#& desires
theeroticlover · 5 months
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deloveusion · 1 month
quickie doggy in clothes, because we are so hungry for ourselves
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philosophybits · 3 months
Wise is he who does not grieve over what he does not have, but rejoices in what he has.
Democritus, Fragments, B231
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pinkchrissysposts · 6 months
||☆•2 week affirmation challenge for beginners•☆||~(request)
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<Hey guy it's been quite while,I shifted for a whole month(which will be 2 days here in my CR) in Koizora DR,for a break from my CR,anyways from the result from today's votes,>
Firstly something we all struggle as beginner to manifest is,obsession,desperation,doubts, procrastation and methods. But guys don't worry it's just a normal phase everyone go through after knowing that we can HAVE ANYTHING we want,logical or illogical. But here me out you don't have to force yourself to get completely rid of those negative,because they are always gonna come up,what YOU have to do is be in control of those thoughts,which mean don't let those thoughts guide you to get in a state of lack. You are more power then that so,flip that shit and focus on the new thought or new story.
I get as someone new to law you will be confuse on what to do,or what to manifest,but the most common is thinking HOW. How do I start,"how do I manifest it into my life?","how is it even possible,will it work for me?". It definitely will you've been manifesting your whole life,but since you are new that's why you're finding it hard to manifest. But let me tell you it's simple,if you are not able to embody state,use SATS,being etc.
So here is the routine you have to follow for the next 2 weeks.
🥗. Create a Pinterest vision board look at it,everytime you feel like you need external validation,or motivation.
🥗. Start your day with affirmations,and use this subliminal and loop it as you affirm. Use the sub atleast 1 hour or more while doing your morning routine and robotically affirming.
🥗. Now robotically affirm as you go on with your day. You can talk with others don't have to shut the world out as Sammy said. Or you can do 30 minutes affirmation 1 hour rest session.
🥗. On free time use this morphic field and continue affirming for atleat 30 minutes headphones are not needed foe morphic field so no need to use one since Sapien recommended himself. Also do atleast a proper 1-2 hour saturation session,you can also do other activities.
🥗. OK you have come so far don't give up take some breaks in between.
🥗. At night use these two subs by SLADE,and fall asleep as you affirm. You can loop is overnight too but it's upto you how long you want to use it.
🍋‍🟩That's it so let's see in brief.
★. Affirm as you wake up with the subliminal above.
★. Affirm for 30 minutes and take 1 hour rest or do robotic affirming the whole day.
★. On your free time use morphic field and do a proper saturation session of 1-2 hour.
★. As you fall asleep use two subs and loop it as you affirm to sleep.
Also you don't have to worry about all the emotions you feel,you wanna cry then cry,feeling guilty it's fine,feeling desperate it's fine. Let the emotions pass,people have affirmed while crying,to the point they throw up(me💀) with desperatation,you can obsess over your desires it'snot a big crime. But the biggest crime is not persisting and checking 3D also procrastinating. Also don't get discourage if 3d shows you something you don't like affirm against it because you are more powerfull then those thoughts.
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hubrisinnate · 8 months
The cool thing about a preist's collar is they stand high enough to hide the bites they get when they're moaning like harlots
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
what do i manifest next?⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍡
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if ur anything like me, and u keep getting all of ur manifestations that u don’t know what to manifest next, here are some ways in which u can determine what to manifest next. along with ideas of things to manifest…💬🎀
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take a look at what u find urself wanting subconsciously. you can do that by noticing what makes u jealous. find a few things that make u jealous, those are ur secret desires. so manifest those.
i dont rly have that much else to say because its not something that needs to be rly expanded upon. manifest what u desire, happy manifesting ✨
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thirdity · 2 months
Paradoxically, permanent self-denial is the price the individual pays for the tiniest bit of social status. Such an existence demands a fluid fidelity, a succession of continually disappointing commitments to false products. It is a matter of running hard to keep up with the inflation of devalued signs of life. Drugs help one to come to terms with this state of affairs, while madness allows one to escape from it.
Guy Debord, Comments on the Society of the Spectacle
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sproutedlavender · 6 months
How to Manifest what you want (Hint: Stop doing stuff)
I've been on a manifesting journey for years now, and sometimes it's frustrating, especially when you want something SO bad and it doesn't show up. You've done all your manifestation methods and affirmations but your manifestation are no where to be seen. You get discouraged (rightly so) but that doesn't mean that law of attraction/law of assumption doesn't work. In fact, let me say this right now if you're feeling discouraged DON'T GIVE UP!!!!
You're not manifesting what you want, but why?????
i'll tell you why.
You're trying too hard. You can't TRY and manifest anything. as a wise Yoda once said, "Do or do not, there is no try". Let's say you want a purple lambo (Because honestly, same), you can't try and manifest the Lamborghini. If you do try, it'll never happen because by trying you are automatically sending the message to the universe that you don't have it. If you had what you wanted, you wouldn't need to try to do anything, would you?
Now, this isn't to say that methods and affirmations don't work because they do, it's just you need to have the right mind set. Use them as a reminder of what you already have. When you say an affirmation or do a manifestation method, focus on the gratitude. If you use methods to try and manifest, you never will because you'll always be stuck in the state of TRYING instead of HAVING.
Got it?
So, take some time off and re-evaluate your desires. If you're doing methods or affirmations or subliminals or whatever, look at your mindset. Are you using these things to try and get something? Or are you using them as a reminder to be grateful for you desires that you know you already have. (Law of assumption anyone?)
Stop trying to do anything. How would you feel if you already had you desires? Happy? Confident? Be in that state. think from that state. act from that state and the physical reality MUST reflect your inner world and desires.
So stop trying and relax. Have fun. YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT ALREADY! How cool is that?
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mstudi0s · 3 months
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So that desire that you're so obsessed with having and want so badly. It's yours. I don't want to hear otherwise. Have a nice day! 🌙
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ardent-reflections · 1 year
I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life.
Virginia Woolf
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deloveusion · 15 days
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i know ☺️
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philosophybits · 11 months
You should care about things in a way that makes it a possibility that tragedy will happen to you. If you hold your commitments lightly, in such a way that you can always divest yourself from one or the other of them if they conflict, then it doesn’t hurt you when things go badly. But you want people to live their lives with a deep seriousness of commitment: not to adjust their desires to the way the world actually goes, but rather to try to wrest from the world the good life that they desire. And sometimes that does lead them into tragedy.
Martha Nussbaum, in A World of Ideas, by Bill Moyers
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thevirgodoll · 5 months
DOLL ANNOUNCEMENT: these dating questions are getting ridiculous! your life should NOT revolve around a man... if you find yourself devoting too much time to a man and his shenanigans, you have got to cut him loose. you have to let a grown man lead HIMSELF into healing... stop trying to do it for him based off of potential - the habits he developed are his own until he decides to do better. you are NOT his therapist.
i'm speaking from experience. like are you enabling the drama because you enjoy the thrill and chaos? are you tolerating it because you conflate abuse with "relationship struggles"? are you crying about it because you fear being alone? it's so, so valid but you have to shift your focus to what you CAN control right now. and you can control how you move on.
i hate to say it, but sometimes WE are the problem. like... some of y'all are dumbing yourself down and ignoring your God given intuition. i'll admit that the cult of domesticity has us fast forwarding to trying to build a home. but with NO foundation? we all need a home, but remember, it starts with the SELF first. if you got no routine, no accountability, no faith... a partner/situationship becomes nearly like a God - your answer to anything and your purpose for everything. and that's unfair to both of you.
you have to dedicate your free time to being a better woman. we gotta touch grass. linkedin, indeed, traveling, self improvement, knowledge, doing silly girl things, devoting time to build your beliefs and morals, following your dreams, reinventing/creating a vision, getting healthy, relearning yourself... i don't know. just stop making excuses and do better. and i'm saying this as your big sister from experience. take a break from dating and focus on you until it's time again.
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starrsregulus · 3 months
money mindest affirmations
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money is addicted to me
i live with an infinite supply of money
i am wealthy
i am paid just for existing
my wealth brings me happiness
money constantly flows into my life
it is normal for me to be abundant in money
i am worthy of my wealth
money loves me
i can always pay for my desires
money easily comes into my life consistently
i always have more than enough
i have always had positive views on money
money is obsessed with me
money making opportunities find me with ease
my reality is filled with constant good fortune
money finds me easily
money works for me
money is attracted to me like a magnet
i am financially free and happy
money loves me
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thirdity · 2 months
Man craves happiness here on earth, not fulfillment, not emancipation. Are they utterly deluded, then, in seeking happiness? No, happiness is desirable, but it is a by-product, the result of a way of life, not a goal which is forever beyond one's grasp. Happiness is achieved en route. And if it be ephemeral, as most men believe, it can also give way, not to anxiety or despair, but to a joyousness which is serene and lasting. To make happiness the goal is to kill it in advance. If one must have a goal, which is questionable, why not self-realization? The unique and healing quality in this attitude toward life is that in the process goal and seeker become one.
Henry Miller, Stand Still Like the Hummingbird
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Can't believe I'm doing this... here it is! My (not so atm) visible heartbeat with sound and without. Lighting is off cause of the background messing with the camera auto setting I guess. And I am leaning back a bit. The marks are from string I used to hold the steth in place in other videos I'm holding on to atm. Learning how to do videos! This is NOT as visible as I have been able to get him. I would do ANYTHING to have a session with a female admirer (wouldnt we all) while we play with our visible hearts like this for hours and hours. Listening, feeling, earstething, watching, teasing, playing with each other ... etc etc etc <3
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