constellation-em · 2 months
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"to see a friend/to see a ghost" - Noah Kahan, "Your Needs, My Needs"
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constellation-em · 3 months
True fandom is reading fanfiction and scrolling tumblr throughout my entire linguistics lecture and then going "I don't know why my grade is dropping slowly but it's fine"
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constellation-em · 4 months
Being a Mandalorian on Din's Ship
Oh yeah, and you're secretly in love with each other.
While you don’t believe in keeping the helmet on as part of the Creed, you still do so as a sign of respect for Din. 
It took you guys approximately three months to stop calling each other Mando or “Hey you!”
You installed a radio in the cockpit, but Din only wants to listen to orchestra music. The radio was suspiciously broken within a week, and you definitely have no idea what happened to it. Definitely. 
You have nicknames to call each other in public. You call him Mando, and he calls you Scout. 
Sometimes when you’re in really busy markets, he’ll grab onto your arm to keep you from getting swept away. He knows that realistically you won’t, because you’re a strong warrior, but he worries anyway. 
Din doesn’t know when his birthday is (and doesn’t care), so you picked a day to celebrate. 
Knowing full well the importance of gifting weapons in Mandalorian culture, (they often accompany a marriage proposal), you bought Din a new blaster for his birthday. He got weird and quiet for a few days, and then presented you with a beskar necklace with his signet on it. While your helmet covers your face, you’re sure he knows you were crying. 
You’ll often sit in complete silence for hours at a time in the cockpit, especially when in hyperspace. 
Speaking of hyperspace, it gets cold as balls when you’re travelling in it. One time when Din noticed how cold you were he grabbed an extra cape of his and wrapped it around your shoulders. 
Sometimes you catch him staring at you, but he claims he’s looking out a side window. You know better. If he was just looking out the window, why did he whip his head back forward as soon as you looked at him?
He knows you don’t like wearing your helmet 24/7, so sometimes he tells you when he’ll be in his room so you can have time with it off. You’re not used to wearing it so much and it’s started giving you headaches. 
One time when you were at a cafe chasing a bounty, someone started hitting on you very aggressively. You lied to the guy and said you had a boyfriend, to which he replied that he bet he “could treat you so much better than him”. Din appeared practically out of nowhere, told the man “I doubt that.” and just walked away arm in arm with you. You held on to eachother the entire walk back to the ship. You didn’t get the bounty that day, and you never talked about that moment. 
You’ve noticed that sometimes when you step into the cockpit, if his helmet is off he’s started taking a little bit longer to put it back on. As if he’s inching himself closer to showing you his face. You’re too afraid to ask. 
You’ve never seen his face, but he’s seen yours once; the day you met. He told you about his belief in the Creed, and you replied that if you were going to live on his ship, you would live by his tenants. He seemed surprised by that, but later told you he respects you strongly for it. 
You grew up Mandalorian, just not in as strict a covert as his. You were never bound to cover your face, and you were not a foundling. That being said, you’ve come to appreciate the power behind a united force of just being “Mando” to strangers. 
Your contract was initially for only six months, but when your time was up you just… kept working and living on the ship. You never talked about extending it, it was just unsaid that you would continue being there. 
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constellation-em · 1 year
buying cassian andor a new leather jacket headcanon
Welcome back to me killing my writers block one blurb/drabble/whatever the fuck they're called at a time. This one's about Cassian and is actually kinda cute tbh. Again, feel free to drop a follow if you want more of my mediocre fanfiction and sarcastic personality. I'm actually quite nice if you get to know me haha
He would have no idea how to react
Like seriously, this man never gets help from others, how do you think he’s going to act when you get him a new leather jacket? 
He envelopes you in the biggest hug
Bear hug, plus a million.
“I don’t even… How did you know it was my size?”
He cannot fathom you wanting to do something with no ulterior motive
“Alright, what is it that you want?”
His accent gets really strong when he’s flustered
He’s an absolute mess. You’d think that you had gotten down on one knee and proposed or something.
After looking in the mirror at himself in the new jacket, he pulls you in front of him, his chest to your back. His hands just barely whisper at your hips, and you instinctually move back into him. He presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head, looking you in your eyes. You close your eyes and lean your head into the top of his chest, reveling in the small moment of domesticity. 
“I love you, mi amor.”
“I love you more, Cassian.”
Soooo what do we think? Leave a lil comment down below you little gremlins
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constellation-em · 1 year
poe proposing to you
Okay here's the deal; I'm trying to break out my writers block so I wrote some quick little blurbs, didn't proofread them, and posted them on ao3 (@marvel_van_hogh on there as well). So, without any further ado, here you go:
“I’m leaving for six months.” He looked you dead in the eyes. He didn’t have his signature smirk, no twinkle in his eyes. He wasn’t joking.
“Poe you can’t be serious,” you whispered, tears welling up in your eyes. He closed the gap between the two of you, grabbing both of your hands in his. 
“I’m sorry sweets. I swear I’ll come back. I promise on the entire universe I will come back for you.” He gripped your hands tighter, looking deep into your eyes. 
“You can’t promise that. It’s war, Poe.”
“I can.”
And just like that, Poe was down on one knee, his mothers ring held out in front of you. You had been so caught up in the moment that you didn’t realise it wasn’t around his neck like it usually was. 
What’s happening?
“Poe?” You looked down at him, your left hand still in his right. You could feel your heart beating a mile a minute and the tears were coming faster now- you just didn’t know what emotions they were conveying. 
“Marry me, darling. The universe wouldn’t dare take a husband from his partner.” He took a deep breath. You could see it, hear it, feel it. There was a moment of hesitation in both of you.
“We’re in a war.”
“And I’m in love.”
Six months later, your husband returned to you safe and just a little scratched up. He was right. The universe wouldn’t dare take him away from you, but you weren’t sure that was the marriage’s doing. He told people he only proposed because he wanted to lock you in before he went away for a while, but you both knew the truth. In glances shared across the room during parties, in shared breakfasts in the canteen in the morning, and in sweet cuddles in the dark of the night, you both knew the truth.
He was in love with you, and you were in love with him.
So anyway if you liked it feel free to leave a note and maybe follow me? I've been trying to be more active as well as fight the bots haha
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constellation-em · 1 year
the Mandalorian fanfiction community is QUAKING right now
👀 so anyways
sorry I had to take a sip of water a year and a half ahem ah yes like I was saying rough day chapter 20 will be posted on Sunday March 12 2023 at 9pm est thank you
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constellation-em · 1 year
'You Never Asked Him What It Meant' - Din Djarin/Reader
This is a snippet from a WIP of mine- reader has lost Din, and a wandering woman has just asked if they would like her to wait with them. I'm not so good at writing full blurbs but want to practice more, so I figured I would get this small piece out. Please leave feedback! I need it lol, writing fanfiction is a lot different than the literary analysis like I'm used to.
words: 1.1k
warnings: language
feedback wanted!
"No, I just- He'll find me but- I don't even know where the ship is, oh Maker I'm screwed!" Your sobs returned, it felt like the air had been pulled out of your lungs by the fear that always sat in you when Din went after a bounty. What if he didn't come back? You couldn't fly the ship. You couldn't fight. You were just a glorified engineer and medic, basically kept on to keep the ship clean. Why did Din even keep you around?
You liked to think it was because he had taken a liking to you. You had been working on his ship with him for over a year at this point- hired off Nevarro when Karga decided you needed something better to do than slinging drinks. Din hated you at first. He ignored you, and just let you do your own thing. It wasn't until he came back with a stab wound in his dominant arm that your talents came to light.
What he had been told: You could fix a ship in a pinch, and do housework. Not to mention your cooking was not too shabby. "She'll hold you accountable," Karga had said.
What he hadn't been told (and what Greef Karga didn't know, and would never know): You had been getting paid under the table to patch up bounty hunters when things went awry for them. You knew your way around a medkit with your eyes closed.
Din couldn't fix his own arm, much to his demise. He tried, you heard his grunting from inside the cockpit. To be honest, you had been a bit concerned at first that maybe something… less than savory was happening.
"Hey," He had yelled, "You know how to cauterize? Or even use a kriffing bactapad?" You had walked in, and he was a sore sight. Like… a really sore sight. He was sitting in the pilot's chair, facing sideways from the door, hunched over into almost a ball. There was a deep laceration on his right shoulder, and blood caked all around it and his hand.
His hand. That was the first thing you saw, his gloveless hand. This was the first time you had seen any of his skin. Up to this point, you weren't sure he was human. Hell, you didn't even know his name. The next thing you saw was his beskar armor, thrown onto the ground. Normally he was gentle with it, almost reverent. Then you noticed his flight suit.
Pulled down off his shoulder, down his arm, and hanging half off his back. Unzipped and his chest in full view. This couldn't be compliant with his Creed. Could it?
"I- yeah. I'll grab my medkit."
"No need." He grunted, pointing at the box sitting next to him.
"Mando, there's no numbing spray in there. Mine has some, let me grab it. Keep pressure on the wound."
"I said. No need." You could hear the anger in his voice. It wasn't meant to be directed at you; you knew that. It still stung though.
"Alright. But it's gonna hurt." You moved towards him, kneeling on the ground at his side. There wasn't a lot in his medkit. It seemed well-used. There was at least enough to disinfect, cauterize, and cover with a bactapad.
"Good." That made you pause. What did he say? Did he say good? Maker, did Karga stick you on a ship with a psychopath? Or… was it something sadder than that? Did he feel like he deserved it? As you moved to grab his arm, he stiffened up. "Sorry. Not used to… this. Getting help."
"S'okay. Just let me do my thing, Mando, and you'll be good as new." He relaxed a little bit, shoulders falling as he let out a breath. "This spray is gonna be cold. Just a warning." You grabbed the small bottle, giving it a small shake. Good. Mostly full. Although you figured you wouldn't need much, seeing as he literally said good to it hurting. You pointed it at the cut, giving it a spray.
"Dank Farrik! Fuck!" He jerked out of your grip, grabbing his arm and hissing with pain.
"Shit shit shit shit I'm sorry Mando I tried to tell you-" Fuck you had warned him right? He paused, and tilted his head towards you.
"Keep going."
"Say again?"
"Keep. Going." So you did. You gave him another spray, and you grabbed the cauterizer. Every sound you made caused him to stiffen up, and every time you grabbed his arm again he relaxed. It was a never-ending cycle of cusses and hisses and gentle shushing.
By the time you finished and applied the bactapad, his breathing had settled down to a normal pace. You looked up at him from your place on the floor. He was silent, which wasn't uncharacteristic of him, but you were worried. What if he was mad at you for helping him? He had asked, but still. What if he fired you, sent you back to working at a shitty guild bar and dealing with flirtations of douchey bounty hunters? You couldn't go back there. You wouldn't.
"Thank you." It was a small sound, a barely heard sentence. You weren't even sure you heard it come out of his mouth, until he turned to face you directly. His hands reached out and grabbed your shoulders, thumbs lightly stroking them.
"It's nothing, you were hurt… I couldn't let you suffer like that Mando." He tilted his head towards yours, the cold beskar of his helmet pressing against your forehead. You weren't sure, but you thought maybe this meant he was warming up to you.
"My name is Din. You should know that… if you're going to be my medic." Oh. Oh. You weren't even expecting a thank you out of him. And he gave you his name? You didn't ask for it; he bared it to you, just as he bared his soul when asking for help, when showing you his scarred and wounded skin. "Will you? Be my medic? I wish Karga had told me about your skills before… that piece of bantha shit keeps so many secrets." This was a new side of Man- Din. You had never seen him so talkative.
"I- yeah. Yeah Din. I'll be your medic. From now until you get tired of me. If that's okay?" You chuckled against his helmet, and if you heard right, he did too.
"Of course. Of course it's alright cyar'ika."
You never asked him what that meant.
thank you for reading!
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constellation-em · 1 year
friendly reminder to anyone who sees this I do take fic requests! Almost anything Marvel or Star Wars- just send in a submission and it'll probably get written!
I have so many WIPs but I need some more inspiration before I can finish them so hopefully y'all can help me out
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constellation-em · 1 year
the amount of filtering i have to do with my followers is getting out of hand lmao
Definitely miss when the only interaction on this website wasn’t endless porn bots following you lol.
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constellation-em · 1 year
to my old art teacher when she inevitably sees this account because I just commented on hers;
at least it's not Stucky. At least. It's not. Stucky.
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constellation-em · 1 year
"do you love them, or do you just want to be them?"
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constellation-em · 2 years
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ROGUE ONE: A Star Wars Story (2016)
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constellation-em · 2 years
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag? I do when I see the pillars of creation.
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
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constellation-em · 2 years
no but yeah but no but yeah
for some reason the most romantic thing i can think of is someone saying your name. the way it’s supposed to be said. early in the morning. late at night. mouth full of food. a whisper. in sob. in laughter. stuttering. idk there’s something about it that means more to me.
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constellation-em · 2 years
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may I present to you... ✨range✨
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constellation-em · 2 years
Alone; a Poe Dameron blurb
words: 371
no use of y/n
Tears streamed down his face. With everyone he loved gone, there was nobody around to comfort him. Poe thought of his friends, his found family, and his beloved mother. His hand reached up to touch her ring that he had worn around his neck since she passed. His hand found nothing but a bare neck and the worn cotton-blend of his shirt. Right. He had given it to you before you split ways. Were you still out there, fighting for your life? Or had the massacre taken you, as well as the rest of the Rebel Alliance?
Poe was stuck on Tatooine, which had gone from a desert planet filled with raiders and beings of all type to a desolate wasteland, smoke clouds billowing from pillaged homes in the horizon. He closed his eyes and thought of you. He imagined what you would tell him at that moment. ‘Just keep moving- there might be other survivors.’ He imagined the way that you would grab his hand, squeezing just lightly enough to remind him that you were there, that you would always be there.
It was funny, wasn’t it? The promises you shared with each other, the sweet nothings whispered in the middle of the night. All of the little ‘I’ll never let go’s that ended up being a lie. He laughed at this. That people took these phrases to heart, when it’s there in the name. Sweet nothings. He thought you’d laugh at it too, if you were there. You’d smack his arm, a gesture commonly used by naive schoolgirls that didn’t know any other way to share their affection. You were a traditional woman, if nothing.
“Poe.” Your voice echoed in his ears. His eyes shot open. He didn’t know where it came from, whether or not it was real, and he wondered if the heat and probable radiation had made him go insane. Poe looked around, desperate for more of your voice, for your soft skin, for you.
There was nobody there. His hands were shaking, and he fell to his knees. You weren’t there. You hadn’t been there for a while. Tears streamed down his face again.
His heart was broken, and so was his mind.
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constellation-em · 2 years
i love this man 😭
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smol redraw
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