#I used to like the pool system but I’m just too tired trying to find new ones :
jpasionr · 8 months
I had one player who used the dynamo roller, not doing anything during the first wave then disconnect into the second wave
if you’re gonna do this shit in freelance, DON’T bother playing this month’s eggstra work!!!
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After Sundown
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A TLOU Short Fic
Alternative Title: After The Thud
TW: Mentions of: violence, suicide attempts, child death, Injury, deadly injury, acts of violence, near death experience, childhood trauma. Ghosts. Angst, so much forking angst. Grief, moving on, dealing with mortality and letting your loved ones go. Let me know if any other topics should be included here that I missed.
Word count: I honestly don’t know. I’ll be updating this post as I go and reblogging every time I do. 
Premise: Joel Miller is dead as a doornail. And now he’s going to find out what comes next. I took some inspiration from the way ghosts work in The Haunting of Hill House and Bly Manor (My fave depictions of ghosts honestly).  Just had to get this out of my system after reaching the part in the game where Ellie is bouncing baby JJ on the truck.
The last thing he hears is a wet thud. He remembers Ellie whimpering, though he barely saw a blur of her bruised face not far from his. He wanted to say something reassuring, tell her it’s alright. Tell her she did her best. Tell her anything really. But his lip is busted, he’s missing teeth and his tongue is swollen. And he’s so weak, waking up only to sink back to a dark pool of unconsciousness. He was close to dead before, but never like this. His body always managed to jump start before, now it was admitting defeat. He knew this was final. And all he could do was turn his head to his little girl and attempt... Well, anything. Say her name, sigh, huff. Anything, goddammit. But nothing comes out except shallow breathing. And then a sharp swing. A wet thud as he feels his skull cracking. That happened before, too. But there was always a sharp headache right after.
The pain doesn’t come. He sees mostly flashes of white, and blurry memories and visions go in and out of focus. Him and Tommy going fishing with their old man when they were little. Learning to play the guitar. Listening to Metallica in the car on the way to work, coffee cup in hand. Sarah taking her first steps towards him, big hazel eyes open in wonder and a big toothless smile on her face. She’s older now, scampering a big rock on a hike. Tommy’s laughing at her. Ellie reading from the shitty jokes book and giving him that satisfied grin. Tess is there too, in small and big moments. Nursing him to health after he got shot. Ellie again, clambering a dinosaur at the museum. Tommy sharing a beer with him back at the bar in Austin. Playing the guitar on his porch in Jackson. Ellie saying she might learn to forgive him. He suddenly remembers he shed some tears when she left. Probably one of his top 5 moments. 
He blinks as another flash jolts him, almost as if waking from a dream. He’s standing in a field. The sky is bright orange over a sheep farm. It looks like Wyoming still. He even remembers passing this place by on horse with Ellie on one of their patrols. He sees a young woman in the distance, with a baby in her arms, reclining over an old truck. The baby is cooing and laughing at his mother, who bounces him up and down and singing him a silly song about a small potato. He takes a good look at the woman, and runs forward to make sure. It’s her. She’s older now. Her hair is shorter, her eyes are tired. Her skin is tanned and new freckles appeared on her cheeks. More worry lines too. But she seems happy. And she’s still a goofball, bouncing the black haired boy and chuckling. It’s been a while, Joel realizes. He starts feeling it too, like he was gone for a while and missed her. He moves a bit forward, planning on what he’s going to say. But Ellie doesn’t notice him. The baby, however, does. Points right at him and smiles, but Ellie looks through him and snuggles the boy. “Yea, that is a pretty sunset, isn’t it?”
He feels his throat catch. He doesn’t try to say anything. Ellie’s happy and safe, that’s all that matters. She gets to live and raise this kid who looks suspiciously like Jessie. (He tries not to think too hard about remembering her and Dina kissing at the winter dance and how that all makes sense. He’s not ruining this moment with overthinking.) Ellie will teach him how to play guitar, and how to hunt. Maybe even how to draw. She’ll tell him terrible jokes. 
“His name is J.J.”
That voice. Joel freezes, refusing to follow it. He hasn't heard that voice in over twenty years. She sounds close enough to run to.
“She’s living with Dina now.” The voice continues, matter-of-factly. He shakes his head and slowly turns around. He notices the wind blowing, but he doesn't feel the cold air. And then he’s surrounded by his little girls. She’s still fourteen. She’s wearing the same shirt and pants, and she’s barefoot. Her honey colored locks are down. Her hazel eyes are light in the sunset. She’s smiling calmly, just like she did whenever he’d go down to breakfast after her. 
“Hi, dad.” She beams. He doesn’t say anything. He can’t move. He can hear Ellie behind him telling the kid they’re gonna see how Mama is doing. He turns around to see her get up and go up to the house. He feels his eyes sting. As they turn away, J.J. keeps looking at Joel and Sarah, waving them goodbye. Ellie laughs, and Joel tries to memorize that sound. “What, you’re telling bye bye to the sun?” she giggles and pets the boy’s thick black hair. He stares until they’re inside, and then turns back to Sarah. She’s standing patiently with a knowing stare. Then he sighs and goes towards her slowly, almost scared that this is all a fragile mirage he’s going to break any minute. Sarah’s running towards him, closing the gap as he leans and catches her in his arms. She even smells like her favorite shampoo. This is all one hell of a near death experience. It’s too much, too cruel, But Joel doesn’t care. She’s laughing and holding him tight, her giggles slowly turning to whimpering into his shoulders. He’s crying too, to his shock. 
“I missed you like crazy, Scamp.”
“Missed you too.” She giggles through tears. They stand like this for seconds, minutes, or hours. The sun is already setting by the time they pull back. They sit down in the now darkened field, only illuminated by the moonlight and whatever light is shining from inside the house. 
“How long have you been here?” Joel blurts, his hand holding Sarah’s gently. 
“A while. I sometimes try to follow her into doors but I don’t always end up where I was.”
That confuses him, but he doesn’t question it. 
Sarah smiles sadly. “I followed you around, too, you know.”
Joel gulps and turns to look at her with shame and guilt, but she just keeps smiling. “I didn’t see you do all the bad things you’ve done. I saw the good you did more.”
“Not a lot of traveling then.” He chuckles. 
She leans against him as though they’re home on the couch, watching a movie. “A lot more than you think.”
He sighs. “So what now?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m...” He trails off. He looks at his baby girl and tightens his grip on her shoulders. “We’re gone. What happens now?”
“Well, we can move on, if you want to. I saw plenty like us do. I just felt like sticking around.”
“You didn’t have to watch me, you know.”
“I think I did.” She sighs, her eyebrows furrowing. “I think I may have helped you flinch.”
Joel’s taken aback. “Flinch?”
“Yea. When you put that gun to your head.” She stretches her legs and feet, like she always would when they had serious conversations. “I saw you. Screamed at you to stop, tried to grab your hand but it went through you. So I just touched your face instead. And when I did -”
He pushed the gun away right as he pulled it. He feels almost angry with himself. How could he do this in front of her. It’s a silly thought, really. He didn't know she was there. Then again, maybe he did. 
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chicagolandish · 2 years
So, I suddenly had to relocate from Twitter
Tonight, I became the latest victim of censorship on Elon Musk’s Twitter and really, it was no different from the way censorship was carried out in the days before Elon Musk showed up. Some anonymous admin on Twitter decided to hallucinate a rules violation into existence where none was present, and yes, I can prove that, because I had the good sense to not trust these guys. Before they had a chance to do anything, I unrolled my thread using Thread App Reader, archived the thread in both the Internet Archive and Archive Today, and then archived my Thread App Reader profile for good measure.
The thread unroll
Archive Today Copy
Internet Archive Copy
Now, let’s look at the tweetstorm that supposedly broke the rules. The key word in that is “supposedly.” As you can see for yourself, no rules were violated, but as usual with the weasels at Safety and Trust, the rules are beside the point.
One Frank Harris had defended Trump's moronic Operation Warp Speed, writing
You misunderstood me. I’m not saying the vaccine works. I didn’t get it and wouldn’t. But the average person was brainwashed into believing Covid was extremely lethal. For those people, they needed a “vaccine” to rejoin society.
and I replied, writing this:
You're ready to trade the lives of those who were killed by an inadequately tested experimental medication, just for the sake of the morale of a pack of id1ots? That's not a sensible trade, Frank, and given the fact that the vax was forced on people, it's not a morally defensible one. You don't have the right to use non-consenting others as sacrificial lambs. If the l00ns can't bring themselves to rejoin society, that's fine. Let them squat in their solitary squalor at home and starve to death. The gene pool and the world will be better off without them in it. I'm so fu1kking tired of this attitude that the entire rest of the species should accept that it's going to be used as cannon fodder, just to protect the most mentally and physically fragile people around. Our lives and our well being count too, Mr. Harris. Your preferred style of governance is morally indefensible, because with its laser sharp focus on the well-being of the un-fit, it effectively denies the humanity of the fit. It is stup1d, in addition to being immoral, because it sacrifices real hope for the sake of illusions. Neur0tic, messed up people are going to go on being neur0tic and messed up, no matter how often they are indulged. No matter how much one locks down, masks and jabs people, people without working immune systems are going to go on living in a world full of pathogens that no amount of medical theater will make go away. The prognoses for these people are bad. This is a fact, and it's not going to cease to be one, just because you're not mature enough to deal with it. The fit people you would dare assign yourself the right to sacrifice for the well being of the un-fit are people who, but for the posturing of moral c0wards like you, would have a real chance of living long, full lives. These are chances we can't give to the un-fit no matter how hard we try, because Reality doesn't work that way. Does that thought offend you? TOO BAD! GROW UP! The Universe is under no obligation to work in a way that you, I, or your mommy would find personally acceptable. It just is what it is and it does what it does, and contrary to the three years worth of bullsh1t we've just heard out of a pack of social scientists and activists passing themselves as real scientists, it doesn't respond to our wishes or emotional needs. Am I now going to get cancelled because I said that sickly people are going to go on getting sick and that they're going to go on dying? Don't know. Don't care. Any society filled with people that determined to vanish off into their own daydreams isn't just a society that I don't want to be part of, it's a society that shouldn't be preserved. If people are going to lose their minds over this, then to He1l with them. Let them go crazy. Or crazier, if that's possible. Then let natural selection do its good work. Without the care and concern of those who can function in the real world, crazy people won't live for long. You wanted a plan, Frank? Here's a plan, and you're hearing it from somebody who, unlike the id1ots CNN kept interviewing, really is a scientist. F1uck it, I'm going fishing. You know those people with real knowledge and real skills, without which the lights wouldn't come on and nothing would work? We're fed up. What can we do about that? Well, if we really wanted to, collectively we could turn every city on Earth into a slagheap, and civilization into a smoking memory, but here's a far better, easier idea. We move out to the countryside, get a few gardens, kick back and relax. Growing food isn't as hard as advertised. I've done it, before. Out in the boonies, we'll be having a good time. But you and everybody you know will be dying, Frank, in the cold and the dark, as everything breaks down. If the idea of your loved ones ki1ling each other as they resort to cannibalism just to stay alive floats your boat, keep on pushing. Otherwise, shut up. Now. Or you'll wish you had. Is that simple enough for you to understand? If not, no worries. There's this little patch of land in South Carolina I have my eye on, and to be honest, I would like to get outside more. Whatever you folks want, it's all good.
The only threat I posted, then, was a threat to go Galt, and a comment that others, equally fed up with this woke nonsense would probably do likewise, because given the institutionalization of the sort of attitudes that used to get people insitututionalized, "modern" society was getting to be far more trouble than it was worth.
While such a scenario would end badly for the Left, given the shortage of real, practical, civilization sustaining skills to be seen in its ranks, the threat I just made is not only a threat that I have a recognized right to issue, but in fact the denial of my freedom to issue it would be a recognized human rights violation, one that goes by an old, recognized name: slavery.
If I am not free to withhold my labor from you, no matter how much you might need it, then I am a slave, because that’s what the word means. So, now that you’ve read the above, what possible excuse do you think they could have offered for locking my account? What rule do you think that some anonymous coward working for Twitter Safety and Trust will pretend that I violated?
They claimed that I was encouraging self-harm in this passage
If the l00ns can't bring themselves to rejoin society, that's fine. Let them squat in their solitary squalor at home and starve to death. The gene pool and the world will be better off without them in it.
in which I refused to go along with the idea that basic drug testing protocols should have been set aside, as Trump quite irresponsibly did by executive order during Operation Warp Speed, just to get the doomers to be willing to go outside. Twitter’s actual position is that by refusing to bow to their threat to engage in self-harm if they didn’t get what they want, that I was encouraging self-harm.
That’s not what their own posted rule means and they know it, but as usual, the corrupt employees (along with some even more corrupt volunteers) in S & T don’t care about reality. If they don’t like what you said, or just don’t like the number of people who have complained, they’ll twist the rules to mean whatever they want them to mean, and invent their own facts as they do so.
While Twitter claims that this is a 12 hour lockout, it’s really a permanent one, because they’re playing a game that they’ve played before, and which I’ve heard about from some real world friends they did this to. The clock doesn’t start ticking on my lockout until I delete the allegedly rule violating tweet, but I can’t comply with that demand until I have access to my account. Which they won’t give me, using the fact that I haven’t deleted that tweet as the excuse for that refusal.
Chicken and egg. Compliance is a physical impossibility, because Twitter chose to make it into one, but Twitter is going to pretend that I only got a 12 hour lockout, and that my failure to comply was purely my choice, because it is run by people who are that dishonest.
Others have suggested that I get a VPN, and use it to create a new account. To be honest, far more honest than anybody working for the bird would ever be, to be sure, I don’t know what a VPN is. I could probably look it up, but I’m really not that curious. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - companies like Twitter need us a lot more than we need them. Am I angry about the way I just got treated by them, by the sleaze of that anonymous coward in San Francisco who fabricated an excuse for locking my account? Of course I am, and I’m going to get even in the best possible way: by withholding my content from Twitter.
Why should I sneak around, get special tools and maybe even spend a little money, just to help boost the business of a sleazily run company that just got done treating me like dirt? If I did that, what would that say about my own self-respect? No, to Hell with them.
For now, I’ll post to Tumblr instead of Twitter. It’s a superior platform, more flexible and, as far as I can tell, less troll-infested and troll-friendly. Will I encounter censorship here, too? I don’t know. I hope I won’t, and there is some basis in fact for that hope. Tumblr does seem to have a better reputation than Twitter. That having been said, I’ll be archiving everything I post, so even if I get unpleasantly surprised, I won’t lose any of my writing.
If I do get thrown off of here, too, on yet another flimsy pretext or even the same flimsy pretext, maybe because somebody at Twitter has a friend working at Tumblr, where I go online after that will be nowhere. In real life, I really am the PhD student I’ve been claiming to be, and I really have been approached, in person, by somebody who invited me to submit work for publication. I can forget an asshole here and a jackass there, but there’s a limit to how much crap I’m going to take just to get my words up on a website, where others can read them for free, and for which I am not going to get paid.
There’s a lot to be said for print media, and absolutely nothing for the experience of having my time taken up by Internet drama, so this experience either gets better in a hurry or it ends, as I shrug, walk off and go on to better things. I’m laying back on my bed, typing away on my laptop as I post this, and as comfortable as that can be in short stretches, it doesn’t come close to being as much fun as getting out into the world and dealing with people, face to face.
One thing I definitely will not do: Twitter is demanding my cell phone number as part of the price of unlocking my account. I don’t have a cell phone, I don’t want one, and I’m certainly not going to get one just to unlock a “free” account. The mere fact that cell phones are far from free should be enough to put an end to that idea, but there’s a deeper problem.
The doomers, also known as the Branch Covidians, are a cult, they function like one, and I crossed them during the last few years. I’m proud to have done so, as I should be, but in the process of doing so, I picked up some stalkers. Some of them have already attempted to dox me. Were I to give out a cell phone number, I could then be tracked using that number, with the help of some apps that aren’t that difficult to obtain.
No, being able to post to Twitter is not worth the cost of a new cell phone, and that being the case, how very much less is it worth any danger to myself, my family or my friends. The violent fanaticism of the Far Left is no secret at this point, and it is no joke, and Twitter has already shown whose side it is on, and how trustworthy it isn’t, repeatedly. No, no cell phone number will be provided, ever.
If Twitter surprises me by doing the right thing and unlocking my account - OK, astounds me - I’ll be using it for update notification, only, as I said I would a few months ago. As this latest in a series of bad experiences has shown, I should have stuck with that decision. What, really, did I gain by lingering, other than a tiny amount of lost engagement, and the opportunity to butt heads with the empty drums you saw me run into toward the end? That’s not a good thing to go back to, is it?
0 notes
tyonfs · 4 years
cat & mouse
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❝ rule number one of bro code states that sisters are completely off-limits, and, y/n, we just pushed that limit. ❞
PAIRING ▸ na jaemin x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, crack, fluff, college au, friends with benefits au
WARNINGS ▸ lots of !! sexual tension !! and jaemin acting like a dick, protective big brother!jaehyun, lots of sneaking around, jaemin calls you princess a lot, teasing, fingering, alcohol consumption, hooking up, thigh riding, smut, oral sex, aftercare
SUMMARY ▸ tired of meaningless hookups and dull parties, na jaemin had always been hesitant to indulge himself. that is, of course, until he met you. however, upon realizing you’re none other than jeong jaehyun’s little sister, jaemin has to keep his relationship with you under wraps to make sure his team captain doesn’t find out. 
PLAYLIST ▸ move! by niki • playinwitme by kyle (feat. kehlani)
WORD COUNT ▸ 17713 words
TAG LIST ▸ @chubsluda​ @celestialchans​ @treasurestay​ @luvlyjaemin​ @lanadreamie​ @kylomeyon​ @taehinsano​ @jenotation​ @ovelha-colorida-v​ @hrjflrt​ @to-blessed-2-be-stressed​ @honeyju​ @chanluster​ @sweetjaemss​ @najaemsenthusiastttt​ @neovrse​ @jjikyuu​ @treasurestay​ @ahgastayzen​ @wcnderlandss​ @jaehy9ngs​ @jaemxins​ @syhznanny​ @lilminyoongles​ @bbnana​
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ thank you so much for all of your love and support !! it’s beyond me & i hope you guys enjoy this ! part of the dunk shot! series but it can be read separately ♡
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In the same vein, he hated basketball to an extent. It wasn’t the sport itself that he despised, it was the commitments that followed it. As a vital player on the team, he was obligated to attend every afterparty despite how much he loathed parties. Yet, what he couldn’t stand was being nagged by his teammates, so Jaemin went to the parties. He went to the parties and drank until he was numb and the party was tolerable.
He didn’t even like drinking that much, but he didn’t have much of a choice when most of the members of the basketball team were his seniors. Jaemin was pretty sure his brain cells depleted one-by-one every time he took a shot, but sometimes he got away with faking his alcohol intake when the others were too drunk to keep track. His best friend, Lee Jeno, on the other hand, lived for parties like this. Jaemin used that to his advantage; Jeno was the perfect target to hand off his unwanted shots to.
“Jaemin!” Jeong Jaehyun, the captain of the basketball team, made his presence known easily. After all, the parties were always hosted at his house. “Let’s do a love shot.”
If it were anyone else, Jaemin would’ve turned them down with some sarcastic, witty comeback. However, Jaehyun was different. Jaemin admired him since they were high schoolers on the basketball team. Jaehyun was two years older but his skills were on another level. Jaemin had always worked to see if he could surpass him but to no avail.
“Sure.” Jaemin got off of the couch, where he was aimlessly scrolling through his social media and observing the party. He followed Jaehyun to the kitchen counter. “You got tequila?”
It was a stupid question. Jaehyun was loaded; his supply of alcohol seemed endless.
“Of course,” Jaehyun replied. He took a red solo cup and measured a shot of tequila. “By the way, why don’t you talk to any of the girls here? You seem tense. You should get laid.”
It wasn’t like Jaemin intentionally avoided the girls. He just had no interest in people who wanted to blindly hook-up and forget about it the next morning. He didn’t completely ignore them either. Jaemin distinctly remembered a pretty blonde passing him her vape pen, which he politely refused. While he didn’t mind destroying his liver, he wanted to keep his lungs intact.
“There’s no one here I want to fuck,” was Jaemin’s impassive response. “Especially not when they’re drunk off their ass.”
“Is that so? How much did you drink tonight?”
“This is my third or fourth shot, I think.”
Jaehyun snorted and held out the red solo cup to him. “Well, here’s to your intact virginity.”
“I’m not a virgin.” Jaemin took the cup and swished its contents around. “Can’t we toast to something more practical? Like basketball?”
A chuckle escaped Jaehyun’s lips, bemused like a father to his son. He eyed Jaemin as he held the red solo cup to his lips. “Ready?”
Jaehyun didn’t wait for Jaemin, though. He tipped his cup up, downing the contents, and Jaemin followed suit as quickly as he could. The tequila was a smooth burn down his throat, but it made Jaemin feel slow and hazy. The fire spread across his chest, spreading to his arms, legs, and then his head. He felt fuzzy and was sure he had hit his limit for the night.
Jaemin took an unstable step forward, and Jaehyun put a firm hand on his shoulder, asking, “You good?” to which Jaemin answered with a dazed nod. With a grin, Jaehyun patted his back firmly. “See you when we’re both conscious again, man.”
The next thirty minutes were a blur. Jaemin found himself at a beer pong table and, in his drunken state, pretended he was practicing his free throws while he relished the crowd cheering him on. He felt a pair of hands on his shoulders, cheering wildly at the side until he got a headache. Eventually, the house felt too stuffy and he decided to go out to the backyard to let his buzz fade out.
Outside wasn’t any better. The cheers were louder outside and the music was still blasting. The fog in Jaemin’s head thickened and he was sure he felt hands trying to guide him to the pool, but he brushed them off. He narrowed his eyes onto a lawn chair and willed himself to walk straight towards it.
Sit, he ordered himself. Do not get in the pool and make a fool out of yourself.
After pushing past a few of his teammates and the girls hovering around them, Jaemin’s knees buckled under him as soon as he got to the lawn chair. It was damp when he sat down, but he was too drunk and dazed to care. Jaemin looked up at the sky, unfocused, and was only pulled from his thoughts when his phone went off.
annoying jeno: where tf did u go? this girl wants me to introduce her to u
It was time for another shot.
Jaemin felt heavy. He sat up, running a hand through his disheveled hair, and spotted a red solo cup on the side table to his right. He reached for it and inspected the contents, sloshing it around sluggishly until he noticed a pair of eyes boring into him.
You were isolating yourself from the rest of the party, just like him. You weren’t giving him the sex eyes like he had expected; you looked more confused. Unlike Jaemin, you looked much more sober and functional. It was painfully obvious by the way Jaemin couldn’t seem to focus on you without seeing double.
He wasn’t sure if it was because of the alcohol in his system, but Jaemin had no idea who you were, but fuck, he wanted to. He pushed it down, though. Hookups were never fulfilling, and Jaemin wasn’t here to let himself go.
“Why are you staring at me?” Jaemin asked in a low voice, trying to speak coherently without slurring his words. He wasn’t sure if it worked, but you seemed to understand.
To his surprise, you fired a question back at him. “What are you doing?”
Jaemin wasn’t sure how to answer that. He was obviously drunk off his ass, so what was he supposed to explain when it was clear as day?
“Waiting for this stupid party to be over,” Jaemin replied. He dropped his gaze back to the cup he held on his lap. “Why are you still staring? I’m not interested.”
“You’re holding my drink.”
Jaemin stilled. He looked between you and the cup for a moment before muttering a pathetic “oh.” He flushed and held the cup out to you. “Sorry.”
You took the cup gingerly and downed your shot before advising him, “You know, you shouldn’t be taking random cups and drinking from them at parties. You never know what they could be laced with.”
Jaemin’s head lolled to the side, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. He didn’t want to join the party, but he didn’t want to sit back and be scolded. He was debating making a run for the fence in Jaehyun’s backyard. His house was only a few blocks away and he was pretty sure he’d be sober enough to make it. Jeno, however, was the obstacle he was worried about. If he ran off without telling Jeno (who was going to disapprove anyway), he was sure to get an earful the next day.
“Also,” you continued, “don’t go around assuming every girl who looks in your general direction wants to fuck you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Jaemin grumbled, too drained to argue back. “Shouldn’t you be partying with everyone? It’s depressing over here.”
“This isn’t my party to celebrate,” you said, biting down on the rim of your cup delicately. “I’m just here for the drinks.”
Jaemin didn’t know what to say to that, so he decided to introduce himself. “I’m Na Jaemin, by the way.”
“Y/N,” you replied. “Pleasure to meet you, Na Jaemin.”
Jaemin’s eyelashes were obscuring his vision as he tried to squint to make you out. He wasn’t sure if it was the drunken stupor, but you were breathtaking. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing that Jaemin was currently seeing double of you. Jaemin wasn’t sure how he had ever missed you at any of the other parties (if you even showed up to those), but he was glad he snuck away to the backyard now.
Jaemin turned back to look at the scene before him, full of shrieks and shouts from partygoers as they danced off-beat to the blasting music. He almost didn’t notice the ultimate bastard, Yuta Nakamoto, walking over with his eyes set on not Jaemin, but you. Yuta only seemed to see Jaemin when he neared the two and, despite the awkward pause in the air, held his hand up to fistbump him. Jaemin lazily returned it, not really processing until seconds later when Yuta had already passed him.
It wasn’t that Yuta and Jaemin had any bad blood between them. Rather, Jaemin found the older boy quite fun to be around, and on top of that, he was a really supportive and caring teammate. However, when it came to parties, Yuta tended to be a lot more high-energy than Jaemin was.
“Hey, Y/N,” Yuta crooned deviously, standing over you with his hands shoved in his pockets. He crouched down so he was at eye-level with you, holding onto the arm of your chair. “Care to dance with me?”
“Yuta Nakamoto,” you drawled, a smile appearing on your lips. “I’m good over here, but you go have fun.”
Yuta stood up again, a cat-like grin spreading from ear-to-ear across his face as he stepped back toward the pool. “You’re gonna miss out, Y/N. You cool with that?”
The smile never left your lips as you rolled your eyes at him. Yuta turned to dive into the pool, making Jaemin’s nose scrunch as the splash was big enough to get water on his clothes. When Yuta surfaced, he smoothed his hair back and wiped the excess water from his face. He caught your eye again, winking before swimming toward Jungwoo and splashing him, leaving you shaking your head and chuckling.
“You two close?” Jaemin asked in a mumble, not quite sure where he was going with the sudden conversation.
You were shocked momentarily, but smiled when you looked over at Jaemin. “Let’s just say he wants to get in my pants but I find the age gap inappropriate.”
Jaemin snorted. “Really? How old are you?”
Jaemin rose a brow. He was just a year older than you but not so far off from Yuta. He hadn’t seen many college students be so conscious of a legal age difference of a year or two. After all, nearly everyone was an adult anyway.
“That’s not so far off from Yuta,” he told you.
You hid a smile, nearly going unnoticed under the dim light, but Jaemin had just caught it in time. “He’s like, my brother’s age,” you replied. “It’s just weird.”
Jaemin didn’t really get it, but he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to. He was an only child so he didn’t really think his opinion was valid anyway. Yet, he must have been looking at you weird because you bit your lip and shrunk under his gaze. Jaemin swallowed and turned back to look down at his feet, trying to get his head out of the clouds, but the buzz was still too strong.
He couldn’t stop himself from blurting out, “What if it was me?”
He wasn’t looking at you but he could feel your gaze boring into him. Jaemin wanted to melt into a puddle then and there. He was never the type to make a move like that, usually expecting girls to approach him, but now that he did, his skin was crawling with shame. Although, he figured it wouldn’t be too bad if he ended the night in bed with you.
Jaemin worked up the courage to turn his gaze to you. “I’m a year older than you. Would you be down if it was me?”
“Yeah,” you admitted bluntly, causing the tips of Jaemin’s ears to go red. “But I don’t know you, so…”
“Do you want to?” he asked, then clarified, “Get to know me, I mean.”
The two of you were silent for a moment, and it was far more deafening than the booming party around them. Jaemin’s gaze dropped from your face to look back at the college students wading around in the pool. Someone must have messed with the pool because it had started to fill up with bubbles, making the crowd cheer louder. Entranced, Jaemin nearly didn’t notice you when you were standing right over him. He arched a brow at you, scooting back a little out of shock.
“Do you want to get out of here then?”
You were smiling coyly and Jaemin didn’t have the willpower to resist anymore. He stood up, looking around for Jeno, before turning to you and nodding. Everyone was so consumed with the pool foaming up that it would be easy for them to escape from the backyard.
“I’m way too drunk to drive, but we can go for a walk,” Jaemin suggested, leading her out through the backyard fence. He had escaped from there countless times, only for Jeno to drag him back, but this time, Jeno was preoccupied.
Yet, something unsettled him about not informing his best friend, so he decided to shoot him a quick text.
jaemin: i’ll see u back home, i’m with a girl lol
annoying jeno: deadass? have fun
Now, at least Jaemin had one thing off his chest.
“So what’s your deal?” Jaemin asked you as he tried to focus on walking in a straight line. “You have guys like Yuta Nakamoto lining up for you and you’re passing up my boy?”
“If he’s your boy then why are you trying to make a pass at me?” you shot back, grabbing his arm to provide leverage when he stumbled.
“Touché,” Jaemin grumbled. “It’s not like he was scoring, so I might as well shoot my shot.”
“Did you score?”
The corner of Jaemin’s mouth twitched. “That’s for you to decide, isn’t it?”
Mutual attraction was such a strange feeling because the sexual tension was there and so loud. Granted, about 90% of it came from Jaemin, but something about the way you were still holding onto his arm and laughing at his stupid jokes made him feel like something was going to happen tonight.
“We should stargaze,” you offered, pointing at a grassy hill behind a park the both of you were passing by. Jaemin nodded in response, so you dragged him by the arm to the chosen location.
Stargazing meant laying down, and laying down meant not having to focus on walking in a straight line anymore, so it sounded absolutely heavenly to Jaemin right now. Somehow, he felt like such an amateur right now. No girl had ever asked him to lay down and stargaze with him; they always just skipped to the bedroom fun.
You let go of Jaemin to lay down on the grass, positioning yourself like a starfish before patting the space next to you and then moving your hands to rest on your stomach. You looked entranced with the stars above you, but the moment Jaemin laid down next to you, you turned to him, catching him off-guard. Jaemin’s eyes flickered from you to the sky above.
“The stars are beautiful,” he said weakly.
He couldn’t even see the fucking stars.
“Damn, I thought you were gonna call me beautiful for a second,” you teased, nudging his shoulder lightly.
“You wish,” Jaemin said with a light snort, swallowing thickly. “There’s no way I’m calling a girl that over my dead body.”
He was a terrible liar. It was clear when Na Jaemin was feeling lustful. His eyes would turn half-lidded and his voice would drop a few octaves. Right now, all of that was happening along with his fingers twitching at his sides. You were looking back up at the sky when he turned his head to look at you, and god, you were so pretty.
“Girls must come running for you,” you told him, “otherwise I really can’t figure out the ego.”
“That’s the problem when you’re a star basketball player and devilishly handsome.” Jaemin grinned, folding his arms behind his head. “You turn out like me.”
“How mortifying.”
“I know, right?” Jaemin turned onto his side for a brief moment to look at you. “How come I’ve never seen you around before. I’m sure I would’ve remembered…”
“Because I’m beautiful?” you offered.
Jaemin groaned, pink dusting his cheeks. “Why are you so fixed on that?”
You laughed in response while Jaemin just stared at the heartstopping curve of your lips. He felt himself grow hot, anticipation mixed with the weight of the situation. He had never been the type to feel so jittery around a girl, but here he was, a touch anxious because he was afraid of doing something wrong.
“That’s Orion’s Belt there,” you pointed out. “Can you see Betelgeuse?”
You turned to look at Jaemin to see if you had his attention, but did a double-take upon realizing that you, in fact, had his full attention. His eyes were directly on you, not the night sky above. The both of you were so painfully close, and Jaemin couldn’t resist when he reached over to brush a few strands of hair behind your ear.
“I can’t see the stars,” he mumbled, his large hand moving to cup your cheek. When your gazes were locked, he caressed your cheek with his thumb gently and leaned in to kiss you.
Well, he was about to kiss you until he felt your finger pressing against his lips.
“I’m down for whatever,” you told him sweetly, “but I don’t kiss on the first date.”
Jaemin wasn’t sure what to make of that. Sure, he found it a little weird, but he could see the reasoning behind it. You were probably one of those people who saved your kisses for something special—whatever that meant. Honestly, Jaemin didn’t really care about the significance, but he did know it would be amplified if he found “the one.”
“So this is a date now?” he asked, amused.
Jaemin huffed lightly and leaned back, letting his hand retract back to his side. “Down for whatever? Even sex?”
You raised a very attractive eyebrow at him, making Jaemin short-circuit for a split second. “If you play your cards right,” you said airily, your voice all light and fluffy.
“Down for whatever but the offer isn’t extended to anyone over the age of twenty-one.”
You punched his shoulder hard this time. “Bite me.”
“Don’t mind if I do.”
Whatever made Jaemin’s confidence swell was taking over fast. In seconds, Jaemin propped himself up with his elbow, using his free hand to brush your hair to the side and tilting your neck so he could have easier access to it.
To test the waters, Jaemin nipped at your supple skin, earning a hitch in your slowed breathing that encouraged him to do more. Jaemin left open-mouthed kisses down your neck, sucking harshly with each one. He licked his lips when he pulled away to look at your neck. You were tough to bruise but he loved a challenge. He maneuvered his body over you so he could indulge himself further, holding himself up with his forearms.
Jaemin dipped under your chin again, ravishing the side of your neck that he targeted. He littered the column of your neck with dark hickeys, smirking against your skin upon the sight. You were a squirming mess under him, tugging at his hair and bucking your hips up against his. Jaemin grunted softly, his hands pushing your hips down so you could no longer tempt him.
You wrapped your hands around him, one hand sliding up the nape of his neck to curl your fingers in his hair. Hands weren’t normally something that made Jaemin weak, but yours were driving him crazy with one in his hair and the other bunching up the fabric of his shirt.
He cupped the apex of your jeans, smug as you whined at his touch, yearning for more. Jaemin’s free hand grazed your waist before he lowered it to your hip. He pulled away from your neck to meet your gaze, biting his lip at your lustful expression.
“Can I?” he asked, pressing down slightly against your apex.
You nodded, about to say something but got cut off when Jaemin moved his hand down and palmed your clothed clit. Jaemin smirked once he heard the soft sigh falling from your lips. His breathing got heavier, mixing with yours as he started fumbling to unbutton your jeans.
You looked up at him through half-lidded eyes. “Jaemin…”
Jaemin swallowed hard and tugged your jeans down your hips a little. He felt like he was losing control with every touch. He just wanted to hold you in his arms and spend the rest of the night with you, and it was impossible to shake off that feeling when you were looking at him like that.
He playfully snapped the waistband of your panties, letting out a chuckle when your face twisted up and you pushed at his chest. Then, you drew him closer again and guided his hand down your pants. Jaemin took a shaky breath when he felt how wet you were. It filled him with pride, of course, but he had suddenly felt so nervous. He had hooked up with girls before, but this felt weird to him. Different, to an extent. They were just going through the motions, but he was struck with some strange feeling that he didn’t want to mess up or do something wrong. It was like his first time all over again when he had no idea what he was doing.
His silent cry for help was answered with rain.
“Jesus, it’s raining now?” Jaemin asked with a disapproving huff, pulling his hand out of your pants. He wondered if the people in Jaehyun’s backyard were going to move back inside or keep partying through rain and storm.
“It is?” You frowned and reached a hand over him to catch some raindrops. “You make a nice umbrella, Na Jaemin.”
“How kind of you,” Jaemin replied, a bit distracted by the rain pelting his back. “Should we make a run back to Jaehyun’s or do you want to, like…”
“Do I want to do it outside in the rain?” you asked, quirking a brow at him. “Absolutely not.”
“Worth a shot.”
Jaemin hauled himself up to his feet, holding a hand out for you so you could stand. You started patting down your clothes and fixing your fly. Jaemin did the same, making sure he looked presentable but he kept quiet about the dark hickey on the side of your neck. He squinted up at the drizzle of rain from the sky.
Cockblock, Jaemin thought bitterly.
Yet another distraction came in the form of a text message. Specifically, a text message from Lee Jeno.
annoying jeno: i’m going back to the apartment and ik ur with a girl but i left the keys at home so pls open the door
“Son of a bitch,” Jaemin grumbled to himself. He shoved his phone back in his pocket and looked at you when he noticed your questioning stare. Jaemin ran his hands down your arms, then held your waist gently. “I have to go.”
“Go?” you asked him, startled.
“Yeah,” Jaemin replied with a sigh, not wanting to divulge how idiotic his roommate was. “Can I get your number?”
This perked you right up, thankfully. Jaemin was satisfied as he watched you enter your phone number in his phone. This almost made him feel better about having to leave you alone to walk back to Jaehyun’s house in the rain.
Scratch that. He still felt like a piece of shit.
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Jaemin slept off the party rather well.
He was in a bit of a mood, however, seeming tired and cranky in the morning. He had nearly thrown his phone at Jeno’s face when his best friend tried to shake him awake in the morning. It was a miracle that he showed up on time for his lecture. Around the afternoon, he received a text from you and was far more awake and alert after that. By the time he got to basketball, though, he was in a much better mood.
That is, until Jaehyun called for a team meeting.
The basketball team members were all sitting on the bleachers, waiting for a pissed-off Jaehyun to speak. Jeno picked at his nails next to Jaemin while YangYang in front of them was fiddling with the basketball. Jaehyun was only ever serious during games, but now his anger showed in a subtle and scary way that even Taeyong was a bit shaken by the change in his mood.
“Now, I’m going to say this once and you all better listen up carefully,” Jaehyun said in a low, dangerous voice. “If anyone—and I mean anyone—lays a hand on my little sister, then I will make sure you look uglier than you already are.”
Taeyong whistled lowly, impressed.
“Yuta,” Jaehyun continued, eyes narrowing at the older boy, “this message was inspired by you.”
“Received, reflecting, and apologizing,” Yuta said, holding his hands up in surrender. “I’ll back off, Captain.”
“Good,” Jaehyun replied curtly as Yuta and Taeyong started to banter playfully over the topic.
Jaemin was unsettled. Jaehyun was upset over someone going after his younger sister? Now, Yuta was a flirt, but he recalled him pining for you last night and there was no way you were Jaehyun’s sister, right?
“Hey, Jeno.” Jaemin nudged the boy with his elbow. “Who exactly is Jaehyun’s sister?”
“Isn’t it Jeong Y/N?” he answered.
Goodbye world, was Jaemin’s first thought.
Yuta was flirting with you last night, but Jaemin straight-up nearly fingered you and—oh god, the hickey. Jaemin was at the end of his line right now, and if you said anything to Jaehyun, he was sure he was going to get his ass beat. He was starting to regret giving up his non-hookup life because of you; the only person Jaemin was flirting with now was Death.
“You good?” Jeno’s brows were knitted in concern.
“Jeno.” Jaemin swallowed down the dry lump in his throat. “Remember how I told you I was with a girl last night?”
“Yeah?” Jeno asked, searching Jaemin’s eyes for an answer. He found it rather quickly, eyes widening and voice dropping to a whisper. “Oh my god.” His gaze flickered from Jaemin to Jaehyun several times. “What are you going to do?”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Jaemin whispered back. “We were both drunk. I’ll just ghost her subtly and she’ll forget about me. Easy.”
Jeno raised a brow at his plan. “Is hooking up with Jaehyun’s little sister worse than breaking her heart?”
“Oh please, it was one night. Give it a day or two. She won’t give a fuck.” Even though I kind of do, he added in his head.
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The next time Jaemin saw you was after practice ended a few days later.
It had to be impossible that you could look any better than you did the last time he saw you, but here you were. It was unfair, really. Jaemin was a college student that was amped up with testosterone and hormones, and now he had no place to channel it. He was a second away from dragging you into an empty room and letting himself go with you, but then he remembered your older brother, and the horny thoughts dissolved into fear and shame.
“Ah, Jaemin,” you greeted with a cheerful smile.
Fuck, why did you have to be so cute?
Jaemin opened his mouth to reply, but quickly closed it and looked away from you. He leaned against the side of the bleachers and sighed while you were puzzled by his behavior. Although he wanted to ignore you, you were right there and the two of you were alone. Jaemin knew that the other guys wouldn’t be out of the locker rooms for another five minutes.
His gaze dropped to your hickey. It was so clear that you didn’t bother trying to cover it up, and the sight made Jaemin feel proud in some twisted way. Instinctively, he reached over and brushed his thumb over the sensitive bruise, smirking when you shivered.
“It looks good on you,” Jaemin complimented.
“Thanks.” You scoffed, then a mischievous glint shone in your eyes. “Maybe you should give me some more then.”
Jaemin stiffened, in a lot more ways than he should’ve. He gritted his teeth, willing the blood not to rush down all at once. He could not get horny at school when Jaehyun could walk out any second. And the older boy did. Jaemin backed away from you instantly, acting as if you were just some stranger passing by.
“I’ll pass,” he muttered under his breath and was sure you heard when he saw your face drop.
Great. Now he felt like an asshole.
“I gotta go,” he mumbled quickly before you could say anything else, moving past you to walk over to Jeno, high-fiving Jaehyun as he did. Jaemin didn’t have time to register your expression, but nevertheless, he felt like shit.
Jeno looked suspicious as Jaemin approached him. “Did you…”
“End it?” Jaemin finished for him. “I think so.”
“Can you just stop being a dick and talk to her?”
Ticked off, Jaemin took a deep breath. “If I talk to her, then one thing will lead to another, and Jaehyun—”
“Jaemin,” Jeno interrupted. “This isn’t about Jaehyun. This is about you and Y/N.”
Jaemin screamed out something incomprehensible and put his hands over his ears. “I can’t hear you, Lee Jeno. Can’t hear you over me getting ready to go to a party and get wasted tonight.”
“Na Jaemin, you’re my best friend but you’re an idiot.”
“I know that.” Jaemin made a face. “But it’s time for me to go and forget that.”
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Jaemin never failed to forget how much he hated parties. He was starting to regret showing up in the first place. One of his teammates, Jungwoo, had let him into his frat party. Normally, guys were selectively chosen because the frat boys wanted more girls, but Jaemin was wasting his opportunity of getting in by doing absolutely nothing.
This was why he didn’t like drinking. He wasn’t even fun when he was drunk; Jeno was a social butterfly, Yuta was a flirt, but Jaemin would just wonder if plants existed and think about you.
“You look pissed off,” Jungwoo observed, holding out a red dixie cup to him. “Are you sure you want to party?”
“Yes,” Jaemin grumbled, taking the cup from him and downing it in seconds. “I need to let go.”
Jaemin patted Jungwoo’s back firmly and moved to the kitchen to pour himself another shot. He didn’t know what he was thinking. He let himself get all worked up over some girl he barely even hooked up with. All he did was kiss your neck and here Jaemin was, looking like some cheap, heartbroken loser.
Oh, Jaemin thought out of the blue. I never told her she was pretty.
Jaemin took another shot, closing his eyes firmly as he thought of laying next to you again under the stars. Your lips looked so soft and kissable, your eyes so curious and alluring. He tried to push it away and focus on the party and getting drunk, but you kept appearing in his head like a mirage.
Let go, Jaemin, he told himself. Indulge yourself.
Jaemin leaned against the counter, bored. He sloshed the contents of his cup around, taking another shot when he felt the buzz start to wear out. A pretty brunette walked past him, flashing a coy smile.
He supposed she was one of the cheerleaders, or maybe she was a sorority girl. Either way, she was attractive and Jaemin could use the physical contact tonight. Part of him felt like it was the wrong thing to do, but all he could think about was how annoying it was to overthink every little thing he did.
Jaemin made his way over to her, tapping people’s shoulders and maneuvering his way through the cramped frat house. Everyone was clustered like schools of fish. Jaemin hated this kind of environment, but nevertheless, he put on a mask and did his best to fit in.
“Hey,” he greeted the girl once he found her. “I’m Na Jaemin.”
She smiled in that pretty way again. “I know you. You’re on the basketball team.” She looked embarrassed for a moment, flushing as she tucked loose strands of hair behind her ear. “I bet you don’t know me, though.”
“I don’t,” Jaemin admitted, “but you have a gorgeous smile.”
She beamed at this. “Hey, could you hold my cup for a second?” she asked, holding out her red dixie cup to him.
You want me to hold your cup when you can barely hold a conversation? Jaemin thought distastefully but took the cup anyway.
He leaned against the kitchen counter and waited for her patiently, and when she came back, Jaemin could tell she had left to touch-up her makeup. He could also detect the faintest spritz of perfume, but he wasn’t exactly sure, so he leaned closer to make sure.
Jaemin wasn’t sure how they ended up making out in one of the empty bedrooms upstairs, but by the time she was taking off her bra, he wanted to leave. He did his best not to look as bored as he felt throughout the heavy petting and removal of clothing, but his biggest fuck-up was worse than he had expected.
Even Jaemin himself felt mortified by what had just escaped his lips. By the disgusted look in the girl’s eyes, he was fairly confident this was going to spread around the school. As Jaemin was trying to conjure up some excuse for his actions, the girl stood up and started gathering her clothes.
“I’m not Y/N,” she muttered and left him alone in the room.
“Well, shit,” Jaemin grumbled, running a hand through his tousled hair after she left. “Should’ve told me your name then.”
Jaemin laid back on the bed, putting his hands over his face. He was royally screwed at this point and wondered if he had a shot at redemption. The fact that you were still on his mind was messing with him. Even now, after totally embarrassing himself, he was still stuck on you. To avoid further embarrassment, he pulled out his phone to deflect whatever impulsive action was creeping up his limbs.
jaemin: ok jeno im texting u instead of drunk texting y/n and confessing how badly i wanna kiss her
y/n: hi this is y/n
Jaemin wondered what sin he committed in his past life to get this unlucky.
jaemin: shit
jaemin: don’t talk to me i’m drunk at a party
y/n: jaemin you texted me first
jaemin: ugh i wanna see u so bad
jaemin: wanna make it up to u
y/n: oh my
y/n: you’re a little too drunk for that
y/n: but send me the address. i’ll come over and take you home
Jaemin was 98.75% sure that this was, by far, the stupidest thing he could do. Nevertheless, he shared his address with you and waited for you to come to get him. He hung out with Jungwoo in the meantime, slinging an arm around the older boy’s shoulder and confessing his embarrassing hookup while Jungwoo was high as a kite.
When you texted Jaemin that you were outside the frat house, he opened the door almost instantly. Jaemin couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across his face when you were standing right in front of him. You opened your mouth to say something, but Jaemin cut you off.
“I might have… might have called out your name during a hookup,” he confessed, slurring his words while he tried to speak coherently.
You looked like you were deciding whether to think it was funny or be suspicious over the fact that he tried to hook up with someone and then texted you afterward. Eventually, you ended up laughing at his story, tutting at his actions. Jaemin walked by your side, hands shoved deep in his pockets. He closed his eyes in an attempt to come back to his senses, only to be dragged back onto the sidewalk by you because he was apparently straying into the road.
“How much did you drink?” was your first question and one that Jaemin wasn’t sure he had an answer for.
“Six? Seven shots?” Jaemin counted but lost track after he held up five fingers. “I haven’t gotten this hammered in a while.”
“You’ve been flighty,” you told him. “I thought I wasn’t going to hear from you again.”
Jaemin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “That was the plan.”
End it now, Jaemin, the devious half of his mind instructed. Break it off before it’s too late.
“I don’t exactly do hookups anymore, Y/N,” he said, which wasn’t exactly a lie, but you happened to break that streak for him. But then came the lie. “I’m not looking for anything serious now either, and I’m sure you aren’t.”
They walked in silence onto the campus grounds, turning into the street where the student apartments were. You looked down at your feet, a little more disappointed than Jaemin had expected. More than that, it looked as though you were embarrassed.
Cue Na Jaemin feeling like a douchebag, which he was.
“Aren’t you the one who asked if I wanted to get to know you?” you asked him, brow arched.
Jaemin panicked, his words trapped in his throat for a second. Well, you got him there. He didn’t have a good excuse that made him sound less of a dick. Although, he was already probably about to be blacklisted from your life pretty soon, so it didn’t really matter.
“I was drunk,” Jaemin said as his brain was trying to throw random words at him. “I didn’t know what I was thinking.”
They made it to Jaemin’s apartment, which was thankfully on the first floor because he didn’t think he could stand an awkward elevator ride with you. You didn’t look at Jaemin once, but it didn’t seem as though you were angry. Rather, you looked confused, but Jaemin swallowed down his guilt and took a step back once they were at his door.
“Besides,” he continued shamelessly to deliver the final blow, “you always have Yuta.”
You rolled your eyes at him and stormed off at once after those words. Jaemin was left alone, still looking down at his feet. He let out a long, dragged-out sigh, hitting his head back against the solid wood of his door.
“Idiot,” he scolded himself.
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It took Jaemin a whole week and a half to get over you.
Even then, he didn’t really get over what happened. He just stopped blaming himself for it in front of Jeno and internalized everything else. Talking to Jeno didn’t really help, anyway, because Jaemin would just be hit with the “I told you so” and then be silently judged by his best friend.
Jeno had gone home for the long weekend, though, so Jaemin could finally mope about his apartment without Jeno smacking him upside the head and calling him a loser. Although Jaemin agreed with that, he was tired of remembering how shitty of a person and it was a constant reminder of how he treated you.
Although, he didn’t expect that reminder to physically manifest when he saw you in the hallway of his apartment on Friday night.
“Y/N?” he blurted out impulsively.
Jaemin had just decided to get something from the vending machine, not expecting to see you when he was standing in front of his doorway in his grey sweatpants and lack of shirt. His hair was bedraggled from staying in bed all day after his morning lecture ended. In short, he wasn’t exactly presentable and this wasn’t the look he wanted you to see.
“Jaemin,” you said softly, looking a bit startled. “I was just leaving my friend’s place.”
“It’s fine, Jaemin.” You managed a small smile for him. “There’s no hard feelings, okay? Water under the bridge.”
“Yeah,” you said, biting your lip afterward. “I just hope you’re not one of those guys who ghosts the girl if they don’t get sex out of it.”
Jaemin could feel the ice in your tone but brushed it off. “Honestly, I don’t care about sex that much.”
“Then what do you care about?”
Jaemin fixed his gaze on you, narrowing his eyes. He should have been grateful that you didn’t take it too personally and had forgiven him, but something was off. He didn’t doubt your reasons for being here, but an undercurrent of desire was definitely still there.
His morals were bouncing around his skull, warring with each other. Jaehyun was yelling at him to stop, but you were also there, and so fucking pretty. You wanted him, and he wanted you—it was almost perfect if it weren’t for your overprotective older brother who Jaemin respected too much. Then again, Jaemin had been shouldering too much guilt over the past week. He was sure he could handle some more.
What Jaehyun didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, right?
The hallway was empty, doused with lingering sleep. The world was dark outside but under the dim, flickering hallway light was you. And Jaemin was at his limit; he couldn’t get enough of you.
“Jaemin?” you asked, and something inside him snapped.
He grabbed your hands first before pushing you up against the wall and sealing his lips over yours. Your face morphed into a shocked expression, only making Jaemin amused as he pinned your hands up and over your head. Your lips were so warm and soft, molding against Jaemin’s lips perfectly. He felt your hands wrap around his neck to draw him closer, inciting a soft groan from the back of his throat. It was kind of pathetic that he was already hard, and he was sure you were aware of it by how he was pressed up against your lower body.
Jaemin picked you up effortlessly, scooping you into his arms by your thighs. You let out a little shriek and grabbed onto his shoulders, wrapping your legs around his torso at his encouragement. Jaemin took you into his room, kicking the door closed with his foot before heading to his room and dropping you on his bed.
He had never actually let a girl into his room, so this was a first. Somehow, seeing you on his own bed was so arousing, and he had half a mind to just take you then and there. Jaemin made you sit at the edge of the bed while he stood between your legs, hands on your thighs. You looked confused for a moment, but let Jaemin run his hands up and down your thighs.
You and Jaemin should not be in bed together. Under no circumstances should the two of you even be acquainted in the slightest. The fact that you two met was all one big, cosmic coincidence, but sometimes the stars loved fucking around with human affairs.
“I told you I had to make it up to you,” Jaemin said in a low voice, running his thumb across your bottom lip. “You don’t have to forgive me but I can’t keep being a coward.”
“A coward? More like a douchebag,” you told him, holding his wrist so you could bite the tip of his finger as you looked up at him through your lashes. “But glad you came to your senses.”
“So you forgive me then?”
You smiled, all innocent and pure, unlike your words. “Not unless you make it up to me.”
Jaemin dropped his gaze down to your shorts, eyeing them for a moment before he started tugging them down. You raised your hips to help him take your shorts off, followed by your panties. Jaemin nearly sighed at the sight of you; you were so gorgeous and so ready for him. He wanted to completely blow your mind.
Then, the nerves got to Jaemin again.
“Y/N,” he started, “we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. We can just cuddle or something.”
“Na Jaemin, if you don’t make me cum, I will scream,” you warned.
“Yeah?” Jaemin chuckled at your reaction. “I think you’re going to scream either way, though.”
“Shut up.”
Jaemin laughed, brushing your hair out of your face. He caressed your cheek, rubbing slow circles with his thumb before he dragged it down to your jawline. A small pout appeared on your lips and he ran his thumb over your bottom lip again as if he could wipe your pout away.
“Tell me if you want to stop,” Jaemin said.
Before you could open your mouth to say something, Jaemin plunged his finger in you, thumb quickly finding purchase on your clit and rubbing in slow, languid circles. He wasn’t very satisfied by your shell-shocked silence, so he added a second finger to get you moaning and squirming at his actions.
You gasped when Jaemin curled his fingers, and he relished the dazed expression on your face. He watched your eyelashes flutter and eyelids droop as he scissored his fingers in you, earning him blissful moans from your pretty lips. One of your hands was gripping the sheets at your side while the other was gripping Jaemin’s shoulder tightly. He knew he was doing a good job by the way your walls clenched around his fingers, and it made him swell with pride.
“You’re such an asshole,” you whimpered out, moaning again as he curled his fingers in you.
“Then why do you still want me?” Jaemin hissed. “You should have just hated me. I would have been fine if you weren’t so fucking perfect.”
You cried out as he plunged another finger in you. “Shit, you’re just—oh god.” Jaemin could tell you were at your peak, so he pulled his fingers out of you immediately, smirking at how distressed you looked.
Jaemin popped his fingers in his mouth, sucking off your juices. “You taste so good, princess.”
You scowled at him. “F-finish me off, at least,” you pleaded.
Jaemin gripped your thighs. “Oh, trust me, I will.”
Jaemin lowered himself and met your eyes before he leaned forward and sealed his lips over your clit, sucking harshly on the ball of nerves. You were so sweet and so wet, but what made Jaemin go crazy was the way the both of you locked eyes while he was between your legs. He let out a groan that vibrated against you.
He licked a strip along your slit, pleased with his reward of pants and moans from you. Your thighs squirmed around him so he gripped them harder and moved his hands up to your hips so he could eat you out with more vigor.
Jaemin snaked his tongue along your folds and you were gone. Already edged from being fingered, you were at your peak already. Back arching off the bed and hips squirming, Jaemin tongued your clit as he coaxed you into your orgasm. By the sound of your moans and cries, he felt like he was going to cum in his pants any second if you didn’t stop. You released over his tongue so easily, and Jaemin lapped it up as you made an effort to catch your breath.
At first, Jaemin was over the moon. He hooked up with you and wanted more. You were so enticing and Jaemin couldn’t get enough of you. Then came the crushing guilt. It registered a bit late, but it was all the more painful. He had just eaten out his friend’s little sister and couldn’t help the fact that he wanted her so badly.
“Not bad, Jaemin,” you breathed out, fixing your hair as your thighs still stiffened and twitched every now and then. “Is this the part where you push me away and ghost me for another week?”
Jaemin ran a hand through his hair, battling frustration and shame. “Look,” he started, “the reason I pushed you away was because you didn’t tell me your brother is Jeong Jaehyun!”
“Oh.” You blinked at him. “Yeah, he’s my brother. Is that a problem?” Jaemin let out a heavy sigh and you raised a brow at him. “You got a crush on him or something?”
Jaemin’s expression soured. “No! He’s my friend and teammate, Y/N. There’s an unspoken bro code between us men.”
You rolled your eyes. “Here we go.”
“Rule number one of bro code states that sisters are completely off-limits,” Jaemin said. “And, Y/N, we just pushed that limit.”
“You know, in girl code, we ask the friend for permission,” you offered.
“Jaehyun rounded us up at practice and told us that if anyone lays a hand on his little sister, he’s going to kill them,” Jaemin said. “I’m too young to die.”
You stood up to push Jaemin down by his shoulders, sitting him on the edge of the bed. Jaemin’s breath got caught in his throat when you sat on his lap, right where his bulge was painfully tented beneath his sweatpants. You traced his v-cut abs, making Jaemin shiver in response. He held your hips and swallowed thickly. He was pretty sure he knew where this was going. If you were about to ride him, he was sure he could die a happy man.
“Jaemin, my brother doesn’t control my life, so he’s not killing you over anything, okay?” you reassured him, then leaned in closer, nibbling on his earlobe. Jaemin shivered at the contact, tightening his grip on you. “But, if you’re so worried about it, then we could sneak around.”
A guttural groan escaped Jaemin when you rolled your hips against his. Were you teasing him? Because it was hard for him to think and this distraction wasn’t helping. Either way, all he could think about was making you cum again and seeing that delicate look on your face as you crumbled in front of him.
“Sneak—sneak around?” Jaemin stammered, mouth going dry when you started taking off your shirt, and fuck, you weren’t wearing a bra. “Huh?”
“Jaemin,” you said slowly, smirking as you traced a finger along his jawline. “If you don’t want Jaehyun to catch us, we can just meet up secretly.”
If this was a game of cat and mouse, there was a clear power difference right now; Jaemin felt more like the mouse while you were the cat.
Jaemin’s eyes darkened a bit. “Fuck yeah,” he mumbled, hand grazing your bare skin. His eyes devoured the way you looked, and you wanted to squirm at the hungry look on his face. It was kind of embarrassing how badly Jaemin wanted to skip this whole conversation and fuck you into oblivion.
“Jaemin,” you called again, noting how his eyes flitted from your lips to your eyes.
He gave up. “I’ll be honest. I have no idea what we’re talking about but if we’re keeping this going between us, I’m all for it.”
“Good answer,” you hummed and pressed your lips to his.
You were a damn good kisser, Jaemin observed. He didn’t notice it before, but you had on some sort of fruity chapstick on that was making his head go fuzzy. The taste was addicting, and thank god you bit down on his lower lip because he wasn’t sure if he could handle another second without his tongue in your mouth.
He pulled away for a moment so he could push you down onto the bed, getting over you. Jaemin sighed deeply as you skimmed your hands down his bare chest, fingers tugging at the waistband of his sweatpants.
“You know, I lied that night,” you told Jaemin, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I’m not usually down for whatever, but I wanted to try my chance with you.”
Jaemin tutted at you, circling a finger around your nipple. “You shouldn’t have lied, Y/N,” he said, making you whimper when he pinched your hard nipple. “Could’ve stroked my ego a little more.”
“Sorry, but I’m not here to stroke your ego, Jaemin,” you simpered, choking over your words when Jaemin pressed open-mouthed kisses to your chest, eventually snaking his hot tongue across your nipple.
“You already are,” Jaemin murmured against your skin, littering hickeys as he kissed your chest. “Your reactions are so cute.”
Jaemin sucked on his fingers for a brief moment to provide some extra lubrication, not that you really needed it. He used his pointer and middle finger to rub against your slit, your whines growing needier as you became more and more aroused. After one more needy mewl from your lips, Jaemin had enough. He tugged his sweatpants and boxers down in one go, his hard cock slapping against his stomach once it was free.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned brokenly, eyeing the length of his cock.
“Such a good girl,” he crooned down at you, teasing his cock against your slit until you were a gasping, moaning mess under him. Then, Jaemin pulled away, clicking his tongue and grinning while you narrowed your eyes at him. “Condom,” he remembered.
Jaemin got off the bed to retrieve the silver packet from his nightstand, tearing it open with his teeth in one go. He caught you staring at how incredibly hung he was, smirking proudly as he slid the condom onto his shaft. He pumped it once for good measure and moved back onto the bed with you.
He stayed on his knees, angling your hips up so that they were positioned with his cock. You looked confused by the awkward position, but Jaemin melted away your worries with a powerful thrust into you. He groaned at how tight you were with your warm, wet walls clenching around him rhythmically.
Jaemin could tell he was hitting all the right spots by the broken moans that were escaping you when he pounded in you. His own growls were low and grating, relishing the way you felt around him. You were clutching his sheets so tight and bucking your hips so often that Jaemin had to use a hand to push your lower abdomen down, smirking as he felt his cock move in and out of you.
“You’re so big,” you gasped out, looking visibly frustrated at how you couldn’t hold onto him.
“Princess, I regret not doing this earlier,” Jaemin admitted with another rough thrust into you, making you sob out some distorted version of his name. “You feel so fucking good.”
“I’m close,” you choked out, and Jaemin kindly aided you by rubbing your clit as he brutally fucked you into the mattress.
You tucked your head into your shoulder, biting back your cries, so Jaemin grabbed your hair in a fistful and tilted it back so he could see your face. A shudder ran down his spine. Your expression was so perfect, so fucked in and glazed over.
“Shit,” he growled, voice raspy from arousal as you came undone in front of him.
His nimble fingers continued to work on your clit as you fell apart, moans ringing in his ears like a song. He followed you into your bliss, unable to hold back. He leaned over you and continued fucking you through your orgasm, holding you and groaning as he, too, released.
Jaemin stopped when he was done and spent. His arms buckled as they struggled to keep himself over you, and he could only pull out and collapse by your side. He muttered out a few curses, struggling to find the right words to say as he stared up at the ceiling. That felt good? No, too dry. I’m the only one who gets to fuck you like that? No, too possessive.
He settled with “you’re amazing” as his chest rose and fell in tune with yours.
“Likewise,” you breathed out and looked over at him. “I have to go home soon.”
Jaemin didn’t know what came over him, but he rolled over and wrapped his arms around you tightly. Normally, he wasn’t one for cuddling or aftercare, but he didn’t want you to go so soon. You relaxed under his touch as Jaemin drew you closer to his body, pulling the sheets over you both.
“Don’t go,” Jaemin whispered, tucking some hair behind your ear.
You turned to look at him, running your finger along his cheek tenderly. “Jaehyun’s gonna ask.”
Jaemin threw the sheets off of you and stood up quickly. “Have a safe trip back.”
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It was the very next day when Jaemin hooked up with you again.
You had sent him a rather suggestive text, stating that you found it strenuous to walk after the previous night. In some sick and twisted way, Jaemin found this extremely hot and invited you over that night. Needless to say, you found it even more difficult to walk afterward.
The next day was the last day of the long weekend, so you spent nearly the entire day at Jaemin’s place before Jeno came home. Sure, you had sex once or twice then, but Jaemin really liked having you around. Even when you both weren’t exactly doing anything, your mere presence was comforting to him. In past hookups with other girls, he would always just get up and leave after the deed was done. However, with you, he was suddenly a sucker for aftercare.
Jaemin still felt like shit for going behind Jaehyun’s back and he was starting to question his stealth when Jeno came back home and discovered your bra on the couch.
“Oh, that’s where it was,” Jaemin said blankly, taking the bra from Jeno. “By the way, how was visiting your family?”
Jeno was still stuck on the bra, however. “Hold on,” he started, “whose bra is that?”
“You wear bras?”
“What? No.” Jaemin made a face. “The fuck?”
“Na Jaemin, did you sleep with a random girl on our couch?”
“First of all, it wasn’t a random girl. It was Y/N,” Jaemin defended. “And secondly, we did it against the wall, actually. The couch was just a poor observer.”
“I don’t know if I should be impressed or disgusted,” Jeno replied, pondering over his best friend’s words. He glanced back at the wall and inched away from it. “Did you figure out what you’re going to do about Jaehyun?”
Jaemin grinned sheepishly. “I mean, what Jaehyun doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?”
“What happened to the Jaemin who was trying to ghost his sister?”
“He got laid.”
“This is so gonna backfire on you,” Jeno replied, shaking his head. “But I kind of want to watch it happen.”
“Dude,” Jaemin whined, rubbing his chin with his hand. “I broke the bro code so hard, but honestly, the sex is too good.”
“Jaemin, I don’t want to hear about your sexcapades, thanks.”
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The next time Jaemin hooked up with you was almost an absolute disaster.
Keyword: almost.
“Jeno,” Jaemin warbled in a desperate cry, “I’m fucked. I’m absolutely fucked.”
“What’s up?” came the disinterested voice of his best friend who was sprawled out on the couch, flipping listlessly through a textbook.
“I need you to help me out,” Jaemin begged. “Y/N wants me to go over to her place but Jaehyun’s home.”
That was how Jaemin ended up behind your house, trying to hoist himself up onto a tree that was close to your window. Jeno was on the phone, keeping a lookout from his car that was parked on the street. This was, quite honestly, probably one of the stupidest things Jaemin had ever done because not only did he have a fear of heights, but he was risking his life just for his friend not to see him walking in the house.
There was something about hanging onto the branch of a tree for dear life that made a man question his pride.
“All this for some pussy,” Jeno tutted through his AirPods.
“Shut up, Jeno,” Jaemin muttered, a flush of heat rising to his cheeks. Truth be told, he just really wanted to see you, not that he would admit that.
He hauled himself onto one of the thicker branches that led to your window and inched his way along it to reach the windowsill. A frown crossed his lips as he reached out to knock on the glass. You told him you’d keep the window open for him, so why was it closed?
The answer was obvious, but it didn’t sink in until Jaehyun opened the window to see Jaemin dangling from a tree branch.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, was all that was running through his mind. His head felt like it was going a thousand miles per second but the rest of his body was short-circuiting.
“Jaemin, what are you doing outside my window?” Jaehyun asked, looking absolutely perturbed.
“I’m, uh…” Jaemin paused to think while he could hear Jeno laughing at him through his AirPods. “Jeno and I wanted to prank you.”
“Jeno? Prank?” Jaehyun questioned. “Are you not here for a study session with Y/N?”
Jaemin stilled. He wasn’t sure he had any classes with you, but surely you must have made up this excuse to Jaehyun so that Jaemin could be in your house freely. Jeno’s laughing intensified as Jaemin blinked at his team captain.
“Right, well—”
“Jaemin, what are you doing there?” your sweet, innocent voice rang from Jaehyun’s door.
There was a mischievous glint in your eyes despite how concerned you tried to look. Jaemin saw right through you, though, and grimaced.
“Just… hanging out,” Jaemin grunted out as he tried to crawl in through Jaehyun’s window.
Jaehyun reached his hand out to help Jaemin and dragged him through the window with ease, so smooth that Jaemin pretended he didn’t hit his head against the side of the frame of the window as he was pulled inside. The tree branch bounced back to its original position, its leaves rustling wildly once Jaemin’s weight was off of them. Jaehyun helped Jaemin dust himself off and grabbed one of his shoulders firmly, using his free hand to pat his back.
“Jaemin,” Jaehyun said slowly, “use the door next time.”
“Got it,” Jaemin croaked out.
“We can go to my room and study, Jaemin,” you piped up, turning on your heel to head back to your room as soon as you were sure you had his attention.
“Right, um… see you, man,” Jaemin told Jaehyun, awkwardly following after you after Jaehyun returned the goodbye.
Jaemin had been to Jaehyun’s house for parties, but being there in the daytime was unnerving. He ended the call with Jeno, quickly texting him that he was safe before stuffing his phone and AirPods in his pockets. Jaemin turned the corner to see you sitting cross-legged on the floor of your room. A loud sigh escaped his lips before he made his way in, closing the door behind him.
“You’re paying for that,” he warned.
“Oh yeah?” you asked, a laugh falling from your lips just before Jaemin strode over, pushing you down onto the floor and hovering over you. You parted your lips to speak but whatever you were going to say died on your tongue as Jaemin swooped in and kissed you.
This is a terrible place to be doing this, the rational side of Jaemin’s brain provided, but then he was kissing you and it didn’t matter anymore.
Jaemin lost himself in the kiss as soon as he was tasting your fruity chapstick. He cupped your jaw, intoxicated by the way your lips felt against his. He was so dazed that he hardly noticed you unzipping his pants, tugging them down by his belt loops.
“Aren’t we studying?” Jaemin teased, brushing his nose against yours. He glanced over at the mess of books and papers at your table.
“Mm, do you want to study instead?” you asked, drawing him closer to you. “Pass up on this and read up on some cell division?”
“Fuck no.” Jaemin scoffed, dragging his nails up your thigh. “Spread those legs for me, angel.”
A mewl escaped your lips when you spread your legs because Jaemin immediately started palming your apex without missing a beat. The burst of pride that followed made him a little braver, a little less worrisome over your older brother.
“Take off your pants,” you breathed out, tugging once more at his waistband.
“No.” Jaemin moved off of you and hauled himself up to sit on your bed. “I want you to ride my thigh.” His eyes practically devoured the way you looked. “And keep the skirt on.”
You stood up, biting your lip as you moved to straddle his right thigh. Jaemin’s hands ran up and down your thighs, moving up to your hips eventually to rub slow circles with his thumb. His lips were attached to your neck almost immediately, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses along the column.
You let a whimper slip from your lips and Jaemin started bouncing his leg steadily, his muscular thigh rubbing against your clit. He guided your movements with his hands as you rolled your hips against him. Jaemin flexed his thigh every once in a while and made sure to pull you down on him whenever he could make use of the friction.
Another moan from you and Jaemin sneered. “You’re getting off so well on my thigh, Y/N. Such a fucking tease but you react so easily.” You whined again and Jaemin shushed you. “Be quiet, princess. We don’t want to be walked in on, right?”
And, because the world hated Jaemin, Jaehyun decided to walk in.
“Y/N, can I come in for a second?” he called from outside the door.
In an instant, you practically flew off of Jaemin’s lap, scrambling back to your table and burying your nose in your biology textbook. There were a few long seconds of Jaemin silently communicating with you out of frustration. You had escaped just fine, but Jaemin just had to get a hard-on, and now that you were off his lap, it was far too obvious through his pants.
But you already told Jaehyun he could come in, so Jaemin put both hands over his crotch in a valiant (but stupid) effort to hide his boner while the door opened.
“I’m going to the store,” Jaehyun said, looking between you and Jaemin from the doorway. “Want anything?”
“No, we’re good,” you replied, but Jaehyun’s eyes were fixed on Jaemin, narrowing slightly.
“I’ll get going then, but are you good?” Jaehyun asked, gesturing at the awkward position Jaemin was in. “The bathroom’s across the hall if you need to go.”
Jaemin’s eyes flitted to yours to see an amused look on your face, and he could practically hear your voice bouncing in his skull: This is fun.
This wasn’t exactly Jaemin’s textbook dictionary definition of fun, however.
“Thanks,” Jaemin croaked out, looking down at his lap in shame. A flush of red crossed his cheeks and you barked out a laugh as soon as Jaehyun was gone. “Not funny,” he grumbled out.
An impish grin crossed your face as you asked, “Need me to take care of your problem?”
“Please,” Jaemin almost begged.
The moment you stood up, Jaemin was quickly trying to tug his pants down, hooking his fingers in the waistband of his boxers to take them off with his pants. This was awful in the absolutely best way possible because Jaemin’s hands felt clammy but then you were kneeling down in front of him, helping him take his pants off. You looked up at Jaemin when his hard cock curved up against his stomach. A breath escaped his lips like it had been punched out of him and he wondered if his eyes were as comically wide as they felt.
When the sound of Jaehyun closing the front door echoed, you grasped Jaemin’s painfully hard cock in your soft hands. Jaemin’s tongue felt like lead in his mouth. He couldn’t even ask you to do anything with all his bravado from earlier suddenly vanishing. So, he curled a hand in your hair, more for his own leverage.
Jaemin’s stomach rearranged itself to feel like some crazed etch-a-sketch rather than the human anatomy when he felt your lips wrap around his cock.
“Shit, that’s it,” he growled when you went down on him. He flushed all over, clear in the way his cock twitched in your mouth, and it made him feel like some silly, lovesick teenager. “Oh god, you feel so good with your mouth wrapped around my cock, princess.”
A sound of approval came from your throat, vibrating against the throbbing vein along Jaemin’s shaft and making him go crazy. You bobbed your head up and down, teasing him by going so slow to the point that it was nearly unbearable for Jaemin. He felt like a coil of fire was tightly woven inside him, ready to snap at any given moment.
“Fuck… don’t tease me—wait, are you asleep?”
Jaemin looked down to see you half-asleep on his cock, lips brushing against the vein along the side. Your eyes weren’t hooded but fluttered shut, head lolling to the side and your tongue grazing the underside of his head. A hiss escaped Jaemin’s lips at your teasing, but he felt more incredulous than turned on.
“I’m tired,” you said, “and you didn’t finish me off, so why should I finish you off?”
“Well, this is just unfair,” Jaemin replied with a frustrated huff as you pulled off of him. His gaze softened when he saw you rub your eyes, though. He fumbled for a moment, pulling his boxers and pants back up and tucking away the frustration of not getting his release. “You’re actually tired?”
“Kind of,” you admitted. “I’ve been studying my ass off all week for midterms.”
“Okay, well…” Jaemin faltered before scooting back on your bed until he was against the wall. “Let’s take a nap then.”
“Nap? Oh, so we—oh, okay,” you mumbled and Jaemin’s heart skipped a few beats when he saw you suck in your lower lip nervously.
You crawled into your bed and laid down, pulling the covers over them after Jaemin moved so he was right next to you. Jaemin had never exactly slept with a girl like this, but with you, his chest felt warm. It felt right. Without a word, he pulled you to his chest so you wouldn’t have to see how nervous you were making him feel, praying you couldn’t hear his heart pounding in his chest.
“You’re warm,” you mumbled to him.
And, because Jaemin was a loser who feared rejection and the reality that he was an actual human who felt real emotions, he pressed his lips to your head and whispered into your hair, “I like you.”
If you heard him or noticed, Jaemin wouldn’t have known because falling asleep was so much easier with you in his arms.
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“You slept with her? Like, without sex?” Jeno asked Jaemin that night, to which he nodded. “You didn’t hook up with her at all?”
“Jaehyun walked in the first time and the second time… let’s not get into that,” Jaemin replied. “The point is, we fucking cuddled, Jeno.”
“That’s kinda weird.”
“Right?” Jaemin tugged a hand through his hair, letting out an aggravated groan. “Maybe I shouldn’t go to Jaehyun’s place on Friday.”
Parties were one thing, but at least once a month, the basketball team would hold bonding events for everyone to unwind and chill. Jaemin usually attended every event since he was close with all of the members, but Jaehyun’s house became dangerous territory now because of you. However, Jaemin was expected to take the place of team captain when Jaehyun graduated, so he knew it would be bad if he didn’t attend all the socials the basketball team held.
“Why? Can’t keep it in your pants?” Jeno teased.
Jaemin threw a pillow at him. “Fuck off.”
“It’s been postponed to the end of the month, anyway,” Jeno assured. “Jaehyun said he had a date this Friday or something.”
“Then I’m safe for now.”
It got silent for a moment before Jeno asked, “Are you catching feelings?”
Did Jaemin like you? Sure, he mumbled it for himself to hear when he was holding you, which was pretty suspicious of him to do that if he didn’t actually have any feelings toward you. He perfectly understood the feeling at an intellectual level, but absorbing it emotionally was beyond his realm of understanding. Plus, there was no point in having feelings for someone if they didn’t reciprocate.
Jaemin only had a few crushes before, and the feelings were so surface-level that he started to wonder how many aspects of life he had missed out on because of his inability to grow close to people. That was why he had confined himself to the hookup culture because the “no strings attached” aspect was so appealing to him, but now it was backfiring because of you. It was so fucked up because Jaemin didn’t even want to fuck around with you anymore. Scratch that. He did, but he also wanted to hold your hand, go on dates, and kiss you until your fruity chapstick made him dizzy again.
You were great in bed, but what got Jaemin’s heart racing was the way you laughed when he made a lame joke and you couldn’t get over how terrible it was; the way you told stories with your hands, and your face would light up because you would get so excited; the way the food you made looked absolutely nauseating but, for whatever reason, it tasted amazing, and Jaemin could go on, but he was afraid he’d start melting in front of Jeno.
“No way,” Jaemin lied. “It’s just for the sex, that’s all.”
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It wasn’t fair that you always showed up at the one place Jaemin was most vulnerable: basketball practice.
Truth be told, you were causing Jaemin problems well before you even arrived. Hell, you had been causing problems for the past three weeks. Not that Jaemin hated it, but he couldn’t keep it in his pants every time you dragged him to a blind spot or invited him to your place. There were also times where Jaemin would just simply walk with you, or talk about your day in bed, or just hold your hand and stroke your hair until you fell asleep.
Pretty weird for fuckbuddies.
Earlier in the day, Jaemin had run into you while he was walking to his biology lecture, and after some light conversation, he had you pinned up against the back of a building. He ended up getting a very noticeable hickey on his neck from you that he didn’t know existed until Jaehyun pointed it out during practice.
“Jaemin.” Jaehyun let out a low whistle and gestured to his neck. “Finally got over your weird celibacy phase?”
“What are you—”
“Nice hickey,” Yuta complimented while he was passing by, “finally got laid, huh?”
Only then did Jaemin realize that you had marked up his neck, and did so proudly. You knew people would see but you still went ahead and did it. Jaemin would’ve been mad but somehow, the thought of showing off something you caused turned him on.
Thankfully, you showed up when practice had ended and the others were heading into the locker room, all sweaty and tired. Absorbed in their own conversations, the rest of Jaemin’s teammates were focused on talking about their last play and looking forward to a cold shower. Jaemin, however, did a double-take when he saw you, nudging Jeno to keep going while he stayed back.
You really had no good reason coming to the basketball courts. It wasn’t like you or your big brother actually wanted to walk home together.
“I’m starting to think you come here to see me,” Jaemin said smugly, making his way over to you.
“Not even,” you replied, although your fazed look said otherwise. “But I appreciate the eye candy.”
Jaemin reached out to take your hands in his and pulled you toward him. You looked down at your feet, right foot circling around one of the stray basketballs that had been left behind during practice. Jaemin, however, had his eyes focused on you. He couldn’t get tired of looking at you, especially when you were wearing that cozy purple sweater that made him want to pull you into his arms.
Jaemin noticed your foot on the basketball and held your hands a little tighter as you put your weight on it to get your other foot on. You were shakily balancing on it, grabbing Jaemin’s hands tightly as a grin slowly spread across your face.
You’re too cute, was what Jaemin wanted to say.
“You’re still shorter than me even when you’re standing on a basketball,” he teased instead, one hand slipping around your waist to keep you steady.
You pouted. “I’m basically the same height as you now.”
“Really?” Jaemin smirked at your expression, moving closer so that his lips were at your forehead. He moved his hands so they were both holding your waist, keeping you planted on the basketball. “I think I still have an inch or two on you.”
“That’s not fair,” you whispered, but Jaemin was tilting your chin up and smiling at how you were visibly growing shy. “Jaemin, my brother might walk out any second.”
“Fuck your brother,” Jaemin murmured and kissed you.
People threw around the term “time slowed down” so casually, that Jaemin believed it was a silly hoax; however, he was starting to understand it. Each kiss he shared with you before felt so rushed, but now, everything around him didn’t matter anymore. It was like every fear, every concern he had was lost as he was lost in the taste of your lips.
Your hands cupped his face, deepening the kiss and making Jaemin nearly forget that you were barely balancing on a basketball. He tightened his hold around you when you pulled a hand away to run through his hair and god, he relished that feeling. When he desperately needed air again, Jaemin pulled away, nipping at your bottom lip cheekily as he did so.
He didn’t want to see your reaction, though, so he pulled you down from the basketball and hugged you, burying his face into the crook of your neck. You were visually overwhelming, anyway, and Jaemin wasn’t too keen on seeing your reaction to his tenderness. Jaemin felt like such a melt for being this affected over a simple kiss, but all he wanted at the moment was to be closer to you.
“Jaemin?” you asked, shocked by his sudden intimacy.
“Shut up,” he murmured into your neck, “I just want to hold you right now.”
Jaemin didn’t process the fact that a third person was in the gym until it registered that the masculine voice couldn’t have been coming from you. On the bright side, the voice came from the one person who knew about whatever was going on between you and Jaemin. He then wondered why he was starting to become an optimist.
You and Jaemin both pulled away quickly like repelling magnets. There was a flicker of panic in your eyes, seeming to cool down when you noticed that Jaemin wasn’t freaking out. It was quite devastating for Jaemin to come to realize that he was the standard for what to worry over.
Jaemin, not sparing you a glance, walked over to where his best friend was standing and shoved him, not straying from his direct route to the locker room.
“You have some explaining to do,” Jeno muttered before Jaemin passed him.
“Fuck off, Jeno.”
Jeno flashed a sheepish grin at you before turning back to follow Jaemin, patting him firmly on the back to tease him. Jaemin, however, was unsettled. Whatever he felt for you was moving past sexual attraction to something much deeper, and he wasn’t sure if he could suppress it any longer.
You truly were the cat, and although Jaemin refused to believe it, you had already caught him.
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Jeno somehow managed to stay quiet about what had happened between you and Jaemin until after they reached their apartment. Jaemin almost believed he was going to pretend like he didn’t see anything, but it would be laughable to think that Lee Jeno wouldn’t mock him about it.
“That’s the thing with fuckbuddies,” Jeno explained as he shrugged off his coat, “someone’s gonna catch feelings eventually.”
“Thanks, Jeno,” Jaemin spat, tone laced with sarcasm. “You never cease to make me feel like shit.”
“So you admit that you caught feelings?”
It was like an arrow through a bullseye, not that Jaemin was going to admit to that, but the thought of him potentially catching feelings for you was terrifying. It was even more frightening because he probably already did. This was supposed to be the time where Jaemin blanched and would become shockingly avoidant around you, but he was waiting for those instincts to kick in rather than the desperate urge to run over and kiss you.
But, moreover, screw Lee Jeno for majoring in neuroscience. His best friend studying the human brain and its cognition was the worst thing that could have ever happened to Jaemin.
Jaemin paused, hesitating before he spoke, “No… I’m just worried that one of us will.”
Jeno raised a brow at him. “Whatever you two were doing was not normal for fuckbuddies.”
“It’s called hugging, Jeno. It’s not my fault you have the emotional range of a teaspoon.”
Jaemin moved to sit on the couch, turning his back to Jeno and hugging a pillow as he shrunk back into the cushion. But Jeno knew that Jaemin always listened to what he had to say. It was a natural instinct by now. Although Jaemin would rather die than say it aloud, his best friend always gave the best advice even though it was probably not what Jaemin wanted to hear.
“Are you okay?” Jeno asked instead.
Jaemin froze. He was never any good at expressing himself. He presented himself as a simple man on the outside, but he was really just layers of multitudes. But, sometimes, your mere attention was like uncut cocaine to him, and then Jaemin would wonder if he really was simple.
“I’m fine,” Jaemin muttered back.
“You’re good at being fine, aren’t you?”
Jeno fastidiously fixed his hair before he retreated to his room. Jaemin was surprised by how he cut the advice session this time and left Jaemin to his own thoughts.
Exhausted, Jaemin stared at his lock screen. It was a picture of you and him at a park. Ducks in the pond. You caught off-guard with hair in your mouth. Jaemin with a smile brighter than the sun. Who the fuck took selfies with girls they fucked on the down-low? And who the fuck set them as their wallpapers? Apparently, Jaemin did.
He was sick.
Maybe Jeno was right, but Jaemin refused to accept that possibility because that would make him even more disgusted with himself.
He could only think of one thing and it was how he was in love with you.
Sex was one thing, but love? The number one rule of best friendship was probably don’t fucking fall in love with your best friend’s sister.
Furthermore, Jaemin didn’t know how to act around you now. In the conspectus of Things That Could Go Wrong in his brain, he hadn’t anticipated actually falling for you. He should’ve taken your godsent looks and heavenly laugh as a red flag that first night because now he was addicted.
It wasn’t like Jaemin had absolutely zero experience with girls, but usually, he just went with it. Being the one chasing after you was mentally taxing and the thought of you possibly not wanting him back was unthinkable. Then again, it was pretty clear that it was mutual between the two of you, but Jaemin was confident that you were a breath away from snapping at him for his inconsistency.
He was the one that pushed you away, after all. A sudden transition from resisting to wanting you completely was sure to freak you out, so Jaemin was stuck at a crossroads.
After a few Google searches of asking the internet if he caught feelings and an episode of self-denial and self-loathing, Jaemin decided it was high time for him to call you and tell you how he felt. That, or he was going to panic and break things off before he got emotionally invested.
Before he could do either, Jeno walked back to the living room, putting his coat back on. He looked dressed up as if he was going out somewhere, and Jaemin’s suspicions were confirmed when he went to get his shoes.
“What’re you all dressed up for?” Jaemin asked, sitting up straight again.
“Jaehyun’s house.” Jeno raised a brow at him. “It’s Friday.”
God, if you’re out there, Jaemin thought, defeated. Screw you and your son. Amen.
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Jaemin had to psych himself into the proper state of mind for tonight.
That all went to shit, however, when he saw you sitting in the living room, laughing at something Yuta had said.
“Oh my god,” Jeno said in a low voice when he saw Jaemin frozen in the doorway. “Tell me you’re not jealous right now.”
“Piss off,” Jaemin spat, kicking off his shoes at the entrance. “It’s nothing like that.”
Except that it was exactly like that. Jaemin wasn’t the jealous type, but right now, his blood was roiling in his gut. Deep inside, he knew it was probably nothing to worry about, but the way you smiled around Yuta was pissing him off. Then, he realized that he had no relationship with you that gave him any right to stop Yuta from flirting with you.
And then, you turned to see Jaemin in the doorway and smiled at him.
Oh no, Jaemin thought in complete devastation. She’s pretty.
“Y/N, tonight’s for the basketball team,” Jaehyun told you from the living room, making a motion with his hands to signal you to leave. “Go to your room.”
“You’re such a nosy older brother,” YangYang chimed in, nudging a chuckle out of Jaehyun. “But yeah, Y/N, Friday nights are for the boys.”
“I know, I know,” you said with a laugh. “I’ll go now. I was just grabbing some water.”
Jaemin was still frozen stiff at the doorway as you grabbed a half-empty bottle of water from the kitchen counter (despite Jeno’s several attempts to get him to move) and then walked to the staircase to Jaemin’s left. But then you grabbed Jaemin by the front of his shirt and started dragging him upstairs with you. He barely registered it all happening in the span of a few seconds, but he was able to catch Jeno saying he’d tell the others that Jaemin was running late.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” Jaemin whispered harshly, although he still followed you into your room and let you lock the door.
This was far too risky. Not only was Jaehyun home, but the entire basketball team was downstairs.
You started tying your hair up and Jaemin gulped, realizing where this was going. “Do you want me to suck you off or not?” you asked, smiling.
“Say no more,” Jaemin breathed out, unzipping his pants hastily.
He sat down on your bed, letting you tug his boxers down, your eyes full of mirth. Jaemin felt so pathetic when his cock twitched as soon as you wrapped a hand around its girth, but he was ready to put his pride to the side for once.
Jaemin was about to rasp out something but then you took his head in your mouth and a sudden wave of heat punched him in the gut. But then you pulled away, lips against the underside of his head, and Jaemin was a second away from just crying.
“You have nice hands,” you complimented with a mischievous smile as Jaemin held the back of your head eagerly. He felt like he was going crazy with the way you were mouthing your words against his cock.
“You have nice lips,” he returned through gritted teeth. “But please shut the fuck up and get to it already.”
Your lips curled slowly. “So impatient,” you cooed, tongue dragging along the underside of his cock. Jaemin bucked his hips forward, trying to chase the sensation, but you were teasing him.
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me, Y/N.”
You smirked up at him, moving your head to lick against the slit before taking his cock in your mouth again. A few laborious seconds passed with Jaemin biting his lip so that he didn’t make any noise, and then you finally started sucking him off. He fought the urge not to groan when your tongue rolled along the vein down his shaft.
You showed Jaemin no mercy, however. It was almost like you wanted everyone downstairs to hear. He gritted his teeth when your teeth grazed his cock, and he wanted more. He gripped your hair for anchorage and fucked into your mouth. The smallest whimper escaped you when Jaemin’s cock hit the back of your throat.
Jaemin let out a strangled groan. “I’m close.”
You took this as your cue to suck him off even harsher, and Jaemin was on the brink of sweet release. A tear escaped your eyes as he fucked into your throat, and Jaemin wiped it with his thumb, drinking in the wrecked sight of you that was bringing him over the edge. You let a broken moan vibrate against Jaemin’s shaft, and he was done for.
Jaemin couldn’t recall being able to cum this fast because of someone’s mouth before, but here he was, groaning as his hot seed shot down your throat. You obediently swallowed it, eyes hazy and tear-soaked from the size of him.
A few moments of silence passed before Jaemin leaned down and pecked your lips, heart fluttering a bit in his chest as he did so. “Good girl.”
He swore he saw you lifting a finger to scratch your cheek lightly, which was a nervous quirk of yours that Jaemin had picked up on, but you turned away quickly to fix your hair while Jaemin was pulling his pants back up. The tension that followed made Jaemin unsure of whether to leave or take you against the wall. He decided against the latter, knowing that Jeno couldn’t stall forever.
“Leaving already?” you asked, reaching for Jaemin’s hand, which he gladly entwined with yours.
“I’m already on thin ice,” Jaemin explained. “I have to go back down there and hope they don’t question me.” You moved closer to him, hands moving down to graze past his waistband. Jaemin hissed slightly under his breath and diverted by rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh, so you and Yuta…”
“You’re still on that?” you asked, pulling your hands back. “I can’t laugh around another guy now?”
“No, no!” Jaemin groaned, tugging a hand through his hair out of frustration. “Nevermind, it’s nothing.”
“Is it not obvious, Jaemin?” you asked him, an edge of desperation to your voice. “You really can’t tell how I feel?”
Jaemin sighed, looking down at his feet. “You can’t tell how I feel either?”
“We’ll talk later. I have to go.”
He turned to go back downstairs, but you grabbed his wrist, saying, “Jaemin, remember that you’re the one who didn’t want anything more out of this.”
Jaemin gave you a puzzled look but before he could ask for clarification, you had pulled away from him and gestured for him to leave. He mumbled a pathetic excuse, spitting out a string of words for a moment before he gave up and snuck downstairs as quietly as he could.
He hated that you were right. Even though you had suggested sneaking around, Jaemin was the one who tried to draw the boundary. He did this to himself.
“Yo, Jaemin,” Yuta called, “when did you get here?”
“Just now,” Jaemin answered, rubbing the back of his neck as he walked into the living room where all the basketball team members were sprawled over the couch. “What’re we watching?”
“Pulp Fiction,” Taeyong answered. “Can you get the ice cream from the kitchen?”
“Sure.” Jaemin opened Jaehyun’s freezer to see two tubs of ice cream nestled in the corner. While he was pondering over whether to grab chocolate or vanilla, he felt a presence behind him and looked over his shoulder. “Did you need—oh my god, go to your room,” he whispered harshly at the sight of you.
“Are you my mom?” You raised a brow at him and reached for an ice cream tub. “Let me help you open them.”
“Fine,” he mumbled, voice fracturing at the end. He watched you move to the kitchen’s island and, carefully eyeing his teammates in the living room, letting his hand graze your thigh and whispering, “Hey, I’m sorry for earlier.”
You stiffened at his touch. “It’s fine,” you whispered back, opening the tubs of ice cream. “You’ve just been acting weird lately.”
“Weird?” Jaemin asked as he opened his tub. The ice cream dripped off the lid and onto Jaemin’s finger. “Ugh. Do you have napkins?”
“You’re so messy, Jaemin.”
“Shut up.”
“Let me help,” you insisted, grabbing his wrist and taking his fingers in your mouth.
Jaemin’s eyes widened by a fraction as your hot tongue circled around his fingers. He fought down the urge to take it further and bit his lip as he watched you. Before he could do anything, however, an awkward laugh and wolf-whistle from the living room made him freeze.
Jaemin’s head shot up to see his teammates staring at him, shell-shocked. Some looked absolutely confused while others looked more proud and impressed. Jaemin wondered if you had no shame because, despite all the eyes on them, you didn’t let go of his hand, your pretty lips still wrapped around his fingers.
“I don’t know why she’s doing that,” Jaemin rambled quickly, and his tone was so frazzled that Jeno had to hide his laugh behind his fist. “Come on, Y/N,” he urged, voice dropping for you to hear. “Let go of my hand.”
It would have been sexy if Jaemin wasn’t absolutely terrified.
Only when Jaemin caught sight of Jaehyun’s expression did you let go, saying, “Thanks for the ice cream.” With a playful smile, you looked up at Jaemin expectantly.
“What the fuck did we just witness?” Jungwoo asked, lit up silly like he had just witnessed the biggest scandal.
“We’re friends,” Jaemin croaked out. “Right, Y/N? Jaehyun? Jeno?”
Jeno ducked his head and Jaemin could tell what exactly he was thinking: I can’t help you out of this one, Jaem.
Jaemin couldn’t exactly read Jaehyun’s expression. It was a mix of emotions so varied that they didn’t make sense to him. He couldn’t even pick out any distinguishable one, but maybe it was better he didn’t know what the captain was feeling.
“I swear, it's not what it looks like,” Jaemin defended.
“So Y/N wasn’t sucking on your fingers?” Taeyong asked, a ghost of a laugh on his lips.
“Okay, so it’s exactly what it looks like,” Jaemin muttered and pursed his lips together. “But it’s—it’s nothing,” he reasoned, and at this point, it seemed like he was trying to convince himself more than them.
Either way, it wasn’t working.
Who was he kidding, anyway? They weren’t stupid, and it was clear as day that Jaemin couldn’t get enough of you. For heaven's sake, he even got jealous over Yuta making you laugh. Before, one would have to pry open the cold, hard jaws of his corpse to get a word out about how he felt, but now Jaemin felt like you had broken down his last line of defense.
Jaemin could already see the consequences that would follow, but he still blurted out, “Fine. You got me. Jaehyun, I’m in love with your sister.”
Jaemin’s neurons were tearing themselves over the fact that Jaemin had just professed his love to you and was now experiencing a state of total humiliation. He was confident he wouldn’t ever live this moment down.
The room went silent. Not only were the boys shocked, but you were, too. Jaemin himself couldn’t believe he let that slip, but there was no going back now. Jeno sat there with his jaw hung open and Jaemin couldn’t blame him. He didn’t even know he was going to drop the love bomb like that out of nowhere. Taeyong looked like he had just witnessed a murder as his eyes kept darting between Jaemin and Jaehyun, Jungwoo looked a little too proud, and Yuta was just washed over with realization.
“Oh.” Jaehyun blinked. “Cool, I guess. Does that mean you’re not joining us for movie night then?”
Jaemin wasn’t sure how obvious the shock showed on his face, but this felt too easy. For a little over a month, Jaemin had been skirting around his relationship with you because of your big brother, and now he was acting scarily nonchalant.
“You’re not mad?” Jaemin asked, wide-eyed.
Jaehyun laughed. “I mean, it’s kinda weird that you’re dating my little sister, but why would I be mad?”
“Maybe it’s because you said ‘if anyone lays a hand on my little sister, then I will make sure you look uglier than you already are,’” Yuta reminded him with Jaemin nodding along at his words. “And that was verbatim.”
“That’s for people hitting on my sister to get laid, not people dating my sister,” Jaehyun corrected. “I don’t control her decisions.”
Jaemin smiled through the internal pain of realizing he did exactly that. If Jaehyun found out he wasn’t dating you, then Jaemin was in for an earful. Thankfully, you were too dazed over Jaemin’s earlier confession to decide to start shit.
“Plus,” Jaehyun continued, “I knew you guys had a thing.”
“What?” Jaemin spluttered, blinking wildly. His tongue was performing acrobatics to formulate words but it wasn’t working.
“I had a suspicion when you climbed up my tree to get into the house,” Jaehyun said. “When I walked into the room later, that just confirmed my suspicions because, you know…”
Jaemin’s cheeks went hot when he realized that Jaehyun had probably caught onto the fact that he had a boner back then. Without a word, you rushed out of the kitchen, gaze averted which was what Jaemin supposed was embarrassment. Jaemin heard the front door open and close. He turned to follow after you, but swallowed thickly and froze in place.
“Go, Jaemin,” Jeno urged him, a tone of seriousness taking over.
“Yeah, don’t sweat it,” YangYang said cooly. “It’s just movie night.”
Jaemin clenched his jaw and nodded, thinking about how shitty it would be if he did all of that just to be rejected. Jaehyun’s house was a warzone and he knew better than to come tonight, but he still did, and he still fucked everything up. If things went wrong with you—
“Jaemin,” Jaehyun cut into his thoughts, “just so you know, I’m cool with you dating my sister.”
It was funny how a few words could make someone’s day, but Jaemin was surprised at the weight those words took off of his shoulders. He contained the joy to a half-smile and left the kitchen and walked out of your house to find you.
You hadn’t gone far at all. You were pacing along the sidewalk looking frazzled, hands lacing together and eyes cast down. Jaemin walked over to you and tried to take your hand but you pulled away.
“Did you mean what you said?” you asked, overcome with raw emotion.
“Yeah,” Jaemin replied, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I know I’m the one who didn’t want to start anything, and I lied about not wanting anything, but… this is how I feel, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I’m not exactly expressive if you haven’t noticed.”
“Oh, trust me, I’ve noticed,” you replied incredulously, lower lip starting to quiver. “I just—I don’t know—I thought I was just going to be an afterthought to you.”
Jaemin froze when he saw tears start to gloss your eyes. He never knew how to deal with people crying, especially when they were girls. He took your face in his hands and wiped your stray tears away with his thumbs, sighing softly.
“Let’s go to my place.”
“What? Why?”
“I need to show you how much I love you,” he replied firmly, taking your hand in his and walking in the direction of his apartment. “It’s kind of funny that you thought that because you’ve been all I could think about for the past month.”
More tears were starting to well up in your eyes, but you blinked them away.
Stay calm, Jaemin’s brain instructed him. Cupid can sense your fear.
“I love you,” he continued. “Should I say it again? I love you, I love you, I love—”
“Alright, Jaemin!” Your face beamed like a Christmas tree but you were still a flustered mess. “God, stop looking at me like that.”
“No,” he said, stopping in his tracks. “I’m going to keep saying it because I don’t think you get it.”
“Jaemin, we’re in the middle of the sidewalk,” you squeaked out as he kissed your cheek.
“I love you.” Kiss. “I love you.” Kiss. “I love you.” Kiss.
“J-Jaemin, I get it,” you whined out, scrunching your nose up at his affection. Jaemin continued, though, and you happened to reach your limit. You gripped his shoulders and held him away from you. “God, Jaemin, I love you, okay? You have to give me a chance to say it back at least.”
This time, Jaemin was the one to get shy. “Huh? You like me back?”
“Jaemin, you idiot, you’re so slow,” you mused, “I’ve liked you this entire time.”
He took your hand, his gaze never leaving yours, and rubbed your palm in circles with his thumb. “I know I’ve been a dick… on multiple occasions,” he admitted, “but I want to be with you.”
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked.
Jaemin wondered how many seconds passed after, but it felt like centuries to him. He didn’t budge, however, because he wanted you more than ever.
“Yes,” you finally confessed, which, in essence, was a fever dream in itself.
Jaemin expected his reaction to be different, but instead, his eyes wandered off, lost in thought. He looked toward the moon overlooking that hill where he nearly hooked up with you on the night of the party. That felt like eons ago despite being not that long ago, but it carried a comforting wave of nostalgia.
“You know, on second thought, we’re gonna stargaze.”
You looked at Jaemin like he was some undiscovered specimen, but you still followed him. He laid on his back, scrunching up his nose when the grass tickled his face, and he held his hand out to you. You took it, crouching down to lay down next to him. This time, Jaemin spread his arm out so that you could lay against his chest.
You cuddled up against his chest and Jaemin thought he could die a happy man.
He looked over at you, heart hammering against his ribcage like he was hopped up on ten energy drinks. The glow of the moon illuminated the gentle curves of your face and Jaemin didn’t realize he was kissing you until he realized he had tilted your face toward him and cupped your soft cheek. His whole body felt fuzzy when your hands rested on his chest, when he could taste your fruity chapstick.
It was kind of embarrassing how nervous Jaemin was getting. His hands were starting to sweat and he was feeling kiss-dazed, smiling like an idiot because your soft lips were everything. When he pulled away, he pecked your lips one last time, his eyes unable to leave your face.
He threw his pride to the wind and confessed, “You’re so beautiful.”
Your expression was priceless. Jaemin indulged in watching you become a stuttering, faltering mess in front of him, struggling for words that could come out coherently.
“I thought you said you wouldn’t call anyone beautiful over your dead body,” you managed.
“Well, you’re not anyone, are you?” Jaemin raised a brow “You’re Y/N.”
“You’re such a smooth talker sometimes,” you acknowledged, “you know, when you’re not completely malfunctioning.”
“Shh.” Jaemin pulled you closer. “Let me enjoy this.”
“Fine, but you’re making it up to me later for playing cat and mouse for a month.”
Jaemin scoffed. “Please, I was the mouse most of the time.”
A bubble of a laugh escaped your lips and you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend. “I’m really happy, you know?” you mumbled into his chest.
Jaemin kissed the top of your head, whispering a “yeah” into your hair. Maybe one day he’d admit that he was just as over-the-moon as you were, and maybe it would be coerced out of him hours later, but right now, under the starry night sky, he could only think about how lucky he was. It was funny, though, because now he could see the stars.
And they were so beautiful.
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notsowrites · 3 years
Untitled 3x08 Malex Coda #3
Last one before tonight! Why I get inspired to write about these two first thing in the morning when I’m drinking my coffee is beyond me, but here’s some more soft Malex with a bit of fluff.
Enjoy! <3
They head back inside not long after, the cold winter air nipping at Alex's skin. Maria is sitting up near the pool tables, cell phone pressed to her ear, and Alex focuses on the smile on her face, the absolute happiness he can see radiating off her. She looks up as they walk in, waving at them, but their presence is not enough to get her to end the call.
Michael is already back at the bar, leaning against it, knocking shoulders with Isobel, Liz sitting just on her other side. There's a bottle of wine between them, and two half-filled glasses.
"She's on the phone with your brother," Liz supplies as he joins them.
He nods. It's not new, this thing between his brother and Maria. But the two of them acting on the looks that he's known they've shared since high school certainly is.
Sliding into the open seat to Michael's right is easy enough, and it does wonders to get the weight off his hip for now. His fingers dig into the muscle of his leg, gently massaging it as he watches Michael slide another beer in front of him.
"You okay?"
Michael's voice is quiet, almost a whisper in the already quiet bar. The only other people here are people he loves, people he trusts. He nods.
"Just sore."
He goes for honesty, which seems to be the theme of the day for them, and watches as Michael's eyes dart to his leg and further down to where his prosthetic is beneath his jeans. There's nothing he can do right now, not until he's home and can take it off, remove the lining, and possibly soak in the bathtub to ease the tension in it. But that can wait, because being here, with the people he loves and cares about is more important.
It's the most important thing.
"We can leave," Michael replies, as if reading his thoughts, but Alex reaches out, slipping his hand into Michael's, and shaking his head.
Liz speaks up first, her eyes going from Michael to him, and back again. "You don't have to stay. Max is safe, thanks to you. We should take the win and enjoy tonight."
The fight leaves him at Liz's words, and he acquiesces, sliding off the stool, and stretching his leg, one hand on the back of the bar stool for balance. He can feel Michael's eyes on him, watching him, and for once he loves how it feels. It's so easy to reach out, to grab Michael's hand in his own and give it a reassuring squeeze, before he crosses the floor towards Maria.
"So your I guess it's our time vibes were only a couple weeks off, eh?" He hears Isobel ask behind him, but doesn't turn around to look at how Michael reacts, only hearing Liz's shocked gasp instead.
"Greg, hold on, hold on, Alex is here-" Maria turns towards him, pulling the phone away from her ear and wrapping her arms around him. He stumbles a bit, expecting the weight but miscalculating for how tired he is. She immediately pulls back, looking him up and down, assessing.
He presses a kiss to her cheek. "I'm fine, just tired. Michael and I are heading out, but I didn't want to leave without telling you."
She raises an eyebrow at him.
"I'll call you tomorrow." He feels his cheeks go warm, and shifts on his feet, not out of the soreness in his hip this time.
"You better," Maria laughs as she puts the phone back up to her ear, and Alex can immediately hear his brother, just can't make out the words. He watches as Maria smiles, a laugh escaping her lips as she looks back at him.
"Greg says it's about damn time."
With a bit of an eyeroll, he leaves the two of them to their conversation and turns back to the bar, surprised to find Michael is standing near the doorway. There's a feeling that blossoms in his chest, seeing Michael standing there, waiting, for him. And after spending the day together, Alex isn't ready for it to end.
"Can you take me home?"
The car ride is quiet, but not awkward. Alex pushes himself up against the passenger door, and shifts himself so he's staring at Michael as he drives. Something he hasn't done since they were teenagers when they'd get in Michael's truck and drive out to the desert - the only way after the toolshed they could find some time for themselves.
Michael's hat is sitting on the seat between them, and Alex brushes his fingers along the rim. He loves the cowboy look, even if it covers up Michael's curls. Because he really is in love with Michael Guerin any way you slice it.
His house is on a quiet side street outside town, the yard lights on thanks to their automatic timer, illuminating the terrace and the front door. He and Maria had strung them up one Saturday afternoon a few weeks after he'd bought the house, her claiming it needed some ambiance. She'd been the one to help him pick out the patio furniture, and start making the house into some place he could call home.
Michael pulls the truck into the driveway next to his SUV, and Alex reaches for the door handle, before he realizes the engine is idling. 
Does he want Michael to leave? He doesn't know. Today was a whirlwind for them - working together, talking, and Michael kissing him. As he'd pressed his face into Michael's shoulder earlier, he'd realized how much he missed this - missed Michael. There had always been something about the way it felt around him, when they weren't fighting, when they had a moment of quiet - an unexplainable calm that would fall over him. For the first time in years, he'd felt it again that morning, and then again later in the truck when Michael had touched his cheek.
He wouldn't label it an understanding, because it felt much deeper than that.
But Michael makes no move to turn off the engine, so Alex tugs on that courage he'd used all day to tell Michael what he wanted. He'd never felt the need to put into words his every day actions - and perhaps part of that was his years in the Air Force, and the work he'd done that required a level of secrecy. But keeping Michael out of the loop recently hadn't done them, or their relationship, any favors. And he hated to see Michael so angry at him.
"Shut the engine off and come inside."
He watches Michael turn to him, eyes soft and beautiful, and Alex doesn't know sometimes, what to do with the way Michael makes him feel. He never has. If he was younger, if he was more agile than he is these days, he'd climb over onto Michael's lap and kiss him here in the truck. So instead he reaches over the cowboy hat, and slips his fingers under Michael's, tightening his grip.
"You sure?"
Alex nods. 
But Michael's hesitance doesn't end there, and follows him into the house. Alex coaxes him out of his jacket, his boots, and watches as he slowly walks into the living room, glancing around as if unsure of himself. And Michael has been here before, Michael's been here a lot over the years.
"You got rid of the cameras," he says, nodding up where the one above his bedroom door used to be.
The cameras were something he'd installed under the belief that he couldn't trust his father. There had always been that residual fear he would break in and try something to get one up on Alex. So the cameras had made him feel like he was being proactive, like his father couldn't sneak up on him if he had a system in place.
"Yeah, don't need them anymore." He doesn't want to talk about his dad. Not now. It's not that he wants to brush it under the rug and never speak of it, because he knows there are a lot of things they need to talk about. But Liz's words echo in his mind about taking the win today for what it is, and doing that means not focusing on something like his father.
"That's good," Michael says, his voice low, and Alex doesn't move, just stands still as Michael walks over to him, a smile pushing up on his lips. He feels Michael's hands on his face, palms against his cheeks and lets Michael kiss him.
He feels the scratch of Michael's beard and the soft press of his lips and Alex presses forward just a little, his hands moving to Michael's hips, bracing himself. The kiss is slow and gentle, and Alex feels like he's falling. There's no rush in either of their actions, Michael's fingertips lightly scratching at the nape of his neck, their noses bumping, and their foreheads end up pressed together as their lips separate.
"I want-" He pauses, pushing back just far enough so he can look up at Michael. He doesn't want to not be looking at him when he speaks. But he thinks of Michael's reluctance to come inside, and he thinks of the words Michael had once expressed to him about going where Alex wants, and he needs to make sure this is what Michael wants too. "Will you stay the night?"
In the morning, he wakes up tangled up in Michael. There's no panic that sets in, no worry about one of them leaving, even if they haven't talked about the future yet. Because there's time for that now. And Alex knows, believes, they both want one together.
He opens his eyes to find Michael already awake, eyes open and watching him. It should be creepy, but instead all Alex feels is love.
"Morning," Michael says, leaning in and gently kissing his lips.
"Been awake long?"
Michael shakes his head. "I've never watched you sleep before. You always-" He cuts himself off and Alex can fill in the rest himself. He knows this story too.
Last night had been different though, from anything they'd ever done in the past. It felt like a new beginning for them, the way the whole day had. Michael had drawn the bath while Alex had gone through his nightly routine, finally getting the chance to remove his prosthetic. And as Alex had laid back in the tub, letting the hot water soothe his sore muscles, Michael had sat on the floor next to the tub, resting his head on his arm, and they'd just… talked.
Talked in a way they never had before. Alex had listened as Michael had finally told him everything he'd learned from Jones - from the white lies to the discovery of his own origins. He'd been unable to stop himself from taking Michael's hand as he talked about his mother, the way he'd started to doubt his own feelings about her, and the things she had done. Most shocking of all was when Michael asked to show him something, and Alex had just nodded before he was watching as Michael pulled a lighter out of his jeans and held the flame to the skin of his palm.
Instinct had him snatching Michael's hand, pulling it away from the flame - but his skin was perfect. The flame hadn't harmed him.
"I want to make you breakfast," Michael says instead.
Alex laughs, immediately burying his face into Michael's shoulder, because while a great idea, he doesn't exactly keep a fully stocked kitchen. Especially since he's a terrible cook himself, and restocking the fridge after his year spent cleaning up Project Shepherd messes hasn't been a huge priority.
"I'd like that except…" he lets his voice trail off, but leans up and kisses Michael. "I'm not sure there's much in the fridge to cook with."
Michael shakes his head, laughing, and Alex kisses him again, pulling himself up so he's leaning over Michael, his fingers stroking Michael's curls, gently tugging on the ends and watching as they spring back into place.
"Another time then."
Alex leans forward, their lips almost touching as he smiles. Because another time is a future they now have together. It's tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. "Tomorrow."
"I don't want - I meant what I said all those months ago. About starting over. And-" He pauses, thinking about every night he's spent with Michael that ended with one of them leaving, the other never staying. "We've never had breakfast before."
They trade lazy kisses, neither of them able to stop smiling, and it's slow and perfect, and Alex thinks he could stay wrapped up in Michael Guerin forever. But he gets an idea, and it's a good one. And he knows Michael will be okay with it, that Michael will agree to it. Because now he knows Michael feels the same, that Michael wants the same things for them.
"Let's go to the Crashdown," he says against Michael's lips.
Michael pushes back, not away but enough so he's looking at Alex. And there's a flicker of something on his eyes, an old hurt resurfacing that Alex can see. Another thing they need to talk about.
"Like a date?"
Alex rolls his eyes, but kisses Michael again. "Like a date. Like two people having breakfast. I just - I want to do these things with you. I want us to be able to do these things."
"Okay, Manes," Michael replies, pushing up quickly and kissing Alex, like he can't get enough. "Let's go have pancakes."
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luminnara · 3 years
It’s Been A Long, Long Time | ch 4
Summary:  When HYDRA had their prized asset, the Winter Soldier, they did something no one ever thought was possible: they gave super soldier serum to an omega. With the sole purpose of tending to him during his ruts, she spends decades living in HYDRA facilities, denied her humanity and her life. Now, years later, Bucky Barnes has his mind and his own life back...and the last thing he ever expects is to see a familiar omega again. Bucky/OC, a little angsty but mostly smutty/fluffy/romantic!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Taglist:  @kyrah-williams @oceanmermaidwitch @shawnie--jo @super-cape @ferxaniti @namjoonwatcheshentai @fandomsstolemylife00 @youngblood199456 @nightlygiggless @darlingely
Amoretta swam in and out of sleep. Whenever she surfaced, she saw bright lights and strange faces, and, assuming that she was in a HYDRA lab, she decided it was better if she just kept on dreaming. After a while, though, she couldn’t manage it anymore, and she finally woke up enough to actually take in her surroundings.
She was in a hospital bed, and...a gown? She couldn’t remember the last time she had been given clothing. When she tried to move, she found that her arms ached, and she had an IV sticking out of her. Okay, so wherever she was, they were trying to take care of her. Maybe. That seemed like a good sign. 
“Oh, good, you’re awake,” a man’s voice said. “How’re you feeling?”
A figure came into view, blurry at first, and as he got closer she was able to get him in focus. Amoretta immediately stiffened, feeling threatened by this stranger, but as the scent of omega wafted in, she relaxed slightly. She couldn’t smell any alphas nearby, and that was good. 
Two good signs so far. 
“Wh-who are you?” She asked, her voice wobbly and hoarse. Her throat was so sore that talking was painful. 
“My name is Dr. Bruce Banner.” The man said, reaching towards a nearby table and grabbing a water bottle off of it. “I’m with the Avengers.”
Amoretta frowned. “The...who?”
He came near her slowly, twisting the cap off the bottle and offering it to her. “You’ve probably got a lot of questions. Mind if I ask a couple, though?”
She gave a little shrug as she raised the bottle to her lips. It felt strange to hold, the water tasting...different from what she was used to.
“Can you tell me your name?”
She thought for a moment, brows knitting together. “Subject 1096.”
It was Bruce’s turn to frown. “Did you ever have a...different name?”
After a moment, she nodded, trying to remember. It felt like it was on the tip of her tongue, just out of reach. Had it really been so long since she had gotten to say it?
“We can come back to that one.” Bruce said gently. “Do you know what year it is?”
She thought for a moment. “19...1986.”
The doctor pulled off his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose and mumbling something along the lines of “Christ, not another one…”
She got the feeling that she was off by a few years. 
“Well, Ten...is it alright if I call you that?”
She shrugged.
“...alright. Ten, it seems like you were cryogenically frozen for a few decades.”
He nodded. “Your body seems to have handled it well, though.”
“Did I puke?” She asked, wrinkling her nose.
“Not that I saw.” He chuckled. 
Well, that was a little surprising. She had a tendency to vomit after being wrenched out of unnaturally cold naps. “Where am I?”
“You’re in my lab, at Stark Tower.”
“What continent?”
“North America.”
She made a thoughtful noise. “What month is it?”
“So Ursa Major is out?”
Bruce paused. “...well, it’s hard to see with all the light pollution in the city, but...yes, I suppose it should be…”
She let out a sigh. “I miss it.”
Her voice was already sounding tired again, and Bruce was quick to take the water bottle back before it slipped from her hand. 
“You should get some more rest, Ten.” He suggested. “We’ve got plenty of time to get you caught up when you’re feeling more energetic.”
“Mhm.” her eyes fluttered closed. “Doctor?”
“What city am I in?”
“New York.” He said, looking down at her curiously. “Manhattan, more specifically. Why?”
She smiled a little. “I wanna see...Brooklyn…”
As she drifted off to sleep again, Bruce rubbed his face. Well, that certainly was oddly specific of her to say. It was a good sign that she seemed lucid, though. 
“Captain Rogers is outside, Dr. Banner.” FRIDAY’s AI voice said. 
Bruce met him at the door, making his way out as quietly as possible. Steve looked anxious, standing with his hands on his hips as he waited for news. He hadn’t gotten a chance to find Bucky yet, his friend either working out or sleeping, and all he had managed so far was a quick debriefing and a shower. 
“I ran down as soon as FRIDAY called,” he said. “How is she?”
“Sleeping again. Just missed her.” Bruce said wryly. “Walk with me, I’m starving.” 
Steve fell into step beside him, heading towards the elevators. “Did she say anything?”
“She did. She seemed a bit out of it...couldn’t remember her name, hasn’t been awake since 1986.” He hit the UP button and stood back. “Seemed very interested in constellations, though. And Brooklyn.”
Steve stared at him. “Brooklyn?”
“Told her she was in New York, and the last thing she said before she fell asleep was something about Brooklyn.” Bruce shrugged. “Really interesting thing was her blood tests, though.”
“Blood tests?” Steve asked, stepping into the elevator and waiting for Bruce to join him before the doors closed again. 
“Definitely an omega.” Banner said as they headed up several floors. “Her scent is so muted because they pumped her full of enough suppressants to kill a normal person. Pretty sure that’s why she’s so tired...her body is working overtime trying to process such a high dose. I think it was just pooling in her system while she was in cryo, not really going anywhere, so now her kidneys are doing everything they can to—“
“Banner.” Steve interrupted before he had to listen to an entire scientific explanation. 
“Right. Sorry.” The scientist cleared his throat. “There was something else that I found already. She’s, uh…well, at some point, she was given super soldier serum.” 
Steve froze. “HYDRA gave the serum...to an omega?”
“It’s confusing to me, too,” Bruce put his hands up in defeat. “Thanks to that, though, it’s hard to determine how old she is, or who she is, without her telling us. All I know is that she’s an unmarked omega super soldier with a hell of a dose of heat suppressants to work through.”
“Any idea when she’ll be up again?” Steve asked as the elevator dinged to signal their arrival. 
“Hard to say.” Bruce said, following the alpha out towards the shared kitchen near the common area. 
“I need to get to the bottom of this, Banner. FRIDAY, will you find Bucky? I need you to tell him—“
“Tell him what?” A voice asked. 
Steve smiled in relief. Bucky was there, sitting on the couch with a plate of Alfredo balanced in his metal hand, looking mildly curious about whatever his friend was talking about. 
“Oh, good,” Steve said, approaching him, Banner following behind. “You’re already here.”
“What is it, Stevie?” He asked, an eyebrow raised. 
“Well, as you know, I visited an abandoned HYDRA base today.” 
“I’m aware.”
“And I found...something.”
“...something. What kind of something?”
Steve suddenly wasn’t sure how to describe his discovery. “Well, it’s a...not an it, I mean, I found a…”
“Rogers here brought back an omega test subject.” Bruce interrupted. “She’s down in the lab right now sleeping off some nasty meds.”
Bucky’s posture hadn’t changed, despite how awkward and almost nervous Steve had gotten. He leaned back against the cushions, slurping down a few noodles while he regarded his friend with a mild expression. 
“Alright, so?” He asked. 
“So...I was wondering if you had any idea what HYDRA was doing experimenting on an omega.” Steve said, hands on his hips in a stance that was supposed to say I mean business, so listen to me.
Bucky wasn’t bothered by it. He was the biggest, toughest alpha in the tower, aside from the rare occasions Thor was roughing it down on Midgard with the rest of them. The others could puff up and posture all they wanted at him, but it never had any effect. He was always calm and cool, generally disinterested in their displays. He knew he was stronger, and he didn’t need to prove it, especially not when he didn’t have an omega to fight over. 
He shrugged. “I want exactly privy to all their secrets. I know they kept cells full of omegas around for a while.”
“What did they do with them?” Steve asked.
“Whatever they wanted?” Bucky shook his head. “I really don’t know. If they were experimenting on ‘em, that never concerned me.”
“You’ve gotta know something, Buck.” Steve sounded exasperated. 
“Why do you care so much?” He asked. 
“Because something isn’t adding up.” Steve growled. 
“They gave this omega enough heat suppressants to last a lifetime,” Bruce said. “Her system is all kinds of messed up.”
“Makes sense.” Bucky ate another mouthful. “HYDRA wouldn’t want to deal with hormones going crazy or any unplanned pups.”
Steve stared down at his friend. “Did they let you rut?”
“Stevie, at least take me out to dinner before you start asking about my sex life fifty years ago.” Bucky said dryly. 
Steve just raised an eyebrow.
“...yeah. They did. Think they couldn’t stop my ruts.” He relented. 
“So did they...you know…” Steve trailed off awkwardly. 
“Were you ever given omegas to get you through them?” Bruce asked, proving once again how much more capable of having this conversation he was than Steve. 
Bucky finally had to glance away from them in embarrassment. “Well…yeah. But I, uh...the Soldier, he would just kind of...well, they didn’t really last long, if you uh. Catch my drift.”
Steve paled. 
Bruce gulped. 
“...what? Look, I’m better now, I’m way past that. Besides, I never meant to hurt anyone, I wasn’t myself—“
“This omega is a super soldier.” Bruce said quietly.
Bucky’s face dropped, a flicker of something passing over his face. “...what?”
“Finally,” Bruce sighed happily, inhaling the smell of leftover pizza. 
“Bucky, does the number 1096 mean anything to you?” Steve asked. He was sitting in a chair across from his friend, Bruce sitting at the kitchen island while he ate his dinner. 
Bucky shook his head. “Don’t remember any numbers like that. They mostly just called ‘em all omega.”
He was trying to seem cool and collected, but his scent had shifted slightly. Steve could catch just the slightest hint of distress in it, and as he did so, he narrowed his eyes. He may have been separated from Bucky for almost 80 years, but he was still his best friend, and he could tell when he was hiding something. 
“Why would they give the serum to an omega?” Steve asked. 
“Branching out?” Bucky shook his head. “Why do they do anything? They’re HYDRA. They can do whatever they want.”
“So you don’t remember anything about an omega super soldier?”
“I don’t know.” Bucky sniffed defensively. 
“Buck, it’s okay if you do.” Steve growled. “We’re not going to judge you for anything you did. We just want to help her and figure out who she is—“
“Well I don’t know,” Bucky snapped, big fangs bared in a warning. 
Steve responded with a low growl. 
“There’s a lot I don’t remember, or did you forget how many times they wiped my memory?” 
“Seems like you’re hiding something, Buck, and I wanna know what it is.”
“Why do you care? You should just drop it,” Bucky snarled. 
Steve regarded him carefully. Oh yeah. He was definitely hiding something. 
“Hey, hey,” Bruce interrupted from the kitchen, intent on stopping their fight before it could start. “Relax, fellas. Don’t make me get the big guy out to shut you both up.”
Steve backed down. The threat of having the Hulk going after him was enough. Bucky didn’t seem to share the sentiment, though, his lips still pulled back in a blatant display of aggression. It was the first time in a while that Steve had seen him acting so defensively about something, and it was concerning, to say the least. 
“Buck,” he said, voice low with warning. “Are you hiding something?”
Bucky’s nostrils flared angrily and the insinuation that he was keeping secrets, but he managed to reign himself back in, stifling another growl with a loud sigh. 
“I dunno, Steve.” He admitted. “There’s...a lot I don’t remember. If I’m bein’ honest with you, I’m not even sure why I’m feelin’ so worked up about this.”
Steve nodded. It was a relief to hear that Bucky wasn’t acting this way entirely on purpose, at least. 
“You feel okay?” Steve asked. “Not rutting soon, are you?”
“I’m fine, Steve.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.” Bucky snorted. After a moment of silence, he spoke up again. “Is the omega, uh...is she okay?”
“Physically, she doesn’t seem to be too worse for wear,” Bruce said from the kitchen. “The only abnormalities I found in our preliminary blood tests were evidence of the suppressants and the serum. Other than being exhausted and needing to adjust to consciousness again after decades of cryo, she’s fine.”
“Good.” Bucky said, a little too quickly. “I mean...that’s good.”
“She should be awake again by tomorrow. Hopefully, she’ll be up for a longer chat then.” 
“You comfortable talking with her?” Steve asked, looking at Bucky. “It might be good for her to see someone else who used to be connected to HYDRA. Might help her ease into everything.”
Bucky gave a nod, already distracted by thoughts of this omega. Was it possible that the girl he saw in his dreams was real? It was hard for him to know what had actually happened to him and what he had imagined, what with HYDRA wiping his memory whenever they felt like it. Ever since he had gained his mental freedom, though, he had been plagued with nightmares, his sleep always filled with the faces of people he had killed. 
As time went on, they were getting better, but they never really stopped. He just...didn’t always have to deal with the worst ones. Sometimes, he even got to have dreams that were...nice. Sometimes, he dreamt of a familiar scent, one he couldn’t really place and that he could never remember when he woke up. Sometimes, he dreamt of an omega, with long, dark hair, and the prettiest eyes he could ever imagine. He always saw her in flashes, a smile here, a sigh there, and with no idea as to who she was or where she came from, he had chalked it up to his mind trying to give him some relief from the nightmares. It had to be wishful thinking, and nothing more. 
Unless it wasn’t. 
He spent a while chatting with Steve and Bruce before retreating to his apartment. With Tony and Pepper gone for the night, spending it in some fancy hotel so that Stark could give a talk at some expo, and most of the others resting after missions, the tower was quiet. It left Bucky too much time to wander and think, and before he knew it, he was making a detour down to Banner’s lab. 
As soon as the elevator doors opened, he paused. What was he hoping to accomplish, exactly? He didn’t have the kind of clearance that Bruce did. He wouldn’t be able to sneak in, and even if he could, what would he do? Appearing at her bedside would just freak the poor omega out, and that wasn’t the kind of first impression he liked to leave these days. 
He shook his head, pressing the button for his floor and leaning back against the elevator wall. He needed to be patient. Tomorrow, when she woke up, he would be able to see her for himself and decide if his weird dreams had any truth to them. 
Not that he was getting his hopes up. He shouldn’t, after all. He would just set himself up for disappointment. 
Just before the elevator doors slid shut, though, the tiniest, faintest hint of a scent wafted in, and Bucky’s eyes widened. He knew it. He knew that scent, or at least...he used to know it. Somewhere, in a part of his mind that he tried to forget about, he had memories of a peaceful, starry night sky, a hint of pine, and a touch of cinnamon. 
Then, the doors closed, and it was gone again, leaving him confused as the elevator rushed upwards.
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chocmarss · 2 years
ooo what about dinluke and “  what the hell did you do?  ”
From prompts for emotionally stunted idiots
(Send me a romantic/platonic pairing and a prompt and I’ll write you a thing! Requests are still open!)
Something’s wrong.
It says so in the almost stiff way Luke’s holding himself, and the bright smile he’s wearing comes off as a little too bright than his usual greetings.
Instantly, Din weighs the pros and cons of wanting to be inflicted with whatever mess that’s happening in Skywalker’s Jedi Temple.
His last bounty hunting’s been difficult because the two-week duration when he’s been hunting the target’s been caused with a lot of problems; gang rivals, far too many inclusion of civilians, and the worst part, local authorities. It’s messy, it’s tiring, and the bounty’s kriffing slippery when he uses his skills as a lord of the underworld to try to shake Din off.
When it all ends in the way he wants it to be —successful and satisfying— Din’s tired, hungry, and can use a month’s worth of sleep.
The best thing that comes out of it is being fifty grand richer. And, of course, getting to visit Grogu at his school.
“Din,” Luke acknowledges him warmly. “I didn’t think you’d come here for another week.”
“Work ended earlier than usual,” Din eyes him carefully behind his helmet. “So, I decided to drop by right now. I was hoping that won’t be a problem.”
“No, of course not.” Luke waves a nonchalant hand around him. “You’re welcome to come here anytime you want.”
Din carefully doesn’t drag his answer; he doesn’t know why Luke’s being weird.
Din shifts his weight to his other leg, the satchel on his hip moving with him. “I got you two some desserts from the planet I was from. Figured you’d enjoy something else than,” He glances at the general direction of the lake. “Local delicacies.”
“Oh, thank you,” Luke says, and there’s a genuine look of surprise under the mask he’s worn. “That’s very kind of you.”
Din stares at him. Luke doesn’t move away from the door, and that’s already unusual, especially when he’ll usually usher him in the moment he knows Din’s arrived. “Where’s Grogu?”
“He’s going through the obstacle course at the back,” Luke swiftly answers. “Just. Running it all out.”
“Running what out?”
This time, Luke gives the barest of winces. Din is already shouldering himself into the temple. “Where is he?”
“I told you. He’s doing his daily obstacle course at the back.”
“Are you sure?”
Luke blinks. “I— yes, I’m sure. I’ve been monitoring his progress ever since he started. And he’s fine, Din.”
“The way you say it sounds like he’s in trouble,” Din crosses the temple and comes out of the back door, making a beeline towards the lake.
“You make it look like there’s a platoon of stormtroopers here. And the only thing in trouble are the frogs who are threatened to be processed in his digestive system.”
Din can see the lake as he stalks across the clearing. It’s the kind of murky green, mossy, and scummy kind of amphibious infested pool of water that would give Din a hard time cleaning his armour, if he ever crashes headfirst through the surface. This is why he makes a wide berth, but not enough to make it seem like he’s obviously avoiding it.
When he stands in the middle of the forest, where Luke and Grogu would deem it as a starting line, Din doesn’t find Grogu there.
He turns to Luke. “Where—“
Suddenly, something small and giggly zooms over their heads.
Din sharply turns, and sees the tail end of the kid’s robe before he’s disappeared again.
Another trill of happy laughter echoes around them, the scuttle of little feet unmistakable against the ground.
Din points at Luke with one accusing finger. “What the hell did you do?”
“He may have ransacked the whole container of blue cookies you gave us from last time,” Luke warily keeps an eye out on the continuous giggles when Grogu flies over tree branches like a speeder. “He’s been like this for over half an hour now. I’m just waiting for the sugar rush to wear out.”
Din sighs, relieved. Figures. “I’m surprised he doesn’t look sick.”
Luke snorts. “That’s because he’s puked it out enough to continue moving around. He’s gonna crash.”
Din shakes his head. Then, he lifts out the carefully wrapped package of food from his satchel. “I’ll baby watch with you.”
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
Youthful Moments
Tumblr media
Summary: When your first day as a new trauma fellow at Chicago Med involves stitching up your med school crush, you’re surprised when a conversation leads to a realisation.
Words: 1.2k
Warnings: medical talk
Wanna join my taglist?
You thought you’d walked into a war zone, but instead it was a mass casualty incident involving an El train your first morning as a trauma fellow. It was quick introductions and swinging into action, barely enough time to greet your new coworkers before going into patients. But after three hours the worst was over, and you could breathe. It’d be ok.
“Hey Doc, the other trauma fellow needs stitches. He’s claiming he can do them himself, but I don’t know.” You nodded at her, holding out your hand.
“No problem, point me to him. April, isn’t it?” She smiled at your memory.
“Yeah, thanks. Bay three.”
You opened the glass doors, seeing the shirtless man looking at his arm.
“I’ve known idiots before, and surgeons before, but never a surgeon so idiotic as to suture himself.” He turned, and your jaw dropped. “Connor Rhodes, back in Chicago? I’m surprised.”
“And they let you have a medical license? I’d hug you, but my arm.” He pointed at the cut, and you rolled your eyes at him.
“I know, April sent me in to stitch you up. Give me that needle.”
You concentrated on fixing his skin, watching Connor’s face as you stitched. Finally it was done, and you rinsed it off, taping gauze in place. You focused on keeping your fingers steady, not letting the butterflies in your stomach win. It had been five years and Connor still made you feel like a giggling schoolgirl.
“So you’re my colleague then?” He asked, and you nodded.
“I never expected to see you back here. Is saying welcome home too much?” You asked, watching as he put his scrub top back on. He’d always been proud of his abs in med school, and it was obvious why now.
“You’re the only person who knows it’s home, really. Can you keep it to yourself? I don’t want people knowing.”
“Of course. They’ll find out eventually, but I won’t tell anyone. Dinner after work? We can decompress and catch up on how residency went?”
Connor nodded, a genuine smile on his face. “That sounds really good. I’ve missed you.”
“Missed you too.”
The day passed in a whirl of work and staring at scans, getting to do your first surgery at Med. You were able to just go and work, smiling at colleagues and getting used to a new hospital system. By the end of the day you were tired, but looking forward to spending time with Connor again.
“We’re heading for drinks, you coming?” Will asked, and you shook your head.
“I’ve a few friends in Chicago, I’m meeting them for a ‘welcome to the city’ dinner. Ask me next time, I’d love to go.” You started packing your backpack to leave, excited about the evening.
“I’ll hold you to it. Nice to have you here, it’s been good to work with you.” Halstead called over his shoulder as he left, and you waved goodbye.
Connor arrived into the lounge, grabbing his own belongings from the cubby beside you. “So there’s this Italian place I really like a couple of blocks away. They do really good food, and they’ve some great wine. Sound good to you?”
“Honestly anything involving carbs sounds great, I worked through lunch and I’m exhausted. I drove in, direct me on where to go?”
It didn’t take long for you to find parking and arrive at the restaurant, and Connor knew the staff well enough that they didn’t make him wait for a table, sitting the two of you down to eat. It was while you were on your appetisers, sharing your food like you had in med school that Connor spoke.
“We really haven’t changed since then, have we?” Connor asked, and you shook your head while chewing. “You know most of our friends were convinced we’d end up dating, right? I’m pretty sure there was a betting pool on us.”
“I know. Hope told me if I’d kiss you she’d give me fifty dollars because it’d mean she won.” You took a sip of your wine, the memories of trying to study while your roommate begged you to make out with Connor came back to your head.
“Ryan gave me the same offer. I thought it wasn’t fair to make out with you for money, plus I figured it’d ruin our friendship.” You nearly choked on your wine, but hid it from Connor. Or you thought you had. “What? That surprised they tried to do it?”
“No, it’s not that.” How the hell did you admit this without sounding like an idiot? “I had a little crush on you then. If we’d kissed, we both would have been up fifty bucks and they could have been happy.”
Your main course was brought to the table just after you finished speaking, and by the time the plates were on the table and you’d topped up the two wine glasses, you were able to move the topic of conversation to the first day as a fellow, and how Connor had decided to come back to Chicago. He laughed at you saying you’d be fine in the snow, warning you that when the polar vortex came you’d be in trouble.
You turned down dessert, full of fantastic food and just wanting your bed. Connor got the bill, and you tried to argue with him but he insisted on paying so you waved him off, promising you’d buy lunch for the next week in return. It wasn’t until you went outside and were almost at your car before he stopped you.
“Did you really not know I was head over heels for you in med school?” Connor asked, spinning you around to look up at him. “The only reason I didn’t do anything was because I was convinced you had no feelings for me. They all said I was an idiot for thinking that.”
“If this was five years ago…or even nine when we first met, I thought I was completely in love with you. Finding out you matched in Miami while I was in Seattle nearly broke my heart, you know that? I’m just glad we get to be friends and we’re in the same city.”
Even mentioning the match day broke you. The two of you had put your match cities in identical order, convinced you’d both match successfully in the same city and be able to stay close. But when you said Seattle, and he grinned for you and said he was in Miami, you could do nothing but smile and pretend to be delighted for him.
You were lost in thought, the tears of that memory coming forward before Connor raised your chin and kissed you. You’d never believed that a kiss could be electric, but that’s exactly what this was. He put his arm around your waist, pulling you tight before you separated.
“I’ve wanted to do that for years. For way too long. Can we call tonight our first date?”
You grinned while nodding before reaching up to kiss him again. And three weeks later, when you disclosed your relationship to HR, a photo of him kissing your cheek was sent into your group chat with your friends. It lead to an argument on if the pool was still valid.
Taglist: @wanniiieeee @underscorejayden @chazubagi @elisafestari @suane007-blog @resanoona @sophiatellerrhodes @eternal-olicity @secondaryjob @dissociation-writes @xxxjocexxx @23victoria @thestarrynightslover @camillybconn
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mrs-march-ahs · 4 years
can i request some hcs about the evans (or either jimmy or kyle!) with a more dominant reader?? (gn or male if you can) ty!! congrats on 300!
How Would The Evans React To the Gender Neutral Reader Wanting To Dominate Them
Another request was-  how would the evans react to the reader wanting to peg them?
So I combined the two, hope you don’t mind! Enjoy! :)
-Would of course be totally up for it
-Happy to be submissive
-Mainly because he wants to be taken care of every so often
-You have to kiss his neck for at least 20 minutes so that he can melt in your arms
-Find a certain spot and give him a hickey and he’ll turn into jelly
-His favourite position to take it up the ass is to just lay on his back and hold his legs up a little bit
-Or even better, you hold them up so he can relax
-His other favourite position is to lay flat on his tummy, with his legs together, and you straddle his thighs
-Either way he gets to sit back and relax while you make him feel good
-Once he gets a little more comfortable he’d love it if you teased him a little bit, like don’t touch him just fuck him so he can cum hands-free
-If he keeps reaching to stroke himself, pin his arms at either side and he’ll blush
Pre-Death Kyle
-Would be a little more hesitant, and would need a lot more reassuring
-Maybe go for a long shower together first so you can wash his hair and wash his body so he can relax a little
-At least an hour of foreplay or don’t bother
-Right when he’s about to flip you over so he’s on top, you stop him and remind him that you’re in charge
-Little kisses on his thighs and tummy while you prep him to make sure he’s relax
-Tons of little compliments
- “You’re doing so well baby”
-When he moans a little, “You’re purring for me, kitten”
-You’d make love to him rather than fuck him, especially the first time
-If he liked it a lot a few days later when you’re making out he’d awkwardly be like
- “You know like… how we did it on Tuesday? Wanna… maybe do that again? We don’t have to! But-”
- “On your hands and knees, kitten”
tw- mention of sexual trauma
-He’d be up for the idea but would be a little nervous just sitting back
-Because of the sexual trauma he’s experienced, he would be hesitant to not be in control, because when he’s in control, he can stop whenever he wants
-You’d make up a safe word system, like traffic lights
-If he said amber, you’d stop what you’re doing or slow down until he said green
-And if he said red you’ll pull out/stop completely
-You’d first describe everything that’s going to happen so there’s no surprises
-Would only put a finger in when he’s reassured you that it’s fine, same with the second and third
-Although it’s tempting to avoid his prostate with your fingers so that when you hit it with your dick/dildo it’s amazing, to make sure he feels good you’d rub over it a little
-Just a little to test the waters
-But a moan would slip out and he’d be like, “Hold on, w-what did you do? What was that?”
- “Oh you mean this?”, you said as you curled your finger up to the spot again. A shiver possesses Kyle’s body as he arches his back.
-You’d suck his dick as you fingered him, focusing on him much more than yourself
-Probably wouldn’t end up fucking his ass the first time although you wanted to, because he’d be shaking and moaning so pretty that you wouldn’t have the heart to stop
-The second or third time though, you’d prep with your fingers and then right when he’s about to cum, pull them out and lube up your cock/dildo
- “Ready for this now Ky?”
-He’d nod but still be a little nervous, holding onto you as you fucked him
-He’d pump himself like crazy and even after he’d cum, he’d beg you to keep going a little longer
Jimmy Darling
-Most sex with dead Kyle is you dominating him
-Riding him, cowgirl, sucking him off
-Even when he fucks you, you still hold his hips and guide him to help him find a rhythm
-A rhythm that he loses when he gets too close because he can’t control himself
-Eventually you’d try to explain to him how anal sex would work, and you’d let him try it on you first
-He’d wriggle a lot trying to get used to the slightly uncomfortable feeling, but soon enough would grab your wrist and be pushing your fingers deeper
-Loud grunts, pumping himself like crazy, whining if you slow down, even after he already came
James March
-He wouldn’t be turned on by the idea but would be willing to try it for you
-You wouldn’t be able to baby him though
- “You’re doing so well sweetheart”, “Just put it in, Y/N”, “Oo, feisty”, “I’m about to flip you over and fuck you into the mattress”
-If you dared to spank him, he’d pick you up and put you over his lap and spank you until you’re bright red
-He’d love giving anal to you, but when you first start prepping him with your fingers he’d ask so many questions
- “This doesn’t feel good at all, how can you take this for me? My dick’s bigger than that, doesn’t it hurt?”
-But once you’re all the way in, you’d give him a few seconds to breath before moving
- “I feel so full, but it doesn’t feel that gre- shittttt”
-If you tried to be cheeky, you could pin his hands above his head so he can’t touch his dick
- “I’m gonna punish you like crazy for this, princess/ sugar”
Kai Anderson
-Would be hesitant at first but likes being a sub
-Eventually would be willing to try anal, but only once, and only a little bit
-You’d suck him off and rub his ass and he wouldn’t mind
-Then slowly you’d wriggle a finger in, and although he wouldn’t like it too much, you sucking him would still feel good enough
-Eventually before he knows it you’re fucking him with three fingers and he’s moaning like crazy
-He’s push your head down on his cock when he’s about to cum, and you’d push your fingers in as deep as you can
-He’d be so in shock that he came from that, that he’d need a few minutes to recover
- “Dearest, I didn’t expect to enjoy that, but you do work magic with those fingers”
- “That was just prep work James, are you ready for this?”, you said, slapping your cock against his stomach, swirling it around in the pool of cum he left
- “Think you can cum again for me Jimmy?”
- “For you? I’ll do anything”
-Always on top
-Man or woman, he’s on top
-Even if he’s tired and just wants to fuck and go to bed, he’s on top
-The only way you’d be able to dominate him is if you tricked him into it
-But he’d love it
-Check a smut I wrote about this situation :)
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5lazarus · 3 years
Salt, Flesh, Heat
Bull notices that Solas is a deeply sensual person, reveling in clean clothes, good-smelling herbs, and hot water. He's also deeply masochistic. When the two find themselves enjoying the baths one early morning in Skyhold, Bull decides to press. Solas decides to play along. A @black-emporium-exchange gift for gamerfic. Read the other works in the AO3 Collection here! Read the story on Archive of Our Own here.
Steam on skin, worn wood pressing slick into his back as each vertebrae clicks: the Iron Bull sighs as he unwinds in the Skyhold baths. Few beyond the servants and the hungriest soldiers and Josephine herself were up at this hour. Bull has the steam room to himself. Carefully he unwinds his bulk onto the bench, laying his towel over his eyes. The clearcut eucalyptus smell lingers on his skin, sweated into his muscles. He groans aloud as a muscle in his bad knee pops.
“Fuck, that’s good,” he grunts.
Then the door opens and the dawn rushes in. Bull lifts the towel from his remaining eye. Solas stands there, a bit nonplussed. Shit, Bull thinks, and slowly makes room.
Solas lets the door close firmly shut. He holds a bundle of white birch twigs and dried eucalyptus.
Bull grins. “Want me to hit you with that?”
Solas climbs onto his bench and drapes himself on the upper story. “That may not be necessary.” Right, Bull thinks, you self-flagellate enough for both of us. He inhales deeply. “Would you mind putting more water on the stone? Some of the steam escaped.”
Bull says, “Uh, sure.” Slowly, because the ache in his body is delicious and he savors it, he reaches for the ladle and throws another pail of water onto the heating stones, and then another, and another. He hears Solas settle onto his bench, right leg stretched out. Bull turns to look. The man’s pale, graying red hair trailing down his chest. Dorian managed to catch a glimpse of his cock when they bathed after a particularly fetid journey into a Dalish swamp, and reported that it was the largest he’d ever seen on an elf and one of the bigger he’d seen on a man. Bull has to admit he is curious.
Amusement in his voice, Solas says, “Are you quite done?” Still tense, he turns away from Bull. He’s wiry, built broader in the shoulder and legs than most mages he’s met, but still has a weak core. Blackwall told him he’s fought in “some elven skirmish,” and he looks like a man about to retire from the field. He has a slashed scar on his right shoulder and claw marks on his right leg.
“Where’d you get that?” Bull points.
Solas does not turn around. Bull’s eyes travel down his back and rest on his well-shaped ass and thighs. Solas is a bit too thin for him, practically speaking, but he does like to look. He’s built like a dancer gone to middle age, rather than some Emerald Knight stalking the Dales for humans to kill, or—so he has heard from Ben-Hassrath stationed in the outskirts of the Tirashan—Dhal’Vallaslin chasing down strange elves with crimson vallaslin, who sacrifice the living to their long-forgotten gods. He seems more the type to plan and give orders, than carry out the dirty work himself, though of course Bull has seen him do it. He saw what he did with those Kirkwall mages.
Bull asks, voice casual, “You know, you’re kinda built like a dancer.”
At that, Solas shifts. He opens a single blue eye, looking down at him like a large cat eying a much smaller, squeakier dog. “I was many things, as a youth.”
“A dancer?” Bull says, taken aback, and slightly turned on.
“Not that,” Solas laughs. “And you, Iron Bull? Were you ever a—performer in your youth?” Solas slowly raises to his knees and leans over, taking the ladle from him. In one easy swoop, he throws more water onto the steaming rocks, and leans against the wall, inhaling deeply.
Bull says, a tad defensively, “That’s not how we do things in the Qun. I was earmarked for the Ben-Hassrath pretty early on.”
Solas says, “But there are many ways of being a spy, regardless of how your government attempts to standardize. Though I suppose you are too—big for the more subtle aspects of infiltration work.” He stretches. During his time with the Inquisition, he has put on enough weight and muscle that his ribs no longer show.
Bull says, “I did my job okay. Most of it is people-work. Watching, being watched. Don’t need a lot of variety in that.” He snorts. “The less, the better.” He eyes the bushel of branches Solas brought with him to the bania. The eucalyptus mingles wonderfully with the heady scent of sweat. He says, “Are you sure you don’t want me to hit you with that? That’s why you brought that here, right? I thought that was just a Dalish thing.”
He’s hit a nerve. Solas says sharply, “The Dalish do not monopolize all aspects of what has become of my people’s culture. And one simply…rubs the body with it, harder force is not necessary.”
“Ah,” Bull teases, “but if you really want to get the eucalyptus into the skin.”
“And I assumed this early, I would be alone,” Solas says flatly. “How is your knee, Iron Bull?”
Bull grunts, “Shitty. Running from all those demons tore it up again. But this helps. How’s yours?”
Solas pauses. Bull edges to the intersection of the benches, trying to find enough space to spread his leg out without having to sit on the floor. He maneuvers his bulk carefully, and gently lifts his bad leg onto the bench, folding his good leg underneath. It’s a vulnerable position, but he can see the door.
Finally, Solas admits, “My sleep has been disrupted with the amount of strain I’ve put my body through. I am hoping this will help before I must return to my desk and Vivienne’s lectures, as we calculate yet again the futility of using templars to isolate the rifts.”
Bull chuckles. “She’s still on that?”
“She has relented that a team of templars cannot hold the perimeter by themselves. We differ on how many mages are needed to perform the ritual to stabilize the Veil, and how vulnerable it leaves them.”
Bull says, “Give yourself a little bit of a good thing before you charge into the bad. That’s what I like about you, Solas.”
“Oh?” Carefully Solas climbs down onto the lower bench, favoring his unscarred leg.
“You know, you’re such a sensualist. You clearly like the baths, you don’t mind talking, you like the birch broom and feeling your blood roil and all that. I’ve seen you flirt with the Inquisitor before, and you were positively purring at the Winter Palace. But!”
“But,” Solas repeats, looking up at him. “But?” He is enjoying this, Bull is amused to realize. He enjoys it when people talk about him. As a younger man he must have preened. With that red hair, he would’ve had to.
Bull says, “But you never go all the way. You never fully surrender yourself to it. You get tipsy but not drunk. And you never let yourself alone with the Inquisitor, or anyone, really.”
“I am here with you,” Solas points out.
Bull shrugs. “And even though you like to talk, you like to argue, to debate, you never hang around the Mage’s Tower, or go back to the tavern with Dorian and the others. You keep patching up your shitty homespun even though with the Inquisition salary, you can buy yourself proper robes. You’re a masochist, man. I’ve never met someone so—sensual—who likes to torment himself so much.”
Solas is silent. Sweat pours from both their bodies, dampening the smooth hot wood. He fingers the bundle of oak twigs and eucalyptus, rubbing a single leaf with his thumb. Lowly, voice pooling like steam, he says, “Surely I do not need to tell you of the pleasure of desire, long-denied, finally sated. Or of living simply, with the occasional indulgence in luxury. After all, what is an elvhen apostate to do with silk? I take pleasure in making and mending my own garments, Iron Bull. As for other indulgences of the body…”
He trails off and Bull swallows heavily. He flicks his tongue around his lips. The air tastes of clean water and sweat: his own and the sharper, earthier scent of the elf’s. Every species has their particularities.
Bull says, “In the Qun, we believe in moderation, sure. And if you’re into edging, more power to you. But you know that’s not what I mean. If someone ends up that tightly-wound, that isolated, the Tamassrans intervened—“
“And if you do not give a proper showing of yourself, they break your mind and set you sweeping floors,” Solas says flatly. “I have seen how such authoritarian systems deal with dissenters. I take my pleasure in my own ways, in my own time. Not at my commander’s orders.”
Bull says, “It’s not like that. Sometimes you just need a good fuck, or a massage, or to be sat down in a discussion group with the priests and get into an argument all night long. The Tamassrans just prescribe the medicine. It’s good, it works. Keeps you from going too far.”
“Which is precisely why there is no Tal-Vashoth problem in Par Vollen,” Solas says. “Once, while in the Fade—“
Bull groans, “Right, let’s put some demons into this.”
Solas says, “Do you ever tire of repeating what your elders have told you, or would you like to learn something? Once, in the Fade, I saw a young Qunari working in a simple kitchen, baking bread as she was ordered every morning.”
“Cute,” Bull says. “So I’m not the only Qunari you’ve asked about their horns.”
Solas ignores the dig. He continues, “In every loaf she broke the rules. She’d take a pinch of sugar and would fold it to the center, like a secret.” He leans back with a fond smile. “And this act of small rebellion brought a shining smile across her face.” He spreads his hands, as if he has laid a winning flush in their game.
Bull thinks, you had to have been a slave. Are you the baker? Rather than provoke him further, Bull takes a different tact. “Hey, Solas. Why do you shave your head?”
Solas blinks. He raises a hand to his scalp, which is beginning to get bristly again. He says, “Fastidiousness, or lack of fastidiousness. Take your pick.”
Bull says, “No, really. If you can ask me how I put on a shirt I can ask you about your hair. Why do you keep it shaved? You’re not naturally bald, are you?”
Solas eyes him. “I am certain you have heard Dorian complain, at length, of the difficulties of keeping his hair perfectly coiffured and shaved while traveling. I have been nomadic most my life. It became easier, this way. Particularly since it is such a prominent color.” He shifts slightly.
Bull says, “Hey, I like red heads.”
“I know you do.”
“Don’t you ever think about growing it out?”
Solas laughs. “No. Never.” He pops his knee up and stretches his other leg, sighing as the muscles in his back audibly crack. Taking the bath broom, he begins rubbing the leaves into his skin. The air fills with its medicinal scent, and under that: earth.
Bull says, “I can rub that into your back.”
Solas says, “I prefer to take my pleasures simply.”
Bull says, “But I can look.”
Solas rolls his shoulders back and begins rubbing the bundle into his arms, swiping sweat away. “I never said you could not.”
Bull, frustrated, brings his bad leg down with a thump. He says, “You gonna take a dip in the cooling pool? Or is that too much of an indulgence for you?”
“My people first discovered this way of bathing,” Solas says distractedly. “I will take any opportunity to enjoy it now that I can, however primitive our facilities in Skyhold.”
“You’ve got baths, out in the woods?”
“You’ve never built a steam hut, and then flung yourself into a snow drift? Really, the Qun did not let you enjoy your youth.”
“But your people did,” Bull says, seizing on this note of autobiography.
Solas places the bundle on the bench. He stands up in silence and tosses another ladle of water onto the furnace. The room fills with steam, and Bull feels sweat pool in the back of his head.
Solas takes his towel and wraps it loosely around his waist. Looking over his shoulder, he says, “I took pleasure when it came my way.” With that rejoiner, he grins, and opens the door. Bright light and cool air pools in; the steam thins. The day has begun. Solas leaves.
Alone in the steam room, wonderfully hard, the Iron Bull says, “Fuck.”
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mellow-em · 3 years
Bittersweet Temptations
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[special dt @bluewingedangel <3]
Your neighbors, Nathan and Elena, have been friends with your parents for years. Whether it’d be family gatherings or vacations, they were around; they were family. But when you return home from your final years of college, what will happen when you find that it isn't just them living in the house next door anymore?
The afternoon sun brought in a relaxing mixture of natural light from the windows, but I wasn’t even remotely focused on it.
My right leg was bouncing hastily under the kitchen table while I prodded my salad with a fork. I tossed a particularly small carrot around in the bowl, swirling it around the sea of other vegetables.
“Are you gonna eat that or play around with it sweetie?” The sound of my mothers voice raced right through one ear and out the other one.
I only sighed in response, and leaned the side of my head on my hand, not bothering to look up at either of my parents that sat across from me.
They urged me to consistently have family meals with them today, in an attempt to dine on the experiences I had away at college. If they’d asked me to do this at any other time, I wouldn’t mind.
But my head was clouded by something else; or should I say by someone else.
Last night refused to escape my line of thinking. Even after it all went down, I went back to bed to try and fall back asleep, but it was absolutely no use.
The cunning quirk of his lips as he smirked back at me was an image that glued itself to the front of my brain. I reeled around in bed until sunrise, unable to silence my thoughts regardless of any persistence. So as of now, I was beyond exhausted.
“y/n? Are you alright?”
I jump faintly in my chair, with my fathers words pulling me away from my cogitation of the man from the pool, “I’m um.. I’m fine, sorry.”
I gave them a toothless smile as reassurance, but by the exchange of looks they both gave each other, they didn’t seem too convinced.
I shifted uncomfortably, and stabbed the carrot I was messing with. I slowly bring it towards my mouth, finally having the compulsion to take a bite.
Until the man’s wink decided to project in front of me, as if I was experiencing the whole ordeal all over again.
I abruptly dropped the fork into the bowl, resulting in a reverberating clash that not only startled my parents, but it startled me back into reality again.
“Jesus y/n, what’s gotten into you?”
I’m asking that same question, mom.
“Nothing, I uh- think I’m just tired,” the excuse flew out of my mouth in a panic, “I’m just.. I’m gonna go shower for the party later.”
I hurriedly sprung from my seat, and scurried up the stairs to the bathroom.
“Well that was smooth, dumbass,” I muttered out in the open, while slamming the door behind me.  
That son of a bitch is driving me crazy, and I haven’t even had a single conversation with him.
I take a few steps into the bathroom, placing both of my hands on opposite sides of the sink, leaning over with my body weight. With my head bowed down to the direction of my feet, I suspired deeply.
This was stupid. The brief interaction was embarrassing, yes, but with how I reacted today during lunch, especially when the party was happening later on today..
I just needed to stop thinking about what happened last night.
Act like it didn’t happen.
It didn’t happen.
Turmoil carried on in the form of muffled conversations, and distinct bass from the speakers on the lower levels of the house. Even being upstairs in my room, the walls weren’t thick enough to block the noise that derived from the party.
Of course, my dad’s annual excuse backfired, and instead of the party being fairly small, it was as big as the rest of the parties we've had in the past. Although I really shouldn’t be surprised, knowing this really has carried on for 10 years at most.
As of now, I could only assume that the booze was already out for everyone, and by the end of the night, I could guarantee that almost half the people here will be drunk. It reassured me though, especially when I’ll probably end up being one of those people.
I could use a little alcohol in my system; to let myself go a little bit.
While fixing the straps of my white sundress, I looked at myself in the mirror, making sure any scraps of exhaustion were not visible on my features. Despite longing for a few hours of rest, I knew for a fact that I wasn’t going to get much yet again.
With satisfaction, I back away from my vanity, and start for the door that barricaded me from the chaos.
The exchanges of laughter became much more pronounced as I slowly opened the door, and traveled down the hall. My feet carried me towards the stairs, shaking from the rumble of the speakers seeping through the walls and floors.
It was a blessing that the noise didn’t affect our neighbors enough for them to make complaints; but that was mostly because they were all here.
With each step down the flight, more of the party overtook my vision. Guests were dispersed amongst every room as far as I could see, gathering around each other in hopes of starting conversation over the music. It had been fairly crowded to say the least.
Immediately after I make it to the ground floor, I’m bombarded by my mother.
“Hey honey, Nathan and Elena are outside if you want to say hello to them!” her slightly raising her voice didn't really help much, with us being right next to the speakers. But I nodded letting her know I understood.
Turning away from her, I then faced the crowd of people in front of me. I start to weave my way through, making slight pauses along the way to thank them for coming. Most of the people around me had a slight stench of beer already, making me scrunch my nose; that smell is definitely going to linger afterwards.
Eventually making it to the door, I slide it open and step out, letting the freshness of the outside air fill my senses. I quickly noticed the difference between the outdoors and the impeded aura from inside the house. It felt like I was finally able to breathe.
After shutting the sliding door behind me, I strolled away towards the yard.
I made sure to make a slight detour to the cooler to grab myself a beer though, rashly cracking it open as soon as I got my hands on one. I take a swig while observing the guests around me.
As soon as I saw a familiar head of blonde hair a few yards away, I could feel myself smile widely. I hadn’t seen Nate or Elena in four years, and being back home now is making me realize how much I missed them.
The both of them had moved into the neighborhood about a year after my family, and that was over 15 years ago. Ever since then, they hit it off more than you could imagine.
They had all gotten so close to one another, that they’d have annual dinners together, game nights and tag along on all of our family trips. They would even bring in their ideal vacation spots up to us, which evolved into us traveling to entirely different countries most of the time.
While Elena and my mom went to any beach they could find, and my dad found the bar, Nathan really wanted to drag me along to the historical landmarks and teach me about everything he knew. It made our relationship blossom, and now I considered him my second father.
Plus, because of him I began to develop an endless love for history.
I liked it so much that I made the decision to go to college for it. Nathan’s reaction when I told him before I left was something for the cover of a photo album, and I just knew already that a million questions were going to arise when I got to them.
I stepped down from the deck, and walked towards them with my lips still curled in a smile.
As I made it closer to them though, my gaze became hazy. With my brows contorting, my confused demeanor became more visible with every footstep I made closer to Nate and Elena.
There was another man wrapped into their conversation. He was taller than the other two, especially Elena. I noticed his hair slicked back ruggedly, from above the others’ heads. Though, I still couldn’t get a proper look at his face yet.
I turned my direction slightly to discreetly see who my neighbors were conversing with. My curious nature was overriding my body.
I should have just listened to that universally cliche phrase.
Curiosity did kill the fucking cat, and I wish it would just kill me now.
From here, I had a clear view of his face. He stood there listening to Nate’s banter, with a cigarette wedged between his lips.
The lips I had been staring at the night before, along with the rest of him.
Shit shit shit shit shit.
By this point I would’ve  been repeating my annual habit of staring in place. But  fortunately, I turned on my heal sharply to try and escape.  
“Oh my god y/n?” My breath hitched while Elena's voice rang out towards me.
Well great.
I held that particular breath in as I turned my body once more to face her. My warm smile returned to my face, but a layer of embarrassment and panic riddled beneath the surface.
“Elena, it’s so good to see you,” I went over and wrapped my arms around her carefully, keeping her baby bump in mind, “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too,” she returned the hug, leaning close to my ear, mumbling, “especially when I’ve had to deal with him all alone. I swear sometimes I really question whether the pregnancy hormones are hitting me or him harder.”
I look over at Nate for a quick second, stifling a laugh while I let go of Elena. The two of us continued laughing faintly, certainly gaining the attention of Nate.
“What are you two laughing about? What’d I do this time?” Nate looked genuinely perplexed, which made it funnier.
“Oh nothing, Nate,” Elena and I looked at each other, smirking as she spoke.
Even with Elena and I’s pleasant interaction, that uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach just wouldn’t quit. I just knew he was watching my every move.
Especially, when in the corner of my eye, I watched his travel with me as I went to give Nate his hug.
“It’s good to have you back, Crash.”
Hearing the nickname took me away from my thoughts on the man behind me for a moment, and made my smile lift. 
“It’s been too long, Aku.”
We stayed this way for a few more seconds, until I feel him pat my back. I let my arms fall away from him, and return to my spot in front of them.
I then feel my head slowly turn over to the unknown one of the three; well to me he was unknown. 
“So who’s this?” I cross my arms in front of me, anticipating an answer from one of them.
But silence continued to radiate around us. 
They all stood there, exchanging looks with one another, making me raise one of my brows. While awaiting a response I decided to take a long sip of my beer, feeling the cold liquid slide down my throat. 
That is, before Nate finally spoke up, “Y/n, this is Sam,” he paused, and I could see the hesitation written all over him, “Sam Drake.”
I almost choked on my beer as soon as I heard the last name. I thought for a solid minute that my eyes were going to fall out of their sockets. 
“Is this your-” I pointed between the both of them.
“He’s my older brother.” Nate finishes my sentence, as he scratched at the back of his neck. 
My face fell even more if it was even possible.
Nate was in his early forties to begin with, so that would make Sam…
I looked at Sam’s face intensely again, specifically at the wrinkles that were tainted across his face. Now that my brain was functioning properly, unlike last night, I noticed how many there really were. 
Great. Not only was I checking out Nathan’s BROTHER, but the man that was more than twice my age.
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imjustwritingg · 3 years
pillow talk part 2
Hi friends! This second installment was highly requested here on tumblr and I figured after what happened in 8x14, it was a good time to write it. So here you go friends! I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! 🥰
Also on AO3 and FFNet!
“You jammed me up. That’s not okay.”
His words play over and over in her head as she drives to his apartment. She knows he might not want to see her, the look of disappointment on his face at the crime scene enough evidence of that possibility, but she can’t let the night end without talking to him or at least trying to.
She parks her car and goes inside his building, heart beating wildly in her chest as she makes her way to his door. She rattles her knuckles against it and waits, knocking twice more a few moments later, when there’s no answer, but the door still doesn’t open and it feels as though someone has just punched her in the stomach.
She pulls her phone out of her back pocket and calls him, brings the phone to her ear, but it goes right to voicemail. She ends the call and waits a minute or so before she redials, hoping that maybe he’s on another call and is distracted, but she just gets his voicemail again.
He doesn’t want to talk to her. Doesn’t want to see her. And her stomach lurches, shoulders heaving raggedly as her breath gets stuck in her throat.
She can’t blame him. She had put him in the most compromising position tonight, taken unnecessary risks, and made questionable choices to say the least.
She looks at his door longingly, thinking if maybe she stares hard enough it’ll open and he’ll appear out of nowhere, but the door remains closed and he’s nowhere to be seen.
She turns on her heels and wipes under her eyes at the burning tears threatening to spill over, a horrible ache pulsating inside of her as she walks back to her car and starts to head home, ready to crawl into her bed and try and sleep this night away.
When she finally turns down her street sometime later she spots his truck parked up outside of her building. He’s standing next to his driver’s side door, arms crossed over his chest and head tilted towards the ground. He’s waiting for her and the sight of him makes her heart nearly stop beating.
She can just barely make out the look on his face in the glow of her headlights, but it resembles something a lot like betrayal and it sends a rush of guilt through her immediately.
She parks a few spots behind him and takes a deep breath as she gets out of her car. She tries to somehow prepare herself for whatever he’s about to dish out to her, but she’ll take whatever he has to say because at least he’s there.
“Wasn’t expecting to see you tonight,” she says quietly, approaching him with slow moving steps and a once again fast beating heart as she shoves her hands into her coat pockets.
As she stands in front of him she takes in the soft look of his eyes and the anguish that curtains his face. She realizes it wasn’t betrayal she had seen just moments ago, but sheer disappointment instead, just like earlier at the crime scene, and it guts her again.
“Figured we should talk. I didn’t wanna leave things the way we did at the scene,” he tells her, his voice a matching tone of quiet and reserved.  
“I went to your apartment. Tried calling.”
“My phone died so I just came over,” he says.
She responds with a tilt of her chin towards her apartment building in silent invitation and he follows a few steps behind her inside.
They ride the elevator up to her floor without uttering a word, him standing in one corner and her in another, time seeming to pass too slowly as if taunting her. She glances over at him, but his eyes are down to the floor, lost in his own mind and thinking too hard.
When the elevator finally halts and the familiar ding chimes through the car they step out onto her floor and head for the door of her apartment, him still a few steps behind her and keeping his distance.
She lets them into her apartment, closing the door after him and turning the deadbolt, but she’s quick to notice he doesn’t move any further inside than where he stands by the door.
She steps away from, pulling off her jacket and tossing it over the back of the couch before throwing him a look over her shoulder. “Water? Beer?”
He shakes his head and stays planted where he stands, hands in his pockets now and staring back at her as Hailey moves towards the kitchen island. She leans back against it, crossing her arms in front of her as she looks at him. He still doesn’t move or take off his jacket, and it makes her stomach churn at the memory of them standing in similar positions not too long ago when she had been so certain he was going to leave her.
She knows she made a mistake, a few of them, and she knows she hurt him and the last thing she wants is him to leave or think she wants him to, so she blows out a deep sigh and walks towards him.
“I’m sure you might want your space from me after what happened and I have no right to ask,” she says, words coming out in a rush before she hesitates, breathing out and looking at him with near desperation. “Will you please stay?”
Jay stares back at her for a fraction of a moment and it’s long enough to set her mind reeling in fear that she’s jeopardized everything between them now, but he surprises her like he always does and gives a slow nod.
“If I wanted space I wouldn’t have come. I didn’t think that’s something either of us needed right now.”
His tone is sincere despite the sadness looming over his face and she breathes out in relief as she offers a small smile and takes another step closer towards him. She reaches for his arms, pulls his hands from his pockets, feels his eyes burning into her as she pushes his jacket down over his shoulders.
She drapes it over her arm and holds onto one of his hands, her thumb brushing over freckled skin as she lifts her eyes to his, then whispers, “I’m really glad you came.”
He nods again and gives her hand a quick squeeze, but doesn’t say anything more, just follows her with his eyes when she lets go of him and goes to place his jacket down over hers on the couch. She makes her way back to him and reaches for one of his hands again, twining their fingers together as she leads him into her bedroom.
They fall into their usual routine, one they’ve created and perfected with one another since that first night together many months ago, although tonight it’s silent between them. There’s no mindless small talk or teasing one another from across the room, but it’s still so domestic and easy and somehow comfortable despite the circumstances. It sends an ache through her chest as they do their own thing, but they still do it together. As if they’ve been doing it for a lifetime already.
She strips and changes into a pair of clean underwear, and grabs a t-shirt from the basket of fresh laundry on the floor that has yet to be put away. A mindless chore she’ll save for tomorrow when she has more energy.  
She pulls the t-shirt over her head and when it falls to just above her knees, it’s only then she realizes that the garment doesn’t belong to her, but to the man standing across the room in just his boxers.
She glances over at Jay who quickly catches her eye and looks her up and down as he settles beneath the sheets and leans back against the headboard. “Is that my shirt?”
Hailey makes her way to the bed, pulling her hair out from its ponytail and dropping the tie on her nightstand as she climbs in beside him. She sits in a pretzel position as she faces him and gives a shrug of her shoulders. “I just grabbed it from the basket. I can change if you - “
He shakes his head, smiling fondly at her. “You look good in my shirt Upton.”
The corners of her mouth tip upwards at his comment, but she can’t help fiddling with her hands that rest in her lap.
“I’m sorry,” Hailey breathes out, not able to withstand the awkwardness in the air between them any longer and needing to talk to him, really talk to him. “I know I messed up. I shouldn’t have gone into that house. I put you in a tough spot tonight and I’m so sorry.”
“God, I hate that word,” she scoffs then before he can say anything and runs a hand through her hair. “Sorry. It doesn’t fix anything and I know it’s not supposed to, but apologizing still doesn’t condone what I did tonight.”
He gives a slow nod and glances down and she can tell he’s trying to find the words. The right words because he won’t be mean or raise his voice to try and make a point. Not with her.
She watches the way his shoulders rise and fall with each deep breath he takes, and then he looks back up at her with tired eyes from the stress and the chaos and the worry of the day behind them.
“I accept your apology, but I don’t want you to be sorry Hailey,” he says quietly before releasing a dejected sigh. “I want you to be safe. I want you to be smart. You crossed a line tonight and it was the same exact line you crossed that got you shipped off to the Feds last year.”
“I know,” she says quickly. “I got caught up in it. The case and Voight coming down on me and I started second guessing myself, and then that kid was killed and all I could focus on was finding the guy who killed him. I just didn’t care about doing it the right way. I felt like I had to prove something, but I just ended up losing control again.”
“I get it Hailey. Trust me, I get it. Especially when it comes to kids. And I know the system is flawed and it doesn’t always work the way it’s supposed to, but if tonight had turned out any differently than it did, we’d be screwed right now.”
“You’re right,” she says with another nod, tears pooling at the corners of her eyes because she knows how bad a turn things could have taken with her behavior and the thought alone makes the guilt inside her thicken. “I was so blinded by all of it and I just reacted. I don’t know why I keep doing these things. Crossing lines and pulling people down with me. Pulling you down with me. I was so stupid. I was reckless and I put you in jeopardy.”
Her heart is pounding in her chest, anxiety creeping up on her, as she lifts a hand to run it through her hair again.
“Voight’s not stupid though,” she continues a moment later. “He knows you covered for me. He knows we lied. I don’t want you getting in the middle of those crosshairs, not for me. I don’t wanna cause problems for you. I don’t wanna change who you are because I make dumb decisions.”
He shakes his head at her and leans forward, reaching for one of her hands and holding it tightly between both of his. “I’m not worried about Voight. He’s not exactly the poster boy for doing the right thing. I chose to get out of the car. I chose to follow you inside that house. I made my own decisions and I take full responsibility for that.”
“I put you in that position though!” She groans, blowing out a deep sigh of regret. “You know I didn’t do that intentionally right? You have to know that.”
“I do,” he confirms with a squeeze of her hand. “And you know I’d follow you anywhere Hailey, but it’s a slippery slope that you’ve been walking on and what happened tonight? That can’t happen again.”
“It won’t,” she whispers.
She knows her words are meaningless, but it’s a promise she can still make. One that she’ll follow through on. Because of him, because of them, because he really does make her better. Makes her want to be better.
She’s not sure she deserves the softness of his eyes or the warmth of his fingers wrapped tightly around hers, but she’s never been more grateful for the way he anchors her in place in that moment. The way he keeps her from spinning out completely from the frustration and the guilt of her bad decisions and the events that have transpired over the last few days.
“Um, there’s something else you should know,” she says with caution in her voice and he raises an eyebrow at her curiously. “I had to stop off at the district earlier after we wrapped at the crime scene for paperwork and I told Voight we’re together. Officially I guess.”
“Didn’t he already know? Or at least assume anyways.”
“Yeah, but I also sort of made the suggestion of getting a new partner,” she confesses. “He said he wasn’t gonna split us up though. Said we’re a good team.”
“Well, that’s one thing he’s right about. We’re good together. Always have been,” he tells her. He glances down at their joined hands and then looks back up at her, a curious gaze lingering in his eyes. “Do you really want a new partner?”
She gives a slow shake of her head and a look of regret comes over her face. “I only suggested it because I thought I couldn’t have both worlds, ya know? You and me on the job, you and me here like this. I’m trying to figure it all out, us and the work stuff. I thought I had to give up one to have the other and I’m really glad I didn’t have to do that tonight.”
“That’s good because I don’t want a new partner. I just want you, but I need you to hear me when I say you’re not alone. You don’t have to deal with these things on your own. The cases, Voight, any of it. I know that’s not how you’re used to things, having someone on your side like that, but I’m here Hailey. Let me help you carry some of it, okay?”
He squeezes her hand for good measure and stares at her with his bright green eyes, soft and sweet, one of the only ways he ever looks at her these days. It sets her skin on fire, chest aching, every nerve ending shooting off with so much love and appreciation for the man in front of her. She’s not sure what she’s done to be so lucky to have a partner like him, not just on the job, but in life as well, and it makes everything inside of her ache in the best possible way.
She nods, looking back at him with a teary eyed smile and bringing her free hand up to her face to wipe at her eyes.
“I really love you, you know that? I swear I don’t deserve you,” she tells him. “And that’s not me being self-deprecating or cynical, it’s just me appreciating what I have. What we have. I got really lucky with you.”
He grins at her instantly, the sound of her saying she loves him being one of his favorite things and because he knows exactly what she means. Their track records in dating and relationships and love have all been a wash. Nothing tangible, nothing to hold on to, to depend on. But this thing with them, this unadulterated thing with its strong foundation and an ability to communicate so perfectly, even when it’s hard, reminds him that this is the kind of thing they’ll be talking about years from now.
When they’re old and grey and still together, still talking, still loving, still trusting. Their story will be the one people ask to hear about at parties and dinners and holidays. The one that people will hear when the question is asked, “How’d you do it for so long? How’d you make it work?”
He already has his answer for when those questions are asked. It’s the same one he whispers to her now in the quiet of her bedroom and the soft glow of a bedside lamp.
“It helps having a good partner.”
Her smile widens at his words and she drops her free hand down on top of his, plays with his fingers and squeezes them against hers.
“This is becoming our new thing, ya know?”
“What’s that?”
“This pillow talk business. Our old thing was some dive or Molly’s over beer, but I gotta say I much prefer my bed,” she tells him with a grin that matches his.
“Well, I do love your bed. I might love you just a little bit more though,” he says.
It’s tooth achingly sweet the way the words roll of his tongue so easily and it has her rolling her eyes, but she can’t rid herself of the smile stretched out over her face.
It still amazes her, still makes her head spin, how they can go from talking through such serious topics of conversation, of hashing things out, to teasing one another so playfully, so intimately.
The last few days have made her second guess everything. Her ability to be a cop, to be better, to separate her work life and her personal life with him. She knows it won’t be easy, but she knows they’re going to make it. They’ll make it work.
She doesn’t have much time to dwell on the thought of it not working out with the way he smiles at her still. His eyes soft and glistening with so much love and affection as he stares at her.
“We’re gonna be okay,” Jay says then, as if reading her mind, but she doesn’t even question it. He’s always been able to read her. Know exactly what she’s thinking. Exactly what she needs.
“Yeah, we are,” she agrees with another tight squeeze of their joined hands.
“Come here,” he says with a tug of her hand.
She lifts herself to her knees to crawl the short distance to him and he pulls her down beside him. He helps her settle under the covers, their bare legs tangling together beneath the sheets, and his arms wrap her up in a cocoon of love and safety that only he has ever been able to provide her.
Her head lies against his shoulder and her arm falls across his torso, hand resting on his stomach and their eyes stay on one another in a tender gaze. She drags her fingernails over his skin in feather light caresses and he moves his arm up her shoulder to glide his hand through her hair.  
“This is my favorite part of every day,” she mumbles into his shoulder.
“Mine too,” he says, angling his head down to press his lips against her forehead. His lips linger there, pressing into her skin again, then once more before he pulls back to look her in the eyes.
“I wish I could do tonight differently,” she finds herself whispering as she stares at him. “I wish I could take it back.”
He knows instantly by the sound of regret laced in her words and the sudden appearance of sadness clouding her eyes again.
“What’s done is done. Whatever happens as a result, we’ll deal with it together,” he says squeezing her side. A gentle nudge reminding her they’re okay, that he’s got her, that things will be okay.
She turns her face into his shoulder, pressing a kiss against his bicep and moving her hand up to his chest, right over top of where his heart lies under skin and muscle and bone. It beats slowly beneath her palm, another steady, gentle reminder that he’s still there with her, that she hasn’t ruined this, them. That he’s still in it.
He stretches over her for a moment to switch off the lamp on the nightstand on her side, and then his arm falls back around her. He tightens his hold on her just a fraction more around her body as he tilts his head and kisses the top of hers before they settle into the softness of the bed and each other.
She’s always wondered how couples could sleep this way, cuddled together so closely like they show in movies and on television. She had always thought it couldn’t be comfortable for either person, but as she lies in bed with him, nestled under covers with her body pressed up against his and his arms holding her tightly, she realizes she wouldn’t want to fall sleep any other way. Wrapped up beside him is her favorite place to be. Her own little safe haven where nothing can hurt her or cause her pain or make her feel like less of who she is.
She’s never been dependent on anyone. Hasn’t ever needed anyone until him. But it’s not because she’s that kind of person, someone who needs a relationship or a significant other to make her feel better about herself or to quiet the voice in her head that whispers she’s not good enough, not worthy enough.
It’s because he makes her better. Makes her want to be better despite her actions tonight. He makes her feel invincible. Like she could face any battle and win a million times over because he has so much faith and trust in her, so much unwavering love for her.
She’s certain that regardless of everything that has happened over the last few days they really will be okay. That this thing between them is going to last, both their relationship and their partnership, that they’re it for one another. They’re the endgame.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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4. “Don’t give me that look.”
18. “You’re in trouble now.”
19. “Take off your clothes.”
notes; dom!mingyu, dom!wonwoo, hybrid!reader, threesome, daddy!kink, sir!kink, degradation/name calling/dumbification, blowjobs, sprinkled in subspace, and a small side of hair pulling and size!kink ☠️🥴, also just as an fyi i’m not answering all of these in succession even tho i allowed anon to submit 3 asks with the same ceo!meanie au!! I’m just a wh0re for meanie so it is what it is dfhskd these are very self indulgent bc i would let them do their worst to me if they wanted kfjdhkd ☠️☠️☠️ HAPPY MONDAY! THIS IS PURE FILTH!!💕 Thank you for requesting! Enjoy!! 💕
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“You’re in trouble now~”
Mingyu grins down at you from behind, watching as your fluffy ears twitch atop your head.
“But--but Jun s-said--”
“Ah, is that a disobedient little cumslut I hear talking?” Wonwoo drawls. “I could’ve sworn I said I didn’t want to hear a word from you ‘til I gave you permission to speak.”
You bite your bottom lip as you stand in between Mingyu and Wonwoo; both of them watching as your body already trembles just from standing in between their dominating forms. Mingyu’s fingers ghost across the small of your back, pushing you forward into Wonwoo who smirks at the way your pupils are already blown wide when your chest meets his.
“Now, if I’m not mistaken, Jun told you specifically that you were allowed into my office, correct?” Wonwoo uses his fingertips to tilt your head up even more; licking his lips when Mingyu cages you in from behind to keep you pinned in between them. “Speak.”
This time it’s Mingyu, fingertips threading through your hair before slightly tugging on it until you whimper.  
“So, pray tell us, why exactly you were touching yourself in Wonwoo’s office when we never gave you permission for that, hmm?”
Your bottom lip quivers, brows furrowed when you stare right back into Wonwoo’s lust filled eyes.
“I--It smelled like you, d-daddy… ‘m so--sorry...”
Mingyu and Wonwoo share a look before their hands are sliding away from your body; confusion on your features when Wonwoo starts tinkering with the cuff links of his suit jacket.
“I want you to take off your clothes. And I want you on my bed, waiting for me and Mingyu in 5 minutes. Go.”
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Neither of them ask, but considering how upset they both were with your actions, you take it upon yourself to get in position before they get into the room; knees digging into the bed with your arms crossed behind your back and your ass in the air.
Your face is planted into the sheets, thighs trembling as you inhale Wonwoo’s scent that floods your system.
They’d both been too busy to properly take care of you lately and you’d spent more time sitting in an empty office while they were at work than at home. They’d even put you on heat suppressants because of how little time they had and you were finding out just how much you really missed their touch.
“My, my, my what an obedient little cockwhore.” 
Mingyu’s voice has you jolting; soft whines spilling from your lips when you feel his warmth behind you on the bed. “Your dumb ‘lil pussy is already soaking, baby. I bet I can slide my cock right into your tight hole right now, huh?”
“S-sir, p-please… I--I need you and d-daddy so b-bad…” Your voice is muffled against the sheets; drool soaking into the fabric as you whine and moan.
“I know we haven’t had the time lately, sweetheart, but you know better than to touch yourself without our permission. And in my office, no less.” Wonwoo joins you and Mingyu on the bed, kneeling in front of you as you try your best to lift your head up.
Wonwoo threads a hand through your hair; fingertips massaging the base of your ears before you feel him tugging on your hair until you wince and plant your hands onto the sheets.
“Don’t give me that look. You probably knew what you were getting into, huh? Little cumslut. You knew we were finishing up our meeting and you knew I’d walk in on you with your fingers in that tight ‘lil cunt of yours. Crying out my name like a pathetic cock hungry slut. What if someone else walked in, hmm?”
You bite your lip, knowing that Wonwoo was 100% right.
“I’m s-sorry, d-daddy…”
Mingyu’s hand wraps around your tail, caressing it softly before he tugs on it harshly.
“Oh, baby, you’re gonna be.”
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Your body rocks back and forth between Mingyu and Wonwoo; eyelashes wet with tears.
“This position suits you so well, baby. On your hands and knees for us like the obedient ‘lil slut you are.” Mingyu groans, watching as his cock only gets wetter and wetter with each snap of his hips.
“She’s not satisfied unless she’s stuffed full of cock. She needs both of us fucking her pussy and her mouth to get off.” Wonwoo smirks; fingertips massaging your scalp and ears as you choke and sputter around his cock. He shallowly thrusts his hips, watching as a tear slips down your cheek when you start to deepthroat him.
“Fuck, your mouth is so fuckin�� small but look at you taking all of my cock, sweetheart. Just how your little cunt is taking all of Mingyu too.”
The two males share a laugh; alternating their thrusts as you moan around Wonwoo’s cock and clench around Mingyu’s.
Your body fills with warmth as they both fuck you and despite knowing it would be a long night ahead, you were glad they had time for you today. Even if it was for misbehaving.
Mingyu angles his thrusts to graze against your g-spot and you quickly find yourself whining and shaking your hips as he growls and doubles his pace.
“Such a cock hungry slut. Your pussy is so tight around my fuckin’ cock.” He pauses, licking his lips. “Gonna fill you up with my cum so you can smell it on yourself for days ‘n know who fuckin’ owns your dumb pussy.” With each of his powerful thrusts, you feel yourself being nudged forward, taking more and more of Wonwoo’s cock down your throat until you’re gagging around him.
“Once Mingyu cums inside your pretty pussy, I’m gonna cum inside you too. Fill you to the brim with my cum and you best not let any of it spill. You wouldn’t want daddy to get mad again, would you?”
Wonwoo’s voice is soft yet dominating and has you whimpering around his cock as you feel your mind start to get hazy from the lack of oxygen and the harshness of Mingyu’s thrusts.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna c-cum…” Groaning, Mingyu wraps a hand around your fluffy tail again, this time using it as leverage as his thrusts start to lose their rhythm. Moaning around Wonwoo’s cock, your teary, hazy eyes look up at him to the best of your ability.
The said male tugs you by the hair, pulling you off of his cock as you sputter and catch your breath. He grins down at you, seeing your unfocused eyes blinking back the tears. “Is our cute ‘lil pup tired? You haven’t even cum yet. Not that you deserve it.”
Mingyu chuckles under his breath, “Will she even be able to cum tonight, hyung?”
“We’ll see. Depends on if she can behave or not.”
You let out a small whine when you feel Mingyu’s cock throbbing inside of your pussy and you’re quick to start fucking yourself on his cock as you meet his movements. “P--please cum inside, ah, of m-me, sir… I wa--want it, ngh, all…”
Wonwoo lets go of your hair and your head immediately rolls forward the second he pulls away. Your arms give out underneath you as well; face planting into the bed sheets as Mingyu chases his orgasm.
“F--fuck, take a-all of it!”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head when Mingyu cums and you can feel the warmth pooling in your lower abdomen as he grinds against you, riding out his high. His grip on your tail tightens as you mewl and clench around his cock.
“Fuckin’ made to take cock, baby. You take me so well…” Mingyu groans, thrusting into you a few more times before you start to feel him pulling out of you.
“I can feel how tight your ‘lil cunt was around my cock, baby. I know you wanna cum so bad. You know we’ll let you if you just asked~” There’s a teasing lilt to Mingyu’s voice that has you whimpering in return, already too far gone and full of cum to even form proper sentences anymore.
He lets go of your tail and pushes you over until you’re on your back, head lolling to the side as he pries your legs apart. “I can already see my cum about to drip out of your pussy. But you heard Wonwoo, didn’t you?”
You nod, panting when you feel him being replaced between your legs with Wonwoo who wastes no time and positions the head of his cock at your entrance.
He bottoms out in a single thrust, using Mingyu’s cum and your wetness as lubrication as he starts a quick pace from the start.
“Dumb ‘lil pup can’t stand it when your holes aren’t filled with cock, huh? Can’t even leave you alone for a couple hours without you needing to have something inside of your pussy.” Wonwoo scoffs, eyes trained on your lips that part in soft breaths and moans and your eyes that can barely stay open as he fucks Mingyu’s cum deeper into your pussy.
“Did it feel good? Hmm? But I bet it wasn’t enough for you, huh? Your small fingers probably weren’t even enough to satisfy you, right? Only our fingers and cocks are enough to satisfy your fuckin’ holes.”
Mingyu laughs under his breath from the side, licking his lips when he notices the way your body tenses and the way you let out garbled noises.
“Fuck, hyung, I think you fucked her stupid. She can’t even talk properly ‘cause she’s so drunk off of your cock.”
Wonwoo grins, doubling his pace as he feels himself close to cumming. “I’m gonna cum, sweetheart. Gonna get you nice ‘n full of my cum just how you like it.”
Your pussy clenches around his cock and despite wanting to cum too, you do your best to try and stave it off for now. “Ah… p-please…” Wonwoo’s thrusts become erratic and you can feel his cock throbbing inside of you as he, too, unloads all of his cum inside of your tight, warm walls.
The two of you share a moan; thighs trembling around his waist.
“Hmm~ She really loves it when we cum inside her tight ‘lil cunt. Bet she’s been desperate for us to fill her up since we’ve been so busy.” Mingyu pouts down at you, fingertips already massaging your ears.
“N-no, sir, d--don’t! I’m sen--sensitive!” You cry, tears spilling down the side of your face as the combination of Mingyu’s soft touches mix in with Wonwoo still cumming inside of you. 
You let out a loud cry as your orgasm hits you hard; choked breaths and stuttered cries all you can manage as your walls flutter around Wonwoo’s cock and your back bows off of the bed. Your body buzzes with electricity and the lightheadedness makes you feel weightless as Wonwoo fucks you through your orgasm and you can’t stop the tears that freely fall when you realize just how much trouble you were in now.
“I don’t think we gave you permission to cum, sweetheart.”
Wonwoo’s voice is firm yet soft; threatening in a way you know he’s nowhere near finished with you.
Through the haze, you hear the ‘tsk’ that falls from Mingyu’s lips and it takes you a minute to even realize he wasn’t even on the bed anymore. “H--huh?”
The two share a look as Wonwoo stays between your legs; cock still inside of you as his blunt nails dig into the skin of your thighs.
“I just texted Jun and told him to cancel our 10AM tomorrow, hyung.” Mingyu rejoins you and Wonwoo on the bed, except this time his face is only centimetres from your own when he leans down.
“We have a disobedient ‘lil cumslut who just doubled her own punishment for tonight, right, Wonwoo-hyung?”
Wonwoo smirks, noting the way your body is still twitching and trembling underneath them when the remnants of your orgasm start to ebb away. He draws his hips back, eyes flitting down to watch his cock slide out from your spent pussy before thrusting all the way back in as you cry out loudly.
“He’s right, sweetheart. We haven’t even started your punishment and you already made it worse. Mingyu, can you please get the restraints and the blindfold from the closet, please.”
“Already on it, hyung~”
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galactic-magick · 3 years
Oblivious: Tech x Reader
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Request: Could u possibly do a Tech x Reader where the batch is on an ocean planet of sorts and tech and the reader are nerding out over something like tide pools and the rest of the batch is like “how are these two so smart yet so oblivious to their feelings?”
Summary: You and The Bad Batch settle on an ocean planet for the night, and you and Tech seem to know everything except your own feelings for each other.
Words: 1000+
Warnings: none
Author’s Notes: Had to do some research on tide pools for this one lmao, and I made up a bunch of fake star wars science that probably doesn’t make any sense whatsoever, earth science experts don’t come at me pls XD
Laying low has been incredibly difficult for you and The Bad Batch, none of you are exactly the type to “blend in.” You’ve been hopping all over the galaxy, until you come across a planet almost entirely covered in ocean. It’s habitable, but not many people live on it due to the lack of large segments of land.
Thankfully though, you find an island that’s big enough for your ship and make a landing. You run out into the fresh air, the smell of salt water and cool breeze filling your nose. Tech follows close behind, analyzing the planet’s climate and resources, and the rest soon after.
“The tides are going to get much higher over the next couple hours, we’re going to lose much of the land we have right now,” Tech says, moving down the beach. “Don’t set anything up past this point,”
“Can we build a fire?” Wrecker asks excitedly.
“Why would we need a fire? Our ship has a heating system,”
“Because I want to!” he crosses his arms. “And what if the ship runs out of heat?”
“I think that’s a great idea!” Omega pipes up. “I’ve never even seen a campfire before,”
“You haven’t?!” Wrecker takes her hand and points to the small forest of trees on the other side of the island. “C’mon, let’s go!”
“Wait!” Tech calls after them, but they’re too fast. “Ugh. The wood is going to be too wet to use anyway, they’re wasting their time,”
“Hey, it doesn’t hurt to let them try,” you smile. “Besides, we’ll only be here a day or two at most, right?”
“I suppose,”
You skip across the rocks and sand, finding a couple tide pools with several sea creatures in them, “Look over here!”
“Careful, those are incredibly slippery,”
“I’ve never seen anything like these,” you poke at one. “Wait, didn’t you say high tide is later? That means the water will go even farther than this, we might be in trouble,”
“Not exactly. Tides are different depending on the gravitational pulls and phases of the moons, and this planet has three,”
“So we’ll be fine,”
“This water is fresh, Tech. I don’t see how more moons changes the fact that these waves are going to drown us in a few hours,” you sigh. “Look, I get that you’re the intellectual around here, but I had ones like these back on my home planet, I know what I’m talking about,”
“Every planet is different, this one isn’t due for another tide that high for at least a couple weeks, the pools must just be deeper than average,”
“I guess you’re right,” you trust him, so you refrain from bickering any further. “Oh look! I think I’ve seen that fish before!”
“Really?” he cocks his head, looking towards where you’re pointing. “While interplanetary travel of non-sentient species is uncommon, it’s not impossible, although in most cases it’s considered an invasive species-“
“Nevermind,” you say as you lean closer. “It just looks similar,”
“Ah, I see,”
“You know, I love the kind of creatures in here, somehow they manage to survive despite the harsh conditions,” one of them crawls onto your hand. “They just stick to anything they can so they don’t get washed away by the water,”
“Especially somewhere like this,” he nods.
“What are you lovebirds going on about now?” Hunter exhales, walking up to you and barely holding back a smirk.
Both you and Tech immediately stop talking, avoiding eye contact. Sure, it’s true you fancy him a bit, but no way are you lovebirds of any sort. You bicker too much to ever admit your feelings anyway, and all your conversations are friendly or just exchanging thoughts and facts. Nothing special.
“You know,” Hunter continues. “You guys are the smartest people on the crew, but damn are you oblivious,”
He walks away, leaving you two in silence.
 Against all odds, Wrecker and Omega actually do manage to make a fire for the evening. Omega’s eyes are glued to the flames, watching in awe and drowning out everything else.
You and Tech haven’t talked much since being called out by Hunter, not necessarily because you’re mad or bitter, but simply because you don’t know what to say.
Was Hunter right? Were you actually super into each other and you were just too stupid to see it?
Now that you think of it, Tech definitely treats you differently than everybody else. Not just because you’re not one of his brothers, but he genuinely goes out of his way to help and care about you. He’s super sweet when he wants to be.
As it gets later, most of the crew heads back to the ship to sleep. You’re honestly not that tired, so you stay by the fire, and Tech doesn’t leave either.
“Hello,” he nods.
You scoot over until you’re sitting next to him, “What’s going on in that brain of yours?”
“Just…thinking,” he keeps staring forward at the fire. “For the first time in my life, I’m completely unsure about something,”
“How so?”
“Well, all my life, all our lives for that matter,” he gestures to the ship. “We’ve been born, raised, and trained to be soldiers. We’re literally created and grown for that purpose. We accept early on that we’ll probably never get the opportunity to live a normal life on our own terms. We don’t get the luxury of going where we want to go, staying where we want to stay. We don’t even get to choose our clothes or our food most of the time. We don’t get our own home, we don’t get to pick our jobs, we-“ he pauses. “We don’t get to fall in love,”
A quiet “oh” leaves your lips.
“Now that the Republic is gone, and we left the Empire, we’re not just soldiers anymore. We have the freedom to do all those things we couldn’t do. But how do I know what I should or shouldn’t pursue? How do I know what parts of normal life I should experience?”
You quickly lean in and kiss him, “You try it, Tech,”
He stares at you stunned, struggling to process what just happened.
“I…I think I should try it again. Just to be absolutely certain,”
“Of course,” you chuckle, kissing him again.
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tatestripedsweater · 3 years
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Billy Hargrove NSFW Alphabet
Stranger Things Taglist: @tatesimper
Warnings: Mentions of Drugs (Cannabis), Mentions of Abuse from his father
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
If you were another pointless one night stand then I think he wouldn’t really care for cuddling you, maybe offers your a cigarette afterwards. But if you were in a relationship then Billy would be more affectionate, stroking your back as you lay on his chest. Often asking if you’re okay and making sure he didn’t hurt you, no matter what he always smiles after sex. Always.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Like a typical guy, his favourite part about himself is his dick. Or his arms/abs, he’s worked hard to get his body where it is so he liked to show it off at any chance he gets.
Billy’s favourite part of his partners is their ass, he’s such an ass man and he’s always squeezing and pinching it. Not even caring if the both of you are in public, it’s almost to show everyone else your taken.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
As much as a fuck boy he is the boy is smart and never leaves anywhere without a condom. Billy always carries more than one in the pocket of his wallet, he rarely cums inside of anyone just incase or pregnancy (if you’re able to get pregnant) or STD’s. Billy wouldn’t mind coating his lover in his cum though, cumming all over their chest or breasts (if you have them). Also would adore to cum on your ass, he sees it as him marking his territory.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He steals your underwear, keeps them in his pocket and laughs to himself when you go on about not being able to find them. Billy is secretly an underwear sniffer and you can’t tell me otherwise on the matter.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s very experienced in the bedroom department, he knows how to get you to your orgasm and won’t stop until you’ve came at least twice before he fucks you. Billy enjoys sex very much as it allows him to get his pent up anger out without doing any serious damage.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
On all fours because he likes to grip your ass while he fucks you, but Billy wouldn’t be opposed to you riding him. But just because you’re on top doesn’t mean that you’re in control.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He isn’t really goofy/humorous during sex, but if something happens like a funny noise/ugly orgasm face then you two would most likely giggle about that. But otherwise he’s rather serious as he wants to bring you the most pleasure he can, not make you laugh.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Have you seen this boys hair? He doesn’t manscape, maybe trims what he has below the belt to keep it under control, but he never goes bald. Billy wants to feel and look like a man so he never shaves everything off.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Like I said before it depends on if you’re a one night stand or if you two are in a relationship, he’s romantic for the right person, rarely shows his vulnerable side to just anyone.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Billy masturbates any chance he can get if he’s single or by himself, he often uses porn magazines or rents a porn VHS video to watch while he pleasures himself. If Billy is with someone, just picturing them or having a photo of his lover near us enough to help him jerk off.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Goodness where do we start? He’s got a few kinks: Public Sex, Degradation, It’s not a kink but he likes when his hair is being pulled, a slight daddy kink but would rather his partner scream his name, Masturbating with his partner as they watch porn together.. the list goes on.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
The Pool, Showers, His Car, Your House, The Woods... although that last one is questionable to say the least.
Anywhere that isn’t at his own house so he doesn’t have to face his abusive father.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Boy doesn’t need much motivation, all his lover has to do is bend down and he’s ready to go anywhere anytime. But the one thing that does send blood rushing to his cock, is when he sees you sucking on a lolly. His mind goes straight to the gutter.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything with bodily fluids would be a big no for him (unless it was spit or cum), Billy also would like to slap you on the face. It didn’t matter if you were into that or you asked him too, Billy wouldn’t due to the abuse his father displayed towards him. He wouldn’t want to hurt you like that.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Billy loves blowjobs, he would often ask for head when he’s driving for the ‘thrill’. Gripping your hair and bobbing your head until he’s practically hitting the back off your throat, but he also loves giving him oral. He could spend hours between your legs just taking in how you taste, wanting more and more until your begging him to stop. He also likes it when you sit on his face, having you grind against his tongue.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on the type of sex and who he’s with, he’s sometimes slow and sensual but nine times out of ten you’re getting your ass spanked with him pounding his cock inside you.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s up for quickies if the two of you are between jobs, Billy fucking you in the changing rooms while he’s on a break. It he prefers proper sex where he can take his time with your body, taste and feel you completely.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Billy loves public sex so risking getting caught by someone turns him on a lot, he loves making you moan loudly to see if anyone hears him fucking you. He’s willing to try some things once, if he doesn’t like it then you two don’t do it again but if he likes it.. boy you’re in for one hell of a night.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can go around 2/3 rounds due to him working out a lot, his stamina is pretty good. Billy won’t cum unless you do (unless he’s punishing you then he cums and deprives you until you’re begging). Billy can hold back from cumming for a while, but the first time you two had sex he nearly came almost instantly which is something you won’t let go.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Billy isn’t one for toys as he enjoys to pleasure you with his tongue/fingers and cock. He wouldn’t say no to a vibrator or a cock ring if you really wanted to try but he draws the line at a dildo. The only cock he wants inside you is his own.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Teasing is his middle name. Billy adores having you right on the edge of an orgasm before pulling away completely, he likes to hear you whine and beg to cum. He doesn’t like to be teased but he loves teasing his lover, if you ever tried to tease him he’d have you pinned down almost instantly.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Billy can get pretty loud when he wants too but he mostly moans against your skin to muffle it (he’s somewhat embarrassed by the noises he makes). Sometimes he grunts but he’s mostly a growler and moans loudly when he cums.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
High sex. There’s no way this boy doesn’t do weed, with the effect of the cannabis in both of your systems and the emotions of feeling horny would be the best sex you could ask for. Billy would most likely order pizza afterwards.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I’d say he’s a decent size, nothing too overwhelming where you’re scared it wouldn’t fit. 7.5 inches, but he has more of a girth than anything. Also not to go into too much detail but he also has big balls, they’re often slapping against you when he fucks you which only adds to the pleasure.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Through the fucking roof, very very high. There isn’t a day that goes by that the two of you haven’t had sex, and if there is for whatever reason, he’s the type of guy to complain about ‘blue balls.’
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
After he’s had his cigarette after sex, Billy usually doesn’t fall asleep very quickly; it depends how rough/rampant the sex was. He usually showers first but if it was tiring then the boy would fall asleep after he’s smoked.
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sunset-curve-fantom · 4 years
What If- Alive!Luke x Reader
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You had spent countless hours attempting to find out the perfectly logical reasoning as to why Luke had blown you off today… But there you were at a two-hour meeting with the wedding planner with no real excuse as to why you were alone yet again.
This was a moment you had been looking forward since you met Luke Patterson. He was a light that was brought into your life right after you lost your Dad, and he was the rock to help you grieve. But no sooner did you become friends, did the two of you fall head over heels for each other. From 17-year-olds to now, everything you did was to further your careers. After all Sunset Curve was your brilliant idea after meeting Alex and Reggie at school.
You wanted nothing more than to live your life out with Luke, he was the one person that meant the world to you. No matter what happened, your love was always a constant.
Flash forward to this moment, where the anger was finally taking over you. How dare he stand you up, again. He was so caught up in the band and the new music, that he forgets that you are also a member. Not like you can play without the rhythm guitarist- but in Luke’s mind he could do anything he wanted.
More than anything you just wished you had the time to be yourselves again, full of happiness and love without the pressure from the band, and record labels, and fans. Just two seconds to focus on you, and this wedding you both desperately wanted- well at least you desperately wanted.
You marched right into rehearsal- they had already started your new song and you weren’t even there! Seriously?
Reggie caught you gaze as you came into the room, the anger clearly emanating off you. He stopped playing, before catching Alex’s attention. They were trying to stay out of the middle of a fight, but lord knows that was not going to happen. Especially now- you were there, and you were angry.
“Hey lover, where ya been?” Luke said as you approached him, he went in for a kiss. You held your hand up in front of your face. Reggie sucked in a deep breath behind you- he knew Luke was in trouble now. You never avoided a kiss, no matter how angry.
“Where have I been? You are kidding me, right? I know that did not just come out of your mouth.” You said, anger gripping your words as you tried to hold back the screaming. You felt hot tears beginning to pool in your eyes. This cannot be happening; he doesn’t even remember.
“Uh-no. I seriously have no idea where you have been all day. We had to start rehearsal without you, you know we have this big showcase coming up. I need you on your game, lovebug.” He said ruffling your hair, trying to get back into rehearsal. But that was the final straw, you couldn’t contain the pain in your chest as anger erupted in your words.
 “Are you actually kidding me? You want to complain to me about being late, and missing things? Luke, you want this huge future for us, for you and me, when I am barely a part of your life now. I have become a shadow in your world, and that is unacceptable. You have music is coursing through your veins and that is truly remarkable but now- now I am a background player again. I am the rhythm guitarist that you sometimes pay attention to, but that’s usually when I fuck up. When we started this together, the band- our future was supposed to include each other and now I am just a face in the crowd. The sad part is you don’t even notice how alone I am.” You screamed at Luke.
He yet again forgot another meeting and he didn’t even know it. If it wasn’t band related, then it wasn’t important, per usual. So yup, he forgot the meeting with the wedding planner and here you were screaming at him, in the middle of rehearsal. You were nothing- and that was clear after today.
“You are being ridiculous, I forgot one meeting, one stupid meeting. It is not the end of the world- you are blowing this completely out of proportion, Y/N. I don’t know why you are acting like a brat.” Luke said back, anger hanging on to every word. Tears sprung to your eyes; you were not being ridiculous. This was your wedding for fucks sake. This was supposed to be your big day and now- god now you don’t even know him.
“I am ridiculous? Luke, are you fucking blind? Clearly you missed the memo again because the meeting was for our wedding, you know the day where I wear a big white dress and commit my life to you? Do you have dementia or something? Cause apparently you forgot about even proposing to me, because YOU HAVE MISSED EVERY MEETING WE HAVE HAD. I am not being a brat, I am upset, and angry, and heartbroken because I thought I was going to spend my life with you but now- now that is over. I am done trying to be perfect for you, and for this band, and for the whole fucking world. I am done. I-I-I just can’t anymore. You now have the perfect what if situation, because what if I never met you, I wouldn’t be so fucked up.” You raised your voice, clearly angry at him. You yanked your ring off your finger placing it on his amp and turning on your heel. This just was not working- not anymore, if he made some effort then maybe- but now, you had no idea what you saw in him all those years ago.
You heard heavy steps behind you, so you ran. Trying to reach the comfort of your car, not wanting to have another fight. You had just dumped Luke, and you didn’t even mean too. Everything you said- you never meant. You were just so mad, you heard Luke’s voice behind you, “WAIT”
You closed your car door behind you, briskly pulling out of the driveway. You could see Luke in your rearview mirror- Reggie was comforting him. You knew he was heartbroken- but you couldn’t be a background pawn any longer. You were supposed to be his future wife, and he treated you like dirt.
You drove around for what felt like hours before going to the one place you knew Luke wouldn’t be- Alex’s apartment.
Wiping your cheeks, you knocked softly on the door. Waiting for Alex to pop his head out, but instead it was Reggie who opened the door,
“Hey Reg- can I come in? I’m just not ready to go home”
He nodded, stepping to the side. He knew how much you were hurting; Reg was your best friend and you confided everything in him. He knew that Luke had blown off multiple meetings and he knew how confused you were, he was so happy about the wedding in the beginning and now- he could give two shits about it, clearly.
You plopped down on the couch; Reggie followed close behind. He knew you just needed a listening ear.
“Reg… I-I-I” You couldn’t even find the words before sobs began pouring out of you. You thought you and Luke were going to be endgame and now- that probably wasn’t going to happen. You had ruined everything with your mouth getting in the way.
“I am only going to say this once- you have not lost him. You are his entire world, no matter how much he has fucked up” Reggie said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. He knew Luke better than anyone and what he was saying was the truth, Luke would go down fighting for you.
You giggled under your breath, “Yeah I know Reg, you don’t speak girl. But thanks for trying. I just messed up today, I let my anger get the better of me but at the same time Luke shouldn’t have stood me up, AGAIN. I mean you know how it has been, it’s awful. Like I am pretty sure the wedding planner thinks I am marrying myself. How am I supposed to plan a wedding when he is too busy for even a simple meeting? Like he would probably miss our wedding day all together because he is so damn busy…” You said, trying to bring humor to the situation. Luke was your person and now, now you needed to fix everything.
You looked at Reggie who hadn’t spoken to you, but you followed his gaze to the kitchen. There was Luke, with his head deep as anything in the fridge eavesdropping on your conversation. He was seriously a five-year-old.
“Seriously Luke? Do you have to listen into everything? I am not exactly happy with you!” You said annoyed.
He chuckled at you, “I know you aren’t happy with me. But I wanted to give you space, I didn’t think you would come here… I thought you would go home. I didn’t think you would actually want to see me. ”
You shook your head, “I didn’t want to intrude, that is why I came here instead. I didn’t want another fight, cause I am tired of it. I am tired of feeling less. ”
He walked towards where you were sat, “Honey- there would be no fighting. I am going to make this simple. I love you- and I wish I had known how much of an idiot I have been. I love you more than anything in this world, including my music. You are the inspiration behind everything I do, and I am so so so so sorry I forgot the meetings. I have been trying so hard to plan things in advance so we could have an incredible wedding. Oh baby, I am so so sorry for making you feel less. You are my whole world, hell my whole solar system and I wish I had noticed how sad you have been. I want nothing more to be your husband, if you will still have me...?”
Tears ran down your face, “You really wanted to marry me?”
He laughed, wiping tears off your face with his thumb, “of course, you dork. I wouldn’t have asked in the first place if I didn’t.”
You threw yourself off the couch and into his grip, it was the first time in a long time you felt safe and at home. You tightened your grip around his neck, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He just chuckled in your ear before pressing his lips to yours, it was like you were made for each other. Every kiss felt like it was molded perfectly for the two of you.
You truly were a match made in heaven.
“That’s like super gross…. Can you go home and have sex? I really don’t need that image in my living room, especially on my new carpet.” Alex said, causing laughter to escape from the both of you.
“Too late for that bud... that carpet is way broken in. ” Luke said before throwing you over his shoulder. Trying to run away form the horrified look rested on Alex’s face.
You were barely out the door when you heard Alex screaming orders at Reg, “OH MY GOD, REGINALD GET THE STEAM CLEANER. I-UH-UH I NEED TO CLEAN. THIS IS DISGUSTING. I LAY ON THIS CARPET. UGHHHH”
You were home, and that was the most important thing to you. You knew some way, some how Luke was your endgame and that was not going to change.
@parkeret​ @coldlamaspersonspy​ @calamitykaty​ @all-in-fangirl​
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