#; lois pls
notabirdnotaplane · 1 year
Um. . . why does my suggested for you reels on instagram look like a Lois Lane moodboard? 😂 @ofmythsandfables
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theerurishipper · 19 days
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"So, I talked to Clark today."
"Hm," Bruce grunts, as the voice of his eldest fills the Batcave. He has a brief idea of what this is about.
"What did you do, Bruce?"
Bruce leans back in his seat. "When Superman first created an account on Twitter, Clark figured it would only be a matter of time before Luthor followed suit. So, he approached me for help. He had the idea of taking up every handle that Luthor could possibly use for himself." He pauses. "I thought it was childish and irresponsible."
"Nevertheless, I helped him out by developing a program that would generate all possible combinations of usernames involving the words "Lex" and "Luthor." It developed all possible combinations by cross-referencing—"
"I get the jist, thanks."
Bruce grunts. "So we generated the usernames, and Clark used the Batcomputer and his superspeed to create all the accounts. That very night, Luthor created his own account without being able to use 'Lex Luthor' in his name."
Dick whistles, and he can hear another voice whooping in the background. "I see Tim is visiting Bludhaven."
Dick ignores the change in subject. "Wait, is that the day I found the Batcomputer keyboard completely annihilated? Because you and Clark wanted to pull a fast one on Luthor?"
"...There were a lot of usernames."
"Well played, B! I didn't know you had it in you! I apologize for all the times I called you humorless."
"So that's why you and Clark were giggling so much that morning, huh?"
Bruce stills. "I didn't... giggle."
Dick laughs on the other side, while Haley's barks and Tim's laughter filter in from the background. "I heard you, Bruce. I was there."
"At 6 in the morning?"
"Yeah, I wanted to use the bars in the cave, but when I showed up, the both of you were bent over the Batcomputer giggling about something." He chuckles lightly. "I didn't say anything because I knew you wouldn't tell me anyway."
"Oh, chill out. So I saw you being a human being, big deal." Dick sounds exasperated, but Bruce can hear the smile in his voice. He allows himself a small one as well.
"So, was it worth it?"
Bruce thinks about the way Luthor's face had turned red with rage, so red that he could make it out with startling clarity even from the heavily pixelated picture Clark had sent him. The picture, of course, had been taken when he'd gone over to LexCorp as Superman to discreetly spy through Luthor's window and enjoy his reaction in real time.
"It was."
Amidst Dick's snickers, Tim's voice pipes up. "For amateurs, it was a solid prank, Bruce. But I think it's time to take it to the next logical step."
Bruce stops. He takes a moment to think about the millions of possible consequences and ramifications that this could lead to. He considers his options. He comes to a definitive decision.
"I'm listening."
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Here's the link to the video Bruce linked if anyone is interested. It's actually really funny, I recommend checking it out.
First <- Part 4 <- Part 5 -> Part 6
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pheoflame · 9 months
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Them making my heart go 😩🤌💘
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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“how’s our guy?” ಥ_ಥ Superman: Lost #2
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roseworth · 1 year
every superfam member gets in the habit of having conversations from opposite sides of the world bc they all have superhearing except the problem is they get so used to it that they start trying to do it with lois and then get mad when she doesnt respond
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damianbugs · 5 months
this could mean nothing but upon my reread of Superman: Last Son of Krypton i noticed how important physical contact, specifically hand holding, is to chris' character. one of the first major bonding moments between clark and chris is when clark tucks him into bed, and chris asks him not to leave.
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there are key moments in the story when people make the realisation that this 'mysterious kryptonian' is also just a little boy, and i think this is it for clark. lois has a similar moment after the bus falls on chris and she sees him cry.
the next time they hold hands is when jor-el tells clark he has no recollection of the boy, meaning there's a good chance he can't have been from krypton — which should make him more suspicious. clark doesn't seem worried about it, if anything, he seems really sad that the boy, just like him, has landed on earth with no family.
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then after lois and clark accept chris as their own and start to integrate chris kent into their lives, all three of them hold hands when entering the daily planet.
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now before this i just thought it was a really lovely and sweet way to show how affectionate the kents are, until this cover showed ursa and zod.
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it might look like they're holding hands, but it's important to remember they never taught chris how to fly (most likely because they didn't care to, or they didn't want to give him the agency to then try and leave/disobey them). so they're just holding him up in the air. in the later story we see that they literally just drag him around by the hand since they don't expect him to fly with them (also to make sure he doesn't escape).
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a great deal different to how clark and lois hold him.
then in the final moments we see clark save chris by grabbing hold of his hand.
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i just think it says a lot about how we're supposed to see superman in this situation, especially after the previous moments with zod and chris. obviously in this situation clark would have grabbed whatever part or chris he could to stop him from being sucked up by the portal, but something about it being the boy's hand seems important. especially since it gives way to the very last time they hold hands.
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the first time chris held clarks hand, he reached out first and held on, not wanting the other to leave him. the last time, clark is the one desperately trying to hold onto chris as the boy leaves.
again, this could mean nothing. chris is their kid so of course clark and lois hold his hand as all parents do, but it just seems a little more deliberate in this case. to really highlight the life chris had, the one he could of have had, and the one he gave up for others.
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puppiesandnightlock · 16 days
…how about that clois elevator shaft scene for maws with damijon in the midst of a battle with a rooftop
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mistergreatbones · 2 months
Tim: hey aren’t you worried people will think you’re gay?
Bruce, wearing a “Proud Dad to a Bisexual Son” shirt: why would they think that? Plenty of parents will be wearing these
Tim: yeah that’s the problem
Clark, arm around Bruce’s shoulders, also wearing a “Proud Dad to a Bisexual Son” shirt: ?
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dangerousdan-dan · 1 year
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I can already tell this show is going to consume me body and soul
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ailingwriter · 10 months
I love the idea of Jimmy's conspiracy theories always being right but nobody believes him because it's DC, the stuff that's true there is like. So unbelievable.
Lois: So Smallville's an alien. What next, Martians walking among us?
Jimmy: Oh don't even get me started! Do you want me to show you the charts? I can show you the charts.
Lois: Alright then, if Martians are real, how come we haven't found them yet?
Jimmy: Oh that's easy! It's because they're - are you ready for this? Psychic. Shapeshifters.
Lois: Yeah you lost me.
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plantdonut · 7 months
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i can't deal with how wholesome this show is oTL
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crowswithize · 1 year
Random DP Xover Interactions 2:
Characters: Mr. Lancer, Lois Lane, and Clark Kent
“Oh, The Hound of the Baskervilles,” Lancer cursed, readjusting his tie for the umpteenth time.
There’s little reason to be nervous but this was a respectable newspaper for Austen’s sake, he had to show his best for the interview. Though the more his eyes wandered the windowless room with nothing but a table and chairs at the center, he couldn’t help but compare it to the scene of that of a police interrogation room. 
The table shook, the lone glass of water almost tipping, as the door finally opened. With a smile only a journalist could have and the professionalism of her posture, Lois Lane glided into the chair in front of him. It’s a bold impression, however quickly ruined as another fumbled their way into the chair next to Lois, the act similar to a child following their mother. 
“Mr. Lancer, thank you for taking the time to meet us,” Lois said in a friendly manner, reaching out a hand. He shook it without hesitation, returning the greeting.
“This is my partner, Clark Kent,” she introduced after breaking the handshake. The man, despite his size and appearance, startled as his presence in the room was reminded. He sheepishly smiled and gave a small “how do you do?” with a readjustment of his glasses.
Lois gave a low yet obvious jab to the man’s side, instantly sitting straighter with the contact. He hesitantly raised his hand from beneath the table, waved it as if he didn’t know what to do with it, and finally settled with extending it towards Lancer just like Lois had.
Mr. Lancer withheld any comments for as much as this man felt unfit to interview people, he’s sure to be a good journalist if he shared company with Ms. Lane. That much could not be said about Kent’s fashion sense, as Lancer eyed the blue and yellow plaid. 
He accepted the hand and found it was more of Clark dragging their joined palms to and fro with how strongly he held. If Lancer didn’t know better, he’d think the man was made of stone or something of the like. 
It took another jab from Lois for Clark to release Lancer’s hand.
“Do you mind if we record this conversation, Mr. Lancer?” Lois asked. Her hand swiftly brought out a small recording device and placed it at the center.
“Not at all, Ms. Lane.”
She tapped the center button and a tiny light went red. “This is Lois Lane reporting with Clark Kent. We’re here with Amity Park native, Mr. William Lancer, to talk about how so-called ghosts occupy the town.”
“They are ghosts, you know,” he said because, despite the insanity of it, he’d be the last person to spread misinformation. 
“Of course, Mr. Lancer,” she replied in a neutral tone. 
“So,” Clark spoke up before a silence could take place, “what’s it like to be in the Most Haunted Town in the US?”
Lancer clicked his tongue as he thought of it. “Well, chaotic, for one. I can’t say how chaotic compared to what Metropolis or Central City is like but definitely a rise of it compared to how we were back then.”
“And how long ago would you say that is?” Lois prodded.
“I’d say a good three, almost four, years ago. One day ghosts were just stories to scare children and the next they were a very real threat. Peter Pan, we were so unprepared back then.” He chuckled as if remembering something endearing. “No sense of protocol, self-defense, or even protection. We had to rely on the Fentons and half of their weapons blew back into their faces. Thank goodness we had Phantom to help us.” 
His gaze fell to the corner of the table so he hadn’t seen the break in professionalism from Clark and even Lois, with their eyes wide and a breath lodged in their lungs.
“That is Danny Phantom you’re talking about, right? Formerly known as Inviso-Bill?” Clark asked.
Lancer nodded. “You’ve done your homework, that’s more than most. He doesn’t like being called Inviso-Bill at all and he prefers just Phantom instead of his full moniker.” He brought an elbow onto the table a leaned his cheek against his palm. His expression turned weary. “Honestly, the boy’s the main reason we began protecting ourselves. Don’t get me wrong, but, for an embarrassing amount of time, we just let him fix everything. Ghosts attacking? Phantom. Taken hostage? Phantom. Town invasion? Phan. Tom.” He accentuated the syllables. His fists balled as he talked.
“Then we started noticing that he got less snarky with every fight. He stopped smiling at some point. His eyes looked so tired, which shouldn’t make sense because he was already dead. Then that sank in. Our town hero is dead. He’s a dead teen fighting monsters for a town that took advantage of his kindness. So we got our, excuse my language, shit together and learned to survive.”
Lancer straightened himself and interlaced his fingers. His words carried the determination that all the town shared. The pair of journalists held an expression he could not recognize but it mattered little to him. Whether they believed him or not didn’t matter, as long as he spoke the absolute truth.
Lois, despite her skepticism, wanted to reach over a hug the man. So badly did she want to say something, maybe words of comfort and consolation. She doesn’t because there is a time and place for sympathy and this was neither.
“And what about other heroes?” Clark asked, soft enough to offer sympathy but firm enough to continue. Lois relaxed with the reminder of why she’d brought the man along. His presence could make even the coldest man feel warm. She might be good at finding a story but her compassion paled compared to her friend.
“What about them?”
“Well, don’t you resent them? If your town was endangered, don’t you hate the Justice League for not stepping in and helping?”
Lancer’s look reaffirmed his position as a teacher. “Mr. Kent,” he started, “I cannot speak for all the town but I, for one, don’t hate the Justice League. Do I feel annoyed that they didn’t come to help? Sure, but I don’t resent them for not noticing us. Each of those superheroes has an entire city to protect as well as the entire world if need be. Aquaman stopped a typhoon from destroying millions of homes in the Pacific. Green Lantern prevented an asteroid from colliding with Canada. Amity Park is a single sentence compared to them.”
“But what about-?” Clark wanted to interrupt, something akin to guilt in his eyes, but Lancer quickly stopped him.
“Clark, a few years ago, our crime rate was so low that we were labeled the safest town in the midwest. We’re an hour away from any major cities and barely any Amity Park residents had seen a hero outside of television. Lastly, we take a ginormous page from Gotham City when we say get out of our home, we can handle it.”
The man with glasses looked so chastised you’d think he’d been physically struck. His back slapped against the backrest of the chair. Mr. Lancer’s resolve seemed stronger than most because he barely flinched at the puppy eyes of the overgrown golden retriever.
For the first time, Lois’ smile wiped clean of forced pleasantries as she leaned in on the table. An eager, almost rogue-like grin spread on her face. With the clearest words she could muster, she said:
“Mr. Lancer, with your cooperation, I think the best goddamn story about this.”
His returning grin was confirmation enough.
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blue-hail · 9 months
Literally the worst thing about my adventures with superman is the character design and the  characterizations are TOO FUCKING GOOD- They have RUINED every other in interpretation for me 
These were all characters I ALREADY LIKED but now anytime I see them in the comics I USED TO LOVE I’m like “who is that??? Lois?? LOIS?? Where’s my baby girl that’s not her”
thankfully Clark is pretty spot on to how I already saw him, but god damn, Lois and Jimmy are superior to all other Lois and jimmy’s
And don’t even get me STARTED on Lois and Clark’s dynamic. Fucking. Peak.
I will never look at these characters the same. (Affectionate)
And my standers have been raised on all levels.
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pu1itzer · 2 months
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like this for a v serious starter from pulitzer prize winning ms lo.is la.ne ...
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whoseyscientist · 1 year
how SUPERBAT spent their valentines
this is so late but that doesn’t stop how based it is ://
(Bruce swings into the Daily planet, looking intensely focused as he marches towards Clark’s desk)
Bruce: Hello.
Clark: Bruce! Well isn’t this a surprise!! Happy Va-
Bruce: Here. *Tosses flowers* I made this for you.
Clark: You what.
Bruce: Cross bred some roses. It’s called the Kryton.
Jimmy: Why’d you name it after Superman???
Bruce: >:( why are you here. leave.
Jimmy: I work here. You walked into our office.
Bruce: Our?
Cat: Hey
Lois: Bruce, always a pleasure.
Bruce: Why??? Are so many people in your office Clark??? Are you having a meeting??
Clark: What? This isn’t my- I work at a cubicle?? how would the entire floor be my office???
Bruce: Would you like it to be? I would surely win Valentines if I gave you two gifts.
Clark: That's a little excessive  
 Bruce: yes very good, I shall talk to your boss now. You will have the finest floor sized office this side of Metropolis. 
Lois: I’m sorry, but am I crazy or did we just skip over the fact he made a plant a little too quickly?
Cat: Oh thank god I’m not the only one who noticed that, how did he make it?? has he always been able to make plants?? Did he talk to poison ivy?
Jimmy: Didn’t take Bruce Wayne as a plant guy, that’s nice.
Cat: That’s news is what it is!
Lois: (muttering) Dated for a month bitch didn’t make me a flower...
Clark, realising that his ma’s cherry tarts he left cooling at his apartment is really not that comparable to the rose (that’s named after him?? created after him?) and floor sized office: ah nuts.
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frnkiebby · 3 months
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L is for Lois
such a sweet baby. frank too.~🎃
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