#;( that is supposed to be the wife of Thranduil and mother of Legolas )
thewulf · 8 months
With You? Always || Legolas
Summary: This was supposed to be a request but I took it in a very fluffy direction. Like no angst. Just teasing and reuniting with Legolas after the events of LOTR. Hope you guys enjoy!
A/N: Thank you for the cutest request anon even tho I didn't follow it! I had too much fun writing this one. It's so much fun to write these LOTR imagines. Thank you guys for sending them in!
Pairing: Legolas x Reader
Word Count: 3.4k +
TW: Insecurity, angsty, fluffy
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“King Thranduil suspects he will be back by nightfall.” Your father spoke breaking you from the trance you had seemed to be in. Your eyes were scanning the emptying kingdom among you. Just like the Elves of Rivendell the Elves of Mirkwood took to the sea’s too, many more than you suspected would leave so quickly. You were yet to get the calling. You were sure your father had felt it just as your mother did so long ago. But he had a duty to the king as his head guard, and he wanted to be around for you and your life milestones, “His elk can sense Legolas but a few hours away.”
You let out a small gasp with glee, “The Elvenking is hardly ever wrong.” Your eyes upturned into the smile that had now graced your usually withdrawn face since he had left here almost two years ago. You hardly lived your thousands of years without Legolas in tow. It’d been well over a year since he set off to destroy the ring. Being that you had lived thousands it should have been quick, but it felt like more than a century since you had spotted Legolas’s nearly silver, blonde hair.
“Indeed, my daughter. It is unwise to not listen to the king.” He gave you a knowing smile before retreating from your room and heading to his chambers to get ready for dinner. Leaving you to be with your thoughts. Quickly you got ready making sure to take extra care of you appearance just in case he had arrived early enough for it. It would be rather obvious of your intentions for you had been rather careless since he had been gone. You found no point to go above and beyond since you knew your eyes only landed on Legolas. No one else stood a chance even if they tried.
Sliding on your finest evening attire that wasn’t too over the top you set off for dinner. You scanned the castles dining hall for any sight of him but only slumped when you came up short not finding his normally intricately braided blonde hair.
It wasn’t often Elves could be snuck up on but when your eyes were desperately searching for the one that had been on your mind nonstop it was rather easy to sneak up on you, “He has yet to arrive my lady.”
You jumped turning to the elf standing beside you, “Galion! Where did you come from?” You placed a hand over your rapidly beating and rather startled heart that felt like it got caught doing something it shouldn’t have been.
“From across the room.” He smiled giving you a bow, “I was hardly being quiet.” He gave you an answer you weren’t really looking for.
You nodded quickly looking away, “Right. Thank you Galion. I was searching for my father.” It was an obvious lie and even he knew that for he knew of the feelings between the two elves. It had been painfully obvious for centuries. Even King Thrandruil was growing tired of son not courting you. He had long since accepted you as an extended member of his family. He had practically raised you alongside Legolas. He was eager to see the two of you together before he set sail. He had wanted to rejoin his wife and was growing impatient to Legolas’s growing timidness to asking you the question.
Galion nodded knowing you were lying through your teeth. Being the kings longtime advisor, he had known you just as well as the king and your father did. He knew all your little quirks. One being that you couldn’t lie to save your life, “Right my lady. He’s in the corner with the king.” Galion pointed to the two elves sitting there snickering about something.
Ever since the Kingdom of Mirkwood received word from Legolas that he was safe, and the ring had been destroyed the usually stoic king that hid away made himself more present and smiled far more often than you remembered. You were excited to catch glimpses of the old king you’d grown to see as a second father. Ever since Legolas’s mom and his wife has passed the king has grown cold. But now that there was finally some good news and hope he was becoming more of his old self.
Your thanked Galion before making your way your father. You weren’t planning on eating with him especially not that you learned that he was eating with the king. It’s not that you didn’t like them. No, you loved your king. It’s that he seemed to know of your longing feelings of his son no matter how well you tried to hide it. He always found a way to bring Legolas up and embarrass you in the process. Surely he would show no mercy due to your father sitting next to him.
“King Thranduil, Father.” You bowed before the two elves with utmost reverence. You knew how precious your spot in the Kingdom of Mirkwood was. If your father wasn’t who he was you would be nothing but a peasant elf the king could care less about. You tried your hardest not to take it for granted.
Before your father could speak the king did instead, “You look rather put together tonight Y/N. Special occasion?” He asked with a hint of smirk on his face. And that was why you were trying your hardest to avoid said king who was beginning to antagonize your efforts.
“None that I am aware of.” You spoke another obvious lie. Your father watched in amusement as your usually cool demeanor crumbled over the look the king was giving you. He too was not dumb. All of Mirkwood would have to be blind had they not known you and Legolas were to be bound together. It was just the two of you who seemed to lack the awareness.
His eyes looked over your outfit before replying, “My son’s favorite color is red. It is most uncommon to wear that color here, no?” He waved his hands before him showing that nearly elf was either in green, gray, or beige.
“Is it?” You tried to play dumb feeling utterly nervous under his looming gaze. How had he managed to make you feel so silly was beyond even you. Because he was right. Red wasn’t so common for greens were usually the chosen Mirkwood shades.
His stoic expression broke with an innocent smile, “Indeed it is. He will like this dress on you Lady Y/N.” Your father cracked a grin from beside the king seeing your dumb expression. He too was tired of watching you pine from afar and wanted to see you happy and in good hands before he departed.
You coughed trying to think of anything to say to him. You eyed your father for help, but he simply shrugged leaving you high and dry. He was enjoying this interrogation far too much, “Oh, my king, this is not meant for Legolas…”
He held a hand up to you letting you know to quiet, “Be that as it may. Which is a lie. He will be most happy to see you even more so in that dress.” You dared not disagree with the elf as he was in a chipper mood. Surely his sons return had something to do with it.
“Aye.” Your father agreed which earned a laugh from the normally stoic king. Were they drunk? They had to be. But you didn’t see any wine on the table nor smelled any alcohol on their breath. So, they were just enjoying seeing you squirm? You’d have a word with your father after it was all set and done.
The kings gaze softened seeing you truly so dumbfounded at his conclusion, “He will be here within the hour Lady Y/N. Take a stroll in my private garden after dinner. Galion will escort you after supper. I will see to it that he meets you out there after his arrival.”
You gulped. Was King Thranduil trying to get the two of you together? It seemed as if you were not as sneaky as you thought yourself to be, “Oh, I would not want to impose my king.”
“I insist.” And that was that. He had you escorted through his chambers to the garden even you had yet to see. It was small but truly, one of them most beautiful spaces you’d ever had the pleasure of stepping into. You walked around admiring the roses and flowers that seemed endless as they tangled with the grass and trees. You had sensed why he had kept it to himself after all of these years.
“My father was right. You are a vision Lady Y/N.” The familiar voice of the man you loved snapped you out of the trance the dancing roses captured you in. For the second time that night you had been snuck up on. Most unlike you.
Your face broke into a smile seeing the blonde elf in person finally, “Is red really your favorite color?” You asked not fully believing the king.
He bowed to you, “It’s been over a year, almost two and that’s the first thing you ask me?”
“It is. Is that an issue my prince?” You gave him a dramatic bow in return. That was just one of the many things he had grown to adore about you. You never really gave care in the world of his title. To you he was always just Legolas your friend. For he hadn’t a clue of how you felt about him.
“Hardly. Indeed, red is my most cherished color. This color precisely.” He stepped closer to you grabbing at the extra fabric on your arm. If your heart could simultaneously stop and explode all at once that was what was occurring. He was so close so suddenly. Was Legolas flirting with you?
“Well,” You cleared your throat trying your best to respond to him as your brain tried its best to keep up with him, “Hopefully I wear it all right.” You joked around trying to shift the growing tension between the two of you.
His hands did not drop from your arm as his eyes snapped up to yours, “My lady, you wear it finer than any elf in this kingdom and all kingdoms beyond.”
What was he doing? Your face paled before your cheeks exploded with color. You were usually so good at hiding emotion such as this but his outright honestly instead of the joking he would normally play in had taken you off your guard.
He smirked now knowing his father’s push was really all he needed. You would not blush so had you no feelings for him. He did not wish to ruin the grand friendship he had with you for it was the most cherished thing in his life. For in his mind, you had no feelings for him.
“Oh, thank you Legolas.” He noticed you flexing your hands. He had long since learned that was your tell for being unsettled. He’d often caught you doing the same before an attack would commence or when you had a terrible feeling of something.
“There is no need to be nervous Y/N. It is just me, Legolas.” He hid his smirk away for a softer smile. He held his hands out for you to take.
Slowly you placed your much smaller hands in his, “Indeed. That is what’s making me nervous.” You admitted out loud before your brain could stop you.
“What do you mean?” He turned his head to the side just so as his eyes scanned over your face searching for something, anything.
“You have occupied my thoughts every day since you left.” You spoke quickly before you could decide it would be a bad idea letting him know you had feelings too, “Are you being sincere?”
He stepped forward placing a tentative hand on your hip, “Aye, my lady. I would not lie to you. You look beautiful tonight.”
You placed your hand on his face making sure he really was back, “I missed you Legolas. This had been the longest year of my life. For I did not know years could take so long.”
He tested the waters by bring you closer to him. He fully wrapped an arm around your waist. You thought your heart was going to leap out of his chest as he leaned down to whisper in your ear, “I survived out there because of you.” His hair tickled your neck, but you could hardly care as you processed this information he had just told you.
“Pardon?” You had asked him to expand on that ever so bold statement.
He brushed your hair behind you ears, “When we wanted to give up, when all hope was lost, when I surely thought this life was over…” He paused seeing the horror in your expression. You must not have known how dangerous the quest truly was. But he continued trying to get to the point, “I thought of you. Coming home to you in Mirkwood kept me going.”
He surely heard how fast your heart was beating now, “I am glad I could provide you the strength to come home to me. For I do not know how I would fare middle earth without you.” This moment in the garden was the most intimate the two of you had ever been with the other. The most truthful too. You would have to thank his father later for the push the both of you needed. He must have been planning to leave soon as he never meddled so obviously before.
“I could not let that happen. I have made sure of that.” He smiled, eyes gazing down lovingly at you. You’d seen the gaze before but told yourself he meant something else. You were mistaken clearly.
“Legolas.” His name slipped out of your mouth so effortlessly. By Eru were you thrilled you could speak his name out loud because he was actually in front of you.
Ignoring your soft plea he asked you, “May I ask you a very important question?”
Your eyes piqued in curiosity as you nodded, “You may.” Wondering whatever he may ask you.
He took your hands in his gently rubbing his thumb along your much softer skin, “I wish to court you. I want to spend the rest of this life together, meleth nin. Would you do me the honor?”
You repeated his words slowly, “Meleth nin…” You repeated back to him before continuing in your disbelief, “For am I dreaming right now Legolas?” You asked not sure if you were truly in reality any longer. For as long as you pined for the blonde elf from afar this was happening faster than you had imagined.
“I certainly hope not, it took me far too long to work up the courage to ask you.” He grinned feeling like he could do anything in the world. His love, you, had said yes to him. He was going to have you as a partner, lover and more for the rest of his life. He could not wait to start the next part of his life with you. A youthful pang of excitement went off in his heart as he felt a new sense of adventure in the near future with you.
You laughed giving his hands a squeeze, “Then it is my greatest honor to accept. May I ask for how long?”
This time it was his turned to blush. It was a rare sight to see the kings son so squirmy in any sense, “Give or take a few hundred years?”
You smiled, “I have you beat then my prince. I had a growing crush nearly a thousand years ago. I thought it would go away so I just buried it deep down. See what good that got me.”
“Half our lives?” His eyes went wide as if he was finally seeing you for the first time.
You nodded you head trying to hide the embarrassment of hiding yourself away, “I suppose it is then half our lives so far. It was when you got back from Minas Tirith with your father. I had missed you far too much for the feelings to be simply friendly.” It wasn’t so bad admitting it to him for it felt more of a relief. He was going to know your truest feelings finally.
He placed his hands on your uppers arms, “I am nothing but a fool. I did not notice.”
You half laughed, half groaned, “I did not give you a chance my prince.”
“Why did you hide away from me?” He asked sincerely as he took a handful of your long straight hair in his hands. He was certainly more comfortable getting more handsy with you after you had accepted his proposal. It was no question to you. He was the only one you would say yes to.
“I am nothing but a Silvan Elf.” You spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. When Legolas’s face turned to nothing but confusion you continued, “I heard the king talking, years ago now, about how lowly he view the Silvan elves he presided over. I would never have the approval.”
“What are you talking about meleth nin?” He sounded genuinely confused, “How long ago was that?”
You shrugged, “A long time ago.” You didn’t want to admit it was nearly two thousand years ago you heard his decree. Even by elf standards that was some time ago.
“You know even stubborn kings can change their minds given some time.” He pinched your side lightly letting you know your thoughts were mistaken for the king had all but forced him to tell you this evening.
He held his hand out after he admired you for a moment longer than needed. He could not help it though for he couldn’t believe that you were his, “Come with me.”
“Where are we going?” You asked curiosity getting the better of you as you placed your hand in his.
He sighed turning back to you with that glimmer in his eye, “We may have an audience on the other side of the door waiting to see if you said yes.”
You let out a hearty laugh, “Unbelievable! Who is there then?” You followed him as he began walking.
“Your father and mine… and Galion” He smiled sheepishly almost afraid to see your reaction.
But your laugh let him know you didn’t mind, “Those meddling older elves. They need to mind their own business.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, that adorable blush forming over his cheeks, “I am thankful for their meddling for I never would have had the courage to ask you my lady.”
You gave his hand a squeeze before you walked through the thick wooden door, “I would have waited another two thousand years for you Legolas.”
He looked down suddenly bashful. You were beginning to adore the far more emotional side of the man you had grown to love truly throughout the centuries. It had made falling even further in love with him a less daunting task. You were more than excited to explore life as a courting couple. You’d make big decisions in this stage of life. How many children did he want? Where did he want to live? Was Thranduil going to give the crown to his son? Would he accept?
“You have always had such a way with words meleth nin.” He brushed the side of your face breaking you away from your thoughts.
You grinned at his kind words, “Meleth nin.” You whispered back to him for the first time. You could get used to calling him that. Your love. Your lover. Your everything.
He put his hand on the door before turning back to you, “Are you ready to deal with them?”
A smile broke out on your face in consideration of his actions, “With you? Always.”
He gave your hand a squeeze before opening the door before both of you. Sure enough not a second later both King Thranduil and your father pounced on the both of you with questions while Galion stood back with a relieved expression on his face. You laughed with utmost glee as Legolas pulled you into his chest shielding you from the questions and answering them all. If this is what it meant to be loved by him then you could surely get used to this.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!) : @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891
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agathne · 1 year
Description: Thranduil and Legolas are transported to the past - where the late Elvenqueen was still alive - minor hiccup, she doesn't know who they are.
series masterlist | chapter five
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The answers did not come to him - the prayers fell on deaf ears.
"I don't believe that the both of you have been honest with the court," you whisper from behind him, taking a step forward to the prayer room. "I apologize if it sounds rude," you apologize again, staring at the side. "I feel like you're a different elf, one that doesn't belong here." you add while halting beside him.
A small gasp escapes his mouth - focus dripping off. You looked exactly like his fallen Queen - but he didn't love you. Not in the ways that he loved her - not in the eternities that he's spent by your side.
"What do you mean by that, my lady?" his lips burrowed into a thin line, he would take the role of a knowing advisor for now. "I can see it in your eyes," you comment, staring deep into his features that felt like treason to gaze upon.
"I can feel it in the words that you speak. There is wisdom in everything you do, my lord. Your face holds youth - yet in your eyes, I can see pain. Thousands of years of it." you profess, never the one to beat around the bush.
He seemed to be taken aback by your observation - but decides to say nothing against it, seeing that you were truthful. "What I mean to say is; I find you interesting." you compliment, longing for the same magnitudes to be hidden in your mind. "A daring compliment," he hummed with a slight smile.
All the reasons he loved you - he found it inside your son.
"I'm sorry again for trying to pry deep into your life. It's just that - you have the same name as someone I care deeply about." you smiled, reminding yourself of the Woodland Prince in Greenwood.
"I'm worried of Legolas, my lord." you whisper, sitting beside him. The prayer room was empty - the elves preferred to pray outside. You and him were the only people inside - and god, the terror was overbearing. "Do you want to know about his mother?" his outer wall began to crumble, a deeper smile paints his lips.
"I can still remember her clearly, eyes that shone in the moonlight - and hands that have healed far more than it has destroyed." he rambled, missing your warm embrace.
"She was a wonderful warrior - with skills that exceeded mine in combat. She was my wife, and Legolas' mother - no matter what love I can give him, it is never enough to fill the holes that she has left me." he announces in a bitter tone. "But have you tried filling them?" you raised an eyebrow.
His posture suddenly turns rigid - his throat runs dry.
"- if you will excuse me, my lady." he bowed his head, running away from the duties that have come to haunt him.
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Elrond could already feel the headache beginning to form in his head. Saruman and Gandalf were bickering once more - it was civil, yet with offensive undertones. "There was no sign of dark magic, do you propose that I call upon the Valar?" Saruman gritted his teeth, attempting to keep a calm composure.
"If needed be," Gil-Galad breaks the thick atmosphere.
"I apologize, my king - but there are forces in all corners of our borders that seek to destroy the very foundation of Arda. We cannot afford to waste our technology or power in bringing back two elves to their supposed world." Gandalf agreed with his fellow wizard for once. "I agree, their arrival here has brought no harm - none but the pains of what the future may bring - a future that will come." Lady Galadriel clears her throat.
"If they long for their homes, we may send them to Valinor - all they need to do is wait a few thousand years and everything will be back where they left it." Cirdan shrugged and Elrond couldn't help but take a deep frustrated breath. "The council forgets that there is a Thranduil in this world - a Legolas will come in a few centuries. Having two of the same people is dangerous and volatile." Elrond argued, grip tightening around his bracelet.
"I apologize, Elrond - we are doing the best we can." Cirdan breathes, knowing that his friend was making sense. "But that still doesn't answer the question on how we'll bring them back," Celebrian replies, and Gandalf's lips presses into a thin line.
"I will attempt to find a way - but for now, only time can tell."
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"Time can tell?" Legolas whispered while pressing his ears on the door of the council room. He wanted nothing more than to run along the forests of Mirkwood - to defend his home against invaders - but now, only time can tell?
"What are you doing?" Thranduil halts in front of his son, hands behind his back while he inspected his son's laying figure. "I fell down," he lied while rising to his feet - but his father always knew when he was lying. " - you were listening in the meeting," he accused with an unamused tone.
"Well, it wasn't my intention but I could hear them perfectly!" he reasoned, placing his hands in his pocket - like a child caught stealing muffins from a jar. "What did they say then?" he inquired.
"What?" Legolas' eyes narrowed - his father usually kept the information to himself, he disregarded gossip that came from his son. "If it's about me, then I intend to know about it." he stated firmly, moving his son to the other side of the hallway. "It's not a progressive meeting, that's all I know." he looked down.
"They haven't found a way to send us back yet," he added - gazing upon his father's face. Legolas began to notice that they looked alike. The same cheekbones - hair and eyes. He was Thranduil's son - and he's spent most of his life denying it.
"Of course, we've only been here a few days." he hummed to himself.
"There is something I've been meaning to speak to you about." his father opened his mouth, unfamiliar with the paternal emotions flooding through his body at the sight of his son. "What is it?" Legolas' eyebrows merged with each other.
Was his father about to apologize?
"Your mother must never know about her fate, or of our existence." Thranduil reminded, and his son's face drops to the floor. "Yes, I've never told her anyways." he scratched the back of his head. "Your mother loved you, ion nin." Thranduil added, taking a step away.
He turns his head slowly to meet his son's.
"- as do I." he whispered - but it was enough for his son to hear.
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@murder0fcr0ws @cheyxfu @8hgel
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sotwk · 1 year
Hey! I had a question about Thranduil’s relationship with his sons. I just read “A Stab To The Heart” (wonderful fic btw so excited for part 2) and noticed that the princes often address him as “your grace” or their king. Is that a consistent thing or only when they’re discussing royal matters/out at events? Also, does his wife address him by station as well?
Lastly, I love how Thranduil just drops all of his battle plans to go see his queen as soon as she wakes. So sweet! 🩷
What a fantastic question, @wareagleofthemountain!! Thank you for noticing this detail in my writing and for bringing it up.
Here is the link to "A Stab to the Heart" for those curious about the fic being referenced.
When Do Thranduil's Wife and Sons Address him as "Your Grace" or "My King"?
Thranduil's family members all address him by these formal titles as a show of respect and love. They always use formal address when communicating with him in public or executing official functions (i.e. when they are "on the job"). Other formal but less commonly used titles are "Your Majesty", "My Lord", or "Sire".
In "A Stab to the Heart", for example, Thranduil summoned his sons to an emergency council, where they are supposed to drop literally everything, wherever they might be, to attend. This is rarely done, so the Princes immediately know it's serious business and they are being called to do their job, so they must address Thranduil as their boss, and not their father. Doing so also reiterates, to themselves and to the King, their vows of obedience and loyalty.
When they're amongst family only, they revert to their familial address of "Ada". The Elvenqueen, of course, has her own terms of affection for her husband.
It is important to note that the Princes show the same kind of respect to their mother, the Queen, who is styled as "Your Grace" and "My Queen".
Mirion, as the Crown Prince, has been appointed to a higher rank (and responsibility) than the other princes. Therefore he is also addressed by his younger brothers as "Sire", "Your Highness", and "My Lord", in formal settings.
The four younger Thranduilions--Turhir, Arvellas, Gelir, and Legolas, are all considered of equal rank to each other and therefore don't address each other with titles. (Although obviously, the kingdom's subjects refer to them as "Your Highness".)
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Why Such Formality?
While it might seem a bit cold to some, this practice is actually a sign of deep love and respect for the patriarch of a royal family. Thranduil has proven himself to be a kind, benevolent, and above all effective King of the Woodland Realm, and has more than earned the respect of his people--his own wife and sons included.
In fact, the Elvenqueen is the one who taught her children how to properly honor their father with titles. She, more than anyone else, is Thranduil's biggest supporter and believer, regarding him as the greatest Elda of the Third Age (it may be biased, but it is her honest truth). She knows the burdens her husband carries on his shoulders, and believes that she and her family must set the example for the respect that the entire kingdom owes to the Elvenking for everything he continues to do for the realm.
In short, the use of titles comes from a place of affection and genuine reverence, rather than obligation or even blind duty.
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kanafinwe-makalaure · 2 years
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I'm not super great and proficient at digital art yet so this is more of a doodle but here's a badass warrior queen and her little Greenleaf :)
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amxranthiine · 3 years
(n.) the kind of beauty that is more than skin deep.
request:  Can I ask for platonic Thranduil with sister in law reader, reader is Legola's aunt and she saved Legolas' mother from dying but ended up paralyzed from waist down, needing to be on a wheelchair (let's pretend they have wheelchairs), and Thranduil is very grateful and helps reader a lot with things?
pronouns: she/her
a/n: like six months late but ITS FINE
warnings: ANGST n fluff. mentions of death and orc attacks. nightmares.
“Nana? Nana! Wake up, nana, please! You have to wake up!” A little Legolas screams as he watches his mother and aunt’s bodies be carried in by his father’s guard. His mother was pale and lifeless - cold hands and dark eyes, staring back into his own blue orbs as he shook her body. Though, he felt no love from her stare. Nothing about her was the same, her soul had already been lifted from her fragile body.
Next to her lay his aunt, Y/n, his mother’s sister. She was alive but unresponsive, blood was leaving her body faster and faster each second, pooling beneath her like a crimson ball gown. From behind Legolas, his father, Thranduil, was quickly approaching the scene. Loud orders from him to his guards could likely be heard throughout the palace. One would be a fool to miss the fear, desperation and anger laced in his voice.
Y/n stirred from the commotion, her eyes burning and her body flaring in pain as she tried to become responsive once again. She could feel every centimeter of her wound, the sword that stabbed her was likely poisoned - and it embedded it’s way into her spinal cord. She could feel her life force being drained, the light becoming far too close for her liking. Even if she lived, she knew nothing would be the same - with her body and with her family. She had been too late to save her dearest sister, and that thought alone was almost enough to make her give up. However, her little sister left her a nephew and a brother, both of which would need guidance recovering from her sister’s death.
“My King Thranduil -” Started the Captain, though he was soon hushed by the horrified Elf. Thranduil was terribly shaken up, his hair was messy and his robes wrinkled, likely from the speed at which he was running.
Thranduil looked at his beloved Wife and sister in law, and he felt his blood run cold. There was - there was so much blood. His wife was nearly blue and unconscious, was she... No, he wasn’t think like that. He looked over to Y/n, where she was struggling to open her eyes, and groaning from the giant hole in her back. He could feel the tears in his eyes, and he knew deep down that his son no longer had a mother.
Y/n heard her brother in law approaching, and even though she was on the verge of death, she felt as though she had to be the one to break the news. “Thranduil?” She croaked, her throat dry and her lips cracked.
The King rushed to her, grabbing a waterskin in the process and lifting it to her lips. She coughed as she drank down as much as she could. “Y/n...”
She ignored the burning in her eyes and looked up at him, and suddenly, she wanted to cry. She didn’t have that much time left, and she had so much to say. Y/n attempted to take a deep breath, then said her last words.
“I’m so sorry, Thranduil. I - I couldn’t save her - I tried so, so - hard. Please, tell Lego - Legolas we loved him.” She used the last of her energy to say those words, and soon, her eyes slipped shut.
“No! Y/n! You can’t leave me! You can’t leave us! Legolas will need guidance. I will need guidance! Legolas just lost his mother, he can’t lose you too!”
The weight of losing both the love of his life and his sister crashed down on him, and he fell to the ground with a heartbroken scream. A tiny body forced itself into his lap as his son wept along with him, not knowing if he’d ever see his mother or aunt again. Thranduil’s arms wrapped themselves around Legolas as he rocked back and forth on the floor, weeping and crying out to the Valar, cursing them and asking to spare them.
Thranduil gasped for breath as he jumped awake, beads of sweat rolled down his face as he regained consciousness, the nightmare - no - memory he had tried so hard to forget was now engraved into his head once again. He felt the urge to go check on his, now paralyzed, sister in law. Her wounds from that awful day were fatal, but somehow she pushed through the worst of it.
Though, not without consequence. Apparently the blade had all but destroyed her spinal cord, and because of it she was paralyzed from the waist down. The healers told him that it was a miracle she was still alive.
He got out of bed and put on a velvet robe, ignoring the chill in his bones from the cold air. He quietly tiptoed to her room, trying to ignore the feeling of dread, likely the product of his nightmarish memory.
Soon enough, as it was right down the hall, he arrived at his sister's chambers and, as quietly as he could, opened the door. His heart dropped when he saw that she wasn't there, and her wheelchair was nowhere to be found.
Thranduil panicked, his mind buzzing for any clue as to where she could be. The kitchens? No, she has trouble reaching the cabinets, and the accident made it even harder for her to see. Legolas' chambers? Hard no. She could be quite clumsy and can't be quiet to save her life. Literally.
He was starting to panic. What if she was kidnapped? His dearest sister in law, kidnapped by the very creatures who paralyzed her in the first place? It seemed realistic. At least, it did to Thranduil - who was losing his mind from worry. Though the only way they could get into the palace was through the-
Of course! The Royal Gardens!
In his state of worry, Thranduil had conpletely forgotten that Y/n liked to go to the gardens when she was having a hard time, because it was one of the only places that reminded her of her sister, the place where they had the most memories.
He took off towards the Gardens, not really caring about it being in the middle of the night as Elves were light on their feet anyway. In moments he was standing before her, nodding at the guards who took place at the Garden entrance.
Y/n was laying on the grass, her wheelchair was forgotten next to her, and she was playing with an orchid she had plucked, twirling it between her fingers carefully. Thranduil's heart throbbed as he realized that orchids were his wife's favorite flower, and that Y/n was missing her as much as he did. If not more, the sisterly bond between them was something he had never seen before.
He cleared his throat, alerting the woman if his presence. Her head turned slightly to the left as a way to acknowledge him.
"You scared me, Y/n. I couldn't find you, so I assumed the worst." He muttered quietly and sat down next to her.
She chuckled, "You've known me for how long and you still don't know that I tend to... gravitate here?"
The King sighed, he had always known that she used jokes as a coping mechanism, a way to escape her reality. "Yes, yes, I know. I just... I was worried," He frowned, taking the delicate flower from between her fingers. She paused, and he could practically see the gears grinding in her head out of his peripheral vision.
"You're having nightmares again, aren't you?" She asked, and he could feel her eyes burn into his head.
"They aren't just nightmares, Y/n," He twirled the flower absentmindedly, "they're memories."
This time, it was her who sighed, "Of that day?" She questioned, already knowing the answer, but his nod only confirmed it.
"I miss her," Y/n said, looking up at the night sky. Thranduil went to say something, but she held one finger up. "Let me finish. Sometimes I wish it were me who died, instead of her. She had you and Legolas to come home to, and I didn't really have anyone. Yes, I had family here, you and my nephew for example, but my sister was your wife and his mother, and the queen for crying out loud. Why am I saying this? I honestly have no clue. I suppose my point is... After the accident, I was overwhelmed in guilt and sadness. I didn't really focus on the fact that I was alive because of you. You and Legolas have taken care of me since day one and I can't remember if I've thanked you for that. So... Thank you. For helping heal my mind, and my body, even if their isn't much left of it. I am eternally grateful for you, brother."
Thranduil stared at her, and Y/n sniffled. At some point along the way she had started crying, and he felt like he was going to as well. He pulled his sister into his arms and held her tight as she cried, holding onto one of the last pieces of family he had left with an iron grip.
"You do not have to thank me, sister. You are family and you will be treated as such, even during hardships such as that one. If anything, I should thank you for being there for both Legolas and I while we were grieving, even if you weren't in the best state yourself."
Y/n giggled, much to Thranduil's delight. The sound had pulled a small smile onto his face and they both relished in the quiet for a moment.
Finally, Y/n pulled away, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her robe. "Alright, my King, help me up."
Thranduil laughed, a very merry sound, and helped her into her wheelchair. "As you wish, my Lady."
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Thranduil and Josie Part 50- By the Power of 3 x's 3, Make Him See
(I have decided I am going to start putting summaries at the beginning of my chapters. Enjoy the big 50!)
Summary: Thranduil fights with his inner demons stemmed from guilt....and jealousy. Haldir and Josie experience Thranduil's wrath of the curse he placed on Haldir. Thranduil feels the repercussions of it. Legolas tries to help you, but is he getting too close? Did I mention Thranduil feels the repercussions?
*Warning. Very dark, sexual*
Legolas made sure you got back inside safely and then bee-lined right for his father in a not so pleasant manner after you informed him that Thranduil's curse on Haldir was irreversible. Now he wished he had gone with Haldir to Lorien. As much as Haldir made Legolas wish he could put him on mute at times, he loved him and would lay down his life for him, as Haldir would him.
He found Thranduil at his throne, sitting and drinking his wine as Legolas walked up in a huff.
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"I know why you have come, I could hear your rants a mile away. As I told Josephine, there is nothing I can do, so there is no need for another conversation to take place about....him." Judging by Thranduil's tone, he was still bitter at Legolas for drawing his weapon on him and was not about to apologize to Legolas for returning the favor.
"His name is Haldir." Legolas sneered.
"You tell me this as if I am supposed to care."
"You did once. There is a reason he was made my Guardian."
"That was centuries ago, before he coveted my wife and had his way with her or has that slipped your mind?" Thranduil was now annoyed and came down from the throne to refill his glass. He had drank many and knew he would not be going back up those stairs.
"You must move past that and your anger of him before something happens you cannot take back." Legolas adamantly said.
"You presume to give me orders?!" He said as he swiftly turned with his newly filled cup.
"Merely a suggestion. You above all know black magic is not to be used as you know of the consequences, why would you risk that? It is also your own rule! You have banished many elves from this Kingdom for it's use, Gausyr, remember him? My mother even...this is a lack of hon..."
"Your mother was banished from here because she was a whore!" Thranduil snapped cutting Legolas off mid sentence. This was now a nerve Legolas regretted striking.
"Thranduil!!!" you gasped as you stood at the bottom of the enormous circular stone platform, then came jogging up, stopping directly in front of him as his eyes, his oh so beautiful eyes delved right through yours into your soul.
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'No matter what you think of Morwen, you should not speak such words to your son!."
"Good evening to you also Josephine." Thranduil replied and turned for another glass.
"So this is what you do? Not even an hour ago, I told you to find a way to fix that curse or there was no fixing us, and you sit up here and drink?"
"Ultimatums. You know I do not answer to those, for anyone. I have given you your precious charm from him, what more do you demand of me? I am certainly no....hero." The sarcasm pouring out of his mouth was on overload. You could tell he had plenty to drink in just the past hour. The art room scene obviously set him off.
"Are you really going back to all that time ago? I called Haldir that because that is what he was. He saved me from being r@ped by Alfred. But I also called you that first, at our wedding. How easily you forgot that though. And what I demand, is that you try to find a way to undo the curse instead of sitting here drinking yourself stupid, and to maybe give a shit about me...."
"Josephine...it seems I should be asking that of you. But all I hear is his name, and now you threaten me with our marriage over him? And what do I see just earlier? You and my son in each others arms."
"Adar!! She was upset and not to be outside, so I went to comfort and protect her. Why would you say such a thing!"
"Thranduil....you're kidding right?" you said shaking your head with a shocked gasp.
"Do my eyes deceive me? I certainly have not had that much wine." Thranduil snarked.
"Oh my god...it will never matter what I do. I..I have done everything in my power to show you how much I love you and it is just never fucking good enough. We renewed our vows, not even a week ago and here we are. I defended you, I poured my heart and soul out in my vows, I cried with you! My god I am carrying your child and you haven't even apologized for your treatment of me when you believed her to be of evil, which is the entire reason our marriage is threatened Thranduil, not Haldir!"
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"Yes...you defended me and even banished him from here, and yet HERE HE IS AGAIN in my halls, as if he had done NOTHING. Have you forgotten who's Kingdom this is!" Thranduil shouted.
You jumped as his words echoed through the caverns and ran away in tears. Legolas glared at his father.
"Well go on. Go running after her. I can see it in your eyes that you want to." Thranduil ridiculed.
"It should be you going after her, not I." Legolas then turned and did just that.
Thranduil was fighting a war inside of him that he did not know how to fight. A great warrior he was but not of this nature. How he wished it had been him to save you from Alfred.... He had not been the same since he found out you were with child and a huge part of that was because of how he treated you and he had not a clue how to make up for that. How do you make up for calling your own child an abomination to your wife's face? He thought.... And you not forgiving him was eating at his very soul. To have hurt you that bad, he just could not deal with, in a normal way that is. Quite frankly, your love scared the hell out of him. It always had......
Legolas checked your old room, his room and his father's but you were nowhere...inside. He began to worry and went to the front gates. "Guard. Has the Queen been through here?"
"She has Prince Legolas. Outside down the trail is where she went."
"Why have you allowed this? You are under strict orders from the King not to let her leave."
"My Lord, I attempted to keep her inside the gates, but she threatened to kick me...well...there, if I touched her." He said in embarrassment as he pointed to his groin area.
Legolas could not help but snicker, then composed himself. "I understand." he said holding back a grin. He then armed himself and went to look for you.
You walked down the winding trail of the forest in the front of the Kingdom sobbing, feeling so helpless. Part of you just wanted to run back inside and throw yourself in Thranduil's arms and kiss him deeply....the other part wanted to rip his pointy crown from his head and stomp on it. To avoid either situations, you came out here. Nature always helped you relax. You really wanted to go back and down a bottle of wine with him, get shit faced drunk and have angry make up sex with your King... but you could not do that now with a life inside of you, well the sex you could anyways.... She protected you, now you would protect her at all costs.
You realized you had went off the main trail and dusk was coming, so you turned to head back when you heard a noise, a cracking of twigs. You spun around with a gasp, but saw nothing. You hadn't realized how eerily quiet it had became while you were deep in thought. You were not anywhere near the dark forest so it was definitely strange. You panicked thinking of Garrett and began quickly walking, while constantly looking behind you. You heard the noise again and halted, scared to move.
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A hand covered you mouth and gripped your waist tightly. Your squeals muffled through the fingers as you squirmed to get away. "Shhhh...Jo...it is I"
You froze and your eyes widened as he slowly took his hand from your mouth. You spun around. "Haldir???!!! What...what are you doing here?? You're supposed to be on your way to Lorien...and why would you grab me like that? You scared the fuck out of me!" you shouted and slapped his arm.
Something was different about him. His stance, the way he looked at you. "I decided not to go. I wanted to be here...with you." he grinned.
"You...decided not to go? Haldir, why on earth...we need Galadriel's help? And...where have you been all this time then?"
He chuckled. "I am an elf Jo..I have been out here, in the trees...watching you. Galadriel cannot help me. There is no help for me."
He was not making any sense and it was frightening you. "Watching...me?"
"Yes. You are so beautiful Jo. I have missed you." he smiled and walked up to you, peering down into your eyes. "Have you not missed me at all? My touch..." he whispered as he stroked your cheek. "My kiss..." He leaned down and laid his lips on yours. For just a few moments you allowed it as it felt nice. His tongue then entered your mouth as his kiss became intense and he pulled your hips against his raging hard cock.
You began to push him away. "Haldir! What are you doing!" you gasped trying to catch your breath. Then you noticed it. His sweet blue eyes, were black as coal. "Your....eyes..." you whispered in shock.
"They are only for you my Jo. I want to make love to you again, right here, right now." He moved towards you and you stepped back in fright. "Jo, baby...do not be afraid. It is I, Haldir?"
"You are not Haldir..." you squeaked. You tried to turn and run, but he grabbed you up from behind and laughed, groping at your breasts, then pulling your dress up and firmly rubbed your cunt. "Haldir stop!!" you yelled as you fought to free yourself but he was so strong.
"Stop fighting me Jo, it will be so much more pleasant not only for you, but for me." You gasped at those familiar words and gutted him with your elbow. He released you and you spun around with full eyes. "P..P...Peter?"
"Ding ding ding, what do we got for her Johnny?" he said with a large grin. "Oh how I have missed you baby. We have a lot of catching up to do, I mean, since I was eaten by spiders. It is so surreal being in this body, not bad, except it had to be one of these pointy eared freaks. Seems he's well equipped where it counts though. SO, whad'ya say babe, right here, up against this tree?" He went to touch you and you sliced his face with your fingernail. This enraged him. Slap! is all you heard ring through your ears and your face stung of fire as you fell to the ground. You held your cheek and began frantically scooting away from him. He bent down and forcefully swiped you up as you kicked and screamed but he stifled you with his hand over your mouth again, then shoved you against the tree face first. With his other hand, he undid his pants and lifted your dress. "I am going to remove my hand and if you scream...I am going to shove my cock, or this cock I should say, into a very unpleasant place. If you don't, then it will be much easier for you. Your choice. Yes?"
You nodded and he slowly removed his hand. "Haldir." you whimpered. "I know you can hear me, please don't let him do this, fight him."
Peter chuckled. "Haldir cannot help you. I have complete control of him. Do you really want to make me gag you?"
"Haldir please!! You love me, you would never do this."
"Ok, now I think I am going to be sick. Let's keep the L word out of this...He couldn't possibly love you that much. You aren't worth a thing, except for that nice tight pussy." His words were making you sick. It was Haldir's voice and body, but it was entirely Peter inside of him.
"Haldir...I...I love you...." you cried. Peter's grip suddenly loosened but not enough for you to escape. He began to blink as if he were trying to focus.
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You heard him whisper..."Jo?" and you could tell it was Haldir, not Peter.
He started to release you and boom, he was shot in the back of the shoulder with an arrow. He fell to the ground as you spun around and saw Legolas, Feren and a few other elven guards. "Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!" you screamed and fell to the ground beside him. "Haldir, stay with me! Legolas!! It's not him! Don't hurt him!!"
"What do you mean it is not him?? Am I not looking at Haldir? Who just appeared to be tryin to..." He couldn't say it. "I heard you scream Josie?"
You were slightly hyperventilating. "It is the curse! It's....Peter..."
Legolas's eyes grew wide. "I..I believe you. Guards, take him quickly to the infirmary, tell the healers to secure him."
"Restrain him?? Legolas, he is injured!"
"Yes Josie, but we do not know if Peter is gone. It is for theirs and his own protection. We must get back. I am sure my father has now heard this from my thoughts, or even Haldir's and is on a war path. I have to make sure Haldir is kept safe."
Thranduil....he caused this. You didn't even know how to feel at the moment. "Jo..." Haldir lightly whispered with his eyes now of their sweet sky blue again. "I...I would never....I could not fight..."
"Shhhh." you said against his lips as you looked into his tear filled eyes. "But you did fight...I know you would never do this to me...I do not blame you. We are going to help you. I will be here with you OK?" you said as you held his cold clammy hand.
"Legolas...is he going to be alright??" you asked in private.
"I did not aim to kill him. I expect a full recovery but it will be some time. Hopefully, the curse has ran it's course and Peter is gone. I will monitor him."
The guards carried Haldir off and you followed closely with Legolas by your side. They took him into the infirmary and Thranduil came rushing in. "What is the meaning of...." and he came to a screeching halt when he saw your face. "Josephine..." he whispered with large eyes and walked to you, slowly bringing the tips of his fingers to your bruised cheek.
You cried as he lightly touched you. Not from physical pain, but a pain inside you of utter disbelief. "You..." you managed to speak in a low whisper. "You caused this...you and your black magic. Are you happy now?? Haldir is badly hurt and I...I was [email protected] none other again... than Peter. A very dead Peter that possessed Haldir's body..." You were shaking profusely and Thranduil could not speak, only stare at you with the worst pain he had ever felt, besides when he had believed you were dead.
He finally found words. "Josephine...I never would have wished this.."
"But you did...by cursing Haldir, knowing damn well black magic will come back to you by the power of 3 times 3...and boy did it sure ever. You really topped it off this time. It's like, just when I think you cannot sink any lower, you do. Will you ever hit rock bottom Thranduil??? Haldir will be cared for here and I swear to God, you will stay away from him and let him heal...and right now, you will stay away from me...." You then walked away and went into the infirmary. Legolas gave his father a pitiful look and then followed you.
Thranduil was left in the dark halls all alone with what he had done. Had he finally hit rock bottom as you said? He knew not what to do. The look in your eyes crushed him. You were almost violated in such a horrific way and he did not know how to process that because he unknowingly set it into motion.. Had he now lost you forever?
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The healers worked at removing the arrow and sealing the wound, constantly pouring the magic waters over it and making him drink the water as well. He flinched in pain as they worked while keeping his hands bound together. Your heart was breaking for him as you stood where he could see you. Thranduil wanted to do something, but he knew he could not heal him because it was his own magic he used against him, and one's own magic cannot be used against it's own. . The same thing happened when Haldir was speared by Maldyr's sword in the dark caves. Thranduil's magic would not help him because of the curse he had placed on him using none other than, his hourglass as he had did this time. Thranduil slowly retreated down the long empty halls with his tail tucked between his legs.
Haldir's pain became so much that he passed out. You broke down crying and Legolas pulled you into his arms. He did not know what else to do. He felt horrible that he had to take such drastic matters, but he had to stop him from hurting you. "My Lady...an ignorant question this may be, but...are you alright?" You pulled your face from his neck and wiped your tears, nodding. He saw your bruised cheek and melted. His hand came up and laid softly over it as he peered down into your eyes. Thranduil could have healed it but he was certain you did not want him to touch you. "Bring the healing ointment." Legolas ordered to one of the elven healers. It looked like a crushed mess of berries, but you knew the foods here had their magic just like the water. He poured some water into it and mashed it up some more, then took his fingers and gently rubbed it over your cheekbone. You winced. "I..I am so sorry my Lady...I do not mean to hurt you." he said in panic.
"Legolas...it is alright. I will be fine."
"Will you?" he asked sincerely because of what you just endured.
"I will if you stay with me. I do not want to be alone, and I cannot face Thranduil...I just cannot..."
"Of course my Lady. Whatever you require, I shall provide to the best of my abilities." You didn't even mind him calling you that anymore because the sweet term of endearment made you feel better, cared for....Haldir was now finally resting peacefully but they would not unbind his hands and also had his body strapped down. You felt that Peter was gone, but they had to be certain for all's safety. "Come...let me take you to get some rest. Haldir will sleep from the pain elixir's he was given. I will check on him frequently and the guards will be outside his door, along with a healer remaining inside his room.
You didn't want to leave but agreed. You trusted Legolas more than anyone at this point. You told the healer that if Haldir awoke, to tell him you would be back, and also to come notify you. She bowed her head to her Queen and then you left with Legolas steadying you along the way as you felt quite weakened from exhaustion, mentally and physically. You went into Legolas's room and immediately broke down, falling to your knees in quite a hysteria. He knelt down and squeezed you tight. "What am I going to do Legolas?" you sobbed onto his chest.
"I do not know my Lady. I wish I could do something. How about you go take a relaxing bath in the magic waters and I will go back to check on Haldir."
"Just as long as you come right back."
He could see your hesitance of not wanting him to leave. "I will be quick my Lady.."
He left and you did as he suggested. The water felt amazing and it certainly helped you relax after all you just suffered. You washed off the berry mixture on your face, and the bruise was almost non existent. You got out and pinned your hair up, then put on a robe. You felt somewhat better, at least physically. When you came out, Legolas was already back as promised. "Haldir is still resting peacefully. He most likely will not wake till morning as the remedies he has been given are pretty wicked." Legolas said with a grin. "Even if Peter were still there, he could not surface through that."
"But he could when the drugs wear off??"
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"Let us hope not. If so, he is still restrained and we will figure out a way to help him, if it comes to that. Please try to relax."
"I really do not know what I would do without you right now Legolas Greenleaf."
He stared at you, then reached for your face. "You...seem to have missed a spot of the berry mixture." he softly said as he rubbed it from your ear onto his thumb, then he brought it to his mouth and licked it off. "Delicious." he said as he gazed at your ear, then suddenly looked in your widened eyes. "No..I mean...the berries...oh god.." he turned away with a hint of berry color now shading his face. You slightly giggled and touched your ear in embarrassment to feel of any he might have missed.
"I think I am in need of sleep. Legolas...will you lay with me...I..I mean lay beside me." God now you felt quite idiotic, but Legolas took it with a grain of salt as he was always so calm and collected. "I am just afraid to be alone, even if you are right here on the floor."
He understood. "Of course my...Josie. I mean just Josie." he said as he rubbed his eyes in confusion to his own words.
You got under the covers, facing away from him. He removed his boots only and laid next to you, on top of the blankets. As you relaxed, drifting off to sleep, your hand reached behind you and found his hand, entwining your fingers through his. His eyes widened but he kept his hand there, and lightly squeezed yours.
Throughout the night, Legolas did as promised and kept checking on Haldir, who was still sound asleep like he knew he would be. He finally was able to fall asleep himself just before dawn and he went into dreamland. What he dreamt of he certainly did not expect nor ever think of in his waking hours. You had turned over towards him, staring him right in the eyes. "Legolas, I wish to feel your lips on mine. I am so lonely. Please..." your voice echoed over his face as you were only inches from it. He could smell your breath, it was something of which he has never breathed...so mesmerizing, calling to him in a place deep inside his pants. His hand caressed your face as you moaned his name. His mouth lowered and his lips almost touched yours...then he awakened with a gasp and saw that you were face to face with him, but sound asleep. He also noticed his manhood was hard as hell and it throbbed in pain. He felt so utterly ridiculous for having such thoughts...as his thoughts asked him why? He snuck out of the bed and went to the washroom where he had to release himself or he would have unraveled right there beside you. As he came almost instantly, by his own hand, his mind swirled with visions of you that he did not mean to have. But they were there...why, he asked himself again, as the last pulse spat from his cock. Now he felt extremely guilty. He let himself soften and went back to lay by you, on his back, staring at the ceiling in disbelief of what just occurred. This has never happened to him, not even with Tauriel. He felt so intrusive yet you knew nothing of it....He blocked it out of his mind and let himself fall back asleep.
You awoke and immediately got dressed, and left to got to Haldir's side. No one came for you in the middle of the night so you assumed all was well. You walked in and saw Haldir sleeping peacefully and your heart melted as you went to him, tears falling, and lightly stroked his face. As awful as it had been for you, you couldn't imagine what it was like for him. Legolas stood in the doorway watching. He never realized how deep your feelings were for Haldir until this moment. But he also knew they did not compare to what you felt for his father. He snuck back out undetected, and went to look for Thranduil. As pissed as he was at him, he knew he did not mean for such a thing to happen. He knew that you knew that too deep down inside.
Thranduil was who he was. Set in his ways of thousands of years. He had never experienced anything like you. As you sat and looked at Haldir, your mind drifted to your one great love. Even after everything, you still loved him immensely, More than cín own cuil (More than your own life.) He was a bad habit you would never be able to break. An addiction. A love so rare that only happened in fairy tales. A fairy tale you were living in. Could you forgive him for this? You knew in your heart you could and would. You and he created a beautiful life, but that is not why you would forgive him...it was because your heart was his and his yours. Neither would belong to another. You loved him long before this...even long before you knew he existed. You felt a sudden need to go to him, regardless of everything. A rare connection you both shared.....
Legolas walked in to find his father passed out in his chair, most likely drunk as he has been for days now. But as he went closer, he saw the hourglass on the floor under where his hand hung....shattered. He must have fallen asleep and dropped it. "No!!!" Legolas shouted and ran to his father.
Arwen told all of you back in Rivendell that when the beholder of the hourglass places a curse on another, the curse affects that person but also with consequences that come back to the beholder.... breaking the hourglass when there is a curse on it, brings the curse back solely to the beholder 3 times 3. This is the price of black magic. As Thranduil told you, it is never free. Thranduil received his karma by what happened to you....now he is receiving it 3 fold from the hourglass being broken...
Legolas pulled his limp father's body to the ground and checked his pulse. It was barely detectable, but still there. You entered to witness this. The panic, the fear, the other indescribable feelings that coursed through you were just that.... indescribable.. You saw the man you love lying still on the floor with Legolas hovering over him crying..........as you heard the crow outside cawing 3 times.......
@tigereyesf @redeemer46
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aragaki · 3 years
(Reposting this idea from 2018 because I thought about it again and damn I wanna read it but I don’t wanna write it)
God, I hate when I get neat writing ideas but I don't have the ability to do them justice. I've been reading a lot of fanfics lately and a Thranduil one came to mind.
The idea is fairly simple, the reader is Thranduil's wife, the mother of Legolas, and she survived Gundabad but was essentially half-dead due to malnutrition. Having been forgotten by the orcs and went unfound by the elves she was presumed dead and accidentally left to rot, chained up in her cell.
Eventually she'd been found, but not by any ally of the elves. Because she was such a valuable person she was taken by Smaug and was again a prisoner and one of his treasures. One which Thorin and company find when they take back Erebor. Flash forward to where Thranduil bargains with the Arkenstone and Thorin just drags out his own leverage, the supposed dead elven queen, right in front of Thranduil and Legolas but wholly out of reach.
It ends with Bilbo helping the queen escape down to her people but not before she snatches the White Gems of Lasgalen and her necklace because goddammit they belong to her and they've spent enough time in the stubby hands of dwarves and she'd spent far too long looking at them while she was another one of Smaug's trinkets to let them go.
I don't have the patience or the motivation to write it though because anything that isn't a one-shot is hard for me to follow through with. If there's anyone who sees this and wants to take a stab at writing it, go for but lemme read it cause I thought it was a neat idea
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Family - Legolas x reader
hi! could you maybe write something using she/her pronouns with prompt 23 from the cute/fluffy section on your list and either Legolas or Aragorn? thank you so much!
@elvish-sky​ i’m gonna do this one with Legolas :)
23. “WHO ATE THE LAST LEMBAS?!” “Y/N .. that was you.” “Oh, right. Fuck.”
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Type: Imagine Pairing: Legolas x reader Summary: Y/N, Legolas and Tauriel are as close to family as it gets, though the Prince of Mirkwood and the Princess of Lindon are hiding something from the Captain of the Guard. A pre-LotR AU where Thranduil’s wife and Legolas’s mother, Elerrian, is still alive. Warnings: ‘fuck’ Word Count: 834 words
Y/N squealed as she rounded the corner, her stockinged feet slipping on the smooth tiles. 
She heard the light footfalls of boots chasing after her, and she tried to run even faster.
However, her chaser was incredibly athletic, and a pair of arms seized her around the waist, spinning her around as she screamed with laughter, the arms finally setting her down when she was stumbling from dizziness. 
Y/N turned back towards her ‘captor’, looking at her suitor with the most obnoxious smirk she could muster. “Oh, wow, fancy seeing you here!”
“Give it back, Y/N,” Legolas Thranduilion insisted with a faint smile twitching at the edge of his lips. 
“Give what back?” the Princess of Lindon (an Elvish land in the West) played innocent, looking at Legolas’s extended hand with a well-faked cluelessness. 
“Come on.” He gave her an impressive set of puppy eyes, and she handed over what he was looking for with a flush. 
Even after spending so many years courting him, she still felt like a young elleth around him. Like she was five years old again, peeking around her father’s leg at the cheerful young ellon who waved his hand at her with a goofy grin. 
Legolas took his tiara back, purposefully fitting it over his blonde locks lopsidedly so that the silver leaves and vines fell into his eyes. His hair was completely down today, unusual considering the necessary formalities. 
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His blue eyes sparkled with mirth, and she was once again unsurprised at how easily she’d fallen for him. 
“Why aren’t you wearing yours?” he teased. 
“Because I-” Y/N narrowed her e/c eyes. “Give it back, princess.”
Legolas laughed, giving her back her tiara. It was fairly similar to his, but more vibrant: gold vines, with f/c-gold flowers on it. She slipped it on her h/l h/c hair, making sure it was straight, and fixing Legolas’s too.
“You’re late, you know,” he said suddenly, his eyes widening. “We both are.”
“Fuck,” Y/N hissed, realising what he spoke of and starting to run off, but skidding suddenly when Legolas didn’t follow. “What?”
“You ... um, you’re hardly dressed for a picnic with the family,” he pointed out. Y/N looked down at herself and turned red again (honestly, did she ever spend a minute in his presence not blushing?). 
She wore her sleeping slip, a thin f/c fabric that she had never minded Legolas seeing her in, but their entire family ... if she wore only the slip and stockings as she did now ... now that was something she wouldn’t be doing.
“Just-Just give me a second,” she said to Legolas, running back to her room and throwing on a simple corseted dress with light sleeves resting on her forearms. 
A couple minutes later, he stood outside her door, letting him place her arm over his and escorting her to a familiar stretch of green grass. 
Sitting there was their family: King Thranduil, Queen Elerrian, and Tauriel (who Elerrian had practically taken on as her daughter).
“Tauriel!” Y/N cried joyfully, running to embrace her, barely stopping to sit by her side.
“I suppose we are unworthy of a greeting?” Thranduil drawled.
Elerrian slapped his arm. “Shut it. Come on, let’s leave the kids to their thing.”
As she stood, her white gown rippling in the wind, she flashed Y/N a subtle wink that once again made her flush. 
Legolas reached for some berries as Y/N took some lembas, the three of them eating in peaceful silence for a couple minutes.
“So,” Tauriel pursed her lips. “When are you two going to tell me that you’re courting?”
Y/N choked rather aggressively, coughing loudly as Legolas turned roughly the shade of his father’s wine. 
“You’re very obvious,” the redhead pointed out matter-of-factly. “I mean, the longing glances, the practically matching tiaras, I saw you making out in the library once-”
“You saw that?” Legolas practically screamed. 
“Maybe,” Tauriel shrugged. “Come on, guys. I’m family ... right? You can tell me anything.”
Y/N glanced over at Legolas, who took her hand comfortingly, giving her a smile that said ‘I have confidence in you’.
“You’re right - we’re courting,” she explained. 
“Congratulations,” Tauriel said, completely straight-faced. “Pass the lembas?”
Legolas and Y/N stared at each other, before completely bursting out laughing. The h/c-haired girl threw the entire basket at the Captain, who caught it and whipped it back, the bread falling everywhere.
Soon, it was a raging food fight, their laughter rolling off the hills as food flew everywhere. 
They finally called a truce, lying down together with all their hands joined, looking up at the sky. 
Y/N suddenly rolled over, searching for something.
“What are you looking for, love?” Legolas asked.
“Lembas,” Y/N muttered, growing jokingly angry. “WHO ATE THE LAST LEMBAS?!”
“Y/N .. that was you.” Legolas was barely choking back a laugh.
“Oh, right. Fuck.” 
They all laughed again, and Y/N curled into Legolas’s side, letting him wrap his arm around you.
“I love you, Legolas.”
“Love you too, Y/N.” 
sorry if it was shit @elvish-sky​! thanks for reading!
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thethermocline · 3 years
It's funny, I personally don't care for OCs in fandom - no shade if you're into that, it's just not for me - but I do keep becoming obsessed with characters of which we know nothing but their name, and sometimes not even that.
Take the unnamed first Elvenqueen of the Greenwood, wife to Oropher and mother to Thranduil, of whom Tolkien wrote... literally nothing. Not a single word. Her existence can be assumed because it takes two to make a baby, and if Oropher was the father there must have been a mother. But conjecture is all we have.
So here I am, drawing this woman astride a bear, feeling many feelings about her character WHICH I HAVE MADE UP. Or, I suppose, extrapolated from what we know of Thranduil and Legolas. This is the epitome of creating content to please oneself. 🤭 If anyone else is actively interested in her I'm not aware of them (but I would like to be, hit me up if this is you👀).
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thranduil: of a loveless king
The king knew no love. Or so they thought. Cold, calculating, brooding. The pale starlight offered only luminous cold. He was no hero, no protector. A species of emotional detachment. Detached from his son, detached from his people. Detached from the battles he fought. Sweeping, judging gazes that turned most to ice. Or so they thought. He was a wonder to behold, many would note, the blessed few who would chance upon his face. Pale blond hair of the pure Valar. Blue grey stormy eyes, as the sea churns and turns. Tall, regal. Crown of seasonal berries. All seeing. All knowing. There wasn’t much that did not reach his elven ears. The Mirkwood forests, dark and old as they were (much older than their lord), heard whispers flitting. They knew of the Dwarf-king seeking to reclaim his throne in the Lonely Mountain. The king turned in his chair. But for another time. He had more to think of.
Mereth Muin Giliath. The Feast of Starlight. Much to celebrate. Years of peace, quiet. After the battle for Middle-Earth, after the line of Men had faltered and Isildur had failed. The king turned from them, as he had with them all. His wife had passed, eons ago it seemed. His son had passed in a way too, as he grew older, ageing slowly as only elves do. Passed in the abstract definition of the term. Legolas Greenleaf was dead to his father. The king had no time for children. He had a kingdom to feed, and protect. People who trusted him. So when the dwarves had called, that time ago, he had looked, and turned. As the lonely Mountain fell unto flames and the great Snake Smaug burnt its inhabitants. He could not risk his life for these thieves, their prying fingers, greed possessed, gold in their eyes. They were His gems. His gems of white stars. His unfading reminder of her beauty. Gone. The last of her memory stolen from him. He had forgotten to think of his son.
His face was marred: left cheek burnt, left eye glazed. What remained was the glimmer of a façade, a small tribute to the powerful Elven magic. They had an obsession, a need for beauty, for perfection. And his imperfection he kept hidden but for the light of the faint afternoon sun, when the Dragon’s curse shone through. He was flawed. But was it wrong for a king to hide away? To ignore the people’s cries for help. He had his own to think of. The Sindarin Elves were an ancient race, proud and true. They did not let their blood lines mingle with the likes of men. Or Dwarves. Pure and royal. Unlike any other. What more was to be said, when nothing more could be done. He had seen the closed beauty of his fallen people. His people that he would have protected, should have protected, felled with a single swoop of a sword. Mindless war. There was more to life than fighting over a precious few gems in a mountain, save for the memories of his wife. She had left him here too.
It would have been different, he supposed if it had been him who had died, battling the fell creatures of Dol Guldor. Legolas would have had a mother. A beautiful mother who would never age as the years went by. Clever, brave. She would have taught him what he could not. To love, to feel. As a father, the king had done his best to raise a heartless warrior, a dancer in the field. Not a lover. Not a poet. In battle, no one could best the young prince, save himself. Even the recent Silvan captain, naïve in her years could do nought against the graceful sweeps of the king’s swords. But enough of this battle. Enough of these wars.  Sitting in a throne which kept him warm in this cold, frozen, loveless world. His place of comfort, a rigid seat that stood above all else. He would retreat to his safety when he felt threatened, or vulnerable. The icy king knew better than to leave his heart open. Even to his son. A hundred years was no matter to an elf, a mere blink of an eye. Patience and time he had. Eons would go on forever. He could wait out these frugal conflicts. It would matter not.
A leaf fell in Mirkwood, and the ground below shuddered momentarily, before enveloping it too into the darkness. There was nothing left for it. Not here, not anywhere. Quiet but for the rustling of a growing evil. Thranduil turned in his chair and opened his eyes. Sleep was for another time.
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thatoneidiotdts · 4 years
Father!Thranduil x Male! Reader x Brother! Legolas
Gifs aren’t mine
Also this was supposed to be my first fic almost 2 years ago and for the last two years I’ve been writing it little by little
Warning : Daddy issues, abandonment, abuse, assault, war and MANY other things
Word count : 5.4k (New record!!!!)
Flashback- example 
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3rd P.O.V.
 He was never loved, even in the first few moments in his life , his brother was chosen over him
When his father came from a lost battle , he didn’t felt grief because he lost the battle, he felt grief because he lost his wife, his queen and the love of his life
As he walked into a room with two cribs with his children are still sleeping, the younger twin, Legolas, was a clear replica of his mother, blond hair and smal body while the the older one, (M/n) , was a cut out copy of his father
When Thranduil looked at the younger twin he felt the need to protect him and give him the best childhood he can give to the child as a single father
But when he looked at he older one, he felt nothing but hate and disappointment, the child was a beautiful one yes, but Thranduil couldn’t shake of the feeling that something was wrong about his older child
As the twins grew up one was always left behind, barely anyone cared how he felt, or when he first walked or talked, no one cared when he started to read
As the older child grew he became colder and colder every day , he would talk to his brother occasionally but he liked to keep his focus to his books
There were a few people who he trusted and cared about, and those people were Lord Elrond, Lindir, Legolas and Nirohnil
Legolas would always try to make him go out of his room and sociolize. He would also listen to (M/n) while he talked about the books he read
“(M/n) what are you reading?” Legolas asked as his brother let out a sigh and closed the heavy book, finally finishing it.
 “The demise of the headless serpent. You know. The book we have to read so we can finish our Literature studies.”
 (M/n) looked at him with an angry face, disappointed that his brother is leaving his education to fool around.
 “Oh come ooon brother! Don’t be so grim”
 Legolas said as he pulled out some food from his bag and placed it in front of his brother.
 “I know you like to skip lunch so I brought you some food, you should eat more if you want to spend the rest of your eternity in a library you know.”
 (M/n) looked at the food his brother brought him, there wasn’t much of it but just enough to feed someone.
 He smiled and thanked his brother as took the food but not before placing the heavy book on his brothers lap and turning it to page one.
 His brother let put a groan as (M/n) chuckled.
 When he is spending some days in Rivendell he would write poetry with Lindir. (M/n) and Lindir would always talk about recent things the two found out or gossip about (M/n)’s dad and Lindir's poetry
Lindir has romantic feelings for (M/n), he would do almost anything for him but because of (M/n)’s cold heart he never felt confident enough to confess his feelings for him
“The stars are beautiful tonight aren’t they (M/n)?”
 Lindir asked as he turned his head to look at his friend who was sitting next to him, his friend only nodded, his eyes never leaving the stars.
 Lindir felt his friend rest his head on his shoulder, he could feel his face warm up as the thought of him and (M/n) spending their every night like this made him feel like he had butterflies in his stomach.
 He took in a big breath before speaking.
 “(M/n) I have something to tell you, I have been hiding my own feelings from you for a long time now, I wish I could have said this long before but I think now it’s the right time. (M/n) I love y-”
 Lindir stiffed up as he looked down at his friend who was sleeping. He took in a deep breath and rested his head on (M/n)’s, maybe they should stay like this for a few more moments before Lindir caries (M/n) back to his room.
 Elrond is like a father, or rather a uncle figure to (M/n), they are close as Thranduil would send the child countless times to Rivendell so that he doesn’t have to deal with him
Elrond was walking through Rivendell as one of his guards approached him.
 “My Lord, King Thranduil has sent one of the twins here as he wished for him to spend some time with you”
 He knew that Thranduil’s words were absolute bullshit, he knew which of the twins he sent and the real reason why. He sighed and told the guard to bring him here.
 “I’m here, I’m here!!” The small child said as he left his hiding place beneath some tables. Elrond let out a small laugh as the guard scolded (M/n) for not staying with Nirohnil.
 “Hello little sapling, do you know where your guard is?”
 He asked the small child as he answered.
 “Probably freaking out somewhere because he doesn’t know where I am, I shouldn’t have left.”
 Elrond picked up the small child and told him that while it is his fault and that should have been patient it’s alright to explore but not alone since he still is a small child.
 After a long day of exploring, reading and learning Elrond tucked (M/n) in but just before he got up he heard a quiet voice ask him a question.
 “Uncle El, why is father sending me here so much and why isn't he sending Legolas with me? Why doesn’t he come along? Did he do something wrong?”
 Elrond’s heart broke into millions of tiny shards as he didn’t want to answer to any of (M/n)’s question because he knew if he did it would break the little elfling's heart.
 “I don’t know little sapling, but I do know that you should go to sleep now”
 He said as he kissed (M/n)’ forehead and wished him goodnight, but just before he closed the door he heard the small child speak again.
 “You are the best uncle El”
 Elrond smiled and left (M/n) to his dreamfull sleep, hoping that maybe one day Thranduil will realize his mistake.
 Nirohnil is (M/n)’s personal guard, both of the twins had their personal guard selected by the queen herself, Nirohnil would often train and teach the prince various combat techniques.
Nirohnil truly didn’t know how to comfort the crying prince, his father has forgotten about him completely …. again.
He truly felt disgusted at his own king for not loving his son the way he deserves it.
 “The se-second I e-enter the room he leaves!! I’ve t-tried to make him happy proud, I’ve studied, trained, read, learned my whole life and yet he barely said a word to me!!! Am I not good enough for him?!?! What does he see in Legolas that he doesn’t see in me?!!”
The prince yelled until his throat was sore and raspy and until his head hurt from so much crying and Nirohnil listened to him, held him close and tried to make (M/n) feel better about himself.
The guard could barley hold the rage inside of him. He wanted to make sure Thranduil knows exactly how does (M/n) feel when he breaks the princes’ fragile heart into million pieces over and over again.
 One normal day (M/n) decided to venture into the forest completely alone, in a book about botany he read of a plant that makes anyone who eats it have powerful hallucinations of various colors and patterns, the book said that the colors of the flower are as colorful as the flower itself
Before the prince could process the situation he could feel sharp claws dig in oh back and pulling him off his horse. He felt a hand grab on his hair and scrape his scalp. He looked up to see a few faces of terrible looking orcs.
They started to talk in their language, (M/n) couldn't understand them but he did understand a few words " ......Kill! ..... No..... Trade...... Gold!!!"
The prince kicked and screamed but to no avail, he was almost free but the orc grabbed him by the neck and squeezed it hard, after more kicking (M/n) felt the life drain out of him as he didn't have the power to fight anymore
The orc let go of him and threw him on the floor, the prince started to cough as he could finally breath, the orc started to speak again but (M/n) could only understand one word "... Punishment!!!...."
Nirohnil could feel his stomach turn in worry, he couldn't find the prince anywhere, and he already checked on the places (M/n) would always be, his mother's grave, around the training ground, with Legolas, he checked everywhere
The guard stopped in his tracks as the realization hit him. He didn't check the library! He ran down the hallways to the Royal library, unlucky for him the prince wasn't there. But he did notice a book open on the table, when he read the page that was open he got instantly worried, that part of the forest was full of lurking orcs!!!
He quickly went to his stable, grabbed his horse and rode into the dark forest, the longer he was riding the more worried he become, he was surprised by a pack of orcs which he killed easily but when he found the prince in their camp he could feel his stomach turn.
The prince was knocked out, his body was full of cuts and bruises but the most horrible part was his now very short hair, almost nothing of it left, there were multiple cuts on his scalp from the daggers orcs had, Nirohnil quickly pulled the prince on his horse and rode back to the halls of the Elven king
As he got closer to the gates he screamed for the guards to open the gate and get the healers as quickly as possible, the prince's guard calmed down a bit when the healers took (M/n) to their quarters
A few hours have passed by now, Nirohnil paced back and forth in front of the door while Legolas was standing there still in complete shock, he should have gone with his brother, he should have been there to protect him from the orcs but he wasn't, instead he was fooling around with his friends.
One of the healers exited the room and was instantly attacked by Nirohnil's questions "Is he alright?! Alive?! Awake?!" The healer was quite surprised but he tried to answer his questions as best he can possibly can, while the prince was stable he wouldn't wake up for another day or two, he is on heavy medicine so his body can properly heal, the only long term effect was that his hair will never grow back because when the elven hair is cut it stays that way forever
Over the course of the next day other elves could see how both Nirohnil and Legolas were more depressed than ever, Legolas wouldn't want to hang out anymore and Nirohnil had no more energy to train or do anything, the prince's guard blames himself for the most part, if he realized where the prince was maybe he wouldn't get that hurt
Thranduil got worried when he saw Legolas in the library, there was no way he would spend his time there willingly, when Thranduil found out what happened to his second son he felt a small smidge of sadness in him, he shouldn't feel this for someone he hated for their whole life
When (M/n) finally woke up both his brother and his guard rushed to his side so they can comfort the prince, they both felt responsible for the state he was in, Legolas started to cry, (M/n) hugged his brother and let him cry in his shoulder.
(M/n) needed months to heal completely, he knew that his hair will never grow back but at least he was alive, over this course of time Lindir and Elrond would frequently visit him and read him stories or poetry
Years have passed since the attack, his hair truly didn't grow back but be wore a hood over his head most of the time so it was fine, he started to feel disconnect from his friends and family, Legolas became one of the guards, Nirohnil didn't need to be with the prince all the time now and he hasn't travelled to Rivendell since Lindir birthday
A few years back the dragon from the north made the dwarfs flee from their home and far away from him, he has heard of the terrible thing his father did and he wished to make it right but he knew he couldn't, (M/n) seriously debated with himself if he should go there, he wasn't interested in gold but rather the rich library the dwarfs possessed, after a long talk with himself he decided to go
After packing his stuff and weapons he wrote a letter to Legolas, Nirohnil, Lindir and Elrond, he left each of them something of value to remember him by if he never comes back to Legolas he left the books he himself wrote, to his guard he left his necklace, to Lindir he left his favourite writing pen and to Elrond he left his childhood toy, a beautiful horse carved out of the darkest wood
He planned his escape perfectly, he knew exactly which guards would sleep on their duty and learned their schedule, it was a perfect night to escape, Legolas and Nirohnil were on a trip to Rivendell and he couldn't see his father for the whole day, but he was soon stopped in his tracks
"Where are you going?" The prince turned around to see none other than his father, King Thranduil "I'm..um.. leaving.. I know that if Legolas was here he would stop me but I just can't be here anymore, I want so see the places I've read about, I want to see the world with my own eyes" He said in a quiet tone
Thranduil's gaze only got colder as he spoke "You should leave, you are useless anyway, if you wish to leave that's on you, just know that you will never be welcome here again" He said as he turned away but that didn't stop (M/n), he climbed on his horse and rode into the night
When (M/n) left Thranduil felt a pain in his heart, he didn't understand why but he felt like he should have stopped his son and tell him to carefully think this through, like should have at least say good bye 
"What do you mean you let him go?!?!" Nirohnil screamed in pure anger with nothing to hold him back. He was done with Thranduil's shit, he was going to make him realize what he has done to the prince.
"You dare to yell at me in my own kingdom?! Do not forget that I'm the king here Nirohnil" Thranduil said back as Nirohnil growled out of anger and annoyance.
"You ignorant fool!! Do you realize what have you done?! You've been ignoring him for the most of his life, he just wanted to make you be proud!! He would go far and beyond just for you to see him!! Do you understand how many nights did he cry himself to sleep?!?! How many days he spend in the library or on the training grounds!?!?!"
Thranduil's eyes widen at the words of his guard, knowing that Nirohnil was speaking nothing but the painful truth, he looked to the ground in shame, letting the guard speak his mind and soul.
"But you don't care do you? You are just happy that he left aren't you? You will never understand how he felt because of you! And the worst thing is that you probably know all of this, you know how far he has come just to make you proud but you still didn't give a single though about him did you?!"
Thranduil finally realized what he has done and he knows it will hunt him for an eternity and after, he felt sick to his stomach, how could he just forget about one child and love the other ?!
"You disgust me.. You are nothing but hollow husk of a person you once were, it's a shame that you did the same thing to (M/n), you made him nothing but a hollow shell of the person he once was"
Nirohnil said in anger and left the throne room, leaving Thranduil to drown in regret.
The journey to the mountain was tough and merciless, most of the it was raining but that didn't stop (M/n) from his goal, he learned that there is an open entrance through the mountain that only lead to the main hall and lucky the library wasn't far from there, the entrance was extremely narrow but that didn't stop him, when he entered he was surprised with giant empty halls of the mountain king
The elf pulled out a map of the kingdom and followed the path he should, the only problem was that before he can get to the library me needs to pass through the sea of coins and that would surly wake up the sleeping dragon, he walked through the coins as silently as he possibly could, just before the entrance that lead to the library he slipped and feel from the small mountain of gold to the cold, hard ground.
As he got up he could hear the coins falling from a body of a rising from the sea of gold, the dragon wasn't amused "What brings you here thief? Why shouldn't I burn you until there is no flesh left on you bones?" Thank dragon threatened the elf as he tried his best to answer "I'm not here for your gold and if I was I wouldn't walk over it to get to here, I would have grabbed the first thing that I found and ran, I'm here for the library and the many books the dwarfs own" The elf explained and luckily the dragon believed him.
"I will let you take the library but if I find a single coin missing I will burn you until your bones turn to charcoal" The dragon said and buried his body in the mountains of gold again, (M/n) felt at ease knowing that he can explore the library safely, as he entered the library he was surprised to see the amount of books the dwarfs had, the library of the mountain king was like a golden gem competed to the library (M/n) had back at home
Days have passed since the elf entered the library but there was no sign of him coming out, the dragon noticed this, he didn't know why that concerned him but it just did, what if the elf died in the from the lack of food or water, finally the elf emerged from the library, thirsty, hungry and exhausted from reading day and night
The dragon, wanting to know as much as the elf himself did, made a deal with the elf, if he told him of everything he has ever read about the dragon will give him enough gold so he can buy himself food in the city on the lake not far from the mountain, the elf accepted the deal and for the next one hundred and twenty years the elf shared his stories and wisdom for the dragons gold, they became close to each other over the span of years 
When the dwarfs entered the mountain when (M/n) was never a fan of humans but that didn't stop him from helping around Lake town, he usually gave gold to the poor families that lived there, he couldn't bear to see people in this kind of a situation, most of the people never saw an elf and were sceptical of one helping them, when (M/n) heard the screams of people he didn't know what was going on until he could see a raging fire and a angry dragon in the sky, burning everything in his sight 
As the dragon burned the town, the bowman tried to get his attention by firing arrows at the giant dragon from the bell tower, at last the dragon turned his attention to him. Smaug lands on the houses below him crushing them in the process "Now that is a pity. What will you do now, bowman? You are forsaken. No help will come."
(M/n) looked on in horror as he noticed the black arrow on the hands of the bowman knowing that if he didn't do something he might loose his dear friend, there were not many things that could help him around a burning village, as soon as he saw a clear path that he can climb he did knowing that the buildings might fall beneath his feet and pull him with them, he didn't care, he had a plan that might save hi friend and he will try his hardest no matter what.
The dragon said in a teasing tone, eyeing the bowman and his child "Hmm. Is that your child? You cannot save him from the fire. He will burn!" The dragon said as the bowman pulled the arrow back and balanced it in his son's shoulder "Tell me, wretch, how now shall you challenge me?" The bowman smiled to himself as he noticed the dragon's missing scale
The elf knew he didn't have much time left, he drew out his bow and aimed at the arrow, while he did want to save himself he couldn't bring himself to kill the bowman or his child, he hoped for his plan to work.
"You have nothing left but your death!!!" Smaug roared as he launched himself towards them making the bowman look on in fear but keeping still to launch the arrow correctly, and so he launched the arrow.
The arrow was fast and swift while making its way to the dragon's heart, the elf launched his arrow which wasn't as fast or as fierce as the black arrow but it was small enough to fit trough the tip of the black arrow, pulling it of its course and hitting the edge of the dragon's scale instead
The bowman face was painted in horror as Smaug crashed into the bell tower, the dragon roared as he landed onto the ground making it appear as if he was dead, a small hobbit watched on from the mountain smiling as he thought the dragon was gone for good with the elf, but the dragon soon rose from the ashes of Lake Town, roaring in victory as he continued to burn the town to the ground
(M/n) smiled to himself, he knew that he probably shouldn't, many have died or lost their homes to his friend's fire, he was happy that his friend was alive, his smile faded as he he heard cracking beneath his feet, as he looked down he almost fell into the pit of fire beneath him, he was barely holding onto the leftovers of the roof as he looked for somewhere to go
"SMAUG!!!" he screamed as soon as the dragon got closer hoping that the dragon heard his calls for help,the dragoon soon landed near the roof the elf was holding onto, the dragon let the elf climb onto his back, the dragon soon flew away from the town with the elf on his back, the dragon knew the mountain, while now fully his, wasn't safe for the elf anymore, especially with those stupid dwarfs
While Smaug and (M/n) locked themselves in the mountain by blocking the main entrance with heavy rocks, the king of the elves came to collect the gems of Lasgalen, the ones who belonged to his late wife, the dwarven prince argued back, saying that the king refused to give them their rightful pay, they both declared war on each other,  and so the dwarfs called for their brotheren from the iron hills for help, in the meantime the hobbit gave king Thranduil the heart of the mountain, the battle was settled to be on the dawn of the next day, the same day the orcs decided to attack the mountain kingdom
On the dawn of the next day the elven army was already in the position while the dwarfs didn't even arrive, Smaug and (M/n) looked on from the top of the entrance as the both armies were getting ready "Who do you think will win?" Smaug asked his companion, the elf though for a second "I don't know, it doesn't matter because we could just burn the rest when they are done"
Both soon noticed a wizard approaching them "(M/n) of the Woodland realm and Smaug the Terrible I beg for your help" He said after he got of his horse, before the dragon could say anything the elf spoke "How can we help?" The wizard smiled at the elf, he was still the same helpful elfling he met long time ago.
"The forces of Azog will soon arrive from the west to take the mountain for himself, we will need you and your companion on the battlefield so the tides of war may turn in our favor, in return you both shall be given a new title and praise of many" The gray wizard said as the elf looked at the dragon, the dragon though about the offer, while he hated did hate the elves and the dwarfs he did want to be written in the history as the one who took down a whole army of orcs
Both accepted the deal, after the wizard left the dragon turned to the elf "Are you sure this was a good idea?" "We will see for ourselves" (M/n) answered as he got onto the dragons back signaling him to fly, both elves and dwarfs looked in shock as the massive dragon landed between them
"Elves of the Woodland realm an the Dwarfs of the Iron Hills hear me now for I shall speak only once, the orcs and goblins are marching towards Erebor, if you seek victory then fight side by side and if you don't may the orcs end you quickly" The elf said just as the were-worms dug through the hills, making a passage for the forces of Azog
As soon as the both armies saw the many orcs and goblins they quickly rearranged themselves to prepare for the oncoming attack, the dragon son flew into the air again with the elf still on his back, Smaug unleashed his flames on orcs who burned in the matter of seconds, it was unfortunate that the dragon's fire wasn't enough to stop the whole army but it was enough to help the dwarfs and the elves
The battle was fierce, blood, bodies and fire covered the ground as the ash covered the sky, soon (M/n) found himself saving his brother from a falling bridge "I missed you" He said while holding back tears, (M/n) felt at ease knowing that his brother is safe
After the battle was over the two brothers watched the dwarfs and elves cheer in victory "So we'll be going back home now?" (M/N) asked "It's up to you to decide if you want to go back, i wish to travel as you did" (M/n) smiled at his brother "You should probably go visit Nirohnil, when he found out that ada just let you leave he said that he 'was at a loss for words' but then he proceeded to yell at ada for 2 hours straight" both of them let out a small laugh before Legolas continued "You should also visit Lindir and Elrond but after you speak with ada, he wants to have a talk with you"
(M/n) felt his body tense up after his brother said that, he was running after his father for his whole life and now that his father finally stopped waited for him it felt weird, he never expected for his father to love him no matter how hard he tried to get his attention "Are you sure you are just gonna go without even saying goodbye or attending the victory celebration?" (M/n) asked his brother "Yeah, I know ada will make me say so i will be leaving soon, you should leave now ada is waiting" he said before leaving
The elf honestly didn't know what to do, he hoped that he could just fly off to Rivendell and spend the rest of his eternity there without having to face his father ever again, in the distance he saw Smaug burn what was left of orcs, he groaned, knowing that he will need to make his own way down since there was no way Smaug could see him 
After what felt like an eternity, the elf finally made his way to the elven camp, to be more specific, he was standing a few feet away from the kings main tent, he didn't know what to do or what to say, what he didn't know is that his father is in the same state "What do I even say to him?" Thranduil quietly whispered to himself as one of his guards alerted him of the suspicious elf outside, the elven king just said to call him in 
The moment (M/n) stepped in Thranduil's eyes widen, he changed so much, he was no longer the elf he once resented "So.. what do you need me for?" the younger elf was the first one to speak "I just wanted to see you before you leave again" after a long uncomfortable silence they started a small talk but after some time the anxiety left them and they started to talk normally 
"What do you plan to do after this?" his father asked him "Visit Nirohnil and then go to stay in Rivendell for a few months before traveling with Smaug, there is still a whole world out there that i want to explore" the king could hear the sadness in his son's voice "Did you consider staying in Mirkwood?" his father asked him "Do you want me to? i mean you are the one who banished me after all" Thranduil put a hand on (M/n)'s shoulder  "You and your companion will be always welcome in my kingdom son" the elf smiled at his father's words
When the elf finally returned to his home he was pulled into a tight hug by none other than his guard, hugs weren't a usual thing in the elven culture "You absolute fool! What were you thinking!?" after spending a few months at home (M/n) left for Rivendell knowing that Elrond will also yell at him for not visiting them for such a long time
Both Lindir and Elrond were happy to see (M/n) after such a long time, (M/n) told them about the thins he read in the dwarven library, the war, the reunion with his father and about his new companion dragon
When the night came, Lindir invited the elf to watch the stars with him like they did when they were young, they were sitting my each other as their gaze was focused on the stars, soon Lindir took his hand into his making (M/n)'s gaze shift to Lindir who took in a deep breath and begean to speak "(M/n) I have something to tell you, I have been hiding my own feelings from you for a long time now, I wish I could have said this long before but I think now it’s the right time. (M/n) I love you, i always have" (M/n) smiled before answering "Remember when you tried to confess for the first time? I didn't know how to respond because i love you too, so i just pretended to fall asleep" Lindir didn't know how to respond, he didn't know how he could fall in love with such an idiot
For next 60 years both lived in peace, they got married, (M/n) and his father reconnected, the woods of Mirkwood started to heal and they adopted 2 children, Mirion and Helleron, Mirion became a traveler like his father, he promised to travel all of Middle earth with Smaug while  Helleron became a great archer like her uncle, soon (M/n) noticed dark clouds from the mountain on the south, mount doom. What was the expression again?
Ah yes, the calm before the storm
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imnotevenhere9 · 3 years
Glaer character sheet
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Name: Glaer
Birthday: 9th October; around 3 000 years old
Race: elf
Gender: female, she/her
Relationship status: single
Love interest: Thranduil
height: 6′1
skin color: very fair
hair: light brown, straight, ending at her lower back
eye color: green
Features: she has a scar going from corner of her mouth to her cheek bone on the right side of her face; sharp jawline; long pointy ears
Jewerly: she wears a simple wooden ring on her middle finger on left hand that she got from her mother as a child
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Personality: Glaer is very curious, she would never turn down an opportunity to learn more. She is creative, she loves to draw, paint and make wooden carvings, especially when she’s on a journey. She tries to be as polite as she can, but when someone is pissing her off she turns to a very sarcastic and bitter person. 
Glaer usually knows where the line is and she makes sure not to cross it, but sometimes she forgets and says something she isn't supposed to. That often ends up in a fight. Depending on who the person is, she will either apologize and ignore the person for a while after it, or she will say something worse than before and make the fight even harder to resolve. 
She is kinda stubborn, she stands by her opinion and there are not many things that will make her change her mind. She is kinda clumsy sometimes, so she already ended up with multiple cuts on her fingers thanks to her wooden carving. She is not easily embarrassed, or at least she won’t let you know that she is.
Relationships: Glaer is daughter of one of the highest counselors in Mirkwood, so she grew up having a very close friendship with Thranduil. It grew into a love, however Thranduil was already married at that point, so she just supported them and tried to forget about her feelings. 
When Thranduil’s wife died, she helped him with mourning and became a mother figure to Legolas. It was when Thranduil saw her playing with his son, he realized his feelings for her. She was always there for him when he needed her, she was always ready to fight for what she thought was right and he loved that about her. But as they were both stubborn, neither of them wants to confess their feelings. 
Legolas views her as his real mother, even though he knows she’s not. He knows about their feelings for each other and constantly tries to get them together, only to always get a speech that the other one probably doesn’t feel the same.
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decadentenemyturtle · 4 years
The Great Unknown
Part 23
Words: 2499
Pairing: Thorin x Reader
The previous chapter of The Grat Unknown
You had heard many kind of stories in your short life, starting from your favourite of Beauty and the Beast to your dear friend Emma slaying her first dragon. And these were not just stories. These were someones history, something that had actually happened. But still, when someone told them to you, they were just like stories. They felt like stories, not something that actually happened to someone.
Your mother, Regina, used to tell you stories every night, even when you were an adult. She even told you about her past, about the bad things she had done. When you were a kid, many people told you stories, like Mary-Margaret, David (when you asked him nicely and looked like sad, kicked orphan puppy), Granny (when ever you were visiting her little restaurant and if she just had time to tell you something), Bell (even when she rarelly told you that much), captn Hookey the drunken master of thee salties waters of them all (he, and only he could tell the most captivating stories from the seas), Emma (with her glumsy way of just saying that she did, because duh, why not), grandpa Rumple and your brother Henry. The last two were your absolute favorite story tellers. Grandpa Rumple had seen so much in his life and he had his own style to tell things, both good and bad side, and he was being honest about them. And Henry was an natural story teller. He could captive anyone while tellings his stories. And it had nothing to do with the fact that he was THE writer.
You had heard too meny stories to count in your life. You knew about war, dragons, ogers, Shrek and Fiona, one true love, the typical Disney story telling of any "good 'n evil" shite, how everything wasn't just as you thought it would be. And yet none of it was quite your story. You were just you, nobody, some sort of an side character of a story.
Yea, you were a daughter of mayor of Stoorybrooke, Regina Mills, and her husband Robind the Hood (infamous steal from the rich and give to the poor -guy), but still, you were not quite their daughter. They had adpoted you, when you were just few weeks old. You had two older brother's, or half brother's, or whatever, Henry and Roland. Your aunt was an evil... sorry, wicked green witch from OZ, who now days was a white which from the Wester OZ, godmother of Dorothy (one of your friends). Your "grandpa" was the infamous Rumplestiltskin, or Rumple for a short, his wife Bell referred rather to be called aunt ("I'm too young to be called a grandma. Sorry, honey") and their son, Gideon, was like a cousin to you. You had a few uncle's from your father's group called Merry Men. Every single one of them called you a princess, and refused to call you in any other name, even when you were a grown up woman threatening to stick a tree in their ass.
Too much information yet? Not too comblicated?
That was your story, your history. Comblicated shaite in a fairytale city, where people ran around killing dragon's, defeating evil beings and what not, while your life was protected and utterly boring. You were not allowed to do anything. Many pople, like the people mentioned earlier, took care of that.
And then came the day, when you could choose the college, or what you wanted to do with your life. You wanted something different, something... well, normal. So, you applied for few different universities. And a new path opened to you, in New York city, when you started your studies as a photographer. Capturing the world from afar and showing it to the world felt like your thing, and far too much something you had done pretty much your whole life; Watching the world from afar while it went on and while you did nothing to it.
Anyhow. After the life you had lived, even after your parent's had decided to move in NY to "have some own time", you felt like a normal photographer, who loved capturing peoples lives in a picture and go on a longer trips with your partner to photograph nature and animals. Your life was normal, perfect and you truly felt like yourself for the first time.
And then you had visited your parent's apartment one afternoon... And the fight that had followed... And then, everything you knew had changed. You didn't know if it was an irony or not, but it seemed that even you had more in your backstory than just regular, boring life. Just, the funny thing was that, you didn't remember a thing what happened to you these past few millenium or so in your life here in Arda.
So, who are you going to blame when you had laughed for the story you had heard from the Blondy, aka Legolas, son of Thranduil, prince of Mirkwood.
    "Many things have I heard in my short lifetime, but not a story like this! And when it is suppose to include me!" you laughed drily. You had priefly mentioned to these two elves, that the city you were from was full of stories of heroism and dragons and war and things like that, but how you had never been involved any of those things, even when your mother was a mayor, or the leader of the city, as these two didn't quite understand what a mayor was.
"It still is your past, whatever you remember it or no. When aunt Sarael sent your fea to safe, you must have forgotten your life in here" Legolas said, glancing at you sadly. You three were half jogging, half walking towards the Big lake in front of the Lonely Mountain.
You did feel bad for not remembering, or even knowing what was suppose to be your history, if all what you had just heard was really your history, or if people were just misunderstood and your capability to turn into an animal was just Gandalf's magic's doing. Anyhow, this was your life now, being a daughter of an elf Glorfindel and Guradian-Maian Sarael, a skin changing protects of all Arda. And, apparently, Beorn was some sort of an kin to you. Legolas wasn't sure how, but apparently all the skin changer's were some sort of an descant of your blood line.
"Well, may it be so then. But I do apologie for not remembering anything, or you for the matter" you sighed. To be honest, you felt bad for not remembering and being sure, if this elf was indeed your cousin. You wished there was a way to remember things, but magic and brains had their ways, and therefor, you had no change of just remebering things. Something needed to happend to trigger your memory, and erase the magic blocking your memory. And there was a slight change that you would ever remember your previous life in these lands.
Legolas only sighed, and said nothing. He knew it wasn't your fault of losing your memories of this world. But, Legolas seemed to be sure that you were his cousin. And, then you frowned. He might claim to be your cousin, but the little facts he had given to you to think over and to believe these theories were just that, theories. He seemed to put much weight over the fact that you could only change your form to an animal. For all he knew, it might actually be Gandalf's magic that had caused this to you, not the fact that you were his cousin.
"Hey, Legolas, can I ask you something?" you asked as you followed the two elves down the river. "How do you know I'm your cousin? Do I look like her, or is there something that reminds me of her?" For now there hadn't been any sight of orcs, but Legolas and Tauriel could spot easily marks of a battle. The bodies of dead orcs were dead give away of that, and even you could easily quess that there had been a figt. Which meant that the dwarves and the orcs had had a battle, until the bodies and other sights stopped. Which only meant that rather the company was dead or the orcs had lost sight of the dwarves, or the orcs were all dead.
And after few minutes the prince of Mirkwood decided to answer you. He stopped over a rock, watching a little beach below with a frown. You and Tauriel stopped next to him, you looking up to the blondy. 
"I knew her as if she was my sister. You remind me of her; You are shorter than her, but your hair color, facial features, laugh and smile, and...." Legolas stopped and turned to look at you, with a small smile "Above all, your fea is exactly same and as bright and lively and full of life as hers. And there is no possibility to someone have same kind of fea as other has. Even twins share different kind of feas, even if they look similar to eachother" You swalloved, turning your gaze shily from his. So, you did remind Legolas of this girl.
"I... I wish I could remember" you said, still staring at the river. You didn't need to look at the two elves to know that they were looking at you with pity. "I want to remember. Everything. To find a way to remember, or even know if there's a way to remember" Legolas took a step towards you and placed his hand on your shoulder. When you looked up to him, he smiled.
"We will find a way, ressë" he said. You could feel the warmth and friendliness in him, and you welcomed it. Maybe trusting him wasn't so bad idea afterall, maybe all he said was true. You were exhausted and hungry, and slowly you started to realize it. Your tierd emotinons were getting a better of you, and you knew that after eating a little something and a little nap you'd be better and more welcoming in these new things, and maybe even more accepting.
But right now you couldn't do these things. These two wanted to catch up the dwarves, you wanted to catch up with them, catch up with Thorin. The sight of battle had left them, and you, worried that some of them might be hurt. Sturdy as the dwarves might be, one or more of them might still die to bloodloss or poisoning, as you had carefully suggested if the orcs were using poison in their weapons. And since their healer's - Oin's - stuff had been left back in Mirkwood, they had no supplies to bind and heal the wounds. And you weren't even sure, if all the orcs were dead, or if some of them were still chasing the dwarves down.
"There's two possibilities where the dwarves might be" you said. You had crossed a river, rather easily, and were standing now on a beach, where the dwarves had most likely been earlier. There was one lonely, broken barrel left behind, and Tauriel had spotted a place over a rock where "a dwarf sized could easily sit" with pool of blood right next to it. Someone of the company was clearly hurt, and had been given first aid with what they had - which meant a ribbed pease of someone's cloth over the wound.
"The mountain is one possibility, but it is a bit far away for a wounded one" Tauriel mused and turned towards the mountain.
"And they have to cross the lake to get there. They have the barrels, but I doubt that they'd be stupid enough to use them. The water is already cold enough in the river, but the lake is freezing cold. Too cold even for dwarves. They have had to find another way to cross it" Legolas said, seeming to be deep in tought. You looked both Legolas and Tauriel, wondering if neither of them would suggest Laketown. It was nearer than the mountain, and the dwarves probably needed supplies and weapons. And a warm shelter after the ride in the river.
"I... don't think they went to the mountain just yet" you said carefully. Both Tauriel and Legolas turned to you with guestioning look, so you continued: "Atleast one of them might be hurt, so they need healing supplies to get him, or them, better. And, they need other supplies aswell, as I understand that they left without taking anything but the barrels with them. They need a little bit food, clean and dry clothes, and weapons with them. And, as I understood it, there's a fucking dragon in that mountain. And were talking about dwarves here. They would not go anywhere near that mountain without any weapons, even if they might not kill the dragon with these weapons. And if they have orcs on their tail, they might want to get somewhere else than near a dragon, where - if it's still alive- they could get themself killed in a snap"
Something flashed in both Legolas' and Tauriel's eyes, and then they both smiled. You looked at them, a bit confused.
"So, to Laketown we go" Tauriel says, and starts to jog onward, probably towards this Laketown. Legolas gives you encouragin smile and nods to you. You sigh and so the two of you jog after the red haired elf.  You really didn't feel like exercising today, but alas, this wasn't a gym class you could just skip when you didn't feel like playing a tag. This was worse than that, far worse than that.
The jog to the small city took about two hours. At some point you had felt like just giving up, sitting on nearest rock and staying there for the rest of the eterinity, but Legolas had offered to carry you on his shoulder - but only if you'd change your form into a small animal. So, you had taken a form of an small cat and on your cousins shoulder you stayed on the rest of the jog.
And, at first you three smelt it - and you only smelled it because you were on a form an animal. A smocke, like when something was burning. Something big. And a bad feeling set on you three.
"Let's hurry, I have a bad feeling about this" you said, and jumped down from Legolas' shoulder, turning into a leopard. You ran past rocks and trees and finally the three of you came out of the mall forest right next to the lake. And then you came to an halt.
It was an early eavning, and the sun was just setting. The sky was colored in orange, yello, pink... You know, the usual. But, right now, the colors were more vivid, more powefull. And there was the orange glow in the horaizon, some kind of steam and smoke rizing from what seemed like a...
"No..." Tauriel whimpered.
The Laketwon was on fire. But there was no dragon on the sight.
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idjitlili · 4 years
Faramir x reader
Imagine being Thranduils secret child, born way after Thranduils wife had died, it was around the time of the fellowship of the ring. Thranduil forces legolas to take you with him , so you could have a relationship with him. Then you meet Faramir
Warning :parent death
Word count:1679
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(Not my gif)
You knew there was something different about you compared to other girls.The letter revealed that your father was an elf, and lived in Mirkwood, and you had a half brother. You made your way to Mirkwood in search of your father , you mother told you as a child she told your father was dead. For your on benefit, because of the king was to have a halfbreed child it would have caused threats to you and your father. Your mother didn’t want to endanger you.
You had arrived in Mirkwood making your way through the forest. You had been surrounded by elves, With their bows aimed at you. You were shocked at the least.
A ginger elf spoke up “you are trespassing in the kings forest, why?”
You had gulped nervously,” I am trying to get to mirkwood , to see my father.”
“Your father is an elf.” One had questioned you disgusted.
“Uh his name is Thranduil.” Multiple gasps were heard, they had grabbed you and pulled you to the king. He had questioned you similarly.
“What brings you my realm young one.” His eyes like daggers as he held his head high.
“I am in search of my father,sir.” You looking briefly to your feet.
“Who may that be?” He spoke circling you.
“I don’t know him , only his name, Thranduil.” He gasps , what the fuck was with the gasps, his head snapped towards you and his blond hair flying with. “Leave us!” He spoke to his guards.
“How do I know you aren’t lying?” He snarled, the thought of someone impersonation his daughter was a stretch but you could never be too carefully. His eyes wondered over you taking in your features you did look like the women that he had slept with.Horny bitch.
“Why would lie, can’t you bring him to me. He will know of my mother ,y/m/n ,l/n “ he gasped again , you wanted to clamp his mouth closed stop gasping.
“I cannot.” Your heart sank, he is dead. “As he is already infront of you.” You gasped , this majestic man was your father, you were not majestic, he wasn’t as majestic as Thorin though.
“Y-your my f-father. A king?!” You we try e beyond shocked.
“Yes, my daughter. May I ask what has brought you to me,now?” Pet names already damn boy.
“My mother she’s dead “ thranduils mouth gap open, with sadness. “She got sick, i couldn’t do anything. Mother didn’t have a lot.”
“I am sorry about your mother, she was a lively soul. I must find out more about you, I am assuming you wish to live here? Am I correct.” He spoke gently for the first time.
“Yes , I am embarrassed to have to ask, I could not seek a job at 16. As no one would hire.i had to come here , aswell mother had wrote you a letter.” You grab the letter from your small bag handing it to him. He takes it ,opening it.
His face changes to multiple emotions as he reads ,a tear streams down his face. You didn’t know if your mother was a fling or not but now it was clear it was more than that.
“You will stay here with me, as my daughter.” He walks towards you surprisingly hugging you, which you hug back. He didn’t seem to be a man that showed affection ,you were glad to finally have a father.
For the next two years you lived with your father , he grew to love you very much , as you did too. He took you to see Elrond were Legolas was , your brother and told you , you were to accompany him on his mission. He didn’t know it was dangerous , otherwise he wouldn’t have made you go. But you became close to legolas , apart of the fellowship of the ring.
“Legolas...” you dragged out his name , annoyingly.
“Yes , y/n.” He turned to see you lacking behind.
“My legs are tired.”
“What do you want me to do about it?”
“Elves are supposed to be strong, so can you carry me pleaseeeee.” You pleaded, frowning.
He lowered down so you could get onto his back, wrapping your arms around his neck. He carried you for hours with no struggle.
“Thank you brother, so kind.”
“Wait , legolas is your brother I thought you were human.” Boromir questioned.
“I am secret love child of Thranduil and y/m/n.i am half elf have human. I hadn’t met legolas until this journey.”
“Wow , you are not stuck up like legolas.” Gimil chuckled at himself.
Legolas smacked him.
Legolas has sent you with Gandalf , and pippin to Gondor. To prevent you from harm, you wanted to stay with him , but he forced you to go.
Pledging your service to denethor , along with Pippin , as Boromir gave his life saving yours and the hobbits lives. You saw the way he treated his last son Faramir , it made you disgusted , wish that your son that was alive to be dead instead of his brother. Who says that sorta thing. Totally douche move.
Faramir caught your eye, staring at you for a moment. You sent Faramir a sympathies look , in which he looked away heartbroken at his fathers words. He turned around and left without a glance toward his father.
Your next in counter with Faramir ,was when you had been fighting alongside Gandalf. When pippin has run out calling for Gandalf. “denethor is burning Faramir alive!” He shouted in distress.
Both you and Gandalf ran towards Pippin , as he led you to their location. Gandalf forced the doors open, just as denethor grabbed a torch droppping it , lighting him and Faramir on fire.
Pippin quickly pushes Faramir out of the fire, despite denethor yells, rip buddy. You run to Faramir last side. “ is he alive?” You question pippin, Faramir opens his eyes, he smiles slightly at you. “Don’t die , Faramir we will get you to the healers.” He nods his head in agreement closing his eyes again.
You and Gandalf and pippinhad gotten Faramir to his chambers, and healers has tended to his wounds. But Gandalf insisted you to stay with Faramir. Leaving you on your own with unconscious Faramir.
You sat in a chair next to Faramirs bed , reading a random book. Unknowingly to anyone else you had been friends with Faramir ,when you was younger ,not Boromir because he was older and denethor made him train most days.
You and your mother moved when you were 14, that was the last time you saw Faramir. But here you were at his side, years later. You didn’t think he remembered you , yet you wish he would.
After a few hours of sitting by Faramir , you had fallen asleep. But Faramir was awake but you didn’t know that, he was staring at you, peacefully sleeping , he knew he recognised you. Then it stuck him,
“Y/n.” He whispered to you, you didn’t awake so he repeated it a little louder “y/n?”
You simply ‘hmm’ in response, your eyes stay closed “y/n, your eyes shot open. You looked towards the noise. You eyes winded when you see Faramir wide awake , his face tired , pain inflicted in his eyes.
“How long have you been awake?” You question quietly.
“Not long.” He groaned out.
“Do you want anything? I’ll go get you water.” You rushes out now fully awake, getting up, but you are pulled back by your wrist. You turn to look at Faramir is sitting up now.
“no stay, I am fine , plus there’s water right there.” He points to his bed side table. “Oh.”
“ I remember you , y/n.” He smiles at you ,as you stand over him and his hand still holding your wrist.
“You do)”
“Yeah, thank you for staying with me. I have missed you.” He replies roughly from his dry throat, his thumb rubbing your wrist.
“I did too.” You smile widely at him.
“How is your mother?” He questioned, sincerely.
“She died two years after I left..so I went looking for my dad, and lived with him. Then he sent me on this quest with my brother.” You knew Faramir lost his mother when he was young.
“Oh I’m so sorry.” He smiles lightly,
“It’s okay. Anyways I should go get the healer.” You go to walk and he tugs you back again.
“No, please y/n. C-can you just lay with me?” He stutters out.
You walk close to the bed removing your shoes swiftly, Faramir shuffles over giving you roll , you lay next to him. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“Are you sure this doesn’t hurt you?” You look up into his eyes that are looking back down at you. “I’m fine. Don’t worry.” He smiles.
“I am sorry about Boromir, he was good man.” He rubs his hfingers on your shoulder gently.
“He was, I’m glad to you came back, so I’m not alone.””
“Me too Faramir.” You lean closer to him, snuggling your head into his neck, wrapping you arm over his middle. He chuckles at your h/c hair tickling his neck. You lift your head to place quick kiss on his cheek.you grin at at him.
“I have loved you since I was prepubescent.” He flirts.
“Damn me too. I love you.” You pull him into a tight hug again.
“Wanna hear a joke?”
“Once you were Faramir but now you are nearamir.”
Today would’ve been my prom , in England we only have one so I had a prom by myself for ten minutes
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The Art of Being an Eldar: Legolas x Reader Chapter 6
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Summary: After discovering that you were stuck in Middle-Earth, Thranduil summoned a council of powerful Elves and wizards to see what should be done with you, expressing his wishes of wanting you out of his kingdom. The council decides to send you with Legolas on an orc-hunting mission, and if the Elves of the company that he deems trustworthy-- one of them being his own wife-- say that you've proven yourself worthy of staying among the Mirkwood Elves, then you can stay. The problem is actually managing to succeed...
Chapter No.: Chapter 6
Key: [Y/N]=Your Name [F/N]= Friend's Name [B/N]= Bro's Name [S/N]= Sis's Name [M/N]= Mom's Name [e/c]= eye color [h/c]= hair color [s/c]= skin color [lad/lass/y-o]= lad/laddie, lass/lassie, young one
Notes: So, I have finished the Silmarillion, and may I just say, wow. I have a whole new understanding of Middle-Earth. It's amazing and inspiring. I do miss Maedhros and Maglor already though... Now, I've finished Beren and Luthien and started The Children of Hurin next in my quest to read every book on Middle-Earth that there is, written, of course, by the Tolkiens.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, graphic depictions of gore and violence (Cuz of orc battles y'know?), more angst, slow burn, some light depression in the first few chapters, some amnesia about Middle-Earth because the Valar say you're not supposed to have foresight, hard-core language, feels, lots and lots of feels, mentions of NSFW content, maybe some eventual NSFW content, LGTBQ+ characters, Thranduil being a jackass at first because he's fabulous, Legolas being a hot edgy prince that nobody can handle, Kili being an innocent bean, Hobbits being smol innocent beans, except for Bilbo 'cause he's been through some tough shit, Bard being dad of the year, Thorin being one dumbass boi, awesome dragons, awesome Nazgul, awesome scenery, awesome stuff in general, Elrond isn't listened to by anybody, confused Aragorn is confused,  Denethor's a bitch as always, brace yourself for creepy as fuck Cream of Wormtongue Grima Wormtongue, Boromir LIVES, au to where some of the Feanorians lived, Gandalf. (yes these are all legit warnings don't judge me.)
Pairings/Ships: Legolas x Reader, Legolas x you, Aragorn x Arwen, Faramir x Eowyn, Thranduil x Elvenqueen, Galadriel x Celery Celeborn, Boromir x OC, Maedhros x Fingon, Maglor x OC, Thorin x OC maybe Bilbo you won't know for awhile, Fili x OC, etc. general LoTR standard shippings plus some of my own cuz I can't stand my boys being lonely
Word Count: I try to keep my chapters short, under 2000 words.
Rating: Teen (14+) for now
Instead of Blue-Eyes meeting you by Starlight, it was Erestor, instead. Aside from the one time you'd spoken to him with Haldir, asking him about other continents (Which, it turned out, you'd misunderstood. Beleriand had sunk, and so had Numenor and Tol Eressea, and no one but the Eldar could reach Aman anymore.), you hadn't spoken to him.
He was an older Elf, kind of intimidating, with a bird-like demeanor and an expression that said Don't fuck with me.
So yeah, you were kinda surprised.
Still, you bowed in the Elvish fashion. "Len Suilon, Erestor. Ci maer?"
"Suilad. Ni maer, [Y/N]," He assured nonchalantly. "A gin?"
"Ni maer eithro." You looked around nervously, hoping Blue-Eyes would pop out of nowhere and save you from a further conversation in what would probably be your poor Sindarin with an age-old Elf. "So, her majesty chose me for this scouting mission, eh?"
"Indeed," Erestor inclined his head. "Your Elvish improves, if slowly. You do not hesitate in your greetings anymore."
"Thank you, sir."
"Come, and lead Starlight along," Said Erestor unfairly regally, and sailed majestically away. "Have you been practicing your swordplay diligently? You may need it."
You nodded as you followed him. "Yes sir. Legolas, Elros, and Lindir have made sure that they split my day into learning Sindarin, weaponry, and even the general Elvish way of being Elvish." You tried not to sound irritated about that. They literally never gave you any free time. Not that you'd brought any books to read, and not that you could read any Elvish, but that wasn't the point.
"Good," Erestor nodded. "What are your strong suits?"
Ah, shit. "Uhm... I can throw a dagger pretty hard? I can probably shoot somebody dead if I'm point blank, but other than that, my aim sucks. I'm somewhat okay with a sword, though, and I prefer two. Why?"
"Curious," Erestor replied all mysteriously, and that was all he said on the matter.
The Elves chosen for the scouting mission-- the Elvenqueen herself, with Blue-Eyes, Haldir, and Elros-- were gathered and speaking amongst themselves, while Thorin and Dwalin next to their very dignified ponies glowered at them. Balin was feeding his own pony an apple, muttering to it kindly. Compared to the Elves, who were naturally tall and lithe, the short and stocky dwarves looked outrageously tiny.
"Ah," The Elvenqueen's attention was on you faster than a supersonic jet's. "You have arrived."
You bowed deeply. "Your majesty." To Haldir, and even to Legolas just to be safe from potential Elvenqueen-wrath-2.0, you added, "My Lords." You turned to Erestor. "I'm sorry I didn't greet you with the title, I forgot what ‘my lord’ is in Elvish."
To your surprise, the Elves chuckled. Except for the Elvenqueen, of course. "You need not worry yourself, mellonenin," Elros assured you. "You are still learning."
The Elvenqueen inclined her head. "We leave at once, if all are ready."
There were positive responses throughout, and everyone present mounted up. You caught sight of Lindir coming out of his tent for the morning, and waved; he looked confused, but awkwardly repeated your gesture. "What on Arda are you doing?" Blue-Eyes asked under his breath, like you were embarrassing him.
You snickered. "It's like a 'hi' and 'bye' gesture for when you're out of earshot of someone you know. It's called ‘waving’. Everyone does it where I come from."
"This is not your world, [Y/N]," The Elvenqueen reprimanded firmly. You fought the urge to shrink in on yourself. "If you are going to be a part of it and learn our ways, then you must do so faithfully, leaving everything you know of your world behind you. Your land is nothing but a poison, and I do not want it infecting Middle-Earth. Am I understood?"
"Y-yes ma'am-- your majesty, yes your majesty."
"Good," Said the Elvenqueen, and then she continued giving orders in Elvish, while Thorin purposefully repeated them in dwarvish for Balin and Dwalin, though everyone present spoke fluent English-- Common. For you, Blue-Eyes translated what he could before he was called up to ride beside his mother, so then Elros and Haldir took turns explaining. The whole event left you feeling like a fish out of water.
It was around noon when the company halted, which Thorin and Dwalin had been leading on foot, while Balin kept their ponies tied to his own. At first, you assumed, lunch, finally, I'm starving, but instead, you'd stopped because Thorin had found a trail. "Orcs," He said.
Duh, you felt like saying, what else would it be? Bigfoot?
But after the Elvenqueen's earlier lecture, you kept that to yourself.
"Which way do they lead, master dwarf?" The Elvenqueen demanded.
Thorin huffed as he stood. "They go north, but they are heavy from travel. Wherever they came from, it is not from anywhere near the northern borders of Mirkwood or Erebor."
"Where else would they come from?" You blurted out before you could stop yourself. "Are there like orcish towns in the north or something? Maybe we could--”
"There is no such thing," The Elvenqueen snapped.
"The wargs that I had tracked were from Gundabad," Blue-Eyes said calmly, as if that hadn't ever been important information before. "The ones that attacked us on the river, however, were from Mordor."
You leaned over to Haldir as Blue-Eyes continued to speculate. "I'm confused. What's the difference?"
"Gundabad wargs are darker, lithe, and more agile," Haldir told you quietly. "They are more viscous, as well. A Mordor warg is more... Stout, I suppose you could say, and slightly lighter in color."
There was a flash of color before your eyes. Suddenly, you felt as if you were in a clearing of trees, surrounded by people in dark colors, while the sound of howls filled the air, unlike the ones you'd heard before.
These are Gundabad wargs! They will outrun you!
These are Rusteveld rabbits! I'd like to see them try.
You shook your head as you resituated yourself in the saddle. Well, that was sudden... It had been quite a few days since any of the strangely-familiar visions had come to you. You came back to your senses as Dwalin laughed uproarously. "Well, that settles it, then! To Gundabad!"
"Wait just a moment," The Elvenqueen said. "We are not all brash, Master Dwalin. We will go back and retrieve more forces before even thinking of going near Gundabad." With that, she turned her silver mare around and began trotting back, Haldir and Erestor on either side of her. Thorin, Balin, and Dwalin hung back, taking their time getting on their ponies and following after.
"Where's Gundabad?" You asked Legolas quietly; not that it did any good. Elves could hear grass growing on the other side of the continent if they wanted to. "And what is it?"
"It is northwest of here, in a cleft between the mountains," He answered. "It is an old fortress, from the time when the Dunedain first came to Middle-Earth from Numenor, if you remember." You nodded; he'd told you the entire story of the Silmarils and anything that went with it or after. "It was the gate that lead to the Witch-Kingdom of Angmar."
"Lead by the Witch-King..." You finished for him automatically. An eerie echo of a voice filled your mind: No man can kill me. At his impressed look, you scrunched up your face. "And what are you, French? How'd you make that 'h' sound in the middle of the damn word?!" You realized what you said only after you'd said it, and quickly looked to the Elvenqueen to see if she'd heard. If she had, she made no sign of it. "Sorry."
Blue-Eyes patted your back. "It is fine, Sairen, you can speak to me of your world, don't worry." With a cocky smile, he looked down at you smugly. "As for the pronunciation... You will learn to do it soon."
Back at camp, a group of Elves was already up and waiting to move out, and at the Elvenqueen's ringing voice, they followed after, and you all retraced your steps back to where Thorin, Dwalin, and Balin had found the orc tracks. You considered it pointless-- they could've just taken the host of a couple dozen Elves with them that way they didn't have to retrace their steps.
Partway there, you decided that goddamn song that'd been going through your head needed a damn good explanation. Unfortunately, Blue-Eyes was now up by his mother, leaving you between two totally random Elves. You'd never been good at starting up a conversation, but you decided to give it a try anyway. "...Hey, do either of you speak Common?"
Both Elves busted out laughing as if you'd made a hilarious joke about dwarves.
"Most Eldar can speak Common," The one on the right said, removing his helmet to look at you more clearly. Whoa. You practically fell off Starlight. He was beautiful. He had long, purely golden hair that fell down his back in unfairly glorious waves. He had soft blue eyes (Not as gorgeous as Blue-Eyes', but still.) and a fair face. "It would be considered quite odd, in our long lives, if one did not learn the tongues of others."
You just stared at him. "Dude. Are you like, made of gold?"
He laughed, which sounded a lot like something naturelike and unfairly beautiful. You'd never heard any of the Elves outright laugh, so this was a weird, new experience for you. "I have been asked many things, but that is new. No, I am just as flesh and bone as you are."
"Yeah, but yours are like, plated in gold, so, you're... Wow."
He laughed again. "What is your name, mellon?"
"[Y/N.]," You replied, in a daze, then leaned over quick to the Elf on your left, who tensed and tried to lead his horse away. "Do you even see this guy?!"
You turned back to Goldie. "A gin?"
As best as he could in the saddle, the Elf placed his right arm over his chest and bowed at the waist. "I am called Glorfindel. Gellon len covad!"
"Mae l'ovannen!" You said in response.
Glorfindel smiled at you. "What was your question, mellonenin?"
"Well thanks to you and your blinding gold-ness, I forgot. Give me a minute." You thought for a second, trying to ignore the literally glowing Elf beside you. "Ah! That's it. I asked if you could speak Common so you'd understand my question. You guys have songs, right?"
Glorfindel gave you a look like you'd just told him his hair looked like an orc's. "Of course we have songs! Many, many songs! They are as timeless as we are, and we, all of us, are taught these songs from a very young age. Did you wish to learn them?"
You shook your head. "Nah. I've never been good at singing." If I sang all you Elves would shatter like a glass in an opera-room. "When I got puffed here, a song started going through my head. I can never remember all of it. Just bits and pieces here and there. But it's really bugging me. So if I told you all I could remember, think you could remember one from your Elvish past?"
Glorfindel inclined his head. "I shall answer to the best of my ability."
"Okay," You wracked your brain for the lyrics. "Okay, uh... Something about leaving home, and fading... Lots of fading. The one sentence I can always clearly remember is 'all shall fade.'" You looked at him curiously. "That ringin’ any bells?"
Glorfindel thought hard. "If by that you mean if I can remember anything similar, I cannot. If it is a song of Arda, it is not one I know, and I can remember most Eldar songs."
That caused a lightbulb to appear above your head. You gasped, wide-eyed.
"Wait! You're Glorfindel?! As in, the Glorfindel?! The guy in Gondolin who tried to protect Turgon by fighting the Balrog?!"
"Ah, Turgon... He was a good friend."
"And when it fell it grabbed your hair?!"
Glorfindel flinched. "Can we not mention that...?"
"And then you came back to life to fight Sauron?!"
"The guy who was in love with Ecthelion of the Fountain?!"
Glorfindel flushed, his face going a deep shade of un-Elvish red-- on him, though, it was more of a rose-gold... "Yes, I am that Glorfindel, and I would advise you hush before you draw the attention of the Elvenqueen."
Nervously, you glanced ahead, to where the Elvenqueen sat regally upon her horse. If she or Leggy had heard you, neither of them made any indication of it. With a giddy smile, you looked back to Glory. "This is so cool. Where I'm from, you rarely ever meet anybody so important. Now I've met some of the most important people of Middle-Earth! Ooh, am I also gonna get to meet the king of Gondor?!"
Glorfindel looked confused, but amused. "Gondor has no king, and has not for many, many years. Not since the death of Isildur. Now, the stewards of Gondor keep watch over the city and uphold its laws, and await for the heir to the Gondorian royalty to show himself."
"Or herself," You specified, fighting a wince as you heard a voice echo, Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king.
Glorfindel raised an eyebrow. "Hardly ever is a mortal woman given any sort of royal duties alone. She would have to marry someone of high standing to be considered queen."
You scoffed. "Great. So the humans of Middle-Earth are assholes, too. Figured I'd escape from that."
"The race of Man is a fickle one," Glorfindel agreed. "More often than not, they are the cause of most grief in the world." He smiled. "But worry not! You are of the Eldar now, and are not subject to their torments."
You shrugged. "Good point..." You beamed excitedly at him. "Tell me about your adventures!"
He did, until the Elvenqueen gave the signal to dismount and to keep silent. You'd been so into Glorfindel's stories that you hadn't noticed that the trees had thinned out, giving way to loose, rusty-brown soil and rocky slopes. All of the Elves sailed silently over the rocks, while the dwarves trampled noisily.
For days (Which passed like extremely-long hours, and you weren't even hungry or thirsty or tired.), the procession trekked through the hills without any audible communication, until the huge hills rose up to your left and in the north into jagged mountains. You kept going, and going, and really wondered how any of the Elves that'd been left could possibly reach any of you for backup if needed in time.
On what was about noon of the week and a half mark, you came to an overlook that spread down beneath you into a huge, rocky valley, dry and desolate. There was no sign of life, and further still, about a couple days away by foot, was another tall, jagged outcropping overlooking a massive structure of bronze. Small black dots which you were going to assume were birds flitted about the top of it, and it stretched what looked like hundreds of feet into the air. You were astonished.
"We came all this way for rocky dirt and an old tower. I don't see any signs of life there." You kept your voice at a whisper, like some of the other Elves who'd began talking amongst themselves.
Blue-Eyes eyed the tower warily. "You're not supposed to."
You turned to watch him walk away. "Then what?" Blue-Eyes gave the Elves some order in Elvish, and you continued. "So we came all this way to see that it really doesn't look like there's orcs there but really, there are, so, what do we do? They've obviously got a shit ton of more orcs behind there. We're probably way outnumbered. So what do we do?"
"We," He replied, "Are going to do just what we came here to do. We're going to scout, by getting as close as we can and seeing what we can. Then we leave. It's as simple as that. If, however, we're ambushed, the rest of the procession has been following us slowly. They're only a couple of hours behind."
You frowned. You must not've gotten that memo because everybody felt the need to speak highly advanced Elvish when you only knew a couple ways to say "hi." "So what do we do if we see something we don't like? Attack?"
"If we can," Blue-Eyes told you, "But it most likely will not come to that. We simply came to see if they have larger numbers than those few who attacked us at the river."
You gave him an incredulous look with an eyebrow raised nearly to your hairline. "...Few?"
He scoffed, and walked off, giving orders in Sindarin that you only caught a word or two of. You were watching him with a glower, when you noticed Lindir sidling up on your right smugly. "...Do you not wish that you know what he is saying?"
You playfully rolled your eyes. "Ugh, Lindy, geez, can you read my goddamn mind?" You turned to mock-glare at him; he was preening. "Well? What was he saying?"
Lindir laughed and wagged a finger at you-- so Elvish. "No no no no no, mellon, I will not make it that easy for you. If you wish to know exactly what he said, then you will have to continue learning from your current point."
Your shoulders slumped. "Really? Damn. Fine, I guess, since it looks like we're camping here." And it did. Practically everyone was going around setting up bedrolls, but you seen no sign of a fire. "Glad it's warm-ish. What, we just supposed to freeze?"
Lindir gestured to Gundabad. "If we light a fire, they will see us, and our stealth will be for naught."
You gave him an odd look. "...What?"
Lindir blinked. "If they see us, our stealth will be for naught."
You stared at him blankly. "...Naught?"
Lindir suddenly looked panicked. "Do they not have that word on your world? It means the same as nothing, in this context."
You scoffed with a cocky smirk. "I know what it means. You Elves are just so damn fancy." You reached over and ruffled his strangely-perfect brown hair, to which he yelped and yanked away from you as if you'd tried to stab him. You left your hand in the air where his head had been, wide-eyed, as Lindir stared at you in shock. "Uhh... Got a sensitive spot on your head there?"
Lindir narrowed his eyes at you. "I should teach you Eldar custom as well. No Elf touches another's hair, for whatever reason, unless it is necessary, which is more than likely never to happen. Braiding and touching another's hair is considered something only for the wedded to do."
You yanked your hand away from where his head had been. "Sorry. I didn't know. Where I come from, that whole hair-ruffle thing is used between siblings or friends."
Lindir smiled softly, straightening his hair. "It is fine, [Y/N.]. You had no way of knowing. But, now I realize I must teach you language and customs-- or perhaps Elros can do that..."
You snickered to yourself, earning an odd look from the Elf. You shrugged. "Nothin', just, I've got specific Elvish teachers now. You're my language teacher, Elros is now customs, Legolas is history, and Glorfindel is music. I'm gonna be a true Elf before I know it."
"Maybe never a true Elf," Lindir laughed, "But close enough!"
You laughed with him, but on the inside, winced. You doubted if he meant it as an insult, but it hit you like one. No, you'd never been considered good enough to be a true anything, especially an Elf of all creatures, who were naturally shiny and glowy and perfect and shit. But still, for someone to confirm it, even in a joking manner, that you'd never be good enough to be a true Elf...
It really hurt.
You acted all casual on the outside throughout the rest of the evening, laughing and joking when needed, but internally, you were fighting a dull ache in your chest. You'd gotten it a few times before-- rarely, but still-- and you knew exactly what it was. The desire to fit in. You'd never had a chance on Earth. But here, you'd hoped to at least be considered a part of their realm.
Dammit, why am I so sensitive?! He didn't mean anything by it!
But what were you really doing here? Struggling to prove yourself to a race that would never accept you. To all Elves, you'd be considered an imposter, like Thorin had said. You knew for a fact you'd never be good around "the race of Man," as they put it, and even in this world, you knew you'd never fit in with them, either. At best, the Men would see you only as a rebel Elf trying to fit into the society of Man. Dwarves? Hell no. What about the Hobbit-folk? Maybe you'd at least be considered a friend to them? No, you were an Elf here. They'd be wary of you, maybe even fearful.
Maybe you should just settle for traveling like a vagabond, like Gandalf does. When everyone else was resting, you stayed by Starlight. You scratched underneath of his chin, and he rested his snout on your inner elbow, allowing you to rest your head on his, staring into his eyes and putting off a feeling of calm. "You accept me for who I am, right?"
Starlight's ears were pricked toward you, so at least he was listening. His only response was a blink. You sighed, closing your eyes. You didn't even have the security of him. One day, he'd grow old and pass away, while you lived on for eons. Carefully, so as not to spook him, you reached up and scratched behind his ears.
"Mellonenin?" Said a voice behind you. You turned to see Legolas, looking concerned. He glanced back over his shoulder, to where the rest of the Elves talked amongst themselves, even conversating a little with the dwarves. "What are you doing out here?"
You gave him a smug look. "What's this I hear, Blue-Eyes? Showing concern for me?"
He rolled his eyes playfully. "Hardly. Just curious."
You shrugged, going back to loving on Starlight. "Everybody seemed to be doing good without me. Lindir and Elros said my lessons on custom and language were done for the day, so I figured I'd spend some time with Star."
Blue-Eyes shook his head in exasperation. "I will never understand your shortening of names..." He fixed you with an expression that you couldn't quite read. "...Are you nervous about a potential battle, Sairen?"
You shrugged. "Hack'n'slash. Can't be that hard. I have played video games, y'know, and I did get here through a LARP event." You shot him a cocky grin. "I think I can handle myself. Always have."
Blue-Eyes smiled softly. "Well... I am certain you will surpass my father's standards. I have no doubt of it."
A warm feeling blossomed in your chest. Your cheeks flushed. "Thanks. That really... That really means a lot, for you to be sure of me."
Blue-Eyes hummed thoughtfully, smoothing down Starlight's pitch mane. "Your world did not appreciate you as it should have. You are a kind person, Sairen, and while at times you are eccentric, that only adds to your persona. I know that I can put my full trust in you anytime, and not be disappointed." He smiled at you. "I am glad to know you, mellon. I feel as if you were meant to be here."
For a minute, you both just stared at each other with smiles on your faces, while you felt all warm and fuzzy inside. Any upset feelings from earlier completely burned away. His pale gold hair looked white in the moonlight. Fuck, I will not cry. I will not. Not at all. Definitely not even having to try... You finally blushed and looked away, busying yourself with straightening Starlight's forelock, though the smile remained on your face.
"Damn, Blue-Eyes. You're making me blush." He laughed, and you added, "But... I'm really glad I know you too, Leggy. You've been nice to me, and actually believe in me..." You smirked at him. "That's rare for me. Thank you."
He looked almost appalled. "You do not need to thank me for taking a liking to you, Sairen. It is not as if it is a chore." Suddenly making up his mind about something, he drew his shoulders back. "Would you like to go for a ride together?"
You beamed at him. "Duh! It's a horse, of course I wanna go for a ride!"
Blue-Eyes laughed. "Come on, then, let's go. Stay close to me; we will be going in the opposite direction of Gundabad, but orcs could still roam these wilds."
You nodded as you mounted Starlight, grinning stupidly down at the stupidly perfect Elf who smiled at you. "Got it. Let's go!"
Your heart was pounding dangerously as the two of you trotted off away from camp, talking about the history of Middle-Earth, as you tried to keep from staring outright at Legolas. As your heart faltered, looking at him smiling at you as the moonlight hit his hair, you realized something...
Tag List:
@hauntedsiriel​ @tesserphantom​ @taurlel​ @liviaolivia​ @brushwood-souls​​ @dumbladores​​ @littlefrenchfryesblog​​ @hibernatingmadhatter​​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​​ @naryamirie​​ @legolasdeserveslove​​ @escapingthoughtsandsecrets​​ @sagabriar​​
If anyone wants to be added or if I missed anyone, please let me know!
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dashesofink · 5 years
New Life
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Drabble: “Request. Thranduil x Fem!Reader. Giving birth to his child, a girl this time ; a few months after the Battle of the Five Armies. And then, the reader/mother gives the child to Thranduil and he holds her into his arms for the very first time.” @anilynsworld
Pairing: Thranduil x wife!Reader
Word Count: 1258
Warnings: none
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Word had spread quickly around the realm of Mirkwood that the King was now father to yet another beautiful child. The handmaidens to the queen were bustling around the halls of Mirkwood, excited grins placed on their faces as the chatter of the news spread like a wildfire. Thranduil stood patiently outside of his queen’s chambers, and even though he had stated he would no longer live within the realm of Mirkwood, Legolas was placed besides his father, his lips pulled into a tight line as his keen eyes stared at the door in front of him.
“Do you think he looks like you, Adar?” Legolas’s voice pierced the thick atmosphere like a hot knife to butter, his father's concentration being broken as he looked up from the floor. Unbeknownst to either of the two Ellon’s, Thranduil’s wife had instead given birth to a beautiful Elleth, her eyes matching that of her father while her thick hair came from her mother. Despite the calm exterior of the king, his insides churned with anxiety and a hint of fear as they both waited to be allowed in.
“We will know soon enough.” Anticipation heavily laced Thranduil’s voice as he clasped his hands together behind his back, and almost as if the Valar knew of his words, the door to your chambers was unlocked and opened to reveal a dark-haired elf. The handmaiden smiled timidly at the two royals in front of her, and she gave a small wave of her hand before stepping back and holding the wooden door open for the two to come in. Thranduil didn’t realize he had been holding his breath until he stepped into the room, his chest falling with a heavy sigh as he spotted your figure lying against the headboard of your bed.
“Mell nín, how are you faring?” Thranduil was by your side in an instant, his fingers reaching out to brush aside a strand of hair as his lips found their place against your forehead. Your lips pulled into a loving smile as you looked from him to the bundle in your arms, your fingers gently pulling back the velvet covering to reveal the face of your baby to your husband. Thranduil unintentionally fell to his knees and his eyes widened as he caught sight of his newborn child, his heart racing with excitement and joy as he went to stroke the child’s delicate skin.
The sudden contact of cold fingers against her face caused the child to squirm in your arms, her lips pursing for a moment before she let out a tiny squeal before settling back down into your arms. “We are doing fine, my love.” Your words were soft as you balanced your baby in your arms, but you could see the twitching in Thranduil’s arms and fingers as he looked down to his new child with love, and you set a hand on top of his fingers before you went to hand him your child. “Come, hold your child.” Thranduil allowed you to gently guide the bundle into his arms after he came to sit next to you on the bed, your fingers correcting the position of his arms a few times before you slipped the sleeping child into his caring arms.
You couldn’t help the laugh that fell from your tired lips at his reaction to the baby, his eyes filled to the brim with a love and a joy you haven’t seen in him since the day of your wedding. You watched as his slim fingers reached down to once again stroke the child’s face, her little hand immediately latching on to her father's fingers as she gurgled in her sleep, to which you smiled at before you looked around the room.
Legolas stood by the door, and though he too was smiling gently at the babe, his features were laced with hesitation. “Tolo, Legolas,” Your hand was outstretched before the Elf, the same smile you had when they walked in gracing your features once more as you waved for him to come forward. “Come see your baby sister.”
“Sister?” Thranduil’s keen ears were quick to pick up your words, his eyes wide with surprise as he looked up to you. You nodded your head ecstatically as Legolas came to stand next to Thranduil, his blue eyes peering down into the resting face of his baby sister. “I-I have a daughter?” His voice was almost a whisper as he spoke. Thranduil has been waiting for months to meet his new child, one which he vowed to protect with his life if need be and to care for as long as he was alive. He was so caught up in thinking that he would have another boy, as he had the first time, the thought of having a daughter completely evaded his mind. But now, as he sat surrounded by his family and as he held his beautiful daughter in his arms, his heart swelled with a love that was not possible when having a son. Though not in a bad way, this love was different.
“You do.” You grabbed a hold of Legolas’s hand as you nodded in response, your fingers giving his hand a warm squeeze as you smiled at him kindly. Legolas’s heart churned as he looked to his new sister, and for a moment he felt compelled to stay behind instead of leaving to meet with the Dúnedain, to stay and protect his sister. You could see the contemplation in his eyes, how his heart longed to stay in Mirkwood for the time being instead of going off as he had originally planned, and your fingers once again squeezed his hands to get his attention. “You are welcome to stay with her, Iôn.” You spoke kindly to him, your eyes starting from his face to look back to your daughter as Thranduil continued to gaze down at her. “But I respect your decision to leave if you so chose.”
“They have already been alerted of my coming,” Legolas’s voice was tight with emotion as he looked away from you, but as he felt the warmth of your hand continuing to wrap around his own, he felt a strange peace within him. You gave an understanding nod before you looked away once again, another gurgling noise coming from your daughter pulling your attention away from him. “I will come visit, if I am permitted to do so.”
“Of course you are.” An odd reassuring tone laced Thranduil’s voice as he finally looked away from his daughter to address the prince, his usual cold eyes being warmed at the sight of his daughter. Thranduil stood to his full height, the bundle of new life held securely in his arms as he gave a nod to his son. “My daughter will need her Muindor, will she not?”
Legolas’s eyes widened for a moment, his breath being caught in his throat as he looked away from his father down to the baby in his arms. It felt like a dream, he had to admit, to look down to a baby that was somehow related to him. Never in a thousand years did Legolas believe he would ever have a brother or a sister, but as he looked into the face of the sleeping child, his heart burst with love and a fierce desire for protection suddenly sprouted in his veins as he gave a solid nod. “I suppose she does, yes. As she will need her Adar and Naneth.”
“She will need all of us.”
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