#+ this a personal opinion
idmnbc · 1 year
After seeing that many people only rescue the asexual and not the aromantic in Isaac, I hope that in the next season we can see moments where his aromanticism is more emphasized. The word was only mentioned once, while 'asexual' did come up at different times, like when Isaac grabs Angela Chen's book, which was amazing and beautiful. But we need the aromantic joy to be exposed and shouted from the four winds <2
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trans-cuchulainn · 8 months
i do think there is a degree to which certain kinds of Instagram activists have convinced themselves that traumatising themselves in solidarity is a useful form of activism. "I'm having nightmares and crying so much I want to be sick because of all these videos of dying children but I can't look away while people are getting hurt" I mean don't you think you'd be able to help more if you weren't having nightmares and crying all the time?? don't you think this is a one-way trip to burnout? don't you think maybe increasing the amount of trauma going around is counterproductive? I dunno bro there's something to be said for bearing witness but there comes a point where you gotta look hard at yourself and go "am I helping, or am I just making myself suffer so I don't feel guilty for not suffering while somebody else is experiencing bad shit"
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princesskuragina · 3 months
My last post was being snarky but here's my genuine pronoun etiquette opinion in case you actually want to know: it's pretty much never a good idea to directly ask someone their pronouns in front of a group of people, especially if you're in a position of authority, i.e. a teacher. The stakes of this question are very high for some people and you are putting them on the spot to decide what they want to share and what is safe to share. If you have decided you want to ask for pronouns at all, you can introduce yourself with your own to remind people that they can share theirs if they want to. And for the love of god whatever you do please do not just single out the most gender non-conforming or "trans looking" (to you) person and ask only them and no one else
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m1tsuk1d0t · 14 days
Five minutes before god games:
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transexualpirate · 8 months
this might be slightly controversial but i really hate how bioessentialism has dug it's claws in trans spaces. we used to prioritize individual identity but now it's like afab and amab are the new mbti. yall put it in your fucking bios
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Just saw a TikTok complaining about ‘kitten’ as a pet name in fanfiction and while I do agree with/understand their discomfort on that one the comments were FULL of people mentioning all the other common pet names ?? Like honey babe baby sweetheart etc ?? Is your partner just supposed to call you by your name the whole time ????????
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war-forged-storms · 2 months
I have to be honest, when people are objectively into plus sized bodies it turns me on, and I’m not sorry.
I don’t want to have sex where we tiptoe around the fact that I’m fat, I actually want my body to be touched on and groped and worshiped during sex and if someone gonna be weird about it, I’m not going to enjoy myself. I want someone to grab and kiss and mark on my belly the way they would any person no matter the size, as for the rest of me. I’m deserving of that type of sex, and to shame people who want to give me that type of sex just kinda feels weird and fatphobic.
The way that people treat any sort of attraction to fat bodies as fetishization and chasing just frustrates me to no end, sometimes people just are attracted to fat people and know how to love on us the way other people are loved up on.
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massiveladycat · 2 months
leo shouldve learned how to cope with his trauma and his need for validation instead of rick slapping a girlfriend on him and calling it a day. in this essay i will-
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justarandombrit · 3 months
I don't know
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luckthebard · 3 months
I know I’m being anti-fun and a wet blanket about this but -
While I find “if not friend why friend-shaped” about cute but dangerous animals to be a fun meme, I increasingly react with knee-jerk negativity to “if evil why hot” because while it’s not that serious when applied to fiction there is an extremely worrying real trend of people who think of themselves as progressive and enlightened who equate physical appearance to morality.
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ale-arro · 1 year
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been going a little bit insane about this sentence from Ace by Angela Chen for the past week
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emilyaxford · 1 year
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cali · 1 year
i hate motherfuckers who base their whole personality on the sum experience of their formative years + the people they mostly interact with + some key impactful events in life + a small amount of traits they were just born with + their current interests and some other stuff probably. so fucking annoying...
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egophiliac · 5 months
I have been informed that you guys are getting part 4 of episode 7 tomorrow, which means we are FINALLY going to get the official romanization of Revaan's name, somebody please tell me because I need to know what it is.
like, yes, it's probably just Revan/Levan, but look, I'm sitting here with my finger over the button of all these Laverne and Shirley jokes and just waiting for the opportunity to deploy them --
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buggachat · 10 months
does anyone else form their headcanons of marinette and adrien largely on the basis of "they have to be opposite each other"? like, creation and destruction, yin and yang, etc. like Marinette being late all the time and sleeping through her alarms? so she's probably a deep sleeper? So that means, by the laws of my lovesquare headcanons according to my brain, Adrien has to be a light sleeper. Marinette is a chaotic creative person and I can imagine her just having so much STUFF all around and living in organized chaos. so therefore Adrien likes his spaces neat and clear. (also something something creation and clutter vs destruction and emptiness) you know??? ???? ? adrien and marinette headcanons just cant be independent of each other in my brain. they are always intrinsically linked
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alpacacare-archive · 1 year
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day twoe ah haha
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