#<- he's a bi mess btw
reginaldubel · 11 months
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cursed anthro regi from a while ago
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cruelcomfort · 25 days
i have not been updating much what has happened in my sims game cause i have just been playing it so much. BUT i will give a quick update for anyone who's interested (aka 0 people).
2nd gen character went to uni, graduated with a+ and got a job as an investor. she has been having a long time friendship/flirt with her best friend and i kinda want to make it like they just can't stay away from each other yk? i'm honestly so invested in their relationship, i mean look!! they're so cute!! (they are teens in these)
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she moved to a really nice apartment that took me hours to decorate T-T. her aeshtetic is very white and clean. but she almost has enough money to buy a place in the rich district in san myshuno. also this is her current fiance, they have kind of a difficult relationship. they don't always get along but they're really into each other (i will have them divorce once they've had kids)
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loomiskiller · 1 year
i want everyone to remember that billy had a whole affair with christina instead of just a one night stand.
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specters · 2 years
other gay ppl who are sooo logged on that they accuse random celebs who aren't out as lgbt of queerbaiting bc they were intimate with another person of the same gender (not even necessarily in an explicitly romantic way or anything) or were seen at a pride parade or whatever the fuck else are sooo bizarre like you know that you can be normal about things right. and that you don't need to be in the know of every living persons relationship to gender and sexuality just bc they played a gay person on tv. like you don't need to be privy to that information
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dotster001 · 4 months
The Dilf Floyderverse!
Took a headache med that had caffeine in it, yesterday, and created the Dilf Floyd Leech family. Enjoy!
*picrew links at the end
CW: toxic family, hot wife (I made her too hot and now my bi ass is like 😍), she's an absolute monster btw, I wanted to make it so I didn't feel bad about killing her
Sirena Leech
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Age 42. Gorgeous. Love her. She's a salmon mer in her true form. She's for sure a rich man's daughter, not satisfied with anything but she can step on me . Will yell at wait staff because the food is "too cold". Lowkey, she was hoping she was betrothed to Jade, because he's the calm one. But joke's on her, he's a master of poisons, it would not go well for her.
Side note: Just like Floyd is planning to kill her, she's been planning to kill him for a year. She's just a little too slow. Perhaps in another lifetime she succeeded, but not in this one. But in that other universe, she is sending the kids off to boarding school the second dad is dead.
I want her to kill me she's so hot
Kai Leech
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The oldest, at age 15. Has his Mama's eyes, and his papa's disposition. He's starting to prep for the NRC entrance exams, but he's definitely a family man, who is not excited for college because it means he'll have to be away from papa and his siblings. He's a protective big brother, despite his eccentricities. He has been known to have a bit of a temper, and has swung at some bullies who went after his cousins or his siblings. Probably will be placed in Savannahclaw. He's very well aware of how often his parents fight about whether he should be betrothed or not, and is crazy grateful that his papa has stood up for him and his free will.
Coral Leech
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Age 13, and angsty. She won't take any bullshit, and she and Sirena are at each other's throats constantly. At age ten, she asked dad, "What happens if mother dies?" With dark eyes. Sometimes she leaves articles about husbands who murdered their wives around. Papa always says it's a joke (he is well aware it is not) but mother wants to ship her off to boarding school. Coral refuses to be the cookie cutter rich girl her mother wants her to be, and is doing everything she can to make herself seem scary enough to not be married off should something happen to papa.
Pearl Leech
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Age eleven. She's cute and sweet, and mother's perfect angel... usually. She has her father's energy levels, and while she is very kind, her kindness is often loud and frenetic. Her kindness usually leaves a mess behind, whether it be a messy kitchen after she makes brownies, or a room full of broken items where she made a craft. But she means well.
Caspian Leech
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Age nine. He's the serious one. Dedicated to his studies, wanting to be a big man so that Papa will let him take over the family business....
Most of the time.
He's close in age to Anemone, which makes them best friends. But it also means they fight constantly. One moment they'll be playing house with some dolls, the next they are breaking each other's dolls because "you aren't playing the game right!"
Mother will be so proud of him one moment, then ripping her hair out the next.
Anemone Leech
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Age 8. Again, best friends with Caspian. Well behaved, until they are wrestling on the ground and destroying a store. Has her mother's eyes, which makes her mother have a little bit of hope, but Leech genes are strong. She is still young, still developing her personality. And with how boring mother is, and how fun papa is, take a wild guess about which direction she is going to go in.
Jade Leech (Jr.)
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Age 5. Floyd begged to name a kid Jade. And the answer was no 6/6 times. But when Jade opened his eyes, Sirena rolled her eyes and said he could name him, but also made sure to note that she was done. Which is so fair after six kids, but the reason isn't the number of kids, or even that she doesn't want anymore. No, she's just lost hope that any will be "civilized". She entertained his desire for a big family because none of the kids so far had been worthy heirs, but she's giving up. A cruel thing to say when you're holding your newborn baby, but hey, rich people, amiright?
He's a good bean, a complete sweetheart. He just enjoys being included! Sure, he has no idea what's going on, and he knows mother is mean, but everyone else is wonderful and he's so happy!
Picrew Links 🥺
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boozenboze · 2 years
Hiii!! Hope you’re doing great! Love your writing btw!
Just had a request. It’s been stuck in my mind like a post it for a while.
So what would be the task force 141 + Alejandro, Rudy and König’s reaction to a reader that’s known for being sweet and caring. (Code name Angel)
They’re a field medic but haven’t been on the field in a while, somehow they have to protect the sweet boys and they find out reader is in fact ruthless when fighting and v deadly. (Maybe they gotta change the code name to Archangel lol)
Anyways have a good day/night. No worries if you can’t write it!
Árchangel In Battle
Task Force 141 +Los Vaqueros+Konig x Medic!Male reader
Summary:Angel is the code name M/n aquired because of his gentle nature though it’s always changed when he’s on the field.
You will be referred to as Angel in most parts
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Females She/Her and She/They DNI
If the other soilders had to choose the nicest member out of the 141 all answers would be the same.You,aka M/n was a total sweetheart to everyone.Always giving a gentle smile when walking around the base which naturally made everybody fond of your presence.
When you first met the Los Vaqueros they were immediately delighted by your presence.Alejandro was the first one to call him Angel and sooner than later it became his official unofficial code name.Rudy can remember the way M/n smiled at them when they first met.A smile in which he believed only a Angel could have.
When König had first arrived he was quite nervous.Sure he’s 6’10 and was the tallest guy but he seemed awfully shy and nervous to speak.After a few days of him being at the base,one day during training he had grazed his arm.So of course he’d went to go see a medic.Angel being the specific medic he was going to see.König enjoyed the males prescesnce especially since he was so caring and gentle,it seemed unrealistic for a guy.
“Hey Angel~!”König said happily as he walked towards the medic who already had a smile on his voice before the Austrian walked in.
“guten Abend Schatz what brings you here?M/n spoke with a little german added on which made König giddy.
“One of the seargents accidently made me scrape my arm I was wondering if you could take a look at it.”König g said while sitting on one of the beds.
“Ok let me have a look.”M/n stood from where he was seated and approached the taller male.M/n grabbed the arm König was talking about and slightly grimaced by the torn skin.
“Well this is one hell of a scrape if I do say so myself.Well,no matter I can make you feel better Liebe.”M/n spoke out while grabbing the needed supplies from a tray.König was blushing M/n kept speaking to him normally at one moment and the other he started speaking to him in German.M/n continued talking to König ig till he completed his given task and König was in a trance.M/n’s voice practically had him in a trance and his feather like touches were the only thing getting his attention.
“Alright big guy your good to go!”M/n chirped in enthusiasm as König g sulked under his mask.He wanted to stay in the room and keep the Medic company but he knew he had other things to do.
“Okay..., bis gleich Liebes!”König yelled out while exiting the room.M/n smiled as he cleaned up the small mess left by the adhesives and bandaids.
Angel was called back into the field.It had everybody on edge since the Medic hadn’t been on the field in a couple years.Price was skeptical about letting Angel come since he didn’t want want the male to get hurt but with the mission they were going on he was needed,many soilders were bound to get hurt and Angel was a quick man on his feet.On the following days M/n was training just to make sure he was still cabable if doing what he was best at.The male was good with snipers and he could’ve been a sniper if he really wanted but he’d rather stick with his current position.
Today was the day of the mission and everyone besides Angel came up to an agreement.They were all gonna do their best to protect the h/c haired male even though they had new clue what the man was still capable of.Now exiting the vehicle M/n was paired up with Gaz to take down the guards blocking the front of the building.When Price was giving orders M/n didn’t wanna waste time so he quickly sniped both of the in the head.
“Geez doc,ya didn’t even let Price finish?”Gaz exasperated as Angel huffed.
“Well we gotta get this down as soon as possible.Can’t afford to do anything last minute ey?”Angel asked as Gaz shrugged his shoulders as they made their way to the buildings entrance and walked inside.
“Angel,Gaz How copy?”König’s voice could be heard on the other end of the radio.
“All is well on our end,what about you and the others?”Angel spoke out as Gaz listened into the conversation as he shot down a few spotted enemies.
“Start headin towards the fifth floor we’ll meet up there.”Ghost spoke out in his usual rough tone of voice.Gaz and M/n began making there way up the stairs having to take down a few enemy soilders down.
“They should be up here.”Gaz murmured as Angel held his gun up prepared to shoot.
Gaz slowly opened the door just to be lucky enough to see the rest of 141 and the Los Vaqueros.
“Angel I’m glad to see you hermano-!”Alejandro was cut off by the click of several guns.They all turned around and they were surrounded
“Don’t fucking move!”One of them spoke out as König grabbed Angel’s arm in attempts of pulling him back to which Angel yanked his arm back.
“Angel du musst zurückbleiben!”König whispered yelled into Angels ear to which he responded.
“I can handle myself König.”Angel spoke out while slowly dispersing himself away from the huddle.
“Hand us the files and we’ll let you go.”A deep voice spoke out while aiming his gun at Rudy’s chest.
“Nae pumpin' happening assholes!”Soap yelled out defensively as one of them began moving closer and putting a gun to Alejandro’s skull.
“You’re going to regret doing this estúpido!”Alejandro yelled out as the man pressed his gun into Alejandro’s head harder which made him grunt.The leader was about to speak again until a muffled scream was heard gaining everyone’s attention.Price looked around and noticed that Angel was nowhere to be seen.
“Wait where’d Angel go?!”Price yelled out which made the rest realize the h/c haired male wasn’t with them.Suddenly a thud was heard and one of the enemies saw his teammates head rolling towards him.
“What the fuc-“The man was cut off by a knife lodging in to his skull.
“Stand your ground stay alert!”The leader yelled out only for another soilder to get shot in the skull.
“What the hell?”Gaz whispered as he saw something run across the room.He noticed the figure put two fingers up which Gaz remembered was a signal that Angel had taught him.Peace sign meant get ready in Angels code of silence,so Gaz grabbed his gun.At that moment M/n shot another soilder in the head and Gaz did the same.Angel rushed at another guy and slit his throat and used his now limp body as a shield.Ghost punched another one,knocking him to the ground and Soap tackled another one of the others to the ground and began punching him senseless.
König broke one of the men’s spins over his leg killing him instantly before throwing his knife in another’s skull.Alejandro was punching the guy who held the gun to his skull while Rudy stabbed one of them repeatedly.Gaz was about to turn around but the leader grabbed him and held a knife to his throat.
“STOP NOW!”He yelled out gaining everyone’s attention.“Drop your damn weapons.”He spoke out while pressing his knife onto Gaz’s throat making the Brit groan.They all lower their weapons now worrying for Gaz’s wellbeing.
“Just give me the damn files and I’ll let him go!”He yelled out as Price glared heavily at him.Nobody said anything and it seemed to have made the leader angrier.
“Ok..,y’all asked for th-AHH!”The male yelled out as Angel appeared from behind him biting into his neck.The man cried out as he pulled a chunk of skin off the males throat while also ripping out his vocal cords.The look the e/c eyed male gave him was nothing but cold as he ripped the mand vocal cords out his throat.Angel got down and began strangling the male with his vocal cords and the others could only watch as the man’s body went limp against his own appendage.141 and Los Vaqueros watched the male stand up before looking them all in the eye.
“What?I couldn’t just stand there he was gonna kill Gaz.”Angel spoke out as König jumped happily in place.
“No no it’s just the uh-we ain’t expect that out of ya considering you haven’t been on the field in a while.”Price spoke out as everybody made noises of agreement.
“Seems that the Angel has turned to the Archangel.”Soap spoke out jokingly as Angel chuckled.
“Yeah I think that’d have to be my new name on the field.”Angel spoke out as they began to exit the building.
It was decided Angel off the field and Archangel upon it
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luffyvace · 8 months
Tanjiro x male reader<3
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Tanjiro x male reader won second place in the poll!! :) enjoy tanjiro stans<3
Starting back at the final selection let’s say that’s when you met
just to clear things up
and you two started dating some time after that
of course eventually making it official
tanjiro was quite flustered when he realized his sexuality might be different from tradition
but he wasn’t afraid to be bi/gay/pan or anything
he just thought- ..! Actually he never really thought of that type of thing..
I mean he was kinda too young
but now that your together!
he has time to figure it all out :)
tanjiro is such a sweet lover!
and helpful!
and caring!
(Really he’s a ball of love)
if you feel tired he carries you
(Even if your both beat up after a mission)
if you need water he’ll spare you some of his or go fetch some
And he’s always down to spar at any type of day!
I will say he’s not thinking about you in that way when you take your shirt off
but when you do he definitely admires you!
you might have abs seeing as though the demon slayer corps has………...harsh (brutal) training 😅
if you do then he sees it as a result of your hard work!
same with scars!
especially with scars<3
he can 100% relate and you two share stories about each one
if you have any—you probably trauma bond
you guys just end up talking all night long about your past, everything that happened, your pain, whether you want revenge or not and so on!
It strengthens your trust and relationship with each other
btw if anyone asks why your together as two males or how you know you actually like men..
tanjiro will humbly and politely educate (lecture) them on how important you are to each other, how you met, why/when you started dating and even if they don’t like it, it’s simple to walk away instead of disrespecting your relationship!
I hope y’all don’t run into uzui..
(y’all do)
that man has THREE wives why wouldn’t he question when he sees you two?? 😬🧍‍♀️
tanjiro had to hit em with the quick fix cuz when I tell you he did not let that slide 😂
especially with how slick uzui mouth be gettin..😒
Tanjiro also has learned to adjust to scavenging for food (he grew crops with his mom)
as well as inosuke (he grew up in the wild) and zenitsu (he used to have crops with his sensei)
so if you can too, great!
if not the 3 of them work together to make the 4 of you meals
and after they learn how to stop burning them
theyre pretty tasty too!!
don’t expect inosuke to share.
do expect inosuke to take
-note to self, m/n.
zenitsu doesn’t see the attraction to males instead of females
he won’t judge but will ask you two if your sure your into males
and after tanjiro gives him that lecture about being respectful-
he doesn’t question it again
inosuke straight up don’t care
he doesn’t really view relationships in a romantic way
its more so between “they’re beneath me” , “they’re above me, I must beat them”
so no worries about him judging either 😋
if nezuko doesn’t like you
it’s not to say tanjiro won’t date you because of it
but I’ll honestly say it plays a factor
If sweet nezuko doesn’t like you it prob means something..🤨
she has good instincts so tanjiro might start to assume you have ill intent or smth 😬
he’ll try to get her to like you and if she warms up to you he assumes it might’ve been personal 😂🤷‍♀️
but if she doesn’t..
he finds you like 30% less attractive🧍‍♀️
if she does like you from jump, she starts to protect you as well
and loves to spend time with you when she’s outside her box
tanjiro adores this and you three cuddle or play in each other’s hair whenever you have the time
It also makes him happy if you accept nezuko as a demon quickly
after missions tanjiro finds you, nezuko, zenitsu and inosuke
then cries
like your all just a crying mess tbh
i mean unless your like emotionally unavailable..
Tanjiro will help you achieve your goals as you likely help him achieve his
even more so after that night you had where you opened up to each other about your past
(again, only if you have truama)
tanjiro is really grateful for you
before all he had was nezuko
and aside from zenitsu and inosuke
now he has you!! 💗
tanjiro’s love languages are acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation and (shy) physical touch
actually maybe some gift giving when he can too!!
so all?!
such a green flag 💖
for acts of service as I said he’ll genuinely do any sane thing you ask of him
he cares about you that much
he won’t bother to complain about being tired either
he automatically assumes your either doing worse or he’s fine
as for quality time he gets really relieved when he gets sent on missions with you
at least he can be there to see and protect you
(or maybe vice versa 😂)
he’d beat himself up about not being able to protect you more if you get serious injures
tends to your wounds everyday then trains vigorously
to get stronger and protect you as you fight along side him when he fights muzan
if your gonna fight along side him in that battle? He’s gonna need to be strong enough to protect you.
he doesn’t want to loose you.
especially not to that man.
he lost everything to him.
he won’t let it happen again.
for quality time outside of missions ✌︎('ω')✌︎
tanjiro likes to train, cuddle, go on walks, go shopping, chit chat :)
All that good stuff <3
with words of affirmation he really just praises you all the time
”you did your best today in training! I could tell! :D”
“You look great today m/n!! I’m glad your wearing the (favorite men’s jewelry piece) I got you!”
”I can definitely tell your getting stronger, m/n!!!”
it can also be
“get a good nights sleep, m/n! I love you!”
”be careful on your mission okay? I love you, m/n!”
“thank goodness we surviveeeeed!!! I love you m/n!! I love you so much!!”
now lastly for (shy) physical touch
he is nervous to touch you
he doesn’t wanna make you uncomfortable, yes that’s the last thing he wants
he doesn’t know how to execute it so he ends up either asking or making it very obvious of what he’s trying to do
that way you can shut him down early on just in case
and you won’t feel pressured to let him if you dislike affection
which mind you he does asks if your okay with it first
so that’s likely not the case
if you did mention your distaste for physical affection, however, it’s duly noted in his mind and will keep it to a minimum
your gonna have to discuss boundaries or else he’s gonna act like you have the plague trying not to upset you 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Tanjiro doesn’t dislike pda or anything
he’s just a bit embarrassed about it
maybe if it’s more subtle like resting your head on his shoulder, then yeah that’s okay!
hugging too!!
but direct kissing or hand holding?
his face is a cherry and he’s apologizing to the passerbyers for disturbing them
even if they don’t mind
he’s self aware when it comes to not disturbing others
tanjiro can be a little flustered/shy about things but he’s certainly isn’t embarrassed about your relationship!
he’s quite proud, actually!
will happily tell/correct anyone that asks or misjudges♡♡♡
It’ll make me happy if you enjoyed this, so hopes to you did!
(apologies for the procrastination, and thank you for your patience lovelies!)
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foxedfriend · 2 months
Supernatural spoilers for like the whole show//
Thinking about how it was ok to make God canonically bisexual in Supernatural, but Dean Winchester wasn’t allowed to be.
It was so easy for them too. SO EASY. They were just like “oh btw god has had bfs as well as gfs!” And that was it. No hints, no subtext, no dramatic buildup and easing the audience into it. None of that. Just. God’s bi I guess 🤷‍♂️. Even though it seems like a throwaway, practically a funny gotcha! line. It’s still there.
That’s what hurts the most for me. Just how easy, how effortless queer rep seemed to be for the show in later seasons. Nothing crazy. Nothing extreme. A simple sentence. A romantic interest who happens to be of the same gender.
Even for God. Something from our reality that a lot of people believe in. Religious people generally don’t like it when people make things up about him because it messes with their image of something they genuinely believe in. But the show did it anyway. They didn’t really seem to care about upsetting people. Even though their target audience was originally macho cis het men (those who are generally more conservative and Christian leaning). Oh yeah just make him bi.
But not Dean. No, never Dean. There’s no way they could make him bi or gay or anything like that. He’s our manly hero. Our main good guy.
No, that’d be crazy. You’re crazy. Oh yeah all of these random side characters are queer and engage in queer behaviours: evil witches, the king of hell, the most macho burly hunter you’ve ever seen (not Dean tho), LITERALLY GOD HIMSELF. But not Dean. Don’t be stupid now. Oh yeah Cas is queer and in love with Dean. Maybe. But Dean would never reciprocate that. Dean isn’t gay. He can’t be. For some reason.
And that’s how the show ended.
I appreciate everything said and done by actors and writers later on and I know what’s true in my heart and have my own interpretations of the text of the show, but it kind of would’ve just been nice to have something concrete and official in the show. A small line. You know. Would’ve made me feel a little less crazy. A little less alone.
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robo-writing · 4 months
Ok I don't know anything about Cod but am curious to know who of your faves is most likely to lovingly hold you on a chokehold and do they prefer to use their biceps or thighs to do so!
Yes this is the same anon who asked about chokehold bicep Bi-Han many moons ago and I do apologize for my fixation on muscular men flexing their muscles on reader 🙏 love your writing btw!
I hope you know anon that I ALSO have a fixation on muscular men flexing their muscles on reader (I think I wrote something similar for Cassidy from ow a while back) so I happily invite you to return to my inbox. That being said—
Johnny 100000% would. He loves it when you look at him, the guy has a serious peacock-like attitude where he’ll walk around in wife beaters and sleeveless shirts as an excuse to flex around you. He knows you love his body, but even better is the satisfaction of knowing he can grab your attention so reliably. If there is anything he loves, it’s your eyes on him.
He realizes just how badly you love his muscles when you ask him if he can put you in a chokehold. The question makes his eyebrow raise a bit before a smile sweet as sin spreads across his face.
“So, wanna get nice and personal?” And before you can take back what you said he spreads his meaty thighs nice and wide, pats the corded muscle of them and invites you close.
“Come on then, time’s wasting.”
Which is how you ended up with your head trapped between his elbow, his deep Scottish voice tickling your ear with each sound. He hasn’t even fucked you yet, just let his cock rub between your thighs, your pussy leaving an embarrassingly large wet spot right on the front of his pants.
“There ye go, nice and gentle,” he coos, just barely rocking himself to your rhythm. “We’re not in a rush, just sit back and enjoy yerself.”
He squeezes his arm just a bit harder and you swear you see stars, the lack of oxygen making your head light. A second, another, a third passes when he lightens his hold on your neck and you’re finally given a reprieve, only for him to repeat it all over again.
“Should fuckin’ see yerself, cute hips trying to bounce on what isn’t there,” he groans, holding your legs wider so he can slide his cock against your clothed sex. “Want me inside yet? Want me to choke ye while I make ye cum?”
Your body burns with exhaustion, hips bucking into the air with each word. You frantically nod your head as much as you can, and in response Johnny makes you a deal.
“Go on then doll, cum for me just like this and I’ll make sure to fuck ye just how ye need it.”
That’s all it took to having you chasing your release, nails leaving crescents against the skin of his strong forearm. Your breath hitches, a pathetic whine leaving your lips, a sloppy mess of his name as you cum.
His praise is nothing short of worship, fingers dipping underneath your pants to touch your sensitive pussy for the first time, astonished at the slick that coats his fingers with each swipe.
“Fuck me, you really did it…” he says amazed, then quickly carries you to the bed. “You’re coming like that at least twice on my cock before I even think about letting you out of the house.”
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hainethehero · 22 days
last one from me (hopefully!)
“I don´t get that anon. What is "BT shippers who claim to like Eddie, what kind of future do you envision for him if BT is endgame?" supposed to mean? First of, nobody has to "claim" anything. The implication here that people are only pretending to like Eddie is kind of odd.” – Well you see, I found it kind of shocking the way a heap of seemingly ride-or-die buddie shippers dropped buddie and eddie like a hot potato the second that a side character man with a questionable past kissed buck.
For one thing, there was relatively little fandom discussion about buck’s horrible behaviour toward eddie during 7x04 (which has been largely forgotten and glossed over). All anyone cared about from then on was BT and bi buck. Within days(?) of 7x04, people posted fics and spec about Eddie being homophobic when Buck comes out to him and tommy having to comfort buck, and about Eddie dying so that BT could raise Christopher together.
The rest of the season saw people generally posting about how Eddie’s a mentally unstable mess and a user and Buck should wash his hands of him and go be happy with Tommy etc. I remember BTs fanoning about Buck leaving Eddie in the kitchen in 7x09 to go to Tommy so Tommy can “f-ck him calm”. Etc.
You could say this is why I have trouble imagining BT shippers who also love Eddie, as most/all of what I’ve seen from BT shippers is general disparagement of and a lack of giving af about Eddie. Which is fine! You don’t have to care about him! But I was curious to know the perspective of BT shippers who apparently DO like Eddie and DO care about him. How do they picture Eddie will find happiness in the show? I was curious! I don’t get why it’s so shocking of me to ask questions in the hope of gaining a different perspective?
"Well you see, I found it shocking the way ride or die buddie shippers dropped buddie and Eddie like a hot potato the second that a side character with a questionable past kissed Buck" - signed, PURITY CULTURE
I know it's hard to believe but y'all buddie stans DON'T have a monopoly on shipping 911 characters! And btw, most people who were buddie fans, actually do like Bucktommy. And haven't stopped loving Eddie as a character.
Tommy's past no longer became questionable the moment he reconciled his relationship with Hen and Chim. Hen and Chim throwing him a farewell party with cake doesn't not excuse what he did, but it nullifies ANY notion that he was a "questionable" character. Chimney calling on Tommy to put out the burning house, ultimately saving Eddie's life, makes him a friend the 118 could rely on. Tommy coming in clutch when the 118 needed to rescue Bobby and Athena, makes him a trusted friend who Hen and Chimney put their faith in. Eddie immediately taking a liking to him, Bobby telling Buck that "Tommy's good people & they didnt have to talk about it" meant that Bobby trusts him. All of these HARDLY renders him a questionable character.
Also, "BT shippers not giving af about eddie"??? Really? Because from what I've seen, a MAJORITY of buddie stans actually dgaf about Eddie. They bulldoze over his character and make everything that happens to him, somehow related to Buck. If he makes a new friend, or has an interest in someone like Kim or, he's remembering Shannon and how he's still broken over her, buddie stans make it all about Buck and buddie.
Eddie has barely been given the luxury of growing as a character outside of Buck because all y'all are concerned with, is buddie.
And the problem with you asking about how and why BT shippers who do like Eddie envision a future for him, was that you asked it in bad faith. The number of toxic BT stans is OUTWEIGHED excessively by toxic buddie stans who make it their business to be INSUFFERABLE about buddie in EVERYTHING the 911 fandom does. Bottom line, yall hate seeing Buck with anyone but Eddie. It would be better to just admit this rather than trying to disparage Tommy's character who has totally been absolved and reconciled in the canon.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
oh my GOD the weirdest thing just happened to me and I NEED ur advice.
So basically, I have this friendship group of like eleven annoying idiots (love ‘em all), and me.
Two of them and me r in the marauders fandom. We’re all 16 btw, just finished GCSEs!!!!!!!!! This is THE summer!!!!!
Anyways, we have ONE couple in our friendship group (that gives rosekiller vibes ngl) and a few others are dating people but not from inside the group (not much group-cest).
So like yesterday, we were all hanging out at one of our houses and I turn to my best mate in the group (who’s also a marauder girlie) and say “isn’t it so weird that our friendship group doesn’t have a wolfstar ship.” cause like ngl, we do give marauder era friendship vibes.
AND EVERYONES GOES SILENT???????? Like people were halfway thru words and they SHUT up. They always ignore us when we talk abt the marauders.  
So I turn to everyone and go “what’s with the silence, half of u don’t even know what wolfstar is.”
And one of them goes “we might not know shit about harry potter but someone’s definitely mentioned wolfstar a few times”. 
I assume I shouldn’t use her real name her so imma just call her Clara (she loves TS Clara Bow song so-).
Clara blushes REAL red and looks down and whispers for the person who said that to shut up.
So I say “Hang on, I thought we weren’t allowed to blab abt the marauders after *my best mate* and *another person in the group* argued over who hated JKR the most? For three hours.”
And the girl from before who apparently knows what wolfstar is says “Yeah- except when we’re watching wolfstar happen, of course we have to know what it is.”
So I furrow my eyes brows at her and she goes “you know” which I DONT.
And then my best mate rolls her eyes and says “we do have a wolfstar in this friendship group dumbass.” 
Anyway, we sorta moved on. And when I tried to hound my best mate later that night she wouldn’t tell me shit. She just kept saying “no. you know all the ships in our friendship group. we aren’t keeping the wolfstar one from you.”
ANYWAY I went home and THEN it occurred to me that… ME. I could be in the wolfstar ship our friends were talking abt. Otherwise I would KNOW, since I always know.
And there’s only one person they all ship me with in our group, Clara. 
and she says, she hasn’t been shipping us secretly she’s been shipping us to my face
and so I say, that it wasn’t serious until she compared me to my FAV marauders couple
and so I say, how dare u compare me to remus, I love him but he’s def not me. 
so I say, SIRIUS? 
and she says, SIRIUS!
And I say, girl how? 
And she says, how about the fact that ur family are psychos and u really need to move out. How abt because ur an idiot who can’t see what’s right in front of her? How about your a demi bi queer chaotic mess who can’t recognise what could be the love of your life if she literally kissed you on the cheek which she FUCKING DID
so I say, … that was platonic? 
And she says, I hate you (jk I love u) but no rlly I hate u so much. WHAT RHE FUCK DUDE. 
So I say, wait, u don’t think she has a crush on me do u? 
(this is all taking place over text in case I hadn’t made that clear).
So I say, has she told you? 
And she says, u know I can’t say either way.
So I say, so no. She doesn’t. 
But now I think she might. 
Which is awkward. Look i’m not like- straight or anything, but I never get crushes, who has the time to care honestly. 
And I don’t wanna be like, oh my friend who’s a lesbian ObViOuSlY has a crush on ME. I’m not like, Erin in Derry Girls. UGH. 
But in hindsight, she HAS seemed bothered whenever I talk about boyfriends (which isn’t that often cause again, who has the fucking time). 
And she did NOT like my ex. Which was only sort of fair personality wise.
And like yes, technically, we have hung out solo and then she kissed my cheek. But like, we’re just really good friends.
ALSO how dare my best mate compare me to Sirius. Sure my parents are evil but they’re NOT RICH. I mean if you’re gonna be horrific at least be rich right? 
And here’s the thing, if I bring it up and Clara does like me- WHAT DO I SAY
and if I bring it up and she doesn’t, i’m that bitch who assumes she does cause she’s gay.
AND if I don’t and she does like me, am I just being ignorant so it’s easier for me. 
Or if i don’t and she doesn’t like me, will I think there’s some weird air here and she won’t even know what’s going on. 
I HATE being in the unknown.
And like I had known our friends shipped us but they’ve done it for like… three years maybe? Not religiously but as a jk. 
So by this point it’s just background noise. but now they’ve compared us to WOLFSTAR (and know what wolfstar is it seems) now I’m like thinking about this.
MAYBE THATS THEIR PLAN. Maybe it’s just a trick to mess with us more. 
But now I can’t help worrying that when we hang out it’s supposed to be a date. Or that time she kissed me was supposed to be a date and I DIDNT REALISE and just rudely ignored her. 
Also like yes, she was there for the wolfstar comparison, but idk if SHE knows it was US being compared to them.
Clara doesn’t LOVE the marauders fandom, but she’s lovely and always lets me ramble about it (like I let her ramble abt her books). And so she knows a lot of lore, specifically about Wolfstar. 
So idk if she knew it was abt us, or if she’s just like realising now.
Also, and here’s the weird part, I care. 
I never give a shit usually, about whoever has a crush on me or whatever. I just do what I want and deal with other people later. But now it’s my friend, my really lovely and funny and sweet and beautiful and kind friend and I don’t want to hurt her.
BUT MAYBE I WONT. Cause maybe she doesn’t even like me so it’s nothing to worry abt. 
Anyway, that’s the story. Got any advice for me Cas? ALSO congrats on your new school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh boy.
First of all- babe, it sounds like you're the last to know about all this. But I'm glad you're aware now. Welcome to the party!
Also- "my really lovely and funny and sweet and beautiful and kind friend" uhm. do you wanna say that again? And tell me there's no feelings there?
I mean, I'm not gonna tell you how you feel but it sounds like you need to stop overthinking and just spend some time with Clara. Because it could be that you're overlooking something great, here. Stop getting in your head and just feel for a bit. Wolfstar is a superior ship for a reason :D
Naming you wolfstar anon
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blazinghotfoggynights · 5 months
What is with all the fighting?
BuckTommy vs Buddie is going to be a pay per view octagon situation if this continues.
How is everyone fighting about things that have not happened? Why is there a budding ship war?
This is why fandom can't have nice things.
Can anyone provide a reasonable and rational explanation for this madness? Can both sides not see the writers have set this up to go one of a million different ways and no one except the people working on the show know where it is going?
I could argue how both sides could be probable and even support the most farfetched "tinhat theories" with actual canonical scenes, lines, and hints.
How the hell are fans arguing over which "endgame" is the right one? We don't get a say. Minear and his crew are firmly in control and unless you are going to argue with him, what is the point? (BTW, don't do that! For the love everything, if you are one of those who goes after the producers, writers, and actors, can I just say you give fandom as a whole a bad name and ask you to stop! Geez!)
A part of me thinks ABC and the showrunners are doing all this to fuel debates and dissent which will increase interest and send the already sky-high ratings through the roof this season and ensure at least several more seasons to come. Guess what? It's working.
Can we all agree that Buck, who didn't just turn bi one day but has been bi all his life and didn't know it, has definitely looked at and flirted with Eddie, Eddie and women have a weird dynamic, Eddie has definitely eyef****d his best friend more than once, Buck and Tommy are definitely having naked fun times (since Tommy is a beast, I think we know who is getting their back blown out), and no one has a clue about the direction the writers will take Tommy in?
Imho, in some more than platonic way, which we can spend hours debating, Tommy was/is into Eddie, Tommy is into Buck, Buck was/is into Eddie, Buck is into Tommy, and Eddie was/is into Buck. Eddie has canonically stated he is not into Tommy, so I am going to go with it because in six seasons, Tommy is the only person Eddie has stated he is not interested in.
If I were in that writer's room, I would be suggesting so much mess it would make Jerry Springer look like Sunday school. (Sue me. I love drama in my shows and movies. Not in my life, though. Definitely not.)
Now, can we all chill the hell out and see where this FICTIONAL story about FICTIONAL characters goes?
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sitp-recs · 7 months
Hi Liv,
Do you have any recs where Draco is Harry’s gay awakening?
Thank you 🙏 You’re the absolute best.
Thank you, anon 💜 I got a few recs for you, these also include bi awakening. Btw Writcraft and ignatiustrout are great authors that often explore this theme in their works so I highly recommend checking their ao3. Enjoy!
Bridges by @cavendishbutterfly (E, 16k)
Harry and Draco are on a trip to Budapest to help with Kingsley's re-election, but that's the boring bit. More interesting: Harry Potter is changing his Tinder preferences to include men.
Poor Unfortunate Souls by @doubleappled (E, 19k)
Draco is a potioneer. Harry is trying to save his sex-challenged marriage. Everything is a mess, but at least there's an octopus in the lobby.
Harry Potter and The Bisexual Awakening by @writcraft (E, 23k)
Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch. When Draco Malfoy turns up on Harry's doorstep demanding that Harry teach him how to drive, things quickly become a lot more complicated.
The Venice Job by nishizono (E, 25k)
Harry Potter was one of the youngest Aurors in history. He was the Boy Who Lived, and the Boy Who Lived Again. He loved Guinness and Quidditch, and hated pineapple. He wrote letters to Hagrid every Thursday, and on Sundays, he visited Hermione and Ron. Harry Potter was also not gay.
Buds, Blooms, and Beards by @corvuscrowned (E, 27k)
Harry and Ginny have built an easy, happy life for themselves after the war. They run a thriving plant shop together, they have a great relationship, and they're definitely not gay.
Around You Moves by ignatiustrout (M, 29k)
Harry knew Draco was gay when he invited him to move in. He’s never had a problem with this. So why does he feel so weird about Draco bringing men home all of a sudden?
War Wounds by SilentAuror (E, 30k)
Some wounds take longer to recover from than others. HP/DM, with background HP/GW. Themes of alcoholism, love triangles, and dubious fidelity.
On One's Knees by pir8fancier (E, 34k)
The war is over and to the victors go the spoils. If you are triggered by infidelity, this is not the fic for you.
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout (M, 49k)
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
The Beauty of Thestrals and Other Unseen Things by @writcraft (E, 63k)
Harry has terrific friends, an amazing girlfriend and his job as Head Auror enables him to work on challenging cases and Ministry reform. He just wishes he could work out why he’s been so out of sorts.
Reparo by amalin (E, 85k)
Voldemort's final defeat does not mean Harry Potter's troubles are over; far from it. In the aftermath of war, he returns to a Hogwarts that is fractured and divided, but this is no break that can be fixed with a spell. New owls, fading scars, surprising alliances—and along the way, the hardest task of all, to live with it.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by nerakrose and dustmouth (T, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
Level Two: Series One by Ashii Black (ashiiblack), blamebrampton, Catsintheattic, dustmouth, epithalamium, incandescent (lmeden), josephinestone (orphan_account), leveltwo, nerakrose, raitala, Romaine, Vaysh, Writcraft (E, 113k)
Witches and wizards are disappearing in a seemingly random fashion. Coincidence? Abductions? But no one is claiming ransom. The Aurors are not even sure the disappearances are connected, then one of the missing turns up dead. Meanwhile, Auror Harry Potter is thrown into the infamous Sirius Black Muggle murder case from 25 years ago.
Star Quality by who_la_hoop (E, 118k)
Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they?
Things Worth Knowing by Femme and noeon (E, 164k)
After the Battle, Harry thinks he's left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco's just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor. He's hoping he can steer clear of Potter this year and grapple with his own problems. Unfortunately for him, Potter appears to be one of those problems.
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bihansthot · 1 year
Can you write a filth/smut oneshot about the OC getting ready for a bath but can’t find anything to put their hair up. Then Bi Han being the so cool (haha I had too lmao 🤣) he kisses the OC & puts a hand behind their head, creating an ice hair clip. Then bam, the filth/smut bath scene begins. 😂 Btw I love your stories/oneshots, you are so talented. Thank you for giving us Bi Han content since he doesn’t get as much love. 💙
I apologize for this taking forever lovely, but hopefully it’s worth the wait! So, under the cut we have a lovely little drabble about the reader (you) trying to take a bath, but guess who gets in her way? Bi-Han! Ding Ding Ding! Correct! It’s short and smutty, hopefully y’all enjoy my new approach to things! As always likes, comments, reblogs, dms etc. are always appreciate! Oh I almost forgot! A very lovely Chinese reader was kind enough to point out people don’t really use qīn ^^; oops? So, per their suggestion I switched it to qin’ai de! Still a term of affection, so hopefully no one’s too thrown off!
You sigh happily as your feet sink into the hot, relaxing waters of the outside bathes in the Lin Kuei Temple. The warm water was such a delicious luxury as you spent most of your time in the frigid company of your lover, the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, Sub-Zero. “Now where did I put it,” you mumble to yourself as your hands grope around the foggy bath floor searching for your hair clip.
“Misplace something qīn’ai de?” Bi-Han’s deep voice cuts through the fog as deeply as the blast of cold that surrounds his arrival.
You shiver and wrap your arms around your bare body, “polar bear, what are you doing here? You hate the outdoor baths.”
“I had some free time and decided to seek out your lovely company,” he smirks, producing a glittering hair clip out of ice to keep your hair from soaking in the mineral-rich waters. His cold hands skim across your shoulders and neck as he twists your hair up before clipping it in place.
You shiver involuntarily from the chill the cryomancer brings and it causes heat to bubble up in your stomach as his icy touch ignites a fire in your core. You moan softly at his uncharacteristically gentle touch and lean back into him against his hard, flawless body. “Care to join me?” You whisper in a sweet invitation.
“In that boiling hot mess? No way,” he crinkles his nose up in distaste at your proposal. “I figured we could have fun here though,” his smirk turns predatory as he drags your body effortlessly out of the water and pins you against the smooth, rocky ledge.
The grandmaster wastes no time in removing his complicated uniform instead he opts to pull out his cold hard cock from his pants and slots it between your legs as if it was demanding entry into your warmth. “I know you’re ready for me aren’t you my little whore,” he purrs and you moan at the way he demeans you.
You spread your legs in response and it isn’t long before his cold cock is opening up your tight hole, the stretch and burn feel indescribable as you gasp and cling to him. The sensation feels electrifying in the hot misty air of the bath house as you’re chilled from the inside out. Bi-Han gives you no time to adjust to his enormous length as he pushes until he’s seated in you balls deep, you let out a hoarse cry.
“Sorry qin’ai de, I’m in between important meetings,” he apologizes with a chaste kiss as his cold hands grasp at your steam-soaked thighs. The rhythm he sets is hard and punishing, and you cry out with each thrust.
“Polar Bear,” you cry pitifully as he fucks you hard against the slippery rocks, each thrust opening you up, turning you on, causing you to soak his pants with your want. You pant and whine his name as he continues with his onslaught, thrusting hard and fast in your tight, wet hole. You can barely breathe between the foggy air and the immense pleasure Bi-Han wrought upon you, “I-I…” you begin as you scratch at his bulging biceps as your toes curl and the coil of pressure in your core threatens to burst.
He reaches an icy hand in between the two of you and strokes your clit in time with his questing hips, “that’s a good girl, who’s my good little slut?” He purrs and it’s all over in an instant.
You shout his name loudly, not caring who was in the vicinity to hear you as you tumble over the edge, you nearly sob as your release floods you with wave after wave of pleasure. You release gushes from your pussy as Sub-Zero rams into you over and over again, his grunts of pleasure growing in volume.
He whispers your name against your ears as he stills deep inside you and with a great heave and shudder of his body you feel the familiar sensation of cold, viscous cum filling every nook and cranny of your spent pussy. You let out a weak moan as your body shudders in response as you cling to him for all your worth, the grandmaster turns to you, sweat dripping down his face due to the warmth of the baths. “Fuck, qin’ai de, fuck,” he pants softly coming down from his high.
“Brother, are you in here?” The two of you freeze as you hear Kuai Liang’s voice calling for his older brother.
“Be there in a minute, just uh finishing getting dressed,” Bi-Han calls back, doing his best to not alert his younger brother to the situation at hand. He presses a cold kiss to your lips as he slips out of your warmth, his release trickling down your plush thighs as you try and come back to yourself. “I’ve got to go now,” he whispers as he tucks his softened cock back into his pants.
You don’t reply for fear of Kuai Liang’s keen ears picking up on your voice as you slide down the rocks and nod at him. You watch as he makes his way out of the baths as you sit there a moment longer, “aw fuck now I have to wash off again,” you lament to yourself as you make your way back inside to wash the sticky cum off your thighs so you can finally enjoy your bath.
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vanyafresita · 3 months
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my si-5 designs ! maybe i draw later the hephaestus crew too...
anyways after making this to have as a reference for whenever i want to draw them, imma yap here under the read more all i want about my headcanons for them (cracks fingers)
alana maxwell is very saeyoung from mystic messenger coded, thats why i gave her the dr pepper can lmfao
also she is literally aroace i wont take criticism for this one
to me she's transfem too, but i only like to think about that if jacobi is ALSO trans bcs i love me a t4t queerplatonic relationship
she forgets to eat often so shes a lil underweight- but its okay kepler and jacobi will make sure she doesnt actually faint from hunger
she is also taller than jacobi i tihnk she would b like... 176cm or so... jacobi is like 170cm and kepler is around 185cm
she also doesnt have a lot of scars on her body since she gets protected when working on a laptop by the other two during ops (or she is working as a sniper, and thus she isnt a direct target most of the time)
unlike kepler who prefers hand to hand combat, or jacobi who joins him and also messes around with chemicals and explosives often
absolutely random thought, but alana is canadian to me ! warren is american and jacobi is chilean (i am latino, me reservo el derecho de latinificar a un personaje por cada obsesión que tenga xoxoxo)
jacobi wears a hearing aid on his right ear too btw !! an accident with a small explosive left the right side of his face and his ear damaged !
jacobi paints his nails too (he actually doesnt, its alana the one who does, jacobi has a terrible case of shaky hands)
both maxwell and jacobi wear glasses, but while maxwell uses them 24/7, jacobi just.... does not care. they keep getting broken one way or another so he doesnt bother... he can see from up close, so who cares ! (at some point tho, he get convinced to get eye surgery, so he obliges)
okay switching to kepler's sexuality... he is aro and very horny for jacobi we all know this like. its very obvious i fear.... like... yeah
jacobi is bi... i feel like he had a crush on alana at first, but the closer he got to her something changed and, believe me, he does love her A LOT (probably more than kepler) just not in a romantic way !! ergo: qpps
and because jacobi is a masochistic idiot of course he fell in love with his evil boss CMON MAN GET BETTER TASTE <- alana to daniel
kepler probably doesnt date tho, most likely he doesnt feel like it would mean much making official any type of relationship they have (aka 'we fuck sometimes, i try my best to be considerate of ur feelings, i dont feel jealousy seeing you being close with maxwell, and i wanna keep her close too'), while jacobi is like. biting his nails trying not to die from love but he knows dating ur boss is not a good path to go down (its already bad they are fucking behind everybody's back- except alana, he cannot keep secrets from alana)
i think the relationship these three have (at least in my head idc about yall's opinions LMAO) is absolutely insane and it makes me act like a rabid dog, i lose all coherence trying to explain how they make me feel
they are all in love with each other, just in very wildly different ways
i love thinking about jacobi and maxwell's closeness, how they care for each other, the vulnerability, the love, the devotion, how open they are and how little they care about how others perceive them
i love thinking about kepler actually trying to make an effort to be romantic, getting it wrong often, and then having to deal with jacobi being passive aggressive; WARREN JUST TELL HIM U DONT GET ROMANTIC LOVE, YOU JUST LIKE HIM AND WANNA MAYBE DATE AND DEFINITELY BANG, DONT BE STUPID
i love...... whatever the fuck kepler and maxwell have going on... not romantic or platonic, but a secret third thing.... the mutual respect and admiration, the overprotection feeling.....
jacobi is sooooo glad his two most favourite people in the world get on well, he'd die if kepler and maxwell weren't on good terms... but thank god all three of them are fucked up and obsessed, and insane and love each other
they all love to banter, they would kill each other, they would kill for the others, they cant stand to be near, they would die if they are apart, they need to be so close together you cant tell apart where one ends and the other stars
as a side note of my designs, i wanna comment how confused i was when i finished the podcast, checked the art tag, and saw most people draw warren kepler as a white man, like i got jumpscared ngl IM SORRYYYY
listen when i heard his honey voice... that cadence... he gave me this very clear image of distinguished bald tall black man, the image went straight to my brain and i have not been able to imagine him otherwise
and i keep seeing him drawn white and blond and with blue eyes and i feel SO SCARED like i have nothing against those designs but its so confusing because to me he is that type of attractive motherfucker that charms everybody around with a smile, that make people trust him blindly from how confident his posture and personality is... and to me (poc person) a white blond blue-eyed man does NOT inspire me trust lmfaoooo so i guess i may be biased ?
anyways i know warren kepler is a divisive character !!! he is so fucked up and complex and hot HE IS MY EVERYTHING im gonna throw up /pos im so obsessed with him... you evil bastard... youre my babygirl, ure so important to me, your war crimes and horrible morality is charming to me <3 i dont wanna fix him i wanna observe how he makes other people WORST (thinks 24/7 about the implication that he disciplines jacobi and maxwell in very creative ways)
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My IRL ex who lives abroad now is dating my online friend who also lives there and I am deceiving them, AITA?
All of us are Asian, 29. Fake names are used.
My ex (Fred) was my childhood best friend, we grew up together in the same conservative society, people expected to see us marry since we were kids, all that jazz. At 18, we both moved away and kept up LDR. Moving meant big changes of course, I was in a huge city and I had internet access for the first time. I became a BTS fan in 2013, I started creating and reading a lot. I joined tumblr, made friends from all over the world. I was being radicalized rapidly, and I figured out I was bi too. My world was suddenly a million times bigger.
He however, didn't change much. He was scientific minded unlike most people here and his friends were all STEM kids but they were still functionally right leaning. He was racist when it came to BTS or East Asians in general. He was ignorant and happy to ignore queer existence, he used to say things like queer people needed to be shown the right path. We were turning out to be quite the opposites. Eventually we broke up. He was heartbroken, he tried to drag me back in many times and I avoided him like plague. I managed to ditch him completely when we were about 23. He left for USA to study.
Around the same time I befriended one of my closest online friends, Daphne. We lived in the same state but she was always traveling so we never got to meet. We're both hellsite veterans and keep our identities under lock & key so we don't know our real names or exact place of work, but we know each other's deepest kinks and childhood traumas, and stories about our exes. We both had the same kind of interests, politics, and fandoms, we're both bisexual. I've also come out as a trans man a few years ago and I go by a masculine name online, can't transition IRL. Daphne's known me since my girl era. Daphne left for USA last year for her Masters.
Now the wild part, by some twist of fate, Daphne met Fred who's also working on his Masters in an adjacent field. It is by no means a niche subject and USA is the fourth largest country, they still found each other. He sang in our first language at some party, he's very hot, and... he's into BTS like her. Wild. So they're now dating.
They started following each other on twitter and he followed a bunch of her friends including Me! We have exchanged pleasantries and while on his account he has his real name and location, mine is a mixed bag account with my fake name and my (sfw) queer creations all over it.
I know who He is but he doesn't know who I am, he thinks I'm just one of Daphne's dudes, and Daphne doesn't know that she's dating my ex who she had promised to drop into the Challenger's Deep (joke). My reasoning for hiding the truth is-- It's still not safe for me to be out IRL and he can mess it up. I remember his bigotry, I hate him, I have every right to avoid him and here that means not revealing my identity. But it's been years so maybe he has changed, and Daphne is my friend. So, I feel like a massive ahole for not telling her at least. At the same time she really did hate my racist homophobic right leaning ex a lot, so knowing the truth will make things awkward and I don't want to lose my friend.
So, there you have it. AITA?
BTW, no I'm not into BTS ships or reader insert fantasies, that's not what I create. I know someone would ask about it so there. I'm also Not attracted to Daphne, if I was I'd have asked her out straight away, I don't play around about my crushes.
What are these acronyms?
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