neoninky · 1 day
So today I was binging Bridgerton cuz apparently I’m on a romantic drama spiral 😂 good ol stuffy British romances about rich people and their non-relatable problems 👍
Which has lead me to head canons surrounding a certain group of dashing young men who are basically from a historical drama…
Yes that’s right:
Diasomnia Courtship Head Canons
Featuring Lilia’s three sons (no this is not how I’m going to write them in my story-oh who am I kidding, yes it is 😂)
Tagging peeps for shenanigans: @nuitthegoddess @wysteriadelights @iscarlettappel @foxwitchaine @1ndigowitch @victoria1676
Malleus: The prince and soon-to-be king of Briar Valley, he is naturally expected to find himself a queen and future mother to his heirs. So courtship isn't something that comes as a surprise to him. In fact, it's something he was prepared for since he became old enough to understand what courtship and marriage even were.
For Malleus, this can go one of two ways: 1) if he's being forced to meet and court a some daughter of a noble family that he's not interested in, he'll be…avoidant. In other words, he out poofs away in firefly dust. Once the guards, or Silver and Sebek, OR Lilia, finally hunt him down and force him to show up, Malleus is polite. He goes through all the motions and acts like the perfect gentleman, but anyone who knows him well can see the distant, far-off look of escapism in his eyes.
OR 2) he's not only interested, he is INVESTED. Hoo boy, good luck stopping him from trying to be the only man on this girl's radar. Not only does he perform all the expected etiquette perfectly, Malleus Draconia is the epitome of "down bad". What's her favorite color? Favorite flowers? Does she like music? What's her favorite food??? This man will discover and procure all of it for her faster than lightning. Seven help him if she is (for some reason) not impressed, he'll be crushed. Seven help him if she is impressed and - dare it be so - shows appreciation and affection in return. Smitten doesn't even skim the surface, oof. Malleus Draconia needs to marry her now. His crew will have their hands full trying to help the love-struck royal not come on too strong (too late probably) or rush things too quickly. Either way, once his mind is made up, Malleus only has eyes for his queen.
Silver: Being a human raised primarily around fae folk or even half-fae folk, Silver is familiar with the range of courting rituals that various fae have performed over the years. Human courtship, on the other hand, well…he's a bit lost if not old-fashioned in that department. Mostly because of his lack of human interaction, but also because his father is Lilia. Self explanatory. He doesn't have a preference on fae women vs human/other women, though he understands that fae live far longer than humans so that might complicate things. Regardless, Silver is clumsy when wooing women (or anyone he might be interested in). He has the heart of the very best-boi boy but he can be a bit shy with showing/voicing his feelings at first.
The majority of his life has been dedicated to becoming a worthy knight for Malleus, though his school days allowed him some leisure and fun in between his training. Even so, Silver's bravery and tenacity in battle doesn't translate into romance. In fact, he often suffers from cold feet when faced with a potential crush/love interest. Silver logically knows certain things he can do to show his affection on paper. In action, however, he may need some help practice. Don't even get him started on the anxiety his sleep condition brings him. He gets so nervous about suddenly passing out in front of the girl he wants to romance that it will sometimes make him literally sick (poor guy). Once he FINALLY gets over his nerves and takes action, Silver can make his feelings known. It may be awkward but you won't find another more genuine confession from a guy who looked like he walked out of a fairy tale. Also don't be surprised if an army of woodland creatures was recruited to help out.
If rejected, Silver is nothing if not a man of honor. He sees no point in hounding a woman who isn't interested in him, no matter how much it hurts. If his feelings are reciprocated, the poor man might pass out from joy. If he prepares correctly, Silver drinks enough coffee to keep that from happening. Silver will then exhale in immense relief ask his beloved for an even more romantic date, which he spent at least three days planning out with the help of the other Diasomnia bois. Victory achieved.
Sebek: While Malleus is enthusiastic and full throttle and Silver is charmingly shy/awkward and slow to act, Sebek is somewhere in the middle. This man is and always has been very disciplined in all endeavors. For him, romance will be no different. Sebek Zigvolt has trained since childhood to be Malleus' knight. This is his greatest goal and ambition. Someday his lord will marry and have children, precious little princes and princesses! Naturally, their security and well-being are Sebek's top priority!! As such romance has been put on the back burner through the majority of Sebek's teen years.
Once Sebek sets his sights on courtship and romance, he will not settle for just anyone, no sir. He is a man with taste and standards. You know those girls who write down the traits of their ideal husbands in a list? Sebek is the male equivalent of that. It's not as shallow as it sounds, Sebek just knows what he wants. Granted he started the list when he was about 14 years old cough, so some things do change as he matures. Even so, Sebek is - like Silver - old-fashioned in romance. He knows all the moves: bringing her flowers on the first date, taking her on romantic moonlit walks while also respecting her boundaries and fighting off any hooligans that may threaten her dignity, getting her father's approval, the whole nine yards!
And boy is he prepared. He's actually quite proud - if not smug - of how much research he's put into properly courting a lady. His grandfather made sure to leave books out for him when he was young so of course he grew into an avid reader. Definitely learned a thing or two from romance novels but will not admit it out loud.
Either way, once Sebek finds his dream girl, he already has a strategy all mapped out. If one plan doesn't work, he's got backup plans. If things are going well, Sebek will not rush the courtship, but he will absolutely have the proposal and the wedding (hell, probably the honeymoon too dayum) all planned out in his head. If he somehow misses a detail, his mother and older sister will have at least five to ten different options at the ready to offer him and his lady love.
If for some reason Sebek's affections are rejected, he will put on a strong front…until he gets home/back to Malleus's castle and then he'll just fall to pieces. He's gonna need a grieving period, bless his heart. He will more than likely be a complete wreck until he gets the heartache completely out of his system.
If all goes well and Sebek does successfully get with his dream lady love, pssssh well OF COURSE he did! Was there ever any doubt?! Foolish humans, of course not! (Lies, Sebek definitely has moments of doubt that he covers up with loud outbursts and vigorous training to the point of exhaustion. Thank Seven that it did work out though, whew.)
Chaos ensues any time Lilia tries to make a meal to welcome his new 'daughters' to the family. The boys immediately go into covert ops to stop him from getting into the kitchen, sometimes asking their girlfriends/wives to help distract him or getting Lilia started on a story tangent about his travels, his glory days as a general, anything to keep him talking.
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missallanea-archive · 9 months
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@jauneilles: ❛ it’s nothing, i’m just tired. ❜ / for nathalie!
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Doubt briefly flickers across the otherwise stoic expression, but lasts only a moment. It wasn't her place to pry into the well fair of children outside of her charge, certainly not the Bourgeois child. And even more unusual, that she should even notice such a thing, the tiniest of changes in Chloe's otherwise steadfast outward appearance. Since when had she ever paid attention to such minor details?
"Of course," comes automatically, dismissing the notion that anything beyond that could possibly be effecting the young woman. "My apologies. Adrien should be ready for you up in his room. Just call if you two need anything."
That should have been the last of it, but Nathalie couldn't quite help but keep her eyes trained on Chloe on her way up the stairs. Had she finally been pushed to a breaking point?
200 random dialogue prompts
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ghouljams · 1 month
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This was giving your dad!ghost :((
Ghost does not handle any of his girls getting hurt well. He's been through actual hell and yet it's sitting in the hospital while his kid gets patched up that sends him into a spiral. So here's Cowboy!Ghost dealing with his kids getting hurt:
It happens in a split second. Mary's on the pony and then she isn't, the usually docile animal panicking and trying to get as far away from the wailing little girl as possible. Ghost vaults the fence while you try to corral the pony and skid to a stop next to his daughter. Big fat tears roll down her face, her little hand smearing snot over her cheek as her other arm hangs bent at her side. Simon's stomach churns, he knows a break when he sees one, and he's seen plenty. They've never set his nerves on edge like this one.
He shushes his daughter, gathers her in his arms as carefully as he can, trying not to jostle the break more than necessary. It's heart breaking to hear her cry like this, her hiccupped sobbing as she presses her face against Simon's shoulder and tells him "it hurts daddy" makes blind panic seize him. Fuck's sake he's broken arms before, he's been shot, hung by his ribs, buried alive, but somehow hearing his daughter cry twists a knife so deep in his gut it hurts worse than death always seemed to.
Simon holds her the whole way to the hospital. He lets her wipe her snot all over his shirt and soak his shoulder with her tears. His baby, his poor little girl. He should've been watching the horse, he should've been keeping a closer eye on her. He holds Mary's hand (the good one) and imagines all the worst case scenarios that could happen while you talk to the doctor. Simon almost rips the man's hand off when he touches Mary's arm and she whimpers.
Ghost sits in the ice cream shop with his daughter in a bright pink cast, watching you help her put stickers on it and thinks there's no way he can go through this again. He's bubble wrapping this girl.
A sharp cry of a scream, quickly cut off with a sniffled whine. Ghost whips the door open to see his daughter holding her fingers tight against her chest. She looks up at him with a glare that could almost rival yours as you ask what happened from the other room
"Daddy closed the door on my fingers!" Bibi yells back, her pout reinforced by the tears blossoming in her eyes.
"Baby," Simon chokes, reaching for her. Bibi turns tail and runs off to her room with a sniffle and a:
"No! I hate daddy!"
Simon feels something break in him, and drops to his knees. He presses his hands over his eyes, tries to get a grip on what's slipped loose inside him. You wander out of the baby's room to check on the situation and Simon looks up at you like he's killed someone. The hollowness in his eyes when he drops his hands makes you raise a brow. Simon takes a deep breath and you have to stuff down your smile when he tells you:
"I hurt her," with all the severity of a deathbed confession, "She hates me."
"Si..." Your lips pull tight, he doesn't appreciate your humor in his failures as a father, "she's three."
It takes a bit of coaxing to get Simon up and into the girls' room, even more to get him past the doorway once he see Bibi laying facedown on her toddler bed crying. He feels big and out of place sitting on the little bed, even more so settling a hand on his daughter's back. It feels awkward, like it isn't enough to make up for the sin he's committed. How could he ever think he could have children, he's not made for this.
She turns to look at him, pouting, it breaks his heart. "Lemme see your fingers baby," He implores, helping the little girl sit up. She holds her hand up and he carefully inspects the little digits, all red and bruised from where he'd closed the bathroom door on her. He kisses the tip of her fingers and she gives a watery little laugh. "I'm so sorry Abs," He tells his daughter pulling her into a hug as she wraps her little arms around his neck.
"I sorry too daddy," she tells him and Simon sighs with relief. She doesn't hate him. That's good.
Jackie has to be the most accident prone kid on earth and she's going to be the death of her father. He doesn't remember two being such a dangerous age, but it feels like every time he turns around the kid has knocked her head on something or tripped or- something. Simon sweeps her up out of the way before a goat can butt its head against her. She giggles as he sets her on the other side of the paddock fence and watches her run after one of the barn cats. Only to face plant into the grass.
It seizes Simon's poor heart every time, watching like a hawk as she pushes herself onto her hands and knees and gets to standing again. "Ok Dad-dy," She tells him, the same way his other two do every time they fall. No tears, just a bruise or two. Now if he could just get her to keep this "no broken bones" attitude when she needed shots...
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naivegh0ul · 7 months
Just imagine older bf simon coming home to his gf taking a nap on the couch and he just falls in love with her all over again😕 wakes her up with small licks to her clit (with previous consent ofc)
Yesyesyes you are so smart anon.
Of course, nothing compares to the way Ghost fell in love with you the first time, just the thought of that first day you two met and Ghost fell head over heels for you is enough to make him sigh contently, happy with his life as it is.
But that doesn't mean that he doesn't like the feeling of falling in love with you again. He falls in love at the smallest of things, seeing you cooking in his kitchen, hips swaying and head rocking as you hum along the lyrics to a song, or seeing you in his clothes as you struggle to pick an outfit for your annual date night with him.
When he comes home from a hard day of work, he sees you curled up on the couch, wearing one of his hoodies and his joggers, the band of his underwear peeking out and you snooze.
You make the cutest little noises and shuffle around, trying to get comfortable on the leather couch. Careful not to disturb your peaceful sleep, Ghost steps closer and kneels in front of the couch, staring at your face with a loving, slightly lustful gaze.
He just can't help himself when he sees you. It doesn't matter where you are, the simple act of you being your usual, lovable self is enough to turn Ghost on.
And you've discussed this before so Ghost knows it's okay when he leans forward, one hand groping your tits through his- your sweatshirt and his lips pressed against your unmoving ones.
"Prettiest girl in the world, you are." Ghost mumbles, slipping his hands under the hoodie to feel you up. His hands explore your chest, then your sides, then your stomach, and then they slide down to the waistband of your joggers.
He tugs them down gently, lifting your hips and pulling the fabric down past your thighs. He knew you had his boxers on, but catching one glimpse and getting a front row seat of his loose boxers covering up your perfect body are two very different things.
You seem to stir a little at the disturbance but don't open your eyes. "What are you doing?" You ask groggily. "Nothin'. Go back to sleep, love."
You comply with his orders easily, drifting back off into a peaceful sleep as Ghost shimmies closer to you and pushes his face between your legs, his hands holding your thighs apart as he nudges your clit with his nose through the fabric.
"Fuck, you smell delicious." Ghost's tongue darts out and flicks at your clit through his boxers, wrapping his lips around the sensitive nub as if there's not a cotton barrier in his way.
"Gotta taste you, sweetheart." He talks to you as if you're awake, as if you're paying any attention to the way his hands snake up your plush thighs, squeezing them appreciatively before he pulls the underwear off of your sleeping form.
You're none the wiser when Ghost spreads your lips with his fingers, a lewd, wet sound filling the air, proving that even in your sleep you're still always so wet for Ghost.
He's more aggressive this time. Desperate as he licks a stripe through folds before focusing on your poor swollen clit. He pulls you against his face and laps at you like that's all he's ever wanted from life, a chance to be between your thighs, loving your pretty pussy.
"What are you doing?" You suddenly say, awake and conscious instead of dead asleep like you were two minutes ago. "I love you." Ghost pulls away for just a moment to respond, as if "I love you," is a reasonable answer to your question.
But, damn, if Ghost isn't good at making you mindless on his tongue. It has you struggling to speak, moans coming out of your mouths instead of the full sentence you had planned in your head.
"Love you, too," You settle on. Simple, yet true. "What are you- mmm- what are you doing?" You repeat your question from earlier and you tangle your fingers in Ghost's hair, pulling on the greyish-blond strands as your legs tighten around Ghost's head.
Ghost doesn't respond, moaning against your core as he laps up your juices with his tongue and holds your thighs on either side of his head, encouraging you to squeeze them and squish Ghost between your thighs.
He eats you out like a man starved. There's no need to be gentle now that you're awake and he really wants to taste you, he wants to show you just how much he loves you, and this is the only way he knows how.
He doesn't even need to use his fingers, his tongue doing a good enough job as he drools all over your, his spit and your slick running down his chin as he buries his tongue in your hole and bumps your clit with the tip of his strong nose.
"Love you," Ghost kisses your clit and digs his tongue under the hood, toying with your painfully sensitive bud. "So much. Need you, sweetheart. Wanna show you how much I love you."
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kentopedia · 9 months
my girl dad dazai post but now i’m thinking abt pm boss dazai as a dad …
he knows the mafia is no place for a child, but then you get pregnant, and he realizes just how badly he does wants to be a dad (even if he thinks he’ll bad at it)
he swears to himself he’ll protect her from all the bad things in the world, but it’s not just him … she’s got everyone in the port mafia wrapped around her little finger. so dazai feels a little better, knowing he’s got a handful of the most powerful ability users looking out for her <3
and she can get away with anythinggg. there is a lot of “just don’t tell your mom” happening (from dazai & everyone else). she loves that everyone has a special ability, but chuuya’s is her favorite bc he can float anything ! and she is dazai’s child so don’t doubt she is a menace !! if chuuya won’t fly her in the air, she’ll start tearing up bc she knowssss it makes him feel bad >:)
dazai has a lot going on with the port mafia, but nothing is more important than you and his daughter. he puts everything aside for the two of you !! the most devoted husband and father
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dazai stops, mid sentence, looking up at the sound of the door slamming shut, little footsteps sprinting across the room. he’s in the meeting room with the execs, discussing the foreseeable future of the mafia.
“daddy! daddy!” she shouts, running with something waving wildly in her hand. you’re two steps behind, her but she’s far too quick, too excited about her newest creation to stop. “look what i made!”
and though dazai is in the middle of an important meeting, his entire body language changes, and he’s turning towards the little girl, a big smile on his face. “what did you make today, cutie?” he asks, picking her up to pull into his lap.
“mommy showed me how to paint!” she shoves the canvas into his hand, a proud grin on her face as dazai brushes away her tangled hair. “look! it’s all of us!” she says, but her l’s still sound a little like w’s, and dazai can’t help but marvel at the fact that this sweet little girl has been raised by him.
she points to herself, a stick figure with an odd-shaped head, and nothing more than two lines of dark hair. “that’s me! and there’s you and mommy!” there’s a heart painted between your heads, and it makes dazai melt, the fact that even your daughter can see all the love you have for each other.
he wants to kiss you so badly, overwhelmed by affection for the two most important people in his life.
but then his little girl is pointing to a chaotic block of red and black, painted in splatters in the corner of the canvas. “and there’s uncle chuuya!”
dazai stares at it, blinks, then bursts into a fit of laughter that has his stomach aching. there’s a little hat on top of the mess of paint, and it sends dazai into another spiral.
“let me see that!” chuuya says, grumbling as he snatches the canvas out of dazai’s hand.
“what?” your daughter asks, frowning as she pokes her dad in the face, trying to get him to stop his laughter. “is it bad, uncle chuu?”
and chuuya, who previously had a grumpy expression, softens, not wanting to break the poor girl’s heart. “no, it’s real good,” he promises, even if he’s a bit offended by the portrayal, when she made her own family look so sweet. “it looks just like me!”
dazai chokes, but finally stops laughing to himself when you flick the back of his head.
“yay!” your daughter says, throwing her arms up high, grinning at chuuya’s praise. she’s so adorable that dazai has half a mind to squeeze her tight and never let her go. “see, mommy i told you they’d like it!”
you sigh, and take her from dazai’s arms. “you were supposed to show them after the meeting.” she’s still making grabby hands at her dad as you hold her, a pout forming while she squirms in your arms, trying to escape. “sorry, ‘samu. i know you’re busy today.”
dazai leans up, standing halfway out of his chair to kiss the frown off your face. “don’t apologize, darling.” he caresses your cheek softly, before looking back at his daughter, who just wants to be nosy and listen in to the adult conversations. “i always have time for my two favorite girls.”
you smile, softening as dazai ruffles his daughter’s hair.
“i want to stay here with you!” the little girl says, and dazai laughs, closing up her fists with his palm gently as she tries to climb onto him.
“i’ll be done in just a little bit, sweetie. then, how about we have a tea party? i’ll go get you some ice cream too! but you have to listen to your mom until then, okay?”
“i’ll listen, i promise!” she squeals in excitement, and then sobers, leaning back into your arms with a serious expression. “can you bring a special guest again? maybe akutagawa this time? he hasn’t been to a tea party yet!”
dazai’s lip twitches, but he doesn’t let the smile break free. still, the mere thought of akutagawa pouring tea for his daughter is enough to have him complying with her wishes. “sure, honey. i think i can arrange that.”
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esouliie · 3 months
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(natasha romanoff x fem! reader)
– synopsis | falling in love with your childhood bestfriend might have been one of the best yet scariest things to happen to you. but what happened in the summer of ‘97? what happened to your darling natalia?
– warnings | little fluff & a lot of angst, kind of au (no avengers), child abuse, mentions of: attempted suicide, self harm, body mutilation, burn marks, severe malnourishment (18+)
– notes | this was supposed to be a oneshot but, as usual, i spiralled out of control and now it has two chapters… potentially three? merci, mon alice, for the header @wandasgf ♡
[ word count: 4.4k ] Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
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JULY 1992
The sun had begun to set and yet the warmth of the day still lingered. The glow of the street lamps cast an amber hue on the pavement, outlining the familiar houses that lined the quiet street. The air was filled with the scent of summer, a blend of fresh grass and the distant fragrance of blooming flowers. In one of the houses on the street, a family gathered in their backyard for a summer evening barbecue. The smell of sizzling burgers and sweet barbecue sauce wafted through the air, and the faint laughter of children chasing each other echoed, while the adults lounged and swapped stories.
Meanwhile, across the field, two girls were beneath the sprawling branches of a willow tree. A patchwork quilt, covering a section of flattened grass, held a tea set long forgotten as they had rounded the thick trunk, the littlest one already perched on the wooden swing.
“Push me higher, Natty!” You exclaimed, voice full of glee. You were only a small girl with wild hair and a toothy grin, but your spirit was boundless.
Natalia smiled brightly, her own eyes sparkling with joy at her friend's excitement. “You’re already so high you could see the Empire State Building.” She teased, her laughter blending with the sound of chirping crickets amongst the long grass in the distance.
“I know!” The wind whipped against your face, and you couldn’t help but let out a joyous laugh.
Inseparable since Natalia moved in next door, your friendship blossomed under the protective branches of the willow tree across the street, where a swing hung proudly in the breeze. Its gentle leaves whispered secrets that only the two of you could hear, dreams of the future etched upon its bark, as unadulterated laughter rang true with its sway.
She whistled as your head swung back, the carefree spirit of the summer evening enveloping her in its warm embrace. And as she gazed up at the tree’s opening, she found twinkling stars above and the imaginary distant silhouette of the Empire State Building visible on the horizon. She couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the vastness of the world she had yet to see.
"Whoa, this is amazing." You shouted, feeling your stomach drop with each swoop. "Let’s swing all the way to the moon!"
“Maybe not the moon,” She pushed harder, her hands gripping the thick plank of wood beneath you, “But let’s try for the stars."
You shouted with as much euphemism as your little body could handle as the swing reached its peak. Weightless under its motion, you were suspended between the sky and the ground.
 An angel flung out of space.
 "I can almost touch the stars!"
She smiled. Despite her hands being rubbed red raw from rope burn, she was happy. She was always happy to be with you. While she had her younger sister, Yelena, whom she cared for deeply, it wasn't the same as having you. A friendship of her own creation. She yearned for the summer days when she could run around like a child with you.
“That’s good, that means you’re almost home, little star.” She shouted, her accent slipping out ever so subtly.
Carefully, your hand stretched toward the night sky – a poor attempt to touch the boiling balls of gas above.
You both were happy.
It’s sad what became of you both.
All too soon, reality intruded once more. The distant sound of a heavy door opening cut through the air, a gentle reminder that all good things must come to an end. With a final push, Nat stepped back and held onto the plank, commanding it to a halt. She knew what was coming.
At first, you didn’t notice her disappear around the wide trunk. But the gentle clink of pottery against one another told you enough as you followed in her footsteps.
“Natalia,” You whined, hands on your waist at the sight of the older girl cleaning up. “No, it’s your turn to swing.”
A whistle pierced the air, its familiar shrill sound gaining both of your attention. The sound of home time. “Natalia, come. Time to go.” Her mother’s voice carried just as loud, urging the redhead to leave playtime behind.
She turned to you, her expression softening as she looked down at your smaller frame. With a mixture of reluctance and understanding, she pulled you into a tight embrace, the warmth of her arms wrapped around you, the gentle press of her lips against your forehead lingered for a moment before she released you and ran off into the gathering dusk.
Alone now, you watched as the field fell silent, the only sound being of the insects hidden in the dark. The swing on the other side croaked gently in response to the light breeze and the redhead’s swift departure. For a moment, you considered sitting on it, perhaps pushing yourself back and forth on the points of your feet. Instead, you find yourself standing there: the absence of your best friend ever so palpable, a void that sunk deep into your bones.
Without Natalia by your side, the swing held little allure, and you decided to make your way back home. With your large basket in hand, you reached your own doorstep and paused, casting one last glance towards the girl’s house. The lights were on inside, casting a warm glow against the darkness outside.
You almost missed it, but a glimpse of red hair appeared out the window, followed by a hand waving at you. As soon as you waved back, she was gone. Window shut. Curtains drawn.
You went to bed with a cheesy grin plastered on your face.
You’ll see her again tomorrow.
“Natalia, stop fighting me on this. You look like a popsicle.” You laughed and shoved the girl playfully from where you were sitting against the willow tree.
“It's cool.” She defended, as her hand tugged at her blue-dyed ends.
The years had rolled by, but the memories of that swing under the willow tree lingered on in your heart. As the seasons changed, so did your life. You made new friends, explored different interests, and navigated the tumultuous journey of adolescence. Being older than you, Natalia was already in high school, but she didn’t go to any in the district, as she was home-schooled and sometimes had to leave for a while. She never really told you why.
Even so, your bond deepened and an unspoken connection developed between you both. Under the tree's comforting shade, you discovered a warmth in your heart that went beyond friendship. Those lazy summer afternoons spent laughing, dreaming, and sharing secrets created a bond that you wanted to explore further.
You’d never felt like this before for anyone.
Only Natalia.
Life as a pre-teen was so confusing.
You snorted, “Yeah, okay, you leave for a month and come back with half of your hair a different colour.”
But it wasn't just the hair colour that captivated you. It was the way she carried herself - a wisdom wise beyond her years. She was the same goofy redhead of course - her eyes sparkled with mischief when she laughed at you, her hand held the same warmth in yours as you walked together. But there was something else lurking beneath, a sadness more notable than her usual melancholy. You noticed the slight furrow in her brow, the way her fingers tapped nervously against each other.
Something was weighing on her mind, something significant. So, you asked, “What’s wrong?”
She let out such a soft sigh that you almost missed it.
“I’m leaving.”
Dread washed over you, and a knot formed in your stomach. "Again?"
She had just returned the other day. Your mind raced with questions and uncertainty and the tears already clustered your lash line. You, a child with no need to mask her emotions, no need to hide her soul, unlike Natalia, who always seemed to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders, her laughter always accompanied by a subtle sadness, as if she were trying to conceal her true feelings behind a façade of cheerfulness. But today, as she sat you down with a gentle tug, her eyes betraying a mixture of resolve and sorrow, you sensed that she could no longer hide what she'd been keeping inside.
"It's for good this time," she murmured, her gaze fixed on the ground as if unable to meet your eyes. "My parents want to go back to Russia. They don’t like it here.”
Though unspoken, you sensed the weight of what she meant. They don't like you. It stung, a silent acknowledgement of the barriers you've fallen blind to. The odd glances from her mother, the subtle disapproval from her younger sister—all pieces of a puzzle you've tried to ignore.
Her admission hung heavy in the air, the reality of separation sinking in with each passing moment. She drew closer, her delicate fingers brushing away the tears that cascaded down your cheeks. You lifted your gaze to meet hers, noticing the weariness etched into her features, the telltale signs of tears already shed hours before.
“I’ll miss you.” She whispered, forehead flushed against yours, before leaning down to kiss the corner of your lips. An almost kiss. One of many shared underneath the cover of the willow tree.
You tasted saltiness and noticed the fresh tears that had now sprung from her eyes.
“I'll miss you too. Forever.”
The next morning, you stood outside her house, as the sun cast long shadows over their lawn. It was your last full day together so you arrived bright and early, not wanting to waste any time. You reached out to knock on the door, but your hand hovered, hesitant. The house remained still, as if holding its breath, waiting for something that would never come. You glanced around, searching for any sign of life, but the windows stared back at you blankly, revealing nothing but darkness within.
A sinking feeling gnawed at your stomach as you realized they must've left in the night, slipping away like shadows fleeing from the dawn. The same way they joined this neighbourhood.
With a heavy heart, you turned away from the empty house, feeling as if a piece of your soul had been torn away with their departure. The world already seemed colder, lonelier, devoid of her warmth and laughter that once filled it.
In the days that followed, you found yourself drawn to the tree – yours and Natalia’s safe haven. You sat there, surrounded by memories, as the rope swayed in the wind - empty and forlorn. Though still magical, the willow tree could no longer shield you from the loneliness that settled in your heart, as the summer months stretched on endlessly, a blur of empty hours filled with longing and regret.
That night, you slept with a permanent frown, a puddle of tears staining your pillow.
You won’t see her again tomorrow.
APRIL 2001
From afar, she looked different. Almost unrecognisable.
Eighteen years old and she was here: barely an adult yet taller and slimmer, with a cascade of auburn curls framing her face that replaced the short blue hair you remembered. The years had engraved themselves onto her, carving the once-round face into a pointed visage that spoke of both experience and loss.
Just as beautiful as you remembered.
You sat on the swing under the tree with a book in hand, lost in its pages until light danced between the branches and a flicker of movement caught your attention. Glancing up, you froze as you saw her across the street.
Your heart quickened its pace, memories flooding back in a torrent. But this woman was different. She’d changed. She’d grown.
She noticed you too, her gaze locking onto yours for a moment. There's a flicker of recognition, a spark of something in those eyes. For a heartbeat, it feels like time hasn't passed, like you're still the same two little girls taking on the world together. But then, just as quickly as the connection formed, she averted her gaze, choosing instead to continue on her journey. She walked with purpose, footsteps marching in a steady rhythm that both connected and distanced her from you. She couldn’t get caught up with you. She had a job to do.
Realising she was going to walk away, you pushed yourself off the swing, a mix of hope and nerves swirling inside you as you discarded the book somewhere in the grass.
None of that mattered. Natalia was here. She was back.
“Hey, wait!” You shouted, practically running after her. You reached out to grab her wrist, but she jerked away, shoving you back a few steps with surprising force.
Up close, the difference was unquestionable.
The once soft and kind Natalia had evolved into a hardened version of herself, sharpened by strong fists. Her eyes once filled with innocence, now harbour shadows of pain and resilience. She exuded an aura of toughness, and a guarded silence had replaced the laughter that used to be a melody in her voice.
“Natalia? What are you doing here?” You inquired, tentatively closing the gap between you both. You watched as she winced at her name falling from your lips.
And yet, this time, she didn’t evade your touch. Her hand trembled slightly as it met yours, eyes fluttering shut for a moment. In that fleeting silence, you took in the toll life has taken on her. Her arms bear the marks of countless scars, remnants of battles fought in shadows, and bruises of varying hues.
“What happened to your arms?” Your voice is gentle, a soft inquiry borne out of concern.
But, the sudden confrontation had her retreating into herself, defences rising once more like impenetrable walls. You mustn’t know. She could never do that to you. “Let go.” She demanded sharply, her tone cutting through the air like a knife.
Caught off guard, you hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed, but that’s long enough for her to decide to rip her hand out of yours, sharp and abrupt.
“Are you okay?” Your voice was barely a whisper as you watched her practically flee, disappearing around the corner of the street.
 You don’t follow her.
Funny how throughout life, fate seemed to play a game with you, pulling Natalia in and out of your orbit like a cosmic dance.
At twenty-seven, you found yourself entrenched in the fast-paced world of trauma nursing. After the arduous journey through medical school, you packed your bags and set your sights on the East Coast. New York City welcomed you with open arms, its vibrant chaos becoming the backdrop to your new life. From your boss’s office window, the silhouette of the Empire State Building stood tall, a symbol of strength amidst the chaos below.
You thrived in this environment, relishing in the opportunity to connect with and assist people in their most vulnerable moments. The adrenaline rush of the emergency room, the delicate balance between life and death—it fuelled you in ways nothing else could. Not since that summer night. Not since you tried to touch the stars.
Today, however, the hospital was enveloped in an air of secrecy and quiet urgency. Paramedics had rushed in with a new patient a few hours ago, shrouded in mystery as they were rushed straight into surgery. Usually, you're first on-site with incoming patients but you had been busy working your rounds to be able to assist, and there were enough on the trauma team – with the security clearance - to handle such a situation.
Stopping by the bedside of your oldest patient, Mrs. Dinton, you smiled sweetly. “Hey, Mrs Dinton. How are we today?”
"Ah, there you are, dearie," she said, her voice crackling with age. "I was just telling Nurse Molly here about the delightful hospital pudding they serve on Wednesdays. It's simply divine, don't you think?"
You chuckled softly, waving a hello to your colleague. "I'm afraid I'm not much of a fan, Mrs. Dinton. But I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it."
She laughed, a sound like tinkling bells. "Oh, well, means more for me then."
Before you could continue the conversation – could reprimand the elderly woman about how she needs to watch her sugar intake - Dr. Cho appeared at your side, her expression serious. "Excuse me, ladies. But, Nurse Y/N, is needed elsewhere." She says kindly but with a hint of urgency, no room for questioning. You and Dr. Cho were great friends, having graduated med school together and now working at the same hospital.
“What is it, Helen?” You asked, following her footsteps out the ward, navigating the labyrinthine hallways of the hospital.
“I’ve been assigned postoperative care for the Jane Doe and I want you with me...” Your heart dropped at the mention of the mystery woman.
All day, the hushed tones and covert glances exchanged among your colleagues hinted at the gravity of the situation. Their whispers that followed you through the hospital corridors spoke of a failed suicide attempt. While the hospital had sadly seen its share of such cases, this one was different – a Jane Doe, requiring an unusual degree of privacy.
“…while I don’t know any more than you about what happened, I trust you the most to help me with her. So I got you clearance. Go grab us a pair of gloves, I’ll meet you inside.” Helen finished with a nod before entering the private wing.
You donned your own pair of latex and made your way back to the private wing, the click of your shoes echoing down the corridor. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation and concern. The weight of the unknown pressed upon you as you approached the room where the troubled soul awaited treatment. Few years being a trauma nurse, you had seen it all… but not a Jane Doe. Never a Jane Doe.
Upon entering, you found Helen already studying the patient's chart. The subdued lighting in the room cast a sombre mood, and the machines hummed softly in the background. The Jane Doe was laid on the hospital bed, head secured in a neck brace and a tube down her throat, a silent testament to the ordeal she had endured.
“Thanks,” Helen whispered, making her way over to retrieve her gloves. "I've gone through everything in the notes. The attempt was pretty severe."
You nodded, taking in the gravity of the situation. The silence was broken only by the soft beeping of the monitors as you both began your work. Each movement was deliberate, and each procedure executed with precision and empathy. You adjusted the IV drip, checked the vital signs, and made sure everything was in order.
Sometime later, Helen had left, her pager going off as her presence was needed with another incoming patient.  The room seemed to hold its breath, but it was only you. The machine to your right, making sure the woman was still breathing.
You read over her notes once more.
“Female, 5’7…” You ramble aimlessly to no one as you find yourself unable to voice the rest.
The laceration on her neck caught your attention. The wound stretched across her delicate skin, a jagged seam where the surgeons' skilled hands had meticulously stitched the deep gash closed. The edges of the cut were puckered slightly, evidence of the trauma dealt with by the knife paramedics found next to her unconscious body. Judging by the shape, it seemed like she plunged rather than sliced, the offending weapon, then, pulled out instead of left inside. She was quite malnourished, her cheeks hollowed out, collarbone visible as the gown drowned her thin figure. She lacked a sufficient amount of muscle. You wondered how someone could go unnoticed without eating for several days. It was as if she had become a ghost, fading away in plain sight.
The woman looked ill - eyes sunken with abnormally pale skin. Drifting down her body, you noticed her legs. A horrified gasp threatened to leave your lips.  Raised red lines covered the expanse of her legs, some scabbed up, some clear burn marks that had turned into blisters. Her arms were just as bad, marred with a history of wounds that ran from her wrists to her shoulders.
Behind all the equipment, her face was almost unrecognisable. Her hair was what stood out the most, the auburn curls matted with blood. A sense of familiarity washed over you, the red striking your curiosity.
You couldn't tear your gaze away as you watched her stir. Unsure if she was waking or simply moving unconsciously, you remained still, not wanting to startle her. But then her face contorted with pain, and her lashes began to flutter open.
The sheets rustled as she tried to turn, her discomfort evident from the way she struggled against the tubes and wires tethering her to the medical machinery. You couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her, lying there in such a vulnerable state. No identity. No family to be there for her.
"Stay still, please.” You whispered softly, stepping closer to her bedside. “You're in the hospital. You’re safe."
Her eyes, clouded with pain and confusion, met yours for a fleeting moment before flickering away. She seemed to be trying to process where she was and what had happened.
“Paramedics found you unconscious and rushed you in.” You explained gently, hoping to offer some semblance of clarity amidst the chaos of her thoughts. “You had a wound to the neck. We’ve managed to close it, so don’t move around too much. Otherwise, you might open the stitches.”
Her gaze drifted back to you, and for a moment there was a flicker of recognition in her eyes. It was fleeting, gone almost as quickly as it had appeared, but it was enough to make your heart skip a beat.
You saw as she went to speak, only to find pain and a heavy weight against her tongue. “Careful. You shouldn’t try to speak yet. We’re not sure how much damage has been done to your vocal cords.”
As if she didn’t hear you, she continued fidgeting, fighting against the intrusion in her mouth, panic overriding.
“Hey, listen to me,” you coaxed, voice soft but firm, your hand reaching out to settle over hers, the glove long forgotten. “I need you to calm down, please. You’re going to be okay. You just need to rest your voice.”
Her eyes darted to you, wide with fear and frustration, and you squeezed her hand gently, offering what little comfort you could.
“It’s going to be alright, just take slow breaths. Focus on that.” You started to breathe deeply, deliberately, hoping she'd follow your lead. Inhale... exhale... in a steady rhythm, like waves lapping against the shore
As you continued to focus on stabilising her breathing, your eyes inadvertently met hers, and in that moment, you were drawn into the depths of those vibrant green orbs. They held a world of pain, swirling like a tempestuous storm beneath the surface. Yet, amidst the turmoil, there's a glimmer of familiarity that tugged at the corners of your memory.
There’s something about her you can’t make sense of.
 Why does she look so familiar? Who is she?
“Do I know you?” You almost asked, but then suddenly, the door to the waiting room clicked open, and Helen strode in, her expression wavering as she noticed the woman awake. “She’s awake already?!” Shock and bewilderment visible on her face.
She advanced, quickly spewing off questions in your direction, as her eyes narrowed in on the woman, assessing her condition with a quick, practised glance.
"She's awake, a little panicked about being in a hospital, but also a bit disoriented," you explained, voice calm despite the urgency of the situation. "Vitals are stable for now.”
With that, you stepped away, dropping her hand you had forgotten you were still holding, as Helen went to introduce herself. Your lunch break was coming up and before you could turn to leave the room, Helen stopped you. "Thank you for staying with her," she said softly, "There was a car accident. Two little girls rushed in for surgery. They needed me."
You nodded in understanding. You couldn’t fault her. Every day seemed to bring a new challenge, a new story, and today was no different. This Jane Doe was no different.
Before you could delve deeper into your thoughts, she interrupted, “Anyways, I’m here now and pager is off,” she drew your attention to the device in her pocket, “Boss’s order...  now go take your lunch break.”
With a small smile, you left the room, the door softly closing behind you. Walking down the hallways, your mind buzzed with curiosity about the woman. Her face – those eyes - nagged at the edges of your memory, like a puzzle waiting to be solved.
Where do I know you from, Jane Doe?
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Holding Hands With Shadows | Tom Riddle
Synopsis: Being the Minister of Magic was not easy for Tom, but you are always there to keep chaos from erupting. OR, you are Tom's assistant and the babysitter of the group and Tom finally confesses.
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Pairing: Tom Riddle x Reader
Notes: Not canon compliant (sane!Tom, no Voldemort), Abraxas keeps insulting orphans, Y/N is tired (Knights of Walpurgis? More like Kids of Walpurgis)
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You could almost feel the grey hairs sprouting from your head, and not even in a fun, attractive way either. It was a wonder you hadn't even thought about drafting up your letter of resignation until right now.
"Abraxas, you may not buy out that land to raise your peacocks. The Department of Care for Magical Children plan to use it for future projects."
Tom shoots you an amused look from across the room, lips quirked up into a smirk at your exasperated tone. The infuriating man was leaning back in his armchair, far too at ease, as you tried to restrain yourself from slamming your head through the table.
"Frankly, that just seems like a waste of good resources. I mean why do they need it so bad? Could they not just simply find another plot? After all, these children grew up in austere conditions, so they won't even miss it."
"Get out."
"Now. Please."
The man looks over to his best friend for help, but Tom simply shrugs as if conceding that you were the one in charge.
"Fine. However, this conversation is far from over. I will see you both tonight, yes?"
"Of course. Safe travels, and please send Lady Malfoy my regards."
The man sends you a pleased nod before twirling on his heels, his cloak billowing dramatically. The door clicks shut behind him just as you drop your face into your hands.
"Stressed, darling?"
You huff and rub your forehead before answering with more bite than intended, "Perfectly fine".
The insufferable man, as unbothered as always, lets out a noise of amusement before slowly striding towards your desk. You slowly raise your head as his shadow falls over you, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"Anything I can do to help?"
"Yeah, fire off your best hex at me and put me out of my misery."
"Abraxas‘ dramatics has rubbed off on you, my love."
The pet name sends a shiver down your spine and you try your hardest to school your expression. You had grown up with Tom at the orphanage, which basically made you his closest confidant, friend, and ally. At times it felt like you were a breathing, judgmental diary to him.
You were privy to all that was bad and ugly in his life, so it was only right that you were by his side when he rose to power and suddenly had access to all the material goods in the world.
And to him--whatever he had, you had by extension.
Of course, you fought tooth and nail to get to where you were now, rebuking any effort Tom made to give you preferential treatment.
Everything would be fine if it weren't for your affections toward him. Growing up, he never expressed interest in pursuing a romantic relationship, he had only ever wanted to subvert the stereotypes and malice aimed at the both of you during your years at Hogwarts.
The closest thing to romance that you could associate Tom with was when he wooed Druella Rosier in sixth year with his signature smile and a kiss to her hand in order to siphon information about her father from her.
The poor girl was an inconsolable lump of misery after Tom got what he needed and tossed her aside like a used handkerchief.
Tom's always been romantically inept like that.
Your spiral of reminiscing didn't cease, not even when you and Tom showed up to Malfoy Manor for their annual ball later that night.
When would it be socially acceptable to turn tail and run?
"Assistant L/N! What a pleasure it is! Is the minister trekking about nearby?"
You spin from looking out the window and come face to face with an older man who you recognized from around the Department of Magical Games and Sports.
His vest hugged him tightly and only served to accentuate his red, puffy face.
Was he about to hit on you or try and kiss your ass so he could get acquainted with Tom?
Merlin. Did you have enough in your savings to retire yet?
"Good evening. I believe Tom is busy discussing foreign deals with Lord Greengrass."
"Ah yes, Cyrus Greengrass is quite ingenious. You and Minister Riddle were friends with him during school, yes?"
Your lip twitched at how casual he was addressing Cyrus. Cyrus would be disconcerted by the man's informality, but Abraxas would surely become vexed on his friend's behalf if he heard.
"Yes. We are childhood friends I suppose."
"Wonderful! Well I was coming to you because I'm sure you're aware that the rules for Quidditch are being tossed into the air. The Ministro di Magia in Italy is trying to--"
You started tuning him out and looked around the room for one of your friends, starting to sweat in the formal wear you had on.
Luckily, Tom caught your eye. Unfortunately, he had somehow rounded up all of your friends and they were all looking quite entertained at your expense.
"Sorry sir. If you'll excuse me, it seems that the Minister is in need of me."
Without waiting for a response, you chugged what was left in your champagne flute before practically stomping over to the circle of men.
As you neared, Tom stepped out to welcome you, encircling a hand around your waist like it was the most casual thing in the world.
"Good evening boys. Thank you for throwing me out to the wolves."
"Y/N! So I assume this would be a bad time to try and renegotiate the land you're throwing away to those orphans."
Bloody hell, he was forgetting that he was saying that in front of two orphans.
Without answering Abraxas, you turned to Tom and let out a sigh, "I'm handing in my letter of resignation tomorrow, I promise it".
The hand around your waist tightened ever so slightly and you ignored the amused looks your friends sent each other, having picked up on your little school girl crush on Tom eons ago.
Damn them.
"Now, now, don't make hasty decisions. I could simply smite Abraxas‘ peacocks and the problem would be solved."
Abraxas let out an undignified noise while Parkinson and Bulstrode snorted into their drinks. Cyrus patted Abraxas‘ shoulder in feign pity, but he knew that Tom would likely make good on his threat if you asked him to.
"I hate you all. How is it that even after all these years, I still feel like an underpaid, underappreciated nanny."
Abraxas looked offended at your words and quickly reassured you, "We love you though. Underpaid, yes. Underappreciated? Never."
Your banter with the group went on for a while longer and as the night started coming to a close, Tom steered you away from peering eyes and towards a vacant balcony.
"Are you alright, darling?"
You only nodded tiredly to the man, leaning your elbows on the railing. You rubbed your eyes as you could sense the man behind you shifting in uncertainty (which was so uncharacteristic of him that you had half the mind to pull out your wand and threaten him to tell you where the real Tom was).
A few beats of peaceful silence pass before you're jumping up at the feeling of hands coming to hug your waist, a hard chest pressing against your back.
His chin gently rested atop of your shoulder, loosening his grip slightly to give you the opportunity to push him away.
"Are you unusually more clueless nowadays or are you purposely torturing me?"
"You're going to have to elaborate. Did you accidentally kill someone or do something I would disapprove of? This affection is quite sudden."
"But you don't hate it. Quite the contrary."
"That confidence of yours is going to get you into trouble one day."
"If it's you, I don't mind the trouble."
You don't bother responding, but your silence was satisfactory enough for him.
Clearing your throat, you awkwardly move your hands to rest atop of his, patting them gently.
It felt like the world spun on its head and was reborn anew before Tom spoke again, "Marry me."
His words threw you for a loop and you sputtered a choked, "What?"
"Marry me. I mean we're practically married anyway. You flounder around and make sure the boys are okay, and I rein them in so they don't blow up the country and make me lose face."
"Yes. We are a true dynamic duo."
Your dry response has his chest rumbling in contained laughter, tilting his head and gently knocking it against your cheek.
"We're the parents of the group, haven't you noticed? Abraxas asked me a few days ago if we would end their suffering and ours by just wedding each other."
"I was not aware we were even dating."
"Dating--being partners-- would not even come close to what we are. Don't you feel the same? We are in sync in everything we do. Even hundreds of miles apart, I breathe as you breathe, my heart beats in rhythm with yours, my mind does not simply revolve around you--it is completely infused with your every essence. It is a wonder we aren't already married with three cats."
"Three cats," Tom despised cats, "But...yes, I feel the same. You know I do. I thought that...well, I thought you weren't interested in romance."
"I am interested in pursuing anything and everything with you. Only you. If you'll have me, of course."
Your laughter comes out wet and heavy, filled with relief and disbelief. You turn your gaze upward and watch as the stars blink down on you, permeated across the sky the same way love begins to flow through your veins.
"It was always you, Tom. Thank you for telling me."
Tom pulls back briefly before gently turning you around to face him.
He leans down and nuzzles his nose against yours, eyes conveying a tender emotion that you've never seen until now. But now you knew, every time in the past when his eyes flickered across your face and softened, it was out of love.
"Tell me you'll marry me."
You don't give him a verbal response, but as you press your lips to his, he knows that domesticity together is all the both of you have ever needed.
"Tom...does this mean we have to make Abraxas the best man now?"
"Don't be silly, he'll give us no choice in the matter."
(And give them no choice, he did)
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bronx-bomber87 · 2 months
Hello my wonderful fandom :) Thank you for all your lovely comments on me being delayed. Not my usual M.O. but I definitely needed the extra time to process. I was GUTTED and absolutely wrecked. Poor D had to deal with my panic spiral for most of Wednesday. (love you lol) I'll be honest I'm still little shook up and sad. Kinda grateful for the 3 week break tbh between episodes. This was a gut punch I wasn't in the least expecting. Hoping we'll get a S7 announcement during this hiatus. *fingers crossed* Get it together ABC. This took me awhile to unpack emotionally so thank you all again for being so patient.
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So I want to preface this post. There will be ZERO And I mean ZERO bashing of Tim in this review from me. Would appreciate that in comments as well. I love conversation you know I love comments. What I don't like is hate being spread. Also nothing on Eric either. I've also seen this which is utter madness. Don't touch our captain. Man loves this fandom so much. Deserves respect. If you came to this review for either of those things please promptly exit stage left. I mean that in the kindest way possible but I love Tim/Eric so it's a non starter with me.
I’ve never so deeply related with a character in all my life as I have with Tim Bradford. I’ll be dissecting this ep to best of my ability. I love both these characters so very much. Why I was knocked out for a couple days before could tackle this. I imagine my thoughts will change when I do my summer in depth one. When we have the rest of the season in pocket. I have to say this won't be mini at all. LOL So lets get rid of that concept right now ha I can't be mini with this ep. I am not brief so thanks for reading. Also hats off to Eric my god he was incredible in this episode. Melissa too killing me left, right and center you two. Let us get started.
6x06 Secret and Lies.
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Poor Lucy looks like me when I’m stressed and drained af. Tamara asking how stressed she currently is? Lucy answering 19.....She looks like a 19 if not worse tbh. This is probably the most time they've spent apart since they got together. Basically living together at this point let's be honest. Other than 6x01 they haven't really spent time apart aside from that UC op in 5x21. *sigh*
Tamara asking if Tim is still ghosting her? Lucy trying so hard to keep it together with her answer. My heart. What a wreck she is without Tim. Do love that we get to see her pin-up board btw. Good shot of her room we don’t usually get. That cupcake poster I love it so much. Although now it makes me sad...
Lucy asking what's wrong? Tamara telling her she wants to move out with some friends from school. Crap. Her moving is the last thing she needs…. But it's good for her even though the idea makes me sad. End of an era. Lucy is right she needs to live with people her own age. Doesn’t make it hurt less though. This is a ROUGH season for Lucy my god. The hits keep coming for our girl and I wanna hug her. Shield her somehow....
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Lucy touching near her tattoo when she reaches Angela. (Mini gut punch.) I do love her coming to Angela about this. If there is anyone who knows Tim like she does it's Angela. Does help she finds his behavior alarming too. I mean of course she does. You can see the immediate worry. The empathy she has for Lucy is there but she holds her cards close in her advice. Telling her to trust him even though it's literally killing her. Not the council Lucy needed to hear or was looking for.
Lucy wanted more action than 'Just wait and trust him.' She has been trusting him but she’s so insanely worried. Going out of her mind with anxiety for her person. It's exuding out of of her and she looks like she wants to cry…Ugh me too Lucy. I’m an empath and an anxious one at that. I would be going out of my mind too…. Angela looks worried as hell though. Even though she isn't conveying that to Lucy at this point. Breaking my heart as she takes off from their convo. Because if she doesn't she'll lose it right then and there.
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God I love Angela Lopez. First off well done on tracking him down. She's just a bad ass. I mean it's one of the reason's Lucy reached out to her tbh. Just gets into his car, drinking his soda, calling him out right away. I love her reasoning saying she can live off Wesley’s trust fund. Lmao. Doesn’t matter as much if she get's fired. 'Wine o'clock.' for her. Gotta love the confidence. I truly hope we get more Tim/Angela scenes the rest of this season. I always adore their dynamic.
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Tim is sold on her reasoning and starts to explain the current situation he's trapped in. Angela taking it all in and assessing everything as he explains. Once Tim has succinctly summed up his current predicament Angela's reply is the best. 'I’m in.' lmao I love this woman. ‘I got your back boo.’ That she does. In more ways than he even realizes at this point.
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Gotta commend Angela calling him out for walking away from Lucy. Not only that but his job to arrest a guy hasn’t thought of in a decade…. Ain’t no one better than her to be there to call him out his crap right now. Not only that but to really dig deep. To know this is far more than what he's sharing. This is why Angela is an incredible detective rooting things out like this. Saying this is more than just protecting Lucy. Her intuition is out of this world.
I mean she's not wrong. Lucy would understand if it was just about the benefits. She would be proud really. Thing is it's about protecting himself too. Which really just scratches the surface of why he is doing this. Tim knows he's caught even if he shrugs it off. She has him dead to rights and he knows it. 'I’m your BFF. I know you.' Ha it’s true whether you like it or not Timothy…Just like Lucy she has your number.
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Angela giving him crap with how they're following Ray. Worried he isn't being smart about this. This is so unlike him to be this sloppy and unfocused. She was right he was tailing too close… Ray catches on to their tail quickly. When he scanned the vehicle made me so nervous. Doing it while he's taunting Tim. He's so detail oriented blows my mind Tim let that get by him. This SL gave me such MASSIVE anxiety as I watched it. Oh my lord.
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The minute they get back to Angela's place she calls him out once again. Asking why he thinks this is ALL his fault? Tim shrugs it off and she refuses to take that as his final answer. Of course Angela was right there is far more to this story. Tim finally opens up to her about what happened. He had been leading his squadron for some time. Looking to move up to Sergeant.
The catch was he couldn’t be promoted if there was rampant criminality in his unit. Ray clearly was in the way of him moving up. Tim figured he could keep it within his unit if they went after him.. Oh Tim…. It was an unsanctioned mission too. Thinking if he could accomplish this would be easy fast track to his promotion.
Kills me to know he was there during the air strike ugh… Details missing from the last episode. The Humvee saved him and Mark but not his other men… I can't imagine what Tim felt in that moment. The immense amount of guilt laid on his soul from here on out. I mean it makes sense why he never left patrol before Lucy. The last time he tried to advance his career this happened. My broken boy.
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Eric CRUSHES this scene. I wanna cry. My poor Timothy. He was more focused more on his career than his oath...Got two of his men killed. My damn heart. He’s so ashamed of himself. The way he points at himself when he says 'leadership.' I knew his military past would be dark but holy crap. I wanted more of his backstory and they delivered that in spades. What a gut punch this had to be for him. No doubt his men were loyal af to him. Would've followed him anywhere and did.
He carries leading those men to their deaths because they followed his leadership. Oof. That is quite the weight to keep on your soul. Also gives us insight to why he shoulders everything. Even when he doesn't have to. Punishing himself for past transgressions such as this. I'm sure when we get to the other side of this season, I will have an even deeper respect for the writers going into his backstory like this. Giving us even more insight to this man.
This hurts so good to get this kind of info. I have no doubt that’s why he shut Lucy out. The shame he feels is overwhelming. I totally get it. Nothing scarier than someone knowing your darkest secrets. Not only that but worrying they’ll think less of you due to it. Tim already struggles with self loathing. Been a theme for him his entire arc on this series. Something I've touched on a lot. This is truly bringing that to light in the most painful way.
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We see Ray scanned Tim's car in order to gain access to it. To check his GPS to see where he's been. How he's been tracking him. When he scrolls down to Lucy's address. Made my stomach sink. Legit felt sick to my stomach....
I do love Lucy coming home and having Tamara there. Saying she ordered pizza for them. This is exactly what she needs. Do you really have to go Tamara? I wonder if she'll delay leaving now after this ep. There is a knock at the door and of course it's not the pizza. It's Ray. Hair's on the back of my neck stood up from the moment he entered that apt.
I know Melissa stated in her interview she was nervous about this scene. That she came off awkward in her anger. You are incorrect madam. Holy hell Lucy is a BAMF. Telling him the only call she's gonna make is for the ambulance. Because when she's done with him he's going to need it to wheel him out. Holds her ground like the confident bad ass we've all loved seeing her become.
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Lucy calling him shaking and demanding where he was. Ooh lord hell fire coming with her through that front door. I love Angela grabbing Tamara to another room. Like let's go mom and dad are about to have a big blow out. Let's give them some space...
Tim asking if she's ok? Truly concerned but Lucy isn't having ANY of it. 'Do I look ok?' Damn no she doesn't....Ripping into him saying how that creep could've showed up when she wasn't there. Lucy is not wrong....Oh my lord I’ve never seen her so damn mad. She is RAGING at him and rightfully so. Her home was violated, Tamara was put in danger and threatened. All because Tim was trying to protect her. phew.
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Tim FINALLY concedes to telling her something. It only seems to enrage her more. She is literally vibrating with anger in this scene with him. The more he tells her the more it doesn't explain why he left her in the dark. Lucy begging him to read her in. I mean she has earned that my love. ..Telling him to stop protecting her. Gah Tim is a deep loyalist who would protect anyone he loves even if it's not the right thing. His reply is a reflection of that.
'I can't. I won't.' He's so driven to keep her safe. His instinct is to protect her but doesn't see he's hurting her in the process. I knew she was going to be pissed he let Angela in and not her. But Tim was right she has a lot less to lose. Which doesn't seem pertinent in this moment...I do love her placing her hands on his when she also replies. 'I can't. I won't.'
Mirroring his words from moments ago. Just like he will never stop protecting her. Lucy will never stop fighting for him or longing to help him. That man is her entire world. The most important person in her life. It makes perfect sense she would help with this. Career be damned. I mean she risked her career to get him a shot at Metro. Of course she would do the same thing in order to shoulder his burden with him.
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Love her standing her ground in this moment. Like damnit I love you and you are going to let me in. Whether you like it or not I am here and I'm going to help. If this wasn't a reflection of the communication problems that still painfully exist between them I don't know what is. I mean she tried to be patient and trust him. But honestly he needed this kick in the ass to let her in. Which is a problem. Lucy needs to be the first person he goes to. It shouldn't have to come to this. *sigh*
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Their OP goes off without a hitch. Except Ray saying he was going to be an air strike on Tim's life.... God I had no idea as I was watching that scene how true it would be. Tim gets his interview and lies to protect Angela and Lucy. While keeping his own job intact as well. Also welcome back to Jackson’s dad. Hello there Percy. This is not how I wanted to see him again.
But he is IA him returning was never gonna be a good thing tbh in a post Jackson world. Regardless it was nice to see him again. The scene is Grey's office is ROUGH. Never seen Wade so disappointed in Tim. It hurts to watch. Just like this entire gut punch of an episode. Tim is just standing there in utter shame of everything. Ashamed Wade is looking at him like this.
Kills me Grey has to inform Pine of what he did. It makes sense he has to but damn that sucks. The amount of respect Tim has for Wade is immense. To watch him tear Tim apart and just stand there like a puppy being scolded hurts my soul. Especially when he tries to fight Pine knowing. Just dismissing him without further comment or argument...
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So I will say this and it's not at all fair to Lucy that I thought this I'm sure. But I felt like if there was gonna be a breakup it would be coming from her. Not Tim in this moment. That's the part of this moment that really knocked the wind out of me. She had every damn right to be the one too btw. Instead she is there waiting for him with open arms. Honestly I took a breath for the first time this entire episode when she welcomed him in.
Wrapping him up in her arms. Encasing him, rubbing his back, her fingers in his hair. Gently cradling him against her. I thought ok maybe we'll be alright. Since Lucy isn't nearly as angry as she was earlier. Maybe they can get through this together. Cause she loved on him regardless of what happened. The unconditional love she has for this man blows me away. I honestly thought with her loving on him maybe they'd make it out. That they’d work through it together.
Tim looks so very defeated. On the verge of an actual breakdown as he explains that he lied about everything. Saying it saved his job...protected Angela and her. It doesn't seem like enough of a win to him. He looks so very destroyed and this is just the beginning of his downward spiral.
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Lucy is doing everything to be his rock in this moment. To assuage him of his guilt… Most vulnerable ever seen Tim *pre tears*…. Lucy telling him it was an impossible situation. She would've done the same thing. It’s so very clear she was willing to work through this. To build them back to where they were before he got that phone call. Everything Lucy was in this scene represented her unconditional love for him. Tim is just too destroyed at the moment to see it….Also for him to accept it. It's so hard to truly accept unconditional love if you've never had it before. To truly trust in it.
Lucy is watching him spiral out of control. The way he's talking about himself with such loathing. How she never would've been in a place where she put her self interest over her team like him. She is trying her damndest to right his wrong. But Tim is having none of it. It pains me to see it... Pains Lucy too. It's the way she grabs onto him while he continues his verbal self flogging that get's me.
Trying to ground him in this moment with her touch. Bring him back to her. Something that has worked so well in the past. Sadly not having the intended affect this time around. Tim is too damn gone at this point. He feels he’s betrayed everything he thought he was. THOUGHT he was. *heart clutch* Tim has such a deep moral compass. That's why this is rocking him so very much. Ugh my heart. I too have a crazy deep moral compass. I can't say I wouldn't be spiraling out like him as well.
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This was his greatest sin brought to light. To Tim exposing him for the fraud he feels he is. Him saying he's been lying to himself for a long time is a reflection of this. That imposter syndrome coming out real strong here. Something he buried deep down came rushing to the forefront and he is imploding. Says as much above. He no longer feels worthy to be in her life now. I get this anytime I screw up with a friend or my sister. I have this deep sense of shame attached to it. Like I no longer deserve that friend or my sister cause I messed up or if a past sin comes up. That they'll no longer love me or will forever look at me differently cause of it.
It's not logical but it's deeply ingrained from my mom shaming me for doing anything wrong growing up. As it is for Tim. His father literally beat the hell out of him for ever being out of line. He has suffered emotional and physical abuse. Unless confronted and treated comes out like this. Demons making their way to the surface. I was bawling by the time he said 'I'm sorry.' He’s never seen himself worthy of Lucy’s love that much has always been evident. But to see it this raw and visceral ripped my heart out. It’s on the ground where they're both standing.
I think this is something that has been brewing in the background for Tim for a long time. Now that I've had time away to decompress and think. I'm actually very excited they're tackling this. It's clear Tim is not in a place where he thinks he deserves her anymore. Low key never has been. He acts before he thinks. Eric had a great quote from his interview about Tim "He is impulsive and he reacts instead of thinking things through, and it can come out a bit too strong.” That is this decision in a nutshell. He feels he is a burden therefore he is removing himself without thinking it through. The regret that is going to come with this is going to be immense for him.
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'You deserve so much better.' Better than me basically. He feels immense shame and that shame is launching him away from her. You know I learned something in therapy about this. About not being perfect and feeling like I'm too much. i.e. a burden. My therapist told me and it made me cry. 'You are worthy of the space you take up in people's lives. They want you there.' Tim does not think he is worthy of the space he is taking up in Lucy's life now. All his sins on the table laid out for her to see. He can't handle it. That much is very clear here. I will say I haven’t let a ship hurt me like this in a long time.
This absolutely crushed me. I couldn't even fathom assembling my thoughts. Cut me very deep. Been with this ship since day one. Also what a crushing blow this is for Lucy. Our poor girl. I mean she gave everything to this relationship. I mean EVERYTHING. She was all in from the moment Tim said ‘Unless it is.’ This was her first real relationship. First real leap into being serious. Thinking about marriage and kids. She gave her all to Tim my god. Her career took a hit for him and she never complained. Knew he was worth it (he still is btw) Fought every step of the way for him. For them.
When he was pulling back above it was an absolute panic for her. She could see him slipping through her fingers. Idk what broke my heart more Tim thinking he’s not worthy of her any longer or her begging him not to do this. She literally can't fathom how he can let go of her like this. Thought she was his person. Tim feels he’s gone back to who he was pre-Lucy and that scares him. He feels undeserving of the love she has to give him. Lucy knows everything and in his mind he can’t imagine her still loving him.
Lucy was as we all were in this scene. In disbelief... Even though Tim put her though absolute hell she was still there to comfort and support him. Because to her he is worth it even in the hard times. We all know Tim isn’t the best with his emotions. In his trauma damaged brain he thinks he’s doing the right thing here. That he’s radioactive, she deserves better than being around him and his reckless behavior.
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The kiss on her head. Lucy trying to physically push away his rejection. Stomping all over my damn heart...However this ends up playing out Tim is going to have to address his emotional instability. How he charges forward and doesn’t think things through. Ruled by his emotions in the worst way. He’s impulsive and he’s gonna have to fight to get her back when he’s in a better mindset. Her trust has been obliterated by this. She fought and clawed for them and this was her reward. He’s gonna have to do some serious healing to get back to her. Lucy has loved him the best she can but he needs to put in some work now. We see next ep he's meeting with Aaron's therapist. Don't love that but I’ve wanted Tim to go to therapy for years. He needs this. Therapy doesn’t work unless you put the effort in though.
That will be a challenge for him. When I get out of the purview of this hurt I’m feeling...I’m actually going to be really impressed and happy they had Tim go through this. Do I think this is the end of them? No I think this is some serious growing pains. It was issues that have been percolating since Lucy did that 5 player trade. Hell probably back in 5x12 when Tim sacrificed himself without telling her so they could stay together. I still think that was romantic because of it's intended nature. BUT was the beginning of the communication problems. They’ve grown so very much in that regard. We’ve seen it but there is still work to be done on that front. It just came to a very gutting painful head.
I still have faith in the writers. I still have faith they’ll be ok. It might not be right away and I'm already feeling impatient tbh. But this is some serious realism being applied to them. It wasn't some random BS angst. Honestly we’re lucky our ship gets the most attention, the best SL’s and two people who LOVE these characters. They absolutely adore them and this ship. If you haven’t read Melissa and Eric’s interviews for this episode I highly recommend. This sucks right now. No two ways about it. But we will survive this storm. They’ll come out stronger than ever. Truly believe that. But for now let's rally around each other and get through this together. There will be brighter days ahead just doesn't feel like it right now. We got this.
Side notes non Chenford.
Do love Aaron working with Harper all if of all I cared about other than their SL in this one. Nolan's I fast forwarded which I normally don't do but I had no patience for his BS in this ep lol My anxiety was rampant in this ep and had no space for him.
Also RIP Metro Tim for the 6x07 promo. This hurts to see not just cause I enjoyed him in that outfit lol But to see his career take a nosedive like this. I wanted more Tim back story. Didn’t think would hurt like this though....Feel free to comment I love you all for any interaction I get with these. <3
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fairytale-poll · 3 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
It's a clever play on the story where, rather than the littlest becoming human for love and a soul, instead she becomes a mermaid after loosing both, even gaining the bittersweet ending of having a chance at heaven but she still needs to do good after death
i was surprised to learn that sayaka's story is based on the little mermaid, but it makes more sense the more i think about it. such a heartbreaking, tragic tale that i get emotional ocer every time.
A lot of Madoka Magica fans believe she is based off of the original Little Mermaid story cuz, just like the original Little Mermaid, Sayaka loved a boy and said boy did not reciprocate. SPOILERS, she makes a contract with Kyubey to become a magical girl and in return her wish was to help Kyosuke (the guy she likes) who was disabled. Later on when she becomes a witch cuz she felt she wasn't good enough for Kyosuke and doesn't tell him about her feelings, her witch form is a mermaid. I suck at explaining but I hope my propaganda helps 🙏
(Major spoilers for madoka magical)Okay so I will admit her allusion to the little mermaid ain't super obvious, but let me explain, she is based on the original story for the little mermaid, she makes a wish for the sake of a boy she loves basically sacrificing her soul, well he ends up in love with another girl, and as a result she ends up going on a downward spiral and transforms into a monster known as a witch, her witch form is a mermaid.
Even though she's not a mermaid outside her witch form, her story is made to be a direct parallel to the self-sacrificial nature of the little mermaid, even letting herself die. This isn't the end tho because in one of the happier endings of the little mermaid she still becomes sea foam/dies but she also has a chance at becoming a sea spirit and helps others, this is very similar to Sayaka's final fate in the anime where after Madoka rewrites the universe Sayaka still gets corrupted/dies but instead of becoming a witch, she becomes apart of the law of cycles and helps Madoka save other magical girls. There are way to many similarities to her story and the little mermaid for it to just be coincidence imo.
Poor girl is stuck in a craptastic world where horrible monsters kill you, the only way to fight back is to become a zombie child soldier killing what remains of your own kind for survival, the wish you made will inevitably blow up in your face because the person granting it is a jackass, and the writer is hellbent on shitting on the girl power ethos of the magical girl genre by making it so that girls suffer and die for trying to achieve reasonable desires like "not starving to death" and attaining agency in their lives dooms you even harder because of womanly emotions. She needs a win. Also, she is explicitly paralleled with The Little Mermaid--she is a tragic figure who makes a deal to help the boy she loves in exchange for putting her life on a ticking clock, only to be passed up in favor of another girl. As a result, she dies and becomes something else--in this case, Oktavia von Seckendorff, "the mermaid witch."
determined 5yo girls are more powerful than god
As a child i did not even realize this was a little merm adaptation, but it really reads. She is sooo strange and other worldly and the movie absolutely captures that dreamlike fairy tale vibe
Ponyo a roughly five-year-old magical goldfish who can transform into a frog-type thing and a human girl. She's the eldest daughter of the literal goddess of the sea and a former human sailor given immortality. She falls in love with the five-year-old boy who cares for her and is thrilled to explore his ordinary yet magical world. She's bouncy, exuberant, and joyful. She loves ham. She doesn't have to give up her voice.
ponyo ponyo ponyo little fishie in the sea!
Little fishy
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fantasy-relax · 21 days
Please just love her
@crispyfriedchikem here you go. With the aparittion of my favorite baby girl.
Part 5
Bela was seeing what was going to be for today's meal, humming a song while she checked the refrigerator.
“What are you craving-” she turned to look at you only to find your eyes focused on her while you smiled fondly at her, she turned around immediately, clearing her throat she continues “what are you craving to eat today?”
You were tempted to answer “you” but you didn't want to ruin the atmosphere, after your talk the blonde had relaxed considerably and the last thing you wanted was to take a wrong step that would send her into another spiral.
A cough brought you out of your thoughts.
“…Stop looking at me so much,” her voice was soft as she avoided your gaze, the blush you loved to see covering her cheeks.
God how could she be so cute?
You moved your arm wrong and a slight pain made you frown in annoyance, there was still another month for your arm to heal and even then, you would still have to be careful, your beloved's face changed from embarrassment to concern, but you smiled to calm her down.
“Anything, as long as it is to your liking and the visitors is fine with me” She nodded and returned to the kitchen still with a frown, you hated how you couldn't completely remove her worry, you wanted to heal quickly so you could pamper her. After all, the poor girl has taken care of everything while you rested like an old cat on the couch.
Ding Dong
The sound of the doorbell brought you out of your thoughts before the blonde could step outside of the kitchen, you spoke.
“I got it” At least that you could do.
When you opened you found yourself face to face with Daniela Dimitrescu and Angie Beneviento, behind them was a woman that you recognized as Donna Beneviento, you already knew who they were due to the stories that Bela had told you along with the photographs that she had shown you.
The three of them stood still, waiting for your reaction and an idea to break the tense atmosphere crossed your mind.
“Excuse me, in this house we are gay and proud please leave the premises before I call the police to do so” you said with a higher-pitched tone of voice than normal while you looked at your nails in the most diva way possible.
The three of them looked at you with surprise, before Daniela could finish even opening her mouth you spoke again in the bitchiest way possible.
“Yeah, yeah Jehovah is your shepherd blah blah blah , ugh, get out of here, you're ruining my glamorous and fabulous vibesss” You leaned dramatically against the side of the door, placing your good hand on your forehead, you heard how Donna suppressed a giggle and you couldn't control your smile.
Angie raised an eyebrow and smile mischievously. “MC I know you look like a Twink, but there's no need to overdo it”
You laughed and they followed quickly.
Bela approached when she heard the scandal, seeing how her sister and Angie hugged you carefully while crying softly under the relieved gaze of her aunt who turned to see her when she heard her arrive.
“Hello Bela, how has everything been?” She said as she walked over to give her a hug.
“Everything is fine, Donna.” Dimitrescu couldn't help but hug her aunt with a little more force than necessary, but the woman didn't complain and she kept the hug until the blonde walked away from her.
Only to be tackled and nearly taken to the ground by her younger sister.
“Daniela, you almost threw me!”
“I'm sorry I missed you so much” The redhead said with traces of crying still in her voice.
The oldest sighed and hugged her sister.
"I missed you too"
MC's incredulous voice separated them.
“What do you mean you stole the luggage cart?!”
The smaller blonde looked proud of herself as she took a seat on the armrest of the couch.
“It's not my fault that their security is so weak and I didn't steal it I just took a quick spin on it with Dani.”
Bela looked at her sister who immediately turned her head. The redhead left the hug and proceeded to look everywhere except at her older sister, she swallowed and pointed at the decoration of the room.
“Wow, what beautiful furniture and the tapestry is uhm effervescent”
Before she could scold the duo for her antics Donna spoke to her.
“Were you cooking? Let me help you” Without waiting for a response, the older woman headed to the kitchen.
Hearing you laugh out loud, Bela turned to see you, your laughter was so much that you would have fallen to your knees if you weren't sitting. The surprise and relief in your roommates' eyes were notable, as were the barely contained tears; Angie swallowed deeply before smiling and continuing with her story more dramatic than before. Daniela quickly wiped her eyes and accompanied her cousin in her story, both of them determined to make you laugh until your stomach hurt
How long had it been since they saw you this relaxed?
This was proof that she had made the right decision.
| How long do you have before your palace of lies falls? |
Cooking with Donna always relaxing (as long as you followed her instructions to the letter when it came to Italian cuisine) was one of the many things she missed when she left her aunt home. The black-haired woman was the one who taught her after all, she still remembered how she let Daniela decorate the birthday cake which always ended in a monstrosity of meringue and fruits, but it helped distract her from the fact that not all of her family was present to celebrate with her.
She bit her lip.
What is Cassandra doing? Had she really forgotten about you completely?
| Why don't you call her? Why do you deny her the right to know about the status of her partner? |
She should be the one to call, it's been over a year now without her showing the slightest sign of interest in her beloved “Romeo”.
|You have no right to interfere in their relationship, you can still tell the truth you can still fix this mess|
She turned to see Donna who, despite being withdrawn, offered good advice. She was not so involved with you because to her you were simply a dear friend of her precious niece. If Bela told her the truth, Donna would understand her motives. Her aunt didn't show it much, but there was always an aura of melancholy around her. At least that's what she remembers. Recently, in the few interactions they had, she had noticed how her smiles were more sincere. as if she was finally recovering from her past tragedies.
Donna would understand that all she wanted was your happiness and well-being.
|You made a mistake, she will understand, let her help you|
Swallowing, Bela prepared to reveal her deception. The words choked in her throat as she heard the laughter through the door, technically you met them today and yet you had no problem interacting with her sister and cousin.
You were free of worries and laments.
  “It almost seems like nothing has happened.” Her aunt's voice sounded full of relief, but Bela couldn't help but notice the slight sadness in it.
“I was afraid that Angie would have to lose someone dear to her again.” The dark-haired woman kept her gaze fixed on the tomatoes she was cutting. “Only two years and it seemed like they knew each for far too longer” Her smile was twisted with something that the blonde couldn't recognize “It's as if MC were a star capable of attracting anyone who looks at them” Envy? “They have such a charming personality that you can't help but want to protect and love them.” Why would Donna be envious of you? “It makes you want to fight the whole world, devils and angels.” Did you have a close relationship with her? “Just to keep that light with you always” When? How? “Bela”
Hiding her chills, the blonde tries to relax.
Her aunt stops what she was doing to look at her carefully, making her swallow saliva.
| Tell her! |
“You've been through so much on your own, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.” Donna's hands are full of calluses from her work, yet her touch is delicate like the petal of the flowers she grows. “If you need something, anything tell me and I will help you.”
The confession of her betrayal is caught in her throat by the roots of her unrequited love.
The laughter is so loud that it passes through the door and almost echoes through the kitchen.
The expression on Donna's face fills her with questions that refuse to leave her mouth.
“Despite the obstacles in your way, you have done an excellent job, I am proud of you” the black-haired woman offers her a handkerchief. When did she start to cry? “MC has improved a lot, whatever you are doing, keep it up” Why can't she stop crying?  “The past cannot be changed; we must enjoy the present and create a better future” Since she recovered her heart it has only brought her problems “You deserve a life of happiness Bela” Really?
The oldest gets up to look for the other ingredients, leaving the blonde with her thoughts. With her head stuck in the refrigerator, her voice is muffled, preventing the Romanian from hearing her words.
“Who am I to judge how you get it?”
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my second ficlet for @calaisreno may prompts!! a nice Christmas at Baker Street, Ms. Hudson POV, hope you enjoy!
also on ao3 if you want to drop a comment there :)
2,005 words - Prompt: Family (no shit Sherlock)
The living room was scintillating from every corner, ornamented with stuffed reindeers and Santa Claus figurines, and a magnificent tree was taking up quite a lot of space next to the chimney. It was their second Christmas since John had moved back to Baker Street with Rosie. The doctor was the one who insisted they would decorate particularly heavily. “For Rosie” he said, but Ms. Hudson saw he was enjoying it as much as the little girl. Sherlock had seen it too of course, so he didn’t argue. He was even the one who put the colorful fairy lights up, the ones they had back from their first Christmas together. She had caught John looking over fondly at his partner as he was trying to detangle the wires. Ms. Hudson remembered thinking they had probably shopped for those lights back then, since it was not in the flat furniture. She was sure they were an item now, even though they were yet to say anything about it. But the landlady was more than a landlady and she did know them good after all.
The guests arrived for 6 o’clock and the room was filled of chatter and laughter. It was the usual crowd: Molly Hooper, Greg Lestrade and even Mycroft was there! He had been bullied by John and Sherlock for over a month before giving in. Threats involving Rosie were made. In the end, it wasn’t really a surprise for Ms. Hudson that he caved in. Even if it wasn’t for the soft heart she knew he had under all these layers of expensive clothing and frigidity, the couple were legitimately scary. They were already before everything happened, but now that they weren’t wasting so much energy coming at each other, their connection was a dangerous weapon. Upon consideration, she was glad to have them on her side and feared the inevitable day they would join forces to mess with her.
The champagne was still flowing but the appetizers brought by Molly were long gone now. Rosie was channeling all the attention on her, dancing in the middle of the room in a cute sparkly purple dress. It was way past her bedtime but to everyone’s enjoyment the demon was still full of energy.
What a light this sweet little girl brought to their lives, Ms. Hudson thought. Oh, it had been hard on her: the death of her mother and her father doing the best he could that wasn’t quite enough. To his defense, the poor man had his fair share of grief to deal with. Still, it didn’t help that he had deprived his daughter of another pair of loving arms in the storm of it all. Ms. Hudson knew how John regretted his reaction toward Sherlock, so she kept those reflections to herself. During these times, there have been days of complete silence, which was about the scariest thing a young child could do. But then Rosie started crying again, and not only crying – thank God – but also babbling and squealing and laughing. She had a village of adoring people raising her now, and Ms. Hudson could only think of the joy she felt from being a part of it.
Martha never had any children of her own, too busy enjoying the high (and steam!) of her marriage at first, and then too busy trying to figure out a way out of the spiral down. She would probably never have wanted any with him anyway. He wasn’t the kind of man you could see being tender with children. She herself was not even sure she would be. She had always been pretty indifferent to these little screaming individuals. She found babies cute and wasn’t completely immune to their smiles (who was?) but she also didn’t find herself caring too much. She always felt clumsy on their company and could never figure out how to act around children. With Rosie she had learned. She loved the creature with all her heart, that helped.
They were tackling the cake by now, Rosie finally napping on the sofa after spending the entire diner running around and eating out of everyone’s plate. Ms. Hudson settled on observing Sherlock for a while. He had been incredibly appropriate and seemed at-ease all evening, even as the tiredness were visibly settling in. Maybe John’s hand occasionally brushing his thighs or settling behind the back of his chair had helped. Maybe the wine too: they were all such lightweight, she could probably outdrink them all. Not something to be particularly proud of, she thought then. “Must be the few glasses of whiskeys at the bridges sessions, nothing wrong with that.” Still, Sherlock had come a long way from the mess of a person he was when they first met. She drifted back to her memories as she watched with tenderness the man the self-labelled sociopath had become.
Martha was from a big family, the last one of six siblings. All her brothers and sisters had or were moving out when she was still little; she didn’t have time to form a strong connection with any of them. Her parents were nice but tired to their bones, she remembered the silence being an eminent part of her childhood. Friends she had a ton, but the one who mattered the most left early at her wedding. Everything changed after that, and moving to Florida cut the last remaining strings.
She was 34 when she settled in London, and she had felt lonely ever since. Martha Louise Hudson was a social one, but acquaintances stayed just that: acquaintances. It was at that time she really wished to have a family. There were a few men, but none of them felt right. Few men ever do when you’re an independent woman able to recognize her own value. And by God she was. Still, she longed for a meaningful connection. She did have a sister and a niece she visited sometimes, but the distance wasn’t making it easy. As she grew older and it was becoming increasingly sure she wasn’t going to have a child of her own, she always found herself wondering what a mother she would have been.
She immediately felt a weird pull when she met Sherlock, passed out in the street two blocks away from her flat: she felt a need to protect the boy, almost viscerally. So she took him home to fed him tea and biscuits. The discussion they had was one of the strangest she ever had at the time (strangest things had happened to her since then). As it turned out, he was the one who could protect her: her bastard of a husband had figured a way out of jail and was threatening to come get her. Sherlock promised he was not going to let it happen, and he didn’t. She became attached to this smart and arrogant junkie, who was just as lonely as she was, if not more.
She visited him in a rehab center a couple of times, that’s how she met Mycroft. She remembered quite clearly the way his glances were sending chills to her spine. Sherlock visited her a few times too, after he got out. Sometimes he only dropped off a stolen item from a crime scene he thought she might like, sometimes he would stay for tea and biscuits. He usually liked to narrate his cases to her: Ms. Hudson was a very good listener. She shouted, gasped, and laughed right on cue. Other times, less frequently, he was letting her talk about the neighborhood gossips and the new members of her bridge club. When her tenants moved out, she naturally offered the space to him and he accepted without hesitation. God knows where he had been living before! He would always refuse to talk about it.
It was well into the night and Greg and Molly had just left but the walls of 221B Baker Street seemed to be retaining their laughter. It was just the two of them now with Rosie asleep in John’s chair. “Well, the four of us really” she thought. They were seated in the living room, letting the weariness of the evening washing through them.
Ms. Hudson could not have guessed this was going to be what her Christmas would look like when she greeted John Watson on the entrance of her house, a bit more than 5 years ago. Maybe she had hoped for it a tiny bit. She thought John and Sherlock were perfect for each other since the first glance she casted at the doctor. Gosh, it has been a long time coming! And nothing was perfect, nothing ever is, but this was the closest they might ever get to a perfect night. Martha sighted.
She avoided thinking about the years when Sherlock was dead, and she knew John was doing the same. They had a silent agreement not to talk about it either. But it didn’t mean she had forgotten. On the contrary, she remembered very distinctly the silence that had fallen on Baker Street like a curse. She used to put the TV at full volume all day long, without getting herself to actually watch it. Ms. Hudson hushed those memories away, frowning. John was singing a soft lullaby to Rosie who had just woken up crying.
The first Christmas after John had moved back in with his daughter, they had spent the day in cardboard boxes. John and Sherlock had gone out on a Christmas dinner at Molly’s while she had stayed minding for little Rosie. Sherlock had been home early and visibly upset. He didn’t answer when she asked him what was wrong. That night John came back late and drunk, and she had trouble falling back asleep after that. They still had a lot to sort out at that time. But wasn’t it what it’s all about? Ups and downs. She realized now: that was the proper of families. And she had never been so glad to have found one.
“What are you smiling for, Ms. H?” Sherlock asked, scanning her face.
“Nothing my boys, just happy to have you here.”
“Where else would we ever want to be?” John answered, grinning.
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love-toxin · 2 years
Okay but making me think of, crybaby/bimbo angelface who quickly realises its her strength of getting bully!eddie to be nice to her. Well, nice for him.
She won’t fight back, she’ll just whimper and blubber more and more, the more he yells. Whenever something bad happens, she’ll burrow right into him and hold on for dear life, to make him feel so big and strong and powerful. She’ll do whatever he says, coming back all cutesy and lovey dovey on him, so his teasing is not malicious in nature. And quickly it becomes a case of bully!eddie and his bitch/princess. People are beaten up all the time for you, but you just stay there, looking cute, and Eddie kisses you (and eventually all over your face) once he’s done. Everyone knows whose you are. And even though part of you feels bad for not fighting anymore, you kind of like being Eddie’s bimbo. Even though you have to rely on him for everything, it’s better than how things used to be. He dolls you up in clothes he picks out for you, and moves you around wherever he wants you. Holding you on his lap in the cafeteria and smiling that wicked smile when you get all giddy and happy because he’s holding you. And when a teacher forces you to get off his lap and your eyes start to well up with those baby tears? That teacher finds frogs from the science department all over their classroom, running to their car to find the tyres slashed - they’re lucky they didn’t control you enough to make you cry, or who knows what they would’ve found at home?
And when he’s rough in bed now, he kisses your poor pussy better with little kisses, so his baby doesn’t start getting all upset. So his pretty pussy knows he’s sorry, he’s gotta look after it after all now, she’s gonna make his babies one day. You’re his. He likes that you know your place and that you love it, any praise to you is control, and secretly he’s happy that gives him an ‘excuse’ to be all lovey to you now. He just wants to keep you in his arms, where you are so good to him and only need sleep and breathe eddie, forever
(cws: bully!mean dom!eddie, f!bimbo!angelface, daddy kink, spanking, humiliation kink.)
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bully!Eddie is so controlling, so mean, so manipulative--so what's the harm in doing a little of that back? letting some tears spill out and blubbering is about the most harmless form of manipulation, so why shouldn't you use it to your advantage?
it just spirals so far when you start taking that route, though. the first few times you sob and submit when he's bullying you, he just gets annoyed. but after a while, you get your new nickname; "crybaby", and Eddie completely harnesses that title as if there's a switch that's been flipped inside him--and you love it so much more than how he handled you before, even though you've abandoned any hope of being independent, or any desire for people to think you're smart and capable. cause you're not anymore, not to anyone who knows you're the girl under Eddie's arm and in his lap. you're a dumb little bimbo who cries easy and doesn't do anything without Eddie's permission or help, but nobody's allowed to touch you, yell at you, or show even an inkling of ill will towards you, lest they want the freak of Hawkins tormenting them for stomping on his babygirl's feelings.
and to be honest? being Eddie's princess is a lot more fun and a lot easier than being the way you were before. you can just let those thoughts float out of your head, those anxieties and stresses that he takes care of so they don't bother you, and do whatever he tells you. plus, you get way more kisses this way! <3
but it's not without its....quirks. the first time you accidentally let that name slip in bed, "daddy", Eddie gets so smug. he makes you say it in public, if he's in the mood to tease you or if he thinks you've been bad--won't acknowledge you unless you address him as such, sometimes pretends he can't hear you so you'll say it even louder. and, of course, you're gonna have to speak up and tell daddy what you want when he's fucking you, so he knows where to touch you and what you need him to say to make you cum.
he's not nice, either, even though you're his little princess. he'll pull over, bend you over his lap in the driver's seat of his van, and spank you in full view of passing cars if you act up while he's driving. he'll get out his belt and beat your pretty little cheeks until they bruise when you get home, and he'll make sure you cum while he does it so he can mock you for getting wet during daddy's punishment. and he'll tell you what makeup he wants you to wear when you go out, just so he can make sure you go heavy on the mascara--and when he drags you into the bathroom of the Hideout after his show, he can ruin that fucking makeup so it runs all the way down your cheeks as you sob out his name, pinned between his strong hips and the wall of the bathroom stall as he pummels you into it. and it'll be impossible for you to hide the fact that he bred you when you stumble out, face stained with tears and neck all marked up with bruises.
but his aftercare is shockingly sweet, when he's completely drained of any energy to tease you and just cleans you up and holds you. amiable to any request you make, even if he needs to go out and get food or pick up a softer blanket to remedy the one he ruined. he'll just drop treats in your lap too, candy bars and drinks he knows you like, or a little stuffed bunny that reminds him of you or plushies he just bought cause he knows how much you like soft things like that. and clothes, god, he's always finding something new for you to wear. a lot of it is his own clothes that he either lets you have or borrow depending on if it still fits, but he thrifts so many things that he customizes for you with patches and stitching and little things that just scream "I'm Eddie's", and even pays out a little extra to buy soft sweaters and cute comfy clothes that make you feel nice and safe.
you just need to think about him always. that's what makes him happy, that's what loosens his lips enough to tell you he loves you, those words you wanna hear so badly. and isn't it so easy? Eddie will always protect you, so long as he's the only one that gets to be mean to you--just be his sweet little princess, let daddy kiss you and love on that pretty pussy of yours, and Eddie will give you the world.
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lovelybeesthings · 6 months
Theodore nott x reader (3rd person)
Word count: idk (there's really not like enemies to lovers in this one maybe if I do a part 2?)
Warnings: underage drinking? Swearing not that much glass breaking
A/n: hello update on my life my mom is OKAY THANK THE LORD I change fandoms but I’ll still right Coriolanus fics if you send requests!
Summary: I was thinking about that one scene in Euphoria in the 1 ep in season 2 where Fez slashes the bottle into Nate’s head saying happy new years and was like this would make a nice fic (IM SORRY IF THIS IS PURE DOG SHIT)
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Y/n L/n and Theodore Nott were both famously known in their house Gryffindor and Slytherin each had their reputation Y/n was nice and caring, Sweet a surprise she wasn't in Hufflepuff The thing that made her a Gryffindor was how bold she was and acting before thinking she had sent a lot of females to the hospital wing while Theodore was smart looks slick like a snake and in one word a Playboy doesn't matter what kind of girl she could be seeing someone he didn't give fuck.
Something they both have in common is that they have a feud Theodore has a new girl each week or even days before leaving them heartbroken and Y/n is there to heal it for them but Theo likes seeing how their hearts fall to his empty promises his empty words leaving like a ghost.
Theodore originally dated Y/ns closet friends and when he left her friend brokenhearted it sent her friend into a spiral of depression so bad that the poor girl transferred wizarding schools.
But currently, Y/n has found herself at a house party celebrating new years it had Hufflepuffs, Ravencloths, Slytherins, and Gryffindor.
Y/n had arrived earlier at the party with a few of her friends and she had on a black Minnie skirt paired with a black belt and black boots with a white off-the-shoulder top and access jewelry pretty makeup for the occasion and her (c/n) hair was in curls with the help of her friend.
Y/n took a sip of the beer she held with one hand she laid her head softly on the nearest wall her friends ditched her to go hang out with some Ravencloth boys.
The music was being blasted loudly not being to hear any small talk so she roamed the room seeing a few boys high passing a joint she was able to pinpoint one of the guys Mattheo riddle so that must mean his counter part is close by y/looked around once more spotting Theodore..
Her eyes studied him his dark brown curls his tall build and shoving his tongue down his next victim Y/n was taking her time trying to see who it was then to her horror she knew God she was going to murder him.
The girl was a fifth-year one year below them but that wasn't even the worst part she knew this girl she was a sweet Hufflepuff girl whom she tutored a bit and who she protected against a few Slytherin girls whom She had landed big hits just enough to send them a message and to the hospital wing in return the sweet girl made her baked good for a while month.
Y/n soon snapped back to reality once Theodore Watercolor's eyes met here it was honestly disgusting to seem to stare at her as he French kissed a fifth year her face scrunched up disgusted by his sick act as she finished her drink leaving to go to the kitchen for another bottle maybe something stronger to forget what she saw.
For a while now Y/n has been engaging in a conversation with Pansy she was the only member of Theodore's friend group she could stand and they were talking about Theodore be exact.
“It's truly disgusting I mean I've seen him bring back a lot of girls and it's been disgusting to see to make out with them in the common room but French kissing a fifth year?!”
Pansy says as she takes a big sip of her cup Y/n nods in response to her words “Does he have any fucking bloody lines!” she says scoffing as she drinks her beer.
Blind to her in the corner of the kitchen was the little sweet fifth-year “I'm going to go save the princess” Y/n remarks as Pansy grins letting out a giggle “Truly heroic!” she says clapping as Y/n makes her way into the kitchen looking down in the girl crying knees to her chest.
“Hey there my badger” y/n says as she slides down next to the girl handing her a tissue “You look beautiful tonight” The girl's eyes soften once they meet Y/ns “Hello Again..n” she lets out as she sniffs.
“What happened I saw you with him a couple of minutes ago and now I'm sitting on the kitchen tiles with you,” Y/n says trying to comfort the teary eye girl “As Theodore was kissing me he broke out of the kiss and said he spotted an old friend and I said to go say hi!” she says a small smile her cheeks stained with tears.
“After I while I was getting worried I didn't anyone here..e so I began to look for him,” she says as her voice cracks Y/n sighs “And you found him making out with this old friend right?”
Y/n places an arm I've the girl which makes her scoot closer to Y/ns embrace “You're not the first girl sadly that this has happened to” Y/n sighs as she can feel her blood boil she's going to give Theodore a night to remember for sure.
“I'll be right back just need to go to the bathroom okay?” Y/n says as she brings her beer with gets up as the fifth-year nods.
Y/n makes her way around the party and soon finds Theo he can feel the presence of Y/n behind him and slowly breaks away from his hot make-out session “Bambina leave me be for a few minutes” he says to his hookup.
“But the balls going to drop soon and I wanted you to be my first kiss off the-” she's immediately cut off “Ore” says in a stern matter with a cold state she soon backs up scoffing walking away.
“Sorry about that,” Theodore says as he wipes his mouth with a nearby napkin, and a smirk is printed on his good-looking face.
Y/n arms are crossed over my chest as she smiles stabbing her nails into her arm to try and control her anger “The balls gon a drop soon!” someone shouts his watercolor eye locked into her (e/c) eyes .
“So what did you need to talk about? You finally fell in love with me?” Theodore says cockyness in his tone “God no” Y/n says scoffing as a smile is on her face.
“Last time we were together you said you wanted to kill me,” He says smirking and arching his eyebrow staring at me waiting for a reaction “4, 3, 2,1” everyone shouts as they kiss, drink as Y/n lifts her beer “Yea well, New year playboy” she says as she smashes the glass into his he as knocking him out.
“OMG Y/n JUST KNOCKED OUT THEODORE! Everyone is stunned by the sound and the news.
PART 2??? Idk
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theanimekid · 2 years
Double Trouble
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Sung Jin-Woo x Fem Reader
Synopsis: Sung Jin-woo being left alone with the twins' for 24 hours
Warnings: fluff and shadow shenanigans, also Karmish is in this
Part 2 of Sir... We have a problem
It began off as an uncomplicated wager
" You think... that you can oversee our daughters for a full day without difficulties?" You arched your eyebrow in amusement as your husband held one of your 5-month-old daughters in his arm. Gently jumping her as she was studying her father's hair, yanking the strand as she babbled while the other one was playing with one of his shadow soldiers' infirmary group. The other twin, laughed and giggled as the shadow mage tickled her tiny belly. Your hubby nodded.
" Yea, and as their father, I'm willing to take the entire day spending with my precious little cuties." Your husband spoke with a fair and appealing voice as he brought his kid up to his face and rubbed it against hers while he gave you puppy dog eyes.
You sighed since your husband has always been busy with dungeon raids, and he did as though he hasn't been spending time with his own children, so your husband thought it would be okay for you to take a day off while he watched the twins.
"Okay, let's make a deal: If you can follow this list for the whole day, I'll let you watch them for next week and give you a special treat for your job well done." You emphasized the 'special treat' part. As you walked up to your husband, placing your head on his chest and hiking your leg on his hips.
He gives a teasing 'oh' "And what happens if I don't?" Giving you a signature smirk.
" No cuddles for two weeks." You teasingly commented. Knowing he will have no choice but to win this deal.
He gawked at you, arranging a hand on his chest. " You wouldn't- discharge me from my cuddling rights?" " I can, and I will. If you can follow the list from first to last."
One of the twins babbled as one of the magic shadow soldiers made small colorful fireworks out of their hands. She cooed in awe, and Iron stood holding the child in his lap, sitting down. His eyes sparkled with fascination. " Yeah... I got this." Jinwoo said with confidence as he helped you with your purse. You opened the door before your husband stopped you, " Aren't you forgetting something?" He said with a cheeky, teasing smile on his face. You sighed as you turned around in one place and gave a short passionate kiss, " Be good for your mama and dada, my little sapphires." You whispered to your baby and gave her a soft peck on the cheek. The door closed behind her, Jinwoo carried your daughter in the air, and she laughed happily. " You and sister ready to have some fun? Yeah?" He chattered as the list he was supposed to follow dropped on the ground.
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The sky was as pure as day fluffy clouds covered the atmosphere, birds chirping like a song in a choir, not even a while three peaceful minutes later a giant shadow cast upon the poor little bird as a gust ignited wind blew it out of the the way with a confused squeak as it took a spiral. The sounds of laughter and cheers can he heard for miles as Karmish flew at full speed along with Beru making sure that morning one of them fall off the dragon’s back. Jinwoo held his daughters tightly as he had the best smile on his face.
“ yeah it’s fun isn’t it?” He said yelling happily . One of the little girls babbled as she pointed to the ocean. “Wanna go down there?” He cooed. The other one gave a big nod of determination. “ You heard them, to the ocean!” He ordered.
“As you wish, my king.”
He dived to the opened water head first, then gliding on top of it, as the water was split into nearly two. They cheered as the dragon was soaring above the water, his claws digging in it.
The girls cooed in awe as they saw their reflection in the waves. Beru asked with the most concern on his face, “ are you sure this is wise my king?” “. Of course I am! Look how happy they are!” He replied as he looked down at his daughters having the time of their lives. Unknown to them, a local fisherman recorded the entire thing since they entered.
The night fell on the horizon, and a small picnic blanket lay on the grassy floor as the pink and blue hues painted the sky along with the glittery stars. His daughters, Beru and Igris, played as he watched from afar. A gentle smile spread across his face. Any average child would’ve run away scared, but compared to his children, it’s completely normal. He’ll thank his wife for passing their boldness and compassion. The phone rang as he reached for his phone in the coat pocket and answered it. “Hello?”
“Hello, my shadow hubby.”
He stuttered in confusion. "Oh, H-H-Hi babe, uh...” 
“So... I coming back from my raid in the U.S. it ended early.”
He felt his eyes dilate in fear. Ah, shit. He swallowed thickly, “so, what time do you have to be home?." "In the next 40 minutes or so-" He hunged up within an instant. Crap! she got off early. I gotta head back now. He called his servants and gave them an order: pack the stuff and head home quickly. 
The car door opened as you walked out with a small suitcase in hand, you waved the driver goodbye and headed inside, not knowing about the shadow that flew above you, the keys jangled as you were about to unlock the door. Bur the door unlock itself, a welcoming smile on the shadow's soldiers face as he bowed, " Welcome Home my queen." You nodded in agreement. " It's good to be home, now where is your king and my children?," you asked as he grabbed the bag from your hand.
"They're waiting for you in the living room, my queen." He answered. He guided you to your shared living room. You can hear tiny giggles and babbles as you trod down the hallway. Your daughters were sitting against Tank's belly as the magic team showed off their new spells. Your husband sat on the couch and enjoyed the show. He followed to see you standing in the hallway with the softest smile on her face. He got up and greet you warmly, " Hey babe, how's the trip?' He kissed you on the cheek. " Everything was fine, my husband, how were the twins? Did they behave?" He nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. " Oh-Oh yeah! they were great, nothing out of the ordinary." Your arched your brow, something is going on. Before you could answer your phone rang. " Oh hold up a sec..." You opened your phone and saw a video that was posted a couple hours ago: The Giant Black Dragon Kipnapped Three people including two newborn twins.
A/n: I meant to post this sooner but I got sidetracked with another reader insert
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akalikai · 14 days
TEDDY??? Okay no this man has shown up too many times he's going to end up back at the OIAR.
"Irritating yet faintly erotic" I LOVE YOU ALICE
"She's really weird but like in a hot way" ALICE YOU'RE DOWN SO BAD PLEASE
"She'll make you forget all about your embarrassing obsession with Sam" GIRL UR PROJECTING SO HARD THE PROTOCULE IS PROTOCULING HELLO?????
Alice my love. You're so. Hhhh. She cares so much but like. Hides it behind humor. I love you sm
Lena is so awkward god I love her she's like genuinely trying to be nice to Sam but she only knows how to be intimidating because of Gwen akdhsjfb.
My God I love Lena too "consider my silence a compliment" GIRL
Oh my God shut up. SHUT UP. IMMEDIATELY AFTER ALICE HAD A DROWNED PERSON START TALKING TO HER. This is interesting because that person was drowned but this one seems to be dehydrated???
Wait wait spiders??? And confusing passageway and locked doors??? Hmm interesting. I know we'd classify this as The Web and The Spiral but I don't think those classifications exist in this world?? Additionally, all the talk of "Mother" makes me this of The Web being called "The mother of puppets"
I also see a bit of The Lonely. The weird filter om "laugh" bothers me.
Sam telling Alice about this being same as her experience ALSO YES SAME HES GETTING IT "sounds like she was trapped in her greatest fear which then actually killed her"
Alice come on sweetie you really shouldn't ignore this come on. You know this.
Okay I can see why Alice and Sam didn't work out in the past. Like in a way, I just don't think they could have been compatible during the time after Alice's parents death because Alice does not handle trauma well and lashes out a bit without noticing it. I'm only saying this because I do kind of feel bad for Sam, he's trying to help Alice to keep her safe but she's shutting down every idea he has.
I do get Alice's side though, in her place, she wants to put it behind her and not think about it. But it's not good for her especially not in the genre she's in lol
"Trouble in paradise" there is ALWAYS going to be trouble in paradise with those two IN FACT I highly doubt there IS a paradise.
Oh boy. What's the next monster Gwen is gonna have to deal with.
Oh no. Oh no poor Gwen, she's never going to open up to anyone again. I mean I understand them thinking she's fucking with them but Jesus. She's traumatized from that.
Okay yeah Alice my girl I love you. But you keep ignoring these things and someone you care about is going to really get hurt.
JACK SOUNDS SO CUTE (who keeps taking Georgie's face) AKBDKSBF
Oh dear. Okay so I'm absolutely sure Celia woke up in the middle of bumfuck nowhere again and called Georgie to watch Jack but said that it was because she went to grab baby food. Georgie knows she's lying.
Celia I like you??? Oooo????
Okay interesting interesting I just feel really bad for poor Gwen now. She's never going to trust them with anything again and she's probably going to be even worse to them. Which like they do kind of deserve but also like I get why they wouldn't believe her immediately? But they should have read the room she seemed genuinely distressed. And I think Alice knows it's real which is why she didn't say anything. But at the same time, she didn't stop Sam and I think it's partially because she wants to pretend it's not real.
Hooo boy lots to think about.
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moth-eats-paper · 17 days
My complete thoughts on TMA through 93-200
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MAG Thoughts on ep 93-200
John's hand still hurts from the cult of the flame
There's also a missing calliope. I think thats how you spell it
The institute is a death trap.
Both John and Elias are vessels of “The Eye” and can make people spill their guts Gertrude was also one up until Elias killeClayr. So that's fun
Gorgeys not ok
Nor is Marten
I quite like the new girl shes funny
Is anyone in mag alive lol
Well idk John why does Elias do anything.
(I have no idea what i was trying to type here^)
Tim and Marten are not okay especially marten
Spooky doll thing changed her mind apparently
And Michael (the spooky one) use,d to be an assistant of Gertrude funnnn
Ep 100 time baby :3) No one in the institute knows how to interviewnoople except John and I'm pretty sure that's because of “the eye”
The spself-cannibalismThe spiders are weird
Why is this woman so calm about a ghost woman who's on fire burning her (poor marten he's very confused)
Tim is speaking to a maniac
Melanie (I think it's her) is speaking to a man who keeps getting side tracked
The poor detective
“Sarah wanted to use nails but I talked her out of it because I'm a good friend!” YOUR A MANNEQUIN (I love that line so much lol)
Oh wax love that
Mmm skin
Don't skin John please
oh he's going to kill John
Oh dear he doesn't want to be Michael
Oh he's making a statement
Oh god Gertrude
Unrelated but my cat has decided to try and kill me
Oh god Michael Shelley is very dumb
Only just know getting scared? What the fuck
Doors. fun
I can't even spell whatever that is
Of course she didn't care
Just don't trust Gertrud
The Worker of clay?
His laugh is silly
Oh oh dear
Oh dear the doors not working
So I guess the distortion only wants what that person wanted
Why does Elias just agree with the person who's trying to kill him
I think this man has bugs in his skin
He does
John can suddenly read French and then can't
Melanie keeps trying to kill people
(People being Elias)
Pig episode (like actual pigs not the police)
Oh the pig no no like you sir
Oh god I guess this pig is a weird thing
Oh god not more circuses
Oh dear I think the pig has decided to eat clowns now
Oh self cannibalism
Whelp the pig ate someone
Loud sound
The eyes doing it's thing
Tim keeps scaring people
Tims not ok
Tims brother went missing
I don't think it's Tim's brother
Whelp he's gone
Oh clowns know
I don't think that's your brother Tim
Oh blood
Oh dead clown
Oh no more skin .
Oh famous clown
Tim and Elias drama
Oh we're in China
Oh creepy opening
I wonder. Is this in Chinese? I know that the eye can allow you to read other languages in order to obtain more knowledge. Even if you never spoke that language or were able to read it you just suddenly are able to.
Oh screams
Nevermind I'm pretty sure it's in English cause it seems the person writing it is a British soldier
Does he have the black plague?
This is a sad man
“True and total war”
IT WAS FROM 2004 NOT 2014
Oh the proper one's are in America
Space station time
I wonder if this is the same space station as the one Gertrude read
I think she kept talking about it in one of the statements well more specifically the guy who it is from
We love Melanie (even though she keeps trying to kill Elias but she has a good reason)
Because the one Gertrude read was the isolation guy. This is about the other two people who were on the ship
Oh god the space weird space hands are back I think
Oh blood
Oh he's bleeding
Oh god he's just going to let himself die
Old screaming things
Don't envy the isolation guy he had a really shit time
Whelp now he's in limbo space
Oh deep thoughts
Melanie is thinking deep
She's skeptical of stuff
Oh dear
Viscera I think is how to pronounce her name?
Viscera and Melanie are gossiping and I'm here for it
Oh performance review
He can just make her watch her dad's death!
I want texas toast I'm going to go make some
Whelp he's being followed by a police officer
And Jared's “death”
He just has to read statements to make him feel better
A screaming oven lovely
What do you mean you'd burn them?
John is better!
I fucking hate Shakespeare
Lovely more masks
Poor Tim
And Melanie
Lucas seams so silly
Viscera gets really excited about her reading and I love that about her
Mmm more statements
I'm pretty sure John just asked for a statement because he was starting to feel sick lol
His accent is kinda hard to understand
Spoopy people
Love how she calls the vampire hunter old man
Oh bodys on table
Silent screamers
Staby stab
Oh she killed him
HAHAH DOLL THING (why is his voice kinda-)
More Marten :3
This girl sounds like an asshole
That is a long ass name
“Spiders are eating” PFF
Oh don't walk into people's jaws
Mmm Japanese spider movies
Oh spoopy
Oh they found A Way to distract Elias
A leitner?
Jared is cool
Jared's mom was an ass
Hmmm more things to kill and torture everyone
I keep forgetting meat is in this
Jared is so sad
We're back in America and they found a bomb and the taxidermy or what's left of it
John and Tim drama
Oh tunnels
Bomb time
The meats back
No more arm
And now he's in the water
Meeting timeee
Gurtrud tape time
I think this is from a older time in europe because of the writing and how it is worded
Mmm more robotic things
Mmm birbs
Oh he's being protective of martennnnn
Awww john
Melines to relatable
Aww goodbye Jarey
mmm masquerade
“sorry Elias I can't hear you there's a DOOR in the way” I love marten
Hehehe bomb
Oh god marten don't die
Uh oh
Mmm nothing is everything and everything is something
God what is happening
What the fuck is this
He's not responseuve
Oh eye always watching
(I'm listening to this for a second time)
Hehehe sad man
Oh dear
The sky?
Ma ma that's not edible
I don't want the box to sing
Oh tunnel
Hmmm blood
Hmmm watching
Oh dig
He screams
Who are we watching?
Bye Eliasss
Season 4 babyyy
Poor marten
This is so sad
First actual episode of season 4 :3
Oh statement
He sees how people die funnn
“What am I?” I ask that often
Ship into the middle of nowhereeeee
Nevermind it's death
Why ya calm
Did you accidentally kill a bunch of people
This is this Oliver guy
That's funnn
Oh boy
Melanie (I think it's her)might have scared him off
I keep sending the homophobic vase because I can
oh no it was gorge
Magic tape?
He's very confused and I can see why
Hehehe eye thing
Statement timeeee
I think this dudes on something
Idk any more everything is odd
This person's a little silly
Awww I love John
Even though he keeps making have deep thoughts
Oh oh god marten are you okay buddy
He miss his boyfriend (I'm desperately waiting for them to get together)
W E B yippee
Oh god meline she's very traumatized
Oh that hurt
(Not at the moment)
I think everyone's losing it
Real honestly
It's always weird MX statement person
Is the site sentient
Is this a thing of the eye?
No it was the web
Oh he's a fish kabob
I can't tell if this is the buried, flesh or end
it's the slaughter
Cause everyone slaughtered each other
Eye thing
126 is the distortion
The recorder is silly
Idk if I liself-esteemt he still will
Of course he's worried about his boyfriend
He had killed the thing
Lot of truck
We have bone Turner
Oh god that sounded ow
I can't really update during school
PFFF The eye is just my brain absorbeing things cause it's never anything useful
Garry reference
God damnit John stop being creepy to strangers
The computers are eating people again
Mmmm cult's
oh god
Oop angey Martin
Oh dear
Peter Lucas is an asshole
Into the lonely
John is so smart
Oh god the eye opens
They gay
Stop being depressed
TF you mean I'm faceless
Ah the not Sasha
Oh it pissed of John
“Ceaseless watcher turn your gaze on this wretched thing” HE SAID THE THING
Martens broken
They broke Marten
I think it the lonely
Oh god he's getting relatable
“I am marten blackwood and I'm not alone anymore” HAD ME SOBBING
It's the bone man idk what his name is but I hate his voice
Helen just wants to have fun
Who the fuck is doctor David
I didn't realize they could get any gayer
(They also just like feel asleep lol)
Doctor doe Jane is silly
HIII Helen!!!
“You've always said you were Helen!”
“I am! I also ate her… it's really simple if you don't think about it”
George and Melina are backkkk
And Meline fucking slays
The gays are arguing
Christ that is scary
“Shocker, I have self esteem issues. Not the point” I am Martin
This is adorable and sad
Oh god John
Oh he's pleading
That's scary
This doesn't sound like a tape
Oh god
He's going to die
I'm going to cry
He's going to kill him
I'm actually going to start crying
Oh god
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