vision walk into the room as Clint just shakes his head at you and walks towards the table to join the other members of the team.
“Ooooooh I almost forgot today was family brunch day!” Wanda says, unlatching her arm from Visions’s to give you a hug.
“Yes everything seems delightful Y/N. Did you need any help?” Vision asks, making his way over to the two of you.
“Oh just turn off the smoke alarm for me real quick.“
Not even two seconds later alarms start blaring throughout the great room and smoke makes its way out of the oven.
“Yeah, I knew I should’ve cleaned that last week and, wait, Wand, will you get that for me, I-“
Gasping, you jump around and look towards the elevator right as it softly chimes, letting its audience know that someone is making their way up the floors “THORS COMING TODAY!!! I DIDNT EVEN REGISTER THAT HE GOT BACK ONTO MIDGUARD. MUCH LESS IN THE BUILDING! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN- Wait.”
Turning again, you look at Wanda who is smirking and reloading the waffle maker.
“You bitch! Is that why you were so pushy about the spa day yesterday, especially the sensory deprivation tank!?!”
Laughing at you Wanda shrugs and goes back to finishing up your cooking while you wait by the elevator.
Almost a year ago, due to whatever sciencey stuff Banner tried explaining, you realized that you are able to communicate with different versions of yourself throughout the multiverse. Basically making you really sensitive to energy and vibrations, even allowing you to manipulate them with some training. That’s what made you and Wanda become so close. With similar abilities, the two of you just understood each other. So, when the Avengers found you as a prisoner in one of HYDRA's bases, the two of you became besties. Well, you and-
“Thor!!!!” You ran towards the tall Asgardian as soon as the elevator doors opened and launched yourself into his arms. Half expecting this, Thor lifts you up off the ground and spins the two of you around in a bear hug while his pot-bellied laugh fills the room.
“Ah! My little Forcefield! I have missed you too! But I can see that the surprise did not work. Who told?”
Wanda scoffs and hands a tray full of scrambled eggs to Vision who sets it down on the table “I did no such thing. They found out when you go up the elevator. I told you that when you have powers like ours, surprises do not come easy. I didn’t even believe that you’d make it this far.”
Laughing Thor sets you on the ground and calls mjolnir to his side before glancing back in the elevator and remembering his true purpose for being here. “Oh, uh. Hmm, right.”
“Oh goody Dear Brother, I was beginning to believe that you had forgotten about me.” the man says as he emerges from the elevator.
For the first time in who knows how long you are genuinely surprised to see another person stand behind you, causing you to actually jump back.
Confused and concerned, you push Thor out of the way and meet his brother right outside the elevator. Getting strangely close, you stick a hand out and reach towards him “Uh. Excuse me. Mortal. What are you doing? Br... Brother! Come get your pet!”
But before Thor can even listen you push your thumb against the strange man’s forehead and he starts to wince while his body flickers.
Shivering and breathing raggedly Loki blinks at you with his eye brows furrow and eyes wide while you bring your hand down. “Hey big guy, is your brother a hologram? Is that a thing on asguard?”
Thor let’s out an angry puff, steam practically pouring from his ears while he shouts at the top of his lungs. “LOKI!!”
The man in front of you vanishes into smoke and a loud pop sounds a couple of feet to your side.
“Right, well thanks for that snitch. I was almost free and that wasn’t a ho- Oh no. Hey come on. Do we really have to?” clink.
“You swore that you wouldn’t pull any tricks. Now you lied to me so yes. We really have to.” Both brothers look equally annoyed and right as Thor moves to turn on the power dampening collar you place a hand on top of his and shake your head.
“Something’s not right. Take it off. Now.” Looking really confused but doing as you say, Thor hands the collar to you.
Wanda makes her way over as you snap the collar together and press the button on the side and the entire thing bursts into flames. Before you cringe and toss it towards Wanda who guides the collar towards the sink and turns on the water with her powers
“Oooh. Yikes. Friday, remind Bruce to disassemble the collar and figure out what happened.” you say as Thor pats you on the shoulder “Okay then. Let’s eat!”
Everyone in the room just shrugs and nods, moving to the table to make their plate while Loki just stands still, mouth agape and in disbelief.
“So we’re just going to ignore the fact that the thing your leaders were going to force me to wear probably would’ve blown up in the my face and killed me?” Loki shouted at the room full of people who began to gather their plates.
“Yeah, pretty much” Clint says after reaching over the table and stealing a few more pieces of bacon.
“Awe, don’t worry, if someone really wanted to kill you they would be here to do the job and not leave it up to chance. Come on, let’s eat” You make eye contact with Loki as you pat him on the shoulder. When you do, a jolt of electricity runs through your veins and you instinctively flinch your arm back.
You’re about to make a joke saying that Thor is supposed to be the god of lightning when you look up and see scenes of your life literally flashing before your eyes.
There’s what almost feels like memories of you and, seemingly, Loki, Running through the forest, swimming in an enchanted lake, jumping from a cliff into the ocean, holding each other next to a fire. Then there are scenes that definitely did not come from this lifetime. Scenes of you and Loki running over hills as wolves, touring the galaxies as some alien race, colliding together as two planets. It’s almost as if the two of you were always meant to bump into each other.
Then, as if being yanked from a bungee cord, the memories play in reverse and you find yourself back in the present. The only person who seemed to notice being Wanda.
As if no time passed at all Loki says “Ouch! No need to shock me, I’m going.”
When Thor sits down, he beams and looks across the table. “Banner, good friend, could you make a new collar for my brother over there. He really shouldn’t be running away on this mission. Especially since father sent him down with me as punishment for his latest crime.”
As Bruce is about to speak, you interrupt “Oh don’t worry. Loki’s not going anywhere.”
“I’m not?” “He’s not?” the two brothers chime in.
“Of course not. How could he fall in love with me if his mind and spirit are elsewhere?” Some people look at you curiously after that statement, maybe even slightly amused, but others don’t bat an eye as prophetic talk like this isn’t out of the norm for you.
“Uh, Thor, your pet is being weird again.”
“Nonsense. It’s Y/N. That’s just how they are.”
“What’s nonsense? Because our case isn’t nonsense and that’s the reason I called you all together. So maybe we should be talking about that, yeah?” Tony says, strolling into the dining room with boxes of papers in his hands
“Come on Tony, can’t you let us eat before grueling us with work” Sam chimes in when he finally sits down after making his plate.
“Ah yes. The Avengers. So mighty and noble, but not without snack breaks of course. Whatever will- wait. Did Y/N cook today?”
“Yeah Tones, fresh off the stove, eat while it’s hot.” You reply with a smile.
“Okay. Meeting is paused while we take a quick recess and eat Y/N’s ‘big family brunch’. I almost forgot what day it is” Tony says, clapping his hands together and going to make a plate
Chuckling, you glance at the god next to you and nod your head towards the table. “Loki, right? Why don’t you go sit down next to Thor, I’ll make you a plate.” as he starts to bicker you hold a hand up and roll your eyes “I don’t care if you don’t trust midguardians OR their food OR if you say you aren’t hungry right now. Be a good boy and sit and eat with the rest of the team please.” you grin and walk towards the kitchen before he has the chance to speak.
As Loki reluctantly sits next to Thor, Wanda makes her way over to you. “Y/N, you blimped again. What was it about?” she asks you, placing a hand on your back for comfort
“Oh nothing bad this time. I can fill you in, just not right now.”
She nods at your words and stays behind to add toppings to her pancakes.
When you walk back to the table you drop Loki’s plate in front of him and sit right next to him. “Would ya scoot over a little bit for me love?” you softly ask and Loki finds himself following your words before he can even question it.
By the time his brain processes what just happens, you’re leaning over his lap to give thor an extra hair tie and asking Bucky to pass you the syrup and butter, throwing Loki a quick wink when your eyes meet again.
Uncharacteristically flustered, Loki just stares at you with bewilderment. Unable to find any words to create a snarky comment, he eventually gives up and starts to eat his food.
Although he would never say it in front of everyone, all of the food on his plate tastes practically as good as the ones back home. Sure, it wasn’t the elegant dishes served at his infamous parties, but it reminded him of Mother’s home cooked meals on warm summer evenings.
Out of habit, he begins to look around the table for something to put on the unfamiliar round, pastry-looking thing on his plate. Even though you’re in the middle of laughing while reliving a mission with Sam, you instinctively hold the container of butter right in front of Loki’s face, without even a glance in his direction.
“Oh my gods don’t remind me! I felt like Eleven from that one tv show with the way blood dripped down my nose.” you replied with a laugh as Loki hesitantly took the dish from your hands.
You laughed and talked with the team for nearly an hour more until Tony reeled everyone back in.
“Alright, alright. Thank you Y/N, your Sunday brunches are always appreciated. Now, time to address the god-sized elephant in the room. Our Asgardian… pals, have come down to monitor hotspots of some random god/mutant/power mumbo-jumbo. More details will come on a need to know basis, the basics are in these folders Peter is passing out, but right now it seems like we’re in the scouting phase, trying to take preemptive measures. Y/N, I do want you to continue your training with Wanda and Sam, energy and hotspots seem just up your alley and you still have a lot to work on before stepping back into the field. Bruce, I’ll meet you in your lab after this. Thor, Steve, and Nat, you will be our main recon team. Everyone else, continue with your normal training. Just make sure you read your folders and, remember, you are all on call for the next few weeks. Meeting adjourned, go do your shit, avenge some souls, I don’t care just get out of my face and- what Clint?”
“I’m sorry but I don’t get it. Didn’t mysteriouso over there try to take over New York? Why is he back here?”
“Yes, why am I back here dear brother?”
“Ah, of course. Well, when father sent me down to check on Midguard, he ordered Loki to come along as part of his sentence. If something with these hotspots goes wrong, he can help us and will then repay his debt to New York.” Thor says matter-of-factly before standing up and bringing his plates into the kitchen.
“Of course. Makes perfect sense” Clint says, rolling his eyes and starting to clean up too.
While everyone begins cleaning you start making your way out of the room with someone’s eyes following you. Briefly stopping, you turn your head slightly without looking over your shoulders and say “Aren’t you coming��
When you turn left down an empty corridor you hear Loki huff and finally catch up to you. “What games are you playing mortal? Do you know who you are toying with? I am a god. What makes you think you can read my mind and-“
You turn around and gently cup Loki’s cheeks with both of your hands. Completely thrown off by the gesture, he immediately goes silent. “Okay, I can tell you’re flustered.”
In protest, Loki raises his voice and begins “I’m not-“
Cutting him off again, you gently rub one of his cheeks with your thumb and look into his eyes “It’s okay. Why don’t you take a deep breath with me, yeah? In…. Hold… And out…. Thank you”
Loki looks at you with a bewildered rage as he finds himself complying to your words yet again.
Once he calms down you gently remove your hands and continue speaking “Okay, let’s walk and I’ll answer all of your questions, yeah?”
You begin to walk while Loki stays behind, still bewildered at everything that just played out, causing you to have to link arms with him so he’ll keep up. You continue to talk “Okay, come on. I’m not playing any games. I know you don’t trust people easily but I have no reason to lie to you about anything. And I don’t think I’m toying with you, but frankly I don’t know what you mean by that. I’m not trying to use you because you’re a powerful god, if that’s what you mean. I have all the power I need. I just know what I see and what I feel and what I perceive and-“ with a sigh you stop walking and look the god right in his eyes “Loki, sweetheart, would you please stop trying to read my mind? I never read yours and you’re starting to give me a headache.”
“Sorceress! You’re doing it again. Why do you keep touching me and calming me down? Is it some ploy to steal my powers? What’s your angle? Oh. I bet you’re being nice to me so we can be allys, so you can have protection in case the big bad Loki ever tries to rule Earth again. Or maybe you’re being coy, trying to seduce me so you can get close and attack me when you think I’m weakest.”
Throughout his entire rant (?) Loki kept moving towards you, trying to intimidate you into cowering backwards. You don’t budge or react to any of his outbursts until the very end when you let out a slight giggle.
Noticing this, Loki moves even closer to you, bending his head down slightly so he’s at your level with a shit eating grin plastered across his face. “Ah, so I see I’m coming close. What, were you hoping your little stolen glances and flirty behavior would have me fawning over you, allowing you to manipulate and gain control over me? Oh, I bet you think you’re so smart. And- dear Odin! Why do you keep laughing?”
Covering your face, you take a deep breath and try to stifle your laughs. Once you regain your composure you move even closer to the god in front of you and place your hands on your hips.
“Loki, my love” Glancing down to his lips then back up to his eyes, you continue, “while I’m loving all this ‘will they / when will they’ tension between us right now, if I wanted to seduce someone into a quick fuck I would just go see your brother again. And as for my behavior, I was just being kind. Sure, maybe a little flirty, I didn’t realize you were such a prude. But don’t get mad at me because you blush like a schoolgirl every time I look at you. Or because there are butterflies flying in your stomach whenever I brush against you. And please, don’t try to read my mind again, I’m getting all of this from your aura, for lack of a better term.”
Loki just blinks at you for a few seconds before standing up straight and looking out the window behind your head, mumbling “I cant believe you fucked my brother.”
“Jealous much? And please, I find it hard to believe that you’ve never fucked your best friend before. Now come on, I have something I want to show you. Like I already said, I promise I’ll answer all of your questions if you just stick it out a little bit longer.”
Not even waiting for a response, you grab Loki’s hand and continue walking down the corridor, past different halls and doorways until you reach an old fashioned, forest-green, wooden door with special knots on the outside.
With your free hand you open the door and drag Loki inside with you until it shuts behind. Once the two of you step inside, torches along the side walls light up to revel a two story library. There are shelves upon shelves filled with books, each one telling a different story with dates ranging back to pre-colonialism. On the right side of the room, there is an enchanted fireplace paired with emerald green chaise lounges right in front of it.
Against the back wall is an oval shaped cascading pool that leads to a large bay window. The view overlooks an endlessly starry night that definitely resembles no place on earth.
Littered between aisles and bookshelves are dozens of arm chairs and sofas for leisure reading. In the middle of the room is a large, dark oak table, fit for writing, working, or dining.
Finally, against the right wall is a wet bar fully equipped with drinks and snacks that never replenish.
Once he has the chance to take everything in, Loki’s energy changes to that of a kid on Christmas morning. Cautiously, he proceeds to the bookshelf on the right of the fireplace, touching each different spine while he unconsciously pulls you with him, not letting go of your hand. It isn’t until he stumbles upon an old Asgardian novel that Loki speaks.
“What is this place? Where did you get this?” Looking down at The Book of Yggdrasill in his hands you smile and shrug “It was gifted to me from… an old friend. Well, maybe closer to an heirloom? The room, that is. Whoever posses the key is able to draw the door to this room wherever they want and an enchanted library is said to pop up. As it’s been past down throughout the generations people have added new features and new collections. I haven’t seen many Asgardian books, but my guess is that was put here by one of the previous owners. Please, look around. I’ll make us a drink.”
Absentmindedly, Loki just nods along while skimming over book titles and touching the spines of nearly half the books. “Uh, Loki, God of Mischief and everything, I can’t go until you let go of my hand sweetheart.”
“Oh- oh. Right.” he says while shaking himself out of the trance and letting go of your hand.
You make your way over to the bar while Loki continues to just ogle at the place you’ve brought him to. It isn’t until you’ve just finished making drinks that Loki saunters his way back over to you.
“Here, try this” you say while sliding the glass across the bar. Loki gives you a look and you roll your eyes. “It’s not bad and it’s not poisoned. Even if it was, what earth poisons would even affect an Asgardian? Would you like me to take the first sip?”
“Oh I’m sure someone will figure out one soon enough, so just in case.” Nudging the glass back to you you roll your eyes again and swipe your tongue across the flavored rim before taking a swig and swallowing, opening your mouth to show proof.
Hesitantly, Loki takes the drink from the bar and tries a sip while you explain the contents. “A shot of bourbon and chartreuse watered down over ice with roasted peppercorn and rosemary garnish topped with a rim of rosemary infused honey. I highly doubt it’ll even get you even buzzed but the flavor seems like you.”
Loki cocks his head to the side before taking another sip and saying “Not bad.”
“Awe, you love it, how cute. Now bring that with you while we sit on one of the couches. I said I’d answer your questions and I don’t back out on my word.”
When the two of you sit down, facing eachother on different arm chairs, he’s the first one to say anything. “Why bring me here when we just met?”
“Do you want the vague & mysterious answer or the transparent one that might drive you away?”
“Dealer’s choice.”
“Okay, in part i brought you here because I knew, or at least I had a feeling, that you would need a quiet and isolated space away from the team to chill out. Also in part because I love this place and we are going to fall in love so it only seems fitting.”
“Are you being facetious? Why do you keep saying that?”
“No, I’m being genuine. We are, or at least we have the potential to be, soulmates. Mmm, wait, that sounds cringey. Twin flames? True loves? Starseeds? Different cultures have different names for it, so I suppose that doesn’t matter, but you get the picture?”
“What makes you say these things, how do you know?”
“Mmmmmm basically I get visions sometimes, and while they don’t always make sense and they aren’t always from this life, they almost always provide useful.”
“So you’re a prophet?”
“Ha! No, most definitely not. Basically I’m really sensitive to energy so sometimes I get messages from other versions of myself, and other times I know when the smoke alarm is about to go off. That’s how I knew you were trying to read my mind earlier, and how I knew you weren’t really there when you first walked in with Thor.”
“Okay so mind powers?”
“Sure, mind powers”
“Then why me? If you really believe in soulmates or whatever you said, then why don’t you have someone with similar lineage? Someone who is at least from the same planet.”
“Because it’s always been you. Loki, you’re not destined to be alone. You deserve to be loved as much as anyone else... I can show you what I saw if you’d like.”
He has no visible reaction at your words however it almost seems like his eyes glossed over for just a second before he speaks again “How do you mean?”
Standing up you walk over to Loki and kneel on the floor right in between the gods legs. “Don’t get any ideas, I can literally feel the promiscuity oozing off of you.”
“I have yet to say anything darling.”
Rolling your eyes you take Loki’s hands and place them on either side of your head with his thumbs sitting on your forehead. “Read my mind and you’ll see.”
Glancing down at you suspiciously, Loki stares into your eyes while he slowly drifts off into your subconsciousness. Meanwhile, you focus and hone in on the vision you saw earlier when the two of you first met. Eventually, one by one, the scenes begin to fly by.
No matter what time, what world, what universe the visions were in, it was always you and Loki in your truest form.
A/N: okay so this is quite possibly my favorite series I've ever started, I was thinking about making it a slow burn but I'm too impatient for that, and I'm already halfway through part 2, but I'm also mentally ill so I have no idea when it'll actually get published. lmk if you want me to create a taglist & add you!
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wunderlustwriter · 2 years
awe guys i did it. i finally watched endgame. i cried and sobbed like a bitch. also yelled and squealed at the screen. it was a literal nail biter. and yes ik it took me over 3 years to watch it but hey man, don’t bully mentally ill people like me
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wunderlustwriter · 2 years
alright guys, i’m writing a new mcu story and i’m not sure where in the timeline i should put it, help would be appreciated
okok so life has been overwhelming lately, meaning i don’t want to deal with too much angst and internal conflicts, so definitely not civil war era.
and i don’t want to deal w life after the snap bc i haven’t even watched endgame (or anything after it except shang chi) bc i haven’t found it in me to do a marvel binge in a while, so that’s out of the question
and i definitely need vision in it. like growing up him and wanda were my comfort characters (lowkey convinced that little me manifested WandaVision) so i’m thinking after or around ultron?
but rn i do not have the mental capacity to look up scenes and summaries from these movies bc i haven’t watched them in months/year and i can’t remember everything
so yes, input would be greatly appreciated my lovebugs
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wunderlustwriter · 2 years
lol hey guys, so you know how i already have at least 5 WIPs posted on the main (here), and i have probably 20 in my drafts? well i’m about to add another.
all i have to say is that loki does not like it when you nonchalantly wear his boxes in front of the entire team… or does he?
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wunderlustwriter · 2 years
Look I'm sorry if I don't like your writing or your stories if you literally show the fact that you made your readers POV white... like if you're literally saying "your porcelain skin" "you straightened your hair and threw it into a messy bun" or "and when you blushed you know he could see it" or when it comes to body parts bruh
"Your tits were perky".... I know you lyin like even I don't have perky tiddies and that's because the fact that I'm literally suffering back pain from them 24/7
I don't want to read it, it's honestly weird and oddly specific go touch some grass or actually look at real people and study them
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wunderlustwriter · 2 years
not a question but your taste in music is sublime!! could you recommend me some songs? loved the ones inspired by the hp characters <3
okay so here’s kinda like a “best of everything” playlist i just made bc i was adding too many links and this post was about to crash
it’s 5hrs (which is short for me but im sorry in advance) and it’s very broad and very all over the place but i definitely recommend checking it out if nothing else!
and i don’t want this post to be obnoxiously long so more below the cut
this is my queer BIPOC rock / indie playlist that i think any and everyone should check out to broaden their music taste
here is my pride and joy. this playlist has nearly all of the songs in all of the playlists i have ever created. i love shuffling it when i’m feeling manic OR overwhelmed. it’s over 60 hours but i haven’t updated it in like a month
this is my remus playlist. speaks for itself
and here are just a few songs that i’ve been obsessed with recently. but definitely hmu or follow me on spotify to check out some more!
god i miss summer
this makes me so happy. my brain goes brrr and i love the affirmations. it’s been stuck in my head
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wunderlustwriter · 2 years
Mahe Man (My Moon)
The Hogwarts Express -> 2
a/n: i know, i know; i like writing stories where y/n transfers from illvermorny to hogwarts too much but can you blame me??? also, au where the lycanthropes are more like twilight werewolves but the personality dynamics are like venom and eddie
cw: sarcasm, future mature themes, mostly just suggestive jokes for now, really bad use of present/past tense, and all of the warnings that would normally come with the harry potter series (violence, gore, etc)
oops my finger slipped… middle eastern!reader x ?????
hey look, another glimpse and OP's ancestry, i'll be using the phonetic spelling of Persian (Farsi) words. it’s mostly mom/mother (maman/madar), terms of endearment, and cussing
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“‘Oh don’t worry Y/N, it'll be fun moving to England Y/N’ ‘It’ll be worth it Y/N, you’ll make so many new memories’ ‘Your friends in The States won’t forget about you, Y/N’ ‘I know it’s scary Y/N but we need to support this new job right now’” You mumble to yourself, mocking your moms while packing the last bag before heading to the train station for ‘Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry’
“Can you believe them Loki? Making us move to England during our last year of school? The audacity, am I right?” you complain to the long-eared owl who is glaring back at you from the top of his cage disapprovingly. With a sigh and roll of the eyes you keep talking “No, I don’t really feel that way. I think Maman is going to help out a lot of people, I just don’t get why we moved, she was already an auror back home… Anyways, I’m just ranting no need to get all defensive buddy.” you pat the owl on the head and scratch in between his eyes before finally zipping your last bag shut and casting a shrinking spell so everything fits in your tote bag.
Loki hops in his cage as you lace your converse and head downstairs to your parents, ready to leave for the train station.
“Ohhhh my baby girl. I cant believe you’re finally a senior. How did you grow up so fast?” Your mom says, walking down the hallway to cup your cheeks with her hands as she gives you a sad smile.
“Rita, Rita, it’s okay. We’re still gonna see Y/N over her breaks. Why don’t you save your big tears for the train station, huh?” your maadar, Aleah, says after hearing her wife’s bittersweet voice. Turning to you once the mini crisis is evaded with a small smile on her face “Now, Mahe Man, did you remember everything? Your parchment, your robes, your journals, everything you need for the full moon?”
Nodding after everything she says you wrap your favorite bomber jacket around your shoulders before picking up Loki’s cage again and walking towards the door. “Yessss ma’ammm. I’m ready to go, really. So let’s see if we can figure out where this stupid platform is.”
Not wanting to risk anything, the four of you (including the owl) take a no-maj car to the train station before walking around, looking for platform 9 3/4.
“Okay, so there’s 9… and there’s 10… but- oh.” Right as you’re about to question where to find the train you see someone with a cart full of boxes walk right through a wall as if there’s a doorway. Thinking that it was just your imagination, you do a double take as someone else does the exact same thing and you notice what looks like a wand sticking out of their back pocket. “Oh okay cool, so I guess we’re just supposed to phase through this wall that’s literally three fourths the ways away from platform 9? British people I swear.” Glancing over at your parents Loki hoots in agreement and you sigh.
“Oh come on now Y/N. This’ll be fun! Instead of waiting for the wizarding bus to stop outside the house every summer you get to mix with the no-maj’s before school and-“ Right as she’s about to continue an average height woman with wispy brown hair and kind eyes approaches your family.
She looks to be a little older than your moms and has a very nurturing tone. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear. Are you lot looking for the train to Hogwarts?” with slightly wide eyes you glance to your parents then back at the woman, nodding your head you’re about to open your mouth to speak when she continues. “Oh goody! My name’s Euphemia Potter and I can show you how to enter platform nine and three quarters if you’d like. It’s always a little tricky for first timers. Dumbledore, our headmaster, asked a few of us to be on the lookout for a new transfer student. I’m assuming you’re Y/N?.”
“Oh, um yeah. Y/N Y/L/N, and okay, well that’s nice thank you ma’am. I’m-“ Again, as you’re about to speak, someone comes over to interrupt. This time, however, it’s a tall boy about your age with messy brown hair and a toned frame. He steadily approaches Mrs. Potter, followed behind by a similar figure.
“Mum, what are you doing over here? Dad and I were looking for you. We should get going, the train’s going to board in-“ it was then that Euphemia’s son notices the three women. The man cockily rests an elbow on his mother’s shoulder when the two of you make eye contact and speaks “How dare I be so rude, especially in the presence of such lovely ladies as your self. I’m James, it’s a pleasure to meet you”
Right as James literally bows down and tips an imaginary hat at you, the figure following him approaches. “Oi, James, what’re you doing bent over like- oh.”
The new boy shoves James off to the side and bends over to pick up your free hand and bring it up to his lips for a light peck. “Don’t bother with him love, my names Sirius, but you can call me whatever you want.”
Internally cringing, you slowly free your hand and wipe it on the back of your jeans before turning to Mrs. Potter, prepared to just ignore the last two incidents when she grabs both boys by their ears and tugs them away from you, towards their abandoned carts.
“Don’t mind them. Follow me dear!” she shouts over the two boys’ yelps of ‘ouch, mum, stopit’ and ‘im sorry, i’m sorry’ and ‘mum, not in public’ and ‘i’ll behave I promise’, not letting go until the six of you reach Mr. Potter and the carts.
Chuckling, your parents wrap their arms around your shoulders, Aleah taking Loki’s cage out of your hands to give you a break.
“See,” Rita speaks after pressing a kiss to your forehead ”You’re already making new friends and succumbing boys to your will! You’re gonna love it here Y/N.”
Rolling your eyes you catch up to Euphemia with a slight chuckle and watch as Mr. Potter just casually walks through the wall between platforms 9 and 10. “Okay Y/N, you and Sirius can go next, then me and James will go with- I’m sorry I never caught your names.”
“Oh, I’m Aleah, and this is my wife, Rita. We’re Y/N’s moms.” You look around, pleased to see that everyone’s face is left reaction-less and Euphemia continues. “Lovely. Y/N and Sirius, you’ll be next, then Rita and James, and I’ll walk in with you, Aleah
Everyone nods and you move to the front towards Sirius, your owl Loki by your side again.
“I can take your luggage” he offers and looks around expectantly, “Um… Where is all of your luggage..?“
Confused, you plainly state “I shrunk it all down to fit in my bag before we left. I just have to carry Loki’s cage. Don’t you guys do that in England?”
“Nah, we have to lug around clunky trolleys loded with trunks and-Yes Mrs. Potter!” Euphemia’s voice could be heard over the nearby chatter telling the two of you to hurry up.
Before you can even say anything Sirius grabs your hand and leads you to walk directly through the wall, giving you the chills once you reach to the other side.
When your family is reunited the hogwarts train toots its horn and the two boys are waiting while you say goodbye. “Alright guys, I love you. I’ll see you in a few months. And I know, I know, I’ll write you letters once a week and send you lots of pictures.” Giving both of your parents a hug and kiss on the cheek you smile over your shoulder and wave goodbye, unable to hear Rita’s soft cries over Loki’s hoots. “Okay buddy, I have to put you over here with the rest of the owls and someone will take you guys to the owlery when we get to the school, but you can come visit me any time. Just please, don’t manage too much mischief, okay buddy?.” Loki ruffles his feathers at you, as if trying to say ‘Who? Me? Never.’ before you give him a treat from your bag and hand him to the worker.
When you turn around again, James already started climbing into the train and Sirius is right behind you “Alright Doll, you’re stuck with me. Mr. Pretty Boy Potter over there is head boy and has to have a meeting for the first half of the train ride. But don’t worry, I’m sure Peter is hiding here somewhere and holding us a cabin.”
“Whatever you say Steely Dan” Sirius stops in the middle of walking up the train steps, causing you to run directly into his back “Jesus Christ-“
He turns around, looking equally amused and confused “What did you just call me?”
“Steely Dan. You know, the mellow rock band?” shaking his head he keeps walking and you follow. “Deacon Blues? Do It Again?” Sirius just keeps shaking his head at you and you shrug “Well anyways, you look like one of their members.”
Before he can think of a smug reply to that, a smaller and almost squirrelly looking boy pops out of one of the cabins and calls to Sirius “Pads! There you are, come on, come on. We’re in here.
Sirius walks into the small room where some of his friends from previous years sat. Peter, who you were just very briefly introduced to, ran out to use the restroom while two ladies your age were trading snacks and throwing crumpled up wrappers at eachother, not noticing anyone new walked in until Sirius spoke.
“Mary, Marlene meet….” It was at this moment that Sirius realized the two of you were never formerly introduced and he hadn’t caught your name from Mrs. Potter.
Looking from Sirius to the two girls who were now facing you, you stick out a hand and finish the introduction. “Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
The two smile at you and shake your hand before Marlene moves closer and practically drags you down to sit next to her. “American, wow! What’re you doing on this side of the Atlantic?”
Before you can even speak, Mary pushes Marlene against the seat to see you better and practically bursts with curiosity “American? Do they even have wizarding schools in America? Why are you coming to Hogwarts?”
“Well Mary, if you hadn’t interrupted her maybe she could tell us.”
Laughing and smiling at the two girls, you glance at Peter who just walked back in and nod before saying “Yes, I went to Illvermorny for the past six years. We just moved to England because one of my moms was hired to help out on an investigation, I’m not sure what it’s about though.”
“Is your mum an auror?” Peter squeaks out, sitting across from you and right next to Sirius.
Nodding, you take a sip out of the water bottle you drew from your bag and put it back only to find everyone gaping at you. “What…?”
“Y/N, do you know how bloody rare Aurors are? There’s hasn’t been a new one appointed in almost three years!”
“And they need to have mastered nearly every subject in school and be seriously skilled with a wand!” Peter says, interrupting Sirius.
“I mean yeah, I guess. But there are tons of aurors in America.”
“Well sure, but you lot have more land to cover than we do. And to be brought over here to work for the Ministry?”
“Yeah, they must really be desperate.” Mary mumbles under her breath while Marlene talks.
“Oh don’t mind her, she’s just jealous that Sirius has a new girlfriend. She’ll come around eventually. But either way, your mum has to be a total badass.”
“Yeah, I guess she is…” Contemplating for a second, you make eye contact with Sirius and in the most girly voice you could muster, squeak out “And Siri-kins, why’d you take me to a cabin with one of your former lovers, you bad bad boy you. You’ll pay for this later.” you mockingly say, pointing a finger at the man whose eyes are wide and face is flushed.
“Wh-what are you talking about Y/N. We’re not-“
“Oh Siri-kins, don’t start telling lies now. You know how mistress feels about naughty boys.” By this point everyone’s jaws in the cabin were on the floor as they looked between the two of you with shock and horror.
“Uh. Wh- no. Uh- um,“ Sirius kept stammering out, his eyes becoming wider and the only white thing on his blood red face.
“Kitty got your tongue Siri-kins?” You joke and when Sirius just looks at you, pale as a ghost with his mouth stuck open you aren’t able to hold it in any more and burst out laughing.
“I’m just kidding, we only met what?“ glancing down at your watch and looking back up at everyone “thirty minutes ago? We’re not dating. Right Siri-kins” you say with a smirk and a wink, causing the man to close his mouth and furrow his brows together, taking a moment to collect himself before continuing. “Um, r-right”
As Sirius stays still, frozen in place, the three other people in the compartment burst with laughter “Oh Y/N, I hope you get sorted into Gryffindor with us. No one has ever been able to shut up Padfoot like that” Marlene coughs out, wiping a tear away from her face and patting you on the back.
Clearing his throat and shaking his head, Sirius joins back in, trying to change the subject. “Yeah, how will that work? Are you going to be sorted with the first years today at dinner?”
“I got a letter from Dumbledore about that, apparently someone’s going to show me around the grounds of the school when we arrive, then I’m supposed to meet with Madam Pomfrey and make it back to dinner in time to be sorted with everyone else.”
You could tell that Mary was about to ask why you needed to meet with the matron healer of the school when there was a knock at the door and a kind lady with greying hair walks by asking if anyone wants to buy sweets.
Everyone stands and moves toward the door, pulling out gold coins from their pocket. “Oh, that reminds me” Taking a twenty dollar bill out of your bag you mumble a quick incantation to produce 2 galleons, 11 sickles, and 12 knuts.
You join everyone as Marlene walks away with her treats in hand. “Do they have chocolate frogs in the States?” She asks, tearing open the wrapper and showing one to you.
“No, definelty not. Are they actually made of - woah!” As you were speaking the frog jumps off the side of the box, heading towards the floor when you reach out and catch it, handing the chocolate back to Marlene.
“Nice reflexes, you could be a seeker with that. Although I’m not sure you know what that is… and no, it’s not actually made of frogs”
“Hey, I know that word!” you laugh out, moving closer to the cart to see what other sweets there were to choose from “I was a keeper at my old school.”
“You play quidditch?“ Mary and Peter say at the same time, looking at you in amazement while Sirius says “You’re a keeper?”
While they all begin talking about quidditch, you walk up to the snack cart and smile at the witch working it “Good morning miss.”
“Good morning! You’re new, I haven’t seen you around here before. What’ll you have? There’s Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Cauldron Cakes, Chocolate Frogs, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Jelly Slugs, Liquorice wands, Pumpkin Pasties, and Iced Pumpkin Juice.”
You buy pumpkin juice and pasties, along with four chocolate frogs for later, saying that “they’re good for migraines”
“Oh that reminds me, Marge! Will you swing back around at the end so Remus can grab some chocolates?” Sirius says
“Of course! See you then.”
Closing the door as Marge the trolly witch moves onto the next compartments, you come to sit back with the rest of the group, juice and pastie in hand.
“So what’re the houses like here and how were you sorted? At Ilvermorny we stood in the middle of a marble room and waited for one of the creatures to claim us. If the Wampus wanted you then it’s statue would roar but the Pukwudgie would raise an arrow into the air if it wanted you instead. When I went up there the Horned Serpent’s gem glowed and the Thunderbird beat its wings, so I had to choose between those two.”
“Wait, you choose your own house in America?” Marlene asks you, obviously shocked and intrigued.
“Only if multiple houses say they want you. But that only happens maybe once a year.” You respond, waiting for someone to answer your question when Peter raises his hand.
Looking around at everyone you tilt your head to the side and smile at Peter. “You know you don’t need to raise your hand, right? You can just talk to me buddy.”
“Uh, right.” Blood rushes to his cheeks and Sirius ruffles his hair as Peter continues. “Well what do each of the houses mean? Do they represent anything?”
“Each house represents a different part of your existence. Wampus, the body, it likes warriors and fighters. Pukwudgie likes healers and represents the heart. The Horned Serpent represents the mind and favors scholars. Lastly, Thunderbird, my house, is the soul and calls out to adventures. But all of the houses intermingle and work together everyday.”
The five of you continue to compare houses at Hogwarts and Illvermorny for near an hour. Eventually the conversation moves to different courses and what the teachers are like.
“Wait, so your history of magic teacher is a ghost? That must be so cool? He was probably there for everything he’s talking about.”
“I wish…” Mary, who definitely warmed up to you, mumbles.
“Yeah. Binns is about as interesting as a doorknob. Not the most engaging conversationalist.” Sirius chimes in, playing with a lighter from his pocket while he lays with his back against the seat of the chair and his feet in the air against the wall.
The five of you keep on talking for a few more hours, mostly about any difference between the wizards of Europe and America. When you’re four hours into the eight hour trip the compartment door opens and two teens stumble in, literally.
As the red head looks over her shoulder to glare at James, she trips and you bolt from your chair to catch her before she hits the ground. “Woah there, are you okay?” You say after pulling her to stand back up, your hands still on her waist, steadying her in place.
Blushing as the two of you make eye contact, she just nods and stammers out a “Oh y-yeah. I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to trip like that.”
“Oh don’t worry, you can fall for me any time you want, Miss Head Girl” you say with a cheeky smirk and wink after glancing down at her badge.
Taking a step back and letting go of her waist, you stick a hand out a smile at her “Y/N. And I’m not Sirius’s girlfriend.”
It takes a second but she finally comes out of her trance and shakes hands with you “Lily. And same.”
“Come on guys you’re making me stand in the middle of the hallway. Scoot innnnn.” James whines from behind Lily, quickly moving inside of the compartment when you take your seat and Lily sits next to Peter.
“So you’re the American James was telling me about? Did you actually go to Illvermorny? Or is that just a myth.”
“Oh come off-it Lils. We already went over this. Illvermorny is real, Y/N went there for 6 years, she’s here because one of her moms was hired for a new job, and she is immune to my charms. Now onto more pressing matters. Do you have the stuff??”
Sighing and rolling her eyes, Lily pulls out three magazines from her bag. On the cover of each is a barely clad girl on top of a muscle car, motorcycle, or other girl and Sirius dramatically kisses her cheek in gratitude.
“Have I told you how ravishing you look today? You’re truly my favorite ginger.” Holding the magazines close to his heart, Lily rolls her eyes at the man besides her and says “Sirius, you’re starting to sound like James.”
Taking a moment to consider this, Sirius eventually nods and hands the girl three chocolate frogs “You’re right mate. Here you go. Pleasure doing business with ya.”
Laughing at this, you softly nudge Marlene with your shoulder and ask her where the bathroom is. Following her directions everything goes without a hitch until you try to make your way back to the compartment.
“Okay so I know I walked out to the right, made a left, and the bathrooms were off to the right. But how far did I have to walk before I made the first turn…” you mumble to yourself, standing in the middle of the hallway, before deciding to try one of the doors a few paces behind you. Turning around, you collide with someone’s chest and the both of you stumble back a few steps before you look up at your victim.
“Shit, I’m sorry dude. Are you okay?“ You look up at the man you hit and rub your forehead slightly after hitting his prefect badge. The man looked down on you with his eyebrows raised in annoyance. He has curly black hair cut short to frame his face and looked to be about a year younger than you. He wore haughty green and silver robes and you’d have to be lying if you said he didn’t look a little intimidating.
Brushing off a little dust from his shoulder, he said without a hint of emotion “Yeah. I’m fine.”
“Your words, not mine” you mumble under your breath and tuck a few pieces of hair behind your ear.
“What?“ he says as you cock your head to the side and smile up at him. “Oh nothing. I’m just looking for my cabin. Any chance you’d be able to help me real quick? I’m not from around here, in case you couldn’t tell.”
Contemplating it for a second, he stares at you and nods. “I saw you walking in with my brother. I’ll take you to his cabin.”
“Thanks Ace! I owe you one.” You beam up at the man and follow him as he walks you in the opposite direction you were originally heading.
“What’d you call me?”
“Ace. It’s like a nickname. I mean I can call you buddy or sunshine if you want. But you’re helping me out… sooooo we’re friends now. And friends have nicknames.” you say matter of factly, reflecting his same confused expression.
“Or you can just call me by my name.”
“Well I don’t know your name, Silly Goose.”
“Regulus. Just call me Regulus.”
“Okay Reggie.”
At this, Regulus stops walking, causing you to run into one of his shoulders as he turns around to look at you, eyes full of annoyance and amusement as he speaks “Are all Americans like this?”
“Just the good ones.” You grin and blow on a noise maker which you summoned out of thin air and watch as it unfolds directly in front of Regulus’ face before continuing. “Do all Brits have vainglorious names?”
“Just the good ones.” He replies to you, smirking slightly and taking the noise maker from your face, using it to point at the door directly to your left. “You should be in there.”
Opening the door, you shout over your shoulder as Regulus keeps walking past you. “I saw that smile! I told you we’d be friends Reggie, thanks!”
He holds his hand up and waves it once at you before turning the corner and walking away, rolling his eyes but smiling slightly to himself.
Walking into the cabin, everyone looks at you with their eyebrows raised except for Sirius who has his furrowed.
“Who were you talking to Y/N?” Marlene asks as you close the door and sit next to her.
“Oh that’s my new bff. We go way back to like, five cabins ago. His name is Regulus.” You say with an amused smile and shrug “I got a little lost coming from the bathrooms and he helped me back. Said he was someone’s brother too.” Taking a bite out of an apple you grab from your bag, you glance around at everyone who just stares between you and Sirius. “What..?”
“That was my brother… So he’s doing okay then?”
“I mean yeah. Just a little brooding, but it works for him, am I right?” You raise your eyebrows up and down at Marlene who is trying not to snort out her pumpkin juice, covering up her laugh.
Before anyone can respond, the cabin door slams open and an exhausted, out of breath man with slightly tattered clothing and shaggy hair stumbles in and throws himself down on the bench, draping one long leg over the side of the chair and throwing his head against James’ shoulder.
“Bloody Americans. Dumbledore wants me to escort this new student when we get to Hogwarts but I can’t find them. I’ve searched this train up and back four times in the last two hours for someone I’ve never even seen before. All that I have to go on is that they’re in our year and American. That’s it. Do you know how many Hufflepuffs I’ve tapped on the shoulder, asking if they’re new students, only for them to say we’ve had classes together for the past six years?!?!? I feel like Pads!”
This is interrupted by a short “Hey!” coming from the Sirius in the corner but Remus isn’t phased and continues his spiel.
“I mean bloody hell. I just wanted to find this student before the train arrives at Hogwarts so I don’t have to fight through the crowd looking for them. Why can’t Americans just wear red white and blue all of the time… it would make this a hell of a lot easier.” Finally done with the rant, everyone glances at you while he takes a short breath in. James is about to say something as Remus exhales and relaxes against him but you shake your head and swallow another bite of your apple.
With a stretch you wrap your arms around the back of the seat and speak with a smirk. “Ugh. I know, right? Bloody Americans…. Should’ve kept our tea out of the water, that’s what I always say. I mean, the audacity of those failed colonizers.” Your voice is completely laced with sarcasm and amusement as Marlene snickers next to you and covers her mouth to keep from laughing.
A moment of silence passes as the new guy slowly lifts his head from James’ shoulder and stares at you. “Oh shit.”
Smiling, you tip an imaginary cowboy hat at him and wink “Howdy, colonizer.”
James laughs and nudges his buddy with his shoulder “Remus, mate, this is Y/N. Y/N, Remus. We met earlier today on the platform and she’s been sitting here with us… the entire time.”
Holding out a hand, you smile and nod at the man sitting directly across from you. Shaking hands, you move to lean back in the seat and take a bite of your apple “So,” swallowing, you continue “you’re my fancy tour guide. How fun! If you want I can change into my old school’s robes. You know, keep the red white and blue going so you don’t loose track of me. Ooh! Better yet, I’ll pull out a star spangled banner! You know how we always have one of those on hand. Then, if I ever get lost in the crowd, I’ll just wave it in the sky and you can come find me!”
Blinking at you with a blank look on his face, Remus just turns to James and Peter before saying “Are you sure she’s not related to Sirius.”
Raising an eyebrow and turning to face Sirius, you grin as Marlene and Mary giggle beside you, knowing what you’re about to do “Oh Siri-kins! Be a good boy and tell your little friend we aren’t related.”
Crossing his arms over his chest, Sirius turns to look out the window, hiding the slight blush creeping up his cheeks while he mumbles out “We aren’t related. And we’re not dating.”
Once you’re satisfied you smile back at Remus before taking another bite out of your apple. He raises his eyebrows and darts his eyes between you and Sirius before shrugging and dropping his head back against James’ shoulder with closed eyes. “Hi Y/N. I’m Remus. I’ll be your tour guide today. Yada yada yada. Welcome to Hogwarts. I hope you enjoy your time here or whatever… I promise I’ll be better enthused when I actually give you the tour later but for now…” perfectly on cue, Remus let’s out a long yawn and drapes his jacket over his face and torso, apparently taking a nap.
At this, Peter turns to Lily and whispers in her ear “Do they really have all of that… the Americans?”
“No wormtail, she’s just joking….. I think”
Another two hours on the train pass by and nothing meaningful happens. You witness James unabashedly hitting on Lilly while Peter falls asleep on her shoulder. Mary doses off while looking out the window and Marlene tells you the latest gossip in between reading different magazines because “Even though you don’t know anyone yet, Y/N, the more you familiarize yourself with Hogwarts and its people the better. So stay away from Lockheart, even if he is a little cute.” Remus was still laying against James’ shoulder and trying to sleep with a jacket covering his face. You eventually tell Sirius to come sit next to you so you could show him your collection of Sports Illustration magazines, which completely makes up for you picking on him all day.
When there’s just under two hours left in the train ride, Lily gently places Peter’s head on the cushion where Sirius previously sat while James softly shakes Remus awake, asking if he was feeling okay. The three leave the compartment to finish out their duties while Remus mumbles something about having his usual migraine.
A little while later Mary wakes up and you let Sirius pick out one issue to have if he promises not to hit on you for the next month. Once he picks, Marlene and Mary are waiting for you to walk to the bathroom with them and change into the school uniforms.
When the three of you come back changed, Peter is still sleeping but had black marks on his face drawn in the shape of a goatee while Sirius giggles like a schoolgirl.
Scolding him, Mary takes a napkin from her pocket and starts to rub at Peter’s face which only makes the situation worse and wakes him up. Sighing the two boys eventually leave to go get changed as well, leaving you alone with the girls.
Mary seemed to be over her affliction from this morning while you and Marlene probably grew the closest out of everyone in the cabin. You even offered to help unload everyone’s luggage from the overhead rack and before you knew it, it was time to depart from the train.
You follow the four people out of your cabin and wait with them for a carriage until someone taps you on the shoulder.
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wunderlustwriter · 2 years
Does this fanfiction make sense? Hold water? Not an ounce! Does that mean I’m going to stop writing it? Not an ounce! I’m a moron with a keyboard and half an idea and that’s your problem now. God couldn’t stop me and neither could my dad, and now I’m on your screen with another thousand words of whatever the fuck this is. Bon appetite bitch!
42K notes · View notes
wunderlustwriter · 2 years
Hahaha. Same… It’s a Sirius ;) problem that I just keep adding onto every week <\3
Y’all. I have 22 blurbs in my drafts all in various stages of completion. It feels like having 22 cookies but none of them are quite edible. Hahahahahaha why 🌻
14 notes · View notes
wunderlustwriter · 2 years
More Than Anything
remus lupin x slytherin!reader
cw: smut. smut smut smut. (oral both ways, pnv, praise & little degradation kink, switch, after care, etc). characters are in 7th yr and of ~consenting age~. rivals to lovers (?)
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Remus Lupin, always a good little boy. He always behaves (or at least never gets caught), he always completes his assignments on time, and his head is always level. After all, he’s prefect, what’s to be expected?
Well, you certainly didn’t expect this: to have the same Remus Lupin pinned underneath you, fighting for dominance, seducing you with his moans, basking you in pleasure.
It’s a wonder how the two of you got here anyways. Clothes strewn across the Gryffindor dormitory, illicit sounds echoing throughout the room, a scent of lust in the air while adorned in nothing but undergarments.
Truth be told, you never paid mind to Remus before seventh year. Sure, you talked with your cousin Sirius and knew of his prankster friends, but, being a nearly estranged member of ‘The Most Noble House of Black’ who was sorted into Slytherin all of those years ago, there was never a reason to be close with the marauders. So, at this evening’s Quarterly Prefect Meeting you had no reason to hold back in a spat against Remus Lupin on the under-policing of anti-Slytherin pranks.
“Oh bloody hell, we all know who’s behind recent dungbomb infestations in the Slytherin dungeons. Just because you lot have a messed up sense on the type of person who gets sorted into my house” you turn from glaring at the five prefects surrounding you (Evans and Snape weren’t able to make it today) to specifically glare at the tall and shaggy haired man directly across from you, “doesn’t mean you can just ignore your prefect duties and let your little boy band get away with everything, Lupin.” You speak, done with being talked over and ignored.
“Oh Y/N would you shut it, quit trying to make something out of nothing.” “Yeah, I imagine it’ll just make things worse for your lot.” The two seventh year Hufflepuff prefects speak up.
“Worse for my lot?? WORSE FOR MY LOT?!? What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean Hitchings? Either you’re talking about the color of my skin, the purity of my blood, or the color of my robes, none of which will have you leaving this room in one piece so I suggest you explain yourself.”
“Y/N, picking a fight with everyone in this room will not help you restore the reputation of the Slytherin house. Take a breath, you know that’s not what he means.” Spoke Lupin, trying to calm you down before all the houses end up dueling, again.
Taking a deep breath and internally rolling your eyes you stand from your chair and turn, once again, to look that the Gryffindor prefect “The mere fact that you believe I’m trying to restore Slytherin’s reputation just further proves my point. Yes, everyone loves to paint us as the evil black sheep of Hogwarts, but believe you me, I made peace with that fact years ago just like every other Slytherin. I am simply pointing out a flaw in everyone’s prefect duties.” Moving the glasses that sat on the bridge of your nose to the top of your head you look around the table again. “Hold the idiotic morons in your house accountable.”
“Oh, come out with it Y/N. If you’re going to insult my friends because they MIGHT have done something then fine, but don't hide it behind yelling at everyone else.” Remus rises out from his seat, directly across from you on the round table
“Hide behind?!? I'm calling everyone out right now. But earlier, I thought I made it clear when I was specifically talking to you, or did me literally saying your name go over your head? I can sound it out for you if you want." Sarcastically clearing your throat and adjusting a nonexistent tie, you continue "Tell- your- bar-bar-ic- friends- to- quit- pro-vo-king- Slyth-er-ins.” Hearing a scoff coming from the Hufflepuffs you immediately jerk your head towards the sound “And don’t think I forgot about what you said Hitchings. You all just love to act high and mighty, assuming that just because someone wears green robes they’re immediately going to be the pain of your existence. You don’t even give us a chance to show you our character before you decide your prejudice. You’re no better than the people you make us out to be.”
One of your closest friends and Ravenclaw Prefect, Mirabelle, is just about to speak and defend you when the door opens and you storm towards it. As Severus Snape walks in late you grab him by the shoulders and turn him around “Come on Sev, we’re leaving.”
“Another blow up, Y/N?“ He asks to which you roll your eyes and slowly but surely nod.
Laughing, the two of you walk back to the common room, talking about an essay that’s due in potions on monday.
Back in the library where the prefect meeting was coming to an end, what you said actually began to resonate with Remus. Although only five people at the school knew of his ‘fury little problem,’ Lupin was used to having to listen as people constantly judged werewolves and half-breeds, maybe Y/N had a point.
While he was lost in thought, Mirabelle looked at everyone and said “We were all given a responsibility to this school and to our peers, at the very least, don’t be a dick and don’t let other people be one either. See you all next meeting.”
Later that evening your owl Benny perched on your shoulder and dropped a letter in your hands. It was from your mum and included a picture of her and her sisters in front of a moving waterfall.
“Just letting you know we’re heading back from the mini vacation. I know you’ve been worried about me ever since your father passed but I think visiting family in the Philippines is just what I needed to ‘get me out of my slump’ as you would say. I even found this handmade bracelet, the street vendor told me that it would lead the wearer down the path destined for them. I hope it only brings you the best, love and miss you bunches. -Mama”
At the bottom of the letter was your mum’s signature stamp of whatever lipstick she was wearing at the time right next to some more text you almost missed
“P.S.- attached is a letter your father’s attorney needs delivered to Sirius. As you know, Alphard has split his life’s savings between you and your cousin, but it looks like the Blacks have been rummaging through Sirius’s mail again so I’m not sure he knows. Please take the time to make sure Sirius gets his letter and tell him he’s always welcome at our house.”
Just as you’re about to put down the letter Benny pecks at your hand and nudges you to pick up the envelope again.
Looking inside, there was another picture of your mum and house elf drinking piña colada’s out of coconuts. On the back it read:
“P.P.S.- And of course I brought Kipky with us, she was a real treat and hit it off great with your aunt Althea.”
Smiling to yourself you slipped the bracelet on and went back to talking to your friends at the Slytherin table. When dinner came to an end you went with them to drop your stuff off in the dorms and change before making your way towards Gryffindor tower, Sirius’s letter in hand.
Luckily, right as you were approaching the portrait hole Marlene McKinnon turned the corner and waved at you. “Y/N! You’re looking ravishing as ever, what brings you over here to the land of the living?”
Chuckling at her question the two of you meet for a hug as you answer “Thanks, love. And I just have a letter for Sirius. My mum wants me to hand it directly to him, do you mind?” Gesturing towards the Fat Lady who was impatiently waiting for your conversation to be over Marlene looks confused then nods
“Oh yeah! Of course, my bad. Vanishing Vermeil.” with that the portrait door swings open and the two of you walk into Gryffindor common room.
You met Marlene on the train ride to Hogwarts your very first day of school. Even though you are now in separate houses and don’t have a lot of classes together, you always welcome each other’s presence.
“Wait, how does your Mum know Sirius, and why do you have a letter for him?” She asks, grabbing a glass of water and plopping down on the couch.
Sitting next to her for a minute you continue “Cousins. I could’ve sworn I told you before? But based on your shocked look I guess not…. My father was Alphard Black. When he married my mum, however, he took on her last name and they had me. Now, we’re mostly estranged from the Black family because of that, not that it's the biggest loss in the world or anything.”
“Blimey…. that’s pretty cool. Look at you, all tall, dark, and mysterious.” Laughing, the two of you catch up for a few minutes. You show Marlene the picture of your mum and Kipky and she tells you about the latest mischeif from her brothers. It wasn’t until a yawn escaped your mouth that things started winding down
“Hmmm- I’m pretty sure Sirius is upstairs in the dormitory, third floor, first door. I’d go with you but I need to get ready for my date with Palma Patill. Gotta meet her by Ravenclaw Tower. See ya Y/N!” She shouts over her shoulder and makes her way up to the girl’s dorms.
With a stretch you begin walking up to the third floor of Gryffindor tower and knock on the bedroom door which opens. Shrugging you walk in and knock on the bathroom door before moving towards Sirius’s bed. “Sirius! Come out of the bathroom real quick, my mum sent you something! Well, actually more like my dad…” You shout over your shoulder and lay down on the bed.
Even thought you haven’t been in his dorm since last year when Alphard died, it was easy to tell which area was his. On the wall behind Sirius' bed hung posters of motorcycles, chicks, and chicks on motorcycles. There were a few leather jackets strewn across the four poster and a pair of fingerless gloves on the bedside table.
Sitting back up again you turn towards the bathroom door and move your head a little to see if the light was really on, signaling that someone was inside. “Sirius, you there mate? I can just slide it under the door if-“
Right as you’re about to mention possible unpleasantries Sirius could be facing in the restroom the door swings open and Remus Lupin walks out, wearing next to nothing.
His hair was still wet and dripping bits of water onto his bare chest. The light coming from the bathroom and fireplace illuminated curious scars littered all over his body and specs of brown and gold freckles distributed across his skin. You could only imagine how the rest of his body looked as grey sweatpants obediently clung to him in all of the right places and prevented your gaze.
It took Lupin a second to notice your presence. Once he opened the bathroom door, he flipped his head and began towel drying his hair. Walking right past you and to his dresser, he stopped in his tracks and walked backwards to face Sirius' bed.
“Y/N?” With a look of surprise and shock on his face, Remus just stared at you for a few seconds, neither one of you moving or talking.
If you weren’t so busy checking out the man in front of you, you might’ve noticed how his motions followed yours. Remus almost never saw you out of class, unless it was in a prefect meeting or you were on the quidditch field, neither of which permitted him to see you without a uniform on. Maybe that’s why he was so shocked to see your hair clipped carelessly up, displaying your various piercings and small tattoo behind your left ear. You were wearing a cropped muscle t-shirt of your favorite muggle band 'Led Zeplin' with plaid pajama pants and fuzzy black socks.
He was the first one to speak again after who knows how long and, throwing the towel across his left shoulder, cleared his throat "So, uhm, Y/N, what are you doing here..?"
Momentarily, your mind was clear of all thought. The only image commanding your attention was of Remus looking down at you, one eyebrow raised and hands on his hips.
Not knowing what to say, you kept staring up at him. Luckily, you were sparred any more embarrassment as he looked at whose bed you laid on and quickly snapped "I didn't realize you and Sirius were a thing."
It took a second for his words to resonate with you, and once they did your eyebrows furrowed tightly together and you leaned away, obviously taken aback by the statement. "What? Ew, no."
Still in shock you just stared at him confused before he scoffed and turned his back to you, moving towards the dresser. “Then why are you here? Feel the need to berate me about the way my friends behave again?”
There was the slightest hint of bitterness, maybe even jealousy, in his voice as Lupin pulled on a jumper over his head. “Actually, I have something to give to Sirius. But I suppose I have time to enlighten you while I’m waiting.”
Scoffing he folds his arms at you and leans back against the dresser, now facing you. “Yeah, whatever.”
“Don’t get mad at me, you started this Lupin.”
“How did I start this? You’re the one who is in my dorm completely unannounced.” Raising his voice slightly at the last part you raise your eyebrows and start to stand from Sirius’s bed.
“Unannounced my ass. I knocked and the door flew open. I shouted and no one answered. I even knocked on the bathroom door and shouted some more, but still no answer. I'm sorry for surprising you but Marlene told me Sirius should be up here so I just figured that he cast a silencing spell and was busy jacking off or something and I was just going to wait until he came out. I certainly didn’t expect to see you like this.”
Rolling your eyes you put Sirius’s letter in your pocket and crossed your arms, mirroring the man in front of you. In doing so, your pants sink down just enough for Remus to see the reflection coming off of your bellybutton piercing and the tops of your velvet underwear.
Something about this just set him off even more as he takes a step closer to you and says through gritted teeth “Okay. Well obviously he isn’t here. So why don’t you just go and leave whatever it is you have for Sirius.”
Smirking you shake your head and take a step as well. “No can do Remy.” your voice was laced with a sweet venom as you were visibly becoming more agitated. “I was told to deliver this letter straight to Sirius’s hands and to do it as soon as possible. Looks like you’re stuck in here with me.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It means you’re stubborn! Everything has to be done Y/N’s way, from potions to prefect meetings. What the hell does it matter if Sirius gets his letter now or in the morning anyways??”
“Wouldn’t you like to know. And why are you so bothered anyways? Is it soooo bad to be in my presence? Do you feel threaded by me? Or is it just the fact that I’m an evil little Slytherin?” stepping forward until there was barely even a foot between the two of you, agitated steam filled the air.
“Merlin’s Beard, Y/N! Not everything is about you being a Slytherin.” By this time the two of you were shouting at each other, mere inches between your bodies. “And I do NOT feel threatened by you.”
“Then why the hell are you being a dick, Lupin? Do you get off on seeing me riled up?”
For a split second you saw him hesitate and peer at your lips then down the rest of your body before one hand wrapped around the nape of your neck and the other around your waist. In a flash, the distance between your bodies closed and Remus’s lips were latched onto yours.
Only a second of shock passed before you realized that your hands were tangling in Remus' hair and your bodies were pressing together as you kissed him back with the same ferocity.
The two of you pulled away for just a second as if finally realizing the realities of your actions before you dove towards each other in the same amount of time and your lips joined again.
His tongue swiped against your bottom lip, testing your entrance and you graciously accepted, swirling your tongues together in a passionate dance as you pressed against his chest and walked him straight back into the dresser.
With a groan Remus bites and sucks on your bottom lip before pulling away. Taking a shaky breath one of his hands moves to cup your cheek, thumb on your chin, while the other remains on your lower back, not moving any lower. “Tell me to stop and I’ll stop” He whispers in your ear, placing a light kiss on your jawline that just makes you melt.
Looking from his swollen lips to his eyes, you guide Lupin’s hand to grip your ass and place one of your hands on the side of his neck. “I’m all in.”
Staring at you again with his eyebrows shot up you nod your head, silently answering his assumptions about what you meant. Closing his eyes as if trying to compose himself, Remus grips your ass and pulls you closer to him, allowing you to feel the bulge forming in his trousers.
With a smirk you begin to slowly suck and twirl your tongue around Lupin’s thumb, looking up with innocent doe eyes.
Groaning again he mutters “G’nna be the death of me” before crashing his lips onto yours again, passionate and full of longing.
Not much time passes before he grips your ass with both hands and you tilt your head back as a soft gasp escapes your mouth. Using this as his opportunity, he begins to kiss and suck up and down your neck, picking you up by the thighs and leaning you against the nearest wall.
This new angle has the tip of his bulge pressed right against your entrance causing you to moan out, “Fuck, Remus” and wrap your legs around his waist
“Wow, you get the smallest taste of my dick and it has you using my first name. Wonder what the real thing will do pup?” At this the brown haired boy grips your hips and grinds you down on his cock.
Moaning and biting your lip you lay your head back against the wall and tug on Remus’ hair roughly “You know, you sure are talking a lot for someone who hasn’t even taken off any of our clothes yet”
Scoffing and smirking, Remus nibbles on your ear lobe and whispers against the skin “If that’s what you want then all you need to do is ask, Princess.”
“You’d like that wouldn’t you? Me begging for you. Whimpering your name. Telling you to do whatever you want to me. To use me. Fuck me. Make me feel good.” You grin and drag the tip of your middle finger up and down his neck, barely touching his skin. “I bet that’d turn you on. Huh, sweetheart?”
Something shifted in Remus’ eyes and they became even darker with lust. Not saying a word, he grips your thighs and walks you over to his bed. Practically tossing you onto the sheets, the man in front of you spares no time tearing off his sweater and pouncing back on top of you, kissing your lips hard.
“Awe, is baby boy being needy?” You moan out when Remus finally pulls away from the kiss to begin grinding down on you. His cheeks were burning red and, in a moment of hesitation on his part, you wrap your legs around his and use your momentum to roll over so he’s laying underneath you.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N.” Obviously surprised but not at all complaining, Remus grips onto your hips and gazes up at you, speechless and rock hard
“Look at who’s using first names now” you chuckle out, bending over to slowly kiss his lips and lightly ghost your hand up the side of his torso.
His face follows yours when you slowly pull away, moving to nip and suck on his neck as you grind against his erection You pull away again to pin Remus’ hands above his head when he starts gripping your ass and moving your hips.
“You can be patient. Do you need me to stop?”
Shaking his head no Remus looks at you expectantly but that won’t cut it. “I need to hear you say it sweetheart. Tell me if you still want this.”
“Fuck you…” he groans out, embarrassed and speechless. After a pointed look from you he whimpers out “Don’t stop, bloody hell, I want you Y/N.”
With a smirk you continue kissing down Remus’s neck onto his chest, releasing the hold you have on his hands after licking across each nipple. Leaving a trail down his stomach until your tits graze over his bulge and you can feel his cock twitching underneath you.
Unbuckling his belt and pants you glance to the side quickly after hearing what sounds like a door opening, but when nothing is there and the door is still shut you look back at the man underneath you. “Be a good boy and take off your pants for me while I do this”
Getting up and moving towards Sirius' bed, you bend over and grab the wand sticking out of your shoe to cast a locking spell on the door. Right as you’re about to cast a silencing spell you hear Remus from behind you. “Thanks for the view love.”
Now it’s your turn to blush when you see Remus slowly pumping his hand up and down his massive cock, looking directly at you “Are you coming back princess?”
Little did the two of you know that on the other side of the door was a shocked Peter Pettigrew who ran downstairs to where the other marauders sat. “Do not, I repeat, do not go upstairs. Moony is… Moony’s… Moony has a female friend over and-“
Before he can even squeak out another word James, Sirius, Mary, and Lilly all bolt upstairs to see what’s happening and who the special guest is. The door is locked by the time they arrive however they can still hear muffled gags and sultry moans coming from the room as everyone’s ear presses to the door.
“Bloody hell, Y/N, just like that.” your tongue slowly slides around the tip of Remus’ member and sucks up all of its juices. Looking up at him you spit directly on his dick and part your lips around him again, not stopping until your nose reaches his pubic bone and your mouth holds the entire length of his shaft.
Moaning against him you bob your head around most of his cock, using your hand to pump what you don’t reach. You place one of Remus’ hands on your head while holding eye contact. He reaches in front of you to push the hair out of your face and form a faux ponytail behind your head, gripping it to gently guide you.
You alternate between gagging around his cock while deepthroating him to swirling your tongue around his tip and pumping your hands around the remainder of his shaft.
As the pace picks up you begin fondling his balls until feeling a twitch in his mouth. “Merlin- I’m gonna cum Y/N- Fuck.” He tried to pull your face away so he wouldn’t cum on you but you wouldn’t allow it and instead pick up the pace, deep throating him further every time until he reaches his release and grips your hair. 
Moaning out your name a string of curses you weren’t even sure were real worlds, you swallowed obediently and keep bobbing your head slowly to help ride out the high.
The second that you come up for air, Remus effortlessly pulls you up to lay on your back besides him, leaning over you and placing a hand on the side of your throat. “You did so good for me love, let me take care of you” He says between kissing your lips and gently rubbing your throat with his thumb. 
Remus tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and your eyes meet again, blushing softly you nod and he moves to hover over you. 
Kissing you softer this time, his hands move to just under the hem of your shirt and gently trace patterns against your skin, slowly moving up your sides while simultaneously kissing down your jaw and neck. When he gets to where your bra strap would normally rest he pulls away slightly and keeps moving his hands up. “No bra? You dirty little minx.” 
Laughing at this you shake your head and begin mindlessly playing with the brunette's hair.
Starting at your stomach this time, Remus moves his mouth up your torso at a tantalizing speed, biting and sucking at the skin everywhere he can, leaving little marks along the way. As he reaches past your belly button you sit up on your elbows and pull your shirt over your head.
It isn’t until a second later when Lupin kisses past your rib cage that he allows himself to look at your tits.
“Jesus fucking- Merlin” Unable to do or say anything, the shaggy haired boy just stares up at you in awe
“Awe pretty boy, I think you’re in shock. But they’re cute right? I got them done over the summer for my birthday.” You look up at him with a wink and squish your boobs together.
Finally coming out of his trance, Remus mumbles, more to himself than anything, “Best Present Ever” and pins your hands above your head. It almost sounds like he growls out a “mine” before latching his mouth onto one of your tits, but you don't have much time to dwell on this as he circles the metal piercing around in his mouth causing you to let out cries of pleasure.
Moving his legs to your side, Remus reaches down and grips the waist of your pants before pulling away from your tits and whispering in your ear “Do you still want this, Princess”
“Yes, gods yes.” you whine out, tilting your head to the side so Remus has more room to do what will definitely leave marks tomorrow.
Staring at you with a smirk, Remus takes a second to just admire you. Your body, your face, the little freckles and birth marks splattered across your gorgeous skin. “Merlin, you’re perfect” he says, almost caught in a dream before you gently tug his chin to look at you.
"Remus, please. Use me, feel me, fuck me. Do whatever you want with me." You beg out, knowing exactly what effect it will have on him.
Just like that, whatever composure he had left was lost. Springing back to sit on his heels, Lupin tears your pants down, taking a second to admire the deep green velvet underwear around your waist before doing the same thing.
Now that the two of you are completely nude, he bends over and starts to berate the opposite nipple, teasingly dragging a finger through your folds causing an involuntary shudder to pass through your body.
Twirling the metal piercing in his mouth your senses become hyper aware as the pad of his finger begins to rub circles around your clit. Moaning out his name you tug on his hair and grip the bed sheets, your thighs trying to close at the sheer pleasure and stimulation.
“Legs. Open.” he grunts out, muffled by the tit that’s still in his mouth, rubbing circles on your clit even faster and harder.
This makes it even more difficult to will your thighs apart as your mind can only focus on the pleasure Remus is giving you.
Moaning out his name, you spread your legs just a crack before the man hovering above you picks up the pace and they shut again.
Taking his hand away and gripping your hips, you gasp and relax your thighs, giving Remus the perfect opportunity to position his body between your legs and drag his tongue down your torso.
“Much better” he says, sliding a finger through your folds, teasing your entrance and collecting some of the wetness. “Fuck, Princess. Is this all for me?”
Your face turns scarlet and you quickly nod your head, locking eyes with the man between your legs.
Grinning up at you, he slams his middle finger into your cunt and you gasp in surprise, feeling his breath hot against your clit
“That won’t do baby girl. Use your words.” by now he’s slowly pumping his finger in and out of you, leaving open-mouth kisses from your lower abdomen to inner thighs, still looking up at you.
“Fuck you.” you whine out, gripping the sheets and whining when Remus removes his hand.
“That can be arranged. But first, Answer the question.”
“Y-yes. All for you. Fuck-“ now he puts the finger in his mouth and groans while tasting your juices. “It’s all y-yours.”
“I know.” He says in a breath.
Licking his lips like a wolf about to feed on his prey, Remus’ mouth attaches itself to your clit and starts sucking on it hard, swirling his tongue around your clit and dragging his teeth against it.
Moaning louder than before, your hand viciously tugs on Remus’ hair and the other leaves scratches on his shoulder.
He places two fingers on your lips and you suck, getting them soft and wet with your tongue.
When he’s satisfied with your work, he pulls his fingers out of your mouth and slowly probes your entrance, never relenting on your clit, only looking up at you.
Your head is tossed back and moans are streaming out of your mouth. A string of saliva is strewn across your chest from just a few seconds ago and both of your hands are tangled in Remus' hair.
Only when he thrusts his fingers all the way inside of your vagina does he pull away from your clit.
Out of breath and soaked in your juices he takes two shallow, ragged breaths and mumbles “silencing spell” before reattaching his lips to your clit.
With a nod you whimper out “Accio wand." It takes a few tries for the wand to come as you’re so focused on the man between your legs , but once it does you shout out “Muffliato” and your thighs move to engulf Remus’ head.
Barely even bothered by this, Remus takes his free hand and pushes one of your thighs against the bed, wrapping his arm around your thigh to hold it in place as he starts moving his tongue with more precision. Alternating between long strokes that engulf your entire clit and rapid movements with the tip of his tongue. “Fuck, Remmy. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”
With a smirk Remus adds a third finger and continues to pump in and out of you at the same rapid pace, curling his hand until he finds the spot that makes you loose control.
“Yes, Yes. Just like that! Fuck!” whimpering and moaning even louder, your hands move to leave scratches against the man’s shoulders and your back arches in pleasure.
Never relenting, Remus keeps hitting your spot harder and at the same pace, still licking and sucking on your sensitive bud, sending you into overdrive. Before you even have time to warn him, the tension that’s been building in your abdomen bursts and you moan louder than ever as you cum around Remus, gripping his fingers uncontrollably.
Even as you’re cumming Remus doesn’t stop. He sucks on your clit harder and pounds into your g-spot with more ferocity, riding you through your high and past it. Only when you’re whimpering and seeing spots does he slow down his pace, eventually drawing his fingers out of you with a ‘pop’ that makes him moan around your clit as he gives it soft kisses.
Pulling away from you slightly, still panting and out of breath, Remus rests his head against your thigh and smiles up at you. Blushing slightly you run your fingers through his hair and watch with the smallest hitch in your breath as he starts to suck your juices off of his fingers.
Shaking your head, Remus looks concerned and is about to ask what’s wrong when you bring his fingers to your lips and polish them off for him.
With a groan, Remus tosses his head back and looks into your eyes as he lowers himself back down to your swollen cunt and licks stripes up and down it. Scooping up the cum that's still leaking out of you with his tongue and swallowing it, moaning softly to himself.
Before he knows it, Remus’ tongue is back inside of your entrance and sucking you clean, stirring around you in a way that no person ever has before. Right as he begins to attach himself to your clit again you tap on his back two times and cup his cheek.
“Baby, please. I’m ready. The next time I cum I want it to be around your dick.”
Nodding and slowly pulling away with one final kiss to your clit “Sorry love, you just taste so fucking good.” He groans out, hovering above you now and kissing softly on the side of your neck where a hickie is starting to form, causing you to shudder slightly. “But I don’t have any condoms”
As he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear you roll your eyes and laugh out a ‘please’. Pointing your wand at Sirius’ trunk you say “accio condoms”. It opens and a jumbo pack of probably 200 condoms starts heading your way “Only one, Only one.” you chuckle but two continue towards you, the others going back in the trunk.
“How’d you know that?” he laughs out and grabs one of the condoms from the air, putting it on.
“Please, my cousin is the biggest man-whore of our year.”
“I mean yeah he is, but-“ Remus’ face becomes blank and eyes go wide as the realization of what you said hits him “did you just say cousin? Sirius is your cousin?”
“Estranged, but for all intents and purposes, yeah. My father was basically kicked out of the Blacks when he married a muggle-born Hufflepuff and took on her last name. But do you really want to talk about my ancestry right now?” You reply, sitting up with your legs still outstretched on either side of the man in front of you.
Remus pretends to really contemplate this before you roll your eyes and wrap a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him down with you in a kiss. “Hmmm, I guess not”
Smiling against his lips the two of you kiss once more before gazing into each other’s eyes. Your breath hitches and it feels like time has stopped moving. Like there is nothing else in the universe but the two of you in his bed. Before you allow your thoughts to wander further you blink rapidly and laugh out “You better stop looking at me like that Lupin or I’ll fall in love with you.”
“Oh you’re one to talk, Princess” he says with a smirk and roll of the eyes “You’ve been eyeing me ever since I got out of the shower, practically begging me to claim you. Can you blame me for wanting to devour every inch of you now that I can?” Lifting your head up and tucking your hair on the opposite side, Remus kisses agonizingly slow against the crook of your neck, tickling you slightly with his scruff.
Closing your eyes and moaning, your nails lightly dig into his middle back as you whisper “Shut up and fuck me, lover boy”
With a grunt and harsh bite to the side of your neck, Remus mumbles against your skin and grabs a pillow from beside your head “Don’t have to tell me twice”
“But, Love” he says after effortlessly picking up your lower body and placing the pillow beneath your hips “open your eyes and look at me. I want to watch your face as I fuck you.”
You blush and by the time your open your eyes Remus is bent over and licking through your folds, causing you to squirm and blush some more “I think you’re obsessed Rem” you giggle and move to place a hand on Remus’ cheek as he aligns himself with your entrance
“Just had to make sure you’re still ready for me love” he groans out and just barely dips his dick between your folds, getting it wet with your cum.
Gripping your hips with both hands Remus places a kiss on your forearm and leans into your hand “Are you sure you want to keep going” you both say at the same time, causing you to erupt in laughter at the same time and Remus leans over to kiss you with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on his face.
“More than anything” he mumbles against your lips and you nod, saying it back “More than anything.”
Remus slides his tongue against your lips and into your mouth as he presses his tip against your entrance, pulling away to look down at you when he slowly thrusts inside.
Your eyes widen and his threaten to close in pleasure. “Fuck Y/N, after all of that you’re still so tight.” You can’t even begin to think of a clever retort as the room is filled with your moans, nodding at Remus to keep going deeper inside of you.
Barely even halfway inside of you now, Lupin groans your name and digs his nails into your hips, holding you firm in place “Gripping me like a bloody vice, Princess. We gotta get you loosened up.”
Still inside of you, Remus begins to rub large circles against your clit with his thumb, moaning in a guttural voice as you grip him harder.
Arching your spine and tilting your head, your eyes flutter shut and moans escape your mouth between pants.
Watching your tits jiggle as your breath becomes more ragged, Remus continues to rub your clit faster and bends over to bite on your nipples, sliding further inside of you.
He pulls out an inch and slowly thrust right back inside of you, moaning against your chest as your cunt is literally throbbing around him and your hips are squirming. “Fuck Princess. You’re doing so good, do you think that you can take all of me today?“
You slowly nod and dig your fingernails along his back, whimpering and moaning even louder as Remus flicks your clit back and forth faster “Y-Yes. J-just do it.”
With a nod the shaggy haired boy leans his forehead against yours and pulls himself halfway out of you before slamming his hips flush against yours while staring you in the eyes.
Both of you let out the deepest and longest moans yet. Panting and breathing heavy, lips collide as your walls shake and flutter, squeezing Remus harder than ever and you cum around him.
Completely unexpected, blood runs to your cheeks but before you can speak Remus’ lips are back on yours as he grips your hips again and pounds into you harder and faster.
“Fuck Y/N. You’re doing so good baby girl. Taking me so well, Jesus Christ. I got you, I got you” Your moans continue to fill the room as Lupin just keeps fucking you through your high, moving to place your legs over his shoulders “Think you can go again now that you’re wet for me Princess?”
Nodding, you can’t even form words as your third orgasm of the evening is starting to form in your stomach. “That’s my good girl. Merlin, you look gorgeous taking my cock like that Princess.”
He places a hand on your stomach right above where he’s thrusting and groans loudly as he feels the thrusts through your skin. You let out cries of moan every time he bottoms out and Remus continues to shout out streams of curses.
So quick you hardly even notice it happens, Remus pulls out and flips you so you’re on your hands and knees, wasting no time to thrust back into you.
This new angle has him hitting spots you’ve never even dreamt of as his hands grip your hips, surely leaving bruises, and slamming them down to meet his.
“Remus! Fuck baby right there.” You moan, head into a pillow as you arch your back and press your chest against the bed. Gripping onto the bedsheets like your life depends on it
“Love hearing you shout my name Y/N” he groans into your ear, bending over and biting on the crook in your neck, you groan louder as Remus keeps thrusting into your most sensitive spot, almost making you come undone again.
“Come on pretty girl, I know you can hold it for me, just a minute.” He says in between moans, massaging your clit and leaning his forehead on your back. Panting as your pussy squeezes him harder with every thrust.
“Need you Remmy” you whimper out, holding on by a thread “Kiss me.” As you turn your head around lips collide with yours and Remus keeps thrusting inside of you faster, hitting the g-spot every time.
Lifting you up so your back is pressed against his torso, Lupin places a hand on your throat and continues to massage circles on your clit with every thrust he does.
“Fuck, Princess. Cum for me. I got you.” Moaning into the kiss, after Remus thrusts two more times you become completely undone on his cock. Your pussy is throbbing and pulsating as he bottoms out and ruts his hips against yours, cumming with you.
Holding you tight against his body, the two of you stay in place for what feels like hours. Unmoving until he gently releases your body back onto the bed and slowly pulls out of you with a groan. Kissing your shoulder and breathing you in, he whispers into your ear “I’ll be right back Love.”
A minute later Remus comes back from the bathroom, having discarded the condom and put on sweatpants, holding a damp towel and large t-shirt.
Slowly rolling you to lay on your back he gently drags the warm rag through your folds and rubs your side. Kissing you on the forehead and smoothing out your hair. When he’s done he places the shirt right next to you and sits down. “Do you need anything Y/N? I brought you this if you want to wear it or-“
Interrupting him with a kiss you wrap your arms around Remus' neck and slowly pull him closer to you. “Thank you. Right now I’m perfect.”
“Indeed you are” he nods, kissing your cheek and standing up. “Lay down, I’ll be right back.”
Smiling and sighing to yourself, you put on Remus’ shirt and breathe in his scent, eventually making your way under the covers.
Watching you out of the corner of his eye with the biggest grin, Remus gathers your clothes and folds them into a pile, placing them on the trunk of his bed and conjuring up two glasses of water. Placing one right in front of your face he tells you to ‘Drink.’ before taking a few gulps of his own and setting it down, doing the same to yours when you’re done.
You begin to laugh to yourself as Remus goes under the sheets with you. “I guess Sirius isn’t getting that letter tonight after all.”
“Oh definitely not.” Smiling at you too Remus pulls you closer and wraps his arms around you as you lay your head on his chest.
Muttering a few incantations, the lights turn off and the curtains around Remus’ four-poster close. “Are you sure you don’t want me to sneak you out of here? Not that I’m complaining at all, I just don’t want you to think I expect you to do anything.”
Smiling to yourself you slowly inch up and kiss Remus on the lips, muttering “I’m sure” as the two of you continue to kiss. Much slower this time and full of adoration.
Unsure of how it happens or when, the two of you fall asleep wrapped in each other’s arms and locked in a kiss.
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wunderlustwriter · 2 years
just finished reading the harry potter series for the first time
i know, i know. i've been obsessed with this series since elementary school, how could it have taken me over a decade to read it all? yeah, i don't know buddy <3. but I cried for hours while listening to the end of Deathly Hallows.
(and yes, I'm that bitch who has to listen to audiobooks on x1.75 speed or I loose interest/my mind wanders)
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wunderlustwriter · 2 years
I love my hometown. We got less than six inches of snow and have been shut down for nearly a week <3 Being a brown girl growing up in the south has its downfalls but this almost makes up for it
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