evi-ula 1 year
Say what you want "it's going to be May"
can we have a moment for the Aprils out there who have just become irrelevant for the next eleven months?
For example, my character April Turner who I genuinely and I cannot make this up (well I could very easily but what would be the fun in that) have been writing about constantly for the last month but I LOST ALL MOTIVATION to continue her story today
sorry April
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evi-ula 2 years
HEY GUYS THE CONSERVATIVE POLITICS KID RESPONDED TO MY ACE PIN AS WELL keep in mind i have now been wearing this thing for Several months
he has already asked about my pronoun pin which i started wearing at the same time
and only now, NOW
does he point at my badge practically poking my chest like "hey evi what's that flag"
i tell him it's the asexual flag and he nods.
he didn't ask any more questions
mentioned in a previous post "Wait i know what this is" [clearly does not know]
"Look i'd comment but i don't know anything about this sort of stuff so i'd get it wrong and embarrass myself" [walks away very quickly]
"isn't purple your favourite colour" yes it is well done
"no one will know what that is you know evi" yes very aware by the fact that about twenty people, including you, have now asked me
"I LOVE YOUR BADGES I WANT THEM" actual good reaction and i love her
",,, ain't that a plant thing" "THAT'S RUDE" from two different people. The second of which is the second person mentioned here. so clearly he knows a a bit. anyway the comment itself isn't funny but the context is. i have now been told that by two people. BOTH OF WHICH ARE IN MY PHYSICS CLASS. for some reason physics just screams Asexual Is A Plant Thing to some people?
"THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T SEE ATTRACTIVENESS" i mean not all ace people don't but i sure don't so. sure.
bonus points to the very conservative politics kid who looked at my pronoun pin and said, in a confused voice "she... her? what?"
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evi-ula 2 years
You think you can hurt me?
i am probably just about the only person who has managed to have less of a social life due to not taking further maths.
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evi-ula 2 years
[blows nose dramatically to reveal an uno reverse card]
i got your nose.
I got ur nose! No I don鈥檛
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evi-ula 2 years
pronoun pin win
so i come into school on friday wearing a purple bow tie (bow tie friday) and my ace and she/her pins as usual and i walk into dance and the dance teacher goes "EVI I LOVE YOUR PIN!!! WHERE DID YOU GET IT!!!" and i'm like uh the internet
immediately she says to the class of six or so year 10s plus the two other people in my ballet class "WE SHOULD ALL GET THESE I AM GOING TO PUT ONE ON MY LANYARD WITH MY SMILEY FACE PIN"
anyway the school dance teacher spreads more gossip and general information than all of the students combined so i bet you by next week everyone who does dance will know about this
so normalising pronoun pins in school is going to be a win
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evi-ula 2 years
mentioned in a previous post "Wait i know what this is" [clearly does not know]
"Look i'd comment but i don't know anything about this sort of stuff so i'd get it wrong and embarrass myself" [walks away very quickly]
"isn't purple your favourite colour" yes it is well done
"no one will know what that is you know evi" yes very aware by the fact that about twenty people, including you, have now asked me
"I LOVE YOUR BADGES I WANT THEM" actual good reaction and i love her
",,, ain't that a plant thing" "THAT'S RUDE" from two different people. The second of which is the second person mentioned here. so clearly he knows a a bit. anyway the comment itself isn't funny but the context is. i have now been told that by two people. BOTH OF WHICH ARE IN MY PHYSICS CLASS. for some reason physics just screams Asexual Is A Plant Thing to some people?
"THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T SEE ATTRACTIVENESS" i mean not all ace people don't but i sure don't so. sure.
bonus points to the very conservative politics kid who looked at my pronoun pin and said, in a confused voice "she... her? what?"
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evi-ula 2 years
so i started wearing an ace flag pin to school
and in music this guy (the token straight of our Very Gay music group) asked what it meant 2 seconds after i'd been explaining to my other ace friend how i'd had to explain it to like three people already
anyway we both burst out laughing not because he didn't know but because of the timing of him asking
naturally, my ace friend leaps onto this. "What does it mean then," she says. The guy gets very flustered because he in fact does not know. "We don't mind if you don't," she says. "no, no, i know," he says. "There are just. so many."
of course all of us laugh at this
anyway today in music again the teacher asked me what it meant so i said it was the ace flag
"THAT'S WHAT IT WAS," says the token straight and we all burst out laughing again because we genuinely forgot to tell him we'd just plunged this poor guy into the abyss of LGBTQ+ identities without a rope to find his way back with
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evi-ula 2 years
so right this is actually a part of my story it's amazing
because my antagonist/main character is a writer who's like 13 and has therefore not published anything she's written yet because you know not a lot of thirteen year olds do
but what she HAS done? written so many aus about her characters
and then the characters SEE THEM
does anyone else write aus for their own ocs even though it's not even published because they're so in love with figments of their own imagination and are too impatient to wait to publish the book and grow a fandom and let other people do it for them
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evi-ula 2 years
Anyone from year 7-9 has been deemed a Horror.
If you are in years 7-9 you are now a Horror.
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evi-ula 2 years
tag the oc that has the name you love most out of all your oc names
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evi-ula 2 years
oh i'm so sorry i didn't say bless you when you sneezed a couple years back did i let a demon in
dislike it when people say 'bless you' when I sneeze. stop acknowledging my bodily functions
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evi-ula 2 years
rb and tag ur sign + explain why or why not you would become a vampire if possible.
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evi-ula 2 years
in my household i am the oldest of three. i am also aroace.
my mum: some day you will find a nice boyfriend my dad: or girlfriend my mum: and remember we don't care what you do with him my dad: or her my mum: you can bring him over whenever we'll be fine with him my dad: or her me, aroace: sure my mum: ALSO THIS APPLIES TO YOU [looks at my younger brothers] my dad: just we assume not yet cause evi hasn't had a boyfriend or girlfriend yet so you won't me, aroace: ha
movie: [unnecessary kiss scene] me: eww my brother, following me: ewwww my mum: COME ON SOME DAY YOU WILL STOP FINDING THIS DISGUSTING me, aroace: sure i will
i will slowly make this entire household aroace by accident
also keep in mind they know. my parents have said to my face (since they know all my friends are gay) "if you're gay we're fine with that btw" and my dad was like "if there was one that was like no attraction it'd be you" but if they can't be bothered to work it out given the number of asexual references i've heard while they were with me i can't be bothered to explain it to them
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evi-ula 2 years
YESYESYES like you can see from records i kept, stuff I said, things i wrote from as young as 7 that i was Probably Aroace just because my favourite thing ever to write was "look we could turn this into a romance but NO! THEY WERE ACTUALLY BESTIES UNTIL THE END OF TIME"
and the numerous people (my age) who tried to ask me out at the ripe old age of eight and i was like wtf i'm too young for this no eww relationships icky continue until age sixteen and i'm like wait maybe i'm just ace
Aspecs can be aspec from a young age.
Being aroallo is not an "adult identity" Young folks being aroace is not just "not understanding relationships" Being alloace is not "being immature"
Young aspecs are valid and important members of our community and deserve respect and support
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evi-ula 2 years
so somehow my dad got hold of a (secondhand?? i think???) d&d campaign thingy whatever and was like Hey Wouldn't It Be Fun If We Did This As A Family
so you guys don't know my family we have:
no imagination 1
no imagination 2
gets bored every 2 seconds
my dad (the dm)
i'm the only one who's played D&D
so we get out our pre-made characters fresh from the factory (though i change a few details on mine to make them less boring) and we go through the campaign and it's the most dull thing ever
this is not least because i am the only one who knows how this game works AND ONE OF MY CHARACTER'S TRAITS IS "DOESN'T LIKE TAKING AUTHORITY IN SITUATIONS"
in the end to make things interesting i cast thaumaturgy to try to convince some guys that i am the voice of god and to release some wolves in their base and then sacred flame on the one who disagrees to make it look like they have just been struck down by god (i love a good cantrip)
as if i would not rather be eaten by wolves.
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evi-ula 2 years
my urge to make every character aroace so i don't have to bother with It and my urge to make every character gay fight every day
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evi-ula 2 years
flashback to that one roleplay when i was twelve when my character had a boyfriend but every time a romance scene happened all the others were like That's It??? That is All???
this happened several times and each time the romance very quickly fizzled out
anyway that was a massive flag that i might have been aroace
every one one of my characters i write is aroace coded btw because figuring out how straight people think is fucking beyond me
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