#<- minor one but like
ura-0m0te-lovers · 1 year
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who are you. how are you important. why did we get a minor dramatic scene of you this is the last episode
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sunshinem0ths · 6 months
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club meshis
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gibbearish · 11 months
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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finleycannotdraw · 1 year
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I don’t have the capacity to be coherent right now but. this movie is so good
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wasabi-gumdrop · 5 months
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Kabru has a secret admirer in the castle!
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hai-nae · 2 months
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uno reverse
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shkika · 3 months
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W1 design is done finally!!
W1 is both of the V models having combined themselves into one machine! Here are some notes on it! There's a lot to this fucker I think, but I'll do my best to cover what's most important.
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Design notes:
More fragile areas are usually using V2's standard tougher plating. Main examples are the base of it's limbs, as the less of it's arm it potentially loses the better, it's head (which has 2 brains inside!), kneecaps and it's shooter arms, which are less powerful but made to handle guns and weaponry with more finesse.
Note! The knuckleblaster largely is off-colored, because it is a creation of V2's before their merge (she was not made with it). She made it before they combined. Has modified only it's hand after their merge (blue).
Big surface areas or places where blood often ends up use V1's plating. So like it's chest, forearms, punching fists and so on!
Their eye looks like that, because it's cool. and. 2 brains.
Their wings are a combination, because of limited resources. If it could use all of V2's it would as they are better protected.
Character/lore notes:
The V's do NOT fight for the body. Actually any disagreement on actions it must perform are VERY dangerous and scary they prioritize reaching a solution as FAST as possible.
Not functioning correctly can mean death. That being said differing opinions specifically are okay as long as they reach the same final conclusion on what to do. Nobody is panicking if they disagree on what their fave color is.
The two brains send requests incredibly fast between each other to operate the body. Both have full control over the body and must operate it together. This is a VERY processing heavy task and an inefficient one so it requires a lot of blood. It is a VERY hungry machine.
W1 combines before the events of the game! W1 would go through the events of the game in place of just V1.
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aroacegundamalex · 4 months
I mostly think this poll is hilarious (and some people are taking it way, way too seriously) but it’s starting to get really weird how often people on the opposite side are dismissing Gundam — a giant of science fiction that remade a genre in its image — and quite literally lying about Suletta and Miorine. I’ve seen people claim they were canonically married to men, people claim the show’s ending was rewritten by interns, claim they never hugged, and other claims regarding them not being canon.
While Bandai and Kadokawa did censor one interview, and Bandai released an “open to interpretation” statement, these no longer hold true. Official material has henceforth referred to them as married. One instance of censorship and a statement they’ve clearly walked back on does not erase the fact that the show itself heavily emphasizes their wedding rings, refers to Miorine as Eri’s sister-in-law, and makes it abundantly clear that they are married.
“I knew I was going to make an epilogue, but it was a while before I decided upon the exact number of years that should pass in-between. The ending itself follows “The Tempest,” and depicts Suletta and Miorine getting married and becoming partners.”
- Hiroshi Kobayashi
They are completely and unambiguously canon, and arguably were never decanonized to begin with given the literal text of the show.
An addendum to this: I’ve also seen a strange dismissal of the history that G-Witch pulls from.
The original Gundam inspired Revolutionary Girl Utena, with Lalah Sune in particular (the creator of an iconic Gundam archetype) serving as the inspiration for Anthy Himemiya. Gundam has had a queer fanbase for decades, and has had gay characters (with Yoshiyuki Tomino himself confirming this) since the 1990s.
G-Witch draws from Gundam’s extensive, genre-shaking history, classics like Utena and Rose of Versailles, and Shakespeare’s The Tempest. It brings Gundam and Utena’s connection full circle, and is in conversation with every Gundam series that came before it.
It’s unfair to dismiss it as just some random show, or — as I’ve seen some do — credit its open queerness to the influence of completely unrelated American media, as if Japan is utterly devoid of gay people.
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mmhue · 27 days
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Wyll study to make up for lack of drawings for a bit bc all I’ve really been doin is lil OC stuff
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salamispots · 1 year
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more various sea angel friend stuff
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aroace-menace · 2 years
Aphobia is actually so wild though. I’m literally just chilling. Just going about my silly little life. And billions of people decide that my existence challenges their worldview and they’re not okay with that. That’s so funny. We have too much power.
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hajimedics · 19 days
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been thinking about kid/teenage peri and the power he holds
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gallusrostromegalus · 9 months
Hope everyone had a good Christmas I got... Shingles.
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senvurii · 12 days
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and all that you made of me
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sonknuxadow · 10 months
its kinda funny that the chaotix are like the only characters who mention having to pay rent or buy food or whatever and theyll take any job that pays because theyre desperate for money but none of the other characters are struggling in this department at all even though most of them dont seem to have jobs. its like the concept of needing money to live exists for no one in the sonic universe EXCEPT for vector espio and charmy
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pseudomonaslisa · 8 months
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hell hath no fury like a teen girl trying to get some goddamn privacy around here
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