#// that said there isn't a lot of room left so I can really only accept one more max
novantinuum · 7 months
mmmmmmm. messy ass ramble thoughts ahead. this is not coherent, it is 1am, you have been warned.
so i've been thinking about that "i can fix anything! i can just keep messing up and fixing things forever, and you'll never have to know or think about any of it!" line during steven's lil manic panic moment in the ep everything's fine in the context of like... og SU episodes
this whole lil manic slip is one that's like... it seems a little extreme for him as a character at first, when one looks at the situation on surface.
but i think it really does shed a LOT of light onto one of his deepest fear. the same fear he's harbored for a good damn deal of the show.
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"i didn't wanna hurt anyone!"
this moment comes just a few eps after the S3 finale 'reveal' of rose shattering pink diamond. in that final scene of the season, steven gets 'confirmation' from garnet that this happened, and seems to accept it for what it was- a difficult decision made amidst a treacherous war.
but also, he Doesn't.
because he's the legacy rose left behind. because each and every day he's growing more into his power. because now, with this reveal of rose's decision to shatter on the table, he's putting each and every decision he makes under a microscope.
he had no choice, he claims. she wouldn't let him help her.
he had no choice. it was self defense.
but is that true?
isn't that the same thing his mom probably told herself before ending a gem's life forever?
even though she poofed bismuth and holed her away for suggesting the very same idea??
rose became a hypocrite... so what if HE becomes the hypocrite, too?
see, with steven... i think it's really easy in the main show to sorta... observe all his actions on the mere surface without considering the deeper tickings of his psyche. like... take lars being brought back to life. from audience POV, that's a good deed. steven just saved someone with his magic! positive moment.
but genuinely... i think this was one of the worst moments of his entire life. i think he's still haunted by it- by the fact that he can just "fix" people in that way. and i think fixing jasper's shattered gem only made the specter of that day worse.
steven believes his role is to be the Shield.
the protector.
the one who is willing to do whatever it takes- even up to turning himself in for a crime he didn't commit- to protect his family and his friends.
and like, we all know that it's not steven's FAULT that lars died. BUT- he still died while under steven's protection.
and so the same way steven blames himself for "hurting" bismuth, jasper, and eyeball, he blames himself for killing lars. mentally, he Takes Responsibility for his death. yet another tick mark in the box of horrible "mistakes" he's made, yet another tick mark landing him just a little closer to the rose he's desperately trying not to become.
and worst of all... it's a mistake he "covers up."
because his tears are able to bring him back from the dead entirely.
and years later he realizes this is true for gems as well ;-;;;
so yeah, i absolutely think lars' death was also at the back of his mind when he said that line at the beginning
what steven saw in the depths of his mind as he was panicking there was him slipping down a slippery slope of violence that he couldn't escape from
first, causing harm to other gems and calling it self defense...
then, letting your friend die protecting YOU when you're the one who should be protecting him and facing NO consequence for this misgiving because you bring him back to life
then, expressing anger so visceral it can shatter floors, destroy whole rooms, flip vans. out of control. inexcusable.
then... outright shattering a gem in a duel while training to hone that anger. once again, facing NO consequence because you bring her right back.
then, that sudden, terrifying thought of "what if i shattered white diamond"
like, steven has absolutely no framework by which to separate his actions from genuine desire or just plain abstract thought.
he has no framework by which to understand the beautiful tool of adding a "man would it be fucked up or what-" to the beginning of those sorts of intimidating, dark musings.
he has no framework by which to understand the complexities of his trauma, and the way in which genuinely fighting back against someone he once called an enemy might feel empowering- instead, it would seem he's disgusted in retrospect with how deep he pressed into that fight, how much a part of him ENJOYED it, all because of the horrid destination it led to.
anyways at this point steven thinks he has now become the Hypocrite like his mom, and that he's just destined to hurt everyone around him forever but never be punished for it and Ouch
this post has no end, these were just ramble thoughts, the end. goodnight. i am sleepy and need to prepare to make Wig tomorrow bc OH boy i am con crunch.
yeehaw .
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selineram3421 · 6 months
Hello! feel free to skip this request if it makes you uncomfortable, but I just came up with what I think is a really funny concept. What if it is an Alastor x Reader (romantic or platonic) where the reader is watching a show like Euphoria, which has a lot of sex scenes and stuff. The reader isn't watching it for them, they just happen to be an important part of the show. Alastor walks in on the reader watching it and is just like 0-0.... and the reader is just like "I swear I can explain!!!"
Hmm... What if instead of a show, they were reading a book?
Deceiving Cover
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Small Oneshot
Alastor X/& Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ implied/suggestive-book, italics = thoughts, red " " is reading, flustered deer man ⚠
(Romantic or Platonic)
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You were the book worm of the hotel.
Always with a different book every few weeks. So often that the Princess offered you to take care of the library in the hotel.
At first you declined, but then accepted it after realizing that no one really goes into the library. It would be quiet, peaceful, and you could take naps in there if needed.
Or that is what you thought at least.
It was a cold, foggy night.
The fog was so thick outside that a demon could barely see their hand in front of their face.
Alastor took a quick stroll around the hotel, the other residents having been asleep in their rooms hours ago. The Radio Demon hummed as he made sure all was well.
Only making a stop once he noticed a light coming from the library.
What demon could be awake at this hour?
He used his shadows to travel into the page scented room, quietly emerging behind the demon sitting on the couch, covered in a soft blanket and holding a book.
Still in the shadows, he went around to see the late night reader and cover of the book.
It was then he realized it was his companion, the soft spoken demon who always held a book wherever they went. Glancing down, he saw that the book in their hands had a picture of poisonous plants.
Poisons and Care.. Well, this sounds interesting~ He thought with a grin and moved to look over their shoulder.
They had flipped the page that they finished reading and leaned closer into the book, making him have to lean in as well.
He read..
"..on the desk. Hand gliding up her thigh, fingers edging their way under the seducing red garters on her plush skin. His other hand sliding up her stomach, gently caressing the side of her ribs as it got closer to her brea- "
The deer demon ripped himself away, feeling a blush come up on his cheeks. Hiding his face with his hand as he turned his back on the literature.
He didn't notice that he made such a racket, or that he got out of the shadows.
Glancing back, he can see them sitting up confused.
"What are you doing up so late?", they asked.
Moving his hand, he cleared his throat and fixed his suit.
"Forgive me.. I was just making sure that everything in the hotel was spick and span.", the deer said, still not making eye contact. "I'll let you go back to your...late night reading."
Noticing his odd demeanor, they glanced back and forth between him and the book, putting two and two together.
"Oh, oh my-!", they covered their mouth quickly before resting their hand back on the couch. "Um.. I don't know how much you read but this isn't just some smut filled thing.", they looked away. "This is..somewhat important to the plot and character development. Though it could just imply what happened.", they laughed nervously.
"I-", he cleared his throat again and straightened up. "I'll take your word for it."
His ears were pinned back as he made with way out of the room.
"Don't stay up too late dear.", Alastor said before bidding them a good night.
You waved as he left, staying still for a moment before sliding down from the couch and onto the floor with a groan, covering your face with the book.
I won't be able to look at him for at least two weeks..
Another noise of embarrassment left you.
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*reading ahem a fic* I will not say which one that inspired this.
~Seline, the person.
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @+?
ML II Alastor🎙
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Secrets Kept from Him Chapter 3: Underlying Thoughts WC:3900+ Resident: @enchantedforest-network TW: Past relationship with Ran, Disappearing, Slight Suggestive Themes, Angst, Drinking, Suggestive Language, Masturbation, Making Out, Past Memories, Secret Child He Never Met Until Now, Being Watched(unedited) Synopsis: Your daughter finally meets her father, the only thing is she isn't aware that Ran is her father. He won't tell her right away as he is waiting for the right moment. The more he observes you the more he wants you. You can't deny intimate moments flood your mind with your guy's past but also lead to risky behavior that piques his interest more. Someone is also interested in the person that seems to be catching Ran's eye. MINOR DNI 18+
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“Morning Ran.” you opened the door for him. “What's with the flowers?” you asked him.
“One is for you and the other is for D/n. I know you always like flowers in the home. Unless that changes.” He gave you the larger bouquet.
The bouquet had your favorite flowers. “I still do…Thank you, you didn’t have to do that.” a small smile appeared on your face. ‘Still as charming as ever..’ “I wanted to do this, there's a difference.” Ran’s eyes looked around the home. 
“Let me find a vase to put them in really quickly. I will be right back.” you walked to the kitchen hoping to find a vase. You still were trying to figure out where everything was in the home.
Ran noticed a few photo frames that were displayed on a wall. Looking at each photo he saw a different stage in his daughter's life. From her being only a few days told till her current age. 
D/n was so eager to explore the rest of the house that she left her room and went down the stairs. She stopped at the foot of the stairway. Studying the tall man who was looking at the photos. D/n remembered she saw him yesterday when he got off the elevator with the lady. From the side view, he saw something moving. He turned his head to see his little one looking at him. 
“Hello there.”  He smiled. She stood quiet looking at him.  He remembers you saying she was a bashful child. It would take her time for her to warm up to new people.  When he finally stood in front of her he kneeled down at eye level with her greeting her with a gentle smile.
When you finally found a vase you walked back to where Ran was to find him with your guy's daughter.  You observed from a distance as Ran began talking to her. You were wondering how she was going to react to him. 
“You must be D/n.” Ran smiled 
Her eyes widened, surprised to know this stranger knew her name. She nodded, “Mhmm.” She softly said as she teetered tattered with her feet.
‘She is adorable.’ Ran thought. “I’m Ran… I’m….” Ran paused for a moment and he wanted to say ‘I’m your daddy.’  But he couldn't say it. All he could say was,  “I’m a friend of your mommy’s.” Bringing the flowers towards her “I heard you liked flowers, I hope you like them.” 
Her little hands accepted the flowers. “Thank you.” Softly speaking she smelled the flowers. Your daughter got a glimpse of you from a distance, “Mommy look.”  She ran towards you excitedly with the bouquet of flowers in her hands. Ran stood up seeing her running towards you. 
“Those are beautiful.” Giggling as she held them up to you. “Why don’t we put them in a vase then we can place them in your room a bit later?” making her. Agreeing to the idea, you brought her to the kitchen, placing them into a vase. 
Ran watched how you interacted with her. How tender and attentive you were with her, he always had this image of you being like this with your kids. Your daughter didn’t look outside into the back until now to see a swing on a tree.“Mommy, can we go outside?” She asked. 
“Of course,”you smiled.
Eagerly going outside you saw her run directly to the swing. Ran stood next to you on the patio as you both saw her swinging in the swing. “She has a lot of energy.” Ran smiled as his eyes watched his little one. 
“She does” When you look at him you can see he was deep in thought as he looked at him., "What are you thinking about?” asked him. “Other than my daughter, not knowing who I really am, she just knows me as a friend of her mothers.” Ran said, “But what can I do right now other than get to know her.” 
Nodding at his response. Ran made his way to the little girl on the swing. 
With a relaxed smile on his lip, you could see he offered to push her on the swing. You leaned against the post on the patio. 
 “Can I have another one?” You mumbled in a soft whisper. You couldn’t help but give him another kiss. “Another” giving him one after another after another. 
“Okay okay” you chuckled as both of you were tangled in one another’s arms. The light coming from the window as the moon shines bright. “I love you Ran.”  you meant those words every single time you were with him. 
You found the one you wanted to be with after prior failed relationships. He changed your mind when you gave him a chance a few years ago. You were a bit skeptical at first because of how attentive he was or the way he spoke so smoothly. The more he was around he broke the barriers from around you. 
“I love you too______. I want you to promise me something. Promise me you will always be by my side.” Ran caressing your cheek gently as if you were a porcelain doll. The words I love you hardly came out of his mouth when he was dating people throughout the years; those words were only spoken to very important people. One of them is you, I love you was used often. 
“I promise to be by your side.” You softly spoke. 
Ran felt his heart flutter at your words, feeling content knowing you would be the one he would spend the rest of his life with. “Say it again.” fixating on the words you spoke. His hand began to slide down to your bare waist. You could feel himself becoming aroused as he wanted to hear you say it again. 
“I promise to be by your side Ran.” you cooed softly. It takes him a long time to slide himself on top of you. The YSL cologne still lingered on him as he leaned closer. His lips connected to yours while his body began to sink into you. The kiss travels down from your lips to your jawline to your neck. The shallow breaths escape your lips, with each touch makes your body crave more. ~~~~~~ You stopped yourself from remembering the rest of the thoughts, it’s bad enough you deprived yourself of physical touch from anyone since your daughter was born. It was a sacrifice you made by a decision you made. You could have dated and been offered throughout the years but you couldn’t.
Ran happened to back at you for a brief moment to see that you were in your own thoughts on things. Hearing the happy laughs coming from his child who was swinging higher and higher on the swing. He wanted to know everything about her, he was proceeding with caution not trying to overwhelm the small child. A few more minutes on the swing d/n got off. “Thank you, Mr. Ran.” the bashful little girl spoke. Crouching down “Your welcome little princess. Tell me what else do you like to do?” asked her. “Ummm…” she began to think. “I have tea parties with my animal up the stairs.” Ran and you followed her up the stairs where she had her room set up, the tea set was next to the window on a tea table. 
Ran looked around the room on her bed and he recognized a familiar white stuffed rabbit. ‘She kept it.’  he thought to himself. It was the first gift he had got you when you both started dating. It held a lot of sentimental value. It would end up being the first stuffed animal your daughter ever had.  He watched his daughter reach for the stuffed rabbit and bring it to her setup.
A few hours would have passed when Ran got a call. When he pulled up his phone he saw Ms. Yamaguchi’s number appear on his phone. He excused himself by taking the call outside. You looked at him through the sliding glass door leading to the backyard. You could see the smile on his face as he was speaking on the phone. You could only imagine what he was talking about or who he was talking to. Your daughter was on the counter as she was continuing her drawing, her little hums as she switched to another color. Bringing your attention back to her. From the outside, Ran was a bit annoyed to have gotten the call but the tone he spoke was so calming. The contracts were still in the works making sure this was going to happen for the club. He looked at his watch and he didn't expect time to fly by so quickly, “Of course, I can be there around 6:30pm. I’m currently in the process of doing something else right now.” looking at the window he got a view of you and your daughter at the table you were watching her color. He could see the smile on your face as you were talking to her inside. “Hmp you don’t say… Well, I looked forward to seeing you then." When he got off the phone he had to cut this visit short. Walking back into the room “I’m sorry I have to cut my visit short I have an unexpected meeting.” You and d/n looked at him. “It’s fine,” you spoke. Ran walked over towards his daughter. “D/n it was nice to meet you. I hope we can do something fun when I see you again.” She bashfully nodded. She actually felt comfortable with him; she couldn’t explain that something was different than the other friends she met before. She looked down at the drawing she just finished. Her cheeks were a bit hot when she was deciding what to do next. “This is for you,” she mumbled softly both of you hardly were able to make out what she said to him. She held the drawing towards him. It honestly kinda of surprised you she actually was holding the drawing towards him. He accepted the drawing seeing it was a picture of different flowers she colored. He couldn’t help but smile at the sweet gesture of his daughter. He wanted to pick her up and give her a hug and a kiss but he restrained himself. It was pulling on his own heartstrings not to show the affection he wanted for her. “This is amazing, ya know I have a special place I can put this at, thank you d/n”
She covered her face and mumbled “your welcome.” you couldn’t help but smile how bashful she got when giving him the photo. “D/n I’m going to walk Ran out you can continue to color it will only be a moment.” “Okay Mommy,” she said as she watched you and Ran walk to the front door.
 Closing the door behind you that leads outside. The brief moment of silence “You gave her the rabbit I gave you.” he had a small smile. 
“She has been sleeping with it since she was a newborn. She can’t sleep without it…It gave her comfort like it gave me.” having a small smile on your face. “I appreciate it that you're taking it slow with her. She seems to like you, which is a good thing.” “Of course, now that I’m a bit familiar with what she likes and how she responds to things I know how to proceed.” He was still trying to figure out if he should proceed to pursue you or not. After the comments from yesterday about the hickey he had covered up this time, he was unsure if you were interested in him after seeing that. “When the time comes she will know who I really am.”
“Yeah…” making eye contact with him... “You might need to get going, sorry I was holding you up. I know you're busy.” 
He wished he could cancel this but he didn’t want to hear Rindou complain about it. He had to go to the club later on.  “Right…I will call you tomorrow. I may also need to correlate something with Rin to meet d/n but I will talk to him about it.” You nodded, “Either call or text you have my number, and let me know.” “Of course…Till we meet again.” Ran began to walk and he decided to test the waters a bit with you. He stopped slightly turning his body around. “How about a goodbye kiss like old time sake. You kinda owe me one.” the playful manner coming from him. You felt your cheeks become hot by his comment. Ran smirked seeing he could still make you blush with just the simplest comments like those. Composing the blush quickly “Goodbye Ran.” you didn’t answer her question he asked. 
“Can’t blame me for trying now.” He turned back around heading to his car. Your hand was on the doorknob. You saw him get into the car and drive off, he disappeared down the street. You made your way back into your home. The thought of kissing him, just a kiss wouldn't have been enough for you. Thinking about his lips against yours you could remember how soft they were, the way his tongue brushed against your lower lips. His hands wrapped around you and your body quivered for his touch. ‘I need to calm down.’ you felt yourself becoming a bit warm. Just a few hours apart Ran was sitting on the edge of the bed, a cigarette loosely hanging from his lips. He only has his unbuckled dress pants on his damp hair pushed back. He could hear the shower going in the bathroom. He began to process the thoughts in his mind after an encounter he had with Ms. Yamaguchi. He didn’t want to look at her during the session. He made sure she had her face buried in the pillows. When he looked at her, her face was covered with her hair. His mind began to picture it as you. He could vividly hear you cry out his name begging him to go harder. It sent him over the edge quickly. His mind was messing with him, ‘how quickly she can invade my thoughts like that..’ he thought to himself. 
His fingers removed the cigarette from his mouth as he exhaled a cloud of smoke. He heard the shower turn off prompting him to get dressed. He reached for his button and began to place it on. 
Ms. Yamaguchi came out in her towel looking at him. “Leaving so soon?” Her eyes focused on the violet-eyed man. 
“I have to head out to the club and make sure everything is running smoothly,”  Ran responded. “Very sneaky of you to have me come and see you to sign paperwork.” He smirked.
“Well, I think you would have enjoyed this much more than signing paperwork. But I promised it wouldn't be done by tomorrow. There were some delays today.”
“I see. Me and Rin can meet up tomorrow to sign the paperwork.” He made sure he included Rin's name in the topic since he was also the one who was going to be signing the contract. 
“Of course. Maybe after the contract signing we can celebrate, how about dinner just me and you?” She asked, walking closer to him. 
‘Shit…’ he thought, still keeping his composure. He wanted to see d/n hoping to sign the contracts early instead of later in the day. “It does sound nice but I do have a meeting later on tomorrow. Why don't we plan something later on another day.” He tilted her chin bringing her face closer to his, giving her a sweet smile.  
“I will make it worth your wild.” 
“Very well, Mr. Haitani. I will hold you to it.  So since you are busy tomorrow we can push the signing to the morning.”
Ran made a smooth exit from the hotel room. Making his way to the club. The music could be heard on the outside of the club as he began to enter. People dance, drink, and enjoying themselves. Heading into the VIP room to find his brother there on the large sofa. “How did it go?” Rindou asked him to watch his brother sit down next to him. 
“With D/n, let’s say I didn’t want to leave. It was cut short due to Ms. Yamaguchi. I just got back from there.” He closed for a brief moment and sighed. “If it wasn’t for the damn contract still needing to be signed  I wouldn’t have gone… ya know I got a small taste of what it would be like to be a dad.”
“Does she know you as her dad?” 
Ran shook his head “Not yet she only knows me as her mother’s friend. I got to know her, what she is like, and what she likes to do. She kinda reminds me of you when you were a kid, very shy.”
“Knock it off.” He didn't like to  mention his personality as a child. He was a bit embarrassed of it. “What about _____?” 
“Other than being the most attentive mother to her, how it took all my strength not to hold her in my arms again. And pretend like nothing ever happened and live like a family… but then I come back to reality and this is how it is. I’m just the man who she once knew or she makes it seem like that.” 
Rindou understood how his brother might be feeling that way. “Here, have a drink.” pouring the cold whiskey. “From this point, you have two options as I see it. You continue what you have been doing since she was gone and just be there for D/n as her father”  placing the bottle of whiskey down “or if you feel like those feelings for ________ are still there and you want to pursue them you need to show her. This also means forgiving her for leaving like she did and moving forward. This will be up to you how you proceed.” The words from his brother made him think. Looking at his phone he scrolled through his contacts to see your number. ~~~~~~~~~ You were brushing D/n hair and you both sat on her bed. She held her stuffed rabbit looking down at it. You wanted to ask her about what she thought about Ran. “Did you have fun today?” you asked her. “Mhmmm.” d/n respond back “I like the swing outside!”
“I’m glad you liked that. How about mommy’s friend Ran?” asking her. “He is really nice and he smells good. Mommy, he was at the hotel yesterday.” responding to you. “Wait, you saw him at the hotel?”  you stopped brushing her hair. 
Turning her head she nodded. “Yeah, he was coming out of the elevator with his girlfriend. He was holding her hand. She was really pretty.” You raised your brows “Oh.”  maybe your assumption of him being single wasn’t true, maybe he was seeing someone. He didn’t specify it when you both talked yesterday. But today his comment about the kiss was teasing, right? Just to mess with me? All these different questions popping into your mind right now. “You okay Mommy?” slightly tilting her head at you. “Mommy is okay,” you reassured her, you looked at the clock next to her bed. “Alright,  it’s time for bed. Let's get you all tucked in.” you began to tuck her into bed. Giving her a good night kiss you put on her night light. Making your way down the hall towards your own room you got into bed. you were going through your phone but you couldn’t concentrate on what you were looking at.  You kept pondering on the thought of Ran seeing someone else. He could have been talking to her outside before he left. All the things he used to do with you, he is doing them with her. The various positions you both were in over those years of being together years back flooded your mind. The phantom of your own hand began to travel around your body the way he used to. You were losing yourself in the moment. The lack of sexual contact over the years forced you to figure out a way to satisfy your needs. Your hand travels lower inside your pants. The soft panting coming from your lips. You were so into your thoughts that you became hot and bothered. 
The sudden vibrations from your phone went off, startling you. Reaching for your phone seeing it was Ran. Trying to take a collective breath before you pick up. “Hello?”
Ran could hear from your tone you were slightly out of breath. “Hey… are you okay?” He walked into his office trying to hear your voice without the disturbance of the music. “You sound out of breath.” 
“I’m okay, I was just startled by the sudden call.” Your heart was racing hoping he didn't catch on to what you were doing moments ago. “What happened?” 
“I was thinking of seeing you both tomorrow I will be free in the afternoon,” Ran responded. “If that’s okay?”  
 Both of us? You were wondering if you heard right. “It should be fine, I'm going to go to the market in the morning with D/n other than that we will be free…maybe I can fix something before you arrive.” 
His head perked up “Really now?” He lightly chuckled. The way he chuckled like that turned you on more. Biting your lower lip. “I will be looking forward to that.” 
“Ran” You were contemplating if you should just have him come over. You were fighting this urge inside you to not cave into the desire you oppressed for so long. 
The slightly needy tone caught his tone. All so familiar to him. He was starting to see what he interrupted. Thinking you may have been asleep but you were doing other things. “Yes doll, is there something you need to ask me? .”
‘Fuck.’ He made your toes curl. ‘No no, keep it together don’t let him come over now.’ There was a brief moment of silence. Ran was waiting for your response. He was waiting for the signal just for you to ask him to come over. But those hopes were shot down with your response. “I will see you tomorrow. Have a good night.” 
‘Dammit….’  He ran his fingers through his hair  “see you tomorrow doll. Sweet dreams… don’t have too much fun now.” 
You quickly disconnected the call with him. ‘God he knows… Why did I pick up the call in the first place… I could have called him back in the morning.’  You placed your phone on silent mode for the rest of the night. 
Ran on the other hand, smirking to himself ‘I know what I want…. better yet… who I want.’ 
~~~~~~~~~ ~Earlier in the Day~
Outside of the home, there was someone else keeping a close eye on you just earlier that afternoon. They witnessed the brief encounter you and Ran had outside the home. They knew it was something more between you both. Pulling out the phone “It’s me…I need you to pull up some information on a person for me. How long will it take? …. I see I will send it right now then." They hung up the phone. Sending the information on the address. They were curious about this woman who knew Ran Haitani.  They looked at the home before they started the car and took off in the opposite direction of where Ran left. 
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Chapter Links to this storyline are below! Chapter 1.Chapter 2.
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viesantewrites · 4 months
𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
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Robert Fischer (Inception) x Reader
summary: This story explores Robert's personality and describes how he met his wife (the reader) who helps him through his emotional struggles.
English isn't my first language so I apologise in advance for any mistakes
word count: 3500+
Only the quiet ticking of the clock on the side table and the soft scratching of a pen on paper filled the room. Robert exhaled slowly and looked at his hands in silence.
"You went through a lot in your childhood, Mr. Fischer." The lady sitting opposite him in a dark blue armchair looked at him compassionately over the rim of her glasses.
"Yes, that’s true, madam."
He had told her everything. Everything that had happened in his childhood. It was a strange feeling to open up like that to a stranger, but that was why he was here.
"And you really feel that you were never enough for your father?" his therapist asked.
"I've never done right in his eyes. My grades were never good enough, he called me lazy, and he always accused me of living off his money." Robert sniffled softly. It was very hard for him to talk about all this.
The lady looked carefully at the clipboard in front of her. "But if I read this correctly, you're anything but lazy, Mr. Fischer. You have a master's degree in business administration and engineering and have completed further training in energy management. You're a department head at the energy company Fischer Morrow, and even the deputy CEO."
Robert bit his lower lip. "I know," he said quietly. "But it’s still not enough for my father."
"If I understand correctly, your father is the CEO of the company, is that right?" she asked.
He nodded. "Well, he still is. He's almost 67 years old, and his health is very poor."
The lady looked at him thoughtfully. "Oh, are you going to take over the company completely?"
"I don't know if I'm up to such a big job."
"Of course you are, Mr. Fischer. You underestimate yourself far too much." The therapist leafed through her files. "Let's move on to another subject. What about other people who are close to you? You're married, aren't you?"
A small smile appeared on his face as she mentioned his wife. "That's right. About a year now. We got married last August."
"Do you have any children together?"
"No," he replied immediately. "But I have a daughter with my ex-wife."
She looked at Robert with interest and put the clipboard on her lap. "So this is your second marriage."
He nodded slightly. "My ex-wife and I were married for nearly eight years. Suddenly it was over so quickly. She... she left me for another man."
The woman wrote something on the clipboard. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Fischer. Something like that can also affect you mentally."
"But my current wife is different... She's just wonderful." The therapist noticed how his eyes immediately lit up when he talked about her. "She is an incredibly warm and loving person. I've never felt so accepted and loved in my whole life as I do with her. And she's absolutely beautiful."
She smiled a little. "That’s wonderful, I'm really happy for you."
Robert looked thoughtfully out of the window. "But sometimes I can't believe why she's with me. There are so many other men around who are better than me."
"Maybe because you're a really nice, intelligent and attractive man and she loves you."
Robert's cheeks turned slightly pink after she said that. "I don't know why anyone would love me."
The therapist exhaled slightly and adjusted her glasses. "I can see you've got a lot to work through. You have quite low self-esteem. I'm afraid we're going to need a few more sessions. Mr. Fischer, do you think your wife would mind if we had a talk? I'd like to hear her point of view."
Robert shrugged a little. "No. I think that can be arranged. I'll ask her when I get home."
"This would be wonderful. Just let me know when she's free, you have my phone number." She smiled kindly at him.
And Robert got up from his chair. "I'll do that. See you then."
"Goodbye, Mr. Fischer."
She looked curiously at the young woman sitting in front of her. She was a couple of years younger than Mr. Fischer, had long hair and was wearing a beige blazer.
"How nice of you to come, Mrs Fischer." She smiled politely at her. "Your husband told me a lot about you."
YN laughed a little and crossed her legs. "Well, hopefully only good things."
"Don’t worry, he's raving about you."
YN ran her fingers through her hair. "You know... I've never talked to anyone like you before, I have to admit I'm a bit nervous."
"Oh, you don’t have to be. You can tell me anything. And if there's something you don't want your husband to know, then that stays between us."
"I have nothing to hide from him." She laughed a little and played with her necklace. A gift from Robert for their anniversary. A little 24-karat gold heart pendant.
The therapist also laughed and pinned a new blank page to her clipboard. "That's a very good sign." She cleared her throat and leaned back a little in her chair. "Right, let's get started. Your name is YN Fischer. You were born in Bristol, UK, and moved to Australia when you were six years old."
YN nodded.
"You married Mr Robert Michael Fischer in August last year and live together with him in Sydney. You know that he has some problems with himself as a result of his childhood and his, shall we say, troubled relationship with his father. Unfortunately, I can't talk to his father because he's in the hospital and very ill. That's why I wanted to talk to someone else in his life. The person who is probably closest to him—you, Mrs Fischer. My question to you now is: how do you perceive your husband? What do you think of him? Please be honest, you are not being judged for anything."
YN let out a short breath and sat up a little in her chair. She looked thoughtfully at her red-painted fingernails.
"Well, I think I can say that Robert is the best thing that's ever happened to me."
The therapist immediately began making notes on her clipboard.
"He's wonderful, intelligent, funny... And he’s always there for me. I can't believe a man like him married me."
With an interested look, the therapist lowered her pen and rubbed her chin. "That's exactly what your husband said about you, Mrs Fischer. Very interesting..."
She looked at her with a smile. "Really? He said that?"
"Yes, he did. But go on."
"Well... Robert has always been someone I looked up to. He always seemed so unattainable to me. He's incredibly intelligent and educated. I met him when I worked in his and his father's company. Almost every woman was secretly in love with him, but at the time he was still married to his ex-wife. I know it all sounds strange because he was sort of my boss. But I only had a romantic relationship with him after he got divorced and after I stopped working at Fischer Morrow."
"That sounds very interesting. Please tell me more about how you met him," the therapist told her.
YN closed her eyes and was silent for a moment. In her mind's eye, she saw the long corridors of Fischer Morrow. It all seemed so real again.
"Here's a list of all the tasks you have to do today," YN's new colleague handed her a piece of paper. She glanced at it, her eyebrows rising in surprise as she noticed every inch of the paper covered with tasks. "Wow, Ariane, that’s a lot. It‘s only my fourth day."
"Oh no, I’m pretty sure that you can do this," Ariane said. "The first person to arrive is MrRichard Lambert at 9:30 am. He has a job interview with Mr Fineman from Human Resources. You meet him at reception and take him to room 015, where Mr Fineman is waiting. Be friendly, smile a lot, it's very important. At 10:30 am, room 461 in the headquarters is free. An important meeting is taking place there between Maurice Fischer, his son Robert Fischer, and some representatives of the Ministry of the Environment. If I've understood correctly, it's about adjusting the emission limits for pollutants."
YN looked tiredly at the page in front of her and shrugged. "That doesn’t sound very interesting."
"You don't have to join the conversation, YN. You just have to prepare the conference room. I've already ordered the catering; it'll be delivered around 10:40 am. You put the drinks and sandwiches on the small side table. Put the coffee pot in the middle of the table. Then wait for the Fischers to arrive. It's best to offer the coffee to them personally. And remember to always be friendly; this is the CEO and his deputy, okay?"
YN looked at her colleague, a little overwhelmed. "My head is spinning, to be honest. I've already forgotten half of what you just told me."
"That's why I wrote it all down for you. You can do this, YN. And if something goes wrong, it's not the end of the world. You just have to be careful with Fischer Senior. He's a bit... strict." She gave her a meaningful look.
"This could be fun," YN sighed ironically and folded her arms across her chest.
"If there's anything, you can always call me. You know my extension." Ariane finally changed the subject. "What kind of training do you have, if I may ask?"
"Me?" YN laughed. "I'm a hairdresser. I don't really have anything to do with all that office stuff. I just wanted to try something new. Maybe I'll like it."
"So, a career changer, how interesting. But you'll manage, I'm quite confident."
At that moment, one of the glass doors opened, and a man in a formal black suit entered the corridor. He was slim, with perfectly styled dark brown hair, high cheekbones, sharp features, and bright blue eyes. His long coat hung loosely over his shoulders, and he typed absently on his phone. He was very attractive. If they hadn't been in the corridors of Fischer Morrow, YN would have mistaken him for a high-fashion model from Yves Saint Laurent or another well-known luxury brand.
"Who's that?" she whispered to Ariane, who was a little startled and looked at YN with wide eyes when she saw the man. "That's Robert Fischer! Don’t forget to greet him!"
"Good morning, Mr Fischer." Ariane gave him her best smile as he passed them, and YN did the same.
"Good morning, ladies," he greeted them politely, turning his attention back to the phone in his hands.
When he was out of earshot, YN started to giggle. "He looks gorgeous. I pictured a nerd when you told me about him."
"Yes, he’s really handsome." Ariane sighed a little. "He's really nice too, unlike his father."
YN was silent for a moment and then cleared her throat a little. "Is he... you know... single?"
Ariane looked at her colleague as if she had just said something completely stupid. "Are you crazy? A man like him? Of course not. Every woman here secretly fancies him. But he's been married for years."
YN bit her lower lip. "Just asking."
"I think you should go now. You have a busy schedule and the first visitors will arrive soon."
YN finally nodded, folded the piece of paper with the notes, and put it in her handbag before saying goodbye to Ariane and walking on her high heels to the lifts.
YN nervously brushed the sleeve of her blouse across her forehead. Everything had gone well so far. The man who was invited to the interview had arrived on time, and she had taken him to Fineman, the human resources manager, who had been very friendly to her and had thanked her almost five times.
She had then rushed to the car park outside the building, where the catering for the meeting had just arrived, and had taken it to the conference room, which she had fortunately found straight away. Then she had prepared everything as Ariane had explained.
She stood there a little breathlessly, her arms crossed behind her back, with a friendly smile on her face, waiting for the participants to arrive. Finally, the Fischers approached the meeting room.
"Good morning, ma'am, thank you for preparing everything for our meeting," Robert Fischer greeted her with a friendly smile and held out his hand. Trembling, YN took it and looked at him shyly. His fingers felt unbelievably soft, and she lost herself in his bright blue eyes for a second. "What's your name?" His deep voice cut through YN's thoughts, bringing her back to reality.
"YN... Y/LN..." she mumbled, struggling to articulate her own name.
"My name is Robert Fischer. Very nice to meet you."
"There's no need to thank her, Robert. This woman does her job and gets paid for it." Suddenly, a loud voice echoed from behind them, causing Robert to release her hand.
"Dad, please don't say such things." Robert gave her an apologetic look and then walked away to talk to his father. As far as YN had heard, it was about some energy guidelines or something like that.
She stood next to them, a little lost, while she greeted the arriving participants of the meeting. Eventually, her eyes fell on the coffee pot on the table. Wait, hadn't Ariane told her to serve the coffee to the Fischers?
She hurried towards them. "Coffee, gentlemen?" she asked, forcing a smile.
"Yes, ma'am, I would love some," Robert Fischer looked at her gratefully.
"With sugar," his father grumbled next to him, flicking through his papers.
YN quickly grabbed the two cups.
"You have nice legs," Maurice Fischer said suddenly, and YN flinched a little, wishing she had worn a longer skirt this morning.
"Dad!" his son interrupted him immediately, looking at him in shock.
"But Robert, I'm right, aren't I?" The older man grinned.
YN pretended she hadn't heard what he said and forced herself to smile again, even though her hands were slightly shaking and sweaty. She nervously poured the hot coffee into the cup and was about to hand it to Robert Fischer when the cup slipped out of her hand.
At that moment, everything happened in slow motion. YN's hand reaching into the void as she tried to catch the cup, the shocked faces of the two men in front of her, and Maurice Fischer, who quickly tried to get his documents to safety. But it was too late. A huge dark brown stain spread across the table, sparing all the important documents.
"Are you crazy?" The angry voice echoed through the room, and she stared into Maurice Fischer's angry face, which was slowly turning red. She felt the eyes of the others in the room on her.
"I'm so sorry, sir... Are you okay? Did the coffee scald you?" She felt tears well up in her eyes, and her vision blurred a little.
Suddenly, a hand rested protectively on her arm, and she looked up in surprise as she realized it was Robert Fischer's. "We're fine; luckily, the coffee only landed on the table."
"Luckily, Robert? All the documents are ruined!"
"Dad, it's not that bad. The most important thing is that no one is hurt and has to go to the hospital."
"She can't even serve coffee! Why did Fineman even hire her? Just because she's pretty?"
Without another word, YN grabbed a cloth lying next to her, wiped the table, dabbed the documents as best she could, looked back at the two men, and muttered, "I'm so sorry," before turning and leaving the room.
She blinked the tears away quickly. She wouldn't cry now. She wouldn't shed a single tear for this company and especially not for this dumb idiot. Sighing, she leaned against the wall and rubbed her forehead.
Of course, it was her fault, but if that old man hadn't said those stupid things, she wouldn't have been so upset, and none of this would have happened.
Suddenly, she remembered Robert Fischer's hand on her arm, and her heart immediately warmed. He had been so incredibly kind to her. How could such a disgusting man have such a kind and lovely son? "Miss YLN!" a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind her.
Confused, she turned and looked straight into two bright blue eyes. "I'm so sorry for the way my father reacted. I keep telling him to stop, but he won't listen."
"It's okay," YN said, smiling a little.
"It's really not that bad what happened. There weren't any original documents on the table, just copies. I think the shock was more than the damage itself." As Robert ran his hand through his hair, a loose strand fell onto his forehead. It looked kind of cute, YN thought. "You don't have to worry about him kicking you out. I'll talk to him later."
YN held her breath for a moment and shook her head. "That's really very kind of you, sir... But I think I'll be leaving. This job isn't for me. I wanted to try something else, and I did, only to find that my old job is what makes me happy after all. But thank you for everything. You've been so kind to me."
He lowered his hand and nodded slowly at her. "I'm sorry, of course, but I won't stand in your way. I wish you all the best in your future."
She closed her eyes for a short moment. "I wish you the same, Mr Fischer. I wish you the same."
YN blinked slowly and let out a deep breath. The words had left her mouth as if on their own and her listener seemed totally captivated by the story.
"So you've left Fischer Morrow and returned to your old job as a hairdresser?" the therapist asked.
"Yes," YN said. "I did."
"And how did he become your husband?" she wanted to know.
"Since that day, I've never been able to get him out of my mind. I've always tried to block him out... But it's like he's always been in my heart."
The therapist nodded slowly and tore a sheet of paper full of notes from her clipboard.
"Fate has brought us together. Robert doesn't believe in fate, but I do. Especially since that day." Thoughtfully, she leaned back in her chair.
"About eight months later, I was shopping alone in the mall when I saw Robert standing in front of a fashion store. At first, I thought about just walking on and pretending I hadn't seen him, afraid he'd still be mad at me for quitting Fischer Morrow. But then I decided to talk to him."
The therapist nodded and folded her hands in her lap.
"He was happy to see me and asked me how I was doing in my new job. I noticed immediately that he wasn't wearing a wedding ring anymore, but I tried to ignore it. We chatted for quite a while, and everything seemed so relaxed. Maybe it was because he was no longer my boss. Eventually, I asked him what he was looking for in the mall, and he replied that he wanted to buy some new shirts and suits, but he didn't know what would suit him, since he divorced his wife who helped him choosing his outfits. YN suddenly stopped and started to laugh.
The therapist looked at her questioningly. "And then what happened?"
"Then I told him that I had an eye for stuff like that and that I could help him. And he said yes," YN closed her eyes again. Her heart beat faster at the thought. "We started seeing each other more and became closer, and our relationship developed naturally from there. He needed someone to believe in him, to remind of his worth. And I wanted to be that person for him. When Robert's father found out that we were a couple, he wasn't happy at all. I think he was still angry with me after all this time. He also called me stupid and uneducated because I never went to university."
"And... What did your husband say?"
YN smiled a little. "Of course, it affected me. But Robert told me that a degree says nothing about you as a person. He believed that true intelligence lies in passion and determination".
She paused, listening to the gentle ticking of the clock. "We got married last summer. Robert's father didn't come to the wedding. To be honest, I was glad. We spent our honeymoon in Hawaii, and it was the best time of my life. Robert is an incredibly wonderful person, and I'm lucky to have him in my life. Only this man who still has the nerve to call himself his father has completely destroyed his self-image."
YN slowly rose from her chair and straightened her jacket. "I'm done now."
The therapist smiled at her as she said goodbye and placed the clipboard next to her. "Thank you for your trust, Mrs Fischer."
"You're welcome, madam."
thank you for reading🤍
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sexydoffyman · 1 year
Hi! I am a very quiet person, and I never get angry (even somethimes a little but i don't scream and shout). Some years ago happened that a bully (a guy that i kwen since i was 7 yo and literally stalked me in very rude way: from the food, the clothes, the movies, the nail polish, manga, anime, my drawings and lot of other things and every time he tells me cruel words and rude things and every time I replied him to go to hell) managed to makes me angry... very angry. Like, I never scream when i am angry but in that case I started to scream against him. He just stare at the floor the entire time. Can I ask you a reaction for the Red Hair pirates to a girl that is usually quiet and for a reason like mine she starts to scream for angry?
Thank you, I like your blog very much❤️
genre: angst fluff
word count: 737
A/N: It was actually hard to make it at least a little fluff at the end.🐝 I feel weak in the legs.
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"Common girlie, it's nothing serious." You heard from the man you spent months on a ship with. "Shanks it is serious." "Maybe not for you, but I'm scared."
To put you in perspective on why you were angry. You had a room in the lower places of a ship. This meant that lots of deep sea creatures would bump into these places on the ship. That wouldn't be a problem alone. The Red Force was a well-built ship, so it wouldn't take any damage. The problem was that these sounds scared you. They scare you a lot.
Shanks ignored the fact. I mean, he was going to move you. But before that, he wanted to tease you.
"Common Shanks, please don't be a dick." Shanks was looking at you with a shit-eating grin. You wanted to punch him in the face so bad. "Oh, common scared of little noise?" "What are you, a coward?" "Cowards aren't accepted on my ship." He said all that like it was nothing. That made you even more angry.
He knew that you wouldn't fight back. Whenever he teased you like that. Being the only girl in the crew didn't help at all. The men with monkey-like brains were making sexist comments and assumptions. You just ignored them. But now they were all chuckling. They took advantage of you for being too nice. And you couldn't do anything about it.
Now you were sick of all of it. Them taking advantage of your kindness. And them ignoring your problem. "Shanks, I'm serious!" you tried desperately once again. "Are you sure that it isn't the time of the month again?" He said teasingly.
Shanks fell out of his bar stool and looked at you like, you just defeated him. A red mark in the shape of a palm appeared on his left cheek. "YOU NEED TO STOP BECAUSE WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS MAKING ME WANT TO LEAVE!" You yelled at him. The look on his face said that he knew that he fucked up.
Him hearing you say that, you feel like you want to leave his crew because of him. That might just be the worst thing he heard in his life. Now he was worried. He would never forgive himself if you ever left just because he was stupid.
"YOU MIGHT NOT REALIZE IT, BUT I LOSE INTEREST IN BEING HERE WITH EVERY "You really think you can open that? Common, you're a girl." AND IT HURTS!" You yelled your heart at them. You told them every single thing that weighed your shoulders.
Shanks tried to speak and make an excuse, but you cut him off every single time. When you ended yelling at them, you gave them one last glance and started to walk away to that room you hated so much.
You slammed the door behind you and sat down on your bed. You put your back against the wall and cried. You felt like you couldn't win even if you did everything you possibly could.
*knock knock*
You couldn't even tell him to fuck off when Shanks burst into your room. "Shanks, leave now!" You said with tears rolling down your face. Shanks ignored your request and hugged you while he sat you on his lap. You were so frustrated. You punched his side with all your might. But how could you defeat the grip of an emperor.
"Punch all you need, I deserve it." You hesitated to punch him another time. "But I won't let you go because you deserve to be treated well" You cried into the fabric of his coat and started yelling again "I HATE WHEN YOU TELL ME THAT YOU WON'T DO IT AGAIN, BUT LEAVE ME CRYING MY SLEF TO SLEEP THE NEXT DAY!"
Hearing you say stuff like that broke his heart again. He didn't realize he was making you cry every night. He never wanted to make you sad or worse, cry. He just looked at you with eyes that had regret written all over them.
You looked at him. It will gonna be hard, but you will forgive him. And he will do anything in his power to make you not angry at him. You knew that. You knew because of how tight he hugged you. And because of the tears that rolled down his cheeks.
"You can sleep in my room if you want-" "Shut up."
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atticsandwich · 1 year
move fast, keep quiet
pairing: raphael / gn!mc [obey me!]
sfw - this is just pure fluff lol
hallway brushes that turns into casual conversations, that turns into walking to your next class together, that turns into whispered nothings, that turns into something more
[set in the OG timeline, pre-NB]
"Good morning."
His tone is casual, monotonous. You look up from your D.D.D to see the angel in front of you, arm raised halfway in a greeting.
"Raphael! Good morning," you respond in kind with a smile.
You haven't known Raphael for long, but you realize that sincerity is laced in every encounter you've had with him, despite what the tone in his voice might suggest. Although the brothers describe him as strict and meticulous, you find the silence that usually comes with his presence quite comforting, a complete contrast to the daily rambunctious antics in the House of Lamentation.
"You're early today. Don't you usually come with Mammon?" he asks, glancing around you in case he missed the demon in question.
"Oh, Diavolo asked me to come in early so I can look through some of the proposals regarding future exchange programs," you respond. "I actually came with Satan today, but he wanted to stop by the library first."
"I see..." he trails off, as if in thought. "Can I walk you there?"
You blink in surprise.
"To the student council room? Sure, but are you sure you're not busy?" you reply, not expecting the offer. He gives a curt nod.
"I'm waiting for Simeon and Luke, so I don't have anything to do until then."
"If that's the case... yeah, let's go! I could use the company," you smile. Though his face remains unchanged, you can sense he's content that you accepted.
The two of you chat about recent happenings, from Mammon's latest grimm escapades to Luke accidentally drinking Solomon's concoction that he left in the fridge ("--he should really stop doing that", you interject.) that made the poor angel croak for the entirity of the afternoon. Luke was apparently grumpy for the rest of the night, so Simeon baked some cookies to cheer him up, which worked. ("--the cookies were good," he commented.)
The walk to the student council room isn't too long, and before you realize it, you're both standing at its doors. "I might as well say hi to Lord Diavolo and Barbatos," was what he said as he held the door for you. You whisper a quiet thanks as you walk past, and hear the scuffle of his feet as he walks in right after.
"There you are, good morning!" Diavolo's voice resounds within the room, enthusiasm peaked as always. Barbatos bows beside him in acknowledgement, walking off to prepare your seat.
"Good morning, Dia, Barb," you return their greeting accompanied with a warm smile.
"Hm? Is that Raphael behind you?" The prince finally notices your companion, who gives a nod.
"Good morning, Lord Diavolo. I was merely taking them to you. I apologize for the intrusion."
"Nonsense!" The prince laughs in assurance. "You and the other angels are always welcome to stop by."
You glance at the angel, who only gives another nod in response.
"I'll be on my way then," he turns to you.
"Thanks for walking me here," you say, thanking him with a smile.
"See you around."
You might've imagined it, but you were almost certain your fingers brushed for a second as he walked back, and you swallow the warmth that overtakes you, pushing it aside so you can start your duties.
Walking with Raphael becomes somewhat of a norm.
The repeating trend goes like this - you've just finished your Devildom History class, and as you walk out, he's somehow also nearby, which ends with him walking you to your next class. Sometimes, one of the brothers notices, and he ignores every one of their whines when they point it out. There are days when Luke and Simeon join the two of you (and if it's lunchtime, the twins are there with you too).
You talk about many different things - you ask a lot of stuff about the Celestial Realm, and he'll often tell a story or two from back when the brothers were still angels. There's a fondness in his tone whenever he recounts those memories, but you know he's content just knowing that the brothers are all together and happy in the Devildom. He asks you about your life in the Human Realm and what you were like before the exchange program, and you tell him of your days before the greatest plot twist of your life.
Somehow, you also manage to convince him to start teaching you how to sew. ("--literally not a day goes by where I don't have at least one tear on my clothes," you tell him.) You told him of that one time Beel started chewing through your school jacket because you spilled some juice on it, and then another time you tripped over a tangled wire in Levi's room, causing the seam of your jeans to split. ("--it's a miracle you still have any clothing left to wear," he comments. You swear you saw him hold back a laugh, but you don't mention it.)
Eventually he starts walking you back to the House of Lamentation, too. You're usually stuck doing student council duties after classes, so when it first happens, you're surprised to see him still on campus.
He manages to find a different reason each time you ask.
"I was at the library."
"I was sitting in the garden and lost track of time."
"I forgot something in the classroom so I came to pick it up."
He doesn't bother defending himself when one day, you walk out of the student council room, waving at him - "Thanks for waiting for me." He simply nods in acknowledgment.
When he walks side by side with you, sometimes your fingers brush; some instances longer than others, and you can't help but wonder what his hands would feel like on yours. Simeon once mentioned that angels had higher body temperatures, so would that mean his hands would be warm? Gentle?
As these thoughts run through your mind, you don't notice turquoise eyes on you the entire time, almost mapping each crevace of your face. He looks at your empty hand right next to his, and he finds himself wondering how it would feel like as he held it.
One day, the dam finally breaks.
He's walking you back to the House of Lamentation as always, and you're talking about Thirteen egging on Mephisto earlier that day. You stifle a laugh as you recount the noble waving his cane around ("like an old man," you describe), as he chased the reaper.
Your fingers are brushing against his again, but unlike most days when it's an unspoken tension, you feel the other hand slowly creeping up to yours, before it wraps it in its warmth. You look at your now-intertwined hands, and then to his face, seemingly avoiding eye contact with you. There's a warmth in his cheeks, and you feel his hand squeeze yours lightly, as if asking for assurance.
"Your hands are warm," you whisper, squeezing in return. From the corner of your eye you see his lips twitch upwards in a small smile, but you don't point it out.
When you reach the house, it takes some time for him to release his grip, but as he does, he takes his other hand, holding yours with both of his, and he brings it close to his face and plants a kiss to your palms, his eyes on you the entire time.
Your face is flushed, both in embarassment and twitterpation, as you try to avert your gaze from his - to no avail. You fear he can hear how fast your heart is beating even from a distance, as he sets down your hand he's been holding.
"I'll see you tomorrow," a rare smile is plastered on his face, which only worsens your poor heart's pounding.
"Yeah," you finally manage to breath out. "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow."
You watch him walk away, heading back to Purgatory Hall, and start formulating a plan to get back to him. Maybe a kiss when he's not looking? You'll polish that thought later.
And as you drift off to sleep that night, you dream about the warmth of his touch, and wonder how warm the rest of him is.
[a/n: i haven't actually written a fic in quite a while so i'm kinda rusty ;; feel free to send me suggestions, etc! i wanna get back to writing more... Thank you for reading!]
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erikahenningsen · 8 months
42 rejanis 💖
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40. “Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?”
42. “I swear it was an accident.”
Janis never thought she'd receive a personal invitation to one of Gretchen Wieners's parties. She also never imagined that Gretchen would be dancing intimately with Kevin Ganatra at said party, but times have changed.
She spots Damian across the room, standing with Cady and Karen, who is telling a story that seemingly requires a lot of wild arm gestures, and starts to make her way through Gretchen's ridiculously large but still crowded living room.
Janis is halfway across the room when a lukewarm liquid splashes across her left side, soaking her shirt and the side of her face. The people around her jump away. She lets out what can only be described as a squawk and turns to see Regina, one hand holding an empty plastic cup and the other covering her mouth.
"What the fuck, Regina?" Janis growls.
"I'm so sorry," Regina says breathlessly. "I tripped."
"A likely story," Janis says, her shirt sticking to her uncomfortably, and she doesn't even want to know what her eyeliner must look like right now.
"No, I swear it was an accident," Regina says. She actually looks upset. "I'm sorry, really."
Janis deflates. Profuse apologies really aren't Regina's style if this was deliberate. "Okay, I believe you."
"Here." Regina starts to reach for Janis's hand, then stops abruptly. "Come upstairs. We can borrow a clean shirt from Gretchen. She won't mind."
Janis really doesn't want to spend the rest of her night feeling sticky and smelling like beer, so she follows Regina up the large staircase at the center of Gretchen's house.
Janis hasn't been in Gretchen's room in years, but it still looks relatively unchanged, the same canopied bed with its pink bedspread and enormous mirrored vanity. Regina starts digging through a drawer.
"No pink," Janis warns.
Regina pulls out a royal blue and yellow North Shore gymnastics t-shirt, and Janis remembers that Gretchen was on the team their freshman year and wonders why she quit.
"Go lions?" Regina asks, holding up the shirt, smiling a little.
"No thanks." Janis laughs a little.
"Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?” Regina asks, her expression a little playful. Janis can't remember the last time Regina looked at her like that.
"Shut up and give me a normal shirt," Janis says, but she smiles a little again so Regina knows she isn't mad.
Regina pulls out a black t-shirt with some kind of flower on the front. "Acceptable?"
"Sure, whatever." Janis catches the shirt when Regina tosses it to her and yanks her wet t-shirt over her head without a second thought.
It isn't until she finishes pulling the shirt down that she notices Regina staring at her. And... is she blushing?
"You good?" Janis asks.
Regina snaps out of... whatever that was. "Yep. Fine. Great." She gestures to the vanity. "Makeup wipes and the entirety of Sephora are over there if you want to fix your makeup," she says.
Then Regina practically runs out of the room leaving Janis to stare at the closed door, a little stunned.
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equallyshaw · 9 months
𝓼𝓮𝓮𝓲𝓷 𝓻𝓮𝓭 | 𝓶𝓪𝓽 𝓫𝓪𝓻𝔃𝓪𝓵 𝓪𝓾 ↠ when are you going to give me a chance? - fic ↠ au masterlist!
warnings: swear words. word count: 1.2k
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olivia had been busy brainstorming some jewelry releases and social media content for the better part of the morning. with matt and sydney taking the kids out for the morning and most of the afternoon, she could get some work done that she had been pushing off for a bit. it was now early march, and came out just for winnie's birthday and was spending a week here before flying back to los angeles.
she had just gotten up to get some more coffee, when she heard the front door open and close. "hello?" olivia called out unsurely, and then she saw a dark-haired figure appear. then the figure turned around towards her and she groaned in annoyance. "not you." she complained, and mat grinned walking over towards her. "hey pretty girl." mat grinned, as he walked into the kitchen. "please stop calling me that." she said before turning her back towards him, and next thing she knew he was wrapping his arms around the girl from behind. "missed youm y'know that?" he whispered, "mat i swear to god.." she trailed off and that only made him chuckle. she pushed him off as she moved back to the dining room with her laptop. "you know i love it when you say my name like that, makes me think of that one night." he hummed, leaning against the dining room archway. she looked up from her laptop and glared, "i thought we said we were never going to bring that up." she fumed. he smirked, "i remember you saying that, not me." he said walking over towards her - again. he sat down next to her, and she shifted back in her seat. she pulled a knee to her chest and stared back at him.
"why are you a cocky asshole?" she questioned and he threw his head back in laughter. she rolled her eyes, shut her laptop and collected her things to go upstairs. "come on pretty girl...talk to me." mat said resting a soft hand on her's. she looked at him and sighed, "you're a cocky son of a bitch mat, a real piece of work who doesn't take no for an answer. who thinks that he can do no wrong or that talking to me like im some sort of 'yes' girl is acceptable. im sick and tired of you treating me like a girl that you can charm and then dispose of because im not. and besides that one night, I've been nothing but distant can you not realize that?" she said fuming at this point. "you really are everything I've wanted." he mused before he could catch himself, "there you go- again! i don't find that attractive and newsflash, a lot of females don't either. we find it arrogant and very unattractive." she said ripping her hand away from his, "who do you think would date you or have a relationship with you if you didn't make a lot of money and played hockey huh? your personality certainly isn't attractive, which therefore makes you not very attractive." she huffed, "you thought i had feelings for you right? right mat?!" she demanded, and all he could do was softly nod. she had certainly hit a spot. "well news flash, i do not! and until right now, i haven't thought about you once since i left." she rasped, and mat sat there in silence as she headed upstairs to her room.
okay that was a lie, she had thought about him. but everytime she did, she would end up pissed off. pissed off because of how he believed he could talk to her like it was nothing, and the fact that they had spent the night together after the trip up to the hamptons with her sister and brother-in-law. well not together like that, but they woke up together the next morning. she certainly had stalked his instagram a few times, seeing if he posted anything but other than that- she didn't really care about the dude. but he made her so very pissed off, it made her fume. but the funny thing was, was that she knew there was sweet side to him. sure he may be arrogant and cocky, but that night that they spent together was sweet. he was sweet and saw a somewhat different side of him before they fell asleep with his head on his chest and his nose in the crook of her neck. but then he had slipped out before she had woken and left her feeling with an uneasy feeling in the pit of her feeling.
her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the wooden door, and she opened it to mat looking sullen. oh, how she hated that look on him. she opened the door wider for him to come in, and she shut it behind him. he sat down on the edge of the bed, and took in how it was exactly the same as last time. "you left me." she said crossing her arms, distracting mat from his thoughts. his eyebrows crinkled, "you. left. me. in the morning, you didn't say bye. you didn't even leave me a note or anything. how do you think that made me feel, huh?" she questioned tensely. mat was connecting the dots, now. "i know, i know that was wrong of me-" she cut him off, "you think?" she deadpanned, and saw him gulp as he thought of what to say next. "you made me feel used. you made me feel gross when we didn't even do anything to begin with. and i-i never want to feel that way again. i've felt like that in the past and it got me nowhere, and now you? i thought you were better than that. from what my sister and matt have said, i thought you would have never done that!" she confessed shaking her head. "im sorry olivia, i really am. there arent enough good words that i know to really show you how i feel, and for that im sorry. it was never my intention, i promise." he said truthfully and he only hoped that she could realize that.
"i havent been able to stop thinking about you, livi. i haven't been able to get you out of my mind this past month and a half, and im not sure if i ever want to stop. you completely ambushed me in the best way possible, you captivated me in ways I've never been captivated before. you walked into my life with your spunk and red hair and haven't left since. i haven't been able to sleep clearly, ive gone into trances, ive completely embarrassed myself in front of matt and your sister, ive become enamored by you livi. ive never wanted somebody so badly in my life, that ill do whatever it takes to get you to stay in my life- permanently and the right way." he pleaded, pulling her hands into his and softly nudging her to move between his legs. "what can i do for not only your forgiveness..but what can i do for you to give me a proper chance?" he questioned softly, as she stared down at him as her hands found his shoulders. her hands slowly clasped around his neck, pulling at his dark locks- softly.
with a grin as she leaned in closer, "gonna need a lot more than just words pretty boy." she hummed before pulling away.
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and there you have it folks!!!
please like and reblog if you liked (:
tags: @toasttt11 @cillianthinker
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arc852 · 3 months
6. Grit
Definition: courage and determination despite difficulty
Summary: Grian is sick. Very sick. He has already accepted that he isn't going to make it. But Gem can't. She has to do something. Even if that something is doing the one thing borrowers aren't supposed to do.
G/t: Impulse and Skizz are normal-sized, Grian and Gem are borrowers
Warnings: Sickness, accepting death (no death happens), and fear
Word Count: 3002
AO3 Link
This is a good one! I actually really like how this one came out and am excited I can finally post it. I love first meeting fics and honestly, I think Gem makes for a great borrower. I had a lot of fun writing this one.
So much fun, in fact, that this is just part one! I wrote a part two right after I wrote this that will come out on day 12! So I hope you guys enjoy!
 “I brought you some water.” Gem said as she entered the room, holding a cap full of water. She was careful as she walked, not wanting to spill any. She kneeled down by the makeshift bed, which was really just a nest of whatever comfortable fabric they could borrow, and gently held out the water.
 Grian tried to grab it himself but Gem stopped him. “Hey, no, you need to save your strength.” She reprimanded him. Grian sighed but allowed Gem to lift the cap to his lips as he took generous gulps of the water. It felt good against his sore throat but the relief only lasted as long as the water.
 Gem took back the cap when Grian was done and placed it on the floor next to her. She then felt his forehead with her hand and bit her lip when she felt how hot it was. “You’re still burning up…” Grian had been burning up for days now, with no sign of getting better. “How is your throat?” She asked.
 Grian opened his mouth to speak but let out a harsh sounding cough instead that made Gem wince. “You don’t have to answer.” She said and it was probably best that he didn’t. “I can tell it also hasn’t gotten any better.” Grian nodded and Gem couldn’t mask her concern. 
 “I don’t know what’s wrong.” She said, blinking back tears. “It’s been days and you’ve just gotten worse.” Grian reached for her hand and gripped it loosely, unable to use more strength than that. He gave a small smile to Gem. She tried to return it but it was hard with how much worry she felt.
 Gem didn’t want to think about it but usually, when a borrower was this sick they… There was no getting better. Borrowers didn’t have things the humans did. They didn’t have medicine or doctors. Sometimes, if a borrower was lucky, they were able to get a good supply of medicine. But even then, it was hard to figure out how much to give to themselves or even which ones to use for what.
 Gem and Grian didn’t even have the luck of being able to access medicine. The humans they lived with kept them behind the mirror in their bathroom, a place Gem and Grian couldn’t get to.
 The grip around her hand left and she focused back on Grian, who was looking at her sadly. He had realized too, probably way before she had. And it looked like Grian was resigned to his fate. Gem took in a shaky breath and wiped away her tears. “You better get some rest.” She said, grabbing one of the fabrics and using it to cover him up.
 Grian sighed and shifted under the blankets, getting more comfortable. Gem watched as he closed his eyes, his breathing evening out as he fell asleep.
 Gem exited the room and stood there just outside of it, wondering what she should do. Grian may have resigned himself to letting the sickness win but Gem sure wasn’t. She needed a plan, she not only needed a way to get medicine but she needed to figure out what kind she needed in order to make Grian better.
 She couldn’t do it on her own though. And no borrower would be able to help her.
 There was another option though.
 A very risky, very foolish option. Grian himself would be against it if he knew Gem was even thinking about it. But Gem was desperate. She didn’t want to lose Grian, he was like a brother to her. They had been together for so long, they were all each other had. She refused to not do something if it meant saving Grian.
 Even if that something meant revealing herself, and her kind, to the humans.
 She took one last glance back toward Grian, who was still sleeping peacefully, before heading toward the exit. She grabbed her borrowing bag on the way out and walked through the walls until she made it to the exit they had carved out that led into the living room.
 Taking a breath and gripping her bag tight, she exited the walls and found herself underneath the living room couch. She could hear the TV playing low and voices from right above her talking. The humans were right there and Gem was about to reveal herself to them.
 She reminded herself that this was for Grian and gained the strength to continue forward. She paused when she got closer, wondering how she was going to do this. She glanced around until her eyes honed in on the coffee table not too far away from the couch. She could climb that and get their attention easily. But she would also be trapped with nowhere to run.
 Well, as long as Gem could get medicine back to Grian one way or another, it didn’t matter. She was even prepared to work out a deal, of giving herself to the humans in exchange if it came to that. So, she steeled herself and left the cover of the couch.
 She very quickly ducked under the coffee table and looked up behind her. From this angle she could just make out the two humans sitting on the couch. They seemed to barely be paying attention to the TV, instead talking to each other. Gem didn’t bother with what they were saying though. She would be interrupting them in just a moment after all.
 She went to the other side of the coffee table, the side facing away from the humans, in order for it to be less likely that she would be seen as she was climbing up. The last thing she wanted was to be grabbed mid-climb.
 She unfurled her hook and threw it so it landed on the edge of the table. She tested the rope and then took off climbing it.
 When she was close to the top, she paused. Once she pulled herself up the rest of the way, it was very likely she would be seen. This was it. Her last chance to turn back.
 But she couldn’t. What she was doing was bad. But letting Grian die would be worse. She took some deep breaths to try and calm her heart. And then she hoisted herself up onto the table before she could hesitate again. 
 Just as she thought, as soon as she pulled herself up, the conversation that had been going on in the background stopped.
 “Dude…Are you seeing this?” One of them said, voice sounding shocked and in awe.
 “I-I am.” The other stuttered out an answer, sounding just as shocked as the first one.
 Gem finally lifted her head and met the gaze of the two humans, tensing at the stares she was receiving. This was one of her worst fears come to life. Not one, but two humans staring down at her, seen and all but caught.
 But her real worst fear, she had come to realize, was losing Grian. And so she would face this fear for him.
 Neither of the humans had moved yet, which was good. It gave Gem the courage to step forward, putting herself even closer to the humans. She bit her lip and decided to get straight to the point. “I…I need your help.” She stuttered a bit but thankfully her voice evened out on the second part. She tried to stand as tall as she could, wanting to show as little weakness as possible.
 The humans' eyes widened even more after hearing her talk and they leaned forward, almost causing Gem to step back a bit. But she was able to catch herself and stand firm. When they registered what she actually said, their faces turned to concern. “Help? What’s wrong?” The one with the scars across his face and arms said. Gem knew she had heard their names before. She tried to think. The one who just spoke was…Skizz. And his friend and roommate was Impulse. 
 Yeah, that sounded right.
 Oh yeah, she needed to answer.
 “My friend. He’s-He’s been sick for a few days now and he’s only getting worse. We need medicine or else he…” She trailed off, unable to say the words but knowing they would understood all the same.
 “Medicine…uh, yeah, yeah, we can do that.” Impulse said, looking back and forth between her and Skizz. Skizz was the one who stood up, and the suddenness of it caused Gem to scurry back multiple steps. So much for not showing her fear. She noticed Skizz looking guilty, which only confused her.
 “Hey, you don’t gotta worry. We aren’t going to hurt you.” Skizz said, keeping his voice low and soft. “I’ll go get the medicine.” He said and then left the room, leaving Gem alone with Impulse.
 Gem wasn’t really sure what to think of Skizz’s words. He could be lying but at the same time…they agreed to help really fast. Gem couldn’t help but think, no, hope that they really were telling the truth.
 Impulse cleared his throat, gaining Gem’s attention from where she had watched Skizz leave. Impulse stayed where he was and gave her a small smile. Probably trying to put her at ease as much as possible. “I’m Impulse, by the way.” Impulse said. “And the other guy is Skizz.” Gem was glad she seemed to have gotten their names right at least.
 Impulse looked at her a bit expectantly and Gem realized he probably wanted her name as well. “Oh, I’m Gem.” She said, her voice quiet but free of any shakiness. Impulse grinned.
 “Well, it’s nice to meet you Gem.” He paused for a moment. “Uh, if you don’t mind me asking…what are you?”
 There it was. Gem had been expecting that question sooner or later. Honestly, she was surprised Impulse asked for her name first. She bit her lip. Everything in her told her to keep her mouth shut but, well, she was already this far. Telling them more wouldn’t really change anything at this point. “I’m a borrower.” In that instance, Skizz had come back in, looking at Gem curiously as she continued to talk. “I live in the walls and borrow things I need to survive. Like food.” She tried her best to explain. “My friend, Grian, lives here with me. He’s the reason I’m here now.”
 “Wait, you live in the walls? As in, our walls?” Skizz asked as he sat back down and set down a handful of bottles. Gem assumed they held the medicine.
 Gem bit her lip, a bit nervous of what they would think of that. “Yeah. We’ve lived here for about…two years now I think?”
 Impulse blinked. “Wait, that long? Why have we never seen you guys then?”
 Gem sighed. “We aren’t supposed to reveal ourselves to humans.” She said, looking away from the said humans she had revealed herself to. “It’s for our own safety. Who knows what humans would do to us if they found out we existed.” She found it was easier to talk to them if she forgot they were humans themselves for a moment.
 “Then…” Impulse said after a moment. “For you to reveal yourself to us like this…your friend must be really really sick.”
 Gem nodded, tears coming to her eyes at the reminder but she refused to let them fall. “Yeah. Like I said, he’s only been getting worse and worse. And for borrowers like us, that usually means he won’t get better.” She shook her head. “He’s already resigned to it but I couldn’t accept that. So I…I risked everything to come out here and hope you two would help me.”
 “Of course we’ll help.” Skizz said, eyes soft. Gem finally met his eyes and for the first time didn’t feel like tensing up. “Here I brought everything we had. Can you explain what exactly Grian’s symptoms are?”
 Gem nodded. “He’s got a really bad fever and a really sore throat. Those are the main two. He’s also clammy and goes back and forth between being too hot or too cold. He can barely move and has just been in bed for the last few days.” Gem explained, trying to remember everything.
 Skizz nodded along and rummaged through all the pill bottles. “I think…yeah, this should work.” He set one down off to the side and then picked up another, reading it. “And this one should help with the sore throat.” He placed another on the side and then moved all the other pill bottles away to focus on the two.
 Gem hesitated for a moment before walking closer. She still made sure to stay far away from their hands though. “Okay…and how much do I give him?” She asked, needing to know that as well. Unfortunately, Skizz looked lost.
 “Um…good question. Guess he can’t exactly take a full pill.” He turned to Impulse. “Any ideas Dippledop?”
 “Hold on, let me see if I can figure it out.” Impulse said as he got out his phone. He tapped on the phone and Gem waited patiently, hoping he would be able to find something. He looked up to look Gem over. “You would say Grian is about your height?” Gem blinked but nodded. Impulse hummed and typed something else out.
 “Okay, I think I got it.” Impulse said and this time he stood up. “Be right back, I gotta grab something.” Impulse walked away, toward where Gem knew the kitchen to be. Once again, she was alone with just one of the humans.
 “I’m Gem, by the way.” Gem introduced herself, knowing Skizz had been gone when she had told Impulse her name. 
 Skizz’s eyes widened, not having expected that. But he smiled all the same. “Oh! Uh, nice to meet you! I’m sure Impulse already told you my name, but I’m Skizz.”
 Gem nodded and felt herself relaxing the longer she was there. Not once had they tried to grab her or show any malicious intent. They really did seem like they just wanted to help her help Grian.
 Impulse came back, holding a knife and some sort of flat device. Gem flinched a bit at the knife but held her ground, knowing it probably wasn’t for her based on how things had been going. Impulse sat back down and placed the device on the table but kept the knife in his hand. “Want to hand me a pill?” Impulse asked Skizz and Skizz, in turn, nodded and opened the bottle, handing Impulse one pill.
 Impulse took it and the knife and shed the tiniest bit off and onto the device. He looked at the small screen. “Wow, even that’s too much.” He said, more to himself. He cut the already microscopic piece in half, scooting it off and into his hand before looking back at the screen. “There we go, that should work.” His eyes lifted up to find Gem’s and he smiled gently. “Want to come over here and take it?” Impulse asked.
 Gem swallowed nervously but nodded and walked closer, keeping a wary eye on all the hands. They stayed still though and Gem reached the device. She grabbed it, the piece only taking up the very center of her palm. She looked at it and then up at Impulse. “And this won’t be too much?”
 “Shouldn’t be. And here, I’ll do the other one for you.” Impulse said and Gem backed away as Skizz handed Impulse the other pill for him to cut. Gem came back as Impulse finished and took the other cut pill. She then reached into her bag and took out some tin foil that had been shaped into a cup. She dropped the tiny pieces of pill into it and folded the top over as a lid. She then carefully placed it back in her bag, safe and ready to give to Grian.
 She glanced up at the two humans with a grateful smile. “Thank you so much for helping me.”
 Impulse and Skizz nodded, returning her smile. “Of course! Anything you need, you can always come back and ask.” Skizz said, putting the offer out.
 Gem hesitated but nodded. “Thank you.” She would have to think about taking them up on that offer. She really shouldn’t but she couldn’t deny how much they had helped her. And how much they had proven they weren’t like the malicious humans she had heard stories about.
 “I do have a request though.” Impulse said, which made Gem tense. Impulse noticed this and put his hands up to try and calm her down. “It’s nothing bad, uh, I hope, but it might be best if, after you give Grian the medicine and he gets a bit better, that you bring him out here to us so we can check on him.”
 “Oh yeah!” Skizz said, agreeing with Impulse. “We just want to make sure he makes a full recovery.”
 Well, Gem couldn’t really argue with that. She wanted the same thing, after all. The main thing would be getting Grian to agree in the first place but…she was sure she could convince him.
 And if not that, she could definitely trick him. Just a little bit. Just for his own good.
 She nodded. “Okay. I’ll try to do that.” She agreed and Impulse and Skizz gave her another smile. She returned it. “I better get back. I need to give this medicine to Grian as soon as possible.”
 The humans nodded. “Of course. We’ll see you soon.” Impulse said and she nodded and waved back before using her hook to climb back down to the ground.
 She made her way back underneath the couch and back into the walls with no problem and it only hardened her resolve that Impulse and Skizz were worth trusting. She just needed to convince Grian of that.
 But that would be another time. Right now, she needed to get back to him and give him this medicine.
 She gripped her bag tight and walked faster.
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puppyguppy · 1 year
You aren't sure what to expect.
To be fair, neither are the students, probably. As far as anyone knew, this hadn't been in any other years' lesson plans; nor had it been in this one's. But, this class has been special from the very start; in both definitions (and extremes) of the word. They'd survived a war, after all. They'd grown up so fast, too fast -- so, it's sort of a suckerpunch, and kind of silly, to see them all here still. As third years now, give or take, sitting in their same assigned, but rebuilt and refurbished seats. Wearing the same UA uniforms, except for one specific detail. One specific difference.
They are all wearing aprons over top those uniforms.
Which is also sort of silly.
To see. And to think about.
Because, for as grown up as all these students, these heroes are now, some things had inevitably fallen to the wayside while learning how to win a war, and studying how to survive said war thereafter. Such a thing as cooking just hadn't been of any importance to practice.
It had been put on the back burner, so to speak.
That isn't to say every student is incompetent in a kitchen. You know for a fact Bakugou can not only cook in one, but command one. Sato, of course, has to be able to bake, what with the base of his quirk. And, from what you have seen, Midoriya...manages. So, today's lesson isn't really for them.
But then there's he rest of them.
There's Mineta. There's Kaminari. There's Sero. There's --
There's you, who'd been asked to assist in today's impromptu culinary course. You can only assume they would've preferred Lunch Rush, your boss, but on such short notice -- well. The students still needed lunch. Or, maybe, they figured your own quirk might come in handy? Doubtful, but, you could wonder. You could hope. It isn't anything special, your quirk. Preservation. More specifically, more accurately... preservatives. You can slightly alter the state of organic material, such as food, to remain safely consumable under varying conditions, for far longer than naturally achieved. It isn't much, but when entire cities were left without power during the war?
For the first, and only time in your life, you'd felt like a hero.
But now you are back in a classroom. The same classroom as all those other heroes. You are at work. And they are students.
And then there's. Him.
Their teacher. Their sensei.
And Not-So-Underground-Anymore Hero, Eraserhead.
Aizawa Shouta.
Also in an apron.
Oh, fuck.
"Alright, listen up," he drawls, visible eye slowly sweeping across the classroom. By now, the students know to shut up and pay attention. That man has saved their lives a hundred times over, but...the same could be said about them. A lot of them call him Dad now. He pretends to hate it. It's downright adorable. You probably shouldn't know that, but you see a lot, learn a lot, eavesdropping during lunch hour.
All eyes are on him, as he takes a moment to tie up his hair. With a scrunchie. Which journeys from a pocket, to a wrist, and then between his teeth, before finally reaching his head.
The bun is sloppy in the best way possible.
Internally, you stand to attention, like he might randomly pick you out of all people in the room, and tell you to drop and give him twenty. Or something. Instead of cooking something, or cleaning something, or whatever the real reason it is that you are here.
Outwardly, you clasp your hands behind your back and rock on your feet. Waiting for just as much instruction as the students.
"It has come to my attention that some of you -" those 'some' seem to sink in their seats; all save for Todoroki, anyways, who still lacks a single shred of shame. Or sense. One of the two. Or maybe both. Bless him. "Still don't know how to take care of yourselves. I know I've always stressed the importance of accepting help from others, especially those studying alongside to specifically support you, but. Never once have I implied that any of you should abuse the convenience and accessibility of takeout. Or TV dinners." Aizawa heaves a sigh, and at the same time, rolls up the sleeves of his usual jumpsuit.
"In a pinch, any food is better than none. But, there's no beating the balance and nutritional value of a home cooked meal. Which should be different for each of you; catered specifically for your metabolisms, strengths, and quirks." As he continues, he leans forward and rests both his hands on the flat of his desk.
The position stretches the apron across his chest, the fabric taut since having to fit and synch over the bulk of his jumpsuit. It shatters the illusion that he's slim beneath all that baggage. Which you knew. You know. That he's more shredded than your favorite type of cheese. But, it's something that you so rarely get to see for yourself, that the reminder is like getting dunked in an ice bath.
Your heart hammers through the shiver of fight or flight.
"Frankly, it's embarrassing that I even have to go over this with most of you. But, I'm not about to leave Japan in the hands of heroes that can't even cook their own rice."
"But, isn't that what a rice cooker is for, sir?"
Kirishima means well. You know he does, because he always does. But, good intentions aren't enough to spare him from the power Aizawa's one-eyed glare still holds. You think the kid deserves a pass, though; he's right up there with Bakugou when it comes to calculating and caring about what goes in his gut. Even if he blends most of it up and slams it back as smoothies.
"What I'm going to show you today is a meal so simple any of you could do it. And I mean that. Literally. Any of you could do it, can do it, and will do it, as your assignments. It's quick and easy, but you all need to then collect the appropriate ingredients to curate such a meal into your everyday diet."
The class mutters and mumbles amongst themselves for a moment, while Aizawa starts pulling various supplies out of the drawers in his desk. Cutlery, a cutting board, a hot plate, a wok...a bag of rice, a couple of eggs, green onion, garlic, the usual herbs and spices, and some chicken. It's. Honestly impressive he had all that in there. And maybe. Worrisome? Scary?
It sure is something.
And then there's a spatula waved in your general direction.
"You're here to help, since I only have two hands, and I already know about six other pairs that'll need holding today." He already looks exhausted, but that's also like. Just kind of his thing. He has every reason to be exhausted. And he definitely pulls it off. The permanent, fluffy bedhead that falls around his face (except for when he puts it up, like now). The facial hair that sits between purposefully styled stubble and a state of forever five-o'clock shadow. The bags smudged beneath his eyes and creased into crows feet like eyeliner. On the one hand, he deserves what a lifetime of sleep would do to him. On the other hand, you selfishly want to deprive him of any sleep yourself, if it keeps him looking so, so --
"And, if you don't mind; it'd be nice if you could keep their meals from spoiling until dinner. Or, at least until they can get them to a fridge."
He smirks. At you.
Or, well. He smirks at what he says, but while looking at you. And you wonder how pretty he is when he sleeps, and you picture a load of laundry pulled fresh from a dryer, then dumped on a bed (your bed), warm and rumpled and inviting, beckoning --
An unnatural sounding cough from somewhere in the classroom snaps you out of your spiralling thoughts, and after a swift, startled glance, you realize Shinsou is looking at you. Oh. He can't -- you can't remember. If he can hear thoughts or - or read thoughts. Or not. Surely he wouldn't without consent either way. Right? Your thoughts still feel like your own, and only your own. Still embarrassing though.
"Y-Yeah, sure." You clear your throat, and you smile. Not just at him, but for him. "No problem."
Big problem.
You're way too stupid to be this close to him. Everything has always been in passing, before. The closest you'd ever been had been serving him up the occasional lunch. With a wall of glass between you. Rarely did he ever say anything, or even really look at you. But, you'd watch him leave as you worked. Or sometimes talk to students, fellow faculty staff, etc. Safe. Your thoughts and feelings preserved, just as much as the meals you quirked.
Saved, to ruminate and masticate upon later, in the privacy of your own home.
There's no glass wall here.
But, there are students.
And you have a job.
So, you pull yourself together. If not for your own sake, then Shinsou's.
The lesson proceeds quite...casually. With Aizawa explaining how everything can be cooked in the one, same pan, why he picked the protein that he did, how to know when something is fully, properly cooked...you notice Midoriya taking notes, because of course he is. These aren't your students by any means, but you know enough to not be surprised. Bakugou looks bored, but again, this lesson isn't for him. Todoroki, at least, looks like he's taking the class seriously.
"I really don't care how you cut, or chop, or dice things. It doesn't matter, so long as the pieces are similar enough to cook at the same time."
The sound of quick, efficient slicing fills the classroom, and you're drawn to it; the sight more than the sound of it, like a fly to honey. The way he handles a knife is sure and steady, practiced. The action all in the wrist instead of the hand. He guides the blade against his knuckles, fingers safely guarded. It shouldn't be as fascinating as it is, since his capture weapon is technically made of some kind of metal, and requires ridiculous amounts of precision and accuracy. Obviously, he'd be good with a knife. Duh.
But you are still a fly.
Hungry, dumb, greedy.
A little gross.
And you're stuck (staring) in the honey of his hands.
Chicken, chopped. Green onion, julienned. The rice has been simmering away in the wok from the start -- after Aizawa had demonstrated rinsing said rice at least thrice. Now, the garlic is peeled, assumed and expected to be minced; however, Aizawa drops the knife to instead, more or less, fondle the clove, rubbing the thing between the pads of his fingers for a few seconds.
"Personally, I prefer cooking with just the yolk of an egg. Might seem strange since there's less protein, but that's what the meat is for. The yolk's got everything else." As he explains, he cracks an egg into a bowl, which he then dips his fingers into, and - and just --
pulls out the yolk. The. Whole yolk.
Like he has the sun pinched perfectly in his fingertips. Gold, and round, and there's an atmospherical change in the classroom. Or, maybe it's gravitational, since it's no longer just you staring at his hands, but each and every student, too. In awe.
"How the fuck?"
"Language, Bakugou." Aizawa scolds, though it's more like an endearment. Can't be mad at the kid for voicing what they were all thinking. What you were thinking.
"It must be the oil secretions from the -- "
"Eugh, I never wanna hear that word from your mouth ever again, Deku!"
Aizawa pinches the bridge of his nose with his clean fingers, closes his eyes, and probably counts back from ten, by the looks of it. You bite your cheek to keep from laughing. It's stupid, but in a harmless way.
Once all is composed again, both class and sensei, there's another egg cracked, and another yolk delicately scruffed, and you just. You cannot help it. You can't help thinking about those hands scruffing something else. Something meatier, like the back of a neck. Or pinching something just as fragile, just as wet, but a whole lot warmer --
Another cough, and you almost jump right out of your fucking skin. You don't even bother to look this time (can't bring yourself to look this time). You can feel eyes on you. Are you just that obvious? All you've been doing is standing there. And watching. Staring. Just a little. But not any more than everyone else. In that moment, you're not sure which reality is worse; the one where you're just that easy to read, or the one where Shinsou can read your mind.
For the rest of the lesson, until it's the students' turns to cook, you keep your eyes moving, and your thoughts as tame as possible. It gets easier as the class starts to chatter, discussing various techniques and ingredients. Mineta manages to make some innuendo filthier than your thoughts, a feat which has half the class groaning; Bakugou threatens to use him as the protein for his meal, because at least then he'd be good for something, but then, Tokoyami, of all people, counters that he'd just be empty calories. Aizawa has a hand pressed to his forehead as Todoroki laments the loss of the personal chefs he'd grown up with, all the while inquiring about the nutritional worth of cold soba. Some students actually try to complete the spontaneous coursework, while others just...rub garlic and crack eggs.
Surely, Aizawa had expected nothing more.
And nothing less.
Eventually, though, everyone has some kind of meal prepared, though even your quirk can't guarantee that all of them are...edible. Still, you give each plate your attention, the meals held up like offerings as you make your way through the desks. Some say their thanks, to which you nod and smile, but then you reach Shinsou's desk, where he's sitting with his arms crossed, and an eyebrow arched.
You feel like a kid caught with their hand in a cookie jar.
The smile you give him is sheepish, and tinged pink, before you scurry on.
The rest is relatively uneventful.
The kids form their usual groups, snapping into cliques like puzzle pieces, before filing out of the classroom. It's almost too much, the all at once quiet that settles, disturbed only be the sounds of Aizawa cleaning up his desk. Not wanting to up and abruptly leave, you start to tidy up a few desks yourself, when --
"Thank you for your help today."
You're smiling before you even lift year head to look at him.
"You're welcome. Thanks for asking for my help. This was...different. But it was also fun. I had fun. Yeah."
Aizawa hums, and continues to clean. That is probably the end of the conversation. That should be the end of the conversation. But, you're you, so it's not. Of course it's not.
"Hey, so. Uhm, Shinsou...he can't like, read minds, can he?"
Aizawa stops and snorts.
"No, and thank gods for that. The best he can do is feel someone's thoughts. The intention and emotion that makes them, but only while they're under his influence."
That's not nearly as big a relief as you want it to be.
"...Sorry. About him."
Confused and caught off guard by the apology, you blink at him. He doesn't meet your eye as he leans back against the wall, behind his clean-again desk.
"I think he was trying to...not so subtly insinuate something. It was extremely inappropriate behavior though, and I'd hope you hadn't noticed. I'll have a talk with him later."
You blink again. Yeah, sure, it was loud and clear to you that Shinsou had been insinuating something, because you were right there thinking about that something. Shinsou had been staring at you. But, if Aizawa also thought he was insinuating something...
"Not that I don't appreciate the apology, it's fine, but...what is it you think he was insinuating, exactly?"
He rubs at the back of his neck and shrugs, the apron still straining, struggling to contain all that is Aizawa Shouta. He'd probably be more comfortable if he took it off. If he took it all off. Or, maybe left the apron on.
"To put it plainly? He and Eri have it in their heads that they can play matchmaker."
Oh. Wow. Well. Okay.
"So...what? He thought you and I would be a good match?" You laugh because how can you not? It's ridiculous. Shinsou hardly even knew you before today, and still doesn't -- same for Aizawa. What kind of criteria does the kid have that almost a complete stranger can tik do many boxes off?
"Assuming so, based on all the looks he kept giving me."
"You? Why would he be looking at you, when I -- " you shut your mouth hard enough to clack your teeth together. Hoo, boy! That could've been bad!
But Aizawa finally looks at you, his expression guarded while he (what feels like) appraises you. He crosses his half-exposed arms over his chest, and you swear you can hear a seam rip, some threads popping.
"He might be under the impression that I have a...thing, for you."
A thing.
God, what are you? High-schoolers?
"Why would he think...? What kind of 'thing'?"
He shifts, just his weight, from his prosthetic leg to the organic one, and shoots a glance towards the door. Like he's ready to run. Or maybe to stop you from running. Or, maybe he just doesn't want anyone walking in.
"The kind of thing that keeps me up at night."
Aizawa's eyes are dark as he stares you down. Dark like chocolate, and you think of the satisfying sound of a bar snapping clean in half. Like your spine bent over a knee, a hand hot on your ass. His gaze tempers you like the treat, your mind maybe melting into a puddle on the floor. You want him to clean up the mess of you with his tongue, and only his tongue. Distantly, fleetingly, you think this can't be real. There's no way. You're just --
You're just you.
Someone with a strange quirk who works in a highschool cafeteria.
"You have no idea, do you."
It's not...posed as a question, but you shake your head, anyway. He makes a soft sound, something either amused or soothing. Maybe even a little mocking, a little mean. He moves, then. Deliberately slow, slower than he has to, even while missing a leg. He stalks around his desk until he's standing right in front of you, and then he holds your chin. Pinches it, between his thumb and the curl of the rest of his fingers underneath your jaw, so that he can feel it when you swallow. You can still smell the garlic on his hands. You could reach out. Touch, fist the fabric of that stupid fucking apron; cling to it as he throws you down onto his desk --
"That you're the tastiest looking thing behind that glass every day."
Ohhh, okay, haha --
Like a disturbed, deflated souffle, your knees go weak, and all the oxygen leaves your lungs in a giddy rush. Arms weak, too; mom's spaghetti and all that. But, he catches you, and his laugh is muffled where his mouth ends up squished into your temple.
It's mortifying.
Though he doesn't seem to mind.
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cherrieguroo · 5 months
Animal crossing new horizons headcanons for the nerd bunch
- normcore I think that's what people call it but it's basically just like. a normal town with no specific style. but her house is decorated to her liking and she has her villager's home in a forest she planted herself. she also has mods and she has just a part near the top of her island where there's just a shit ton of bells just dropped on the floor.
-steph definitely gives me black tulip door wreath vibes.
-steph's favorite villager is cherry and she changed cherry's catchphrase to 'bitch' so now she says stuff like "Yeah, go for it, bitch. This oughta be good…’
-steph has a room in her house purely for 'summonings' after she found out if you combine a specific wall and flooring you can create a summoning circle.
-steph refuses to pay tom nook, so her house isn't upgraded that much.
-steph set up a small space in her island for the nerds to fool around in whenever they visited. that space now mostly consists of pit falls and stumps. someone also left a switch there and steph didn't even try to figure out who put it there and just kept it as decor for her house. also Steph has green mums outside her house which she says is supposed to be a weed farm.
-grace definitely has meticulously designed her island and it's fairycore. rip star fragment trees grace would have loved those. her island has a shit ton of pink tulips everywhere too. grace has a part of her island which is just a forest with a lot of flowers. she also has those like custom design paintings in said forest that read 'god is good' or some shit and she thinks every island should have a god forest.
-grace has the pink wedding event door thingy.
-grace has two tricycles she put outside of nook's cranny that she pretends belong to timmy and tommy
-favorite villager is ruby sorry
-grace loves the wedding event items and her island and house are full of them
-her island is a mess to me lmao. her island tune is the iconic part in careless whisper and tiffany is her favorite villager. none of her island is actually decorated btw. and she constantly wears one of those custom design dresses that make it look like the villager has a bikini. ruth collects gyroids after she was taught how to get them by Richie. she just collects the little guys and has them outside her airport as a welcome thingy. ruth uses the effects feature a lot, mainly putting hearts on stuff. only decorating Ruth really did on her island is make a rainbow flower field which she and the rest of the nerds call the gay flower trail. ruth seems to be eternally broke. Richie offers her money and she accepts and ten minutes later she somehow managed to waste it all on the most useless decor
-his island is littered with references to animes. he has two godzilla statues outside his house. has definitely gotten much more advancements than the others. wishes he could have started out on a modded island but it's too late. his house is made to be his dream home and his room has custom designs of anime posters on the walls. he completed his museum and probably has most furniture items in his catalog. he also completed happy home designer and has a lot of amiibos. richie redecorated all of his villager's homes, both interior and exterior. richie made a crab rave on his beach. richie also collects gyroids and uses them to decorate. he also likes setting up little songs with them for specific rooms in his house.
richie's island flag is this.
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-somehow the one with the best looking island. it's five stars somehow and each villager gets custom personalized yards. pete is really into flower breeding. he's also trying to complete the museum but keeps forgetting to catch some seasonal creatures and fish. pete NEVER skips blather's fun facts. in fact he writes all of them down and annoys Ruth and Richie with them. he's even memorized some for the more common fish and bugs that especially pissed Richie off when he was collecting everything (like sea basses)
petes house has the highest happy home academy rating
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lunar-years · 1 year
would love to hear your thoughts on the team bullying/forgiving jamie in s2, in particular what you disliked about it. imo i think sam’s treatment was harsh but not at all undeserved, while others like colin and isaac were a bit twisted considering they fully participated in the prick-ish behaviour in s1. and the whole led tasso bit was entertaining to watch, but it really reveals how problematic ted’s hands-off approach to conflict can be. to the point where ted refuses to refer jamie (and later on isaac) to speak with sharon, and never fully acknowledge’s each player’s feelings.
There was a really good meta I saw on this topic the other day that i cannot for the life of me find in my tags to link here. But yeah, there are definitely things I disliked about it! For me it's less about the players than about the leadership & Ted. I actually think the players reactions/responses mostly make sense. It's a bit weird, like you said, that EVERYONE suddenly hates him when half the team was literally participating in and/or endorsing him in season 1 (remember that episode where the team is split into two factions and one of them is Jamie's? lol. Like it wasn't even just Isaac and Colin participating in the behavior, it was half the team). However I can see that their opinion of Jamie might have changed given distance and their own growth.
Also, we don't really see any instances of Jamie publicly bashing his old team apart from singling out Ted and Roy, but apparently at one point he was off calling Colin a jaundiced warm to his hometown newspaper, so yeah I can see why that might've left a lingering bad taste in his mouth. Also the boys have gotten used to Richmond without him at that point, and it HAS been a much better environment, so I think it'd be easy to overlook that they were actually sort of starting to like him at the bonfire the night before he went back to Manchester (which was ultimately only just one night), in favor of focusing on all the times he was made the locker room worse. Also, there's probably a bit of misplacing their hatred for their past selves onto Jamie because it's easier to shift that blame around a bit than accept their own culpability in the bullying. Just like it's easier to blame relegation on Jamie, because he's there to blame, then on their own shortcomings in the game. Is it a bit unfair to Jamie? Sure. But it's realistic and I don't mind it.
Actually the only one I'm a bit ??? about is Dani, because he was absolutely getting along with Jamie in Two Aces even despite Jamie's prickish exterior. Dani hadn't even been around long enough to be negatively impacted by Jamie's effect on the locker room culture so? what gives? I also don't see him bandwagoning on just because everyone else hates him (which does make sense when jan does it hahah). So it's very weird to me that he holds as much of a grudge as everyone else, lol.
The biggest issue for me is (once again. woop.) Ted. Because he didn't want to get rid of Jamie in the first place. He was in fact IRATE when Jamie was sent away, and got into his first real argument with Rebecca over it, that's how upset he was. So why is he soo hesitant, suddenly, to let Jamie come back? His whole speech to Jamie at the Crown & Anchor makes me uncomfortable, because the whole "You burned a lot of bridges" thing doesn't even add up to the real reason Jamie was sent away and totally dismisses the progress he had already started to make before leaving. It seems to reiterate that Jamie was sent away because he'd been Bad and Done Something Wrong. Sent away after he'd in fact had a significant breakthrough with the team. No wonder Jamie is confused. Ted is crossing all kinds of wires and it's ??? Not to mention that he tells Sam Jamie isn't coming back, then brings Jamie back seemingly without even pulling Sam aside and explaining to him circumstances have changed, Jamie is coming back, and why. It's one thing to have told Sam and then change your mind. It's another thing for Sam to tell you he's upset at you for withholding information, explain that's not the case, then go and do the thing you JUST assured Sam you wouldn't: not consult the team re: Jamie. Idk, the whole thing rubs me the wrong way.
Ted having a conversation with the team beforehand, explaining why Jamie is coming back, would've already gone a long way to help Jamie, instead of just springing him on them and throwing him to the wolves. Led Tasso was typical hands-off Ted problem solving, and it's a funny comedy show bit but not exactly an appropriate workplace solution, is it? I might not mind it so much if it wasn't the start of a pattern of behavior where Jamie needs help, asks for help, and then is like...ignored or gone around or "acknowledged" and not helped. it happens with his return to the team, it happens with Roy refusing to coach him, it happens with fucking Zava. And it's extremely annoying that the team leadership fails him specifically again and again. ugh.
Re: Sharon/therapy and referring the boys, that one is soooo mixed up in ted's own mental health stuff I'm willing to give it a pass. of course Ted's not to going to refer players to see her when he doesn't see what she does as helpful and doesn't respect therapy as a possible tool/solution.
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yanderesimp2000 · 5 months
(Im back) alastor x fem Cat demon chap 1/???
This is not sexual/romantic since al is aroace but it is dark he is fond of you but in a master/pet type way this takes place in an alt universe where alastor dosnet go into the Hazbin hotel
TWs: you fate is worse then death, Physical abuse, degradation, fearplay, and everything you expect from alastor, Reader gets angry easy, user does cat stuff
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Your life isn't  the greatest even when you are alive your life sucked there's always too much debt and people chasing after you because you're in a Rival gang And one day they just got to you shot you point blank and that's how you ended up here and literal hell trapped in this ugly cat body and even then you got in trouble with loan sharks they just kept chasing you no matter what you did So eventually you got desperate what about the  horror stories of what happens to people who sold their soul but you would do anything to get these loan sharks off your ass the next day you were thinking about who to Sell your soul to but then one of the loan sharks came beat you bloody and took your wallet eventually you were left on the Alley Bleeding Out
As you are blacking out you heard someone coming after you you thought it was one of those loan sharks coming to finish you off you couldn't see you were too weak to open your eyes but you heard a strange voice " oh dear do you need help don't worry I'm not like those cruel evil debt collectors I'm a gentleman and I'm wondering if you want help " before you could even respond to that question he scooped you up in his arms and started caring you somewhere you struggled a little trying to escape thinking whoever this man was he was going to hurt you but he just kept holding you that same static voice came back on again " be careful dear you're wasting energy I'm just making sure you're okay what type of man would I be if I didn't " you try to struggle again but you are too weak too eventually you pass out and wake up on a bed with water next to you and that same man looking at you then you realize who he is the radio demon who massacred Lots of the strongest overlords suppose you going to do to you was he going to kill you hurt you those are you could think about he came up to you and said  " oh I'm glad you're awake I thought you would never wake up if you want to Coma that would be very unfortunate " he then leaned down and started to touch your ears a big sensitive spot of yours he was scratching them gently maybe trying to calm you down but it just got you on edge you slapped his hand away and growls " don't touch there " the demon found your effort amusing and said " oh dear I'm very sorry" he patted your head and said " I'm so sorry that happened to you how could anyone do that to you "
The demon looked down at you that creepy smile still there before he said something again " I have a proposal to make I will keep you safe and protect you from any of those pesky loan sharks coming after you again and you can just do a couple things for me so what do you say do you want to make a deal" you still not wanting to accept but feeling obligated because you are at his Mercy and he is one of the most powerful overlords in hell so none those Loan Sharks would come up after you raised one of your paws and gently put it in his hands another part Of Your hellish existence is that you have no thumbs so you can't really carry anything or grip onto anything plus your just slightly bigger than the average house cat you've only been in hell for a year  and you get how bad it really is the demon grinned an even creepier smile and said " good good you're very smart Kitty " he giggled while rubbing your head this made you mad but you are too weak to speak up about it just didn't have the energy " so I'll just leave you head of rest yell if you need anything " alastor said before walking out the room
1 week later
life with alastor hasn't been so bad your pretty much recovered from your attack and just lounge around his house its weird he hasn't asked much of you and he's gone most of the day so you just do what you want that was until the incident today happened you were lounging on a wooden kitchen island when he walked over to you and started to pet your ears you didn't like it and tried to get up and jump off the counter but he used his other hand to gently keep you on the counter you told him to stop multiple times but he didn't seem to listen eventually you were scared you were gonna start purring which is a sign of weakness for you so after one has scream for his to stop you unscathed your claws and swiped at him skimming his left arm before you hissed and said "DONT TOUCH ME THEIR IM NOT YOUR FUCKING PET" he didn't seem to react other then a light giggle "oh have you forgot the deal we made" suddenly a greenish chain appeared around your neck and he pulled you off the counter senting you falling to the around "ơ̵͈h̷̡̆ ̸͕͋ṁ̷̜y̷̧̛ ̸̗̇n̴̡̽ả̶͖i̸̼͠v̵͉͘e̵̘͂ ̷̨͊l̴̩̒ỉ̷͕t̵̹͐ţ̸͒l̴̮̍e̶͔͝ ̵̡̀k̸̓͜i̷͓͝t̵̫̿ṯ̶̋y̵̦̿ ̶̣̓I̵̤̒ ̵̺̈ŏ̴̡w̵̗̚n̴̢̅ ̶͖͝y̴͍͝ö̵͔́ǘ̶̮ ̷̢̈́ń̵͕o̴̻̒w̸̲̓ ̶̲͠a̴͙̕n̸̻̏d̶̳͠ ̷̛̤I̵̯̔ ̸͙͑c̶̦͂a̸̠͗n̶̯̏ ̸͍͊d̸̜̚o̶̧̾ ̷̿͜w̴̢͘h̷͔͂ä̵̻́ţ̴̿ ̵̬͠I̶̩̐ ̸̹͝w̵̗͑a̴͍͐n̷͍͝t̷̨͐ ̶̳̽w̶͔͝ḯ̴͔t̴̢͑ḧ̷̲́ ̶̲̚y̶̲͑ó̵̫ű̴̲" his voice was horrifying and disturbing he yanked the collar towards him sending you with it, it bruised your neck and you were right by his feet he then picked you up by your scruff and said "d̶̬͊o̵̠͑ ̷͚̚Ḭ̸̂ ̴̙̈́h̵̟̐å̵̱v̸̫̈́ë̴̼́ ̵̳͑ẗ̶̳́o̷̬̚ ̴̯͘r̷̥͛e̴̪͑p̴̈ͅê̸̞ȁ̷͍t̶̤͂ ̴̨͌m̸͂͜ÿ̴̪́s̴̲̓ẽ̵̺l̵͓͒f̸̣́" his voice was low and staticly you were shaking and trembling in fear "y-yy-y-yy-yes" you said in fear his tone changed and he said "good good my dear I don't want to do anything rash to my little pet" he said it nicely but it sounded oddly cruel you were still dangling from the air when he sat down on the couch with you. Then it hit you like a truck you just ruined your life for the rest of etenerinty will just be as a pet you couldn't hold I back you just started crying into him the demon giggled "there there my dear let it all out" you buried your face into his coat and were gripping onto him just crying he seemed to get a sick and cruel pleasure from this he just kept petting you and giggling "every thing will be okay dear just trust me
Hope y'all liked it my last "first post in 2 weeks" got taken done sooo yeah
How I imagined you crying into him looked like (except you aren't husk lol
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bangpop91 · 1 day
🔥 flirting with staff(eg. Bartender, stripper, etc.) for Lone Star??
— @nine-one-wanton 💜
From this list of prompts in case anyone else would like to send one.
The Third Marriage of Owen Strand
As a rule, Tk loves weddings. And sure maybe his Dad and Kendra had gone more than a little over the top treating this wedding like it is their first marriage instead of a third marriage for both of them. The ceremony was beautiful and heartfelt, he'd been honored to be his Dad's best man. Both his Dad and Kendra were glowing; Tk is happy for them because he hasn't seen his Dad look so happy or in love since before his parents divorce. The reception is, in his Dad and Kendra's own words, effervescent. It is the peak of luxury Which isn't Tk's thing, but it is romantic which makes his hopeless romantic heart swoon.
The problem is, this is the first wedding he's attended since getting sober a few years back. And he was supposed to bring his Ex-boyfriend as his date. Sure they hadn't been particularly serious and they were looking at two very different pictures of the future. He wasn't torn up over the split. But he still didn't want to attend his Dad's wedding, where he'd be the only sober person in the room, alone. Thankfully Marjan agreed to be his date. And while he appreciates Kendra on a very friendly level, he has been avoiding her and her insistence to introduce him to the son of a family friend.
Read the rest under the cut or on AO3
Him and Marjan are taking a break from dancing, she's at their table making small talk with one of his cousins having kicked off her very pretty, but impractical, delicate gold high heeled sandals while Tk has made his way to the bar to get them drinks. He takes a minute to admire the unbelievably good looking Latino man who is one of the two bartenders. Tk is positive the man must be an aspiring model or something with his glowing rich tan, slicked back black hair, and the way his muscles are bulging sinfully in his white shirt, left unbuttoned at the collar showing off a gold cross necklace. 
“What can I get you to drink?” Tk startles back at the rich, husky voice and soulful brown eyes of the god-like bartender who is smirking at him. The bartender clearly knows how good looking he is; Tk knows he's good looking too, just in a very different way than the attractive man in front of him. 
“Oh um can I get one of the rose, rhubarb sodas with mint and a watermelon agua fresca?” Tk asked, smiling nervously. He feels kind of awkward and would honestly kill for a vodka soda right now to make him feel less awkward. Good Looking laughed, not in a mean way, but definitely amused, his eyes twinkling.
“Should I be offended that you don't want to try my mezcal negroni?” Tk knows he is being teased, and honestly he'd probably be offended in any other situation. And if he wasn't one hundred percent committed to maintaining his sobriety he absolutely would want one of the mezcal negronis that he knows his Dad and Kendra paid top dollar for as Owen's signature cocktail. So Tk just laughed and shook his head leaning against the dark wood of the bar.
“Nope.” He popped the end of the word, smiling hoping he looked charming and not smarmy. “I'm sober.” Good looking nodded with a hum as he started preparing the drinks for him and Marj. “Wait your mezcal negroni?” He asked, confused, making the bartender laugh again. He has a nice laugh.
“Yeah, it's my recipe.” He said with a shrug but still smiling. “So Bride or Groom?” Carlos asked, still assembling drinks, making light small talk.
“Oh uh, groom's side. He's my dad.” He said with a small shrug. He wasn't really sure what to reply with. He found flirting and small talk to be a lot harder now that he's sober.
“The best man?” Good looking asked, setting him and Marj's drinks in front of him as Tk nodded accepting the drinks thanking Good looking. “You should Get back to your date, she's very pretty.” Tk scrunched his face in disgust. He loves Marj, but no. Absolutely not.
“She's my best friend. I am extraordinarily gay.” He explains why even though Marj is one of those most beautiful women he's ever met and she's a million things Good Looking would never know about Marj, Tk would never be able to love her the way she deserves. Which is why they are just best friends. Good looking nods still smiling at him as Tk puts a ten in the tip jar sitting in front of him on the bar.
“I guess I'll see you around then Tk.” Good looking Says with a wink before going to help another guest. Tk is back at the table handing Marj her pale pink mocktale and taking a drink of his own when it occurred to him that he had never told Good Looking his name. It doesn't take long for Kendra to find him, she's smiling and dragging his Dad behind her.
“I heard you finally met Carlos!” Kendra exclaimed sitting Down across from him. He frowned, he was pretty sure he had successfully managed to avoid the obvious set up with the son of one of Kendra's posh friends.
“No I haven't.” Tk said firmly, Kendra waved one of her perfectly manicured hands in the direction of the bar where Good Looking is stepping out from behind of. And horrifyingly, walking towards their table. Carlos Reyes was the handsome bartender he had been flirting with.
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carefulfears · 4 months
can you talk about how dd wanted hank to die vs the ending as it is? like. i can't help but love the characters, i wanted them to make it and for things to get better. but things don't really get better? hank tries and sometimes he does better than others. it was always a struggle, and it wasn't just hank. (things i know you've talked about, i just really love what you have to say 💜💜)
i love you so much <33 yeah i think it's a classic "david sowing vs. david reaping" situation in the sense that he's talked about before the magic trick of that character. making him someone that people don't hate. seeing redeeming qualities in him, like loyalty and honesty. putting so much into it, and pulling it off, in a way that doesn't always happen. i really love that character and not because of who he is as a person or any qualification or anything to do with the way we've begun talking about characters in recent years (as though to love a character you have to want to be friends with them) but because i think it's a great character. so much went in to making it a great character.
and because of all of that...you don't want hank moody to die in the end!! i don't want hank moody to die!! but at the same time, duchovny is right. there is this whole alpha male incel culture based around that character (which fascinates me to no end) and a lot of it lacks an understanding of consequence. in duchovny's work and writing, there is always a clear sense of consequence. there are clear morals, a beginning and end, a right and a wrong. he writes fairytales, basically exclusively. and so it makes sense to me that he would want to make sense of this story and character that way, and it makes sense that he never was going to be able to do that. it ultimately just isn't that kind of story.
one of my clearest memories around this show is when you started watching it and you were watching the raw and the cooked, and you were really upset by the ending scene. karen's "angel i love you so, so much" and the break-up and ‘free bird’ and the ring. and you texted me and you kept saying "i love them so much and it's all terrible" and "it was terrible" and "it's insane that i like this man i get why they love him"
and i said "you have to believe that there's a reason why his girls love him so much and you kind of DO." which was kind of the first way that i contextualized that character…you have to accept, if not understand, that there is something in him that people want to save. something worth sticking around for years, weeping on the porch, waiting on the day where everything will “be okay again” (as karen says).
otherwise, it’s just annoying to watch this group of people suffer at the hands of his actions and wait around for more. for that show to work, you have to believe in him. that’s what the first essay that i ever wrote on the series back in october was about, kind of, “the seduction of sunk potential.”
i remember writing that and choosing every word so carefully and thinking of the “sunk cost fallacy,” this concept of sticking with something just because you’ve put too much into it to give up now. and i wrote about what’s “seductive” about hank moody being “sunk potential,” so much in him that could be realized, if only.
that’s a character that always stands out so much to me (especially as someone so idolized by an “alpha male” culture) as being so loving. he’s openly physically and verbally affectionate with his friends, both male and female. i love scenes where he’ll come into charlie’s house and just casually kiss his forehead hello, or want a hug before work. when charlie’s upset hank always holds him. fucking around with marcy, sitting with her legs over his lap (with their spouses and exes in the room). always would walk away from any situation to help someone else. he never left a room without telling his girls and his friends that he loves them (“to my son, the writer. something i never said too much: i love you” / “i love you. i didn’t say it to hear it back.” being the same episode, etc etc). scenes where becca storms out upset with him and he’s just like…. “okay. i love you.” tries again the next day (a lot of that, verbatim, in s4.)
even what i was talking about yesterday with slow happy boys, the way he cries on the beach listening to his old friend talk about his life and health, drops him off at the airport and hugs him goodbye saying “i love you. i love you.” (and his friend being like…… “okay, homo. love you too.”)
“what’s up, mama mia? mind if i join you?” and sitting out on a ledge, offering to help with her writing when it really confused her (“my own father has never so much as offered to help with my homework, so”), the way he always goes to get her and tells her she’s a “good kid” and hugs her goodbye even after everything.
that character was loving in a very specific way that lacked ego (which he had PLENTY of in every other arena so let’s not get crazy), and that isn’t cohesive with the “last real man” archetype that the show catered to and has become associated with.
and that wasn’t necessary to walk the line of keeping him redeemable. keeping him someone that you don’t hate. which they could’ve done in any number of ways, that didn’t risk making him look like a pussy. (a “homo”)
but he has this endearing goodheartedness to him. and my favorite favorite favorite thing about that character, is that it doesn’t matter. it just doesn’t matter.
it all falls second to this extreme cowardice, and weakness, and vice.
it doesn’t matter that he adores those girls and tells them that he loves them every day, when his dad never said it too much. karen tells him that she knows he loves them, but she doesn’t know what that means anymore.
becca says a few times that she knows that she has parents that love her, and that’s a lot, but that her life has been chaotic and hard. there’s that great moment where she says that her first boyfriend makes her feel beautiful, and hank says very matter-of-fact that she is beautiful, and she rolls her eyes that she is not. and he makes her stop and tells her to never say that, that she’s “the most beautiful thing in the world” to him, and she tells him to treat her that way then.
when she asks if he’s ever felt like he has no one and nothing, and he says that he used to feel like that but now has her. and she asks why she still has nothing.
he can pull mia off every ledge for her whole life, shove and threaten every predatory man around her, help her with every writing assignment and forgive her every sin- but he did not tell a grownup what was going on with her.
he played her game. he kept their secret. he does not ultimately save or protect her, and he does it to save and protect himself.
that’s what keeps me coming back to this character. and i imagine that it’s what keeps his loved ones in LA. there is very easily something good there, something worth saving, but it isn’t winning. and as a viewer you can know that it’s not going to, but it doesn’t feel that way while watching.
and so when you think about this question of like…..how should it all have ended? narratively, he should’ve failed. if not death, something like the ending of season 4. i love that scene so much: hank walking through the film set hugging marcy, making charlie laugh. seeing visions everywhere of karen, and becca, and mia. versions of them that aren’t there anymore, that maybe don’t exist anymore. riding off into the sunset alone in the porsche, typewriter in the backseat.
it’s a good ending. not perfect, maybe not even narratively sound. he doesn’t die, doesn’t really lose, except for the fact that he’s alone. which is really the one thing he never wanted to be: “a morning of awkwardness is far better than a night of loneliness.”
but how much are you really going to get, on a showtime comedy? this isn’t a david duchovny novel. isn’t one of his x-files episodes, isn’t one of his films. he talks all the time about how he wanted hank moody to die because he didn’t want him to get away with it, and maybe that’s part of what’s causing so much of the cultural reputation and harmful rhetoric around men. but you’re never really going to realistically get that on this type of show, and perhaps more troubling, you’re never really going to want it.
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nef-ar10us · 5 months
Cozy Castle Townhouses
So I'm more of an aspiring builder, but as one step in the pursuit of non-perfectionism I've still decided to share my random and mostly semi-finished stuff around here ^^ (Please excuse the bad screens, I'm still figuring out how to do this.) Today: Three fancy-ish townhouses based on (and including) a renovated version of the Cozy Castle bin lot.
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I've made two families who I want to live here and furnished one and a half (like I said, semi-finished) apartments specifically for them, while leaving the third one empty. More pictures below :)
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The one on the right is the unfurnished one, I decorated only the porch and little balcony. Thinking maybe a wholesome young couple.
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The one on the left is the most fleshed-out, but the inhabitants' story isn't exactly a nice one: Nils had only recently moved into town with his fiancée and her son Ezra, when she suddenly died in a tragic accident. Even if he'd accepted the role of Ezra's father figure as part of his marriage to come, had things been different he honestly would never have wanted any children... And now he's here with this kid who isn't even his, whose mother they both mourn, completely at a loss. Watcher knows none of this is the boy's fault and Nils tries to be a dad, he really does, but it's hard. Every little thing about this place they had planned to call home reminds him of his loss.
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Their place is pristine, very bright and clean, for the most part.
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Little Ezra has never talked (or cried) a lot or made much noise in general, but give him a crayons, a brush and paint, or a simple pen and you can keep him occupied all day - even if he may take to use the actual house as his canvas. He may not have known Nils for long but has nevertheless developed a fierce, if quiet, loyalty to him: His mother had told him he was family now, so family he is. He doesn't call him 'Dad' as he's not sure he'd appreciate it, but is nevertheless determined to carry him through these dark times. Family always sticks together, right?
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Nils is - or used to be - a martial artist by profession, winning sizeable tournament prizes on the regular. He can't stand to be around people as of now but exercising is still about the only thing to keep his mind off of ... everything else.
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This ground floor room used to be a temporary nursery for the boy until he was big enough to have his own room; it became a storage space, for lack of a better term, after that. Old, no longer needed furniture, clutter, and memories are catching dust in here, and some nights Nils locks himself in here, smoking away the hours until it's time to wake Ezra up for school. He'll clean this place up, soon ... for sure. Until then, he keeps the door locked at all times. The boy doesn't need to see this.
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The middle one (the actual Cozy Castle) is ... something else. Semi-furnished for a very specific household with a very specific taste. The neighbors tend to be wary of this lot, to say the least.
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Downstairs: Kitchen/dining and little office area. Sparsely decorated as of yet, but you get the idea. ^^
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Upstairs so far. The first lab/darkroom-ish bedroom belongs to Scarlet, the actual tenant, while the second bedroom is currently used by her two more or less welcome but very eccentric "houseguests" (who seemingly have no intention of leaving anytime soon...). Dorian and his son Oscar bicker like a couple of married romance sims, and most fights seem to be related to their mutual vanity: Oscar can't stomach the fact that his father manages to look younger than him, and Dorian misses no opportunity to rub it in his face. Scarlet just houses them because their sire demanded it via handwritten letter from overseas, but she has come to think that he, too, might have lost his mind a little.
Thanks for reading! <3
Credits: I've used an f-ton of different CC from all over the place and am so grateful to all the creators! Please don't be angry that I'm not listing every single person here. If there's a specific item you like, feel free to hit me with a WCIF and I'll see what I can dig up :)
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